#sitting here crying over an incident that happened 90 minutes ago
cannibal-of-god · 3 months
why can people be so mean?
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im-whatchamccallit · 4 years
Confessing to Their Crush While Drunk//ATEEZ
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(A/N: I spent days editing and rewriting this and I’m still not satisfied but I don’t have anymore time to cry over it so I accept it for what it is lol. Also, some are longer than others and I’m sorry about that)
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Clubs weren’t really your thing but you needed to relax a bit, your job overwhelming you to the point of no return, and you thought of one person who probably felt the same pressure and needed this night out just as much as you did: Hongjoong.
What you didn’t expect was for him to down various shots as if they were water, your hands no longer reaching to the tray of jello shots as you watched him stumble around happily, dancing off beat to the fast paced music.
He was on cloud nine at this point, his eyes barely open as his grin took up 90% of his face, but he managed to see your distinct figure approaching him, his body nearly lunging towards you as you caught him with ease, a concerned look on your face.
“Hi angel!” You tried to smile but grimaced at the smell of alcohol on his breath.
“Are you alright, Joong? I think I should take you home.” You offered, not surprised as he shook his head and tried to pull away, a sigh leaving your lips.
“At least sit down. Let’s get you some water.” Luckily, he followed you without incident.
You sat in silence at the bar as you sipped on your water, body trembling under Hongjoong’s intense stare despite your efforts to ignore it, unsure of what was going through his mind and if they were pure intentions at all. When you finally did face him, any questions you may have had were interrupted by his simple but shocking confession.
“I want to kiss you so bad.”
Your face grew hot as his words, ready to tell him how strange and inappropriate he was being from his usual self, but the small giggles he let out and slight pink tint to his cheeks and ears made you want to roll your eyes at yourself. He was drunk, you shouldn’t get yourself worked up over drunken words.
“I wrote an entire song about how cute your lips were, especially when you smile. I even look at your picture sometimes just because I miss you. I feel stupid being this in love with someone, but I’m so happy at the same time.”
As much as you wanted to pass it off as drunken words, they honestly cut deep. Whenever you’d call Hongjoong as he was writing or composing, he’d answer the call with an excited “Hello, my muse” before detailing the song he was preparing for the next comeback. But maybe he was just talking to talk, and the alcohol was just forming unrealistic sentences that you wanted to hear and he couldn’t comprehend. But from the way your eyes gazed to the empty glass of water you ordered for him, you weren’t completely sure anymore.
“(Y/n),” Your attention came back to Hongjoong, his eyes meeting yours as he leaned against the bar to balance himself.
“Don’t smile for anyone else but me, okay? I don’t want them to take you away.” He said in a fake stern tone, managing to bring a genuine smile and laugh from you.
“I swear.”
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Seonghwa was typically a classy man, drinking wine in high class places to show he was mature and sophisticated. But on the nights you’d invite him over for dinner and your bi-weekly catch up, a tradition you made after he debuted in order to keep in touch, classy was the last thing you’d use to describe him.
Dinner ended not long ago and, from the moment you sat on your sofa and began talking until now, you had managed to clear three bottles. But you were only now finishing your second glass. It was a shock to see Seonghwa down each glass as if it were water but you ignored it as his laugh grew louder and smile brighter, loving the face that you almost rarely got to see these days. What you couldn’t ignore was how close he was at this point, your knees slightly touching as his free hand gently toyed with the hairs of your bang and adjusted them to show more of your face, his hooded eyes staring into yours as neither of you spoke for what felt like hours.
“Don’t you ever think we’d be cute together?” He asked boldly, not taking his eyes off yours that were now wide.
You couldn’t find the words to say, let alone speak, so you just let him continue, his hand placing the wine glass down as he wrapped an arm around your waist, a strange tingle going down your spine when he brought his face to yours. You knew Seonghwa’s tolerance level, and two and a half bottles of wine alone wasn’t even close to getting him drunk, but you could definitely tell the alcohol was effecting him.
“Don’t you think it’s reckless to say stuff like this while you’re drunk?” You questioned, giggling in an attempt to play off what you were convincing yourself was a joke.
“I think it was reckless for me to not tell you this for years, but do you know how hard it is being away from someone you love while you’re touring? It really sucks.” You couldn’t help but laugh at that part, your eyes finally focusing to take in his entire appearance, a small gasp leaving your lips at how attractive he was, and not in the platonic way you’ve thought for the past four years.
“Coming home and seeing you is one thing I always look forward to. But coming home and being able to hold you, and kiss you, would really make it worthwhile.”
As Seonghwa leaned in, inching closer to press his lips to yours, your eyes closing instinctively as you waited for the much desired collision, everything felt so right. Until the two and a half bottles of wine he chugged finally caught up with him. He immediately pulled back and clenched his eyes shut, his throat burning as he felt the sudden urge to vomit, the sound of his retching slipping through his pursed lips and you immediately forgot this moment, rushing him to the nearest bathroom as he sob mentally at how everything went wrong so fast.
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(I’d commit crimes just to stand next to this man is2g)
You were mentally cursing at yourself for bringing Yunho to this wedding with you. You knew he would be drinking tonight but to get absolutely drunk seemed like a personal attack on you. You watched him stumble back towards you on the dance floor with a glass of dark liquor, a wide and goofy smile on his face as he stood behind you and wrapped an arm around your neck, laying his head onto yours with almost all of his weight. Whether it be that moment or carrying him to the car, you were going to be squished to death by the end of the night.
“Do you want some?” He asked cutely, bringing the glass to your lips before you shook your head, refusing as you finally managed to turn around in his grasp to face him.
“I’m driving, remember? But this doesn’t mean you can drink all you want.”
He whined as you snatched the glass from him before he could take a sip, giving a fake glare before smiling widely at you. In the blink of an eye, his arms moving down to your waist to hoist you up, a loud gasp leaving you as he pressed his lips to your face and neck repeatedly.
“You’re so cute when you’re bossy. You’re always trying to look after me.” He cooed into your neck, not letting up on his touchiness.
Your face was hot as you noticed a few acquaintances and family members looking in your direction, your eyes diverting in embarrassment.
“Get off, Yunho. People are looking at us.” You warned, using your free hand to push him away, his typical large puppy-like eyes and deep frown making your heart clench.
“Are you embarrassed of me?”
“No! I just don’t want everyone to get the wrong idea about us.”
“So what?!” You nearly jumped out of his arms from the outburst, but he wasn’t stopping yet.
“What if I want people to think we’re together? We’d be a great couple so it’d make sense! Why can’t we just be together now?”
A smirk slowly crept onto your face. Honestly, the idea didn’t sound half bad. Who wouldn’t want to be with a tall and attractive idol, especially one you’ve known most of your life? So you let him have his fun for the night, slowly growing used to his over the top clinginess and childlike playful nature, knowing you’ll have your own fun teasing him about it tomorrow.
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You actually came to the small get together just a few minutes ago, Ateez and their staff sitting around the large table in the back of the restaurant and booze flowing through most of their veins at this point. Before you could take a seat, you heard a loud gasp and a(n attempted) whisper of your name, your head snapping to the source of the voice that just so happened to be your fairy-like friend.
“Why are you so late? You were supposed to be here sooner. I saved you a seat next to me.” He said while standing, watching as you slowly made your way to the seat he had refused anyone else to occupy.
The bittersweet part about drunk Yeosang was that he was the opposite of who he was in his everyday life. His emotions were laid out then and there, all of his clingy and desperate feelings towards you coming out as he clumsily tried to charm you. You loved it. It was adorable and sweet, even if he probably wouldn’t remember his actions in the morning. But tonight, he would do something that not even he would forget once sober.
You refrained from drinking in case the rest of the sober staff needed another designated driver, offering to take the boys yourself since you basically had a handle on them when they drink like this. You tried to grab more beef, Yeosang immediately grabbing your bowl and doing it for you while you playfully shoved him.
“Why do you keep doing that? I’m the one that’s supposed to take care of you tonight.”
“You’re always supposed to do things for the people you love.” He reassured, your hands holding his steady as he finally placed the bowl back onto the table.
“Why not help Mingi then? You two are like brothers.” You joked, motioning to the younger boy struggling to even grasp the food with his chopsticks properly.
“I’m not in love with Mingi.”
Your face was hot from how seriously he said it, and how he stared at you with such an intense yet unfocused gaze while doing it. Your face grew hotter once you realized a few people around the table were indeed staring, wondering what the next move would be now that he’s confessed. Yeosang was a bit bashful at this point, the alcohol making it easy to hide his blush, but he wasn’t going to backtrack on his words. Not even if he wanted to.
After a minute of waiting, everyone redirected their attention, even Yeosang looked away from you seeing that you weren’t responding, his typical reserved behavior returning and making you feel a bit guilty. Although you’d prefer a sober confession from him, you still felt like you owed him some kind of answer for now, even if you’d do it all over again when he was in the right state of mind. But being vocal about it in front of everyone here would just add to your demure. Yeosang still didn’t look up but gave a small smile at the feeling of your hand grabbing his beneath the table.
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You could tell it was still pretty late at night so you let yourself fall deeper into slumber, ignoring the sounds of your front and bedroom doors opening and closing, the sound of clothing falling to the ground as well as the feeling of the side of your bed dipping in. You weren’t even alarmed when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, pulling you into a bare torso that you happily snuggled into, the strong sent of alcohol burning your nose.
Until you realized you lived alone.
You shot up immediately and screamed, drawing your hand back to punch the intruder when you saw a disheveled San lying in bed, eyes closed and body curled slightly as he attempted to get comfortable.
“What the fuck are you doing here? And where are your clothes?” You growled, pushing at his head until he finally looked at you.
“Your place was closer than the dorms.” He croaked out, ignoring both your last question and angry scowl to pull you back down and onto his chest, your eyes not leaving his face.
“Closer from where exactly?”
“The bar.” You rolled your eyes and pushed yourself up, much to his dismay.
“You know I hate when you go out alone like this. Last time I had to get you from two towns over because the boys weren’t with you. Do you know how irresponsible and careless that is?” You scolded.
San had a bit of a habit when drinking: wandering off to unknown places with no plan. Sometimes he’d be with Wooyoung but he’d always end up calling you to pick him up just for you to find him alone, completely drunk yet smiling as if nothing were wrong. You weren’t angry at him, just scared. The idea he would be anywhere with anyone getting into God knows what kind of trouble made you stay away from his drunken activities entirely, not wanting to plague your mind with worse case scenarios. But now, you weren’t keeping this to yourself, his nonchalant attitude pissing you off more than you’d like it to.
“What if you end up miles away and some sasaengs kidnap you? Or what if you’re just kidnapped by anyone? Or worse? You can’t call me to get you if that happens.”
“You always think about the negative stuff.” He whined, sitting up and now fully engaging with you in your tirade.
“One of us has to since you don’t seem to care. I’m allowed to be worried about whether or not my friends stay safe.”
“If that’s all we are, then you shouldn’t care so much.” He said with a deep monotone voice and harsh glare.
San wasn’t always his usual happy self when he drank, sometimes he was serious, so serious it almost always intimidated you. So seeing his once hooded eyes open and staring straight into yours as if he wasn’t drifting off to sleep just a minute ago made you anxious, not sure if this would turn into an argument or he’d just let it go. But you didn’t want to back down from your half-assed intervention now.
“D-don’t confess to me just so we can change the subject.”
“I’m not confessing to you to change the subject, I’m confessing because I like you. I don’t want you to care about when I drink, I’ll always be safe when I go out, but I want you to care about me the way I care about you. Care about if we’re making each other happy, and if we’re not stressed after working all day. I don’t want you to care as my friend because you love me, just care about me because you’re in love with me.”
You felt like your head was spinning. Choi San, the boxer cladded male in your bed that stunk of what you could only assume was beer and rum, telling you he was in love with you in the most coherent and brilliant way possible, only to pass out not even a second later. You felt like you were in a fever dream yet you weren’t asleep, and you sure as well weren’t going to get any now that you were debating on if you were prepared to accept his feelings right away or wait until he told you properly before getting your hopes up.
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So many things were wrong with tonight, the first being that a housewarming party should never be this rowdy, especially when the host wasn’t around. The second thing? The host being pressed against their bedroom door as their best friend desperately made out with them.
You weren’t entirely sure how this all happened, one second you were doing shots and dancing in your living room, next you were yelling at Mingi for falling over and breaking the glass he was drinking from, and now you were shoving your tongue down his throat as he clumsily tried to pull off your shirt. You both reek of tequila and gin, both of you hesitating on continuing your kiss as the smell was a bit much, Mingi taking the initiative to remove his lips from yours, a gentle whimper leaving your mouth as you stared at him.
Your eyes were completely filled with lust, which excited and scared Mingi a bit, his own eyes soft as he examined you approaching him, attempting to remove his shirt but he stepped away immediately, your face dropping at the sudden shift in mood.
“What’s wrong?” You asked cautiously.
Mingi didn’t know how to respond. You were both intoxicated, sure, but he was still sober enough to know this isn’t what he wanted, at least not this way. He wanted to be with you for more than just one night and be more than just your best friend that you had a quick fling with. He wanted a relationship, something serious that 12 year old Mingi could’ve only hoped and dreamed for. At this moment, it was starting to feel like it would only remain a dream. Unless he did something completely spontaneous to throw both of you off. Which he did.
“Mingi, why are you crying?” You asked incredulously, rushing to wipe the tears falling from his face, honestly annoyed as you tried to suppress the sudden buildup of hormones from a few seconds prior.
“I don’t want to sleep with you.” He admitted, a wave of disappointment coming over you, but him changing his mind was nothing to be upset over.
“That’s fine, but you don’t have to cry about it.”
“You don’t get it. If we sleep together, then that’ll be it. We won’t have a genuine relationship because it’ll just be about sex, and I don’t want you to think I’m just using you when I ask you out because I really do like you.”
You sighed and wrapped your arms around him as he cried, wanting to be amused that your best friend was an emotional drunk, but flustered at the fact he actually wanted to have a relationship with you, suddenly the dreams of 12 year old you and 12 year old Mingi finally becoming reality.
“How about, if we aren’t too hungover tomorrow, we go on a real date? That way our relationship can be completely genuine.” A smile forming on your lips as he nodded slowly.
Considering you both went back to partying immediately after that conversation, you decided to have your date at home while suffering with your hangovers together.
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You rolled over in bed as your phone chimed for the fifth time in a row, a deep scowl on your face once it chimed once more, grabbing it from your side table to figure out who the hell would be bothering you at 3 in the morning.
“Fucking Wooyoung.” You mumbled as you read through the messages.
None of them made sense, except one asking if you were up. You were about to respond to ask what he wanted before your phone began to ring, your reflection staring back as Wooyoung was trying to FaceTime you, only to answer and see complete darkness.
“Huh?” You rolled your eyes.
“Don’t ‘huh’ me. Why are you texting and calling me? Do you know what time it is?”
“Ah! (Y/n)!” He said happily, your face grimacing once he finally put the camera on him. He was wasted.
“You were drinking, weren’t you?”
“Yeah. But I wanted to see you so I left.” He giggled slightly, turning behind him as if someone were following him.
“Wooyoung, where are you?” You asked, suddenly concerned once you realized he passed several streetlights and could have been anywhere and all alone.
“I’m at the k-“
“Wooyoung, where the hell are you going?!” Hongjoong yelled from a few feet away, trailing the younger boy with an annoyed look.
“I wanted to talk to (Y/n)!” Wooyoung called back, returning his focus to you and giving a large smile.
“You could’ve just called her in the hallway!”
“It’s still too loud! I wanted to hear their voice!”
You sat back quietly and listened to them go back and forth, Hongjoong finally catching up to him and forcibly dragging him back towards the karaoke bar they were at. Though you could understand why Hongjoong was upset, Wooyoung and San being known to wander off without the other’s knowing and not returning for hours sometimes, it was kinda sweet to hear that he was thinking of you while out with his group members.
“You’re seriously so childish.”
“You’ve just never been in love before.” Wooyoung said sullenly, his phone aimed downwards as he reentered the building.
You were glad he wasn’t staring at your expression, having head what he said but unsure if he even heard himself. Was he really in love with you? It seemed pretty hard to tell since he gave you the same amount of affection as everyone else, but sometimes he would go the extra mile just to make you happy, even without you asking, so maybe it was true. Or maybe you were getting ahead of yourself.
“(Y/n)!” Wooyoung whined, pouting as his eyes glanced over to Hongjoong who wasn’t leaving his side until they were back inside of their rented room.
“Hongjoong told me to call you later, so I’ll call you when I get home.”
“Call them tomorrow night so they can sleep.” You chuckled weakly at Hongjoong correcting him, biting your bottom lip as you decided to hold off on the many questions you had running through your head for when he was sober.
“Just have fun, okay? I love you and I’ll talk to you later.” You said quickly, hanging up before the moment lingered for too long, hoping he at least heard your own confession.
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You told him to come to the bar with you, to cut loose for once and have fun. You thought a few shots and a couple of beers would be enough to have him lose his typically uptight stature, you didn’t think you’d be stuck with an unstoppable faucet of pent up emotion.
Jongho spent the entirety of the night drinking and telling you his worries, although you didn’t mind letting him vent, you were just worried as his thoughts grew darker and weirder with each drink, you finally taking charge and leading him out of the bar and towards your car.
“Do you think I’ll do well in life?” He asked as you finally placed his seatbelt on before doing yours and starting the car.
“Of course I do. You’re doing great so far and, knowing you, you’ll keep it up.” You answered honestly, pulling out of the parking lot and heading towards his dorm.
Jongho continued to speak, you answering whenever he asked questions then remaining silent so he could pick up where he left off, until he brought up a topic that really caught your attention.
“Sometimes I think I won’t find true love as an idol. It’s so hard to show people the real me, so what if I find someone who expects me to be Ateez’s Jongho and I’m just regular Jongho?” You giggled softly, keeping your eyes focused on the road as you responded.
“If they can’t accept regular Jongho, they don’t deserve regular Jongho. But they should at least know regular and Ateez Jongho are a package deal and both are amazing.”
“But would you want to be with regular Jongho?” You stayed silent for a few seconds, partially because you weren’t expecting that question and partially because you’ve thought this over way too many times and didn’t think you’d be confessing so suddenly.
“I mean, of course. We’ve been friends since birth, we know each other so well. I feel like it’d make sense.”
Despite wanting that to be the end of the conversation, embarrassed to be spilling your heart out to someone who wouldn’t even remember this conversation the next day, Jongho persisted, sitting upright in his seat and looking in your direction, eyes practically burning a hole into your skin.
“So why don’t you?”
“I-“ This is the first question to stump you. What’s stopping you from dating Jongho?
“It’d just interfere with your idol life. I don’t want to get in the way.”
“I make time for you now so I’ll do the same when we’re together.”
“’When we’re together’?” You laughed loudly, suddenly enjoying the sudden boost of confidence.
“It might not be today, or tomorrow, or even for a couple of more years, but I know we’ll be together eventually. And I’ll wait for you until we are.”
You chose to stay quiet once more, the remainder of the car ride in silence as you thought over his words, still believing confessing to a drunk person, one that is now asleep against the passenger side window, would be the same as talking to a brick wall. It wouldn’t take years, but you knew soon you’d be with Jongho and, if he managed to remember this night at all, it’d surely be tomorrow.
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threeletterslife · 4 years
07 | Illegirl
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→ summary: Excelling in every school subject, acing every math test and conquering the academic world is something you do as easily as breathing. As your residential social outcast nerd, you live rather as a recluse, talking to almost no one except for your dear ol’ cousin and that sweet boy in a few of your classes—Jungkook? was that his name? Befriending your ʰᵒᵗ AP stats teacher was the last thing on your high school senior agenda…
→ genre: 90% fluff, 8% crack, 2% angst | teacher!au & f2l!au
→ warnings: profanity, kissing/making out, (kinda??) sexual fantasies
→ wordcount: 6.2k
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You need to get rid of all the memories you've had with Jimin.
It's quite simple, actually. You've broken it down into four rules.
1. Don't call him Jimin. He's merely your teacher, not friend
2. You've never ever kissed him before. In fact, let's just say you don't even meet him outside of school for whatever reason
3. You don't know anything about him except his age, name and profession. You certainly don't know anything he hides behind his pretty face
4. Lastly, you weren't his friend, you never were
Ever since the mistaken incident, all fun was stripped away from your life. Essentially, whenever Jin was away, you had Jimin to rely on, but even he was distancing himself from you. You knew it was for the better.
You see a bland pattern these days. During class, Jimin still calls on you (to ensure normal behavior), but both of you avoid eye contact. After class, you silently walk into his classroom and walk out when Jimin's ready to leave. You don't ever exchange words, even when he drops you off.
If you're absolutely forced to talk to him, you don't call him Jimin, you call him Mr. Park, because that's what he really is to you. Only friends call each other by their first names, and Jimin's just a teacher to you.
And you're just a student to him.
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You count off the long days until your cousin will come back home. Every day seems to drag on and you constantly can't wait to go to bed for a short while but only to wake up again and start the shitty cycle once more.
But finally, finally, fucking finally, the day comes when your cousin will be back. You're a bit reluctant to accompany your teacher to the airport, but you don't have a car, much less a driver's license.
The car ride is awkward, just as you expected. You manage to sit still, looking out the window the whole time to avoid any chance of eye contact, running math equations in your head to distract yourself.
Of course, in the end, the uncomfortable ride was worth it.
It's Seokjin, after all.
"My baby cousin, best friend! Still alive, I see!" your cousin practically screams as he bull-runs towards you and Jimin, his suitcase basically flying behind him. That earns a few strange looks from passers.
When Jin reaches you, he embraces you in a warm hug.
"I've been living off instant ramen," you whine. "It's not fair that you don't let me get out of the house alone!"
Your cousin cocks his head as he looks between you and Jimin. "Hey, don't you two usually eat together after school?"
"We were both busy," Jimin quickly says, glancing your way awkwardly.
"For a month?" Jin questions.
"Yeah... a lot of homework," you trail off. "Mr. Park still made sure I got into the house safely every time though," you add for some good measure.
"Mr. Park?" your cousin says suspiciously, raising his eyebrows. "Since when did you call Jimin, that?"
"Hm... did you two fight?" Jin asks, putting a warm hand on your shoulder. He looks at you meaningfully, as if trying to compel you to tell the full truth. You're not falling for that.
"Oh, of course not," you say giggle unconvincingly. "Why would we fight?"
Jimin laughs nervously. "Y/N's right. We didn't fight."
Jin looks like he doesn't believe both of you. But thankfully, he knows not to push it. "Yeah, I expect it was something like Y/N accidentally got a B on one of your tests, Jimin," he jokes, rolling his eyes. "Anyways, I missed you two," he announces joyfully, bringing in you and your teacher for a hug. "I'll treat you two to a nice dinner."
You perk up, face suddenly glowing as you smile—it felt nice to smile, actually. You haven't done it in a while. "Oh thank god," you say. "No more ramen!"
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You haven't really had your fair share of awkward dinners, but goddamn, if you had a list, this dinner would be on the very top of it.
Jin is the only one who's trying to strike up a lively conversation as you and Jimin act like brain-dead zombies. You're half-expecting your cousin to give up on his attempts to crack corny jokes, but no, Jin continues on. You guess you're thankful to have him to make the dinner not a complete shitty event.
Halfway through the meal, Jimin checks his phone, his face feigning surprise. "Oh!" he says rather loudly. "Um, something came up... Er, teacher stuff. I've got to go," he says quickly, standing up. "I'll pay."
"Excuse me, Jimin, I said this is my treat. Go on ahead to your... supposed teacher meeting," Jin says, ushering his friend out with the flip of his hand.
Anyone could tell Jimin was just faking this to get the hell out of here, but none of you were actually going to mention it.
Your teacher just looks gratefully at your cousin and practically dashes out of the nice restaurant.
An awkward silence fills the air for a while.
"So... even if the two of you didn't fight, something still happened," Jin says, turning to face you fully.
"It's nothing, really."
"Nothing? Then do you care to explain why you've lost so much weight? You haven't been eating," your cousin lectures. He points at the dark bags under your weary eyes. "And you haven't been sleeping. You're slipping back to your old habits, Y/N. What happened?"
"It doesn't hurt to do some extra studying..." you mutter. "I've got all the time in the world now," you say sarcastically.
Jin sighs, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. "Y/N," he says sternly. "How many minutes of sleep are you getting a night?"
"Forty-five," you say nonchalantly. "Don't, Jin. It used to be thirty minutes a night so you better not bring out that huge lecture again."
"I thought it was getting better..." your cousin sighs. "You can't keep doing this to yourself, and you know that."
You nod. "I know. But you're here now, right?"
Your cousin looks at you so sadly, you feel like you just might burst into tears. "Y/N, I won't always be here with you. I know I call you my baby cousin, but honestly, you've got to grow up."
His words hit you hard, only because you know he's right.
"I can't always be there to baby you, okay?" Jin says, massaging his forehead with the palm of his hand. "As of now, you're only in high school—in less than a year you'll be going to college. Life is so much more than studying. Stop using that, that shit to distract yourself from things that should mean a lot to you!" your cousin practically yells. He buries his face into his hands.
Your mouth is agape. Jin never cussed. He must be so mad. You fucked up—you've been fucking up for a while, actually.
"Jin," you say, softly shaking your cousin's shoulder. "Jin. I'm sorry."
When he looks up, you're shocked to see smudged tears dwelling on the smooth surfaces of his skin. You've never seen Jin cry—only on stage when it was scripted.
At that moment, you want to tell him everything—you've never actually hidden things from your cousin until Jimin rolled around. You want to tell him about that night Jimin was drunk and kissed you, about your crush on your teacher, how he helped you become the happiest you could be, how a month ago both of you made a huge mistake and kissed... You want to tell your cousin that you've been slipping back to your own habits because you wanted to distract yourself from thinking about him.
But you don't tell him.
"Y/N, I try, okay? I really try to make you happy. Yeah, sometimes it makes me want to rip my hair out, because god, you are such a brat at times!" he chuckles through his tears. "But Y/N, I love you. And I know, whatever has been going on between you and Jimin has been making you happier than ever. It's something I couldn't do for you, and I still beat myself up over that. But something happened between the two of you, and the happiness is gone now. You don't have to tell me anything, but just... don't go studying for hours when you face some sort of problem in your life, okay?"
Fuck, now I'm crying.
You nod, making your tears flow down your face. "Okay. I'm sorry," you manage to say. "I'm so sorry. I've been so selfish—"
Jin wipes your tears away with his soft sweater, pulling you into a tight hug right after. "It's okay. You're still learning, you're only 17. Besides, my outlet is theater. While you were practically starving yourself for a month, I was literally having the time of my life with the drama crew. Don't worry about me too much. I'm not the one who still needs to figure out what to do in life."
All you can do is nod into Jin's chest, sniffling slightly. You love him so much you can't even explain in words.
"Fix things up with Jimin, try, okay? I don't care if you end your senior year having a B, or seven F's—what matters is your happiness. Try to consider that the next time you try to starve and sleep deprive yourself," Jin says softly, his fingers sifting daintily through your hair, caressing it in a way you think a mother would do.
You hum in agreement, your head still resting against your cousin's warm chest. You want to stay like this forever.
But after a few minutes, your cousin tugs you back, smiling brightly at you. "Now, we've put on quite a show in this restaurant, haven't we?" he whispers in a giggly voice.
It's only then when you realize this whole episode had happened at the restaurant. In public. You can feel the judging gazes of people.
Oh fuck no.
"Oh my god, this is so embarrassing!" you hiss, gripping your cousin's sweater, face colored bright red as you can't bear to look up again.
Jin laughs heartily. "But what's life without a little public embarrassment?"
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He looks up to you as much as you look up to him. As your older cousin, Seokjin always feels the need to take care of you, to make sure you're doing okay. At times, he forgets that he should put himself before others. At times, he forgets that he has a life outside of taking care of you and several grubby high schoolers. At times he forgets who he even is.
But on the days that he forgets, he thinks back to what you always tell him. You, the bratty, but amazing sunshine of his life.
"Jin, you're the goofiest guy I've ever fuc—I mean, freaking met. You'd think such a goofy guy would be empty-headed. But to think that I'm wrong... You're an amazing actor. It's scary to see you on stage sometimes because you're not Jin anymore. Like I swear to fu—flopping god that you change into a completely different person!"
"Y/N, are you complimenting me, or roasting me?"
"Isn't it obvious? I'm doing both. One shouldn't take too many compliments at once. It makes them big-headed."
"Well, I can't argue with you, I know that. But you really think I can act?"
"Okay, Jin, I know you can act, alright? I've seen you. Honestly, you should try pursuing it. Oh my god, if you ever get famous, write a play about me!"
Jin chuckles at the memory. He never ever liked letting you see his weak side. To you, he was always some superhero who would always crack up jokes to lighten up any dark mood, his specialty was saving awkward dinners from spiraling out of control.
But since you were deprived of the details of Jin's darker part of his life, he needed someone else to vent to: Jimin.
"Jin, you should start to worry more about yourself than Y/N. Seriously, all you do is talk about her—is she that worrisome?"
"Jimin, bro, you don't even know. She's just... different and I'm so worried about her and how's she's gonna handle you know, life."
"You know what you need to do?"
"Take a fucking chill pill. Let the girl be. She's 17, isn't she? You've been babying her too much, you know that? The more you worry about her, the more restricted she'll feel. She'll learn by herself. Life is trial and error—you should know that."
"Okay, and in the meantime, holy shit, man, take care of yourself. All you do is teach, take care of Y/N, teach, take care of Y/N, teach, take care of—"
"I think I get the point."
"Yeah? Well, doesn't look like you get it. Jin, do something for yourself for once. What do you like to do?"
"You know, the usual. Sleep... Look in the mirror..."
"If you're not gonna be serious, I'm going to leave—"
"Fine! I like acting okay? I love it. Every year the drama team is invited for competitions and I'm never able to go, so we've been losing every time."
"I presume you can't go to take care of Y/N?"
"Yeah.. uh—"
"I'll take care of her then, buddy. You go fulfill your dream, bro; you deserve it."
"Wait, actually? For real? You'd do that? This better not be one of your jokes."
"Do I look like I'm joking? You deserve to be doing what you want, Jin. Everyone does."
Jin feels so warm inside as he recalls that memory. It was thanks to Jimin that he was able to experience the time of his life at the competition, doing the thing he loved. It had also been thanks to Jimin that you had been happy for quite the longest time.
If Seokjin didn't know any better, he'd say there was just a bit of chemistry between the two of you—it was either that or a solid friendship. But for some reason whatever was there is now gone.
You were colder, more distant than before and even Jimin had stopped laughing so often.
"I know I'm asking you this a lot these days, but are you happy, Y/N? You don't look like it..."
"That's because I'm not. But don't you dare worry about me, it makes me feel selfish. I'm going to find things out when the time comes. You know, I care about you too. And honestly, I want you to stop worrying about me because it's stunting your happiness. I'm 17, I can figure things out myself."
"Can you figure things out by yourself? For real?"
"What did I just say? Yes, I can! I'm telling you, I'm starting to get life, alright?"
Jin shakes his head, sighing. He could always see through your lies. It was painfully obvious you were just saying the things he wanted to hear. He could see the confusion in your eyes whenever you stared at Jimin, he could see how blank your stare was when you were looking at anything else.
So. Obvious.
"Y/N, are you sure there's nothing going on between you and Jimin?"
"I'm absolutely sure."
Jin wasn't so sure you were sure.
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The young teacher really hadn't meant to kiss you. Things had just taken an unexpected turn, and judging from your reaction, it had been an enormous mistake. It physically hurt to have lost his other best friend, but he tried hard to not let it affect his life.
He could see it affected you though.
Of course, he had noticed you had lost weight—he also noticed the growing dark circles under your usually sparkling eyes. He could see how much duller you were. He also noticed he was smiling less without you.
Jimin sighs out loud as he makes his way into his car. He really missed having you around, with your unique, spunky personality, beautiful smile and hilarious side comments.
As he's driving, he can't stop thinking about you. Your face, your laugh, god, even your handwriting—sometimes he just spends long minutes admiring your neat penmanship on your tests. He knows every single one of your writing quirks—how you take your time to put a cute little dash over your 7's, or how beautiful your 4's look compared to everyone else's.
Stop it, Park Jimin. You'll crash your car if you don't stop thinking about her.
It takes five minutes longer than it should've, but Jimin finally arrives at the local market, clutching his clear shopping bag. He painfully looks down at it. It reminds him of you.
"What's your favorite color?"
"Um... clear."
"That's not a color, Y/N!"
"Do I fucking look like I care?"
"But that's like saying your favorite fruit is a carrot."
"Wait, my favorite fruit is a carrot! Damn, how'd you guess??"
He can't help but chuckle at the memory, but he abruptly stops, remembering you two won't be able to share memories like this anymore. Sighing, Jimin trudges into the supermarket.
He's been going here a lot these days. Ever since he found out you had not just one sweet tooth, but 28 sweet teeth, he'd been trying to learn how to bake pastries, buying all sorts of ingredients to create saccharine dishes. Just for you.
It wasn't much of a miracle that the last time you had baked together didn't turn out to be a disaster. Jimin had practiced.
He loves cooking with you. You always look ethereal, hair a bit frizzy from the heat and tied back from your face with stray strands brushing against your face. Your cheeks are always flushed and somehow frosting always gets on your forehead. Even thinking about you makes all his sadness and hurt disappear into thin air.
Except, Jimin wasn't going to the store to buy ingredients to bake. He was going to buy some beer. He hadn't gotten drunk ever since he'd accidentally kissed you—the first time, that is. But he figured today, he needed it. He needs to get his mind off of things. He needs to get his mind off of you.
Jimin walks through the aisles, blank-minded, stopping only at the alcohol section. He randomly picks at a pack of beers, knowing he'll probably end up drinking it all today. He grabs it, hand hovering to place the pack in his clear bag.
But again, it reminds him of you.
"I don't know why the fuck you would ever drink. Like, does it taste good? What's the fucking point?"
"I dunno. I just kinda drink it when I want to alleviate stress, I guess."
"Well, that's stupid. You should try ice cream. That stuff makes you feel better right away and it doesn't make you go wack and do hilarious shit you'll end up regretting."
"Are you actually shading me, right now?"
"So what if I am??"
Jimin smiles at the memory. The first mistaken kiss between the two of you was such a joke—you two would always make fun of it. Why couldn't the second one be treated the same?
He sighs, clutching the pack of beer as he puts it back on the shelf. Chuckling to himself, he starts to make his way to the ice cream aisle.
Jimin scans the series of ice cream flavors to choose from. Immediately, the mint chocolate chip ice cream catches his eye, and without hesitation, he takes the tub and places it whole in his shopper.
Y/N's favorite. Jimin smiles, then starts to walk to the checkout, only pausing when he remembers he needs a new set of his favorite red pens. Nodding his head to himself, Jimin makes his way to the office supplies section of the store, scanning the shelves to pick out his favorite.
Big mistake.
As soon as he picks up the 3-pack of his much-needed red gel pens, it reminds him of grading, which reminds him of grading tests, which was exactly what he had been doing just three minutes before he and you had ruined your friendship. Your face looms in his memory.
Something stings inside. It rips his heart and then shrivels it up as if he had dumped it into highly-concentrated saltwater. Like lemon juice on a paper cut—but the paper cut was a gushing wound.
It was as if he only just realized he lost someone crucial to his happiness.
Jimin can't help but make a sour, hurt face, instantly tossing the pack of pens away from him. He doesn't want to deal with bad memories. The pens can wait.
Instead, Park Jimin finds himself wandering back to the alcohol aisle, absentmindedly buying an even larger pack of beers, setting it next to the tub of ice cream. There's enough room in the kitchen for both anyways.
His thoughts are completely blank as he drives home. It's as if the rush of pain he'd felt earlier had hurt so, so much he was now immune to it. It was numb.
He reaches his house, setting down the beer and ignoring the ice cream that would surely melt if kept out in the open; he pauses in his steps, hand midway through raking his hair back. All because he sees his couch.
You loved that couch. Actually, you practically lived on it whenever you came over, insisting to even eat dinner seated on it because "it's fucking comfortable."
When you sleep over, taking his bed, he sleeps on that same couch where he can smell your soothing scent. It lulls him to sleep.
But then comes the fantasies.
"Someone will hear!"
"Let them hear."
"God, Jimin, you have no fucking morals," you breathe shakily. "What if Jin walks in?"
"Jin? Walk in? In my house?" Jimin laughs hotly against your neck. "You're just making excuses, baby girl."
"Why would I make excuses?" you say weakly, gripping the hem of his shirt. "I want this just as much as you do."
Jimin hums as nuzzles the sensitive part of your neck with his nose.
"R-really, Jimin? But here?" you stutter as your eyes automatically close and your mouth parts.
"We'll take it to the couch, love," he answers, sweeping you up in a smooth fashion and softly laying you on the couch before making his way on top of you.
Your body is enveloped by the plush couch and Jimin whose legs are on either side of your hips. He dips in unhurriedly, his tongue touching your lips before his. You wrap your arms around his neck as Jimin cups your face with both hands, kissing you slowly.
Lips still attached, you tug at the hem of his button-up shirt, and Jimin takes the hint to slowly start unbuttoning it. You shift below him to help him with his buttons and before long, his shirt is off and discarded somewhere on the floor. Only then do you move apart from each other's lips.
You marvel at his fit body, reaching to run your cold fingers across his toned muscles. Jimin doesn't give you enough time to continue your sightseeing as he pushes you back down, playing with the bottom of your t-shirt. He gives you a seductive look as you practically melt under him.
"Why don't we take this off too?"
Wait a fucking minute. This isn't right.
Jimin sighs loudly as he gives his head a little shake as if it would erase him of that rather inappropriate fantasy. At least he's glad it was one of the more innocent imaginations he's had of you.
But now he feels more broken than ever. You're something he can't have, your relationship only exists in the depth of his mind, hidden away from judgment. Jimin sighs again, ripping open the pack of beers and taking one. It's not even cold, but at this point, he doesn't care.
He just wants to forget.
On second thought, he grabs the whole pack and takes it with him to the kitchen, setting it down, choosing one and cracking it open in one swift move. It's a familiar, refreshing feeling.
Jimin raises the can to his lips, waiting to feel the rush of the bitter contents on his tongue. But he freezes.
He's thinking of you again. It's as if his brain can't function without thinking of you so often. Yet this time, it's not the thought of you, it's the sight. Jimin sees your smiling face, the way your sweet lips part to reveal your smooth teeth in a brilliant grin. He can't but to smile to himself as well.
Almost immediately, he sets the beer down.
Maybe... Maybe you might not want to be friends anymore, but Jimin knows that he does. He figured that's all it takes to make him happy. If the thought of you can make him content, make him choose the right decisions, then he'll just have to continue thinking of you.
He's sorry he moved in to change a friendship into a relationship so fast, and he might just regret it, but in the end, he's glad he's met you.
Jimin slowly picks himself up to grab the tub of your favorite ice cream, scrounging for a spoon. The first bite is heavenly, wonderful and phenomenal.
Just like Y/N.
He shakes his head as he takes another scoop, placing it in his mouth to melt slowly.
Damn. I'm so whipped for her.
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You sift heavy textbooks around in your arms, fumbling with your lock before getting it open. Throwing the books in, you sigh as you slam your locker shut. These days, you had lost interest in a lot of things you used to like—school included. Things just seemed so bland. You didn't ever feel like socializing with anyone, forcibly dragging yourself to class every single day.
"Hey, Y/N!" a familiar voice calls as you whip your head around to respond.
"Oh, Jungkook!" you reply, "ah, and Yoongi, Taehyung..." Immediately, guilt courses through your veins. You'd been ditching them during lunch for quite some time now, ignoring their frequent 'where are you?' texts. They'd come to confront you for sure.
"Were you sick?" Jungkook asks as he reaches you. "I didn't see you in school for a while."
"I bet you happened to drop your phone in the toilet as well," Yoongi snarks.
Taehyung coughs awkwardly. "Since you haven't been answering our texts."
"Well, I—" you sigh. How are you supposed to tell them you've been wanting a lot of alone time these days without brutally mutilating their feelings? The answer was too obvious.
"Uh, yeah I was sick. And yeah, I kinda drowned my phone in the toilet," you say. Lies. "I'm sorry if you worried."
"Damn, did you drop your phone in the toilet after you used it, or before?" Yoongi laughs, earning an elbow to the ribs from his truly, Jungkook.
"You don't have to be sorry, Y/N," the sweet math nerd muses, giving Yoongi a dirty look. "We're sorry you haven't felt well. You're better now, right?"
You stand there awkwardly, not wanting to engage in a full-blown conversation. Your daily dose of alone-time was calling, and you desperately wanted to succumb to it.
"Yeah... um, I'm okay, been better. Sorry, I kinda have to go..." you fib. "Um, doctor's appointment?" It sounds more like a question than a solid lie but it'll do for now. "See you sometime later, I guess."
Turning around, you quickly walk away, faintly hearing confusedly murmured goodbyes from your friends. You speed around a corner, finding refuge in the girl's bathroom. Setting your things down in the big stall, you sigh, sitting down on top of your backpack.
It almost feels like the old days.
Except back then, you didn't have to ditch your friends for solitude because you had none. In a way, you feel slightly guilty. Your friends just wanted to hang out with you, it was that simple. But surely, if you hung out with them, you'd ruin the fun and the happy mood.
It's better to not meet them at all than meet them and remember bad things.
It's an upgrade, you think. You used to be afraid that others would hurt you. Now you're afraid you'll hurt others.
Some kind of upgrade.
It's even worse with the situation you have at hand (ahem, the Jimin one). You rarely lift your head up in class, flinching just slightly when he calls your name to solve a problem. It's harder than you think. To get rid of a crush, that is.
Not only that, but it's also wrong to be infatuated with your teacher. You just don't know what to do anymore. Jin didn't buy your feigned happiness—well, any idiot could tell you weren't as content as before. And now you've got a handful of people worrying, fussing over you of all others.
Why couldn't they just leave you alone?
No, that's stupid.
Deep inside, you want them to care, to worry for you. It gives you a feeling that you're not so alone.
"Y/N? You little liar!" a masculine voice screams from the entrance of the girl's restroom.
"Oh shit," you breathe. That was definitely Taehyung. Fuck. Just stay quiet, it's not like they can—
"We're coming in!" Yoongi yells, making the blood drain out of your face.
"Wait, guys!" Jungkook pleads. But it's too late. Yoongi and Taehyung barge into the girl's bathroom, rattling stall doors. Thank goodness you know for a fact no other girls were in here.
Before Yoongi or Taehyung can break down the stalls, you quickly unlatch your door, coming face to face with the two students.
"Ha! I knew you were in here!" Taehyung declares. "Jungkook swore he saw you go to the restroom and not to the office!"
"Doctor's appointment, huh?" Yoongi smirks.
"Well, I—"
"Save it. Jungkook, you little brat, get in here! Stop being a wimp!" Yoongi yells at the top of his lungs.
"Yoongi, will you quiet down? This is the girl's restroom," you hiss.
"But if this is the place you choose to eat your lunch at, we'll be here by your side," Jungkook says, smiling as he timidly walks in the stall. He looks alert as if anyone could open the door to the restroom and catch three teenage boys in a bad act, (which was perfectly plausible).
You don't know how in the hell you're supposed to respond to this. This. This is what friendship should be, isn't it? You'd never really known until now. It's such a beautiful, heartwarming feeling.
"Actually, JK, my man, you can be by her side, Yoongi and I have some business to take care of," Taehyung giggles has Yoongi links his arm around his.
"Wait, huh? That wasn't the pl—"
"Buh-bye!" Yoongi sings, waving his fingers at you and Jungkook as he and Taehyung strut out of the bathroom, not once looking back.
You and Jungkook are completely stunned into silence.
"Wow, they're really out to get us, huh?" you finally say, laughing under your breath.
"Y-yeah," Jungkook agrees quickly. "Listen, Y/N," he turns to you, the surprising sternness in his voice hinting that he was being extremely serious. "I understand you like your alone time, maybe a bit more than others. But sometimes the most dangerous, harmful and hurtful thoughts come when you're in solitude."
He's right and you know it.
"Aw, Jungkook, don't worry, I'm fine!" you say in the most lighthearted way you can. You chuckle sourly inside. No, I'm not.
"Y/N, you're not fine," Jungkook sighs. "For the longest time, I thought you weren't hanging out with us during lunch because... because you hated me or something. But now, I think there's something going on in your life that's hurting you, keeping you from being the better you."
You're speechless.
"Do you have anything to tell me?"
You do.
"I don't."
"Y/N, it's a burden to tell others every single detail of your life and problems, but it's also a burden to not say one single word about it," Jungkook says. "I don't know anything about you except that you like math... I want to know more about you, what goes on in your life, what problems you have. I want to help you."
It's then when you know you've been a mystery to Jungkook. You know a shit ton about him from your friendly talks, but you never talk about yourself. You realize you had only ever told Jimin everything that went on in your life. He was the one who could possibly know you better than Jin, himself. Jimin.
His name echoes in your head, but it feels so empty and dark.
You hadn't even known you were crying until Jungkook wordlessly wipes your tears away with the hem of his sleeve. He softly pats your back, then hesitates before he leans in to embrace you. Something about that makes you start crying. Too bad it's the ugly kind.
Jungkook seems a bit taken back at your sudden burst of tears, but he only holds you tighter, rubbing warm circles in your back. The best part about it is that he doesn't say a single word. He gives you time to cry your heart out, giving you company when you should feel so lonely.
You hiccup, leaning back from Jungkook's chest but still in the warmth of his embrace. "I'm sorry. I just... I don't... I'm so sorry," you blubber. Damn. Why the fuck—
"Unrequited love?" Jungkook asks softly.
You give him a strange look. "I guess you could say that..."
"Thought so," he mutters. "But he loves you back," he declares confidently.
Your head jerks up and you take a second before you start to laugh, the last of your tears dripping down from your chin to the ground. "How would you know?"
"You're Y/N. Everyone loves you back," Jungkook says, grinning. He dabs at your wet cheeks with his sleeve.
"And you're supposed to say that because you're my friend," you chuckle. "Trust me. It's not even 'love.' It's a little crush that I shouldn't even have had in the first place," you explain. "I'll be fine."
Jungkook smiles. "I trust that you will be." He's about to say more, but you hear the restroom door swing open as a few loud, gossipy girls come in.
You quickly tug Jungkook into the stall with you, locking the door. "Oh shit!" you whisper, grabbing at your friend's shirt.
"That was close!" Jungkook chuckles quietly. He smiles at you, and it's so contagious that you can't help but smile back.
You finally realize that you're not alone, that you shouldn't be alone. There are people willing to listen, to help you. There are people willing to break school rules and hang out in the girl's restroom with you, for goodness sake. You need to get over this 'unrequited love' and focus on the better things.
It took you a good ten minutes to escape the girl's restroom with Jungkook safely—curse high school girls who like to gossip their mouths off when they should really be flushing down their business. The two of you spent the rest of lunch casually talking as if you hadn't broken down crying not too long ago. It felt good to talk to someone. Especially since you've been so focused on shutting people out these days.
Now you're in the best mood you've been in months as you practically skip to Jin's drama classroom.
"Today's been a wonderful day!" you belt out singing as you swing open the door, twirling dramatically into the classroom. Looking up from your little happy dance, the color from your face drains as you see Jin and Jimin staring at you in shock.
Okay. I was expecting Jin. But Jimin? Really?
You're so embarrassed. All the mirth from before had officially been drained away.
Jin's the first one to break the silence as he laughs heartily. "A wonderful day? That's great, Y/N! Did Jungkook confess?" he teases.
You roll your eyes. "No!"
Your cousin wiggles your eyebrows at you as from the corner of your eye, you can see Jimin looking down at his shoes. Your heart stings at the sight.
"Yeah, um, so... Let's go home?" you awkwardly suggest, tightening your grip on your backpack.
"Oh right... About that," Jin chuckles nervously. "Jimin's taking you home today."
The light in your eyes extinguishes immediately. "He can't!" you blurt out before you can stop yourself.
Jimin looks up at your sudden outburst, your eyes meeting.
Crap. Shit. Fuck.
Jin cocks his head. "Don't worry, Y/N, he's not going to crash the car or anything," he laughs. Your eyes plead at your cousin. "Sorry, for the late notice, Y/N. I have some team meeting I have to go to. Now, behave yourself! I'll be home in a few hours. Bye!" Jin gives you and Jimin an equally goofy grin as he sashays out of his classroom, happily waving his hand as a final goodbye.
You internally groan. This was going to be so bad.
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gingywritesimagines · 6 years
Mistakes and Decisions (Part 2)
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Title: Mistakes and Decisions
Chapter: 1 2
Fandom: Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda/Love, Simon
Pairing: Leah Burke x reader, platonic!Simon Spier x reader
Description: After the Halloween party, you look to start anew, but that proves difficult when the person you’re trying to move on from seems to be absolutely everywhere. It gets worse when one of the friends you seek comfort in has his respect, privacy, and well-being violated in the worst way.
Warnings: cursing, public outing, M*rtin *ddison being his evil self, Simon Spier is sad and that makes everyone else sad
A/N: Part 2 is here! School is back in session and I am crying the gayest of tears- hence why the September chapter is being published now. This part has about as much M*rtin hating as the last chapter so yaaay FUCK M*RTIN. This also puts a lot more attention on the reader and their friendship with Simon, and their transition in friend groups. Hope you enjoy!
Taglist: @fandomsneverdie14 @mcoomcoo @tina20213 @berry-kitten-paws @caelestii-e @sims4ccshopingcart
Months after the Halloween party, you had been trying your best to live a blissful, Martin-free life. You’d been spending more and more time with Simon, Leah, and their friends. Bram and Nick often talked to you about lunchtime snacks or soccer- sometimes even asking you if you could come film their practice. Abby would plan girls nights with you and Leah, seemingly determined to have at least one stereotypical, 90s-teen-movie-esque sleepover. Garrett felt a lot safer about hanging out with you, but he would sometimes still apologize for what happened, still feeling like it was kind of his fault. 
Simon was kind and comforting- as always- but something felt off. You’d sometimes notice him slink off into another room, Martin either closely behind or leading the way. You were sorta worried; your first thought on the situation being that either Martin was scheming his way back into your life through Simon, or Simon was dragging Martin away to guarantee he wouldn’t talk to you. Either way you were concerned, but you decided it’d be best not to think much of it, and shook those thoughts out of your head to tune back in to Taylor Metternich’s speech about her Christmas plans.
“-after swimming with dolphins, we fly to Saint Martin for New Years. Anyone else? Christmas in the Caribbean?” 
You rolled your eyes, sharing a look with Simon as you folded yet another play program. Simon chuckled slightly before answering Taylor.
“Staying here. We have a classic Spier tradition of French toast on Christmas eve.”
“I’m staying too.”
“I’m going to an unheated vacation house in the middle of nowhere.” your band friend, Cal Price, groaned, “As is our bleak family tradition.”
Before anyone else could answer Taylor, Martin shot out of his seat, “Ow! Ow! Oh, man. Ow.”
“You okay?” Simon asked, clearly unamused.
“Oh, yeah, that’s a papercut.”
“Um, Simon, do you know where the bandages are?” he asked, leaning in uncomfortably close.
“Uh, yeah.” Simon muttered, turning back to the program in his hand, “They’re in the supply closet.”
“Okay, do you mind showing me?”
At that question, everyone paused and eyed Martin suspiciously. He’s 17 and he can’t find the damn band-aids himself? Before anyone questioned him though, Simon stood with an exasperated sigh. Martin smirked as he watched Simon lead the way.
“He’s like a nurse, this man.”
Everyone was at least a little confused as they watched Simon and Martin slink off into the distance, but no one said anything for the rest of the day. After that, you noticed Martin hanging out with Abby and her friends a lot more, Simon shooting you an apologetic half-smile as you left to sit with Suraj. You saw minor bits of unaddressed tension happening within that friend group, and you were honestly a little surprised that they made it to the homecoming game together.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” Simon called, ushering you over to sit next to Abby on the bleachers, “How’s it going?”
“I’m good.” you smiled, sitting down, “How are you guys?”
“I’m okay.” Abby smiled, leaning the bag in her hands so the opening was closer to you, “Popcorn?”
“Sure, thanks!”
You popped a fistful of popcorn in your mouth as Leah answered your question, “We’re good. Nick and I just came from dinner.”
You almost choked, “Dinner?”
“Yeah, I took Leah out for dumplings. It was a nice date, we had a good time.” Nick answered, “Right, Leah?”
“Yeah, I had a great time.”
Your heart sank at that. You were happy for them, you were, but some part of you was screaming- some part of you was breaking at the idea of Leah going on a date with someone else. You two weren’t joined at the hip, and it wasn’t like you’d told her you liked girls, but that didn’t change the smile that popped onto your face every time she entered the room, or the years of butterflies she never failed to give you...
...before you could ponder any further on the subject, the field’s sound system crackled to life.
“Please stand for the national anthem.”
As everyone stood, Taylor walked up to the platform they’d put down as a stage, “This goes out to all the refugees... and my vocal coach, Monica Lewis. O say can you see, by the dawn's early light, what so proud...” Before she had even finished the first part of the song, the Creekwood mascot ran up to the platform, wrestling the microphone out of Taylor’s hands, “What the hell are you doing?” 
Grabbing the mic, the bear ripped the costume’s head off to reveal Martin, “Hi everyone. Uh, sorry to interrupt.”
“Why are we interrupting the national anthem?” You heard Mr. Worth ask uncertainly.
“But I have something to say... that's a little more important than the national anthem. No offense, America. Abigail Katherine Susso…”
As he said that, Abby squeezed herself between you and Simon, and you could have sworn you’d heard her whisper, “How does he know my middle name?”
“-when you transferred to Creekwood High School, just a short three and a half months ago, you not only transferred into a new school, you transferred your way into a new heart, belonging to me. My heart. Right here. And whether it was being your partner in pong, or your Waffle House warrior, I have cherished the 135,300 minutes that we've spent together. Oh, I'm sorry. 135,301 minutes. And I know that you're this smart, talented, perfect creature. And, uh, I'm just a sweaty schlub in a bear costume. But like old Bogie used to say, it's a ‘crazy mixed-up world.’ So, Abby, without further ado... will you go out with me?”
With every word he said, Abby sunk further and further into you and Simon, but she reluctantly sat up to go answer him. Some random crowd member shouted “she’s too hot for you, assface” as she squeezed her way to the front of the bleachers.
“Martin, I am so sorry, I don’t feel that way about you.”
“You don’t?”
“No. But I really like hanging out with you and I don’t know, maybe we could still be friends, you know?”
In that moment, your phone buzzed. As you pulled it out of your pocket, you saw a notification from a walkie-talkie app that Martin had made you get ages ago. You opened the app to hear Suraj’s voice on the other end.
“What did she say? Should I release them?”
“Them?” You asked quietly, “Suraj, does Martin have birds prepared for this or something?”
“Doves, yeah. I have no clue where he got ‘em tho-”
“Suraj.” You sighed, deciding that now would be when you got your revenge, “Release the doves.”
After a couple of seconds, you heard soft gasps from a few places, and Leah was one of them, “Are those doves?”
“No, no, hey, hey! Suraj! Hey! No, no! She said no!” Martin cried, waving his arms wildly, which Suraj took to mean ‘open the other cage’, “No, don't!”
The crowd started laughing as the second set of doves flew away, and you heard Nick mutter to Simon, “Yo, I thought you said she liked him.”
“She might’ve.” You answered, “But the humiliation he just put her through probably ruined it.”
“Not the ceremonious dove launch I was hoping for. But still uplifting to free some birds. Yeah. Okay, uh... Enjoy the game.” Martin was clearly trying to remain positive, but everyone was more focused on Abby’s feelings.
“That was terrible.” She muttered, sitting back down between you and Simon.
“Are you okay?” You asked, suddenly regretting the dove decision.
“Yeah. It’s nice that Suraj released the doves even when I said no. Expose Martin for going way too big for something like this, ruin his moment, save those poor birds.” She smiled at you, but her eyes showed she was kinda uncomfortable.
“Don’t worry.” Simon assured her, “People will get over it in a few weeks.”
Contrary to what Simon predicted, the whole incident had become a massive meme on CreeksSecrets and although Abby hadn’t had to deal with it since a week after it happened, Martin had been mocked online well into Christmas break. However, that wasn’t the worst possible thing to happen over Christmas break. Less than a week before the actual holiday, you logged onto Tumblr and decided to check the school blog, but your heart dropped straight into your stomach as you read the words that first showed up on the screen:
Dear fellow Creekwood students, Simon Spier has a secret male pen pal. Because he's gay. Interested parties may contact him directly to discuss arrangements for butt sex. Ladies need not apply. We should all probably be talking about this instead of Martin Addison's homecoming debacle which was actually kind of sweet, and romantic, if you think about it. Sincerely, Anonymous.
Immediately, you grabbed your phone and texted Simon. You weren’t sure what approach to take, so you decided to act like nothing was wrong.
I just made cookies, want some? :)
You waited for an answer, but two hours later, he still hadn’t replied. You decided to call him, but it went to voicemail.
“Hey, this is Simon. I can’t make it to the phone right now, but you know what to do.”
“Hey, Simon, it’s me. I just wanted to check in. I know it’s barely been a week since school got out but I miss you, buddy. I have cookies, and I, uh, I know you’re having a tough time right now, so please just call me back. I love you, Simon, and I wanna help. Please let me. Okay, uh, merry Christmas. Call me back. Bye.”
You’d placed your call at 8pm, and refused to go to sleep until he answered you- but he didn’t. He didn’t text or call you back all night, and once you realized he probably never would, you took a long nap before getting to work. You got dressed, grabbed the box of cookies off the counter (yes, you’d told him you baked them but you didn’t actually have time for that right now), threw the cookies and all Simon’s favourite things from your house into a messenger bag, and biked your way to the Spier household. Mrs. Spier opened the door when you knocked.
“(Y/N)! Good to see you! How’s your Christmas break?” she cheered.
“It’s good, Mrs. Spier, thanks.”
“Yeah, but, um, is Simon home?” You asked, not meaning to be rude but worrying more about your friend than the conversation.
“Oh, yeah, he’s just upstairs. Come on in.” She held the door open for you as you entered, “I think something may have happened though, he’s been in his room since yesterday.”
“Oh.” You said, acting as though you knew nothing, “Is it okay if I go up and check on him?” 
“Oh, yes, of course, sweetheart. Go on up, just make sure to knock before you go in, okay?”
“Of course.”
With that, you ran up the stairs and navigated your way to Simon’s room, using the vague memory of the night after Bram’s to guide you. Suddenly, a room opened up, and Simon’s sister stepped out, stopping when she saw you.
“Hey, (Y/N), right? You’re Simon’s friend?” she asked.
“Yeah. You’re Nora, right?”
“That’s me.” She smiled weakly, “Are you here about the post?”
Your stance fell, and a solemn silence fell briefly between the two of you, “I’m just here to make sure he’s okay. What he went through- what he’s going through- is terrible, but he shouldn’t have to go through it alone.”
She nodded, gesturing to a door a little ways away from you two, “That one’s his. And thank you, for doing this for him.”
You offered her a smile, and headed straight for Simon. You knocked on the door and his voice very weakly answered from the other side.
“I’ll be down in a minute, mom.”
“I’m not your mom, Simon, it’s me.”
Almost immediately, the door flew open, and a very red-eyed Simon stood practically looming over you, a look of shock and confusion etched on his face. You could tell he had been crying, so you pulled the cookies out of your bag.
“I brought you some cookies.”
With that, Simon visibly untensed, taking the box from you slowly and stepping a side to silently invite you in. You were both silent for a while, just sitting on his floor, until he cleared his throat.
“So, I take it you saw the post?”
“Yeah, I did.” you nodded slowly, “I wanted to come make sure you’re okay. I can’t imagine what I’d do if someone outed me.”
Your friend’s head whipped toward you so fast you thought he might get whiplash, “Wait- Wait, you’re...” there was a pause, as though he was struggling to get the word out, “...you’re gay too?”
“You bet your ass I am, sweetheart.” you chuckled, “Girls? Perfection.”
Simon laughed too, “So you, you can kinda understand what’s going on?”
Your smile fell with those words, “I can’t imagine, Simon. I can’t imagine the pain or the anger or the humiliation that you must be going through.”
Simon frowned at that, staring down at his carpet in defeat, until you put your hand over his, “But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to be here for you, no matter what. Wherever this bullshit takes you, Si, I’m there- right by your side.”
“Thanks (Y/N).” your friend smiled, “You’re a really good friend.”
Over the rest of the Christmas break, you talked with Simon almost constantly. You regaled him with tales of your father’s decorating mishaps and your new years adventures with Suraj. He showed you the gifts he’d received and he told you that he still hadn’t talked to anyone else from school; in his defence, no one was making an effort to reach out either. By the time school came back into session, you and Simon were closer than ever, but with his other friends- not so much. You even saw him get out of the car alone when he arrived, so you ran up to make sure everything was okay.
“They didn’t want a ride this morning.” was all he said, but you tried to comfort him as best you could. 
The rest of the morning was a painful blur. Sneers and whispers were thrown at Simon from all directions, but you were the only person who made direct eye contact with him all day. His so-called friends avoided him like the plague, and lunch made it much, much worse. Everything was fine, just you and Simon eating at a table by yourselves, until sudden music came blaring into the cafeteria. Two assholes- Aaron and Spencer, if you remember correctly- came skipping into the café, one dressed normally and one dressed in a wig and scarf (clearly mocking Ethan, Creekwood’s first out gay kid). They got up on one of the tables and started dancing and making obscene gestures, mocking Simon directly but dragging Ethan into it as well. Rage bubbled up inside you, but Simon got up first.
“You have something you wanna say to me?” he roared, marching up to their table, “I said do you have something to say to me?” 
Ms. Albright came up behind Simon, grabbing the speaker that was blaring music and turning it off.
“Hey, Ms. Albright.” The one dressed as Ethan smiled, but his smile quickly fell as her glare hardened.
“Don't ‘Hey, Ms. Albright’ me. We're not friends. You're not gonna braid my hair or paint my nails. Get your ass off the table now! You sweaty, hormonal virgins. You know what? You're about to be suspended for so long, that by the time it's over, you're gonna be the fat, bald, unhappily married, wildly mediocre nobodies you're destined to become.” 
“You can't talk to us like that!” 
“Actually, I can, 'cause I just did. And you know why? Because you're just those two assholes that did that shitty thing in front of the whole school. And guess what? Nobody feels sorry for those assholes, especially me. Now, walk. Mr. Worth's office now. Bye.” 
The boys got off the table slowly, and started walking out of the cafeteria. One tried to get the speaker back from Ms. Albright, but she pulled it away sharply.
“Uh-uh. That's mine now. I'mma sell it. Get my tubes tied.”
“Um, Ms. Alrbight?” you stood, and walked over to her, “May I?”
You gestured to the two assholes as they turned to look at you. Assuming you just wanted to yell at them, Ms. Albright nodded, gesturing for you to continue. You nodded in thanks, walked up to the boys.... and sucker-punched both of them. The entire student body gasped, and at least two teachers ran up to keep you from doing any more damage, but you threw your hands up in mock surrender. You turned around, gave Simon a hug, and started walking to Mr. Worth’s office, throwing your middle finger in the air as you walked out. When you arrived at Mr. Worth’s office, he was initially excited to see you.
“Hey! (Y/N)! Good to see you! How’ve you been? What can I do for you?”
“Ms. Albright sent me.” you said simply, sitting down in one of the chairs across from his desk.
His face scrunched up in concern, “Oh? How come? Everything okay?” 
“Aaron and Spencer committed a small hate crime against Simon and Ethan so I decked ‘em.”
Mr. Worth’s eyes widened, “B-by ‘decked em’ you mean...?”
“I punched them so hard they fell over.” You explained simply.
Mr. Worth nodded slowly, clearly still in shock from both what you did and how casual you were being about this. He said that although violence was never the answer, he understood why you did what you did, and he assured you that Aaron and Spencer would get the punishment that they deserved. He explained that because you took violent measures, he’d have to suspend you for at least a couple days, and you explained that that was fine- you knew the consequences when you took action, and you were prepared to deal with them. You and Mr. Worth agreed on a week-long suspension, and he sent you to get your things out of your locker and make arrangements to get homework while he called your parents. You told Suraj everything, having run into him on your way to your locker, and he offered to bring you your homework while you were gone- also mentioning that he’d seen Simon and Ethan entering Mr. Worth’s office earlier. Deciding that you should check on Simon, and that his meeting with Mr. Worth was probably over by now, you ran out to the parking lot to find him. However, when you got out there, the first thing you heard was Martin’s whiny bitching.
“-I got in a lot of shit for Homecoming, and I wanted everyone to focus on something else, you know? I just didn't think it was gonna be a big thing.” 
“I don't care if you didn't think that my coming out was gonna be a big thing, Martin!” You heard Simon yell, “Look, you don't get to decide that. I'm supposed to be the one that decides when and where, and how and who knows and how I get to say it. That's supposed to be my thing! And you took that away from me. So, well, can you please just get the fuck away from me?”
You walked out around a car to see Simon storming into his car, and Martin standing there, looking pathetically helpless. With a sigh, he turned around, but stood there gawking when he saw you watching.
“(Y/n), I-”
“It was you.”
“What?” he asked, acting nonchalant but clearly guilty.
“It was you!” you screeched, barrelling towards him, “You’re the pathetic son of a bitch who outed Simon! You did this to him!”
“(Y/n), I can explain-”
“Save it, Addison! I cannot believe you!” You screamed in his face, “You manipulate me and abuse me and treat me like shit! You get called out on it so you just toss me aside like a wet rag! You act sketchy for months, then you humiliate the shit out of poor Abby! And when you were too much of a pussy to deal with the consequences of your own fucking actions, you put Simon’s life at risk because you couldn’t take the fucking heat?”
“Hey, hey, hey! I never abused you!” he held up his hands defensively, “And I didn’t know people still did that stuff-”
“What part of ‘save it, Addison’ did you not understand, mother fucker?” You spat. When he became silent, you continued, “You wanna talk so fucking badly, answer me this, Martin: How the fuck did you get a hold on Simon’s emails?”
He looked down at his feet, “I, uh, used the computer in the library after Simon. His gmail was still up. I read a few of them- ‘cause they were just right there- and I, um, I screenshotted his emails... so he’d help me get with Abby.”
Your eyes widened in rage at that, “You what?”
“No, no, asshole. You screenshotted the emails of an innocent kid and threatened to out him in the bible-belt of America, if he didn’t help you get with a girl who’s barely known you for three months- as thought that was a better plan than just fucking talking to her- and then you forcibly outed him anyway when your little plan didn’t work out because, surprise surprise, she didn’t appreciate that you didn’t see her as anything more than a piece of meat for you to parade around!”
As you screamed, Martin got defensive, “Well, when you put it that way, it sounds bad!”
“NO SHIT IT SOUNDS BAD, MOTHER FUCKER, YOU RUINED A KID’S LIFE JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE PATHETIC BUT YOU STILL CAN’T KEEP IT IN YOUR FUCKING PANTS!” you were booming with rage now, and you wouldn’t have been surprised if the whole school could hear you, “As if ruining my life wasn’t enough, you had to rope Simon and Abby into this shit too, you selfish fucking bastard!”
“Ruined your life?” He repeated, as though he didn't hear anything else you said, “We were friends!”
“No, I was your plaything, Martin. Just something to manipulate, and use, and beat up on until something better caught your eye and you could toss me to the curb! Then you’d just pick me back up and do it all over again once you lost interest. I was never your friend! I never mattered to you! I didn’t mean shit to you!”
Martin blubbered trying to find a justifiable way to defend himself, “Why does it matter how I treated you? I bet you never liked me anyway!”
“For fuck’s sake, you were like family. I loved you, Martin!”
“You, you loved me?”
“Yeah, I did.” You spat, opening your car door, “Worst mistake of my fucking life.”
You climbed into the car, slammed the door, and sped off- almost running him over in the process. Not that you cared; the world could do better with less people like Martin Addison.
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skye-hudson · 4 years
a little broken || gavin +skye
ABOUT: This is set after Skye’s Attack.  Gavin comes to the hospital when he finds out Skye’s been hurt.  Skylar regresses. 
Skylar Hudson
They’d rushed her into the hospital as fast as they could and nearly lost her from blood loss along the way.  Getting her into an OR stat was what saved her life.  They had to fix internal bleeding and sew up the knife wound.  They did all the necessary scans to see what they were dealing with, they made sure she was as stable as possible before finding her a bed in the ICU.
It took her hours to wake up and when she finally did she had a fever and was clammy and her entire body was trembling.  She woke with a start, surrounded by beeping machines and a small cry left her lips at the pain she hadn’t been expecting.  She choked back a sob and looked around in a panic.  “I’m not staying here, I c-can’t be here.”  She mumbled, the room hadn’t fully come into focus. @Blaine/Gavin
Gavin has climbed into his car and sped on his way to the hospital. Of course it would be his fucking luck that his charge would be attacked. Why him? And...why did it have to be her? He knew he would be in trouble with Madame Sylvester for sure, it was his fault she was like this. Even if he wasn’t directly involved, she was still under his care. Just don’t die.. he thought as he rode the elevator up to the room where Skylar was. On his way down the hall he stopped and caught a nurse and demanded that any roommate in Skylar’s room be removed. She needed privacy and Gavin was going to make sure she received it. She wasn’t awake when he arrived and so Gavin stood awkwardly at the end of the bed letting his gaze look her over, taking in the sight and damage that those fuckers did to her. His hands clenched into fists. “I’ll find who did this to you..” he mumbled. Gavin sighed and shrugged off his jacket and draped it over the chair, pulling it closer to sit at her bedside. He started to doze off in the chair, listening to the beeps of the machines tracking her vitals and other shit. He wasn’t sure how long he had been asleep for when he was woken up by Skylar waking up. He jolted awake and turned his attention to her. Gavin reaches out and smoothed some of her hair back off her forehead. “Hey, it’s okay. You can’t move that much you’re going to hurt yourself more.” @Frannie+Skye  [Lei]
Skylar Hudson
Skylar flinched when he touched her.  From what she could remember ... which wasn’t much... she’d been beaten to a literal bloody pulp.  There was a wound by her hairline on the opposite side of her forehead.  When she realized who was with her she tended some.  “Where’s my sister?  I w-want to go home.  I want Thea.”  Skye whimpered, her voice cracking.  “I c-can’t be here.  Please, don’t make me stay here.”  Her teeth chattered as tears slipped down her cheeks and her body fought the fever.  “Everything hurts... and-and not in a good way.”  It was hard to function, hard to think.  Having Gavin here was not her first choice, she knew he felt obligated do to Sylvester, but any type of softness he was showing her right now was confusing.  Maybe this was a dream too.
His brow furrowed as Skylar flinched from him. He sighed and sat back down in the chair. Gavin ran a hand over his face. “She’s not here. I’m sure they’ll call here though.” He said in a soft voice. “You have to stay here. For now, anyway. You were...honestly I’m not sure what happened and don’t think about it right now.” Gavin folded his arms across his chest. “You were involved in an incident but you’re not alone now. I’m here. For what it’s worth.” @Frannie+Skye  [Lei]
Skylar Hudson
Skylar wanted to curl up but the more she tried to move, the more it hurt.  She winced a little and thought better of trying to hug her legs to her chest.  “I don’t wanna stay here.”  She grumbled softly, her body still trembling as she pulled up the blanket some more.  “An incident.”  She repeated.  “I feel like I’ve been hit by a fucking truck.” Her brow knit and she felt dizzy, her eyes closed and  her hand came up to pinch at the bridge of her nose.  “Are you staying?”
Gavin clenched his jaw and raised his chin a little, shutting off any emotion he might have or that might show on his face. "I understand." He replied. "I don't think anyone wants to stay in hospitals. They smell weird and are depressing." Gavin didn't like seeing Skylar like this, or any of his submissives. He worked hard to be a good Dom and keep his reputation as such. And as much as he hated switches and the idea of a switch, Gavin would never actually hurt any of them or wish to see them in this state. Especially ones he knew personally. Skylar was his responsibility and this reflected poorly on him as a Dom, even if he wasn't involved and couldn't have known this was happening. "Yes." He said shortly. "You're under my care, I have to stay. Do you remember anything that happened? Any faces or distinguishing marks or features of the ones who attacked you?" @Frannie+Skye  [Lei]
Skylar Hudson
"Last time I was in one I almost died."  She didn't know why she was sharing but her head felt fuzzy and she felt as if she just might be hallucinating so why the fuck not.  He was actually here.  She never thought she'd have to see him outside the office ever again but here he was and he..... cared?  Her mind reasoned that at least he was nice to look at even if he was a douche 90% of the time. She opened dark empty eyes to look at him before sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose once more with a shake of her head.  "He was... I dunno.. big?  Tall.. broad.  White.  Maybe blonde?"  She took a shuddery breath and held it as she tried not to cry.  "Steel toed combat boots.  Hoodie.  Knife with uhm... some kinda fancy handle.  I d-don't ... don't wanna talk about this anymore.  Can we stop talking about this?  I need to not talk about this..."  Her voice cracked. @Blaine/GavinJune 4, 2020
His brow furrowed but only slightly. Gavin had to admit he was a little curious about her comment but figured this wasn’t the time and place in light of the situation. He’d file that away for later and ask about her previous trip to the hospital when she wasn’t still laying in one. The description Skylar had provided could have been any number of people. Nothing stood out to him and he had to remind himself not to be annoyed by her since she was the  one who had been recently attacked. Gavin reached out and brushed a piece of hair off of her face, his knuckles gently sliding dow her cheek. “It’s alright. I won’t make you talk about it anymore. I promise.” He said with the same amount of inflection in his voice since his arrival as well as the same neutral expression. @Frannie+Skye  [Lei]June 6, 2020
Skylar Hudson
The breath she'd been holding released, leaving her lips only at the promise that fell from his.  This time she didn't flinch when his hand came up to her face, instead she leaned into the touch without even realizing she was doing it.  "Th-thank you, Master."  The response was so quiet it almost couldn't be heard over the beeping of the machines. The room felt like it was spinning which was an odd sensation while half sitting half laying down.  Everything felt heavy.  Everything hurt.  Everything felt so wrong.  When she closed her eyes, all she could see was the knife.  A shiver raced through her veins and her opened them again.  Tears finally slipped silently from the corners of those dark eyes.  "I wanna go home."  She whimpered.  Somehow she looked and felt smaller by the minute.  It was rare that Skylar ever let anyone outside of her family see her cry.  The meds had seeped into her veins from the iv moments ago and everything became that much more fuzzy.  "I wanna go home, Daddy." @Blaine/GavinJune 10, 2020
With growing up on the island l, Gavin had seen his share of sub and switch beatings and a few of them had been subs Gavin liked to frequently place under orders. None of those bothered him. He didn’t condone the violence but moved onto other subs that were out of commission, so to speak. However, standing here beside Skylar’s bed was different some how in some minuscule but noticeable way. He instantly pushed the thought from his mind as he noticed Skylar beginning to cry. Gavin didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t good with crying. He wasn’t good with emotions in general. Something about the “I wanna go home” didn’t sit right with Gavin. He was angry at whoever it was who did this to her. He stood still staring down at her and froze momentarily the word ‘Daddy’ fell from her lips. A brow arched upward and Gavin looked at Skylar, crying and injured in the hospital bed. He tilted his head to the side. This was something he could work with and with that thought he reached out to push a lose strand of hair back from her forehead. “I know, Princess.” He replied in a quiet voice. “You can go home soon.” @Frannie+Skye  [Lei]
Skylar Hudson
The last time Skylar set foot in the hospital was the night her father rushed her there due to a severe allergic reaction.  She'd been six at the time, it had happened shortly before his death and it was the last really memory she had of him.  She'd avoided hospitals ever since- usually just going to see doctors at clinics instead when she got sick.  Being here in this condition and being this medicated was very triggering.  The more she gave into the pain meds, the smaller she felt, the more helpless she felt. Skylar clearly wasn't in her right mind.  On top of everything she felt so very lost and confused.  When Gavin pushed the hair from her head, she leaned into the touch again, he was being so gentle with her.  Tears still streaked down her face without her consent and her lower lip trembled some.  He called her Princess and she felt a little bit safer than she had just moments ago.  Suddenly she knew he wouldn't let more harm come to her.  "I don't l-like it here, Daddy."  Her voice cracked.  "Everything hur-hurts."  She hiccuped back a sob.  "And I just wanna be home." @Blaine/GavinJune 15, 2020
Gavin continued to watch Skylar with slight amusement and indifference. He ran his hand gently over her hair, making sure to lower his voice to just above a whisper. As he stood there, something clicked in him and Gavin realized he genuinely wanted to protect Skylar. He didn’t like this feeling so Gavin shoves it back down. “I know you wanna be home. It’s a hospital, nobody likes the. You have to relax though, Princess. They’re gonna fix you up but you have to wait a little  while but then you can go home. Alright?”
Skylar Hudson
Slowly but surely the meds started to take away the pain and it faded to a dull ache but her mind was still incredibly messed up.  She leaned into his touch a little more.  "You'll st-stay with me, Daddy?"  Those dark eyes were watery but she had stopped trying to fight the tears.  "I'll try... I'll try to b-be a good girl."  She just let them fall.  It was easier to regress than to deal with the trauma of what had just occurred.
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