#which do you prefer? 🫖
lewmagoo · 3 months
leah’s birthday tea party
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you are cordially invited to attend leah’s birthday tea party!
festivities will begin now (march 9th) and end on march 25th (my official birthday).
below, you will find an assortment of teas, as well as add-ins for your chosen tea.
everyone is welcome to join in, this is not just limited to mutuals! if this looks like something you’d enjoy participating in, then be my guest! you may also participate on anon if you wish.
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🥄 how do you take your tea? cream? sugar? choose an add-in below:
bob floyd
rhett abbott
harrison knott
miles miller
🫖 what kind of tea do you prefer?
earl grey: choose an add-in and a prompt from one of these lists: fluff, smut, angst and i will write you a drabble (please specify which prompt list you are choosing from)
english breakfast: a random drabble with the add-in of your choice. you may request smut, fluff, angst, or all in one. whatever tickles your fancy.
oolong: a moodboard with the add-in of your choice
chamomile: send an add-in, and i will give you a random headcanon for them
green: ask for a behind the scenes preview of one of my current wips
irish breakfast: ask for a personalized spotify playlist just for you!
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you are permitted to send in up to two prompts from the linked prompt lists. you may also mix and match prompts if you want to spice it up.
bear with me, as it may take me a little while to answer your ask. i will try to get it posted in a timely fashion!
i look forward to celebrating with all of you!
tagging mutuals for a bigger sample size:
@withahappyrefrain @rhettabbotts @ryebecca @up-thereinthesky @peachystenbrough @attapullman @sebsxphia @delopsia @damrlova @floydsmuse @fairyheart @hangmanapologist @laracrofted @callsignspark @bobfloydsbabe @bradshawsbitch @bradshawsbaby @milesmillergf
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winter-rp-memes · 1 year
Food preferences meme
🌭 - Hotdogs! Do they eat hotdogs at all? Do they use a lot of contiments? Toppings? Or just plain?
🌽 - CORN! Do they eat a lot of corn? Do they ever eat it by itself? Have they ever tried corn on a cobb? They put any butter or pepper on their corn?
🍿 - Popcorn! Do they have butter on their popcorn? Extra salty? Do they get any of the colored popcorn at movie theaters or just the usual stuff?
🍕 - Pizza! How many toppings? Which toppings? All the toppings? Stuffed, thin or regular crust?
🍔 - Burger! Do they prefer them on a charcoal or propane grill? No preference? How do they stack their burgers? What type of bun do they use?
🥪 - Sandwiches! What's their usual go to when it comes to a sandwich? PB&J? BLT? Ham and Cheese? Do they still cut the crust off their sandwiches? Preference on sandwich bread?
🥗 - Salads! Do they eat their greens? What vegetables do they like? Favorite salad dressing? Do they usually have a lot of crackers and cheese on their salad?
🧀 - Cheese! What kind of cheese do they like or consider their favorite? Are they the type of person that will put cheese on almost anything or do they use it sparingly?
🍳 - Breakfast! Do they have a big or very light breakfast? What's their go to breakfast food? Do they eat breakfast at all?
🥧 - Pie! Do they like pie or have a favorite type of pie? Do they prefer cake instead?
🥣 - Soup! Do they have any soups they like? Do they make it from scratch or just get canned soup? Is it something they commonly eat or is it reserved for a sick day?
🍚 - Rice! How do they season their rice? Do they eat rice by themselves or do they combine it with something?
🌯 - Fast food! Do they eat fast food often? What's their favorite place to do? Do they settle for something greesy or are they very picky about where they eat out at?
🌶 - Spice! How well do they handle spicy food? Do they usually put hot sauce on lots of their food? Or do they avoid it at all cost?
🍦- Ice cream! What's their favorite flavor? Do they get any toppings? Syrup? Whip cream? Do they prefer it in a cone or in a cup? Do they eat on warm days only or on cold days too?
🍧- Shaved Ice! Have they ever had it? What flavor would you get? Does ice hurt their teeth? Do they have to wait until it melts and it's more of a slush?
🍩- Doughnuts! Do they get a plain glazed? Icing? Jelly filled? Settle for Doughnut holes? Or do they want powdered sugar?
🍤 - Seafood! Do they have a favorite type of seafood? Like seafood at all? Have they had any bad experiences with seafood in the past?
🥩 - Meat! Do they eat meat? Are they picky about how it's cooked, where it comes from, and how to eat it? Do they prefer red or white meat?
☕️ - Coffee! Do they like it black? With lots of sugar and cream? Do they drink a lot of it or only in small amounts?
🫖- Tea! Do they have a favorite type? Do they drink any herbal tea for health benefits? Do they drink it warm or cold?
🍫- Chocolate! Do they have a favorite? Do they like dark chocolate or prefer it be as impossibly sweet as possible? Do they settle for low end stuff or get the expensive brands?
🍪- Cookies! Favorite type of cookie? Do they eat cookies a lot or just on occasion?
🥃 - Alcohol! The stronger the better or do they have a low tolerance for those type of thing? Do they drink alcohol by itself or do they commonly have it with a meal?
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papercorgiworld · 4 months
Thank you!
1000+ followers!
As I post this I have exactly 1003 followers and they’re amazing!
I was planning on doing something for 100, 200, 500 followers, but I was always so busy writing or didn’t know what to do or just scared of looking like a fool… sorry! But now it’s time to celebrate!
I love you! Dear tumblr people, I truly love you. Whether you’re creating, supporting or both… you mean the world to me.
Now let’s get down to business. I have three things planned for you lovelys… I hope you’ll like it
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Scare an introvert
Me, I’m the introvert. Scare me and talk to me. Honestly, I like communicating from time to time, but let’s just say small talk is not my most developed skill.
If you’re a social butterfly or a curious kitten and you want to get to know the writer behind the fics, this is your moment!
🥰 📚 📖 😍 🤗 🫦 👁️ 😶 🧑‍🍳 👩‍🎓 💃🏻 🤷‍♀️ 🤦 💆🏽‍♀️🐶 🐍 🦩 🍀 🫐 🫖 🧩 🏄‍♂️ ☎️ 🪫 🎉 ☺️ 🤯 😎
Pick any emoji you can find on your phone and I’ll answer a question related to the emoji. Or be very random.
BUT if you would be so kind as to also tell me a little something about yourself, it can be as random as you want… Or share your thoughts on my blog. This way I can get to know you a little as well.
Requests are officially open
Requests were always unofficially open to the bold and the brave, but now they’re open to everyone!
Also big thank you to the ones who’ve already sent in requests, encouraging me to write and now even to open up to more requests. Kiss!
Throw in any guy you can think of, but preferably a Slytherin dude.
Combine it with any subject or even a random word if you want something short.
And I’ll try to write something and hopefully not disappoint you.
Rules? Don’t traumatise me but also don’t be shy. Worst case scenario I change your request until I can live with it. I’ve been scrolling tumblr for a decade now, I don’t judge.
Get a cameo!!
I’m looking for people to date one of the Slytherins in my next fics. So you or your OC can get a little cameo!
How it works? While the reader is still the main character, I need characters in the background dating Theodore, Mattheo, Blaise, Enzo, Draco or Pansy. Depending on the story, you’ll be mentioned a lot or just a few times. You’ll be dating your favoriete Slytherin either recently or you’ve been in a long term relationship.
Interested? Okay, I need a name. I’m not good at coming up with names and this is what inspired me to do this cameo stuff. Also sent me your house and yes you can be an exchange student if you don’t want to attend Hogwarts. Pronouns! Very important, don’t leave me guessing. Skin, eye and hair colour is not a must, but why not. Just for the fun of it, you can add what kind of student, friend or partner you’ll be. If you insist you can be a crazy ex as well. But most importantly, who do you want to date.
I might not need this much information, but it’s fun to get to know you. If you’re not an anon and don’t want to be mentioned when I post the fic then be sure to let me know so I don’t tag you.
Aaaaand a little bonus news:
Didn’t see this one coming at all…
25 000 ? That’s a lot of love! Thank you! Thank you so much!
When I’m writing and I feel like I’m stuck, my eyes wonder and usually land on my phone which is thanks to you always lighting up with tumblr notifications… encouraging me to continue writing!
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Have a lovely day!
Sending you all lots of love!
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empresskaze · 4 months
❄️and🫖 for Colin and River, please?
❄️snow day
🫖tea & other hot drinks
God this ask is from Jan '23! Anon I hope youre still around, sorry it took THIS long
River was quite happy he did not have to work today. The deep snow which blanked Newhaven in the past two days left a good portion of the city services scrambling. Late or canceled buses, over crowded subways, and a plethora of stuck vehicles littering streets made the idea of leaving the warm penthouse undesirable.
Yesterday, Chester phoned his employees, telling them not to come in that day nor the following; he wasn’t about to open the bookshop just to waist money heating it. So River had been enjoying an impromptu early weekend.
Well at least he'd been trying to enjoy it.
Colin lay flopped on the sofa opposite him, arm dramatically placed over his forehead, his other hand clutching his tissues. The storm that brought the snow also welcomed another illness to the food critic, who'd been at an event the night it started.
Colin thought he'd been free and clear and he'd dressed warmingly, caught a cab home before the weather turned bad, and had kept on his immune boosters.
However, yesterday afternoon, the sniffling and sneezing began leaving Colin slumping between his room and the couch. Today, he was in full-blown cold mode, so River made sure plenty of tissue boxes were within reach.
Rolling onto his side, letting his arm flap down in front of him, Colin's fingers delicately wiggled, trying to grab more tissues. Apparently, inching forward was beyond his ability, so River gently slid them over with his foot, not taking his eyes off his book.
"Oh, River, you're a saint." Colin's congested voice said as he pulled several out to blown his nose.
"I know." River replied as he flipped the page.
A sniffle led to Colin coughing hard into his robe sleeve. "And here I thought I'd taken all the precautions." He shoulders heaved as he let out a long sigh. "I didn't even have time at Flanagan's to sample any of their famous mulled wine made with L'Anse Cognac."
River felt Colin's weary gaze on him.
"However, they were nice enough to...." Colin paused to cough again and right himself. "Send some over..." A breathy inhale led to several muffled sneezes, Colin's hair flung in front of his eyes.
"Bless you times four." River said.
Colin huffed a laugh as he rubbed at his nose. "I wish I had the energy to make myself some. Might help with this congestion." He exhaled, leaning back.
River pressed his lips together. This was of course quite normal for Colin. It's not that River ever minded since he knew his roommate was charging him less than half what the actual rent was. More River preferred it if Colin would simply ask instead of dancing around it. But then he wouldn't be Colin Fairbanks.
"I can heat you up some if you'd like." River said, looking up over his book. That of course perked Colin up.
"Oh would you? As I said earlier, you're a...a..." Colin's words cut as he sneezed wetly into his cupped tissues. "A saint."
River was already in the kitchen, pouring the mulled wine into a mug for his ailing roommate. A quick minute in the microwave, he returned the steaming up to Colin who accepted it with both hands.
"You have my eternal...gratitude." Colin replied forcing his voice to finish before sipping the soothing spiced drink. "Oh my, I see why this is famous. I must add it to my column." He looked up at River who sat back in the chair. "You should try some."
River shook his head as he picked up his book again. "Wine isn't really my thing." He flipped a page.
"Oh, I see." Colin said softly as he held his mug. "What do you like, uh drinkwise, I mean." He sniffed hard and took another drink.
River shrugged. "Tea, coffee, water. Boring stuff."
Colin chuckled, which turned to a cough, "You drink the Madagascar Dark; that's definitely far from boring."
River smirked.
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fairytism01 · 7 months
Hello, I have recently started seeing someone who has autism. We like each other very much and have been hanging out a lot, which they have acknowledged as a big deal and step for them.
I was wondering if you had a recommendation for a book or resource I might read on my own time?
So I can understand how to be mindful of who they are. Maybe something written by a autist? or something about relationships where one or both folks are on the spectrum? I dunno.
I just want to be proactive. Like do some reading on my own, without being like "hey whats a book so I can understand you better?"
They can help me understand them on their own! They so amazing and I don't want them to feel like I need to "study" them
I just want honesty learn more, because I really care about them and have not dated a person with autism before (as far as I know). To be better aware of their needs as well as mine.
Thank-you for reading this, absolutely love your blog!
Thank you for reaching out!
The best advice I can give you is not a book recommendation in this case (even though I have attached the work of the amazing Tania Marshall) I do strongly believe that they would feel flattered if u asked them for their own preferred source of education. Maybe they dont read books but theres a specific podcast that might have really touched them and helped them sort out their situation.
Being neurodivergent is not black and white, its a spectrum and you must be willing to get to know yourself and your nervous system if you wish to share your life with others.
Let your love interest know you'd like to know more about it. I am 98% sure that if they like u as much as u like them they will be delighted to share it with you 🫖
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yogisdoitbetter · 1 month
Based on what you overall prefer or if you go back and forth (like me), what are you doing now?
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the-clumsywitch · 1 year
A Very Basic Affordable Witchy Christmas Gift Guide
So, you've got a witchy friend or significant other and your frazzled, what the hell do I get them? And you also don't want to spend an arm and a leg on that gift, look no further My Dear!
Affordable Crystals
Clear Quartz (Can serve in the place of all crystals, this may not resonate with everyone though), Rose Quartz (love), blue quartz (peace & calming) amethyst (psychic protection & intuition), black obsidian (protection & grounding)
Note: Each of these crystals have more than one purpose/correspondence, often overlapping another, these are just the most common correspondences.
Affordable Herbs
This category of gifts is incredibly simple, as most witches do not care if they're herbs come from a metaphysical store or a grocery store. However some do prefer organic, especially when burning them. For this type of gift you don't just have to focus solely on herbs found in a bottle, you can also purchase tea bags. Tea bags can come in handy when you are looking for an herb that you would otherwise have to visit a health food store for or order online. Just rip it open and use it in your spell. Below are some affordable tea brands 🫖.
Carrington Teas
Celestial Seasonings
Dollar Tree's brand (in my opinion the only ones that taste good are the black and green teas but all of them can be used in magick.)
Pretty much any store brand of tea.
Everyone's needs for cauldrons are different, some people need itty bitty cauldrons, others need large ones, some want them only for burning and others want to cook in there's. Either way, these are the most affordable places I've come across to purchase both.
New age imports (For smaller cauldrons, typically no bigger than 5 inches)
Yogi depot on Etsy (Medium sized cauldrons up to 7 inches, which is actually much larger than you would think. I think they sell smaller ones too.)
CindysEyeofthemoon on Etsy (She sells small cauldrons and large ones, with feet and without them and if I'm not mistaken they're all food safe! Not to mention, her customer service is top notch!)
Incense & Candles
Would this even be a witchy Christmas list if I didn't add candles and incense?
Shopafrocosmetics on Etsy
Dollar Tree
Craft stores (See if your craft store has coupons or an app that has discount codes)
Five Below (All of their books I've come across are excellent for all levels of magick. You won't find books about more advanced magick though.)
Barnes and Noble bargain section (which actually carries a lot of the same stuff as Five Below just in hardback.
Books-a-Million or BAM (Which also has an amazing bargain section!)
More Wonky Affordable Gifts
A jar or bag of pennies and other coins (I'm starting to think witches are just crows in disguise because we really like shiny things.)
Coloring books and crayons (Inner child healing anyone? Actually, probably only do this if they are doing inner child work.)
Salt and a jar to put it in (I know this might sound weird, but it's yet another thing no one ever brings up about witches, we freakin' love salt!)
Charcoal Tablets for burning loose incense
And don't forget...
One of the greatest places to look for witchy gifts can actually be at the thrift store or charity shops. My favorite shop has soooo many things that almost any witch would love to have, swing top bottles and jars, gorgeous crystal glasses, candle holders, candles (Did I mention how we really do love candles?). I've even purchased a cauldron there and the best part about thrift stores/charity shops is that you're helping the environment and you'll never know what you will find!
I hope this little list helped you! I come across witchy Christmas lists too often that only have pens and notebooks as affordable options (which I think any witch would agree are always welcomed). Or will tell you which gifts to buy but not where to find them. For this list I wanted to focus on where to find these witchy items affordably. If you have any other witchy Christmas gift ideas please feel free to comment on this post!
⛄Merry Christmas!🎄
- Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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scarletlizzard · 2 months
Now, let’s address your contentious rankings, shall we? In fact, I may rate your rankings based on their veracity.
First up: Good to Bad. Well, it appears you’ve ranked me as the worst of your anons for the reason ‘British’, which is of course sound logic from a colonialist perspective, but on an individual basis you pathetically fawn over the accent. 4/10.
Smallest to Tallest. It’s adorable that you think 5’7 is some towering stature, but I think that your perspective is warped by how often you’re on your knees around me. Very cute and very submissive. 10/10.
Likeliness to Be Pulled Over by ‘Cops’ (very American). Whilst I am no sinful malefactor, being ranked lower than the puppy and bow on this is quite frankly offensive, and I fear you may have underestimated how quickly I drive. Also, you are forgetting to minimise my own disdain for the police, which would prevent me from pleading my case. ACAB 3/10.
Little Spoon or Big Spoon. Darling, you knew when you wrote this that I was coming for you. Having said that, my dominance is not so fragile that the idea of being cuddled threatens it. I do much prefer to be big spoon, but am happy to have you as a little backpack if you so wish. 5/10.
Toppable Anons. Too easy? Doesn’t even deserve an explanation, little brat, though it may warrant a punishment. 0/10.
Reasons for Arrest. Stalking seems to check out on this occasion, all incriminating evidence is contained within this ask, guilty plea entered, 7/10 (simply because you’ve failed to mention the myriad additional transgressions from when I eventually get you alone. Does ‘knife-play’ ring any bells?).
Ice Cream Flavours. Mint chocolate chip is my joint favourite, alongside pistachio. 10/10.
Kinks. Me, begging you? Confirmed? Again, should I even bother to respond? I have some deliciously pathetic pleas from you somewhere under my tag…0/10.
Marvel Characters. Considering your own obsession with Wanda, I’ll embrace it with open arms. Having said that, you seeing me as an anti-hero rather than worshipping me as your saviour is problematic. 8/10.
Ooooh, the fact that you've rated them makes this even better!
See? British. Bad! (Is it that pathetic?)
Well... it's almost 4 inches taller than me. Me? On my knees for you? (Absolutely)
Drive fast AND acab... ACAB?? (Yeah, you're getting it FOR SURE. Hottest thing you could ever say, on my knees as I'm typing this.) To quote Stormzy, Fuck the government and fuck Boris ?
I 100% did know 😊 (Anyways, I absolutely want to be your backpack!)
Oh, you didn't like that one, huh 👀 0/10?? (Little brat AND punishment?? You really didn't like that oopsie)
Glad you've entered a guilty plea! (It rings a few bells... perhaps I should change this one up a little.)
OH MY GOD! I'm so fucking good, last night I was between mint chocolate chip and pistachio! This made me actually so happy, hahah (Mint chocolate chip seems more British, so that's my reasoning for picking it, in case you were wondering how I came to my conclusion.)
I absolutely knew the 0/10 was coming for this one... Hey, never say never! Me? Begging you? Never! (More than I should)
Who says I'm not worshipping the anti-hero?
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ardent-fox · 1 year
✨️ Interview Tag Game ✨️
Got tagged by the wonderful @creepkinginc and @look-i-love-u to do this interview game, thank you, my darlings! 🥰
What are some movie/tv quotes that you quote often?
"It's all happening!" Almost Famous
"Behind the rabbit?" Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Every iconic line from RuPaul's Drag Race
What is your favorite flower?
Tulips 🌷
If you were in Avatar the Last Airbender what element would you want to bend? Earth, fire, water or air?
I'm not really familiar with it, but I'm going to say water.
What was your first job?
Selling tickets for kids to ride these stuffed animals at the mall (they hop on the saddle and then the springs inside the legs make them go forward).
What is your favorite breakfast?
I rarely eat breakfast, but when I do it's usually chocolate granola with blueberries/bananas and almond milk. Or toast topped with whatever since I'm basically addicted to it, otherwise it's usually just lots of green tea 🍵
What's a meal from childhood that you love?
When I was little, my dad and grandpa would go fishing and bring back various itty bitty ones that my mom and grandma would fry up. They would be crunchy and salty and my mom would put pieces on the softest bread and interchange feeding my brother and I, those were the days.
What's your favorite joke to tell?
I love telling long, elaborate, filthy af jokes in my native language, most of them supplied to me by my dad, but I don't think they'd translate well to English.
What's your favorite animal to see at the zoo?
Otters 🦦💙 They're my favorite animal, I could watch them play for hours.
What's your go to quick meal to cook/make at home?
Fry up some eggs and add whatever I have around, I love breakfast food.
What's your go to meal to cook someone to impress them?
I'm not much of a cook and prefer to bake, so... some yummy chocolate chip muffins?
What's something you want to do better?
Manage my time.
If you're working do you like your job?
I am currently unemployed, hoping my next job will bring me my first truly affirmative answer to this question.
Do you collect anything? What?
Stationery and books. Also gonna say teapots, since I have six already 🫖
If you were trapped in a kids tv show, what show would you be okay with being trapped in?
I can't remember a single kids tv show I've ever been interested in? Except The Tribe, but my parents would be dead then, so I don't think that's a good choice.
An adults tv show?
I was just telling my husband how much I love the bar and the community in Smiley today, so I'm going to go with that one.
What kind of job did you want as a child?
Teacher, singer/songwriter or writer. Got to do the first one for a while and I've kept the others as hobbies, so not bad.
Do you follow any sports? What team do you root for?
I used to follow my local basketball team cause it's the biggest sport in my city, now I transform into a soccer fan every four years for FIFA (mostly for the social aspect of tipsy game-watching and celebrating) and then go back to being clueless about everything.
If you could be any animal what would you be and why?
My bunny. Eating and sleeping all day while others pet me and tell me how cute I am? Sign me up 🐇
If you could be any mythological creature what would you be and why?
A fairy/pixie. I'd love to be able to fly and explore every nook if I'm tiny, the aesthetic is an added bonus.
What's the most obscure thing you've had to google for a fanfic you were writing/reading?
Scaffolding and all its formations when I wrote about Mickey holding onto an overhead beam while he and Ian fucked in public 😅
What Milkovich do you identify with most?
Sandy. I feel like we have a similar energy.
Which one are you actually like the most?
I'd honestly say her again, don't think I'm like Mickey or Mandy that much and don't know the rest of them well enough to have an opinion.
What Gallagher do you identify with most?
Ian, through and through.
Which one are you actually like the most?
I'd say I'm a combo of Ian and Lip, since I experienced his pressure to go to college and I also have a tendency to be stubborn/self-destructive at times 🙃
Tagging @shinygalaxyperson, @sickness-health-all-that-shit, @vintagelacerosette, @metalheadmickey, @whatwouldmickeydo, @lalazeewrites, @shameless-notashamed, @heymrspatel, @gallawitchxx, @crossmydna, @lizelandre and anyone who sees this and would like to play! 💙✨️
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charmsandtealeaves · 10 months
Omg I love this game 😂😂😂
3, 9, 20 please 😍
3. Do you leave the window open at night?
Summer yes… winter hell no 🥶
9. Which do you prefer hot coffee or cold coffee?
Neither! Tea for me please 🫖
20. Do you say soda or pop?
Neither! Fizzy
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acacia-may · 1 year
Oooohhh! Can I ask about your favorite dessert and drink?
Hi Erika! Thank you so much for the ask! I’d love to answer these questions for you! 🥰
Questions from this “Get To Know Me” Ask Game
🎂 — Favourite Dessert
So fun(?) fact about me, I have Celiac/Coeliac Disease which kind of limits the types of desserts I can have, but there are lots of wonderful desserts that are gluten-free! 😊 While I have been blessed to have some really tasty gluten free cakes, cookies, and other baked goods in my life, my favourite desserts tend to be ones that are naturally gluten free (like ice cream, custards, and jello). One of my favourite naturally gluten free desserts is French macarons (which are made with almond flour). There's a local macaron bakery near to where I live that's fantastic, but I've also baked some myself (it's just a very labor-intensive process and I'm not skilled enough to make the more interesting flavors they have at the bakery 😅). For very special treats (since it's something I can't make myself...at least not yet😅), I love crème brûlée! But my go-to dessert at home is usually something simple like ice cream or jello! 🥰 (And now I'm reminded of a scene from one of my favourite movies "My Best Friend's Wedding", so I think I'll end this with a gif 😁)
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Gif from Buzzfeed
🫖 — Favourite Drink
I love tea of any kind, but my favourite is probably Darjeeling. My favourite soda pop is Dr. Pepper, and I also love apple juice and strawberry lemonade. For something a little more out of the box, I adore any flavour of blue gatorade.
In terms of an alcoholic beverage, I'm not a big drinker because I'm kind of lightweight, but I do enjoy making up my own cocktail recipes (it's a lot easier and more cost-effective for me to mix my own cocktails at home since Celiac/Coeliac Disease limits the kinds of liquor I can have too). If I go out to drink with friends (which is a very rare occurrence), I usually order something pretty standard like a Vodka Cranberry or Rum & Coke. Dirty Shirleys (Sprite, Grenadine, & Vodka) are pretty good too! 🥰 I also appreciate a good wine and prefer red wine over white though I tend to like rosés the best. There is also a local vineyard that makes wines out of other fruits which is pretty great. [I actually loved their cherry wine so much it actually inspired one of my fanfictions ("Wine Therapy")]. 😊
Thank you so much for the ask and for playing my ask game! 💖
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
for the meme!! arranged marriage, body swapping, enemies to lovers 🫖
aa thank you!!
arranged marriage: HNNNNG A, in that i don't necessarily comb the tags for it, but i'm always Very 👀👀👀 when i see one. it is a bit funny that i love arranged marriage while disliking soulmate aus (ask about my opinion on three tropes, get one for free!), but imo soulmate aus have the Expectation To Fall In Love be like... emotional on top of societal, meanwhile arranged marriages already occur in a setting where love is absolutely not required and the parties involved are often resigned to just Coexisting. which is why it's delicious when they actually realize they like each other as people, and then as people With Romance On Their Minds. also, "help, i'm in love with my spouse, what now :0" is very funny to me personally :')
ah, but one caveat: i'm not a fan of said marriage being consummated right away, on the wedding night! go to sleep in separate beds/have one take the couch/sleep on the opposite ends of the bed doing your best not to touch the other person, it only makes it better when later they finally Do get their wedding night and are happy as a pair of clams about it, lol
body swapping: i admit i'm thinking about md/zs as a fandom when i consider those tropes, and with jgy being my blorbo, obviously body swaps are aways tasty! B, i'd say, for the good crunch of a-yao suddenly finding himself in a body of a strong, physically healthy person, while the other poor sod is like why do i ache all over?? very slow tigers are chasing me so hard??? wait does he have to tolerate everyone being cunts to him On A Daily Basis??? HELP;;; also, it's always good to see the characters trying to act like the other person, especially if one is good at it and the other... not as much... good good good
enemies to lovers: and here i had to chinhand a bit, i admit. because to me, this is less a fic trope and more of a variation on a dynamic existing in canon. as in... if they're not antagonistic in canon, i'm probably not going to be interested in a scenario where they are, as it can often feel too forced and ooc in fics. i don't think i have a particular need for EtL xi/yao, or an au where wwx dislikes lwj back! lol on the other hand, if the canon dynamic already is EtL-adjacent... i mean i Do ship sxx. i haven't talked about it for literal ages, but i do! and i will Never tire of the moment where a character realizes that the person they used to want dead, preferably by their own hand, preferably yesterday, is... important to them now... so i guess that makes it a C?
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except4bunnies · 1 year
Tea and Book ask:
5, 12, 16, please?
📚🫖 Thanks a bunch for asking – that was fun ☺️
5. Do you have a favourite film soundtrack?
Four come to mind immediately.
„Jenseits der Stille“ because I used to play the clarinet and had the sheet music. It’s not super difficult to play and still very beautiful.
„Cruel Intentions“ because Placebo and The Verve and Counting Crows and Skunk Anansie and Aimee Mann and …
„Velvet Goldmine“ because Pulp and Venus in Furs and Steve Harley‘s „Make me smile“ and Roxy Music‘s excellent „2 H.B.“ which is a love letter to another one of my favorite movies.
„Pieces of April“ because it‘s all Stephin Merritt and made me fall in love with his band The Magnetic Fields and led to the discovery of many more awesome songs. One song has these wonderful lines:
One april day, we'll go miles away/ And I'll turn to you and I'll say: / "I've always loved you, in my way / I'll always love you, in my way."
12. Do you prefer baking or cooking?
Cooking. I find it relaxing. Not super elaborate stuff but a nice curry or one pot pasta or a casserole. Something where I can first cut some vegetables (and sometimes meat), put everything on the cooker or in the oven and can tidy up as I go along.
16. How do you organize your music playlists?
They are event (e.g. gym, vacation) or mood (e.g. good songs for bad days) based.
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the---hermit · 2 years
Yes, hello. I'd like to order a teapot of darjeeling. I'm going to take a seat by the window and enjoy the view while waiting. 🍃🫖
Hello!! 💜🌿 my compliments to you for the best phrasing of an ask I have ever got in my inbox
teapot: music preference?
Since it's what I have grown up to I usually say metal and rock, but to be honest other than going through phases I have a lot of very specific suff I listen to. To get an idea of what makes me feel the most emotions I'll tell youcto listen to my favourite band Nightiwish, their music is absolutely spectacular in every sense. The instrumentals, the vocals, the LYRICS are absolutely stunning. But again as I said I go from that stuff which is gothic/symphonic metal all the way to irish and celtic folk, to classic music and movie soundtracks. The thing is I am constantly listening to music so depending on the mood or what I am doing I always have something playing.
darjeeling: a hobby?
I could answer with so many things. At the moment the hobby I am practicing the most is my newest one which is crocheting. I learned about a month ago and I have been loving it. It's a great creative thing that stops my mind going down terrible thought patters, and when paired with an audiobook it's perfect. It also helps me avoid staying in front of digital screens too much. I was about to go on a full list of other hobbies but I am sticking to the questiong and just talk about one.
Thank you so much for your ask!! 🌿
Send me a tea ask!!
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druidx · 2 years
i am so sorry but
9 for martin and baurus for the fluffy ask
and i want to say 10 as well but. baurus is big man. no way martin ever gonna pick him up ahsjksskkslwlw. but i make it canon now that baurus just occasionally picks him up randomly from whatever he's doing, bridal style or what it's called-
Hi Moth,
Thanks for the questions! Sorry I'm replying over a year later...
9. How do they hold each other when their partner asks to be held?
Usually, the pair of them are content to cuddle on the sofa, however, they do have preferences when feeling down.
When Martin is feeling rough, Baurus will pull Martin onto his lap or curl around him. When Baurus is upset, Martin will find a comfy, safe spot to sit and let Baurus rest his head on Martin's lap, so Martin can stroke his hair.
10. Who picks up the other fireman style in a playful way?
... Yeah, you're right. It can only be Baurus picking Martin up. They might be nearly an even hight, but Baurus is 100% pure muscle. Martin might try to give Baurus a firelman's lift but it's not happening. Baurus likes to do it in silly domestic situations, such as taking Martin to the car. He cheekily claims it's safer that way. Martin huffs at that.
Martin has his revenge though - Caroline and Rolian teach him how to do the Ranger Roll (a method of picking someone up who's larger than you), which Martin executes flawlessly on the odd picnic when Baruus is least expecting it. Aderyn always manages to have her camera out when it happens, somehow 🤔 😂
Hope you enjoyed the answers 🫖🌿
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reflections-of-mobius · 8 months
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Anonymous asked:
🍫🫖 for Tenebrosity
[Food preferences ask meme! | Accepting!]
For some reason the second emoji didn't load on my PC, but when I used my phone I could see it was a teapot. SO,--
🍫- Chocolate! Do they have a favorite? Do they like dark chocolate or prefer it be as impossibly sweet as possible? Do they settle for low end stuff or get the expensive brands?
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Tenebrosity has no personal chocolate preference- she'll eat basically all of it, but if you were to corner her and force her to only choose one type of candy that has chocolate...she'd choose a dark chocolate Kit-Kat. She probably also goes for the most expensive brands (when it's on her own wallet), but is more than happy to have cheaper candy when someone else is paying. After all- she doesn't want to drain anyone's bank!
🫖- Tea! Do they have a favorite type? Do they drink any herbal tea for health benefits? Do they drink it warm or cold?
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Iced tea, above all else.- Hot liquids remind her a little too much of her old home, so she tends to avoid them subconsciously. As for specific iced teas, I'd probably say that she's a fan of hibiscus tea punch- which is kind of a tea, but also kind of a soda. It's got a floral flavor that she enjoys!
Ten doesn't drink tea for any of the health benefits- after all, she's immortal!...so why would she need a drink to help herself?
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