#when people are understandably annoyed that it hides stuff from people who do actually want to see it
april · 9 months
man i hate apple i feel like 99.9% of the misunderstanding around community labels could be solved by just having the default setting for mature-labelled content be "blur" instead of "hide" but the fucking app store policy on mature UGC is literally:
If your app includes user-generated content from a web-based service, it may display incidental mature “NSFW” content, provided that the content is hidden by default and only displayed when the user turns it on via your website.
and i'm certain they know, they know that the majority of people don't change settings for things. but they're apple and it's their app store, and the number of people using iOS is too high to ignore, and the only browser (currently) available on iOS is quite frankly the worst one still in common usage, so your options are:
shoot yourself in the foot financially by not having an iOS app (after having already shot yourself in the other foot by starting a social network in the first place)
comply with apple's decree and make your entire platform behave the way they want it to
sucks man.
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Some Dick Grayson headcanon
I did some headcanon based in canon stuff and also random things, this is more around the batkids and Dick . Please respect
All batkids lie to Batman, ALL.OF.THEM and Dick is the one who lie to Batman and the others Robins (he is the oldest child guys, he will use his power for evil for fun)
He worries about Jason a lot and Dick will be happy in listen if Jason needs to talk
He also worries about Damian but for a different reason, and he still has Damian's adoption papers stored in his house (he mentions about wanting to adopt Damian in Nightwing 11)
Dick bond with Tim is pretty strong
He's Clark's favorite Robin and he knows it (Clark can deny it all he wants, but everyone knows it's Dick)
He accepted very well the fact that Damian changed the color of his uniform and turned the R into Redemption (he forgot to tell the boy what Robin was, but now Dick doesn't think it's right for a grown man to throw his moral responsibility onto a child then he is pretty ok with it )
Dick hates very single Bruce's former romantic partners, especially Khoa (Ghostmaker)
When Dick is tired of his siblings shit, he just needs to shout out "Superman" and less than 20min one of them will show up and pick up his brothers
Is Tim doing something potentially dangerous to himself? Here comes Kon carrying Tim like a sack of potatoes in one arm and Bart in another. Is Steph doing something also potentially dangerous to herself? Kara is on her way. Is Damian missing (again)? just one yell is enough and Jon will be landing on the ground while carrying Damian in his arms like a bride
There is this time that Dick ask Krypto (yep, the dog) to pick up the Robin, Dick's smile got bigger and bigger as the dog approached carrying Robin the mouth as if the boy were a puppy. After that, Damian never went two months without giving news about himself to Dick
Dick and Alfred always get the best gifts in the whole house
Dick is the best at reading people, this is not just a matter of body language, but actually understanding the situation and the person themselves. The more time this boy spends with someone, the better he will be able to understand them to the point of seeing transparency even in Bruce's actions
When he was little, during his circus days, he dreamed of being the ringmaster. Nowadays he is so good at reading the room and pulling strings for his own gain that he basically has made his dreams come true
He taught each of his brothers a different circus trick
Everyone blames Bruce for Damian's addiction to adopting pets, the truth is that Bruce just gave the dog, Dick allow Damian keep the cow and Dick encourages the adoption of his little brother's animals just to annoy Bruce and for everyone to blame Bruce even more
If you ask Batman who is the wost Robin, Bruce will say without hesitation that it's Dick and no one will believe in Bruce
Robin!Dick was a very energetic child, he made a lot of jokes and came from the circus and Bruce was a first-time father, so Dick was able to escape from Bruce and the mansion easily
Nowadays the only Robin who can escape Bruce's obsessive surveillance is Damian (who is a fucking ninja)
"You like the boy as if he were your son because he is a menace like you" - Jason Todd
No one believes in Bruce and Jason when they talk how difficult Dick was in the past (Babs, Kor'i, Wally and Roy can proof but they're in Dick side)
Dick knows many languages, but he really dedicated himself to learning Chinese after Cass was added to the family
The same applies for Arabic
He is actually pretty ok in hide on body if one of his siblings ask
knowing many languages can sometimes become a problem, he may forget a word in English and only remember it in a second or third language
"What is the name of that white liquid that can be ingested?"
and some hours later "MILK! The word was MILK!!!"
Dick always tries to spend quality time with all his siblings and checks in on them regularly (Cass and Damian are the most difficult since they don't use social media much)
Dick and Babs currently knows about Jason fanfiction account, they also reads the fics and leaves comments (Jason will never know it)
He also knows about Damian's fanart account, but will never tell the boy that (if you think Bruce and Tim are terrible you've definitely never read anything about Dick Grayson and its show)
His relationship with Bruce is complicated, to the point that they only interact after Damian's arrival. Dick still tries to understand Bruce, but he keeps the bar low
Never touch him without permission
He became a police officer to try to combat corruption, he gave up the profession due to corruptio, and as being Nightwing allows him to attack the corrupt he will be the hero to keep punch corrupt in their face (I really don't get why in hell he becomes a cop)
Jim Gordon hates him
Dick might get exhausted from all the work, vigilantism, his siblings, and Bruce's weekly batshit, and when that happens he just lays on the floor while Haley the dog plays around him (and sometimes one of his siblings join them, usually Cass or Damian)
"Richard what do you want for Christmas?" - Damian asked one time and Dick in full low maintenance mood "A break"
that Christmas Damian gave Dick a brick, apparently the boy confused the words and didn't understand why Dick started laughing when he received the gift, but Damian was very happy to know that his older brother loved the gift to the point of laughing until his belly hurt
and now every time Dick get exhausted he just sit with Haley the Dog and look at the brick and start laugh (yep, he keeps the brick)
Some batkid headcanon: Damian || Duke || Cassandra || Stephanie || Tim || Jason || Dick
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Rtc headcanons
Have I talked about my trans Ocean and Mischa headcanons recently because they are and you can’t change my mind
Nobody knows Ocean is trans because she started transitioning when she was little and her parents didn’t enroll her in school until she was like 8 and managed to convince them that no the school system was not going to brainwash her
The only people who know about her are Noel and Constance
Mischa does not hide the fact that he’s trans because he knows that nobody’s gonna like. Challenge him on that fact. What are you gonna do, tell the 6 foot dude who stole wine from the church that he’s not a guy? Nah man, you just say okay and move on
Ocean finds out Noel is going to sneak out of town to go to a pride parade and makes him take the entire choir because they all wanted to go to one but Noel is the only one who has a consistently available car and can drive good
Constance gets her hair dyed rainbow
Ocean decided to get a rainbow flag, the lesbian flag, and the trans flag but she can’t keep it at her house so she asks Noel to keep it
Mischa wears a shirt that’s just the trans flag with the words “god knew I’d be too powerful with a dick”
Ricky puts a bunch of pride stickers on his wheelchair
Penny steals a sign from a protester and hits the protester with it
Noel knows sign language because Ricky taught it to him
Ocean is autistic. That’s it that’s the headcanon
Penny use to do gymnastics when she was little but got kicked out after attempting to bite a child
Ricky loves mochi ice cream and learned how to make it when he was 11
Mischa knows how to bake
Whenever Father Marcus doesn’t show up for class Noel and Ricky decide to have lessons called “sign language for dummies”
It’s annoys Noel that Ocean is the one who is the best at it but like. What did he expect
Once Ricky’s parents can afford and AAC device he immediately makes it his life mission to learn how to speak as many languages as possible
Penny plays soccer and she is mvp almost every game
Ocean swears to hate most sports because they are “barbaric” except for soccer
She’s a huge soccer fan so she goes to all of Penny’s games
Mischa and Ricky go too and at every game at some point either Ocean or Ricky climb on Mischa’s shoulders
Noel loves to draw
Constance is actually on honor roll every year
If Ocean’s grades drop below a 95 she will cry
Mischa texts Talia whenever he takes a t-shot because hates needles and needs reassurance
When Mischa starts dating Noel Ocean gets so confused
Noel almost refuses to explain the idea of polyamory to her but Mischa thinks it’s funny to watch her head explode over things she doesn’t understand
They’re both very disappointed when she just goes “oh. okay” and then walks away
Noel and Talia are the best of friends
Penny can still do a bunch of gymnastics stuff she just doesn’t do it very often
Constance asks Ocean out first actually
Ocean spends like a full day avoiding her cause at first she things she’s joking then she freaks out because she’s had a crush on her for years then she thinks that Constance will be mad it took her so long to answer and not wanna date her anymore
Eventually Noel just locks the two of them in the choir room
Constance is also the one who asks Penny to join their relationship
Penny makes origami cats for Ricky
Ricky can pop a wheelie in his wheelchair
Skater boy Mischa and Penny
On the sidelines are Ocean and Noel going “be safe babe!” and “fuck it up Misch!!!” respectively
Ricky plays so many skating games
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starry-nights-garden · 9 months
NCT Dream as the Demon hiding under your bed
✧ NCT Dream all members x gn!reader ✧ genre: humor, crack, fluff ✧ warnings: none
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the confused demon
does not know why he is here
one day wakes up under your bed, hits his head, crawls out and startles the shit out of you
he’s as clueless as you are as to what he’s doing here
laughs awkwardly, attempts to introduce himself and keeps switching back and forth between english and korean
maybe the awkwardness is the reason why you’re not scared of him when he explains that he’s a demon
“So I guess I’m supposed to take your soul?” - he figures someday
you just shrug it off and agree because ever since he suddenly moved in with you you two have become pretty good friends
also he’s very cute and seems clueless as to how a demon is supposed to behave, so you secretly don’t think he’d ever be able to take your soul
plus, you know he’s taken a liking to you and his soft spot for you won’t allow him to harm you
really you kinda just chill in your room all day and watch series or play games??
he’s more like a brother you get along with super well than a demon trying to kill you
however, when other demons find out that he’s not doing his job, they decide to do it for him
you can trust him to always hide you well and keep the other demons at a distance
he will do everything he can to protect you from them
the annoyed demon
has been living as a demon for so long that he’s kinda getting tired of it tbh
especially if he ends up choosing a person who doesn’t give up their soul so easily
unfortunately, you are one of those people
so when he realizes this, he just begins to dread the whole thing aksdjfölka
however, he takes his duties as a demon very seriously, and his pride won’t just let him ditch you - he has to see this through until the end
when he finally reveals himself to you, because you just will not give him any kind of opening to steal your soul otherwise, you are understandably scared at first
however, when he offers to grant you your biggest wish, you start to wonder if it’s worth making a deal with him, because surely he must want something in return?
you stay suspicious and start asking questions to figure out what exactly he is
and in the end this discussion is being dragged out so much that he simply lets out a deep sigh and admits everything lol
but since he already promised to grant you a wish, you decide to trick him and wish for him to be your loyal servant until the end of time
which, in your dictionary means he shouldn’t be able to take your soul in the first place, and in his eyes it means that he might still have a chance
so here he is, your own personal servant, who you also just made a pact with
you make him do stuff like bringing you snacks or doing your work for you at first, receiving death glares in exchange
however, at some point a weird tom-and-jerry like friendship starts between you two, and you actually start enjoying spending time with each other
he keeps joking about how he will simply murder you and take your soul while you’re sleeping at night whenever you annoy him in the slightest
but he says that with such an adoring smile on his face ???? 
technically he shouldn’t be able to do that, as it goes against what you wished for - he’s still Renjun tho, so you can never be too sure…
and no matter how well you get along in the end, he will still end up taking your soul one day
the soft-hearted demon
one night you wake up to him, looking all scary and threatening, on top of you, pinning you down to your bed so you can’t escape
you’re obviously scared and don’t know what’s going on
you try to scream, but no sound will come out when he covers your mouth with one hand
and then suddenly you see his features become very soft and the tension leaving his body
has a mental breakdown in the corner of your room because your eyes were wide with fear and you looked so scared and he just isn’t cut out for this whole demon lifestyle
disappears after that but realizes he’ll get in trouble if you reveal his identity, now that you know his face
so he returns one day, politely knocking on your window pane until you let him in :’)
you’re obviously suspicious and scared at first, but then he starts incoherently rambling about his worries
you understand nothing
he panics and eventually leaves again?????
he really is NOT cut out for this…
eventually he HAS to return to you though, because he’s in danger, and you’re also now in danger of being found by other demons
explains himself a bit more coherently this time and out of guilt he offers to protect you???
wasn’t he supposed to take your soul instead???
you’re not sure how this bundle of soft feelings and internal panic is supposed to protect you, but he also refuses to leave with a huge pout on his lips so you decide to let him stay for now
when other demons start swarming your home a bit after that, he makes sure to ward off every single one of them
you grow closer and you come to trust him eventually, feeling reassured that he can protect you
the troublesome demon
technically pretty smart, because he takes the time to observe and get to know about you first
however, when you can’t sleep and keep rolling around in bed and getting up and lying down again several times the very night he was planning on surprising you in your sleep to take your soul, he loses all patience
lets out a huge groan eventually and crawls out from under your bed, wordlessly goes to the kitchen to get chips while mumbling something about needing snacks to calm down, and then sits next to you to watch you fall asleep
obviously NOW you can’t fall asleep because there’s a stranger in your bedroom??? eating your snacks???
he does not explain anything, he just sits there grinning to himself while snacking away
only when you scream in terror that you’re going to call the police, he gets up
“Whoa there, no need to go that far.”
explains that he’s just some apparition and you’re actually already sleeping and you’re just having this hyperrealistic dream to process some kind of hidden worry??
decides that he could just have a bit of fun with you before doing his work, so he crawls out from his hideaway every other night to chat with you
eventually he also convinces you to play games with him and to cook midnight snacks together
he originally made this all a part of his plan to get you to trust him but actually?? spending time with you??? is a lot of fun??
also maybe he’s developing a little crush on you and he can’t decide if that makes it more dreadful or more fun to take your soul later on
he ends up getting really attached to you and clings to you all the time
that is until one night, another demon comes to take your soul and he protects you, ending up explaining everything to you
becomes your personal guardian and gaming buddy after that
the responsible demon
one day he simply appears and starts telling you what to do??
nags you to do your homework and teaches you how to do taxes
gets really annoying when you don’t do your chores
“I cannot have you live like this.”
lists 74385723 reasons why you should keep your house clean and take care of yourself (literally who askeddddd???)
threatens you to take your soul on the spot if you don’t do what he says aksjdflka
actually very caring and means well, but just cannot watch you procrastinate on stuff that needs to be done eventually
at this point he doesn’t feel like an intruder anymore, so you just accept that there’s this supernatural being somehow supporting you in getting your life together
he also doesn’t really give you the time to figure out that maybe keeping him around could potentially be dangerous to you
either way, you actually come to appreciate his efforts in motivating you, and as he too gets more used to you and takes a liking to you, his words become more gentle
that doesn’t mean he will let you slack off and procrastinate on things that are just stressing you out unnecessarily because you keep not doing them
also has weirdly specific household tips and tricks for you??
if you attempt to cut into your sleep time by staying up too late, he will literally pull you to your bed and not let you get up again until morning kjsdflkas
forces you into taking good care of yourself, and he’s somehow both the nicest and the most annoying being you know
but as a responsible demon, he still has to do his job of taking your soul eventually
however, there’s still some time until then; after all he has to make sure you’re eating three healthy meals a day and that your tax return is filled out correctly
the melancholic demon
tells you in detail about how life on earth was 800 years ago
you think you’re having a fever dream when someone suddenly emerges from under your bed and starts off a conversation with “You know, back in my days…”
dude, you’re like 20, what are you talking about???
really, he’s been wandering this world for hundreds of years, not aging physically due to him being a demon
and now he’s here to take your soul - he doesn’t literally tell you that though
instead, he starts openly explaining how he’s taken the souls of many other people and how you can’t escape him anyway, due to his experience and knowledge of the human mind
basically he’s explaining to you in the most chill and unfazed way possible that he’s about to kill you, while throwing in some memories here and there, feeling nostalgic
you’re in for a very long night, because this guy just won’t stop talking and sharing his wisdom, and at times it seems like he doesn’t even care if you’re listening or not
at some point asks if you happen to have a good bottle of wine at home??? kind of like a last supper he wants to have with you??
what is wrong with him
eventually you join in on the conversation and he finds what you’re saying so interesting that he takes an instant interest in you
maybe he won’t take your soul right away?
you somehow end up talking until sunrise, and to your surprise he simply crawls back under your bed and disappears? you feel even more like you just had a very long fever dream now
however, the following night he returns to talk to you again, claiming that he had so much fun and for as long as you manage to entertain him he will spare you
obviously you feel very pressured now, maybe even so pressured that you fail to find something to talk about at all
rest assured though, he’s been in this for long enough to not let any chance to enjoy the small things in life slip away, so he always helps you out in finding a topic for a conversation
the awkward demon
has no clue what he’s doing
like that villain who always explains his grand plan of evil to you before actually executing it, except make it very awkward and also there is no actual execution of the plan that follows
he’s a shy bean and who even ever thought he’d do well as an entity designed entirely to take people’s souls???
and it’s his first time taking someone’s soul too, so he’s just very anxious, and what if he embarrasses himself??? (like that’s the part he should be most worried about???)
anyway, he has a super-foolproof plan (at least he thinks it’s foolproof), which already fails at step one
so one night you’re lying in your bed, about to fall asleep, when you hear something rustling under your bed
you don’t think much of it, but when you hear the noise again you decide to get up and take a look
you turn on the lights and find a person hiding there in plain sight, eyes squinting because it’s too bright and holding a huge bag of sweets in his arms
he’s very dumbfounded
eventually he holds out the sweets to you and goes “Let me take your soul in exchange for these treats!”
you start screaming, because there is a complete stranger under your bed and how did he even get there??? so he finally jumps out, slamming his hand over your mouth
“Shh!! What if someone hears us or finds out I’m here?”
eventually changes his bribe into you shutting up about him in exchange for the sweets, and also slips up somewhere in between, revealing that he is - in fact - a demon
now he feels so guilty for inconveniencing you that he’s unable to take your soul
therefore he simply surprises you every night with a new supply of sweets
he still has a lot to learn, sigh…
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sebastianstansqueen · 4 months
Lost In The Shadows: Part Twelve
A/N: This one is short, sorry, also have began writing my next series, my stuff about that will be up once i'm finished posting this story, hoe you like it, If you want to be Tagged, either send an ask or comment on this or click on Taglist open.
Wordcount: 1,159
Warnings: angst, Guns, Bucky being unaware, Wayne, and Brock if I forgot anything let me know please!
Masterlist // Series Masterlist // Taglist open// 
Tags: @cherryblossomsky- - @babylooneytoonz - @wonderlandfandomkingdom - @miraclesoflove - @amelia-song-pond- @leyannrae- @avengerlex - @pineprincess - @nik2write - @dorothea-hwldr - @rosie-posie08 - @scxrletrecsmarvel - @sebsgirl71479- @missvelvetsstuff - @hadesownhell - @casa-boiardi- @winterslove1917- @hallecarey1 - @ash-craze - @barnesxstan - @unaxv - @bethexo07 - @itsmytimetoodream - @sebastians-love - @stoneyggirl2  - @ordelixx - @arunabrak
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After the stress of being at the hospital worried sick everyday, Y/n had to admit being at her villa in Italy was a nice change from the compound back home. It was also nice that she was able to get Bucky an arm with the thought of mind that money was no object, so she got the best of the best. The best part was it was just her and Bucky, since everyone  back home wanted to keep it hush hush that they were leaving, there wasn’t a security staff always lurking nor did she have any professionals roaming the house like cleaners, and kitchen staff, it felt normal, and she almost didn’t dare say she liked it. 
Currently she sat by the pool, while Bucky was swimming laps, she softly smiled to herself as she thought about it. Tonight they were going to roam the city, starting with an art gallery and then dinner. A lot of this felt so domestic to her and she couldn’t fully hate it. “You okay?” Bucky asked, her eyes opened as she looked at him. “I know you’ve been stressed.” And there was also that, if Bucky remembered he would probably understand the why, because technically you were both in hiding. 
“Bucky, if anything I’m for once not stressed.” She lied through her teeth, she was more stressed than ever before, because they were stuck in a foreign country Bucky had no memory of the Mafia, and for the first time since taking her family business back she wasn’t the one in control of everything, and she hated that. “If anything, I’m excited about tonight, it’s gonna be romantic.” 
As the two of them walked around looking at different paintings, sculpture and other pieces of work. It was nice until a bullet hit one of the paintings, Y/n’s eyes widened. “Get down!” She yelled, she pulled out her own gun that had been tucked away in a secret pouch in her overly big purse, as more bullets came through breaking the glass.
“What the hell is going on?” Bucky asked with wide eyes. 
Y/n looked at him. “Believe me Bucky in another life you’d understand, but for now follow what I do.” She aimed her own gun at the glass ceiling of the building, where she couldn’t see even an outline of a person, she took a deep breath in irritation. “Okay, we’ve gotta get on that roof.” 
“That’s where the bullets came from.” Bucky hissed out. 
Y/n nodded. “I know.” She got up moving, Bucky moved her as she had told him. As people who weren’t dead ran around in panic and fear, and red lights went off with an annoying alarm and people who had gotten shot in the spray of bullets moments earlier laid on the ground crying or dead.  She moved around until she found a roof entrance, she began running up the stairs, when both of them made it up to the roof Y/n found who she was looking for meaning whoever it was wanting to kill her had an open air shot to get her. As Y/n saw it was two people, Sharon and Wayne, Y/n scoffed, wind caused her hair to blow everywhere. “You two have got to be shitting me! You're working together?” 
They both looked at her with wide eyes. “She betrayed Brock, so I'm here for both of you!” Wayne was the first to speak. 
Y/n began to actually laugh. “That’s a good one Wayne, you're working for Rumlow, you're not even stupid enough to do that.” 
“You're the one who’s gonna lose out, Y/n, you are the one who lost doing business with him, and you're gonna die for it.” Wayne smiled wickedly, Y/n noticed he looked different; he'd been bulked up or something. 
“Are you on that fucking staroids he wants to sell on the streets?” She scoffed able to tell, by the obvious side effects. 
“It’s called ‘the serum’.” He said aggressively. 
“Oh, please, all those blue crystals are gonna do for you is kill you eventually.” Y/n was taunting him. 
“Okay that's enough.” Sharron stopped her from continuing. “I’m killing you, and then taking everything you’ve built.” The blond held up a gun at Y/n, making her do the same. 
Y/n, wasn’t aiming for her sister but Wayne, as her finger pressed the trigger Sharons did the same and she ducked down, with Bucky as she watched Wayne fall off the building with blood spreading on his shirt. 
Sharon watched and hurried to follow where he fell, jumping off knowing Y/n was giving her one more chance to get her. Y/n liked a game especially with her sister, so she was willing to play it, if Sharon killed her next time she’d win, only getting one more chance to try again, before Y/n would kill her. Y/n looked at Bucky making sure he was alright, he looked shaken up but no wounds, she helped him up. “Are you okay?” She asked, and he nodded. “Okay come on.” 
When they got back to the villa she began packing everything they had brought, moving as fast as she could.  “Y/n what the hell was that!” Bucky yelled, making her freeze up, stopping what she was doing.
Y/n whipped around. “You're not gonna talk to me like that!” She yelled back. “You're the one who doesn't remember anything, and doesn't know what is going on so you're not gonna yell at me, I’m doing this for your safety, because I care about you.” 
“Explain what’s going on then.” He said with irritation. 
“My sister, who is a skilled assassin, and a guy I refused to do business with are trying to kill me and possibly you, and that’s how we ended up in the hospital I’m assuming, and your don’t remember this because of what you got in the accident, Bucky I’m a mafia boss and so is your brother, but we’ve gotta go if you want to live.” She spoke with pure urgency, she moved up to him, placing her hand in his, she slowly moved in closer to him, kissing him softly. “Bucky, I love you, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, if you come with me I’ll make sure you don’t die.” 
Bucky pulled her closer to him. “I’ll go with you, but be honest with me from now on.” 
Y/n looked at him and nodded. “Okay, for now pack, I’ll figure out where to next.”
Brock shook his head, as Wayne's feed and tracker turned red, he slammed his hand on the desk, a mix of anger and joy. Wayne had been helpful but soon became a pest on his shoulder, he huffed knowing he needed to know Y/n’s next move. He had to be the one to finish her off. 
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sucantslay · 2 months
Ok, before getting into this, I'm warning y'all, I'm not good at analysis ( I did like 4-5 of them before, that it )
If anything wrong or you don't feel like that what it actually is, feel free to think differently.
This is some...most of my thoughts I pull out of my head then put it on here so... yeah, don't expect a "unable to communicate with other easily" to do much.
My English is a bit bad.
This analysis is long, like...HELL LONG. So pls do make some free time before reading.
Thank you for reading that! Now let's get into the real stuff, shall we?
Pls accept my sincere apologies, but before getting into the song, can we talk about the...the event story first?
The event that Honeycomb Summer came from is: Heat Haze ◆ Lingering Summer & Hot Limit
And after spending my dia like a rich ass kid just to unlock all the story ( I missed out the event ) and spend some time reading.
The story's mainly focus on Niki and Niki's past from when he first meets Rinne. But aside from that, it also highlights Rinne and Niki relationship.
And you maybe think, yeh, he was just joking around. No, no he's not. He did not joke that stuff around.
And I'm not telling you to believe that Rinne wants to marry Niki in a "marriage" way. I like you to know that Rinne's living a different life than other character and the one who is likely to understand it like him is Hiiro.
Who didn't get annoyed when Rinne called Aira his little "girlfriend".
The meaning of marriage is being viewed different here. It not the couple's rings, not the beautiful clothes nor was it about the wedding ceremony.
It's about the two getting to stay together legally, that their home is officially below to both and got admitted by everyone else, and that Rinne loves Niki in a way that he wishes to share the hardship with him.
Clue? IT'S EVERYWHERE in the event story and *talk with a shaky voice* Epilogue 4... Epilogue 4 shines the best out of it.
He, HE LITERALLY SAID: "I tried to tell him that if we got married, we would become family, so there was no need to worry about causing me any trouble. I also tried boosting his self-esteem by making him a popular idol."
"I'm just a hick, but I've done my best..."
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Like, Rinne was trying so much to make Niki happy. But Niki's Niki...He's scared that he might cause Rinne trouble so he mostly stays out of it.
From what had happened to Niki dad ( His dad who often gets featured in TV programs got banned from TV stations and was forced to never appear on TV again / from Main story Episode 139 / )
So when trouble comes, Niki always hides it from others until it eventually solves itself or until Niki finds some solution to solve it.
It the same as in Hot Limit story, where Niki stayed: "I'm was afraid that if I became a criminal, I would cause trouble for my dad, who was finally getting back on his feet, and my mom, who supported him all the time."
And yet again in Epilogue 4: "Nahaha, But I don't want to cause trouble for people around me like my dad did before..."
And surprisingly, our song for today~ Honeycomb Summer is not just about Crazy:B, it's about NIKI! And what came into Niki life when he was young? Rinne! So Rinne had a big impact on his life, made this song also talks about Rinne in some way.
Ok, ok, first line, first line:
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I think that Niki making fun of Rinne's shirt style, but then the next line went:
"I'm going to make another joke like that"(Rinne line)
And I was like, nah, that didn't click, it gonna be something else.
So, if we return to the story event, I was thinking, ok, so maybe this is about the old time more than the present.
The foolish-looking T-shirt is actually from Niki and he gave it to Rinne and after Rinne wears it on, Niki laughs at how it doesn't fit Rinne at all.
If you don't know, Rinne who ran away from his home at that time got nowhere to go, when he was lying dead on the side of the road, Niki accidentally walked by then decided to adopt him.
So maybe Niki gave him some of his T-shirts then felt how weird those T-shirt were.
"I'm going to make another joke like that"
So, consider the fact that Niki doesn't make that much of a joke in the story, he was trying to get close or wanted to make Rinne feel more comfortable by cracking up some weird joke that no one could laugh at. Since he don't usually do that, he's not that good at it, but still trying his best for the little confusing Rinne.
"I'm sorry I let my true feelings get in the way" (Niki line)
"I was just regretting it" (Rinne line)
Niki don't want to cause trouble for others, so "Sorry I let my true feelings get in the way" shows how much Niki wishes to hide himself in, hide what he desires the most because he is scared that "following his heart" may cause other people around him to stuck into his stuff and that might trouble them.
With that came the story event, the same day when Niki brought Rinne back to his home, Niki later on collapsed because he didn't eat properly, Rinne panicked, and ran out of the house, begging the neighbor for some food.
When Niki woke up, he found food, a lot of them. But when Rinne said that he "rod" them, Niki was dumbfounded, thought he really did such things until Niki asked the other and found out that Rinne was actually insincere about it.
Thinking that Rinne was a bad person until Niki got to know the whole story did he finally go soft on him. Realize that Rinne is a good person and feel the want to keep him around.
"I'm sorry for picking you up just because I hope that I'm not a bad person and left you there on the street, and now I'm regretting it. You deserve a place to live in. And maybe mine isn't the best, but this is all I have."
"With a shy look on your face. You're just trying to fool me" "Isn't that just pulling us apart? The distance between us" (Kohaku & HIMERU)
Remind you about the fact that Niki is quite aloof.
Don't really get along with other friends (did he even have any friend at that time?)
So having some stranger staying in his house is not a good thing for him. Both are having communication problems so who will be the first to open up now?
And with Rinne ruthless way of talking, it was hard for the inexperienced Niki to understand him without misunderstanding it.
But Niki still hold onto the kindness in Rinne heart, knowing that Rinne wasn't actually THAT MEAN. Though the way he talks is like he wants to push Niki away.
(Note: The translation in-game was like this: "In an attempt to get away with it, but that will only push us apart. And widen the distance between you and me." )
Niki was panicked: "What should I do? What should I say? How do I treat him in his needs? Food! Maybe Food! He liked my food so-!"
He didn't know what do to, and neither did Rinne.
Niki sometimes regretted letting him in, but at the same time, he felt relief for giving him a home and didn't let his body rot on the side of the street.
"I don't want to make a bad play"
(Rinne line)
"And don't want to be a bad actor"
From these 2 lines, it not about Niki, this captures more of Rinne characteristics as we all know, he acts like a mean, harsh person but at heart, he just wants the best for everyone.
And he was trying to "play it cool" here, just like the time he asked for food from the neighbor for Niki. He displays himself as a flawless, perfect being but inside he's just as pathetic as everyone else.
He didn't want anyone to find out about this, not even Niki, who was the only person he could rely on.
What happen if Niki found out that he was faking it? He may be a monarch but he's nothing but a helpless human in the big city.
He's smart and is the best human being around, yet is all but the way he wants people to look at him. He can't help it, he was being raised to become a monarch, to be brave yet alone.
The king who stands alone, sees nothing but the darkness. Then got confused when a stranger that he couldn't push away came into his life.
Niki gave him food, gave him a place, he's not the king! He's a small little human being who loves idol and the new world that shine bright like the sun.
With what Niki gave him, Rinne want nothing more but happiness for Niki. ( This had been showed in the story event, like, dam...I'm in tear)
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(Note: This is the first line that brought up the heat. The summer heat, yes, is also an element in their story as Niki meets Rinne in the summer.)
"So why don't you just..." (Kohaku & Niki) "Take it off."(All)
There are 2 meanings in these lines:
Firstly, the real meaning. It is hot, and they want to take off their close. Like, literally. Because the word "nugi" in the second line "Nugi sutereba ii ya" is this "脱ぎ" and it alone means: "Take off your clothes".
Secondly, "take it off" also mean "become naked". And no, I'm not saying naked the other way, is the mental way. Being naked is being all out, no more hiding, be yourself, and telling the truth, never the lies. It may be embarrassing as much as you're naked in a physical way because us human don't always speak what we thinks.
And who hide their real self a lot? Rinne.
Niki may not always do as he likes, but he never acts highly to hide his true self. BUT Ya know who is? Rinne, Rinne, Rinne~!
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"And reveal everything" (HIMERU line)
Now, I want you to imagine the summer heat. Like, you are lying in your room, trying to find every way to defeat this heat that burns you from top to bottom.
How do you feel? Madness drive, frustration hit. You just get all tired without even getting your body to do any hard work.
You're just a little mad burning meat, and at that moment you just F*CK IT! Then take it all out, and say: "Because it hot out here!"
So, this and the "nugi" line put together is about Rinne just admitting it all to Niki. Like, they be lying somewhere on the flood in the summer, can't get the fan to work then Rinne just starts blasting out all his frustration because he can't take it anymore.
It is not just the heat, is the timing, is the moment. When Rinne finally got to talk about it, before that, there was no one that actually listen to him in the way that he wanted to.
Hiiro is still young, he was raised to protect Rinne, so it is still hard for him to understand Rinne's words.
The people there can't really understand it either, they only care for his bravery, king-like version.
The only person that he can rely on is this stranger that had now shown strong impact on his life, as he feels comfortable enough to be with.
But at the end, Rinne just stops: "Oh sh^t, maybe I should stop, I'm talking too much about such things that may revealed my truth self, I should stop now before too late." Then laughed it off as if it was just all a joke: "Nah, that's just because I'm hot! It getting hotter in here, enough to drive me crazy!"
At every vents he ever tells Niki, he just ends it up with a: "Just joking." To the point that Niki thought when Rinne actually told the truth, he was joking all along.
"It'll all be over in an instant (SO HOT!)" (All) "Like a mirage" (Kohaku line) "That's (DIVE) why (LIVE!) I want it." (All)
"Unforgettable time" (Niki line)
"WITH YOU!" (All)
To Niki, all the honest that Rinne have been was never a bad things. Even if export all his lies he had ever told Niki, Niki has nothing more then joy and love for him.
He’s happy for Rinne to be who he really is, either a mighty monarch or just some random guy who living rent free in his house, Rinne is Rinne, to Niki, already knew who he’s truthly is, so when Rinne just vent all that out, Niki don’t hate it.
Niki was happy to be the one Rinne can relied on, his first friend, first partner, someone to keep him company ever since his parent gone abroad.
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All that frustrating moments under the heat of summer turn into an enjoyable time that are hard to forget.
"It's not the time to play games"(Kohaku line)
"The sun was shining so badly" (HIMERU line)
"That made my head go crazy" (Niki line)
"How it is like that?" (Rinne line)
Once again, the heat is taking over. As Rinne started to get confused about how much did he keep sticking on to Niki and Niki also wonder about how much Rinne impact his life more and more.
It also feel like Niki is panicking through the lines, complain that it is getting way too hot, and can't no longer be patient with Rinne brutal ways of acting.
Just slit it out you dummy! I'm having enough with ya keep hiding your real emotions like that!
Even if you're dead by the heat yet you still wanna hide it in?
"What you want to say" (HIMERU line)
"If you don't have the courage." (Niki line) "You won't be able to say it." (HIMERU & Niki)
It seems like there are confessions that Niki or Rinne want to make to each other.
Niki want to tell Rinne how much he had made his life turn brighter than it should be. Keeping Niki company through the loneliness.
While Rinne also wants to tell Niki about how much he loves to be with Niki. The silly chef who left him nothing but love and joy.
But they are scared that the other can't seem to understand how much they feel just by saying: "I love you."
Is that enough to make Niki believe that he loves him?
Will Rinne continue to stay here if he finally finds a place of his own. ?
But if I don't tell them now, when will another change come by?
None of them have the courage, but still, they're trying to show each other by action.
Rinne made Niki an idol, so he could shine like the sun, and maybe he'll start to realize how much he matters to others.
Niki follows Rinne on his journey to become an idol because Niki is the only one who truly understands him. He was scared that people only see the bad part, and with that came Rinne's action of never wanting to back down or accept his true self, Niki wanted to be there to help him out.
"Toward the sea" (Rinne line)
"With momentum" (Kohaku & Rinne) "Let's jump into it" (All)
This is the moment when all that heat is gone away, and they finally grab the freedom they want.
They no longer suffer under the heat of summer, under the pressure made by their own mind.
The moment they stay on that stage, the moment Rinne's wishes come true.
"Unless you blame the hot summer (SO HOT)" (All) "Highest temperature doesn't mean anything" (All)
Niki realizes Rinne still had his problem keeping it secret, now trying to get him to slit it out.
This is not that summer day anymore, the fan isn't broken, and there is no other time better than this moment to talk about your problem, but if you decide to stay silent, I know you'll blame it on the heat of summer.
"Let’s enjoy ourselves without hesitation (NON STOP!)" (All)
Note: There is also another version of this line that is being translated like this: "Don't be afraid to have fun (NON STOP!)" (One are from youtube: Honeycomb Summer (YB) and another is on Tumblr: Honeycomb Summer (TB) )
Niki told Rinne to stop being stressed out and just go! Enjoy! Isn't this what you always wanted? What to be afraid about?
"In intervals way that surprise me and you. If we follow each other. Let's share more ( DIVE LIVE!)" (All)
Sorry, but, once again, I have to, I'VE TO PUT THE OTHER VERSION ON!
"Oh, a moment with you (So hot!) It’s so fleeting Let’s share more (Dive live!)"
Rinne was like, yeah, maybe you're right... there's nothing to be afraid of as long as you're by my side.
"Let’s blame it on the sweltering summer (Dive, Now!)' "We don’t need to be so considerate anymore" "Show it all off! / Just let it all out (Oh yeah!)" "It’s over in an instant (So hot!) I want to be with you" "It’s like piercing through the blue (Dive live!) An unforgettable moment(WITH YOU!)" (All)
There is no word needed. Just read these lines and you already know what going on.
Let's keep it short, Niki and Rinne want to be together in the summer. Even if it's hot like hell, even if they're going crazy. Rinne might say something silly again, and the person that Rinne wants them to listen to his ramble will always be Niki.
"Cause I’m Crazy Bee, that’s just my nature"
Cuz, Niki now in a team of crazy bastards, a team that doesn't hold back, so Niki himself has to be brave, change, and adapt to the new environment.
"A sweet memory, like a honeycomb" "It’s okay to be greedy"
Niki wants to be with Rinne and the rest of Crazy:B but he scared that he might cause them trouble, Rinne was there, tells him that it ok, if any trouble, just let me and the others know, maybe we can lean you a hand.
"Let’s take it all with us" "Come here!"
Come here! Stay together, no boys got left out!
Also, here are some screenshots of the event that I want to share with you! Really worth my dia after all:
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That it~ That all~ RinNiki~ Thank you for coming and reading this long ass post.
It's a funny coincidence that I'm writing this at noon, IT HOT AS HELL HERE! The fan just not fanning so it BURN. But since I won't have enough time if I start writing this post in the afternoon so... it's my fault to blame. ( I wasted 2 days to make this post, all in the noon. My mind has now gone crazy and bees are flying circles over my head )
But anyway, just wanna say, thank you thank you, ILY~
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alcalystrasz · 2 months
I know you've been waiting for it. So... Here's my first theory about Stranger Things 5 :
(No Spoilers, just a theory)
Theory n°1 : Vecna's crazy role this season.
Alright, I'd like to start first with a resume about the 4 lasts seasons. For the three firsts seasons it's kind of my thoughts because Vecna never really explained his role during these three seasons, so I'll try to make it logical.
Season 1 -> Will gets kidnapped into the Upside Down.
If we remember what Vecna said to Nancy in S4, he says he was a sensitive, lonely kid. He was good at drawing, and he always felt different. You know who's EXACTY like that? Yup, Will. So in my opinion, he kidnapped Will in the first place because he was like him. But why keeping him so long without killing him? Because Will's good at hiding? No. We learn in the book about him being in the Upside Down what actually happened to him. He said he tried multiple times to "kill himself" like getting the Demogorgons to eat him, but whenever they got the chance they turned back. So I think Vecna was controlling the Demogorgons in order to not kill Will. He maybe wanted to test him, or keep him here until he could be able to do something with him. Take over him, get inside his body, or other stuff... So then Will's finally saved, but it doesn't end for him.
Season 2 -> Will gets possessed by the Mind Flayer.
So this season, Vecna probably wanted to test Will more, or, this time, to take him in his side, since they have the same personality. So he got the Mind Flayer and sent it to possess Will. However, in the end, Joyce made it to remove the creature from his body. That, of course, made Vecna mad, especially when El closed the gate. But, fortunately for him, it wasn't the end.
Season 3 -> The Flesh Mind Flayer wants to kill Eleven.
Russians opened an other door, which is why he was able to control the Mind Flayer through the Upside Down. Cause if the gate is closed, no more control and the Mind Flayer "dies." Which is what happened at the end of season 3 by the way. But, why willing to Kill El, and not controlling more Mike now? Simple question. She's always changing his plans and that annoys him. So killing her off would be the best to get Will to join him in is...what? Army? Maybe. But she managed to destroy the Mind Flayer, once again, with everyone else this time. That is when Vecna got super mad and finally decided to go in the nature and kill some teenagers. Yeah, let's go Henry!
Season 4 -> Vecna wants to kill Eleven.
Sooooo.... So far, Vecna was not a good master to his puppets (got the ref?), so he decided to be the big master, without puppets this time. We learn in the late season, that the more he kills, the more he becomes stronger, so he's like "Yeah let's go kill, to be come stronger." Logic. So he went down to kill, but not nobody, random teens with past traumas who feel guilt. Chrissy, Fred, Patrick... then El went to fight him, and honestly watching this I was like "Bitch are you nuts he's stronger?" And he, in fact was. The only reason El managed to get out of those vines she was trapped in was with Mike's words (sort of). So she then finally beat the ass out of him and he, of course, got totally BURNED by the fruity three (rip Eddie). But then what? We see he got away with it, he's still alive, and we learn from Will's words (oh weird?) that he's still alive, he's hurt, but he's there. And he doesn't want to kill just El or her friends now, but everyone in Hawkins. So it isn't about saving them anymore but the whole town.
So, now considering all that. Here's finally my theory:
We know Vecna wanted to control or make Will join him in the first two season, and it was logic, cause they're alike, they're sensitive, lonely, they feel different from other people and they're good in arts. During these seasons, Vecna probably wanted to observe and understand Will's behavior in some circumstances. Like what if he gets into this world like Vecna got into? He's traumatized? Oh shit. Well how about his personality changes completely like Vecna. He's also traumatized? Well that's a bummer.
What I'm trying to say is that Will and Vecna are very connected even now. Before, with Will's presence in the Upside Down and true sight, but also now because he also and still feels him behind his neck, like before. He was trying to, small steps by small steps, leading him to join him. And that'd what I want to point out.
I think, Vecna will try to finally make Will join him. BUT, Will, of course, won't accept. So I imagine Vecna putting Will in a sort of transe state, like he did with his four other victims, and maybe show him some moments in his life, that shows how miserable and how sad his life is, and that he'll be way better and stronger if he came with him. But Will will refuse. Why? He may be sensitive, a little naive and sometimes stupid, let's be honest, he's not going to let Vecna take him, because there's one thing that'll make him stay: MIKE FUCKING WHEELER. So I imagine, then Vecna putting his big ass hand on his face and that'll make Will float, just like in season 4 with Max and the other kids. But instead of being killed (cause it's Will, like, bro, come on), he can take a piece of wood or I don't know what but something sharp that he finds. You didn't understand? Let me explain: I imagine this, happen at the exact same place it happened to Max, that's why I said a piece of wood. WHO CARES? SO THEN HE TAKES THAT, AND BOOM, in the eye of Vecna, his left eye to be precise. Why? Don't you remember what Eddie said in his DnD campagne? :
"He's not only missing his left arm, but his LEFT EYE!"
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So that's why I think Will could destroy his left eye, as a foreshadowing to what Eddie said (I mean why not?). Vecna would then be hurt again, and let Will go, but he could try to stop him, but not the same way as Max, nah that was too iconic, we need something more Byers, more Will... more William Byers... he could try to stop him by making him hear horrible things Mike told him, like in the rain fight of season 3, or the Rink O'Mania one... But he'd manage to finally get out of this, with the help of Mike's words also, cause I clearly see Mike talking to him. Maybe even a parallel, to what Will said while he had to get El out of Vecna's tentacles "You're the heart", but this time it is Jonathan Damn Byers who says it to Mike. Like, that'd be banger, just saying.
So what next? I already said he could try to take Will by his side, now what? Remember, in season 4 we learn the more he kills, the more he's strong. So I think, he'll try to get to kill all the characters we know, before killing whole Hawkins. Let me explain:
We know that everytime Vecna kills, he uses people's past trauma, in which they feel guilt. Who has past traumas with guilt? Yeah, almost everyone. So here's a quick resume and explanation of what could happen to almost all the characters.
-Nancy's targeted -> past trauma: Barbara's death -> saved by Steve or Jonathan. So why Steve or Jonathan? They're her two loves, be for real. However I see more Steve than Jonathan, but Jonathan could also be possible so it's between both.
-Jonathan's targeted -> past trauma: Will's disappearance in S1 -> saved by Steve. So why Steve? To show Jonathan that they're not enemies anymore, and that they could totally be friends. But it could also be Dustin, his bestfriend, or Robin, his girl bestfriend. But I have something else for Robin...
-Dustin's targeted -> past trauma: Eddie's death -> saved by Steve or Mike. Steve cause he's his bestfriend, but also why not Mike, because they both knew Eddie, and Mike could help him going through this because he also went through it.
-Lucas's targeted -> past trauma: Max's coma state/death -> saved by Erica. I say /death because we don't know if she will actually survive in season 5...
-Will's targeted -> past trauma: tons. Vecna wants him to join him -> saved by Mike.
So I have atleast 5 people that could be targets of Vecna, as for others... not sure what could happen to them. There's still: Steve, Joyce, Hopper, Murray (lol), Erica, Robin, Mike and Suzie (why not). I know Steve doesn't have past traumas he's feeling guilty for, but that's for another theory, along with Robin. Joyce, Murray and Hopper are adults, not sure they could be targetted. As for Erica and Suzie.... Erica doesn't feel guilty about anything, and she's younger so I think Vecna, has a small heart, and will let her live, and Suzie... it's Suzie... I mean... yeah, I think she's safe. However there are still characters we didn't talk about: Karen, Ted, Holly and the other family members of Lucas and Dustin. We know that the series really centered on the Byers and Wheeler family, but never on the Henderson's or Sinclair. So... there's a reason behind that. But it is for another theory.
So to resume, what is Vecna's crazy role this season? Well he's going to turn into a serial killer, trying to kill atleast 4 of our characters and make 1 try to join his army. But he's also going to do more, such as... destroying the Wheeler's house. I'm not kidding. After seeing a "spoiler" of ST5, that I know isn't real (it was clearly fake cause other stuff were like nonsense), I was like "yo it could be a great idea actually." So I imagined a really dramatic scene where, after his 5 tries, Vecna gets mad and tries to make fall the house of the Wheelers. Why? Maybe because everyone could reunite there and talk about a plan or something, when weird shit started to happen. Because it's a 2/3 years time jump, so the first episode is probably going to be them chilling in Hawkins and at the end, BOOM, Vecna's back bitch. And there he could have the opportunity to kill some people, but truth is... no one will die. They're all going to be saved, because they're all geniuses. But it could be a huge dramatic scene anyway. Or maybe if someone HAS to die, it'd be logic if it was either Karen, either Ted, or either Holl- nah just kidding. If one of the parents die, it could create a trauma for Mike, but that's for again, an other theory.
So what's next for Vecna? Honestly, if the Dragon we got foreshadowed since season 1 happens... I think Vecna's role won't be really interesting, so I keep my s5 vision without any Dragon. But I do see him trying to kill, so target, a lot of our characters...
That wasn't the best of my theories though. But, more theories soon, some better and cooler, but as for now, tell me what you think about this one, in the comments or as reblogs!
Thanks for reading all that by the way <3
...I probably am going to add more in this post, if I think about it, but I think I said everything I have to say...
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atomicc · 4 months
Hold on time to be an annoying (epic) fan ok listen
King Peppy isn't Evil. He's weird and misguided and does things he shouldn't but he's not outright malicious or evil. His way of ruling is a sort of "we don't talk about negatives and only focus on good things" which causes him to hide a lot of major shit and run from conflict because confronting it would inevitably make people sad. Which its ok to be sad and confront those feelings, that's the whole plot of the first movie, obviously. But you gotta look at it like this. Why would he rule like that? Maybe because his people were stuck in a very scary and negative situation they couldn't escape? It seems like the entire time he was king the pop trolls were trapped by the bergens and knew that inevitably they would all get eaten. And there really wasn't much they could do about it except work on an escape in secret which would take a lot of time. Makes sense for him to sort of only want to bring the moods of his people up instead of focusing on the horrible things happening to them, creating this sort of happy thoughts only community. Which worked at the time! It wasn't living, it was surviving. And now that he's out of that situation he hasn't adapted to their new lifestyle and hasn't taken time to actually confront his problems instead of just ignoring them. Maybe I'm reaching but idc it makes sense. Trolls is very much about characters having major issues due to circumstances and trauma and doing bad things because of them having to work through those issues and become better people. Sometimes trauma makes you do bad things in the name of survival. I don't think Peppy was being malicious by not talking about Viva, or any of the other lost trolls. Why would he do that out of malice, what would he have to gain? It was pretty much explicitly stated in the movie that it was out of avoidance. Again, not a good thing to do, but it wasn't to harm anyone around him. Viva and Peppy are both similar in that way, avoiding problems instead of confronting them, and honestly so was all of pop village until Branch showed that having negative feelings isn't the problem. I'm glad they are showing that Poppy is trying to get people to talk about those negative feelings in a healthy way instead of letting them consume you or just ignoring them.
Idk thinking about things this way is good. It's good to understand that sometimes mental health problems makes you do bad things without intending to. But it's also good to recognize when you're doing that and do something to prevent it from happening again. Be patient with people who are hurting but stand your ground. Idk something something about mental illness not always being cute and marketable. But also King Peppy only hid stuff from Poppy because the writers wanted a reason for there to be more stuff without people being like "errmm plot hole!"
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viburnt · 3 months
Hellooo ! Can you write about bakugou being our bully since we were kids?? Loveur contect!
Heya! Anon, you didn't give me more specifics so I went with the "boys are mean when they like you" route. Hope you like this~
CW: Bullying, emotional manipulation, threats, coercion, angst, dark content
Childhood bully Bakugo
There has to be a reason for Bakugo to bully you since kids although, to be fair, anything could've triggered that reaction from him. Quirkless? Chasing after a big dream? Perhaps you are better on something he is not. Or maybe people likes you more! Whatever the reason is, Bakugo's grip on you gets progressively worse with time, not as bad as Deku's dynamic with him, but still.
Bakugo's mom likes you a lot, by the way; she always encouraged you to play with his sonny. If only she knew...
As a kid, Bakugo would tend to pull your hair whenever you were too happy about something, sometimes sticking gum to it so you'd have a hard time later. Something about your smile made him feel...weird, and don't get me started with your laughter. He also disliked how much adults and classmates praised you when you did a good job. Why? Because he's supposed to be the best! So if it was him who did good and got praised, he'd look at you with the most smug smile a kid can make and start saying things like "See? That's how you do it! Maybe learn."
Sometimes, just sometimes, he'd be a little bit nicer, scaring away other bullies that would annoy you. Your tiny brain couldn't understand why, so you'd only thank him and scurry away.
Don't get me started with Deku. If you had a nice friendship with Izuku as a kid, Bakugo used that as an excuse to be even more mean to you. "Friend of a loser is also a loser". Besides, he hates seeing you with the freckled boy, even after growing up. The blond can't pin point what bothers him so much about it, but he truly wants to vanish Deku with his own hands whenever you chitchat with him. He'd tease the greenette telling him he was your boyfriend of sorts, but he stopped once he realized Izuku actually liked you. It angered him to know that, getting rough with you.
Teen years of course allowed you to be more adventurous, and while you may have changed a lot, Bakugo was still the same prick to you and Izuku. How Bakugo behaves depends on your personality: if you allow him to bend you until you break, he'll do, just like how he did with Izuku. If you don't get bothered anymore by his antics, he'll retaliate. The only way you had to reduce his antics was to fight back. Mitsuki, Bakugo's mom, always asked why you stopped visiting; you never had the guts to tell her.
Highschool was an odd period for you an Izuku, but not weirder than your time in UA. Bakugo would hang out with his "friends" and annoy you in every given chance. Low grades? He had better ones. High grades? You were such a nerd. Trying to make new friends? He'd scare them away from you because he hated the idea of someone else being with you. Bakugo was the dragon of your tower, scorching any possibility of running away.
If you had the balls to stand up for yourself and Izuku, he'd get pissy. "How dare you talk back to me?" But he wouldn't do more than yelling. It's weakness that makes him worse, being passive triggers a violent response from him because "Why are you not paying attention?" He'd hide your stuff, throw out your books, write things on your desk. He wanted a reaction. Bakugo needs to know he is getting through you, he needs to know he is on top of you and owns you.
The beginning of your stay at UA was a bit scary, specially because Bakugo's behavior got amplified by the opportunity of being "the best". He was already angry that Izuku managed to get in (it surprised you too, honestly, but were happy for him), so you getting in too was a plus. Izuku and you were still very close because of your shared experience with the blond, both of you wary of the reality. Bakugo despised the way you'd protect and take care of Deku, to the point where he warned you that if you continued, you'd make it worse for Izuku. Low-key coerces you to bully Izuku because otherwise he'd do something bad to him, and you knew what he was capable of.
There's a high chance that Bakugo bullies you because he can't bear how you make him feel, but that's another story. Overall, Bakugo is the kind of bully that isolates you from others and hates when you're doing good. The kind of bully that enjoys making you scares because it's the only form he has to get to you, living rent free in your head like a nightmare. He low-key accepted that it didn't matter if he was a monster, he'd be your monster. A vice grip you wouldn't get rid of.
You stand in front of Izuku's desk, hot salty tears rolling down your cheeks as Bakugo holds out a permanent marker for you to take. "What are you waiting for? Do it!" The blond yells, growing impatient as you shake your head. "I'm gonna beat him to a pulp if you don't do it, is that what you want?" He laughs, hearing you sob.
Bakugo wanted you to write mean things for Deku to see, so that Izuku could see how much control he had over you.
"Please, don't make me do it!" You cry, hugging yourself in fear. Katsuki grunts, yanking the cap of the marker and approaching you. The black tip of the tool reaches your face, his hand scribbling something.
"Don't wash it, or else..."
Tags: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot @imaginationmess @shionancientsblog @trickster-kat
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~ Chapter 6. 02 ~
I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes and how poorly written this fanfic is. English is not my first language and together with my dyslexia ass things can go wrong I'm sorry.
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I lean my head against the wall letting out a sigh. I need to be alone, after what Ji-su told me earlier today.
I hadn't seen Miss Im yesterday evening. The kids and Mister Han were okay and here, but she wasn't. I wanted to ask Ji-su or Jae-heon about it, but they were both already asleep when I came back from guarding the door.
In fact, everyone was already asleep except Eun-hyuk, Jae-hwan who had to go take over guard duty from me, and Sang-Wook.
I think.
I hadn't seen them sleeping with the others, but he didn't seem the type to sleep among them. My best guess is that he's somewhere on the first floor sleeping.
I didn't want to sleep now. I was tired of everything that had happened, but I was scared I would have a nightmare again.
So I just sat in the hallway all night. I finally found Ji-su the next morning. Her face changed when I mentioned Miss Im and asked where she was.
She was hesitant to tell me, but eventually, she did. She had turned. When we went downstairs she had turned in the bathroom. Ji-su told me that she didn't hurt anyone and that she was actually harmless to others.
I could feel myself choking up while my eyes began to burn from the tears that wanted to come out. I wanted to know more.
I wanted to know what happened and if she wasn't in pain, but looking at Ji-su I could tell that she didn't know much as well.
The only ones I could ask were Mister Han, Hyun-su, or the kids. I didn't want to ask the kids. I don't even think they let them see her.
Mister Han was busy making sure every entrance was secure and safe, so I didn't have to change to ask him. The only one who was left was Hyun-su, but he had left this morning to go upstairs.
Just like me, it seemed like he didn't sleep well or at all. I wanted to yell at Eun-hyuk to give him a break, but that would change nothing, so I just gave him a death glare when he looked at me.
I began to even get more angry when I found out that the residents gave him more work. They had given him a list of things that he had to bring with him when he came downstairs.
So not only is he risking his life for supplies so that we could survive, but now he's also risking his life for stupid shit.
After watching the door close behind Hyun-su I needed a break from everyone or it wouldn't end well for any of us.
“So this is the place you have been hiding.”
I looked up and saw Eun-yu standing in the closet doorway.
I shrug my shoulders before speaking up.
“It’s better for everyone if I sleep here. I don’t want to annoy anyone by waking them up if I have a nightmare.”
I asked Eun-hyuk if I could stay here at night. Like I explained to Eun-yu I told him that I don’t want to scream everyone awake. I know that they didn’t know about my nightmares, but I rather tell them than if they have to find out when I actually scream at night.
“I got scolded at when I wanted to sleep somewhere else,” Eun-yu said with a sigh before sitting down next to me.
It’s not like I’m having a room for myself. This was just a little walk-in closet that had some stuff in it. It had enough space for me to lay in, but that’s it.
"Why do you have that 'I'm angry.' look on your face?"
I look at Eun-yu with from brows.
"What are you talking about?"
She sat down beside me before answering.
"You always had that look on your face when someone makes you angry and you want to kill them." I rolled my eyes letting out a sigh.
"Because I am angry and want to kill people."
She nodded her head looking away from me.
"Is one of those people my brother?"
I looked at her with an 'are you kidding me look.'
"Don't look at me like that. You have my blessing to kill him though. Besides I understand why you would want to."
I pressed my lips together debating if she was serious or not about killing him, but I don't think she really wanted that.
"Yes," I answer looking back outside.
I felt her move beside me before answering.
"What?" She asked confused.
"Yes, your brother is one of them."
I could hear her click her tongue, but it was silent after that. Which was odd for Lee Eun-yu. I looked at her to see what she was doing, but she was just looking in front of her. I could see on her face that she was in deep thought.
I wanted to open my mouth to ask her what was bothering her when she beat me to it.
"So, are we gonna talk about those pictures?"
I turn to her surprised that she brought up those pictures. Only Sang-Wook and Eun-hyuk had seen them.
"How do you know about those?" I whisper.
"I found them in the office. I wanted to ask my brother about them thinking that they were his, but seeing that they were taking like the person was hiding while taking them I don't think my brother took them." She explains looking intensely at me and making me look away.
She is right about the hiding part.
"Besides my brother is maybe weird, but not this weird."
A little laugh escaped my lips before I shook my head looking at her.
"It wasn't him." I pause for a second letting out a sigh.
"It was Yoon-jae. He took them."
"That creep from 802?! I know that he was a pervert. That explains why that gangster killed him. I knew he had a good reason." She spoke looking away from me to think.
"That was not the only reason he killed him. There were pictures of little girls." A grimacing expression appeared on her face when those words left my mouth.
"Some were just normal pictures but others were them beaten up, tortured, and dead. He killed those innocent kids. I don't know how Sang-wook knew, but he did."
I wanted to talk with Sang-wook about it and thank him for what he did, but I hadn't seen him. Also, I don't know if he even wants to talk about it or me. He doesn't seem the person to talk much
"I took this from the security room. I didn't know if you would have wanted this or not. I had thought that maybe you would have wanted to destroy them yourself." Eun-yu took the pictures out, handing them to me after that she stood leaving me alone to think.
It felt wrong to hold them and I wanted to rip them apart or burn them the moment I had a chance.
Nevertheless, looking at them now I don't want to destroy them all.
The pictures of me with other people I actually wanted to keep. In times like this everyone can die in just a snap of a finger, so why would I throw something away that would remind me of them?
Besides the pictures of Eun-yu and the kids, there were also pictures of me with Miss An at the store. She was smiling at me while I gave her one of her favorite foods I had gotten from my job.
She didn't always have the chance to eat it because of her husband, so when she mentioned it one time I knew I had to get her some from my job.
In another picture, it was Ji-Su and I coming back from work with our guitar and bass cases on our backs and some takeout in our hands.
Even though it was late and we were exhausted we were still smiling.
Another picture showed me and Eun-hyuk talking while waiting on the elevator. Then there was a picture of me standing in front of Mister Han at his doorway. I must have probably helped him by bringing some stuff to his apartment.
All those pictures actually made me smile. The time I had lived here was the best time of my life. It doesn't seem much or just ordinary to everybody else, but for me, it was peaceful and I was genuinely happy for the first time in my life.
It's just sad that it didn't last long.
My smile disappeared when I took the next pictures. It was a picture of Miss Im. She had just come back from a walk with her so-called baby when I came back from the store.
We began to talk while we walked to the elevator. My finger moved over her face and I could feel a tear running down my cheek.
I didn't have much time to grieve when the sound of a whistle came from somewhere on the floor. After putting the photos in the pocket of my dress I jump up taking my axe from beside me.
Eun-hyuk had told me I needed to carry it around with me just in case something happened. When I came around the corner I saw Eun-hyuk running out of the security office with a bat and the others were standing all together on the other side.
I moved forward trying to get a glimpse of whatever the monster was. Slowly, a long-haired look figure came from around the corner. It was moaning and groaning, but it didn't seem like a threat to me.
Sang-Wook was about to take a step forward when Miss An stopped him.
"It's my husband. I have to do this." She walked toward him with the steel pipe tightly in her hands.
"Pull yourself together, Kim Seok-Hyeon." It was the first time I heard that tone in her voice.
She wasn't afraid of him like she was before.
"Kim Seok-Hyeon"
Her voice was louder than before when he came closer and closer.
"Pull yourself together!" She now yelled before swinging the steel pip at him.
For a second I thought that it didn't affect him, even when that horrible sound went through me when the pip made contact with his head.
It did stop him from moving.
"You're back." Her voice sounded cold and without any regret from hitting him.
"Do you have any last words?" I could hear him breathing hard, but after a while, a voice came through the mop of hair.
"Please kill me. And."
It took him a second to say it and the word that came out of his mouth was a surprise and one I had never heard him say before.
"I'm sorry."
Miss An. Let out a cry before swinging the pip down at him. This time it did hurt him. A shiver ran down my spine when I could hear it go through his head.
Even when he fell down on the floor Miss An didn't stop. I had seen and heard a lot of horrid things these past couple of days, but for some reason, a chill ran up my spine when I heard her hitting him.
At some point, I had closed my eyes turning my head to the side. She's killing her husband. Yes, he was a horrible person who deserved to die like this, but still, it made me think.
If I could end up like this in the future. Just because I have some control of it now doesn't mean I will forever.
Just yesterday I attacked Eun-hyuk without actually trying or realizing it. Could the people here easily kill me as Miss An could kill him?
Would it be one of the residents of don't really care about me? Or Eun-hyuk, he is serious about protecting everyone, so would it be easy for him to kill me?
If they really had to would Ji-su or Jae-heon do it?
Mister Han?
The kids?
Or Hyun-su....
Would he kill me if they asked him?
Or.... Could I kill him if he turned and hurt someone?
'I can guarantee they will kill you the first moment they have a chance." My hands turned into fists when I heard the voice again in my head.
Shut up.
'Just wait and see. They are just the same as the people in the orphanage. Only thinking about their own wishes and desires without caring who gets hurt in the process.'
I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt someone brushing past me making me open my eyes.
To my surprise, Hyun-su had returned.
He was looking down at the scene just as intently as I was.
Is he thinking the same things as me?
My eyes followed his figure while he wobbled back to the room. To be locked up and alone.
Previous Chapter ~ Next Chapter
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ifthiswingscouldfly · 2 years
What type of girls do ikevamp boys fell for?
Okay so this post will be just my pov for each one of the boys
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- Comte's mansion -
Napoleon Bonaparte
- He wouldn't admit that but he is into funny girls. Like each time you throw a joke and how you try to make everyone laugh make him wonder how girls in 21st century changed a lot especially that women in his time wasn't allowed to laugh out loud or giggle because it was disrespectful.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- He is into honest girls. That type of girls who are mature enough and she don't know how to hide secrets from him. He find them really attractive. Every time you open your mouth to say your opinion without being afraid of people judging you can make him fell over heels for you.
Leonardo Da Vinci
- I can tell that he is really into womanly girls. Physically, emotionally and mentally. He is not into over cutie girls or girls who are faking there personalities to get a like from other people. A girl who have a curvy body, warm color pallette, and kind enough to make him forget what he has been through.
Arthur Conan Doyle
- This is kinda hilarious but he is into reserved girls and mysterious girls. Both of them seems to hide a lot of secrets.They both can stimulate him for the game of hide and seek. if the girl is a hard worker this would be a plus A for him.
Vincent Van Gogh
- Artsy girls with a childish features. He isn't into bruh girls or over cute girls he just want a girl who can give him many interesting ideas for his portraits. I can see that he can appreciate any type of girls.
Theodorus Van Gogh
- Obedient girls with dependent personality. He is a very traditional man when it comes to being committed to a woman. So, he is really into those girls who need a man that will control and plan all their life till the very end.
Dazai Osamu
- Supportive girls. The one's who don't really pressure him to talk about his past and tragic life. A girl who can understand him and listen to him and support him. He is really sad and depressed most of the time but he hide this well. Also he admires honesty as well.
Isaac Newton
- Motherly girls are the best. They're supportive, kind, patient and loyal. He spent all his life searching for a warm body to cuddle with. And how happy he would be when he find that type of girl.
Jean D'arc
- He is into bubbly girls. And he actually wondered how he like them. A girl with a bright personality can be a huge turn on for Jean. He lived in the shades most of his life and he need a person who can show him the right path by changing his view to the world.
William Shakespeare
- Talented girls are his thing. When he discover your ability to sing, dance, draw, swim, create he would be turned on by that. Also he can be fascinated by girls who can do the multitasking thing. He is really into this stuff. Can't help himself when you're around.
Le Comte De saint Germain
- Okay, there's a ton of blogs that wrote about comte liking strong girls but I think he is really into femme fatale women. The way they're independent, bossy, strong and serious are actually a major turn on for him. Just act bossy and he will be on his knees waiting for your orders.
Sebastian/ Akihiko satou
- Classy girls are his type. They're confident, supportive and serious. He is into girls who think and act their age with morality and wisdom. He can't stand annoying girls or dependent girls or girls with childish behaviors because he is looking for a partner not to babysitting them.
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- Vlad's mansion -
- Feminine girl can help him to see the world in a different view. A girl that enjoys little things in life with a huge smile on her face. This type of girls can make him want to protect her and watch over her always.
Charles-Henri Sanson
- He is into serious girls. He wonder himself why he love them. They just keep him on the ground and motivate him when he feel low. Charles character and a serious girl can make a balanced combination in this relationship.
Johann Georg Faust
- He love to feel smart and confident anywhere and any time. So, he like clumsy girls. They're warm and can give him a free affection whenever he wish. Also he really like the empty stupid look on their faces whenever he say something so scientific.
I hope you liked my post❤. Feel free to reblog my posts. And follow me for more🤍.
- Lots of love
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existential-labrador · 11 months
I’ve been thinking a lot about Ted going home and about how he was in the last episode and really trying to understand it. And I think I do now. (Not trying to upset anyone here, sorry if it does, this has just been my processing journey.)
I think it does come back to that idea of him being at peace for me. When I really look back at this season I think, yeah, okay, he’s not been happy, he’s not been himself, he has felt lost. There was that whole scene about the North star early on, I have to accept that Henry, of course, is Ted’s North star.
I’ve also been thinking a lot about my feelings that Ted is going backwards or that he wouldn’t be happy back home but have come to different conclusions now. Firstly, I don’t think he would get back with Michelle, so I’m feeling happier about that.
Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, Ted may be going backwards in terms of location, but he is absolutely not the same person he was when he left Kansas. The show was always about bad fathers right - I know that’s not all it was about - but Ted being a father is such a huge part of who he is and his purpose and meaning and happiness in life. The journey he has been on will allow him to be the father he wants to be which is what will make him happy. I think we’ve been saying the phrase ‘I know he wants to be with his Son but’ a lot, well, I think Ted is one of those people (I hear they actually exist) that considers his child to be his world. To Ted, Henry is not just part of his life, he is his life. I think bearing all of that in mind, it makes absolute sense for him to go home and that he’d be at peace with the decision. I’m not saying Ted isn’t a person outside of Fatherhood, I just think for him this makes sense.
But I’ve also been thinking a lot about the idea that Ted wouldn’t be happy back home and I know this is one I felt strongly about before. But actually, Ted’s healing and growth will allow him to have a healthy relationship with Michelle and be able to co-parent Henry the way he would like. I do think with Dr Jacob out of the picture their relationship could be positive and healthy again (absolutely in a non romantic way!)
I also think it’s easy to tell ourselves Ted wasn’t happy in Kansas but…we don’t actually know that. His marriage was breaking down yes, and obviously his relationship with his Mum is difficult, but he has done so much healing around both of those things and has faced demons and struggles that were internal, regardless of where he was living. He has grown so much.
Outside of that, we don’t know much about his life in Kansas. We don’t know how happy he was there, what his friends and community were like, that stuff may all be amazing and stuff he’s missed. We know how much he’s missed home, we were repeatedly shown this, and not just Henry, his home. Kansas. Remember, Ted left to give Michelle space (and I would say also out of fear around getting close to Henry and all of those things he was running/hiding from) but he probably hadn’t planned to leave before he got that job offer. I’m not sure he wanted to leave. That job offer turned out to be what he needed at the time, but perhaps not what he wanted (to link it back to the song.)
Before I kept thinking about Richmond as the right home for Ted and where he belongs. But when I really think about and look deeper, was it? It was a form of home for him, yes. But did he ever truly settle? I think his accommodation would suggest not.
I’ve also been thinking about the stuff we wouldn’t have seen, the stuff offscreen. How many nights did Ted have dinner alone when Beard was with Jane? How many times did Ted feel lost and out of place when he wasn’t busy working?
I was thinking about the 12 texts and 3 un haha’d gifs whilst feeling annoyed about Tedbecca. But coupling it with her being with Dutch guy (still not okay with this but it’s the choice they made) I wonder if the unanswered texts were designed to show that Ted was feeling a bit left behind and that everyone else was moving on. Think about that night in Amsterdam, he ended up alone because everyone else was busy with their lives and he was drawn to and sought comfort in things that reminded him of home.
I also think there’s a lot to be said for the idea of Ted being needed. He is one of those people that needs to be needed. I guess the Mary Poppins line makes sense to me in this respect, when her work is done and when she isn’t needed any longer, even though people may want her to stay, it’s time to move on.
Ted did all he could for Richmond. He helped those people become the best versions of themselves. They were able to and will still be able to live by the Lasso/Richmond way whether he’s there or not. And I think this is one of the reasons he took a backseat role this season.
I keep thinking, if Ted stayed, but Tedbecca didn’t happen - which clearly the writers never wanted it to - how would his life look? Sure he’d hang out with people and have good times, but they’d all have their own lives and he wouldn’t feel like they really needed him. He would probably still feel alone a lot of the time.
So is that any different to Kansas? He probably has a community and friends there we don’t know about. And sure, he’d feel lonely at times, but perhaps no more than in Richmond, and in Kansas he would be needed by Henry and being able to be the Dad he wants to be. It makes so much sense to me now.
Ignoring Rebecca and soulmates for a second, in terms of everyone else in Richmond, I think it’s easy for us to think Richmond is the first time and place Ted has made these kind of connections with people. But again, like Mary Poppins, we don’t get to see the lives Ted has already touched and will continue to touch. He’s Ted Lasso, I have no doubt he has countless people that he has connected with back home and anywhere he has been for that matter.
In terms of Beard, Brendan Hunt said on the reddit Q&A that Beard and Ted would have had stages of being in and out of each other’s lives. I always assumed Beard had always been around before they came to Richmond, but maybe he wasn’t a regular part of Ted’s life in Kansas so Ted wouldn’t feel bereft of that when he leaves. That’s what I took from that so in that respect, I’m okay.
And obviously, all of this would be different if Tedbecca had happened. That’s a whole other kettle of fish. Obviously I still wish that had happened and believe it should have. But if the writers were never gonna do that, then it would have been sad for Ted to stay. Yes, they would still have been platonic soulmates, but that wouldn’t have been enough for either of them to be personally fulfilled.
Plus, even with Ted gone, people connected like that, soulmates, they will always be in each other’s lives. It’ll just look different now, but I don’t for a second believe Rebecca won’t see Ted again. They’ll probably still talk regularly and visit one another, even if we never see that! He’s not actually Mary Poppins, gone forever!
I still wish he and Rebecca had had a better goodbye and more screen time, but I do think when it comes to that scene in the stands, Ted knew that Rebecca doesn’t actually need him to be okay and to be a boss ass bitch, even though she felt like she did. And he knew she’d come to understand that, so he didn’t need to say anything. I still would have liked more to be said between them but hey.
So yeah, in terms of Ted leaving (some unfulfilled goodbyes aside) I feel at peace. And I think his behaviour in that finale was because he finally felt at peace too.
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4awny · 7 months
Sp Study Headcanons that literally nobody somebody asked for:
actually listens and pays attention in class
but literally cannot study at all if cartman is there
would rather race cars and start fires than study
easily distracted
is kind of 🤷🏼‍♂️ whatever when its exam day
legs spread as far out from the desk as possible
likes to watch other people stress out from the back row
grade? B. people under estimate him
disgustingly prepared
gets stressed out a lot tho
like when people won't shut up
therefore prefers to study alone
the closer he is to the final exam > the more moody he gets
permanent 😠 face
blames cartman for distracting him
i mean yeah. he does that a lot tbf
is up all night studying despite knowing sleep is just as important
fear of failure maybe?
OK I could go on here
grade? A. predictable. the hard work paid off
doubts himself the whole time
king of procrastination
not completely his fault, always busy doing shit for ppl
thinks he's totally prepared
opens up the first page of the exam paper
immediately forgets everything he ever knew
🤯 lost af
oh wait he does know something
comes out feeling like he let himself down
grade? C. all gd my guy
this kid will not acknowledge an exam until the day before
then panics like hell
and kyle told him so too
looks over to each friend as if to say HELP ME when everybody opens their paper
obviously no one helps him lol
like? man should have listened
cannot concentrate, thoughts racing, over thinking
leads to inner meltdown
struggles to submit anything worth a pass due to the stress
acts like it was the easiest exam of his life
OK enough lore
grade D. just about.
surprisingly good with numbers
brings a pencil sharpener into the exam hall
and like 4 extra pencils too
is pretty confident
real cocky too. smug is the word
bc he the only mf to actually enjoy exams
looks over at cartman with a 👍🏻
gets a 🖕🏼 in return
grade B+. kid is no dumbass
should probably try harder
doesn't even care about grades
kinda does actually
"let's just get this over with" as he rolls up to the exam hall with his hands in his pockets
pretty average student
writes 'fuck knows' for questions he doesn't know
having good common sense helped him massively
grade? B. nobody knows how he managed it either. mystery
a lot of pencil tapping
relies on a lot of caffeine
sweaty palms
forever looking around at other people
reads the question 10 times
then 10 more times
still doesn't understand so writes nothing.
goes back to the 1st question halfway through
adds ???? next to his answers
doctors handwriting. barely readable.
grade? it's a D. rip
"test? what test?"
moderately studies...
for the wrong exam
writes notes on his hand before the final
chews gum throughout
It annoys tweek, who can hear it from 14 seats back
always the first to finish
because finishing first means he's better than everyone else
spends the next half hour doodling circles all over the desk
only cares about the party afterwards anyways
grade?? big fat FAIL
actually knows his stuff, bc he covered literally everything
apart from that 1 subject, but he didn't care about it anyway
reads a lot of books, loves literature
sleeps well, eats well
helps his mind combat pre-exam stress
feels pretty confident on exam day, but hides it well
doesn't want his friends to think he's a nerd or anything...
Grade? A+++++. total NERD
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ryuichirou · 1 year
What's with that adorable sassy little lost child? 😂 Any headcanons for our lil prodigy?
I’m pretty late with this reply, but we got this ask right after we posted a sketch of little Idia, the one that we sketched when we found out that Toboso initially wanted to make him a child prodigy… what an adorable sassy little lost child he is 😭
I’m glad you liked him, Anon! The moment we read that, the image of that cheeky boy appeared before me so brightly and clearly, like, we know exactly what type of a character he would be. Absolutely insufferable in the best way possible! Not so different from Idia as we know him though lol
Oh the headcanons, the headcanons! I do have a couple of thoughts when I look at him, so, here they are.
He is as annoying as regular Idia, sometimes even more-so because he’s a brat, but at the end of the day he is an antisocial shy kid. So if you don’t know better, you might even think that he is cute. But then he opens his mouth…
Idia doesn’t consider himself a kid, he believes that he is even more mature than some of the older kids; he is definitely smarter than them, that’s for sure. But at the same time he can still pull a “why are you being mean to a child, how could you” card whenever it’s beneficial to him.
Ortho carries him around a lot, and sometimes Idia piggybacks on him; in general he is lazier about moving around than his lanky 18 y.o. self. Why not let Ortho do that? He doesn’t mind. It also lets Idia be taller than people he’s talking to. And get away quickly and easily when they get mad at him lol
Adult Idia would cringe very hard if he saw a younger version of himself. A younger Idia would also die of cringe is he saw an adult Idia. They would be horrible to each other…
His taste is almost the same as his 18 y.o. self’s, and he’s seen a lot of the stuff he probably shouldn’t have seen at his age; he’s never had anyone restrict what he’s doing on the internet, so you can’t really shock him with anything. But he is not very interested in the “adult world” of 18+ content.
Despite being a snarky smart-ass and a resident of the anonymous boards who is in his edgy “everyone’s stupid” phase, he is still a bit naïve, especially when it comes to actually genuinely talking to people instead of either trolling them or hiding from them.
He is small, but not super small, it’s just that he’s slouching and stuff. He’ll definitely get taller than Riddle pretty quickly and be very smug about it. God, his relationship with Riddle is probably even worse in this universe…
The tweels are even more terrifying to him than usual, because they are waaaay too tall for his liking, and are way into chasing him. Floyd especially, he chases Idia around a lot, pretty much every time he sees him, because he looks cute and funny when he tries to get away from Floyd. Another reason for Idia to always have Ortho around to pick him up and fly away.
Jade teases Idia a lot and says stuff like “Idia-san, why are you misbehaving, aren’t you our senpai? Shouldn’t you set the example for your underclassmen?”, which irritates Idia a lot. Idia also hates the fact that Jade (and Azul) call him with this honorific, because it always sounds like they are mocking him, especially Jade.
Azul plays boardgames with Idia in this universe too, and he tries very hard to befriend him. He believes that Idia is going to be easy to manipulate because he is younger and more naïve, but it’s not that easy: Idia sees through his bullshit and sees his schemes.
Whenever they play, Azul either complains that Idia is “too childish, but well, he is a child so it’s understandable”, or complains that Idia is “way too smart for his age, but he’s a prodigy, so it’s understandable”. Deep inside, playing chess with a kid younger than him (even though they’re not that different in age) pisses Azul off, he feels foolish when he loses, but if you were to tease him for that, he’d instantly say that it’s an honor to play with Idia-san, who is a such a bright young genius.
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loganscyangutspill · 8 months
Just gotta say, love your fic and love your art 💞 Sooo what do you think about Michael being shy about his face without a mask?🫣
Thank you! And I do have some headcanons about that!
The short version is that I think Michael is not as much shy about his face but more so he feels exposed with nothing obscuring it.
The longer version...
You could call Michael shy about his face but he is well aware that look wise he has nothing to be embarrassed about. His dislike in showing his face comes more from not liking to show his emotions to others.
(And yes I think Michael does express and experience emotions a fair bit! But due to his life experience he doesn't like to admit and show that to others.)
I believe it began early in his childhood and was only re-enforced by dr. Loomis later on. Michael is not very expressive by nature overall and from early on he could be considered very emotionless child. The little reactions that he did show were quickly pointed out by family and friends and those situations made him feel somewhat exposed and only made him shut in himself more.
(You know how parents can be annoying sometimes saying things like: "Look who decided to join us for dinner! Look who finally got out of their room!" and how that only makes kids want to isolate themselves even more...)
After him killing his sister and ending up at Loomis's care, the doctor was no better than his family. He was taking even the slightest glimpse of Michael's "humanity" as something worth documenting and paying close attention to. That only made Michael's actually really normal expression of emotions feel like something unwanted. Getting any reaction out of Michael was an achievement for Loomis and he made it show, unknowingly only discouraging Michael in the process.
And Micheal was like... fuck that dude. No satisfaction for you. You are not getting anything form me, dipshit. >: I
(I'm a big fan of Loomis doing more bad than good in his time of caring for Michael and only screwing him up more lol)
All of that made Michael instinctively feel like showing any expressions was letting other people win somehow. Like it showed some kind of weeknes that he didn't know how to use but others knew... All of that extended to talking too. He could stab them, make them bleed, screem and die... but they had words sharper than knifes that he didn't know how to properly use. His silence and stoicism was his shield and he held onto it tight.
And over the years he stopped really caring about this stuff as much. People around him were still annoying but It all became a buzz in his head and his expressionless way of being just became part of him. He was no longer forcing himself in any way and no longer had to hide his emotions as he stopped feeling much of them anymore.
And so the already quite expressionless kid became almost completely emotionless adult...
And I say almost because he is like that without a mask but... Having it on gives him comfort of not having to pay any mind if someone is looking or not. If his face is showing something or not. And so he lets loose. And please mind that even if he is more relaxed with his mask on and does show some emotions under it... they are at this point still very subtle and almost unnoticeable in most cases... He is naturally less expensive, just his experience pushed it to the extreme and some actual evil shit also added to it. (There is some evil within that boy after all)
And like come on... I know that in the movies they say Michael is completely expressionless but in that scene as a kid he looks fucking scared??? And when Laurie gets his mask off he looked so shocked??? Like it only makes sense to me that he hides his face because he is embarrassed in a way of showing that he might feel anything and he doesn't want to give other people the satisfaction of seeing that part of him... I didn't understand the whole Loomis talk about finding a kid with no expression in his eyes like... did we all see the same scene? The kid was in shock istg 😭
Anyway... sorry for ranting. I don't know if I put my thoughts in coherent enough words but I hope it was at least an interesting read~
It's really one of my main interpretation of the reasons for him wearing the mask but all the others I had a chance to read were also really cool! Like after all its just a personal headcanon and everyone has their own uwu
Also have a little pretty boy Michael as a reward for getting to the end of this post!
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siren-of-agony · 4 months
Still not over that awesome possessive whumper piece of yours so here's another one . A whumper has let their whumpee be free for some time for whatever reason , but oh no they aren't able to reach them . They barge into whumpee's house and no sign of whumpee. Did another whumper take them perhaps 👀👀👀
Hi! It’s been 2 years since I got this request and I have now accepted that I will never actually write it-write it. But I need you to know that back when I got this ask, I spent multiple hours being incredibly unhinged w my love @for-the-love-of-angst and outlined this whole thing. So I‘m very sorry you’ll never get the full thing, here is what we had planned, a bit cleaned up
There are honestly no warnings because this is a literal Hallmark movie. Well, maybe pet whump if you squint very hard?
A Christmas Reunion
Establishing shot. A McMansion, absolutely decked out in kitsch christmas decoration. Snow is drifting lazily in front of a big window we zoom in toward. Through it, we enter a large living room, warm and cozy, with large couches in a u-formation. On the sides sit people of every age, including some children. On the middle couch, an old couple, maybe in their seventies, close together, holding hands, smiling at their family. At their feet, a person not much younger, their hands and ankles bound in what looks like Christmas wreaths. They seem annoyed. Child 1: Grandpa, Grandpa, will you tell us the story again? Of how Cinnamon saved Christmas and this family?
Grandpa Henry: Oh but I’ve told that every year, isn’t it getting boring?
Grandma Violet: I was there and I still want to hear it again! It’s a great story, Henry, love, let's not break tradition!
GH: All right, fine, fine. There was a time when my Violet and I didn’t get along quite as well as we do now-adays. We had been married for a few years, but we were fighting so often. We had made the decision to maybe spend some time apart, but couldn’t quite agree who our lovely Cinnamon would spend their time with.
We focus on GH free hand, reaching towards the hair of the person sitting in front of him. We see Cinnamon’s hair being pet, the annoyed expression on their face. A dreamlike rippling filter across the picture. We are entering a
FLASHBACK Another, slightly smaller McMansion. Movers are carrying boxes and furniture outside. A car drives up, parks haphazardly, and a Young Henry gets out, in a business suit, with a business bag, business hair. We understand: YH works too much and is never home. He is important in the field of business.
He runs towards the house and stops one of the movers.
YH: What are you doing in my house? With my furniture?
Mover: Your ex-wife gave us the official court documents. You should have gotten them, too. Didn’t your lawyer contact you to inform you we’d come over today?
YH curses. His lawyer had tried to call him, but he’d been too busy doing business.
YH enters his house. He ignores his stuff being carried out, making his way directly to a door with a small window, but he starts to unlock it without looking through. With a start, he realizes the door is unlocked already. He steps through the door. We see a nice room, cozily decorated. The big window has no unlocking mechanism. From the inside, the door has no handle, only a keyhole. YH looks around frantically. The room is empty. He unlocks his phone and calls somebody.
YH: Violet, you bitch! Where’s Cinnamon?
YV: Don’t talk to me like that! What do you mean?
YH: Where. Is. Cinnamon. I bought you another house, I gave you money, I gave you all my furniture. I get to keep Cinnamon! The court agreed! 
YV: But I didn’t agree! And anyway, I don’t have Cinnamon! Are you telling me you already lost our precious darling? I told you you spent too much time at work to care for them!
YH: If you don’t have them, where are they? Their room is empty! 
YV: You’re useless. I’m coming over. Search through Cinnamons room, maybe they’re just hiding. They must have gotten scared with all these changes.
YV hangs up. YH starts checking behind the curtains, under furniture. On the bed, almost covered by a pillow, he finds a note. He reads it out, as if he knows he’s in a movie and people might not be watching the screen
YH: ‘You’ve ruined my business deal with your smart business decisions and your wife’s gossiping revealing my affair. From the published court proceedings I know what you fought most about and I’ve decided to take it and destroy it, just how you destroyed my life. Getting them in that box wasn’t easy, but carrying it out, dressed as a mover. I will fit right in. You will never see your precious Cinnamon again.’
YH curses again, running to the door, where he sees YV already running towards him
[Here we enter the part I had never fully planned out, but imagine a full on heist movie with this divorced couple trying to rescue their pet from a sadistic Whumper and falling in love with each other all over again.]
They stand back in their McMansion, empty except for the twig of mistletoe above them, a young Cinnamon still bound and gagged and slightly bloody sitting on the floor between them. They kiss passionately. The camera pans down to YC’s face. We recognize the annoyed expression. Ripple effect - FLASHBACK ENDS
We’re back in the living room from the first scene
GH: And that’s how we saved Cinnamon and Cinnamon saved us!
Old Cinnamon: I hate you all.
GV: It did break our heart, of course, when we told Cinnamon they could wish for anything they wanted for surviving such an ordeal, and instead of maybe a cozier couch, they wanted a bit more freedom, but who are we to go back on our word.
OC: I told you I wanted you to leave me the fuck alone.
GH: And we do, almost always, do we not! We understand that even family spends some time apart, but the holidays are a time to get together! 
OC: You really don’t need to abduct me every year, though. Do you know how embarrassing it is if someone asks you to come over for Christmas and you have to be like “Nah, I’m going to get abducted again.”
Everyone laughs heartily. Cinnamon is struggling against their bonds.
OC: Also, how often do I have to tell you that I go by Monroe now?
GV: Oh sweetheart, you'll always be our little Cinnamon. Now stop struggling against, you'll just hurt yourself again, and you'll have to cut the roast later!
OC: I’ll cut you.
GV: Cinnamon, Christmas is the holiday of LOVE!
OC: That’s Valentine’s day, you dumb fuck.
The camera starts moving back, through the window we first entered through. We exit the McMansion, still shining in warm light, vague Christmas conversation audio going on. The snow falls heavier. The last shot is a person from behind, we see their gray hair and recognize the sadistic Whumpers favourite Christmas sweater. In their hand, a knife
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