#we've been going strong for slightly more than a month
samandcolbyownme · 4 months
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Summary: Anon request - "virgin!reader x Sam"
Warnings: soft SMUT18+, some strong language, mentions of wine, fingering, protected first time sex, hair pulling, sensual smut, fully smut
Word count: 4.2k | not edited
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
"You don't have any plans tonight, do you?" Sam asks as he slips his big sweater over his head. You purse your lips as you think for a second before shaking your head, "Not unless they're with you."
You smile as he smiles and he walks back over to you, "Good. I made us dinner reservations, I'll be back at six to get you."
"Fancy or casual?" You turn around to rest your arms on the back of the couch, eyes watching him as he comes over and leans down, "Slightly fancy."
He peck your lips, "That okay?"
You nod, "more than okay, baby."
He brushes hair from your face, "Okay." He presses his lips to your forehead, "See you later."
You hold your hand up, watching as he walks towards the door, "Bye." As soon as the door closes, you pull your phone out, texting your best friend to call you.
A few minutes later, your phone rings and you answer, "Sam has a dinner planned tonight." You blurt out, "I think.. I think he wants to, you know."
"Have sex?" She asks with a slight laugh, "There's nothing wrong about that word, y/n."
"I know.." you say resting your cheek in your palm, "I just.. we've been dating for almost- we'll, it'll be three months tomorrow and I.." you let out a sigh, "I haven't told him yet."
"Told him wh- wait." She pauses for a moment, "You haven't told him that you've never had sex before?"
You loved your best friend because you can talk to her about anything, no shame at all.
She was your safe place.
No judgment at all.
"I haven't.. I just didn't know when, not like there's a right or wrong time or anything but mainly because I'm scared to tell him."
"Why are you scared, y/n?" She asks, pausing so you can answer, "What if he thinks I'm weird?"
She laughs, loudly, "I highly, and I mean high-ly doubt that he'll think you're weird. Someone who has never had sex before is hard to come by."
"I just.. I don't want to embarrass myself with him, you know, like I really want to with him, I just let my mind get the best of me, I guess."
"I want you to listen to me, y/n." She sighs, "The way Sam looks at you, is the way someone who knows they have a forever in their hands looks at someone, and that's even more rare than someone who still has their virginity."
You smile, "I know it's probably way too soon, but I honestly do think I love him."
"I wouldn't doubt it. You guys are tooth rottenly perfect for each other." She laughs slightly, "I'm sure he feels the same way about you."
You take a deep breath, "I'm going to tell him tonight, I mean it it all goes wrong and he does find me weird-"
She cuts you off, "He's not going to find you weird." She laughs, "I'm sure that will turn him on even more."
"Oh gosh, no. Stop it." You close your eyes, shaking your head, "I'm already nervous as is."
"Sorry, but no. I think it'll be okay." She pauses, "Just remember, that good things take time, and I'm sure that you being such a pure little angel will make it even better."
You smile, laughing slightly as you nod to yourself, "I'm sure you're right and I'm just overreacting."
"Isn't that what usually happens?" She laughs and you your eyes, "Mhm."
"Alright, well let me know how it goes. If you need, my door is always open for you."
You smile, "Thank you. I'll call you tomorrow or something."
"Sounds good. Now go pick out a pretty dress."
"I'll send you pictures. Thank you." You stand up and she sighs, "You got this. He isn't going to go anywhere."
"Okay." You nod, "Talk later."
"Talk later."
You hang up, letting out a long sigh as you make your way into your room to rummage through your closet.
After a while of holding up dresses to your body, you settle on a white knit dress with a cropped sweater attached to it.
You lay it on the bed, walking over to find a pair of shoes that go with it nicely. You pull out each pair of heel you have, nervous that nothing will go with it.
You set a pair of tan ankle boots next to it and tilt your head as you take a picture to send to your friend.
You smile at her reply, That is the cutest dress ever and the light tan color of those boots go so well. You'll look great, y/n!
You text her back and look at the time, it's almost four, which means you have two hours until Sam is back to pick you up.
You head for the shower, hoping to wash some of the anxiety you have, away.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You set the curling iron down after curling the last strand of your hair. You look into the mirror of your vanity and let out a sigh, "You got this."
Your phone vibrates and you pick it up, smiling when you see a text from Sam, On my way, sweetheart.
You text back, See you soon, baby.
You set your phone down, applying any last minute touches to your makeup before you stand up to smooth out your dress.
You grab your purse, hooking it onto your shoulder before snapping a picture to send to your friend.
She replies back as you walk out of your room, telling you that you look pretty and what not. She was your biggest support, besides Sam.
Sam has been there for you through everything that's happened these last two, almost three months. You guys clicked instantly and just like your friend said, you felt like you had forever in your hands when you looked at him, too.
There's a knock on your door and you stand up, walking over to open it. An instantly smile on your face when your eyes meet Sam's.
"Wow, you look gorgeous." He smiles as his eyes move down your body, "These are for you."
Your lips slightly part as your eyes move down to the bouquet of red roses in his hand, "Sam." You whisper looking back up at him as you take them, "They're so beautiful."
You open your arm, wrapping it around his neck. His hand lays on your hip and he turns his head to kiss your cheek, "Beautiful flowers, for a beautiful girl. You ready?”
You smile, "Yeah, let me just set these on the counter." You turn, walking back into your apartment to set them down on the counter, "Okay. Ready."
You walk over to him and link your arm with his. You pull your door shut before he leads you down to his car. He opens the passenger door for you, giving you a smile before he closes it.
He walks around, getting into the drivers seat, "That dress looks beautiful on you."
You run your hand over the fabric and look up at him, "Thank you. I got it a few weeks ago, figured now was the perfect time to wear it."
"Any time would have been the perfect time, babe." Sam smiles as he lays his hand on yours, interlocking your fingers together.
You bring your other hand over, tracing gentle circles on top of his hand. Your mind starts racing, but you quickly shut it down by reminding yourself of what your friend said.
You rest your head back, staring out the window at the lights of the city. Sam squeezes your hand, "You okay?"
You look over at him, "What, babe?"
"I asked if you're okay." He glances over at you, "You're quiet."
"Oh, I'm fine. Just enjoying the lights." You nod towards the window and he tilts his head, "You sure?"
You nod at him, "Yes, baby. I'm good." You smile, giving his hand a squeeze back. He smiles and pulls up to the doors.
You look over at him, "Valet?"
He smiles and nods, "Uh huh. Now wait here." He gets out, walking around to your side. He talks to the attendant before opening your door, "This way, sweetheart."
He holds his hand out and you take it as you exit the car, "Sam. This place is fancy."
He wraps an arm around your waist as you walk in, "You deserve it."
You smile as you walk with him to your table. He pulls your chair out for you and you sit down. He helps move your chair in before moving to sit beside you.
Your eyes scan down over the menu, "Everything sounds so good."
He nods, "I came here with Colby a few months ago, it was very good."
You set your menu down, looking from it to Sam, "I have to tell you something."
You can see it in his face that he doesn't like the sound of that but you quickly reassure, "Don't worry, it's nothing bad."
He lets out a sigh, "Oh god. Okay." He laughs slightly, "What's up, babe?"
Just as you're about to say it, the waiter comes over, "Good evening, my name is Frankie, I'll be your waiter tonight. Can I get you started with something to drink?"
"Hello Frankie." Sam gives him a smile, "Actually, yes." He looks over at you, "How does a bottle of Sangria sound?"
You smile and nod, "Please."
Sam looks back at Frankie, "Well do a bottle of Sangria, red." He nods at Sam and smiles, "I'll be right back with that."
"Thank you." You and Sam say as he walks away. Sam looks at you, taking your hand, "So you were saying?"
You laugh nervously, "Oh, yeah. That." You brush a curl from your face and sigh, "There's something I've been meaning to tell you, and I think you need to know before anything happens-"
He cuts you off, "Anything, sweetheart. You can tell me anything." You catch the hint of worry in his voice so you lean in, "I'm.." you pause, laughing slightly as you build up the courage.
You look up at him, "I'm a.. virgin."
He lets out the breath he was holding, "I thought you were going to say you can't see me anymore or something."
You lay your other hand on top of the one that's in your hand, "No, baby." You shake your head, "I just thought I should tell you, I'm not trying to rush anything by saying that, I just.." you raise your brows, "I just don't have any personal experience and I figured that that would be embarrassing on my end."
He reaches his hand up, thumb brushing your cheek, "There's nothing embarrassing about that, sweetheart." He smiles, "I think.. that's kind of sexy."
Your friend was right, you think as you bite your bottom lip, "Really?"
"There's a first time for everything, darling.." Sam smiles, "And if you are willing, I'd be honored to show you the ropes." He winks, causing a slight blush to take to your cheeks.
"Considering we're celebrating our three month anniversary tonight.." you rest your elbows on the table and lean forward, "I think tonight would be the perfect night for you to do that."
He tilts his head, "It's been three months already?"
You laugh, "I know. Time flies when you're having a good time." He laughs, sighing as he looks up at Frankie, "Thank you."
He nods, "Are we ready to order yet?"
"I am." Sam nods and looks over at you, "You know whatcha want?"
You motion to him, "You go first." You look back down over menu as Sam orders. You look up, ordering what you want before Frankie walks away.
You feel Sam slip his hand under yours and you look over at him as you sit your wine. He stares at you for a few seconds, "Why were you nervous to tell me?"
You shrug, "I didn't want you to think I was weird."
He laughs slightly, "Oh baby, why would I think you're weird? I think that's a good thing, you know?"
"Well.." you sigh with a smile, "That's certainly a relief."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·
As you leave the restaurant, your arm linked with Sam's, you can but feel a rush up nervous excitement.
You were more than ready to give yourself to Sam.
You wanted him to be the one to have you for the first time.
The more you thought about it, the more it felt like it was meant to happen this way.
You watch as the valet attendant brings his car around. Sam leads you down, opening the passenger door for you.
"Thank you, baby." You give him a kiss on the cheek before getting in. He smiles, "More than welcome, my love."
He shuts your door, waving to the attendant and yelling a quick 'thank you' before getting in, "Alright. So where to now?"
"We can go back to my place." You bite your lip as you look over at him. He smirks, "say no more." He starts to drive, his hand finding yours like it always does.
You can tell he wants to ask something, but chooses not to.
"You can ask me, babe." You laugh slightly, "I'll answer any question you have."
He glances over at you, "I don't want to make you uncomfortable by asking anything."
You shake your head, "You won't."
"Why haven't you.." he pauses, "i don't know how to word it." He laughs nervously and you rest your head back, "Why haven't I ever had sex with anyone before?"
He nods and you shrug, "I just.. I don't know, really. It just never felt right with anyone. I was thinking about it, after I told you, and I honestly feel like it was meant to be this way."
He smiles as he comes to a stop, looking over at you, "Really?"
You nod, "I haven't felt this way with anyone. I actually told my friend earlier today that-" you stop once you realize what you're about to say.
You look over at him and he nods, "Keep going."
You take a calming breath, "I was just telling her today that I think.." you smile slightly, "I'm falling in love with you."
A smile takes over his face and he shakes his head, "I actually had sorta the same conversation with Colby the other day."
"You did?" You can feel your cheeks heating and he nods. He brings your hand up to his lips, pressing them against the back of it, "I love you, y/n."
Your heart skips a beat and you nod, "I love you, Sam."
He presses a few kisses onto the back of your hand as he comes to a stop at a red light. He lets go of your hand and reaches up to pull you over as he leans over, and that's right when you knew that you definitely have the kissing at red lights kind of love.
"When we get back to my place.." you whisper as you lean back, "I want you to take me into my room and show me just how much you love me."
You were shocked that those words came from your lips.
But you weren't arguing about it.
"Anything for you, baby." Sam takes his hand back into yours as he continues driving.
Your stomach fills with, what feels like a thousand butterflies and he pulls into the parking space in front of your building.
He looks over at you, reaching up to cup your cheek with his hand, "I've never felt this much love for someone."
You lay your hand on his, "Me too, Sam."
He pulls you in, pressing his lips to yours before whispering a small, "Come on, sweetheart." He gets out, and like usual, comes and opens your door.
You cling to his arm, smiling as you walk up to your door. You unlock it, immediately pulling him in. He kicks the door shut as your hands go to the sides of his neck, lips meeting his.
His hands go to your waist, backing you up a few steps before he pulls your body into his.
"Are you sure?" He whispers, leaning his head back a little to look at you.
"I've never been more sure of anything before, Sam."
He smiles, brushing hair from your face, "Okay." He leans down, gripping the back of your thighs so he can lift you up.
Your legs circle his waist, arms wrapping around his neck as he walks you into your bedroom.
The most you’ve done with Sam is an old fashioned high school make out. Nothing more. He never pressured you into more, with him, it just feels so right.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers, pressing little kisses onto your cheek as he lays you down on the bed. Your legs fall to his sides and he leans up to shrug off his jacket.
You watch was his hands move to undo each button on his white shirt as you pull your bottom lip between your teeth.
Your eyes move up to meet his as he slides it down his shoulders and drops it to the floor. He leans back down, body over yours as he presses his lips to yours again.
He grinds against you, earning a low moan from your lips, “That’s it, baby.” He kisses down your neck and back up, “If it feels good, tell me.”
You nod, tilting your head back as he attaches his lips to the skin of your neck, sucking to leave a mark.
You moan out quietly as your nails dig into his shoulders. His hand moves down to pull your dress up, letting it lay high on your thighs.
His hand dips in between them, gently dragging lines up and down your clothed, but soaked center.
“Please.” You whimper as you move your hips, “Please, touch me.”
He nods once, tilting his head slightly as he watches your face. He slips his fingers into the crutch of your panties, pushing them over before gently gliding a finger up and down, “This what you wanted, baby?”
You nod quickly, moving your hips up and down, “Y-yes.”
You thought him just grazing the outside of your pussy felt good, but it quickly heightened when he slowly plunged his finger into you.
You arched your back, letting out a whine as you squeezed around his finger.
“Feel good?” Sam asks rubbing your thigh with his free hand. You look up at him, lips parted as you moan to him slowly moving his finger out and back in, “Fuck, yes.”
Sam bites his lip, watching your body move from the pleasure he’s giving you.
He was in awe that you were his.
He slid his hand over, palming himself through his suit pants because the image of you was making him ache.
“Fuck, I know I keep saying it, but you look so beautiful.” He leans down, hand still between your legs, “So pretty.”
He gently presses his lips to yours and your hands move to his neck, sliding one hand up to tangle in his hair.
He lets out a groan as you tug, “So mine.”
You smile against his lips, arching your back as he curls his finger, “Fuck.” You slide your hands down his chest, “Please, Sam. I need you.”
He nods, “Alright.” He slowly pulls his finger out, “Take this off for me.” He tugs the hem of your dress before getting up to take off his pants.
His eyes are glued on you as you sit up to reveal your body to him. You let the dress drop to the floor before reaching behind you to unhook your bra.
He slips his fingers into the band of his boxers, pausing to just take a good look at you.
“What?” You ask, a shy tone consuming your words.
He shakes his head, “Nothing, I-“ he sighs and smiles, “You’re just.. ravishing.”
You give him a smile and look down, “Oh, thank you.” He strips away from his boxers, “Do you have a condom, by chance?”
“Actually.. I do.” You laugh, “my friend gave it to me a few weeks ago, long story but it pertains to you.”
He chuckles, “Oh jeeze, okay.” He walks over to the stand you pointed to, pulling out and putting it on before walking over to crawl up between your legs again, “You okay?”
You look up at him, laughing nervously, “Just.. kinda nervous.”
He brushes your cheek with his hand, “I got you, sweetheart.” He leans in, pressing his lips to your forehead, “If it hurts or gets to be too much, I’ll stop.”
You nod, lying back as he moves up to hover over you, “Tell me when.”
You take a deep breath, giving him a nod, “I’m ready.”
Sam gathers some spit onto his fingertips and reaches down to coat the tip of his cock, “Just try and relax, baby.”
You spread your legs, laying your hands on his biceps as he positions himself at the entrance. You close your eyes, the rollercoaster of emotions hitting you at once.
But, you were ready for him.
You close your eyes, squeezing his biceps as he slowly slides into you, “Fuck.” He breathes out, “You okay?”
You nod quickly, eyes still shut tight, “Yeah.”
He pauses for a moment, reaching up to tilt your head up, “You sure?” You give him a smile, “Yes.” You lay your hand on his cheek, “K-keep going.”
He brushes hair from your face before reaching for your hand, interlocking your fingers with his. He continues to push in, earning small moans from you.
You wrap your leg over his waist, squeezing his hand tight.
“Sam.” You moan out quietly, “That feels so good.”
He leans down, peppering your face with kisses, “That’s good, baby.” He pushes all the way in, resting for a moment, “You feel so good.”
You lay your free hand on his cheek, wiggling your hips ever so slightly, “Okay.”
He tilts his head, “Ready?”
You nod and gasp as he pulls out, gently thrusting back in, “Fuck, y/n. You feel incredible.”
His words send the anxiety and nervousness away. You feel so much closer to him already. You now know that this was the way it was supposed to be.
“I love you.” You whisper out, “I love you.”
Sam rests his forehead against yours, “I love you so much.” He lifts his head to plant a kiss, “So fucking much.”
You snake your arm under his, laying your hand in the center of his back as you moan out, louder than they’ve been.
“You sound so pretty.” Sam whispers in your ear before kissing down your neck. He groans lowly, “I want to get you off before I do, okay?”
“Okay.” You breathe out, “Fuck.”
He thrust a little bit faster, still holding your hand in his. He reaches down with his other hand, pulling your arm away from his and holding your other hand.
He pins it by your head, forehead on yours, “I can’t get over you.” He whispers lowly, a moan following his words.
You smile slightly, brows furrowing as you feel an intense pleasure building up in your stomach, “I-I think I’m close.”
He nods, “Whenever you want, sweetheart.” Sam kisses your lips and you moan into his mouth, “Shit. Shit.”
You tighten your leg around his waist, bringing the other one up to lock around him. Your eyes roll shut as your back lifts off the bed and you squeeze his cock.
You drag your moan out, “Fuuuck.”
“That’s it baby. Cum for me.” Sam encourages, “That’s my girl.” He lets go of your one hand to brush hair from your face, “So fucking beautiful.”
Your chest rises and falls quickly as you come down, Sam not too far behind you.
His throws slow down, almost to a completely stop and you feel him twitch inside of you. He presses kisses over your face, “You okay?”
You nod, laying your hands on his cheeks, “I’m wonderful, baby.”
He smiles, “Alright, I’m gonna..” he nods down and you brace yourself before he slowly pulls out. He gets up, walking over to your bathroom to discard the condom and to grab a towel for you to clean up with.
You toss the towel down and turn back slightly to move the covers of the bed down. You move up and slide your legs under them, “Are you staying the night?”
You look up at him with a smile and he smiles, “You know it.”
He walks over to you, sliding in beside you and pulling the blankets up around you both. You snuggle into his chest, letting out a content sigh, “I definitely believe now, that this is the way it was to happen for me.”
Sam rubs your back as he smiles, “You think?” He looks down at you and you look up at him, “I know.”
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
I hope you enjoyed! I think this is one of my favorite Sam one shots that’s I’ve written so far.
As usual, let me know what you thought and thanks for reading! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated! 🖤
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silverbladexyz · 4 months
TW: Mentions of death, injuries, self-loathing. Part 2 to this. Part 3 is here.
"I can't believe you sometimes. What if you had actually been killed because of your recklessness?!"
"But I wasn't! Even if combat isn't my strong suit, I had it all under control; and besides, these wounds are nothing compared to what we've faced before!"
In the normally tranquil environment of the Port Mafia's infirmary, two voices argued back and forth. One laced with worry and anger, the other laced with guilty adamance. A pair of best friends seemed to be the reason behind this noise; with their stubbornness a guise of the true feelings that they harboured for each other.
"Are you seriously kidding me right now? Even if you had it all under control, that doesn't mean you can gamble your life away like it's nothing! How do you think everyone would feel if you died? Do you want to put them through more pain and suffering that could've been prevented if you were more cautious? Do you even care?!"
Instead of replying, you turned away, suddenly finding the window to be more interesting than whatever was going on right now.
He was right. You didn't think properly about the consequences before you jumped straight in to engage with the enemy, even if you may have had a backup plan.
"... I'm sorry."
It was soft, but Chuuya managed to catch it.
He gave a small sigh, his shoulders dropping as the tension in them wore out. You fiddled with your bandages, not having the courage to look at him in the eyes. Did you even deserve to, afterall? When you worried him sick after he learnt that he almost lost you?
You heard his footsteps approaching you, and mentally prepared for the next thing that he was going to say.
Only for him to somewhat tug you into his arms.
Your eyes widened, and you blinked several times before realising that Chuuya Nakahara, your best friend, was hugging you.
His breath fanned against your collarbone as he buried his face into your shoulder. Strong arms held you close to him, being mindful of the injuries that you sustained on your body- yet the grip they held you in was tight but secure.
"... You idiot. Don't you dare do that again."
It was the most vulnerable you had ever seen him.
You hugged him back, inhaling his rich scent as an unknown heat bloomed in your chest.
"I won't. I promise, Chuuya."
His warmth never left your memories.
Now, you watched as he stood with her, holding her hand. They were too far away for you to make out their words, but whatever she said made Chuuya laugh. A genuine, happy laugh that seemed so much more different from the short chuckles he normally gave you.
He put his arm around her shoulder, and you unconsciously hugged your body as you felt yourself getting colder. It was the third of December- the start of another winter in Yokohama. Marking the six month anniversary of their relationship.
A wry smile made it's way on your face as Chuuya pulled Yasuko in for a kiss. Even though it was a short peck, it was enough to make your heart twist in longing that exemplified whenever you were around him. It was stupid; you knew that your best friend deserved to have someone much better than the monster you were, but it didn't stop you from wishing that you were her. Someone that was a sight for sore eyes, with an aura brighter than the blue skies- someone that could get Chuuya mesmerised.
You even noticed how he became slightly more distant in the friendship. You knew that he wasn't doing it on purpose; he was still the great best friend that he always was, but the little signs were there. Holding your hand so that you wouldn't get lost in the crowd had diminished to just staying close to you. Whenever you called him on a free day to ask if he wanted to hang out with you, he would apologise, saying 'I have a date with Yasuko later'. And the fact that you had the same free days really said something about how much they meant to him.
You walked away, the sight getting too much to handle. Once you were at a safe distance, you crumpled against a wall, biting down on the inside of your mouth to stop the tears from leaking out. A higher-ranking mafioso like you, crying over some crush? Pathetic. An unfitting model for your subordinates who looked up to you as a great unflinching leader.
"Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty." You chuckled bitterly, digging your nails into your palms. You hated it- the soft gaze in Chuuya's eyes whenever Yasuko was mentioned, the way that he gently held her hand, the way he became much more sweet and patient with her that was almost nothing like how he acted around you- you hated it all. You regretted not confessing to him sooner all those years ago.
But you were only the side character in their romance; forever doomed to support them while you suffered in silence.
Was there something or somebody that you could blame for this agony that you were currently in? Destiny, perhaps? Or even Cupid? Those names only made you scoff as you stuffed your hands into your pockets.
There was nobody you could blame except for yourself.
Perhaps it would have been better if you were the one who saved Yasuko, not Chuuya. They would have never spent as much time with each other, and you'd still have a chance at romancing him. None of this would have happened if the roles were reversed at that time.
But who were you kidding? One way or another, they’d end up together by the red string of fate. The most perfect match in all of Yokohama that could put every other couple to shame. And you'd always be the third wheel- the 'best friend' whose sacrifices went unseen just so that they could be happy.
Or maybe it would have been better if Yasuko didn't exist in the first place.
"-Y/N? Y/N?"
A voice broke you out of your thoughts, and you blinked a bit before refocusing onto the girl in front of you.
"Is everything okay? N-not that you have to tell me what's wrong, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'll always be here for you."
Yasuko looked at you with a concerned expression, her eyes searching your face for any sign of discomfort.
Those innocent, beautiful eyes of hers that had held Chuuya captive in their gaze.
Ah, right. You were currently in the shopping mall with her, because her boyfriend had asked you to accompany her like some sort of bodyguard. And who were you to refuse, as his best friend who was always there for him? Well, you were grateful that Chuuya trusted you enough to let you near Yasuko. You had seen how protective he was of her.
"... Nothing. I'm alright."
You smiled at her, all traces of your previous emotions now gone. How could you have let your composure slip so easily? This hangout was so that you could 'get closer' with her, not reminiscing about the pathetic past that held you captive in this agonising love.
She frowned a little, but before she could say anything else, you jumped at the opportunity to distract her. Anything that could make you temporarily forget your pain for one moment was what you desperately needed now.
"Oh, looks like they're selling discounted jewellery! Let's take a look! You might find something that you like."
Grabbing her wrist, you dragged her towards the jewellery store despite having no intentions to buy anything. You simply wanted her to be distracted by the precious stones, so meticulously cut and fit into fine metal that it was laughable how they were mostly for show. A valuable trinket only made to be admired and forgotten at the end of the day, even when so much blood had been spilled over them. Blood that would forever stain the hands of a sinner such as you.
"Oh! I remember Chuuya taking me to a similiar store! He bought me a ring; I said that there was no need, but he insisted." Yasuko glanced down at the gold-and-red circlet that lay snugly around her index finger, her gaze becoming shyer as she profoundly remembered the day that her beloved boyfriend had bought it for her.
Your own silver ring that he gifted to you on your 18th birthday paled in comparison to the 5-carat Burmese ruby that sat atop her finger. It was a harsh reminder of who the buyer really preferred from between the two of you. That twisted feeling in your gut resurfaced, but you pushed it back down. You had no more frivolous hopes that he would one day realise you were the one whom he truly belonged with.
"Haha... did he now? I didn't know Chuuya was such a romantic. Did you know that rubies symbolise passionate and undying love?" You smiled as she blushed; the redness on her cheeks rivaling the shade of the precious gemstone that was proof of his commitment to her.
People were right when they said love hurts, but they never mentioned that it was the most painful sensation in the world. All the stab wounds and burns and whatnot that you had experienced from your enemies were nothing compared to a broken heart. A heart that was made to be torn apart to pieces as it weeps for the love it would never get.
Something cold brushed against your wrist, and you looked down to see a bracelet made up of the most exquisite yellow topaz. Yasuko held an identical one in her hand, her expression almost bashful as she faced you.
"I... I wanted to get matching bracelets for the two of us. I know it's only been a few months since we became friends, but being around you has really brightened up my life. I'm glad that we got to meet each other, and I hope that our friendship continues to grow and strengthen!"
She smiled at you; a smile so full of purity and beauty that it would've made many men fall onto her knees in front of her. It was a smile that didn't belong in the dark depths of Yokohama- instead, it belonged to a goddess that was too good for this world. A goddess that clearly deserved to call Nakahara Chuuya hers. Just seeing that smile made you feel infinitely more guilty about the nasty thoughts you had about her each night.
Yasuko's smile faded, worried that she might have overstepped your boundaries due to your silence.
"S-sorry... I should've asked you beforehand if you wanted to buy matching bracelets. Please don't force yourself to buy it just to make me happy-"
You shut her up by slipping it onto your right wrist, the topaz seeming to reflect the sun's golden rays back at you. Shooting her a smile, you grasped Yasuko's hand and put the other bracelet onto her left wrist joint. It fit nicely; just like anything else that she wore.
"May our friendship last until death do us part." It was a pact that you had sworn with Chuuya before. And you always kept your word, never breaking a promise to someone no matter how bizarre or extreme it was.
How unfortunate, really, that death did you apart too early.
@circinuus @riiwrites @ruanais @justcallmesakira @yasu-masashige @oldworldpoolhall @heartsfourdazai @ashthemadwriter-uwu @sariel626 @yuugen-benni @chocsra @iridescentdove
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ashwhowrites · 9 months
Can you please write Older! Eddie x reader who is the daughter of Jason or Billy, and he has a lot of power in Hawkins, Reader hates how his dad is and she starts dating Eddie but her dad doesn't approve that, but she's older and she can decide for herself who to date? (Can you please do it angst to fluff?)
On my knees for older! Eddie fics. I hope this is what you were looking for and you enjoy it <3
I added a little bonus angst at the end but still a happy ending. Little bits of smut talk because I have no self control.
I'm writing this as my boyfriend watches Spencer Reid instead of me who's on face time (naked)
Trailer trash hero
⚠️mentions/action of abuse
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Y/N hated that everyone in town associated her with her dad, Jason Carver. He was the mayor of Hawkins and Y/N did not fit the look that her family had.
She resented her father, he criticized everything she did and always demanded more from her. She was sick and tired of it. After one huge argument, she went out to the bar, her fake ID never failed her and she prayed it didn't fail her today. Even if it did, she knew the owner and could easily get herself in. She was almost twenty-one anyway. A few months barely made a difference. She was sick of living under her father's roof. She needed a drink to take off the edge.
She sat on the small stool and ordered a drink. She took her time to slip on it slowly as her eyes looked around the bar. Her eyes caught a pair of brown that were staring right at her.
That was the night she met Eddie Munson.
After that night, she couldn't stop thinking about the handsome older man who talked to her all night long. His strong jaw, aged eyes, and deep voice. She kept going back to that bar, praying he'd be there. And he always was.
It didn't take long for them to start flirting and going on dates. Texting through all hours of the night. He was older, and mature. She couldn't lie, it turned her on. She was tired of boys, but Eddie? He was a man. And he fucked her way better than she's ever had.
After a few months, it became more serious. She admitted she was only twenty and still lived at home, but he didn't care. They spent night after night at his house, rolling her eyes through the lecture of her parents when she came home the next morning. But nothing stopped her from doing it again and again.
"We've been going out for almost a year, don't you think I should meet your parents?" Eddie asked, his face nuzzled in her neck, his slight facial hair tickling her as he laid on her. Her hands played with his long hair and scratched his neck slightly.
"Eddie, I love you and I love everything about you. But they are going to hate you." She laughed, Eddie rolled his eyes and removed himself from her neck. Looking up at her with a small smile.
"Even if they do, at least I know I made the effort." He said, even though he was in his forties, he knew how to use his puppy eyes.
"I'm scared." She admitted quietly. Eddie turned his head confused, wrapping his arm around her.
"It's just, my dad...he has a lot of power in this shitty town and he could easily tear us apart. I love you and I don't want him to ruin this for us." She explained, Eddie watched as the tears welled in her eyes. He quickly sat up and took her head in his hands, pecking her lips softly.
"No one would ever keep me away from you. I love you and I'm not going to let anyone stop us, okay? Let's just try. And if it goes south, we don't worry about it. We'll do us."
Somehow Eddie convinced her and as she held his hand as they walked up to her front door, she regretted it.
"Hey, look at me. We'll do this together." He smiled, squeezing her hand as he knocked on the door.
"Just be polite." She warned.
As the door swung open, Eddie found himself looking in the past.
"Mom!" Y/N cheered, letting go of Eddie's hand as she wrapped her arms around her.
"Eddie!" Chrissy panicked, seeing the tall and older man over her daughter's shoulder.
"Chrissy, what a surprise," Eddie said, awkwardly scratching his head as he took her in. He was dating Chrissy's daughter, how the fuck did he get himself in this position.
"You know each other?" Y/N asked, looking between the two as they stared at each other.
"Yeah, he was a high school friend. What is he doing here?" Chrissy asked, praying he wasn't the guest Y/N asked to bring.
"He's my boyfriend, and he wanted to meet you guys," Y/N said, now feeling even more nervous about the situation. Her parents went to the same high school if Chrissy knew Eddie....her father did.
"I had no idea she was your daughter." Eddie clarified, holding his hands up in surrender as he cringed under Chrissy's familiar glare.
"He's going to murder you, Munson," Chrissy warned but welcomed him in. She always liked Eddie, but Jason was never a fan.
"Is he home yet?" Y/N asked, she knew this was a bad idea. Maybe they had time to run and hide.
"He's on his way. And he already is unhappy knowing you have a boyfriend that you spend the night with...and once he knows it's Eddie Munson that you are sleeping over with, he's going to flip. But I will try my best to keep him collected." Chrissy said. But she tried to treat him like he was just her daughter's boyfriend.
"Well I'll set up the table while you show Eddie around," Chrissy said, walking towards the kitchen. Smiling Eddie immediately reached for Y/N's hand as they began their tour of the house.
Y/N showed Eddie around, trying to cover the portraits of her on the wall.
"I am not surprised Chrissy put you in a beauty pageant, and I'm not surprised you won." Eddie laughed, looking at the small girl in the frame.
"Careful Eddie, that little girl is definitely underage." Y/N joked
"Yeah, but luckily this one isn't." He smirked, giving her ass a small smack when she turned. As they looked at more pictures and ended up in her bedroom, she was dying to ask.
"Did you get along with either of my parents?"
"Your mom was cool with me. But your dad hated me, and I'm sure that hasn't changed. He made my life hell." Eddie explained, and Y/N felt bad. She knew her father was a pain in the ass and it sucked to know he treated Eddie so poorly.
"Well, I hate him too. And honestly, I'm glad he's going to hate you. Because he'll forever have to live with the fact that his precious daughter is fucking the bad boy from his high school." Y/N smirked, crawling on his lap, her soft bed underneath them as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Mhhm I agree," Eddie moaned as she sucked on his neck, "he's going to throw a little bitch fit. He thought I'd do nothing with my life. But seeing you with me, definitely proving him wrong."
"He's going to be rude and an ass. But don't let him get in your head. You're amazing, handsome, successful, and can achieve anything. Don't listen to him." She explained, moving away from his neck to kiss his lips.
"Definitely gonna listen to the one who will be sucking me off tonight." He smirked, his hand around her throat as he held her close to him. Kissing her hard as she moaned against him.
"Y/N!" Chrissy yelled from downstairs, Y/N pulled away from Eddie, kissing him softly, then moving off of his lap. She grabbed his hand and took a deep breath.
"Ready?" Eddie asked, kissing her forehead as she nodded.
"Mhhm, so is the hickey." She said smirking.
Y/N walked down the stairs, Eddie behind her as he followed close. The front door was empty so she walked into the kitchen. Her parents sat at the dining table as she walked up.
"Dad, this is Eddie. My boyfriend." She watched as her dad looked up, anger filling his eyes as he stood up.
"Jason, be nice," Chrissy warned but it was too late, Jason was already storming towards them. He harshly yanked Y/N away, her hand removed from Eddie's as she yelped. Eddie looked at her, but she nodded that she was fine. Her father's grip was tight on her wrist.
"Get the fuck out of my house, you freak," Jason growled, but Eddie stood his ground.
"Now Jason, is that any way to talk to a guest? Especially one that is your daughter's boyfriend?" Eddie teased, but his teasing only made Jason's grip become more bruising.
"You are not dating my daughter. I don't know what kind of sick game you are playing. But she isn't going to be your little game piece."
"I didn't even know she was your kid until I got here. This isn't some sick game of revenge. Y/N isn't a game piece. We are in a relationship, a committed and loving relationship. You aren't ruining this for us." Eddie explained, his eyes on Jason but flickering to his grip on Y/N.
"There isn't a relationship. She is never seeing you again. Y/N get upstairs, you are grounded." Jason barked, his eyes turning to her.
"Jason, calm down." Chrissy tried
"NO! I'm an adult and you can't ground me. I'm not breaking up with him!" Y/N argued, trying to yank her wrist away but his grip was too tight.
"YES YOU ARE! Get upstairs, NOW!" He screamed in her face. Eddie didn't like the way Y/N was shaking.
"Let go of her." Eddie barked, Jason's head snapped to him.
"You don't tell me what to do."
"You're hurting her, let her go," Eddie growled, moving closer slowly.
"DON'T COME NEAR US!" Jason's grip was somehow tightening.
"Dad, please. You're hurting me." Y/N pleaded, tears in her eyes as her wrist burned.
"I'M NOT! EDDIE IS THE ONLY GUY I'VE BEEN WITH SINCE HIGH SCHOOL!" she yelled back. Chrissy cried as she tried to scream for them to stop. She worriedly looked at Eddie, he was slowly moving closer.
The room fell silent when Jason's hand raised and went across Y/N's face. The loud smack echoed as Eddie raced to yank Jason away.
Y/N sobbed as she felt the heat on her cheek, embarrassed of the way her father reacted in front of her boyfriend. Chrissy raced to Eddie and Jason, trying to get them apart.
But Eddie wasn't calm, and he wasn't ever going to be calm around Jason. Eddie tackled Jason to the floor, his fist connecting with Jason's nose. Jason yelled in pain and punched Eddie back. The two were rolling around and landing punches on each other.
"JASON! STOP!" Chrissy begged, screaming as she tried to yank Jason's arm while he was on top of Eddie.
"Y/N HELP!" her mom screamed, Y/N quickly raced to them, and Jason tackled Eddie into the table, both crashing through the glass. Both groaned in pain, Y/N raced to Eddie's side, not caring about the glass as she kneeled right next to him.
His face was bloody, and bruising. She cupped his face as she ran her thumb over his skin. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." She sobbed, and Eddie groaned as he grabbed her hand.
"Baby, the glass. Careful." He moaned as he tried to shift. But his body ached everywhere.
Jason didn't take much of the fall since he landed on Eddie. Quickly rising to his feet he grabbed Y/N by her arm to drag her away. Her legs scraped against the class as she cried out in pain.
"I SAID DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HER!" Eddie screamed, all his adrenaline helping him race to his feet. Wrapping his arm around Jason's waist he threw them both to the ground. Eddie's hand wrapped around Jason's throat, squeezing as the anger rushed over his body.
"EDDIE! STOP!" Chrissy screamed, terrified as she shook but raced to Y/N. She carefully picked her up, but Y/N pushed her off. She used all her strength to race to Eddie.
"BABY! STOP! YOU'LL KILL HIM" she panicked. Eddie snapped his eyes to her, taking in her red cheek, with Jason's handprint, and her bloody legs as the cuts bled. It only angered him more.
"He hurt you" Eddie growled, squeezing Jason's neck harder as Jason clawed at his grip.
"I KNOW! I KNOW. BUT THINK! YOU'LL GET LOCKED UP IN PRISON!" Y/N tried to reason with him, slowly moving closer as she begged Eddie to let Jason go.
"Just like your dad" Jason choked out from under Eddie's grip. Eddie glared down at him but removed his hand. Jason gasped for air as he tried to shove Eddie off of him.
Eddie grabbed Jason by his shirt collar, nose to nose as he growled down at him. "I will never be like him. You are so lucky I love your daughter enough to not kill you right here, right now. If you ever touch her again, you won't be so lucky." Dropping Jason his head smacked against the floor, passing out.
Eddie stood up and Y/N raced into his arms. "I got you, baby" Eddie cooed as she sobbed into his chest. Her breathing was uneven as she panicked.
"I'm so sorry" Chrissy apologized, sobbing as she watched Eddie hold her daughter.
Eddie didn't say a word, carefully grabbing Y/N in his arms as he carried her to the door.
"EDDIE!" Chrissy yelled after them, but he kept going, opening the door as he carried her out. But Chrissy raced after them.
"PLEASE!" She screamed again. But Eddie ignored her, placing Y/N softly in his passenger seat. He buckled her and softly kissed her lips.
"Stay right here. I'm going to pack you a bag, we'll go to the hospital, and then we'll go to my house. Okay?" He said softly, she nodded as she rested her head against the seat.
Eddie shut the door and walked right into Chrissy. "Please, I just want to say goodbye." She begged.
"Did you let him do it before?" Eddie asked, his eyes dark as he looked down at her. Chrissy shook her head confused as she tried to look over his shoulder to see Y/N.
"Have you let him touch her before?" Eddie asked again, this time more demanding.
"No! He's never done that." Chrissy confirmed, Eddie sighed and let her go, racing into the house to pack Y/N's belongings. He grabbed everything he could, making sure he grabbed the things he heard her talk about the most and her favorite clothes.
By the time he made it out to his van, Chrissy was saying goodbye. Tears down her face as she kissed Y/N's head.
"I have to get her to the hospital," Eddie said as he threw the bags in the back. Chrissy nodded and stepped back, her hand grabbing Eddie's arm before he could leave.
"Take care of her, please."
"Always have and always will," Eddie promised, slamming the door shut. He started the van and took off towards the hospital.
"How are you feeling, baby?" He asked, looking over at her as she smiled at him.
"Told you it was a bad idea." She said, a teasing smile on her bruised face.
"...yeah. I should just always listen to you." He teased back, his soft hand landing on her thigh as he rubbed it softly.
"Listen to the one who's gonna suck you off." She repeated his words from earlier with a giggle.
"I love you." He said, smiling at her as he turned to get on the highway.
"I love you too, my hero." She leaned over and kissed his cheek.
Eddie pulled up to the hospital, carrying her in as he explained the situation. The nurses and doctors worked on her as Eddie got checked out for his cuts and bruises. He waited impatiently until he was able to see her.
"You can see her now." Eddie raced into her room at the news, sitting beside her as he held her hand.
"I'm all good! A few stitches from the glass but otherwise we are good to go!" Eddie nodded and helped her stand up, making their way out to his van.
"Ready to go to my place?" He asked, opening the door as she slid in.
"Let's go home, Munson."
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93
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smartycvnt · 7 months
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Title: Anklebiters Pairing: Maya Bishop x Reader Prompt: 15. "I know how scared you were about this, but I really think you've been a great parent." R WC: 705
Y/n watched as Maya walked into the bedroom. There was a tired smile on her face from a rather eventful Saturday, but Maya wouldn't have traded a moment of it for anything else. It was her guaranteed day off for the week, and Maya had gotten to spend it with her family. The family that Maya had finally allowed herself to be accepted into after months and months of Y/n trying her best to include Maya. It wasn't Maya's ability to take care of Y/n that had caused the firefighter to be hesitant. Maya had been terrified about how she would be able to handle Y/n's children, who were now on the fast track to becoming her step kids.
"Wow, a bedtime without bargaining. I'm impressed Captain Bishop," Y/n teased. Maya blushed and pulled her t-shirt over her head to hide the coloring in her cheeks. "Seriously though, you've got a way with them. They absolutely adore you."
"They're good kids. You've done a remarkable job, given the circumstances." Maya ducked her head away awkwardly as she made her way onto the bed. Y/n knew what she was talking about. The series of bad partners leading up to Maya, including the father of Y/n's children. He had been a bastard, but he came from old Seattle money, so he practically got full custody. Y/n was grateful for her weekends and the occasional week or so whenever he decided that he wanted to go out on his yacht with his mistress of the month. "Hunter was telling me that he wants to be a firefighter. Apparently Travis made a very big impression."
"You should sound happier than that. It's not Travis that Hunter wants to be like, it's you," Y/n said as she moved to straddle Maya's lap. Maya leaned back and let out a heavy sigh. It did make her feel good to know that Y/n's son looked up to her enough to want to be like her and help people, but she wished that he would have picked a safer route than firefighting. It was so dangerous, and Maya felt anxious at the thought of that kid running into a burning building. "Uh oh, what's that look for?"
"My job is dangerous. If he went through with it and something happened, I'd never forgive myself. You wouldn't be able to look at me anymore, and I just know it. I'd lose everything so quickly. When the hell did I get like this?" Maya asked as she ran a hand through her hair.
"Welcome to parenthood, it's awful. And to think that you said you weren't cut out for this kind of life," Y/n joked. She poked at Maya's cheek until Maya looked at her, and then brought things down to a more serious tone. "I know how scared you were about this, but I really think you've been a great parent. Great enough that I'd be open to a whole new little bunch of anklebiters running around the house. Mine are getting a little tall."
"You want to have a baby with me?" Maya questioned in shock.
"Almost more than anything else. We could wait until after the wedding and the move first, this place is a little small already. There's no rush Maya, we've got all the time in the world to think this through. And there are no hard feelings if you don't want to have kids with me," Y/n assured her. Maya took a deep breath to try and steady herself to no avail. She had been prepared for the wedding and potential move into a slightly nicer neighborhood with their combined incomes making it possible, but Maya didn't think that Y/n thought high enough of her to want kids. Maya remembered Y/n telling her at the beginning of their relationship that she doubted she would ever be able to have kids with someone again after having her trust broken so badly.
"It would be an honor to have a baby with you," Maya told her. Y/n started to relax and smile a little as Maya pulled her in for a very strong and slightly bone-crushing hug.
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d1xonss · 1 month
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Desert Rose
Chapter 45 ~ All Good things Must come to an End
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 4
✧ Word Count : 5.8k
In this chapter ~ After living in the newfound community for six whole months, things seem to still be going strong. Relationships had been built, responsibilities had been taken care of, and for the most part, everyone was happy. Though...it can't always stay that way forever.
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The smell of cooking meat and eggs filled my senses as I allowed my mind wander for the fifth time that morning alone. Time was a fickle thing, always somehow getting away from me in the end as it was always hard to keep track of and catch. But I couldn't help but try and count the days, knowing that sometime in the upcoming dates would mark six whole months since our community first started. And it still to this day couldn't be more perfect.
I found myself to be very content with where I was in life right now, I was happy, only growing closer with the people we surrounded ourselves with. Though I knew if my past self could see me now, she would be screaming at me. Like I'm talking absolutely losing her shit screaming at me, knowing how much I couldn't trust people in the beginning. But allowing myself out of my shell was probably the best thing that could've ever happened to me. I had never had a family like this before, and I found that I tried to cherish it whenever I got the chance, especially recently.
"Oh, careful it's going to burn!" Carol's somewhat panicked voice spoke up from beside me.
I snapped out of it in an instant, "Shit," I quietly cursed and took the meat off of the makeshift stove, waving my hand over it to get rid of the smoke as it fizzled down.
She peeked around me for a moment and smiled to herself, "You saved it." she said in slight relief before laughing lightly, "What's got you so distracted?"
I glanced over at her as I began to plate the cooked breakfast, "All good things, I promise. I was just...thinking about how far we've come. How happy I am."
Her smile got wider, "We have come pretty far, huh?" she asked while wrapping an arm around my shoulders, looking out to all the people chatting and doing their own thing beyond where we stood.
"We're lucky." I stated as I finished scooping up the food.
She looked back over at me, "Yeah, we are. Couldn't imagine it working out any better than this," she agreed as she gave my shoulder a squeeze, before pulling away to go back to her own pan, "Who's that plate for?"
"Rick." I stated, "I know if I don't give this to him, he won't eat anything at all. I'll just be a sec, you got it handled?" I asked knowingly.
Her only response was to give me a certain look as I laughed to myself, grabbing the plate and heading down to where I knew Rick would be busying himself this morning. These days he seemed to be constantly staying down near the gates, managing the crops we had planted and taking care of the animals we somehow managed to find. In my opinion he didn't really give himself a break and was overworking to the max.
Getting up at the ass crack of dawn just to get a head start on feeding the pigs and checking the vegetables, it's something that he didn't need to be doing. And he knew it too. But he was too stubborn to slow down or take it easy, so I just let him be.
I spotted him in the distance as I slowly walked down the small hill, heading towards the grass to see him filling up the water in the stables. His arms shook slightly as he lifted the weight of the gallons of water, sweat dripping off his forehead as he tried to wipe it on the sleeve of his shirt.
"Hey, Old McDonald!" I yelled to get his attention.
He whipped his head towards me, and a smile broke out onto his face as he squinted his eyes from the blinding sun behind my head, "Yeah, Rosie?" he asked.
I made my way closer to him and let out a small breath, holding out the plate, "Breakfast." I said simply.
"No, I can't, my hands are filthy." he said while looking down at the dirt and mud that was coated everywhere along his palms, under his fingernails.
I frowned, "Okay." I said while grabbing some of the meat in my hand and holding it up towards his face.
He raised an eyebrow, "What are you doing?"
"You said your hands are filthy, but you need to eat...so eat." I said while holding my hand closer to his mouth, dangling the meat from my grasp.
"I'll eat later." he replied.
My eyes narrowed as I wasn't budging and he only sighed in response, slowly opening his mouth anyway. I smiled in victory and dropped the meat in his mouth, listening in as he informed me of the things that needed to be adjusted down here in the fields. It was quite the boring topic of choice, but I only wanted to make sure he actually ate something seeing as he was baking in the hot sun constantly.
Though there were times we had to speak a little louder because of the walkers piled up along the fence, snarling and banging on the flimsy barrier, making too much damn noise. There were a lot of them, and although we had people clearing them every day, they still seemed to be a problem. It had never been an issue before now, but I figured with the amount of noise and people we had behind the gates, it only drew more of them closer.
Suddenly, Rick and I seemed to momentarily stop our conversation when we heard a pair footsteps approaching, the two of us turning around to see Carl coming our way rather quickly like he was late.
He smiled at me before looking towards his dad, "You didn't wake me up." he spoke a little out of breath.
"Cause I knew you were up all night reading comics with a flashlight." he stated with a raised eyebrow.
Both boys then slowly looked toward me knowingly. Carl had a smirk on his face while Rick didn't look the least bit amused as I held my hands up in surrender, "What the hell are you looking at me for?"
"You're the one who got him the comics Ro." Rick stated with a tilt of his head.
"Hey," I said pointing at him, "Michonne got him some of those comics too, why don't you yell at her."
He tried to suppress a chuckle, "Well, she's not here, so you're the only one I can blame right now."
I placed a hand over my heart in mock offense, "Well, that's hurtful." I stated, causing them both to laugh, "You know what, I should've let you starve." I said while placing the paper plate on the thick wooden fence.
"Now that's hurtful." Rick stated, his tone still dripping with sarcasm.
I just raised my hands again with a smirk on my face, "Enjoy your father son bonding time." I winked before backing away.
However, Carl caught my arm before I could get too far, leaning in to whisper in my ear, "Can you still get me some more on your next run?"
I gave him a pointed look, "Just don't tell your dad and we're good." I warned.
He gave me a smile and nodded excitedly, all while letting go of my arm so I could make my way back up towards the prison. As I slowly approached Carol's station again, a few people were quick to notice my presence, greeting me with praises and smiles on their faces. I managed to be as polite as I could considering how early it was, but the attention Daryl and I were getting was only getting worse.
After I went out with him on that hunt just a few weeks ago, I've been getting out more frequently to help out, and to say the people in the community were grateful would be an understatement. Everywhere we went, we would get stopped to talk, or just a simple thank you as we walked by. We both weren't used to the amount of attention, but I tried my best to hide it. I simply smiled at all the good morning's being thrown my way as I approached Carol again to help her finish up.
"Still aren't getting used to it huh?" she smirked, not taking her eyes off the food in front of her.
It's like she read my goddamn mind.
I sighed, "I don't think I'll ever get used to it." I admitted, "But the funny thing is, Daryl's a lot more awkward than I am so it's worth it to see him squirm a little."
She looked up, "Oh, speak of the devil."
I followed her line of sight once she spoke to see the man himself making his way over to us. There of course were a few greetings as he passed by and I almost busted out laughing at his facial expressions. He didn't know how to respond, giving only a simple nod as he passed through the group of people. Though I felt a big grin spread to my face as I saw his eyes light up when he caught sight of me, his pace picking up the smallest bit.
"Mornin." he drawled, leaning over to kiss my cheek.
"Hey, Daryl!" a woman greeted as she passed the three of us.
He pulled away from me and looked over to the woman who said it, only to look back at me with wide eyes and an annoyed look to his face, "This still happenin to you?"
"Worse." I responded, "Just wait for it." I said while briefly holding up my pointer finger.
Not a second later, a teenage boy passed us in a slight rush, "Goodmorning Rose!" he still managed to call out.
I smiled in response before it quickly dropped again as I looked back at Daryl with the same look he gave me earlier, hearing him chuckle at me as he leaned over the small stove. "Smells good." he commented while looking to see the food we were making.
"Goodmorning Dixons!" a man yelled as he walked by.
Carol looked up to see our faces and laughed lightly to herself, "Just so you know, I liked you two first."
Daryl scoffed a little, "Stop." he muttered, tossing some of the meat in his mouth before continuing, "Ya know, Rick brought a lot of them in too. Wasn't just us."
"Not recently," she responded, "Give the strangers sanctuary, keeping people fed, you're going to have to learn to live with the love." she then turned to look at me, "Even you." she smirked.
"Hey, I'm trying here. Just don't like the attention, it makes me feel...itchy."
"Itchy?" she questioned.
I paused for a moment before nodding more confidently, "Yeah."
"Right," she said before taking the meat off of the stovetop again, "Anyway, I need to show you both something quick, Patrick would you mind taking over?" she asked a teenage boy who was standing too far away from us.
"Yes ma'am." he said politely.
I began to move around the grill, walking towards Daryl who snaked an arm around my waist. I glanced up at him and saw him take the bowl he was eating out of, putting the rim of it up to his mouth to get a huge bite of meat. My brows furrowed, and when he looked down at me and caught me staring, he opened his mouth full of food.
I scrunched up my face, "Gross." I muttered, trying to hold back a chuckle while lightly pushing his face away from me.
"Yer gross." he retorted.
I narrowed my eyes at him, "I swear, I'm married to a child." I laughed.
He gave me a cheeky smile and began to chew to say something else, but the kid, Patrick, cleared his throat suddenly as if to get our attention. The two of us turned to look at him, and he immediately got flustered and nervous when just making eye contact.
"Uh...Mr. and Mrs. Dixon? I just um...wanted to thank you for bringing the deer's back yesterday. I mean... it was a real treat, and I would be honored to shake your hands."
Daryl and I seemed to share some kind of look. I couldn't tell if it was one of humor or one of dread, but either way I had to bite back another laugh as I pulled away from Daryl's grasp, shaking his hand with a small smile.
Daryl, however, wasn't as polite.
As I backed away from Patrick, he looked at me as if he needed confirmation to which I just nodded. But I clearly didn't know what was coming. He then one by one, licked his fingers clean from the meat and used that same hand to shake his firmly. I pressed my lips together to suppress a laugh that threatened to escape as I saw the look on the poor kid's face. Daryl gave him a smug smile before letting go and placing his arm back around my waist so we could follow behind Carol.
I had to wait for a moment or two so we were far enough away, before I couldn't help but laugh quietly to myself. "What?" Daryl asked almost instantly with a small smirk of his own.
I only shook my head, "That was terrible."
"Ah, but ya thought it was funny." he pointed out, giving my side a small squeeze, as if it was his goal to get me to laugh all along.
I rolled my eyes playfully in response as we continued to walk, feeling him place a small kiss on the side of my head. We followed the woman until she suddenly stopped while looking out at the closest fence, the walkers still surrounding it and trying to get through. From an outsider's perspective, it seemed like we were hardly making a dent when in reality we had people out there taking care of them constantly.
"About today," she started, "I don't know if we're gonna be able to spare a lot of people for the run." she said as she gestured to the amount of people already working on clearing the walkers.
"We won't need too many." I reassured, "Plus that place is good to go, we're going to clear it today."
"Yeah," she nodded, "The thing is, we had a pretty big build up overnight. Dozens more towards tower three, and it's getting as bad as last month. They don't spread out anymore."
Daryl spoke up, "With more of us sittin here, we're drawin more of 'em out. Ya get enough of those damn fence-clingers, they start to herd up."
"Pushing against the fences again," I voiced my thoughts out loud, "That had been a bitch to deal with these past few weeks."
"Yeah, it has," Carol agreed, "It's manageable, but unless we get ahead of it, not for long." she spoke before looking towards Daryl, "Sorry pookie." she said before sending a knowing wink my way.
I smiled to myself as I tried not to show too much of a reaction at the nickname Carol had recently given him. Her sole purpose was to get on his nerves and it worked every time without fail, and I personally thought it was hilarious. He scoffed in response, pushing her arm lightly as she walked away from us to go back and finish up whatever she was cooking for the time being. The moment she was out of earshot, I started to laugh quietly to myself.
When my eyes finally moved back up to his face, he was already glaring at me, "Aw pookie." I said while poking his cheek lightly.
He sighed and stood there for a moment as a few beats of silence passed, before he quickly picked me up in one swift motion and tossed me over his shoulder. A small squeal escaped me because of how fast everything happened, feeling him begin to spin me around to I would get dizzy. My protests meant nothing to him as I tried to smack him in order for him to put me back down, but that only seemed to edge him on further, chuckling to himself at his own actions.
"Put me down!" I yelled as my stomach hurt from laughter.
"Quit callin me that." he countered back, beginning to spin me the other way.
My breath caught in my throat as I felt all the blood rushing to my head, "Okay, okay, I give." I spoke slightly out of breath.
He then slowly stopped spinning and carefully lowered himself to put me back down onto my feet. I felt myself sway a little to try and catch my balance, but the whole world was still spinning around me in a nauseating way. He let out another laugh as he placed both of his hands on my arms to help steady me.
"Ya know, I don't really know why I married you. Yer kinda annoying." he joked as he flicked the tip of my nose gently.
My mouth dropped at his words in mock offense, "Well, you're no saint Daryl Dixon, plus there's plenty of other people around here." I gestured to the group around us.
He pretended to look around, scrunching up his face in through for a moment before looking back at me, "Nah...none of 'em are you." he said sweetly before placing a soft kiss on my lips.
I smiled into the kiss, pulling away briefly to mumble, "Damn right." before bringing him in again. He brought his hands to the side of my face and deepened the kiss, feeling his lip slightly upturning into a smirk. But he pulled away before either one of us could get too carried away, leaving a few lingering pecks in the process.
"Alright, we gotta stop or we're gonna be late for that run." he huffed.
I nodded my head in silent agreement, knowing that was nothing but the truth. We headed back towards the cars where a few others were gathering their things, getting a few vehicles ready to head out. Daryl parted from me to pull his bike up closer, leaving me to load the bed of the pickup truck, filling it as much as I could with a few weapons and supplies. Though my eyes glanced up once I saw some movement heading toward me, seeing Tyreese breaking away from his sister before heading my way to place a few things in the back alongside me.
"You're coming along too?" I questioned with a smile on my face.
He shrugged, "Yeah, I figured why not. It's been a while since I've been on a run, and plus you know it's gonna be entertaining when you're going."
I gently pushed his arm, "Oh whatever." I muttered and he smiled at me, before making his way back over to Sasha.
My gaze followed him for only a moment before something to the left pulled my attention away. Zach and Beth stood off to the side, talking quietly with each other before he came along with the rest of us. It was the first time he was coming with us to a place like this, his very first time on a run really and I understood completely why he wanted to see her again before we headed out. Although it seemed like she didn't see the big deal behind it as I watched her shrug it off, feeling Daryl come back next to me to witness the end of the conversation.
She kissed him once more before fully walking away, "Aren't you gonna say goodbye?" he asked.
"Nope!" she yelled over her shoulder, smiling brightly as she passed me, "Bye, Ro."
I nodded to her with a small smile, "It's like a damn romance novel." Daryl grumbled out loud as he zipped up his bag, causing me to hit his arm lightly to get him to stop talking.
But the kid's head snapped over towards him as he clearly heard his hushed words, "Oh you're one to talk." he clapped back.
Daryl glared pointedly at him, pulling away from the truck to approach him and Zach's eyes widened, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." he quickly stuttered out before speed walking in the other direction.
Daryl watched him scurry away for a moment before turning back towards me with a smug smile on his face, "Be nice." I scolded lightly with a roll of my eyes, shutting the bed of the truck with a slam.
He shook his head, "Nah, I only like bein nice to you."
I sighed as I placed my hands on my hips, "Okay... then just be civil." I offered.
He scoffed, "Even that's pushin it."
"Daryl." I warned.
"Rosie." he mocked.
I narrowed my eyes at him, "Like I said, a child. I'm married to a child."
"Oh, but ya love me anyways." he said with a goofy grin.
His smile only made me smile, "Yeah, I guess I do." I admitted as I walked over and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, "Like a damn romance novel." I whispered with a smirk before walking back towards the others to finally get the show on the road.
Once we got the okay from everyone, Daryl hopped on his bike and held out a hand to help me on the back of it like always. We made our way towards the front gate in a formed line with the cars trailing behind us, and that's when I noticed Rick and Carl were talking with a familiar face. I smiled to myself when I saw Michonne, knowing she must've just gotten back from a run.
To this day she was still looking for The Governor and hasn't given up yet. It honestly broke my heart seeing how much she wanted to find and put an end to him, staying out for longer periods of time now only to come back for a day or two, before she was leaving again. But I supposed it only made me cherish the times when she was here before she disappeared all over again.
The loud rumble of the motorcycle approaching seemed to catch both of their attention as Daryl barely had a chance to slow the thing to a stop before I was quickly hopping off to greet her. She smiled brightly the moment she caught my eye.
"Well, well, look who's back." I said while quickly wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug.
She gave me a gentle squeeze, "It's good to be back." she confirmed, pulling away to wrap an arm around my shoulder and looked towards Daryl, "Didn't find him." she said simply while looking back and forth between the two of us.
"Glad to see you in one piece." Daryl nodded.
She smiled slightly and continued, "I'm thinking of looking over near Macon...it's worth a shot."
"Seventy miles of walkers, ya might run into a few unneighborly types. Is it?" Daryl asked with squinted eyes.
She didn't respond right away, not knowing for sure if all the things she was putting herself through was truly worth it. It must've been a constant conflict in her mind.
I found myself speaking up again to fill the silence after a moment, knowing she didn't need to decide right now. "We're heading out to check the Big Spot a couple miles from here, the one we were talking about. Just to see." I informed Rick.
"Yeah, I got to go out and check the snares. I don't want to lose whatever we catch to the walkers." he replied.
My eyes glanced back to Michonne who still had her arm wrapped around me, bumping her hip with mine to grab her attention, "Why don't you come with us?" I asked.
She smiled down at me and nodded, "Alright...I'll go."
Carl then spoke up for the first time with a slight frown on his face, "But you just got here." he complained.
"And I'll be back." she assured, letting go of me and making her way back to one of the cars with her bag still crossed over her shoulders.
I made eye contact with the kid and noticed the new comic books clutched tightly in his hands, smirking to myself, "I'll keep an eye out." I spoke quietly to him as I gestured to what was in his arms.
He smiled at me and nodded eagerly before I turned back around to hop on the back of Daryl's bike again. As I adjusted myself on the back, placing my hands around his middle, I looked up to Rick as he gave me a small smile, "Stay safe." he said, receiving a nod from us in return.
Daryl started his bike back up, watching as Rick jogged a little towards the gates to open them up for us. I tried to ignore the snarls of the walkers around us once we made it outside the safety of the prison. It seemed like they've tripled, and the groups only kept getting bigger. Their dead eyes followed us as we quickly drove past them, attempting to reach out for us slowly before we were just out of reach.
I rested my chin on Daryl's shoulder and closed my eyes as the wind hit my face and blew my hair wildly behind me. He took one of his hands and gave my thigh a squeeze before putting it back on the handle, revving his engine a bit as the vehicles behind us stayed close. I smiled at his actions and placed a kiss on his shoulder before closing my eyes again, trying to relax for this longer ride ahead of us.
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After driving down the long and windy roads we finally made it to the Big Spot, quickly grabbing the weapons we needed from the back of the truck to check out the oddly quiet place. Each of us stayed silent as we made it up to the large double doors of the place, trying to pinpoint the number of walkers in the area. The parking lot was completely trashed, tents and tarps were set up all around as we silently weaved through them, double checking our surroundings.
Once we got up to the door, Daryl peered into one of the big windows before banging his elbow against it loudly to see how many of them were inside. You could barely see though the glass with how dirty it had become over the months.
"Just give it a second." he said to all of us, leaning his head against the building to try and listen for them as he sat propped up near the glass.
I walked over to the other window just a few feet away and attempted to glance inside, seeing nothing as I moved to put my ear up to it to try and listen for any walkers as well, but I couldn't hear a thing. The building was quite large, knowing that there could be a fair amount inside that we would have to clear out before anything. 
I absentmindedly walked back towards where the rest of them were waiting, sitting myself down on the edge of the window. Daryl scooted a bit closer to me the moment I sat down, feeling him giving my leg a light tap as we waited for any kind of noise coming from inside.
Zach then came around the corner, "Okay, I think I got it." he announced.
Michonne tilted her head a bit as she stepped closer as well, "Got what?" 
I nodded towards the man, "Zach's been trying to guess what Daryl did before the outbreak."
"He's been tryin to guess for like six weeks." Daryl muttered to me, though Zach still heard him clearly.
"Yeah, I'm pacing myself." he said in defense while taking a seat on the other side of me, "One shot a day."
Daryl nodded over to him, "Alright, shoot."
"Well, the way you are at the prison, you being on the council. You being able to track, you're helping people but you're still being kind of...surly."
I snorted which earned a light nudge from Daryl as Zach continued, "Okay, big swing here...homicide cop." he spoke confidently.
Michonne instantly began to laugh somewhat loudly to herself upon hearing the assumption, and Daryl squinted his eyes at her, "What's so funny?"
"Nothing," she shook her head, "Makes perfect sense."
Daryl then cleared his throat as he nodded, "Actually the man's right; undercover."
My head whipped over in his direction with a shocked expression, using my job as a copout so he could mess with the kid a little bit more. He only gave me a pointed look as if to say play along and I rolled my eyes, but didn't say anything as I let the man have his fun.
"Come on, really?" Zach excitedly said.
"Yep...I mean I don't like ta talk about it cause...it's a lot of heavy shit, ya know?" he said before turning his head to hide the small smirk growing on his face.
"Really?" Zach asked again.
"Mhm, that's where I met this lovely lady right here." he continued on as he wrapped his arm around me, "Went through a lot together, only brought us closer."
I couldn't help but scoff at the amount of bullshit coming out of his mouth, but I still didn't say a thing. Though at this point Daryl's voice was dripping with obvious sarcasm and Zach caught on after a moment and sighed to himself.
"Okay, I'll just keep guessing I guess." he muttered.
"Yeah, you keep doin that." Daryl replied.
I knocked Zach's foot with mine as I got his attention, "Hey, if it makes you feel better, not everything that came out of his mouth was a load of shit." He seemed to perk up at that. "I was actually an undercover cop."
"No shit?" he asked.
"No shit." I confirmed.
That seemed to lift his spirits a little, "What's your most badass story?"
I opened my mouth to speak, but that's when a walker finally made its way towards the window as it clawed at the glass, signaling that it was time to head in. I glanced back and forth between him and the people beginning to make their way towards the entrance.
"Maybe some other time." I suggested and he nodded in return.
I hopped off and headed towards the front door along with everyone else, trailing behind Sasha and Tyreese as they began to go over the things we needed to look out for. "You ready to do this detective?" I asked Daryl, nudging his arm as I passed by.
He scoffed but nodded anyway, "Let's get this done."
We easily took out the walkers that piled up towards the front quickly and quietly, Sasha grabbing a hold of a cart as she voiced the main things to grab on our imaginary list. I followed her actions as I grabbed a shopping cart as well, slowly making my way through the isles to grab the things I needed the most. Some new clothes, flashlights, batteries, I even found some new arrows that were practically brand new, nearly shining in the sunlight with how perfect they were.
Though I seemed to stop in my tracks when I turned around a sharp corner, spotting something that made me visibly freeze. There was a small section in the women's hygiene that were packed full of pregnancy tests. They seemed to be untouched. collecting dust as I stared at them, biting my lip in though while eyed them intently, debating if I should grab a few or not. I mean, mistakes happen every day.
Eventually I just shook my head as I made up my mind, grabbing a couple in my hands and placing them in my jacket pocket. I knew for a fact that there was absolutely no way, but it was nice to have a few on hand just in case I ever got a scare. My fear of the unknown was worse than practically anything else.
Though I suddenly heard some hurried footsteps approaching from right behind me rather quickly. Almost too quickly. The sound causing me to practically throw myself away from the shelf as I whipped around to see who it was. 
Glenn stopped dead in his tracks with confusion written all over his face, scanning me before glancing over towards what I was standing right in front of. His eyes got wide as he connected the jots in his head, his mouth falling open as he began to frantically point between me and the wall of tests.
I immediately shook my head and went up to him, "No, no, stop, I'm- I'm not-"
"Then why the hell did you jump out of your skin when I walked around the corner? Does Daryl know? How far along do you think you are?" he asked hurriedly.
I couldn't tell if he was excited, completely panicked, or both. But regardless what he thought was not true in the slightest, causing me to shake my head again, "Glenn honey, I'm not pregnant. I just...I don't know, just figured it was nice to have a few just in case, you know? I swear on my life, I'm not, you don't need to freak out." I finished with a somewhat nervous laugh.
He then sighed in obvious relief, "God Ro, don't do that."
"You're the one jumping to conclusions." I spoke.
He chuckled lightly, "Yeah...yeah, I guess so."
Though I calmed his nerves the smallest bit, I could still clearly see that there was something else bothering him. Something that caused him to freak out the way that he did, similar to how he acted when he found out Lori was pregnant way back on the farm. The thought caused me to stare at him for a moment, knowing something wasn't completely right.
Then, as if reading my mind, he asked quietly, "Can I...have one of those?"
My eyes widened in surprise, "Oh my God, Maggie-"
"I- I don't know, but she's late and uh...we're both kind of freaking out." he admitted, "I was supposed to keep my mouth shut since she didn't want anyone to panic...but when was the last time I ever kept my mouth shut." he finished with a forced laugh.
I nodded silently in understanding, wordlessly handing him one from out of my pockets as he muttered a small "thanks." I didn't know what to say to help ease his mind, I didn't know if there was anything that I could say. But I knew I had to say something.
"Hey, listen...neither of you know what's going to happen. But just know that...everything's going to be okay, and I'm right here for whenever you need me." I finished with a smile.
"But how can you know that? I mean...with what happened to Lori-"
"Don't." I quickly interrupted him, "She didn't have Hershel...and she had to have an emergency c-section. And clearly, I didn't know the first thing about that so... she-"
He shook his head as he realized what he had just said, stopping me from continuing as he placed a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry," he whispered, "I shouldn't have brought that up, I'm sorry."
I shook my head, "It's okay," I assured, "But please just trust me on this. Everything's going to be fine."
He looked at me for a moment, before nodding with a small smile, "Okay." he whispered.
However, seconds after the words left his mouth, we heard the sound of glass breaking. The sounds that followed were even worse. A loud crash echoed throughout the entire store, followed by a painful and terrified scream. Glenn and I just looked at each other for a brief second before taking off towards the commotion, and I hoped it wasn't as bad as it sounded. But then again, all good things must come to an end.
~ Thanks for reading!
Taglist - @justareader95 @hayley1998 @ryoujoking @sipsthecoffee @winterassassin1804 @marsmallow433 @catlalice @writingstreetspirit
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wing-ed-thing · 7 months
Levi x Reader x Erwin Love Triangle Headcanons
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Tags/Warnings: No Reader Pronouns, Slight Name-Calling (1)
𓆃 Levi having the initiative in a love triangle setting? What is this? An AU?
𓆃 This dynamic is sure to produce your classic love triangle feelings and troupes tenfold. Both are very powerful men with Levi being loyal, reliable, and slightly aloof, while Erwin is charming, calculating, and the definition of aloof.
𓆃 Levi has the advantage in the dynamic (which is a rarity for him, considering his reserved nature) simply because Erwin has basically sworn relationships off already.
𓆃 Although, this doesn't stop Erwin from trying to have his cake and eat it too. While he couldn't allow himself to have a life with Marie, that doesn't mean he's above teasing, flirting, and otherwise courting all time tell himself— and perhaps even telling you— that he's not looking for anything more.
𓆃 Levi also isn't one to jump at the prospect of an intimate relationship either (whatever that looks like for the two of you). He prefers to take things slow to scope you out as a person.
𓆃 Perhaps you'll hear, "Let's go out," or probably more likely, "I need dinner, let's go," but that's about the extent Levi is going.
𓆃 In fact, the only time the word "date" is ever going to be explicitly said is if you ask, "Is this a date?" to which Levi might answer, "Call it whatever you want, idiot" but only if you're particularly oblivious.
𓆃 It's more than Erwin will acknowledge. He'll make any excuse for you to accompany him on things, telling you that he wants to eat out for lunch and tells you to order what you want because he's putting it on the office tab.
𓆃 Don't even bother asking if anything is remotely outside professional because all you'll get back is, "Hm? What gave you that impression?" with a look on his face that makes you wonder if he's being serious or not.
𓆃 It's not that Erwin doesn't want you; it's that he desires something even more. This combined with his expert masking abilities and charm, translates to mixed signals at best.
𓆃 He's content with getting what he wants out of his relationship with you while avoiding placing labels on what you are for as long as possible.
𓆃 Levi, on the other hand, is far too... introspective. He has a lot going on, and he's mostly aware of it all, including his past losing people he cares about.
𓆃 There's not exactly a specific fear. It's more that he's lost tolerance for vulnerability, always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Subconsciously, he almost expects good things in his life to be followed by bad things.
𓆃 He'll continue to build a deep friendship with you, displaying deepening feelings through reluctant or secretive acts of service, leaving you with a strong and intimate friendship.
𓆃 Unlike Erwin, Levi's a bit more casual about labels. Ending the love triangle could be as easy as, "Are we a couple?" "If you say so. We've been living together for 8 goddamn months."
𓆃 It'll take quite the catalyst for one of them to make a definitive move. Even if you made your intentions known, it's likely not enough to bypass Erwin's mixed thoughts or Levi's.
𓆃 Erwin doesn't even know what he wants, and Levi is too fixated on what a deeper relationship with you means.
𓆃 So until something big happens that knocks either of them into shape, Erwin is content to play house with you, and Levi will continue to scope you out, overthinking until it's too late.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
If you're interested in more Levi x Reader x Erwin, consider checking out my 17.5k fic Stupid, Stupid, Emotionally Unavailable Erwin Smith or on AO3.
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rom-e-o · 2 months
"New Beginnings and Second Chances" (Ebenezer/Constance)
It's proposal time, all.
I've been tweaking and writing this as an epilogue to "Begin Again", and I think we're ready to share.
Thank you to everyone who has come along on this amazing journey! (Oh, it's not over. We're STILL trucking along strong, but man ... you can't deny that we've come far.)
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Ebenezer Scrooge, on most days, was an exponentially composed man.
He had tackled business negotiations, fortified good clients (while tastefully dismantling the smarmy ones) and cemented deals with estimated costs comprised of more numbers than most phone numbers, plus extensions.
However, on this very morning, the man was practically carving a path into the walnut floors of his home as a result of his pacing. He was in his study, and had been for the better half of the morning, waking and readying himself even before the arrival of his maid, Magda.
The day had come. He was going to do it. It was the second time he’d taken on the upcoming task, and yet this time, he felt more nervous than he had the first time.
He was going to propose to Constance DoGoode – the woman he’d been privileged enough to meet, fall in love with, and even receive her love in return.
He was going to ask her to marry him. To be his … wife.
Gods, the words gave him chills.
“Be steadfast, man,” he mouthed aloud, hand flying to his chest as his heart threatened to burst from his ribcage. It was soaring beneath his fingertips. “Don’t kick the bloody bucket before you even ask her!”
His treacherous heart continued to race, and he resigned himself to stepping close to the window for some fresh air. That actually helped, and he filled his lungs with the green-tinted, early morning haze of the early spring morning.
He’d acquired the ring a few days ago after sneaking one of her other bands to a jeweler to get the correct sizing. Now, every time he glimpsed the glittering stone, it took everything in him to not sod all his proposal plans and fall on one knee at the next sight of her. The ring had been burning a hole in both his pocket and mind since he’d purchased it; the stone seemingly just as excited to sparkle upon her finger as he was to place it upon it.
The ring had been an easy choice. A solitaire, square-cut diamond on a polished gold band. Simple. Elegant. Classy.
He’d known it was the ring from the moment he’d spotted it glittering in the case at the jeweler’s shop. One resize later (using one of her everyday rings that he’d silently apologized for taking from her jewelry box) and it was ready. He fitted it into a blue velvet ring box, and kept it in the very back of the only drawer in his work desk that required a lock to open. Just in case.
The ring, all things considered, had been a straightforward acquisition.
The proposal itself? That was a slightly more complicated matter.
Ebenezer had spent the better part of the last month seriously envisioning different scenarios for how he could pop the question. While the gesture itself had dominated his thoughts for the better half of a year, he’d seriously started noodling around ideas and putting pieces together in recent weeks.
It had to be as perfect as possible, he reasoned. Not so perfect that he put it off forever, of course, but it had to be worthy of her.
It had to be completely different than the experience that rat bastard of an ex-husband had given for her. That meant not proposing in a public place (quite fine with him) and not proposing while stumbling over himself drunk (exceptionally fine with him).
So …
Suddenly, like the first call of a meadowlark ending the silence of night, a knock sounded at the door.
“Mr. Scrooge, sir?”
Without waiting for an answer, another giddy knock came from the other side of his study’s door, the sound practically dancing across the lacquered. He bid the guest entry, knowing it was Magda just from her voice.
When the Hungarian woman slipped inside, an excited grin decorated her face. She practically glided through the door’s crevice, careful to latch the door noiselessly behind her before she spoke. “My stars, sir! Today is the day, is it not?”
He nodded, taking a deep breath as Magda bounced on her heels. After an energetic clap, she reached out to take the man’s hands and give them a reassuring squeeze. “Oh, don’t fret! She’ll say yes!”
He hoped. Gods, he hoped so. He hoped she said yes, and he hoped she said yes out of desire and not obligation, like she had with Orin. Although she loved him, it had been too soon, she’d said.
…Gods, was it too soon for them, too?
No, his mind raced to think, there was no going back. He didn’t want to wait, like he had with Isabel.
No, he had to ask. To make his love known and open. The rest was in her hands.
“I sent for the carriage this morning,” he said, breathy with nervousness, “By the time she awakens and dresses, they should arrive.”
Reaching into his pocket, he procured his silver pocket watch and glimpsed the time. The hands sat at 6:48 a.m. It wouldn’t be long before his love began to stir.
“Shall I prepare any breakfast? Or are you lovebirds going to eat in the coach?”
“Much obliged, Magda, but I went ahead and prepared something.”
She waggled her brow in intrigue. “You.”
He waggled his brow somewhat defensively. “Yes, me, as a matter of fact. Thank you for that sign of confidence.”
“I didn’t know you could cook, sir!”
“Magda, may I remind you that I survived many, many years – decades, actually – without a maid helping me cook? While I am infinitely grateful for all the help you’ve provided me, I assure you I am quite capable of…”
“…Ethel assisted me. Happy?”
Magda let out an amicable laugh. “Happy, and less worried for the poor lady’s stomach, as well.”
Scrooge hmph!-ed at her playful teasing. He knew her jabs were all in good faith, and presented a welcome distraction from his nervous pacing and racing thoughts. Whether it was intentional or not, he appreciated her company in that moment, just like had every single day he’d had the pleasure of employing her.
“Magda, I—”
Then, the faint sound of creaking stairs from outside the study door caught their attention. Both ceased talking just in time to hear a gentle knock on the study door.
“Come in, love,” Ebenezer called, knowing exactly who was on the other side.
Sure enough, Constance peered in, blue eyes wide and her smile bright, but still a touch sleepy. “Ah, there you both are,” she said, chuckling as she slipped inside, shutting it behind her just as Magda had.
Even fresh from bed, Costance was a sight to behold. Her red hair was pulled back in a loose chignon and fastened with large, satin ribbon. She herself was donned in a blue velvet peignoir with golden trim and matching sash that highlighted the hourglass curve of her waist.
“I must confess, I was a little worried,” she said in an adorable, sleep-bitten rasp. She was still waking up, bless her. The woman had awoken to see that her partner was missing from his side of the bed, and had taken little time to wait before investigating fully. “The house is never so quiet in the morning.”
She’s made the comment as a light joke, but upon seeing the main master and maid of the house gathered together so close in the study, she suddenly lowered her voice in concern. “Is everything alright?”
Before Scrooge could think of an excuse, Magda was quick to the rescue.
“I was just asking Mr. Scrooge if he wouldn’t mind if a took a bit of a last minute day off,” she said, “I have some personal errands and appointments, and thought it might be easier to take a full day than mince apart various other working days.”
She glanced at Ebenezer, giving him a coy smirk that matched the mischievous slant of her eyes. She looked like a tabby that had just filled its cheeks at the nearest birdcage, and gotten away with it, too.
“Why, I believe that sounds like a capital idea,” Scrooge agreed, clapping an agreeable hand over her puff-sleeved shoulder. “After all, the house will be vacant all day today.”
“It will?” Constance asked, her surprise palpable but pleasant.
“Indeed so,” he said, turning to her, hands reaching out to take one of hers. “I’ve arranged a bit of a … surprise for us today. A surprise outing.”
“Oh, really?” A flush of joy made her freckles pop across her sun-kissed cheeks.
He laughed softly, pleased by her excitement. “I’ve prepared breakfast, and a coach should be here on the hour for us. I-If you’d be so kind as to join me, I would be most honored.”
Magda tried hard to not roll her eyes as Constance enthusiastically agreed, both leaning into a embrace and chaste kiss that Magda had the decency to avert her eyes from.
Of course Constance had agreed to the outing, the maid thought secretly. She had no work that day, and when the happy couple wasn’t at work, they were spending time together in some capacity. Reading in the sitting room together, taking a stroll together, sometimes even rowing out on the Serpentine in Hype Park to bask in the sun and watch the swans skate across the waters.
Today was no different, but he had still kindly asked her if she was free to spend time with him.
Silly man, she thought kindly, though the maternal side of her longed to pull them both into a hug and wish them luck. Especially him.
“I’ll get dressed this instant,” Constance said with a nod. “I won’t be long, promise.”
“I’ll help.”
“Oh, Magda, I thought…”
“I’ve got a moment to spare,” she said lovingly, fluttering to the young woman’s side and giving her a nudge. “Come now, let’s make you look like an absolute vision! I have the perfect dress in mind, as well.”
“Please, love. It would be my honor.”
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As the carriage pulled up to the house and Scrooge loaded the basket and blanket they needed, he called up the stairs for Magda and Constance to come down.
While they waited, he made small talk with the driver, paid him in advance, and offered him a vague outline of the day’s itinerary. As for the directions, he’d scribed those carefully as well, and even provided a map, though the driver gave him a reassuring look.
“Been doin’ this ‘ob for many a year, Mr. Scrooge,” he said, taking a long drag of his pipe at the end. “I’ve got many maps, compasses, and back-ups of all me back-ups. You and yer lady are safe wit’ me.”
Well, he had hired the best, he reasoned. It seemed the sterling reputation of the driver and business was true, even if the man himself was a little rough around the edges. “Good man. Thank you again. Oh, um…here’s some breakfast for the road.”
Scrooge handed him a slab of cheese and an entire loaf of bread wrapped in a cloth. This excited the driver more than the directions. “Cheers, mate! I’ll take th’ smoothest paths for you and yer lady!”
“Much obliged.”
“Oh, and betw’n you and me, feel free to close those curtains if you lot would pr’fer some alone time, yeah? I can’t hear a peep fro’ where I’m sittin’.”
“…I’ll remember that.”
He would not act on that, but he supposed the gesture was … kind? Thoughtful? It was something, he ultimately decided.
While the conversation with the driver had been interesting in and of itself, all memory of the conversation seemed to fly out of his head as Magda rushed out with Constance on her arm.
As always, Magda met and exceeded expectations by leaps and bounds.
Dressed in a gown of chocolate brown satin with golden-white petticoats shimmering beneath the skirts, Constance stepped carefully down the stone steps of the house, her heels a matching shade of deep coffee. A matching shawl, trimmed with pearly fringe, concealed her shoulders from the morning chill. Her hair was adorned with a white ribbon nestled in a perfect bow in the back, the curls falling in loose spirals around her shoulders.
He noted that she also wore the freshwater pearl earrings and choker that he’d gotten her for her birthday a few months ago. Also, on her right ring finger, a fire opal ring she had inherited from her father blazed brilliantly. She rarely wore the piece, treasuring the item too much to risk losing it.
Magda really had worked her magic.
“Are you sure this isn’t too much?” Constance asked as she plucked at the skirt of her dress. Magda distracted her tentative movements by helping her into a pair of satin gloves, occupying her fingers for a moment. “This dress is beautiful, but is it too much for…um …”
She laughed and glanced at him somewhat bashfully. “Oh … I just realized I never even asked you where we were going.”
Gods, she was lovely, he thought.
“A picnic,” he supplied vaguely, almost breathless as he took in the sight of her. “And no. P-Please don’t change. You look absolutely beautiful…and you’re comfortable, yes?”
“Oh, very comfortable.”
“Then that’s what matters.”
Prudence bounded down the stairs, barking excitedly at the sight of the sleek, cherrywood carriage.
Of course, she would be invited along for the proposal. Why, it was largely because of Prudence that he and Constance had bumped into each other in the first place on that fateful December day, as he’d been in the butcher buying bones for her. As sch, it seemed only right for her to be present on the day that he asked Constance to be a part of his life for the remainder of his days.
Seeming to sense the importance of the occasion, she trotted up to her master and pawed at his leg.
Scrooge chuckled, then opened the door so she could hop in. “Go on, Prudence.”
After an excited spin, she leapt up and instantly made herself comfortable on one of the long, leather-clad benches, just beside the picnic basket and rolled up blanket. The mastiff flopped down and let out a satisfied huff.
Thank goodness he’d sprang for the larger cab, he thought as he surveyed the remaining space.
“We may need to cozy up just a tad for the trip,” Ebenezer warned Constance playfully. She returned an amused look, her smile only broadening when she peeked into the carriage and saw Prudence curled up on the opposite bench.  
After bringing Constance her purse (which contained only her pillbox, a book of poetry she’d been reading, a money clip, and some rouge), Magda then turned her attention to him. She helped Ebenezer slip into his black overcoat, smoothing the fabric as she did so. She also produced his top hat and cane, which she’d pulled from the entryway closet ahead of time.
As she skimmed the lapels of his coat with her fingers to make sure they laid flat and symmetrically, she gave him one last, reassuring stare, the burning resolve in her eyes all the more magnified by the thick lenses on her spectacles.
He took one last deep breath …and nodded.
“Right. T-Time to go.”
Assuming his post at the carriage’s open door, he extended a hand to Constance. Slowly, he helped her mount the step to the cab.
Once she was seated, he slotted himself into the space beside her.
“We’ll be back before sunset!” he called before shutting the door. He gave her one last wave.
“Have fun, you two!” Magda called innocently, stealing a handkerchief from her apron pocket to wave as the driver snapped the reins and the carriage rolled forth across the cobbled roadway. “Be good! I won’t wait up!”
Prudence let out another bark, and Constance leaned out the carriage window to wave excitedly. The maid also saw the woman lose her balance, and Ebenezer’s arms frantically circle her to pull her back to safety.
As soon as the cart was out of sight, Magda was off like a shot back inside. She raced to grab her coat and hat, practically flinging them on her body. The maid didn’t even bother to check her reflection as she shimmied down the strop steps of the house and made her way down Lime Street and into the churning streets of Cornhill. The woman had a few key destinations in mind.
First, she’d traverse Lime Street to a residential neighborhood a few blocks over, where Harry and Hela lived.
Then, she’d wind her way through the alleyways and cobbled roadways until she reached Camden Town.
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 The carriage ride out of town lasted all but two hours, but inside the cab, the minutes all but flew by.
The couple shared bites of breakfast (orange peel-flecked scones that he’d practiced in secret for days) and read passages from the small book of poetry Constance had tucked into her purse.
« Mon bras pressait ta taille frêle Et souple comme le roseau; Ton sein palpitait comme l’aile D’un jeune oiseau. »
« Longtemps muets, nous contemplâmes Le ciel où s’éteignait le jour. Que se passait-il dans nos âmes ? Amour! Amour! »
« Comme un ange qui se dévoile, Tu me regardais, dans ma nuit, Avec ton beau regard d’étoile, Qui m’éblouit. »
Ebenezer pronounced the words graciously are carefully, Constance using her French lessons from long past to speak alongside him.
“It has been quite a while since I’ve spoken French,” he admitted, “Not since I was a boy, reading some of the classics for my studies. I fear I’m rusty in the romance languages.”
“You are doing well,” Constance enthused.
Ebenezer knew Constance was fluent In English and Dutch, but Frensh was a … more recreational language for her. A nifty party trick, although it was a vast help in situations just as this, where they crowded over a small book and took great care to read the delicate writing accurately.
“My arm clasped your fragile waist that’s supple as a reed; Your breast beat like the wing Of a young bird.
“In a long silence we contemplated The sky where the day was fading away. What was happening in our souls? Love! Love!
“Like an angel who reveals herself, You looked at me, in my night, With your beautiful star’s gaze, Blinding me with … light.”
A comfortable silence settled over them as the words lingered a beat.
“I do so love that one,” she said with a dreamy, wavering sigh. “Especially the ending.”
“Very beautiful indeed,” Ebenezer husked, deepening his voice to a burr to attract her attention. When she glanced up and saw the smirk upon his visage, seeing only her own reflection in his icy eyes, her cheeks bloomed with pleasant color.
All the while, the sun continued to climb in the sky outside. By the time they near the spot that Ebenezer had directed the driver to, it was nearly midday.
Another turn of the page, and Ebenezer spotted a familiar piece of literature. “Venus and Adonis, by Shakespeare.”
“Oh, that one is wonderful, but quite long,” Constance chuckled.
“Certainly longer than his most famous sonnets,” he said, “Sonnet 29 comes to mind. Shorter … and easier for a man to memorize and recite to his lovely lady.”
His last remark harbored just enough cheekiness for her to wonder how many men he’d witnessed recite the same sonnet over and over across the city during romantic, spring days. Probably dozens, she thought in intrigue and amusement.
“I saw it performed a few summers ago in New York. By a theater troupe in Central Park. They memorized the entire thing – amazingly impressive for such green performers! A duo, in fact.”
It was a tragic poem, of course. It was also an erotic epic. Not necessarily appropriate for the occasion. Still, right as she was about to close the book, he reached out and paused her. With the tap of his finger, he urged her eyes to fall upon a specific passage.
She read:
“Ten kisses short as one, one long as twenty:  
“A summer’s day will seem an hour but short…”
As the words finished leaving her painted lips, he leaned down and placed the gentlest of kisses upon her mouth. In that moment, the sentiment on the parchment manifested into warm, breathing reality.
“Now that,” he said, reaching up and thumbing the curls about her cheeks, “Reminds me of today.”
She blinked slowly. Again, dreamily. “Does it, my Adonis?”
An airy chuckle left him, but his fingers tightened their grip just slightly. He did grip her tight, he held her tight. “With you, the hours blend into beautiful, fleeting moments. Evey second with you feels…healing.”
He thought of yet another line from the poem: “Love comforteth like sunshine after rain.”
A perfect summary, he thought as he leaned in again, kissing the tip of her nose. “My Venus.”
A few precious moments later, the couple heard the driver gently urge his horses to a gentle stop. They obeyed with a few clicks of the man’s tongue, and once they were fully stopped on a well-trodden side path, the driver alerted them of their arrival.
“Splendid,” Ebenezer said, praying his voice didn’t convey the nervousness he felt. “Shall we?”
He opened the door to allow Prudence to jump out (which she eagerly did). As the mastiff busied herself biting at butterflies and rolling in the dust like a chipmunk, Ebenezer stepped out and instantly felt the heat of the sun above them. It was considerably warmer than it had been the morning before.
He shed his hat and coat, leaving them in the carriage with his cane.
Constance followed suit by shedding her shawl, then tilted her head back in bliss as she stepped into the sun. “Mm. Warm.”
Sun was a rarity in England, he noted. It was rare to see the sun or moon in their true glory.
In that moment, she appeared to be drinking in the light, her tanned skin and vibrant hair giving the blazing a star a run for its money in radiance.
“Here we are, lovebirds,” the driver said, giving his horses a pat as they dipped their heads to graze. “Spot to ya likin’, Mr. Scrooge?”
“Very much so. Much obliged.”
Just like before, he reached into the basket and produced some food and drink to help bide the time while they made merry, so to speak.
Surprised and pleased by the next round of gifts, the man took a large bite of a mincemeat pastry from his share before waving the couple off and telling them to “have a bit o’ nanty narking, ya hear! I won’t ‘ell, haha!”
Constance gave Ebenezer a playful grin while he blushed red as a beet.
“T-Thank you, sir,” he mumbled, ushering Constance away with one arm while carrying their picnic basket with the other.
 The air was scented with the sweet fragrance of wildflowers, and the distant melody of birdsong accompanied their amicable conversation as Ebenezer led her up an ambling stone path to the spot he’d picked. Their destination was atop an overlook with a perfect view of the swaying fields for miles around, different patches dotted with clouds of fresh blossoms.
The couple set up their spot, then sat on a blanket spread across the lush grass, surrounded by the serenity of nature. The smog and incessant chatter of the city was long forgotten as they basked in the aroma of sun-warmed wildflowers and relaxed to the melody of the babbling brook nearby.
As they enjoyed a picnic of sandwiches, fruits, and a bottle of sparkling cider, Ebenezer couldn't shake the anticipation bubbling within him. For the entire duration of their outing, he stole glances at Constance. In fact, he would have been hard pressed to remove his gaze from her on any occasion, and especially in this moment and setting. It was a scene he knew he didn’t want to forget for the rest of his days alive, and as he drank in the details of her, he knew he never would.
By the time they’d finished eating, they lounged for a while against the shade of the oak, even making a trip to a nearby stream to dance in the ankle-deep water and splash around a bit. Prudence even followed, running circles in the riverbank under her entire belly and paws were dripping with river water and mud.
When they returned from that, lazily strolling up the hill hand-in-hand, it was the golden hour of sunset.
In the halo of warm light that radiated from the horizon’s dark edge, it was a treat marveling at the way the sunlight played in her hair, making it glow like strands of molten bronze. The way her cornflower eyes glittered like the sea captivated him further.
A moment of silene stretched between them … and with the sun slowly vanishing, he knew the seconds of his opportunity were literally ticking away.
Constance, catching the anxious way Ebenezer fumbled for his coat, glanced over. “Are you alright, love? Are you cold?"
Love. The endearment bolstered his resolve.
“Quite alright,” he said. “In fact, I’ve never been happier.”
Ebenezer took a deep breath, steadying his nerves.
Something touched her expression as she realized when was happening. She didn’t say a word, but her eyes widened almost knowingly, the blue color shining like the isles of Neptune.
Now or never, he thought.
“Constance. The Christmas of my 50th birthday, I…became a changed man. I realized the error of my ways, and became transformed. I realized that I’d wasted much of my life in misery, content to be alone and deprive others, and myself, of happiness. I remember thinking that I would never go back.
“Then, the moment we met, you did the impossible … you transformed my life again. Since then, you've brought … warmth to the coldest corners of my heart, and every day with you feels like a gift. A gift that was almost stolen away by circumstance …”
Stolen away by a past of abuse, falsified medical records, a razor blade, and a man with eyes like the coldest fog.
“As turbulent as the start of our time together was, facing those trials, it made me realize that parting ways from you was never even a consideration. Even if we only remained friends or coworkers, you were always in my future in some capacity. As we continued to court, I stopped imagining you as just a coworker or friend, or even as just a lover. I-I know some might roll their eyes at the ide of a man of my age wanting such pomp and circumstance, but…I do.
“I’ve thought of little else in the past few weeks … hell, honestly, the past few months. What would life without you be like? I … can’t fathom it. Or if I could, I can’t bear the thought of it.”
Sensing the weight of his words, she nodded with a nervous swallow. “A-And I can't imagine mine without you, Ebenezer.”
With a tender smile, Ebenezer reached into his trouser pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. The sight of it made Constance's breath catch.
He opened the box to reveal a delicate ring, the sunlight catching on the glimmering diamond in the middle.
“Constance, my angel,” Ebenezer began, his voice filled with emotion, “I-I never thought I’d ask this question of another, but I have to know. I must. W-Would you do me the honor of remaining by my side, in spirit and name? Will you marry me?”
The question hung in the air, and for a moment, the world seemed to pause. His emotions were suspended in stasis as well.
Then, a wave of joy swept over her face, and she nodded, tears of happiness glistening in her eyes.
“I-I will.”
He blinked, huffing out a laugh. “You will.”
“Yes! Ebenezer, a thousand times yes!”
A delighted smile broke across Ebenezer's face as he took the ring from the box. Laughing in equal parts disbelief and bliss, he leaned forward to meet her as she rushed to kiss him.
Prudence, who had been watching from the edge of the blanket, barked in excitement as the two kissed, arms wrapping around each other and holding on tight.
“Oh, thank you,” he praised, lips moving against hers. “I’ll be good to you, my angel. I promise with all my heart.”
“I know you will.” Her tears, warm and fresh, fell upon their laps. “I-I know. Oh, I’ve dreamed of this.”
“You have?”
In tandem, sharing a desire, their raised their hand in tandem to entwine their fingers.
“Y-Yes, and today…it’s been even more perfect than I ever imagined,” she confessed, bumping their noses together as another joyful sob threatened to clench her.
A pause. Then, her fingers gripped his arm firmly, giving his shoulder a squeeze. “It’s just … m-me? Are you certain?”
A redheaded New Yorker of questionable pedigree, former socialite and divorcee, married to a wealthy Englishman and philanthropist. It was certainly an eye-catching combination, he supposed, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Absolutely yes,” he replied, voice breaking at the sight of her tears. He brandished a handkerchief and dabbed them away, pepping her forehead with more kisses all the while. “I’m beyond certain. You have my heart, Connie.”
Gently, he slid the ring onto Constance's finger, sealing their promise beneath the setting sun.
“And you have mine.”
With another kiss, their commitment was sealed.
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From afar, the Scrooge manor looked quite vacant. No lights shined from inside, no smoke plumed from the chimney, and no shadows busied themselves beyond the windows. It was almost an uncanny sight.
“Goodness, it looks so ominous from here,” Constance joked, arm-in-arm with her fiancé as the carriage approached the estate. As the sun had dipped below the horizon, and they reentered the scrutinizing eyes of the city limits, they donned all their proper layers.
“It used to always look this dour, I’m shamed to admit,” he said, giving her hand an affectionate pat “We’ll fix that straightaway once we’re indoors. Get a good fire going – well, maybe just some candles. It’s a little warm.”
“Too warm for celebratory glass of wine?”
“Oh, never too warm for that! Especially on such an occasion.”
“I think you’re quite right,” she agreed, eyeing a very muddy Prudence from across the car. She lifted her heeled shoe and gave the mastiff a light tap. “And you need a bath, miss. I don’t think it would be very comfortable to sleep in muddy fur, yes?”
Averting her eyes (as if that made her invisible), she pretended to not hear the woman’s theory. In turn, the couple chuckled at the sight.
The carriage pulled up to the house, right under the light of a gas lamp to provide better visibility. Ebenezer, having redonned his coat and top hat, stepped out with his cane in hand. Then, he helped Constance out. In the process, he glimpsed the sight of the dazzling ring upon her still ungloved hand, and his heart started up again.
The ring also caught the attention of the driver, who let out a whistle. “Oi, hearty congratulations ar’ in or’da to ye both!”
After a few last goodbyes, the driver tipped his hat one last time and wheeled himself away into the foggy night.
There, they stood before his home, arm-in-arm again. He carried the dirty, rolled-up blanket and while carried their now empty basket.
After a glimpse to make sure they were truly alone on the quiet street, they shared a lingering, public kiss. It was the kind that always sent Beryl and her boys reeling when they did it outside the privacy of their bedroom.
As they parted, he offered her a grin and squeeze of the arm.
“Welcome home, Mrs. DoGoode-Scrooge.”
She returned his affection with a gleaming smile of her own. She noted that he’d included her maiden name, her father’s name, in the title. If possible, that sentiment was the final, stone-enforced in the proud, tall tower of certainty.
“It is my honor to bear the name, and have the heart of the man who gave it to me,” she replied.
Giggling like excited teenagers, they shimmied up the stone stairs leading to the massive front door. He fished out the substantial key from his coat pocket and slipped it in, the tumblers of the lock giving way with the same, comforting melody they always had.
They opened the door, expecting the same darkness within that they’d glimpsed from the outside.
Yet, once the door opened, the room lit up as the gas-burning chandelier roared to life. The rest of the wide foyer was decorated with glittering, gold crepe paper and vases bursting with fresh lilies, daisies and sunny daffodils from the flower market.
Friends and family stood shoulder to shoulder around the circumference of the room, clapping and cheering as they came through the door.
The Cratchit children jumped up in greeting from behind one of the chamber’s marble-top tables, and Beryl’s gang of boys cheers from the railed hallway overhead, clapping and cheering as if they’d just watched an amazing stuntman at one of the London fairs.
Magda, looking pleased as punch, uncorked a bottle of icy prosecco from the cellar with a swift yank of the corkscrew. “There you are, the two turtledoves!”
Tim, who saw Scrooge as a second father, ran to the man and hugged him. “Congratulations, Mr. Scrooge! You’re gonna be a good husband, I know it!”
He was too overjoyed to be stunned for long, the man’s heart melted as he returned the boy’s hug with a tight embrace of his own. “Thank you, my boy.”
“Congrats, Miss Connie,” the blond boy turned and said sweetly. “You’re going to be a mighty pretty bride.”
She dabbed at the corner of her eyes with her fingertips. “Thank you, Tim.”
“C-Can we see your ring?” Kathy asked timidly, fiddling with the end of one of her braid as she approached.
“Yes, the ring!” Martha echoed excitedly, her chignon bouncing as she danced closer.
Constance nodded and held her hand aloft. Immediately, an audience gathered around her.
“Blimey, girl, that’s a stunner,” Tom Jenkins noted, appraising the gem with a keen eye. “Good job, mate.”
“Oh, it’s positively beautiful, uncle!” Harry agreed, before breaking away to pull the former curmudgeon of a man into a teary bear hug. “I-I never thought I’d see the day! My uncle getting married to a woman he loves! Oh, the way my mother must be smiling now!”
“H-Harry, ow.”
Meanwhile, Bob and Ethel embraced Constance tightly, Ethel pecking her cheek joyfully. “Oh, a wedding! I hope you know that Hela and I would be absolutely enthralled to help, my pet.”
“Indeed,” said woman agreed, her earrings jingling in agreement as she nodded her head. “I know you’ve done this before in New York – getting married I mean, but it’s intimidating to do in a new country! I would be honored to provide the names of those Harry and I worked with and found pleasant. I’m also happy to share a list of those I did not enjoy working with, haha.”
“Oh, that would be very helpful! Thank you both, truly.”
Constance then turned her attention to Magda, smirking and giving out crystal flutes of prosecco to guests.
She paused at Constance, their eyes meeting in a moment of understanding. The redhead flew to embrace her tightly, skirts swinging around her ankles. “This morning. You knew.”
Magda patted the redhead’s back affectionately. “I did, love. I’ve known for a while, in fact.”
“Have you?”
“I knew it the day you came to live with us,” she said, “The day your former husband’s boat left that dock, I knew you’d never leave. I know I’m always right, but I’m extra pleased about it this time.”
She laughed airily, but the way her grip tightened was sincere in the deepness of her gratitude. “Thank you.”
Nodding between happy tears, Ebenezer came behind Constance to lay a delicate hand upon her shoulder. She stepped away at that moment, now wanting to detain Magda for uncomfortably long, and accepted a flute of celebratory bubbly eagerly. She also passed one to Ebenezer, who kissed the top of her hand in thanks.
Errol, Magda’s ballet dancer husband, passed out cider to the young children in small, purple-tinted glasses. He’d also had the good sense to wrap Prudence in a thick pestemal to protect the guests. It would take only one shake for the guests, and wallpaper, to become polka-dotted in pattern.
Once all the glasses were passed out, Ebenezer hoisted his high. Everyone followed, anxious for the former miser’s toast.
“Everyone, to each other,” he said, wrapping an arm around Constance’s waist and glancing down to meet her gaze. “To second chances and new beginnings.”
She then glanced around the room, taking care to make eye contact with each smiling face. Each person who had helped her. Each soul that had believed in her, and her redemption.
“To second chances and new beginnings,” Constance agreed proudly, tapping her glass against his. “And all those who help us find them.”
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Thank you to everyone for your support, likes, comments and more: @quill-pen, @crimson-phantom-designs, @thedivinelights, @alolaamii, @bluestarliight, @vixx-ari, @ray-painter, @shipshroom, @akitauma, @blueapplesiren,
I see you and appreciate you! <3
31 notes · View notes
beangfrisky · 1 year
minors dni !!
Kuroo Tetsurou could not have looked any better under the dim lighting in the bar. His shirt was slightly open with the top two buttons undone, and his hair thoroughly ruffled from running his hair through it too many times. He dropped his glass back to the bar to unbutton and roll up the sleeves of his dress shirt so his forearms were on display.
I took a moment to push back my own hair. Admiring my coworker's forearms probably wasn't appropriate. But damn if he didn't look good.
His glances weren't exactly subtle either. After every sip of his drink his eyes kept finding ways to drift back over towards me. We had been flirting on this dangerous of inappropriate work behavior for months. If only he would make a move already.
"You did good today, we make a good team." His dark eyes met mine and my cheeks heated at his praise.
"It's amazing that this is the first time we've been partners in the almost year I've worked here."
Kuroo knows exactly why we were never a pair before. But he didn't need the pretty girl sitting next to him knowing that he begged his boss to only pair him up with other coworkers because she makes his head spin.
"Probably thought we'd be too good together." He winced a little but kept his smirk. His gaze wandered again to my chest and went down slowly, all the way to the red heels I was wearing.
"See something you like?" If he was planning on teasing me all night with his eyes, he had another thing coming.
He choked on his drink a little but quickly recovered. Eyebrows raised a little in surprise on both of our faces. "I do."
His eyes met mine and somehow it turned into a staring contest. I debated my next move, this could go very well or very badly. No matter how tonight ended we would both have to work together again bright and early in the morning.
A hand on my wrist pulled me out of my thoughts. "Would you like to check out my room? You can tell me if you see anything you like." His offer was enough to pull me out of my seat.
"Absolutely." I sounded more breathless than I wanted, but I had wanted this for so long. He chuckled and waved the bartender over to pay.
We hurriedly stumbled towards the exit of the hotel bar together. His hand still on my wrist which made me match his long strides. Once we reached the elevator he stood with his back to the door blocking it for anyone else to join us. I gave an apologetic smile to an older man waiting behind us.
The doors closed and our hands reached for each other. Kuroo pushed me back against the elevator wall and grasped the back of my neck in that huge hand of his. He paused to look at me before I pulled his lips down to mine with my hands that were fisted up in his shirt.
When the elevator dinged he pulled me out into the hallway and we raced to his door. He jammed the keycard in twice to no avail. I steadied his hand and gently took the keycard from him. The door lit up green after I calmly pressed it in.
The handle was slammed down and the door opened faster than I could blink. Kuroo swung me inside by my waist and pushed me up against the door as it closed.
The minutes after that played like a slide show in my mind. My hands in his hair and his on my waist. My legs wrapping around his waist. His tongue in my mouth. I was totally overwhelmed with Kuroo Tetsurou and his big strong body pressed up against me.
He stole his lips away from mine and pressed our foreheads together. "That was..." At least he was affected as I was.
"I think I see something that I like." I responded.
My hands lifted to the third button still done on his shirt, "I think I'd like to see more of it if that's alright with you."
Hurried hands undid buttons, zippers, and finally shoved fabric away from bodies. At this point I couldn't distinguish what my own hands had done and what his had.
His shirtless chest required admiring, and paired with his broad shoulders he was my wet dream come to life. I looked down at my undone blouse and began to take it off too but he stopped me.
"Keep it on for now." His eyes were gleaming.
Strong arms grabbed me up and dropped me on the foot of the bed. Those big hands trailed up my thighs beneath my skirt. "I'd like to see what's under this if that's okay with you?"
How could I ever say no to that? I parted my legs as he dropped down to kneel between them. He shoved my skirt up until it was bunched around my waist. His fingers teased the fabric of my panties as he traced between my lips.
"Please Kuroo just do something. Anything."
"Patience is a virtue princess. And that's Tetsurou to you." His dark eyes moved up and down between my face and pussy as he continued to tease me over my panties.
"I've waited months for this, I would say that's patient enough, Tetsurou." He grasped both of my thighs at that and dragged me down the bed even more.
"How long?"
"How long has it been since we've met again?" The time for subtlety is over, he needed to understand the urgency of my situation.
At that he snapped my panties against my cunt before slowly dragging them down my legs. He leaned his head down to blow over it before giving me a small lick as if testing the waters.
I couldn't help but moan at the contact. My body was so wound up all I could think was please please please. I squirmed underneath his stare.
Something in him must have broken because he dove in full force after that. His tongue dove in between my lips as he tasted me. My gasps turned into moans when he started slowly fucking me with his tongue.
"Fuck, Tetsu. Please. More." His nose on my clit felt better than anything I had experienced in my life. I never wanted this to stop.
He leaned up and sucked my clit into his mouth and began circling his tongue around it slowly. I felt his finger slowly push inside of me and couldn't help but let out every curse word I could think of.
He pulled his mouth off of me for a second to ask, "That feel good princess?"
Fuck, good was nowhere near what it felt like. Before I couldn’t get my mind together to answer, his mouth was back on me and he had added another finger inside of me.
He slowed down to a torturous pace and took his mouth off of me again. "I asked you a question, I want your words before I continue."
Dark eyes met mine and I blurted out whatever my mush brain could manage, "So good. Please don't stop. I'm so close, please. Tetsu."
It sounded far more whiny than I imagined it would. I was totally going to be embarrassed about that one later. But he sped up again and continued his assault on my clit.
"Fuck, I'm going to cum. Please please please." I begged.
Seconds later I couldn't hold back anymore and came on his fingers. My mind went blank as I experienced the best orgasm of my entire life. All of my limbs clenched and shook before finally relaxing into jello.
I had to push his head away when he kept going after, it was too damn sensitive. He pulled his head up with my hand still threaded in his hair and crawled up my body. My hand slid down the back of his neck as I took frantic breaths to recover from what he had just done to me.
His smile was the cockiest I had ever seen it. He knew how good of a job he had done and relished in the fact he made me fall apart like that. It was all over his face.
"You're irresistible when you beg princess." He nuzzled his nose into my cheek.
"Then I want you to fuck me now, please." I looked up at him through my lashes. He damn near growled out his response. "Good girl."
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can u write one where Derek and the reader get reunited after. Along time, like he faked his death or smthng and they’re rely mad at him or smthng
thanks for requesting!
"You're not real."
Your entire body was tense as you looked at Derek standing in front of you, finding it hard to believe.
"I'm real-"
"No, you're not. Derek died last year. I don't know who the fuck you are, but this isn't funny. Leave us alone now."
Your gun laid on the table next to you, you quickly grabbed it, aiming it at Derek as he tensed.
"You have every right to be mad, but please just..."
He took a step closer to you as you cocked the gun, keeping strong.
It couldn't be real.
"No, that's not Derek," you could feel the tears rushing to your eyes as you looked away from the body, looking back at Scott.
"I found him like this. He's been dead for at least two weeks," you shook your head in disbelief, stumbling back slightly.
"I don't know what type of sick prank this is supposed to be-"
"It's not a fucking prank, (Y/N) just look," Stiles took your phone from you, dialing Derek's number.
You could hear the phone buzzing from the counter, feeling your heart dropping.
You couldn't believe it.
"I'm sorry." you looked at the tears in both of their eyes, shaking your head.
"No, h-he can't... we were..." you could feel the air leaving you as more and more tears rushed to your eyes, feeling your heart in your throat.
"I had to keep you safe, (Y/N). I didn't want it to be like this," you could feel slight tears in your eyes as your hands shook slightly, remembering the events of last year.
"Prove you're Derek," your voice shook slightly.
"I know that we've known each other forever. I was there for you when you ran away. Your birthday's May 5th, you always picked on the fact that you're 7 months older than me. I know you've always wanted a family but you were too scared because of how dangerous everything in our lives was. I remember all the songs on your CD, your mom gave them to you before she died and you never go anywhere without them. I know that we were supposed to get married 9 months ago, but... I wasn't here," your hands were shaking as you lowered your gun, exhaling shakily.
"You... you've been alive this whole time?" you whimpered.
He nodded softly, while you shook your head.
"You couldn't reach out to me, could you? You couldn't have sent me one fucking text or a fucking call to let me know you were alive and okay?" there was slight anger in your voice, you could see the pain in Derek's face.
"I couldn't tell anyone. I'm sorry-"
"You think you can just apologize for making me grieve you and think you were dead for a whole year?!" you exclaimed.
"Yes, because we love each other. I know I... I'm here now and I'm sorry," he said.
You scoffed, laughing bitterly before shaking your head.
"Of course, you think that we can go back to how everything was before like this past year didn't happen, right?"
"You have no idea how this past year has been on me, on any of us. How could you put me through something like this? If you love me so much how could you do this to me?" your voice broke, tears rushing down your face.
You could feel the anger leaving you, sadness taking over.
"(Y/N), I'm sorry. Please just forgive me." Derek begged, putting his hands on your shoulders.
You pulled away, shaking your head.
"I think you should leave," you said.
"(Y/N), please don't-"
"I think you need to go," you repeated once more, as he sighed, before nodding.
"I'll be back tomorrow and every day after that. I'm sorry, I'll do whatever I need to in order to get your trust back," you stayed stiff as he spoke, your tears falling.
He stroked your cheek softly, giving you a small smile.
"Bye," you didn't reply, keeping still as he made his way out the door, looking back at you before walking away.
You wrapped your arms around yourself, letting out a quiet sob as you fell to your knees.
All the pain from the past year hit you once more, leaving you feeling worse than ever before.
"You didn't tell her what happened," Scott gave Derek a look as he sat in the car, while he exhaled slowly.
"She needs some time-"
"No, she's gonna feel even worse if you tell her everything that happened. You should've told her now," Stiles added in.
"No. Shut up and drive, Scott." Derek's eyes flashed blue, earning an eye roll from the two boys.
He looked away from them, staring out the window, listening in to your broken cries as they drove off.
Nothing could hurt him more than listening to your cries, not being able to hold you.
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umgeorge · 6 months
george russell is interviewed during the press conference, abu dhabi - november 23, 2023 (transcription under the cut)
Interviewer: "George, coming to you, so Mercedes are P2 in the constructor's championship, but just four points ahead of Ferrari. What's the mood in the camp, coming into the last one?" George: "Yeah, we're excited for the challenge ahead. It's gonna be a close fight with Ferrari. They're obviously coming off the back of a strong race, but definitely I'd prefer to be in the position we're in than in their shoes, and I think we just need to go out there, focus on ourselves, try and be as fast as possible, and if we do so we'll finish ahead." Interviewer: "So try and be as fast as possible. Do you think you will have the faster car here?" George: "They were definitely pretty competitive here last year, but we've been surprised a lot this season of which teams are fast at which races and vice versa, so we're going in with an open mind. Qualifying, I think they'll have slightly the upper hand, as they tended to do so this season, but come Sunday I think it'll be a different story and we'll have a good race." Interviewer: "Let's look back on the year. When you do that, what conclusions do you draw on 2023? George: "It's been a very strange season. It's been a season where we've had a lot of pace at times but never achieved the results that I felt were deserved, or were possible, so definitely need to try and understand why that was. There's been a huge amount of missed opportunities, in many regards. Really hasn't been a smooth season. But I think when everything's flowing, when everything's working right, luck tends to be on your side, and when you're on the back foot you tend to have bad luck, and I'm not one for believing in luck. I think you make your own luck. So we just need to be faster and lady luck will be with us." Interviewer: "George, can you compare the job you think you've done this year copmared to last year when you won a race and had so much momentum going?" George: "It's definitely something I'm going to look at over the winter, because the results were so smooth flowing last year-I think we finished in the top five more than any other driver-and this year I feel that I've upped my game in my quali pace, upped my game in my race pace, and we've definitely been on the back foot. We definitely have more competition this year, with McLaren joining the fight in the second half, Aston being there at the start of the season. But ultimately we're looking forward to hetting through this weekend, trying to cement that P2 in the championship, and then eyes on next year." Interviewer: "Final word on next year: Can you just describe the scale of the task over the winter? It's one hundred days, today, until the Bahrain Grand Prix. What have you got to do in that time? George: "I think the task for everybody is massive. We're all trying to catch up to the most dominant car in F1 history, so that's no short task and everybody's gonna have to come together, really focus, really put everything into it, and time will tell but I think we're going into this winter in a much better place than we were twelve months ago and two years ago, so we hope we're not gonna stumble over anything. But, as I said, time will tell." [time jump] George: "I enjoyed it a lot, to be honest. I thought the track was a lot better than first expected. Probably the only thing would be, it'd be good to see other formulas race. The track was always mega dirty to start with and that makes it very difficult to race on, when the whole track is pretty filthy, but I think the show was great. Schedule was obviously a bit challenging, but added a different dynamic. Yeah, wouldn't change a lot."
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dreamerlucifer · 2 months
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A sleep deprived Dove was curled up onto the couch of the hotel; the nightmares wouldn't stop plaguing her, and it was taking a toll on her. Tear stains covered her cheeks, tucked into a ball as she struggled to stay awake..
"Another long day..." Gasped Lucifer as he finally got the chance to leave that ungodly boring, and most one sided argument heaven had given him so far to date on extermination and why it should still remain even after a soul from Hell was able to Ascend... "I mean, what was the point of dragging it out for 3 hours when they weren't even going to give me a word in edgewise??"
His disdain grew well past his normal breaking points this time, but somehow, this situation was starting to feel a tad more dire than situations of the past.. What with everyone now aware that Angels could be killed, there were bound to be those getting ready to uprise against heaven, while at the same time, Residents of Hell were being able to Ascend to the pearly gates... Surely the inner workings of the world were slowly being turned onto their own head!-
--OOOP-- came the odd noise from Lucifer, as he had been completely taken by surprise when he literally bowled over the younger Cannibaltown couple he normally spied hanging out near the quarry... Normally, he would have stopped to offer some apologetic form of assistance.. But, NO, not today, as he was already WAY MORE concerned about the possibility of missing Charlie's game of cards over at the new hotel...
Now, hmmmm, which form of cards was it they were planning on tonight..
"Ughhh.... Damnnn.." No matter how many times he placed reminders about the mansion for the month, or took the time to remind himself of the game by name, there was just no way Lucifer could get it right DX...
FLASHBACK 1- A devastating loss at poker when He thoroughly believed the game to be played had to do with Bullshit!
FLASHBACK 2- Yet another devastating loss when he had mistook Egyptian Ratscrew for Slap-Jack
"Welp, Luci, third time's a charm, right??" He said to himself as he ran down the many streets towards the new hotel, his hope being to trick himself back into having some form of confidence when it came to card games at all.... Card games were never really quite his strong suit..
Soon enough though, he found himself close to the entryway to Charlie's Hazbin Hotel. Rounding his way past a cute memorial to Sir Pencious, he slowed his pace just before slamming into the large double door entryway...
"Well well well, fancy meeting you on this.. FINE night, My shortest of Kings!!" --
"Can it, Alastor!!" He said smoothly, barely a tinge of his usual rage for the Radio Demon.. "Where's Charlie at, anyway?.." his tone immediately lifting into a melody as her name left his lips..
"Ohhh, your little 'Char Char' won't be here tonight, I'm afraid.." The smile growing ever more sinister, as if beckoning Lucifer to ask--
"Woaa, wait wait, waiiiitt, what?" His face was NOT amused in the least as he attempted to question why...
Not even giving Lucifer the satisfaction of a glance, Alastor continued, "Ohh, wellll, it just so happens that we've gotten some new recruits pretty late in the day today." His head cocked slightly as he watched Lucifer with great amusement, Luci's brisk walk slowing to a halt...
"Aww, REALLY??," he sneered at the radio demon...
In walked Angel, his slow movement only acting to accentuate the overall lefthand sided limp, "Guys, Charlie told me to pass the message that she'll be really late," Obviously worn well out, all onlookers automatically assume it to have been a studio day with Val...
Passing Lucifer slowly, Angel reached a hand out unbeknownst to the Small King.. At full arm's length, Angel dropped his hand onto Lucifer, the Fallen Angel's casually dressed left shoulder...
-ACK!!!- He exclaimed, completely unexpectant of the grab on his left shoulder, "Angel DUST!!!" He yelled, barely able to coax himself back down to a normal tone.., "What on earth was that for??"
"Woaa, now, Easy Mr. Short King!!" played Angel, though still very visibly in great pain from the days events, "Charlie had a special message for you!!"
But before Lucifer could shoot back, Angel continued, only, seriously this time, "Yea, she wanted you to check on one of the new arrivals. It seemed like the two had come together at first, but after talking to the one guy, Charlie's pretty certain that the girl still here in the hotel was by herself." He said as he motioned down towards to Guests' signature book in the great hall. "Her room number is written in the Guest book, so uhh, don't go screwin' it up, kay?" Angel took a minute to motion to Husk, I mean, it WAS his time to relax, right?? Short King can wait a hot second, sure he could.. "Look, its easy, just check in on the kid, see if they're hungry or something, and we'll take care of the rest, "he said, "SIMPLE!" And with that, Angel's focus was back on Husk as they seemed to have just struck up an argument on the strength each drink should be, naturally..
Woa.... He thought to himself, with renewed vigor!! Charlie trusts me... ME???? with one of their precious hotel screw ups?? "NO, don't just screw this up, Luci," He scolded himself as he wondered over to the guest book. This has to run smoothly, no.... PERFECTLY!!!!!... I'll just have to show Charlie what she's been missing while depending on that drowned rat, Alastor, as hotelier...
Looking from line to line, Lucifer decided that the one he was looking for HAD to be in room 1408... So before anyone else could stop and pester him, he took straight off for the 14th floor, 8th room ♥
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He knew it wasn't necessary, but hey, why walk when you have the full on outright usage of a form of teleportation! Right? That's exactly what he thought...
He went to hop right in front of 1408 and knock loudly, but something down the hall had caught his eye first..-
To his sad surprise, was what looked to be a beautiful young woman laying on one of the great hall couches... His expression softened greatly as he approached her further, though... as he watched intently... small tremors seemed to be overtaking the poor girl..., "Uhmm, excuse me," He began, his voice light yet smooth.. He waited for a response, but none came, so he tried yet again.. "Miss? Are you alright?.. Because it seems you have been--" She still didn't stir...
Thinking to himself, Lucifer then decided to touch her lightly, perhaps helping her to awaken from what appeared to be.. this deep, dark Nightterror... So ever so gently, he shifted her with the use of his staff's magical properties, so as not to distress her. But once his spell had been set in motion, he realized much too late, that this was most certainly the wrong approach, as she was indeed already AWAKE!
Taken aback by that, Lucifer opened his mouth to apologize.. but then stopped-- His expression much warmer, concerned, and ready...
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The ever darkening stains on both of the beautiful girl's cheeks spoke so much just to begin with..
Lucifer waved his staff in a circular manor, not a huge spell by any means, but this very small one would suffice ♥ The spell conjured a medium sized blanket, made of the finest microfibers. It was a pretty little blanket, adorned with small white and yellow ducklings, and its texture was that of the softest of furs... Warm enough to make one feel safe, yet light enough to allow them to drift amidst the endless astral planes..
Once close by, he easily spread the blanket out over the poor lost soul, careful to tuck the edges as he slowly leaned back to sit on the couch beside her.. "You know," Lucifer started, "I was terrified when I came to this place for the first time too..." His warm smile aided him as he caressed the hair on her head, "But just as I thought it was the end of the world..," He took a deep breath, a tear in his eye, "I found out not a day later, that I had been entirely wrong!!" He sniffled lightly, his eye immediately finding a portrait of Charlie on the great wall.., "Now, tell me, small teary one, What brings you here, to our very own, Hazbin Hotel?" ♥ ....
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good-night-doll · 1 year
Tis the season~
•Part 5–Dancing
: As the Christmas season creeps around the corner, you can't help but want to show your girlfriend all the different activities there are to the season other than decapitating the jolly fat man. 
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Requested: No
Word count: 990
Warnings: none
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Tis the season for families, couples and friends alike to share their different types of admiration for each other through a special activity- one that dates back to the 3300 BCE, where Egyptians had first incorporated the act in a religious nature.
But in the modern world we've become, dance is more for fun- so humans and animals can communicate through a different type of language that requires no second guessing if done correctly, one that everyone could understand with the right choreographic intent.
And from what Wednesday has told me, she rarely dances. She's said that I could only find her dancing during her pure moments of disgust- that it would have to be under a full blood moon when she'd dissect all her frogs and rats for a disclosed ritual.
So… why not try and have some fun?
We're both sat with content hearts on the couch, a twinkling Christmas tree illuminating the room to a dim, romantic-like setting. Its tinsel glistened and reflected the light source, making it shine ever so bright before fading into the darkness.
The TV is off, but our phone screens dampen our faces with its functions even on the lowest setting.
Our silent breathing mixed into one as our minds work on different things. Wednesday was planning out her novel… another one. And I'm retrieving data from my boss- not the most exciting thing in the world.
She's been emailing me like she was a full blown stalker, but with the correct reasoning for clearance of course. And she's unravelled my nerves enough to gently prod them with her ballistic attempts of threats through the device screen.
I hadn't even messed up anything at work and she's uptight and upset about something, and it has me frustrated.
With a rebellious groan, I throw my phone down on the couch beside me, believing for a moment that if I were to throw the phone, I'd be throwing her absurd accusations away too.
Wednesday had clearly noticed as her head had drawn ever so slightly away from the confinements of her scarf, the tip of her nose peeking at me with certain questioning.
I turn my head, defeatedly as I glance at a blank spot on the wall- its bare surface creating a sense of vengeance in an unforeseen way.
"What's wrong?" Wednesday pipes up, shuffling silently as she awaits a response to her question.
I sigh, still staring at the wall "my boss expects too much of me"
"Isn't that what bosses do? They expect so much from people without putting themselves in their position?" I turn to her, a small glimmer in her dark eyes and a tiny tug at the edge of her Oh-so-kissable lips has me swooning within seconds. "It's Christmas time, like you said, and you said we'd spend the whole time together doing "entertaining" activities- even if they have no significant benefit"
I smile at her attitude, feeling my cheeks stiffen in a sway of admiration. She's right- she's always right! It's Wednesday Addams- the girl has had a toll on our surrounding society for months now and yet she's always right.
"Yeah" I gulp down my guilt, resurfacing with an activity fresh on my mind. "How about we try dancing?"
Wednesday's face almost immediately drops again- going back into that almost robotic-like state as her eyes once again pierce me like a stake to a Vampire's heart. "Dancing" she grumbles.
"Yeah, comn'! I'll teach you!" I beam, my eyes forming crescent moons and minimising my vision into a small crack.
"I know how to dance" she scoffs, standing with her posture as perfect as ever. I watch as she takes a few steps back before she begins to move.
Her movements are stiff but flowy, contrasting in a perfect mix that suited her perfectly. Her arms swayed to her hips and her face stayed strong with no sign of emotion for the duration. But the thing that had me sold the most, was the wide eyed seductive-like glare she shot straight through me. It's as if she's able to see every inch of my brain with that look.
A smile raises my cheeks as I laugh quietly under my breath at her small and oddly seductive choreography.
Grabbing my phone, I open my music and scroll down till I find a song that's calling me. Pressing play, I stand and interrupt Wednesday with a small wave of my hands.
"Put your hands uh-" I guide her hands to my shoulders as I wearily grip her small waist. "Yeah, like that"
"I've never done this before" she quips, a dumbfounded expression playing with her face.
"Well…" I smile "there's a time for everything" I guide her along to the soft Melody, our bodies so close that I could feel the chill of her skin rub against my own even with the gap we have between us.
Her dark but wide eyes are heavily trained on my own, her pink tongue dangerously sticking out to dampen her kissed lips.
I've never seen Wednesday so… perfect before. It's like all the stars in the night sky have realigned to create a beautiful astrology piece. Except Wednesday is far more superior than dozens of flaming balls of light painted across the sky during the night.
"Where did you learn to dance like this?" Wednesday inquires, her eyebrows raising slightly in surprise once I respond, explaining how I learnt to dance in such a way at my uncle's wedding.
"Right foot back, left foot over and across, right foot over and forward" Listing the movements was only a short-lived task as Wednesday had quickly picked up on the repetitive fancy footwork.
We continue to slowly dance our way through the song until it comes to an eventual end where a long silence follows- allowing only the strums of our heartbeats to play the instrument of love for us both.
And it's not like I'm going to complain anytime soon...
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
The candle omggg so cute, I think I screamed more for the candle than the kiss but it was perfect as always, a woman can only be so strong surprised than Kate make it so far. Quick question, how Edwina reacts to Edmund Apollo Bridgerton?
Anonymous asked: I need to see edwina getting that tattoo when Edmund Apollo Bridgerton is born
Okay well here's the thing: There's some debate amongst Anthony and Edwina as to whether that counts
Anthony couldn't breathe, he still couldn't, hadn't in hours not since he'd delivered his baby with Kate's hand tight on his and her voice cracking as she spoke and their son had taken his first breaths and stolen Anthony's completely.
He was the most beautiful baby he'd ever seen, Anthony was sure. His skin was slightly red with a shock of dark hair that was beginning to curl at the ends, his tiny fist tight on Anthony's finger as he sat on the bed beside Kate, pride choking at his throat.
"I love him. Kate, I love him so much already."
She nodded gently, kissing his cheek, "He's pretty perfect."
"I think we might actually have made the world's most perfect baby. And I feel like we're authorities on the matter because we've delivered hundreds."
Kate chuckled, reaching out to run her finger between the baby's eyebrows, smoothing the little crease there "I've been thinking."
"Have you? I haven't." Anthony admitted, "I can't stop staring at him."
"I love you."
"I love you too but is that what you've been thinking about or-"
"I've been thinking about that but I've also been thinking about your idea for a name."
Anthony's heart leapt. "I don't care what we name him. We can name him whatever you like, he's all that matters."
They'd been arguing about it for months, ever since they'd found out they were having a son. Bickering like children the way they always did, but it didn't matter. Not now.
Kate hummed gently, "I'm willing to give you Apollo on one condition."
His mouth fell open "what's the condition?"
"That his first name is Edmund?"
He could hardly breathe, tears stung at his eyes as he stared down at his wife, barely able to force the words from his chest. "Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
"But your Dad-?"
"We'll find another way to honour him." She smiled, "I feel like I do it every day now."
"I was thinking we could call him Neddy."
"I love that. Neddy."
Pride burned in his chest as he looked at them, his wife and son, the two most beautiful things on the planet.
"Go to Papa, Neddy."
Anthony could hardly breathe when she placed him in his arms, the warm weight of him comforting and genuine against his chest.
"Has Anthony stopped crying yet?" Edwina's head had appeared in the doorway, craning her neck curiously at her new Nephew from across the room.
"Nope." Anthony said a little proudly kissing his son's forehead though Edwina barely heard him as she whispered to Kate You're okay?
"I'm great. I had a good midwife."
Edwina hummed, "Did you get Mum to step in last minute?"
"Rude." Anthony said, "Very Rude. No baby snuggles for Auntie Eddie now."
"You should know Mum's so proud she's about 15 seconds away from making a hospital-wide page to announce it."
Kate rolled her eyes, "In her defence, he's very cute. and we're only a little biased."
Anthony grinned, "Arms out."
He laid his new son gently in her arms, watching proudly as her breath caught in her chest. "He's beautiful, Katie. You too Anthony."
"This is Edmund Apollo Bridgerton."
Edwina's eyes shot between Anthony's and Kate's the soft reverie broken as she squawked, "Get fucked it is."
Kate's mouth fell open, "Edwina!"
"Kate, you're joking right? Tell me you didn't let him call this baby Apollo."
Anthony grinned, "Oh but she did."
"Look how happy it made him." Kate sighed, "And I think it's a bit cute, actually."
"Kate, No." Edwina Groaned.
Anthony clicked his tongue, "So, I hope Goosey boy like lightning bolts Eddie."
Edwina scoffed, "It doesn't count. We never shook on it, and it's only his middle name."
Anthony made a sceptical noise, "I think it counts. Kate, when we first started dating your lovely sister said she'd tattoo her arse with a lightning bolt if we ever named a baby Apollo. Would you say this counts?"
Kate chuckled, a tiny tired guffaw passing her lips. "I think so."
"You've made an enemy, this Friday, Kate," Edwina said primly, spinning towards Mary who'd just bustled in to check on the commotion. "Mum! They've named your grandson Apollo!"
Mary sighed, "Edwina, I've been a Midwife for more than twenty years. Do you really think that's the most shocking name I've ever heard? Yesterday I delivered a baby named Chaos."
"I'm not getting that tattoo!" Edwina hissed
"Don't worry, we'll go double or nothing on the next one."
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ravenzeppeli · 3 months
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Chapter 7- Foolish Acts of Violence |Illuso x Reader Angst|
Warning: physical abuse, strong language, blood. MA.
"I love you," Illuso told you as he stared down at you, the scent of whiskey on his breath as his hand caressed your cheek gently. "Be honest, do you love me?"
You were taken aback by Illuso, saying he loved you, your eyebrows instantly raising as you felt your face slightly heat up. "Um.. I think it's about to rain," you replied, quickly heading towards the back door of the base, wanting nothing more than to go back inside. As you felt him grab your wrist, you froze, your body going stiff when he dragged you back towards him, grip suddenly tightening.
"I asked you a question," he spoke calmly, grip going even tighter when you avoided his now hard gaze. "Don't you think you should show me some respect and answer me?"
"It's hardly been two months," you mutteted, suddenly feeling as if you needed to get away from him fast. "I don't think I can say if I love you yet or not. We've hardly sp-" you were cut off by his fist suddenly crashing into your face, knocking you to the ground.
You blinked as your body roughly hit the concrete, your elbows slamming against the hard stone as you heard a slight crack in your jaw. You heard his footsteps coming towards you, causing you to quickly scoot your body away from him. You opened your mouth slightly, blood pouring from your mouth, preventing you from speaking.
"Fuck.. I didn't mean to hit you that hard," you heard Illuso faintly say above you, a dull ringing shooting from your ears. "I don't fucking love you anyways, I was just saying that to get your reaction. Come on, let me help you up. Get the fuck up," he told you, his hands suddenly grasping your wrists.
You didn't like him touching you.. he shouldn't be touching you. He hurt you. You wanted his hands off of you now. As he pulled you up, you quickly turned to face him, puffing your cheeks out slightly and letting your mouth fill with blood. As he looked at you with confusion in his red eyes, you spit, coating his face with your blood.
Instead of letting go like you expected him too, he grasped you tighter, slamming your body against the brick wall. "Are you fucking serious!? I'm going to fuck you up bitch!" As he said that the back door of the hideout suddenly opened, Melone and Formaggio stepping out.
"Why the fuck are you touching her like that!? Let her go now!" Melone snapped, rushing forward to grab you. That caused Illuso to let you go immediately, stepping back with his hands raised. "What's wrong with you!?" You felt Melones hand on your wrist but he immediately pulled away. "You bastard.. her wrists, her elbows, her face.. what the fucks the matter with you!?"
"She belongs to all of us, I'll hit her if I wanna hit her. I'll do whatever the fuck I want to her and she'll take it," Illuso taunted back at Melone, causing him to let you go and step towards Illuso. "The cunt deserved it. I'll punch her in front of you if you hit me. I won't fight you Melone, but if you hit me then I'll beat the shit out of her."
As you suddenly saw Melone reach for his gun, holister, you reached out for his hand, grasping it as you pulled him towards you. "Ignore him, Melone. He hits like a little bitch anyways. Do I look like I'm crying or in pain?" You were in a lot of pain, but you sure as hell weren't going to show it. "I'm not scared of him. I'm fine." You didn't give a fuck about Illuso; you needed to calm down Melone immediately.
"How about I punch you again and -"
"Shut the fuck up you stupid bastard, you'll never touch me again. I'm done with you, not like you're worth much anyways," you snapped at Illuso, causing him to step forward. "You are pathetic. You dumb, brainless limp dick fuck!"
"Oh my God everyone fucking separate now," Formaggio spoke loudly as he stood in front of Illuso, his back facing you. "Melone, take Y/N away. She needs to be cleaned up and her elbows need ointment. She's hurt."
Melone shook his head, "No.. fuck this. Y/N, you're coming home with me." He continued to shake his head as he pulled his hand away from yours, instead placing his arm around your shoulder as he led you back into the base. "Pack all your essentials and enough clothes for a week as quickly as you - can you walk?"
You felt slightly dizzy, not noticing your blood dripping on the hardwood floor as you felt yourself step to the side. "Can you walk?" You repeated to him, causing his arms to secure around you.
"I'll pack your things.. just.." You heard a darkness in Melones tone that was kind of frightening. He suddenly led you to the dining room area, sitting you in front of Ghiaccio. "Please.. a few minutes. Make sure Illuso stays away from her."
Ghiaccio looked up from his computer, his eyes landing on Melone. "Take all the time you need," he told him, keeping his voice low. As Melone rushed off, Ghiaccio closed his laptop, grabbing a few napkins from the center of the wooden dining room table. "Are any of your teeth loose? Do you feel severe pain in your jaw?"
You shook your head slowly, your head having a now throbbing pain. "It's fine."
"Who did this to you?" He questioned as he stood up, heading to the kitchen area. You heard the water run a few seconds before it stopped, light footsteps hurrying back towards you. "My guess is either Illuso or Prosciutto. I don't see anyone else punching you like this." Suddenly, you felt a warm paper towel on your face, causing you to flinch as he pressed the cloth against your cheek, rubbing gently. "I'll be gentle.. I just want to clean you up. I'm not trying to hurt you."
You let the blank expression on your face fade as you frowned slightly, that causing your lip to throb, so you straightened your lip back out. Suddenly, you heard the backdoor slam shut, quick footsteps approaching as Illuso appeared in the dining room, his eyes immediately landing on you. You lifted your head slightly, glaring up at him, your blood still all over his face, dried up now.
"I shouldn't have punched you, okay? I won't punch you again, it was an accident," Illuso told you, stepping towards you, causing Ghiaccio to suddenly step in front of you, blocking your view of Illuso as he grabbed your left arm, bending it back gently as he dabbed your elbow. You ignored the sting. "Come on, she isn't even really your girlfriend. Just let me talk to her."
"Technically, she is my girlfriend, according to what Risotto told us. She is dating all of us, meaning I can tell you to fuck off," Ghiaccio snapped at Illuso, turning to face him. "So fuck off. You beat her up, so you don't get to talk to her. You're so pissed at her to punch her? You shouldn't be fucking talking to her then."
You heard Illuso sigh. "I said it was an accident. I'm not even pissed off at her, I just snapped for like one second." His footsteps creeped forward slightly, causing you to suddenly stiffen. "Wouldn't you punch her too if she pissed you off?"
Ghiaccio scoffed, "I don't need to punch her in the fucking face because she pisses me off!" I'm not a fucking pussy, now fuck off before I start yelling!" His voice raised, still yelling despite only threatening to yell. "Fuck off, goddamnit!"
"Fine, fine. But I'm not a pussy for punching her," Illuso snapped, storming off before you heard the front door slam shut.
"Why the fuck is his face bloody?" Ghiaccio asked as he grabbed your other elbow, patting it gently. "Did you hit him?"
You shook your head once, ignoring all the numbing pain shooting throughout your body. "He asked me a question, and I answered in a way he didn't like, so he punched me. When he grabbed me to pull me up, I let blood fill up in my mouth, and I spit it in his face."
"Wow," he muttered, letting go of your elbow. He walked to the kitchen, quickly returning with two bandages. He unwrapped them, placing one bandage on each elbow. "Why didn't you hit him back? Why spit blood?"
"When you do bizarre things like spit blood or bite, then you're less likely to be hit again," you replied to him, having experience in the past with being abused. "Just hitting him would be something for him to expect."
He nodded once, head raising to meet Melone as he entered the room. Melone had your carry-on around his shoulder, clinging it tightly as his eyes met yours immediately, ignoring Ghiaccios gaze. "Thank you for cleaning her up," he muttered, nodding his head once as he extended an arm out. "Come on, you'll be staying with me."
You stood up, "Thank you, Ghiaccio," you muttered as you walked past him, not knowing what else you could say to him. You were grateful for him cleaning you up and defending you, and what he said to defend you kind of.. you kind of liked what he said to Illuso, but this is the first conversation you've had with him, so you wouldn't think about this encounter much. Would you? Maybe you could start saying good morning to him.
As you reached Melone, he grabbed you gently, pulling you into his arms. "I'll see you tomorrow, Ghiaccio," he muttered as he began walking, you as well as your bag in full tow as he dragged you along.
You waved at Ghiaccio, getting a nod from him in return. He raised his hand, pushing his square-rimmed red glasses up slightly as he watched you leave.
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cannibalcoyote · 1 year
Christopher Pike: Arguments
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Imagine having an argument with your father(Christopher Pike) over you having a boyfriend right before the SOS from Vulcan:
"Dad stop, I've known him since high school. You've met him and liked him!" I exclaimed as I walked through the house, my father closely following with an exasperated expression upon his face.
"Yah well, that was then and this is now!" He argued back. Finally getting fed up, I turn around, my hands in tight fists, my hair messy due to my frustration. My father doesn't look as angry as I am, he looks more unhappy than angry. His eyes seem defensive, but his posture screams dominance over the conversation.
"You don't get to stop me! I don't live under this roof anymore, you're not even my real dad!" My words are cold and precise, the sharpness in them could lacerate the toughest of materials. My expression may seem cruel and cold, but I can feel my body subconsciously wince at the low blow at the end of my sentence. I want to take it back, but I refuse to back down.
His strong look falters, his eyes dropping to the floor for a second before reconnecting with mine. His anger is completely gone, left only with an injured look, almost as though I had slapped him. The fight leaves him, I can practically see his body deflate before he speaks.
"You're right.... You don't live here... and I'm not your father." His voice feigns coldness, but I can hear the barely audible tremble at the end. My own eyes burn with tears as he turns his back to me, walking back through the house. I stand there for a few seconds, simply stunned by the turn of events.
I had walked in here with the intent of introducing my father to my boyfriend, who I first met in high school, then reconnected with in StarFleet. He's only a year younger than me, but his intelligence attracted me the moment I met him, and don't get me started on his accent. We had been good friends in high school, and when we reconnected in Star Fleet we developed a new kind of attraction. We've been going strong for a couple of months, and I thought it was time I told my father, and arranged to introduce them to each other.
I didn't, however, plan on my father treating me as though I was too young to make my own decisions. As soon as I brought up my boyfriend, he turned rigid, his eyes hardened, and his fists clenched at the thought that I was dating someone. I admit, I also overreacted. I never wanted this to happen, I just wanted to introduce the man who raised me to the man I fell in love with.
I wanted to walk after him, I wanted to yell out his name and exclaim my apologies. Instead, I pivoted on my heel, turning the polished handle and opening the door, then slamming it shut before driving home.
Arriving at my quarters, I 'gracefully' stumble out of my car, slowly walking into the building to find my room. I sleep in separate quarters as I'm not a student but a teacher. I'm rifling through my purse in search of my keys when I get an instant message that Vulcan is requesting Star Fleets assistance, and to report for assignments.
My heart feels like it's being hit with a hammer, I've only been on a star ship once when my father insisted I go with him, I've never even been in combat before. I'm dreadfully and embarrassingly unprepared to rush in to aid Vulcan.
I push aside my anxiety and nervousness, my heart beat being tachycardic is an expected effect of this sudden event. My legs tremble slightly, but I continue to speed walk, getting to my area and receiving my assignment: Psychologist and physician assistant on board the Enterprise. Of course I get placed on the ship my father is captaining, at least I'll know that he's safe, but I will be stuck in the med bay, so I'll be a little far from him.
I quickly toss on some StarFleet regulation pants and my uniform shirt, because lord knows I ain't wearing that short dress. My hands fumble with the material of my shirt as I walk into the Med Bay, immediately being greeted by the CMO, he's quite nice, immediately telling me what my job will be before going on his way.
I head over to my office, organizing some forms and assessing forms that have already been left for me. I'm about to go talk to the nurses when I notice two men rush in, one placing the other on the bio bed. Standing up, I hesitantly walk over, watching as he gives the other man a hypo, knocking him out within a few seconds.
"What is Jim Kirk doing on this ship?" Yes, I know who Jim Kirk is, my dad talked about him sometimes, I remember when he first went down to Iowa and met him, that was when he became really protective of me.
The other man, Leonard McCoy I presume, immediately straightens up.
"Uh..." He is clearly struggling to find an answer, I know what these symptoms are, and I know the only reason Jim Kirk would have them is if he was given the vaccine.
"I know what you did, but I understand. Promise not to tell." I smile slyly at the end, sarcastically holding out my pinkie to solidify my promise. McCoy smirks in surprise huffing before interlocking our pinkies, both of us then dropping our hands to our sides.
"Leonard McCoy I presume?" I question, my voice steady, although I still feel a little uneasy around these two men.
"That's right. Pike?" His southern twang dimmed down a little. I smile tightly, nodding my head.
We had been en route to Vulcan, and my nerves were beginning to calm down; at least until Kirk woke up.
I was a little calmer because my boyfriend came on screen, he was giving us the summary of what we know and what we are going to do. Vulcan was releasing a distress signal, which we are heading over to help. I was in my head, worrying over how my father might act towards him now that he knows he is my boyfriend, but when Kirk is awake he seems to demand all attention.
He had McCoy and I rushing all over the ship, he was having a severe reaction, although I can say that I've seen worse.
"Kirk, just because I said I've seen worse doesn't mean you get to sprint across the ship and get your heart rate up!!" I yelled at him, slapping his arm. We're currently in the turbo lift, I'm trying to take his vitals when the doors open and Jim immediately pushes forward. Both men rushed out, and I admit I was pushed a little off balance. I stumble, and almost fall before I feel two arms grasp my waist, pulling me back up and into their chest.
I am about to push away from them when I hear their voice.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" His Russian accent is hard to miss, and I can't help but settle into his hold when I realize its him. I want to respond, but I'm so enthralled with the argument that is occurring that all I can manage is a comforting hand atop his interlocked ones and a slight nod of affirmation.
He releases his hold, but quickly follows up by softly holding my right hand in his as we watch the bridge. My father is the captain, and though he is arguing with Kirk and also listening to Spock, he still manages to find the time to glance over at me a couple of times. I know that he's noticed Chekov and I, how close we are, how we glance at each other for reassurance, and most of all how we are holding hands. I'm not quite sure how he feels anymore, at first he was angry, but now he seems to have some sort of understanding.
My father has been stuck on Nero's ship for some time now, I obviously wanted to go with him when the Romulan captain demanded his presence. However, he had Chekov hold me back, whispering a promise that we would have that dinner if it was the last thing he did.
Jim and Spock - after having many fights, Jim even being sent to a planet, only to somehow come back - beamed onto the Romulan ship and are currently trying to rescue my father and their captain, Christopher Pike.
I spent most of my time on the ship trying not to cry as I treated injured crew members. I had to go back to the med bay, they were swamped, and McCoy had become our new CMO after our first had been killed. He was loud and straightforward, giving me a multitude of jobs to do simultaneously, to which I refused to disappoint, constantly thinking about whether my father would make it to that promised dinner.
It was two days ago that Jim and Spock brought my father back to our ship and defeated Nero, he was immediately rushed to the med bay, where I had to watch him be treated. My eyes had tears streaming out of them, I was just trying not to cry aloud, which became especially hard when he reached his hand out for me to hold.
Now I am driving him back to my home, my personal house is out of the city, surrounded by nature. He always told me that he loved my house because the trees and streams helped quiet his mind, so I thought it might be a nice place to take him. The car ride is silent, not a tense silence, but a content one. Content that he is alive, that I am alive, that he can be my dad again.
Though I am enjoying the peace, I feel a force pushing me to talk.
"I... I'm sorry." My tone is low and my voice quiet, I know exactly why I am apologizing. His neutral expression turns to one of confusion, his body turning with his face before speaking.
"Why are you sorry?"
"I'm sorry for what I said. You've been a better father than my biological one, you've raised me and loved me as though I am your own flesh and blood, and I repay you by saying you aren't my father." My chest is tight as guilt floods my system, I glance over to my dad, and am met by his calm, warm eyes.
"It's okay, that conversation is something I regret, too. I know I've been protective, and I do recognize that you are an adult. It's... it's just that you are my daughter, and I feel like you having a boyfriend means you don't need me anymore." His deep tone starts off strong, but gradually becomes quieter and softer.
I pull into the driveway, pulling the emergency brake before putting the car in park.
"No one could ever replace you, dad." Is all I say before getting out of the car, heading over to help him out and up the steps onto my porch.
"Y'know, I've always loved this house."
"...How would you feel about meeting my boyfriend here, I feel that I've hidden him away long enough. I just need you to know that he isn't and never will replace you." My voice is shaky as I look at him meekly.
"I would love to." My chest feels lighter, I can feel myself breathe easier. Glancing over to my father, he offers me a calming smile before opening the front door and walking into my house. I'm left standing stunned on my porch, a smile slowly growing over my face as I message Pavel to come over tonight for dinner.
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battlekilt · 2 years
Sometimes, you have to let go
Waxer & Boil get adopted. Cody is NOT having any of this. EDIT: Went through and cleaned it up because there was some painfulness on my part as a writer that made me... kind of want to die from shame.
When this first happened, Ryloth sent what few ships they had to the Negotiator, and gave what they could. All the helping hands certainly helped as much goods could. Anything that could be spared by worlds like Ryloth, those who had been touched by the Clones bravery and kindness, gave whatever they could spare to the babies of the 212th; young children sent their toys.
Even after they and other ships returned to Coruscant, Alderaan, Naboo, Andor, and any port who would take them, the Jedi Order was still overwhelmed with the needs of so many little Clones. Humble as ever, they asked the public for aid.
Some gave out of obligation, others outright refused. The Republic argued about what to do about THEIR WAR.
While the planets who had the least, give the most. Turns out, the Clones were not all remembered for the soldiers they were. Many remembered them well.
Months later...
A message came through diplomatic channels, forwarded directly to Kenobi. From Ryloth.
Carefully written and composed with the help of a representative of the Order, from a small village, a small family of three, kindly told a tale... of when two Clones saved their daughter.
They didn't have much, they said. But they could keep children clean, fed, warm, and the schools were opening soon. The war had come to a halt, since no one had soldiers anymore to fight them. Like they said, they didn't have much... but the one thing they had a lot of: love to spare, for two little boys.
It had been a year since the Clones went from strong soldiers in armor, to small children who ran circles, jumped in any body of water, and filled the halls of the Jedi Temple with laughter that sounded like bells. The Jedi Order still wasn't quite ready with how to open up a call for adoptions... those that had happened, were hush hush, private... only to those who knew. Privately, Obi-Wan made a return to Ryloth with three little Clones. Each carried in their hands a helmet too big. Two looked a little more identical to each other, with only a freshly shaved head to distinguish them apart; he's still tried to pet his head because he is confused by the sensation. Eventually, he had to stop because it is hard to hold on to the large helmet with just done hand. One is taller than the two, his face contorted from the strain to hold back his tantrum. Numa's family waited in the field. As soon as the little girl was close enough, and she ran up to the slightly smaller boys in excitement. Hands pressed against her knobbly knees, she had still grown enough for the two little boys to look up—up at her, with eyes that shouldn't have been able to grow any wider. Yet, they did. The bald one stumbled a little from how much he bent his head back and clutched onto his helmet. Fingers tapped on his shoulder, then on the helmet in his arms. He looked down and realized: it was her face painted on, and he squeaked in his alarm. The other boy frowned, and again tried to find a face on his; why did Waxer get a colorful little face? Boil's only had a stupid little red triangle. The third boy, the taller one, clung to a different helmet unique from the other two. Dappled shades of brown were painted across its surface; a canvas to another little sketch that had the blue girl's face. His sour expression had only become bitter and raw the longer he watched her. Little fingers clutched onto the helmet until his nailbeds turn white. "Cody, give it to her." "No." "Commander, we've talked about this." Cody's bottom lip began to tremble. Desperate to be taken seriously, he just tried to look angrier, "No! They are MINE." Obi-Wan sighed, crouched down, and made the angry-sad little Commander look at him. "They aren't yours, Cody. They are your brothers." Fat tears began to collect in Cody's eyes, he refused to keep Obi-Wan's. "But th-they are mine."
It took longer than Obi-Wan wished it had before he realized, deep down, what was wrong. "Cody... you did a good job. You kept them safe, together," Kenobi's vision began to ripple as well. It was too easy for Cody to do this to his heart. Obi-Wan sighed and said softly, "But... they aren't coming here to be taken from you. They are coming to be with a family. A family wants them—" "I w-want them," Cody whispered with pain. It was hard to hear his voice so small, even though he was so small; he had grown so much in the year. "I know. But do you know how special it is that a family wanted them so much, they asked for them by name—by number. Remember what I told you about them: Waxer and Boil helped that little girl stay safe, and returned her to her family. Now, her family, is inviting Waxer and Boil into theirs," Obi-Wan retold. He implored Cody to listen. "Will... they give them their baths? Keep them safe? Will... they not lose them? I... I don't like it when they are lost," Cody asked, wiped his nose with his sleeve. He started to calm down, though he didn't look less heart broken. "I don't think they will take their eyes off them." Cody huffed out his nose, and realized he had to accept the forces of fate. "Fine. But—I want to be able to inspect them! Randomly. They better be BATHED." Obi-Wan wanted to laugh; the Clones were adamant about their bath times. Denying Littles their sweets was less disastrous than denying them their bath times. Little stomps tore into the rocky ground, but Cody crossed over. He handed her an ARF desert helmet that also, had her face painted on. "This is yours," Cody says, more polite to Numa than he usually was to Kenobi. He sounded on the verge of tears, but he still declared in his best Marshal Commander's voice, "They require TWO baths a day: noon and before bed. Boil is still scared of the dark and Waxer likes to climb trees—he gets lost, a lot. And uh... uh... Boil will pick his nose, then hide the boogers under furniture. Tell him you'll bite his fingers if he does. And... uh... they both like ghost stories. Don't forget the baths."
Diligent to do her best to make sure she understood and reassured the bold little Clone who spoke to her, Numa nodded along. To Obi-Wan, it looked like she had come to the stage where she understood better than she could talk. Luckily, a little droid buzzed around, its little red light indicating that it was recording everything. "They... are friend," Numa said clearly, carefully. Cody eyed her sideways, like he was evaluating her for a review. "They're my brothers." She blinked, then softly said, "They... are brother." Out of one side of his mouth, Cody said to her, "They better be. And you better take care of them or I'll come back and pinch you." "I… will," she promised brokenly, in her very best basic. Though few in words, she seemed to have convinced the little Commander.
He held out a hand, her father took the helmet, and she shook it. To Obi-Wan's delight, the parents shook his hand as well, not like they were humoring a small child. But that they... ultimately understood. Gentleman's agreement made, Cody tried to walk away from the boys, who had turned to watch his back. Waxer and Boil blinked, wobbled in indecision. Their instincts told them to follow up, to stay by his side, just as they had done in the war and when Cody came to play with his Ghosties. Most of Ghost Company was still back in the Clone's crèches at the Temple, bonding with the Jedi Younglings. Cody liked them right where he could inspect their well-being every day, and dutifully led their little gang. He hadn't like the idea that any would ever be anywhere else but right there. First had been Wooley, Waxer and Boil were the second to leave him. Waxer called to him, " 'Maaannnder," like a child calling out for someone lost and who didn't know the way. It was just what the Ghosties called Cody, always had been, and no one called the little Marshal Commander anything quite so uniquely. No one, that is, except for sweet, little Rex, who had just started to follow Cody around on the tips of his toes.
Without an answer, Waxer tried a little louder, " 'Maaanndeer!" Cody froze. His shoulders shaking. By his side, he clenched his fists tight. Stubbornly, he put a foot put forward... he had to keep marching onward. On the third time Waxer called out, Boil joined with him, " 'Mander!" Both sounded a bit more nervous. Hesitant—both felt like something was terribly, terribly wrong. They hiccuped with anxiety. Defiant to the last, Boil panic cried, " 'MANDER!!!" As if it hadn't already broken Obi-Wan's heart, it had broken Cody's resolve. Not very far from where his little Ghosties stood, Cody spun around, ran towards them like blasterbolts were on his heels. Once at his brothers, he threw his arms around both their necks, and held so tight it startled them. Cody didn't hug often. Neither Waxer nor Boil really understood what was happening. They just knew that their oldest brother, the one who ran towards them and away from his Jedi as quick as he could, was now crying... So, they did as Littles did, and they cried too. "You better behave yourselves, Troopers. NO funny business!" He demanded, as soon as he pulled from them and looked upon their faces. They nodded, he said, "Make me proud." Their nods were faster, dramatic, desperate to prove their willful obedience. The three gave... their very best, sloppy salutes. Obi-Wan would have given up his lightsaber if he meant he could have kept the 212th together... or at least let Cody have his Ghosties. Stubbornly, Cody turned on his heels and walked away as quickly as he could, to distance himself from Boil's confused little sobs. When they became hiccups like Waxer's, Cody stopped, looked over his shoulder, and saw Numa had begun to do her best to comfort them both. Boil had streaks of snot running down his chin, thinned from his fat little tears. Waxer made more noises. She had little dolls in her hands; they were handmade. Made to look like what must have been Clone Troopers. One was offered to each of them. Waxer snatched his up and clung to his it to his chest. Boil looked perplexed as his, eyed Waxer's to see if it was better. Smart, Waxer held his tighter and glared at Boil threateningly. They had gone right back to being brothers and forgot their tears. Everything in Cody's little bones told him not to leave brothers behind. But, sometimes... a brother had to let go.
Back by Kenobi's side, Cody refused to let Obi-Wan hold his hand. So, still Cody. He crossed his arms over his chest and went right back to his sulking. He didn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
"You did good, Cody." "Whatever." "I'm proud of you." "I don't care." "They will be loved." "I hate you." "I know," said with so much love. Silence on their way. A few droids brought the promised materials and belongings that went with Waxer & Boil. Changes of clothes, select toys, fresh food, and some of the materials Numa's parents bashfully admitted they could really use. Cargo skiffs brought other aid for their village—because why not? They were already here. "They will miss you, Cody." "I... I'll miss them." Luckly, in the war, Obi-Wan had never heard Cody's break like that. Though, he didn't know which would have been worse. Cody reached up, slipped his hand into Obi-Wan's, and leaned his head against his General's body as they walked. "Will they forget me?" "Cody you're a hard Clone to forget." "Good. I better be."
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