#we're closing on the final things we're doing for the archive :)
mechanismslorearchive · 5 months
Hello everyone! This post is more a shot in the dark than anything, but I thought I'd ask!
If anyone who follows us or sees this went to a mechanisms concert, and has any photos or videos they would like to share, we would absolutely love that!
Even if they are the lowest quality videos and photos I've ever seen, they will be cherished.
Thank you all very much!
Mod Travis gunpowderdtim
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marvelfilth · 1 year
Wisdom teeth
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x f!reader
Warnings: ooc! Wednesday, mention of blood
Summary: "I've been successful at keeping this piece of information to myself for the past two months and twelve days, but now it seems that I can't hold back the words from escaping my treacherous mouth. It's almost as if I have no control of what is going through my brain at the moment. I feel like an adolescent cliché."
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She doesn't say anything when you help her to the passenger seat of your car, her eyes stay rooted on the spot above your shoulder, dark and unblinking. She sits dutifully and doesn't complain when you bend to fasten her seatbelt, your warm fingers barely grazing her clothed thigh on accident. You think you heard a slightest hitch of her throat, but that might have been your wishful thinking.
Ever since the brooding brunette first stepped foot on Nevermore grounds you were irrevocably pulled in her orbit, always close enough to be seen by her, but never close enough to reach out and touch, not that you'll ever try, you do need all of your fingers intact. Her menacing aura and Machiavellian tendencies never stopped you from trying to reach out and form some sort of connection, even if it was just making eye contact in dark hallways or receiving nearly unperceivable eye rolls whenever Enid dragged you to their room. Not even once in the months you've known her did she grace you with more than a few words and barely noticeable nods, opting to focus on her novel or, in extreme cases, leaving the room to continue her endless investigations.
So when Enid cornered you in the morning and practically begged you to take Wednesday to the dentist's office, you were torn between crushing Enid in a hug and fleeing to the woods to hide out.
In the end, you couldn't miss the chance to get to know the gothic girl a little bit better.
Wednesday pointedly clears her throat and you jump up, bumping your head against the roof of your car, close the door and make your way to the driver's seat.
You suppose her impatience to get back to school makes sense with how overstuffed her mouth seems at the moment, and once you're finally behind the wheel you reach over the console to gently swab away droplets of blood on her lips.
She stops breathing altogether.
"Are you alright, Wednesday?" You can't help, but ask, your hand awkwardly hovering over the console.
She takes a moment to think and you have to pinch yourself to make sure you're not dreaming when you practically see gears turning in her head as she struggles to formulate a response, her brows crinkled and lips slightly pursed.
"Your archive. Are we going there now?" She asks.
And there's that.
She refused anesthesia, looking eager to go through all the pain, her eyes shining brighter than you've ever seen. The doctor blanched, stuttering while he tried to reason with her, mentioning how agonizing the pain will be and how he'll probably get fired if he agreed to do it.
It made your skin crawl.
You pulled her away before she could threaten the poor man, promising her anything she wanted if listened to the doctor and agreed to anesthesia.
Her eyes flickered to your hand on her shoulder before she looked back at the sweating man, her eyes narrowing slightly.
You held your breath, looking at her with wide eyes, already regretting your offer, but all she asked for was unlimited access to your family archive.
You suppose her request made sense, given your family's history and her unwavering interest in all things unknown, but it still made your heart clench with an unbidden feeling you'd never name out loud.
"No, we're going back to school. I told you I'll take you there over summer, remember?" You patiently reply, subtly eyeing the grumpy brunette.
She huffs, wincing when it causes her pain and turns to look out the window, her eyes slightly hazy.
You take a deep breath and finally pull out from the parking lot, driving in silence and keeping your eyes firmly on the road until you can no longer pretend like you don't feel her heavy gaze on you.
"What is it, Wednesday?"
"Your face."
You blanch, offended. "What about it?"
You don't think you'll be able to withstand her making fun of your looks. She doesn't seem like the type to do that, but you can't be too sure - she is acting rather out of character.
"It's distracting. Turn around." She demands, furrowing her brows.
Your jaw falls open. "Wednesday, I'm driving."
She huffs and crosses her arms. After a minute of contemplation she starts rummaging through your glove compartment.
"Don't," you groan. You won't let her tear you apart for the mess she'll undoubtedly find there, so you reach for your phone. "Why don't you play a game? Or, I don't know, find something to blackmail me with?" You unlock it and toss it on her lap, your hand falling back on the wheel, clutching it in a tight grip.
Your phone lays untouched for a long moment and you have to restrain yourself from looking over at the ravenette. It's the longest you've spent in her company and she most certainly said more words in the past ten minutes than she did in all the time you've known her, and Enid didn't prepare you for conversations.
Your palms start to sweat a little.
She looks down at her lap and picks up your phone with two fingers only to throw it on the backseat. "I'm allergic to technology," she deadpans.
She stays silent for the next few minutes and you relax, thanking every divine being for making this trip somewhat easy for you.
And that's when she turns to look back at you, her expression sour and displeased, like you just said something really dumb. You decide to ignore her for as long as you can, checking your blind spots and fiddling with the radio to seem busy.
She pointedly clears her throat, pulling your attention. You sigh and look at her.
"What now?"
She frowns. "I feel compelled to reveal something you might find… unwelcome." Her mumble comes out distorted and she winces slightly, her hand coming up to cradle her swollen cheek and you swiftly slap it away, sheepishly looking away at her affronted look.
"Don't want you to hurt yourself."
"Usually, slapping ones hand causes them pain," she retorts, fully turning in her seat to face you. "You slapped my hand. That hurt. Not that I didn't enjoy it, but I prefer to inflict pain, not receive it."
You snort, shaking your head at the smaller girl and she pouts. Wednesday Addams, the girl who'd rather jump off a cliff in a river full of piranhas than show an ounce of human emotion, pouts.
But maybe it's not so strange, considering the circumstances.
You adjust in your seat, your right hand landing on your thigh to subtly fiddle with the rough fabric of your jeans. They're light blue, with flowers all over their back pockets and Wednesday absolutely hates them, which is why, you guess, she's currently staring down at your legs like they're her mortal enemies.
The tips of her ears turn red.
"Must you do that?" She hisses, gesturing to your hand on your thigh.
You blink and place it back on the wheel, noting the way her eyes snap up to glare at the road.
"Are you feeling okay?" You ask, because she's starting to look restless. Her fingers clench and unclench on her lap and she keeps glancing at your hand every couple of seconds.
"No." Her eyes snap up to look at the roof of your car, her face a picture of impatience. "Hold my hand."
You gulp, breath catching in your throat and turn to look at the smaller girl just in time to catch her boring holes into your hand and probe lightly at her cheeks. Your mouth opens to stutter a response, but her scathing look makes you shut up.
"This gauze in my mouth feels terrible, I can't possibly endure it a moment longer. Holding your hand will make the feeling bearable." She looks at you expectantly, turning over her hand on her lap, waiting.
You hesitantly reach out and take her hand. She laces your fingers, letting out a quiet sigh as she sags against the weathered leather, turning to look out the window.
You can't believe this is happening.
This Wednesday is not something you're equipped to deal with. Hell, you can barely manage her regular self, which still comes hard at times, especially when you intrude on her writing time. It's not like you mean to do that, but a certain blonde always chooses that exact hour to invite you over, always wearing a mischievous smirk when Wednesday tenses up upon your arrival.
This feels like walking on thin ice at gunpoint with a ticking bomb in your hands.
Her nails dig into your skin hard enough to make you yelp, but you don't pull away, eyeing the stewing girl. She's breathing heavily, her lips opening and closing as she seemingly tries to keep herself from blurting something out.
It's so bizarre you have an urge to pinch yourself, but you don't need that with her nails still digging into your skin.
You focus on the road, afraid to stir the dragon.
Her next words make you jolt so hard the car wavers on the road.
"Every time my eyes land on you my heart skips a beat," she says, like she's complaining about a mystery she couldn't solve.
You grip the steering wheel tighter. "What?"
"One does not typically pay attention to such mundane thing, but I do. Whenever you're in my vicinity I can't help, but be aware of each skipped beat of my heart. The feeling is revolting, and I've had the urge to confess this ever since I woke up." She frowns, and it's quiet for a few minutes as she seemingly gathers her thoughts.
The moment you had in your art shed suddenly comes to mind. You went there after a long day of studying in the library, ready to decompress and finish your latest painting. You didn't expect anyone to be there, which is why you shrieked like a maniac when you flicked the lights on, basking Wednesday's rigid form in warm yellow glow. She stood over your painting, her features stony and unreadable as her fingers traced the outline of a shipwreck on the canvas, the still wet paint smudging her fingers and messing up your precise strokes.
It made the painting even more beautiful.
You dug around your backpack, looking for tissues, taking a step closer when you finally found some. With great hesitance, you reached for her hand, your fingers closing around her delicate wrist. Her lips parted as she inhaled, her pulse erratic under your thumb. She took one look at you, turned on her heel and left, her perfume lingering in the air.
You gulp, when her grip on your hand turns painful. "I've been successful at keeping this piece of information to myself for the past two months and twelve days, but now it seems that I can't hold back the words from escaping my treacherous mouth. It's almost as if I have no control of what is going through my brain at the moment. I feel like an adolescent cliché," she complains through gritted teeth, irritated.
Your face burns the same shade as the red light you've come to stop at. You don't know if you should feel ecstatic or fear for your life, because no matter what happens next, you're sure Wednesday will have your head for witnessing a rare moment of weakness. But your heart always had more power than your head, so you're left with trembling hands and sweaty palms, choking on your breath as you struggle to think of something to say.
"Wednesday, I'm going to have a heart attack," you mumble.
"You're not showing any signs of an impending heart attack, if anything, your symptoms correlate with something Enid usually calls having a crush." She's back to staring intently at you, catching every twitch of the muscles on your face as you try your best to keep your blush at bay. Her hand slides up, enclosing your wrist.
Your heart burns in your chest and you feel the need to correct her, to tell her that what you feel for her is more than some stupid crush. You need to tell her about the way your dark wings tingle when she brushes past you, begging to be released from the confinement of your spine. You need to tell her about the way your heart beats out a special rhythm, hammering against your ribs like a caged animal, desperately leading its owner to the girl who successfully stole it.
You need to tell her how easy it was to fall for her and how hard it got when you realized the extent of your feelings.
You need to tell her something, anything.
You need to tell her everything.
A loud honk jostles you and you look back at the road to keep driving, trying your best to hide your face when a car passes by you, the driver giving you a finger.
"Imbecile," Wednesday mumbles.
"Yeah, what an asshole."
"I meant you. The gesture was entirely appropriate seeing as you failed to pay attention to your surroundings."
"Huh?" You gape. "You're insulting me now?"
"Your observation skills never cease to amaze me," she frowns in thought, "just like your remarkable ability to make my existence less bothersome." The haze in her eyes is gone, replaced by reserve and a hint of fondness.
Your brain short circuits.
You pull over and let your forehead fall against the wheel, still holding it in a death grip.
You would never admit it to anyone, not even on your deathbed, but you swear you feel butterflies erupt in your stomach at her quiet confession.
Your smile is so wide it hurts your cheeks, but you don't care as long as Wednesday keeps looking at you like that, like she's trying her best at keeping away the warmth in her eyes. They flicker to your lips when you lick them, and this time she can't keep her emotions in check, her eyes alight with fiery passion.
You can't help voicing your concern. "I thought you didn't like me that much. I mean, you barely speak to me when Enid drags me to your dorm."
She looks at you for a long moment. Her thumb circles your knuckle. "Enid has a surprisingly perceptive eye. She noticed a certain change in my behavior long before I did and decided to act on it. I simply wasn't prepared."
"Are you prepared now?" You breathe out.
"Are you?"
You let out a relieved laugh, and pull her hand up to your lips, placing a soft kiss on her ice cold knuckle. "Wednesday, I've been pining over you since the day we met."
She lets out a barely noticeable breath and you suddenly realize she's been nervous all this time too, you just failed to pay attention in your anxiety riddled state.
"Good." The corners of her mouth fly up.
Your eyes widen. She has dimples.
She turns away nonchalantly and places your intertwined hands on her lap, looking like she just solved the biggest mystery known to mankind.
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theartofprongs · 14 days
Lily's Yearbook
"Sev does Hogwarts publish yearbooks every year?" Lily asks curiously from her spot at the library table.
Severus, who has taken up residence in the seat directly next to Lily, pointedly ignoring the other two Gryffindors at the table, grimaces at Lily's question.
"No Lily, that's a muggle tradition, why would we need such a thing?" Snape shakes his head tersely before pushing his nose farther into his Potions book.
Lily shrugs and hums lightly, "I guess I just think yearbooks are brilliant, oh! Especially the signing! Everyone leaves messages for each other and you get to look through them all summer."
Lily's eyes sparkle with excitement at the prospect of receiving handwritten notes from all of her dearest friend's at Hogwarts, ones that she can re-read during her time away from the magical world.
"Lily I'd forgotten all about yearbooks, it would be so wonderful if Hogwarts had them!" Little Mary Macdonald squeals from across the library table, her smile gleaming.
Marlene also perks up at Lily's excitement, "What's a yearbook?"
These new interjections cause the lone Slytherin tucked into the corner of the table to let out an annoyed huff, "Lily I cannot study here any longer, can we go somewhere that is actually quiet?" Snape directs his sneer at the two girls across from them.
Lily looks over at her two friends, who both have varying looks of disdain now plastered on their eleven year old faces.
"Sure Sev, I'll see you guys at dinner, Okay? Save me a seat if I'm late?" Lily quickly packs her books into her bag so that she can catch up with an already exiting Severus Snape.
"Oh, he is such a git, I don't understand why Lily puts up with that," Marlene snaps, "He doesn't even want her hanging out with people from her own house."
Mary nods in agreement, watching as the two finally disappear out through the library doors. There's a loud echo as the doors slowly close, and then Mary suddenly turns towards Marlene with wild eyes.
"I think I have an idea."
Marlene snorts, "An idea? That's a new one for you."
Mary gasps over dramatically at Marlene's quip, but continues smiling, "No Marly, we're gonna get Lily those signatures, like the ones in a yearbook, so that she can read our notes while she's stuck with him all summer."
"Wow Mary, you do put together some good ideas here and there!"
First year, 1971-1972.
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Second year, 1972-1973.
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Third year, 1973-1974.
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Fourth year, 1974-1975.
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Fifth year, 1975-1976.
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Sixth year, 1976-1977.
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Seventh Year, 1977-1978.
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This was a lot of fun for me to do, but it also took me a while to get everything how I wanted. You'll notice that as they get older their handwriting (and for some even their writing utencils) change and grow with them. There are a few different themes and relationships going on throughout this whole thing so I hope you enjoy all the little easter eggs. Also you'll notice that it is heavily smudged and (wet?) even in some places, that's because I tried to make it seem as though it was pulled from an archive, whether from Lily's belongings or even Hogwarts. Let me know if you can't read anything specific and I'll tell you what it says. It's not perfect but I'm very proud of it!
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natigail · 3 months
"I figured hey, if I'm here, I might as well be honest with myself. So I dug into the archives. And I found teenage Dan. Do you remember HELLO INTERNET? There I was, eighteen years old, your average caucasian British boy with your problematic vocabulary, just wanting so desperately to be liked. I then saw myself age twenty, as a student. Not that I was actually studying anything other than the male anatomy. I had no plan. No prospects. I was in desperate need of a haircut. Jesus Christ. No, look, that was not a hairstyle. It was geometry. My hair was a square. I then saw myself age twenty-two as an adult, just trying to make my way in the world, taking any job that I could, no matter how inauthentic or degrading. And look. I don't hate these past versions of myself, alright? Apart from the square one, it can get in the fucking bin. Mainly, I just feel sorry that it took them so long to work out who they are. I then stumbled across the video titled Existential Crisis. In which I utter the optimistic nihilistic epithet: 'embrace the void and have the courage to exist'. Embrace the void and have the courage to exist. It sounded nice when I said it but for some reason it just didn't hit. I had accepted the absurdity of the world but at that time, I hadn't accepted myself. Looking back at it, it finally clicked. Anyone who has suffered with depression or any kind of trauma that seriously affects your self-worth hopes that one day you're going to have this sudden revelation and then everything is fine. I had my revelation alright. I am unapologetically gay! Don't know if you hadn't picked up on that, so far in the show. But just having this revelation did not immediately fix all of my problems, because I still feel that inherent burnt-on brand that I am wrong. And that doesn't just go away. No, I know what my problem is, alright. My problem I am always living for the future. Every day I am thinking about this dream future where all of my dreams have come true and all of my problem have gone and everything's fine. And so, every day in the present of my life can be this joyless unrelenting grind towards that future. But it's okay. It's going to come any day now, right? Learning to look yourself in the mirror and being honest about what you've been through and keep living in spite of that can be hard. It takes a long time and a relentless persistent resistance against the way that you've been trained to feel by the world. But that doesn't just mean you should give up. Because, sure, sometimes in life, you may feel trapped. I felt trapped by my sexuality. You could feel trapped by your culture or your community. Hell, you could be literally trapped in an elevator but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to get out. 'cause, sure, when I look at the state of the world, I am very tempted to just go: You know what - we're all doomed. But that isn't courageous. That is cowardly. It's the easy way out. Even if it is, as I hope you'd all agree, a really fucking cool name for a show. So that's the thing. You can either say to yourself, every day is just a discontent emoji or you can find the courage to force your inner smiling cowboy hat, ye-motherfucking-haw! And just try to find in everyday life. Which is why I made this show. So I'm not living in the future but I'm just right here, right now, with you, just trying to have one good night. And look. Hey. Who knows, huh? We may all be doomed. Death may be inevitable. But first, we get to live. Life might at times be a struggle but just being here, to put one foot in front of the other every day is living. So please, do not let the doom drag you down. You are important. You matter. Please, stay hopeful for the future. Appreciate life. Embrace the void and have the courage to exist." - Dan Howell, closing monologue of his show "we're all doomed" (2022-2024)
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how-masterful · 6 months
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OK so logistically, if we're talking for filming purposes, I 100% believe it was Jemma Redgrave (kates) hand that picked up the tooth, standing in for another character. They're already running a ridiculously closed set with Ncuti being there, they wouldn't run the risk of inviting a major player to do a single hand shot and somebody spoiling it.
(Funnily enough the same thing happened when filming An Adventure in Space and Time, its Mark Gatiss touching the console in Matts hand closeups because Matt couldn't physically be there.)
It's also a major callback to the end of last of the timelords when the ring gets picked up- which gives us a few questions:
1) if it is Kate, why is she doing it? To put it in the black archive?
2) if its another cult of saxon member, how the hell did they get up to the top of avengers tower UNIT HQ? And also.. didn't Simm kill them all?
3) If its 'the boss' as mentioned by the Meep, also possibly 'the one who waits' by The Toymaker... why are they collecting two hearted beings like the meep said?
4) does this possibly link in to the ominous figure 'the Dutchess' RTD teased?
And finally, the most important question,
5) What outfit will Sacha Dhawan wear next when the Master returns? (Because obviously he's the master that's coming back... right?)
... Right RTD?
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bella-rose29 · 8 months
Hopeless Romantics
Lockwood x f!reader
Their relationship through various hopelessly romantic dates.
With the tickets discount thing I have no idea if that's an actual thing but I figured it would work in the same way as a student discount or something.
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: literally none other than maybe wondering why you can't actually have an anthony lockwood for yourself
Tag list: @anathemaloren, @augustisintheair, @avdiobliss, @dangelnleif, @el-de-phi, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @karensirkobabes, @mitskiswift99, @mrsklockwood, @mrsyixingunicorn10, @ran23sblog, @superpositvecloudshipper, @t2sh0, @taygrls, @tournesol77, @wandamaximoffbae, @whenselenefallsinlove, @wordsarelife
Let me know here if you'd like to be added or removed from the tag list! <3
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It had been an incredibly long night, all members of Lockwood and Co wanting nothing more than to collapse in their beds and fall right to sleep. George and Lucy had done just that, bidding goodnight to their fellow agents and heading up the stairs. Y/n had been about to do the same when Lockwood dragged her by the hand through the house, out into the back garden.
"Anthony, what are you doing?!"
He turned his head to look back at her, smile bright and blinding despite the darkness. "Taking you on a date," he said, just as he pulled her to the floor, lying down next to her.
"A date? Ant, it's the middle of the night!"
"Yeah, and for once it's not a cloudy British night. Look." He pointed up at the night sky, and Y/n realised he was right. If she concentrated she could see the Milky Way. The sheer number of stars was overwhelming, and she didn't think she'd ever seen so many.
They laid there for a good hour or so, only going inside when Y/n started complaining about the chill (Anthony immediately moved the two of them inside and up to his room, saying he'd be a terrible boyfriend if he let his girlfriend freeze). They'd been talking about whatever came in to their heads, occasionally wondering about the constellations and trying (and failing) to name them. Once changed into pyjamas and snuggled in his bed (really Y/n needed to just move in with him, she was in his room so much), they continued looking at the few stars that they could see from the window, and when Y/n finally fell asleep, Anthony carefully crept to close the curtains, slipping back under the covers and drawing his girlfriend closer, falling asleep himself moments later.
Dancing in the Rain
It had been raining all day.
George had complained, since he'd been planning on going to the Archives, but at the sight of the torrential downpour he'd decided to forgo the walk and holed up in his room instead. Lucy hadn't minded so much; she was in the attic reading, enjoying some peace and quiet.
Anthony was in the library, trying to get paperwork done, but with his girlfriend sat in the same room as him he was struggling. He huffed for the millionth time, making Y/n look up.
"What? You keep huffing and puffing. Is something wrong with the papers?"
"No, nothing's wrong with the papers. Just... How am I meant to concentrate when the most beautiful girl in the world is sat so close to me?" He turned on his chair, smiling dopily at her.
Y/n snorted, looking at him over her book. "Charmer."
"Is it working?"
"It doesn't need to work, Ant, we're already dating."
"I've got to make sure you know how much I love you though," he pouted, and Y/n giggled.
"You've also got to make sure your company is running properly?" His pout didn't leave his face, and he huffed (again) as he turned back to his work, running a hand through his hair in mild frustration. "Ant?"
"Yeah?" He looked over at her, immediately perking up at the sound of her voice.
"Wanna dance in the rain?"
"Right now?"
"Yeah. It's not as bad anymore, I think we'll be fine."
"Okay, yeah. Sure."
Y/n pulled him up from his seat, and he all but ran out the front door into the street, barely pausing to pull his shoes on. They were immediately soaked, Anthony's white shirt sticking to his body and Y/n's thin top doing the same within seconds. She was right, it wasn't as bad as it had been earlier, and they were laughing as Anthony held his hand out for her to take.
"May I have this dance, m'lady?" he said, his smile wide.
"You may," Y/n replied, placing her hand in his. He yanked her in, pulling her close to his chest, and she reached up to move some of his soaked hair out of his face. It wasn't much good, since she couldn't see that well from the raindrops that fell into her face, but she'd practically memorised the shape of him. He held her close, gently swaying as the rain fell all around them, the couple only moving when a car came around the corner and honked at them for being in the middle of the road.
When they came back inside a while later, George was just coming out of the kitchen, piece of cake in hand.
"No, nope, stay there, don't move! You two are dripping and I'm not letting you get that everywhere!" he rushed up the stairs, coming back a few minutes later with towels and changes of clothes for the two of them. "You can get changed there, then put your wet clothes in here. Let me know when you're done, so I can dry them and mop the floor." He handed over a plastic bag, one for each, then left, heading into the library.
"Oi, turn around, Ant. You might have seen most of it before but I'd like some privacy, please," Y/n lightly slapped his arm, nothing menacing in her tone as she turned her back on him. She'd barely finished pulling on the jumper (Anthony's jumper, really, but she wore it more than him at this point) than he'd wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back against his chest to hug her from behind.
"I love you, Y/n, you know that right?"
"I do. I love you too, Anthony."
The Picnic
"Anthony, where are we going? And why do you have a huge ass basket?"
"You'll see!" Y/n had been chatting with Lucy in their shared room (not that Y/n used it much now, she was in Lockwood's so much), when Anthony had burst through the door demanding that his girlfriend come with him. Y/n had laughed at his antics, taking the hand he offered and yelping when he all but ran down the stairs, girlfriend in tow. He'd been practically bouncing while he waited for her to put her shoes and coat on, and his excitement had only grown the closer they got to their destination. All of a sudden he stopped, making Y/n crash in to the back of him.
"Close your eyes."
"Just... just close your eyes, trust me. Don't open them until I say, okay?"
"Okay..." Y/n shut her eyes, squeezing them so tightly closed she could see patterns. She heard the rustling of something plastic, followed by the sound of him moving around and getting other items out of the basket, and after what felt like forever he finally said "Open!"
She did so, gasping slightly at the sight of the picnic blanket and various food items laid out. "Wait, you did all this?"
"Yep! Well, not all, George did the cooking, and Lucy helped me carry all the stuff back from Arif's without you noticing, but the rest was all me." He looked nervous, something Y/n hadn't seen her boyfriend be for a while, and she realised that he was waiting for her approval. He was scratching the back of his neck, slight blush covering his cheeks.
"I love it, Anthony. Really, I think this is amazing," she smiled at him, and immediately he relaxed, his own grin forming on his face. Y/n moved over to where he stood, planting a soft kiss on his lips. "And I love you."
"I love you too," he whispered, kissing her again.
The Aquarium
"Two day tickets please, we should get a discount too?"
"You agents?"
"Yes, Lockwood and Co." Anthony handed over his licence card to the woman behind the desk, and she handed it back with a nod of approval.
"Here you go, that'll be ten pounds altogether then please."
Anthony handed over the notes, then accepted the two tickets with a smile. "Thank you!"
Y/n grabbed his free hand, taking her own ticket and pocketing it. They made their way into the aquarium, stopping to read every sign and press their faces to every glass, and Anthony was sure that he was the luckiest guy in the world to have Y/n as his girlfriend. He told her as much when they stopped for something to eat in the aquarium cafe, and she'd laughed and gone pink.
"Well then I'm the luckiest girl to have you, Ant."
They'd left the table not long after, disposing of napkins and empty sandwich packets, and when Y/n squealed in delight and grabbed Anthony by the arm, he knew that the tunnel was just around the corner. Y/n was always going on about the tunnel where the fish swam right overhead, surrounding you with water that was held back by thick glass smeared with little children's fingerprints. She spent the next few minutes pointing out various creatures, and Anthony nodded along, listening intently to her descriptions of each one, from the largest shark right down to the smallest fish, a huge smile on his face at her awe.
"Ant, look!" She smushed her face against the glass, jabbing a finger at the ray that had started coming their way. When, a few minutes later, a second ray did the same, Y/n looked on in as much wonder as she had the first time, and Anthony found himself smiling softly at his girlfriend's apparently limitless fascination with the animals.
They sat in the tunnel for ages (they did have a day ticket, after all), chatting quietly about anything that came to mind, Y/n interrupting every now and then to excitedly list off facts about the fish.
When they finally left a while later, going around the rest of the aquarium, hand in hand, Anthony knew then that he never wanted to be with anyone else. She was still smiling at everything she saw, laughing at the pufferfish and marvelling at the lion fish, and her joy was infectious. A few times she stopped to talk to some small kids, exaggerating her movements and discussing the animals so seriously with them that anyone would think she was talking about the threats of the Problem, not seahorses. She was so good with the kids, and not for the first time Anthony caught himself thinking about their future together.
It was nearly dark when they left, having been kicked out because it would soon be curfew, and Y/n was pulling him along the pavement on their way home, still talking excitedly about her favourite parts of the day.
Yes, Anthony thought as he unlocked the front door and ushered Y/n inside. Yes, this is my future.
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slimepuparibaba · 8 months
How Danstelle Happened (hint: it was a fucking disaster)
no so i need everyone to find out how twin stellaron au danstelle happens because istg its just the definition of comedy
March 7th: Soooo. Where ya goin' with Stelle? Hmm? Dan Heng: Nowhere. Caelus: Uh-huh. "Nowhere". Dan Heng: ... Dan Heng: (sighs) We're going star-gazing. March 7th: Awww! Dan Heng: Caelus, I know the situation with the Stellaron is dire and Welt enforced the 200 foot radius rule, but-- Caelus: Don't worry, I'll be just out of range so as to not interrupt your date. Dan Heng: Thank you. Dan Heng: Dan Heng: Wait, it's not a date. Caelus, deadpan: Could've fooled me. March 7th: (snickering)===== Stelle, stargazing with Dan Heng: Wow... the stars really are beautiful up here. Dan Heng: (...what was it that was a popular phrase to say in response to that?) Dan Heng: (Oh. Right.) Dan Heng: You know what else is beautiful? Stelle: Your boyfriend? Dan Heng: Y-- Dan Heng: Dan Heng, glaring: My what. Stelle: Your boyfriend. Dan Heng: Dan Heng, losing it: wh a t Stelle: Y'know, Blade? Dan Heng, eye twitching: Dan Heng: W h a t? ===== Dan Heng: ...and that's what happened. March 7th: (cackling) OH MY GOD, SHE THINKS YOU AND BLADE ARE... HAHAHAHAHA! Caelus: Nice going, buddy. She thinks you and Blade are together. Dan Heng: Can you please not rub salt into my wounds? Dan Heng: (groaning) Why am I pursuing such an idiot anyway...? Dan Heng: (has flashbacks to Stelle dumpster diving) Dan Heng, in realization: ...right, I'm pursuing her precisely BECAUSE she's an idiot. March 7th: Yeah, but a cute one though, right? Dan Heng: March. ===== Stelle: Heya Dan Heng, here to grab some stuff from the archives! Don't mind me! Dan Heng, reading a book, slightly miffed: Mn... Stelle: Oh, and thanks for the star-gazin' hang out! But you know, you should REALLY ask Blade to do that with you. Dan Heng, rubbing his temples: (grumbles) Stelle: Although, he seems more like the type of guy to prefer a nice sparring match so-- Dan Heng, shutting his book closed: Stelle. Stelle: Huh? Dan Heng: Can you please stop trying to make it so difficult to pursue you? Stelle: Stelle: Pffft... Stelle: HAHAHAHAHA! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU KNEW HOW TO JOKE LIKE THAT, DAN HENG! Dan Heng: Stelle. Stelle: Oh my god, you nearly gave me a heart attack! You? Trying to pursue ME?! PFFFFT-- Dan Heng, more stern: Stelle. Stelle: Like, come on. It's not like you ACTUALLY like me, right-- Dan Heng, losing his patience: Stelle! Stelle: ? Dan Heng: That wasn't a joke. I meant it. Stelle: . . . Stelle: wait so. so you're saying-- Dan Heng: Yes, I like you. Stelle: Stelle: f Stelle: for real? Dan Heng: Yes. Stelle: ..... Stelle: BE RIGHT BACK-- [Stelle runs out of the room, leaving Dan Heng severely confused] Dan Heng: ... Stelle, running back: BY THE WAY, THAT WASN'T A REJECTION. I JUST REALIZED I WAS BEING AN ABSOLUTE DUMBASS AND NEED THE EARTH TO SWALLOW ME WHOLE. I LIKE YOU TOO. [Stelle runs back out, Dan Heng's face completely red] Stelle, once more running back in: ALSO WE'RE NOT DOING IT IN YOUR ROOM FIRST NIGHT I WANNA AT LEAST HAVE MY FIRST TIME ON A BED K THX BYE [Stelle running back out for the FINAL time, leaving Dan Heng EVEN MORE CONFUSED while Caelus and March 7th are standing there, witnessing the whole thing] Dan Heng: ...wh... what did that-- March 7th: HAHAHAHAHA! DAN HENG, OH MY GOD-- Dan Heng: Huh? March 7th: I... I CAN'T... I CAN'T BREATH-- Dan Heng: March, I'm confused. Caelus: (facepalming) She did NOT just say that. Dan Heng: What? What did she say? March 7th: DAN HENG, SHE JUST GAVE YOU INSTANT PERMISSION FOR 3RD BASE! Dan Heng: 3rd base? What does th-- Dan Heng: Dan Heng, in realization, growing completely red: ...oh. Dan Heng: OH--
your honor they are dumbasses. not just stelle. but also dan heng.
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fandomtrumpshate · 4 months
Listed fandom rankings ...
We've just hours to go before signups close for the 2024 FTH auction. In the history of FTH we've only had one fandom ever break 100 signups in a single auction — MCU had 100+ signups in 2020. Right this minute, however, we're only 3 signups away from having a second fandom crack that number. K-pop is RIGHT ON THE EDGE. Will you help it make it across that line? Or sign up for another fandom and bump them up the list? There's still time. Do the thing!
At the top of our listed fandom leaderboard, we have the top ten:
97 K-Pop * 83 Good Omens 55 Sherlock Holmes * 47 Harry Potter * 46 Marvel * 39 Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Untamed 37 DC * 35 Avatar The Last Airbender 30 Star Wars * 29 Scum Villain's Self-Saving System
And falling out of the top ten (by just one signup) -
28 Red, White, & Royal Blue
Beyond that, we have several ties for various places -
[# of signups][fandoms]
23 Teen Wolf
21 Baldur's Gate 3, Locked Tomb Trilogy, Stranger Things, Supernatural
20 All for the Game, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Witcher
19 Boku no Hiro Akademia (My Hero Academia), Original Work, Our Flag Means Death, Tolkien *
18 Haikyuu!!!
16 9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lone Star, Hockey RPF, Star Trek *
15 Tian Guan Ci Fu (Heaven Official's Blessing)
14 Jujutsu Kaisen
13 Hazbin Hotel, Naruto, The Old Guard, One Piece
12 The Magnus Archives
11 A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon, Check Please!, The Maze Runner, Raven Cycle
10 Final Fantasy *, Merlin, Shadowhunters
9 Doctor Who *, Dungeons & Dragons, Fullmetal Alchemist, The Sandman, Yuri!!! On Ice
8 Dragon Age *, Hades (video game), Hannibal, Heartstopper, James Bond, Justified, Kingsman, The Murderbot Diaries, SK8 the Infinity, Suits
7 Captive Prince, Critical Role, Genshin Impact, Grishaverse, Queen's Thief, Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast, Steven Universe, Top Gun Movies
6 Kinnporsche, Malevolent (Podcast), RWBY, Stargate,
5 Alex Rider, Arcane, Interview With The Vampire, Legend of Zelda, Nirvana in Fire, The Owl House, Pokemon, Witch Hat Atelier
4 Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun (The Husky & His White Cat Shizun), Hunger Games, Les Misérables, The Magicians, Miraculous Ladybug, Trigun, Welcome to Night Vale
3 Disney's Descendants, Elder Scrolls, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Gundam Wing, Hetalia, Leverage, Mysterious Lotus Casebook, Spy x Family, Super Mario Bros., Tian Ya Ke / Word of Honor, Wheel of Time, Young Royals
2 Benoit Blanc Mysteries (Knives Out, Glass Onion), Bleach, Disco Elysium, Encanto, Homestuck, The Last of Us, Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, Schitt's Creek
1 Assassin's Creed, Attack on Titan, Chainsaw Man, Diamond no Ace, Goncharov (1973), Stellar Firma, Wednesday / The Addams Family
Signups are STILL open. There are just hours to go. Wanna help set records? Do the thing!
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bluebellhairpin · 2 months
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Thorin Oakenshield X Fem!Reader
Summary; With the dragon Smaug gone, you discover what remains - or, more accurately, what has been taken away.
Warnings; Thorin has the dragon-sickness and is generally an asshole. Implied non-canon character death. Reader is female-body-coded, uses she/her pronouns, and is Human.
Listening to; 'Burn' from Hamilton - "Your sentences border on senseless... They don't get to know what I said... You forfeit all rights to my heart."
Part 12 || Part 14
Series Masterlist || Masterlist || Ko-Fi
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Everything was burning. Homes, buildings and lives. People.
It hurt that all you could do was watch, with the stone cold underneath you, and the wind making your tears feel like ice carving a river down your face. It was an ironic contrast, especially since your chest burned hot and ached with every breath.
You wondered why it still hurt. You felt calm, despite the distress before you, and you had rested enough from the fight with Smaug for your heart to have settled. But your chest hurt. Your lungs burnt with each breath and your throat was dry. You’d noticed before, how it seemed the closer to Erebor you got the worse it became. But you dared not bring it up, and now you couldn’t - Oin was will Kili, no one else would have answers like he would.
You were feeling so close to being sick - like properly throwing-up sick - because of what was happening both to the burning Laketown and Thorin. Oh, your dearest Thorin.
What was becoming of the Dwarf you once loved? You could only hope that he would get better now that the dragon had fled. Somehow you knew that hope was founded on shaky grounds.
You stared ahead, watching the distant walls of flames flicker like candles along a mantle place. You saw smoke rise into the dark night sky, glowing orange with embers. The dragon’s silhouette constantly swooped up and down, high then low.
With each pass Smaug made on the town you thought of your friends, Fili, Kili, Oin, and Bofur, and even Bard and his family. You hoped this would not be the pass to kill your friends, and at the end of each you waited - as if you would have felt it, but it never came. Only for the apprehension and hope to return once more with another path Smaug made.
You would’ve prayed they would make it out safely, if only you knew who to pray to.
The minutes felt like hours, and the hours seemed to drag on forever. As the stars passed overhead, and the very first signs of day drew near, a new kind of movement went across the town.
With a startled gasp, a pain in your chest sparked and you stumbled to your feet.
Beside you, Bilbo, who had yet to turn away unlike most of your other companions, likewise saw the shift - even if he didn’t feel it, or notice it in you.
“You saw that?” he asked, turning between you and the town. “The dragon, it fell.”
“The dragon died.” you said, fingers tight over the leather and furs over your heart.
“The black arrow. The Lords of Dale have finished what was started many years ago.” Then the burning, the aches, it all stopped. A peace which you thought would never return did - and it was like you were blessed with a whole new body.
“The dragon is gone!” Golin said, stepping forward on quite nimble feet to take a proper look at the scene before him.
“But the damage is done.” Dwalin lingered just behind you, scowling at the flames that still burnt.
“And now it’s dead word will spread. Those with good intent and bad will be swarming to the mountain.” you added. “I do not think a dragon is the worst thing we will see before we can finally call Erebor home again.”
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Enjoyed this chapter so far? Read the rest now over on Archive of Our Own! (Chapter Twelve Continues Here!)
Feel free to leave kudos, comments or a reblog if you're enjoying the story so far - especially now we're so close to the end. Remember to support your favorite writers! If you liked reading it, reblog it <3
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tansyuduri · 7 days
Arthur opened his eyes and blinked a few times to clear them. Above him he could just make out the canopy of a tent. 
“Arthur!” It was Merlin's voice.
Everything came back in a rush and he pushed himself from his lying position and upwards. His head turned slightly towards Merlin’s voice and he became aware that his warlock was holding his hand. 
Merlin's face was tear stained which wouldn't do at all. Arthur reached a free hand for him as he sat up. He cupped Merlin's cheek as his thumb softly wiped away any remains of tears.
Merlin’s eyes met his own and suddenly he was apologizing. “I’m so sorry for not being here when it attacked. I’m so sorry”
“You came in time.” Arthur assured him. “You helped stop it. You were on time.” He knew how sensitive this topic could be for Merlin. He stared into Merlin's beautiful eyes. His gorgeous face. And then suddenly Merlin’s lips were against his own. His warlock was kissing him as if he was life itself. As if he needed Arthur’s kisses as much as the very air he breathed. Merlin was practically inhaling him.
 Arthur pulled him closer and Merlin wrapped his arms around his king. Arthur could feel the smooth modern cloth of Merlin’s shirt pressed against his own bare chest. Heat felt like sunlight everywhere their skin touched and Arthur squeezed Merlin even tighter. Pressing his warlock's lanky frame against his own muscular one. They came up for air and then kissed again several times before Merlin finally pulled back. Arthur was tempted to pull him close again if he would allow it but Merlin's words stopped him.
“I’ve been making a horrible mistake… I thought about it in the forest.. I’ve been alone so long I got used to not telling anyone anything and even before that there were always secrets, weren’t there?” Merlin took a deep breath. “Things I should have told you so long ago. Some of it is that I'm worried how you will react, that you might think…” He trailed off. “Some of it I didn’t want to make you worry…” He trailed off again before meeting Arthur’s eyes with a look of determination.
“But that's not love, is it… That's what you’ve been trying to tell me. Love is telling you things even when it's hard… even when it scares me. So I’ll tell you.”
Arthur could feel his mouth open slightly in shock. He closed it.
“I’m terrified you’ll view me as too much of a burden… As a broken thing… And above all I’m terrified of being alone again… When… when you die… You will die eventually, and I’ll be alone. I’m so scared to be alone again. I didn't want to tell you partly because, being able to tell you things… It will all go away when you die… I’ll be alone.”
Merlin was shaking as he spoke, his eyes wide with terror. Face twisted in pain.
Arthur reached forward and crushed Merlin to himself. “We’re both broken. You helped me face things when I came back. How could I not do the same for you Merlin? Even if you were broken I would be here helping you put the pieces back together. You’re the man I love. Over 1500 years is more than long enough to be alone. We’ll simply find a way to make me immortal too. I am not going to let you be alone again.”
Merlin pulled back slightly and his eyes searched Arthur's face.. And then, perhaps because he was so desperate, his mind so tired of panicking over it, he seemed to accept the response. He seemed to simply take Arthur's immortal comment at its word. Merlin pressed himself close to Arthur again. 
The warlock let out a slightly muffled. “Alright.” 
“Gods… I want you.” Arthur murmured into the sorcerer’s ear.
“I just healed you.” Merlin protested weakly, his hand already moving over Arthur's chest and downwards.
“I feel fine, We're going to the woods.”
“You want to have sex in the woods?” Merlin confirmed
Arthur met his eyes full on. “Yes I want to have sex in the woods.” 
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sunhatllama · 8 months
all it takes is a snap
A Resident Evil Fanfiction
Tags: established chreon, blood, injury, broken bones
Whumptober Prompt: "How many fingers am I holding up?"
RE:TOBER prompt: Virus
For @wisecrackingeric-2 !!
Leon huffed, sucking in sharp breaths quickly as he ran through the forest underbrush. Chris was ahead of him by a few paces, his harsh breathing audible even over the roaring of blood in Leon's head. They had been running for so long, yet if the agent turned his head to glance behind him, he knew for a fact that the zombie hoard was still right on their toes.
He didn't need to see; he could hear their loud moans, growls, and howling wails. The mission they were sent on was a disaster, the lab turning out to be completely overrun by t-virus infected—too many for just the two of them to handle. They gave their best effort, but in the end, they had to run to the evac point, which was still so far away and the hoard wasn't showing signs of slowing down.
"We have to keep going, Leon!" Chris yelled, pinched from exertion and adrenaline, and Leon swore he could hear an air of despair trying to come out. "We can't stop, we're almost there."
Leon didn't know what to say to that, but he knew if he didn't say something, Chris was going to worry, and he didn't want to do that. "Yeah," he said simply, out of breath.
He lamented that they hadn't retrieved the virus sample from the lab, knowing that once they returned, they would have to admit failure. At the BSAA it wasn't so bad, but he still retained his DSO training, not quite able to shake the fear of disappointment away completely. He wondered if they would send a larger team in next time.
They ran for who knows how much longer, and the hoard finally slowed down slightly, not able to keep up with the two BSAA operatives, as old as the two were getting. Leon was nearing 40, and his joints definitely felt it. Each breath coming out of his mouth sliced at his throat due to the force of his inhales and his vision was starting to waver. He could last a long time, but this was starting to reach his limits. Chris was closer now as well, having slowed down enough that they could hold hands, not that they could while running, but it eased Leon's nerves regardless. It seemed things were looking up for them.
Until it wasn't.
As if the universe had a vendetta against him, Leon's foot caught on a tree branch and he went tumbling forward in a shallow ditch. His vision swam, turning a swirling black and green mess, and he couldn't regain his balance before his head slammed against the ground. At the same time, Leon heard a sickening crack and his ankle flared in pain. Fuck, fuck. That was a break—
"Leon!" In an instant, loud footsteps raced to him, leaves rustling and sticks snapping, and Leon knew it was Chris. 
He kneeled by his side and grabbed at his torso, trying to flip him onto his back to see what was wrong. Chris' face twisted with concern, moving a hand to brush back Leon's fringe and prod at his hairline for some reason. "How many fingers am I holding up?" he then asked, and Leon ignored it, frowning.
"Ankle's busted," he slurred, trying to get up, and when Chris wouldn't let him, he scowled, desperation taking over. "Leave me behind. I can't outrun them like this—"
"No. Not happening," Chris interrupted, pulling him into his arms bridal-style in one swift motion, Leon's head resting on his shoulder.
The man scowled, starting up a pace again before sparing a glance at the infected. "We're in this together. I'm not leaving you behind."
Leon was quiet after that, the pain in his ankle flaring at the movement, and he suddenly realized that his head hurt too. Now staring up into the sky, the sun's rays sent daggers through his head and he whined, closing his eyes. Soon enough, he felt something warm dripping down the side of his face, and he immediately knew it was blood. Why was he bleeding? Oh yeah, he hit his head. Maybe there was a rock on the ground or something.
The rocking of Chris running was making it harder and harder for Leon to contain his cries of pain, and he could hear the zombies closing in on them, a flare of fear for Chris rushing through him. He should put him down—Leon was a dead weight, only slowing him down. He would never forgive himself if he was the reason Chris Redfield died.
"Chris…" he murmured.
"Stay with me, Leon. We're almost there."
He was trying , but for some reason, he didn't understand he was losing grasp on consciousness. He didn't think he was injured that badly, not enough for him to pass out in Chris' arms. Leon's throat turned thick, tasting iron on his tongue, and it became harder to breathe. Humming, he fell more limp against Chris's chest, guilt racing through him.
"I'm s'rry, Chris," he slurred again, this time worse, and this seemed to distress Chris, for he went faster then, saying something that Leon couldn't discern, his tone terrified.
The beeping of medical equipment was what woke him, Leon opening his eyes to a dark hospital room, a figure sitting in a chair next to his bed, resting their head next to Leon's thigh. It was Chris. The agent sighed, relieved that his boyfriend was okay. Leon lifted his arm, limb heavy and shaking, to brush his fingers through the man's hair, the touch seeming to wake Chris up.
Then everything became a blur
The man let out a confused hum, and he opened his eyes groggily, gaze locking with Leon's and he sat up straight, wide-eyed. "Leon! You're awake," he exclaimed, smiling wide. His eyes were bloodshot and dark bags hung underneath.
Leon smiled back and hummed. "What happened to me?" he asked, not remembering how he was injured, assuming he was. He could feel drugs coursing through his veins, dulling the pain he was supposed to be feeling.
Chris' smile faltered. "We were running from some infected through a forest to evac during our last mission two days ago. You fell bad—split open your skull and snapped your ankle in two. I carried you back to the helicopter, but you passed out on the way." He looked away, staring at the thin blanket on the hospital bed, and Leon's gaze softened. "I-I thought I lost you."
"I'm here," he replied, grabbing one of Chris' hands with his own and giving it a squeeze. "You saved me."
"You could have died."
Leon shook his head. "But I didn't."
Chris still looked torn up, eyes glassy, and Leon tapped the bed, gesturing for him to get in with him. "Come here."
His boyfriend looked at him, conflicted, before giving in and helping the agent move to the side enough for him to fit. Leon sighed contently, leaning his head on Chris' shoulder as the man held him close. He could hear his heart in his chest, the rhythm soothing him, and soon enough he drew drowsy, eyelids falling to half-mast and breathing evening out. Leon could feel tears falling onto his scalp and squeezed Chris' hand again, letting him know he was there.
Leon hummed, concerned, and Chris pressed a kiss to his head. "I'm fine. You go to sleep. I've got you."
He nodded in response, leaning in more. "Love you," he murmured.
"I love you too, Leon."
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quillthrillswriting · 2 months
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now that ao3 is back up, boy oh boy do i have a fic rec for you!!!!
i get that the comics are meant to fill that gap between atla and lok, but i feel like we've always been missing that moment where katara and aang actually formally confess their feelings and talk about everything they had been through. with how mature both of them are, it feels somewhat... unrealistic to me that we're never shown that moment where they talk it all out, after three (3!!!) whole seasons of buildup >:(
this fic was inspired by me wanting to show the moment when aang and katara are finally free from the responsibilities placed on them by the war!!!<3
OR: Aang wakes up the morning after him and his friends saved the entire world, and the first (and only) thing he can think about is Katara. When they get a chance to talk, the two take a walk down memory lane.
“Is it ok if I ask you something? While we’re on the topic of… us kissing?” Aang asked, hesitantly. 
Katara nodded. She had a feeling that she knew where this was going. “Ember Island?”
“Yeah.” He breathed. “We never got to… talk about that. After we kissed at the invasion, there was never a moment alone, and I do recognize now that Ember Island wasn’t the right time to bring it up, and I shouldn’t have sprung all of that on you. It wasn’t fair for me to ask you to make such a big statement. It wasn’t right for me to be so demanding. I felt ridiculously jealous over the implication that you were interested in Zuko, and I… well, I reacted poorly. I really am sorry for that.”
“I appreciate you saying that.”
He continued. “But, if you don’t mind me asking… what did you mean when you said you felt confused?”
Katara sighed, drawing water from the lake and tossing it between her hands idly. “I still don’t quite get it, even now. I think the best way to describe it was that I was in fight or flight, locked into survival mode. I did have feelings for you, and I knew that, but I just couldn’t let myself be vulnerable like that at a time like that. I guess that I was worried that if we started something, it’d be a weakness for the both of us. It felt too selfish to distract ourselves from the greater mission at hand when the world was at stake.”
“Ah.” Aang said, thinking it over as the pieces began to click together. “That… that makes a lot of sense.”
Katara continued. “If we’re both being honest, you do have a history of… avoidance, Aang. Giving into my feelings for you felt like it would mean enabling that bad habit of yours, and it seemed like the world needed you more than I did.”
Katara fought the blush spreading rapidly across her cheeks as the two leaned closer together. “Do you remember making that necklace for me out of fishing twine? So I could have a placeholder while Zuko had my mother’s necklace?”
He only nodded in response, her proximity rendering him entirely incapable of producing coherent speech. “I still have it. I don’t think you realize how much that meant to me.” She laughed, lost in memory for a second. “The way you looked at me when I put it on… and Sokka said you were acting like you were in love, and I… called you a good friend?”
“Mhm?” Aang asked, about as close to her as he could be without her lips on his. “What… what about it?”
"I don't want us to just be... good friends, not anymore." She took a deep breath, her voice wavering with nerves.
I think we were meant to be more than that." Katara breathed.
♥ the rest of the (completed) fic can be found here!! ->
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ikroah · 1 year
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Pistol packin' mama, lay that thing down before it goes off and hurts somebody! —“Pistol Packin’ Mama,” Bing Crosby (1943)
It Keeps Right On a-Hurtin’ #24 - Ring-a-Ding-Ding III
Collaborative Issue! Guest Artist: @yesjejunus
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Read IKROAH on Archive of Our Own
Notes / Original Pencils / Transcript:
Oh noooooooooooo :(
These pages might get shrunken a little by Tumblr for some reason so either right-click to view at full-size or just read it on AO3 at the link above. And give a round of applause to my wonderful and wonderfully talented friend @yesjejunus who returns to guest art duty with this new issue, which is just another car crashing into the pile-up that is happening to Agnes in the closing half of Volume 2. Issue #25 will be all of my own art again, and I've been working for a long time on reinventing the look, feel, and production of IKROAH's artstyle so I hope you'll all be as excited as I am. Some really big things are about to happen.
Original Pencils
Here's another reason why mr. jejunus deserves a round of applause: patience. I talk often about how IKROAH is a very long-term project but this issue marks the longest collaboration in the history of the comic: the original pencils for this issue were drawn in August 2021. This was also when yesjejunus and I first discussed him doing guest art for this issue, and it would have been a lot sooner, of course, but you know, things (like months of burnout) can just happen. By the time this issue was finally next in the queue, I had committed to increasing the resolution of IKROAH's pages just to ease my own production, but these pencils were still formatted for the old size. I had to reformat these pencils for the new size and aspect ratio.
The tumblr editor keeps crashing every time I try to include them, so here's links instead: [1] [2] [3].
The thing about working with yesjejunus on comic issues like this is that at this point we're so deep in each other's heads that I barely even need to give him feedback. He understands the assignment completely because we're both sickos pressed against each other's brain-windows going "Yes…ha ha ha…yes!" and drooling. It's the kind of friendship as well as creative partnership that you really just treasure.
AGNES SANDS stares down, exhausted, at BENNY, the leader of the Chairmen and the man who shot her in the head.
BENNY does not stare back. He is dead. His eyes have rolled up lifelessly and blood is oozing from the gruesome wound in his skull.
AGNES looks away.
VOICE FROM OUTSIDE (off): Hey, Ben-man! Everything alright in there?
AGNES jerks up in surprise. She searches her surroundings frantically, looking for a way out. The gun that she shot BENNY with—the gun that BENNY shot her with—is still in her hand. She sees a side door, barely ajar, leading out of BENNY'S BEDROOM with a dim light coming from behind it.
AGNES sprints forward, her arm outstretched to shove open the door, and barges in. Then she freezes in her tracks. In front of her is a large and ambulatory machine, with claw-like arms and a computer monitor in its center. The monitor displays an unchanging vector of a happily smiling face. It speaks.
THE MACHINE: Hello! I'm Yes Ma—
AGNES raises the gun with both hands and fires repeatedly, her eyes wide and mouth agape in terror. She empties it of every single other bullet that was left in it.
THE MACHINE (shorting out): I-I'm sorry…!!
THE MACHINE crumples from the repeated shots, which shatter its monitor-face like a glass window and send it falling backwards. Its robotic corpse snaps and cracks with electricity and malfunctioning hardware as AGNES remains stunned in the doorway.
AGNES looks up as BENNY'S men pound harder on the door to the suite.
VOICE FROM OUTSIDE (off): Benny! We heard shots! We're coming in!
AGNES drops the gun and flees through the hallway's secret private elevator.
VOICE FROM OUTSIDE (off): Oh, shit, somebody iced 'im! Get security!
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ramblingoak · 8 months
Imagine sleeping on Brizios stomach while next to a crackling little fire that keeps you warm as the stars above you twirl and dance, the sand being carried through the wind in the middle of the Desert of Nothingness. Nothing can harm you because it chooses not to. You are just there. To just be. To live and to sleep and to hear your own voice echo through the miles you’ve walked in the boots you bought with your own money.
Sleep and be forever rested, friend.
Thank you so much my friend! This was so sweet to send me. But it also got me thinking about Copia before The Cardinal's Bride begins...
The Cardinal’s Bride Prelude
~ Copia needs to escape for a bit and enjoy a few calm nights on his own before he has to leave and go after Saltarian's fiancé ~
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He needed to get away.
Copia has started to feel cooped up at The Ministry.  Too many people, too much noise.  He hasn’t been sleeping very well.  The nightmare about the night his life changed keeping him up more than usual.  So early one morning he packs up his bags, enough supplies to last him a few days.  He needs to get away, needs to be on his own.  Even his Ghouls are too much to be around at the moment.
All he needs is Brizio and the stars shining above him.
It takes him almost a day before he finds a spot he likes.  He picks a somewhere close to a river, watches Brizio as he wanders over and takes a drink.  Everything else is routine, actions he’s done hundreds of times over the years now.  He gets his little camp set up quickly.  A small dinner cooked over a fire and a few apples held out for his companion.  
Copia sighs and lays back on his bedroll in the grass. Brizio starts to root around in the saddlebags Copia dumped on the ground, probably hoping for one more apple. It isn't long before he gives up, snorting in disgust at his lack of treats and probably glaring over at his master. Copia smiles, his eyes staying on the stars. Brizio was predictable but the horse probably felt the same way about him.
He let his eyes close briefly, clearing his mind of everything else but right here, right now. Copia didn't want to think about his brothers. He didn't want to think about Saltarian and revenge. There was a brief flash of a girl in his mind. Of a pretty face and a soft smile. He reached into his pocket and fingered the folded up piece of paper he had stuffed in there. A sketch of a woman he would be seeing in person soon, as long as everything went to plan. Brizio snorting directly into his face interrupted his thoughts and he laughed as he shoved the horse's snout away.
"You're right, now's not the time to be thinking about pretty city girls." Copia watched as Brizio lowered himself to the ground. The both of them grunted as they moved around, Brizio finally just laying on his side and Copia leaning back against his stomach. "We should enjoy the quiet while we can, eh?"
Life would definitely be interesting in the coming weeks. All his work over the last ten years finally coming together. The notice in the paper gave him the perfect opportunity to finish things once and for all. It wasn't going to be easy dealing with Saltarian's fiancé for a few weeks, but it would be worth it to finally get the revenge he'd desired for so long. After it was done he would just send the girl back home.
"What do you think Briz? You think this girl will have had enough of cowboys and outlaws by the time we're done with her?" Brizio's only answer was a heavy sigh and Copia found himself smiling again. "You're right, she'll be begging to go home."
An old outlaw like him didn't have room in his life for a city girl anyway.
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nothorses · 1 year
i'm sure you've talked about it before, but why do other transmascs feel the need to white knight for women whenever transandrophobia(/anti-transmasculinity/whatever term is "acceptable" for the moment) is brought up? it's always something to do with "it's distracting from misogyny and we should band together against it", "it makes it sound like trans women oppress trans men", "isn't this just dividing the community?", etc.
i swear, every time even the term comes up (not even as THE point of discussion, just at all), at least one transmasc shows up to lecture me about how it's a bad term. it's such "pick me" behavior.
i ask you why other transmascs need to do this, but we know it's some mixture of self-hatred ingrained by having being in some kind of close proximity to manhood, internalized transphobia, and feeling the need to be "one of the good ones" squabbling for approval.
the 2010s feminism movement of target brand mugs saying "Male Tears" and the insistence that using broad violent statements is okay if it's "punching up" really poisoned the conversation. transmascs shouldn't feel so defensive of proving their masculinity is "good" by preventing transmascs from organizing and acknowledging our specific issues.
not sure what i'm even asking anymore. feeling kind of disheartened and frustrated for feeling like i have controversial opinions when i say that *shuffles notes* transmascs are affected by specific societal oppression and pretending otherwise is naive at best and an act of violence at worst.
I hear you. And I think that like... while it is frustrating, to be constantly undermined by people who are clearly just doing it because they think it's some kind of "redemption", I also tend to feel more heartbroken than anything else.
Like, I know how they feel. I was around for shitty 2010's feminism; I was pretty deep in the movement, in fact. I internalized a lot of those ideas, and they're exactly what kept me from realizing I was trans for so long.
When I finally started to realize I was more on the masc side of things, I still had enough hangups that I started a sideblog (that nobody knows about. and still won't!) just to reblog stuff that I felt represented "acceptable" masculinity. The concept was so novel to me that I legitimately felt I needed an archive of "proof" that masculinity could be "ethical".
And I've kinda ridden with this current movement toward acknowledging transmasc oppression. I saw others start talking about it before me, and eventually felt emboldened enough by them to join in; mostly just kind of nudging at the boundaries, suggesting that we consider transmascs are also oppressed, and that maybe we should make sure our trans-specific spaces and resources, and things like domestic violence shelters, include them.
I watched that guarded, hesitant seed start to sprout and grow, and I grew with it. I think my early posts really reflect this; I'm pretty sure my most popular post is still, to this day, the one that essentially just points out that men AND women can have a toxic relationship with masculinity and femininity. Another early banger was "testosterone doesn't make you evil".
Y'know, shit feminists were saying in the 2010's.
I feel like I see a lot of transmascs today kind of forgetting this, idk, three years of "history" (generously). Like we've always had a community ready to support us when we say these things; spaces where we can talk about them without having to constantly remind everyone that we do, in fact, believe transmisogyny is real and that it needs more attention than it currently receives. Because we can take for granted that others believe this, and trust that we do as well.
And that's encouraging! It means we have a community now that- to my knowledge- we have never had before, and it means we're finally getting somewhere after decades of isolation and shame.
But it's also kind of sad, I think, that folks so quickly forget what it was like before this. And it is frustrating that we grew and they didn't, and it is frustrating that they seem to be choosing shame and isolation.
And... they're there for the same reasons we once were. In a lot of ways, that means we are uniquely positioned to offer them a bit of compassion. It doesn't mean we have to, or that it'll always be successful, but it does mean that we can.
I also think that like, it's barely been three years, y'know? Not everyone's looped in yet, and not everyone's in a place where they feel safe and supported enough to even begin to consider these ideas more seriously. There will always be people who act this way (Blaire White & Kalvin Garrah are living proof), but the growth of our community and our movement means we'll start to see it less as time goes on.
This isn't really a solution, or an answer, and you probably know all this anyway. But idk. I think perspective is important.
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amara-among-the-stars · 3 months
Oh heyyy. Chapter 5 of dont you go is here after 86 million years :)) read on A03 or below! Dont forger to reblog and like!
In the morning Amaryllis snuck away to shower and get changed. She ended up helping Aether and Ifrit with breakfast as Dew made coffee and tea. Soon enough the rest of the pack came tumbling into the kitchen. Amara was greeting by Mountain as the giant wrapped his arms around their waist and pulled them close to his body so he could nuzzle at her neck.
“Ew gross. Affection.” Dew teased, lightly bumping the pair with his tail.
“Dew shut the hell up. We all know you like cuddling.” Sunshine said, pointing a fork full of bacon towards the resident gremlin. Dew grinned and snatched a piece, popping it into his mouth as he sat down.
“I'm allowed to cuddle and be cute. Have you seen me? My face is fucking adorable.” Dewdrop retorted. Amara huffed as she sat down, Mountain next to her as the giant looked content even if he was a bit dazed and had a face full of lipstick marks all over his cheek.
“You’re adorable when you’re not speaking and saying Ew affection.” Amara teased. Dew stuck his tongue out at the blue haired ghoulette and she flipped him off. As Aether walked in and sat down, Dew dramatically draped himself over the quint and exhaled loudly.
“Aether! My favorite quinny. Sunshine and Amaryllis are bullying me! Can you believe it!” Dew exclaimed. Aether chuckled and rolled his eyes.
“Yes I can believe it. You probably deserve it.” Aether snorted out. Dew groaned and sat dramatically on the chair next to Aether.
“I'm reporting you to Alpha for being dicks!” Dew yelled, snatching some more food.
“I have immunity. Alpha’s my dad.” Amara giggled out, stealing a piece of fruit from Mountain’s plate. Her partner playfully tugged on her hair for the stolen fruit as Dew face planted on the table.
“I hate it here.” Dew mumbled. Aether gave him a sympathetic pat.
“Poor you. Would you like a blowjob for your troubles?” Aether asked. Dew perked up immediately and nodded, tail wagging happily.
“Yes cmon. Sorry we're leaving you losers.” Dew chirped and dragged Aether away. The table chuckled and finished breakfast; Amaryllis and Mountain were doing the dishes when Mountain asked if Amaryllis wanted to go out on a date tonight.
“Of course! I’d love to!” Amara exclaimed. Mountain grinned, he was excited to finally be able to have alone time with Amaryllis.
“Great, 6 tonight? Wear something warm yet cute.” Mountain directed, pulling her into a quick kiss. Amaryllis giggled, excited to spend time with her earth ghoul. Sunshine and Cirrus said they’d help her with clothes and make up after their chores were done. Amara nodded, scampering off to go help Primo with some things and then Copia with some things as well.
Primo let her take some flowers, laughing to himself when Mountain would later come in to help and ask for flowers as well.
“Ghouls in love... They remind me of my Rosie. Oh how I miss her..” Primo whispered to himself, watching the tall ghoul taking his time to pick out the perfect flowers. Finally, it was time to get ready for everything. Cumulus had picked out a cute pair of ripped jeans and a sparkly black crop.
“That way, if you get cold Mountain will offer his sweater since we know that ghoul always wears one.” Cumulus giggled, curling Amaryllis’ hair.
“You have a point Cu,” Amara chirped out, closing her eyes as Sunshine finished her makeup.
“Alright Tigerlily. All done! You better rock his pants off tonight.” Sunshine exclaimed. Amaryllis blushed and ducked her head down.
“I'll try.” The fire ghoulette replied shyly. She grabbed the flowers from where she set them in a vase as she heard someone knocking on the door. Amaryllis excitedly opened it to see Mountain leaning against the doorway with her favorite flowers in hand and dressed casually but still nicely. Seeing as they both had each other’s favorite flowers they both laughed and Mountain ducked down to kiss Amara on the lips.
“I see we had the same idea of getting flowers from Primo.” Mountain teased as they made their way out of the dens.
“We did. Great minds think alike! Where are we going tonight by the way?” Amaryllis asked, swinging their conjoined hands lightly. Mountain let out a small hum before responding with “It’s a surprise my darling flower.” causing Amaryllis to pout.
“Oh c'mon! The worst!” She laughed. Amaryllis couldn’t wait to see what Mountain had planned.
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