#we fucking love soft!Truck moments in this house
snootlestheangel · 6 months
It was incredibly rare to see Truck without a scowl on his face. In fact, it was so rare that many Shadows could count on one hand the number of times they've seen Truck make any sort of expression other than pissed off.
And it was this surly demeanor that allowed Truck sanctuary in his shop. Away from the prying eyes and too-curious Shadows he rather not deal with.
That and his constant chasing unwanted visitors with a wrench.
It was safe to say that Truck's shop was strictly off limits to anyone else.
Hence why it was such a great place to hide when you needed it most.
Truck was aware of how Shadows avoided his shop like the plague. He was fine with this, happy about it actually.
So he preferred to blame his rather amiable reaction on the shock factor of finding one of the youngest Shadows curled up in the corner of his shop.
"Sorry I can go." Flash quickly stuttered out upon seeing the hulking frame of Truck as he entered the back half of the shop. Truck grunted as he watched the lanky kid unfurl himself from the ball he had tucked himself into. Something bold and something stupid came over Truck as he watched Flash try to bolt with his head low.
"Why were you in here to begin with?" The old man growled, and if it weren't for his usual foul mood, Truck would have felt a bit ashamed for the way the kid seemed to have a heart attack at the question.
"Well, cause I know it's like the one place on base that no one will bother me. It was a stupid idea, I know, I'm sorry-" Flash didn't get to finish his sentence before Truck had thrown a hand up to stop him.
"Sit back down, kid. I ain't gonna chase you out of here. We can all use a little peace and quiet every now and then." Truck didn't know what came over him in that moment, and he won't ever know. But what he does know is he felt a bit of pity as he watched Flash's face go from terrified to traumatized. Flash didn't say a word as he sank back against the wall, tucking his long legs against his chest the best he could.
Truck would never openly admit to anyone, except maybe Candy, how his heart broke just a bit at how the normally high energy young guy was so sullen. It broke Truck's heart a bit at how he thought that at least Flash wouldn't be too much to handle for once.
Truck decided to ignore both his feelings and the young Shadow as he began to tinker with the engine in front of him.
"Does it ever get easier?" Flash mumbled, and Truck paused for a moment.
"No." He grunted out, and he could faintly hear the choked back cry coming from the only dark corner of the shop.
"You get numb eventually." Truck added, almost out of guilt and almost out of something else he didn't care to linger on. Flash sniffled, but didn't respond right away. Truck assumed the conversation to be over, but assumed wrongly.
"Is that what you are? Numb?" Flash's quiet voice practically squeaked in the dark, and Truck whipped his head around to glare the other. But the glare quickly melted as he was met with watery blue eyes, brow furrowed with genuine thought.
"Yeah, you could say that." Truck muttered, for once his deep voice not harsh. Flash nodded as he took a deep breath and wiped his nose on his sleeve.
"Sorry for disturbing your shop, sir." Flash whispered, and Truck found himself unable to conjure up any hatred. Instead, he let out a tired sigh.
"Sometimes, company is all you need to feel better. Take your time, kid."
And yeah, maybe Truck's shop was a secret hiding place for Flash from then on. A hiding place from all the responsibilities, from all the high expectations. A hiding place from the glassy eyes and gaping mouths, from the blood spattered walls and bullet ridden doors.
And yeah, maybe Truck found himself not minding the company. Even if it meant eventually dealing with lots of questions and corny jokes. He tolerated those, scoffed at them at best. He felt he had to.
They were signs Flash was coming back around, after all.
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quitesins · 2 years
Katsuki Catching you on the Sims
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Tags: Sfw, suggestive, fem!reader, friends to lovers, short drabble, no edit just vibes
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“Is…is that us?” The voice startles you and you immediately go to cover your screen, embarrassment hitting you like a truck.
“What- no- Kats’ what-” You scramble out the words, snapping your head to the side.
“Oh it fucking is, isn’t it?” You can hear the smirk, Katsuki shoving you lightly to the side and taking seat. “Go on, show me.”
You shake your head harshly, still clutching the laptop, not making any moves to close the game.
“Nah, I wanna see.” Katsuki can be stubborn and you know you aren’t going to get out of this one.
“Fine…” You whisper out, reluctantly slipping your hands down and finding the mouse pad.
God, it’s embarrassing.
You can’t even try to hide the resemblance between the character of your game and the man beside you. His name is in bright capital letters, admitting your lies for you.
“Huh, it really is me.” Katsuki muses, eyeing his Sims counterpart. “Got my skull shirt and all.”
The sim in question walks around the screen, throughout a large but homely house. The two of you watch it for a moment, when suddenly a notification pops up. Oh no.
“This sim is feeling…” Katsuki starts to read, and you wish for the ground to swallow you. “Flirty?”
You don’t even want to look at the screen anymore, but Katsuki does, following along the character as the camera pans. Soon another sim is in view. One that’s evidently you. And before you can even attempt to pause the game, divert the character away or even throw the laptop off you, there goes Katsuki’s sim, pulling yours into a kiss. A grand, dramatic, and undeniably salacious kiss.
Not a word is said. All you can hear is your own heart beating tremendously. You wonder if he can hear it. Then, abruptly and loud, Katsuki laughs.
A genuine- from the belly- laugh. He doesn’t stop, even when you shake him in protest, whining that he’s being a prick. There’s tears in his eyes, his head is tilted back and his hands rest on yours as they jab at him lightly. If you weren’t so flustered you’d probably appreciate the rare display of unrestrained joy.
“Shut the fuck up! Katsuki!” The laptop is pushed off you by now, and you’re practically atop of the man, shaking him to stop.
His laughter starts to taper but with a chuckle still in his voice, he says. “You’re an idiot, y’know that?”
Katsuki doesn’t give you a moment to take in the words, already pulling you to him, clutching your face in his hands and kissing you.
One grand, dramatic, and undeniably salacious kiss.
It surprises you for a second, but then you melt, almost asking for more. You’re on his lap, by your own movements and his. Nothing on your mind but the feeling of his lips against yours.
When the two of you finally pull apart, you can see how he blushes, how his chest falls and rises. Just like you- he’s in his own fluster.
“Could’ve just asked.” He breathes, the two of you calming. “I’d give you anything from that shitty game.”
The hint of jealousy makes you giggle, resting your head on his shoulder. “Even the multi-billion dollar house I designed?”
You can tell he rolls his eyes, but his voice is soft and full of love.
“Yeah, even the fuckin’ world.”
“Holy fuck [Name], do we have kids in this shit?”
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I’m currently trying to re-download sims because the last I played was when I was 16 and I miss it! Bout to make my whole genshin team and start a fight club 💪
Edit: this is getting loads of reblog comment thingies and I really want to say thank u!!! But IDK HOW TO REPLY??? THIS APP IS SO HARD TO USE???!??
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chaotic-mystery · 11 months
On the Road Again | J.M.
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ꨄ Pairing: dbf!Joel x f!reader
ꨄ Summary: it’s the morning after you stayed in a motel with Joel, so what now? Will he tell your dad you came onto him or can he keep a secret?
ꨄ CW: SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI. Porn w a lil bit of plot. Road head, reader has hair long enough to pull, choking, gagging, dirty talk, roughness, no seatbelt wearing ass (pls don’t do this, I love you too much for you to not wear it) swallowing bc we aren’t quitters! slight speeding while driving, Joel miller whimpers!
ꨄ WC: 2.1K
A/N: This is part 2 to Room 77! So happy to see all the love it’s gotten, so here we go! Hope you love it. I promise next part (if you want one idk let me know) we’ll set some story up and have more plot + sexy time
“Baby, wake up. We gotta go, cmon.”
Your eyes were blinking open gradually, finally seeing Joel who was sitting next to you on the bed and stroking your hair to wake you up. The energy was different now that you weren’t strangers to each others bodies. Joel held you the whole night right against his chest, never letting go until he woke up. With not nearly enough energy, you got up to start changing and get up to speed with him so he wasn’t waiting on you. Turning your back to him as he picked up the clothes from near the bathroom, you squeezed your hand into a fist, teetering on the idea of almost hating yourself for asking this question that was sitting in your throat. “J-Joel um, are you gonna tell my dad…about last night?” The room lingered with silence and Joel ran a hand over his scraggly mustache, looking at the back of your head from across the room.
“No, darlin’ I’m not. He’d kill me and I think he’d be pretty pissed off ‘atcha. I can keep this between us if you can, deal?” His tone was serious to get his point across. The last thing you wanted to see this weekend was your dad and Joel throwing punches at each other.
“Deal. I just hope you don’t regret what happened, because I don’t, not one bit.” You tugged your shirt on and attempted to fix your beadhead before packing your other clothes back into your duffle bag. Every emotion you could think of was going through Joel’s mind at that moment. On the one hand, he was nervous that your dad would find out and think he took advantage of you, but on the other hand he was ready for more and wanted to get to know you, the real you; not the version of you your dad tells him.
Joel’s hand ghosts over your shoulder for a split second before resting it on you, thumb rubbing on your soft skin. “Angel, I don’t regret anything. I meant everything I said and did, okay? It’s gonna be hell keepin’ my hands off ya in front of your family though, pretty girl.” His hand slides down your arm to your hand and grabs it firmly, spinning you around to face him. Joel tilts your chin upwards to look at him in his dark brown eyes, the sunlight hitting one just a little from behind the curtains. Your heart felt like it was about to come right out of your chest if he continued looking into your soul the way he was. There was nothing you wanted more than to lay him down on that bed behind you and ride him until your legs gave out and your body was trembling, but you had to go before everyone got suspicious. If he were to ask you right now to say ‘fuck it’ and stay with him at the motel all weekend, you would in a heartbeat.
“We gotta go, come on bunny.” Joel kisses your forehead lightly before pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. He grabbed both duffle bags and held the door open for you to leave the motel room. As you both walked to his truck, the warm air covered your body and your mind felt like it was coming clearer with every step you took. What’s going to happen when your dad sees you and you have to pretend like you didn’t just sleep with his best friend? How the hell were you going to pull off that lie? How were you going to manage three nights in the house with Joel in the other room, your mind on nothing but him?
“Ya just gonna stand there or you gonna get in so we can at least enjoy some time at the beach before the sun goes down?” Joel joked and looked at you from inside the truck, your bags already put away. You snapped out of it and grabbed the chrome handle, tugging it open to get inside. His rough fingers turned the key to start the engine and soon enough the truck was on the road flying to the direction of the vacation house. The sunglasses shielding your eyes made it easier to steal glances of Joel, the way his veiny hand gripped the steering wheel while his other hand was on the back of the seat by your head. Everything about him was sexy to you, it was hard not to stare. The way he drove with one hand, the way his curls blew in the wind, the way he squinted from the sun because he refused to wear sunglasses. Maybe it was because you slept with him or maybe you just never noticed how effortlessly he made everything seem; but he made daydreaming about him come naturally to you.
You suddenly had the idea to scoot to the middle seat and cuddle against him while you read your book, just wanting to feel him next to you. It was going to be the longest three hours if you couldn’t touch him in some way. It wasn’t going to be too long now before you had to painfully push aside the feelings and memories still fresh in your mind from last night. He was so gentle playing with your hair, you could almost still feel it. Not even asking if he was okay with it, you grabbed your book from your bag and unbuckled your seatbelt, scooting into the spot next to Joel. You leaned your back against him and propped your right leg on the seat, getting cozy while flipping to where your bookmark was. Joel coughed briefly and looked down with furrowed brows for a moment before looking back at the asphalt in front of him. “Just make yourself comfortable I ‘spose.” His deep voice vibrated through his lungs and against your back, making you smile to yourself.
“Well I have to take advantage of this while I can before I have to pretend like I don’t have bad thoughts about you coursing through my mind.” You tilted your head back until Joels head came into your view and he chuckled before kissing your head once more.
The book you cracked open to get caught up on had your interest maybe the first two hours of the drive and you were at a point you could guess how the book ends. Joel’s arm managed to wrap around your neck and have you in a comfortable headlock, keeping you close to him. The salty breeze mixed with his cologne just right, making you feel at peace, you were comfortable with him. Managing to sit up and look at Joel while your hand rested on his thigh, you got close to his ear and whispered, “How do you manage to make me want to blow you while you drive?” It was like you could see his ears perk up at your words and his eyes widened in surprise before meeting your eyes quickly. “S’that right sweet baby?” His hips lifted up to shift in his jeans as the bulge grew the more he thought about it. You dragged your nails against his thigh and traced over his cock through his pants and he whimpered your name so quietly you almost didn’t hear it.
“What was that? Speak up for me, Joel.” you teased, grabbing a handful of his bulge.
He grunted at your actions, wishing you’d stop teasing him and do what you said to him. “I bet you look so cute with somethin’ in your mouth, baby doll. Let me see how much of a good girl you can be, hm?”
You’d be lying if you said his words didn’t send your whole body into chills and excitement flooded your shorts. He knew just what to say to get you going and want to devour him like a fucking animal. With no hesitation you unzipped his jeans and plunged your hand in his boxers, greeted by his rock hard cock that was leaking precum from the slightly swollen tip. You gathered the precum in your hand and coated his cock with it as you began jerking him off, his moan echoing through the truck as a relief. “Fuck baby- that feels so goddamn good, jus’ like that.” Joel's Adams apple bobbed in his throat as he focused on the road and what your hand was doing to him.
“You’re so hot, Mr.Miller. The way you speed up the faster my hand goes up and down your cock, you’re such a filthy man. God I would kill to have you pull over and take me on the hood, leaving me dripping your cum in my shorts while I’m face to face with my family. Bet you’d love that, huh?” You were so unsure of where the sudden urge to speak such filthy thoughts in his ear came from but you weren’t mad at it. Joel was grunting and hanging on to every word, you could almost see it playing out in his head as he imagined taking you over the hood. “God dammit your voice drives me fucking crazy, you’re such a nasty lil thing- fuckkk” For a second his head tilts back before he squeezes the steering wheel tighter. Leaning down and shoving his cock in your mouth, you begin to work your tongue around the head. Pre cum was dripping out and onto your tongue and you swirled over the hole, collecting as much as you could. Joel switched hands and reached his right hand down to your head, grabbing a handful of your hair and tugged roughly while he groaned your name through gritted teeth. The rush of adrenaline made your shorts grow even wetter, squirming in your seat and dying from needing some type of relief.
Joel’s cock slammed into the back of your throat as you deep throated as much as you could, gagging and coughing over him and drool spilling everywhere. His grip on your hair tightened as he yanked your head back so you released his cock. “You keep goin’ like that and I’m gonna cum down your throat sweetheart.” He kissed you roughly, tongue forcing its way into your mouth as he kept an eye on the road. “We’ve got about ten more minutes before we get to the house, I know that’s plenty of time for you, dolly.” He kissed you once more before you made your way back to his cock, licking the bottom of the shaft all the way to the back of the head. Joel’s throaty moans filled the truck more frequently and his stomach caved with every deep breath he took.
“F-fuck baby jus’ like that, cmon jus’ like that. Nasty girl, fuckkk. Open wide for me, let me see you swallow my cum like a good girl.” Joel whimpered and his cock twitched in your mouth before his cum was shooting down the back of your throat. His hand never let go of your hair as he held you there, shouting profane words and your name mixed in there. For someone who had never gotten a blowjob on the road before he met you, he did pretty well driving and focusing on the road. Joel finally slowed down with his load and when he was milked dry, you came up and swallowed the rest as he looked you in the eyes.
Taking your thumb and wiping the corners of your mouth, he groaned at the sight of you making his load disappear inside you. “You- I’ve gotta keep my eye on you, don’t I?” A smirk of playfulness grew on his lips and you smirked, nodding in agreement. Joel came down off his high and tucked his soft cock back into his pants, looking over at you as you acted like nothing happened. The only issue was that your pussy was soaked and you needed his long tan fingers inside you or rubbing your clit but unfortunately that wasn’t going to happen right now.
The familiar house was making its way into your view and you felt at home. Joel honked the horn the entire driveway up until your dad came out, holding his arms wide open for a hug from you. Now you weren’t close with your dad, but he was kind enough to offer you the invitation to come. Was it all that special though if he was extending it for his friends to come? Joel got out and greeted your dad before grabbing the suitcases from the bed of the truck. You had to mentally prepare for this and it was not easy. Joel didn’t make it easy to act like nothing happened.
“You wouldn’t believe the fuckin’ rain we got caught in last night. Had to pull over and stay at a motel until it let up.” Your eyes darted to the gravel under your shoes as you walked up to your dad and hugged him. “Yeah it was insane but I’m glad Joel was with me.” Your dads smile froze and he blinked at Joel, who did not dare look at you.
“Separate rooms I hope?” Not wanting anything to be left for questioning, you and Joel answered almost too quickly over and over with yes. “Well come on in! I’m just grilling some meat for dinner!” Your dad hollered and walked back up the white wooden deck and disappeared inside. A deep sigh of relief came from both you and Joel and he placed your suitcase next to you with the handle up. “You heard him, let’s go bunny.” Joel mocked and smacked your ass to give you some pep in your step. This was going to be a fun weekend.
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melanieph321 · 6 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - A House Is Not A Home Part 6/8
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
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Ruben's wife dies during childbirth along with their son. Ruben hasn't been in a relationship since. Y/N is a single mother to a four year old boy. She buys a house in the small town that Ruben lives in. The house needs alot of fixing which Ruben helps with, resulting in him slowly falling in love with Y/N. However, falling in love with Y/N makes Ruben feel like he is betraying his dead wife.
"Where are you going?" Ruben groaned, his voice raspy as he came to. You both lay in bed well past the suitable hours. By the way the sun was set high in the sky you guessed that it was around midday afternoon.
"We have to get up and pick up Johnny from kindergarten."
"Five more minutes."
Ruben held an arm around your waist, tugging your body to lay down with him again. He rolled on top of you, resting his head in the crook of your neck.
"We don't have much time." You sighed, feeling him and how much his body wanted you.
"We have enough time."
Warm hands roamed your body. Ruben had already left bruises on your skin from last night and this morning, this was just him re-marking his territory. He traced soft kisses down your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin. His big hand cupped your breast, squeezing the flesh as you sighed against his naked chest.
"You like this?"
Ruben moved on to let his erection slap against your folds, lubricating them. You squinted your eyes as his dick continue to grind against your clit, making it twitch beneath you.
"Ruben...the time."
"We have enough of it ."
He turned you over with a slap across your ass. You winced and arched your back into the front of him, meeting his stiffness.
"Relax for me baby. Just relax."
The matress dipped as Ruben rose to his knees. You looked back to see his lean body align with yours. Ruben smiled before easing into you with a yanking thrust.
You stood on all fours, withstanding the forces that you were up against. Your breast swayed beneath you as Ruben fucked you with intensity, admiring the waves of your flesh with every stroke of his hips.  At one point he stopped, flipping you over to lay on your back again.
"I wanna see you enjoying me." He said, pinning your arms above your head, leaning down to kiss you as he fucked you missionary.
"Ruben, I'm close."
"Good. Come for me Y/N, come for me."
He had been holding out for you, waiting until the last moment so that the two of you could come together. Your bodies lay limb following the combined sigh of relief. Ruben lingered inside of you, allowing himself to go soft. You whimpered when he finally pulled out. The sensation left you feeling cold and sticky.
"Let's not keep Johnny waiting." Ruben got up and out of bed, helping you do the same.
Your son was happy to see you as always, however, it was Ruben he ran to for a hug at the gate.
"Hey little buddy. How was your day?"
Ruben carried Johnny back to his truck, holding your hand. The three of you had become a team as your relationship with Ruben evolved during the three months since moving in.
"Should we pick something up for dinner?" Ruben drove the truck past the town center.
"Pancakes!" Johnny exclaimed.
"No. We had that yesterday." You protested.
Johnny crumbled in his seat.
"Oh come on." Ruben leaned towards you,  grabbing your hand, planting soft kisses on your knuckles. "You love my pancakes, don't you baby? I bet we still have some of Kat's leftover jam. You loved it didn't you, almost emptying the whole jar."
"I did not!"
Johnny chuckled in the backseat, so did Ruben. They were both laughing at you.
"Now baby, there is no shame in having a sweet tooth, but at least be honest about it."
You slapped Ruben in the arm. "I do not....have...a sweet tooth."
He played along, pretending to crumble with your hits.
"Alright, alright. I surrender." He laughed. "But if you don't have a sweet tooth that means you don't mind us having pancakes tonight."
You shook your head, hiding your smile. It was surprising, yet terrifying how willingly Ruben's charm made you fold.
"Did you hear that J, pancakes it is!"
You gave Ruben a look, a look saying that he was definitely paying for this later. By the look he gave you, Ruben seemed glad having to serve you this favor.
"I just need to pick up a few things from work."
Ruben parked his truck outside of the hardware shop. Whilst he took his time, you and Johnny decided to stretch your legs, running over to watch the ducks in the pond across the street. As you held Johnny, pointing out the female ducks opposed to the male ducks, you felt it, content. For the first time in your life you felt happy, stable and loved, all at the same time. It was an overwhelming feeling, one you dread ever loosing. That was about to change though, as you turned your head to check on how Ruben was doing. He had been loading boxes onto the back of his truck but now stood beside it, chatting vividly with a woman.
"Come on Johnny, let's go back."
It was the woman embracing Ruben that made you curious to know who she was.
He hadn't noticed you approaching and flinched at the sound of your voice.
"Y/N...sorry to keep you guys waiting."
The woman cocked her head curiously.
"Y/N this is Emily, Emily this is....is..."
"Y/N?" You frowned. Johnny chuckled in your arms. The repeating of names was confusing him.
"Right....Y/N." He mumbled. "Either way... Em, how are you? What brings you here, back in town?"
You felt set aside as Ruben and the woman picked up their conversation where it left off.
"Tomorrow is the 25th Ruben." The woman said, a serious expression coming across her face.
"Right." Ruben nodded. "The 25th..."
"You haven't forgotten, have you?"
"Of course not." Ruben looked slightly insulted. "I've just been busy, that's all."
"Busy doing what?"
You raised a brow as the woman looked to you, her expression nothing but friendly. You turned to Ruben. "What's on the 25th?"
"Um....it's...um..." He scratched the back of his head, struggling to give you an answer.
"It's my sister's birthday." The woman frowned. "Who is she Ruben?"
"Em, let's not do this here..." Ruben was quick to defend you, however you were just about to defend yourself if it hadn't been for Johnny. Ruben took the woman aside as she became visibly upset. He returned to you with a look of uncertainty.
"Ruben what is going on, who is that woman?"
"I....um...I'll explain later. I'm gonna drive Em to Kat and David's, okay. See you back at the house?"
"Your leaving?"
"No, I'll be right back, I promise."
You couldn't believe it.
"Y/N, don't be upset." Ruben rushed to kiss your cheek. "I'll explain everything back at the house, okay?
You nodded. "Okay " And with that Ruben was gone, leaving you for another woman.
Hours went by. Despite no sight of Ruben you had to get started on dinner for your son to be able to go to bed on time.
"Where is Ruwen?" He asked as the pancakes you made tasted nothing like Ruben's.
"I don't know honey." You tucked Johnny into bed. "I'm sure you'll see him in the morning."
There was a painful jab in your stomach as you turned the lights off and slipped out of his bedroom. Coming downstairs you saw the light from Ruben's truck pull up to the house.
"I'm so sorry I'm late." Ruben stumbled through the door, looking around himself to see that most lights were turned off, that you were preparing to go to bed.
"Don't apologize to me." You said. "Johnny is the one who's been waiting for you." You felt guilty, using your son against Ruben this way. The two of you weren't married and he had no obligations as a stepfather, meaning Ruben should feel free to leave the two of you anytime.
"Is he still up?" Ruben looked to the staircase.
"I just put him to bed." Your arms folded. "What happened today Ruben, who was that woman you were talking to?"
He sighed heavily, removing his jacket before stepping into the house. At least he was here to stay. That feeling comforted you somehow.
"Please." He said, gesturing for you to join him on the living room couch. He wrapped an arm around you, pullimg you close. Your head rested against his chest.
"Emily is Gina's sister." He said, after a moment spent in silence. "She's back here for the anniversary of Gina's birthday on November...
"....25th." You nodded.
"Exactly. I can't believe I forgot about it."
"What made you forget?" You tilted your head to look at him. Ruben smiled softly, his finger stroking your cheek. "I dunno." He shrugged. "Maybe the fact that Kat and David are doing better these days. I was a mess three months ago during the anniversary of Gina's...." Ruben struggled to get the words out. You kissed his forearm as to say that it was okay, you understood.
"It was bad timing, just ahead of the storm,  if you remember." He said.
Why would you remember?
"For some reason I decided to drink to cope with my feelings. I was passed out drunk by the time the storm came around. Kat and David seemed so understanding, never judging me, or worse, blaming me for the death of their daughter."
"Because it wasn't your fault Ruben." You said, with all seriousness. You had no idea that Ruben blamed himself for the tragic events of his wife.
"But it was." He sniffled. "I put that baby in her, I killed her."
You sat up. "Ruben, neither you or your son was the blame of what happened to your wife. No one is to blame. Gina was sick and she knew that, she knew there was a risk to everything she did. Do you know how many people would've dread living a normal life knowing it could end any day? Gina, however, was brave enough to want to get up in the morning, brave enough to fall in love, to commit. She was brave enough to want a house and a family."
Ruben looked at you with admiration, clearly he hadn't allowed himself to think of things this way. Perhaps he felt like he had to feel guilty as not to betray his dead wife and the memories that they shared.
"She was braver than all of us Ruben." You assured.
He slowly nodded his head, as if accepting your way of seeing things. Then he said something that startled you.
"I never knew I would find someone again...."
You batted your eyes as he looked intensely at you. "I never thought I'd feel the way I did about Gina again, until I met you."
"Ruben." Your voice trembled.
"You met me at my lowest." He chuckled.
What was so funny?
"I don't even think you rember meeting me then, in the bar, that night of the storm?"
You frowned as no memory came to mind.
"Either way, that day change my life for the better. You changed my life for the better."
You threw your leg over Ruben's thigh, climbing to sit on his lap. Ruben's hands went to rest on your waist,  keeping you steady. You knocked your forhead against his as he tilted his head up to meet your lips. The kiss was tender and longing. Ruben's shoulders dropped as he allowed himself to relax. He then wrestled you to lay beneath him on the couch, spreading your legs with a knee between your thighs. He smirked. "I owe you, don't I?"
You thought back to earlier today. "Yes you do, you owe me." You smiled.
Ruben traced kisses from the lobe of your ear down to the center of your stomach. He folded your shirt on the go as to expose more skin for him to trace kisses upon.
You bit you lip as not to make any noise. Johnny was still asleep upstairs. You popped up on your elbows to see why Ruben had stopped what he was doing.
He was looking up at you, his expression difficult to read. You sat up, crawling towards him. "Ruben are you..."
"I love you Y/N."
He said it so fast that you had to catch your breath.
He nodded. "I love you Y/N, more than anything."
It was as clear as day, your feelings for Ruben, you loved him too. Terrifying to admit, considering you've only know each other for three months. The best three months of your life. You thought of Gina however, to her it had been clear, she never had any doubt....
"I love you too Ruben."
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hischeapcigar · 11 months
Strawberries and cigarettes part 3
Pre-outbreak Joel Miller x reader  
Part: 1 2 3 4
Summary: you're falling in love with the person your dad hates the most   
Word count: 4.9k  
Warning: none except your father is a bit deranged so maybe that's all, and a little angst 🚬 
a/n: idk how to stop writinggg. To think that this originally was supposed to be a oneshot but here we are lol. Like always comments and reblogs are appreciated <3 🍓🍓 
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“Kiss me Joel-”  
Joel closed the distance between you as he smashed his lips on yours. Your eyes closed at the contact. The taste of strawberries and cigarettes invading your mouth along with the hallucinatory taste of his lips. His lips moved fast then slow, hard then soft. He tugged your hair, tilting you so he could kiss you better; biting your lower lip, earning a moan from you.  
 You clutched the shirt on his chest, while he tightened his hold around you, pulling you impossibly closer. You wished that the kiss would never end, but like waking up from a good dream, 
He chased your lips when you pulled away for air. You both breathed heavily, making up for the lost oxygen. You were unable to open your eyes, scared if this really was a dream.  
Only when you felt him trace his thumb on your lips, did you open your eyes, only to see him looking at you with pure delight.  
He leaned in and pecked your lips once more, clearly not getting enough.  
“Sweetheart...” he sighed; his voice hoarse  
You only stared at him, too blissed out by the kiss,  
“That was…” he licked his lips, 
“Straight out of heaven?” you whispered,  
“Exactly” he held you as a leverage as he got up to sitting position, that had you straddling his laps.  
You quickly removed yourself from him, Joel keeping his gaze on your crimson cheeks, looking for any sign of regret.  
Tracing your own lips, unable to come down from the high he put you on. You reluctantly met his gaze, your eyes shining with a different glow. You both stared at each other in pure awe, with you breaking eye contact. Too shy, too flustered. Joel smirked at your state, knowing exactly what he was doing to you  
“Y/N… I'm not good at asking…but-” he scratches his nape, avoiding your gaze, “do you maybe feel the same?” 
If you weren’t paying undivided attention to him, you would’ve missed the last part he uttered.  
You smiled at him, who was looking too eager to get the answer,  
Carefully you sat closer to him,  
“Now tell me, you don’t get it, do you?” you asked cupping his face with your delicate hand, 
He shuddered at the soft touch, “get what?” he whispered, like you had, moments ago 
You bit your lower lip, searching for the right words to express your feelings, “that you drive me crazy, that you make me wanna sneak out my house like I’m in high school”  
  Ever since the first kiss, all you want is to keep your lips on him forever. You were drunk on his touch. You would steal a kiss any chance you get.  
  Every day was a spring to you, nothing annoyed you anymore, not even your father. Bad day? You would just shrug it off and flood your mind with Joel.  
You were happy. Joel was happy.  
You were at Gina’s place, helping her pack her stuff. She was moving to Philadelphia the same night. You were happy for her. She wanted to be a chef and she finally got the chance.  
Your father kept nagging you, “even Gina is moving out to do something better, do you even plan to do something with your life?”  
“I told you I'm moving to L.A next month, just bear with me for one fucking month, dad,” you slammed the door to your bedroom, 
  You were annoyed, you were frustrated. You wanted to be with Joel, the memories weren’t helping. 
“I told Mrs. Ivy that I'm seeing someone” Joel murmured one night  
You had your head on his lap as he mindlessly played with your hair. Sitting on the back of his truck on a splayed blanket, Joel rested his head on the glass of the front panel.  
“Wh- Joel? Why would you do that?” you sat up to face him, your brows furrowed 
Joel rubbed his face with his palms as he sighed deeply, “she wouldn't stop droppin’ hints, hell, at this point she was straight up askin’ me out” 
  You giggled, “My boyfriend really is hot, what can I do?”  
He just playfully glared at you 
You reached out and held his hands, “so didn’t she ask who was the lucky lady?” 
  He chuckled, “yeah, as much as I wanted to show you off, didn’t want no trouble for ya. I said it’s someone outside the town”  
  You rested your chin on his perched-up knees, “well it won’t be a lie in the next month,”  
  You swore you saw his face fall, you waited for him to say something, anything 
 He struggled with his words, “I- is this the time to talk ‘bout it?”  
You nodded, “could be, or we can wait-” 
“No- no let’s just get this over with, ‘s already messing with my head”  
“Okay so,” you began, untangling your hands, both of you sitting across each other, “I'm moving to Los Angeles because I don't think I can do anything here,”  
“Like you know I want to teach, and I applied to this school here and they didn’t have any vacancy and I want to get- God how do I explain this,” you ran your fingers through your hair, then Joel calmly held your hands, rubbing soothing circles to relax you, which you did. As much as it sounded corny, you really believed his touch was magic, he would stop the tide from drowning you.  
“Look I want to get away from this town, maybe I'm tired of all the same things,” you admitted in a low voice, 
There was a moment of silence before Joel spoke, “you know I would never hold you down, right?”  
Every word he uttered was genuine and unfeigned, you looked up at his eyes that were offering the same thing,  
“I know Joel, but I don’t want to leave you behind,”  
There is a pure look of adoration when he brings his hand up to your face, tucking the strand of your hair behind the ear, “oh darlin, I'll be right here, we can pick up right where we leave off”  
Don't leave then. Stay. please. We’ll make it work. This town is bearable because of you. He wanted to scream but he knew better than to hold you back, he could never be the one to clip your wings, he could never add to your problems 
“Can’t you come along?” you asked meekly 
“I can’t, sweetheart. Sarah’s school, my job, ’s all here,” he explained 
You looked down, nodding.  
You wanted to stay for Joel, but you can't keep hiding your relationship forever. Can’t risk him being beaten by your father again. But most of all you were tired of your father’s constant complaints. 
“We have this time together until we don't, so don’t stress yourself out” Joel said when he saw that familiar crease between your brows 
“Yeah,” you moved as he lay down, putting his head on the makeshift pillow made of some blankets. You lay beside him, your head on his chest, your arm across his chest, holding on to him, holding on to the time that you have together.  
Joel’s mind was running through a million thoughts. His heart was begging him to ask you to stay but his head was stopping him. His thoughts were cut short when you readjusted yourself and held him tighter.  
Silently asking him; stay in the moment.  
He tightened his arms in return, okay 
J- “hey, can we skip tonight?”  
It was the first time he ever asked you to skip. The only nights you skipped were Sunday nights when you were on closing shift.  
  But reading his text made you anxious, you were confused. Is he getting tired of it? 
“Sure. Is everything okay though?” 
J- “yeah! Sarah was asking for a movie night, and I've been stalling for a few days now” 
You stared at his text. He really had you wrapped around his finger. He sent you another text, 
J- “wish you could join us”  
“Someday, miller”  
The guy, Luna, who you were in contact with regarding your shifting to LA, and your job in the school, called you just as you sent the text to Joel, 
“Hey, Luna! How are you?”  
“I'm well, thank you. Listen, I wouldn’t call you if it wasn’t urgent. We need you here a week earlier, think you can do that? We have so many applicants”  
Your mind went haywire just when you wanted it to focus, 
“I- uh, Luna, I-” you stammered 
“You can tell me first thing in the morning, but as a friend, I'd suggest you try and be here”  
“Okay, I'll call you in the morning”  
“Goodnight, y/n” he hung up 
Originally, you were leaving 2 weeks later but now you’d have to leave in a week. A week? Suddenly it all felt so surreal. You wished you could share this with Joel, but you didn’t want to ruin their night with something that was your decision from scratch.  
You paced back and forth, calming yourself to focus.  
I have to leave either way, sooner or later 
Do I really want this? 
Am I ready to leave everything and Joel? 
Am I ready to face the foreign land?  
Do I really want this? 
“Do you even plan to move out?” your father voice echoed 
Do I really want this?  
“You can’t stay stuck in this town honey” Gina 
Do I really want this? 
“Do yourself and us a favor and just move out” your father 
I really want this. Fuck it. I'll figure it out. 
You called Luna 2 hours later and waited for him to pick it up. Your leg bounced impatiently while you sat at the edge of the bed, biting your nails. 
“Hello?” said Luna  
“Hey, Luna, I'm ready, sign me up”  
🍓🚬 J o e l 🍓🚬 
y/n - “Someday, Miller”  
He stared at her text, contemplating if he should ask her to sneak out and join them. But it was risky. And on the other hand, Sarah didn’t know about them, neither did Tommy.  
He put away his phone as he heard the door opening, it was Tommy. 
“Hey, brother” he sang as he tried to hug Joel who just grunted in response,  
“watcha got there?” Joel asked taking the bag from tommy 
Sarah showed up just then, “uncle tommy! Did you get the movie?”  
“of course! Joel, show her,” tommy told Joel who was staring at the CD that he took out of the bag. 
The three of them settled on the sofa along with snacks. The movie started playing and Tommy and Sarah were already too invested. Joel sneakily took his phone to text you. Just to talk to you but decided against it.  
Around the end of the movie, Sarah was long asleep, with her head on Joel’s chest. And Tommy had slidden down on the rug during the movie. 
Joel turned off the movie as he carried Sarah to her room. He returned to the living room to see Tommy sitting on the sofa, clearly wide awake.  
“ya stayin’ the night?” Joel asked, picking up wrappers of snacks littered around 
Tommy shook his head ‘no’.  
Joel returned to the sofa after cleaning up the mess but before he could say anything, Tommy beat him, 
“Joel, is there something I should know about you and y/n?”  
Joel’s face went paler as if he had seen a ghost, 
Play dumb. Play dumb. 
“wh- y/n? Why- who's y/n?”  
He mentally smacked his face. What the fuck was that? 
 “Joel.” tommy was serious 
“What happened?” Joel was persistent, but he silently gave away his answer. The truth.  
“Look, I know y/n’s dad hates us, or you, I can't tell, but yesterday at the café someone said that he- I don’t know if it’s true, but he threatened you?”  
There was no point in lying, Tommy knew the truth even though they never talked about it.  
Joel curtly nodded his head,  
“Joel, y/n is a nice girl but why are you putting yourself in danger? You know her father is mad-”  
“I know Tommy” Joel's voice was stern and harsh, “I know” he repeated softly, “but I can’t help it, I'm- I think- I really love her, man”  
Tommy's expression didn’t change to shock, except his face softened. Watching his brother fall in love.  
“So... it’s all serious, huh?” tommy smirked 
“don’t know man, she leavin’ in two weeks” Joel voice shook, just the thought of you leaving sent shivers down his spine,  
“Where to?”  
Tommy winced, “all good girls are leavin’ the town man, think we should too,” he chuckled but stopped when he saw unamused look on his brother’s face 
“What? C’mon man, you’re really sad she leavin, how long have you guys been seeing each other?”  Tommy pushed 
“4 months” Joel grumbled, as he leaned back on the sofa, resting his head. He rubbed his hand over his face,  
He explained Tommy why you wanted to leave, and Tommy listened, 
“So, why didn’t you ask her to stay? She can move out and stay in the town?”  
“I can’t hold her back, Tommy, it’s her dream to see the LA and everything that world has to offer, and I've only got 2 weeks with her. 2 weeks and she’s gone” his voice wavered in the last part 
“bullshit” tommy stomped his foot as he got up,  
“Excuse me?” Joel was tired and the thought of you leaving was exhausting 
“it’s bullshit, Joel! You love her, she loves you and you can’t even ask her to stay? You think she’ll leave if you asked? That she’d fight you-”  
“-no that’s the problem, she won’t argue, she won’t fight, she’d stay but I can’t be the one who holds her back! I can’t do this to her” Joel almost yelled, as he sat up with his elbows supporting his pounding head.  
“Fine! Then make these two weeks count” were the last words tommy said before he stormed out of the house 
As the silence subsided, Joel's head was filled with thoughts. thoughts of you, your images, your everything.  
“I'd follow you anywhere, Miller” you laughed, throwing your card. You both were sitting on the back of his truck. Surrounded by strawberries and cigarettes. Playing some card game.  
You were referencing your line to the game.  
You looked up at him as he studied his cards and inspected which card to put. You realized you were in love. Truly, madly and deeply.  
He played his turn, as he shook his head, a small smile on his lips, 
“I mean it... you know,” you brought his attention to yourself, “I'd follow you anywhere,”  
Those words captured his entire soul as he threw his cards to the side, swiping away the cards in between and reaching out for your wrist,  
“Joel!” you squealed as you easily gave in as he put your cards to the side and pulled you on his lap, 
Your faces were inches away, his breath fanned over your lips. 
There were countless kisses that you stole, but something about these deliberate moments that had you feeling light-headed.  
“You mean it?” he whispered, 
“Yes Joel,” you breathed 
As soon as the words left your mouth, you were quick to close the distance and put your lips on his. To seal the promise.  
Joel never said anything, but he poured all his emotions into the kiss. Bit your lip to get a gasp out of you, he took this opportunity to slide his tongue in your mouth. His hands mapped every inch of your body. As if he was learning all the curves.  
You broke the kiss together but didn’t pull away. He rested his forehead on yours, 
“Darlin, you’re gonna be death of me,” he mumbled 
“that’s right, Miller, but I don’t want you to die before me” you pouted which Joel was quick to place a kiss on.  
He chuckled, “fine, I'll stick around for ya”   
Joel shook the memory away; it was too painful for him.  
Two weeks. 
“Stop her, man” Tommy’s words repeated in his head 
Two weeks 
“I want to get away from this town” you 
Two weeks  
“You love her, she loves you and you can’t even ask her to stay?” Tommy 
Two weeks  
He quickly looked for his phone to text you. As soon as he opened your chat, his thumb danced over the keyboard not knowing what to say, 
Don’t go to LA 
He had typed but he was too scared to send it. His breath stuck in his throat as he saw three dots indicating you’re typing 
It was almost morning, why the fuck were you awake,  
His phone chimed,  
y/n- “Joel?”  
He didn’t get the time to reply because you had sent another text,  
y/n- “I know you’re asleep, but Luna called, I'm leaving next week”    
He choked on his breath as he read your text. He put away his phone once again. His hands trembled.  
He couldn’t stop you.  
He had to act okay when he meets you  
He had to support you  
He lied on the couch, too tired to go to bed.  
One week 
You thought you were hallucinating that Joel was typing but the three dots quickly disappeared  
- “I know you’re asleep, but Luna called, I'm leaving next week” 
You hit “send” as you put the phone in the nightstand. You were lying on your bed, but you couldn't sleep.  
The decision was made. Just one week and then you’re gone. You started wondering about how the town would be affected. Will they miss you at the café? Will Sarah miss you? Surely Joel would. Just the thought of leaving Joel made you tear up again.  
It had been only half an hour since you came to the café. You yanked Oliver to the side to disclose the news to him. His face lit up,  
“Are you serious, y/n? Next week?”  
Oliver was the one who introduced you to Luna. He helped you throughout the application process and you were grateful to him.  
“Yes,” suddenly there was hint of uncertainty in your voice, Joel. 
He still hadn’t replied, it’s early, he must be asleep. You told yourself 
As minutes passed, you informed the rest of coworkers about your decision. They were all happy for you.  
Only Joel and your parents were unaware, or so you thought.  
You and Oliver were conversing along with preparing orders. Early morning had a lot of people coming in for breakfast, so you were engrossed.  
One of the coworkers, Emma, ran to the kitchen,  
“y/n” she called you, catching her breath as she pointed to the kitchen exit door, 
“Joel’s here”  
Your heart was in your throat, threatening to beat out. It was like you were seeing him for the first time, you were nervous.  
Quickly you abandoned the latte and your conversation with Oliver as you asked Emma to take over.  
Wiping your hands with the small towel you emerged from the door, and you saw a very confused looking Joel standing beside the counter.  
Your breath hitched as your eyes met his.  
“Joel” you tried to sound casual, minding the people in the café. You're not supposed to be seen together  
“y/n” his voice was strained 
His eyes were heavy with bags accompanying them 
“Did you even sleep last night?” you pretended to be busy behind the counter, ruffling the papers, though Joel had your full attention, 
His hair was messy and voice hoarse. His gaze flickered to your lips before snapping back up. And God you wanted to hold his face and kiss him hard. But you resisted, you knew he was resisting it too.   
“Uh- yeah, movie night, y’know” his voice low, he knew he wasn’t supposed to be here 
You only hummed, silently asking him to state the purpose of him being there out of the blue.  
“I- uh, I got your message...thought t’was 2 weeks?” He pretended to read the menu card, eyeing you every other minute. 
“Yeah, um, well, Luna called, said it was preferable if I showed up sooner- hello ma’am,” you shifted your expressions, putting on a big fake smile as you assisted the old woman with pancakes to go.  
As soon as she left, Joel leaned into your space, causing you to jump and take a step back. You looked around to see if you received attention, but everyone was busy with their stuff.  
“Can we meet a little earlier tonight?” he asked in a hushed tone, don’t give away your true emotions he told himself 
There was another man in line behind Joel, 
“Yes sir, you can pick the order at 9.” you brought back the fake-smile face, as you emphasized the timings to Joel, who turned his head to acknowledge the presence of the man behind him,  
“Thank you, I heard you offer the sweetest” he returned to you playing along. He winked as he turned his back and left you a blushing mess.  
His heart was breaking but he couldn’t let it show. He knew he shouldn’t 
“Remember the carpenter, Alan?” your father was saying, “his son moved out to better focus on his job,” “no he doesn’t live with his parents”  
You knew he was jabbing the words at you. Pouring the milk in the cup, you sat at the table where your parents were conversing.  
“I have decided-” 
“About time” your dad cut you off, placing his elbows on the table, leaning in 
You shook your head at his behavior, “I'm moving to LA next week,”  
“This is a wise decision, I support you,” your father laughed, “you know it's your home, you can stay as long, or come back whenever you want”  
“Sure, dad”  
But you saw your mother’s smile drop when you revealed the news,  
“Honey, are you sure?” she asked nervously 
“of course, she is! My daughter is very capable and independent, she can do it” your father answered, 
You only rolled your eyes at his act 
j- “I'm here to pick my sweetest order”  
A smile crept to your lips as you put aside your checklist to reply to him, 
“The package is-”  
You had typed when you heard the knock on your door. You stilled, and before you could answer, the door opened, revealing your mother 
Not now please. You wanted to say but you put your phone aside to give her attention. Sometimes you even felt sorry for her for being a wife to a man like your father. She was one of the kindest people, never pushed you to do something you didn’t want to.  
“What is it, mom?” you asked, putting the blanket aside to make room for her to join you on the edge of the bed 
“I know you’re leaving because of Dad,” she says 
You sighed, feeling guilty, “look, mom, I had to leave one day or another, I mean, I'm a grown up you know,” you chuckled lightly to lift the tension 
“I know but you shouldn’t be forced to-”  
Your phone rang, it was Joel.  
You reached for it before your mom could see and silenced it,  
“Who is it?” she asked 
“Oh, it's just a customer” 
Your mother didn’t hate Joel, but she never really defended him either. And she will be a lot furious if she found out about you, so it was better to keep the information from her 
“You can take, I'm leaving anyway” she says getting up and walking to the door, agonizingly slow. Looking at the posters as if she was in your room for the first time,  
“Hello?” you said it into the phone 
“Honey, are you ditching me tonight?” you could imagine him smirking  
“No, sir! Um I'm- I'm sorry for the delay, it should be delivered soon,” you scratched your forehead trying to sound casual  
“Is everything okay?” Joel’s voice was laced with worry 
“Yes of course, sir”  
“y/n... is someone with you?” he asked as your mother finally left your room 
“Was. Yes. Mom was here, I'm sorry. I'll leave in a few minutes, just to be safe y’know”  
“’Course, I'll be here, text me”  
You waited a few minutes before you texted him before sneaking out. He had gotten out of his car when you reached him. He helped you get in the truck before himself. Unlike any other night, he didn’t wait to drive a distance before he grabbed your hand and placed a kiss on your knuckles, both of them.  
You were taken aback by his gesture, but your face flushed, nevertheless.  
“How are you, princess?” he asked, turning the key and started pulling up.  
“I'm okay, how’s my handsome man doing?” You hardly flirted back, and whenever you did, it made Joel's heart beat a little faster and blush creeping up his face.  
He raised his eyebrows at you, smirking. He knew he was making this week count; a week was all he had.  
You chatted the rest of the ride about the dumbest things, but it didn’t matter. You had gotten used to the roads and bridges. And you knew you were gonna miss it a lot. 
“Back of the truck or by the garden?” Joel asked as he parked the vehicle 
“Back of the truck is okay, I got a bug bite that I found out about the next morning” you complained causing Joel to snicker. 
“Whatever my baby wants, my baby gets,” he nodded as he grabbed the blankets from the backseat.  
He had started to keep a spare pillow for your comfort.  
You helped him set the makeshift bed, as you both climbed in. 
“You’re flirting a lot tonight, no?” you asked, nudging his side 
“You mind?” He fake-gasped, feigned a heart attack.  
“No, I could never” you settled beside him, holding his arm between both of you 
He sighed, “I thought a lot about you today” he didn’t tear his gaze from the dark sky 
“Yeah? What were you thinking about?”  
“I was picturing you in LA”  
“Was I happy?”  
No. No you weren’t.  He knew he pictured it because he was being selfish, because it would be him who would be sad 
“Yes,” he lied instead. 
The rest of the days of the week were a blur. You officially resigned from the café. Oliver helped you with a few documents that you needed. Your mom helped you with packing. And you didn’t miss a night with Joel.  
It was Friday night; you were leaving in the morning. You had your head on Joel’s chest as he played with your hair. Both of you were silent, content in each other’s embrace.  
“Sweetheart, can you get up for a moment?” he asked softly 
You were confused, but you sat up looking back at him. He produced a small box from his pocket. Your eyes were glued to the box, not knowing what it held inside.  
Carefully, Joel opened the box revealing a silver locket with a tiny strawberry pendant 
You gasped when you squinted to read his initial carved in it, looking up to see Joel displaying a look of admiration 
“May I?” he asked holding the delicate jewelry between his fingers.  
You quickly nodded and turned your back to him, lifting your hair with your hands. You whimpered softly as you felt the calloused skin on your neck. He removed his fingers letting the pendant fall to your chest.  
You traced it softly, adoring its beauty. Joel pulled you back from your waist and rested his chin on you after placing a tender kiss on your shoulder blade. He intertwined your fingers with his on your lap. 
“so you don’t forget me when you get to LA”  
“wh- oh yes, I'm already losing memory, who are you again?” you joked back as he chuckled 
You wished you could bottle up the sound of his laughter and keep it with you.  
“I'm gonna miss you, Joel” your voice wavered, tears welling in your eyes.  
He took a deep breath, “I'll miss you too, darling” you heard him sniff, and you turned around in his arms to see his glossy eyes and that was enough for your eyes to break the barrier and let the tears flow down 
Joel quickly engulfed you in a hug, gently rocking you, “it’ll be okay, baby, you’ll be fine”  
You let him hold you as you silently cried, and he kept pouring sweet nothings in your ear until your tears had ceased 
You detached yourself from him, he quickly wiped the remnants of the tears away, “sorry-” you began but were immediately cut off by Joel, 
“no” his voice was stern, “it’s okay to feel nervous because it’s a big step for you, but I want you to know that if you ever feel like coming back, you know where my house is”  
You nodded at him 
Silence fell between the two of you as you both settled and lied back on the pillows. Your one hand twirling the locket between your fingers, the other held Joel’s.  
You only had tonight. 
You squeezed his hands 
I love you, Joel, you wanted to say but you couldn’t bring the words to your tongue. Too scared of reality.  
He squeezed back, 
I love you, y/n, he wanted to say, but he was too scared of the future.  
You aren’t coming back to the town, it’s not worth it.  
You deserve so much more than this. 
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Tags:  @strawberri-blonde 🍓 @lumoverheaven 🚬 @skysmiller 🍓@ashleymsnodgrass 🚬 @bandluvr97 🍓 @brie-annwyl 🚬 @jasminedragoon 🍓 @violinchick 🚬 @alexisvs-world 🍓 @sloanexx 🚬 @elissaaa 🍓 @my-tearsricochet 🚬 @ifall4dilfs 🍓 @sushiumex 🚬 @kittenlittle24 🍓 @paleidiot 🚬 @wintersquirrel 🍓 @n7cje 🚬 @plantdaddy3 🍓 @meshlasolus 🚬@avengersinitiative2012 🍓 
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deobienthusiast · 5 months
what to expect when you’re expecting | lee sangyeon
• pairing: idol!sangyeon x nonidol!female reader
• word count: 1.9k words
• rating: PG (i’m reluctant to put G but there are a few sexual innuendos)
• genre: fluff, super cute, i’m inclined to say suggestive but there’s like one measly moment
• warnings: sickly cute, like super sugary sweet that it might make your teeth rot, there’s like one suggestive comment made by sangyeon, babies, and pregnancies
• tagging: @deoboyznet and @mars101 for the banner and beta reading! she worked really hard for me on this one and i love her dearly for it! and @heemingyu for also betareading it!!!! ILY BOTH SM🩷🩷🩷🩷
• notes: this concept with sangyeon hit me like a fucking truck. i literally was just sitting at work, thought of the not-so-original title and immediately went “ahh this is perfect for sangyeon”
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“sweet girl, you are more than we ever expected and better than we ever imagined”
The word perfect isn’t a word you would use very often. Especially when it comes to your life. Nothing about your life has been simple. You had a distorted vision of what perfect might look like due to your parents' crumbling marriage. Fighting and screaming all the time wasn’t exactly the image of a picturesque marriage.
There was a period in your life that you used to want to forget. The fucked up image of love that your parents engraved into you made you run through guys like they were going out of style. Each one was worse than the last. You swore you’d give up on love after your last boyfriend. That was until you met Sangyeon.
Oh sweet Sangyeon. A dashing, lovable man that managed to steal your heart, and the hearts of many others. Sangyeon was an idol, a star amongst the stars. He was the main vocalist and leader of a very popular boy group, and no matter how much his members teased him, they wouldn’t lie when they said they depended on him a lot. Sangyeon was a natural born leader, great with anyone and in any situation.
The fact that you, in your must insecure and fucked up state, were able to catch Sangyeon’s eye was a feat in itself. When he approached you, you couldn’t believe it. What would an idol want with you? But he was so kind, so soft spoken and sweet. He made you feel so special, all the time.
Your relationship was secretive at first, with his idol image and him being a leader he had no choice. It was hard at first, your insecurities getting the best of you, but he never faltered. He never gave up on you. He fought tooth and nail to keep you and your relationship together. When the news came out, fans were supportive. Most of them at least. The good outweighed the bad, and the two of you couldn’t be happier.
People became even more supportive when Sangyeon proposed. The world seemed to be warming up to the idea that Sangyeon was beginning his life outside of being an idol. Which is why the news of your pregnancy wasn’t a surprise to anyone.
Sangyeon took the time to ease people into it, wanting people to understand that he was still the same old Sangyeon, except he’d be coming home to a wife and soon, a daughter.
Preparations for your little girl were in full swing. Gifts being delivered, cute cards, diapers (because you can never have enough), clothes, balloons. Your little apartment that seemed to be perfect for you and your little family was beginning to seem a little crowded. Sangyeon didn't seem to mind, though. Too enamored with the idea of attending lamaze classes, and what you would consider his personal favorite, decorating the nursery.
In one of his very rare off days, Sangyeon had been spending the entire time buried in ripped open boxes, instructions, and pink and lavender colored paint cans that Kevin had specifically asked not to touch until he could get to your home. Hobbling from your place in the kitchen, one hand on your stomach and another on your lower back, you made your way towards the open door that smelt more new than the rest of the house. The pristine white furniture scattered all about, some even covered in plastic so as to not get droplets of paint on it in the future.
A smile makes its way to your face when you notice the three in one crib Jacob had bought for you guys was perfectly intact, Sangyeon standing over it proudly. As if hearing you at the door, he whipped his head around, a smug smirk on his face.
“I told you I’d get it done.”
Your husband was met with a roll of your eyes as he chuckled. “My hero.”
He swiped at his forehead with the sleeve of his shirt as he walked towards you. First laying a soft peck on your forehead, then bringing both hands to your growing stomach, leaning down to place an equally soft kiss on the top of it. Almost as if feeling him place the kiss, the baby kicked. The small bump hits Sangyeon on the tip of his nose as he scrunches up his face.
“Easy. I know I stink.” Sangyeon whispers to your stomach.
You giggle, bringing a hand to run through his slightly damp, dark brown locks as he stands up.
“Well, what do you think?” Sangyeon asks, gesturing to the bed.
“I think she’s going to need more than just a bed, Sangyeon.” You counter.
Sangyeon drops his hand, beginning to pout. “Well I know that! I’m not finished yet.”
This time you let out a chuckle. “Babe, it took you three days to put the bed together. At this rate, the nursery won’t be done when she arrives.”
Sangyeon looks around the room, taking in the still full cans of paint, the partial design that Kevin had started of white lilies that surrounded your daughter’s name, and the rest of furniture that still needed to be put together.
He smiled as he turned back to you. “Being parents is chaotic, right? You gotta expect the unexpected.”
You couldn’t help but smile back. “I think the saying is what to expect when you’re expecting.”
“Well we definitely didn’t expect this.”
A breathy laugh made its way past your lips as you made your way through the chaos, laying both hands on the baby crib. Sangyeon followed closely behind you, a firm grip on your hips to make sure you don’t fall. His senses were immensely heightened when it came to you and it seemed they were heightened even more if that was even possible now that you were pregnant. You hadn’t so much as lifted a finger for anything, Sangyeon being at your beck and call.
“What do you need me to do? Anything?” He questions.
You turn to look at him. “The blanket your mother knit, it’s in our room. Can you bring it to me?”
Sangyeon smiled, turning to make his way out of the room, but not before tripping over a ripped box that still holds pieces of the pale pink rocking chair that needs to be put together. His face turns beat red as he speed walks towards your room. You giggle at your husband’s cuteness as you turn back towards the crib.
Sangyeon put the purple sheets on the mattress, and had even placed the pillows on the bed. A teddy bear that Changmin had gifted you sat in the middle of the bed. You laugh to yourself as you remember the pleas Sangyeon made to the younger boy, promising not to get anything scary for your baby girl.
“I found it!” You hear Sangyeon yell, his fleeting pounding across the hardwood floor as he rounds the corner into the room.
The small, pink and white checkered blanket swings back and forth in his hands from the movement as he hands it to you. The soft material glides through your fingers as you lay it over the mattress.
Sangyeon lays a peck on your shoulder as he whispers. “Perfect.”
You smile as you let him wrap his hands around you. He brings them both to the bottom of your enlarged stomach, putting pressure as he lifts up your bump. You groan slightly as your husband chuckles from behind you. You feel him start to release his grip on the bottom of your stomach as you whine.
“Don’t stop.” You say softly, placing your hands on top of his.
Sangyeon snickers. “I think that’s what got us in this position in the first place.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his comment, a rush of heat blooming up your neck. You turn in his arms, slowly so he can gently let your stomach down from his hold. The size of your bump leaves a substantial amount of space between you and Sangyeon as you have to just lay your hands on your shoulders. Sangyeon looks you over as he smiles slightly.
“Stop stressing.”
You frown. “I’m not. I swear. I just,”
“Want everything to be done before she gets here. I know. Everything will be done, I promise. Some of the guys are supposed to be coming over later on today to help. Kevin wants to finish painting the room, Jacob and Younghoon are going to help me put together the rest of the furniture, and Eric and Sunwoo will…” Sangyeon trails off, making you laugh.
“Just keep them away from the paint. I have a sneaking suspicion more will end up on you all and the furniture than the walls.”
Sangyeon laughs as he leans forward to peck your nose. Your eyes close at the soft contact, feeling a bump at your stomach again, letting you know that your daughter has once again kicked.
“She seems to know when we’re being affectionate.” You tell Sangyeon.
He grins before you both head a cough.
“Don’t let me interrupt, but you should really start locking the front door.”
You both pull apart as Sangyeon speaks.
“Sunwoo, please stop just entering my house without knocking.”
You laugh to yourself as Sunwoo makes his way towards the two of you.
“I did knock. You guys were too enthralled with each other to bother hearing me.” Sunwoo says.
He bends down to whisper to your growing belly. “Hi baby! It’s your favorite uncle!”
You scoff playfully as he turns his head, laying his ear on your stomach, nodding as if the baby is talking to him. You look at Sangyeon who's watching his younger member in amusement.
“Saying anything interesting uncle Sunwoo?” You ask him jokingly.
Sunwoo lifts his head giving you a smirk. “Just that she likes me more than Jacob.”
You snort as you back away from the boy. You didn’t bother commenting back knowing that even he knew that statement wasn't true. Jacob was already the favorite uncle with how much your baby girl kicked whenever he was around. Everyone knew that, but you kept quiet so Sunwoo could have his moment. You were able to hear the chime of your keypad this time around as you heard more voices enter.
Sangyeon grabbed your hand, leading you into the family room where everyone was gathering. They all smiled and said hi, some giving your stomach light pats in a gesture to say hello to your unborn daughter. Just as you had expected, the moment Jacob patted your stomach the baby kicked making both you and Jacob laugh. Sangyeon gave out the assignments for everyone as they took off towards the nursery.
“Look at the fearless leader, leading the way to build a nursery.” You said softly.
Sangyeon grinned. “Who would’ve thought, huh?”
You heard commotion in the nursery as you sighed. “Oh boy.”
Sangyeon helped you over to the couch, turning on your favorite show as he pecked your forehead. “No more stress. Everything gets done before she gets here. I promise.”
You nod. “Just as long as they don’t break anything.”
Your husband laughed, kneeling down in front of you. “I’ll rough ‘em up if they do.”
A look was thrown Sangyeon’s way as he laughed at you, the both of you knowing he doesn’t have a single violent bone in his body when it comes to his members.
“Very funny.” You say softly.
Sangyeon grins. “I guess this is what we can expect while we’re expecting.”
You grinned. “Oh baby girl, you are in for a real treat when you arrive!”
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
moving day (explicit)
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genre: domestic-ass smut (honestly kind of fluffy bc i am Whipped For Min Yoongi)
pairing: yoongi x reader
summary: you manage to entice your boyfriend into taking a break from unloading boxes to unload something else instead.
word count: 2.6k
contains: explicit sexual content bloop bloop !!! established relationship, up to you if it's idol-verse or not idk 🤷‍♀️, cunnilingus, blowjob, reader gets a facial oop, tiny bit of praise kink, long-haired yoongi with a hair tie on his wrist 🥵🥵, yoongi has domestic soft dom energy, reader is yoongisexual lmao
A/N: my water sign placements really Jumped out with this one...... that's all i'll say lmao i am lowkey embarrazzed and not responsible for any delulu feelings this may stir up 👀👀 BUT BOY IT SURE WAS NICE TO WRITE A YOONGI THAT ISN'T THE ONE FROM LDOMLT !!! even i need a break from that asshole sometimes 😂 hope y'all enjoyyyyy 💜
this is also on AO3!
“Remind me again why we didn’t hire movers?” The question comes out strained as you struggle to lift a particularly heavy box.
Your boyfriend watches you carefully to make sure you’re lifting safely– if you have to hear him say ‘with your knees, not your back’ one more time, you think you might lose it. Then he grabs another box off the truck and follows you up the drive to the house.
“I didn’t realize you had so much crap,” he says with a wry laugh. You make a mental note to get him back for that later.
A bead of sweat rolls down your temple, and when you finally deposit the box on the kitchen floor, you reach up to wipe it away with the back of your hand. The heat wave that’s been ongoing for the last few weeks is stifling, but Yoongi made a huge fuss about not turning on the AC until you got everything off the truck. Something about how you’d just be leaving the door open, and he’s not going to waste money to air condition the entire street.
Your boyfriend is such an old man sometimes, honestly. He’s lucky you love him.
Yoongi’s mouth pulls down at the corners as he struggles to read the label on the box in his arms, determining where he needs to drop it. It’s one of the many endearing faces he makes that you find so sexy, even though you objectively shouldn’t. A little thrill of excitement runs through you at the reminder that this is, in fact, really happening. You’ll get to see all of him, every morning and every night.
His face, and… You follow him down the hall, appreciating the view. His cute little butt, and…
Gingerly setting the box on the floor, he stands upright and sweeps his hair off his forehead for a moment in an attempt to cool down. His hair.
Yoongi claims he hasn’t gotten it cut because he’s been so busy with all the planning and packing required for the move, and maybe that’s true. You have also threatened to burn down any salon he makes an appointment with, and it was a joke, but god. He looks so fucking good like this. If he actually admitted to keeping it long just to make you happy, you’d probably propose on the spot.
He glances up and catches you openly staring, sticking his tongue out to indicate how overheated he is. Then he waggles his eyebrows and your core throbs a little. Fucking hell, the things this man does to you.
Your heart jumps in your chest as he walks back down the hallway to close the distance between you. Before you have time to process it, his thigh is slotting between your legs, his hips pinning you against the wall as he finds your lips with his own. It’s enough to make you gasp into his mouth, and you can feel his smug smile at your reaction.
Yoongi loves to make you come undone.
He pulls away far too quickly, and you whine a little at him leaving you unsatisfied. Not that you could ever get enough of kissing him, but you’d at least like to try.
“Come on,” his voice is quiet and low in his throat. “We’re nearly done with these boxes. Then we can properly christen this place.”
You don’t want to move any more stupid boxes. You want him to turn you around and take you right up against the wall. But you lose your will to argue when he gently strokes your arm with his hand, and you look down to see the thin black elastic around his wrist.
Since the two of you got together, your friends have relentlessly bullied you for this fact: you are insanely whipped for your boyfriend. They’ve dubbed you “Yoongisexual” at this point because literally anything he does becomes a kink for you. Including the simple act of wearing a hair tie around his wrist. It’s something you’ve done for most of your life, so when he kept complaining about his long hair getting in the way, you bought him a pack of elastics, mostly as a joke.
But then he started wearing one around his wrist, and you realized very quickly that it was no longer a joke.
You slip a finger under the thin black band and tug on it gently, and he smirks at you, because you both know exactly what he uses it for. “Soon. I promise.”
As much as you want to be good and do what you’re told, you’ve run out of patience. When Yoongi moves to head for the front door again, you tighten your grip around his wrist, forcing him to turn back to you. Then you slide his hand up your skirt and beneath the waistband of your panties so he can feel how soaked you are.
“How am I supposed to go back to lifting boxes when you did this to me?”
A groan escapes his lips as his fingers brush over your drenched folds and circle around your warm, wet center. You smile because you know damn well you’re on equal footing in this relationship: Yoongi is entirely whipped for you, too.
He presses one of his perfect fingers into your tight heat, curling it to rub circles on your g-spot, and you inhale sharply at the feeling. Your head tilts back against the wall, your eyes fluttering closed. “Ah, fuck.”
Yoongi grunts in response, and when you open your eyes again to take him in, he’s looking at you like he’s ready to devour you.
Withdrawing his hand from your panties, he slips the other between your back and the wall, encouraging you to stand up and move towards the kitchen. You follow the direction of his touch, knees instantly a little weak. When he guides you to the island in the center of the wide, sunny room, you turn back to him in confusion.
He wastes no time on explanation, arms wrapping just under your ass to pick you up and set you easily on the counter. You squeak at unexpectedly being lifted off the ground like it’s nothing: he really is getting shredded from all those Pilates classes.
Yoongi is already working to strip you of your shoes and socks, and the look on his face is so focused, with a blazing intensity that’s bordering on anger. Fuck, you love it when he gets like this. It only takes him a matter of seconds to finish the task, and then his hands are reaching up your thighs.
“What about the boxes?” You ask demurely.
“I don’t give a shit.” Yoongi says, his voice deadly serious. “The neighbors can have them.”
You lift your hips to assist as he pushes your skirt up and grabs the band of your thong, pulling it down and off of you entirely. He sends it sailing over to the other side of the kitchen, and now there’s nothing separating your cunt from the cold marble countertop. He grabs you by the hips and scoots you forward just a little more, until your ass is almost hanging off the edge of the island.
You want it so bad, but there’s still a tiny part of you that protests. You have to say it. “But Yoongi, this is where we’re going to eat.”
When he glances up at you, quirking an eyebrow, you realize what you’ve set him up for. “I know,” he says coolly. “What do you think I’m doing?”
Just as you open your mouth to argue, Yoongi reaches for the hair tie on his wrist, deliberately poking at your known weakness. Pulling it off, he places it between his teeth as his hands reach up to run through his hair. He rakes the dark strands back into a small, low ponytail at the base of his neck, then grabs the elastic out of his mouth and loops it around a few times until it's secure.
You think to yourself that you have no idea how you got so lucky, and then he brings his mouth to you and that thought is reinforced a thousand fold.
With a heady sigh of relief, you lean back, bracing yourself on your elbows and draping your legs over his shoulders. Yoongi’s already groaning against you as he slides his tongue up your dripping wet folds. He loves the way you taste, would spend hours between your legs if you’d let him– which sometimes you absolutely do. And he’s fucking good at it.
It would be impossible to make a full ranked list of all the things you love about your boyfriend, but his tongue is definitely in the top five. He traces it up to settle at your clit, flicking against the sensitive bud with short, deft strokes, and you make a mental correction as you groan and buck up into him. Top three.
He slips two fingers into your pussy this time, and your next moan is nearly a sob as he starts to press down hard with them against your front wall, matching the rhythm of his tongue. “Yes, baby, fuuuuuck,” you cry out.
“Mm-hmm,” Yoongi hums in response against your cunt, and the buzz of his mouth drives you fucking crazy, as does the satisfied look on his face that you see when you glance down. Your boyfriend loves doing things he’s good at, which certainly includes making you come.
And you’re already close to the edge, a fresh wave of arousal gushing out of you as he takes you apart so expertly. You’re sure you’ve made a mess of the counter beneath your ass.
You’re so worked up now, inches from your orgasm, that you can’t keep quiet, moans interspersed with breathless swearing and pleading.
“Fuck, Yoongi, please, don’t fucking stop,” you whimper, and his pace only increases slightly, his perfect rhythm never faltering. You can hear the squelch of his fingers curled inside you, the slick slip of his tongue across your clit, flicking over and over, and your legs are starting to shake.
“Ohhh shit,” you groan loudly as you feel your core start to tighten around him. You reach one hand forward to brush a few loose strands of hair off his forehead, reveling in his absolute perfection as your climax approaches. “God fucking dammit, Yoongi, yes, yes–” your words break off with a loud moan as the wave of pleasure surges and your walls begin to pulse. Your arms tremble with the effort of keeping you propped up as your orgasm rips through you, your back arching violently.
It feels like you’re coming forever, and Yoongi gently slows his pace to ride you through it, your cunt fluttering around his fingers again and again. He waits until you give a soft whine of overstimulation, then finally withdraws, trailing light kisses along your hips and thighs.
“Oh my god, I love you so much,” you manage to gasp, and you hear him laugh a little.
“Come show me how much,” he instructs, and you don’t need any more encouragement. Your legs threaten to give out as you slip off the counter, and you sink to your knees as gently as possible to avoid banging them on the wood floor. You pull his dick out of his sweatpants and can’t help but make a soft, appreciative noise at the weight and thickness of him in your hand.
You’ve never dated anyone who gets as hard as Yoongi does just from performing oral. When you think back on your exes, you usually had to coax them to attention after eating you out. But you’ve never had that problem with Yoongi. You swear he nearly gets as much pleasure from it as you do.
This thought is all but confirmed when you take him in your mouth, tasting the salt of the pre-cum that’s already leaked out of his tip, and he groans at the feeling. “I’m not gonna last long, baby,” he admits, and you take that as a challenge.
You grip his thighs with your hands and start to bob your mouth along his length, hollowing your cheeks and applying extra pressure with your tongue in exactly the way you know he likes. You swear you feel his knees nearly buckle.
“Fuck yeah,” he hisses. “Good girl. Just like that.” You hum a little, pleased at the praise, and pick up the pace at which you’re swallowing him down.
Yoongi doesn’t babble quite as much as you do when he’s close, instead preferring to make heady little grunts and groans; they’re the sexiest sounds in the world as far as you’re concerned. The low timbre of his voice is enough to make your cunt flutter back to life, as is the way he squeezes his eyes shut and tilts his head back, hips bucking into your mouth to match your pace.
“Baby,” he groans, and you glance up at him again, not letting your tempo change. “Wanna paint your face, fuck. Can I?”
He doesn’t do it particularly often, but you know finishing on your face is something Yoongi loves. It’s one of the many, many things you had no interest in until this man waltzed into your life and pulled out all the freakiest parts of you that you didn’t even know existed.
Which is why when he asks, you don’t hesitate. You slide off him with a wet pop and sit back on your heels, staring up at him with your eyes wide and your tongue out.
“Goddamn,” he grunts as he brings his hand to his cock, pumping himself hard and fast. “So fucking good for me.” He only has to stroke a few more times before he makes a final strangled whine, white ropes of cum spilling out of him and across your waiting face and tongue.
Yoongi milks every last drop out with a few gasps of effort, and you giggle a little despite yourself. You just love him, every part, every noise.
As if he can read your mind, he says it back. “Love you. Fuck.”
You try to hold your head still to keep any rogue drops from running into your eyes. Yoongi looks around, and you see a worried expression start to cross his face as he tucks his dick into his pants.
“Shit, baby. I don’t think we’ve unpacked the towels yet.” Your shoulders shake a little in more disbelieving giggles. “Hang on, hang on,” he calls back to you as he disappears out of the kitchen, moving quickly.
It’s only for a brief moment that you have to just sit there and laugh, beads of cum trailing down your jaw, and then he returns, dropping onto his knees next to you. He’s holding the roll of paper towels you’ve been using to clear errant dust in the new house as you go.
“Should have planned ahead. Let me clean you up.” Yoongi says softly, tearing off a few sheets and dabbing at your face. He soaks through them quickly and has to grab more. “Fuck, you made me come a lot,” he says with an embarrassed laugh, and that only makes you laugh more.
He wipes the last of it from your temples, then lets the damp crumpled sheets drop to the kitchen floor, taking your face in his hands and pulling you in for a sweet, gentle kiss. You smile against his mouth in an overwhelming daze of happiness.
When you break away, he presses another quick kiss to your forehead, then murmurs against your hairline. “Well, that’s one room down. Let’s finish this up, and then you can help me decide if I should bend you over the couch or my desk first.” You bury your face in his shoulder at the mental image, and his strong arms wrap around your waist, pulling you even closer. “God, I fucking love you.”
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nickybloodhead · 6 months
You made the Latina reader with earlier James get into my head, I'm obsessed!! I read your last post about him meeting her family and it made me think about something like: She has a SUPER conservative father (who doesn't like James very much) and he always forbids her from seeing him or things like that, and on some nights (when he can't go visit her climbing out of her bedroom window) they have phone sex :/ (it's so cliché but i love it so much)
Uh this thing about your dad hating your boyfriend is so latino coded, plus I love cliches too.
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That would be funny, wouldn't it? That your dad doesn't like James and that's why he tries to prevent them from seeing each other, of course you guys are always looking for a way. When James found out he could come through your window, you both made it a nightly habit.
He would quietly walk into your room, you would be a laughing mess and you couldn't help but push him into your bed to kiss him. You'd get a little naughty, he'd be groping every part of your body until one thing would lead to another and you'd end up having soft, quiet sex, all for the sake of keeping the bed from creaking and making noise.
However, being careful wasn't enough, one night your father is in the yard and sees James hanging out of the window about to come in, that of course, doesn't like him. James had to run down the street at full speed while your father chased him threatening to kill him, you admit it was a little funny to see that damn scene out of a movie, what was not funny was the punishment your father gave you, a whole month locked in the house without going out, oh, and he also blocked your window. It was fucking frustrating not seeing your boyfriend, but at least you had his late night phone calls.
"Maybe your dad went a little overboard with the punishment" James spoke on the other end of the line, you chuckled and lay down on your bed.
"You think so? It's like being in prison, mierda, it's so boring" You complained quietly so your parents wouldn't hear you, you sighed wearily. "I miss you, mi amor."
"I miss you too, beautiful, I miss being able to spend time with you, kiss you, hold you...touch you" Those last words sent an electric shock throughout your body, you pulled your legs together and blushed, thoughts quickly began to go into hotter territory.
"It's a shame you can't come do all that, because, you know, you'd find me wearing just your shirt and my panties... Se que amas verme así" You smiled dumbly and closed your eyes, your heart was hammering faster and faster, your breathing became heavier, through the earpiece you heard James gasp and grunt.
"You're right, I love seeing you like that baby. Fuck, you're killing me here, you know that?" his voice had become huskier. James was on the couch, he had spread his legs for comfort and had unzipped his fly as his jeans had become uncomfortably tight. You licked your own lips and sighed, your hand slowly traveled down your chest, abdomen and finally between your legs, just a slight pressure of your hand on your sex.
"Have you thought about me, guapo? Because I can't get you out of my head, I can't stop thinking about what we did a few days ago in your truck" James groaned on the other end of the line, his hand squeezed his erection a little over his boxers as he remembered how she had managed to ride him in the back seat of his truck.
He remembered how tight she was, the wild way she had claimed his lips, she had taken everything from him at that moment, he needed her again.
"You were so wet then.... Tell me pretty, are you wet now?" you whimpered in response and nodded even though he couldn't see you, your fingers slipped under your panties and pressed two of them right over your clit, you gasped and bit your lip.
"Yes, I need you" You looked towards your door to make sure it was locked, with your hand you pulled your underwear down a little. "I would love it if you were kissing me right now, tocándome bien rico"
"Shit, I love when you say things like that" James pulled down his boxers and took his cock in his hand, stroking slowly up and down. He closed his eyes and let himself be carried away by the suggestive images his brain was providing him about you, he could see how messy your bed was, you lying with your legs open ready for him, ready to take it good like you always did.
You could hear his heavy breathing, sure he was already touching himself just like you, all you wanted was to have him here to fuck you once and for all, to have him replace your fingers with his tongue, the very thought of him eating your cunt made you squirm a little and increase the caresses on your sensitive bud.
"I can hear you touching yourself, baby, tell me how it feels" James murmurs, grunting with each tug he gives his cock, you moan a little and tighten the grip you have on the phone.
"Se siente tan bien, though I wish it was you." Your vision is a little blurry from the overstimulation, you feel how soaked you are and how you're dripping on the sheets, you bite your lip to avoid making too much noise, so that only a few squeals are audible, James is going crazy with desire, jerking off a little faster.
"I'd love to be there too, believe me, I need to bury my cock in that tight pussy of yours" You moan a little louder than you should and immediately hide your face in your pillow, you hear James chuckle. "Even without me there you're loud, huh?"
"Fuck James, I'm about to…oh, carajo!"
You feel small spasms in your abdomen, a pleasant warmth runs through your body as your back arches, you muffle your moans against the mattress and bite the covers to contain the scream of relief that is about to escape your lips, you cum deliciously as you listen to James' praise, of course at some point in your ecstasy you let go of the phone. You lie on your back on the bed, catching your breath, your thighs slick with slick.
"Are you still with me, baby?" You hear his distant voice call out to you, you shakily pick up the phone again with trembling hands and settle it close to your ear.
"Still here…" You sound completely relaxed, soft words slipping from your mouth. You knew he hadn't cum yet, so you decided to help him with that. "You know, if you were here, I'd love it if you'd cum in my mouth. Para probarte todo, mi amor”
You heard him grunting and panting, heard the sound of skin against skin, giving you the image of him stroking his length with fervor, a particularly obscene moan along with a few curses let you know he had cum. You let him pull himself together, that had been an intense session, but it was inebitable, they hadn't spent that much time apart and they desired each other.
"Still with me, Het?" You teased him, managing to draw a chuckle from him, laughed with him and sighed contentedly. "I really miss you a lot."
"I know honey, but I'll keep calling you every night without fail, okay? Until that month of punishment is over."
"I promise beautiful, now go get some rest…I love you."
"También te amo."
What a roller coaster of emotions, but I'm a bitch for fluff so there you go.
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sleepyboywrites · 5 months
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Hey all! In case you missed my last post Tumblr updates ruined my life and asks no longer allow you to save as drafts and then update them. Since I normally don't write all in one session I have quite a few in my drafts currently that I have to get creative in actually answering so that you all still get notified when I get around to your asks. Moving forward I'll just answer in one go but for older asks (ones before I noticed/before the update) will be answered like this! Also I haven't written in a while so I apologize if it's shit.
Save a horse ride a cowboy
Masky knew you were raised on a farm. His favorite, albeit slightly teasing pet name for you was 'Cowboy' or 'Farm hand'. He's seen you carry corpses of fully grown men in one arm since joining the proxies. He had confronted you on multiple occasions how and why and you had replied. "I've hauled hay when our tractor broke and carried a newborn filly to the truck to rush to the vet after she wasn't walkin'. I can hold my own Darlin'." And he had been oh so kind to remind you who you belonged to for your lip and sweet farm boy ways. Yet he still sometimes underestimates your strength and in all honesty it's your own fault.
Play fighting and rough housing was nothing at all new. Mostly because Masky suffers from cuteness aggression and you, farm boy, are sturdy enough to handle it as well as dish it out. You two did it so often that if you didn't people assumed you were fighting fighting. On top of this you had a bad habit of letting Masky win because he's just so cute all smug on victory and everyone likes to be shoved into the couch face first by their partner sometimes cause being manhandled is just as fun as manhandling.
That is until one day, a really busy one, you didn't really have the time nor energy to let him win.
Masky had been extra annoying today. Poking and proding and shoving and basically all over you. Normally no complaints whatsoever but you had a shit ton you needed to get done. The list of cleanup tasks you were assigned today was two pages long and with your boyfriend attacking you at every turn in some form of cuteness aggression taking over and possessing him the second he saw your face, you getting fuck all done. Cleanup from the cannibals of the mansion plus the targets of the main proxies (because apparently scrubbing the remains of EJ's lunch off of the kitchen walls for three hours wasn't enough to deal with) had made for an unusually large amount of work for the sole cleanup crew member, you, and you were over it. So as Masky tried to tackle you in greeting for the fifth time today hoping to instigate you to wrestle him and to in turn win and coerce you to get a little 'closer', you just held your ground picked up the corpse in one arm, pried his arms off with a "Hold on Darlin' I have work to finish and I'm running behind. Later." And walked away.
Masky had stood there for a moment with a confused look on his face before the realization struck and he remembered his view of you and your 'softness' was heavily skewed. But once the shock disappears he became determined to genuinely tackle you. Stalking, lurking, and hunting you as you attempted to finish your work as Cleanup. He had proven himself to be quite the pain in your ass as you avoided his attacks and eventually lost him all together getting to finish the long list of tasks you had been assigned. You took a shower changed clothes and were scrolling on your phone on the couch when you finally sensed him again.
His vaguely pissed off and irked in general aura slowly approaching you from behind. You pretended not to notice that he's approaching and place your arms over his as he hugs you, clearly mopey, from behind. "Hm... So we're doing angry cuddles now, are we love?"
Masky didn't reply shoving his face into your neck, you could feel his intrusive thoughts to bite you, his hesitation to do so. Masky begins walking away from you and into the kitchen.
Without warning you chase after him and pick him up as he shouts and squirms playfully trying to escape your grasp and flip the script, "Look, I'm sorry I was avoidin' you, 'm not angry at you darlin, I was just overbooked on what needed done. Now quit your moping." You explained as you threw and pinned him to the couch. Masky going fully silent and still as you pin him down, giving you an odd territorial and excited look. "What?" You ask as he stares up at you, an eyebrow raised.
"Save a horse..." He replied looking you up and down. As it slowly processes in your head what he's referring to and you scoff and chuckle as you shake your head.
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mayleaorlaith · 1 year
Party Kisses | R. Cameron
Description: Rafe's job was to watch out for you at a party and he does in his own way.
Word count: 500+
Warnings: alcohol, implication of sex
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The whole house was packed with teenagers, all dancing and drinking. Some were already wasted, and others had to watch their friends so they stayed responsible. Rafe would say they drew the short end of the stick and laugh but today he too had drawn wrong.
He was watching you drink yet another drink while dancing in the crowd of people. You often looked back for him and he would dutifully raise his cup and nod his head to you. It was enough for you to continue the party while he silently brooded in himself.
Rafe too wanted to party tonight but without the usual alcohol consumption, he wasn’t interested.
You, however, made him interested in this party again when you approached him.
“Why aren’t you dancing?” you asked him with a pouty look on your face.
He laughed and grabbed your chin. “I don’t feel like dancing.”
“Not even with me?”
How could he say no to that? Rafe loved spending time with you, it was the only reason he decided to come here in the first place. It was the only reason he didn’t mind not drinking much. All so he could spend time with you today and to know you would be safe.
“Lead the way,” he said and took hold of your hand.
With a little jump, you did as he asked, leading him further into the mass of people.
Rafe let you take the lead at first, letting you intertwine your hands, fingers slotted into his. With a drunk smile, you started to move to a nonexisting beat.
He let you amuse him for a couple of minutes. You moved your hands a little and dance against him and then pushed yourself away before pulling yourself into him again. It went on like that for the whole song you barely heard.
Then Rafe took control. He pulled you in by the waist, and your hands embraced against his chest.
He could hear your soft laugh when his hands went to the small of your back, just above your ass. He had to control himself when your hand found the back of his neck, he nearly moaned the moment you tugged on his hair.
“If you do that again, we will leave early. You wouldn’t want that now, do you?”
Rafe didn’t want to control himself any longer when you looked at him through your lashes, batting them at him as a tease.
“Fuck,” he whispered in your ear when he started to kiss down your neck. His hand rested on your ass and he pulled you in even more.
You giggled, “who said I wanted to stay?”
He didn’t need to hear that twice when he pulled you along with him. Leading you out of the house and to his truck. He pushed you against it and kissed you deeply, hungry for more.
His hands explored you like they had done a thousand times before and it still left the same effect. Your whole body tingled with desire and you clenched your legs. “Please, Rafe. I need you.”
He groaned and wrapped your hair in his hand, tugging it back. He made you watch him, he made you listen. “No sex, you are too drunk for that. Tonight is about you. I will give you what you ask, but no sex.”
Dazed in desire you nodded along to his words.
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forbebeandjam · 2 months
omg can't wait for audrey's!!!!! thank youuuuuu (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)
Fear | Audrey Lane x Fem Reader | Fluff
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Summary: a small misunderstanding leads you and your girlfriend, Audrey to end up on bad terms. Three months later, you realize how much you love each other.
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: a bit angst. Brain tumor mention.
A/N: sorry if it’s a bit unrealistic. I know it’s not my best work. I’m not a medic or doctor… enjoyyyy •u•
You and Audrey had been working nonstop on a new K-pop choreography. Being a part of the Jam Republic dance crew has been a milestone in your career. You went from being a small and heavily criticized TikTok dancer who covered K-pop dance to a successful choreographer.
Having Nick reach out to you to be part of this project was perfect as he had also contacted your girlfriend, Audrey. You couldn't believe that you and Audrey got to dance together and spend time together as well.
However your schedules were packed and after the show, there were some things you two couldn't do together. She was booked doing the brand new show Street Dance Girls Fighter 2 and you were booked creating new choreographies and interviews.
One day you finally got to see her but you were too tired. She seemed to be really excited to hang out with you and you were just thinking of going home.
"What if we take a walk? and then we can go camping," she suggested but you shook your head.
"Sorry, Audrey. I'm drained and I just want to lay down," you said bluntly. One thing about you is that you could be very oblivious to others' feelings when you weren't feeling well... not to mention minor anger issues that almost caused you major trouble with Mannequeen.
"Well, what if we just go for some ice cream? Or maybe something to eat?" She said once again with her bubbly voice trying to get you out of bed and spend quality time together. It's Audrey. She was always bubbly and you lived for her but at this moment, tiredness hit you like a truck.
"Jeez, I said no. I'll just be in my room," you said in an aggravated tone leaving her behind on the couch.
You took painkillers for your headache and as you lay on your bed you heard soft sobs making your heart clench at the sounds. You know you fucked up. You promised to never make her cry and you just did. As you tried to get up to apologize, you felt your body collapse on the floor and you were unable to get up. Your vision immediately became dark.
You woke up and saw a bright light. You definitely weren't home. Your house was green and the lights were almost always dimmed. This room was too blue.
Your eyes tried to adjust and you groaned. You felt someone grip your hand tightly but the voice was almost unrecognizable as your ears also tried adjusting to the noise.
"Audrey..." was the first thing that escaped your lips. You called her name. You wanted to apologize and when your vision finally cleared up, you saw her sitting on the side of the hospital bed holding your hand and asking if you were okay. Her eyes were red and teary as well as her nose as she let out sniffles.
You felt your heart clench at her sight. You made her cry twice. You never meant for any of this to happen. As you tried to get up your poising headache pulled you back to the bed.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, baby. Please forgive me," you said as a tear escaped your eye. Her head shook repeatedly.
"Don't apologize. I didn't realize you felt this bad and I should've known. I should've made you rest and taken care of you," she said as she lowered her head.
"Audrey, it's okay. I'm okay, see?" You said as you kissed her hand.
"You're not. Sorry to tell you this ma'am but you have a brain tumor. You need surgery and treatment as well as absolute rest for around three months. We need to do this now or you might not make it another month," the doctor said. You didn't protest. You knew it would be best if you wanted to keep living the life that you have. You wanted to be with Audrey.
"Audrey?" You said when you saw how she was holding in her sobs and cries. She turned to look at you with red eyes and you began to cry as well.
"I love you. I love you so much and I will be with you forever," you said.
"Don't... it sounds like you're saying goodbye," she said.
"I know you have to catch a flight. You have to go back home. Go work on your projects, baby. And come back to me in three months," you said and she started to shake her head.
"I can't leave you. Who will take care of you? Who is going to make sure you're okay? I want to make sure you wake up and you can see me and..." you moved your hand on her cheek and she stopped talking. She shut her eyes tightly and pressed her lips on your hand.
"I will be okay, baby. I have to go now but never forget that I love you so much," you kissed her one last time before the nurse took you away.
(Three months later)
It was finally the day. The day Audrey would come back and you could be together again. This time you promised you would never let her go and would never make her cry.
You heard the doorbell and rushed to the door. You fixed my clothes and hair before taking a deep breath and finally took ahold of the doorknob. You twisted it and there she was. A big smile and a beautiful gold light radiating from her. Her eyes seemed to be teary and her smile was shaking.
She immediately dropped her bags and ran to you. She grabbed your face a kissed you tenderly. It was a long-awaited kiss. Three months felt like an eternity without her. How could someone live without that gorgeous smile? It's a smile you would die for.
"You have no idea how much I missed you," she said as she buried her face down your neck. Her sobs began to fill your ears and your tears began to roll down your face.
"I missed you too," you said as you kissed her head.
"How about we get out of here? I have a surprise for you," you said and she looked at you with a confused expression.
"But you need to rest more. What if-" Audrey started but you stopped her by shaking your head.
"I'm okay. We aren't doing anything that might be straining. Let's go," you said as you put on your shoes and jacket and walked out of the door with her. She was too quiet for your liking but you didn't say anything as you saw her fidgeting with her hands in the car. You knew she was nervous.
After around thirty minutes you arrived at a camping site and got out of the car to open her door. A small smile was painted on her lips.
"You didn't forget about the camping date?" She asked.
"I could never forget about your favorite thing. Your pink curly hair, the sweet perfume you use, the way you move when you dance. It's all engraved in my head. Let's set up and watch a movie," you said as you walked to get our things from the trunk.
A few hours later you had everything set up and ate dinner. The sun was starting to slowly set creating a beautiful orange and pink hue in the sky. Audrey was silently sitting on a chair looking at the sky as she took small sips of her tea. Your biggest fears began to fill your head like poison.
'Does she not love me anymore? Is there someone else? Did she find someone that treats her better?'
"Audrey, come here," you said and she turned to you. She stood up and placed her mug on the chair. As she walked to you, you immediately cupped her face with your warm hands and planted a kiss on her lips.
"Whatever is on your mind, tell me," you said as you broke the kiss.
"It's just all surreal. I thought I was going to lose you and not being able to contact you due to work was killing me and now that I'm here, I just feel like I should've been here all along," she said.
You immediately connected your forehead to hers. You wanted her to forget about everything and anything that happened in the past.
"Baby, you're here now and I couldn't ask for more. You're all I need and I just want to be with you. Enjoy the moment, my sweet girl," you said and kissed her forehead.
That seemed to make all of her worries melt away. Her mind was clear and her heart warm. She smiled brightly for the first time and a small tear escaped her eye. You kissed it dry and she let out a small giggle that melted your heart.
Setting up for bed was quick and soon you realized that you had forgotten her sleeping bag back home. You scratched your head and chuckled nervously.
"Sorry, babe. I forgot your sleeping bag," you said.
"It's okay. We can sleep in the same one," she said as she got situated. She looked up at you and you nodded. You got inside the bag and spooned her, sharing the warmth of your body as a movie played on your iPad.
Suddenly, she turned to face you, completely ignoring the movie. You were lost in her eyes and you shared a moment of silence.
She reached to peck your lips and you finally saw her purest smile.
"I don't know how I managed to be with you for so long. I'll never leave you again. Promise you'll never scare me like that again," she said as she buried her face in your chest.
"I'm sorry baby, I'll never do it again..."
There was a small pause and you pulled back from the hug.
"We fit perfectly in this sleeping bag don't you think?" You asked.
"Yes. We are perfect," she said before snuggling close to you.
“I love you,” You kissed her forehead and you both drifted into a deep slumber.
Thank you for reading!!🩷
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 4 months
Glue (Part 1)
Summary: JJ is living a nightmare when his best friend, Reader, is kidnapped and held for ransom by his father.
TW/CW: Routledge!Reader x JJ Maybank, Reader is held at gunpoint by Luke, JJ is beating himself up about it as well as the tree.
Requested?: No
Word Count: 1,822
A/N: omg this took so long to write... Requests are Open! Much love to all!
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That’s (Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/M/N) Routledge. My sister is a jack of all trades. Surfing, mischief, singing, boating, fishing, you name it, she’s probably good at it. Her favorite place to be is on the surf. She’s a feisty little firecracker and I often find myself dragging her out of a sticky situation. Love her to death. She’s a hoot. 
(Y/N)'s POV
“(Y/N)!” my best friend yells.  
I throw my arm over my eyes and yell back, “What JJ? What could you possibly be yelling about this early in the morning?” 
No response. I throw my arm down and poke my head up over the side of the hammock. Looking around I see no one and assume he’s just screwing with me. I close my eyes and throw my arm back over them. “(Y/N)!” This time I shoot up glaring around. Finally, I see the hood of the HMS Pogue up. Grumbling, I stumble out of my comfy spot and shuffle toward the dock. I can’t stop a large yawn as I spot JJ with his head buried under the hood.  
I sigh rubbing the bridge of my nose, “What the fuck are you doin’, JJ?” 
“Damn engine is clankin’ again,” comes his muffled reply as he fidgets with the engine.  
I grab the back of his shirt and tug, “Get out of there, will ya? Before you screw something up.” 
“I’m not gonna fuck it up. Hand me that wrench?” He responds pointing with his free hand. I roll my eyes and pick up the wrench, handing it to him before plopping down on the side of the boat. He fiddles around inside the engine compartment for a few moments before asking, “Where’s John B?” 
“How should I know? I just woke up,” I answer, annoyance evident in my tone. 
“Chill Princess. Was just askin’” he laughs. 
A few moments go by of silence aside from the bumps and knocks of JJ’s tools and the soft splashing of the waves. Suddenly JJ yells, yanking his hand out of the boat’s insides and looking at it in frustration. “What’d you do?” I ask. 
“Uhhhh,” he quickly hides his hand in his shirt, “Nothing just banged my hand.” 
I get up from my seat and shuffle toward him. I gently tug his hand into view and spot a large gash across the back of his hand. He hisses as I wipe the blood away with my shirt. “I’ll go get the first aid kit.” 
I clamber off the boat and make my way to the rebuilt Chateau. The first thing my brother did after the whole gold mess died down was rebuild our childhood home. Making my way to the bathroom I fish the first aid kit out of the cabinet and grab a towel from the hook. As I exit the bathroom, I bump into someone, “You’re usually not too excited to get bandaged up,” I comment, assuming it’s just JJ. The person places a gun to my stomach and puts their other hand over my mouth. I drop the supplies as I realize who it is.  
“Make a single sound and I’ll shoot you,” Luke growls and I can’t help the wave of fear that rolls through me. “You’re coming with me, darlin’,” my stomach rolls. I debate my options mentally. I could try to fight him, but I have no real chance considering he’ll put a bullet in me before I can make it out the door. Before I can come up with any kind of exit strategy, he drags me out of the house and to a truck parked a good way from the house. He shoves me in the passenger seat and takes off, keeping the gun trained on me the entire time. It’s not long before we pull into a marina and he’s yanking me around again. He drags me inside a houseboat and shoves me into a small room, tying my hands before leaving. 
I pause my one-handed work and drop the wrench to wipe blood away from my cut again. I look toward the house and see no sign of (Y/N. I check my phone and realize she’s been gone for a good fifteen minutes. She should’ve been back by now. I hear a truck rumble in the distance but think nothing of it as I make my way inside. “(Y/N)?” I walk through the house and finally see the first aid kit and a towel on the floor outside the bathroom, “(Y/N)!?” I yell, starting to panic. Ripping my phone out of my pocket I run outside as I dial John B’s number. It rings and rings and finally goes to voicemail. I dial again, still searching everywhere for any sign of (Y/N).  
Finally he picks up, “Yo, what’s up? Got that rust bucket running yet?” 
“(Y/N)’s gone,” I say, too worried to beat around the bush. 
“What? What do you mean she’s gone?” 
“I mean she’s gone, man. She went inside to get the first aid kit because I cut my hand up and when she didn’t come back, I went looking for her,” my voice shakes as I hurriedly explain, “I found the first aid kit and a towel on the floor but no (Y/N).” 
“We’re on our way now. Sit tight, don’t do anything stupid,” John B answers, sounding panicked himself, as the line clicks dead. I throw my phone at the ground and my fist at a tree. I was right outside. What the hell happened? I should’ve gone in with her. I throw another punch at the tree as countless similar thoughts run through my head. 
By the time the Twinkie turns into the driveway, I’ve beat my knuckles bloody and am sitting on the porch steps with my head in my hands. After coming to a screeching halt, John B and Sarah jump out of the van. Sarah runs over to me, checking me over and taking note of my destroyed knuckles. John B on the other hand rushes inside and starts yelling for his sister. When he emerges from the Chateau, he’s frantic. Sarah stands and places her hand on his shoulder, “Just sit down and call Shoop.” She walks inside and returns soon after with a first aid kit.  
“I need to file a missing person's report,” John B states as Sarah takes a seat beside me and holds her hand out to me, expecting me to give her mine. “(Y/N) Routledge. She was last seen wearing,” he pauses and looks at me as he whispers, “What was she wearing?” I don’t have time to answer, “She was last seen like thirty minutes ago.” Having cleaned them of blood, Sarah wraps my hands in gauze as John B stands abruptly, “What do you mean I can’t file yet? She’s my sister!” He listens for a second as Sarah finishes with my bandages. “I don’t give a damn if it hasn’t been twenty-four hours. You know what? Put Shoop on. Let me talk to Shoop.” He removes his phone from his ear and glares at it, “They hung up.” His phone joins mine in the grass as he plops down beside me, dropping his head into his hands. 
“You both just need to breathe for a sec, okay? We’ll find her. We’ll round everyone up and we’ll get her back,” Sarah states trying to calm us down. She pulls out her phone and types out a short message before returning her attention to us, “It’s gonna be okay.” 
Feeling defeated I mumble, “‘Preciate the positivity but we don’t even know who took her.” 
“We can’t just sit here,” John B firmly states, standing to return inside, probably in search of clues. 
I drop my head back into my hands, yanking on my hair, “Fuck!” Sarah places her hand on my shoulder. “If I had gone inside with her instead of being focused on that damn boat- “  
Sarah doesn’t let me finish, “Don’t you dare. Don’t start blaming yourself. You had no idea.” 
John B returns, plopping back into his seat and assuming a position that copies mine. The three of us sit in silence for a while. Kie, Pope, and Cleo arrive and make their way to us. “What’s going on? Where’s (Y/N)?” Pope asks. 
John B and I don’t bother to look up, so Sarah responds, “She’s missing.” Pope throws his hands up to his head and takes a few steps back  
“Are you sure? Sure she’s not just out doing (Y/N) stuff?” Cleo questions, fiddling with her knife. 
“We’re sure. She went inside to get a first aid kit for JJ and didn’t come back out,” Sarah answers. 
“Did you call the police?” Kie inquires, taking a seat beside Sarah. 
“Of course, I called the cops Kie. They said we can’t file a report until she’s been missing 24 hours and wouldn’t let me talk to Shoop,” John B shoots back, sounding a bit harsh. 
Before anyone else can say a word, my phone starts ringing from the weeds. I jump up and run over, “It could be her.” I pick it up and my hope falters. An unknown number is there where it should say Pogue Princess. I answer it anyway, “He-hello?” 
“I want $100,000 in cash or you’ll never see your little girlfriend again,” comes a voice I hoped to never hear again, Luke. 
I quickly run back over to the others and put my phone on speaker, “If you hurt her, I swear- “ 
Sarah pulls her phone out to record as soon as he starts to respond, “You swear? Swear what? What are you gonna do boy?” Shock plasters everyone’s features but he’s not done, “$100k in cash for your girl. You know what? Tell that Routledge boy he owes $100k too. And don’t even think about running to Shoop, soon as I catch wind of him, I’m putting a bullet between her pretty little eyes.” As he hangs up, Sarah ends the video and starts toward the van. 
“Where’re you going?” John B inquires as I stand there frozen in shock and fear. 
“We can take this video to Shoop and then he has no choice than to help us find her,” she answers. 
This shakes me back to reality, “No! He’ll kill her.” 
“He won’t if he has no clue. The police are trained for this sort of thing.” 
“Sarah, we’ll find her and then send Shoop after him. I’m not risking my sister’s life,” John B interjects. 
Sarah looks at us, silently begging us to do what she thinks is the right thing. Having no such luck, she looks to the other three hoping for backup. 
Cleo nods her head as Pope speaks up, “I’m kind of with Sarah here.” 
Kie shrugs, “She’s right They’re trained for this. We’re not.” John B and I look at each other knowing we’re outnumbered and we all head for the Twinkie. 
Part 2 Here
More JJ Maybank Imagines
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buck-obsessed · 9 months
Eddie starts yelling at Buck about how he needs to go to therapy because he died and doesn't recognize Buck sometimes because he won't let Eddie in.
"Well you moved on after you got shot, why can't I move on just the same?! You just don't see me!" Buck shot back. Angry tears are falling down both of their faces and talking through gritted teeth.
Eddie tells Buck with pain dripping from his voice that "I see you, I've always seen you, but now I don't think I know you anymore. You won't let me know you anymore." Buck didn't know what to say to that.
Eddie left Buck's loft but right before he says "You can still see Christopher but we should just be coworkers for now I need some time.." Eddie needs time and space before he can be Buck's best friend again because he isn't sure he knows him anymore.
Eddie then walked to his truck starting to cry to himself as he had basically lost his best friend. Someone he always went to, someone he knew he could rely on. Buck on his couch sobbing as he never thought the words 'I need some time..' would come out of Eddie's mouth towards Buck.
Eddie slammed his hand onto the wheel, the car not making a sound as it's still off. Buck crying on his very uncomfortable couch.
~ ~
They go into work and they don't glance at each other much. During lunch time Buck swapped placed with Hen as to not sit next to Eddie. Chimney, Hen and Bobby all exchanged confused expressions when Buck & Eddie weren't talking and seemed uncomfortable.
Hen pulls Buck to the side and starts asking him questions. "What's up with you today? You don't seem yourself?" Buck looked at her and shrugged. "I'm not sure what you mean, I'm totally fine." Buck replied as he folded his clothes shoving them into his locker and slamming it closed.
Hen looked at him then the locker. "What did that locker do to you?" Hen crossed her arms. "Nothing.." Buck muttered. "Anyway stop acting up." She said walking away. Chimney talked to Eddie but he didn't really talk much, more worked out. (Punching the punching bag)
~ ~ ~
Later on after shift. Eddie’s pacing around his house torn between grabbing the key to bucks house or just staying in. After a good few minutes Eddie grabs the key and opens the front door. His eyes widen in shock.
Buck’s standing there. They look at each other with anger, love & lust before Eddie grabs Buck’s face like it’s something so fucking special. Buck does the same before they kiss and Buck pushes Eddie back as he closes the door behind them. They are full on making out at this point.
(E’s/E) next to the word - Eddie’s / Eddie
(B’s/B) next to the word - Buck’s / Buck
Buck pushes Eddie onto the kitchen counter and starts unzipping their pants and taking them off. As well as both of their shirts.
(They are in just boxers atp)
Buck then carries Eddie to his bedroom then setting Eddie down as he(E) gains dominance. Eddie then pushes Buck onto the bed and gets on top of him. Words wouldn’t describe how badly they both wanted each other at this moment.
~ ~ ~
Their both laying in the bed underneath the messy sheets of Eddie’s bed panting. “You’ve always seen me Eds, even the ugly bits that I don’t want people to see. That’s why I’m so scared. “ Buck says breaking the silence.
Eddie looks at him and gives him a soft kiss. “Buck there’s nothing that’s ugly about you.” He replies as he starts to cuddle Buck. “How many rounds can you go Eds?” Buck says looking at Eddie. “How many do you think?” He chuckles before getting on top of Buck and flipping them so Buck is dominating this time. “Let’s see how well you can top me.” He smirks. It ends there.
(The actual smut stuff will be on wattpad later on. Probs a week cuz school but yh)
Credits: @exhuastedpigeon
Ty for the idea, I loved making this and I hope you liked it!! <33
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writingcold · 8 months
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Hi.  Welcome to Chapter 22.  Hanging in there??  
If you are just joining us, you can find the Master List to the series here
Hugs to the ever lovely @lvnterninthenight, @gardensgatedaisy and @whitesuitjake.  Thank you once more for your assistance, patience and talents.
This is a work of fiction, and is totally mine.  Please do not take it for your own personal use.  I’ve put in hours of research, hours upon hours of writing, re-writing, screaming, yelling and vomiting over this epic of a story.  But it is mine.
Content warning:  Violence, arrests, angst, more angst, uh - yeah.  More angst.  But there is some much needed kindness, too.
Word count: approx. 5800
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Chapter Twenty Two Pt. 1:  Arrests, Anger, Kindness, Sabotage - Cora
     Cora was pouring a glass of water for herself in the back parlor when she heard the receiver slam into the cradle of the phone.  Josh let out a frustrated snarl.  A crash brought her to peek into the office that was just off the parlor.  Everything that had been on the desk was scattering to the floor.  Josh wore a look of fury as he paced back and forth, hands buried in his hair.
     “Joshua?”  she asked, mindful to keep her tone soft and low.
     The anger in his eyes blazed across her frame.  She debated retreating until he flopped into his chair with an exasperated huff and a brash curse on his lips.  Business had to be resumed.  Though it had only been four days since the attack on the family, Jacob was already out on the road with Henry as his second.  They had to move Danny  from the house to the hospital due to signs of infection.  Molly remained at his side, refusing to leave him even to attend to her own needs.  Doctor Boone had to acquiesce and allowed her to stay.  Samuel was still limited to bed rest.  Cora and Mrs. Woods aided through the day, leaving Josh to tend to him at night, though the air between the brothers had grown tight.
      Cora edged into the room, feeling much like a mouse cornered by the cat.  She kept her hands behind her in an effort to stay small as Josh’s eyes latched onto her once more.
     “Joshua?”  she asked again, his name tumbling out of her slowly.
     “Jake’s been arrested,”  he seethed with a hand slap on the desk.  
     Cora froze.  With wide eyes she scarcely could breath in the heated emotion that Josh was sending out across the desk.  Her knees locked her into place while her stomach swirled.  
     “He’s fucking stuck in Manistee!  He’s in holding there,”  he continued as he lit a smoke.  “He never even made it to the goddamned staging.”
     Cora shook her head.  She was already missing something important and in the heat of his anger, it seemed only to further provoke Joshua.
     “His car was empty.  It’s not even for distribution that they have him.  It’s something stupid like reckless driving, excessive speed, disorderly conduct, and whatever else they can tack on him at the moment,”  he growled before covering his face.
     “They won’t hold him for that, will they?”  she asked quietly.
     He rolled his eyes at her.  “No.  But it’ll set him back a few hours.  He won’t make it to the staging before the trucks roll out, which leaves the real possibility that at least a few of them will be caught.  It’s not good.  It’d be enough of a needle that I’m sure Bell set it up.”
     “Jacob will be okay, won’t he?”  
     “Not the first time he’s been caught, but sure as fuck is the first time they are holding him.”
     The weight of the air threatened to crush them both.  Cora folded herself into a chair unable to picture the situation.  “Where’s Henry?”
     Josh shrugged.  “It was Henry who called.  He’s got the Moon waiting outside the courthouse.”
      “That doesn’t make sense,”  she said quietly.  “How much trouble are we talking here?”
      “It’s inconsequential.  Eventually they’ll give him a ticket and be on with it, I’m sure,”  Josh remarked harshly as he reached for his cigarette case.  
      “But he will be alright, won’t he?”  she asked quietly, trying to hide the fact that she was burning a hole in the arm of the chair as she rubbed her fingers back and forth across the crushed velvet over and over in an effort to find calm.
     Josh nodded as he took a long drag of his smoke.  “He will be well.  Holding is just that - they have him in a cell but not in jail.”
     Cora felt a shift as Josh straightened.  A whispered curse drifted from his lips as he met her gaze.
      “I guess it’s a good thing that it was Henry that was with him and not Marcus like I originally wanted.”
      “Why’s that?”  she asked, confused by the statement.
      Josh wiped his hands over his hair with a grimace.  “Marcus, as you are probably aware, is more than a bouncer for our club.”
      “If you mean he’s from the Chicago family, yes,”  she said with a shrug.
      He bit the corner of his lip with a shake of his head.  “I’m not sure how much you know about Beatrice.”
      “Jacob told me about her.  And about what happened.”  She tried to not show the coolness that swept over her frame as he looked at her.  His dark eyes gathered in the understanding.
      Josh nodded once.  “Marcus was sent here as protection from Bea’s father, Sastrato Torello.  He has a skill set that up until now, has been left – unused.”
      “If he was here for Beatrice, why did he stay?”
      “Kind of funny to say a man like that can take a shine to anyone, but I suppose he took a liking to us boys,”  he said with a small grin.  “Torello left him here as an extension of courtesy.  If Marcus was ever crossed by the law, they would catch a very valuable fish, indeed.”
      Her eyes fell down to her fingers as they fidgeted in her lap.  To think that her friend Marcus was anything but the kind man she accepted him to be, made her stomach sour.  She knew he was a hard man.  She knew he was there to protect, but she did not accept that he chose to do harm for liking to do harm.
      She looked up, meeting the warm caramel of Josh’s gaze.  She had not realized that she had fallen silent.
      “Will you be well?”
      She nodded, unable to look past the corner of the desk.
      “The friend you know as Marcus is still the same man, you know,”  he said quietly.  “He might like the four of us, but his softest spot is for you.”
       She closed her eyes as her breath caught.  “I - uh.  I think I’m going to work here throughout the day, if you don’t mind.  I -”
       Josh grinned with a nod.  “How about this - be my lunch date.  You work here this afternoon.  I’ll take care of the bank and shops tonight.  But then you’re with me tonight in the Lantern.”
       She nodded in agreement. “How about I meet you over at the diner.  Rosemary needs me to stop in.  She has offered to help Molly with her business.”
      “That’s very kind of her,”  Josh replied as they started to clean up the scrambled items from the desk.
      Cora looked in on Samuel with Josh at her side, informing him about Jacob being stuck in Manistee.  The notion that there was nothing she could do other than wait was troublesome.  The reality that this was not the first time was news.  Sam pointed out that it was a new police chief in Manistee who was probably looking for either a buy-in to their business or to make a name for himself by being tough on criminal acts. 
      Rosemary was ready by the time she reached the house.  Cora watched as her mother tugged her coat on across her plain dress.  Her face was peaceful as she tucked her handbag under her arm.  
      “I appreciate this, Mother,”  she said before opening the door.
      Rosemary walked at her side around the block to the Wagner home on 6th.  Cora unlocked the door and showed her mother upstairs.  The house was nearly identical to their own with different touches of paint and paper here and there, but the rooms were the same.  She noticed that her mother seemed to take note of it as they went from one room to the other.
      “Molly is a much more serious seamstress than I will ever be,”  Rosemary sighed as her fingers touched the Singer sewing machine with its black paint and bright red flowers with gold trim.  “I hope I don’t mess anything up for her.”
      “She appreciated this offering more than I could ever convey,”  Cora said as she pulled out a stack of suit pants.  
      Cora set out what Molly needed finished quickly that she knew Rosemary could tackle.  She rummaged through the rack of dresses while her mother situated herself.
      “What is the speakeasy like?”  she asked as she set to threading the machine.
      Cora froze.  “Pardon?”
      “Please.  I know you’ve been there.  I hear the ladies at church talk.”
      “I don’t do anything that warrants ‘talk’, Mama,”  she huffed, looking at her over her shoulder.
      “That is true.  But…”
      Cora’s eyes widened.  “What are you insinuating?”
      Rosemary laughed.  Truly laughed as she sat down at Molly’s sewing machine.  “Nothing that young love hasn’t been guilty of in the past, Cora Rosemarie.”
      She pulled a soft gray chiffon from the wardrobe and held it up to study.  The simple neckline and modest length drew her attention, but it was the beadwork that scrolled across the waistline and dripped in delicate tassels that made her nod.  She held it out and her mother grinned in approval.
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Chapter Twenty Two Pt. 2: Molly
     Molly’s routine had been upended.  She had not realized how much she depended on a certain set of marks to pull, trudge, and crawl through her day until Danny landed in the hospital.  There was no force, natural or otherwise, that would pry her from his side.  Not after… that.  The nurses called her rude names out in the hallway, she was sure, but she did not care.  She had shoved a second bed next to her husband’s so that she would not have to leave for any reason.  
      In the basement of the building, her sister lay on a marble slab.  Molly could swear that she could feel Susannah’s presence when the air grew quiet and still.  The stark pain that echoed each heartbeat certainly would never be cured.  The way they had to leave her behind was a sin that she could never amend.  Danny tried to soothe her, despite his injury, despite the lack of strength in his right side, despite his own pain.  She was trying to not be selfish.  She was trying to be supportive of her husband.  But in truth, she could not leave either of her greatest loves who happen to be in different parts of a place that was sheathed in such sorrow.
      A softness entered the room that barely disrupted the tension of the air.  Molly was busy folding her nightdress and trying to put herself back together as Rosemary practically tiptoed into the ward.  Molly was sure she looked a fright in her worn through dress and hair sticking every which way as the woman walked towards them with a bag.
      “Mrs. Janas,”  Daniel said with a quiet greeting.
      She had the same shy smile that Cora would get when she was unsure about a situation.  “Good afternoon.  I hope I am not too forward in my visit,”  she said as she drew closer.
      “I am very happy to see you,”  Molly said as she pointed to a chair to sit.  “I cannot thank you enough for helping me with my accounts, Mrs. Janas.”
      Rosemary blushed as she sat down with the bag in her lap.  “It is the least I can do, Molly.  I wish you would call me Rosemary.”
      Molly felt Danny’s hand brush against her arm with a gentleness that she missed.  “I wish I could offer you -”
      “Actually, I’m here with something for you,”  she said with a smile.  “Cora and I wanted to put together some essentials for you while you’re here.”
      Rosemary held up the bag.  Molly was eager to look inside to find her personal things, fresh linens, a change of dress.  The breath of relief she pushed out came from her toes.  Danny wrapped his hand around her wrist calling her attention.  His dark eyes traced back to their visitor.  It was obvious that there was more, but Rosemary’s straight back and unreadable expression bothered her.
      “I understand that Susannah is here,”  she said quietly so as not to be heard by others in the room.  “Is there no family to care for her?”
      Molly shook her head.  “I’m afraid there’s no other family than us.  And Josh-”
      “Molly,”  Danny spoke up, cutting her off.
      Samuel should have been there the first day he was conscious to claim her, care for her properly.  Joshua would not allow him to leave the house.  Indeed, he had yet to come to the hospital to call on his greatest friend.  Susannah could no longer damage the Kiszka’s fragile reputation any more than having two of the members shot to shit.  She wondered how the eldest brother was indeed spinning the attack on his own family. 
     “Cora told me of the situation.”  Rosemary shifted on her chair, leaning forward so she could be heard.  “Molly, with your blessing, I would like to take responsibility.  I will see to it that she is not in the pauper’s field.  She’ll have her name and be marked proper.”
      “You’d do that for us?”  Molly’s voice wavered and crackled across the few words.
      “It is a kindness that I need to give to her and you all,”  she returned.  “You have meant so much to my family.  So much so that I consider you part of it.”
      “Mrs. Janas… Rosemary, we have some funds, as does Samuel, to put towards the cost.  We just couldn’t-”
      Rosemary smiled gently at Daniel.  “Between us, we’ll make it right.  I’ll go get the process started.”
      Molly plopped down in the chair as Rosemary walked away.  Daniel held her hand through her surprise.  “I’ll be damned.”
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Chapter Twenty Two Pt. 3: Jacob
    He stared at the Moon as she sat parked outside the city hall, sure they had done something to her.  Glaring at the building as if he could burn it down, he slid behind the wheel.  Henry was already sitting in the passenger seat, his thin face blank as he stared out the front window.  Sucking in his bottom lip, Jake shook his head disapprovingly.  There would be no time to truly comb over the bitch to ensure she was not tampered with while the bulls were searching it.  Instead, he shifted hard and raced out of Manistee with a curse on his mouth and venom in his eyes.  
      Henry was stone silent as they raced towards Pickford.  The fuck up in Manistee would be enough to argue over having more drivers to distract from the trucks.  The heat of his anger roiled beneath his facade.  No doubt that Bell had something to do with his delay.  That also meant there was a leak somewhere.  Someone had gummed about the run.  Someone close.
      The best that he was going to be able to do was meet up with one truck - perhaps catch it by Trout Lake and move back from there.  He cursed Danny’s absence.  He could put his friend on a map and know down to the minute of where he could be at any given time.  Henry was a good pistol man, but a map reader he was not.  He settled himself behind the wheel, making sure he squealed out of the city as fast as he could with a giant middle finger and fuck you to the police chief.
     The day had exponentially grown longer.  He caught sight of trucks with officers trailing behind.  He caught sight of marshals that had caught the scent of their booze.  He skittered and stretched and all the while, Henry kept his hand on his exposed gun while Jake worked the Moon back and forth in rapid succession in order to keep the trail of their trucks clear.
     Exhausted.  He knew the word.  Had felt the word.  Even lived the word several times before.  This time however, Jake felt it right down to his bones.  Henry offered little help.  He was not a driver like Danny.  He rode the passenger side the entire way with little to offer other than a hard fist and fast, sure nature when it came to fighting.  He had been able to catch the bulk of the trucks, discovering three of them had been captured, their cargo destroyed publicly and drained down into the sewer in Gulliver, a few miles from the second staging area where everyone would regroup for the night.  Jake had even ventured into the town to watch the spectacle.  
      “I wonder if these folks realize that their leaders have kept a dozen of those cases back,”  Jake said with a hard tone.
     “Fuckers,”  Henry said as he breathed out a plume of smoke.  
     It was close to two in the morning on day eleven of the run when Jake maneuvered the Moon into the garage at home in Kingsford.  Henry tipped his hat before silently leaving him to collect his things and head for home.  He had reservations about walking into the house after being gone for so many days.  The notion of something happening to the family in his absence had echoed through his thoughts the entirety of the run.  A look at his wrist watch told him that Josh would most likely still be at the Lantern.  He debated with himself as he tugged the garage door closed.
      “Told you, lovely, he’d be back tonight,”  Josh’s voice drifted behind him.
      He turned to find Cora on Josh’s arm.  The moonlight and flicker of the gas lamps ghosted across her skin in a manner that gave him a peace he found that he was more than ready for.  His fingers jittered at his sides as she seemed to tighten her hold on his brother’s hand.  
      “All is well, Jacob.  I assure you,”  Josh said before looking at her with a smile.  “Isn’t it, Cora?”
      She nodded.  “We’ve kept each other safe and sound.”
      “How about we walk your fella home and I’ll get you home after -”
      “Thank you, but no,”  he finally said, reaching for his girl with a firm hand.  “I got this, Joshua.”
      His twin grinned as he waved at them to be off then.  Jake could not help but to wrap his hand around Cora’s hip and tugging in her close.  He released a breath that he was sure he had been holding for nearly twelve days.  The notion that Bell would strike at any time, perhaps while he was on a run to lessen the load was a possibility that chilled him.  The threat to his brothers was enough to put him on alert.  But the threat to Cora placed a fear in his skin that he could not tolerate.  
     “Are you well?”  she asked as they walked towards Park street.
     He nodded.  “It was a long stretch.”
     “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Joshua so angry.”
     “I don’t think I’ve ever been so angry,”  he remarked, tightening his hold on her hip to bring her flush against his side.  “And then to watch a couple thousand dollars be dumped down the gutter like it was a party was just stupid.”
      The sight of the absolute show of pride in their leaders for capturing ‘evil’ on their roads and making a grand moment of it made Jake sick to his stomach.  Even sicker than watching those few kids at the end of the gutter row that were scooping up the dirty liquor to put into cups to sell later on.  
      “Mama has decided to take care of Susannah.  We’re going to have services on Saturday,”  she said quietly as they drew in close to her house.  
       Jacob smiled sadly.  “That is terribly kind.”
      Cora turned against him.  “It’s what Josh should have allowed Samuel to do.”
      “You are right in that manner.  It has bruised Sam a bit because of it.”
      Coming to her front door, Jake caught a shadow down the street of a car that did not belong.  The inkyness left him unsettled.  He could see the bright red glow of a cigarette for a moment before disappearing out the driver’s window.  His stomach twisted as she leaned into him.
      “Get inside and lock the door,”  he whispered as he moved away from her.
      She paused but did as she was told when he waved his hand back at her.  His steps were measured as he walked towards the foreign vehicle.  It was a T-Model, but it was not the Lizzie that Bell drove.  As he drew closer, he realized it was one of the sheriff deputies.  
      “Jake,”  Sheriff Moore called.
      “Sheriff,”  he said as the man walked towards him.  “Trouble?”
      “That Tin Lizzie you told me about was in town tonight,”  he said, leaning against the car. 
      “How many in it?”  Jake asked before lighting a smoke.
      “Four,”  Martin Moore answered as his deputy held out a paper for him to read over.  “Beckett here saw the pistols, didn’t you?”
      The driver nodded.  “I think they had a tommy gun in there as well.  They were pretty shifty when I was talking with them but they left town after,”  the deputy explained.
      “You followed them out?”  Jake asked, eyes hard on the sheriff.
      “Yes, sir.  I followed them all the way to Granite Bluff.”
      Jake ran his tongue along the corner of his lips.  “Mrs. Janas has decided to have burial services for Susannah on Saturday.  There’s no way that I can ask for assistance, but the four of us will be wide open…”
      “I’ll have Beckett here be at the cemetery.  Richardson, too,”  Martin said with a pat on his arm.  “You think they’re comin’?”
      Jake nodded as he took a long drag.  “It’s going to be soon, too.  I better go tell Cora it’s fine.  Can’t have that woman thinking you’re out here beating the tar out of me.” 
     He barely tapped on her door before it flew open and she was in his arms.  He breathed her in as her frame melted against him.  He could see Rosemary in the shadows with a slow wave.  Cora didn’t even bother with decorum and kissed him in front of her mother and the men down the street.  He smiled against her heat and settled for drifting away slowly.
      “Stay?”  she whispered as his hands drifted down her arms.  
      It was difficult to tell her ‘no’, so he didn’t.  Rosemary was already back in their shared bedroom with the door clicking closed.  Cora immediately went to the kitchen to make tea for them to settle into the night.  Jake hung his coat and hat, all the while making sure the house was secure.   His brain was taking stock in what needed to be finished before Bell arrived back in town once more.  When Cresci did make their presence known to them, it would be more than just Bell.  It would be a storm consisting of the U.S. Marshals and Sheriff Porter.  Porter, according to rumor, was newly added to the federal payroll as a special consultant to the agents in the region.  It was going to be a hard rock to crawl out from under. 
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 Chapter Twenty Two Pt. 4: Cora 
      Friday morning Cora found herself sliding the key into the heavy lock on the shop door.  She had told Joshua that she would take care of opening so that he could figure out the damage that the last run had incurred on the expectations of the family down south.  The sound of her shoe heels tapped solidly across the floor as she headed towards the office.  The squeak of the front floorboard captured her attention before she could unlock her next task.  Cora turned to find Renee standing in the doorway, her eyes full of something that she did not quite understand.
     “Hello, friend,”  she called as she pushed open the office door.
     “I wasn’t expecting you this morning,”  Renee replied, her voice stiff.
     Cora opened the safe and pulled out the money pouch and ledgers for the register.  Ducking back into the main space, she smiled wide.  “Oh, Mr. Kiszka had some meetings this morning, so I volunteered to be here.  It’s been a while, Renee.  I’ve been so busy with the bank accounts that I’ve been missing you.  How are you?”
      She settled in to setting up the register, glancing at the shop girl when she did not immediately answer.  “Are you well, Renee?  I heard some nice things floating around town about a certain Mr. George Winchell.”
      It was rumored that Renee was engaged to the butcher’s son.  Cora had had intentions of talking to her friend, but with all of life happening, there just had not been the time to really stop.  She halted in her count of the coins to look - really look at Renee.  The woman who was only older than her by two years, stood with scared eyes and trembling hands.
      “Renee?”  Cora asked, shifting her attention from her work and walking closer.  
     She could not identify the tightness that shimmered between them, but something was definitely off with her friend.  The smile was absent.  The work minded eyes were not present.  The woman swallowed hard and made to move away but instead her shoulders slumped and her face paled.  She reached out, touching Renee’s arm gently in search of capturing her gaze.  Cora felt her heart slosh around as tears prickled in her friend’s eyes.
      “Renee,”  she said softly, tightening her fingers in reassurance.  “You are safe here.  Talk to me.”
      Renee released a fractured breath that left her frightened.  “Cora, I’m so sorry,”  she started, her flesh quivering under Cora’s hold.  “I’m so, so very sorry.  I misstepped.  I…”
      Cora’s skin began to crawl with panic.  She shoved the emotions down to the depths of her belly to keep her calm.  The poor woman before her was falling apart and did not need anything that could startle and harm.  “Let’s go sit in the office-”
       She shook her head hard as her eyes flared.  
      “Fine.  It’s fine, Renee.”  She blew out a breath before rubbing the woman’s arm.  “Tell me what has you so jumbled up.  Is it your engagement?”
      She shook her head again as she wiped at her cheeks.  “Cora, a man came to me months ago.”
      Cora froze, eyes turning hard as she took into account the words.
      “A man came to me, and at first I thought he was a friend to George.  He was so familiar.  He knew things.”  Fat tears leaked from her gray eyes.  Remorse mixed and blended with her fear.  “Lord, Cora, he knew things that he shouldn’t have and he twisted them.  He said that he would hurt George, that he’d hurt me in ways that would make the Devil seem like a friend.  He said if I didn’t tell him the comings and goings of Mr. Kiszka and the others, he would end everything.  He said if I said anything to anyone, he would take off George’s skin-”
      She choked out a rough sob as she bent forward.  Cora did her best to hold on, allowing the woman to use her body for support.  Her brain was already running ahead.  If it had been weeks, if Renee was telling this man information for months…  A shiver in her lungs bled through and up her throat.  
     The bell on the door startled both of them.  Jacob’s face instantly reflected his concern as the two women cowered together.  Right behind him, Mrs. Anthony stepped in.  He turned to her and quietly told her to start right away getting the shop opened.  
      “Cora,”  he said gently, waving her to bring Renee to the office.
      Renee would not move.  She wrapped her arm across the woman’s shoulders.  “It will be well.  Let’s get this sorted.  Trust in me.  It will be well.”
     He stopped her with a touch as Renee walked before them.  Cora caught him up, ignoring how his eyes hardened with an anger that she knew would be fast to pass.  It was obvious that Renee had been the source of…
     Susannah.  Her friend’s face drifted through her mind as Renee repeated what she had already said, her voice trembling in jagged, fearful bursts.  Jacob, though his eyes were intense on the words, his body was soft, lending a supportive touch to coax more out of the shop clerk.  
      “My fault,”  she strained with both hands over her face.  “I’m so, so sorry.  I was so afraid and when she was in the shop that morning talking about a picnic with Mr. Samuel and Mr. Daniel, it made me sick to have to tell him.”
      Cora turned away to hide her emotions.  She listened as Jacob tried to soothe, but Renee’s cries intensified.  Her apologies came heavy with remorse and her words were laced with helplessness.  There was no true way to believe that mal intent was present.  Clearing her throat, she gathered her wits up from the floor and put her emotions to the side.  The girl was in need of help.  She did not need harshness and blame.
      Jacob was chewing the inside of his cheek as Renee continued to talk about being pressed, even within the store with demands of information.  She said that most of it was just whether Mr. Kiszka was at the bank, or if Mr. Daniel and Mr. Samuel were in the dancehall.  But then there were times, like when she overheard that Mr. Jacob was heading out on the state road 12 east for his trip that flooded Cora with a burn she did not want to feel towards her friend.  Her eyes flicked to him.  Bell had alluded to being in the Lantern.  He had alluded he had known things about them.  Inside, her brain wanted to scream and yell and gnash teeth across words that did not come easily from her mouth.  And yet, he was calm.  No storm was gathering at his fringes.  Instead her Jacob was exuding an empathy.
      “Renee,”  he said with a firm voice, “I want you to go and gather a few weeks worth of things for yourself.  I will go and find George.  I think some time away from here will aid in keeping things safe for you.”
      Renee was shaking her head.  “It doesn’t matter where we go, they will find us.”
      “I do not want you to worry about that.  Just go and get a bag.  I’ll have George to you at the station in an hour,”  Jacob said calmly, his eyes full of strength.
      “But what about work?”  she sniffled, her face blotchy with grief.  “I can’t leave Mrs. Anthony alone.”
      “I will see to business, Renee.  Worry not about this place,”  Cora said with a nod.  “It’s more important to get you and George someplace safe.”
      Renee seemed to allow relief to sweep through her.  She stood and Jacob smiled warmly at her as she made for the office door.  Cora was about to follow her out, but he caught her hand tugging to make her wait.  He waited until the bell on the door dinged to pull her closer still.
      “I will have Marcus in this office the entire day,”  he said quietly, each word firm with his resolve.  
      She swallowed hard.  “You think whoever Renee was talking to is still in town?”
      He nodded.  “In all likelihood, this little interaction was watched.  The best thing that we can do is pretend that it was nothing.  We’ll plant the word that the two ran off to elope.  End of story.”
      He stepped closer to her, his fingers folding within her own as he brushed his lips against her cheek.  “Stay behind that register.  Let Mrs. Anthony do all the floor work.  Do you understand?  I’ll get Renee and George out of here and then get to Josh.”
      She nodded as she breathed in some of his strength.  He smiled before he kissed her at the hairline.  Cora watched as he left as if nothing had just transpired.  She went back to the register with an explanation that Renee decided to begin her life with George right away.  Mrs. Anthony looked at her with a dour flick of her eyebrow.  Cora shrugged and remarked that they would begin looking to hire a new shop clerk in the coming days.
      Cora was busy with customers as Marcus walked through the front door.  He nodded to her as he walked towards the office.  She ignored Mrs. Anthony’s suspicious glance in her direction as the man disappeared into the private space of the Kiszka/Wagner’s business.  The hard man’s steady presence offered a ghostly support to last through the day in a web of safety that she clung to.  At the noon hour, she realized that Henry was speaking to a man across the street, their faces taut with awareness.  Jacob was placing a perimeter around her, protecting her, watching over her.  The rest of the day held a tension that was just beyond the glass of the shop windows.  
      Mrs. Anthony was brisk as she was gathering her things to leave the shop when Jacob and Joshua finally appeared.  
     “Oh, Mrs. Anthony,”  Joshua remarked with a wave of his hand.  “I’ll be looking for a new shop clerk starting tomorrow.  If you know of anyone…”
     Jacob stopped before her, his fingers looping around her own.  For the first time that day, she felt like her lungs finally took in a full breath.  She could hear Marcus talking but her whole focus was before her.  Her Jacob.  The warmth of his body leached into her as he wrapped around her with words of comfort.  The pending day was beginning to weigh heavily, made all the more so with Renee’s admission.  She breathed in his scent as her eyes rolled closed.
      “I have you, Finch,”  he whispered.  “I got Renee and George on their way to Toronto.  She’ll be safe.  He has family there to start fresh.”
      “She didn’t mean to betray.”  The words were so fragile they were falling apart against her tongue.
      Jacob looked down at her.  The corner of his mouth stretched a fraction as he traced the line of her bottom lip.  “We know.  It’s on us that we didn’t think that they would be so bold.  I won’t make that mistake again.”
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Whew.  Three more chapters and an epilogue to go.  I do hope you are enjoying this fast ride.
I have a taglist if you would like, you can find it here or just leave me a comment to join.
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babeydollx · 2 years
Okay so first congratulations I’m so happy for you & adore your writing 💓 I was wondering if you can write 2 & 5 with Rafe!
Good Enough To Eat
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Warnings: cursing, smut, unprotected sex, reader being kind of innocent, 
Pairings: Rafe Cameron x Female Kook Reader
Summary: In which Y/N wears an outfit that drives Rafe wild.
2. "I really don't care. You still look hot and I'm trying to not fuck you senselessly right now." 
5. "Are you trying to turn me on or are you really that oblivious?"
Requested: yes
Word Count: 1.3k
© Maybanks-Luver, please do not steal or translate my work
You were getting ready to go to the country club with your boyfriend Rafe. It was your one year anniversary with Rafe and he had a few things in store for you for the special day. You were excited to see what he had in store for the two of you.
Rafe was always the best at planning things for dates, movie nights, special occasions, birthdays, he even knew how to make just a casual hang out seem romantic and fun. You walked to your closet and pulled a dress out of the closet.
You had just bought the dress a few days ago and you were saving it for today. You loved it and you were really excited to wear it but, you were even more excited to see Rafe's reaction to the dress. You had a feeling that he was going to like it.
You got the dress on, the material molded perfectly to your body. You looked in the mirror to see how you looked in your new dress. It hugged your curves perfectly and it overall made you look gorgeous.
Once you were ready you sat down on your bed and grabbed your phone, going on your phone while waiting for Rafe to come and pick you up.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You were looking out your window and saw Rafe pull up in the black truck. You smiled to yourself and grabbed your phone. You gently tossed your phone into your purse before slipping your heels on and hurrying downstairs.
He rang the door bell and you opened the door moments later. A smile spread across your face when you saw Rafe standing there. He had brought you a big bouquet of roses and a cute stuffed animal. He was wearing a suit which looked so hot on him.
He bit your lip as he looked you up and down. You moved to the side and motioned for him to come inside. As he came inside, you closed the door but, before you could do anything else Rafe had you pinned against the door.
"I- Rafe!" You squealed. "What are you-" Before you could finish your sentence his lips were on yours. The kiss was rough and full of lust. His hand slid up your body and wrapped around your throat as the two of you made out. 
You were lost in the kiss, enjoying every fucking minute of it until you remembered that you were going to be late for your dinner reservations. You gently pushed Rafe off of you and he looked at you confused. 
"Why did you maul me like that?" You asked with a soft chuckle. He corked his brow and let out a confused chuckle. 
"Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?" He asked. 
"I- look.. we should really get to the restaurant. We don't want to be late." You said
"Who cares if we are late? I'd much rather have you for dinner." Rafe said as he bit his lip. 
"Come on, Rafe." You chuckled. "It's our one year anniversary, we can always come back home and get it on later." You laughed. He huffed, a little disappointed but, he knew your were right. The two of you could make love anytime, he had planned this special night for you so, he should stick to it.
"Okay, okay, you're right. Let's go, princess." He said with a smile. You smiled and took his hand as the two of you walked out of the house.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
While you were eating your meal at the restaurant you could feel Rafe's eyes all over you. He was practically eye fucking you right now. Why was he so hot and bothered? You hadn't done anything to make him horny. After eyeing your breasts for awhile, his gaze finally met yours. You tilted your head and corked your brow.
"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" You whispered.
"Because of that fucking dress. You look good enough to eat." He mumbled. You could feel your cheeks becoming flushed at his comments. You tried to compose yourself so you could answer him. 
"I- Rafe... people can hear us." You mumbled. 
"I really don't care. You still look hot and I'm trying not to fuck you senselessly right now." He mumbled. Your eyes widened when he said that. He noticed and just smirked. "Trust me, it's really hard to keep control. All I want to do right now is rip that fucking dress off of your body, bend you over this table and fuck you in front of everyone here." He mumbled. 
"Rafe!" You whispered. He just flashed you a devilish smirk and then got up out of his seat. He walked over to your side of the table and then gently pulled you out of your seat. Before you could protest or say anything, Rafe pulled you away going to the washroom.
He gently shoved you into the washroom and then locked the door behind him. You turned around to see him looking you up and down. Before you could do anything, Rafe came over to you and kissed you passionately.
Instead of fighting it you decided to let him have you. You tangled your fingers in his hair as the two of you made out. Rafe broke kiss for a moment only to hoist you up onto the sink. You giggled softly when he did so.
You grabbed the collar of his shirt and tugged him back over to you before kissing him again. You locked your legs around his waist as the two of you made out passionately. After a few minutes he pulled away before pushing your dress up your legs.
He tore your panties down your legs and shoved the fabric into his pocket. He then unbuckled his belt and shoved his slacks and boxers down his legs. He positioned himself between your legs before thrusting into you.
You gasped and dug your nails into his shoulders as he bottomed out. His lips attached to your neck once he started to thrust into you. You bit your lip, trying your best not to let any moans escape your lips but, you were unsuccessful.
Rafe halted his movements momentarily only to grab your lace panties out of his pocket, ball them up and shove them into your mouth. Your moans were muffled as he began to fuck you once again.
He sped up his pace, going faster and faster until he was fucking you at an ungodly pace. You moaned out loudly, almost screaming, your moans muffled by the gag in your mouth. His lips were once again attached to your neck.
He kissed along your neck before sucking on your sweet spot. You could feel the coil inside of your tightening and you knew that you were about to cum any second now. You clenched around Rafe's cock, signaling to him that you were about to cum.
"Come on, cum. Cum for me, princess." He said as he groaned out. With that your eyes rolled back and your legs began to shake as you gushed around his cock. He thrusted into you a few more times before coming himself, shooting his load deep inside of you.
He stayed inside of you for a moment, catching his breath, before pulling out of you. He pulled your panties out of your mouth and you tried to catch your breath. He bit his lip when he saw his cum seeping out of your pussy.
He took two of his fingers and scooped the mixed cum up before forcing it back into you. You whimpered as he did so. After the two of you had caught your breaths and composed yourselves, you were both ready to go back out.
"Okay Rafe, I need my panties back." You laughed.
"Nope. You're not going to need them later." Rafe said and winked at you. You bit your lip and could already feel your arousal pooling between your legs again. You had a feeling that you weren't going to get much sleep tonight.
a/n: I hope y'all enjoyed this fic!
Taglist: @pankowforlife @lovedetlost @onmykneesforrafe @gillybear17 @smokingbeersdrinkingweed @kaelibaby @luversgirl @dudenhaaa27 @rafecameronswhore @ceceswriting @vintageobx @n-kkpoly @vashappeningkevin @milkiane @masteroperator @clairdemoony @my-baexht-ls
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Can I ask for modern Agni x reader. They are moving and it's stressing them both out but they still vary sweet towards each other? :3
I'm projecting, sorry!
listen, sometimes I project so hard my middle name should be IMAX lol
I hope things are better and less stressful for you now!! <3
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“Jaan? Do you remember what box we put our marriage license in?”
You let out a soft groan as you look up, leaning against the box you’re currently trying to tape up. “I don’t know, uh… we already put the boxes with paperwork on the truck, didn’t we? It’s probably in one of those. Why?”
AGNI shakes his head as he pockets his cell phone. “The bank somehow lost the copy we gave them for the loan. I asked the woman on the other end how that was possible, but I don’t think she was allowed to say anything other than, ‘My apologies, sir. The matter has been dealt with and everything will still go through fine, but we do need another copy for our records.’”
“Some stupid intern probably shredded it.” You let yourself flop backward onto the floor, cursing yourself for not just leaving all the furniture in this old house. If you did, at least you would have landed on something soft. “What did you tell her? There’s no way we can find it now; we only have the truck for long enough to pack our stuff on, go across town, and unpack it into the new place.”
He sits down beside you with a sigh. “I asked how soon they needed it. She told me that as long as we could get it to them in the next week or two, that would be fine. And at least it doesn’t mean they take our loan away.”
“Well, how could they even? Everything went through and we’ve already put the down payment on the house. We already used the loan to pay it. I think if they tried to run our account into the negative for that, I’d go over to the bank. I’d stand there shouting that they’re crooks at every single other customer who came in until they fixed it.”
“No, you wouldn’t. You’re too nice for that.” He chuckles, lying down next to you. “… But it would be tempting. For Kali’s sake, does it all really have to be so complicated? It seems like moving should be easier than it is.”
You feel him lean over to kiss your neck, wrapping arms around you, and despite how ungodly hot it is today, you cuddle into him. A moment to take a break from all this bullshit is sorely needed. “Where did Soma go, anyway? Isn’t he supposed to be helping us?”
“Mh… he went to go get lunch. He said he wanted to treat us to tikka masala. But he’s been gone for, like, half an hour…”
“For fuck’s sake.” Even as you say it, you’re starting to laugh. “How much do you want to bet he’s flirting with that girl at the counter?”
“And striking out,” Agni adds with a laugh of his own.
“Soooomaaaaaaa,” you call to nobody, fully aware that he’s several kilometers away and there’s no chance he could hear you. “Get back here! Stop trying to get a date with that poor girl! We’re tired and hungry and you better have something for the truck driver too, for making him wait!”
The two of you lie there for what feels like a long minute, before you muffle a hum of displeasure against Agni’s shoulder. “I don’t want to get up. Why can’t all the stuff just pack itself and then the boxes can stack themselves onto the truck?”
“Because this isn’t a Disney short film about moving house?” His shoulders shake with laughter, and he squeezes his arms around your waist. “Once we get into our new house, I say we don’t even start unpacking tonight. We just get all the boxes inside, leave them for a bit, and take a long bath. Then we go to bed early and cuddle.”
“Don’t talk like that. Now I don’t even want to get up and finish. I just want time to fast forward so we can do that.”
His smile is your guiding light as he tugs you to sit up with him. “Come on, my love. We’ll be there before you know it.”
Before either of you can do anything else, the front door sounds like it slams open… followed by Soma shouting, “Hey, guys!! I have food and good news! I’ve got a date tomorrow!”
You and Agni look at each other… then dissolve into a fit of giggles as you hold onto one another.
Moving is a pain in the ass, but at least you know it’s going to be worth it.
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