#vincent Nigel-Murray x reader
cupidmydarling · 11 months
Just found out Vincent Nigel-Murray has ADHD (like me) and now I understand why I love him so much.
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shelbgrey · 11 months
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Vincent Nigel-Murray Aesthetic
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luv-loo · 1 year
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Study Date & Kisses
Masterpost || Bones Masterlist
Vincent Nigel-Murray x Fem!reader
Summary: Y/N’s having trouble with their uni assignment, luckily the classes Fun-Facts guy has decided to help. The same guy Y/N may or may not have a crush on..
Warnings: Swearing, some of info may not be 100% accurate.
Notes/Anything Else: Another repost, I promise I’m gonna other stuff ! I really like this fic, but be warn that Y/N comes off pretty pissy in this fic, but for good reason ! I’m promise Y/N still nice. I love this series so expect some more fics of them in the future <3
° Tagging — @topguncultleader
The times currently 9:30pm, your eyes check tiredly to the screen of your laptop. The library closes in an hour and you’ve barely gotten half way in your assignment that’s due tomorrow afternoon.
The idea of going home makes you smile, but you know well that once you shut the front door your heading straight for your bed and sleep for the next two days.
That’s why your pushing through, multiple sickly sweet energy drinks as your right hand companion and the will to past this last assignment for the month, but this is just tedious. You much rather work directly with bones and the now of technology, than the history of how scientists and doctors discovered and identify bone parts from the 17th century. A fact you’ll never dare tell Dr Brennan.
So you’ve been putting this off. A dumb idea on your end. Making more time at the Jeffersonian was great, but breaks should of been made for finishing off these rather than chatting with Hodgins or watching Angela reconstruct the victims face while she talks about what type of past they might of had. You look back to the clock. 9:45pm. “Just great.” You whisper to yourself. Seconds felt like minutes.
You looked around the library. Barely anyones there. It’s quiet, besides soft footsteps, paper flipping and tapping on keyboards from other students. Your screen went black, so you pressed the on button to re-type your password. Soft footsteps were coming closer behind you. Your head snapped towards the sneaky stepped behind you.
“Woah! Hey, Y/N, don’t give me that look.” A British voice said, his hands in a defensive pose.
You quickly, tried to, soften your face while you pinched your nose. You sighed and looked back at him.
“Sorry Vincent. I’m just tired..” you yawned and looked back at him. “Do you need anything? Do you wish to trade my shift with Dr Brennan again?”
“Uhh… did you know the timing of our need for sleep is based on two things. The first is how long we have been awake. The second is our bodies clock. If we stay awake all night we will feel more tired at 4am than at 10am.  Scientists call the time between 3am and 5am the ‘dead zone’. It’s when our body clock makes us ‘dead’ tired.” Vincent smiled, making a small pointing jester with his pointer finger.
You raised your eyebrow. It’s not that you hate his facts, knowing that is his way of communicating comfortably (for some reason), but it’s currently 9:52 and you feel like your eyes are getting darker by the second.
“Can we skip to your point, Vincent? If I’m not mistaken you are usually in bed at this hour.” It came out harsher than you wanted, making Vincent subconsciously grab onto his laptop cases strap. Twisting it in his hands, making you cringe a little.
“Um, well, you see.. I notice that you hadn’t completed the latest assignment—“
“—What gave that away?” ‘Stop being pissy’, you think to yourself.
Vincent bit his lip, and nodded.
“Yo-your laptop is open and your in the library at 9:59pm on a Thursday. Our Assignment, that we’ve had two weeks to complete, is due tomorrow.” You gave him a weary look.
“Right… you were being sarcastic.” It was almost like he was shrinking in his shoes at that point.
You’re about to punch yourself at this point. The Brit’s obviously here to help, but because your tired ass is deciding to be mean he’s melting from nerves. Vincent was always the one to ask questions on any part of the project he didn’t understand or just wanted extra info on. His hand is always up during lectures to the point where the teachers just tell him to write all the ones he has down and than hand them a list at the end.
After all the questions he asked got answered he would hand most of the class pieces of paper with those answers. “Just in case I had asked something that you wanted to know and you didn’t write it down quick enough!” His normal answer when you ask.
You sigh at those memories, and point towards to the seat next to you.
“You may help Mr Nigel-Murray.” You smile as his eye light up a bit. Vincent went to sit down, pulling out the chair when he stops.
“Are you sure you want me to help you, Y/N.” His cheeks are a bit rosey red, it stands out from his pale, British, skin.
You chuckle a bit and shake your head. “Your not only here to help, I’m about to lose my sanity with my fourth energy drink. I could use the company.”
“Alrighty, Mrs L/N. I’ll keep you the company you need.” Vincent sits down and puts his laptop case on top of the table, pulling his laptop out before placing it on his chair like a bag. You smirk as you turn back to your laptop and re-enter your password once again.
“How far have you gotten?”
“Up to when the Andean Villagers strung up their dead’s bones like some festival decorations. This part is really boring honestly—“
Vincent slaps down a piece of paper, louder with how quiet it was.
“You find them boring? I rather find them very knowledgeable in the history to those people.” Vincent says, taking out two papers, fill to the brim with writing, and set them besides you. You grin as you take hold of a half empty can of a strawberry energy drink and take a swift. Before taking it back from your lips and turning it a bit in your hand.
“You all enjoy those things, well maybe besides Colin, but I don’t really. I study criminology so I can work on the front lines of a case. I take this class to help better my understanding, but some of this stuff kind of ticks me off. You know?” You finish your tired speech and place your can back down, facing towards Vincent.
You look up to see him with red cheeks again, but he’s staring straight at you. Your own cheeks heat up a bit, because god those eyes. His bluish-grey tinted eyes are just cute.
You shake your head. ‘Not when I have work to be done, Y/N!’ You angrily thought to yourself. Crush later, work now. ‘God..’
“I completely understand! I have certain things I do not enjoy others may. But when it comes to work I believe it’s best you priorities it. Even if it’s to your distain.” He smiled, god that smile. And god that accent. You never thought an accent could suit someone, until you heard Vincent Niguel-Murray.
“Well, as you Brits would say, let’s crack on.” You say, placing your hands on your laptop.
Vincent laughed.
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It’s currently 10:47 pm on a Thursday night.
You and Vincent are packing up the paper, books and your laptops so you could leave quicker. You’ve completed the work, a little half-assed, but it’ll make sure you pass.
As you both start walking to the door Vincent turns towards you.
“Hey, um… Y/N, if you’ll like, I mean, if you have any more trouble, you can always send me an email. I wouldn’t mind helping you out more.” His voice goes up one octave as he asked. You internally scream as your heart starts picking up pace. You both reach the front door to the Library, Vincent opens it and lets you walk through first. God your cheeks must been bright.
“I could just give you my number, so if you just wanna hang out that’s alright with me.” You say as you turn and stop. Taking out your phone from your pocket.
“That’ll be alright.” Is that another octave higher?
Vincent shuts the door and takes out his own phone. Opening the message app, you gently go and take his phone. You quickly put in your number and text it to your phone and hand it back to him. He looks down and his face turns beet red in an instant.
“Uh, Y/N, why did you save your name as ‘Y/N: Needer of help’?” He laughs a little as he looks up. You smile and walk up to him, getting inches to his face, you’re about the same height, and give him a peck on the cheek before stepping back.
“Because I’ll call you whenever I need help with anything.” You give him a wink and turn to start walking away, smirking while your heart thumps like crazy.
Vincent watches as you walk away, your bag bouncy a bit and your ponytail swinging. He reaches up and touches the spot you kissed him and his face becomes redder than fresh blood on a corpse.
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number-0-iz · 1 year
I made a Bones discord server so if you want to join, let me know!
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h0nkch0c0late · 9 months
Vincent Nigel-Murray x Reader
WARNING: season 6 spoilers!!! Angst, character death, mentions of blood
SUMMARY: You always loved rainstorms. Now? You felt like one. And this time, you weren't so sure you liked it.
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It all happened so fast.
One moment, he was taking the phone from Booth, waiting for the 5th ring.
The next, he was being tackled to the ground by Booth in a panic.
"We're fine." Booth had said as he slowly began to lift himself up.
But as I walked closer to them, I could see the blood begin to spill from beneath Vincent's body.
I froze. My heart began to beat 10× faster than usual, my breathing heavy.
Dr. Brennan raced over, and the two of them began to panic. They were telling him to keep his eyes open, talking to him and trying to help him stay alive.
Before I knew it, my feet unconsciously began to drag me towards them, tears beginning to fight their way past my eyes as I crouched down, lifting his head into my lap.
I held his face in my hands, my thumbs rubbing gentle circles as I tried my best to fight the tears back, to prove to him that he'd be okay.
He looked back and forth between Booth, Brennan, and I as he continued to stutter out his words of desperation.
"I..pl-please dont-just don't make me go." He begged, his eyes meeting mine.
"No one's making you go anywhere, Vince. You can stay here as long as you like because you're going to be fine, okay?" I choked out, one hand letting go of his face and going through his hair.
I could feel Brennan and Booth's eyes staring at me, whether it was shock, sadness, or both I couldn't tell. But I knew this was the first time they had ever seen me so desperate... the first time they had ever seen my cry.
It's funny, really, I hadn't noticed I had let a few tears slip. I was so focused on keeping Vincent alive that I didn't care what I looked like.
"I-I don't want to go, I love-it's been lovely." Vincent stuttered, his breathe slipping away.
I could feel his head getting heavier on my lap, his skin feeling colder against my fingertips as Booth was saying something I couldn't quite make out.
My ears were ringing as I kept staring into Vincent's eyes.
But he wasn't staring at me anymore, He was staring through me. I wasn't met with the same comforting eyes he always gave me. Instead, they were cold. Dead.
Suddenly, someone started to scream bloody murder. I couldn't tell who.
Was it brennan? Me?
My eyes finally moved up towards brennan and Booth, and my question was answered.
I was the one screaming. And i couldn't stop. I couldn't stop the dam in my eyes from breaking, and the screaming couldn't be silenced.
Suddenly I felt myself getting wrenched up from the ground, but I didn't want to leave him. Ever.
I tried to fight against whoever was holding me in place, but it was no use.
They were trying to tell me to calm down, but I couldn't. Vincent was dead, and I was alone again.
How could I ever be calm about that?
Before I knew it, we were all sitting at the little conference room thingy where Booth and Sweets would usually meet with families and suspects in.
I had been zoned out, the image of Vincent bleeding out repeating over and over in my head.
It felt like there was a rainstorm in my body, sadness pelting through me heavily, soaking my entire existence.
Usually, I loved rainstorms. They gave me a sense of comfort. The soft patter of raindrops against the windows...covered in a blanket, snuggled up against Vince on the couch.
But now...this rainstormy feeling isn't so nice. And I hate it.
I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard the door swing open. It was Booth,
"So...Brodsky got away." He began, "He was on a construction crane when he took the shot. We recovered the bullet casing." He showed the empty bullet casing to everyone as he leaned against an empty chair.
I only took a glance at it. Part of me didn't WANT to see the thing that killed my boyfriend.
He then threw it down onto the table, "it was an amazing shot."
"How did Broadsky see into the lab?" Brennan questioned.
"Thermal imaging." Booth looked down at the table, "he aimed for the guy who picked up the phone."
"He meant to kill you." Cam nodded.
"I'm the one who gave vincent the phone. I told him to pick it up." Booth stated, eyes moving towards Cam.
"You didn't know. I mean, there's no use..." Sweets tried to therapize.
I rolled my eyes, my hands clutching to the armrests of the chair I was sitting in. I could feel the anger starting to boil, turning my rainstorm of emotions into a giant thunderstorm. I knew that Booth wasn't to blame, but my views were skewed. I should be blaming Broadsky because he's the one who murdered Vincent, but... I felt as though if I looked at Booth even once, I'd try to kill him.
"I don't blame myself for this, Sweets."
God... even hearing him speak makes me wanna claw him to death.
"-I blame the guy who pulled the trigger."
Sweets nodded, "Okay."
"You still have blood on your hands." Brennan mentioned.
Booth looked away.
"Booth, she, she means literally."
As I looked to his hands, Brennan was right. Booth still had some of Vincent's blood on his hands. Somehow, that was my breaking point.
I jumped up from my chair, clenching my jaw as I quickly walked, stopping beside Booth. "No, actually, it is your fault. You could have given the phone to ANYONE else. But you chose Vincent. It is your fault. And I hate you deeply for it."
Without letting anyone get another word in, I stomped out of the room. I was fully aware that the pants I was wearing were covered in a crimson red. After all, I had been kneeling in his blood.
I didn't stop until I was in my room at the jeffersonian, the two stuffed animals Vincent had gotten me after his trip around the world sat against each other on my desk, and my anger began to slowly melt away.
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I smiled as I walked over to them, picking them up. The memory of how I got them began to flood through my mind.
Vincent had just come back from his trip around the world, his first stop back home was to my house. He had walked in with a giant smile, hiding something behind his back.
As I let him in, he kept whatever was behind his back a secret as best he could until we sat down on the couch.
"What have you got behind your back?" I asked curiously, eyebrows raised.
"Guess." He smirked.
"Is it a really expensive necklace that you know I'll feel bad about because I hate when you buy me things that are more than $20?"
he chuckled, shaking his head. "No, it's better."
My eyebrows laced together as I tried my best to think of something, but I ended up blank.
"Sorry, I've run out of things to guess." I shrug.
He laughs, rolling his eyes, "Alright, fine I'll show you."
My eyes light up, excited that I wouldn't have to wait any longer.
He pulls his arms from behind his back, and my eyes widen at the sight.
in his hands were two stuffed animals. Cows. The one in his right hand was the exact one I had when I was a kid. Well, it was a replica, at least. I grabbed both and hugged them tightly. A giant grin plastered my lips.
"Wha-how? How did you?"
He shrugged, "I remembered you telling me about the cow you had when you were a kid. Saw it at the store and just had to buy it. I felt bad just buying it by itself, so I bought the second one so it could have a friend. Did you know cows could have best friends? They have very complex emotions just like us."
I laughed lightly, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug whilst holding the two stuffies.
"Thank you, Vince. You are the best!"
"Well, I mean, I wouldn't say the BEST..." He says modestly, hugging me back.
A knock was heard at my doorframe, and part of me expected it to be Vincent as I turned around, holding the one with the black spots tightly in my arms.
Unfortunately for me, it was Sweets.
I frown, "What do you want?"
"I just wanted to ask if you were alright." He says, hands up in defense at my aggressive tone.
I sigh, "yeah-well, no-its just...its all too much. I didn't mean to burst out at Booth like that...I just... the anger got to me, and I couldn't control it."
Sweets leaned against the doorway, arms crossed, "do you actually blame him for Vincent's death?"
"What? No. No, of course not. It's fully Broadsky's fault. He was the one who pulled the trigger on Vince, not Booth." I look down to the cow plushy in my arms and let out a deep breath I hadn't even realized I was holding in. "I just miss him, Sweets. I keep thinking that if I just blink, he'll be standing right in front of me. And he's not. And it's like there's this rainstorm inside of me that just won't go away and I hate that feeling so much and I want to cry so badly but if I do, that'll make it real. I don't want it to be real, Lance." I say, almost desperately, clinging to the stuffed animal in my arms.
He frowns, walking his way over to me. He didn't say a word, pulling me into a tight hug.
I felt my entire body collapse into him, the walls I built beginning to crumble. I was so much more fragile than I had thought.
"It's okay to cry, you know. In fact, in this circumstance, it's needed." He suggested.
Would he ever stop being a shrink to his friends? Probably not. But it worked. And that dam broke.
Once the tears started, I knew they couldn't stop.
I had gone home that night, and cried even more. I cried until my tear ducts were dry, drank some water, then cried some more until I fell asleep.
It was over. Broadsky was defeated, and we wouldn't have to worry about him anymore.
But now, the group of us stood near the steps of the building, waiting for Brennan as the van to pick up Vincent's body arrived.
Booth and I had talked a little bit before. It mainly considted of me apologizing profusely for blaming him and him trying to calm me down and saying that it was okay. In the end, it was fine.
"Maybe she's not coming." Cam spoke up.
"No. She'll-She'll be here." Angela nodded.
"Dr. Brennan has been known to retreat into hyper-rationalism in times of emotional turmoil, which could very well result in..." Sweets began to explain, but I cut him off by elbowing him in the side.
"Okay, even I want to slap you now." Hodgins responded.
"Alright, guys. Bones said she would come. She will definitely be here." Booth stated.
And, Booth was right. Shortly after we had told the people who were carrying Vincent's casket that we would take care of it, Brennan had appeared with a vase full of flowers.
"Do-do you wanna say something?" Angela asks Booth.
Booth looks a little taken aback, "what? Me? I-I barely knew him."
"That's true." A voice rings out from across the street. Brennan makes her way over to us, her arms around a potted plant. "Booth only called Mr. Nigel-Murray 'The English Squintern'."
I let out a small chuckle at that.
"Well, some of us were worried that you wouldn't make it." Sweets mentioned.
Brennan lifted the vase of flowers up, "I stopped to get this."
"Right, because nothing says "rest in peace" like a potted plant." Cam chuckles.
Brennan sets the vase down onto the casket, "did I...do something wrong?" She asks, confused.
I started to feel the tears well up in my eyes again as I shook my head no.
"No, honey." Angela reassured, "You did something exactly right."
As Brennan took her spot with the group, I took that as my chance to put my own "rest in peace" thing onto his casket.
I looked down at the stuffed cow in my hands, the one with the black patches. It was the "best friend" that vincent had gotten the first one. A small smile appeared on my lips as I walked over to the casket, setting it down against the vase full of flowers that Brennan had put down.
"Did you know that cows grieve when their friends or family die? You were right, Vince. They have complex emotions, just like us." I tell him in a broken whisper.
I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I began to back away, fighting back the tears that threatened to surface once more.
We all stood in silence for a few seconds before Hodgins broke it,
"You know, Vincent gave me a great piece of advice. He said, "The busiest shopping hour of the entire year is between 3:00 and 4:00 on Christmas Eve." So..I never shop during that time."
"Oh." Sweets began, "He told me that Quebec City in Canada has the same amount of street crime as Disney World...so, safe place to visit."
Cam cleared her throat, wiping a tear from her eye, "Vincent informed me that the crack of a whip was actually the tip breaking the sound barrier."
"He told me that the top of the Eiffel Tower is actually six inches shorter in the winter time. So it's better to climb it then." Angela chuckled.
I smiled, "he once told me that even cows have best friends." Is shrugged, "not really useful, just good to know, I guess." I laughed lightly, sniffing as I felt a few teardrops fall from my eyes.
"Vincent's favorite song was "Da Lime and Da Coconut." Brennan chimed in.
Sweets' eyes widened, "Seriously? 'Cause that's like- that's my jam."
Angela and I chuckled together, and I glanced over at Sweets, shaking my head lightly at him.
We then continued our silence until Sweets started to sing Da Lime and Da Coconut, and then suddenly everyone was singing it.
As we sang, we lifted Vince's casket into the truck, booth closing the door and stood there, watching it drive off as we continued to sing.
The others headed inside, still singing as I stood there, staring off at the van that drove further away from my view.
Even Brennan and Booth, who had stopped only for a moment, had gone inside, leaving me to deal with my raging sadness alone.
As I heard the door close, I fell to my knees, letting the tears flow out again as I sobbed into my hands.
I would rather deal with this rainstorm alone than drag the others' sadness on longer than they should.
And it's okay because I've always felt better doing it alone, because that's how I function.
But man, do I wish Vince was with me.
😃😃😃😃I am not okay 😃😃😃 also i know its a little longer than my usual ones but <333
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vino---delectable · 3 months
Y/n: You need to burn some of that nervous energy. Going out might help.
Vincent: I did go out. I went to the park.
Y/n: Good. I hope you got something from it.
Vincent: I did, actually.
Vincent: (opens coat) This duck!
Y/n: I love him already.
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byersbootyshorts · 1 year
Bones Masterlist
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Requests for this fandom are currently closed
Any of my works marked * contain explicit sexual content. Minors DNI
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Zack Addy:
One shots:
The Breakfast Anomaly After a long week at work you decide to start your day off by making breakfast for Zack. But when he tries to help you it takes a disastrous turn.
Comforting Zack when he’s upset
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Lance Sweets:
One shots:
Missed Reservation You and Lance get a little distracted before your Valentine’s Day dinner reservation, meaning you end up having to order takeout.
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fafi-and-oblivia · 8 months
About Oblivia!
Hello! You can call me Oblivia! I am one of two admins on this account. Feel free to talk to me about Buzzfeed Unsolved, Jack Manifold (+other youtubers/streamers), Taylor Swift, MCR, Lovejoy, Fall Out Boy, BTS, Minecraft, Cryptid Coffeehouse, baseball, and many other things!!
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I will write: angst, fluff, fics, headcanons, character x reader
I will not write: NSFW, yandere, gore, anything morally wrong (pls use common sense, I will just delete asks with typical taboo topics), I also will not write for real people, or character x character.
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Fandoms/characters I write! Asterisks(*) denote favorites to write. List is subject to change!
Blooming Panic (current obsession): Nightowl*, Quest, Xyx*, NakedToaster*, Two2, BIGLADY*, Onionthief*
Harry Potter (fuck JKR): Harry Potter, Ron Weasley*, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom*, Seamus Finnigan, Oliver Wood*, Draco Malfoy, Matteo Riddle, Lorenzo Berkshire
Percy Jackson: Percy Jackson*, Annabeth Chase, Luke Castellan*, Jason Grace*, Leo Valdez*, Piper McLean*, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Connor Stoll*, Lityerses, pretty much anyone!
The Quarry: Ryan Erzahler*, Dylan Lenivy*, Nick Furcillo, Jacob Custos, Abi Blyge, Max Brinly, Kaitlyn Ka*
Supernatural: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester*, Castiel, Kevin Tran*, Jack Kline, Charlie Bradbury
TSITP (boycotting season 2 bc I hate Belly): Jeremiah Fisher*, Conrad Fisher, Steven Conklin
To All The Boys/XO, Kitty: Josh Sanderson, Peter Kavinsky, Kitty Song-Covey, Min Ho*
The Umbrella Academy: Diego*, Five, Klaus
Bones: Zack Addy*, Vincent Nigel-Murray*, Wendell Bray, James Aubrey, Angela Montenegro*
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Dani, Jamie*
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rugaru · 1 year
Thought I’d give a (not so) little list of who all I’m planning on writing for at the moment (subject to change in the future!!!)! This is a LOT so here goes:
***Will continue updating!!!***
X Readers— I will be writing for fem!reader and gn!reader as I’m afab and unfortunately am unfamiliar with writing from a masc perspective!!
I will not be writing smut or anything further than, quote-unquote, suggestive. Just personal preference :)
-Jim Street (SWAT)
-Hondo (SWAT)
-Chris Alonso (SWAT)
-JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)
-Pope Heyward (Outer Banks)
-Cal Kestis (Jedi: Fallen Order and Survivor)
-Randy Meeks (Scream)
-Sidney Prescott (Scream)
-Stu Macher (Scream)
-Ethan Landry (Scream VI)
-Evan Buckley (9-1-1)
-Eddie Diaz (9-1-1)
-Ravi Panikkar (9-1-1)
-Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
-Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds)
-Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds)
-Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
-Jimmy Darling (AHS: Freak Show)
-Kit Walker (ASH: Asylum)
-Tate Langdon (AHS: Murder House)
-Charlie Conway (The Mighty Ducks)
-Pacey Witter (Dawson’s Creek)
-Luke McNamara (The Skulls)
-Jesse Mills (Hudson and Rex)
-Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Andrew and Tom versions)
-Ron Weasley (Harry Potter)
-Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games)
-Sean Anderson (Journey 2: The Mysterious Island)
-Josh Futtermann (Future Man)
-Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
-Dylan Lenivy (The Quarry)
-Ryan Erzahler (The Quarry)
-Abigail Blyg (The Quarry)
-Kaitlyn Ka (The Quarry)
-Zack Addy (Bones)
-Lance Sweets (Bones)
-Angela Montenegro (Bones)
-Jack Hodgins (Bones)
-Vincent Nigel-Murray (Bones)
-Finn Abernathy (Bones)
-Wendell Bray (Bones)
-Alex Standall (13 Reasons Why)
-Clay Jensen (13 Reasons Why)
Planning on doing a full master list along with everything I’m comfortable writing and what I’m not soon :)
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cupidmydarling · 10 months
I am just now realizing that my two fav crime show characters (Spencer Reid and Vincent Nigel-Murray) have MANY of the same qualities.
Idk what that says about me.
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shelbgrey · 10 months
Hi! Do you write for the squinterns from bones if yes could you write one for any of them where y/n is hodgins' daughter/sister and is goth and into conspiracies if you don't feel comfortable or just don't want to feel free to ignore this
Being Hodgins' sister and being a goth Squintern
Paring: Goth!Reader x Squinterns
Summary: headcanons about two Squinterns being in love and one loves conspiracies.
A/n: sorry that it's short or I got a few things wrong.
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So, the Squinterns are like one big disfunctional family that can't live without each other.
It's established from the start your goth, but I think that your personality would conderdict that. Meaning your very bubbly and and smiley.
Everyone is always fascinated by your look, your fishnets, leather, dark makeup, and many piercings always draw people towrds you rather you want it or not.
“did it hurt?” Vincent asked, referring to your nose piercing. “only for a sec, what you talking about getting one?”
Your looks might also have outsiders questioning or logic or capabilities. If someone talks down towrds you the Squinterns and your brother will always have your back.
Even Dr. Brennan has told off a few people.
Your bright and loving personality would confuse Colin Fisher for a moment and he'd ask a bunch of questions beacuse on the outside you look like someone he'd hang out with, but once he got to know you, you guys became quite close.
“what kinda Goths have you hung around? All the ones I've met are literally the best people ever” you respond to his confusion.
Fisher appreciated that you saw him more than just a weird and gloomy guy, you would talk about movies and make him laugh with your harmless conspiracy theories.
You guys soon became best friends through mutual interests and understanding of each others worth and true colors.
Which leads him into falling for you, he doesn't know how to handle theses feeling nor dose he want to destroy the most important relationship he has.
Your Favorite person to work with his Wendell, nothing like a good ol golden retriever and black cat relationship. Your not really a 'black cat', but people might give you that label when they see your outsides.
Wendell loves you, in a brotherly way of course. You, him, and your brother Jack become this amazing trio. If Wendell isn't with Jack he's with you.
There has been many times Wendell has helped pick out hair Dye and other ecesories with you.
“was thinking black and blue for my hair, what do you think?”
“like a dip and faid thing or whole head?” he asked.
You were there to comfort and support him throughout the time he was fight cancer. “I'll shave my head with you”
“no, you love your hair” he quickly said. “okay... I'll just die it the cancer awareness colors and shave just the side” you smile.
You would grow a small crush on Arastoo Vaziri, but with his belief system you were scared to tell him how you feel.
He of course didn't care, he fell in love with your compassion and personality. The way you looked didn't bother him, he thought you were beautiful and he didn't care what his family thought either.
You guys would date for a little while to the dismay of Fisher. He would put his feelings aside though, and continued to be your best friend no matter how much it hurt.
You would think Finn Abernathy is literally the cutest person alive, you love hearing his southern drawl and his little sayings.
He thinks your dark and mysterious at first, but when you heard you and Wendell having a debate on which Disney princess was the best he knew there was more too you.
Which made him want to talk to you more and get to know you.
He loves hearing your conspiracy theories no matter how much some of them might freak him out.
You and Daisy don't get along, plane and simple. Your a sweet person, but her hyper and 'look at me' attitude rubed you the wrong way.
You also didn't like how she would stare at you like you were from another planet. “take a picture, it'll last longer”
The other jeffersonian residents have never really heard you talk like at. They didn't like the way daisy treated you and jack had a proud big brother moment.
She also didn't like how close you and Lance got. “hey Sweetheart” you would say to him, the nickname was in a Platonic way and you used that because of his last name.
Daisy didn't get that. “don't call him that”
“it's better than Lancealot, and last time I checked he's not your boyfriend anymore”
You and Clark Edison don't talk much, you find each other weird but you have high respect for each other.
You read his book and didn't really like how he worded things, it was obvious he was a new writer. He suprisenly thought of you as a friend so you never told him the full truth about the book.
You love hearing Vincent Nigel-Murray's facts and most of the time you have a conspiracy theory to bounce off of it, there has been many time you both had a playful back a forth that intertaned the whole lab.
When he died it crushed you, he was a true friend and a total sweetheart in your eyes. You can't listen to the song 'lime in the coconut' without crying now.
Losing him made you relize how precious a life is, you'd think your line of work would do that, but no. After Vincent died you made sure to always check up on Fisher and ask how his mental health was, or you'll make a joke to make Finn laugh. You'd make sure to give Wendell a hug everyday and make sure to tell Arastoo you love him everyday.
You just want the Squinterns to know how much they mean to you.
Wendell said your the heart and soul of the group of squints, you keep everyone together. It'll warm your hear when he said that, but then you'd bring up a stimulation conspiracy theory. Wendell would just laugh while Finn would back up his statement.
They love every part of you.
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shuckfacedcarrot · 3 years
You know what's painful? The fact that I've been in love with Vincent Nigel Murray for almost ten years but no new fanfics have come out 🙃 I can only read the same ones/my own fanfics so many times. To the bones fandom writers, please, I'm begging you, bring back the love for human trivial pursuit 😔
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imagine-a-fangirl · 2 years
Anyone with a fluffy anthony, benedict or colin bridgerton request? Or a fluffy Seeley Booth or Vincent nigel-murray request?
I know very specific😅
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h0nkch0c0late · 9 months
Anyway, here's a Vincent Nigel-Murray appreciation post bc I love him so much. Oh, and a fic will be out soon for him
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derekmorganscrocs · 3 years
Back at it again with more under appreciated characters, this time we talk about Finn Abernathy from Bones! Tbh the whole show Bones, unless the fandom is just really quiet, I’m new here, hey y’all.
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One: I love him.
Two: He’s adorable.
Two and a half: Luke Kleintank is literally everything. Please I can’t even rn.
Three: He’s possibly the only yeehaw boy that don’t scare me. (See what I did there? Yeah no me neither it wasn’t funny.)
Four: He’s only in eight episodes??? I could’ve sworn it was more but ig not.
Five: His exit was literally not an exit. Michelle dumps him (cheated on him.), which was out of character for her imo, and then at the end of the episode he asks Cam if it’s alright for him to head home and we never see him again?? I assume it’s because Luke Kleintank started filming something else, but he deserved a goodbye at least.
Six: I lived for the enemies to bffs storyline Finn and Hodgins had, and the fact that they didn’t get a full goodbye where Hodgins finally like ACTUALLY apologizes for being a complete dick when Finn first showed up was a travesty. Is that how you use that word? I think so. So yeah.
I’ve only seen like four Finn fics so I might post a few of those, but idk. Definitely will be putting out some Aubrey, Sweets, Wendell, possibly Booth, and Finn content. But the Bones fandom has kind of disappeared lately, so if you are a Bones fan (Bonehead? Idk if we have a name) gimme a shout so I know I’m not writing for no one.
Also I have a Bones preferences book with basically all the characters in the works, so if you have Wattpad, check me out on there (@/derekmorganscrocs).
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Best Friend
Title: Best Friend
Pairing: Vincent Nigel-Murray x friend!reader, Sweets x reader
Based on this anon request:
I know requests are closed but I really needed to send you this while it was in my head. Could you please (when requests are open) do a one shot where sweets comforts the reader after Vincent is killed who was your best friend
A/N: I love Vincent and I miss him so much. Requests are still closed.
Warning: ANGST, character death
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“I don’t want to die.”
Those were the last words out of Vincent’s mouth. You were holding his head in your lap, begging him to hang on until help arrived.
Those words still echoed in your mind. You could still hear the fear in his voice. You couldn’t hear anything else. His blood was still on your hands.
There was someone trying to talk to you, but you couldn’t hear them. It wasn’t until his hands were on your shoulders.
“Y/N.” His face came into focus.
“He’s gone.” Your lip quivered.
“I know, Y/N.” He rubbed your shoulders. “We’ve gotta get your hands cleaned up. Can you come with me?” Sweets held his hands out to you.
“They’re covered in blood.” You looked down at them. Flashes of his face appeared in your mind. You started sobbing again. It was loud. It broke Sweets’ heart.
“Just come with me, okay?” He helped you off the floor and walked you to the break room. He started the water and rubbed his hands over yours, scrubbing the blood off. He helped you take off your lab coat and sat you in a chair.
You stared down at the white table, your reflection staring back at you. You still felt like the blood was on your hands. His blood. Vincent’s blood.
Sweets brought you some water and wiped your face. “Can you hear me, Y/N?”
You nodded.
“I am so sorry, Y/N.” He rubbed your hand.
You stood up quickly. “I need to sit… I need to sit on the floor.” You moved towards the back wall and slid down. Sweets followed you. “He was my best friend. He still is. What? What am I supposed to do?”
Sweets wrapped his arms around you as you sobbed. He didn’t say anything. He knew that you just needed someone to hold you while you let it all out.
“I need to call his mother.” You said through labored breaths.
“Cam did that already. They’re making arrangements now.” He rubbed your shoulder.
“I have to…  go with him. To England.” You sighed.
“That’s something we can work out, okay? Just sit here for a minute. Breathe.” He felt you lean up against him fully.
“Thank you. For everything.”
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