#used only what was already in my phone's gallery
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post-turkish election moodboard
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fandom-oneshots-etc · 11 months
Hey, can you write a story about Evan Buckley and Reader announcing that she’s pregnant to the 118 at like a family gathering :)
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🍄 Pairing: Evan Buckley x Reader
���� Genre: Fluff
🍄 Summary: At a 118 family gathering, Buck's overprotective nature reveals a little more than the two of you had planned.
🍄 Word Count: 1618
🍄 Abbreviations: N/A
🍄 Warnings: Pregnancy, implied pregnancy complications
🍄 Note: I really liked this request Anon! I hope this is what you were looking for. I thought about this scenario and I instantly imagined Buck accidentally announcing the pregnancy rather than planned. If you would rather a planned version, just pop in another request. A similar request came from @quinnstan247. Enjoy :)
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You could feel the eyes following you closely as you slipped into the kitchen to refill your glass of orange cordial. Your overprotective, puppy-dog boyfriend remained outside in the garden of the Nash household along with the rest of the team as they stood around Bobby and the BBQ grill. You knew that Buck was searching for any reason he could to follow you inside, but you met his gaze through the windows and offered him a reassuring smile that seemed to subdue him for the minute.
Since the second you found out, Buck had been glued to your side. It had been three weeks since you took that test, since your doctor had confirmed it and in that time you had, had to convince him every single day that he could leave you and go to work. Every day he fought you, wanting the both of you to stay home so you could rest and he could wait on your every want and need, but you couldn’t do that. You were only thirteen weeks along and there was hardly any reason to be confined to the bed just yet. You knew that he was only concerned about the safety of you and the peach you currently carried in your womb. It was endearing and one of the sweetest things you’d ever seen, you hadn’t thought that Buck could get any sweeter, but here you were one act away from having a mouth full of cavities.
What hadn’t helped was that Buck had been responding to a number of pregnancy calls in the past few weeks a few resulting in sadder endings than anyone wanted. They had definitely struck a chord with Buck and had only made him hover all the more.
Adding the water to your cordial, you took a sip of the orange, a light buzz filling your taste-buds. You had become obsessed with anything orange flavoured since your pregnancy diagnosis. Whether it was orange skittles (which Buck had kindly sat and sorted out for you), or orange flavoured chocolate, or even the orange flavoured cupcakes you had found at the grocery store and ate within an hour of buying, anything orange and you were all for it.
Walking back into the garden, your entire body seemed to clench a little as you stepped back into the gaze of the sun. As much as you were enjoying this down time with the 118, it was so hot. The heatwave had only hit LA in the past few days but already it was in full swing and you were feeling every beam of it.
“Y/n,” you turned over to where Athena was sat with Hen and her daughter May. The three of them were stood around the mini bar that Athena had installed, in direct sunlight. Already hot, you fought down the urge to grimace as you moved to stand by them, the sun glaring on your skin. “We were just telling May about Buck and that kiddie ride at the mall. She doesn’t believe us.” Hen informed and a grin split across your lips, taking your mind off of the sweltering heat.
“Oh my, God. I have a photo, hang on,” You pulled your phone out of your shoulder bag and set your drink on the bar, thumb flicking through the many photos in your gallery in search of the one from the Saturday before. “He thought it was funny and I tried to tell him he wouldn’t fit but he insisted,” You giggled and turned your phone for May to see. “I honestly thought I’d have to call nine-one-one.”
Displayed across your screen was the photo that still had you giggling a week later. There sat Buck, who had squeezed his way into the small metal bus which was obviously aimed for children 7 and under. But Buck had twisted his body at all kinds of angles and had somehow managed to worm his way into the ride. His head was poked out of the door hole, his legs curled up against his chest, unable to stretch out in the tiny space that his body was occupying.
What Athena and the others didn’t know was that Buck wouldn’t have gotten into the ride if it wasn’t for you. That morning your hormones had been playing you like a fiddle and every little thing had upset you, the bin bag had broken when you were trying to change it out for a new one, somehow a red sock had slipped in with your whites and now everything you owned was slightly toned pink and they had shown that advert with the puppy sat in a box, in the rain, on the side of the street with people walking past ignoring it. It seemed, that morning, that everything was stacked against you. Buck had offered to come with you to the mall so you could pick up your clothing order from a store, you had ordered certain items that they didn’t have in stock and they had delivered into the store the day before. You were buzzing to see the new pair of pumps you had ordered. You knew that in a few months if not weeks, the shoes would probably be pressing against the sides of your feet and ankles because of the pregnancy swelling, but that hadn’t stopped you from ordering them in your size. However, like everything else that morning, even that didn’t go as planned. The shoes had been delivered in the wrong colour and in a size smaller than you wanted, making them impossible to wear. Buck had seen how disheartened you had been when you left the store, trying not to cry in frustration. He had wanted to do something to cheer you up and in a joking manner he had made a bet with you that he could fit inside the kiddie bus ride.
It had definitely succeeded in cheering you up, if not from how silly he looked, his large muscular frame curled up inside the ride, from when he got stuck and couldn’t get himself out straight away. You had done what you could to help him out, but you were giggling so hard your entire body went weak. When he had finally gotten out, the two of you had continued to giggle all the way home and your mood had been lifted for the rest of the day.
“Oh, my God,” May giggled. “That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Please send me that!” she begged.
“Of course,” you agreed with a laugh of your own. “I could never gate keep on a photo like this.”
“What made him get in there?”
“It’s Buck, does he need a reason?” Hen scoffed. As the ladies continued to giggle, the heat seemed to make it’s presence known as it glared down onto you. The side of your temples was beginning to throb and your skin was starting to get slick and sticky, sweat oozing from your pores. You raised a hand to swipe at your brow, glancing around the garden for the closest seat, your legs aching.
As you moved towards one of the sun loungers, your boyfriend’s eyes caught onto your movements, already on high alert.
“Y/n? What’s wrong?” he asked, abandoning his drink at the grill and rushing towards you, one arm slipping around your waist to help guide you to the seat.
“Buck, I’m-”
“Dammit, it’s too hot out here for you. We should’ve cancelled,” he began muttering to himself. “Are you dizzy? Do you need a drink of water? What about something to eat? Is your blood sugar low? What if you’re dehydrated?” The only thing making you dizzy was the hurricane of questions Buck was sending your way, not even leaving a chance for you to answer them. One of his hands instinctively came to rest on the front of your stomach.
“Babe? Baby?” You tried to pull Buck out of his panicked rant, his eyes not once meeting yours as he kept scanning you for any visible injuries. Not that there were any, but the paranoia was getting the best of him and the heat probably wasn’t helping.
“We should get you in the shade,” he decided. “Shit, you should’ve stayed inside. You’re carrying precious cargo now, baby. You and peach can’t take this heat. We shouldn’t have come. This is all my fault-”
“Buck!” You pressed your hands to the sides of his face, directing his eyes to yours so you could try and ground him. “Buck, baby, I’m fine. We’re fine. I’m just a little hot and tired that’s all. It’s normal.” He still seemed a little uncertain, and his eyes held a lifetime of worry for you and his unborn child. “We’re okay. I promise.” You offered him a reassuring smile, your thumb coming to brush against his bottom lip rhythmically, giving him something to focus on. His eyelids pressed shut as he breathed slowly for a second.
“Are you sure? ‘Cause we can go home-”
“We’re fine. I just need to sit for a minute that’s all.” You peeked over his shoulder. “While I’m sitting, we should probably talk to the people behind you, they seem a little shocked. You kind of let the cat out of the bag.” Buck twisted his head to look around at the team behind him, everyone stood, jaws dropped and eyes wide. Eddie was the most comical of the bunch, his glass halfway raised to his mouth ready to take a sip but frozen in time with the news that Buck had unintentionally shared.
“H-Hey, guys,” He chuckled awkwardly with a sheepish grin. “I guess we have some news to share.”
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luvring · 5 months
gn!reader | iwaizumi will do a lot of things if you ask, but he's always a little awkward and embarrassed about taking photos of himself. what angle does he use, why's the lighting so bad, this is his "no one will see me" t-shirt, does his smile look forced, etc, etc., which means you only ask every once and a while, mostly as a joke, and never mind when he brushes it off with a laugh.
so when you open your messages to see an unprompted selfie of him, blurry, sitting in dim light, cheeks flushed and biting his lip to stop a grin, shocked is one word you can use to describe yourself. apparently drunk hajime is different from sober hajime, and confident enough to send a second, third photo capturing his night out with his old teammates at karaoke.
and you're not sure if it was their idea or his, but you really can't bring yourself to complain when he accidentally sends a video instead of a photo that perfectly frames his slightly unbuttoned top, messy hair that he runs his fingers through (he's brought up needing a haircut every week for the past month, but keeps pushing off setting an appointment), and raspy laugh as he tells someone off screen to shut up and sing already before turning to you with a smile.
"oh, shit, it's a video."
"pft, are you really that drunk?"
"hiii," someone—you think tooru—singsongs your name.
another complains, his voice muffled by your boyfriend moving the camera, "ugh, can you move over?"
"hi babe." hajime's low, slurred voice brings your attention back to him. "i got 94 on m'last song, jus' so y'know.
"let it go! that was all luck—"
"shut up, it's not my fault y'got 67 and sound like a dying bird. ugh," he seems to lose his train of thought and sniffles. "uh...don't worry, issei's driving m'back. i'll tell you 'bout it when i get home. see you soon, alright? love you."
the video ends, cutting off the beginning of a voice crack and off-pitch note, and the responding cackle that momentarily fills the quiet of your living room.
it's not a hard decision to save everything he's sent to your phone. the real hard decision will be tomorrow, you think, when you have to decide between teasing him to death or helping with his hangover. but then you get another notification—another text from him that reads "Cany ou tell them i'm not gonna sing adell" and you smile.
you can probably do both.
(he does end up singing, but so does everyone else. the video you get is way too loud, and way too close to the microphone, and the phone falls to the floor at some point, but it's saved to your gallery anyway. he makes you promise not to play it the next morning because it's "so headache inducing he could explode.")
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Alexia Putellas x Teen!Reader
Summary: You're leaving
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Something changes and Alexia isn't sure when it happens.
You're leaving.
Leaving Barcelona, leaving Spain, leaving her.
She's gone home for the weekend, driven from her apartment near the stadium all the way out to her childhood home.
Her Mami greets her at the door. Alba's already slouching in front of the tv, watching some boring reality show that Alexia can't stand.
There's boxes and bags packed up at the front door. That's a little weird but she doesn't ask questions about them.
"Where's the baby?" Alexia asks, looking around for you.
There's a picture of you and your sisters up on the mantelpiece. Alba's in her graduation robes, Alexia wearing her Barcelona shirt and you in your tennis outfit. It had been a stressful day. Alba had just graduated, you had just come from a tennis session and Alexia straight from a match against Valencia.
You're all smiling though, positively beaming at the camera.
"She's at the court," Mami laughs," Where else would she be?"
"It's getting dark."
"She's not a baby," Alba scoffs, not looking away from the screen," She can decide when she comes home."
Alexia ignores her. "I'll go get her."
It's a short walk over to the tennis courts, maybe twenty minutes or so. You're the only one there, swinging your racket back and forth as the machine feeds more and more balls at you.
"Don't you have a curfew?"
You keep hitting tennis balls. "Don't you have a match tomorrow?"
She laughs. "I can't come home to see my family?"
She's teasing you and you switch off the machine to run into her arms. Alexia catches you easily, swinging you around like she used to when you were little.
Tennis had been unexpected. You were only little when Papa died so never got to experience going to the football stadium with him. Selfishly, Alexia had tried to foster a love for football in you but it was all over when you saw a televised tennis match.
You didn't like football like you loved tennis.
Alexia had a whole gallery on her phone for you at your tennis practices over the years, all the way back to your first lesson when you were very young and could barely hold your racket properly.
Briefly, she wondered where the time went.
"You're cutting it fine," You complain good-naturedly as you put your rackets back in your bag and link your arms with Alexia's," I'm leaving tomorrow. I was beginning to think that you would never visit before I left."
Your words make Alexia confused. "What do you mean?" She asks," Leaving? Leaving for where?"
You laugh. "For Poland."
"Why are you going to Poland?" Alexia feels tense. No one had told her that you were going to Poland on holiday. It was the middle of the school year. There was no reason for you to be going anywhere.
You laugh again, like she's being silly and it dawns on Alexia that you don't know that no one's told her anything.
"For tennis," You say," Remember? My new coach is there."
You were the most talented tennis player that Alexia had ever met. She had known you were the best the moment you served your first ball, back when you still wore your hair in pigtails and couldn't tie your own laces.
And just last year you showed everyone else in the world that too when you won the Australian and the French Open back to back.
You returned to Mollet del Vallès a homegrown hero even after you came runner-up at Wimbledon and the US Open.
Alexia had never considered that you would move away for tennis. You were never supposed to move away. Tennis was your football and Alexia had never had to move from Spain to pursue football.
She always assumed you would be the same.
"You're not leaving," Is what she actually says and you stop in the middle of the street.
"Ale?" You ask," What do you mean I'm not leaving? I already signed the contract. I'm leaving tomorrow."
"You're not!" Alexia snaps before softening her tone," You're not. What has Poland got that Spain doesn't, huh?"
You tilt your head to the side in confusion and Alexia's brought back to every time when you were little when you did the exact same thing, tilting your head to the side when something confuses you, your childhood pigtails swaying from the force of your head movement.
"A coach that coaches the world's number one? It will be good. Mami approves."
"Mami shouldn't make decisions about you without consulting me!"
Alexia doesn't know where this anger is coming from. You're too young to be making such a big decision. You don't know a word of Polish. You were much too little to be moving across the world without anyone to look after you.
"It wasn't her decision!" You snap back, forcing the front door open and storming inside. "It was my decision! And I don't need your permission to do anything, Alexia! I'm nearly an adult."
"Nearly being the key word!" Alexia yells back at you," You're not going anywhere! You're staying right here with me or so help me god!"
"Or what?!" You demand, fronting up to her with your fists clenched and shaking at your sides. "What will you do, Alexia?! Huh? What will you do?!"
It shocks Alexia a little bit. You've never fronted up to her like this before, never so confidently or so assertive. You weren't that kind of person.
You used to hide behind her legs when you were younger or cry when any kind of confrontation or argument happened around you.
You don't give her time to answer before you're storming off into your room.
Alba whistles a low note. "What happened with you two?"
"Did you know?!" Alexia demands," Did you know she's leaving?!"
"Of course?" Alba looks confused now. "Why? Don't tell me you've only just found out."
"She's a baby!" Alexia hisses," She's not stepping foot off Spanish soil without me! She's not going anywhere."
"She hasn't been a baby for a while."
Alexia's eyes stray to the photos around the room. Mami is a tad sentimental and old school, printing out pictures to hang around the house rather than keep them on her phone.
It's like a shrine to a younger you, with your chubby cheeks and wild hair. There's versions of you all throughout your childhood and practically nothing of the you that's just yelled at her about moving away from home.
You're a little baby in Alexia's eyes, the little baby she held in her arms a few hours after you were born, the little miracle that followed her around the moment you learnt to walk, the little angel that cried in her arms after you won the Australian Open, too overwhelmed by your own emotions.
You couldn't be leaving. Not to somewhere like Poland where Alexia couldn't drive to see you.
You were too young, to little to go so far from her.
It was like she blinked and you no longer fit into her arms, suddenly a teenager with a mind and passions of your own.
"Alexia," Mami says sternly," Go and apologise to your sister. We didn't say anything when you wanted to pursue football. We're not saying anything to your sister about her pursuing tennis."
Alexia huffs. "Why can't the coach come here? She's not an adult yet! He could be taking advantage of her!"
"He's not. He coaches the world number one, he can't just drop all of that to coach a sixteen-year-old from Spain. This is an honour for her. It's an offer that might not be open if she delays it until she's eighteen. You know how much this means to her."
Alexia doesn't make eye contact, focussing on the wall in front of her.
Your smiling face beams back at her. It's of your first proper tournament, the under-fourteens for the whole of Spain. You've just won at twelve years old in your all-white shirt and skirt combo with your hair pulled back in a complicated braid. You haven't fully lost all of your childhood baby fat so your cheeks are a little more rounded than now, like you haven't yet grown into your face.
Alexia's next to you, cheek-to-cheek. She's still in her Spain kit, having driven from a friendly against Italy. She'd missed most of your match but had gotten there in time to see your last set.
You won and came home with the trophy.
It's hard to reconcile that twelve-year-old with the sixteen-year-old you've become.
Alexia stands and knocks on your door.
"Go away!" You yell though it's clear that you're crying.
"I'm coming in!"
"Go away, Ale! I don't want to see you!"
"Too bad!"
Alexia forces her way inside and crushes you into a hug. You try to squirm away for a bit but go limp when it's clear that she's not letting go of you.
"I'm sorry," She whispers against the top of your head," I'm sorry."
"I'm going to Poland," You say," You can't stop me."
"I know," Alexia says," You're going to Poland. You're going to work very hard. You're going to win and convince that coach that he should come home to Spain with you, okay? This has got to be temporary, alright, hermanita? I don't know how long I can go without midnight snack runs."
That shocks a giggle out of you.
"You'll get sick of me when I come home," You reply," I'm going to be so good that you'll never see me. I'll always be training."
Alexia laughs too this time and she loosens her grip enough for you to lean away to look up at her.
"Never," She declares," You're my hermanita. I'll never get sick of you. Even when you grow up."
"Ale, I am grown up."
She smiles. "No, you're not."
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chaethewriter · 1 year
bf does my makeup q&a
Jack Champion x content creator!reader
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In which you record a Youtube video with your boyfriend, the one and only Jack Champion.
word count: 2,3k
Warning: fluff, lots of fluff that it's cringey, this took me 5 days to write bruh I'm lacking
tagged: @viivvriv @genesis4545 @norrisgf @darkcrusadestrawberry @drxwstxrkxy @wafflehousewrold
"Camera, set!" You put your camera on its stand as you flipped the screen around, pointing towards the front for you to see. Jack appeared on the screen as you did so, sitting on the couch in your room as in front of him stood a table with your two makeup bags and a mirror. You pressed record when everything was clear on screen— centered and not lopsided. You took a step back as you watched yourself on screen, thus making him immediately grab you by the waist, putting you down on his lap. He held you tightly against him, his arms caging you from behind, "Mmm, can't you start the intro now?" His face buried in your hair as he spoke, satisfied with the position they were in. But you had different ideas, as you abruptly got off his lap and took a seat next to him, your legs thrown over his lap, "you can't do my makeup when I'm on your lap, pookie." You booped his nose with your nail as the words left your lips. As a response, he groaned as he sat back, resting his back against the soft material of your coach, his hands behind his neck as he watched you through his eyelids. You took your phone out and clicked on the Instagram icon for today's video.
"Hello, pookies! Welcome back to the channel. Today is a very special video as I'm joined by my sweet Jack!" You wrapped your arms around his neck as you pulled him close to you, your cheeks pressed against one another. He brought his arms down, wrapping one around your waist. His gaze settled on your camera as he smiled, "Hi guys!" He greeted your viewers with his other hand raised into the air, doing his familiar greeting sign with his thumb, index, and middle finger. You pulled away from your boyfriend, putting your phone in your lap as you clapped in your hands, "Today! As the title said, Jack here will be doing my makeup as we answer relationship questions you guys have sent me through my story!"
"Follow her insta, by the way! Appearing right here!" Jack is almost a natural, as he did some magician movements with his hands for you to edit your username in. You watched as he did so, making you burst in a fit of giggles, "You're such a natural babe, you should start your own channel."
"What can I say? I'm Jack the Champ!"
"So cringey?" The two of you looked into each other's eyes as you laughed. You clung onto your stomach as Jack clung onto you for dear life. The laughing continued for like five minutes. You really had to cut this out later. "Okay! Okay! So Jack needs to recreate my usual makeup look with the makeup provided while we answer questions. I'm such a kind girlfriend, so I allow him to have a picture of my makeup look on his phone." You explained, pointing at his phone flat on the table with a picture of you opened.
"I just want to announce that I know what my girlfriend looks like and that I already had this picture of her in my gallery as well as hundreds of other pictures I snapped of her!" You rolled your eyes at that statement, a chuckle leaving your lips, "Yeah, yeah! Anyways, let's get started. What do we start with, babe?" You watch as Jack carefully unpacked your makeup bags instead of throwing them upside down. He knew how much you valued your products, and he made sure he was gentle with them. It gave you a warm feeling. He put everything down in a neat order, looking at all the different brushes and products, "so from my acting experience, because you know I'm an actor, they always use the prime thing first? Like to keep your makeup intact?" He looked at you with puppy eyes, asking for approval to his words. You knew you're supposed to not give him any hints, but you couldn't stop yourself from nodding your head. While Jack looked for the 'prime thing', as he said it, you scrolled through the questions you were asked.
"Found it!" The two of you exclaimed at the same time: Jack talking about the primer and you talking about a question. He picked the product up— the glass container filled with a white cream as a lid covered the pump. You smile as he pumped some on the back of his hand and taps it against your skin with his finger, putting both his hands on your cheeks right after and spreading it with his palms. You fell into a fit of giggles as he did so, "Jack!" You exclaimed with your face all squeezed up. Proud of his work, he pulled his palms away and awaited a question from one of the viewers. You brought your phone to your face as you read the first question, "How did the two of you meet? Jack, the honor is to you."
Jack brought his hand to his chin as he pretended to think, thus making you playfully slap his chest, "Don't pretend you don't know, now!"
"Okay okay! We actually met during my Avatar press tour. She was all over me and I thought she was incredibly pretty." He exaggerated what had actually happened and you barely wait to voice this out loud, "That's not how it went! Stop embarrassing me!" Your face heated up as you looked at the camera, "Yes we did meet at his press tour, but I wasn't 'all over him'! I just asked for a picture, posted it, and tagged him in it, and all of a sudden, he was in my DMs. Don't change the story now, mister Champion!"
This time, it was Jack's turn to blush immensely. His secret revealed how he actually made the first move. He recollected himself, before a grin spreaded across his face, "I mean what can I say? I'm a rizzer."
"Oh god, please never say that again."
The two of you laughed as he picked the eyeliner up, "You have a weird way of applying makeup, so this actually comes second. I don't understand why, though?" He uncapped the eyeliner, revealing the inbuild eyeliner brush. "Eyeliner is so hard to do! Like it takes so long cause I want it to be perfect and by the time I am done my foundation isn't correct anymore because of the wiping!" You whined your complaints out, already growing frustrated thinking about the struggle.
Jack put his hand on your waist as he pulled you closer to him, "Sit still, baby. I never did this before so uhm here goes nothing?"
"Don't poke my eyeball, please." You then kept your mouth shut, as if it helped with him doing better. Jack is incredibly delicate with it though— he held your chin with his hand while the eyeliner was in his other staring directly into your eyes as he concentrated on his work. You felt your skin heating up yet again, your grip on the eyeliner tube wet, thanks to your sweaty hands. It doesn't matter how long you're together with him. He never failed to make you feel nervous. He never broke eye contact, not even when he dipped the brush in the eyeliner. His breath fanned against your skin as he leaned in closer, "Are you nervous?"
"Shut up..." Your voice came out softer than expected. Unfortunately, he pulled back to admire his handywork. It's not even, but he is proud either way. "Next question, babe!" He playfully nudged you with a cheeky grin.
"You're so annoying!!" You quickly brought your phone to your face in an attempt to hide your embarrassed state. "But you love me!"
"What attracted you to Jack and vice versa? Definitely his goofy self. I usually don't look at gym guys, but Jack's goofy demeanor and just being himself made me attracted to him, no matter what he does."
"You're so cute!" Jack pulled you closer yet again, basically seating you on one of his as your legs dangled to one side. He faced the camera while his arms held you steady, "What made me attracted to her is definitely her way of texting. You feel her care and love and joy when she texts you. She's so sweet about it too, aren't you?" He faced you again with a cheeky grin, making you blush like crazy, "so annoying!!"
He picked your foundation and concealer off the table in front of you, "These are all too familiar to me, but I can't remember which one goes first?" He looked at you with puppy eyes, hoping to get an answer out of you. This time, you kept your mouth shut as you let him figure it out himself. He pouted at you, putting the concealer down. He uncapped the foundation and looked at the brushes. "Babe, which one? You should help me out, I wanna do good."
You almost give in. Almost. Too bad for Jack though, because you only gave him a cheeky grin. His gaze traveled from your pretty face to the table. There were so many different brushes and sponges. He remembered makeup artists using a big one, but which one? He decided on the latter and took the biggest one in his hand. It needed to spread and cover the entire face, after all, right? He decided to follow his gut and put a few small pumps on the back of his hand. He dipped the fluffy part of the brush against it and pressed it to your face. Like you were a canvas and he was the painter. Your chuckling made him roll his eyes, "stay still! I'm being a professional right now."
"sure you do, babe."
Jack started to feel himself in his role as makeup artist. He didn't wait for you as he immediately got on with the concealer. He tapped the wand under your eyes and on your nose, just like artists do to him. He took a small brush and blended it by tapping it. You watched how the tip of his tongue slips out from in-between his lips, his concentration to the max.
Even though your boyfriend has adhd, he can for sure keep his focus on you the entire day. "Next question! Ohh I like this one. When did you realize you fell in love with each other?" You tapped your chin as you think about it. You have always loved Jack, but when did that go from celebrity crush to a real crush?
"I have always loved Jack, if I am going to be honest. I started following him since his Avatar announcement, but he turned into a crush from the moment he wanted to switch from Instagram DMs to messages." You explained as you locked your sparkling eyes with him, awaiting for his response.
He took a moment to admire you, a warm feeling bubbling inside his chest since he knew the exact moment that he realized. "When you looked up at my face with those worried eyes that held so much care as you held on my arms. You always did so, but there was a time when it didn't feel friendly anymore. It felt like so much more as my heart sped up."
That was all it took for you to literally take off.
You sprinted out the room, towards the bathroom, in pure disbelief. The disbelief that he had actually decided to answer the question like that. The disbelief that a boy could actually be so true to his feelings.
"baby? Where are you going?" Did he say something wrong?
You stood in the middle of the bathroom with your face in your hands, teary eyed as you smudged your makeup. "babe?" He had followed you to the bathroom. When he heard your sobs, he immediately panicked. His arms wrapped around your figure, his cheek resting against the crown of your head as his hands caressed your back, "did I do something wrong?"
"no you just, you're, you." You didn't know why you were crying. Well, you did know the reasoning, but you didn't know why it made you so emotional.
"You truly love me."
"yes, yes I do. Of course I do. More than anything else." He ran his hands over your back. He knew you had a hard time when it came to romance in general. You had told him and he made sure to take good care of you, until you truly believed him. And that you did. He took such good care of you. And he would continue to do so until his very last breath.
Recording was long forgotten as the two of you bathed in each other's arms.
He was so happy to be yours.
"Ow! This hurts! Baby please stop!" After the makeup video, you had begged Jack to do a skincare routine with you. He had agreed, not knowing it could have been this bad. It was charcoal mask day.
"It's supposed to hurt!"
"Why would you do this to yourself? Ow ow wait!" He extended his arms to keep you away from him. He was much taller than you, so it certainly did the job. "But why! What does it do?"
"it deep cleans your skin, basically. Your face is going to be silky smooth when I kiss your face all over!"
He thought about it for a second. Kisses? Lots of kisses?
"Do I get lots of kisses after you pull it off me?" You nodded as a response. He sighed in defeat as he took a seat on the edge of the bathtub. This was your cue to stand in between his legs, his arms wrapping around you immediately. Your fingers made its way to the pulled bit of his dried mask.
"Fine, you can do it! But I expect a lot of smoo- OH MY FUCK AHHH!" 
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garzasheart · 4 months
valeria as your girlfriend headcanons
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summary: just valeria being silly and unserious for all of these.
author notes: i don't know nothing about cod.. all i know is based off fics so don't blame me if this a little inaccurate. anyways there isn't enough of silly valeria out there so i had to do it 💪🏽 lack of spanish because im not that good at it just yet
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━ she's a BULLY. always teasing you about something even if it's super small
━ texts like "Okay." which always makes you think she's mad at you but in reality she's just old
━ prefers call over text 100% because she likes hearing your voice
━ ever since those tiktoks that are like "when my girlfriend always takes facetime photos of me" yeah that's valeria after you taught her how to take facetime photos. she got a whole album in a gallery just of the facetime photos she taken of you
━ has you saved as "mi esposa 💞" but use to have you saved cabezona when you two first got together
━ loves matching pajamas but always end up only wearing the shirt and some boxers because she gets hot easily
━ runs hot and doesn't care if it bothers you because she's all over you
━ always want cuddles from she come back from business trips
━ everytime y'all are apart she facetimes you at night. really late too so you most likely aren't even talking just setting the phone up before you sleep and she's content with that
━ can't sleep that well without you. use to not care for sleep, but once you fixed her horrible sleep schedule she can hardly sleep without you in the bed
━ speaking of sleep, will drag you to bed when she's ready for bed even if you aren't
━ her gallery is full of just you because she doesn't use her phone for much else but you related things
━ loves forehead kisses from you. find them so romantic
━ she's actually such a romantic once her trust issues got figured out
━ sorta moody almost all the time and gets all annoyed if you don't try to make her feel better
━ low-key (high-key) jealous whenever she sees you with someone else. especially if you hang out with them without her. "what position are y'all in?" type of woman
━ calls you amor, mi vida, chiquita, chula, and baby when feeling romantic / just general
━ and calls you bighead, dumbie, and princesa when she's teasing you or annoyed or being sarcastic
━ clingy but won't admit it
━ everytime you ask her to do something, she be like "im a grown woman i don't take orders from you" before getting up and doing it right away because she loves her woman
━ when valeria is inlove and feeling all safe she is INLOVE like wants to be around you all the time, already planning the wedding
━ got your name tattooed on you two's fifth anniversary. if you can deal with her for that long than you are definitely the one
━ always smacking your ass
━ overall a secret lover girl in disguise
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rizzkisworld · 7 months
Sentiments - Nishimura Riki
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Pairing: bf! Niki x fem! Reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
author's note: me re-entering my uploading era 🤩 plz reblog/give feedback if you like this because it really helps writers continue and motivates them tyvm!
Your smile brought so much happiness to Riki's life. Whenever he was sad, he'd look at you. The way his emotions did a full 180 real quick. He doesn't know what it is about your smile. Maybe it's because you look so happy and pretty. All he knows is that it makes him want to do whatever he can to make you smile. He starts acting extra goofy around you, he starts giving you random kisses to see the way you get shy and look away (as if your cuteness doesn't make him feel shy sometimes-), he gives you random hugs to see you smile. He even tickles you sometimes even though you scold him about it afterwards.... lovingly though of course.
Cuddling with you is how he wants to spend the rest of his life. Having his arms around you or you having your arms around him. The position doesn't matter as long as he's with you. However, he does love it when you bury your face in his neck or chest. The way you feel safe when you're in that special spot. It makes him want to protect you because you're so precious to him. He definitely is a huge fan of back hugging you of course. He gets to kiss your neck, whisper sweet nothings in your ear, and rest his face in the crook of your neck. You can expect him to cuddle and hug you whenever he's with you, cause Riki don't play about his cuddles.
Pictures of you on his phone are his favorites. Everytime he scrolls through his gallery, all he sees is pictures of you. Some are secret pictures he took of you because you're so attractive to him no matter what. He has you as his lock screen to be honest. You're his model and he's the photographer.
The moments when you cry, though it hurts him (unless they're tears of joy), it makes him happy that you feel comfortable enough to share your emotions with him. He always wants you to feel your best and he'll do whatever he can to make you happy. But when you're having one of those days, no matter what the reason may be, he's always there to listen, to care for you, to help you any way he can. These are the moments his maturity really shows. He just loves you so much! (I need a Niki so bad rn 😔)
Play fighting with you is a must! You guys take it real seriously. There's three ways your fights usually go. One, he's the one winning, though you're doing your absolute best to fight him off meanwhile he's just smiling at you and admiring your beauty all while you're desperately trying to win the fight. Two, he's winning, but starts feeling bad that you're losing and boom, he either lets you win or it switches to you guys making out. Three, you're winning, not sure if he's letting you win or you just really snuck him, but either way it's good(Ive reference anyone?)
Late night walks and talks are your favorite! You already told him everything and vice versa, yet you still find something to talk about together. At this point it's nonsense and gibberish that only you two understand. You definitely get midnight snacks and meals. All of this is really just to say that Riki loves you a lot and shares so many sentiments with you.
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Again it's greatly appreciated if you reblog this if you enjoyed! It helps put writers works out there and it encourages us to put more content out there~~
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hotteoki · 1 year
boyfriend skz things - happy 1k followers!
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notes: this was long overdue so i rushed it a bit, but thank you everyone so so much for 1k! here’s a lil celebration that was not proofread 😭
©️ strayedstars | do not repost
chan (방찬) - flirting
despite being in a long-term relationship with him, chan will never stop complimenting you, opening doors for you, spoiling you with gifts etc. it’s so frequent to the point where the others have long given up on making fun of him, opting for a simultaneous groan whenever the both of you share any type of interaction.
just as chan was about to lean in to kiss you, jisung interrupted from beside you, “the parents are at it again!” this created a trend for everyone to follow, screaming a few “get a room!”s or “not again!”s. chan pursed his lips, “i really look forward to the day i move out.” you laughed, “you don’t mean that.” “no i really do.”
minho (민호) - sending filter videos
it was very well known that minho is an avid filter user, using sending random videos to stays on bubble and laughing about them. little did anyone know, the amount of videos or pictures minho posts online were only 1/5th of how many he sends you. without even counting them, you could confidently say that 90% of your gallery was him with some ridiculous filter.
"min, stop sending me stuff, my storage is running out because of you." minho blinked at you slowly, before turning his attention back to his phone, ironically already filming a video with him as a bumblebee, "no." you laughed, "what do you mean, no? i quite literally have more pictures of you than me on my phone-" "good."
changbin (창빈) - reminding you to drink water
knowing how much changbin cares about his health, it was safe to assume that he would care just as much about yours. before he began dedicating his time in the gym, it was always you reminding him to stay hydrated. changbin used to be the most forgetful person ever, and would always be too busy working to drink water. however, after you switched jobs, you were often too stressed to eat or drink at all. thank your lucky stars that changbin is basically a walking alarm.
a glass of water was wordlessly placed beside your laptop on the desk. "binnie, i just drank some literally 5 minutes ago," you looked up from your screen to meet his stern eyes. "no, you drank a sip of my water over an hour ago," changbin crossed his arms, staring pointedly at the clock. you knew he wasn't going to budge until you finished every last drop of that glass, so you complied, downing the water. it was only then did he smile proudly, kissing your forehead quickly before leaving to wash the glass.
hyunjin (현진) - drawing
everyone knows how much hyunjin loves art, most of the pieces he posts on instagram were of flowers, or sceneries. however, he has a notebook that is dedicated to his drawings of you. he knows how you aren't confident in yourself most of the time, but he's determined to prove you wrong. whenever you were with him, hyunjin would always have his notebook and pencil in hand, ready to sketch you.
"what are you always drawing?" "hm?" hyunjin hummed, gaze still fixating on his pages. "i mean, you're always drawing something, can i see what it is?" his cheeks turned slightly pink from your attention, "i'll show you when i'm finished." "but you work on a new piece every time?" hyunjin paused, thinking of a reply to that, "i'll show you the entire book when i'm done. i have around 11 pages left or so anyway." you nodded, satisfied with that answer. hyunjin smiled to himself before continuing his work on your eyes, he always thought they were the prettiest he'd ever seen.
jisung (지성) - petting
it started off as a subconscious movement, you were pretty certain jisung hadn’t even realised doing it until you asked him why he was stroking your arm out of nowhere. he responded with a blush, moving away before you could stop him. it was when it happened again that you told him you found it adorable, and that was also when jisung kissed you for the first time.
“i never got to ask you,” you said, nudging jisung's foot with yours, earning a hum from him. “why do you always pet me?” the hand that was caressing your thigh halted, before continuing as jisung thought of an answer, “i don’t know. i think i just got used to petting bbama, and now i pet you.” you kissed his cheek lightly, smiling against his skin, “fair enough.”
felix (용복) - baking
it was regular for felix to bake a batch of brownies for the members and staff, and usually they would all be devoured before you could even get your hands on one of them, which is why felix would always bake a smaller batch reserved just for you. sometimes they would have chocolate chips in them, or m&ms, whatever you were craving, they would probably be put in the brownies.
"yah, felix, do you have any more brownies?" minho yelled from across the room. "no, sorry, that was all!" felix called back. "what do you mean? you literally have a box of them right there?" jeongin pointed out. felix immediately reacted, extending his arm until it was out of jeongin's reach, "they're not yours." "they're mine!" you added in, walking over to felix and taking the box from him, kissing his cheek as a thank you. "ugh, not in here," minho recoiled.
seungmin (승민) - taking pictures
much like hyunjin, he's an avid believer of capturing the moment. seungmin carries a film camera with him at all times, knowing that if he used a regular camera, you would ask to see the picture and instantly ask him to delete it. by using a film camera, you wouldn't be able to see the picture, and seungmin would be able to print them out without your knowing, and pocket them in his wallet.
"when did you take this?" you indicated at the picture of you in his wallet, you swore you've never seen that picture before. "a while ago," seungmin shrugged, taking his wallet from your hands. "do you just take pictures of me out of nowhere?" you laughed. "yeah, all the time. i thought you knew that." you blinked, "i did not." "well now you do."
jeongin (정인) - letting you wear his rings
jeongin's usually very reluctant about letting other people borrow his things, but when he saw you trying on some of his rings, he knew he would let you have anything you wanted that belonged to him. it wasn't even a possessive thing, he simply thought that it warmed his heart to know that you loved him so much you would wear a reminder of him every day.
"hey, can i borrow this for tonight? it goes with my outfit." without even looking up from his phone, jeongin nodded, "sure." "innie, you're not even looking," you stated teasingly. he smiled, "i don't need to. you can keep whatever you want." you gaped, "really?" jeongin switched his phone off, beaming at you, "yeah. what's mine is yours. not my clothes though, i need them for my ootds."
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ravenzia · 18 days
— 𝔱𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔢 — 🔞 (𝔣𝔢𝔪!𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯)
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 — 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖, 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭!𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
˚₊‧꒰ა Me and Your Mama - Donald Glover ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
𝚊𝚛𝚝: 𝚜𝚊𝚔𝚜𝚊𝚔_𝚔𝚊𝚣𝚣 𝚘𝚗 𝚡
— ☆ —
You and Hiromi work at the same company. It‘s safe to say you see each other often, wich led to you taking a liking to him. Today you both are stuck in a meeting, the only entertainment being you both texting back and forth under the table.
A smile grows on your face at the things he makes you feel and the idea he just gave you.
Your eyes wander around the room, trying to find something more interesting than listening to this boring as hell meeting you’re stuck in.
Your phone vibrates in your lap, catching your attention immediately. You pick it up and take a look, a message waiting to be opened.
You quickly unlock your phone and click on the chat, realizing it’s Hiromi.
Hiro: can’t wait to get out.
A small smile tugs at your lips at his message as you type back.
You: suddenly paperwork sounds appealing 👏🏼
It was true, it did sound more appealing than this.
You sigh when another message from him pops up,
Hiro: I‘d do anything to get out of here.
You glance up at him across the table, noticing how he lets out a breath while staring down at his phone.
You watch him a moment longer until you get a interesting idea.
Your hand goes up and you excuse yourself, saying you need to use the restroom.
Getting up, you feel his eyes on you as you leave the room. Once in the restroom, you walk towards the stall in the very back and step in, closing the door and taking a seat on the closed toilet.
A rush of excitement rushes through you at the thought of what you’re about to do.
Without overthinking it, you slowly start to unbutton the first few buttons of your white blouse until your bra is clearly visible.
Looking down at yourself, you feel your cheeks start to warm up. Not believing you’re actually doing this.
Your hand reaches for your phone and positions it in a high angle after opening the photo app.
Five minutes later you’re back on the chat with Hiromi,
You: still bored?
Not even one minute later he replies.
Hiro: yeah.
You bite your lip and open your gallery, selecting one of the few pictures you just took and send it to him.
You: maybe this helps?
Without realizing it, you start chewing on your lower lip when you see he opened the message but didn’t reply.
Of course he wouldn’t, what were you thinking?
You continue to sit on the toilet for a few minutes, silence lingering in the air around you.
Maybe your idea was stupid, but you can’t help feeling some kind of thrill because of it.
Suddenly, someone walks in and you hear footsteps approaching the last stall. Your stall.
The door slams open and your eyes widen when you take in who it is.
You gulp, feeling a small amount of embarrassment wash over you. You were at work after all.
He steps in, closing and locking the stall door behind him before his eyes settle back on you.
"Was it intentional? Or did you mistake me for the wrong person?"
Your heartbeat picks up when his eyes wander down to your open blouse.
"It was no mistake," you finally manage to answer.
His eyes meet yours again and they look more…hungry?
You press your thighs together, trying to ignore the wet feeling between your legs and the sudden heat spreading through your body.
Hiromi takes another step closer, slowly kneeling down to your level.
"Not as innocent as I first thought you‘d be, hm?"
You don’t answer that, you don’t need to. Because he already knows.
"What if someone beside me took a glances my phone and saw that picture?" His hands come to rest on the outside of your thighs and you swallow.
"So needy…" His hands slide down until they reach your knees. "What should I do about that?"
Slowly he pushes your knees apart, just enough for him to sit back on his knees between them.
Your breath falters, mind running all over the place.
"I don’t think I ever saw you as quiet as you are right now, what happened?" His hands reach for your hips and he pulls you forward until you’re sitting at the edge of the toilet seat. "Cat go your tongue y/n?"
"I‘m sorry I—" You suck in a breath when one of his hands moves underneath your pencil skirt and swipes a finger over the wet material of your panties.
"You‘re not sorry." His hand retreats, using both hands to push your skirt up to your waist. "I‘m not either."
He sits up on his knees so his body leans closer to yours, his big hands parting your legs further.
Seeing this side of him makes you feel all kind of things. In all those years you worked together, not even once did you think he’d storm into the women’s restroom just to look for you.
You knew he was handsome. Almost all women in the office eye him and chat with him. That’s why you held back, not wanting to interrupt any relationship, if he had any.
He doesn’t seem like the type to fall for things easily or use women just for his needs. That‘s why his reaction right now took you off guard.
His face comes down to your stomach as he looks up at you through his lashes.
At this point you’re all liquid and non-functional.
His head slowly dips down until he‘s between your thighs, gripping them tightly before throwing them over his shoulders.
"Never took you for this type of woman to be honest," He says as he presses light kisses along the inside of your left thigh.
With half lidded eyes and parted lips, you follow his movements.
"But here you are, all soaked…" He takes another glance at you. "Do you often think about me?"
Yes, you do. But you don’t want to say that out loud.
His kisses move up until he‘s inches away from your soaked underwear, his right hand coming up to swipe a finger over them.
You can’t help but let out a soft moan at the sensation, wishing he’d repeat it but on bare skin.
"Answer me." His voice sounds harsher but muffled.
A hum is all you get before the thumb of his left hand pushes your panties to the side and his tongue swipes between your wet folds.
"Oh my god.."
His tongue moves up until it reaches your clit and gives it a gentle nib, making your head fall back.
"That‘s not my name, try again."
You can already feel yourself pulsating as he dives in deeper so his full mouth is on you.
"Fuck…" You whimper and reach a hand out to grab his hair.
While your fingers run through it, he moves back to your clit and sucks on it, making your legs twitch.
Soon after that you feel a finger swipe over your entrance before slowly pushing inside.
"Hiromi…" A moan escapes you again, your breath coming in short pants.
He gives a hum wich sends a vibration through you, your hips rolling forward to get more of the pleasure coursing through your body.
His finger starts to move, his tongue lapping over your clit and swiping down towards your entrance. Without waiting any longer, he pushes a second finger in.
You lean back against the wall and hold tight onto the toilet seat with one hand as the other tugs at his hair, your face flush and eyes closed.
You feel him moves his fingers in a scissoring motion to stretch you, his big nose hitting your clit.
His eyes open to take a look at you, a small smirk tugging at his lips when he sees your expression.
"You like that sweetheart?"
Your eyes open and meet his, your mouth still parted with only panting noises coming out of it.
His mouth leaves your pussy, his fingers continuing to slide in and out in a slow pace.
He‘s doing it on purpose. You know that. The first reason would be to savor your expressions and drink up your noises, and the second to punish you for sending him that picture.
Just as you were about to fall over the edge, he pulls his fingers out completely, earning a whimper from you.
If you never heard him chuckle before, you do now. The fingers he used inside of you are now in his mouth as he cleans them from your juices.
"I‘m not going to fuck you."
A small pause.
You frown with the last strength you had left. "What?"
He gets up to stand, his eyes taking you all in.
With quick movements he unbuckles his belt and undoes his pants but doesn’t pull them down yet.
"Get up."
You do. You stand on weak legs, hair messy from rubbing against the wall.
"Turn around and put your hands on the wall."
You do. Turning your back to him and leaning your chest forward until you’re pressed against the stall wall, your hands coming underneath you as you rest them on the wall as well.
"Why don’t y-" A hiss leaves your throat when hot flesh rubs against your soaked folds.
His chest leans down to press against your back, his hands gripping onto your hips tightly to keep you from moving.
"You wanted to say something?" His mouth is close to your ear, his breath hot against your neck.
He uses his wider stance to push your legs together until you stand normally.
"What did you want to say, hm?" He asks as his dick pushes between your folds with a little more force, earning a gasp from you.
His hips move slowly, his dick gently rubbing against you, eventually hitting your swollen clit.
"Fuck…" You moan under your breath.
"Imagine how it would feel if I was inside,"
You moan at that thought.
"So tight and warm," He presses a gentle kiss on the side of your neck.
"Would you like that sweetheart?"
You would. And how you would.
A shiver runs down your spine when the tip of his dick runs over your clit again and you arch your back.
The movements of his hips pick up and he applies more pressure to get more moans out of you.
The right hand that was on your hip moves up to cover your mouth and pull your head back against his chest.
"Shh…you’re going to make people think someone is stabbing you in here because of how much you moan." His voice is low and quiet against the shell of your ear.
Your eyes roll back when his dick slides just right again, your legs starting to shake from the pressure forming in your abdomen.
He notices and keeps his pace for a moment longer until he sees you‘re about to come undone.
Thats when he stops.
"Hiro…" You cry out against his hand, tears gathering in your eyes from frustration.
"You wanna come sweetheart?"
No hesitation, no thoughts. You nod hard as a tear rolls down your cheek.
His hips start to move very slowly again and his hand leaves your mouth, sliding in between your legs to circle your clit.
"Fuck Fuck Fuck…" You pant out loudly, back arching further against his chest.
His fingers move faster and your vision starts to blur from how close your are.
With one more hard push of his hips and pressure of his fingers, you finally fall over the edge with a high pitched cry.
Before your legs could give up, his hands wrap around your waist and hold you flush against him.
"Good girl." He whispers in your ear and gives your earlobe a nib before pulling away and turning you to face him.
You‘re a complete mess, face red, hair disheveled, eyes heavy and mouth parted to catch your breath as if you just ran a marathon.
His thumb wipes the mascara that smeared down your cheek and he looks at you with satisfaction.
"Next time you send me something like that again," He starts, his eyes sizing you up. "I‘ll make sure you won’t sit for two weeks."
You gulp, slowly coming back to your senses when you realize he started cleaning you up and pulling your skirt down.
"You can get me next time," He looks you up and down, hoping you got the message. "Now let‘s get back. I‘m sure the meeting‘s long over."
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reveluving · 1 year
today's batmom thot of the day is:
Bruce's secret stash of your 𝙣𝙪𝙙𝙚 polaroids!
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warnings: smut obv (minors DNI!), thirsty!Bruce is thirsty for his wife <;3
check out my batmom m.list &lt;3
Nobody loves you more than your husband. Anyone to claim otherwise, be it his children, Alfred or even your own staff (which were basically teenagers who now sees you as their mother, at this point), well, that'll only happen when hell freezes over.
The problem is? The man is always busy, as a renowned business by day and a renowned vigilante by night. So, he can't always spend time with you as much as he hopes for. So, naturally, when he's graced with the opportunity to be with you, no doubt he uses it like it's his last day on Earth.
But when he can't?
His nude polaroids of you are his saving grace.
You see that gif up there? That's him sneaking glances at those photos at any given time.
I've actually mentioned this fact in one of my drabbles! One of his favourite ones is kept in his wallet, stashed in the same slot behind your cafe's business card—if in any case his kids have his wallet for whatever reason, the last place they'd investigate is your card.
Or at least, he could only hope none of them ever stumble upon it.
If not, he knew you'd never let him keep another one. It's happened before, and he was lucky enough to find it.
But, was it worth traumatizing his father figure, who was unlucky enough to have found it?
What was it, you might ask?
It was during your honeymoon in Japan, your hotel room overlooking the city at night. He had on you the bed, his thumb nestled in your lips as he bottomed out. The spurt of cum trailing from your cunt up to your pretty glossy lips. The pure bliss on your face as you take his hard cock and oh, it never fails to make his blood run hot.
"Messy girl." He tutted with a sly smile, cooing at the mix of your drool and his cum coating his fingers. The magnificent view of the Tokyo Tower plus the skyscrapers surrounding it was an added benefit; a variety of neon lightly illuminating your room, enough for Bruce to see you in your glory.
He already took a good nine or ten photos of you on his phone before tossing it aside with your polaroid camera, where he's also used it on you for another three, one of which will definitely be his number one. For now, he wanted no interruptions, and loomed over you, the dangerous look in his eyes barely hidden behind his wet hair made it clear that he was beyond done with you. It wasn't until you whimpered and rolled against his hips that the look he had was accompanied by a smirk, knowing that you needed him as much as he needed you.
Yes, that honeymoon had to be one of the best ones he's ever had, and he's been to plenty with you.
The point is, his family has had enough trauma, for they've witnessed their fair share of 'unspeakable events' in the past regarding the two of you, be it in the bedroom, some gala, your cafe's storeroom.
But that's besides the point.
We've only talked about one of his utmost favourite polaroids, so you can bet your ass that he has more than just one! Those other favourites are stashed in the bedside table, his office desk, both in the mansion and his company, the Batcomputer's drawer, and the Batmobile. All of which were locked for his own use, of course.
He probably has at least 20, and counting, even, for your husband is not only a pleaser in bed, but an artistic one, as well. His muse? You, duh. Whether it's a polaroid of you in his oversized dress shirt only or nothing at all, these keepsakes are far more valuable than any art piece in any prestigious galleries. Better yet, they're priceless, for they belong to him and and him only.
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a reupload. dumblr really testing me. going back to my IRL responsibilities cuz shit is crazy rn see yall in a few months tho <3 /j
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hyukalyptus · 8 months
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not at all — hueningkai x chubby!fem!reader. NSFW/MDNI!
cw. first date, chubby!reader, mention of eating and drinking, reader's a bit tipsy, pet names (cutie, pretty i think), tummy love obvi, nipple play obvi, marking, biting, tiddy fuck <3, oral (m. receiving), jiggle, unprotected sex, creampie, body worship? notes. this is self indulgent AF!!! reposted from me my old acct, didn't rly edit, smut under cut. wc. 2.2K
“Kai!” You smile when you open the door, greeted by the cutest Kai you’ve ever seen, all dressed up, holding a bouquet of pink peonies, smelling of cologne. It’s only the second time you’ve seen him, but you didn’t think he could get any cuter after meeting him at the bookstore the other day—cute nose in a book, wavy hair falling over his eyes, biting his lip in concentration. 
You’d caught him off guard approaching him, recommending another book based on what he was reading and ended up chatting for a while. 
“Just let me know if you need any other book recommendations once you finish that one.”
“Okay, will do.” He smiled softly, nodding awkwardly.
“I’m gonna go now…so just let me know, yeah?” Pressing his lips together, he nodded again. “Are you here a lot?”
“No, I’m not here too often,” he said, scratching the back of his head. 
“I’m trying to get you to ask me for my number.” 
“Oh! Right, right…phone numbers—ha.” 
You simply look stunning. Your gorgeous dress hugs you in all the right places, accentuating your chest perfectly. It’s a totally different look from the sweater and jeans you were wearing the other day. So seeing your chest like this gives him heart eyes. He’s just absolutely, positively giddy looking at you. It’s difficult for him to even say, “For you,” while he hands you the flowers. 
“Oh, wow, thank you. How’d you know these were my favorite?” You giggle, letting him in your apartment, but he doesn’t go past the front entryway. He simply watches in awe while you find a vase, rambling a bit to him, not even noticing him shyly standing across the room. “Come over here, silly. Make yourself at home,” you say. 
Nodding, he slowly makes his way closer to you, but he does make a point to look over your apartment—noticing little details about you. The quirky gallery wall above your couch, the fancy olive oils near your stovetop, that book you bought from that bookstore where you met resting on your coffee table. “You’re so cute,” you say, his ears turning red hot. “Just come over and have a seat.” You motion to the bar stool behind the kitchen counter. 
Remembering this is a date and he can flirt with you a bit, he says, “You look really pretty.” It might not have been the cheekiest of flirting, but it’s still flirting. 
“Thank you,” you smile. “You look really pretty tonight too.” And he really does—he’s so, so pretty, almost ethereal, like there’s a glow around him. “So, whatcha got planned for us this evening?” You ask, leaning over the counter, sparkly eyes blinking up at him, tits peeking out over the neckline of your dress. He tries—really, he does—maintaining eye contact, but you’re so, so pretty too, he can’t look at your eyes either. 
So he opts for checking his watch before saying, “I’ve got reservations for us in about a half hour. We should probably get going actually.”
“Oh, okay! Sure,” you smile, grabbing your bag and heading out the front door. 
It’s such a cute, cozy place. All the walls and decor are so warm, it’d make anyone want to cuddle, but for touchy-feely people like the two of you, you’re already all cuddled into each other. 
The two of you clicked as soon as you sat down. You haven’t stopped giggling, touching his arm, you’ve caught him glancing down at your lips more than a few times. And he just can’t get enough of you. You are the prettiest thing he’s ever seen. He truly believes that. 
After dinner and a few glasses of wine later, you ask him—with your best please eyes—to walk you back home. And it’s a good thing too, because he was planning to anyway.
Both of your arms wrapped around one of his, he drags you back to your apartment, having the best time walking down a quiet sidewalk together. You look up at him, his strong nose undeniably noticeable, his pink, plush lips curling into a smile while he laughs with you. 
Oh, how you wanted him. He was simply adorable in the way he joked with you, held the door open for you, and reached for the bill. The whole evening, he was dipped in sugar. And he seemed like this big, tall teddy bear waiting to be devoured by you. 
“You wanna come up for another drink?” You asked, silently begging him with your pretty eyes, long eyelashes batting up at him. You weren’t sure where he was with everything, to be honest. You’d never know what he was thinking about you. 
But oh, how he wanted you. It was torture sitting next you, but he’d never let you know that. The way your tits were pushed up by your dress, spilling over the top as you leaned closer and closer to him, how he could see the indent of your belly button under the silky fabric, your thighs spread across the booth. You looked…delicious. He couldn’t wait to get you out of that dress, writhing underneath him while he kissed and bit your tummy for a minimum of ten minutes before flicking his tongue over your clit and oh, you legs wrapped around his head, he had to stop himself before it was too noticeable. 
Following you inside, you start pouring some more wine for the two of you, soon joining him on the couch. And it’s more of the same—laughing, giggling, joking, just having fun in each other’s company. It feels so good and natural being together. Soon enough, you’re not sure if it’s the wine or what, but something comes over you. 
He’s way too polite to initiate anything on a first date, but you? You need him, but you don’t want to come on too strong. The wine isn’t helping though. 
Your hand grazes his thigh and he swears his heartbeat is in his throat. “You look so pretty right now,” you whisper. He swallows, lips parting. “Just…” you trail off, taking a sip of the tarte, red wine, lips stained by now. “The way this candle flickers across your skin…you just look…wow.” 
“Thank you,” he chokes out. Is he even getting the hint? 
“You’re honestly probably the prettiest guy I’ve seen,” you say, setting your glass on the coffee table. “This nose is gorgeous.” You lightly drag the tip of your pinky down his bridge, punctuating it with a cute boop to the tip of his nose. “And your eyes…ah, so pretty.” You drag the pad of your thumb across his eyelashes as his eyes flutter shut. “And don’t even get me started on those lips.” You rest back against the couch, smirking at him. 
“No, no, go ahead,” he says, the slightest hint of a giggle in his voice. “What about my lips?”
Ah, he’s got the hint now. “Just how kissable they look. And…” you start, leaning closer to him, hand inching higher and higher on his thigh, faces close enough to feel each other’s breath on your lips. “I want them all over me.” 
Catching your lips with his, he carefully sets the wine glass down before squeezing your thigh, earning a nice groan from you. Pushing off his jacket, he slips his arms out of the sleeves, reaching for your waist, guiding you to straddle his lap. He’s surprisingly good at this based on his shy, cute demeanor throughout the rest of the evening. Legs falling over his, he cranes his neck to reach your lips before trailing down your neck, hands all over your hips. 
“Fuck…” you sigh, hands tangling into his hair. Already burying his face in your cleavage to kiss even more of your skin, both of your breathing starting to get heavy. “My, uh…my bedroom’s down that hallway,” you say and he got the hint immediately.
Hoisting you up with a grunt, thick legs wrapped around his waist, your lips part only briefly as he finds the door knob. Dropping you to your bed, you desperately unbutton his shirt before sliding it off him. He pushes your dress up past your waist, letting out a groan of relief at the sight of your tummy and how gorgeous it is. One hand on your waist, the other on your tit, he simply attacks it with kisses, sucks, and bites. 
You’re not really sure what he’s doing—no one’s ever done this with you before. He doesn’t stop showing your tummy love while his hips grind into the mattress. He must really love tummies. The idea of him pining after your belly all night fills you with butterflies. 
Turning away from him, he whines and pouts at the loss of your beauty, but you say, “I just want this dress off me.” Nodding, he finds the zipper, quickly pulling it over your head and tossing it to the floor to get back to your tummy as soon as possible. It doesn’t last long, though, because once he squeezes your bare tit for the first time, his eyes widen before he makes his way back up to your chest, squishing them together to bury his face into. 
Finally flicking his tongue over your nipple, you moan so sexily, grinding your hips against him. Pushing him off you, you find a moment to flip him on his back, reaching for his pants button, slipping them off quickly. 
It’s your turn to shower his body with kisses and love, starting with a sweet, gentle kiss to his nose, making your way down his chest, licking over his nipples briefly, spending a good amount of time on his tummy, then his glorious thighs. And the beauty that is his cock—pinker than the rest of him and leaking wonderfully. 
Holding him gently, your mouth drops open, but you look up at him through your eyelashes for permission and he nods, eyebrows stitched together. Sinking your lips around his cock, you drag your lips down so slowly, making him whine, cheeks turning pink from embarrassment. One thing about him is…it doesn’t take much for him. Doesn’t take much before he starts begging…begging to fuck you. 
“Be patient, cutie.” And suddenly, you remember, this guy loves tummies and tits—you wrap your tits around his cock, bouncing them up and down and his brain short circuits. The sight of you like this—
“Holy fuck—” he gasps, head falling back against the pillow, rolling his hips between your cleavage. His dominant side seems to have completely vanished under everything you’re doing to him, which you love. Fingers fumbling as they try to wrap around your hair, breath rattling as your name leaves his mouth, toes curling. 
Releasing, you straddle his waist, his big hands squeezing your hips as you reach underneath yourself for his cock, rubbing it up and down your folds. 
He’s so tantalizing, it doesn’t take long to give into him, sinking down on him completely, his eyes slamming shut at the feeling of you. His hands are all over you. Squeezing your bouncing tits, pinching your waist, squishing your soft ass, holding your hips for stability. 
And goddamn does he feel good, reaching the deepest parts of you, giving you butterflies with the way he looks up at you, squeezing you in all the right places. 
“Oh my god,” you breathe. “You’re so…your cock feels…you—”
“I hope the ends of these sentences are good,” he chuckles. You simply don’t know what to do with yourself as you try grounding yourself by grabbing a tit, then running your hands through your hair, anything, but you can only nod before you find the strength to respond. 
“Yes, yes,” you pant. “You feel so, so, so good. Holy fucking shit.”
Fucking up into you, he’s desperately chasing his orgasm, cock sliding in and out of your pussy so deliciously. His breath is erratic as his head drops against his pillow, knots in his stomach tightening with each bounce, fiercely gripping your waist, orgasm quickly approaching. Your whines, the way you’re bouncing over him, the sight of your tits jiggling furiously sends him over the edge. 
And “Fuck, you’re perfect.” Everything about you. His legs involuntarily lift off the bed, muscles trembling as he cums inside you, the feeling washing over you as you’re chasing your own orgasm. 
But it doesn’t take long—one of his thumbs circling over your clit and the other over your nipple is more than enough to send you over the edge. You’re a whimpering mess, fucking yourself on his overstimulated cock, mouth dropping open, obscene sounds spilling out. Falling forward, your tits rub up against his chest as you ride it out. 
You don’t really do much—just lay on top of him while you two catch your breath, his fingertips dragging across your back until his cock slips out of you on its own. 
He finally breaks the silence, “Wow, that was…”
“Yeah, that was great,” you hold your head up to look down at him with a smirk, pecking his nose. “I like you.”
“Ah, stop…” he giggles. “I like you too.” You sit up, running your fingers through your hair and his hands find themselves in the pinch of your waist, thumbs rubbing circles on your hips, but he chuckles and says, “Oh my gosh, look.” You look down and three beautiful hickeys had already bloomed on your belly. He looks a bit embarrassed and admits, “Yeah, I kinda have a thing for tummies.”
“Oh yeah? I couldn’t tell,” you sarcastically, rolling your eyes playfully.
“Is that weird?”
You press gentle kisses to his jaw as you shake your head and say “Not at all, cutie.”
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ddeonuswhre · 4 months
ㅤㅤ You are everything, 𝗺𝘆 everything.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤLee Heeseung x M!reader.
Summary: You and Heeseung have been best friends for a while now. However, this time the two of you were in his room while you consoled him about his recent breakup.
Warning: , cheating, secret curses , fluff(?).
Note: After a long time I got inspiration, I will try to be more active. It won't be such a nice chapter, keep that in mind.
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"Heeseung? What's wr-" Your words were cut off instantly since the raven man opened the door to his room and as he hugged you with great force, he would close it with his foot. Your hands began to caress his back after having felt a big heavy sigh on your neck, Heeseung had been crying for more than two hours and you needed to know the reason for the problem. As soon as he pulled away, you found your way to his bed to sit down and take a wider view of him pacing around the center of his room.
"I'm an idiot, M/N. I should have listened to you." He exclaimed in a dull tone unsure of what to say.
"Did she do something to you? Did you guys argue again?" You sat up straight on the bed and now your eyes can't stop looking at him.
The next scene was that boy throwing his phone next to you, you managed to see that his gallery was open and there were a couple of screenshots that he himself sent you to read. Your eyes would now begin to let out a couple of tears after reading several messages where you could clearly see his girlfriend being unfaithful, you did not hesitate to turn off the phone and direct your body towards the brunette, seeking to at least give him a hug.
"I loved her, M/N, I loved her more than anything else. Why doesn't she love me the same way? Did I do something wrong?" He said after avoiding your interaction and lying part of his body on the bed.
"Heeseung, you didn't do anything wrong, you should understand that she is the one who is wrong. She is letting go of the best person in the world, you are so attentive and so cute when you fall in love..." You quickly ran your hand over your cheek as you felt a tear run down it. You sat down gently next to the beautiful boy with doe eyes and left one of your hands on his leg, patting it once in a while.
"You must understand that if you already know this, the best thing you should do is break u-..." Your lips were silenced by a dry kiss that the taller one gave you, your eyes were completely open after feeling that taste of beer that was all over his lips. You couldn't believe this was really happening so you decided to push him away but your struggle was in vain after the boy wrapped both hands around your body. You had liked him for a long time, you could say since you confessed to him that you were openly gay and he did nothing but hug you and tell you that it didn't matter, after all you would still be his friend, his best friend.
You closed your eyes as you let yourself be carried away by the kiss after a few minutes where he continued moving his lips against yours; You responded to his kiss after placing both hands on the sides of his cheeks, caressing and squeezing them a little. He would begin to put his hands under your sweater and caress your exposed skin with his cold hands. This action would make you frown slightly. frown, you didn't give it any importance after a few seconds.
After a few seconds the boy would leave a wet trail that started from your lips and ended on your neck.
"I love you, Wony, I can be better... I can do my best."
What? Wony? Did he really say that? Your heart broke in two when you realized that you were only being used by him, you were being his way of release. You pushed his body as far as you could and ran out of his room with tears running down your cheeks and down your neck, the only thing you could hear between your sea of thoughts and curses was his mother asking you why you were leaving so suddenly and so much. More like that, crying.
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risingoftime · 1 year
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗'𝖘 𝖒𝖚𝖘𝖊 | 𝖘𝖍𝖚𝖗𝖎 𝖔 𝖋𝖊𝖒!𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
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synopsis: Shuri pays a visit to Riri’s new apartment but is surprised that she no longer lives alone.
word count: 3k
warnings: smut, fingering, kimoyo bead toys, vibrating toys, dom!shuri, sub!reader, orgasm control, finger sucking, overstimulation, praise, slight hurt/angst/grief, drugged sex, marijuana use, couch sex.
note: haven’t written in a while, but I’m back now! I am slowly but surely going to get through requests, so please be patient with me ˙ᵕ˙
18+ | minors do not interact
➴ feel free to send me more thots
I set up my canvas in front of me and aligned my paintbrushes in the way I liked before lighting the spliff I had rolled earlier. I’ve been trying to get motivation, but I haven't had the easiest time finding inspiration around me since my Mother passed away due to cancer. Saying that my mom was my best friend is an understatement. At times it felt like she was all I had. I don’t have any siblings, and my Dad, I try my best not to think of him anymore. I remember crying to Riri once she returned. She hadn’t responded to my calls or messages when she got involved with the Wakandans. I understood why, but I will never forget the loneliness I felt when I couldn’t turn to my childhood best friend. If there is anyone who I can count on, it is Riri. When Riri returned, she rarely left my side. It’s the reason why we share an apartment now. We live close enough to MIT, so she doesn’t have to commute far, and my art gained a lot of following, so I opened a gallery in Massachusetts. She made money from hustling students and doing their school projects. While my gallery and custom canvases have allowed me to work and afford anywhere, I please. I took a big hit of the spliff before going on my phone to order a pizza since Riri was still at MIT working on her midterms. There was no point in waiting up for her to cook. I turned up my speakers to drown out the white noise with neo-soul, thought it would suit the vibe I’m on as I smoke and paint. I turned back towards my empty canvas, fiddling with my brush. It’s been a month, and I still couldn’t get the image of the Wakandan Princess Riri described.
I already have plenty of sketches of what I thought the Princess would look like in her panther suit, but I don’t think I’ve successfully captured the vulnerable side Riri spoke of yet. I lightly sketched an outline of her face in the top corner for reference before I decided on a pose and background. I chose the streets of Chicago to drape the backdrop, the neighbourhood I grew up in. I was centring the female Black Panther surrounded by the faceless members of the hood. I got lost in my art, utilizing my childhood memories to fill out the spaces on the canvas until I was left with the area the panther would occupy. I fiddled with my pencil as I tried to envision the stoic expression she would have.
The knock at the door pulled me away from my work. I was surprised that the pizza arrived so quickly. Tony’s Pizzeria was rarely on time, but it’s the only pizza I liked and worth the wait. I grabbed the twenty-dollar bill left on the kitchen counter and unlocked the front door to find none other than Princess Shuri. I couldn’t hide the shock written all over my face. I jolted backwards away from the door, unsure how to react.
“I’m starting to think American girls don’t like me very much. Riri had a similar reaction when I first visited her at her dorm,” she laughed.
I stood straight, still shocked that she stood before me in the flesh. Princess Shuri brushed past me to enter my apartment and closed the door to the apartment behind her. The Princess was introduced to the mess I’d made while working on my canvas. My drop cloth covered the hardwood floors, my paint supplies were strewn around my wooden stool, and my big green plants were pushed to the edges of the living room. In the distance, I could zero in on my bonnet on top of the couch. That made me spring into action, trying to tidy up the loft. She probably thinks I’m a mess! I was sure that I looked frantic as I did this.
“I’m sorry, I wasn't expecting company. Riri is supposed to come home later in the evening from her exams if that’s why you’re here.” I still held the spliff in my hand and subconsciously took another pull due to the onset of the stress of having the Princess in my apartment. I regretted doing it as soon as I blew out the smoke. “Shit, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” I aggressively fanned the smoke away. But the Princess wasn’t paying attention to me. Instead, her eyes were trained on the canvas I was working on—focused on the spot where I sketched a rough draft of her face. I felt my heart beat out of my chest from embarrassment. Could anything else go wrong?
“I was just doodling and passing the time,” I tensed in anticipation of what she will say next.
“I don’t think you got my jawline right,” she said after giving it the last few glances. I analyzed her facial features and looked back to the canvas. She was right. The Princess’s jawline was now sharper and more defined. Gone was the roundness from the old photos I saw of her in the media. As I walked towards her, I pursed my lips in response and put out the spliff in the ashtray beside my art supplies.
“You should know I’m an artist and sensitive about my shit,” I joked.
“The one and only Erykah Badu,” she smiled in acknowledgement.
“I’m surprised you know the reference.”
Princess Shuri rolled her eyes at me as a way to say, “Duh.” I didn’t know much about her outside of what Riri and the tabloids had told me, which hasn’t been much. The Princess removed her blazer to make herself comfortable and revealed her toned arms in a muscle tank. I tried my best not to gawk as I watched her grab the wooden stool and place it on the opposite side of the canvas.
“Let me be your live muse, might as well get acquainted while we wait for Riri,” she smiled.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to keep me company,” I replied.
“But I want to, and pass me that joint while you’re up” Princess Shuri nodded towards the ashtray holding my spliff.
“Wait, Princess Shuri, are you even allowed to smoke?” I asked incredulously.
“Call me Shuri, and I will be coronated as Queen soon. So technically, I can do whatever I want now.”
“Okay… Shuri” It felt odd calling her by her first name. It made me feel like we were common acquaintances instead of strangers worlds apart. I passed Shuri the spliff, and she leaned in closer to me, tilting her head up to make eye contact with me to make it easier for me to light it. I quickly retreated to my easel to shift it over and prepped my colours to begin working. I watched as she inhaled and exhaled the smoke with ease as if she’s done it a million times. But, there was more to her than meets the eye.
“What made you get into painting?” Shuri asked. Her eyes observed the numerous half-finished projects and paintings on the wall. I’ve genuinely turned our apartment into a more personal studio.
“Uhm, my art helps me process my emotions and trauma. Each canvas is a journal entry for me. When I lost my Dad, I became depressed and introverted. It was my Mother who introduced me to art through different vessels in my life. She wanted me to have an outlet where I could express myself, something to soothe my soul, as she would say.” I blinked back my tears from the memories of her, the loss still fresh in my heart.
“She sounds like a lovely woman.”
“She was,” I whispered.
I briefly peeked at Shuri and saw her analyzing me. Her eyes were sad but filled with tenderness, “I’m sorry for your loss,” Shuri said.
“Me too,” I replied.
“I guess we have more in common than we think” Shuri sighed and pulled another drag of smoke into her lungs.
It was silent between us afterwards, only the music saving us from the tension in the room. I continued to perfect her jawline, adding a darker shade to add dimension. Shuri kept shifting her head, and it was beginning to make it challenging to get a good view of her features. Finally, I set down my brush in frustration.
“You keep moving, and it’s driving me crazy. I need you to keep facing forward toward me with your head slightly tilted to the right,” I huffed.
“Like this?” Shuri began posing in numerous ways jokingly, clearly feeling the effects of the weed. I couldn’t help but giggle a bit at her goofiness. I walked towards her and gently grabbed her chin to adjust her accordingly. I stood in between her parted legs to do this. Shuri’s eyes were low and slightly red. She looked at me lustfully and slowly licked her lips. My stomach erupted with butterflies, and my nerves peaked.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked.
“What? Can’t I admire you? It’s only fair after you’ve been doing the same. I want to see why Riri sings such high praises of you.” Her gaze lowered to rake over my body hungrily. Shuri inhaled the last bit of the spliff and stood before me. Holding my chin, she blows the smoke in my mouth, lips grazing mine. I was thoroughly in a daze from my high and having her so close to me. The taste of smoke and her skin drove me crazy, craving more. She bent down and peppered small kisses as she made a trail to my neck, tracing her tongue along my neck and sending shivers down my spine. Shuri smelled sweet, like vanilla and had a hint of something else. I felt the pool of arousal in my panties as she teased me with her hands, groping and massaging my ass. I lightly pushed her off me to meet her eyes, my head spinning from how fast we were moving.
“What are we doing? we shouldn’t do this,” I stated.
Princess Shuri answered my question with her own, “You don’t want me to make you feel good?”
I paused at the forwardness of her question. If we continue, surely there wouldn’t be no turning back. But I didn’t want to stop now. I went on my toes to kiss her lips once more, slipping my tongue inside to deepen the kiss. Our tongues moved against the other. I pushed my body closer, rubbing my breast against hers. Shuri lifted me to press my core against hers and guided us to the couch. I straddled her as she ground herself against me. Shuri moaned in my mouth and bit my bottom lip. Her hands were firm on my hips as she moved me against her to keep pace with her movements. Shuri’s mouth left no place untouched. She left marks on my neck down to my breast. She was sucking and swirling her tongue as she did so.
“Shuri, please, I want you,” I moaned.
“How do you want me, princess?” she cooed.
“I want you to fuck me,” I admitted. She pushed me down onto my back so I was lying on the couch. Shuri toyed with the brim of my sweatpants, making her way down to my already soaked panties.
“You feel so good,” she mumbled against my neck and rubbed my clit in circular motions. Her fingers were slick with my juices. I rolled my waist to feel every stroke and closed my eyes to focus harder on how Shuri made me feel. I found myself getting lost in it until we heard the ringing of my apartment intercom.
“Fuck, that’s probably the pizza I ordered,” I groaned in frustration at the inconvenience of their timing.
“That’s alright. I’ll go get it,” Shuri offered.
“I don’t want you to stop and leave” I couldn’t hide the pout that formed on my face from the disappointment I felt.
“Who said we had to stop?” she asked.
Shuri plucked two Kimoyo beads from her bracket and slipped them onto the folds of my panties.“Be a good girl for me, and don’t cum until I come back.” I was confused about what she was referring to until I felt the active vibrations coming from the beads. I sat up in shock from the new wave of pleasure, my mouth slightly parted as I let out a soft breath. Shuri smirked in response and got up to retrieve her blazer.
“Don’t move,” she said sternly before turning her back and leaving me alone in my apartment. A small whimper left my mouth, and my thoughts were no longer coherent. I needed her to fuck me and relieve me from my aching desires.
I began panting desperately, trying to control my breathing to prevent the orgasm that was building within me. What were minutes felt like hours. The Kimoyo beads stroked my folds and clit in a painfully slow vibrating motion. I tried to find a position that would allow me to gain relief. However, the beads increased their vibration and speed whenever I tried to adjust them. Caressing my pussy with the utmost precision. Shuri knew what she was doing when she created these. I clenched my thighs together, but it only made things even more unbearable. Finally, the friction sent me over the edge, and I didn’t know how long I could stand. My legs started to shake uncontrollably. Yet I refused to move. I want to show the Princess I can be a good girl.
When Shuri came back, I was dangerously close to unloading, “Shuri, please, I want to cum” I cried.
Shuri enjoyed seeing her effect on me without even having to lay a finger. She slowly strolled to me after placing the food on the counter. I envisioned how I probably looked splayed open and vulnerable for her taking. My hair slightly stuck to my forehead, and my eyes rolled back in anticipation of what would come next.
“Look how wet you are for me.” her gaze was fixated on the darkened moist spot between my thighs. I was soaking through my grey pants. “I want you to beg for me,” she stated.
I pressed my lips in contemplation, unsure if my pride would allow such a thing. “Or I could just leave you like this while I help myself to your pizza,” she offered. “No, Shuri please!” She raised her eyebrows and only said, “I’m waiting.” I let out another moan as the beads did not subside or pause. My clit was overstimulated and tender to the touch.
I groaned in protest and looked into her eyes once more. “Shuri, I’m begging you. I want you to make me cum, only you, please.” I rambled in desperation for her to see how needy I was for her. I had no interest in games or toys.
“Shuri, I only want you right now. I’ll do anything!”
Without hesitation, Shuri removed my clothing until I was left bare. The Kimoyo beads were drenched when we attached them back to her bracelet. Her strength and swiftness were evident throughout. Shuri watched me as she petted my entrance, playing with the sultry fluids inside my folds. Her mouth hovered over mine while she whispered, “You’re so beautiful when you beg.”
Shuri started thrusting into me, pounding her fingers in and out of me at an unmatchable pace. Shuri continued to push her long slender fingers into me, slightly curling them to hit my g-spot. The way my cunt clenched around her drove her to sweet insanity. Shuri’s eyes glazed over me, and she said, “I’ve wanted to do this ever since I first laid eyes on you.” I met her strokes with urgency making Shuri take more control over me. Her other hand fondling my breast and nipple made me cry ecstatically. Her lips returned to the side of my neck, deepening the shade of marks she had already left. I didn’t think it was possible for her to get any deeper into my gushing pussy, but she proved me wrong. At this pace, my neighbours will no doubt know what happened. My screaming moans were insolent.
“Oh yeah, keep fucking me like that. I’m so close.”
I ground my pussy against her hand, riding the swell of euphoria that came over me. It only took a few more thrusts before I arched my back and stiffened under her command. Shuri buried her face in the curve of my neck, groaning quietly. “That’s it, baby. I got you”. The tightness in my abdomen slowly declined as Shuri whispered praises against my skin. My hips faltered from exhaustion.
Once I was settled and calmed my breathing, she slid her fingers into my mouth. I licked and sucked my cum off her two fingers until all I could taste was my saliva and arousal. “let me taste you.” Shuri removed her fingers from my mouth and replaced them with her tongue. Licking the remnants from my lips.
She pulled back to smile and brushed back my curls away from my forehead. “if we don’t move now, the pizza is going to get cold,” she said.
“I don’t think I have enough energy to stand up” my legs felt weak from trembling.
“Well, you have to eat something” Shuri smirked at her double innuendo, and I almost took her up for it before my stomach growled. Perfect timing. Shuri began to laugh even harder at the sound.
“Shut up,” I smiled. For the first time in what felt like forever, a person other than Riri had been able to make me laugh.
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ovaryacted · 4 months
Well let me send some soft!Leon.
Leon is the type of guy to be like “I may have gotten bitten by zombies and thrown against walls but like. That’s still better than period cramps.”
If he’s not away on a mission, I imagine he’d want to just lay in bed with you all day. He gives good snuggles. Gets tea and the heating pad.
But also, I had the hilarious imagine of Leon being real fucking clueless with the emotions of it. You know the meme of the girl over the toilet being pat on the back by a broom? That’s Leon. He’s like “there there” while keeping 10ft away from you.
Unironically if you run out of pads/tampons he probably texts you “what size coochie you wear?” Or whatever. But! If you tell him, that’s the only time you need to because he remembers.
Also, not embarrassed about getting period products. I mean, this guy is built like a house, and attractive as fuck everyone knows he’s picking stuff up for his lady. Probably getting head too let’s be honest.
He also picks up your face snack.
-angsty anon (I guess not angsty this time lol)
EEEEEEK thank you for sending this angsty (not so angsty) anon cause I actually feel like shit at work but this was so cute. Also I know the memes you’re talking about they’re deep in my gallery I can’t find them right now lmao. But yeah let me cook and self indulge cause I can. (And cause the cramps are starting to ramp up).
Disclaimer: I know everyone’s period cycle is different, this is not a one size fits all. I’m speaking generally, mostly about myself but yeah if it doesn’t apply let it fly and that’s okay! Leon would still be a good partner and meet your needs either way. 🫶
Leon to me is the type of guy that would provide comfort and humor whenever you need it and without you having to ask for it. He just cares, that’s all he does really. But of course, he’s aware that when your cycle hits, he has to be more aware of your emotions and what you need. He’s very in tune when it comes to tending to you, but he isn’t afraid to ask so he can give you exactly what you want.
If he isn’t at home, he’d probably have your cycle tracked on his phone so he knows when to send you a gift package or flowers just so you know he’s around. If he’s going on mission, he’d send those things in advance, and when he comes back home he’d bring your favorite food and snacks as a welcome present.
But when he is home and he knows your period is about to kickstart, he instantly goes into house husband mode. He knows the first few days are the toughest and it gets easier over time, but sometimes all you want to do is just stay curled up in bed and sleep the pain off. He’d be right there beside you, giving you tea and pain medication if you ask for it, making sure you have water nearby and a heating pad to help with your comfort. Clothing wise, he gives you his clothes, ones you already stole from him anyway, finding his boxers much more comfortable than the panties you have, and a baggy t-shirt that smells like him to ease your nerves.
He handles the chores in your living space, cleans the place up and does the laundry, plus he gets groceries and cooks if that’s what you request. When he does go out to do the shopping, he asks you what snacks you want, already having some in mind but double checks if you want something specific. It doesn’t matter how ridiculous your cravings are, he’ll give them to you without judgement. You can eat all the junk and sugar you want, so long as it helps with your mood he’ll get it. Or if you want fruits and things that are a bit easier to eat considering your nausea, he’ll get that too.
He buys your feminine products without shame, gets irritated about how expensive they are “because they should be free” according to him, and gets you an extra box for you to have in advance. There may be other people in the section watching him as he finds the exact brand and size you use, not that he cares if he’s being watched, and he can hear your voice in his head talking about it.
Get the all cotton ones with wings, medium-sized. The thicker ones are for overnight, so get me a pack too. Do not get the ones that say light flow or small, those don’t do shit!
Your emotions are all over the place, more sensitive and easily irritable by anything and everything. At times it scares him how fast your mood can change, but he doesn’t judge you for it, you can’t help the way your body behaves. He doesn’t hover over you, comes by to check in, see if you feel any better. If you ask him to cuddle with you, he’ll do that no questions asked, but if you don’t want to be touched, he’ll leave you alone and let you rest. It’s not personal to him, he gets it, somewhat at least. He’ll send you cute text messages with those silly emoticons from the living room, or send you a funny video he saw on social media (it didn’t make you laugh but it’s the thought that counts).
The mental aspects of your cycle can be debilitating at times, and it’ll make you second guess things that shouldn’t be in your head. Leon knows what that��s like, and he’s there for you to talk to if you need it. He’s ready with affirmations, soft words, and constantly tells you that he adores you and loves you. Shit that makes your heart warm and your mind shut up, he just supports you in whatever you need.
Now as for the secret period horniness that sometimes likes to sneak up on you, he’s also willing to provide. It doesn’t happen often, but he knows when it does. When you’re snuggled up into him and start shifting your hips against him, or when your breathing gets a bit shaky the moment his hands come up towards your thighs. He’s on your time, whatever you say goes, and he only does things if you ask for them. So if you say you want to be touched he’ll do it, he’ll caress you and massage your chest to ease the soreness you feel there. If you want to suck him off to appease to your oral fixation, he’ll let you, and happily keep your hair up and praise you along the way. And if you tell him you want to have sex with him, he’ll bring out the towels or propose a shower, whatever you decide he’s fine with. It doesn’t bother him, he’s seen so much blood and gore that this is the last of his concerns. Plus, orgasms help with period cramps so whatever helps you, he’ll do it.
Whatever you need, he’s willing to provide. Thats just the type of man and partner he is.
I need him. Im fucking sad.
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ivyjupiterwrites · 3 months
TW: Slight mentions of blood & violence
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"Roach, I need to use your phone." Panicking the sgt handed his phone over and sat there while Ghost did what he needed to. As the seconds lurched forward, he couldn't help feeling that Ghost was doing more than just 'looking at something'. And much to his dismay, of course he was correct.
(I like to think of it like when your Dad asks for your phone 'to do something' then just goes on a lil cruise, cause privacy is irrelevant.)
"What the fucking hell are these pictures?" well that certainly wasn't the first thing Roach had been expecting him to dig up, but they were just hanging out in his gallery.
Ah yes.
The pictures.
The ones he had taken--of you, for you, at your request because you were doing something on the side. That being selling photos and videos to whom he could only assume were weirdos--considering how much they paid to see you drizzled in fake blood with skimpy lingerie.
"Ummm they're pictures of (y/n)?" Was Roach's weakly uttered response, not really knowing what else to say. There wasn't anything more in his mind that could be said.
"No shite." Ghost spat in return, he could blatantly see that--he had been wondering more so about the nature of the photos.
"Listen," explaining the best he could, Roach motioned toward his phone that was still firmly grasped in Ghosts hand. "She called me up, she asked me to come over and take photos. It ended up being this." he gestured to you, half undressed in a patch of greenery with fake blood squirted all over you. "And now that you've reminded me, I have to send those to her and delete them. They keep jump scaring me every time I open my damned camera roll--and giving me nightmares."
"What're they for?" when Ghost didn't hand the phone back, Roach begun to internally chuckling to himself. While only posing quite small questions, Roach knew when his lieutenant was intrigued.
Even if it was the slightest bit.
Ghost was a strictly need to know kind of man, if he didn't want to know, he wouldn't of asked. That was the basis he went off of for nearly everything, and it made life much easier for Roach.
Ghost was a man of pure minimalism. Conversation or otherwise.
"Well look who's a curious lil kitty cat~" not sharing the same regard for his teasing humour, Roach carried on as he received a rather nasty glower. "it's some sorta side thing she does, for like cults and stuff she gives them photos...Ya know, I'm not really totally all that sure, she just promised they paid well. That I would be compensated for my time served."
"I see." Was his superiors response, then Ghost was quiet. Staring down at one of your pictures for a thoughtful moment before flipping through a few more. "If I told you I could make you go missing, how scared would you be?"
"Very. And would 110% believe you. Why?" Eyes flickering around nervously, Roach then lurched back from the darkly brooding man dramatically. "Oh Jesus... You've already decided haven't you?--I'm already dead aren't I?"
"No." He shook his head, "not yet."
"Anything I can do for you to stay on the particularly alive side of life?" The sgt offered in consolation, if there were anyway to sweeten the deal he'd do it.
(He's picturing how he's seen Ghost do shit like this and S W E A T I N G.)
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"Send me these," Ghost handed him back his phone as nonchalantly as possible; yet the smouldering rage in his brown eyes that sent a polar shiver down Roach's spine suggested otherwise. "and never tell a damn soul about it--including (y/n)."
"Sir yessir." Saluting him Roach hustled away from the scarier than hell lieutenant, snickering to himself while he sent Ghost the requested goods.
Of course this would be his thing.
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nateezfics · 1 year
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AUTHOR’S NOTES — this is random, and unrequested ahshs. but i did get a lot of supportive responses when i posted about this idea the other day, so i decided i should post it! if you don’t know what boudoir photography is, i highly recommend you look it up so you can understand this post a lot better! ;)
hongjoong; is confused when you give him a large velvet wrapped book, but his eyes immediately go wide when he sees the pictures of you within. in every photograph you are posed so sensually, your curves highlighted so beautifully he has to keep himself from groaning at the sight of you. he’s hardening in his pants more and more with every photo he sees, and it all gets too much when he pushes the book aside to beckon you to sit on his lap.
“these pictures are all for me? i feel so honored to be the only one who gets to see you like that, and the only one who gets to have you.”
seonghwa; he’s shocked. he’s never seen you so seductive, the pictures capturing you with your body bent and stretched in ways that have his blood rushing south. every photo has him floored, and he just looks at you repeatedly with nothing but adoration in his eyes. sits in silence after seeing all the photos before he groans as he feels how constricted his pants have gotten.
“oh my god…baby, you…you are so fucking beautiful. look what you’ve done to me, i’m so hard right now, just from these pictures alone.”
yunho; he’s aware that you had these photos done beforehand, but that doesn’t prepare him in the slightest, his jaw going slack the moment he sets his gaze on the first photo. he’s convinced you put the most provocative picture first, and he’s cursing under his breath at the sight. the picture of you with your legs spread and nothing but a black thong to cover you has him throbbing. he’s not even concerned about the other photos, just stares at that one for a moment before his lust filled eyes find yours.
“you knew exactly what you were doing with this. fuck, baby, you’re so fucking hot. how am i supposed to handle the rest of the photos when i’m already about to bust just from the first one?”
yeosang; looks over all the pictures in silence, his face stoic and giving away no hint to how he’s feeling. when he’s done, he smirks as his eyes linger over your body, the pictures of you playing through his mind. lifts an eyebrow while he uses a finger to motion you closer to him. you aren’t even aware of how hard he is until you straddle his lap, his erection brushing against your inner thighs.
“i love these pictures of you; you look incredible, love. but you know what i’d love more? if you’d pose for me like you did in the pictures right here, right now. show me all the positions, and let me see every angle.”
san; is curious when you tell him you have a surprise for him, and his curiosity grows when his phone dings with a message from you. he’s pressing the link immediately, and the moment the online gallery loads he’s inhaling and gripping the phone tightly. within his screen is a multitude of pictures of you, scantily clad in red lingerie, and your body in so many sensual positions. he’s whispering explicit words after each photo, and turning the phone to show you as if he really can’t believe that it was you in the photos.
“fuck, look at you. you’re so sexy, baby. how am i supposed to control myself when you show me pictures of you like this? god damn it, baby, what the fuck are you doing to me?”
mingi; he’s gripping his erection the whole time he’s looking through the photos, applying pressure to ease the ache. he’s so incredibly turned on by you, and by the way you look in the photos, your body bare and your intimate areas covered by a mere blanket. once he’s seen them all he’s begging you to touch him, to fuck him.
“baby, these pictures of you have me so fucking hard right now. please, i need you. need you right now.”
wooyoung; he’s impressed before he’s aroused. he’s gushing with compliments, zooming in on each photo to highlight his favorite parts, to praise you for how gorgeous you look or how beautiful your back arch is, or even how the shadows across your skin accentuate your curves. his eyes are going between the pictures and you, and every time his eyes land on you they’re filled with so much passion it makes you blush. he kisses you once he’s done, and the effect of the photos finally settle in. he’s laying you down on the bed and leaving a trail of kisses down your neck in the next moment.
“you are the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen. you’re stunning, you’re sexy, and all mine. i’m so fucking in love with you, baby.”
jongho; he’s not sure what kind of portraits you said you were getting done, but pictures of you in lingerie and splayed out across a bed aren’t what he was expecting. he’s flabbergasted every time you show him a new photo, and he’s constantly stopping you to ask how in the world you came up with the idea to have these kinds of pictures taken. by the last photo he’s beginning to react, his blood rushing south until his pants start to feel too tight for comfort. he just stares at the photos before him, taking in the sight of you.
“i wasn’t prepared for this. i wasn’t expecting these photos of you. you’ve really surprised me, but god damn, i love it. makes me want to take photos of you like this myself.”
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