#unforgettable s1 moments
talesofliia · 3 months
"Will's love towards Mike is a really beautiful thing." – Finn Wolfhard
And he is absolutely right. Throughout the whole series, the "Stranger Things" creators have made it clear to the audience how special Will and Mike's bond is and how much Mike truly means to Will. They have consistently highlighted the depth of Will's feelings towards Mike, and his love has saved the day quite a few times already. ❤️
Will's love for Mike is sincere, pure, quiet and completely unconditional. It's a love unspoken, yet expressed a million times through his actions. Will couldn't keep the truth from Mike in S1, even though it was just a small detail related to D&D. Despite being possessed, Will drew strength from Mike's presence and care, as if Mike was his beacon of light in the darkness. Mike's heartfelt monologue to Will about how asking him to be his friend was "the best thing he's ever done" reached Will's soul thanks to the love he felt, and that helped them all to stop the Mind Flayer in S2. In that same season, Mike was the one who Will was able to recognize after his possession because of how strong his feelings for the boy were.
We also saw the tender and emotional moments between Will and Mike in S3 and S4. Will's heartbreaking confession of "not going to fall in love" when he was (probably) already aware of his romantic feelings for his childhood best friend hits even harder when you think about it. Despite the times Mike unintentionally hurt Will, Will's love for him has remained too strong for him to simply forget and move on. There is just no way Will could ever get that boy out of his heart.
Because that's the thing – Mike is his heart, and Will hinted at it himself (albeit in a veiled form). Will's unconditional love for Mike is what led this sweet, sensitive and traumatized kid to set aside his own desires and pain just to ensure the happiness of the boy he loves. Even if Mike's happiness lies with his girlfriend (who also happens to be Will's new sister). Even if it means Mike is happy without him. But Will has long accepted this because he's inherently selfless and caring. He prioritizes the happiness of his loved ones over his own.
Will promised Mike he'd never be replaced and stayed fiercely loyal, as we saw in that unforgettable "Not possible" moment in S3 and later on in the show. Will was always there for Mike in S4 when he needed support and encouragement. He tried his best to patch things up between Mike and El, thinking it was what Mike wanted. Will even pushed Mike to open up to El, reminding him of his irreplaceable role in the party. Through it all, Will did everything he could to lift Mike's spirits, making sure he felt needed, valued and loved (even if it was indirectly through others).
And to prove, once again, how beautiful Will's love towards Mike is, I want to remind you of his monologue in the van scene where he was expressing his feelings for Mike by disguising them as Eleven's (slightly adapted to fit the purpose):
“Anyway, my point is, see how you're leading us here? You're guiding the whole party, inspiring us. That… That's what you do. And see your coat of arms here? It's a heart. And I know it's sort of on the nose, but that's what holds this party together. Heart. Because, I mean, without heart, we'd all fall apart. Even [me]. Especially [me]. These past few months, [I've] been so lost without you. It's just, [I'm] so different from other people, and… when you're… when you're different, sometimes… you feel like a mistake. But you make [me] feel like [I'm] not a mistake at all. Like [I'm] better for being different. And that gives [me] the courage to fight on. If [I] was mean to you or [I] seemed like [I] was pushing you away, it's because [I'm] scared of losing you, like you're scared of losing [El]. And if [I] was going to lose you, I… I think [I'd] rather just get it over with quick. Like ripping off a Band-Aid. So, yeah, [I] need you, Mike. And [I] always will.”
If Will's love for Mike isn't beautiful, then I don't know what is. Because "Stranger Things" shows us the true power of love and how it can change the world for the better. I find it truly inspiring. ❤️‍🩹
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basu-shokikita · 6 months
Your skwistok duel rants have actually made me ship them. I've been rewatching the series and I'm starting to see more sparks than I did on my first couple watches. Any other big series moments that have you seeing more of their compatibility?
ahhh really?? that's so nice to hear ;o; i love my silly boys
hmm well, tbh skwisgaar accepting toki into the band was what sold me out on skwistok for good. but it's exactly because it explained EVERYTHING for me. before watching dsr i liked skwistok but i was convinced it was a one-sided deal on toki's part. but once that we were shown that it was skwisgaar who welcomed him into dethklok, that it was skwisgaar and skwisgaar only who wanted him in it i was like oh shit...he loves him back....
so rewatching the series with this origin story in mind, made me see them under a new light, particularly when it came to skwisgaar. whereas before i saw skwisgaar being uncaring of toki, i was now realizing that he did care, he just had a shitty way of showing it. he's a tough love kinda guy. yet, he's still a bit possessive of him and pretty protective for his cold bitch standards.
but anyway for skwistok moments that i find important in no order:
skwisgaar's weird jealous tantrum when he walks into toki and his guitar teacher in dethlessons. it's fucking hysterical but i'm also fascinated with the way it's framed like toki is cheating on skwisgaar. which skwisgaar definitely thought, by the way. yes, he was worried about toki becoming better than him but imo he was also upset about toki having a guitar bond with anyone that wasn't him. and hey, after the duel? it makes total sense.
skwistok drunk driving and shooting at the beginning of dethrace. i've already talked about how funny it is to me that skwisgaar was doing that with toki but mostly i think it speaks miles about the both of them that they chose each other to go fuck around and break the law. like, these guys are actually close???
in the same vein, skwistok pranking murderface in prankklok. the way toki lies in skwisgaar's bed so comfortably, like he's been there soo many times that it's essentially his room too. his two little feet dangling in the air, silly laugh while listening to skwisgaar on the phone. it's so fucking cute they love each other's company so much
the infamous 'stop copies me' from dethcarraldo. not only does it send me to tears everytime but it showcases their competitive nature in a way that i find both endearing and cute. i mean, toki repeating everything skwisgaar says and refusing to acknowledge it??? and skwisgaar acting like an offended child about it?? these guys share the braincell, how can you ever separate them?
toki dressing up as skwisgaar in the dethklok tribute band. stealing his clothes. acting stupid when skwisgaar pointed it out. looking absolutely elated when he was called skwisgaar skwigelf in that shitty club. shit out of a fanfic i swear. and then not only that but skwisgaar being fine with being toki in the tribute band?? you guys get a room my god
toki hitting skwisgaar the most in doublebookedklok* considering charles said toki was hitting his bandmates cause he wanted their attention...does it mean he wants skwisgaar's attention the most? look, it might be obvious by this point but having the narrative acknowledge that toki not only idolizes skwisgaar but wants his attention...
the unforgettable, the iconic 'i'll sees you in vallhaska' scene from the s1 finale. i feel like it truly bares skwistok's dynamic to its core. skwisgaar unable to say goodbye properly, so he tells him he'll see him again. toki unable to admit how he really feels about skwisgaar so he says he hates him. skwisgaar smiling because he KNOWS that's not what toki really meant. peak romance right here
skwisgaar actually trying to save toki in bookklok. it's played for the laughs but i can't stop thinking of how skwisgaar genuinely thought toki was going to die and, despite toki essentially ruining his life, he didn't hesitate to run and try to save him. 'comes back to me toki' lives rent free in my mind like what the hell was that. what in the WORLD. was that. jesus christ. how could they end the ep like this really
the entirety of the staresdown. skwistok canon, i'm afraid
last but not least i'd say the entirety of army of the doomstar tbh. it might not be focused on skwistok but the skwistok moments we got out of it were GOLDEN. narrative wise i give a special shoutout to toki carrying skwisgaar on his back + giving him his guitar cause he knew skwis needed it. the amount of love and concern in here. that's his beautiful guitarist wife that he adores.
these are the big moments of the top off my head but really it is about the details with them. a lot of nuances in their relationship are kinda lost to the background because it's not their dynamic that carries the plot, so you just gotta focus on them haha. for example one of my subtle faves is toki going catatonic in dethfam and skwisgaar going 'what?? you're not talking to me??' because like. damn this bitch can't handle his little guy not talking to him for 5 seconds. talk about being codependent
anyway, i hope i answered your question somehow anon ✌️
*upon rewatching doublebookedklok, i've realized toki hits murderface just as much as he does skwisgaar but my point still stands. at the very least skwisgaar is one of the members toki wants the most attention from
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willes-stolensweater · 6 months
top 5 yr scenes?
I really cant choose only five (because the whole show is a masterpiece) but right now i think my top five are:
1- The morning after
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They just look so cute and happy, I love them. AND THE LIGHTING . (i need them to have cute moment like this in s3)
2- I love you
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I can't even put it into words.
Simon sacrificing what he had stated he needed in s1, agreeing to be a secret just to be with Wille, just minutes before Wille decides to sacrifice something big for Simon (and for himself).
The relief Wille feels as soon as Simon whispered that he loves him gets me every time.
3- The bike scene
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I honestly would die just to see wilmon being happy and having fun. Also, i love how how happy Wille looks in this scene. He finally got what he wanted. Or at leas for a an hour or two. He felt normal, he felt like everyone else. And it made him so happy. 😭
Also, the little hand touch makes my heart melt.
4- The football field scene (it had to be said)
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It just had to be said, the football field scene is iconic and unforgettable. I love everything about it, the music, the colors, the lighting, EVERYTHING.
And i know it has been said before but i love the fact that Simon is kind of mad at Wille in this scene. Any other show would have made the mistake to make it an unnecessarily romantic scene. And im not saying that its not. It is, but in a very raw and real way.
5- The valentine's ball scene
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Honestly, just everything in this scene is fantastic. I love the tension that can be felt between the characters. How Wille was finally ready to accept Simon didn't love him anymore, while Simon was panicking about the thought of loosing Wille forever.
Them kissing after what felt like an eternity, demonstrating that they could never really part ways forever.
The song, and the way Wille looked at Simon with such loving eyes, not even knowing that the song was about him.
Its just perfect.
Tysm for the ask <333
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moonspirit · 1 year
What has gotten you into Aruani if I may ask?❤️❤️ Love all your fics on AO3!!
Well I've been in love with Armin since S1. He just stole my heart the second I saw him - this kind, quiet but brave boy and well, after that I was head over heels haha xD
As for Annie, I really didn't pay her too much attention during S1 because ofc, I didn't know her motivation nor her background, but I somehow didn't hate her, because that moment in the Forest of Giant Trees when she cried in her FT form after losing Eren to Levi and Mikasa was touching. I thought "oh there's something sad here".
But the whole AruAni dynamic, while back then it wasn't super popular, was extremely interesting. The fact that they had that unforgettable "Annie, you're actually a pretty nice person aren't you" moment along with everything else during the FT arc was too spectacular to ignore. Also it was pretty awesome that people started speculation over Annie's possible feelings for Armin since she spared him - and I was thinking - woah, what an unlikely pair to focus on, not Eremika or anyone else, but this ice cold girl and the third wheel of Ema.
It stuck with me since then and only got more intense as the manga and seasons passed by. And I can make a whole-ass long post about this but for now I'll keep it short - it's amazing that the only canon ship that has actually made it out of SnK alive is AruAni. I say canon because we have that moment on the boat where they actually, explicitly, admit their feelings for each other. Aruani is proof that it is possible for love to transcend barriers of hate and misunderstanding and time.
They're literally one of my fav ships (I could call them my absolute fave tbh) and I love them to death.
Okay I guess I'll make a longpost about this someday xD
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airporttransferaus · 8 days
Title: Luxurious Journeys: A Comprehensive Guide to Wedding Car Hire in Melbourne
Introduction: Weddings are monumental occasions, meticulously crafted to reflect the unique love story of each couple. Among the myriad decisions to be made, the choice of wedding car stands out as a symbol of elegance and style. In Melbourne, a city renowned for its blend of cosmopolitan charm and cultural richness, selecting the perfect wedding car is a significant aspect of wedding planning. From classic vintage cars to contemporary luxury vehicles, Melbourne offers a diverse array of options to suit every couple's taste. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of wedding car hire in Melbourne, exploring practical considerations, decoration ideas, and etiquette tips to ensure an unforgettable experience.
Symbolism of Wedding Cars:
More than mere transportation, wedding cars embody the essence of the couple's journey towards marriage, symbolizing romance and sophistication.
Whether it's a timeless classic or a modern marvel, the chosen wedding car sets the tone for the entire celebration, leaving a lasting impression on guests.
Melbourne's Varied Wedding Car Hire Options:
Melbourne boasts a rich tapestry of choices when it comes to wedding car hire, catering to diverse preferences and wedding themes.
Classic Charm: Vintage cars like the Rolls Royce Silver Cloud or Bentley S1 exude timeless elegance, perfect for couples seeking a touch of nostalgia.
Contemporary Chic: Sleek models such as the Mercedes-Benz S-Class or BMW 7 Series offer modern luxury and comfort, ideal for couples with a penchant for sophistication.
Unique Alternatives: From retro VW Campervans to opulent stretch limousines, Melbourne offers an eclectic range of alternatives to match any wedding style or budget.
Practical Considerations for Wedding Car Hire:
Advance Booking: Given the popularity of wedding cars, especially during peak seasons, it's advisable to book well in advance to secure your preferred vehicle.
Personal Inspections: Many reputable car hire companies in Melbourne allow couples to view their fleet in person, ensuring that the chosen vehicle aligns with their vision.
Professional Chauffeur Services: Most wedding car hire packages include the services of a skilled chauffeur, ensuring a seamless and stress-free journey for the couple and their guests.
Elevating the Experience: Wedding Car Decoration:
Personalized Touches: Decorating the wedding car is a cherished tradition, offering couples an opportunity to add their personal flair to the celebration.
Floral Adornments: Fresh flowers, such as roses or orchids, lend a romantic ambiance to the car's exterior, creating a picturesque sight.
Elegant Accents: Satin ribbons and decorative accents, tastefully arranged around the car's features, enhance its visual appeal and complement the overall wedding theme.
Celebratory Signage: A classic "Just Married" sign, displayed with style, announces the joyous occasion to all who behold the newlyweds.
Observing Wedding Car Etiquette:
Respectful Treatment: It's essential to treat the wedding car with care and reverence, ensuring that it remains pristine throughout the journey.
Timely Arrival: The arrival of the wedding car marks a significant moment in the day's festivities, underscoring the importance of punctuality and attention to detail.
Photo Opportunities: Wedding cars provide a stunning backdrop for capturing timeless photographs, so seize the moment to immortalize precious memories with loved ones.
Budgeting for Wedding Car Hire:
Budget Allocation: Allocate a portion of the wedding budget towards car hire, considering rental fees, chauffeur services, and any additional decorations or customizations.
Comparative Analysis: Obtain quotes from multiple car hire companies to compare prices and services, ensuring that you get the best value for your investment.
Tailored Packages: Many car hire companies offer customizable packages to suit individual preferences and budgets, so don't hesitate to negotiate for a package that meets your specific needs.
Selecting the perfect wedding car hire in melbourne is a decision that encapsulates the essence of the couple's love story, adding an element of luxury and sophistication to their special day.
In Melbourne, where diversity and style converge, couples are spoiled for choice when it comes to wedding car hire, with options to suit every taste and budget.
By considering practical considerations, personalizing with thoughtful decorations, and adhering to etiquette guidelines, couples can embark on a journey of love and romance in a wedding car that reflects their unique story and style.
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stvlti · 8 months
ahahah do titans for the ask game!!!!
Favorite character
It's gotta be Jason Todd, obviously. Curran Walters really brought out the theatre nerd and daddy issues in him 🥰
Second favorite character
I really enjoyed Chella Man's take on Joey/Jericho Wilson! But Gar Logan is the mvp of all seasons
Honourable mention: Esai Morales's Deathstroke. He was unforgettable. Shakespearean, really!
Least favorite character
Angela Roth, Raven's mother. Why did they make her evil only to kill her off after the reveal? What was the point of that?
The character I’m most like
Bernard, actually 😂😭 I'm the type of person to show up to a situation overprepared with equipment, set to logic my way out of situations 😂 plus I've slowly become one of the older friends in my core friend group(s)
Favorite pairing
It's a toss up between JayRose and JayGar :)
Least favorite pairing
HankDawn, because they make each other more boring
Favorite moment
Idk if I have an absolute favourite one that I loved, but there's a bunch that I thoroughly enjoyed:
S1: The fight scene at the motel that Dick and Kory first hooked up at. The fight choreo was insane.
S2: When Jason first saw Rose kicking ass in CCTV footage and became instantly smitten. Also the Donna & Slade fight at the museum because the lighting + fight choreo was amazing.
S3: Komand'r hitting on Kon, thinking he's there to service her in bed 😂😭. Also I enjoyed the Jonathan Crane scenes and it's a tie between him blowing weed smoke into a freshly-resurrected Jason's face and him wearing Bruce Wayne's suit and using Bruce's razor at the Manor
S4: there aren't any boring scenes in S4! But the part where they fight zombie Slade is the funniest. I also enjoyed the horror aspect of this season, and the talk Conner had with Luthor right before he died had horror + plenty of pathos :)
Rating out of 10
6 stars, because they had some insanely beautiful cinematography at times and compelling character moments, but also really wack decisions like making Donna super mean towards Jason and also killing her off via electric shock??? There are also some boring parts in s1 (namely the Hank and Dawn arc), but the first 3 eps of S3 were amazing. And while many of the storybeats were batshit, all of S4 felt like a comic book feels and it's just an entertaining show.
Send me a series (from this list) and I’ll tell you my thoughts about it :)
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[Analysis] The Importance of S2 Gavin’s Shooting Star Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 流星之约, which has not been released in EN! 🍒
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Do check out @skyholders translation of the date here before proceeding!
If you’re taking the time to read this boring analysis, you should love Gavin enough to know just how iconic the planetarium is to them in S1, in which we witness a glorious, steamy kiss between Gavin and MC.
Which is why I was pretty disappointed when I first read this date (I gave it a 1.5/10 rating when someone asked) because it seemed so... stale. The karma got me hyped up for a fluffy date where Gavin would show his nerdy side to MC, not an investigation (-ω-、)
I refused to believe the writers would pick the planetarium as the setting for no reason, so I read through it again and identified some notable points:
1. A parallel to Blind Date
In Blind Date, MC didn’t tell Gavin the specifics of why she flaked out on him, which resulted in a misunderstanding and Gavin’s unforgettable line, “Too much of anything can get boring after a while.”
Afterwards, she didn’t clarify her relationship with Gavin, which resulted in Chandler inviting her to the planetarium. Gavin’s jealousy continued to fester, making the atmosphere tense. 
That is, until the searing kiss in the planetarium (i.e. non-verbal communication) led to a confirmation of their romantic relationship.
In sum: Lack of communication -> Misunderstanding -> Communication -> Confirmation of (romantic) relationship
In Shooting Star Date, MC was upfront with Gavin about the letter her company received, and Gavin also told her about the findings from his investigations.
Afterwards, when Gavin didn’t explain how he obtained the motorcycle, MC clarified it with him almost immediately, preventing any potential misunderstandings from taking root.
Because of how frank they were with each other, they were able to complete the operation without a hitch, leading to this confirmation:
MC: Haven’t we always been standing alongside each other, and walking in the same direction together?
Gavin nods lightly, exerting slight pressure as he grips my hand.
Gavin: Always.
In sum: Frank communication -> Mutual understanding -> Confirmation of (collaborative) relationship
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2. Whether they realise it or not, they want to spend more time with each other
Gavin: Mm, there’s something I need to tell you. Are you free later?
I stare at the heap of documents on the table, and ponder for a few seconds-
MC: I’m free.
Gavin: That’s good. I’ll wait for you at the cafe near your office.
He pauses for a while.
Gavin: It’s almost time for dinner. We could have a meal together.
At this point, MC had no idea whether Gavin called her for personal or work purposes. Yet, she readily agreed despite having a pile of work. 
Similarly, Gavin offered to have a meal with MC despite having tons of work to do as a Commander. He even catered to her convenience, suggesting a cafe near her office.
Gavin: Let’s eat first. It’s already dinnertime. The dishes here aren’t bad, and they suit your palate.
Based on what he’s saying, it’s implied that MC has never been to this cafe before. Gavin might have picked this cafe not just because it’s close to MC’s office, but also because he knew MC would like the food 🥺 
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3. How much closer they’ve become
[ Moments ]
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Gavin’s Post: It’s more convenient to drive Sparky.
MC: Sparky: I think so too.
Gavin: It’s in a good mood tonight, probably because it had a change of motor.
Gavin’s Post: It’s more convenient to drive Sparky.
MC: It’s so late. Are you going for a spin?
Gavin: There are fewer cars in the night, so I can drive a little faster.
Gavin’s Post: It’s more convenient to drive Sparky.
MC: I suddenly realised that it’s been a very long time since I saw Sparky.
Gavin: You could tell me whenever you want to see it.
His responses are very telling of how comfortable he is with MC now. In the first few S2 Moments, specifically [R&S - Reunited Yesterday], Gavin gives painfully curt answers, for example:
MC: Is Officer Gavin on a mission?
Gavin: Just passing by.
Yet, he’s now giving her tidbits of information MC didn’t even ask for - Sparky having a change of motor, the reason why he’s going out for a night drive, etc.
4. What we can look forward to
[ Phone Call ]
Gavin: Have you heard of “Lonely Planet”? It’s usually called a wandering star.
Gavin: It can flit across fixed stars, but it won’t be bound by them completely.
Gavin: While it’s flying, it doesn’t emit light. It doesn’t reflect light either, and no one can see it.
MC: In that case... won’t it fly alone in the galaxy forever?
Gavin: That’s what other people ascribe to it. Flying could be its very meaning.
Gavin: Perhaps one day, it’d find a fixed star that it’s willing to be bound by, making it the destination of its wandering.
It’s a running gag in the CN community that S2 Gavin tends to disappear a lot and does his own thing. It’s a little frustrating, but this call hints that the plot is building up to the moment when Gavin, who is obviously the “wandering star” in this analogy, admits to himself / MC that he’s made her the destination of his wandering.
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bugabisous · 4 years
signs that adrien “always felt [Marinette] was more than [a friend]” - or: don’t be salty, y’all, the chat blanc confession wasn’t just because she was ladybug. [part 5]
insta likes analysis | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
here i am, yet again, to ramble about my dumb son and his feelings for the one and only: marinette.
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we left off the previous part talking about how important marinette is to adrien, and how he always wants her happiness and can’t stand to see her hurt. i’ll start this part with something a bit different, but that i love dearly about this dynamic, and i don’t see it mentioned very often...
buckle up because this one is by far the longest... and also the final one! let’s go!
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during feast, when adrien plays the piano with plagg, we see him laughing and very happy, enjoying a moment of pure joy with him. afterwards, he remarks that his mom was “the only one who could make [him]laugh like that” 
but guess what? we have seen him laugh this freely around marinette:
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starting from this unforgettable moment during The Umbrella Scene. Look at that baby, he’s clearly full of joy. And moments after he sighs, full of wonder, about making yet another friend. that was one very important moment in adrien’s life. i believe this was probably one of his first moments of genuine connection around someone. he befriends nino earlier, but obviously this moment is way emotionally charged.
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in oblivio, she still inspires this feeling of happiness in him. she makes him laugh. and it’s so wonderful.
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and she does this even in moments where things are awkward (like in this scene where she stutters and gets so nervous she calls him lame lmao) or the following scene, which we know very well:
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look at that ray of sunshine! look at the effect she has in him. he clearly enjoys her company a great deal. 
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him walking into the ice rink next to marinette and not next to the girl he’s actually on a date with.
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adrien walking out next to marinette instead of, say, his best friend nino. (also, during this ep he really, really doesn’t get why marinette can’t hang out, and he’s clearly disappointed she’s not there because he wants to hang out with her).
oh well, let’s just say that’s just adrien being friends with her. sure. but you know what isn’t exactly just friends territory? the very next scene i’m going to mention. 
so we’ve all watched frozer. we remember that moment when marinette runs to him, we get this Imagine Spot where she confesses to him and he confesses too, etc etc. right after, marinette switches tracks and says that they should hang out at the ice rink again.
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“you mean, just you and me?” he asks, with a soft hopeful, downright longing expression in his face. this is not a reaction you have for a friend, i bet his heart was beating out of chest, i bet that for a moment there - even though he had no idea why - he suddenly couldn’t imagine anything better than hanging out one on one with marinette.
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“no, of course not!” she says. and his expression isn’t suddenly that soft. he says he’ll try to make time, sure, but he clearly looked way more soft and hopeful in the frame before. interesting, isn’t it?
now, i’ll move on to analyze an episode that is not very well-liked in the fandom. and yes, i do agree that not showing the akuma battle was a bit lazy... and yes, it was a clipshow. but also, there were some important bits sprinkled in there that shouldn’t be missed because they’re pure gold. so, let’s talk about stormy weather 2.
when adrien considers the idea that perhaps marinette is the one who wrote the valentine’s card that he cherishes so much, he dismisses it... and the reasons why are fairly interesting, if a bit sad:
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“marinette couldn’t possibly be in love with me,” is what he says. he says it sadly, his face is the picture of heartbreak. somehow the idea that she has no romantic feelings for him is something that saddens him this much. it also ties to adrien’s insecurities. the fandom loves to discuss marinette’s possible insecurities but sometimes adrien’s get ignored. his father doesn’t show him affection or love, his household is cold and unfeeling, and the girl he loves is in love with someone else. i believe that on some level adrien doesn’t think someone could fall in love with him (and i also believe this is a huge reason he does try things with k*gami: he enjoys her company, and thinks she’s beautiful and interesting and he sees the potential, sure. but also: she makes her interest in him very clear).
this scene brings me back to the s1 episode, gamer, where, after saying marinette is amazing, he says he’s “so lame compared to [her]” and that “[she] wouldn’t even need [him]”
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he thinks marinette is awesome, amazing, talented, incredibly kind, an everyday hero and an all around wonderful person. in addition to that, she has denied a romantic interest in him when he asked about it. he doesn’t think it possible that marinette could have feelings for him other than friendship... if even that, considering that in puppeteer 2, another episode that gets a lot of bad rep in the fandom, he’s quick to believe that she doesn’t even want to be friends with him:
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“marinette doesn’t want to be with me?”
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look at his heartbroken face!! look at him. i’m so sad.
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“i was afraid you didn’t like me.” this is very telling. because as we all know, marinette’s love language is actions... and adrien’s is words. that abysm (or, dare i say it, that wall) doesn’t allow adrien to see what is so obvious to everyone else. 
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“she’s just a friend who loves fashion,” he says, still looking troubled.
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“besides...there’s l//uka.”
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oh, boy. that sure doesn’t seem like a happy “phew i don’t have to break my friend’s heart by rejecting her” face. now, does it? adrien is clearly not happy about this situation.
why? because he has feelings for her. and, to be honest, a part of me could have just used the following two pictures to make the entire case i made in 5 parts... but where’s the fun in that? 
“i’ve realized that you’re not just a friend to me. i always felt like you were more than that.”
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“and now i know why. [...] it means that i love you.”
it’s the very same expression. the only differences between these screenshots are: a) the lightning, b) the fact that mayura’s is a bit more zoomed in, and c) the beret. other than that... no difference. because he is already totally in love with her, he just hasn’t realized it yet.
but he will. 
in the season three finale, part 1, we see that adrien “finally realized that there’s more than one type of cheese in this world,” in plagg’s very eloquent words... right after he gets a notification from a post from marinette. sure, k*gami is there too. but the fact remains that heart hunter goes out of his way to balance out the time he spends with both of them.
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he’s changing his target already. 
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when marinette says she has to leave, adrien jumps out inmediately, “no, wait!” and then k*gami invites her to “escape with [them]” - this is even more telling if you guys pay attention to the miraculous secrets videos that are uploaded in the official youtube channel. in “k*gami as seen by adrien” we have the following quote:
“maybe it’s time to change targets. we’re attending chl*e’s parents anniversary together soon. i guess we’ll see.” he says in it. and then proceeds to invite marinette along at any possible chance. why would he do that, if he’s trying to change targets if he didn’t have romantic feelings for her? let me tell you: he wouldn’t.
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as we all know he looks awestruck by her. he just stops and stares.
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look at that. he’s so in love is not even funny.
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in this screenshot he’s only holding her hand. 
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and then during the infamous ice cream scene, which is his own idea by the way (he just chooses to drag two girls to get romantic ice cream after choosing to try to let ladybug go... he knows what he’s doing - k*gami might not exactly believe in the ice cream thing, but we know from glaciator that adrien does believe in it), both him and k*gami leave the choice in marinette’s hands. she’s the one that steps away.
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and he’s not exactly thrilled to see her leave. a part of him was hoping she’d stay. 
that is all, folks! i have no more to say... at least not until season 4. but i’ll end this final part with a cute picture because, well, i have to.
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adrien is in love with marinette, pass it on.
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mudkept · 3 years
Ok so like I was hesitant about writing in-depth Arturo meta because if you're not familiar, his shtick is that he's got an SCP style memory-fuck effect that means he's impossible to document, etc. In Teddy Duende's words, "There are many things we don't know about this world, and one of them is Arturo Huerta." I say this bc I personally find it fucking hilarious and fitting that there is so very little fan talk about him which is partly on purpose but also because he's very easy to forget despite being on the Garages since S1.
THAT BEING SAID, I miss the OG (cerca s3-4, before the big theseus' ship situation w the feedback) Garages and sometimes I get emo about people that don't exist so here's some thoughts about him anyways. It's going to be so so fucking long sorry I hate making posts 💕 /j
CW for blaseball-typical angst and discussion of death
Okay so obviously, Arturo Huerta as a character concept is genuinely very very funny and VERY blaseball. But y'know what else is very blaseball?? Getting sad and stupidly analytical about funny absurdist humor (I say this with so much fucking love like yeah me too </3). Like, being a killjoy and thinking about what it would really mean for no one to know anything about you the moment you leave their sight, that shit's horrifically sad, but it could also be More.
Here's some thoughts, all of them from my funny little brain aka pure headcanon
1. Arturo Huerta, and this weird relationship he has with death in blaseball. Getting into like sub-meta and I do not want to make this even longer than it already is but essentially the only way most people really really "die/unbecome" is through being forgotten. Arturo Huerta was never afraid of incineration, because in blaseball? If you're forgotten, you've already got one foot in the grave.
2. Arturo Huerta, and this weird relationship he has with his team. Of course he loves them, and they do love him (in return, per se? It's hard to parse that). But his team loves him as much as they reasonably can, given that to them, Arturo Huerta is just a name that's been on the roster for a while. On his part, it's hard to build a really strong attachment with anyone that's, y'know, going to forget everything they know about you the moment you leave their sight.
3. Arturo Huerta, and this weird relationship he has with guilt. It fucking sucks that he's never going to fully understand how other people perceive him, or don't. Would they remember conversations with him if they tried? Would they remember more than his name if he himself tried harder to...what, BE more of himself? Exist so hard that it would be impossible to undefine him? For all Arturo knows, they could be under the impression he's just not a people person. So there's always that little doubt that if he reached out more, played better, practiced harder, someone would grasp him. How can he be so much of himself that he's unforgettable? So real they can love him without it being granted? To earn something like affection entirely his?
4. Arturo Huerta and the weird relationship he has with Derrick Krueger and Jaylen Hotdogfingers specifically. Might let the Jaylen part be it's own post lol. There's something about them that can't help but feel personal. Derrick— unremarkable. He wasn't remembered, simply because he wasn't a very good player, and not much outside of that. That's, as horrible as it sounds, a wasted opportunity, right? It's worth something to just have a chance to be seen on the field, and be someone NOTABLE even if it isn't for your skills (citation: mike townsend). Maybe Arturo feels almost jealous; maybe he could accept being forgotten for something as simple as being an unremarkable player.
And then, Jaylen... Twice-dead, and quite literally dragged out of the Trench by her popularity, she was never meant to be forgotten. The moment she became a casualty of the game, the entire goddamn garage was named after her. But she played the fame perfectly, even when she was hated she was never insignificant, even when she was powerless she was never inconsequential. But, he admits, Arturo doesn't want to be famous. Not really. Jaylen's story, Mike's story, hangs over his head as a reminder that you'll lose yourself in fame as well. He would like to be mediocre. Maybe even above average, just part of the team, pretty damn good at pitching.
5. Arturo Huerta, and You.
So, remember his Weird Relationship to the team? It's weird because it's almost one-sided. One-sided in a very familiar way, if you've ever been yknow, emotionally invested in a fictional character. Canonically speaking, blaseball players have to be SOMEWHAT aware of the fans that vote and idolize and fill their stands, aka, us, but it's definitely not a mutual level of Knowing. That's the situation between the rest of the league and Arturo Huerta. He knows his teammates' answers to conversations they don't remember having, and their habits and messy breakups and their senses of humor. They knew his, at one point, before forgetting.
Arturo Huerta is in a unique position as a Blaseball Character, because he's so stuck in the in-betweens. One foot in the grave, so to speak. Halfway between spectator and player. Halfway between no one and someone.
Ok! So essentially I went crazy over Arturo Huerta because while characters are not people, he is a person character (?) and I'm giving him a desire to be known. Again, it's fun not doing unnecessary deep dives into player shticks but also my favorite cognitohazard deserves some love.
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kindofvertigo-m · 4 years
Reggie’s Views on Romance & The Effects of His Parents’ Relationship (Main Verse).
I’ve been thinking a lot about Reggie’s views on romance, and I thought it’d be fun to develop some (super informal) context around those ideas. This is mostly based on my own headcanons, with some supporting evidence from the show, and more informed details about what I headcanon Reggie’s Myers Briggs personality type to be, which is ESFP-A. I wanted to also include some headcanons about Reggie’s dating history, but because I would have to make up some NPCs and more in-depth narratives, I didn’t get as specific as I hope I’ll be able to in the future. I’m also not going to be discussing Reggie’s bisexulity in-depth, because I don’t really feel like I have anything new to say about it.
This is probably also something I’ll never shut up about and will write more about as thoughts develop.
tl’dr he’s just a big ol sap who wants to find the love of his life and once he finds that he’s gonna do everything he can to keep it and be happy okayyyy
His Views:
Reggie is the type to believe in things like love at first sight, soulmates, true love, and whatever other sappy romantic cliches you can think of. He’s looking for The One™, but interestingly enough, he’s not thinking of his search in a planned out, long-term, big-commitment-right-away sort of way. He thinks of love as a natural, unpredictable, spontaneous sort of thing. For people with the Entertainer personality type, relationships aren’t about slowly building foundations for the future, or planning out a life – they are bubbling, unpredictable things to be enjoyed for as long as there’s enjoyment to be had.
He doesn’t think carefully or strategically about the partners he pursues. He acts based on feelings and connections he has in the moment. He catches feelings quickly, and if doesn’t act on them quickly he sees that as a missed opportunity. How is he supposed to find his soulmate if he doesn’t take advantage of every opportunity he has to click with someone? How is supposed to know who’s right for him if he doesn’t take enough chances to get to know people? Entertainers are fortunate that they take the time to find someone they truly enjoy being with every day, rather than settling too soon for stability over happiness, only to lose both.
Falling hard and fast for people has its disadvantages. Jumping into something quickly might mean that it fizzles out quickly. Or that there are more opportunities to be rejected. Or that the initial spark he felt was purely circumstantial. Or it might turn out that his partner doesn’t get along with his friends, which is probably one of the most ugent red flags/deciding factors. He usually goes into things with the best intentions, but he’s not great at being able to see when people are taking advantage of him or trying to get close to him for the wrong reasons. Taking more risks in romance means there’s more risk for heartbreak.
Highly emotional people, and sensitive, Entertainers respond poorly to outside “suggestions” on how to manage their love lives. They respond even worse if criticisms come from their partners, and trying to take emotions out of the picture by telling Entertainers to “not take this personally” isn’t helpful either. Handling these situations better is a definite area for improvement for Entertainers, as there are entire dating strategies (pretty distasteful, manipulative ones) that revolve around exploiting this very trait.
On the other hand, the issue can be a lack of criticism at all. Entertainers value social input a lot, and are almost as affected by their friends’ opinions of their dating partners as their own.
Something about Reggie, though, is that once he knows something isn’t turning out to be the be-all end-all, he’s pretty adept at moving on. Entertainers reevaluate their situations and commitments constantly, regardless of professions of love and dedication today. If a week later they just don’t feel the same, that’s it, and Entertainer personalities have no problem seriously considering breaking things off. If something isn’t working out for reasons of compatibility, he’s very understanding about letting it go. If something doesn’t work out for a reason of ill will ( say, someone cheated on him ) then the results can be devastating because of how highly he values romantic connections.
When Reggie does make a connection with someone that develops into something long term and genuine, he’s all in. While they do last though, relationships with Entertainers are simply unforgettable. People with this personality type always have some new and exciting activity up their sleeves, and they genuinely enjoy spending each moment with their partners. 
His Parents:
We don’t get a lot of info about Reggie’s parents from the show. What we do get is that, according to Luke, none of the boys were “that close to [their] families” and that Reggie’s parents were “literally a fight away from a divorce”. We also know that Reggie did care about his parents, enough to ask the guys, “Can we go see my family and see how they’re doing?” after getting teary-eyed when Ray talked about Rose (S1:E2 about 26ish minutes in). I’ve already written some headcanons about Reggie’s relationships with his parents. One of which can be found here. And I also mention it briefly here.
What I haven’t talked about as much is how seeing his parents’ relationship play out has affected his views of romance. What I really want to emphasize is how Reggie has not become jaded, cynical, or pessimistic about romance because of his parent’s failed relationship. He sees that they tried to force something that wasn’t going to work out, and that if they hadn’t stuck together for the wrong reasons, they both would have been able to find the person they were meant to be with. He sees having a successful, life-long relationship as sort of a duty. To be able to have what his parents deserved to have in their life.
He also sees their relationship as a warning. A warning to constantly reevaluate his relationships and to not force a relationship that isn’t working out. This can become an issue if Reggie becomes too paranoid about a relationship not working out, or if he mistakes a conflict that can be worked through as something that is irrevocable. While Entertainers can be willing to work on their relationships rather than swap them out, it takes a great deal of maturity and experience for them to realize that it can be worth the bother.
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bare1ythere · 4 years
oh maybe the S1 theme starts playing on the last bit of the episode as Tim talks with Nikola before the explotion, but this time it is darker, less happy. with it you can can also hear a hollow version of the elements of Sasha's theme. wAIT what if that exact same combination of themes also appears on 162 when Jon is listening
to the tape of Tim and Sasha talking, but this time you can hear both of their original themes... and as you get to the "You took it too far! I’m unforgettable!" it distorts into Not-Sasha's/The Stranger's theme (yes, "sad about Tim and Sasha" hours are 24/7)
YEAH EXACTLY!! Full circle endings always hurt but Tim’s theme still being altered during the moments before the explosion would show just how hurt he’s been by everything (AUGHH) and the idea of a timsasha theme.. especially in mag162.... That Hurts So Much
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ettadunham · 5 years
A Buffy rewatch 3x21 Graduation Day Part 1
aka give us a kiss with a fist
Welcome to this dailyish text post series where I will rewatch an episode of Buffy and rant about it in 10-3k words. What you can expect: long run-on sentences and disjointed observations, often focused on one tiny detail about the episode. What you shouldn’t be expecting: actual reviews that make sense.
And today’s episode has a lot of everything, but I guess I’ll mainly just talk about Buffy and Faith. It’s been like 5 days since my last Fuffy rant anyway.
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First of all, I wanna give a shout out to the anon namedropping the Still Pretty podcast into my inbox the other day. Congrats, I binged through the s1-s2 discussions already, and while I often don’t agree with a lot of points, it also put me into this weirdly critical headspace now. So there’s that.
But you know what, we’re gonna ignore a lot of that. There’s a lot of cool stuff in Graduation Part 1 that I like, even with some of those positively weird and questionable slices.
I mean the whole argument between Buffy and Angel is basically just reminding me that I too just want this to be done now? And you know what, here’s a hot take - Angel had no business there with Buffy on that crime scene. She didn’t want him there, she didn’t need him there, so of course she was annoyed with him. She doesn’t need to be the mature one when he’s the one adding nothing to this operation.
I also have a lot of mixed feelings about Anya and Xander at this point. The writing just went from 0 to 100 on the whole Anya likes Xander subplot and it’s weird.
Okay, over to some of the stuff I liked.
Buffy and Joyce’s scene here paints a nice picture of how far they’ve come. There’s something sweet about Joyce understanding what her daughter needs. Even if it is her staying away. (Which also somewhat foreshadows Joyce’s minimized role in the upcoming season.)
The difference between where they were at the end of s2 and s3 is also palpable if you look at the ever-present coming out metaphor.
Buffy:  Mom, I know that sometimes you wish I were different. Joyce:  Buffy, no.
Speaking of which, here’s also some delightfully out of context Bi Buffy reference for you all:
Willow (to Buffy):  You can’t do both? Xander:  Both what?
She can and she will, of course. But that’s for when I decide to re-read season 8 comics. I don’t know if there’s enough rant to cover all the nonsense in those though...
Buffy also has a lot of opinions about the Council, and that made me cheer. It’s so weird that we’re even now still treating the Council like this authoritative force, when Buffy pretty much told them to fuck off in Helpless. Now she’s just making it more official.
Wesley: The Council's orders are to concentrate on... Buffy: Orders? I don't think I'm gonna be taking any more orders.
Love that for my girl.
I guess in that context Buffy turning her back on the council isn’t necessarily about them, but about her turning her back on authority in general. Buffy saw the order and the system under which the world operates and she rejects it. She is here to carve out her own way, to truly “graduate”.
Meanwhile Faith has surrendered herself to the system and the Mayor’s authority. But there’s also nuance in that choice, thanks to the relationship the two develop along the way. Faith is following orders, but she’s also doing things her own way, and she clearly craves the direction she has thanks to the Mayor’s tutoring. There appears to be genuine affection between them, and much like between Buffy and Giles, a textual father-daughter relationship.
Faith even opens up a bit, talking about her mother and her childhood. During those moments was when I wondered about the Mayor’s treatment of her the most. He doesn’t seem to push her to talk and open up more about those experiences, and part of me wants to think that it’s because the Mayor has Ascension on his mind, and doesn’t actually have that much of a genuine care for Faith and to connect with those parts of her... On the other hand, pushing Faith to open up is a guarantee for her to shut down, and he probably knows that.
It’s... a tough line. Because I do think that the Mayor loves Faith, but it’s closer to the kind of love vampires have for each other, than truly selfless love. In my opinion, he mostly wants to mold Faith into the daughter he wishes to have in her.
Mayor: You look lovely. Perfect for the Ascension. Any boys that manage to survive will be lining up to ask you out. Faith: It just isn't me, though.
I know, Faith. The Mayor is so weirdly obsessed and heteronormative about Faith’s love life, he really is like any classically hellish parental figure.
Which brings us to Faith’s real obsession: Buffy.
I like that while we’re showing Faith seemingly relaxed about her whole position with the Mayor, we also see her murdering a punching bag, and having those half-finished sentences about her childhood. Despite everything, you still get the sense that there’s a lot of stuff going under the surface that Faith isn’t dealing with.
Having seen Five by Five also changes the entire context of the fight scene between Faith and Buffy. It of course begins with an innuendo, as all fights between the two do, but the end is what truly sets the mood and leaves me with a deep impression.
As Faith stands there at the edge of the balcony after Buffy stabs her, telling her ‘what a ride’ it was... You get the sense that this is how Faith saw it end all along. She’s been falling ever since she betrayed Buffy, and it was only ever going to end one way.
Giles tells Buffy that Faith ‘has her at a disadvantage’, because she’s willing to kill or whatever, but I don’t think that was ever true. Faith may kill people, but it’s not because she’s motivated. She’s certainly not motivated to kill Buffy.
Faith is just... going through the motions. She’s lost all her drive. Nothing seems to penetrate her heart.
Buffy on the other hand is highly motivated to save Angel. And that is the ultimate blow to Faith. Faith being in love with Buffy has been the rapidly textual subtext for the entire season, even if the Mayor of course tried to retcon it into Faith wanting Angel, or some other nonsense. But textual or subtextual, Faith’s actions were always about Buffy, one way or another.
And here Buffy is, ready to kill Faith in the hope of saving Angel’s life. That’s how little Buffy seemed to have cared about Faith in the end.
I’m not sure how much that played into Faith’s mental state, but I do believe that at this point, she was just tired. She was ready for it to end, much like in that haunting, unforgettable scene at the end of Five by Five.
And yet even then, she did one last favor for Buffy. She chose to take that last fall on her own terms.
There is an interesting question of what Buffy would’ve done if Faith didn’t take away that choice from her. When she stabs Faith, you can see the pure shock and horror on her face as it dawns on her what she’s done. Sure, she went to Faith’s place with this exact goal, but she wasn’t truly prepared to kill. And certainly not to kill Faith.
You can see in SMG’s face throughout this whole sequence, how horrified she is. Which definitely makes me think that she probably would’ve taken Faith to the hospital herself after that... but on the other hand, it’s Angel. And we’ve seen time and time again how much Buffy was willing to give up, even of herself for him. That was sort of the point of their whole relationship falling apart - the fact that they were constantly on the verge of losing themselves in each other.
So I find this a fascinating what-if scenario that I don’t know the answer to. Buffy killing Faith for Angel in that moment would’ve fundamentally changed her character. And I can’t say with certainty, that she wouldn’t have gone through with it after the shock subsided.
That’s why I love Faith for taking away that choice from Buffy. Because even if she were to die, her taking that jump meant that she would’ve died for nothing here, becoming a constant reminder and warning for Buffy about taking a life.
Killing another human being should be pointless and horrifying. That’s the lesson Faith chooses to teach Buffy in what could’ve been her final moments.
Meanwhile on Less Fucked Up Relationship Land, we have Oz and Willow “panicking”. I love them and they’re delightful, and I don’t have much else to say about that, other than that’s at least something much lighter to close on.
Sadly, I’ll probably only get to watch Part 2 about a week from now, but at least I’ll have plenty to process up until then.
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jayteacups · 2 years
5 8 and 16 for AOT asks
5. Who was your favorite character originally? Did it change?
In early S1 it was Mikasa! I liked how calm and collected she appeared, and the way she threw Eren around in the beginning made me chuckle, and the way she was written during the Struggle for Trost arc made me love her and excited for her growth in the story. I loved how when Mikasa was absolutely devastated because of eren's 'death' , she then found it in her to continue to fight, and how she was one of the first to pick herself up when the rest of the 104th were feeling hopeless... god, I was so excited for her to became the main character haha
It's an absolute shame that WIT took away a lot of her manga characterisation and made her much more eren-focused to the point where that became her one defining character trait in the anime... I also really liked Jean's character development in S1 too, and he was a strong contender for favourite, but I think it's fairly obvious from my blog content that Levi stole my heart the moment he appeared and ran off cackling. (I mean he doesn't cackle but you get the point)
Short answer: my favourite character was Mikasa in the very beginning, but it's now Levi, and it has been for a while.
8. Favorite episode?
Oh my how can I choose? I think the prize has to go to Close Combat (Ep 32) where they deal with the immediate fallout of discovering the Armoured and the Colossal's identities - the Reiner/Eren fight scene had me gripping the table! Unforgettable.
16. Would you go to the AOT world? What would your role be?
I would die INSTANTLY if I ended up in the AOT world, lol, so no. And for roles... As much as I like to imagine I would at least get to kill some titans, I wouldn't last a day in the Cadet Corps... I'm happy being a civilian that like runs a teashop for something (and perhaps Levi can visit it on his days off 👀👀)
AOT 9th Anniversary ask game
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bangtanxjikook · 6 years
I become a fan of BTS last July 2, 2017. I was watching BBMA 2017 live performance of Bruno Mars which is my idol. Then after watching his performance I scroll down to watch other artist. Then BTS reacted to his performance got my attention, it says "recommended for you"
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I hesitate to watch it because I don't know them. And I'm not familiar of the group. So I chose other performance and then, it appears also so I tried to watch it. The person got my attention was V (well I don't know his name that time) I like his reaction to Bruno Mars performance it made me feel proud and I see they are enjoying it. Then another remmomdation that they reacting to Nicki Minaj and other artist. That was the time I searched them in YT. The top video was the BS&T. I watched it with no subtitles. When I played the video I was like "?????". So the scene which JM was in the center in the couch got my attention. I forgot V becuase I was lost to their looks cause they look the same in my eyes. And then the song starts and I was like "What the food are they talking/singing about?? Are they talking about money" I was clueless I don't have any idea to what they are singing. I said they have the look but I DONT UNDERSTAND ANY OF IT!. So I scroll and read the comments then someone said the message is deep. So I said "they understand it??" then there is a comment also about the subtitles. So I watched it again and with subtitles. After watching it I was like "What the food?? Are they Illum×nxtx???". So I search and search about them and watch reactions and theory. So that was the time I get interested about them. I have sleepless night just to know them more. I downloaded the apps that communicate with them. And I watched a lot of videos from the beginning till then. I learned their name for quite a while. But JM is my bias and he really got my attention every videos, then I watched RM mixtape and I was "Wow, this man is really genius and not afraid to talk about social". Then I watched Yoongi's mixtape I was blown out to his rapping skills and THE MESSAGE!!!. So mainly my B is JM and my BW is Suga. I watched their funny videos and unforgettable moments. So I realize this group is amazing and outstanding for me. So I watched their Run eps, fan cams, live performance, comeback shows, bv s1, AHL and concerts. But what makes me their fan is the message of every song. So deep, relatable and inspiring. They got me deep and I cried to their story and lyrics even the choreography.
Then my 1st pair that got me is YM cause they are my B & BS. I watched their moments and all I can see is a sweet bro and savage bro😂 there's no romantic special. The the 2nd pair is VM which is I was attracted to. They are the definition of a "FRIENDSHIP GOAL" for me. The bond between this too is deep from the beginning of their career they have a story back then (friendship). And I even wanted to have a pictures of them so I bought like chain in my bag with their pictures ( i dont know the name, sorry😂)
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Then I noticed that JM is really paired to everyone which is I find adorable😍. Then the last pair that really got me into deep analyzation si KM.
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So I watched their videos, fan cams even the analysis. So I was startruck because I was amazed and a lot of question going on my mind why they are different to other members. Why they are more affectionate to each other. The first video that got me to them is this after that I follow their stories I watch all the videos and analysis about them. Then I realize I was into them deeply, that I didn't even know that all the question I have for them are all cleared and all I waiting right now is the revelation💛💙. And then the GCFT BOOM! All the possibility questions that comes out to my mind I just watch it and then problem solve😂. I even download their videos/analysis😂
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I will link the youtubers who own this videos😊. 1 2 3 4 5 6 watch their videos💜💜 you will love it.. uhmm they are KM videos btw😄😂
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andsmile · 6 years
any favorite songs from the season 1 riverdale soundtrack?
RY X “Only”, of course, have you felt it though?
Dean Lewis “Waves”, unforgettable moment. I’ll figure it out, dad. SO HEARTBREAKING.
I guess nothing can beat the use of Imagine Dragons “Believer” in S1′s finale too.
As for the covers, my favorite is All Through the Night by the Pussycats.
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
October 21, 1950
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“Safe Driving Week” (aka “Safety Drive”) is episode #102 [some sources say #101] of the radio series MY FAVORITE HUSBAND broadcast on October 21, 1950.
This was the sixth episode of the third season of MY FAVORITE HUSBAND. There were 31 new episodes, with the season ending on March 31, 1951.  
Synopsis ~  When Liz gets a traffic ticket on the day George is Safety Week chairman, George decides to lock the car in the garage and hide the key.
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“My Favorite Husband” was based on the novels Mr. and Mrs. Cugat, the Record of a Happy Marriage (1940) and Outside Eden (1945) by Isabel Scott Rorick, which had previously been adapted into the film Are Husbands Necessary? (1942). “My Favorite Husband” was first broadcast as a one-time special on July 5, 1948. Lucille Ball and Lee Bowman played the characters of Liz and George Cugat, and a positive response to this broadcast convinced CBS to launch “My Favorite Husband” as a series. Bowman was not available Richard Denning was cast as George. On January 7, 1949, confusion with bandleader Xavier Cugat prompted a name change to Cooper. On this same episode Jell-O became its sponsor. A total of 124 episodes of the program aired from July 23, 1948 through March 31, 1951. After about ten episodes had been written, writers Fox and Davenport departed and three new writers took over – Bob Carroll, Jr., Madelyn Pugh, and head writer/producer Jess Oppenheimer. In March 1949 Gale Gordon took over the existing role of George’s boss, Rudolph Atterbury, and Bea Benaderet was added as his wife, Iris. CBS brought “My Favorite Husband” to television in 1953, starring Joan Caulfield and Barry Nelson as Liz and George Cooper. The television version ran two-and-a-half seasons, from September 1953 through December 1955, running concurrently with “I Love Lucy.” It was produced live at CBS Television City for most of its run, until switching to film for a truncated third season filmed (ironically) at Desilu and recasting Liz Cooper with Vanessa Brown.
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Lucille Ball (Liz Cooper) was born on August 6, 1911 in Jamestown, New York. She began her screen career in 1933 and was known in Hollywood as ‘Queen of the B’s’ due to her many appearances in ‘B’ movies. With Richard Denning, she starred in a radio program titled “My Favorite Husband” which eventually led to the creation of “I Love Lucy,” a television situation comedy in which she co-starred with her real-life husband, Latin bandleader Desi Arnaz. The program was phenomenally successful, allowing the couple to purchase what was once RKO Studios, re-naming it Desilu. When the show ended in 1960 (in an hour-long format known as “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”) so did Lucy and Desi’s marriage. In 1962, hoping to keep Desilu financially solvent, Lucy returned to the sitcom format with “The Lucy Show,” which lasted six seasons. She followed that with a similar sitcom “Here’s Lucy” co-starring with her real-life children, Lucie and Desi Jr., as well as Gale Gordon, who had joined the cast of “The Lucy Show” during season two. Before her death in 1989, Lucy made one more attempt at a sitcom with “Life With Lucy,” also with Gordon.
Richard Denning (George Cooper) was born Louis Albert Heindrich Denninger Jr., in Poughkeepsie, New York. When he was 18 months old, his family moved to Los Angeles. Plans called for him to take over his father’s garment manufacturing business, but he developed an interest in acting. Denning enlisted in the US Navy during World War II. He is best known for his  roles in various science fiction and horror films of the 1950s. Although he teamed with Lucille Ball on radio in “My Favorite Husband,” the two never acted together on screen. While “I Love Lucy” was on the air, he was seen on another CBS TV series, “Mr. & Mrs. North.” From 1968 to 1980 he played the Governor on “Hawaii 5-0″, his final role. He died in 1998 at age 84.
Ruth Perrott (Katie, the Maid) was also later seen on “I Love Lucy.” She first played Mrs. Pomerantz, a member of the surprise investigating committee for the Society Matrons League in “Pioneer Women” (ILL S1;E25), as one of the member of the Wednesday Afternoon Fine Arts League in “Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress” (ILL S3;E3), and also played a nurse when “Lucy Goes to the Hospital” (ILL S2;E16). She died in 1996 at the age of 96.
Bob LeMond (Announcer) also served as the announcer for the pilot episode of “I Love Lucy”. When the long-lost pilot was finally discovered in 1990, a few moments of the opening narration were damaged and lost, so LeMond – fifty years later – recreated the narration for the CBS special and subsequent DVD release.
Gale Gordon and Bea Benadaret (Rudolph and Iris Atterbury) do not appear in this episode. 
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Elvia Allman (Marge Van Tassle) was born on September 19, 1904 in Enochville, North Carolina. She started her performing career on radio in the 1920s, as both a storyteller and singer. Allman’s first episode of “I Love Lucy” is also one of the most memorable in TV history: “Job Switching” (ILL S2;E1) in September 1952.  She played the strident foreman of Kramer’s Candy Kitchen. Allman returned to the show as one of Minnie Finch’s neighbors in “Fan Magazine Interview” (ILL S3;E17) in 1954. Changing gears once again she played prim magazine reporter Nancy Graham in “The Homecoming” (ILL S5;E6) in 1955. She made two appearances on “The Lucy–Desi Comedy Hour“ - first as Ida Thompson, Westfield’s PTA director in “The Celebrity Next Door” (LDCH S1;E2) and as Milton Berle’s secretary when “Milton Berle Hides Out at the Ricardos” (LDCH S3;E1) in 1959. On “The Lucy Show” she was seen in “Lucy Bags a Bargain” (TLS S4;E17) and in “Lucy The Babysitter” (TLS S5;E16).  Allman died on March 6, 1992, aged 87.
Lucy characters have always had a peripheral character named Marge. In this case, the character largely takes on the action that might normally be taken by Iris Atterbury. It is likely that Bea Benadaret was not available that week, so the character was rewritten for Elvia Allman as Marge Van Tassle. 
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Sheldon Leonard (Motorcyle Cop) was born Leonard Sheldon Bershad in New York City in 1907. In 1953 he played fast-talking salesman Harry Martin, who sells Lucy Ricardo the Handy Dandy vacuum cleaner in “Sales Resistance” (ILL S2;E17). He played himself on a 1967 episode of “The Lucy Show.”  Leonard was an integral part of the Desilu family off-screen as well, directing “Make Room for Daddy” including an episode that featured Lucy and Ricky Ricardo in 1959. He was one of the creators of “The Andy Griffith Show,” also filmed at Desilu. Leonard may be best remembered as the Nick, the bartender in the classic film It’s a Wonderful Life (1945). He died in 1997. 
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ANNOUNCER:  “As we look in on the town of Sheridan Falls, where the Coopers live, it's an average Wednesday morning. The traffic on Elm Street is fairly heavy, the cars are moving along about as usual, except - wait a minute! Pull over to the curb! Here comes a woman driver!  It's Liz Cooper driving!”
Liz is pulled over by a policeman (Sheldon Leonard), although she’s unclear why. He says that Liz made the wrong arm signal when turning left. 
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Turn signal lights in cars didn’t become common until later in the 1950s. Before that, letting everyone know which way one planned to turn was by using the hand signals above, which were taught in driving classes.   
When Liz asks what he is writing, he facetiously calls it a story for Reader’s Digest about ‘The Most Unforgettable Person I’ve Ever Met’!  Naturally, it is a traffic ticket.
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Reader’s Digest was known for their publication of abridged novels, short stories, and articles that could be read in one sitting. Ricky was seen reading the Digest in “Lucy Writes a Novel” in 1954. That same year, a biography of Ball by Eleanor Harris was included in the Digest - condensed, naturally. Ball appeared on the covers in 1990 and 2003. “My Most Unforgettable Character” was a regular feature, along with “Life in These United States.”
Arriving home Liz is greeted by Katie the maid, who encourages her to face George and tell him about the ticket.  After a kiss, George has big news, but so does Liz. She allows him to go first. He has been chosen as Chairman of Sheridan Falls Safe Driving week by the Chamber of Commerce. Liz now cannot possibly tell George about the ticket!  
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Safe Driving campaigns were not unusual in post-war America. Roads were seeing increased traffic as automakers vied for consumer dollars. For example, Cynthia Gary was crowned Queen of Safe Driving and reigned over the 1950 Safe Driving Week campaign sponsored by the St. Paul Junior Chamber of Commerce.
The doorbell rings. Liz is saved by the bell!  While Liz is answering the door, Katie spills the beans about the citation to George!  George tells her that he knows about her ticket.  He tells her about the Safety Week celebrations. 
GEORGE: “They’re having a big ceremony at the site of the new automobile club. There’s going to be a parade of all the drivers in town who haven’t gotten a ticket in ten years.” LIZ: “Well, that’ll be a short parade.”
To keep Liz from getting any more tickets during his Safety Week, he takes her up on her off-handed suggestion to lock the car in the garage for the week. George will have the key to the garage in his pocket. Liz will have to walk! 
GEORGE: “I’ll take you to a movie after dinner. There’s a movie that reminds me of your driving: ‘Panic in the Streets’!”
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Panic in the Streets is a 1950 film noir directed by Elia Kazan. It was shot exclusively on location in New Orleans, Louisiana. It starred Richard Widmark ("The Tour”), Zero Mostel (DuBarry Was A Lady and "Carol +2″), and Paul Douglas (”Lucy Wants A Career”). The film was released a month before this broadcast. 
At the end of the week, Liz is visited by Marge Van Tassel (Elvia Allman). Liz has a plan and needs her help. She has had mishap and lost the front fender to an anonymous accident. Naturally, she doesn’t want George to find out. 
LIZ: “Somewhere in this town there’s a car with five fenders.”
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Note: A fender is different than a bumper because it's a metal structure that frames the wheel well of your car, instead of the front or back. The fender extends between the front door to the front bumper covering the front wheels of the vehicle. 
Without the key, Liz and Marge plot to take the drastic action of taking the garage door off! 
LIZ: “I guess it’s either take down the garage door or start hunting for a very thin, flat mechanic.” 
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In the act break, there is a public service announcement to debunk the misconception that the US finances most of the cost of the mutual defense program of NATO.
ANNOUNCER: “As we look in on the Coopers once again we find Liz and Marge Van Tassel in the backyard, gently removing the garage door.” 
There is a great splintering of wood as Marge and Liz finally gain access to the car. Unfortunately, they don’t have the car key!   Looking for a way to start the car without the key, they look under the hood. 
LIZ: “Hmmmm... It’s a motor alright!” 
Liz toys with the idea of pulling out the plugs leading to the spark plugs. Marge thinks the fan belt is a little propeller. Liz insists it is an electric fan to keep the mechanic cool. Somehow, Liz connects two wires and the car starts!  Leaving the garage, she backs over the doors!  
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In “The Not So Popular Mechanics” (HL S5;E22) in 1972, Lucy Carter and Mary Jane take apart Harry’s prized Rolls Royce thinking it will be easy to give it a home oil change!  They end up with a puzzle they cannot put back together!
Once pn the street, Liz realizes she can’t turn!  The steering wheel is locked!  It isn’t long before they have a hit and run accident and lose another fender!  The collision at least knocks the car at an angle.  But the wrong angle. They are facing the opposite direction of the repair shop! 
LIZ: “Well, we have a choice, Marge. We can back-up ten blocks or drive around the world!”  MARGE: “I’ve seen you back-up. It’d be quicker to drive around the world!” LIZ: “I just hope there’s a good mechanic in Hong Kong!”
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When “Lucy Learns To Drive” (ILL S4;E12) in 1955, she also has a traffic accident - with herself!  
It isn’t long before Liz comes face to face with another car, who passes them on the wrong side because she’s three feet from the left curb!  A policeman pulls them over - the same officer who issued Liz the ticket. To explain her driving on the left, Liz decides to adopt a British accent. 
LIZ: “Pip-pip, cheerio, hallo there, Bobbie!”
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Lucy will use her British accent when “I Love Lucy” visits London and the British countryside in early 1956. British policeman are known as Bobbies after Sir Robert Peel (1778-1850), who helped establish their modern police force. 
The Officer tests her by asking her to sing the British Anthem. Marge and Liz sing “London Bridge is Falling Down.” 
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In “Lucy in London” (1966), The Dave Clark Five perform a medley of “London Bridge is Falling Down” and “Pop Goes the Weasel, instead of the real anthem, “God Save the Queen”. The London Bridge seen in the special is the old London Bridge (1831-1967).  A year after filming, this bridge was dismantled and sold while a new version (that still stands today) was built to replace it. The old London Bridge was reassembled in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, opening in 1971, where it remains the number one tourist attraction.
The policeman insists on driving the car away from the curb, but runs over his own motorcycle in the process!  
Marge and Liz drive away, leaving the motorcycle cop in tears, clutching only his handlebars. 
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Fred Mertz backs wrecks his motorcycle when “Ricky Sells The Car” (ILL S5;E4) in 1955. He, too, is left clutching only the handlebars!
Marge and Liz notice that the traffic has gotten slower and heavier and that spectators are crowded on the sidewalks. They are in George’s Safety Week Parade for drivers with no tickets in the last ten years!  Rather than let George Liz stops suddenly and causes a multi-car collision. 
LIZ: “I see a wreck.” MARGE: “Just one?” LIZ: “Yep. Just one. But it’s three blocks long. There are very few drivers left in this town who haven’t had an accident in the last ten years.”
George comes down from the reviewing stand and angrily insists that he will move the car himself - despite Liz’s attempted warnings not to...
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