#ugh. Her goofy ass smile. Ugh. It grows on you
loz-the-noob · 3 months
Ace Attorney needs to stop having such well-written characters, actually.
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motherofallbastards · 3 months
My first JJK fic!
Satoru/Reader oneshot
18+ ONLY
Contains: kissing, teasing, groping, outercourse, panty fetish, she/her pronouns used for the reader
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
...Than with Vinegar...
Today is already off to a terrible start. You were late to work thanks to sleeping through your alarms this morning. Breakfast was out of the question so lunch had to be your first meal of the day to not be egregiously late. You began your shift at Jujutsu Tech running on “E.” 
The shift felt longer than usual. The students picking at each other was extra grating, so you ended up scolding them a little more harshly than you normally would. There were many missions to oversee as well, and you just wanted it to be over. The day wasn’t made any better by your unofficial partner, Satoru, teasing you between your classes. You’re used to his antics of thriving off others’ annoyance of him, but today just wasn’t your day so you ended up blowing him off. 
“Heeey! There’s my favorite girl!”
“Aw, guess she can’t hear me.~”
“Not a good time, Satoru.”
“Someone’s awfully cranky today.”
“Incredibly. Now leave me alone.”
You avoided him for the rest of the day after your short interaction. Satoru laughed it off as he normally does, but he was a little hurt by how you spoke to him. He didn’t pick up on any signs of playfulness you’d typically display despite your annoyance. You didn’t think anything of it assuming he actually got the hint for once since you didn’t see him after that. However, he’d be thinking of you all day.
A few hours pass and you’re finally done with teaching and missions for the day. Since you finished up your last class you were tidying up your classroom. The door creaks open and towering in is Satoru who closes it behind him. Upon seeing you he beams in that goofy grin of his.
“There you are!~”
“Ugh. Gojo, not now.”
He frowns at you addressing him by his last name but smiles once more.
“Aw, but I missed you so much, y/n~”
“You’re so annoying.” 
“Hey, what’s with the attitude?”
“It’s definitely something. But you know…you’ve been pretty mean to me today. It really hurt my feelings.” 
You avoid eye contact, feeling a bit guilty. Remaining stubborn though, you try not to show you felt bad for being so snippy. He slowly began stepping closer to you, his smile dimming to a serious expression that can be seen even with his blindfold on. 
“If you don’t have an apology for me then…I guess I’m going to have to punish you.”
You halt your tidying as he gets closer to you. Your face grows hot and you almost stumble trying to step back. As if to mock your fear, his serious expression lightens back to his usual playful, flirty one. Now he’s so close you can feel his body heat, and smell his cologne. He places his large hands on your hips, trailing them up your sides then down to your ass abruptly gripping hard enough to remind you he's the strongest.
“Eep! Satoru, wait I-I’m sorry! I’ve just…had a bad day. I’m so stressed out.”
“Mhmm? Well…you’re still gonna have to make it up to me, sweetheart.”
His hands continue grabbing and massaging your ass cheeks drawing out whines from you. You feel his hands sneak their way under your skirt, feeling the smoothness of your thighs and ass once more. He chuckles at the sounds you make then gathers your skirt to lift it, revealing your panties. 
“Hold it up for me,” he says quietly, yet in a demanding tone. You know better than to be stubborn right now so you do as you’re told; he takes a good look at your panties then hooks his fingers in the waistband of them to slide them down midway of your thighs. The cool air from being exposed makes you shudder. Satoru slides one of his long fingers between your lower lips, enjoying the feeling of how wet you already are. 
He chuckles, “such a naughty girl.”
Relishing in how embarrassed you are from being so worked up already for him, Satoru unbuckles his trousers then pulls his boxers down just enough to free his dick. Sighing in relief of being freed from the confines of his previously tight pants; he then positions himself between your slick folds before sliding back and forth. You whine at the contact of feeling his solid length rubbing against you but never sliding inside of you. He pulls you closer to him, your chest almost flush against his as he holds your hips using your desperate pussy to please himself.
His pace gradually gets faster, huffing and quietly moaning as he feels you produce more slick for his dick to glide with ease between your lips. All that could be heard in the room are your whines, his whimpering, and skin on skin contact as he moves faster and faster. The closer he gets to his climax the more he hunches over you, the visual of him slowly coming undone brings you close to yours as well.
With a few more sloppy, quick thrusts Satoru finally reaches his limit. His dick throbs and shoots spurts of cum into your panties that are still around your thighs. He holds you as he catches his breath while you catch yours from being edged. Once he gathers his composure he gives you a loving kiss then step peels himself off you to stuff himself back in his pants. 
Seems he was faster than you in getting straightened up because before you know it your now soiled panties were swiftly pulled back up on you. He then smooths your skirt out, causing you to be put right back in the terrible mood you were in earlier today.
He chuckles before giving you a quick kiss on the forehead and turns to walk out the door. Before leaving he turns his head over his shoulder to speak to you in a sinister tone, “that’s your punishment, and don’t you dare take them off until we get home.”  
You’re left there mortified and right before you’re able to chase after him he cuts you off before closing the door as he leaves, “see ya later, babe!” With that, he waves and goes on about his day. You’re left pissed, dumbfounded, and greatly sexually frustrated.
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ghostgothgeek · 3 years
DP Shiptember 2021 - First Date
Pairing: Danny and Sam
“Ugh!” Danny groaned as he threw another shirt to his growing pile. “None of these are working!”
“Dude, they all look fine to me. Just pick one!” Tucker picked some lint off his shirt.
“I can’t just pick one! It has to be perfect!” Danny pulled on another button up shirt.
Tucker sighed and slid off Danny’s bed and onto the floor. “It’s just a date.”
Danny almost tore his shirt in half in anxiety when Tucker said that. “But it’s Sam! And it’s our first date! If it goes wrong she’ll suck me in the thermos and throw me down a well or worse - never talk to me again!”
Yes, Casper High’s lovebirds finally got together. Surprisingly enough, it was Danny who made the first move. Sure, he was nervous and had some encouragement from Tucker (and Jazz and Clockwork and just about every ghost or human who would listen to his anxious rambling), who assured Danny that his friendship with Sam would most likely be okay no matter what happened, but he finally asked Sam out. Sam was cautiously optimistic (she wanted to be sure it wasn’t a prank) but finally said yes. And Danny has been a nervous wreck ever since. He asked her out two days ago, and Tucker’s patience was being tested.
“Interesting how you think her not talking to you is worse than being trapped in the thermos forever. But exactly. It’s Sam. She likes you for you. Just be yourself, you’ll be fine,” Tucker reassured his best friend for about the twentieth time in the past 5 minutes alone.
“But myself isn’t good enough for her! She’s so pretty and smart and kind and strong and she has a good heart and she has my back and oh god have you seen her with the Fenton Bazooka? It’s so hot and -“
“La la la don’t want to hear that!!” Tucker put his hands over his ears.
“Well she is! And I’m just dopey Danny Fenton,” Danny sighed and plopped down on the floor next to Tucker.
“Dude, that's one of the things she loves about you. She knows who you are. You guys have been best friends for years. You know everything about each other already. It’ll just be like hanging out, but with kissing or something.” Tucker patted Danny supportively on the shoulder.
“I guess…I just don’t want to disappoint her.”
“You won’t. Trust me. I know you guys will have a great time and you’re perfect for each other.”
Danny’s face twisted into a goofy smile, “you think so?”
Tucker snorted, “everyone and their parrot thinks so and has for years. Including Sam.”
Danny exhaled in relief. “Okay good.” He stood up and reached for another shirt in his closet.
“Just go with the light blue one. It matches your eyes. She’ll love that.” Tucker dug his phone out of his pocket after it vibrated.
Danny looked at Tucker in bewilderment then shrugged and put on the aforementioned shirt. He quickly buttoned it up and stood in front of Tucker, bouncing up and down anxiously. “I think this is the one. I feel ready. I can do this. It’s all good from here on out.”
Tucker rolled his eyes at the text he got from Sam asking for his help choosing an outfit for tonight. She and Danny were definitely made for each other. He shot her a quick response saying he’d be over in ten, and looked up at Danny. “You missed a button,” he pointed out.
Danny looked down and groaned. “Fuck!”
Danny wiped his sweaty palm off on his pants and took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. He tried shooing away a bee that was trying to get at the lilies he bought for Sam, but the bee kept coming back.
“No! These are for Sam, not you!” He held the bouquet of flowers over his head thinking it would be out of reach for the bee, then started whipping the bouquet in the air, the bee following the flowers in every creative direction Danny could think of. “Stupid bee! You’re gonna ruin everyth- ow! The little fucker stung me! I’ll show you…” He began to form an ecto ball in his hand before he realized the front door was open, and had been for quite some time. Sam was leaning against the door frame, arms crossed and trying to suppress a giggle. She was so cute. “Um…hi. How long have you been standing there?”
“Oh no, please don’t stop on my account. Want to introduce me to your friend?” Sam smirked as she pushed herself up from the door frame so she was fully standing.
Danny rubbed the back of his neck and held the flowers out. “These are for you!” He yelled a little too loudly. Danny narrowed his eyes when he noticed the bee on one of the flowers and let out a low growl.
“Thanks!” Sam grabbed the flowers, blowing gently on the one with the bee (which promptly flew away in response). She admired the flowers with a smile on her face. “Wow, you remembered my favorite flower.” She signaled a butler to put the flowers in a vase and grabbed her purse. “Are you ready to go?”
Danny stood there stupidly. He was just staring at her. She looked so pretty. Her hair was down and in loose curls, lavender eyeshadow and black lipstick adorned her face, and she was wearing a simple black sundress that fit her like a glove until the skirt flowed out. The dress landed mid thigh - which is where Danny’s eyes stopped. He couldn’t believe she was this dressed up for him. He was so lucky! His goth goddess was showing off her sexy long legs for him and he couldn’t help but think about how amazing they would feel wrapped around his waist while he loved on her and-
“Danny! My eyes are up here, babe.” Sam smiled smugly.
Danny blushed as his eyes returned to her face. “You look amazing! So pretty-gorgeous! Your legs and your face and wow!”
Sam laughed at his babbling as a small blush dusted her cheeks as well. “Thanks. You look really handsome too. That shirt really brings out your eyes.”
Danny smiled and noted he would have to thank Tucker for that one. Sam turned around and locked her door, and Danny took the opportunity to admire how amazing that dress made her backside look too.
He wiped off his sweaty palm again and grabbed her hand before immediately letting go. “Sorry! Is that okay? Friends don’t do that but I guess we aren’t friends anymore and no not like that I mean we aren’t just friends anymore because we’re dating you actually said yes to me and we’re going on a date and you look amazing! Nice boobs, I MEAN BOOTS! Well, your boobs look nice too but it’s not like that’s your only asset, and speaking of ass,”
Sam busted out laughing and somehow refrained from ruining her makeup with her tears. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I was nervous about this!”
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hauntedelation · 3 years
Show Me
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Gif Credit: @acecroft
(Photograph found on Pinterest! I don’t own it!)
Description: Mike takes you out of your lonely, dark home on what is supposed to be the jolliest days of the year. In return, you pull him out of his own shadowy pit, simply to convey to him how much you care.
Pairing: Black Female Reader x Mikey (Hellraiser: Hellworld)
Challenge: 25 DAYS OF CAVILL by @emjayewrites​
A/N: This all started with a certain conversation with a fellow Mikey lover. The lovely @emyearns​ wrote this amazing piece in the result of that talk. Go check it out! It is wonderful ugh 🖤 This is my reply back to her because I promised her a lil’ something of Mike 🥺 I also wanted to include this as part of the challenge another fellow writer started. 
It’s still Christmas where I’m at! I hope that I am not too late! 😥 This is a steamy Christmas theme with Mikey and some essence of angst within it. Please, if there are any errors, know that I didn’t mean it!
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: smut (18+), D/s dynamics (Fem Dom/Male Sub), angst, feels, oral sex (male receiving), marking, choking kink, hair pulling kink, fluffy Christmas gift giving!
Merry Christmas! 😊 Enjoy~
One thing that you were able to learn about Mikey, in the short month of dating him, was that he seemed to glow the brightest under your hand.
He was a far different person around you, still, than anyone else. He remained being Mike, the goofy smartass who loved to joke around. But, it was as if he took off a mask and could finally breathe when he was in your presence. Just you and him.
Mike was able to let go.
Despite that he was reluctant in opening up, you put all your effort in, working to know what made him bloom. It was after every tug to his curls, every nick and bruise that you left on his pale skin, every grip your fingers held around his neck, that you saw him begin to come out. 
Even more so was after those heated moments where you held him close, pressing your lips to his cheeks and his eyelids, fingers brushing along his eyebrows. You whispered in his ear, sonnets according to Mike, those words never leaving the space between you both.
You didn't want to rush him, and you didn't want to over escalate what you and he had. It was going to be breathtaking, you knew it, you just had to be patient with him and listen. 
So you didn't, you didn't pick at him when he would grow real quiet during a conversation, or after looking at a particular object. You would reach down and take hold of his long fingers in yours, placing kisses on the calloused pads.
Mike would come back, it would be slow but his grin would appear once more. His bones would quiver underneath his skin, and he would show you those pearly canines. 
You both took your time, and you both allowed each other to feel. Whether it was elation or whether it was a sinking feeling in the stomach, you let it flow. Whenever he begged to see you, you left the front door unlocked. Whenever you wished to see him, he would jump at the offer.
Chelsea and Vanessa would jeer, they had to. Seeing you and Mikey was such a surreal happening, seeing Mikey with a girl for longer than a day was completely unusual. They would whisper to you, about how often he looks at you, about how much time you spend with each other, about how obvious it is. 
"He's just way less of an asshole."
They would show a knowing smile to you. You couldn't tell if it was toward a certain angle or for another, but, you saw that smile on your friends' lips. You and Mike were venturing into something interesting.
You got a phone call on the 24th. It woke you up out of your nap on the living room couch and it woke you slowly. The clock read 7:00 p.m. on the screen through your squinted eyes. Now, who would be calling at that hour?
"Hey! So...You wanna come with me to the drive-in tonight?"
You were taken aback, didn't this boy know that it was Christmas Eve? Wouldn't everything be closed by now? Mike knew, and he didn't seem to really care about any of that. He clarified that the drive-in movie theater was in fact open tonight. 
And as classic Mikey, he went with his goto begging, warning you that he was already pulled up at your apartment complex. 
"Pleaaase, they're showing Christmas movies from 7:30 to 4:00 a.m., I thought it would be fun!" 
You shook your head; an amused grin pulled at your lips. While wiping the sleep from your eyes, you could distinctly hear the pout in his voice through the phone. You gave in to him, how couldn't you? 
Looking around your lonely home, with no decorations hung up and no plans being set, nothing else seemed better than that. You wouldn't decline him even if you had been invited to the best party around.
"Okay, just give me a few minutes, and I will be right out." 
There was no counting the amount of junk that Mike could keep in his car. Aluminum beer cans tinked and rattled with each turn, papers and articles of clothing were pushed under your feet, and you could have sworn that you saw a used condom from the last time you and Mike were in the back seat.
You shook your head to yourself as you watched Mike scramble about in his front seat, scooping up the pieces of trash and other items that littered the entirety of the space. 
You bit at your lower lip hiding your giggles from the dark-haired boy. He made trips back and forth to a bin sitting outside the parked car, puffs of smoke billowing from his lips.
Even if he was naturally a gigantic slob, who honestly had the most cluttered car you’d ever seen, what he was doing...
He was trying his best, you could see the obvious effort that the boy was putting in—he was even clearing out the items that were stuck on the dashboard and under the seat.
Mike cursed, struggling with a stubborn shirt tucked far too deep in the leather seat.
He yanked it free and fell back, head slamming into the steering wheel. The boy groaned weakly, the pained sound coming from high in his throat.
This was when you busted out laughing, hand going to cover your mouth and snorting loudly. Mike grumbled, his lanky body sitting up and his hand going to rub at the back of his head. You were quite sure that everyone in the parking lot could hear you cackling.
“Haha, very funny. Now, c’mere! The movie is about to start!”
You really tried focusing on the film playing on the big screen. The last thing that you were able to remember was Kevin McCallister arguing with his older brother, Buzz. Nostalgia was beginning to well up in your heart, this movie was featured frequently when you were a young child. 
Mikey even thought of bringing blankets to keep you both warm when you couldn’t run the car’s heater for long. Each one was thick and incredibly soft against your skin. He took the liberty of wrapping you both in the material, knowing how easily chilly he could get.
He also had...his own ideas for preventing you two from getting too cold. 
“Mike, mmh, I’m trying to watch the movie!”
His hands were icy as they gripped your waist, his teasing fingers riding your shirt up and exposing more of your skin. He pulled you into his lap, plump lips pressing against the shell of your ear and trailing down your neck. 
Mike situated you to rest on one of his thighs, facing your front more toward him. Your head was still glued to the large screen playing the film, you were not going to let him win. At least, not yet. 
There was a red and white bag of popcorn resting close by your legs. You leaned down to reach into it, pulling out a small handful of the kernels and stuffing your mouth full.
You yelped when his hands found their way up your sweater, cupping your breasts into his hands. His lips chased your jaw and found their way to your mouth, though—you were still chewing on the food. 
"Miiiike," You mumbled out. "My mouth is full of popcorn. Can't you wait?"
Mike was normally passionate, but never so desperate to not wait for you to finish eating. Tonight, he was unrelenting.
You gave in soon after swallowing, rolling your eyes shut and letting him push your lips together. He whined and placed his palm on one of your thighs, pulling you to straddle his waist. 
It was easy, too easy to fall into that rhythm with him. The need and the sheer want behind his touch, he was surely providing it with the way his tongue nearly moved to the inside of your teeth. 
What was always challenging, was pulling away from him.
“Mike, hey Baby, I’m happy that you’re eager tonight...but mmfh, fuck…”
His canines found their way to that spot at your jugular, long fingers kneading and massaging your ass in your winter leggings. 
“What’s gotten into you? I thought you wanted to watch the movie?”
Cupping his jawline, your thumbs rubbed lightly over his sharp cheekbones. He was panting and gazing up at you with a peculiar look in his eye, one you couldn’t put your finger on. 
Mike licked and bit at his lips, big blue eyes soon avoiding your concerned look. You felt his fingers start to play with the fabric of your sweater.
He sighed.
“Um yeah, I mean...shit...I uh, I missed you.”
Mikey peered out the windshield, passed your shoulder, and at the movie playing on the screen. His jaw was stiffening, your fingernail followed along with the muscle. You tilted your head to the side with a downy grin displaying on your face. 
He never said this to you before.
“Did you really?” 
He hummed, nodding his curly-head with his frown wavering on his face. You leaned down and pressed kisses to his nose, smoothing the tips of your fingers over his eyebrows. 
“Mhm, I did. I know that like we just saw each other, but...I really needed to see you tonight.” 
Mike’s slim arms snaked around your body and hugged you close to his chest. His eyes found their way back to your face.
“Well, ditto, I missed your silly ass too.”
"That's good because I got you something." 
With him never breaking eye contact, Mike reached into his coat pocket to pull out a red bag. You inhaled in surprise, bouncing your attention from the bag sitting between you and his bashful face.
He resembles the night that you and he first hung out with each other. His demeanor visibly shifted to a far meeker character under your attention.
"Oh! Mike you didn't have to go do that!"
He shrugged his leather-clad shoulders, not helping the red tinge layering his cheeks. Mike's hand began to nervously rub at your back, moving in small circles. 
"Go on, open it."
You immediately reached to tear open the bag taping, pulling out the white tissue paper. What you found made your bottom lip jut out in an endearing pout. 
How thoughtful of him.
You found a small black sack, the item inside being a baby blue bonnet. You let your fingers run over the material and admired the fine stitching. From the looks of it, he went looking for a good quality made one. 
Where did he know to buy this?
Your e/c orbs stayed on the cap in your hands, shaking your head slowly. "Mikey, this is very sweet of you. How did you know to get me this?" 
You lifted your head to take a look at his face, only to see that he was already staring at you. Mike had a wide smile on his lips, he rubbed his lips together and exhaled a laugh.
"Uh, well y'know...Vanessa and Chelsea sort've...helped me out with it. I remember you wore one when you sleep but I was too afraid to ask you what it was." 
One of his hands scratched the back of his neck, cocking his head to the side. There was a gush of delight building in your stomach. 
You never really mentioned to him about needing a new bonnet before, perhaps in passing as you went through your hair supplies but never explicitly. If he really went and spoke with your girlfriends…
Ugh, this boy.
"It's a good thing that I got you something too."
It was now Mike's turn to look perplexed.
You hushed him and located your purse from the driver’s seat. Nesting deep inside the bag, you set a rolled-up article of clothing with a gold-colored bow surrounding it. 
You pulled the present out, anticipation illuminating your face. You took his hand in yours and placed the present in his palm. He lifted his brow down at the item and gingerly untied the bow.
Mike unraveled the dark fabric to reveal a freakishly gory print of his favorite horror movie. He shot out a quick laugh, and began to rapidly scan the shirt in his hands.
"Holy shit, no way, Y/n."
The cotton was as soft as can be, and the screen print had been of the highest quality. Each color was saturated tastefully and blended with one another, leaving behind a pretty visually appealing t-shirt. Well, save for the grotesque image of someone getting slaughtered by a killer.
Mike ran his fingers over the image, tracing the lines and the wording layering it.
"How'd you know that I would like this?" 
You beamed down at him, mulling your answer over in your head. A faint memory developed in the back of your mind, of him turning on an old horror film while sitting in your living room. 
When you think of it further, Mike always seemed to gravitate toward darker media such as that.
"I remembered you mentioned it one day a little while back."
He lifted his head to grin up at you, his eyes shimmering brightly in the low light of the big screen. The crimson in his cheeks was much more pigmented than minutes before, the tint bleeding to the tips of his ears.
It was a sight you would never get enough of.
Mike leaned up and pressed gentle kisses to your lips, mumbling praises and a thank you onto your mouth. 
You placed the items on the dashboard and watched the moonlight reflect on the surface of them. The other smaller pieces of trash were gathered and put into that red bag Mike used for your gift. 
“I am really happy that you like it...your gift you know? I wasn’t sure if you would be busy tonight, but I wanted to see you open it.” Mike spoke gently into your ear.
You turned and placed your arms around his shoulders, you narrowed your eyes down at him and a smirk played on your face.
“It’s alright, I really had no plans...This isn’t my favorite holiday anyway.”
Mike lifted his brows at hearing this. “Yeah? Same with me. It never really was my cup of tea. Everyone always kinda has..has family to spend it with. And I…”
The boy trailed off, his hand movements along your back slowed to a stop. 
Mikey’s eyes dropped to look down at the space between you both, focusing on the stitching of your sweater. You could sense a veil being drawn over him, and blocking him from you presently. 
A pinch was placed on your heart and resonated up toward your throat. The closer it got to the holiday, the most often these moments would occur. This was something that you noticed. 
Desperately, you wanted to find what was taking him away mentally. 
Maybe if you could pick at the pieces, just a tiny bit at a time you could find out. You had clues, certain tells in his speech, and some mannerisms were brought to the light. Yet, you didn’t hold the answer to what. 
What was plaguing Mike’s soul?
Your reasoning scolded yourself, You shouldn’t
It couldn’t be pulled out like that, not as if it was some sort of secret to know or a problem to solve. 
So you didn’t. You didn’t say anything to further the conversation or that previous topic. At this point, Mike was inaudible for close to a minute. You saw his dark brows pinch close together, that handsome face was despondent. 
This wasn’t a bother. It wasn’t going to be one, not with your fingers sneaking to his hand, curling around the digits. You placed lips to his skin, tickling the pads. It was a bit delayed but—
Ah, there he was.
You saw him come back, right out of that shadow of his. With Mike finally cracking a radiant smile, warm enough to melt the snow outside, you felt a bit of relief. For now, he seemed okay.
“You alright, Puppy?” 
Your voice was tender when you spoke, still working to guide him back. You nuzzled your nose against his, and he chuckled real low between you.
His thumb and index fingers grasped your chin and he guided you to peck his lips.
“Puppy? That’s actually cute...And, M’yeah sorry…uh. I kinda trailed off there. But, what I normally do is get shitfaced on a night like this, and watch a bunch of Christmas movies.”
He cleared his throat and nodded his head to the movie playing behind you.
“I watched this movie so much as a kid. I loved it. This was one that I would be watching tonight anyway…"
Mike paused, waiting for another moment before continuing his sentence. 
“I wanna ask, are you sure that I’m not...bothering by asking you to hang tonight?”
You felt Mike stiffen under your body. His hands wrapped around your waist and tucked themselves under the blanket. He subconsciously returned to that puppy dog look, the same look that he had on his face just a few short seconds ago. 
Mike had a way to pout those lips just right, those lips that he loved to bite at. With his eyes, you swear he had a way to make them appear the most pitiful when he was wanting something. The king of begging. 
And he wonders why you call him that.
You rolled your eyes playfully.
“Mike, of course, I am sure. I’m having a lot of fun with you right now, and, there’s no place I’d rather be! Why? You don’t think that I like you?”
The boy was a bit dumbfounded, mouth opening and closing. He was unable to find the right words to reply. The only sounds that were released had been cut off stammers and a sigh.
You knew that you looked smug at this moment. It wasn’t hard for you to put him in that state and you felt rather prideful to place him into a puddle of astonishment. Whatever Mike was subject to, he certainly was not used to the treatment that you gave him.
It grew enjoyable for you, actually. After each liaison, giving Mike whatever you could whether sinful or innocent, you were hungry to do more. He would always reward you with the most colorful reaction. 
Currently, it was looking like the former was tipping the scale.
You rearranged your legs on the seat below you, positioned your hips, and ground them languidly against his groin. Mike’s breath was hitched and he flexed his thighs under his jeans. 
He slid his hands down to that favorite spot on your waist, eyes flickering to a low flame at the instant of anticipation. Your palms rubbed at his chest and up to the collar of his shirt. You muddled his brain further when you slanted your lips against his, taking his moans into your lungs.
The switch had been flipped.
“Since you don’t seem to really understand, do you want me to show you how much I like you?” You whispered against his mouth.
He nodded vigorously but failed to explicitly confirm with his words. You had to fight yourself from giggling. At this point, Mikey knew better.
You stilled your gyrating and nipped at the soft flesh of his earlobe, taking your fingers on one hand and wrapping them around his throat. You applied a ghost of pressure at the sides and pulled out a gasp from his lips.
“Hmm, say it Puppy, or I guess you will never know.”
“Yes please, please show me. I-I want you to show me.”
You hummed and pressed kisses along his jaw, fingers sliding down to his belt. It was tugged loose, clinking metal on metal, and pushed aside. You worked your way under the denim and pressed your palm to the stiffening skin there. 
Still keeping your mouth on his skin, you sang those praises to your boy.
"I know you need to be shown. You like it better when I do…"
You tilted his head back, gripping his neck firmly before slowly licking at his pulse point, forcing out more bumbling words from him. 
"Don't you? My words only do so much Mikey. But I know it helps you."
Your fingers rubbed and rubbed along his rigid cock, squeezing out more precum from the tip. You felt the wet spot accumulate and soak his boxer briefs. 
He was radiating pure heat and warming your cold fingers.
Upon licking your lips and leaning your forehead against his cheek, you forced a wail out of his pretty mouth.
You wrapped your fingers around his feverish length and held it in your hand, thumbing and stroking him. Before you continued further, you drew your hand away, leaned back, and dribbled spit on the head, coating a large majority of his cock. 
Mikey watched it all with fluttering eyes, stifling his whines at the warm ooze of your saliva. You cooed at him with your lips playing at his, eyes watching the space between you two.
"Let it out Mikey, let me hear you. Yes—yes buck those hips Baby I know that feels good."
You released his throat and slid your legs from around him. Leaning against his side, you tightened your hold on him and continued jerking his leaking cock. 
Mike was now eagerly fucking your hand and fisting at the blankets on his side. You licked your lips at the sheer swell of him, it's glisten in the low light was savory—tantalizing to you, its weight pushing and massaging against your palm.
"Mmf-fuck, it feels so good, please let me come. Can I come?"
You tutted down at him, grinning wolfishly at his flushed face. You shook your head and let go of his length. A round of cries followed from Mike and you couldn't help your mirth in your chest.
"No Baby, I'm gonna give you something else...You want my mouth? Hmm?"
You licked your way into his waiting mouth, a spit-soaked thumb coming up and pulling his bottom lip down, pressing into the plump flesh. 
Mike grit his teeth and growled pitifully, his warm breath being breathed in by you.
"How about I show you with my mouth, I'll let you use my mouth, Puppy." 
Mike's lust-blown blues peered up at you, searching your face and looking at your lips.
"Yes, please, I want it so bad. Please Y/n." He spoke out raggedly.
You let go of your hold on his face, sliding down his body and settling into the passenger foot-well space. You sat into a crouching position and moved his jeans and boxers further down his hairy thighs.
You peered up at the panting boy, his chest rising and falling rapidly. His eyes stared down at your devilish face, widening his legs to allow you more room. This would be the first time that you go down on him, and you planned, oh you planned…
You were going to suck the soul out of this boy.
His teeth gnawed at his bottom lip when you took hold of his dick. You felt him flex his erection in your hands, pressing the length into your grasp and jut his hips out to get closer.
You broke eye contact to gaze down at the throbbing head. He was cut, the skin of him blushing at the top, and still pumping out more of that clear liquid. You ran a finger along a prominent vein popping out, tracing the blood flow up.
As you began to stroke him, running your fingers along the skin of his balls, you leaned down and applied tiny licks to his skin. You started from the crease where his cock and his balls met and lapped up to the slit on his head. 
Mike threw his head back against the headrest, letting out a throaty groan. His fingers crept down to your shoulders, grunting at your lips and your tongue playing with his cock. 
He rasped, attempting to choke out a sentence. "B-babe...mmfh—fuck, can I put my fingers in your hair? Please?"
You took your spit slicked hand and began twisting, pulling your mouth from his cock, and stroking up to the tip.
"Go ahead Baby, but, I want you to do something for me...You gotta listen okay?"
Mike moaned, eyes falling to yours one last time before fluttering shut. Your mouth went down to lick at his balls, gingerly sucking the skin into your mouth.
A lewd slick sound erupted from your mouth and hand and for a moment there you were lost in that music. As much as you would love to give it all to him, you couldn’t spoil him just yet. 
You pulled away, squeezing your hand in a pulse on his dick, your other pinched the skin of his sack, causing Mike to shoot his eyes wide open.
"Ah!—Wha-what is it?"
"Look me in my eyes...I need you to keep your attention on the movie while I suck you off, okay?. Don't take your eyes off that screen." 
Mike shuddered as he met your heavy eye contact, the shaky movement going down his thighs and pricking the hairs there. 
You carried on with your movement, taking one hand to lay on his lower stomach and pressing down.
"If I see you not looking at the screen, I'm going to edge you until you're on the very verge of cumming. I'll bring you there, Puppy, until you're sweating and begging me. I'll keep going and going and I will stop." 
Mike furrowed his dark brows down at you, fingers trembling in your curls. He swallowed thickly, his Adam's apple bobbing. 
He looked so pretty, face in a flush and his curls hanging low over his eyes. His kiss-bitten lips were tinged the darkest shade of red, close to the color of the tip of his cock.
"Do you understand?"
He huffed out a laugh, his voice cracking and bouncing off of the fogging windows.
"Yes Babe, yes."
He pushed back your hair from your face, and you settled into a more comfortable position between his thighs. Your tongue wet your lips, taking one last glance at his cock.
Your eyes bored into Mikey’s dazed pools, making sure to keep his word. He whimpered and lifted his head up to the bright screen of the theater, fingers curling into your locks.
You pumped him a few times, mentally capturing the image in front of you before sliding him well past your lips and sucking—no slurping at his weeping cock. You quickly got to work using your hand and your tongue bobbing and pulling needy moans straight from his throat.
After that night, Mike never forgot just how much you like him. Following that night at the drive-in, Christmas was that much closer to being his favorite holiday.
Taglist: @mansaaay @emyearns @inlovewithhisblueeyes
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anime-academix · 3 years
Natural Hair
A/N: Ah, here’s my first scenario! This was actually a lot longer than I thought it would be...but you know, it is what it is. I’m still relatively new to writing these so I hope you all enjoy these and I will be doing my best! This scenario was kind of personal...and to all my black girls out there who have gone through this, please know that our hair is beautiful; no matter what anyone says, we are beautiful and unique! Anywho, enjoy this scenario! (DON’T FORGET TO MESSAGE ME IF YOU HAVE ANY REQUESTS, I WILL TRY MY BEST TO GET TO THEM AS SOON AS I CAN ❤️)
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Though you loved wearing your protective hairstyles, you were insecure about your natural hair. However, growing up in Japan, you were all too familiar with the beauty standards in the country, especially when it came to hair. It was always difficult to find hair products to match your hair texture--that in which you almost always had to order them from international stores-- not to mention the random strangers who were always touching your hair, and some students would poking fun at it.
To Bakugo, he had no idea you were insecure about your hair, because it was something you never brought up. Truth be told, the boy loved your hair. He always found it fascinating to watch you do your hair in the dorm on weekend nights. Even everytime you came to school with a new hairstyle, Bakugo would always find a way to compliment your hair, always adding that you were beautiful.
It was very rare that you wore your natural afro to school, but today, you wanted to try something different.
You poofed up your afro a few more times before adjusting your uniform. A small smile appeared on your lips, impressed with your hair’s ability to cooperate this morning. The last time you had worn your afro natural was this past summer when your grandparents came to visit, but then it was only for the weekend.
A loud knock could be heard at your door.
“Hey, hurry your ass up! Just ‘cause we live on campus doesn’t mean we can take our time to get to class,” Bakugo said on the other side of your door. You rolled your eyes and grabbed your backpack, putting your arms through the loops. Walking over to the door, you paused and felt your cheeks heat up. This would be the first time he would be seeing you wear your natural hair to school.
What if he hated it? Or thought it was goofy looking? You thought to yourself before pausing and shaking your head. You turned the knob to your door, pulling it open to reveal your spiky haired boyfriend. He was leaning against the door frame when you opened the door.
His eyes widen at your sudden change of appearance. “Holy shit,” he breathed out. It caught you off guard and you felt your face heat up even more. “It’s something different, I just wanted to try this style...oh god, do you not like it?” You began ranting, before you could finish he tsked.
“Hey, don't speak for me,” he growled, lifting himself from off the door frame. “You look beautiful. I always love seeing the many things you can do with your hair,” Bakugo told you, snaking his arm around your waist, pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
Call it cheesy or whatever, but you couldn't help the flood of butterflies that invaded your stomach at his sweet words. “Suki...” you said softly, looking at him.
“But if you tell anybody I told you that, I’ll kill you,” he defended, removing his arm from around your waist and fitting his hand in yours as you both head off to class.
By the time you got into your homeroom class, all of Class 1A was gawking in awe at your hair. Your other classmates were practically toppling over each other to get a closer look at your hair, some even asking if they could touch your afro. 
“Girl, your hair has so much volume! Did you try that new curl cream? See, I told you, you gotta get rid of that Cantu stuff and your hair will thank you!” Mina squeaked. Bakugo looked at you then at Mina with an obvious look of confusion written on her face. 
“It looks so soft!” Ochaco commented.
“It’s so pretty! How long does it take for you to get that style?” Momo questioned, placing her hands on her hips. Others nodding in agreement with Momo’s question.
You smiled at your classmates, blinking at the sudden bombardment of comments and questions. 
Bakugo scoffed and leaned against your chair. “Alright. Back up you damn nerds,” He muttered, shooing them away. Bakugo began heading back to his seat, sneaking in a wink which made you blush. 
There was an unanimous “awe” as they all began to disperse. All except for one. Mineta. 
“Why are you all so obsessed with her hair? I mean come on, it just looks...what the word...oh! Nappy...” Mineta announced, which caused you to stiffen. Everyone paused and exchanged uncomfortable glances at each other. “I’m serious, guys! It looks so distracting and messy.” 
“Dude, stop it,” Kaminari interjected.
He stepped closer to you and pressed his hand into your hair, grabbing a handful of curls. “But hey, it’s okay. Your hair may be ugly, but at least it doesn't distract me from your nice rack,” he added, smirking. 
Before anyone could even respond, there was a low rumble filling the room. The students all stiffened, and turned their attention to the source of the noise. It was none other than your boyfriend. He had gotten up from his seat, walking towards your desk, setting off small explosions in his hands. His face was painted with a never before seen look of anger, rage pooling his eyes. It was enough to send goosebumps down your spine.
“You want to fucking say that again, you waste of space?” Bakugo challenged through gritted teeth.
“Hey! You two, we cannot resort to violence! Let’s sit down and talk this out!” Iida offered. Bless his heart for his attempts but it would be rendered useless. The ash-blond spiky haired boy, hated Mineta deeply. He hated the sexual comments he made about you and even suggestive gestures in front of you. There were several times where he’s gotten close to sending Mineta to the emergency room, but you and Mr. Aizawa always came in just in time to put a stop to it. Calming down Bakugo was like trying to stop an already erupting volcano. 
Mineta released his grasp from your hair and begin backing up, fear reeking his whole body. “I...uh...heh...it was...” He stuttered.
“Katsuki...no, leave it alone, it’s fine,” you told him, standing up from your seat.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. I’m not gonna send him to a funeral home...I’d think, it’s been a while since you’ve visited Recovery Girl, HUH?!” He growled, lunging towards him which evoked a loud scream from Mineta.
“Katsuki, no!” You yelled, stepping in front of him quickly. You pressed your hands against his chest and attempted to hold him back. “Please, just leave it alone. Don’t start anything, please...for me?” You said softly, moving your hand to rest on his arm, then eventually down to his hand.
He would be lying if he said that your voice and even touch alone didn’t calm him down. You’re one of the rare individuals in his life who can pull him out of rage fit and even a soon to be crime scene, and this time was no different.
His eyes stared into yours as you watched the rage in his eyes dissipate and his tense body loosen. You offered him a small smile, giving his hands a soft squeeze, receiving a growl in response. He pulled his hand from yours with a huff and went back to his seat.
You turned to Iida who mouthed a relieved ‘Thank You’ then turned your eyes to Mineta who was standing there engulfed in fear and...pee? Oh my...the boy peed himself, you thought in disbelief as you sat back down in your chair.
Walking back to the school dorm, your head was full of thoughts. Throughout the school day, you’d be lying if you said what Mineta said didn't bother you. You knew his words out of everyone should matter the least, but you couldn't help but ponder on those words: Nappy, Distracting, Ugly. Ugh, it was like primary school all over again. How could you forget all those days when the other students would make fun of your hair, sticking school supplies in your afro and even grabbing your hair when you asked them to stop. And of course all the boys you had crushes on but they turned you down because they thought your hair was too ugly and weird. 
What if Bakugo actually thought the same thing? That your hair was ugly and messy and he was just trying his best to be nice about it. You thought to yourself.
By the time you reached your dorm room, you had tears threatening to fall from your eyes. You turned the knob, pushing open the door. As soon as the door closed, locking it behind you, you dropped down to your knees, letting the tears fall down your cheeks. Broken sobs left your lips as you doubled over on the ground. 
Truly, you didn’t understand. Why people would waste their time bullying someone because of their differences--and even something they cannot change. You didn’t have straight hair like Tsuyu and Ochaco. You didn’t have luscious hair like Momo and manageable hair is Mina. You hated the fact that you had much thicker hair which took you hours to just wash and detangle. You hated that your hair would shrink when you washed it. Truth be told, you couldn’t help but think that maybe Bakugo hated the fact that he couldn’t run his fingers through your hair when you cuddled late at night. 
You had finally gotten the strength to stand to your feet, tossing your book bag aside and taking off your shoes. You collapsed on your bed, attempting to silence your sobs into your pillow. You had thought you had done a pretty decent job being quiet until you heard a faint knock on your door. Immediately, your breathing hitched. Oh no...who is that? Did they hear me? You thought to yourself. Slowly, you lifted your head from your pillow and turned to the door. As useless as it probably was going to turn out, you decided you try to remain quiet in hopes that whoever knocked would just walk away.
Despite your hopes, the person knocked again. “Y/N...it’s me...will you please let me in.” Instantly, you recognized that voice. It belonged to your boyfriend, Bakugo. Oh no...okay, he couldn't have heard me crying. Shit, what if he did? He’s gonna ask why I’m crying...If I tell him, he’d probably think I’m being stupid and--
“I know you’re in there, Y/N. Just open the damn door! Please...” He added pulling you from your thoughts, knocking again. There was a brief moment of silence and stillness. You heard him let out a sigh.
“Please...did I do something?” he questioned, a slight pang could be heard in his voice. “If I did, I’m sorry...will you please let me in so we can talk.” His fist unraveled as he pressed his palm against the door. Truth be told, Bakugo had no idea what he had done. He tried to think back to the past couple of days to see if there was something he said that caused you to cry. It couldn't have been the usual banter between the two of you because you could tell when it was all just jokes and he knew when not to cross the line. 
Your heart broke hearing his words. It wasn't him, not at all. How were you going to tell him it was because of your hair. He’d laugh at you and think you were being childish. But he didn’t deserve to be shut out. A soft sigh left your lips as you pushed yourself off the bed and headed to the door. You unlocked it and opened it just slightly. He pushed open the door and before you could react, he engulfed you in his arms. You were completely taken by surprise.
Bakugo closed the door behind him with his foot before pulling away, his hands remaining on your shoulders. Concern washed over his face seeing the current state you were in. Your eyes were red, dried tear stains streaked down your puffy face. “Y/N...” He started. “It’s not you, Bakugo,” You choked out, feeling the tears cloud your vision yet again. In a blink of a moment, his face softened as he wiped away a tear that had fallen with his thumb.
“Then why are you crying?” He asked softly. Your eyes shifted down as you remained silent. You couldn’t help but chuckle in your head because it was humorous almost. Bakugo was always so loud and aggressive around other people but it’s moments like these when you got to see this softer side of him. 
He took note of your silence and scowled slightly. “Why aren’t you telling me what’s going on? Did I hurt you?” He paused and dropped his hands immediately. “Do you not trust me, Y/N?” He questioned, not missing the slight crack in his voice.
You shook your head, as your eyes remained glued down to the floor. “No, Katsuki. I do trust you...it’s just...” A sigh left your lips as you hugged yourself. “If you trust me then tell me what’s going on. We promised not to hide things from each other!”
“I can’t...” You whispered. “What?!” He argued back, both of you knowing full well he heard you. “I said I can’t, Katsuki!” You said, raising your voice. His brow furrowed at the use of his full name coming from your mouth. You rarely called him Katsuki. Whenever you did, it would indicate that you were serious. He hated hearing you call him that. Yes, that was his name, but even if he didn’t admit it, it always warmed his heart when you called him pet names, especially Suki. 
“That’s not my name, dammit! And why the hell not?!” Bakugo yelled back. 
“Because it’s stupid! I’m sitting in my room crying because I think my hair is ugly and a fucking mess and I don’t have luscious beautiful hair like all those other girls in this school! I c-can’t...just wake up in the morning, brush my hair and go out looking beautiful! I have to...to...go through fucking hell just to look presentable, every single day, just to be dragged down and treated like shit because my hair texture is different! Do you know how many days I came home and cried to my mom because the kids in my class would bully me because of my hair?! God, I sound so stupid!” By now you were crying your heart out. As your sobs filled the room, you pressed your palms onto your eyes, crying into your hands. 
Bakugo said nothing in response. He had no idea you felt this way about your hair. If anything, he was obsessed with your hair and impressed with the many things you could do with it. He truly believed that your hair added to your beauty. His heart broke seeing your fragile state. In this moment, he didn’t care how he looked, he didn’t waste another second and wrapped his arms around you. Once you felt his embrace, you collapsed your weight into his body and he held onto you, eventually dropping to the floor, holding you close against his chest, pressing a few soft kisses in your hair.
After a while, you finally calmed down, sniffling and playing with the cuff of his sleeve. “You’re such a dumbass, you know?” Bakugo finally said. You were taken by surprise. “Because you convinced yourself that you sound stupid telling me about your problems. How many times have I told you that you can always come to me to talk about what you’re going, no matter how big or small.” He said to you as he continued to rock you in his arms. “And how many times do I have to tell you that you are beautiful. Your hair is beautiful and everyone else’s shitty opinion is stupid and irrelevant. I don’t care that you don’t have stupid straight hair, I love YOUR curls, Y/N. I love that you go to sleep wearing your bonnet at night and that you contribute so much time to take care of your hair and can do all those fancy smiles. I’d take your hair texture over anyone else’s in a heartbeat and I want you to always remember that. You’re no match for those damn extras out there, ya hear?” 
You looked up to meet his eyes which were already on you, nodding softly in response. “Good. And if you ever feel like that again, you better come to me and talk about it. I know you can handle your own, but if any of these damn nerds are making fun of you, you come tell me and I’ll deal with them.” He growled. You stared up at him, smiling. Oh you were so in love with this boy. 
“What?” Bakugo questioned. Your smile turned into a grin before you pressed a soft kiss on his lips. “Thank you, Suki,’ you said softly. A faint blush painted his cheeks as he tsked, “Yeah, yeah.” He smirked slightly and took the opportunity to kiss your lips before pulling away.
“I’m still gonna kill that damn grape,” he muttered. “Hey, no no. It’s fine. I’ll deal with him. Plus...you already made him wet himself. This is the third time this month, give him a break, love. If he says something, I’ll handle it.” Bakugo scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Tch. Fine. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop watching his and everyone else’s every move,” He told you.
“Oh, I’m counting on it. But for now, cuddles, please” you pouted, shifting to wrap your arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes as he tightened his grip around you before standing up to his feet and walking the two of you over to your bed. 
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telli1206 · 3 years
The Only Time I Feel Alive Is When I Find Something I Would Die For (Part 3)
Mal’s plots turn personal when she cooks up a plan for her big brother, Jay, and Evie’s brother, Carlos.
Part 1
Part 2
“Fuck, do you think he bailed?!”
Mal glares at her brother from her spot on her bed. Jay’s hasty, frantic pacing to her door and back hasn’t stopped for over ten minutes now. His once perfectly combed hair is already in tangles from persistent tugging, and his lips are chewed red and swollen. Even his clothes are starting to crumple under his constant movements, and nerve-wracking sweat stains are pooling under his arms. 
Gross. Mal can only hope Carlos is into good-looking trainwrecks.
“Will you just relax??” She groans and props herself up on her elbows. One glance to her phone and she’s rolling her eyes. “Oh. My. God. It’s only 3:27. They...I bet he’ll be here in 3 minutes! He’s not even late yet. Evil, just...get yourself together!”
But Jay continues his movements like he didn’t hear her, and Mal can’t tell if he’s ignoring her because of his nerves, or if he’s just being his usual asshole self. Either way, her annoyance level is reaching it’s breaking point. 
She slides off the bed so she can stand right in front of Jay, blocking his path. He stops short with a huff right in front of Mal, eyeing her with growing disdain when she refuses to move. His attempt to step around her only earns him a harsh shove to his chest.
“Hey! Watch it!” Jay bursts, stumbling backwards with a flail of his arms. “You almost knocked me on my ass!” 
Jay’s face reddens, and he steadies himself so he can stare down menacingly at Mal. Normally, Jay is undeterred by Mal’s physical attempts to stop him, so she’s actually startled by his awkward stumbling. Maybe he’s more anxious about his study “date” than she thought.
She sighs at the flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. There’s no way this smitten doofus of a boy will be able to keep up with their usual banter. As much as she wants to continue her clapbacks when he’s being this irritating, he just looks, too...pathetic. Maybe now would be a good time to practice being a...supportive sister? Like Evie is. With Carlos.
She can try it, at least. If Evie does it, then maybe it’s not so bad.
“Look, Evie already texted me that they’re on their way, ok?” Mal does her best to soften her tone and reaches out to grab Jay’s shoulder, trying to rub it reassuringly. “She wouldn’t lie to me. Carlos. IS. Coming.”
“Right. Ok.” Jay winces, pinching his eyes shut. “Right. I’m being a fucking idiot.”
Mal chuckles and grabs his other shoulder to guide him out of the room. “No more than usual,” she teases as she gives him a light push into the hall bathroom. “Now, clean up. There’s no way you want Carlos seeing you like that. You ruined all MY hard work with that little freak out of yours.”
Jay turns to glare, but catches his reflection in the mirror instead, his eyes widening as he takes in his flustered, messy state, touching the frizz of his hair gingerly and leaning in close to examine his lips.
Mal chokes back a snicker, fighting the urge to further comment on Jay’s obvious distress. If she wants things to go well, he needs to keep a handle on whatever self-confidence he can muster before Carlos arrives. And she does want this to go well. For both of them. 
A gentle knock at the door catches her attention, followed by her phone buzzing in her pocket. She smiles to herself, not even bothering to check the text.
“Alright Jay, make yourself presentable and get your ass downstairs. You’ve got 5 minutes,” Mal quips, sliding back into the hallway. 
He nods, and a stuttered squeak escapes his lips. He goes back to brushing his hair, picking up speed to try to sort himself out. Mal leans back in to cast a short glance over Jay’s shoulder and into the mirror, giving her purple locks a quick fluff before retreating downstairs. She can’t stop a smilefrom curling on her lips as she nears the door. 
“Well well, this is a surprise!” she teases as she’s pulling the door open. 
But the rest of her joking is silenced by Evie’s bright smile and shining brown eyes. Mal is frozen, just for a moment, on the pretty girl at her door, not even aware yet of the boy at her side. Not that this is new, really. Mal feels herself weirdly gawking at her best friend no less than a dozen times whenever they’re together. But that must just be something that comes along with being friends with someone as stunning as Evie. 
The pretty bluenette purses her lips into a tight smile, her hand grabbing for Carlos to pull him in beside her. “Ha ha. Nice one Mal,” she snarks, dragging Carlos past Mal and into the house.
“Please, come in, won’t you?” Mal mutters, closing the door behind them. She spins around to face them, flashing a toothy grin. “Carlos!” she chirps, finally focusing on the curly-haired boy at Evie’s side. “Welcome! It’s good to see you.”
Carlos breaks into a smile, wide and bright. It’s almost as pretty as Evie’s. 
“Thanks Mal.”
She tries not to stare, but it’s as hard to look away from Carlos’ smile as it is Evie’s. He’s...absurdly attractive, just like his sister.
Carlos watches Mal for a moment, chewing on his lip. His eyes dart around the room, clearly looking for something. Or someone.
Um, Jay will be right down,” she spurts out quickly. “He had to gather the...study?...materials, that you need. I think that’s what he s-”
“Here! I’m here!”
All eyes dart to Jay, who’s jogging hurriedly down the stairs. He stops in front of Carlos, smiling happily but also panting breathlessly, his chest heaving to suck in some much-needed air. 
Mal smirks at the two boys standing still and silent, with eyes locked and mirroring the same goofy grin. Evie slips back carefully, releasing her grip from Carlos to step up next to Mal, sneaking a subtle wink her way as she does so. Mal grabs at her arm and pulls her away to ease some space between them.
“Well, we’ll leave you two to study then!” Mal shrills, shocking Carlos and Jay out of their momentary trance. “Jay. Just don’t forget your...pencil. Ok?”
Jay rolls his eyes. “Yeah yeah, thanks sis,” he murmurs. He lifts his arm, pausing mid-air, before finally slinging it casually across Carlos’ shoulders. 
“Um. This way, Carlos,” Jay offers softly, steering the freckled boy towards the backyard sliding doors. “I-I set us up outside. To study. I thought...the sunshine, would be nice.”
Carlos nods quietly, walking beside Jay with a pleased smile as he leads them outside.
Mal’s eyes follow them and she bites back a grin. “Come on,” she insists to Evie, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her along. “I guess, we should study too, right?”
When they get to Mal’s room, Mal immediately flops back down onto her bed while Evie stands and stares in the doorway, her brows furrowed.
“What?” Mal asks when she notices Evie’s befuddled look.
Evie giggles, taking a few steps closer to the bed. “Don’t forget your pencil?” She perks a brow at Mal, letting her fingers toy with a silky blue curl on her shoulder. “You can’t tell me that wasn’t code for something. I know you too well, Mal.”
Mal smirks proudly, patting the spot next to her. She watches happily as Evie follows her silent command, breathing deep when Evie drops down beside her so she can inhale the sweet waft of her perfume.
“Believe me, I had no doubt you’d catch that, Princess,” Mal coos, throwing Evie a wink. “Nothing gets past you.”
Mal delights in the soft pink blush that’s warming on Evie’s cheeks. For a second she’s tempted to reach for them, to feel the warmth under her fingers. But she resists, for now. She’s way too excited to share her plan that’s currently underway with her pseudo partner in crime.
She grabs for Evie’s arm, pulling her close. They’re almost chest to chest, and Mal and can feel the hitch in Evie’s breath as she leans in even closer. “I’m not gonna tell you though...” 
And Evie’s eyes suddenly flash a look of concern. She searches Mal’s face, her features only relaxing when Mal breaks into a wide grin. She scoots herself to the window near her bed, dragging Evie with her.
“...I’m gonna show you. Get over here and look.”
Evie smiles and inches closer, carefully resting her arm on the windowsill that Mal is already propped on. Mal puts a finger to her lips, quietly pointing down for Evie’s eyes to follow. 
Just below them, Jay and Carlos sit at a table in the backyard. Both boys are currently pouring over their own materials, barely looking up and not even acknowledging each other. 
Evie can’t help frowning at what she sees. She was definitely hoping for more of a connection for Carlos, especially with Jay’s obvious interest in her sweetly shy brother. She braves a glance back at Mal, hoping to read her expression, and finds herself suppressing a giggle. Mal is...pouting? At least, that’s what it looks like, with her brows knitted together and nose scrunched tightly. She bites hard on her lip, still staring at Mal and trying her best not to smile. But her normally snarky friend is just...adorable.
“Ugh, this is NOT what I was expecting,” Mal grumbles, fisting her hands. She glares down at Jay, eyes boring through the top of his head with angered determination. “He fucking better do what I told him. That down there is the most G-rated shit I’ve ever seen. He could have a study date like that with...with...our grandma!”
Evie tilts her head, eyes wide with renewed interest. “Oh, so you told Jay what to do with my brother? Is this some long, elaborate scheme to seduce Carlos or something?”
Mal lets the hint of a smile slip, her eyes still focused on the boys below. “Maybe,” she teases, letting her gaze shift to Evie. “Or maybe, I’m just teaching my clueless brother how to flirt.”
“Flirt??” Evie exclaims, brows raised in mock surprise. “He...needs your help? With that? Does Jay really think his pre-teen sister knows how to flirt better than he does?”
“No,” Mal snaps, her smile fading for a moment. “But I do.”
Mal lays a hand on Evie’s shoulder and turns her to face the window. But Evie’s too distracted by the touch to really realize what she’s doing. It feels almost...electric, prickling at her skin and sending a shiver down her arm. She can only hope Mal doesn’t notice, that she can’t feel the sudden racing of Evie’s heart, as if it just thudded to life under their skin-to-skin contact.
But Mal’s now sporting a smug grin and looking down at her brother, seemingly unaware of Evie’s inward struggle. “I guarantee you Jay’s going to do what I told him.” Mal muses, her eyes still trained on him. “My advice was way too good to ignore. Just watch.”
Evie exhales and leans into Mal’s touch, watching Carlos and Jay along with her in silence for what seems like, forever. But it soon becomes painfully obvious that...nothing is happening. Both boys are buried in their own books, occassionally letting their eyes drift to the other, but neither is saying a word. It’s...boring. Not that Mal and Evie have much experience with dating, but they might just keep it that way if all dates are like...this.
Mal drums her fingers nervously on Evie’s shoulder, speeding up their pace with each passing minute. Evie chuckles at how frantic they are now, the thrumming of them is practically ringing in her ears. She places her hand over Mal’s to calm her, giving a comforting look into bright green eyes.
“It’s ok, Mal. You did your best. Maybe Jay has his own moves he wants to try. Eventually.”
Mal scoffs and looks away. “Please. He wouldn’t have even gotten this far with Carlos without my help. He’s hopeless without me telling him what to do.”
Evie just shakes her head and starts to move away, ready to urge Mal to get to work on their own project. But Mal tightens her grip on Evie’s hand all of a sudden, yanking it down and squeezing tightly.
“Shit! Fuck yes, look!”
Evie’s eyes dart to Jay, who’s finally looking Carlos’ way. He’s leaning across the table, moving so slowly that Evie’s eyes can hardly register the motion. His hand is extended toward Carlos, and it looks like he’s going for...his notebook?
“W-what, is he doing?” Evie asks, stealing confused glances back to Mal. But the smirk on her face is evidence enough that this was part of her idea. 
Jay’s hand stops just short of Carlos, but is close enough to catch the boy’s eye. He looks up from his writing, eyes narrowed on Jay’s hand, then up to meet his gaze.
“Hey Carlos?” Jay smiles softly, and Carlos relaxes, letting himself smile back. “I can’t find my pencil. Can I, borrow yours, just for a second?”
As he speaks, Jay’s hand slides forward again. His fingers raise just enough to cover Carlos’ hand with his own, his fingers curling to grasp up to Carlos’ wrist.
Carlos’ eyes drop down immediately at the touch, his brows raised in surprise as he watches Jay’s hand encompass his. When Jay finally withdraws, he makes a show of lightly scraping his fingers down Carlos’ knuckles. The sensation is soft and almost teasing, and Carlos finds himself swallowing sharply to avoid making any pleased sounds from something as simple as touching hands. When Jay reachs the pencil resting in the crook of Carlos’ hand he closes his fingers around it, pulling it along with them and slipping it out of Carlos’ grasp.
“Thanks,” Jay whispers, his eyes still on Carlos. “I’ll give it right back, I swear.”
Evie’s attention is diverted just as Jay starts writing, feeling another tight squeeze to her hand. She had almost forgotten Mal was still holding onto it. Mal is looking at her, teeth clenched into a broad, catlike grin, and she squeezes Evie’s hand again.
“Yessss! This is going to be gold,” she squeals, looking intently at the paper Jay is writing on.
Jay looks up and grins toothily at Carlos as he finishes his note, and pushes the the pencil back across the table. He follows it with the paper, giliding it across the table to stop right in front of his freckled crush.
Carlos perks a brow, examining both Jay and the paper with a growing curiousity. Jay nods his reassurance and slides the note further towards Carlos, resting it just under his Carlos’ fingertips.
“Go ahead,” he urges. “It’s for you.”
Carlos inches the notes towards him with his fingertips, finally dropping it into his lap and snatching it up quickly. His lips twitch eagerly as he reads along.
I hope this note makes you smile, because you have the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. I’ve liked you for a long time. Will you go out with me?
~ Jay”
Jay beams as he listens to his request read aloud, his eyes sparkling with hope when Carlos finally looks into them.
“Well, what do you say, Carlos? Will you let me take you out on a date? A real one, not for studying,” he clarifies with a chuckle.
Carlos bites his lip through his smile and starts to nod eagerly. His whole action is so vigorous even his slight body is shaking along with the movement.
Evie’s excited shriek is silenced by Mal’s hand clamping down on her, muffling the  sound.
“Shhhhh, there’s more,” Mal rasps, pressing her face close to Evie’s. “We haven’t even seen the best part.” She drops her hand from Evie’s mouth and directs the girl’s chin back down with one finger to keep her watching.
Jay walks around the table to stand behind Carlos, who twists his head back to watch, confusion setting deep in his eyes. Without a warning, Jay pulls out Carlos’ chair, causing him startle and yelp. Jay then slides himself between Carlos and the table in front of him, crouching down to eye level so he can flash his most disarming smile, the one that Mal assured him will make anyone absolutely melt like ice cream on a summer day.
“I had, just one more question, Carlos,” 
Jay slips a hand under Carlos’ palm, rubbing circles into it with is thumb. “I just...I’m wondering. If it’s not too much. If there’s one more thing you might let me do?”
“Uh, yes?” Carlos chews on his lip while trying to look Jay in the eye, but his thoughts keep drifting back to the hand now holding his. “Of course. What are you asking to do, exa-”
He’s cut off by lips on his own, Jay’s hands cupping Carlos’ cheeks and pushing their mouths together. Jay keeps the kiss soft and gentle, letting his lips slide over Carlos’ lightly, stopping only to suck a bottom lip between his teeth, and giving it one delicate tug before pulling away and sitting back upright.
Carlos sits stunned for a moment, his eyes still closed, before opening them to meet Jay’s unsure stare.
“Um. I hope that’s, ok?” Jay’s voice sounds surprisingly meek given his bold move, and he rubs a shaky hand at the back of his neck.
His uncertainty fades, though, as soon as Carlos breaks into a grin and lunges towards him, fisting his shirt and pressing their lips back together. Jay can’t stop from smiling into the kiss, and grabbing at Carlos’ waist to push their bodies in closer.
“Well,” Jay muses, still holding Carlos tightly when they part. “I hope this a good sign for how our date’s going to go.” 
Carlos smirks, and without a word dives back in and kisses Jay firmly. “Just shut up and kiss me,” he mumbles, their lips still connected. “You made me wait long enough, don’t you think?”
Jay chuckles and places a hand at Carlos’ neck, anchoring him in to deepen their kiss. “Whatever you want, babe.”
Evie giggles from her vantage point above, watching Jay and Carlos’ kiss unfold with glowing elation.
“Oh! That’s so sweet. I’m so happy for them,” she coos, clasping her hands together.
Mal chuckles and scoots away from the window. “You’re welcome,” she says matter-of-factly, leaning against the wall to face Evie.
“Someone seems pretty sure of herself,” Evie muses, with an edge of mocking in her tone. “Do you really think Jay would’ve struck out with my brother without your flirting tips?”
“Oh, I know it,” Mal answers smugly. “He’s lucky he’s got a sister that’s so good at it.”
“Mal,” Evie sighs, shaking her head. “You’re twelve. How could you already be a master flirt?”
“I’m so glad you asked that, Eves.”
Mal stays focused on Evie as she drops down on all fours and starts to crawl across the bed. Evie sits, frozen, her eyes following Mal’s every movement. She wants to speak, to ask Mal what she’s talking about. To ask, to dare, and see if it might be what she’s...hoping for. But her tongue is too thick, too dry at the sight of Mal hovering ever closer, and she has to force a labored swallow before Mal is upon her and she completely loses her ability to talk.
“So, you should know, that Jay is not the reason I’ve worked on my flirting.” Mal confesses. She’s close to Evie now, so close she can feel Mal’s breath ghosting her face.
Shit, Evie needs to say something. She swallows again, and this time it seems easier. She can feel her tongue, at least.
“O-Ooh. Really?” She squeaks out. Her voice is barely a whisper. “Why, then?”
Mal grins. “Because, there’s someone I’m interested in, too.”
Mal’s eyes drift briefly to Evie’s lips and back, so quickly it’s easy enough to miss. But she catches it, and in that same instant Evie’s heart jumps into her throat.
“Is it. Someone I know?”
“You might.” Mal replies cheekily, her grin growing toothier as she now, very clearly, looks Evie up and down. “She’s the prettiest girl I’ve ever met.”
“Ah.” Evie’s confidence is growing, but she still ducks her head to hide her blush. “Are you...close, with this girl?”
“The closest,” Mal whispers, inching closer. Their noses are touching, and Evie can’t bring herself to even blink. “Especially right now.”
Evie tries to giggle, but it’s breathy and awkward and dies in her throat.
“Evie, I was wondering...if there’s something you would let me do?”
Mal’s boldness falters for just a moment, and Evie recognizes the hopefulness in her eyes. She’d seen it today already, only a few minutes ago.
But instead of answering, Evie surges forward, meeting Mal’s lips and kissing her intensely. She revels in the muffled moan of surprise, vibrating from Mal’s mouth through her own parted lips. When she pulls away, it’s Mal that’s flushed, her mouth puffy and red and eyes wide with surprise.
“Yes, Mal. Of course,” 
Evie leans back in for another light peck, smirking proudly. “Unless, I already answered your question?”
Ahhhh! I finally finished this one! This is meant as a big “welcome back” to @bunny-lou, and also as big hugs for @hersilentlanguage and @fuck-you-i-am-spiderman. Hope you like it! 😘💖😘💖😘💖
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writingnojutsu · 4 years
why do people think Shikamaru’s ideal girlfriend is someone shy, introverted and quiet when it’s canon that he is with Temari aka one of the few women in naruto with a big temper who’s loud and always speaking her mind????? 
like I totally do see Shikamaru with someone who’s not completely the opposite of him but that will definitely make new emotions grow inside him that will drive him crazy (in a good way) because she’s just so different to him in many ways 
he’ll be all like “ugh you’re such a troublesome woman” but he’s trying his best to hide the smile that wants to appear on his face because he loves the shit out of his girlfriend
y’all can’t fight me on the fact that Shikamaru’s ideal girl is someone who speaks her mind, is pretty strong, confident and loud but has her intelligent side as well and she will love to lay down to daydream and stare at the clouds with Shikamaru and talk with him about random stuff or sometimes really important stuff that requires deep thinking but she will also be talkative and goofy and will definitely get his lazy ass up to get him out of his comfort zone and motivate him in so many ways
pls just imagine them on the grass staring at the clouds while she is laying on his lap rambling about her day and Shikamaru has his eyes closed with a soft smile on his face listening to his girlfriend talk non-stop about her crazy adventures and he goes “just don’t get yourself killed, it would be a drag” and his girlfriend jokingly punches his stomach and gets up to pull him up too and says “come on lazy ass, come with me to get some drinks”
I mean there’s clearly a reason why his best friend is Naruto and do I have to explain Naruto’s personality and how different it is from Shikamaru???
but well the Nara men love women like that and Shikaku is the clear example too so yeah
idk I’m just so soft for Shikamaru right now, I might start doing my Shikamaru requests
thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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lunawritesaa · 3 years
honestly i want whatever you feel most passionate about writing!! i still haven’t played dual destinies and thy queen is already growing on me!
-screenwriting anon
OOO OKAY!!! yay this is fun !! i love writing for ‘thena so i’ll just write some general romantic stuff :3 i’m glad she’s growing on you! she’s literally my fave haha
this is my casual writing style so 1. it’s not edited and 2. it’s not formal! expect slang and some light swearing lol
generic romantic athena hc
she makes it her goal each day to get you to smile at least once. she’ll crack some lame ass jokes but the goofy smile on your face makes it all worth it
her laugh is very contagious too. so it isn’t hard to make you smile. if she starts laughing like crazy, it honestly won’t be long before you are too.
i feel like she tells puns a lot. and dad jokes.
a cuddler, 1000%
it makes her feel loved, and safe! totally a little spoon too don’t @ me. she likes feeling protected in your arms.
you cuddle at least once a day. at least.
cuddling and move nights? sign her tf up.
she will fall asleep while cuddling. it’s gonna happen. she gets so comfortable and just dozes off in your arms.
i have this gut feeling that she cuddles a teddy bear when she can’t sleep with you.
kisses are usually really playful. never that serious unless the moment calls for it.
she likes to pepper your face in kisses before finally pressing one to your lips. and she’s smiling into the kiss, probably gently cupping your face too.
she loves kisses!! they make her feel all soft and ugh she can’t get enough of kissing you.
she tends to put your happiness before here, so please give her lots of love and affection too!! she needs all the happiness she can get.
she’s been through a lot and needs it ❤️
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sweetpxsin · 4 years
skz as dads
♡ skz.group
♡ rated.f
wow it’s been a hot minute since I wrote something like this --spx
♡ Chan
The moment you told him he was going to be a dad he’d already be jumping with joy
Like he would absolutely be ecstatic
He’s the“babe we HAVE TO get this for the baby I know they’ll love it” or the “look at what I got for the baby” kinda dad
And when his baby girl is born he’s treating her like the little princess she is the day she’s born 
He’s so gentle and soft with her it’s literally so hard not to just coo when you see them together
If she cries his heart breaks a little and he will do everything and anything to make her stop
When she’s a bit older he’d take the extra time to pack her cute little lunches with notes when she had to go to daycare 
He doesn’t even flinch when she brings a dress to him and asks for a tea party because he’d be down no questions asked
Will put his whole ass heart into acting during play time for his daughter
And when she’s a little bit older and can have school crushes it’s going to crush Chan
Because daddy’s princess is attracting boys he deems unworthy even though he knows damn well he saw them holding hands
To sum this up Chan will absolutely adore his daughter to the depths of hell and back even  if it breaks his heart a little bit each day to see her growing up so fast
♡ Woojin
The day you told him you guys were going to be parents he couldn’t stop smiling
His reaction would be mundane but his actions would show he’s much more excited 
Like each night your bump grows he’s always talking to the baby and putting his ear to your belly and kissing it
He’s literally so excited he came home one day with like a bag full of baby clothes and toys and he’d just have the biggest smile ever
Like man really do be planning for this baby’s arrival my dude 
He’ll be extra super sweet to you too and make sure your super relaxed and comfortable anytime he can
But at the same time he’s like come on we have to go buy this, this, and this for the baby even when your only like 2 months pregnant 
And when the baby arrives he’ll be so happy and cry when he finally gets to hold his son
god Woojin would just adore his little boy like he can’t even begin to express how much he loves his son
He’d buy them matching outfits, take him to the parks and let him help with grocery shopping
And he’d allow his baby boy to adventure and explore because seeing his son be expressive and happy just makes his heart so warm
Oh and the amount of toys this boy will have will be absolutely ridiculous 
There is not one dinosaur his son wouldn't have, he’d probably have a whole bin
Woojin would be the type of dad that enjoys watching his son play and joining in every now and then rather than be the high energy chasing around the house type of dad
Though he does have his days where he can run around and be a complete jokester with his son 
But most of his time his son is either playing quietly with him or they’re napping together quietly after watching tv or Woojin read him a book
His son would be so well behaved yet so cute🥺
♡ Minho
When you told Minho he was going to be a dad he’d deadass be so proud like damn I really just created life with this beautiful human being
And you better believe he’s proudly telling the boys and family he’s about to be a dad
Though he’d also be really excited and want to spoil his child
He’d buy them all the high quality baby stuff because why the frick not
And when your baby bump is getting bigger he always talking to the baby that way and waiting for when it kicks 
And high key scolding his baby when he thinks they kicked too hard  💀
He absolutely adores the fact the he’s going to be a father for this baby though
When the baby’s born Minho can’t stop smiling and he’s just so proud of you and happy he might cry a bit 
The first stuff toy he’ll buy for his baby girl is definitely a cat no questions asked
He’d fawn over this baby girl so much because he just thinks she’s so precious
And when she’s still young he’d always have the baby carrier on him because there’s no separating the two
Minho would definitely pull small innocent pranks like the type you see on TROS 
But he does it because he just wants to see his baby girl smiling and laughing all the time while creating a strong bond with her 
And when she cries his heart breaks a little and he fake cries in hopes it brings up her spirit
He’s just got such a huge soft spot for her that when one she likes one of her “uncles” more he high key gets jealous 
And when she gets older protective Minho is out and about
He’s gotta set the rules down of absolutely no dating till 20
And when he sees his baby interacting cutely with another boy he’s highkey upset but his baby is so happy he can’t do anything about it 
So he’s just fuming off on the side in jealous dad while glaring at the little boy with his daughter 
♡ Changbin
Lord have mercy on Changbin when you tell him he’s going to be a dad
He’s trying so hard not to cry but he can’t help it and is smiling all goofy and wide
God he’d buy all the toys and stuff toys just for his baby girl
He’d even buy her a matching Gyu 
And when his baby girl finally is born he can’t even stop crying and smiling because he’s so happy
When it’s his turn to watch baby he’s playing all the little princess games and probably will go as far as acting the princess's horse
Just anything to hear his baby’s laugh
And when she gets a bit older and he has to go back to the group but it’s his turn to watch her you can bet he’s in the studio with her
He just adores the way she dances and tries to sing along with the music
He’s starting this rapper young 💀
And when the whole family is together you better believes he’s planning a family picnic 
Deadass will become the dad that creates the hella extra, but cute and thoughtful lunches for his daughter 
Ugh Changbin will just love the freak out of his daughter and will highkey get jealous when she favors a member over him even if it’s just for a day or an hour before she’s crying for him
He just adores her so much because wow he really just created life with the person of his dreams 
♡ Hyunjin
At first Hyunjin didn’t process all the information fully and he’d be sitting there for a minute smiling before turning his head back to you at neck breaking speed
And Hyunjin can be a bit dramatic… and let’s just say he almost passes out but is crying but is excited and he can’t just pick one
Hyunjin would be ecstatic to know he’s going to be a father but also a little nervous
But that wouldn’t tamper his mood for preparing for his little dude’s arrival 
He’d probably be the dad to buy his kid designer clothes, and buy matching pairs just for the family
And when his little son finally arrives, he’s so excited he almost forgets that his son was literally just born and he can’t just take him home
But he’s so gentle with his baby boy when he’s still little
Like he’s always rushing when he hears his son’s crying, always cooing when he’s laughing and can probably be found asleep with his son cuddled in his arms after a long day
And when his son’s a bit older they’re literally the perfect pair
When Hyunjin’s walking out of the room, his little boy is holding his hand with his favorite toy in his other hand dragging right behind them
And when Hyunjin’s getting ready his son is copying him the best he can 
It’s literally monkey see monkey do with these two and Hyunjin finds it absolutely adorable that his son looks up to him so much 
But they’re also the goofiest pair ever and there’s never a dull moment with these two
They’re either running around giggling or going on adventures to fun places
And when his baby boy is a bit older he loves joking around with his dad and saying stuff like “mom is the best!” just to hear Hyunjin jokingly say “you punk” and chase him around
They’re just so close and it’s honestly so adorable
♡ Jisung
Honestly at first he really thought you were joking
Like he’d be smiling and be like haha babe really funny and then he’d see your still smiling and not getting mad he found out your joke
And his face would go from haha got you to OH SHOOT U FOREEAL super happy face 
He’d then immediately tackle you into a hug but we won’t talk about that
Jisung would be so excited but won’t have any idea what he’s doing and is probably panically calling his mom every .02 seconds 
He’d definitely put in the time to figure out the best for his baby and buy all the cute baby stuffies
And when his baby girl is born he’s literally crying when he finally gets to hold her because to him she’s the prettiest thing in the world
He’d buy her all the prettiest dresses and will even take the time to learn how to do her hair 
He’d even buy her the cute bows and hair clips 🥺
And while he’s all into buying his baby all the stuffed toys and clothes he’d also be there to applaud her on the little achievements she has
And will literally record ever moment he has with her because MEmoRiEs
Like you can be at work and get the randomest, most funny or wholesome video ever of the both of them  and you’ll never know which type you’re getting that day 
And when he establishes she’s a total papa’s girl he will not hesitate to boast about it 
But let’s be real about the moment she was born they were inseparable, they’re both adorable crackheads since birth 💀
♡ Felix
He genuinely thought you were pranking him because he had seen those videos of girls who prank their boyfriends with the “baby in me” prank 
Like Felix would look at you so done and then be like babe that’s not funny
And when you don’t apologize and just keep giggling it settles in and he’d freak out for a moment 
Then he’ll  get all excited and hold you tight and be like “WERE GOING TO BE PARENTS”
And then be like brb I gotta go tell my mom about this
Like he’s so happy he’s telling literally everyone and anything he’s going to have a family with the love of his life
He’d probably become super sentimental too and just start crying because he’s just so happy
Though at the same time he’s super excited for the baby he’s literally pointing out everything baby related and trying to convince you the baby needs it 
And before the baby’s even born he’d definitely buy a baby photo album and a new camera to keep all the memories 
When his baby girl is born he’s honestly so soft and crying all over again 
And when he takes her home he does no hesitate to give her a house tour when she’s up from her nap
Felix would probably come up with a cute nickname for her like buttercup or something like that
And he'd genuinely enjoy playing dolls with her and hosting tea parties
He can’t bear to pull pranks on her though because as soon as he hears her cry he’s already scooping her up and trying to cheer her up
She’s just so precious to him and  he thinks she only deserves to spend her childhood laughing in good and loving memories
Though when she is a little bit older he probably would pull small and harmless pranks on her
 But for now he’s probably doing her hair while she discusses about her favorite cartoon with a bowl of snack in hand
♡ Seungmin
When you told Seungmin he was going to be a dad all he could do was give you soft eyes and smile because he was so happy and excited he didn’t know what to do
But when you hugged him he’d cry a little bit and ramble on about how he’s so happy to be starting a family with you
And afterwards he’s all excited to start planning asking like what color should the room be and all that good stuff
He’d be the type of dad to pick up a couple cute things he think the baby would enjoy on the way home and just silently place it in the room, which is  just so heart warming because you know he’s trying
And when he found out you were going to have twins he’d be really shocked but he wouldn’t love them any less
Like the moment he gets to hold both of them he’s a soft mess who’s all teary eyes while holding both of them
He’d be such a good dad and he makes it look easy while taking are of both of them
Seungmin could be braiding his little girls hair while also playing with his son and no one will ever know how he keeps them so calm
It’s just so cute though seeing him hold both of them while taking them out on adventures and allowing them to help him
He just adores his twins so much honestly  and that’s why he finds it difficult to get upset with them
You’ll always either find him asleep with both of them on either side of them or playing around the apartment there’s no in between 
He’s also the type of dad that enjoys his kids genuine help when he tries to make something nice for you and if they mess up the surprise all he can do is laugh
But if there’s one thing Seungmin’s very specific on is teaching his twins to clean because he’s not about to have a messy house oh no no no hunty 
Though half of the time he does help them and gets them ice cream afterwards because he can never say no to them 
When you told him he was going to be a dad he’d smile so wide and keep asking if you were for real because he’s just so happy 
He might have a little happy breakdown but that’s okay because right afterwards he’d be all excited telling you all the things he can’t wait to buy for your guys baby
Though he’d also be a little timid and alwaying making sure to get your okay with the necessary things the baby would need
Otherwise when it comes to toys he’s buying everything and anything he sees because his baby deserves everything
And when his son is born he can’t help but smile lovingly at his little boy as he’s sleeping in his arms
Jeongin would be pretty gentle and careful during the baby’s first months home partially because he’s nervous but mostly because he doesn’t want to make his son cry
Though when he’s older Jeongin’s all in for running around the house, having cute little dance parties and singing nursery rhymes with his little boy
When he’s not playing around with his son he’s probably taking him out to some picnic adventures or an amusement park
If not he’s probably amusing his son with his trot singing because he just loves the way it brings amusement to his face 
Other than that you can find them having a seemingly important conversation while sharing a bowl of fruit
When in reality their discussing about what his son’s favorite toy is while Jeongin tries to make him eat
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Let You in on a Little Secret
This story was an idea that just popped in my head and I couldn’t get it out until I wrote it down. It takes place in a season 12 AU where Cristina never left, Derek is still alive, and Jo divorced Paul with the help of Alex after confiding in him about her past at the end of season 9 (before the tree crashes into the living room). This is my first Jolex and Grey’s fic so I hope you like it!!
To say he was excited would be an understatement. He was bursting with joy, anticipation, and love. He had tried his best to contain it, truly, but he was sure that he had weirded a few of the nurses out with the large grin that was on his face. He hoped no one would care enough to ask, because if they asked, he didn’t know how long he’d be able to keep this secret to himself. And that was saying something, because despite his bluntness and honesty, Alex Karev was a private and guarded person. He knew how to keep a secret if necessary. But today was different. Today he was walking on air. Today he was happy. Today he had finally grown up.
Making his way into the attendings’ lounge, he hoped he wouldn’t run into anyone. He entered the lounge to find it empty and poured himself a cup of coffee before sitting on the couch to read through a patient chart. He was alone for about ten minutes when the lounge filled with people. He looked up from his coffee and smiled, “Hey guys.”
“Karev, what’s with the look on your face?” Jackson asked.
“Ooh he’s making the ‘I just got laid face!’ Did you and Wilson do it in an on-call room?” Yang teased.
“No I did not just get laid. I’m just in a good mood today,” He answered.
“Alex Karev in a good mood? Yeah I’ll believe that when pigs fly,” Callie snorted.
“Whatever, I can be in a good mood if I want to. I had a great night, a great morning, a successful tumor resection, a cool surgery scheduled today, and I get to tell a kid and his parents that we found a lung after 2 years of searching.”
There was a pause before Cristina spoke, “Ah! So he got laid last night and this morning.”
There was a chorus of laughters as Meredith walked into the lounge. “What are we laughing about?” She asked.
“Alex is all bright and shiny today because he got laid last night and this morning,” Cristina wiggles her eyebrows.
“Shut up,” Alex grumbled. “I already told you guys. I’m not smiling because I got laid. I told you, I’ve been having a very good day today. I’m allowed to smile.”
Meredith’s eyes widened as she walked over and pressed her hand to his forehead, “Well he doesn’t have a fever so it’s definitely not the delirium talking.”
Alex rolled his eyes, “You know what? I’m not gonna let it bother me. I’m having a good day and I’m not gonna let anyone ruin it. I’m gonna go see patients.”
A few hours later, he was at the nurses station updating a few charts when he felt a pair of airs wrap around his waist. Smiling, he pulled them closer to him before turning, “Hey.”
“Hey,” a beaming Jo answered.
“How’s your day been so far?”
“Great! Callie keeps asking me why I’m smiling so wide today. She mentioned that you seemed to be in a very good mood this morning and asked me if we had really hot sex this morning.”
Alex laughed, “Yeah... they kept teasing me about the goofy look on my face while we were in the lounge. Yang was convinced that we had just come back from a quickie in an on-call room.”
Jo chuckled, “If only they knew the real reason we’re so giddy today. I think they might combust.”
“You’re probably right. I know we said we weren’t gonna make a big deal about it yet but, I’ve gotta tell someone before I spontaneously combust.”
“Okay, you can tell one person. But they must be sworn to secrecy. Also, I think I would be kind of hypocritical to say that you can’t talk to anyone about it because I kind of already called Ms. Schmidt this morning on my way in before rounds.”
Alex looked at her in disbelief, “I can’t believe you spilled before I did. You owe me thirty bucks.”
“Haha, I know. I’m so weak.” Jo exclaimed.
“No you’re not,” Alex shook his head. “You’re just excited and happy and so am I. I mean, I’m scared out of my freaking mind but, I’m happy.”
Jo smiled softly at him, “I love you.”
“I love you more,” he said before kissing her. “Okay, you gotta go before Torres gets on your ass about wandering off during work hours.”
“Ugh, I know. I’ll see you later!” She called as she walked away.
Smiling to himself again, he made his way over to the elevator. When the doors opened, he found himself face to face with Meredith Grey. He smiled at his friend as he pushed the buttons for the peds floor. They stood in silence for a minute before Meredith the emergency stop button, “Okay seriously. What the hell is going on with you? You’re scaring me with that happy look on your face. Who are you and what have you done to Alex Karev?”
Alex huffed out a breath, “It’s nothing, Mer. I’m just happy, is all.”
Meredith looked at him skeptically for a moment and let out a gasp, “Oh my God! You proposed, didn’t you?”
“What?” Alex scrunched his face, “No I didn’t propose. You’re still holding onto the ring. But speaking of rings, I think I’m gonna need to back soon.”
“So you’re gonna do it? You’re gonna propose!”
“Soon, yeah. I finally feel like things are coming together and the time is right, ya know?”
Meredith nodded, “I do. But I still don’t get why you are in such a good mood today. You haven’t proposed yet.”
Alex sighed, “Okay. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. But you have to swear you won’t tell anyone. Not Cristina. Not Shepherd. Not Torres. Not Zola. Not even your damn pillow. You’ve got to be sworn to secrecy.”
“I swear.”
“Okay,” Alex took a steadying breath. “Jo and I have been talking about fostering kids. We both had really rough childhoods and wanted to make a difference in some kid’s life. So we went through the whole process and got approved two weeks ago. Last night we got a call that we’ve been placed and we’re getting a four year old kid at the end of the week. And to top it all off, this morning, we found out that Jo is pregnant.”
“OH MY GOD!” Meredith squealed in joy. She threw her arms around his neck and gave him a giant squeeze, “Oh my God. Alex! I am so happy for you!”
“Thanks,” he replied, allowing the goofy grin to make its way back to his face.
“This is huge! You two are going to be parents!”
“I know,” he laughed. “I can’t believe it. It still feels like I’m dreaming.”
“Well okay, but I need the details! So spill everything.” Meredith said, matching his smile.
“There’s not much to tell. The kid we’re getting is a boy named Beau Carter. His mom died of an overdose and his 19 year old dad was raising him but realized about a year ago that he wasn’t fit to raise a kid so he’s been passed around for the past eleven months. If we’re a good fit, the hope is to foster to adopt. And as for Jo’s pregnancy, we’re not positive how far along she is, but we’re pretty sure she’s about ten weeks or so.”
“Were you guys trying?”
“No,” he chuckled. “We were being careful because we knew we wanted to foster, but you remember the inter mixer Bailey forced us to all go to? Well, Jo and I got pretty drunk that night and I don’t remember using a condom so we’re pretty sure that’s when it happened. We made an appointment with OB for tomorrow morning to find out.”
“Alex! I’m speechless. Now I understand why you’ve had that look on your face all day. I would too!” Meredith beamed. “You’re growing up! You’ve got a girl that loves you, a foster kid, a baby on the way, and you’re going to propose. What the hell happened to you?”
“Haha, I’d say I don’t know but the truth is, I do. Jo happened.”
Meredith patted his face, “Okay. So I’m going to be the godmother, right? I swear if you give it to Cristina, I will haunt you after I die.”
Alex rolled his eyes, “I have to talk to Jo first but yes, I think you’d be the perfect godmother for my kids.”
“You have to come over and get that ring. It’s sitting in my sock drawer. You’re lucky Derek hasn’t found it and started asking questions yet. Or worse, one of my kids.”
“I know. I’ll come get it this weekend. I was hoping we could maybe come over and introduce Beau to the kids. I think it would be a good way to get him to be more comfortable with everyone.”
“Of course!” Meredith nodded. “We can have Sunday brunch with the kids. We can make waffles.”
“Sounds good to me.”
The stood there for a minute taking in the moment before Meredith pulled on the emergency stop button, “We’ve been in here too long. I was so excited about your news I forgot that we have patients.”
“I know me too.”
The elevator doors opened and as he stepped out, Alex heard Meredith call him, “Alex!”
He turned to look at his closest friend, “Yeah?”
“You are going to be great.”
He smiled as he thanked her genuinely. Yeah today was a great day. But he knew it wouldn’t compare to all the amazing tomorrows to come.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Do you have any Mipha or Riju HCs? Nothing specific, just General headcanons
Sorry for the wait and thanks for the ask!
Cinnamon Roll that can kick ass
Takes after her mother with her skill with a spear. Although she never met her mother, (I just hc she passed away) Mipha’s precise and swift talent with the trident is a clear indication of her mother’s blood in her.
She’s always sweet, and kind, and polite when around people. However, if you disrespect her or her loved ones she is not afraid to throw hands or let off a direct and blunt remark.
Someone will be like “That Princess Zelda isn’t doing much for the kingdom, seems she useless considering she can’t even do her one job to awaken her powers correctly.”
And then Mipha will be like “You also seem pretty useless when your only personality is being your husband’s trophy wife, Ava.” said with a kind smile and sweet eyes [i just made up the name idk]
I just love me a sweet cinnamon roll who can fight 
Mipha is also and A++ big sister. She takes up Sidon’s day by just complimenting him and saying how much she loves him. She gives him surprise hugs and twirls him around, and gives him rides. Everyday it’s just her cuddling and playing with him, and he never gets tired of her presence.
She teaches him to catch fish, and Mipha always claps whenever he shows off his diving moves (if he fumbles or otherwise)
and she let’s him watch her sparring practices, plus whenever she heals something for Sidon she places a little kiss on it at the end because “that’s how the real magic works!” Mipha acts all goofy around him, making faces and teasing him in front of everyone and asdfghjk
ugh i could go on about the big sister energy she has sdfghj
Also Zora come from eggs (because fish) and I saw this post where Mipha was wearing her sash like a little pack that holds baby sidon. So I just have the mental image of her going around, with the little baby sidon and just going “see this baby? I love him”
[Found the posts! Thanks to @kanaya-irl for helping me find it. Click please They are so cute]
She is child and it shows
like sure, when she’s on her throne (which by the way, canonically has a booster seat, which I am 200% sure was Bularia’s idea) Riju will act professional and mature because she did have to grow up quickly
but when just hanging around other people she trusts and such? She cracks jokes and loves puns, and will even tease people with a small hint of sarcasm (because all Gerudo have that energy)
She loves all things soft, her black skirt (the color that all Gerudo Chiefs wore) she made herself to be super comfy but also airy because desert. she adds extra jewels to her crown/headset because sparkles
I think she had a single mother growing up, her dad maybe skedaddled before she was even born, so she’s grown up in Gerudo Town with her mother all her life
Riju and her late mother both had a love for sand seals, and it was her mother that gave her the name for Patricia (the prophet sand seal)
Also, Riju can understand sand seals, imagine a horse girl, but its Riju and sand seals. She can literally understand their language like that other Gerudo who translate Patricia.
I’ll probbaly mention this again when I do the Gerudo fun fact post, but there is a room in Gerudo town dedicated to crafting the sand seal plushes and grooming Patricia
So I hc that all the plushes in her room are made with the extra sand seal fluff. There is someone out there with the royal job of making the Chief Sand Seal plushies and they are paid very well 
Riju plays with her toys, but like, with a sand seal government. She has them act like a sand seal council, a little government that she oversees
She just plays with them, voicing their lines like “Excuse me Chief Fluffyfin, we’re having an trading issue concerning the wild berries. It’s so delicious, the demand is high but the supply is low. We’ve hit the sealing for the outrage concerning the issue” 
“Thank you Professor Buttoneyes, I will consult my councilors and advisers to a course of action. You have my seal of approval to start a committee debate on the topic. Perhaps we should start giving out free hydromelons to our fellow citizens”
Cut to Bularia from downstairs, “Riju? It’s almost midnight? Aren’t you in bed yet?”
Riju calls down, exasperated, “I’M BUSY SOLVING AN ECONOMIC CRISIS” Then she goes back to role playing with her stuffed sand seals, in which she made little clothes and crowns for
Bularia is basically her tired mom btw
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basiccortez · 4 years
Defenseless Ch. 2
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synopsis: CJ Jackson, looks like she has it all. Fancy car, fancy house, name  brand clothing. Her parents, top boosters to Beverly, with money to make all sorts of situations go away. As well as the Jackson family looks put together, past secrets haunt them. With the new transfer student catching the eye of CJ Jackson, can old friendships be fixed. Or are somethings just meant to stay broken. "I told you, as long as I live, no one would know."
word count: 5.2k 
pairing: Jordan Baker x OC (CJ Jackson) 
warnings: talk of drugs, talk of addiction, talk of a juvenile being in trouble, teen drinking, language, high school boys being high school boys. 
"Maybe, we shouldn't have kept her in that school."
"Chris, we talked about this. The best way for her to contain a normal life is by staying there."
"You didn't hear her cry today, Pauline." She could hear his heavy sigh, "That baby has lost everything, and you know how teenagers can be. I don't want to lose her anymore than we already have."
"I can email Mrs. Riley, and tell the boys to be on the lookout for her. You know Colton won't let anything slip."
CJ heard her dad's loud laughter from the spot she sat. She sat on the dark staircase behind the kitchen wall listening to her parents talk. After she had come home from her terrible dance rehearsal, she had hid in her room all night doing homework and listening to music.
"Oh I know," Her dad said, "Cobe won't let anything slip either. Carver has some pull with the football boys. Roman will help too."
"What more of an Army does one girl need." Her mother said.
CJ smiled weakly, thinking of all the boys in her life. Cobe, the eldest Jackson boy, was a senior, and a soccer star. He ruled the field much like he ruled the school being the student body preside. And, holds the title like if he were the king. Every booster presentation, he wore his best suit and tie, cleaned his shoes, and had his waves done perfectly. The whole Jackson family thought he would go to Stanford or Yale, his dream colleges, but he caught them all off guard by joining the Army when he turned 18. Their mother was pissed, and didn't talk to him for 2 days. Pauline sat down with her oldest, scolded him for not telling her, but listened to his side, and supported him.
Colton and CJ were twins. Colton being the older one, and not letting CJ live that down, at all. They both had the biggest brown eyes, ones that looked like pools of honey when the sunlight caught them. Colton's main focus was basketball, and everything basketball. There were times that he wished he was named after the great Kobe Bryant. But Cobe always reminded that he should've been born first. Colton was yet to commit anywhere, wanting to wait until after his junior year. He was praying for UCLA or LSU.
Carver was the youngest Jackson sibling, being a sophomore, and an amazing tight-end, getting his dad's football talent. Even as a sophomore, he had offers already, but much like Colton, he was waiting until senior year. Carver, even though as athletic as the other brothers, was also involved in other things. Music was his passion, growing up with old "cook-out" music- as their father would say- lead him to wanting to be a music major. Carver's room was littered with vinyl records, concert posters, and 8-tracks. CJ and Carver could spend hours arguing about the main message behind Tupac's Dear Mama.
Roman was the last boy in CJ's life. He, unlike the other boys, was not related to CJ. Roman was also on the football team, and played defensive end. He was a junior like CJ and Colton. Roman had basically lived in the Jackson house, being best friends with Colton, and dating Carver. Roman and Carver had been dating for almost 2 years now, and no one knew besides the Jackson family.
Carver was out to the school, and everyone couldn't be prouder of him. Carver wasn't afraid to be who he was. The boys on the football team accepted him. But Roman, was fearful of what his parents would do. He grew up in church, and hearing his mother curse about the pride parade every year in Beverly Hills. He was terrified about what his football friends would say. Yeah, they accepted Carver, but that didn't stop the whispers in the locker room when Carver would leave.
"He was totally starring at your junk," "If he tackles you, he might get hard" "Don't catch the ball like a fairy" "I don't wanna be the only one in the showers with him," "We should get rainbow uniforms" "Maybe he would do better on the cheer team"
All the siblings had heard the whispers and rallied around Carver. CJ was Carver's biggest fan, and biggest fighter. She had taken Carver to his first pride parade when he was in 8th grade. It broke Carver when CJ was sent away. He would visit her every weekend, and send letters nonstop. He was thrilled when she came home early. But like everyone else, he had a reputation to uphold. So even he turned his back on her at school today.
"It'll all work out for her, she's too strong to let anything break her." Pauline said coming up to her husband. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her cheek to his back, "Where are they anyway? It's too quiet."
"CJ is around the corner." Chris said and CJ froze. "You've been sitting on those stairs since you were a little girl. Can't believe there's no ass print in the wood yet."
"Chris!" Pauline said laughing. CJ let out a laugh and stood up from the stairs. She walked into the kitchen in her baggy basketball shorts and a loose t-shirt, that was probably one of her brothers, "Hey baby girl." Pauline kissed CJ's forehead, as she walked over to the oven to get dinner out, "Cauliflower steaks- request from Cobe, with  asparagus, zucchini, mushroom sauce. Pasta salad and mac n cheese for a side. Apple pie for dessert, request from-"
"Me! Ain't no more goofy ass fake ass-"
"Finish that sentence, Colton, I dare you." Mom said giving Colton her famous glare. Colton shut his mouth real quick and kissed his mom's cheek as he came and grabbed a water out of the fridge, "Boy! Go shower too! You stank!"
"Smell of success, momma!" Colton said lifting his arms up, and showing off the pit stains on his red t-shirt.
"Ugh! Who the hell let the skunk in?" Cobe said coming down the stairs and smelling Colton.
"You think you got jokes, Pres?" Colton said walking over to his older brother.
"At least he don't smell like an onion." Carver said, Roman tagging along behind him, coming into the kitchen.
"Y'all all smell!" CJ said laughing. All the boys looked at each other, before all running over to CJ.
The girl squealed and took off running from her brothers. She ran towards the opening to the living room, but Cobe ran around the other side and blocked her. She quickly turned towards the dinning room, where Carver was waiting for her. Carver ran towards her, and CJ turned around running towards the kitchen again, where her dad was ready to catch her. She dodged past her dad, and was quickly picked up in strong arms. She fought against them until she was thrown into the pool.
"Ah!" She screamed as she hit the cold water. She came up from the water splashing, and laughed as she saw all 4 men, plus Roman laughing on the pool side, "Y'all think y'all funny?"
"Oh we real funny." Colton said.
"You children!" Pauline laughed coming out of the kitchen. She threw her dish towel over her shoulder and crossed her arms. All 5 males turned towards her and froze, "Y'all done with the games?"
"Yes ma'am." They all answered at the same time.
"Good. Cobe, you're gym bag does not live by the front door, pick it up. Colton, I know I didn't raise you to smell like a garbage can, hit the shower. Carver, see that table in there, set it. Roman, you can help him. Mr. Jackson, that  salad ain't gonna make itself." Pauline said, and all the boys went their instructed ways, "And you," She said looking at her daughter who was soaking wet in the pool, "Dry off and get clean."
The next day, The Jackson siblings all arrived together in their shiny white Jeep Wrangler. Colton parked the car next to Roman's black Tahoe. CJ used to joke that Roman looked like security detail for a famous person driving that black SUV around.
"Morning, Jacksons." Roman said to the bunch as they got out of the car. Roman gave a head nod to Carver. Carver rolled his eyes and slammed the door shut.
"You going to Mrs. Riley first?" Colton asked his younger sister.
"Have to every day." CJ answered and Colton sighed, "Go on, I'll be fine."
"Mom said to look-"
"I know what mom said," CJ cut off Cobe, "But I can handle myself."
"You can eat lunch with me and Alana." Cobe offered to his sister, who just scrunched her nose up.
"If there's anyone that I hate more than Emily Pierce, it's Alana Kadee." CJ said and pulled her bag over her loose t-shirt, "I'll be fine. Besides, I have him." CJ smiled seeing Spencer waiting behind her group of brothers, "Bye."
The boys watched as CJ pushed through them and over to Spencer James, who greeted the Jackson girl with a wide smile. The two of them walked into school together, and could fell all eyes on them.
"We trust him?" Colton asked the guys.
"He a good guy, little rough on the team player shit, but he's good." Roman said.
"As long as he don't do pull a Jordan Baker on her, I'm fine with it." Cobe said and the guys agreed. "Ain't no man gonna hurt my sister again."
CJ had battled her way through Anatomy, composition, and physics by the time the lunch bell had rang. Spencer waited outside of the girl's classroom and walked with her to lunch. Spencer talked about practice and a pool party at the Baker household. CJ was quiet and let Spencer vent practice and how it went.
"So how was it hanging out with the steroid set?" CJ asked, as she picked up a piece of her sushi.
"Are you serious?" Spencer asked the girl.
CJ laughed and shook her head, "I'm kidding. I used to mess with them and say that."
Spencer laughed and studied the girl before asking, "What happened between you and them? They know you, but they act like they don't wanna know you."
CJ took a deep breath, she knew this would come up sooner or later, "We used to be close, and then things happened. They became football stars and I became the. . .social pariah of Beverly High school."
"Man, shut up you're cool." Spencer said.
"Okay, yeah, says the new guy." CJ joked, "It's shocking, I know, but no one is eager to hang out with juvie girl, post detention center."
"Juvie? Elaborate."
"I just went down a bad path, things happened out of my control." CJ shrugged, "Parents paid a big time lawyer to help me out, and here I am. 75k and 90 days later. I'm fine now, just 90 days of parole."
"Is it?" Spencer asked, looking into her honey brown eyes.
CJ was about to answer, when a tray was placed loudly down on the table. The Jackson girl looked up and saw Cobe swinging his leg over the lunch table bench. Before CJ could protest him sitting there, Roman pulled up next to her. Carver sat his stuff down on the other side of Spencer, and Colton decided to nestle himself right in between CJ and Spencer. CJ rolled her eyes and leaned forward to still talk to Spencer.
"Spencer, meet the other, uglier versions of me. Cobe, Colton, Carver, and Roman- the adopted brother." CJ said introducing the boys.
"Nice to meet you," Spencer said politely, greeting all of the boys.
"Welcome to Beverly, I'm Colton, older twin, basketball star, black belt."
"He's lying." "I'm not lying." The twins said at the same time. CJ glared at her twin brother, as a familiar female voice started speaking.
"Spencer?" The voice asked, "Oh hey Jackson brothers, and Roman."
"Hey Layla," Carver answered the light-skinned girl.
"I'm throwing a party at my place tonight. It's just a small team thing, to celebrate the start of the season, and I was hoping you could make it." Layla spoke. CJ looked down at her food and picked at it as she was talking. Cobe could feel the tension rolling off of his younger sister's body, and wanted to yell at Layla for even approaching them.
"Yeah, for sure. We'll try to come by for a bit." Roman answered for the boys. Layla smiled at him and looked at CJ.
"Great," Layla said to the table, "Bye CJ." CJ looked up at Layla as she walked away and didn't say anything. The boys all looked at CJ who just rolled her eyes. Colton watched Spencer, as his head followed Layla as she walked away, and gave him a look.
"What?" Spencer asked.
"A, she's taken. That's Asher's girlfriend, okay?" Colton said.
"And B, those parties, I'd stay clear." CJ spoke up.
Spencer agreed, but there was a look in his eye that gave away his true intentions. The lunch bell rang, dismissing the teens back to class. CJ said goodbye to the boys before heading to Mrs. Riley's room for a check in and get her community service project.  Her project was based out of Crenshaw Community Center. She'd be tutoring elementary and middle school children in Science.
When dance practice rolled around, CJ was determined to take her spot back. CJ was the first one dressed and in the gym for practice. It gave her enough time to turn her phone on and go over the Countdown dance, like it was supposed to be done.
Jordan could hear the music from down the hall as he walked Hadley to the locker room, "Are you late?" He asked his girlfriend.
"No. . . it must be Emily practicing. No matter how hard she tries, she will never be CJ good. That girl is amazing, the way she can move. Looks just like her mom when she's dancing." Hadley spoke.
"Yeah. I remember all those dance awards on her walls." Jordan smiled remembering going to her competitions, "I should get going," Jordan kissed Hadley goodbye before walking down the hallway towards the music coming from the gym.
Jordan stood in the doorway in awe, watching the way CJ flawlessly moved around the space. She was completely lost in the tempo of the song playing. Her body was telling a story, and so was the song she chose. Jordan could see the pain that was coming across in her movements. The way it looked like she couldn't catch the beat, but she was perfectly on time.
"Just don't give up, I am working it out. Please don't give in, I won't let you down. It messed me up, need a second to breathe. Just keep coming around. Hey, whataya want from me. Whataya want from me?"
Jordan couldn't help but feel guilt listening to the words. The song was picked for a reason, and CJ knew it. He watched as she flawlessly leaped into the air, and land it perfectly. Her turns were executed without any hesitation and with full control. When the music finished, she ended on her knees, her chest moving up and down rapidly as her eyes were closed, trying to slow her heart rate.
Jordan didn't know if he should clap or say something, before he could move he heard clapping from the other side of the gym. CJ opened her eyes and briefly glanced at Jordan before looking to where the sound was coming. Spencer James walked into the gym, a wide smile on his face, and CJ stood up from the ground. Jordan left as Spencer started talking to the girl. He headed down to the football locker room, trying even harder to forget about CJ Jackson.
"That was. . . amazing." Spencer spoke to the light skin girl.
"Thanks. I listened to a lot of music in juvie, and this was one of my favorite songs. It spoke to me." CJ said and her eyes drifted over to where Jordan was standing.
"Well it was amazing." Spencer said.
"It was," The pair was cut off by a familiar annoying voice breaking into the gym, "Excuse me, Spencer is it? You need to leave, closed practice. And CJ, next time you want extra ''practice'' run it by the captain first." Emily said to the two.
"Show more later?" Spencer asked CJ and the girl smiled, watching Spencer walk off.
"I don't know what you're trying to do, but you will never hold the captain spot again. You might have been the best dancer in the conference, but not anymore." Emily sneered to CJ. CJ took one step getting in Emily's face, and could feel the girl uncomfortable by the sudden conforntation.
"The only person who won't be holding a captain spot anymore is you. And trust me sis, it's not me who needs the extra practice. The mess you call a dance, is a shit show and you know it. It's a Beyonce song, and you ain't it sweetie.  You are more like. . ." CJ paused looking the ginger girl up and down, "Chanel West Coast, and I'm Nicki Minaj. No competition at all."
CJ pushed past Emily, and grabbed her water bottle as the rest of the dance team started filling in the gym. Emily walked over to a group of girls and yelled at them to start stretching. Mrs. Williams came into the gym and set down her clipboard and called all the girls together.
"We are learning a new dance today, and CJ will be teaching it." Mrs. Williams said. CJ smirked as she felt Emily's glare on her back, "So let's get ready. Spread out."
"Chrisy?" Her mother spoke, knocking on her bedroom door. CJ sat up from the blankets she was buried under and paused the Twilight movie she was watching, "No plans tonight? It's a Friday night."
"These are my plans." CJ said pointing to a half naked Taylor Lautner on her TV screen.
"Half naked werewolf boys aren't a plan." Pauline laughed and walked over to sit on her daughter's bed, "I know that there is a team party at Layla's tonight."
"I know. I knew I probably couldn't go anyway."
"Your curfew is midnight, on the dot, no later. Colton will drive you and Dad will pick you up."
"Mom, are you say. . ."
"You have been through enough. Your Dad, Mrs. Riley, and I talked, we agreed that going to a team party with your brothers was okay. As long as you promise you can pass a drug test tomorrow morning."
CJ jumped up from her bed and hugged her mother tightly. Pauline smiled and hugged her daughter back. It was the first time in months that the two have hugged each other like this, in a happy moment.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" CJ squealed.
"You're welcome. Now get dress, child, you look a mess. And no Jackson child of mine will be looking a mess." Pauline said smiling at her daughter. CJ smiled at her mother and then jumped up towards her closet. CJ invited her mother to stay and help her get ready for the party.
Pauline, her mother, was a retired Dallas Cowgirl dancer, and now an editor for Vogue. Pauline had met Chris Jackson after the Chiefs had played the Cowboys, and it was love at first sight. She had grown up in east Oakland, and had come from nothing. She danced to put herself through college, which she ended up getting her degree in Dance. She worked hard for what she wanted, and wanted people to know that. She expected the best out of her kids, and wanted them to always put their best foot forward.
CJ let her mom fix her box braids, pulling them half up, half down. She wore a baggy black Aliyah t-shirt with a stripped long sleeve underneath it. Her jeans were loose with more hole then there were jean. She pulled on her crisp white air forces and smiled at herself.
"Beautiful." Pauline smiled and kissed her daughter's forehead, "Remember, midnight. Colton's downstairs waiting for you."
CJ nodded and headed downstairs where her twin was waiting. CJ and Colton made their way to the lime green 1972 camaro, which was Colton's baby. He only brought it out for important events such as parties, homecoming, dates, and prom.
"Scratch the paint, and you're dead." He told his twin as she opened the door to the car.
The party was in full swing when they arrived. The door to the Keating household was wide open, and you could hear the music from down the street. Teens were on couches doing bong hits, shots, making out. Red solo cups were in almost every teen hand. Splashes could be seen as the glass doors to the outside were pulled back.
"Hey Colt!" A half naked JJ said as he came up to the twins, "CJ, my girl." JJ tried to hug the twins but they both pushed him back seeing as he was soaking wet.
"Leave it to JJ to make me feel somewhat welcome." CJ said to her brother. He smirked and threw his arm over her shoulder.
"You are welcome, you always have been. If they don't accept you, you don't need them. Now come on, I guarantee there is a Sprite tropic berry with your name on it."
At some point during the party, the siblings had broken away from each other. Colton was probably in some room with one of the many girls at the party. And CJ sat alone, her feet swinging over the side of the deck, as looked at the California hills. It was peaceful for her, she hadn't seen the lights of the city like this in a long time. The view of Layla's house had been one of the many things she liked about it.
"You lost?" Jordan Baker said standing behind her. CJ sighed and didn't say anything, but swing her legs back to the side of the deck, and stand up. She brushed herself off and started walking away from Jordan, "Where are you going?"
"Away. I know when I'm not wanted somewhere." She said to the QB. Jordan sighed and grabbed her arm stopping her in her tracks. CJ tore her arm away from his grasp and looked at him, "You dumb or had one too many concussions?"
"CJ. . ."
"Your parents made it pretty damn clear what they expect from you and Olivia. And that's to stay away from me. So why don't you do that." CJ sneered.
"CJ, Jesus Christ, would you just stop!" Jordan said trying to stop her again, "I wanted to say sorry, and just talk to you."
"Sorry? You wanted to say 'sorry'? Sorry isn't going to suffice. What would've been the epic sorry would've been telling the truth that day, but you couldn't do that."
"CJ I-"
"It's fine, Jordan. Now leave me alone." CJ said and turned on her heel, and trying to get as far away from that party as possible. She knew she shouldn't have been there, but she thought, maybe if they were all drunk they'd forget about the mistakes that were made last year.
CJ woke up with the worst possible headache that she could have. And she hadn't even been drinking. Her parents had woken her up bright in early to go to the scrimmage game. The boosters were invited, meaning her parents. So CJ sat on the cold bleachers with her green cardigan on, shivering in the cool morning. She watched her mother hand Carver and Roman each a water bottle and a snack. Cobe was busy introducing the boosters to the football coaches and showing them the additions to the football stadium.
"Why am I here?" CJ asked her mother.
"Learning how to be a football wife." Pauline joked, causing the young girl to laugh, "I will never understand why women spend so much on botox and fake boobs." Pauline glanced over at JJ's mother, who had just gotten her 2nd boob job done.
"Cause black don't crack, but white sure do." CJ said and Pauline shoved her shoulder laughing, "Let's go Carvy!" CJ cheered watching her younger brother run on to the field.
"That number 11 looks rough." Her dad pointed out, coming to sit by his wife and daughter, "Thought that was supposed to be wonder boy, looks like under boy to me."
CJ looked at Spencer, who was getting the snot beat out of him. He looked awful, and completely out of it. CJ wondered what had happened when she left the party last night. Every play that was made to Spencer, he messed it up in some way. Each time the offense would walk off the field, he looked beat and tired. At the end of the scrimmage, Spencer walked off the field looking defeated. Carver had made his way over to were his parents and sister were standing.
"Nice work, young man." Chris said patting his son on the shoulders, "Almost as good as me."
"I am as good as you."
"What's up with that James kid?" Pauline asked her youngest.
"No clue, but dude reeks like a party bus. Him and JJ must've had a competition last night." Carver said looking over at where Spencer was now talking to Jordan and Asher, "Or those two did something."
The Jackson family turned and watched a heated argument breakout. Spencer threw his helmet down and lunged towards Asher. CJ gasped and took a step forward, but Chris put his arm out in front of her, stopping her movement. The family watched Billy Baker came and controlled Spencer, and the assistant coach take Jordan and Asher away from the spectacle. CJ looked at the rest of the boosters who were also looking at the show in front of them. Cobe was quick to catch CJ's pleading glance to get them out of here, and somewhere else.
"Alright, let's go see where the best team, my team, the soccer team is practicing." Cobe said and the boosters followed him out of the football stadium.
"Billy was pulling for this kid and I have no reason why." Chris said watching Billy talk to his son.
"Maybe the Bakers should worry about they're own kids, seems like they can't control them." Pauline said and Chris nodded in agreement, "Let's go, the boys should be about done."
"I'll meet you guys at the car." CJ said and her parents agreed. CJ waited a moment and then walked over to where Jordan was. He was the only football player left on the field, "You do that to every new player?"
Jordan looked over at the Jackson girl and shrugged, "You don't get it."
"Oh I don't?" CJ questioned and walked over to Jordan, "Cause it looks like. . . you're being a huge dick."
Jordan sighed and set his helmet down on the bench, "You don't see the way he looks at Spencer. Like. . .he's the son he's always wanted."
"J, you know that's not true." CJ said using the nickname she had given him. Jordan couldn't help the butterflies that arose in his stomach when she said that, "Look where you are at, right now. Beverly Hills High School. Where do you live? In the Hills. What car do you drive? A 2019 camaro convertible. What does Spencer have?"
"I know. . ." Jordan says hanging his head in shame, "You're right."
"Your dad is trying to give a kid a chance. Your dad was much like Spencer, growing up in Crenshaw and someone gave him a chance. He is doing that to Spencer. You don't get it, because you have always had that chance."
"When did you get like this?" Jordan said looking at the girl.
"Like what?" CJ asked.
"Reasonable." Jordan simply said.
"I spent 90 days in a detention center. I was lucky, someone gave me a chance. If someone who's dad wasn't a retired football player and who's mother wasn't a editor for vogue who couldn't hire the best attorney in their county did the same thing I did. . . they would've gotten jail time instead of 90 days in juvie." CJ answered.
"Why didn't you take the plea? Why didn't you want a defense?" Jordan asked her but CJ just turned her head, "Why did you even take the blame anyway?"
CJ sighed and looked in Jordan's brown eyes, "You know why."
"But do I really? CJ, you wouldn't have been sent to-"
"Jordan." The two teens looked over to where the call came from. Laura Baker stood off the side, her arms folded in front of her. CJ took a step back from Jordan and looked down at her feet. She could feel the hate radiating off of Laura Baker. If looks could kill, CJ would be dead by now, "Why don't you go hit the showers. Now."
Jordan nodded and grabbed his helmet before walking off the field. CJ watched him leave and turned on her heel to head to her parents' car. Laura stepped in front of CJ, cutting off her path and looked down at the teen.
"What are you doing here? Do you needed reminded about the terms of your parole, Miss Jackson?" Laura asked the teen.
Before CJ spoke her mother spoke for her, "No, she doesn't, Laura. The best thing you can do is stop talking to my daughter before we have another issue on your hands."
Laura looked at the Jacksons before moving out of the way. Pauline led her daughter to the waiting black range rover, and where her husband stood. Chris opened the door for CJ and his wife. CJ looked at Laura one last time before her dad pulled out of the parking lot.
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hecohansen31 · 4 years
Ooo how about 28 with Mickey!! Such a goofy dad ugh😫❤️🥰
WARNINGS: That ending never happened to me, excuse me/Mention of Drugs (Not from Reader/Mickey)/A Bit of Irrealistic Talk/Past Trauma.
Playing “This Little Piggy” on little one’s toes.
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It had passed an entire year since your ‘small miracle’ had happened.
Since Mickey had been able to duck away from the bullet aimed at him, and managed to drive fast enough to run away from the awful people who had kidnapped you, alongside their ‘daughter’, who had stayed on your lap for the entire time, too scared and unused by the outside world.
It had all happened in such an hurry that you had felt able to breath only when you had felt the highway underneath the wheels of the car, and you had finally moved to face Mickey and kiss him till he was breathless underneath you, a surge of adrenaline shaking you enough to drive a bit further aimlessly till you found a motel to crash for the night.
And the following morning you had had to think about what you would have done.
Because your dreams of Florida would have to be postponed for a bit, due to the small child, sleeping in the center of the ruined motel bed, peacefully and deeply as if she had never slept so properly and you could fully understand why she felt this way.
You’d have to bring her to her rightful family, but you couldn’t just simply go to the first police station and tell them of the ‘extraordinary tale’ you had just gone through, because it’d bring too many questions and you couldn’t leave her behind.
You’d be travelling searching some clues and eventually it had brought you indeed to Florida on the trail of clues from a few memories of the girl and a little information snuck out on Facebook.
You had been actually coming back from a little visit from who was supposed to be child’s aunt, with bad… bad news.
You entered the motel you had been staying in, meanwhile you looked for the child’s family, although both you and Mickey had started calling her ‘Emily’, because she seemed to like that name and you had thought that it might as well be her original one.
And well... you weren’t wrong.
Upon entering, you found Mickey that was playing the ‘This Little Piggy” game with Emily who looked at him confused, which made you smirk a bit.
Mickey had been quite nurturing with Emily from the start, forgetting the fact that she had bitten him, although he had threatened of leaving her on the road, if she did it again.
‘We explore our anger in an healthy way, here, little missy’ he had explained once she had tried pushing against him after she had been denied her seventh burger ‘… we take a pillow and scream in it’.
Mickey’s game went on till Emily picked on it and tried to do it with Mickey’s enormous fingers, grabbing it with much more strength it was required and Mickey screeched very unmanly, before catching glimpse of you on the mirror in the room.
“Welcome back, sweetheart” he mumbled “… Emily here is pretty much ready for the WMA”.
“Good to know, we’ll make money on the illegal bets” you commented, as the soft child smirked softly at you, waving her hand to welcome you back “… Mickey, may we have an adult talk?”.
He seemed to finally see the saddened look in your eyes and nodded, telling Emily to adjust herself on the couch and watch cartoons meanwhile he and you had a ‘grown-up talk’.
“Can we get cake?” she simply questioned, unbothered.
The first months you had spent together in shitty motel rooms, she had been constantly on edge, unable to sleep unless she had a small light on (something that didn’t bother you in the slightest since Mickey had the same need).
So, it was truly heartwarming to see that she was slowly getting over her trauma.
And that she was leaning onto you.
Which made you even more worried for the news you had to tell Mickey.
He followed you quickly in the private and shitty bathroom of the room, as he looked at you expectantly, since you had followed the entire case.
He sat on the closet toilette seat, as you did the same on the sink, careful to avoid opening the rusty tap.
“What happened? Was it a useless trip?” asked eagerly Mickey.
He had been worried since you had found out that there was a possibility in Florida.
You knew that he was quite getting attached to Emily and was secretly praying you wouldn’t find anything each time.
Sadly, this time you had.
“No no, it wasn’t” you commented as you felt his face drop, but he tried to do his best to hide his sadness “… but… sadly… the aunt told me that Emily’s mother died in a car crash, a few years after her kidnapping and the father… he wasn’t around”.
You had faked yourself as a private investigator and the woman had let you in quite calmly, although she hadn’t been able to hide properly her arms, where you had noticed needle wounds, something that had been further confirmed with the way the house was a complete and utter mess.
“Fuck…” mumbled Mickey, after you told him “… fuck! A dead mother and a fucking junkie aunt!”.
“Also, no grandparents or other aunts from what the sister told me” you continued explaining, as you lowered your head “… she is alone in the world”.
“She isn’t” commented Mickey and you saw hope flickering in his eyes.
Your soft and gentle Mickey, who treasured everything with his big eyes and his soft pout.
“Mickey… we can’t” you replied sternly.
There had been times in which you had thought stopping the researches and simply adopting Emily in your small dysfunctional family, but not only it felt horridly wrong not to give her a chance to meet her true family, but you were the least proper parents she could get,
Although you hadn’t dealt or taken any drugs since you had had her with you (the bag with it having been left in the house, as you ran your ass away) you were two very very problematic people, alongside the fact that you could have probably been incarcerated for having kidnapped a child.
“… why can’t we?” he asked softly, trying not to raise his voice to avoid startling Emily “… she likes us!”.
“That isn’t a reason enough! And you know it!” you protested, although you sweetened your tone remembering about the girl in the other room “… we aren’t… you know what we aren’t…”
“Well at least we are better than her previous family” pouted loudly Mickey and you couldn’t help but agree.
“… that doesn’t mean much, Mickey” you commented with a bittersweet smile “… what life could we give her? We aren’t something that would make her happy”.
“But she is!” protested Mickey, now lightly raising his voice as his eyes became teary “… she is happy with us and you know it”.
“Mickey… what if we…?” your voice broke suddenly “… what if we do more damage?”.
“I don’t think that we can” his joking tone got to you “… she’ll be happy with us, I can promise that”.
“But there is more to growing a child!” you reminded him “… we need to be responsible and attentive and…”.
“You’ll be a fucking amazing, mom” replied tightly Mickey, raising himself from the toilette seat to come closer to you as he brought you in an hug “… fucking shit, you’ll be the best mom ever”.
“And you’ll be the best father” you promised him, heart-warmed by his speech “… but there are things to discuss and we need to speak with Emily, first. She didn’t get a chance of saying anything in her previous ‘family’ “.
“Ok ok” replied tightly Mickey, peppering your face in kisses, as you smirked but tried to make him understand that this situation was harder than he thought.
And then a small knock came from the bathroom door.
“Are you coming or not?” asked Emily, and Mickey immediately rushed to reassure her, but something suddenly surprised you both “… daddy, you promised that we’d watch cartoons together!”.
The word rolled off her tongue naturally and Mickey just simply smiled at you, as if to endorse the concept.
But you were already on it.
Maybe it wouldn’t be a mess.
Certainly, you and Mickey would have done your best.
Everything Tag:
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adolanables · 5 years
NYE // E.D.
Warnings: Language, Smut
Summary: Y/N has been best friends with Cameron Dolan for as long as she can remember. The two of you were finally back in NJ for the holidays and it was the year Cameron’s younger brothers were turning 21. Y/N and the twins had always been friendly considering she was like a second sister to them, but after a few too many drinks things started to change.
“Hey, Y/N, what are you planning on wearing tonight?” Cameron’s calm voice sounded through the speaker on Y/N’s phone. 
“Ugh, I don’t know. I know it’s New Year’s and all, but it’s freaking freezing here. Maybe a long sleeve dress or something... you?” 
“I’ll let ya know, Y/N. Come over at like 8 so we can get ready together.” Cameron’s voice trailed off as she finished her sentence and ended the call. 
Bright red knuckles tapped a few times on the large door of the Dolan house. Y/N had been here countless times growing up, but it had been so long since she’d been back... she no longer felt like she could just waltz right in. Lisa had gone to her parents for the weekend knowing the boys were having their 21st birthday party at the house for NYE. She was fine with it as long as no one broke anything and everyone spent the night or had a designated driver to get back home. 
“Hey, Y/N. Long time no see!” Grayson opened the door, a large smile on his face as he saw Y/N. She really was like another sister to he and Ethan, but after living in LA for so long, it wasn’t often that they had the time to see her. “Cam’s up in her room.”
“Thanks, Gray!” Y/N smiled at the handsome boy in front of her. Truthfully, Y/N had never thought of Ethan or Grayson that way. Sure, she could acknowledge that they were jaw-droppingly handsome, but she had known them when they were still eating their own boogers. 
Y/N made her way up the staircase to Cameron’s room, pausing for a moment as she heard an angry voice on the other side of the door to the twins’ bedroom. She couldn’t make out what was being said, but you could tell it was Ethan and he was not happy. Shrugging and continuing on to Cameron’s room, you pushed open the door to reveal the tan, brunette girl sprawled out across her bed. 
“Thank god, Ethan’s been screaming on the phone for like the past hour - I could barely hear myself think.” Cam rolled her eyes and sat up to face Y/N. “Let’s get ready, people are supposed to be showing up around 10 and god knows we won’t know most of them.”
The two girls spent the next two hours getting ready for the party. Y/N had settled on a skin-tight long sleeved dress that stopped mid thigh. The back was cut-out and the lilac fabric dipped down in between her breasts, revealing the small amount of cleavage she had. Cameron hadn’t quite decided on such an extravagant look, but her ripped black skinny jeans and top fit her well and still looked put together. 
At 10PM, the doorbell rang for the first time. The boys had hired a few security guards to man the door to make sure no crazed fans showed up to crash the party. They loved their fans, but when they were home in Jersey, they just wanted to feel normal again. Security was checking names on the list and letting people in one at a time. Y/N and Cameron sat at the kitchen island challenging each other back and forth with shots. 
About 5 shots in, the two girls were giggling excitedly at a text Cameron had received when Grayson popped up next to them. “It’s our birthday party and you two are already more drunk than we are.” He took a seat at the bar stool next to Cameron and gripped the bottle of tequila in between them, “Have either of you seen Ethan?” 
“You haven’t seen him?” Cameron raised an eyebrow at her brother. “This is a party for both of you, where is his dramatic ass?” She scoffed, pouring herself another shot as Grayson began pouring one for Y/N.
Before Y/N could put in her two cents, a deep voice sounded behind her - making her jump slightly in her seat. “I’m right here you ass hats.” Ethan slid into the bar stool next to Y/N and leaned his head onto his hand. “Hi, Y/N, how have you been?”
“Pretty good, just living ya know?” She slid the bottle of tequila towards Ethan and elbowed him in the side. “Both of you are 5 shots behind me and Cam - get to work boys.”
The three Dolan siblings and Y/N had finished the bottle of tequila. The house was now crowded - full of the twins’ friends, but the two of them hadn’t bothered to leave the kitchen island. As people arrived, they’d come in and say hi to the boys, and continue on with their own friend groups. 
Cameron was beyond drunk, throwing her head back in hysterical laughter at nearly everything Grayson said. The two of them had always been closer than Cam and Ethan - for no reason besides the fact that they just had the most in common. Cam and Grayson were always hanging out together when they were all home, leaving Ethan to his own devices. Thankfully, Y/N was there to entertain Ethan’s never-ending questions about what it was like being a nurse in Florida. 
“So... all these ‘Florida Men’... you actually treat those people.” Ethan’s eyes were large, his head resting in his large hand, gaze glued to Y/N. 
“Yeah...” Y/N giggled, swaying side to side on the bar stool. “Bitches are crazyyyy.” 
Ethan clapped his hands together enthusiastically and grinned. “You are too funny, Y/N!” He rested one of his large hands on the exposed skin of Y/N’s knee, his smile not faltering. 
Cameron and Grayson had finally gotten up, disappearing into the crowd of people in the living room. Ethan glanced around at the nearly empty kitchen and turned his attention back to Y/N. Her eyes were bloodshot, but she still looked gorgeous. He had always thought she was beautiful, but he had never really taken the time to think of her like that. She was always with Cameron and by the time he had the chance to even think about developing feelings for her, he had moved across the country. Her dark brown hair fell in soft waves down her back, a flurry of freckles danced across her nose even in the middle of Winter- something that Ethan had always noticed. Her cheeks were flushed red with intoxication and her heeled foot was tapping along to the music playing in the other room.
“Hey Ethan...” She pulled him from his distraction. “What were you yelling about earlier... Cam ... said yo-you were yelling.” Small hiccups interrupted her quested making Ethan grin at her even though he didn’t really want to give her the answer. 
“Ah, Y/N... I mean basically...” He twisted his fingers in his lap, deciding if he wanted to explain. He glanced up at Y/N - her eyes full of concern and decided he may as well tell someone. “The girl I was sort of with back in LA is just giving me all kinds of problems... we broke up officially before we came out here, but she won’t leave me alone.”
“Oh, E... I’m so sorry.” She rested her small hand on Ethan’s knee and rubbed softly. 
“I mean it’s whatever.” Ethan shrugged, the alcohol in his system making him spill more than he usually would. “She just... was always pissed at me because I wasn’t satisfying her or whatever and I fucking hated feeling like a useless piece of shit boyfriend.”
“Satisfy her?” Y/N raised an eyebrow, wondering if he meant what she thought he meant and how anyone could possibly be unsatisfied with one of the Dolan twins.
“Yeah... she never... ya know...” He made an explosion gesture with his hands and rolled his eyes. “I don’t know if it was me... she was the only girl I was with for about a year so who the fuck knows honestly.” He threw his hands up in exasperation and turned his attention back to Y/N. “Please, PLEASE, do not tell anyone that. Not even Grayson knows.”
“Swear.” Y/N stuck out her pinky to Ethan and smiled softly as he wrapped her tiny finger in his and shook it. He pulled her hand to his mouth and pressed a soft kiss to the skin - his tongue snuck out softly to run along the cool skin of her finger. Y/N gasped at the contact and lifted her eyes to Ethan’s. His gaze was intense, not breaking eye contact with her as he continued to press open mouthed kisses on the back of her hand and up her arm. “Ethan...”
“Shh.” Ethan stood up from the bar stool, stumbling slightly. He pulled Y/N into a standing position and glanced around to make sure no one had entered the kitchen during their conversation. “Y/N... do you want to come upstairs with me?”
A million thoughts ran through Y/N’s head, but the amount of times the word “YES” flew threw them was overwhelming. God, Ethan was hot. Grayson was too, but the somewhat lankier body Ethan had, paired with this exaggerated jaw-line and goofy nature made Y/N ache - everywhere. Without speaking Y/N laced her fingers into Ethan’s and let him guide her upstairs. She wasn’t sure if it was the tequila talking, or the few years Ethan had had to grow up, but she couldn’t wait to get her hands on him. 
As they fell into the twin’s bedroom, Ethan locked the door behind them and took a few steps towards Y/N. There was no hesitation, no lead up - they both wanted each other immediately. His large hands gripped Y/N’s waist, bunching her soft dress up above her hips. Their lips crashed together, a fire burning in between them both. Y/N’s arms were latched tightly around Ethan’s neck as his hands explored her body, stopping at her ass to squeeze roughly. 
“Bed. Now.” Ethan muttered in between kisses as Y/N backed into the large gray bed behind her. Ethan rested himself on top of her, pressing sloppy kisses down her neck as he pushed her dress up over her head. 
“Shirt off, Dolan.” Y/N giggled, tugging on the black fabric sitting tightly around Ethan’s torso. He ripped the garment off his head and threw it to the side of the room, his eyes wide as he scanned Y/N’s body up and down. 
“Fucking christ.” His voice was hoarse as his hands rubbed circles on her exposed thighs. The white of her panties and bra contrasted beautifully with her skin, the bra pushing up her cleavage ever so slightly. Her lacy white thong was driving him absolutely insane and he couldn’t wait any longer. Gripping her torso in his strong arms, he unlatched her bra in one swipe and pressed wet kisses down her chest. His lips latched around one of her nipples, swirling and softly biting - Y/N moaned softly at his warm tongue on her cold chest. She used her feet to push his sweatpants and boxers down his body and sighed when she took a moment to rake over his body. 
He had filled out and grown into his large features, every inch of him was strong. Ethan continued his kiss attack down the rest of her body, stopping at her crotch as he knelt down in front of her and pressed a soft kiss to the center of her white panties. A low growl alluded from his mouth as he felt the warm heat and wetness beneath the fabric. Tugging the thong from Y/N’s legs, he threw his head back in amazement and whined. “You’re literally dripping.” His long fingers found her folds quickly, spreading her wetness all over before slipping one inside. He curved his digit, hitting the small bundle of nerves just inside of her -his eyes were glued to her face as she threw her head back and let out soft moans as he thrusted in and out of her. Suddenly, his warm lips were pressed right against her clit, slowly licking up and down - teasing her. His movements were painfully slow and Y/N could feel herself getting closer and falling away as he continued his torture.
“Ethan, please.” She whined, wiggling her hips in his face. 
“You’ll get it baby girl, just be patient.” He smirked, diving back into her, his tongue now dancing quickly over her bundle of nerves. He was relentless in the quick circles and combined pressure. Y/N felt a knot of pleasure building in her stomach and her breathing started picking up - Ethan heard the familiar signs that Y/N was about to orgasm and pulled away from her again. She let out another annoyed whine and glared at him. “I wanna be inside you.”
Without much warning, Ethan shoved himself inside of her - his eyes shutting out of pure pleasure and a low moan of her name. “Fuck, Y/N.”
“Oh my god.” Y/N gasped as Ethan started pumping in and out of her. “So... thick... holy shit.” She was gasping for air as Ethan continuously knocked the wind out of her. The pain of the stretch combined with the pleasure of all of the spots Ethan was hitting was making her see stars. 
Ethan could tell Y/N was close as her face was scrunched beautifully, her toes pressing into the small of his back. She was getting tighter and tighter around him as she got closer and all he wanted was to watch her come undone. He reached a hand down in between their bodies and rubbed quick circles on her clit - her eyes shot open and she groaned again, tossing her head back into the pillows.
“E... I...” She wasn’t able to finish her sentence before her whole body tensed up, squeezing Ethan’s cock and shaking around him. He gave her a few seconds to come down from her high before starting back up to finish himself off. The increased sensitivity made every pump more powerful than before and Y/N felt like she could feel Ethan in her stomach. 
“Fuck, fuck fuck.” Ethan whispered, smacking his balls against Y/N. He gripped her hips tightly as his thrusts became un-even and he threw his head back and let out a low moan, emptying himself into Y/N. “Fuck yeah.” He slowly pumped in and out of her, milking every ounce of his orgasm. 
Y/N grinned up at the sweaty, red-faced man in front of her and pulled her face closer to his. “Not sure how your old lady wasn’t being satisfied...”
Ethan rolled his eyes and chuckled.”No one can know about this, Y/N.”
“All of your secrets are safe with me.” Y/N nodded as they both started to redress. As Y/N was zipping her dress back on, a loud cheer erupted from down stairs and they heard the count down of seconds - it was almost midnight. “Think you can spare a kiss, Mr. Dolan?” She took a few steps towards him and he held out his hand to pull her closer, pressing a soft kiss to her lips as everyone screamed “Happy New Year!”
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Peripheral, Part 4
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Author’s Note: After going several rounds with these characters, I am finally ready to post this chapter. It’s so much fun when the personas you create in your mind take on a life of their own. As a writer, all I can do is let the story unfold as it plays out in my mind. I don’t always have control over it. This chapter is a case in point. I can’t fight against this Jungkook and win. The boy is relentless. That being said, I hope you enjoy this little slice of smut. Let me know what you guys think!
Pairings: OT7 x reader; Jimin x reader, Jungkook x reader
Series Summary:  An unfortunate accident leaves Kim Namjoon with amnesia, and Big Hit, BTS, ARMY, and the entire world is desperate to help him regain his memories and knowledge. Fortunately, a new genetics company has successfully created a system to alter our brains into human databases which can help someone regain knowledge and memories through a simple input/output exchange. Can this new invention give us back our beloved leader?
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Idol AU
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ cursing, dirty talk, exhibitionism, scratching, orgasm denial, noona kink, handjob, Jungkook striptease, anal play, oral sex, biting, hair pulling, slight dom/sub play, blindfold, Jungkook massages, unprotected sex, sex toy use, choking
Word Count: 9K+
“Ugh, we need new games,” Jimin complained. “I’m tired of these!”
“We haven’t had time to shop, Jiminie,” Tae reminded him. “This is the first time we’ve been able to play together for a long time.”
In a dramatic display of distress, Jimin flopped on the floor by the couch and whined in frustration. Y/N burst out laughing at his ridiculousness. She leaned over and started petting his fluffy silvery-blue hair to calm him down. He purred and cuddled his head in her lap, encouraging further head scratching.
While Y/N happily obliged, she suddenly remembered the purple plastic tub in her room she had yet to unpack.
Do I really want to open up that box?
Trying to remain as casual as possible, Y/N looked over at Jungkook and Taehyung, who were already in another battle on Bubble Fighter. She bit her lip indecisively and then spoke before she could change her mind.
“Hey guys,” she piped up. “I have my PS4 and Nintendo Switch in my room. If you want to hook them up in the living room, we could all play together.”
All movement in the room stopped, reminiscent of a record scratching. The maknae line’s faces lit up with bewilderment and their smiles were reaching their earlobes.
Oh no...what have I done?
“Noona,” Jimin spoke first, sitting up to face her. “You play video games?”
She leaned over and pushed his hair back over his forehead, holding his squishy face in her palms.
“I work with technology, manggae,” she replied. “Of course, I play video games.”
Tae and Jungkook rushed to her sides on the couch, eyes glittering with anticipation.
“What games do you have?” Tae was quick to ask. “Are they only in English?”
“Are they multiplayer or single player?” Jungkook spouted before she could respond. “How many controllers do you have?”
Y/N looked at all three faces, hungry for a new source of entertainment, and her heart melted.
These poor deprived boys…
“Tae, honey,” Y/N cooed, reaching up to cup his cheek. “Under my bed is a purple box covered in stickers. Can you please bring it here?”
Jungkook launched himself over the back of the couch before Tae could react and started running down the hall.
“Kookie-ah,” Tae whined, scampering behind him. “She asked me to get it.”
As the other two fought over who would bring what, Y/N turned her smiling eyes back to Jimin, who was now sitting on his knees leaning toward her. His half-moon eyes and dazzling smile made Y/N sigh in appreciation.
So pretty…
Jimin’s eyebrow twitched and his eager smile morphed into a knowing smirk. He’d caught her actually looking at him like the snack he was, and he wasn’t about to let that slide by unnoticed.
Without thinking twice, Jimin leaned in to press his plush lips against Y/N’s. She almost pulled back in surprise, but Jimin reached his hands up to cup her face, essentially trapping her in his grasp.
The kiss was sweet and soft. He’d just wanted a little taste, but their sudden connection gave Y/N other ideas. Moving her lips against his more firmly, their kiss shifted from sweet to spicy. Within seconds, they were both fighting for dominance over the kiss, tongues at the ready, neither one winning out over the other.
The sounds of raucous laughter and running shoes broke them apart, and Tae and Jungkook were too busy unpacking the gaming systems and the large stack of games to notice the kindled flame growing between Jimin and Y/N.
Jimin was now laying his head back on Y/N’s lap, still receiving head scratches from her deft fingers. His eyes were closed and his kiss-swollen lips were slightly parted, enjoying the attention to his scalp.  She tugged on his roots and he let out a barely audible whimper.
“What should we play first?” Tae exclaimed, holding a stack of PS4 games in his hands.
Jungkook stood up, holding up copies of Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Dragonball FighterZ.
“I want to play these,” he cried out in excitement. “I’ll kick all of your asses!”
Y/N chuckled lightly and rolled her eyes. She patted Jimin’s cheek and his eyes flipped open. He pouted and reluctantly lifted his head to let her off the couch.
She walked over and grabbed a Switch controller and booted up a game they’d never heard of. The upbeat synthesizer music was catchy and the bold colorful graphics caught their attention.
“What’s Runbow?” Tae asked, tilting his head in confusion. “I’ve never heard of that game, noona.”
“It’s an indie game, Tae-Tae,” Y/N replied. “It’s an easy to play, multiplayer game that we can all enjoy. Everyone grab a controller.”
After explaining the rules and having a few trial runs, everyone was thoroughly enjoying the game and laughing hysterically at the snarky game commentary. Y/N was more than happy to translate the English words they didn’t understand and they were all trying out their newly learned phrases.
“Ok, boys, I’m done playing,” Y/N yawned after 30 minutes of intense gameplay. “I think I’ll just sit and watch you for a while.”
A flurry of fighting games later, Y/N started to doze off. She was surprised when she felt herself gathered up and stretched out across a firm chest.
Blinking her eyes open, she looked up to see Jungkook’s goofy bunny smile and squinty eyes above her watching Tae and Jimin play Tekken 7. The two players were viciously berating each other as they played, and it was obvious they were evenly matched in skill and temperament.
“Didn’t want to play anymore, Kookie?” Y/N murmured against his chest, snuggling into it.
“Nah,” he bragged, wrapping his arms around her. “Just got tired of winning. Thought I should give someone else a turn.”
Y/N looked up at his toothy grin and smiled. He bore the age of an adult, but there was still so much little boy glittering in those eyes. It was endearing to see him so happy.
Y/N shivered and Jungkook pulled a blanket over her and rubbed her arms and back, trying to coax her back into slumber, but she stubbornly fought against it. His hand started to travel a little further south under the blanket at each stroke, and Y/N popped an eyebrow at him when he slid his hand over her ass.
“What do you think you’re doing, Kookie?” She demanded quietly.
Jungkook feigned innocence and shrugged his shoulders.
“Did we not learn our lesson earlier?” Y/N reminded him. “Does Noona need to teach you how to behave?”
Jungkook grinned down at her and Y/N caught a glimpse of the little mischief demon dancing in his eyes.
“Noona can teach me anything she wants,” he taunted. “Any time, any place.”
Such a naughty boy.
Y/N glimpsed the other two boys who were fully engrossed in their match. Maybe she could have a little fun while they were preoccupied.
She shifted her body sideways so her back was to the boys by the TV. Her leg nestled between his thighs, subtly rubbing across his crotch. Jungkook gasped at the contact and rolled his hips a little. Y/N smirked at his reaction.
For a few seconds, nothing happened. Jungkook debated on whether or not to continue teasing Y/N, and opted for a change in tactics. He let one hand slip down to the hem of her shirt, slipping his fingers underneath, palming her bare skin just above her hip.
Her skin was incredibly soft, and Jungkook sighed happily as she clutched his shirt and hummed in response to his touch. He absentmindedly rubbed his thumb back and forth across her side and snuggled into her hair, inhaling the scent of her shampoo.
He was about to back off and just enjoy the cuddles when he suddenly felt her nails dragging sharply down his side, not enough to draw blood, but enough to draw out a loud hiss from his mouth.
Jimin turned to the couch and gave Jungkook a questioning look. Jungkook untwisted his face and readjusted Y/N in his arms.
“She moved and grazed her knee against my balls,” Jungkook lied. “Close call.”
Jimin giggled and shook his head. The match started up again, and he dove back into the game with Taehyung.
Jungkook let out a sigh of relief and then trained his fiery gaze on Y/N’s smug expression. She shrugged her shoulders at him innocently and batted her eyes. Before he could muster up a response, he realized her hand was on his thigh, centimeters away from the partial erection he was trying to hide and it was moving closer.
He widened his eyes and shot her a look of warning while looking back at Jimin and Taehyung. The panic in his eyes only increased the size of her grin, and she winked at him as her fingers crawled over his now throbbing erection and gave it a gentle squeeze.
He bit down on his lip to stifle his groan. Jungkook buried his face in her hair and let out a small whine of pleasure. He clenched his jaw and tightened his grip on her as she started stroking softly up and down his length. His sweatpants did nothing to hide his growing arousal.
“Noona,” he pleaded in a whisper. “Please, not here.”
“Why not, Kookie?” Y/N quipped. “You did say any time any place, right? Don’t you like it?”
“Yes, of course, but they might see us,” he continued. “They might hear us.”
“Not if you’re quiet,” she whispered back, tightening her grip around his girthy shaft, earning another whimper from his lips. “Can you be a good boy and stay quiet for your noona?”
It took Jungkook a second to calm down enough to think clearly, but the temptation was overwhelming the rational part of his brain. He couldn’t let the others see him like this, not if Y/N was running the show. He’d never hear the end of it. He took one more look at his brothers and then made his decision.
“Ok, noona,” he responded softly, nuzzling into her hair. “I’ll be quiet for you.”
Y/N dropped her hand into his sweats and cupped his balls over his underwear, massaging them gently. Jungkook was floored by the sensation and his whole body clenched to push back the moan threatening to escape his lips. Encouraged, she dipped a finger lower and teased at his perineum, earning another muted whimper in her ear. His fingers dug into her sides, and they were definitely going to leave marks behind.
Her hand traveled back up his shaft, groping and stroking him firmly along the way. She played with the tip a little, encouraging the small wet spot of precum to grow in size. Jungkook’s hips shifted against her, but any attempts to rut against her hand halted her actions completely. They were playing by her rules, not his.
She slipped her fingers up under his shirt, tracing the lines of his abs and finding one of his pert nipples. Y/N looked Jungkook in the eyes as she tweaked it and pulled.
The herculean effort to silence his moans was commendable, but Y/N was positive that his lips were on the road to destruction. Jungkook was biting down so hard, she was afraid he’d break the skin soon. To soothe his battered lips, she leaned up and offered him a few chaste kisses, swiping her tongue over his bruised bottom lip to soothe the pain.
“You’re doing so well, Kookie,” Y/N praised softly. “Do you think you can take a little more?”
Jungkook opened his half-lidded eyes fully and Y/N clenched at the sight of his lust-blown pupils. He was ready to devour her, but he continued to submit to her commands. The sexual beast inside of him was clawing at its shackles, but he kept it restrained for her.
Such a good boy.
“Noona,” he replied shakily. “I’m trying so hard to be good for you, but-“
Y/N was circling his sensitive nipple, and it was making it difficult to form coherent thoughts. His hips lurched forward again involuntarily, and he nearly cried out when she stopped touching him again. This was absolute torture.
“Just a little more, sweetheart,” Y/N soothed. “If you can hold out a little longer, I’ll give you a reward. Would you like that, Jungkookie?”
As she purred his name out in his ear, she reached into his underwear and took his throbbing cock into her hand, squeezing it for emphasis.
Jungkook rolled his hips abruptly, but then slowly braced them against the couch. He was resolute in his decision to play his noona’s game, and he was going to win at any cost. If there was a reward for this, he was going to earn it, no matter what.
“Please, noona,” Jungkook pleaded. “I need you.”
“I know, Kookie,” she responded, stroking him slowly. “I’m right here, sweetheart. Don’t worry, Noona will take care of you.”
Y/N reached up and gave her palm a long wet lick and reached back into Jungkook’s pants, resuming his handjob with renewed lubrication. Jungkook’s breaths grew shaky and his subtle thrusts into her hand grew in desperation. She increased her speed to meet his silent demands.
A sudden outcry from Taehyung stopped their little session completely. They both froze in place and Jungkook sneaked a peek at Jimin and Taehyung through the long hair covering his face.
Jimin was celebrating an apparent victory over Taehyung, and Tae was not happy. The two were starting up a heated argument about alleged cheating when Jungkook found an excuse to get rid of both of them.
“Hey,” he whispered angrily. “You’re going to wake Noona up. If you’re going to fight, go do it in your room.”
The two immediately dropped their voices, not wanting to wake the beautiful dragon feigning slumber in Jungkook’s arms.
“Do you think she’d mind if we took the Switch to our room and kept playing?” Jimin asked. “I mean, we’ll bring it back.”
“Jungkook-ah,” Tae teased, wiggling his eyebrows. “Are you going to sleep on the couch with her tonight?”
“Ya, I don’t know, hyung,” Jungkook said, rolling his eyes in annoyance. “Maybe I will? I just don’t want to wake her up, you know?”
“Good point,” Tae agreed. “You wouldn’t want to make her mad again. She might just pull your hair and make you her bitch again, huh, Jungkookie?”
Jimin and Taehyung erupted into fits of giggles while Jungkook scowled at them. Jimin leaned in to look at Y/N curled up on Jungkook’s chest.
“She looks so sexy when she’s asleep,” Jimin whispered.
“She always looks sexy, Jimin-ah.” Tae countered.
Jimin reached over and pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. Y/N maintained her sleepy ruse but secretly sighed at his touch.
“You’re right, Tae,” he admitted. “She really does.”
“Will you guys just take the Switch and go before you wake her up?” Jungkook quietly growled. “I’ll let her know you have it when she wakes up.”
“Ok, ok, relax, Kookie,” Taehyung chuckled. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch.”
Taehyung and Jimin gathered up the Switch and said goodnight as they tiptoed to their room for more gaming shenanigans.
Y/N waited until she heard their door close to look up at Jungkook. Their eyes met and so did their hungry lips. Now that they were free from prying eyes, Jungkook unleashed the frenzied arousal he’d been holding back and assaulted her with his mouth, his tongue, and his hands.
Y/N was pulled up onto Jungkook’s lap, where he proceeded to grind her onto his raging hard-on. She moaned lightly at the sudden friction to her throbbing clit, but she was still trying to maintain her dominance over him.
Jungkook was lost to his ecstasy, wildly chasing after the orgasm that was building in his balls. The game was long forgotten, so was the reward. He’d been patient, and he’d kept his desire in check at her behest, but he needed release and he needed it now.
He was just about to reach down to get them both undressed, but Y/N caught his hand and dug her nails into his palms to get his attention. He whined at her in frustration and rolled his hips into her aching core.
“Ya, noona,” he whimpered. “Please, just let me cum already.”
“Only good boys get to cum,” she replied, reaching up to grab his hair. “You promised that you would be good for me, didn’t you, Kookie?”
She stroked his hair softly, tugging slightly at the roots. Jungkook leaned into her touch, drunk on the hormones surging through his brain. Little whines left his lips as he writhed underneath her like the fucked out mess he was.
“Jungkookie?” Y/N asked sharply. “Are you going to be a good boy? Don’t you want Noona to give you a reward?”
He gripped her hips roughly, and he inhaled deeply, closing his eyes and trying to find his sanity. He hated losing, and if he gave in to his animalistic urges, he would definitely lose to Y/N. He couldn’t let that happen.
Releasing the vice grip on her hips, he forced himself to relax against the couch cushions. His eyes were glazed and unfocused as they opened to meet Y/N’s.
“I do want my reward,” he replied. “What does Noona want me to do?”
Y/N smiled and caressed Jungkook’s flushed cheeks. She leaned in to kiss him and rolled her hips as she penetrated his mouth with her tongue. Jungkook eagerly allowed her to own him completely, whatever it took to earn that reward.
Y/N licked up his neck and tugged on his earlobe with her teeth. The gasp he released was full of need and it made her grin.
“Let’s go to your room, Kookie,” she whispered into his ear. “I can give you your reward in there.”
His eyes popped open and he gathered Y/N into his arms and quickly carried her bridal style to his room.
As a result of the game the boys had played to choose their rooms, Jungkook had ended up with the largest room in the same hallway as Namjoon and Jin. The other four members were in a different hallway, so the chances of them being heard were slim to none. Jin usually played video games at this time of night with his headphones on anyway.
He barreled through the hallway and rushed into his room, kicking the door closed with his heel. He laid Y/N gently on the bed, then scampered across the room to lock the door. When he turned around, he reached down to pull his shirt off, but Y/N stopped him with a pointed finger.
“Not yet, Kookie,” she giggled. “Why don’t you give your noona a little show now that we’re alone? I know you love to dance. How about a little striptease?”
Jungkook’s lips lifted into a sly grin. He pulled his phone out and picked out his favorite workout playlist. The beats started pumping out of one of his many Bluetooth speakers, and he kicked off his shoes.
When given choreography, Jungkook was always precise and fierce, but when left to his own dancing imagination, his moves were slightly chaotic. He couldn’t seem to decide on a theme, he just kept jumping from random swivels, turns, and hip thrusts.
Y/N took in his random assortment of sexiness and just drank it up. During a successful gyrating knee drop, Jungkook lifted off his shirt and threw it at her. The appearance of his chiseled abs and firm chest glistening with sweat was enough to knock the wind out of her lungs. The man was flawless.
With each article of clothing Jungkook removed, Y/N removed one as well. She matched him piece for piece, shucking her bra as he removed his socks. Soon, it was black boxer briefs versus burgundy hip hugger panties.
Jungkook tossed his sweats to the side and stood in the middle of the room, breathing heavily because of his mini dance workout. He reached over and changed the music to an R&B station, while Y/N hopped off the bed and sauntered over to him, running her hands up his granite arms. Her fingers lingered over his right arm, tracing out the designs of some tattoos she hadn’t seen before today.
“Why haven’t I seen these before, Kookie?” she inquired. “They don’t look new.”
“They’re not,” he admitted. “I’ve been getting them for a while now. I’m just not ready to show them in public yet. I’ll eventually get more. The pain is so addictive.”
Y/N nodded and turned her back to him, pulling her hair over one shoulder. In between her shoulder blades was a tattoo of an intricate black-winged snake eating its own tail.
“What is it?” Jungkook asked, running his fingers over the lines. “It’s beautiful, noona.”
“It’s called an ourobouros,” Y/N explained. “It’s a symbol of rebirth and renewal. I got it after a really bad time in my life.”
She turned back to face him and smiled at his concern.
“Don’t worry about me, Kookie,” she assured him, stroking his cheek. “I’m ok now.”
He smiled as he stroked her arms, pulling them around his neck and pressing a sweet kiss to her lips. He suddenly reached down and lifted her up by her thighs, wrapping her legs around his waist.
“You’re better than ok, babygirl,” he grinned. “You are incredible.”
He punctuated the statement with a bruising kiss to her lips, biting lightly on her bottom lip, earning him a throaty moan from Y/N.
“Incredibly naughty,” he chuckled. “Do you have any idea how frustrated I am right now? If my balls get any tighter, they’re going to explode.”
Y/N winked at him and pulled him in for another kiss. They made out relentlessly as Jungkook walked them over to the bed. He laid her out across the bed, stopping momentarily to remove his boxer briefs and then crawled on top of her, grinding his swollen cock on her sloppy, panty-covered center.
“Let’s just take these off,” Jungkook suggested, drawing the soaked underwear down Y/N’s legs. “They’re ruined anyway.”
Once her panties were tossed aside, Jungkook crawled on top of her. Catching Jungkook off guard, Y/N rolled over on top of him and straddled his hips, grinding her wetness onto his dick and making it twitch.
“I really shouldn’t be indulging in sexual activity that isn’t associated with my contractual obligations,” she pouted. “But if you’re up for it, I could log this as a work session.”
Jungkook sat up and popped an eyebrow.
“Are you going to do that thing that you did with Hobi-hyung?” he asked. “Because I’m totally down for that.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N remarked. “It’s going to be pretty intense. Do you think you can handle it?”
“I can handle anything you can dish out, babygirl,” Jungkook boasted. “Just try me.”
“We’ll see about that,” Y/N shot back, arching her brow. “First, I need your consent to the transactions and any sexual activity that may happen in pursuit of transactional information. You will also need to choose a safe word.”
“Yeah, I consent, noona,” he smirked cheekily. “And I don’t need a safe word.”
Y/N clicked her tongue and shook her head.
This boy…
“Your consent is noted, Jeon Jungkook,” Y/N said pointedly. “If you refuse to choose a safe word, one will be assigned to you.”
“Whatever you want,” he shrugged. “It’s not like I’ll use it.”
“Your safe word is ‘cherry,’ you brat,” she shot back. “Now, I think it’s time I gave you your reward.”
Y/N slid down his thighs, dragging her nails down his chest and earning an excited yelp from Jungkook.
“You’ve been such a good boy, Kookie,” Y/N praised, rubbing her hands up and down his thighs. “Are you ready for your prize?”
“Yes, noona,” Jungkook whined. “Please give it to me.”
She chuckled darkly and leaned forward and grasped his shaft and planted a loud kiss on the tip of his swollen dick. As soon as her lips touched him, she activated the transaction, causing Jungkook to thrust and whimper in response.
“Holy shit,” Jungkook groaned. “Your mouth feels fucking amazing on my cock.”
Such a filthy mouth...I love it
Y/N smirked as she sucked on the tip of his cock, swirling her tongue to collect all the precum smeared on top. Jungkook pushed his hips to the ceiling, trying to push further into her mouth, needy moans exiting his lips at every thrust. Every tingle and spark soaring across his nerve endings was being driven straight to his core and radiating out to his extremities.
It was the most amazing sensation he’d ever felt in his life. His entire body felt like it was floating in an electrical storm. His mind was swirling with desire, he couldn’t escape the tempestuous hormones at war in his brain, and all he could do was ride the wave of ecstasy as it crashed into his bed.
He looked down at Y/N and the sight of her devouring his center was almost too much for him.
He almost came from the image now seared into his retinas.
“Noona,” Jungkook gasped. “Please, I need more.”
Without responding, Y/N dipped her head lower and licked a fat stripe between his aching balls. She lavished them with such affection, alternately kissing, sucking, and licking them. Jungkook could hardly contain his voracious whimpers and moans at the incredible sensations.
Y/N hummed in pleasure and dipped lower and began flicking her tongue at Jungkook’s perineum, which drove him absolutely insane. Electricity seemed to bubble out of Y/N’s mouth and pulse up Jungkook’s lower back. She struggled to hold his hips in place while she continued to inflict pleasurable licks and tongue flutters on the sensitive area.
“Ah, noona,” Jungkook wailed. “I’m gonna-“
“Cum for me, Kookie,” Y/N growled from between his legs. “Show your noona how good she’s making you feel.”
She reached up and began stroking his throbbing cock and she continued her attention to his balls and the pleasure spot just below.
It only took a few seconds for Jungkook to lose complete control of his impending orgasm. One well-placed lick and a well-timed stroke pushed him over the edge. Rope after rope of hot white cum spurted up and landed all over his washboard abs. He nearly screamed at the intensity of his climax, and Y/N carefully stroked him through it, leaving him a shivering mess against the sheets.
“You ok there, Jungkookie?” she teased. “Did you like your reward?”
Jungkook pulled at his flowing locks with both hands and released a loud groan into the open air.
“Where the fuck did you learn how to do that?!” Jungkook cried out. “That was unbelievable. So fucking hot!”
He continued to sing her praises, not realizing that she was still softly stroking his dick, working it back into a raging hard-on.
Y/N listened to his ramblings for a few seconds and then decided to silence him once and for all. She put her index finger into her mouth and sucked on it to get it nice and wet.
As Jungkook continued to express his disbelief at her sexual prowess, Y/N started up another transaction and stroked her finger along his balls, then dipped slowly back to his perineum once again.
“Oh fuck,” he responded quickly. “Fuck yes, do it again, noona.”
One eyebrow popped on Y/N’s smug face and she almost giggled.
I hope he remembers his safe word.
While moving in a circular motion, Y/N dipped past Jungkook’s perineum and began massaging his tight little asshole, sending jolts of electricity through it and beyond.
“OH MY GOD,” Jungkook screamed. “Noona, what are you-“
Y/N took Jungkook’s dick back into her mouth to distract him from her fingers. Pulses ebbed and flowed across his lower body and he was writhing on the sheets, twisting handfuls of fabric in his hands.
He couldn’t believe how amazing everything felt. Her mouth and her fingers were reducing him into a puddle of submission. He couldn’t resist the pulsing throbs of the transaction as it spread from her fingertips and mouth and surged throughout his entire nervous system. His brain was rapidly firing serotonin and his body shook with pleasurable prickles.
Euphoria didn’t even begin to describe what he was feeling at the moment. From what he could tell, this was just the beginning.
They hadn’t even fucked yet, and he wasn’t sure he could handle that right now. He was already on the brink of another orgasm.
“How are we doing, Jungkookie?” Y/N asked sweetly, popping her mouth off of this swollen tip. “Does my good boy want some more?”
“Yes...God...noona,” he gasped desperately. “I need you...need more...ah!”
“Such a needy boy,” she cooed. “Ok, Kookie. Noona will give you more.”
She slipped her index finger into his tight little hole and began thrusting in and out at a gentle pace. Instead of pulling away from the intrusion, Jungkook pushed against her finger, seeking more friction.
Y/N added a second finger and Jungkook cried out in ecstasy. He clenched around her slender fingers and mewled out a series of strangled curses.
It only took a few seconds for Jungkook to lose control of his body and his second orgasm hurtled to the finish line, lifting his hips off the bed and drawing a loud moan out of his mouth.
Y/N: 2 Jungkook: 0
Y/N withdrew her fingers and left Kookie to recover while she walked into his en suite bathroom to wash her hands. She took a moment to gaze at her reflection in the mirror, and her disheveled state made her smirk.
The transaction from Jungkook was settling in nicely, and she could already feel the information sorting itself into nice, neat quadrants. There hadn’t been any hiccups this time around and that was reassuring.
I’m not done with Jungkook just yet. I think he can take a little more.
She dried her hands, grabbed a small damp towel, and walked back to the bed. Jungkook was sitting up on his elbows, the flush of his cheeks enhancing his chiseled face. He pouted at her and Y/N almost burst out laughing at his cuteness.
“Noona,” he began. “You play dirty. I’m supposed to make you feel good, not the other way around.
“Awwww,” Y/N cooed at his pouty face. “Am I not allowed to give my good boy a treat for behaving so well?”
Jungkook blushed harder at her words, but he couldn’t stop the smile from creeping across his lips. She reached up to clean the mess he’d made on his chest and abs. He sighed at her touch and smiled widely.
She had promised him a reward for enduring the earlier torture on the couch. A thought crossed his mind, and the smile transitioned into a smirk.
“Maybe I should reward my noona for giving me such a good treat?” Jungkook offered. “It’s only fair to repay her kindness.”
He sat up and took the towel to place it on the bedside table, then he reached out his hands to her. She returned his smile and allowed him to help her back onto the bed. Before he could do anything else, she pulled him into a sweet kiss, exploring his mouth with her tongue. Jungkook responded with his own tongue seeking refuge along her lips.
She crawled back onto his lap and rubbed her weeping pussy along his hardened length. The delicious friction made them both moan with approval.
Y/N was about to give Jungkook the condom talk, but his lust-fueled brain had other ideas. He reached down and in one swift motion, he lifted her hips and shuffled his body under her thighs, her luscious center hovering above his face.
“Sit down, noona,” he pleaded. “Let me taste you, please.”
Y/N was more than happy to oblige, settling her hips over his inviting lips.
Jungkook didn’t waste any time. He dove in with gusto. He lapped up any arousal drippings he could find, intoxicated by Y/N’s sensuous flavor. He was determined to make her feel as good as she’d just made him feel.
Not that it was a competition or anything.
Y/N pulled at her own breasts and rocked her hips against Jungkook’s sinful mouth. The boy definitely knew what he was doing, and it became painfully obvious that her own dominance over him was slipping with every stroke of his tongue and every moan she emitted.
“Oh, noona,” Jungkook groaned against her clit. “You taste so fucking good. I just want to eat you out for days.”
He hummed in satisfaction as he drove his tongue into her sloppy cunt, feeling her walls clench around him in response.
“Jungkook,” Y/N gasped. “Oh, you’re so good at that, honey. Don’t stop.”
Jungkook looked up at the goddess riding his face and his lips pulled up into a mischievous bunny grin.
“I’ll stop once you cum all over my face and can’t hold yourself up anymore,” he taunted. “Let me see how long you can last.”
With that challenge, he dove back into her hot center with renewed enthusiasm. He was relentless in his assault, pulling at her ass to help her rock against his mouth.
Y/N’s thighs strained to keep her upright. A roaring orgasm was crashing into her from below, and it took every bit of her concentration not to collapse onto Jungkook’s greedy lips. The climax reached its apex and Y/N tumbled along with it.
Luckily, Jungkook braced her body with his strong hands and held her in place as he watched the orgasm ride out on Y/N’s face. He kept licking and sucking to prolong it as much as possible. When she whimpered at the overstimulation, he finally relented and placed a final kiss to her trembling center.
He maneuvered her hips down his body and placed her onto his lap, her dripping center rubbing along his rock hard length. She hissed slightly at the contact, but couldn’t withhold the urge to slide her hips back and forth across his aching dick.
“Ah, come on, please,” Jungkook whimpered. “Can I put it in? I promise I’ll make you feel so good. Please let me fuck you, noona.”
Y/N groaned as he lifted his hips, pushing his cock against her even more. Her resolve was weakening, but she needed to talk to him before they went any further.
“Jungkook,” she groaned. “Wait, we need to talk about protection. Look, we’re both clean, but if you want to use protection, then we need to get that on before we continue.”
He stopped beneath her and sat up on his elbows again. The look on his face was a mix of disbelief and anticipation.
“You mean I get to choose?” Jungkook whispered incredulously. “We can do this without anything between us?”
Y/N cupped his face with her hands and nuzzled his nose with her own.
“Whatever you want, Kookie,” she whispered. “Just let me know what you want.”
Jungkook’s forehead wrinkled indecisively and he pulled his lip between his teeth. He leaned over and reached into his drawer and pulled something out.
“I trust you, noona,” he began. “But, if we’re going to go bareback, I’m going to need a little more control. This will be my first time going without a condom, and I want it to be special.”
Jungkook held out a Cooky headband to Y/N and pleaded with his eyes.
“Can you please put this on and cover your eyes?” he asked, eyes full of hope. “I promise I won’t do anything weird. It’s just been a fantasy of mine and I want to try it with you.”
Y/N took the headband and looked at Jungkook, her eyes full of questions. Instead of pressing the issue, she decided to play along. After all she’d done to him, he deserved a little playtime of his own.
“What are you going to do to me, Kookie?” Y/N purred seductively.
The grin on his face could barely express his excitement.
“You’ll see, noona,” he teased. “Now, put on that blindfold and get on all fours. I need to get a few more things.”
She smiled back and complied with his request, anticipation renewing the arousal between her legs. Y/N listened as he romped around the room, opening drawers and digging out unknown treasures.
“Now, I don’t want you to think I’m some kind of Dom,” he proclaimed. “I don’t know if I am or not. I am curious though. I just want to try a few things and see how it feels. Nothing too crazy, I promise.”
“Do we need to go over hard and soft limits before we start, Kookie?” Y/N questioned. “Do I need a safe word?”
“You can use my safe word, but I doubt you’ll need it.” Jungkook chuckled. “I don’t know much about hard or soft limits, to be honest. Like I said, this is all new to me, so I’m not ready for anything that would require a safe word. If I do something you don’t like or if you aren’t comfortable, just tell me. I will stop immediately. Is the blindfold ok?”
“Yes, it’s fine,” she responded with a smirk.
“Ah, I’m sorry,” he replied nervously. “I should have asked first.”
“You did ask,” she reminded him. “I wouldn’t have put it on if I didn’t want to.”
“Good point,” he said with a giggle. “I’m learning so much from you, noona.”
“In more ways than one,” she teased, wiggling her ass in the air enticingly.
Y/N felt a dip in the mattress behind her. She inhaled sharply as a heavy hand grabbed onto her ass.
“Let’s see if you can teach me anything else while you’re like this,” he challenged.
His hands roamed over her ass and trailed up her spine. The light massages he delivered earned him a satisfying moan from Y/N’s lips.
“Oh, God, Kookie,” she strained. “That feels amazing.”
One hand left her briefly and she heard a bottle being opened. When the hand returned, a generous amount of scented oil came with it. Jungkook lowered her forward onto the mattress, straddling one of her legs, and concentrated on working his skilled hands into Y/N’s tight muscles. The massage intensified with the addition of a lubricant, and the herbal aroma was incredibly soothing.
“Mmmm, what is that wonderful smell?” Y/N moaned.
“It’s sage and eucalyptus,” Jungkook responded, working his thumbs along her shoulder blades. “It’s supposed to be aromatherapy or something. I just like the way it smells. How does it feel, noona?”
“Amazing,” she admitted. “I haven’t had a good massage in such a long time.”
Jungkook’s thumbs moved up to her shoulders and he soothed the tension out with his agile fingers. Occasionally, he’d dip down to her thighs, calves, feet, or her arms, seeking to destroy any tension that may be lurking on Y/N’s body.
Y/N gave in to his rapturous muscle manipulation, releasing one satisfied moan after another. Her attention was so focused on the massage, and when his thumbs kneaded her lower back, she didn’t think anything of it.
Without warning, Jungkook lifted Y/N’s hips and pulled her ass against his still hard cock, grinding against her wet core. Before she had time to react, his hands wrapped around her waist, lifting her against his chest.
Jungkook’s oiled hands found their way to Y/N’s breasts, cupping their weight and pulling at her nipples. She arched her back and rubbed her ass against the hardened length behind her.
“Mmm, Jungkook,” she crooned, leaning her head against his shoulder.
He reached up with one hand and lifted her chin up with his fingers. He leaned in to ardently capture her lips with his own. Her impaired vision left him in complete control, and she willingly submitted to his all-consuming hold on her body.
The kiss reached a fever pitch and Y/N yelped at one particularly harsh tweak of her nipple.
“You still ok, babygirl?” Jungkook whispered against her earlobe. “Do you want me to stop?”
“Don’t you dare,” she gasped, gripping his thigh with her nails. “Feels too good.”
“Oh, yeah?” he chuckled. “How much more can you take?”
“As much as you’re willing to give me,” she croaked out. “Show your noona what you can do, Kookie.”
Jungkook hummed with elation as he pulled her back to the edge of the bed. He hooked his arms under her knees and lifted her off the bed and sat down with Y/N across his lap.
He positioned Y/N in front of him and propped her back against his chest while spreading her legs open with his own. He lifted his thighs so that her legs dangled over the edge of his own in a spread eagle-reverse cowgirl position.
“Ok, noona,” Jungkook instructed, nipping at her neck and earlobe. “I’m going to put my dick inside your pussy now. It’s slippery enough, so I should slide right in. As soon as you reach my lap again, start up another buzzing session.”
“I can do that,” she confirmed. “But how will I be able to ride you like this? I can’t even reach the floor.”
“Don’t you worry about that,” he assured her. “Just let me take care of you, yeah?”
Jungkook reached under Y/N’s right thigh with one arm and took his quivering dick in his hand. He braced her left side while running the tip of his greedy length along Y/N’s creamy folds and aching clit.
With impressive precision, he slid past her folds and buried himself to the hilt. Y/N’s vaginal walls tightened at the intrusion, pulling a groan out of Jungkook’s mouth.
“Wow,” he gritted out. “You’re so fucking tight, babygirl. I can feel everything. It’s like you were made to take my cock.”
He bounced her in his lap and she moaned lasciviously in response. She was a little off-balance, so Jungkook reached up and latched onto her throat with his right hand, squeezing slightly to hold her in place.
“Is this ok, Y/N?” He whispered into her ear. “Tell me now before this goes any further.”
Y/N reached behind her head and laced her fingers into his long raven hair, pulling sharply. Jungkook thrusted into her, loving the sharp burn on his scalp.
“Fuck me, Jungkook,” she moaned roughly. “Show me why they call you the Golden Maknae.”
Y/N started up another transaction and the sudden sensation triggered more hip thrusts from Jungkook.
“Oh, noona, be careful what you wish for,” Jungkook groaned. “Hold on.”
Using his powerful thighs, Jungkook started jackhammering into Y/N’s slick center, using his hold on her throat and one hand on her breast to bring her back down onto his lap. With the lack of sight, Y/N was completely consumed by the tactile sensations surging throughout her body.
The transaction fired away between them, and Y/N was struggling to focus on keeping the channels open and steady. She was so overwhelmed by Jungkook: his veiny hands on her throat and breast, the wild abandon of his rhythmic thrusts into her heated core, the glorious groans he released behind her.
How is he so good at this? It doesn’t seem possible.
Without warning, Jungkook’s fingers found Y/N’s swollen clit and she clenched tightly around him as soon as he made contact.
“Fuck, babygirl,” he whimpered. “If you keep clenching like that, I’m going to explode inside of your pussy. Would you like that, noona? Do you want me to fill you with my cum? Leave you dripping and sticky? Tell me you want that.”
His thrusts increased in strength and Y/N could only moan louder in response.
“That’s not an answer, sweetheart,” Jungkook admonished. “Use your words.”
When she still didn’t reply, he growled in dissatisfaction and reached up to pull her head back by her hair. Jungkook looked down at her fucked out face and wished he could see her eyes instead of the comical pink bunny with the cocky eyebrow.
“Answer me,” he growled into her face. “Don’t make me fuck the answer out of you.”
Still unable to get out a coherent sentence, Y/N was jostled off of Jungkook’s dick. She whined at the loss of contact but was quickly spun around and bent over the bed. He entered her from behind, pulling on her hips at a torturous pace.
“Ah, Jungkook,” she pleaded. “Please-“
“Please what, babygirl?” he grunted without losing a beat. “Tell me what you want.”
Her climax was broiling just under the surface, and Jungkook’s motions left her flailing in the darkness. She couldn’t ground herself at the moment and the orgasm felt just out of reach.
“I-I need m-more,” she wailed, arms seeking out something to grab onto. “Please-“
Jungkook reached over and pulled her against his chest by her hair. He exposed her neck and kept grinding his cock into her weeping pussy. He licked a fat stripe up her neck and tugged on her earlobe.
“If my babygirl wants more,” he murmured against her cheek. “Then she’ll get more.”
He leaned forward, then pulled her back upright. He started pumping into her slowly, stirring the arousal back to its peak. Just when Y/N thought she’d never reach her end, she heard a distinct vibration on her left.
Before she could react, the vibrations traveled lower and nudged her clitoris ever so slightly. The device was attached to Jungkook’s finger, so he was able to circle her sensitive nub in time with his lazy thrusts.
“Ah, Jungkook,” she cried out. “Faster!”
He chuckled and the vibration speed increased and so did his pacing between her legs. Her moans grew louder with each thrust and Jungkook reached up and stuffed a piece of fabric in her mouth.
“You’re being so loud, noona,” he teased. “Do you want the whole house to hear how good I’m fucking you?”
She mewled desperately in response and her thighs clenched as his dick hit just the right spot. He picked up on it right away and adjusted his angle to keep hitting that spot consistently.
“Come on, Y/N,” Jungkook purred into her ear. “Just let go and cum all over my cock, babygirl.”
The transaction between them erupted across her synapses as she finally reached the crest of her impending orgasm. The sensations bubbled over and Jungkook could swear he felt her orgasm quake around his cock and down his balls.
“Holy shit,” he yelled. “What the fuck are you doing to me, noona?”
He only lasted through a few more pumps and then lost complete control. Y/N’s walls milked every ounce of cum he had left. After two outstanding orgasms, he didn’t think he had any more to give.
He was wrong.
After he recovered from his own climax, he quickly realized Y/N was hanging limply in his arms, her breathing shaky and her body slick with sweat.
“Fuck,” he panicked. “Hold on, Y/N.”
He turned off the vibrator on his finger and took the fabric out of her mouth. They were still connected below, and Jungkook felt her wince as he carefully pulled out. Thick dribbles of cum made their way down her thighs, and he reached over to grab the damp towel from the bedside table.
He wiped her up as best he could and lifted her up to stand in front of him. She was trembling slightly and he was worried he’d taken things too far. He reached up and removed the Cooky blindfold and was mesmerized by the look on her face when she finally opened her eyes.
Her eyelashes fluttered and she lifted her eyes to meet Jungkook’s. She was breathing heavily, but it didn’t stop the small smile from breaking out across her face.
“Damn, Kookie,” she breathed out in a giggle. “ I certainly wasn’t expecting a treat that good.”
“Only the best for my noona,” he smirked, pulling her chin up for another kiss. “Are you ok though?”
“I’m fine,” she sighed contentedly. “Just a little light-headed. What did you put in my mouth by the way?”
“Ummm,” he squirmed, biting his lip. “Your underwear.”
Y/N’s jaw dropped in disbelief and Jungkook broke out into a nervous giggle.
“I’m sorry,” he swore. “It was the first thing I grabbed. I hope you aren’t too upset.”
“Well, it wouldn’t have been my first choice,” she admitted. “But I guess I’ll live.”
Jungkook grinned and reached down to sweep Y/N off her feet. She swooned lazily and leaned up to kiss Jungkook once again.
Ugh, I just can’t get enough of him.
He carefully placed Y/N on the bed, tucking one of his pillows under her head. She was still twitching slightly with the aftershocks of bliss. Jungkook wriggled his way into her arms and cuddled against her bare chest.
Y/N welcomed Jungkook with open arms, noting that even in his cuddles, he’d slipped into a submissive role.
What have I done to him?
She smiled and kissed the top of his head. Sure, she’d pushed him pretty hard, but he sure gave back as much as she’d dished out.
Y/N stroked Jungkook’s hair and focused on the converging data in her brain. There was an odd sting at her temples, but it faded as quickly as it manifested.
Jungkook started snoring softly, and Y/N rolled him over, placing the pillow in his grasp. She needed to go back to her own room.
She used his restroom briefly to clean up and get dressed, then walked back over to the bed. Jungkook was deep in sleep, and the innocence etched on his facial features was at odds with his rippling muscles and tattooed sleeve. Y/N tucked his long bangs behind his ear and leaned down to kiss his forehead.
“Sleep well, Kookie,” she whispered.
She made her way out of his room and down the other hallway. She didn’t encounter anyone on the way back to her room, even though she swore she heard something when she passed by Jimin and Taehyung’s room.
She stepped under the spray of the shower and leaned her head back. She needed a break from these boys. Any more encounters like this and she’d be broken by the weekend.
Where the hell do they get so much energy?
She finished up and walked over to her dresser to fish out some purple Badtz Maru pajamas. She wrapped her hair up in a turban and sat on the floor to stretch. After all that physical activity, she needed to do something to counter the soreness she was starting to feel.
I should really drink some water before I go to bed. Hydration is key.
She got back up and stepped into her fluffy house slippers. She pulled on her silk kimono and made her way to the kitchen. The dormitory was surprisingly quiet. She poured herself a glass of water and walked over to the sliding doors that led into the backyard.
The stars were barely visible past the lights of Seoul, but Y/N could still make out a few. She sighed deeply and took another sip of water.
This is going pretty well so far. I just wish I could figure out why the transactions are going wonky.
She thought she’d prepared for every possible scenario, but these boys were really testing the boundaries of this technology. She’d made it through two successful transactions already. She’d established some groundwork with almost all of the members in some way.
I wonder who will be next.
Y/N’s mind wandered to her earlier encounter with Yoongi in her room. Losing her Mom’s elephant figurine was still weighing heavily on her heart, but that wasn’t what had her stomach twisted in knots.
It was him.
She didn’t know how or why she’d ended up naked in his arms, but she sure as hell knew what she’d felt when she’d looked into those tar pits he called pupils. The air in her lungs had dissipated and her throat had locked up. She’d been completely paralyzed by Yoongi’s presence and she had been inexplicably drawn to his pouty lips and husky voice.
She’d leaned in to kiss him, but he’d panicked and fled without warning.
Was it something I did?
Y/N leaned against the windowpane and sighed. She wanted to talk to him, but based on their earlier interactions, that conversation was probably not going to happen anytime soon.
Why is he being so difficult?
“Oh, Yoongi,” she sighed, looking off into the distance.
“Yeah?” A voice piped up behind her. “What’s up?”
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@caught-in-a-seesaw-stigma​‘s MASTERLIST
66 notes · View notes
Saw A.C.E in Chicago and Atlanta this week and had meet and greet packages for both stops (no I couldn't afford it, yes my bank account overdrafted whoops).
It was ammazingggg. LONG STORY AHEAD.
The question I asked was answered by Chan. Bless his heart he struggled so much to say my name and I was in the second row on the furthest side from him. I stood up and waved so he could see me. They asked how to pronounce my name and BK actually said it perfectly, I was so impressed!
The question that was chosen was "What hobby do you want to try that you haven't tried before". He said Cooking, cause he isn't good at it and Donghun won't eat his food.
When the item signing started, BK would interact with us a lot and the girls in front of us took the liberty of teaching him the phrase "Let's get this bread." His face when they explained that bread = money was priceless. Experiencing that magical moment will live with me forever since he has been saying it nonstop since then.
So since PLT I've decided my "thing" for each autograph I can get is making my dumb pun fans. Eventually I'll just have a wall of these dang things and I'm excited about it. I made one for each my friend and me. Here's mine.
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The other thing I prepared for them I kept super secret because I very much wanted to see their reaction to it. I didn't post it publicly anywhere. In line with Choice teasingly referring to Junhee as a lizard much to the delight of the fandom and the rest of A.C.E while hysterically bugging Jun, I couldn't resist... I'd always wanted to give away cute things at concerts but since I'm also an asshole I used my exceptionally mediocre photoshop skills to make
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These beauties.
I originally only had 150 to hand out and I was actually worried I wouldn't be able to get rid of them all. I thought people might think they're dumb and not want any. Then due to a print shop mistake I ended up with 650. Whoops.
Before the meet and greet they tell us explicitly we are not allowed to give them anything and if they catch us trying to sneak them something they'll escort us out. My plan to see their reaction was almost destroyed! But I was very graciously given permission to -show- them the card, not give it to them (don't worry. They each got two in their gift boxes).
A.C.E tends to always stand/sit in the same order, so just as I expected, Chan was up first. He understood the pun of my fan! He thought it was really cute and gave such a big reaction I was pleased. Then I showed him the card and it was even bigger. I told him it was Junhee and he full on kicked out a leg and hit the table as he laughed which made me happy. He shook my hand.
Up next was Donghun who was the most quiet. I showed him the card after he signed my fan and he asked who it was. I told him it was Jun and he laughed and probably judged me a lot but then he gave me a high five and interlaced our fingers for a moment so I didn't feel completely embarrassed. The person behind me was so excited they moved onto Donghun before Jun was ready for me so I was waiting in limbo for a few seconds.
Leader Jun in the middle, the reaction I wanted most. He signed my fan and then I put the card down for him to see. He asked who it was, he seemed surprised. I told him it was him and he laughed and tried to deny it. He asked what kind of lizard it was, I told him it was a giant day gecko because I think they're the cutest. I told him I made sure to give them some in their gift box, and that we would see him again in Atlanta. He shook my hand and then the person behind me got excited again lol.
Byeongkwan was next! This boy is an absolute doll okay? The first thing he said to me is that he liked my lipstick (it was green). He signed my fan, then I showed him the card and he was beyond stoked. He laughed so loud and even held it up to Jun pointing it out to everyone. I promised him he got two in his gift box. He asked if I made one of each member and I told him no, but promised him I would next year (me and my big mouth). He held my hand and interlaced fingers and was just so sweet until the person behind me encouraged me on again.
WOW. OKAY. So Sehyoon is my bias af I was VISIBLY SHAKING at this point and as I set my fan down it so obnoxiously tapped the table several times. He tapped his lips and pointed at mine and said "pretty". I thanked him and said it was green for "cactus". I'm not sure if he understood cause he just repeated "cactus" and cocked his head slightly before signing my fan. Then I showed him the card. He asked who it was and I said Jun. He laughed a little and then I told him he was my favorite. He had the quietest lil thank you, then took my hand in both his soft tiny bby hands and I think my brain melted cause I couldnt make eye contact anymore it was too much. Just thinking about it is making my heart hurt. (To be clear, I am in no way special, he held everyone's hand the same way).
After that, we did the pictures! I very shyly wanted to stand between BK and Wow. I didn't do anything special this time around cause the pose I wanted was done by two other people so I just asked for cute cheek pokies. They were having so much fun with people so that inspired my next photo request. As I was walking away from the photo BK told me again that he really liked my lipstick and I was over the moon.
I brought about half the cards with me to hand out hoping I wouldn't have extras and people LOVED THEM? I ran out and felt bad that I didn't bring more!
The concert was AWESOME!! They're so interactive with fans I had several moments with EACH of them, but my favorite is when Wow kicked up a heart and he saw me catch it all goofy instead of letting him hit the woah and he laughed and mimicked me. He also handed me two lollipops (I gave one to my friend) but I'm never gonna eat it.
For the hi touch Chan handed us our photo cards, and hi fived us. They were oddly out of order (chan, Donghun, BK, Wow, Jun). I managed to tell him and Donghun they did amazing, then BK told me AGAIN he still loved my lips. I was so excited I told him "it'll be BLUE next time" and he said "oh!" BUT BY DOING THAT MY DUMBASS MISSED THE CHANCE TO LOOK INTO WOW'S AND JUN'S EYES UGH I WAS SO UPSET AT MYSELF also I got yelled at by security (rightly so).
Next is Atlanta!
I started handing out cards earlier and got worried again cause there were quite a few people that weren't interested at all. Fortunately by the end of the show there were so many people wanting them I offered to do a reprint if necessary. Some people even said they were going through the hi touch holding it up which I LOVED.
Anyway, this time during the Meet and Greet I was in the front row directly in front Byeongkwan and Wow. I WAS NOT OKAY. I kept making eye contact and getting so shy ugh. Byeongkwan recognized me and tapped his lips and winked when he saw me (I was wearing blue lipstick this time). BK got my question (the interpreter said my name perfectly without me needing to tell her, I was so impressed!) I asked what concept they wanted to try that they hadn't tried yet. He said they had already done everything and I cocked my head giving him a disbelieving look. He then admitted that they hadn't done the cutesy boy concept and I lost it- I cant imagine them trying to pull that off.
For future Choice in my position- these boys have ears like BATS okay. There was one time Jun said something like "it's his choice." And I quietly said to the person next to me "no we're choice." And he looked at me and said "You're right! You're all choice!" I was shook.
Wow got asked what his favorite dessert to eat is and he said chocolate anything, then listed things "Chocolate cake. Chocolate ice cream. Chocolate rice." At this point everyone exclaims and he gets his silly lil smile and says "Chocolate fish." And everyone loses it. It was so funny and cute.
Later Jun was asked if he preferred pancakes or waffles and it was a really hard question for him. He said he had been eating more pancakes since coming to the US but he liked both a lot. He just didn't like Chocolate pancakes and I said "cause Wow eats them all?" And wow just very dreamily says "Choco pancakes...." I about died.
BK was asked if he wanted to go to the aquarium and he said he really hoped to. He asked if there were beluga and everyone said yes but I said "But they have WHALE SHARKS!" which imo is the coolest thing about the Georgia aquarium. None of them seemed to know exactly what I meant but they were excited by the concept of the words "whale" and "shark" together. (Spoiler alert: The next day they totally went and got pics with the whale shark).
Finally BK asked where people recommended they eat. Someone suggested sushi at first. I thought it was funny to recommend sushi when visiting the US. BK seemed of the same mindset so chicken and waffles came up and Jun loudly said WAFFLES! To which, Wow said in his same dreamy tone "chocolate waffles" and I looked at him and said "chocolate chicken?" embarrassing the HELL out of myself cause everyone was super grossed out by it and making a scene. I hid but my friend said Wow thought it was funny. I think she was trying to make me feel better.
So the item signing time comes up. My DUMB ASS forgot my album at home so the day before I had gone on a panicked shopping spree and decided on a pot for my cactus.
Chan was up first as usual. He recognized me and asked if I was in Chicago and I said yes! He asked what the pot was and I told him it was for my cactus plant. He was so adorable, while he was signing it he said quietly "grow well." So now it has to. This time he did not do a high five with me.
Next was Donghun. He looked so confused at my pot. I told him it was for my cactus and he just kinda nodded. It was very quiet because I had tried to learn a short phrase for him in korean but I got too nervous and I couldn't say it. I just thanked him. I'll have to keep practicing.
Jun was next and also asked me if I had been in Chicago and thanked me for coming again. I told him it was my last stop but I knew they would keep doing amazing. He asked about the pot and said it was so cute and signed super big. He shook my hand.
BK was next and he complimented my lips again. I asked him if he liked the green or blue better and he said both were good. He asked about the pot and signed it for me, he said it was cute and he liked it. He high fived me when it was time to move on.
WOW. AGAIN. okay so he asked about the pot and I said it was for my cactus and he mimed planting a cactus while looking up at me and I nodded while melting cause he is SO GODDAMN CUTE OKAY. Then while he was signing it I worked up my courage cause I had tried to learn a phrase for him as well BUT I MESSED UP I MESSED UP SO BAD IT WAS BAD OKAY. He was so confused and thank GOD the interpreter was right there and she asked "what are you trying to say" and she helped me say it. I was SO EMBARRASSED I had practiced so much and was saying it SO WELL up until that moment. Once I managed he smiled and said I did good then took my hand and said something which the interpreter translated for me and I just grabbed my heart with my free hand and then had to just cover my face I couldnt handle it. Walking away was hard but staying was harder.
Of course that just put me back in my seat directly in front of him.
Dont judge me, but I was trying to say, "You're so awesome it makes my heart hurt." And his response was "Then I'll prescribe you some medicine" and I KNOW its cheesy and overdone but I wanted that moment once for me so I took my chance. Anyway I looked like a damn fool but it was over.
The last dumb thing I did as the signing went on cause we kept making random eye contact and I got self conscious of always looking away. One of the times Wow and I met eyes I winked and shot finger guns and his eyebrows raised ever so slightly and I wanted to sink into the floor and die so I hid my face again. He looked so surprised like what WAS I THINKING WHY DID I DO THAT AAAAAAAA.
Here's my cute cheap pot!
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Next was pictures. This time I had a plan. I asked them to pose ugly with me. They were surprised and asked for clarification twice, BK even asked me in english and I said "yes, ugly faces. If you can! If it's even possible." I wonder if it's the first time theyve ever been requested to do that. Anyway that's gonna be my thing too with the punny fan from now on. They did their best and it's absolutely adorable. Afterward BK walked up to me and wanted to see the pictures I took so I showed him. After he walked away it occured to me how fun and casual that was, that he just came over to look at pics together. I love this boy so much damb.
The atlanta show was amazing but the stage was so high up and far away there was no direct interaction possible. They made up for it with even more interaction! BK and Donghun each danced with me. I made a heart with my friend and Chan winked and laughed cause it looked like she begrudgingly made the heart with me when in reality she just couldnt hear me and couldnt tell what I was asking. Wow played a heart escalating game with me and he won so I made a dumb cute face and he laughed.
At hi touch I was determined not to miss Wow again. The order was the same except Donghun and Chan switched. I told them they did really amazing, a great show! Then BK said "Best lips!" To me and I got so excited but still didnt want to miss Wow, I loudly repeated "Best Lips!" While making eye contact and high fiving this poor man so hard, then for Jun I said "Don't forget!" And he was just so unprepared for me because I was unprepared for me but I WAS SO HYPED UP I LOST MY LAST BRAINCELL ITS STILL IN ATLANTA GUYS ITS GONE FOREVER.
So anyway that was a lot of unnecessary details about my specific adventures with A.C.E and I loved them so much and maybe one person will read this and smile but mostly I just want to try and remember as much detail as possible. I'll add things as I remember if I forgot something. Anyway dont be like me hahahaHAHAHA.
Also highkey if BK or one of the boys ends up with a bold lipstick color for a comeback or promotions in the next year or so I'm taking full credit.
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