#twilight discussions
theinheriteddutchess · 11 months
Can anyone tell me how mating goes in twilight?
We get imprinting with the Wolfpack, that's simple, it's magic, we get an explanation, it's a done deal.
But with vampire mates it's just somewhat there but not clear how it works?
We have Carlisle who kind of choose Esmee after some nudging from edward I believe, and it wasn't instantly.
We get the volturi wives who are dead or locked up and Aro also tactically choose his.
Irina and laurent, well he left so how deep was it? Are they even mates?
It feels like it's more of a "you'll do" or " okay that's it I chose you! " and then the devotion comes... but it's not very clear.
James was Victoria's mate, but he never loved her. She was devoted though... was he her mate but she not his?
Is a blood singer actually supposed to be your mate, just cursed to die because a vampire can't control themselves?
I don't find it very clear at all.
And I think that Stephanie meyer, hearing people being intrigued with imprinting and the unconditional love, quickly said oh but vampires couples are forever too, clearly.
It doesn't seem that way. The best I can think of is, they at some point choose they want to be with that person and then the vampire magic of everything never changes because you don't age sets in.
I wonder if anyone has either a better explanation or any thoughts about it. Because to me it was the author just trying to even the score between the vampires and wolves and it didn't need that, they can be their own people, with their own ways.
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aerequets · 2 years
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the girls are fightingggg
buy me a coffee
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my-quirk-is-fred · 14 days
Twilight’s Yap session on Man vs Bear
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magpie-lu-aside · 25 days
So. About that shadow crystal and the Master Sword. (All art belongs to @linkeduniverse and JoJo!)
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I want to discuss this part because I find Four, Wind, and Legends reactions interesting, specifically because it was those three who had the argument over Twi in the first place. An argument that all three of them seem to not want to bring up again at all.
I've seen some posts saying that Four and Twilight are gonna have a talk about it (and I'm sure they will) but I'm wondering if they're gonna have a talk about the argument again too. (post got long, if you want to read more its under the cut)
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(takes place in sunset pt 11)
So here's the thing about The Argument™. Four and Legend are the ones to have an opinion on the crystal itself, with Wind being more concerned about Twilight's status at that moment and wondering if the blood (not the crystal) is what could corrupt him. Wind seems to be almost unconcerned about the crystal which is why I think he was excited about the transformation rather than concerned (Four) and.... Whatever Legend is doing (I'll get back to that).
Legend and Wind also almost immediately put the argument behind them. They ran to find a great fairy fountain....
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... And have interacted past this point. And I think that's because overall they agree on this, both of them have trust in the Master Sword to nullify whatever corrupting power the crystal could theoretically have.
But Four and Legend on the other hand? They have not talked to each other one on one since then.
Before this, they teased each other, Four trusted him to work on Wilds sword, and they seemed fine to be in each others space and just talk and conspire a little bit. But now? They barely even speak to each other even within the group. In fact when they do interact in a group both seem... not fully annoyed but not really laughing at each others jokes either.
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Also despite the fact Legend was on the team to work on Wild's sword in the beginning, he didn't show up in the towns blacksmith to help either. And while its very easily argued he did that to stay with Twilight, based on this reaction,
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He was asked or at least knew they were doing it. He was also fine spoiling the surprise to Wild despite it being mainly Fours gift (and symbol of forgiveness). He refused to join either way, and I think it could both be because he wanted to be by Twilight and also because he just... Didn't really want to interact with Four.
Now to bring it back to Legends reaction to the transformation (told you it'd come back). I don't think Legend particularly likes the crystal (who can blame him really) and I think he's with Four on not really liking the magic, so unlike Wind who's excited to see it hes still a little.. Iffy on the magic itself. And I think that still can cause tension, but that's more of a red herring to the real thing that's causing strife... And that's the Master Sword itself.
Legend and Four didn't argue over the crystal. They argued about the Master Sword. I think the shadow crystal was just the tipping point to get them talking about the Sword and make Four oppose it in some way. Four has always been indifferent to the sword, not really willing to wield it and has been absent from discussing it. But after that? I think with Four and Legend being on opposing sides, along with Time and Sky (whole other discussion I cant delve into cuz good god this post is long enough as is) is leading me into thinking that the next arc is going to delve more into that strife. And its going to be harder to overcome than Twilight being injured.
tl;dr I think Four and Legend still have beef after sunset pt 11 and its going to boil over on them and its their inability to discuss the Master Sword like normal peoples fault.
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skyward-floored · 1 month
fic idea for lu where all of the Links dead bio parents are chilling up in the sacred realm or wherever and they all get together and watch all of their sons meet and goof off and are basically just the unseen cheering section
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breannasfluff · 2 months
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A sword wields no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage. You may be destined to become the hero of legend…but your current power would disgrace the proud green of the hero's tunic you wear. You must use your courage to seek power…and find it you must. Only then will you become the hero for whom this world despairs. - Hero's Shade
So Twilight is quoting back the Hero's Shade here. Ironically, the Hero's shade could then quote a future Twi to a past Twi, making a loop.
But then we have the letter from the ranch. Did Time get a letter that Malon is pregnant?
"You have at last mastered all of the hidden skills. Although I accepted life as the hero, I could not convey the lessons of that life to those who came after. At last, I have eased those regrets. You who have marched through countless foes, each mightier then the last… You who now gaze to the future with vision unclouded… Surely you can restore Hyrule to its stature of yore as the chosen land of the gods. …Farwell! - Hero's Shade
Given the Shade's line about those who came after...Time may have never gotten to pass on his skills to his son, leaving him with regrets. Will this story end with Dink's defeat at the cost of Time's life?
Or will it come after the story is over; ala Tony Stark style where he gets a few years with his kid, then dies?
Any way you look at it, it's pretty grim.
image of comic belongs to Jojo @linkeduniverse
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acewardcullen · 2 years
I actually can't even explain why I like Twilight. I just do.
The vibes have an inexplicable and irrevocable hold on me.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 6 months
me everytime anyone on youtube begins their take about totk saying it's "one of the best stories in the franchise"
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dimplesandfierceeyes · 7 months
Thinking about Last Twilight again and the connection between Day and action.
Here is a man who is a professional athlete, whose entire life was dedicated to movement. He would have had to exercise every day, cardio, weights, resistance training, the lot. On top of that, he would also have been training his specific badminton skills for several hours a day. His meals would have planned for maximum energy and vitality. It's almost impossible to overestimate just how much Day's every waking (and also non-waking, healthy sleep schedules are essential for good energy after all) moment was dedicated to high-level activity.
And then The Incident happens.
In an instant, his vision becomes so massively impaired that he is now almost functionally blind. Not only does that rob him of a huge amount of independence, it also steals his movement. Not because he can't move but because the people around him (and perhaps even a little bit himself) become worried about him moving. Action becomes something to be feared.
I think it's not for nothing that when we as an audience and Mork first see Day post-incident, his is sat in a wheelchair and because of that we know he is unable to walk.
(Now, that's not to say wheelchairs suggest a curtailment of freedom because, for their users, wheelchairs are freedom. Without them, they truly would be stuck. However, they do signal to the audience that the user's walking ability is impaired somehow. Additionally, it's worth mentioning that @my-rose-tinted-glasses already pointed out that Day-in-the-wheelchair is likely an homage to the French film The Intouchables. I also like to think that there's perhaps there's a small nod here to Day's determination to be independent. He can't walk but he can still move and, damn it, he's still gonna go to those interviews.)
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So, Day, at the moment he meets Mork, is at his least mobile. His career in movement has been shattered and now he can't even feed himself without injury. It is this that has likely forced him to accept that he could do with some day-to-day assistance.
Throughout the episode we then see the little ways that Day tries to take back his mobility but is stopped by his family and his own disability, culminating in the climatic road scene where he is saved by Mork.
But we also see little moments where he succeeds in his independence. He makes it from the car to the lift, he identifies the button he needs to press, he finds the library and is able to locate someone to guide him to the CDs (of audiobooks/music?). All the while, Mork is watching him, assessing him, seeing what he can do and what he can't, not running in before he has a chance to try. And that then ends with Mork calling Day up, asking him to cross the room on his own to get his library card.
So we start with a stationary Day, who is still determined to have independence but is hindered by his situation, and we end with a Day taking the first steps on the journey of seizing back his freedom to act.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 11 months
hiiii, "pet names" for the soft prompt if you're still doing it<3
Full disclaimer i also dont know how face timing works. Soft prompts, finished ones!
It had started as a joke. Or as teasing, really. Eddie had been in El Paso, telling his sisters about his boyfriend, and had tried to facetime him when they demanded living, talking proof of such a thing. Tried being the operative word there, because what Eddie had done was call him the regular way and then ask "How do I turn the camera on?"
"Well, my technologically challenged beloved, that's not how that works. Wait a second, hang up, I'll start the call."
And then, a few days later after Eddie was back home safe and exhausted from extended exposure to immediate relatives, it was a laughing “Beloved, hand it over,” as he grabbed a suitcase from his partner’s hands as Eddie looked like he was about to fall asleep standing up. Then “Beloved, pass me that-“ “Beloved, when is-“ “Beloved, how about-“ until it was just something he said, a name for Eddie alongside Eds and Babe and Hello You and all the times he says goodnight or good morning and means it as a form of address.
They’re at the station and Eddie says “Hey, Buck-” the start of a question lost to a moment of distraction, Ravi dropping something in the kitchen and all eyes turning towards the noise in a gentle assessment of danger.
It’s a coffee cup that now no longer has a handle, there’s a sheepish smile, and Buck turns back to his partner and says “Yes, beloved?” And it’s not a joke at all and out of the corner of his eye he can see Hen make the face she makes when they're being buckandeddie, all fond and a little grossed out.
And every time he says it here’s what happens: the very corners of Eddie’s mouth lift up first, and then he ducks his head just a tiny bit, and then he meets Buck’s eyes with a sort of surprised affection melted into the brown. Buck thinks they both keep looking at each other like this, months since they crashed into each other and refused to let go, still hardly daring to believe this is theirs to have and keep.
Eddie calls him honey and it tastes like it, the word sweet as it’s passed across the kitchen or pressed into his skin. He says sweetheart and Buck feels like one, feels kinder and lovelier under his attention. Eddie says “Buck” and he thinks his name doesn’t sound like that in anyone else’s mouth, he thinks he never feels more real or adored than when Eddie’s tongue curls around those consonants.
Growing up as Evan Buckley, he never knew how many names a person could have. Then he became Buck, and Buckaroo, and Kid, and each one was him entirely, his true name, and all of them would have been enough for him - already they felt like things he stole, things someone would disapprove of him having, little treasures to keep safe - but then there was Eddie and Buck thinks for the rest of his life he’ll greedily seek new names to have and to give away. He thinks maybe Husband, maybe soon.
For now, in the fire station after the broken cup, Eddie says “Oh, just wondering if you wanted to get breakfast after this?”
And Buck thinks maybe a name can just be knowing someone, in the way he knows what breakfast place they’ll go to and what Eddie will order and the half of his second pancake that Buck will end up eating. He smiles. “Yeah, Eddie, I’d love to.”
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theinheriteddutchess · 7 months
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pr3ttyfr3ddie · 1 year
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kristen stewart white shirt th!nspo is so real
i think her stats here are 5’5, 110 lbs
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fuckmeyer · 6 months
hot take? but the Twilight fandom needs to stop citing Mormonism for everything that happens in this hell series.
the characters aren't Mormon. the plot isn't Mormon. the wardrobe isn't Mormon. this series was WRITTEN BY a Mormon woman whose religious indoctrination influenced her work. there are themes, plot points, characterizations, etc, that are related to or in line with LDS teachings. saying the book/characters are Mormon is not the same.
the more you label everything in text as Mormon, the less likely you'll be able to identify the actual religious influences
and if you think you are somehow immune to the influence of something you cannot correctly identify, think again
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junko-jinko · 8 months
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They're playing Stray
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cosmo-lexies · 3 months
I feel personally interpellate for this comment and I'm waiting for an apology.
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bubbasbubblebutt · 1 year
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This was for April fools originally but ya know what fuck it they're friends too
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