#twc theory time
not-sewell · 1 year
TWC BOOK 3 SPOILERS - semi-coherent thoughts and vibes
i have had some thoughts about the identity of the leader of the Rogues and the "they" at the end and it has taken me so much to weave them to coherence, but here goes:
perhaps, the leader of the Rogues is a separate entity from the "they" at the end.
going by this, the leader of the Rogues:
solely on the basis of the eye colour - definitely sounds like she has a connection to Rook (maybe she is the sister who is thought to be dead - as is the popular theory).
this is a sister of Rook who is of supernatural origin but was unheard of. given that Rook himself was brought up under foster care we literally have no idea about Rook's family of origin, so... 👁️👁️
now, the 'they':
something tells me that maybe the detective's redbull blood is a characteristic they inherited (which was somehow undetected until before the incident that caused his death - maybe the incident itself was a trap that Rook got caught in???). maybe this is part of the info that the agency is hiding from Rebecca.
maybe there's some parallel world thing happening??? - vibe-wise, i cannot really explain.
now coming back to "they":
then "they", here, could just be someone who was also after Rook but just couldn't get their hands on him??? idk. and then, "the Rook [they were] always meant to have".
then Rook having some supernatural connection makes sense. and thus tie in with my theory that the "she" is a sister of Rook's that we never came to know of.
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agentnatesewell · 1 year
N theory? 👀
Hello, anon friend! Oh, I have a have a few N theories cultivated over the past few years. The main ones, of course, being what their tier x power is and why they don’t consume as much blood as they should … but i’ll make a post on the former before b3.
One that I’ve recently been thinking of. N’s “indistinguishable accent” (my accent when I speak english has been formed by living in the great plains of the US … so I don’t believe myself to actually have one). The explanation given is that N knows so many languages that their original accent/enunciation has faded.
But thing is - I think they hide their accent (clipped british accent) in their many languages. Everything behind the mask sort of thing / likely another thing that reminds them of their past
Now why I think this - being around A for 300 years, who likely has an accent similar … how easily N slipped into their accent in book 2 … and early in book 2, when N is asking to escort the detective home, the detective notices that their accent sort of comes out when doing so
So. Just a minor thing. But all minor things about N always seem to mean something!
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annarubys · 2 years
that was fun see you all next week
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cassynite · 10 months
hm. finishing up my like third replay of the twc trilogy and. some rambling disjointed theories about future plot points/revelations:
i feel like someone has to have already said this but the supernatural rogue leader with the detective's eyes is obviously rook's Not Dead After All sister, right? like we can all agree on that one
i think it's going to turn out that rebecca is so cagey about how rook died because she is responsible for it--not, like, directly, but in a way that makes it very easy to blame herself. she assigned him the mission he died on, he wanted to leave the agency and she convinced him to stay, that sort of thing.
I think all the villains that we see will end up showing up again (either as allies or enemies), but im specifically imagining that murphy will reappear as a minor antagonist--either naturally if he escaped, or as a result of a prison break of caged supernaturals
another probably obvious one but each love interest route seems to be building up to a major subplot for each of them:
A's is seems already deep in progress and will mainly revolve around them getting over themself, and will probably resolve with them getting with the detective. slow burn extraordinaire (most nebulous one for me since this is the only route i haven't played yet; this just comes from fandom osmosis so it might be off base)
M's is going to be their lost past but more focused on whatever is going to happen when that crystal of theirs ends up failing/getting lost/breaking (going off of that, we know mishka's got a particular point in mind for M to realize they are in love with the detective. i am 100% convinced at this point that it's going to be a dramatic moment when their crystal isn't working, they're losing it, and the detective brings them back to reality--that's going to be M's oh moment). interpersonal relationship conflict is mainly going to resolve around the natural conflict that arises from the pining while fucking trope that's been established
N's is THEIR past but more focused on their mystery powers (there's a post floating around that makes a great argument that's it's mind control and i'm inclined to believe that) and coming to terms with their "darker side"/learning to open up to the detective. i definitely feel n's route is going to get darker/more angsty before resolving
and we already know that most to all of F's romance route hardships are going to be external--the relationship itself is rock solid. right now it seems to me that it's going to be the conflict with the demons (literal ones this time) from their past coming back to them. also ten bucks says their mom is alive
AND MY BIG ONE: It's going to be revealed eventually that the detective and the LI are soulbonds. I feel like there's so much present in all the books that implies the relationship is not just one of attraction--there is a supernatural element of comfort, healing, and empathetic bond shit going on. the amount of information you get about soulbonds from f if you do research in b3 also just seems like setup for this reveal as well since it's explicitly stated that soulbonds are really rare but not limited to one supernatural species
I think this revelation will probably occur pretty late--at the very least after the LT route is resolved, because the soulbond will be with the LI that the detective ends up choosing. i also think this could also contribute to mishka's firm stance on not allowing the LT to have a poly option
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queerbrujas · 1 year
okay i'm in a mood so we're gonna talk about my thoughts on the N route in twc book 3. they're not good so look away if you don't wanna read that etc etc
so i'd known for a while that i was going to have to bring in an oc that wasn't eva for this route because in the meantime i'd developed her enough and thought about her enough that she just didn't fit the route anymore anywhere other than in my head. i still tried it with her and i didn't like it one bit, but i thought hey, my own problem.
so i made a new detective.
let me tell you about tatiana.
tatiana is the definition of a uhaul lesbian. she's head over heels in love with nat, absolutely crazy for her, totally willing to gloss over any sort of conflict. exactly the kind of narrative the story wants you to go for (and we'll come back to this).
things that happened in tatiana's playthrough:
she confessed her love to nat only to get absolutely NO response, an attempt to initiate sex, and no commentary whatsoever in the narration on how nat didn't say anything back. like, i'm very sorry to mishka who seems to think that initiating sex is a satisfactory answer to that kind of thing and the Ultimate expression of love but i think a normal and expected reaction to this would be 'wait they didn't say it back'. i am NOT trying to say that N needed to say it back at that moment, before anyone comes for me, there are a million reasons why they wouldn't (i even had a theory that they'd freak out if they heard it!!!) but the fact that the narration absolutely does not acknowledge that fact is so excuse me what the fuck. i've been so pissed at this that i've been working on a fic purely out of hatred for that choice.
let's talk about the sex scenes. they're bad. i'm sorry, they're bad. not only in execution (who cares) but you are not going to tell me that what is essentially a quickie is Enough for a character who has been built up as an over-the-top romantic when it's supposed to be their first time having sex with their partner. i won't buy it. it's like mishka spent these past three years marinading in the asks about agent suavewell and how smooth and sexy and horny they are and when it was time to write the book that was all she wanted to write.
it all just feels so shallow. where is the romance, for fuck's sake. it all feels unearned. beat after beat after beat with nothing to make me care about it.
and, once again—this is playing the ideal version of this route. the 'head over heels' version of this route. i don't even want to touch the other variants that continue to exist despite it being increasingly clear they are Not how the story is meant to go. i'm absolutely someone who supports authors doing whatever the fuck they want with their stories, the fact that there's a playable MC doesn't mean the player gets to dictate every single aspect of their arc or personality, but don't offer the option of things if you're not gonna commit to it. don't tell me i can be hesitant about a relationship when the narrative is gonna fall apart if i decide to do that etc etc.
IDK MAN. i'm very very happy for anyone who enjoyed this route, love that for you, but also, what the fuck.
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go-see-a-starwar · 7 months
I hope it's ok to message you like this!! I just wanted to say I haven't seen Clone Wars and it's mainly because Hayden didn't voice Anakin. Now that I learned about how they didn't even approach Hayden to join and left him out intentionally and all the bs the voice actor who did said about him, I want to watch it even less. Do you recommend watching it? Should I still watch it despite how Hayden was treated, because I will be fuming while watching it.
If you enjoy animation and want to get deeper into the prequels era of Star Wars lore then yes I do recommend Clone Wars. The initial movie is pretty meh and it takes a bit to really get going but many of the arcs in season 3, 4 and 5 and the final 4 episodes of the series (Season 7) are top-tier Star Wars.
I did struggle with Anakin in the Clone Wars and this was long before I found out about the behind-the-scenes stuff. The way Hayden was excluded did stink (especially since he seemed to find out about the whole thing in this red carpet interview) but I think what was worse was how much they seemed to want to distance Clone Wars Anakin from Hayden’s portrayal of Anakin. Obi-Wan and Padme still look, sound and act very much like their prequels counterparts but Anakin feels like an entirely different character. (I also don’t love the way Anidala is portrayed).
I’ve heard some fan theories that Clone Wars Anakin is so different because we’re seeing him through Ahsoka’s (idolizing) eyes, also this could be seen as the Republic Wartime Propaganda version of him, the famed ‘Hero With No Fear’. Having that in mind did somewhat help me reconcile the gap between the portrayals as I watched the first time. Plus Hayden did eventually get the chance to be a TWC version of Anakin in the Ahsoka series (which was the highlight of the series imho) so I think that will help on Clone Wars rewatches. And all this said, there’s plenty of other great characters and stories to enjoy.
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faerune · 1 year
ok i finished twc 3 here are the thoughts
i love nate sewell so much
there was a LOT packed into this book and i feel like some of it was done very well (the dinner with verda) and some felt lackluster/rushed (the blood drive, the auction)
this is the first time ive gotten like...a “good” ending without having to look up a guide - everyone rescued, sin admired naomi so didnt attack her, etc, etc. 
still no natey backstory....
but also HE’S THIRSTY!!!!!!!!! FOR BLOOD!!!!
i have a theory nate was a trapper in ye olden days (he had ‘a lot of experience’ with those types) and something went wrong transporting a capture and he got turned and idk ate everyone along with the other vamp or smth
nate and naomi’s first time on a pool table -10/10 like it was hot because it was them but the picnic smut scene felt more Nate (the pool table scene seems more like an m thing tbh)
i love the back and forth that nate and naomi got to have about her being independent vs nate hovering and trying to wrap her in bubble wrap it was a good, realistic conflict i was glad i had the potential to explore esp because naomi is so independent
wish there was more emphasis on the fact that they went back to the murphy building besides ur detective being like ahh im traumatized and then their LI being like <3 i gotchu bb and then it’s done lol
felix is naomi’s bff OFFICIALLY. i get caught between him and adam for her bestie but i think her and adam are too similar. felix feels very much like tina in juxtaposition to naomi’s more negative bahumbugness
ok felix being obsessed with nate and naomi’s relationship was funny once or twice but leave it alone
i dont really like that we met the leaders of the agency...........i like the idea of some shady secret conglomerate of nations leading it instead
also.........rebecca being part of it is kinda goofy 
i was kind of neutral re: naomi and rebecca’s relationship in this book because i very much want there to be a lag with them of there’s too much hurt there’s too much hurt well maybe i understand you a bit more and maybe we can make this into something and then smth Bad happens to rebecca or smth
the bath scene with nate was really sweet (and reminds me of that fic i wrote :’) i was correct in assuming nate preparing a bath for her is on point)
uhhhhhhhhhh i love adam baby man
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thefirstcourtesan · 1 year
have you played FCL and TDA?
Nope. I have gone an entire month without VIP. I put my VIP money towards buying TWC book 3 in April. My theory is I will resubaxribed then I have time to continue my alphabetical replay.
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nerdferatum · 1 year
OCs huh ? Well, lemme tell you more about my boi Aiden-
Aiden's got a HEAVY backstory (which I won't talk about here cause well it could be triggering and stuff so I'll avoid it just in case but yeah) but is at heart a real softie, you just gotta dig DEEP to find it
He's all intimidating and serious and glaring silently and threatening and stuff until there's a child involved, then he's gonna be the kindest softest adult in the room (In his playthrough of twc, he directly took Douglas under his wing and is so ready to physically fight with the mayor I'm just waiting for the opportunity at this point) He isn't really an ass otherwise, he just kinda gives back the energy he receives, so if someone's even a tiny bit rude, then you can bet he's gonna give them a hard time xjzoxjoz
He doesn't open up easily at all, so if he even so as shares his favorite color or meal with you, you can be sure you're considered to be close to him already
The moment you get to know him he can get chaotic, but always in a calm way xjzofjzokf he might start by judging you with a side glance but if what you say actually makes sense, he's gonna start thinking of it with you (*coughs in conspiracy theories about UB being vampires*)
He takes life as it is and is rarely surprised, but he does need a little push or reassurance from time to time to make decisions that could be good for him, bc yes he's the type of character that's scared to get a second chance at being happy
I'm gonna cut this short cause that's starting to be a lot, but yeah he's super loyal and would run head first into danger if it meant keeping his loved ones soft
Aiden is sooooooo much like Theo I love a big intimidating man with a heart of gold (well theo isn’t big but you get me). They can adopt douglas ahksbkhsbjs although they might never acknowledge that they are friends, they will just respectfully nod at each other
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kinda-iconic · 4 years
KINDA a spoiler ahead...but not at the same time
@bloodboundismylife I’ve just had a thought with regards to TWC, more specifically who the Leader of the Rogues is, and it had me wondering...
If I remember rightly, it’s been confirmed that it isn’t Rebecca, nor is it the leader of Unit Alpha.
Then I suddenly thought...
Maybe it’s MC’s Aunt? 🤔
We were told that she had died, but we were never told how, nor really when... not to mention that there is more than one meaning of death that is often associated with the supernatural world.
Then it got me thinking - when MC talks to Rebecca about their father, she comments on how MC has his/her/their (correct me if I’m wrong about the male/non-binary detective’s narration) father’s eyes.
Which leads me back to the Aunt thing:
Later on in Book Two, when visiting MC in their apartment, Falk mentions that the Detective reminds him of the rogue leader, also commenting that they have the same eyes.
I for one am often told that I look a lot like my aunts; maybe MC does too, and as we know so little about her, we can’t rule anything like that out.
I always seem to come up with the strangest things when I’m exhausted 😂
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Fandom Histories
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Book review
Suzanne R. Black, "The republic of games: Textual culture between old books and new media," by Elyse Graham
Judith May Fathallah, "Loving fanfiction: Exploring the role of emotion in online fandoms," by Brit Kelley
John Francis, "Manga cultures and the female gaze," by Kathryn Hemmann
Kristine Michelle Santos, "Otaku and the struggle for imagination in Japan," by Patrick W. Galbraith
Ross Hagen, "Emo: How fans defined a subculture," by Judith May Fathallah
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
Do you really think they could have a poly relationship? 👀
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(Grouping these together as they’re both related to this post.)
Anon #1, I think it’s not only possible but entirely probable at this point, given everything that has transpired over the last three months years. In fact, I think I need to make a timeline of all the fuckery that has ensued in this vein, because there is seriously a recurring theme going on.
A Timeline of the Michael/David/Georgia Polyfuckery:
So, what’s quite interesting is that when we look back, the vaguest hinting of this actually started in November of 2020, with Georgia’s very noticeable use of the hashtag #justthethreeofus on Instagram:
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This was then followed by Michael who, in his video for The White Curl campaign in February of 2021--unprompted, apropos of nothing--referred to David as his “other partner”:
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And then the “other wife” title was officially started by Georgia in December of 2021, on her birthday:
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Then continued by both Georgia and Michael on Michael’s birthday in February of 2022 (almost exactly a year to the day since Michael’s video for TWC):
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And now we have David joining in with his quote in the Radio Times magazine article just this week:
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(And this isn’t even getting into all the little moments that have happened in the intervals between these posts, just two of which are David having Georgia hold up the cardboard cutout of Michael’s head last year, and Georgia bringing up Michael--and not any other cast or crew member--in a text during the birthday cake incident on the set of GO earlier this year.)
Taken all together, everything mentioned above seems like repeated, gradual attempts at “testing the waters” to see how people would react to the idea of them in a poly/V-style arrangement. The last, missing piece of the puzzle was David, because he is not on social media, so we didn’t even know for sure if he was aware of Georgia’s and Michael’s posts. But now we know that he very definitely does know, and he seems to be in on it.
This brings me to your point, Anon #2, about Michael getting this standing despite David having other co-stars and friends with whom he has done a lot more projects. I could not agree with you more, especially viewing this situation through that lens. David has acted with the same people in countless projects (notably Nina Sosanya, as you said, but also Jason Watkins, Daniel Mays, Jodie Whittaker, just to name a few)...yet it’s Michael who firmly holds the title of “other wife.”
It’s Michael to whom Georgia has repeatedly referred, in social media posts and private texts alike.
It’s Michael whose powerful, screen-melting chemistry with David--chemistry that’s only gotten stronger since the first season of GO--cannot be ignored. 
So is it just a joke? Or the truth masquerading as a joke?
What somehow never gets mentioned in all of this that if Michael is David’s “other wife,” then by extension, that would make David Michael’s “husband.” That Georgia has never referred to Michael as such could be to distinguish Michael and David’s relationship from Aziraphale and Crowley’s, to subtly indicate that they are not the Ineffable Husbands, and instead allude to what the nature of Michael and David’s relationship actually is. Or in light of the aforementioned testing the waters theory, “other wife” could simply be a way to keep all of this in the realm of a “joke,” even if it isn’t actually one.  
So yes, Anon #2. It is very peculiar. Everything around whatever the Elvis-eating-a-peanut-butter-and-banana-sandwich hell is going on between Michael, David, and Georgia is peculiar, as is the fact that they have all played into it (to various degrees) and are continuing to play into it, and that what we have seen on social media may very well only be the tip of the iceberg.
While we can’t know for sure if Michael, David, and Georgia are in a poly relationship,  what all of this tells us is that the three of them clearly don’t mind if people think they are. So at this point, I think pretty much anything is possible, and nothing can be ruled out. We’ll just have to see what happens next...
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wayhavensummer · 3 years
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General Reading
Colourism in Fandom by @/coldshrugs
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Writing POC
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Words for Skin Tone
Words to Describe Hair
Describing POC and Avoiding Caricatures
Researching POC and Describing Characters of Color
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Another incredible resource is their “Stereotypes & Troupes” masterlist with ample resources for all backgrounds! Please take the time to review these – it’s an immensely helpful tool.
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Your Book Could Be Gayer - a tumblr dedicated to answering queries about writing LGBTQIA+ characters
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For artists
Mishka’s Unit Bravo Skin Tone Chart
Coloring Darker Skintones
These are a variety of tutorials and resources that cover color theory and applying color to dark skin tones to help better represent people of color in art.
Whitewashing in Art and How Color Works
Tips for Coloring Dark Skin
Skin tones and Undertones
Identifying Undertones, a followup
Expanding Your Artist Toolkit
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Gallery of AI Generated Faces
Youtube Playlist: Anatomy Quicktips
Drawing East Asian Faces, a loose compilation of observations
How to Draw Native People
Drawing Black Hair
Drawing Black People 101
Black Hair in Depth
Studying other people’s art is a part of the learning and creative process! Looking at #drawingwhileblack and other tags like it on Tumblr and Twitter is a great way to learn new things.
**We will likely be adding onto this resources page. If there are any resources you’d like to see, please send us an ask.**
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amlovelies · 3 years
Curiosity time (and because I have a theory): who is your main twc romance and are you cat person or a dog person?
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pretzeldate · 3 years
things in the twc code that make me go hmm for book 3
after two demo releases, i’ve had some time to think about twc and i think im gonna put my theories/speculation about what’s to come both in book 3 and in future installments down below. spoilers/speculation obviously under the cut, PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU AREN’T COMFORTABLE WITH READING ABOUT WHAT’S IN THE CODE.
1. the bobby suspicion stat
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bobby has this hidden stat for how you handle certain interactions with them. by failing their stat checks (your first and last interaction with them in book 2), you get a +1 added to their suspicion score. 
pure speculation here but i think we may be building up to bobby becoming a serious issue in keeping the supernatural secret, contingent on how well and consistent our tactics are with them. there’s a bit of emphasis being placed in the story about how the agency deals with people who are threats and/or aren’t willing to keep quiet. and something interesting is that rebecca has been taking note of how confidently you’ve been dealing with bobby.
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(sera also said here that rebecca is very aware of the bobby bug situation, even if ub are not.)
bobby is also a character that will always selfishly put themselves above others for the sake of getting ahead. even if bobby doesn’t fully find out about the supernatural, i could see bobby maybe unknowingly (or being misled into) putting mc into a precarious situation with antagonists. 
there is also a stat dedicated to tracking if your relationship with bobby has improved or declined since their introduction, much like rebecca. i wonder if people who are on better terms with them can use that to their advantage in the future? skew their reporting to your benefit? or, alternatively, giving them too much of the benefit of the doubt can really screw the detective over.
2. bobby having a “first” introduction
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this is more of a fun one, but it tracks how exactly you introduced bobby to ub (ex, random reporter, etc.). it’s labelled as first introduction. meaning that if you had your detective skirt around some details, bobby will have a field day filling in ub with the extra details. and it will be gloriously awkward.
bonus just for fun: nat/nate can technically already catch on if you slip up during your conversation later.
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3. the rogues and trappers in relation to the kidnappings
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so the demo that’s been released sets up the premise that the trappers have set a bounty on our heads, and that the main antagonist of this book will be that group. however, what’s interesting is that deciding how you want to organize the blood-drive can either reinforce the rogue’s strength or the agency you work for. going with a flashier drive empowers the agency, but sets you up to fail in a rescue mission (perhaps addie from demo 2? another victim?). having a more low-key, organized event helps you in your rescue mission but strengthens the rogues.
things to think about: are the trappers and rogues working together? the bounty is actually from the rogues? the rogues wanting to move in on the detective while they’re distracted with solving the kidnappings?
at the moment, i’m thinking the rogues will actually prove to be a much bigger adversary than the trappers. there’s been a lot of speculation that the detective will be kidnapped at some point (like at the dinner with tina/verda), but i think the blood drive will actually be where the real drama happens. and i think the rogues are staying low so that they can swoop in while ub/the agency are placing their resources and energy elsewhere.
4. “sin +1″ at the crime scene
no matter who you take with you at the crime scene in the second demo of book 3, there’s always something a little different that you can find for your evidence. asking why the parents were unconscious, checking the backpack for the stimulant, looking around back, or looking at the destroyed furniture for blood nets you “sin +1″.
i’m not totally sure what this means in the greater scheme of the book, but i think the wording does provide extra support for the theory of us meeting angels this time around. sera has said her angels won’t have a religious connotation to them, but i think sin could be in reference to grievances that they think the victim committed.
anyways, this is me inviting discussion if any of y’all have theories/thoughts.
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
182 Days of Prompts: 99. kiss
FATL  |  What If  |  OH Fic  |  Flatmate  |  Fairytale  |  DWHAF  |  Tragically Twenty  |  Handful of Lovers  |  Stories for Songs  |  TWC Fic  |  Anita  |  Always or Never
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(Buckle up this is basically a poorly executed fic)
Pairing: Ethan x F!MC Rating: 16+  Warnings: nothing outright but eludes to sex Summary: They can’t be together in real life. But what if there’s a place they can simply be? Enter Lia’s idea for a Control Room. 
Things to note: Ethan’s the only one who pronounces her given name properly (Loo-chee-ah. Most people pronounce it loo-see-ah).
“We can’t,” he admonished as he stopped himself from cupping her cheek.
“Please. Save the lecture.”
He’s moved towards his desk. “You know why.”
“And every time we stop it just makes me want you more… I want you, Ethan. All the time.”
She crossed the distance quicker than her short legs should allow. Her forefingers hooking in his front two belt loops.
“Maybe we should just give in…” she said.
“Hear me out.” Her grip tightened just enough to fight his pull. “We let ourselves indulge in a controlled environment. A safe place. A place where we can put our pent up feelings. We’ll be the picture of professionalism everywhere outside of that space.”
He didn’t say a word, looking off into the distance with contemplation. She couldn’t read this look. Was he mad? Did she go to far? The idea didn’t seem so crazy…
“I’m… Where’s this control room?”
He raised a knowing eyebrow. This has disaster written all over it.
“It’s the safest place! You don’t have roommates or nosey colleagues watching your every move.”
His eyes narrowed, his face still drawn in contemplation. “Touché.”
They both know the risks. They both know the reward this secret would enable. The one thing Lucia and Ethan want more than anything…
Ethan closed his eyes. Took a breath. Then said in his stable tone, “You’ll have to walk me through this later.”
“Good evening, Lucia,” Ethan greeted upon opening his apartment door to her.
“Doctor Ramsey.” She smiled brightly, her kaleidoscope eyes sparking like a diamond.
“When does your little experiment st-“
She stepped over the threshold and pressed her lips to his. It wasn’t romantic or heated in any sense, just a press between companionable lovers. A chaste lingering kiss of knowing partners. His hand found her waist as he kissed her back, deepening, unsure with himself that this was real even though it felt so right. Ethics be damned.
She pulled away seconds before Ethan could truly taste the mouthwash on her tongue. She dropped her bag by the door, letting him shut it behind her.
“It started the moment I stepped in the building. What’d you think?”
“I have my reservations.” He folded his arms over his chest and assumed his authoritative stance. “This is risky, Lia.”
“It’s meant to be an outlet. How many times did you think about fucking me today?”
She continued to challenge, “Or holding my hand, caressing my cheek, kissing me..?”
He wouldn’t answer. Even the thought of saying his desires out loud felt wrong. His inner thoughts of her were meant for him and only him and even those were… wrong.
Ethan made his way to the open plan kitchen, promptly ignoring this thread of conversation.
She began to lament on their day as she moved through his apartment like it was her second home. She raked his body up and down biting her lip as she undressed him with her eyes - Ethan was still in his trousers but shed the pressed shirt in favor of a crisp white vest.
“At the nurses station today I wanted to wrap my arms around you while we read over Mr. James’s file.” Lia snaked her arms around his waist as he made their drinks. “I really wanted to kiss you in your office earlier when we were discussing that theory.”
She placed a kiss to the bare space of shoulder she could reach.
“And the good thing about this control room is I can do all of them. Right now.”
She unwrapped her arms from around him in his kitchen, moving around to his front. Standing on the balls of her feet she pressed another tender kiss to Ethan’s soft lips. He obliged, taking her all in. His arms wrapped around her waist, deepening the kiss as he pulled her closer and closer. Lia cocked her head to the right taking it further, inviting his tongue to dance with hers. In this moment she couldn’t help but remember the first time they were kissing in his kitchen. How they were both just people infatuated and somehow changing the course of their lives in one swift movement. She couldn’t help but smile.
“What’s on your mind?” Ethan whispered. She lost a bit of fervor and he knew it meant her mind was elsewhere.
“Mmm, you.”
“The first time we were here in this kitchen… together.”
His smile crooked as the memory washed over him as well. “One of my fondest memories.”
“I cherish all of the moments we have together.”
She had never wanted to say those three words more. But she knew it wasn’t the time. Once they were uttered the experiment would be over. He wouldn’t let them get that far, she was sure. If she told him, she’d lose him even quicker.
“Even though you think things were a mistake.”
It wasn’t a question. With all the push and pull he was doing with her, she took his actions as a confession of a series of mistakes. To her they were everything, and in her mind he kept her at a distance.
“I never said that. Things were - are complicated. You’re a colossal pain in my ass,” he tucked some wayward strands behind her ear “But you’ve made me happier than I’ve ever thought possible.”
They looked into each others eyes, holding the gaze. Longing, gratitude, lust, adoration… love. Her heart swelled at his words. It’s the most transparent he’s ever been about his feelings. Even if he didn’t actually say as much, she could feel it in the way he held her.
Before she could reiterate his feelings he said, “I want to take things slow. Do it right this time. I - I don’t want this… arrangement room to be just about sex.”
“So you don’t want to rip my clothes off right now?”
“Believe me, I do. But the next time we do, I want it to mean something.”
She laced her fingers with his, “I think every moment we spend together means something.”
“Of course they do.” Ethan shook his head with a silly private grin. “I want to woo you.”
“I’m ready to be wooed, Mr. Ramsey.”
Calling him Doctor Ramsey seemed too formal, too close to work. In here, their safe space, they were just two people.
They were taking things in stride. It’s obvious they were happier than normal in the few weeks that passed since they started this game. Although they didn’t let their affection show through touch in public, their looks and verbal cues said otherwise. Both making mental notes of their opportunities to slip up throughout the day for use later.
“Come on, Lucia. I’ll drive you home.”
It became a little routine. The days they’re on shift together he’ll offer to drive her home, save her from the long train journey that would be cut in a third if he drove her. He always made a show of explaining how he’s driving her for the greater good of the team - if she gets home early she’ll go to sleep earlier. Though the reality is far from that.
“Thank you, Dr. Ramsey. Have a good evening, Baz!”
He drove them back to his place. Once in the elevator their hands intertwined and they fell into the comfort of just being Lucia and Ethan. Dr. Ramsey and Dr. Lipari were left at the hospitals parking lot. She held his hand cradled in both of hers resting her head on his shoulder.
“I have been wanting to do this all day,” she sighed as she cuddled closer.
He chuckled.
“The irony of your control room.” Ethan clarified, “It’s the place where we lose control.”
“It’s the place where we get to control our relationship on our terms,” she said matter-of-factly.
Relationship? Are they in a relationship, he thought.
They haven’t discussed what they were or weren’t, preferring to live in the sweetness of their moments together. Labeling their time together could have detrimental repercussions.
Right now neither of them were ready to let go.
> days of prompts masterlist <
taglist: @mercury84choices @withbeautyandrage @forallthatitsworth​
@choicesficwriterscreations​ @openheartfanfics​ 
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