#tw anti sex worker
transx-mogai-cafe · 4 months
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brettdoesdiscourse · 1 year
Anyone who says sex work is bad because it's exploitation is so fucking funny to me because like. What do you call slaving away with multiple "normal" jobs where you're overworked/underpaid and harassed by customers just to BARELY make ends meet?
Like, welcome to capitalism, babes. Working under capitalism is inherently exploitative.
(this is not even addressing the fact most sex workers are independent these days and likely making a lot more than they would in a "normal" job)
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shrimpmandan · 1 year
Heartbreaking! Proship mutual turns out to be anti-porn and reblogs from radfems, some the fuck how
Anyways, block me if you’re anti-porn as a whole. I understand being against the porn industry, especially when it comes to big names like PornHub with flimsy age verification and a whole host of genuine rape and revenge porn if you look for it. But what I hate about these conversations is they make the problem out to be porn itself, and NOT how careless big porn sites are, and how they directly profit off of abuse/underage/rape porn. (Though it should be noted that even if PornHub and other big platforms didn’t exist, genuinely awful content would still exist. All that would change is making it more underground and even more difficult to find and report-- it’s a double-edged sword.)
Someone posting a video of themselves masturbating? Harmless. A couple posting a video of them having vanilla sex for their audience? Harmless. Kinksters engaging in CNC and other risky but healthy BDSM practices for their audience? Harmless. Porn includes amateur, homemade stuff that people posted for fun, and those people deserve respect and support. You can be in support of porn while still being against actual rape, sex trafficking, child molestation, and abuse. They are not synonymous.
And, flatly, you can’t be sex positive in any capacity if you wholeheartedly and openly agree with the sentiments of SWERFs that porn (and sex work in general) is some inherently vile force, and not just a natural expression of human sexuality that unfortunately has been hijacked by greedy, abusive studios who don’t actually care about their actors or actresses. Sex workers of all varieties deserve respect. Listen to the ones who have been trafficked and abused, and listen to the ones who’ve found sex work to be fun and liberating. Both perspectives matter.
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transsexualfiend · 2 years
On “theyfab”
I see a lot of people talking about how it isn’t okay to call someone a “theyfab” because its still referring to a non binary person’s AGAB. What they’re failing to understand is that “theyfab” actually doesn’t have to do with if a person is non binary, it’s about people who specifically WEAPONIZE their AGAB against transfem folks. That’s the key part. Is that they’re ALREADY BEING UPFRONT about their AGAB. They wear it like its a gold star, and something that makes them better than AMAB trans+non binary people. It’s not fucking okay. It’s terfism.
You guys are all correct, we shouldn’t be referring to anyone as their AGAB. But that’s not what this is doing. All of you saying “stop separating nonbinary people by their agab!!!” Is exactly what we’re trying to stop!!! We are in agreement!!!! The “theyfabs” we are referring to are the people who are creating that binary and separation!
Let transfems be angry. Let AMAB non binary folks be angry. This term doesn’t target a specific identity or set of pronouns. It targets those who hate transfem people.
If you are personally offended by the word “theyfab” it’s probably because you are one. It doesn’t mean “afab non binary person”--- it means “non binary person (usually white) who thinks they are exempt from being transmisogynistic because they’re non binary/trans. They weaponize their assigned sex at birth in order to “prove” that they “have it worse” than transfems, and say things like “trans women have male privilege” etc etc. It’s transphobia.
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queerbauten · 2 years
I’m not going to say YFIP culture (and the backlash thereto) is the sole reason JKR still has a base among otherwise progressive and trans-supportive people, but I am saying the mentality that brought us “a non-Chinese person getting a Chinese tattoo is as bad as a man shooting a sex worker” did not exactly prime people well to handle the difference between “this author liked a transmisogynistic tweet” and “this author is being actively cited in anti-trans legislation”
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crepezinhos · 11 days
(Kazuha Smut)
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POV: It’s 2022 and Kazuha and a friend are celebrating the final game of the year’s World Cup by betting quantities of money that are extremely high to you but low to them. But suddenly, the game suddenly takes a turn in less than two minutes in the second half of it and Kazuha is beginning to feel stressed and worried about losing the bet. To solve that, he uses you to de-stress.
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— Kazuha is not the greenest flag here
— Reader uses SHE/HER pronouns
— Contains mentions of sex work
— Possible TW for patriotic French people
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“Kaedehara Kazuha!” The man screams inside the room as he heard you open the door for Kazuha and you to get in.
He was sat down in one of the only two sofas in the room with open arms and a just-blown cigarette in his hand, welcoming Kazuha like a good old friend.
You and Kazuha were in a private room at the top floor of a soccer stadium. There were many other rooms like this in made for the players’ guests or rich people like your employer, Kaedehara Kazuha. One of the walls of the room is entirely a window which had a great vision of the camp and of some of the common fans in the public seats of the staium. You could hear all their muffled, excited screams and cheering of anticipation. It was the final game of 2022’s World Cup and you weren’t excited at all even if this game mattered a lot for the whole world.
You just stood there with your high heels in the closest corner to the door so you could watch the game even if it isn’t your favorite thing. You wished you could sit too because you knew those heels would begin to hurt at some point, but your posture really mattered as a secretary, especially when other people were seeing you work.
“Mr. Harukami!” Kazuha greeted a little less excited, walking at his direction with slightly open arms. “I apologize for my tardiness, it was difficult to find the private parking slots.” Kazuha answered while sitting down at the other empty sofa.
“No, no, I get it, it was difficult for me too.” The man replied, blowing his cigarette right afterwards for a brief moment, which made him realize your presence in the room. “Who is the girl?” He asked, some smoke got out of his mouth.
“She’s my secretary, why? Do you feel bothered by her presence?” Kazuha replied for you.
“No, not at all. I just wasn’t expecting you to bring anyone to watch you lose.” Mr. Harukami joked, making Kazuha chuckle.
“I actually brought her to watch you lose.” Kazuha joked back. “But in all seriousness, I would’ve not find the private parking slots if it wasn’t for her, so please, let her relax in this chilly room.” Kazuha showed you off. “Thank you again, Y/N.” He turned to your direction to thank your efforts and you just nodded back.
You find weird how Kazuha always presents you as this gift from God, a prodigious woman wasting her potential being common worker, but technically there’s no bad sides to it so you never felt like asking him to stop with it. And indeed, due to Kazuha’s job, you work hard every day, responding stupid e-mails, scheduling meetings and the company’s agenda… you deserve to be recognized by him and his other colleagues.
“Well then, she’s more than welcome to stay. Good secretaries are an underrated privilege.” Mr. Harukami complimented as he grabbed his packet of cigarettes out of pocket. “Want a ciggie?” He offered Kazuha, who nodded his head in denial.
“No, thank you.”
“Well then, how much are you betting again?” He said while blowing a second cigarette.
“Unfortunately, I’m not betting as much as our last matches, Harukami. Final games are already a big pressure to everyone… the players, the spectators, the betters, so I don’t to worsen it. 20.000 dollars in Argentina.”
“20.000? I thought you were more courageous than that…” The man chuckled at Kazuha’s bet.
“I’m also betting an extra 5.000 on Di Maria scoring. How about you?”
“50.000, France.”
“Wow! You really are into it, aren’t you?”
“Sure am… Oh! There they are…” Mr. Harukami said excited as soon as a very loud music begun to play outside in the stadium, which was thankfully censored by the glass wall of the room.
And both men finally begun to pay attention at the game about the start and the announcer speaking in the radio in the table.
But unfortunately, your peace in that little corner would soon end.
“Y/N, do you mind getting me and Mr. Harukami more wine?” Kazuha asked to you a little anxious and still in his seat as he grabbed both glasses to hand it to you.
“Yes, sir.” You responded even if serving him like a maid wasn’t your job and begun walking to other side of the room where was a fridge.
It was the beginning of second half of the game now and Argentina had scored twice, which was making Kazuha feel comfortable unlike Mr. Harukami. But for some reason Mbappé, from France, managed to score twice in less than 2 minutes which made Kazuha unstick his back from the comfy sofa and begin watch the game seriously. In worry of losing his 20.000 dollars, he begun to involuntarily drink sips of wine more frequently, which made his glass become empty in seconds. Even you got a little invested in the game but was interrupted by Kazuha’s order.
You came back with both glasses in your hands filled with a fair amount of wine, serving them from behind to not call their attention.
“You look uneasy, Kazuha. Are you scared of Mbappé turning this game around?”
“Yes, I will not lie. As long as I’m a huge fan of Messi, this is his last game… he’s become old. Mbappé is a young, talented player.” Kazuha replied, laying down at his chair again as he sighed, involuntarily realizing that you something was behind him. He took a look behind him and met you zoning out to pay attention at the game, making him chuckle.
“Do you like the game, Y/N?” He asked with a cute smirk in his face.
“It is getting quite interesting, sir.” You replied, putting both your arms behind your back and holding your own left wrist.
“Why don’t you sit down, dear? Your legs must hurting from those heels. Come on.” He suggested while tapping at his right leg with his hand, making you feel confused at his orders.
He was tapping his lap. He wants you to sit there?
“I’m fine, sir, and I believe there are no more places for me to si—”
“I insist, Y/N.” He interrupted, still with that smirk in his face but his voice got demanding.
Still confused with his intentions, you nodded in response and walked to the direction of his right leg, where you sat down. As soon as you did that, you felt Kazuha’s hands instantly hug your waist from behind and pulling you the closest to him he could. You two were so close to each other that you were able to hear his normal-paced breathing blowing bits of wind behind your ear. You thought that position was awkward but Kazuha was acting like it was the most normal thing ever. And that’s how you stayed in his lap for some peaceful minutes until the ball suddenly managed to be kicked all the way close to Argentina’s goal. You heard Kazuha sigh in worry but something else bothered you. A sudden touch of the same hand he used to hug your body slowly attempting to slide under your tight black skirt, making you slightly gasp and hold his wrist down.
“What are you doing?” You whispered, looking at him in pure confusion.
“I just want to enjoy this beautiful woman in my lap.” He replied with a smirk, seeing that you got annoyed with his perversion, gently cuddling your waist with his thumb.
“Kazuha, we’re not in a safe spot nor alone.” You protested, trying to get out of his lap but you were instantly pulled back to his lap.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. Mr. Harukami won’t pay attention to us and these windows are fully black in the vision of whoever is outside, that’s why it has this darker effect for us. No one can see us, not the cameras nor the people. I promise I’ll make it up to you, my dear, but this game is getting on my nerves and you are irresistable in this uniform.” Kazuha whispered with his nose barely going inside your ear, showing a bit of his stress as his hands slid under your skirt.
“Kazuha..!” You called out, with no good argument to use against him even if you still were reluctant.
“Yes… just keep saying my name and I’ll make sure this will be quick.” He chuckled in your ear as you felt his managing to go all the way down and touch the tip of his fingers in your clothed entrance, beginning to tease by cuddling it up and down.
You moaned out and your hips flickered from the tickle and slight pleasure it gave you. Your other hand moved to Kazuha’s left leg, to squeeze it and push yourself upwards whenever he accidentally touched a soft spot. He was miring you very attentively, very amused by your noises and face. So as soon as you and him started to feel your underwear getting slightly wet from his bare touch and your cheeks go pink, Kazuha began to move his hand upwards to slide it under your panties.
“W-Wait..! Not there—!” You tried protesting again but Kazuha managed to touch your clit before you could finish, making you moan in agony and stop complaining for a moment.
Kazuha chuckled at your reaction and kissed your cheek passionately before he begun to pay attention at the game again like he wasn’t playing with a woman’s pussy at the same time. His face was completely normal aside from his usual smirk, eyes locked in the ball as his fingers did wonders at your pussy.
You could feel Mr. Harukami’s gaze sometimes mire your embarrassing situarion whenever your moans got too high.
“Well… this is definitely something new to my eyes, but don’t worry, I’m not complaining.” You hoped that would be the only comment you’d ever hear from Mr. Harukami in the moment.
What Kazuha was doing to you was so embarrassing, finger-fucking you in front of another man and possibly to many cameras, but why the fuck his fingers made you feel so good? Kazuha wasn’t even getting hard meanwhile you were screaming like a dog in heat for his fingers going halfway in and out from your swollen pussy. Even if there was air conditioning in the room, your body was quickly getting really heated from the tense of sex and very easily too, making you become sweaty, your cheeks go pink and the makeup in your eyes begin to crumble from the amounts of slight tears and your strong blinks from agony of being teased.
“Aaand… GOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAL! MBAPPÉ SCORES AGAIN!” The announcer in the radio in the table between the chairs announced again meanwhile the whole left side of stadium outside, where the France cheerers were, went wild.
Kazuha sighed very hard but you felt him suddenly press your clit with 2 fingers way too hard, making your body entirely flinch and a scream escape your mouth.
“Ah! Kazuha! Don—” You screamed out, looking at him behind you annoyed but Kazuha was quick to suddenly take his hand away from your clit and shove his 2 wet fingers in your mouth as his other hand moved to your clit to replace the other one’s job.
“As long as I really enjoy your moans, I need you to be quiet now, ok? You can bite my fingers or squeeze my legs if you need to scream.” He whispered in your ear very calmly but you could feel his stress taking over his usual playful tone and changing the way he aggressively thrusted your pussy.
His fingers in your mouth were also pounding inside it, wanting to be fully sucked and taken by your mouth to censor your distracting noises. You hated how pathetic you looked, choking and drooling in his fingers in front of a window but he was making you feel so good that you didn’t care, you just wanted to fulfill your pussy until it reached a nice orgasm.
“Kazuha, please..!” You whimpered, looking at his face, pulling his hand out of your mouth using your right hand and all your remaining energy. Kazuha smirked in amusement of hearing you call his name so desperately but didn’t even bother to pay attention to you.
“You promise to be quiet, dear?” He whispered again, still more focused in the game than your teasing, fucked-out face.
“Yes!” You whispered highly, making Kazuha chuckle in pride of having you acting so slutty to him.
But still, the same hand he was using inside your mouth was moved back to your waist, crawling it inside your white social shirt and then under your bra, pushing your bra upwards and painting your body with your own saliva in the way. He stopped when he had his palm right on top of your right nipple. His hands begun to slowly pinch it and rotate it in rhythm of his finger thrusts, making you throw your head back in agony. But to obey his previous orders, you rushed a hand to slap your own mouth shut.
The way he played your nipples was making you go insane. You could feel it slightly wet from the saliva that remained on his hand, and just wanted more. You wanted him to squeeze them until they were red-marked, you wanted his dick shoved all the way down in your pussy, you wanted the real thing, but you couldn’t have it. That agony of being tortuously fulfilled made some tears begun to form in your eyes. You tried your best to not let them fall but some of them just couldn’t be held. Your makeup must be looking terrible now, and Kazuha liked the mess he was making of you. His smirk grew wider as he felt a tear coincidentally drop in the hand messing with your hard nipple.
“Kazuha… I’m gonna cum…” You whispered as low as you could, making Kazuha change the way he played with your breast to begin squeezing it and moving it around just like you desired.
It was like he had read your dirty mind. You had to make extra strength in your mouth to not let your scream out as you felt the contrast of his cold hand with your warm, sweaty breast mass.
“Cum all around me, my love.” He ordered, beginning to play with both parts of your bodies quicker than ever.
You wish you could lay your hand on top of Kazuha’s hand and help him to make you reach your orgasm quicker, but you rathered to not disobey his orders. It felt embarrassing to have your whole body twitching and worming right on top of your own boss. His chest and legs felt like a warm pillow, like your face would suddenly just burry in his chest as he toys you infinitely. Your legs were fully spread away at this point, trying to not get dirty by your wetness and begging to be fulfilled. Your hips were trying its best to move upwards to somehow free yourself from his fingers, but Kazuha’s arms felt too strong and hard for your little, wobbly body. Even if you wished that orgasm more than anything, you knew it would hurtful and a lot due to the torture it’s being to reach it. But being edged would be worse, wouldn’t it? If that's how Kazuha makes you feel with a single round, you don't feel like being edged multiple times by his fingers.
Suddenly, you felt your whole body collapse and your breath get caught in your throat. That was it, the moment of release of all that painful, overwhelming pleasure he gave in these 20 minutes. Your mouth was barely ripped apart by your own hands from your own effort on shutting it up and you brought your legs and knees together again, trying to contain the agony of cumming and smashing Kazuha’s hand even if it wasn’t doing anything to torture your sensible pussy anymore and letting you cream his fingers. As soon as you finally stopped making any kind of force, he pulled you back to where you were in his lap and leaned to your ear again.
“Thank you, I feel a lot better.” He complimented as he took his creamy, white fingers off your pussy and licked the juices leaked around them precisely.
He pulled out a tissue from his pocket with his other hand and begun drying his fingers. Right after cleaning himself, his both his hands began to roam around your body to fix your clothes back to normal like you were a doll in a girl's hand. You would be looking normal again if your cheeks weren’t pink, and sweaty, your mouth breathy, your makeup slightly ruined and your soul obviously defeated.
“Seems like we have 2 minutes before the initial timer ends.” Mr. Harukami finally spoke up after those very awkward minutes of silence.
This entire time after Mbbapé’s goal, there was no other goal from both teams.
“Would you like to stand up to watch the final penalties better?” Kazuha asked Mr. Harukami while curling a piece of your hair, assuming that there would be final penalties to decide the game’s winner.
“Of course, I believe I should’ve rented another room… this one doesn’t have the best angle of the goals.” Mr. Harukami commented as he got up.
“Oh, don’t worry Mr. Harukami, the game is still pleasant.” Kazuha said as he grabbed your body and made you stand up for a quick moment just for him to switch your positions and place you back at his spot in the sofa as he grabbed his glass of wine you had filled before. You felt like your entire pressure had dropped to zero when he pulled you up, which made a quick pain in head show up as soon as your body relaxed in the sofa again.
“Rest now.” He asked as he pat your head gently and kissed your forehead before walking away to watch the game from the closest view.
In the next few minutes, you just breathed in and out like a brainless worm until you finally begun to come back to reality again. And… you were mad. Literally how dare he? How dare he treat like a doll? Like a prostitute? Did Kazuha really need to do what he did to you? In front of a man you didn’t know? Was he going to keep doing things like this to you without any kind of prize or money for it? In annoyance, you finally leaned up to a normal sitting position and crossed both your arms and legs in stress, anger and embarrassment, just waiting for Kazuha to notice it and realize he made a mistake in understimating you.
“Well then… I believe this is the end of this year’s World Cup.” Kazuha joked and chuckled at the same time as the crowd in white and blue shirts started to scream with all the strength in their throats.
“Very funny, Kazuha.” He said stressed at Kazuha’s satiric behavior even if it was hypocritical of him.
“So… how are you going to pay me?” Kazuha asked as he drunk a sip of his wine.
“In cash, I’ll have it at your door by tomorrow.” He offered.
“I hope you do, Mr. Harukami. It’s 50.000 in total but spending some time with you is more valuable to me.” Kazuha joked as he finally turned to you again, offering a hand for you to get up.
You looked back at him dead in the eye and completely ignored his gentleness by getting up by your own and walking towards the door to open and hold ir for him.
“Well, I have to agree that today was definitely fun, especially how you de-stress yourself. I might even take the hint to myself.” He commented with a smirk, glazing at you for quick moment with a certain hunger, making you feel even angrier at Kazuha.
Indeed, Kazuha had noticed your displeasure but for now he decided to pretend it didn’t exist and just chuckled at Mr. Harukami’s indirect message for you.
“I would recommend it, Mr. Haru—”
“Sir.” You called Kazuha out during his moment, which could’ve been very risky to your job.
Kazuha turned to you a little surprised at your actions but still took the message, quickly changing his pace in grabbing his stuff.
“Well then, I guess we’ll bat again in the next Olympics?” Kazuha asked as he stepped in your direction but still looking at Mr. Harukami.
“For sure, Kaedehara. Now go, I have some calls to do.” Mr. Harukami agreed with a certain anticipation as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “See you at January’s convention in China!” He waved before you finally closed the door very carefully.
You begun to walk pretty quickly, taking the lead for no reason at all. And after some embarrassing seconds of walking in a really long corridor with your making loud noises each step, Kazuha finally spoke up.
“Are you angry, Y/N?” Kazuha asked, accelerating his steps to reach you.
“Yes sir, I am.” You replied, involuntarily letting some of your anger out.
“I apologize, Y/N.” He said and you finally stopped walking because you two had arrived at the elevators, pressing the button to go down before turning to him very confidently.
“You can’t just keep using me like this! If that’s all you see and want in me, I believe I shouldn’t be your secretary anymore!” You confessed how you felt, letting more of your anger leave.
“Now, now, let’s not skip so many steps.” He said, trying to get you to calm down as he stepped a little closer to you. You wish he wasn’t that confident too or that you could authority to stop him from getting close to you, but you couldn’t. So you only kept immobile, challenging him with your own body. “That is definitely not how I see you, Y/N.” He confesses, finally taking the situation as serious as it is. “You are one of the most interesting women I’ve ever met.” He complimented with a tiny smirk.
“Of course I am, I let you fuck me for free!” You joked with yourself.
“Oh, Y/N, that’s definitely not my main interest in you. You’re still a mysterious woman for me even if we’ve been together for a year and it deeply pains me. Luckily, we’re both adults, we can both have sex as we wish to. This is just the easy way for me to learn more about you, but I want to learn so much more…” He confessed and one of the elevators opened upon arrival.
“What do you want to learn about me so bad, Kazuha?” You asked, thinking he was joking as you walked in the elevator.
You aren’t rich, talented or the prettiest woman Kazuha knows. What could he possibly like in you?
Unfortunately, you decided to lean yourself against a wall with your arms crossed. So as soon as Kazuha pressed the “G” button in the table, he leaned closer to you until your foreheads were touching, his hands holding the handrail by your side. You were cornered.
“You’re a sexy, independent, intelligent and precise woman… always working hard to make my life more peaceful, better and entertaining. But unfortunately, you always restricted us to our professional relationship, so I never got to know too much. I know who your parents and siblings are but I don’t know why you have a bad relationship with them or what happened on that one phone call, remember? Where you were saying that you didn’t want to pay it? I was dying of curiosity but you still didn’t let me help you out. You’ve been edging me just like I edged you in that sofa, but for months. I know you can clearly see my burning with desire for you, Y/N. This isn’t the first time I got you embarrassed like this.” Kazuha confessed, leaving you speechless as the elevator shakes for a quick moment and the doors opened again.
“Parking lots.” The robotic female voice stated.
But both of you stood there for many seconds, and just like Kazuha mentioned, you can feel him burning in desire of bringing your lips together and fuck you like an animal right at that exact wall.
“Well, I definitely did not expect this.” You confessed with a smirk growing in your face too, making Kazuha just more amused with you. “That day, Kaedehara Kazuha, my parents wanted me to pay a debt they’ve caused by themselves in a casino. I’ve always warned them to not go there, but they didn’t listen. I didn’t only want you to not know I came out of those hags but I also didn’t want you to waste your money in them.”
“So protective of me…” He teased.
“It's my job... don't take it personally." You teased back. "But... I'm gonna trust you, Kazuha. Even if you have a lot of work to do to redeem all those make-out sessions we've done where you didn't even bother to prize me for.” You threatened jokingly, curling a piece of his hair in your fingers.
“Oh, I will… in fact, want me to work some of it out in the backseats right now?” He challenged and you stared at him for some seconds before chuckling at his desperation to savor you.
“Sure.” You said, finally pushing your way out of his prison gently, edging him yet another time. "Come on, boss." You said, stopping right at the door and leaning your body against the metal door, holding it for his passage in a very sensual pose.
"You're gonna regret being this naughty." He whispered in your ear with his usual calm voice as he walked out of the elevator following the direction of his car.
But you could feel it. He can't hide it from you.
It being his lust for you.
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anarcho-yorpism · 1 month
cute bear pictures, the "man vs bear" thing, why misandry isn't real, and how men lash out rather than contemplating their role in patriarchy
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tw: mentions of sexual assault and misogyny
on reddit, on tiktok, on basically any social media platform, you'll find leftists who forgot that misogyny and structural violence against women is a thing, as they learned about homophobia and transphobia and how radfems will say leftists are misogynist for supporting trans women and sex workers, and how this has led to misogyny becoming an unserious accusation, where people just assume it's saying mean things to women. then, they came up with misandry, because suddenly these women are saying "i hate men" and "i'm scared of men" and their feelings were hurt, and because toxic masculinity (the ""male loneliness epidemic"") exists, and misogyny is also when people say mean things.
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so. context: there's a viral clip on tiktok in which women are interviewed about whether they'd rather encounter a random man or a random bear while in the forest. overwhelmingly, they said bear: "bear, because i won't have to see him at the family reunions", "bear, because people would believe me if i said i was attacked by a bear", "bear, because i was 5"
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the immediate reaction from hundreds of men is "well a bear will maul you, a bear is so much stronger than a man, how irrational these women are for saying this" (especially from the male feminists on r/196) and then quickly became "because this is so ludicrous, i feel hurt by the insinuation that i, a random man, am less safe than a bear that will maul you." and then "women who say bear are misandrist".
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there are 1 million approaches to statistics or whatever but these men not saying this because of statistics, they're saying this because they're offended women are scared of them. they're denying the premise because the alternative is to contemplate why women are so scared of men as a whole.
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meaning: every single problem women face is played off, either "supporting" them or dunking on them, as actually the result of misandry. we just need to be more supportive more accommodating quieter less mean and then we'll solve.. something. the enlightened #notallmen fans here never actually stopped being misogynistic, and you can see this in the top posts here being men who feel bad because women said they were scared of men. while men are also victims of sexual violence and of denial of this, the patriarchy and misogyny is also the reason their trauma is denied. so in conclusion:
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misandry doesn't exist for the same reason anti-white racism doesn't exist. there is no structural violence enacted against men as a whole for their maleness that compares to what women go through. misandry is when men get their feelings hurt by a woman saying she is afraid of men. misogyny is women are raped and murdered and their suffering is denied and mocked.
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scarfacemarston · 11 months
Have you seen the rumours that they are remaking/remastering Rdr? I don’t really know if they are fully remaking it or just remastering it because every source says different. How do you feel about it? Do you think these rumours might be true? Personally i would loveee if they remade it but i highly doubt it.. Maybe remaster yes, but a remake is highly doubtful in my opinion. If these rumours are even true ofcourse..
That's a great question and I wrote about it here! TW: R ape mention
I agree with you, btw. I don't trust Rockstar to do it right. Look at the horrible mess that was the GTA remake. I'm also nervous for the following reasons: 1. People are going to complain that Arthur isn't in it and get aggressive towards developers. (This one is NOT dumb.) The developers may throw a cameo line in there if it's updated, but that's it. This is not directed at you - but people need to realize that Arthur was NOT created yet! 2. A lot of the content did not age well. There may need to be a disclaimer or removal of content. Some of it is racial base, some of it is gender-based. 3. I'm worried that people are going to defend Dutch and Bill, who are literal monsters and are even serial r*pists. 4. The hatred towards Abigail will grow to brand new heights. As a mega Abigail fan, this sucks, but what sucks more is the anti-sex work and misogynistic language that will come with it. Just like the "We all had her line" ---that's Dutch literally lying. It's legit not possible, but people throw it up. (out of context, too, since most haven't even played the game!) So seeing that awfulness is going to suck as someone who is a fan and is literally as a job trying to uplift the story of sex workers in the old West. Positives would be people finally respecting John since he's kind of the laughingstock of the fandom. (People forget that without John, we wouldn't have an Arthur.) John showing how much he loves his family, especially how he tries to repair his relationship with Jack. We see the beautiful graphics, the scenery and the haunting soundtrack. People get to meet Bonnie MacFarlane! I love Nigel West Dickens and would be excited to see him. Leigh Johnson, the Sheriff, is great, too, and of course, there is Landon Ricketts which is really just Sam Elliot.
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anti--transid · 9 months
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{ ‘ How did being a radqueer affect me? ’ }
[pt: { ‘ How did being a radqueer affect me? ’ } /end pt]
Hi Hello Greetings, I am Truffle/Chocerie, I am a former radqueer who ran the blogs @/transm4sc, @/daughterwife, @/sc3n3-v4mp1r3 (e, e, a, i, e)
I'm here to educate folks on how being a radqueer had an extremely negative effect on me and my collective.
Trigger warning for: paranoid meltdowns, mental breakdowns, paranoia, and other things
I was a radqueer for around twoish years, possibly three, I was more active on radqueer-tumblr but was also part of a few radqueer discord servers, mainly RadDates, RadPawzz, and Transid Archive to name a few.
Starting with the more "tame" things, being radqueer caused me to distance myself from my best friend, thankfully after escaping the community, I managed to become close with them once again.
I also had a "us vs them" mentality that is very heavily forced upon every radqueer, I thought that only radqueers would accept me for being a minor with personality disorders and for being an m-spec lesbian, I was wrong, I have found a lovely community on MOGAIblr that accepts me for who I am.
The radqueer community treated everything like a possible transid or paraphilia, stuff like 'oh you have a crush on your teacher? You must be an AAM, only radqueers will accept you!', or 'oh you're not a traumagenic system? You must be transplural, only radqueers will accept you!' And other vile things.
Onto the more heavier, darker things.
Those will be under the cut, read with caution darlings..
Tw: 'consang'/incest, underage sex work, paranoia, pedophilia, beastiality,
The radqueer community groomed me into sending nsfw texts and images to older people and encouraged me to become an underage sex worker.
I was so violently paranoid towards when I left the community that I literally had to take a month long break from discord to stop being terrified of my own fucking breathing.
[pt: own fucking breathing /end pt]
The radqueer community groomed me into flirting and being in an in system consang "relationship" with an alter who I considered my mom/older sister who was 27, for context, I as an alter, am a 14-17 age shifter, that relationship went on for about a year..
I'm surpised I was not hospitalized for how violently paranoid I was, I suffered intrusive thoughts so bad I had to force myself to dissociate so I didn't have a completely breakdown, the radqueer community tried to encourage me to act on my intrusive thoughts/tried to make me think that my intrusive thoughts weren't "that bad".
The radqueer community tried to convince me I was "transDPD" because I exhibit DPD symptoms, they also tried to convince me I was "transorientation to lesbian!1!" even though Im not, Im literally just a lesbian.
If you still think that the radqueer community isn't "that bad", I beg you to take a step back and realize how horrible that community is, I have other former radqueers who have told me about the horrorifying things they witnessed.
Including but not limited to: literally sharing beastiality films, threats towards antis, encouragement of literal pedophilia, encouragement of minors to participate in kink with adults and other things.
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rollercoasterwords · 11 months
porn anon again (a sentence I never thought i’d write). I see now that I worded that question badly, I was really just referring to pornhub / other porn streaming platforms. I agree with you for the most part, but for a lot of women it feels like our business too, not just that of sex workers. I will never shame sex workers, but being sexually active with a generation of boys who have grown up watching videos involving beating / assaulting women and being led to believe that those are normal things to be getting off to is incredibly scary. Yes, those things will always be available on the internet, I think the problem is that it’s being celebrated as sexual liberation for women when a lot of the time it is quite literally the opposite. When I think about the damage of porn as a whole, while I do care for the safety of sex workers, I’m mostly thinking about the overall normalization of abusing women during sex and wrapping it up in a pretty little package labeled ‘kinky’. With that all being said, my reading on the opposing argument is much more limited and my opinions might change after looking further into it.
lol hello again sorry it took me a bit to get back to this i wanted to make sure i was giving a response proper time! i understand where ur coming from + honestly i used to think pretty similarly to what ur describing here, so i'm gonna go through what ur saying line by line + try to ask some questions that shifted my own perspective on this subject [v long post + potential tws so putting a cut]
i was really just referring to pornhub / other porn streaming platforms
i figured this was probably what you had in mind, but i want to reiterate that it's important to be specific about what we're criticizing if we want to make a critique. even here, grouping together "pornhub/other porn streaming platforms" is a very broad category that is not necessarily going to be best served by a uniform approach to critique. in terms of my personal feelings about pornhub, i'm not a fan for the same reason that i'm not a fan of any large corporation that can only exist + profit through exploitative labor practices. in terms of other porn streaming platforms, i simply don't know enough to give you a specific answer about my personal feelings, and i'm not sure that every platform operates in a similar enough way that i'd have the same critique for each one.
I agree with you for the most part, but for a lot of women it feels like our business too, not just that of sex workers.
nobody is saying sex work isn't your business--in fact, i think that everyone should support sex workers' rights and activism. however, if what you're getting at here is the idea that everyone, and not just sex workers, should be given equal voice on these issues, then i disagree. i think that sex workers themselves are best equipped to speak about what will make their lives safer and more equitable, and we should prioritize listening to them if our goal is to make sex work safer.
I will never shame sex workers, but being sexually active with a generation of boys who have grown up watching videos involving beating / assaulting women and being led to believe that those are normal things to be getting off to is incredibly scary.
there's a lot to unpack here! first, to your point that "i will never shame sex workers"--i would really, really encourage you to read that book i recommended in my previous response. i understand that this is a well-intended sentiment, but the idea that you can be vocally anti-porn without shaming sex workers simply doesn't ring true to me. if you believe that porn, as a whole (even if you're qualifying it as "the porn industry" or telling yourself that maybe there are some kinds of porn that might be okay, but most of it is bad), is so exploitative that our political goal must be its elimination or increased policing of its production (the typical goals of anti-porn lobbying), then that leaves sex workers in one of two categories: either they are abject, voiceless victims with no agency in their own exploitation whom we should pity, or they are willfully complicit in their own exploitation and harming themselves + others by participating in a corrupt line of work. even if this is not explicitly stated, it is the effect that comes through, and it contributes to the shame + stigma surrounding sex work. melissa gira grant summarizes it thus: "They [sex workers] are at once blamed for contributing to the objectification of women through being objectified themselves and, through their occupation, for sexualizing all women, and for profit."
and then, to the second part of what you're saying here--the idea that porn normalizes sexual violence against women. this is the crux of many anti-porn campaigners' arguments, and i understand how it can feel like a very intuitive conclusion. but i want to challenge what you're saying here a bit, so bear with me.
first off--sexual violence does not stem from porn. it has always existed, regardless of what kind of porn is available or being produced + disseminated. there's really no way to try and 'objectively' measure whether sexual violence has increased in correlation to the proliferation of easily-accesible hardcore porn, and even if there was it would be even more difficult to move past simple correlation and somehow prove direct causation.
personally, i don't find it compelling to argue that getting off to violent porn can directly cause people to become sexually violent, for a few reasons. one is that i think there is an important difference in representation and fantasy versus real life--many people get off to things that they would not actually want to participate in or do, so to argue that violent porn has some sweeping power of mythic proportions to turn young boys and men into sexually violent predators seems reactionary to me. i also don't think sexual violence is about getting off; sexual violence is a means of establishing power. this is a pretty central tenet of addressing rape culture--for example, the idea that it doesn't matter what someone looks like or what they're wearing because people don't commit sexual violence just because they're overcome with lust.
porn also isn't created in a vaccuum; if we're concerned with what sort of depictions appear in porn, it doesn't make sense to me that the response to that is a crackdown trying to eliminate pornography (which almost always has the material impact of making life more unsafe for sex workers)--i think it makes more sense to turn our activism to other sites of cultural production where the attitudes underlying potentially concerning depictions grow from. like; if we're concerned that easy access to violent porn will make young boys think this is the standard (not a fan of 'normal' as a qualifier) way to have sex + base their expectations around such depictions, then it seems to me that rather than trying to ban violent porn it would be more effective and useful to advocate for increased sex education and more portrayals of varying types of sex + sexuality, to encourage the idea that there are many ways to have sex and the most important thing is to make sure you're communicating with your partner(s) + respecting their boundaries.
Yes, those things will always be available on the internet, I think the problem is that it’s being celebrated as sexual liberation for women when a lot of the time it is quite literally the opposite.
i'm assuming that the "it" you're referring to here is violent sex/s&m, but it could also be sex work/making porn, so i'm going to respond to both.
first - regarding the idea that becoming a sex worker is celebrated as sexual liberation. i think this is perhaps a skewed view of what's actually happening in broader culture, and i would encourage you to think about why you hold this view--what sources is it coming from? what specifically has given you that impression? because broadly speaking, sex work is still very much stigmatized, and many sex workers are completely realistic about this stigmatization and the fact that sex work is work, and deciding whether it's something you want to/have to do isn't a simple decision. i know there's this idea that a handful of sex workers talking about how much money they make online is like...influencing young girls to think that sex work is 'empowering,' but in reality that is only a handful of people--many of them young women themselves, who i don't think should be villified for wanting to portray their jobs as glamorous when they are heavily stigmatized by wider society. if there actually are large numbers of young people being coercively persuaded to become sex workers when they otherwise wouldn't, then the primary conditions of coercion there are economic and would be best addressed with anticapitalist politics, not antiporn politics (which, again, will likely only serve to further stigmatize + endanger sex workers!).
regarding the idea that s&m is celebrated as sexual liberation--again, i don't know how broadly this applies. there are still certainly many voices that decry sex + especially kinky sex as shameful and degrading, even if there are also voices claiming that it is unilaterally empowering. and even to the extent that someone claims getting choked during sex is feminist or whatever, the issue i'd take there is not the actual act itself--i think rough/violent/kinky sex is morally neutral, and there's nothing wrong with enjoying it--but rather the terms in which we are framing 'empowerment.' any argument that feeling personally good translates to broader 'empowerment' under patriarchy is a flawed premise to me, as i'm more concerned with focusing on 'empowerment' in terms of material conditions. it's the same issue i take with people who call wearing makeup 'empowering' or seeing a depiction of 'female rage' in movies 'empowering'--which is that simply feeling good is not a feminist action. when it comes to rough sex/s&m, i don't think it's helpful either to act as though such acts are inherently degrading or inherently liberatory. instead, i think we should just encourage people to explore whatever kinds of sex they want to explore without assigning moral weight to specific sex acts.
When I think about the damage of porn as a whole, while I do care for the safety of sex workers, I’m mostly thinking about the overall normalization of abusing women during sex and wrapping it up in a pretty little package labeled ‘kinky’.
gonna just point back to/echo a lot of the stuff i've already said--first off, "porn as a whole" is doing a lot of work here and sort of saying the quiet part out loud; despite clarifying at the beginning of your message that you mean pornhub + streaming sites, we've now come back to the idea that all porn is bad. i would really challenge you to ask yourself whether this is something you actually believe, and if it's not, why you're defaulting to this position. if you care for the safety of sex workers, then you must understand that the history of antiporn activism is one of increased policing + danger for sex workers, not making them safer. the idea that porn is responsible for normalizing sexual violence against women is something i already talked about, so i won't repeat myself at length--but again, i'd emphasize here that i don't think just getting rid of porn is a feasible or even useful political response to sexual violence. and i am wary of the conflation here between abuse and kink; people who participate in consenual s&m are not inherently abusive, and plenty of 'vanilla' sex acts can be abusive or part of sexual violence.
With that all being said, my reading on the opposing argument is much more limited and my opinions might change after looking further into it.
i would really, really encourage you to read melissa gira grant's 'playing the whore' and try to branch out a bit in terms of your thinking on this subject! again, i used to think similarly to you and i understand that a lot of antiporn arguments feel very intuitive, but it's important when developing a politics to focus not on whether that politics feels like it makes sense, but the actual, material impact that it has. and the material impact of antiporn politics has been, by and large, not the prevention of sexual violence, but increased danger + stigma for sex workers.
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theqhreator42 · 2 years
Some headcanons on abortion in the Mojave Wasteland
Reproductive healthcare is integral to women’s and human rights, but in a place as impoverished and war-torn as the post-apocalyptic Mojave Wasteland, access to reproductive care, ranging from testing for STIs and cancers to pregnancy to abortion, is extremely tenuous. I was thinking of ways we can flesh out the Fallout setting, and what experience could be more universal among societies than the struggle for effective and equitable healthcare?
Headcanons, thought up on the fly, in no particular order, mostly pertaining to the year 2281 (when the plot of New Vegas begins).
[BIG tw: misogyny, surgery]
Cultural attitudes in the Mojave:
The overall right to an abortion is actually not widely contested among communities within the Mojave. For the most part, the doctrine that “life begins at conception” has faded away along with other tenets of conservative Christianity, although some peoples have more hostile views or more severe restrictions than others. (In particular, despite the violence that often accompanies prostitution in New Vegas, sex workers are not punished for abortion.) However, cases have occurred in which families coerce pregnant people to either undergo or forgo abortions, as men try to assert their “authority” over their partners.
Unfortunately, the NCR is in the midst of its own culture war surrounding abortion rights. The secular militarist deep state that currently rules the country, represented by President Kimball, regards abortion rights as a threat to the nation’s growth, productivity, and military power (today’s child is tomorrow’s conscript). This secular deep state exists in an alliance with right-wing Christian factions, who seek to abolish abortion throughout the country, but for the time being, these anti-abortionists are held back by opposition from liberal courts and protestors in the yellower (i.e. more liberal) states, like New Reno and Redding. In the territories under military occupation (e.g. coastal Oregon, the Mojave Wasteland, and Baja), the NCR military has generally not sought to interfere in local customs one way or the other, except to tax them. However, Kimball himself has sponsored a bill in the NCR’s senate which would require providers in these territories to charge for abortions at a vaguely defined “market price” and pay sales taxes, in effect forbidding anyone who is not sufficiently wealthy from receiving one. The fate of reproductive rights in the NCR will depend on how their crushing defeat in the Mojave disrupts this fragile political armistice.
Great Khans:
The original Khan raider gang encouraged or coerced female raiders to undergo abortions simply to prevent themselves from becoming a “burden” to the enterprise. Over time, as the Great Khans under Papa Khan’s leadership began to take on new members and expand their lifestyle from raiding to pastoralism and agriculture, they came to accept child-rearing as part of building their community into a nation, while female Khans refused to accept any restrictions on abortion. Now, even after the Bitter Springs massacre, the Great Khans staunchly hold to their reproductive rights—but they face poor access to all healthcare, with no trained physicians and only a few midwives, making it difficult to receive safe abortions.
Followers of the Apocalypse:
The attitude of the Followers as a whole towards abortion is unfortunately something of a chimera, a result of the reliance the early Followers in the Mojave had on missionaries to train and arm them. While the Followers expelled the most ardent proselytizers years ago and prohibit physicians from refusing procedures on religious grounds under threat of expulsion, some autonomous doctors attempt to manipulate patients into “alternative options,” and face little punishment because they may be the only practitioners available in an entire region. The Mojave is an unusual case because most of the Followers willing to travel to such a chaotic and destitute place were political radicals, so the Mojave Followers are vehemently pro-abortion, to the point of cooperating with the Commune to distribute tests, antibiotics, and surgical supplies through their mobile clinics.
Caesar’s Legion:
It probably goes without saying that women under Legion slavery have no reproductive rights at all. Legion men not only force women to give birth under the explicit sanction of Caesar, but they also subject women to forced abortions when the local government sees fit to “control the slave population.” However, women living under Legion rule in settler communities like Albuquerque and Two-Sun, who are not chattel slaves, also face an absolute prohibition on abortion: Caesar has personally imposed the death penalty for anyone who either receives or provides one. Small underground committees of women have coalesced among Legion slaves to provide abortifacient herbs to pregnant women. If caught, these women risk crucifixion, but without them the women of the Legion would have no recourse.
Mojave Commune:
[a bit on my homebrewed faction!] A militant agrarian socialist movement emerged in the late 2270s, centered upon Indigenous Mojave farmers displaced by the NCR and Legion invasions. These farmers based themselves in the Mojave lands south of Cottonwood Cove, supported by food and technology provided by the Mojave tribes. However, without assistance from the Followers, they had little access to healthcare in the bases and towns throughout the wider wasteland. A young Mojave physician named Inés de Tijuana, inspired by pre-war Maoist “barefoot doctors,” encouraged them to develop mobile gynecological clinics, which would provide services from midwifery to abortions (while publicizing the communist cause). She hired two ex-colleagues in the Followers to help her train her physicians and midwives, and sent them with armed guards throughout the wasteland. These services filled a desperate demand in the youngest communities, like Westside, Freeside, and Novac; when the Followers arrived in 2276, they were thoroughly impressed by the extent of the medical infrastructure already present in a region they believed was lawless and destitute. Bolstered by the aid of the Followers, the mobile clinics helped endear the communist movement to impoverished rural and urban people—the base of the communist movement in the years to come. (This same Inés would later become known as “Courier Six,” the notorious instigator of the uprising that ejected the NCR from the Mojave Wasteland during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam.)
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I have an ed now, but I support people who wanna get better. I'll like update and stuff, but not about promoting my ed, trying to make it all romanticized and like it's a good idea to do it. Please don't harm yourself. # pro only for me
tw vents
tw ed/ an@
tw sh (maybe?)
tw suicidal thoughts
DNI: Racist, a nazi, antisemitic, conservative, prolife, terf, swerf, antifeminist, antitrans, anti sex worker, pedo, porn blog, dd/lg, you think Lolita is a love story, cop supporter, religious extremist, antivax, R Kelly defender, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, age play, race play, anti recovery, tradwife, etc, ect.
height: 5'4
age: 14
gender: female (she/they) ^ like in my description lol
i'm apart of the LGBTQ+ community (i'm bisexual/ pansexual)
CW: 120.0 lb 3/11/24
SW/HW(december 2022?): 160 lbs
GW1: 135 lbs past at 11/14/23
GW2: 130 lbs past at 11/27/23
GW3: 125 lbs past at 12/28/23
UGW: 120- 115 lbs ✅
also, my birthday is November 11!
checking weight every week.
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charmantevamp · 1 year
BORROWED FROM: @radicalrascals
TAGGING: @honorhearted @verreprincesse @annastrxng @johnnyandre @johngravessimcoe & @fanatiquee. 💞
✧・゚   𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄.
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★  ⸻   GENERAL
Name: Audrey Fleur de Belmont | Camille Cécile Wells
Alias(es): Mistress Death, Lady Quaintrelle, the bawd, the whore, Mary Magdalene & more! | Reine de Stylos (Queen of the pen), & the gossip.
Gender: Demi-girl (she/they) | female (she/her)
Age: 30 | 20-24 (in appearance)
Date of Birth: July 12th | December 8th, which coincides with the Catholic holiday of the immaculate conception of Mary, ironically
Place of Birth: Rhône Alps, France | Paris, Versailles, France
Spoken Language(s): French, English, German, Italian, Latin, Spanish, classical French, Creole, and Greek. | French, English, German, Latin, some classical French, and Greek.
Orientation: Bi (non-discriminating!) | bi (sapphic leaning).
Occupation(s): sex worker, bawd, madam, nurse in the great wars, poet and sometimes writer. | writer, gossip columnist, advocate, anti-monarchist, and revolutionary.
Eye colour: green | blue
Hair colour: Raven black | blonde
Height: 5’2” | 5’1”
Other: (modern verse) rose tattoo on thigh and sometimes pink hair. | n/a
Colour: pink | sunflower yellow Song: Audrey | Camille
Food: (as humans) cake | king cake
Drink: (as humans) wine | champagne
★  ⸻   HAVE THEY...
Passed university: by 18th century standards | by 18th century standards
Had sex: yes 🙄 | only a few times
Had Sex in (semi)Public: yes | no
Gotten pregnant/someone else pregnant: (verse dependant) yes | no
Kissed a boy: yes | yes
Kissed a girl: yes | yes
Gotten tattoos: (verse dependant) yes | no
Gotten piercings: yes | yes (ears for both)
Been in love: no (yes) | not yet
Stayed up 24+ hours: no rest for the wicked (yes) | no
★  ⸻   ARE THEY...
A virgin: no | don’t ask, and I won’t tell
A cuddler: no (yes) | don’t know
A kisser: yes | doesn’t know yet
Scared easily: no | no
Jealous easily: no | yes
Trustworthy: depends who you ask | of course! Of course! Of course! (No)
Submissive: switch | switch
Dominant: switch | switch
In love: verse dependant | with herself
Relationship status: it’s complicated | my immortal romance is irrelevant, we should be plotting revolution!
TW for self-harm/suicide mention.
Have they harmed themselves: no | no
Thought of suicide/ideated: yes | no
Attempted suicide: no | no
Wanted to kill someone: they had it coming | only with just cause
Have/had a job: yes | yes
Fears: abandonment | failure
★  ⸻   FAMILY
Sibling(s): Camille | Audrey
Parent(s): Vicomte de Pasteur/Mary | Vicomte de Pasteur/unknown noble mother
Children: (verse dependant) Nicole de Lioncourt | none
Significant other: it’s complicated | uninterested we strive for a higher cause Pet(s): a dog and a cat | a bunny
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tw: angry rant, sex work, and the misogyny of radfems:
Let me tell you, anti-sex work people (aka radfems) are misogynistic as hell and bring out the violence in me. But we already knew that.
But I just wanted to highlight something that is still on my mind.
Months ago…. I saw someone with the most punchable vibe talking about how being a sex worker, or “prostitute” as they always say, is “paying the pimp”, which made me clench my fist… and they also talked about how women being sexual is “degrading themselves”.
They went on a long, and thoroughly disgusting rant. And throughout this rant, not once have they ever pulled themselves out of their deep incel misogyny to mention the porn industry, and how it’s being ran by cis white men who perpetuate harmful shit, much like every other industry, and that’s why mainstream porn is so toxic and harmful, nor did they mention anything else that would actually be of help, because of course they don’t actually care about making sex work safe, they just want to talk down on women like we’re fucking dogs… like we need to be controlled… and they wanna act like they’re not basically incels.
They have no nuance whatsoever. Everything is just black and white to them, but that’s because that’s how you lure more vulnerable victims down the alt right pipeline. If there was any nuance at all, nobody would listen to them, and would easily see through their “I’m just trying to help you” disguise.
I will fight a mf radfem. Istg. That post made me so fucking angry I swear I would’ve snapped my damn phone in half. How fucking dare you sit up here and open your pathetic mouth to say some shit like that, and then expect people to not want to fucking knock your teeth in…
And then you wanna sit up here and talk about how you want to help women. Fuck you. Sounding just like them incels and alt right white dudes with the sunglasses and ugly ass baseball hats talking about how it’s “for your own good”, and y’all don’t even fucking see that. Fucking disgusting…
istg if I ever see a radfem try to interact with me again, they gon get cursed the fuck out. And that’s on period.
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
hi! I'm on the same boat as you are about elta and jenneel, but i need to make a quick little message to the anti elta section of tmblr (not you specifically! i really enjoy your blog lmao) to please be more cautious with the language you sometimes use when comparing her with a sex worker—as a worker myself, we don't want anything to do with that knockoff barbie doll 😭😭 and using comparisons between her and sex workers is.. well it's very harmful (just like sex work derogative language and slurs (whore, prostitute, hooker, etc.) are in any case, i mean), and seriously, 90% of sex workers are wonderful people just trying their best and getting by, don't compare us to that money and soul sucking parasite 😭
anyways, I'll also say that i really enjoy your blog, it's very entertaining and I've been scrolling down for a couple hours now lmao just saw that general trend and wanted to point it out.
i must admit i used to glorify elta when i was in the fandom back in my high school days and didn't know any better, but now that I've truly opened my eyes to what her (and Jensen too, love the guy but he's no saint either) get around to... big yikes. i will also say that J seems to me like he may not be straight but has HUGE internalized homophobia and what with all the industry and elta pressure on him is just miserable overall. i don't like to comment on celebrities' children because it's obviously not their fault what their parents get around to but i cannot help but hope those 3 are being taken well care of.
NGL I'm kind of excited about the tw premiere, just to see the memes people come up with once the pilot is out, and the damage control JD and CM come up with (might skim over the episode in some illegal site just out of pure curiousity).
lesson learned: people can always disappoint you, especially celebrities whom you don't know anything about, and who build their lives on pretending to be the public's ideal of goals.
sorry for the Long message, have a good one!!
Thank you for sharing your perspective with us. "Money and soul sucking parasite" perfectly defines Elta. Lol
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ray-moo · 10 months
Oppenheimer: Duty, Ego, Guilt
TW: Suicide, Genocide, Sex Spoiler Warning: Oppenheimer I just watched Oppenheimer a few hours ago and I really don't get the criticisms people have of the movie being a glorification of the atomic bomb, the US military-industrial-complex, or even of Oppenheimer because it's really a movie about guilt. Of course, being a biopic, the movie can only include the events in Oppenheimer's life that actually happened. But as the director can exercise control over the events in Oppie's life that are included, emphasized, or not mentioned, I think that it's still worth analyzing everything from a thematic/creative perspective. And from that perspective, Oppenheimer commits three sins of escalating scale over which he feels guilt: Poisoning the apple of his professor, abandoning Jean Tatlock, and building the atomic bomb.
The first one is poisoning the apple of his tutor. In the plot of the movie, this isn't an action that's given much justification other than Oppie was to an extent kinda mentally unstable but in the symbolic subtext of the film, this action has a variety of meaning. For one, it could be taken as a metaphor for how by poisoning the apple, a symbol of a teacher and academic, Oppie went on to taint the name of scientists and of the field of physics in general by attaching it to the bomb. But more importantly I feel, it is a microcosm of the paradox of how Oppie, a man with no innate desire to kill, still went on to become the father of the only weapon of mass destruction ever used, and have the blood of thousands on his hands. Of course, Oppie goes on to feel guilty over this and stops anyone from eating the apple. But this is the only one of his long list of sins where his guilt proves to be of any worth. This is the only sin he can remedy, the only genie he ever put back in it's bottle.
Meanwhile Jean Tatlock is a microcosm of the sins Oppie committed out of duty to the United States. As much as people meme about the 'I am become death' line he says right after fucking Florence Pugh, it's relevance is in how by meeting Tatlock and becoming involved with her, Oppie killed her. The whole communist sub-arc of the movie is mostly an exploration of Oppie's moderately humanitarian and social justice-oriented inclinations. Oppie cares about worker's rights! He donates money to anti-fascists in Spain! He originally joins to project to stop the nazis! But ultimately, those inclinations aren't enough to stop him from completing his ego project life work when it becomes no longer necessary. Unable to sustain the relationship that she needed due to his obligations to the secrecy of the Los Alamos project, she ultimately kills herself over being abandoned by Oppie. Of course, it's debatable how responsible you are for someone else's mental health outside of abuse, but Oppie knew that Tatlock was unstable and still continued the relationship without letting her down slowly*. He doesn't do any of the things you should do to end a relationship with someone in a fragile mental state, he just checks out and abandons her (Midsommar moment). It can't be said that this is a hard choice Oppie has to make out of duty to the USA because Oppie joined, and continued his work in the Manhattan Project due to his own ego and his sense of self-importance. Likewise, working out of his sense of duty for the US government, alongside his ego of course, Oppie completes the atomic bomb thus becoming the destroyer of worlds, but for real this time.
Of course, this culminates in Oppie finishing his work on the atomic bomb. Like the poisoned apple, he does not hate the people the bomb is intended to harm, or bear them ill will. As touched on with Tatlock, he worked partially out of duty and a desire to end the war for humanitarian reasons. But just like the apple and Tatlock, the bomb is just as equally a product of Oppie's mental neuroses, his ego and sense of self-importance, and an unwillingness to let his scruples stop him from becoming the most important man in history.
And as a result, his life work is a nightmare that haunts him.
Like his wife tells him, when he wanders into the forest aggrieved over his responsibility in Tatlock's death, you don't get pity and sympathy for your sins.
And after the detonation of the bomb, it's use as a weapon, Oppie is trapped in a world where no one can understand the guilt he feels because to everyone, he's a hero. A national icon who ended World War II. It's a lie that he himself facilitates. But it's still a lie, one he cannot escape, and a rejection of the inner pain and hell he finds himself in. Oppie dedicated his life's work to this bomb. He threw away his relationship with Tatlock, his leftist convictions. He used his passions, his hard-earned and prodigial knowledge in physics, the work of his heroes, colleagues, and friends, and harnessed them to his legacy. And that legacy was hot ash and corpses.*
Oppie realizes this too late. And like the death of Tatlock, Oppie has to bear the weight of his responsibility alone.
Guilt is perhaps the one negative emotion where sympathy is not deserved.
But there is one more sin that Oppie commits that he must answer for, the only one that he does end up answering for, and ironically it's a sin that he never committed: The sin of being a communist.
It is this unacceptable fact of Oppie's life that is the subject of the cross-examinations he is subject to throughout the latter parts of the movie, that sin which sees consequences, the ruining of his reputation and career. The sin with no victims, no blood left on Oppie's hands. But yet, that's still a microcosm of Oppie's culminating sin, the creation of the bomb. Because the very eagles that tear out Oppie's livers are the same ones that Oppie delivered the bomb to: The US government is the true antagonist of Oppenheimer, petty, vindictive, dogmatic, paranoid, rabidly anti-communist, all too willing to use Oppie's gift to them without any of the scruples that he himself holds.
And that is the crux of Oppenheimer. Far from being a film glorifying the atomic bomb and it's creator, or even the US government, it's a story about how the misunderstanding of the guilt of one man by history. Oppenheimer was many things. Inventor, murderer, genius, guilty. This is a movie exploring the facet of the guilty man Oppenheimer was*.
But it's also a movie about the guiltless monster that Oppenheimer handed his life's work to.
*Sidenote, I wonder if Tatlock didn't like flowers because she was already feeling suicidal at that point and flowers reminded her of funerals. *Sidenote 2, Oppie really needed to have been told that he was #kenough by someone. Would have fixed a lot of his problems. *Sidenote 3, As the US reckons more and more with it's past, I think we'll get many more stories of guilty white men in the context of historical wrongs. EDIT: TUMBLR ATE MY TW AND SPOILER WARNINGS
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