#tudors crossover
lledron · 2 years
The Six Wifes/The Tudors
Oh, bien, hora de ser una perra con Henry Tudor XVIII. 
Bueno, vi los Tudors,me interese en las vidas de las Catalina, de Anna, de Jane, de Ana de Cleves , de Katherine Howard y de Katherine Parr. 
Ahora, visto y considerando que estas mujeres se merecen algo mejor que la basura de Henry XVIII, me he propuesto hacer un video. 
Catalina de Aragon x Aragorn (lotr)
Hijas: Morgana ( Merlin) 
Anna Bolena x Robb Stark 
Ana de Cleves x Thorin ( El Hobbit)
Jane Seymour x Aro Vulturi 
Hijos: Jane y Alec
Cataline Parr x Gerald  (The Witcher)
Hija: Cirilla
Katherine Howard x Jon Snow ( Got) 
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pixie-skull · 1 month
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My 278th edit and a huge thank you to @2009jorose for the suggestion and motivation too. =D I do attribute this edit to my friend @sailorzelda94 and I miss this friend so much. As well in tribute to @0chaotic-queer0 and @geebs96 . However I did take a few of casting ideas (as shown in first picture) and my own casting. I for whatever reason have a 10 photo limit, so please excuse my inability to post my typical “in the making” references. I am curious though who did I cast you agree with, disagree, and more (like asking what inspired outfits, which yes I attempted to recreate some famous portraits, or at least foreground characters). :D As well thank you @airasora for the background character I used her outfit in this edit too from Cinderella 2.
Henry VII: I casted Vladimir as similar body type, an underused character, if I could make videos, he has good scenes from the movie Anastasia.
Catherine of Aragon: I casted Cinderella as again reasons of @sailorzelda94 and bonus plenty of scenes over Cinderella trilogy.
Anne Boleyn: I know @2009jorose played with the idea of Meg, but I understand such limited screen time is that, limited in Hercules. That being said Meg I enjoyed the idea as Anne Boleyn. I suppose Marina from Dreamworks Sinbad could work, yet Meg looks closer to real life Anne Boleyn.
Jane Seymour: I agree with @2009jorose in casting Odette.
Anne of Cleves: I am aware my dear friend said Anastasia Tramaine, but in doing my research Anne is a brunette. So with Drizella has a nearly identical face to Anastasia, brunette and an also underused character with plenty of screentime, in my hypothetical video she would work.
Kathryn Howard: I would pick Vanessa, yet technically for body shots that could be not too in the face Ariel as @sailorzelda94 suggested. Bonus Melody I could use for younger alluded scenes in Kathryn Howard’s song. I realized I completely forgot to change Vanessa her to auburn.
Catherine Parr: Belle is a great fit so I agree with both @sailorzelda94 and @2009jorose .
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oblivion-crackships · 2 years
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CRACKSHIP gifs→   Jenna Ortega x  Will Tudor
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alexversenaberrie · 9 days
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Padme of Aragon
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frodothefair · 11 months
Elijah Wood fantasy casting
Does anyone else wish they could've seen Elijah Wood in more period pieces and fantasy? Seriously. His looks are wasted on the modern day. He looks like one of those ancient Greek or Roman statues come alive, or like he walked off a classical painting. I mean, give him Frodo's wig and a fancier version of Frodo's clothes, and he could play foppish young noblemen for days. Need your nobleman to be LGBTQ+? Even better. Whatever your fine blue eyes and classic features needs are, Elijah's your man.
In that spirit, here's a list of roles I think Elijah would've been awesome in. (This is in no way meant to say that the people actually cast in those roles were not awesome).
--The King's Brother, Philippe, Duke of Orléans in Versailles. He could've been Louis XIV, too, to be honest. That man’s eyes would NOT quit.
--Nikolai Rostov in BBC's War and Peace. Ahem! The Rostovs were miscast as blonde in that one, imho.
--One of the Bridgerton brothers in Bridgerton. Maybe Benedict the artist? Or even just a random member of the Ton.
--Brimsley or King George in Queen Charlotte. Can Elijah do mentally ill? You bet.
--Loras Tyrell in Game of Thrones (I heard Elijah is a fan? I wonder if he ever tried to be in it...)
--Aramis in The Musketeers (former priest, loves kids. You need big blue eyes for both those things.)
--Cesare in The Borgias. Or a random too-young cardinal who got the job through bribes and manipulation.
--Any role in The Tudors or Reign. Even a background courtier.
Now, he might be getting older and the sun is setting on playing young dandies, but it's never too late to play their fathers! I wonder if I can start a petition...
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itskubay · 2 years
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Becoming Elizabeth (2020-) & The Crimson Petal and The White (2011)
Just parallels
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earhartsease · 1 year
we still dream of opening a tudor/lotr themed coffee shop called Caffeine of Aragorn
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Starter Call for Anne Boleyn
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Like this post for a starter from Queen Anne Boleyn! If liking for a multimuse, please specify the muse you want the starter for in the comments.
Available verses(For description of AUs, please see this post):
-Doomed Second Wife of the King
-Mother of the Future King AU
-Divorced Instead of Beheaded AU
-Regent of the Future Queen AU
-Crossover AU
-Modern AU
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emmaofnormandy · 2 years
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~The salvation of the sinner: a queen and her knight [a world where there’s no Thomas Seymour]~ [part I]
28 January 1547. Palace of Whitehall.
Once again, Katheryn Parr was left a widow. Three husbands went to the grave, leaving a vast inheritance for her and great responsibilities to lead. For the first time since 1483, England had a Dowager Queen of England. But beneath the title and the official grieving, there lied a woman who ached for something she did not know. 
Or perhaps she did. Though dutiful as she was, she remained a woman with needs and sentiments. But it’s been so long she knew duty that by now duty was all she knew. She had little time to think about it. She may not be queen anymore, she could breathe out of relief now that the king she feared lives no more, nonetheless... there were duties (as often were) expecting to be performed.
That year promised to be tough for Katheryn. The former queen of England was treated with respect and all honours to her position. Yet, something seemed amiss... She felt unhappy, and could hardly mask her sentiments, also used for political reasons. To many, she was not merely a grieving queen, but a grieving wife.
She leaned on her duties as a widow and as queen, giving space to her stepson fulfill his role as king in spite of his age. Katheryn was aware that some close to him--and she suspected this would be in the person of the Duchess of Somerset--saw her with suspicious: as a dowager queen, young and beautiful, could she remarry? 
Staying at the court was too much for her, though. Katheryn wanted nothing to do with politics. So that way she announced to king Edward her wishes of departing to her inheritance at the north, right at the castle of Sudeley. Her heart seemed to break when she saw the disappointment in Edward’s eyes. 
He wants me to stay. I wish I could, but I cannot.
When she stepped towards him, she knelt so she could match his height even though Edward was growing taller for his age.
“Your Majesty, I’ll never be far from you. I assure you that when you need me, I’ll be here for you to serve and obey.” Katheryn smiled. She was genuinely fond of the boy. “Write me as much as you wish, but be mindful of your duties. Always. To God, to England and to your conscience.”
“Of course, my lady. May He bless you.” There were unspoken words, choked by formalities that, nonetheless, reached those piercing blue eyes. Katheryn embraced him fondly. 
But before she was ready to depart with her retinue, the king told her he’d not let her to move north without good men to protect her. That was how she was introduced to this knight, a loyalist named Anakin Skywalker.
Anakin had been sent by the Jedi Council in order to prevent the Planet Earth to suffer further attacks by the Separatists. In that manner, he was instruced to spend one or two years in each part of that region in order to make sure they were seized and sent to jail. But after a while, Obi-Wan contacted him to instruct his Padawan another mission he was to take: to protect the Dowager Queen of England and make sure she’d not fall victim to the enemies’s hands.
“I thought most of them had been destroyed”, said Anakin, rather out of surprise.
“Unfortunately, some of them are still yet to be found”, lamented Obi-Wan. “When I get more information, I’ll send those to you. But in the meantime, do as you are told. Be careful, Anakin. This planet, as far as I know, is a very odd one in matters of costumes and thoughts.”
The younger Jedi snorted. “As if spending almost three years and a half here had not showed me that. But I’ll be careful, Master, do not worry about that.”
After that, much against his will, he went to this England kingdom where, as everything was arranged, he was expected to meet it’s new king. To his surprise, Anakin was met by a youngling. 
Could younglings rule with the authority of a king? My, Obi-Wan was right in saying this is a very odd planet. 
Even though Anakin could tell there was a council to respond for the king’s actions and rule in his behald until he reached majority, it was difficult for him to take the words of nine year old seriously. Yet, he could not dismiss the task he was assigned for. So he waited.
“My lord, I am glad your journeyed to us safely. I pray you came with no trouble whatsoever?”
Anakin had little patience to deal with politics and all that formalities due to the position they occupy, but when looking at the youngling standing right in front of him, the Jedi came to know this was a child who would never know the delights of infancy, whose innocence was being stripped away by the heavy burden he was expected to carry until the day he died. When coming to this perspective, Anakin pitied him. 
So his featured softened as he addressed the boy king:
“I did, yes, Your Majesty. I appreciate your concernings. I pray to find you well this day too, my lord. One can only think of all the duties that have been taking your day.”
Edward seemed to sympathize with him and Anakin smiled as he perceived it through the Force. 
“Indeed, sir. A king is expected to attend meetings and bring many solutions to a realm’s issues.” A reply that got Anakin’s eyebrows lifted. “The reason why we fetched you to us is that we require your services to protect our mother, the dowager queen of England. She has informed us her desire to depart to the north but we fear for her security.”
“I will do as Your Majesty commands”, vowed Anakin, bowing his head. 
“We appreciate it”, said the king, looking relieved.
Anakin wondered if there was another reason why he’d feel this way, but one could only especulate.
“Do you have a date, Majesty?”
It was when he heard the voice of the king’s regent for the first time.
“As soon as possible”, said the duke of Somerset. “We sincerely wished she’d stay in order to follow the proceedings to His Majesty’s governing, becoming the point where the last regime is supplanted by a new one.”
Anakin glanced at the regent with suspicious eyes, but dared not to speak his mind. I’m here to fulfill my duty, that is all.
“I’m staying here until I am further needed then”, informed the Jedi.
The duke of Somerset stared at him cooly, almost as if he was foreseeing the future.
“I’ll make sure to inform you the date, my lord.”
So there they were. The former queen entered the carriage with lady Elizabeth and Anakin as her ladies would come in a different vehicle. Katheryn had found Anakin pleasant to her eyes, not expecting a knight to be possessed with such...handsomely features.
Nonetheless, she masked her perceptions well, even though the Jedi Knight could tell something was going through her mind. But out of respect he decided not to investigate.
“You are a quiet man”, said the queen after a while. They were sitting in front of each other and as gallops began the pace, the journey out of the court she detested relieved her spirits. “My daughter and I were wondering what kind of knight you may be.”
Anakin turned his storming eyes to the red-headed young princess that took the queen’s side. Her dark eyes, a contrast to Katheryn’s light brown eyes, were staring curiously at him. The Jedi could tell he was being avaliated as if he was worth of the royal presence’s trust. He almost found that amusing.
Looking back at the mistress he was expected to protect and serve, he could not help but feeling captivated by her ginger locks and coy smile. But I know my place.
“I am a man of actions, my lady. I fear I am not one very much of words”, said he simply.
“On that case, I should be the judge of that”, remarked Katheryn with a sly smirk. “But between us, sir, why would a widow like myself be in danger in this country, enough to have a knight as yourself as a protector?”
“I am but a knight, Your Majesty, not a politician”, said Anakin, though a small smirk could be seen twitching upon his lips.
“Even so, a knight has opinions. We all have”, she insisted. “What could I possibly offer to earn a great deal of protection? Is it because of the title fairly bestowed to me?”
“You ask me difficult questions, Majesty. A knight who serves does not dare to questions the duties he’s been assigned to.” 
It was when lady Elizabeth intruded in the conversation:
“You speak like an Arthurian knight. Surely a man like yourself must be familiar with the doings of Lancelot or, better yet, William the Marshall.”
Anakin did no respond her right away. All these years spent in that Planet, especially with the nobility, told him how proud of their ancestors those people could be. Sometimes he missed the Galactic Republic where these things were far less perceptible. A voice in the back of his mind wondered whether duchess Satine would ever praise those who came before her in such a manner.
But, however homesick he may be, he knew it was not his place to judge these people. He actually remembered Ahsoka, his Padawan, and how she liked to point his knightly virtues whenever Obi-Wan criticized him. A memory ever so cherished almost brought a smile to his lips.
“Indeed. Although I do not think I mirror myself in Lancelot this much, Your Highness.”
“Oh. Why not?”, inquired lady Elizabeth, rather baffled for meeting someone who does not look up to Lancelot. 
“Knights who betray their masters to love their queens are not worthy of praising. It’s dishonest if I may speak freely”.
“That is a concept few discuss upon”, said Katheryn, observing the conversation. “But a king ever so cold should leave his queen unloved?”
Anakin had no answer to matters of love. In fact, as Obi-Wan liked to point out to him, he was far too judgemental where he lacked experience. Hence the silence.
“You should not be afraid to speak your mind, my lord. We are friends here”, she assured him. “Besides, we are merely discussing a novel we all enjoy ourselves reading, are we not?”
But was it really? Not even Katheryn had the response, perhaps fearful of what it might be. As the three of them began to grow quieter and lady Elizabeth fall asleep, she was reminded of the days she was queen. Afraid of what her fate would be, how often wasn’t she found praying for safety? How often wasn’t she... afraid, fearful for her life? 
It feels strange to be released of my marital vows. To be alone once again. A widow one more time. I’m free. But freedom has a different taste to my tongue.
As if he was capturing her thoughts, Anakin broke the silence, intrigued by her presence:
“What was it like to be his queen?”, the Jedi knight inquired, surprising Katheryn by his sudden interest.
“It was...”, she hesitated. Could she trust him with the truth? Though in his eyes, she knew she could, Katheryn would rather protect herself. “...a privilege. I was content. He was a good husband.”
Neither believed in the lies that rolled out so naturally of her tongue.
“I wish I could have given him children”, said she, more to herself. “Then I would have fulfilled the role I was expected to perform. Being a queen, my lord, is more than wearing fine robes and exhibing jewelry. It is more than being a dutiful wife.”
She smiled, but it was devoid of joy. Anakin felt her pain.
“But God willed me to be barren, I suppose.” 
“And yet you survived him”, the words he spoke came naturally. He should regret it, but he did not.
Katheryn smiled at his blunt words, but this time her smile was more sincere.
“As God wanted me to. Who are we when He calls us home? Who are we before his will?”
“Forgive me for being rather cheeky, Your Grace, but do you not have any doubts? Have you never...questioned?”, Anakin found himself unable to part the gaze that so suddenly held them both captive of one another.
He asks me if I have questioned my faith. Katheryn stared at him in silence. I could reprehend him, but... when I was chosen to be queen, did I not question Him? Did I not falter before the great test He put me to proof? 
And Anakin’s words (”and yet you survived him...”) continuously hammered against her mind.
“When you have faith, master Skywalker, adversities come to test you. But even when we are surrounded by storms of every kind, we ought to be thankful and praise the Lord for the opportunity of showing Him why He chose us.”
The Jedi said nothing else as he reclined back against the wall and with a sigh, looked away. Through the window, he observed the rise of twilight, watching the sunset and the rise of stars. Soon the moon would come. The journey seemed to weight on him.
“Did you ever come to good terms with your conscience upon the doubts that haunt you?”, inquired Katheryn.
As Anakin looked back at the queen, he was baffled by how easily she read him. And yet I don’t feel the force in her.
She smiled.
“I have come to other men like you before. It is natural that when we come across some trauma, we respond it with questions. My... my late husband was not different. Do not put so much pressure on you. Soon, He will give you the answer you are looking for, whatever that may be.”
The Jedi did not say nothing for a long time. Yet, suddenly he heard himself saying:
“Do we all deserve salvations, Your Majesty?’
To which Katheryn, giving him a knowing glance, responded:
“We do, Master Skywalker. As sinners we all may be, God does not turn away from those He chooses. Something tells me you are soon to find a salvation yourself.”
Anakin chuckles softly, but a sort of sadness glinted in his eyes.
“I pray you are right, Your Majesty.”
Katheryn offered her hand to take and as he reluctantly did so, she closed her eyes and prayed. The simplicity in the words that the Jedi heard soothed the darkness that not so long ago threatened to choke his light side. It all seemed that, by her side, he found the balance he needed all along...
(to be continue)
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magia-region · 1 month
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Happy May Day!
So… I’m thinking of changing the title of my hypothetical Pokémon game to one of these. I really like how the designs turned out but I can’t choose between them.
I wanted it to have a red and white theme, referencing my Legendaries, but since there are already a Pokémon Red and White, I had to get creative.
The first (on the left) has a gemstone theme similar to Ruby/Sapphire and Diamond/Pearl.
I tried to match the color scheme of the stones themselves, as in white opals and carnelians.
The second (on the right) has a flower theme, which I don’t think has been done before.
The rose is supposed to look like a Tudor rose, referencing the War of the Roses which I loosely based my Legendaries on. Apparently it’s also called an Osiria rose.
I realize the Lily only has four petals, which does happen in nature, if unusual. There is such a thing as an Aztec or Jacobean Lily with four petals, which represent the four directions of North, South, East and West.
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falconhonour · 2 months
@ellorypurebloodculture gave me a Title Tale recently that would not leave me alone and demanded to be written out in more detail, so here it is for you all to enjoy.
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joshsindigostreak · 11 hours
O, Pioneers
Chapter One
“We, a curious trio, picking, wandering on our way.” - Walt Whitman
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Sam Kiszka x F!OC
What started out as a series of emails snowballed into Sam Kiszka having the one person in his field he could not stand to staying in his house for a few days. It’s only for a few days. Can he survive having her around him 24/7 or will Natasha Delaney end up being the one to foil all of his plans?
Authors Note: Hey y’all!! Sorry for leaving you hanging so long with this story I wanted to get the other three stories established before I got back to this just for consistency sake. But I do hope you like Sam’s story. I have so much planned for it ❤️ if you need to catch up on the Prologue you can read it here!
Disclaimer: *Set in the months prior to ISHIYE, so in the same universe but can be read independently. It’ll crossover the most with Running Through the Garden and there will be references to the other fics but not to the point of confusion. Enjoy!
Word Count: 2,793
Warnings: Some swearing but that’s it for now.
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The Kiszka Estate as it was often referred to was truly a sight to behold. The grounds weren’t massive, but the Manor itself was a four-story English Tudor that danced the line of being over the top while reeking of Olde Money. The family had been living on this property for generations, and depending on what you thought of them it was either referred to as the Manor or the Compound.
Natasha stood in the circular driveway, her luggage sitting idly beside her as the Uber drove off, leaving her alone outside. She could tell whoever designed the house intended it to be visually intimidating, but it wasn’t working on her. 
Of course the mother fucker couldn’t actually pick me up from the airport, she growsed in her head. He did however, set up her Uber for her, so she didn’t have to pay for it, but it was the principle of it all. She squared her shoulders and picked up her bags, listening to the gravel crunch under her shoes as she approached the front door. 
As she ascended the steps to the Manor, the massive front door swung open to reveal Sam Kiszka. Natasha stopped in her tracks as she took him in. The Sam before her was significantly different than the last time she saw him on graduation day. His hair was still long, but looked like a professional had finally started cutting it, his forehead was frustratingly blemish free, and those Sanpaku eyes stared right through her as they always did. But the biggest difference was the surprising amount of facial hair on him. He couldn’t grow a thing on his face back in college, and any attempts were so patchy and thin that it was never worth it to even try. But now? Now there was a thick mustache sitting on his top lip, accompanied by an equally thick tuft of hair sprouting from his chin. The way his chin hair was creeping up his jawline, it was clear he was letting it do its own thing and not actively trimming it to stay in one spot. He wasn’t as willowy as he was either, having finally started to fill out. He looked so different yet so…Sam at the same time. He looked goo-
“I thought you said your flight was coming in at two, Nat?” 
Mood ruined. That smart ass tone was still ever present in his voice. 
“It did,” she replied flatly. 
“It's nearly 4:30 PM.” 
“I’m glad you can tell time, Kiszka,” she rolled her eyes and continued towards the doorway. He scoffed under his breath as she walked past him and into the house. 
“I’m just saying that keeping someone waiting like this is rude,” he remarked as he shut the door behind them. 
“Well it’s not my fault that it takes well over an hour to get from the airport to these…hallowed grounds,” Natasha gave him an irritated look over her shoulder, the sarcasm dripping from her voice. 
Sam rolled his eyes back at her, and the conversation he had had with his best friend Daniel a few days prior ran through his mind.  
“Just wanted to let you know that I’m going to be having a guest at the house this weekend, she’ll be flying in around 2:00 PM,” Sam threw out before taking a bite out of his bagel. 
Danny stared at him from across the little table they were sitting at. Every few days they’d have breakfast together before going their separate ways for the day, and on this particular Wednesday morning, Danny was taken aback by what Sam had just said. 
He leaned forward towards Sam and rested his elbows on the table, “you’re having a guest…at your house?” 
“Mmmhmm,” Sam replied, still chewing. 
“...and this guest is a girl?” Danny tried to not smile but his eyes twinkled anyway, “is there someone I don’t know about?” 
Sam finally swallowed and looked up at him, realizing how he made this sound, “Oh don’t get that look on your face this is strictly for professional reasons. She won’t be here for very long.” 
“Professional reasons,” the skepticism clouded Danny’s voice. 
“Yes. You know her anyway,” he added before drinking more of his coffee. 
Now Danny was even more curious, “I do?”
“Yeah. It's Nat Delaney.” 
The Wolf blinked several times at Sam before answering, “Delaney is staying…at your house?”
“Yeah it’s just for some of her own research. There’s an artifact she needs to get her hands on and I refused to risk it through the shitty mail system so she came to me instead,” at this Sam had finished his meal and sat back in his own seat. 
Natasha was a frequent subject between the two of them in college. She was the only student at that university to get better grades than Sam, which pissed him off to no end. Danny had no issue with her, as she was always nice to him and her exceptional grades didn’t matter to him. Even though his best friend bitched about it constantly, they were both still the top of their class. He also thought that a little competition for Sam was good for him. It wouldn’t keep him humble by any means, but it would keep him on his toes. 
“How did this happen?”
“We exchanged some professional emails and she explained her dire situation and I, just happened to be the solution to her problem,” Sam didn’t even try to hide the smug look on his face. 
The two friends stared at each other for a few minutes, but with entirely different trains of thought. 
“So is she just going to stay in one of the guest-”
“I’ve already got the corner room cleaned up for the most part, just have to get some of Jake’s shit out of it.” 
Danny had been wandering the halls of Sam’s house since he was 14 years old, and he knew exactly what room Sam was referring to. The ‘corner room’ was what they called one of the many rooms that was intended to be for guests, but over the years each of the kids started using it as a storage room given its proximity to their bedrooms. The proper guest rooms were on the first floor, just off the kitchen. The corner room was also a literal description, as it was at the end of the hall on the second floor. The corner room was also directly across from Sam’s. 
“Why that room?” Danny asked, his eyes twinkling again in curiosity. 
“It was the closest room I’d need to clean out and the rooms downstairs and who wants to stay in the rooms downstairs that my parents' weird friends use?” 
“Ok,” Danny said, elongating the letters and not believing a word that came out of Sam’s mouth but playing along anyway. “Are you going to put a chocolate on her pillow?” 
Sam gave him a look, “totally and I have so much of it around the house since you can’t eat it.” 
Danny frowned in offense, “I can eat chocolate, Sam and you know it.” It was a common stereotype that since Wolves were in fact, Wolves, that they couldn’t have chocolate like regular canines couldn’t. It also had been at the center of an incident where Sam’s mom had brownies left out on the counter and Danny dove in and shoved a corner piece into his mouth, and Sam panicked that he was going to get sick from it. But no, the young Wolf was fine. After that it became a running joke between the two friends.
“Anyway, she should only be here for a few days max and then she’ll be off to whatever it is she’s been doing,” 
“I’m definitely swinging by. I’m not going to miss the two of you kill each other.”
“I can assure you, Daniel, that she won’t be there long enough for that to happen.”
“Sure. I believe that. You couldn’t even go five minutes in Professor Reid’s class without snapping and correcting each other. Or all the times you started arguing in the library and nearly got kicked out for being loud. Or when you’d fight over that one bench under the will-“
Danny. It’ll be fine.” 
Sam was snapped out of his memory by Natasha’s voice. She had walked into the main corridor of the house, right next to the grand wooden stairs and the archway into the formal living room.
“So where in this palace am I going to be staying? How many bedrooms is there? Eleven? An even dozen?” 
“Seven. And your room is upstairs.”
She looked up the stairs to her left, noting the carpet that ran down the middle of the steps, the solid wood rail and banisters. The whole manor was the definition of ‘they don’t make them like this anymore.’ The family clearly spared no expense preserving the integrity of the architecture over the decades. 
“Lead the way, Kiszka.” 
She stepped back to let Sam get in front of her and before she could reach for her bags, long slender fingers curled around the handles. Sam didn’t say a word and began up the stairs, taking her heaviest bag with him. She stared at him momentarily, surprised by the gesture, but quickly recovered with the rationale that it was the least he could do at this point. 
At the top of the stairs Sam took a right down the open hallway that led down a corridor that split off in two opposite directions. He took a right and Natasha counted three doors on either side of the hall before Sam stopped at a final fourth door on the right. There was a door at the very end of the hallway, right between the final two doors on either side. 
Sam used his free hand to twist the doorknob, revealing the room behind it. 
The first thing Natasha  noticed were two nearly floor to ceiling windows on the wall that was opposite the doorway, flanking a large four poster bed. She followed Sam into the room and spotted another door on the far wall on the right, which she guessed was for a closet. There were antique-looking amber lamps on both nightstands, and as she turned to view the wall next to the door, she saw one of the most beautiful rolltop  desks she had ever seen, pushed up into the corner with a few bookshelves on the right of the desk leading back to the doorframe. 
It was another antique, and the craftsmanship and details in the wood was so intricate that it had to have been done by hand. She wanted to run over and push the lid back to reveal the actual writing surface and the little drawers for writing supplies. 
Sam's voice cut through your thoughts, “it’s not much but it’ll work while you’re here.” 
Natasha turned around and gawked at him, it nearly irritated her how privileged he sounded, “Sam this is a beautiful room.” 
He blinked at her, not used to hearing her verbalize positive sentiments. After a few moments of eye contact he looked around the room and asked, “so, where do you want me to put your stuff?” 
She pointed to the foot of the bed, where a small bench sat just in front of the frame, “there is fine.” 
As he situated the bags, she turned to walk over to the large windows. The view was almost better than the room itself. The lush lawn stretched out on the grounds below, a thick blanket of trees stood off in the distance, fencing in the grass. She looked to the right of the window and her eyes went wide at the sight of what appeared to be a small but ambitious garden. Several raised beds were lined up in neat little rows, along with a few ground-level beds off to the side. 
She looked over her shoulder at Sam who was still standing there with his hands in his pockets, “is that your garden?” Maybe the light was playing tricks on her but she could’ve sworn that Sam’s cheeks reddened at the question. 
Her eyebrows raised in surprise, “you garden?” 
“That’s typically what one does in a garden, Nat.” 
Her brows fell at his tone, there was the Sam she knew. 
“I was just surprised because you never took any of the horticulture classes at Lakewood, at least from what I remember.” 
He shrugged, “I didn’t really get into it until after we graduated.” 
The image of Sam Kiszka gardening was an image that would remain locked in her head. Nope, no one was going to know about the way she instantly envisioned Sam of all people gently watering a tomato plant. 
“Well, hobbies are good,” she said lamely. What the fuck, Delaney? Hobbies are good? You simpleton.  Desperately needing to change the subject, she turned on her heel and pointed over to the roll top desk in the corner, “that’s really pretty.”
Sam looked over at the antique, he wouldn’t tell her that he spent the better part of an hour the day before dusting and polishing the wood. He wouldn’t tell her that he was on the floor making sure to get all the nooks and crannies of the legs, clearing out any cobweb he saw. There was no way he was going to let any piece of furniture be the subject of her scrutiny. Natasha Delaney, knowing he had a dusty house? That would be humiliating. Right? 
“Oh, yeah, that was my great-grandmother’s. It was a present from my great-grandfather to make up for him being stuck in France for a lot longer than he intended because of a hunting job.”
Natasha nodded in response and walked over to the desk. She turned back to Sam, “can I…”
“Go right ahead,” he replied while walking over towards his rival. 
She smiled and turned around to lift the roll top, but it didn’t budge. She tentatively tried again, but it would not lift at all. Well shit. 
Sam saw her struggle and reached around her to help, their arms brushing against each other. 
“Sorry it gets stuck sometimes,” he mentally cursed himself by not double checking before she got there. His large hand nearly wrapped around hers to get a grip on the small handle. Her wine-colored nails stood out to him. The undertone of the polish complimented her skin perfectly. The same skin that felt so soft in comparison to his. The image of Natasha meticulously painting her nails flashed in his mind but he quickly shook it away by focusing back on the desk. In slight frustration he jerked at the handle one final time and it immediately slid up and into place, revealing the rest of the desk. 
A small gasp left Natasha’s lips as she saw the gorgeous inlays on the writing surface. 
Sam refused to acknowledge the physical reaction he had at the sound, or where on his body it happened. It didn’t happen. Nothing to see here. 
“This is so pretty! It had to be done by hand given the time period and the attention to detail. A machine could never do this,” she explained while lightly dragging her index finger along the edge of the main inlay in the center of the desk. She didn’t even realize she was rambling because of the proximity to Sam. He was still bent at the waist next to her, leaning his one hand on the desk. If she just turned her head to her right, ever so slightly, their cheeks would touch. 
The two rivals stood there, rooted in the spot, waiting to see who was going to blink first in this standoff. Sam did not want to acknowledge how the loose spiral of blonde hair in front of her ear was just barely touching his face. He didn’t want to acknowledge how his lips could brush that same ear if he turned to his left just so. The silence was deafening. 
They were so distracted that they didn’t even hear one of the doors downstairs open and shut. 
They didn’t hear the footsteps on the stairs. 
They didn’t-
“Natasha-fucking-Delaney,” a familiar and deep voice called warmly from the doorway. The sudden noise started them both and caused them to jump and spin around. Sam couldn’t even focus on the second sharp gasp that his house guest made so close to him. She had already taken off to envelope Danny in a hug. Sam stood there in front of that roll top desk, suddenly by himself.
For the first time since he was fourteen, Sam was disappointed at the sight of his best friend.
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Tag List:  @roving-blade , @readyforthegarden , @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine , @wideminded-dreamer , @runwayblues , @wildbluesorbit , @llightmyllovee , @rhythm-of-space , @sacredthefran , @writingcold , @alwaysonthemend , @wetkleenex-gvf , @josh-iamyour-mama , @lightsofthe-living-gvf , @gvfcinema , @sacredthethreadgvf , @losfacedevil , @jakekiszkasbuttsweat , @shutupdevvie , @hearts-hunger , @gretavanfleetposts , @ascendingtostardust , @mackalah , @andromeda-raine-gvf , @jake-kiszkas-smirk , @gracev0609 , @sacredjake , @earthlysorrows , @gvfpal , @myownparadise96 , @itsafullmoon , @gvfmelbourne, @twistedmelodies , @that-witchy-pan , @gold-mines-melting , @texas-bbq-pringles , @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface , @sadiechar , @char289 , @stardustvanfleet , @sunfl0wer-power , @holdingup-fallingsky , @bladenotblaze , @gretavanlace , @lipstickitty ,
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mihrsuri · 13 days
I was tagged by @period-dramallama and @tenderbittersweet for the WIP titles meme and I did already do it and also did one recently with ideas that are at the concept stage but I thought I’d do another one of the second one - with summaries of ideas that have just randomly occurred to me and people can ask me about them.
This Found Family Has A Mom Actually
Criminal Minds Crossover
Tudors (OT3 Verse)
Doctor Who (from our universe)
Queen Joan’s origin story
Elizabeth’s pirate queen granddaughter
English Civil War
May 19: Modern Day
Wolf Hall: OT3 Verse Edition
Crown Of Ashes: Gregory Cromwell Edition
Why would you try to kidnap the king consort of Ravka
Might be small children but also THEIR PARENTS
Tante Heleen can frankly choke.
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tenderbittersweet · 21 days
I need to write a Thomas Cromwell/Thomas More/Thomas Cromwell/Thomas More The Tudors-Wolf Hall crossover fic
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itskubay · 2 years
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James Thomson
Mary i × Somerset Crossover in Dracula(2020) Universe (1/?)
The Crimson Petal and the White (2011) & Dracula (2020)
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mazegays · 1 year
Fic Masterpost
compiling all of my fics in one convenient post! chronological order, green are ongoing works, yellow are nsfw.
i never thought they'd lock you in a cage
Thominho; Role Reversal, set mainly during TDC (movie). Minho is the Greenie, Thomas is the experienced Runner who is kidnapped by WICKED.
maze of stars and hearts
Thominho; Star Trek Crossover AU. The whole gang is here as their up-and-coming star captain falls in love with his science officer. And also the admirals are dicks.
the flow of the ocean: a current of change
Thominho; Mermaid AU. Sometimes, a dive into the ocean is the same thing as a dive into love; for Minho, that just happens to mean marrying into ocean royalty.
even birds need to learn how to fly
Thominho; In this world where the Mazes never existed but the Flare does, we get a look into the lives of survivors Minho and Thomas. Also features little!Thomas and caregiver!Minho.
temper the flame, but refuse to let it die
Thominho; Soulmates AU. Minho's grown up with drawings and messages all over his arms, but he's never written back, not even to tell his soulmate his name.
hot coffee, coming through!
Thominho; Modern AU. Thomas is a cute barista who has the terrible misfortune of getting burned (literally) in front of Minho, who was annoying Newt with his non-studious ways and sent for coffee.
suits and swords
Thominho, Nalby, Sonyarriet; Royalty AU. Set vaguely in our Tudor era, this is an A/B/O au that follows young princes - Minho and Thomas, and their many friends - of recently treatied countries over the course of their lives. Includes none of our historical figures. Does include two religions that I made up.
they burned your skin with bloodied ink
Thominho; An alternate take on what could have happened with the individual tests after Scorch Trials. Thomas doesn't come back--and when he does, it's for the worst. Whump and hurt/comfort abound.
if only we'd known
Thominho; Brendesa, Nalby; Magic AU. Thomas is terribly busy when his sister calls to perform a spell she knows nothing about. With Minho, of all people. It's a terrible idea.
He does it anyway.
the bones beneath your skin rattle and crack before they hatch
Thominho; Canon Divergence. WICKED went much, much farther with their experiments--as Thomas is quickly learning in a very painful way.
for you i can do anything but fly
Thominho; Modern AU. Thomas is stressed about work, money, and college; Minho just doesn't understand why Thomas is pulling away.
roses smell oh so sweet when one hasn't a nose
Thominho; Scorch Trials Canon Divergence. Brenda and Thomas are trapped in the tunnels, and maybe this would be a good moment for flirting... if Thomas weren't so obviously in love, that is. Brenda's POV.
i can't read your mind (but you'll share your thoughts anytime)
Thominho; Canon Divergence. Thomas and Minho have telepathy. In some ways, this makes things easier. In others, it makes them more difficult. They manage to fall in love anyway.
what's in the woods? (just thomas and minho)
Thominho; After a year in Paradise, Thomas and Minho take a vacation. It ends up being... less of a vacation than they wanted.
the woods (they want your fear)
Thominho; Modern AU. Minho and Thomas try to take a camping trip. It's all going well, until Thomas goes off on his own.
a shield you are not
Thominho, Sonyarriet; Scorch Trials Canon Divergence. Thomas makes some new friends in Group B. Minho and the others aren't so sure about them, but they can't stop Thomas from doing what he wants.
There is whump but this is mostly a fun fic.
these walls may break you but we will remake you
Thominho, Sonyarriet; Scorch Trials Canon Divergence. Thomas is kept alone, isolated for months on end with only his journals to keep him company. Will he be able to escape WICKED and heal from this experience?
the blues will heal if only you let them
Background Thominho; Very little dialogue. Thomas and Minho are stuck in the Maze--again. And Minho's not responding to anything, so it's up to Thomas to get them out.
rocky falls and rocky scars
Thominho; Set early in Paradise. Thomas hits his head on a rock while trying to play a joke on Minho. Hurt/comfort ensues.
haunted memories (memories, memories, memories)
Thominho, Thomas & Minho & Gally friendship; Set post-Death Cure, in a universe where the Flare never really existed and the survivors of the trials get to return to their families. Thomas, Minho, and Gally go to a haunted house... and in doing so, risk returning to some of their worst memories.
tears (that we don't remember)
Thominho; Thomas and Minho are taking a week off, and things are going well until a storm hits their camping spot in the woods. Whump, hurt/comfort.
scarred hearts (still beat)
Thominho; Minho thinking about his lightning scars in Paradise.
rocks, stones, walls, us
Thominho; Minho has to send his crush the Greenie into the Maze alone. This is a normal level of nervous to be about that, right? Right? Whump, hurt/comfort.
when screams (are the only escape)
Thominho; Minho thinks they're all used to them by now. The nightmares, the screams.
Thomas seems to be the only one unaffected. Hurt/comfort.
bees aren't the only ones with hives
Thominho, Sonyarriet; Minho's drink gets spiked at a party. An allergic reaction and brief terror follows. Whump, hurt/comfort.
bad days (can be almost good, sometimes)
Thominho; Their day off is the day Thomas's brain decides that hallucinations are the way to go. Whump, hurt/comfort.
anywhere, as long as I'm with you
Sonyarriet; Sonya and Harriet want to go... and see if the boys are around, totally, that's it. It's just their luck that Harriet gets hurt along the way.
milkshakes: the cure-all
Thominho; Gally's been bullying Thomas and he's been trying his best to make sure Minho doesn't find out. But now Gally is talking directly to Minho.
i don't breathe (without you)
Thominho; Thomas might be able to find happiness here, someday. Peace, maybe.
If only it was real.
MCD, Hurt/No Comfort
memories (they ache)
Thomas & Sonya, Sonyarriet, Thominho: Thomas doesn't know who this girl is, or why he should trust her. But he does, and that's what gets them out. Whump, hurt/comfort.
the fog rolls away
Thominho; Minho experiences a depressive episode in Paradise. Thomas is there to help.
carved names (crossed out)
Thominho; Post-Death Cure, they've begun housing Immunes in the Glades. This leads to distress in those who were trapped there. Hurt/comfort.
choose three (or we kill them all)
Thominho; based on the individual trials post-Scorch. Minho is forced to pick who lives or dies. Whump, hurt/comfort.
parties (are not for the weak)
Sonyarriet, Thominho; Modern AU. Harriet would like to have a normal birthday party, please. Not one that involves assholes pointing guns at her and her friends. Hurt/comfort.
our songs are ending (but don't cry)
Thominho, Sonyarriet, Minho & Thomas & Sonya & Harriet; No matter how many times they try, they cannot seem to escape WICKED. Each time they do, they only get worse beatings and less food.
But Thomas has to keep trying. They have to get out.
Torture, MCD
as night falls
Thominho; In Paradise, Thomas is having trouble sleeping. Minho notices. Hurt/comfort.
supposed to be
Thominho, Nalby, Sonyarriet; Wingfic + Royalty AU. Thomas is nervous about declaring courtship and officially marking himself as an adult. So of course things go wrong. Whump, hurt/comfort.
just remember those wicked words your mother used to say
Thominho; Fantasy AU set in the Maze. Thomas has powers, but he doesn't know how to use them and he doesn't know how to tell anyone. So he doesn't. Whump, hurt/comfort.
this love came back to me
Thominho; Thomas has chronic pain in Paradise and this is how Minho helps him with it. Hurt/comfort
finding you
Thominho; Fever Code Era. Thomas is quiet, and maybe a little weird. That doesn't stop Minho from getting to know him, and helping him where he can. Hurt/comfort.
(aka: The beginning of the long empath Thomas AU I have plotted out.)
fever dream high
Thominho, Sonyarriet; Soulmate AU. After the Scorch, Groups A and B are placed into a Maze together. Thomas is a dumbass who doesn't know anything about anything, so when he saves Minho's life this time, it really is an accident.
But they don't really care about that part. Hurt/comfort.
following you
Thominho; Minho's first impression of Thomas--Greenies aren't usually of much interest to him, but this one? He's gonna be watching him.
could already feel your kiss
Thominho, Brendesa, Sonyarriet; Enemies to lovers AU, set in a 1950s-inspired setting because Minho racing motorcycles in leather jackets. (You're welcome.)
Thomas visits his sister in her college town, only to find out that she's gone and joined a gang... and that he's not allowed to talk to the rival gang.
Minho, though? He's just got his eye on the new pretty boy in town.
And through it all, Janson and Ava are terrible parents.
Whump, hurt/comfort.
janson is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad man
Rape/Non-con, Mindbreak, Drugged Sex
Whump, big time. Comfort is slim but there. 18+. If you want to chat about this one, head over to @rememberthatiloveyou.
Thominho; Post-Scorch Trials AU. Janson takes the... opportunity of having Thomas at his mercy to treat him however he pleases. This includes making a deal with the few remaining Gladers in order to leave with Thomas.
saving you (is all that matters)
Thominho, Sonyarriet, Past Nalby; Post-Scorch Trials. Minho's terrified of telling the others that he thinks Thomas might be dead.
Thomas, meanwhile, only knows white.
Whump, hurt/comfort.
falling branches
Thominho, Sonyarriet, Nalby, Brendesa; Modern AU. When Thomas, Minho, Sonya, Newt, and Harriet get stuck in a storm, Minho's fight or flight kicks in--and he chooses flight. Thomas follows him, and this is the journey of getting them back.
Whump, hurt/comfort, check endnotes for more warnings.
for the hope of it all
Thominho; Modern AU. Minho and Thomas have been dating for a few years now. To their friends and family, everything is going great!
... Except for the fact that they're not actually dating. And now Minho doesn't know what to say.
MCD, hurt/comfort.
damn sure never would've danced with the devil
Sequel to janson is a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad man.
18+. @rememberthatiloveyou if you want to chat.
Thominally; Thomas wants to Minho to treat him differently in bed; Gally steps in to make sure all parties are pleased.
dancing in the starlight
Sonyarriet; Modern AU. Newt is boring. Sonya knows this, but because he's her brother, she decides to spend time with him anyway. And that turns out to be a fantastic way to find something exciting in her life.
Harriet's just trying to do her job, trying to learn everything she can about flowers so she can reach her dreams. It's not her fault there's a pretty girl distracting her.
aka: Watch Sonya and Harriet fall in love.
love is stored in the hand
18+. @rememberthatiloveyou if you want to chat.
Thominally fisting fic.
i'll say "just fine"
Thominho, Sonyarriet, Fry/Gally, past Nalby; Set in a no-Maze world where WICKED decided to take over the world in much less subtle way. Minho, much like everyone else he knows, is just trying to survive. Trying to keep memories of before alive as much as he can while also grieving the loss of far too many loved ones. He goes back to his old house, the last place he saw them alive. Whump, hurt/comfort. Mentions of torture.
could've followed my fears all the way down
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
Thominally slowburn; Sonyarriet, Thomas & Sonya.
After nearly a year in Paradise, this is how things are going for some of our Gladers:
Thomas is struggling to understand how to piece himself back together, and he's not sure why any of his friends want him around.
Gally doesn't know what the fuck he's doing, especially not when he starts falling for the kid he used to hate.
Minho pretends he's got his shit together, but he's been in love with his best friend for over a year and hasn't said anything.
Whump, suicidal thoughts and actions, self-harm, hurt/comfort. It gets worse before it gets better.
You've Got Mail for @adoresbenho
Thominho slowburn(ish), very background nalby, brendesa, and sonyarriet. Written in epistolary format. Thomas and Minho attend sister boarding schools that require their students to exchange letters with each other. The trick? Their pen pals are selected for them, and they're not allowed to switch or even stop writing until they graduate. It's going to be a long few years.
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