#trying out these image based posts since y'all liked the last one
mauesartetc · 7 months
PSA regarding character design asks
For those of you who are new here, if you take a look at the "character design" tag in this blog's archive, you'll notice I post a fair bit about the subject, sometimes helping others improve their own designs. I love getting these kinds of asks, as working out design kinks is a fun challenge for me (despite urgent life shit delaying my response times. Folks who've sent me design asks in the past few months: They're in my drafts and I thank you for your patience).
But recently I received an ask that displayed some rather disappointing behavior, and I thought I'd take this opportunity to nip it in the bud. This isn't a callout post, and I'm not trying to sic the shame squad on this person. I just want to stress to all of you that this isn't okay.
The ask included an image of a character they drew and some brief paragraphs of background information. Typical fare for this kind of ask. Everything was fine until the last two sentences.
I have to confess that I shamelessly stole the [clothing article] from [someone else's character design]. But since [worldbuilding info related to a real-life thing the other person's design was based on], it made perfect sense.
I looked up the original design they were referring to, and sure enough, they had traced so much of it that half of their design wasn't really theirs. Because it "made perfect sense."
I'm going to say this in the most civil way I possibly can.
ANYTHING. Would have made more sense. Than art theft.
"But Maue, it's just part of a design, not the whole thing". Doesn't matter. Theft is theft. And I want to make it clear to everyone reading this that if you think it's in any way acceptable to rip off another character designer, my posts haven't taught you a damn thing. Frankly I'm a bit insulted that this person assumed I'd be complicit in this.
For the record, professional designers do NOT steal from others, or at least the good ones don't. They might be inspired by an existing design, but, importantly, they'll use other inspirations too, and put their own unique spin on it. It's just a starting point, not the final product.
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but this ain't just imitation; it's the equivalent of copying another kid's homework in school. This is cheating. I've had one of my own characters shamelessly ripped off before, and there was nothing flattering about it. It just made me feel used, like a parasite had sucked me dry. I never want anyone else to feel that way, and I hope to God none of y'all do either.
Folks, if you want to design your own characters, do the research and actually design your own characters. It's really not that hard. Sure, the first attempts might look terrible, but at least they'll come by their shittiness honestly. Ugly art that tried has infinitely more charm than gorgeous art that didn't.
I'm sorry if this comes off as harsh, but I take this shit seriously. So please don't send me asks containing stolen artwork. I won't respond and you'll earn yourself a block. Fair warning.
Don't get lazy. You know better, so do better.
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halliescomut · 2 years
Love in the Air Episode 8 thoughts
Okay y'all. This is probably going to be a long one, but I wanted to put up a more detailed breakdown of my thoughts about episode 8. I typed all of this in Word first, so that I could try and make it as organized as possible, but my thoughts tend do skew toward rambly-ness (you've probably noticed). This post is about 1900 words, so I also understand if you don't feel like reading all of it.
So I don’t know what would be easier, in terms of structure for this?  But, I’ve decided on character by character. So I’m going to start with Sky, as he’s the one we kind of have the most insight to so far, since we have a good amount of interaction with him through Rain’s story in the first half of the season.  For clarity, I have not read the novels, so any info I have on those is based around other posts on the internets.  I will also say that my thoughts come from where I am, and are based around my own experiences, so of course I can be reading things differently than other viewers.  Also, a lot of what I talk about are things that are subtextual (could be deliberate or not), so they are far more subjective.
When we meet Sky at the beginning of the season, he’s fairly reserved, shy-seeming, but he’s not a push over. With the friendship between him and Rain, Rain is the more vocal one, slightly less mature than Sky, and because it suits him Sky just leaves Rain to pull focus.  Rain is also more combative, whereas Sky seems to have a peacemaker personality (you see evidence of this during the club fight in the episode). Based around fan discussion of the series over the last several weeks, but this can be observed just in the trailer for the show, you learn that Sky is a survivor of SA.  This could certainly be a reason for his preference to stay out of any drama.  He also shows himself to be very sarcastic, even snarky.  He also doesn’t put up with Rain’s bullshit much more than Payu does.  We don’t have a clear sense of a timeline, but I gather that Sky’s assault is fairly recent, with-in the last few months.  This means that he still very early on in any type of emotional or psychological recovery, and it would track with intimate partner violence for him not to be seeking professional help with this recovery.  I think, based on his reactions to Prapai’s proposition, that Sky has a negative self-image, brought about by someone who was supposed to care for him betraying his trust and dehumanizing him to gain physical pleasure.  He’s just been presented with this sort of confirmation that his value is based around him being a sexual partner, not based around his personhood.
I also think that Sky is meant to be a bit of the other side of Rain’s coin.  In the beginning, Rain is innocent, and also believes he is straight, so he’s learning a lot about his sexuality and by the end of his and Payu’s story is a lot more comfortable and assertive as a sexual partner.  Sky is clearly out to some extent prior to where the show starts.  He was openly dating another man, I think based around his comfortability with sex during the one-night stand, he was comfortable with and enjoyed sex prior to his trauma.  I also think Sky, for all his pragmatism is a bit of a romantic. His willingness to do what he can as Rain’s wingman, and his pretty consistent encouragement of Rain and Payu, is where I get that feeling.  We may get more confirmation of that later in the series, or not, who knows.
Now onto Prapai and Sky’s first meeting- Based on the acting and body language.  Sky see’s Prapai, they make full eye contact sort of across the street.  This moment of eye contact clearly reads to me as love at first sight, for both sides. Now relevance or realism aside, Rain and Payu are also a love at first site couple, and so I don’t think this is an off the wall read of the way this is presented in the show. Then the security sees him, and he tries to leave, gets caught, and Prapai intervenes (one could argue rescues), and they go behind the bus/van things.  During the beginning of their conversation, there’s very sustained eye contact (which does not indicate fear). Then we get the proposition.  Now Sky is here, a place his dirtbag ex knows of/possibly frequents, now this new guy that he finds physically attractive wants sex but doesn’t even ask his name.  Sky jumping to the conclusion that this is just one more asshole, is not much of a leap, especially when Sky is aware these are illegal races and such.  Prapai goes to touch his face, and Sky stops him, rolling his eyes, and you can just hear him thinking of course, not a nice guy, but just another asshole who wants sex.  They lock eyes again, Prapai says ‘time’s running out, tick tock’ and Sky closes his eyes, sighs, and grabs Prapai’s collar and tells him to ‘take it’.  That last sentence happens in all of maybe 20 seconds, so there’s a lot going on here, but our brains work faster than we really know.  Here’s what I think is going on in Sky’s head: 1-This guy is hot, 2-He’s also an ass, clearly only interested in sex, 3-but I would like to have sex with him.  Then he does what a lot of trauma survivors do, he makes a destructive decision with decent certainty that he’s at least going to get temporary pleasure out of it.  Now…the ‘just take what you want’ that’s a heavy line, and I think it’s partly Sky putting Prapai in control so that he can sort of write off the decision he’s made.  I think it could also be read as a sort of test, which Prapai fails.  Now in my very first post about this, I said that I didn’t feel this was coercion, and I don’t.  I truly believe that Sky would have the balls to say fuck you to Prapai, whatever the consequences.  The issue is that he’s tempted by Prapai, and he’s not emotionally ready for that temptation.
Once we move to the scene at Prapai’s apartment, that entire scene, Sky is an active participant, and regularly in a position of control.  These are unspoken cues of consent.  He’s clearly enjoying himself and I would kind of describe it as Sky using Prapai the way he assumes Prapai is using him.  There’s no affection, just attraction.  Sky also…goes back for seconds.  And when he leaves, and the adrenaline and serotonin are gone, we see him in the front of the building, and all of these emotions are hitting him.  He’s angry, but anger is a secondary emotion—it’s a response to other deeper emotions.  The cause for his anger is sadness and shame.  He’s ashamed for letting his baser instincts get the better of him, for giving another person the ability to hurt him, and he's sad because he feels dehumanized.  Sky is recovering from trauma based around him being used, and he now feels used by Prapai (unintentionally on Prapai's part, but that's not the point).
He goes home, he goes on with his life, he wants to forget, but he can’t, for I think a combination of reasons.  1- he’s still not dealing with the trauma from his ex, stuck in those negative thoughts about his own self-worth, 2-he was interested in Prapai before deciding he was an ass, 3- He did enjoy the sex, and if you like sex, and you’re not having any, it’s hard not to think about good sex.
Now let’s talk about Prapai.  I will be clear, that I have a bias for his type of character. I enjoy a reformed rogue, and that’s going to color my opinion, along with the fact that unlike Sky, we as the audience have a lot more information and context to Prapai’s personality.  I don’t believe Prapai was serious about handing Sky over to security, apparently in the novel this is more clearly expressed, but I will say that I also felt like he was joking on my first watch of the episode, before I saw the commentary about the book offering that additional context (EDIT: Here's a link to a post from lutawolf with excerpts from the book regarding their first interactions) .  He's also still a stranger to Sky, so it’s understandable that he would assume that he was serious, especially with Sky’s own biases and history.  I think Sky’s bravado in telling Prapai to ‘take what he wants’ leads Prapai to believe that Sky was down for stringless sex.  The conversation later between Prapai and his brother, along with his booty call, would indicate that Prapai is a regular participant in stringless sex.  And there’s nothing wrong with stringless sex, the issue here is that this assumption by Prapai in combination with Sky’s history leads to Prapai hurting Sky unintentionally.  This is one of the dangers of sex with someone you don’t really know. 
Once that night is over, Prapai’s still thinking about Sky, for the same reasons Sky’s still thinking about him (the love at first sight moment and the sex being very good).  As someone who’s never encountered this, he doesn’t know what to do.  During the conversation with Saifah, he realizes that he wants to know more about Sky, he’s intrigued by him.  Prapai is a guy who clearly has a great deal of drive, who grew up very privileged, and so it’s not surprising to see him pursue Sky the way he does.  There is entitlement there, I’m not arguing that, but that’s why it's good and important that Sky doesn’t just swoon for him.  Sky’s not falling for a charming mask; been there, done that, still processing that betrayal.  In order to win Sky over Prapai’s going to have to be very honest with him, because Sky struggles with trust (understandably).
I talked in a previous post about how Love in the Air is character-driven, not plot driven.  The point is the growth of the characters, both individually and as couples. Prapai is going to have to be honest and real with Sky in order to form any type of relationship with him.  As someone whose never really tried to create a true emotional connection with a romantic partner, that’s going to be where his growth is.  His affection for Sky is what’s going to get him there. For at least a couple episodes we’re going to see Sky regularly brushing off his advances, and if Prapai wasn’t so intrigued he would give up.  Prapai knows he can get it whenever he wants, he’s got the numbers in his phone.  He wouldn’t be focused on Sky if there wasn’t that kernel of emotional connection and affection already there.  Prapai also thrives on challenge, his racing is a clear allusion to this, and Sky is a challenge to him.  Sky’s journey is going to be recovery of his ability to trust a romantic partner and regaining/recognizing his self-worth.
I did want to mention that I’ve seen several mentions about Mame’s pretty consistent use of SA as a plot device. I’ve personally only seen TharnType and Love in the Air, I’ve not read anything or seen any other shows from them, but SA is a plot point in both.  I do agree that use of that type of trauma as a plot device, especially repeatedly can be very much an ick, and that’s reasonable.  For the character of Type and for Sky, the part of their story we’re seeing is their healing journey, and I do think that representation is important for other survivors.
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aceademic · 3 years
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what studying would probably feel like if i actually knew the material
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: August 8th
Well, doing big posts all together worked for a while but lately I’ve been putting it off because it takes a long time to get them done. I think I’m gonna try switching back to answering asks whenever I can fit it in and posting them one at a time instead of waiting until I’ve filled out one of these major collections.
But for now, here’s more ask answers! Thank you for the questions and for all the kind words along with them ^^.
Hello!! I'm here to ask if its possible to get  the game and its dlcs on steam and play it on android?
I’m afraid not. Steam doesn’t have Android builds on their own site and Steam is not cool with keys for other sites being given out for Steam purchases, so you don’t get the Itch version from buying on Steam.
Hello! Sorry to bother you but, I had a question, if we buy the Game on itchio do we get steam keys or would we need to purchase it twice? 
You would have to buy it twice if you want it in both places, I’m sorry. To repeat myself a little, Steam doesn’t like the key trading thing. Itch may support giving keys for another site, but the reverse isn’t doable with Steam and Steam doesn’t even really want you to get a Steam key for buying somewhere else either. So we just don’t mess around with that.
hey, sorry if this is frequently asked, but is step 4 free dlc or paid for? some of your sources are contradicting each other. 
It’s free! There’s a paid wedding DLC, but Step 4 itself is entirely unpaid.
Hello! I just had a quick question, for the Baxter and Derek DLC's will we be able to confess our feelings to them or let them confess to MC? or will it only be one way? (they confess to MC)
Both type of options will be available!
Hey there! I wanted to ask whether or not the Derek DLC is still on track to be released in August since on the steam discussion board it says it will be released mid 2021. I totally understand if it isn't, I'm just really looking forward to it! If you answer then ty! And keep up the amazing work :D 
It’s not, aha. Unfortunately, 2021 wasn’t easier than 2020 as we hoped so things are still slower than planned. It’ll come out late 2021 or early 2022.
Hi! Firstly I just want to say that I LOVE Our Life. I have played a bit of similar games but this one instantly wins for the best one! Everything about it is amazing! I just wanted to ask if Derek would ever lose feelings for MC, like if they make the deal and then MC gets with Cove would he move on? and even if you don't, after "losing contact" would his feeling fade or would he still like MC? 
If you don’t really keep in touch with him and clearly move on with your life, Derek will too and he’ll be over it. But if you are still close as best as you can be, he’ll still think the MC is special. Though, he’ll always support your relationship with someone else if that’s what’ll make you happy.
Hello! Sorry if you've answered this before but: 'How's Lee related to us? Though which momma? And does she share our player-chosen last names? Also, do you know if Noelani took Pam's last name or did it happen the other way round? 
She’s related to Pamela and Pamela’s last name is the one they use, so the MC has the same last name as Lee.
Will we be able to choose which (they or he) we tend to call Qiu by more often, or will it randomly change depending on the moment? 
Qiu knows which pronoun they’re comfortable with at a time and you’ll call them what they’re happy with. And it doesn’t change between lines, it takes multiple scenes or even full Steps for it to switch. So for extended periods Qiu will be totally a guy or fully agender.
Will Step 4 of OL2 have moments?
It’ll be an epilogue like it is in OL1, so it won’t have a bunch of different Moments.
Hello! Just a quick question, is Sunset bird from OL1 based on a real location? If so what's it called? I wanna visit it +_+
ps i love your games so much <3
It isn’t based on one specific town you can go to, but there are a lot of little coastal towns in Cali that have a similar vibe!
Heyaaa ( I hope you're all well ), umm… it might seem kinda stupid to ask but did Patreon members can have a key for the dlc's ( all the steps-released dlc ) even if they became a member this month or later ? (me? saying this cuz it's my case? maybe ;-;), and once again thanks for absolutely all the amazing works on all the games ! u-u 
You wouldn’t get the DLCs for backing there. The Patreon is for extra bonus content/early access, rather than being a storefront to purchase the normal DLCs. Rarely we give them out as a side gift, but it hardly happens and if what you want is the DLCs it’s best to ignore the Patreon and  buy keys for those directly from Itch or Steam. I’m sorry for the confusion.
Hey y'all, love what youre doing w/Terry. Trans rep outside of player customization is so rare and important to see more of so thank you so much. I do have a question and its that does he have a canon sexuality? I know Miranda was said to be straight ace but I dont believe anything was stated for Terry probably because he wasnt revealed to be a guy which changes things. Im also curious if well get answers on how long hes liked Miranda since he may have liked her in step 3 before she liked him 
Terry likes women and Randy likes men! And he did like Miranda back in Step 3.
Will the Wedding Dlc release at the same time as Step 4? 
They’ll come out separately with Step 4 releasing first.
I really love Our Life so much! I've spent over 20hours playing it even though I only got it a week ago! I was wondering if I could make a fangame for Our Life with a different love interest but same plot. Next-door neighbors romance, multiple steps, etc? I'll probably make it on Google Slides though- 
Sure! I hope you have fun with it and I’m glad you love the game.
How does Cove feel about poly relationships? 
He’s got nothing against them for the people they work for, but he’s 100% monogamous and would only be comfortable with a partner who was willing to be monogamous with him.
Idk if this has been answered before but will Step 4 include the option to advance your feelings towards Cove? 
Yep, you’ll be able to determine your feelings and what your relationship is.
In step 4 will there be a chosen to say we live with Cove even as just friends? 
Yeah, you can choose to live with Cove and that can be done when you’re friends.
I just played the game with the MC and Cove being best friends and omg it’s still so damn cute like the wholesomeness of it all is too much for my heart I swear ^.^  Now with that all said I was wondering can we still marry Cove? if we only love him as a friend like let’s say we’ve made deal with him similar to the one we can make with Derek because let’s real no one could compete with what the MC and Cove have even if they aren’t in love. 
It’s great to hear you enjoyed the friendship story! You can live with Cove, but you can’t marry him platonically. Cove has familial affection for the MC if they’re best-est friends. He wouldn’t think to marry someone he loves like family and even grew up with as though they truly were siblings.
Are you still going to be making a DLC for XOBD? :] 
Yes! We’re slowing adding voiced lines and fixing errors.
It makes me laugh that Shiloh's last name is Fields because that's what I put as my last name! So in Our Life when he talked about "Ms. Fields" picking him up I was extremely confused, lol. That dude mimics personalities so much that he stole my surname!
Oh, wow, that’s a very funny coincidence, haha.
hi !! i cant seem to be able to get the scene where mc is able to propose to cove despite being at the 'love' stage and telling him i'd want to get married, are there any other details that im missing out on? the options just dont appear at the end... 
Maybe you missed telling Cove you were in love with him even if you mentioned wanting to get married or you might’ve accidentally said earlier in the game that you don’t want to progress your relationship further with Cove. We haven’t removed them, so you can get the scene again. It’s just kind of easy to miss since there’s multiple requirements. You can read a little guide in the FAQ.
wait what di you need to do to be able to propose to cove? I've been trying but haven't had much luck 
You can check out the FAQ linked above!
does cove only develop a crush on the mc if the mc is also at crush/in love with him? 
Technically, yes. We treat the non-romantic relationship options as truly non-romantic since we don’t want to bait and switch people. But there’s nothing wrong with headcanoning that Cove does have feelings developing for the MC even before the MC has.
Is there a way to make/allow Lee and Baxter to date?
No, they just don’t have enough time together.
We also got a group of asks related to Tamarack in OL2, but I’m afraid the way they talked about people with larger bodies made me not want to post their words, even if the person didn’t say they’re trying to be hurtful. I will separate out the core question and answer it though, so people can know that info.
Does Tamarack lose weight in later Steps?
No, she doesn’t. As for the other questions included, to be honest, I don’t have to explain/defend having romance options of different sizes. I’m sorry if you’re dealing with unhappiness that’s connected to body image, if that’s where the negative emotions are coming from, but even so I can’t meet you on that level and pretend it’s a problem that needs an answer. A girl who simply isn’t thin being a main love interest is just not an unreasonable concept. Also, Tamarack isn’t a lesbian. Yes, she can date a female MC, but that doesn’t undo her actual sexuality, so I’m not sure where that one part at the end was coming from.
I wonder... can we "fight" with Qiu over leader status? 👀
Not really, haha. No matter how cool your MC is, they’re never gonna replace Qiu for the other kids around. So you can either partner up with him, follow him too, or not be a part of all that group politics stuff.
So when I play the game, sometimes I mentally call Cove “Covie/Covey” and that made me wonder, how does Cove feel about being nicknamed? Not like Romeo/Space Cadet/etc. but like pet names relating to his actual name
It’d depend on his age, personality, and your relationship with him! When he’s younger he’d probably be embarrassed, when he was grown he’d probably be more casual or happy about it.
will you be able to date baxter in step 3 while at crush with cove (but not dating him ofc) sorry if this has been asked already. i really love baxters step 4 design btw!! 
Yeah, you can be crushing on Cove and date Baxter if you weren’t already dating Cove. You just can’t be truly in love with Cove and then switch to Baxter.
I just got my friend into our life, and they adore shiloh and derek sooo will there be more of them in the second game? 
I’m afraid not. But you can see plenty more of Shiloh in XOXO Droplets/XOXO Blood Droplets, haha.
I see you haven't gotten any xoxo droplets asks recently but I'm still obsessed with these boys!! I was just wondering if Nate would curse under any circumstance? 
Yeah, Nate does use certain swear words (damn, hell, bastard) on very rare occasions.
Hi there! I have a question about the wedding dlc. Will we be able to plan a honeymoon during the planning stages of it or would it be something that Cove and the mc would rather plan later on? Thank you! Absolutly love the game by the way, definitely one of my favorite games! 
The focus will be on the wedding day itself. The topic of the honeymoon might come up a bit, but there won’t be any choosing of the exact location and such.
Hi! I have two questions and it's completely understandable if you only answer one/neither and I'm sorry if you've already answered either before! First, is there a set year in which OL:B&A takes place (ex: Step 1 being set in 2010 & Step 2 being set in 2016, etc.) or is it simply up to interpretation? Second, have you guys thought about doing a coming-of-age game where the MC has a tough home life or upbringing? (like one of their parents is an addict, a parent being transphobic whilst the player has the option to be trans, or having friends that are influencing them to do drugs, etc.) That's all! Thanks for making beautiful games. <3 
There is a set timeline!
Step 1: 2006 Step 2: 2011 Step 3: 2016 Step 4: 2021 
And we don’t currently plan on making a game like that. The Our Life series exists to be a safer environment for people to play around in and if we did do a brand new series that was harsher edged it’d be something more fantastical and/or plot-driven instead of a different type of modern day slice-of-life growing up story. I’m sorry.
i don’t know if you’ve already answered this, but do you have a guess on when phase 4 will come out? as well as ol2? i’m so excited for both of them, the inclusivity in this game is amazing, you guys should be really proud of it! 
Step 4 will be coming out very soon! OL2 is gonna take until 2023 to be anywhere near completion. But we might episodically release the Steps one at a time as they get done instead of waiting for three to be finished before launch like we did with the first game.
Hello, I was curious if there was an official or unofficial discord server for the game? 
We do have a discord! You can join by clicking this link HERE.
how long do you plan to keep ol's patreon running? 
Hopefully for at least a few more years.
Are you considering ever making merch? 
Yeah, but I don’t know when it’ll happen or what exactly we’ll make, aha. It’s something we want do, just nothing is set.
hi! i just found out about your game a couple of days ago on tiktok (so sorry if you’ve already answered this question) and i was wondering if y’all are ever planning to release it on iOS? 
I have no idea. It’s hard for a small group to get Apple approval and I honestly can’t say if it’ll ever happen or not. Maybe someday, though!
Hi, I love the art style of Our life and I would like to know if the artist has a Twitter? Also, could it be possible to fund more CGs for the game from him/her? So many times, I wish there was one like when the cutscene of the sunshower. 
That’s nice of you to offer. He doesn’t have a Twitter, at least not one that’s public enough to be shared with me. And I’m afraid not. The issue is that the CGs take huge amounts of time rather than there not being a budget for it. He’s gotta make CGs for Step 4, the DLCs, and new character sprites, too. There isn’t space in the schedule for even more. Sorry for that.
Hi, how are you?!
Are you planning on accepting new writers or is it always the same people who write your stories??
Our Life: Beginnings & Always won’t be getting new writers, but we will be hiring a new team of writers for Our Life: Now & Forever eventually!
perhaps this counts as nsfw and I'm sure it has been answered before but what does Cove prefer, chests/boobs or butts? or perhaps both :3c thank you for this wonderful game (and the patreon bonus moment, it was worth all the waiting and more ♥) 
He’s a “chests of all shapes and sizes” kind of guy, haha.
i was wondering- did any of the writers actually grow up by the beach? as someone who's lived in a beach town all their life it really did feel nostalgic to play through our life 1 
I was born and raised in Cali! Though, not right by the beach. We still had to make trips out, but the setting is based on my own childhood memories of small beach towns we went through.
In Derek’s upcoming DLC, will we be able to reference the pact we made as teens? (love olba and xod/xobd so much btw you’re literally amazing) 
Yep, you will be able to talk about that!
Oh, sorry about the Cole being secretly L ask, then!
If you wanted context: Death Note is about this one guy who finds a notebook that kills anyone who you write the name of in there. The guy eventually develops a God Complex and starts mass killing criminals and stuff. L is the one trying to find out who is killing all these people.
Me and my sister first joked about it because I couldn't remember how to translate a word about the way Cove was sitting, so I just did the pose, and it looked a lot like how L himself sits! Then we just snowballed from there, with more and more nonsense connections.
That’s okay! Thanks for explaining. I’m sorry I didn’t know what you meant.
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onlyforthebabes · 3 years
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✨HL playlists by onlyforthebabes✨
(Edited to include 🎵when you know you know (HL6), 🎵close enough to touch (HL11), 🎵burnt romances (HL13), and 🎵too far gone (HL18))
This post is long overdue, but I've finally made a master list of all the HL playlists I've published here. They're listed in the order I created them, so there are some gaps in the numbers where I haven't posted (or maybe even finished) some, but I'll update if I ever publish more! I've put a lot of thought and time and love into these playlists, so I really hope y'all find something to enjoy here.
🎵a truth so loud
HL. The OG. A canon inspired playlist based on some of the most iconic H/L songs. (ft. 1D, Troye Sivan, Ed Sheeran, Lorde)
🎵honey (make this easy)
HL2. There’s no denying the chemistry between them from the moment they meet - so they don’t even try. While discretely hooking up with a fellow X Factor hopeful sounds like just another part of the fun, it’s hard to ignore that this thing between them is way more than physical, and ���X Factor hopefuls” has become wholly inadequate to describe where they’re going. But in the midst of all the chaos, it’s hard to resist something this good. (ft. 1D, Hozier, Lizzo, Carly Rae Jepson)
🎵no matter how sweet, no matter how brave
HL3. New fame, new friends, new feelings. Jealousy gives way to mutual infatuation, which evolves into steadfast love. Growing up too fast doesn’t feel so scary when you’ve got someone to hold onto. (ft. 1D, Fleetwood Mac, Niall Horan, The Head and the Heart)
HLFOUR. Coming soon. (ft. 1D, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson)
🎵when you know you know
HL6. It's all about that one person... (ft. 1D, Maria Mena, Yellowcard, Beyoncé)
🎵one foot in sea and one on shore
HL10. A traveling sailor whose sense of home is the familiar warmth of local bars, a charming bartender in a seaside village, and a brief affair that leaves them both longing for a life far from everything they know. (ft. Regina Spektor, Bright Eyes, Feist, The Format)
🎵close enough to touch
HL11. Love can be frightening, for sure. (girl!direction) (ft. 1D, Louis Tomlinson, Hozier, Jake Scott)
🎵sunset couldn't save me now
HL12. Part-time suburban youth, summertime neighbors growing up together and blurring the lines of love and friendship; chasing dreams, traveling the world, and figuring out that sometimes home is a person. (ft. Sufjan Stevens, Vampire Weekend, Regina Spektor, Neutral Milk Hotel)
🎵burnt romances
HL13. A canon-compliant au where everything goes wrong, but love finds a way. (ft. The Weepies, Lewis Capaldi, Bleachers, The Head and the Heart)
🎵fell in love with the fire
HL14. Harry's long since accepted that fame comes with a closet. But a chance encounter with a friend from a past life may change everything (or, an au about identity, fame, missed connections, and giving love a chance) (ft. Florence and the Machine, Maren Morris, St. Vincent, Sam Smith)
🎵trip and i fall in
HL15. Undeniable chemistry turns a spontaneous hookup into fast friendship (with some pretty nice benefits). They know from the start it’s not exclusive, but that doesn’t stop anyone from catching feelings. (ft. Zayn, Ariana Grande, Brockhampton, Selena Gomez)
🎵learning to breathe
HL16. Harry and Louis have always been best friends, even within their close-knit group. Closeted, small town kids with little experience, an innocent first kiss turns into an agreement: to experimentally "date" in secret until high school ends. When it’s time to move on, they do. But as the years pass, they can never quite figure out how to let go. (ft. Maisie Peters, Julia Michaels, Lana del Rey, Lauv)
🎵too far gone
HL18. Love, illness, religion, and fear. A kiss between friends on a quiet winter's day changes everything. (ft. Sufjan Stevens, Brand New, Haley Heynderickx, Phoebe Bridgers)
🎵if i'm butter...
HL19. Louis’ an art student who spends his days wandering the city in search of inspiration while his hot-but-elusive craigslist roommate works ungodly hours as a baker. When the pandemic hits and the two near strangers are suddenly quarantined together, they find themselves growing closer in more ways than one. (ft. Relient K, BENEE, Fiona Apple, Samsa)
🎵pretend it isn't strange
HL20. A hopeless wanderer, lost and disillusioned with life, finds himself taken in by a small mountainside community: a friendly local band, a safe place to rest his head, and a stranger who makes it feel like home. Together they learn to let love grow. (ft. Wild Rivers, Ben Howard, Town Meeting, Birdtalker )
🎵yesterday (when you were young)
HL21. Coming soon (ft. Jon Bellion, AJR, Raleigh Ritchie, fun.)
🎵coming up lavender
HL22. New friends who feel like old ones, long drives home up the coast, and finding love in every color. Or, a girl!direction college road trip au (ft. Gretta Ray, dodie, Ingrid Michaelson, Mitski)
🎵it is what it is (till it ain't anymore)
HL23. An impending marriage, a secret affair, and either fate or bad timing. Harry and Louis fall in love one summer in rural Georgia. Years later, they meet again. (ft. Shania Twain, Kacey Musgraves, Gregory Alan Isakov, Andrew Bird)
And lastly, the playlists I've made based on other peoples' stories:
nothing but you on my mind 🎶for Nothing But You On My Mind by @absoloutenonsense
Louis Tomlinson is a PR manager hired to improve the image of royal bad-boy Prince Harry Styles. Unfortunately for him, that means being faced with the Prince's constant innuendos, incessant dirty jokes, and relentless flirting. Louis just wants to make it to Princess Gemma's coronation; once she's crowned Queen, his contract is up and he never has to see the Prince again. (ft. dodie, Julia Michaels, Dermot Kennedy, Lewis Capaldi)
little by little 🎶for Little by Little by @absoloutenonsense
Harry Styles is an omega who works at the London Planetarium, has lived in the same flat for ages, and is happy enough on his own. When he gets home from his first (horrible) attempt at dating in years, a new pregnant neighbor knocks on his door after smelling his cooking. He and Louis quickly become close, but their friendship gets complicated when Harry begins questioning who he is and what he likes. Or Harry discovers figuring out who you are is more complicated than a potato metaphor. (ft. Jordy Searcy, Bruno Major, Lizzy McAlpine, Sleeping at Last)
love after the end of the world 🎶for Love After the End of the World by @mercurial-madhouse
When staying alive is already a constant battle, the deadliest weakness is to be in love. For Harry and Louis, finding each other sits on top of the endless list of What Else Could Go Wrong. (ft. Bastille, Hozier, Fall Out Boy, Lorde)
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sisterkosho · 3 years
Kosho’s Geto Nation Discord | A Preview
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So... It has come to my attention that despite it starting as a joke, a few of you would actually be interested in a discord. And because I have absolutely no self control whatsoever, I impulsively got to work.
Now, there's a chance this may not even work out. It really all depends on who's interested. BUT, I figured it would be something fun to try out. Especially since there was already a few people, besto friendo included, who encouraged the idea. So with that being said, let's get into what this is all about.
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This is Geto Nation. And as stated in the last post, it will be a place for all of us Geto simps to come together and just hang out and share our love for our favorite boy. A base of operations if you will. There's also a possibility that it could double as a general JJK related server, but liking Geto at least a little would be mandatory since well, that's kinda the whole point. And I'm not about to let Geto get slandered in his own house. Otherwise we'd need a special "Monkey" role... 🎃
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Anyway-- Moving on, we have the channels. As you can see, each category represents a room in our humble abode. With each channel representing something within that room. An example being the office, which contains the "paperwork" if you will. And the living room, which contains the general chat, or "couch" where we all hang out. If anyone is wondering what's in the bathroom--- it's the meme channel. That was a bad joke on my part but I regret nothing.
I'm also debating adding a TV and radio to the living room for videos and music. But we'll see where that goes hehe. There's also one more room. But that'll be a surprise for now hehe...
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Now, the fun part. Here we have the emotes. Which as promised, are strictly Geto reaction images. Along with the roles. As you can see, there aren't many yet-- Just the mandatory "Local Geto Simp" and "CEO" for me as the server's creator. Though I could probably think of a better title for myself. 👁👄👁 But I'm sure I'll be able to add some good ones eventually.
This is just the beginnings of what I have so far. So more will definitely be added. If y'all have any suggestions, whether it be for channels, emotes, roles, or anything else, don't hesitate to let me know! Our rent and bills are on Gojo, so we're all set hehe.
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hazelenergy · 4 years
Inktober reflection, last days 25-31.
Here we go!
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Inktober day 25: Auspex
I remembered that I like my portrait art and loose ink style. I let myself get that unfinished look and it felt good to do that. The brush strokes for her hair and the lighting on her nose are very well done. Need to watch the freckles...they are all a bit one toned and the same size. Spatter works better for this effect.
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Inktober 26: Toreador
Composition of this is well done. The call back to the v20 character sheet was a nice touch. I did it earlier with the ghoul piece, but the personal touch of Eli's character with the thorns and lighting instruments is nice. My favorite detail is the slim white line that pops their head forward and keeps them from blending with the shadows.
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Inktober 27: golconda
I think this one is a bit weak on composition and execution. I was going for the loneliness kindred may feel when they achieve this enlightenment. I think instead it reads more like a pious woman near prayer. Eh. Can't get em all.
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Inktober Day 28: Prince
Okay this one was so fun. I adore a lot of the characters on vampblr. Moineau is one of them. And I love your guys reactions when I draw them. It brings me so much seratonin y'all don't even know. Composition is fantastic, but I got bogged down trying to find the right reference image for her. In reality, I should've just went for it. I am very happy with how this turned out, not happy with how long it took.
I'm also really proud of the details of her hair and dress. I love doing detail work, but it's critical for an artist to know when to say enough on a piece. I'm glad I kept working this, it's exceptional.
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Inktober Day 29: Animalism
This one I got into some trouble with. It is fine to use reference images to assist your work. I got lazy and made this too similar to what I based this off of. It's important to make the piece your own. Granted, this is my style, and my techniques. But it is not my composition. And I'm very self critical about that.
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Inktober Day 30: Final Death
This one was one of the ones I nailed. It's so cool and a wonderful showcase of different techniques. The story of this one is easy to read, but beautifully open to interpretation as to what happened.
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Inktober Day 31: Yourself as A Vampire
First off, I wanna say that I really hope I don't become a vampire, I have enough issues that should probably be resolved with therapy. But. This was fun to work on. I always try to make the final piece something I spend a lot of time on and really finish strong. This self portrait is very accurate to my reference image and it's been a very long time since I've done a self portrait. I think it showcases the proper amount of smug that I try to keep in check...but fail frequently 😂
Since I spent more time on it, I was able to give more attention to details and layers. And it was worth it. The hair. Those tiny tiny highlights were a bitch to get right. The shadows on the brush are really well done. I think where I could have provided more details were the hands. They are a bit cartoony for the rest of the piece. And that came down to the lighting in the shot. I should've reprinted the reference after a level correction, to see the shadows and highlights a bit clearer.
When I first started this journey I wanted to learn how to replicate tim Bradstreet's work. Did I do that? Kinda. I mean this in a nice way but it's a brag. I can replicate any style given enough time and the right tools. I think I once got a grasp on how the man broke down his process, I began incorporating my own style and techniques. Which honestly, is way cooler. Rather than fully copying his work, I learned how to make it my own. And that's more important. I'll give a breakdown of how I do that in another post.
I thought the feeling would be way more joyous when I finished the 31st drawing. Instead I kinda felt myself dreading... Now what? I learned a lot of new techniques, reforged a love of loose ink styles and crosshatched shading, and learned how to utilize multiple references to create my own work. Now what?
Well, I have several projects that I think could benefit from this style. I intend to keep using these techniques both digitally and physically as I continue this journey as an artist. I aim to get a store running, where people can purchase my best pieces. And with a little luck...I'll get my work published. For now though, I'm resting. I'll keep you guys posted as I continue to create new art.
But lastly. Thank you all! Thank you for your continued support. Thank you for reblogging and commenting on it! Thank you for for your entertaining tags! It's been one of my favorite self motivated projects to work on. And it's been made even better because I got to share it with all of you. Here's to more of what we love and continued awesomeness. 🌹🦇🖤 ~Steph
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katsukikitten · 5 years
Hate you
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Six fucking tries to realize it's the emojis the text post dont fucking like. Well without further bullshit here is a fic based off the angsty as fuck song I really wish I hated you by blink 182. Plz enjoy
Bakugou struggles to leave his bed as the sun rushes in through cheap drawn curtains, smooth glass pressed to his palm with some sloshing amber liquid swirling at the bottom.
He rights himself, absently reaching for his phone as he tips the bottle to his lips, emptying the contents. Scarlet eyes reread over messages from a year ago before he extends his arm above his head just to bring it down in a swift motion letting the bottle go half way through. Glass litters the dirty laundry that acts as a rug over the old floor. His phone meets the dry wall, smashing another hole into the grand gaping art that is behind his door. He runs his deadly hands through his hair uncaring how sparks fly from agitated fingers.
Scarlet eyes flicker to a photo of himself with his arm wrapped around you, a candid shot of you two laughing at some stupid shit Kirishima said at a party long forgotten.
He growls to himself as he swipes at the frame causing it to soar off of the nightstand.
An action that has become a daily ritual, he sighs, standing on the shards of glass with uncaring feet before he lifts up the frame, sans glass, as he learned the first time in his fit of rage to leave it out. He sets the photo back up neatly, eyes burning.
His phone begs for his attention, alerting him to some stupid notification. He cannot be bothered as he know it will never be something from you. Yet he makes motion for it anyway, lazily reading a text.
Kirishima: Come on bro, meet us for drinks tonight.
Katsuki's fingers fly across the cracked glass to reply with two words, 'I work.'
An excuse he uses often knowing full well no one will question it, when really he just wants to drink alone and stay drunk. Even if it means drinking before during or after shifts.
He pulls his matching black shirt over his muscled torso looking at his all black hero suit that he's come to hate.
He made it all black per *your* suggestion. As he stares at himself in his mirror he sees an image of you. You drape your arm around his shoulders, mischief dancing in your eyes and in your smile as you trail under his shirt. Fingers slowly going up his chiseled abs.
After all this time he can still feel the ghost of your lips to his ear, can even hear your whisper.
*"It looks great on you....but it would look even better on the floor."*
A loud ping pulls him from the memory as he stares at his phone.
Another meaningless text.
Kiri: *I'm buying. So I'll see you tonight.*
He pockets his phone without another word into the pants of last night's hero suit making a mental note to stop by the liquor store for more booze for his going on now five day binge.
The sun shines too bright for Katsuki, too cheerfully, as it kisses sunshine onto all of your favorite blooming flowers. He snarls at each flower head, half meaning to kill them as he walks past.
His scarlet eyes rover over people out of habit as he walks, couples especially, a thing more noticeable to him now than ever before.
All his seething glares safely hidden behind a pair of mirrored sunglasses.
A gift from you for his birthday last year. He ducks into the liquor store, numb over the fact that the paparazzi linger around the entrance eagerly waiting to snap photos of a top pro hero boozing on his shift. The only thing they get is melted a lens or over exposed film.
Katsuki has been numb to a lot of things since you abandoned him, left him for dead emotionally.
Not a single feeling except for rage, waiting to see you again so he can tell you how much he hates you
Or so he tells himself as he stands outside your old apartment, staring up and thinking of the future you two could have shared. He tries to drink the possibilities away as he swallows burning liquid. Deft fingers idly fly to the golden band with a single diamond in his pocket. A reminder he has kept on his person since you.
A reminder that truly there is no such thing as love.
Because if you loved someone how could you bring them so high, make them forget what anger, sadness or pain really was just to leave them with nothing but.
To pack up their happiness along with your books and clothes as if it meant nothing to you at all. Your eyes brimmed with selfish tears as you unpack y'alls favorite photo.
Leaving it on the bedside table to haunt him. All he can see is your misting eyes slowly giving up on him.
He forces himself back towards his normal path to work.
His shift comes and goes with each swallow of burning liquid before the ash blonde finds himself in front of the exclusive club. He pushes open the double doors to spy Kirishima waving at the bar.
"Drink up Ground Zero!" He teases with a sharp toothed smile. Katsuki takes the offer to heart and orders a whole bottle.
Swigging it as the night blurs together, as ever song that he sings is about you.
Sad heartbreak songs disguised with happy beats, the whole club filled to the brim with melancholy over a shit emotion.
"I'm not lying this is what she said!" Denki laughs as he shows intimite texts on his phone. Denki goes onto continue as Kirishima reads but whatever retort he has dies in his throat as his face pales. Kirishima gives a puzzled look as the hot head begins to get to the better half of his bottle. Golden eyes beg with Rubies to be seen as he silently screams, *"WE SHOULD GO."*
But instead it catches the ash blonde's attention.
"Oi." He growls, "It looks like you've seen a ghost."
Little does Bakugou know that he has. A ghost of the top pro hero's past waltzing into the door with an arm draped around the shoulder.
He follows the golden eyed gaze to spy that it is you.
You are the ghost that haunts the bar, nuzzled up and fucking *laughing* beneath the arm of an emerald haired cuck. Katsuki cannot help himself as the bottle explodes in his hands, the flammable liquor encouraging his sparks catching your eye.
Your cheeks burn and your eyes narrow as you steer that God damn useless Deku onto the dance floor.
Scarlet eyes watch as you dance, laugh and smile.
Genuinely smile up at Deku, the kind of smile where it makes your cheeks scrunch up, reaching your intense eyes.
He couldn't remember the last time you looked up at him like that.
He hates the way that you're better off.
He decides he's going to tell you how much he fucking hates it and so he waits. Eyes never leaving your thick frame although the two men beside him say that they can leave, that there are tons of bars in the city.
But Katsuki sits right there, like a lion in the tall grass knowing when to pounce.
The opportunity presents itself as you excuse yourself from your "boyfriend" or so the media says. He sees you slip into the bathroom and he stands.
Sending deadly glares to keep people from lingering around the doors.
You emerge from the bathroom and immediately wish you hadnt.
Your heart sinks to your stomach as you stare up at an all too familiar scowl.
"Hello Bakugou." You say tightly, fighting the emotion tearing through your body. This...this is what you both wanted.
To be distant friends, strangers even but it still bothers you when he recoils from the sound of his last name. You try to steel yourself yet your heart still weighs heavy with him reeking of booze and with that one rare look in his stunning eyes. He rages a war within himself, the venom soaked words no longer sitting on the tip of his tongue.
When he says nothing you sigh, going to slip around him but instead one of his toned arms slams against the wall beside your head. Pressing himself agaisnt you and you against the wall.
Trapping you in a darkened corner much to your surprise, his fingers silently gripping onto the band in his pocket to no avail. The gold circlet threatens to snap beneath his touch and yet he cannot remind himself in the presence of you that love isn't real.
Because it is and it flows from you in soothing breath taking waves that crash over his starved form. Making him forget why he is sad, angry, fucking hurting with his beating heart curled in your delicate fingers. Depsite not wanting it you still treat it with tender care, sure to smile his way, to be polite.
To never speak ill of him behind his back. To even go as far to point out his few, so very fucking few, redeeming qualities when the media tries to shit on him.
He reminds himself that at one point you loved him, you loved him, you fucking loved him. You could love him again right? Because he needed you. He so desperately needed you to grow as a plant does sunlight.
He really didn't like himself without you.
He cannot stop himself as leans closer, eyes searching yours for answers he cannot find. Scarlet eyes dip down to your plump lips, a shiver runs down his spine as he relives a memory of hushed words. Of whispered I love yous late into the night.
His free hand cups your face, letting the pad of his thumb slide over your feather soft cheeks before it pulls at your bottom lip.
He can no longer hold himself back as he captures your lips to his, unfucking caring over your boyfriend standing feet away. Unfucking caring at the fans that gasp with flashes of cellphone cameras as he bites your lip demanding entrance. Tongue flickering over yours earning the softest of moans from you.
He wants you wrapped around him but he doesn't trust himself.
He cannot trust himself to leave you untainted as you help save him from himself.
So he pulls away, pressing something small and cool into your palm. Whispering words with that damn husky voice that will echo in your head for months to come.
"I really wish I hated you."
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
Book 2 FAQ!
Book 1 FAQ Beginning of Book 2
Dang y’all, 14 chapters done for Book 2! It’s been a little bit of a struggle to hash them out on time BUT I deliver. I’ve asked, y’all keyboard smashed in my inbox...let’s get INTO IT!
4 KIDS?!
Yep. And all 4 of them are full of personality! I guess I dreamt them up to convey all of the unspoken parts of the My Hero universe (canon or not). 
Are the kid’s names in relation to their abilities?
No unfortunately, they’re names are based on their personalities/the major event that happened around the time they were born (no spoilers about it tho! Gotta read book 3 to know why!). Lili Perla is based off of Pearl from Steven Universe and their character type. Iwata El Roca is a nod to Luchador’s names and a character that passed away in the AU to honor them. Tensei Oro is a play on their family position, Tensei was the first born twin and his uncle was the first born, Oro is spanish for ‘gold’ and it’s a play on being first (ya know, because they give gold medals for 1st place!). Hanaka Rosa is a double trope name, Hanaka (Japanese: hana- flower, ka- power) is a nod to the tough girls with flower names in anime and Rosa (spanish: Rose) is a name used in telenovelas as the woman that causes all the romantic tension. I did the whole Japanese first name, Spanish middle name because thats what I want to do when I do have kids.
Why did Mineta have to be in this AU?
I hear you! The thing is that I DREAMT it like this. He’s the slightly incompetent teacher that gets dunked on by the parents. Good news is that he’s single and isn’t as gross in this part of the AU. He’s this AU’s punching bag if you will.
It was weird when you wrote in hate-crime/dorm incident bc I didn’t think about it that way...Why did you decide to explore it?
That part felt important to me to write. Yes the canon shows like actual crimes of different intensities, but not nessatreily hate-crimes done in schools. As you know, being LGBTQA+ in grade school is a terrifying thing to express if don’t want to stand out. The constant fear of peers judging you, bullies hurting you and teachers that seemingly don’t care about you if you come out is enough to silence anybody. Imagine that but in a hero school?! The hate-crime would be a villainous act and the culprit would have to do desperate measures to make sure nobody rats on them to maintain a clean image/record. Plus on the flip side, any ally that stands up for their oppressed peer is hailed the hero but they wouldn’t have to stand up for them if there were real consequences and punishment for the bullies. So in the AU, I wrote it how I’d want such hate-crimes to be handled. Not only justice but also accommodations for the victim.
The Mcdonalds order cracks me up! What is your Mcdonalds order?
I throughly enjoyed the Mcdonalds order part too. It’s a nod to the proposal in Book 1 when they went to Mcdonalds before the peer over. I wrote it to show that the family goes every now and then. My order is: Triple Cheeseburger, Large fries, Large sweet tea, 2 sausage and egg McMuffins & a cone. And yes, there will be a Mcdonalds order for every child because it drives the plot.
Will there be more interactions with the pro heroes from the canon series?
YES! Though old, theres more interactions planned with them. Of course, it’s all in Book 3 (trying not to spoil anything!).
Is it spoiler if you tell us if your kids (or one of them) becomes a villain?
I’ll tell y’all right now....NONE of my kids becomes a villain. It might look like one or two of them might from the way I wrote them but they’re just latina.
Will one of your kids be the next Ingenium?
Yes but I won’t tell you which one. But I can’t wait to reveal it to y'all!
I see all the call-backs to your self insert character’s past...Is it alluding to the conclusion?
I dreamt it as such and I fixed it in writing as a way to come full circle. Notice that Lili didn’t get any of her mom’s past from her mom? It wasn’t until when she confronted her on the couch in chapter 13. Even then, it wasn’t the full story nor did it fill in all the cracks and time skips after her mom’s time at UA. In Book 3, we explore more of the past. The conclusion is yet to be revealed.
How big is that house?!
It’s a little hard to explain? I want to say its big but parts of the house are disproportionate. It’s a two story house with no attic nor basement, 3 bath room, Master bedroom, 2 large bedrooms, office space, guest room, full kitchen, dining room, large living room, three car garage and a decent size backyard. What I’m trying to say that it’s big enough for that chaotic ass family.
Where’s Aizawa?!
Let the mans rest! He’s alive but he’s busy being a grandpa and taking naps. 
Canon villains OwO?
Y’all ate UP the Dabi surrender in Book 1 and his little mention in Book 2. But in this AU (not to spoil anything to anime only and manga dabblers) the League of Villains are still rampant but dispersed. In Book 3 (and part of Book 4) they pop in to drive the plot from a canon storyline. In the series, the rookie Hawks has been seen as a double agent and exposes a corrupt Hero Society. Same concept but in this AU, Hawks has gone missing when he failed to kill Best Jeanist. Here’s where the kids go into play BUT more on that as the plot progresses!
I really want to see art of these OCs! I wanna see how Iida’s genes transferred over to his kids!
I hear y'all! I’ve slid into DM during commission windows and have the means to pay for some line art at least...but with no responses. I’ve got my self insert character done in this post if you wanna check it out plus the artist was super sweet during the whole process. I may commission them again when they got a window of commissions open. But I may do a lineart of the kid’s faces in the near future.
What if....hypothetically....Shinso stayed?
Oh boy, okay so the Shinso stans have BOMBARDED my asks since the last arc of Book 1. So what if Shinso stayed...obviously I wouldn’t have 4 kids, just the one that we were gonna have. We wouldn’t be married and overall just be loveless the more we see our friends get married and start families. The company would still be there but delayed by 5 years or so. Our son would grow up to convince me and Shinso to separate when they get at around High school age. Tenya still wouldn’t have said anything but done the reunited part differently. I would’ve considered cheating but morals would’ve stopped me. Eventually, when our son decides to move out, we’d stay as housemates and basically die alone....aren’t you glad this AU isn’t such a downer?! Luckily things are patched up with my self insert and Shinso, because he comes into play in Book 3!
Eri Nurse! In your AU!
Yup! I’ve actually read some NurseEri! AUs on twitter and Tumblr (btw, some of y’all that like my posts have good taste in fics!) and it manifested in my dreams and created UA Nurse Eri. She shows up a few more times in the AU, so don’t fret if Eri is your fave.
Is it okay if I follow you on a different platform? Do you have another social media that I can follow you on?
You can follow me on Twitter (@oketsusama). It’s my personal twitter that I repost memes and get my news from. So it’s not as poppin as my Tumblr, but at least it’s AU free over there lmao.
What’s you favorite rare pair in the My Hero canon storyline?
Oh! and DON’T hate me, but I stan the Sero x Iida rare pair! There’s crumbs of the pair on twitter and here but the ones that I did read got me in tears. If you haven’t seen this tag on twitter and Tumblr, DO IT! The one on twitter had a lot of angst in it and it got me HOOKED on some of that goofball with their geeky partner energy.
Not a question, but I like your //Palma-sama Speaks in the tags. They’re funny and makes your posts that much more personalized.
I will cry! Thanks for reading that far! I like doing the ‘talking in the tags’ thing to basically point out the callbacks to new readers that stumbled upon that chapter of the AU. 
How long is this AU?!
It’s quite long BUT the ending is marvelous, trust. 
Thanks for reading! That’s all the asks for now, keep asking them! I love reading them. Next is the finale of Book 2! Everything will still come out 2-3 days of each other until further notice. Stay safe, drink water!
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thekweenofkats · 4 years
it’s okay to be single.
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Translation to the image: "Almost 2 million women in the states of Selangor and Johor are unmarried."
NB: Selangor and Johor are two of the States in Malaysia.
Many women were offended (including me). That tweet caught a lot of attention as it only focused on women being single and not getting 'hitched' yet. It saddens me when a woman's worth is only measured by her ability to be 'wedded' and 'belonged to somebody'. It's even more condescending when  a man labels a woman's worth based on her fertility. Please respect a woman for whatever decision she has made for her body. Not every woman wants to bear a child, not every woman wants marriage. What society has failed to understand is to comprehend and get rid of the ridiculous standards set on women for centuries.
The stigma society has put on single women who have aged above 25 years old are misogynistic to me. This is where people say you can't compare a man to a woman in this facade because women have to bear the child not men. Yeah, it's common sense but to reiterate what I've mentioned before, a woman's worth shouldn't be labelled on her fertility. God has created women as the birth bearer and giver, but every human is given a choice. If you're not a woman, stop deciding what we want to do with our bodies. It's that simple.
Before going on further, this post is not solely on lifting up all the single women, but also to cover all the single men out there! Going by the title, it is actually okay to be single (although you feel super old).
I've been single for 3 years and that's an achievement! Not embarrassed of it instead I'm very proud of myself. My last relationship taught me a lot of lessons despite being one of my biggest downfall of all the downfalls (I've had a fair share amount of rock bottom moments but we are not here to discuss that). Through all of those years up to now, I am able to sit down and reflect a lot of things. What went wrong, what I lack and what I can do to fix it.
Not being the constant giver
I learned that I am a person who cares a lot about the people I love. Sometimes, it can be too much and that's where I don't know how to cross the line. I've heard this before. "Find a man who loves you more than you love him". I think that statement is more of a safety precaution in relationships. To not be left behind and alone. But, this seems wrong to me. You got to find someone who's willing to give the same amount of energy like you will. This is where you have to learn your worth. If someone doesn't know how to appreciate you and give you reassurance, perhaps start questioning. You give too much, they keep on taking. But they never, try to give back. It took me a lot of courage to leave an old relationship behind because I was blinded by unrequited love. Our energy were not reciprocal nor equal. It took me for a relationship to be over to realize these things. This also applies to friendships by the way.
Learn to read yourself
Ever heard of hobbies or passion? I started coming out of my shell after everything. Trying to fill that void in me I've had all along way before I got into any sort of relationship. I'm saying that I've had personal struggles since I was young. So, not working on myself since the beginning itself isn't gonna help me any further into putting that messy load on another. We have to accept that we aren't all perfect but that's not an excuse to not work on yourself. I learned that I am too damaged to be loving another person. I don't even love myself and that's what I'm still trying to do. I reflected that sometimes the things I do or say can be unpretty too and I have to learn a sense of  self-control. I picked up a lot of my longtime hobbies, music and writing. I learned how to write daily journal. As each day goes by, I can look at things in a more positive manner now. It was impossible back then but changes can happen when you try and least expect it.
More 'me time'
You're able to enjoy yourself alone. You'll learn to do things alone. Being alone should not be associated with negativity. Like, calling someone lonely, having no friends, it seems sad. No, it's not. Sometimes people need to learn to be alone and independent so that one can cope not to be lonely. Especially if you're an introverted person. It's how you recharge your energy to go through another socializing episode. We enjoy silence and not talking most times. Don't take that into offence. That explains why most introverts see their alone time as an enjoyable activity despite just sitting around doing nothing at home. This is where you adapt to not being codependent. Codependency can be a dangerous thing to hold on to because when you rely too much on someone to run simple errands, once that reason or person is gone, you'd feel really helpless.
God always has a reason
I've felt terrible just seeing my peers getting into committed, serious relationships. My constant thoughts are "Where do y'all find these kind, trustworthy,understanding partners?!". It's always a lost case for me. I felt like nobody found me even an inch of attractiveness. But, what I start to realize is God's timing. It's powerful. I know getting into a relationship won't be anywhere near happiness and getting the burden off me. Looking at my current life situation, I'm juggling a lot of things at once. It's crazy to put another commitment to the list. I guess God is looking out for me? Who knows.  I'm trying to be positive here. Probably God is answering your future partner's prayers for you to not meet anyone before he/she meets you. I personally don't look for love right now, it's not my life goal. But that's okay too.
To wrap it up, learn to feel the happiest with no one else but yourself. It's what will radiate the positive energy to others and the right one will see your light. Celebrate being single. Own it.
Happy International Women's Day, everyone! <3 (I mean, on Sunday March 8th).
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dotzines · 5 years
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Artist spotlight: Elleth!
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Header source: [X]  
Introduce yourself Hi! I'm Elleth, I'm a 21 year old a self taught artist just about to graduate as a Psychologist. I currently live between Argentina and Spain but I've been moving between countries and continents my whole life, so I can't really say with confidence that I'm from anywhere.I love most fantasy themes and I'm a BIG LoTR and Anime nerd! I'm a sucker for story-centered games, some of my favorites are Shadow of The Colossus, The Last Guardian, Witcher III, TES, RDR2 and Soma. I'm currently into BNHA and She Ra cuz I love me some heroes!  When did you start drawing? Are you a digital or traditional artist? I've been drawing since I could hold a crayon (yes, crayons y'all) but I only started taking it seriously and actually puttinf effort into it some months ago or so. I'm a mainly digital artist, tho I still start all my sketches traditionally. Do you use any traditional mediums? If so, which are your favorites? Yeah, I mostly use pencils and watercolors. Watercolors are my absolute favorites, I love how dynamic and calming they are ^^
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image source: [X]   Why do you prefer traditional over digital? (or viceversa) Well, actually I dont have a strong preference, I want to improve my digital art and it's easier for me to keep a consistent production of art that way (art supplies are kinda expensive where I live so drawing digitally is way cheaper once you do the tablet investment) Also I love how clean my pieces can be when I do them digitally. I mostly do traditional as a way of self care now, it calms me What do you think is the most challenging part about being a traditional/digital artist? Practicing and actually spending the time to learn how the software works and it's functions What inspires your pieces? Anything, from shows or games I like to nature or just things I find funny
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image source: [X]   Explain your "everyday" drawing process I mostly have an idea in the middle of psychology class (cuz I'm a responsible student) I do a draft of it in my sketchbook and play with different ways of bringing that idea to life. When I end up with something I actually life I take a photo of the sketch and then, when I get home, I start tracing the sketch in my drawing tablet. There I tweak the design and any anatomy mistakes (which are a LOT cuz I don't know anatomy to save my life), from ther it's just the stardart: I do the lineart, base colors, do the background, then add light and shadows to the whole piece, add details and check for mistakes and voila! Art. Then I post it on Twitter and look at it only to notice a mistake, I take it down, correct the mistake and post it again only to notice ANOTHER mistake, and so the cycle goes on and on. Do you have an artist you admire (or more than one)?
I'm literally inspired by almost every artist I see! I try to learn from every art style and artist I see, I try to see where I can improve from seeing their work. I also tend to like artists from their personality more than their work, I love to see supporting and kind artists more than crazy good artists that treat others as their inferiors. Some artists that really inspire me are: @Kf1n3 @souratgar @Velinxi @kroovv @SHelmigh @Amaretta_ @cherriielle Is there an artwork you are most proud of? Why? I'm really proud of this WIP I'm currently working on: https://twitter.com/EllethsArt/status/1124055356445986818 But an actual finished artwork I'm insanely proud of is this one: https://twitter.com/EllethsArt/status/1119694506662797312
Do you listen to music (or tv shows/films/anything else) when drawing? Yeah! I watch BNHA or just Jacksepticeye or other gameplay vids (I told ya I'm a nerd), sometimes I put on a speedpaint or a stream of someone I like hearing, for music I mostly put on lofi or something that goes with the mood of the piece (I need that sweet inspiration!)
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image source: [X]   What makes art interesting for you? All that it represents, art can be healing, it can be a way to deal with stuff we can't even speak about, it's in our very essence. You can see at someone's work and see their personality, what they like, their fears, it's like looking at someone's eyes. Ahhh I'm sounding really corny but I really think art is the window to the soul. What do you do when art block strikes? I just try to relax and doodle something I like or just stupid things (like trying to make cats out of splooshes of black ink or my OC's doing stupid things) If that doesn't work I just leave it be and do something I enjoy, watch a show that inspires me, go for a walk, writing things for future comics, etc. Usually fanart of things that currently inspire me gets me out of the artblock. If not I'll just stop and try and do something the next day, it usually gets a lil better each day, so it's just a baby steps situation. What’s the most valuable art advice you’ve ever received?
PRACTICE! And don't compare yourself to others, you're your own person and your art is as unique as you. It doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to be yours.
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pastelsketches64 · 6 years
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Sketches of the Month: May! 
Hello once again everyone! Now, you know how much I wanna talk all about my art, as per usual, but I'm literally in the middle of exams so sleep is sadly a thing I need to keep track of XD 
I'll try to give explanations for some, but yeah, I'm really happy with the artwork I've done this month! I seriously thought it wouldn't be that productive of a month XD 
I'm also in the middle of working on a very detailed piece, but I guess y'all will just have to wait for next month to see it ;) 
Anyway, on with the artwork! 
1: Mermay Cream Request 
Yeah, I'm uploading it again because I really do like how it turned out XD Messing with the water and different effects was a lot of fun! They’re also a bit of a running theme for the artwork this month XD 
2: Precious in multiple forms 
Some art of Midoriya and his prototype design, Yamikumo! I’ve really grown to like the fandom’s interpretation of him and Proto!Katsuki, so I had to try and draw him! Also his hair looks really cool XD
3: Daily Dose of Sonic Girls! 
Did a request for Cream with blue eyes, which turned out really interesting! Gonna upload it once the blog is off hiatus!
4: Motivational Midoriya No. 2 
I have been drawing a lot of these while doing my exams to help me along I guess XD Will probably post all of them together over on my BnHA side blog @adorkable-deku 
5 & 6: Cute Cream Doodles 
Yeah, they’re simply just that XD First one was based off some babysitting headcanons that some of my Sonic Discord friends talked about, and the idea was just too cute for me NOT to draw! And the second one was for @ 30-minute-sonic , which involved Emerl having some tea!
 7: Lots of Midoriya Doodles!
... What can I say? I’ve been drawing this boy a lot lately XD
 8: Precious Boy Sandwich 
I love these boys a lot, help XD Seriously though, Midoriya and Steven are really sweet and bubbly and I can’t help but love ‘em a lot! Most of my fictional crushes seem to be close to my age, which I’m happy about, but some things may change in the next 19 days XD My 16th Birthday
9: Friend's Birthday Present 
She truly loves her sons XD It was my friend @cosmio ‘s birthday this month, so of course I was gonna try and draw something for her! These last two images are done in the same art style, which I wanna try and keep up into next month since I really like how it looks!
And that is everything! 
Well, I mean, I sketched out a bunch of stuff traditionally over this month that y’all haven’t seen. Maybe I can create a separate series for simple sketches? Or maybe just upload them when I draw them? That would mean that I could be a bit more active on here! 
I’m not sure yet, but y’all can tell me if you prefer either option! And since it is getting pretty late for me and for ONCE I actually feel really sleepy, I think I’m gonna end this post now!
Thank you for taking the time to get to the end of my stupid lil’ talks! XD
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askdawnandvern · 6 years
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:39
Sorry this was a bit late to post, as I know you guys have been eagerly awaiting the next chapter. But even so, this one is just a little bit of a reprieve from the previous emotional gut punch the last chapter carried. I think we could all use some mushy lovey Dawn and Vern about now. So let's get right to it...
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Where do we go?
Dawn shrunk in her shoulders as the crestfallen looking wolf glanced her way. The ewe already felt bad enough having eavesdropped on the conversation between the wolf and his father for multiple reasons. Hearing what the old wolf had to say about her, while she had already heard as much the day before, was still just as hard to take the second time around. But also having to silently endure watching her Puppy Love trying desperately to plead with the wolf, to attempt to make Dorian see things from his perspective, only to be met time and time again with outright denial was agonizing to witness her mate suffer through. Especially knowing it was all for her sake.
Vernon had thrown away his name, tossed it aside as if it meant nothing to him, all because of his devotion to her. And based on what little Dawn knew of the tenets of native wolf beliefs, she knew it was more than just a simple, inconsequential gesture. If Vernon intended to honor it the way the wolves of old did, it would mean that he would never return to the ranch, or speak to his father again. Not to mention the wolf would be very limited when it came to seeing the rest of his family members in one place.
The Hunter Brothers seemed to have very busy and demanding lives, and Dawn could only imagine that big get-togethers such as this were almost impossible to make their schedules fit into, especially without a mammal like Audrey most likely being the organizer of events like this. The ewe imagined that when it came to the she-wolf, all she had to do was call and her boys would drop everything and answer.
But when it came to their situation, aside from stopping in and visiting Wade due to the fact that he lived in the same city, Dawn couldn't see any mini-"Hunter reunions" in Zootopia ever happening. After all, Dawn and Vernon were busy mammals too, and at this point, their shared apartment wasn't fit to hold more than one guest at a time. Dawn was certain the future for family get-togethers only held disappointing phone calls that would simply grow farther and farther apart until eventually Vernon simply gave up on the idea, all because of the choice he made.
Essentially the wolf had elected to cut himself out of the Hunter family tree, to fully disassociate with them just has his great grandmother had with her own pack. The only difference was that in Vernon's case the ewe knew it was self-imposed. Dawn was already well aware that the Hunter family did not take any pride or tradition from their native blood-line, and so it would be Vernon's job to truly enforce such a declaration.
It would be up to him to never visit his family, to never speak to his father again no matter the circumstance, all because he held his love for the ewe above everything and everyone else. Because he felt she deserved to be included, to experience all the rights and responsibilities allocated to those who enter into the Hunter pack. He felt they deserved the right to be joined in body and soul for eternity under the glow of the full harvest moon while surrounded by his own flesh and blood.
It should have made the ewe feel proud. To be filled with nothing more than pure love and adoration for her mate. But the circumstances had dampened any sort of real joy she could garner from witnessing how tirelessly her mate had defended her honor after seeing just how great the cost had turned out to be. She could see the pain in Vernon's eyes, she could hear it in the linger of his howl as it crept through the crisp autumn air. And while she knew she would probably be unable to get the wolf to admit it to her, the pain of the sacrifice he had chosen to make was something that would never really leave him. Much the same way her past actions haunted her.
Vernon let out a quiet whimper, his deep green eyes darting away from the ewe's own as the wolf scratched the back of his head awkwardly.
"W-what did you hear?" Vernon muttered.
Dawn wrung her hooves nervously, her eyes drifting down to the worn wooden boards of the porch flooring.
"I-I heard most of it...I think." Dawn murmured. "I mean, I was o-outside from around the part where your father b-brought up the fair..."
Vernon slumped backward into the porch swing, causing the loveseat to begin to sway back and forth slightly under the sudden shift in weight. The wolf drew an arm over his face, covering his eyes. For a moment the wolf let out a soft hiss, quickly pulling his arm away as Dawn surmised he skimmed another on of his cuts before gently placing his arm back over his eyes in a slightly different position.
"You were listenin' to that part too!?" Vernon whined. "I though y'all just heard the howl!"
Dawn cringed, biting down on a knuckle as Vernon's words hit her. For some reason, she assumed Vernon had been aware she had overheard the bulk of the argument. It was a foolish assumption for which the ewe had no real basis, as even among company the small ewe managed to disappear from the radar of other mammals larger than she was. The fact that the door Vernon previously closed to the office was slightly ajar when he left should have been enough to tip the wolf off. But also she had been sure the wolf had seen her before starting his trudge toward the porch. Still, Dawn figured that it was a lot to expect of Vernon considering what he had just experienced.
Vernon let out a tired groan before dragging his arm off of his eyes and allowing it to hang lazily off the side of the swaying seat. Placing his other paw on his chest, the wolf took in a deep breath before letting it out a long, drawn sigh.
"I'm sorry you had to hear any of that Floofs." Vernon shook his head. "I'm sorry fer all the fights, all this grief...everythin'..." The wolf muttered quietly. "Y'all deserve better than this."
"Oh hush now Puppy." Dawn cooed as she made her way over to the old wooden porch swing. Taking a moment to hold it steady with her hooves, the ewe managed to stop the gentle rocking the wolf had created by throwing himself against it. Thankfully the porch swing proved to be considerably lower to the ground by comparison to the dining room chairs, allowing the ewe pull herself onto the cushion with little difficulty.
The old swing was a bit of a relic upon closer inspection. With its out of date floral printing and the various scratches cut into the wood it was clear the old piece of furniture had seen a few decades sitting outside of the Hunter Ranch. Dawn couldn't help but think that perhaps the reason it was so low to the ground in the first place was that it was made with Audrey's newborn pups being able to reach it in mind. The image of the little Puppy she remembered trying to clamber up onto the same seat she was now sitting on would have been more than enough to warm her heart had the current circumstances been different.
Dawn went down on her knees, sliding herself up alongside the wolf before placing a gentle hoof atop the paw on his chest.
"I happen to think I don't deserve a mate nearly as wonderful as you are." The ewe cooed.
Vernon continued to look away from her, instead his eyes seemed to be fixed on the distant glowing orb in the sky.
"Pfft...wonderful." Vernon muttered sarcastically.
"Yes wonderful." Dawn reaffirmed, patting his paw to emphasize her point.
"A wonderful mate doesn't act like I did..." Vernon grumbled. "I'm purty sure if you were set up with a nice ram y'all wouldn't have to worry about him bitin' down on someone's throat."
Dawn rolled her eyes. "Oh Vernon, that again?" The ewe shook her head. "I already forgave you for that."
"Yeah, and I still can barely wrap my head around why." The wolf shook his head dismissively before pulling away from Dawn's grip as he edged himself into the corner of the swing. The wolf leaned up slightly, allowing the ewe to get a good look at the wolf's face now that she was closer to him. The pale moonlight against his fur revealed that the smattering painful lumps and flecks of dried blood all over his muzzle had only seemed to expand since she had last been able to check, and the bruise near his right eye had swelled up enough at this point to force it partially closed.
Dawn sucked in a sharp breath between parted teeth as she eyed the damage. The ewe could only imagine just how excruciating the pain must have felt to the wolf.
"I mean, I acted like I was nothin' more than a savage." Vernon grumbled. "I let Yuri get the better of me and...ugh..." Vernon cradled his head in his paws. "The look on yer face when I saw it...I just..."
"Vernon." Dawn scooted closer to him, placing a hoof gently on the wolf's knee. Vernon's response was to further tighten into a ball, his legs tucked tightly against him in what Dawn could only assume was an effort to edge her out.
"It felt like daggers." Vernon whined. "Like icicles jabbin' directly into my heart."
"I wasn't afraid of you." Dawn shook her head. "You know that."
Vernon ran a paw up his face, slowing down slightly as he passed near his bruised eye before dragging it through his hair.
"I know, it's just..." Vernon allowed his arms to drop listlessly to his side. " I never ever wanted you to see me like that...." The wolf looked down into his lap as he let out a quiet sigh. "I didn't even think I was capable of bein' like that anymore..."
The wolf glanced back toward the amber colored orb hanging in the sky. By now the chorus of crickets under the blanket of growing dark had swelled into a full symphony as the stars began to come out.
"I haven't felt like that since...since the factory. And before that...I-"
"Vernon." Dawn tried to interrupt, but the wolf continued.
"I just felt so damn powerless." Vernon whimpered softly. "I hate feelin' powerless...I've hated it ever since I lost you the first time Floofs."
Dawn moved in closer to the wolf, tryin to find an opening around his legs she could easily maneuver through to reach the vulnerable wolf as he continued.
"Bein' here...with everything going the way it has..." Vernon murmured. "I just feel like such a powerless damn pup again."
Finally, Dawn found her opening. With a quick push the ewe had managed to squirm past the wolf's legs, slipping into the small space between him and the back of the seat before laying her arm across his chest, drawing the wolf's attention back to the diminutive lamb. Vernon winced slightly as Dawn stared back up into his emerald eyes. It was only for a moment before his eyes darted away again, back to the moon hovering in the night sky.
"And that...I mean..." Vernon placed a paw to his head." It just broke me." The wolf whined. "I let it all get the better of me and I ju-"
"You don't think we all have those moments Vernon?" Dawn spoke softly, tugging at the wolf's shirt in an attempt to draw his attention back on her. "What did you think I meant when I told you that you were no more a monster than I was?"
Despite her efforts, Vernon kept his eyes on the skies.
"We've all had moments where we've broken down..." Dawn cooed. "Where we've been pressed to our limits to the point of snapping and done things we regret after the fact." The ewe tugged at Vernon's shirt again. "Lamb sakes, you know I have!"
"Mhh..." Vernon muttered quietly in a half-hearted agreement.
Dawn was growing tired of the wolf's evasive attitude, and quickly reached up to grab the wolf's chin with her hoof. She grasped it as gently as she could while still maintaining a grip to avoid causing the wolf any more undue pain, before tilting his face back in her direction. The lamb made sure his eyes were finally on hers again before continuing.
"Vernon, you want to talk about dealing with inner demons?" Dawn asked, furrowing her brow. "You are looking at the expert on the subject!"
The wolf, unable to move, merely quirked his eyebrows quizzically.
"I spent so long burying them, shoving them deep down inside. I was so afraid to even acknowledge I had those feelings that I didn't even realize how they had started to affect the way I was thinking until long after they completely consumed me!" Dawn raised her voice slightly as she adjusted her grip on the wolf's muzzle. "I had no one to help, not a single friend to share my pain with or even stand to my defense, and all those horrible feelings just welled deep down inside with no way to release them!"
Dawn frowned, breaking eye contact for a moment as she looked down at her lap.
"When that Pandaro's box finally burst open, it took the ZPD's best to put an end to it. To finally slam that case shut and drag the real Dawn back to the surface. To pull me back from the brink of insanity." Dawn whimpered softly.
"I had to take mandatory psychiatric therapy to deal with the dark pit I had let myself spiral into!" The ewe brought her gaze back to Vernon's. She could feel tears starting to form, but the lamb did her best to suppress them as she continued. "And I'm still seeing Dr. Gnu because I'm still recovering even now!"
Vernon just stared back at the ewe, his left eye open wide in shock with his right doing it's best to join it despite the swelling.
"So don't you start going on about being a monster, okay!?" Dawn replied. The ewe was slightly dragging his muzzle from side to side in a playful manner, doing her best to drag a smile out of the sullen wolf. It didn't take long before she could see the smirk Vernon was struggling to hide.
"You are an angel compared to me!" Dawn continued with a giggle. "A moment of weakness is not going to change my opinion on that!"
Vernon tried to look away, the wolf letting out a soft chuckle of his own in the face of Dawn's continued playful antics.
"Trying to suppress those feelings you hate only makes them more powerful. To lock them away without any form of an outlet is not going to help anyone." Dawn said, releasing her grip on the wolf's chin and patting him gingerly on the chest with a hoof. "It certainly didn't work very well for me now did it?"
"Floofs..." Vernon shook his head.
"We even talked about this just last night, remember?" Dawn continued. " About what Dr. Gnu told me about burying emotions and letting them fester?"
"I remember..." Vernon murmured softly.
"And do you remember what else I said last night?" Dawn asked.
Vernon rolled his eyes. "You mean about bein' honest with each other, and leanin' on one another and such?"
Dawn gave the wolf a brisk nod. "Exactly, an-"
"And..." Vernon interrupted. "I'd like to point out you didn't exactly keep to that rule either all things considered." The wolf playfully tapped the tip of the ewe's nose with a claw to accentuate his point. Dawn crinkled her muzzle in response, the ewe drawing away slightly before giving the wolf a playful swat and sticking her tongue out in a childish retort. The wolf simply squinted back at the ewe, a knowing smirk plastered on his muzzle until Dawn finally gave in and addressed the issue.
"Okay, okay...that's fair." Dawn giggled. "This trip has been extremely stressful for the both of us." Dawn continued, leaning her head back against the wolf's chest as she began to rub it with an affectionate hoof, drawing small circles with her finger. "And we were both so caught up worrying about expressing those feelings to each other and being open and honest about them that we both ended up keeping secrets and letting our emotions get the better of us."
"Mhh..." Vernon nodded softly in agreement. The wolf had leaned his head back onto the armrest, his muzzle tipped up toward the porch ceiling as he ran a paw through his messy mane of head fur while glancing back at the lamb out of the corner of his eyes. Well, at least the good one anyway,  it was hard to make out the matching pupil that was partially obscured by a pulsing lump of fur. Seeing it so swollen still made the ewe's heartache for him despite how non-plussed the wolf seemed to be over it. It made it particularly hard for Dawn to look him directly in it.
"I was wrong not to tell you what happened with Dorian right after I went to talk to him." Dawn sighed, her attention drawing to the soft circular motions she drew on the wolf's chest. "I know that." Dawn slumped slightly before reluctantly turning her attention back to the wounded wolf. "I just...I was just so worried about making the relationship between everyone worse." Dawn murmured. "Not even just between you and Dorian, but between him and Audrey, or the rest of your brothers and sisters."
As the ewe rested against the wolf's side, she could feel his arm slip in around her back. The wolf gently placed his arm around her, drawing a gentle claw up her arm before bringing his paw to rest on her shoulder and pulling her slightly closer to his chest. Slowly, Dawn felt the weight of the swing shift, and soon it was swaying softly in the slight breeze that seeped through the mesh netting of the porch. The motion was consistent and continued without losing momentum long enough for Dawn to realize that the wolf was the one keeping the old, worn, wooden structure swaying in the rather relaxing manner.
"I mean, they've been so nice to me." Dawn sighed. " Almost everyone was willing to welcome me with open paws. To leave my history at the door and just embrace me as one of their own."
The ewe pulled away for a moment, sitting up slightly as glanced back up at her mate, her eyes catching his own as they shimmered in the moonlight.
"And I was going to repay my newfound family by driving a deeper wedge between Dorian and the rest of them?" The ewe asked, gesturing hoof toward the wolf to emphasize her point. Vernon simply watched her in silence as the ewe shook her head dismissively. "It was just that much more of a reason to keep from telling you until we got back home."
Dawn let out a shuddering sigh as she curled back against the wolf's side. The slight chill in the air was starting to creep down the back of her neck, and it made the wolf's pelt seem that much more inviting to snuggling up to as she nuzzled against his chest. As soon as her head returned to its place above the wolf's heart, Vernon's paw had taken it's place back on Dawn's shoulder, the wolf gently running it up and down her upper arm in an effort to provide some warmth.
"Well at least you were gonna tell me..." Vernon replied, the wolf chuckling softly as he spoke.
"I-I thought it would do less damage...somehow...I don't know." The ewe huffed, unceremoniously burying her face and muzzle in Vernon's shirt. "That having a phone line separating you and Dorian would prevent...well..." The ewe's voice was slightly muffled as she spoke through the fabric.
"This?" Vernon asked, raising the ewe a curious eyebrow as he gestured to the general area of the ranch.
Dawn pulled her head up slightly, allowing her to speak clearly once again. "Well, this wasn't exactly what I expected would happen." The ewe murmured. "Although I can't honestly say if what I was expecting was better or worse than what actually happened."
The ewe reached her arm around the wolf's chest, squeezing herself against him as tightly as she could muster in an effort to hug the wolf with her free arm. "But I should have told you anyway." Dawn murmured, her glance shifting back to the wolf above her "It was wrong of me to keep it from you."
Vernon's ears were sagging now, and he had returned his attention back to the looming orange moon hovering in the dusky sky.
"Can't imagine it could get much worse..." Vernon mumbled letting out a soft, tired sigh. "I mean even if y'all told me right after it happened I can't imagine things would have played out much better. Once I heard what he did I just sorta..." Vernon raised his free paw before allowing it to flop lazily off the side of the swing. It dangled limply as the seat swayed softly back and forth. "Shut down." The wolf ran a paw through his head fur. "And well...I mean...like I said, my emotions got the best of me."
Dawn reached out to grab the wolf's muzzle once more, directing his focus back on her.
"Nobody's perfect Vernon."
Vernon frowned, the wolf's ears dipping lower as he eyed the lamb quizzically.
"And that's okay." The ewe continued, patting Vernon reassuringly. "There isn't a mammal out there that is perfect."
"We all make mistakes, and have moments where we break down." Dawn caressed the side of his bruised muzzle, and the wolf leaned into the affectionate gesture, placing a paw atop her hoof as he watched her speak . "Moments that make us feel small, and weak, and insecure."
The ewe pulled free of the wolf's gentle grip, moving her hoof up to the wolf's ear and scratching just beneath the limp muscle. Almost as soon as she began the gentle scraping of the skin under his ear, the familiar soft thudding of her mate's tail began to sound out softly as it 'thumped' against the faded floral printed padding of the loveseat. Vernon closed his eyes, furrowing his brow as he leaned toward the ewe's hoof and making it that much easier to reach. Dawn couldn't help but smirk as the tip of the wolf's tongue poked out from his muzzle. It was a sure sign she was working one of the wolf's weak spots just the right way.
"Last night you brought up something else Dr. Gnu said." Dawn cooed as she continued her massage. "About how learning to stand up for myself and make myself heard was something I wasn't going to just suddenly become a master at overnight." Dawn retracted her hoof slightly, and the wolf's head followed. Vernon's trance-like state causing him to follow the source of overwhelming pleasure subconsciously. "It would take time and practice because the whole thing was still new to me."
Despite seeming to be lost in a haze of warm, pleasant thoughts, Vernon managed a soft, affirmative nod.
"T-true." Vernon moaned quietly.
"Well, it's the same thing with us." Dawn concluded, giving the wolf's cheek a gentle stroke as she pulled her hoof all the way back to its resting place on the wolf's chest. Vernon's eyes flew open almost as soon as the ewe pulled her hoof away, his expression briefly one of confusion and disappointment before the wolf seemed to shake off the lingering haze that had overtaken his mind. The wolf shook his head briskly for a moment before turning his attention back to the ewe at his side.
"Huh?" Vernon titled his head curiously. "How so?"
"This relationship stuff." Dawn added, gesturing at nothing in particular with her hoof before placing it back on Vernon's chest. "All of it."
The ewe sat up slightly, thrusting herself forward in short, terse movements until she was satisfied with her position. Dawn raised a hoof, holding one finger up with the others balled up as she grabbed at it with her other hand, eyeing the confused looking wolf.
"Communication." The ewe wiggled her extended digit slightly with her other hand before extending her second finger and moving to it.
"Teamwork." Dawn extended her thumb before pressing it down with her other hoof's index finger.
"Figuring out our strengths and weaknesses when it comes to working as a pair, and playing them the right way."
The ewe gave a simple shrug as she let her arms drop to her sides. "We're new at this, both of us. We're learning the ins and outs of being together. Of having a real relationship."
Vernon raised a curious brow, but despite appearing slightly confused the wolf was idly nodding along.
"It's going to take time to master it all." Dawn said with a chuckle as she gently pat the wolf's chest. "We're still getting used to the fact that we have someone who is invested in our lives. Someone who loves us unconditionally. Someone who is there to lean on, and who we need to be open and honest with so they can actually help." The ewe cooed. "And we are going to hit a few potholes along the way."
Dawn leaned up to the confused wolf, placing a gentle kiss on the tip of his bruised nose.
"But that's why we have each other Puppy Love." The ewe smiled softly. "So when we slip we have someone to lean on. To go to with our problems and look out for us." The ewe gently pet the wolf's chest. "And when it comes to serious decisions, we have each other to confer with on what is the best route to take."
The ewe laid her head against the wolf's chest, nuzzling him softly as she gripped against his side.
"Perhaps if we had been communicating properly from the beginning things would have been a little easier, but at the very least it has given us something to learn from." The ewe muttered. "And we can use these experiences to better our relationship, to make it stronger."
Dawn leaned her head up on the wolf's chest, allowing one eye to fall on his around the frame of her skewed lenses.
"To make each other stronger." The ewe cooed. "Because we are a team now. And everything we do, we do together from now on." Dawn gave the wolf's chest a quick pat.
Vernon offered the ewe a warm smile, nodding softly in agreement.
"Alright..." The wolf replied.
"And from now on we'll try a little harder at 'being honest with each other'." Dawn offered Vernon a meek grin as she gingerly walked her fingers up the wolf's chest in a playful manner. "Sound fair?"
Vernon chuckled at that, the wolf bringing a paw to his muzzle in an effort to stifle the snickering.
"Sounds good to me Honey Lamb." The wolf said with a pleasant sigh, giving the ewe's poof a gentle but playful tousle with his paw. "After all, we got the rest of our lives to practice at it, don't we?"
Dawn giggled softly, shuffling her way up the wolf's chest until her head came to nestle just under his jaw. Dawn let out a contented sigh as she wrapped her free arm lazily around the wolf's neck.
"I'd like nothing better..." Dawn cooed as she nuzzled under the wolf's chin affectionately.
With that, Vernon gave the ewe a soft squeeze, pulling her into a hug with the arm that was still draped over her shoulder. The ewe did her best to return the gesture in kind with her free arm. The two remaining as tightly gripped to one another for as long as they possibly could, putting as much energy and emotion as they could into the short hug. It was Dawn who used up her the bulk of her energy first, her grip quickly slackening as she settled back into simply laying next to the wolf with her arm draped over him. Vernon was quick to follow, letting out a soft groan as he slipped back into a more relaxed pose.
They lie like that for a while in the quiet of the autumn night, the sound of crickets and the gentle creak of the porch swing growing to dominate the scene in the absence of their words. The whole time Dawn remained nestled up under Vernon's chin, listening to the gentle and soothing thrum of the wolf's heartbeat as she let herself slip into the mood of the moment. The ewe wasn't sure how much time went by as she lie there, enjoying the close company of her mate. After everything they had been through, over not just the course of the day, but the trip in general, the quiet relaxation the moment had offered proved far too enticing for the ewe to not at least indulge in to some degree. To keep her muzzle still on the matters yet to be discussed as she watched the wolf's free leg periodically push off the porch to keep the swing's rhythm even and steady.
Perhaps and hour had gone by, perhaps longer. The moon had certainly shifted in the amount of time Dawn had chosen to lose herself in the simple, much-needed warmth of her mates embrace. It was beyond the edge of the mesh frame of the porch by the time thoughts of what remained un-discussed began to filter back into the ewe's mind. Obscured by the porch overhang as it crawled upward into the darkening sky.
She didn't want to acknowledge those thoughts, to even bring them up now that she and Vernon had slipped into such a comfortable state. But the ewe had questions she needed to ask the wolf. To not only do her best to what she believed would help the wolf, but also to figure out exactly just what they were going to do now. It was time to start practicing being honest with each other,  fully and completely. She could only hope the wolf was as ready to start practicing it as he said he was.
"Vernon?" Dawn muttered weakly.
"Mhh?" The wolf's reply was quiet and drowsy, almost as if he had been half asleep.
Dawn began to wring her hooves nervously, biting her lip as she mustered the courage to ask her question and effectively ruin the lovely moment.
"Are you sure this is what you want?" The ewe murmured quietly, idly walking her fingers around on the wolf's chest. Her muzzle remained downturned as she spoke, uncertain if she could actually ask the question while looking at the wolf.
" I mean I know you want to get married, to get the partnership license and everything but..." The ewe once again began to wring her hooves as she clarified the nature of her question. "I mean, are you sure you want to go through with leaving your pack?"
Vernon was quiet for a moment, the wolf drawing a long breath before letting it out in a slow exhale.
"In the interest of stayin' honest." Vernon murmured softy. "I can tell y'all that I'm absolutely certain I can go through with leavin' my pack." The wolf said with a sigh.
"Can go?" Dawn asked, glancing back up at her mate with a curious eyebrow. The wolf's head was still resting on the armrest of the seat, but Vernon had placed his paw over his eyes.
"I can do it. There ain't a doubt in my mind." Vernon added, running the paw through his head fur gently before glancing back down at the ewe. He was frowning softly, the wolf's ears sagging as he let out a soft whine. "But I'd be lyin' If I said I'm happy I have to go through with it."
The wolf pulled himself up, sliding the ewe more to his side as he leaned his back against the arm rest. Despite the move, the wolf managed to keep his arm around her. Dawn slid closer, allowing herself to remain leaning against the wolf while sitting alongside him. The ewe watched as Vernon glanced out at the dimly lit meadow beyond the porch, out toward the twinkling stars on the horizon.
"It was supposed to make the ol' mam blink." Vernon muttered.
"What?" Dawn asked.
The wolf glanced back down at his mate, pulling her into another soft side hug before continuing.
"It was a gambit." Vernon continued, letting out a mournful sigh. "Sorta of the big gun I was savin' if pa proved to be particularly stubborn. To show him just how serious I am about you." Vernon offered a weak smile. "About us."
"Oh Vernon..." Dawn whimpered softly. It wasn't surprising to hear, but it still was another thing the ewe felt she could add to the pile of 'things that were her fault' she had been building in her mind.
"It wasn't something I wanted to have to use." Vernon continued, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "But I knew what the risk was long before I decided to take it."
Vernon turned his attention back to the ewe, his features taking a more stern and serious look as he eyed her with suspicion. Dawn tried to look away, but the wolf placed a finger under her chin, steering her eyes back in the direction of his own.
"So don't you go blamin' yerself for it now." the wolf chuckled weakly. " I know how that mind of yers works. I knew the risks, and I made that call, not you."
Dawn was somewhat shocked. The wolf had practically read her mind.
"B-but..." Dawn murmured, but the wolf was quick to continue.
"I know, I know. We're a team." Vernon added, rolling his eyes slightly. "But that means at the very least we share the blame, it ain't just you. Okay?" The wolf slipped his finger free from her chin, tapping her nose softly before drawing his paw back. "So that means no convincin' yerself it was something you made me do, and lettin' it eat ya up inside."
Dawn wanted to protest, to find some way to object to the wolf's reasoning. But she knew anything she had to say would just end up being hypocritical of everything she had said before. Vernon was right, they were a team now. And Vernon's actions were on the behalf of both of them, even if the ewe found it more natural to put herself at the center of the blame.
"O-okay." Dawn muttered.
The wolf raised an eyebrow. "Promise me."
Dawn hesitated for a moment. Her throat felt rather dry as her mind struggled against itself to even allow her to utter such a promise. The inkling to blame herself, and the mountains of reasons had easily made a road block in her thoughts that being honest with her mate and accepting shared responsibility was trying desperately to force its way through. Dawn opened her muzzle for a moment, but when no words came she quickly snapped it shut again, looking down at her hooves nervously.
"Look..." Vernon sighed. " I didn't even discuss it with you before I made that decision Darlin'. I never asked if you thought it was a good idea, I just went and did it." The wolf added.
"Mhh..." Dawn mumbled softly, still struggling with her answer.
"And you would have told me not to do it. We both know that." The wolf chuckled softly. "So how are you gonna go about blamin' yerself for that?"
Dawn squirmed uncomfortably against the wolf as she stewed in her own thoughts. The wolf's line of reasoning was certainly true, but still the ewe could easily see her presence alone as the catalyst for the whole situation. It was a hard notion to shake, to agree to put out of her mind or accept less blame than she thought she deserved. But somehow, the ewe finally managed to squeak out some form of a response.
"I-I'll try." It was a weaker response than she had wanted to make, but it was the only way the ewe could comfortably muster to agree to the wolf's terms, even if it was fairly non-committal.
"That's all I'm askin'..." Vernon said, bringing the ewe into another soft hug. "And if you can't, then at least you can talk to me about it?"
Dawn offered a meek smile, nodding briskly. "Of course." The ewe stated confidently. It was a promise the ewe was certain she'd have an easier time keeping to. The lamb hugged the wolf back, letting out a pleasant sigh as she squeezed tightly. Dawn nuzzled into his shirt, taking in a whiff of the wolf's earthy scent she had grown to love so much.
Unlike their hot and heavy time together under the stars the night before, it was a relief to be able to take in the wolf's musk without it driving her completely crazy. Still, the ewe didn't linger. Her remnant estrus was only dulled, not gone. And the ewe didn't wish to risk sparking up those slumbering embers before they returned to Zootopia. As Dawn reluctantly ended the hug, she slipped back to simply resting her head against the wolf's chest to one side, turning her attention to the darkness that lie beyond the porch. There were so many stars out now, shimmering like diamonds scattered across a black satin shroud. The sheer number the ewe could make out by the naked eye would be enough to make Gazelle's most sequined studded gown look as though it were little more than a pauper's rags. There were so many more to see without Zootopia's city lights there to obscure most of them.
“I'll admit, I am gonna miss this place." Vernon said with a wistful sigh. “I mean I love Zootopia in a way, but I've always loved this place more."
Dawn glanced up to catch the wolf glancing out onto the moonlit meadow, backed by the dark silhouette of the nearby looming mountains that separated 'The North Meadowlands' from the Canidean Border. “As much trouble as they went through to integrate nature into the very foundation of the city, it's still nothin' like bein' in a place like this."
Dawn felt the wolf's chest swell as he took in a deep breath of air. “The crisp, clean air." Vernon exhaled slowly. “The night sky filled to the brim with stars." The wolf continued. “The seasons changing naturally, and how it changes the landscape."
The wolf slipped his free arm behind his head, leaning on it as he continued to stare off and away into the dark of the Meadowlands night.
“It was a great place to grow up." Vernon continued. “And it was always nice to be able to come back to it whenever I wanted."
Dawn frowned softly, her grip on the wolf's shirt tightening a bit as another gust of wind danced across her exposed skin.
“And I'll miss Ma…" The wolf lamented. “And even Pa despite the way he's been actin' through this whole mess of a trip." Vernon turned his attention back to the ewe at his side, rubbing her upper arm as he offered her a soft, genuine smile. “But as long as I have you Dawn, I'm fine with leavin' it behind."
           The wolf placed a ginger kiss atop the ewe's head, pressing through the wooly poof in order to get to her scalp.
           “Y'all are the most important mammal in my life…"The wolf cooed. “And you come before anybody else."
           “B-But Vernon…" Dawn protested. But the wolf was quick to place a finger to her lips to silence her.
           “I want to give you the best of everything I've got to give. You deserve it." Vernon continued. “Caprid wedding, tithing ceremony, all of it."
Dawn grasped the wolf's finger, pulling it away from her lips slowly as she looked up into Vernon's shimmering eyes. Slowly she maneuvered her hoof around the finger and down the back of his palm before allowing her hoof to intertwine with his fingers. The lamb flashed the wolf a warm smile as she thumbed the side of his paw affectionately, squeezing the rest it softly.
“You don't need to give me anything Vernon." Dawn said, wrapping her other hoof around the wolf's already clasped paw. The ewe gave the cobbling of hands a gentle shake. “I already have all I could possibly want just by having you with me."
           Dawn leaned up, pressing her lips against Vernon's own. The ewe was careful not to be too forceful, afraid that even the slightest pressure accidentally skimming one of the wolf's wounds would cause him discomfort. But as the wolf leaned into the kiss, placing his paw on the back of her head in a clear effort to pull her just a little closer, the ewe's worries instantly fell away, allowing Dawn to fully give in and wrap her arms around the wolf's neck in turn. It was somewhat reserved, gentle kiss, yet the ewe could easily feel the overwhelming force of the emotions that it carried along with it. It was as if they were connected in that instant, not just physically, but mentally. Their emotions melding into one as they both took comfort in each other's love. The pair filled with the overwhelming feeling that no matter what happened, they would survive together, and that pact was sealed in their shared solidarity by the pressing together of their lips.  
           They lingered like that for what seemed like a blissful eternity to the ewe, simply locked together in silence, savoring the lovely feeling as the crickets sang above the air of the crisp autumn evening. It was yet another moment Dawn would have loved to simply live in forever, but eventually, albeit reluctantly, the tender kiss came to a slow end. The ewe's heart was fluttering as she stared back up into her mates glimmering eyes.
           Dawn would feel bad for whatever came about among the rest of the Hunter pack in regards to Dorian, she was certain of that. And she pledged herself right then and there to do whatever she could to help ease the damage she might end up doing to those relationships, even if it failed to raise her standing any in Dorian's eyes. Even if she was to be limited to phone conversations at most thanks to the fact that they were leaving the pack. But the most important thing was that her and Vernon's relationship was okay. That they were together, a united front whose wellbeing was paramount. And while she loved Audrey, and her sisters, her love for Vernon came first.
           Dawn let out a shuddering sigh as she curled back up against Vernon's side, allowing the wolf to drape his arm over her shoulder once more. The ewe nuzzled up softly against the wolf's chest, permitting herself to easily return to listening to the comforting beating of the wolf's heart as she drew her hooves up and down his chest idly. She was content, for the most part. But there was still the issue of exactly what they were supposed to do for the rest of the trip intruding on the edges of her mind. Their choice to leave the pack, and Dorian's subsequent threat made it clear they were leaving the ranch tomorrow. But Dawn was uncertain of what to do between then and now.
           “So…where do we go?" Dawn asked, letting out a comfortable sigh as she took her place back under the wolf's chin. “From here I mean."
           Vernon gently pat her head, stroking the wool against the back of it softly.
           “You mean how are we handlin' the rest of this trip?" The wolf asked.
           Dawn nodded softly against his chest, not even pulling away from her comfortable spot above his thrumming heart to make the gesture clear. But despite it, the wolf seemed to easily recognize the gesture.
           “Welp…" Vernon sighed. “I figured we'll spend the night in one of the guest rooms instead of bunking with the others fer obvious reasons."
           “Are you sure Audrey will approve of that?" Dawn asked quietly.
           “She ain't getting' a say this time around." Vernon muttered. “After what Pa did anyway she ain't really got any grounds to object to us doin' what we want."
           “But Vernon…I mean…" Dawn stopped herself, taking a moment to figure out how she was going phrase what she wanted to say. “I mean, Audrey…"The ewe trailed off for a moment as she wrung her hooves. “Leaving the pack is going to crush her Puppy."
The wolf was silent for a few moments, allowing the steady thrum of the cricket song to once again dominate the air surrounding them. But as Dawn waited for an answer, she slowly came to realize one of the crickets sounded slightly off. The strange noise was closer than it should have been, and sounded softer and pleading. It was only then that the lamb figured out that Vernon had been letting out soft, low whines as he was mulling over her words. They were so low and strained they had simply blended in with the chirping around them.
           “Well…" The wolf finally broke the quiet stillness, albeit fairly weakly." I can't help that…it's on Pa, not me."
The wolf let out a tired sigh, running his paw through his scalp fur as he did. “If she thinks she can change his tune on the whole affair, she's welcome to try." The wolf continued. “But we can't wait around and hope that happens, it'll make our resolve look weak in the ol' mam's eyes. So we have to just keep movin' forward with the plan to leave."
Dawn let out a disappointed sigh. Audrey was a tough wolfess, and by her own admission had butted heads with Dorian before and came out on top. But after seeing first hoof not once, but twice, just how strongly and vehemently Dorian remained against her acceptance into the pack, the ewe found herself questioning if even the wolfess had the slightest chance of breaking through to the mammal. If this situation were anything like the battle Dorian had with Vernon over being an architect than there was no true victory to be had. The old wolf had ultimately refused to support Vernon's frivolous endeavor, and Audrey seemed unable to bring him around on that particular issue, going so far as to aide Vernon in secret when she could.
“Okay…so what then?" Dawn asked.
"Well, then we collect our belongings from our rooms and move it to the guest room." Vernon continued.
"Perhaps we could take a detour to the kitchen?" Dawn asked, glancing up at the wolf. Vernon raised a curious eyebrow as the ewe reached out to him. Dawn gently traced the swelling above his eye with a hoof.
"I still want to get some ice on that Puppy." Dawn sucked in another harsh breath of air as the wolf pulled back slightly.
Vernon shook his head, letting out a soft moan as he placed a ginger paw to the swollen lump.
"Fine by me..." Vernon mumbled. " 'Sides I need to take a few moments at the gals room to talk to Ada and apologize again."
Dawn smiled, the wolf was seemingly able to read the next thought right off the top of her head. "I was gonna suggest..."
Vernon squeezed the ewe into a small hug.
"What, you think I wasn't gonna?" Vernon asked, letting out a chuckle. "I don't really regret knockin' Yuri around too much, just how I went about it. But when it comes to my sister, I ain't lettin' that go without making amends."
"Good." Dawn replied, patting the wolf's chest softly. "Because if you weren't I was going to drag you to her myself and force you to apologize for that comment!"
Vernon feigned an offended expression, drawing a paw to his chest. "What? I thought we were a team now? What about my say in this!?" The wolf chuckled.
"You already made one call on behalf of both of us already, it's only fair I get to make one too." The ewe giggled softly.
"Alright, alright..." Vernon said with a pleasant sigh. "We'll hit the ladies bunk fer your stuff second and I'll talk to Ada...provided Vanna even lets me."
Dawn rubbed the wolf's chest affectionately.
"Don't worry. I think I can handle Vanna." The ewe replied. "I mean she can't be as difficult to persuade to see reason as Dorian, can she?" The ewe glanced back up at her mate with a look of concern.
The wolf was clearly doing his best to stifle his snickering as he nodded softly. Dawn quirked a curious eyebrow.
"What?" Dawn asked.
"Sorry, I just was picturin' you tryin' to 'handle' Vanna." The wolf said, still trying to stifle his chuckling.
Dawn gave the wolf a playful swat on his muzzle, only for the wolf to recoil in a clear expression of mock pain. Vernon clutched a paw to his face, rolling his eyes as he leaned his other paw against his head.
"Ow! My mate is abusin' me!" Vernon lamented. "I'm a battered hound! Oh!"
Dawn simply crossed her arms, sticking her tongue out at the wolf's hammy performance. This only drew another chuckle from the wolf as he settled back down into his seat, curling back up to the ewe's side.
"But honestly, she ain't really the type to hold a grudge." Vernon picked up where he left off, shaking his head dismissively. "Unlike my Pa she actually lives up to the whole 'mammal's who are tryin to do better' idea."
Dawn let out a relieved sigh, after all she was certain she had an apology of her own to give the large tigress considering she had kept her talk with Dorian a secret from her as well.
"After that's all squared away, we'll head to bed early and be out of here before breakfast." The wolf concluded.
"Before breakfast?" The ewe lamented. "I was kind of hoping for one more helping of Audrey's cooking before we had to leave."
Vernon shook his head dismissively.
"As much as I love Ma's cookin', do you really want to be sittin' at that awkward breakfast table full of mammals after what happened tonight?" The wolf asked, raising an eyebrow.
Dawn could feel herself cringe as she drew back slightly, her muzzle crinkling as she bit her own tongue. No matter how sweet the taste of Audrey's pastry delights, it would be impossible to enjoy them under the uncomfortable limited exchanges and awkward silences she was sure would come.
"Oh...yeah..." Dawn groaned softly.
"I mean, knowin' Pa, he wouldn't show like the last few days." Vernon muttered scratching the back of his head. "But I ain't keen on sitting across from Yuri anytime in the next century if I can help it."
"I think that's more than fair." Dawn replied.
"But..." Vernon added, flashing the ewe a sly glance. "That ain't to say we can't sneak a few pies out with us before takin' a zoober back to the train station." The wolf flashed Dawn a wink and a smirk as he gave her a playful nudge.
Dawn giggled, giving the wolf a teasing swat with her hooves. Vernon was quick to return the volley, adding playful soft swats of his own as the two play fought on lazily drifting porch swing. The ewe was having a good time, until she accidentally managed to swipe and one of the wolf's sore spots. Unlike before she could tell the pain was real as the wolf drew back suddenly, letting out a slight whine.
"Ooh! Easy Floof's." The wolf whimpered. "I'm still all bruised up here."
"Oh Puppy, I'm sorry!" Dawn pleaded, wrapping her hooves around the wolf's midsection once more and giving it a tight squeeze.
She felt the wolves paw come to rest on her hair, before giving it a playful tussle.
"I'm just playin' Darlin', it wasn't that bad." Vernon said with a snicker.
Dawn drew back, her muzzle scrunching annoyance as she puffed her cheeks at the wolf.
"Don't tease me like that!" The ewe tried to stifle her giggling, but the wolf's own chuckling was infectious. "I don't want to actually hurt you!"
The wolf simply rolled his eyes. "Alright, alright...I'm sorry Mutton Chop." The wolf relented, opening his arms and gesturing for the ewe to return to his arms. "Fergive me?"
Dawn let out a slight huff, but it was purely for show as a smirk quickly returned to her muzzle. Slowly the ewe pulled herself back into the wolf's arms, allowing him to wrap her up in his embrace. The wolf proceeded to bury his muzzle in her wool as he held the ewe against him.
"Always..." Dawn replied, hugging the wolf with as much strength as she could muster. "But can you promise me something?" Dawn asked as she drew back from the hug. The ewe glanced up at the wolf with a look of concern, causing the wolf to raise a concerned eyebrow.
"What is it Floofs?" Vernon replied.
Dawn released her grip around the wolf, allowing her to wring her hooves as she nervously broached the subject.
"W-when we get back to Zootopia..." Dawn murmured softly, her eye's darting away from the wolf's as she tried to find her words. "C-can you promise me we'll talk about all this?"
"About Pa?" Vernon asked.
The ewe nodded briskly.
"I know we might not be able to fix this..." Dawn murmured softly. "B-but for the sake of everyone else...we could at least try?"
Vernon smiled softly back at the ewe, the wolf reaching out a paw to gently caress the side of her face. Dawn was quick to lean into the gesture, placing her hoof atop his paw as she let out an affectionate sigh.
"I promise." Vernon replied as he gently thumbed the ewe's cheek.
With that the wolf leaned back down against the arm rest of the chair, and with his paw guiding her, drew the ewe back to her place against his breast as he pushed the porch swing into another lazy sway with his leg. As Dawn nestled snuggly up against the wolf, doing her best to soak up the comfort and warmth it offered the ewe found herself feeling oddly optimistic about what lie ahead of them. Despite all that had happened. The fighting, the arguments, Dorian's actions, at the very least the ewe had the faintest glimmer of hope to cling to that maybe, somewhere down the line things could be mended.
Perhaps relations with the Hunter family would never be perfect, but they may improve with time. And while it was still a less than desirable situation that Dorian had seen fit to go along with Vernon's choice, perhaps once everything cooled down, and with Vernon open to trying to fix things the older wolf could eventually be talked into a state of general acceptance of the two being a couple. He didn't have to truly be happy with it, nor did Dawn crave his acceptance, but at the very least the couple could try bring the family as a whole back together.
As long as Vernon was open to her, and they worked together no matter how sensitive the subject was, there was a chance that this wouldn't be the last Hunter reunion they would ever get to attend. If not for her sake, than for her Puppy Love.
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Voltron Season 4 Trailer Analysis
I’m sure some people have done this already but I wanted to offer my own take on the new trailer as well as what we know so far from all the information we know, and make some predictions. This isn’t a frame-by-frame, it’s more all the connections I’ve been able to make so far. It’s pretty long so I’ll put the rest under the cut.
//Rebel Planet
-So we start with the team, minus Keith, standing on the bridge and ‘Shiro’ says, “Alright paladins it’s time to gather the coalition.”
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- This is the same place as this from the first trailer:
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- Keith says to 'Shiro’ “They could be linked to Lotor. He hasn’t been seen in months. This might be our chance to track him down.”
- Hunk and Pidge are also seen with Nyma and Rolo on the same planet. Both Nyma and Pidge look weary of Hunk and Rolo getting along.
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- What’s interesting is that Keith is there in the second one but not the first photo.
- I think that the team gets word that there is a rebel base on this planet. Hunk and Pidge then run into Rolo and Nyma there. Keith then says to 'Shiro’ that he thinks they could be linked to Lotor and that he wants to go after him. Then I think 'Shiro’ says that they need help to be able to defeat Lotor. Keith then storms out. Then we have the first scene of the trailer where 'Shiro’ is talking to the rest of the team about gathering the Coalition.
I think that’s it for things that take place on that planet.
//Rebel Ships
-In the first trailer, we see this guy shooting a gun in front of what looks like Nyma and Rolo’s ship.
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It could also just be another rebel ship as we see a lot of them in the first and second trailers.
-This seems to be the same place as the place pidge is fighting these Galra drones.
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-It also seems to be the same fight as this:
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-Here’s another instance in the first trailer where we see rebel ships:
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It looks like the lions red, yellow, and green are going up to them. Perhaps Allura is doing something else or maybe she is still wary of the rebels considering how they betrayed them in the past, although I think it is more likely that she is just doing something else at this time. Also missing from this is Keith.
The rebel ships are also very prevalent in the final battle which I will touch on later in this post.
//Where’s Keith
Keith is missing from a lot of both trailers. And even when he’s there he is usually separated from the team. We know Keith does something that caused a 'rift’ between him and team Voltron. I think he goes to try to fight Lotor by himself or doesn’t want to form a coalition by doing shows.
//The Coalition
There are two Coalition shows we see. I believe this is the first one:
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These screencaps are from both the first trailer and the most recent one. This show happens at the beginning of the season before the first scene of the latest trailer. I think this is because Coran says, “Oh does that mean more Voltron events” Which implies that they have already done at least one Voltron event. Keith does not seem to be at this show. We only see the beginning of it so maybe he joins later but I think he doesn’t want to do it because it seems silly or unnecessary or a waste of time.
And this is the second one:
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They have now formed Voltron which means Keith joined them. I am unsure what will change Keith’s mind to do one of the shows. (Maybe it is Lance who changes Keith’s mind)
//The Team vs. Lotor
-In this shot we see all 5 pods from the lions going towards a Galra structure:
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-I believe this is where Lotor and his Generals are in the first trailer:
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//Final battle
-I think we see bits and pieces of the final battle of the season in the most recent trailer. I think it is the final battle because it seems everyone is involved, and some pretty intense things seem to be happening.
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-I believe this is the same ship that Lotor is shown in front of in the first trailer (Image 9). I think this is the shot before the battle officially starts. (Basically an establishing shot)
-Then the rebel ships come in fighting the Galra drones:
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The next series of images are images that would all be part of this battle:
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-This is lance piloting red dodging the Galra laser beams. It is also worth mentioning this is after there is a shot of Keith saying “Go” This could be Keith telling lance to go do the next part of the plan.
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-This might be Lotor’s ship getting attacked for the first time in the battle. It does seem like a surprise attack so this could be the first strike in the battle. Alternatively, this could be after this:
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-Then we see the castle ship being attacked:
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The particle barrier is already partially gone. I assume only Coran is on the ship . It is also possible that 'shiro’ is also still on the ship although since he is barly seen in the trailer he could be anywhere during the final fight including being with lotors team (because he is either brainwashed or a clone).
This is all I think that has been shown of the final battle.
This image is of the one alien saying he wants to be part of the Coalition:
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-If you look to the left of him you can see the same girl from Space mall in Season 2. Also if you look behind him you can see escalators and in general a mall backdrop. This definitely leads me to believe they go back to the space mall to get people to join their coalition. (I also like to imagine they put up posters or something simple like that) This could mean a return of any and all the characters from that episode such as the unilu girl and Vrepit Sal. I should also note that this could be a different space mall but that seems unlikely since they have already been to one. Although I don’t know why they would go back to a mall they were chased out of. Especially since there were many Galra there. (I like to think the mall went rogue and is a secret rebel base or something)
And last but not least we have Lance:
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-He appears to be pointing and blushing at someone. Behind Lance, all the paladins besides Keith are shown. (In the short clip we saw a month or two back we could also see Shiro) They all look concerned or weary. This could be because Keith is proposing something that they don’t agree with but Lance then slides into frame agreeing with Keith because as his right-hand man it makes sense that he would support his decision. So while the rift is being made with the rest of the team I think Lance will continue to stay on Keith’s side throughout the season.
Sorry it’s so long. It took me about four and a half hours to analyze and write out all my ideas cohesively. I guess we all just have to wait until October 14th to see if anything I said has any merit.
Have a good day y'all!
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magnanimousanimus · 7 years
My theory is that Pink, Yellow, AND Blue diamond were all created by White diamond herself. I think she is the true gem matriarch. Her appearance is of course the one that's taking the longest. In every insignia for the Great Diamond Authority, the white diamond is on top while all others are beneath her. 
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Notice how all 3 diamonds intersect and make a tiny, shaded diamond? I think it  represents Pink. Kind of sweet.
Yellow and Blue are side by side, and in the previous insignia, pink is right below them. And, both their gems are located on their chests. But when you look at the murals of White and pink Diamond, White has hers on the forehead, Pink on her Navel. That's no mere coincidence. I think this means that Yellow and Blue were created at about the same time, Pink last, and White is the first. Let's look at their murals.
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Yellow has 9 planets, so I believe she's older. Her general demeanor appears strict, dutiful, and reserved. But when it comes to Blue Diamond, that facade softens. She becomes very concerned,
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has a tendency of butting into her business,
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Wouldn't you rather forget her?
gives her advice and tries to inspire her,
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Where's their Diamond when they need her, Blue? You've got to be a leader, Blue!
and even orders her own Yellow Pearl to "make Blue feel better." The mural, along with her tendency towards taking responsibility and forcing others to do the same, 
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I'm here to bring you back to reality, Blue.
It's been thousands of years, Blue, and you still can't bring yourself to destroy these Gems? She was shattered by a Rose Quartz! The entire cut of Gem deserves the same fate!
and putting her own feelings to the side so she can show a brave face 
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Don't you know I miss her, too?
for those that need her.
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Look at how terrified they are.
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Look at Blue’s concern 
This points towards her being the elder of the two of them. Her actions line up with what an older sister, who knew her duties and responsibilities, would do. It’s clear she doesn’t feel at liberty to disclose or showcase her feelings, because of those that look to her as a pillar of strength.
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Holly Blue Agate: You can just feel strength and confidence radiating from her. 
Next, we have Blue Diamond.
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Blue has 8 planets, so I believe she's only slightly younger than Yellow Diamond. In "That will be all," Yellow Diamond is seen trying to get her out of her funk, and Blue Diamond turns her head and makes the face a petulant child might while getting a lecture. Just look at the dynamic here.
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Blue Diamond: Why can't you just let me grieve? Yellow Diamond: You can't keep coming here forever! Blue Diamond: Why not?
But let's look at the whole picture. From what we've seen so far, it's clear that Blue has been mourning the loss of Pink Diamond for at least 5,000 years. Meanwhile, it looks like Yellow Diamond has continued progress, not allowing herself to be distracted in the least.
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She has so much to do, that not only did she not look at the communicator to see to whom she was speaking, at first, but she didn’t even immediately recognize that it was about a mission regarding Earth, a planet that's caused her endless grief, that she's wanted to destroy for eons. That's crazy.
She’s had her subjects fill out detailed reports on their missions, that she actually reads herself,
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Yellow Diamond asked for, uh, my dad, a Connie, a Lars, a Sadie, a mailman, and an onion, I think. Six human variations specified in a report by Peridot 5XG.
has a hands on approach in regards to reaching out to supervisors 
To Peridot: I'll inform your manager of your incompetence.
and has sent out subjects to carry out literally 4 missions on Earth so far: checking the status of the Cluster, sending Jasper and Lapis as a bodyguard and informant, respectively, sending a team of Rubies to retrieve Jasper, AND personally dispatching a Topaz fusion and Aquamarine to collect human specimens. SHE'S ON TOP OF HER SHIT, Y'ALL.
Meanwhile, in comparison, Blue Diamond is spending her time quite leisurely by preserving, maintaining and visiting the Zoo, mourning in Pink Diamond's bed chamber, and sneaking to Earth to mourn at her palanquin. Basically stuck in time. But how is it she is at liberty to do these things, for millennia, whilst Yellow is working so consistently?? It's like Yellow Diamond has thrown herself into her work, and Blue is sulking. It's almost as if Yellow Diamond has had to pick up twice the pace, in order to make up for Blue's slack. If that's the case, then it makes TOTAL sense that Yellow is not only concerned, but frustrated and upset.
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She lookin’ like “Girl, if you cut this sh*t tf out...” 
But, when Blue Diamond admits that she wanted more humans for the zoo, she drops everything to personally dispatch her subjects to gather some, for Blue Diamond's sake.
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Yellow Diamond: Is that what you want? Sapphire, has the Cluster emerged yet? Sapphire: No, it has not. Yellow Diamond: Then there's still time. That will be all.
Based on all that, even with her strictness and severity, I think it's clear that she's been coddling Blue Diamond all this time, allowing Blue to grieve and lament, but not giving herself even a moment's reprieve to do the same. That seems like the exact sort of thing an older sibling would do for a younger sibling, and it also makes sense that a younger sibling would also have the leniency to do all those things.
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Now for Pink Diamond. She only has 1 planet on her mural. And if the actions and words of Blue Diamond are to be believed, all they have of her is the Earth and the Zoo. Which makes sense as to why Blue is so desperate to preserving those things, because it's "all they have left of her." 
Yellow, she made them. This is all we have left of her. These Gems, this place, and the Earth. 
She didn't get to conquer scores of planets like her peers, all she had was Earth. Then she was destroyed (but was she really???) She only had, as far as we know 3 species of gem, all Quartz types, all designed as soldiers for protection, defense, and conquest. Meanwhile, Blue and Yellow have far more speciation in their gems, technicians, engineers, construction workers, diplomats and aristocracy, etc. If this is the case, it makes sense that she would start her empire with soldiers that could keep her safe whilst acquiring new territory and then creating more gems later on, in her image. Yellow is militaristic and practical, Blue is aristocratic and diplomatic, who knows what Pink would have been? This leads me to believe she was the youngest, because she had the fewest planets, and her potential is so unknown.
Finally. We’ve come to White Diamond. We know the least about her. As previously stated, every insignia we know of, has her at the very top of the order. But check out her mural, compared to the others.
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Notice anything?? Firstly, she has the most planets of any of the other Diamonds, coming in at about 13, I think. Second, she is the only figure that faces forward, while all the others have a profile view. All other figures hold their planets with one hand, extended from their bodies. But Look at how White Diamond holds hers. It's at at the center of her being, and cupped gingerly with both hands. That's gotta be homeworld. No other planet on any mural has the same significance. And if she is the gem holding the most significant planet, then I argue that it is she who must be the most significant gem of them all. Now let's consider the other Diamonds. I said it made sense for the first gems Pink made to be militaristically based. I think the same applies for White. If she created the Diamonds, it would make sense that the first beings she created to be militaristic such as Yellow Diamond, for the sake of extending her empire. 
But why and where did she come from???
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I don't know who created her or if she even had a creator. It may be possible that she was a singular entity and perfect being that had been alone for eons. Until she decided to create her own home and family. Or not. Whatever, 3/4 backstories ain't bad. But I definitely think the other Diamonds were created for serving the purposes of White Diamond. I think it's very possible they are afraid of her and that she is the true villain of the series. Just think of the expendable manner in which she/they treats her/their subjects... What do y'all think??
I know it's super last minute to post this theory, since it looks like the reveal is finally on the way, truth is I've been thinking of it for a while, but only JUST today figured out ow to embed images in tumblr. It was super hard to figure out before, but it looks like they made it easier, so here I a lol. Please be kind
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“Telling” Asks
Because I’m relaxing today and I’ve never answered some of these before.
From: https://beyondthetemples-ooc.tumblr.com/post/185158056997/weird-asks-that-say-a-lot
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Teacups would be ideal, but the reality is more water bottles.
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? Honestly? Neither. (Unless it's a really good chocolate bar, like 85% dark, or Cadbury's~)
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? Both are too sweet for me. (Though, maybe once a year, I'll indulge in one of each.)
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? Bottles, if it's not soda! (Good for multi-tasking and not spilling!) But otherwise, glass cups. Unless the plastic ones are really pretty or have a very nice grippy shape to them.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? Oh always goth, all the way. Technically a more "formal" goth (romantigoth is the label i'd choose if i HAD to pick one),
7. earbuds or headphones? That depends. When I'm active, or when it's hot outside? Earbuds. But when travelling, trying to work in a loud environment, or generally needing sound cancellation: definitely headphones.
8. movies or tv shows? Oh, that REALLY depends on the content. Movies are easier on the ADD, and most TV shows are paced TERRIBLY in the long-running format, but then there's, like... cartoons, basically, that have satisfying stories in each episode AND a great overarching plot.
9. favorite smell in the summer? Pre-Thunderstorm Static.
10. game you were best at in p.e.? I wasn't the best at ANY game in PE... ;P Honestly, my best "game" was probably....... tag, but the kind where they're running away from you as a form of bullying, so you just embrace it and "touch" them just to mess with them.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? I don't. (I don't feel hungry most mornings.) "First lunch" is usually a piece of fruit and maybe a granola bar.
12. name of your favorite playlist? I don't do "playlists", I do "play every album by this artist in chronological order"! But I guess my Epica and Evanescence stations on Pandora come pretty close, huh?
13. lanyard or key ring? Neither actually; I use those bungee-like things you can stretch to hold my things. I literally attach my wallet to my bag's handle with those so I don't lose it.
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? Peppermint? Candied ginger? Do s'mores count?~
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? Oh DAMN that's hard... Let's see. If AR Summer Reading projects count: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire? The Invisible Thread (by Yoshiko Uchida)? Fahrenheit 451? And if those don't count, maybe The Scarlet Letter (by Hawthorne, of course).
16. most comfortable position to sit in? Your classic lotus position. I'm essentially in it right now.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? Work shoes, but outside of work? Black flip flops.
18. ideal weather? Realistically: 65, light breeze, and lots of clouds with a little rain. But my absolute FAVORITE weather was something I've only ever seen ONCE, and that was a thunderstorm in the middle of a snowstorm. It was incredible and the image of lightning against the snowfall is forever seared into the core of my soul as one of the most gorgeous things I've ever experienced.
19. sleeping position? Varies night by night. Safe to call it a general Flop.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? It depends on the draft! First drafts are best done for me in notebooks (usually, unless it's a scene with No Chronology Yet, it's in the notebook meant for the story)! But also, anything that's on hand whenever a new scene strikes me works too. I've written on napkins, calendar pages, doctor notes, and Greyhound bus tickets.
21. obsession from childhood? Ooh, Teen Titans, still to this day!
22. role model? ...Rrrraven? (And/or, my Actual Mentors. But it's very much a "don't be me, just let us try to teach you some things so you can be the Best You".)
23. strange habits? ...oh gods, where do I even begin. I meditate and practice energy work on the daily. I touch things almost any time I'm walking anywhere, like just reach my hands out a little and touch whatever's closest. I tend to ask a lot of questions when I'm talking to someone, lots of "why is that". I compulsively read Every Single Ingredient on every box I buy and research anything I'm not familiar with. Does taking like 15 pills and vitamins every day count? And also my "nesting" behavior, any time I'm somewhere I feel it's not rude to re-arrange, I grab pillows and blankets for support.
24. favorite crystal? Damnit, all my favorite stones are actually not "crystals"?! But crystalline azurite is close enough. (It kind of depends on the day and what energy I'm looking for. Stone/crystal work is another one of those weird habits. ;P )
25. first song you remember hearing? The "Arthur" themsong. I remember going to my mother and being like, "They said A! A is a letter!" And it wasn't for another, like, 3-5 years that I'd realize, they're saying "hey", not "A".
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? Stay inside. (Anything that counts as "warm" rather than "cool" is too warm for me....) But if I had to pick ONE thing, definitely swimming, in a lake (because I have a mild chlorine allergy).
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? ALL of them! Just being outside as long as it's not too sunny! Hiking, meditating, I used to do all my spiritual rituals outside, reading, walking, hell even at work when we have dogs to take on walks, I love walking in the park with them. Being outside when it's snowing. And then curling up in my room, on my soft bed, with a cup of tea and a book (or a great fanfic) after...
28. five songs to describe you? Teen Titans themesong, Bakura's Theme, What's the Use of Feeling (Blue) 1. End of the Dream, by Evanescence [ x ] 2. My Demons, by Starset [ x ] 3. Underneath, by Tarja [ x ] 4. Paradise (What About Us), Within Temptation ft. Tarja [ x ] 5. Reality Fringe, by Alex Dalliance
29. best way to bond with you? Talking, communicating, while respecting boundaries, with patience and sincerity.
30. places that you find sacred? Honestly, the biggest answers are a part of the Nexus and I don't think I'm ready to talk about that here;; Let's just say, astral adventures have gotten wild enough that my spirit guide and I have meeting places that are sacred, my leader-goddess has shown me a few places, and there are some "places" within my own mindscape that are sacred enough.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? Oh honey, that depends entirely on my mood. And the situation. I have multiple cloaks, some closet cosplays, I wear skirts every day, business jackets, and I can mix and match them however I please. It REALLY depends on whose ass I'm kicking.
32. top five favorite vines? I know I really like Thomas Sanders? But specifics-- Oh. Oh crap, wait I have to visit my vines tag to remember my favorites. DEFINITELY "This bitch empty. YEET" because I didn't know the vine OR exclamation before I saw a fanart that had me DYING OF LAUGHTER, thinking someone just made Blue Diamond yell the word "YEET" for no reason. "FREE-shuh-VAH-cuhdu" makes me die every time. "There's only one thing worse... A CHILD" is TOP QUALITY, genuinely hits at least 3 critical notes of my sense of humor. I love the one with the guys playing the piano (I don't know what genre but it's old-school and chill) and the guy comes in and starts club dancing to it. And the umbrella one with, "Run".
33. most used phrase in your phone? ...probably "if you want"?
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? I haven't seen an ad in literally years. (get uBlock Origin, it works way better than adblock! also, i don't Internet on my phone.)
35. average time you fall asleep? 11pm? (Work nights: 9-10:30, depending on my exhaustion levels. Not work nights? 1-3am.)
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? The actual LOLcats website!
37. suitcase or duffel bag? Neither; I actually use a mid-sized messenger bag and only use Personal Item Sized Bags for airplane trips. Free baggage, y'all. ;P
38. lemonade or tea? Oh tea, definitely tea. (Unless it's too-sweet iced black tea; then that watermelon mint lemonade wins.)
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? Iiii actually can hardly eat either one, but Starbucks' lemon loafs were addictive (but really bad for my system) and I do love lemon meringue flavored things~
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? M e . (I did weird shit like practice reading auras, accidentally warp the moodscape of everyone around me, and get an A on a pop quiz the teacher didn't lecture about for more than five minutes.)
41. last person you texted? An old high school friend I recently reconnected with.
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? Jacket, since I don't wear pants (unless work forces me to, ew).
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? I have no idea what differentiates them. =w=;; Cardigan probably, because I know they have really long flowy elegant ones I like to wear sometimes.
44. favorite scent for soap? ...ooh, that's tough... Lavender's always a good bet, rosemary-mint was a delight, I cucumber-eucalyptus was nice, and I have no idea what scent it was, but a local soap-maker at the farmer's market in the city I lived in for a couple years had this one that was made with, like, honey and red clay, and it felt AMAZING.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? Damnit, don't make me CHOOSE like this! I mean, for writing obviously Superhero because I write fanfics like hell for that genre, but I guess my Pokemon fanfics count as fantasy? And, come to think of it, most of my stories center around metaphysical weirdness is some way or other, so... straddling the line between fantasy and superhero.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? Nudity.
47. favorite type of cheese? ...provolone maybe? ??
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? Pomegranate, probably. Gotta do some work to get to the good stuff, strangely unavailable most of the time, and once you get past all the drawbacks, it's just absolutely loaded with compartmentalized goodness.
49. what saying or quote do you live by? Bold of you to assume I only have one quote! Here's just a small sampling. ~ "Don't you want to feel? Don't you want to live your life? How much longer are you gonna give into the fear?" -Disappear, by Evanescence. ~ "Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." -Edgar Allen Poe ~ "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken." -Oscar Wilde ~ "Guilt is a powerful motivator. Redemption, even greater." -The Unforgiving, by Within Temptation et al. "When you know in your soul who you are, you can never be corrupted again." -Raven, from the Games graphic novel. + Various quotes from my organization, along the lines of things like "Any Tom, Dick, or Harry can do your job, but only you can be there for your friends, family, and accomplish your dreams", and "When you understand WHY we do what we do, WHAT we do makes more sense".
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? My girlfriend? Most of those vines I mentioned? "OH TITS IT CAN FLY"?
51. current stresses? j o b
52. favorite font? Arial, simple yet elegant. Easy to read. I write all my stories in Arial, so I'm biased. l3
53. what is the current state of your hands? They're in Ohio with the rest of me? 8F No, but seriously, lowkey aching a bit around the finger joints from constantly dragging dogs around for a whopping 60 hours this week, but they're not burned and there's only one Tiny cut I got at work, and I still don't know why, but that's almost gone already. I like my fingernails too, they've been breaking at the corners lately but they're still Decently Long.
54. what did you learn from your first job? "Turn tables" are not, in fact, the name of a band, but an item of musical arrangement. (I worked at the Exchange and someone asked if we had anything like the turn tables. I thought they meant musically similar to a band named Turn Tables.)
55. favorite fairy tale? Does the epic poetry of the Kalevala story count? (Finland's national epic!) But I'm not a big fan of the Grimm style fairy tales.
56. favorite tradition? Going to Evanescence concerts at every single available opportunity? Wearing a bracelet my gf gave me and a ring my mother gave me any time I travel? I'm not one much for Generational Tradition at all, I do kinda like forming my own though~
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? Literally just, myself. 1. Overcoming my doubt in myself. 2. Overcoming my social anxiety re: Starting Conversations. 3. Overcoming my phobia so I could, you know. Eat food.
58. four talents you’re proud of having? ?! How do you even define what constitutes a "talent"? 1. WRITING! (Creativity re: characters and the plots they're in. Descriptive writing. My mother always acts blown away whenever she reads my writing re: "how you get into the character's head".) 2. I can speak very eloquently and articulately, most of the time. And not just via verbiage; I know how to say things that Matter. 3. I can cook a fantastic stir-fry! And, apparently, really good soup. 4. I'm proud of my (non-numerical) eidetic memory, sometimes. It's kinda just There, and I'm not, like, ACTIVELY proud of it, but it sure makes things easier re: remembering friends' triggers, fandom trivia, etc.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? What makes you think I don't create each response on demand? (There's... really not something I think I say often enough to count as a catch phrase. So I legitimately have no idea.)
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? Is "dark magical girl anime" a thing? Because that'd be MY thing.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? See above quotes.
62. seven characters you relate to? 1. R A VE N that's it that's the list Theeee only other ones I relate to are kinda awkward answers to give for this (re Synpathy and such related topics), but then again there's hella sympathy for Raven too, so.... 2. Ryou Bakura 3. Blue Diamond 4. Lapis Lazuli 5. Malachite (it's Complicated) 6. Sucy 7. Crona
63. five songs that would play in your club? Just insert any five Alex Dalliance songs here, I don't listen to a whole lot of Club Style Music. (Unless.... does, like, Cascada and Caramel count? Because I still kinda like their styles.) My "club" would be more like orchestrals by Danny Elfman and Evanescence instrumentals and/or live music from local rock bands.
64. favorite website from your childhood? TitansGo.Net! Screenshots, transcripts, even the forums... I browsed that site on the daily.
65. any permanent scars? Oh boy, are you sure you're ready for this? My scars fade quickly, but you'll see them if you know what to look for. One on my forearm from when I fell off a bed onto a broken fan grate at age 5 (it's a 3-inch long gash), on my left pointer finger from being bitten by an angry rabbit, scars on my heels from my comic!Raven cosplay shoes, scar on my right hip from using rubber cement to attach a scar prosthetic for a Kary cosplay (at my supposedly practical-effects-knowledgeable father's advice-- not good advice at all, for the record, don't put that shit anywhere NEAR your skin), tiny spot on my right hand from the time I became too emotional at my girlfriend's house and scraped it on her carpet, tiny dot on my left shoulder from a protruding nail in an old (pavillon without a roof thing?) we once had in the backyard, tiny line on my right ring finger from the time Belle nearly fell from right next to me and I caught her (she tried to grab something and wound up scratching me), and a scar on my right elbow from cleaning the tortilla press at Chipotle. (They didn't tell me there were protective gloves to use. They really should've told me that.)
66. favorite flower(s)? Oh gosh, I don't know. I like almost all flowers, really. I love the scent of lilac and magnolia in the air. Rose and hibiscus make lovely teas. Seeing mint and lemon balm in bloom always makes me feel contented. Willow and basswood flowers remind me of happy childhood memories at the nature reserve. Pink hibiscus flowers have Very Special Meaning to me (for the other blog, really). And of course, flowers with energy or aromatherapeutic effects like lavender are favorites, too.
67. good luck charms? Look, I don't NEED good luck.~ Confidence, strategy, and being alright with whatever happens are my "good luck charms". (And throwing a little magic at it never hurts when I REALLY want something...)
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? ....I'm not comfortable answering that (phobia memories, just not gonna think about that okay.)
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? ...Remember that eidetic memory I was talking about? Every single little tiny fact I'm thinking about, I can remember how I learned about it.
70. left or right handed? Ambi, actually! 55% right. 45% left.
71. least favorite pattern? That depends on what it's for. Wallpapers? Floral (it kills my ADD, but floral patterns can make some very pretty dresses and blankets). Furniture? Paisley (but some people rock it in clothes). Furniture? any kind of fur trim (but again, it looks good on clothes). Clothing on me? Leopard and zebra (but I like it on lots of other things). My room? Checkered and tartan (but again, good patterns for other things, esp. clothing and interior styles that AREN'T associated with my room in particular, my room's just so noncomforming and cluttered that Busy Patterns like that aren't). I guess overall I'm just not a fan of highly stripey or square-y patterns?
72. worst subject? Math. Always has been. Probably always will be.
73. favorite weird flavor combo? The weirdest and actually not the grossest I tried was, out of curiosity to see what Tamaranian food might ACTUALLY taste like, I mixed sushi with ice cream. It really wasn't that bad! That one's my favorite for fandom reasons. 8P I don't do a whole lot of "weird" flavor combos otherwise.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? (Those... those are the same thing, buddy.) 8 or 9. NSAIDs, especially naproxen and ibuprofen, really irritate my stomach, so it has to be worth a week or two of Lowkey Constant Nausea to take it. For example, the last time I was waking it, I had dry socket. You know, that thing that happens when you get a tooth extracted and the blood clot doesn't form, so YOUR ACTUAL BONE IS EXPOSED for two FUCKING weeks..... and before the dental stuff, I would only take it when Monthly Stuff would get so bad, it could leave my crippled and crying on the bathroom floor for an hour. (Might've been longer if stepmom hadn't gotten me n0aproxen.....)
75. when did you lose your first tooth? Hell if I know what age that was, I think I swallowed it.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? Potato soup, especially my mother's! But I also like BAKED fries (actually fried fries tend to be... Really Badly Received by my system;;), kettle chips are pretty good in small amounts, and I love those criss-cross cut fries at Mr. Hero (I just can't eat more than, like, five at a time, guh).
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? I absolutely LOVED having my lemon balm. But it got the aerial blight from my peace lily, and it died with all the rest of my houseplants. :c
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? Sushi from a grocery store, just because this place called Giant Eagle makes some fairly good sushi for like $5 on certain days of the week, and I think they make it every 3-4 days. Fresh, like you can see them making it right in front of you.
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? My passport is actually my best, I think~ Though my college ID didn't look bad, either.
80. earth tones or jewel tones? Depends on what they're for. Clothes, I guess jewel tones because I like blue and purple. But for interior decorations, earth tones like deep rich browns and black are my go-to.
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? They're.. the same thing? ??? I've used both interchangeably.
82. pc or console? PC, mostly because that's all I've had most of my life, and of course DC Universe Online was on my PC so maybe I'm biased. 8F
83. writing or drawing? Oooh, writing for me, all the way~ (Though I gotta do SOME drawing now and again!)
84. podcasts or talk radio? Neither, they're both too long for my ADD. And I don't... really care about most people on them? The only one I've ever seen was Amy Lee on short talk show interviews and the Steven Universe podcast with MKAtwood of course.
84. barbie or polly pocket? Neither. (I had both. Played with Polly Pocket because it came with a lot more animals, but those got lost way too easily, and I never got into the Barbie.)
85. fairy tales or mythology? They're both equally important and equally fascinating! Mythology has more Spiritual Resonance, and fairy tales have more Societal Resonance.
86. cookies or cupcakes? Depends on what kind! Oatmeal raisin cookies beat chocolate cupcakes, but red velvet cupcakes with a cream cheese frosting beat chocolate chip cookies.
87. your greatest fear? I have emet*phobia. You can look up what that means yourself because I don't even want to type the word, thanks.
88. your greatest wish? Just, freedom.
89. who would you put before everyone else? Damn it, I'm too compassionate for that answer. Whoever needs it more at that very moment.
90. luckiest mistake? Being so antisocial that the people running the ALP program made me sit with my girlfriend. I asked "Do you like Teen Titans?", and the rest is history.
91. boxes or bags? Boxes for long-term storage, bags for the daily.
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? Lamps, generally. Candles trump them all, but LED lamps are a lot less fire-hazard-y when you might fall asleep. lD;;
93. nicknames? RHS, RWT, Shadow, Zira (means "Shadow"), closest friends call me Rae.
94. favorite season? Winter~ It's the kindest to my easily-overheated sensibilities.
95. favorite app on your phone? Prooobably the voicemail app my or/ganization uses? I don't do much else on my phone besides, you know. Phone stuff (talk/text).
96. desktop background? PC: A shot of Raven meditating in the forest from Justice League vs. Teen Titans, with the incense and glow and her head bowed and focused and everything. Laptop: The sky as Lapis looked up at it, the gorgeous Homeworld constellation from "Ocean Gem".
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? Three. Mine, my girlfriend's, and only because she had the same phone number since I was like 8 years old, my stepmother's. Everyone else's keeps changing.
98. favorite historical era? The answer I want to give is Nexus-related, but I don’t think I have a real favorite era. I know too much about the history of misogyny, racism, colonialism, variation between eras around the world, and generally fucked-up shit in every era I've ever learned about.
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