#trooper wooley
aeligsido · 2 years
[Clonetober 2022] Day 31 - happy ending au.
Characters: CT-7567 | Rex, mention of Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody, CT-5385 | Tup, CT-6922 | Dogma, Wooley. Additional Tags: anidala, implied rex/anakin/padmé, implied codywan, all of that is very lightly implied tbh, luke & leia are babies, tup & dogma are twins, hopeful, rex is about to be the best dad ever, they're a family your honor. Content Warnings: none.
The sun is setting over Coruscant. Padmé is sleeping, exhausted after a long day; Anakin is making tea in the kitchen; Ahsoka is playing cards against Wooley, Tup, and Dogma, and definitely winning; Obi-Wan and Cody are still trying to work out sleeping arrangements.
Rex can’t wait for when they finally exile themselves. The Council found just the perfect planet; it would just take time to organize everything and everyone.
For now, none of them wants to be away from the others. The place is crowded, but homey.
Rex shifts Leia’s position in his arms. Her and Luke are so little still; it fills him in awe, to see their little ears and little toes and little fingers and little nose and to think that one day they’ll be bigger and adults.
Well. They still have time, luckily.
All the time they want.
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inafieldofstarflowers · 7 months
tcw fans will be like “this is my comfort character” and it’s a clone who appeared in two episodes (and died in the second), had a single line of dialogue, and was given no characterization outside of fanon
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obes-kenobes-benos · 6 months
Cody: HYDRATE OR DIE-DRATE! Cody: *Aggressively throws water bottles* Obi-Wan: Uh... what's up with him? Wooley: He is trying to yell mental health and wellbeing into us. Cody: I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU! Waxer, getting emotional: It's working.
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deserthusbands · 24 days
obi-wan: i hardly slept last night,
wooley: when you can’t sleep, it means someone is thinking about you. someone who loves you. ^^
obi-wan: who would be thinking about me at 3 a.m.?
cody: [gay panic]
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honeydwellerbee · 1 year
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Ok so I may have gone a little ham on the Chibi clones. I am really happy with how they all came out though. if you wanna see my 502st little guys Its my previous post. This was a ton of fun and was a lot less stressful that working on a full illustration so that's cool :) anyways enjoy my little guys. 
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padawansuggest · 3 months
Obi-Wan: *walks into camp with a baby gundark* guys, look what I found!
Cody: oh my god oh my GOD-
Waxer: General, General, where did you get-
Boil: Oh no where’s it’s mom, where’s it’s MOTHER-
Wooley: Aww, he’s so little and cute!
Cody: *covering Wooley’s mouth and bodily pulling him behind himself* General, general, you need to take that back where you found it-
Wooley: *licks Cody’s hand and is freed* But he’s CUTE 😡!
Cody: absolutely not we are not keeping a baby demon around-
Wooley: Why not, Rex keeps Fives!
Waxer: …lmao
Boil: Oh sweet force, General, where is it’s nest? We’ll bring it back and pretend we were never there-
Obi-Wan: :) *cuddling the runt gundark that was pushed from the nest by it’s siblings and he’s planning to bring it back to the Jedi agricorps animal rehabilitation center because they love getting orphaned babies to study and nurture cause they come in handy in helping other planets or can be raised for their byproducts* he’s sweet. I think I’ll keep him :)
Wooley: yay!
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frostbitebakery · 11 months
An IGMHC Outtake
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There’s a crowd in the training salle on deck 45. Troopers of all generations trying to be inconspicuous, training themselves. And doing a kriffing bad job of it. The shinies are the worst of the lot, just standing there frozen and gawking.
Wooley is embarrassed on their behalf and checks the stop watch. 30 minutes.
“He’s way better at this than you are,” he comments quietly, not wanting to disturb the Commander’s concentration.
Yellow eyes flick to him and back to Commander Cody. “He is, isn’t he,” Obi-Wan sighs, sounding amused and soft. “Mind, he’s spared from the whims of the Force—“
Wooley doesn’t even have to look to know the Commander’s shirt has dropped a little bit more. It’s all apparent in the intense gaze and the blush that’s slowly forming on Obi-Wan’s face. Wooley wants to poke it. He could, without losing the hand, which is weird. And kind of awesome. Poking a Sith and living to tell the tale. If everything works out, he should add that to his CV.
35 minutes.
“He’s in control of his body in absolute,” Obi-Wan murmurs, more to himself than Wooley.
“You’re drooling.”
“It seems to be the case, yes.”
He is so proud of Obi-Wan’s self-awareness.
45 minutes.
“My ass is numb. How long until he wins the bet?”
Commander Cody does a push-up on the one hand, re-adjusting his body to keep the balance while preventing his joints from lock-up. Show-off.
The blush intensifies. “5 minutes ago,” Obi-Wan says absentmindedly, shifting himself.
“Yeah, okay, time to clear the room.”
Especially when Commander Cody wipes the sweat from his face with his shirt and starts smirking at Obi-Wan in triumph.
Obi-Wan slowly grins back, slides onto his knees, and forces Wooley to act immediately. Stars damn it.
“All right, boys,” he announced and catches the attention of everyone not currently in a way too much sexual tension fueled staring contest. “Out with you. Now.”
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chiliger · 1 year
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Wooley: How's the Commander's head?
Obi-Wan: He's shown remarkable progress after some tutorials.
Obi-Wan: Oh...you meant when he walked into a low-hanging pipe this morning. He's fine save for the wounded pride, my dear.
Obi-Wan: Lieutenant, why are staring? looks over his shoulder Is Cody behind me?
Cody, sitting on a chair and nursing an ice pack
Cody: No I'm beside you
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thivell · 1 month
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woah hey! I’m glad people liked the lil comic I drew! 💕💕 have some doodles for more tookaverse!
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owlingroof · 5 months
I love the "Obi-Wan gets de-aged and everyone loves him" as much as the next person, but I think we are missing on so much by not doing a "Wooley gets de-aged and is now Obi-Wan's (and Cody's) baby" bonus point if Wooley becomes a baby by protecting one of his superior officers
Just Wooley getting cuddles and kisses, and Anakin dying of jealousy because he sees Obi-Wan giving love to Wooley and confronting him about not loving him like that and then being put in therapy
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wizardofrozz · 1 year
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Brothers to the last fight. To the last enemy. To the last hour, the last bullet. To the last breath. Brothers to the last hope. Brothers ‘till the end. - Unknown
Taglist: @sleepingsun501​ 
Art Masterlist
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obes-kenobes-benos · 11 months
Obi-Wan, talking to Plo: No, I'm not a father. I don't even have kids.
Wooley, poking his head in the room: Hey General I'm heading to the market for a bit to get some tea for the kitchen.
Obi-Wan: Bring your coat, it's cold out, and don't forget your blaster just in case, and you better be home by sundown or so help f—
Obi-Wan: okay L I S T E N
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deserthusbands · 2 months
waxer: what's wrong with the commander? he's been staring at the ground for like....an hour now?
wooley: he's just a little overwhelmed.
waxer: why?
wooley: general kenobi smiled at him. :)
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marbled-polecat · 9 months
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Shhhh, Wooley is napping with some bebe tooka kits. <3
And a little accompanying ficlet can be found HERE!
Thanks to @elismor for the idea and for helping name the little bebes. :D
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padawansuggest · 6 months
Cody: These damn shinies need to learn how to take a hit, back in my day we just walked off the broken ribs.
Helix: Yes, and both you and the general got stuck in a bacta tank for three days for it.
Cody: But we could handle it! Keep goin unless nerve damage stops you. Unfortunately you can’t just walk off nerve damage.
Helix: I would congratulate you on understanding that but you sound like you’re speaking from experience.
Wooley: *stubs a single toe* Ouch!
Cody: *momma bear mode activated* Are you okay?? Do I need to bandage that for you? Does the ouchie need a healing kiss?
Helix: Huh. Shinies can’t walk off the hits now days, I think I know why.
Cody: *tenderly checking on Wooley’s foot, and giving him a kiss on the forehead* Is it okay?
Wooley: *tearfully* I feel a little better.
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