#tools of dialogue
projecttreehouse · 2 years
how to write convincing dialogue
did you know that show, not tell applies to dialogue, too? while dialogue can be used to further your narrative, it can also be used to showcase your characters. here's how:
-what is your character hiding? most people don't say things at face value. they hide what they mean within their words and tone, but in writing, you can't verbally hear the character's tone. ways to convey non-verbal tone include: contradictions between words and actions, context behind the words (ie. the scenario, character's actions and feelings), syntax (ie. fragments, repetition, awkward phrasing). also consider who the character is hiding information from: is it the reader? the characters? both?
-favorite words or phrases. does your character use a certain phrase or word a lot? do they often put their prepositions at the beginning or the end of the sentence? these are questions to ask when you're arranging the syntax of the dialogue. everyone has a specific way of talking. make sure you give each character a distinguishable voice.
-personality. this is how you can create a distinguishable voice. is your character confident? are they shy or hesitant? do they repeat the phases of others because they have nothing to add to the conversation? are they confrontational or do they beat around the bush? ask questions like these. if your character is confident, they may make bold statements and appear sure of themselves unlike shy characters who use words such as "maybe" or "should" or "think." to boil it down, think active wordage versus passive.
-observe others. don't look solely at television or other books. sit at your local coffee shop and listen in on conversations, then try and break it down. are they hiding anything? do they frequently use any words or phrases? how would you describe their personality? the better you get at breaking down conversations, the better you can create convincing ones, whether shallow, deep, or as a narrative device, because even if you use your dialogue to move your narrative along, it should still be compulsively convincing.
one way to tell if you've ticked all these boxes is if you can tell who is speaking without any tags.
happy writing! if you have any questions about how to implement any of these tips, our ask box is always open.
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gray-thistleclan · 5 months
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THE PIT (part 1)
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greenfiend · 10 days
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vierapril day 26--weapon
"and failing that, i'll have my trusty warrior of light box the ears of all concerned."
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pinkhibiscustea · 2 months
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"There is nothing to apologize for."
(A small peck is placed upon the messy thicket of raven hair that is displayed prominently upon the release of the beanie.)
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pymsanz · 1 year
Seyka reacts to Aloy's Pullcaster.
(1) Aloy : See you up there.
Seyka : It’s only because of your fancy tools.
- 5 minutes later -
(2) Seyka : Okey, I get it, you’ve got a fancy Grapple.
No need to rud it in.
Aloy : Someone really likes my Pullcaster.
More Horizon contents
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kinokoshoujoart · 1 month
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romeo!! or rock….? idk he’s the ds guy. y’know
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
cw: implied dom reader/sub Izuku, humiliation, degradation
“You’re a fucking dirty, rotten pervert, Izuku.” you murmur under your breath, watching how his pretty, curved cock twitches where it lies on his belly. you run a single finger up the shaft, around the bulging vein, until it settles under the head. its flushed a deep red, a pretty contrast to the tan of his skin, the freckles that dot his hip. you look at him from under your lashes, smiling when his eyes flutter and he settles back into the silkiness of the bed sheets.
“Yeah,” Izuku sighs all prettily for you, an almost dopey expression painting his face as you watch his chest rise and fall. its a pretty sight that he makes, with a flush that goes all the way down to his nipples, perky and brown, his pecs wide, and his jaw so relaxed that you watch him swallow every few seconds.
"What would everyone do if they knew what disgusting shit the Number One Hero was into?" you ask quietly to yourself, one hand still toying with that sensitive spot under his head, the other starting to run your nail over the seam of his balls. Izuku sucks in a shaky breath at that, eyes clenched shut as you can almost see how he bites back the need to cum.
"If they knew how much of a little slut you are for me?" you grin now, when his eyes roll open and his mouth drops open in a pant. fuck, he's so pretty like that, when his eyes cross momentarily when you cup his heavy balls in your hand.
"Oh, fuck," he hisses out, hands clenching the pillows beside him tightly. you cock your head at him, can't help but feel like you have to be a little mean to him. but its okay; he likes it.
"Say it. Say you're my little slut." you bite at him, showing him your teeth as you feel a whole body shiver wrack through his body.
"I'm, shit, I'm your l-little slut." Izuku groans, eyes squeezing shut when a drool of precum slides down onto his belly and you scoop it up with that same finger that's been teasing him. you play with the sticky substance between your fingers for a second, almost examining it, before you turn your eyes to him. you smile.
"Good boy."
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greybugg1864 · 2 years
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Thinkin about how Ingo is the only warden who used pokeballs.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 months
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I really liked these unique scenes that were made for the Pikmin Garden website entry on caves. Technically, neither of these use unique assets, but it's kinda cute that they went through the trouble of making these scenes just for character building.
It almost gives me hope for DLC~
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hayatheauthor · 6 months
Arab/Desi Writing Prompts Part 5
Hear me out-
We've all seen those soulmate tattoo writing prompts where their soulmate's name appears as a tattoo on their wrist/they have a matching symbol tattoo on their wrist.
BUT what if this was Desi?
We already have a huge tradition about hiding your partner's name in your mehndi and they have to find it before the night ends. So what if we combined this tradition with the soulmate trope?
Even better- what if it was enemies to lovers? Scenario inspo:
The once joyful female protagonist stares at her wrist in horror as she realises the name forming in her mehndi pattern was that of her enemy.
She feels horrified and knows she has to hide her hand for the rest of the night, because if he sees it, they're bound for life (this also stems from our actual tradition, which states you're meant to be together if he finds his name).
The night is almost over and she is convinced she can leave the function hall and forget all about the name on her wrist, but suddenly someone catches her wrist, tugging on it and pulling her along with them.
She's ready to scream out and protest, but that's before she realises her assailant is none other than her enemy. Who is staring at his name with wide eyes.
A mere stare from him makes his name darker than the rest of her mehndi, sealing their fate.
(Protagonist name) was now bound to spend the rest of her life with (antagonist). The very man she was sworn to kill.
Extra points:
His name could be written in Hindi/Urdu depending on your characters' ethnicities.
You can also do this with Arab characters, but instead of mehndi you'd have to use henna, which is what they call mehndi.
You don't have to follow the 'plot' I created above. Maybe she finds out the name is of someone who is supposed to be dead. Maybe she thought the name would be her bf's but it's actually his brother's/best friend's/her ex.
Maybe it's HER best friend. Sapphic writing prompt 👀
You could either have the mehndi manifest on their hands at a certain age or have it happen at a certain date.
Prompt Masterlist
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VH - Divide And Conquer
(Tw: attempted torture)
“I can't believe we finally have caught the legendary Vampire Hero”, said Villain.
The two Heroes glanced at each other and shrugged. The taller one frowned.
“Legendary ?” he repeated.
Villain looked at him with interest.
“Oh yes,” he said. “Many have fallen before your might, Vampire Hero. At least two or three of my opponents are behind the bars because of you.”
“Two or three and you call that legendary ? You're easy to impress.”
The other Hero was nervously following the exchange. Compared to his companion, he seemed much younger and frailer. His eyes were shinier and shinier with tears that did not quite fall. When at least it looked like he couldn't take it anymore, he stepped between the two, saying:
“Stop ! It's my fault ! It's all my fault if we got caught. Hurt me, not him!”
Villain gave the young Hero an amused look:
“Why is that little thing with you, Vampire Hero ?”
His interlocutor shrugged:
“You know. He's new. I'm supposed to show him the ropes or something. You have to teach them some way or some other. ”
“Is that so.”
Villain lift the smaller Hero's chin with a finger:
“My dear little one, how can I hurt him ? Many have tried and many have failed. I'll just make him have a nice little sunbath so he's neutralized. But since you've asked so nicely, I will take care of you.”
“Surely there must be another way ! I'm sure you can do better. I-I'm sure that deep inside, you're a little pure of heart.”
“ You heard your protector, you need to learn.”
He grabbed Hero by the arm, who turned his head toward the man who accompanied him. The latter just shrugged.
“Do you think he cares ?” simpered Villain to his ear. “Oh, he doesn't. He might be on your side, but Vampire Hero is evil. You're better off with me.”
Hero whimpered but didn't resist as he was dragged into the stairs.
“There are seventeen steps. Do you hear the sound they make ? There's an echo, so the prisoners down there can hear me coming. It’s all in the anticipation.”
In a sweet voice, he kept describing their surroundings while they were both descending into his torture room. During all the way, the small one didn’t dare fight back. He soon found himself tied up to a chair, helplessly squirming, his eyes giving a pleading look more than ever.
“So, young Hero,” purred Villain, “as it is your first time, I will make you a favor.”
“R-Really ?”
“Yes. Do you see all these instruments in the shelf in front of you ?”
Hero looked at the whips, the canes and the nails, and shuddered so violently it almost looked fake.
“I'm going to let you choose one among them. If not, I will choose, and you won't like it very much if I do.”
“You don't have to do this ! I-You just will make Vampire Hero angry and you don't want to !”
“You think he will rescue you?”
“I know he will.”
“How touching. But for now you're mine. So make your choice, before I get impatient.”
Hero pondered for a few seconds, then whispered:
“Um – the taser ? Yes – the taser, please.”
“If you ask so nicely.”
Villain delicately took the black rectangular shape in his hand and switched it on.
“Why, if I might ask ? Do you think it will hurt less than the others ? Let me prove you wrong.”
The half-hour that happened then looked much more pleasant for Villain than for Hero. And yet, as time passed, Villain felt somewhat uneasy. That had nothing to do with torturing a man, of course. He liked the thrashing, he liked the begging, he liked the naive faith of the innocent who was certain that he could be saved. Maybe that had something to do with the other Hero. While Villain was amusing himself, Vampire Hero was out of his sight. He might have been careless. He glanced at his watch, but Hero making a rather unconvincing whimper forced him to turn his head.
Perhaps that was the problem. Villain was used to the sounds of pain – the gasps, the moans, the howls, the cries and the pleas. He loved all of them without distinction, and of course he knew that they were a little different with each person. It was a familiar melody that Hero was singing, but thinking about it, it was slightly out of tune, and it got progressively worse. It was getting on his nerves. These rookies these days – they didn't even now how to scream right.
“Let's have a break,” he said.
“Oh well, I guess I’ve held that long.”
Villain raised an eyebrow, amused:
“Getting defiant, are we ? Careful, you sound like you’re disappointed.”
He stared into his prisoner’s eyes, hoping to get a look of terror, but all he got was a frown. Hero...genuinely looked displeased.
“Sorta”, he said. “In my time I didn’t have this kind of toys to play with. I guess having a little blue spark in your hand looks fun, but that doesn’t look like it does that much damage.”
“In your time ? What are you talking ab- wait.”
Hero tilted his head. For a moment he sounded impassible, but he broke soon enough. A loud, loud laugh resonated in the room, while the prisoner was squirming in his chair for a very different reason than before. His way of moving betrayed no pain at all.
“Are you shitting me,” said Villain, whose voice was now icy.
Hero grinned:
“You tell me, pal. I can’t believe you swallowed my “pure of heart” bullshit. I was laying it on so thick.”
Villain glared at him.
“Not that you were especially subtle either”, Hero added. “Oooh, the anticipation !” Do that again?”
Villain stood up and went to the door as fast as self-respect allowed. There was no one left under the sunlight. The guards were on the ground, unconscious.
“How -”
He turned back. Hero was now standing up, neglectfully throwing away the remnants of the straps that held him a moment before. He dramatically exclaimed, a hand on his heart:
“Oh no, he got away ! My, my. Poor little me. Tell you what, though. If Vampire Hero were so legendary, you should have bothered to know what he looks like. I didn’t mean to pass for someone else, but you’ve so graciously given me the opportunity.”
“It can’t be ! How could the – the other have escaped then ?”
“I hate to break it to you, but they are several heroes with super strength.”
Villain blushed and stayed quiet, his lips pursed. Hero picked up the taser, looked at it with curiosity, and switched it on. With a smile – a very worrying smile - he got closer.
“Hey, I warned you. I told you that Vampire Hero was going to rescue me.”
Vampire Hero is a recurring character. His job is to troll current villains. Check the Vampire Hero Masterlist or Tag for more snippets with him.
Or back to Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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show-tunes · 1 year
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Who hung the moon?
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dykedivorce · 1 year
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THE LAST OF US | 1.05 "Endure & Survive"
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crabsnpersimmons · 4 months
if it wouldn’t be too much of a hassle, would you mind sharing what markers, sketch pencils, and pens you use to draw traditionally?
no hassle at all! i'm happy to share! here's a photo summary of the tools i use:
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all in all, i use a variety of tools, and a good majority of my tools are from the dollarstore, walmart, or were a gift. i personally find working with inexpensive tools helps me feel more free to use my tools. even my sketchbooks are from the dollarstore.
ultimately it's not the tools that are important, but the artist who learns how to use the tools to make the art they want. sure there are limitations and challenges to working in traditional art, but that's also what makes it fun! so no matter what you use—traditional or digital tools—have fun with it!
happy drawing! ❤️
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thepedanticbohemian · 10 months
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A short list of dialogue/character prompts.
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