#tom conquers all too lmao
lol-jackles · 6 months
Okay, maybe the Ackleses can conquer the industry with their understanding of PR. How did HBO senior executives decide that they could fix people's reactions to mediocre shows by using sock accounts to argue with people on Twitter? To make it even stupider, they also ticked off the poor underling they assigned the job, so much that he threw it into a court case over working conditions at the company. LMAO at these overpaid clowns.
Link. You mean social media can be used as a weapon?  You don't say?!
Like, is anyone really surprised?   My former colleagues were more mad that Boyd couldn’t be assed to make his own fake Twitter account but had to tell an underling to do it.  But I was, come on, most companies have a staffer or two doing sneaky social media things like this, pushing their narrative.  Hello, ever been on the Apple TV online discourse?  Apple has some good shows, but online discourse would make you think that they were already way out ahead of golden era HBO.   No doubt there are some dedicated Apple fans, but I find it hard to believe that level of devotion was natural.  And you know Amazon Prime does this, as they're the most desperate to have a cultural impactful show.
At least Mittens ran his own secret legendary Pierre Delecto account.  
Why this was news is because Bloys isn’t some newly jumped-up exec or business major in tv flailing with failing products. He’s a veteran producer who’s been extremely successful at HBO for a decade plus. Why is he so thin skinned and defensive? Why does he care so much when he’s been so successful?  While his excuse-explanation is having too much time on his hand during Covid sounds eye rolling, there is a grain of truth.  Remember when I said here and here that what previously didn't bother executives were bothering them during the pandemic lockdown.  It was why Misha suddenly scrambled to say (unprompted) three times that he and Jared got along and it was the fault of J2 fans for tainting his reputation, not because of his army of minions who lost what's left of their singe braincell over not getting canon-Destiel like he ambiguously promised for over a decade.
An assistant named Sully Temori, who is now suing HBO for wrongful termination, was given the task in June 2020 to write responses troll with  X account of Kelly Shepherd, a so-called mom and herbalist from Texas with 4 followers.  The troll targeted critics for being a middle aged white man who was “shitting on a show about women” i.e. The Nevers. Gee, those words sound familiar, right?  It's 80% of what SJW say online whenever they come across something they don't like and can't handle different opinions.
HBO is best TV brand with the most number of Emmy wins (just ignore that HBO has the most number of members in the TV academy).  So like in the article, people were surprised that a successful veteran executive would do this.  Except you see it all the time: celebrities, accomplished directors, and athletes going nuts on twitter replying to random accounts with 8 followers, "No @BigDickTerry6969, You're the one who SUCKS!!!".
One of my nieces is in the industry and doing well enough that she said if she ever gets famous enough, she will use some of the money to put guardrails in place to keep her from googling herself or reading twitter threads about her.  She also wants me to act like an addiction-recovery sponsor that she can call in the middle of the night with, "We just dropped a new episode and I really just want to know what people think, that's fine right? I just want honest feedback.".  And I will be, "No, you don't, you have to resist that urge. I want you to go outside and look stars, okay?"
Honestly, reading about Boyd's antics was like reading John Grisham's The Pelican Brief and The Firm and getting to the Big Bad reveal and end up having Big Disappointment staring back at you. Tom Cruise at least improved the movie adaptation of The Firm.
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aajjks · 4 months
WAIT- I really like Tom Holland's version of Spider-Man, I think it would be perfect for Jungkook, he would be just like the one in the movie, shy, nerdy but BUT- with a head focused on Yn, I think Yn should be good at sports and very smart but it would be difficult to compete with someone with super powers, I think Spider-Man should be a little evil, all that shy acting was all a lie, not even his best friend he likes, he just got closer to his friend to start getting closer to Yn , all to cover up that he wants to kidnap Yn and keep her trapped with the technologies he took from the villains. He manages to keep her trapped in a distant place, the real him would be bold, the shy version would be not confident and ''kind'' ' KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
Lmao The last paragraph. You horny little people 😭😭
I’ll keep all of this in mind and thank you so much for your ideas in Tom Holland’s version of Spider-Man is my favorite too
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handsmotif · 3 years
The Queercoding of Pinky and the Brain
This originally was just me infodumping to my friends on discord, but I decided it might be interesting to some people on here, so I polished it up and made it an actual essay lmao
To start, we’re going to break this into 2 sections -- the relationship between the mice, and Pinky’s relationship with gender, because queercoding doesn’t just mean gay!
For a 90′s show, Pinky and the Brain (and its mother show, Animaniacs) was very progressive for its time! But there were still lots of things that they couldn’t slip by censors, and thus, that’s where we have to read between the lines. And that is something I wanted to clarify here before we dive in, the actual meaning of queercoding. It’s NOT the same as queerbaiting. Queerbaiting is when the people producing certain media purposefully dangle the possibility of queer representation to lure in audiences (most prominent examples are BBC Sherlock, Riverdale, and Supernatural I GUESS? who knows abt that last one anymore), but never follow through, purely for profit. Queercoding is when media producers WANT to write in queer representation, but can’t, usually because the censors won’t let them. So, they must resort to subtext. (example: the policemen from Gravity Falls) It could also be unintentional, simply assigning certain characteristics associated with the LGBT community to characters. (example: Bugs Bunny, many Disney villains) Either way, it heavily relies on the audience picking up subtext, but whether it’s malicious or not varies, depending on the media. Bugs Bunny is an example of positive accidental queercoding, while a lot of Disney villains are negative examples.
Now, to actually discuss the gay little mice! Pinky and the Brain, whether it be intentional or not (based off comments from Maurice LaMarche, Rob Paulsen, and Tom Ruegger, signs strongly point to intentional, but it’s never been explicitly confirmed), is an example of positive queercoding.
There are many moments that I could pick out to discuss here, but we’ll start with some VERY on the nose gay metaphors. 
Remember Romy? If you don’t, that’s their actual biological son! Romy came about due to a cloning accident, where their DNA got combined and spat him out. 
There’s SO many things I could say about Romy. Every appearance he makes has an overarching gay metaphor as the plot. His first appearance in the episode Brinky (yeah it’s literally titled their ship name), it deals with his dads (WHICH I ALSO WANT TO POINT OUT, he DOES call them both dad, and they do both call him their son) disapproving of the fact that he wants to leave home and not follow in their footsteps of taking over the world. Brain even goes as far as disowning him whenever he tells him, which is certainly something a lot of queer people can unfortunately relate to. Also seen a lot in this episode is Pinky and Brain arguing even more than a married couple than usual, which pushes Romy away even further. Later, when Romy eventually does leave, and Brain starts to regret chasing him away, he tries desperately to reach out to him, but Romy doesn’t want anything to do with him. They end up tracking him down to an apartment building, where Romy is now living with his human girlfriend. When questioned about their relationship, the girlfriend, named Bunny, goes off on a tangent about how people shouldn’t judge others based on labels or relationships (hello?), and that Brain needs to be more tolerant. Brain apologizes and Romy forgives him. Happy ending.
Romy’s only other appearance is in the comics. Essentially, the plot of this one is that Brain wants to become the president of the local high school’s PTA, but he needs Romy’s help to make it look like he has a normal home life. He also enlists the help of Billie, the obligatory Woman introduced to make sure Brain doesn’t look as gay as he actually is, that he has a crush on. She pretends to be his girlfriend, and Pinky pretends to be Romy’s uncle, while they make up the story that Romy’s actual mother was lost at sea. Because if the organization found out that Brain has a son with a MAN??? THINK of the controversy! Anyway, the plan works, and Brain actually manages to get elected as president. Throughout this though, Pinky gets WEIRDLY jealous that Brain keeps brushing him aside for Billie. To the point where during Brain’s inauguration, Pinky actually dresses up as the wife/mother lost at sea and storms into the room.
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[ID: Comic panels of Pinky, Brain, and Romy on stage at the inauguration ceremony. Pinky busts into room wearing drag, saying, “Yoo hoo! I’m back from years lost at sea to be with my son and ungrateful husband! Narf!” He then hugs Romy, while glaring at Brain. He goes on to say, “I’ll stand by your side, even though you left me behind!” The people in the audience begin to question this, saying, “Oh great fuzzy bangs!”, “What’d she say?!”, “He deserted her to be with that other woman!”, “What kind of monster is he?!”. Brain then rips off Pinky’s wig and says, “This isn’t my wife! This isn’t even a woman! It’s my roommate, Pinky.” Pinky replies, “Well, yes... But Romy really is my son! Poit!” And Brain responds, “N-Nonsense! He’s my son!” More people in the audience angrily speak up, saying, “What’s that?”, “He lives with a guy who likes to dress up in women’s clothing and the both claim to be that kid’s father!”, “Grumble! Mutter!” /END ID]
Needless to say, this doesn’t end well for them. What we can conclude from this is that homophobia exists in the Pinky and the Brain universe, and our characters are directly affected by it.
Moving on, And-There-Was-Only-One-Bed is a pretty common occurrence with these two. Their cage is big, they have plenty of room for two beds, but? They choose to sleep together? Even in some times where this has been inconsistent and they DO have separate beds, they’re always RIGHT next to each other. (what if we put our minecraft beds together ❤😳)
I would like to mention the episode, You’ll Never Eat Food Pellets In This Town Again! This episode is interesting to say the least. Deals with a lot of the meta of the show. Anyway. In this episode, Brain has a nightmare that he’s in a loveless marriage with Billie. You know, the woman he’s supposed to have a crush on. In the end, he wakes up from the nightmare in the same bed as Pinky.
Speaking of female love interests, Pinky is seen having multiple relationships with characters of different species. Any time this is brought up by Brain, Pinky counters with Brain being too intolerant. An honorable mention with this is in Wakko’s Wish, when Pinky is with Pharfignewton, and Brain’s constant pestering about their relationship could be read as jealousy. Pinky needs a mousy date, after all!
Something else I would like to mention is in one episode (I forget what it’s called, I’ll try to look it up later and edit this), Brain is applying for a job. The employer asks Brain if he’s married, and Brain hesitates before saying he “has a roommate,” but that he’s occupied with his own things, which then cuts to a shot of Pinky applying lipstick.
Leading into part two of this essay, Pinky’s relationship with gender! Pinky has always been very gender nonconforming, and loves to wear dresses, do his makeup, and make himself look pretty. For the most part, this is played pretty straight, and not as a gag, like a lot of shows tend to do! It’s just a casual fact about him that he likes to present femininely sometimes.
This does play into their taking over the world plans pretty often, where Pinky wears drag, usually either to sneak into somewhere. Like in one of their earliest appearances on Animaniacs, Noah’s Lark, where they pose as a couple to board Noah’s, and I quote, “love boat.” After boarding, Noah says to himself, “Who am I to judge?” Okay. Yeah. Alright. Anyway.
I actually had less to say on this than I thought I did, but I wanted to make sure to emphasize that Pinky at the very least is coded as being Not Quite Cis, and that he’s played a key part in helping a lot of people watching the show figure out that they’re also Not Quite Cis. 
Wrapping this up because I’m hungry, but I want to throw in some more honorable mentions that I really do not see any type of cishet explanations for:
They literally go on a romantic date at a very fancy restaurant in Brain’s Night Off. This is played extremely casually, and the only remark from anyone that they receive is that they are “much smaller than the usual clients.”
Pinky, on at least one occasion, daydreams about him and Brain being a married couple, and wanting to be a housewife (the original malewife ❤)
There’s an issue in the comics where Pinky has a crush on another male mouse, and when Brain gets annoyed, Pinky reassures him that he thinks Brain is cute and quite the catch too
Brain attempting to kiss Pinky in the reboot??????
Brain actually did conquer the world once in the Halloween special, because Pinky made a deal with the devil for it, and thus Pinky got sent to hell! Brain actually went to hell and gave up the world to bring him back
Brain was extremely close to conquering the world once more in the Christmas special, but after reading what Pinky’s feelings for him were (nothing romantic, just Pinky basically just praising Brain for being so hardworking and an amazing mouse, and lamenting that he never gets anything for it), he gets so emotional that he sabotages himself and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas instead
TLDR; these mice are very queer and need therapy, and are probably the most heavily queercoded characters that I can think of in children’s media.
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bridoesotherjunk · 2 years
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I posted 1,342 times in 2021
630 posts created (47%)
712 posts reblogged (53%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.1 posts.
I added 1,280 tags in 2021
#venom - 278 posts
#venom let there be carnage - 211 posts
#venom 2 - 203 posts
#symbrock - 158 posts
#sony - 99 posts
#veddie - 97 posts
#eddie brock - 78 posts
#venom spoilers - 55 posts
#tom hardy - 53 posts
#marvel - 48 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#making up stuff marvel never said lmao my guy they were talking like crazy about lady loki there were youtube videos talking about it sorry
Venom, every time there is a fight: i cannot do it, im gonna die, i'm too weak
Eddie: i luv u, you can do it
Venom: i can conquer the entire world, i am the strongest creature ever
3349 notes • Posted 2021-10-20 14:20:40 GMT
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Eddie had to resort to drastic slime shaming measures after this one.
3573 notes • Posted 2021-10-14 19:40:57 GMT
You know what would be hilarious in Spiderman No Way Home?
if we just see Venom and Eddie in the background of a bunch of shots, but he's just hanging out. He's not fighting, he's not even watching. He's just in the background eating a muffin or something.
Not involved at all. Just... there.
Maybe there's a big battle and we see Eddie and Venom having a picnic in the park. Or eating chocolate.
They're just a really weird easter egg in every shot.
3743 notes • Posted 2021-11-19 20:10:26 GMT
I think what I love most is that Tom Hardy KNEW what people were complaining about after the first Venom.
He KNEW there were people bitching because it wasn't a dark, violent gore fest. And he knew those people would be hoping to see more violence and a more serious story in the second one and he STILL chose to ignore them.
He chose to focus on the parts that HE enjoyed and he chose to give more to the fans who actually showed up for the first one with excitement.
Anyone else would have caved to all the whiners and dudebros out there who complained because Venom 1 was too funny and wasn't taking itself seriously like the films from the universe that shall not be named. Anyone else would have said, "Okay, well, those fans weren't happy so let's give them what they wanted." But Tom Hardy looked and said, "Why? There's plenty of people who LIKED what I did! How about we give them MORE instead and that way I don't lose my fucking mind?"
And I appreciate him.
3956 notes • Posted 2021-10-09 01:11:32 GMT
If you feel like a bad writer, just go read the leaked script for the CW Powerpuff Girls pilot.
You will no longer feel like a bad writer.
7060 notes • Posted 2021-05-25 14:31:47 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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keelaofhufflepuff · 3 years
i just wanna say that I love your fics!!! but how do you picture Harry and Draco in your head when you're writing them?
Ahh, thank you very much!!! ❤️❤️
Actually, I picture Draco as Tom Felton, but kind of with more elvish features? Like, this would be the base:
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And with elven features like this (though not the ears, lmao):
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Because to me, Draco is beautiful. Like, he's a pureblood wizard. He was bred to be beautiful.
And to me, this will always be Harry:
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Because Daniel just... Looks like Harry does in my mind. With green eyes. And sometimes he lets his beard grow out because he can't be bothered to shave it. Sometimes his hair is longer, but mostly he keeps it at the same length as the picture above. To me, Harry cares more about stuff that are important to him, like solving a case, teaching in Defence Against the Dark Arts, reading about dark arts to know how to handle it, et cetera. He's wearing glasses to see, and he prefers them big because the frame won't annoy his visuals, he dresses in what's comfortable, because he's always been wearing too big clothes, so he doesn't care about the fit.
Whilst Draco is a lot more posh. He styles his hair, takes care of his skin, he wears frame-less, rectangular reading glasses and ONLY wear them at home, or when he's around people he's comfortable with.
And to piss off his father, he wears Muggle suits instead of robes.
To me, Draco is sophisticated outwards, while Harry just goes with the flow. And though Draco desperately tries to get Harry into a suit more often for finer events, he just loves Harry for who he is.
And while Draco is chaotic in his feelings, Harry is the one who's more composed, because he knows how to handle a panic attack. He knows how to soothe Draco.
To me, their differences, from their looks to personality, complement each other. While Harry is oblivious and sometimes as perceptive as a brick, Draco sees the little things. He notices differences.
Where Draco is a coward, Harry encourages him, and sometimes is brave for him.
Where Harry's beliefs in himself and his confidence fails, Draco gives him pep-talks and make him believe that he could conquer the world. Because after all, he did kill Voldemort.
"But it's purely out of lu-" Harry would try to argue, while Draco shushes him and says "it is not. It's because it's you. Because you're clever, because you take what you have and you do what you can with it. And it's bravery, it's brains, and it's thinking of things no one else thought of."
So yeah, thanks for listening to my Ted-Talk 😂
Hope you're having a lovely time wherever you are, and that you are safe! ❤️
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Loki ep 6 thoughts
-recap reminds me I hate ravonna
-I want more mobius/sylvie
-Greta thin burg I love u
-upside down heart in rock
-this music slaps everyone say thank u Natalie holt
-they look so good….ugh
-sylvies hair…wah
-she’s asking him to tell her to stop :’)
-best buds I love dem
-she’s pulling the ‘I’m 8 minutes older than u!!’ Argument that every twin pulls
-she needs a moment now but she didn’t hesitate back in ep 4. Hmm
-Tom looks fuckin great here let’s not lie
-statues?? Omg who
-ominous door slam
-what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
-I need a second
-I’m so sorry that gives me the ‘HEY SISTERS’ jumpscare energy I’m laughing but terrified
-it’s fuckin kang aint it
-oh he scared
-he’s scared
-of the lokis
-wants to bargain with them hmm
-this never ends well
-this is a trick loki PLS DONT FALL FOR IT
-full offense but ‘we can reinsert you so you won’t disrupt the timeline’ and ‘you can kill thanos and have the infinity gauntlet’ cannot POSSIBLY coincide
-her eyes are creepy
-don’t let this overrule your GOAL SYLVIE
-god one of you have braincells pls
-oh she thinks they’re a thing too huh
-Disney don’t do it I stg
-sylvie looks so annoyed girl me too
-even my cat’s confused
-I don’t wanna have any sympathy for ravonna don’t show me those stupid fuckin rings
-why is this so funny
-knife buds
-I shouldn’t love him but I kinda do
-okay but they’re so funny just holding their knives to him
-I’m so sorry sylvie is so cute
-her little hair flips
-it’s a Loki thing
-he’s funny but I’m fairly certain I’m gonna hate him
-at least call her by her preferred name bitch
-“one mans void is another man’s….piece of cake”
-youre not sorry bitch
-B-15 like I’ll expose the fuck outta your ass
-Loki I love you but this is obviously bigger than you think
-man’s a script writer omg
-ugh not him being a sylkie shipper
-man I hate u
-right when they thought they could start doing their own thing and making their own decisions he’s like SIKE!!!
-I sad
-this bitch is exactly why I’m like meh on Christian god
-must be boring
-man I don’t want him to turn them against each other
-ravonna is. A little unhinged
-‘an illusion conjured by the the weak to inspire fear. A desperate bid from control’
-I’m sorry but she sounds like cliche christians
-this is coming from a cradle Catholic
-why is this the mokius/Loki fight from ep 4 all over again
-she literally says crisis of faith
-mobius: hey I think this entire institution has manipulated us and I'm gonna try and figure out what's at the bottom of it
ravonna: lies to him, has him killed
ravonna: wow i cant believe he would betray me like that
-no bc its giving Aaron burr 'now I'm the villain in your history'
-its giving catra and adora in s1 when adora's like 'they're awful' and catras like 'yeah we been knew. How dare u not condone that'
-except I don't ship Mobius and ravonna
-I had to pause to write this rant
-she threatens to prune him again as if he wouldn't just go back to the void
-mobius: we can't take away ppl's free will
Ravonna: i disagree
mobius: where are u going
ravonna: in search of free will
-mobius being left ONCE AGAIN
-poor bitch
-everyone has evil clones just let shit happen
-why is it literally an entire religious allegory
-im so confused
-what does the illusion of the time keepers do at all
-he fills the same spot as them either way
-is it anonymity?
-why doesn't he just kill all the bad variants of himself
-he sounds like a liar I don't trust him
-hes just an asshole
-why doesn't he offer ppl the option to work for the tva
-if he thinks they'll still work under Sylvie and Loki then he must think they'd help
-why does he look scared
-idk why but I'm real tired of all this
-time shit's confusing
-dude i just want lokius interaction
-no I’m so ficking emo
-I want them to be besties
-“because you can’t trust. And I can’t be trusted”
-bro I’m sad
-I’m so sad ab Loki
-he’s trying so hard not to hurt her pls
-I am going to SOB
-that’s it I’m fucking logging out
-Disney I hate you
-I’m so fucking pissed
-I’m so tempted not to finish this episode I’m mad
-anger fills me from top to bottom
-I am taking a moment
-are you SERIOUS
-my exact words when she says ‘I’m not you’ were “AH fuck. GODdammit” but I need you to take the liberty of imagining the exhaustion in my voice
-bro I’m just so mad
-I’m like apathetic to the rest of the plot rn sorry
-I couldn’t care less ab this
-man I am so disappointed
-I’m sorry I just am
-does it really fuckin have to go like that
-god at least let me have one last Lokius moment
-Tom Hiddleston’s deliverance of that rant was so fucking good
-like. You can hear how truly fucked up he is about all this. We’ve never seen Loki like this
-I’m rly emo about it
-I’m actually going to kill marvel
-I am. Divorcing this show
-are you fucking kidding me
-no because fuck you
-I am going to be pissed forever
-you fucking make MOBIUS FORGET HIM?? JUST LIKE THAT???
-I’m so tired
-I just want to take a long fucking nap
-I’m gonna spend the next few years pretending this episode doesn’t exist
-fuck everything man. I’m fucking mad I haven’t been this mad since I watched infinity war in theaters.
-with that I will be. Dying somewhere
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puppypeter · 3 years
so i’m really crap at this, just wanted to give a shoutout to all the peeps that have welcomed me in this fandom back in May and made last year less shitty whether it be because of their amazing fics, fanart, moodboards, reblogs, prompts, conversations, replies, tags etc 💖💖💖  even if we’ve never spoken or haven’t spoken in a while, i see u, i appreciate u 💖💖💖  a special shoutout to all the amazing Starker writers, I promise I shall be back to reading all those lovely fics. Please blame it all on fucking Stucky and their heartbreaking story that makes for a lot of hurt/comfort fics and Bucky Barnes being the perfect character for all those recovery fics. I fell down the Stucky hole (lmao I’m a child laughing at this😂) and I can’t seem to get back out, but I promise I will!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Happy New Year y’all, hope it is filled with lots of fluffly and filthy content!! 💫💫💫
I don’t wanna do a long af tag list because I’m scared I’m gonna miss someone and I don’t wanna break any hearts (!!!) but there’s a few people I deffo need to thank for dealing with my moods in 2020 lmao in no particular order:
@blushing-starker : for pretty much just talking with me about everything, tolerating the fact that I can turn anything into a prompt, freaking out about how cute tom is, letting me go on about Rom Howney, the amazing writing and moodboards, you’re a gem baby i love u so much 💗💗💗
@professional-benaddict because I still can’t freaking believe I get to talk to you??? like I used to read your fics before I even had this blog!! You’re an amazing author and all your little Peter fics own my heart! 💖💖💖  I swear we will get back to our little project!! 
@winterironspiderling for being the only person to successfully make me read a work in progress fic and wait week by week to freak out!!! And for legit writing the most heartbreaking yet beautiful fic ever!!!! attacking me with that slow burn of two idiots, both I somehow see a bit of myself in. You’re an absolutely amazing writer, and yes I will definitely read Disorder again!! 🖤🖤🖤
@twokinkybeans for conquering my heart with their Rom Howney fic (according to the timeline that was like before the 10th of May, I can’t believe it’s been that long!!) and fuelling my pet play kink!! 😏 I’m sorry I’ve been so crap recently (see message in chat!!) but you two were legit one of the first blogs I started following and I wanna go as far as saying the first blog I spoke to in chat. You write such amazing content and it’s so nice to see you two share your interest and write together!! ❤️❤️❤️
@vaguekiwi my dearest most patience bean on the whole planet who has had to deal with my multiple freak outs and also helped me land a job with her amazing cover letter skills!!!! You are a saint, i love uuu 💜💜💜
@vanillapeter we haven’t really like talked much but you’re always in my dash and i feel like i know u!!! thanks for making me an amazing puppy moodboard, i absolutely love it and tbh i love all your moodboards they’re soooo good!!! 💛💛💛 
@ohwereusingourmadeupnames  we’ve never really spoken but you’re in my dash sharing amazing content and I so have to catch up in this 2020 (It’s Stucky’s fault honestly, since I started shipping them too I’ve been on a roll of ready Hydra fics dating back to 2015/16 lmao I promise I will be back!!). And thank you so much for filling one of my prompts with Struck From A Great Height, it was so freaking cute!! 💙💙💙
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thestudyfeels · 5 years
100 Days of Sweat
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Welcome to the official admission post for the 100 days of sweat challenge! *plays the conquer theme song and does a booty pop* This is a pretty long post, but has everything you need to start, so read on!
READING TIME: 6 minutes.
OoOh? What's that?
Thanks for coming out of the cave! In short, it's a consistency challenge to turn working out into a habit.
You've basically got to move your body for a 100 days straight. No slacking, no backing out!
Most take on this challenge personally, but I felt accountability would be great for those beginning with exercising & those who can't seem to keep their streak (cough, me).
Sounds fun! How do I join? Do I need to do a booty pop too?
Booty pops are appreciated. But here's how!
1. First things first, decide whether you'll be joining via IG, Discord or staying on Tumblr.
2. If using IG, reply to this post with your handle or (alternative) if you'd like, join Discord instead! For that, click here to join the server!
(NOTE: Those who joined via the first post I created regarding this needn't reply again! I've already added you to the list.)
3. Lastly, boost this! Reblog, get your followers to join! Drag your friend or sibling in! (already dragged my bestie into this in case no one joined in lmao)
Important PSA: yO, ANYONE can join! All my beginners and winners, young teens and old pals, drarry fans and johnlock shippers, team cold water AND hot water (sparing y'all because I stan working out more), EVERYONE!   
Here's what I'll do: 
I'm creating an IG group for those interested in staying fully committed. (Pros include making friends! Or enemies, for a hundred whole days! Some of you might even get married together, I have high hopes because wedding cake is everything)
Sayani from @studign-stars will be the admin for Discord! You can hit her up for queries, if any. 
In short, there'll be 3 separate groups. One for those joining via Discord, one for those on the IG group, and a third for those staying on Tumblr.
If you wish to use any other platforms like Snapchat and Twitter, feel free! Also plug your progress on Tumblr too so we can hype each other on! (tag stuff with #100dos)
+ That said, I highly suggest joining either one of the groups, for accountability does wonders. It's now up to you, fellow warrior.
How to prep for this challenge:
OhO! There's a whole lot prepping to be slayed. To finish this challenge as smoothly as possible, here's a few steps. Make this easier for yo’ lazy bum.
1+ Firstly, grab a marker and scrap paper (when you on a student budget, cuz same) and write down numbers from 1 to 100. I did 1 to 30 to prevent myself from being overwhelmed, but do right them numbers to gain momentum.
2+ Take couple before photos. From the front, and the side. If you don't want to, take them anyway and store it in a folder you never open. Also measure your weight, and if you have a measuring tape, take other basic measurements of the chest, waist, arm etc.
3+ Coming to the main part! Pick your 'base’ routine. This is the primary workout you wanna do 2-3 times a week. It's the main course!
For beginners, I suggest choosing a 15 min full body workout. Do try it out before you start 100 days— make sure it's challenging enough.
For those who already move their bodies, pick a workout that aligns with your long-term goals. If you want toned legs, pick a leg day routine. If you want abs, focus on abs.
My base routine is the Beginner's Bodyweight Workout (BBW) from the NerdFitness website. I do 3 sets of the entire routine (takes around 25-30 mins) thrice a week.
So, do some research and pick a workout! Doesn't have to be an hour long at all, just make sure it's time-effective and challenges you.
4+ Find your cheat day workout.
Yikes, the wording is kinda incorrect, but anything for the clickbait.
This is the workout you do 2 days a week, and is the second most important workout. (This means: 3 + 2 = 5, you’ve now got five days planned!)
I do Alexis Ren’s ab routine (I hate it) twice a week because abs are my target zone. For you, it could be arms, thighs, butt, anything!
5+ Leave your last two days for simple moving.
It's up to you to decide what's going to be cooking in the remaining two days. For suggestions, you can pick a fun activity, say yoga, handstands, cartwheels, splits, any form of dancing like hip-hop, Zumba etc.
I'm trying to do a handstand this year and get my middle splits already (I fell off track so I still have quite a way to go) so I'll be stretching and doing hand flexibility exercises in the last 2 days.
Or you can just go for a jog or a power walk. Just keep the momentum going!
A quick recap:
To summarize, you're doing a major workout 3 times a week, a toning workout (mine is abs) twice a week and a fun activity in the last two days.
Also, mix this up. Your muscles need time to heal, and I strongly emphasize leaving the next day free for lighter activities after doing a major workout. Here's my routine, as an eg:
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Do remember that this is just a STARTING POINT, because we don't want you to wake up everyday and be like “wut I do today.” It's now your mission to plan your workout routine. Consider taking more workload or reduce it as per your level (this is definitely a lot, try reducing if you're just beginning).
Also important: DETERMINE your workout routine NOW. I spent 2 years (only stopped like 3 months ago) doing YouTube videos haphazardly. This works, because you are working out after all, but it's a pretty lousy method if you want consistent results. Also makes you depend on motivation to workout (which has probability results equal to me marrying Tom Felton), whereas if you had a routine, you'll have to workout because it's in your schedule and you'd be a loser to lie to your schedule.
Is this a lot? It's a lot. I know.
If this is overwhelming you, don't back away darling. Face your fears. Here are some reasons to not back out—
The entire challenge is flexible: You don't have to follow that routine ^ if you don't want to. Starting out, you can do a major workout 2 times a week and fill the other 5 days with fun stuff. You can always change the routine later, 100 days is a long ass time.
The challenge fucks with your mindset and strengthens it: 100 days of continuous movement is CRAZY. Can you imagine how strong (mentally too!) we'll all be at the end? You'll have grown so much!
Working out will become a habit: I've been working out for 2 years now, and it has positively affected every single sphere of my life. Exercising is the #1 habit I suggest everyone build. Since science says it takes 66 days to build a habit, we're ON it.
You'll be really proud of yourself: I know I'll be. I'm literally going to hug y'all at the end of it, and sing jingles about how far you've come. 2019 will have been slayed.
I could go on and on, but this is it. Now's the moment. This is about doing something you're afraid of. Taking risks. Learning, falling, getting back up.
Thence, ladies, gents and non-binary pals, THIS is the 100 days of sweat challenge. You're cordially invited to it.
(We're dramatic, yes.)
The challenge itself begins on 10th April, 2019.
You'll be added to the IG group latest by 7th April.
Because I'm your mom, I'll add everyone in, tell you the details and everything. If you’ve got any questions, jump into my inbox now and get them answered.
That said, please remember that I won't take anyone in midway (no, not even if you buy me free tacos for a year). So join in now & spread the message! The more, the merrier! Bring beer too!
Thanks for joining in! This will be promising and hugely interesting (accountability can do wonders, but we'll see). I'll be waiting for you on the other side with my stuffed animals, cIaO fReNdOs!
— Nandini (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ 💌
letting my taglist folks know (which you can join here!)
@doctorearlgray, @mintschlar, @procrastilate, @scienceandsarcasticdroids, @sxudying, @hannistudies, @vocative, @studign-stars, @ash-trological, @sweet-bean-study-queen, @chaoticstormthings, @lunetudes, @beingstudent, @beautiful-magicalbrain, @akydemics, @literery, @redvelvetstu-dies, @vivinotes, @jynsdesk, @moonshinestudies, @studying-in-chaos, @thelazyunistudent, @einstetic, @ram-the-blonde-bitch, @a-students-lifebuoy, @studahliless, @inspostudying, @the-diary-of-a-failure, @would-iwasshookethspeared, @coffeeandpies, @artsytourism, @gloomstudy, @scrolls-of-jupiter, @studytrivia, @ristudy, @isatriestostudy, @historicalbeez, @luvjoys, @indiaisstudying, @studyingunderwater, @dianeemay, @kemi-k, @londonotes, @froststudies, @pennyfynotes, @studiently, @midnightstudying, @unicorndoesstudies, @studyingundersun, @wingedprunepsychiclawyer, @tonystarkstudies, @delphinaaugery, @morganastudy, @studiies-psych, @sumastudies, @emrys-studies, @parleonstudies, @acataemic, @studylustre, @adelinestudiess, @sorcierstudies, @coffeeinfusedstudying, @pizza-and-studying, @the-third-me, @scrunchiestudies, @jemsjournals, @jas-study, @jabuticabablr, @khelmatic, @avastvdies + you, if you’re reading this!
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Have you ever read the Hunger Games series? >> I have, finally! Read it during my trip to Texas in January. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would; my quibbles are few. I want to see the movies but I also don’t want to see the movies -- what I want are... not those movies, pretty much. I’ll probably give the first one a shot at least, just so I know for sure exactly what I’m protesting against, lol.
When was the last time you ran into something? >> I don’t remember, I don’t do that often.
Do you enjoy dressing up? >> Yes, absolutely, mostly because I don’t get to do it often so it’s a novelty.
Do you live in the city or a rural area? >> I live in the outskirts of a city. So, kind of the suburbs, but not quite.
Would you say you have a sense of style? >> I mean, yeah.
What’s your biggest fear? >> Being terribly aware of my every dying moment and carrying that awareness into another life or something.
Have you ever been bitten by a wild animal? >> No.
Are you close to any of your cousins? >> No.
Have you ever been lost in the woods? >> No.
Where did you last travel? >> For any significant distance? Houston, Texas.
Do you enjoy driving? >> I don’t drive. I enjoy driving being a part of my mythic self, though (my mythic self is called the Driver, you see).
What song did you last listen to? >> Sunlight by Hozier. Which was, of course, written specifically to call me out.
If you have a job, how often do you work? >> ---
What time do you normally go to sleep at night? >> Anywhere between 10.30p and 1a.
Do you watch a lot of movies? >> I do.
Do you like Tom Petty? >> I don’t.
Would you rather have snow or rain? >> Rain. Absolutely rain.
Do you own a lot of sweaters? >> No. I’m not sure I own any at all, actually -- oh, wait, I own exactly one. It’s a Hot Topic Christmas sweater and it says “Sleigher: Reindeer Blood” on it. I love it and I would live in it if I could.
Have you ever tried rock-climbing? >> Nope. Except on that small rock wall in the Museum of Science & Industry (pretty sure that’s where it was).
Ever ridden in a police car? >> Yes.
Favorite decade of music? >> I don’t have a favourite decade. I prefer listening to music from as many decades as possible.
Have any of your best friends been your best friend longer than a year? >> ---
Ever witnessed a murder? >> No.
Do you care what people think of you? >> I care what some people think of me.
Does your room have a ceiling fan? >> Nope.
Would you consider yourself poised? >> Not particularly. I never put any effort into it.
Have you ever tried blogging? >> Of course, lol.
Favorite television channel? >> I don’t have cable.
Have you ever lied under oath? >> No.
What are your religious views? >> Nebulous and subject to whim.
Are you a romantic person? >> No.
When did you last change your bed sheets? >> About an hour ago, actually. And I showered afterwards, so now I’m a clean boy in a clean bed. Livin’ the dream.
Would you consider yourself a flirt? >> No.
At what age do you plan to be married? >> 32, apparently.
Do you eat a lot of junk food? >> No. I really just don’t like a lot of the foods that are widely considered “junk”.
When did you last go on vacation? >> I guess the trip to Texas was kind of a vacation? But otherwise I’d say my wedding/honeymoon in October.
Are you resilient? >> Yeah. Like, I know I am. It’s been proven that I am. The fact I feel so fragile and wounded so often isn’t a contradiction of that fact.
Have you ever failed a subject before? >> I don’t think so.
If so, what was the class? >> Like, I should have failed English III because I got a zero on the midterm and the final, but I think the teacher gave me a D out of pity or whatever.
Do you wear more bright or dull colors? >> I don’t really wear colours at all. It’s not even an effort anymore, it really just seems that all of the clothing I’m willing to wear comes in black...
Do you know anyone who has attempted suicide? >> Yes.
What’s your favorite quote? >> DAMMIT. I totally forgot about that quotes file I was going to keep on Evernote. I gotta work on that so I have answers for this question.
Would you consider yourself mature? >> I mean, I suppose I do okay. Being post-traumatic means I have some pretty child-like responses to things sometimes, but, you know. I’m doing my best.
How many clocks are in your house? >> There’s one on my wall, although there’s no battery in it because I can’t abide the noise. It’s just a decoration. (It’s one of those records that someone cut a design out of, it’s really cool.)
Do you play any sports? >> No.
What is your biggest life regret? >> ---
Have you ever been injured in a car accident? >> Nope.
If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? >> My mind went a lot of places with this question in 5 seconds flat, and I don’t even know how to unpack any of it. Half the shit I thought of didn’t even have anything to do with this lifetime.
Have you ever had highlights in your hair? >> No.
Favorite fast food restaurant? >> Meh.
In what country were you born? >> USA.
Are your eyes more than one color? >> Nope.
Have you ever caught something on fire? >> Accidentally? Yeah, a couple of times.
What would you consider your biggest flaw? >> I don’t know.
What do you think your best quality is? >> Curiosity and open-mindedness.
Do you enjoy listening to others’ problems? >> I’m not sure “enjoy” is the right word in this context, lol.
Do you keep any plants in your house? >> Yeah, Sparrow’s really into plants. I like them, but I tend to enjoy them more when they’re outdoors. Kind of like animals.
What is your mother’s occupation? >> ---
Do any of your friends like your musical style? >> At least some of it, I’m sure. I like way too much shit for me to have no music preferences in common with the average person.
What are you most looking forward to? >> That glorious day when I can just. Walk into a bar and have a drink and some lunch again.
What was your favorite television show as a child? >> I don’t think I had one.
Are you afraid of insects? >> Not as a rule.
Are you cold-natured? >> I don’t think so, but my 485745 defense mechanisms often make me appear so.
How old were you when you got your first pet? >> I was a toddler.
Did you / do you enjoy high school? >> I did not.
What would you say was your favorite age? >> ---
What annoys you most about social networking? >> The way it’s engineered.
Are you the center of attention most of the time? >> No.
What are you currently reading? >> Staring at the Sun: Overcoming The Terror of Death by Irvin D Yalom. It’s... not really giving me anything I can use, mostly because it doesn’t address the things I actually fear (like, no, I don’t fear not leaving behind a good legacy or whatever, I literally fear the awe-ful, terrible knowledge of my organs shutting down and shit like that, the helplessness of being pulled into the abyss. Literally. Not figuratively. This is a literal visceral thing I believe in. Also, I fear persecution by cosmic forces because I have internalised the idea that I am Bad and I will be Punished. Where is my book? I do like the title, though.), so I don’t know if I’m going to finish it. I might skim through it for a few decent nuggets like that one Nietzsche quote he used, “when we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago”. That was a good one.
When did you last go to the library? >> It’s been a while, since I usually just check out ebooks. Oh, wait, we went to the branch for a Black History Month event, so, February.
Are you ill at the moment? >> No.
Do people tease you about anything? >> I mean, Sparrow does. And some tumblr mutuals tease me about various aspects of my Brand, hah.
How late did you stay up last night and why? >> I think I dropped off at around midnight, idk. Because that’s just how it happened.
Have you ever written poetry? >> Sure.
Curtains or shades? >> I’m not sure what the difference is.
How many people have you spoken to in the last hour? >> One.
Do you tend to text a lot? >> No.
Ever lost a great best friend? >> ---
What is your favorite kind of flower? >> Sunflowers.
Do you own any guns? >> Absolutely fucking not.
What would you say is your favorite book of all-time? >> ---
Do you think you’re living a good life? >> I am doing my best with the life I have.
What’s your least favorite part of the day? >> I don’t have a least favourite part of the day.
Are you an over-achiever? >> No.
Have you ever won an award for a speech? >> No.
Do you tend to curse a lot? >> Sure.
Have you ever played on the Ouija board? >> Nope. I’ve never even seen one in person, except for seeing the box in a store or something.
Do you sleepwalk? >> No.
Have you ever slept on the floor before? >> Yeah, I did for years. I should probably have worse spinal alignment or something now, but I guess them’s the perks of doing shit like that while I was still young.
Are you a fan of public displays of affection? >> I don’t do well with physical affection whether in public or not, so, you know.
When did you last attend a yard sale? >> A couple of years ago?
Do you wish your life were simpler or more interesting? >> I like the level of simplicity I’m at right now.
What goals do you wish to accomplish tomorrow? >> ---
When is your birthday? >> 28 May.
Which is worse: going blind or deaf? >> How would I know, I haven’t experienced either.
What was the best part of today? >> Visiting a mutual’s house in FFXIV, signing the guestbook, and then turning around and there was her character (and her girlfriend’s character) right behind me, lmao. We didn’t get to chat long because their dungeon queue popped, but it was still nice.
Do you attempt to stay away from drama? >> I don’t have to stay away from it, it’s never anywhere near me in the first place.
What liquid did you last drink? >> Gose.
Do you ever prefer to be alone? >> Often.
Have you ever had a deadly animal as a pet? >> No.
Favorite Disney movies >> Lilo & Stitch, Moana, and Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Have you ever been to the beach? >> Sure.
If you have, how many times have you been? >> Like... a few dozen? I don’t know.
What was your dream occupation at age ten? >> ---
Are you terrified at the idea of weight-gain? >> I don’t know if terrified is the right word, exactly, but something similar to that.
Do you drink a lot of water? >> Not a lot. I drink when I feel thirsty, and that just isn’t that often? I don’t know. Maybe I’m not good at recognising thirst cues, that’s a possibility.
Does your room have carpet or hard-wood floors? >> Carpet.
Do you take naps daily? >> No.
Who were you named after? >> I wasn’t named after anyone.
Do you plan on traveling this spring or summer? >> Well, we had planned...
Do you know anyone who is colorblind? >> Maybe?
Have you ever been a teacher’s pet? >> When I was a child, I guess, because I was precocious and nerdy and adults are obsessed with that sort of thing for some reason.
What is your absolute favorite hobby? >> *shrug* What’s a hobby.
How many times a day do you brush your teeth? >> One, provided I remember and have the executive function.
Ever been to a tanning bed before? >> No.
Are you satisfied with your financial stability? >> No matter what, I still have more financial stability than I did when I was literally penniless and living on the street, so I can deal.
Who is your favorite actor / actress? >> When it comes to people I’m always excited to see in a movie, Javier Bardem is one.
Are your nails painted? >> Nope.
What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone? >> I don’t know, I’ve said a lot of mean things.
Do you ever accidentally talk to inanimate objects? >> Not accidentally, no. I do it on purpose, because it pleases me.
What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream? >> Vanilla bean and matcha are the only flavours I actually like and don’t just. tolerate.
Have you ever kissed someone of the same gender? >> I don’t think I’ve ever kissed another agender person.
Do you receive any hate mail? >> No.
Have you ever sent a letter in the mail? >> When I was a kid.
If you could, would you have a pen pal? >> I don’t think I’d make a good penpal.
What color are the pants you’re wearing? >> Black with lime green print.
Have you ever had a stalker? >> No.
What is your life philosophy? >> I don’t have one.
Who last sent you a goodnight text message? >> ---
Do you own any clothes that are your favorite color? >> I don’t own any gold clothing, no.
Have you ever been in a hot tub before? >> I tried a hot tub once, at Easton Mountain. Five seconds in, I felt faint and like my heart was going to burst out of my chest, so I had to get out.
What’s your favorite comedy movie? >> Blazing Saddles and The Producers come to mind.
In which year were you born? >> 1987.
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wickednerdery · 5 years
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Title: FrostBitten: Blood Runs Cold Author: @wickednerdery Fandom: Marvel Pairing/character: Loki x Reader x Jotun!OC Rating: Explicit Summary: “It’s time.” Notes: This is the official finale (not including epilogue to come) of my series/multi-chapter fic - Masterlist Here. Ulfr is a Frost Giant, more clearly so than Loki, and “played” by Lee Pace. The whole thing in general is dark, this piece (which covers the same time as the last one, then continues on from it) is mostly just violent. For that and length it gets a “Read More”.
He knows Loki’s “invite” is the first step back down the spiral to Hel. Loki gets this he’ll keep pressing and pressing until it’s as bad, worse than, it was before. Ulfr can either stop him now or let it all go to shit for himself, you, the baby, and everyone else in Loki’s path. So, really, he doesn’t have a choice. It’s now or never.
The split is quick, easy for him, this time; as one steps out to follow you into whatever trap Loki’s laid, the other slips off to contact Dr Strange.
Over the months Strange grew increasingly wary of Ulfr. Not for fear of his mind, his control, but in his abilities. In once raw power now honed without the limits of morals or consideration for others. When they meet now, Strange keeps his distance, his guard up, and rarely lets the other get too close...even in the mirror dimension.
“It’s time.” Ulfr declares.
“Why’s that?”
“You wanna stand around debating or stop Loki before he does any more damage?” He smiles. “We don’t have time for both.”
"We can’t afford to act without consideration...like before.” When Ulfr set their plans back by months in touching The Tesseract. “And, if you can’t...”
Ulfr’s mirage fades and Strange tenses. Where is he? What sort of trap is this...and whose is it? Loki’s or Ulfr’s? The sorcerer spins; Ulfr grabs and slams hard enough the wall refracts in multiple directions preventing additional injuries. The doctor’s vision blurs, head spins, as the other hits like a sledgehammer, doubling him over, before he can recover enough to fire Ulfr back and throw up shields. The Frost Giant fades away again...And Strange sees his folly. He didn’t intend to fight, only distract. No more Sling Ring and while the Eye of Agamotto remains, its falsehood is sensed. One doesn’t have to contend with protective spells if he’s switching rather than stealing...
“Fuck,” Strange groans out.
Loki spins in his rise, firing from the scepter as he does, only for the blast to shatter door-frame and ice-wall. He tries again and again Ulfr throws up arm to block the blast, then breaks and bends shield into blades that he casts in Loki’s direction. One clips the end of cape, another dings shin-guard, as Loki throws up his own magic shield. He grins. “Do you truly think you can defeat your king, a god?”
“Yeah, I do,” Ulfr grins back before light flies in his direction. It cracks across his shoulder like a hot whip, one whose burn burrows under skin, muscle, and into bone. He hisses, growls, as ice soothes wound, patches up torn armor, and grows into spikes across the Frost Giant’s form.
Both men charge, allowing rage, frustration, and testosterone to fill them, fuel them, to mad battle...
You’re in the living room, but...not. The place is blurred, your breath echoes, and while you can hear both men they sound miles and miles away. You’re fully dressed, armored in something akin to a sleek version of an Iron Man suit, but utterly bewildered as to where, exactly, you are.
There’s a crash as Loki flies through the wall, landing a few feet from you in an enraged heap. Red streaks down his face from hairline to chin and he flicks blood from his hair to glare about with blackened eyes, but he looks through rather than at you. Grunting up on his feet his scepter fires through the hole his body made, lighting up the bedroom in red. He’s blue, lined...full Jotun. Just like Ulfr who steps through the hole, pink-tinged armor reforming as fast as it melts. “I am your king!”
“I don’t care,” Ulfr states, taking wide strides in approach to a scrambling Loki. With a flick of his wrist he sets Loki’s insides on fire and the man begins to seize and twist, gasp for air through burning throat. “You killed your king, your father...My family...You’re a traitor....Murderer of your own kind!” His voice begins to shake in pure rage, loathing...then pain as the magic he uses causes his own Jotun skin to crack and bleed. “NÍÐINGR!!”
“Ulfr, no!” You give a scream, it echoes back without reaching either man’s ears. “Stop!!” It isn’t that you want either to win; you don’t want either of them to lose. They can be terrible, terrifying, but that they could kill each other horrified you. That they might leave you and your child, their child, alone in whatever this world has become shakes tears from your eyes.
Loki times it perfectly, the blade appearing just as Ulfr goes for the kill. It slips in red hot, severing the roots of tree, and Ulfr howls in agony. Muscles tense, fight the intrusion, as the god’s wrist twists, yanks, and more flesh opens to the shock of the gutted. Loki chuckles darkly as hand once ready to strangle hits the floor to keep the Frost Giant from collapsing outright.
Ice armor melts, Seiðr spills with blood, as Ulfr fights to heal over everything else. The heat of Loki’s cursed knife spreads, burns the core of him, even after it leaves his body. Fiery poison pumps through veins, boiling blood both within and spilling across the floor. He’s been a fool, indulgent in vengeance, and now he’s lost as Loki stabs again, pushing him off with the blade itself.
“Loki!” You scream as the pocket universe Ulfr tucked you in melts with your armor. “STOP!! STOP YOU’RE KILLING HIM!!” You rush forward, then stop short as the god’s eyes flare up at you.
All semblance of humanity is gone. “Yes...well that is the point.” The maniacal look leaves in a gasp as ice impales his chest. He looks down, sees Ulfr’s blood-caked grin, before going to grab the Eye of Agamotto for himself. He’ll heal later, but first the stone. The moment his hand touches the pendant Ulfr’s hands latch over his.
“STOP!!!” You beg as the two enter an impenetrable battle of wills; as they grab, hit, and stab each other in the struggle to get the upper hand before their death. “Fuck....” Your mind races for a distraction, anything to get them apart and away from that stupid necklace. Then you hit on it and wail as if in pain. “THE BABY!!!“
It gets their attention...sort of. They look to you, but both men keep hands on jewelry and, in seeing nothing wrong, Loki only laughs before yanking hard. He gains control of the Eye, but loses balance in the process and tips back. Hand releases the gold chain in instinctive favor of staying upright and the pendant crashes against the wall.
Desperate to end this, in hopes they can be saved both physically and mentally, you dash forward before either’s collected themselves. The gold chain is knotted, gilded cage cracked and broken, and a short ways off is the glowing green stone that’s slipped out. You reach down to pick up it...
“NO!!” They both roar.
The second you touch it agony seizes your entire being...an incomprehensible, raw, burn of energy that makes you wail like a flaming animal. It pulls you apart on a molecular level, body and mind and soul. Through blinding light both men rush forward. Ulfr’s body wraps around you, grabs the stone to funnel energy into himself, and Loki follows after, but you know this is it. This is the end...
“Think of before...” you hear their voices mix in your mind more than ear. Weak, desperate, pleading, dying with you.
The stone flames itself into your palms as you try to focus on the life you had before all this. Before Ulfr, before Loki, before New York and your world fell to the bitter cold of their conquering...
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This is, in fact, not the end. There will be at least one epilogue showing what’s happened to these three after. My ability to write fight scenes sucks so sorry if it was confusing, but I couldn’t find an easier way to write it, lol! Also Dr Strange is fine, it’ll just take him a bit to get out of the mirror dimension and back to his current time and place, LMAO!! (That I finished this tonight is a holiday miracle and I really hope you all enjoy it, LMAO!!)
Side Note: Níðingr means “villain, vile person” in Old Norse.
(Top gif made from two found on Google, bottom found on Google - ignore the surroundings, focus on “Ulfr” and their hands, lol!)
Tagged: @succumb-to-your-king @chibiyanai @wadeyouwitch @creedslove @lady-crowned-with-stars @moonfaery @annievvv7  @ladyfluff @holykryptonitekitten @lokilvrr @janebrownnie @lokis-little-kitten @alexakeyloveloki @theangelsfightwithdevils @the-blue-tiefling @lokis-lady-death @dangertoozmanykids101 @prometheasmother @vethrvolnir  @wintertink @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes @drakonwild @starscreamloki @judas-bby @hiddles-rose  @the-lady-witchitery @galaxies-inside-my-head @jackheart180 @lukeevansandjdmobession @endlessstairway @lanabanana-86 @tom-fucking-hiddleston-1981 @lovekrystina @madoka73  @lokikingofasgardslover713 @partiallyinthecloset @ultrarebelheart @gravitational-anomaly @manip-loki @my-world-of-imagines …Think that’s everyone!
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bl3randomfandoms · 6 years
Rules: post ten facts about yourself and tag ten people you want to get to know better.
Tagged by @rebellingstagnationblog (for once, I ACTUALLY got tagged, and I’m not just some nerd that likes to fill out questions about herself!) 
1. I’m a high functioning autistic. It’s genetic, from my dad’s side. You should see the weirdos I’m related to! LMAO I’ve spend my whole life fighting (and conquering) my social downfalls, and I’m confident with the person I’ve become. 
2. I love office supplies. Seriously, ANY of them. Pencils, pens, notebooks, post-its, erasers, markers... even those tiny little staplers. When my cousin gave me her beautiful writing desk, I was SO excited because I had somewhere to PUT all of those office supplies. (I mean it, though. I really want to buy EVERYTHING on Ooly.com)
3. I love classic rock. Anything from the 70′s and 80′s. AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Queen, Metallica, Styx, The Beatles, Journey, Tom Petty...The list goes on. 
4. I’m an animal freak. I don’t think I’d actually admit to being a furry, but I just go wild for any kind of dog, wolf or fox. When I first got into reading, I would read any kid’s book about animals. (especially mice, Redwall and Poppy) And to this day I love animated animals in cartoons. The old Disney ones are the best. (Currently into Darkwing Duck.) 
5. I’m single, and loving it. I am a romantic person, but only with fictional characters. I get my “mojo” from them. When you fall for someone that’s real, you can get your heart broken? And I’m bi (mostly in my mind.) I like to think about couples...both the man and the woman get my “gears grinding” if you know what I mean... 
6. I’m a subscriber to Owlcrate. They are this really rad book box that you can get monthly. You get exclusive signed YA books and lots of one of a kind bookish goodies. It’s amazing, and I look forward to it once a month. 
7. Books are my one true passion. I started learning my letters before Kindergarten, and I’ve been a grammar nazi ever since... heh, heh. I try to read 50-60 books a year, and they’ve also inspired me to write. My favorite genres are fantasy, sci-fi, historical fiction, and YA. Some of my favorite books are: “The Time Traveler’s Wife”, “Graceling”, “Outlander”, “Memoirs of a Geisha”, The “Shades of Magic” Trilogy, and...countless others. 
8. I don’t look my age. Everyone thinks I ‘m quite a bit younger than I am. I’m 32, but look like I’m in my mid 20′s still. I finally like it too, just like everybody told me I would as I got older. (Also, everyone things my younger sister is older than me... hee, hee.) 
9. I used to hate tea, but now I love it. I’ll drink almost any kind. Black, green, white, chai, even red tea. Along with herbal and fruit teas. Some of my favorites are cinnamon, raspberry, peach, orange spice, blueberry, darjeeling, and CHAI! 
10. One of my favorite hobbies is counted cross-stitch. The bigger and more complicated, the BETTER! Sure, it takes me about 5 years to complete most of them, and I wanna rip my hair out and throw them across the room, but they are still fun as HELL. 
Tagged: @aj-the-bluejay @soup-du-silence @dorkwingduck @dullscythe @ducktitswoo-oo @that-shadowy-disguise @goku-san @splatterphoenixart @darkwing-beyond @art-gelato 
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tthe-last-timee · 4 years
2019 Recap
Tumblr media
1/18: Bought my plane ticket back home to the motherland! 
Binge watched You season 1 — thanks, Kayla, for recommending it to me! 
Worked full-time during winter break because my work was severely understaffed (more $$$ yaasss)
As a result of working full-time, I also drank coffee on the daily. 🙃
Also binge watched The Hookup Plan on Netflix. 
First and only time my class was cancelled because of a snowstorm. 
The start of my second semester as a junior. 
Restarted watching Game of Thrones. 
Identity crisis. 
Bought tickets to see BLACKPINK in April. 
Obsessed with skin care, spent a lot of money at Sephora. 
Uni kept me busy for the most part. 
Wasn’t able to watch GoT as much. :(
Hello, dean’s list! 
Started my weekly professional practice experience (PPE) at UI Health. Every Friday for 8 weeks. Made me realize how crazy expensive parking downtown is. 
Binge watched GoT so I can watch the last season when it came out. Season 7 is my favorite! 
Discovered SHY Martin and omfg I love her music. 
Had a fight with one of the closest people in my life, and it opened my eyes to many things. I learned a lot like for example: no matter how close you are to a human being, there will be times where your opinions and views won’t align and I guess that’s okay. Try not to take things personally.
Also discovered L Devine from a YouTuber and I love her music too!! 
I was finally able to use my Twitter account on the actual app. I was locked out for months and had to use a third party app. 
Saw BLACKPINK with my sister and two of my cousins. First concert attended for 2019! 
Finally caught up with GoT and was able to watch s8 as it came out every Sunday. 
Uni kept me busy (lol when does it not???)
I was awarded, along with two other classmates, the Chancellor’s Student Service Award. 
Became a ninang to my first ever inaanak, Miah. 💗
Watched “Someone Great” on Netflix and bawled my eyes out towards the end. Nicely incorporated music throughout the whole movie. 👍🏼
Started to get disappointed with how GoT was going. 
A classmate & I did a joint report on our PPE experience at UI Health to end the semester. 
Started to watch Kdramas again! I watched Touch Your Heart and I had the biggest crush on Lee Dong Wook for a couple of weeks lol. 
Watched Aladdin with my sister at AMC Oakbrook and wore an all white outfit when it was pouring rain lmao. I still feel sad about how my continental 80s were soaking wet. 😢
Started watching Lucifer. I fell in love with Tom Ellis. 
Worked the weekends only because my boss didn’t give me as much hours as I wanted. :( I need money for my vacation :(
Warriors lost the finals, and with many injuries to their star players. I am a sad potato :(
WHEN THEY SEE US. Omfg this show stirred up so many feelings in me that I didn’t know I was capable of. I still highly recommend this mini series. This show also replaced my crush from Tom Ellis to Jharrel Jerome. 
So many books and conferences for senior year. I cry :c
Spoiled by coworkers (bought me coffee almost every weekend) <3
New crush alert: #15 USWNT. 
Hello birth month! Kicked it off by travelling to Florida with my grandparents to visit my tita & tito who live there. Very hot and humid omg. First time my eyes were ever dry that I needed to use eye drops. 
Also, Southwest lost my luggage so we were stuck at home the first day in FL to wait for it to get dropped off. 
 A lot happened this month...
Had to fly to PH early because of a family emergency. 
CULTURE SHOCK. I haven’t been home in 6 years. 
So grateful for my longtime bff, Johan, for staying with me at home while my grandparents were in Bohol sorting some things out. 
7/23: LANY concert at MOA Arena with Johan. Second  and last concert for 2019. #thefeels. Manila traffic is insane. Flew back home early the next day because..
7/25: stayed at davao overnight. Had dinner with friends. I was wasted af. Early flight next day to Cebu. 
7/26 - 7/30: Spent 5 days with my close gal pals Johan, Hannah, Cara, Arvel, and Auleve at Cebu and Bohol. Spent my 22nd birthday with them and it was the best. ❤️❤️❤️
7/27: At Simala Church and I prayed to God about you. (He really listens!!)
He made me a playlist because I asked for song recommendations. That was really sweet of him. 
7/31: Instead of closure, we started something new. We decided to try again. Probably the first and last time I’d let someone read what I wrote on my private blogs. Also, everything happens for a reason haha. 
For the record, I’ve drank the most in this month than I ever had in my entire life. Hangovers can suck it. 
08/04: Davao house party with our closest friends!! Love how supportive they are of us. Didn’t get much sleep, took care of my wasted friends lol. 
Frances made a video of the house party linked here: https://youtu.be/t_AATf2fCg8 
08/09: 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
08/10: Date at davao, then had dinner with Dan (one of his closest friends and our high school classmate) and his girlfriend, Alyssa. 
Started to get texts and emails again from work and uni. :(
Meant so much to me that one of my favorite high school teachers supports us. ❤️
Awarded some $$$ from uni because I had the highest GPA in the HIM program. 
Attended the junior orientation at school. Glad to see it’s getting more diverse each year. 
Lover!!! 💗💗💗
Officially a senior! One. More. Year. #HIM2020
Impulsively upgraded my phone from 8+ to the XS. 😬
My lover’s birth month. 
Honeymoon phase. 
Part of UIC’s Jeopardy team at the AHIMA Conference and we won!!! YAY TEAM!
One of my high school friends, Paolo, and his friend Riz, visited me here in Chicago for 2 days. Going out with them was a nice break from my monotonous schedule. 
And because I had visitors, it was the first time I had to drive on the highway for a long time. Finally conquered my fear of driving on the highway because I had no choice. *pats self on the back*
Sad month. Lost another classmate. 
Back to drinking Starbucks on the daily. My debit card is crying. 
Baby fever is real!
And who would’ve thought... my bff is pregnant!! I tagged Johan on a tweet that said “baby fever but like in an aunt way” and she called me a few days later telling me the good news. I thought she was messing with me at first hahaha. I have a new inaanak coming soon!
Mama’s birthday. Had lunch at our favorite place Joy Yee. 
My mom’s brother who she hasn’t seen in 8 years visited us here in Chicago. 
Friends thought I’m getting engaged or married when I told them I’m going back home after graduation. Love how supportive they are haha.
I was invited to be a panelist for an event at uni. Great experience, although I would not do it again because parking downtown is expensive. 
“Not everything about your relationship has to be shared with others.”
Mental health spiral. (I pulled through after disappearing for a few days)
Cut my hair short, but not that short. 
Senior In-Service done!  
Starbucks discontinued my fav Chestnut Praline Latte and I am the saddest bean ever. :( </3
Impulsively upgraded my phone to 11, hated the quality (reminded me of android phones). So after four days, I upgraded it to the 11 Pro Max. No more spending this year! Lol. 
After all the struggles I went through with school this semester, I still managed to finish with straight A’s thanks to the extra credit points from completing the course evaluations. Summa cum laude = secured. 👩🏻‍🎓✨☝🏼
I tried Disney Plus and binge watched The Suite Life on Deck. I remembered I used to have the biggest crush on Cody since the first Suite Life lol. 
0 notes
sensendameda · 7 years
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
Tagged: @g-uren​ Taggin: @namanari @raven-sound @withextrascribbles (And that’s it I think lmao)
the last
1. drink: Agua de Jamaica
2. phone call: Mom
3. text message: My sister
4. song you listened to: According to youtube it was this one and I can see why.
5. time you cried: Yesterday I almost cried while reading lmao
6. dated someone: Right now with cosi ;D
7. kissed someone and regretted it: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
8. been cheated on: Let’s skip this one
9. lost someone special: Let’s skip this one because I have bad memory tbh and I think it has been 6 years but I can’ believe it yet.
10. been depressed: As in sad? Or depressed as a symptom? The first one uh...idk, the last one was last week, too much stress in my house, I’m still recovering.
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: NEVER.
3 favourite colours
12. Blue
13. Red
14. Purple
in the last year have you
15. made new friends: I guess? Kinda? Maybe?
16. fallen out of love: More like /more in love/
17. laughed until you cried: Oh god, I think yes but I don’t remember
18. found out someone was talking about you: I think?????
19. met someone who changed you: I think????????
20. found out who your friends are: Yes.
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: lol no
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Almost all of them, some of them are like the friends of a friend of a friend
23. do you have any pets: Last time I count (yesterday) I had 5 female cats, 2 old male cats, 1 new kitty, 1 new female dog, and 2 older male dogs...also 4 turtles. I have more cats but those are more like...stray cats that come and go around.
24. do you want to change your name: Nah
25. what did you do for your last birthday: I WENT TO A COMIC BASED RESTAURANT...this time I want to drink until I pass out. 
26. what time did you wake up: 9 am.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: RPing some good ol’ smut with my girlfriend of good otps.
28. name something you can’t wait for: My copy of Undertale Special Edition coming, because I WANT THAT DAMN MUSIC BOX.
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: yesterday.
31. what are you listening to right now: Something it was only natural to.
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Nope, not many Toms around here.
33. something that is getting on your nerves: My sister. And her dog.
34. most visited website: Youtube and Tumblr.
35. hair colour: Black like my coffee.
36. long or short hair: AS SHORT AS MY TEMPER.
37. do you have a crush on someone: Of course, my girlfriend.
38. what do you like about yourself: My imagination. My lack of awareness of the world. Also how easy I can offend multiple people by just existing.
39. piercings: I couldn’t ever get my ears pierced to wear earrings because my skin is a bitch.
40. blood type: O+
41. nickname: Sho
42. relationship status: GIRLFRIEND
43. zodiac: Leo
45. favourite tv show: Does anime count...? I don’t even watch TV anymore.
46. tattoos: I’m afraid of needles.
47. right or left handed: TO THE RIGHT.
48. surgery: .....I don’t think
50. sport: Trying to catch my cat.
51. vacation: Let me go to the fucking beach.
52. pair of trainers: Pair of what?
53. eating: I just finished eating some sausage salad
54. drinking: Agua de Jamaica
55. I’m about to: Conquer the world, Pinky.
56. waiting for: Reading time with girlfriend.
57. want: Ice cream please
58. get married: Yes please
59. career: Videogames (Idc just let me make games) 
60. hugs or kisses: KISSES, so no one will bear hug me and make me feel pain
61. lips or eyes: Eyes
62. shorter or taller: Eh...shorter? I guess???
63. older or younger: Younger I guess???
64. nice arms or nice stomach: Nice personality thanks.
65. hook up or relationship: Relationship thanks.
66. troublemaker or hesitant: I can be both.
67. kissed a stranger: Nah.
68. drank hard liquor: What do you categorize as HARD liquor?
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Broke...more like.
70. turned someone down: No?
71. sex on the first date: No.
72. broken someone’s heart: Let’s skip this one
73. had your heart broken: Let’s skip this one.
74. been arrested: Police and I are in good terms. I am afraid of them and they never catch me.
75. cried when someone died: Who the fuck doesn’t????
76. fallen for a friend: LITERALLY MY GIRLFRIEND????
77. yourself: OF FUCKING COURSE NOPE but i try
78. miracles: I can’t even reply with a straight face, but yeh
79. love at first sight: How can it happen it I never go out?
80. santa claus: Ofc, who doesn’t?
81. kiss on the first date: Never.
82. angels: Yeh
84. eye colour: Mine? My favorite???? Mine are dark brown, favorite aRE PURPLE.
85. favourite movie: Bicentenary Man
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imagine-ikebukuro · 7 years
tagged in a few things
more under the cut!
92 truths meme
Tagged by: @glitzcake​ thank u!
[1] Drink: orange juice
[2] Phone call: a friend of mine, annika
[3]Text message: my brother
[4] Song you listened to: this remix, i’m obsessed with it lately!
[5] Time you cried: aw shit, a few days ago? last weekend? idk man
[6] Dated someone twice: no
[7] Been cheated on: nope
[8] Kissed someone and regretted it: yup
[9] Lost someone special: kind of? but… more in a sense of drifting apart rather than someone passing away
[10] Been depressed: not diagnosed, but i’m pretty sure my mental health is not at its best at all
[11] Gotten drunk and thrown up: lmao yes and not only once either
[12] grey!
[13] turquoise!
[14] burgundy!
[16] fallen out of love: nah
[17] laughed until you cried: pretty sure
[18] found out someone was talking about you: people be talking shit 24/7 and all i gotta say about it: I DON’T CARE AS LONG AS IT’S ABOUT ME
[19] met someone who changed you: mhhhh, no not really
[20] found out who your true friends are: definitely!
[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: yeeeaaah? could’ve been in 2015, my sense of time is terrible Dx
[22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: 90% of people, 5% others are friends i’ve known for several months or years over the internet and 5% are random people or some “celebrities” i found lmao
[23] do you have any pets: no, sadly not ;;
[24] do you want to change your name: i’m fine with my name, tbh!
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: i went to the museum and ate sushi with my family and a few weeks later had a party with my friends
[26] what time did you wake up: today? 8am
[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: watching youtube videos
[28] name something you cannot wait for: to finally be accepted to college and not being nervous about applying for university and everything, but have it all sorted out
[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: she’s sitting in the same room as me right now
[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: if i could go back in time, i would do anything to have my father and i get along properly today
[31] what are you listening to right now: a zelda remix playlist
[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: actually, yes, i had a huge crush on someone named tom, he was two classes above me during middle school
[33] something that is getting you nervous: the thought of me getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow, ugh. also, general organization and planning shit, like applying for college, moving out of my hometown, living on my own very soon, being forced to meet new people, all that jazz.
[34] most visited website: i guess tumblr? even though, lately, it’s probably youtube
[35] elementary: 2004 - 2008
[36] high school: graduated last year
[37] college: i can apply for my first semester next week. if i’m accepted, i’ll start going there in fall this year.
[38] hair color: i’m a ginger, so red-brown
[39] long or short hair: short! i cut it into an undercut like almost 2 years ago
[40] do you have a crush on someone: no, i avoid that shit
[41] what do you like about yourself: my eye color?
[42] piercings: i literally got zero piercings, not even on my ears, but i wish i had an industrial piercing and i used to really want flesh tunnels, maybe i’ll get there eventually
[43] blood type: i actually don’t know :^)
[44] nickname: some people call me lilly, some call me li. the villagers in my animal crossing town call me ukeprince, wot
[45] relationship status: married to the neighbour’s cat which i saw from my window and went out for just to pet it about 500 times by now
[46] zodiac sign: virgo!
[47] pronouns: they/them, she/her, he/him
[48] fav tv show: at the moment i’m watching PLL (but i don’t like it at all so rip) my favorite’s gotta be buffy the vampire slayer!
[49] tattoos: none yet
[50] right or left hand: right handed
[51] surgery: i had surgery in my mouth last year and like mentioned above, i’m getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow, if that counts
[52] piercing: none
[53] best friend: she’s not even active on tumblr anymore, rip, her name’s lydia though IF YOU READ THIS, THEN HELLO MY BRO
[54] sport: i’m planning to swim regularly again after recovering and healing up from surgery
[55] vacation: if it counts, my first ever “vacation” was the music festival Rock im Park 2013 with my father and a good friend of mine
[56] pair of trainers: no clue
[57] eating: nothing
[58] drinking: orange juice
[59] i’m about to: maybe get to playing some loz: botw
[60] listening to: still the loz remix playlist
[61] waiting for: anxious feelings to pass
[62] want: a huge cup of coffee
[63] get married: nopedy nope, i don’t fixate myself on wishing to get married. if it happens, it happens and i’ll be happy about it, but if not, then that’s cool on my terms, too!
[64] career: i’m working on becoming a teacher (i want to teach german, english and ethics in high schools)
[65] hugs or kisses: honestly, it depends, but generally, i’d say hugs
[66] lips or eyes: eyessss
[67] shorter or taller: i don’t care, both is nice
[68] older or younger: as long as it’s pretty close to my age, i don’t mind
[69] romantic or spontaneous: neither LMAO if i had to chose, romantic, bc i’m as spontaneous as a potato, i gotta plan ahead, bruh
[70] nice arms or nice stomach: stomach! and by that i mean any kind of stomach! ripped af or soft, i’m weak.
[71] sensitive or loud: sensitive
[72] hook up or relationship: relationship
[73] troublemaker or hesitant: a nice balance between the two would be cool. let’s be real though, troublemakers always catch my eye, even though i’m quickly annoyed by them just as well wtf is wrong with me
[74] kissed a stranger?: no
[75] drank hard liquor?: yes
[76] lost glasses/contact lenses?: no wtf i’d be walking around half blind
[77] turned someone down: yes
[78] sex on first date?: no
[79] broken someone’s heart?: apparently so
[80] had your own heart broken?: at the time i think i would’ve called it that, but honestly, it wasn’t that horrible, so nah?
[81] been arrested?: no
[82] cried when someone died?: yeah
[83] fallen for a friend?: do lowkey crushes count in which you gush over how amazing someone is? platonic crushes? it’s a thing.
[84] yourself?: i used not to, but lately i’m more confident i think!
[85] miracles?: not really
[86] love at first sight?: no
[87] Santa Claus?: no
[88] kiss on the first date?: sure
[89] angels?: no
[90] current best friend’s name: Lydia
[91] eye color: greyish-green (if i cry or sometimes late at night they’re really GREEN!)
[92] favorite movie: nightmare before christmas!
10 questions ask game.
tagged by @peacefuldesires​ thx!
What things make you smile and all warm-fuzzy inside? CATS no seriously, i can have the worst day, but when i walk home and get to pet a cat on the way, i instantly better. i remember coming home after my last final exam all upset and a cat meowing at me and purring and wanting to cuddle with me and i couldn’t help but smile!
What things make you feel a bit sad (don’t push yourself to answer this one)? my current family situation, there’s a bit of drama and fights going on.
What things inspire you to grow? anything and everything, to be honest. there’s new things you experience and learn every single day. things you conquer and master just fine and mistakes you make and all of them shape you into knowing what to do next time a bit more.
The last song(s) that you couldn’t stop listening to? i can’t really think of anything right now, uhhhh, i’ve been listening to the trust me durarara!! ending lately again haha
5. Are you an introvert/extrovert/ambivert? What kind (are you a shy extrovert, super confident introvert, or perhaps a really confused ambivert :0)?: i’m an introvert through and through. i wouldn’t say i’m exceptionally shy nor super confident. i’m somewhere in between. it really depends, around my friends i’m outgoing and cheering and with certain strangers, especially if i know i have to talk with them for literally no longer than 3 minutes right now (i.e. a cashier or someone you walk past) then i’m polite and rather talkative. i just feel exhausted even after spending a lot of time with friends, though the time was enjoyable, but i need my alone time for sure.
What calms you down? the triangle breath! it’s my favorite method to use whenever i feel anxious, upset, angry, or just need to stop and pause for a few minutes. you picture a triangle in your mind (you can even trace it with your finger, or if you can draw it on a piece of paper). you take a breath in through your nose, tracing one side of the triangle. then you breathe out through your mouth, tracing the second and third side of it. other than that, listening to music, taking a nap, petting a cat, watching videos of cats or other cute stuff, sometimes playing a video game.
A character that you really relate to (perhaps you have similar personalities, or maybe you came from similar backgrounds)?: this is gonna sound trashy, but saeyoung choi from mystic messenger and there’s a story behind it too. my friends were playing it way before me and told me “there’s this character that looks just like you, you know nerd glasses, messy red hair, always wearing a baggy black hoodie. he even acts like you, making puns and using memes ALL THE TIME!” and it’s true lmao. also, kaneki ken to some extent? like i really resonate with his personality, the choices he makes, his thoughts speak to me, he’s pretty harsh on himself and goes through ways that are self destructive if he can help others with it.
One thing you love learning? language, it’s just fascinating to me.
If you punch yourself, does that mean you’re strong or does that mean you’re weak? neither and a little bit of both at the same time. let’s go deep in on this one and take the “punch” as emotional self loathing. bashing yourself down definitely doesn’t mean you’re strong, it doesn’t make you tough at all, it only means you’re harsh on yourself. it doesn’t make you weak either. you’re making yourself believe you are weak, but the fact that you endure that and still have the power to do so, means you’re tougher than you’re think.
Now that spring’s here, what’s your favorite thing about this season and what do you not like about it?
What’s your spirit animal? Literally. Which animal do you think resembles your inner self and why? (maybe your Patronus, if you know it?
What’s your go-to order at a café?
Do you consider yourself to be creative?
If you could go back in time and change something, would you? If so, what? If not, why?
Where do you see yourself in 20 years from now?
Home sweet home, what makes you feel comfortable in your own home? What’s the overall aesthetic of your room, any colors, textures, an atmosphere, do you maybe keep many stuffed animals or posters or plants?
What do you think is most important when it comes to friendship?
What’s something you improved in since last year?
Werewolves or Vampires, which are cooler?
I tag: @imagine-your-party-hosts​ || @obsessivefujoshi​ || @dotaccino​ || @mollyxmousey​ || anyone who wants to do this
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sargnt-blog · 7 years
ashleigh, but ash works too!!!
favorite quote(s):
never put your faith in a prince. when you require a miracle, trust in a witch. -catherynne m. valente
there may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest. -elie wiesel.
favorite faceclaim(s):
honestly i’m really indecisive about faceclaims but i’ve always been head over heels for robert pattinson, adrien sahores, bae suzy, dev patel, and lee taehwan
favorite era?
the marauders’ era will always be in my heart (s/o for caradoc dearborn, first character i ever played!!) but my love definitely goes to the riddle era these days
favorite period(s) in history?
i mean you’re looking at a period movie binge watcher right here folks, so naturally i’ve got some feelings and favorites --- with eternal love for elizabethan and tudor england, but also mongol china, the general victorian era, and absolutely anything to do w/ wwi + wwii and the russian revolution
which house do you support?  
slytherin, of course!! 
what would your patronus be?
idk a chinchilla???
favorite hogwarts class?
care of magical creatures prob, i’m a natural born hagrid
hogwarts, durmstrang, or beauxbatons?
beauxbatons, bc i’m trash for its aesthetic
knights or resistance?
knights!! you can’t not love trash children in pursuit of world domination!!!
grandstand (show-off) your best 40′s slang in one killer-diller sentence!
hubba hubba!! i’ll tell you what cookie, i really carry a torch for this roleplay and i can’t lie that risa’s made me flip my wig for all these juvies 
favorite character type(s):
too many!! boys too clever, too rage-filled, too ambitious --- who conquer worlds from the tail of sweet nothings in an heiress’s ear (or the handle of a gun), who choke on redemption and heave anything that doesn’t taste bitter or self loathing. masterminds whose eloquence comes in sonatas and cabernet sauvignon, the sort of an effortless old world elegance who suffer apathy as a disease --- when not in regard to self interest. gentle souls, lilted with a softness and frailty often met with awe --- how does one retain loveliness here? and they answer in the murmur of a collective sigh of their romantic bones and a mouth’s corners gently upturned. girls who wade through fountains counting coin-made wishes, enamored with stars and wildflowers, unchallenged in loyalty or strength, or perseverance. 
exeunt me and my rambling.
which plotlines are you looking forward to?
anything and everything bringing pain and angst!!! but especially the development of tom and horcruxes as well
and lastly but certainly not least - which characters at t&a are you excited for?
abraxas, tom, ariadne, druella, lucretia, charles, leo, adrian, walburga, fiora, antonin!!!!! but lmao lbr it’s all of them, who am i kidding..... 
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thestudyfeels · 5 years
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🎨 Graphic made by @indiaisstudying​: India is brilliant my pals, and I recommend checking her out for studyblr/artblr inspiration. My girl tHIRIVES.
The singular takeaway from this post: Do a creative binge. Much productive than a Netflix binge. Period.
Two months ago, I reached my peak when I coined the term ‘bood day’ (a bad to good day, in my article How To Flip A Bad Day By 180°). Today, puppies and kittens, I present to you— a creative binge.
*crickets chirping, that one dude in the audience scratches his nose and turns away* 
…This one actually works but okay, we get it, y'all are bitches. But gonna do my job anyway– if you're a creator reading this, please do a creative binge at least once every two weeks.
I started doing these binges two months ago, and I've seen a VAST improvement in my creative energy. I feel my commercial voice coughing and saying hello to the mic, so before I start listing side-effects for a sponsored pill, let's dive into the basics. 
🍵 Quick PSA — 
↪ JOIN MY TAGLIST? If you aren't on this yet, please get on it, it'll mean a lot to me! By joining, you get a new article on lifestyle design & productivity every week.
100 Days of Sweat: This challenge starts TOMORROW (10th of April), so if you wanna hustle on your bod this year, join us! Accountability does crazy things.
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Ever questioned your life, experienced writer's block, painter’s pain or blogger’s… block? (Narrator: aaaand she's back to advertising.) A creative binge helps deal with fixing exactly that.
“A creative binge is based off the equation of quality in = quality out.”
A lot of creators feel that they're supposed to magically create out of their head, and that's just ridiculous. It's ludicrous considering you don't know shit, read shit, do shit and watch shit.
Even to write fiction, my pal, you'll have to expose yourself to the world to know its ways, read great books and take tips (not to mention stock up on coffee, and prepare to cry a lot) before you start cranking out the pages. Everything you create is ultimately inspired by the Ways Of The World. (And that's a fantastic novel title)
So in short, you’ve got to consume content, to make content. And in a creative binge, you conscious choose content that'll help you create. Genius, I know!
Okay, but what if I'm not a creator?
Brilliant question! Wanna become more valuable and leave the people you interact with better? Take a creative binge.
Allow me an elaboration: Take a janitor and a neurosurgeon. The said janitor is paid much less than the neurosurgeon. Why is that? Is the neurosurgeon a better person? That's debatable. Is the janitor less efficient at his work? Again, debatable. The primal reason lies in the neurosurgeon acquiring more valuable skills than the janitor. Society rewards them by paying more since there are less folks who can do what the neurosurgeon does.
To recap: In order to be indispensable in the role you play (whatever it is, a student, calligrapher, CEO of the Janitor Club), you HAVE to become valuable. Grow your curiosity & know more than yo’ buddies (also bring more value than anybody else). And to become valuable, you consume value. Tada!
(And if you still ain't convinced, I'll pull out the Netflix card. You'd really rather watch shows? Or binge YouTube? Than learn a new skill, or develop existing ones? Question your priorities, my friend. Victims love entertainment, victors love learning.)
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Cool, you're joining in then! Not that creative binge is NOT an entertainment binge. It's a value providing binge. What you ‘consume’ has to bring you something in return— whether that's creative inspiration, motivation or skills. *Swing arms* yup! We’re one gay, productive household. Someone remind Hallie to buy the groceries though, the Cheerios are going mouldy.
By my dictionary, a creative binge is a slot of time, 1½ to 3 hours I'd say, when you watch/read/listen to some good stuff.  Basically, binge content. 
🌿 Basics:
I conduct one every week (usually Wednesday mornings), lasting around 1½ to 2 hours.
I'll also keep a notepad and a pen nearby, to take notes and jot ideas as they come. Again, this is NOT an entertainment binge, even though it's a chill job.
Sometimes I'll get passive things done (like wiping my desk, eating breakfast and taking out textbooks) while watching. We maximize our time. 
🌿 What Do I Watch: 
The stuff I watch falls into 3 categories: creative/humor (for inspiration), business/skills (for skills) & motivation (for, um, motivation). Fair warning though, a lot of the stuff these folks make overlap, but that's alright. This is just a rough demarcation. 
Creative/Humor: some YesTheory, maybe some MacDoesIt, sprinkle in some Ryan Higa, perhaps an episode of a show with an amazing script, some stand-up comedy from my favorites. Or maybe trash that and just watch Sherlock. (Geez, Netflix, I hate you, I love you.)
Skills: Gary Vee, some artist channels, that random video on how to thrift shop even though I don't shop.
Motivation: Be Inspired, Tom Bilyeu, Mel Robbins and random videos which look nice.
🌿 What Do I Listen To: 
Oof, I love music tremendously! If you're a pal, you know it's time to RUN when I come around being like, “soo, I was wondering what's your favourite–”.
Yet, during a creative binge, I'll only listen to stuff that 1) inspires me, or 2) is creative in a way I can't explain. Some recommendations! 
Hype music:
The Score
Imagine Dragons
Creative music:
Billie Eilish
Lana Del Rey
Sleeping At Last
Conan Gray
Harry Styles 
🌿 What Do I Read: 
Usually the book that I'm reading at that point if I'm being lazy.
POETRY: It's my belief, but poetry is a writer's most powerful device. There's a novel to be said in a simple sonnet.
FICTION: I dig great fiction. PS, please read (and sob over) Away Childish Things, by @letteredlettered. It changed me as a person, changed my entire perspective about kids. I'm much kinder and softer now, and my pimples are gone. I'll literally never get over drarry too, so thanks lettered, love you.
ARTICLES: Bookmarked psychology, productivity & fitness articles on Medium. Maybe check out James Clear's & Gary Vee’s blog for new posts.
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Because I wanna drive this home, here's what I did in my last creative binge as a concrete example —
Care to Note that:
All of the stuff I consume is pre-planned.
I add videos throughout the week to my Creative Binge playlist on YouTube, download albums from Amazon Music and articles for offline reading.
DON'T leave this to the last moment, you'll more likely pick entertainment vs learning then. 
Why I'm done trying to be "man enough"
Redecorating my room 2017 (I wanna decorate my room this year so)
How to Squat Properly (I’m trying lmao)
Giving a 9-Year-Old Her Dream Job for 24hrs!! (I stan YesTheory so much)
How To NOT Be A Starving Artist (A mood. I love Sorelle)
Couple more, I could go on & on, but you get me.
Every song on YouTube by Bruno Major
Born to die: paradise version (album) by Lana Del Rey 
Articles from James Clear's blog — (x) (x)
Articles from Gary Vee’s blog — (x) (x)
HIIT workouts for beginners
All of this birthed–
Ideas for future articles, titled: How To Be Great & Solomon Letters #2: Question Your Faith, Not Your Dreams, among others.
A small poem about faith– posted on my IG, check it out!
New content ideas, like value chains (upcoming!)
Bunch of other small rants for everyday posting
Some business and life advice that might be useful later.
Gotta say goodbye now! (literally too... but post about it coming on 12th so wait for it) Try this one out, and let me know how your binge goes (tag it with #team conquer). Mine usually end with a bucketful of philo notes, a recharged left (right? psychology? idk) brain, and a fresh perspective towards the rest of my week. 
This is the #1 strategy I've adopted to sustain creative energy when it's sapped all around by negativity and school & I promise it helps. No side effects, no sponsored pills needed. Thanks for reading!
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Related: How To Get Back Into The Creative Process (if you're in a blogger's block or experiencing painter's pain)
Have something to say? I treasure all feedback! If this post inspired you to do something, or you wanna throw some love/constructive criticism at me— hop into my ask box, or reply to this post itself!
Thanks for dropping by! Major articles, like this one, come out every Thursday! Join my taglist by to read them when they do. I also post daily wins, journal entries, rants & photos of my plant babies throughout the week, so follow me if you’re into conquering life. I vow to be the loudest cheerleader. ✧
Sending you love and good energy, talk soon. 
Nandini 💌 (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ 
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Thank you to these folks for supporting my content! I appreciate & love you, hope y'all are taking care. ⬇
@doctorearlgray, @mintschlar, @procrastilate, @scienceandsarcasticdroids, @sxudying, @hannistudies, @vocative, @studign-stars, @ash-trological, @sweet-bean-study-queen, @chaoticstormthings, @lunetudes, @beingstudent, @beautiful-magicalbrain, @akydemics, @literery, @redvelvetstu-dies, @vivinotes, @jynsdesk, @moonshinestudies, @studying-in-chaos, @thelazyunistudent, @einstetic, @ram-the-blonde-bitch, @a-students-lifebuoy, @studahliless, @inspostudying, @the-diary-of-a-failure, @would-iwasshookethspeared, @coffeeandpies, @artsytourism, @gloomstudy, @scrolls-of-jupiter, @studytrivia, @ristudy, @isatriestostudy, @historicalbeez, @luvjoys, @indiaisstudying, @studyingunderwater, @dianeemay, @kemi-k, @londonotes, @froststudies, @pennyfynotes, @studiently, @midnightstudying, @unicorndoesstudies, @studyingundersun, @wingedprunepsychiclawyer, @tonystarkstudies, @delphinaaugery, @morganastudy, @studiies-psych, @sumastudies, @emrys-studies, @parleonstudies, @acataemic, @studylustre, @adelinestudiess, @sorcierstudies, @coffeeinfusedstudying, @pizza-and-studying, @the-third-me, @scrunchiestudies, @jemsjournals, @jas-study, @jabuticabablr, @khelmatic, @avastvdies, @anatomyandphysics, @neversecondbest, @podcast-listener, @astudyinpharmacy, @mandiestudie, @brazilianstudyblr, @redheadredheart, @rahastudies, @introvered-violinist  + you, if you’re reading this!
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