#this will fuel the flames inside of me oh my gosh
trips2saturn · 3 months
despite my fierce admiration for angst and every single aspect that it entails — i’m one hundred percent positive that i will be crying during episode four if i see michonne break down, no matter if it’s in anger, grief, etc etc. i will be sobbing!!!!
she’s built so much protection around herself for the sake of finding her husband. even before she started her journey, she NEVER wanted to leave jude and rj behind; judith had to coerce her into even thinking of that possibility. that was never michonne’s choice. those babies are her top priority forever, even during her time away from them. so having to witness the inevitable outcome of her breaking that barrage that she tried to contain is going to HURT. i hate seeing michonne cry, idc. she’s been through so so so so so much, and rick has too, but this is a woman who also had to suffer the loss of her lover for years. almost a decade!!!!!! she needs a release too. she needs someone to bring her back home too (and that will of course be rick). she’s a mother and a warrior but she’s also so drained emotionally and physically, just as much as rick is.
they both deserve the happiest sunshine butterflies and fucking rainbows ending EVER. but michonne is so strong and i love her. i’m prepared for episode 4 because it’s written by beloved danai, but holy fuck. just punch me in the gut now because if anyone knows their character best, it’s danai. this one’s going to cause water works for me i can already tell. certified michonne lover 4L!!!!!!!! 🫶🏼🌟💪🧸
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lemon-boy-stan · 3 years
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summary: a millennium ago, your heart was broken by the only boy who loved you. a forever later, his heart was broken by the only girl he ever loved. genre: angst, vampire and witch!au (y/n is a witch). warnings: none, heartbreak. a/n: listen to/loop ‘singularity’ while reading.
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The old birch door swung open with a creak, the rusted sign clattering in the eerie wind. You sighed. This place was old, and there might not be any Wi-Fi here. But it was your only shot at getting a good night’s sleep without the possibility of  being murdered or robbed.
The empty road was dangerous at night and you were almost out of fuel, deserted in the middle of nowhere, miles away from Seoul. It was spooky so quiet. 
There was a soft ring as the door shut and a different kind of ambience filled the velveteen walls with a ghostly light and you felt at home. A pale woman with a hunched back and greying hair appeared at the front desk - which was also birch. Birch and rusting. Like the wood was so old it rusted like metal. 
A cold breeze blew and the lady frowned, raising up her tortoiseshell glasses to her face. “We haven’t had any visitors for a long time... especially since... gosh, it’s been a while. He’ll be very happy, yes, you do look quite like her. Perhaps... perhaps the time has come... a millennium, she said... perhaps it is now time for me to rest... if only...” she appeared to be talking to herself.
You took a step back. You didn’t like this place as much as you originally did. It wasn’t as fancy, more scary. It didn’t help that the woman was really, really creepy, either. 
Despite your discomfort, the lady smiled, clearing her throat, the attention of her gazed eyes turning to you. “But of course, it’s far too dangerous for you to stay outside! Especially not at night...” she shivered, like she’d been reading your earlier thoughts. 
“Follow me, dear, there’s a room down the hall. Unfortunately, you will have to share, as the other six have been occupied for quite a long time, if I do say so myself...” she chuckled at her own joke, though you didn’t really understand it. The place looked kind of empty. “We can move your things inside once you’ve settled in.”
“Oh, no,” you interrupted her quickly, “thank you, but I’ll just be staying overnight.” you might not even stay the whole night. You’d probably find a way to sneak out later without offending the old woman, she looked lonely.
The lady chuckled sadly, “that’s what they all say, isn’t it? He always lures them here, looking for her. Poor man. Feasts on all those pretty girls. In and never out, just like clockwork. Leaves the rest for his hyungs. You’re different, though. Perhaps there is something about you, he might like, hmm? I wish you farewell and good luck, dear, this is your stop. I hope you enjoy reading.” with a tilt of her hand she waved, and then she was gone.
The door swung open by itself, whistling in the air. It was pretty spooky, and it wasn’t even Halloween yet, it was May, but the interior designers obviously didn’t think so. 
The Victorian walls were laced with black swirls that looked like cobwebs. The mirror on said wall was round and coloured an ominous black shade. The bed was black and ghastly, with black and red sheets. Above it hung a black clock that seemed to be broken. 
You checked yours, and it appeared to have stopped as well. You clicked your phone but the screen remained dark. You began to back out of the room, instincts shouting danger. The door slammed shut. The candles, scattered all over the room in black mantles, flickered, their flames swaying in the breeze as a lump formed in your throat. Whoever was here was trying to scare you, and it was working.
“Aren’t you a pretty little thing?” a thick, chocolatey, hollow voice oozed out with warmth, making you jump. The voice chuckled at your surprise obnoxiously. You turned to the corner of the room, where a man with dark hair, pale skin and a ruffled white collar sat at a writing desk, returning his fountain pen to the pot of ink. 
The beautiful man smiled, getting up. “Chaewong really outdid herself this time...” he murmured the words quietly, taking a step forwards, approaching you carefully. “What a brilliant witch she is, hmm?” the woman at the front desk was a witch? Now, that didn’t make any sense. 
“Am I high?” you didn’t mean to say. The man glared at you and you were afraid you’d offended him but thankfully, he sighed, uncrossing his arms. 
“Your generation... you’re all so naïve.” he scoffed at his own words, prancing around you like a predator stalking his prey; as if he were some kind of higher power. You frowned. What did he mean, ‘your generation’? You were the same age as he was, if not a few months younger. Anyone could tell. 
“Look,” you went with your guts. “I get that this is a joke. So, you got your eomma into it somehow, and got a bit of technology for it, too. I gotta say, great job on the set. But this is getting really creepy, and I just really need a place to stay. I don’t mind sharing a room with you, but if you don’t mind just backing off for a bit -” 
Your own eomma had always said you were bad at choosing words of speech. The man growled before huffing and uncrossing his arms again. “You always were the same, weren’t you? Stubborn. Forgetful. Ignorant.” he laughed at forgetful and you clenched your fists; you really didn’t like this guy’s vibe.
“Alright, that’s it. I’m going to call the police. You’re going to jail for harassment. See here? I’m going to call the police on you.” you wove your phone around even though you’d been having trouble turning it on. 
The man sighed sadly, “that won’t work.” he hung his head low, sniffing. The voice that dripped confidence now dripped misery. “I’m sorry, Y/N... I learnt my lesson. I really did. I love you forever. I didn’t mean to court her. I only ever wanted you; only you.”
“How do you know who I am?” these serial killers were dangerous on a whole new level. The black-haired man sighed, pushing back his dark locks. “Magic doesn’t stop time,” he murmured sadly, “but love does.” He stepped closer, hoping, praying, that you recognised those words. All you recognised, however, was that you needed to get out of here, and fast.
“Magic always came with a price,” the man continued on, “but you won’t remember that.” you felt sorry for him, perhaps he had a bad case of amnesia. “You’re the one under a memeory spell! Your own, if I do recall.” could everyone here read your thoughts? “Yes,” he crossed his arms, “yes, we can.”
“‘We’?” you thought out loud. The tall man grumbled loudly. “You used to know them. And it’s your fault you forgot them. They are members of our kingdom’s court.” now he was talking nonsense. “I am not talking nonsense,” he retorted, “merely the truth. You knew them, once, and you left them. But nevermind that. You’re here now, and right now all that really matters, is us. You and I, together again.” 
He advanced, and before you could object, hooked an arm around your waist, and placed a kiss on your lips. You gasped, but not from the kiss.  A white light flashed through your mind at an instant; a thousand memories tumbling into you all at once, pouring the heart back into your soul.
The boys at the palace were brats. They had you set the table only for them to mess it up again. They would send you to fetch things, only for them to tell you to return them shortly after. You went to school, hoping to make friends, only for them to have spread a rumor about you weeks before.
They did get better throughout the years, though, and began treating you as an equal. As their friend. And you didn’t mind, being the only girl in a group of eight. You liked it. 
But you liked one of them in particular, more than the rest. He was kind, quiet, beautiful, and he felt absolutely heavenly. His soft voice always sung you to sleep. His warm heart always comforted your broken one. He was the closest that you’d ever been to someone. He was -
“Kim Taehyung.” you spoke into the breath, gasping out the tears. You felt like someone had torn you open, pulled out your heart, thrown it away for years, only for you to find it again. “I’m sorry,” he choked, “I didn’t mean to. She. I was helpless, she...” only to find it broken again. “Please, please forgive me.” the words stung. “You let her,” your voice broke, “you let her make you a monster.” Taehyung flinched at your words.
“She made me,” he insisted, still holding you tight. “She made me. I couldn’t let her get to you, I couldn’t. I couldn’t let her turn you into...” he choked again, “into what I am.” 
Suddenly cold, you turned around, back facing him, taking a step forwards. “No!” his voice towered through the walls. Chairs and tables worked together to form a barrier that trapped you in with him. “Please,” his thick voice was shaky, “please let me love you.”
A single tear bit your cheek on its way down. That was as much as you would allow yourself over this man. He’d broken your heart one too many times. “I’m sorry, Taehyung,” you shook your head, shaking silently with tears. “But I love you too much.” 
He moaned with such misery that you wanted to break down and cry on him, just like you used to all those years ago. “At least break the curse,” he pleaded, “none of those girls are anything compared to you.” your heart screamed at you. Your lip trembled, “it’s already broken.” you knew he was frowning, “true love’s kiss.”
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littencloud9 · 4 years
a (long) rant on why i love promare
warning: contains spoilers
| the animation/art style
BROOO THE ANIMATION IS FREAKING FIRE I’M NOT EVEN KIDDING. ik it’s an action movie, but everytime a fighting scene comes on it just,, blows my mind. there’s so many things going on but somehow you know where and what to focus on and i think that’s really cool. also the colours?? the vibrancy and everything. i love love LOVE how the fire looks, or when there’s a sad scene and everything turns white and black and grey, or even the fact that everyone has colourful hair XD. even those scenes where the burnish are being used for fuel or when they’re dying/turning to ash/whatever you wanna call it, it all feels so magical. there’s a really special vibe in this movie which is amazing imo
| the storyline
as if this wasn’t obvious, but the storyline!! the plot!!! the characters!!!! everything is PERFECT. the part where galo realised that kray isn’t the hero he always thought he was, or when galo watches the lives of the burnish and realised through lio how terrible their fate is (ik lio said it’s a blessing but it’s kinda sad?? to just be burned up by the fire within yourself), or when aina learns about what heris is really working for.... gosh. this also brings me to my next point
| aina and heris’s relationship
okay i’m a SUCKER for interesting sibling relationships and promare DEFINITELY delivered. even though aina feels like she’s living in the shadow of her sister, she still loves her and it makes me 🥺. also, everything heris does, even if she knows it’s wrong, is all for protecting her sister. you can really see her conflict bc she knows what she’s doing is terrible but it gives aina a chance to be one of the 10,000 people to be on the spaceship, and she struggles between her morals and her sister’s safety. there’s also that badass scene where heris jumps off the building and reappears with aina in the helicopter like ???? okay queens??? go off LMAO. but yes their relationship was wonderfully shown and it’s fantastic
| kray’s character
honestly, kray reminds me of lysandre from pokémon xyz lol. he has this mentality that if someone doesn’t do something, the earth is gonna explode or whatever and everyone will die and he takes it upon himself to do it. ig he kinda sees himself as the hero?? (which we al know is wrong but whatever). and when he was revealed to be a burnish and he tries getting lio to join him by saying how he understands the feeling of wanting to burn the world down? or that he only saved galo as an excuse to build up his reputation? and then sent galo to be a firefighter bc it had the highest mortality rate?? he’s a terrible guy BUT he makes for a perfect villain and i’m here for it
| the soundtrack
OKAY COME ON I COULDN’T NOT INCLUDE THIS. THE SOUNDTRACK FREAKING  S L A P S. also you can’t listen to the lyrics of inferno and tell me that it isn’t just a romance song for lio and galo LOL
| the characters
okay tbh i really wish we could’ve gotten more of the burning rescue team. esp lucia!! she’s probably one of my favourites out of the team, alongside varys. she’s got this crazy science kid vibe and vinny (the lil mouse that’s always with her) makes it twenty times better. but anyway, i love how each of the characters have their own quirks and personalities and i really wish we could’ve gotten more of them
| the burnish 
as tragic as their lives were, i think it’s super cool how they all lent their power to make the core explode LOL that’s probably one of my favourite scenes in the movie. also lio’s generals? when they held back the ice just to send lio to the volcano in an attempt to protect him... 🥺 and the line ‘forget about us! the burnish's flame won't fade as long as you live!’ oh my GOD. RIGHT IN THE FEELS
| the humour
when lio captures galo and galo witnesses the life of the burnish and galo’s like ‘y’all eat???’ i have never laughed harder. lio’s FACE omg. or anytime someone jabs and insults the other,,, lio’s just like ‘you’re an idiot’ half the time and galo’s like ‘:((‘ LMAO. or the names of all the inventions and robots? it’s so silly but it really gives a breath of fresh air to the movie!! even if you don’t like romance/action, i’d 100% recommend it simply for the comedy
| galo and lio’s relationship 
alright, saving the best for last XD. there’s just,, so much i love about them? pushing the romance aside first, the way they work together is FANTASTIC. they’re both kinda reckless, but their fighting styles complement each other so much!! and when galo stuck their names together LMAO he’s so silly and lio knows it. they’ve got the same beliefs despite being on opposite sides (at first) and oh my god even the fist bump at the end was so CUTE what a bunch of dorks. 
romance wise, you’re lying if you say you don’t ship these two even just a little bit. throughout the WHOLE movie, even their first interaction where they’re just heavily glaring at each other,, the TENSION these two have omfg. lio figures out that galo really doesn’t know anything about kray and so he’s just like ‘i’m about to ruin your life sorry bro’ and galo is SHOOK but straight after that he’s like ‘the burnish. aren’t bad people?’ he’s seen the tragedy of them, even when lio attempts the burnish cpr thing and it fails and he just watched while the ash... fades. AND THEN HE DOES IT TO LIO AHAHAHAHA. but also, the way they work together is fan-freaking-tastic i said it already but i’ll say it again they COMPLEMENT each other so WELL. 
there’s also the part where lio’s flames protected galo and MY HEART... i think i uwued on the spot. to put in simple terms:
kray: attempts to kill galo
galo: doesn’t die
galo: lol actually my boyfriend gave me his flames to protect me so i won’t scorch to death and he’s also being burned from the inside so brb while i eat the flame he gave me and give it back to him through cpr kissing. yeah bye
lio wakes up/resurrects/whatever you call it, RIPS OFF HIS SHIRT, JOINS GALO IN THE ROBOT HALF NAKED. this is especially funny to me bc lio at first dissed galo for being naked and now he joined??? LMAO THAT’S GAY YOU CAN’T CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE. and then the robot flew off and THE SMOKE THING TOOK THE SHAPE OF A HEART DHSKDHSK I SCREAMED. CAN THEY GET ANY MORE OBVIOUS???? 😭😭😭😭😭
i haven’t talked much about it yet but the kiss. the KISS. say what you want about it being cpr but that scene SCREAMED ‘ily pls wake up i will kiss you like there’s no tomorrow bc this is my last chance WAKE UP’ to me. and when lio wakes up he’s like ‘...galo? you saved me?’ MY HEART PLEASE 😭😭😭. these two DORKS. and the little fist bump at the end oh god. it’s okay y'all can kiss we all know you want to. the smirks/smiles they send to each other.......... 
AND AND AND NOT TO MENTION THEIR DYNAMIC. listen lio can call galo an idiot however many times he wants BUT we all know lio admires galo and is totally willing to go on with his plans. ‘what’s your strategy?’ ‘grinning and bearing it!’ PLEASE that’s such a galo thing to do and lio’s like: are you serious i have to work with YOU 
and even at the end he’s like ‘you really are an idiot’ LMAO I COULDN’T HELP MYSELF I LITERALLY BLURTED OUT ‘but he’s your idiot’ AND ALMOST STARTED CRYING RIGHT THERE AND THEN
um this is WAY longer than i intended it to be but yeah here. this is me screeching over promare :)
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
Passchendaele WW2 Extension - Malta & the Mediterranean 
Malta is much warmer than England, especially this time of year, but the air combat is even worse than that of the Battle of Britain. The Luftwaffe aren’t giving us an easy fight. It had been a calm few months but we’re losing men by the hundreds out here, all trying to protect the commonwealth in North Africa, and so Richie and I (and the rest of the Spitfire squadrons) have been stationed out here on this tiny island. Who knew such a small, beautiful place could be home to so much destruction? The Germans bomb the island often, so they have kept us living on one of the aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean. The water is so blue, Mum. It’s almost serine. You would love it here.
It’s almost calm on the sea when there’s quiet but there’s not quiet for long. Being positioned so close to the front lines and right on the border of Italy is frightening and Richie and I say our prayers every morning and every night. Can’t be too safe. One torpedo to this massive ship and we’d be gone in less than an hour. I think about you and Evy and Dad every waking minute. My heart aches for you but at the same time, you’re almost the only thing keeping me alive.
I love you.
Your son,
June 1, 1942
“Dawn? Flying off at dawn!? Bloody hell. Can’t even let us have a good lunch? Were barely out of bed for God’s sakes!”
Charlie only laughed at his best friend’s slight panic in his voice as they navigated their way through the thin corridors of the aircraft carrier and up towards the main deck. Richard struggled to button up his uniform, grumbling more under his breath and nearly tripping over his own feet in his distraction. Charlie stopped and turned, making his best friend crash right into him but he smacked his hands away and buttoned up his uniform for him.
“Thanks.” Richard sighed lightly.
“We’re just going to check out the island today.” Charlie said as they continued towards the deck, more to assure the both of them rather than just his obviously frazzled friend.
“Gosh, Charlie, I’m so hungry.” Richard grumbled as they emerged out onto the large flatbed deck that was lined with Spitfires and bustling with crew and pilots and officers alike.
“It’s just your nervous stomach, Rich.” Charlie answered, pausing to thank one of the crew as they were handed their parachutes and helmets and made their way towards their usual plane. “You’re usually not this nervous to take off, what’s wrong with you?”
“I dunno. I feel weird. Maybe it’s because we’re on a ship and not land.”
“Sea legs or air legs, what’s the difference?” Charlie teased.  
“About eleven-thousand-metres off a ninety-five-meter piece of deck.” Richard grumbled as they approached the plane.
The boys pulled their packs on and then their helmets before climbing up onto the wing and getting settled in the cockpit with the assistance of a few crew to make sure everything was settled and working well. The officers were walking the length of the deck and shouting orders and reminders to the pilots as they got ready to take off.
“We are surrounded by the enemy, gentlemen! That means absolutely no speaking while in the air in case they intercept our radio…you do not want to give away the location of yourself or your fellow fighters.”
Richard strapped his helmet on under his chin and pulled his goggles over his eyes with Charlie doing the same in the seat in front of him. The crew helped Charlie set the propellor going and the engine sputtered loudly to life, smoke billowing from the front as it got warmed up.
“Straight flight to Malta and should be an easy landing at Luqa. You’ll be stationed there for a few weeks now, fighting out of the land base.”
“How are we supposed to take off from this ship?” Richard whispered sharply to Charlie.
“With a hell ton of praying.” Charlie answered as the crew shut the cockpit, trapping them inside the glass.
“Oh God, oh dear God, we’re gonna drown.” Richard whimpered. “Charlie! Where’s the eject button again? Oh, forget it, the water pressure will trap us in here anyway and we’ll suffocate and – oh my God, how do they expect us to take off?! Huh?! There is barely twenty metres of runway and then nothing but water-”
“Holy shit, Richard Zachary Besson, get a grip.” Charlie snapped, carefully taxing the plane after the row of others to prepare for takeoff. “We just accelerate faster. Quite faster.”
Richard bit his bottom lip nervously, two hands on the joystick in front of him until his knuckles were turning white in his gloves, and his eyes flicked to the small photograph taped to the side of his dashboard. A photograph of the painting hanging in his bedroom, the perfectly painted planet of Saturn being an immediate reminder of his father and he tried to let the familiarity calm him.
Charlie flicked a few switches above him as they were next in line, “Ready, Richie?”
“I suppose so, Charlie.”
The boys each pushed the plane forward, the deck below them streaking past faster and faster and faster and Richard had to force himself not to close his eyes as they approached the edge of the carrier and they pulled up together. The plane dipped down slightly as a natural reaction to the ship suddenly disappearing out from below them but right away, they were propelling right into the morning sky.
They both let out a relieved exhale as they were back in the comfortable space of the open air. The men followed one of the officers flying at the head of the pack towards the island, the Spitfires flying in a steady row in perfect silence. It was calm and nearly peaceful, with the blue Mediterranean waving gently only a few dozen metres below them and the perfectly white clouds blocking the glare from the rising sun above them. The couldn’t talk but the boys sat together in their plane on their straight course to Malta, on high alert for any incoming enemy. But they made a safe flight and started their decent as the island emerged through the clouds in the distance.
The rocky coast of Malta claimed their attention as they searched for the RAF Air Base over the side of the cliffs, carefully navigating their plane over the edge. The runway came into sight and a few of the planes in front of them started landing. Charlie prepped for landing themselves.
“Uh, Charlie-”
Richard’s sudden volume took him by a momentary surprise, but Charlie didn’t even have a chance to ask what he was calling him about before the runway exploded with the impact of a bomb. A huge cloud of dust and soil spewed up into the sky in a haze, quickly followed by a second, then a third, and both boys looked up to see the sky swarming with at least seventy-five German Luftwaffe above them like insects.
“Oh shit!” Charles gaped, pulling them out of their predictable straight-line course and back up over the cliffs to avoid being an easy target. A few of their fellow RAF planes were bombed down, crashing into the ocean or to the island in flames and the island was mercilessly bombed for yet another uncountable time.
“How are we supposed to land?” Richard asked loudly over the noise. “We don’t have enough fuel to fly back to the fleet!”
“We took off from a ship, now we’re having to land between bomb craters.” Charlie answered. “Keep an eye out.”
“Bleeding Christ.” Richard swore, glancing back up to the sky and all around them to make sure they weren’t being targeted.
Charlie scanned the surrounding area for a reasonably safe place to land and when he spotted one, he dived them right down towards the rough terrain. Richard literally clutched onto the plane as bombs spewed rubble into the air so terribly close to them, he was sure they were going to be hit, but with a bit of a bumpy landing, Charlie got them on the ground just as the enemy took off into the sky again.
“Good timing, bastards.” Richard grumbled as they carefully taxied the best they could towards the main base.
“Holy shit, I’m sweating.” Charlie panted, turning off the plane as the RAF Maltese ground crew rushed over to check them out, make sure they were alright, and to tend to the plane. A few more Spitfires landed around them as well, each pilot a bit shaken as they all climbed out onto the flat ground and headed into the building for food.
Richard pulled off his helmet and pushed a hand through his hair as he grumbled, “All this before breakfast.”
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Taglist: @randomlimelightxxx​ @hopinglimelight​ @jonahlovescoffee​ @hiya-its-amber​ @chanelwonders​
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greenygreenland · 4 years
Wannabe Part 12: A Bone To Pick
-gosh, i really need to stay consistent with this -i've been having a rough few weeks guys, sorry -this chapter feels kind of slow to me, but I promise it's still interesting! i'm trying to delve deeper into how your character will develop in this story (if you have any recommendations or ideas/critique, feel free to comment below!) PART 11
'𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫, 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲...' -𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫, 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐝 & 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞
It was dark. Not a single sliver of light passed through the veil of nothing, shrouding (Y/n) in nothing but inky black. Somewhere, far away in that nothing, came a bird's cry. (Y/n) wanted to run towards it, and to grasp the comfort of not being alone in the abyss, but she couldn't move. Her limbs were glued in place while her head filled with the yearning want to sleep. Her mind told her to get up and run yet her body refused to obey. 
She was falling deep into the abyss, floating downwards and through thick mist. Her eyes flicked shut and her senses slowly numbed. 
"...is this what you want...?"
Yes, she thought. Here, she couldn't feel any pain or sorrow, or virtually anything. It was as if she were never a Jedi to begin with. Even though she hadn't the faintest idea about what was happening, she didn't want to fight the darkness consuming her whole. It was almost nice to not have to think about anything. No responsibilities. No fighting. Just her and the inky black of space.
"...do you truly believe that?"
(Y/n)'s mind came to, but her senses were off. The feeling returned to her fingers and all the numbness in her limbs crawled away, yet she couldn't seem to sense anything in the abyss. In fact, there was nothing there to sense. She opened her eyes and found herself standing on air. From the shadows, a woman emerged, head held high and eyes calmer than any pond or lake she had every seen. Her lekku swayed as the darkness parted around her long, brown robes. The long, white markings on her lekku were almost like lanterns in the dark. "Come with me," she said. "I will take you to a place where there is no pain, no suffering, and no sorrow." The woman held out a hand with a gentle smile.
(Y/n) didn't know what she was doing as she crept towards the woman. There was something so familiar about her that she couldn't place, something so close to the back of her mind that she tried so hard to remember. (Y/n) hesitantly grabbed her hand. There was a brilliant flash of light that tore away the darkness. The abyss of nothing morphed into a brilliant space of purples and blacks mixed in with shining stars and constellations. "Wha...who...?"
The woman warmly smiled and guided (Y/n) through the spectacular space. Images and scenes swirled in the stars, enlarging into bright display screens. Some were of (Y/n) laughing with her men, others with Fives and the cadets back on Kamino. There was a particular one that made (Y/n) let go of the woman's hand and pause in her step. In the screen was a scene of her walking through the front doors of the temple. Her master said something before patting (Y/n) on the back and leading her inside with a smile. 
That was when (Y/n) whipped around to face the woman behind her. This was no woman, but her master, the one who cared and practically raised (Y/n) for so long. Shaak had seen her wane and wax like the moons and watched her grow to learn so much. She was the mother (Y/n) never knew she needed. Shaak smiled. "I see you are becoming conscious again. May I ask what made you so keen on giving up?" (Y/n) ran a hand through her hair with a passive shrug. "I don't know."
"Is that all?" she lightly inquired. "'I don't know'? Surely you can do better." (Y/n) knitted her brows together. "What do you mean?"
"You are ignoring your true feelings. Although you fight and keep your ground, your heart tells you to run." (Y/n) didn't understand. She never ran away; not in a battle, not from her friends, not from anyone. She was a Jedi, a peacekeeper among many who were supposed to keep the balance. Supposed to. (Y/n) frowned. So what if the Council weren't very good at their job? So what if they were probably part of the reason she was kidnapped? So what if they weren't as wise as they should have? That was then, this was now. (Y/n) refused to be like them, and that made her different. She didn't run away, she accepted who she was, she understood that empathy was needed to be who she--
"You run from the truth." Shaak finally said. Her gaze was distant as (Y/n) looked up. "In time, you will have to decide."
The shining stars and constellations began to fade into thin air as Shaak gently placed her transparent hands on (Y/n)'s shoulders. "The time will come when you must make a decision. Whatever you choose, remember that I will always be proud of you." There was a gust of breeze that seemed to fuel (Y/n)'s confusion. Her emotions, stable only moments ago, were bursting at the seams and yanking at her heart strings once again. She broke into a sprint, running as fast as her legs could take her. "Master!" she cried. "Please! Don't leave me!" 
(Y/n) knew she was gone. Her presence had long been carried away by the wind, yet (Y/n) just couldn't give up like that. She couldn't let go. "Please...don't...don't leave me too."
The blinding lights were brighter than a flaming asteroid. (Y/n) slapped a hand over her eyes and sat up fast enough to make her dizzy. "Take it easy will ya?" said Luke. (Y/n) rubbed her eyes and squinted around the gray room. This was definitely not the ship. There were no doors or steam popping out of the floors or any yelling about 'stormtroopers' and the 'empire'. Instead, smack to the side of the room, stood a medical droid. It treated a sick patient as Luke made his way into the vast room. "How are you feeling? You've been asleep since we escaped the Death Star." 
(Y/n) sat up. "Since the what?" Luke blinked with a shy chuckle. "Oh right." he mumbled. "The Death Star was that space station we were on. And if you're wondering, we're on Yavin Four, in the Rebel Base." 
"Rebels...? Uh..." 
(Y/n) spotted Leia in the doorway of the med bay. She smiled at (Y/n) and immediately appeared at her bedside. "I'm so glad you're awake," said Leia. "How are you feeling?" 
"I am well, thank you Leia. May I ask what exactly is going on in," (Y/n) made a gesture with her hand, "here?" Leia pulled up a seat by her bedside. "I'll give you a quick overview." She began with the end of the Clone Wars, then the terrifying story of the Jedi Purge and the Rise of the Empire. She spoke of her adoptive father, Bail Organa (a man (Y/n) so happened to know quite well through Padme), as well as the emergence of the Rebel Base. At the end of it, a bitterness rose in (Y/n)'s gut. It was that same feeling of guilt and regret she felt the day Fives died. It was an uncomfortable sinking feeling that kept telling her she was a failure, and although hard to admit, absolutely true.
(Y/n) Kryze failed at the one thing every Jedi was supposed to dedicate their whole lives to: keeping the peace.
Wonderful, thought (Y/n). All the Jedi practically ceased to exist, save for her and those who actually did survive the 'purge'. Not only that, but she slept through the making of history. (Y/n) glanced at Luke, eyeing him up and down curiously. His energy was strong and powerful, and it was filled with light that made (Y/n) feel so comfortable in his presence. She didn't know him all too well, yet felt an odd connection with his energy. "You are a Jedi," she said. "Like me and those before."
"Old Ben told me my father was a Jedi." (Y/n) knitted her brows together. "Old Ben?"
"Obi-wan Kenobi. He was the one who...died on the Death Star." Luke clarified. "Did you know him?" (Y/n) smiled fondly. "Yes. He was the one who found me on Mandalore. I was," (Y/n) paused, "three or four around that time. He was a wonderful man, but he did not become my master. Besides that, you said your father was a Jedi? That should not have been possible because it is against the..." 
(Y/n)'s breath caught in her throat, and all the dots connected themselves on their own: the bright, blue eyes full of wonder aiming towards the galaxy, the excitement and energy in personality and aura, and lastly, the hair. "Anakin's the father, isn't he." she blurted out. Luke's eyes shot open.
"You knew my father?" 
"You knew Luke's father?" 
(Y/n) nodded. "Yes, I knew him. He was like a brother to me. Is your mother--?"
"What was my father like?" Luke excitedly cut in.
The smile softened on (Y/n)'s lips as she averted her gaze to the large window on the right wall. She focused on the star fighters and people rushing about, then to the deep forest covered in thick, milky fog. She savoured the upbeat energy radiating the one thing she wasn't sure she could hold fast to: hope. "Ani was one of the greatest Jedi I had ever seen. He taught me how to pilot and do a lot of practical things I wouldn't have known if I hadn't met him. Although he was a smart man, what surprised people most was how kind he was. He was passionate, and a bit unpredictable, but I...I trust him with my life."
(Y/n) knew she was saying that to comfort herself. 
"Anakin is my childhood friend. I'd do anything to for him because I know he would do the same for me." Leia adjusted the sleeves on her dress with an uncertain gleam in her eyes. She looked like she wanted to say something, but a forced smile broke out onto her face and she nodded in understanding. "You two must have been close." 
"He was the brother I never had." 
"What's all this about a brother you never had?" 
(Y/n) peered towards the threshold, where Han stood leaning against the half-open door. There was a smug smirk on his lips as he waltzed over to (Y/n)'s bedside, arms loosely folded across his chest. "I heard the Princess and Luke were in here, so I thought I might as well stop by. Did I miss anything?" Luke sarcastically chuckled. "No, besides the fact that (Y/n) knew my father and was asleep in a stasis pod for about two decades--oh, and don't forget the fact that she's Mandalorian!"
(Y/n) didn't expect Luke to be so excited about all the information she dumped on him, but then again, who wouldn't when it's about their own father? (Y/n) would have loved to hear about what her own father was like, or who he even was for that matter. Han looked taken aback. His brows raised so high that they could have flown away. "You're Mandalorian?" 
"I did not see that coming." He breathed out a long, hollow sigh. "Did not see that coming." (Y/n)'s lips curved into a small smile. "I wouldn't have known either if Obi-wan hadn't told me." Luke knitted his brows in confusion, so (Y/n) took it upon herself to explain. "I grew up with little memory of my home planet. Obi-wan wanted to keep it that way because of all the prejudice surrounding Mandalorians. We are known for not being...the faint of heart, so when I kept pestering him about it, he decided it was time. The other younglings overheard, and ever since then, I was the odd one out. They bullied me, but that is not the point." 
Han took refuge against a wall to lean on. "Seems kinda harsh for just being Mandalorian." he grumbled. Luke nodded in agreement. "Yeah, what's so bad about being Mandalorian? I think that's awesome. Better than being a farmer on Tatooine." Leia sent the two boys a pointed look. "You both really don't know anything about history. Mandalore battled with the Jedi long ago, don't you know? It resulted in a lot of death and prejudice." Her eyes were soft as she met (Y/n)'s. "It seems you really took the brunt of the hit." 
"I did," (Y/n) agreed. "Besides that, what do you plan to do about the 'Death Star' and the 'Empire'? Surely you've developed a successful plan?" Leia shifted in her chair, pausing in thought. "Our plan is to blow that space station up and put an end to the Empire, but it's risky, and if it fails, we might as well kiss the Rebellion goodbye. I've seen what it's done--it blew up my home planet to pieces. We only have one shot, so it's imperative we keep everything running smoothly.
"The station is heavily shielded and carries a firepower greater than half a starfleet, so from this information, we've assumed that a small group of starfighters should, in theory, be able to penetrate its outer defence. I've analysed the plans and found a narrow lane large enough to fit a few fighters. Once they get to the thermal exhaust, if they blast it in the right direction it should reach the main reactor and blow the whole thing up." (Y/n) folded her hands together in thought. "How big is the thermal exhaust point?"
"Two meters."
She nodded her head in thought. (Y/n) had a fair amount of tough missions to accomplish in the past, this being no different. Since her master was specifically assigned to Kamino, (Y/n) had a lot of solo missions since the Republic needed people on the field. As unorthodox as it was, (Y/n) didn't mind. She had her men to keep her company, all of which were wonderful people. "That sounds like a tough one." she mumbled.
The Empire ruled the galaxy with an iron fist; they grew from the ashes of the Jedi's demise and forged a false peace between systems. From what (Y/n)'s seen and heard, they were a force to be reckoned with, and much more dangerous than the Separatists because of their tight grip upon the galaxy. (Y/n) was a peacekeeper, sure, but that didn't mean she wanted to sit around and wait. She had the skills of an experienced pilot that would go to waste if she didn't help.
There was a sense of doubt in the back of her mind. She wasn't sure if she truly knew what she was getting herself into, especially since she wasn't certain if all the information said by Leia was true. "Who is the leader of the Empire?"
"The Emperor Palpatine." Luke answered. (Y/n) ripped off the sheets and got onto her feet. Simply hearing that name made her blood boil. She had unfinished business with the man, and she was more than willing to arrest him once and for all. "In that case," she stood tall, "I'm in." Leia stood by her side, the excitement in her aura bubbling like a mug cake in a microwave. "You're not the first Jedi to join. Come on, I'll get you some new clothes." Han pushed off the wall with wide eyes. "You're actually joining Space Wizard?"
(Y/n) firmly nodded. "I have a bone to pick with Palpatine. He did something I will not ever forgive." Luke knitted his brows together. "You know him too?" 
"Oh yes." There was a dark gleam in her eyes. "He tried to kill me and my best friend."
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juniper-tree · 4 years
3 and 15 for Wild Fires?
Thank you so much for the questions! <3 3: What's your favorite line of narration?
Oh gosh. Yeah, this is what I really leaned into in TWF and went to town. So there are a few spots that I think are pretty successful. 
She'd seen him do it these four months—pray quiet and unmoving, eyes shut to the world while he spoke his heart. It was a sight. How he could hold the storm of his guilt and rage tight in his fist long enough to let that heart speak what it truly wanted.
Eddy gave him the canteen. He'd shed his shirt, naked as she'd ever seen in just that frayed and tattered gauze from the waist up. When he drank, the water rolled down his pink, tangled chin, down his neck where the bandages hung loose. The spill caught the firelight and glittered.
He'd told her as much, after they let Salt-Upon-Wounds go. That he prayed the wild fire of his anger would die away, a cold, ashy pit he could kick sand over and forget. She thought it was kinda funny, him telling her that in the river, safe and cool. She wasn't sure it worked like that. Because she burned the same way inside. Because ever since then, what sparked up between them was just as fierce.
Joshua capped the canteen and set it away. His bare hand, its thick, bent fingers, lifted to her forehead. His palm blocked the light from her eyes. A gentle sweep brushed her skin. He cleared the sweat-stuck hair and stroked it back from her face. That bright, crushing squall stirred inside her. The thing, that used to be plain wanting, now it was mixed up with giving and getting. It was a sweeter feeling for all that, so sweet it damn near choked her.
She hugged him close and pulled him down with her, to lie there with him circled in her tired arms, his head on her chest.
Those fires he prayed about, they never really die. She knew that, and knew the hurt it took to learn it. Knew what the flames felt like when they churned up so they were all you saw anymore. They could tamp down to ember, but fire would eat whatever you fed it. The fuel might be revenge. It might be love.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
I learned a lot, about writing and about myself. Probably the two big things were:
- How to let the voice carry the narration and not let myself/my bad habits get in the way. The way Eddy puts things is not the way I or my Writer Voice would and I think it came out better for that. 
- How to loosen my grip a little when it comes to narration vs dramatization as well as injecting themes. Literary/mfa style workshops made me so conservative about those elements. Sometime during the writing of this (halfway through maybe?) I started reading James Ellroy’s last two books, and the way he writes is inspiring to me. I recognized some of what I was attempting in his prose, because that motherfucker just lets loose and says things and I love it.
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emperorsfoot · 5 years
We’re back on Beast Island with Entrapta and Micah! 
Entrapta is beginning to wonder if maybe the reason Hordak hasn’t ordered her release from the Island yet is because of... other reasons, and not that he’s abandoned her like some of her other friends. 
Meanwhile, Micah tries to make some new allies against the Horde. 
“Fascinating…” Muttered Entrapta as she rose up on her hair to examine a thick green vine.
It was as wide as her wrist –ungloved wrist, her protective gloves added some girth- multiple shades of green in a regular and alternating patterns, more like stripes than tonal. She prodded the vine with a tendril of hair.
The vine sprang to life, the arrow shaped head of a snake uncoiling from one end and lashing out at the human that dared disturb it.
With a gasp, Entrapta slammed her welding mask down over her face only a mere heartbeat before the snake’s fangs could pierce her eye. The snake’s face smacked against the protective metal plating, breaking its fangs and abrating its nose. It hung from the tree, stunned and dazed.
Entrapta lifted her mask again. “The vine I was studying turned out to be a snake, excellent natural camouflage. Hostile response appears to be instinctive.” She announced. “Subject jumped to violence like a loaded spring before analyzing for a more effective strategy.”
“Are you okay up there?” Micah called from where he stood below her on the jungle floor.
That was right. He escaped with her. Entrapta almost forgot he was there. Wrapping a tendril of hair around the dazed but still alive snake’s neck, she pulled the creature out of the tree and held it away from herself for Micah to see. “Can you cook?” She called down to her fellow escapee. “If you can, then I caught breakfast! I only eat tiny food, though, so if you can cut it small, that’d be great!”
Tightening her hair, Entrapta snapped the snake’s neck to make sure it was dead before dropping it down to where Micah stood, looking up at her with mingled concern and exasperation. A common expression people seemed to have around her. Concern for her or concern for what she was doing, it didn’t matter, it all meant the same thing –their concern meant they doubted her, doubted her wisdom, or expertise, or if she knew what she was doing might be dangerous. Exasperation meant they had lost patience with her, she was bothering them, they were not actually friends. Just like Adora, Glimmer, and Bow. Just like Catra. Just like…
Hordak was the only one who never looked at her with concern or exasperation. Hordak never doubted her abilities, her intelligence, her talent, or her knowledge and skill in her chosen field. Hordak never seemed exasperated with her. Annoyed sometimes, sure. He was closed off and emotionally stinted while she was energetic and animated. All of Entrapta’s previous research informed her that two such personalities working in close quarters would annoy each other a little bit. She certainly found his pessimism and bursts of anger when an experiment failed to be annoying. But annoyance was not exasperation. Hordak was the only person who never looked at her with exasperation and concern.
When Hordak looked at her, it was with… surprise. She certainly had a habit of exceeding his expectations. From the first moment she fixed his power source, to when she started making progress on his portal, to when her response to the confessions of his… disability was to construct a new and better prosthetic aid for him. Hordak looked at her with pleasant surprise. Even admiration.
Hordak looked at Entrapta with admiration.
None of her other so called ‘friends’ looked at her like that.
Not even Micah, the latest in a long line of ‘single serving’ friends that would untimely discard her once she was no longer useful.
Using her hair, Entrapta lowered herself down to him. “Do you have a magic spell to make fire? Or should I do that for us too?”
“I can build a fire for us.” Micah assured her, sounding defensive, as if he felt she was calling him useless.
Entrapta shrugged. People often appeared insulted or frustrated with her when all she would do is ask a simple question or make a factual statement. She would never understand the finer nuances of interpersonal behavior. She studied it whenever she could. At Princess Prom, within the Alliance, even observing Horde soldiers in between hacking the planet and building the portal. Entrapta had logged countless hours of observation of interpersonal behaviors. None of her observations had helped her with her own interpersonal relationships.
The Alliance still abandoned her. Catra still betrayed her. Hordak never came to release her from prison. Now Micah was insulted for no perceivable reason. Entrapta lowered her welding mask back down over her face. She would never understand people.
Micah traced a sigil on the ground in front of him and a roaring fire sprang to life in the center of the circle.
Pushing her multiple failed experiments with friendship out of her mind, Entrapta bent down next to the circle. On all fours, face low to the ground. Were it not for her welding mask, her nose would be dangerously close to the flames. “Fascinating…” She muttered. “The characters inside this ring of the sigil are completely different from the characters in your static-freezing spell from earlier.” She reached into her overalls for her recorder, only to be reminded that it wasn’t there because she didn’t have it and didn’t know where it went. “The design in the center is different too.”
Micah, seeing that her face was so close to the flames she was almost crawling into the fire dropped the snake he’d just started skinning and rushed over to pick the Princess up off the ground. “Nope! Nope! Nope!” He chided as if he were disciplining baby Glimmer. “We do not sit that close to fire. Fire dangerous!”
Entrapta lifted her welding mask and glared up at him, now it was her turn to be insulted. “I know fire is dangerous.” She informed him. “Some of my earliest experiments were with combustibles. I understand thermodynamics, how fire behaves, and how radiating heat can still cause damage.” She snapped her welding mask back down over her face and held up her gloved hands. “That’s why a good scientist wears protection.”
Using a tendril of hair, she latched onto the first tree branch that was strong enough to hold her weight and hoisted herself up into the jungle canopy.
For all their many faults and failings, the Alliance never treated her like a child, Catra never implied that she was ignorant or didn’t know what she was doing, and Hordak… Hordak encouraged Entrapta’s innovations.
When he discovered that she theorized it was possible to ‘hack the planet’ he didn’t try and tell her it was impossible, or that she didn’t know what she was talking about, or that you couldn’t hack planets –they’re planets, not computers!- no. He just nodded and gave her the Black Garnet to get to work. When he discovered her in his Sanctum working on his power generators, yeah okay, he was mad at first, sure. Any scientist who’d just had their private lab violated would be. But the moment he saw what it was she actually did in his lab, he invited her back in. Showed her his researched, shared his equations and opened up a whole new realm of exploration and possibilities for her. Hordak showed Entrapta the stars!
Stars. Burning balls of gasses so hot their heat radiated out far enough to warm planets. Not Etheria. Etheria had no star. Their light and heat came from the Glow Moon. But other planets, out there in the other dimension, outside Despondos. Where Hordak came from. A place called ‘the Known Universe’.
Hordak never treated Entrapta like she was a child, or reckless, or ignorant. In many ways, Hordak was actually the perfect partner for her.
Lap partner. The perfect lab partner for her.
Perfect except for the fact that he left her here. On Beast Island. A Horde penal colony. He was leader of the Horde on Etheria. One word from him would have been all it took to get her freed and sent home. It wasn’t like it was hard. He gave orders every day. So, why had he… left her here…?
“Breakfast’s almost ready!” Micah called from the jungle floor below. “Snake meat is thin, so it cooks really fast.”
Entrapta’s hair lowered her back down. This time she did not get close to the magical fire, even if the fact that it was burning without need of fuel was fascinating. She sat down at what she imagined Micah would approve of as a ‘safe distance’ and lifted her welding mask to eat.
Micah turned around to give her her portion –which he had obediently cut into tiny pieces- but he paused when he saw her face. “Shoot! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”
“What?” Entrapta blinked at him. She reached a hand up to probe at the skin of her cheek. Her glove came away wet. She had been crying. “No. It- it wasn’t what you said. I just- I was just thinking about- my lab partner.”
She was thinking about a loved one. Someone she was separated from by the Horde. Just like he was separated from his wife and daughter. Micah passed her the tiny cuts of snake meat and sat down next to her.
“I think about Angella and Glimmer a lot.” He informed her. “Glimmer was just learning to walk when I was captured. Just this tiny little thing, waddling around on chubby legs and leaving a trail of glitter everywhere.” He smiled fondly at the memory. “Gosh, she must be so tall by now! Angella was like a tree, ya know. My sister thought it’d eventually bother me –having a wife that was taller than me- but then Casta and Angie never really got along all that well to begin with. I hope they’ve been doing alright without me…” He looked up at the jungle canopy, wistful.
Entrapta looked down at her food. Her research told her than this was the part where she would be expected to share some of her relationship with the person she was separated from. Micah had volunteered some of his feelings, he would expect her to reciprocate.
“I understand it can be hard to talk about them sometimes.” Micah said gently. “Especially if the hurt is still fresh. Your lab partner, was she… also taken by the Horde?”
She looked back up from her food, considered how she should answer. Finally. “The Horde thought he was a failure.” She announced. “The Horde discarded him, and expected him to die.” There was no need for King Micah of Brightmoon, leader of the First Rebellion against the Etherian Horde to know exactly which ‘Horde’ she was talking about. “But he wasn’t a failure. He was brilliant. When he and I worked together… It felt like we could open up worlds!”
She smiled into a bite of her meat, smiling at how her words were both filled with dramatic imagery and also accurate. Entrapta never seemed to have the gift for poetic imagery before. This was something new. New since meeting a grumpy alien who came from a world beyond Despondos.
“He sounds like a very fine fellow.” Micah said gently. “Is he still out there? Do you want to get back to him like I want to get back to my wife? Or… did the Horde… kill him when you were captured?”
Inexplicably, for reasons Entrapta didn’t understand, she shot to her feet. “Killed!”
“Sorry.” Said Micah quickly. “I just assumed. Since you said the Horde wanted him to die before. I thought they would finish the job when they captured you.”
The thought of Hordak being dead hadn’t even occurred to Entrapta.
She thought he was just leaving her to rot on Beast Island because she changed her mind at the last minute and decided they couldn’t open the portal. She thought he was mad because she had basically decided that he couldn’t go home. The idea that he might not have released her was because he wasn’t around anymore to release her never even entered her mind.
Did it make sense?
Could Hordak be dead?
She had no idea what happened after Catra shocked her. She was unconscious up until the moment she woke up in her cell. She still existed and the world was still here, so –clearly- the portal hadn’t been opened. Did that mean that the Princesses won? That they stopped Hordak and Catra. That they… killed Hordak? Was Hordak dead?
“He- he can’t be.” Entrapta slammed her welding mask down over her face as if the metal plating could shield her from her own feelings.
Hordak was also very frail. The exo-suit she made for him gave him the strength and mobility he was supposed to have as a healthy Horde clone. But it wasn’t perfect. Heck! It shorted out any time his heart rate got too high. It went into a mild tizzy just because he got worked up yelling at Adora. What would happen if it locked up in the middle of a fight?
He would get killed. That’s what!
Entrapta stifled a sob. It was starting to feel moist and muggy behind her welding mask and it had nothing to do with the jungle humidity.
“He’s not dead!” She shouted to the trees around them, voice high with defiance. “He can’t be…”
Micah stood, reaching an arm out to the Princess as if to hug her, but he paused, unsure if he should. Entrapta had been markedly cold to him to spite their escape together. For the most part, he kinda expected a level of frigidity from Queen Ensnarea’s daughter. But then, Entrapta seemed to have warm feelings for this young man –her lab partner- so, clearly, it was not all people she was cold to. Micah did not give the comfort he originally meant to.
She looked back at him, lifting her mask. Micah saw the fresh tears in her eyes. “Is that why he hasn’t gotten me out yet? He can’t get me off Beast Island because he’s- …not here anymore…”
This time, Micah did wrap his arms around her.
Entrapta sobbed into his chest. “He’s not here anymore.”
Then an entirely different idea occurred to her. He wasn’t here anymore! He wasn’t on Etheria! Maybe the reason he hadn’t ordered her release or come for her himself wasn’t because he was dead. Maybe he just went home! Out of Despondos. Back to Horde Prime. His ‘big brother’. She hoped he was happy. Happy, healthy, and alive.
She pushed away from Micah, feeling more optimistic. Hordak wasn’t dead. He just went home. That was his plan. He probably wasn’t even aware of what happened to her. It wasn’t because he didn’t care about her anymore or that he was mad because she changed her mind about the portal. It wasn’t because he was dead. It was because he just went home and didn’t know.
“It’s fine. I’m fine.” She informed him. “Friends leave me all the time.”
Micah felt like he was suddenly experiencing whiplash. Just a second ago, she was crying into his chest. Seemingly reeling from a realization that her beloved lab partner was most likely dead. Now she was fine. Dry eyed, and smiling. Saying ‘friends left her all the time’, as if he hadn’t died, he just went away somewhere. Micah hadn’t seen a case of self-delusion so bad since he was still living in Mysticore.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked.
“Yup!” Entrapta wiped her eyes one more time to make sure they were dry. “If you’re done eating, we should get moving. There’s still so much of the island left to explore! We’re barely into the jungle. I do actually wanna see the Great Beast, and I’ve heard there are natives that are indigenous to this island before the Horde made a base here. I wanna meet them too! Maybe after that, we can go back to the compound. I’m still curious about the odd acoustics. Like I said, the building’s more like an amplifier than a building. It almost reminds me of-“
“What about escaping?” Micah cut her off.
She blinked at him, almost as if she didn’t understand the question. They were already out of prison. “Oh! You mean getting off the island!” Entrapta waved her hand dismissively. “You can go if you want to go. That’s fine.” She was used to her friends leaving her, and Micah wasn’t even really her friend.
Micah raised an eyebrow at her. “I can’t tell if you’re being flippant because you’re Queen Ensnarea’s daughter and she was always kinda…” he made a gesture with his hand that might have been rude if Entrapta had cared “…of if you’re being flippant because you just realized your lap partner friend most likely past away.”
“He’s not dead!” Entrapta snapped. “He just went home!”
“Okay.” Micah threw up his arms in surrender. If she wanted to delude herself into believing that her lab partner –that the Horde originally meant to die- wasn’t killed when they captured her, that was fine. Heck. He might even actually be alive. Micah wasn’t there when Princess Entrapta was captured. He didn’t see the raid. He didn’t know the story. For all either of them knew, the Princess’ gentleman lab partner was still alive and working on a plan to rescue her right now.
They might have said more. But at that exact moment, a herd of snorters came charging into their clearing.
Short, quadrupedal, pig-like creatures. Bluish-gray in color, with cloven hooves, white tusks, elongated snouts, and a razorback streak of fur that went from their head almost all the way down the length of their bodies to the tail. Entrapta had never seen one before, only heard about them. To spite the fact that their sudden appearance forced her and Micah to retreat up into the trees to avoid being gored, she thought they were cute. Baker made her a bite-sized cake that looked like a snorter once. She thought it was absolutely adorable!
The heard was five of the creatures. Two full-sized adults, and three smaller ones that had to be their offspring. One of the adults lead the stampede while the second adult brought up the rear, making sure none of the young fell behind. It prodded the little one’s in the tail to urge them to pick up the speed. That was the behavior of fleeing a predator.
“We need to get out of here too.” Micah whispered from where he was awkwardly positioned. Half-suspended by a hastily cast levitation spell, half-clinging desperately to the closest branch to him that might be able to support his bulk. Even being half starved for ten years, Micah was still larger than Entrapta, the trees did not support his weight the way they did hers.
No sooner had be said this, than the snorter’s predators melted out from the trees in pursuit of their prey.
Both Entrapta and Micah had been expecting another of Beast Island’s famous beasts. If not the Great Beast, then a flying tyrosour, or some other terrifying but little understood creature that called the island home. Instead, the party that melted out from the trees was just a group of humans.
Not Horde soldiers.
Natives by the looks of it. They wore fur loincloths around their waists to cover their most intimate parts, and hide boots to protect their feet. But apart from that, they were mostly naked. Amber-gold skin covered in tattoos, and dark hair plucked into sharp, rooster-comb mowhawks, the front tuft colored in different shades of red.
Excited, because she’d never encountered Beast Island natives before either, Entrapta jumped down from the trees –much to Micah’s frustrated horror.
“Entrapta! Entrapta, don’t-! Urgh!” He sounded very much like his daughter in that moment.
Entrapta ignored him. She landed right next to native’s hunting party, startling them. Before she even had time to think of what she was going to say, Entrapta found three stone spearheads pointed at her face.
“Uh, hi?” She ventured. She went cross-eyes, trying to get a better look at the spear almost a hair’s width from her nose. Chipped from stone, formed to be razor sharp on the edges, the taper ending in an almost needle point. It was fitted into a split in the wood of the spear and tied with sinew threads. A primitive design, certainly, but highly innovative given the materials they had to work with. Entrapta liked it. She wrapped her hair around the weapon and pulled it out of the shocked native’s grasp. “Ooh, wow! It’s so much lighter than I was expecting. What kind of stone is this? It’s gotta be dense and substantial enough to make a reliable blade and not break when it stabs something, but it’s so light it doesn’t throw off the balance of the shaft at all.” She smiled at the one she took the spear from. “Can I have this?”
The hunter’s expression shifted from shocked to irritated and mildly confused very quickly. Most people who were threatened with spears did not admire them and ask permission to take them. He grabbed hold of his weapon and tried to yank it back out of her hair. “No. It is mine!”
“Aw.” Entrapta was visibly disappointed.
Micah changed the symbol in the center of his levitation sigil and floated down to land gently next to the Princess. He looked at the natives, still holding their spears pointed at them. “You speak the common tongue.”
The three of them exchanged a look. As if silently agreeing between themselves that the newcomer was an idiot.
“We live on an island, not one of the moons.” Said the one Entrapta tried to take the spear from. Finally succeeding in pulling his spear away from the Princess’ hair, he thrust the point at Micah instead. “Now, you interrupted our hunt. We’ll take you back to the village instead.”
“Ooh! Are you cannibals?” It was wrong how excited Entrapta sounded when she asked that. “I’ve always been curious about prions found in the human brain and the effects eating them has on other people. That is, assuming you also eat the brain. Do you eat the brain, too?”
The three of them exchanged another look, as if silently agreeing that this woman was insane.
“No.” Said the first. “You are clearly Horde scouts. We’re taking you back to be questioned.”
“Horde scouts? We’re not Horde scouts!” Micah was more insulted by the idea that he looked anything like a member of the Horde than he was the prospect of being taken by the natives and interrogated and possibly tortured. “We hate the Horde! We just escaped their prison!”
“Wow.” Said a second. “How dumb do you think we are? No one escapes the Horde prison.”
“Well, it did take me a couple of days.” Entrapta admitted, shrugging with her hair instead of her shoulders.
The three exchanged another look, not quite sure how to interpret this insane woman. She didn’t seem like a Horde scout. She was too bonkers. Maybe she really had escaped, and the man was sent out to retrieve her. That could make sense.
“Keep your hands where we could see them and start moving!” Ordered the native Entrapta tried to take the spear from.
They were lead through the jungle. Entrapta had to coil her hair tight to her body to avoid it getting caught on protruding branches or low hanging vines as the party delved deeper in the denser trees. Micah nearly tripped on a raised root more than once. Twice they were almost bitten by one of the same vine-camouflage snakes Entrapta had encountered earlier in the morning.
Everythign was so green and lush. The trees old, their branches dense. Beast Island was actually kinda pretty. Scenic. If it weren’t for all the dangerous beasts that roamed the island –and the Horde gulag- it might actually have been an attractive island getaway.
“Your village must be really far away.” Micah commented. “Why do you hunt so far away? Has the Horde damaged the environment to the point where game animals are scares?”
“More likely they’re taking us on a deliberately longer path to confuse our sense of direction.” Entrapta informed him. “This jungle is like a maze, not unlike my own Crypto Castle.”
“Quiet! Both of you!” Snapped the second native. He slid up close to the first. “J’Milla, are you sure it’s wise to take these outsiders back with us?”
The first native, the one Entrapta tried to take the spear from –J’Milla, apparently- made a face. “What woud you have me do, Korg? Leave them to wander the jungle? If they are Horde scouts, they would report back about us. If they are innocent as they claim, they die without aid.”
“We could kill them and not leave it up to chance.” The second, Korg, informed him.
J’Milla just shook his head. “I will not execute a stranger for no other reason than they are a stranger to me. That is what the Horde would do. We must be careful to make sure we do not become what it is we fight against.”
Korg only scoffed in reply.
“I’m King Micah.” Announced the sorcerer after hearing that the natives were ‘fighting against’ the Horde. He did not expect to find new allies for the Alliance while getting lost in the jungle. But if an opportunity presented itself, why waste it? The Alliance could always use new allies.
Similar to Entrapta, none of the natives reacted upon hearing his name. However, unlike Entrapta, their lack of reaction was not because they just didn’t care who he was. It was because they had never heard of ‘King Micah’ before and didn’t know who he was. They had never heard of the Sorcerer King from Brightmoon who fell ten years ago during the first Princess Alliance.
“We do not recognize the authority of kings.” Korg informed him.
“No, that’s not what I meant!” Micah had to quickly backpedal. “I mean, I was a leader of the Rebellion against the Horde before I was captured. If you’re fighting against the Horde we should be allies! Let us help you! I’m a sorcerer, and Princess Entrapta here is-“ he paused, unsure of what powers the Queens and Princesses of Dryl actually had apart from hair that could be used as extra limbs, she said she had a lab so… “-is very smart.”
“I’m beginning to form a hypothesis as to where Glimmer got her talent for rousing speeches.” Entrapta muttered.
“That’s enough out of you two!” Korg snapped.
Their winding journey through the jungle seemed to finally be coming to a conclusion as the unmistakable sounds of human habitation drifted through the trees. People singing while at work, children laughing, the scrape of tools on wood, the sounds of a thriving village. And it was a thriving village they came into when they stepped out from the shadow of the trees.
A wide clearing. Micah and Entrapta would be lying if they didn’t admit they were expecting grass huts. But there weren’t any. Instead, the village buildings were just that –actual buildings. Made from wood planks cut from the jungle trees. The roofs were thatched in grass, but only the roofs. Everything else was solid wood construction. Almost like a village of cabins. Slits were cut into the planks of the walls of many buildings –presumably for airflow to keep things cool in the jungle heat. Entrapta once again had to admire the ingenuity, with limited materials to work with and a lack of technology for interior climate control, they still found ways to keep their homes cool. She very quickly decided that she liked these people. Their tech wasn’t very advanced, but they were engineers. Like her.
They were lead through the village.
As they passed, people looked up to gawk at them. You’d think the hunting parties never brought back prisoners before. Children paused in their games to gawk at them. Young people and adults looked up from their work. Their weaving, or flax grinding being ignored in front of them while they gawked, wide eyed, at the prisoners that J’Milla and Korg had brought home with them.
Entrapta and Micah were practically shoved into a darkened building.
It took a few moments for their eyes to adjust. The day was so bright outside, but the only light in here was what streamed in through the slits in the wooden walls. When their eyes did adjust, Entrapta and Micah stood in a wide room with an open floorplan that looked like it must serve as some kind of meeting place. There were cushions and pillows lining three of the four walls, in an almost horse shoe, curling around with the entrance as the focal point. Clearly, seating for spectators to watch or listen to whatever was happening in the middle of the room.
Both Micah and Entrapta got their knees knock out from under them by the shafts of spears. They knelt in the middle of the room.
J’Milla and Korg sat in front of them. While the third member of their hunting party loomed behind, spear at the ready in case the prisoners decided to make a break for it.
“Now,” began J’Milla, “you’re going to tell us the tale of your daring escape from the Horde, and after its done we’ll decide whether or not we believe you, or if you’re Horde scouts.”
17 notes · View notes
danyka-fendyr · 5 years
As the Raven Flies: Part 4
I can’t even believe I made it to a part 4 of this story. I owe most of it to everyone who comments, to be honest. I’m an absolute slut for literally any kind of reaction. Like, oh? I made you laugh? Here have an entire novel have a great day thanks. Anyway, I only did lazy editing on this, but that’s because I forgot to write it throughout the week since I’m newly back to school and so I wrote this in like an hour and it’s 2:22 AM at the time I am queuing this and i’M TIRED OKAY
Taglist: @dreamwritesimagines @rhabakoli @disengagefrmreality
Word count: 2186
“See you tomorrow.”
“I’m sorry, exactly what conversation went down while I was getting an education?” Vivien stood in Matt’s living room, shocked.
Matt, for his part, was sitting at the kitchen counter looking like he was physically in pain. Well, he probably was, Vivien figured, but he also looked like there was considerable emotional pain.
“Frank made the…” Matt paused, gritting his teeth, “unfortunately good point that I may not be totally fit for childcare.”
“And so you’re kicking me out?” Vivien fought the tears coming to her eyes, fueled by her outrage.
“It’s not like that, Vivien.”
“Oh like heck it isn’t,” she spat.
“Listen, I’m not just putting you out on the streets, it’s-”
“I decide where I go,” Vivien interrupted. “If that’s the streets than it’s the streets.”
“Listen, Frank knows some very nice people,” Matt tried.
“Yeah, I’m sure he does. I don’t want to get to know them. I certainly don’t want to bust down their door demanding they give me food and shelter.”
“It wouldn’t be like that.”
“I’m no one’s charity case, Matthew!”
Matt flinched at her volume, and maybe at her words as well. He stood slowly, sighing as he crossed the room to put a hand on her shoulder. His eyes tried to focus on her, drifting over her shoulder and swimming in the flames that illuminated his world. Sometimes Vivien wondered if the fire he saw outside lit him up on the inside as well, burned through him like it burned through her, bright hot and slicing its way up and out.
“I know you’re not. I know...I know you’re not a charity case. Not mine. Not anybody else’s. But Vivien, I’m trying to protect you.”
“How is this protecting me?” A hot tear rolled down her face as she whispered the words, and she dashed it away with her sleeve.
“You and I both know this isn’t working. You survive on take out and Ramen noodles, you don’t get enough sleep, you’re permanently exhausted and you’re hurting and I...I don’t know how to fix that, Vivien.”
For the first time, Vivien saw how much the blind man could actually see. He looked so helpless like this, hands grabbing at fistfuls of his hair, scrambling for something to hold onto. And for a moment, she saw how bad she really was at hiding how much everything hurt. She had always known he caught glimpses, but now…
“I don’t know how to make this better,” he whispered, eyes dull as they watched the floor, as he felt the vibrations of the city moving around them and heard its song.
Vivien wasn’t sure when it happened, but she was crying. Gosh, she was crying like a baby, fat tears falling down her face faster than she could wipe them away, mouth twisting into some twisted version of the fake smiles she had trained herself to wear and couldn’t even escape when she cried. He was right, and she was crying about it.
She had sunk to the floor, pulling her knees to her chest, and Matt joined her, arms wrapping around her softly like he could protect her. They both knew he couldn’t, but it was so much easier to just pretend.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, rocking with her sobs. “I’m so sorry. I promise, I promise you Vivien, I am not abandoning you. We’re going to figure this out. We’re going to find you a home.”
“I don’t want a home.” Her voice came out as a high keening sound. “I want here. I want to stay here.”
“I know. I know.”
And that was all they said. For a long time, they stayed like that, crying on the floor in an ugly apartment right in the thick of Hell’s Kitchen. Vivien knew from experience though that she could only cry for so long.
She sniffled, wiping at her face again, and Matt handed her another tissue. At some point, he had grabbed a box of them.
“Does Karen know?”
Matt looked at her. “What?”
“Does Karen know?” Vivien repeated.
“Oh. We forgot to tell Karen. Huh.”
“Matt!” Vivien punched him in the arm, not bothering to go light.
“Ow! Okay, okay, we can tell her. She’s supposed to be coming over anyway. Any minute now.”
Speak of the Devil.
“Matt?” Karen’s muffled voice could be heard from the other side of the door as she knocked.
“Come in!”
Vivien scrambled to make herself look presentable, trying to hide the very obvious fact that she had been crying. Matt stood up, helping her to her feet and kindly not mentioning her bloodshot eyes that probably made it look like she’d started a marijuana garden in Ms. Simmons’ biology lab.
“Hey, you said-” Karen dropped her bag on the floor, taking her coat off in a rush so she could cross the room to get a better look at Vivien.  “Oh my gosh. Is everything okay?”
Karen glanced between the two, raising an eyebrow.
Vivien sighed. “Also yes.”
“What happened?” Karen gave her a concerned look.
“Frank Castle happened. He’s the worst, K. You don’t have my permission to date him.”
“I am not dating Frank.”
“Good. He’s a jerk and I hope he accumulates an absolutely massive amount of cabbage and then has it all destroyed in a series of unfortunate events.”
“Oh no. She’s swearing. Seriously Matt, what happened?”
“Frank pointed out that I might not be the fittest caretaker for Vivien,” Matt said, reluctant to look anywhere near where he could hear Karen.
“Well, I can see that. Poor thing. Has he even fed you yet? Do you want me to make something? You look like you need some soup sweetheart.” Karen gently wiped at some stray tears Vivien had missed.
She shook her head, sniffling again. “I can eat in a minute, Karen. It’s not important.”
“And that’s why you’re a terrible influence on her.” Karen glared at Matt, forgetting he couldn’t really see it.
 “Which is why she won’t be staying with me anymore.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“That’s what I said,” Vivien spoke up.
“Matt, as bad as you are at this whole childcare thing, I’m not sure leaving her on the streets is your next best option.”
“I am not leaving her on the streets!” Matt exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.
“Well, then what is happening here?”
“Frank suggested he could find Vivien a better home. She could quit being a vigilante and start being a normal teenager. Frank knows a guy who knows some really nice veterans.”
“First of all, I’m not quitting vigilantism. I just got a name! Secondly, I would rather be on the streets than with some random stranger.”
“You’ve made that very clear,” Matt grumbled.
“You can’t tell me what to do Matt. Technically, I’m an adult.”
“Your legal status absolutely does not make you an adult.”
“According to Uncle Sam it does.” Vivien stuck her chin out defiantly.
Karen had been watching this whole exchange with a fascinating look on her face. If the two had bothered to glance her way they would have seen that she was clearly deep in thought. It almost looked like the face she made when she was trying to sort through all the details of a new story.
“You guys,” she said.
“Well then you can go join the army if you want to be treated like a real grown up.”
“Maybe I just want to have some input in decisions that will drastically impact my life, Matthew.”
“You guys!”
Both of them turned to her, blinking like a couple of deer in the headlights.
“Why doesn’t Vivien just stay with me?”
“I feel like I’ve said this a lot today, mostly in math class, but what?” Vivien stared at her like she had grown another head.
“I mean, think about it. I’m clearly more fit to be your caretaker than Matt -not that that’s difficult-” Karen paused to roll her eyes. “I have the space in my apartment, I did the math and I make enough money for the extra cost. It would be perfect.”
“Karen, no,” Vivien said. “I can’t let you do that.”
“Why not? Sleepovers every night.”
“I know, but the money, Karen. I can’t.”
“You can. End of discussion.”
Well there was really no arguing when Karen said end of discussion.
“I guess I’m moving in.”
It was no cup of tea moving all of Vivien’s stuff to Karen’s place. She hadn’t thought she owned that much stuff, but apparently, she had been wrong. She had a habit of keeping silly things for nostalgic value. Or, in Matt’s words, “You’re a hoarder! You need help.”
Vivien yawned. It was officially way too late for any normal teen to be up, and after this day she didn’t feel so keen on stopping any crime. She just wanted to curl up in her new bed and go to sleep.
They could have moved her in another day, but Vivien had wanted to do it tonight. She reasoned that if she didn’t do it now, she would lose her nerve. She had also incorrectly presumed she owned fewer things, as previously stated. Mistakes were made.
“I am in physical pain,” Vivien groaned, slumping down on Karen’s couch. “And if I have to put one more thing in a box, I’m going to just start screaming.”
“No more boxing things. Now we just have unboxing. The good news is, we can take our time with the non-essentials. Potentially put them in a storage unit and never let them see the light of day ever again.”
“Oh. That sounds delightful.”
“How does sleep sound?” Karen sat down beside her, long reddish blonde hair spilling over the back of the sofa slightly.
“It sounds good. I love sleeping here because I get to sleep on an actual bed instead of Matt’s couch. But don’t tell him I said that.”
“You know I’m still here, right?”
Vivien cracked an eye open. “I did not know that. Thank you for all of your help Matty. Your couch was very comfortable. I will see you next week for bridge.”
“I don’t even know how to play that game.”
“Neither do I, so we’re on even ground.”
Matt just sighed, holding his arms out for her. Half-reluctant to move, Vivien dragged herself off the couch and ended up in a tight hug from Matt. His arms wrapped around her like an octopus, and she realized he was really going to miss her a second before he said it.
“It won’t be the same without you.”
“Well you’ll still see me on weekends. The only difference will be that we’re in costume. And also fighting for our lives.”
“I don’t suppose I could convince you to quit, could I?” Matt let her go, taking a few steps back.
“Not a chance.”
“That’s kind of what I thought you would say. Be good. Don’t do anything extra stupid.”
“No promises, Murdock.”
“Goodbye, Vivien.”
“Goodbye, Matty.” She smiled softly, waving him off.
Matt headed out the door, and Vivien heaved a sigh.
“I hate goodbyes.”
“Everyone does, I think,” Karen mumbled sleepily.
“K, you can’t sleep on the couch. You’ll mess up your back.”
“I can live with that.”
“Come on.” Vivien tugged at her arm, and Karen whined. “What will get you to move?”
“Tell me about your day at school,” she demanded.
“My day at school?”
“Yes. Responsible guardians generally ask that sort of thing.”
Vivien rolled her eyes. “Yes, I’m aware. It was extremely unremarkable. I did make a friend though so you can be proud of me for that.”
“Oh yeah?” That seemed to catch Karen’s interest, and she opened her eyes, sitting up straight. “Who?”
“You have to get up and go to bed first. Then I’ll tell you. Like a bedtime story.”
“Who’s the guardian here anyway?” Karen complained. Nevertheless, she stood, padding her way into her bedroom and her bed. “Spill.”
“Just some guy on the bus. His name is Hunter. James Hunter.”
“Wait, James Hunter like, almost beat you for top of the class last year James Hunter?” Karen asked.
Vivien’s eyes narrowed. “Yes. I still haven’t forgiven him for that.”
“I know. You still talk about it. You guys are friends now?”
“Well, it’s more like I’m his project. He said he would help me get Brannigan off my back. It’s a friendship of convenience.”
Karen giggled. “So you could say you’re friends with benefits?”
Vivien stared. “You need to go to sleep.”
“Maybe. But I’m not wrong.”
“The benefit is health insurance, Karen. And a 401K.”
“If you say so,” she sing-songed.
Vivien responded by throwing a pillow at her.
“I’m going to bed. I’ll see you when you’re willing to be reasonable.” Vivien started her walk out to the hallway, heading to her own bed.
“Tell me more about your boyfriend tomorrow!”
“He’s not my boyfriend!” The frustrated face plant she did into her pillow might have said otherwise though.
Moving in with Karen was quite possibly a terrible mistake.
10 notes · View notes
South Pole Wedding
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): Avatar: The Last Airbender/Zuko, Aang, Katara
Rating: PG
Original Idea: Nothing in particular. An argument could be made for This Imagine even though it’ll be used in more depth later
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) This one is a doozy. 2,500 words long! Hope you like it! @welovegroot
I shivered, teeth chattering. “W-we do-on’t belo-o-ong h-here,” I managed to get out through my shaking.
Zuko didn’t seem quite as perturbed by the environment as I was. “Really? What gave it away?” he asked with his wry, dry sarcasm.
“We-we’re F-Fireb-benders.” I held myself and tried to keep warm. This was ridiculous. “Wh-why c-c-couldn’t A-Aang ‘n’ K-K-Katara g-get mmmmmarried at the S-Southern Air T-Temple? It’s wwwarmer there.”
Zuko wrapped me up in a hug, pulling his cloak around both of us. There was an amused grin on his face. Didn’t matter that I had the same number of layers on as he did and was also a master Firebender, I couldn’t get warm for some reason. “Better?” he asked. Under his cloak it was comfortably warm and my shivering eased out, teeth ceasing to chatter.
I nodded. “Much,” I said. “How come you and I are wearing almost the same thing but you’re fine and I'm freezing?”
His amused grin widened. He shrugged. “Men tend to be warmer in their limbs. Women in their cores.”
“Rude,” I muttered.
“I'm not meaning to be rude, darling. I'm just saying that’s why I seem warmer.”
I grunted, snuggling against his chest. “Zuko, you’ve been the Fire Lord for almost ten years,” I said. Well, about eight. But whatever. Eight was, by definition, almost ten.
“Yes I have. What’s your point?”
“Do your advisors and whatever keep nagging you to get married and have an heir?”
“Are you asking if it bothers me that Aang is four years younger than me and getting married before I am?” he asked, almost playfully.
“Well… that wasn’t what I was asking but now that you’ve brought it up I want the answer to that too.” I giggled and held him tighter. I felt him chuckle in his chest as his hand cradled the back of my head.
“Yes, my advisors have been talking about it for a while. I’ve gotten pretty good at ignoring them and brushing it off. And no, it doesn’t bother me that Aang is getting married before I am. It’s a bit odd because I still see him as an awkward, irritating twelve-year-old sometimes, but it doesn’t bother me.”
I giggled. “I’ll take your word for it.” A thought struck me, and I started laughing.
“What?” Zuko asked.
“I just imagined your advisors—bunch-a stuffy old nobles telling this young war hero that he needs to settle down and get married while they all turn beet red in frustration at their leader’s blasé refusal.”
That got him to chuckle too. “Yeah it is pretty funny,” he agreed. “They get so huffy about it.” He rubbed my back. “C’mon. I'm going to show you a Firebending trick that’ll keep you warm down here.”
“Oh goody,” I said.
“Katara! Aang!” I shouted when our ship touched down at the Southern Water Tribe. It had grown bigger and more prosperous since the last time I saw it. I ran down the front ramp of the boat and staggered through the snow to reach them. Gosh I hated snow, but it was so good to see our friends again.
The bride- and groom-to-be both whirled around and rushed toward me—and Zuko who was following behind a little slower. They threw me into a double-hug. “It’s so good to see you!” Katara said.
“You too, guys! Gah. I missed you so much!”
“We missed you too,” Aang agreed.
Zuko caught up. “Hey,” he greeted.
“Zuko!” Katara and Aang dragged the hug over to include him too. “How are you buddy?” Aang asked.
“Doin’ alright. Thanks,” Zuko said, a little rigid in the hug.
“I heard you two are together now,” Katara said, releasing us from the hug.
“We… we are,” Zuko agreed. His hand rested on the small of my back.
“How’s that going?” Katara asked.
“Great!” I replied brightly, beaming at them. “So? Excited? Nervous?”
“All the above?” Aang suggested.
The four of us laughed.
“Where’s Sokka?” Zuko asked.
“Trying to wrangle Toph into wearing shoes for the wedding,” Katara answered.
We all snorted.
“Even here? Where there’s very little earth—if any—and it’s coated in freezing-cold snow?” I asked.
Katara shrugged. “You know Toph,” she said.
Yeah. The most stubborn—and powerful—Earthbender on the planet.
“Listen, Katara, Aang, I’m sorry we couldn’t come earlier to help out more—” Zuko began, before getting cut off.
“Don’t be silly,” Katara interrupted. “You have a country to run. And I'm sure this one—” She nudged me with her elbow, hard. “—is busy doing everything she can to help you. We understand that you can’t take that much time out of your lives to come down here. It’s a lot of work.”
“Thank you for understanding,” I said quietly, putting my hand on her arm to get her attention. She gave me a smile.
“Of course,” she said quietly.
“Come on!” Aang said, beckoning us closer to the village—that was really thriving as more than a village now. “Let’s get inside. It’s warmer there!”
Thank the lion-turtles.
Looping my arm through Zuko’s elbow, we followed after Aang and Katara. I glanced over at Zuko. “Remember the first time we came here?” I asked quietly.
He chuckled. “How could I forget?” he replied.
“Prince Zuko, this is a bad idea,” I said from the safe warmth inside the ship.
“NO! That light came from an incredibly powerful source! It MUST be the Avatar!” Zuko retorted.
I sighed. “Alright. If you insist,” I muttered.
“You just hate the cold,” Zuko spat.
I shrugged. Nothing I could say to defend myself that wasn’t a lie. “We’re Firebenders, sire,” I said instead. “We don’t belong in the cold.”
“Keep going. We’re going to capture the Avatar.”
“Yes, sire.”
“Toph! It’s great to see you again! You too, Sokka!” I said when Aang pulled us into a remarkably warm igloo that was two stories high and made of ice.
“Hey guys!” Sokka greeted, throwing me and Zuko into a bone-crushing hug.
“Oh. Hi Sokka,” Zuko ground out through the hug squeezing his lungs.
“Been a while,” I said.
“No kidding!”
I wriggled out of the hug to give Toph one. “Hey Toph,” I said.
“Hey, will you tell this lily-liver I'm not wearing shoes and I don’t care what he says?” Toph snapped.
“Good to see you too. Hey Sokka, Toph says you’re a lily-liver and she’s not wearing shoes no matter what you say,” I said, keeping the same friendly, but sarcastic tone throughout. Zuko escaped Sokka’s hug and stood behind me, putting me between him and Sokka. The two of them had always been close pals since Zuko’s change of heart, but Sokka’s hugs could be intense.
“Thanks,” Sokka said sarcastically. Zuko and I snickered.
“So. Is there anything Zuko and I can do now that we’re here?” I asked Katara.
“We could always use a hand lighting the torches and the fireplace in the great hall where the ceremony’s taking place,” Katara said.
“Right. Because Aang isn’t the Avatar and couldn’t do that,” Sokka muttered under his breath.
“Sokka,” I soothed. “Aang’s the one getting married. He’s busy and stressed. And lighting torches and a fireplace something Zuko and I can do with no problem. Come on, babe.” I grabbed Zuko’s wrist and followed Katara out of the igloo—back out into the freezing cold but Zuko’s Firebending trick worked like a charm—and through the town to the great hall.
“I gotta say, this place has come a long way since the first time I saw it,” Zuko said.
“No kidding,” Katara and I agreed at the same time. We giggled. “Jinx! Jinx again!” We kept laughing all the way to the great hall—which wasn’t terribly far away from the igloo that I assumed was someone’s home.
“Wooow!” I said when we got into the great hall. It was long and tall with torches between the sheer ice windows at regular intervals. “Y’know, I'm a little surprised you’re not getting married in Republic City.”
Katara shrugged. “This is home,” she said.
“I understand that. I always thought that if I got married I’d want to do it in the Fire Nation capital. Home,” I agreed.
“Really?” Zuko asked.
“Well sure,” I agreed. “Hey, babe, how about I get the fireplace and you get the torches. You’re taller and your fire reaches higher.”
His hand rested on the small of my back. “Good idea,” he said before moving to get started. I crossed with Katara to the fireplace. I bent down and aimed my fist at the piled-high fuel.
“So,” Katara said quietly. “What with all this talk of the wedding, when are you and Zuko getting married?”
My fire choked before it even appeared, a trickle of smoke drifting toward the ceiling. “Wha… what?!” I demanded softly. Over her shoulder, Zuko was shooting tongues of flame up to the torches, lighting them without any trouble.
“Well you’ve been together for a while, right?”
“I mean… well… yeah…”
“So? I'm sure he’s under pressure to get married, being the Fire Lord and all. So when’s it happening?”
“I… I don’t think either of us are ready yet,” I said. “I mean, yeah he’s under a lot of pressure from his advisors and court and the nobility and stuff to get married but there’s still so much work to do with Republic City and demilitarizing the Fire Nation and peacekeeping and, heck, just keeping the country running. There’s just no time for a wedding right now. Especially the Fire Lord’s. It’d require so much planning and preparation and it’d take forever and we don’t have a minute to spare yet.”
“Hey, listen. No one’s ever completely ready. Aang and I are both nervous,” Katara said as I dropped back into my stance and hurled a fireball at the fireplace. It caught the fuel and flames roared merrily. “But there’s never a right time. You just have to take the dive. If he asked you, would you say yes?”
“Of course,” I said. “I love him. He knows it. But… ah man.” I ran a hand over the top of my hair, smoothing down flyaways. “We just can’t right now.”
“Well. Maybe this’ll put him in the mood.”
I snorted. “Don’t say that out loud. You might jinx it.”
Katara grinned and giggled.
“What are you two ladies talking about?” Zuko asked as he made it to our side of the great hall. “Ooh. That bonfire feels great. Nice work, darling.”
“Thanks,” I said. He planted a kiss on my temple. “We’re just talking about the wedding.” He moved to light the next torch.
“And when yours might be,” Katara added mischievously.
Zuko’s fire choked the same way mine did. He dropped his fist and turned to stare at her. “What?” he asked.
She shrugged. “I just asked her when you two might follow suit.”
“And I said there’s no time right now,” I put in.
“That’s the truth,” Zuko muttered. “We all knew the end of the war wasn’t going to be easy.” He punched with his other fist, a jet of fire shooting up to the torch and catching it.
“But maybe that’s what the world needs right now,” Katara said.
“Katara,” Zuko said seriously. “The Avatar is getting married today. I think that’ll be enough for a good long while.”
“I'm just saying,” Katara said. She put her hands up and moved to leave the great hall. “See you guys back at the igloo.”
“See ya,” Zuko and I said at the same time.
Zuko sighed and dropped his hands before lighting the last few torches. “Maybe she has a point,” he muttered. “A show of… solidarity. Life in the Fire Nation is still going on as normally as it can—even with the demilitarization and the establishment of Republic City and everything that entails.”
“Zuko,” I said, taking his hand and arm in both of my hands. “Don’t rush into something like that for political reasons. If you want to marry me, make sure it’s for the right reason.”
“Darling, if I wanted to marry you, it’d be for love. I love you. I do. But I can’t always think just about me. There’s going to be a political angle on almost everything I do. It’s just part of being the Fire Lord.”
“I know. But don’t think we have to get married tomorrow because it would look good.”
“No I know. And I don’t think that. But it is something to think about.”
“Wait until you’re ready. Wait until we’re both ready. We’ve been together for nearly a year now, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right time.”
“Is there ever a right time?”
“As the Fire Lord? Maybe.” I brushed my fingers over the sides of his face and into his hair. “It’s a conversation we should have when we get home—or at least back on the ship. We don’t want to sully Aang and Katara’s wedding with our own worries.”
Zuko perked up. “Nope. You’re right. Let’s go.” He held his hand out for me. I took it and together we left the great hall.
The ceremony was great and the party afterwards was fun, and the next morning Aang and Katara had taken off on Appa for a honeymoon and Zuko and I were back on our ship heading home.
We found ourselves in the empty captain’s cabin galley, watching the water out the porthole.
“So I had a thought after Katara and Toph talked to me at the party,” Zuko said.
“Yeah?” I asked. I wondered what was coming. It could have been about maybe getting married, but with Zuko I never knew for certain. His mind was quick and tended to jump around as wildly as mine did. That, and I had no idea what Katara and Toph had talked to him about since I’d been on the other side of the hall talking to Sokka and Suki.
“We’re not ready to get married. Katara mentioned that no one’s ever really ready.”
“But, I can think of nothing better than spending the rest of my life with you,” Zuko said. I liked where he was going, but I stayed quiet to listen to the rest. “So, I was thinking, maybe we could get married next summer solstice? Is that enough time?”
“I… I think we can make it work,” I said. “Whether we and the world are ready or not—when it comes to politics.” I twiddled my thumbs. “If this is your way of proposing, by the way, it’s a little lackluster.”
“Well… I was going to wait till we got back to the Fire Nation and things settled down but… things will never settle down. That’s not how life works. Not ours anyway. So I might as well ask now.” He shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful red box. “Will you marry me on the next summer solstice?” The box opened to reveal a beautiful gold ring with a red stone.
“Of course.” I leaned forward and kissed him.
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earlyq · 6 years
DA Inspired by this piece by @tf-artist-chan​ and this piece by @notzackforwork​, it’s technically still not a late birthday gift if you count some parts of asia. So I’m counting this as on time.
What'll it take for someone to actually transform me? I've been wearing this shirt around town all day! I haven't been approached by witches nor wizards, not so much as even a squib! No hexes! No potions! No accidents! No curses! I'd even walked in on the aftermath of a big buildup of wild magic on a campus, there'd been a big eruption of it just before I got there. Women became men, men turned to statues, the statues transformed into flowers, and the flowers...well, that's better left unsaid. Everything in the general area got hit by the blast, and everyone who did will just deal with it in their own way, it's just a fact of life. Some guy even got transformed into a humongous queen bee, god I wish that were me, but nope! I had to be off by like a minute.
Defeated, I sat down on a bench and let out a long, grunt-like sigh. Trying to get transformed was exhausting, I'd been at this for hours!
What's got ya down? An old man asked, why hadn't I noticed him before I sat here?
Oh, it's this stupid thing I've been trying to do as a birthday present to myself, I even challenged people to do it to me, I gestured towards the big, white letters on my shirt. The old man pulled his reading glasses out and did his best to decipher it, Tee eff me pee ell zed, what does that mean? I'm not a hip and with it young lady like you, you're gonna have to explain it to me more clearly, he requested.
Well, I've been trying to get transformed, TFed if you will. Challenging fate and so on. But either some person had a tainted drink right after me or I missed some huge magical explosion, things like that. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I complained
Maybe you're not supposed to look for it, he suggested, How'd the people in the subway take it?
Subway? It was on campus! I corrected. The man suddenly looked very anxious, like I'd heard something that I wasn't supposed to hear, he began sweating bullets as a loud boom went off in the distance.
Look, I'm sure there's some way to keep this a secret between us, okay? I'll give you one wish, the old man pleaded, this was my chance! You know what I want. Transform me, please! The back of my jorts ripped apart as something burst through the back of them, it even made me lose my balance for a few seconds. I'd grown a big, fat and red lizard tail whose glistening scales were hot to the touch, Now don't go and tell people I suckered you into a bad transformation. In fact, don't tell anyone at all, that one's as good as they come.
Yeah, yeah, thanks, I mumbled back, I wasn't really paying attention to him any more, I got mine and could saunter away with my wish fulfilled.
I kept walking around the city to show off and get used to this new feature of mine. But something on the side of my back didn't feel right, I turned around to look, somehow I'd grown tiny wings and one of them had gotten trapped below the shoulder that my shirt hung off. Actually, my back hadn't looked or felt this scaly either. Oh my gosh, this wasn't just a lizard transformation, I was gonna turn into an actual dragon!
The realization seemed to trigger something new, the changes were coming faster now. Dragon blood was cursing through my veins, at first turning the skin of my hands red, then segmenting that skin into scales. My shoes tore apart in one big rip, revealing feet that grew more clawlike by the second. Then suddenly every color seemed so much more vibrant, something had happened to my eyes, my scales were now giving off a dazzling display of iridescent light!
The heat inside of me grew warmer, it needed fuel, something raw and bloody, meat. Someone had left their kebab rotisserie unattended, or maybe they were still there but as a frog, or maybe a ladle? Either way they wouldn't be able to stop me.
I left with my doner...club? Kebabsicle? No, just meat, then ripped a big chunk of it with my teeth, the cooked meat didn't really taste right right now, but when I buried my fangs into it again I could tell that the meat was uncooked, still raw and tasty. I kept chewing while getting closer and closer to the center, eventually all of it was gone. Wait, wasn't there supposed to be a metal rod somewhere in there?
My wings had grown, and except for my face which somehow hadn't been as touched by my transformation I'd become mostly scaly. I was still hungry but this street vendor had nothing more to offer.
I took to the skies and eventually touched down on a three-story building, then crawled towards the edge of the roof on my front and hind legs, only using the latter like those puny humans at the square would just didn't feel natural any more. It was completely wasteful, how did they even get through their days walking like that all the time? Those tasty morsels should consider themselves lucky that I was still their size and couldn't swallow them whole, I licked my lips with my pointed tounge tounge just thinking about how tasty they'd be. But they weren't the goal right now, the two trailers on the square was.
I spread my wings majestically and let out a bellowing roar to announce my presence and make its people run away before I pounced. To let everyone know that I had nothing to fear before I took their precious food. No, my food by right of might!
I grabbed the street-food trailers and flew away with them, normally they'd be pulled into the squares by car, that fake power and protection that humans used because they weren't strong enough to drag them around themselves. But look at me, I could just snatch them away in passing, shows them.
I dropped one of the trailers onto the new roof that I'd landed on, buckling it down slightly, then landed with the other. I ripped off it's door and that entire wall with my mighty claws, it was nothing more than a tin can lid for me.
The food was stashed away in the farthest end of the trailer. It must've fallen out when it was jostling around in the sky. I shoved everything else out of my way as I walked towards the pile, turning this square tube's other contents into metallic scrap before I could have my meal.
Every sound became more distinct as I ate out of my claw, I could pick out individual footsteps and cries with perfect clarity, even rotor blades. There was a metal sheet in front of me, showing off my reflection. My ears had turned into finlike protrusions and my face was elongating, turning into a maw as the last vestiges of human skin, weakness incarnate, disappeared under my new beautiful scales. My hair was on the floor, replaced by turned back horns and a crest.
I was overwhelmed by the new smells, dizzied for a short moment, but each and every thing in this room was an odor experience, now that I think of it, there was no need for such a short neck either, my tail elongated with it, giving my body new balance as I punched out the other end wall of the trailer.
There was a snap and a few more tearing sounds as I left it, my body had grown larger and my clothes had fallen off to reveal my gold-plated chest and lustrous body, my hair band had fallen to the sides of my head, snapped in twain from the strain. I breathed my flame and obliterated the wrappings, but also slagging the emptied trailer, melting it into a sad heap.
The rotors were closing in and I kept breathing fire to announce my position. Yes, let them come, Britzahn fears none! Your modern weapons and magics bounce off me, everything and everyone in this city is mine! I'm going to rule you all!
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elfenbensord · 6 years
A Penny For Your Thoughts
Imagine 1: A Penny For Your Thoughts
Summary: Moony is hopelessly in love with (Y/N), and she catches him by the fire in the common room.
Pairing: Female!Reader x Young!Remus Lupin
Warnings: Nothing?? It’s Remus? He’s a sweetheart??
Word count: 709 (short one)
Author’s Note: Hello! It me, @ink-stained-imagines. I’m about to re-upload all of my works, so get ready for a GLUMP of old, poor writings!
Credits to me, J K Rowling and Andrew Garfield
Masterlist / Requests
[Written: 25 Oct, Edited: 26 Oct, Published: 26 Oct/28 May-18]
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The crackling of the fire lulled me into a dream-like state, as I was sat on the floor by the fireplace. Gryffindor’s common room was empty – my friends, the infamous James Potter and Sirius Black, as well as Peter, having gone off to bed early. I hadn’t felt like calling it a night quite yet, my thoughts keeping me awake. More specifically, my thoughts of her. Oh Godric, I blushed even as I thought her name! How pathetic, isn’t it? Feel free to laugh – I have, at multiple occasions. She was just… amazing, in every way. Like a fictional character. And Gosh, was she well-written.
My thoughts were shattered apart as the door to the room opened, the very girl previously on my mind walking in. I crooked my neck to get a look at her. “(Y/N)! How did you get in?”
“You know me, I have my ways”, she answered, plopping down beside me on the floor. We became silent for a little while, both of us gazing into the fireplace as the bright flames licked the firewood, slowly turning it into coal. (Y/N) then leaned a little closer, and I could feel how my heart started to desperately pump blood to my cheeks. The circulation system was never in my favour, always getting me all flushed in all sorts of situations.
“A penny for your thoughts.” She smiled sweetly as she looked at me, the fire glistening in her eyes. It was her own fire, the one inside her heart. She was beautiful.
“Please”, I scoffed, trying not to blush too hard. “They’re worth far more than that.”
(Y/N) looked at me with witty eyes, before saying: “Well that’s a shame, I haven’t got more than a penny.” She thought for a minute, before leaning dangerously close. “Or maybe I do.” I breathed out a shaking breath, very well aware that I could smell her perfume. She’d usually lean away in the last moment, but this time she didn’t.
She leaned closer in, starting to close her eyes.
“What are you-?” I didn’t get the chance to question before she pressed her lips against mine in a kiss.
I was shocked,and relieved, and didn’t know how to respond. I’d wanted this – I’d dreamed of it – for so long, and now it was here, and I didn’t even know what to do! I’d only dreamed of it because I never expected it to come true. It’d never crossed my mind to think of what would happened afterward, either. What a fool I am.
The kiss ended as quickly as it’d begun, but my cheeks were noticeably redder than before.
“How about a kiss for your thoughts?” she teased, smiling at my flushed face.
I smiled meekly, “Well, I think you read my mind there.”
“Does this mean…”, I didn’t know how to finish. Still, the sentence was resting on the tip of my tongue, just waiting to get out. I took a deep breath before saying: “Does this mean you’ll be my girl?”
(Y/N) smiled an angel-like smile, her beautiful eyes shining as she looked at me. “Of course, Remus. I’ve always been your girl, you’ve just been too daft to see it.”
I laughed nervously, a new courage filling me as she spoke to me. Taking this newly found bravery, I slowly reached my hand up, brushing a few loose hairs out of her face. Her kind smile lit a fire inside of me, and I wished for nothing more than to fuel it with more of her. She reached forward, catching my lips in another sweet kiss. I was quick to respond this time, and I hungrily kissed her back. She ended up pinned against the floor, as I kissed her lips and hugged her waist.
We sat by on the floor the rest of the night, watching how the fire slowly burnt down and faded away. Together, intertwined fingers and stolen kisses. I played with her hair until she fell asleep, her head resting on my lap. Like we’re fictional, I thought to myself, smiling as I looked at her sleeping form and placed a kiss by her ear. But this reality is so much better.
overlined names means I can’t tag you
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Scarlet in her fairy robes with her familiar Galahad. I love my side characters; they deserve to be useful, chill supports, and love interests <3
Tale 7: Rah Wintersleep and Brōcid (chapter 2. Study Group 2/5 ) part 2. Stories of Fey
The next day at breakfast, Rah said he wanted to pursue magic; And go to school with Amadeus. His mother and aunt were thrilled to hear him take an interest in their line of work. Rah then gave a pointed smile at Gemini. Gemini tried to give a glare to Amadeus, but his son was too busy devouring bacon like a rabid animal.
“Mom, can me and Amadeus go to the library to study? Maybe Scorpio and Scarlet will be there too!” Rah chirped. Their mothers were filled with fancy, that the boys were not only being adamant young wizards, but spending time with girls they approved of. Their mothers said yes before Gemini could object. He nearly spat out his coffee. He was outvoted. Six to one. His wife’s and son’s smiles always counted as an extra vote each.
“We’ll call over Scorpio and Scarlet to pick you up! You can try summoning familiars and maybe get lunch together!” Rah’s mother exclaimed. A deep shadow cast Rah and Amadeus’s faces. They want those girls tagging along to see Morgan. Rah felt dumb for even suggesting it as a cover up.
“Excellent idea!” Gemini added calmly. Now smiling widely reassured his boys wouldn’t be up to mischief.
Rah and Amadeus were greeted an hour later at the Rosethorn manor’s pearl gate. The bars where nacre roses, while the walls and building itself were black. Gemini dug up the fairy robes his brother was supposed to inherit, and gave them to Rah. A boy should be well dressed in magic armor for a magic double date. Amadeus was also asked to put on his. His new harness went through all his clothing like it was intangible; and thus, always visible. When Scarlet and Scorpio arrived, it seemed all four of them were adorned in enchanted uniforms. Scorpio and Scarlet’s parents must have had the same idea. Galahad, Scarlet’s dalmatian familiar, also had a fancy collar.
“What’s up?” Scarlet asked. Rah and Amadeus looked tense.
“We’re actually going to the tower, to see Morgan; Who is like the King Mage, because Amadeus think’s I’m a mage too.” Rah blurted.
“Yes. My inner fey senses, indicate Rah might explode. I’m concerned.” Amadeus said blankly.
“Thank goodness. I thought your mom was setting us up on a double date or something. I’m in.” Scorpio sighed.
Scorpio was in the house Knightheart; A monkey magic house form The South Central. Her robes were a lovely rich salmon silk, embellished in silver, with matching spear and hair clips for her dark red hair. They matched her eyes. She had healed from going dark a few months back, enraged by a boy whistled at her. Scarlet intervened, and also had magic overflow through her, resulting in said healing. Scorpio was not just a childhood friend, but in Amadeus’s paladin program and professional faux love-interest for Rah; He never looked twice at her. Unlike Amadeus, who stared into Scarlet the who bike ride to the tower.
“But what if I do want to date Scarlet?” He said approaching the gate. Enfeyment must have also meant loss of tact and foresight. Or maybe he was just a nervous fifteen-year-old boy who suffered from Freudian slips. Scarlet blushed from the discomfort of the announcement. She returned his affections, but wasn’t ready to say it. No time like the present.
“Cool. Let’s get ice-cream later.” She shrugged, tucking her black and indigo waves from her face. Her heterochromia was magenta-cyan now; enhanced by her golden complexation. As they arrived, Scarlet’s skirt got caught in the bike gears, nearly ripping the black and indigo glittering bodice, gloves, and boots. She could be described as a classy lady, that glittered like black diamonds of the night sky, falling into a ditch.
The gate is entrancing the first time anyone visited it. They could feel the Shadow Veil within, like a deep breath and whisper through the leaves. The warm hug of the sunlight spotting through the branches. The smell of rich herbs and moist earth. Indulging their senses, they made it slowly to the front of the central tower. Morgan was arguing with the trees. There were twin Teralith Trees standing over the main entrance, with pearly bark and crystal leaves. One had the voice of a young lady and the other a young man. Amadeus, accustomed to floral banter, intently listened.
“I asked nice! Now give me the peaches for the unicorns, Pam!” Morgan yelled at the female tree.
“Oh gosh, he wants my virgin princess peaches, twin brother!” Pam gasped sarcastically.
“How dare you. Muncle Morgan.” The boy tree responded chuckling
“Muncle?” Rah whispered to Amadeus.
 “Mage-uncle, purhaps? Because the Beast Kings see Morgan as a brother, and thus the fey perceive him as an uncle? Rah, their fey; It’s better not to ask.” Amadeus answered shrugged.
“Next he’ll climb you, before making you into a boat, Bea.” Pam nabbed.
“That’s only because my wood is so hard. So hard it has stood strong for many years. I would make a fine paddle for any man.” Bea laughed. Scorpio and Scarlet joined the laughter, leading Morgan to notice them. He turned as red as a firetruck.
“Watch out girls, he’s pining for peaches.” Bea teased.
“And my brother’s hard wood apparently.” his sister chuckled.
“So hard. So strong.” Bea added in a fake deep sensual voice.
“Oh, this is Pam and Bea; Teralith Trees. The tree kingdom’s children, though generous, are also complete jerks and perverts; Their older siblings more so, apparently. Maybe being half-human like all royal fey, means they know malice. No one talks about magical plants being sentient often enough.” Morgan started.
“My tax-bracket says otherwise.” Amadeus laughed. “Wait, you’ve told me of these two. They have a bid to see who can be rooted the longest without turning human. Right? Caught a brief exchange one night when I visited. I guess this means you two prefer to watch!” He prompted. Pam’s laughter bubbled, as her leaves ruffled. Amadeus’s joke was so unfunny, she fell into human form. No longer a pale birch with sparkling golden glass leaves, but curvy woman with a golden crown of flowers on her messy weaved hair. She was barely able to catch her breath rolling on the dirt.
“You mages can have all my soft, fuzzy, pink peaches now; To think my little siblings at Rosethorn Manor said Amadeus was funny.”
“I win the bet!” Bea yelled skipping up into a boy. He was thin and white head to toes, with a flower crown like his twin. Bea was cheering in glee at his sister’s misfortune. They admittedly had forgotten what they had bet for.
“Well, I guess that confirms Rah’s a mage.” Morgan smiled. Scorpio then paused while the crew was chortling with the trees; who had started to wrestle in their human forms.
“Wait, Pam said ‘You mages.’ Like me and Scarlet too? Does this place just attract mage!?!?” Scorpio yelled.
This changed everything. Feeling rebellious against a controlling home lives, Scorpio, Scarlet, Amadeus, and Rah, took to Morgan and the fey with much joy. Sentient trees? Say no more. Soon they met afterschool, to study magery with Morgan; His girlfriend Emilia and cousin Regina even joined. Reggie, was also newly embracing magic. She wanted to be a warlock, and make flaming swords. Scorpio was now conflicted on weather she should wield blades or make them. Morgan had that effect. He would answer a small question about the mystical, with an enchanting encyclopedic answer. His adoration of magic and dorky mannerisms made it all so contagious.
Scorpio now spent hours in shop class with Reggie. Scarlet, one the other hand, was learning new healing magic from Morgan’s translated mage journals. What she was getting in school was good, but the fact she might be able to access even better medicinal spells, meant she could be and even better heartman. However, Rah had decided he wanted to be a charmer: A mage that castes spells with song and dance. He wanted to keep singing and healing Rosethorn gardens.
As the month went, Morgan began to notice every time Rah was on the gate. He was bonded to the tower, and felt it’s inhabitants. Morgan too, could feel the pressure of ether inside Rah; like a whirling fog in his head. It even clouded his perception of what fey lived on the gate. Morgan and Amadeus began sharing worried glances when around Rah. They wanted to act quickly, but had trouble finding any answers in Morgan’s restored records. The rest of the group, including Rah, remained happily ignorant of the fact he was a volcano about to erupt. Spending all their time in an illegal study group, turned out to be an excellent way for these teens to procrastinate telling loved ones they contain wondrous napalm.
0 notes
ask-thegoatbro · 7 years
Training with Father.
Today was the day that his father had promised him he would teach his son on how to do the family's unique fire magic. Asriel enters his father's garden and across from him was his father who looked worried about his son learning such magic that requires such responsibility. His father spoke first.
“Asriel, I want to make sure. Do you really want to learn? Do you think you can handle what I am prepared to teach you, my son?”
Asriel nods. “Yes, dad. One day, I want to be able to fight for good, to fight to protect those I love and make everyone happy.”
He said as his grey eyes with its shine look towards his father expression shifted to a small smile.
“Your words make me confident that you will make the right choices with this power. Gosh, it reminds me when I was your age Asriel.” Asgore let out a soft laughter while his son was surprised.
“What do you mean, dad?” Asriel asked as curiosity gets to him.
“I wanted to learn from my father this important ability. There was no sign of war during my younger days but as being a single child. I wanted to protect a young human I befriended long ago. Like you, I found them and help them when they needed it. We became close friends. Golly... It truly felt like it been a millennia perhaps longer.” Asgore said as he looked down, lamenting.
Asriel easily could read into his father's expression that something was wrong.  “Dad?”
“Yes, Asriel?”
“What's wrong?”
“It's nothing.”
“You can tell me, dad.”
“Asriel... You do not need me to tell you of such things.”
“B-but, dad looks so sad...”
“...Let's just say. When the war started, I was only able to see them one more time... After that, many monsters have fallen quickly and we were forced underground. That's all.” His head turns to his side slightly.
“That's all...?” His son asked with a soft tone.
“...That's all.” Asgore walks up to his son and pets him on the head gently. “I'm surprised you are wanting to hear such boring things Asriel.  Are you sure you're still a child?” His father laughs as Asriel hides his nervousness. He won't call himself a kid anymore after how much timelines he had experiences as Flowey and remembering all of them.
“Golly, that's silly to say dad~! I just saw how sad you looked and I got all worried.” He spoke as he kept his composure.
“Of course, I am being silly thinking of such thing. Now,  Asriel before you are taught you need to learn the most important aspects of our ability.”
Asgore steps back and brings one of his paws out, having it open as a small flame hovers above it. “My son, fire is not based on pure will or magic but emotion. That is what fuels it.”
Asriel blinks a few times at his father's words. “Emotion?”
His father nods his head gently. “Yes, the stronger the emotion the stronger the flame you are able to create.” Suddenly the flame size increases. “I imagine myself protecting those I love, thinking them as if they were in danger to allow my emotions to fuel the fire so that I may make the flame bigger but I kept calm as if you lose control with your emotions. It may be too much, unless... you can handle it. But, right now we need to awaken that power and to do that...”
His father closes his paw and left the room with Asriel watching him. His father shortly came back with a metal tray holding onto an air pot filled with a kind of tea with the scent it gave off. It wasn't golden flower tea as that would be after he and Chara have died. The smell was familiar to his mother's pie.
“Your mother is such a smart woman. Being able to make the taste of her pie into tea. I asked her if she could make such a tea for this moment. Would you like some Asriel?” He said with such a jolly smile and voice.
“Tea?” Asriel said as he was confounded.
“Yes, tea.” Asgore said as he places the tea carefully on the throne's seat.
“Gosh, ah... Okay, I could use something to drink.” Asriel's response made his father happy as he pours some tea into one of the tea cups and passes it to Asriel.
“Careful, it's hot Asriel.” Asgore continues smiling towards his son who tried to drink the tea.
“Ow!” Asriel yelps as he spits out some of the hot tea from his mouth. His dad kneels down with a concerned look. “Are you okay, Asriel?” “Y-yeah...” “I did tell you the tea was hot. You mustn't be so impatient, son. Blow on the tea calmly and then drink it.” His father told him in a calm manner while Asriel listens to him. Waiting a couple of seconds and blowing on the hot tea. Then he gave it a small sip this time without the tea burning him and allowing him to enjoy the warm taste of the tea.
“Oh... It's good.” Asriel said as Asgore drink his tea.
“Your mother did made it. But, don't you feel your mind being more at peace.”
“I... I do.”
“Good, you see Asriel. Having a calm mind is key when using such an ability. Yes, your emotions may fuel the flame. But if you don't control yourself then you may do something with it you may regret. But...” His father looks at him with a smile. “I believe that you won't have that kind of thing happening to you Asriel. You are a good boy after all.”
“Dad... Right! I'm a good boy~!” Asriel could felt a sharp pain inside him with his father words. It was the guilt of knowing he had betrayed his father's feelings as he knew full well that he himself has done things he truly regrets.
Soon enough Asriel and his father finish up their tea. Asgore puts the empty cups away and had him and his son stand face to face. “Now, Asriel. Hold out your paw” Asriel puts out one of his paws and opens it “My son, take a deep breath” His son takes a deep breath as he closes his eyes “Think about your motivations, think about what brought you to this point and use those emotions that bring you to help light the fire inside you.” Asriel begins to go thought all he remembers, why he must continue to do this. But as he digs deeper and deeper his breathing starts getting faster. His other paw clenching into a fist as he felt strong emotions overcoming him. What he had to go through, what Chara has done and truly what he did and what he wants to do for everyone. It's getting more and more overcoming as he started to feel sad about those he had hurt, how much sorrow everyone has been though, throughout all the different timelines and how angry he is to himself on what he.... he... had done. His father notices his son's paw becoming into a fist and then suddenly a large flame appear above his son's paw... ...But... ...the flame was too big. Asriel's eyes open wide as the heat from the flame was affecting him. He heard his father yell out his son's name. “Asriel, my son! Your emotion of anger and sadness is too much!” “My anger and sadness?” “That is right! Those powerful emotions that invoke the flame inside you. It would seem you bear those emotions deeply.” “It's hot... it's too hot... I.. I can't move it...” “That's because you lost your ability to stay calm, you are over thinking of your situation my son! You are allowing your sadness and anger to consume you!” “What... What should I do... dad.” “Think my son! If Sadness and anger are to make the flames grow what may quell those powerful emotions...” Asriel wasn't stupid, the opposite of anger and sadness was happiness and serenity. To think of what makes him happy and calm. There was what he remembers the love that his mother and father gives him, all the good times before all of this that he held with Chara and the calmness of being at the memorial statue... ...And as he thinks those positive thoughts. The flame began to become smaller and smaller until it was a small speck that hovers over his paw. “I...” “I knew you could do it, Asriel. But, you have not yet perfected it yet of course. It will be some time until you can really control and use fire magic properly. But, I believe you will be a great user once you reach that point. Perhaps greater than your old man.” Asgore let out a hearty laughter. “Dad? I need to ask... when will I be able to form weapons, like your trident?” “Hmm? That is a much longer way. You just have to find that on your own Asriel. Though...” His father took a few steps towards him with a wondering look. “Though, Asriel... how did you have such strong emotions to invoke such a strong flame. You are only a child and you have not gone through much. Yet, it was as if you were an adult who had known the hardship of the world itself...” “Ah... Well, you... you... y-you see dad-...” Then, a different voice was heard. A voice that held such a sinister tone. “Time's up, Asriel.”
Suddenly he saw the painful yet surprised expression of his father as he saw a knife go right through his body and then the knife which was easily taking right though. The king was injured yet was still alive turns his body around to see it was their adopted child. 
“Chara... You...? You were supposed to be... the hopes of all monsters-” And before he was able to continue speaking Chara strike at his body with a mighty slash, his father kneeling down and soon... was turned into only dust. Asriel was now looking face to face with his best friend. “Chara...” “Asriel.” “...Why?” “Your time was up. I had to cut it short. After all, you would have told Mr. dad guy, wouldn't you? He held suspicions and we couldn't have that now could we?” They smile with such a wide grin on their face and their red eyes staring at the goat, but they notice the speck of flame hovering above his paw getting slightly bigger. “...And mom?” “She was the first one or that would be too sloppy of me” “Why are you doing this, Chara?!” “I'm not going give you the answer, Asriel. So I recommend you stop asking.” “You keep killing mom, you keep killing dad!” “Wouldn't those same words apply to you as well?” “Ah...” “Asriel, Asriel...  You aren't as 'good' as you put yourself. Your silliness for redemption is such a fool's wish when you had done something like this. Experimenting the timelines and seeing what happens. Isn't that what you did? No need to tell me... It's a yes, I know.”
Chara could see their 'best friend' biting his lower lip with his fang.
“Aww, what's wrong Asriel. Did I tug on a string this time?” The flame grew in size in his paw, if he doesn't do anything it will continue to grow and it will burn him to a crisp. Maybe, if he focuses on who he wants to target it will go right at them. But, could he do it.... Chara crosses their arms watching the scene, one of their hands holding onto the monster dust covered knife. “You seemed to be getting hot, please... just do me the favor and light yourself on fire and turn only to burnt dust.” The fire grew once more, he had to focus... if he focuses those emotions onto Chara perhaps it will go strike at them. “Ah, Asriel. I suppose it was nice knowing you. Thank you for saving me the trouble.” They turned around and start walking but as they were close to the doorway. They felt a sudden heat coming right at them and instinctively dodge. “You little snea-” They notice a small part of their arm was getting hot and as they look over their sleeve was on fire. A small laughter was heard as they turned around. They could see the anger and sadness in his grey mature shine-less eyes “So, you got somewhat a fight in you again? You must be thinking in that small monster brain of yours. 'Oh, I can fight and beat Chara now, haha~' now my answer to that is.” Suddenly in demonic speed of theirs, they dash right at Asriel as a knife went right through his chest and the fire was put out from their dash. A pained groan escaped from the goat as his best friend spoke up. “You're not good enough yet.” They could hear him mutter “Just finish it...” “...I'll do you a little favor.” “A favor? What are you planning?!” “Tsk, tsk. Me? Planning? I'm just here to give you a little reward for that little attempt. It was a surprise. So, let me tell you a little something.” “The reason for all of this?” “Don't get ahead of yourself.” They dig the knife deeper in him. “Now, I want you to think. What do you know of Frisk?” “Frisk? More than you! Y-you just used them for their SOUL and made them do all of that awful-” “Did I? Asriel, how can you be so willing to think of Frisk of being someone of such goodwill?” “What do you mean?” “Didn't you think of I as someone so wonderful? Now think how I turned out to be.” “W-what are you saying?” “I'm saying, there's so little that you know of Frisk. Now, that is all... Goodnight Asriel.” With sheer strength, they move their knife upwards until it came out right in the middle of his head... making the goat be slightly open in half and soon turned into just dust. ASRIEL HAS DIED! THE TIMELINE WILL RESET SHORTLY! ASRIEL HAS LEARNED HOW TO DO FIRE MAGIC, BUT STILL HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO CONTROL IT BETTER!
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singinspace · 7 years
Space is Big for A Koala Ch 1
First chapter. Set under a read more cuz its long. Super long.
Most stories begin at the end of another story. Not this one. This one begins at the beginning of the last story. A story that is worth mentioning since this one wouldn’t be here without that one.
Now this story starts when a six year old koala met his first babysitter.
“Dad, I don’t need a babysitter!” the young koala cried clinging to his father’s leg.
“Buster I can’t take you with me,” The taller koala said struggling to unlatch the kid from his leg. “Besides you will like Ms. Crawley. She’s a sweet lady.” he pulled the boy off his leg as the bell rang. “Ah, there she is now.”
Buster sat on the floor and pouted. He didn’t need a babysitter. He was old enough to take care of himself. He watched his dad open the door revealing a tall lizard.
“Hello Ms. Crawley.” his dad stepped aside to let her in. “Everything you need to know is on the fridge.” They exchanged a look, which could of foreshadowed a few things in the future, before he left the house.
Ms Crawley turned her attention to him. Buster almost freaked seeing her glass eye. How in the world did she get that? He didn’t want to know. “What do you want to do, young man?” She asked in a gentle voice.
Buster rolled his blue eyes. “Whatever.”
The sweet lizard frowns. How can she take care of this kid when he is so stubborn. Maybe it was best she got to know him. She sat down on the floor in front of him. His eyes drifted to his hands. “What do you like?”
The cub looked up at her a bit confused. He hesitated before answering. “The stars.”
The cub hesitated again. What was she planning? “I like looking up at them knowing there is so much out there. My favorite star is the moon.”
“The moon isn’t a star.”
“What?” the cub looked like she just blew his little mind.
She chuckled. “The moon is like a small planet.”
“Really? Wow. I want to go to the moon.”
“You will if you just believe.”
And that day a dream was planted inside Buster. A dream he spent every day nourishing. When he hit fifteen, he had the brightest mind of a young sophomore.
But things quickly changed.
For the better of course.
“Buster,” his dad fidgeted nervously. “How do I look?” he straightened his bow tie and looked at himself in the mirror. “Is my fur messed up?”
“Dad you look fine.” the teen said rolling his eyes. “I don’t get why you’re stressing over your look.”
His dad smiled sadly. “I will tell you later.”
When Ms. Crawley arrived in a pretty dress Buster knew something was up. His dad lead her to the couch but they didn’t sit. They just stared at each other. Buster watched from the doorway.
His dad sighed. “Come here Buster.” The teen’s ears perked before he sheepishly walked into the room. “Buster,” his dad smiled nervously at him. “You’ve lived without your mother for so long,”
Buster looked up at him in shock. What? Why would he even say- He saw Ms. Crawley smiling sadly and it clicked like puzzle pieces.
“And now,” he turned back to Ms. Crawley. “I will give you a new one.” her eyes widened as he got on one knee. “Crawley, my angel, will you marry me?”
The lizard burst into tears and tackled him. The old koala laughed and hugged her. Buster sat down on the couch as tears started to fall. He brought his knees to his chest as a sob escaped.
“Buster?” his dad asked, voice full of worry. Ms. Crawley was off the old bear and by the teen’s side in an instant. “Are you okay?” she asked reaching out to him.
He jumped into her arms and cried out, “I’m so happy you’re my mom!” The lizard’s smile grew and she hugged him tight. “I always will be.”
And that was the truth. She was the best mom he ever had. She was the reason he had everything; his money; his company. But that's getting a bit carried away. How did he get the money and his company?
He made the greatest invention of all time.
Buster fidgeted in the waiting room. He held a briefcase on his lap which he kept opening to see if they were still in there. He checked his watch. It’s felt like hours since he got there.
Suddenly the door to an office, more like a prison, opened up and out stepped a tall bunny. “Mr. Moon,” she said somewhat rudely. “Nana Noodleman will see you.”
Buster gulped as he stood up. This was it. The moment he prepared his whole life for. Buster Moon, you are about to make history. He walked past the bunny rather quickly and found himself faced to face with a black sheep that only had one expression: anger. She waved her hoof at a seat. He swiftly obliged.
“You say you have come up with a new rocket?” she asked looking in a folder. Unknown to the koala it was his records. She looked under a page and frowned.
“Yes, that’s right.” he reached for his briefcase. “I have the blueprints right-”
“Do you know my grandson?”
Buster’s head snapped up. “What?”
“Do you know my grandson? Answer me Moon.”
Buster nodded. “W-we went to the same college.”
“I see.” she closed the folder harshly. “Do you think I will just buy your product ‘cause you flock with my grandson?”
“N-no. Of course not. That’s not how business works.”
She raised an eyebrow. “If that’s so, then show me your product.”
Buster grinned at her and pulled out a blueprint too big for the koala. He carefully laid it on her desk and spread it out. “This is the Rocket X27.” he said gesturing to the name. Nana quickly shooed him away and bent down to study the design.
He watched her nervously. He started to fidget when she bit her lip like she was thinking. Then her eyes widened and she looked up at him. “Did… Did you change the fueling system so their is a less chance of leakage and explosion?” she seemed to tear up on the last word.
Buster nodded. “I moved the-”
“I see what you’ve done.” the sheep cut him off and reached over for her checkbook. “I will buy your plans.”
“Oh thank you!” Buster jumped up to shake her hoof. “This thousand dollars will-”
“A thousand dollars?” she let out a mighty laugh. “No boy, I’m giving you a million dollars.”
Buster’s ears perked and his mouth dropped open. “A-a million dollars?”
“Yes,” he watched her sign a check. She held it out to him and he instantly snatched it. She raised an eyebrow but said nothing. “You know what you did, Mr. Moon?” she folded her hands on her desk and leaned foreward.
She grinned. “You just made going to the moon possible!” Buster eyes lit up and he stared at her in pure amazement and excitement. “But,” his demeanor changed instantly. He waited for the bad news that would never come. “This rocket has never been tested before. You surely know the risk. We don’t want another… incident.”
Buster knew pretty well what she was talking about. When he was ten the first rocket to the moon was about to fly. He sat on his dad’s lap, since he was so excited, and held hands with Ms. Crawley. The fiery propulsion started. The crowds cheered.
And then it happened.
The rocket caught fire. It burned like a dying flame. A loud crackle was heard and it exploded.
It broke Buster’s heart. He covered his eyes begging for it to be a nightmare and not real. He felt the tears start to fall and four arms wrapping around him. He leaned into their touches and let the tears flow.
He sobbed hard for a few hours before he recovered. He looked up at Ms. Crawley with red and tired eyes. “Will we ever go to the moon?”
“I don’t know.” she looked away. “I don’t think Ms. Noodleman will fund another rocket after that.”
She sighed. “Her husband was on the rocket.”
“Oh…” Buster looked down at his paws.
“Buster, I’m sure with a mind like yours will create a safer rocket.”
And here he was sitting in Nana’s office selling that rocket.
“Moon, the risk is too great to send another great astronaut up.” Nana said bringing him back to reality.
Buster looked down at his paws like he did back when he was a child. It hit him hard. He knew what he had to do. He looked up at her, his eyes full of hope. “I will do it. I will go to the moon.”
Nana’s eyes widen. “Are you sure?”
And he took the news home to his parents. “Mom, dad! I did it!” he raced inside shouting with the check held above his head. “She bought it!”
His dad and mom came racing into the room excited. His dad hugged him tight. “I’m so proud of you son!” he cried kissing his forehead.
His mom gently pulled the check from his paws so he doesn’t crumple it in his excitement. She looked down at it and all of the color seemed to drain from her face. “Oh my gosh.”
“What is it?” his dad pulled away and looked over her shoulder at it. His eyes widened. “She gave you a million dollars?” Buster nodded excitedly.
“I always knew you were smart.” his mom whispered.
“Isn’t this great?” the young adult threw his hands up. “We can get a new house, and get that car you always wanted right dad?”
His hands fell, and his expression was as if he just saw his dreams get crushed. “What?”
“Buster,” his dad said putting his hands on his shoulders. “I want you to use that money to follow your dreams all the way to the stars-”
“But don’t forget to make a stop at Mars.” he finished as he frowned. “I know, but I’m already following my dream.”
“What do you mean?” his mom asked, worry clearly seen on her face.
“I’m going to the moon!” Buster cried, throwing his hands in the air once again.
“No.” his mother and father said in unison. “Son, you remember what happened.” his dad stepped forward. “I don’t want that happening to you.” his mother nodded.
Buster sighed. “Dad,” his shoulders sagged and his hands came down like they were suddenly heavy. “I have to do this.”
“You don’t son. My answer is no.” he turns to walk away but what Buster says next stops him in his tracks.
“What if someone gets in my rocket and it blows up? I wouldn’t be able to live knowing that someone was killed by my mistake. Not yours, not Nana’s. Mine. Now, god so help me if you don’t let me do this, I will talk on my old flip phone by a gas station!”
His dad’s shoulders sagged and he took off his glasses to wipe them on his shirt. “Son,” he turned to him, eyes full of tears. “You’re twenty years old. You are an adult. I can’t stop you from making this choice-”
“But, you have to promise me something.”
“You will use this money,” he held out the check to him. “To start Moon inc. like we’ve always talked about.”
Buster hugged his dad with all his might.
In a year he had it: Moon inc. It started small. Just a few big machines making rocket parts for Nana. He was getting lots of money for each of them. He was surviving.
One day as he was walking among his workers he noticed a young gorilla, one whom seemed to only just hit eighteen. “Kid, what is your name?”
“Johnny sir.” The kid answered politely in the prettiest british accent he ever heard.
“And why are are you working in dangerous rocket engines, Johnny?”
“Um, it pays well.” the kid couldn’t even hide the lie in his voice.
Buster shook a finger at him. “Uh uh, not going to work buddy. What is the real reason?” The kid sighed and rubbed his greasy palms on his gray jumpsuit. “My dad is in jail and I need money for his bail.”
Buster ignored the rhyme and sighed. “Johnny, kid, you don’t have to work here for the money.”
“But Mr. Moon,” the kid said making Buster flinch. “I love rockets. I made one when I was twelve. Please let me stay.”
Buster paused to think. This kid could get seriously hurt. But he was a big help, literally. He looked up at the kid’s pleading eyes. He sighed. “Alright, but only on one condition.”
“Call me Buster.”
A month later as he was walking Johnny home, since he was worried the kid would be jumped by opposing gangs, when he noticed something odd; a young female porcupine was being pursued by another one. A male one.
“Ash?” Johnny watched her run into an alley. He turned to the one following her. “Is that… Lance? Oh hell no.” Buster’s eyes widened. That was the first time he heard the boy curse. “Come, on Buster. I’m not letting that asshole hurt her!” he ran across the street with the poor Koala following after.
Johnny pushed against the brick wall and peeked into the alleyway. He frowned. Lance, the boy, had the other pushed against the wall. He growled.
Buster was pressed against the boy’s legs. He peeked around the corner just in time to see the boy porcupine real back his arm and punch the poor girl.
Johnny nearly tripped Buster as he turned the corner and raced into the alley. He shoved Lance against the wall ready to break every bone in the guy’s body if given the word. Buster raced to the girl and tried to help her stand. She sank to the floor in his arms.
She looked up at him, her good eye squinting. “Dad?”
“Yes, it’s dad.” he kissed her forehead to calm her. “I’m here and everything will be fine.” she leaned up into him. He froze. What was she doing? She started crying into his suit. Poor girl. He wrapped his arms around her; the only gesture he knew would help.
Johnny turned to look at the scene. She was really crying hard. He dropped Lance like he was trash and wrapped his arms around the two. The girl, Ash, pulled away to look up at the gorilla. “Johnny?” she turned to the man she had her face buried into. She paused looking at him quizzically. “Are you really my dad?” he opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off with a hug. “Who cares? You are now!”
He wrapped his arms around her once again and buried his face into her pretty but dangerous quills. “Yeah. Ow.” He pulled away with a quill stuck in his chin. That definitely ruined the moment.
A week later Buster’s new daughter moved from her abusive boyfriend’s house to his. When she arrived it was a bit awkward.
“Um, mom, dad, this is my daughter.” he gestured to Ash in her cute black dress. She thought it was best to make a good impression so she dressed out.
“Your daughter?” his dad echoed staring at her.
His mom instantly rushes to help her new granddaughter bring her stuff in.
Buster rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. “It’s a long story.”
“I have time Buster.” his dad says tapping his foot and crossing his arms.
“Um… well-”
Ash swiftly jumps into the discussion. “I’m his adoptive daughter. He saved me from my abusive boyfriend.” she pointed to the remains of her black eye.
His mom’s eyes grew wide and she stared at him in awe. “You did that?” he nodded sheepishly.
“The whole week we discussed where I should stay to get away from him.” she smiles warmly at her dad. “He was the one that decided I should stay with him.”
Buster blushes in embarrassment and looks over at his dad. To his surprise, his dad was smiling at him. “Your daughter is welcome.” he smiled and started to walk past him but was stopped. “I’m proud of you son.”
Buster was so glad to hear that.
Within a year his company grew bigger to include a mission control for when he will go into space, a larger factory, and a launch area. He was proud of the company he created.
Buster sat in his office signing papers and deciding whether or not to name the rocket after his dad. His ears perked as his intercom came to life with the voice of his best friend and secretary, Eddie. “Hey Buster, a little-” “I’m not little wool!” “-mouse is here to see you.”
The koala sighed. “Send him in.” he expected a chihuahua, since that voice was so tough, to walk in but not a mouse. The mouse marched right up to the desk and scaled it.
When he was at the top he held up a newspaper cut out. “I saw your ad in the paper bud.” he pointed at Buster fiercely. “I want the job.”
“Look, shortie-” the mouse scowled. “You’re dressed in a nice suit. Why would you want to work in Mission Control?” the mouse opened his mouth to say a sassy comeback. “And don’t lie. I know you’re a liar.” he leaned back in his chair. “And a cheater.”
The mouse’s cool demeanor breaks and he looks around panically. He sighs seeing no danger and turns back to the smug yet worried koala. “Ok. Um, my name is Mike.” the koala rolls his eyes. “And I cheated some bears in poker.” Buster sits back up, interested now. “And I need this job to pay them back or they will kill me!”
Buster sighs. “Look, Mike, I can’t let an inexperienced-” Mike simply pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to him. Buster unfolded it and his cheeks turned bright red. “M-Mike, I barely know you.”
“What are you talking about fuzzy?” Buster simply shows the paper to Mike. It said ‘I love you.’ The mouse quickly snatched it back and after folding it he tucked in back in his jacket. “That was for Diana.”
Buster’s eyes widened. Diana? The famous female mouse astronaut? The one that currently works in- He chuckles. “It’s okay. It happens.”
Mike pulls out another piece of paper, one that is cleanly folded. “This should get me the job.” Buster snickered as he unfolded it. His eyes widened.
“You went to Freedom of the Stars University? For four years? I only went there for two!” he handed the paper back and regained his coolness. “You have the job. Seat B4 row 8.”
Mike grinned and jumped off the desk onto the client chair and onto the floor. He sauntered out. When the door closed Buster pushed the button on his intercom. “Eddie, what seat in MC does Diana have?”
“A5 row 3. Why?” his voice changed like he had furrowed his eyebrows. Buster could tell. Call it… annoyed-Eddie instinct. “What are you planning?”
“Switch A5 row 3 with B3 row 8.”
There was the sound clicking then a pause as if Eddie might have just realized something. “You sly koala.” Buster grinned. “How about we go out tonight?”
The koala frowned. “Eddie I have work to do.”
“Come on Bus’, you’ve been stuck in there for too long.” he pleaded. It was just like Eddie to try and get Buster to just breathe for a bit, to have fun and relax. “Norman knows this guy who is going to have a cool party.”
“Norman?” he paused trying to remember who that was. It hit him like a bunch of kids. “You mean the guy with twenty-five kids?”
“I don’t know Eddie.” he looked down at his paws. “I haven’t been around people much.”
“Come on. It will be fun.” he sighed. “Do it for me.”
Buster sighed in defeat. “Alright but if I feel uncomfortable we’re leaving.”
“Terms accepted.”
Buster sifted through the clothes in his closet. “I can’t wear this! I look like a dork.” he holds up a white button up shirt.
Ash, sitting on the edge of his bed, rolled her eyes. “You wear that everyday.”
“But I have to look good. This is my first party.”
Ash laughs but the look from her dad tells her otherwise. “Wait. You’re serious?”
“I was too busy making my dream a reality.” he picked up a blue sweater and smiled. He put it aside. “Besides I had no friends. I was just the kooky koala who wants to go to the moon.”
“Dad, you have Eddie.”
“I met him in college before we dropped out.”
“You dropped out?”
“I had all the knowledge I needed. And I already sold my rocket plans to Nana.” he frowned at a pair of blue jeans. “So I told Eddie I was dropping out and he followed me. I don’t know why.”
“I do.” Ash mumbled.
“I said, what is that?” she pointed to a blue jacket on the floor of the closet.
“Oh. This?” he picked it up and his eyes widened. “Eddie got this custom made for me when I started the company.” he put it on over his white tank top and zipped it up. He turned to face her revealing ‘Moon’ written across the front.
“You have to wear that.”
He looked down at it. “Are you sure?” he turned around to find a better shirt but froze seeing some dark blue jeans. He picked them up and frowned at the very visible stain. “Is the stain easy to see?” he asked showing them to her.
“Yeah, but you could act like it's on purpose. Who knows, you might start a trend.”
Buster grinned and yanked them on. He paused as something dawned on him. “Why are you in here?! I’m changing! Out!” Ash raced out of the room laughing like crazy. He blushed bright red. What have I raised?
Buster stood in the passenger seat and checked out the house they were at. Disco lights were coming out of the windows and you could see the outlines of the people dancing. Not many were there thank goodness. But he still felt nervous. It was his first party.
“What if no one likes me? What if they dump their garbage on me like I’m a trashcan?”
Eddie sighed. “Buster come on. Who would do that?”
“Exactly, no one.” he patted his best friend’s back. “Just stick by me and everything will be fine.”
Buster nodded and climbed out of the car. The walk to the front door was quiet. The koala was left with his thoughts, ones that made him regret saying yes, ones that made him want to hide.
Eddie opened the door to a house full of partying animals. Buster sighed seeing that the entrance hallway was cramped. “I guess everyone’s in the living room.” he said stepping inside. “Let’s go Buster.” the koala followed getting more nervous every step. Buster nearly died seeing all of the people in a circle. They’re killing someone I better zoom away! But his friend’s legs got the best of him and he was forced forward. Someone threw some dollars in the air which confused him. He didn’t want to know but at the same time he did. After a few minutes of inner turmoil, his curiousity got the best of him.
The small koala slipped among the people, not hearing Eddie call after him. He navigated through the maze of legs and found himself at the edge of the inner circle. In the middle was a dancing pig in a gold tracksuit. He was really good. Buster had the urge to join him but was too scared of the people watching.
The pig stopped now fully aware of the koala watching him. Then he noticed the jacket. “Moon,” he called startling Buster. “Over here.” he did as told and trudged over to the pig.
“Hi.” he whispered nervously. The pig giggled and grabbed the koala by his hands and pulled him closer.
“Dance with me.”
“But,” Buster looked around. “I can’t. Not in front of these people.”
The pig placed a hand under the koala’s chin and made him face him. “Then keep your eyes on me.”
Buster giggled as they started dancing in anyway. The pig would spin him like a bunch before pulling him close and slowing down the dance. At one point he let him go and Buster did whatever even if it might look stupid. He was having fun.
Finally out of breath and tired the two left the circle letting someone else take their place. The pig pulled Buster into the hallway. “That was fun Moon.”
Buster smiled. “Thank you for that. Oh!” he looks down at his jacket. “My name is Buster Moon actually.”
The pig smiled. “My name is Gunter. I threw this party.” he pulled the bear close as Eddie appeared in the doorway. Buster melted into the hug not knowing of the glare the two shared. A rivalry was born.
Now that his courage and confidence was up, he had one thing left to do. He marched straight into the office of some adoption network, not caring which, and slammed his hand on this desk. Mouthing a quick sorry, he politely asked for permission to adopt Ash Sharp.
The clerk sighed. “What is your name sir?” his voice was so monotone that it made Buster cringe. “Buster Moon.”
The clerk’s pointy ears perked and he looked his long snout down at him. “The Buster Moon? The one that is going to the moon next year?”
“Yep.” Buster leaned up till he was touching noses with the fox. “So, maybe I can get the papers now?”
The fox’s cheeks turned a light pink. “Um, they will take awhile to print.”
“Good. Then I’ll get to talk to you some more.” The fox gulped, either from embarrassment or the thought of being hit on by someone older than him. The koala placed his paw on the boy’s as if to tell him ‘the sooner I get the pages, the less time you have me hitting on you’.
In a quick few minutes -hours to the fox- Buster had the pages in hand. “Thank you, cutie.” he turned on his heel leaving the poor fox to rethink everything, mostly why he was wishing the man would stay.
When he got home Buster signed his name excitedly. What a surprise this would be? He hoped she would be as happy as he was when he came out with those papers and not as sad as he was when that fox came out and asked him on a date. Buster had to politely decline and he knew it broke the fox’s heart.
He did offer him a job as his secretary, since Eddie wasn’t a good one. The way the fox’s eyes brightened and tail wagged made it worth it.
He snapped back to the present as he stepped toward Ash’s door and heard her beautiful guitar. The koala took a deep breath before sliding the papers under her door.
The riffs stopped. The sound of footsteps, papers rustling then nothing. Buster waited.
Ash opened up her door as tears started rolling down her cheeks. She clung to him and sobbed. He held her close as she let out all of it; the pain, the fear, and mostly… the happiness.
A year of great progress passed slowly by. The rocket was coming along greatly although a messed up part set him back to when he turned twenty-five -a year- but that was okay. He was too excited to care. He had so many friends so far. From an adopted porcupine to a sassy mouse; from a young gorilla to a dancing pig.
He had such a diversity of friends unreal to most people. But hey they were his family. That word caught him off guard. Family? He didn’t think he would actually care about them. At least, not love them as much as he did.
“Dad!” Ash raced into the room with her phone clutched in her hand. “I need to go to the park to see someone.”
Buster looked up from his work. “Who?”
“A friend.”
“Name?” he furrowed his eyebrows slightly annoyed.
He set down his pen and smiled. “She sounds nice.” he stood up and was swiftly dragged outside. Ash forced him into the passenger seat of her red car and climbed into the driver’s seat. After starting the car she took off like a rocket -making Buster excited- and drove to the park.
When they got there, she hopped out and followed a trail into the middle of it while Buster sat in the car still. Shaking his head he climbs out and goes to the nearest bench to sit and look at the nature.
He was all alone with his thoughts. So many worries and regrets surfaced. Will I die in an explosion? Who will take care of my daughter? I should have went out with Charles. He is such a cute secretary. Is Eddie mad at me? Do I deserve to- A bright orange butterfly landed on his nose. His heart raced. It was so beautiful.
He turned to see a little piglet staring in amazement. The girl -he could tell by the dress- reached out and gently took it from his nose. It walked on her hand a little before taking off. She followed it til she could not see it anymore. Her gaze turned back to him.
Buster smiled warmly. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by “Carla!” he turned to see a pretty pig followed by what seemed to be a million piglets. The pig, presumably the girl’s mother, raced over to her while her entourage of children surrounded Buster. Some climbed onto the bench and started pulling at his ears. One wearing a flowered dress climbed into his lap and hugged him.
“I told you not to run off.” the mother scolded then turned to her other kids. “Get off him. He is not a jungle gym.” her expression softened seeing her youngest sitting on his lap. “Aw, Heidi likes you sir.”
Before Buster could reply a teen elephant raced over with two kids-both pigs- in her arms. “Ms. Rosita, I found them.”
“Thank you Meena.” she picked up Carla. “Twenty-five kids are surely a handful.”
“Wait,” Buster interrupted. “You’re Norman’s wife?”
“Yes?” Rosita gasped. “You’re Mr. Moon! My husband told me so much about you.” she held out her hand for him to shake. “It’s a pleasure.”
Buster shook her hand and turned to the quiet and nervous elephant. “And who is this?”
“This is Meena. I’m her godmother.” she reaches over to touch Meena’s trunk, which seemed to calm the girl. “She helps me take care of the kids when Norman is away.”
Buster nodded as his bouncing girl hopped over the bench and landed beside him. “Hey dad.” she said then turned to the group in front of her. “Sup Meena.”
“Hi Ash.” the elephant said quietly.
Buster didn’t have time to question their relationship as another porcupine hopped over the bench and landed on the other side of him. She was wearing shades and seemed to be a lot girlier than his daughter. “I’m guessing you’re Becky.” she nodded shyly.
Rosita, seeing that this was a private conversation, pulled all of her kids -even Heidi- and Meena away. When they were gone Ash finally spoke up. “Becky just started dating Lance.”
Buster frowned. He reached up and pulled the shades off the girl’s face revealing a black eye. “I will kill him when I find him.”
“Um dad?”
The koala swiftly turns to her. “Yes sweetie?”
“Can she move in with us? She can stay in my room.” she did a pouty face with wide eyes. Buster just nodded. He could never say no to that face.
“Can you also adopt me?” Becky whispered it but he heard it loud and clear. He turned to her with wide eyes.
“Sorry,” she looked away. “I don’t have anyone anymore.”
Buster sighed. He felt bad for the kid. She just got abused by a boyfriend she hardly knew. He couldn’t leave her there with him. But could he really adopt her? He didn’t even really have a connection with other than wanting to kill Lance. He held Ash when she cried. But he’s never even met her until now. Why would she want to be adopted by him?
Ash sighs. “She’s my best friend dad.” she messes with her quills, something Buster only saw her do when she was nervous. “For the past year me and her were discussing you adopting her. But when she started dating Lance I hoped I could tell you before…” she trailed off as tears started to fall. “I was too late.” she buried her face into his sweater and sobbed.
He wrapped an arm around her only to feel Becky cling to him and weep too. He did the same for the other girl and held them close. “Shh… it’s okay,” his heart almost broke hearing the new girl whisper ‘okay dad’ into him. “Oh my gosh…” the girls looked up at him worriedly. “I just gained a daughter.
The adoption process was likewise to the one before except Becky was the one wooing the clerk. But she wasn’t a sweetheart after getting the papers. When the poor guy gave her his number, she spit her gum into it and threw it into the trash.
“Why did you do that?” Her new dad asked a bit annoyed and worried.
“He wasn’t looking at my eyes.” it took Buster a second to realize what she meant. It took both of the girls to keep him from going in there and giving the guy a piece of his mind or fist. “Come on dad just get in the car.” he stopped the moment she said that. He whispered a simple ok and climbed into the backseat.
As they drove back to his home and Becky’s new home he watched his two daughter rock out to songs on the radio. A sudden thought hit him like a slap to the face. “Um girls?”
“Yes dad?” Ash looked in the mirror at him.
“How am I going to explain you to my parents?”
It was super awkward when he showed Becky to them. “This is my second daughter. I just adopted her.”
His dad just stared at him while his mom happily showed her to Ash’s room and helped her carry everything in. “You adopted another one?”
“It's the same story grandpa,” Ash butted in. “Becky was getting abused by Lance so I offered to let her move in. Adoption was his idea.” she raced after Becky to help her. Buster smiled nervously at his dad.
“Not another one okay?”
It was finally the day. His heart raced as he walked down a narrow path to his dream. It stood up silver and clear pointing to the stars. Along the way he shook hands with the people he loved and the people who loved him.
He kissed his daughters goodbye. Both wept tears on his blue suit but it didn’t matter. He was going somewhere amazing. His parents hugged him tight. He said so many goodbyes that they started to lose meaning.
He climbed the ladder swiftly so as not to let any regrets or worries change his mind. He climbed into the cockpit and felt a bit of nostalgia looking up at the sky. He dreamt of this so long that it felt like it already happened many times.
The sound of the glass dome clicking above him brought reality crashing down. This was the moment. Do or die. The countdown started but he barely heard it.
He prayed silently for his kids to be safe.
He hoped his family would remember him if he goes out.
He wished for Lance to never touch his girls.
But most importantly…
He hoped Mike would get with Diana.
Buster’s never been on a rollercoaster like this. Being shot all the way into space at high speeds would have made someone sick. But not this bear. He screamed the whole way. He probably damaged so many eardrums in Mission Control.
When he exited the atmosphere he stopped. That’s when he noticed he had his claws digged into the armrests of his seat. The poor koala looked like a frightened cat with his fur standing up. He yanked each paw free and sighed. “Please tell me it’s over Mike.”
“Yeah, it’s over fuzzball.” the mouse’s voice came out clear -not losing any of the sass- in his helmet.
“Good. I’m tired of that.”
“Don’t worry, it will be worse coming back in.”
“You had to say that?”
After about three days of being bored, Buster heard a little sassy voice in his ear. “Moon, you’ve landed.”
“Really?” Buster looked out the window and almost cried. “I’m here! I made it!”
“Yeah you did. Now get out there and make this company great.”
“But first,” Buster grinned. “Give her the note.”
“What?!” the mouse squeaked as his face turned bright red.
“Do it!” if Mike could only see his smug look. “Or you’re fired.”
A pause. “Fine.” after the sound of a sigh and paper unfolding, Buster heard loud smacking. Mike sighed contently on the other end.
Buster rolled his eyes and stepped out onto the moon. He couldn’t believe it. Here he was. He jumped for joy. He turned toward Earth and his eyes widened. It was amazing. He couldn’t wait to share this with his family but first: He stuck a flag into the ground with Moon inc.’s logo on it.
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Strawberry Heat
This story is also on my AO3 account darkcinderwolf
Strawberry Heat
Yoongi rushes home to his mate, Jimin, to help him during the peak of his heat.
First try at Yoonmin guys, oh my gosh, I love this pairing so much and the Alpha/Beta/Omega verse is like my all time favourite. So let me know what you all think. (I know, I should be working on Crimson eyes)
Work Text:
Strawberry heat
The February nights were frozen in a perpetual state of winter, clinging onto it's remnants of biting winds and freezing rain. The cold season didn't seem to have an end in sight as people still wrapped in their warmest, thickest, heaviest clothing.
Night falls early, street lamps blinking into life around six pm. Strangers in the streets puffin out clouds of warm air into the freezing cold. 
One such stranger was rushing home, bundled up in a thick, black jacket, combat boots, a beanie and multiple scarfs. Min Yoongi, young, silent often mistaken as grumpy and cold, but in reality, a warm, tender, caring friend; huffing as he jogged up the street, carrying a bag from a nearby store.
He had left work early, which was unheard of for the rapper Alpha, but he had a mission, and he would do anything to fulfill it.
The cold air effected most, but it's chill did nothing to soothe the fiery heat that crept under the skin of the one and only Park Jimin. Flaming, orange hair stuck to his forehead as sweat gathered on his brow, making him feel dirty and uncomfortable. He wore a lose top, with large, gaping arm holes that revealed the majority of his sides, and baggy shorts, but no matter how loose his clothing, the heat would not subside.
Jimin was an omega, and being a male omega meant going through heats. Male heats are the equivalent of female periods, minus the menstruation. It is the male's body way of preparing for a knot. There is severe cramping as his pup womb stretches and contracts, his inner walls continuously slick, making it easier for penetration. 
Heats bring along a greater chance to conceive pups, even though there is still a chance for a male omega male to pup off hear, the chances for success or just far greater during.
Jimin also suffers from emotional mood swings, one minute he can be soft as a kitten, the next a raging bear, snapping at anyone or anything at the slightest thing, then finally a sobbing mess.
And let's not forget the craving, heats bring on cravings, the urge for food, to fuel the body. Omega's don't go into a sex craze frenzy, no; they desire sweet things like sugar, fruit or even pop.
Jimin is curled up in his bed, depressed with his arms wrapped round his cramping belly with slick soaked shorts.
He whimpers as another round of cramps cripple his stomach area, and gags as more slick gushes from his entrance. The room is saturated with the scent of his heat, heavy with pheromones. He is grateful that his band mates are away for the week, the rest, besides Taehyung (who is also an Omega) and Hoseok (Beta), are Alpha's. Though Yoongi remained behind, he spent the majority of his time in the studio.
"Mate..." Jimin whined, calling out to his mate, who was once again not present.
Suddenly he heard the front door open, but being wracked with endless cramps made it impossible for him to even consider climbing out of bed. he sniffed at the air, cringing when all he could smell was his own wetness.
"Jiminie?" The familiar voice sparked a jolt of happiness in the omega's aching body, but all he could do was whimper out. Soon the footsteps stopped in front of his room, and now he could sense the presence of his Alpha.
"I'm coming in" Yoongi always announces himself now, ever since he walked in on Jimin naked, and getting scolded by the emotional omega.
"Yoongi" That was all the Alpha needed, he opened the door, inhaling deeply as the scent of his Omega's heat filtered into the rest of the dorm. He stepped in, closing the door behind him. He was wearing a grey sweater now, still attempting to hold onto what little body warmth he had.
"Hey sweetheart, how are you holding up?" He asked as he gently sat on the bed.
"Everything hurts and I feel gross" Jimin complained. Yoongi smiled sympathetically down at his mate, he brushed away some stray strands of hair that stuck to the youngers forehead.
"My poor baby" This was the only time, that Yoongi was openly affectionate. He would show this side to Jimin in private, but as soon as Jimin hits his heat, then lovey dovey Yoongi is out for the whole world to see. Yoongi places a soft kiss on the orangette's temple. frowning when he felt the scorching heat on his lips.
"How about a cool shower?"
"Hyung, you know that won't work." Jimin groans, eyes scrunching shut as a pang of pain strikes right at his core, where his pup womb is stretching within. He feels Yoongi's hands on him instantly, the larger hands rubbing circles deep into his lower back and stomach.
Yoongi has shifted, now laying behind Jimin so the younger's back is pressed to the Alpha's front.
"I've got you Jiminie" He whispers into the nape of Jimin's neck, before kissing it, causing Jimin to release a blissed moan.
Yoongi hummed at the sound, his hands now roaming up and down the younger's stomach and torso. Long slender fingers dancing over the sweat slick skin. Jimin whimpered when those talented fingers brushed over his nipples, perking them up immediately.The Alpha chuckled in adoration as he continued to sweep his fingers over the Omega's sensitive buds, twisting and pulling them until they completely hardened.
"Yoo-ngi" Jimin moaned as his back arched into his Alpha, eyes closed from the stimulation. Yoongi growled deep in his throat when his nose was struck with the heavenly scent of his mate's slick, it was sweet and oh so tempting. One of his hands wandered from Jimin's chest, creeping down his stomach to then ghost over his waist, where it then ventured under the waistband of the boys shorts and his fingers delved in between the cleft of Jimin's round, plump butt cheeks.
"Oh God" Yoongi gasped when his fingers were instantly smothered in wetness.
"You're soaked Jiminie" Yoongi nuzzled into the hair at the top of Jimin's neck. His Omega lost to the sensation of his Alpha so close to his heated entrance.
"So nice and wet for me" Yoongi kissed behind Jimin's ear as he circled a finger around Jimin's wet, pink, eager hole. He pulled Jimin's earlobe between his teeth, causing the younger to moan. The Omega's breath hitched in his throat when he felt his entrance being breeched easily, a lone finger wiggling inside and caressing his inner walls.
"Ah... Hyung please more" Jimin gasped as he grounded his hips down against Yoongi's hand. The darker haired man had to with hold a whimper of his own as he slipped a second finger inside, the digits feeling tight in the smooth canal. He scissored Jimin open, absorbing the sinful sounds as Jimin practically rode his hand. one deep thrust brushed his finger tips over the overly sensitive bundle of nerves that made Jimin cry out angelically and made his body shudder.
"Oh God... Yoongi"
"More?" Yoongi whispered in the orangette's ear, his free hand moving lower to Jimin's crotch. The Omega nodded, his voice too occupied with whimpering and moaning as his prostate was assaulted.The third and final finger eagerly joined the first two, now constricted and suffocating within the tightness. Jimin whined at the fullness, but it wasn't enough, his body craved for more, he needed his Alpha closer. A familiar heat was building, Yoongi gripped Jimin's cock, giving tiny but hard pulls, his thumb running over the slit.
"Yoongi, fuck... please... You need to fuck me .... please.... I'm not go-ing to last much... lon-ger... Alpha!" Jimin screamed. Yoongi moved with lightning speed, reluctantly removing his fingers to rid himself of his attire and Jimin's.
Yoongi felt his mouth drop open at the sight of his Omega spread beneath him. Honey toned skin, shining with a layer of sweat, tight muscles trembling with lust. Thick, juicy thighs spread open and with slick pulsing out of Jimin's quivering hole. Jimin's cheeks were red with the heat, his dark eyes blown black and hazy.
"Shit... You're so fucking gorgeous" Yoongi leant over and peppered kisses all over Jimin's rounded cheeks, before latching onto his plump bottom lip, sucking it and biting. Jimin keened, his arms wrapping round Yoongi's neck, pulling their bodies closer, making Yoongi's cock brush against his own. They both hissed at the friction, and Jimin whimpered as he thrusted his crotch up, begging for more.
But Yoongi was also close to his end, and he knew that Jimin's heat induced horniness won't last much longer tonight. He shimmied his body down, kissing along Jimin's jaw and neck. The tip of his cock now positioned right at Jimin's welcoming entrance. He teased the sensitive ring of muscle, causing Jimin to mewl and arch his back, fists now gripping the sheets. Not wasting anymore time, Yoongi pushed, his head breached the ring, and Jimin whimpered only for a few seconds until Yoongi was completely sheathed. The older boy groaned as his cock was enveloped in wet, tight heat, it took all of his will power to not thrust straight away, his whole body strung tight with restraint. But Jimin was now panting under him, his form also shaking, both now connected in the most intimate way.
"I'm... I'm going to move no" Yoongi always had to state this as Jiin always got overwhelmed during the heat sessions, mind to hazed and foggy to form words. A low whimper was the only form of confirmation Yoongi received; and with that, pulled out only to slowly thrust in right afterwards. Jimin keened highly in the back of his throat, his hips moving along with every powerful, slow thrust.
"Alpha! Alpha!" Jimin screamed beautifully as his whole body rocked. His hands gripped at Yoongi's shoulders, his short nails embedding into the pale skin, legs wrapped tightly around Yoongi's waist.
"You're so fucking perfect, taking my cock so well. Do you feel good, baby?" Yoongi huffed as he drove into Jimin's body. Jimin nodded, biting his lower kip as he threw his head back when the elders cock pressed against his prostate.
"Faster-faster" Jimin pleaded and Yoongi was never one to say no, so grabbing Jimin's thick thighs, he threw the Omega's legs over his shoulders and ploughed into the boy at a merciless pace.
The breath was punched out of Jimin's lungs with every thrust, small, gasp like moans escaping his lips every time and rising in pitch. The liquid heat that raced through his veins started to build in the pit of his stomach, a familiar pressure forming with every grunt the Alpha made.
"Hyung I'm-I'm cumming" One very direct thrust had Jimin arching completely off the bed, his voice reaching new levels as ropes of white erupted and decorated his stomach and chest, some even reaching his chin and cheeks. His whole body went rigid, shuddering as he hit his high. 
Yoongi, with a full knot, soon followed, filling the boy with his seed as the tight walls clamped down on his member, driving him to the edge.
"Shit Jimin" Yoongi gripped onto Jimin's hips as he rode out their highs, knot keeping them in place. The youngster collapsed on the bed, falling limp as he panted and whined. Yoongi' with shakey arms, hovered over his mate, and placed delicate kisses on the damp skin of Jimin's forehead.
"Are you ok love?" He asked tenderlu, only recieving a high pitched whine in return.
They had to wait for almost half an hour before Yoongi's knot finally deflated and could pull out.
"I'll go run you a bath" The Alpha said as he placed a soft kiss on Jimin's lips. the red head nodded. Yoongi was swift, though he stumbled a couple of times. He turned the faucets on, and decided to use the lavender scented bubble bath, knowing it will relax the Omega. He organised some towels, placing them on the rail, before finally returning to the bedroom, to find a barely conscious Jimin curled up in the bed.
"Come on love, your bath is ready." Yoongi cooed as he nuzzled the back of Jimin's neck. Jimin whined at the touch, slowly blinking his eyes open.
"Yoon...." His voice barely a whisper, exhaustion from the heat and sex finally sinking in. Yoongi's brows furrowed at the glazed look in his mates eyes, but quickly dismissed it as he hoisted his Omega into his arms and carried him into their bathroom. Jimin hissed in delight as his sore body met the water, it was perfect, not too hot that it made his already heated body agitated, but not cold enough that it chilled his bones.
Yoongi began to descend into the tub, being mindful of Jimin's body as he slid in behind, his knees bracketing Jimin between them. He grabbed a pale blue loofah, and gently started to scrub at the youngers back. It was a silent bath, the two enjoying basking in each others company, simply washing each others bodies until the water became too cold for Jimin to bear.
Now dried and wrapped up in a fluffy dressing gown. with fresh bed sheets and blankets, Jimin nestled comfortably. His Alpha, now dressed in a pair of pj pants and a tank top, bustled around the bedroom, lowering their heaters temperature and turning on the air con. Jimin had taken to his phone, going through his messages, Taehyung gushing over his heat and Jin being the over protective mother that he is.
"I'll be right back" Yoongi suddenly stated, causing Jimin to quirk his head.
The dark haired boy placed a kiss on Jimin's forehead before leaving their room. Jimin lay there, heated skin cooled down immensely. He rubbed at his stomach, still a little bloated from the cramping and having just recieved an Alpha's knot, lost in his thoughts he didn't hear Yoongi returning.
"Babe?" Yoongi asked, seeing his mate stare into nothing whilst soothing his belly.
"It was early this time" Jimin stated out of the blue.
"Your peak? yeah, really early"
A peak is what happens during a heat, it is the period in which the Omega's body is most ready for knotting and at it's prime.
"Do you think it will take?" Jimin asked, now looking up at his Alpha with wanton eyes.
"Who knows? But no matter what, I will forever love you" Yoongi leant down to kiss his mate's plush lips. Jimin smiled into the kiss, grateful for having an Alpha who didn't force the traditional idea of their Omega having pups. They have knotted many times, Jimin's anxiety of him failing as an Omega rising with every failed round, but Yoongi always reaffirmed his love, washing away the doubt.
"I love you too" Jimin whimpered, blinking up at him. He then realised that the Alpha was hiding something behind his back, and he tried to sit up to get a better view.
"What have you got there?" He asked, his bottom lip jutting out into his adorable pout. From behind hi back, Yoongi pulled out a bowl of fresh strawberries, glistening after being washed.
"Oh my God" Jimin bounced in the bed.
"I know you crave these, and I think you deserve them" Yoongi smiled warmly as he sat at the edge of the bed, he picked a big, juicy strawberry from the bowl, regarding it's deep, red colour.
"Open up" He lifted the fruit to Jimin's lips, the younger eagerly parted them and bit down, moaning as the juice spilled onto his tongue.
"Oh it's so good, so sweet. Try one Hyung" Jimin said as he licked his lips. Instead of grabbing another fruit, Yoongi leant over and licked at Jimin's lips, licking his way into his warm cavern. Jimin moaned as their tongues danced around each other.
"Mmmmm, delicious, though you definitely taste better." The Alpha smirked, Jimin blushed at the compliment, demanding more strawberries so his Alpha wouldn't linger on teasing him. The two spent the rest of the evening indulging in strawberries, nestled together in the bed. Jimin hoping for a tummy full of pups, and Yoongi dreaming of a life with his mate and future family.
The end
0 notes
cherrybamboom · 6 years
Hey, are you looking for a good read? Go check out my WIP Superhero novel, Speak No Evil! You can find it here! Sample under the cut.
Kick. Punch. Side-swipe. Dodge. Punch. Duck. Back-fist. Kick. Pivot, aaaaand-
"Ma'am, oh my gosh, I am so so so sorry, I didn't see you there, ma'am, oh jeez-" I signed frantically, hoping that the translator could pick up my movements without much difficulty.
The middle-aged woman with the large handbag glared at me as she covered her nosebleed with a wad of tissues from said bag.
"Watch where you're aiming those fists, mister!"
Then she got a closer look, and I could see the annoyance and anger start to fade out and be replaced with sympathy. I could tell she had noticed my sign-to-speech translator. That, and the countless bruises littering my face. They hurt a lot less than they appeared to, and even less than being misgendered, but I don't suppose she could have helped that. It was better than being called 'miss' anyways.
"If you're having trouble at home, you don't need to punch it out in the gym. You can go to the shelter on 43rd, they're always open to help." I thanked her for the advice and continued whacking the crap out of the punching bag as she walked away to go fix up her nose.
I had a perfectly fine life at home. I may not have had parents- living parents that is, everyone has parents- but my cousins and my aunt and my uncle took care of me just fine. I mean, it wasn't their fault I decided to be a supervillain.
- - - - - -
Truthfully, it wasn't my fault either. I didn't ask for superpowers, or for my father to die. Of course, there wasn't anything unusual surrounding the circumstances of his death. Nobody for me to go after if I even wanted to. I may have been angry and grief-stricken for the first year or so after his death, but it wasn't like I could use my powers to beat the shit out of cancer.
Honey. If I could've? Then hell yeah, I totally would have!
But my powers weren't to control diseases or anything. I'm not saying they were shit- sonokinesis and enhanced agility definitely weren't the pits of superpowers to have. But there wasn't really anything I could do about the fact that my father was slowly dying. So I put even more energy into training.
Dad had started my training, soon after the museum fire that had given me my abilities in the first place. He'd signed me up for dozens of seminars on different martial arts, and he'd even saved money to buy me a suit of my own. It was black and tight- but not skin tight. It had some extra padding to give it more of an androgynous feel. I'd nearly broken my translator with excited signing when he'd presented it to me.
Oh. Yeah. The translator.
Ya know, being a super would be a lot easier if I wasn't mute since birth. The scientists couldn't ever really explain it, but as soon as I learned sign language, I was able to communicate with the rest of the world relatively easily. It was even easier when I received a sign-to-speech translator for my eighth birthday- all I had to do was sign and the camera would track my movements to make a relatively accurate translation in a mechanical voice. It didn't always work, but there's never a 100% accuracy guarantee with these types of things. That's why I always carried a notepad with me.
See, if we're being honest here, the notepad is what got me my powers in the first place. I was traveling the world with Dad as usual, going from museum to museum every couple of weeks. We had stopped in St. Augustine, Florida to rest and rejuvenate- and check out some allegedly cursed pirate treasure bound to arrive at a museum. See, I say allegedly. Dad didn't believe it was cursed. I did.
It was totally cursed.
- - - - - -
The night the exhibit opened, the museum was set to host a grand gala to celebrate their newly acquired treasure. Dad managed to secure the two of us some invitations. We walked in, wined and dined (well, Dad wined. I mostly just dined. Okay, maybe I had a sip or two of red wine, but no biggie.), and then set our eyes on the prize. Among the treasure recovered, there was gold, silver, emeralds... and one very beautiful ring. All Dad had to do was give the signal to his friend Eduardo the night guard and BOOM! Blackout. Cue me silently sneaking over to the display, snatching the ring, replacing it with one Dad had forged last night, and then conveniently tripping over Dad's outstretched leg and 'getting a concussion'. We'd use the head injury as an excuse to get out of there quickly and quietly, before anyone could realise the crown jewel had been swapped.
Oh didn't I mention? Dad and I were major league criminals, once upon a time. Nobody ever knew it, of course, but we were experts at handling these, as Dad put them, 'transactions'.
So, yeah. That was the plan.
As you can probably guess, it went very horribly wrong.
The blackout happened right on cue, but before I could fully execute my part of the plan, the scent of smoke filled the air. Apparently, when blowing the fuse down below, Eduardo had accidentally started a small fire. The 'small fire' happened to catch a curtain, which caught a wooden beam, which led to a replica viking ship. Also wooden. In minutes, the entire museum was one blazing inferno, and we party-goers were stuck on the top floor of a burning building. In the dark.
Did I mention the treasure was cursed?
At least I grabbed the ring, I thought. Everything will be fine, because I have the ring, so we didn't fail after all. Spoiler alert: we totally did fail.
We didn't get caught or anything, but my notepad had fallen onto the ground in the confusion. The notepad that had our very detailed plan sketched out down to the last minute detail. And my name and telephone number. See, not only was this notepad my back-up form of communication, but it was where Dad and I planned all of our heists. Yeah, that's right, you heard me. Heists. With an extra 's'.
What can I say, we were professionals!
Herman and Remy Renaud were, to the world, just an archaeologist and his brilliant nonbinary child. To the police, we were only known as 'The Blackbird". See, they couldn't pinpoint our identity. They couldn't even pinpoint that there were two of us. So we used our police codename, adapted to it. We never became predictable though.
At the time of the fire, we had, over time, stolen over $30 million in gold, jewels, and other priceless artifacts. So it was pretty damn important that we retrieved that journal.
I looked through the rapidly approaching flames to see my notepad over by the exhibit. I sprinted over and scooped it up, using my jacket to dampen the smoldering edges. It hadn't caught fire yet, but the equation of heat + fuel - moisture made my plans for the future pretty good kindling. As I turned back toward the exit, another glimmer caught my eye. It wasn't another ring, but a thin circlet- almost like a crown. It was pure gold and held an aura to it that took my breath away.
Or maybe that was the smoke asphyxiation.
Who knows.
In any case, something inside me was drawn to it. I moved forward, as if in a trance, before furtively looking around and then snatching it from the display. The metal was hot, and nearly burned me, but I didn't let go. It was mine now. And anyway, the most noise I could make was a hoarse whisper. Then the firefighters came and put out the flames and we were shepherded away with shock blankets. Nobody noticed the small golden circlet I was clutching in one hand, and if they did, they didn't ask. I can get away with a lot of shit because of my disability, so I wasn't surprised.
Then it did catch someone's eye.
I think it did.
In any case, an old man with a long white beard and a crazy fire in his eyes- not unlike the one that was just put out- came up to me. He asked me if I was prepared to deal with the consequences. In my scared little criminal mind, I thought he meant police. I ran away from him, found my father, and we headed back to our hotel room together.
It seemed that the curse had inverse effects on those handling it.
I woke up the next morning with superpowers.
My dad woke up with an odd ache in his chest, that turned out to be the cancer that would end his life.
Funny how those things happen, isn't it?
To read more, go check out my Wattpad. And if you want, you can follow me on here for behind the scenes, contests, and info on my WIPs!
Thanks for reading,
Teddi out.
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