#this was cute to think about thank you anon <3
leona-hawthorne · 1 day
Mattheo with a s/o who’s an experienced fighter. Like they literally flipped a student over a table type shir
MATTHEO’S GIRL / mattheo riddle
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mattheo riddle x fem reader
summary: lavender brown gives your man a love potion… what else can you do but fight her?
warnings: fighting/violence (not super explicit), swearing, fluff, suggestive ending (no smut), lavender brown slander (i’m sorry! i don’t even dislike her, i just didn’t know who else to use)
words: 1.2k
a/n: thank u for the request anon, i hope i did whatever you had in your head justice <3 also, i used that one prompt that was like “you’re cute when you’re mad” “ well i’m about to get real fucking adorable” i can’t remember where it was from so lmk if you do!!
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Sometimes, Lorenzo Berkshire wonders if he made the right choice by introducing you to Mattheo.
Sure, he loved that his friend was happy and in love, but Merlin, the two of you together was like pouring gasoline on a fire. A wildfire.
Mattheo Riddle wasn’t familiar with solving altercations using anything but his fists and unfortunately, you were the exact same way. At least you could say neither of you has ever lost a fight.
“Blaise, pass me the syrup.” You muttered, licking crumbs of waffles off your finger.
The Great Hall was abuzz with chattering students, the scent of bacon and eggs wafting in the air and the relaxing hum of rain outside illuminating the atmosphere.
“Y/N, I’m proud of you, to be honest,” Blaise, who sat across from you, mused as he handed you the small pitcher of syrup. Your brows furrowed, curiosity etching over your features.
“Why are you proud of me, may I ask?” You chuckled, drizzling the syrup over your waffles.
“Why? Because you didn’t rip that girl’s hair out.” He snorted, confused as to why Enzo was shaking his head at him beside you.
You looked up from your waffles, smile dropping. “What girl?”
“Um… The one who tried to give Mattheo a love potion?” He laughed nervously and Enzo shut his eyes and sighed in disappointment.
You ran your tongue over your teeth and took in a deep breath in an attempt to calm the swirling storm of fury already bubbling in your chest. “Blaise. What girl?” Your voice was dangerously quiet and Blaise’s eyes widened as he licked his lips, clearly terrified that you’d hex him on the spot if he didn’t spill.
“Lavender Brown.” The words immediately rushed out of his mouth, making it evident that he’d much rather save himself. He just wished Mattheo hadn’t slept in this morning and was here to calm his girl down.
“Explain exactly what happened,” you demand.
The words spill out of Blaise’s mouth at a comically fast speed as he aggressively cuts his waffles up with his knife.
“She was talking to him after class because McGonagall asked her to tutor him in DADA and she offered him a cookie but Pansy had heard Lavender the other day in the library, telling Parvati about how she’d finally found a way to, and I quote, ‘steal Y/N’s man.’ So, we pulled him away before he could accept.” The sentences were almost indecipherable with the way Blaise was rushing them out but you caught every word, the glass in your hand almost shattering with the death grip you had on it.
“Okay,” You whispered, standing up. Just as you began walking to the Gryffindor table, your boyfriend brushed past you.
“Hey, baby, good morni—” He instantly shut up when he saw that crazed look in your eyes. “Oh, I take it, you found out.” He winced, his face scrunching up in worry and a little bit of amusement.
“Matt, I love you, babe, but get the fuck out of my way.” His arms grabbed at you, stopping you in your tracks. “Y/N, come on. I don’t wanna see you get hurt, baby.”
“Okay, many things are wrong with that statement. First, it’s funny hearing that come from you, Mister I Love Fighting. And second, you seriously think that bitch could hurt me? With her weak little arms?”
He chuckled, his hand coming up to caress your face, thumb brushing over your pouty lower lip before kissing it.
“You’re cute when you’re angry, you know?”
“Well, then I’m about to get real fucking adorable.” You shoved past him, making a beeline for the Gryffindor table, only to find that Lavender isn’t there. So, instead, you clutched Parvati’s shoulder in your hand and turned her around to look you in the eye as you leaned down to her level.
“Where’s your little friend?” You questioned, your angry eyes boring into her widened, fearful ones as she realizes Lavender’s been caught by, arguably, the scariest girl in school.
“Courtyard,” She squeaked, betraying her friend.
You nodded, eyes set on the exit as you let go of her, much to her relief as her tensed up shoulders relaxed again. Ignoring Mattheo and your friends trailing behind you, you bolted towards the courtyard and put your hair up in a ponytail as you prepared to throw hands at 9:30 in the fucking morning.
The second you spot that head of curly blonde hair, all you can see is red, rushing towards her and grabbing her by the back of the head, pulling her away from her friends. She squealed in pain as you pulled on the strands of her hair before pushing her forwards by the head.
“Ow! You psycho bitch!” Her whiny voice rang out, drawing the attention of everyone in the courtyard. Her words only fueled the anger you were harboring, steam practically coming out of your ears. With a red face, you muttered, “Oh, I’ll show you psycho.”
She attempted to tackle you but you easily dodged her predictable move and instead, waited for her to face you again before landing a punch directly on her jaw, drawing out a yelp.
Before she has the time to react, you snatch her shirt and drag her over to the picnic table nearby, your anger charging your strength as you hurl her body over the table, her back sliding across it before tumbling onto the floor, a pained groan escaping her lips.
Mattheo’s lips parted in shock, unknowing of whether to be concerned or proud of you.
“Merlin, she really is Mattheo’s girl.” Theo mutters, noting the similarities between you and your boyfriend.
You sighed and sauntered around over to her, as if this was just another Tuesday, and kneeled down to mutter in her ear, “A love potion? Are you really that desperate? Listen Lavender, you even look at what’s not yours again, and you’ll be sporting a damn body cast.”
A small smirk blossomed on your boyfriend's lips, his brows raising in amusement as you walked back over to him and planted a firm kiss on his lips.
Lavender, who’s standing now with the help of her friends, huffs exasperatedly. “He probably doesn't even want you!”
And it’s all red again. You lunged at her but your boyfriend’s arms wrapped around your waist before you could get a single punch in, securely holding you in place, your back pressed to his chest. “Let go!” You writhed around, trying to free yourself from his grasp
“It’s okay, baby.” He kissed your cheek. “I know you wanna make her bleed, but it's okay.” It’s almost laughable how sweet and soothing the words are, despite what they’re saying.
He eventually dragged you back to his dorm, deciding to skip your first classes so he could tend to your slightly bruised knuckles. You seemed to have acquired some cuts, splintered wood sticking out of your skin from when you threw Lavender over the table.
Sitting on his bed with a first aid kit beside him, he brought your hand up to his lips, kissing the small cuts before cleaning and bandaging them up. “I’m not gonna lie, the possessiveness was kind of hot.” He told you with a suggestive smirk. “You’re insane, you know that?”
”Maybe we both are.” You giggled, leaning up to plant a kiss on his jawline.
“Maybe.” He murmured, his voice turning low and husky as he stared down at you. “You’re sexy when you fight.”
He smiled as his back hit the back, your pretty face hovering above him.
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Hiii pookie 🫶🥹
it's me again the same anon from Arthur's long fic 😂 i thought it would be nice to thank you again for fulfilling the request, they were all absolutely beautiful and I enjoyed them a lot✨,now proclaimed you one of my favorite Arthur writers ✨🥹🫶
i used to want an Arthur in my life now I NEED him 😭
Also today my mood was so bad but reading the fic distracted me a little from everyday things, thank you once again i send you a hug and kisses 🫶😚🫂💗💗
I hope you have the best days, always and forever !!!🙂‍↕️love ya boo💗
(if you didn't get enough of me, I promise that if I have any more ideas I will let you know so you can use them with your writings about other pilots)
A Bit Off
A/N: Hi Anon!!!!!
I’m so, so happy you enjoyed them and I feel privileged to be your favourite Arthur writer 🥰🥰. I’m thinking I might start writing for other drivers as well.
I swear I need an Arthur in my life too 😫. I’m sorry you weren’t feeling too well today, I’m glad my writing was able to help you feel better! 😘
And I will never get enough of you, message as much as you want!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
I’ve currently got another Arthur fic and an Ollie Bearman fic in the works. I just wanted to write this little one as thank you for your kind words and requests. It’s also kind of based off how you felt today, enjoy ☺️
Arthur Leclerc x reader
Synopsis: After a bad day, Arthur just wants to make you feel all better
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(He’s such a cute, lil smiley boyyyyy 😍)
You woke up on the wrong side of the bed, you felt down and depressed all day for no reason. Unfortunately, Arthur wasn’t around and wouldn’t be back for another 3 days. All you wanted to do was cuddle up and watch movies with him.
You stayed on the couch, drowning in your favourite hoodie of Arthur’s, watching your comfort tv show. You heard the door at the front of the apartment unlock, keys jangling as the door was pushed open. You pulled the baseball bat out from under the couch and crept over to the wall next to the hallway.
You heard shoes being toed off, sock padded feet slowly walking down the hallways. You waited for the footsteps to come closer before you stepped out from the wall. You swung the bat.
“OHHH HOLY SHIT BABY ITS ME” Arthur screamed in his Monegasque accent. You immediately dropped the bat, “oh my god, Arty! You’re not suppose to be here for 3 days!” Arthur smirked when he said “I know. I wanted to surprise you, gorgeous”
Tears sprung to your eyes and you buried yourself in your boyfriend. Your arms wrapped around his neck, your nose pressing against his jugular as you deeply inhaled his cologne. Arthur’s hands firmly wrapped around your waist, he kissed your temple and leaned his head against yours.
He felt teardrops on his collarbone, prompting him to let go for a second. He found you with wet eyes, teardrop stains down your cheeks. “Bèbè, what’s wrong?” Arthur pouted. He raised his hand and wiped your tears. You made eye contact with him and the flood gates opened.
You weren’t sad about anything in particular, you just started babbling about anything and everything. Arthur guided you to the couch and sat down, pulling you on top of him and he laid down. Your legs ended up in either side of his body, your chin rested on his chest, your noses nearly bumping.
Arthur let you get it all out, contently listening. After you finished, Arthur extended his neck and pecked your lips. “It’s ok to feel like this, love” you kissed him again “thank you Arty” you had cried yourself to exhaustion, he could see your eyes started to droop. He pulled the couch blanket over you both as he watched you fall asleep.
“Good night, my love” he said as he kissed your nose, “I love you, bad day or good day, I don’t care.” You lazily smile and confessed “I love you” back to him, drifting off to sleep. Arthur followed you not long after.
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 24 hours
1.) Tag someone you think is cool or admirable! Tell them why!
2.) Tag someone you think has bad opinions! Start an argument!
3.) Tag someone who you think should have a good day! Wish them well!
4.) Tag someone you want to FIGHT. Hand to hand.
5.) Tag someone you want to FIGHT. In a Pokémon battle.
6.) Tag someone you think is funny! What about them makes you laugh?
7.) Tag someone you think is underrated! Shout them out!
8.) Tag someone you want to be friends with! Alternatively, tag someone you want to be ENEMIES with!
9.) Tag someone who has cute Pokémon! Talk about them! Ask for pictures! Everyone loves cute Pokémon!
10.) Tag someone for no reason! Give them a scare!
11.) Tag someone you think is scary! Let them prove you wrong! Or, alternatively, prove you right…
12.) Tag someone you’d take with you to a deserted island if you were going to be abandoned and could only take one person! Why would you do that to them! Are you being mean?
13.) Tag someone with an Aggron! No reason. I (Harte, the guy making this ask meme) just like seeing Aggron trainers on my dash.
14.) Tag someone who you think would die first in a horror movie! Why is that?
15.) Tag someone who uses a gimmick team! Gimmick teams make the world go round!
16.) Tag someone who would have the ability Run Away if they were a Pokémon! Are they a coward, or an expert at using tactical retreats?
17.) Tag someone and start Pokémon battle discourse! All in good fun, of course!
18.) Tag someone who is just a fucking dumbass! What’s something stupid they’ve done? Was it funny?
19.) Tag someone who is a huge nerd! Ask them some kind of super specific question! Answer that, you nerd!
20.) Tag someone who has some juicy gossip! Make ‘em spill!
Remember to send an ask to the person you reblog this from! Keep it going! :-]
//OOC: Not all of these are positive. Keep that in mind before reblogging!
//Do not send ooc anon hate. All of the “hater” questions are because this is an in-character ask meme from Harte and he’s a hater. Sometimes it’s fun to get petty with other people as long as it’s IN-CHARACTER. If you don’t want people sending you hater numbers then just ask them not to in the tags. I personally have not experienced ooc anon hate but apparently people have and I’d like that to Not Happen. Please. Be nice ooc. Be civil ooc. 👍 Thank you.
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pynkhues · 7 months
Do you think Brio would dress up for Halloween? What would you headcanon that they dress up as?
Ah, this is probably a few days late to answer (sorry! Life's hectic!), but I actually kinda wrote my headcanon in a C&C fic, Graveyard Smash. In that, I write that Beth doesn't really dress up herself because she's usually so busy organising the costumes for the kids that she doesn't often have the time to think of one for herself / is too exhausted by the time she's done with them to do something for herself.
I feel like Rio would really half-ass it tbh, haha, it just doesn't totally seem like his vibe? Like I could see him just getting some plastic fangs, or letting Marcus pick him out a mask he'd only really wear intermittently.
That said, I like the idea of them maybe getting a little into it together? I'm not sure why, but the first costume that sprung to mind was Mary Poppins and Bert? I feel like Bert in his chimney sweep garb would be low effort enough for Rio (plus we know he like to wear black), and Beth would probably have enough in her wardobe already to throw together to play Mary Poppins too. Plus given how into her entire vibe he is, I feel like he'd be especially into that look with her, haha.
What do you think?
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vypridae · 4 months
remember that time Nifty litterally pulled out some of Val's fluff? And also, Vox must have know cause he has cameras all over Val
So, imagine home coming home, grumpy and too tired to throw a tantrum so just collapses on bed. Then Vox struts in, laughing and teasing the moth to no mercy.
Cause c'mon, the big bad Overlord Valentino got scared of some lowly sinner.
Val of course just grumbles and flips him off, again too tired to deal with any bs. So, Vox just stares at him for a few seconds. Then finally takes off his suit, shoes, etc and climbs into bed as well, spooning Val.
All the while, he is gently running his claws through his husband's fluff and whispering sweet nothings; like how adorable and beautiful the moth is. Val is embaressed and just buries his face into Vox's chest/ shoulder but doesn't stop the TV man.
And fade to black....
vox saw exactly what happened so val not coming in yelling about "THAT STUPID BITCH" or wtvr is a shocker as is, but him just collapsing in bed vox can tell yeah . not time for teasing . AND . AUAUAGSUAH!!!
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hyacinth43 · 2 months
Your Hal is amazing. I would give anything to marry him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It won't be a stylish marriage, he can't afford a carriage :[ but you'd look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two :D
Real answer: I don't think any of the bots would fully understand human marriage/the concept of dedicating yourself to one person, beyond what they've seen in movies, books, etc. But if you formed a very close bond with Hal, he would be open to letting you teach him <3
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da-proti-toku-grem · 7 months
Assign the classic romance tropes to each JO(+Martin) members (eg. Enemies to lovers for Bojan, ecc)
idk if some of these are considered romance tropes, but let's see...
Bojan - soulmates. This man has a really warm energy and he seems to have a really strong connection with the people he loves. He just seems like the perfect person to be part of a soulmates au.
Jan - forced proximity. But in the sense of, for example, two people that have been refusing to admit their feelings to themselves (and therefore, the other) and then, for whatever reason, end up having to spend too much time together (eg. being locked in somewhere) and you know, one thing leads to another and... well.
Jure - high school sweethearts with a side of crack. Idk, he's just so sweet and adorable and funny, I think he just fits the vibe so well.
Kris - either enemies to lovers OR hurt/comfort + slowburn. The first one I think is pretty self-explanatory, but the other one just screams Kris to me. Being such an organised and perfectionist person, it's really likely that you have anxiety, so I think this kind of slowburn hurt/comfort fits really well.
Nace - coffee shop au, where he's working there and there's this usual customer (that casually has never really been there before but started being a usual when they met him for the first time) that catches his eye. Idk, I think he really fits that kind of au.
Martin - friends to lovers. You know, those friends that clearly have feelings for each other but they are both too afraid to do anything about it because "what if they don't feel the same and I end up ruining our friendship forever?", but ends up with them being happily together.
+ Bonus:
Bojere - single parent Jere and teacher Bojan
Imagine Jere being a single parent of a baby girl, and she tells him that she really wants to learn how to sing. So Jere, like the good father he is that just wants his little princess to be happy, finds a singing teacher for her (who happens to be really hot and sweet).
Safe to say his daughter is not the only one who ends up loving the other man ;).
Jance - coffee shop/bakery owner Nace and tattoo artist Jan
I can imagine Jan going to get a coffee before heading to work and having to try a new coffee shop because his usual one was closed. Then he enters and sees Nace behind the counter attending some other customer, with a warm smile on his face, hair a bit messy, glasses on and sleeves rolled up. Of course, Jan is left absolutely mesmerized by the view in front of him, his eyes darting from Nace's face to the tattoos visible because of the rolled-up sleeves. He tries (and kinda fails) not to stare too much at the man and order coffee like a normal person would. Nace finds the stranger's reaction kinda funny but also thinks "wow he's cute".
So, you know, they end up having a little chat while Jan drinks his coffee (and maybe he gets a little pastry too so he has to spend more time there, but he wouldn't admit that of course), and Jan decides to ask him about his tattoos, blaming it on being a tattoo artist (and completely not because he's desperate to keep the conversation going for as long as possible) and Nace ends up telling him that maybe he'll go to his tattoo studio one day because he really wants to get a new tattoo (once again completely not because he needs an excuse to ask Jan for is number, of course not).
Sorry I always end up giving long af answers but this ask really got my brain thinking of so many cute scenarios :)
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bumblingbabooshka · 5 months
Random question but if hypothetically T’pel were like a doctor or something similar, wouldn’t Tuvok also have that knowledge and experience and stuff? Cuz like they “share a mind” and junk?
It's interesting~!! I wonder about that too - based on how the Vulcan marriage vow that Tuvok & T'Pel exchange is worded: ("For you I consecrate all that I am / From you I receive all that I am / Two bodies, one mind") it seems the Vulcan ideal would be just that - two people in absolute harmony.
I don't think this is an immediate thing - we see, for example, that T'Pol & Koss don't get along despite entering into a marriage bond. But we do see that Vulcans are able to pass on certain traits and interests through a sustained meld. (which I assume a marriage bond would be similar to)
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Like Tuvok says here, the meld is able to 'introduce' one person to the other person's interests but from this phrasing it doesn't appear that Suder has gained any actual hmm... knowledge? From it? He states that Suder's ability to grow the presented plant is "A unique talent". The phrasing 'introduced you to my interest in x' is also interesting to me. Like, did Suder find himself being interested in floriculture because of the meld with Tuvok OR did he just learn that Tuvok liked it and chose to pursue it because of that? I'm leaning towards the latter - it makes me picture that new Vulcan couples probably try a lot of each other's hobbies and that's very cute to think about. My personal headcanon is that a marriage bond allows for passive knowledge and fleeting general emotions/thoughts to pass between people, but specifics have to be delved into. Having access to an entire other life is probably a LOT of information you could potentially have access to and I'm certain it also requires trust from the person whose memory you're accessing, like we see in 'Flashback.' Ex: You may be able to sense that your partner is upset but to find out why you have to have their trust and permission to delve into their mind. I'd imagine this is also useful with young children who can't fully verbalize their emotions. So, thinking about your question: If Tuvok were in some sort of medical emergency and tapped into T'Pel's mind he'd be able (since they've been together so long and trust one another deeply) to access her memories regarding medicine. However, since he didn't actually study medicine I think it'd require him to methodically go through and learn everything along with 'her' which would take time and is of course only her perspective on what she learned and so would not be very useful. Ex: You can look at someone's answers but if there's no work shown you won't know how they got there. T'Pel would, I imagine, have to be with Tuvok in the memory to explain her thought process in depth. Also, because it's her own memory/perspective it's entirely possible she may have been distracted or focusing on something else at the time etc. I suppose it'd depend on what exactly he would need to know. It'd be easier to discern 'what does x look like' than 'how do I do x surgery?' I also think that T'Pel's memories would slowly fade from his own memory the longer they go without sharing a mind - especially those he doesn't access frequently. Or more accurately, most of them become his memory of her memories which warps them and makes them unreliable. How often T'Pel herself accesses certain memories would also have to be taken into account. Ex: If T'Pel hasn't thought about something in a very long time it's unlikely to be clear enough to glean any information from it though it's technically accessible. So I personally don't think it'd be an instant or easy thing. Like - he would have to seek out and take to heart that knowledge but even if he did do all of that he still wouldn't have the actual tactile experience of living it. Theory is always different from practice. I do think that Vulcan couples would probably go through each others' memories as a method of bonding. Also that during arguments they sometimes use a meld to literally see one another's POV. Through this kind of 'double memory' they grow further intwined with one another until one partner becomes part of the other - they go forth sharing a life and mind while also of course having their own privacies and perspectives.
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hacked-by-jake · 6 months
Hello hbj! how are you? well, we are officially in the last month of the year and with the possibility of moonvale coming, Everbyte will have to speak out, even if it is to let us know that the game will be released next year or specify the date it will be released this month.
I completely understand their delay, if we want something incredible then we have to be patient, as much as most of the fandom would like them to give from time to time, a light of what is happening...the wait is agonizing.
Hey, lovely anon. Doing okay, I guess. Thank you a lot for asking. How about you? Hope everything is okay.
And yes, you're absolutely right. And to be honest, I feel like we will hear from Everbyte soon. They know we all are waiting and we all want to play or at least to get some information about the release. I really hope it's happening soon. As already mentioned, I don’t care when Moonvale is released, of course I’m excited and curious. But it’s more important that Everbyte takes the time they need to make the game the way they want it to be.
And we should not forget that today is only the first of December. So there are still 30 days until the month is over, which is a long time when a game can be released. 😌
Only a little bit of patience then we made it, even if it is difficult. But yes, no matter what happens, I really hope that we will hear from Everbyte soon. Just something that gives us a little more knowledge.
So far, Everbyte has always done it and I trust it will not change this time.
It's as always, we have to keep our fingers crossed. 💚
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httpiastri · 7 months
Lol I just saw that formula 2 post of Paul Aron and kinds scrolled past it- then my brain clicked and I scrolled up- that neck??? Those arms??? 🤤
I just wanted to send it to you, I open Tumblr and there it is, your last post hahaha
I mean I know Paul Aron exists and that he's pretty cute looking, but I never noticed that neck 🙈
pleaseee bestie i told myself to only simp for oscar’s arms/hands/neck, no one else's (except for liam’s too)(and clem’s…. i still have that clem hand dump that’s been in my drafts for so many months), but……..
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tell me, how am i supposed to not simp for this ??? bestie????????
like the thing about paul is. he's so so pretty and he's cute and i wanna pinch his cheeks (like especially when he smiles, and the way he laughs like a 3-year-old? oh dear), but he's also so hot and it doesn't make sense to me!!! how can he do it all?? and the neck is so good and he hasn't even driven f2 yet, imagine the f1 neck he would get 😭
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peppermintmochafem · 10 days
i'm curious. what are your top 5 comfort things? can be a food, beverage, item, book, movie, etc. just curious hehe -shy
just curious? 👀 I hope you have no ulterior motives for this information mwhaha mwah
Peppermint mocha (obvi heheh)
Veggie pho
Cinnamon rolls
Legally Blonde
A forehead kiss
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akagamiko · 2 years
ANONYMOUS: Shanks. Today is Uta's @muselexum​ birthday. Do you have gifts and a cake for her?
“Of course I do!”
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He had the gall to look offended that anyone would ever suggest he wouldn’t have everything his kid could ever dream of every day, and not just on her birthday. “S’not like I’m gonna forget--it’s the day we found her.” Picking out a date for her birthday had been easy enough. After plenty of debate over how old she was, the crew had agreed that she must have been nearly a year old. There had been discussions about how babies birth days were welcoming them into the world and October first was the day he and the crew had welcomed her. It would be close enough. It was the start of a new month and the start of a new way of life for all of them.
“I always try and do special things for her, but it’s my kid and my favorite musician's special day.”
He had been planning for weeks on how to give her everything she wanted, in between all of his whining and sniffling over the fact that she was getting older.
“We picked out an island to stop at a couple o’ weeks ago. Some of the girls are takin’ her to a beauty shop or somethin’, I think. Got some new clothes and some of those little clippy things for her hair.” He brings his hands to his hair in an almost crab-like manner to demonstrate the clippy things that she liked to make him wear too. “She really likes that sorta stuff. ’nd Beck helped me pick out some storybook that was popular in the West Blue for us to read together. Breya’s already made her favorite cake for her and everyone else got her plenty of gifts, too.”
It wasn’t like Uta had ever wanted for anything. They had given her nearly everything she could possibly want or need as soon as they found her.
“Plus, there’s some sort of festival goin’ on here today--think it goes on for the rest of the week, but I figured I’d steal her away to explore for a bit tonight--just the two of us!!”
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emaziska for the ship bingo?
Hi, Anon!!! Thank you sooo much for sending an ask ily 💗♥️💖💞💕💝💓💝💖
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I had to adjust the bingo a bit because it's feelings are a bit intense for this ship for me hskdhsk
I've seen Emaziska before in the fandom, usually in this sexy exes dynamic, and, while that can be nice, my issue is that I don't know how they get together before they become exes?? HAHA Like, they could just have been sleeping together obviously, but. I'm a romantic 🥺. I want romance. And I don't know how to achieve that with them whshdsg
I feel like this is my problem with Franziska ships in general, because she just doesn't show much romantic interest in anyone. She's very driven and single-minded, and I think she views romantic relationships as distractions. Ema is also rather career-oriented so that's another setback for me, and I feel like her open adoration of Edgeworth mixed with Franziska's still highly competitive relationship with him would make their relationship a little odd at best and slightly explosive at worst. You could maybe say that Ema would idolise Franziska, too, because she fits in with her idea of what a prosecutor should be, but we've seen them interact in Investigations, and Ema doesn't seem to view Franziska like that.
I can't really see them getting together at the stages of their life that we've seen, but I do think that after they've grown up a bit more, past Ema's detective days and Franziska's judgement of her own self-worth based on whether she can best Edgeworth or not, they'd be really sweet! They're both very independent women with sharp minds, and they'd clearly respect each other very much. I think Ema's open exuberance for Franziska's skills as a prosecutor and Franziska's cool, matter-of-fact admiration for her skills as a forensics scientist would mesh really well! I've kind of sold myself on this version of their dynamic HAHAH Thank you so much for asking me about them, Anon! They were very fun to think about <3 💖💝💞💓♥️💝💗
Send me a ship for the ship bingo!
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cream-stew · 7 months
How about monsterfcking with Neuvillette? Him in his dragon form pounding and breeding reader's pussy until his cum leaks out and when Neuvillette saw his cum leaking out he tries to push it back in using his thick fingers but it just won't stay inside, a lot of his cum wasted so he fucked Reader full again with a new batch of cum and cockwarmed him after their down<3
(What if after they have sex, Neuvillette carries Reader to the bathroom to clean both of them and Neuvillette still inside of Reader but ended up fucking when Neuvillette and Reader are inside of the bathtub)
Sorry if my grammar is wrong! English is my third language hehe and I'm still learning
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🔞minors dni
warnings: afab reader, breeding, creampie, multiple orgasms, squirting, tummy bulge, size kink, mosterfucking
// note: no worries anon I could understand perfectly <3 thank you for the request this was fun
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he's bigger than you even in his more human form, but like this, arms and legs covered in light blue scales, thick horns crowning his head, he's just. huge. straight up huge. he has you in a mating press and your face can barely reach his pecs, your legs can't even hook on his shoulders, they're ramrod straight as he grips your ankles in his big hands.
his cock is a really tight fit too... your pussy is stretched to the limit as he pounds into you, leaving you gaping each time he pulls out before slamming back inside with full force. now you can really understand why he decided to fuck you on the floor this time, putting down soft blankets and pillows so that you'd still be comfortable, but simply refusing to do it on the bed: he would have destroyed it in minutes, his strength and stamina in his half dragon form is insane!
when he finally cums inside you, when you're well on your way to a fourth orgasm, you think maybe he'll calm down a little but nope... he just changes tactics, never pulling out completely again, bc he doesn't want his cum to leak out of you :(
he keeps fucking you with really shallow thrusts, just as fast as he did previously, praising and encouraging you to just hold on for "a little longer" bc he needs to cum again, to claim you fully and stuff your cute little pussy to the brim :(
your eyes are tearing up a lil by then, but it feels so good that you can't find it in you to complain... so you let him pump you full one, twice more, until you hear him grumble and mutter something under his breath, until his huge fingers replace his monstrous cock, trying to fuck the cum back inside you. "what a waste" he complains. in his lustful haze he doesn't understand that your pussy is way too small to hold on to all that cum, so the only solution he can find is to fuck you again...
except this time, after pounding into you so so roughly, making you squirt on his cock for who knows how many times, he doesn't pull out after cumming... he just makes you cockwarm him, thinking that there's no way it'll leak out if he keeps your pussy sealed off like that!
it's hours before he allows you to move, but he still doesn't let you go, carrying you to the bathroom with his rock hard cock still buried snugly against your cervix, an evident bulge in your tummy. he summons enough warm water to fill the tub before lowering the both of you inside, effectively making you straddle his hips as the new position allows his cock to reach even deeper inside your womb.
it'd be relaxing, the warm water soothing your sore muscles, if he didn't grab you by the hips to move you back and forth on his cock :/ he uses you like a fleshlight, bouncing you up and down and jerking off inside your pussy as you desperately clutch to his shoulders, moaning and babbling, and when he doesn't stop even after cumming one more time inside, you just accept that you're going to fall asleep in his arms, and he's probably going to keep fucking you through it until you wake up in the morning🥺🥺
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monstersflashlight · 3 days
Thinking about your take on (any) monster eating an aphrodisiac candy on accident or like an accidental aphrodisiac pollen ingestion (from like just sniffing around scavenging/hunting) - if that makes sense? Just imagine them losing a bit of control, being so needy, and only wanting “it” to go away yet it feels too good to not be inside the reader… yea I’m totally normal about this.
I can’t wait to see what you come up with this and take your the time, make sure you are well rested and taking care of yourself! 💙
Hi anon! Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm trying to be kinder to myself and it's always nice to have a reminder. That said, I hope you like his little story I came up with. I went overboard with this. I don’t know where this came from but dang if it wasn’t fun. Hope you enjoy! <3
Wrong candy, right hole
Werewolf x fem!witch || dub-con, accidental drug ingestion, size kink, oral sex, knotting, breeding, squirting, lowkey somnophilia || tw: there’s mentions of anxiety and a panic attack
“I’m so fucking hungry, are you done?” He pushed his face against the side of your head, almost bent in half to do so, looking over your shoulder. When he pressed against your space so closely, you felt so tiny. Fucking werewolves being as big as a refrigerator.
“Wait a lil bit, dude. I need to finish this so I can send it today.” You told him, pushing his snot away from you. You were trying to pack the last products of the day before going for dinner. You told him that at least three times already, but he was so damn impatient. You kinda loved him for it, he was always so eager for everything you did together, it was charming in a way.
“But I’m hungry…” He whined, making you bite your lip to hide a smile. Your best friend was so cute when he was acting all puppy like. You though werewolves would be more dominant or something, but he was just a big furry himbo. And you had a bit of a crush on him, but you weren’t going to sexualize him that way. You knew part of the reason you had a crush was because of how big and imposing he was, how furry his body was… You had a bit of a monster kink, and well, you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable so you didn’t say anything about it.
You pointed at the counter and told him: “Eat some candy, they are over the counter.” He let out a happy sound as he marched to get them. You turned around in time to see him eating some of your last shipping products. Oh fuck.
“Uh, oh,” you mustered. This was bad, really bad.
“What?” He asked, opening his mouth wide, candy crumbs falling off. Gross.
You look at him with what you hoped was a sorry face. “You shouldn’t have taken that.” He didn’t eat the candies you were pointing to, he ate the ones your client specially asked for.
His face fell instantly, the worry in your tone not as hidden as you thought. “What? Why not?” You could see the gears in his brain turning, thinking about all the bad possibilities.
“It’s not candy,” you mustered, trying to sound nonchalant about it, but calculating how much time you had before it started to make an effect on him. Fuck, you didn’t know if it was going to be enough, it should be fast. Fuck.
“What?! You said I could take one.” He yelled at you, his voice growly and sexy, you tried not to think about that last part. Your lady parts would have to wait.
“The other ones, damn it. Now I have to make a new batch.” You tried not to sound annoyed about it, but those took so much effort to make… Damn it.
He looked at you like you were dumb and asked: “What were those, then?”
“Aphrodisiac candies,” you confessed slowly. The clock was ticking and you didn’t know how he would react, you normally provided them for other species, never for wolves.
“What?! WHY DID YOU HAVE THEM THERE?” He asked, starting to panic. You tried to calm him down by touching his chest, making him match your breathing. He complied, but with great effort. The clock was still ticking.
“It was an order. I was gonna pack them! But you ate them.” You kept breathing slowly, his big furry paw now on your chest, trying to breathe together. You learned about that when he had a panic attack the second time you two meet, and it had been helpful so many other times.
“What do I do? Give me the antidote,” he asked. You looked up at him with what you hoped was a reassuring smile.
“I- There’s none.” You tried to stop him from getting away, but he pushed you lightly and stepped back, his paws going through his head, frustration and anxiety very present on his features.
“What?!” He exclaimed. “I need to go. I need to get home, get my fleshlight. I don’t know. What do I do?” He sounded more panicked by the minute. You felt very sorry for him and even worse because it was technically your fault.
And then a light bulb turned on your head. “Or I could… I could help you,” you told him, looking to the ground, suddenly shy. You just offered your best friend to have sex with him to ride out the aphrodisiac he accidentally ate. Your brain wasn’t in the best place, but you couldn’t avoid the wetness between your thighs thinking about fucking him.
He turned to face you completely, his eyes so big it looked comical. “What?”
“Just… Just if you want to,” you muttered. Each second that passed it seemed like a bad idea. He was your best friend, he didn’t see you like that.
And then he deadpanned: “Are you saying you want me to knot you?” You blushed from your toes to your hair, hearing him talk about knotting made your pussy twitch and juices flow, you could feel the wetness on your panties growing uncomfortable.
“Dude when you say it like that.” You looked at him intently expecting him to say something else, but when he didn’t, you answered truthfully: “Yes, okay. Yes! I want you to knot me.”
“Am I taking advantage of you if we do this?” He asked, his tone worried. That made you confirm your choices. Of course you would do that for him, he was your best friend and the best werewolf you knew. He was better than any man, human, warlock or any other species you knew. He was just… him.
“No, I want this. I… I might have a bit of a monster kink…” You blushed again, and he smiled at you smugly. “Am I taking advantage of you?” You asked, matching his worried tone.
“No. I… I’ve had a crush on you since forever.” You looked at him perplexed, completely shook, what the fuck? “Your fucking candy also has some truth serum or what?” He asked and you remembered that yes, it did, fuck.
“Maybe… It’s to make the communication between partners better,” you explained. It sounded bad to your own ears, like a silly excuse for what was just happening, but you didn’t care. He had a crush on you. On you!
“Good lord, I’m never eating anything you give me ever again.” You chuckled at that, and he followed. But it was short lived. His laugh broke with a whine: “Fuck, it hurts.” He was palming his cock through the fabric of his pants and you could feel saliva pooling at your mouth. Dang you wanted to suck him off badly.
“Shit. Yeah, it should be starting to make effect.” He looked back at you with full on puppy eyes, making your heart constrict and your pussy get wetter. You pushed him backwards, and he let you guide him to the back room. You had a mattress there for when your long potions had to be made, so you could take a nap. You thanked the Goddess and pushed him on it. “Does this work?” You asked, sitting on his lap, you could see the outline of his dick and you wanted to explore every inch of him. He nodded eagerly, his paws grabbing your hips to grind your covered pussy against his dick. He whined and let out a long groan, a wet patch forming in his pants. “Did you just come?” The smile on your face was so big it hurt your cheeks.
He looked at you embarrassed. “Yes, fuck. What did you give me?” His hands kept moving your hips to grind against his dick and you were starting to lose your mind. The friction was so good you were close yourself.
You groaned and told him: “You ate it yourself. It’s… It’s supposed to make your sex experiences extremely pleasurable. And maybe… Maybe improve your stamina?” It wasn’t a question, it did improve stamina greatly, that’s why you never gave it to wolves or other species with already good stamina, their partners couldn’t hold that much time.
“I’m a werewolf, I already had enough stamina!” His words agreed with your inner turmoil. Fuck, his clothed dick against your wet panties felt wonderful. “Take off your clothes or I’ll rip them.” His low growl made you groan and more juices pooled on your panties. “Fuck, I can smell you. I can smell how wet you are.” You got up from his lap and started to get your clothes off. You were being too slow because he growled and tried to grab you. You stepped back and took care of the rest rapidly.
The second your clothes were off you, he was launching himself at you, his face going directly for your pussy. You felt his long tongue inside of you, so long and so inhuman that it was hitting every single place inside of you that made your toes curl. You kept cursing as your hands found his fur, you pulled and groaned as he ate you out like a desperate animal. You could see his hips grinding against the bed, he was probably making a mess. In your foggy brain, the pleasure hit a max level and you exploded, coming against his face as he licked every single inch of you.
He pulled back, his face contorted in what you only could describe as feral grin. He ripped off his own clothes, the sound of tearing fabric excited you. And then you saw his dick, and you twitched. He was so fucking big, his tip was red and big, leaking so much it looked shiny. But what scared you the most was the knot at the base, so big it was almost like your whole fist. Dang. You weren’t sure that was going to fit inside of you.
“I’m not sure that’s….” You tried to push away on the bed, but he grabbed your legs and pulled, positioning yourself perfectly for him. Your pussy on display and your legs over his shoulders.
“It will fit. I’ll make it fit.” His voice had an edge of danger and you shivered.
Your pussy was sensitive after the orgasm he just gave you, so when he pushed inside of you in one hard thrust you almost lost it. You arched your back and screamed at the top of your lungs. His mouth found yours, and he started kissing you, more teeth than lips. He didn’t wait, he didn’t let you warm up, he started fucking you hard and fast, your whole body moving when he pushed inside. When he bottomed out, you could feel his knot against your entrance, trying to slip inside, an insistent pressure driving you wild. He grabbed your hips and pulled them up, the perfect angle to hit your G-spot with every thrust. You were seeing stars as he grunted and growled against your open mouth. You weren’t kissing anymore, he was just licking the inside of your open mouth as you lost your body to pleasure.
He came inside you. Once. Twice. Three times. Maybe even four, you stopped feeling it when it started to be too much. You could feel his cum moving inside of you with each thrust. But he kept fucking you, using you like a toy for his pleasure, and you couldn’t even blame him for being rough because you were enjoying it a lot more than you should. You did that to him, but good lord if it didn’t feel like paradise. You lost count of how many orgasms you had as he pounded you, your body at his mercy.
When you thought it was impossible to feel more pleasure, you felt him slow down, pressing and pressing, and pushing and trying to stretch you impossibly wide. You thrashed under him, there was no way, but he didn’t mind your struggling as he forced his knot inside of you. You let out a cry as it fitted inside, you felt like he was breaking you apart in the best possible way. You didn’t know it could feel like that, you didn’t know it could feel so good. Your voice gave out before your body did, your scream turned silent as he bit and licked your neck, probably leaving a line of hickeys there. You didn’t care. It felt so good. Too good.
And then he pushed on your lower abdomen, making you feel so full and so weird, but it was so hot. You had so much cum in you, a bump in your lower abdomen indicating he came so many times you were knocked up for sure. You would need to make contraceptive potions tomorrow, but for now you could enjoy the feel of his cum inside of you. So much, so hot. It felt like molten lava was melting your insides as you came and came. And he came and came.
He moved his knot against your G-spot over and over, making you want to cry because of the pleasure. And then you felt the telltale sign that you were going to squirt. It only happened a couple times before, never with somebody else, but when you tried to alert him, your arms and legs wouldn’t respond. You could just lay there in silence as he took his pleasure on you, off you. You squirted, soaking his fur and making him stop for a second, surprised. His answering growl was so feral you felt it in your whole body. He came again. And again. And again.
At some point you passed out. Your body gave out. But you guessed he kept fucking you, the candy was supposed to last for hours. Well… You trusted him, he could fuck your asleep body as much as he wanted.
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altruistic-meme · 1 year
🍫 🍪 🐰
hello hello :3
🍫 Cheese or chocolate? cheese, almost for sure. but it depends on the kind of cheese and whether or not i get like. crackers or something to go with
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be? hmmm i wanna say a peanut butter cookie! :] it's one of my favorites, pretty simple but so so tasty. to represent that there is never anything going on in my head but yet i am still so fascinating.
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person? their behavior. towards you, towards others, when they think they aren't being watched. i also tend to judge my coworkers a LOOOT based on how they behave towards our managers and whoever, and how they talk about them.
basically i think people do tend to show their hands more often than not. and even if you aren't actually the asshole you're portraying, that's worse than just being an asshole bc it means you are consciously choosing to behave that way. so yeah.
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