#this is what you should spend your responsible adult money on.
nayruwu · 3 months
guess what i got!
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these things are so very memeable
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lesbiansanemi · 7 months
It is officially time to set up a new bank account!
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henrioo · 1 year
Part one — Parte two
Child! Shanks x Child! Reader ( x platonic! Edward Newgate)
Synopsis: "A confusing encounter with a red-haired child ends up changing his day completely."
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,6k
Notes: Pronouns should be neutral but because of automatic translation they are masculine, I'm sorry, it was written with a neutral reader in mind. Forgive the bad English too, Google is not one of the best
Revision: @waitingmydemons
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Today would definitely be your day! After weeks of trying to convince your brothers and especially your father, you had managed to get permission to take a tour all alone around the next island the ship stopped. It might seem silly, but living surrounded by men who saw danger in everything made your freedom being compared to one of a bird in a cage. Of course, you were more than grateful for all the effort they put into protecting you, but sometimes you just wanted to run around and play with other kids instead of being followed by famous pirates who scared anyone who came near.
That's why you couldn't hold back the anxiety of finally being able to live a little adventure completely alone! You've prepared very well, choosing fresh clothes that won't get in the way of playing or running, took a purse with a generous amount of money that you collected according to the days and choose the best and most resistant shoes! Everything was perfect, you couldn't even swallow your food during lunch. You were so busy, as soon as the meal was over, you said goodbye to everyone and ran towards the port, excited to explore the place.
Even if walking around and spending money on silly things wasn't exactly the most fun thing in the world, just being able to experience all those new things by yourself and maybe even make a few friends was enough to get you excited. There weren't many young people in Whitebeard's crew, you ended up being the only child and the youngest member which left you a bit alone. Of course no one refused to play with you, Marco and Thatch would spend hours distracting you if that made you happy, the point was that they were adults and eventually needed to take care of their responsibilities, leaving you alone.
Your plan was to buy some candy and maybe find some kids your age to play with, you couldn't wait to get some attention from people who would also like to play. You walked carefree through the big city market, there were countless merchants, mothers, workers, all walking around in their own worlds and duties. You'd eventually stop and look at the fruit, jewelry, or anything else that looked like fun, but you weren't focused on shopping. You were humming absently around, not really caring about your surroundings when you started to hear footsteps approaching.
When you turned around to try to figure out what was going on it was too late, a person collided directly with you but before he could knock you to the ground, he pulled you by the arm away from the main road. You were dragged into an alley and soon a hand covered your mouth, when you regained your senses you could hear more and more footsteps approaching, a crowd running! You frowned in confusion as you listened to what people were saying. "Are you sure you lost them?" You tried to peek down the alley and you could guess they were sailors by their blue and white outfit. "Shit, those little brats! I can't believe they robbed us…" they argued among themselves "Let's keep looking, they can't have gone far".
So when the men walked away you decided to pay attention to the situation you were in. You looked to see who your captors were and came across two… children? The boy holding you had blue hair and a huge red nose, he was holding your mouth while his face had a terrified expression. Next to him was a boy with red hair and a nice hat, he was carrying what looked like a bag of coins and he also looked extremely nervous about being chased. Whoever they were, you knew they'd robbed the sailors, but that didn't mean they weren't a risk to you.
When you were sure the sailors were gone you used all your strength to step on the boy's foot and then bite his hand. You might be small but you weren't harmless, growing up with powerful pirates had taught you a trick or two.
"Ouch! You bit me!" The boy screamed as he held his own hand.
The redhead finally seemed to notice that they'd dragged someone else into the mess and looked at you confused.
"You kidnapped me!" You countered by crossing your arms.
"You kidnapped them?!" The redhead exclaimed looking at his friend in shock.
"They were in the way!" The other tried to defend himself "And you bit me! I was about to let you go!" He was still angry but you didn't care.
"Think before you kidnap me! You're lucky I only bit you, if I told my brothers they would do a lot worse!" You exclaimed proudly of your family.
"Sure, like I'm going to believe a snotty brat" the blue haired one rolled his eyes.
"You called me what?!" You exclaimed with fury as your cheeks burned.
"Snotty brat" he said again with a smirk, looking satisfied with having turned the tables.
The problem was that the boy had underestimated you, one thing you definitely lacked was patience. You learned very early that you shouldn't tolerate offenses against yourself or your family, so you let anger win that fight. You quickly punched the blue-haired boy in the middle of the face, the one who fell on his butt with a scream.
"Buggy!" The red-haired friend screamed and went to help him.
"I'm not snotty!" You said stomping your foot on the floor.
The red-haired boy looked between you and the companion, his gaze showing shock and… fascination? He looked at you like you were a bedtime story hero, someone amazing and you couldn't understand. Shouldn't he be angry? You had just hit his colleague and he seemed fascinated by it?
"Wow…" he exclaimed looking you up and down.
"Humpf! Idiot" you said without patience and then you turned to leave the alley "You're lucky I won't tell my brothers, Marco would finish you off" you said and then left the place ignoring the red haired boy who kept calling you .
You were nervous and frustrated that visit to the city had not gone as you planned, so you decided to go back to the ship earlier. Luckily you would stay a few days in that place, there would be other opportunities to explore and meet kind and fun children, no more children who irritated you. It wasn't long after returning to shore that the crew set up a small camp to store the new supplies while the ship was refueled. There, you found Marco fiddling with some papers and further away you could see his father giving orders to some other members.
You sat with a sulky face while eating a candy you bought in town, Marco looked at you curiously and approached with a characteristic smile.
"What's wrong birdie-yoi?" He smiled and sat down next to you.
"I… I met some annoying kids" you decided it was better to omit what had happened, as much as you wanted revenge, you understood that the confusion had been a misunderstanding and you didn't want your siblings worrying about something so silly.
"Wasn't that fun?" He nodded when he saw you deny it. "Don't worry, you can still meet other kids in the next few days" he smiled trying to calm you down "And if nobody wants to play with you, let's get Visa and Jozu and have a tea party, how about that?" He offered, knowing you were always happiest spending time with your brothers.
"Promise?" You looked at him sullenly.
"On my honor" he smiled as he saw you clearly getting more excited about the idea.
After a little chat, Marco had to get back to work and you decided not to bother him anymore. So to distract yourself until dinner time you decided to walk along the nearby beach and look for some shells to collect, you were still thinking about the boys from before, especially the redhead. He was looking at you with so much emotion that you couldn't help but feel your stomach churning, no one had ever looked at you like that… It was so weird and it made you so confused, what was that? Some noises in the nearby forest caught your attention, being curious that you were, so it didn't take long to approach and look for who was there.
"It 's you!" You said in recognition of seeing the red hair from before.
"Shhhh!" He asked for silence and you covered your mouth, looking around for any threat "Are your brothers here?" he asked quietly.
"They're over there…" you pointed into the distance and he seemed to agree silently "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to talk to you again" he admitted looking at the floor, his cheeks were slightly pink and you felt your body getting warm.
"Why?" You asked timidly.
"Because your punch was super cool!" His eyes sparkled "You hit Buggy right on!"
"Is he not your friend?" You asked confused.
"He is… But you were just defending yourself! He shouldn't have called you snotty… You're not snotty, you're too cute to be!" He confidently admitted.
"Do you think I'm cute?" Your cheeks were now on fire.
"I do…" he smiled shyly "I'm Shanks, what's your name?" He approached.
"(Y/n)" you smiled.
"Cool, I didn't know Whitebeard had someone in the crew with my age"
"How do you know I’m in the Whitebeard’s crew?”
"You said you had a brother named Marco, I know him! And my captain said Whitebeard was in town, so that had to be it," he said with pride in his little investigation.
"Your captain? Are you a pirate too?" You were curious now.
"Yes! I'm from the Roger Pirates!" he exclaimed with pride.
That's when your face became sad... You had heard about this crew countless times, all your life you grew up hearing that they were your father's main enemies and that you could not, under any circumstances, approach them.
"I shouldn't be talking to you!" You finally realized and tried to run, but Shanks was quick and grabbed you.
"Wait! Please! I don't want to hurt you!" He begged as he held her wrist gently but firmly.
"How can I trust you? You kidnapped me this morning! And we are sworn enemies!" You snorted.
"But I don't want to be your enemy…"
"You don't?" You let your emotions get the best of you.
"No… I… I want to be your boyfriend!" He declared with fire in his eyes.
"Boyfriend!?" You stuttered in shock, your face was hot and probably red, your eyes were wide in shock.
"Yes! You're super strong and cute!" He said without a care and then let go of your hand "Unless you didn't like me…"
"No! I did like you…!" You admitted with embarrassment "But… I never had a boyfriend… What do they do?"
"They… They" he stammered in embarrassment "They hold hands… Kiss on the cheek and go on dates!" He said with embarrassment.
"Oh!" You exclaimed with as much embarrassment as he was. You thought about holding Shanks hands and your stomach started to turn, it would also be really cool to be able to play with him.
"It's cool, isn't it? We can be sweethearts!" He tried to convince you.
"(Y/n)?! Where are you? It's getting dark and we should go back to the ship" You heard your father's voice approaching.
"Shanks?! Where are you?!" Another unknown voice came from the middle of the forest.
Before you could run away the fearsome encounter took place, behind you was your father and behind Shanks must have been the much talked about Roger, his captain. You both widened your eyes in terror when you realized what was happening, but you didn't dare open your mouth to try to explain.
"Can you explain why your brat is talking to my child?" He quickly put a hand on your shoulder and pulled you back.
"Good question, what's up Shanks? Did you come here to talk to the old man?" The captain chuckled, he didn't seem to be mad at Shanks at all.
"I… Well…" the boy mumbled incoherently with embarrassment.
"Did he do something to you?" Your father asked, looking at you calmly, he didn't seem mad at you at all, which calmed you down a bit.
"No…" you mumbled shyly and grabbed his leg.
"Hm, maybe they just met and had a chat" Roger theorized "Or are they secretly flirting, huh Shanks? You naughty, came for the riskiest one" the man teased.
"Don't talk nonsense Roger, (y/n) can't date you, brat" His father said as if that was nonsense.
"I can't?" You asked with some sadness in your voice.
"They can’t?" It was Shanks's turn to look sadly at his captain.
The two men stared at each other in shock, they seemed to slowly understand what was going on between the two of you.
"Don't tell me… Did you like this piece of junk?" your father asked in shock and nervousness.
"Hey! No need to offend other people's children!" Roger defended "Shanks isn't that bad… He's just… He" the man shrugged.
"Like you understand" Edward rolled his eyes.
"Come on, we were young once!" Roger laughed "Let the kids date and have some fun, nothing bad will come of it"
"No" Edward gave the final verdict, but when he felt you pulling his pants and making your huge lost puppy eyes with tears threatening to fall he started to rethink the idea "(y/n)..."
"Please?" You asked "I promise I'll help more often in the kitchen if you let me..." you tried to bargain, you liked Shanks, you didn't want to be banned from dating him, even if you didn't know exactly what boyfriends did.
"Heavens… Who knew having kids would be like this…" He sighed tiredly "You guys can date" Shanks smiled "With some conditions!"
"Conditions? That's not fair!" He huffed angrily.
"Calm down little one, he's the father, he has the right to decide that, you have to earn trust and permission" Roger said quickly, Shanks seemed more resigned.
"First you need to grow up a bit, I can step on you now and I won't let such a small and young brat date my child!" he said quickly.
"Uhum!" The redhead's eyes sparkled.
"Second, you need to be strong! I will not tolerate a weakling having my child as a partner, you need to be able to face me without fear to have their hand"
"Yes! I'm going to be really strong!" He smiled looking at you and you looked away shyly.
"And finally, when you have those two things, the most important one" Shanks listened attentively "You need their acceptance" your father put his hand on your head "If you have both requirements and my child still loves you then I won't be the one going to stop you" he chuckled.
You smiled happily as you looked at Shanks who also looked confident.
"You'll see old man! I'm going to marry them!" He proclaimed with pride.
Roger just laughed praising his apprentice while your father looked frustrated and stroked your hair. You smiled thinking about how cool it would be to have Shanks as your boyfriend, you really didn't see the time to be able to be with him.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• ────── ✦ ────── •
Notes: I hope you enjoyed! There will be a part two showing what happened to them as adults, if you can leave what you think it will motivate me a lot because I'm new here! If you want to ask for something feel free! I'll make the best imagines I can, thanks for the support and see you soon
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rukia-writes · 5 months
hi rukia.
can you do Rangiku kind of reader as Hades and Poseidon s/o, separately of course.
the other is up to you
T/N: Let’s see what I can cook up. 🧑‍🍳 I love Rangiku a lot. Top 3 BLEACH characters
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Tyrant of ocean.
The Most Fearsome God.
Poseidon was that and much more.
A complex individual with his own principles and beliefs.
Poseidon also wasn’t much of a talker, he spoke only when necessity or when something was out of line.
However, not many people knew it but he did like talking. Rather, with someone. (Name), his beloved who was the opposite of him in every way and yet somehow the two clicked.
(Name) could be lazy, Poseidon had his days but he liked doing stuff.
Poseidon liked modesty, (Name) was a beauty with loved showing her body and curves getting the attention of other gods.
(Name) has an easy-going and free-spirited personality, Posieodn was the exact opposite.
The biggest contrast between the two that people noticed was that (Name) liked wearing human clothing and Poseidon always found that the hardest to tolerate about her as he considered human nothing but filth.
Yet, the two clicked.
“Human clothes again? You should take that filth off.”
“But I like it, the fashion those are developing is slick and stylish. If you want me to take off these clothes you’ll have to do it yourself.”
No shyness or shame.
Poseidon sighed in response while she enjoying teasing Poseidon smiled as the other gods found their conversation “entertaining” as the cleared their throats changing the subject.
Zeus called the two the weirdest soulmates ever.
Before the two became an item (Name) was arguably the most beautiful goddess in Valhalla. Hades had a saying about her,” A voluptuous beauty with an adult charm in Valhalla. With her broad-minded personality, the chances of men in Valhalla who say no to her... simply do not exist."
Even Poseidon.
(Name) had a habit of whenever she felt like drinking, she would find free people and then invite them to come out with her, and then has them treat her to drinks, so that she wouldn't have to spend any money. Drinking buddies were many but she enjoyed Hades and Poseidon as drinking buddies.
Why Poseidon? People didn’t know.
Poseidon didn’t know. Unlike his brother, Poseidon wouldn’t talk much.
So, Poseidon came to the conclusion that (Name) was using for free drinks and while this could have been true…he didn’t care if it was.
Because he liked her company and he had more than enough money that he didn’t seem to mind.
That’s how it started.
From drinking buddies to lovers.
“Please, don’t tell me you brought that human shit.”
“Listen, listen. This is really good, top notch.”
“You said that last time. It was disappointing to say the least.”
“No, no. Not this one. Here, here. Just close your eyes, tip it back and swallow. It’s really good…See! That’s good right?!”
(Name) gracefully got the tyrant of the seas to drink the alcohol from the human world, only for Poseidon to say it was worse than the last one. Which made the two go back and forth that they had “bad taste” in alcohol.
Although, the next day (Name) was in for a real treat when Proteus invited her to Poseidon’s palace. In the dining room was a small bottle of wine, two wine glasses with Poseidon already at the table.
“Sit. I have somethings I wanted to discuss.”
Poseidon didn’t have to repeat himself as (Name) sat infront of him with a happy smile on her face while Proteus opened the wine bottle.
The two discussed politics and seemingly family problems.
Seemed like Poseidon when he had a few drinks would talk about family a bit.
(Name) mentioned that the wine was exceptionally great and took the bottle wanting to know where Poseidon got it from. Sure, (Name) had a few drinks but the wine wasn’t necessarily strong that she couldn’t recall what wine was what.
“What is this, Poseidon?”
“Wine from those humans. It’s called “Beaujolais nouveau” apparently.”
“…You like human wine-oh my god.”
Smiling in a teasing manner while Poseidon simply shrugged his shoulders, simply saying, “It’s not bad.”
“Not bad you say, and yet you took it. Why?”
“…You enjoy teasing me don’t you?”
“I’m just wondering why we are enjoying human wine, since you called it gross yesterday.”
Cold blue eyes saw how much his visitor was liking this situation, of course she was. A quick sigh and Poseidon poured her another drink and then himself.
“Shut up and drink.”
The two clinked their glasses together and enjoyed a night of drinking and talking.
Poseidon loved those moments.
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“That’s my seat.”
The unknown god that was seated next to his drinking buddy quickly got up from the seat as the king Helheim, not only being one the most respected gods but also feared wanted his seat beside (Name).
The gods were having a party, a reason didn’t have to be, and Hades managed to arrive just in time knowing (Name) was already partaking in the wine with a few unknown gods wanting her attention.
Something Hades didn’t like.
“Why is it whenever I leave you alone there’s always a no name god wanting your affection?”
“I honestly, didn’t notice him there. I think you scared him.”
Hades sat down beside (Name) and like any gentleman poured her a drink and then himself, sighing in a tired smile.
“Oh no, how dare I?”
“Protective. Now drink and tell me about why you’re visiting the human world for clothes.”
Hades didn’t have big disdain for humans like his brother Poseidon, (Name)’s other drinking buddy. While she had many drinking buddies Hades and Poseidon seemed to be her favorite.
(Name) also had a habit of going to the human world for clothes, sometimes the clothes were modest and sometimes they were a bit revealing.
Hades didn’t mind either.
(Name) was a rather beautiful goddess arguably the most beautiful goddess in Valhalla. She wasn’t above using her charms to get what she wanted which could be drinks, so she didn’t have to pay, or getting support on anything she wanted.
“They are comfortable. The humans aren’t all bad, great fashion sense. However, your brother thinks otherwise.”
“Of course he does. Especially, since you gave him that wine from the human world.”
“It was great! You had to admit it was great!”
(Name) seemed to already be a bit tipsy as she gently shook Hades shoulder trying to get Hades agree with her. Drinking from his wine glass, Hades eyes quickly, very quickly, glanced at down her shirt to admire those beautiful breasts.
Hades didn’t have to quickly look in honesty as (Name) and himself were close and (Name) liked it when he gave her compliments on her body or how she dressed.
“Whatever you say. I’m not arguing with you.”
“Good! I was hoping you would let me see your Bident.”
Hades kindly chocked on the wine he was drinking as a easy going and kindly flirty (Name) patted the top of his head with a teasing smile. A smile, Hades came to love just as much as the smile that was charming.
“You can’t see my bident. Are you insane?”
“Aw, come on! Just for a little while~”
Slightly giving Hades a peek down the split shirt, which Hades already took a quick peek at, but Hades quickly played coy. Saying that he couldn’t be swayed. Even when, (Name) tried again Hades still said no. As the night went on and the two talked, as though the two were the only ones there, and had some more drinks for the night.
“I don’t like cold men, Hades.”
“Then why are you friends with Thor?”
“He has good company! Just because he doesn’t talk to you doesn’t mean he doesn’t talk. Don’t laugh! It isn’t funny.”
Hades had to laugh.
Imagining the indifferent and cold Norse talking and keeping good company seemed a bit out there to think about. While laughing (Name) kindly shook him trying get Hades to take her seriously, it didn’t work.
But that was Hades way of flirting; teasing.
The two liked to tease each other whether the two were together personally or on the phone.
“You’re still on that?”
Days later, Hades was sitting on his chair in his king’s chambers reading a book while on the phone with his favorite drinking buddy; beautiful drinking buddy.
“If you won’t let me see your bident. At least name an attack after me. Shows that you love me~”
“What makes you think I love you?”
Hades had a smile on his face as he awaited (Name)’s answer, on the other end (Name) was back in the human world. Shopping no doubt.
“Poseidon told me.”
“Are you calling your brother a liar? Shame on you~”
Smirking Hades found (Name)’s teasing and charming, that’s what he loved about her. That and how he could just be himself around her.
“I’m not calling my brother a liar. Just my favorite drinking buddy.”
“I’m hurt! Just for that you and I are no longer friends.”
Playing hurt (Name) knew Hades would reply back with something just as sly or funny and he did as he clutched his hand over his heart and pretended to be hurt.
“Oh no! Whatever will I do? My one and only friend is gone. I enjoyed placing my head on your lap. Looks like I’ll to find another place for my head to rest.”
“It’s not too late to apologize.”
“Good night, (Name). I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Bye, Hades.”
The two said good bye and ended their call, Hades had to admit he must have had it bad if he found her saying bye to him was sexy.
(Name) was truly beautiful goddess inside and out.
Hades had a saying about her;
“A voluptuous beauty with an adult charm in Valhalla. With her broad-minded personality, the chances of men in Valhalla who say no to her... simply do not exist."
Her beauty alone was what made gods trip over their own feet, except for Hades. Hades didn’t seem to let her beauty rule his desire, it was in truth that her personality that he loved.
Her teasing.
The way he could talk to her about anything, as he laid his head on his lap and she gave him sound advice. The way she waved and smiled at him would make him a liar if he said he didn’t feel his heart skip a beat.
Jealous? Protective? Hades wasn’t sure.
All he knew was he didn’t like certain gods coming around, not everyone has a warm agenda. Hades had to keep an eye out for her.
As the years passed, it wasn’t a secret that Hades and (Name) were close. A few gods and goddess became jealous of the two good looking, close friends, but it didn’t matter to them as the two just became closer and closer.
“Where are you two going?”
“Where does it look like we’re going?”
Poseidon caught his brother and (Name) at the gate that went to the world of the living both were dressed for the beach. Hades was carrying all the equipment, no doubt (Name) asked him to do so.
“You have a domain to run, you know.”
“Yeah, but if he stay cooped up in Helheim all the time he’s going to age faster than Zeus.”
“Helheim can’t be left unattended.”
“Beelzebub is taking command.”
Poseidon heard (Name)’s stance on taking Hades with her to the beach and while he hoped he could get some sense into Hades it was too late, (Name) already had her claws in him. Gently grabbing Poseidon’s well toned arm (Name) tried to convince Poseidon to join them.
(Name) was the only one in Valhalla who could hug Poseidon’s arm and get away with it.
Poseidon declined to go and instead told his brother not to be gone too long. Hades promised he would be gone two hours tops…
Hades and (Name) were gone the entire day.
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The Adults Are Still in Charge at the University of Florida
By: Ben Sasse
Published: May 3, 2024
Higher education isn’t daycare. Here are the rules we follow on free speech and public protests.
Gainesville, Fla.
Higher education has for years faced a slow-burning crisis of public trust. Mob rule at some of America’s most prestigious universities in recent weeks has thrown gasoline on the fire. Pro-Hamas agitators have fought police, barricaded themselves in university buildings, shut down classes, forced commencement cancellations, and physically impeded Jewish students from attending lectures.
Parents are rightly furious at the asinine entitlement of these activists and the embarrassing timidity of many college administrators. One parent put it bluntly: “Why the hell should anybody spend their money to send their kid to college?” Employers watching this fiasco are asking the same question.
At the University of Florida, we tell parents and future employers: We’re not perfect, but the adults are still in charge. Our response to threats to build encampments is driven by three basic truths.
First, universities must distinguish between speech and action. Speech is central to education. We’re in the business of discovering knowledge and then passing it, both newly learned and time-tested, to the next generation. To do that, we need to foster an environment of free thought in which ideas can be picked apart and put back together, again and again. The heckler gets no veto. The best arguments deserve the best counterarguments.
To cherish the First Amendment rights of speech and assembly, we draw a hard line at unlawful action. Speech isn’t violence. Silence isn’t violence. Violence is violence. Just as we have an obligation to protect speech, we have an obligation to keep our students safe. Throwing fists, storming buildings, vandalizing property, spitting on cops and hijacking a university aren’t speech.
Second, universities must say what they mean and then do what they say. Empty threats make everything worse. Any parent who has endured a 2-year-old’s tantrum gets this. You can’t say, “Don’t make me come up there” if you aren’t willing to walk up the stairs and enforce the rules. You don’t make a threat until you’ve decided to follow through if necessary. In the same way, universities make things worse with halfhearted appeals to abide by existing policies and then immediately negotiating with 20-year-old toddlers.
Appeasing mobs emboldens agitators elsewhere. Moving classes online is a retreat that penalizes students and rewards protesters. Participating in live-streamed struggle sessions doesn’t promote honest, good-faith discussion. Universities need to be strong defenders of the entire community, including students in the library on the eve of an exam, and stewards of our fundamental educational mission.
Actions have consequences. At the University of Florida, we have repeatedly, patiently explained two things to protesters: We will always defend your rights to free speech and free assembly—but if you cross the line on clearly prohibited activities, you will be thrown off campus and suspended. In Gainesville, that means a three-year prohibition from campus. That’s serious. We said it. We meant it. We enforced it. We wish we didn’t have to, but the students weighed the costs, made their decisions, and will own the consequences as adults. We’re a university, not a daycare. We don’t coddle emotions, we wrestle with ideas.
Third, universities need to recommit themselves to real education. Rather than engage a wide range of ideas with curiosity and intellectual humility, many academic disciplines have capitulated to a dogmatic view of identity politics. Students are taught to divide the world into immutable categories of oppressors and oppressed, and to make sweeping judgements accordingly. With little regard for historical complexity, personal agency or individual dignity, much of what passes for sophisticated thought is quasireligious fanaticism.
The results are now on full display. Students steeped in this dogma chant violent slogans like “by any means necessary.” Any? Paraglider memes have replaced Che Guevara T-shirts. But which paragliders—the savages who raped teenage girls at a concert? “From the river to the sea.” Which river? Which sea?
Young men and women with little grasp of geography or history—even recent events like the Palestinians’ rejection of President Clinton’s offer of a two-state solution—wade into geopolitics with bumper-sticker slogans they don’t understand. For a lonely subset of the anxious generation, these protest camps can become a place to find a rare taste of community. This is their stage to role-play revolution. Posting about your “allergen-free” tent on the quad is a lot easier than doing real work to uplift the downtrodden.
Universities have an obligation to combat this ignorance with rigorous teaching. Life-changing education explores alternatives, teaches the messiness of history, and questions every truth claim. Knowledge depends on healthy self-doubt and a humble willingness to question self-certainties. This is a complicated world because fallen humans are complicated. Universities must prepare their students for the reality beyond campus, where 330 million of their fellow citizens will disagree over important and divisive subjects.
The insurrectionists who storm administration buildings, the antisemites who punch Jews, and the entitled activists who seek attention aren’t persuading anyone. Nor are they appealing to anyone’s better angels. Their tactics are naked threats to the mission of higher education.
Teachers ought to be ushering students into the world of argument and persuasion. Minds are changed by reason, not force. Progress depends on those who do the soulful, patient work of inspiring intellects. Martin Luther King Jr., America’s greatest philosopher, countered the nation’s original sin of racism by sharpening the best arguments across millennia. To win hearts, he offered hope that love could overcome injustice.
King’s approach couldn’t be more different from the abhorrent violence and destruction on display across the country’s campuses. He showed us a way protest can persuade rather than intimidate. We ought to model that for our students. We do that by recommitting to the fundamentals of free speech, consequences and genuine education. Americans get this. We want to believe in the power of education as a way to elevate human dignity. It’s time for universities to do their jobs again.
Mr. Sasse is president of the University of Florida.
This is the way.
Never forget that the "speech is violence" people have spent the last few weeks trying to gaslight everyone that their violence is just protected speech.
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
this is now a bottled joy related cpns blog. 😂😂😂
no… but it won’t stop and i have become fascinated with whatever it is they post and how it’s being interpreted.
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( let this cute human being invite you in to read 🥹 )
just when i thought they had already done the most to cue cpfs, they prove me wrong and do more “outrageous” things…… you’ve probably seen some things floating around today but this is my attempt to put things in one place + add some that i missed from my previous posts ( one / two / three / four / five )
let’s start with the main topic right now, about bobo’s alleged renewal and what an employee said during a livestream + some customer service chats.
There has been some talk with the renewal since his contract expires in September, and with all the alleged cpf-bias, you might expect that Bottled Joy don’t get the usual love from so/os. There was a chat asking when will wyb’s contract expire and the answer is “renewed”:
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Then in their livestream they put the message: “don’t ask, already extended the contract”. LOL. and also said there will be good news in September, which is when it’s supposed to be renewed. So watch out for that. I personally like their cooperation, even if this whole candy digging didn’t happen.
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This guy also said something very nice during the stream : "You can't control Yibo, you can't even control yourself, you can't even control your emotions, if you are an adult, try to calm down your emotions" 💯
I agree with this message so much. This is not just a message to so/o fans — it also applies to us. We don’t control WYB or XZ. We don’t own them. No matter how much money or time we spend on them, they are not required to make us happy to somehow “pay that back”.
for the chats, it’s bxgs sending messages. p1 is the person sending well wishes to yibo since it’s his bday and by extension, to xz, they also said that when the official announcement is out ( their relationship i think ), bottled joy should be in the main table. the chat support replied with received. p2 is also sending a message to yibo and replied with they will try to convey this to wyb too.
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I don’t really buy that much into these chats cause the people behind these customer service “bots” are required to make the customer “happy” and in that case being very agreeable. it doesn’t really put much weight into the whole “cpf-bias”. I think they will be sweet and kind to any customer who contacts them.
here are other examples of why we think they are aware of what CPNs are going on in the circle.
P1 ( posted 7/25 ) has a caption saying: It is said that if you collect all these five tons ( bottled joy tumblers ) you can travel to 2026 and the kadian for the time it was posted is 18:23. These numbers are so well known if you are a cpf. P2 on the other hand, captioned as: Ton ton don’t know anything, it’s all from the boss @UNIQ-王一博. The whole “don’t know” joke is from a recent cpn too. again, interpret this as you will, it’s too much to be a coincidence at this point.
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Today, the shared the One and Only special edition bottle. The kadian is 23:28 ( Love Zhan, Love Bo )
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their continuous spotlight of the green ( yibo themed ) and pink?? ( guangdian colored ) bottles that cpfs love. they shared a spongebob x patrick post and then after that is a shot of those bottles. probably to represent zz and wyb who we know love the two.
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Lastly, another speculation is that WYB and XZ somehow “own” bottled joy. It doesn’t help that during the livestream, it was mentioned that there is a boss behind the scenes. and that the anchor asked his “boss” if he can talk about the renewal and he was given the go ahead. I personally don’t believe this but I understand why some people are onboard. At the end of the day, support their works and endorsements responsibly. 👍🏻
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Magazine Interview Translation - B’s-LOG March 2023 [Special Interview]
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The Cute Side of Adult Men ♥
Bringing you an interview with Itaru and Sakyo! We’re taking a closer look at their mature and cute charms.
*Please read disclaimer on blog
Q: Please tell us about your impressions of the cover photoshoot!
Itaru: They put a lot of effort into our hair and makeup, didn’t they? They made lots of curls with a flat iron, so I wondered how it was going to turn out. The end result was nicely balanced though. I was impressed. Also, I’m rather used to wearing pink for my stage costumes, but seeing Sakyo-san in that colour felt pretty fresh.
Sakyo: I felt uneasy when I saw myself in the mirror, but I went along with it since I know we should leave these things to the professionals. However… I was surprised that they ended up using that shot where I’m holding my glasses in my hand. We took a lot of photos where I had my glasses on too.
Q: What makes you think you’re glad you became an adult?
Itaru: The fact that I can spend my time and money on anything and no one can question me about it. It left a pretty big impression on me when first I left home to live on my own and everything, including my life rhythm, was up to me. However, everything was also my own responsibility and I had to work in order to live…
Sakyo: This guy is living with all of us at the dorm, so I’d like to correct his life rhythm… but it’s like talking to a wall, so I’m at a loss. For me, I’d rather be able to work than anything else. We receive money as compensation for the work that we put in according to our duties. I’m thankful for society.
Q: Has your impression of the other person changed from when you first joined the theatre troupe until now?
Itaru: At first, he seemed like a ruthless, OP demon king final boss. But he was an unexpectedly compassionate person… I mean, I’m not sure if I should say this in front of the guy himself, but my image of him changed dramatically. I won’t go into the details, but he left a strong first impression.
Sakyo: Let’s stop there. From my point of view, Chigasaki… indeed, my impression might have changed as well. He looks like an actor who can pull everything off flawlessly, but he has a surprisingly clumsy passion. We haven’t formally co-starred yet apart from the MANKAI Show where all the members participated. But I would like to try acting alongside this guy properly one day.
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tiredbonbon · 1 year
Pairing: William Afton x gn! Reader
Summary: You lived in your small, shitty town all your life, with nothing very interesting happening to you, until at least, you catch the eye of one of your dad‘s friends.
Warnings!: age gap (reader is an adult), flirty William bc thats how it is, inappropriate relationships(?)
A.note: soo this is the firt time i write anything on this blog, if the writing in here isn’t the best please excuse me I am trying this kind of stuff for the first time and have to see if I feel comfy with it and what the response is, feel free to offer criticism in my dm‘s or leave requests in my inbox, reader is gender neutral btw.
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Picture creds: Noisx
You had been living in the small town you were born in for all your life, and that meant all your life, you never spent a year abroad, never went to schools outside and even vacations or visits out of town were never longer than a week. You basically knew this place like your right pocket, and everyone there knew you and you and your family as well.
It wasn’t that you particularly hated it, it was more that you were so goddamn bored of it, this place felt like a desert at times, and really, the only thing that even attracted people from outside was the diner down the streets, ‚Freddy Fazbears Pizza‘ a pizzeria ran by two of your fathers friends he met in college. The place was actually a huge hit all around the state, gradually extending its popularity all around the country, which was because of, you guessed, the children’s entertainment animatronics that had always been the face of the franchise.
Despite it easily being the hottest place in town for both children and adults, it wasn’t a place you particularly liked to spend your time at, first of, the animatronics always creeped you out a little bit, secondly, since Henry was particularly close to your dad, should you have run into him at the restaurant, you‘d always have to awkwardly try and chitchat, which was nearly unavoidable with him being at the place like every day anyway. The only time you ever really went down there was when your parents asked you to go and pick up some pizza to eat for lunch or dinner and despite him sometimes being a bit too friendly for your own taste, Henry was a nice man, often times telling you to keep the money your dad gave you and to take the food on the house, that was always a welcomed boost for your wallet.
Right now, you sat on the sidelines of your family’s garden in the shade trying to block out the soldering heat that was a summer in Utah, your family was hosting a barbecue at your house, inviting Henry with his wife and kid, as well as the Aftons from down the block, you never knew them as well as the Emilys, but you were always well aware of their existence.
In the garden, three kids ran around the active sprinklers, Charlotte, Elizabeth and Evan. Out of the bunch, Charlie was the one that you were most comfortable with, she was a nice and respectful kid and most of all knew her boundaries, while on the other hand Elizabeth was just too extroverted and energetic for your taste, and while he was a good kid at heart, Evan always felt like a bit of a time bomb. You never wanted to handle the awkwardness of accidentally making a small child cry that you always felt came with interacting with him.
Both Liz and Evan belonged to the Aftons, they did have another brother called Michael, but just like you, he was long an adult and instead of jumping around the cold sprinklers rather sat in the shade, far away from anyone else.
You looked up to the parents mostly standing out in the middle of the porch, your mum and dad were both next to the active grills, chatting with Henry and his wife, while off on the side a bit away from them, there he was, William.
Honestly, you never spend a lot of time around him, for one, when you were down at the pizzeria, he was apparently working in the back and when you were home, if Michael was telling the truth he was usually in the downstairs basement working on new ‚creations‘. All enough to tell you that he wasn’t very sociable which felt a bit ironic knowing he managed a restaurant chain targeted at kids.
The only times you saw him was when he occasionally chatted with your dad in front of the house, peeking out his office at the pizzeria or that one time he helped your mom fix her car, but really you didn’t remember the last time you saw him like this, in a populated area with his family, standing around in the open.
Visually, you didn’t find him particularly …unappealing, he was a tall, slender guy, with short and messy brown hair and most times in mediocrely formal attire, his eyes were quite cool and most times sunken in with a typical, wide, british grin, which was also mirrored in his accent.
Who were you really kidding here? You didn’t think of your dad‘s friend as unattractive, he was the typical, dilfy, older guy for you, and finding him so appealing was also one of the factors why you didn’t really come around to the pizzeria the last few years. You questioned your tastes a little bit, after all, a lot of the neighborhood kids and even some teens were straight up terrified of William for one reason or another and avoided his mere sight at all costs.
You sighed, trying to brush the thoughts out of your head, you wished you could have just watched this all from your room, but your parents insisted that you stayed outside with them now that you were ‚one of the adults‘.
„Y/n!“ you flinched suddenly realizing your dad was calling out to you, you shifted from the stones you were sitting on as quick as possible as you hurried over to know what he wanted.
„Gosh darling is your hearing okay?“ he shook his head as you tried recovering from your total daze earlier, he sighed, „ugh… would you be so kind and fetch some plates from inside, oh, and some ice pops for the kids?“ he asked.
„Oh uh, yeah sure.“ you replied swiftly, you didn’t mind getting away from the others outside for a little. You quickly walked inside and into the kitchen, leaning over the counter to pull around a recent newspaper, your eyes scanning around the articles for a bit as you slacked down into one of the kitchen island‘s stools and reading trough the texts, losing grasp of what you were even supposed to do.
„Still in here, eh?“ you perked up at the sudden voice in the room, mortified to see William of all standing at the opposite side of the kitchen island, crossing his arms.
Your scrambled up, nearly knocking over the stool you were on with you on it and barely preventing a fall, „Oh uh- Mr. Afton, do you need anything?“ His lips twitched up at your sudden nervousness and loss of composure, „Your fatha‘ told me to go in here to check on you, said‘ he didn’t want you sneaking off to your room.“
You hissed a little, knowing thats the exact type of thing your dad would say, not taking into account if it‘d embarrass you or not. You folded the newspaper back up and quickly pushed past him to go to the kitchen cabinets in which the plates were, almost feeling nervous as his arms barely crossed yours. „Don’t rush, I‘m not gonna blame ya‘ „
You turned back to him raising an eyebrow in confusion, „I‘m not an ‚extrovert‘ myself yknow‘ , Henry‘s usually the one handling the kids down at the diner.“ he leaned against the counter behind him as you pulled out a few plates from the cabinets and set them down, chuckling awkwardly.
You undoubtedly felt embarrassed being completely alone with him, not that it had even happened before anyway. You had no idea what to say, or talk about, but then, one small thing still came to your mind. „So uh, are you building any more of those …robots?“
He chuckled, „oh yeah, plenty, are you interested in that sorta stuff y/n?“ fuck, that was the first time you think you had even heard him say your name at all. „Heh- A little maybe, I was kinda curious I guess.“
„hmhm, well I‘m flattered, you can come down to the diner sometime, I‘d be happy to show you some the endos we use.“ he offered, it did seem sorta interesting… you always kinda wondered how those animatronics looked like without the faux fur covers, although, you weren’t sure if it wouldn’t be equally terrifying.
You turned back to the plates, you weren’t sure how many would be used, so you just got a good stack. You bent down to the cooler, cramming around for any ice pops to keep the children at bay for a while. „So, you got yourself a fit bloke round‘ here?“ you felt yourself a bit startled at the sudden questioning, trying to keep your eyes fixed on the cooler and not up to meet his.
„Eh- no Sir, I‘ve uh.. I‘ve never had a boyfriend before I don’t really like the guys around here.“ you replied, that was actually the truth, most the people your age around here were far from your type, your mom had asked you plenty of times what you thought about Michael, and while he definitely aged better than most around there, you couldn’t see anything like that with him.
„Well, what about the men?“ you nearly choked for a moment, awkwardly laughing as if what he said was just some generic joke, yet you had no real idea what he actually meant by it. You finally scrambled out the ice pops from the freezer, putting them on top of the stacks of plates, „Are ya sure you can carry all that by yourself?“ he asked, you paused, looking at the stack for a moment, but before you could reply he had already pushed himself beside you and picked up half the stack himself.
You smiled awkwardly, „Thank you Mr. Afton…“
You quickly picked up your stack, following him outside as you didn’t want to bother your parents anymore with your reluctance, “there you are y/n, what in the world you took so long?” Your father asked seeing you finally leave the building, you were already prepared for a long lecture and being damned to stand next to him by the grill but to your surprise, before you had to say anything, William answered for you, “Bloody hell Bill give them a rest would you? We were just inside having a chat.”
Your father looked over to William, then to you, before seemingly calming down, “Whatever you say Will…” before you could turn to thank him however, Elizabeth and Charlie were already scrambling to steal the ice pops you had from you. Precious kids.
Quickly after you were done handing out ice pops to the kids, you were urged by your mom to help deck out the table for everyone to eat, while doing so, unwillingly your gaze often wandere back to William, who had taken back the spot at the side of the porch, simply leaning against the wall, on occasion meeting your eyes only to have you scrambling back to deck our plates with napkins to which you swore you could hear him chuckle in the distance, his mere presence was seriously starting to kill you.
After everyone sat down to eat, of course he had to be sat right next to you, and sure maybe the bench you sat on was a little cramped since elizabeth wanted to sit right next to her father, but surely not so cramped that his shoulder had to be constantly pressing against yours right..?
“So y/n, are you still on the lookout for a job? Like I said I’d always offer you a place down at the diner.” Henry mentioned, “Ah no worries, I’m still trying to manage my work from home since its the easiest at the moment.” You replied, your form stiffening even more when William turned his head to you.
It probably didn’t look weird to the others, but for you he was starting to be so close you felt his breath on your neck, his eyes always threatening to meet yours should you just risk the tiniest glance over at him.
“Thats a shame, I’m sure you’d look fantastic in one of our work uniforms.” The comment made most adults at the table chuckle, even Henry, but for you, it split your mind, you felt your emotions make you dizzy
Before he could say anything else, as if your hand moved on its own, you ‘accidentally’ knocked over your glass of lemonade, spilling it all over your top and shorts.
“Oh- Y/n are you okay??” Charlotte peeked up from her side of the table, you quickly stood up, “Oh yeah- please excuse me I’ll go change in my room!” And before your parents or anyone else could say something you rushed back inside and upstairs, sliding down your door as soon as you slammed it shut.
You had absolutely no idea what had just happened to your mind, it was like the pinnacle of tension in your body, not even neccecarily awkwardness but something else. You slowly got back up and took a deep breath before taking off your now very sticky shirt and shorts, ‘ am I letting myself get so tense just because of that man? What is wrong with me??’
You crammed out a new pair of shorts and a tshirt, god previously you didn’t even talk to William and now after so little interaction you were letting him get to you so much? For gods sake he was your dads friend and probably old enough to be your father too, this… this wasn’t becoming more than a silly crush right?
You grabbed a pillow from your bed and hit it atop your own head, trying to quite literally bonk yourself, by now, the sun had gone down, and surely it was time for everyone to leave anyways, you could surely go downstairs now right? Sure your dad would be pissed for you not saying goodbye to your guests, but you’d just have to deal with that.
You slowly made your way back down, it was awfully quiet, ‘huh… maybe they left already?’ It would have been much to your gratitude.
‘Huh… seems like it’ the front porch was empty, only the grills coal slowly burning out, you breathed a sigh of relief slowly backing away to lean against your kitchen island in victory, but ran into something else halfway, immediately flinching back.
Great. Just your fucking luck.
“AH- Mr- Mr. Afton, Im so sorry I thought you and your family were already gone-“ you stuttered, trying to hold composure even though you had just blatantly walked right into his chest, but he once again, merely chuckled.
“Its all right luv, I just wanted to say goodbye to ya, its not even me and you see each other aight?” You felt your face heat up, now it wasn’t just tension, it was straight up making you blush, was he meaning to do this????
“Oh of course- have a good night Mr. Afton, I- I’ll say hello next time in down at the diner!”
“Just visit me in my office, I’d be happy to have you around.” He grinned, one last time, before turning away from you, “Liz, Evan, Michael! Get over here we are going home.
You stood in the kitchen for another few moments, dumbfounded, red and confused.
This was, definitely becoming more than a silly crush.
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
Yay Yipee I Finally Remembered I Should Update Folks On Things That Are Happening
because hey whoops as some of you might remember Supposedly I Stream Sometimes! That Uhhhh Hasn't Happened In A While Has It! so I should probably let folks know what's goin' on!! the long and the short of it is
Around late November/early December I started having issues where Discord would crash and restart anytime I tried to screenshare my capture software with my friends who I stream with. This put console game streams (so 2/3 of the games we were streaming) on the backburner till I could troubleshoot and solve that issue
On top of that it was Fucking Finals Season for me at my Graduate School so at a certain point I had to be responsible and focus on getting my final projects & essays done, which meant sacrificing stream time till my break (where I would hopefully have time to troubleshoot and then do a ton of streaming to make up for lost time)
Except THEN literally the second I went home for the holidays my hard drive abruptly and completely died. It is very possible that this contributed to the aforementioned tech issues
I was able to replace the drive and get my computer working again but because I have a Fucking Curse a lot of tech-side things were lost or started experiencing issues due to the new drive, namely A) I haven't been able to get my capture software working yet and B) whoops my entire OBS layout is just gone now I guess
This whole saga, on top of juggling other life shit and work and the like, effectively ate up my entire winter break
so tl;dr! I have a computer curse and because of it streams are gonna have to wait till I can get both OBS and my capture software working again. I'm hoping to work on that this weekend so I can be back to streaming next week, but given my school & job workload I'm guessing it'll more likely be two or three weeks. On top of that, I won't be streaming most of March due to reason of "my partner is visiting then". all of this sucks cause I want to be streaming, both for reason of "i like spending time with my good friends doing this" and "haha whoops I'm not earning money now and oh boy there sure are a lot of expenses flying at my head like rocks huh".
I've already rambled a bit more than I'd like to now so here's da main points:
Streams will (HOPEFULLY) be back in February. When they are, they'll be Monday & Tuesday nights, 5:30pst/8:30est, for as long as my friends remain available at those times (we're all adults having to look for or maintain Day Jobs so availability could change. y'all know how it is). I may also do occasional one-off streams on weekends as my energy 'n schedule permits, most likely art streams
I'll continue to be around on Holly's streams Fri/Sat/Sun as her schedule permits, because I don't have to rebuild OBS from the ground up for that
There is a 99.99% chance I'll be totally absent stream-wise during March
Even though streams are facing The Troubles I am still taking art commissions! Those haven't been affected!! You can submit an interest form here and I'll reach out to confirm prices as soon as I'm ready to start work on yours
If, out of the kindness of your heart, you would like to toss some support my way during The Troubles (which would be much appreciated; as said I've got a lot of expenses coming my way and unfortunately my day job covers my rent and nothing more), here are some other ways you can do so: -- Tip me on Ko-Fi; if you pay $9 or more you can request a doodle that I'll do for you and post on here & twitter (and might stream the process of drawing once that's up and running again). Here's an example of some Ko-Fi doodles I did previously -- You can also tip through my stream page if you want but I probably won't see those till I start streaming again. Still appreciated!!! -- I have a Throne Wishlist that's mostly stuff like kitchenware, household goods, stuff for my kitty, etc. There's also a few Fun Things though, like vinyls and a billy big bass Jay insisted I add. Either way, if you wanna contribute to something on there it means a lot. You can also suggest items to make me laugh
an' above all: thank you for reading and for bein' around!!
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
You should respond to reblog comments more tbh. People are taking the time to reblog your stuff, and tell you how much they enjoyed it and not answering is kinda rude. I love your fics, and you seem nice and all, but I’ve seen your notes recently— they’re nowhere near what they used to be and you don’t get anywhere near as much interaction as other CoD writers. It’d probably help your blog a lot! Just some advice, but maybe think about it! 😘💖
this has been sitting in my inbox for a few days cause i've been debating about whether or not i want to answer this, but i'm 98% sure you're the same anon who's sent me a few other messages since they all use the same kiss emoji and are riddled with the same backhanded bullshit you're spewing here, and you've succeeded in annoying me so here's your answer before you get blocked. 😘
i do this for fun. writing is not my bread and butter, it's not how i make my money, it's not how i support myself. it is a hobby. i use some of my free time to write and post fics for my own enjoyment above all else. i don't give a fuck about how many notes, or likes, or reblogs i do or don't get. is it nice to see them and see comments from people who enjoy my stuff? absolutely. i'm incredibly thankful for anyone who takes time out of their day to read one of my fics and even more so for people who go out of their way to interact with me and my work, but i'm not going to worry myself over numbers, because that's not why i write.
also, i've been in fandom spaces for a long time and, i hate to break it to you, but more often than not fandoms tend to slow down and die after the initial hype. i posted my first CoD fic like a week or two after the game came out when it was blowing up all over social media, of course it got an unusually high amount of notes that were, honestly, a little bit overwhelming at the time. now it's been some time, and the hype for the game has died down, so people are moving on to different shows/games/etc. which means interaction is gonna slow down. it happens, and i don't intend to sit and worry over how many asks or reblogs or whatever i get compared to other blogs. that's not fair to me, the other authors, or the people interacting. i'm happy with where my blog is at, and the amount of interaction i get.
i've said this a few times already, but i work a full-time job and have other obligations outside of tumblr. i don't have a lot of free time, and have to plan ahead how i want to spend it. i try my best to respond to replies, to answer asks, and everything else when i can, but i am an adult with adult responsibilities and just don't have time to keep up with every single like and reblog i get. that doesn't mean i'm purposely ignoring anyone, or that i'm ungrateful, i just simply don't have the time to keep up with every single notification i get. if i had more time in the day, then i'd probably respond more and be more active here in general, but i don't.
i greatly appreciate every single follower i have, every person who likes, reblogs, comments, replies, sends asks, etc. while i write for myself, it's always nice seeing other people enjoying my work, i won't pretend that it isn't. it absolutely blows me away the amount of people who like my writing enough to tell me. i'm always open to people sending me stuff, and try to respond as best i can, but i feel it's unfair (and not just to me, but to other writers and creators in general) to call me rude for not responding how you think i should. and i think it's even more rude for you to come into my inbox (on anon of all things) to spam me with messages about how you think i should run my blog with condescending and backhanded asks that you want to pretend is friendly advice.
i think it would be good for you to take some time and step away from tumblr and go outside, touch some grass, climb a tree, eat some dirt, or interact with real people, and maybe try to realize that, outside of this blog, i am a person too and one who really doesn't need to deal with this shit.
Just some advice, but maybe think about it! 😘💖
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genderless-spoon · 7 months
Okay I’m gonna rant on here for a sec cause I’m frustrated and have nowhere to put it.
I don’t know if you guys know what the term “ingredient household” means but essentially it’s a term that describes a house that doesn’t really do a lot of snack and meals that are pre-made or, in my case, even pre-planned.
Adding on to this concept, I’m sure many of us on here heard our parents claim we “had food at home” or “had plenty of food in the house” and we were “just picky and/or lazy” whenever we asked about getting food out or buying groceries or anything similar.
This was my house. We were mostly an ingredient household but my parents didn’t plan out the meals for which they were buying ingredients, my mom would just buy the same generic groceries every time with very little variety and would improvise throughout the week. This meant we ate a lot of the same food made in slightly different ways all the time (which is not, in itself, the problem). It also meant that when I got home from school and both my parents were at work, not to return home for at least a few hours each (often well after dinner time) I was usually hungry and we had no snacks unless I wanted to shove handfuls of chocolate chips in my mouth or eat spoonfuls of peanut butter (both things I used to do). This paired with the fact that my parents needed time to settle in and my family didn’t tend to eat dinner until pretty late, meant I was often told to find food myself if I was hungry.
My mom did this to us a lot growing up, but starting from a pretty early age when even making a sandwich was kind of a lot. I always wished she’d have taught me how to make at least a few small things, because when I was told that we had food and it was all just ingredients I genuinely didn’t have any clue what to do. I have been seeing a lot of parents on social media complaining about the “we have no food” line that their children pull, and it’s starting to really bother me. Obviously I know this is not the same situation for all of these kids but I think children in general tend to be pretty resourceful and creative, and do not want to sit there hungry unable to do anything about it. They aren’t just acting helpless so their parents do things for them, they are literally children, they’re supposed to be more helpless than an adult in that regard.
I think a lot of parents (especially gen x parents) seem to assume that just because something seemed simple to them their children should already know instinctively how to do it, but everyone has to learn their skills somewhere and making that process a little easier on your children is such a great way to show them how much you love them. Involving the kids in the process of making dinner little by little and encouraging them to learn is much more effective than just one day expecting them to know how to take care of themselves. If you don’t want to spend all that time making food for your children (which, by the way, is literally what you sign on for when you choose to have kids), then at least take a bit of time every so often to provide them with the skills they’ll need to be successful without your help. Children are still learning how to be humans and sometimes they need a little extra help.
I now really struggle to prepare dinner for myself regularly as an adult because I’m starting from scratch having never really learned much beyond the easy stuff I could make myself as a middle schooler. I’m also disabled (in multiple ways) and going through the whole process is so draining that I often end up not eating or eating something pre-made, and while there’s nothing wrong with that food it is frustrating to feel awful all the time from eating that kind of food but not have the time, energy, or money to figure out a way without it.
My parents never prepared me for real life tasks and self care responsibilities and my parents are my biggest critics when I fail or struggle with simple tasks like cooking dinner despite them being the reason for it. Every time I so much as attempt to make myself food that isn’t frozen or pre-made my mom has to comment on how it looks or how healthy it is when I’m literally just lucky I was able to do what I did.
I don’t know how relatable this is, maybe it’s only going to make sense to a select few people, but I just needed to get it off my chest. I’m sorry for the rant, thank you for reading. Let me know if you relate to this so I know I’m not just yelling into the void lol.
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prolifeproliberty · 2 years
So. If a 13 year old CHILD is raped and becomes pregnant, as *has happened* you belive that since she won’t die in a miscarriage, she should birth and mother that baby?
Lemme guess, you’re all for schools getting defunded and teachers paid less so your government can give more guns to cops. And of course recruiting those undereducated children raised by families who couldn’t give them the best care into your military machine as pig for the slaughter
“Oh no we can’t have abortion? Well we’ll just have to kill them after birth. Lower the gun restrictions so a school shooter can get them. Or someone we invaded 20 years after putting them in power for anti-communist paranoia! They’ll be dead eventually! We just have to make sure the mothers are beaten down and impoverished first! Can’t have women safe and Happy oh no!”
- I’ve answered this a million times. Rapists deserve to rot in jail or get the death penalty. Children conceived in rape do not deserve the death penalty. I personally know people conceived in rape - they are no less human, no less valuable than you or me. They aren’t “rape babies,” and they aren’t in some way “evil” or “corrupted.” They’re people.
- It is possible to save both the 13-year-old and the preborn child. Therefore we must attempt to do so. No matter what happens, the 13-year-old will need support and counseling as she heals from the trauma of the rape, as well as either the trauma of abortion or the trauma of giving birth at her age. There is no trauma-free path here, just the path with more death and the path with less death.
- I am for reducing the funding of schools, but I don’t want to give that money to police for guns. Look how that worked out in Uvalde. Instead, I want families to keep their tax dollars and be able to find the best education for their child. I’m actually a public school teacher, and a huge advocate for homeschooling. The public school system is rotten to the core and currently collapsing in on itself.
- I don’t want children to die. Which is why I want responsible adults to be allowed to carry firearms in order to protect themselves and innocent children from mass shooters. We saw the mall in Indiana just recently where an armed civilian prevented untold loss of life by taking out the shooter.
- I work closely with organizations that help mothers and their children. Texas provides significant funding to the Alternatives to Abortion program, which funds community organizations that help mothers as well as women’s healthcare (which doesn’t include abortion, because killing children isn’t healthcare).
- I think America is imperialist and shouldn’t be invading other countries. We probably agree on most foreign policy issues actually. Our military spending and military activity is out of control.
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hotwaterandmilk · 1 year
Big IRL Stuff, feel free to skip
I live with an autoimmune disease and despite being on some pretty decent drugs, I still get sick a lot. I had a pretty rough discussion at work with my boss last week and while I love my job (and have been in the role for years) I do feel like I will need to find somewhere else that is better able to accommodate my disability.
Which is... really hard to deal with. I need money for my medications, rent, food, power/water, etc. so I can't drop everything and take a break like I'd love to do (I've never had a holiday as an adult). But I also can't keep going on like this, I've been given additional responsibilities that I'm just not capable of fulfilling due to my health and just generally, I need less stress in my life.
However, trying to find somewhere that is in my field and also accommodating to someone with my kind of disability needs is difficult to say the least. So many places list "remote working options" when they really mean you can WFH once a month or something and... I'm a hard worker, but that's just not enough with my illnesss.
So yeah, I just wanted to get this off my chest. I've had an intense couple of weeks and obviously if I'm between jobs at any point or having to change to a different type of role I'll likely have to cut down on any frivolous spending (aka: the type of spending I do on the crap I post here).
I just wish there was a way for me to make enough money to stay afloat without having to work myself to the point of hospitalisation every couple of months.
When you don't have a partner or family to fall back on in tough times, when it's 100% just you and then even YOU start being unreliable... what do you do? There's just no easy way to keep a roof over your head in the current world without working yourself into an early grave.
(Also I got misdiagnosed in the hospital over the weekend when someone misread my CT scan, so that's been a whole other thing.)
I just want a quiet life with my basic needs met & my health stable and even that seems like a pipe dream. I'm sure I'm not the only one in a similar situation and I've been fortunate to have been able to keep going until now, but it just SUCKS that this is where I and so many other people are at what should be the prime of our lives.
If you've read this far you're a saint, thank you.
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hiael · 5 months
Every year I read the book The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint Exupéry, because it is a light read and time passes and so does my view of the book. It's beautiful, it's reflective and it makes me feel things. A lot of things. It's my tradition to read at the beginning of the year and at the end and write down what I feel about it. Every time.
And this time, now as a supposed responsible and hard-working adult, I was reading it and a specific paragraph left me thinking a lot.
"If I have told you these details about the asteroid, and made a note of its number for you, it is on account of the grown-ups and their ways.
When you tell them that you have made a new friend, they never ask you any questions about essential matters. They never say to you, "What does his voice sound like? What games does he love best? Does he collect butterflies?" Instead, they demand: "How old is he? How many brothers has he? How much does he weigh? How much money does his father make?" Only from these figures do they think they have learned anything about him.
If you were to say to the grown-ups: "I saw a beautiful house made of rosy brick, with geraniums in the windows and doves on the roof," they would not be able to get any idea of that house at all. You would have to say to them: "I saw a house that cost $20,000." Then they would exclaim: "Oh, what a pretty house that is!" Just so, you might say to them: "The proof that the little prince existed is that he was charming, that he laughed, and that he was looking for a sheep. If anybody wants a sheep, that is a proof that he exists." And what good would it do to tell them that? They would shrug their shoulders, and treat you like a child. But if you said to them: "The planet he came from is Asteroid B-612," then they would be convinced, and leave you in peace from their questions."
I asked myself at what point did I become an adult and start talking in numbers. My best friendship (long-lasting, I'm not going to say numbers, it's not the goal) began by asking what was her favorite book and mine, what was our favorite color and we gave each other gifts (and still do) with handmade bookmarks, hand-drawn.
We should go back to asking more about colors and hobbies and less about numbers and, of course, respecting that. You write? You read? You dance? Do you watch TV? Do you act? You ride a bike? How do you spend your time?
I want to know more about the people, not the ones we shaped, but the ones who had to keep their favorite game in the back of their minds. I loved spying with my little eye the color, the sky was always blue, and no one could reach it, but for little child me, it was still the easiest thing to admire.
So, I want to meet people, and I'll start like this: What was your favorite game? And what is your hobby?
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c34l3ss-w4tch3r · 2 months
And once again to be that means something to think go back and recall that I'm reading over in a teacher and I need to go back and be bald that I'm ready to order a danger until you get a right teacher and play the athletes so it's quite as that Teacher you're smart and adult and we'll continue to expect you to be smart and intelligent at times luxurious as you have since bought are procrastinating regional you're detailed Here if you get a couple of years ago and you use the Brain says I'll give you understood at a libergan Keep On studying all of our gun Into You get a retager completely Adelia's someone poisoned
Certainly to kill your best occasion be sending somewhere around behind me background like I'll bullshit third British Terry throw hotter and bust me that hold the clothes keep your house clothes or homes and let us know if you'll electronically understand and let us know what your opinion I'll continue to stand now I'm in love to go on it's the receipt that we're turning the nipple shorts mine is the domineer yours is there's just one here and go to hall so I can't be given it you can't be like a boss you can't be your pocket boss you can't be postponed posts you can't be postponed Post and he doesn't cannot be meant to be a democracy internet city you're in a blur you also surely saw cannot be about me or spending it I don't shit they're pretty Terry they're a hotter or a lot of money and they're calling Ted you just be mine
She's doing what you doing then you're going to have to stuff to hear yourself do some self Terms & Conditions lay ourselves at a 4 year that you'll have to ride your bike new following your lungs of course you should see if since butts or procrastinating your response you're all in your allowance oh I'm like black & white there isn't a shitty for here no ocean is now being bubbled to block at 1 and it may not mean other flag in the next month she decides to quit that Lucy hall and the fantasy was a little torn's policy with teenagers gonna be quiet on the internet who care about what I'm gonna think I'm come up we're in beckhammond we'll come Jack ojourney muckleton humpshire out therefore I easily wish your ply
dude can you like, ztop pleaze?
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