#this is referring to both season 13 AND season 15
insanesonofabitch · 3 months
My own personal headcanon is that once it started to sink in for Dean that Cas is dead, he switches from being unable to say “dead” to being unable to say his name.
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walkingstackofbooks · 10 months
Season 2 Observations - What the DS9 crew call each other
I'm back with my spreadsheet and armed with new facts. Let's go! (For Season 1 Observations, see here.)
This is a bit longer and there was still more I wanted to include - if you want to check out the raw data yourself, you can view the spreadsheet here!
Is slightly more likely to introduce himself as "Benjamin Sisko" (6x) than "Commander Benjamin Sisko" (5x) - though this is often followed in both cases by "of the United Federation of Planets" or something similar.
Kira, Odo and Quark mostly call him "Commander", and rarely "Sir" - all are extremely consistent with season 1. (37:8, 16:2 and 11:0 as compared to in s1 35:8. 15:2 and 9:0)
Miles and Julian are more likely to call him "Sir", but use "Commander" often as well. How often has changed for them both since Season 1: > Julian has moved from using both equally, to using "Sir" twice as often. > Miles has moved from using "Sir" three times as much to almost using both equally (40:35)
Dax still uses Benjamin almost exclusively (24x), although she will use "Commander" on occasion (2x).
Is most often referred to as "Commander Sisko (22x), followed by Sisko (12x) - O'Brien is the only one to use "Sisko" more frequently.
Most often calls herself "Major Kira Nerys" (4x).
Everyone, apart from Dax, almost always calls her "Major".
Dax exclusively calls her Kira (2x) - Bashir and Sisko have both also called her this (2x and 1x respectively).
Is most often referred to as "Kira" (13x), followed by "Major Kira" (6x) - a change from Season 1 where the "Kira: Major Kira" ratio was 5:18 > Odo bucks this trend: as in season 1, he refers to her as "Major Kira" 2 times and "Kira" only once.
Introduces himself as "Chief of Security Odo" (2x).
Is called "Odo" by everybody; Kira (7x), Dax (7x), O'Brien (4x) and Quark (24x!!!!) will use this most often.
Sisko and Bashir are more likely to call him "Constable" - 13:8 and 2:1 respectively. > Kira and Dax never call him "Constable" > Miles uses it almost just as much as "Odo" (3:4) > Quark calls him it twice
Is almost exclusively referred to as Odo by everyone - Kira referred to him as "Constable Odo" once, and O'Brien as "the constable" once.
Trends are consistent with Season 1, apart from Kira stopping using Constable entirely, and Bashir, Dax and O'Brien actually speaking about/ talking to him more than two times this season!
Refers to himself most often as "Julian" or "Julian Bashir".
Sisko, Kira, Odo and Quark exclusively call him "Doctor" - apart from Kira calling him "Julian" once, on his request!
Dax and O'Brien more often call him "Julian" (9:1 and 12:5 respectively) > After Armageddon Game, O'Brien only calls him Julian.
He is still referred to as "Doctor Bashir" most often by Sisko, Kira and Odo
Jadzia still refers to him mostly as "Julian".
O'Brien now refers to him mostly as "the doctor" or "Bashir" (2x each), as opposed to "Dr Bashir" in S1 (2x) > Quark similarly uses "Bashir" most (3x), followed by "the doctor" (2x)
Refers to herself as "Jadzia" most often (5x), but 4 of those times are in the episode Playing God where she is talking in the third person about herself. > She also calls herself "Dax" (2x), "Jadzia Dax" (2x) and when talking to Klingons in Blood Oath, "I who was Curzon Dax" and "You knew me as Curzon Dax".
Sisko and Kira call her "Dax" most often, followed by "Lieutenant" (22:11 and 7:5 respectively). > No change from S1 for Sisko, but Kira only began to call her Dax this season. > Kira also first calls her Jadzia - unprompted! - in Blood Oath. > Sisko only calls her "Old Man" once.
Odo, O'Brien and Quark exclusively call her "Lieutenant".
Julian exclusively calls her Jadzia, but only twice.
Sisko, Kira and O'Brien usually refer to her as "Dax" - the latter two exclusively. > Sisko uses "Jadzia" just as much (6x), but only in the episode Invasive Procedures, when talking about her as opposed to Verad Dax who has stolen her symbiont. > Once again, this is same as S1 for Sisko, but a change from exclusively "Lieutenant Dax" (1x) for Kira.
Julian most often refers to her as "Jadzia" (4x), followed by Dax (2x).
Calls himself "O'Brien" most often (4x) - "Miles O'Brien" (6x) is skewed because of his repetition of it (4x) under torture in Tribunal.
Everyone most often calls him "Chief". > For Odo, this is equal with "Mister O'Brien" (2x each), and for Quark this is equal with "O'Brien" (1x each).
"Mister O'Brien" is still used at a similar rate by Sisko, being used about four times less frequently than "Chief" in both seasons. Kira only uses it once, in early s2, compared to "Chief" 14x - she used both equally in S1.
Sisko, Bashir and Dax most often refer to him as "Chief O'Brien", a change for all of them from S1. > For Sisko, this is followed by "Mister O'Brien", his most common use in S1. > For Bashir this is followed equally by "O'Brien", his most common in S1, and by "the chief".
Kira and Quark refer to him as "O'Brien" more often.
Odo uses both "Chief O'Brien" and "O'Brien" equally (2x each)
Thanks for your interest in this, it's definitely encouraged me to keep going! Not sure if this is the correct tag etiquette, but I thought I'd tag those of you who seemed keen to look at more data - let me know if you don't want this to happen in the future! (Or indeed if you want to be added to the update list!) But 100% thank you so much for your kind comments about this project - I'm glad to see it's not just me who likes to nerd out over cold, hard data! (Also feel free to talk about stuff in the comments, there were so many tag comments I wanted to reply to aha 😅)
@joelleity @elainemorisi @istherewifiinhell @dumbnerd13-42 @yourea--stubborn--man @writteninsilences @worfianism @mickstart @ilovefredjones @tomthefanboy @ds9official @ussdefiant @autisticburnham @daforged @loudfederationscreeching @deepacenine @thethirdromana @tocautiouslygo @transhologram
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wrenwinchester · 3 months
Reasons Psych and Supernatural should have a crossover:
1. Woody (the coroner from Psych) being Zachariah’s vessel.
2. Shawn and Cas talking about cats, possibly talking to cats/interrogating them
3. There are so many shared actors between Psych and Supernatural (Woody/Zachariah, Lassiter/Cain and many more)
4. Just the fact that there are literally so many “references” to Supernatural in Psych and the fact that Shawn and Gus are essentially a slightly less codependent version of Sam and Dean (anything can be a supernatural reference if you try hard enough.)
5. It would mean Metatron occasionally works part time as a security guard at an old folks home as a guy named Jervis.
6. Shawn and Gus could meet the ghost facers who got lost in their way to LA and ended up in Santa Barbara.
7. It would mean at some point Cain decided to go to the Police academy and join the Santa Barbara police department. (Alternatively one of his descendants looks just like him) (However I’m going with the first option because it definitely explains Lassiter’s fascination with the Civil War.
8. Fake FBI/Fake Psychic hijinks
9. Shawn would be a role model/older brother figure for Dean (he’s two years older than him).
10. Both Shawn and Gus and Sam and Dean get mistaken as a couple occasionally.
11. Shawn likes Bees, Cas likes Bees, and Cain (thereby Lassiter) likes Bees.
12. Shawn and Dean fangirling over cowboys.
13. The dual ADHD hijinks of Dean and Shawn, mixed with Sam and Gus being over their shit.
14. Dean hitting on Juliet only to get shit from Shawn even thought they aren’t dating yet.
15. Juliet flirting back with Dean to mess with Shawn
16. Lassiter recognizing Sam and Dean from the FBI’s most wanted from 2006-2007ish and trying to prove it’s actually them but failing.
17. Shawn Spencer, Psych season 5 episode 2, “nothing shuts my pie hole but pie.” Just another reason Shawn and Dean would be best friends.
18. Shawn and Dean both have an obsession with scooby doo.
Just Please.
P.S. I love the idea of Shawn and Dean being best friends for many reasons, however, Shawn being a passenger Princess, and Dean not allowing anyone else to drive is just too perfect.
P.P.S. Also Woody being Zachariah’s vessel is just hilarious to me.
Edit: added #16+
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sarahivess · 1 year
60 questions to ask the Duffers if Byler isn’t endgame
Thank you @merth-or-nothin for the help!
1. Why emphasize so much on the strong “Friends don’t lie” in the very first episode of the show, showing Will couldn’t even lie to Mike, only for him to lie to Mike for the first time in the second to last episode of the second to last season?
2. Why did Mike and El such a short build up before getting together? If they were meant to be endgame, why not build them slowly, so the audience could be invested in the development of the relationship?
3. Why were Mike and El separated every single season?
4. Why do Mike and El fight so much when they’re together? They barely have any cute scenes at all when they’re dating.
5. Why did El refer to Mike as "her first boyfriend?"
6. If she was meant to only date (then marry) Mike, why draw attention to the fact that he's the only boy she's dated?
7. What was the purpose of El asking Mike if he'd be like her brother in s1? Why give them a familial association?
8. In season 4, why is it revealed that Will is in love with Mike as Mike's relationship with El is eroding?
9. Why make a point to show the audience Will loves Mike the way he wants to be loved, while El makes him feel like a random nerd?
10. Why have Will in the background of every single Mileven scene (except for their bedroom fight) in the entire S4, making the audience to root for Will?
11. Why have Will love Mike at all?
12. Why bring Will into Mike and El's relationship? If Mike doesn't feel the same way, it's a waste narratively and it's anticlimactic.
13. Why did Mike change so much between seasons 2-3 without any perticular reason? And no, it wasn’t just puberty. That change made Mike go from being one of the most loved characters to one of the most hated ones.
14. Why frame Mike and Eleven’s relationship in S3 as unserious and unhealthy?
15. Why make everyone go against their relationship and why break them up as early as in the beginning of the second episode of S3?
16. Why empathize so much on El in EP3 and her independence, making us (the audience) feel genuinely happy when she breaks up with Mike and frame the breakup scene with light-hearted humor and comedy?
17. Why make Will and Mike’s first fight scene in the show dark and angsty? And making it a huge contrast to Mike and El’s comedic breakup scene.
18. Why make Max say “he’ll come crawling in no time begging for forgiveness” to El, which was true, but he didn’t come crawling back to El. He went to Will’s house, begging for forgiveness.
19. Why spend SO MUCH time on the Byler scenes and putting so much effort in them so they’ll look intimate? It’s such a contrast to Steve and Dustin’s scenes for example which is almost always comedic.
20. Why have so MANY Byler scenes at all?
21. Why have “tender emotional music” in almost all of the Byler scenes in S4?
22. Why make Will even confess behind El’s name instead of just confess himself and having Mike rejecting him right away? Why drag it out all the way to the very final season?
23. Why spend an entire day filming the van scene if it wasn’t that important anyway? If Will is just ending up getting rejected anyway?
24. Why the whole painting plot?
25. Why so many parallels with Jopper, Jancy and Lumax?
26. Why the very same soundtrack when they became friends again as when Lucas and Max became friends “On the bus”?
27. Why is Finn describing Mike’s story arc for both season 3 and season 4 as “Mike is trying to be a normal teenager”, “Mike is trying to be as normal as possible” and “He’s trying to keep on a normal path” why so much focus on Mike trying to be normal?
28. Why spending two seasons on Mike trying to say the word “love” to his girlfriend? Isn’t that a kinda boring arc for someone who’s just having bad self esteem because of his parents loveless marriage?
29. Why does the whole cast and even the Duffers always so secretive and giddy and smiley every time Byler gets brought up if it’s just another sad tragic unrequited love story?
30. Why having Will say “I’m not gonna fall in love” with such a heartbreaking tone and then end up making him not get the boy he’s in love with and has been since the very beginning?
31. Why put so much effort in the set design to queer code Mike (as in rainbows, shirtless men, monsters with muscles, the word BOY in the bg, multiple closet imagery, even a big sign towards the closet saying “One way” if it meant nothing or was just weird coincidence’s?
32. Why the triple take? What was the point of that?
33. Why filming and editing the last scene of S3 emphasizing that Mike is going to miss Will more than El? (Him looking back at Will’s house, then it cuts to Will, then it cuts back to Mike who walks up to his mom and hugs her with a heartbroken look on his face)
34. Why make El say in the letter “I think there’s someone Will likes, cause he has been acting weird” but all we see in s4 is Mike acting weird?
35. Why make Mike being able to hug everyone except for Will, when he could hug him just perfectly in s3?
36. Why make Mike treat Will differently than his other friends?
37. Why make Mike and Dustin have the same look on their faces as they watch Will and Max dance with other people and then after that Mike looks upset until El shows up?
38. Why is The Duffers so “hushy hushy” about Byler at all? If it was obvious it’s unrequited why not just clear that shit up because they KNOW they’ll get a lot of backlash if it turns out it was a big queer bait all along.
39. Why start to build up and hint at Will’s love for Mike from the very first episode and make it canon in the second to last season?
40. Why so many coded talks which easily could be interpreted differently? Like Karen’s “I want you to know you can talk to me, I don’t want you to feel like you have to hide anything from me”, Ted’s “See what happens?” About Will’s disappearance (as in see what happens if you’re queer? You get abducted, killed etc) and Ted’s “our son with a girl?”
41. Why make Mike NOD in the scene when Will talks about how difficult it can be to open up about something the other person may not like to hear?
42. Why make Will having to remind Mike of the painting and his coded speech before Mike can say it? Why could he only say it the moment El was about to die?
43. Why make it look like Mike doesn’t want to kiss El by removing her hands away from him (3.01) and not reciprocating, not kissing back with eyes wide open looking confused in 3.08? Why frame him like he isn’t interested in girls at all? (Princess Daphne, Phoebe Cates, Max etc.)
44. Why never show us Mike’s pov?
45. Why SO MUCH effort in flashbacks during the entire S4 except for the monologue when El only remembered one single moment with Mike? Why did she had so many with Max but only one with Mike?
46. The ending scene in S4. WHY put them in couples when they could just have made them stand together all of them instead?
47. Why does it look like El isn’t talking to Mike at the end of S4? Why does she look annoyed at first and THEN sad when she finds the bottle under her bed which reminds her of Max?
48. Why SO MUCH yellow and blue coding when it comes to Will and Mike? Even their colors of their clothes are almost always blue and yellow as well.
49. Why make Mike nervous every time Will is close to him in S4 or accidentally touches him?
50. Why make Mike say “we’re friends” to Will twice when both him, Will and the audience clearly knows that already?
51. Why associate the word “crazy” with “love” and then make the “crazy together” scene?
52. Why having Mike saying “it was the best thing I’ve ever done” about meeting Will but then having him say his life didn’t start until he met El?
53. Why did Mike’s words work for Will in S2 (making him being able to communicate) but didn’t for El (not until she looked over at Max)?
54. Why write the lines for Will “We could just play DnD for the rest of our lives” and “Not possible” about him joining another party?
55. Why make Mike look at Will’s lips so much? Why the flirtiness in the bedroom scenes in S4? They could easily have remade those scenes if that wasn’t intentional.
56. Why all the classic romantic interruptions in season 4 which we’ve seen plenty of times in the show between “more than friends”-couples earlier?
57. Why make such a HUGE contrast between El’s reaction to being without Mike and Will being without Mike in S3? (El did a high five with Max while Will cried and destroyed Castle Byers)
58. Why make Mike say “Hawkins isn’t the same without you” to only WILL and not to El? Why does Mike not have any problems opening up to Will but only to El?
59. Why couldn’t Mike say the full reason why he and El had their fight in 4.03?
60. Why have so much hints and clues in the show that Byler is endgame so it’s possible to make 300+ pages slideshows, hours of long videos with proof of Mike being gay, if everything is just unintentional or “made up”?
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xieyaohuan · 1 year
Homelander's "bedroom"
I made a long two-part post (pt 1; pt 2) reconstructing the layout of Homelander's penthouse today. One of the things I had been suspecting and set out to either confirm or disprove was the idea that Homelander's bedroom is not separate but part of his large open plan space, behind his large TV wall.
And it totally is!!
Most of this was already posted in the longer penthouse post, but I wanted to make a separate post explaining just why I am now officially and 100% convinced that Homelander has no real "bedroom" per se and instead has his bed essentially in his living room (which has no door, so pretty much anyone can walk in).
Beyond the obvious implications this has for writing fic, it's another super fascinating insight into the character of Homelander.
We never get a full picture of his bed in the show. Instead, what we got were some additional promo pics of Homelander standing in front of his bed:
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And of the mirror ceiling above his bed:
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In the various episodes of season 3, we never get a full visual of Homelander's bed, BUT we do get glimpses of it:
In S3E7, there's this:
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This is the weakest evidence, but this scene is what first made me think Homelander's bed was probably behind the wall with the large TV. I mean, that looks like a bed. Also note the mirror wall beside the bed:
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In S3E6, we get another glimpse of the bed in the Mirrorlander scene, including the paintings and nightstand on the left hand side of the bed.
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The visual is not super super clear, but:
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However, the clearest evidence is in S3E1, when Homelander checks up on Stormfront, and we get this snapshot:
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The bedroom corner is the left part of the picture, and both "Birth of our Nation's Flag" and "President Lincoln, writing the Proclamation of Freedom" (see here for a more complete list of paintings) are clearly recognizable.
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There are some additional paintings in the S3E1 scene/screenshot when compared to the promo pic on top, BUT those additional paintings also show up in the mirror ceiling still that was released separately (you can see the top of the frame of the additional painting in the bottom right hand corner):
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These three scenes taken together allow us to place his bed pretty definitely here, on the opposite wall from the window:
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Stormfront's bed was in the right-hand corner by the window, but she's dead, so it has been removed. What we can also see in this picture is another mirror wall, marked in orange. (On the other side of this mirror wall is Homelander's big TV).
So, tl;dr, his bed is placed inside the open space of his penthouse facing his large glass front and has large mirrors to the left, the right, and on the ceiling.
Here is where it is relative to everything else:
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The bed is marked number 6, and the mirror walls to the left and right are marked as 14 and 14b. I'm not going to explain all the other numbers (they're all explained here and here), but a couple for reference are
1: The huge TV screen; 2: the doorless entrance area; 5: the ugly brown couch; 12: the staircase leading upstairs; 13: the large US flag on the wall; 15: where Stormfront's bed used to stand; and 17: the Mirrorlander mirror.
Happy fic writing and psycho-analysing, all!
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astraladversity · 8 months
Something so random that I’ve been thinking about in rvb is how the art style changes between seasons/arcs (bc of the different halo games) and how that’s both acknowledged in canon as being different but also sometimes it’s not different? I am super tired rn it’s like 1 am this might be incoherent I am bad with words! (Also I am aware it’s just more plot holes/inconsistencies lol but let me ramble)
The thing that made me start thinking abt this is the photo in Illinois’ place of him and some other freelancers has them all in halo 5 armor, but none of the freelancers except for him are shown in the upgraded armor outside of that photo. Like we know for a fact that York and north both had the gen1/halo3 armor when they died so why would they have the gen2/halo5 armor before their deaths…… and i know it’s just because of the art style or whatever but at the same time in season 13(?) carolina’s flashback to the freelancers in the “true hero” test thing had them all as they appear in halo 3, while Carolina herself is in the halo 4 armor bc the chorus trilogy is all in halo 4. So it’s like in season 15 the armor difference is an art style thing but in the chorus trilogy it’s not ?
Uh also iirc the blood gulch crew notices when their armor changes from halo CE to halo 2. Which is more of a meta (haha) joke/reference than anything that can actually be explained plot wise .
ALSO the meta’s armor in s13 is the halo 3 armor. So like the armor is clearly meant to be portrayed as it is ingame as different models/generations it’s just that ONE PHOTO and also the s3(??) stuff that leaves those plot holes
Tbf rvb has a lot of plot holes I’ve learnt to just ignore them or make headcanons but rn this is occupying my brain. This is prolly all silly I’m super tired might delete later but these are my thoughts 🫡
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fandomconsumesme · 10 months
Rambling as to make sense of DTAMHD, tw ed and klinsky reference, this is horrifically long but i promise i'm going somewhere with it
I gotta say, watching it the first time I was fairly disappointed (The acting and episode were great, just wasn't sure how I felt about it as a finale) But having spent time to process, i would say this does its job as a Dennis catharsis episode, particularly symbolically
Starting off, Dennis has been almost scarily normal this season, or about as normal as Dennis can be (catfishing your roommate into using xl anal beads), not creeping on women, not getting fed up with the gang all the time, working with them in a familial manner again. Shockingly, it seems he's doing pretty good, and growing into himself
Like at the beginning of the episode, he's actually going to a doctor and apparently everything looks normal. Either this doctor immediately needs to be disbarred, or Dennis has been doing better taking care of himself, an unheard of concept
4. Dennis has a desperate fear of getting old, willing to do anything to prove himself still valuable, something to be desired, both connected to his childhood abuse by Mrs. klinsky, a way of rationalizing that it was okay because Dennis is special, just more developed, and his tenuous relationship with his mother where he was the golden boy, but emotionally separated from her due to drug abuse.
5. Dennis' mind scenario thing starts right after the title sequence i think, and we pretty much immediately get his interpretation of the gang and how he sees them.
6. Charlie is childlike, confused over the concept of sea level, and Dennis has an almost patronizing view of him, not understanding how he's this way if they are so similar
7. Frank brings up the family style cooking, the point of the pressure cooker, but dennis and the gang are in two different places, and the only reason they called was the sea level thing. Dennis sees the gang as a family, but feels like an outsider
8. Dee is reasonable and kind, backing Dennis up, supporting his decision for a mental health day, but seems to lack understanding as to why Dennis is doing this, a fundamental disconnect
9. Mac is always in view, all of him, the focus of the call. Dennis stays watching him, even though he says nothing particularly relevant in the scene. The whole of him appearing also has interesting implications of Dennis knowing who mac is, but he can only get a picture of the other members of the gang for a few seconds at a time. Mac is his constant.
10. To continue that thread, the other members are always yanking the phone towards them, stopping Dennis from being able to interact with him, but Dennis always knows where he is.
11. Frank is an asshole, diminishing Dennis' problems, acting like they don't exist, and as a much smarter person noted here, dennis' watch starts beeping the moment he starts talking.
12. Mac is also patient, cautious of Dennis' boundaries and doing exactly what he has to to make dennis feel safe.
13. Dennis is insistent on it being his mental health day and none of them participating, but as becomes evident later, the day is miserable BECAUSE they aren't there to back him up and support him. Dennis tries to stay away because they make things complicated, but they make things complicated by causing him to have big feelings.
15. He also gets repeatedly annoyed by very little things, like downloading an app or not getting the precise tea he wanted, but then calms by blaming it on the system (system seems like such a familiar word in the context of dennis and his thoughts... I wonder what it could be referencing lol) So all of those little inconveniences that stop Dennis from doing what he wants, can in fact be attributed to the system. Not only does he acknowledge it's the system, but also that he isn't the only victim, that others suffer because of it.
16. The tsuma blares the song when he opens the door in the parking lot, and he's so focused on stifling it that he doesn't notice he's just made a mistake that will hurt him in the long run.
17. On the French dip, dee once again works in conjunction to Dennis, encouraging them not to eat it. Charlie is afraid of Dennis' wrath, but Mac wants for Dennis to come home and be happy. Mac tries to reassure dennis.
18. Overall an aggravating phone call, but the moment he turns it off there are almost reactionary consequences, a police car pulling him over.
19. Dennis comes up with his own metaphors for what he's going through in his mind, likening himself to a pressure cooker.
20. He also has Dee and Mac decide not to call because they want him to have a successful mental health day and respect his boundaries, but frank continues to belittle
21. Along the lines of 16, "Dennis' true self is the tsuma" theory, he goes into a fit of rage when he can't communicate with his car. Dennis is comfortable in the car, but when he exits he puts on a mask, and now can't get back in.
22. The true DENNIS System,
D-Deliver me from this as in get me out of having to demonstrate value
E-Engage with human as in wanting a real connection rather than a physical one
N-Nancy(boy)/Neighbor/Nightmare/Never ending as in repeatedly nurturing dependence in a way that hurts him with the wrong people
N-NIGHTMARE/Never gonna help me as in even worse than the first n, and him knowing that it only hurts to neglect emotionally
I-Is this real as in the potential of something real with inspire hope
S- Somebody help me as in him wanting to escape the system
23. By my reckoning there are 3 people the ceo could symbolize, those being Frank, mac, or Dennis as a mask.
a. Frank because he is so oblivious, able to live a live of lounging at the beach, but it was his actions and neglect which have led to Dennis being trapped in his own prison. The frank is an older figure, and it makes sense for the diamond to be derived from his heart as he is his offspring in a sense. Dennis is reclaiming his sense of free will, taking back control so he can live a life that isn't predestined by his upbringing. The hand on the chest is trying to make frank understand, dennis still gets the pleasure of violent retribution though.
b. Mac is the one orchestrating the pressure cooking of the diamonds, explains the extreme homoeroticism of the scene. The systems have been created to protect himself from mac, mac is allowed to lounge because he has found peace with himself (MFHP) Dennis wants that for himself, and receives it from mac. Mac reaches out first, at the encouragement of dennis, but is pushed away so dennis can show his appreciation, upon which mac looks shocked. They clearly understand and have sympathy for one another. A love song is playing, and dennis takes mac's purest essence for himself, showing how intertwined they are. Mac is left unhurt because it was about the gesture, not the carnage.
C. Dennis as a mask, or what Dennis has made himself into to survive, lounges because he has been given control over the inner dennis. He has created all of the systems, and tsuma is his, made into a form that he can control for his own benefit. Dennis is his own worst enemy, and seeks to deconstruct this unfeeling being in order to find himself. He has a touching moment with himself, where mask dennis realizes that it is necessary that true dennis come to power. explains the homoeroticism because of narcissism, and ultimately true dennis decides the most humane thing he can do is leave behind mask dennis, killing him gently and taking his heart, condensing it into a diamond that symbolizes his innate goodness and incorporating it into true dennis.
I personally think it's a mixture of all three, but regardless this IS Dennis' catharsis. The motifs are there (crying, a powerful body of water) and dennis takes back control, actively choosing to be better. it's different, but it's still there.
24. In the end, when it's all revealed to be a glimpse into Dennis' mind and he's lowered his blood pressure, it's not because he's won per say. before the title, Dennis was keying up for some kind of angry meltdown, but he takes a moment and thinks better. i wouldn't say Dennis has had just one catharsis, but a million little ones in his mind since the season started, a million little choices to be kinder, more patient, better. He calms down and has found at least a temporary solution to his problem (The kratom doesn't hurt either) dennis has gotten so much better with interacting with others this season tbh, and to continue that to an extent would stop him from being the dennis we all know and love, sleazy and manipulative. And what he loves, what he knows will help him, is to be with the gang, his family. And he makes the choice to go to them too.
Remember, there is a structure. It will be fulfilled. (And if it isn't, at least we have FVR and Tends Bar)
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ballsbalb · 3 months
alright controversial opinion yap session incoming.
city fans do not read
i think klopp is better than guardiola.
guardiola has had far more funding at every club he’s been at, and has never, ever had to fight his way to promotion with an average side. i get he’s won a lot of trophies, and he’s 100% the best manager tactically of all time, but his man management is nowhere near klopp’s and his teams have never been nearly as dedicated to him as Klopp’s have. he’s able to spend money on risky players like stones, KDB, etc. they Klopp simply isn’t. he’s managed some of the best teams in the world, and while he’s very good at bringing out the best in players, he has so many resources financially that it really feels like he’s just so overly reliant on owner funding that his achievements are, unfortunately, simply less impressive.
you can compare their career win %, but that’s simply not a reflection of their careers. klopp got a solidly average mainz side to the bundesliga. he’s the only manager in the past decade and a half to defeat bayern.
guardiola inherited a barcelona team that had won 2 titles in the 4 years before he was appointed. a squad with xavi, iniesta, messi, eto’o, henry, busquets, pupil, rafa márquez, etc. he spent €342 million in his time at barca.
he inherited a bayern team with Lahm, Neuer, Boateng, robben, ribery, muller, schweinsteiger, kroos, thiago, etc- and spent €205 million in his time there.
at city, it was a bit different. he inherited aguero, and before you hit me with the ‘he wasn’t good before guardiola,’ he’d scored 26 the season before. he also inherited KDB— who, i would argue, was already on the path to becoming great king before Guardiola. mancini simply didn’t know how to use him and pep, who was, again, fantastic tactically, put him in a new position that allowed him far more freedom. it was hardly a ballsy change, as it was the same advanced position KDB had played at wolfsburg. there, he’d had 23 and 20 G/A in 11/12 and 12/13 respectively. oh, and 44 in 14/15. he had 32 GA in his first season at city, 4 more than the 28 he had in Pep’s first season. oh, and pep spent nearly 1.5 billion euros. that might be a contributing factor
I think pep is the best ever manager tactically. similarly, SAF is the best ever managed man-management wise. however, klopp didn’t have anywhere near the funds those two had. Pep is the only manager ever to spend 2 billion euros. 2 BILLION. SAF, when adjusted for inflation, spent nearly 1.2 billion- if you adjust for inflation, Rooney was nearly £120 million. ferdinand would be £158 million. just for reference. klopp has spent just under €890 million, with a net spend far healthier than that of both pep and SAF. i understand that money isn’t exactly a sure path to success, but it damn sure helps a fucking LOT. klopp has transformed a remarkably average liverpool team, not on a shoestring budget per se, but on a budget far lower than most big 6 sides.
also, to the point about SAF- he never got more than 90 points. that wouldn’t win a title nowadays, not in the past decade really.
there seems to be this belief that pep ‘brings the b way out of players’— but when you’re buying players for numbers in the 70-100 million pound range, players who have done well for years before Pep, is he really doing much more than buying success? of course, he’s a great manager. top 5 of all time. but if he managed a team like, per se, mainz, and did well, then i would come out and say yeah, i was wrong. but he won’t, because he wouldn’t go to a club that couldn’t supply his constant need for more signings.
anyways. thank you for entertaining my yap session
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Percy Hynes White Allegations Debunked
Important note: A majoity of the information is coming from a twitter account FreddysRevenges. I will also be showing you a statement from Percy, as well as a statement from one of his supposed victims, Jane (Her twitter is Relation4y).
I was originally going to link the twitter thread so you could see all the screenshots (there are 41 tweets in total), but then with the changes made to twitter, I was going to screenshot most of it and put it in reblogs. However, the whole thread was uploaded on thread reader so now I will link it and you can view everything. And I encourage to look there as well because I'll be summarizing but not including everything because or else it would be really, really long.
So to start, if you haven't heard of him, Percy Hynes White is a 22 year old Canadian actor. He's been in some movies/shows before but got really popular after being in season 1 of the show Wednesday that premiered last November. In January of this year, he was accused of sexual assault (which has gone back and forth from being assault or rape), being a racist as well as a nazi.
On that note:
This all started back on the 18th of January of this year. A girl named Aries retweeted "proof" of Percy sleeping with an underage girl. Aries added that the girl had lied about her age to the public, saying she was sixteen, but that he'd known how old she truly was. Additionally, Aries said that the underage girl and Percy had been talking since the girl was 13 and she could have sworn that the girl had told her (Aries) that they'd been messing around when she was 13 but couldn't exactly recall.
The underage girl she was referring to is named Jane. Jane is a former friend of Aries, with Jane having ended the friendship in 2020. Prior to that, Jane had been shown on Aries' Instagram page. There are pictures and videos of her doing drugs with her and Aries' other friends. Jane was the only minor of the group. The other girls, all 10 of them, were 18+ with three of them being over 21 years of age.
That same day, on the 18th, Aries lied about the age difference between Jane and Percy. She said that he was four years older than her and would have supposedly been 18 when he and Jane slept together. However, that is not true. Percy's birthday is in October of 2001. Jane was born in March of 2004. That can be proven based on a screenshot of her Instagram bio which previously had her age in it (19), as well as a birthday selfie in which she says I'm 19 now. Hence, the age difference is 2.4 years and not four as previously claimed.
The post that Aries retweeted, the one showing the "proof" was from her friend Kayla who posted the misleading private instagram messages between her and Jane. Those messages made it seem like he'd had sex with her even though he knew she was underage, even though it left out the fact that he was also underage at the time. With both of them being Canadian, the age is consent is 16 and having sex with a 14 or 15 year old is not a criminal offense if the partner is less than 5 years and there is no relationship of trust, authority or dependency or any other exploitation of the young person according to The Official Website of the Government of Canada. 
Aries then doubles down on it. She said that the reason no one had any other proof was because they thought it was normal. She said that Jane, though she did not identify her by name in that particular tweet, "was severely groomed and severely thinks he loved her or something."
But people were able to gather who she was talking about because in another tweet she only censored one letter of Jane's name (J*ne) and based on Instagram story highlights where Jane was tagged. Aries nor Kayla follow Jane and Jane does not follow either of them. Aries had since referred to her as one of her ex friends and says that they do not talk anymore.
Meanwhile, it was shown that Percy and Jane are still on good terms. They follow each other and one of Percy's ex, Katie Douglas, still follows him and follows Jane as well. They've both shown support for Jane's art
All of the information provided by Kayla and Aries was not only a lie, but her (Jane's) history with Percy was used without her consent. She (Jane) tweeted on April 18th that she was not a victim and telling people to stop messaging her on inatsgram. On the 19th, she retweeted the post from the FreddysRevenges account about how Aries lied about the age difference.
On twitter, there were some people were wanting Jane to confirm Aries' story. Aries said she couldn't force people to talk about it and had to respect their privacy. In another tweet, she said they don't talk anymore and she has no way of getting into contact with her. She also claimed that Jane has seen her tweets and made her own choice, implying that Jane had no problem with what was being said.
The user she was responding to then questioned why she would use her without her consent and without verifying anything. Aries said she was responding to a friend, when she retweeted the initial post, and didn't think it would get that much attention.
In multiple tweets, Aries referred to Percy as a pedophile. There are at least seven screenshots that show her saying it. She goes on to say that he likes girls 14-17 years old, again without mentioning how old he was at the time. She also said that he is a "known assaulter and groomer and pedophile in Toronto n me and my bud were victims."
Then we have the nude pictures. Aries was sent two nude pictures of Percy (he was not showing his genitals) by an anonymous account. Those pictures were supposedly sent by him to a group chat he was in with minors. The anonymous account was not in the group chat, but a friend of theirs was and they saved the photos on an old phone. However, there is no proof that the chat was real or that Percy sent those himself. since Aries' tweet, these pictures have gone viral. The anonymous account said that he'd sent those around 2 years ago, which would be around January of 2021. But there are pictures of his hair to debunk this. In early to mid 2020, he dyed his hair blonde. In mid to late 2020, he dyed it back to the original color with it just touching his shoulders from late 2020 to early 2021. His hair in the nude pictures showed his hair shorter, looking like it is slightly past his ears.
There was an article posted when Percy's nudes were leaked. It dates back to June 26 of 2019. That was 3 and a half years before they were posted by Aries. The timing of the article would mean he was 17 at the time and therefore, a minor.
Aries then denied ever posting his nudes. She insinuated that because he was not showing his genitals, then that meant it didn't count as a nude picture. But the word nude is defined as wearing no clothes which he most definitely isn't in the picture. What Aries did, because the pictures were originally from when he was a minor, counts as distribution of child pornography. She denied what she did was child pornography, but in doing so, she admitted in a tweet that those were nude pictures.
What Aries did, sharing the pictures for all to see, with him being naked and without his consent, counts as revenge porn. One of her tweets reads: "my god I am so happy these pics r on the internet. look at him. this who the haters defending. I'm crying laughing thru the pain rn" counts as cause them distress or embarrassment in the definition of revenge porn. It is a criminal offense in the eye of the Canadian law.
There were four girls who came forward--Aries, Desiree, Karis and Kayla via sexual assault, enabling rape and verbal abuse. All but Kayla claim to be a victim of his. No one else came forward. In a tweet, Aries said no one had any proof that he did anything. There are multiples times she's said this. In another one, she said she didn't have any proof, just what she's posting on twitter. Then 10 minutes later, she contradicted herself, saying "cus we got proof" and will let the court legally prove her story. But then 13 minutes after that tweet, she contradicted herself again and said she had no proof.
Someone asked Aries if anyone tried going to the police. Aries said in a tweet on the 18th of January that one person tried back in high school but the police did nothing about it. But Aries is the only one having accused Percy of sexually assaulting her so if she didn't go to the police then no one did. 23 days later, Aries contradicted herself by saying "we did try going to authorities." Once the accusations went viral, Aries said she was going to proceed with legal action. But then she says she hasn't gone to the authorities because she is waiting for Percy to make the first move and it's unclear what move she expects him to make. So if Percy doesn't make the first move and makes a case in a legal setting himself then she won't do it. If she has been talking to lawyers but never presses charges, Percy can't be arrested or be dealt any legal repercussions because the accusations never came into a courtroom.
On at least 9 different tweets, Aries alluded to Percy raping her. But once articles started coming out, she changed her words. She said that he never raped her, that he "assaulted me and touched me, grabbed me, spoke to me and made inappropriate innuendos." She also said that she'd made the twitter thread to shed a light on what he did to others. In another tweet on the 22nd of January, four days after she accused him, Aries said that people may have been misreading her tweets, saying that she did it for her own assault (assault, not rape) and for other people.
But even after that, in February she again referred to him as a rapist (remember, she is the only one who accused him of assault/rape. The other accusers did not).
Aries claimed that she was sexually assaulted by Percy at a party at his house in Toronto at the end of summer/fall, possibly early winter of 2017. But that can't be true because from June 17th of 2017 to December 4th of 2017, Percy was in the U.S to film for the series The Gifted. There is an article that mentioned the location where it was being filmed (Atlanta Georgia). There are also pictures and videos of him attending promo events like the San Diego Comic Con in June of 2017, as well as pictures posted by his co-stars (like Jamie J. Chung) showing him hanging out with them.
What's interesting is that initially, Aries watched Wednesday without a problem. The first episode came out on November 23rd of 2022. Her initial tweets made no mention of Percy or the alleged assault. It wasn't until sixteen days later on December 9th, where she said that seeing Percy (in a show about her favorite character) made her want to die. The next day on December 10th, she re-tweeted a post from Pop Cave and said that she needed him gone from this world.
Her initial tweets contradict what she said on January 18th, in a tweet where she said she'd been trying to tell fans about Percy ever since Wednesday came out. There are (at least) five screenshots of her posts/retweets regarding the show with a couple of them now deleted at the time the threadreader post was made.
On February 10th, she said she only watched the season one time and that's it. That same day, she said she didn't know Percy was in the show until she saw him in the first episode. She added that she called her friend Kayla and they reacted together to him being in the show to which Aries said they were "both sick to our stomachs, shocked and queasy."
In spite of that, they both watched the show. Kayla said that Aries "went into a full blown breakdown." Aries said she wasn't okay with seeing his face. But even with that reaction, she watched the whole season. Percy appeared in all 8 episodes and according to Screen Time Data, had a total of 1 hour and 1 minute of screentime.
Now back to Jane. Remember that Aries had said, though at the time she didn't mention Jane by name, that the person (Jane) was 13-17 and severely groomed by him. That was on January 18th. As I mentioned, Jane's birthday is in March of 2004, so the alleged timeline is from 2017-2021. Kristina, one of Aries' friends, confirmed seeing Jane and Percy together in 2020-2021 when Jane was sixteen. At some point, all three girls were friends. There are dates form late 2020, 2021 and early 2022 of them being on good terms.
And if you remember that in 2017, Aries said she was assaulted by Percy and yet, for 2 years she didn't say or do anything when Jane was hanging out with Percy. she didn't try to stop it or get parents/police involved. It was after the were no longer friends that she actually said something.
The big thing to note is that Aries doesn't even know Percy personally. In a series of tweets from January 19th to February 15th, she said that she doesn't keep up with him, never dated him, didn't go to school with him and never even texted him. The only time they've interacted was at that party in 2017 (which we know is false since he wasn't in Toronto at the time). Even so, she has tweeted about how he supposedly hates acting. The tweet made it seem like she knew that for certain, but in another tweet on the 15th of February, she said that people were talking about it in Toronto and that is how she heard about it.
It goes to show that Aries is relying on second hand information and can't 100% verify what she's saying. Those accusations of him being a racist and a white supremist/nazi supporting are also proven false. The video of him saying a slur was from a movie he was in where he played a racist character in the TV show Them. The white supremist/nazi ideology account that he was supposedly following was an art page ran by an all black artist movement that was made to critique American media.
Aries had said she made the thread to talk mostly about other people's experiences, not just her own. But she's deliberately lied about important details, has not done her own research and accepted unconfirmed evidence. That led to her distributing child pornography of Percy. She's even shown interest in using rumors of Percy's relationship with his ex girlfriend Molly so she can make more posts against him.
Back in may of 2021, a twitter user (braidsbyemily) who is also a local of Toronto, made a post calling out Brycen Davidson. She called him out for physically abusing multiple women. On January 20th, 2 days after she came out with the allegations against Percy, Aries addressed the tweet and that is the only time she does. She said that Brycen was someone who Percy was very close with (I'm not certain how close they actually were/are). She also retweeted from another user, agreeing with the user saying that they must have been trying to talk about it since than (2021) and people weren't ready to listen. But what she doesn't mention is that Bryce was also good friends with 3 of the girls who came forward about Percy (Kayla, Desiree, Karis). Desiree and Kayla have been admitted to defending and protecting Brycen at one point. Aries claimed that she had nothing to do with it when another twitter user pointed it out. But that contradicts when she said/implied when she agreed that they have been trying to talk about it and people weren't listening.
In tweets from January, Aries made fun of a woman (Angie) who said it (the claims) was obviously all a lie and said she stood with Percy. Aries responded to that by saying look at this dick riding for a man that didn't even hit on her when meeting her she also added 3 laughing emojis. When she says that didn't even hit on her when meeting her, she is referring to her own alleged meeting with Percy (when he'd supposedly made inappropriate innuendos). For her to supposedly be a victim, her response doesn't make sense. Remember that he'd not only done that, but Aries also claimed that he groped her, crept up behind her and touched her back/hips, etc. You have to ask why she would make fun of Angie for not being hit on by Aries' assaulter? Aries then apologized for how it sounded, saying that she was just trying to point out that Angie just never saw that side of him.
But it didn't end there. Aries went on to attack Angie in her DM's. She threatened Angie's safety multiple times, says that Angie doesn't know what she (Aries) is capable of and told Angie not to comment on her posts anymore or she will find her address. She also explicitly told Angie: I will actually end u. Angie posted the screenshots of the messages that Aries sent her, adding that those are going to be sent to the cops and encouraging people to send her other tweets made by Aries if they have death threats in them. That same day (the 19th of January), Aries (perhaps inadvertently), confirmed that the screenshots are real. She claimed that Angie harassed her private socials and tried tagging Aries' family/friends in the comments, however she couldn't have spammed her because she hadn't even accepted Aries' message request.
Aries used the popularity of Wednesday to push her cancelation of Percy. Again, she tried to insist that she's been trying to tell people about him since the show aired but no one listened to her until now--which we know isn't true. Aries then targeted fan accounts of Wednesday and even harassed one account for "stanning" Percy (stanning means to be an avid fan). When Aries replied to a post of the account to tell them why they shouldn't be stanning him, the reply was hidden because the account owner thought it was spam. Aries then called them out on this, questioning why they were still using a picture of Percy for the profile picture. Eventually, the account rebranded and there was no mention of Percy on it at all.
People started to call out Jenna Ortega (lead actress of Wednesday who is also friends with Percy) for not saying anything about the accusations and still showing to be friends with him. At first, Aries said Jenna didn't need to say anything because it wasn't her responsibility. However, it is shown that a month and half later Aries liked tweets that condemned Jenna for still being friends with Percy.
Back in January, just a day after the accusations, someone named Jo made a video on tiktok, claiming that they'd (that's their pronouns) gone to school with him and he'd "used every girl he could to his advantage." The day after that, Aries claimed that she knows Jo. When people questioned Jo, asking for proof, they said that they didn't like Percy and didn't hang around him so that's why there are no pictures of them together. However, Jo is shown to have liked 5 of Percy's instagram posts from January 29th of 2019 to September 6th of 2021. He has not liked their posts nor does he follow them.
A girl named Daisey made a tweet in support of Aries on the 19th of January where she says that "all of toronto has known about percy and his friends for years." She was then questioned about her own experiences with Percy, to which Daisey said that there was a list of sexual predators in Toronto being spread around in 2020 and it had his name in it. That list has not been proven. Additionally, despite supposedly knowing that he was a sexual predator, Daisey liked an instagram post by Percy on April 3rd, 2021. She also has a spam account where she made 2 posts referencing Percy. One of those posts was on January 16th (2023) where she expressed her negative opinion of him. The second post came a day after the accusations where she is celebrating him being "canceled" and showed a DM of someone praising her for "influence" of getting Percy canceled. There was also a link to a fake article that body-shamed Percy and called him "an alleged rapist" even though no one had said he'd raped them. (Remember, Aries said he'd sexually assaulted her).
And so with that, Aries used these stories from other people to add more credibility to her claims. But 6/7 of them never even interacted with him. Not to mention, a lot of these people are those that she knows or claims to know.
If you'll recall, one of the people who spoke out against him was Desiree. She said that Percy let her get raped in his basement by a man, Raphael Irwin. She shared a screenshot of a text with Percy where she explained Raphael's behavior on that night. In the text, Desiree mentioned that there were "more than 10 people there" which implies that he wasn't there physically to know how Raphael was acting which is why she later messaged him about it. This can be also proven (him not being physically present) because in the tweet, she said that he called her afterwards (and supposedly was more worried about the police than her).
Besides Raphael, Desiree says that Percy said nothing while she was being abused by Brycen Davidson, who was also a close friend of his at the time. What she didn't mention was that she was a closer friend of Brycen's and left out that Brycen was friends with 3 out of the 4 girls that came out with accusations against Percy (Desiree, Karis, Kayla, who later clarified that she wasn't a victim and a girl named Emily who is a close friend of Aries and one of the last girls to come out and say something against Percy). So to clarify, Brycen was a friend to all of them and not just Percy.
Keeping that in mind, and the fact that her tweets show her being angry that people aren't believing her/questioning the legitimacy of it, Desiree was called out by 2 of her former close friends for enabling and defending Brycen and accused victims of lying even after seeing him abuse them. One of the girls even said that she's walked past Desiree "100 times" since than and Desiree had said nothing to her about it.
Now let's talk about Kayla. She is a longtime friend of Aries, and initially (on the 18th of January), Aries called her a victim. But when a post from Pop Culture News referenced her being a victim, Kayla corrected that and said she wasn't, that he only verbally attacked her when she called him out. She, like Aries, referenced Percy being a rapist, even though no one came forward with a rape accusation. The freddyrevenges account actually asked kayla who he raped if none of the victims who came forward were raped, Kayla responded and said she wasn't going to "out other people and their names." This is contradicted by her earlier actions when she shared that misleading DM to "prove" that he'd been sleeping with an underage girl (Jane). Both Kayla and Aries used Jane without her consent in order to push this lie.
One of the other girls who came forward, Karis, was not a victim of Percy. She referred to him as her abuser but hasn't elaborated on that. What we do know is that he dated her best friend, Lena, and apologized to Karis for for making her think they were together/playing with her feelings. Speaking of the apology, Aries and Kayla had used that apology as a means of evidence to show everyone that he was admitting for "the things he has done." In reality, Karis had messaged him to explain how he'd hurt her by leading her on, which he then apologized for doing.
Additionally, Kayla had posted (and what was retweeted by Aries) screenshots of texts between Karis and Percy that were meant to show him insulting her (Karis) and sending his fans after her. It's unclear why, but for whatever reason, Percy was cutting Karis off as a friend. She wanted an explanation, he didn't give her one so she called him a skeletor (referencing his skinny body) and told him to eat a burger. What neither Aries or Kayla showed was the story Karis posted. Karis had posted another screenshot of texts. At the time, Percy had been in Atlanta and asked her to visit him. Karis asked him "What would Lena think?" Lena was either his gf or ex gf at that time. He clarified that he meant as just friends. Karis then shared the screenshot, saying, @ me pussy boi as a way to expose him.
In response to that, Percy sarcastically posted to his own instagram story said: omg guys I've been #exposed!! Nearly a MONTH ago I invited [karis*} to Atlanta!! What a horrible thing to offer to a friend guess that means I'm officially #canceled R.I.P "skeletor" AKA pussy boi
** I didn't wanna put her username there but that's what was there
She'd said to @ her and that's what he did. He also only mockingly repeated the bodyshaming insults she'd said to him. You could argue that he probably shouldn't have made the story and just ignored her story, but even so, he didn't just do it out of the blue unprompted.
Lena, one of Percy's ex girlfriend's, was a mutual friend to both him and Karis and even Kayla. They all followed each other on instagram until the accusations came out. Lena then unfollowed Kayla and Karis (who was her best friend at one time) but still follows Percy.
Now a lot of people took Percy's initial silence as him being guilty. But that's the advice lawyers will give you. Karapance Law of Toronto said that by speaking out to defend yourself, your word risks being taken as victim blaming and suggests to take a social media hiatus (which Percy did). He came out with a statement and so did Jane.
Here is Percy's:
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And here is Jane's
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Now I want to talk about some of my own thoughts that I had while looking at that thread.
Right off the bat, the behavior of the girls, especially Aries, is very telling. They're being combative with practically anyone who doesn't just immediately accept their word. If you're telling the truth, we should be able to ask questions. Even if you boiled it down to "well, they're frustrated because people aren't listening!" Their words just don't sound right--like the dick riding comment.
A lot of people seem to think that by Percy being silent about the matter and disabling comments on his instagram, that's an automatic sign to tell that he'd guilty. It's interesting because on the gossip reddit page, Fauxmoi, someone else pointed out that's the kind of legal advice they'd be given in a situation like this but the reddit user said he should have just ignored it. One of those well, if it was me kind of comments.
What's unfortunate is that some of these people who believed the girls will not change their minds even if they see the evidence. There are people who commented under Jane's statement who didn't believe her. They think that she was paid by Percy to say that.
This should be a warning about the dangers of blindly believing any accusation you hear. It's about saying that they're all lies because they're not, but this shouldn't have happened. Percy, Jane, and their families have been through a lot and probably are still going through a lot because of this ordeal. A lot of people haven't seen this thread and the news outlets haven't talked about him much (beyond the initial accusations and his statement). I can't imagine how this must have been on him mentally
I hope those girls receive some kind of consequence for what they've done
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DESTIEL TROPE COLLECTION 2023 | DAY 17 | Friends to Lovers
Touch Me, Sit With Me, Tell Me To Stay | @aaronthe8thdemon
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 3,634 Main Tags/Warnings: Post-Season/Series 15, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Castiel Out of the Empty (Supernatural), Grieving Dean Winchester, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Angel Castiel (Supernatural) Summary: The day the car dies, Castiel thinks that he (and a great many humans, too) would give up so much to be loved half as well as Dean loves Baby.
Heartcatcher | Maetheheller (AO3)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,975 Main Tags/Warnings: Nick Nelson from Heartstopper is a dean Winchester parallel, hand jobs, frottage, best friends to lovers, Charlie Dean Cas movie nights, The Boys references Summary: Charlie, Dean, and Cas have a Heartstopper “movie night” and Dean doesn’t expect to relate so much to Nick Nelson, or find the courage to confess his feelings to Cas, his blue-eyed best friend, but sometimes good things do happen.
aperture | ilarual (AO3)
Rating: General Word Count: 5,000 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Friends To Lovers, It's Not Actually Unrequited They're Just Both Idiots, Oneshot Summary: Dean keeps a photo collage of all the people he loves. Castiel is barely in it.
when the stars align | @twinone1221
Rating: General Word Count: 20,550 Main Tags/Warnings: Camping AU, Mechanic!Dean Winchester, Teacher!Castiel, Car Trouble, Stargazing Summary: Camping was something Castiel’s family loved for different reasons. Amelia loved to cook over an open fire, Jimmy enjoyed hikes the most, his niece Claire preferred riding her bicycle, and his son Jack always asked for stories while stargazing. The plan was simple. Drive to the lake, spend some time with his family, eat some good food, sleep under the stars and then drive back in time for work on Monday morning. It was the perfect plan for a perfect weekend. Then his truck broke down.
Love As Blue And Rainbow Feathers | @aaronthe8thdemon
Rating: Mature Word Count: 37,388 Main Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Season/Series 13, Major Character Injury, Wingfic, Castiel Possessing Dean Winchester, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Light Angst, Fluff, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Past Child Abuse, Internalized Homophobia, Canon-Typical Violence Summary: Narrowly escaping death in an alternate reality? Grievous injuries with only the most outrageous solutions available? Pranks as a form of flirting? Unresolved sexual tension driving everyone else nuts? Teaching a toddler how to fight an archangel and actually stand a chance of winning? Juggling a bunker of refugees and the problems in Heaven and the threat of the devil himself? Only on any day ending in Y for the Winchesters.
The barista and the bookshop | @abi-cosmos
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 55,794 Main Tags/Warnings: Coffeeshop AU, Mutual pining, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Gay Castiel, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Friends to lovers, Slow burn, Angst with a happy ending Summary: In a sleepy mountain town, stitched together with fairy lights, Dean Winchester has been running Squirrel and Moose Coffeehouse since his Dad died. Next door, anchored by family obligation, librarian Castiel has been tasked with taking over Chuck’s Bookshop. Wanting a distraction after his brother leaves town, Dean offers to help Castiel fix it up. It’s a job, something to get his hands on, it doesn’t matter that the librarian is hot and kinda weird. Castiel doesn’t understand why Dean is helping him, but he’s happy that he is, and their friendship grows until he can’t deny what’s right in front of him. But when their time together is cut short, both face a decision they aren't ready for. In a sleepy mountain town, stitched together with fairy lights, what's it gonna be? Peace or freedom?
The guy next door | @castielific
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 61,653 Main Tags/Warnings: AU!Neighbors, AU!NoSupernatural, Dean Smith, baby!jack, TheEnd!Cas, minor Cas/OC, Dean has a sexual identity crisis, single parent!Cas, miscommunication, self esteem issues, emotional constipation, angst with a happy ending, pining, friends with benefits Summary: When Dean Smith quit his job at Sandover, he had no idea what he was going to do with his life. He definitely didn't plan for his hippie neighbor and his four years old kid to make him question everything he thought he knew about himself.
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melverie · 2 months
⸺ LESSON 3 ⸺
MC's magic
strange feelings & soup
- lesson 2 || lesson 4 || all posts so far -
Not as much stuff in this lesson, but honestly I'm kind of glad. With 40 lessons to go through I'm grateful for the shorter ones lol General spoiler warning for all of Obey Me Nightbringer, as well as for the original Obey Me
Lucifer kind of makes it sound like Solomon hasn't had an apprentice yet at this point in time [3-A; pic below]. Again, thinking about something that was established in OG season 3......
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Solomon is also wearing his human world look again [3-15 + lesson 3 hard mode]
Solomon's fortune telling app essentially is the reason Mammon picked up gambling [lesson 3 hard mode]. Again, be it intentional or not, he's influencing the things around him to eventually play out the same way they did in our time
their magic is still strong enough to summon Beelzebub [3-10]
Lucifer is once again a little vulnerable around MC by admitting to them that he wanted Cerberus as a pet from the start [3-15]
Mammon is also very open and vulnerable with MC [3-17; both pics below]
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Lucifer says that someone must have leaked the information of what happened at the Starfall. And conviniently enough, MC is only refered to as "unnamed attendant" in the newspaper, ensuring that only the seven brothers are named the seven rulers of the underworld [3-15]
⸺ MISC ⸺
first quote from the website [3-4; pic below]
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we get a small explanation on what the Starfall is [3-4; pic below]
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Asmodeus mentions that Leviathan's elemental aspect is water [3-6]
Asmodeus charms the flowers that put the others in a trance, and we learn that he didn't have his charming powers back as an angel [3-8; pic below]
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Belphegor hates apples [3-8]. They draw quite a lot of attention to this small moment imo
the way Cerberus just immediately listens to Lucifer [3-13]?? Like, just like that???? -> then again, considering how Lucifer treated Toni the Lepus until MC stepped in, maybe that's for the best...
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ctrlemis · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS. Y/N never considered once after she debuted that she would get the chance to (fake)date Park Sunghoon, the boy she had a crush on since he debuted. Sunghoon on the other had never thought he would get the chance to date the newly debuted idol from VEVILA. Both feel as though they are on cloud nine, until Sunghoon has to MC with his ex, who can't catch a hint.
PAIRING. idol! park sunghoon x idol! fem! reader
GENRE. idol au, fake dating, crack/my attempts at humor, fake lovers to lovers, angst, fluff
WARNINGS. strong language, drama, sexual jokes/references, dumb kids being dumb kids, idol drama, mentions of depression, cheating fighting, minor toxicity, tba.
STATUS. FINISHED. (March 10th - July 21st)
FEATURING. enhypen, felix & hyunjin of skz(mentioned), bahiyyih of kep1er, beomgyu of txt(mentioned), wonyoung of ive, eunchae of le sserafim, jongseob of p1h, sriya of blackswan
NOTE. back with another smau!! ik i said i would publish one until i finished fault lines but😍🤭 anyways i hope you guys like this!! updates will be iffy because i still will be prioritizing fault lines, but i definitely will be updating!! credits to @wonvelvet for my amazing ass cover im still not over how gorgeous it is. dont take this shit seriously, yk? this in no way reflects how idols act in real life so dont be that person and take it too seriously
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2. post n ghost
3. heeseung manifestation era??
5. i know what you are
6. in a wendy's parking lot
7. 18 by 1D
8. are you gonna murder me?
9. tryna drag me from my home
10. of all people?
11. choi chaewon
12. FURRY???
14. I loved you.
15. Jang Wonyoung.
16. you will always be famous(vevila = y/n = sunghoon)
17. sunghooned
19. i was gonna ask her to be me girlfriend.
20. us before anything else.
21. COMEBACK SEASON(never a real thing.)
22. Get a fucking grip.
23. I'm letting you go.
24. please.
25. and clicked his heels
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↳ velveeta gworls hc
↳ velveeta gworl hcs pt. 2
↳ more velveeta gworl hcs
↳ vevila fan interview pt. 1
↳ vevila fan interview pt. 2
↳ vevila girls as things me and my best friend have said
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taglist. @seungstarss @c9tnoos @wonvelvet @sun-oos @kflixnet @chiyuv @maiverie @gfksn @jiawji @nishmrriki @elicheel @beomsun @luvibot @sarcasmhadachild @notrosemary @butterflyy-ningg @faiirybread @lalalalawon (CLOSED.)
perm taglist. @jungwonize @soobin-chois @jangwonie @soobinyz @hiqhkey @bigtoewinwin @enhacolor @abdiitcryy @hseungi @sh1mzu
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mischievouschan4 · 6 months
Fic Tag Game
Thanks for tagging me, @starwalkertales!!! I've had my eye on this one for a while, and now I have the push to do it haha
Here we go~
How many works do you have on ao3?
For both my handles: 19, but technically 20 if you count the one I abandoned............oopsie 😅 Specifically for Star Wars: 17
2. What's your ao3 word count?
Amazingly, it's a nice even number right now?! 126,000 😲
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Main fandom: Star Wars (Obikin, QuiObiAni) Previous fandoms: Hocky RPF, MDZS, Promare
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1) WorldBigFlameUp with 620 kudos; this is for the Promare movie, GaloxLio with (dirty) domestic fluff post canon 2) Transference with 471 kudos; my current QuiObiAni golden child; Obi-Wan time travels to save the galaxy and receive aaalllll the love he should have gotten the first time around 3) Wisdom Teeth Woes with 260 kudos; really really cute SFW Obikin, the obligatory post wisdom teeth removal amnesia fic 4) How Anakin Got his Groove Back with 161 kudos; switch Obikin, I fondly refer to this one as "BDSM fic" 😌 she's filfthy, she's fun(ny) - maybe?, she's got BSE (big switch energy) from Obi-Wan LOL 5) I Know You Love Me with 150 kudos; HockeyRPF, my Toews/Kane (bottom Jonny) fic from the Chicago Blackhawks glory days *big sigh* **tears up** And the honorable mention abandoned fic (Thorki) at 718 kudos LOL (no judgment, okay?? I was a practically a bebe when I wrote it 😅)
5. Do you respond to comments?
................................I need to be better about this. I definitely do for Transference every time I update with a new chapter, but I find it hard to keep up for some of my other fics (EVEN THOUGH I CHERISH EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!!)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
nOnE oF mY fIcS hAvE aNgStY eNdInGs 👀 (like actually)
7. What's the fic your write with the happiest ending?
I swear they're all happy! But I think the sugary-est fic overall has to be How to Fall in Love with a Lawyer, you can't say no to Obikin engagement! But also, I think The Kenobi-Skywalker Family Goes Viral is also quite adorable (not that I'm biased or anything ha)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have been lucky! No hate so far, just some very astute fans of canon that have pointed out inconsistencies haha (which is 100% acceptable)
9. Do you write smut? What kind?
HA... YES! I do lots and lots and lots of smut! But almost all of it is MxM I think!
10. Do you write cross-overs?
Historically, no. Would I be open to it? ...I think I could be convinced...
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yesssss!!!! And it is such an honor?!?! My QuiObi fic Seasons of Love was translated by the amazing @cakushi into Russian😭💓💓💓
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
NOT YET!!! BUT SOON!!! I'm looking at you, @dark--whisperings 💖
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
QuiObi probably? 🥰 It's definitely my comfort ship.
15. What's your WIP you like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh goodness, welp, I have a WIP called Love and Devotion (MDZS/The Untamed fandom) which is a pseudo-Regency AU for Lan Zhan/Wei Ying that's just sitting there 3/maybe 6 ish chapters in........... I really do want to finish it, but I need to get my head out of Star Wars first....
16. What are your writing strengths?
Visualizing situations to translate them into words
Writing in a way that's comfortable for me to read out loud
Extensive research (both for smut and non-smut content hehe 😼)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
GRAMMAR (I switch between present and past depending on the fic and it screws with my brain so much)
Pacing 😠 (How much detail is too much detail?? IDK)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Select lines yes, I have for Love and Devotion since the original content is in Chinese and that's my second language, but entire chunks? Definitely not. I usually just do italics to signify another language haha.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I'm honestly not super sure LMAO back in my fanfiction.net days I wrote for both Death Note and Alex Rider hahaha
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Probably Transference haha when you put that much effort into a long-fic, it's hard to not put it on a pedestal.
Thank you so much for tagging me!!! Had lots of fun thinking about these.
Apologies if you've been tagged already, and apologies if I missed you! Anyone can pick this up if you find it interesting!!
@dark--whisperings @thesilverqueenlady @dreaminghour @briliantlymad @anakinsthot @cakushi @to-proudly-go (Omg I’m sorry I left you off!)
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khruschevshoe · 5 months
OFMD (fic) analysis: The Power of Names, Agency, and Creating Yourself
So, this is going to be Part 1 out of who knows how many analyzing different aspects of @aletterinthenameofsanity 's magnum opus OFMD fic series "made a promise when I left for the coast (made a life out of chasing a ghost)." Now, the series is divided into three sections, "Season 2," "Season 3," and "Extras" (which includes missing scenes, AUs, and post-canon "special episodes"). This first essay will be addressing the symbolic/thematic meaning of characters choosing their own names in this series throughout all parts (some of these metas will only tackle one section/season/ or even fic).
It is clear in this series that names take on a particular meaning, due to the multiple times it is emphasized, such as in part 15 of the series (the "pilot" of "Season 3"), when Captain Olu says, "Everyone's entitled to choose their own name on my ship." Names, when taken on a ship, allow someone to both shed their precious life and claim one for their own. I'm going to go through the various ways this is presented in series and how letting characters choose their names on the Revenge allows them to gain agency within their lives and world.
1): Name as Gender: Jim and Pete
Early on in the series, Jim and Pete's friendship is established from Jim's POV, where we discover that before the Blackbeard-Kraken-era, Jim and Pete bonded when Pete revealed that Pete is also trans, which in the series is often referred to as "the power of creation" (there's an essay analyzing the religious implications in the works, I swear). This is a point of connection and pride between them, and is the foundation to a great and enduring friendship and place of trust that often gets both of them through low points.
This friendship is further emphasized in part 13, Pete's internal monologue echoes previous assertions by Jim's internal monologue that "they have things in common that go beneath everything, a connection that threads itself across the sea, through razors and potential top scars and names left buried on land."
2) Name as Family: The Jimenezes and the Spriggs
A) The Jimenez Matelots
During their wedding reception in part 9 of the series, Olu and Archie both make it clear that they are going to take Jim's last name due to the importance of becoming Jim's family. Olu will trade in his last name, and Archie will take on a last name for the first time, as a sign of loyalty, loved, and comfort, because for Olu and Archie, "What price is a last name when it comes to making Jim feel comfortable and loved?"
B) The Spriggs Siblings
The choice of the last name "Spriggs" by Mel and Lucius has almost the opposite backstory of the Jimenez matelots- rather than keeping a last name to honor a family, the Spriggs siblings keep their last name to spite their abusive father. When Mel is asked by Roach in part 18 of the series as to why she keeps her last name when, as a pirate, she could have easily dropped it entirely when starting a new life, she tells him that she kept it because it connected it to her brother. Her internal monologue explains that "She stayed Mel Spriggs, damn the consequences, not because the last name gave her protection, but because it connected her to the one person who, at any point in her life, had protected her." It has nothing to do with "the lily-livered douche" that was her father; it as to do with her connection to Lucius. And as the series progresses, even after Lucius gets married to Izzy and Pete, we see that he keeps his last name while Pete picks up the last name "Hands-Spriggs." As much as his matelots mean to him, shown by the rings they share (objects as symbolism will be another analysis), his relationship with his sister is just as important to him.
3) Name as Intimacy: Frenchie and Zheng Yi Sao | Ching Shih
So, this one is not as startling or connected to character agency as the others, but I really like what this relationship does with language. Zheng Yi Sao literally translates as "wife of Zheng Yi" and is used almost as both name and title, the name of the Pirate Queen and Emperor of China, while Ching Shih is her Cantonese name, within the language she grew up speaking. Historically, Zheng Yi Sao had to learn Mandarin to fit in with upper crust society, and it makes sense that the name she rules the seas with (even in OFMD) is within that more "elevated" language.
But here's the kicker: Frenchie doesn't call her Zheng. He calls her Ching Shih, honoring where she came from, acknowledging that he gets a far more intimate side of her than the rest of the world do. In part 40, in the moment of their engagement (which comes after years of a really fun half friends-with-benefits, half-long-distance-relationship that they have going on), Frenchie accepts Zheng's proposal with the line "I’d love to be yours, Ching Shih, as long as you- not your title, or your power, or whatever, just you - would be mine.”
4) Name as Agency: Mel and Roach
When Mel first joins the crew of the Revenge, Olu calls her "Miss Spriggs" and she asks to be called Mel instead. It is made clear that to her, her first name is a gesture of identity and agency as she begins a new life, a fact that is emphasized in part 39, which covers Mel's life leading up to the moment she murders her parents and leaves home. This part refers to Mel exclusively by the name "Melanie" until the moment she leaves Anguilla and takes her agency back into her own hands, paralleling the death of "Blackbeard" and the freedom of the crew with the line "Melanie Spriggs dies along with her parents; Blackbeard dies along with Izzy’s love for Edward Teach."
In part 18 of the series, we see Roach explain that his choice of name was a similar act of agency, a moment when he chose the name thar embodied his own survival instinct with the lines ""Being a pirate is about creating a life for yourself. A name, a family, a home. I picked Roach because I refuse to let anyone kill me.” He gives her a toothy grin that she can’t help but return. “I’m an invincible little fucker.”"
5) Name as Family (Part 2): Femi Boodhari and the Jimenez Matelots
Finally, we return to the theme of names being used for chosen family. When the Jimenez matelots visit Femi, Olu’s mother, in part 41 of the series, at first Jim is worried that Femi will be disappointed that her son traded away his name for theirs, Femi gives Jim and Archie a way to honor and carry both the Jimenez and Boodhari names and legacies: as a blacksmith, she makes Jim a knife and Archie a new axehead with the Boodhari name in the side so that way the family, their culture, and her own legacy of escaping slavery and starting her own business and family can be honored. Though it's not as straightforward an example of "choosing a name" as the others, I think it is a nice endcap in this series for the theme.
(Also, as a note: these metas/analysises take a lot longer to write than it took me to make moodboards. So they'll probably come out a little less frequently, even if they are just as much fun to do!)
@blue-b-bro @possumsmushroom @yuenity @bricksbloggyplace @cosmicquill @a-pessimistic-swiftie @polikate
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jinxed-ninjago · 4 months
Why is the demonym for Shintaro's residents inconsistently pronounced as "Shintaran" and "Shintarian"
Like I know it's something that happens in real life too; for example, I'm from Wyoming, so you could call me a Wyomingite or a Wyomingian and it wouldn't be inaccurate either way. Additionally, residents of Utah can be referred to as Utahn or Utahan (although there's not much of a pronunciation difference either way).
The reason the inconsistency with Shintaro's demonym drives me up the wall is because it feels like the original intention was for it to be pronounced one way, but then either one of the writers or one of the voice actors added an i after the r, turning Shintaran into Shintarian (or the other way around, the original intention was Shintarian but someone forgot the i in the season 13 scripts, turning it into Shintaran).
Like this is so unnecessarily annoying to me but GOD I HATE IT. In season 13 you have Wu referring to Chompy as a "Shintaran Ridgeback" and in season 15 you have Cole referring to residents of Shintaro as Shintarian. It's so annoying to me and I genuinely don't think it would be if it was made more clear whether or not they're both accurate terms to use (I would assume they are, considering there are real life demonyms that function similarly, BUT STILL).
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kerubimcrepin · 5 months
My name is Ro, though you may know me from my main blog (@jorisjurgen) and art blog (@atchamcrepin). On this blog I had posted random dissections of Dofus Aux Tresors episodes in a rewatch liveblog format, and now post about other Jurgen-Crepin related things.
My goal is to solve Crepin-Jurgen related lore.
Things to know:
This was my uhhh. 6th-11th rewatch of this show. Who even knows anymore.
I welcome any lore related asks, even if I may not know something.
I only tag posts with character names if I think I analysed them at least a little, or if the post is quite informative (has trivia that isn't available in any of the shows).
I hope not to spam the tags too much & that it will be entertaining in some way.
※ Please read on desktop/in your mobile browser. Chronological tag links are broken on tumblr's mobile app.
[read the liveblog from the start] or read any of the following:
Character Analysis + trivia:
※ Both the separate analysis posts, and the analysis included within some of the liveblogs.
Atcham Crepin
Joris Jurgen
Kerubim Crepin
Official Art Collection:
Concept art
Rendered art
Art References for Fanartists
Original Content by me:
MMO dialogues and lore compilation (English language)
Translations (coming probably not soon)
Dofus: Aux Trésors de Kérubim:
1. Kerubim
2. Luis' Blues
3. Stirch Hunt
4. The Infernal Hourglass
5. Welcome to YeCh'Tich's
6. Dance against the Boowolves
7. Bashi the Shark
8. Pandala's Chichala
9. The Legendary Unikron
10. Vax's Living Art
11. The Hairy Archelmet
12. The Great Glucid
13. A Diamond for Ruby
14. Koalak Quack
15. Teeny Keke
16. West of Astrub
17. Toothache
18. The Pyrofuego
19. The Judgement of the Twelve
20. My Friend Bashi
Mid-Show Break:
The Wheel of Destiny #8 - Kerubim Crepin
Dofus Heroes: Kerubim
Trying to understand the Aux Tresors novels (Without reading the actual novels in question)
Dofus: Aux Trésors de Kérubim:
21. A Bow Meow on the Moon
22. The Giant Ploomers
23. Like a Snapper in the Water
24. Scams, Crimes, and Tentacles
25. SOS Adventures
26. A Hairy Mystery
27-29. Ecaflip City
30. Bonta Folie's
31. The Break
32. Pupuce's Life
33. Noffoub's Foutnain
34. Heads for no Tails
35. The Gobbal Set
36. The Ding-Dong Belt
37. The Charming Justicars
38. Dragokart Race
39. The Love Killer
40. The Beginning
41. The Sword of Nine Tails
42. The Trial
43. The Dream Mixer
44. My Papycha, the Secondhand Dealer
45. The Charming Justicars 2
46. The Hacienda's Fever
47. Indie
48. Role Plays
49. The Jellivision
50. Deadly Charm
51. High-Temperature Trap
52. Goodbye
Pre-Movie Off-Topic Break:
What do we know about Joris le Sans-Pouvoir? (Aka, addressing the “cancelled Nintendo DS game”-shaped elephant in the room.)
The Floor Plan of The House + Reference Pics
Random Joris Lore that won't fit into any other post
Documenting the "20th Anniversary of Ankama" map with commentary by Joris and Kerubim
Card Game Lore overview
Exploring dofus-la-serie.com
Pre-Movie Comic Break:
Lance Dur Comic #5 - The Third Death
The Wheel of Destiny #1 - Atcham
Julith et Jahash
Les Dessous de Dofus
Dofus Manga (But only the bits with Atcham, Kerubim, or Joris)
Dofus, Livre 1 : Julith
There are... a lot of posts in this tag.
Post-Movie Break:
An Afterword: talking about Welsh and Shedar
Exploring dofus-le-film.com (and other events surrounding the movie)
Dofus: The Production (speculation & artbook discussion)
Reviewing merch (Without buying the merch in question)
Pre-Wakfu Break:
Remington (But only the bits with Joris)
Dofus and Wakfu MMOs (A LOT OF LORE)
Other games (a lot less lore)
Wakfu (the bits that have Jojo Jurgen's Bizarre Adventure):
Wakfu (Seasons 1-2)
Wakfu Manga
Wakfu OVA
Wakfu (Season 4)
Wakfu the Great Wave Manga
The Post-Wakfu media:
Waven MMO
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