#theyre not wrong to be offended\annoyed\hurt by it
ladysophiebeckett · 1 year
the kaling criticism is crossing the line into misogyny and no one’s being careful. 
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pocketkats · 2 years
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tulpafcker · 1 year
yeah reading that webebed comic is making me think about like. growing up On Line and knowing there was something wrong with me, KNOWING i had a personality disorder and just not knowing Which One, but knowing it was most likely one of the two that people dont give much sympathy to
but then also being surrounded by people who do the same things i did and DIDN'T have those disorders
is such... a wild fucking experience. i joke like "haha more people should think theyre a sociopath growing up, it humbles you and makes you painfully aware of how people see the shit youre doing" but like, even if the people i knew thought that of themselves, they wouldnt care! theyd brush it off or think theyre one of the good ones (tm) with no self reflection!! and thats because I did it!!
like. as a teenager, i genuinley thought "its not that i dont FEEL remorse, its just that i havent done anything that was bad enough to feel remorse over!" and concluded that i didn't have aspd
like. i was simultaneously self aware and not self aware, except since i was more self aware than most, it was easy for me to believe that nothing escaped my field of view
and even to this day, it's like... why?? i was in a whole fucking group of remorseless assholes who were overly violent about people we didnt like! we were ALL quick to turn on each other, and we were just a small group of a huger group! we couldnt ALL have aspd?? and WE DONT!!! WE DIDNT!!!
some of them were just being teenagers, some of them have other shit wrong with them that they either got help for or... didn't.
its just. aaaaa!! and yes depending on who it was directed on, my anger issues and impulsivity were both used to help the group and ostracize me! my friends LIKED when i could turn on people on a dime and drive them out of the group if they did something percieved as Bad. some of them genuinley WERE horrifically manipulative people and it was good that they got out of there SOMEhow. but they got out because the server admin was too pussy to do her job and Administrate The Server so it was My job. but if the admin herself or her friends hurt me (for instance, by saying that i was selfish for wanting to kill myself,) then suddenly i was scary and irrational and couldnt be trusted. fun!
and this suuuucks but wrt the webbe comic i see myself a lot in gage in that his Go To Excuse (im traumatized!!!) was MY go to excuse back in the day. plus i struggle w like. just because i dont MEAN to be manipulative, doesnt mean that i cant BE manipulative, plus its not the other partys fault for feeling manipulated
gage is lowkey also kinda unempathetic to milo cuz he finds milo annoying at times and uhhh thats a hashtag struggle of hashtag mine
and like. id never date an actual fucking murderer (but then again i can just SAY anything. in another life i could see myself justifying it if i was in a worse spot) but the reaction towards gage vs milo by the commentors of the comic is telling imo
in that gage (as far as we know) has been thru shitty situations and we dunno how he grew up yet (or maybe we do idk im not done) and he has maladaptive, manipulative, and hurtful coping mechanisms just like milo does but in the comments milo is seen as a wrong but still sympathetic guy while gage.. isnt
and thags kind of how it felt, yk. growing up the way i did. like i wasnt the best person but neither were the other guys but they got sympathy because they *appeared* good and pitiable and soft, they were treated like flawed yet human individuals going thru it, and i was lowkey dehumanized even before i ever really thought i had Dehumanized Implicitly Personality Disorder
ALSO the "sorry for saying s*ciopath i didnt mean to offend people w aspd" part in the comic Gets Me because there are people who do say that BUT thats the begining and end of anything they say abt aspd and its kiiind of hurting it ngl
cuz like. i agree honestly! i think people should maybe not say sociopath as freely as they do anymore. for one its not used diagnostically anymore and for two; in the layperson, the word paints a picture of a very stereotypical moviefied version of someone with aspd. so not only is it not used medically, its used in a way that dehumanizes people with actual aspd- in fact a lot of people dont even know that its CALLED aspd!
and of course, Not Saying Sociopath Anymore isnt gonna solve ableism (i learned the term aspd from an Ableist Video after all) but like. it would be nice? maybe?? to have the basic decency to not be referred to by a word thats used to either treat me like a dogshit criminal implicitly OR sell a warped version of the thing i struggle with to hollywood audiences and or true crime affecionados
but because of people who ONLY say that stuff and nothing else, the notion isnt really taken seriously by anyone and is brushed off as Stupid Internet Stuff + a smattering of "if you REALLY had REAL aspd you wouldnt CARE wether or not someone called you a sociopath!!!"
which of course is ironically another example of ableism not being solved by Changing Terms but uhh yeah since the fauxtivist puriteen blogs r where a lot of people first heard of the concept its IMMIDIATLEY written off as stupid internet stuff and i just think its very very funny that milo webcomicboy said that just like. as a microcosm of him? say/do shit that sounds progressive but does stuff that actually is either a) irrelevant or b) hurts people more than it helps them
also just bc i relate to gage doesnt mean i like him theyre all pieces of shit. i like him as a character not as a person. everyone here sucks assssssssssssssss but im just. observing plus a lil like. not exactly recognition of self thru the other but "oh god that COULDVE been me if i didnt get very very very lucky" self awareness did not fix me and it did not save me but it saved me just a leeeeeeeeettle bit and thats enough babeyyy
if this makes no sense im SORRY ive been soo traumatixed also im LITERALLY neurodivergent and a minor???? ugh!!!
(nah fr fr it is late as all fuckkkkk idk if this is coherent. if its not just shhhhh let it fade into obscurity thanks i appreciste it)
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tianshiisdead · 2 years
My most annoying trait is that I'm picky about historical fic about the century of humiliation bc plenty of authors technically write it WELL but if I don't know where they're from I assume the author is white, and a white author writing a 'balanced' fic about a time when westerners were literally tearing the country apart, and saying 'hmmm well maybe the boxer rebellion was also in the wrong for being nationalists uwu' when it was a reaction to western imperialism, and resulted in 8 nations including America literally burning, raping, and killing their way through the land, feels bad idk 😮‍💨 I like shipping in this period well enough, but the serious fic that doesn't glorify either side just reads like tone-deaf empire apologia. 'They were killing Chinese Christians' yeah what do u expect a rebellion to be like 🙄 bloodless and without anger? 'They were killing their Chinese Christians' is a great way to frame it bc it makes it look like mindless nationalism and not an uprising in response to outside inflicted suffering. Double the insult if any of the 8 nations alliance is shown in a nice light lmao that isn't your dude to redeem 🙄
I'm less sensitive when ik the fic writer isn't white or even better is Chinese (esp if they are not diaspo or actually know what china is like 🙃) bc its not like these explorations aren't good, but I just hate seeing white ppl do it when theyre so detached from the outcomes of their own countrys imperialism. Esp anglos lol reflect a little pls 😮‍💨 'evil scawy cultural revolution' do u think we would've had a government who's platform is 'resist imperialism and become powerful enough no one will hurt us again' if u fucks didn't terrorize us for a century lol
Ppl think bc they can write about ancient history and Europe however they please they can write about Asia how they please as well but I am the police saying no I'm offended when I do that LMFAO (I won't say anything out loud jk)
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. 7
a/n: im sorry but takeru could take my uwus like hes so adorable yall 🥺😭
-LETS BE HONESTTT WITH OURSELVES. oikawa bringing takeru to practice cuz he forgot he promised to watch him n so he asks you to watch him while he rushes off to change— and then takeru goes OFF after he hears that YOURE the person uncle tooru keeps talking about. he basically just exposes oikawa, gets on your good side w all the embarrassing blackmail material he can provide, and oikawa comes back to you grinning like a madwoman HAHAHAHAHA c,:
tumblr moot:
-‘ Omg Takeru spills to his mom and grandmother how Oikawa had a crush and how awkward he is around this girl. Which leads to them inviting her over without Oikawa knowing. He comes home one day, a lil upset because yn wasn't at practice only to hear her giggling with his mother and sister while having tea ‘
Tumblr media
uwu yes i love this req so lets start
so basically
two words:
uncle oikawa
bahahaha no not really but yes really tho
this is going to basically be the scenario where takeru has accepted you as his auntie
so sit down my little grasshoppers because this is finna be a long one
it all started when oikawa forgot his promise
oikawa prides himself in being a know-it-all and being ‘responsible’ or shit like that but hes,,,,, far from that
like how he was currently running towards the gym where takeru’s volleyball class was at because he forgot that his sister made him promise to pick his nephew up since she was working overtime today
oikawa tooru didnt care about his appearance and the way he huffed as he sonic nyoomed his way there since he was more scared of what his sister would do to him if she finds out he was late
the sight of the gym door has never felt so good
he yelled and a head peaked out that belonged to the one and only boy
‘uncle, youre so loud’
he chided and tooru rolled his eyes before grabbing his hand
‘hey, go get your stuff. im late and y/n is going go kill me if im not there’
takeru rolled his own eyes and went at a snail’s pace as he packed up his knee pads and his water bottles
‘hmm,, dont lie uncle. you just want to see the pretty goddess nee-chan’
so basically,,
its been mentioned that you call the boys a lot or its them calling you and oikawa happens to be the one who calls you constantly
and takeru lives with them and he’s usually up quite late so he hears tooru downstairs while talking to you
like one time, he couldnt sleep and his mom told him to drink warm milk to help him so he was just going down the stairs when he heard tooru laugh
now, dont get him wrong
hes heard his uncle laugh before so hes seen how he laughs around girls and it was like nails on a chalkboard
but this time, it sounded very genuine and his chuckles were almost,,, shy
and he figured that tooru was talking to a girl since he kept saying a girl’s name
‘y/n-chan~ youre so cute~ dont make me come over there and kiss you~’
oikawa cooed and takeru cringed 
so he was talking to you
he was no stranger to your name as he once teased his uncle for being whipped and got an hour long rant about how beautiful you were and nice and angelic and how you were just an angel on earth
so yea he knew you
tooru’s voice became clearer as he stepped foot into the kitchen
even a child like him could tell his uncle was basically in love with you
and he doesnt even really know what love is!!
the child said and tooru, who believes in ghosts and is the biggest scaredy cat, shrieked at the sudden voice 
‘oikawa-san? what’s wrong?’
your voice could be heard through his phone but tooru quickly told you good night and ended the call before he got off the chair and crossed his arms to stand in front of takeru
‘what did you say?’
he asked and takeru looked up at him, mimicking his pose
‘i said, its disgusting, uncle’
oikawa looked offended
‘what?! how could you say that?!’
takeru shrugged then he walked over to the fridge
‘yozora-kun told me that girls have cooties and we would die if we get it’
god it was such a childish thing to say but to an actual child like takeru, it sounded perfectly valid
‘its gross and nasty and he said you get all sweaty and you get a fever and ew’
tooru shook his head in disbelief before going over to help the boy get a glass
‘its not nasty or gross or disgusting, takeru. its actually,,, really nice. you dont die from it and you get sweaty when you get nervous and you dont get a fever, you just get flustered, thats all’
takeru still didnt believe him
‘well, he also said girls become monsters and they would eat your face’
oikawa chortled 
‘you heard me. all girls are monsters and you should protect yourself, uncle’
but when he met you, my oh my, you were no monster
you were,,,,,, really really really pretty
poor takeru doesnt really know the real meaning of beautiful so he settled on you being really really really really pretty
like when oikawa dragged him in the gym, takeru stared at you 
his mind couldnt process on the fact that someone as pretty as you even existed 
but that doesnt really say much since hes only like 8
oikawa was hurriedly shoving them both in the gym and he was annoyed that takeru was just standing there but he was really just watching you as you scurried around to give the team their towels
‘takeru! come on!’
tooru’s voice snapped him out of it so he finally walked forward
oikawa called out and iwaizumi was about to yell at him for being late but you already had your bad bitch face on and you were strutting over
‘oikawa tooru, do you know how late you are?!’
you scolded and pulled his ear down to your height
‘eeeehhhh~~??? y/n-chan dont be so rough! it hurts! dont hurt oikawa-san!’
he teased to ease your anger but you sucked in a sharp breath
‘ill make sure it hurts more’
oikawa turned pale and started pleading and stuttering
‘please pleaseplease y/n-chan, i had to pick up takeru and it was a total mess and-’
at the mention of takeru, you let go of him and you finally caught sight of the little boy
ohmygee he was so adorable and youre just a sucker for adorable kids so you kinda squatted to his height since the height difference wasnt that big
you gave him a big smile and waved a hand
‘hey, you must be takeru. im y/n’
the poor kid’s face turned red unknowingly and he stiffened before nodding aggressively
‘my name is oikawa takeru and i am 6 years old’
he hand out his hands to prove his age and you giggled before nodding
‘my name is l/n y/n and i am 16 years old’
you held out 10 fingers then switched to having 6 up like he did
‘waaaa youre,,,’
the boy paused to subtract with his fingers before looking up at you with wide eyes
‘youre 10 years older than me!’
you sweatdropped at the sudden thought of being old 
‘hmm i guess i am’
you tilted your head to the side and continued to talk to the boy, completely oblivious to the stares from the others
they all sported a bright red blush and red ears at the thought of you being so good with kids and what if it was their own?
kindaichi gasped and held his hands to his face to cover the burst of all shades of red that decorated his entire face
‘ne, nee-chan, i know you’
takeru spoke as you led him to sit down on the bleacher, away from the practicing team and from any rogue balls
‘oh? you do?’
‘eung! uncle talks about you all the time! and he calls you too! i live with him, see, and nana yells at him for being on his phone during dinner because hes talking to you’
takeru admitted and you turned red, suddenly flustered
‘he talks about me? what does he say about me, take-chan?’
the little boy paused, holding his chin to think, then he lit up
‘he calls you beautiful goddess y/n-chan!’
‘he does?’
you asked, wholeheartedly surprised
takeru violently nods his head
‘yes! uncle talks about you all the time! my friend yozora wants to meet you too!’
‘hah? who is that?’
takeru sheepishly scratches his cheek
‘yozora-kun told uncle that girls are gross but uncle got mad and told him you were different because you were pretty and nice and yozora wants to see if you really were’
you laughed at the childish claims of this yozora boy
‘well,,, take-chan, do you think im gross?’
you asked, making the boy flustered again
‘no,,,, nee-chan is really pretty’
he mumbled while twiddling his fingers and you squealed before hugging him
‘oh, take-chan! you should visit more often!’
takeru nodded, smiling at how warm you were
‘eung! i love nee-chan! see? i can say i love nee-chan because im not a coward like uncle!’
you pulled away just slightly with a raised eyebrow
‘what are you talking about, takeru?’
the child puffed out his chest and his lip took on a smug angle
‘uncle talks to the mirror every morning! he says hes practicing! he takes forever just saying he loves you in the mirror and he doesnt let me pee! but its okay! because uncle can keep being coward but i get the pretty nee-chan!’
a disbelieving smile settled itself on your face and you absentmindedly caressed his smaller hand
‘what else does uncle do, take-chan? you see, nee-chan wants to tease him!’
takeru paused then lit up
‘oh! before i was born, mama told me uncle ate flowers because he thought his fart would smell like roses!’
your cries of shock made the boy laugh and you joined in with him
‘also! iwa-nii made me a tree house, right?! and uncle wanted to go in but he was too big so he got stuck at the front door! iwa-nii had to take the front part out and used soap to get him out!’
your cackles attracted the now ready captain and oikawa had an uneasy look
that little brat mustve told you some embarrassing stories based on how you laughed
‘oi! takeru! you shut your mouth right now, young man!’
he shouted and quickly stomped over to you at the bleachers
but you held the boy close, protecting him from the angry brunette
‘no! you stay away, oikawa-san! nee-chan will protect you, take-chan!’
you proclaimed and takeru was more than happy to snuggle closer and stick his tongue out at his uncle
you had a similar mischevious look and a wide but scary grin on your face that spelled nothing but trouble
was he,,,, being blackmailed right now?
tooru was scandalised at the thought and the act causign him to lunge over to you, tickling your sides so you could loosen your grip on the child
but you held on, giggling loudly causing takeru to also laugh when tooru’s fingers would touch his side too
‘no! stop-! ack-! tooru!’
you shouted but tooru was able to find an opening to grab takeru by under his arms and you reached over to grab him back but he was already lifted high
‘now what did you tell her, you brat?’
takeru shrieked but tooru hummed, not quite believing him
‘i dont think so’
tooru sat down on the floor and placed takeru on his lap with his fingers quickly hitting his ticklish spots
‘NOOO!!!! UNCLE!!!!’
you giggled and joined over, completely forgetting where you were and what your responsibilities are
okay can we take a second on how cute this moment is?
like despite the team practically being in love with you, they couldnt help but think of how much you guys looked like a family
iwa herded everyone to stop staring and keep practicing bc he knew that this was the first time tooru has been truly happy in a very long time
by the end of practice, you and takeru were practically best friends already
you were very sad to have to let him go home but he promised to come back soon
tooru gave him over to iwa so he could talk to you while you were packing up
you were putting on your jacket when you felt him tap your shoulder
with a smile, you turned around and he mirrored your grin
well,,, it was more like a shy and bashful grin
from behind him, you could see takeru being lifted by mattsun and his laughter echoed in the wind
tooru noticed your gaze then chuckled softly
‘thank you for,,, yanno,, keeping him busy’
you waved your hands around with a laugh
‘nonono! its okay! really! hes so adorable that i look forward to seeing him again!’
he let out a relieved sigh then placed his hands in his pockets, rocking on the balls of his feet
‘y/n,, youre really good with kids’
that comment made you flustered but you waved it off
‘nah, i just connect with them more. theyre so easily entertained and the innocence is nice’
‘well,, youll be a great mother in the future’
you chuckled then ruffled his soft hair
‘youll be a great father in the future then oikawa-san’
at first, he was just going to laugh it off but then the image of you playing with a child who possessed chocolate brown locks and beautiful e/c eyes appeared
he turned red and he fumbled for a response, completely speaking gibberish with no idea of what to even say
unfortunately for him, the team was not in a far distance and they could hear oikawa sputtering nonsense so to ‘help’ him, they started shouting for you guys to hurry up
‘come on! lets go, you guys! the bakery closes in a 10 minutes!’
makki yelled and you perked up and waved to signal you were going
‘come on, oikawa-san!’
you grabbed his hand and pulled him along
takeru noticed his uncle’s red face and a cute sly smile creeped up on his face
then he started a plan
and wow god must’ve wanted him to succeed because its like the fates and the stars and the universe just aligned
takeru was walking with his mom around a supermarket when he noticed your familiar h/c hair
‘y/n nee-chan!’
he shrieked before he could even stop himself and you were startled, wildly looking around for the person who said your name
takeru shouted again, running away from his mom towards you
yall what is oikawa’s sister’s name? lets name her ‘tara’
tara shouted for her son and ofc ran after him when he didnt listen
you greeted back and winced a little when the force fo the little boy crashed into your legs
‘nee-chan! momma, look its nee-chan!’
takeru said when his mother caught up to him
‘oikawa takeru! you never run in the store like that again, you hear me?’
she scolded but then smiled up at you
‘oh hello darling, you must be y/n. im tara, tooru’s older sister and takeru’s mom’
she outstretched her hand for you to shake so you awkwardly shook it
‘uh-im l/n y/n’
‘momma! shes the pretty nee-chan i told you about! and shes the one uncle talks to every night!’
you cringed a little when takeru was excitedly talking as he was attracting other people with his loud voice
tara bless her heart noticed your discomfort and told you to go and follow her to the checkout if you were done
she ended up paying for your stuff despite your protests but she excused it as ‘consider this as payment for putting up that idiot brother of mine’
takeru wanted to show off so he held your bags but you still held on to their own to help tara out
‘ne, nee-chan! why are you not with uncle? its practice today, right?’
takeru asked as you three walked down the street
‘natsu’s sick so i was picking up some porridge for him to eat. i excused today because i wanted to take care of him’
takeru lit up
‘nee-chan! you should come over! nana wants to meet you too!’
tara rolled her eyes at her son with a smile
‘no, take-kun. nee-chan needs to go home to look after-’
‘ah, its okay, oikawa-san! natsu wont be awake for a while so i can spare an hour or two’
tara made small talk with you while takeru hummed in front of you
‘thank you so much for putting up with my two boys, y/n. i heard from hajime that you kept takeru company while tooru practiced’
you nodded
‘it wasnt a big deal though. i love takeru, hes a sweetheart. and oikawa-san takes good care of him’
tara chuckled
‘as much as takeru loves to poke fun at tooru, he really does appreciate him you know? without a father, i worried on who would be his male figure. but tooru lived up to his title and takeru wants to do everything he does. like say, volleyball’
you followed along and you could see the little bits of tooru even by the way takeru walked
the little skip that his uncle had seemed to copy itself on to the nephew with even the happy humming
‘oikawa-san is,,, a really great person’
you off-handedly mentioned and tara looked at you from the corner of her eye 
warmth blossomed in her chest because although she knew how much of an insecure and rash person her brother was, he deserves someone who talks about him with such love in their voice
even the look in your eyes was enough to make her think,
yep, you are the one
omg nana oikawa is ltr head-over-heels for you already
the love for y/n is an oikawa thing
when takeru opened the door, nana oikawa rushed to greet her grandson when she saw another person
a girl
‘nana! nana! this is y/n nee-chan! uncle’s pretty goddess!’
uwu nana knows who exactly you are
lets just say shes exactly like takeru and has witnessed her son lovingly talk to some y/n girl at 3 in the morning
and her son has expressed his love and admiration towards you every chance he can
so yes lets just say she knows who you are
thats why nana brightly smiled and quickly ushered you into the house
‘oh come in! come in! takeru-kun, go lead y/n-chan to the couch and make her comfortable! ill get tea!’
takeru nodded and he grabbed your hand with his small one to go to the living room
you awkwardly sat stiffly, not exactly knowing what to do as this entire family seemed to know who you are
takeru settled himself beside you and was actively talking about what they did at volleyball practice today
you were enamored in his story that you didnt notice nana walk in with a try of tea with tara trailing behind her with cookies
you moved to help her but nana shook her head with a gentle smile before sitting down at the chair beside the couch
‘here you go, dear’
you bowed slightly and held the cup of green tea
everyone was now settled and you were nervously tapping your finger against the cup
you dont even know why youre nervous
its like youre suddenly meeting your boyfriend’s family without your boyfriend actually there
you jumped a little at the voice of nana and she smiled at you
‘oh dear dont be so nervous! we’re not that bad! we dont bite’
‘unless you want us to’
takeru whispered and you giggled, ruffling his hair with your free hand
‘so youre the famous y/n-chan then?’
you nodded again
‘takeru told us all about his adventures at seijoh the other day and, well,, he likes to tease his uncle but,, we believe him’
tara smiled, remembering her son’s words
‘nee-chan, i told them that uncle was very weird and shy and awkward and it was so weird’
he whispered, yet still able to be heard by everyone in the room
‘oh my, when we heard that we couldnt believe a person, much less a female, could even do that to him! i worried that my son would never develop interest in any girl but it seems i was worrying for nothing!’
nana giggled and you couldnt help but smile, realizing her laugh sounded exactly like tooru’s
‘you know, y/n, tooru’s never really had a crush before. and believe me, id know but even with his last girlfriend, which was also his first, he didnt seem interested at her in that way-well, maybe he was but he wasnt exactly enamored with her like he is with you’
you knew little about tooru’s first and last girlfriend
it was the butt of mattsuhana’s jokes all the time but you never partook bc you could see how,,, sad,,, tooru looks whenever its brought up
but you turned red,hand waving at her last comment
‘oh nonono, youre wrong. uhh, how do i say this,, oikawa-san,,, he just appreciates me bc,, i,,, reject his advances,, and,,, bring him milk bread,,, and banana milk,,,, and such,,,’
you trailed off and the two older women shared a look behind their cups
heh, it was refreshing to have tooru do the chasing this time
‘you must be wondering how, we, you know, know you, right?’
you nodded at nana’s question
she chuckled then placed her tea down
‘you see, we are aware of tooru’s,,,, expiditions. and by that, we mean the interest of others in him and his returned interest. but hes our family so we know that his interest is,, actually fake’
you looked down, knowing exactly what shes talking about
‘especially with girls, we see his annoyance, his ignorance, and we’re not proud of it. but with you, when he talks about you, its as if he was talking about the,,, the love of his life!’
you were startled, not sure if you should be proud of that or confused about that
‘mom! dont say that!’
tara nagged but nana shrugged her off
‘no, i want to express my gratitude for this girl. y/n, i want you to know now that,,, my son is damaged’
‘takeru cover your ears’
tara hurried and the boy shot his mother a confused look but still did it anyways
‘tooru,,, feels that he shouldnt burden us as he’s now the man of the house after his father and i’s separation. and,,, perhaps its the past of his father’s but,,, he doesnt let anyone in, except for us and hajime’
nana oikawa’s eyes held sadness
a raw emotion that shouldnt be shown to a stranger but by how much and how often tooru talks about you, she practically knew you already
‘and he refuses to do anything that isn’t necessary. he hates doing pointless things unless they will serve him purpose in the future thats why he focuses on that damn sport so much, even giving himself injuries! i worried and worried for him but then,, you came along. all the sudden, i see the life in his eyes that was wrongly taken from him, be replaced and its all because of a girl. ive never heard tooru talk about someone else other than his team or hajime so it was quite a surprise for us that he found someone who was, what he considers, worth his time. and the way,, the way he looks when he talks,,, y/n, i believe you are what he says, an angel’
a sudden wave of tears appeared as nana oikawa looked up to meet your eyes and you let out a stiff laugh but you tightened your grip on your cup
‘you are,,, my son’s angel’
the conversation was quickly shifted by tara as she could see the conflict in the way your eyebrows furrowed and the rapid movement of your pupils
she knew that you were probably still at a stage that you didnt realize your captain’s real and authentic feelings for you and she didnt want you to find out this way 
tara knows how emotional her mother can get regarding her son so she switched to another topic to not get too in deep with the whole situation
next thing you knew, you were giggling and laughing at nana oikawa’s merciless onslaught of her son’s childhood events
you attempted to hide your laugh by sipping your drink but it still came out wholeheartedly
‘yes! i wondered for a whole week as to why my roses were disappearing and i never would’ve thought id find my son eating them at 6 in the morning!’
nana cackled while takeru was so laugh-tired that he slumped over to your side, completely breathless
‘oh! dont forget the mickey mouse one! you see, y/n, we spent about a week at my aunts house and tooru saw a mouse! the poor child woke everyone up at midnight, screaming about a mouse sleeping next to him! and just to top it off, we visited disneyland and, whew, we just know now to avoid mickey mouse. to this day, that child is still traumatized by that cartoon’
meanwhile at seijoh,
oikawa was sneezing nonstop and iwaizumi has bonked him many many times now
tooru irritably snapped and iwa was even surprised at how snippy he was
‘oi, what crawled up your ass and died today’
oikawa pouted then stomped his foot like a child
‘y/n isnt here today’
‘oikawa shes taking care of her cousin! she has a life outside of us you know?’
makki teased but flinched when tooru stomped his foot harder
‘but im her life! im all she needs!’
the entire team sweatdropped at the sight of makki and mattsun holding back their bara arms vice captain from beating up their captain 
‘ill be sure to give him mickey mouse stickers next time!’
you teased and they laughed
there was still remaining giggles left when the door handle twisted and the front door opened, revealing the man of the hour himself
takeru perked up and ran to the door to greet his uncle
‘uncle! uncle!’
he exclaimed and tooru sighed before grinning at him
his ears twitched at a familiar muffled giggle but he thought nothing of it by excusing it as him missing you so much that hes now hearing you
the thought of you dampened his mood again
‘uncle is too sad to play with you, takeru’
takeru’s head tilted to the side and one eyebrow was raised
‘heh? why? iwa-nii bonk you too hard?’
tooru shook his head solemnly
‘no. my darling wasnt there today and-’
‘oikawa-san, welcome home’
you emerged into the small hallway and tooru’s jaw dropped
then he snapped out of the surprise and ran straight towards you, picking you up and twirling you around
he cheered and you giggled, trying to hold on to his shoulders to stabilize yourself
‘dont be so loud, oikawa-san’
you chided but with a smile
tooru calmed down however he still held you in his arms and was looking up at you with a grin, completely missing the fact that youre even at his house
‘its so nice to have y/n-chan greet me at the door. its like i have a wife! you wanna be my wife, y/n?’
you blushed a deep red and flicked his forehead
‘oikawa-san, your mother and sister is-’
you whispered harshly but a sudden shout made you both turn
you and oikawa looked at each other exasperatedly but with a fond look in your eyes
you whispered
‘avenge me, oikawa-san’
that was enough for him to drop you gently and run to tackle takeru, who was giggling and kicking the air
you returned to your spot on the couch but shrunk back at the smirks the two oikawa women were directing to you
nana oikawa wanted you to have dinner with them so you stayed and oikawa held your hand under the table
even though they could obviously see it but yanno just stay quiet
‘y/n-chan, as much as i love you being here and meeting my family, how did you get here?’
takeru proudly raised his hand and swallowed his food
tooru nodded and reached over to ruffle his head
‘thank you, takeru! you turned uncle’s bad day to a good one!’
you turned to him with a worried look
‘huh? did something happen while i was away?’
tooru shook his head and pouted at you with his puppy eyes
‘y/n-chan wasnt there at practice today and oikawa-san missed her very much and-’
‘oikawa-san, please refrain from speaking in third person’
again, the two oikawa women shared a look
yep, you are the one
oikawa naturally took it upon himself to walk you home by saying ‘y/n-chan shouldnt walk home by herself!’
but in reality, he just wanted to spend more time with you because he didnt get to do that today
he just wanted his daily fill of you
you both were walking down the street, hand-in-hand
‘i love your family, oikawa-san’
you said and he giggled
‘well, just wait a few years and youll be a part of it too’
you blushed and smacked him on the chest making him wince and exagerrate an ‘ow!’
‘your mom,,, really loves you. and your sister, and takeru! theyre really nice and im happy your family loves you so much’
‘what about you? do you love me?’
you hummed
‘eung! i love oikawa-san! and the boys! i love all of you!’
oikawa had a sad smile on but he didnt push any further
‘well! you met my family already so now its my turn to meet yours!’
you turned to give him a deadpan expression
‘oikawa-san, my father chased you with a broom. i dont think its safe for you to even step foot at my front porch’
oikawa scoffed and puffed out his chest smugly
‘hah! your oikawa-san is a strong man! he doesnt get scared over some broom!’
‘oh! oikawa-san! i need to get your opinion on this! i want to give iwa-san this mickey poster but-’
noticing that oikawa was no longer walking beside you, you turned around to see him staring at the spot you were previously at 
he didnt answer and you giggled
‘oh? is it mickey mouse? you scared?’
you neared the phone to his face and then his eyes settled on the terrifying face of the disney character
oikawa screamed
anyways, how yall been? i know ive been gone for a hot sec but uwu hey!!! 
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kdramachitchat · 3 years
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Hometown Cha Cha Cha episode 2 recap: Hye-jin tries to be more sincere to her new neighbors. Her clinic ended up being a success, thanks to Dusik. Looks like they met before in the past too.
The episode begins with a surrounding view of the ocean closing to night time. Then the morning comes with Hwa-Jung being busy with what looks like accounting matters. She then opens a folded paper that states her divorce mutual consent with her husband. Those are some of the moments she said that she regrets.
Another Gongjin resident Oh Chunjae is also going through his recorded tapes. Seems that he used to be a recording artist back at the 90s as he was reminiscing with his 2nd album casset demo. I wonder how he never made it. We were then shown with Dusik getting something out of closet, a black suit and he's looking at it pensively with a sigh. Minah finally opens her clinic but ended up sighing. Goes to show no matter what decisions you decided to take, you can never turn back the clock.
We go back to 2 weeks ago, Dusik enters the Chongho Scuba Diving shop with Hyejin in toe. They were checking out the possible office spaces. Dusik showed her a office space that has a nice view of the ocean. Hyejin though is not satisfied as she has requirements for her office, not just for a nice view. Despite not being satisfied she is running out of options. Dusik showed her a better option with a bigger space but the style is old fashion as its more ecofriendly. The interior isnt style. She wants a more antique european style. I dont think you could find that in Gongjin. Dusik offered her offwhite wallpaper isntead that is the simplest thing he could offer trhat's close to her taste. Hyejin is worried though in hoping that Dusik and Hwajung may end up scamming her because she's not from the countryside. Hwajung reassures her by saying that everyone knows the both of them. They could never scam anyone. She revealed her card and states that she's a zone chief. They show more proof and the office space that she just saw is the unit that Hwajung planned to save if ever she opens up her 2nd restaurant. Although, with the goodness of her heart she offered it to Hyejin because she thinks that the whole town needs a dental clinic and its much more valuable. Dusik tried to leave but Hyejin stops him by stepping on his foot.  They officially signed the contract as landlady and tenant. Hwajung then pays Dusik for 4 hours worth of work. Dusik ended up following her back. She owes him 17k won worth. Dusik offers services for renovating and shows her all his certified liscences. Hyejin ended up in shock and thinks he's weird. She's back in Seoul packing her things and showing her friend where she's moving.
Hyejin finally travels back to Gongjin looking content and satisfied while driving. The locals are curious as to who is moving in. Someone is moving into Ms Seo's house. The locals thought its a joke that she's a dentist although she really is one. She finally settles in and calls her parents updating them about her moving status. She even puts up her family portrtait. Dusik then visits her late at night to verify her registration. Dusik tells her the neighborhood rules and things she should know. Since Dusik was the one who set up the house, he sets up the door lock code too which ended up being his birthday. We now know that he's a year older than her and she accidentally calls him 'oppa' she instantly feels weird about it after Dusik asking if its a hint of affection. He says that he doesnt want any of it. She then asked him where the nearest coffee place is. In order to work she needs coffee to start her day and the only one nearby is the 4000won coffee stop, HAHAHA. She feels traumatized already and refuses to come back there. Dusik says let bygones be bygones as they're her new neighbors now, she has to get used to them despite the wrong introductories. She said she doesnt mind but the coffee is awful. The word has spread of a new dentist in town, the elderly talks about going for a visit. While running, Dusik finally renovated her dentist office and Hyejin complimented his work on a job well done. The villagers saw her running with the joggings but since they live in the village so long they do not know that its workout gear in the modern era. they ended up in shock. Hwajung stops by at Hyejin's to check up on her and is impressed by the renovation.
She then invites her to a party for the elderly the next day. Hyejin looks uncomfortable and tells her that she'll check her schedule, although Hwajung tells her to stop by even if she's busy. Its a way to introduce herself as a neighbor and to promote her clinic. Hyejin then sits with the elderly ladies, Gamri offers her bread wrapped with kimchi by the hand but Hyejin declines it, that's a wrong impression right away for someone who wants to promote her clinic. It comes off as rude. Hwajung comes to her aid and tells her if she needs any help to let her know because she rented 2 of her properties. Hyejin starts complaining about the minor details of her office space and Hwajung looks at her with a stunned expression. The rest of the village people started introducing themselves and offers help. They all stood up and she's left alone with the cafe owner Chunjae. He continues to promote his failed 1993 song to her as well as his life story on how he ended up in Gongjin. She starts to get annoyed and lose appetite and left. She starts complaining on how they're eating out in the open and its unsanitary. Being a dentist makes her become OC with the cleanliness but she doesn't have to be rude about the food either. The village people were trying to be nice to her. Dusik tells her she's fussy and picky. Tells her why cant she see the good things around her. Good point. Dusik trying to show her the good things about Gyongjin but she isnt listening to him.
The speaker ended up with a sound issue and Chunjae stopped singing. Hyejin was ended up exposed on loud speaker complaining that she should've stayed in Seoul. Uh oh. This is so embarassing. The mic at the office she's in is open. I'd be so embarassed to show my face infront of them after badmouthing them behind their backs. They may be annoying but dont be rude. Hyejin realized what happened quickly and Dusik was the most disappointed person in the room. Dusik defends her that she's just doing is ignorant blabbing, tells Chunjae not to take it seriously. She then decides to open applications for new employee recruitment for her clinci. She then receives a delivery from Dusik. Tells him that he does everything for the village. Dusik tells her that she thinks she knows everything just because she got good grades and has a good paying job. Just because she was able to get through the small bumbs she decides to act bigger than everybody else. Just because she freely judges the village people's lives but when its her life she's offended especially when she's being assessed. Dusik stating facts, life isnt fair for everybody. Dont judge on people's shortcomings just because you passed yours. Someone ran the doorbell and her best friend Miseon surprisingly visits her. It was revealed that her partner ended up cheating on her. Miseon tells her to take down the classified ad and offers herself to work for Hyejin. Her first day at the dentist finally started and nobody has visited. They're bored out of their minds, went out and tried to think of ways to promote the dentist. The village ended up ignoring her whenever she's trying to greet them. She deserves this and Miseon notices that everyone else is ignoring her.  Dusik observes her from afar looking worried and she finally tells Miseon what happened. Her friend immediately tells her to move out to avoid the red expenses and not to end up like her dad. Dusik then sees her jogging at night. Dusik advices her to at least meet with the village's expectations halfway. Be part of them. She needs to get acustomed and Dusik tells her that people make mistakes. She didnt know that the mic was turned on. He tells her not to worry as they all badmouth other people once in a while. He also tells her that since both sides are even she can move forward from this incident and start fresh. She then offers the rice cakes to the neighborhood as a way of apology. Not every delivery ended up smoothly. She ended up meeting the 2 kids from the last time. They asked for a favor to take care of their pet as they couldnt but Hyejin declined politely. She recommended Chief Hong but even Hong declined. She thought why would he ignore a child's request if he's acting high and mighty. The word has spread around even to children, they talk about how she's a cold-hearted person and this hurt Hyejin. She has no choice but to take care of the pet.
Dusik visits Chunjae and sees that he threw away his 2nd album demo casset. Dusik pays Hyejin a visit. Tells her off thinking that handing out rice cakes is enough for the village to forget about what she's done. She has to do more and be more sincere. Dusik offers his help and doesnt want her business to tank. She cant avoid them forever and Dusik invites her to a neighbor meeting. Hyejin tells him that they're all strangers and asks for support but Dusik sends her off and for her to do it alone with courage. Theyre still offended that Hyejin's standards are not met and they're surprised that she even attended. Dusik saves her by bringing snacks which were made by her. Dusik makes an excuse for her that she was edgy on moving and wants to apologize by preparing some food. The meeting is about a cleaning project they have to do and thanked Hyejin for her snacks. After the meeting Hyejin thanked him and is surprised that he ended up caring so much. Dusik gives her the bill with the snacks he bought and tells her to wire him the money. Hwajung shows up to her home and tells her to attend the weekly cleanup, she says that she just moved and as an excuse it was satisfying. But then Dusik ended up bothering her by his constant door knocking and bell ringing. She even faked her sickness but Dusik is not having it. He's acting like a strict father and forces her to join the cleaning.
A first visitor finally visited the clinic and its Euncheol. Then more visitors started coming in. Looks like a new leaf has turned. Euncheol reported back to Dusik about her treatment and the cost saying that its reasonable. Dusik visits Chunjae and tells him that his song has been imported digitally. Chunjae tells him that he shouldnt focus on the past anymore and move forward to the future. Chunjae asks for a favor from Dusik to teach him how to properly make coffee. We then see that the clinic is becoming more busy and it looks like its gearing towards sucess. They ended up with a satisfying and exhausting day. Although they suddenly thought how overnight their dentist clinic became a success and for sure Hyejin believes it's all thanks to Dusik. Hyejin bumps into Chunjae and tells him that the title track isnt her favorite but favors another and apologizes with his story. She asked where Chief Hong is and looks like his mood suddenly cheered up with her truthful compliment. Chunjae went back and listened to the track Hyejin liked. Hyejin gave him the confidence. She then finally has found Dusik sitting at the top of a small hill nearby the water.
Hyejin thanks Dusik for the many patients she received today. The ep ended up with her climbing the small rock hill but ended slipping and Dusik saved her from falling. A flashback of Dusik spending time with his grandfather. They spot a family and the father asked a favor to take a picture of them. Dusik tries to cheer up Hyejin and she ended up smiling for the photo. Is this why Dusik likes spending time with the elderly? Its because of the memories he has with his grandfather? They met before.
Du Sik is really Chief Hong. While everyone was shunning Hyejin and talking behind her back, he was the only one who became a leader and guide for her. He pointed out her mistake and encouraged her to do better, be more sincere to others.
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babysizedfics · 3 years
Poor roman :( but that being said I am heka interested in 5
remus humiliates roman in front of jamal (but jamal is a sweetheart)
vote from this concept voting post!
TWs: swearing, emotional humiliation, arguing, remus is generally pretty mean in this - not "unsympathetic" but his behaviour is not ok, brief alcohol mention but it isnt a main feature
first some background info on remus and ro:
roman and remus' friend groups actually run parallel to each other by pure councidence in that theyre the same age and are both in the local queer scene
usually they only run into each other on nights out and avoid each other like the plague... until one of romans friends and one of remus' friends become a very serious couple and the friendship groups merge
remus tends to hang it over romans head whenever they argue or remus just feels like teasing him that he could so so easily spill romans secret littlespace to all his friends
and while roman claims to not care he also really doesnt want that to happen, especially the specific things remus threatens to reveal (namely him calling his cgs mommy and daddy, and his fear of the dark - which remus knows are romans biggest embarrassments)
and remus never USUALLY actually follows through on his threats, he loves to freak roman out but he doesnt mean to be intentionslly cruel.
but one night theyve had an argument recently and remus is out to hurt roman and finally follows through on his threat to reveal romans secrets. in front of jamal
((the actual incident below the cut))
all the friends are walking back from a night out, and remus hangs back from the group to talk to jamal. roman is just glaring at remus and not saying anything and holding jamals hand tightly. remus hasnt embarrassed him too bad so far, just asking jamal questions and referring to roman as his "baby brother" which is so annoying, but the thing is roman can tell hes building up to something
then suddenly remus smirks when he sees a completely pitch black side street thats theyre about to pass by, and he calls out to everyone "hey guys, there's a 24/7 mcdonalds through here and its a shortcut to the bus stop" and everyones like WOO mcdonalds and redirects to go down the side street
and romans heart pounds watching the friends all filter down the street without a second thought, theres no streetlights down there, theres light on the other side quite far away, but before that its SO DARK. and he freezes in place and jamal is tugged back by it and looks back at him. "babe, come on"
romans starting to feel shaky and he literally cant move his feet. his eyes flick between the street and remus' sadistic cocky smirk.
"whats wrong baby bro? you stuck or something?" remus leers with that stupid stupid smirk
and roman HATES him so so much
"ro, what's the matter?" jamal asks
"i- um," roman stutters, trying to keep his voice from shaking too much at the sight of his friends just having DISAPPEARED into the darkness - how are they okay with that?? "i- im not hungry"
"okay well i am, and remus said it was a shortcut anyway so-"
"i-i -- no i can't"
seraphina, romans best friend, looks back and notices whats happening and quickly jogs over (knowing roman is scared of the dark) "hey roma, it's okay we dont have to go down there" she soothes
jamal is supportive but he doesnt get it. he thinks roman is scared of criminals or smth. "i promise theres no one bad down there, hun. and i'll be right next to you the whole time, i'll protect you" and he smiles and tugs romans hand to pull him towards the side street
romans eyes quickly tear up and he panics and rambles "nononono dont please please i cant i cant" in a broken voice and plants his feet firmly on the ground, paralysed with fear
remus starts cackling "ohhhhh thats right~" as if he just remembered. "my baby brother's terrified of the dark, isn't he?"
"f*ck off, re" sera barks, standing between the twins, protective of roman
"wait, are you?" jamal asks sounding surprised. roman doesnt let himself look at him, too busy watching remus warily and knowing thats not all he has planned to embarrass roman
remus goes on, shouting out to jamal over sera's head "he's petrified!" he confirms sounding delighted. "yknow that massive blackout last summer? he cried like a baby. literally sobbing for his daddy patton to make it go away"
theres a brief silence because no, sera and jamal didnt expect remus to refer to patton as romans daddy - they both know roman calls him dad but this is a surprise.
and that one second of silence drags on for ages for roman, all he can hear is his heart pounding in his ears and remus' obnoxious laughter
he is shaking, frozen in shock rather than fear now. for all of remus' teasing threats at home, he didnt expect remus to actually do it. hes devastated and humiliated that remus told to his best friend and especially his BOYFRIEND of all ppl
and honestly he's not even thinking about the pitch black side street right now because the streetlights on the main road are blurred by tears welling in his eyes anyway
"why dont you just leave him alone!" sera hisses furiously after her mild shock
then jamal bounces back rlly stern to remus "yeah i already know about that! roman told me and it was HIS choice to tell me"
roman stares at him in disbelief but jamal is too busy staring daggers at remus to notice
remus looks suddenly offended and frowns. hes clearly hurt that the others dont think its funny "jeez youre both such bores. im just having some fun"
"youre demented if you think thats fun" seraphina growls and shoves remus away towards the sidestreet. remus rolls his eyes and runs ahead to join the others who are all oblivious to that coversation, howling with drunken laughter in the pitch black and jumping out and scaring each other
"f*cking prick" jamal calls after remus, seething
sera quickly throws a concerned look to roman "you okay?"
roman just swallows thickly and looks between seraphina and where he saw remus join the others in the pitch black. his stomach churns at the idea of remus telling more people. "i-is he gonna--"
"im on it" sera nods and starts turning around "i wont let him tell anyone else, roma, promise" then she runs ahead to keep an eye on remus and to give him and jamal some privacy
after a moment jamal turns back to roman looking so worried and holds his hands and asks very gently "babe, can you tell me how youre feeling?"
and roman is teary but he whispers "i - you stuck up for me"
jamal looks suddenly sad and cups romans cheek "of course i did"
"but you said i told you about it. i- i didnt tell you that i-" roman gulps after his voice wobbles "i didnt tell you about it"
and jamal smiles sadly and goes "i know babe... im sorry, i just didnt wanna give him any more power. it seemed like he's held that over you for a while"
suddenly the tears in romans eyes overspill and he doesnt really know why but he can't stop them
jama gasps a little "oh roman, its ok" and just pulls him into a tight hug
roman clings and sniffles, glad that he can hide his tears from his boyfriend even if it is in his neck.
and jamal just strokes his back and whispers "its ok baby, its ok" **
they talk about it quietly as they take the longer, well-lit route instead. roman admits he would never have told jamal abt his fear on his own - and the reason he's been avoiding staying overnight at jamals apartment is bc the one time he did he got so scared of the dark that he couldnt sleep and was just anxious all night but wouldnt wake jamal to tell him
after jamal finds out hes like baby why didnt u tell me its okay and comforts him about it not being embarrassing or childish. then:
"so you do actually want to stay at mine, its just because its so dark that you didnt?"
roman nods shyly "yeah... im sorry i know its a dumb fear i just-"
"its not dumb ro. i meant to say if it works for you, we could leave the hall light on and the door open. its not like i live with anyone who can walk in."
roman blinks "wait you - really? it wont make it hard for you to sleep?"
jamal smiles softly "no hun, honestly i could sleep anywhere. i fell asleep in the middle of the day in the staffroom just last month"
roman laughs, so so so relieved
"so... maybe next time you come over for dinner you could stay the night, yeah?" jamal says with a smile and a blush. he wraps his arm around romans waist and pulls him in, hip to hip
roman bites his lip and blushes. after a moment he suggests shyly "im free tonight..."
and jamal smiles so big, stops walking and puts his arm up to romans chest to stop him too then angles romans jaw down to kiss him
in the near future jamal promises to buy a plain nightlight and always leaves it on for roman when he stays overnight from then on
**side note: roman could never stand anyone calling him baby before because he felt infantilised at school becaus of his undiagnosed adhd. so he sees it as a derogatory name more than anything. but when jamal says it roman feels so warm and respected because he knows jamal would never mean it in that way. so jamal has "baby" rights basically
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“Come into my parlor,” Said the spider to the fish.
I know I’m not great at titles but oh well. This is an Eri.Vr.is oral vore fic! Mainly because I’ve been doing some rps and been caught up in the great dynamic they have imo. This is a sfw fic, but again it is a vore fic so if you turn away I won’t be offended. That said, I hope you enjoy and I’m always open to criticism!
There would be an unceremonious sigh that would come from a certain violet blooded sea dweller as he fiddled with the pieces for his latest scheme to exterminate all the land dwellers. Or at least, that would be what he had claimed he was doing, he never truly planned to execute it both due to lack of ambition and the resources. Really, the boasting and bragging about what he planned to do wasn’t as much of a threat as he liked to claim it was, and truly it was more along the lines of a need for attention than any true plans of committal. 
It had been a slow night for one Eridan Ampora, and having wasted most of it attempting to message any troll to either gossip with three of them or spew some rhetoric he didn’t fully believe. But even then, all that was accomplished was that he was being ignored while he vied for attention. All that was left was to stay cooped inside and rewatch old documentaries as he idly fiddled with historical figure memorabilia.
That was, it was all he had to do until someone had decided to free him from his self-isolation.
AG: Heeeeeeeey, Eridan. ::::) 
The sea dweller would squint, he didn’t think his rival would message him after deciding not to message her first. They had broken up when they were six sweeps due to him boring and overbearing; but some time after they turned seven sweeps, Eridan’s attempts to renew their rivalry would pay off after much work and effort. And now they had been going strong even after they hit nine sweeps old.
However, he would roll his eyes at the sight, he knew her innocent seeming spider smile was anything but.
CA: wwhat do you wwant you cerulean blowwhard dont you knoww im busy AG: I’m hurt! After all I went through to check on my dear rival! I would have thought he liked someone giving him attention. AG: Oh well! Guess I’ll just leave you to your devices seeing how you’re *so* busy, CA: god damn it wwait CA: okay maybe i got a bit of an openin in my schedule to wwaste time wwith you AG: Please! The only one who’s going to be wasting their time is me, we 8oth know you’re pro8a8ly doing something 8oring like watching one of your lame documentaries. CA: theyre not LAME theyre goin to be your miserable dirt munchin dowwnfall soon enough AG: Oh???????? 8old claim from you Ampora. Seeing how I know you’re dead wrong. AG: Anyway! You’re coming over to my hive today right? AG: Why am I even asking? You o8viously forgot. CA: i didnt forget i totally fuckin remembered our meeting at your stupid and completely ridiculous hivve AG: It’s not stupid! What’s stupid is the fishbreath who 8uilt his hive surrounded 8y the ocean when he 8arely spends any time in the water. AG: Whatever, just come over. I’m not waiting all day for your dum8ass. CA: ugh fuckin fine CA: you still havvent told me wwhat specifically you wwanted to do ovver there anywway AG : :::;)
And with that, the conversation was brought to an end. Eridan would rub his temples, her purposely vague answer meant any number of things, usually which ended in his embarrassment in one way or the other. Of course, it was better to just go over as soon as possible rather than him wasting time by speculating, even if he did plan to make her wait to purposely be fashionably late. Something to put his pompous attitude on display. Soon enough, Eridan would don his scarf and cape before leaving his hive and embarking on the trip to Vriska’s.
The trip wasn’t terribly long, mainly because traversing through the ocean was far from an issue and her home conveniently overlooked the sea. Even so, Eridan would hold make sure to wait for an extra amount of time for no reason than to uphold the gesture that he was royalty. Feeling accomplished with his amazingly petty task, he would approach the door and knock a few times before waiting for her to answer as he dried himself off as he uncaptchalogued a few towels.
Vriska would answer the door surprisingly quickly, having not had the patience to return his petty actions before pulling him inside and closing the door behind them both. The expression on her face was blatant annoyance, but that was far from the norm regardless if it was actual exasperation or not. Eridan would up look at the other troll with a frown, even since they had gotten older he would find that she had sky rocketed past him in height. He had been a respectable  height of nearly six feet, while she had him beat by additional four feet, much to his unending irritation and to her endless amusement.
“You’re late. Even after I went and so kindly reminded you of our little arrangement. Well, I guess everything’s little to me when you’re short, but the point stands.” “yeah yeah keep braggin vvris i wwas towwerin ovver you before-” “Sure, you had a few inches on me when we were six! But now we’re nine and you’re still short, how do you explain that, hm?” That would cause him to shut up rather quickly, though he would dart his eyes around and attempt to come up with a retort, only to fold his arms and huff soon after. It wasn’t uncommon for trolls to grow as much as she did, but the fact that he wasn’t one of them meant that  discussions of height were biased in her favor. Her ten feet tall favor. His violet eyes would eventually return to her cerulean ones, there had been smile on her face, one that reeked of mischievous intent. Before he could open his mouth to question her intentions, she would cover his mouth with her hand, and some of his face as a natural consequence of the difference in size between them.
“Alright Ampora, shut up for a minute and listen. I had you come over because I had a proposition that’s going to 8enefit 8oth of us. Here’s the deal: You got two minutes to hide somewhere, and I’m going to seek you out. If I can’t find you in 8 minutes, you win! And if you pick somewhere dum8 and I find you, I win! And the loser has to do whateeeeeeeever the winner wants! Sound good? ::::)”
Eridan would try to speak his response, only for Vriska to keep her hand pressed against his face, only pulling back once he felt something wet trail along it. Irritation making itself apparent with a scoff, she would return the favor by grabbing one of his hands, sticking out her tongue and  slowly pressing the wet muscle against the other troll’s hand in a rather long lick before finally letting him go. His hand utterly drenched in saliva, Eridan’s face would scrunch up as he shook his hand dry while a small tinge of violet came across his face. It made her brief taste of him all the more delicious. 
“for fucks sake fine ill WWIN your stupid land suckin game and then wwe can do somethin wway less ridiculous and more dignified afterwwards” His statement was spoken with his usual amount of sea dweller pompous pride, even if the chips were stacked against him. Even so, he held his head up high and puffed his chest out, not about to turn down a challenge that was surely easy enough to win. She had a castle, there must have been plenty of places to hide.
“Good! Now get going Eridan, unless you want to 8e 8oring and lame and make this too easy.” She’d give him a wink, teasing him over her self-assured victory and a lick of her lips. She had no problem hinting at what she wanted to do once she won, it made it fun to see him squirm.
He’d pause for a moment and confidence turned into brief uncertainty in less than a minute, “wwait you mean right noww i havvent fuckin evven gotten to-” He cuts himself off as he sees her turn away and start to count, realizing that she wasn’t even going to wait for him to prepare himself. He’d scramble off, the sea dweller handling himself incredibly well on land even when he’s running around wearing a rather long cape. 
He wasn’t used to hiding as he was often hunting for the sake of Feferi’s lusus, but he would certainly try his hand at it to the best of his ability. Of course, his first two attempts were less than idea, having run to the very bottom of her hive to try and disguise himself by burying himself under her pile of miscellaneous belongings, only to realize he was shifting too much. He’d then decide to try his hand at hiding on one of the upper floors, deciding that hiding behind her pile of treasure would have been an unlikely spot seeing how he resented her various wins against him during their FLARP sessions. Unfortunately, this would prevent him from hiding there for long, as he does grow irritated looking at her spoils and decided to leave before it caused those pitch feelings to flair too much. Ultimately, he would decide to hide somewhere so obvious, Vriska would never think to check. He was confident in this idea, so much so that he decided to take it easy and relax in his new found spot, all he had to do now was wait 8 minutes and win. He means eight.
Vriska, predictably, did not count the entirety of two minutes before she began her hunt. Rather, she stopped once she got to eighty eight and decided that was enough for her. When she turned around, she half expected Eridan to standing right there out of spite and stubbornness about the whole thing but to her delight the violet blood was playing along. The question was where to find him, if she had to guess, it was probably somewhere dumb, like him. And so her very first guess was her trophy room, because of course he would think she’d skip over her own hoard of treasure to look for him. But upon making her way up the many stairs to check, she would find not a hair of him to found. She was a bit annoyed her first guess wasn’t right, but she had extra time to spare and her next guess would most certainly be right.
Except it wouldn’t The next room would be devoid of Eridan, and the next and the next. It would seem that no matter where she searched, he was nowhere to be found, it raise her irritation with him, and with it her hunger. The stomach of the ten foot cerulean would grumble as she briefly put a hand on it and huffed, she had to give her rival credit, he was doing a good job at making her work for this. And here she thought she’d grab an easy snack. But the warranty of it was  wearing off as time passed on, even with her head start, it would seem that Eridan was safe wherever he had chosen to hide. She couldn’t allow this to happen, she had planned for this all to go a certain way, and the fact that it wasn’t was unacceptable. Annoyed, she’d retire to her block for a moment, purely for the sake of trying not to get too caught up and at least try to remain rational about this. Only a minute to go, there wasn’t much time left, and Vriska was certain she had searched about every place there was to offer. Unless...
Without a word, Vriska would approach her wardrobe dresser, there was no way he’d hide in there right? It’d be dumb and stupid and completely ridiculous! Well, she didn’t have time, so she would ultimately waste not a moment more as she ripped open the doors to her wardrobe and... found her prize. Eridan for one was shocked with the sudden burst of light and appearance of Vriska, who apparently been frustrated looking for him. He wishes he could have seen the whole experience, but from the noises she made he got his fair share of entertainment. “8h my g8d, r8ally!!!!!!!! Y8u hid in my wardr88e????????” There was an unending amount of vitriol pouring from Vriska now, irritation at herself and him were flowing freely, and despite Eridan’s surprise, he would waste no time in displaying adjusting himself and nodding, “of course i hid here because i thought youd fuckin ovverlook it seein howw all your attire is plain as SHIT and it wworked just god damn fine seein howw a certain obnoxious glory lovvin troll took forEVVER to find me-” He would step out with a large amount of pride, quite certain he had won, only for his eyes  to dart over to the clock in her room and his face would immediately fall. She had found him with ten seconds to spare. “wwell fuck”
Vriska would try to take a moment to herself to not have too radical an outburst, she was upset, but she also wanted to savor her prize. The expression on Eridan’s face certainly helped “Wwell fuck is right! I win! And that meeeeeeeeans you have to do what I want, and I think we both know what that is.” A chill would go down his spine, while Eridan could be clueless at times, she had given him more than enough hints as to what she wanted. It certainly hadn’t been the first time they had done such a thing, but it was more than a bit embarrassing for him, which made give her some push back on the idea. “are you fuckin kiddin vvris you didnt say anythin about this bein your prize-” “Don’t 8e coy!” She’d interrupt him immediately, taking a step closer to him as he took a step back. “ I made it plenty clear! 8esides! I win, and you agreed to the terms right? It’s only fair I get what I’m promised.” 
Another step forward and he’d take another few steps back and bump into the wall behind him, Vriska smirking as she’d get closer to him, their bodies practically touching as she leaned down towards him and her lips would slowly part, strands of saliva breaking apart as he start down that cerulean abyss, taking a few teasing swallows as she inched closer before letting her warm breath washing over him and fogging up his glasses.  A few drops of drool would fall into his face before she’d close her mouth pull away, letting the situation sink in for the sea dweller as well as calm herself down, she may have had a bit of cerulean tint her cheeks in the same manner violet tinted his. Eating someone in this manner was embarrassing after all, which was why she’d only do it in private, not that she’d ever admit it out loud. Eridan had similarly shared the sentiment on the other side of the spectrum.
While embarrassment would go around on both ends, the sea dweller still contemplated making a run for it; the thought of being consumed always did trigger a fight or flight instinct, regardless of the fact that she probably wouldn’t digest him. Before he can even make an attempt however, his body is kept in place by hands on his shoulders, she had decided that she wasn’t going to give him the chance to scramble off and hide again, “I hope you’re ready, because you’re going to be in there for a while~” She would lean in again, salivating as she brought herself closer yet as her jaws widened to accept her meal. Slow warm breaths would beat against his skin as she drew tantalizingly close, all the while the fish troll would gulp nervously.
Instinctively, he would press his hands against her face as she started to lean in, he wasn’t about to let his hatemate have her meal without at least giving some fight back. One hand on her top lip and the other on her bottom, there’d be some push back as she slowly closed the distance between them yet again, it was a losing fight on his end as the predator drew closer and closer, letting him stare once again into her mouth before her tongue would slide out to press against his face and trail upwards, taking his glasses with it and causing him to loosen his hold. It was all he needed give the spider troll all the leeway she needed. Before he can even think about his mistake, she would jolt forward and wrap her lips around his neck, sealing him inside the jaws of the ever hungry troll. A hum of approval would resonate around the noble of troll royalty, reveling in the taste of victory and her meal, saliva being thoroughly slathered across his face during his various attempts to voice insults and protests. Though that wouldn’t stop him from trying. 
While it was certainly dark in the other’s mouth, being a nocturnal species meant that Eridan could see each and every detail as she made sure to truly make him squirm. It wouldn’t be long before she’d take the first swallow, letting his glasses slide along her tongue before they were unceremoniously pulled down her gullet Of course. with that swallow, he would be brought only a short distance away from the opening in her throat, as his shoulders would be brought in next. Her teeth would be pressed against his clothes to  keep him in place as his struggles and attempts to free himself grew stronger despite the situation going in the opposite direction for him. Her tongue would waste no time in running over the formerly dry parts of the troll, drenching the top of his shirt as drool as she decided to move on with her meal and take the gulp that would trap him inside her throat and bulge it out with his struggling form.
His head now captured in a pulsating throat, Vriska can continue her meal in confidence he won’t wiggle out. Her hands would move to keep his arms pinned to his sides as she moved further down his body, a hum flowing freely as she continued this consumption of him. Drool would pool in her mouth and dripping down as his chest was next to slide between her jaws as Eridan was tugged further down her throat, slightly bulging it out as he defiantly tried to move it around. Her tongue was relentless in running along the fabric she brought into her mouth, it was a bit tasteless and bland, and she regrets not shredding the shirt when she had the chance, but she ultimately makes do. Mainly by lapping at the shirt to lubricate it before taking another swallow, sending him further down the slimy gullet.
Her lips and fangs now reach his hips, and his stomach is safely contained within her mouth. Now she could have a bit more fun with him. Her tongue would curl under the bottom of his shirt to gain access to his skin yet again, an unadulterated groan escaping her to make it well known how much she just enjoyed this feeling, the noises ringing through his ears amidst his own grunts and swears. She’d stop her swallowing for a moment, reveling in the taste and wanting him to squirm a bit longer for her and attempt to fight back against the intrusive tongue as it rubbed against him,  only to end up rubbing his body more against the wet muscle, her taste buds gets all the flavor she could ever want. What probably gets the biggest reaction from her is when she gives attention to his grub scars, which are oddly enough, pretty delicious for a reason she couldn’t quite explain. But they do elicit some sounds from Eridan was well, mainly increasingly flustered insults as he keeps kicking wildly. It was quite enjoyable a feeling if she were to be honest.
While she could have kept slathering, lapping and sucking on him for a considerable amount of time, a sudden loud growl would emerge from her stomach, reminding her that she was quite hungry still. And so, she’d wrap her hands around his legs to keep them still as the next series of gulps condemned the violetblood to his fate. There would be only the briefest moment where she would remove his shoes before finally sealing the deal, tracing the last of the troll’s form down with one hand as she pushed him down to her stomach. A long sigh would come out of her as she laid on back and massage her now bloated stomach. It was a lot of work to get him down and she was blue in the face, but she had done it. She could feel him fighting and hear his complaints both of which were more than annoying when she was trying to relax, but damn, it was always satisfying to do this. 
 Eridan, for his part, always had conflicting feelings about this. His face flushed violet and his entire body was absolutely drenched in ever warm saliva, it and he was now surrounded by a brilliant shade of blue that made up her stomach walls. He attempt to push and stretch it to its limits and cause her indigestion as a form of revenge, but all he would be met with was a few gurgles as the stomach churned around him. Luckily, it didn’t seem like he was going to be digested, otherwise he would have been splashing stomach acids all over him from his struggles, instead of other contents in her stomach. It included a few eight balls and dice, unsurprisingly. Despite his best efforts, he would only slightly stretch out her grey skin as Vriska could see her bloated stomach wiggling and bulging with his form, she was content to keep him in there.
It would be a few minutes before Eridan’s protests would die down and he’d resign himself for now as he attempt to get comfortable against the soft stomach lining that surrounded him. As embarrassing as this had been, he had expending his stamina and his frustration dying down to contempt. It would allow her to relax a bit more and close her eyes. She thinks she’s going to take a nap before they do anything else. She might let him out later but for now, this was just another mark of victory for her. It was fun, they’ll have to do this again sooner rather than later.
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jaebaebie · 4 years
SKZ as your high school boyfriend (part ii)
If it seems like I got a bit carried away, it’s because I DID get carried away (IM SORRY THEYRE BOTH MY BIAS/BIASWRECKER, I couldn’t help myself)
ok so hyunjin would be P O P U L A R ,, no doubt
good looks + talented dancer,, everyone obviously fell for him the minute he stepped foot into school
everyone except for you,, ofcourse
you assumed him to be arrogant and narcissistic
because him having a nice personality would just be too good to be true (like come on,, no guy can be that perfect)
you were so sure you were right about him
it took you a hit in the face to realise that,, LITERALLY a Volleyball to your face thrown by Hwang Hyun Jin himself
it was just a volleyball game between his class and yours,,
and you were simply judging your female classmates as they were squealing over Hyunjin who was right across the net
then suddenly a ball whacks your face
and you somehow wake up in the nurse’s office with a very handsome and very frantic guy beside you, grasping onto your hand
“Oh my— thank god! You’re not dead! I’m really sorry,, I really didn’t mean to hit you. I swear! I just— I didn’t even— I’m so sorry!”
His rambles went on and on, which DIDNT help with the throbbing pain in your head, so you shut him up, “Hyunjin, it’s okay. Now will you please just keep it down? I’m okay.”
that didn’t make him feel better, so he offered to drive you home, glancing at you from time to time, making sure you were okay
shyly smiling when you called him out
when you parted ways, you thought that that was the last time you’d ever have to speak to him
surprising you when you found him to be waiting for you right outside your class, leaning against the wall beside the door
he’d ask you if you were okay and apologise for the millionth time
it was kinda cute because he was an absolute softie and sweetheart,, nowhere near the selfish monster you assumed him to be
“How many times do I have to tell you it’s okay?”
“I don’t know. I still feel bad.”
and somehow these types of conversations diverged into many more as he walked you to your next class
and these conversations continued in the days that followed as he constantly appeared to ‘pick you up’ from class, making sure to help you carry your books if you were carrying any in your hands
And like , TADAH, like all the other girls, you had fallen for the one and only Hwang Hyun Jin… OOOOOPPS
you thought he acted this way with every girl, but like,,, he was crushing on you real hard sis and you never noticed
he’ll confess first out of frustration because you never took the hint,, even when he was making it VERYYY obvious
as a boyfriend, he’ll be the kind to pick you up every morning, honking from his car with his signature eye smile
he’ll have some kind of breakfast ready for you, knowing that you were NOT a morning person (worse than him tbh)
he’ll interlock his fingers with yours or have his arm slung around your shoulders as the two of you walk down the hallways
occasionally kissing the back of your hand/ temple when he feels you tense up from the jealous looks of the girls around you two
which is why during lunch breaks, the two of you choose to hang out on the rooftop where no one’s focused on you two
he’d listen to you talk about your day, smiling lovingly at you with his handsome face
sometimes, you’d get distracted and completely forget which part of your story you were in
because how can one function when someone looks at you like how Hyunjin does
“And then Changbin —….” your voice would trail off, falling for his eyes as he gave you an expectant look, waiting for you to continue
“Wait, where was I again?”
He’d laugh and his eyes would crinkle into little moons (you know how it is)
then he’d give you a short kiss, before helping you out “You were talking about Changbin.”
“Oh. Right!”
you’ll be the first he shows his new dance routines to
you two take LOTS of selfies together #reallycuteIGprofilewithreallycutephotosofyoutwo
he’ll be the kind of boyfriend who gets pouty when you don’t give him enough attention during your study dates,,
would start clinging onto you/playing with your hair/ hugging you from the back/ being all cuddly and cute until you finally give him attention
surprise back hugs when he sees you by your locker in between classes
all in all, he’s a very sweet and cuddly and touchy boyfriend
let’s just say you and jisung were already bestfriends with very fun and loud personalities,, aka crackheads
so obviously you two were setting up a kind-of-harmless prank to pull on Felix involving a water bucket and a door
how were you supposed to know that your teacher had forgotten his water bottle in class?
so,, major oops when your little prank resulted in an extremely drenched, raging teacher who sent the both of you to detention
you had to clean and arrange your school’s library,, which you got bored of within the first 15 minutes, choosing to throw yourself into one of the bean bags Jisung was on
“so, now that Jinyoung has graduated, have you found a new guy to crush on yet?”
you rolled your eyes, throwing a pillow at his face because you were NOT gonna have this conversation with him AGAIN
one, because it was annoying and two, because you didn’t want to risk him finding out that HE was actually your crush
you went back to rearranging books, telling him that you wanted to finish the task fast and get home,, so he FINALLY helped you manage the other side of your bookshelf
not long after, you noticed him talking to ryujin
obv you eavesdropped on their conversation through the little gaps in the bookshelves (though you barely heard anything)
you rolled your eyes,, its hard to like Han Ji Sung
because the boy is so sweet and nice and friendly to everyone
it just makes you crazy because there was a tiny part of you that wanted him to be sweet and caring ONLY to you.
your little spy mission was interrupted by Minho, a friend from dance, who started a conversation with you
little did you know, it was now jisung’s turn to eavesdrop
“What were you guys talking about?” Jisung asks through the gap of the bookshelf, following you as you went along the aisle
“And why does it concern you?” You ask back.
“Because I’m your bestfriend.”
“Okay then. Tell me what you and Ryujin were talking about first, since I’m your bestfriend too.
“Ryujin and Minho are completely different. Tell me yours first.”
you scoffed, offended by his words, “You’re being unreasonable! Why are you acting like you’re twelve? Are you like jealous or something, Han Jisung?”
he got cut off by the librarian, shutting the two of you up
by the time you reached the end of the aisle, he was there too, allowing the two of you to directly glare at each other face to face
you crossed your arms, staring at the stack of books behind him and avoiding his glare
“Fine, I admit. I’m jealous.” He confesses, “Are you?”
Your eyes widened, your arms fell down to your sides as you slowly nodded, “Me too.”
Is jisung’s part too long? Yes. Am I gonna keep writing? YES.
so, I guess you can say that’s how the two of you indirectly confessed to each other
you guys have a really nice and envy-worthy relationship because your boyfriend’s your bestfriend after all
you’ll have LOTS of FUN,, having after school dates at a fair, karaoke club
you guys have the same group of friends, and the two of you would sit in the same table during your breaks
sometimes, you’d sit on his lap and his arms would just be around your waist, cuddling you with his chin rested on your shoulder
whining for you to feed him a bite of your food,, which you teased him about but absolutely loved
concerts in empty lecture theatres you sneak into,
he’d have the mic, you’ll be sitting in one of the chairs pretending to be an obedient student
he starts rapping or starts advertising a random vitamin bottle he found on the floor
your stomach would hurt so much laughing,, just WHOLESOME
study dates with him would probably turn into a party as you guys start screaming your lungs out to Frozen
sometimes, when he’s having anxiety, you’ll skip school to stay home with him, making sure he was okay and well fed.
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comradekatara · 5 years
Pls tell me random things about the modern au
please keep in mind this is not chronologically-ordered because i am far too pomo for (scoff) linear narratives
(* = chell’s contributions)
suki drives a truck, and said truck is a legend
azula goes to harvard, despite her objectively terrible character (ohhhh shots fired!!!!) 
zuko doesn’t try very hard in school, because he knows that if he were to actually try, he would feel worse about azula being better than him (he’s not living under ozai’s roof––anymore––so it doesn’t matter) but it’s way too easy to trick her into taking naclo, which is where he shines. it drives her crazy that he won’t tell her his score. “you just wont tell me because you know i did better than you” “….maybe :)” “UGH ZUKO JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU GOT!!!!!!!!” 
the day before aang’s first day of high school, sokka gently tries to inform him that he is too old to be wearing heelies 
toph isn’t allowed on any sports teams due to her blindness, so she fights the administration every single day, and (physically) fights random people just for fun, and they so desperately want to punish her for it but she is a genius wunderkind pride & joy of their institution and they know that unless she gets really out of line, their hands are tied. but they still refuse to let her play sports 
“suki’s nervous because today’s the day of the Big Game,” sokka tells zuko. zuko can swear he said the same thing yesterday. and the day before that. and the day before that. it is always the day of the Big Game. when zuko asks katara about it she rolls her eyes and says, “don’t be stupid, the Big Game only happens once a year.” and so, the concept of sports continues to wear on his sanity 
azula’s all, “i swear to god, if sokka is valedictorian i will burn EVERYTHING to the GROUND” and zukos like “why do you even care youre not even in his class” (but it’s the PRINCIPLE of it, zuzu!!!!!!!) 
aang has a really big dog named appa, and a flying lemur named momo. no one questions this 
it is very apparent to everyone except for mai and zuko that mai and zuko are not happy together. mais not “in love” with “ty lee” what an idiotic thing to even suggest 
toph’s favorite joke is stumbling into nothing and then yelling “OW! watch where you’re going!” to which zuko sighs and says, “toph theres no one there” and tophs like “no i can swore i bumped into something” and zukos like “no. u didnt. u know u d––” “mustve been your closet, then. EYOOOOO” 
sokka refuses to admit to himself that the reason he “doesnt do” relationships is to keep himself from getting hurt (see: yue). katara not so gently reminds him that if he truly “didnt do” relationships, then why does suki practically live in her house. 
katara thinks clubs are stupid and school spirit is lame but then she finds out that their school doesn’t have a straight gay alliance so she starts one. no one joins except for toph, who just sits there in the corner and eats peanuts with a wide smile, staring straight ahead. 
in his senior year, aang finally gets to be the mascot the night of the Big Game. everyone comes back just to support him. zuko has not set foot in his hometown in at least three years, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t support aang’s dreams. (plus he’s pretty sure katara would kill him if he didn’t.) once the Big Game starts (the first and only Big Game zuko ever attends), sokka notices zuko staring really intently at the field, and that he has been for about a half hour now. he’s like “whats….goin on??” and zuko mutters, “i’m trying to figure out what sport theyre playing.” sokkas just like “oh my god” 
suki and sokka miss their prom because they got too invested in their game of monopoly. toph humbly accepts their crowns in their place. the teachers are just like “wait who even let her in here isnt she a freshman” 
katara plays hockey. azula does track and kickboxing. they are both fierce, violent, and terrifying. both katara and azula tried to join suki’s roller derby team, but suki wisely rejected them both because they were, in her estimation, “not a good culture fit.” she told them the team was already full.*
zuko, suki and toph are in a band. their music is very lyrical and also very screamy (only suki and toph get to sing, natch). believe it or not, aang is their biggest fan. aang plays the triangle and the flute and the harp, which you might think would not exactly fit with their style, but they do invite him onstage for gigs sometimes and somehow the combination is excellent.*
katara is a mediocre student. zuko is great in his literature classes and his art classes and kind of tragic at everything else. nevertheless, they try to study together. mostly katara just comes over to zuko’s house and scuffs up his coffee tables and eats a lot of food out of the fridge. zuko considers this direct action against his terrible father, and he loves it*
azula is obsessed with sneakers. yeah that’s it that’s a whole bullet point*
suki’s truck is disgusting and made up of a seemingly boundless mess, but there are three recurring themes that are most apparent when you enter: weed, construction equipment for some weird building project she never tells anyone the details of, and other girls’ underwear*
katara thinks sokka is a narc for having gotten jet suspended. “he called in a BOMB THREAT, KATARA” 
sokka is the head of the science club. because he loves science. toph and suki are also in the science club. because they love watching (and listening to) things explode. 
everyone agrees that debate should be renamed “sokka and azula fight for 90 minutes.” azula spends a week drafting up a foolproof argument, manipulating the whole class into picking said topic, and then pretending its unrehearsed, and sokka spends no time in saying “nope. thats wrong.” on days where he chairs the debates, azula always wins because he’s forced to remain impartial, and no one else can out-debate her. it is on those days that he goes home and proceeds to rant about how everything azula said was wrong and why. 
katara and azula also fight, of course, but never in a structured setting. sometimes it ends in bloodshed. toph enjoys egging them on way too much. 
sokka is constantly misplacing his possessions. that is, when neither zuko nor suki are around to personally keep track of all his belongings. he loses his phone about twice a day. he’s checking the chem lab to see if he left his phone in there, but azula is already there, presumably to work on a lab. she offers to call his phone for him, and he types his number into her phone because she is too embarrassed to admit she already has his number (and a tracking device in place but thats not important). unfortunately, azula is the one to locate his phone, so she sees that her contact name is, “ZUKO’S SISTER??!??!!!!???!???!!??!!!!?” she has never been more offended in her entire life. 
katara is always threatening to beat up anyone who so much as looks at aang funny. no one would hurt aang, though. everyone loves aang. 
sokka loves art class. he also hates art class. he likes that he has a structured time and space in which to paint, and he loves painting. he hates that his paintings always turn out looking like wet garbage, especially compared to those of the guy who sits near him, who clearly is not even trying. he is the rich to sokka’s jeff. at least in sokka’s mind. sokka will oft complain about “that asshole who thinks he’s too good for art class,” but suki pays him no mind and rolls her eyes. until one day, when sokka and suki are being particularly annoying and making out in the middle of the hallway, which is particularly upsetting for zuko because a) that is Hot Guy From His Art Class and b) he will either have to wait for them to finish or politely ask them to move, as they are right in front of his locker. he says, “do you mind moving?” and he means this as politely as possible, but sokka is like “wow what a haughty bitch” so he just holds his index finger up as if to say “one second” and that is that is such an asshole move that zuko has no choice but to yell “what the fuck?!?” far too loudly. it leads to a kerfuffle that eventually lands them both in detention (suki was an innocent party and sokka is more than willing to take the fall for her.) their detention becomes a breakfast club meets war balloon, and sokka actually sort of tells someone about yue. that’s weird. why’d he do that? neither of them know. zuko has no idea what to say. well, this is awkward. another half hour passes. sokka idly mentions that they could totally find a way out of this room by crawling through the vents and then climbing the beams in the gym and after that it’s only a matter of finding an open window––and not getting caught. this is a joke, a completely hypothetical joke, of course. zuko’s like, “let’s do it.” sokka’s like “oh shit this bitch is crazy,” but, y’know, they pull it off. they run out of the school and keep running and only stop when sokka has the dawning realization that if any of this goes on his permanent record that definitely lessens his chances of getting scholarships. but zuko assures him that mr. bumi doesn’t actually give a fuck, and then offhandedly mentions that he sort of gives him the creeps, and sokka wholeheartedly agrees. this prompts more and more conversation, as they just kind of wander about various streets. once they finally realize that it’s gotten completely dark around them, it occurs to them that they may as well have stayed in detention. 
people won’t shut up about the shit that went down at post-prom. “did you see when that one guy…??” “yeah dude that was wild.” suki just smiles knowingly, and so her friends are all “oh did u hook up with ty lee again?” and she’s like “even better. i won monopoly.” 
katara hates zuko for incredibly petty reasons. like, “he took the last popsicle out of her fridge” petty. then, she very obtrusively finds out that hes gay and is immediately like Oh We Are Friends Now. zuko’s life has suddenly become so much more convenient now that katara is no longer being mean to him that it actually takes him a while to realize that katara is being actively nice to him. 
they talk about waves in physics, and it shakes toph to her core. later that day, she asks sokka to explain what colors are to her. he does not do a good job. starts talking about plato’s allegory of the cave, and the double slit experiment??? what??? zuko explaining that “colors are a feeling” is only marginally more helpful. so toph ultimately enlists suki’s help in explaining to her which colors are lame and which colors are dykey. suki immediately says “flannel.” 
so yes aang may have technically stolen momo from the zoo but its not his fault because momo followed him home and refused to leave his side!!!! 
once mai grows out of her “everyone is an idiot and i hate the world” phase, sokka realizes that she’s actually really cool. they hang out constantly. they have a weekly board game night, and they take turns hosting, which is hilarious because mai lives in a mansion and has an actual butler. their secret handshake is needlessly complicated. zuko tries to pretend it isn’t weird. but…. it’s weird right?? and like, it’s weird that no one else thinks it’s weird???? ……..why does no one else think it’s weird?????
azula is, of course, valedictorian, and her speech is about as bone-chilling as you’d expect. her jokes are too cruel to land. she namedrops harvard about ten times. she manages to squeeze in an offhanded dig at sokka, which makes katara nearly fight her onstage. at the afterparty, azula overhears a conversation wherein one meathead jock whose name she never learned says to another meathead jock whose name she never learned, “oh, but remember that speech from last year??? it was so funny.” this prompts her to have a little too much to drink, which only sokka notices (he showed up for katara and then he was dragged to the party by his friends), so he ends up driving her home. as a graduation gift to her, he says, he changes her contact name in his phone to “Azula.”
sokka has en english teacher who really has it out for him. katara tells him she had him before and wishes she could punch him in the face, and that it’s not his fault that he’s doing poorly in that class. still, sokka begs zuko to tutor him in english. zuko’s just like “you’re perfectly fine at english pakku just sucks” but he agrees to tutor him anyway. sokka’s grades do not improve in the slightest, but he does not care.
the week in which SAT results are expected to arrive, azula is weirdly vigilant about the mail. she makes sure to check the scores and then put it back in the envelope before anyone sees that it was opened. she very casually asks zuko “so what did you get?” and zuko just kinda shrugs impassively and walks away. azula smiles to herself. 
katara comes home one night to find mai and sokka watching a movie on her couch. (the movie is phantom thread and there are tears of laughter streaming down both their faces by the time it’s over.) she’s like “oh hey guys i saw both your girlfriends making out with each other at a party twenty minutes ago,” and sokkas like “for the last time, katara, suki’s not my girlfriend!!” and mai just angrily shushes her because she’s talking over the johnny greenwood score!!!!! smh.
toph never stops yelling at the administration for their ableism. and you’d best believe her valedictory speech blows everyone else’s out of the water. 
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ghostheadcanons · 5 years
Papas + Copia: Autistic S/O
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Anonymous said to ghostheadcanons:
Could you do some fluff with the papas and copia with an autistic s/o? I got told by a friend that I’d never find a boyfriend cause I’m autistic and I need some cheering up after that..! Thank you!
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What the hell! Why would someone say something like that? That’s not okay at all!! That would be like someone telling me that no one’s going to want to date me for my ADD. It’s ridiculous!
Anon, listen to me. No matter what’s going on in your life, no matter if you’re neurotypical or not, there will always be someone for you out there. Multiple someones! And just because someone else can’t see that doesn’t mean it’s not true! It’s a big wide world out there. Out of the seven billion people on earth, if you want to find a significant other, there’s bound to be at least one person who thinks you’re their everything. 
That goes for the rest of you out there reading this, too. 
As for writing for an autistic S/O...you’re going to have to bear with me. I’m not autistic myself, but I have a brother who is, and I’ve done my research to the best of my abilities. I don’t mean to offend anyone here with hurtful stereotypes. I don’t know if I’m the best person equipped for the job, but hopefully I did decently enough. 
It needs to be said that none of them would think any less of an S/O with autism. The church is open to everyone--and so are they. 
Papa Nihil: 
Surprisingly, he has somewhat of a grasp on what you’re talking about if you tell him about your autism. His eldest is ‘a little different’, too, but he never held that against him. 
That’s always how he’s phrased it-- ‘a little different’. If you take offense to him referring to you that way, he would apologize and do his best to refer to you properly. 
If you don’t like lots of physical contact, Papa Nihil would abstain from his normal amounts of hugging you and kissing you, and would find different ways to show his affection.
If you only like certain foods, he’s more than happy to prepare them himself for you. No matter how outlandish you might think they are together, he’s always open to making them!
Sister Imperator would want to know more, if you have any triggers, any sensory problems, etc. so she could set you up with proper accommodations.
Nihil would love to hear you talk about your special interests! You can talk for hours on end about them and he’ll listen eagerly. 
"I love watching you light up when you talk, cara mia.”
Papa I:
If you confide to him how you feel, he’s the one out of all of them who is most likely to understand what you’re feeling. 
If you don’t like going out or talking to a lot of people, this man is for you. He’s reclusive, himself, and only has a handful of people who really know him. 
Social rules in different settings are a pain for him to navigate. You never have to worry about offending him by saying the wrong thing or not abiding by Unwritten Social Code #3496. He doesn’t mind one bit. 
Has a youtube account just for stim videos. He has thousands of them arranged neatly into playlists. He’ll send you all the links. 
Never talks down to you. But if you need him to explain something a different way, he’ll do so, in a non-patronizing manner.
“We are all one in Lucifer, lamb. No matter what our difficulties are.”
Papa II:
You have to tell him about your autism. He wants to make this work for you, but he can’t do that if you don’t tell him what things bother you, what gives you trouble, etc.
Is not irritated in the slightest about how you stim, no matter what it is, or if it’s considered ‘annoying’. The most he’ll do is go to another room if he needs to concentrate on his paperwork. 
He doesn’t infantilize you because of your autism. He knows that you’re a fully grown adult who can understand what he’s saying.
At the same time, though, he also keeps your difficulties in mind and will always offer to help if he sees you struggling. 
If you’re forgetful about meds you need to take or a schedule you need to keep, he’ll remind you. “Your pills, caro. Go and take them.”
You can bet if anybody even looks at you funny for acting ‘weird’ that Papa II is going to come over and literally destroy them. 
Will always reassure you if you’re anxious about yourself/your abilities/etc. 
“You are not broken, caro. You process things differently is all. And I do not love you in spite of that, or because of that. I love you, for you.”
Papa III:
At first he probably wouldn’t understand all that well. But he would do his research and come back to you with questions about all kinds of things. Does going out all the time bother you? Do you have social anxiety? Are there surfaces you don’t like?
Like his brother, he’s willing to learn, and to help if you want it!
If you quote a line you like from a movie/game/book out of absolutely nowhere, you can bet that Papa III is going to quote the response right back at you. He always gets your references. The two of you have a blast quoting lines back and forth at eachother. 
If social situations are difficult for you, Papa III is willing to explain a lot of the unwritten rules if you want him to, especially beforehand. These sorts of things can be tricky sometimes, even for him! 
If he has to explain a romantic metaphor he made, he wouldn’t be irritated that you didn’t ‘get it.’ Some of his romantic metaphors are, in fact, very stupid.
He’ll help keep you on schedule, since it took him a very long time to learn how to do it himself. He has problems focusing on things, and sometimes you have to shake him once or twice to get his attention. If you’re the same way, he would always be patient with you. 
Also like his brother, if anybody gives you shit for the way you act, he’s going to come over and cuss them out. 
“Forget them. They don’t matter. What do they know about anything? Of course common horses wouldn’t know what they’re looking at when they see a unicorn. You are one of a kind, tesoro. And I love you.”
Cardinal Copia:
Aside from Papa I, he’s the other one who’s most likely to understand your struggles if you confide in him. 
He has a lot of difficulties in close social interactions, so he can teach you some of the tips and tricks he’s picked up over the centuries if you struggle with those, too. 
If you want to stim by petting his rats’ fur, he’s more than happy to let you! 
On the other hand, if you don’t like the feeling of his rats on you, or their fur, he’ll be sure to let them know so they’ll stay off and away from you. 
He’s very adamant about his schedule, and he’ll try to get you set in a routine you’re comfortable with, if you want his help. 
He’s the type to remember everything you’ve said about your special interests, and look into them himself to see if he can get interested too. Who knows? You might have got him hooked on something new! 
Knows painfully well what it’s like to be a social outcast. Growing up in Italy, he related more to his pet rats than the other children, and even now, he still feels the same way. 
“It can be very hard, topolino. I know that more than anyone. But we’ll get through it together, you and I. Ti amo.”
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ramblingshit · 5 years
Jane Eyre - 1996 - 2/5
what even is acting. what even is a script.
wasn't gonna do this one but fuck it's aunt petunia and rogue. here we go.
lots of credits fairo. more credits. damn fukin eh - i hear you're a wicked child! lol hi. now we're talking about hell and where bad people go. 'keep well and not die' ahaha m8. fkn reed putting seed in that she's a liar. teach her at her prospects, don't let her come back, she's a lying little shit take her away from here. he's appropriately scary oh shit she's saying this in front of the priest. damn tear that lady a new one. unruly, obstinate, wicked, deceitful, man these people hate kids who act out. walks in and damn she's on teh stool already - IS THAT THE LADY FROM PERSUASION. damn she just got here and he's telling everyone to not trust her, she doesn't get to eat and has to stand - she's just done hours of travelling fuckin assholes. IT IS THE LADY FROM PERSUASION. shes got dark hair and dark eyes and shes like glaring at everyone like shes onna kill him in their sleep. lol enjoy helen while she's alive. eatin bread and cheese in bed like she's not gonna get crumbs. omg telling these kids how to stand properly what why this lady hate her she's gonna cane her for not washing her hands. bish doesn't even flinch go helen. 'cleanliness is next to godliness' alright crazy. this school is a lot more chill than most of the others - they're laughing and doing what they want as well as learning and playing games. making jane out to be a pro artist. oh no ol mate saw her with her hair out. no dont cut it. 'vanity?' shes out here with naturally long, red and curly hair and he's out here calling her vain? because he recognises it as lovely she must be vain about it? what a fkn dickhole get off your high horse sexist moron pig anus head. what. he's saying her naturally  iwgh what i don't even understand his shit - it isn't offending him thats the issue its her naturally occuring sin and vanity (because her hair exists?) that is the issue??  what. lol go Jane. NO. oh fuck go Jane go. this guyyyy. don't do it Jane. chin held high she only does it when Helen nods at her to. DAAAAAAAAMN. took of her own bonnet. if Helen's hair goes so does Janes. they stood together looked at each other and flipped their heads over for him to go snip snip, bish looked shock and actually stepped back in horror. What a bae. Helen's fkn dying send help. fuck this lady should not be working with children considering how much she hates children. o shit where's helen. her beds all rolled up. can hear her hacking away in the distance. yikes that sounds bad. jane be creepin. oh fuck she's a terrible actress even as a kid. who honestly thinks its a good idea to hire her. she lying in her dying friend's bed and she's breathing all over her. isn't anna paquin australian? no? ah new zealand fairo. oh fuck Helen's daed. she's trying to squeeze out tears ahah oh no. she can't manage it. anna go back to new zealand you suck at acting who hired you ever. Riparoonies helen. that was actually the greatest jane and helen moment i've seen tbh. oh damn cool transition as she walked from helen's grave - she went from kid to adult. whats this part down the midde all of them got. Miss Temple fam, persuasion lady, fantastic lady, crying as Jane leaves like her mumma. this jane is long-flat-faced with a long protruding jaw, and very tall and skinny. thornfield looks like its already burned down ahaha. straight up castle here. she's got her drawing stuff as well as her bag. nice friendly ol mate meets her and opens the gates - big ass square this is some game of thrones shit yearh this place is like medieval more than victorian. the middle parted hair and the curled twists behind her head they're pretty much exactly the same in most Janes. all chillin and chatting about this together rather than completely separate. adele actually legit sounds french rather than just pretending? noice. dreary, cold, dark halls. her room is bright and airy with a four-poster bed and bay windows and lots of very nice furniture. river runs beside it; enormous tapestries; main gallery with lots of furniture and paintings and sculpures all covered in sheets with windows open to let in light; the doors are very large and heavy. Janes got a very long neck she looks legit like a fkn swan lmao. ooh a rochester backstory. well-travelled, intelliegent, can't tell if he's talking in jest or in earnest, or if he is pleased or irritated, not a happy man. they're just walking about in his rooms. the sun shines bright but cannot reach them through the thick mist. they're very soft-spoken. god her head is so far forward she's like the alien - long ass neck stretching forward and then her chin and jaw stretching wayyyy forward. wack wack anatomy.  it's very dark and dreary. she's off for a walk leaving adele to do like 5 sums. oh she's been here five minutes and they're already meeting. the music is like ... not appropriately intense? he just sorta looked at her, the horse tripped over and then he was on the floor and she's like whoops uh you alright bro. he's outright lying and pretending that he's not rochester his hair is grotty he's got like no hair on top they've just tries to scraggle it. this is so stunted and awkward. i hope it gets better. he's very gentle and she's pretty nonexistent to far. my god very gentle man. what. is he even rochester? that's a german shepherd. noice. playin chess by himself by the fire lol. this movie would be made infinitely better by an actual soundtrack. they're all chilling together again it's interesting - adele and fairfax and rochester and jane. wait she's been here 4 months. it literally didn't show anything about her chilling here. she talked back and now he's grumpy lol. what a terrible start compared to like... every other first convo. isn't she supposed to be not great at piano and yet she's teaching adele -- wait now we're at another convo between the duo. this convo is the other half of --- wait now we're talking sketches? jesus she hmm what are they talking about she's being forward and fuck her chin twists forward as she speaks she kinda looks like the wicked witch of the west. he's judging her drawings like he can do better. this is a mess? the best part about this so far is adele.  there's no sense of time. adele is gorgeous honestly. she's pale and gaunt with bags beneath her eyes. wait here's the next part of the conversation. blunt and brusque replies from her. god they're so obviously acting its painful. they have no chemistry because the CONVERSATION IS ALL OVER THE PLACE. they've done it on pruspose to try stretch things out a bit but like plz EY why he scrunch up the drawing wtf. 'and remember the shadows are as important as the light'. dudes. these are private conversations? it would be alright to try it more naturally but they're just not the kind of things you casually say. it's impersonal and there's no intimacy. sit there and watch a kid dance to the sound of a music box. he's so grumpy looking. now snapping at the kid. he's annoying. like a violent dude he feels more like a nice guy quick to snap - definitely kinda unhinged. and now drunk. hmm i don't like it. she told him not to be mean to adele and he rages about her mother, 'you've made adele feel unwanted and unloved' damn this Jane goes for the throat. she's too good for him I can see it now m8. he's a psycho run. red flag red flag. don't like it. lol he wake up like huh.... oh look beds on fire... huh... well suppose i should sort it out... huh... fuck they're barely acting huh. do they even want to be here. how much are these guys getting paid. he's literally a drunk. and has she had a drink in her life? she just went for it? omg so impersonal - isn't he supposed to be already half in love with her by this point? camera angle just flicks forward and back as the conversation goes on and when theres action it just pans back to the widest shot ever lol just show the entire scene why give any emphasis or focus to anything who needs reaction shots and feelings of being in it rather than observing it. fkn ey. he's literally just an angry blitering brooding drunk yikes. he's staring at her tits? these conversations man... he definitely just said jade instead of jane. m8 don't tell me he didn't. there's more intimacy between all the servants and jane and feeling more like an actual squad living together than there is any feeling between rochester and jane. adeles got a frog lol cute. 'you're a fool,' jane tells her reflection. this music is so shit it's bringing everything down. rochester, who's been an unfeeling ass the whole time, holds her hand once and now she's got a big crush on him. she's very spirited - to the point where she could too easily be cruel. like it's not just a repressed forcefulness it's like a hidden rage. can see her going mad and chopping someone up with icy rage and poised pleasure. wonder if i'm in a mood and interpreting this wrong? but honestly. dancing rochester now? instead of singing. adele is glaring at Mrs Ingram who just insulted jane lolol go kid she's definitely the best part. the background people actually make this place feel alive and natural, completely unlike their FUCKING AWFUL conversations. jesus what. god could you have two people less interested in each other? i think this fairfax knows about bertha. there's a 'tapestry bedroom'? lol what does that mean. they're dancing, playing cards, piano, the lot. oh the walls are literally covered in tapestries, that's creepy af. theres so much blood my dude would be dead yo. will hurt like doesn't know how to act. wwait theyve skipped my 'fav scene'?? theyre shaking hands again, wtf is this. wait what shes just met stjohn n he;s the one telling her all about the reeds? petunias dying 'love me then or hate me as you will - you have my full and free forgiveness' - i cant forgive any version that misses that out: its so powerful as part of her character. stalking her while he smokes in the dark what a creeper. 'how cuold you be so stupid!' lol fight him Jane i dont even know how we got to kissing likr the movie is almost 2 hours and yet it feels SO rushed. literally took away all the secret courting and his sneaky declarations. shes a modern woman trapped in an old age.  she is so skinny. and with entirely stiff expressions. ew he makes me so uncomfortable. theyre not even trying lol. acting ey acting have u heard of it. just left jane at the altar like bye bitch.shes just in a giant empty ugly room. bertha is a very young and frightened girl but also very sick in the typical long white dress and long dark hair. god this guy is a whingebum. bertha understands everything he's saying. oh yikes lol she just whipped a log from the fire and went after Jane and Jane just put her veil back down with like a sigh turned and yeeted slowly away long ass veil over a white bonnet, silk cape thing in a dark hallway walking all miserable. she's outies lol he's just let her walk out? i love u and i love u. bye. bertha's taken another log from the fire and lit the wedding dress on fire along with the house ahaha. wait he let her leave the house then ran after her on horseback but had to stop after bertha lit the place on fire it started burning and we're actually seeing it happen? interesting. the house is burning, pepople are running, bertha's on the battlements and rochester is going up there to --oh fuck grace poole got yeeted over by bertha oh she's flying ahahaha jumped down to where she threw grace poole. rochesters in the fire. jane's off and racing. it's all happened at once. she went to stjohns, didn't even get dumped in teh marshes but down she goes after chilling in a coach for 3 days. shes been there a month. her jaw is so long and forward its creepy. again one fo the few telling her that she's wealthy from inheritance from her uncle. more backstory. she was deeply loved by her parents, now she's wealthy, lifes looking up but she's all upset after than asshole lol move on and be happy. she's hearing his voice on the wind like please chill. damn 6months. what. um. he's very awkwardly trying to propose? but its like the last half of the conversation with the first bit just cut out. so weird. she looks normal face-on. oh she decides after the proposal to go back - none of that chasing after voices nonsense. whoops that shit burned downnn. doggoooo is still alive. what a good boy. fuck me there's like no anticipation, no intensity, no build-up, no chemistry, it's so dry and cold and heartless. christ acting. act. acting. act. please. act. what is happening. act. she has the neck of a swan ol mate. fucking gross. their words are stilted, and not romantic in the slightest and especially not in their delivery. theyre walking with no kids but the dog but they're talking about the kids. oh my god. that was pretty fkn awful. like seriously not good.
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panda-noosh · 6 years
Enemies to lovers with Chen from EXO??? PLEASE 😭😭 like they "hate" each other but end up being friends and secretly dating and then when theyre exposed everyone is like ???????? But you hate each other what???? Haha!! I love Chen my precious bby!! But if you don't like EXO then can it be with JB from got7 or Taeyong from nct? ♥️♥️♥️ Can't believe u opened ur requests again for this blessed blessed day!! Thanks panda!!!!
words: 1.7k
notes: here you gooo :) x
     This really wasn’t how things were supposed to end up. 
    For years, you and Jongdae had never gotten along. There was never any specific reason for it - he had never done anything to hurt your feelings, had never hurt you in any shape or form. You two just didn’t click. That was how it had always been, and in your head, that was how it was always going to stay.
    At least, you once thought that would be the case.
    It was strange how years upon years of teasing could turn from malicious to flirtatious with little to no warning. Perhaps it was the case of age. Your brains had developed. Jongdae calling you a brat was no longer as big of an insult as it would have been when you were seven years old, but now held more of a purr to the word. 
    Maybe it was the physical differences.
   Jongdae wasn’t a kid anymore. He was grown, had started working out, had muscles to prove it. You would be lying to claim that you hadn’t thought of him as attractive - but god forbid you ever admit that to anyone.
    Yes. Things had certainly changed, and for the longest time, you didn’t know how.
    It was a normal Saturday night, which was the weird part. You met up with your friends at the pier, as you always did, and things seemed to be going smoothly. Nothing was out of the ordinary, nothing was different. You were having a great time playing on the arcade games, dipping your hand into Joy’s bag of chips every now and then, laughing about stupid things as you struggled to keep the warmth locked within the confines of your jacket.
    And then he was there, all high and mighty with that perfect, straight-toothed smile of his that always drove you crazy. Once upon a time, it had driven you crazy because it usually took him laughing at you for it to reveal itself - now, seeing him laugh so candidly, throwing his head back as Chanyeol dropped his ice cream across the pier, your heart started to beat a little faster.
    You wanted desperately to leave before he spotted you. This in itself was a strange reaction, considering you were so used to wanting to tease him any time you saw him. But now, you just wanted to leave. You didn’t want to talk to him, didn’t want to deal with whatever bullshit he had-
    “Oh, so she’s actually left the house!”
    You closed your eyes, biting down on your lower lip. “Can we not do this today, Jongdae? I’m just here to have a good time.”
    Jongdae frowned. Even he knew there was something weird going on, and even he had the decency to seem surprised by it.
   Nonetheless, he and Chanyeol made their way over to you and Joy with little care to the clearly annoyed reaction you had given off. Chanyeol wrapped a warm arm around Joy’s shoulders, and the two started speaking like the friends they were - you and Jongdae were left to your own devices.
    “Why do they always leave us two on our own?” you grumbled, watching Chanyeol and Joy saunter off to another arcade game, leaving you and Jongdae behind. “They know we hate each other.”
    Jongdae shrugged, licking absently on his ice cream. “I think they still have hope that we can somehow become friends.”
    “They’re living in a fantasy, I think.”
   Jongdae scoffed, looking down at you with that raised eyebrow look you were so used to at this point. “Alright then. You may as well have just stabbed me in the heart.”
    You frowned, looking back up at him. He looked particularly good today, a leather jacket shrugged on over his shoulders, his black hair parted to reveal his rain-soaked forehead. His hood had once been perched upon his head, but the wind had somehow managed to knock it off during his rushed walk over to your side.
    “You can’t tell me you don’t feel the same way. We’ve hated each other for years.”
   “My Mum always told me that hate was a strong word.” He shrugged. “If I really did hate you, then I wouldn’t have stuck around you since we were little kids.”
   A part of you was aware he was joking - he had to be, right? There was no way in hell he could have teased you, tormented you for as long as he had done, only to suddenly come out and say that he didn’t actually hate you as much as he led on.
    Though, you would be lying to say that you didn’t feel similar, because he certainly had a point. Hate was a strong word, and you had grown particularly good at cutting toxic people from your life. If Jongdae really was the worst offender, somebody you hated more than anyone else in the world, why hadn’t you made the final moves to rid him from your life completely?
    Jongdae smiled, clearly noticing your sudden epiphany. “See? You know what I mean.”
    “It doesn’t mean we’re just gonna be friends.”
   “Why not?”
    “Because that’s… not how things work, Jongdae. It’s like throwing off the balance of life or some shit.” 
    Jongdae scoffed. “You’ve always been so dramatic.”
   “See? You tease me all the time-”
   “You tease me!”
    “Which is exactly why we can’t be friends!” You looked up at him then, and it was as if the world had tilted a little bit.
    That balance you were talking about? Yes. It was definitely no longer balanced.
    He was looking down at you, an amused smile on his face that never seemed to leave his features. His hair was a tousled mess across his forehead, his hands pale from gripping the cold ice cream in the already cold weather. You weren’t sure what it was that made him look so good in this moment - perhaps it was the conversation you were both having. Maybe that was the thing that caused the switch, but it was noticeable, and you hated it.
    You weren’t used to it.
    Jongdae smiled, tilted his head to the side. “Why are you looking at me like that, Y/N?”
    You swallowed thickly. “You - You have ice cream on your lips.”
    “Is that so?”
    And that is where everything changed.
    That is the reason why you and Jongdae were huddled up on his sofa at the moment, pressing loose kisses to every piece of flesh you could reach whilst remaining comfortable. The two of you claimed to be watching the movie playing in front of you, though neither of you were able to describe what was happening, what the title of the movie was, or what the plot of the movie consisted of.
   You were a little bit distracted.
    Jongdae sighed against your neck, his chin resting comfortable on your shoulder as you sat in his folded legs, popping pieces of popcorn into your mouth. It was incredible how you could be staring directly at the television screen, and still not be able to pick up on a single thing that was happening.
    Jongdae tilted his head and pressed yet another kiss to your neck, making you shiver. He smiled at the reaction, tugging you impossibly closer.
    “You know, if anybody finds out about this, we’re gonna put people into cardiac arrest,” he said.
    You nodded slowly. “I know.”
  You popped a piece of popcorn into your mouth, holding it between your teeth before turning to Jongdae. He raised a brow, a slow smile forming on his face before he leaned forward and pressed his lips to your own, transferring the toffee popcorn from your mouth to his own. You giggled at the action, watching him chew thoughtfully on the snack.
   He screwed his face up in mild disgust. “You’re the only person I know who puts lemon on their popcorn.”
   “That’s a lie. Lemon on popcorn is a common thing.”
    “For criminals, maybe.”
    You nudged him with your elbow. He grunted, nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck where he playfully nipped at the skin.
     It was as you were wriggling away from him that the front door burst open.
    For a second, you didn’t even want to acknowledge it. You and Jongdae had been like this for the past three weeks, meaning you had already gotten used to his playful habits and saw nothing wrong with it. For a second, you forgot that absolutely nobody else knew about your sudden shift in feelings for each other.
    That was why you were confused whenever Jongdae suddenly snatched the blanket from the back of the sofa and threw it over your head, a very much failed attempt at keeping you hidden from the eyes of the boys who had just strolled casually into his house.
    “What are you lot doing here?” Jongdae demanded as you struggled with the blanket draped over your head.
    It was Baekhyun who spoke up. “Uh… Hey Y/N. What are you doing here?”
   You finally managed to pull the blanket off over your head. In your panic, you had managed to forget that you were still sat in Jongdae’s lap, his arms still wound around your waist. It was clear that you and Jongdae were doing more than just friendly lounging.
    You turned, facing the boys who were all stood in the doorway with slightly shocked and confused expressions on their faces. “Hey guys! Jongdae and I were just … watching a film.”
    Jongdae winced, looking at you with a raised brow. You shrugged, unsure of how else to respond; you were both clearly caught out at this point. There was nothing you could do or say that would erase the image of Jongdae holding you so tight against him from the onlookers brains.
    Slowly, smiles started to form on their faces, and you knew you had been caught out.
    “I always knew there was something going on with you two!” Kyungsoo exclaimed, grabbing your hand and wrapping his arms around you after tugging you from Jongdae’s lap. Jongdae groaned, tried to snatch you back, but was stopped by the cluster of excited questions being thrown his way.
    You hollowed out your cheeks, meeting Jongdae’s eyes over Kyungsoo’s shoulder. He was staring right back at you, one hand pressing into his left temple as the other pressed against Kai’s chest, keeping him from jumping on him in his excitement.
    You could only smile, amused by the reaction. Jongdae smiled back at you, a reminder that perhaps your feelings for the man had never been as sour as you once thought. Maybe you were just scared to face the truth. 
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onlyjihoons · 7 years
policeman!jihoon pt.2
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a/n; special thanks to bff jupiter @chaeyolks for the pretty pretty moodboard once again,, also! this is a collab w @alliwannado-w1, her installment for woojin is coming up this weekend so do look forward to it^^
policeman!jihoon pt.1//policeman!woojin
warning: slight alcohol mention+slight violence, however characters are written when they are of adult age
“you’re illegal, why are you even a police officer?”
“you’re going to do undercover duty with y/n.”
“unless you want me to–”
“yes sir”
so here he was, groaning at his impeccable luck
he needed to get back at daniel for making him buy that drink LOL
“hello, im inspector park jihoon, please take care of me”
you looked up, being greeted by jihoon, in a light blue button down and ripped jeans
with that lanyard that has his name and picture??
usually staff id pics look like mugshots
but hey his pic deadass looks like a shot of those models for some fashion show
“hello, i’m sergeant y/l/n,” you smiled, sticking out your hand, “i hope we will work well together.”
at that moment jihoon fell for your brown eyes
and dimples when you smile
whatever he said about having zero interest in girls was thrown into the gutter
jihoon was tasked to shadow you for your duties for a month
he was pretty sure he was gonna get sacked for falling for his superior LOL
your first day of working with jihoon was nothing big, just typing out some reports
it was a little weird because an inspector from the violent crimes department in a street crimes(idk what its called pls forgive me) department? typing out reports of a lost puppy??
anyhow your female colleagues from the other departments will ever more often drop by your desk just to see jihoon
it was getting annoying how theyre actually paying more attention to jihoon
so you asked minhyun to dispatch you for more undercover duties LOL
“i thought you loved writing reports”
“not until the female sergeants from other departments come to my desk to see inspector park??”
“are you jealous?”
ngl you were but you arent gonna let it show
especially in front of minhyun
he would f l i p
“try having 3 colleagues flocking to your table every 2 hours to see your co-worker instead of talking to you, and also distracting you from doing work.”
undercover was boring, you would normally drag sergeant!baejin along with you
but this time he wanted to stay in the office because he doesnt want to be the “third wheel”
you and jihoon would go to the same club everyday to do undercover duties
and the both of you manage to bust some sleazy dudes
since the whole thing was already under control the both of you soon don’t need to go to the club
and actually do night patrols
it was fun, because jihoon would entertain you by pulling funny faces and treat you to ice cream
contrary to your expectations, jihoon was actually quite nice to be around with
but then something in your mind went off about him
 you remembered the fuckboy senior that played with girls’ hearts in high school
it was jihoon
you were well aware that you were a position above him despite the 2 year age gap
but you couldn’t let yourself fall for someone who breaks hearts
so you decided to build a invisible wall of friendship to prevent yourself from falling for him
i mean how couldn’t you,, he was good looking, good at his work, and had a faint protective vibe which you liked
like whenever you were feeling only a little chilly at the cool breeze jihoon would not hesitate to drape his jacket over you
and also let you walk on the inside of the pavement
besides, minhyun would fall off his chair at the thought of his sister dating someone from the violent crimes department
but that didn’t stop you from having fun
the both of you would sit at swings and play at the slides
there was once jihoon was stuck at one of the slides and you had to help him LOL
but ended up pulling out one of his Stan Smiths and nearly called the fire brigade
day by day, the both of you got closer
and you told jihoon not to call you “sergeant hwang” bc that sounds rlly formal
one day the both of you were just talking about random stuff and you mentioned that you wanted to pick up martial arts
“i can teach you if you want!^^”
“really? what martial arts do you do?”
“i have a six-don black belt in taekwondo, i do teach little kids in my spare time as well”
so here you are, standing at the back of jihoon’s taekwondo class
you felt very over-aged learning taekwondo with a bunch of white-belt kids
but they were really good, and jihoon told the kids you were his assistant for the time being
yeah, assistant with a white belt
and just saying, jihoon looked rlly rlly hot in that taekwondo uniform
with slightly sweaty bangs and all
when he just stands aside for the kids to practice and adjusts his belt
ok moving on
you learnt some basic moves and jihoon barely needed to coach you to get them right
so all those years of fighting with minhyun was worthwhile
jihoon would shift you up to a yellow belt in two weeks because you were that good
so one day your eyes obviously wasn’t doing you good
you kept messing up the sequence throughout the lesson, maybe your condition wasn’t good
jihoon could see it and asked you to rest for a while
after the lesson ended, you took your street clothes and accidentally walked into the men’s changing room
and you walked into a topless jihoon
luckily, he was the only one inside
you could see his toned abs, and defined arms
not to mention that killer jawline
and in taekwondo pants????
jihoon noticed you staring slightly and then fumbled to find his taekwondo robe
and you noticed you were in the wrong changing room
“oh shit im so sorry i--i”
just as you were about to get out of the changing room jihoon blocked the door
without his robe
“y/n, did you enter the wrong changing room to see,,,”
he pointed to his abs, “this?”
you could only laugh, “i would never do that, i can easily see them on the internet”
he raised his eyebrows, “so you watch porn?”
“no??” you rolled your eyes, offended, “do you think i’m that kind of person, inspector park?”
“i’m sorry i’m not like those girls you played with back in high school, i’m not after your body--”
“you’re driving me crazy, y/n”
“your eyes, your nose, your lips, drive me crazy.” jihoon stared right into your eyes, making you blush
“hey inspector park--”
“why don’t you call me ‘jihoon oppa’ anymore? is our relationship strictly work-related now?”
“i just...” you sighed how something small could escalate to something big like this, “i like you, jihoon-oppa”
you slightly cringed but you continued, 
“but we cant do this. minhyun will get mad, and there goes my job.”
“sorry, inspector park, i’d have to go.”
you pushed jihoon aside weakly, then going out and into the ladies’ changing room
you felt hot tears trickling down your face, in reality, you just didn’t want your heart to be broken
the next day, you and jihoon went to work like a normal day
just, no patrolling and writing of reports the whole day
the office could sense a tension between the both of you, even your female colleagues stopped coming over
“hey y/n,” baejin stopped by your table and handed over a file, “you gotta go undercover again for that club, the perverts are striking again.”
“again?” you sighed, “okay i’ll go.”
“do you need me to go with you?” baejin leaned against your desk, “ you seem, off, today”
“i will go with her, sergeant bae.” jihoon spoke, “it’s my last day here anyway.”
so fast, a month has passed, you thought.
“thanks inspector park. i’ll get going then.”
you skipped dinner, all you did was to write reports continuously throughout the day
until jihoon slammed your laptop shut, and stared straight into your eyes
“we need to go now, sergeant hwang.” his lips stretched into a straight line.
you unwillingly got up from your seat, as you shrugged on your coat and headed out to the carpark to wait for jihoon
the car ride was quiet, with you staring out of the window, not talking to jihoon
though it was jihoon’s last day, and you were sorry he had to spend his last day like that
you had to stop yourself 
though the club was playing upbeat music, all you could do was to stare into blank space
just then, some sleazy dude came up to you
“can i buy this pretty lady a drink?” he winked
“no thanks, im with someone else--”
“ey, that someone else can wait.”
“i really do have someone--”
“i said i will get you a drink alright?!” the man’s rogueish smile appeared, grabbing your wrist, “i know you’re here to do undercover duties, sergeant hwang--”
just then, a fist was sent flying to the man’s cheek, as he stumbled backwards
you saw an angry jihoon, his face was red with anger
“if you ever touch sergeant hwang again, you’ll end up in the hospital.” jihoon growled.
“wow, sergeant, i didn’t know you were into flowery pretty boys like--”
jihoon sent another punch across the man’s face, making him fall to the ground
you had to physically stop jihoon from hitting that sleazy dude, or it would’ve turned into a full fight
“jihoon-oppa,” you held his arm, which weakened at your touch, “let’s stop, minhyun wouldn’t be happy if he saw this.”
jihoon scoffed, putting the dude in handcuffs
“you’re under arrest for sexual harrassment, you have a right to remain silent, unless with witness that will support your innocence.”
after that dude was thrown into jail, jihoon immediately hugged you
“are you okay?” he then took a step back to analyse your frame, “he didn’t hurt you, right? i was so--”
you then cut jihoon off with a kiss, shutting him up effectively.
jihoon kissed you back with more assertion, to make up for the time he didn’t get to talk to you throughout the day
“what was that, y/n?” jihoon smiled, ruffling your hair
“don’t tell minhyun about this”
boyfriend!jihoon in the police station is super sweet, leaving you a sandwich for breakfast, then dragging you out for lunch
minhyun soon found out about it, “i knew the both of you had something going on”
and jihoon wasn’t the asshole you expected him to be
he only had eyes for you, and it was really endearing
the both of you would go on night walks, and then sitting on the swing set, talking about random things
overall, the sweetest crime-busting couple in Gangnam Police Station
“I don’t know how you became a police officer, your looks are illegal, you’re my illegirl”
lowkey stole that from dimple by bts sorry im lame i hope you guys enjoyed this as much as i liked writing this,,my request box is always open, so do send in requests!
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amicicidalgambler · 6 years
> Fondly regard Psii.
we put two manipulator friends that cant hide shit because theyre trapped in the wake of the s.s trickster anon in the same room, what happens next will warm your heart
Shit I didn't tell you congrats EITHER how RUDE.
Gosh Vriska how could you be so rude~
I'm so wounded~~
I'm a mean and terri8le person. 8ut really, congratul8ions.
You are but it's the enjoyable kind!! It's like playing with explosives~ Probably not wise but super fun if you're careful about it~
Oh no, my favorite kind of compliment, how dare you.
Too late~ You're my friend and I like you~~ You're doomed~~~~
Very doomed. How will I ever~ survive with this privilege put upon me.
Probably with increasing dramatics~!!
Or with a tea party~ Were you serious about that?? 'Cause it sounds like fun~!
I can bring cats~ Or try to at least lmao~
I was! It sounds so nice. I don't know where we could have it, though. It'd 8e nice to have somewhere quiet off on our own, 8ut neither the 8ase or Nadaya's are that.
I know allllll sorts of quiet places over here~! I usually can't stand to be around people for long!!
But Fex would freak out so bad~ I can't do that to him :c ! It'd be like someone inviting another -Empress to here for me!! I think I'd break down even like this if that happened!!
I mean, that and he'd kill me, painfully, and you're one of the people who pro8a8ly wouldn't want that!
Nadaya let me sneak out with someone to one of my old pir8 hideouts, 8ut that was ages ago, most of them have pro8a8ly 8een taken over. That or they would 8e dusty hellholes, and like, I know *you* won't 8e offended if I say I h8 old dusty rooms too much to clean those.
He wouldn't kill you~ I wouldn't let him!! Because I am!! I'm pretty sure you're gonna piss someone off enough to get killed some night, but I don't want it to happen so soon!! I'd miss you!!!!
Ehehehe, you're right!! I'm not at all~ But it does make this harder, whoops~
If you don't have a place~ and I don't have a place~ and Zahhak definitely doesn't have a place~~ Maybe we should start asking friends if /they/ have a place!!
...Would you? I mean, I know you can't really lie right now, duh, 8ut that's a lot.
And we should! I don't know who to ask first, though, most of my other friends aren't the recluse or hideout type.
Uh huh! My Serket was super annoying on Beforus, but I met her on Alternia!!
I rammed her ship with Cronus's to escape, and when she found me hiding aboard, she let me live~! Mostly as a dig to Cronus, but then she helped me get better at lying and manipulating people and how to steal super duper well!! I really liked her, and almost stayed on her crew when she offered, but she was also a super cruel and awful person and I didn't want to die~
You're like a little her~ Well duh but like~ Not as experienced~ Way less dangerous, especially with your collar~ so we can just talk!! And play manipulation games~ And be awful people together where no one will get hurt so no one gets upset at either of us~~ I really value that~
If it wasn't such a bad idea, I'd teach you what I know!! So you can get better and better, I'm already weirdly proud of what you do now~! But!! I know exactly how badly that'd go!! So I haven't been~ Sorry~ !!
I should ask Makara!! Or Cro!! They leave the universe often enough, and they like squirreling shit away just in case!! Especially Cro~ Though I don't know if he'd tell me, I bet a lot of those exist because of me!! So Makara first~
Oh man.
Oh man.
That's a lot.
Oh man.
I mean
That makes sense!
There was 8asically no way you wouldn't have ran into her eventually, I just had no idea you would've
Actually met her like that.
I tried to figure this out in my notes once 8ut I can't fucking REMEM8ER them like this.
8ut I remem8er wondering, 8ecause you sound like her!
Not like a lot 8ut there's patterns, I picked up that much.
This is a lot.
I kind of h8 it.
No I don't.
You're proud of me?
I kind of wished you'd teach me 8ut I didn't think
I didn't think you'd think a8out it
And I thought if I learned from the games you'd 8e proud.
Fuck uh,
!!!! This is so cute!!!! And I'm so delighted!!!! I can't stop grinning, even more than I usually can't!!!!
Hell yeah I'm proud!!!! Super proud!! I remember the last game we played~ I was so pleased with how persistent you were~ and I had to keep stopping myself from giving you advice~~ because you were so close~ If it wasn't me, I'm super sure you could've tricked someone into giving something away!!
I even thought about telling you you were right!! Since you did so well!! But I couldn't admit how much your fixing my quirk slip meant to me~ So I didn't~
I wish I could trust you to use what I teach you to be constructive instead of destructive~~ because that's what I did with mine!! Manipulation and stealing aren't black and white bad things!! I kept Kankri safe by seeing who in the crowd was giving off the wrong tells! And to get information about highblood plans without giving up any information about ours in return, without them noticing!! And I stole so we could eat~ or to get things away from people who would hurt others with them~~
I really really want to help you with all of that!! So people stop wanting to kill you so much!!!! And you don't have to isolate yourself forever just to stay alive!!!!
But I met your ancestor~ or at least her alternate~~ and I don't want to push you farther down that road any faster~ because then we can't be friends anymore~ :c :c :c :c I might even have to hurt you to keep people I love safe~ and I really don't want to~ :c :c
But!!!! That hasn't happened yet!!!! So we can have our tea party!!!! Cae got us a hotel room and ~everything~ so we can be in the opposite of a dusty old block for our tea party!!!! Which I'm really excited about!!!!
I mean, credit to you though, I knew I was making progress 8ut I didn't think I was doing *that* good.
And that's not 8ad! It's gr8! I've never 8een challenged like that 8efore, it was so good.
That's fair, 8ut like, damn if that isn't a hell of a pitch. Plus like, it's not like I've had much of a change of heart or anything haha no, 8ut I have ties I want to keep now, and protect with that kind of thing. Some people don't know what's happening to them until they're already dead, it's incredi8le.
So I can't promise much 8ut I don't want to do most of the shit that would keep us from 8eing friends ::::(
Especially not after this! This is the 8est, you're the 8est.
The tea party can't happen fast enough.
!!!!!!!! That's a really really good start!!!!
Like~ I'm never going to be a goody two shoes~ like ever~
Rules and laws register as suggestions at best~ and I put way more effort into damage control than say~ not breaking the law~ because that's /boring/~ (I've broken so many laws here Vriska~ So many~ Mostly for fun~ I'm not even sure how many because I've never bothered to learn them, whoops~!)
But!!!! That doesn't mean my keeping an eye out for Kankri and his followers wasn't a good thing!! That doesn't mean attracting anons away from hurting people and talking them in circles was less helpful because it only happened because I liked the hurt person!! And if you frame it right, people will never know otherwise~
Or~ well~ they kind of already know with you~ but~! You can frame it in believable and acceptable ways!! Without even /lying/, because protecting other people~ vulnerable people~! is a really good thing!! And I can definitely teach you how to do that without upsetting people~ And I will!!!! So you know what to do so we can stay friends!!!!
And guess what???? It can happen /right now/~ and it totally should because I really want to hug you!!!! This is amazing and I'm so /happy/!!!!
Listen to me Psii.
Listen listen listen.
I know you like Nadaya a lot so you'd already 8e doing this 8ut we need to protect him, it's important, he's important. He's not the only person for me 8ut we can 8oth help him since he let us in somehow.
It should! 8ecause I want to hug you too!
/We really do/~
He's so oblivious~ and trusting~ It hurts me and scares me so much~~
But it's so much easier when you have other people too~! Ones that care just as much~ And it's just as obvious that you two are close~~ So we'll make a fantastic team!!!!!!
No one gets to be awful to him~
He's /ours/~
!!!! :D!!!!
> [coordinates!]
Zahhak's with me!! So I'll drag him to a pad right now!!!! And then you're getting the gumdrops squeezed out of you!!!!
I'll 8e right there!!!!!!!!
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abcdosaka · 4 years
lately ive been thinking abt stuff that i can control and cant and i think thats why ive been feeling stressed. bc i have lack of control over some stuff and it gives me anxiety knowing that. like earlier i was thinking of something problematic that a celeb i liked did and how ppl reacted to that and it was just giving me stress bc ppl were saying this and that and how the apology wasnt good enough and whatever and yea there was an issue on how it was delivered but honestly.....and this is a phrase ive been using quite a bit..........the.fuck am i gonna do about it?
talking abt me personally bc i literally have no platform online and i never interact with fandom ppl. what the fuck do i got to do with this? im not responsible for this person and i dont want to defend them either so the fuck should i even say? im disappointed? who does that help? what they did didn’t personally offend me bc i wasn’t the target who WOULD be offended. im disappointed but its not like i feel particularly hurt mostly bc there’s bigger issues in the world rn and ppl focusing on this is just annoying to me...
anyways im just talking about me personally. ppl who have a lot of followers or whatever defending the celeb are fr annoying to me and i blocked a lot of them...but ppl who aren’t even directly affected (just like me) talking shit about them and complaining and all that...why do u amplify your own voice so much? this didnt hurt you so why are you talking about it like it did? why not rt or rb or whatever from ppl who were actually hurt...
i think from this pt fwd one of my goals is to focus on what i can control......focus on who i listen to and who i dont and when to speak and when to stfu... which nobody on this goddamn website or twitter seems to understand
im not tryin to sound all stuck up either but srsly ppl just say shit and i dont get how theyre so un self aware. call shit out if its wrong but sometimes its best to just mind ur business damn. like i saw a white person saying abt a celeb donating to blm “this is bare minimum they owe everything to black culture” like white ppl dont? ur not wrong but dont speak for black ppl like that ... its embarassing acting like ur woke
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