#they're not gonna give him SHIT i know it
evilminji · 9 hours
I will NEVER not want Danny to have Multicultural Zone Vibez.
Like? To just... just HAVE shit you CAN NOT GET in "this" Reality.
Is it a tee-shirt? The podcast he's listening too? Those snacks? Maybe it's the tea! He has a distinct accent. No one can place it. He talks about hitting up The Market. Is suuuuper vague about WHICH market, but it sounds awesome. He apparently gets like? ALL his shit from there.
Amazing deals on everything.
You've been over to his place. The linens look like something out of a fantasy novel. HAND MADE sorta shit. Like? It must have taken, what, months? Years? To make that? He got it "cheap", supposedly, because the shop owner is no longer in their "space phase".
None of his plates match. Some look futuristic, some are hand made, a few look CARVED. Is this bone?
"Don't worry about it."
You recognize maybe a third of the movies he owns, AT BEST. But you could have SWORN like three of them weren't out yet. And details are off in two others.
The dude is weird. His PLACE is weird. His FOOD is all knock off brands you've never heard off. They've gotta be. There's fruits you can't recognize in the fridge and he uses a vegetable you've never seen before in the stir fry. Tastes pretty good. Kinda garlicky. But, like?
You've NEVER seen him use any of them local grocery stores. You're half convinced, that even with a gun to his head? He would be able to tell you WHERE THEY ARE.
And, yeah, it's a major city. A DC city of your choice. His weirdness lvl is so low, if constant, that it barely registers. Frankly? Everyone just thinks "ah, yes, an immigrant from... somewhere. Don't be a dick about it, me." And moves on. Gives it no further thought. But?
Eventually he's gonna make friends~
They ARE gonna want to know more about him.
And they're gonna realize he's WEIRD AF. Give them the LORE, Danny. It's driving them crazy!!
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @hypewinter @lolottes @mutable-manifestation
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Alright, so there's been a lot of chatter about some of the most common racist takes in the fandom lately, and I know most people aren't engaging in good faith but I'm gonna spell some things out anyway. Here's a handy-dandy White Fan's Intro to Racist Fanon 101
Why is it racist to depict Ed as uncontrollably violent?
Because he's not actually depicted that way in the show. OFMD goes out of its way to depict Ed's relationship with violence as complex and intensely traumatic for him. Because he has so many hangups around violence, Ed is one of the least violent characters in a show full of violent characters. He is always shown giving people many chances before they're able to push him into reacting with violence.
Even if you think you're just doing a character study on a guy who is really very complex and nuanced, please take the time to consider if you're assigning more weight to Ed's violent actions than those of other characters or assuming he's worse than he actually is (for example, Ed never physically hurt the crew during his kraken spiral, just Izzy. His crime was being a shitty boss, not going on mindlessly violent rampages).
What do other common fanon depictions of Ed that are racist look like?
The biggest ones are depicting Ed as untidy/messy, as illiterate, and as needing a white man (most often Izzy) to clean up after him. I hope I shouldn't have to spell out why these are racist, but please keep an eye out for them in the fanon you consume so you can be critical of how you respond when they pop up.
Are you saying that all Izzy fans are racist?
Liking a character is morally neutral. Insisting that the viewpoint of an antagonistic character is the lens through which the show should be understood, though, especially when that antagonistic character's whole deal in the first season of the show was trying to control the behavior of the brown lead so he could gain power for himself, however...
Just please consider - why do you find Izzy's tears more deserving of sympathy and compassion than Ed's?
But my hot take/fic/meta doesn't say anything about Ed's skin color!
It doesn't have to. Most of the racist takes/fic/meta out there don't mention Ed's skin color explicitly. Racism doesn't just look like saying "this character is a brown man so he's bad." Everyone who grows up in a racist society (that's everyone on the planet, btw, you included) has biases to unlearn, and those biases impact how you interact with the world around you, including with the media you consume.
The thing is, OFMD isn't a subtle show. It's very consistent with telling us who Ed is, how he responds to situations, and why he behaves the way he does. If you find it easier to throw all that aside in favor of believing what a white antagonistic character tells you about him, then you should really take a bit to examine that.
And here's the most important thing to keep in mind:
This is not about you.
Trust me, it has to be pretty damn bad for fans of color to call out racism in fandom. Every time we do, we know we're gonna harrassment and just some truly awful shit in our inboxes. But you, random white fan who Did A Racism? No one is out to get you. No one thinks you're an awful person for including a racist trope in your stuff, we just wish you'd examine it so we can make this fandom a better place for everyone.
I have had amazing discussions with white fans who saw my posts on fandom racism and wanted a sensitivity read or a check so they could fix an instance where they uncritically included a racist trope. But most people who make similar mistakes will just double down and insist they didn't do anything wrong, and that makes fandom a worse place for all of us.
Fans of color deserve to feel safe and included in this fandom, and we're just tired of feeling like we have to beg to get some circles to see poc as people. You can do your part by being critical of these tropes and your reactions to them when they pop up.
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vastderp · 13 hours
I Had A Baby Brother
My brother was found dead last tuesday in his apartment.
He died anywhere from Sunday to Monday, and his landlord got worried and checked up on him and found him on the floor with one hand over his face. There was an open jug of methanol nearby. My sister thinks he drank it, I pray he didn't. It was an ugly, fucked up death.
He was in declining health this past decade because he was a paraplegic and uncontrolled diabetic. There are systems in place to help with low income people in his condition, but they were barred from him as he was a convicted felon.
He went from learning to walk again in the physical therapy pool to drinking a gallon of vodka per day, growing more hostile and bitter as the pain got worse, until his body just gave out. He drove away his friends, he drove away his family, and then he hit the floor and never got up.
I was meant to view the body with my sister and her grown kids, but the funeral home couldn't tell us where his body had been sent, and stopped answering the phone on friday before memorial day weekend, and then we had to wait for someone to follow up on my sister's dozens of phone messages, which they finally did, to try and make their little profit.
My sister, who has been handling all of this along with my niece, selected a different funeral home for the cremation because the first one was disgraceful with my mother's death in 2007, and they're disgraceful all over again with my brother's now.
At one point today they finally established contact, and asked how my sister wanted to handle the arrangements for her "father". O how casual the not giving a fuck goes! Dude pressed to make a sale even after she told him how unhappy we were with their work.
All this to say that I have a car full of inherited possessions, unused medical gear, and the shitty fucked up remnants of my brother's shrine to Mom.
Good old Mom may have died almost 20 years ago, but her gentle, loving mission to smother her only son to death (and probably into eternity) is finally successful. Of all of us, I've often wondered who got it worst: The golden child, the scapegoat, or the parentalized invisible middle kid. Now that one of us has effectively committed suicide, I guess it's for the scapegoat and me to hash out who gets second place. My mother crippled him long before his car accident, in one long and winding but uninterrupted line of consequences from his birth to death. I consider it a murder-suicide. Which was which? They were both the killer, and both the victim. Enmeshment is a motherfucker.
I'm super bitter, really fucking sad, and incredibly proud of what's left of my family for how they're coming together now. (Except my dad, who is in another state, petting his dogs, because I don't think he can really deal with this shit).
So what's left? To go put some cologne on his corpse when they finally let us go view what's left of him. He always liked to smell nice and he probably doesn't right now.
They'll cremate him, and give us a ridiculously heavy cardboard box of ashes that we'll have to carry out, knowing it's all that's left of a lifetime of struggling and pain. Probably we're gonna mix his ashes with Mom's, and make that lifetime of enmeshment official.
I hope if they go to the same afterlife, he kicks her in the cooter. I hope she kicks him back. I hope they can see each other with eyes unclouded by trauma, and forgive each other for the choices they both made. I hope they forgive me for still being mad at them both for not being stronger. I hope I will forgive myself for a lifetime of resentment and blame. I sure got enough time for that.
Jason was funny, weird, secretly really smart but never made a point of it. He was stylish. He was a broken man who could have made better choices and didn't, who was happily fed poison until he couldn't live without it, who was basically his own whole ass Pink Floyd song. His violence sent me running into a better life. His death sent me trudging back into a damaged family with gaping holes like torn out teeth, into the arms of my sister, and we reconciled. There's just us two left now, and it's our job to make something beautiful come out of this jerry springer childhood we shared. We're doing our best.
Dozens of catheters still in the package. Leakproof bed padding in a plaid pattern. Gallons of creams, antacids, fiber supplements by the jar, pressure sore ointments, fungus treatment creams, lidocaine pads, antibiotics, antipsychotics, a hash pipe or two.
An entire apartment hoarded with moist towelettes, pressure garments, and cleaning supplies. An entire life choked with mental damages and crying relatives. I put on CeeLoo Green's "Robin Williams" and sobbed until my face felt burned. It helped.
All the usable/safe to give away medical equipment is being distributed to the other impoverished disabled people in his apartment complex, who will hopefully put it to good use. I got his old manual wheelchair because sometimes I can't walk. I'm terrified of becoming more like him, so back to phsycial therapy I go.
The rest?
The memories, the pity, the jug of methanol that I pray he never actually drank, the stain he left on his floor after a lifetime of compulsive tidiness, the shrine to the woman he killed who also killed him? All these things I will keep with me forever. I will honor him. He could have been so much more, for so much longer. He had a whole story I'll never know. He contained incredible kindness and generosity, and also a rage so deep it was fatal. He was only 41.
If you can spare a couple bucks for the gofundme my niece set up, it'd really help make the financial side of this horseshit a little more bearable while we do all the shit that comes with a death. Thank you for taking the time to read this post, for your sympathies, and for reading my fucked up family trauma dump. Rest assured there will be more.
Dear god, will there ever be more.
Send help. Send pizza. Send sad hip hop. Hail Atlantis. Hail Jai.
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lethby · 3 days
What's wrong with lesson 16 (everything)
A list by yours truly, who is about to collapse if she doesn't vent about it (TW: opinion lmao)
⍣ ೋ The time-travel shit
It creates so many problems and plot holes that could easily be avoided for no reason.
We leave everyone behind and it's never even addressed?? THEY'RE WAITING FOR US???
Barbatos, supposedly the one that cares about balance and timelines, just goes "well you're stuck here and I literally erased the other MC, good ending :D"
He told her "don't run into anyone" and she decides FIRST THING to head where all the noise is coming from, not trying to hide at all
⍣ ೋ No consequences whatsoever
It's awesome to know no one cared about MC dying
Sure, she's "alive" now, but everyone moved on so quickly??? Even Mammon, who was in the verge of a meltdown.
And it's all because we're Lilith's descendant how convenient
Even Belphie, our murderer who has hated humans for MILLENNIA, had a major switch up at this
Also, the brothers begin to completely disregard MC by treating her like Lilith
Look I understand, it's your dead sister and you miss her, BUT MC IS NOT HER. SHE IS HER OWN GODDAMN PERSON
But the worst part is... MC IS SO DAMN CHILL ABOUT IT
Even if she technically isn't the one who died, you'd expect some kind of uneasiness coming from her, SPECIALLY AROUND BELPHIE
Words can't express how much I hate it
⍣ ೋ Solution
I'm gonna make the devs a favor and fix their game
MC JUST REVIVES FOR WHATEVER REASON (Lilith's will, the last remnants of her powers, Barbatos' precautions...)
Now you don't have to worry about too many plot holes, focusing on just one timeline
Also this allows her to remember her death, making her trauma more intense and veridical
I know it sounds crazy but if they could pull off lesson 16, they can pull this off
Make the brothers indecisive
They got their little brother back, but at what cost?
Everything is fine now, right? But it's not. MC is not "fine"
Make them conflicted between taking MC's side and comforting her but also welcoming Belphie and make up
I can't stress enough how important this part is
Give her TIME to evolve, develop as a character, and understand her feelings
She wouldn't want to be around Belphie, at all
She might not even wanna be around the others, seeing as they treat her like nothing happened
Make her upset, confused, feel like she doesn't belong, ANYTHING
In fact, if you want to make her relationship with Belphie nourish, you can do that too by not just hey lol I killed you but I'm good now
Make her have nightmares
That's it
Make Belphie notice the dark circles under her eyes and the way she avoids him, then discover she has nightmares
The "now" Belphie could feel guilty
He might try to comfort her, only for her to shy away in response
Seeing as his apologies don't work this early into the trauma, he could enter her dreams and chase those nightmares away, every night, sacrificing his own sleep
THAT is a dynamic I want to see, personally
This could have been done with or without the time-travel, btw
In the time-travel, though, I was also missing some grieving from MC
Remember when I said to make the brothers conflicted? Make MC suffer more too
She wants to go back to her time, her universe, her family. They're waiting for her
But she also doesn't want to leave behind these demons, which have just found peace and happiness after a long time
Here's the catch, No matter what she chooses, she's forced to live her life regretting whatever decision she makes, since she can't make everyone happy and one side must suffer inevitably
An MC going through a heavy trauma and eventually (and slowly) overcoming it would just click with so many players
⍣ ೋ Conclusion
To me, the game didn't fully explore the feelings that going through that experience would bring for everyone, even if the idea itself was interesting. No, more like it didn't WANT to. Making MC go through all that would mean a lot of character development for a big amount of characters and little romance, which is what the game is about.
However, if you can't make that sacrifice, don't settle your game in a world rich in lore. And honestly, with all the explanations and back stories, I don't think obey me! is lacking on that. More so that, even if they were fully capable, they didn't want to go through all the trouble. Remember we're coming from an already fucked up scenario that took a lot of chapters.
Finally, this is just my opinion based on my experience. Of course, you don't have to agree with me in any way.
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I have to say, that was relaxing lmaoo
Anyways, since I really like this idea and I've seen several people do it, I'm gonna make my own fanfic exploring how I think lesson 16 would have turned out realistically, hope you stay tuned!
Lethby ༊*·˚
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scoonsalicious · 2 days
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7.4 Bucky*
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, Explicit Sexual Content Minors: GTFO; I don’t serve your kind here (hand stuff(f receiving))
Word Count: 1.3k
Previously On...: You got it on. In the woods.
A/N: Ugh, my beautiful long weekend is over. No more days off from work until Junteenth.
If you ever feel so inclined to support my work, hop on over to buy me a coffee; it's much appreciated! <3
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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“I’m gonna end up falling in love with you,” she had said to him, and Bucky could barely believe his ears. He made love to her again, under the stars, assuring her with every thrust, every kiss, every caress, that he felt the same. 
After he’d taken her apart once more, he’d grabbed his discarded shirt and dipped it into the stream. Wringing out the excess water, he brought the wet cloth back and used it to gently clean her folds. He’d made such a mess of her, but the sight of his seed oozing from her core was one of the most beautiful things he’d ever seen. It was all he could do to keep himself from bending down and using his fingers to push it all back inside of her, where it belonged, where he wanted it to always belong, from now on. 
But there would be time for that, later. 
For now, he helped her dress, and using the combined lights of the flashlights on their phones, they managed to collect the rest of the picnic gear and made their way out of the clearing, hand in hand, and back to the parking lot, Major leaning against his arm and occasionally letting out a contented sigh that filled Bucky’s heart.
When they reached their cars, Bucky was surprised to see Major had arrived in a pickup truck. “Not sure what kind of car I was expecting for you, sugar,” he said with a laugh, “but a pickup wasn’t it.”
With a smile, Major lovingly patted the truck’s hood. “Yeah, wasn’t my first choice, honestly, but when I  started my business, I needed something that could transport shit to The WarZone from our suppliers. It’s grown on me, though. Speaking of,” she added, her face falling a little, “I should probably head home; it’s already nine o’clock, and I have to work tomorrow.”
Bucky felt his heart sink. The last thing he wanted to do was say goodnight to her. “Spend the night at the Compound with me,” he offered again, bringing his hands to her waist. “It’s closer than your place, and I don’t want to say goodbye to you just yet.” He brushed a strand of hair away from her face and offered his most pleading puppy dog look. “I can bring you back to your truck in the morning.”
Major sighed in feigned reluctance. “I suppose I could be a little late tomorrow,” she admitted. “I think my boss will understand. I happen to know for a fact that she’s quite fond of your dick, so she might make an exception if I tell her I was out late riding it all night.”
Bucky laughed and pulled her to his chest. God, he loved the feeling of her as she wrapped her arms around him, the way she seemed to fit perfectly into the dips and curves of his body. 
“To hell with it,” he heard her mumble into his chest. “I’m gonna take the day off tomorrow.” 
Bucky pulled back and looked down at her, trying hard to stifle the grin that was threatening to spread across his face. “Are you sure, sugar?” he asked her. “I don’t want you putting your business in any kind of jeopardy because I’m trying to be a bad influence.”
Major shook her head and smiled at him. “Honestly, things over there run so smoothly now, I don’t need to be as involved as I am. I just like keeping an eye on things because, well, the business is my baby, you know?” Bucky nodded, he did understand; she’d devoted so much of her life to making it a success. “So, I can afford to take a day off here and there to spend time with you,” she said. 
Bucky grinned and pulled her in for a kiss. “Since you’re playing hooky and don’t need to worry about being home early,” he said, “how ‘bout we finally eat dinner? You’ve got to be starving.”
Major let out a low groan. “God, yes, please. Don’t get me wrong, I fully enjoyed our alternative activities, but damn, boy– you had me working up an appetite.”
“Gimme one minute,” Bucky said. He hauled the picnic basket into the back of Major’s truck and spread the blankets along the bed. He grasped Major by the hips and gently lifted her over the tailgate before hopping in, himself. He propped up some pillows against the back of the cab, and sat down against them, spreading his legs and motioning for Major to sit between them, with her back to his bare chest. He then rummaged through the basket and retrieved their forgotten sub sandwiches and lemonades. 
While they ate, Bucky pointed out constellations to Major, telling her the stories behind the figures in the night sky. He loved how much more could be seen out here than back in the city. He’d always loved space, and Major listened to him with rapt attention, asking thoughtful and poignant questions, letting him know that she was both paying close attention to everything he said, and that she admired his interest. 
“You’d make an excellent astronomer,” Major commented, after Bucky had pointed out the tiny dot that was Neptune, far off in the unfathomable distance.
“When I was a kid, that’s what I wanted to be when I grew up,” he confessed with a nostalgic smile. He’d never told anyone that before– not even Stevie. When you were a kid from Brooklyn, growing up during what would become known as The Great Depression, the idea of making a career out of looking at stars seemed so fanciful as to be almost insulting. Bucky had known there was no future in the cosmos for him, only a life of hard, manual labor, doing what he needed to do to put food on the table for his family.
Only, that never even came to fruition, either. One measly letter from Uncle Sam had ripped away all his dreams, and his reality.
“Well, it’s never too late for a career change,” Major said, her tone only half teasing. “I mean, you’re only in your early hundreds. You’ve got time.”
And now, here was Major, simultaneously both reality and dream, and when she said he could be an astronomer, she had Bucky believing it.
Once their food was finished, though, Bucky couldn’t resist sliding a hand down the waistband of Major’s jean shorts, seeking out the warmth and wetness of her folds.
“Bucky!” Major sucked in a breath as she arched her back into his chest. “Fuck!” He slid two of his flesh fingers inside of her, working them in and out at a leisurely pace with one hand, while his vibranium hand pointed out the stars of one of the smallest constellations, Delphinius.
“That’s the Dolphin,” Bucky told her as she grasped onto his forearm to support herself. “The stars aren’t very bright, but the myth is that Poseidon– doll, how can you pay attention if you keep squirming like that?” He knew she couldn’t see him, so he had no need to hide the mischievous smirk that covered his face.
“Bucky,” Major whined, and god, how Bucky loved the sound of it. He brought his lips to the crux of her neck and shoulder.
“I’m trying to teach you about the stars, doll, and your mind’s completely elsewhere,” he teased. He brought his vibranium arm down to join his flesh hand, and used it to work her clit, until Major was a crying, shaking mess in his arms.
“I’ve got you, sweet girl,” he assured her as she came down from her high. He made sure to hold her close to him, loving how her whole body shook with the aftershocks of her pleasure. Pleasure that he had coaxed from her. 
“You are a bad boy, Bucky Barnes,” Major said with a laugh once she’d found her voice again. “And you definitely do not play fair.”
“If you think I’m bad now,” he offered with a grin as he kissed the top of her head, “just wait until you see how bad I’m going to be when I get you back to the Compound.”
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 days
AU idea inspired from I Don't Belong Here (I Wish I Was Special) on ao3 and the atla bnha swap au here on Tumblr
So we got the Bad Timeline with the BadFam, which are a lot like in the fic, trauma and abuse goes unaddressed or horrifically handled
But to toss Human!Tim a bone, Kon and Bart do come back to life, so he at least the Core four of YJ is all together again
(when I type YJ assume I mean the core four but if you want I can also mean all of YJ)
Unfortunately Tim is ✨Traumatized✨ and unwilling to cut ties with the BadFam cuz their "stability" is one of the things keeping him sane
And then we have the Hybrid Timeline, with their BatFam, Bruce is a bat or bird hybrid, Alfred is a hybrid (dealers choice), Dick is a robin hybrid, all the other kids are their own bird hybrids
And all the Wayne (Alfred too if you choose) have wings
In this timeline being an animal hybrid is the norm! Which adds another layer of identity shenanigans for aliens like Kryptonians who already had it hard enough feigning humanity
And also this Batfam? They did the impossible. They are !!emotionally healthy!!
Oh shit happens, mental health spirals, Jason died and came back and it was whole emotional rollercoaster, except Batman didn't bataraang his kid, first thing he did after learning Jason was alive was kidnap his son again and trap him in the nest and broody chicken style until he snapped out of his instincts
And then he nabbed his bio son cuz Jason snitches on Talia or Talia wants what's best for her son and an assassin's cult is NOT it, so she sent the kid his way
Batman here isn't abusing his kids, Robin was never fired, it got passed down from Dick to Jay.
I could rave on and on how the Batfam here is happy and healthy as can be but I got an AU to present
So the BadFam is on a mission, magical artifacts are involved, Red Robin secures it but uh oh, once the mission is over he accidentally activated it in the Batcave and the next thing the BadFam know?
Red Robin's still there, except, uh number one the very pretty wings, and also he looks healthier, like his needs are being taken care of
When he breaks out the "alt-self dimension-swap code" they know what they're dealing with and establish their Tim is stuck in a Hybrid world due to an artifact and vice versa
But what really matters is how jarring it is for Hybrid!Tim to be with a world without hybrids as the norm; people with his family's faces so hostile to each other; hostile to him in his eyes; nobody to give his instincts and hybrid side their needs
Under the guise of professionalism and "I have a family to return to" and using the fact the BadFam knows only what he shares of his home dimension, Hy!Tim keeps as much of a barrier between him and the BadFam as he can
He's from a family that spoils one another's instincts and social needs. One that does do jack shit about their issues and communicates about them. A family that isn't cannibalizing itself
Suddenly being with what feels like a bastardized version is scary and he does not like it
On Human!Tim's end, he's suddenly with a family that doesn't hate him and is willingly to help him
They're welcoming and it's unnerving?? And he has a family to return to, a mission to be loyal to. Oh God, what's gonna happen to his other self?
Exactly 24 hours after the first swap, the Tims swap back again and they figure out that for a limited but long time, they're gonna swap places every 24 hours
So they gotta get some help or tech that will cancel out the magic and since they dunno when it stops, they don't want the magic to run it's course and bam, both Tim's are dimensionally misplaced
Thankfully whoever and whatever a Tim has on their person during a swap comes with them so they can trade progress with eachother
Anyways, what matters after the second swap since the artifact's activation is that Hy!Tim instantly snitches to his family on all the red flags the BadFam raised during his time with them
And also no hybrid instincts or amenities, it was not a Good time for him, family nesting time please? :(
So while Hu!Tim thinks he's got any chance of a Good Grade in having people pay as little attention to him as possible during this trial, he's got another thing coming with the third swap when suddenly the whole family is checking on his well being
Hu!Tim grew up neglected and abused and would very much like no eyes on him, amd for all the freedom possible. He is screeching in indignation
But hey, his own family also wants him to stay with em so maybe they can convince the Hybrid Fam otherwise!
And his back hurts more than ever, but he'll get that treated once the artifact's magic ends, no need to bring it up
To Word of God the subtext; the artifact swaps the two Tim's every 24 hours and is slowly making Tim a bird hybrid himself and eventually he's gonna burst wings in a Gorey way
But before the wings and maybe after comes talons, bird noises, and instincts, which he might take a while to clock in on and will make his time away from the hybrid timeline more and more miserable as his transformation progresses
Dealer's pick if he's the same species as Hy!Tim or not
So Hu!Tim hides as much as he can get away with from the Badfam to draw as little animosity from them as possible but does the same with the HybridFam to try and protect the BadFam's name from stains on their reputation (ignoring his own)
Hy!Tim is gathering all the evidence on the BadFam's sins and other people's to make a sufficient case against them and to convince Hu!Tim to be adopted by his family
Oh yeah, it'll be fun if the two Tim's had notebooks they placed near them before their swaps to talk with eachother
Hell maybe one or both of their notebooks gets stolen by like a rogue and that could be an episode or chekhov's gun and— idk where to go w/ it
On top of that, Hy!Tim finds every excuse he can to hangout with Young Justice instead of the BadFam because he trusts YJ more than them to the point he feels safe to tell them the whole truth and even go as far as to nest with them and let em preen his wings
Eventually he asks em "my family is gonna kidnap my new brother, can I do the same with you?"
Okay not exactly with those words but that's the vibes
Let's say they agree and he holds onto the Badfam timeline's YJ during the swap and now there's double trouble
But also the BadFam and rest of the hero scene is wondering where the FUCK the YJ went after it becomes obvious they're missing
Hu!Tim is confused why he woke up in a nest in Titans Tower and why he wants to lie down there forever but it also makes him unhappy in a way
Hy!Tim only figures out afterwards what kind of mess he's made, but no take backs! He and Young Justice are Twinning!!! He'll just cover his tracks once's the swap happens again
Honestly two dimensional versions of YJ—one where humanity is the default, and another where hybrids are—interacting would be fun to see
Hybrid Batfam is exasperated because Tim you can't keep adopting and kidnapping like you're Bruce!
Me thinks that while Hy!Tim hides as much as he can, Hu!Damian, knowing his animals, clocks in on all the signs that Hy!Tim is miserable with the Badfam, doing loads of bird stuff that indicates him feeling unsafe and in danger and whatnot
What does Human!Damian do with this knowledge I wonder . . .
Maybe on the other side, Hybrid!Damian catches onto Hu!Tim becoming a hybrid and snitches and now Hu!Tim's chances at not getting adopted are down the gutter for good
Does the BadFam ever pick up on the possibility they're gonna be double-crossed or do they learn when it's too late? both routes would be fun to explor
There's also the fact that Hu!Tim isn't the only victim of abuse, neglect, and etc. in this family, it's entirely possibly that the Hybrid!Batfam will look at Human Damian, Jason, Steph, and Cass, etc. and draw up adoption plans for them too
I'm not abusing the fact that anything and anyone a Tim has on or touching their person swaps with them enough
Like maybe Hy!Tim brings over Jason, Damian, Steph and Cass (maybe Duke if he's with the BadFam yet) and plants the idea of being with his family away forever, away from their Batman
And now there's a third party in this game, one that can turn on itself and fracture at any moment
A third party in this game who has limited time to choose between cutting ties with their very dimension for a family practically clones of their own and themselves
Or they can go against that option. They can go as far as to reveal the double-crossing planned against the Badfamily by the Hybrid family
Seeing the infighting and discussions between them would be fun
Timothy the human? Well he isn't gonna be human much longer now is he, nor does he have much of a choice in this matter
I'm not paying attention to Dick, or Barbara or Alfred, either of em, at all lol, so sorry about that
Maybe Hu!Tim becomes desperate and swaps his Bruce and Dick (maybe even Bats Hy!Tim swapped) with him to try and get all three of them to help convince the Hybrid Fam that he doesn't not need rescuing from the Badfam at all
It goes poorly and maybe that's what gets the BadFam to wonder if they're gonna be double crossed or set the suspicion in stone if it already exists
I can imagine Hu!Jason trying to justify Titans Towers and etc. with his excuses of Replacement and whatever, only for Hybrid!Jason to go "me too bitch, you're not special, you're just an asshole (traumatized, yes, but that doesn't excuse shit)"
Finally, I imagine that where the BadFam is abusive, the Hybrid Batfam is Dark with some of it being attributed to hybrid instincts, and the rest of it's just personality
Batman doesn't kill because Killing is Kind, it's a fix doing nothing to address the problem, the Killed in question
This Batman and by extension, his baby birds, will not have death be the end, you are going to live with you actions and decide what to do from there
When Jason died? Bruce Wayne gunned for Joker and ruined the criminal career. Tearing and gnawing at bones and flesh, enough that countless doors to his villainy were brought down the drain; it would be easier to become a contributing member to society
The Joker proved himself a threat to his fledgelings and it couldn't stand
Gotham's criminal scene learned better afterwards
Canary of the Coalmine, that Joker was
Maybe Hy!Tim swaps Hu!Joker so his family can fuck him up big time
Hy!Tim is just kidnapping everyone he can get his hands on for either adoption or to beat the absolute crap out of them.
Having so many duplicates in one universe could cause problems, but I think they could work it out. The shenanigans they get up to would be ridiculous and hilarious. I feel bad for Alfred if they don't kidnap Hu!Alfred as well. I do have another idea, though.
What if Hy!batfam kidnap YJ and the batfam (minus Bruce) for just an extended period of time? Like they spend a few months to years there depending on their needs? Then, after they teach they to communicate with each other, they release them back to their OG universe.
When they go back, they find that Hu!Bruce and Hu!Joker are gone. The Hy!Batfam kidnap both of them for a bit to beat the crap out of them. Hu!Joker is returned when he can no longer be a criminal.
Not sure about Hu!Batman.
Also, the Hy!Batfam often visit the Hu!Batfam and YJ. They do like a cross universe long-distance relationship. As far as Tim, though, since he's turning into a hybrid, maybe he permanently moves in with the Hy!Batfam due to his needs with his instincts. That, or somehow the Hu!Batfam figure out how to help them. Though, maybe Bart wouldn't stay in the OG universe if Tim moved. Kon has Ma and Pa Kent (maybe Jon and Clark depending on how that's going), and Cassie has her mom and others. Maybe they still go with Tim despite that. Dealer's choice, ig?
It's an interesting AU, and I'm glad you shared!
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Random Merlin Rewatch: Where a random number generator gives me a season and an episode from BBC Merlin; and then I comment on it as I go.
Today's episode: Season 2 Episode 11 - The Witch's Quickening
First off, before I start. It's got Mordred on the cover, so I'm assuming it's the episode where Merlin tries to kill little baby Mordred? And bby Mordred fucking shows off some of his magic in it as well. Don't remember much else but that, so.
Oh, it's that ugly ass blonde guy that's gonna manipulate Morgana or whatever it is. Ugh. I don't like him. Glad to see him on the floor, but I know it's all a ruse.
Why is every Camelot knight fucking useless, y'all cannot be serious right now.
Was he. Fucking floating or something??? That looked goofy as shit, brother. Loser.
It is a testament that Camelot must have a lot of different knights and guards, 'cause they don't recognize the guy but that's alright. I'm assuming they're so used to seeing each other with the helmets that they just. Forget each other's faces?? I don't know, maybe it's me, but I can recognize a face.
Oop, not Merlin snooping in on some random telepathy convo.
Before that, I wanted to comment. Absolutely bonkers that they're carrying Mordred (? maybe) inside a barrel. At least I'm assuming that's what they're doing.
That must've been so goofy to film, thank god colin just puts his whole pussy into everything he does.
A rare occasion of some guards being useful. Too bad magic's a thing, huh.
Does the druid speak give Merlin headaches?? Poor boy looks like is getting one. Also he looks so comfy.
NOT MORDRED INSIDE THE BARREL, MY GOD. That cannot have been comfy. Also him just. getting out like that. So creepy, I respect it.
Oh the two people just lifting him up like that, he's so smol!!
Why does the blonde guy has such a slutty shirt, wtf.
Why is Morgana sleeping with a big ass bracelet on, girl, take that off!!! You don't need it babe.
Morgana smiling :((((( My love.
Ohhh the way Arthur just get's so protective when Merlin tells him they're in Morgana's chambers. They love each other so much, I'm SICK.
Ugly ass man, no one asked for you to talk, BITCH. fucking Alvarr or whatever the fuck, he can suck my dick, his vibes are SO OFF.
Morgana is so empathetic, like, she GETS IT!!! Of course she has some degree of privilege by being Uther's ward, but she is so fucking afraid everyday of being found out!! I'm SICK.
Hate seeing Morgana get so manipulated, hate it hate it, I'm SICK OF IT, LET MY GIRL LIVE HER FUCKING LIFE
She's so gorgeous. But also I love Merlin's little head tilt at Morgana's excuse "Don't you think if there was someone in my room, I'd know about it?" because, frankly, no you wouldn't!! And merlin knows this, but she says it with so much confidence they just take it.
Damn, Arthur getting so sassy n aggressive 'cause he was so scared of finding a horrific scene in Morgana's chambers, and now he's got nothing but Merlin to let out steam to. Damn, damn, boys.
I don't Mordred understands that his role in this mission is nothing more than just ensuring they get the crystal via manipulating Morgana with his existence. Very sick game Alvarr is playing. But Mordred could also be in the know. Hmmm.... we'll see.
Merlin IS very smart, he understands people, but most of all he understands magic users and what they need to do to survive, even if it means sacrificing yourself for others to survive.
Ough, that braid and that green dress. Morgana is just stunning.
"I was looking for Arthur." immediately looks down, guilty as fuck. Morgana is a good liar, but that doesn't mean she likes it all the time. This is Merlin, someone she supposedly trusts. And she is committing a serious crime. Tense.
God, I do love the aesthetics of this show. Love it love it, the fire, the stone walls, everything. And they never played about the clothes.
Merlin can never sleep in peace, and Arthur can never eat in peace.
Well. I do have to say, I was wondering why Arthur's door wasn't locked if he's known to be away. Merlin babe that's kinda on you, you should've locked it :///
Love the difference between Merlin apologising to Arthur n him just walking away, and then Uther being very harsh to Arthur for the same reason. Something something if Arthur can, he'll bear the burden/blame of others since he already feels responsible for a whole kingdom even as a prince, so what's more of that weight on his shoulders right? Technically, the fault is Merlin's but if Arthur can help it, Uther will never know it. He cares so much for Merlin.
Arthur lying through his teeth for Merlin, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
This damn fucking dragon, fuckkkkkkkkkk
"Because you don't have a choice." OOP MERLIN ATE WITH THAT ONE.
God, the way Kilgarrah talks abt Morgana, I hate it!! UGH
Hm. The fact that Mordred possibly can use the crystal but Morgana can't (KIlgarrah's words). Interesting. So, from least to most poweful: Morgana<Mordred<Merlin.
Gwen just trying to spend as much time with Morgana because I bet they normally chat and stuff.
Oof, the mix of anger/fear/apprehension on Gwen's face with "My Lady." i bet it doesn't happen often when Gwen is reminded that Morgana is a lady and has the power to fucking execute her at will, she's that powerful. It must be so scary when she gets reminded of that. Of course, she knows Morgana would never; but what if?
The difference between Morgana's pristine tall white horse and Merlin's smaller black horse. Love that. Loveeeee it.
Oof. The fact that Morgana balks at Alvarr and his strategy of just. Killing anyone at Uther's side, even innocents. Like, she just cannot understand that, but!! She's at her most vulnerable at this time. Right now, she's not sure what's right or wrong. She doesn't know if what she thinks it's the right thing to do anymore, if it's what's needed for magic to be free, for her to be free of this fear and be herself. Is cruelty the answer? Is she being too merciful? I wonder if these are thoughts that she's having, knowing that what feels right is that she doesn't want to kill civilians, just bring Uther down. But what if her approach is wrong, and they fail, and it makes it all worse? What is there cannot be any "half measures"?
"I dont want to be alone anymore." THIS!!!! This is what leads to Morgana becoming what she becomes in season 3. Ultimately, she feels so alone. What other friends she has besides Gwen? Arthur? And now those two are poisoned because of her secret. She doesn't know if she can trust them fully anymore. She was already bitter, and full of hatred for Uther, and she was already capable of being ruthless and brave. But this? Being alone? This is what sets her off at her path. Even if she has allies, in the end she will always feel isolated, separated, alone. Even with Morgause. The second she gets into the mindset of "I have nothing of value to lose." She goes down Uther's path. The second she convinces herself that everyone either wants her dead or gone or whatever, she's on Uther's path. And Morgause doesn't count; she helps with this actually. Because Morgause is also very isolated and alone, but still puts herself in a certain distance with Morgana. Yes, they're sisters, they're High Priestesses. But they know their roles are much grander than themselves. Morgause even makes Morgana sacrifice her for their shared goal. The connection she has with Morgause only intensifies this idea that Morgana does not need others, she has a purpose outside of herself, and nothing else matters. This is what leads her down Uther's path. And once you start self-destructing, you realize how easy it is; and how much harder it becomes to put yourself back together again.
EWWWW THEY ALMOST KISSED!!! Another proof that Morgana is just so desperate for connection. First sign she sees of pure acceptance without fear she wants to dive right into that "safety". Ugh. Hate Alvarr and his manipulation.
Oop, cult leader esque vibes. Should've known.
Not Gaius straight up telling Merlin "Let's lie to the King." Bet Merlin teases him abt that.
Goddd, I love their sibling banter. Also love how Arthur just cannot seem to tell when someone's hiding something when they're someone he truly deeply loves n trusts. Hope that doesn't bite him in the ass or something.
Not Arthur just bullying the fuck out of Merlin. Too bad he's too busy listening to a telepathic convo.
THIS IS SO FUNNY, MERLIN JUST BEING LIKE "There's a footprint!!! (Oh fuck it's not enough, um-) LOOK!! MORE!!!"
"Yes they are" says Merlin prophetically and then somebody get shot with an arrow. Seriously, how did nobody get that Merlin was a sorcerer?? Did they just think he was. very weird???? Actually, that's exactly it.
Not Merlin aiding in the death of a child.
And just like that, another part of the prophecy solidified. Welp!!
Not Merlin seeing what Kilgarrah will do if he releases him and then that's exactly what he does.
OOP??? I FORGOT HOW HARD SHE WENT IN THIS SCENE HOLY SHIT???? This was, lowkey, Morgana sealing her fate. She was just so done with being passive and just taking the luxury of being Uther's ward. She saw what Alvarr and the druids and anyone with magic has had to do to survive and to end this reign of terror and she got so sick of just being on the side-lines. No wonder it was so easy for her to just betray them past this point. To her, she was already alienated from Uther and Camelot and everything it stands for. Alvarr being sentenced to death, not even telling the whole truth of her aiding him, radicalized her here. The title of this episode makes so much sense, this is Morgana getting more and more cold and ruthless towards Camelot whether before she just hated it and suffered under it. Go off queen.
OUGHHHH NOW THAT BROKE UTHER'S HEART, DAMN!!! She fully just. resigned from this family (I don't think she's fully processed that this means resigning from Arthur as well, she's just so focused on Uther).
"The future is as yet unshaped." This is why I believe destiny is not set in stone, but!! Once you do a set of actions, one path of the future solidifies and it is basically impossible to erode yourself out of it. But not truly impossible.
Morgana lying to Gwen, separating herself more n more from those she loves but that could hinder her new path. Oof...
Not Morgana bribing the guards with alcohol, jesus they're so stupid.
Oh, the way that Uther knows, and Morgana knows he knows, but Uther just cannot bear the thought of the truth, cannot say it out loud. OOOOOHHHH DELICIOUSSSSSSSSS
Damn what a good ass episode bro. This is really where we see Morgana become herself, I guess; or the hateful, ruthless version of her. It is both sad but so freeing to see. But I do think she only really wanted Uther to be gone, her hatred for Arthur and Merlin came later, through Morgause and her manipulation, but also their own actions.
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psycho hoe
all the chapters will have the same pics of her in the pool and him in the wife beater. they have nothing to do with the contents of the chapter itself im just a lazy bum
also layla not gon be here long so im not boutta find sb to be fer face claim
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chris x dealer!oc
warnings: toxic relationship (not with tasia), swearing, mentions of sex
chris hated cursing at women. he strongly believed in the difference between cursing with women in casual conversation and cursing at them in order to refrain from driving his fist into the wall.
"you're so stupid! you sit there and smile at the camera and roll your eyes in that way that all these BITCHES go crazy over and then you just sit there all day and do NOTHING while there are other women who want what i have!" his girlfriend of 4 months, layla, was droning on about his fans or whatever the fuck. "look at this!" she shoved her phone in his face. he leaned back and ran his hand over his freshly shaved jaw. "they're literally mocking me on the internet. they made a COMPILAT-"
"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" chris was at his breaking point. "first of fucking all, our fans are literally teenagers. 15 year old girls. i want them just as much as nick wants a girlfriend. second, i told you this would happen. maybe if you weren't such a fucking idiot and didn't FORCE me to tell them that we were together, you wouldn't have gotten your feelings hurt." he watched the tears well in her eyes and thought how he couldn't give less of a fuck.
he sighed and began to speak as non-chalantly as possible. "if you're gonna do the whole manipulative 'you hurt my feelings' shit you can go. you literally just called me stupid, after whining about how literal high schoolers are making fun of you. you're nineteen years old. grow up and get over it."
"fuck you chris." she sniffled and gathered her things, and marched (literally marched) to the front door.
with that chris got up and walked towards nicks room. nick always knew what to do in these situations. but when chris entered his brothers room, he heard a female giggle. it wasn't madi's or anyone else he'd recognize.
"hold on chris just walked in." nick set his phone face down and looked to his brother with a 'what's up' look on his face.
"who're you on the phone with?" chris questioned.
"tasia." nick answered with a shrug. "you remember her right? from the party last week?"
do i remember her? chris thought to himself. i fucking wish i could forget her.
"oh yeah." chris played his fascination off. "hey tasia!" he called out, then returned his attention to his brother. "i need to talk to you."
"oh shit." nick picked his phone up and told tasia he had to go and hung up. now all his attention was on chris. "shoot."
"so layla-"
nick interrupted chris with a groan "this bitch again?"
"shut up. anyway. layla was bitching about how the fans are picking on her and how they make edits of me or whatever and i was sitting there listening to it because i don't really care. the fans are gonna do what they want regardless of what we say."
"right." nick agreed.
"right. so i was just sitting there thinking about whatever when she shoved her phone in my face. and that's when i got pissed off."
"you should have bitch slapped her to mars." nick said.
"nick. come on bro." chris laughed and continued. "so i yelled at her told her that this was on her because i told her that this would happen. and how stupid it was to be jealous of kids. and she started crying like she always does. and i kind of felt bad but then i remember what you told me about manipulation and things like that so i told her to leave."
"i just wanna say that i've been told you that i hate her and that she's psycho." nick began his speech with an i told you so. "anyway. i would tell you drop her dumb ass but i know you're not gonna do that. so my official advice is to to call her in the morning and just talk to her. tell her that the fans are gonna do and say whatever comes to their heads and to not listen to them because they have nothing to do with how you feel about her."
chris thought the situation over and decided that nicks advice was probably the safest option.
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chris lay in matts bed, who was sound asleep beside him. he stared at his girlfriends contact. he hated this shit. but it was what it was and he had to do what he had to do.
he tapped the call button and place the phone to his ear.
"hello?" chris couldn't resist the urge to roll his eyes at the sound of his girlfriends voice. it was ridden in fake heartbreak and phony sorrow.
"hey." was all he could muster up in response. 
"chris, baby. are you still mad?"  
"baby?" chris mouthed and shook his head. he physically could not do this so early in the morning. "no lay, im not mad."
"good. can i come over? i wanna talk this out with you. i hate it when we fight." 
"then maybe shut the fuck up sometimes." is what chris wanted to say. instead he said. "yeah i wanna talk too. but come later tonight at like 6. nick wants me and matt to go with him to run some errands"
"of course baby. i love you."
"i know."
"byeeee" chris ended the call before he could here the smooching sound she always made when they got off the phone. 
now you're probably thinking, "why does young christopher stay with this woman when he so obviously is annoyed by her existence?" and the answer to that is, he didn't want to deal with the drama he knew she would start on the internet. 
had layla not made him hard launch their relationship after a month of being official, he'd have no issue cutting ties with her. but she put the pussy on him and before the post-nut clarity kicked in, she asked and he agreed like a dummy. 
you're also probably thinking, "why did he get with her in the first place?" and the answer to that is layla is a great actress. oscar worthy honestly. she seemed like a semi-normal person. she made him laugh, she was a good fuck, and she kept him from sleeping until 2 pm. and that was enough for him. he didn't love her or anything but he used to like her. 
now the sound of her name brought dread into his heart. but chris was nothing if not self-preservative. so hes gonna ride this shit out until he has no choice but to end it. 
chris was drawn out of his thoughts by his second oldest brother bursting through the cracked door. "matt, chris get the fuck out of bed. i have to go to target, then return shit to tasia, and then i gotta take pictures for fucking instagram. and we need more pictures for this weeks photo dump because so far all we have is two and theyre both of chris so..."
"are you done?" chris asked. "all you had to say was you were ready to go."
"fuck off. come on its already 10." nick responded by picking up mr. wrinkleton and chucking him at matts head. "matt, get up!"
"HEY! don't do that shit again." matt shouted at his brother, who was already on his way out the door.
niyah speaks💗 okay this is the second chapter im posting tonight. imma do one more because i just want yall to get the vibe of the series then imma post like every few days. i really dont know but ik i had these chapters ready for today so yall gonna get them today.
remember that if no one loves you, mommy loves you (and by mommy i mean me)
taglist: @liafilmed
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ming-sik · 3 days
solemnly going back to the start of the rewrite im gonna post whenever i finish it and deleting the paragraph where i was like "so this is just gonna be a vague summary :) i might add more details later but this is just to get the AU solid in my head :)" because that is a lie. im doing summaries at the chapter level and therefore have only gotten to p3v5 in 19,000 words. im incapable of not doing this btw but to give you a taste of what im actually cooking i will do, my utmost, to summarize things in less than a thousand words:
rozemyne is born with laynoble mana that she only manages to compress to mednoble mana before her baptism, at which point she has devouring clumps, which work the same way as CAD and will also clump up if she consumes too much mana-rich stuff or channels too much mana into her body, so she's primarily reliant on magic tools and then her schtappe to get anything done. there is no cure for mana clumps, so using magic without one will always be life threatening, as mana toxicity cannot be treated with mana-rich potions or mana-infused spells. if the mana clumps add up too much, she will have a heart attack.
i'm calling this medscholar AU atp because its what's diverged almost everything substantially
hard difficulty spike on everything by taking away myne's infinite money mana and healing
hard spike on worldbuilding so you can look forward to shit like this and i have 5 dictionaries open right now
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most of part 1 is about developing an alphabet and deciding how myne is going to be trapped in either the temple or a noble contract after her baptism
part 2 she loses contact with everyone in the lower city because she enters as a grey priest. she becomes ferdinand's attendant and after learning the biblical language he allows her to become his pupil and eventually join noble society. meanwhile gilberta company develops paper based on a huge bundle of drawings and instructions myne left behind. bindewald happens then sylvester makes giebe illgner adopt her and makes a contract saying he'll take her on as a medscholar when she comes of age and can be put in charge of the printing industry.
part 3 elvira put in charge of the industry and the gang prints three whole books but in the process establishes good relations with liesegang after rozemyne invents chocolate and hartmut is introduced as is charlotte. wilfried is sent to the temple. georgine starts her scheming and plotting after someone sneaks through that veronica was imprisoned.
rozemyne enters the RA as hartmut's apprentice scholar, proving herself a star student and learning about the gods during which she starts to make contact with the gods, hartmut is taken on as charlotte's attendant on sylvester's orders. charlotte and sylvester's conflict starts to kick into high gear until charlotte snaps and contacts georgine who starts doing her thing. wilfried and gil start agitating for the rights of priests/shrine maidens. rozemyne becomes increasingly aware of the situation the royal family is in and wonders if a revolution is on the horizon. sylvester demands to know the details, hears about a world without feudalism, and after a very messy arc he decides to look into that, as well as start to try and rescue his daughter from georgine's faction. also rozemyne's like going to school and stuff, taking the scholar course, meeting the characters, participating in shenanigans. all goes wrong when hartmut is forced into a marriage with detlinde and rozemyne's shipped off to ahrensbach with him.
or does it? hartmut makes contact with lanzenave and discovers that they overthrew their colonial royal family and now have rebuilt enough that they could potentially afford another war. they're playing with fire, but they have no idea when an opportunity like a zent without a grutrissheit directly after a civil war that means population and mana are at an all-time low might come again. despite georgine's schemes and plots, after she's finally thwarted and sylvester is forced to kill her, with the combined might of the gods and idk put interesting tactics here they eventually pull it off in a climactic battle where they fight both dunkelfelger and the sovereign knight's order. then they abolish the monarchy and institute a democratic centralist party and sylvester turns directly to the screen to criticize feudalism as a system just to be safe
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grigori77 · 2 days
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 96
Ah, I see, so THIS is why Liam looks like a cute beatnik from a 50s jazz club ... oh boy ... he's brought back the German accent BIG TIME and it's giving me massive Caleb vibes ... meanwhile Tal's clearly having EVEN MORE fun with this ... oh my gods ... wow ... that's a DOOZY, definitely ...
Marisha (cracking up): "It sounded like there was more!" Travis: "I know!"
So ... yeah ... it was all SO HEAVY when we ended it last week ... the group is WELL on the way to imploding under the weight of what just happened in the night ... can they come back from this? This is SO WORRYING ...
Oh boy ... RIGHT BACK where we were at the end ... wow ... so it's just the two of them again ... O.O
Fuck ... now even LAUDNA can feel Delilah's starting to take over ... that's not good at all ...
This is starting to sound SO MUCH like Laudna knows she's not going to be around when this is all done ... oh man ... AND she's starting to think maybe that's A GOOD THING? Fuck ... no, really, NO ...
Imogen's trying SO HARD to keep this all together for BOTH OF THEM but I can feel her breaking too ...
Come on, Imogen, that's it, bring her back from the brink ... LISTEN TO HER, Laudna. She's the best thing in your life, and she feels the same way about you, luv. You need to buck up ...
Imogen: "I'm gonna miss our little cottage." Oh fuck ...
Ah shit ... the tissues ... yeah, that's how it is with ALL OF US right now ...
Crap ... that's right, Dorian's missed A WHOLE LOT, he doesn't KNOW about Delilah, not really ... oh, and also about IMODNA ... XD ... AND Chetney's threesome with Fearne and his ex ...
Oh yeah ... Bordor ... that was a whole bunch of wrong ... that took a whole lot out of ALL OF 'em ...
Ashton being all philosphical again abdout villains trying NOT TO BE ... yeah ... he's pretty spot on ...
Dorian: "CAN she be trusted?" Oof ...
Ashton: "You okay?" Imogen: "No." Ahston: "SHE okay?" Imogen: "No." Ahston: "Okay."
Laudna's just been having a good powerful MOPE while all of this has been going on ... yeah, of course she has ... oh FUCK OFF, Delilah. You're not welcome right now ... oh yeah, Fearne, great timing, snap her out of it!
Orym: "Are you all right? I didn't hurt you too terribly did I?" Laudna: "Oh, I think I can see a few ribs ..."
Yes ... please, come on you too, make up. You're FRIENDS, you mean so much to each other. MAKE UP. Yeah. That's it. Exactly that.
Yeah, exactly. Fuck Delilah, we just want our LAUDNA.
This is exactly it, yeah ... she's not alone, they're ALL carrying their own big mistake baggage, she's not alone in that ...
Awwwww ... Ashton's BIG SISTER Laudna ... I love it ... :3
Wow ... yeah, it may be a joke, but Chetney DOES have a point there ... Dorian's the one true innocent in the group now ... you poor sweet summer chaild ...
Nice move, Chet. Yeah, that works.
Oh, that's interesting ... yeah ... that pipe ... yeah ... that could be REALLY GOOD for Laudna right now ... go on, girl, take a puff ...don't be afraid, this can only HELP ...
And then Dorian comes in with the sweetest cap for all that ... awwww ... :3
AAAAAAND just like that Chetney's OUT. XD ... of course he is.
Spin the bottle? REALLY?!!! LOL ...
Wow ... not they're just getting ridiculous ... XD ... "Hammer time?" Yeah, that's the worst one yet ... "Chetney needs sleep"? Slightly better, maybe ...
More rest, at least ... which is needed ...
Liam'#s giving Orym a point of exhaustion for NECESSITIES ... of course he is ... wee selfless lad ... we love him but he does punish himself sometimes ...
THAT'S what the Gambler's Blade does? DORIAN!!! O.O
Essek is a bit ... MOODY this morning ... hmmmm ...
"I like pulp!" XD
Ah, so everything's ready for them ,then? Sweet ... cue gearing up montage ... LOL ... oh, and descriptions too ...
Hot Shots: Part Deux for Chetney ... XD
Oh shit ... that's right ... they're back from the Moon ... IS Orym a little different? And our boy's a bit toussled now ... yeah, that's CUTE, I'm sure ...
Imogen's wearing PANTS now? Okay ...
Dorian's wearing "THE SLUTTIEST SHIRT"! Cute ...
Nipple talk ... oh dear ... XD
Oh wow ... Laudna's kind of giving me some subtle Harrow the Ninth vibes right now ...with a touch of DELILAH too, which is ... worrying, just a little ... O.O
Ashley's alwasy SO GOOD at weaving a beautiful picture, she really is ... and a utility belt. Yeah ... :3
Ashton's rocking a CROPTOP right now? Awwwwww ... and a spike trade with Fearne, too ... cute ... ooooooh ... and "Smiley Day" ... oh man ... I love it ...
Matt makes a rather pointed "prepare your spells" statement that everybody IMMEDIATELY takes as SUSPICIOUS and I'm right along with them. What are you planning, Mercer?
Yeah ... that fucking bloody apron's just gonna leave a trail behind them THE WHOLE WAY ...
Divvying up stuff ... here we go, ten minutes of inventory bookkeeping while we wait for the game itself to start up again ... XD
Ah ... sucking up one Ring of Protection with the harness ... hmmm ...
Imogen's jealous of Essek's floating thing ... not surprising ...
Ooooh ... ExU: Calamity recap ... cute ...
A FEW tries? Oh, I don't like the sound of that ...
Wow ... they're all REALLY crossing their fingers ... XD
Rolling a D100? Oh fuck ... 14? Hmmmmm ... ouch ... oh, that didn't go well ... they went NOWHERE and took 11 points of Force damage each ... bugger ...
Second try ... ANOTHER roll ... 45? Okay ... SEEMS like the right place ... an abandoned encampment? Interesting ... oh, sounds like it's NOT where they should be, then ...
Lyrengorm? Where?
He can only do it ONCE MORE for the day? Bollocks ...
A final roll ... 61 ... MORE snow ... much colder ... Orym's ENTIRELY BURIED ... a particularly AGGRESSIVE mountain range this time ... some kind of VERY fancy castle ... oh, so we ARE in Eisselcross ... but we're not sure WHERE ... oof ...
Crap ... they've been spotted ... by SOMEBODY ... big lumbering somebodies ...
Undead ice giants? Yeesh ... yeah, better hide ... argh ...
Matt: "There's a reason you took a BOAT to Esselcross last time!"
And now it's time for a break ...
Do they run? Do they fly? WHAT DO THEY DO?!!! Hiding's obviously out of the question ... eep ...
A DISTANT Command on one of them? Risky, Imogen ... "HALT!!!" Oh, it doesn't work on undead? BALLS ...
And now one of them flung a rock ... BAIT & SWITCH!!! Nice save, Orym! Crunch ... STILL 26 points of damage ... ow ...
There's a whole BUNCH of 'em coming now ... AAAAAAAH!!!
Essek's trying a HIGHER level Teleport ... okay ... one more roll ... 48? Oh bollocks, Laura! This is so bad ...
DO NOT give Mercer ideas, Ashley! O.O
More snow ... elsewhere ... hmmmm ... Essek has no idea where they are ... great ...
Yes. Sniff the wind, Chetney ... the air is THINNER ... oh, they're AT ALTITUDE right now ... cute ... on a mountain, then ... that's just PEACHY ...
Oh, if they had something FROM Aeor? I mean THEY COULD just use a piece of FCG ...
Looking into Essek's memories, then ... O.O ... and a glimpse of Aeor ... it's all VERY dramatic ...
Aha, a specific anchoring point ... good idea ...
Laura: "Guidance? Will that help?" Matt: "No, but it's nice to have." XD
So, the Staff ... oh boy ... this could go SO BAD .... she rolls 99 for it ... well, that's ... potentially good?
A frozen woodland glade ... Huh?
Don't shoot the rabbits with your harp, Chetney. They'll only explode and that's not what ANYONE wants ...
An amber coloured dome of energy over them? Oh, yeah, that definitely rings a bell ... XD
At least it's nice and warm in here ... although they are in danger of getting buried under the snow before morning ...
Essek's just IMMEDIATELY going to sleep, then ...
Fearne, you're adorable ... :3
Chetney's going hunting. WITH THE HARP. Oh boy ...
And he shoots a boar? Oh, okay, I suppose that's too big to just blow up ... food!
There's a huge city out there? Hmmmm ... no chance that's Vasselheim, maybe?
Time for food, then ...
Another try at Teleporting, then ... roll AGAIN ... 53? Fuck ...
They land ON THE SLOPE of a mountain ... AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Another jump ... another roll ... 46? No, NINETY-six ... somewhere icy and cold ... oh, that's it, then. They made it ... phew ...
Yup, they're here. On the VERY EDGE of the ruins, then ...
Time for Stealth, then ... group check time ... oh boy ... fucking hell, Travis ... 41?!!! How the FUCK did you do THAT?!!!
Shit ... are those more of theose undead ice giants? Oh no ... gods, bo what to know WHAT these things are ... eep ... O.O
Going down into the gloomy underground darkness ...
ICE TROLLS?!!! Lovely ... yeah, just GO QUIETLY, please ...
It's getting STUPID tight in here ... this is NOT GOOD ... Chetney's going ahead to check the route ...
Oh, that's a DROP. Great ... now what?
So they have to climb down with the rope ... great ... oh, Chet wonders if he could ICE-CLIMB down? I really don't know about that ... oh, the Immovable Rod, that shoudl be helpful ...
Yeah, this couldn't possibly go wrong ... O.O
A ruined courtyard? Fascinating ... smelling for anything alive down here ... a clean must? Strange ...
So he's climbing down, then ... okay ... the others getting down will be ... INTERESTING ...
Oh yeah, some light might be helpful now ...
Bones? Frozen into the ice underfoot? Hmmm ... that could be ... problematic ... and some bodies too ... oh lovely ... there's SOMETHING unpleasant down here, clearly ...
Wait ... WHO is this? Oh ... FUCK ... shit! Oh, that is SWEET!!! Nice callback ... O.O
So, going EAST then ...
The Praesidis Ward? Hmmm ...
A giant cavern that was once a city ... weird ...
It's getting WARMER? Hmmm ...
Fearne has a point ... this DOES look like that weird ruined city in the cavern on Ruidus ...
Wait ... there's SCARY things down here to be on the lookout for? Way to bury the lead there, Essek ...
Yeah, DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING, people ...
He became a FISH. Really? Fascinating ...
Another Group Stealth check ... generally good rolls once more ...
Skeletons? Lots of them? Great ... this place is like a necromancer's wet dream ... I really hope this isn't where Mercer's heading with this ...
Grim Psychometry? IN HERE?!!! Whoa, Chet ...
That is ... troubling and not terribly infomrative, really ...
Crap ... was that a troll?
Moving on, then ...
Weird creepy corpse ... which wasn't there LAST TIME Essek passed through ... charming ... it IS moving, but, like, RIDICULOUSLY slow? Oh, that's unnerving ...
Imogen, AGAIN, don't touch ...
Oh, this seems like a nice, fancy place ... but Essek's not taking any chances with it, clearly ... and somebody's been through here, too ... hmmm ...
HE did this? Interesting ... well, at least he hasn't lost his sense of humour ...
Another cavern ... more industrial environs this time ... fascinating ... and it's curving UPWARDS as it goes ...
The Genesis Ward ...
It just smells of metal and water ... okay ...
So we have a specific destination now, then ...
What, try to home in on Ludinus' Harness? Could that work?
Oh, so there really ARE other things moving around in here besides the group ... that's disconcerting ...
A tent? Really? Well THAT is a pretty major sign of life ... I think they may have found what they're looking for ...
Arcane Eye? Cool ...
Oh, so something happened here ... something VIOLENT, according to the blood ... and CORPSES ... Ruby Vanguard? Oh wow ... THAT'S interesting ... this was ... relatively recent, looks like ...
More of an eagele's eye view of the cavern now ... a big jagged hole in the floor, off in the distance ... great ...
Heading in to take a look at the tent, then ...
So the deaths happened within a space of DAYS, then ... it looks like they all killed EACH OTHER?!!! O.O ... whoever did this was ENJOYING themselves? Charming ... and one of them killed HIMSELF ... and apparently was very HAPPY when he did it ... that's just LOVELY ...
It's a pretty nondescript knife, Imogen ...
Grim Psychometry again, then ... oh boy ...
Oh, so the elf was the one who killed them all ... really violently, with SIGNIFICANT manic strength ... carves soemthing into his chest ... and then kills himself too ... wow ...
Chetney DRAMATICALLY unveils the elf's chest ... a sigil ... what is it, then? Ask Essek ... he doesn;t recognise it ... Laudna casts Eyes of the Rune Keeper ... no joy, it seems ... hmmmmm ...
Oh ... Laudna asks DELILAH if she recognises it ... great ... she doesn't either ... great ...
Don't take a pee on the arcane time dome, Orym ...
Something's grinding out there ... stone on stone ...
A group stelth check, but grading everyone individually as they hide? Oh boy ...
Two groups, then ... roill well, guys ...
It's VERY TALL ... oh boy ... that is DISTURBING ... that's like ... it's a hood, but it DOESN'T actually have a head? Ye gods ... and it has a VERY BIG HAMMER it's gragging behind it ... and there's LOTS of teeth in a maw in its belly ... well THAT noise was just unsettling, Matthew ...
Fuck ... a whole bunch of creepy translucent scorpion-like creatures seem to crawl OUT OF IT ... charming ... and they're searching the area ...
Laudna just gave herself away ... and they're all going RIGHT FOR HER now ... oh fuck ...
And THIS is where Matt chooses to end it ... but not before he gives us a look at the Battlemap for next session ... and it's MASSIVE ...
Oh, this is gonna be a SCARY encounter to start things off next time ... But it's the end of the month, so that's gonna be a FORTNIGHT'S wait ...
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me expecting any actual substantial Nezha content while looking forward to LMK S5:
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starry-bi-sky · 4 months
How i envisioned Danny's ghost form/Phantom in my Danyal Al Ghul au (images at bottom of post). His ghost form has some pr heavy influence from the League, because I thought it'd be neat + to kinda show how even after four years, the League still had some kind of impact on who is he as a person. Plus some milder Robin influence in his boots and the cape (which i meant to be split down the middle to have some kind of 'bird wing' silhouette) as a way to indicate his lingering desire to meet his dad.
The pauldron lookin-thing on his upper chest is based off certain Danny Phantom designs I see that give him that white,,, marking,,, thing. I've been calling it the Jedi Chestplate because it reminds me of the clone wars Jedi armor. So like, slight homage to his hazmat suit.
(not pictured: his thermos and his sword)
behold! the judgmental lil shit (affectionate) himself
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astaraels · 1 month
why do people think Yevgeny wasn't Mickey's son? in 3x06 there was clearly no condom used (not that Terry probably would have let Svetlana stop to get one), but there's no reason to think she wasn't using condoms with her regular clients. it's not Svetlana's fault that she was a tool used to rape Mickey—the sole blame for everything that happens in that entire situation belongs to Terry Milkovich and him alone—so why does it feel like it's just another way for people to shit on Svetlana for something that wasn't in her control? it's not as though she'd asked to get pregnant in the first place...
#stop giving svetlana shit just because terry was one of her clients—between him and sasha do you really think she had a chance to say no?#her attitude towards mickey is s4 is very easy to understand when you think about the fact that a) she's his age or maybe a year older#b) she is a person who knows she has to take what life gives her and make the best of bad situations#c) her entire future rests (so she thinks) on her and mickey making their marriage work and he was absorbed in ian (which the audience gets#but svet has no context for) and thus her feeling threatened is very understandable because mickey also won't stand up to his father#so yeah of course svet is gonna see terry as the one person who will put things the way they're supposed to be#but! it's after mickey comes out and he and ian fight everyone in the bar that she realizes mickey could be an ally to her#and she extends a hand in friendship because they're both stuck in this situation and yeah of course she wants him to stop being stupid#about yev—as she puts it “baby did not choose this either” which leads me to think she understands mickey's situation a little better now#but yev looks so much like mickey and has those big blue eyes of his (also evidence for baby mickey being blond)#I get that the whole child from rape thing isn't fun for mickey to have to deal with but women have to go through it all the time—like Svet#okay rant over I'm sorry I'm just...it puts a bad taste in my mouth whenever I see it in fic or meta that yev can't *possibly* be mickey's#mickey milkovich#svetlana yevgenivna#yevgeny milkovich#shameless
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bisaster-energy · 4 months
im not even done my current kuwameshi fic and im already getting ideas about new ones...
#kuwameshi#give me a sec i'll reblog later with the actual idea but like#WHAT IF UM KUWAMESHI BUT UM. PRINCESS BRIDE AU...#i also have another song fic idea but it's way sillier than the one i have on ao3#based off you me and steve by garfunkel and oates#i got the idea cos i just remembered when yusuke got back from training with genkai the 1st time and instead of a 1 on 1 date with keiko#kuwabara is also? there? and it's just so funny to me like what. and then they're supposed to all 3 go to the movies together?#AND WHEN THEY GET THERE THE 2 BOYS DITCH KEIKO?? for a mission yeah but she doesn't know that!!#and then yusuke and keiko actually go on a date alone and it gets interrupted cos of younger toguro#and shortly after kuwabara shows up so it looks like he was bound to come across them??#as far as a i remember the next time yu and keiko get together alone is the day he tells her to just wait and she's like im literally#not gonna wait for you <3 and it was so funny she just walked off lmaoo#anyway im trying to say i wanna make a silly little fic addressing the fact that keiko is like. pursuing her crush on yusuke#but kuwabara is kinda just. always there and it's fun she does like him but it's just awkward#planning on having her ask kuwa to maybe give her and yusuke some time alone like maybe just avoid their next outing#and kuwa is like oh damn :( ok good luck and yusuke shows up to the date and he's like woah wait. where tf is kuwabara?#keiko is like bruh. and she makes up some shit about him mentioning that he felt sick or wtv and yusuke is like ''then y are we here?#i should check on him. i dont think that guy has even been put outta commission by anything but my fist!'' and keiko just follows him#cos what else can she do. and kuwa is fine ofc and yusuke is like bro what gives i thought you were sick and kuwa is dense sometimes but he#catches on from keiko's desperate look and he's like well i got better *flexes his arm* and yu is like i knew you were too dumb to catch#a cold. and he's stupid happy that kuwa is fine and can come with them after all ''hey he's fine ya hear that keiko''#and then keiko is watching this whole exchange eyes blown wide open and she's like actually i just remembered i have plans#you two should totally go without me tho and yu agrees so easily that it just solidifies that she made the right call#kuwa is looking back at her all confused and she gives HIM the good luck thumbs up. he gets as red as his hair and#yusuke is worried he really is coming down with something
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mwagneto · 8 months
the only thing i hate more than ppl who lie is ppl who lie in a way that forces you to go along with it like ohhhmy fucking god do whatever the fuck you want if it's only yourself you're embarrassing but why would you bring ME into this. lord
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frecklystars · 9 months
I miss Starscream. I miss when TF wasn't a goddamn trigger
#looking at RID references for someone's commission#and crying my eyes out :') i want my starlight back#i want my fucking joy back#fuck my abuser how can you give someone ptsd and feel absolutely no remorse#how do you abuse someone relentlessly when you know they're at their worst and not give a shit#how do ppl like that exist. i can only hope karma hits u like a bus ❤#3 years!!! of loving stsc!!! and i FLINCH at him??? i CRY when i see him?? he used to feel so safe and loving#i never felt safer with anyone else!!! and now it's like that safe feeling is so foreign. i just want to get better so bad#im so fucking empty without my special interest i dont know how to function day to day#looking at my loved ones and genuinely wholeheartedly believing they'd betray me and hurt me for my abuser#is the fucking worst feeling in the world and i wish i could go back in time and stop myself from meeting my abuser#i wish i listened to my gut i had such a bad gut feeling abt her CONSTANTLY#and yet i stayed bc she kept insisting she was gonna off herself if i didnt cater to her every emotion#over and over and over and over#i wish i could go back in time and change everything#its so hard!!!! you dont know!!! you dont know how hard this feels im struggling every day!!!!#TF was all i had and now it's gone and self shipping is supposed to be my escape#i just want my life back#i dont care what bad things happen to me if i just had stsc i know i'd get thru it but i cant anymore#everything hurts so bad all the time and im so scared im never gonna feel okay again#vent#delete later
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