#they r Golden ur honor
acornered · 9 days
if u had to pick, what r ur top five favorite bugs ? 🐛
hi my love ^^ it's really hard to pick because I love so many >.< also I feel like we should count arachnids as well since "bug" is more of a colloquial, vibes-based classification that has expanded far beyond the Hemiptera order. That being said-
1. Vietnamese Lanternfly (pyrops candelaria) no not the invasive ones, though I have a tender place in my heart for them as well, this one is a beautiful snooty boi
2. Brood X Cicada (magicicada septendecula) for their beautiful eyes, their built in symbolism, and their personal significance to me
3. Rosy Maple Moth (dryocampa rubicunda) if I had to dress like one bug for the rest of my life it would be her
4. Golden Orbweaver (trichonephila clavipes) "Nephilia" means "fond of spinning", and if you've ever seen the webs these skinny legends make you'll know why
5. Wool Carder Bee (anthidium manicatum) I love all mason bees but there is something particularly charming about a bee collecting the fluff off of plants for a cozy nest
This was very difficult and I definitely left out some stars!! I'm gonna post before I give in to the urge to add a whole bunch of honorable mentions :3 questions for a bug boy
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kidflashimpulse · 2 years
to add even further to Ed's sun motif: the flag of Argentina has a sun on it. that + the abstract sun logo he's always worn (first on his civvies in s2 than on his superhero costume in s3 onward) + his last name literally meaning "golden" and it's like. honestly "sunshine" is the perfect nickname for Bart to give him like his sun theme is absolutely everywhere
Your honor, my client has waged an absolute perfect argument, we rest our case!
look at this point its canon im sorry theres no alternative its literally canon there r just too many factors at play here its been hand written in the stars, Eduardo accept ur sunshine fate, it is what it is golden boy
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soobnny · 1 year
tagged by bff @amakumos !!!! <3
put your playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs that come on !!
1. right side of my neck - faye webster (no i did not find this song becos of a minsung edit on tiktok 😊)
2. liar - LÉON (this is such a beautiful song it’s so SAD n my sister recommended it 2 me)
3. tamed-dashed - enhypen (i cant even explain what a fun time it was for me during this Era like i remember going on google meets with my friends to watch the teasers together)
4. morning after - dvsn (i also got this from my sister .. it’s very Catchy)
5. i should have kissed you - one direction (classic one direction i’m surprised this whole list isn’t just filled with one direction songs BTW THIS IS AN UNDERRATED SONG)
6. only love - thirdstory (every song by thirdstory is golden i’m actually obsessed like they’re so GOOD!!!)
7. under the same sun - ben howard (i listened to a lot of ben howard n similar sounds of music when i was eighteen .. very Healing n calm)
8. honeybody - kishi bashi (I LOVE THIS SONG STOP STOP STOP it’s so adorable n it reminds me of happier times n it feels like happy love)
9. one more weekend - maude latour (such a good song .. honorable mentions r block ur number and furniture !!!!!!! feels like it could b part of the soundtrack of my life)
10. phoenix - burnout syndromes (HELP ME ?!? haikyuu song 😂😂🤣 reminds me of 2020 when my addiction was Strong .. hq is special 2 me cos it got me into anime)
tagging: @homelycat @bbujiikseu @angelwonie @hyunverse @haerinz @haknom n honestly just anyone who wants to do it !!!!! dont feel Pressured if u dont want to :) <3
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mlem2460 · 1 year
marvel au: good cop thor n bad cop loki
everythin basically same set up, but all opinions on loki n thor dynamic? public speculation. jealous loki, prideful thor, n sibling rivalry turned tragedy? rumors started by asgardian equivalent of gossip columns. people talk bout em like they the kardashians. sif n the warriors three major attitudes? palace servants takin lil things way outta proportion.
thor uses his naturally sunshine puppy look n personality to gauge peoples intentions, surprisingly good for intel gathering. no major change, hes still a jock, just one with a golden heart n sum tricks picked up fr his mastermind lil bro. strong leader, relies on each friends specialty n makes final calls. believes in fairness n honor.
lokis the group strategist; first to suggest takin advantage of public opinion to their favor. he respects older bro cause thor values his insight. hybrid wine aunt n mom friend. will fret if u arent eating well, will also laugh n help u avoid consequences for starting an international incident while everything burns around em. self sacrificing, gets on frens nerves.
sif cast as hypocritical misogynist that hates loki as her opposite, when really they r thick as thieves n casually overturn the patriarchy after brunch. self care w loki after beating sexist pig appointment at twelve. regular appointments to salon loki to touch up her roots n bitch bout judgmental cis hets. is blunt brute force, straightforward attitude often misinterpreted. not close to many, but love fiercely those she comes to care for. shes here to kick ass n laugh w her frens while doin it, get out her way.
fandral seen as quippy air-headed man whore, actually soft boy guarding himself w sarcasm but falls in love way too easily n consequently gets his heart broken on the regular. sif once told him to cry her a river. now he randomly crashes their patriarchy pummeling brunches to bitch bout his latest 'true love.' it vexes sif, but she wont tell him to stop cause she needs to kno how these unworthy pieces of crap treated her shield bro; overprotective but wont admit it. loki thinks its hilarious n asks fandral questions that fire him back up every time he starts to calm down. when necessary, fandrals a master actor who can play any part n blend in anywhere. well traveled n smooth talkin, very diplomatic.
they say hogun is grim cause of his mean right hook n grunts that often act as dialogue with few words sprinkled in. quick, forceful, n sever r words strangers use to describe him. n theyre accurate... for his fighting style. personality wise? poor baby has social anxiety n neurodivergent enough to have trouble making eye contact. hes not dismissing u, he just cant get the words out. hes not lookin down on u or aloof, hes focusin on what ur sayin its just hard for him to make eye contact. once he feels comfortable w u, he still doesnt talk that much, but more cause he dont kno how to not be straightforward n prefers to use physical touch or wordless sounds to communicate. actually, his frens understand his 'language' more when he isnt straining to use words. hogun expresses himself a million different ways; walk, volume, facial expression, stims, humming, etc. but in front of strangers? blank slate. no thoughts, head empty, panic mode on. frens presence soothes enough for a few words but no more than that right now.
volstagg is deemed irresponsible glutton ready to laugh at a joke hes unaware was made at his expense. honestly he... doesnt kno how he got here. he married the best cook in asgard that he loves even more than her signature pies! they have quite a few little ones running around as proof of that. so howd he end up here? after hed given up his job on the battlefield to watch the babies while supporting his wife pursuing her culinary passion, how the heck did he end up in an actual fren group that wasnt his kids friends moms. maybe when his bold lil girl managed to get a magic lesson fr a prince to pass her upcoming test? or when thor showed his son a new sword technique that hes never even before? no, the moment he recognized that his princes, futre of the realm, treasures of asguard, masters of their fields, were the smartest dumbest people in all the nine. u kno those best frens that r smart individuals, but once they get together do sum of the dumbest shit uve ever seen? thor n loki everyone. n how was a jolly house spouse that commands a small fleet of children supposed to look at these reckless troublemakers n not half adopt them?? his childen gains uncles n auntie while his wife kicks out the house every once in a while to 'go have fun w ur frens.' dad fren, scolds n frets n compliments. is always right n is too nice to say so but everyone knos anyway. prob most mentally stable one of the fren group, resident therapist/advisor. lives in the silver lining n laughs a jokes made by strangers bout him cause he thinks it hilarious how wrong n ignorant they r. wont n dont got to explain jack to nobody bout anythin, so he mind his business n loves life.
heimdall is constantly exasperated but doesnt get paid enough fo dis
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anonymoushybr1dity · 3 years
i have,, a big ol god/deity au for the dream smp,, but i have no plot based ideas yet,,, i wanna get this idea out Somehow so i am making a snazzy tumblr post about some stuff i enjoy from it smile
- there are four different status levels someone can have in this au: gods, who are the top of the top, immortals with complete control over and abilities pertaining to 1-3 traits; Beings (capital B), who are immortal as well, but are more like the figureheads of certain traits, rather than controlling them. still powerful, but less so than gods; immortals, who are people gods or beings liked enough to decide to keep by their sides for their endless journeys; and then everybody else who just kinda runs around and lives their mortal life. just ur average joe
- gods/Beings/immortals (we’ll just group em together as gods for now) usually have very ironic powers. for example, tommy is both the god of chaos and discipline, ranboo is a Being of memories, new beginnings, and sides, tubbo is god of illusions and power, etc etc. it’s very unfortunate lol
- completely unintentional, but twitch prime and channel membership are a part of this au? to the point where the majority of my structuring centers around them lmao,, they are twin gods of prosperity and punishment, people tend to say “prime is prosperity, channel is punishment” but they equally share power of the titles (prime subs - tos, channel members - demonitization)
- dreamXD and The Blood God are in the au as well :] dreamXD is the Being of control and The Blood God is.... u guessed it.......... blood. and also voices. it was originally meant in their power as “giving voice to the people” in the form of violence, but it manifested itself as the years went on as Chat
- the original point of me making this au was to make tommy and ranboo gods... it spiraled out of hand Very Fast as you can see
- charlie slimecicle is an immortal!! ppl tend to leave him offerings and build temples in his name because he’s been around for That Long, but he’s just immortal, not a god or Being. (they think he’s god of strife and joy)
- since foolish is canonically a god (??? HELLO) he’s one in this au as well,,,,, even tho i don’t anything about him pensive emoji fist emoji
- bbh is also a Being... he is adoration and fear (hello eggpire community)
- there are four people on the smp who follow specific gods- everyone else is just ur basic twitch prime or channel membership follower. since specific followers are very uncommon nowadays, they’re usually given some sort of ability, and those abilities are usually op if they leave sacrifices. these four are:   - dream, follower of Chaos and Control. leaves sacrifices for Control, given admin abilities in return.   - techno, follower of Blood. leaves sacrifices for Blood, given immortality (and chat, by accident) in return.   - karl, follower of New Beginnings. no sacrifices (given time travel (and memory problems from the time travel))   - sam, follower of Illusions/Power (both aspects). no sacrifices (given perception alteration)
- dreamXD is... not a great god. none of them are, really, but dreamXD is arguably the worst. he plays heavy favorite and gives out abilities if someone so much as drops food by accident at a temple for him. he’s v obsessive and tends to lose control over himself at the slightest hint of things not going his way (irony coming out)
- i have a whole number-system list of how much each person on the server believes in twitch prime... for context of what that means, bbh is a 1.5/4, tommy is a 4/4, fundy is a 4/4, and wilbur was previously a 3/4, now a 0/4. each one has a reason for it (bbh streams on both platforms & is now engaged with the egg, tommy Is Literally A God, fundy was raised on it in a very prime-engrossed enviornment... remember when wilbur came back after nov 16 and said he looked god in the eyes and decided they didn’t exist?)
- tommy’s video where they made the holy lands is canon in this au, but the actual events are pretty different… they were discussing the old books about the ancient religions of prime and channel and how much (if at all) they believed in it. the bit got out of hand and tommy+tubbo proposed the idea of building a church to prime. they were doing it to make their friend happy, but dream and quackity just thought it was for the bit, so they agreed. midway through construction, prime just. descended from the heavens. and walked amongst the mortal men once again. they does not possess dream; rather, they take on a vaguely humanoid form and help them with the construction (blessing the waters that run through the fountain as well as the bell) before leaving.
- the egg is a gross byproduct of dreamXD and The Blood God that spiralled way out of control
- prime and channel are usually associated with bells :] villages will typically have communal bells which everyone is free to use for either god. it’s more common to see a bell that’s specifically dedicated to channel than it is to see one specifically dedicated to prime because the followers of channel are typically less lenient, but it’s far more common to see one dedicated to both of them than either of those options.
- philza got his wings from prime in this au. he no longer has his wings on the smp. interpret that as you wish.
- dream (c!dream, remember, this is an au) is vewy religious in this au. like. excessively so. that’s why he’s so op, why he has access to creative, why he somehow has the time and ability and resources to build shit like his vault or the obsidian walls. he obsesses over Control and Control obsesses over him in return. The other Gods are getting wary.
- on a more lighthearted note, slime and twitch prime are homies. they canonically meet for brunch every other month :]
i’ll add onto this post as i go along and have more things!! so far, though, this is all the important stuff i figured i’d spit out onto here lmao. i have a couple of drabbles written up, but since they’re v short, i’ll probably post them here (and make up a tag head in hands) sometime in the future rather than on ao3!!  hope u enjoyed if u read this far <3 suprise hydration check go drink some water!!!
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coelakanths · 3 years
What is your favorite episode
THE GRUDGBY UNDERDOG EPISODE OH MY GOD. it’s just so silly. my other first choice is the raine episode bc oh my god? the ENERGY? the plotline? RAINE WHISPERS? it’s everything. honorable mentions: grom, the wailing star episode, understanding willow, and hunting palismen ofc
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camping hc’s w/ the feral boys <3
AYO LOOK AT THESE : implied smut if u look hard enough , but really just some cute , fluffy feral boys content lol . these ended up being really fun to write so let me know if u have any other ideas for more hc’s !! ily , starlight ☁
reblogs are always appreciated !!! <3
all as a group - 
god help us all this would be a MESS
you guys would get one of those massive tents that have separate rooms for everyone
s’mores are a guarantee
alex and clay would light their marshmallows on fire
and chase each other around with them
karl is FOCUSED on getting the perfect golden roast
sapnap keeps nudging him to mess the marshmallow up
george literally has his marshmallow in the fire for .2 seconds
clay would give him so much shit for it and the two of them would “argue”
but george would end up breaking his smore in half for clay
and feeding it to him most likely 
alex would bring his guitar and play it while everyone sat around the fire
sapnap would definitely start singing ‘campfire song’ from spongebob
everyone would pick up
and dissolve into laughter
clay would be the first to bring up telling scary stories
you’d be scared as shit from the words he was crafting
youd sandwich yourself between karl and alex
alex would poke your waist , jumpscaring you
and you’d pout saying you’re going to bed
youd walk into the tent
they would all C O M P L A I N but eventually join you
at least one of them pees on the fire “to make sure its completely out”
george would ‘knock’ on the tent to see if you were dressed
because they’re respectful , your honor
everyone would meet in the main part of the tent with sleeping bags and pillows and blankets
completley abandoning all the separate rooms
you’d all take turns talking about nothing at all really
making stupid jokes
if you fell asleep first , clay and george would make everyone whisper
you need your beauty sleep
they’d all fade pretty fast after that
but karl would wake everyone to watch the sunrise together
dream -
would have the top of the line camping equipment
even if it was for like
a two day trip
he’d go to an outdoor store and come home with an entire car full of camping shit
a portable grill
a blowup mattress
the nicest two person tent money could buy
the full nine yards
would put you in charge of planning meals
which is probably a good idea
has had the campsite booked for months
somewhere by a lake
“clay , we literally live by the ocean”
“it’s not the same , baby”
he’s right , its not
would take a mini road trip to get there
he’d make sure to stop at all the tourist traps along the way
you two would end up with a bunch of fruit from a roadside stand
once you finally got there
the tent would essentially pitch itself
he’d do the car salesman slap on the nylon
“best tent money can buy”
you’d probably take a nap , tired from the drive
by the time clay shook you awake the sun was setting
so he'd fire up his little camping grill
pls he’d geek out so hard over it
you’d be awake from the nap
so clay would light a lantern and the two of you would just 
wander around the campsite holding hands
you two would absolutely go swimming at midnight
clay would pick you up in the water 
and have you wrap your legs around him like a koala
he’d pepper your face with kisses
then dunk you under the water
once you two got out you’d get in pajamas
and clay wouldn’t be able to inflate the air mattress
he forgot the pump
but you brought sleeping bags just incase
you two would fall asleep as close as two people in sleeping bags possibly could
sapnap -
would insist on being the manliest man
like would collect firewood and everything
he’d show off the axe he brought
then would chop the wood
he's gloating smh
and would get 125670 % more overprotective when you wanted to try
would stand behind you and show you how to swing
would guide your arms and everything
but would stand like
10 feet away
when you went to actually swing
spooked by how hard you chopped
but also proud ???
would build a fire as it got dark
and tell you how pretty you looked in the light from the flames
he’d be pretty old school w camping food
would stab a poker through hotdogs
he’d help you roast yours , rotating it so it cooked even
would forget the buns and condiments
“i thought we had everything!”
the two of you would die of laughter
just eating ur hotdogs
off of the pokers
would remember a stash of candy and snacks
so you end up eating those too
nick would have the tent up in less than five minutes
“fastest tent pitcher on this side of the mississip” 😎
would bring it up 13790 times
he would find a way to zip your sleeping bags up together so it's one big franken-bag
he’s so warm
keeps you toasty
George -
camping was most likely your idea
but gogs is all for it
gets really excited and buys a two person sleeping bag
“so we can still cuddle”
you’d bring all your camping equipment so you had a pad to sleep on
“sleeping on the ground hurts , baby”
“isn't that the whole point ?”
would have his hand on your thigh as he drove to the campsite
and would play loud music the whole way there
with all the windows down
you two would set up camp while it was still light
both struggling™
to get the tent up
it would take y’all like an hour
and both of you would be all sweaty after wrestling with it
so george would change into swimming trunks and wait on you to put on a bathing suit
then he would piggyback you to the lake
running straight into the cold water while you scREAMED
you’d smack him so he’d let you down
then you’d splash him
a splash war would ensue
george would grab your hands , threading them through his
“be nice to me >:,(“
you’d get all soft and wrap your arms around him
the two of you would swim for h o u r s
until someone got hungry
you’d show gogs how to make a campfire
he’d knock over your demonstration
“i want to try”
would nail it on the first shot
you'd be baffled but entirely impressed
after dinner he would show off the oversized sleeping bag
you two would get in together , legs tangled
would probably download movies on his phone beforehand for you guys to watch
he’d fall asleep first , lulled to bed by the sounds of outside
Karl -
loves camping so much
just loves outside in general
would already have a bunch of gear
but would insist on finding a way for you two to be able to sleep together
we all know this boys love language is touch
even in his sleep he needs some sort of skin to skin contact
would buy a camping bed
i feel like karl would want to make “real camping food”
so he’d do hotdogs
and those foil packet thingies with potatoes and corn
he’d show you how to seal they foil and bury it in the coals properly
would scrunch his nose at you while you messed the wrapping up on purpose
“let me do it for you , baby”
would proceed to do it for you
he’d take 100000000000 pictures of you 
in the sunset lighting
the campfire lighting
the moon lighting
because he cant help how beautiful you look
would feed you bites of vegetable in between your hot dog
“are you staying hydrated?”
brought juice boxes , too
he’d set up a place for you guys to stargaze
and would point out all the constellations
yall would make up your own too , giving them full backstories
he’d slow dance with you under the moon until it got too cold to be outside
the two of you would … take advantage of the camping bed
crossing ‘outside’ off the bucket list 😌
by day 3 he was tired of his traditional camping food
would beg you for some of your snacks
you’d feed him oreos and fruit snacks while you guys hiked
Quackity -
was not down™
at first
but once he saw how excited you were 
he would be all in
would go to a camping store with you and pick out equipment
alex would insist on getting the stereotypical camping cookware
“we have to !!!”
“no we dont???”
“yes we do 😤”
would refuse to sleep on the ground
buys one of those camping pad things
would buy a two person sleeping bag as well
“if im doing this im at LEAST sleeping next to you”
you’d beg him to bring his guitar and play it at the campfire
he’d sing you soft songs while you toasted marshmallows
and you’d feed him s’mores
but you two would end up just eating the chocolate bars instead
he’d bring some sort of card game
and you two would get way too competitive
probaby uno
you’d be screaming at each other at like 1 am
would get a noise complaint
but alex does not care
not one bit
would make a joke about you screaming his name instead
ends up loving falling asleep to the sounds of nature
somehow finds his way into being little spoon
you two fall asleep holding each other
and wake up a tangled mess
begs you to stay another night
because he actually likes being away from it all
and getting uninterrupted one-on-one time with his girl
next time you guys get a free weekend , he’s the one who suggests camping
because he loved it so much
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rulette · 3 years
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hi hi everyone! name’s alice or steal (any pronouns, pst)! im so excited to be here!! im welcomin to my lovely and messy boy jinwoo or joey yoon aka the youngest son of the yoon family! he’s ur typical i-dont-want-to-conform-to-my-family rebellious son who needs a little lovin’ even tho he can’t give it. like this post if u would like to plot! i’m avail on ims and discord (salty#3480)! hmu!
23, nov 23, 1998
sag sun, cap moon, aries rising (yeah hes a fking mess)
currently a first-year law student at snu’s law school
got sent to america to study at the age of 14 and attended hs in palo alto (yeah he’s a rich kid obv)! 
he graduated as valedictorian! got a bombass resume from being an intern at a law firm, president of speech and debate club and member of the nsda honor society, and track athlete (he legit had no time to do anything)
moved back to sk and got accepted into hanbit university, graduated ofc but this time... w a little extra money (too much actually) and prestige cus of his family and got into snu’s law school
he did it this all with no motivation of actually being an attorney; only did it becus he grew accustomed to his family’s goals
realized during uni that this isn’t what he wanted at all! he went thru the stereotypical rebel route of destressing himself: partying, drinking, smoking, kissing and fucking boys and girls. did all of that shit during his uni days
he knows hes insanely smart but honestly he acts so dumb
his outgoing self gained him a lot of connections; he reached out on his own and became a socialite of his own. his ig is popping and everyone knows who he is and hes living life like a crazy rich mf
his parents didn’t like it ofc cus why tf is he socializing instead of studying? he didn’t care tho and he got away with most of it since he is indeed the youngest child
now he’s a law student and does he want to do this? no he doesnt. but will he try to get out of it? honestly he really can’t LOL!
very wishy-washy w his siblings... he either loves or hates them? but he feels like they’re wayyy too serious 
personality-wise he is an uncommitted and very very outgoing person who honestly has no filter. he is generally rly blunt and doesn’t like tip-toeing around people, plus he flakes a lot so why would he stay?
generally in a lot of friend groups and nobody rly knows him on a personal level, everyone just thinks he’s a crazy party-goer who blacked out on a tuesday night
his parents don’t rly control or monitor him beside his studies; even if they are strict, he still somehow slips out, so he is very good w his words (his life goal is this anyways
somehow is not snobby or bitchy as people expect him to be (he walks around with rolex and hangs w rich people so ofc he’ll look snobby) so he is easily approachable but that doesn’t mean he’ll want to stay
on the inside tho, he’s so emotionally constipated that all he knows rly is how to joke around and be funny. ask him to see a therapist? he’ll laugh and walk away
hates dating cus commitment so he goes unlabeled often. does the typical “its not you, its me” but really he just wants to leave
now for some plots! but very few cus its late as hell LOL
fwbs/crushes/friends/exes/enemies ofc!
an on and off ex ... i love angst... the most angst the better? the more toxicity the better? they know that jinwoo is annoying to deal with but they just keep coming back
A BEST FRIEND! the ONE friend that he talks and goes to! the ONE person that he ACTUALLY stays with LOL
childhood friend that he talked to before he moved to hs!!! they lost contact until he came back and is just “??? who r u” cus they realize jinwoo isnt the golden retriever elementary best friend they knew before
this is hard but... romance lol?
an ex-classmate that he used to share answers with
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pressedinthepages · 4 years
Fandom: The Witcher
Pairing: Eskel/Reader (gender neutral)
Word Count: 1392
Rating: T
a/n: Reader Request [ just found r esk/read stuff and WOW delicious... umm could you do an esk/read fluff? just some goofy stuff at kaer morhen? i love ur writing hav a nice day!/ maybe some pranks? inappropriate usage of signs and playin stuff like 'who can steal more of vesemirs stuff w/o noticing' ] omg cuteeee this was so sweet to write and im living
(There is a link on my page where you can be added to my taglist :D)
Warnings: a little bit of language, pranks, but not the shitty kind, inappropriate usage of signs
Eskel is the victim of a prank, and enlists help with revenge.
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    Your nose slowly regains feeling, having been in a regular state of freezing before being toted into the library and plopped in front of the roaring fire. Kaer Morhen was typically quite chilly in the winter, but none of the Wolves particularly enjoyed the cold, especially not Lambert. They kept numerous fires and piles of furs around the great castle, just waiting for someone to warm.
    You lay on your side atop one of these furs, something soft and dense that smells just like Eskel. Said Witcher is laying behind you, his arm wrapped around your waist and his legs intertwined with yours. His breath tickles the back of your neck as you both lounge before the fire. 
    “Lambert scared the shit out of me today,” Eskel mumbles, brushing his nose lightly against the nape of your neck. 
    You hum, settling further back into him. “How in the world did he manage that?”
    “Dumb bastard was hiding up in the rafters above the armory, apparently he had been up there all morning just waiting. Then, when I walked in, he dropped down behind me and tackled me to the ground, and then ran away before I could grab him. Ever since he’s started hanging around that Cat, he’s gotten much more agile.”
    You grin, a haze settling over your vision, “I think he’s good for Lambert, makes him feel more human.”
    Eskel only grunts in response, sleep clearly approaching quickly for both of you. “Would you help me enact revenge?” 
    You turn in Eskel’s arms, kissing him deeply and nuzzling into his neck, basking in the warmth of his body. “Anything to protect your honor, my dear.”
    And thus began the great Kaer Morhen Prank War.
        It starts innocently enough, only needing to borrow a few of the animals from around the keep. You and Eskel rise before the sun, tending to the animals before carting a few through the cavernous halls of the castle. Eskel only needed to Axii Lil’ Bleater to be quiet for a moment, since she was the only one making any noise. 
    You carefully tip open the door to Lambert’s room, noting how he snuffled into his pillow. You nod at Eskel, letting him step in to cast the same sign over his brother. Only enough to keep him asleep while you herd the animals into the room, Lambert snored loudly as three goats, a pig, two chickens, and Scorpion file into the room. You hadn’t even planned on Scorpion, but once he noticed your little parade he just decided to follow. 
    Eskel slowly lifted the signs, the two of you sliding out of the door and hiding in a small alcove at the rear end of the hall. It only took a moment before you heard a shout, followed by a bang as Lambert presumably hit the floor. Your eyes widen as you see Lambert scramble out of his door, stopping to peer back inside of his room. 
    “Oh-oh fuck. How? Shit. Okay, no problem. Just got a fuckin’ barnyard in my room, it’s fine.” Lambert turns and sprints the other way down the hall, leaving you and Eskel to finally succumb to the laughter that had been threatening to burst at the seams. Once you catch your breath, you move quickly, gathering all of the animals and urging them out of the hall. Eskel leads, keeping an eye out for Lambert. 
    You make it back down to the courtyard without running into anyone else, depositing your herd before casually making your way back inside. You and Eskel walk back up the stairs, turning into the hallway that houses Lambert’s room. You can hear voices coming from inside, mainly Lambert’s.
    “What the hell? I swear Vesemir, they were just here.”
    Lambert is gesticulating wildly, turning on his heels when he hears the two of you enter. 
    “What’s going on Lambert?” Eskel queries, quirking an eyebrow with a smirk.
    The younger Witcher narrows his eyes, immediately pegging the two of you as the culprits. “Not damn thing, mind your business.” But you can tell by the twitching of his jaw that the game has only begun. 
    Vesemir sighs, leaving the room. You can hear him grumbling about how things never seem to change, no matter how many years go by.
    Lambert then corners you after supper, yanking you unceremoniously into an abandoned bedroom. His hands find a place on his hips, looking all the world like a parent scolding their unruly child. 
    “Really??? I thought you better than this, I can’t believe you helped him get back at me!”  Lambert hisses. You only shrug, not wanting to incriminate yourself further. Lambert squints, and you can clearly see the gears turning in his head. 
    “Would you help me?” He asks. You blink, a smirk crossing your lips at the prospect. 
    You nod, holding up a single finger. “Within reason, I won’t condone anything cruel.”
    Lambert scoffs and rolls his eyes. “What do you take me for, an asshole?”
    “Well, yes.”
    “Eh, that’s fair. No worries, this is all just fun and games, I promise.” Lambert holds out a hand and you shake it, a new pact formed in the secret halls of the abandoned castle. 
    The next morning, you convince Eskel to take you into the courtyard for some training. He is gentle with you, but firm enough for the both of you to actually benefit from the exercise. Your breath comes in visible puffs in the air and you try to keep your eyes trained on Eskel rather than where you know Lambert is hiding. 
    You are doing your best to corner Eskel into the spot that you and Lambert had agreed on, but you had failed to remember that Eskel is a fucking Witcher. Every move that you make towards your goal only sends you two steps backwards, until you finally come up with an idea. 
    You hold up a hand, feigning the need to catch your breath. When Eskel asks if you are alright you only nod, slowly creeping over to the designated spot. You put your hands on your knees and brace yourself, letting your chest heave with deep breaths. Eskel comes to your side and sets his hand on your shoulder, his golden eyes gleaming with worry. You glance over to your right, only a brief moment for confirmation of what will happen next.
    Eskel murmurs your name and you look up, catching his eyes and smirking before twisting away, leaving him still for a split second, which is all Lambert needs. He launches out from behind the shed and signs aard, sending Eskel soaring into the giant mound of snow that you and Lambert had put together the evening before. You see Eskel’s head pop back up from the middle of the hill, a powdery white dusting over his hair making him look even more like Geralt. 
    Lambert is doubled over with laughter and you step towards your Witcher with a smile on your face and your hand outstretched. Eskel takes it, fitting his fingers with your own and letting you help him out of the snow. As soon as he has his footing though he growls, tackling an unsuspecting Lambert to the ground. They roll over the cool cobblestones for a minute until Eskel has Lambert pinned beneath him. You approach cautiously, setting your hand on Eskel’s shoulder. 
    “Now, love. Don’t get cross with him for a little bit of payback. I mean, we did put half of the barn into his room.”
    Eskel sighs, hanging his head before climbing to stand. He helps up Lambert, clapping him on the shoulder. “Well played, brother.”
    Lambert chuckles, rolling the same shoulder as if Eskel may have lightly dislocated it. “Same to you...maybe we should slow the pace? We won’t last all winter if we keep going like this..”
    Eskel only hums and nods, turning back to you. You smile, pulling him in for a gentle kiss to the cheek. “Traitor,” he whispers, mirth evident in his voice.
    “Oh no, love. That was my penance for helping you in the first place.”
    Eskel smirks, a mischievous glint finding a home in his eyes. You barely have time to register that before he hauls you up over his shoulder, breaking off in a sprint to the keep, your laughter echoing in his wake. 
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lavendersage · 3 years
i saw that post from the girl who's girlfriend isn't quite ready to be out. if ur blog didnt seem to celebrate love of all kinds (and i'm not talking straight vs gay, i'm talking happy vs sad) i would have kept this to myself, but between ur response and the op's story itself, i think im going to take this chance of sharing a burden on my heart, maybe to help someone else, or just for the shot at becoming at peace with it. a couple weeks ago, when u asked for everyone to send u stories of their lovers, i wrote most of this out but didnt send it.
i (21F) am a college student (god, is this reddit?). my entire life, i have cultivated the cleanest good girl image that i could. my parents sacrificed so much for my sister and i to grow up far more comfortable then they did, so i have tried to honor them with a little golden child they could brag about. straight As, never missed school, did community service, perfect SATs. i worked tirelessly to be on-paper perfect.
one of the reasons i've worked so hard to earn Good Noodle Stars is to make up for the fact that i am terminally homosexual. i realized real early that i could literally cure cancer and the first comment on the news video will be, "okay, she cured cancer, but at least I'm not gay like she is." i could raise thousands for charity, and my aunts would still say, "our kids may not get off the couch but at least they have sex correctly." so they dont know. few people do, none outside my closest circle.
in walks Mars(21NB). Mars is an anachronism. they are both a romantic with and without a capital R. be still my Dark Academia heart.
we got very close before school broke for Covid. Mars wrote me a letter every other week, encrypted and folded so that the only way to open them was to rip a paper seam that would show if someone had tampered with it. it was intoxicating. it was the first time i felt able to communicate freely about anything. i dont know - i didnt hold back my emotions, emboldened by writing in cipher. i spent all summer waiting for those red sealed envelopes, filled with stories and poetry and honeyed nonsense, and i refused to not respond with mirrored passion.
it was all great until it set in that I was going to have to face Mars again, in person. i prayed our school would decide all students had to stay remote. of course I wanted to see Mars, i want to do much more than just see them, but i knew it would only be a matter of time between us being reunited and them asking me out.
this was a person who crafted a puzzle where the answers were flowers that were a declaration of fidelity in Victorian Flower Language. of course i ate that up with a spoon. u would have too. listen, i know all aesthetics are fads and all fads age badly, but if the cottagecore girls get to learn to sew and bake and grow, i owe dark academia for teaching me the vocabulary and actions of my most treasured relationship yet, and giving me permission to be earnest and vulnerable in this life for 10 goddamn minutes. Mars is handsome and a genius and i was not used to feeling connected to anyone. but for all that joy, i was also drowning with the thought of having to break their heart by explaining i cant date anyone AFAB.
so the semester starts. Mars asks me over for a homecooked meal since restaurants don't exist here at the end of the world. they made me a beautiful dinner with all my dietary needs in mind. just like everything else i ate it up. and i made no effort to stop them from inviting me over for food and conversation again and again and a fourth time just to make sure it really hurt.
they kissed me after the last dinner. and I kissed them back, before stopping. they apologized for moving too quickly, but i explained that they had moved at the perfect pace, just with the wrong person.
there is no nice ending to this. it's real life. Mars took it as a breakup and didnt reach out to me again. i sobbed from halloween to christmas, i swear. i'm the villain in this story.
i started this post off as a sign of solidarity to the other young lady, but now im realizing that this letter would be better read by her fearful beloved, not her. it is 4am where i live, so i apologize if this has all gotten away from me.
love is a garden u have to water yourself. ngl, my favorite part about this blog is all the posts about learning to love yourself, learning to see ur intrinsic value dispite the core facets of u that have been deemed flaws, and trust the relationship between me, myself, and i.
i started out telling myself i was writing this to help the high school kid, but i havent shared this with anyone. writing this out has helped me process a thing or two, or at least start to. i like this idea of lavendersage being a kindly cryptid who will alchemise ur heartache into calm.
i hope you dont mind if i try to make this a thing.
my story is in the shape of a love letter. its tearstained before it even hits the water. i drop it in your river and watch it float away.
y’all are breaking my heart with these stories this week 🤧i feel so sad to read them and so helpless to respond, because i know how deep that pain must run and i don’t know if there’s truly anything i could say or do to take it away. but if i can lessen it from 100 to 99, well, then i’ll have fulfilled my goal of existing on this website. at the very least, i’m glad that writing this message helped you process some things on your own, but i’m happy to share my thoughts anyway.
your mars sounds like a top tier human being. victorian flower language? i’m swooning. it’s no surprise to me that you fell for them, and they were clearly head over heels for you. folks don’t make grand gestures like that for just anyone, that’s for sure 🥺
and i’m very sad to hear about the way things ended. but, anon, i can’t help but wonder if it is indeed over, or if hope exists on the precipice of a great act of bravery performed by you--something i know from experience is much easier said than done, and something i’ve failed to do in the past, so i’m not trying to be a hypocrite here. the ball is definitely in your court, though.
also...it doesn’t sit well with me to hear you call yourself a villain. i understand why you see it that way, as it’s clear that you deeply care for this person. but for many folks...the fear of what our family will say or think or do weighs so heavily on us that it robs us of any possibility of happiness with someone who isn’t the kind of person our family wants us to end up with. i’m sure plenty of folks, myself included, can empathize with this. and i’m sure on some level, mars does too.
my love, as with all things, i hope whatever happens next works out for the best, and that you don’t let this experience darken your heart. if things change between you and mars, please feel free to drop me a note. i’ll always be here to listen 💚💚💚`
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manonblackbeack · 4 years
I see you're writinf bookz oml!! What r some of ur fave lines in them? Description and dialogue 🤭 sorry fir being intrusive
This is in my inbox for a week now. I'm sorry for the slow replies, I'm just super exhausted non stop and I keep forgetting about this 🤦🏻‍♀️
Anyway, I asked @jamescarstairss to pick for me because she's my only reader and like I need validation all the time so here are some of her faves (all my female OCs are sarcastic, ironic and smartass because yeahhhh):
“About as long as it takes a girl to pretend she’s enjoying your company.”
“They never pretend. I’m charming. I know how to please a woman.”
“Oh? Then please, leave me the f**k alone or I will end you!”
Two (this one and the first one are lines of dialogue between friends turned enemies who will eventually turn to lovers):
“How can you sleep in these pyjamas? They’re so… tight.” He swallows hard.
“These are just because Elaine is here. I’m usually sleeping naked. How else would I bathe in the blood of the innocent?”
Three (description, extract from a letter written by a father to his first child):
Despite my countless flaws, my hope for you is that you’ll love yourself and your mind with such burning passion that everyone will be inspired by you. You will be everything you want, everything you put your brain to, as long as you stay true to yourself. Maybe you’ll be Aurora (meaning dawn) or Thalia (meaning to blossom) or Lily (meaning pure/passion) or Merida (meaning one who has achieved a high place of honor) or Alice (meaning of the nobility). Or maybe you’ll be a boy whose name will be Tristan (meaning bold) or William (meaning resolute protector) or Julian (meaning youthful) since your mother is a bit of a history nerd. Your name will be a legacy I’m excited to behold.
And this is a favorite of mine:
The beatings, the Siberian cold, the dolls with their heads ripped off, the training that left her sore for days. What do these people know? They slept on comfortable pillows at night and they've been offered love on a golden platter. She slept on top of mountains, with her head on the snowy ground or rocks, always close to hypothermia and the only source of love coming from a bracelet she held on to for dear life.
Now, English is not my first language so there might be some mistakes. I suck big time at grammar and I'm trying my best to perfect it but honestly it's an achievement in itself that I managed to scribble something in English lol. Thank you for the ask!
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paunchsalazar · 5 years
hey!! bro ur my number #1 source for lupin III content so can I ask like how in the hell I go about watching all the series / movies / etc for it in order??? I’m really pumped for the live action so I wanna at least dip into all the other stuff. thanking ya kindly //tips hat
hello!!! what an honor!! oh my… ok I’m so sorry in advance… I’ve gotten a few similar asks and I started writing out a list and it was getting over 1500 words long so I had to try to chill out…so…
I’m sorry that this is so long.. and consider I cut it down! but here is my intro because I know this franchise is huge and confusing!! (I’ve had multiple instances of friends being like ‘I tried to find that Lupin thing you like but I could only find the third one?’) 
I kind of liken it to Scooby Doo? it stretches some 60 years and has been handled by many different writers, directors, and animators across very different eras? most important to know! the order doesn’t really matter and things aren’t really sequential (save for where the three most recent shows) so you can jump in and explore whatever seems compelling! it’s overwhelming because there is so much but also nice because there’s something for everybody! if you like fun and pure, edgy, etc. etc. 
feel free to disregard everything coming… I will say my personal priority order is
- Castle of Cagliostro
- some episode of part 2
- part IV, ideally all of it! there’s filler but it’s hard to know which ones
- part I (or some episodes of it? up to you!)
- Fuma Conspiracy
- part V 
- part III (it’s great too!! just not as sequential as IV and V)
- First Contact… truly indulgent but its so cute!
(below I broke down a little about each and my favorite episodes, where to find them, etc. and there’s so much more but just doing everything below is a whole lot)
TV (All the shows except for The Woman Called Fujiko Mine are on Crunchyroll!)
Part 1 (1971) - crunchyroll!
The beginnings kind of a weird feeling because the first half was directed with one vision vs. the second half being co-directed by Takahata and Miyazaki, there’s a shift in Lupin’s personality and most significantly they sought to shed his ‘sense of apathy’ and make him more of a hero? something that’s echoed later on! honestly, I don’t think the transition is as dramatic as some people find it? but it does shift across the episodes and end on a sweet note!
truly they all have something to enjoy but I made note of 
episodes 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19, 23 
for some reason? really really suggest watching the last episode! but get a bit of the first and second half beforehand!
Part II/Red Jacket (1977-80) - 155 episodes - on crunchyroll dubbed and subbed
there are a lot so I tried to narrow it down to a few of my favorites/ particularly noteworthy ones? I bolded my absolute favorites! I’m sure I missed a few but save for a few two-episode arcs you can jump in anywhere and it’ll be fine.
episodes 1-79 are dubbed on Crunchyroll! In my personal opinion the script makes it worth it!! there are a bunch of non-dubbed episodes anyway if you want to get a feel for both
(these episode titles are often hilarious, misleading, and/or horribly embarrassing?)
1 - ‘The Return of Lupin the Third’ - just a good starting point!
5 - ‘Will the Leaning Tower of Pisa Be Standing?’
6 - ‘Tutankhamen’s 3,000-Year-Old Curse’
7 - ‘Venetian Super Express’ - I want to say this is a cute little road trip episode? it’s been so long
9 - ‘Steal the FIle M123’ - this dub… madness. very strange Christopher Walken impression for absolutely no reason?
10 - ‘Bet on the Monaco Grand Prix’
15 - ‘Crude Reproduction, Perfect Frame’ - Lupin keeps committing strange and uncharacteristic crimes, but he has no memory of doing so!
29 - ‘Fly Me to the Moon’ - Lupin has some mysterious Levitation Technique and everyone is after it 
32 - ‘Lupin the Interred’ A famed hitman is after Lupin!
34 - ‘But Your Brother Was Such A Nice Guy’ - this episode is one of the zaniest ones and that’s saying a lot… Vampires? Jesus? Really really funny moments though especially in the dub
42 - ‘Cruisin’ in Drag’ Lupin infiltrates the ship of a wealthy bachelor disguised as a woman 
45 - ‘Diamonds and Minx’ kind of a mess of people stealing from each other? 
46 - ‘The Island of Dr. Derange’
57 - ‘Alter-Ego Maniac’ - Inspector Zenigata goes criminal
62 - ‘Church of the Poison Mind’ - Jigen and Goemon stumble into a religious cult
69 - ‘Zenigata Getcha Into My Life’ - this title is awful but this episode is great. 
78 - ‘Ice, Robot’ - an inventor has made a machine that can cry diamonds!
79 - ‘Baton Death March’ 
81 - ‘Fujiko, Men are a Sorry Lot!” - Fujiko gets engaged to a Prince, the rest of the gang goes after the monarchy’s Golden Bell
96 - ‘Lupin’s Gourmet World’ tbh this is a vore episode but there are some great gang moments here and a really fun third act
99 - ‘Fighting Jigen’ - first anime episode (I think like in history? but I could’ve misread) in stereo! And I believe the first to air of the TMS staff’s work, you can tell because the style shifts to a more Miyazaki/Cagliostro look and this will keep happening for the rest of the show
101 - ‘Fervent Love at Versailles’ - a crossover episode with Rose of Versailles! 
103 - ‘The Wolf Looked at an Angel’ - Goemon is an angel I can say little else
104 - ‘The Most Dangerous Golden Bed’ - debut of perhaps the best opening! I love this episode?? so much?
112 - ‘Danger! Goemon’ 
122 - ‘An Unusual End to an Expedition for Napoleon’s Treasure’ 
143 - ‘The Miami Bank’ 
145 - ‘Wings of Death: Albatross’ - ah yes, one of the famed Miyazaki-directed episode, truly so worth it
151 - ‘To Arrest Lupin, the Mission at the Highway’ - another not exactly Miyazaki episode but a lot of the people he trained? They depart from the part 2 style(s) again but its a good bit of fun all around! Really lovely character animation
152 - ‘Jigen and the Hatless Pistol’ - Jigen loses his hat and thus his ability to shoot
155 - ‘Thieves Love the Peace/Farewell, Dear Lupin’ - the finale episode! Miyazaki-directed as well, and just beautiful 
Part III (1984) - 50 episodes - crunchyroll!
I’m still very early in this one so I can’t say much yet! But it gets a bad rep? Perhaps for being more inconsistent stylistically and a bit on the zanier end! But I really like it!! these drawings are such a blast! I think each bit has its merits and this one is no exception. Plus with all their freedom animation-wise they can do a lot of fun stuff!
The Woman Called Fujiko Mine (2012) - 13 episodes - on kissanime for certain and I think animetake?
this is the most dramatic departure from the rest of the shows/films/specials. Fujiko Mine is the star of this part! It definitely has less obviously plot-important episodes but it’s one narrative from start to finish. I must note that it’s by far Lupin’s edgiest, I think it’d be safe to deem this part as R-Rated. There’s sex, violence, sexual violence, abuse, bodily mutilation, obsession… a gay character who gets a pretty tragic fate (at first I was excited by the very existence of an LGBT+ character but he really goes through the wringer and never gets a resolution.. I don’t want to spoil). This is probably Lupin at his ickiest? I do like Jigen’s personality here! And his dynamic with Fujiko, but it’s a lot more disjointed than the other parts. She meets each of them separately and towards the end, Lupin and Jigen interact more but there’s barely a time when they’re all together. That’s not meant to be a deterrent but personally, I’m a sucker for their friendship and love them as a group so it’s a bit of a bummer. Sequential plot-wise though! This one is definitely captivating, a bit disturbing, and there is a plot-twist that really got me. The villain design is really cool too!
Part IV (2015) - 26 episodes - on crunchyroll, also dubbed on Funimation
This part is narrative-based and sequential! It still has some more standalone episodes but there’s definitely an overarching story throughout! I think they’re all worth watching and might leave little important bits that’ll be confusing later on. Essentially this part takes place in Italy for the most part and starts with Lupin getting married to a multi-millionaire heiress/model/celebrity who wants to get into the thief business. This one feels like a good combination of old and new, it’s not quite as silly as the earlier parts can be, but it’s full of nostalgia while still feeling original. I really had a good time!
This dub isn’t bad but!! It comes with a different opening and soundtrack, I guess Lupin’s pretty big in Italy and perhaps there were licensing issues? I’m not sure? But it’s a bit of a bummer to be without the Yuji Ohno soundtrack. The alternate opening feels more like a collection of stills and footage found throughout the show? It’s not horrible, just different! Regardless, the Part IV Japanese OP (vs. the Italian/US one) is worth a watch!
Part V (2018, airing on Adult Swim right now, summer 2019!) - 23 episodes 
I’m actually not done with this part but its good fun! more directly tied to part iv then the others are to each other. It’s more sequential as well with a few sub-arcs and since it fell on the franchise’s anniversary it has callback episodes with Lupin in various jackets in various tones. Interesting Lupin characterization here… he seems… sadder, wistful? and we get hints of Lupin lore! Lots of fanservice but… I love it! I still think they could’ve pushed it more? it feels somehow more reserved than part IV in some ways, which is already different from the 70s and 80s, but it’s got a lot of lovely moments!!
Films/TV Specials
From 1989 to 2011 they had a special every year!! So much!
Castle of Cagliostro (1979) - Available on Netflix! 
perhaps the best-known piece of media in the Lupin franchise? And rightly so. This film is Hayao Miyazaki’s directing debut and a blast from start to finish! This characterization of Lupin is definitely Miyazaki’s more than Monkey Punch’s but that seems to be the strange nature of the Lupin franchise! I could really go on forever… please watch it!
The Fuma Conspiracy (1987) - 
perhaps harder to find, but it’s on Kissanime! Goemon is getting married but before the ceremony is over the bride is taken by the Fuma ninja clan and the gang helps him to get her back as well as learn the story of a family heirloom? Really great stuff from everybody! Adorable Zenigata, the fluffiest and most handsome Goemon, cute Jigen, Fujiko, and Lupin interactions, a really really incredible car chase! Even with Cagliostro’s fame, this one has got some serious pizzazz
Episode 0: The First Contact (2002) - on Kissanime as well! 
A journalist asks Jigen how he met Lupin III, this is probably my favorite TV special? And features one of my favorite opening scenes in the whole franchise. The instrumental!! Perhaps each member of the gang at their purest, whatever that means, really great moments between everybody and peak Lupin and Jigen meeting and somehow signing up to be life partners
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destielthedeathofme · 6 years
Tumblr media
Prompt: Number 4, I changed the space part it's just a regular jail :)
Author: @destielthedeathofme
Pairing: DeanxCas
Tags/Genre: Fluff, humor, one shot, idek, we'll see, destielll
Summary: idk read.
It was supposed to be a joke.A harmless prank.
But Castiel fucking Novak had to actually fall for it. Or maybe Dean did. Now they were both sitting in a jail cell.
Let's go to the beginning, shall we?
Castiel was a transfer student starting 10th grade at Lettermen High. He also managed to make the Varsity Football team.
Dean was the only other sophmore on the team. Thus began their competitiveness.
If Dean was in honors, Castiel needed to be in AP.
If Dean scored a touch down, Castiel needed 2.
If Dean had a girlfriend, so did Castiel.
After all, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.
But what made it worse was that Castiel didn't even notice any of it. He didn't pay any attention to Dean.
Dean wasn't sure if it was those blue eyes that bore into his soul, not giving any fucks or his messy hair that pissed Dean off. Was Dean just reading into it too much?
But he needed to end it. All this shit.
It was driving him insane.
He was supposed to be the golden boy.
Perfect girlfriend.
Decent grades.
Star quarter-back.
Castiel wasn't going to fuck that up.So the senior year, he decided to play a prank.
Ghost the guy, text him.
And things went downhill from there. Because infact Castiel wasn't actually that bad.
He started talking to Castiel on a Thursday. Beautiful day that started a horrible thing.
*texts from Day 1*
Dean: R u Castiel?
Castiel: Yes, who are you?
Dean: I go to Lettermen.
Castiel: As do I
Dean: Want to get to know each other more?
Castiel: Sure? But I really don't know who you are.
Dean: That's the point.
Castiel: ok
Dean: Punch Dean W tmrw
Castiel: why?
Dean: just do it, I promise you'll get closer to knowing who I am.
Castiel: but?
Dean: Tmrw you can make me do something
Castiel: okay.
The next day....
Sure enough, Castiel Novak walked up to Dean during lunch, eyes ablaze with determination punched him in the face. The cafeteria howled but Dean smirked at Castiel.
A quick left hook.
It hurt like a son of a bitch.But that proved one thing.
Dean was going to have fun with this.
So much fun.
*Day 2 texts*
Dean: wow u actually did it.
Castiel: yeah
Dean: ur turn
Castiel: come to the game tomorrow
Dean laughed, he sort of had to, after all the star quarter back couldn't miss the game.
Dean: sure
Castiel: will I see u there?
Dean: I'll be in a Jersey.
Castiel: number?
Dean: can't say
The game was a rough one. Dean fumbled a bit, but he was back on track. He wondered why he was so nervous.It wasn't against a rival.Maybe just nerves from school.
But he felt a weird sensation when he saw Castiel looking around the field.
Was it pity? Or was it satisfaction?
He wasn't sure.
His eyes drifted to Dean's, and Dean smirked, Castiel averted his gaze, ears pink.
What was that?
*Day 3 Messages*
Castiel: I didn't see you
Dean: yeah you did
Castiel: ?
Dean: trust me u did
Castiel: why didn't you say anything?
Dean: not ready to tell you my name yet
Castiel: anyways your turn
Dean: bring me pie tomorrow
Dean: just bring pie tomorrow
The next day,Castiel brought pie.
Dean devoured it.
Castiel looked like he wanted to protest but looked utterly repulsed at Dean's rate of inhaling the pie.
So Castiel walked away. Sticking his middle finger up at Dean.
The game lasted for the next 3 months.
Castiel wasn't that bad.
He was perfect actually.
Not that Dean would ever admit it.
Then they upped the game.
The dares started to become more dangerous.
Dean: "I dare you to steal Mr. Crowley's phone."
Castiel: "I dare you to buy the entire stack of cupcakes from the bakesale."
The very last dare that they did was actually one of Dean's.
Dean dared Castiel to climb on top of the school and scream,"Who are you?"
And the fucker did it.
But apparently school's didn't like when student's climbed up to the roof. Especially at 2 AM.
So Dean saw him do it, watched from behind a tree, stared at the idiot in awe.
And in that moment Dean finally realized.
He was obviously smitten.Completely in love with Castiel Novak.
Dean waved at him, awkwardly of course. Dean saw Castiel squint at Dean and then his jaw go slack. He screamed,"You?"
Dean grinned,"Who did you expect?"
And sitting in the jail cell, Dean smiled softly at Castiel who had fallen asleep on his shoulder.
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uniformbravo · 5 years
reading the hitball arc my brain is picking up so many little bits of info but has no idea how to put them all together to form any kind of coherent analysis (cue me rambling aimlessly as i try 2 find that thesis statement) ((this devolved into garbled passionate yelling real quick))
previously “established” in another “text post” i made “a few months ago”: during the game max is wearing wristbands, one blue and one red, which for the sake of this thought process i take to represent max n johnny respectively
also went over how max switching both wristbands to the same arm post-game ~symbolically~ parallels him & johnny having worked together to defeat hijack & come to understand each other a little better & the bands being on the same arm now represents them being on the same team/side
at one point during the game max gets all shaken up abt having dodged one of hijeff’s earlier attacks instead of like standing his ground i guess?? putting himself before his teammates??? am i interpreting this right i feel like im missing smth
one of the key pieces of the game is the golden switch, a ball that has the power to make anyone hit by it switch teams & join sides with the one who threw it at them. this is the ball used in the final play of the game in which max and johnny work together to take down hijeff for good
in said final play, 1) the golden switch hits max, probably symbolic of smth, & 2) breaks one of his arms, the one w/ the blue wristband- based on the color theory i feel like this should also be symbolic of smth somehow ?? max making a sacrifice in order to become a team w/ johnny?? a self-sacrifice??? is the injury representative of itself???? is it literally just as simple as “max is the one that got hurt so the arm w/ the blue band gets broken” ????? but throughout this entire comic thus far max has been first and foremost his own top priority meaning that he doesn’t do anything for anyone else unless there’s something in it for him, he’s not the type of guy to make sacrifices for other people, or more specifically for “The Greater Good” and, considering how shaken up he got earlier about instinctively jumping out of the way of hijeff’s attack while everyone else jumped right in its path to protect each other, it’s kind of a big deal for him to now be putting himself directly in harm’s way instead of like finagling the situation into making johnny the throwaway instead (esp bc max has every reason to believe johnny deserves to have pain inflicted on him more anyway) so maybe the break represents some kind of shattered mindset that he had to undergo in order to then effectively team up w/ johnny??? which would make the metaphor like
1) max n johnny r Enemies who Fight (wristbands on separate arms) 2) max has the sudden realization that johnny is Upstaging him by Caring About and Defending His Friends & generally being a lot braver than him and that he needs to Step Up His Game in response (arm gets broken) 3) now that max has that new resolve he n johnny join forces & also like understand each other a lil better?? due to working together??? (blue wristband gets moved over to other arm w/ red one bc of the injury)
or something????
srsly tho back to the golden switch & the last play im like?? there HAs to be smth here ok it’s this magical ball that represents switching sides or changing perspective or whatever idk!! & then at the v end of the game it’s like.,., li kE ok hijeff has the ball & he throws it at max: 2 things can happen here, either max gets hit cleanly and has to switch to hijeff’s side, or johnny catches it & the rest of their team gets to come back from the dead, right. as per the rules of the game. OR Lri lieke  like ok hear mee out i mfuCKING liSTEN
hijeff is EXPECTIGN max 2 jump out of the way like he did before right. RIght! but max had that uthfukgning Change Of Heart or whatever where ehs like “o shit johnny is like honorable or whatever & im a coward” so this time he s NOT a coward & he takes the hit & it’s like!! mad character development!! right in this arc ohm y god
but then like therehas to be smth symbolic abt this ball like it has its own goddamn Prop Design it could have just been any plain ass Dogd=ge Ball there didnt even Have to be a golden switch in the first place but THERE IS so it HAS to be important to the stroyr RIGHT it’s njot just a gimmick 2 make the game more interesting rgiht theres SymbolisM AfooT
so theyre usin this SPECIAL ASS BALL right in the END of the Game the CLIMAX if u will & like up until now max & johnny have been having a Couple conversations that arenyt like “gimme ur lunch money” type convos like they usually have, theyre actually lik e Supportin Each Other???? it’s rly good but OK right at the last play is when theyre finally just like it’s Only the two of them left & so they have to do a THing together in order to win like it’s JUST tTHem right!!!
so max devises his Smart Boy Plan & gets hijeff right where he wants him adn!!! the SWITCH that hijeff was like, totally meaning for to hit johnny with,. max stays RIGHT THERE and lets it HIT HIM aND YEA YEA RIGHT WE ON TO SMTHINg irhtgt sO it’s already hit max at this point right so it’s fukiggng like, , it’s like, IF the ball just flies off & hits the wall & the ground then max is FUKCED he has to go over to hijeff’s team but INSTEAdD he  TRUSTS JOHNNY 2 CATCH THE BALL ad johnny is like standing behind him?????? theyr both facing hijeff & max is in ftont so he isnst even LOOKING he just TRUSTS that his plan will work & johnny will HAVE HIS BACK n catch the ball & seal hijeff’s doom imM FUCKIGNG OOOOO BOIYS WE GOT IT WE GFUKINGG HAVE THEHEH
SSO THE BALL IS MAYBE LIKE??? jfuk i mlosing it its juking me oh god oh no but lIKE? it dEFNITELY has smth to do with the ball bein about switchin g sides & max Almost havin to switch sides but then johnny’s like “Not On mY Watch” but then also they kinda switched to each others side and ALSO SALSO I FORGOT TO MENTION ABT HOW JOHNN Y WAS THE ONE WHO THREW THE BALL IN THE 1ST PLACE AT MAX 2 GET HIM TO JOIN HIS TEAM????? max was just FUCKING AROUND in some corner w/ suzy n collin & johnny was like *EYES ZOOM IN* & NAILED HIM W/ IT u can NOT tell me he wasnt aimign for max ok that ball went SCHLOOP right into his head, balls dont just fly around all willy nilly ok u throw a ball in a STRAIGHT LINE & it goes STRAIGHT  & it wasnt bad aim bc johnny was picked to be team leader bc he’s like GOod at shit oK strong boy good at PE he was the other alpha next 2 isabel at the beginning of class he knew EXACTLY where hwas throwin that ball & it was At Max’s Head bc he Knew what he Wanted ok!!!!!! glad that’s cleared up!!!!!!!!!!!
IN CONCLUSIOn max & johnny character development GOOD bye
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catsprobably · 6 years
Okay before I fully answer this i just want to say that the two footballers I love most are Marco Reus and James Rodríguez and everyone else after them is loved equally. I have a big ass heart so if you introduce me to a player I will most likely love them but those two are my number ones. This list is also including my Hot Takes™️ of these boys and how I feel about them, plus two Honorable Mentions who I also love but are not part of the Top 5. Anyway, here ya go:
* Serie A * Paulo Dybala (his hair is not the worst thing I’ve ever seen and he’s very small) * Mario Mandžukić or maybe Cris Ronaldo idk which (Mario is super sassy and a sweetheart I love him but Ronaldo is Ronaldo and I also love him and that thing with Cavani during the World Cup was cute so????)
* Ligue 1 * Gigi (deserves the world tbh) * Mbappé (the angel, his mama raised him right)
* Bundesliga: aka my favorite league * Marco (my first love, my heart, my baby, my boo, my husband, LOYAL AS HELL, LOVE HIM LOTS) 💛 * James (Papiiiiiiii, an actual dad, cute af, my other boo, my other husband, my heart, VERY SMALL AND PURE, MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS) ❤️
* Premier League * Mo Salah (10/10 would die for) * Karius or Shaqiri man idk I love them equally (Karius deserves more respect and Shaqiri is a fucking legend)
* La Liga * Lukita (see also: Luka Modrić, the smallest boy, may not have won the World Cup but defs won my heart and the Golden Ball so 🤷‍♀️) * Isco or Piqué or Asensio or Messi again idk I love them all (Isco and Piqué saved that fucking bird and Marco is so smol and Messi is fucking Messi and that thing with the ribbon was PURE)
HONORABLE MENTIONS WHO ARE NOT PART OF THESE LEAGUES: * Rúrik Gíslason (Bundesliga 2 I think, the only acceptable man bun, an actual model, very polite and good) * Basti Schweinsteiger (he’s in Chicago now so MLS, a Comedian, a father, my actual Dad, no seriously I’m making him adopt me, he doesn’t know yet so shhh)
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