#they do face masks and gossip and drink wine and make fun of people together
aimbutmiss · 3 months
Alvida, Buggy, and Mihawk having a self care day, chatting:
Alvida: Buggy, your dating history is ridiculous!!
Buggy: I know, I question my taste is men too. Every. Single. Day.
Alvida: No, I mean, it's not just that. The sheer amount of men you've slept with is concerning. You are a whore!
Buggy: I am no whore. I'm a slut, because I don't get paid for it.
Mihawk: *almost chokes on his wine*
Buggy: I wish I was a whore. At least I'd get some money out of my bad decisions.
Alvida: You could probably get Crocodile to pay you.
Mihawk: Oh, please. He even complains about small things like my eyeliner budget. He wouldn't give a single penny. But you know who would pay? Red Hair.
Buggy: I'd rather eat my own foot. *sighs* All I ever do is suffer.
Alvida: This is why I strictly stick to women.
Mihawk and Buggy: I wish I was into women.
Alvida: I can't believe I'm feeling bad for an ex-warlord and an emperor right now.
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valsdelulucorner · 23 days
More Asmo head cannons<3
Ok, so this will be more selfcare head cannons with you then other things, hope you guys dont mind<3
He 100% buys one of those "make your own facemasks" makers and is surprisingly good at making them, making everyone envious as theirs always falls apart. He always helps you with making yours so you two just enjoy some wine and facemasks while the others struggle with theirs
I love to think that he does those "Trying out every brand social media suggests to me" things and joins you in on them. He does sometimes records these hauls to devil gram but when he's not recording, he loves to experiment them with you. He can tell which ones will make him break out or not so he just put them into a "Give someone else" pile and will slap your hand if you try and reach for them. He will not allow himself to see his darling use just cheep crap like that, i think its best to listen to him. The man knows his stuff
After a long day at rad and having to deal with every day to day shenanigans, he has a bath when he gets home. If you look tired and stressed after the day, he will invite you to join him. If you do, he will help you with your hair and back while you guys enjoy the warm water and each others company. If you don't, he wont really bother you much, maybe reminding you to relax and have a bath when you have time
100% the type of guy to sit with you on his or your bed, face masks on both of your faces while you both drop the dirtiest gossip to each other. He will literally be telling you that one of his friends almost became a father but found out his girl was cheating while doing your nails, stoned face while he goes into deep detail about what happened while you sit there shocked. Loves hearing you gossip about people up in the human world, names and all. He will never meet these people so its fun that you get to name drop, gasping and tuning in while you reveal shit about people from the human world
Loves spa days with you, its always relaxing and he gets a cute buddy to talk with. If his brothers see you two relaxing together, they will basically alert everyone and they will have to join aswell. He's annoyed that his time with you got interrupted by his brothers barreling into his room and joining you both, but is quite amused while he watches things unravel.
Will smugly sit with you on his bed, you both in face masks and holding drinks while his brothers squabble and get confused about the sheer amount of skin care he has. Will make them relace every single one they touched, just out of spite<3
If you have acne and or acne scars, he will use this as a excuse to have a skincare day with you. Will sit you down in either his or your room and just start using products that suit your skin perfectly. If your skin is sensitive and will break out with stronger products, he will use a lot more softer and more organic products that will try and help with your acne. I feel like hes the type of person to not like the feeling of acne so he will use a soft brush and gently use that to spread out the products, its not that he doesn't absolutely adore you, i just have that feeling he is very particular with textures
This man loves the look but hates the feel of velvet, you can not argue with me on this one. He will wear it if its the only thing that suits his outfit but he will be so uncomfortable with it on
Will love to do a clothes swap with you, trying on your clothes while you try on his. He wouldn't normally wear the type of clothes you wear so its such a nice change to see him in something else. "Oh MC darling! These are so comfy, though I think you could use abit more colour" "Oh I just have to borrow this from you sometime hunny"
I absolutely love asmo, hes such a amazing character<3
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miekasa · 3 years
random boyfriend eren hcs (modern/college au)
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↯ pairing: eren jaeger x (fem) reader
↯ genres and warnings: modern/college au, himbo eren supremacy as per usual, but can you imagine eren, armin, and jean living together in one house bye
↯ notes: this is me once again trying out this headcanon format, also because i have lots of thoughts about eren (being normal) and going to college lmao
↯ more notes: sorry i have to repost this again tumblr is being dumb ://
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Not a frat boy, but definitely lives by the mantra “work hard, party harder.”
Likes going out to frat parties and keggers first year, but calms down as time goes on. Sophomore year is more house parties and occasionally going downtown to clubs. By the time junior year rolls around tho, he and Jean are thee party hosts. Homecoming, Halloween, Pre-Thanksgiving break, you name it, those two have a reason to throw a party for it
But party doesn’t always mean absolute rager. Sometimes it’s just drinking with your friends, playing pong, and absolutely crushing Jean at uno. 
At parties with lots of other people, Eren really doesn’t let people fuck around with you, or any of his friends really. Once almost got into a fight because he watched a guy out his hands on yours and Mikasa’s waists to “move around you.” As if. 
Wears his key necklace around all the time, obviously. So he gives you a necklace with a lock on it, with both of your initials engraved on the back. 
Nobody really notices it at first, since the chains are long and the necklaces are you usually tucked inside your shirts. But one day, ever the observant one, Armin catches a glimpse of yours resting on top of your shirt. Cue squinted eyes looking back and forth between you and Eren before—eureka! “You and Eren have matching necklaces!!!”
Plays sports, not for a scholarship but just for fun. Gets very pouty when you can’t make it to his games; and gets extra pouty if you show up, but you’re not wearing his jersey.
On the flip side, gets very giddy when he sees you in the stands with his jersey on and very ostentatiously scoops you up into a hug after the game is over.
Literally does not know where the library is until you show it to him. Any of them. Help him.
The worst person to study with if he doesn’t have any actual work to do. Will bother you and prefer to gossip than to let you do your work in peace. If you need an actual study buddy, you should try Mikasa.
Drunkenly hits on you a lot. Scratch that, he hits on you regardless, drunk or sober, despite the fact that you’re literally dating him already.
Literally reserves at least two nights of the week to have dinner with Armin bye and you couldn’t even interrupt them if you tried.
Waits for you outside of your classroom if you’ve had an important presentation or something. Not always with anything cheesy or loud, but just to be able to cheer you on and congratulate you after.
Hates the act of going grocery shopping, but loves going with you. Also because you force him to buy things other than Anytizers and Kraft Mac and Cheese.
Steals your hair ties and scrunchies to put his hair up. Does not fucking give them back, and denies having them, even if they’re piling up on his wrist.
Will drive you anywhere and everywhere. He is your personal Uber. Even if you don’t want him to be, he would rather die than let you get into an actual Uber—and if it’s late at night? Forget it, Eren doesn’t care if you’re 45 mins away, he’ll come get you.
After you stabbed him with your pen for drawing in your notebook (with your very pristine notes), he started leaving sticky notes inside of them instead.
They’re all super random, usually incoherent, and sometimes just drawings, and you’d never tell him, but you keep every single one.
Cuts class a lot, but not to the point where he’s failing. Just when he feels like it’s deserved, you know? Like, if he attended lecture for a class all week, he deserved to skip Friday’s lecture. As a treat.
He’s embarrassing. Endearing, but so embarrassing. Like, singing in the middle of the street embarrassing. Asking you to do a TikTok in public embarrassing. Why do you even love him.
Moves off-campus during junior year and rooms with Jean and Armin in three-bedroom house. So, he’s never actually lonely, but he’s a little crybaby and will whine to get to you to come over.
LOVES sleeping over at your place, though. Because you live with Annie and Mikasa, so your place is always clean and always smells good. Plus Mikasa and Annie are usually busy, which means you get more privacy at your place.
Mikasa honestly just starts making breakfast for Eren in the mornings when he does sleep over, and Annie is so unfazed by his presence.
Jumps at the opportunity to join in on your girls wine-night or skincare-routine night. So what if it’s him and three other girls drinking red wine with face masks on and talking about Anne Hathaway movies while playing Monopoly Deal? It leaves him pleasantly buzzed and his skin is absolutely glowing, suck his dick, Connie.
Likely doesn’t understand a thing about your major/program but listens enthusiastically when you talk about it anyways.
His lock screen is the only selfie he’s ever convinced you to take with him. (That’s okay because he has many screenshots of your snaps for safekeeping and blackmailing).
Tries to get you to exercise with him. If you’re into that, then great. If you’re not, it’s okay, he always has time to stop and take a mid-workout thirst trap to send your way. Because he’s annoying like that.
Once accidentally replied to the whole class instead of just the professor on an email asking him to be a g and bump his 89.9 to a 90. Embarrassing. (The prof did raise in the end tho, so maybe he really does have some charm to him).
Has to wear reading glasses when studying for a long time/or at his computer for a long time, and even though he doesn’t like them, you think he looks super cute in them; so he wears them more often than usual. 
Calls you asking for the most obscure school supplies/stationary. “Babe, hey, you wouldn’t happen to have a spare 4x8 poster board laying around now would you?” 
Mind you this is at, like, 3am, 12 hours before the poster board in question is due. 
Speaking of stationary, is an absolute little shit and steals your good pens. He’s partial to the sparkly ones, if he’s being honest. They make his notes look better, fuck you, Jean. 
“Eren, give me back my purple 0.4mm pen.” “I don’t know what that is, sorry.” “Eren, I can see it in your hand!” 
Brings you snacks while you’re studying. If you’re really trying to crack down and be serious, he won’t even bother you. Just bring the snacks, bring you water and boba, kiss your little forehead and be on his way.
Has a polaroid camera he got as a birthday gift, and uses it to sneak pictures of you whenever you’re not looking. He keeps the good ones hung up on a sponge board in his room.
He has a few.... riskier ones too, but those are for his eyes only.
Loves to pick out your nail color when you get your nails done. Honestly gets a little pouty when you don’t ask him lmaoo
Purposely leaves his clothes around so you can wear them. Isn’t subtle about it in the slightest. Sometimes leaves them with a note: “Please wear this, you’d look cute as fuck. Thank you. —Management.”
(slightly nsfw below)
Is not too proud to ask you for risqué snaps. Not necessarily full nudes, thought he doesn’t object to those.
Will literally give you hickeys out of boredom. Will pull you onto his lap and start kissing your neck because he has nothing better to do. Also because it leads to sex 7/10 times. The other 3 times, it’s because he falls asleep with his head in your neck lmaoo
Might have once fucked you with one of his lectures playing in the background, but you’ll never tell.
He really likes phone sex. He’s shit at being quiet, so he can only really do it when Jean and Armin are out of the house, but there’s something about only being able to hear your moans to get off that really does it for him.
He’s kind of goofy and absentminded sometimes, so sometimes you’ll be mid-sex and he’ll look at you like “Hey, did you finish your assignment, it’s due tomorrow right?”
And honestly, you kinda wanna be upset, but then you start thinking—“Did I finish my assignment?” And then you realize you did and nod and he’s like “Ok, cool,” kisses your forehead and resumes where you left off.
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lauraashley93 · 4 years
Another try at fanfiction. I debated for a good minute about posting this because I don’t feel like it’s as good but eh. Here it is.
Halloween scare
Reader and a couple of the Mayans are coming over for Halloween fun when things start getting a little spooky!
Warnings: none? Swearing?
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It was Halloween night and Coco, Letty, Ez and Angel were all going to your house to watch scary movies and eat popcorn all night. You had spent all day decorating. You had all the lights off. Candles lit everywhere giving off that spooky feeling. Those silly wine glasses that looked like they were being held by Skelton hands filled with everyone’s drink of choice, big orange and black bowls filled with everything to chips and dip, popcorn and candy. You literally researched every “piss your pants” scary movie known to man to make sure there were no boring ones to slip through. You were dressed in your super fuzzy and soft pumpkin pajama pants with your over sized black shirt that had a ghost on it. To say you were completely extra was an understatement but you were excited and couldn’t wait for everyone to get there.
Soon enough everyone arrived. Letty was admiring all your work and Angel laughed and shook his head.
“Y/n you really have an obsession. There’s gotta be like a Halloween anonymous for you to attend.”
You narrowed your eyes and stuck your tongue out. “Very funny Reyes. Halloween is literally the BEST holiday. We WOULD be finding haunted houses to attend but SOMEONE is a party pooper.”
You rolled your eyes at Angel who just waved you off.
“Those are lame. Not even worth the money. They aren’t even scary. I have to look at Coco every day, now that, that is scary.“
Letty shrugged. “I don’t know. Sounds kinda great to me! Being scared is fun.”
Ez laughed. “It’s alright guys. Angel is just scared he will piss his pants in front of everyone. “
Angel scoffed at his little brother as Coco laughed
“Yeah Angel. Wouldn’t wanna embarrass yourself in front of” coco nodded to you and Angel elbowed coco before he could finish his sentence and shot him a glare. You were too busy laughing and putting in the first movie to notice the little exchange though.
“Okay okay, settle down children. Let’s get this party started!!” You said excitedly as you clapped your hands together.
You sat on the end of the couch followed by Angel. Ez sat on your recliner while Letty and Coco sat on the mess of blankets and pillows you had on the floor. You turned on the first movie and the marathon began.
Three movies later as you’re engulfed in the movie the conjuring you hear a noise in your attic. You furrow your eyebrows together and pause the movie.
“Hey! What are you doing it was just getting good!” Coco shouted in frustration.
“Hush! Didn’t you hear that?” You whispered a look of worry covering your face.
Ez rolled his eyes. “Y/n, you’re just being paranoid. Calm down and watch the movie. “
Angel laughed “yeah mami quit being such a scaredy-cat!”
Letty looked at the guys “no, I heard it too! What if it’s a ghost! Or a killer?!”
Angel rolled his eyes. “Really? Three movies in and you guys are already being ridiculous. And you think you could make it through a haunted house?”
Ez laughed “look, it’s probably just the wind. It is pretty windy out tonight. Just relax. If there is anymore noises I’ll go check it out to ease your mind.”
You pout and snuggle to your blanket and replay the movie but your attention isn’t quite on the movie anymore. Your paranoia is getting to you and you realize that as soon as Letty moves to stretch and you scream because the sudden movement startles you. Everyone is looking at you and you laugh nervously.
“I think I’m gonna go get more beer. Anyone want anything?”
Letty shakes her head. “No, but I’ll go with you.”
You both walk into the kitchen as the boys continue to watch the movie coco turns his attention to Angel.
“So, Hermano, when you gonna man up and make a move on y/n?”
Angels eyes grow wide as he looks at Coco. “What are you a fucking girl? This isn’t a slumber party and we ain’t gossiping so suck a dick bro.”
Ez laughs “come on Angel why so defensive? Why not just go for it?”
“Because dumbass. She, she isn’t into me. Besides, we’re best friends. ”
Ez rolled his eyes “oh quit being a pussy and ask her. You aren’t scared of ghost and goblins but when it comes to a y/h spunky girl, you freeze up. “
Ez and coco laugh as Angel stares daggers at them as y/n walks back into the room.
“What’s so funny you stooges?”
Ez smiles and shakes his head “not a thing mami, not a thing. “
Coco looks around and furrows his brow. “Where’s Letty?”
You look around and shrug. “I don’t know. I thought she came back out here. Maybe she went to the bathroom?”
Right then you all heard a loud scream. Coco jumped up and ran to the back the three of you following close behind him as you start flipping on all the lights.
“She’s probably trying to scare y/n” Ez says trying to relax everyone.
“Letty, leticia! Where are you?” Coco yelled
“Come on Letty this shit ain’t funny” y/n yelled.
The lights start to flicker until they completely shut off. Everything goes quiet for a few moments as the lights turn back on. Angel looks around making sure he sees you first a sigh of relief seeing you’re safe. You smile and grab his hand you look at Coco and grab his hand next holding on tight as if they’re going to disappear.
“Where’s Ez?” You ask.
Angel looks around “EZ? Letty? Yo quit playing your stupid game. It’s getting old and I wanna finish the movie.”
Y/n whispers “you really think they are just playing a prank??”
Angel nods “pff yeah. All that talk about haunted houses not being scary. Probably just trying to pull a fast one. The shit is stupid.”
Coco nods. “Yeah, well shit ain’t funny no more. Leticia get your fucking ass out here or you’re grounded.”
Y/n raises an eyebrow at Coco, trying not to laugh at his attempt at fatherly demands.
“Grounded?” Angel asks the humor in his voice clear as day. “She would beat your ass before she let you ground her papi coco”
Y/n laughed but quickly recovered as Coco glared at the two of you.
“Aye she knows I ain’t playing. We got a mutual respect of things. And making me think a ghost fuckin snatched her ass is grounds for grounding.”
Coco went to go say something else as the lights went off again this time you hear glass shatter and felt Coco’s hand being snatched out of yours as he starts yelling.
“Aye get the fuck off me. I ain’t the one Im gon’ fuck you up. “
“COCO!” Y/n yells
It’s quiet now. Nothing but the sound of the clock ticking as you wait for the lights to come on and you hear Angel sigh.
“So he’s in on it to? Come on guys. You’re gonna have to try harder than that.”
You’re shaking at this point as you’re holding on to Angel. “I don’t think this is a joke, Angel. I’m scared.”
Angels heart races as you hold him tightly and he wraps his arms back around you.
“It’s okay y/n. I gotchu. They’re just trying to pull a Halloween prank. ”
The lights come back on as you look around. The crashing noise had been a vase and Coco was no where to be seen. Angel was getting annoyed.
“Alright shit heads games over. Come out.”
The lights flickered again your grip tightened on Angel and there was a noise behind you. You both turn around as the lights flicker there is a figure at the end of the hall. It’s black shape and white face staring back at you. It slowly raises its hand Pointing toward the two of you.
“Ha. Ha. Very funny. Bravo guys. “
Angel speaks out to the figure and the lights turn out again. You hold your breath as you hear the floor creak. Gripping on to Angel so tight your hand start to hurt. You can swear the creaking gets louder and closer until... it stops. the air is thick and you can swear you hear angels heart rate quicken. A few seconds feels like hours until.. the light pops on and BAM the figure is right there you scream as it grabs ahold of you and drags you back like it’s simply floating quickly across the floor. Angels eyes go wide
“ANGEL! HELP ME.” You scream. Desperate to get out of the grips of whatever has a hold of you.
Angel takes off running as the lights turn off again. He stops, breathing heavily. Continuing to slowly walk forward.
“Y/n where are you??” His voice is shaky.
He hears something behind him and he turns around quickly trying to see through the darkness. “Y/!n? Coco? Letty? Ez?”
He continues to walk until he feels like he hits a brick wall. He stops, swallows hard and looks up just in time for the lights to come on. He backs up to take in the full picture. A big man in butcher like clothes with blood all over them. A face that looks like it has been cut and rotted? Glossed over eyes, almost zombie like... but zombies aren’t real..are they?
His mind is spazzing as he finally looks down seeing him drag something by their hair, no not something, someone, Letty. He screams and goes to turn around and he turns right into three people in white masks and he stops and drops to his knees screaming so high pitched it might have been mistaken for a girl. Falling to his knees he covers his eyes waiting for his demise but instead he is met with.. laughter? He peeks up seeing coco, you and Ez take off the masks. He turns around seeing Letty getting up laughing. The guy in butchers clothing peeling back the latex on his face revealing Gilly as the culprit. Everyone is laughing except Angel. He slowly stands up and his once scared face is now annoyed as he starts walking toward your back door. You stop laughing “oh no, did we go too far?”
Coco laughed again. “Nah. He will be okay. Just mad cause we got the best of him. “
Ez wiped the tears from his eyes caused from his laughter “yeah, don’t worry about him.” He turned to Gilly, “thanks for the help man, he definitely didn’t expect that. “
Gilly laughed “I’m happy to help. How did you all get it to look like y/n got pulled down the hallway?”
As Coco explained that they had Letty get dressed and put a belt and rope around her and had her stand on a old skateboard so ez and coco could roll her back one they grabbed you, you made you way to the back yard where Angel was out smoking a cigarette.
“Hey” your voice was quiet as you walked up to him. “Don’t be mad at them. It was my idea. I didn’t think you’d get upset.
Angel rolled his eyes. “Upset? How would I not be upset at the thought of the love of my life being taken away and possibly killed?” Angel stopped talking as his cheeks for red as he realized what he just said. You eyes grew wide as his words sank in.
“What? What did you say?” You looked at up him. Angel just stared at the ground and sighed.
“Look, I’m in love with you y/n. I have been for awhile and I didn’t know how to tell you because I didn’t want to ruin anything and I didn’t want ruin what we did have because I can’t stand the thought of you not in my life.”
Y/n is now smiling at his rambling and shuts him up by slamming her body to his and kissing him fast and hard. Angel wraps his arms around you and kisses you back urgently. Feeling intoxicated by your taste. You finally pull back to catch your breath with a smile on your lips.
“Angel Reyes, you sir are an idiot. If I knew all it took was someone trying to kidnap me to get you to tell me I would have done this a long time ago. I love you, too. I was just waiting for you to grow a pair and come claim me. “
Angel smiled at that and pulled you closer. “Well consider yourself claimed mi amor. You are mine forever now.”
You both smiled kissing each other again as you could hear shouting and “finally’s” coming from the house.
“It’s about damn time. Now , get your asses in here so we can finish this movie.” Letty explained as you and Angel laughed following her inside to continue your movie night. Halloween is always amazing for you, but this will always be your favorite.
@angelreyesgirl @auroraariza @spookys-girl @trulysuccubus @stunning-shitz
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merctrovert · 3 years
Ragnvindr || Chapter 4
we are all museums of fear. - charles bukowski
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Kaeya Alberich.
That was his name now.
You watched the Calvary Captain as he tossed a gold coin in his hand, seemingly amused by the gossip that was going on behind him.
The newspaper in your hand was far from interesting, but you kept it open as you watched a knight approach the young man, laughing as though a joke had been said.
You stood up, dropping the paper onto the bench.
You had not seen him since that incident either.
It had all gone by too fast, but he had arrived with knights to the scene. Everything else for you was a blur after that.
But as you made your way down the steps, your steps faltered, recalling Diluc's distant reaction towards his name. Just how much had changed?
A part of you had long ago hoped that things would be able to return to what they were. But after your father's sickness and your brother's isolation, seeing the separation of the two brothers you were close to... it felt impossible.
"...it's you?"
Your head snapped up, wide eyes meeting the own wide lapiz coloured eyes of Kaeya. You had meant to avoid him, not that you didn't want to see him, you just weren't prepared to meet him today.
Before you could say anything, he had crossed in long strides, engulfing you in a large embrace before pulling away with a chuckle. "You're back?"
"Apparently so... I see you're a Captain now."
He chuckled once more as you simply smiled, slightly startled at the height he had grown to.
"It has been a while. May I take you out for a drink? We can talk over some food too."
"Ah, it's alright. I'm not going to be staying around for long."
"How come? Did you come to see Diluc?"
Kaeya's eyes sparkled with knowingness as you nodded, feeling slightly awkward. "Well, he's in his own world. Can't help you with him I'm afraid. But it's rather funny..."
You raised a brow as he hid his smile behind a gloved hand. "You both disappeared without a word."
"I am sorry." Guilt filled you. You had left not only him but your family too shortly after Diluc's own disappearance.
He shook his head, shrugging at your apology. "It is in the past. At least you are back now."
Your eyes dropped at the mention of your stay.
"Not staying for long then? I see."
"I simply came here to see how everyone was doing. Even if that everyone is you and Diluc."
He hummed in thought. "He did receive your letters if that question ever crossed your mind."
It was unexpected and your eyes widened but then you flushed, clenching your fist when you realised he had never written back. Swallowing the hard lump in your throat, you forced an uneasy smile."It's okay. There's something more important on my mind than that."
"Something giving you trouble? If it's connected to the strange things happening lately..."
"You've noticed things are happening here too?"
"I may have one eye covered, but I'm not blind. I know more than you think."
You didn't want to drag the brothers together unwillingly but if there was a way to prevent another occasion from arising that was similar to the one that occurred four years ago...
"I think I may have to think about that offer of drinks, Kaeya."
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Kaeya set the cup back down onto the bar, leaning his head onto his fist.
You sipped on the infamous dandelion wine, though your nose twitched at its smell. It wasn't as fragrant as grape juice, but it was certainly unique as Kaeya had described.
After telling Kaeya what you had come across, excluding your meeting with Diluc, he was now staring at the top rack of wine bottles whilst humming occasionally in thought.
"I see.... you've changed a fair amount, you know. I always knew you liked knowing things, more than me, but this is certainly beyond what I imagined. If this is true, then everyone is in grave danger."
"What... do we do?"
"Have you spoken to Diluc?"
You nodded, tracing the rim of the cup.
"Of course you have. Well, as annoying as this is, we may have to meet with him soon."
"What... what happened between you two?"
Kaeya blinked as if forgetting you had not witnessed what had happened before chuckling. "He was just not fun to hang around with anymore. After disappearing and leaving everything behind..."
His fingers tightened around the cup but you averted your eyes. There was more he was not saying but you didn't press on.
"Ah, whatever." Kaeya ruffled his hair, gulping down the rest of the wine. "I'm doing this just to get rid of the Abyss Order. Don't get me wrong."
"I never said I had." You also finished your drink, thanking the bartender before standing up.
"Going so soon?"
He hummed, looking up at you.
"Whatever happened between you and Diluc... I won't push on. But what's happening now, with the Order and the Fatui. I'm... afraid that the same events will unfold."
A seriousness overtook his face and he stood up, heading over to the door. He understood what you meant. Opening it for you, he spoke as you passed him.
"If it means preventing similar situations from arising, I assure you. I will not let it happen."
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"Are we going to keep meeting like this?"
You spoke to the dark figure behind you, watching as the night fell over Mondstadt once more.
"You met Kaeya."
"Spying on me?"
"Angel's Share is brimming with gossip and information. It was your own mistake going there."
You let out a laugh, leaning against the wall to your side. Diluc simply sighed, taking his place beside you after setting his claymore down.
"Don't get the Knights involved. I can manage more than enough on my own."
"Why do you detest them so much?"
When he didn't respond, you turned to the man beside you. His mask lay on the ground and his distant eyes searched the horizon for something more as he parted his lips to speak.
"On that day, I didn't know what to do. And when I went to the headquarters, do you know what Eroch told me?"
Eroch was a name you had not heard in a while; the former Inspector for the Knights of Favonius. You weren't sure what had happened, but he had been found guilty of being a traitor. You had heard the news as you were travelling, though never tried to linger on gossip too much.
Diluc raised a hand to his face, as though to hide a disgusted expression. "He told me to conceal it. To hide what had happened, the truth."
Diluc thought back to what had happened, the events clear in his mind.
He was lost and confused after his father's death. The Knights were all he knew. Serving justice... protecting the people of Mondstadt... that was what he thought of when Eroch had told him to conceal the truth.
What kind of person working with the knights... upholding laws and protecting Mondstadt would have told him to hide what had really happened?
Ever since that day, Diluc had not looked back once. He had not returned to the Knights and he refused to even look their way.
You dropped your eyes to your hands. "I heard he was a purged from the Knights."
"And he has not shown his face since then."
Another silence fell over the two of you, though this time, you found it not uncomfortable. It was quiet, something you both had enjoyed since you were children.
Still, you couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness in your heart. Seeing Diluc talk with such heavy eyes and words... you clenched your fist. It wasn't up to you, but he was your friend.
And if there was any way to shoulder some of the weight he carried on his shoulders, to relieve him of his unspoken words, then you would try.
Diluc saw it before you did, the darkness looping around your ankles and wrist, winding around your waist and before he could call your name, you were pulled down from the wall.
One second you were beside him, the next you were looking up at him and his outstretched arm as he called your name, his terrified face branded into your mind.
Hands looped around your neck as masked figures surrounded you, muttering strange words.
Diluc had dropped down, his claymore set blazing with fire as he fought against the shadowed figures that had been waiting below to strike, like snakes.
Struggling against the grip of two figures, you stomped your feet on theirs, using their surprise to manoeuvre out of their hands.
But they seemed to be more prepared than you, lunging at you immediately.
Wincing at the sharpness shooting up your arm, you dug a fist into the one holding you down, but before you could slip out again, someone had pinned you down against the floor, knee on your back.
"Hold still," They seethed. A human. Perhaps Fatui? But you had little time to think as suddenly, there was a burning sensation against your arm and you couldn't help but cry out in pain, the scalding burning making your eyes tear up.
Diluc's head snapped up at your cries and as if a switch inside him had been flicked on, he kicked the person in front of him off his blade, sending a fiery path of flames towards the others that lie in front of him.
Running to you, with his blazing weapon in his hands, he swiftly cut down the figures on top of you, not even going after those that retreated back into the darkness as he bent down, checking if you were okay.
Wincing and spitting out a slight mouthful of grass, you assessed your arm.
Breathing heavily, Diluc towered close by, keeping an eye out for any other dangers.
With shaky hands, your fingers traced the wound on your arm.
At your croaky voice, he glanced down almost immediately, eyes widening at the sight on your arm.
You both knew what it was. Abyssal power, burnt into your skin. The purple incantations wavered over your burnt skin before disappearing into you sending into further scalding pain.
"Who were they?" Using Diluc's claymore, you stood up shakily.
"Fatui." He spit the word just like he threw the broken Fatui mask onto the ground, walking back to you. "But no ordinary Fatui. Fatui with Abyssal power."  
A shudder ran down your spine. So your suspicions were correct. Diluc noticed this too.
"They really are working together." You whispered, cradling your arm. "But why?"
"The fact that you're injured is more important." His face was hidden, but you knew he was frowning. You shook away his worry.
"Don't worry. I can patch myself back up at the inn I am staying at. But... whatever this is..." You winced again at the pain, deciding it would be best not to move your arm.
Diluc turned away. "It's not an ordinary wound." His fist clenched. "I will track them down and deal with them myself."
"Don't do it alone. It's dangerous. Fatui with Abyssal power... and with what you mentioned before, if it's true they have these Delusions.."
"But you can't join me, so it is best I go alone. I have been doing these things by myself, there's no need to worry about me."
"Diluc. It's dangerous."
"That is why you should stay back, don't you understand?" He sighed, frustrated. His fists were curled as though agitated. "Your injuries could have been much worse. I have targets on my back and I do not want to put them on yours."
"I am capable of defending myself too, Diluc, I don't want you to walk into something so dark on your own."
"I have to. Alone. You're the only memory, the only person I am holding onto from the past." He took off his mask, darkened eyes staring into your own. Though it was hard to see his expression in the dark, his eyes glowed a hue of red that held more than just anger and frustration.
"Leave me alone and go somewhere far away. Forget my name again, it will only mean endangering you."
"Four years I searched for you, Diluc, I'm not going to let you go now."
Silent, he turned around and began walking away.
"Diluc! I can handle these things, I can do it-"
But he didn't stop once. Not even his footsteps faltered as you tried to limp after him.
Diluc clenched his fist as he walked away from you. He knew you could. He knew you were capable and he knew you could handle yourself.
But one injury like that was enough to set his mind in stone and no matter how hard you would try, he would not change his mind. Four years had passed and he had changed, so had you. But for this, his mind would not change.
You were the only one left from his past, the only one that brought back memories he had buried deep into his mind, memories of a time that was once so peaceful it seemed like a bittersweet, cruel dream.
Did you know how long he had walked on this path, by himself, alone in the dark to tread out whatever evil he found?
It would take more than his blade to eradicate them all and his dark journey was one to be taken alone.
His heart still faltered as he disappeared into the shadows, leaving you lingering by the gates of Mondstadt.
At least, he told himself, gritting his teeth as though to convince himself. At least that way, one of you would be safe.
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word count: 2.3K
I apologise for the late update!!! Honestly, I completely forgot last night since I had finally finished a week of school. I hope you enjoy reading nonetheless :’)
Be taking care, as always <3 
makeshift taglist: @fishyfish-y​ 
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finrad · 4 years
Is It Love - Finrod x Reader
This one is like 3k words and it took me forever to write and I'm proud of it.
Warning: It's kind of an emotional rollercoaster???
Finrod Felagund. The fairest and most beautiful elf in all of Arda, in your eyes. And yet he seems to choose to be drawn to you. A simple and plain elf that happens to live in Nargothrond. You were very drawn to Finrod. His blue eyes, his voice, and his golden hair are like a giant magnet while you were a piece of metal, slowly attaching to the king.
The way Finrod looked at you was different than the way you looked at him. You gave him sweet and gentle glances, while he gave flirty looks that continue to drag you to him. He looks at you with a gleam in his eye and as if he were a lion, ready to catch its prey. And you didn't seem to figure out what he was doing to you.
Some nights, you would have Finrod at your side, as gently whispered some cold elvish phrases into your ears. Phrases that were so full of lust or love and came out as smooth as silk. You couldn't believe that such a king would fall for you.
Other nights, you lay in bed alone, thinking about the bitterness of the world. Heartbreak, death, and all that junk. These nights were the ones where you felt incredibly overwhelmed. Your weariness was sometimes very visible, as many have noted that you appear to be tired or worn out.
"It was, but you need to realize that I don't want it to be like this." Your lips turned in a frown, and you were looking down. To hide the shimmering tears that slid down your face. "You see, I want to have a relationship with love in it. I don't want this... whatever this is. I want you."
Perhaps having someone at your side assuring you that it will all be fine helped you not feel cold and afraid. Finrod had always made you feel fine, but little did you know that he was playing games, and slightly toying with you. Not in a horrific way that will kill you, but in a way that confused you. A way that hid his feelings. A way that led you into him, and think the wrong things. Boy was he good.
Finrod's words always led you to think that you're in total love and someday you'll be wedded to him. Whether or not that was the intention of the king, you had to figure out. People have told you things that you weren't too sure about. They said that the king was baiting you in with sweet kisses and gentle words, and you were soon to be reeled into an ugly game of love and lust.
Obviously, the words of the others made you question this romance you have with Finrod. Was it all a lie? Was all of this just good fun or was it love that was endearing and true? Elves weren't for these types of things, so this whole experience was weird for you.
One day, you decided that you had no choice but to confront Finrod about everything that has ever happened between you. That is, until you fall into his arms and he'll kiss you in such a tender way. This madness was making your head spin. Why, out of all of the elves, whether they be in Valinor or on Middle-earth, did this have to be on your hands? Who decided that this is to be your life?
"Finrod?" you squeaked, the moment you laid eyes on him today. "There must be a discussion between us. About what we are." The king was tall and mighty, and you were slightly intimidated by his power. Never have you been this scared. At this point, you wanted to simply melt and not have to go through this.
"What do you think we are?" Finrod asked, his smooth voice trailing you in. As he spoke, you got closer to him, until your chest was against his. Here goes nothing.
"I-I don't know." you answered. "That's why I'm asking you. I'm not too sure if–" Your words were cut off by a kiss. One that was passionate. Instead of separating from him to continue speaking, you melted into the kiss. And that was something you regretted doing.
Finrod moved away just a hair and whispered, "Isn't this just plain fun? To me, this is you and I, having a wonderful time."
What does this mean? Before you could ponder any longer, Finrod placed his lips against yours and now he's the only one you can think about. People were watching this happen, which caused you to be nervous. This had to stop.
Quickly making a new distance, you said, "Finrod, so is this not love?" The king smirked and shrugged.
"That is up for interpretation." he replied. So this all must be a lie. It's secretly lust hidden behind a mask. You couldn't go on any longer. What's the point of being with him if he was going to continue to not truly love you. At the moment, you felt tricked; deceived. Finrod never looked like somebody who was like this. He seemed like the kind of person who would love somebody, and never lie about it.
Leaning in to continue to kiss you, Finrod placed his arm around your waist. You were no longer going to be tangled up in this mess any longer. So, you decided to push him away and cross your arms. You wanted this to be serious. You wanted you and Finrod to be real. But it didn't seem to be that.
"What was that for?" the king asked, his voice more childish. You've never heard him talk like this. "Didn't you like this? Wasn't it all fun?"
"Of course." you told him, now wrapping your hands around his neck. Then, Finrod kissed you sweetly, as the fireflies danced with the flowers. Instead of the feeling of regret and intoxication that you used to get from his kisses, you got the feeling of pure and electric love. Your heart fluttered, and his lips had a taste that you haven't had for a long, long time.
"You do have me, though." Finrod retorted. "You have had me since the days we first met, in the gardens while the moon was out."
That day was seemingly the best day of your life. Fireflies danced around the two of you, and the flowers were fully bloomed, ready to be picked. In that moment, you felt that Finrod was the one. Yet now, you weren't so sure. In fact, now, you were convinced that there wasn't a person for you. After falling into this, you never wanted to love again.
"I don't believe you." you told Finrod, with a stern tone. "Right now, it's best if we don't kiss or stay together. Come back to me when you learn how to love."
Although it was late at night, you decided to go drink some wine to wash the sadness away. No one was going to join you. You didn't want to cry with a friend, you wanted to cry alone in the dark and wake up with a fuzzy memory of it all. At home, you brought out a small bottle and began to drink. 
This day is the worst one ever. Just now, you had found out that the elf that supposedy loved you in fact didn't love you. He probably never did. Sniffles and sobs could be heard from your room. Please say that nobody is nearby, listening to this whole fiasco. If somebody listened in and mentions it later, you'd be so embarrassed to the point that you'd flee from this place.
Approximately an hour ticked by. You had one too many glasses of wine. A knock came to your door, and you decided to open the door. Your fingers were tingling, and you felt as if you could drop to the floor and wake up hours later with a tiny headache.
It was Finrod, at your door. With a small flower in his hand. What did he want? He can't have learned to love now. It has only been an hour or two since you broke things off with him. The two of you were over now.
"Mae govannen." said Finrod. "I have come here to say that I love you." His hands went to your shoulders and he went in for a kiss. Falling into his game once more, you began to kiss him, the feeling of shame and pleasure in you. You fell for him again, but it felt wonderful. The taste of his lips sent you on a ride.
Soon, your hands dug into his gorgeous hair. It was perfect, not a single knot on it. Kissing Finrod was so wrong. All of this was wrong. You moved away, speechless. What have you done?
"I..." you hesitated. One wrong word and then you'll find yourself in a sticky situation. "love you." Oh, for goodness' sake. That was not the right thing to say. And the next thing you know, you find yourself kissing the tall king of Nargothrond.
The next morning, you woke up next to Finrod. This was not what you wanted. You went to fix your hair and change your clothes. And so you did that, wanting to get out without waking Finrod up.
Out you were, hoping that you wouldn't run into Finrod again. If you did, you knew that you were going to be in his grasp. He always cared for his people, but you felt that he made an exception for you. No, he didn't mistreat you. He just slightly took advantage of you. This side of the king was one that only you have seen with your very eyes. Because only one who end up in love with him could see it.
If only he loved you. If only you lived happily with him, and every single "I love you" was true. But, life always gives people obstacles to go over. And you struggled to get over this one.
Right now, you craved his love. You craved just one taste of what he is like to one that he truly loves. Not even a full experience. Just a single taste. He stayed on your mind, and you wished to never think of him. But then again, you wanted to think about him.
Nobody around you noticed that you were struggling. All they saw was a happy face that you put on to make sure that everyone assumed that you were fine. You wanted to handle this alone, and if anyone learned of your sadness, the whole kingdom will end up knowing thanks to gossip.
The skies were blue and the sun high. Currently, it was laer, which was the elvish name for what humans call summer. Usually, people associate this season with sunshine, joy, and warmth. However, you were feeling as if dark clouds were above your head. You felt cold and broken.
Curse that elf that broke your heart. He ruined your laer. Instead of being happy with him and enjoying a life under the Sun, you had a case of some summertime sadness. Right now, a kiss from Finrod would cheer you up, but not in this case. It would only make things worse.
Why was he still on your mind? It's not like you wanted him anymore. Images of the old times where you and Finrod seemed to be in love flashed by. If only they were made by genuine love. But instead, they were made by a false love that you weren't aware of.
It was going to be long time until you want to even look at Finrod again. And what sucked is that you lived under his rule, you had to see him. There is no other option. You didn't want to run away. Kinslayings had recently happened, and darkness was upon this world. You didn't want to put yourself at risk. Chances are, you'd get killed if you did. And you didn't want to die. Death was not an option.
Later, you realized that you needed to head home, or else you might end up running into Finrod. At home, you told yourself to never answer the door if there is a knock. Risks could not be taken now. If you took a risk, you would end up harming yourself.
Days have passed since you spoke to Finrod. Leaves were beginning to fall from trees and the air was beginning to get cooler. You lived in peace, and you were happy. No more tears, no more sadness. Or so you thought.
Secretly, you desired for Finrod to come back. A desire burned brightly inside of you. You wanted him to love you. To treat you with care and shower you with affection. Because you had this desire, you spent days staring at a portrait of him. Longing for his love. You said that you never wanted to see him again, but you were lying to yourself.
Tonight, you ran outside under the pale moonlight, wearing a white gown that you believed to be your favorite one. To the gardens you went, to secretly weep and dance. You were happy, until you found your longing for Finrod to be so strong that you couldn't contain yourself.
While you danced, you felt a cold hand on your shoulder. A hand that gave you memories of the past. One that reminded you of love and heartbreak. Whose hand was it? It was none other than Finrod's. He stood behind you, standing with his back slouched and with a painful frown.
"We meet again." you said. "I haven't spoken to you in months."
"I know. And I don't like that." Finrod told you. He looked at you with a face that you have never seen before. One that you saw your parents give each other every day. "Let me explain myself to you, please."
"No." you sternly stated. "I know that you'll say that you love me and then we'll go through this insane cycle again." Finrod tried to continue talking, but instead, you ran away from him. You can't trust him now, no matter how much you love him.
Oh, Valar, did you want him. You wanted him to tell you that he loves you again. Even if he didn't mean it... What are you thinking? That thought was absolutely absurd. Maybe you do need to talk to somebody about this crazy mess that you and Finrod made.
To vent out your issues, you decided to talk to your friend. She was a kind elleth who would understand and be caring. You knew that she was the right choice. This was actually the first time you've ever vented to a friend. People have said that it feels nice to get everything off of your chest, so you hoped they were right.
"Hello, what would you like to talk about, mellon nin?" your friend asked you.
"It's about Finrod. I need to get this off my chest." you answered. "Well, we kind of split up like months ago... and today he came back telling me that he loves me."
"Why did you two break up?"
"He didn't really love me, and I didn't want to be in a relationship without love."
"Then he doesn't deserve you. Even if he is a king, don't take him back. You deserve to be loved." You figured that she was right, but what if Finrod loved you now?
"I think he does deserve me though..." you said. "Recently, I have been longing for him, and I'm not sure what to do."
"I'd say to go with your heart." Your friend flashed a smile. "If your heart tells you that he is definitely the one, then it's most likely true."
You took your friend's advice and thought about it. Thinking about it all day made you really want to see Finrod again. He's irresistible, honestly, like an appealing dessert sitting right in front of you. It was bad for you, but you wanted it. Or was he bad for you? There is a chance that he's what you need.
The next night, you figured that you have made a decision. Hopefully, you won't regret it. Because there might not be going back. There might be a chance that you won't be able to change your mind. You were nervous, for you didn't know what the future had for you. This choice could change your future. It could help or hurt it, depending on how Finrod feels. You wanted this choice to help your future.
That night, you went to the gardens to wait for Finrod. You had a gut feeling that he'd be coming back, to find you alone and dancing in the dark under the pale light of the moon. Tonight could be the best or worst night you've ever had.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of waiting, you saw Finrod coming in from the distance. Goodness, was he handsome. His blond hair that he inherited from his father, Finarfin, was the best hair you've ever seen. He told you once that his sister, Galadriel, probably had the best hair out of his family, but you think that he is wrong. But, who knows, perhaps she does have the best hair, and you are yet to see it.
The king called your name in a desperate tone. The look on his face screamed "I'm utterly in love." Once he made it to your side, you pursed your lips, preparing to tell him what you needed to say. You were so nervous, though. You were as nervous as you were on the day you first told Finrod that you loved him. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and your legs were shaking.
Now, the sky was decorated with beautiful little stars that shine bright along with the moon. You now wore a red gown, while Finrod wore a grey gown. Both of you had your hair loose, flying with the soft wind. Flowers were underneath your feet, swaying as the wind blew.
You took Finrod's hands and saw that little fireflies surrounded you. They danced in the night while the two of you spoke. This moment felt so magical, as if it were straight out of a fairy tale. Fairy tales weren't really your thing, but you were glad to feel as if you're living in one.
"Listen to me..." you hesitated. "I would like you to speak the truth and only the truth. If I catch a lie in whatever you are saying, we will never speak again. Do you love me?"
"Of course I do." Finrod replied. "I lied to you back when we were together, but that was because I didn't take things slow enough with you. I let things happen too fast."
A smile tugged on your lips. "Do you care to prove it? I don't wish for another crazy mess to happen again."
"Well, you're never off my mind. You stay in there, dancing with your hair flying in the wind. I want to love and hold you for as long as I live. No longer do I want to use you and trick you." he said. "I now know what it means to love. I know how love feels. And I feel love for you."
"Hey, Finrod?" you said. The king gave you a small nod. "I believe you. And I love you as well."
"So can we start again, and correctly this time?" he asked, feeling a little hopeful.
Ever since that day, you found the side of Finrod that he shows to his lover. The side that you have always wanted to see since the day you met him. Boy, was life great.
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trvelyans-archive · 4 years
okay well i’ve been thinking about wayhaven celandine all day so here’s a fact dump (under the cut because it’s Long):
religiously does her nails - she used to bite them down to the nub when she was a kid and had a tendency to pick at her hangnails until she was bleeding, so the only thing that stops her from doing that when she’s worried/stressed is by wearing nail polish/acrylics
online shops Way more than she should and spends too too too much money on her clothes. she wants to feel sexy and badass All The Time and intimidate people by feeling sexy and badass. lots of very very simple and understated tops but with sharp angles/silhouettes 
on the other hand, has a very minimalist house - she doesn’t have very many decorations or anything.... personal, really ? she has some fake plants to Liven the place up so it doesn’t look like an ikea set but besides that not much - pretty standard furniture, coasters, etc
was in the debate club in high school and fucking Rocked it. was 100% the top debater and the only time she ever really partied in high school was debate trips. she also played lady m*cbeth in 12th grade and like. was really good at acting ? briefly considered a career in it but wanted to do something more “respectable” (i say as a theatre major slkfjsdl)
she kept to herself in high school a lot besides that, and didn’t really get along with her teachers bc if they messed something up or said something dumb she Would Debate Them, yes she Is that type of person, yes it Does come from childhood trauma of her mother not being around and therefore celandine not respecting authority very much,
met bobby bc he was assistant stage manager for the show where she played lady m*cbeth lol !!! tbh she didn’t really care too much about bobby - sure, they dated for 3 years but she never really loved him, and it was never too serious of a relationship, they just went on dates and had sex a lot but didn’t really take it seriously or fully commit to each other
then, when he steals her essay or whatever it is and she finds out, she dumps his ass and doesn’t regret it for a second, mainly bc she feels embarrassed and angry that he got the better of her and somehow did that ? like stole her whole ass paper ? but also he’s crusty so she doesn’t really care besides that !!! she starts going on dates again right away so it doesn’t really matter, in fact bobby probably got the worst deal
keeps her dad’s wedding ring on her bedside table in a little ashtray. sometimes, when she’s INCREDIBLY sad or feels really lonely, she likes to hold it in her hand and talk to him. she doesn’t remember her dad, like, at all, but the only thing she ever wanted was for him to be alive so she wasn’t so lonely and didn’t grow up relying on only herself for so long
she’s really polite when someone needs her to be nice to them- she always thought that, if her dad helped protect people and took care of them, that she should when given the opportunity to make him proud. besides that, though, she isn’t at all friendly and can easily hint to someone that they should gtfo when she wants to be left alone - she just doesn’t really care about anyone else’s opinion of her really, she grew up so independent that herself is the only person she’s felt like she can rely on. tends to act polite anyway, if a little stiffly, because a lot of the time there’s no need to bitch someone out, but when she needs to... oh boy does she deliver
she likes tina and verda well enough, and tina is just generally hard to hate, even for someone like celandine. they’re pretty close and have had a couple of girls nights with wine and like. face masks and nail polish painting, but don’t do it very often because celandine doesn’t really want to do it very often slkfjslsdfk. having fun with people and getting close to people makes her second-guess every conversation she’s had with anyone ever and every person she’s pushed away so. it’s not good to dwell on it
she’s babysat for verda a couple of times and is actually decent with kids and is pretty good at Pranking them into eating their veggies and telling them exciting bedtime stories with voices and everything. she doesn’t do it anymore for a few reasons tho, mainly just that she doesn’t have the time
she is terrified of commitment because she just doesn’t have a lot of grace when it comes to relationships and feels like she is inevitably going to say something wrong or mean (not that she would, because like i said, when someone needs her to Not be mean, she isn’t mean) or she’s going to die/get busy and leave them feeling like she’s felt her entirely life and she’s had a very sad and lonely life so she wouldn’t wish that on anyone
that being said, once her and adam get together at Some point during the series, she just has. the absolute WORST baby fever. now that she is committed and has a future with someone - guaranteed bc no matter what happens her and adam will always stay together - she can not only be a better mom than rebecca ever was, but also she just wants to be the best mom in the world. she would be ! her kid would be so stylish and also would feel so loved and respected and cherished and she would kick the ass of any bully or teacher who tried to fuck with them !!! and she would be so good at bedtime stories and playing with her kid !!!
okay, so, now that the Fun facts are out of the way, onto her very obvious flaws: mean, likes to feel better than anyone, terrible spender (like terrible, i’m serious when i say she spends probably 40% of her work paycheck on clothes), absolutely so stubborn, gets really mad and belligerent when she’s proven wrong or loses at board games, no sense of artistry and is good at no artistic things besides acting lol LKSDJFLDS, stans Shakespeare and reads his books for fun, finds looking thru ikea catalogues and furniture catalogues relaxing, showers every day, has a 1 hour bedtime routine, and, on the other end of that, she cannot be roused out of bed if she doesn’t want to be !!! 
but she has good qualities too !!! she’s not Evil, she’s just mean, so she does have a good heart and DOESN’T like when people are cruel and hurt other people on purpose (something she very rarely does unless someone is rlly pissing her off), will do work for you if you need her to (her love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service), and if you’re close friends and once she’s let down her guard a bit throughout the series, she WILL be really fun at parties bc she is very witty, she is very supportive of you and yet will be honest if you need her to be, and she really will be super loyal to you for a long time - she’s scared of commitment but, when faced with the need to commit, she will do it !!!
also she’s a master couponer so if you’re her friend FUCK buying things full price, she’ll find you the best goddamn deal in the world !!!
her and adam’s date night ideas are: 1 - sparring together ! 2 - playing board games together that ends with the winner giving the loser consolation smooches until they feel like a winner too :) 3 - reading shakespeare together :) 4 - going on walks !!! 5 - doing work together and distracting the other with an occasional smoomch or a Loving Declaration before handing them the pen they asked for !!! 6 - drinking red wine and celandine asking adam for Juicy Historical Gossip ;3 7- sleeping !!! celandine isn’t grumpy if she wakes up to hot man smooches
okay that’s all i got thanks for reading okay bye
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jinterlude · 5 years
An Easy Façade
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↳Story Header © @softjeon (do not steal this header!)
‣ Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader (female OC)
‣ Genre(s): CEO!AU, SMUT, Angst, Fluff, & Slight-Humor
‣ Warning(s): good old fashion, jealousy fueled sex
‣ Word Count: 4.9K
‣ Summary: It’s always easy to have a façade; however, it’s even easier for someone else to break it down. You and Yoongi have an interesting relationship with each other. The two of you never remotely hinted at any interests towards one another, but how’s it possible that one night changes that? For someone that never finds you attractive, Yoongi couldn’t help but feel jealous when a certain rival captures your eyes. What made him so special to earn your smiles and warm gazes? Yoongi never believed in sharing, and you are no exception.
A soothing sound of the saxophone fills the room. Streaks of sun peek through the curtains as the sound of fast typing invades the sweet jazz melody.
Sitting in a modernly decorated office, a stoic man eyes his computer screen. His eyes scanning for any errors in the report while his secretary currently lays in his bed. A soft scoff escapes his lips as he remembers his previous encounters with the young woman, AKA, you. Boy, your relationship with each other has always been nonexistent. If anything, you two are strictly boss and secretary. That is it. You are tasked with fetching his files, making phone calls, scheduling any important meetings, and everything in between. You always turn down his drunk advances, fully aware that you know that he strictly wants a one-night stand. No relationships. No strings attach. Nothing. Just one and done is Min Yoongi’s number one motto in life. Yet—he finds himself wondering how on Earth did he manage to get you into his bed—naked. Your gala dress lies on the floor, along with the rest of your lingerie—courtesy of him, of course. The billions of dollar jewelry, he bought days prior, rests on the marble counter in his bathroom.
Suddenly—a faint smell of sweet wine invades his nostril as his mind drifts to a couple of days ago—where his feelings for you began to change.
Patiently waiting for the elevator as you clutch your boss’s important files against your chest. You tap your foot as you eye your expensive wristwatch, counting down the seconds until the slow as fuck elevator arrives at your floor.
Your heart races as the big hand almost touches the six, which means that it was almost time for his incredibly important meeting.
         “Oh…I’m so fucked…” You curse underneath your breath.
Having enough of playing the waiting game, you hurriedly take off your heels and push the door leading to the stairs. You take a deep breath before hauling ass up four flights of stairs—desperate to make it to the meeting on time.
You run up the stairs; the pads of your feet connect to the cold stone of each step. Your hand wraps around the railing, hoping that it will give you the leverage that you need.
And just like that… you manage to make it to the main conference room.
You quickly slip your heels back on, smooth out your pencil skirt, and brush any hairs that are out of place. Min Yoongi loves perfection to the point of obsession. Seriously, you always find yourself questioning why your CEO has a thing for perfection—but of course—you bury your curiosity, not wanting to anger the pale man.
Once you deem your appearance meeting worthy, you inhale then exhale nice and slow before wrapping your hand over the door handle. You slowly press the handle down and enter inside the room.
The sound of the door opening enters Yoongi’s ears as his eyes lock onto the door. His eyes have become slits as you come waltzing in as if you are not late to this important meeting. To say that he is incredibly annoyed would be an understatement. This is your third time arriving late to a meeting, and that is two times too many.
Yoongi takes a mental note to have a little chat with you after the meeting before gesturing the head of finances to continue with her presentation.
You feel an icy-cold shiver rush through your entire body as you awkwardly walk over to Yoongi’s side. You hang your head low as you place the files in front him. Then, you step back and fold your hands in front of your, waiting for the meeting to be over.
Chatter after chatter. Business proposal after business proposal. That is all you hear. Your brain has become embedded with statistics and events; however, you pay little to no attention to them as your mind focuses on the fact that your boss has informed you that the two of you are going to talk once the meeting finishes.
         “Great. I’m fired…” You think to yourself as a tiny frown forms on your face.
A soft yet sad sigh escapes your lips as you silently pray to yourself that you remember your close friend’s number. Maybe she can hook you up with a new job at her fiancé’s company. Kim Seokjin has a reputable company, so you aren’t too worry.
         “Miss?” You hear Yoongi call.
Your attention instantly snaps onto him and quickly muster your business smile.
         “Yes, Mr. Min?” You reply as you see him stand up from his chair and walk towards the door.
Using his middle and index fingers, he gestures you to follow him, which you do.
         “Why were you late, again? As you know, as my secretary, it is crucial that you arrive to the conference room minutes…hell! Even hours before I do. I should never arrive to the room before you.” He pauses, taking a second to compose himself. “Maybe you’re not cut out to work for me…” He mumbles, walking into his office.
Your eyes widen at his words. This is it…you are going to be laid off. Your fingers tremble slightly as your heart pounds against your chest. A tiny nervous sweat trickles down the side of your face.
Contrary to your earlier thoughts, you don’t want to lose your job. You can’t explain it, but you have grown attached to this job your boss…you can’t just leave it him behind.
Just as you open your mouth to basically beg to say, Yoongi beats you to it.
         “However, seeing how I’m actually feeling lazy and don’t want to deal with the interview process yet again, I’ll keep you and as for your punishment, you will accompany to this year’s gala.” He tells you; his unreadable gaze piercing your naïve one.
A wave of relieve washes over you as you no longer feel dread. He didn’t fire you. There is a God.
         “Thank you, Mr. Min.” You smile politely at him, “May I ask what is the dress code for this event?” You ask.
With a raise brow, Yoongi explains the event and the dress code. He surprises you by adding that he is going to send his personal stylist to fetch your attire for the evening and recommends a salon for you to get your hair all prim and proper. Oh, can’t forget the makeup as well.
         “Now, Miss L/N…please do not arrive fashionably late. I hate taking pictures by myself.” He warns before sending you away.
You nod your head and reassure him that you won’t let him down again. You smile at him one last time before exiting his office.
Little do you know, Yoongi eyes your retreating body; his heart suddenly feeling weird.
He purses his lips as he swiftly brushes the odd sensation away before attending to his work.
And in just a blink of an eye, it is D-Day. The most important event of the year. The winter Gala. This is the event where every CEO comes together in one luxurious ballroom to schmooze and gather intel on rival companies. Basically, pretend to like one another only to backstab him or her in the future. Fun, huh?
Currently standing next to Yoongi, you continue to smile sweetly at other CEOs and their dates while your boss chats away with them.
With your throat feeling a tad dry, you quickly excuse yourself to grab a glass of champagne.
Yoongi looks at you, again with that unreadable expression, before excusing himself as well.
The look of confusion enters your eyes as you stare at your boss.
         “You didn’t have to leave your colleagues.” You tell him as the two of you find a waiter with a tray full of glasses of champagne.
Yoongi grabs two glasses and hands you one of them.
         “I know, but I couldn’t have my date defenseless against these drunk yet powerful men.” He explains casually, masking his true reason for staying by your side.
You smiled; a soft giggle escapes your lips. You then place your lips over the rim before tilting the champagne flute slightly. The bubbly drink lands on your taste buds before exiting through your throat.
         “Careful Mr. Min, or else people might think you care for me.” You tease as your eyes scan the room. Your gaze becomes still briefly when you see someone that you know Yoongi absolutely loathes.
You quickly glance back at your boss; a sigh of relief exits your mouth. Good. Yoongi hasn’t notice his rival, Lee Jihoon. What is he doing here? According to the gossip, Jihoon isn’t supposed to arrive until the two of you left. Fuck.
You lean slightly towards Yoongi, whispering his ear that you are going to use the ladies’ room. Yoongi nods, telling you to be careful as he unwraps his arm from your waist.
You smile warmly one last time before excusing yourself from his company. You then make a bee line for his rival, hoping that your charms will get him to leave before Yoongi notices. The last thing you need is to bail your boss out of jail for starting a fight.
         “Ah, Miss L/N!” Jihoon hugs you politely, “I believe this is my lucky night since I have the chance to witness your beautiful face.” He flirts shamelessly as his eyes trails your body. His lips slightly ajar as he sees the James Bond style of dress accentuating your curves. Your mid-thigh slightly peeking through the slit. Seeing you like this is too much for Jihoon. It is no secret that he desires you, but you know better. He only wants to sleep with you as revenge towards Yoongi for snatching away a deal that was meant for Jihoon.
Moments of silence has passed and his predator like gaze has yet to cease. You have grown uncomfortable to the point that distracting Jihoon is no longer worth it.
As you are about to excuse yourself, a cold voice enters your ears. Your body suddenly tenses as you register the voice. Shit—Yoongi is right behind you.
You slowly turn to face him and as you are about to say something, Yoongi’s hand locks around your wrist, and he roughly pulls you away from and out of the ballroom.
The cold air slams against your body as goosebumps begun to appear on your bare skin. Yoongi releases his hold on you, only to demand the valet to bring his car.
You feel uneasy as you never seen him this angry. Correction, never seen him this angry with you. If anything, he only expresses endless frustration and annoyances.
Second later, his car appears. The valet worker rushes to Yoongi, sensing his anger and hands over the keys. The poor boy fears for his life. Powerful CEOs are terrifying.
         “Get in.” He coldly orders you.
Not wanting to piss him off any more than you already have, you swiftly enter the passenger side and shut the door behind you, careful to not snag your dress in the door. You buckle your seat belt as Yoongi speeds out of the venue; the tires screeching echoes throughout the area.
The car ride is dead silent. Not even music can be heard inside the vehicle. Just awkward silence and—sexual tension?
Yoongi’s knuckles are white as he continues to grip the steering wheel.
After what it seems like an eternity, the two of you finally arrive at his place.
Yoongi parks in his garage and saying nothing else, he exits his car. He walks towards the garage entry door and slips off his shoes. He then slams the door behind him.
Your body flinches at the loud impact. You honestly feel helpless and unsure as you never have experience this side of him. Not even when a business deal went terribly wrong, he remained unnerved. The one time he expresses this type of anger is when he finds out that Jihoon somehow one-ups him in terms of deals and other business endeavors.
Then—it hits you. Jihoon. He is the source of Yoongi’s sudden fury. In your eyes, you only conversed with his rival as a distraction, but to Yoongi—Jihoon plans to steal you away from him.
Gathering enough courage to go after your boss, you exit the vehicle and walk right up to the door. You slip off your heels and just as you are about to enter through the entry, the door flung open.
You feel something wrap around your wrist, and you are abruptly pulled inside.
Your body is press against the wall as you feel something, or someone hold you in place.
Your chest heaves up and down slowly as the butterflies in your stomach went into a frenzy. Your mouth is slightly agape as you feel an unknown force take your hair out of the tight bun. The strands of your hair cascades down the sides of your face.
         “Mr. Min?” You whisper; your voice sounding incredibly meek as a field mouse.
A brush of silence only greets you as his gaze continues to penetrate yours. What does he plan to do?
Before you can flood your mind with more questions, his hand cups your chin; your head forcibly tilts up.
         “What are you doing to me?” He asks, unsure if he means it seriously or sarcastically.
A blank expression graces your face as you become unsure what to say next let alone do next.
         “I…don’t know w-what you mean, sir.” You stumble over your sentence. Not because you are shy around him, but it’s because you are afraid of what is going to happen next. You have heard countless of stories from your friends about what happens when one sleeps with the boss. You become his and only his. It’s not like you aren’t attracted to the man. You just don’t want to progress your relationship like this. Innocent thinking on your part.
Yoongi remains still as he studies your emotion and overall body language. Unlike his close friends, he never lied about his attraction towards you. He just didn’t want to pursue anything because he didn’t want to put you through the emotional roller coaster that his father put his mother on. He didn’t want to do this game of push-pull when you deserve his uttermost attention. However, with his position as CEO, Yoongi knows that he couldn’t give that to you. Unless—you become his wife.
Not wasting another second, Yoongi captures your lips. If this is going to be the only night he’s allowed to have with you, then he’s going to savor each second.
Contrast to his cold exterior, his interior displays nothing but warmth. He just shows it in his own special way.
The kiss immediately back takes you. You start to feel confused; however, like Yoongi, if this is going to be the only night that the two of you share intimately, might as well enjoy it.
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer to you. Your tongue lightly brushes against his bottom lip, hinting that you want in.
Yoongi sighs as he opens his mouth enough for your tongue to dart in. He wraps his arms around your waist as he lifts you slightly.
The two of you remain like that. Stuck against the wall as he begins to grind against your center. Thank God for the slit in your tight dress or else it would’ve been hard to hook your leg around him.
You feel this pool of pleasure settle in your core. You aren’t a virgin, but this sensation and overwhelming of emotion is foreign to you. The more he grinds against you, the more the desire increases. The desire for him to simply fuck you against the wall. The desire for him to pleasure you and you to pleasure him. You want him.
A teasing smirk appears on your face as a devious idea plants in your mind. You pull away one of your hands from his neck, but your lips stay connected.
While his tongue continues to massage yours, earning him a few moans from you, your fingers trail down his torso. The pads of your fingers meeting the silky-smooth fabric of his dress shirt until it lands on his leather belt.
Feeling something tug against his waist, Yoongi finally pulls away as his eyes trail down and sees something that only fuel raging hormones.
He raises his brow, feigning confusion, “Now, what you are doing, Miss?”
You eye him innocently, “Oh, nothing… I just wanted to undo your belt since I know it’s probably uncomfortable.”
Yoongi chuckles softly as he steps away from you. His hands reach towards his belt and quickly undoes it. He pulls the belt through the loops, loosening up his dress pants and freeing his hardened member from being pressed against the zipper. Though—it is still pressing against it. That is how arouse he is with her.
He tosses the belt to the side; a loud clank echoes throughout his condo.
         “Now, what Y/N?” He questions, catching you off guard since he never refers to you by your first name. Always your last name.
Strangely, hearing your first name roll off his tongue arouse you even more. Your mind begun imagining him moaning your name as he thrusts into you mercilessly. His grunts and swear words coming out like water as your body meets his thrusts. Your hands marking up his back as you end up scratching him, wanting to show the world that he is yours.
Without a second thought, you whisper a phrase. A phrase that Yoongi only imagines you saying softly whenever he pleasures himself.
         “Take me…”
His arms wrap around your waist and then tells you to jump. You do as you’re told and jump, not giving a shit if your dress rips on the other side. Yoongi is a rich man. He can always buy a replacement.
With his hands place underneath your ass, Yoongi carries you to his bedroom; his foot kicking the door shut once your bodies are inside.
He walks up the bed and lowers the two of you down; your backside hitting the soft sheets.
He captures your lips as his hands fumble with the zipper of your dress.
Giggling into the passionate kiss, you take pity on the man and assist him with your zipper. You sit up, pausing the little make out session, and reach behind you. Your middle finger and thumb touch the tiny metal as you slowly pull it down, revealing your strapless, dark-red bra.
Yoongi’s brows perk up as his harden member begs to be free. Seeing your body become expose like this is truly a dream come true.
You lay flat on your back, going painstakingly slow when shimmying off the dress. You want to make him crazy with desire as he has done with you.
Your chest rose slightly as a thought enters your mind. You are gradually close to doing what you fantasize about. Having sex with your boss.
A low—almost animalistic—growls sends your heart into a racing frenzy. Then, you feel his cold hands on your hips as Yoongi kisses the base of your neck.
His calloused fingers messes with the waistband of your panties as his teeth and tongue mark your neck.
         “God…” He mutters as his fingers hook themselves around the waistband and starts to pull them down.
The cool air hits your center as your wet core is in plain sight for him.
Just seeing how wet you are, is enough for Yoongi to tear off his clothes and take you at once—and he does.
He practically tears off his dress shirt, not giving a shit if it cost him $1000, and discards it to the side. He unbuttons and unzips his dress pants and pulls them down, along with his boxers.
His erection is now in plain view. Your jaw almost drops to the floor as your eyes widen. Damn… your fantasies didn’t do him justice.
Yoongi reaches for a condom, taking the latex out of its wrapper before covering his harden length.
His index and middle fingers touch your center, wanting to make sure that you are still nice and wet for him.
Once he deems that you are, Yoongi place his knees on the edge of the bed. His eyes trail over your body, then goes back to your chest. Your gorgeous breasts are still covered by your bra.
         “Your bra. Remove it.” He demands, gesturing you to sit up.
You shoot up and undo the hooks. The straps slide off your shoulders as you pull your arms out of them. You fling piece of lingerie to the side, not caring where it lands.
You smile sweetly yet alluringly at him as you gesture towards your completely naked body.
         “Better?” You ask, maintaining your alluring smile.
Instead of replying verbally, Yoongi grabs your face and kisses you roughly yet passionately. With his free hand, he hooks your leg around him and inserts his cock.
You are amazed with the fact that entered you without looking. He must have tons of sex then, not that you care since this is going to be a one-time encounter—right?
You let out a tiny gasp as you tilt your head back, breaking the kiss. Yup, he definitely knows that he’s doing as he instantly found your g-spot.
You grip onto the sheets as your moans gradually increase in volume. You shut your eyes as you feel your neck become assaulted with nibbles and sucks. You feel his lips move downward and latch onto your nipple while his free hand massaged the other breast. God, the combination of his harsh thrusting and his biting is just sending you into overdrive.
A spew of curse escapes the both of your lips as the pleasure starts to grow. This pool of pleasure settles in the pit of your tummy. You are incredibly familiar with that feeling, and you didn’t want this to send.
You place your hands on his semi-sweaty torso and push him up, ceasing his amazing thrusting.
Yoongi eyes you with pure confusion, wondering if you suddenly regret this.
Just as he opens his mouth to ask, you push him down. Curiosity fills his entire body as he watches you swing your leg over his waist. He then sees you raise yourself slightly as you align yourself with his dick.
A soft moan escapes his lips as you lower yourself slowly, engulfing him with this warm sensation. You anchor your hands against his chest as you begin to move your hips.
You slowly raise and lower yourself. Normally, you are this pillow princess when it comes to sex, letting the man do all the work, but with Min Yoongi, you experience this urge to prolong the pleasure. You find a suitable rhythm quickly as you ride him. His fingers dig into your soft flesh as you increase your motions.
You cock your head back, arching your back as the pleasure floods both of your bodies.
         “Fuck…” Yoongi grunts as he watches your boobs bounce in front of him. Damn… he’s getting a show while you’re fucking him. How much luckier can he get?
         “You’re gonna make me release, Y/N…” He manages to say through his constant moans.
You lower yourself down, pressing your addicting lips to his ears.
         “Oh? Then, I should probably stop…” You whisper teasingly; your hot breath fans his ear, sending a quick shiver down his spine.
Yoongi growls and then flips the two of you over. His hands pin yours above your head.
         “Not a good idea to tease me, Miss L/N…” He warns deeply; his deep voice turning you on even more—if that’s even remotely possible right now.
He pulls himself out of you, then without any warning, he practically slams his cock into you. Your boobs jiggle upon impact.
His thrusts have become rough and fast. He shows no mercy as he hits your g-spot each time.
At one point, you feel like you are going to pass out with how much you are moaning. It didn’t help that his thumb and index finger rub your clit, adding more to the pleasure that you are feeling.
Sounds of skin-on-skin contact and moans continue to fill the air. Your bodies continue to sweat as you guys show no sign of stopping.
Whenever the pleasure has grown to be unbearable, Yoongi would switch positions and/or take a break. He didn’t care that it was almost 3 in the fucking morning, and you are more than likely in desperate need to release. He needs this. He needs you.
         “Y-Yoongi… please let me c-cum…” Your moans interrupt you every other word.
Yoongi smirked, “I don’t know, Miss L/N… you made me incredibly jealous tonight…I think that deserves a prolong release, don’t you think?”
You whimper as the desire has grown to the point that you are close to coming undone with just one kiss.
         “I’m sorry for making you jealous. T-that wasn’t m-my intention.” You tell him, secretly finding it a tad weird that he’s telling you his feelings while he’s fucking you into oblivion essentially.
His pace slows down, almost in a teasing way, “Well… I don’t like people touching what’s mind. Whether it be business deals or even people…. What’s mine is mine.” Yoongi says; the possessiveness in his tone sent chills throughout your body.
You nod as your brain couldn’t form any words let alone a full sentence. Something about his declaration made you feel weird. When did you agree to be his?
         “You’re mine, Y/N…” His thrusting increases once more, “Remember that…” He tells you as he messes with your clit and continues with his quick and rough pace.
And before you know it—the two of you come undone together.
He releases into the rubber as you release all over him. With one final pump, he pulls himself out of you, suddenly missing the warmth. He rests his sweaty forehead on your sweaty shoulder before gathering enough strength to take off the used condom and throw it away.
You stare absentmindedly at the ceiling as you try your hardest to steady your breathing. You then feel a shift in the bed as your bare-naked body becomes covered with his blanket.
You turn on your side and meet his gaze, taking note of the hint of love in them. Love? That’s odd, but you’re too tired to address that. Maybe in the morning you will.
         “So…” You start, not sure whether to say something or just grab your stuff and leave.
         “Let’s sleep.” He mumbles; his eyes sewn shut as the fatigue washes over his body. He then pulls you closer to him; your head resting on his chest.
You smile softly, shaking your head at him. Yup, you two are definitely going to talk about tonight.
You allow the sleepiness to take control and in a matter of seconds, you enter a dreamless sleep… not knowing what tomorrow will bring to you two.
And that feeling of uncertainty still lingers. Yoongi’s almost positive that you seen the hint of love in his eyes. How’s he going to explain himself?
“Oh, by the way sorry for having sex with you because I was extremely jealous?”
Yeah not gonna happen…
A loud sigh exits his mouth as he angrily runs his hand through his hair. Why did he have to develop feelings for you? Why…?
Then, a light tap on his door pulls Yoongi away from his thoughts.
He swivels his chair around just as you enter inside his office.
         “Good morning, Y/N. Did you sleep okay?” He asks, noticing that you are wearing his clothes.
Your line of vision remains on the floor as you mess with the hem of his black t-shirt.
         “I hope you don’t mind that I took some of your clothes. Um… I guess I’ll just call a cab and go home.” You say, unknowingly alarming your boss.
Yoongi stands up from his office chair and walks over to you.
         “Actually, I want you stay a little bit longer. I believe we need to have a chat about what happen last night.” He says, hiding his true motive of wanting you to stay. In truth, he isn’t ready for you to leave. Not yet.
You lift your head; your gaze meeting his finally. You tilt your head slightly, wondering if this is the right time to discuss the loving look in his eye, but you’re dying to know. Does Min Yoongi actually love you?
         “I think we do too.” You agree, nodding slowly.
Yoongi then gestures to the door, “Shall we? I think I have some food here that we can turn into brunch.”
You chuckle softly as you follow him out.
         “Can I ask you something before we cook?” You ask, stopping in the middle of the hallway.
Yoongi stops in his tracks, letting out a long sigh.
         “What is it?” He replies with a question, even though it’s kind of pointless since he knows what the next question is going to be.
         “Do you love me?”
Yup. His gut feeling is right. Now, how’s he going to tackle this without scaring you?
A/N: For some strange reason, I thought I had written this in 2018 but since I cross post to my AO3, I learned that I had written this back in 2017. TWO YEARS! Holy crap! But, I am amazed with how well this turned out in comparison to the smuts I had written in 2016 So go me!
Don’t forget to leave a like/reblog/comment/send in an ask on your thoughts! I love hearing them! :)
- Kim
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Title: Masked Ball Fandom: Dragon Age Pairing: Solavellan Words: 3195 Series: [Talking To Yourself] Also read here: AO3
Tallin Lavellan x Solas | Post-Crestwood (memory of before) | romance | angst In one of the many instances of Tallin ruminating on her now-defunct relationship with Solas, she recalls the Winter Palace: The initial unkindness suffered at the hands of the nobility, an unnervingly out-of-character Solas, and a failed dance.
Remember the Winter Palace? Of course you do. That was a stupid question, sorry.
I was out-of-place. I knew. They knew. It was the first time that I could feel my vallaslin burning on my skin since the initial scabbing had sloughed off. Burning from..what? 
The human nobles’ eyes on me, just like back at Haven, just like in the courtyard of Skyhold. Waiting for me to do something. Do what? What did they want? I couldn't hide from them. 
Cullen told me you slipped in ahead of us, and you remained out of sight until it was time for me to be presented to the court and greet the Empress. Like Cole, you materialized without a word and remarked upon the task before us. I could only nod and try my best to not allow the glaring lights from the chandeliers and candles blind me, not fiddle nervously with my gloved hands, not forget to breathe as I descended the red carpeted stairs and crossed the ballroom floor.
Josephine told me to watch what I said, so I said nothing unless I had to, and I was so nervous that I just said what I thought. They wore masks. How could I possibly tell what they wanted to hear if I couldn't see their faces? You can fake so much with the mouth and voice. I was glad I brought Cole along. Not that I wouldn't have wanted to go with just you! Ah, n-not that I had forgotten why we were there! Not that I'd forgotten that this was the place that my people--
Ah, I'm sorry. You don't like it when I talk about Dalish history. I'm sorry.
They called me a savage under their breaths. The clan elders had talked about what the humans called us and how we should not allow those words to wound us like arrows as they were intended to, but it was the first time that I had heard someone use such speech to describe me. I told you I had never met a human before the Conclave. Or rather, I hid behind the aravels or ducked behind the halla whenever they approached the elders for trade and disagreements. I listened but didn't speak to them then, and those men were usually civil.
Ahh-haah, I suppose I should consider myself lucky that Cassandra never resorted to such words, even when she suspected me of causing the explosion at the Conclave. Roderick didn’t, either. He hated me, you know--of course you know, you were there--but he never insulted me like that...
So no, I truly had never been called such things before that night. I always fear that people speak badly of me when they think I am not listening, but it was only there, surrounded by those people weighed down by ostentatious amounts of silk and cotton and gilded metals that I realized that my nightmares had finally come true.
The words did end up hurting. I wasn't used to it, not like you were, not like you always were.
Very quickly I fell back to my old ways in order to paste together my quickly-crumbling composure. Rocking nervously on my heeled boots. Fixing my hair. Pretending yet again to look out one of the many windows so I could just practice breathing and collect myself. I could not blow this. I could not. I absolutely could not. I could not disappoint anyone, you most of all.
But I knew people were watching. They were watching every single second of it. That was what these gatherings were for, weren’t they, an excuse to pick people apart. Why are these noble humans so cruel, why do they find cruelty to be fun? And why is cruelty rewarded with more cake and tea?  
I resolved to find you. I needed you. Again, you had disappeared from the ballroom as soon as I concluded my self-introduction to Empress Celene. Ironically, it took a momentous amount of courage to leave the ballroom. If I was flagging so miserably here, surely other areas for the mingling of guests would prove just as difficult? 
But I gingerly walked through the only open wing, past guards who did not so much as glance at me, and there I saw you.
When I saw you leaning against that statue in the guest wing, my heart flooded with a warm ache that was both suffocating and comforting. I thought we would be able to bond over how frivolous everything was. Being elves. Being outsiders. You were not Dalish, and I was, and though you knew so much of the world better than I, you dressed so simply, always, you spoke plainly, truthfully, you chose your words carefully to mean what they meant. I love you for it. Plain and simple and honest, like home. Like home.
I walked towards you, a beacon situated at the end of a long, polished floor. The sight of you, red and gold and blue, gave me strength to smile politely at the whispering guests as I passed them. I pictured what we would do together: We would laugh at them the same way they laughed at me, private jokes they would never get. You would agree it was all pointless but it must be done and how much better would the world be if this glittering one never existed?
But when I got closer, my hopeful smile had been wiped away: Tucked away in that corner, you were watching everyone, smirking. At first I thought you had started without me--what jokes would you have for me about what you had seen so far? Cullen told me you slipped in before us. How did you do that? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. It was a stupid question.
When you saw me, the edges in your face--cruel, I thought. For only a moment, I swear!--softened. Somewhat. You were still shining with so much happiness, and a small fearful thought in the back of my head, a wordless one that speaking with you gradually began to give sound, whispered that you were happy because of them, not despite them. I saw it in your eyes, and you told me that you felt at home here. 
Here, among these humans that would scheme to keep lands from ou--my people? That would levy heavy taxes on their serfs, or kill each other over a perceived slight without a moment's hesitation?
And as you spoke, that glimmer in your eyes had only confirmed my fears. How much you reveled in the trysts and the gossip and the games the humans played with each other! There were lives at stake, and they cared about such silly things. Even Leliana! You were deriving amusement from this entirely different world than the one I knew.
You were always so reserved even when we were together, and it was rare when I managed to even make your teeth show in your smile. And yet these people, these cruel people who sneered at our race--they made you smirk, they pleased you in a way I hadn't yet been able to.
It was the first time I remember...doubting. Doubting you. You and myself. I don't know for what, but..
But I pushed those thoughts away. Because they suggested you were not honest, because they would lead me to question you, and I couldn't let that happen. Not now.
You asked what was wrong. I could not quite form the words, and instead chose to watch as you lifted a silver cup that had been perched on the base of the sculpture, held it out to the empty space to your left, have it be promptly filled by an elf servant standing idle, and then proceeded to take in a half-mouthful of the drink. All with the air of someone who had been born into gentility. Your eyes never left my face.
 My nervous stutter resurfaced in full force as I recalled all the things these people said with the sole intention to hurt, and how it hurt more because I was not brave enough to protest like you were, was not clever like Vivienne or Dorian and able to navigate their maze-like conversations. 
Another sip and a thin smile that had no teeth, not at all like the one you gave them. As you casually swirled your cup, you remarked that these people were quite inconsequential; I should not allow their words to poison my self-worth because I was far more honorable and accomplished. It is in the nature of humans to prey upon what they do not possess.
My throat clenched and I tried to swallow. Failed, but I tried. You did not offer me a sip of your wine, which I appreciated: My distrust of alcohol was established very early on in my childhood: the erratic ways it made people behave and speak was frightening. 
I wanted to stay near you despite this concerning change in your personality. We were there with an intent to save the Empress, but with people I didn't know whispering of my mistakes, my slip-ups behind their hands ... I needed you to ground me, protect me. I couldn't do it myself. I didn't want to be here, and now I was terrified that this would be yet another world that I could lose you in.
When you kindly suggested I eavesdrop on the servants, my mouth went dry. Your tone was amicable, but the words were dead nails in my ears. I stuttered, bowed my head because it was a scolding from an elder even when it wasn't. It was to me, so it was. No matter that I dared to think that we were together, I still hadn't allowed myself to think that, not yet, not yet. You were just being considerate to me, acting as a mentor, a guide, patient, patient, patient, patient with me when I never deserved it.
I remember thinking what a foolish thing I was doing, clinging to you like a child to her mother's dress. Foolish, foolish, childish.
Before I turned to return to my investigation..I don't know how, but I asked you if you would dance with me when everything was all done. Your voice held a tinge of surprise -- when I was forward with you, you were always taken aback. I still don't know where I got my courage in those moments. No, not courage. Desperation that bubbled over until I couldn't stop myself. I don't know, I don't know...
A small cant of your head and a softening of the creases at the corners of your eyes as the Solas I knew momentarily descended from his lofty libertine pedestal. “I would be honored.”
It gave me courage. I bowed my head and left you to weave between crinolined dresses and puffy shoulders to find Dorian, my other beacon of refuge, concentrating on keeping the tiny flame of a future reward burning in my gut.
After acquiring the key to the kitchens, you, me, Cole, and Dorian came together to further investigate the interior of Halamshiral. I did not expect how much more horrific the world of the nobility would reveal itself to be.
I tried not to cry when I saw all those dead servants. I did not scream when Leliana suggested we allow Empress Celene to die in order to draw out Florianne. I knew you would not approve of such an outburst that could jeopardize this mission, but also the calculated slaughter of a potentially strong ally. I did not want to do it in the first place, but I saw you in my mind's eye and I knew you wouldn't approve, so it's why I put my foot down. When Florianne was caught before the court, when I convinced Gaspard, Empress Celene, and Briala to work together for the betterment of the kingdom.. I was numb by the end. How I managed to rally the nobles to support these three powerful figures who were revealed to be just as untrustworthy and ambitious as the flocks they commanded, I don’t know. I don’t know.
Morrigan found me looking at the stars and trying to count each one so as to distract myself from the urge to cry. She was invaluable to the success of this mission, but I remained wary of her sudden presence even when she informed me of her new assignment to the Inquisition. I was grateful she did not pry into the reason for the misery painted on my face, nor my lack of enthusiasm for the celebration inside. She was gone as swiftly as she had come.
I waited for you with a quiet, pitiful desperation. My shoulders ached, my eyes hurt, my chest was hollow from the speech I gave as I addressed the people I had saved, the people that had scoffed and labelled me "savage" only two hours prior. They hadn't known me, and they still didn't, but now they were jubilant for something that did not involve the mockery or abject humiliation of another living being. 
And I just wanted to get away. I wanted to leave with you right then and there. But all I could do was stand on the balcony and try not to throw up while my face prickled and buzzed from the afterglow of all of those lying eyes staring up at me from the dance floor.
I cried again for a bit as I waited for you, I think some of those tears were out of fear that you had forgotten about what you promised earlier. Time stood still and circled around itself as I realized that my vision was blurring and the stars were turning into smeared firefly lights instead of concise pinpricks.
And then again, like a ghost, you alighted by my side and settled against the bannister as I had.
“I am not surprised to find you here.” Simple warm conversation with you, what I quietly wished for as my heart was buffeted unceasingly by the sordid words and threads of schemes interwoven by these unbelievably amoral people.
And now that the opportunity presented itself?
Silence as I stared out beyond the wide expanse of dark forest stretching into oblivion far beyond the grounds of the Winter Palace. Again, you offered a prompt for chatter by remarking upon the fickle nature of human nobility with that same wry tone. The purpose was for irony and consolation, yet it did not help as much as I wanted it to. My mouth didn’t even twitch with mirth.
Your fill of drink and sweets had not dulled you to the severity of my gloom. After a further few more minutes of me wiping my eyes and sniffling, you placed a hand on my shoulder. “Come.” 
The night had worn heavily on me, but there still remained the desire to make you proud, to not disappoint you or look any more juvenile than I already had. I wanted to dance, I really did, so when you offered me the chance... 
As we stepped back to allow ourselves more room, I mentally screamed at myself to drum up the enthusiasm required. Where had it gone? How could it all be snuffed away?  
You pulled me close and I smelled the wine you had earlier this evening on your breath. Tendrils of dull distress creeped beneath my skin. This was not you, this was not the hahren I knew. It was you but it wasn’t. It was not the right person.
I closed my eyes to shut out the world and my self. Doing so, however, helped bring attention that beyond the drink still remained the faint scent of forest moss that clung to you like a second skin. A faint flicker of hope cautiously kindled itself. After reassuring if I was okay, you began to guide me across the balcony. 
I tried my best to keep up with you, I did, I wanted to show you all the steps Josephine had taught me, everything I practiced for this night, everything I practiced hoping to impress you. 
But I faltered. I tripped, like an idiot, like a fool. A stupid, stupid Dalish elf girl out-of-place among the silks and fake smiles and sweet cakes and this treacherous world that entertained you more than I ever could.
You caught me before I could collapse on the ground, as my body was by now overflowing with despair. Give up, give up, give up.  
There was no means of stopping the tears from falling down my burning cheeks. “I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” I apologized to the shiny brass buttons of your coat. “I--I--I can d-do this.” And yet I wasn’t, not tonight, not with the person for whom it mattered the most.“I’ve b-been practicing,” I added weakly, shaking visibly in place. “I h-have--”
Your hand left my waist, and I hung my head in defeat as an entirely new wave of misery washed over me. I was beyond help, you realized in that moment.
The tiniest surprised huff of air left me when your fingers gently tucked my chin up. I sniffed, wet eyes wide with curiosity. “I know you have.”
You closed your eyes and turned your head to bring the back of my being-led hand to your lips. It was warm and soft. I sniffed. My ears picked up on the tiny sounds your kisses made as they were planted at random across my skin. This lasted for a minute, perhaps fifteen, I couldn’t be sure. 
“You do not need to impress me.” Hand back on my waist. A soft smile that reminded me of Mother. “Enjoy yourself, help me celebrate your diplomatic success.”
I tried to smile, to accept your optimism, but it hurt my mouth. You didn't shake me off when I stumbled again after only four more steps and gripped you tightly and once again whispered my stuttered apologies for ruining this moment we had together. I was done, I was done for the night. I couldn’t do this. No more. No more.
When it's you I can't think straight. Everything was already fuzzy and knotted that night and you made it--you didn't make it worse, don't think that, no, no I needed you then, I need you now--I made it--
I'm still sorry for ruining your evening, even though it seems so long ago. You told me you understood, you gave me the same look I remember Mother always gave me when I was small and didn't know why I was crying, only that I needed to for some reason, needed someone to tell me I could.
And you did. “Exhausted” as I was, “considering everything that had happened”...
You then took to meeting my numerous sorry’s with hushes. I said "sorry" a lot that night, but you eventually let me explain why I was sorry, and I managed to get in another sorry in for being so difficult. You gave me such an exasperated look then, but before I could start crying again your brows lifted and you said that I was too hard on myself and that you loved me, it was fine, you loved me, it was fine, hush, hush, hush.
I think I even napped for a minute on your shoulder as you held me close while we swayed in place as the violins began to slow. What was it like, to dance with a child?
That was the first and last time we ever did something like that.
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writingdreamdaddy · 6 years
Oh! A new blog! Hello, im glad people are still producing ddadds content :) Id like to request maybe, like. How the dads spend a free day woth dadsona? Like. Theyre all busy and have their own things going on, but what happens when its just a random day, their kids are away for whatever reason (maybe a sleep over or something) and they suddenly find themselves with unexpected free time?
Ahhh i love this kinda stuff! I hope i did the ask some justice. (All the kids are out of it except River because she’s a baby and the best thing in the game)
               Theoverhang’s beauty never ceased to amaze you. Every season, any time of day, itwas the most beautiful spot. Usually Robert would take you here late at night whenhe couldn’t sleep or needed a distraction. Lately he took you up here just tospend time with you and recollect himself. As he recovered, you two came uphere earlier and earlier as his sleep schedule slowly started to get back in rhythm.You two hadn’t been able to spend much time together as of late with Amandacoming home for break and Robert making trips up to Val’s, but eventually youtwo found time; when you did, he took you to the overhang. Spending time withRobert was always cherished. It was simple, it was calm, and today it was 7pm.The days were shorter, and the sun was setting, covering the dying leaves in agolden hue. Many yellow and orange leaves still clung to trees, some mixed onthe ground with the brown leafs or floated in the bay below. Robert told youhis favorite season was fall because the dead wood was good for whittling andplentiful. Definitely not because he kinda liked the color yellow, thedrive up to the overhang was breathtaking with the color change, and watchingBetsy play in the leaf piles or eat them was the cutest thing in the world. Youtwo were sitting in the back of his pickup truck with an ugly thick wool red blanketcovering you two. He wanted to come up here to spend time with you, so he wasn’twhittling or broodily staring off into the distance. Instead you two had discussionsabout this, that, and the other thing, with long breaks of silence in between. Hewas healthier and happier and laughing. Nothing made you smile bigger. When thesun nearly disappeared into the bay, you scooted a little closer to him andrested your head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled youthat much closer. “Sorry we haven’t spent a lot of time together,” your voicewas raspy and tired. When you looked up at Robert, he was watching thecity light up with a small smirk on his face. With that, the two of you sat in silenceonce more, enjoying the time together.
Matt –
               Matexited his kitchen with two steaming mugs and handed one to you. The roads werecovered in ice with an overnight snow storm and nearly every shop and everyschool was closed; that included the Coffee Spoon. Camensita wanted to spendher snow day playing outside with the other kids, and Mat wanted to spend hiswith you. Nothing special was planned since it was so last minute, but a Pixarmovie was picked out and he put extra marshmallows in your hot cocoa. It was aday spent on the couch wrapped in several blankets, eating left over Chinesefood, and laughing at the movies you two picked out. Spending time with you wasthe most relaxing thing Mat could do. He didn’t get many days off, and eventhough you visited him at the Coffee Spoon often, time like this was stillprecious. You couldn’t cuddle up on the couch the entire day at work. He couldn’tlaugh loudly and critique every movie that played at work, and he most definitely could not kiss you the way hedoes at home, at work.
               You andJoseph were on the dock. It was mother’s day weekend so the kids were with Marytoday. It was the first day Joseph had nothing to do in weeks. This Saturday was the only day he had off until Churchservice tomorrow. You both had your pants rolled up and your legs were hangingof the edge as you looked out into the water. He was exhausted and stressed outbeyond belief, which is why you dragged him out here. You were going to forcehim to relax damnit. Usually when youtwo had free time like this you would actually go on the boat, or go out fordinner, or just sit in his backyard and talk by a fire. Today was different. Atfirst it was nice and silent, just sitting next to each other and enjoying oneanother’s company. Then you scooted closer to him and you two exchanged a kissor two and you’d tell a fact about whales every now and then. You two startedgossiping about the neighbors and Joseph would start venting about everythingand everyone. You two talked the day away before retreating to the boat forsome drinks and much needed sleep. The free day wasn’t spent doing anythingextravagant, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t perfect.
               Springbreak was a blessing to Hugo. He had nowhere to be and nothing to grade, andthis year was his ex-husbands turn to take Ernest on vacation. That left himwith a little over a week to do whateverhe wanted, within the legal system of course. That mostly meant watching old wrestling matches he had recorded or writing like he usually does, but this time he was only in hisunderwear, and he was only in his underwear all the time. He got boredimmediately though and anxiously waited for your day off to come. When it finally did,he wanted to do everything. He justwanted to get out of the house. So you two went to the movies, the museum, shopping,and ended it with a lovely dinner. It was an exhausting day for both of you.The two of you wound up at your house since Hugo was still a little stir-crazy.You had changed into pajama pants and a t-shirt, and Hugo changed into a shirtyou lent him. The two of you laid in bed, you were playing with his hair andlaughing at the comments he made, or the facts he told. You curled up next tohim and shut your eyes but continued to talk about why The Undertaker and JohnCena were overrated with him. And this was the part of the day he remembered.Sure, the movie was fun, and the amount of useless knowledge you had aboutrandom things was entertaining in the museum, and yeah the sunglasses youbought today were absolutely ridiculous and made him laugh on the ride home when you wore them proudly. But it was watching you tiredly smileup at him, attempting to braid his hair and failing horribly, and you gentlykissing him goodnight. That’s what he took away from today.
               Tonightwas date night and Lucien had left to spend the night at some friend’s house;the stars were aligning. It had been weeks since you two had gotten together todo something stupidly romantic and he was going to make it special. He cleanedthe house, cooked your favorite meal, and set his table with the finest thingshe owned. The night went by smoothly; eating and drinking and enjoying theothers company as if no time had passed. He didn’t want it to end so quickly.Dinner was done, the dishes were done, and the closing hour of the date wascoming up. He dreaded the thought of you leaving. The animal shelter has beenbusy as of late, which is great! It just eats up any available time he has, andthe chance of your schedule lining up with his, on date night. It was a miracle that was going by too fast. You werechatting away on the couch, talking about Amanda, work, and everything thatcame into your conscious stream of thought. He missed this, missed you. So when you got up to leave, heimmediately asked if you wanted to spend the night, to which you gladlyaccepted. That’s when Damien realized he spent most of the date worrying aboutit ending rather than enjoying it, so he was going to soak in every momentforward. You two got ready for bed together and made it as extravagant aspossible. The two of you would take a bubble bath together with face-masks onand wine in hand. You laughed together and talked about life and how busy it hadgotten. When you got out the conversation would continue while laying on top ofthe bed. It was well past midnight by the time you two finally got in thecovers and went to sleep with smiles on your faces.
               Heneeded a day off. Even after the talk you guys had about him working himselftoo hard and not doing enough for himself, he was still the busy workout dadwho did everything. Just a little less than he did before. You had convincedhim to take a day off the weekend the kids were going to softball camp. Theidea of another camping trip sounded fun but needed some time to prepare for itwhich neither of you did. Nothing was packed, and finding a babysitter forRiver on such short notice would be even more stressful. He needed to dosomething other than work at his house or work at the gym. It was nice outsideso the thought of going for a walk crossed you lips, going out for dinnercrossed his, and so on and so forth. You sat on the deck chairs in Craig’s backyard trying to come up with a plan. Craig had River bouncing on his knee whileshe played with her stuffed capybara and you watched from where you wereseated. You two were always on the move, always going somewhere or doingsomething. Granted, it was fun to go to softball games, to smugly tell the momsafterwards that Craig wasn’t single anymore, going out for dinner, all of that.It was rare to get free time together, but it was rarer to get free timetogether and use it doing nothing. Soyou laid back in your seat and talked with Craig and occasionally babbled withRiver. You two lounged in the backyard well past Craig’s/River’s usual naptimeas he would tell you over and over while taking another sip of his drink but never doing anything to further the protest.Stories were told, River was played with, and time was wasted perfectly.
               Youwanted to give mini golf another shot. It was embarrassing how bad you did lasttime you went with Brian, Daisy, and Amanda. To redeem yourself, you droveBrian back to the Mini Golf Place while Daisy was at a sleepover and Amanda wasin school. The kids were the real reason you lost, they were a distraction iswhat you told Brian. You two spent hours at the golf course, you lined up everyshot you made and used extra precaution before doing anything. By the time thegame was over, Brian lost and it was definitely not because he let you win. Theride home was you reliving your highlights from the day and Brian smiling andcommenting how great you were. You were something else, but Brian wouldn’t haveit any other way. Seeing you proud of yourself was look he’d love to see youwear every day.
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thievinghippo · 6 years
New Fic: Measurements
Fandom: Dragon Age
Pairing: Blackwall/Bethroot Cadash
Rating: Teen
Notes: Holy crap I finished another one-shot. I started this before Trespasser came out and couldn’t figure out an ending. Go me for finally getting it done!
(Read on Ao3)
Apparently Lady Montilyet decided he’s put things off long enough.
A messenger shows up in the middle of a training session with strict orders not to leave his side until the deed is done. Some of the soldiers laugh good-naturedly while others look wistful. Blackwall knows he’s fortunate, knows most of these soldiers would do anything for the chance to be part of the Inquisitor’s inner circle. Yet he’s dragging his feet on this simple task.
He ends the training session early. The messenger looks bloody pleased with themselves, as if it was because of them he’s not putting up any sort of argument. But all Blackwall can do is follow them in silence as they walk through the courtyard and up into the Keep.
“The tailor is waiting in the ambassador’s office,” the messenger says as they pass gossiping nobles and those good folk just wanting to help the Inquisition. Blackwall sees Bethroot go into the Undercroft, holding her bow. Even she spoke to him about this bloody assignment, saying he couldn’t put it off forever. “She promises this won’t take long.”
Blackwall acknowledges the words with a grunt and pushes the door open. Lady Montilyet’s not there, but bloody Dorian and Lady Vivienne of all people are, just lounging about.
The tailor is a fussy looking man, with wisps of hair poorly attempting to cover his head. He wears a tape measurer over his shoulders and clasps his hands behind his back. “One of the last stragglers!” he says, his Orlesian accent grating Blackwall’s nerves immediately. But anything involving Orlais will do that these days. “It will be good to get these uniforms done.”
Blackwall removes his gambeson, leaving him in a tight fitting undershirt and steps up on the wide stool in the middle of the office. Without being prompted, he raises his arms out to the side so the tailor can measure his chest.
Dorian and Lady Vivienne share a look then, and Blackwall understands at once why they’re here, wanting to make fun of the common man who’s never had his measurements taken. He shakes his head, thinking of how many times he’s done this in his life. With each promotion in the Orlesian army came a new dress uniform. And every six months, Blackwall had a suit custom made, one he could wear to parties and dinners while he made his futile attempt of playing The Game. When he wanted, he looked just as elegant and put together as any Orlesian man back then.
He lets his mind wander as the tailor starts taking his measurements. His life back in Orlais seems fuzzy sometimes, like a night when he’s had too much to drink. Twenty years of his life and he has trouble remembering the simplest details, like the wine he liked best or the name of the brand of cigars from the Anderfels he indulged in. Perhaps he can’t remember because so much of it was spent behind a mask. Ask him about his life now, especially his time with Bethroot, and he’ll remember everything.
And now he’s willingly walking into that pit of vipers again. Bethroot asked if he wanted to go, offering to take Cassandra instead if he preferred. But as long as she wants him by her side, he’ll be there, end of story. It's not like he's the same man. The chances of anyone recognizing Thom Rainier is remote. After all, he accompanied the Herald to Val Royeaux twice now without issue. He’s certain this will be more of the same. Thom Rainier had no beard, and wore his hair short. Who would look for Rainier when speaking to Warden Blackwall?
Blackwall spreads his feet apart as the tailor finishes measuring his back, ready for the next step. Vivienne and Dorian are quiet now, and he knows, he just fucking knows what they’re waiting for. Well, if they think he’s going to have any reaction to having his inseam measured, they’ll be sorely disappointed.
“On which side do you dress, ser?” the tailor asks quietly.
“Left,” Blackwall says with a grunt.
The tailor places his hand on the inside of Blackwall’s right thigh and brings the tape measurer down. Blackwall doesn’t move, not one bloody inch, as the tailor works. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Dorian and Vivienne look at each other again. Those two are experts at looks; it amazes him sometimes that Vivienne is, after wearing a mask in Orlais for so long. Now they seem a bit put out, like he's ruined their fun. Poor things, as Vivienne would say.
"All done," the tailor announces, standing up. "We'll have the outfit ready for a fitting in a week."
Blackwall nods his head in thanks and steps off the stool. He sees sketches on Lady Montilyet desks and walks over.
"Is this what we're wearing?" Blackwall asks, picking up a drawing. He studies it for a moment. "Who designed it?"
"I believe it was a collaboration between the ambassador and Sister Nightingale," Vivienne says.
"This... This design will not flatter the Herald," Blackwall says.
“Funny you should mention that,” Dorian says, leaning back in his chair and crossing his legs. “Vivienne and I here were just saying the same thing. I’d be curious why you think so, big man.”
Blackwall looks at the sketch and wonders if he should lower himself to take the bait. One doesn’t live in Orlais for as long as he did without learning about fashion. It was, as some would say, a crucial part of the Game. He remembers which cuts would flatter his body type the most and knows this uniform or whatever it was, will actually look quite good on him. Red is a good color for him and the sash will distract for the bit of extra weight he carries in his stomach.
Just as he knows the outfit will look well on him, he knows it won’t look quite right on Bethroot. And because he can’t stand the smug look on Dorian and Vivienne’s faces, he takes the bait. “This will look fine on a human,” he says. “But the with that sash around her middle, it will put focus on her chest and make her look like she has no waist at all.” He puts the sketch back down. While he thoroughly loves every bit of Bethroot’s body, he knows she’s self-conscious about the fullness of her breasts. This design won’t help. “And red is not her color.”
“I do wonder about the ambassador’s insistence that we all wear the same thing,” Dorian says, shaking his head. “I understand we are a military power, but we’re so much more than that. Our sartorial choices should reflect those as well.”
“First the Heart of Spring and now this? My, my, you are full of surprises.” Lady Vivienne crosses her arms over her chest and shrugs an elegant shoulder. “You’ve made me almost curious about your life before you were... What did you call yourself? A drifter?” She lifts a solitary brow and Blackwall matches her gaze. “A common soldier? Isn’t that what you told the Inquisitor?”
“That’s right,” Blackwall says, picking up his jacket and shrugging it on. "I was." He starts fastening the toggles, looking away from the pair. “And even common soldiers need to be fitted for uniforms.”
He can almost feel the disappointment radiating from the pair. Blasted nobility, thinking they know everything about commoners. Did they really think that the lower class didn’t care how their clothes fit? Of course measurement were taken. Fabric costs too much, in time and coin, to waste.
The door opens and Bethroot walks in, holding her bow, with Lady Montilyet right behind her. “I told you, Lady Inquisitor, this must get done today.”
“I know, but-”
“Even Warden Blackwall has been in for his fitting,” the ambassador says triumphantly.
Blackwall catches his lady’s eye and gives her a smile, which Bethroot promptly returns, looking sheepish. As well she should, he thinks. When she scolded him this morning, she certainly didn’t mention that she still needed a fitting, too.
“Come, Dorian, there’s a book I’d like to show you,” Vivienne says as she stands up. She looks at Bethroot. “Have fun, my dear.”
“And I have another meeting to attend, my lady, so I will leave you here,” Josephine says, making it sound like there’s nothing more she’d rather do than stay and watch a fitting.
As the three head towards the door, Bethroot says with a grin, “Say it.”
“I will, thank you,” Blackwall says, wishing the tailor was somewhere else, so he could give her a proper kiss. “Here you were, making me feel like I’ve personally failed the Inquisition-” Bethroot starts to laugh and he stops talking to simply look at her instead. Amazing how he can spend so much time just looking at her.
The tailor clears his throat. “If we may begin.”
Her brow furrows a bit. “I’ve never had human fitting before. I think dwarves do things different. What am I supposed to do?” she asks, sounding a bit uncomfortable.
“Can’t imagine it’s that different,” Blackwall says. He raises his arms to show her where to start. Measurement by measurement, he shows her what to do, until the tailor is satisfied.
“Once the uniforms are made, we’ll have another fitting,” the tailor says as he bows from the waist. “Inquisitor, it has been an honor.”
“Thank you for your help,” Bethroot says.
As the tailor gathers his things, Blackwall sees Bethroot scrunch up her face. He knows that look far too well. It’s the look she wears when she’s trying to find the right way to phrase a question to him in a way he might answer. His heart lurches, thinking at just how much he keeps from her. “So you’ve had fittings before?” she asks finally.
“Soldiers need uniforms,” Blackwall say, treading lightly. And then he does what he always does, reflect the question back to her. “So you’ve had dwarven fittings? What for?”
He knows she understands exactly what he’s doing and somehow, she never gets upset with him. “I had to get a couple of nice dresses for Orzammar back when I was negotiating for the Carta. Dwarven nobles have far too much time on their hands and care way too much about appearances.”
“Wouldn’t mind seeing you in a fancy dress,” Blackwall says. He’s seen her wear a dress or two, but nothing good enough for the Diamond Quarter. “Might be nicer than that uniform we’ll be wearing.”
“I sort of like that we’ll all be in the same outfit,” she says. Now that the tailor is out of the room, Blackwall puts his arm around her shoulder. Funny how she fits right next to him like she does. “I’m going to stand out enough. A dwarf in the Winter Palace? At least they won’t be judging me on my clothes, too.”
“Hadn’t thought about it that way,” Blackwall admits. Though he’ll probably be able to use that to his own advantage. The folk of the Winter Palace will be far too wrapped up in Bethroot. If he can stay off to the side, hopefully no one will even notice him at all.
The door to Josephine’s office opens and they immediately take a step apart. The last thing Bethroot needs is for more rumors to swirl around her.
“Pardon, I forgot some paperwork needed for my meeting,” Josephine says. As she walks over to her desk, she adds, “So everything went well? Monsieur Couture is one of the top designers in Orlais.”
Blackwall thinks back, wondering if he ever deigned that shop. Probably not. Even in his captain days, he couldn’t afford the finest shops in Orlais. Only the top nobility could do that. Wonders that the Inquisition is willing to pay those sort of prices for glorified uniforms. Must be to impress someone. Always someone to impress in Orlais.
“Just fine, thanks, Josephine,” Bethroot says.
Josephine nods and quickly leaves the room.
As much as he’d like to stay here with Bethroot, his recruits still need training. And Bethroot most likely has a meeting of her own to go to. Seems like half her day is in meetings. She seems to have the same thought and they both start walking over to the door.
“Blackwall?” Bethroot says.
He looks down to find a sly grin on his lady’s face. “Yes, Bethy?”
“Remind me to double check your inseam measurement tonight,” she says, running a finger down the front of his gambeson. “I plan on being very… thorough.”
Blackwall lets out a bark of a laugh, even as his mind already starts to picture the night ahead. He pushes open the door and gives her a wink before she turns and starts walking towards the library door. And he’s not too proud to admit that he watches her hips as she walks away.
A new spring in his step, Blackwall heads back to his recruits. To think just this morning, he dreaded his fitting with the tailor.
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crownuponherhead · 7 years
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2/15 || reputation precedes me
“You probably don’t remember me.” What a shit way to start out an introduction with your new co-worker. He told himself, moving to shake her hand. “I’m-”
“Jon Snow, you were best friends with my brother, well are I assume. He says you’ve kept contact since you ran into each other. A Targaryen, huh?”
It's been twenty years since he last saw Sansa Stark but now she's across the hall everyday working with him under his Aunt for Targaryen Corporations.
When his Aunt told him who was moving into the office across the the hall from his he thought he was going to choke from coughing in shock. Now watching it was obvious to him, the Sansa Stark he knew growing up was a myth compared to the woman that was bossing around movers in a calm and collected voice. He remembered a girl with long crimson hair, usually in braids, a girl who loved princesses and bubblegum pop. He honestly wasn’t sure he was looking at the same person when she walked out of the office her once long crimson hair cut to just above her shoulders, he could tell she was working on stripping dye from the hair, only because he could remember the bright color it used to be.
“You probably don’t remember me.” What a shit way to start out an introduction with your new co-worker.  He told himself, moving to shake her hand. “I’m-”
“Jon Snow, you were best friends with my brother, well are I assume. He says you’ve kept contact since you ran into each other. A Targaryen, huh?” He sees the glint in her eyes and know it’s faded but at least it’s there. He’d heard the rumors. If there’s one thing he had figured out when out with Robb once is that his sister had a reputation that didn’t even hold candle to who she was. And he’d read her resume when his Aunt had told her who she had hired. Sansa had worked for everything she’d gotten. He didn’t doubt she had struggles she started out interning at Lannister Inc. and then was with Baelish and Company during the downfall of his scheming not to long ago. From the way Robb had mentioned it when it came across the news once and the look on his girlfriend Margarey’s face, Sansa shouldn’t have been working for him.  
“Trust me no one was as surprised as I was.” He finally answered. He couldn’t help but notice how carefully she watched him it was as if she was waiting for something but he couldn’t figure out what or why.
“I don’t know you were always the Dragon when we were younger.” She let out simply before looking down at her paperwork. “I have a date with these and a bottle of wine at home. I’m glad we’ll be working together, Jon. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He probably shouldn’t be as surprised as he is when she waltzes into his office right before he has a case for the company her hands full of paperwork. Despite being across the hall from each other and usually each other’s company at lunches they’d barely been in each other’s offices. He’d been in hers to drop of files she’d need to properly help with press releases. He’d been impressed with the look she’d given it. A painting on the wall that looked eerily like her home up north covered in snow, he’d only confirmed his suspicions when his eyes caught her own signature at the bottom corner instead of an artist. A few pictures around the room most of her family, a few he saw of her and Robb’s girlfriend Margarey in a tiny dorm room then an apartment and a few with them out, one he think he even caught himself in from her 7th birthday. That was once in the two months she’d worked here, so to see her in here and sitting across from him, he was a bit shocked.
“I prepared statements for you for every possible outcome of the trial, I’ll keep updated on it too and adjust what I need to but I wanted you to be prepared for any questions from the press.” They’re printed with highlights and little handwritten notes in her purple pen all over the pages. The sticky note on top is the what stops him. In her curly handwriting she’s written ‘ i’ll miss our lunch dates, win quick.’  In this moment he’s pretty sure that he’s insane for not thinking before he speaks, after all he did go to school to literally learn how to do that. Instead the words fall out of his mouth before he can even think.
“There’s always dinner.” The shock on her face turns into a small smile and he sees her electric blue eyes light up before he can even correct himself. He’s glad the shade of her hair is back to normal and it’s slowly getting longer.
“I’d like dinner. You can text me when you’re done at court and I’ll meet you wherever.” It’s his turn to smile and he can’t think of when he got so used to smiling around and being smiled at by Sansa Stark, the woman known for having a statuesque mask in the workplace. Jon’s decided he likes it.
“Sans, you don’t have to.”
“Oh please, let me do this come on you should do more than just go out for a nice dinner at a restaurant for your birthday.”
It’s how he finds himself in her impeccably put together home. One of the things he didn’t expect was her to not live in the city. She doesn’t mention it until they’re in the parking garage a simple. “I commute to work.” They’re thirty minutes out of Cardiff when she pulls into the driveway of a tiny cottage just past the Welsh border.  
“I bought it on a whim when I was staying with Robb and Margaery in Bristol.” She answers his unspoken question with a simple shrug as she moves to start cooking. He didn’t know she stayed with them. She knew from looking at her resume she took a gap year after Baelish and Company went down. He figured she went back North to be with her family not just across the way in Bristol. Looking at the woman in front of him cooking him his favorite meal, he can’t help but wonder what he’s gotten himself into.
“You know I’m not the only one with a reputation.” She lets it out on her second glass of wine. They’re on her couch cake she’d picked up from a store in front of them and some cheesy comedy movie playing on the screen. He can’t help but let his eyes meet hers. Looking at his hands he waits for her to continue, she does eventually. The waiting is agonizingly slow.  When it becomes clear he isn’t going to speak up she decides to speak up again. “You’re one of the brightest lawyers on the entire continent, I’m sure your Aunt would have hired you blood or not. I remember when you were still working at that firm Baelish was praying you wouldn’t ever be with a client against him. I know what you must think of me, what you had to when you saw me. How did she do it? The little girl obsessed with princesses and all you saw was a girl who can barely smile now. I’d wonder how too.”
“You don’t barely smile.” It’s all he can get out finally meeting her eyes.
“That’s because of you.”
He starts going over to her place more often, usually he doesn’t drive home either, sometimes he can catch an uber and the train, other’s he crashes there. He’s started bringing clothes and leaving clothes. They both like the company it’s nice to have someone else. They’ll take the train together to Bristol to see Robb and Margaery. He learns quickly that Robb’s story of meeting Margarey at a party in college was when he went to visit Sansa and ended up partying with her roommate. It’s fun to see her relaxed around people other than himself though. Seeing Sansa Stark without her mask on is like seeing a ghost, it’s fleeting. Lately however, it seems to be fleeting less.
There’s been a few times they’ve showed up to work together, both of them getting out of her car talking as they head up to the office. He shouldn’t be surprised about the gossip really. If he was on the outside looking in he’d probably think the same thing. However when he’s sitting in his Aunt’s office one morning, drinking coffee and wondering why she needed to see him if there wasn’t a case at the moment. He wishes you could just die from embarrassment.
“How long have you been sleeping with Sansa Stark?” He nearly spits out his coffee looking at the silver haired woman in front of him.
“I’m sorry? I’m not sleeping with Sansa.” At least not in the way she was implying.Sure, he had spent his fair share of nights in bed with her and woken up a few times accidentally curled together. However it’s because she lives in a one bedroom cottage, she renovated the other bedroom into a large bathroom and closet, and her couch is not a couch for sleeping. Those are her words not his.
“Oh, that’s a shame. I would have thought from the looks you two give each other and the fact that you both leave late together and show up together in the mornings.”
“I don’t think Sansa would want me like that, Dany. Besides shouldn’t you be discouraging your employees from dating.” He watches his aunt scoff and roll her eyes. Sometimes he forgets how close they are in age from how she holds herself. They aren’t that close, then again he judges his closeness based off the Starks,  it’s just them left in the family and there isn’t really a way they could be as close.
“As your Aunt not your boss, do something about that please. I don’t care if she’s your best friend’s little sister, save us all a world of hurt.”
“I remember the last time you played with me when we were kids.” He hears her say it randomly, they’re on the floor of her place and she’s leaning against him as they go through her photo albums. Sansa wants to put together a collage for each of the kids for her parents anniversary. It’s been her special project he’s more than happy helping with.
“You do?” Jon barely hears the hum in response she gives as she sets her glass down and places her hand on his.
“We were playing knights and dragons in the backyard, I was the princess who needed saving as always but that day Robb insisted you were the prince and not the dragon. I thought it was silly you two always fought about who would be who and he gave it up so easily. I think it was the first time you were the prince too. I remember you actually picked up when you ‘saved me’ and I was laughing while making sure you didn’t get my princess dress dirty. When we were done you and Robb looked so sad but no one told me why. You didn’t come over the next day or the next after three days I finally asked and they told me and Arya you had to move families from the one across the street. Arya cried, I didn’t but I just felt disappointment like I’d be missing something I never had.”
In the time she spoken he’d moved to wrap his arm around her shoulders instead, holding her close to him. He wanted nothing more than to reach across and kiss her, but he didn’t. He remembered that day. Leaving knowing he’d never see the Starks again, his best friend. He’d cried all the way to the new home.
“Sans,” He moved his hand to her cheek, wiping the tear she didn’t know had fallen.
“Come home with me for their anniversary next month?” His eyes shoot up at that it wasn’t anywhere close to where he think the conversation was going. His last memory of Alnwick, of Northumberland in general, he thought it was all he’d ever know of it. There was nothing more he’d want then to go back home. It was his home too even if it wasn’t the building that was, the idea was home to him.
“Of course.”
“Jon?” He met her eyes trying to make sure he wasn’t imagining her gaze moving to look at his lips.
“Yeah, Sans?”
“Can we go on a real date?” His grin split across his face before he could stop it. Kissing her cheek he nodded moving his hand from her cheek to her hair.
“Anything and Anywhere you want.”
The ride up north is split with Robb and Margaery, all four of them piled into Robb’s Land Rover. He’s in the back with Sansa watching as she goes through a few statements she needed to fix. He’s learned she writes everything out first before typing it. He’s even caught her reading it out loud a few times. Kissing her temple he looked out ahead at the road. They were on hour 4 out of 6 and he was dying with anticipation. He turned his head when he felt her hand on his cheek as if knowing how excited he was getting without him showing it. He leans in to give her a sweet kiss, of course it’s interrupted.
“Hey hands to yourself back there, there’s no defiling my sister in my car. Gods, think of your reputations for once.” Robb yells back.
He has to stop himself from laughing and he can see Sansa is having to do the same thing. They both shot their reputations, at least in the office, out of the roof when he gave her a kiss in the middle of the board room before she had to give an interview for the company with a newscaster. Then again he’s thinking maybe they just shot the rumors she’s still the most respected public relations expert in the entire country and he’s still the same lawyer he’s always been. Messing with a strand of her hair, longer and her crimson color, he rolls his eyes at Robb’s protests and kisses her again.
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russellthornton · 7 years
How to Have Fun with Friends: 30 Really Fun Ways to Beat Boredom
There is nothing better than having fun in life! But sometimes we run out of ideas. Here are 30 great ways to have fun with friends.
Having great friends is so important. They are the ones who you know you can trust with anything, and you can share your hopes, fears, and dreams with. They are also the ones who will be your biggest fans and support you even if your ideas are completely crazy. You will laugh with your friends, cry with them, occasionally get mad at them, but always forgive them in the end.
Of course, one of the best things about having friends is having people to share fun times with. But sometimes, you end up doing the same activities time and time again. You meet up for a drink, or go for coffee, or to a movie.
30 ways to have fun with friends
If you want to keep making those amazing memories and have the best fun with your friends, it is good to mix it up a little. With this in mind, we have come up with a great list of fun activities so you can have fun with friends. And you’ll never be stuck for something to do again! [Read: How to make real friends outside your social networks]
#1 Have a dinner party. Cooking can be great fun and seriously therapeutic. Why not take it in turns to host dinner parties for your friends? You can go all out and make a three-course dinner and have a little healthy competition, “Come Dine With Me” style to see who cooks the best meal.
Enjoying fantastic food with great company is one of the best ways to pass the time, so you are sure to have fun with friends this way.
#2 Join a book club. If you fancy doing something a little more intellectual, and you love books, then why not set up a book club between a group of friends? Choose a book to read every couple of weeks and then meet up over tea and cake *or wine!* to discuss. You’ll feel terribly sophisticated and have fun at the same time!
#3 Go horseback riding. Even if you have never been horseback riding before, it is loads of fun and a great experience to share with friends. Most riding schools cater to complete beginners, so it will be more of a more gentle trek rather than a scary gallop. So why not give it a try?
#4 Go on a hike. Get out into the fresh air and have good fun on the way with a hike in the hills! [Read: Best friend bucket list – 15 adventures for you and your BFF]
#5 Go on a city break. Exploring new places and having great adventures is what friendship is all about. Why not just go explore a new city somewhere?
#6 Take an art class. Even if you are terrible at art, it can be therapeutic and lots of fun. Why not look up some local art classes in your area and find one that you and your friends can join? You never know, you may discover a hidden talent!
#7 Go on a road trip. Throw some stuff in a bag, pack your buddies in a car, and then hit the road. The best road trips are those you don’t plan too much… just see where the road takes you! [Read: 7 life lessons you’ll learn on an awesome road trip]
#8 Go on a vacation. There is nothing better than a bit of sun, sea, and sand with your besties. Hop on a plane and chase the sun. You’ll come back feeling relaxed and energized, with some great memories to boot!
#9 Go camping. Take a walk on the wild side, and head off for a camping trip together. There is no bonding experience better than sitting and chatting around a campfire until the wee hours – just remember to bring the tent! [Read: 32 crazy things to do with friends – Life is short, live it up!]
#10 Have a baking afternoon. Cooking is a relaxing activity which is perfect for socializing. It doesn’t cost much, so it’s a great one to do if you are watching the pennies. And the best bit, of course, is that you get to stuff yourself with delicious cake at the end of it all! Hooray!
#11 Go to the theatre. Why not get all fancy and take your pal on a friend date to the theatre? You could go for something high brow and elegant, a show-stopping musical, or something fun and silly. You decide!
#12 Have a spa day. Get massages, face masks, pedicures – you name it. There is nothing quite like having a spa day when you want to have fun with friends.
#13 Have a picnic. Another great one if you are trying to save some money. Grab some food from the local store, and then head out to a park. You can spend the whole afternoon soaking up the sunshine, enjoying picnic food, and having a good old gossip session!
#14 Host a clothes swap. Find that most of your pay check goes to your clothes? Us too! So, why not get all your best friends around and host a clothes swap? It’s a great way to catch up, and you’ll come away with some fab new items for your wardrobe too! [Read: 32 awesome sleepover ideas for a fun night with friends]
#15 Do some volunteer work. You’ll feel great about yourself, and it’s a really fun bonding experience too. There are loads of volunteering opportunities out there, so why not look through them together and pick one that you think you’ll both get the most out of?
#16 Play a board game. A simple but great option if you want to have fun with friends.
#17 Have a movie marathon. Hosting a movie night can be loads of fun. Gather your friends together and pick a few movies that you know they’ll love – just remember not to forget the popcorn! [Read: 14 signs you’re a homebody and need to get out more]
#18 Take up a new sport. Taking up a new sport together can be rewarding in so many ways. You’ll get fitter and healthier while spending plenty of quality time together as well.
#19 Enter a sporting challenge. Sign up for a fun run, triathlon, or marathon together. This way you can spend loads of time together training, you can support and motivate one another, and you’ll feel so awesome when you have achieved it too!
#20 Learn a new language. Learning a new skill such as a language can be a great way to bond with friends – why not give it a go? [Read: The 26 naughtiest things you can say in a foreign language]
#21 Go on a bike ride. Take to the roads and explore the surrounding area on your bikes.
#22 Make playlists. Everyone has different music that they love to listen to. Why not spend time creating perfect playlists for one another?
#23 Be tourists for the day. You may have been living in the same city for years, but have you explored it through the eyes of a tourist? Pretend you are visiting, go on sightseeing tours, and visit all the tourist attractions – a guaranteed day of fun!
#24 Go on a scavenger hunt. You may think treasure hunts are just for kids – but you would be wrong. Give your friends some tasks of different things they have to find throughout the city. Divide into teams, and get going – the losers buy the winners the first round of drinks!
#25 Go to a festival. Music, camping, great food and drink, and all around good times – what more could you want when you want to know how to have fun with friends?! [Read: 18 ways to become more spontaneous in life]
#26 Go to a gig. Singing your hearts out or dancing the night away at a gig of a band you all love is a great way to cement your friendship!
#27 Get a pet together. If you are really close, why not get a pet together? You can take turns looking after it. That way, you have something that bonds you forever… sort of!
#28 Go to a pub quiz. Test your general knowledge with a pub quiz. Even if you are no good, it still makes for a fun evening out. [Read: Do you really know them? 20 fun questions to ask your friends]
#29 Take a trip down memory lane. Spend an evening together looking at old photos and talking about all your memories together. Sometimes it’s just fun to remember why you are such good friends in the first place.
#30 Host a reunion. Haven’t seen your friends in a while? Why not host a reunion? You are sure to have a blast!
[Read: Do you think alike? 20 questions to ask your best friend]
So, there you have it, 30 ways to have fun with friends. It’s time to get out of your rut and try something new. Which ones will you try?
The post How to Have Fun with Friends: 30 Really Fun Ways to Beat Boredom is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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