#they could be free from all this mess and fixing they own without me making it worse
happilyhertale · 8 months
The Rogue Prince - Daemon Targaryen x wife!reader
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Summary: After a stressful day that leaves Daemon in a bit of an angry mood, you decide to give him some relief. But in a different way than you usually do.
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x poc!wife!reader
Warnings: Smut; 18+; NSFW; Minors do not continue reading!
Author’s note: Hey you (: A one-shot Daemon story requested by Anon 🖤 It took me some time but I hope you like it! English is my second language, please forgive me if I made any mistakes (:
Word count: 3.5 k
Other stories of mine
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You didn't have to look up, just the way the door slammed open was enough of a sign for you to know - Daemon was pissed. He entered without knocking, his armour clattering against itself.
In a mixture of snorts and grumbles, your husband strode into your chambers. As you lifted your gaze, your warm hazel eyes met the captivating intensity of his purple eyes, sending a shiver down your spine. Your curious gaze wandered further, discovering the mess of dirt and the almost macabre pattern of dried blood clinging to him. Uncertainly, you put aside the book you were engrossed in and approached Daemon, who was already in the process of freeing himself from the constricting confines of his armour. But before you could approach him, a piece of his armour flew into the far corner of the room.
"It will not improve your mood if you damage your armour," you say gently and help him to open his armour.
He just looks at you and his gaze makes you shiver a little again.
"What do I care about this fucking armour?" he hisses.
You look at him and your hands continue to work on the buckles and remove the chest piece.
"You want to tell me what happened?" you ask quietly.
There is a brief silence in your chambers and you use the time to admire his muscular chest, visible under his shirt. His body does not fail to bring you to ecstasy.
You look into his eyes again as he begins to speak.
"None of these idiots in this council understand the importance of cleansing our city of these filthy criminals! Not one!" he hisses.
You nod at him and try to concentrate on his words and not let his body distract you.
Your hands continue to work on the buckles of his armour.
"The city is full of disgusting creatures. They steal, they kill, they rape and none of those cunts at that council table give a shit!" he continues to hiss.
"But you do," you say softly and his eyes meet yours.
"I will teach these people to fear the golden cloaks again," he says in his deep voice.
You smile slightly and take off the last piece of his armour. Your fingers begin to take off his shirt.
"First we have to clean you up," you say gently.
Daemon's soft chuckle, markedly different from his previous behaviour, resounds through the air as he spreads his arms and asks you to release him from his shirt. His shimmering silver lengths fall over his shoulders, framing the network of scars etched into the skin of his neck and nape. These battle-scarred marks, created by victories and fire, are revealed in all their glory.
Your fingertips run tenderly over these well-deserved scars, your soft olive hue a striking contrast to his pale skin. You relish these imprints of his commanding prowess on the battlefield, each scar telling its own story, a testament to his unwavering leadership qualities. Daemon watches the movements of your fingers and notices how your gaze is fixed on his chest, unable to avert your gaze.
"Are you sure you just want to bathe me?" he murmurs, and your gaze jumps to his eyes.
You smile slightly, "Yes, I do," you say seriously and take his hand, leading him into the adjoining bathroom. Daemon grunts in disappointment, but lets himself be led along. The bath is quickly prepared and warm steam rises from the tub.
Daemon stands next to the tub of hot water and begins to open his trousers. As they slide down, you can see his already hardening arousal, but you avert your gaze and go to a small dresser in the corner of the bathroom.
Daemon watches you, a grin on his lips.
"Oh come on... You can't ignore my needs like that..." he says, but you interrupt him.
"Into the warm water with you," is all you say as you look through small bottles on the dresser to find the right one. You have these little vials from your home in Dorne, filled with different elixirs, and this time you want to put him in the right, stimulating mood.
Daemon grumbles something unintelligible, but obeys and gets into the tub. His gaze is fixed firmly on your back.
"Will you at least keep me company?" he asks, and you can hear in his voice that he is getting impatient.
You turn to him and smile, "No... at least not in the water," you say softly.
With two bottles in your hand, you stride to the bathtub. In the soft, flickering light created by candles, Daemon's gaze fixes on you and you can see an unspoken desire in the depths of his eyes to just grab you. But instead of giving in to temptation, his hands grip the edge of the tub. He leans back slightly and lets you pleasure him, a sign of trust he has only in you.
You kneel behind him, set the vials aside and carefully remove the hair ribbon from its silken lengths. As the ribbon gives up its hold, his hair falls gracefully over his shoulders. The once shining silver strands, now clouded with dirt and sweat, literally crave your touch. You gently begin to work water into the lengths, and the soothing rhythm elicits a contented murmur from Daemon as his eyes are gently closed.
Your hand wanders to a vial, its lid giving way with a soft, melodic pop at your careful touch. At this slight disturbance, Daemon's eyes flicker open to take in the unexpected intrusion.
"What's that?" he murmurs. You smile slightly, "Lavender oil... I like it when your hair smells fresh," you say soflty.
Daemon reflects your soft smile, "All right... If my Dornish princess wants me to smell like a silly bush from the garden, I don't think I could refuse," he mutters. With a smile, you apply a few drops of oil to his shiny silver locks and enjoy the feel of his long strands gliding through your fingers as the accumulated dirt runs effortlessly down.
After pampering him with your grooming, you rise and hand Daemon a towel. With a synchronised movement, he accepts the towel, and as he dries himself, you return to the bedroom with the other vial of elixir. Daemon follows you silently, his shapely form wrapped in the loosely hanging towel.
"Now you're going to take care of my needs?" he says to you, a cheeky smile around his lips. And at that moment you notice the bulge under the towel. You smile, "Lie down on the bed," you say.
Daemon's smile widens, like that of a child who finds an unexpected, delicious treat. He complies with your request and lies down in your marital sanctuary - the very bed where he makes you squirm and beg every night. But this night it will be different.
With an expectant gaze, Daemon watches your every move. How you slowly take off your dress and walk towards the bed. You crawl onto the bed and his hands reach out longingly to pull you close.
But you push them away, "Hands by your side," you say and move to sit astride him. Daemon looks irritated, but he obeys. You take the bottle and open it while Daemon watches you closely.
"More lavender oil?" he asks, "You know I'll have trouble commanding my men if my whole body smells like a flower bouquet" he says.
With a soft chuckle, you murmur, "Not a hint of lavender..." as the delicate scents of osmanthus and patchouli dance around you, washing you with their stimulating embrace as you place a few drops of the oil on your warm palm. Daemon's eyes remain fixed, transfixed by your hands as you set about the task of massaging the oil into his powerful chest.
"And I don't think you'll have any problems commanding your men.... No matter how you smell..." you say softly.
Daemon can only growl slightly as he slowly feels the effect of the scents and his arousal presses harder against you. You can feel a slight movement of his hips as he tries to grind against you. You stare into his eyes as your hands continue to glide over his skin.
"Don't move," you say to him. Daemon grunts, but he obeys - again.
You hear his breathing become more irregular as your hand turns to his belly. Slowly you massage the oil into the muscles of his belly, but your hands are unstoppable. You sit up a little and release him from the towel and his hot length springs free. It twitches wildly as you begin to rub his pubic hair with the oil. It twitches even more wildly as your hands turn to the shaft of his cock, which almost invites you to let yourself sink onto it. Daemon grunts impatiently, wanting to move his hips again, to somehow get close to your cunt.
"Don't," you just whisper, and your hands begin to wander up and down. You hear him gasp, see his hands gripping the sheet beneath you tightly. Your hands slide faster as his member literally pulses. Daemon breathes faster and faster as he chases his climax and you can already see the first drops of his release coming from the tip of his cock. You lean down and lick them away and hear him hiss.
"Woman, you will be my death," he whispers breathlessly. You just look up at him, grinning a little, and bite your lip. Your hand slides up and down faster.
It also increasingly excites you that he could just grab you, push you onto the bed and thrust into you, but he does not. He lies there and lets the feelings and actions wash over him.
When suddenly you feel a strong twitch in his member and Daemon spurts his hot seed onto his belly. He grunts loudly and watches you pump the last drops of cum out of his cock. He breathes heavily and closes his eyes briefly. His head falls back on the pillow.
"I think I need to take another bath..." he mumbles.
But you only smile, "I'm not done with you yet," you whisper. Daemon opens his eyes and looks at you in irritation.
You notice how he slowly softens in your hand, but it is not over for you yet. Slowly you slide further down and push his legs apart. You kneel between his legs and your hand gently moves along his shaft again. Daemon hisses slightly as you lean down.
You take his softening member into your mouth and begin to suck. The remnants of his cum unfold their salty taste on your tongue, but you love the way he tastes.
Daemon gasps, "What are you doing?"
But you just grin slightly and push him all the way down your throat.
"Gods...", Daemon gasps, but you notice that he is getting hard again.
But then, with a pop, you release his cock from your mouth. He is breathing heavily and still looks irritated, his cock hard again and standing in all its glory.
Daemon's heavy breath echoes from the walls of your chambers. You move and lie down beside him. You bite your lip gently and lean forward, kissing his neck softly. Your tongue is like pure fire that hits his skin and could cause new scars. A hot, arousing fire. His hips rise again with arousal and his hand reaches for the back of your head to move your head down. But you stop caressing his neck and look at him. You shake your head resolutely and Daemon pulls his hand back grumbling.
His voice fails in his throat and nothing more leaves his mouth as he slowly loses control. A growl sounds from him and his back arches slightly as your hand begins to caress his chest.
A moan escapes him as your nails leave light marks on his skin.
"Stop it, love," he murmurs. "You're driving me crazy" But you see his cock twitch wildly and you know he doesn't want you to stop. His hands reach into the sheet again and you know, that it's taking all his will not to grab you. Gently your lips graze over his neck as your fingers gently move down, teasing him. You feel the remnants of his previous climax and you see him bite his lip as you slide through it. His eyes are closed and you can see him enjoying this. Your fingers gently caress his abdomen, following the light hair to your destination.
A moan escapes him again. His hand suddenly reaches for your arm and you gasp softly, feeling his fingertips dig into your arm, showing you how much you're already teasing him. But you are not finished yet.
Daemon tries to concentrate on staying calm for your sake.
Once again, you can't stop your fingers from stroking his pubic hair as your smile widens. You watch his expression as you caress him.
A sharp intake of breath comes from his throat. He feels nothing but your touch. His fingertips dig further into your arm, but he finds it hard to stay still. You feel his muscles twitch and he just wants to pull you closer to him and take control of the situation so he can use your body as he wants.
But he forces himself to stay still. He forces himself to enjoy the passive role for once.
Your fingers gently graze the tip of his hard manhood. You bite your lip as you feel it twitch. As you close your fingers around the tip and the twitch shoots through your fingers.
"Ops...", you say softly, with an air of innocence, but Daemon knows you are not innocent and it's impossible for him not to react to that – a soft hiss escapes him.
His back arches slightly upwards and he grips your arm even tighter. His head turns towards you. His eyes are still closed, but you feel his lips seek yours. But you let him suffer. Let him feel what it is like to be on the receiving end of something like this.
"Is this what I put you through every night?" he suddenly asks softly, still keeping his eyes closed. You hear a slight breathlessness in his voice.
You smile again, "Yes... Every time you tease me..." you whisper.
You feel at your fingertips how his arousal continues to make itself felt, and the drops wet the tip of his cock.
"You like that, don't you?" you whisper.
He responds with a low growl, as if he's too busy enjoying it to reply with words.
His fingers disengage from your arm and sink to the bed, holding them still. It works up to a point. But you see his fingers clench into fists again and again.
You lean forward again and gently kiss his neck. Lightly you let your teeth sink into the skin. Again you hear a slight growl.
But still your fingers do not touch his hard member. Teasingly you only stroke his tip, refusing to embrace it completely. You feel it twitch violently again and again. Almost desperately it wants you to touch it. And again a moan escapes Daemon's throat.
You notice his breath quickening, and your own smile turns into a wicked little grin.
His fingers clutch the sheets on the bed as his muscles tremble slightly. You can feel the tension building inside him.
"Stop it... stop..," he murmurs, his voice strained by the desire to just grab you.
You continue to nibble on his neck. Your fingers, meanwhile, are stroking his pubic hair again, your caress growing rougher.
"Would you like me to touch you?" you whisper. With this question you have sealed his fate.
You see him contort his face almost painfully, trying to resist his urge. It would be so easy for him to give in, to just turn and take you as he wants. You see the inner struggle in him. The Rogue Prince who never begs, never bows to any command. The dragon who needs control over every situation. But still you see his breathing quicken, his muscles tremble slightly, he moistens his lips.
"Yes..." he whispers after a while, almost defeated.
But then his fingers move to your hips, wanting to grab you and force you closer to him. You slap his hand away.
"No, Daemon. Get your hands off me," you whisper warningly in his ear. You underline your momentary power and nibble lightly on his earlobe.
Your fingers now find their way to his balls, your fingernails gently scratching the now taut skin and he hisses again.
It's a struggle for him to take his hands off your hips. He doesn't want to. But he obeys.
You continue the torment, your fingernails almost driving him mad.
"You know you'll pay for this, you little pest," his voice sounds a little hoarse.
But with each word his voice grows softer and is now just a low murmur as his body continues to tremble with desire. You have the power over this moment, and you know it. You smile just slightly, knowing you will pay for this, and a feeling of anticipation spreads through you.
"Please," he murmurs suddenly. His breathing is quick and heavy. Right now he is nothing more than your plaything. The Rogue Prince on the verge of begging.
You bite his neck again, "Please, what, my love?" you whisper as your fingernails continue to tease his balls. He hisses again. His hips jerk a little, desperate for a touch.
His mouth opens and closes as he tries to find words to say what he wants. It's all gasps and moans and deep, animalistic noises now.
"Please... I need more...," he finally murmurs weakly. He can't say much more, he wants you too much. You know it. He knows it. You both know it.
A low grumble escapes his throat as he hisses again. He clenches his teeth as you grab his balls. He tries to take a deep breath to keep his voice low, but he can't stop his voice from shaking. "Touch me...", these are the only words he manages to say.
Your hand continues to grip his balls, squeezing them gently.
You kiss his neck, "My Rogue Prince...", you whisper.
He is silent now, looking at you with half-closed eyes, his breathing heavy.
You continue to kiss and nibble on his neck as your hand holds him tight, enjoying this newfound power over him. "If you keep this up, I swear we won't leave this bed for at least twelve hours. And I will make you suffer,“ he hisses, his last attempt at exuding dominance.
You smile at him, your fingers now slowly stroking along his shaft.
"I wouldn't mind," you whisper.
His hard manhood is dripping with precum. Your hand wanders along his hard manhood. It twitches violently as you rub the pecum over its tip. He gasps and grunts.
"Oh, you like that, don't you?" you whisper as you nibble on his neck again.
"Yes...!" Daemon suddenly groans. You're playing with fire and you know it. Your teasing only drives him closer to his climax without you actually touching him. But you embrace him fully now, and the sudden rough touch makes him grunt loudly. Your hand wanders up and down, your other hand starts massaging his balls again.
"Then come for me, love...", you whisper. You are also breathing harder by now as your hand slides along his hard manhood. He is moaning uncontrollably by now, his manhood twitching. His eyes are closed and his hips are twitching.
His fingers dig deep into the sheet as he makes sounds you didn't think he was capable of. But his moans turn into hisses as your hand works faster.
He pulls your head towards him and kisses you fiercely, almost desperately. He holds nothing back now and you let him.
"My wife. My Dornish princess. My queen. I am yours. Only yours.", Daemon gasps and you feel the twitch move from his balls up into his cock.
And then he comes. Again his seed spurts onto his belly, while your hand does not slacken in its movement. You're still kissing him and he moans and whimpers into your mouth.
Daemon releases the kiss, still breathing heavily, his eyes closed. Softly he whispers your name, smiling.
"You're cruel, you know that? Cruel and beautiful," he whispers.
You giggle softly and watch the movements of his face. After a few deep breaths from him, he suddenly moves. So suddenly that you gasp slightly. Your eyes grow wide as he suddenly hovers over you. You stare into his violet eyes, his cum dripping onto your soft, olive skin, creating a complete contrast. Daemon slides his finger through it as it continues to drip, just as you did on his skin before. A dark grin on his lips.
"I'm going to make you pay even more cruelly for this..." he murmurs and before you can say anything, his lips meet yours and his hand finds its way between your thighs. Your whimpers echo through your chambers as his hand grips your cunt roughly.
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Tag list
@aemonds-wifey @hoshi-miharu-blog @arryn-nyx @aemonds-eyeball @praline357 @melsunshine @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @lauftivy @valeskafics @dreamlandcreations @hopelesswritergall @wetbitchlibrary @sylasthegrim
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kaciebello · 2 months
No need for mail
Masterlist Badger express ★ Lorenzo Berkshire x Hufflepuff! reader (fem) Summary: While doing a school project, Lorenzo tries his luck. With the help of the wind and the sun, he falls harder and harder.  Warnings: no use of y/n,  Authors note: Haiya! This is a sequel series to the whole delivery one. This one is gonna focus on the boys separately! hope you enjoy it! English is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes beforehand. Proofread by me and me only (T▽T) And just so you know, it always has been him. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ( and yes I know he's a slut, not here tho, maybe next time.) word count: 1.1k Song: Married In Vegas - The Vamps
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Light breeze messes with his hair. He does not care as much as his attention is on the mooncalf nest that rests below the cliff. The girl next to him is doing the same. Her hair is held together in a braid with a yellow ribbon wrapped into it. They are both lying down at the edge of the cliff, one wrong move and they would be rolling down. He turns his face to her.
“Why are we doing this?” He whispers, yes whispered as he has already been scolded once for speaking at his normal volume. Apparently, it would scare the weird animal away and that is not what they want.
“It's a school project, I told you that.” She says, her gaze not moving away from the big-eyed cows.
“I don't think Hagrid would care if we pulled everything out of a book.” He argues back but knows there is no way out of this. He's finally being let in on a Hufflepuff sacred. No wonder they always get the best marks in ‘care for magical beasts’. They simply just vibe with them. The girl just shook her head at him.
The girl scooted a little bit more over the edge. Lorenzo's hand flew over to her and grabbed the back of her shirt. For a witch, she does not have even an ounce of self-preservation in her body.  A small rock fell from their shuffling and landed near the nest. Scaring all the mooncalf, making them run and hide.
“look what you did!” the girl says and, with the help of Lorenzo, sits up.
“Me? I'm not the one trying to throw myself off the cliff!” he says, now too, sitting.
The girl scoffs and gets up to make her way over to the blanket where they set their stuff. He makes his way to her and sits down right next to her. Their knees touching. They both pulled out their notebook, he wrote down his observations and she finished her sketch of the animal.
Silence falls upon them as they both do their own thing. Lorenzo's eyes shift to see her sketch, only to see a familiar face. He does not know if he should call her out or not. But since he considered himself her best friend, a fact she constantly denies, he decided to do the first option.
“AYO, is that me!” Startled, the girl closes the notebook so fast it makes a thud so loud that he's certain the mooncalf all hid again. He tried to take the notebook from her, but she threw it on the other side of the blanket. She restraints one of his hands and the other one lands by her back.
When Lorenzo noticed how close they were, a smile crept on his face.  She noticed too, as his legs curled a little. She turns her body to face him more and places her other hand near his, probably so she can quickly grab it if he tries something.
He noticed her eyes were scanning his face. A breeze messes with his hair again. The girl blinks and lets his arm go, going to fix it for him. He places his, now free, arm on her thighs, squeezing them to make sure his arm lands where he wants it to without actually looking.
The two friends stay silent. Not an awkward one, but a comfortable one they always seem to find themself when they are together. 
“You're so pretty, I wish I could get you pregnant.” She breaks the silence. Lorenco can do nothing but chuckle. He buried his face in the crook of her neck. His arms now sneaking around her waist. Pulling her closer to his body.
“Ditto” He murmurs. He can feel her shake with laughter. She was now playing with his hair, something he could let her do all day if he could.  That's why he peels himself off of her. She just looked at him confused. Lorenzo just shakes his head and moves a little, before ploping his head down on her lap. He makes sure to grab her arms and slam it on his head for good measure.
She looks at him with a shocked expression before sighing. Nonetheless, she does what he wishes for and plays with his hair. He flashes her a smile full of pearly whites. 
“You're annoying.” She says looking down at him. he pokes her side making her squirm a bit.
“But you still love me.” he sings back to her. She does not answer to him. They fall into silence again. The girl is not looking at him. Something in the distance caught her attention. He did not mind, as if she were to look down on him, she would see a fool in love.
A sun framed her head and made it look like a halo. He was smitten.
“So you know how you just wanna be friends?” He says making her give him attention. Looking down at him her arm came to a stop.
“That's cool and all, but I'm like in love with you.” 
“Same” The girl just breaths out. Lorenzo did not expect her to say that. In a second he has decided he is not letting her change her mind.
He shoots up and cages her with one of his arms while the other one goes to her neck and pulls her closer. He does not give her a chance to register what is going on.
Their lips met, softly than someone would expect with how fast Lorenzo was with his moves. She took a few seconds before kissing him back, her arms cradling his face.
The kiss was sweet and slow, a fairytale-like.
Soon they ran out of breath, the girl gently pushing Lorenzo away as he tried to chase her into another kiss. Still, with closed eyes, he lends his forehead to hers.
“That was-” A low whistle cuts him off. Cursing under his breath, Lorenzo opened his eyes and straightened out. there stood four of his friends. A whine leaves him.
“AYO I DID NOT KNOW YOU HAVE A GAME LIKE THAT.” Draco makes sure that he can be heard all the way back to Hogwarts. Multiple praises and hollers sound on the little cliff they found themself on.
All the boys make their way to Lorenzo, lifting him up and repeatedly tossing him in the air. All he could do was catch a glimpse of the girl with a yellow ribbon in her hair laughing. Not even noticing the love note falling out of his pocket and getting lost in the wind.
tag list: @daisiesformylove , @klimovatereza-blog , @lafrone ,@enfppuff , @rafegfs , @frogtape , @lovelyygirl8 , @catiwinky, @anyam444 , @leeleecats , @ghostgardn , @reverse-soe , @ultramarinetovelvet , @iwishigotswallowed , @jazz-berry , @justatadbonkers , @partnerincrime0 , @schaebickel , @bunnyhopsstuff , @deluluassapocalypse
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sluttywonwoo · 11 months
can't stop thinking about the guys(skz,svt and atz I have too much free time) cumming too soon like what would make them cum and how would they react why do I wanna cry bro idk
i wanna cry too it’s ok (answering for svt in this ask but if u wanna see one of the other groups send another)
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seungcheol: it doesn’t happen to him often… maybe when he’s tired or it’s been a while and when it does, he turns it around on you lmfao like “why did you clench like that, you know what it does to me” >:(
jeonghan: if his dick is in your mouth… he’s probably cumming. like seungcheol, how is it his fault that your mouth feels that good?? he’d be embarrassed though and make it up to you by eating you out (which he was going to do anyway)
joshua: he’s usually pretty good about slowing down when he gets too close but sometimes even that isn’t enough to stop him from cumming and he’s filling you up without warning. his voice is so raspy as he mumbles apologies into your mouth. he knows you think it’s hot but he’s still embarrassed by it.
jun: it’s like a game he plays with himself, thinking he can last even when he can’t. edging himself until it becomes too much. he’s more frustrated by it than anything. he’s just like “damn, sorry babe” but will keep fucking you through his own oversensitivity to make you cum
soonyoung: can happen at the drop of a hat tbh. he’s got crazy stamina but for him that means he can go again and again even right after cumming (and that’s what he does)
wonwoo: it only happens when he’s been teasing you for so long that he’s incredibly worked up too and can’t help himself. so so embarrassed but pushes it down and plays it off. he’d punish you instead since it is your fault (ahem jeongcheol) and overstimulate you until he’s ready to go again
jihoon: it usually happens when you’re on top. something about you riding him makes jihoon lose control… and when he does, he can’t even bring himself to look at you for a couple of minutes. this is easily fixed, though, because you just have to get him hard again and he’ll forget all about the embarrassment (for the time being)
seokmin: if we’re being honest, he could cum from just your hand feeling him up over his pants. he’s just so into you and it’s easy for him to get carried away with how good your touch feels. but next thing you know he’s literally moaning apologies into your cunt as he eats you out
mingyu: most likely to happen for him if he’s fucking you raw… which is a problem in of itself but he’s usually able to pull out in time to just cum all over you. it makes a mess but it’s safer than the alternative and he’ll spend the next several minutes sheepishly cleaning you up while you lay there unimpressed.
minghao: he can make quickies quick. if you don’t have a lot of time, he puts all of his focus on cumming as fast as possible and sometimes it happens too fast. he likes to make you cum first so it always makes him feel guilty if he’s finishing way earlier than you, but he’ll drop to his knees and finish you off before you can even register what’s happened.
seungkwan: he loves praise but he also gets super flustered by it so if you’re praising him a lot in bed he might just lose it. it isn’t very common for him but when it does happen he tries to be casual about it. for him, being casual means pretending like nothing happened and adopting a very high voice all of the sudden and muttering “everything’s fine” to himself repeatedly as he rummages through your bedside drawer for your vibrator
vernon: man is easy. seeing your boobs is enough to get him fully hard… meaning you sitting on his dick is enough to make him cum. it isn’t unheard of for vernon to cum as soon as you sink down onto his lap. he gets so red and frantic, yelling at you to get off of him but usually it’s already too late. luckily, he’s got a short refractory period and a humiliation kink so he’s ready to go again in no time.
chan: he can be a bit too confident. it’s always endearing but chan talks a big game and can’t always deliver. when he cums too early and gets all embarrassed, it’s easy for you to pick up the slack and take over. chan submits to you so easily after he’s made a fool of himself (in his eyes) and you love every second of it.
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peakyswritings · 5 months
Heart, Body and Soul || Tommy Shelby x OC
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Summary: After the events of the previous day, Tommy and Nina are forced to come to terms with a truth they have refused to acknowledge for far too long.
Warnings: mentions of arranged marriage, slow-burn, small age-gap (Tommy’s 30, Nina is in her early 20s), time-typical misogyny, mentions of attempted assault, no proofreading, English is not my first language. This is set between season 1 and 2.
A/N: like in the last chapter, there are some dialogues which are supposed to be in Italian, which I chose to write in English for the sake of the readers (and mine, ‘cause otherwise I should’ve translated lots of stuff). In this case, it is the second dialogue between Nina and her mother. I’m sorry for the long wait, and thank you for bearing with me!
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The first light of the morning filtered through the lace curtains of the kitchen window, bathing the room in a warm glow. Holding a cup of coffee in her hands, Nina stared into space, the events of the night before repeatedly playing in her mind. Tommy’s touch still lingered against her cheek, hesitant and tender as he touched her with a gentleness she had never known before. A gentleness that made her lean even closer, eager to feel more of the bare brushing of their lips, that made her wonder what it would feel like if she allowed herself to melt into him. His strong body seemed like a safe space, like something steady and reliable. But that warm, unfamiliar feeling was soon replaced by the blast of cold that suddenly hit her when he moved away.
How could she have been so stupid?
She had let her emotions get the best of her, and humiliated herself for nothing. It wasn’t him that she wanted. What she wanted was to get rid of the skin-crawling feeling that Stefano’s hands had left on her, so she had clung to the first person who had offered her a hint of safety and comfort. What a fool she had been, for forgetting that the only person who could ever bring her safety and comfort was herself. For letting Stefano mess her up once again. It was all a game of power to him, he had played her like a pawn, and she had fell for it. Because Stefano did what he did to let her know that he could do everything he wanted to her, if he just decided to. With the blood boiling in her veins, she promised to herself she wouldn’t let him hold that much power over her, she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of making her cave. She’d go on as if nothing happened, but without forgetting what he did. And when the right time came, she’d make him regret ever daring to lay his filthy hands on her. He had tormented her for years, tried to force her into a marriage, scared and threatened her in her own home, a place where she was supposed to be safe. He would pay for that.
“Sei già sveglia?” (You’re up already?)
Her mother’s voice pulled Nina out of her thoughts, and only then did she realise how tight her hold around the cup’s handle had become. She loosened her grip, a sigh escaping her lips as the pain of her own nails digging in her palm eased. Sinking lower in her seat, she fixed her gaze upon a crack in the wooden table, well aware that she couldn’t escape Maria Ferrante’s ever-observant eye. “Sono andata a letto presto, ieri.” (I went to bed early, yesterday.)
The older woman walked further into the kitchen, squinting her eyes as if she had spotted something. Still carefully avoiding her gaze, Nina watched her get closer from under her lashes, until she stopped right in front of her. She let out a groan as her mother took ahold of her chin to get a better look at her face. “Che hai in faccia?” (What’s that?)
Nina gulped, her mind trying to find an excuse for the scratch that Stefano had left when he had dug his fingernails in her cheek. “È stato Winston,” she professed, turning her head to free herself from her mother’s grip. (It was Winston.)
The woman mumbled some curses towards the poor animal that, for once, was actually innocent.
“È stata colpa mia,” Nina quickly added. “L’ho fatto arrabbiare.” (It was my fault, I made him angry.)
Maria Ferrante pursed her lips in disapproval, and a frown appeared on those once beautiful features, which had started to wither way too soon under the weight of the years and of a life devoted to caring for others and never herself.
Nina had to restrain herself from breathing a sigh of relief when her mother walked over to the cupboard, letting the matter drop. But as she watched her bustling about to make breakfast for everyone, she was overwhelmed by a mounting sense of unease. It was a familiar feeling, one that had been accompanying her for as long as she could remember, yet she had never been able to figure it out. It usually rose without warning, making her head spin, sending her into a state of distress that made her feel physically sick, and she got the impression there was something deeply wrong with her life. After years of dealing with it, she had found a pattern, and she had realised that most of the times - although not always - it was connected to her mother.
All her life, Nina had feared to become like her. Always silent, always compliant as she let her husband and sons treat her like a slave, pretending not to notice the way they unconsciously looked down on her - because she was not clever, she was ignorant, she wasn’t even able to read or write. She was a wife and a mother before being a person. They loved her, but they loved her like something that belonged to them. And deep down, Nina knew she was loved the same way.
She knew the opinion they had of her was not that distant from the one they had of her mother. It didn’t matter that she had finished school, it didn’t matter how much she kept on studying and learning on her own, it didn’t matter how much she tried to prove that she was capable. She was always a woman. That limitation was the wall the stood between her and the world, and the more she tried to climb over it or walk around it, the taller and wider it grew.
To some extent, in her family, Nina was already her mother.
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Standing in front of the mirror in the room that had become his in the last couple of weeks, Tommy straightened his tie, his gaze scanning his whole figure to make sure nothing was out of place. His face was freshly shaved, his suit neatly pressed, his shoes polished. The only jarring note were the purple shadows under his eyes, proof of a sleepless night. Ever since he had left Nina’s room, he had been tormented by a strange feeling of restlessness. He had hardly closed his eyes, his mind relentlessly circling around everything that had been happening in the last month, and everything that was to come. But in that endless vortex, one thought emerged above all others. How was she?
The question nagged at him, making it impossible for him to shift his attention on any other subject. From the moment he had met her, Nina had seemed to him an unbreakable force. She was fierce, and untamable, with a fire in her eyes mighty enough to burn whole cities to the ground. That was why, when he witnessed her vulnerability, he was almost surprised to see that she, too, could be fragile. But with that fragility came a whole different wilfulness, a stubborn refusal to bend that made her even more ardent. More beautiful. And he wondered how many more sides of herself she kept hidden.
Almost a month had passed since his arrival in Sicily, and during time, she had slowly made her way into his head, clouding his judgment. Because he knew he shouldn’t be thinking about her, not when he was courting her cousin. Not when the decision had been made. But the events of that day had put him in front of a truth he had refused to acknowledge, a truth that made him feel something too close to fear.
Last last night more than ever, he couldn’t take his mind off her, off her scent, off the feeling of her soft hair brushing against his skin. Did she have any idea how hard it had been for him to pull away? That he had only left her room because otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to restrain himself any longer? That, had she been in a less vulnerable position, he wouldn’t have hesitated to do what every cell in his body was begging him to do?
Tommy pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to compose himself. There was no need to make things more difficult than they already were. He opened the drawer of his bedside table, revealing the velvety box that had been closed there for far too long. He reached for it and opened it to take a look at the ring he had bought along the necklace he had gifted Agnese a few weeks earlier, when he had declared his intention to marry her. The big diamond ring seemed to stare back at him, and his stomach clenched at the thought that it was time to do what he was expected to do. He snapped the box shut and placed it in the inside pocket of his jacket, telling himself there was no point in dwelling on things that had no chance to exist.
As he headed downstairs, the sound of Nina’s voice came to his ears, and his nerves started tingling with anticipation. How would she act, now? How was he supposed to act? Should he ask her how she was, or should he pretend nothing had happened, just like she told him?
He could tell there was a whole story behind what had happened with Stefano the previous day, one that he wasn’t aware of, and part of him wanted to ask her. The other part, however, feared that she might close off again, and that all the steps forward that they had taken would be erased, taking them back where they started.
Before Tommy could cross the living room, Nina came out of the kitchen, too lost in thought to notice him, at first. But once she did, she stopped in her tracks, and an unreadable expression spread over her features. For the next few seconds, they just looked at each other in complete silence, waiting for the other to say something. The small scratch on her face caught his eye, suddenly taking him back to last night, when he had ran his knuckle over it with a softness he didn’t know he possessed, when he had got the impression that her cheek had been made just to fit perfectly in the palm of his rough hand. How close she had been…
“Good morning.” Nina’s voice harshly brought him back to reality, and it was like a bucket of cold water had been poured over him.
Tommy cleared his voice, struck by an odd feeling of guilt for indulging further in those thoughts. “Morning,” he murmured, recollecting himself. He had to remember where he was, and where his priorities stood. But it was so hard when the warmth of her body so close to his was imprinted on him, and when he could still feel the way her lips had barely brushed against his.
“I’m having lunch at Agnese’s house today,” he blurted out before he could think about what he was saying. And maybe his words had some kind of effect on her, but she was so quick to hide it that he figured he had probably imagined it.
Nina nodded, hoping that whatever she was feeling in that moment wasn’t written all over her face. She wasn’t even sure what it was that she was feeling, she just knew that she didn’t like it. And that it wasn’t right.
Tommy was going to propose.
That awareness knocked the air out of her lungs, and she cursed herself for feeling like that. It was wrong. And she had no right. She had to get a grip and take control of those emotions, before they irreversibly took control of her. Tommy’s icy stare seemed to be piercing right through her, making it impossible for her to focus and formulate some coherent sentence. Fucking blue eyes.
“Good,” it was all she could manage to utter.
Another heavy silence fell down upon them, and the words they really wanted to say - the words they didn’t even have the courage to tell themselves - were left hanging in the air, where they would vanish, sooner or later. Because the things left unsaid would never be real.
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In the late afternoon, sitting at the kitchen table, Nina tried to keep herself busy by reading a book, but the words seemed to vanish right in front of her eyes one by one. She was too agitated to read. According to what her brothers had told her before leaving the house earlier that day, the men of the family were currently holding a meeting Tommy Shelby at Agnese’s house. They had mentioned something about Sabini and the next moves, but she had only half-listened to them, her mind occupied by something else entirely. Looking out the window, she glanced at the house on the opposite side of the shared garden, the urge to know what was happening inside it growing with each moment that passed.
“He hasn’t proposed.” Maria Ferrante stormed into the kitchen, carrying a basket full of freshly-picked figs.
Nina blinked, her train of thoughts interrupted by her mother for the second time that day. “What?”
“Mr Shelby hasn’t proposed to Agnese,” she clarified, placing the basket on the table with a thud. Under her daughter’s disconcerted stare, she took some of the figs and walked over to the sink to wash them with hasty, agitated movements. “The poor girl’s desperate, she thinks she has done something wrong.”
It took Nina more than a moment to process her mother’s words, but once she did, it took her way less to realise what that might mean. For her, for Agnese, for the future of her family. As her mind began to race in an all too familiar way, her eyes quickly scanned the room in search for something to focus on in order not to slip into the whirlpool of scattered thoughts, but the clatter caused by the older woman’s fumbling with the cutlery only added to the frenzied state of her brain. Her heart pounded in her chest, drumming in her ears, and she found herself jiggling her leg up and down to ease the tension. Finally, her attention was grabbed by the clock hanging on the wall, and in the second hand her restless gaze found something to hold on to. With each second that passed, her heart decreased its speed and the noise in her mind quietened, bringing her some relief. Closing her eyes, she exhaled a breath, glad to be back in control of herself. “This whole thing was a mistake,” she mumbled, shaking her head.
Even though she was facing away from her mother, Nina could tell she had halted, because the fuss suddenly stopped. “What do you mean?” She asked, but before her daughter had the chance to answer, she placed a plate with some figs cut in half in front of her. “Eat.”
At first, Nina scrunched her nose, sure that the mere sight of food would be enough make her stomach turn. Ever since the events of the previous day, it had been too knotted up for her to feel hungry. However, as soon as the delicious smell of the fruits filled her nostrils her appetite awoke, and she was quick to take a bite. The sweet pulp melted on her tongue, and the sensation almost made her forget what she was about to say. “I mean,” she spoke again after eating the first piece. “That it isn’t the Shelbys we should’ve tried to form an alliance with.”
Her mother’s eyebrows shot upwards, and a disapproving expression made its way on her face. “These things are not our concern,” she reproachfully pointed a finger at her daughter, sitting on a chair in front of her. “Your father and your uncles are doing-”
“They’re doing all the wrong things.” Nina interrupted her, slightly raising her voice. “And it is our concern. It’s our life, we should have a say in it.”
“Your father knows what’s best for this family.”
“Does he?”
Maria Ferrante crossed her arms over her chest, averting her eyes from her daughter’s, and the silence that followed gave Nina the chance to go on. “This was a mistake, you know it too,” she added, lowering her voice again. “You might fool dad by pretending you know nothing about this business, but you can’t fool me.”
A strange glimpse crossed her mother’s eyes at her words, but it didn’t last more than an instant. Her features hardened again, and it was like that subtle, ephemeral emotion had never been there. “What I think is not important.”
This time, it was Nina who chose not to reply. It was useless, after all. Her mother had spent her whole life convinced that all she was born to do was to take care of someone else, without ever being able to make a single decision for herself, or voice her thoughts, and that conviction was too deeply rooted inside her to be eradicated.
“You’re a lucky girl, Nina. You shouldn’t forget that.” Maria leaned over the table, looking her daughter right in the eyes. “Take a look around you. You have a big, nice house with a big, nice garden, and a room you can call your own. You have never known misery, nor hunger,” she paused, her gaze becoming absent, as if getting lost in some old memory. She then leaned back in her chair, staring at a point in front of her. “It feels like bites. Hunger, I mean.”
Nina shifted uncomfortably in her seat, letting those words sink in. Although her mother’s stark expression gave nothing away, she sensed that some old, unforgotten pain was begging to be acknowledged, and she could almost feel that pain as if it were her own.
Coming back to her senses, Maria fixed her eyes on her daughter again, her gaze displaying a fierceness that appeared almost odd on her face. “You don’t know it. You haven’t even known it during the war. That’s all thanks to your father, and what he does.”
Nina watched quietly as mother got up from her chair, starting to busy herself with what needed tidying up. “He does what he does for us. Be grateful, and don’t question his decisions.” Her voice took on a stern tone, one that brooked no arguments, indicating that the discussion was over. “And eat,” she ordered, nodding toward the plate.
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Pouring the tea she had just made in a cup, Nina glanced at the clock. Midnight had passed a long time ago, but once again her brain was keeping her up, preventing her from getting some much needed sleep. She’d had lots of time to think, though, and the long, relaxing bath she had taken had helped her free her mind for a while. She could see things more clearly, now.
Her first fear had been that Tommy might decide to go on with the war, but after pondering the subject, she had come to the conclusion that it wasn’t an option. He had proposed an alliance because he knew he had no chance of winning that war, the attacks to his pubs and his men were the proof. Not to mention that if he were to decide to call everything off he would be killed on the spot. The Peaky Blinder Devil was surrounded by potential enemies, with not a single man by his side, and he had willingly put himself in that position.
Because he was not afraid to die.
That was the answer to all of her questions, the missing piece that had prevented her from fully understanding why her family feared him so much, to the point of not even considering to form an alliance with Sabini instead. Tommy Shelby was not afraid to die, therefore, he had no limitations.
But the more she seemed to be close to figuring him out, the more questions rose, and Nina couldn’t explain why - despite all her efforts not to think about him - her mind was so adamant on trying to unravel the mystery that was Tommy Shelby. She had started because she didn’t trust him, because she wanted to know what his true intentions were, because she wanted to try and anticipate his moves - something that the men of her family seemed to fail at. Now she just couldn’t stop, for what she had found was so far from what she had expected.
She couldn’t explain the deep connection she felt to him, a connection that perhaps had always been there, since the very beginning, when all she seemed to feel for him was spite. Even then, there was something drawing them towards one another, forcing them to keep on bickering and bantering, to look for those apparently insignificant quarrels and challenges. Then there were their secret meetings, those nights where time seemed to stand still, where he wasn’t Tommy Shelby, and she wasn’t Nina Ferrante, and they were almost normal people, and they were allowed to let their masks fall. She remembered every laugh he had drawn from of her with the stories of his childhood, every smile she had managed to coax out of him with her witty retorts. And she had learned he was not a Devil, like everybody called him. Behind his steely glare and the layers of ice that protected him like an armour, he was very much human.
There must’ve been a reason why every night since the first casual encounter they had left their rooms in the hope of just enjoying each other’s company. There must’ve been a reason why their eyes begged to meet every time they were in the same room, and their hands longed for the slightest touch. There must’ve been a reason why she was standing there, hoping he would walk through that door.
But that reason didn’t matter. Because in the light of the day, he was Tommy Shelby, she was Nina Ferrante, and he would marry her cousin. Soon he would go back to Birmingham, and she would stay there, going back to the life she had grown to despise. The seas between them would erase the invisible string that seemed to bind them together, and she would forget how he had made her laugh, how she had made him smile. And it would be as if her soul had never met his.
Nina’s heart increased its speed when she heard the footsteps that had become now familiar to her, and she had to remind herself that night wouldn’t be like the others. She had to push him away, restore the distance between them before it was too late. If they crossed that line, there would be no going back.
Silently, Tommy entered the kitchen. All the spontaneity their relationship had acquired over the weeks was gone, and he was unsure how to behave. He didn’t even know what had brought him there again, after he had told himself he had to stop thinking about her. Maybe the same thing that had kept him from proposing to Agnese.
Nina was standing near the table, pouring her usual awful amount of honey in her steaming cup of tea. Leaning against the doorframe, Tommy allowed himself a moment to admire the way the white cotton of her nightgown brought out her tan skin and dark hair. She seemed off guard, but he knew she was aware of his presence. Once she was done, she gazed at him, and her fiery eyes shone in the dim light, pinning him right where he stood.
“I was thirsty,” he explained after a moment of hesitation, walking further into the room.
Without saying a word, Nina took a glass from one of the cabinets and poured water in it. When she handed it to him, her fingers brushed against his, and shivers of electricity raced across his skin. With the proximity, he was engulfed by the scent of lavender and honey that had been plaguing him in his sleep, making him long for something he could never have.
He would never feel anything like that with Agnese.
Nina took a few steps back, breaking the bubble that formed every time they were close to each other. Tommy tightened his grip around the glass for a second, then placed it on the table. He didn’t need to pretend it hadn’t been just an excuse to see her. He searched for something to say, but Nina beat him to it, and what she said next felt like a stab through his chest.
“You should propose to Agnese.”
She wasn’t even looking at him. She was cold, distant, almost like the day they had met. Taken aback by her sudden statement, Tommy blinked, hoping he had misheard. “What?”
“You’ve been courting her long enough,” she said bitterly.
Nina’s words aroused a certain anger in Tommy, the same anger he felt every time he sensed that his hand was being forced. But it wasn’t just anger, there was something else with that. “It’s not your place to decide-”
“It is my fucking place,” she snapped, finally turning to look at him. “This is my family. And the more we wait, the more we give Sabini the time to act against us.”
Tommy’s expression changed, and all the annoyance she had read moments before on his face gave way to something else. He raised his eyebrows in a mocking way, taking a look around before shifting his gaze on her again. “So you’ve finally admitted it,” he he said, and the shadow of a smug smirk appeared on his face.
“Admitted what?” She seethed.
“That your family needs my family.”
Nina snorted, fighting the urge to slap the smugness out of his face. Even in a serious situation, he couldn’t resist looking for a way to get under her skin.
“That’s not the point,” she argued, averting her eyes from his. “The point is - it’s time to get this over with.” The more she spoke, the harder it became to keep her voice steady, but she did it nonetheless, attempting to sound as convincing as she could. Maybe she’d end up convincing herself as well. “And this…thing that we’re doing,” she paused, the words burning in her throat as she uttered them. “It has to stop.”
Something flashed across Tommy’s features, and Nina instantly regretted addressing the topic. A strange tension fell into the room as his face became serious again.
“This thing,” he emphasised, as if pondering her words. The way his deep voice echoed in the silence of the room awakened something inside her, and heat crept up cheeks. “Tell me,” he squinted his eyes, starting to walk in her direction with slow, measured steps. “What is it that we’re doing?”
The breath hitched in her throat, but Nina stood still in her place, forcing herself to bear his gaze. “Nothing.”
“Nothing,” he repeated, nodding to himself. He took another step forward, looking down at her with a hint of challenge in his eyes, almost daring her to deny what was right in front of them one more time. She was now trapped between his body and the table, and the closeness alone was enough to make his nerves tingle.
“Tommy, please,” she whispered.
God, had she ever called him by his name before? The way it rolled off her lips, along with her intoxicating scent and the feeling of her warm body - too close to ignore it but still too far away to feel it completely - threatened to destroy the last shred of his self-control. It was hanging by a thread, a thread that was about to snap at any given moment.
He tucked an unruly strand of hair that had fallen in front of her face behind her ear, then his large hand travelled down the side of her neck, his thumb gently rubbing against the delicate skin of her throat. She quivered almost imperceptibly, and her eyes lit up in a way that ignited his whole being. And the thread did snap. His hand went to grab the nape of her neck, and he crashed his lips against hers in a desperate, almost harsh kiss.
But it didn’t take Tommy more than a few seconds to regain control of his instincts. He pulled away, sucking in a sharp breath as he was hit by the realisation of what he had just done. His jaw twitched when his gaze met Nina’s wide eyes, and an overwhelming sense of guilt - way more powerful than the one he had felt that morning - started to weigh on his conscience. Then, as if the contact of their skin had burned him, he let his hand fall and took a step back. He tried to utter an apology, but no sound came out of his mouth. For an amount of time that seemed to stretch into eternity, neither of them did anything, and the possibility of having scared her only added to Tommy’s feeling of guilt. But a second glance was enough to realise it wasn’t fear that was painted on Nina’s face. Before he had the chance to say something, she closed the distance between them, grabbing his face to pull him in for another kiss. After the initial surprise, he was quick to wrap his arms around her, bringing her closer, eager to feel every inch of her body pressing against him. Her soft mouth moved against his tenderly, with a bit of hesitation that made his head spin. Their tongues danced together as he took control of the kiss, and he felt like he could melt right there in her arms. And as much as he wanted to restrain himself, to handle her more delicately, he couldn’t. He had waited far too long.
Tommy’s scent invaded Nina’s nostrils, clouding her senses, and she feared her knees might give out as he kissed her like a man starved. It was passionate, sensual, and lit a fire inside her she had never felt before. And despite everything, it felt right. Nothing had ever felt so right like the feeling of his strong frame against her.
But it wasn’t right. In a moment of clarity, Nina reluctantly broke their kiss, her lips still brushing against Tommy’s. Catching her breath, she closed her eyes for a moment, trying to quieten the turmoil inside for her. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.
With great gentleness, Tommy grabbed her chin, raising her face so that she would look at him. “I’m not.”
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Heart, Body and Soul tag list: @zablife @queenofshinigamis @raincoffeeandfandoms @call-sign-shark @kmc1989 @babayaga67 @kmhappybunny240 @diorrfairy @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @gaslysainz @brummiereader @loverhymeswith @fairypitou @prettywhenicry4 @mysticalbouquetwolf-posts @woofgocows @girlwith-thepearlearring
Tag list: @iamngoclinh08 @lilywinchesterlove @fandom-puff @capitanostella @caelys @lucillethings @peakyxtommy @queenofkings1212 @lyarr24 @kmc1989 @call-sign-shark @jomarch-wannabe @ce1iat @areyenotfondofmelobster
Tommy Shelby tag list: @50svibes
156 notes · View notes
snakebites-and-ink · 3 months
What can I say, I was in a mind control/brainwashing mood. I’ve also lowkey been on a living weapon kick for a while, so I guess it was inevitable I would combine the two.
If the flow or voice of my writing changes unexpectedly in this one, that’s because I skipped around like crazy and wrote adjacent chunks of this at totally different times. 😅😅😅
CW: Brainwashing, mind control, captivity, corruption, dehumanisation, somewhat creepy whumper, bad ending (for the hero anyways 😈). I think I got a little unhinged with this one….
Hero was brought before their enemy, held between two of Villain’s goons.
“Villain.” Hero glowered. The villain came closer and looked them over.
“I’ve finally caught you,” Villain said, smiling. “Oh, you’re going to do great things for me.”
“I’ll never help you!”
“Not of your own free will, you won’t. But I believe I’ve found a way around that.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
Villain didn’t elaborate. Hero was taken to a dark room and forced into a chair with a gratuitous number of restraints. They tried to fight, but eventually ended up strapped down. And then more thoroughly strapped down. Restraints all over their limbs, across their torso, then something that wrapped around their forehead.
“I’d tell you that resisting is useless, but I don’t expect you’d listen,” Villain said from off to Hero’s side. “Well, I’ll see you later, Hero.”
Hero could hear the infuriating smile in Villain’s voice even though they weren’t looking at them. Hero growled slightly and tugged against the restraints—which didn’t give way, of course, Villain wasn’t that careless.
Hero heard the door shut, and just like that they were left alone in the darkness.
At first, Hero wasn’t sure what Villain had been talking about. Of course, they weren’t happy about the restraints and captivity, but none of it seemed out of the ordinary. They could handle this. Villain’s insinuations made them a little nervous, though. Villain wasn’t the type to make idle threats.
When they got bored and irritated enough, Hero tried shouting. No response. Still, they felt they could handle this. It’s not like their nemesis’ smug face was much better than isolation anyways.
It wasn’t just isolation that they were dealing with. Hero wasn’t certain how, but Villain was messing with their head without even speaking to them. It hadn’t been immediately obvious, but it was too consistent and drawn out now for Hero to explain it away as just their imagination. Lies were slithering their way into Hero’s mind in a manner similar to their own thoughts, but far too methodical to be just that. Sometimes Hero even experienced feelings that didn’t belong, however briefly. Hero knew they were lies, and could consciously reject them, but they couldn’t block them out.
Hero figured the most likely culprit was the weird band thing Villain had put across their forehead. It was thick and clunky enough to have some weird technology in it, and it didn’t seem a necessary part of their restraints. Hero wiggled and thrashed their head as best they could, but it seemed to be fixed in place too well for them to get it off that easily.
Hero had bruised themself struggling. Probably scraped a little too. They were sore in countless places from pulling and fighting against the restraints, but it had all been in vain. Nothing seemed any looser, and that horrid device was still well affixed to their head.
They were not giving in. With a physical struggle having proved useless, Hero turned their efforts at resistance inward, focusing on fighting whatever Villain was trying to do to them in their own head rather than in the physical world.
Hero was agitated. They didn’t feel quite right. They couldn’t be sure that whatever Villain was using on them wasn’t already having an effect. They countered it as best they could with their own thoughts, but they couldn’t be sure.
Hero felt sick. It was like what Villain was doing made them all messed up inside. They weren’t sure if it was a psychosomatic result of an emotional reaction they were having, or if some part of Villain’s treatment actually had a physical effect on them, but Hero was feeling nauseated. And just…off. They squeezed their eyes shut and made a sound that was a little too pathetic for their taste. They didn’t feel right. They wanted out.
Hero was still feeling unwell when Villain checked in on them.
Hero was transferred to a different room and restrained in a different position, but they were kept just as secure as before. Their captor strode into the room, seeming far too comfortable for Hero’s liking.
“Villain,” they spat, jerking ineffectually against their restraints with the automatic urge to fight their nemesis.
“Got some fire left in you, I see. Tell me, do you still remember your name?”
Hero cursed Villain instead of answering. Of course they still remembered their name, but they weren’t giving Villain any information that might make Villain’s nasty little project easier.
Villain was unphased by the vitriol. “Hmm. Sounds like it’ll take a while.”
“What will take a while? What exactly are you doing?”
Villain shrugged with the slightest of smirks. “Don’t worry about it. By the time you find out for sure, you won’t mind. Now unless you have something productive to say, I think we’re done here.” Villain beckoned to one of their henchmen.
“No! Don’t put me back in there!” Hero wished they could have said that in a way that sounded remotely threatening, but they just sounded desperate. They couldn’t let Villain change them, couldn’t lose themself.
“I’m afraid there’s not much of an option. Unless you’ve miraculously decided to change sides?”
“I’m not helping you. I’m not helping you.” Hero pretended they were only saying it to spite their captor, and not saying it partially to reassure themself. “I won’t do it.”
“We’ll see.”
Hero screamed and fought as Villain dragged them back there, but it wasn’t enough. Villain had them secured too well for it to result in anything but a few more scrapes and bruises.
Hero went back to the darkness, back to the restraints and the sickening feeling of Villain’s messages sidling their way into Hero’s brain.
They tried to fight it. They really did. But Hero couldn’t keep it up all the time, not for this long. They found themself slipping. Not listening really, but letting things through. It wasn’t right, and it wasn’t what they wanted, but it was easier.
They picked up their efforts at resistance again when they caught themself, but the fact that they caught it happening multiple times was telling enough. 
Hero’s humanity felt further out of reach than ever before. It didn’t really feel like a person anymore. That wasn’t a good feeling. Hero wept.
It couldn’t remember its name. That was distressing. It wasn’t supposed to be able to feel distress, but it did. It wished it didn’t.
It had been told its name was 491. It supposed that must be true.
Something was still wrong, though. Its feelings weren’t quite right. It didn’t feel like this was how things were supposed to be. It knew things were meant to be this way, really, it just didn’t feel right. Maybe it just needed more time.
The weapon didn’t feel distressed anymore. It didn’t feel much at all. Villain had fixed it. It was working better now, not experiencing incorrect feelings or going against what it was made for.
It wasn’t going to fight against them any more. It would do what it was told, as it was meant to. It wouldn’t struggle anymore, or have bad emotions like it had when it was working wrong.
It understood what it was, and who it belonged to. It was a weapon, forged by Villain and for their purposes. The resemblance it had to real people was a testament to Villain’s craftsmanship rather than any sort of indication of its humanity. Its maker and owner was very skilled, and someone more than worthy of its best.
It didn’t know how long it was before Villain got it out of its restraints. Not that such things mattered to it. It was Villain’s to keep where they wanted, and they needed to make sure it was fixed and working right.
“How are you doing now?” they asked once it was freed and standing.
“Operating properly, sir.”
Villain grinned. They ran their hands over the weapon, inspecting, and it stayed in place and let them. Villain looked over it hungrily.
They slapped its face. It showed no reaction except to turn its head to face forward again afterwards.
“Perfect,” Villain purred, leaning on its shoulder and twirling a finger in its hair. 491 didn’t react to the handling.
Villain grabbed its hair and pulled its head back, exposing its throat. Not a very strategic position to put the weapon in, but of course its owner could do whatever they wanted with it. “Will you tell me what you are?” they breathed into its ear.
“Your weapon, sir.”
“That’s exactly right.” They released it and righted its head. “And you have no problems with that? No problems with doing whatever I say?”
“Of course not. That’s what I’m made for.”
“Yesss. Perfect.”
Villain took a step back and looked over their weapon once more. They were smiling, with something like victory in their eyes.
“Your precious hero agency won’t stand a chance,” Villain said gleefully.
“Sir?” 491 didn’t understand; the hero agency didn’t belong to it, nor did 491 think of it as precious.
“Oh, don’t worry about it. It’s just…a figure of speech.”
“Yes, sir.”
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scekrex · 24 days
Dunno how I'm supposed to start, but I have a little idea
So. Reader wanted to use a corset and asked Adam to tie it for him, but Adam, being the asshole he is, he made it too tight.
But when Reader wants to take it off inside their bathroom, he doesn't ask Adam for help, because he messed up once, so Reader doesn't want to take the risk again.
From the inside, grunts and stuff could be heard, the normal shit, but from outside, it could be interpreted as something else (ykyk).
(You can make it a crackfic or smut, dunno. Also sorry if it doesn'tmake any sense. I LOVE YOUR WORK 😭)
So this is a SFW version - if ya want a smutty sequel feel free to request :3
You're always so lovely
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, sexual tension & homophobic language
note: beta read by @drxgonspine
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You inhaled sharply as Adam tightened the corset even more. It was too tight to stand in comfortably, forcing you to arch your back and it was way too hard to breathe. “Are you trying to kill me?” you hissed at the first man who simply patted your shoulder and responded with a lazy,
“You look really fucking sexy, babes.” Well, really it was your fault for asking Adam for help with a corset in the first place, you should've known that the brunette would find a way to mess with you. “Loose it up a little, for Christ’s sake I can’t even breathe properly,” you tried to get him to do it right, but it was Adam.
Instead of listening to you, he took your complaint as a joke, not realizing that it was actually hard for you to breathe in it, so he leaned down, placed a kiss on your cheek and mumbled, “Nah, I like it when ya look like a disney prince.” And to be completely honest? That was something you had not expected to ever be said - not by Adam. Adam, the man who loved rock ‘n’ roll more than his own life, Mr. ‘I fucking rock’ himself just said that he liked to see his boyfriend all dolled up, all pretty yet handsome at the same time.
For fucks sake, Adam knew disney - why the fuck did he know what disney was? The only logical answer to that was Lute, Adam knew a ton of things simply because Lute had told him about it.
With those words however, the first man left the room. “Get the fuck back here you cunt,” you shouted from the top of your lungs, earning you a pissed of, “Shut the fuck up fag!” from your next door neighbor who seemed to be not quite the fan of you. And Adam.
Grumbling you headed towards the bathroom, it was once again your job to fix Adam’s mistake, well this time it was kind of urgent - it not only involved you, but it also caused your body to hurt like hell. Mentally you made a note to never let the taller male help you with clothes of any kind - not when it could end like this at least.
You kicked the bathroom door shut loudly, making sure the first man heard that you had entered it and locked the room from the inside before you stood in front of the mirror and breathed in as much air as possible - for the record, it wasn’t as much air as you would have liked it to be. The corset was not only tight in all the wrong places, it was also made out of some really uncomfortable material. But as you looked yourself over in the mirror, you had to give Adam one thing and one thing only: you did look like a disney prince - a pretty handsome one as well.
But looks made not up for the air your body desperately craved and therefore the corset had to leave. As soon as possible and definitely without Adam’s help. Knowing the brunette, he would tighten the thing even more before eventually putting you out of your misery - that might only be the outcome if you were to promise him something in return, which you didn’t like because he had been the person to even cause this situation and therefore your need of help. So you were determined to do this on your own, how hard could it be to take a corset off after all?
Turns out: it was harder to take that thing off than you had expected. Thirty minutes had passed and you had achieved nothing. To be completely fair you had no idea how Adam had closed it in the first place and it was kinda hard to see your back, even with that huge mirror that was hanging on the bathroom wall. So it was only normal that it took you so long - right?
Who were you even trying to fool, it was not normal, if anything it was concerning.
You were frustrated, groans, hisses of pain and grunts fell from your lips more often than you found yourself able to stay quiet. It had been a mistake to try this thing on without having Lute around - the exorcist surely would have been more gentle. And she would have helped you out of the uncomfortable thing in no time too. But Lute was not here and Adam was the only person you wanted to stay as far away from the corset as possible.
A knock on the locked bathroom door caused you to flinch, you had been quite focused on the task of getting out of that corset. “Listen bitch, if you’re inside there jerking yourself off, you better unlock the fucking door,” Adam’s voice was muffled by the wood between you and him, yet his words made it quite clear what he thought was going on inside the locked room. “I promise ya, my mouth’s way fucking better than your hand,” the first man continued without even waiting for an answer. He seemed convinced that you had been inside the bathroom for over thirty fucking mintues to jerk yourself off instead of asking him for a little help.
“Adam,” you groaned as you accidentally tightened the corset even more - you wanted to hiss at him, make it obvious that you were not trying to orgasm without him, yet that groan of his name seemed to only fuel Adam’s suspicion more. That was honestly nothing you could blame the brunette for. If the roles were reversed, you surely would have the same thoughts.
“I know babes, just fucking open the door,” the words sounded surprisingly desperate, as if he was touching himself - and maybe he was. Yet your main problem remained to be the tight corset hugging your entire upper body. “I’m not fucking jerki- oh fuck,” once again your body’s reaction to things was not helpful at all.
Your finger had gotten stuck somewhere and when you had tried to pull your hand away, you had caused skin to break and blood to leak from your finger. “Y/N, for fucks sake if you don’t open-” that was all the first man was able to say before he heart a small clicking noise and the bathroom door swung open.
“I’m not jerking myself off, you horny fuckhead,” you growled at the taller man, who seemed genuinely surprised that you had been speaking the truth - he must have been quite convinced that you had tried to orgasm without him noticing.
“You’re not. But what the fuck were you doing then?” The brunette seemed honestly confused about the situation, he visibly had trouble wrapping his mind around what was happening.
“I was trying to get out of this bullshit,” you hissed and pointed at the corset that was still tightly wrapped around your upper body - in fact it was now even tighter than it had been before you had locked yourself inside the bathroom. The first man sighted as he wordlessly grabbed you by the shoulders and spun you around so that your back was facing him. Skillful fingers were quick to unhook the corset and free your body from its tight grip on you. The thing dropped to the floor as Adam undid the last hook and you inhaled deeply, sucking in as much air as your lungs were able to hold. Oh the feeling of freedom.
“Thank you,” you mumbled as your hand came up to press against your chest. Your body was still in pain - at least a little - but you knew that would fade.
“How about you thank me by sucking my dick?” Adam grinned as he pressed his body against yours from behind, his erection meeting your asscheeks. You were not able to hold back from rolling your eyes at that, yet you moved your ass against his hips, giving him your non-verbal consent.
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calware · 11 months
animated tumblr icon masterpost
(EDIT (7/10): it is no longer possible to have an animated icon if you did not have one previously. staff has admitted that this "feature" was added accidentally and that it's already been patched. i'll be removing any now-irrelevant segments from the intro and the FAQ. check the notes if you want to see earlier versions of this post)
two days ago, tumblr added the ability to have an animated icon by using an animated webp without giving out any official information on it (from what i can tell). i'm making this post to reduce the amount of questions i get about this. i'll be updating it with any new information i come across. if you have any questions after reading this post, feel free to ask
before i start, as of now, the web version of tumblr plays animated icons automatically which means icons with flashing lights/colors are a danger to people with photosensitivity. do not abuse this feature! remember to keep your icon safe for others by avoiding using any animated images with flashing lights/colors
also, please note that i do not use the tumblr app and i don't know how it works or how it differs from the web version. i use the desktop website as well as the website on my phone's browser (safari)
with that out of the way, here are some frequently asked questions:
7) if a blog has an animated icon, the animation only plays if i click on the icon. otherwise it's stuck on the first frame. why is this?
it's probably because of the platform you're using tumblr on. i use the web version and this doesn't happen to me, it just automatically plays on its own continuously. from what i can tell, this bug(?) only occurs on the tumblr app (depending on which device you use)
8) i use the app and i can't see anyone's animated icons, it's stuck on the first frame no matter what i do. how do i fix this?
check to see if you need to update the app
9) all the animated icons on the page suddenly froze up, what do i do?
try scrolling a little bit, that should unfreeze them. i don't know why this happens or why doing that fixes it 🫥
10) i had an animated icon and now it won't move. why did this happen and how do i fix this?
unfortunately i don't know why this happens, sorry. i could be wrong but from what i've seen i don't think you can fix it ☹️
11) i currently have an animated icon, if i upload a different animated webp image will it still work?
from what i've seen, no. if you want to keep your animated icon as it is, i'd suggest not changing it
12) i have an animated icon, if i edit my blog appearance (without changing the icon) will it mess up my icon?
if you edit your blog appearance via the desktop theme editor (https://www.tumblr.com/customize/yoururl), it should be fine
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wheels-of-despair · 4 months
A Hot, Cheesy Pizza Guy Pairing: Argyle x You Event: A Very @corroded-hellfire Valentine's Day Summary: You're home alone, wallowing in a pit of unspecified grief… when your favorite pizza guy comes a-knockin'. Song: I Want You to Want Me by Cheap Trick Words: 1k
Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I See you cryin' (cryin, cryin') Feelin' all alone without a friend
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A knock on your door brings you out of your haze.
"Go away," you whisper, knowing they can't hear you. Your back rests against a kitchen cabinet, your legs splayed out in front of you on the cool tile you'd slumped to when the grief became too much to bear.
"Helloooo? Pineapple Girl? It's meeee. Argyle. Your favorite pizza guuuuy."
Your bleary eyes look toward the door, where the knocking continues. You hadn't called and ordered a pizza. You hadn't called anyone. You're pretty sure that "go away" was the first thing you'd said out loud in days.
"I know you didn't call."
Can he read your mind? If so… sorry, Argyle the Pizza Guy.
"But you're the only person who always takes my bodacious recommendations, and you haven't called for two weeks, and I wondered if you were okay."
A fresh wave of tears appears and begins pouring down your face. The only person who cares about you is the pizza guy.
"Like… I'll leave it out here and go if you want. No charge. But it'd be real cool if you could prove that you're alive? Are you sick? Was the last pizza not good? I knew it was too early to introduce anchovies to our relationship. My bad. Oh, man." He heaves a sigh that you can hear through the door, and you wonder if he's given up on you. "Oh, man. You're not cheating on me with the Pizza Hut guy, are you?"
You laugh.
Heart broken, tears streaming down your face, and you just laughed at the pizza guy.
"Was that a laugh? Did you just laugh? You're totally busted now, you gotta open the door."
You hesitate.
"C'mon, there's nothing a hot, cheesy pizza can't fix. Wait'll you see what I came up with this time. It's a good one."
Your stomach growls, siding with Argyle.
You take a deep breath, wipe your eyes on your shirt, and stand. You hastily straighten your clothes and try to fix your hair. You're glad there's no mirror in here; you're sure you look like hell. Hopefully it's not bad enough to scare him off.
You creep to the door, unlock it, and crack it open.
"Pineapple Girl! Hey! Oh dude, are you okay?"
"Rough week," you croak, attempting a smile. His eyes fill with pity. You must look as bad as you feel.
"You know," he says, his dark eyes sparkling and his mouth twisting into a mischievous smile. "I've got something that'll make all your troubles just floooat away." He holds up his free hand and rolls it in a way that reminds you of ocean waves.
"How much?" you ask the stoner with the excellent salesmanship.
"Uh, hang on…" Argyle squints and uses his finger to perform some quick calculations in the air. "Zero dollars."
You chuckle.
"Would you like to come in?" you ask, much to your own surprise. Argyle nods, and you open the door all the way and stand aside. "Uh, sorry about the mess."
"Chica, you should see my place."
Argyle walks inside, pizza box in hand, and heads for the couch. You close the door and follow, wishing everything were cleaner. But he doesn't seem to mind.
"You want something to drink?" You're on hostess auto-pilot, and you're grateful to the manners that had been instilled in your sub-conscious.
"Right on!"
You dig in the fridge, find two cans of soda, and bring them to the living room. Argyle is carefully packing a bowl on your coffee table. You sit on the arm of the sofa, as far away from him as you can get. When's the last time you showered?
"Sit down, Pineapple Girl, this stuff's gonna knock you on your ass."
You chuckle and move your ass from the armrest to the cushion, and he hands you the bowl. The sweet smell of the weed that soon fills the room makes you forget all about your showering concerns... and the rest of your woes, too.
He was right. This shit knocked you on your ass. You and Argyle the Pizza Guy lay back against your couch, feet on the coffee table and eyes to the ceiling.
"Why'd you really come here?" you mumble.
"You're the only person who likes my creative combos," he says.
You start giggling.
You giggle harder.
"Whaaaaat?" he moans.
Your body is shaking uncontrollably now.
"Tell meeeeee," he whines.
"You know I pick half that stuff off when you leave?" you wheeze.
"What? Nooooo," he mourns. "Why?"
"I didn't want to hurt your feelings." Your giggling has turned to a light chuckle now.
"You're worried about my feelings?"
"Yeah," you admit to the crack in the ceiling.
"How come?"
"'Cause you're a really cool guy."
You smile sleepily, completely content to just sit here quietly with the pizza guy you see once a week for about sixty seconds.
"That's… not the only reason I came here," he says quietly.
"Hm?" you hum, struggling to keep your eyes open.
"You're kinda the highlight of my week."
You turn your head to look at him. He turns his to look at you.
"I have the hugest frickin' crush on you," he confesses.
Your jaw drops.
"Oh shit, I made it weird. Did I make it weird? I made it weird. Why do I always make it weird?!" He leans forward and puts his head in his hands. You reach out to touch his arm, thankful you can reach him without getting up. You couldn't have chased after him if you wanted to, thanks to that killer weed. His eyes land on your hand, then travel up your arm, and finally to your hopefully-not-still-tear-streaked face.
"What if I have a huge frickin' crush on you too?" you ask softly.
"Me?" he asks, his dark eyes sparkling.
"You think I'd let just any pizza guy pick my toppings for me?"
Argyle lets out the goofiest laugh you've ever heard, and you collapse into a fit of giggles again. He leans back on the couch, and you just watch each other and laugh for a bit. Soon, you start to wonder if you've accidentally started a staring contest.
"Thank you for showing up today. I really needed this."
Argyle smiles, and then his face falls.
"Oh, shit!"
"What?" you ask, sharing his panic but not knowing why.
"We totally forgot about the pizza!"
You laugh again, and he leans forward and lifts the lid to check on the cold pizza you've both forgotten about.
"Alright, you stay here, I'm gonna heat this up, and when I get back with a hot, gooey, delicious pizza… you're gonna tell me which toppings you actually like."
"Alright," you laugh. He smiles and picks up the pizza box, heading to the kitchen you'd been crying your eyes out in just a little while ago.
Argyle was right… mostly.
There's nothing a hot, cheesy pizza guy can't fix.
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
Hi 😁 i really loved your Obey Me post about an MC who crochets, and I was wondering if you could you could do something similar with a seamstress MC (preferably femMC but gn is fine too if thats what you are more comfortable with), but where the boys come to MC all the time for wardrobe fixes like stitching/patching up holes or alterations or to commition entire outfits and MC secretly adds little bits embroidery that are unique to each brother like a peacock feather for Lucifer, cats for Satan, or crows for Mammon, etc.
If you are unable to do this, that is totally fine, and I completely understand. I hope you are doing well and remember to stay hydrated 💓
Hello there!
I'm so sorry this took me so long to get to! What can I say, I got sidetracked. And even though requests are currently closed, this was a cute idea and I wanted to write it. I was surprised how well that headcanon post about crocheting did! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I have far less knowledge about sewing than crocheting, so this is just kind of my general understanding of such things. I did have fem!MC in mind, but it's a little hard to tell since I'm still using the you/yours.
Thanks for the request!
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the brothers react to fem!MC who is a seamstress
Warnings: none!
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Due to a slight obsession with socks, this is probably the item Lucifer brings to you most often. He cares a lot about his clothes in general, though. So you can be sure he'll be bringing you anything that needs attention. A button that's falling off, holey socks, loose threads, he's bringing it all to you.
If you add some embroidery to something, he will notice immediately. MC, didn't he only ask you to sew up the hole in these socks? Why is there a peacock feather there now? If you're going to make him something so beautiful, please put it on something that will be seen. His socks are unworthy.
Absolutely commissions you to make him a fancy suit. He might say he wants it cut a certain way and that he wants it in a specific color scheme, but if he knows you can do embroidery, he will leave that part up to you. Feel free to embellish it for him. He wants to see what you think will look good on him.
Lucifer will only wear those clothes on special occasions. He knows he looks amazing in the outfits you make for him. He'll still want something he can wear every day, too. Just something small. Maybe you add a little flourish to his usual tie or to the collar of the shirt he wears under his RAD uniform. Whenever he thinks of you, he touches it without realizing.
Mammon is quite conscious about his clothes and how he treats them. He likes nice things and he doesn't want to mess them up by being careless. However, if he has a problem with a hole or a button, you can be sure he'll be bringing it to you. He knows you'll fix everything so it looks good as new.
He might not notice hidden embroidery at first. He'll wear that jacket you fixed for him multiple times before he spots the little embroidered crow on the inside where the hole used to be. When he does see it, he's so overcome by it, he blushes instantly. He'll be too embarrassed to tell you how much he likes it.
He will commission you to make things or embellish things that he's got to wear for upcoming modeling gigs. If he's at all in charge of what he wears, he will want you to make it. He knows ya got great style, MC! And he knows how good your skills are… might even take this opportunity to let you know he appreciates the embroidery you do.
You can really fluster him if you make something matching for the two of you. He's going to pretend that he's not into it, but he totally is. Even if you just make your outfits correspond, he's going to be thrilled. He won't be able to keep himself from touching your clothes all the time, just to remind himself that you're real.
He can probably fix all his own clothes, but he brings them to you anyway. Why would he do it himself when he can have a hole fixed by you? He'll find any reason to bring you something - a zipper that's starting to come undone, pants that are just a little too long, pretty much anything he can find.
He will notice any additional embroidery pretty quickly. Is this a little Ruri-chan, MC?! Oh boy now he wants to learn your ways. Teach him how to embroider, please, he's got to employ this on all of his cosplay from here on out. Whether he really does or not is questionable, but he is so happy to spend time learning from you.
Since Levi makes his own cosplay, he is going to ask you for help as soon as he knows you can sew. He has so many ideas and now he runs them all by you first. Asks for your help in picking out fabrics and threads. Will bring anything especially tricky to you, hoping you'll help him out with it.
If you make a special clothing item just for him, he'll wear it all the time. He thought about maybe only wearing it for special occasions, but it turns out he can't wait to have it on. He loves the way you made it perfectly for him. How can he not wear it constantly?
He probably cares less about his clothes than some of the other brothers do, but he also doesn't want to look disheveled. He cares about being neat and tidy. So if he's having a problem with holes or buttons or needing alterations, you are the one he goes to. He knows you will do an excellent job and he trusts you with his clothes.
Depending on where you leave your hidden embroidery, he might not notice it at first. The second he finds a little embroidered cat on one of the items he left with you, though, he's going to lose his mind. Not only is that cat the cutest thing he's ever seen, but you made it. Blushes like crazy before composing himself so he can tell you how much he loves it.
Yes, of course he would be thrilled if you made some clothes for him, MC, but have you considered making little cat clothes? Think of the adorable embroidery you could do on a little kitty sweater. You can bring them to cats at cafes or just make them for the strays that hang out in the House of Lamentation garden.
If you do make him an outfit, he will save it for special occasions. Deliberately wears it if he's going on a date with you because he likes the way you blush when you see him in it. He will take care of those clothes better than he cares for anything else.
He might already know how to mend his own clothes, but he probably doesn't especially enjoy doing it. So if you're willing to, he will happily bring you anything and everything that may have even a slight issue. Probably brings you things that you maybe wouldn't get from the others - like a sequin that's out of place or some beading that's coming loose.
Maybe you decide to leave a little scorpion or a trail of hearts embroidered on some of his clothes. He will notice instantly. He'll probably notice the second you hand them over. And then he's gushing about it because wow MC, you're so talented! This is so cute and he loves it!
Definitely commissions you for full on outfits. Brings you design sketches of exactly what he's looking for. He knows you'll make something perfect for him. He loves to model the finished products for you, too. He'll put on a whole matching make up look just for you to see how it goes with what you made.
Asmo will commission you the most, so you can be sure he'll be wearing something you made on any given day. He's also likely to request that you decorate some things for him with your embroidery. This means there's always something in his outfit that was either made by you or decorated by you. Just knowing it makes him so happy.
He probably has a lot of problems with ripping clothes considering how active he is, but he never bothered to fix them before. Always just got new stuff. But now that you're here, he brings it all to you. Every item you've ever mended for him becomes something extra special to him. Thank you for always fixing things for him, MC.
He might not notice right away if you've embroidered something special for him, but he will certainly find it soon enough. You might think you're taking a risk by embroidering cheeseburgers on his clothes, but Beel won't try to eat them. He loves them so much and probably just looks at them whenever he's feeling extra hungry. Just to get him through until he can eat again.
He probably won't ask you directly for a full outfit, but you make him one anyway. Something fancy for a special occasion and he'll only wear it sometimes. He loves it of course, but he's very protective of anything you make or give to him. So he keeps it safe most of the time.
You might end up mending his Fangol uniforms the most. Likely they get holes and tears all the time, so you will have a steady stream of work to do in this area. Other demons on the team begin to notice when one day they see Beel completely trash a uniform only for him to come back the next day with it looking good as new. You might get roped into being the official team seamstress if you're not careful.
He doesn't have too many issues with clothing mishaps, just the usual wear and tear that happens when you wear stuff a lot. But you might find him bringing you things like pillow cases and blankets, too. Especially the cow print pillow since he always seems to take it around everywhere. There's no way it doesn't get a little beat up after a while.
He won't notice any embroidery on his clothes right away, but if you add a little something to one of his pillows, he'll see it immediately. A little cow on the cow print? A little sheep on one of his other pillow cases? He's going to love it so much, but he's just going to mention it casually so as not to give away how much it means to him. He likes the embroidery you added to his pillows, MC.
Belphie likely won't ask you for an outfit, either, but he'll secretly want one. So if you make him one for something special, it will mean a lot to him. He will ask you for pajamas, though. He probably has all kinds of fabrics he wants you to use, too. He just wants to be comfy and you have the skills.
Never wears pajamas made by anyone else ever again. Once you start making them for him, it's all over. He gets spoiled and refuses anything different. He doesn't need new ones too often though since you can mend the ones you've already made. Make yourself some matching ones for when the two of you nap together and you'll have one happy cozy demon on your hands.
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the crochet headcanons
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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love-hatred-stuff · 1 year
cambio [change]
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A/n: eyyy so pls excuse any mistakes I didn't proof read^^
• genre: angst, a little spice ofc, sub!rafe tho
⚠ warning(s): degradation, mean reader in general, mentions of drugs and addiction, smut, that's it ig, don't wanna spoil too much
enjoy fellas, love you and thanks for reading <3
Part 2
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"Please-" Rafe cried, letting out a rough sob afterwards, interrupting himself.
You didn't say anything. You just looked at him, questioning your relationship at this point.
After a few seconds, he managed to calm down his sniffling and looked at you with his glossy eyes, shaking his head in disbelief of this situation.
"Please, just one more chance... I promise, I'll do anything!" He pleased with you, but you weren't in the mood.
"What are you begging for anyway? It's not like there's anything left to save." You monotonously stated.
Another sob from across from you. You hated seeing him like this, it broke your heart, but not more than he already did. Besides, he was responsible for all this.
"I know, I- I don't deserve it. You're right. I just... love you so much, and- and I can't breathe thinking about you leaving me." He wiped his tears aggressively. He didn't feel like he deserved to cry, he shouldn't be doing any of the things he was doing right in this moment.
You just scoffed.
"Ah- yes, poor you, Rafe. I'm so sorry, you're gonna have to live with it." You couldn't bring yourself to feel anything besides bitterness right now.
Rafe knew this would come, he knew someday you would find out and the bond you two shared would be destroyed. But he hadn't expected it to hurt this immensely. So all he could do was cry into his palms and wish this would all be just a nightmare.
"Do what you want, find someone that tolerates the shit you and your friends do, Rafe. But I'm not the one. See ya around, I guess." With that the door was closed behind you.
The following days, Rafe did not once leave his house, answered any texts or calls from his friends. He stopped letting anyone see inside his head. Because he was miserable and his head an ugly mess, he wasn't ready to fix any of that.
He decided that he would stop seeing his friends for a good while, if there was a slight chance you'd ever even think about taking him back, he would have to choose between you and them and making that decision wasn't even hard.
And if you still decided to live without him, he at least could show you he made some type of progress.
After what felt like years, he finally managed to at least eat normally again and go to school every now and then. Of course his "friends" asked him several times what was going on with him but he just made up some cheap lie and continued his day without them.
Not seeing you for such a long time, hurt him and it was damn hard not crying himself to sleep every night because of how guilty he felt and of course because he missed you like hell and worse.
Just when the moment came when he felt like he was free of his awful mind for a minute, he saw something that made him feel like he was being stabbed. Several times, hard, and slow.
He was helping his dad with this event, garla, whatsoever, and it felt good because he was busy, doing something, no room for much thought. And then when he looked across the whole place just to breath and look at these filthy rich people, you caught his sight instantly.
First he almost smiled, remembering how beautifully you flipped your hair back while being concentrated on something or someone. Yeah and you were focussing on someone, what would be normal in a conversation, though you weren't having just a conversation. The guy in front of you he didn't knew, which made everything even better.
But he did actually see how his hands were squeezing your waist, like he owned it and you weren't doing anything besides smiling at him, showing your beautiful little smirk to someone that wasn't him, made him rage with fire.
And a few seconds later he realised he didn't have the right to be angry. Not anymore.
Before he could process what he just saw and that you were already leaving his sight with the tall stranger and the second after that you were severe meters in front of him.
Seeing how you recognised him and closed the distance between you two, he panicked. But it was too late to run away now.
"Hi, surprised seeing you here, thought you despised these kinds of events." You didn't smile at him but you didn't look bitter either, he couldn't make anything out of your flawless face and expression. You felt oddly foreign.
"Yeah, uh- just helping my Dad out." Was all he could bring himself to form.
"Nice suit aswell, you look different, Rafe." He wasn't sure you meant it as a compliment though. Maybe because he was starstruck on the way you said his name, as he always had been.
"You look as beautiful as ever, Ma- uh- Y/n." God, he could slap himself so hard right now. His thoughts didn't end there though, Mama, he loved calling you that, he always loved it when you controlled him.
"Oh no, don't say that. You really shouldn't." You could tell he was nervous, and that there was a question burning on his tongue.
You expectantly looked at him, waiting for Rafe to go on.
"Who, uh, who was the guy you were with just now?" Right when he ended that question he already regretted it, seeing the way you rose your brow at that.
"I- I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked that. You don't have to answer. I'm really sorry!" He whimpered, looking at his shoes in embarrassment.
"You really are curious, aren't you? His name is Ben, a boy I'm hanging out with. He's pretty decent." You explained to the boy in front of you.
"Ah, cool, cool." He just said.
You could tell he had to gulp down that information.
"Yeah, well, I gotta go now, so..., see ya." You gave him the tiniest smile, and that was enough to have him grab you arm, so you wouldn't leave him again.
"I miss you, Y/n. So much, you can't imagine. And it hurts but if that guy makes you happier than I could, you deserve it. I just wanna be good for you." He felt ashamed now, but he had to say it.
Again, no signs on your face, of what your head looked like after his confession.
"Tommorow, 9pm, my place, can u manage that, Rafe?" Was your answer, and he was so shocked like he never had been.
He needed a while.
"Yeahh, yeah. I'll be there, I promise. Thank you."
"Don't thank me yet, darling, you might wanna know why I'm doing this." After that you disappeared into the crowd.
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The next day felt like it was never gonna end, Rafe couldn't stop thinking about you, and what you had planned for him.
He was sure you wouldn't take it easy on him, somehow he had to pay for what he'd done, well, besides having the worst time of his life after you left him, but still. He should be punished, and if he was honest, he was kind off scared of what was coming for him but no matter what it was now, he deserved it. After all, he'd practically used you for several months, and he never planned on staying with you so long, let alone, really falling in love with you.
He just wanted to make it up to you, be able to look at you again and think, that he's never gonna let you go.
Fast forward, at some point it was 9pm and he was standing in front of your house, not knowing what to do really. He just knocked a few times after taking a deep breath and waited for you to more or less greet him.
The moment you opened the door, was like he saw you for the first time, though you weren't wearing anything extraordinary. But the short pants and the tank top you were wearing, made him weak into the knees nonetheless.
"Nice, you showed up." You said bitterly, and he knew what you were referring to.
During your relationship you loved planning your dates beforehand, but soon you learned, it didn't mean as much to him if he stood you up or not, you forgave him again and again, because you were so fucking blind.
Rafe lowered his head in shame, waiting to be let in.
"Come on in, Cameron." You stepped aside, after some time of reconsidering if this was really a good idea.
Hopefully you could teach him some manners this time. Though you knew it wasn't going to be easy, you also knew how to keep him at your feet in the future.
A moment you found yourself standing in your luxurious living room, looking at your very much still handsome ex. You took a step towards him, wanting to have a closer look at him.
"You grew your hair out, I like it." Your fingers curled in his hair, giving him a good view as he could look directly down on you and your cleavage.
"T-thanks." He was nervous, you could tell, well he got reasons to be.
Rafe didn't know what to do really, he desperately wanted to touch you, too, but he knew he would be dead if he made a move now. Though it really was tempting. He hadn't touched you in such a long time, he couldn't resist gently putting his hands on top of your hips. And he regretted it the moment he did, he should’ve waited for permission, idiot.
Instantly you created a distance between you two, glaring at him with dark eyes.
"Fucking hell, why do think you can touch me? Was the time I Ieft you some space not enough for you?" You asked, but it sounded more like a threat to him.
His wide eyes now looked at you, mortified.
"No! I'm sorry! You just- I missed you, y/n! I couldn't resist the urge, I'm really sorry." You just sighed and rolled your eyes at his pleasing.
"Sorry, sorry, blah blah. You know you don't deserve to touch me, Cameron! And yet you can't stop thinking with you dick instead of your brain. You know, I'm slowly asking myself how you could ever make this up to me. Think for me, Rafey, think hard, what would you do?" You challenged him, as you always were.
"I'd do anything, everything you ask. I promise, just give one chance, please!" He whined, squeezing his eyes shot in embarrassment.
"Oh yeah?" You raised your brow in disbelief.
"Would you give up your friends for me?" You actually knew the answer to that and it was basically the only reason you let him inside this house again. And because, you can't deny, you couldn't stop loving this stupid asshole.
"Yes! Already did. I didn't hang out with them anymore since the day you left." His glossy eyes looked at you, hoping for forgiveness.
"I'm impressed. What would you do if I chose Ben, though huh? Would you let him touch me, Rafe?" The blonde gulped, having to process this unexpected question first.
"I- I don't know, I suppose, I should. You're... not my girlfriend right now, as much as I hate that fact."
You nodded slowly while grinning, agreeing with him.
"That's right. Say it, Rafe. I'm not yours. Not yours to touch, not yours to fuck, not yours to kiss. Not yours to look at anymore." The way you said that so effortlessly cold, made him stop breathing for a moment.
He looked at you, not knowing what to do or say next, you just broke his heart the second time.
"Say it, Rafe. I want you to look at me and say it." You commanded.
He knew you wouldn't be going easy on him, but this, this was evil, even for you.
"You're not mine." He paused, sighing before he had to continue.
"Not mine to touch, not mine to..fuck, not mine to kiss. Not mine to look at." Tears were already forming in his eyes, vision going blurry.
"Good job, baby. Now do me a favour and don't cry yet, yeah? Save your pretty tears, Rafe. Be good for me."
Oh you fucking knew how to play with him and not to mention; his feelings.
"I'm sorry, y/n!" He wiped the stray tears from his cheeks briefly before looking at you again, although it was pure torture at this point.
"Do you want me back? Does my baby want to make it up to me? Do you think you can ever win my trust back, Rafe? When I know you never saw me as an equal in the first place? It's disgusting what you and your friends did."
"Yes, I know that! And I will try my best to make it up to you, I swear I will change. I love you." He promised.
You nodded, somewhat satisfied.
"Start by going to your knees." You offered him a chance, that was better than making him say that you weren't his.
So he did. Looking up at you like a sad puppy.
"Good. No beg me to forgive you, or else we're done here." You him strictly.
He nodded and tried to find the right words for this. He never begged for anything in his life.
"I'm deeply sorry, y/n. I know that I played with your feelings for a long time, but really I hurt myself, too. You're everything for me, when I can't have you, I'm nobody. Please, take me back, and I swear, I will please you and protect you and love you the way you deserve. Please!"
A grin made it's way onto your lips, you should make him beg for you more often, humble him every now and then.
"Do you think, I should take you back? A rich addict, that doesn't know how to treat either his money as well as his girlfriend? Over someone that is humble, responsible and loyal?" You decided his torture wasn't quite over yet and you did realise that you enjoyed this way more than you should.
The dirty blonde boy kneeling infront of you whimpered quietly at the realisation you put him through.
"No, no. You shouldn't, I'm sorry for thinking you would. I just miss you so much y/n, I can't breath." He cried now, emotional limit reached.
"Oh no, Rafe. You know me, I'm just playing with you-"
"I promise I can be humble, responsible and loyal! I'm always loyal to you!" He cut you of in a desperate tone.
"Oh yeah? You didn't have fun with any other girls when you were on parties with your friends? Not once?" Actually you couldn't say what he did when he wasn't with you, but he ruined your trust, so you wouldn't be surprised if he allowed himself to have fun with some random drunk girl.
Though before that you always felt like he saw you as his only one. You didn't know what to believe anymore.
"No! I would've never! I don't have a mom, and my dad is not the best, but he taught me that if I choose to be with someone, I should show respect to this person and be loyal. Besides, I never felt like missing out with you, how could I? You filled my deepest desires and I think you are the only one that can." His eyes seemed honest to you, but as said, you didn't know if you could believe him.
"Real nice speech, Mister Cameron. Get up, I'm sure your knees hurt." You showed the tiniest bit of mercy.
"Are you sure?" He asked doubtfully.
What a good boy, you thought.
"Yeah, but don't you think I'm done with you, and certainly not that I forgive you." He wouldn't miss the warning tone in your usually sweet and lulling voice.
"Okay." Rafe stood up and although he was about a head taller than you, you still made him feel small with the amount of power you held in your gaze.
For a moment you just looked at him. He was still trembling a bit, but at least he wasn't crying right now.
"Tell me, Rafe. Did you touch yourself? Or did you let someone else take my place while I wasn't there?" Your questions now taking a whole different turn, he was surprised, and getting hot all of the sudden.
"No. I, uh, it didn't feel right doing it with someone else." He spoke quietly.
"So you touched yourself all alone, yeah?" You voice was softer now, much more gently than before.
"Ye-ah." He stuttered, not being able to hold your gaze this time.
He felt bad for being turned on so easily, feeling the blood rush downwards.
"What did you think of, while jerking off, huh? And look at me." The smirk plastered on your lips made him quiver in arousel.
"I, uh, I thought of you, y/n. Only you, your body is so perfect, there's not a thing in this world that makes me feel the things your body does." He admitted shyly.
"Interesting, so you're still the little slut I remember. You probably still have a higher sex drive than iq, isn't that right?" You were definitely teasing him now, and he couldn't do anything about it except hoping you wouldn't notice the boner forming in his jeans.
"Idk! I- I haven't had sex in a while."
You were impressed how corrupted he still felt because of you, but also quite proud.
"Right. Probably the reason why you're already having a painful looking boner right now." You let out a small laugh before taking you hand to his face and caressing his soft cheek.
Rafe panicked, scared this was the last straw because he couldn't think of anything but you touching him in the moment.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" You hushed him then, putting a finger on his slightly pouty lips.
"Sshh. Do you want to be touched?" You whispered in a seductive way.
He could only nod frantically due to your finger silencing him.
"Then I suppose we're done here. Go find someone that touches you, Rafe." Your expression changing immediately, just as his.
The excitement in his eyes go lost again, feeling not only humbled but also he was getting robbed of the possibility getting the only thing he wanted.
You took you hands off of him.
"What? Are you gonna cry again? I thought this is what you wanted." You played dumb.
"No! I don't wanna leave. I'm sorry for being so... aroused. You don't have to touch me, I just wanna stay a bit longer, please?" He was a mess by now, you could tell, just were you wanted to have him.
"Let me think... if you stop being so greedy and start doing what I tell you, you can stay. But only for one night, Ben's coming over tomorrow." The last sentence hit him hard, he had to gulp down that information.
"Is he your boyfriend now?" He wanted to know.
Was he fucking you, was he enjoying doing things to you that he wasn't allowed to think about anymore?
"Would you have a problem with that, Cameron?" You were getting angry again, he knows he shouldn't have asked.
"Yes! You're still mine, y/n. I don't want him to touch you!" But apparently he didn't know how to stop being greedy.
Suddenly he could feel your hand on top of his bulge, groaning in absolute agony. God, he almost forgot how heavenly you could make him feel.
"I. Am. Not. Yours. Rafe! You're so damn lucky that Ben isn't my boyfriend yet. I could touch you all over and leave you, begging to come." You dominance made him whine.
Rafe didn't feel so turned on in what felt like years after your fight.
"Please do something, y/n. Please!" He was fighting the urge to buck his hips against your hand, but he knew he wouldn't get anything at all if he did.
"Move your hips then. I won't do anything for an asshole like you are."
He immediately did, ignoring your insult, moving uncoordinated just to chase any form of friction against his straining dick.
"Oh, you are desperate, aren't you?" You laughed softly.
"More. Please, more y/n!" He wanted to grip your shoulders so bad.
You took his hand and guided it to you breasts letting him squeeze one of it sensually. With your other hand you squeezed him tightly, making him a desperate moaning mess.
"Thank you! Thank you, y/n!" He breathed out.
You two stayed like this for a minute before you could tell he was getting near the edge. One more squeeze and you let go of him, also taking his hand off your chest. Rafe let out a beautiful whine shortly before falling tears.
"It hurts, y/n." He cried, looking at you with pain filled eyes.
"Now you know how it feels. You deserve this, Rafe. Because you don't know how to follow some simple rules." You explained sharply.
"I'm sorry." After that he cried into his hands, realizing how bad his situation really was.
"Maybe you should go before it gets too late." Although you didn't like seeing him so miserable, you knew if he was able to endure this for just a little longer, you were willing to take him back.
"But- but you said I could stay for the night." He whined once again, finally looking at you.
"Well, I changed my mind."
Rafe let his head hung low again, not being surprised but still feeling his heart scrunch in pain.
"I hope you're not thinking that if you'd stay I would let you come. Because I won't for a very long time. Additionally to that you won't touch yourself or me, unless I give you permission. If you break my rule, you know what happens, Rafey, no chances for you left then. Decide for yourself if you want it to be Ben instead of you who's getting jerked off by me." Not a single emotion that you granted him to see on your face, he knew you were dead serious.
"How... long?" He asked carefully.
"I'm gonna tell you when the time has come. Now get home and remember my rules when you arrive, baby." You let your hand run through his hair, letting him enjoy this short moment of softness and care.
"Okay. Goodbye, y/n. I love you." He said before he disappeared behind closed door.
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And the next morning was torturous, waking up with a boner that practically begged for a release and at the same time the guilt he had that ate him up everytime he thought about how much he'd hurt you.
Rafe didn't know when he was supposed to meet you again or if he had been completely played by you and he was never gonna get the relief he wished for so badly.
Besides that he was feeling awfully jealous. This Ben guy was probably at your place right now, getting to do everything he wasn't allowed to. Let alone him being able to see and touch you in response had him balling his fists with rage.
But, he has got to wait for you, and he was so thankful for yesterday, he didn't expect you to grant him so much pleasure.
Although, after three days he began to worry you had been bored a little and decided to only act like you were looking forward to giving him another chance the other day.
He was currently driving on his boat around the coast with a friend he met in school, one of the good guys, because he knew it was game over if he would get involved with bad influences again.
They agreed on driving to the harbour, to get something from the shops nearby.
Walking through the shop, already having lost his friend in the process, Rafe saw his now rival, Ben.
He knew better than to approach him and start a fight, but unfortunately Ben was already walking towards him, watching Rafe intently while having a playful smirk on his lips.
When the moment came and they stood face to face, Rafe wasn't scared of getting physically hurt because he was basically already used to it, but he was scared to play his last card that could get him to win you back. For sure you wouldn't even look his way anymore if he would now abuse your little wannabe boyfriend in any way.
"Aren’t you y/n's ex? Heard a lot about you." Ben began the conversation.
"Yeah, I am. Is there a problem?" Rafe tried to be as kind as possible, concentrating to not give in to the urche of absolutely destroying the boy infront of him.
"Nah, man. Just wanted to get to know you before I steal your girl." Oh and with that he almost had him, fighting with himself if he should punch him right now or not.
Calculating that, it wouldn’t be much of a genius idea, so he let it be, although he was very close to making that mistake.
Rafe pressed his lips together in order to shut himself so he wouldn't say something that you'd make him regret. Looking blantly at Ben, not knowing what he was expecting him to say or do.
"Anyways, I'll get going, was nice meeting you..." He then drifted off, leaving Rafe and his thoughts alone who wondered where you'd be if Ben was here aswell.
He shook his head to get out of his mind again, finding it a bit weird how Ben had approached him. Literal scumbags must be your type, otherwise, why would you hang out with him, let alone date this guy? He couldn't find any logical answer to that so he began searching for the friend he came with in the first place.
Driving back to his place, Rafe's friend began talking to him about something that kind of peeked his interest.
"You know, there's this party tomorrow at some Resort here, I wondered if you'd go with me and some other friends of mine?"
At first he thought it was just another boring party like some he used to go to, and since he wasn't into those partys anymore since you broke up with him and he blocked Topper and all the other dicks, he almost brushed it off. Before he could, his friend added something that changed his mind entirely.
"Y/n will be there aswell as far as I know. You're friends, right?" He didn't know that you were actually his ex and far more than just a friend.
"Oh, yeah yeah, I know her. I'll go with you, why not?" He just pretended.
The party was quite nice, the music on full blast, people being more open minded and talkative because they already had something to drink and not so much of these wannabe cool addict kids, like he once was.
Though, he wasn't really feeling it anyways, he was just staying so he could see you and maybe even talk to you. Of course, his new and much nicer friends were also there but he just acted like he was interested in what they were saying really.
One or two hours passed and finally, Rafe almost choked as he saw how beautiful you looked, a black silk dress hugging your body, just like a glove. You looked extraordinary and definitely were the eye catcher of this party. He honestly couldn't believe you were once going out with him.
"Dayum, you should introduce me to her sometime, Rafe." Some guy that he barely even knew hit his shoulder playfully.
He just shot him a glare and remained silent, watching how you moved passed all these people, how you held your glass of champagne, how your smile lit up the whole place.
When he realised someone snaked their hand around your waist and whispered something in you ear, flirting, and that one being Ben, his jealousy grew excessively in no time.
"Why are all the good ones taken man?" Someone in his group cursed.
"She's not taken, they aren't dating." Rafe replied dryly.
"Well what's he doing with her then? Being all touchy and stuff..."
"They don't match, she deserves better than him." He couldn't hold himself back from saying that out loud.
"Agreed." The others nodded.
Rafe tried not to stare at you the whole time, though it turned out to be quite difficult.
Fast forward, he and his friends had gone inside for some more drinks, but he just needed a time out for a moment so he searched for the bathroom.
Being done with that he exited the men's room. You awaited him and shoved him against the wall a bit.
"There you are, I was waiting to have a more private setting so I could just play with you some more." Your voice made him feel wobbly instantly, it sounded so sweet and rich of confidence, addictive.
Rafe looked at you with big eyes not having expected you to bless him with your direct presence today. His heart tripped just so it could beat two times faster than before as he locked eyes with you.
"Actually I've come to say..." You let go of him suddenly and he missed your touched the very second later, holding in a whine.
"You don't need to be jealous anymore, I'm breaking it off with Ben. I know you two met yesterday and he was dumb enough to tell me what he said to you. I'm proud of you for not punching him and keeping you mouth shut like a good boy. I shall reward you for that. Tell me what do want, Rafey?"
He was absolutely speechless, he couldn't believe his luck.
But you were getting impatient after some time that he didn't give you answer.
"Come on. You can use your words, before I change my mind."
"Take me back, please?"
"Don't you think that's a bit too much to ask? I thought you'd come up with something like a kiss... but I'm sure it would be good enough to watch me dumping the only other guy that could potentially fuck me, wouldn't it?" You just enjoyed playing with him too much.
"Yes, that's fine." Rafe answered but let his head hung low a bit in disappointment of his unfulfilled wish.
You faked some sympathy and gave his biceps a squeeze with your hand. The contact gave him butterflies.
"Don't be sad, darling. The day might never come, but that's alright, because I'll always have you by my side anyways. Isn't that right?"
Oh you were being so mean to him, his breathing stopped as he realised what you just said. His ribcage began to sting and his heart made jump after jump.
"I'm so sorry, y/n. I s- swear I love you and I didn't m-mean any of those things to happen. I didn't want to hurt you-" He fumbled with his words but you interrupted him like the devil you decided to be.
"Yeah, you just didn't care enough in the first place. You didn't give two fucks about the dates I planned for us, because I loved you and wanted to spend time with you. Rafe, you didn't even care about our anniversarys. The only thing you cared to attend to were those stupid ass partys to get your nose in some poorly manufactured coke. I sometimes thought you hated it so much being with me that's why you would always get yourself something to stay high."
God it hurt. It pained so badly to hear you talking about how you had loved him, past tense. Rafe just wanted to crush his head and destroy all those awful emotions he was feeling just now.
"No, no no no no. Y/n I-" He attempted but broke down crying midsentence, trying to wipe away his tears, but they wouldn't stop flowing.
"Stop, you're not making it better. I know it hurts, Rafe. I've been going through it for months before I broke up with you. I know what I'm making you feel like right now, and although I don't particularly enjoy watching you suffer, I just stopped caring. You stopped caring for me a long time ago. You had to loose me to know what you've broken. And I should better stop talking now. Sorry, I should go. Didn't mean to let it go this way. Have a nice rest evening, Cameron. Hope you dream of me." You winked at him, like he wouldn't be fighting with himself so he doesn't end up crumbling on the floor.
"Y/n, wait!" He shouted as loud as he could before you'd disappear again.
You slowly turned around, looking at him sweetly but expectantly.
"I love you, you know that? I do care, I promise, give me crumbs and I'll give you everything I have. I won't give up. You mean so much to me." His voice was weak but you heard him and you found satisfaction in the way he was so eager to win you back, you were almost considering to take the deal.
You got a little closer again, so you could hold that eye contact better.
"You're cute. Thank you, I know you care darling, look at you, you're a mess just because of me, and still you want me back? That adorable. I'm gonna keep you. As long as I got nothing else to do at least. I'll give you some attention every now and then. But you're gonna have to wait a little, I'm not going to praise you for nothing."
"Okay, yes. That's okay. I will wait as long as it takes." He nodded.
Let me know if you want a part two pls & ty
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purpleberiii · 4 months
☆Part 2 of the Nightingale fic
☆Prompt: After the talk with chief, you decided to make up for the way you treated nightingale, even going as far as changing for her.
☆Warnings: None
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For the last two weeks, you and Nightingale had been living separately. She was renting an apartment, while you lived in your shared house. To say it was heartbreaking was an understatement; but you had to bear with it until she was ready to face you. After that night with Chief, you returned the money to Chelsea and Chief gave her a stern warning to stay away from you.
It was a very busy day at the MBCC, the chief had just destroyed a black ring at Keylan Square and is now recovering from the severe injuries. All of the work was left on Nightingale and she didn't ask you for help, nor did she inform you. She took all the responsibility without letting anyone know but luckily Chief called you and told you which is how you're currently in chief's office, finishing out the rest of the paperwork at 2 in the morning, normally people didn't come that early.
You were so focused on the paperwork you hadn't noticed that Nightingale walked in with a confused expression on her face. "What are you doing here?" She asked, that voice you had come to love even more resounded in your ears.
Through the busy facade, you gently smiled at her before replying, "I'm helping-I don't need your help. I can handle things on my own." Your words were caught in the back of your throat at her harsh tone but you knew it was coming.
"Please let's put our differences aside and work together. Chief's not here, we need to keep the MBCC off the higher ups radar."
"I can handle-no you can't. Look at those bags under your eyes. You clearly haven't been sleeping well. I know you're worried about Chief but she's okay."
"Why shouldn't I? Chief has been more of a lover to me than you." Your eyes widened when she said that and you could see a tinge of regret in her eyes. She walked towards you and collected the papers, before walking out. "I'll be in my office working."
As she left, you sinked down in the chair, lost for words. Maybe she did love chief all along. Either way, you were going to give her a choice to make. A divorce or your marriage. But you were going to give her after chief returned.
Chief did come out of the hospital a few weeks later, all ready for work and Nightingale'a mood had increased and brightened. Through the course of chief's absence, you tried so hard to earn her forgiveness, declining money right in front of her, helping her do little things, you name it but nothing seemed to be working.
These worries had been making you lose sleep, and you've been sleeping on the job. Nightingale gently shook your figure, a tired groan leaving your lips. When you realised it was her, your eyes shot open. "What's wrong?! Are you okay?!" Those questions shot out of your mouth quickly because she had a soft expression on her face.
"Why are you sleeping? Have you not been sleeping at home?"
"Ah yes... but I... we need to talk..."
"I-please listen to what I'm saying. For the last few weeks I've been trying to earn your forgiveness but nothing has worked. You've been sour to me but as soon as chief came, your mood somehow brightened up. I know I made a terrible mistake and I'm trying to fix it and to change. I want to be better but I feel like you're happier with chief so I'm giving you a choice to be free."
"I'm not divorcing." Her gaze was stern and intimidating. "I've noticed the efforts you're making and I was only sour because I was tired," she chuckled. For the very long time, you heard her laugh and your heart fluttered. "I know you've made a terrible mistake and I've already given you Payback for that. I'm willing to give us another try but..." she gripped your collar and pulled you close, "if you mess this up we're done."
You gulped before nodding enthusiastically. She smiled, pleased at your answer before kissing you. Her lips fit perfectly with yours and you couldn't help but sigh into the kiss, wrapping your arms around her waist whilst hers went around your neck. She pulled away, gasping for air and rested her forehead against yours. "Please don't do something-I won't do it again. I promise. It was so fucked up that I had immediately regretted it."
Nightingale chuckled before patting your cheek. "I've seen your behaviour as changed. You've gotten more soft spoken with your colleagues and more gentle but tell me... has your attitude in bed changed?"
"I will be more gentle."
"Don't be..I like it when you're rough."
She winked before walking away, leaving you a flustered mess. Now that things have resolved, you could now get a good night's sleep, with your wife in your arms.
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nethhiri · 4 months
Marooned: Chapter 13
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: None
An Eyeful
The pieces of Killer's mask came together easily enough in the soft dandelion glow of your power. You didn't have all of the pieces, but there were enough that your power could fill in the gaps. If you didn't have any pieces, or you just had a handful, your power couldn't recreate the object. Something near-complete could be fixed. That was what you had figured out so far, in any case. Without Kid being able to snatch you off the deck, you got your duties done and had free time, which meant you could, at last, restore Killer's helmet.
The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon. No one was in the mess hall when you walked through, Mini on your heels. Muted clangs could be heard the closer you got to the kitchen. You motioned for Mini to stay out of the kitchen. Compromising sanitary conditions was not on your agenda. The first mate was busy making breakfast for everyone. Clearing your throat to get Killer's attention, "Hey." 
Killer looked over his shoulder, "Mornin, ... I don't even know what your name is." 
You shrugged. "It doesn't matter. I'm not a permanent addition." Killer had narrowed his eyes at that under his old mask. Leaning against the counter, you continued. "Kid calls me Rotten." Killer turned his attention back to cooking, letting silence fall over the room. "I, um, wanted to apologize for ... the other day." 
No sound came out, but you saw Killer's shoulders move like he was laughing. "I know that was all Kid. Not your fault." 
"Yeah, well," you pushed his fixed helmet across the counter that was between you. "Here." Killer turned quickly at the familiar sound of his helmet clattering on the wood. He grabbed it and turned his face away from you to swap it for the old one. Must be force of habit. You had already seen his face... amongst other things.
"Oh! Thank you. I'll have to tell Kid he doesn't have to bother with making a new one." 
"I don't know why you wear that. I mean, look at me. My face is half melted and you're... not... ugly." You tried your best not to outright hit on him, kinda doing it in spite of that. You hoped your face wasn't red even though you swear the back of his neck turned red when you said it. Killer didn't say anything. "Not that it doesn't also look good on," you over-corrected trying not to offend him and accidentally hit on him again. Changing the subject, you went to see what he was doing, "Do you need help with anything? You seem like you're feeling back to normal."
"I am." Killer glanced towards the door. "Your friend can't be in here."
For a second you didn't know what he was talking about and then you saw the front half of a snout sticking through the saloon doors with stubby legs poking out the bottom. "Sorry. I'll get out of your hair." You started to leave.
"Hey," Killer called. "I like what you've done with my shirt." You had been wearing it with one of Heat's old corsets over it, which served two purposes: keeping your boobs in place and giving you a shape. 
Wire had been harder on you and the other rookies than he normally was, making some of you go back over places that were already cleaned. It wasn't until later that you had learned that Kid wanted to celebrate Killer being back and the addition of a doctor to the crew. You started to worry that you were going to be held captive here. Worse, why had you been cleaning for your own party!? You supposed it was only fair since Killer was cooking for his own party, too.
To your relief, the girls had kidnapped you away to the women's quarters towards the end of the day, Quincy saying something about you should look nice at your party. Since you stayed in the infirmary, you only hung out with them during meals or on deck. They were nice, but there was no point making friends if you would be gone soon. They unlaced your corset, pulled your shirt over your head, temporarily blinding you, and dragged you into the baths. They scrubbed you down thoroughly while you complained that you could wash yourself, some of them snickering when they saw the bruising fingerprints on your hips and, as it turns out, Kid's lipstick must be longwear. After that, they sat you butt ass naked on the floor of their quarters while they decided what to do. 
"You can't wear that shirt any more. It's crusty and I don't even want to know what the crust is," Quincy chastised. 
You frowned. "It's all I have!" Your arms covered your chest. "Kid gave me a bunch of hooker clothes to choose from. I'm not trying to flash the entire crew." 
"So just some of us then?" Dive teased. 
A girl with a mohawk, named Emma, brought out a pile of clothes. "We have a free for all pile. Kid knows that." 
I'm going to kill him. I really am. "You don't say." Your frown deepened.
They giggled. "Sorry. Maybe we should have stepped in." Quincy halfway apologized. "You were such a good distraction for him though, it made our lives easier... and quieter."
You rolled your eyes, but that gave you an idea. "Make me the biggest distraction you possibly can." That's how you would get back at Kid. It wasn't going to end well for you in the long run most likely, though any chance to see him drool or beg, and you would take it. "Is he always like this? I mean before I was here, did any of you...?" You didn't finish your question when you saw the look they were giving you.
"Ew, no. He's our boss." Dive fake gagged. 
Quincy and Emma were digging through the pile of clothes, periodically taking something out and holding it up to you. "I'm not saying we don't have a little fun on the ship, but Captain and Killer are kind of off-limits. Not as a rule, just weird to sleep with the boss, especially when you know him as a person." Quincy added, "No offense." 
"Yeah, plus Quincy has a huge crush on-." Quincy shoved a sock into Dive's mouth to shut her up.
She turned back to what she was doing. "We aren't talking about that, Dive." Dive stuck her tongue out at the ginger, when she was able to get the sock out of her mouth. "We stop a lot. The crew, including Captain, usually indulge themselves at the local brothels if they feel like it. Killer mostly supervises the rest of us while Kid is off doing gods know what."
Dive jeered, "And sometimes Killer supervises the captain doing gods know what." Some of the girls shot her a look. "What?! We all know it. No one is judging."
Emma held up a dress the color of old blood. "What about this one?" 
Quincy grabbed it from her hands and did an excited bounce. "This is perfect! And I think I have lipstick to match." She tossed it over your head. "Put it on and stand up." She darted off to get, presumably, the lipstick.
You slid it on, unimpressed. "It's kind of baggy." Emma tugged it around so that you were wearing it properly. "Still not better." It was an off-shoulder type of top portion, with a slit down the middle, that could be tied to secure it from flapping open. The sleeves on it started halfway down your shoulder, draping down your arms. Emma tied the front so that it stayed on over your breasts. The slit created a little peekaboo window in the front. You knew that could be dangerous. One tug of the cord would undo the bow Emma made and your boobs would be bare to the wind, and you knew Kid would love that. You still couldn't see the vision. There was no shape at all to the fabric that brushed your ankles. You looked like a red tent. Quincy came back with something leather in her hand. Her arms snaked around your middle, fastening a black leather corset belt tight to your waist. It sat just above your hips and went up underneath your breasts, accentuating the shape of both. Oh. It didn't really support your boobs but it did push them up a smidge, enough to where you didn't feel like they were sagging. Looking into the girls' full-length mirror, you almost didn't recognize yourself. You couldn't tell if it was the illusion of the cinched waist or the fact that you had actually been eating enough to put weight on, but you were closer to your normal curvy body-type that you had been when you first came on board. You looked good. Sinful even. High-heeled black leather ankle boots to match the belt were being shoved at you before you knew Quincy had scurried away to grab them. 
She looked you up and down before whistling. "Eustass better give me a raise for this." She pushed you to sit in one of the chairs scattered around the room so she could paint your face more easily. "Not that you didn't look good before, but now you look like a woman." Quincy snapped at Dive then pointed at your hair. Dive set to work brushing it into a half-up braided look. When Quincy got to the right side of your face, she took the eye patch away. You subconsciously gripped the fabric of the dress with white knuckles while she worked. "You okay?"
When you saw where she was looking, you released your grip. "Yeah. It's fine." You struggled to keep your mind off the feeling of her touching your skin. 
"What happened?" Her voice had a tinge of pity, no, empathy. "I mean you don't have to say. Sorry I'm being nosey." 
She had you in a vulnerable state, being so kind, and making you feel like a whole person again. "It's a long story. I got in over my head, made some powerful people mad, and got punished for meddling." 
"Didn't you have a fake eye?" Dive chimed in. 
You nearly choked on your spit. "Oh...uh." Your chest felt hot and you shifted your weight. "Kid... is holding onto it." 
"So he must have been in the women's showers because it rolled under the door, huh?" Now you really wanted to slide through a crack in the floor.
"Dive, quit." Quincy made a face and shook her head. "He's terrible. He's my captain, but he's terrible." Quincy cleaned your lipstick up with her fingernail along the edges. 
You shrugged. "I... don't really mind. At least he's hot." That earned you a chorus of disagreement. "What!?" Obviously, they didn't think the same as you.
Emma cackled and helped you up from your seated position as the other girls started shoving you out. "You're all done. Get out of here, captain-fucker," Emma smacked your ass and shoved the eyepatch into your hand on the way out. 
Great. I'm either 'Rotten' or 'captain-fucker'. You should just tell them your real name at this point. It would be less painful. The eyepatch was really cramping the vibe of your outfit, so you went back to the infirmary with a plan. A lot of the things you discovered about your devil fruit were by accident. At first you thought it could only heal, then when you realized you could fix things that weren't flesh, you thought it might just restore things to their original states. That wasn't quite it either. As long as you had enough materials, you could transform them into what you wanted them to be. It just so happened that in the beginning, you had wanted your flesh to be healed or your shirt to be repaired, so you started calling your devil fruit: The Fix-Fix Fruit. Technically, by changing something's form, you were still fixing it; you were fixing it in a way to suit you. Setting the eyepatch down, you rifled through the cabinets for old or empty glass bottles. When you had a few in front of you, you put your hands around them. With eyes clenched tight, a picture in your mind, the bottles were bathed in a gentle glow, slowly taking the shape of a small sphere. Focusing hard for the next part, the clear glass became opaque, nearly white, a dot of color bloomed from the center until it matched your Y/E/C iris. The lid of your good eye lifted cautiously. It looked nearly identical to what was lost. Washing it off, you separated the eyelids on the right and popped it in, then used the reflection in a metal medical instrument to make sure it moved appropriately. The sight in front of you, though distorted through the bend in the metal, was you. The you from before this life. 
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thebibutterflyao3 · 3 months
Day Eight - Prompt: Cigarette @rosekiller-microfic
March Daily Series - 593 words
<<<Previous Part OR Start Here
“Evan? Do you think soulmates are real?”
The question startled him from the mad twist that his mind had spiralled down while she blathered on about her ex. Of all the questions that Dorcas could have asked him about relationships, this one sounded almost foreign in her voice. She was supposed to be the reasonable one.
“Soulmates? How did you land there?”
“Pandora goes on about it sometimes. She swears that she’s found hers in Wales and that Regulus and Sirius did too. What if she’s right? What if I go to Wales today and Marlene is there—”
“Then what? Some secret Welsh magic fixes everything?”
Dorcas fell silent again, but this time she wasn’t pensively tapping her nails. This silence was an awkward moment that forced Evan to mentally step back and evaluate his words. Perhaps his snark had crossed the line. Not everyone appreciated his cynicism.
Barty does. He loves it when...enough. Leave it.
“Alright, Cas? Was I rude?”
“No, you’re right. I just wish it was real, I suppose.” There was a subtle sort of shifting coming through the speaker and Evan imagined that she was straightening bits and bobs on her desk or a handful of tchotchkes on a shelf. “Rom-com shite doesn’t happen to me, but sometimes I wish it did.”
“Nah, you’d hate it if she showed up at your flat and blasted a cheesy love song at your window.”
Dorcas laughed, a low, breathy sound that reminded him of wind in a rainstorm. “True, that would be mortifying.”
“Or worse, if she showed up at your work and shouted a soliloquy of her undying love for you.”
“At work? Absolutely not.”
Evan grinned for the first time that day and revelled in the momentary reprieve from misery that shadowed him. “See? That lovesick nonsense is for the softies like Reg and my sister. We don’t need it.”
Dorcas hummed in agreement, then cut herself off with a sharp click of her tongue. “Maybe the movies get it wrong though, Evan. What if it looks like her giving you the last cigarette, even though she’s craving it? Or punching a bloke twice her size because he grabbed your arse in a club? What if that’s what soulmate shite is really like?”
“Oh,” he breathed out. Evan’s chest clenched hard as the amusement rushed out and the emptiness lingered in its wake. “I-I had that once.”
“Me too. It was kind of nice, wasn’t it?”
She inhaled deeply, then sighed. “Do you think that we only get one chance with a soulmate?”
“Like they get reassigned?” Evan’s attempt at levity fell flat to his own ears.
“Maybe, or you both just end up alone.”
Oh. Oh, that’s so much worse.
“Being alone isn’t so bad though,” he lied, shaking his head. “There’s no one to hurt you or make a mess that you have to clean up.”
“Right, but life is a bit tedious without the mess. It feels pointless to clean when there’s nothing out of place. I miss the stupid little spats about her smelly hockey gear in the middle of the floor and the debates over dinner. She made me feel alive.”
Evan swallowed hard and nodded. The words were cement in his throat and he couldn’t dislodge them one way or another. He was glad that she couldn’t see the way he struggled to contain the choked sound that threatened to burst free.
“I think messy people are meant to find clean-freaks, you know? They aren’t so consumed with appearances and remind us to live.”
“Yeah,” he forced out.
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bambi-kinos · 10 days
loved ur recent post on paul whump !! besides the linked one(which I've never read so thanks!) do you have👀👀 any recommendations👀👀👀👀
tl;dr - it's slim pickins out there.
First let's bring back an old differentiation: there's physical whump and then emotional whump, and that was an important distinction back in the day. I have looked for both and while there are some good emotional whump pieces, there is no readable physical whump besides the su!c!d3 fic. Physical whump is more of an action movie thing and in general Beatles fandom is not terribly interested in action and adventure so they don't write it. And the thing is, that's fine, that's a valid choice that anyone can make and we should write about the things we enjoy and not what we think others expect. But it also means that Paul whump fics basically don't exist in modern fandom as we know it. There are probably some on LJ or in the Google Docs McLennon archive since Stargate and Smallville were so big on LJ at the time and there was more x-fandom pollination but I don't want to Snipe hunt right now.
(For the record, I do have something in the works to fix this hole but it won't come out until next year if we're lucky.)
Emotional whump is more plentiful and there's well written stuff out there for sure. Most of the emotional whump I've enjoyed is centered around John's suffering and while Paul's misery is apparent it's not the focus of those pieces. So this took some digging into my bookmarks and memory. What I like in a good Paul whump fic is how his own arrogance and narcissist tendencies come back to bite him OR he's having to put up with John's shit when John is being horrible.
In that spirit, here are my recommendations for decent emotional whump focused on Paul:
Barcelona - Selena. I enjoy this one because Selena let's Paul be a whole person here. It's not just John and Brian bothering him, it's the fact that he's trapped with someone who reminds him of what he's lacking and how this hurts him, both now and in the past. Parallels to the Barcelona situation are subtle and well drawn so you get all of the agony without being hit over the head with it. John is opaque to Paul who doesn't understand why he's acting like this which is a nice change from what we often see in fanfic where John just blurts out what he's feeling. Here we see how much Paul suffers when John is trying too hard to be clever.
A Hole in the World - RosalindBeatrice. Linda bears witness to the aftermath of John's murder in Paul. Easily the absolute best fanfiction on this list.
Birthday - Selene. Love this one because Selene writes Paul as an actual character instead of the heteronormative girly thing he often gets slapped with. Paul is once again bitter, angry and unhappy because the boy he fell in love with has already disappeared. He is forced to be the adult in a room full of manchildren and he hates it...but he also sucks it up and does it anyway. Because he is Paul McCartney and being the foundation of The Beatles and cleaning up John's messes is exactly what he signed up for and he will do it because no one else can. I think of this one all the time. It lives rent free in my head.
Red Sky - thinkpink20. What I appreciate about thinkpink20 is that she is brave enough to let John be absolutely awful but she also humanizes him so you can see his inner pain and confusion driving that horribleness. This is a nice one where John is no where near to figuring himself out but Paul is, and then when Stuart's living shadow gets into the mix, no one is happy.
From Barcelona To Santa Cruz - thinkpink20. Another post-Spain fic but this time John articulates his defense well which of course humiliates and angers Paul even further because John proves he is human and capable of empathy, which Paul didn't want to write into the equation.
the crane wife - mynamesbetty. Betty was showing me the first drafts of this one and all I could say was: "Paul is a horrible person. He's a fucking homewrecker. He deserves this." That's what I like best about this story. Paul is a selfish asshole and he hurts everyone and himself by being self centered, petulant, and cowardly. Every single awful thing that happens to him is strictly the result of his own actions. He manages to make himself the Coyote in a Looney Tunes cartoon including the bit where he runs straight off the cliff, doesn't realize it, and then looks down just as he starts falling before he shoots the viewer a look asking for help. And then the ACME anvil falls on him.
So those are my recommendations on Paul whump. It ended up being a longer list than I expected so that's something. Hope you enjoy the recommendations and please check out the other fanfics by these authors, they're all great.
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yangjeonginniepics · 1 year
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Minor DNI. Mature/explicit content read at your own discretion. 18+ 🔞🔞🔞
Minho x sub!Reader
wordcount: 682
Cw: Smut, oral sex (M receiving), mentioned polyamory, free use, cum eating, cumming on food, dirty, dirty language, degrading, pet play, eating from a bowl.
Hello this is my first work here. English is not my first language and I alwqys had a hard time writing, but I decided to give myself this challenge. I accept constructive feedbacks but please be kind.
You woke up feeling dizzy, messy hair, dry mouth and that weird and familiar taste lingeringin your tongue. Standing up you made your way out of whomever's room you were in and made your way to the kitchen of your shared apartment being greeted by three of your roommates who were fixing themselves their breakfast.
"Had fun last night?" You heard Changbin chuckle as he held his laughter. "You ate so much I tought you were going to puke"
"There's no way she would puke, that's her favourite and her main source of protein. With how often she eats it, it's almost like breathing" Minho gave you a side smirk as he made fun of you "Do you want to eat anything? I can make it for you. But I am going to need your help."
Hearing that Changbin groaned and lifted himself off his chair while rolling his head in annoyance. "I really don't feel like it right now, you guys have fun" He left the of you alone in the kitchen.
Minho gave a weird look towards the direction Bin went but quickly turned to you as you approached the counter he was leaning over. "What do you want? Toast? Eggs? Rice? Ceareal? C'mon aswer me baby" He hooked his finger under your chin and made you look up to him "What's wrong? cat got your tongue?"
"Eggs" You shyly aswered still avoiding his eyes, to wich he responded by giving you a small smile.
"See that wasn't so hard now was it?" He said without wainting for you to reply as he turned to grab a pan and eggs so he could start cooking. "Well now you know what to do so this eggs turn out perfect for you" He kept doing what he had to to fry the eggs while turning his body slightly sideways for your better access.
"Goooo, whats taking you so long?" he gave you a side eye while you got onto you knees in front of him.
You pulled his pants down to reveal his already aching cock and wasted no time licking all over it before taking it into your mouth.
"I have to admit, Sungie was a visionary when he proposed the lingerie rule. At first I thought it would be hard because that was how we would be all the time ...." he took a deep breath before continuing "but it's not like we have to restrain ourselves at any moment, all it does is give us better access to your delicious body."
You kept sucking as he turned his attention more towards the stove to make sure he wouldn't burn anything. His precum and your saliva were now allover your cheeks and chin as you messing devoured his dick, absolutely addicted to the wight of his cock on your mouth not wanting to let go. You could feel the small twitchs it made along a few grunts from minho indicating he was close. He gave your head a little shove away from him but you refused to let go.
"I know you're a little cockwhore with nothing more than dicks in your mind, but you still listen to me you dumb slut." He said while slapping your face and getting you off of him. He gave himself a few more tucks before cumming on the eggs he was cooking and plating it.
Plating maybe a too generous of a word, he put the cum topped eggs into your little bowl and placed on the floor.
"There you go pet, enjoy your breakfast" he said tucking himself into his pants and leaving you alone in the kitchen to eat the burnt eggs he cooked for you.
You dug your head into the bowl, not that the eggs were good, but you were absolutely addicted to the taste of your partners' cum and could not let it go to waste.
As you ate head down on the floor you failed to notice the figure hungrily staring at you pulsating asshole that showed how happy you were with your meal.
I did not proofread it because if I did I would never post it, so I am taking this moment of courage to do so. Hope you like it, please let me know if you did so I might keep doing this as a series.
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magpiemoon6 · 7 months
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Extraction point
Simon Riley x Y/N
Sad fluff !!!
Warnings: PTSD, depression, mental health issues
( I'm sorry if there is any writing mistakes I'll fix them tomorrow)
Reminder people, you are loved and deserve happiness always <3
A thousand tones feel like it’s on my chest, I cannot breathe. Like the world has chosen this exact moment to swallow me up in my pain and stress. My mind betrays me and falls in its own trap of self-doubt. I’m so far behind where I’m meant to be and the guilt of not living up to my own expectations for my inner child is eating me up. And in this moment every single mistake or failure seems to pile up in my head. I’m drowning even though I’m on land.
But he seems to be a light in my darkness, I need Simon, and before the guilt stops me, I reach for my phone under the pile of covers and duvets. Searching through the stuffy warmth till my hand claps the cold object. Pulling it to my chest, my eyes are swollen from crying and my nose is entirely blocked from my crying till my vision goes blurry.
I search for his name in my phone, I just want to hear his phone, the warmth of his voice is like a drug and the euphoria should shield me from my pit.
Si <3
“Hey, are you free a second? If not no worries x”
I feel so wrong for relying on him, but I promised Simon, that if it gets bad, we won’t shut each other out not again. That we can be each other’s extraction point.
Buzzing snaps me out of my brain unravelling in my hands. He’s calling and my heart drops because if he hears I’ve been crying he will come running and I can’t do that to him. Clearing my throat, I click to answer.
“Hello lovie” Simon says, and it feels like the flood gates are getting harder to hold shut, I just want him here and I’m so fucking selfish for that.
“Hey baby, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have texted you” I respond, I don’t want him to panic so I’m praying that my voice sounds calm, and my breathing is even enough he won’t realise.
“What happened? Tell me please y/n? I’m here” I can hear the anxiousness in his voice creep in, shit he knows and when he says that everything in me that was protecting him from my pain breaks from his kindness.
I’m crying again silent tears and my breathing stops trying helplessly to hold it in.
“I’m fine, I’m fine Simon, it’s stupid I’m sorry for disturbing you. I’m a big girl I just needed to hear your voice,” my voice is breaking as I say it, my grip on my phone is too tight. I need to let go. But I cant.
“Y/n?” the softness in his tone is so different from his voice yet hearing him say my name gives me more comfort than the dozens of duvets on top of me.
“Yes Simon?” I need to get control of my sadness, it kills me knowing he has to hear me like this.
“It’s going to be okay love” and that makes me sob harder, holding the phone away from myself so he is saved from my pain.
“Okay, thank you. Bye Si” and that’s all I can say because if I say anything else it will involve me pathetically asking him over and he deserves better than the mess I am in this moment.
So now I’m sat here in my cold dark room alone. Submerged in my pain. I’m so tired of this, I want to be better, to get better and no more need for meds and therapy and other people to hold me together. I feel pathetic as if I’m dragging on everyone’s life. I want to live without all my sadness.
I’m too sucked into my own depression to hear the door of my flat opening and shutting. Too distracted to recognize the footsteps moving towards my room.
Simon opens the door, and I don’t know how to cope with my emotions. My heart practically burst knowing he came over, giving me some hope that maybe I am worthy of his love. But then he has to see my darkness, the hypocrite I am knowing I’ve seen him where I am and gave him all my love I possibly could.
“Hey love,” he’s quiet even for him, moving through the room like he is terrified he may break something or me.
“You didn’t have too” the guilt stays heavy on my shoulders.
Knowing he is staring at me, someone who is normally so full of light now covered in darkness that fills the room and holds it down. He begins to move onto the bed gently, moving himself silently under the covers with me. My heart hurts. Loving him gives me air in my lungs, everything about him gives me hope and love. I could stare at him for a thousand years and still not get enough.
“Y/n, I love you, okay? I will be here if I’m dead or alive, a million miles away or next door.” Pulling me into his chest, the heat of his body makes the blankets feel cold.
I cant stop crying even if I wanted too, pushing my face into his chest and curling into him, I let him hold me and begin to pull away all the darkness that doesn’t seem to drown me as much now. I feel him large hand begin to gently stroke my hair, moving through it as he soothes soul with his love.
“I’m sorry,” I mumble into his chest, this makes his hand stop its rhythmic pattern of brushing through my hair. Tilting my head to his eyes.
He stares back and I fall in love all over again, those honey eyes are only filled with compassion and understanding. Before him my loneliness was my company, and everything was always so violent. But with him now I’m learning to live without violence and less loneliness.
“What’s our promise?” he asks me, still holding me tightly letting my pain wash away his love flooding me and bring me back to the now.
“That we will always be each other’s extraction point,” the quote we made up before we even started dating. The quote that we held onto before we knew our love wasn’t one sided.
“Exactly,” he says and goes back to stroking my hair and listening to my hiccupping breathing, never judging just existing with me.
“Thank you, I love you” and I mean it, the same way I know he does too. Our darkness still haunts us both, but we have learnt to comfort each other and hold out the light when we need it.
“I love you too”.
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