#they china food energy
victusinveritas · 7 months
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This has big "They China Food" (John Dies at the End) energy in the best way.
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houseofbrat · 1 year
FARMCON 2023 - Peter Zeihan
Peter Zeihan is a geopolitical strategist: the study of how people and places impact financial, economic, cultural, political and military developments. He presents customized executive briefings to a wide array of audiences which include, but are not limited to, financial professionals, Fortune 500 firms, energy investors, and a mix of industrial, power, agricultural and consulting associations and corporations. Zeihan is also an award-winning author with NY Times Best Seller, "The End of the World is Just the Beginning". This book maps out the next world: a world where countries or regions will have no choice but to make their own goods, grow their own food, secure their own energy, fight their own battles, and do it all with populations that are both shrinking and aging. With Russia's latest military moves and all of the uncertainty with China, I thought there was no better time to hear from Zeihan and take a look through his lens. Remember, with any business, you need to get the larger macro view correct. This is a must for gaining a better understanding of the larger macro picture! 
FARMCON 2024 - January 3rd and 4th in Kansas City
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gameofthrones2020 · 8 months
China in Crisis
China in Crisis and why this may be China as it is at the moment may be its last decade according to Peter Zeihan
China is in crisis; according to geopolitical analyst and author Peter Zeihan, this decade will be China’s last decade as an international power, and the entire system of the Chinese Communist Party may also implode with the breakup of China. It’s not clear precisely what is happening in China, but China is in crisis, with youth unemployment hitting a high in June 2023, with 21.3% of people aged…
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shepgarrus · 9 months
10 mutuals I’d like to know better
tagged by @misseffect, doing it right away so that i actually fucking DO a tag game for once lmao
below a cut because i RAMBLED:
Last song I listened to: when i saw this it was Eye To Eye by Limelight
Favourite content to watch: oh god. i've never had to think about this let alone put it into words. i like to watch kpop stuff, mostly dance practises (for seeing the choreography) or performances, or just jamming out late at night to old favorite songs. i also watch too much MBTI stuff the eternal fruitless search to determine if i'm intp or intj. in particular this girl is an AMAZING actress so my hours spent watching her double as acting research at least, lmao. other than that i like random interesting educational documentaries or whatever. i have the algorithm so set on kpop on my main gmail account though that i rarely see them lol
Favourite games: MARIOKART. mass effect is okay too ;) i just suck at shooters rip OH I COULD TALK ABOUT NON-VIDEO GAME GAMES. bridge is my favorite card game, i loved president/janitor in school too. for board games i love monopoly (i've recently started to play against myself with various 'strategy profiles' for the 'other players' and a spreadsheet to keep track of the money)
Favourite colour: purple
Favourite animal: SNAKES. in fact i have a purple snake plushie beside me right now
Favourite food: pemmican - fully dehydrated meat (not jerky, which still has moisture and is also usually flavored with spices) that's ground up into powder or near-powder and then mixed with rendered animal fat. or what i usually do because i'm lazy, 'lazy-man's pemmican' - the dehydrated meat strips dipped in the fat manually (with salt) (and when it's with salt and the beef fat batch has some factor in its making that i have yet to discern the source of, it straight up tastes just like McDonalds french fries)
Sweet, spicy or savoury: savoury
Current obsessions: oh my god i don't currently have any all-consuming ones..................maybe that's why i feel off xD
Last book I read: The Last Man by Mary Shelley and when i tell you it was the BIGGEST slog of a book. like it was good but i have NEVER read a book so slowly holy shit, at one point i did ten pages in thirty minutes? my dude?????
Last thing I Googled: “korean surnames” because i knew the wikipedia page would have a particular chinese character i wanted to check the definition of
Relationship: single from the womb, single to the tomb B)
Fun fact: god does this even count but. i'm feeling like going unhinged (for me) and going on a trip alone to south korea for however long my money lasts or until i'm not having fun. i've never been overseas or properly travelled let alone travelled alone, i know less than 100 words of the language (i'm speedrunning rosetta stone but it's not gonna be enough if the trip happens in the less than a month my unhinged-ness is leaning towards for irl reasons), i've never even had korean food i just know their stuff is healthy (and spicy. so i may just die on day 1 who knows lol)
Tagging @venividivictorious @comp-lady @wingsy-keeper-of-songs @heat-sink uuuuuuuh i'll stop there because i haven't been around much recently and i can't think of anyone else that i know hasn't been tagged yet xD but if you want to do it consider yourself tagged! a reward for reading my rambles
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opencommunion · 10 days
"The story of  'John Doe 1' of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is tucked in a lawsuit filed five years ago against several U.S. tech companies, including Tesla, the world’s largest electric vehicle producer. In a country where the earth hides its treasures beneath its surface, those who chip away at its bounty pay an unfair price. As a pre-teen, his family could no longer afford to pay his $6 monthly school fee, leaving him with one option: a life working underground in a tunnel, digging for cobalt rocks.  But soon after he began working for roughly two U.S. dollars per day, the child was buried alive under the rubble of a collapsed mine tunnel. His body was never recovered. 
The nation, fractured by war, disease, and famine, has seen more than 6 million people die since the mid-1990s, making the conflict the deadliest since World War II. But, in recent years, the death and destruction have been aided by the growing number of electric vehicles humming down American streets. In 2022, the U.S., the world’s third-largest importer of cobalt, spent nearly $525 million on the mineral, much of which came from the Congo.
As America’s dependence on the Congo has grown, Black-led labor and environmental organizers here in the U.S. have worked to build a transnational solidarity movement. Activists also say that the inequities faced in the Congo relate to those that Black Americans experience. And thanks in part to social media, the desire to better understand what’s happening in the Congo has grown in the past 10 years. In some ways, the Black Lives Matter movement first took root in the Congo after the uprising in Ferguson in 2014, advocates say. And since the murder of George Floyd and the outrage over the Gaza war, there has been an uptick in Congolese and Black American groups working on solidarity campaigns.
Throughout it all, the inequities faced by Congolese people and Black Americans show how the supply chain highlights similar patterns of exploitation and disenfranchisement. ... While the American South has picked up about two-thirds of the electric vehicle production jobs, Black workers there are more likely to work in non-unionized warehouses, receiving less pay and protections. The White House has also failed to share data that definitively proves whether Black workers are receiving these jobs, rather than them just being placed near Black communities. 'Automakers are moving their EV manufacturing and operations to the South in hopes of exploiting low labor costs and making higher profits,' explained Yterenickia Bell, an at-large council member in Clarkston, Georgia, last year. While Georgia has been targeted for investment by the Biden administration, workers are 'refusing to stand idly by and let them repeat a cycle that harms Black communities and working families.'
... Of the 255,000 Congolese mining for cobalt, 40,000 are children. They are not only exposed to physical threats but environmental ones. Cobalt mining pollutes critical water sources, plus the air and land. It is linked to respiratory illnesses, food insecurity, and violence. Still, in March, a U.S. court ruled on the case, finding that American companies could not be held liable for child labor in the Congo, even as they helped intensify the prevalence. ... Recently, the push for mining in the Congo has reached new heights because of a rift in China-U.S. relations regarding EV production. Earlier this month, the Biden administration issued a 100% tariff on Chinese-produced EVs to deter their purchase in the U.S. Currently, China owns about 80% of the legal mines in the Congo, but tens of thousands of Congolese work in 'artisanal' mines outside these facilities, where there are no rules or regulations, and where the U.S. gets much of its cobalt imports.  'Cobalt mining is the slave farm perfected,' wrote Siddharth Kara last year in the award-winning investigative book Cobalt Red: How The Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives. 'It is a system of absolute exploitation for absolute profit.' While it is the world’s richest country in terms of wealth from natural resources, Congo is among the poorest in terms of life outcomes. Of the 201 countries recognized by the World Bank Group, it has the 191st lowest life expectancy."
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World Economic Forum 2023
The gathering of 2700 influential leaders from 133 countries took place at Davos last week. Cooperation in a Fragmented World was the title of this year’s Annual Meeting. It is the 53rd meeting with 600 of the world’s leading company CEO’s attending. It is a place where many of the world’s pressing problems are discussed and policy prescriptions proposed. Sustainability is a key focus for all.…
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gallusrostromegalus · 7 months
Hi Gallus, I'm doing some worldbuilding and you seem like you could be connected enough for me to find an answer to the problem of dwarven agriculture. Many problems are created by the requirement of no sunlight, as even the common response of mushrooms still need light to break down decomposing matter as a primary energy source. Currently, we're thinking that they use a special type of mushroom that breaks down rocks in an energy-producing reaction, giving them enough energy to absorb nutrients and grow - this would serve a second purpose in explaining why building a massive hollowed-out mountain fortress doesn't produce an equally large amount of gravel.
Any thoughts? We're grasping at straws kinda lol
Well, some thoughts:
There's plenty of cave systems (especially Karst Systems) that are at least partially open to Sunlight- especially the kind that have rivers running through them, which is something else that's really helpful for agriculture.
For Example: This Cool AF Sinkhole cave in china that has an entire Forest in it
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Now There's a view to put outside the city Gates!
Karst specifically is a landscape where underground rivers hollow out the limestone underground and then the cave roofs fall in. This kind of landscape answers your gravel question nicely: the hollowed out mountain does produce an equal amount of gravel, but the gravel turns up as the sandy banks of the river system hundreds of miles away.
So, there's your sunlight that can be used directly, or reflected or magically transferred deeper into the cave system.
Or they just put more holes in the roof! Unless your dwarves are also vampires, there's no reason for them to not hollow out a few Skylights into the mountain too.
But let's talk some other cave ecology and agriculture!
For starters, your dwarves could be sitting on top of a literal gold mine that would allow them to trade for a lot of needed materials and crops.
And by gold mine, I mean Salt Mine.
Historically, salt comes out of hollowed-out mountains and is worth more than gold.
Also something the humans have historically fought a bunch of wars over, so there's some free political tensions if you needed that!
I can also mean the possible fucking enormous piles of bat guano that accumulates in Karst caves, which is the world's most insanely good fertilizer, and ALSO something that has been worth more than it's weight in gold.
Speaking of Gold, another thing that often lives in sinkhole caves in abundance is BEES. turns out, limestone stalactites are a terrific place to build a hive that is difficult for predators to reach, stays dry and the stone substrate means the hives can reach many tons in weight before they start having structural issues. That sweet, sweet insect-derived liquid gold is already important to Dwarves in a lot of folklore- it's really hard to have a Traditional Dwarven Mead Hall without the honey to make the mead, you know?
So you got your mushrooms, you got your sunlight-grown sinkhole crops, you got your traded goods and you got your source of alcohol- the only thing really missing from an ancient food pyramid here is a staple carbohydrate. To that end, may I propose our good Peruvian Friend: The Potato.
Grain crops aren't actually all that nutritious and were kept around in ancient societies more as legal tender that kept the peasants busy, because wheat or rice takes months to grow, an enormous amount of labor to harvest, and wheat also needs to be milled before it can be turned into food- all enormously time-consuming processes that keep peasants busy and easy to rule tyranically over.
Potatoes though? Pop one in the ground in spring and you can dig up fingerlings all summer, and if you make potato towers, you can harvest up to 40lbs of delicious, easy-to-prepare-and-store carb out of a single plant- a real space-saver for the limited sinkhole skyspace.
If your dwarves have cheese, the potato makes even more sense, because Potato+dairy is the easiest, most nutritionally complete survival food there is.
Finally, consider: Dwarven Vodka.
This post is open for anyone to comment suggestions on, but that's my take: put your dwarves in a Karst-sinkhole cave system, give them a highly in demand resource like salt or guano, bees, and taters. Boom. Whole agriculture, economy and political scheme starters.
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timesofocean · 2 years
The central banks worldwide struggle to tame high inflation
New Post has been published on https://www.timesofocean.com/the-central-banks-worldwide-struggle-to-tame-high-inflation/
The central banks worldwide struggle to tame high inflation
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New York (The Times Groupe)- In the midst of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, an increase in energy and food prices, and other issues, central banks are looking for ways to escape the high inflation swamp. interest rate
Since the beginning of the war on Feb. 24, prices of commodities such as wheat, corn, and sunflower oil have increased dramatically, resulting in disruption of the global economic recovery. energy and food
According to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), food prices increased 22.9% annually in May, with vegetable oil prices rising 31.1%, cereal prices rising 29.7%, dairy prices rising 16.9%, sugar prices rising 15.4%, and meat prices rising 13.6%.
In addition, energy prices continued to contribute to historically high inflation rates.
In January, Brent crude oil was around $93 a barrel, but hit $100 after the war began the following month. In May, it fluctuated between $102 and $114.
The price of natural gas on the New York Stock Exchange almost tripled in May compared to the same month last year.
Amid the frightening price developments, central banks and economic institutions have attempted to dampen inflation.
Inflation rates
The European Union’s annual inflation rate hit a historical high of 8.8% in May, up from 8.1% in April.
The rate was 8.1%, up from 7.4% in April, in the eurozone.
Among European countries, Estonia posted the highest annual inflation rate at 20.1%, followed by Lithuania at 18.5%, Latvia stood at 16.8%, Czechia with 15.2% and Bulgaria came in at 13.4%.
The lowest in the EU were in Malta and France at 5.8% apiece, and Finland at 7.1%.
Among major European economies, Germany posted its highest inflation rates since 1974 at 7.9%, while France‘s rate was its highest since September 1985.
Italy’s was its highest since November 1990.
Other European countries also posted historical high rates, such as Belgium at a 40-year-high and Portugal soaring to a 29-year-high.
The UK posted a huge inflation rate in May at 9.1%, the highest in the last 40 years.
In the US, consumer prices increased 8.6% in May on an annual basis, the highest increase since December 1981.
The annual inflation rate in Canada was 7.7%.
In Asia, China posted an annual inflation rate of 2.1% in May, while the rate was 7.04% in India and 2.5% in Japan.
Singapore’s annual core inflation rate was 3.6% in May, its highest since December 2008.
The annual inflation rate was 17.1% in Russia last month and 18% in Ukraine.
Turkey’s was 73.5% in May.
In May, the US Federal Reserve raised its benchmark interest rate by 75 basis points, the biggest increase in 28 years, to 1.5% – 1.75%.
The Bank of England raised rates for the fifth consecutive month to 1.25%, from 1%, in May.
The Bank of Canada raised its policy interest rate by 50 basis points.
Australia’s central bank raised the cash rate by 50 basis points to 85.
Norway’s central bank raised rates by 50 basis points, marking the biggest single rate hike since 2002.
But some banks decided to keep rates unchanged such as Türkiye, Japan and the European Central Bank.
Despite expectations, the European Central Bank kept interest rates constant but gave a strong signal of a rate hike in July. energy and food
Japan’s central bank decided to maintain its ultra-low interest rates, at minus 0.1% for short-term and 0% for the long-term.
The Turkish Central Bank kept its one-week repo rate unchanged at 14% in line with market expectations. Russia-Ukraine war Russia-Ukraine war
Meanwhile, Russia’s central bank cut its key interest rate by 150 basis points to 9.5%.
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Omg hi! i was wondering if i could request a tommy fic? i was thinking during the whole luca changretta war tommy finds (Reader) who is a harley quinn typa gal in the psych ward gets her out and asks to help him kill luca?
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•Thank you for the request! Apologies it took so long to come out, hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Altered storyline, mentions of smut
The hallways were narrow as he passed by each barred cell, ignoring the familiar faces of many of his enemies. With each step he was inching closer to her menacing yet playful laugh. He was desperate at this point and being a Shelby he’d never like to admit that.
He really didn’t want to do this, but what other choice did he have? Y/N L/N was known very well for her crimes, many she had gotten away with until she attempted to blow up Tommy’s fucking pub and threatened his family, also the time where you had managed to do seduce his men guarding the company and breaking into the vault stealing a tremendous amount of money.
“Mr. Shelby, crawling back already are we? To what do I owe the displeasure?” She snarled at the sight of his frigid, cold stare. 
Folding his hands and standing with a straight back, feet implanted solidly in his stance, he released a disgruntled breath.
“I need your help. You’re the only one who’s been able to out play me numerous times, and we have a common enemy we both want dead.” She simply giggled and rolled her eyes, not at all phased by his demeanor. Was he being serious right now?
“Regardless of who it is, why should I help you? After all you’re the reason I’m in this filthy, low ridden place. What could you possibly offer me that I can’t already get myself?”
“You’re freedom. No strings attached after Luca Changretta is dead.” The man’s name rolling off Tommy’s tongue boiled the blood in your veins. He was the man who had killed your mother and made you an orphan, depending on others for food, living on the streets growing up all by yourself at the ripe age of twelve. 
He noticed the sudden change in your facial features and how your hands clung to the metal bars, knuckles turning white in anger.
“So what do you say? Do we have a deal?” 
The breath of fresh air warmed your body, refreshing your sense of smell. Tommy had a tight grip around your bicep, untrusting that you held any type of loyalty to the arrangement.
Shoving you roughly into the car and locking the doors, he drove off filling you in on what the Changretta’s have been doing to his family, mentioning the death of his brother John.
Pulling into the driveway, knowing it had been a long, painful day, he thought it was best just to show you to your room and create a plan of takedown the following morning.
Your eyes widened in shock at the big expensive house, surprised to see he had a maid waiting on him, yet you couldn’t steer away from all of the fine china on the walls, the glistening silverware laying out on the clothed table.
“If I had known where you lived I would’ve ramsacked this play awhile ago, I mean look at this!” You picked up the ferrarce pink egg in your hand carelessly, magnifying it’s beauty and not being able to stop thinking how much money the antique could get you. Grasping the object out of your hand, Tommy forced you around back to the stairs where you heard pitter pattering footsteps rushing past you down the stairs.
Seeing the little boy so alight and full of energy brought a profound joyfulness to you. A person’s childhood is so precious, supposed to be the best time of life, never worrying about a thing, not understanding the hatefullness in the world. It made you sympathize a little.
“You have a child?” Tommy wasn’t going to entertain any conversation of his private life. He was uncomfortable enough having you here in this house with Charlie but what choice did he have?
“Don’t get any ideas, breakfast is at 8 am. This will be your room, windows have been barred, any sharp objects have been taken out, don’t bother trying anything.” The room had nothing but a singular king size bed in the center of the white painted room, a bathroom attached with a shower, toilet, and sink but no towels.
“I know you’re fucking crazy, I don’t need you trying to hang yourself or some shit. Frances will bring you one if needed but one of my men will be outside the bathroom to ensure you don’t try anything. Take it or leave it.” 
Begrudgingly you tossed your belongings onto the bed, Tommy pulling out a cigarette in the process, glossing the tube over his plump lip.
It was all settled then. You’d head out first thing in the morning.
When the following day arrived you awoke to Tommy busting through the door, causing you to jolt upwards reaching for your weapon that wasn’t there thanks to his stupid rules.
“Artillery Square. It’s 8:01, you’re late. Get dressed. I want you to see how they operate.” 
Ripping the blankets off the bed, Tommy tossed you a change of clothes, black pants with a black hoodie marching your darkened personality.
Huffing, you looked at him expectedly awaiting for some privacy to which he rolled his eyes as if he hadn’t seen women nude before.
Closing the door he waited outside for you.
The car drive consisted of etching out a plan. Tommy knew they were following behind him and informed you of where he had weapons set up on the different floors and railings outside. Why did he have to plan everything and be serious? Didn’t he like risk taking every once in awhile, so utterly boring.
“Stay close.” The men had taken a different turn probably in hopes of throwing Tommy off but that wouldn’t work.
Passing by civilians he motioned for them to go inside that danger was near. They wasted no time in auietly running up to their rooms in fear, fully knowing that whenever a Shelby was around, trouble always seemed to follow.
Turning around Tommy realized you weren’t behind him anymore. Huffing and scanning the area he found you sitting on the curb of the sidewalk next to a bakery petting a stray pup with a croissant in your hand, as if there weren’t italian men scattered throughout Birmingham looking to complete their vendetta.
In a powerful stride he walked over to you, gripping the small of your wrist angrily and dragging you along with him.
“Hey! Y’know what your problem is Tommy? You’re so uptight all the time, jesus relax every once in awhile.” Rounding the corner, he shifted and slammed you against the alley wall effortlessly, causing your creamed croissant to fall to the ground, pissing you off.
“Really! That croissant was the only good thing going in my life, it gets tiring constantly being spied on and not being trusted y’know.” His hand struck you across the cheek, causing your head to whip to the left from his harmful blow, smacking against the brick wall.
“Ow! What the fuck Shelby!” Your stomach bubbled with fury, arms flailing and hitting his rock hard chest trying to fight back against his strong hold. 
“Listen to me alright? This isn’t some fancy fucking get away. We had an agreement, so stay hidden before you blow our fucking cover or I will take you right back to the fucking coppers and have you readmitted, Got it, eh?” She giggled menacingly, rolling her eyes from the masculine, testosterone fueled facade, not at all intimidated by him. If anything a little turned on by his threats and the chokehold he had you in.
In a quick, swift movement you giggled before raising your knee and striking him directly in the ball causing the older Shelby to hunch over in pain.
“Lay a hand on me again and I will drown you in your fucking sleep. Got it?” You snickered sarcastically, smiling at the feeble position you put him in.
“Now, let’s get back to business and set aside the pleasure shall we?” 
The two of you scoped Artillery Square, the block being hing with sheets and laundry around every turn while innocent civilians were inside the homes they rightfully owned.
Enough people had died from these fuckers, children included and Tommy refused to have any more unnecessary blood shed. 
Hearing footsteps from behind, Tommy motioned for you to follow him in the building. The empty hallways eerily quiet as bystanders were crouched in their rooms hiding beneath tables, fleeing to corners and shielding their children.
All of Birmingham knew the Chagrettas were in town and what a black hand meant. The italian Mafia had been a profound problem back in the state of New York, innocent lived being taken just for being in the same vicinity as who they were after.
Quieting the worrisome families, you raised a finger to your lips with each passing room, ears and eyes at the ready to think fast.
At that moment a bullet richoeted through one of the windows, hitting a metal wall and flying up toward the ceiling shattering a light bulb connected to a ceiling fan.
On high alert, Tommy whipped you around toward the other side of the hallway, pushing you forth by the low of your back. Birmingham wasn’t a place you were completely familiar with but Tommy knew these streets and buildings like the back of his hand.
“Go! Go!” As windows shattered, you held your bat at the ready, looking to fight as Tommy instructed you where to go, but you had plans of your own.
Instead you turned around, walking back out toward the parking lot where the gunfire was coming from.
“Where the fuck are you going?!” You shrugged your shoulders, glancing back at him daringly while batting your eyelashes.
The need and want to see Luca’s face again after so long consumed you but Tommy was faster.
In an instant he thrashed your body down onto the floor, saving your head from a bullet that would’ve went right through you skull.
“That’s enough. Save your fucking anger for later. If he sees your face he will be a step ahead. So just fucking listen to me!” You groaned from the tumble, slamming your hand on the floor in frustration.
Days turned into weeks until you were face to face with the man.
Hiding in a room, you filed your nails carelessly listening in on the conversation, awaiting Tommy’s cue.
“You can sign the papers on your fucking knees.” The intimidating man pushed the papers off the table, the contracts scattering across the floor in a whimsy manner. When Tommy still didn’t move, still didn’t speak it angered Luca immensely, causing him to flip over the table in fury.
“Sign the fucking papers.” Tommy’s crystal blue eyes never left Luca’s in fact he found his little performance quite hysterical. He simply smirked, attempting to hold back his laughter. 
“All of your blood relatives are gone Mr. Changretta. The men behind you will work for whoever the highest bidder is and well how the turned tables have turned.”
“Is that so?” When he turned around to face what were once his men, they stepped back with the guns in their hands fully aware of the plan Tommy had implemented.
“A friend of mine once told me big fucks small. So I had to find someone bigger than you. Someone whom you crossed years ago and has been locked up ever since. You see I did some digging as well.”
Coming out from the shadows, bat ready at the hand. You didn’t like guns as much, bullets were too much of an easy kill, you wanted to see him suffer. Tommy winked your way causing Luca to spin around only to be met with the brunt force of the wooden object against his skull.
At that moment Tommy fleed from his kneeling position, pulling his gun out to finally end this yet you stopped him.
“Allow me to do the honors. Boys stand down, I’ve been waiting my whole life to kill this piece of shit and oh how I want to see him suffer the way I did.
Luca fumbled to get up, a few of his teeth now lying on the floor while blood trickled out from his mouth like a river flowed down a winding stream.
The man jumped at you, spitting blood on your face. Oh how you loved a challenge.
In one powerful swing, the bat banged at his knee, shattering the bone completely leaving him once again on the floor writhing in pain. 
In that moment a flashback of your childhood rushed to your head. Remembering the moment you eere cowering in the corner of the kitchen floor, scared and terrified of this man who had just killed your entire family, leaving you an orphan.
You began to beat him relentlessly with the bat, blood splattering on your face as his face became deformed from the brutal blows.
When you began to cry hysterically, Tommy slowly walked to your aid pulling you into his warm embrace carefully, rubbing your temple soothingly as you welt into his shoulder. The motion was unexpected to say the least.
“He’s dead now love. He’s dead.” Your fist scrunched in the fabric of his shirt, tears forming a puddle on him as you tried to relax. He nodded his head motioning for Pol and Michael to leave the room. To make light of the situation, Tommy decided a joke was necessary which was rare.
“Seeing as this wasn’t your vendetta alone, do you mind if I-“ His hand settled on his gun, and he waited for your agreement.
He emptied the chamber of his pistol onto Luca’s body before escorting you back to his home. 
Offering you a glass of whiskey, he took a seat beside the fire nodding toward the chair beside him and pouring a glass for you.
The fire crackled in the darkened room, a comforting sense of relief after the strenuous events of today.
“Y’know you and me make a pretty good team, don’t you think?” Tommy smiled softly, something he hadn’t done in awhile.
Quirking his eyebrow, he pulled out a ciagrette, passing one to you before lighting the tube of tobacco.
“I guess you can say that.” There was a moment of silence before you stood up from your seat, walking slowly over to Tommy and straddling his lap. Your plush lips just centimeters away from his as your fingers intertwined in the strands of his hair. Your ass grinding down on his lap.
“Now that I’m a free little bird now, I don’t know about you, but I’m in desperate need of some stress relief. What do yuh say Tommy boy?” His hands placed on your thighs, he lifted you up effortlessly taking you by surprise and carrying you into the bedroom and slamming the door behind him.
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thisismeracing · 7 months
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All my Lewis posts here
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KEYS: s: smut f: fluff a: angst ✷: Patreon exclusive
it's just us against the world (f): Some fans noticed how Leiws is constantly listening to Y/n’s songs and decided to back him up and make it happen a bit faster. Will their cupid play work?
jealousy, jealousy (f): After a red carpet interaction, people are shipping Yn with Chris Evans without knowing that she’s dating a pilot. What will Lewis do when he sees the fuss internet is making about it?
a friend of a friend (f): After a friend in common introduced them, Lewis and Yn can’t seem to stay away from each other, and the fans are quick to catch and manifest a relationship.
part of your world (f): What happens when Lewis goes to the theater with his nephews and realizes he now has a new favorite Disney movie. The princess? Ynl Yln and she’s definitely fairytale-worthy outside the screens as well.
she's that girl (f): Lewis would never imagine that something, or rather someone, could take his attention off Beyonce during her own show, but one of her dancers did
sunshine (f): In which Lewis starts dating an earthy/spiritual girl who just loves nature and good energy.
moonshine (f): In which Lewis is sunshine, but dates a grumpy!reader and fans start noticing how different they are.
food baby (f): Yn is used to posting her belly after meals, claiming it’s her “food baby”, but fans are hell-bent on waiting for the reveal of a real baby Hamilton.
mó paz (f): It’s time for the Interlagos GP and fans are excited to see how Lewis’ Portuguese sounds after becoming a citizen AND dating Yn.
after the afterparty (f): Fans have been watching Yn and Lewis interact since she first started attending races. Nothing seemed enough for them to pinpoint what was going on between the two until the Las Vegas Gran Prix happened, and contrary to the belief, what happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas. Yn and Lewis are about to find out.
your time (a): A couple months after the biggest breakup in the F1 paddock, your song gets leaked, and the internet uproars about your relationship again. This time they have more ammunition than ever to feed the narrative that Lewis Hamilton cheated on you. Are they right though?
more than friends (f): You’re friends with Lewis, but fans don’t buy the “just friends” discourse - for them, you and Lewis make the most powerful couple, even if you’re not famous. And maybe they’re right, maybe you’re supposed to be more than friends.
Home (f)
Essays and cuddles (f)
More than friends (a)
the phantom of miscommunication (a): Dating a professional athlete is hard, and it’s even harder when you are famous too, and your schedules just keep crashing. How will their love beat their insecurities? 
haunted (s): Lost in the years, lost in the days, Lewis Hamilton haunts the house that once was his. The house where he was killed. And the house that now has new inhabitants. He was used to blowing candles, breaking chinas, and it being enough for the curious newbies to leave. However, it was the first time he met someone who wouldn’t act terrified by his presence. Yn was curious, and that curiosity had a price. Lewis was the one who would collect the debt.
bad religion (s)✷: He used to be a sinner, maybe that’s why nowadays he has so much compassion for those. Your kindness, however, can be your downfall. Especially when directed towards a demon. A breach and a hand to hold were all that Yn needed to complete the Devil’s wish. Lewis should have crushed the snake’s head before she swiftly bit him.
this love is ours (f): Relationships aren’t usually easy. Add to it the fact that you date a world champion racing driver, and your dad doesn’t really like said driver and the media is ready to dissect every move you make. At the end of the day, the stakes are high and the waters can be rough, but what you share with Lewis is true love, and it’s yours
heartdresser (f): When Lewis finds himself just a couple days away from a racing weekend and without his usual braids he desperately searches for suggestions of available hairdressers in the area. As the saying goes, love can come from the most unexpected places, and Lewis is about to discover that this is, in fact, true.
falling (in love) (f)✷: When your kid found a new friend in his new school, you did not expect that would mean you would find yourself friends too. And sure enough, you weren’t expecting to fall for his friend’s uncle.
♡ lewis dating a korean girl ♡ lewis marrying a desi girl ♡ lewis as a dad ✷
©thisismeracing do not copy, steal, or translate my work. do not repost on a different media platform.
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samwisethewitch · 2 months
Bewitching Your Coffee
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I am 100% a coffee drinker. I love drinking it black, I love it in lattes and cappucini (yes, that's the actual plural of cappucino), and I especially love the experience of sharing coffee with another person. And, like everything that comes out of my kitchen, I like finding ways to make coffee more magical.
But even though coffee is a daily essential for a lot of us and has a long history in folk magic, people don't talk about it nearly as much as tea magic. I did some digging, and this post contains my research into the magic and lore of coffee and the things we like to add to coffee. I hope my fellow kitchen witches find this helpful!
Correspondences of Coffee and Common Coffee Add-ons
Coffee: Used for grounding and to anchor a spell in the physical world. Useful in spells for mental clarity and enhancing psychic senses. Used in several types of American folk magic as an offering for spirits. Author Starr Casas uses coffee for powerful cleansing and blockbusting in her Southern folk magic practice. Because of its association with energy and movement, coffee can be used to add strength to spells. I personally associate coffee with the Earth and Air elements and with the planet Uranus.
Milk has different correspondences based on whether you are using cow's milk or a plant-based milk.
Cow's Milk: Associated with nurturing, love, and abundance. In pagan Ireland, offering someone milk was an effective blessing. Milk and cream are said to be favorite offerings of fairies. I associate cow's milk with the Water element and the Moon.
Soy Milk: Soy may have been a sacred food crop in ancient China and is associated with blessings. During the Japanese festival Setsubun, soy beans are used to repel bad spirits and draw good fortune in a practice called mamemaki -- soy products can be used in spells for protection or good fortune. Use soy milk or other soy products in spells for success, good luck, and prosperity. I personally associate soy milk with the Earth element and with the planet Jupiter.
Almond Milk: Associated with prosperity, wealth, and success in business, as well as with increasing wisdom. Almond milk and other almond products are associated with the Air element and the planet Mercury.
Coconut Milk: Associated with purification, healing, and protection. In African American magic traditions, coconut can be used for peaceful home work and protection work, as well as ancestor offerings. Coconut is associated with the Water element and the moon.
Oatmilk: Associated with prosperity and money magic. Oats are associated with the Earth element and the planet Venus.
Sweeteners attract sweetness and good fortune. Different sweeteners have their own associations.
Sugar: Associated with love and lust. In Southern folk magic, sugar is sometimes used in money work. Sugar is associated with the Water element and the planet Venus.
Brown Sugar: Has the same associations as regular sugar, but works more slowly because it contains molasses.
Honey: Associated with home, family, love, and blessings. In Southern folk magic, honey is sometimes used in domination or control work, especially honeycomb. I personally associate honey with the Water element and with the planet Venus.
Maple Syrup: Associated with love, money, and long life. I personally associate maple with new life and transformation based on Robin Wall Kimmerer's writings about them in Braiding Sweetgrass. Associated with the Air element and the planet Jupiter.
Artificial Sweeteners (Splenda, xylitol, and other man-made sweeteners): There's very little written about the magical uses of these sweeteners, but I personally associate them with creativity, innovation, and new discoveries. I associate these sweeteners with the Air element and the planets Mercury and Uranus.
Caramel* is actually made from sugar, which is cooked over low heat until it caramelizes, or turns brown. Caramel has the same magical associations as sugar, but with a stronger connection to Fire energy and to transformation.
*Note: In the US, "caramel" is often made with corn syrup. For example, the caramel drizzle at Starbucks is basically 100% corn syrup, or at least was when I worked there a few years back. This isn't to say you can't work magically with corn syrup-based caramel, but the energy will be different. I don't have experience here because I have a corn allergy, so I'd love to hear if anyone has experience working with corn syrup in witchcraft!
Chocolate** is originally from Latin America and was an important ceremonial drink in Mayan culture. In Mexica (Aztec) culture, chocolate was used as currency and was said to be a gift from the gods. It was associated with the devil and with witchcraft when it was first brought to Spain by colonizers. Later, during the Renaissance, it was seen as a miracle cure for all kinds of medical conditions. Based on its history, chocolate can be used in magic for love, sex, energy, spirituality, magical abilities, and healing. I personally associate chocolate with the Fire element and with the Sun.
**Note: Scott Cunningham includes a note on "chocolate" in his book on magical herbs, but this is actually carob, Jacaranda procera. The cacao tree, which produces chocolate, is Theobroma cacao.
Cinnamon is associated with success, healing, adding power to spells, spirituality, wealth, and protection. Cinnamon is important in Christian folk magic because of its use in the Bible. In Southern folk magic, cinnamon is used for money, luck, and lust and is said to work very fast. It can also be used for blessings and protection spells. It is associated with the Fire element and the Sun.
Clove is probably most famous for its use in spells to stop gossip, but it is also used to drive away harmful spirits and to attract wealth. It is also sometimes used in love and sex magic and for successful business work. It is connected to the Fire element and the planet Jupiter.
Ginger adds power to spells and situations. It is used in spells for love, money, success, and healing, but it can be included in any spell to add power or make results happen faster. Ginger is associated with Fire and with the planet Mars.
Hazelnuts have long been used in Western European folk charms for luck and good fortune. It is said that eating hazelnuts makes you wise and can increase fertility. Hazel is also associated with protection and with granting wishes. It is connected to the Air element and the Sun.
Lavender is used in love spells, especially spells to attract a masculine partner. It also has a strong association with peacefulness and with calming emotions. It is sometimes used for protection and is said to both attract and banish spirits, depending on the source. Lavender has a long historic connection to the queer community. It is associated with Air and the planet Mercury.
Nutmeg is most famous as a good luck charm, but it is also used for healing, money, and success. In Southern folk magic, it is used mostly for money, success, and good luck. It is associated with Fire and with Jupiter.
Peppermint is commonly used in healing magic, but it can also be used for purification, attracting good spirits, divination, love, and money. In Southern folk magic, peppermint is used for hex breaking. It is associated with Fire and the planet Mercury.
Vanilla is strongly associated with love and comfort. It can sometimes be used in lust spells. Scott Cunningham mentions using vanilla to replenish lost energy. It is associated with the Water element and the planet Venus.
Magical Coffee Brews
With these ingredient correspondences, you can easily mix a spell into a coffee drink. For example, a pumpkin spice latte (which is made with pumpkin pie spice, i.e., a mix of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves) can be a spell for money and success. A lavender latte with oatmilk could be an excellent love spell, especially for queer love. A peppermint mocha (coffee with chocolate) could be a healing spell. There are lots of possibilities for a magic brew!
Witchcraft for Everyone by Sam Wise
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
Hoodoo Herbal by Starr Casas
Jambalaya by Luisah Teish
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Wikipedia article for soybeans
Wikipedia article for Setsubun
"History of Chocolate" on History.com
"Chocolate: From witchcraft to miracle worker in early modern Europe" by Erin Alice Cowling, published in The Conversation
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Worst not over yet, perhaps
#Amer.s deaths excess from mass jabs with experimental #gene transfer not #CoV
German #BASF #Mercedes #Merck: high hope on #China
#food #energy #transport' inflation 30% not 7%-11% declared by #US #EU including things to widen the scope so rate goes down
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You've poated Jade corn ornaments twice now (maybe more, and I've missed it). Why are they a thing? They seem to be really well done, and I had always viewed Jade as being a gem with cultural significance.
During the Ming and Qing dynasties in China it was popular to carve jade into vegetable- or fruit-shaped ornaments, the most famous artwork being the 翠玉白菜Jadeite Cabbage and 东坡肉形石Dongpo Meat-shaped Stone, 白菜baicai/cabbage is a common carving subject because of its resonance with '菜cài=财cái=wealth' in the Chinese context. Chinese call these ornaments 文玩wenwan in general, meaning fine collectible traditional handicrafts, especially suitable for playing and appreciating in the hand. I feel like the contemporary jade or other gemstone ornaments continues this tradition with further innovation. Young people prefer ornaments made in richer mineral materials and brighter colors (light colors are more popular), and the themes are also diverse, not limited to traditional ones. I guess in young peoples' aesthetic, the jade corn is lovely in shape and roasted corn is a popular street food in china. Other contemporary pieces that young people like to collect include various other shapes, such as jade rabbits, 貔貅pixiu(mythical creature that brings fortune and wards off evil), 龙long(chinese dragon),  calabash, grape, fish, butterfly, crabs, flowers, guanyin, metteyya, the twelve shengxiao, and so on, some more traditional, some more contemporary. It's quite fun.
In addition, the Chinese believe that 玉yù/jade is spiritual(the Chinese word 玉yù actually refers to more than just jade, it can refer to jade-like stones in general but let's put it this way), so the Chinese have the habit of "nurturing jade", meaning that if you wear and play with your jade jewellery/ornaments by hand for a long time (the act of playing with it is called "盘pán"), it will become smoother and accumulate more lustre, bringing you a good energy field in daily life, thus you will have more luck. The Chinese also consider that if the jade ornament has been 开光kāi guāng (blessed by eminent 道士daoshi/daoist priest or blessed by eminent bhiksu or bhikkhunī/buddhist monks or nuns, usually with ceremonial process of chantting/intoning incantations), they will also help to protect you from mishaps and even disasters. Many Chinese women have the habit of wearing jade bracelets or red string weaved jade ornaments (jade bracelets are the type of smooth circular or beads bracelets).
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翠玉白菜Jadeite Cabbage and 东坡肉形石Dongpo Meat-shaped Stone are as follows.
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phoenixyfriend · 4 months
Calls for Action, Call Your Reps: 2/13/24
This is USA-specific, as that is the place I live and know.
Find your elected officials.
Today, much of my information is coming from Democracy Now!, which I generally listen to as a podcast (functionally, it is a radio news broadcast, like NPR or BBC), and I am quoting from the text versions on their website.
The Senate passed a $95 billion military funding package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan in the pre-dawn hours this morning. But the bill’s fate remains unclear after House Speaker Mike Johnson dismissed the measure over its failure to include hard-line immigration restrictions. This comes after Johnson and other Republicans rejected an earlier version of the bill which did contain the border crackdown they had demanded. Johnson has told Republican congressmembers he will call a House vote on a stand-alone funding bill for Israel.
From the same page, we are hearing that President Biden is urging Israel to refrain from invading Rafah, where a million or so Palestinians are currently sheltering, but is not actually threatening any kind of repercussions for said invasion. Reports from both official sources (e.g. the Hamas-run health ministry) and less official (e.g. American doctors returning from relief services in Palestine) indicate that over half of the deaths in Palestine are children.
I am not going to pretend that I know what is going through Biden's head.
Both House and Senate:
Reinstate funding for UNRWA. While the claims made by Israel that employees of the relief agency were involved in Oct. 7th are troubling, THEY are not well supported, and western officials did not do their duty in investigating the claims before cutting funding. This arm of the UN is currently providing food, water, shelter, and medical care to the 2.3 million displaced peoples of Gaza. It is especially disturbing and concerning that the many children of Gaza, who are already suffering due to this conflict, are now having this support revoked. Many sources are also claiming that the evidence is flimsy at best.
Urge both Senate and House to refrain from funding Israel, or to at least put some strings on it. The IDF cannot be given funding without some regulations on what they can do with it. They have proven that they are unwilling to take steps to protect civilians.
FOR THE SENATE: Urge your senator to put their support behind Bernie Sanders and his motion to restrict funding to Israel until a humanitarian review of the IDF’s actions in Gaza has been completed. Cite it as Senate Resolution 504 if your Senator is right-wing enough to react negatively to the mention of Sanders by name. NOTE: This resolution was TABLED by the Senate on 1/16, but it is being brought back in as conditions continue to escalate.
FOR THE HOUSE: Urge your representative to put their support behind Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s petition for the US government to recognize the IDF’s actions in Gaza as ethnic cleansing and forced displacement, and put a stop to it. ALTERNATELY: recommend that they support House Resolution 786, introduced by Rep. Cori Bush, Calling for an immediate deescalation and cease-fire in Israel and occupied Palestine.
On the House Floor this week, to call your rep about:
H.Res. 994: Married persons tax break. Vote nay. Loses billions in tax revenue and explicitly targets green energy.
H.R. 2766 and H.R. 4039: Condemnation of China's actions against the Uyghurs. Can't tell you which way to talk on this. Seems good on the surface, but given who's presenting it, I worry there's something worse tucked into the text. Hopefully someone can provide a better take.
H.R. 3016: IGO Anti-Boycott Act. Vote Nay. This appears to be intended to force US companies to do business with US allies instead of participating in boycotts. This appears, to me, to be an attack on movements like BDS. To Dem Reps, argue that this refuses the right of peaceful protest to US citizens. To Republican Reps, argue that this is a dangerous government overreach and that it is not the right of the government to force US citizens to purchase products and materials from specific foreign partners.
H.Res. 966: Condemnation of sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas against Israel on Oct. 7. Vote Nay. We know sexual violence is bad. Hamas has already been condemned for their actions. This is, at best, lip service. It is a waste of time. There are much bigger, more impactful things to work on, and this is going to waste time and resources in the Senate if it passes.
If you wish to support my political blogging, I am accepting donations on ko-fi.
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madwomansapologist · 3 months
meant to be | shan yu
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Pinterest Board | More Shan Yu | AO3
synopsis: Shan Yu told you China would be your dowry. He's a honoured man, despite everything.
warnings: fluff. marriage cerimony (made my best to be historicaly correct). murder couple. age gap. kidnapping. yandere!shan yu (or as i prefer to word it: malewife!shan yu). smut. a lot of teasing. switch!reader. praise kink. dumbification. creampie. in this house we hate the misogynist version of Shan Yu in Mulan (2020).
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The warm breeze ruffled your combed hair. You couldn't care less. There are more important things. Like the sunrise, so warm and invigorating. Or the distant mountains, protecting the city. The lights coming from the houses bellow you.
The world is still so beautiful. All of this seen from the palace, in the highest room, in safety. This view alone made the entire journey worth it.
Your mom pulled you away from the balcony, sitting you down on the bed and trying to rearrange your hair. A red veil was placed over your head, probably in an attempt to get you to sit down and stay still for once.
You weren't expecting for Shan Yu to be so... attached to traditions. They aren't even his. You thought once China was conquered, the only thing he would care about would be his coronation. Not a wedding.
"I just don't see the need of it," you said to Shan Yu. "We're travelling, living together, for so long. Don't you think a cerimony seems... a bit tardy?"
Shan Yu's gaze always revealed more than the words coming out of his mouth. And the certainty hidden in the golden eyes said more than he needed.
He held your hands, taking the last step that separated his body from yours. Shan Yu brushed your hair away from your face, stroking your bloody skin. "You are my greatest pride, Moon," Shan Yu smiled. "Nothing will ever stop me from showing this to the world."
With the world burning around you, Shan Yu knelt down. "Will you marry me?" He kissed your knuckles covered in the blood of your enemies. "Will you give me your heart?"
He did his best to be perfect. Just like in your dreams, Shan Yu explained to you.
Your family was picked up, the trip quicker due to the victory, and the engagement letter was delivered as soon as you were reunited. They feared for you, searched for the truth hidden in between your words, but after a while you made them understand. He's a good man, you swore. It doesn't seem like it, but he's good to me.
You assumed the dowry would be, well, China, but Shan Yu wasn't content. How he discovered that geese were signs of unwavering love you still don't know, but he did. So many flowers, symbols of luck and prosperity.
Shan Yu was clealy trying to make up for the first impression he made on your parents.
The wedding gifts arrived the same day. Silver, jewelry, exotic foods. The separate floor for your parents seemed more like a hideout of treasures than a place to sleep.
They accepted the gifts. You're not sure they could do anything more than that, but it still meant a lot for the both of you.
"You can change your mind, cub," your mom sat beside you. "I've told you before. Your father and I may look old, but we still have energy. One word, and we're ready to runnaway with you."
You let your head fall on her shoulder, enjoying her warmth. You missed her so much. "Thank you," you whispered. "But I am sure of this. I don't think I have ever been so sure of anything in my entire life."
The silence was quite comforting, but you were glad when she opened her mouth. "So you think we look old?"
Laughing, you looked at her. Throught the red veil, you could still see the face of the woman you love the most in the whole word. "You are beautiful," it was nothing but the truth. "Mom, do you still love me?"
She held you by your shoulders, so tight you could feel it on your bones. "Always," she said. "Are you ready?"
You were.
"Perfume," she remind you. Holding the doorknob, you looked back. She opened some drawers, and took a frask out of it. You let her spray it on you. "Lotus flowers. So you can give me pretty grandchildren."
"Mom!" You practically ran from the room, going down the stairs. "I prefer when you hated him!"
You bumped into your father, who held you carefully. Your mother reached you, leaning on him for support. “Now all you have to do is wait,” he informed you. Approaching, with a smirk on his face, he whispered. "Or run away."
They really are soulmates. "Go on," you told them. "I will wait."
They walked away, heading down the stairs to the ceremonial hall, and you took a deep breath. There was no reason to be nervous, but that didn't convince your mind. Admiring the paintings from past dynasties, sad to see how such beautiful works are hidden in an isolated buildings, you heard his steps.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" You asked, glaring at the painting.
Shan Yu offered you his arm. "Incomparable," he smiled, looking at you.
You breathed deep. After a last glance, you accept his touch. "You won't believe what my mom told me."
"Nothing worse than what your father told me, I assume."
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
The warm breeze caressed your skin, your fingers focused on removing the pendants from your hair. In your chambers, the party was far below in the palace. Shan Yu locked the door, and watched you undo each braid.
"You're happy," he said.
You looked at Shan Yu, and stretched your arm towards him. He got closer, stroking your skin, and stood before you. "And so are you."
"And now?" You allowed him to help you. "China. Our marriage. What comes next?"
Shan Yu stroked your loose hair. "Tomorrow we rule," he said. "Tonight we celebrate."
You stood up, your fingers undoing the knots in your clothes. “We did it all wrong,” you let the fabric fall down your body. You crawled onto the bed, looking at him.
Shan Yu admired you. He looked at you the same way you looked at each of the paintings in this palace. "We did?" He asked, voice hoarse, unable to care about anything other than you.
“I was supposed to be a virgin,” you said. Propping yourself up on your elbows, you slowly spread your legs. His gaze was no different from that of a wild animal. "The veil. The letters you wrote to my parents. The wedding night. I was supposed to be a virgin but you couldn't help yourself, could you?"
He took off his ceremonial attire, being reciprocal to your show. "I prefer it this way," he ignored your teasing. Shan Yu held your ankles, stroking the warm skin and pulling you as he placed one of his knees on the bed. "You're comfortable. Excited. Shameless."
Shan Yu was ready to dive into you, but you were faster. You pulled his arm, knocking him onto the bed. A surprised laugh escaped his lips as you sat on his lap.
“I thought you liked that,” you placed Shan Yu’s hands on your waist. "You seemed to enjoy all of our private lessons. I tried so hard to learn."
Shan Yu moved to lay you down onto the bed, but you stopped him by rubbing your sex against his hardening member beneath you. You forced him down, hands wandering through his chest.
"You little devilish thing," he groaned. "You never cease to amuse me, don't you?"
You scratched his arms, focused on the movements of your hips. "Oh, but that's why you fell in love with me," you whispered against his ear. "You never know what to expect."
He throbed against you. Smirking, you teased him more. "See?" Biting his earlobe, you felt his nails dig into your skin. "I bet I could do anything to you."
You stood up, admiring how the yellow eyes followed your movements. Rubbing your breasts against Shan Yu's torso, you kissed him.
Celebrate, he told you.
Still kissing him, you grabbed his cock and rubbed it against your clit. Before he could react, you let it slide inside you. With his cock deep within your pussy, you rode him.
Mesmerized, Shan Yu could only watch the way your body moved. How perfect you were. Made to break him in pieces and put him back together.
"You fuck me so good," you moaned, looking into his eyes. Walls clenching tighter around his cock, buried deep within you. "Hm, fuck... My emperor is so good for me."
Something imploded inside Shan Yu.
He grabbed your neck, throwing you onto the bed, still inside you. Shan Yu moved you effortlessly, as if you were as light as a feather. Your legs on his shoulder, his hand holding your neck as if you would've run away from him, his teeth deep into your skin.
"Say it again," Shan Yu growled.
"My emperor," you cried. "You make me feel so whole. F-fuck, you can do anything you want to me."
Shan Yu fucked you like a senseless animal. Like a brutal beast. Like something made for him to devour, to taste and savor until he got tired. A pretty doll for him to break and put together how many he wanted.
You never felt so desired.
You pulled him into a kiss, your lips barely able to behaving as they should've. Close to him, closer than anyone else has ever been, you felt as his thrusts find the right place to beat.
"Mine," was the only thing you were able to understand from his words. "I will never let you go," he squeezed your neck, getting a whimper from you. "You're mine."
Your mouth contorted into a smile. "I don't want to go," you pulled his hair. "I'm yours. Only yours."
And so Shan Yu filled you, teeth deep into your skin. He didn't stop. He continued moving hard, his thumb circling your clit, until you melted into his fingers.
"My emperor," you whispered against his mouth.
Shan Yu smiled, his teeth sinking into your lips. "My empress."
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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writers-potion · 3 months
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Fantastical Asian Monsters (Part I)
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram!
I Fly Undead, Gangsi (殭屍)
Nationality: China Form: Human-type Size: 1.5~1.7m
Gangsi first appeared in the late Ming Dynasty, but it was most common during the Qing dynasty. Thus, Gangsis often appear in Qing attire.
When people died in battle, they attached an amulet to the body which helped them to return to their hometown.
if the amulet falls in the middle, they become Gangsi and wander. It is said that the whole body has already hardened and cannot walk like a human, but they can fly / jump around.
When attacked by Gangsi, the attacked person also turns into Gangsi, but if they hold their breath or run over a tree, Gangsi cannot find them.
I’m So Hungry, Go-su-yeo-chil (고수여칠)
Nationality: Korea Form: Human-type Size: 1.6m
It is a monster in the form of a dried-up man.
It has thin bone-like leg with a paper skirt around it, and it is hard to see the upper body. It is said to make an old woman's voice and imitate the voice of a dead family member or relative
They enter a house to eat food, tear window paper, and throw tiles or stones to cause damage.
Will You Marry Me? Gumiho (구미호)
Nationality: Korea/China/Japan Form: Animal-type Size: 1.6m
It is a fox monster with nine tails.
Foxes appear in various countries and are said to have the ability to attract people. Foxes do not have nine tails from birth, andhen they develop a tail every few hundred years and have all nine tails, they become an immortal monster.
Although it is a fox, it can be turned into a beautiful person, and it is said that it gets energy from humans or eats human liver through fox beads.
It is said that people who are deprived of energy may not die if they are lucky, but all people who are deprived of their livers will die.
There is a story that if a Gumiho eats 100 livers, marry a human, and don't get identified for 100 days, a Gumiho will turn human.
Droppings of Doom, Gwicha (鬼車)
Nationality: China Form: Bird-type Size: 1.5~2m
It is a monster in the form of a bird with nine heads. It is also called a 'tune' because it has nine heads on one body. The ear car looks similar to an owl as a whole, but it is said that the nine faces sometimes look similar to the human figure. It is said to be about 3m in size when both wings are unfolded. Blood keeps dripping from one of the nine heads, and if a person gets hit with it, not only the person but also the person
Even Nira's family suffers from misfortune. However, even if your car is not hit by blood, it enters people's homes on its own to spread misfortune or take away people's souls.
It is said that the car is blind during the day, so they usually go around only at night, and at this time, they become blind immediately just by looking at a small fire debt and fall even when they fly. So people say that when a car comes in the middle of the night, they immediately light a candle or make the dog bark and drive it away.
The ultimate oval face, Nopperabo (のっぺらぼう)
Nationality: Japan Form: Human-type Size: 2m
This is a monster with a human face but no eyes, nose, or mouth.
It is said to appear both as a woman and a man, and show his face to a person who stands still and talks to him on a dark night road.
They surprise humans to mak them run away, or surprise customers who come after being in a cart bar or noodle restaurant.
It is said that there are several strands of hair attached to the clothes of a person who meets Nopperabo.
Known as an "egg ghost" in Korea.
Forfeit Your Firstborn! Langda
Nationality: Indonesia Form: Human-type Size: 1.5~1.7m
It is a monster in the form of a human woman, with eyes that are likely to protrude from the red face, a tongue that stretches to the waist, and four tusks protruding out of the mouth, and its head is always loose and worn.
Langda is a wicked creature that preys on infants and uses black magic, with the ability to control low-ranking demons and other monsters, and the ability to freely transform into other creatures. It is said that by swearing at people or spreading diseases, they lose their lives and damage crops. However, they also use magic to heal people's suffering and diseases by whimpering, which is why some areas open Langda
It is said to be worshipped as a god and regarded as the guardian deity of the village.
No Ordinary Leech, Bes Kemwar
Nationality: Malaysia Form: Worm-type Size: 0.1~0.2m
It is a monster in the form of a furry earthworm. Beth Kemwer always bites her tail and curls its body into a round shape.
It eats crops such as rice and vegetables as a staple food, and it is usually hard to see, but in February, it appears near the river.
If a person drinks water from a river containing Baskemwor or from a river where Baskemwor's hair has fallen, the body swells up, hives rise, coughs and even bleeds. If you get treatment early after bleeding, you can recover quickly, but over time, the pain gets worse and you lose your life because you can't eat or drink.
It is said to live mostly at the end of branches, and people who pass by trees near it also develop hives and swell up all over their bodies. The swelling does not go until two or three months later.
Mongolian Death, Olgoi-Khorkhoi
Nationality: Mongol Form: Worm-type Size:0.6~14m
It is a huge, fat worm-shaped monster. It is also called the 'Mongolian Death Will'.
Each individual has a various size, and his whole body has a bright red color. There are several pointed tentacles on one side of his body, not a head. He can't see because he has no eyes, but he has excellent touch and hearing.
Olgoi corcoi only live in the desert and roam freely in the sand, and when a person or camel appears, it appears on the sand, eats and disappears in an instant. It is said that it emits a strong acidic poison a little away from the prey, which melts the prey, and when it feels dangerous, it releases electricity to make the other person electrocute.
Look Me in the Face, Inmyeonsu
Nationality: East Asia Form: Hybrid Size: 0.7~1m
It is a monster in the form of a bird.
Human turkeys have human faces and arms on their bodies, or their entire upper bodies are shaped like humans. They exist all over the world, and they have very different looks and characteristics from time to time and country.
They are considered sacred beings that prevent bad luck for people, and they are also considered ominous beings that eat people and harm villages.
The mere appearance of human turkeys caused natural disasters and wars in the world.
They make beautiful sounds and bless people with their own unique sounds, but as soon as they hear human turkeys, damage may occur and people and livestock may be killed
Living on Your Scent, Gandharva
Nationality: India Form: Human-type Size: 1.7m
A humanoid monster that hunts down scents.
Sometimes called "Gundalba"; or "Shimhyang."
Gandharba is not an individual, but a race, which protects children and the weak from evil. Gandharba was born in water, but he is able to roam freely in the sky and on earth. With a horse tail on his human body, golden wings and birds.
Gandharba eats fragrant scents as their main food, and they always have a scent around them. They are mostly masculine and like beautiful women so much that they sometimes form relationships with humans.
They generally enjoy freewheeling life, but they are said to be extremely jealous.
The monster profiles have been adapted from <동양 문화 속 괴물들의 이야기 괴물도감 (동양편)> written and illustrated by 고고학자(강석민). All image credits in this post goes to 강석민. Translation from Korean to English by me. 
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