#they better not hurt my favourite himbo!
theflagscene · 3 months
Another special episode spoil…
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What are you doing to Yai!? And stop it right this instant! I do not agree!
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diagonal-queen · 8 months
hii! can i request hunting dogs with clumsy s/o?
Hunting Dogs with a clumsy S/O
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♡ pairing: Fukuchi Ouchi, Jouno Saigiku, Tecchou Suehiro, Teruko Okura, Tachihara Michizou x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: What are the Hunting Dogs like with an S/O who's clumsy?
♡ cw: Swearing, mentions of getting hurt/bumping into things/getting accidental cuts, mention of alcohol
note: It's been a while since I actually posted some proper writing. I genuinely do apologise you guys- there's not really any good excuse for me taking as long as I have. Long work hours and bad home life combined have me absolutely fuckin spent, but I know that's also the case for other writers who still manage to produce work on at least a semi-regular basis. I just wanna try and get on top of some of my reqs that've been gathering dust in my drafts lmao. Thank you guys for your support and I love you all <3 apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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I'm gonna be so real with you right now bro literally doesn't care
Like he gives absolutely no fucks that you're clumsy. Fuck you could trip into one of his many barrels of alcohol and fully destroy it and he just wouldn't even be mad
He'd just help you up and be like 'ah you're so cute when you trip over and faceplant and destroy my stuff <33' (probably not that far from verbatim to be honest)
I genuinely don't know what else to tell you other than 'he doesn't care', because he doesn't. Any mess you make, he'll have it cleaned up. Any precious item you break, he'll just replace it.
His only real concern is you somehow hurting yourself, but even then he's not really that worried because he'll find some insanely talented doctor to fix you right up. It wouldn't be an inconvenience for him at all
(Fukuchi IS a sugar daddy and nobody except me has ever acknowledged it and it's lowkey bothering me like c'mon be so for fucking real guys)
All this being said, he probably wouldn't let you carry something extremely valuable like amenogozen (not like he would let you carry it anyway, but your clumsiness does contribute to his overprotectiveness of that stupid dumbass sword)
As always, he will get pissed if anyone else gives you a hard time for your clumsiness
Your whole dynamic is basically just Ozzie and Fizz lowkey
He really just lets you do your thing honestly, he doesn't care whether it's imperfect or whatever. If you're clumsy, then clumsiness is automatically cute tf
Jouno's like the total opposite of clumsy, literally every particle of his being is perfectly coordinated at all times
So he might be upset at first to learn that your motor skills aren't as up to scratch as his are.
You need to remind him that hey, how does he expect a regular ass person to measure up to a genetically modified super soldier? (which is a totally fair argument that even he doesn't rebut)
And after some consideration he's like 'okay fair' and tries to get used to your clumsiness. Keyword being 'tries'; he's not always perfect at tolerating it, but he's doing his best and that's what counts
If you're the kind of person who curses when you stub your toe (or god forbid that thing where you bump your hipbone on the corner of the table for some reason), he's totally cool with that. He's fully okay with swearing
He just doesn't really like when you randomly yell or cry out in pain really loudly/right near him because of the auditory overload
If you cry he will take the time to calm you down and kiss whatever part of your body you hurt better (pretends to hate it but absolutely doesn't)
Uses your clumsiness as an excuse to hold your hand when you guys go out together <3 he also likes feeling your pulse speed up when he touches you
Will randomly pull you in certain directions while you guys are out walking and when you're like 'why?' he'll be like 'you were about to walk into a pole sweetheart' then you turn back around and yeah he was right
One of my favourite versions of Tecchou is aloof himbo Tecchou so that's what we're going with. Anyways he would be like '...just stop dropping things tf'
It doesn't take him that long to accept that fact that sometimes you're just clumsy without being able to control it and he probably shouldn't trust you with dangerous or fragile object
It probably secretly annoys him a bit at first but he doesn't wanna make you feel bad about
His attention quickly turns to prioritising your safety, so ultimately he doesn't really care
He's really strong so a lot of the time if you have to carry something heavy he just offers to carry it instead. Not only will he be saving you from back pain but he may also potentially be preventing your toes from being shattered under the weight of whatever you would have been carrying
Tecchou would want to cook for you to keep you away from all the kitchenware and appliances, but you don't let him because you know he'll whip up something absolutely abhorrent. Even if you sometimes get nicked with knives or touch hot pans, it's better than eating his food (sorry Tecchou)
He wouldn't want you to leave your place on your own if the weather is rainy or something because that means the pavement/ground is slippery (if you ask him to carry you the chance of him saying yes is surprisingly high actually)
If you ever bump into him, he'll act nonchalant about it but he would be blushing and sweating and shaking and panicking and screaming crying throwing up hyperventilating fanboying dying
Teruko (platonic):
Like most...general traits that a human could have, Teruko would probably make fun of you for it at first
Eventually her teasing would become more lighthearted and silly instead of genuine, but if anyone else tried to bully for you it it's on SIGHT
Teruko can be clumsy sometimes, but more often than not it's just harmless things like carrying a stack of documents and not making sure to secure it so that sheets of paper don't fly off the top
When it comes to her physical strength and combat everything she does is very intentional and coordinated. If you see her actively being clumsy she probably really does not care about what she's doing lol
She's the kind of person to do dart and knife throwing for fun but if you're even in close range of a blade she freaks out and worries that you're gonna fatally wound yourself somehow
If you do end up getting hurt she'll help fix up your injury, like cleaning wounds or bandaging you up or whatever, but she'll chide you about it the whole time (she's hiding the fact that she's secretly super concerned for you)
Absolutely has a phone recording of you tripping and eating shit and always threatens to send it to people unless you buy her food or something like that lmao
Unlike Jouno or Tecchou she's a little bit of a prick and doesn't warn you when you're about to bump into something and then laughs when you bump into said something
I mean she won't let you get hurt hurt but also seeing people get hurt is funny sometimes lmao
Let's not pretend that this motherfucker isn't also a clumsy bastard
C'mon the two of you are constantly tripping over your own feet let alone each other's feet. You're an accidental chaotic dual MESS
I mean Tachihara is a little less clumsy than you, being a Hunting Dog and all, but if he's sleep-deprived or drunk or something like that he is a literal safety hazard. He definitely doesn't realise how much of a unit he is
As such, he doesn't really mind that you're also clumsy. If you drop things or whatever he doesn't get upset, just helps you pick/clean them up like the sweetheart he is
Also tries to catch you if you trip over (his success rate is improving steadily) but may also fall over in the process so you never really know
He uses his metal manipulation to keep you from getting hurt. If you're in the kitchen and you're about to drop a pot on the ground he catches it before it lands on your feet. Is he really your man if he doesn't use supernatural abilities to keep you from dropping shit
Pretty much every room in the house is stocked with bandaids just in case. You guys almost always have tons of matching ones, along with bruises and random little sores that you have no memory of attaining
Again, if you're the type of person who swears when you stub your toe, the absolute horrific vulgar language that comes out of Tachihara's mouth when he stubs his toe puts you to SHAME
You're as equally concerned for his wellbeing as he is for yours. You both take good care of each other's physical health where you can
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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cult-of-the-eye · 6 months
Jon is abed nadir
How much different is film making and an entrenched need to See and Know everything really?
Vaguely off putting
Gets bitches when he wants to
Listen abed is just college Jon, back when he was less traumatised
Evil abed would be Jon in like S4/5 I guess
Does that make Martin Troy Barnes????
It doesn't quite work cause Martin is neither athletic, nor a himbo and Troy wouldn't know how to use a kettle
I don't know
(well pan technically but comes off as A Gay Man)
Tell me that when the jig is up and he's like ah caught them might as well enjoy tormenting them while I can, he wouldn't be a fucking nightmare boss dressing up in costumes
He'd be like how's my favourite archival team?????????
Low key evil and high key manipulative
But super pathetic in the end
Oh my god guys I'm so right
Sasha I think would be Britta
I know Britta was made fun of a lot for her feminist views and stuff but obviously nowadays those views are more accepted
She's got the same level of fierce determination and love for everyone around her, even if she doesn't go about it right
She would totally hack into somewhere if she could
Yeah it makes sense...sort of
Wait would Peter Lukas be pierce???
Old racist white man
Homophobic gay
Has a dynasty
Tim could be Jeff I could maybe see that
That one time where Jeff just
Wait wait wait this makes a bit more sense
Cause Jeff cons his way into becoming a lawyer
He has huge imposter syndrome, he's faking it all
Just like Jon is
Except he's doing a better job
So imagine Jon if he had major daddy issues and a bit more charisma
They have the same level of not chill but desperately trying to cover it up
Like that one episode where pierce tries to find his dad
And he freaks the fuck out
That's such a Jon coded freaking out
He literally tears a magazine in half and then shrieks into mid air
YESSSSSSSSSSS ugh I'm such a genius
Also Jon and Elias relationship mirrors the deans and jeffs
Like the homoerotic favouritism guys
How the dean blackmails Jeff into doing karaoke with him OH MY GOD.
He only difference is the faked confidence and charisma, Jeff does it better
Oh my god wait is daisy fucking CHANG????
Chang once chased a monkey through a vent
The hunt vibes
Or maybe chang is michael
They're both completely and utterly nonsensical
Just sort of appears and everyone is worse for it
Makes everyone's head hurt
I'm 10000% certain Chang has stabbed someone before and would do it again
Yeah that man is the most avatar of the spiral I've ever seen
Basira could be the sane security guard
Georgie is that one girl in season 6, the one who used to be a IT person
Melanie would be Annie I think, she's definitely murderous enough
This has GRIPPED me and will not let go.
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alienguts · 1 year
Fluff Alphabet (Ash Williams x GN!Reader)
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Warnings: None
A/N: I haven't really had the energy to put out full fics lately thanks to the good old menty I, and now I have a cold again.
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Ash loves every single part of you; you're the most beautiful, hottest thing he's ever seen in his entire life. He has his days when he acts as if you hung the moon.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Absolutely not. Ash's 'lifestyle' doesn't lend itself to children, it's just way too dangerous. If something happened and you ended up with a child in your lives, he may soften up to the idea of having a family.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Ash will cuddle any way possible and as much as he can. He likes being able to stand behind you with his arms around your waist, sitting on the sofa together, lying in bed, sharing a bath. He'll take any chance he can to be close to you.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Ash isn't a rich man so dates are often very simple. You have your favourite spots around town to go to, such as bars and diners, and they're often very cheap places. He wishes he could take you to more extravagant places, but he knows you don't mind that much.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
Ash's pet names are often very corny so when he breaks out the 'love of my life' stuff you know he's being sincere. Words aren't always easy for him.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Ash isn't the best at recognising his feelings, but he does know when he likes someone. Love is a little more difficult for him. He was in denial for a little bit, but once he gave in he was happy he did.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Ash is dumb and loud, and absolutely a himbo. He never wants to do anything to hurt you or upset you, but he does have a habit of running his mouth. If he does upset you, he'll immediately try to make it up to you.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Considering that Ash only has one hand, he does like to hold yours. There have been moments when he hasn't been wearing his fake hand and you've grabbed his wrist, but he's never offended by it. It makes him feel better about having lost his hand.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
Unfortunately for some, Ash is a man who is ruled by his impulses. As soon as he saw you, he knew he had to have you.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Ash likes the say that he doesn't get jealous, but he absolutely does. He has no problems with you talking to other people (and it would be a massive red flag if he did have a problem with it), but if someone tries to get handsy with you, you can expect him to start hovering.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Ash loves to kiss you and, naturally, he's very good at it. He knows exactly how you like to be kissed and how to lead you into it.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Words don't come easy for Ash, so you're more likely to say it first. He wants to say it, but his brain and his mouth aren't always connected.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
As painful as it was, Ash will always remember the first time he opened up to you about what happened at the cabin. He hates talking about it and tries to bury his feelings, but being able to tell you about it was liberating for him.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Ash would love to spoil you, but he doesn't have the money to do it. Even if you tell him that he doesn't need to buy you things, he still wants to. He'd save all of his salary to be able to get you something nice.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Warm colours like pink and red remind Ash of you. Sometimes he looks at the sunset on his way out of work and thinks that you would like seeing it.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Pick a pet name, any pet name because Ash will have called you that. His most often used one is 'baby', but he does break out an occasional 'kid', which is pretty cute.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Ash still loves his vinyl records and he's unlikely to give them up, no matter how un-stylish they become later on in the decade, or how expensive they end up being.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
The weather doesn't really bother Ash too much, especially if it's just a little drizzle. He'll just get you both dressed up in raincoats and boats to do whatever you were going to do in the first place. If it's torrential rain or a blizzard, you'll just stay at home instead.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Ash isn't very good at cheering himself up, but he's the best at cheering you up. He's always ready with hugs and reassuring words and would give you anything you wanted if it helped.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
When he was first flirting with you, Ash would talk about himself a lot. But not in an earnest or endearing way, more like trying to make himself seem like the coolest guy in the room when he's actually a dork.
He's more of a listener now, but he will tell you things about his friends from the past every now and then.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Ash has absolutely zero qualms with giving in to his most base desires when he needs to relax. His time-tested way of chilling out is to break out some weed. And, yes, he'll share with you if you ask nicely.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Ash doesn't show off a lot, but he's pretty proud of his chest and he likes that you like it. He doesn't work out as often as he should, but he always makes sure to keep it in good condition for you.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
You'll have been together for a long time before Ash proposes. He needed a lot of thinking to make up his mind and be 100% sure that this is what he wanted to do. He wanted his proposal to be extravagant and romantic but he doesn't have the money for that so he settles on getting the best ring he can afford and taking you out to one of your favourite date spots.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Ash is a classic and hard rock kind of guy and he finds it hard to pin down what his favourites are. He likes whatever sounds good to get stoned to.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Ash would like to get married because it's part of a fantasy of having a 'normal' life, but it's not always realistic for someone like him. He'd think about proposing to you for a long time but whether or not he'd do it is up in the air.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Ash claims that he's a dog person, but a dog is too high maintenance for him and a cat would be too. He's more suited to taking care of a goldfish or a lizard.
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Eat Your Feelings
I felt the sudden urge to write about my favourite hungry hungry himbo, and now, here I am.
Warnings: Mentions of Beel wanting to eat MC at the beginning of them knowing each other
Beelzebub was the Avatar of Gluttony, and food was his forte. He was nice for a demon, most would note. Despite his nearly terrifying resting expression and overall stature, Beel was a sweet guy. The swoonworthy captain of the Fangol team, always willing to lend a hand… in exchange for food of course.
One couldn’t spend more than an hour at most around Beelzebub without hearing something about his love for food, be it from the demon himself or from his terrifying stomach growls.
“Don’t eat your feelings, Beelzebub.” Lucifer had told him one bright Friday morning. Everyone was ravenously tearing through breakfast with as much fervour as Beel, excited to start the day in the Celestial Realm.
“What do you mean, Lucifer?” Beel said through a mouthful of food, which caused the eldest to grimace slightly.
“Don’t eat your feelings, it’s a saying.” Lucifer explained. “Don’t eat to try to distract from negative emotions, face them like the soon to be seraph you are.”
Why would I be eating my feelings? Beel briefly wondered before the empty seat that normally belonged to Levi caught his eye. Oh… right…
Levi was off fighting the demons, he had left the previous day…
Beel felt his heart sink upon remembering.
…maybe he could eat his feelings a little more…
Just a little bit more became a mantra Beel repeated to himself, over and over and over, like a cultish chant that echoed off his skull and consumed his thoughts. Just a little bit more wouldn’t hurt… I’m so damn hungry…
Don’t eat your feelings.
Don’t eat your feelings.
It was too late for Lucifer’s advice, as Beel had cleared out the pantry and was rummaging through the cupboards like a man starved.
Just a little bit more…
Lilith was dead and gone.
Belphie wouldn’t talk to him.
Just a little bit more…
Just a bit…
Mammon’s bad habits were spiralling out of control.
Levi wouldn’t leave his room.
He would stop after this bite, just one more-
Asmo had become obsessed with himself and only himself.
The baby wouldn’t stop screaming.
Lucifer was a wreck-
Beel polished off the last of the food in the cubboards, he looked around the kitchen… nothing. He had eaten everything. The cupboards were open and empty, the fridge was picked clean, and yet, there was still a void. A void right in Beel’s chest that refused to fill, a void that screamed for more, for him to give it more.
He was still hungry, and nothing could fill it.
As Beel’s stomach growled again, he could only think of one little thing…
Oh how he wished he could eat his feelings.
Humans were a delicacy in the Devildom for thousands of years until Diavolo decided the practice of eating them was barbaric and banned it.
“We can’t exactly expect the humans to like us while we’re actively eating them, can we? For the betterment of both our worlds, no more eating humans.”
Beel almost openly groaned in sadness when the news broke, but Lucifer gave him a glare so sharp Beel was sure it actually managed to paralyze his vocal cords.
But that didn’t change the fact that humans were amazingly tasty, so when the human exchange student was dropped into the assembly hall, he couldn’t help but begin to drool. They were an average human, like all the rest, but Beel had developed a craving, and it was going to take all his self control to not devour the human on the spot.
The first day, 3:30 pm, Beel was walking home from school, his stomach beginning to rumble. Damn it he needed a snack…
He began to salivate at the thought, mmmmm… there was ice cream mochi in the freezer, maybe he could dig into that-
The frantic shaking of the front gate of the house broke Beel out of his thoughts. There was the human, looking back and forth from the gate that refused to open, to a group of four demons that were running towards them.
Ah, Beel finally saw the issue, the gate was bent at the hinges, Cerberus must have gnawed on it.
As the demons got closer, the human’s attempts to open the gate grew in desperation, they began to ram their shoulder against the metal. With each shriek of the metal, the other demons got closer and closer until-
“Damn it!” One of them cried before turning to their friends and saying: “Beel.”
The others stopped dead in their tracks the moment they noticed that Beel had walked up the sidewalk and was standing a mere five feet from the human, who had only just noticed him.
The human was wide eyed, staring up at him with a mixture of terror and almost… relief? Well, mostly terror.
After a few moments of deafening silence and stillness, the other demons groaned and walked away, mumbling about losing their after-school snack.
The faint rattling of the gate started up again. Beel looked down at the human again to see their hands shaking against the gate, but their stare hadn’t left Beel.
The Avatar of Gluttony’s stomach growled. The human was right there… no one else was around…
Beel’s hand shot out, and the human shrieked, throwing up their hands in a feeble attempt to defend themselves, but… when they realized Beel hadn’t touched them, they looked up again. His hand was clasped around the gate, as he yanked it open. The two were as still as statues, no one dared to move an inch until Beel’s stomach growled again.
“Are you going to go inside?” Beel asked, tilting his head.
The human, mouth slightly agape, slowly nodded, then nodded quickly. “Y-yes. Inside. Right!”
They then scampered through the gate and into the house. Beel’s stomach grumbled again.
…the ice cream mochi better still be in the fridge…
As the days turned into weeks, Beel couldn’t help but feel shame for his craving. The human was nice, they had become friends with Mammon and Levi, two of the most notoriously difficult to get along with of the seven princes of Hell, and the human had no qualms about sharing their food with him.
On one particular Saturday night, Beel heard a shout come from the human’s room, and he couldn’t help but poke his head in to see what was happening.
There on the floor, sitting in front of a TV, was the human, Mammon, and Levi, frantically tapping buttons on their controllers.
“Who the hell picks Rainbow Road for fun?!” Mammon growled as his character fell off the track, which elicited a giggle from the human.
“Me.” Levi said, the edge of his voice tinged with a hiss. “Because I’m not a noob like you.”
“Dumbass!” Mammon said as he slammed his elbow into Levi’s bicep, still keeping focused on the game where he slammed his kart against Levi’s. “I ain’t no noob! I’ve been playin’ racing games with you since the first Mario Kart came out!”
“Don’t fight you two, channel your aggression into the game.” The human said, a sly little smirk appearing on their face. “Because… oops.”
The human rammed their kart against the two of their’s, throwing them both off the track and letting the human take the lead.
“Looks like I’m winning~.”
“Not next round you’re not!” Levi promised as he began frantically trying to catch up.
It was at that moment when Beel felt his heart swell with joy upon seeing his brothers getting along, where he noticed… he wasn’t hungry. Well, the gnawing feeling was still there, it would always be there, but it was just so… tameable. Controllable.
…it was nice.
Sure, he had gotten mad enough at Mammon and the human to destroy the wall that connected the kitchen and their room in a hunger filled rampage, but on that particular day, Beel wasn’t feeling very content.
He had been saving that pudding for pity’s sake! It wasn’t the cheap stuff, either! Maybe that was what had attracted Mammon to it, the fact that the pudding was worth more than what Mammon usually had in his bank account (which was never too much, mind you).
But after spending time with the human, watching how they were willing to throw themselves in front of Lucifer himself in order to protect him and Luke… Beel had begun to feel something else. Something beyond simple contentment or hunger.
It was… it was…
“Butterflies!” Asmo had cried to him one day. The Avatar of Lust threw himself onto one of the living room couches and rested his head against one of Beel’s biceps. “I swear whenever Barbatos gives me that charming butler look I get butterflies…”
“I don’t think Barbatos meant to be charming. He was just looking at you.” Beel replied, stuffing chips into his face.
“Oh you don’t know him like I do, Beel…” Asmo giggled. “That nervous but hopelessly attractive sensation that rumbles in your chest and stomach…”
Oh… so Beel had butterflies in his stomach… that made sense. Pleasant little nervous butterflies.
Every little smile, exchange of looks, friendly word, sent Beel’s butterflies fluttering. But for the first time in a very, very long time, Beel didn’t want to eat these feelings away.
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not-a-cheese-thief · 1 year
The new trailer for Ted Lasso season 3 and all the speculation that goes with it about who may or may not end up coming out (or just being queer) has me going kind of crazy. I’ve been on this hell-site for so many years on and off, I’ve seen all the queer baiting, all the desperate hoping and tricking yourself into the belief that this little thing might be a sign. I hyper-fixate on shows, especially on the queer-coded characters, and I long for good queer representation. I’ve been through all of this longing and hoping before, and I’m just getting so sick of it.
Whenever I talk to a het person about Ted Lasso and its lack of any queer characters, they either say “there’s not any yet, there’s another season still to come,” or “one of them might be gay, you don’t know.” Neither of these things are good enough. Neither sentiment makes me think “Yeah, that’ll probably be good enough.” For one thing, we’re two seasons in. If you’re two seasons into a show that is clearly conscious of some forms of diversity, but can’t manage to acknowledge the existence of queerness beyond a slur that was used in the first two minutes, and the occasional joke (usually used to make a female character seem more sexy/intriguing), then can there really be much hope for real, honest queer representation and storytelling in the third and final season?
Will they really get round to the very important question of how homophobia fits into the the toxic masculinity locker room culture that Ted first walked into, and how that affected and continues to affect the mental health of those within it? Will they really tell this (or any) story from the point of view of a queer person, and with the care and nuance it deserves? They’ve had poc characters from the start, but even their storytelling of these characters has been controversial and from many people’s perspectives, problematic. 
I know the history of queer television, I know why queer coding became a powerful way of telling only the people in the know “hey, I see you”. But we’ve moved beyond that, and in a TV show like Ted Lasso, where it so clearly aims to  tell a diverse range of stories, from an accepting and curious point of view, the lack of actual, truely represented, honest queerness is jarring. I’m sick of being presented with crumbs, with jokes that anyone who’s not queer wouldn’t even notice, and being treated like it’s a gift.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Ted Lasso, I love all my Richmond himbos and my darling Keeley. I’ll watch season 3 and I’ll obsess. I’ll keep all my little headcanons. But I just can’t stand all this trying to trick myself into believing we’ll actually get a queer storyline, especially not for a main character. I’ve been there before and it hurts. We deserve better. So I’m including a little list, for the darlings who have actually read this whole post, of my current fav shows with actual queer characters and stories, so that while we deal with all this Ted Lasso anxiety, we can also have some comfort LGBTQIA+ tv too. Please add your favourites too.
I have to put this first even though it’s not necessarily the gayest, because I think anyone and everyone who watches Ted Lasso should watch Brassic. Joe Gilgun co-created the show and stars as the main character Vinnie, and while his diagnosis has changed since the show’s beginning (he’s now discovered he has bpd, not bipolar) the show’s depiction of Vinnie as man living with bipolar disorder is phenomenal. As is the way it introduces and tells the stories of its queer characters; most notably Ash, a gay man from a traditional Irish traveller family, who has my heart (but actually there are very few main characters who I'm convinced are really, totally straight). 
There's a moment in the show when Vinnie encounters some ‘casual’ homophobia, and even though he’s not with anyone queer, even though he doesn’t know the person who said it, and he’s got shit he really has to get on with, he has to call it out. It’s a little moment, in a show with a lot more very gay scenes and storylines, but it’s the kind of thing that just feels so important. Brassic is chaotic and crude and probably too much for a lot of people, but it’s loving too. 
9-1-1: Lone Star:
This one might not be the same high quality television as the others; it’s a first responder drama that tends towards the soapy, but god, I love it. I love the way they write their queer characters, I love the way they write the friendships between them, and the ways that most of the characters are some kind of minority and use their shared experiences of being marginalised and discriminated against to support and be there for each other. 
It's also worth noting that Brian Michael Smith, who plays Paul, a trans man, is the first black trans man to be a series regular on American tv, and that queer actors Ronen Rubinstein and Rafael Silva, who play lovers on the show, were recently on the cover of Out magazine, and are both activists in the queer community. 
It’s so wonderfully, beautifully queer. It’s a scifi, made by the Wachowski sisters, that’s a kind of love letter to the LGBT+ community. I don't think any of the main characters are meant to be straight, it’s all so very, very queer. Please do watch it, just, not with your mum you know.
Our Flag Means Death:
Gay pirates. Non-binary pirates. New Zealand accents on characters that are definitely not meant to be from New Zealand. What more could you want?
Vico Ortiz, who is non-binary, apparently cried when they read the script because the writers (three of whom are also non-binary) had taken such care to create space for the non-binary character, Jim. You can honestly feel that care when watching the show.
The Last of Us:
I’m sorry. I’m not a gamer and don’t know anything about the game, but every time I yell at my gamer friend who made me watch the show for making me watch it, they just laugh knowingly and say it's only getting worse. So I’m sorry, but yeah, you should still watch it. 
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makima-s-most-smile · 10 months
Trigun Maximum 7.2
Outside is a nice thunderstorm. There was a lightningstrike up close that was so strong I felt it rumble in the ground. *happy lizard* Sadly, I cannot stand outside to get peltered by those thicc, heavy raindrops. *somethingsomethingbeingasaneperson*
Much babble, but hopefully less heavy than the last post.
04: Bastards and the blues
What a title…
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Considering where Wolfwood comes from… cynicism is a coping mechanism… He doesn’t hit the nail on the head, but at least he cares about Vash, he tries to egg him on to talk about it. Not that Vash would ever take him up on it…
I just like this panel of Wolfwood. He looks so roughed up. Cutie.
Others have already talked about Vash. But how is Wolfwood coping? He is like so often all about Vash, but what about him and his needs? He got massively hurt in the fight with Midvalley, got fried by Vash’ power, tried to at least get Meryl&Milly out, because he himself can’t. His orphanage is still at stake. And he, like Vash, does not open up and takes it all upon himself. But unlike Vash, whose end goal is vaguely saving all of humanity from Knives, his goal is so much clearer but is absolutely dependent on Vash. Who is like this… And not a help at all.
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Vash and Wolfwood vibes. The upbeat idiot and his himbo follower.
What can I say but mob mentality, again? These are humanity's worst. How can people be so feral about killing an innocent and then turn around calling Vash a monster? Hypocrisy at work. Seeing this and still keeping onto his goal of saving everyone… 
Vash feels different here. This is Vash staying peaceful out of spite. He is hurt, he is at a loss, but he is unable to stray from his ideals. This Vash may even feel like he agrees with Knives, though he knows better than to act upon it. It would help talking about it with someone… Like that weird priest with the portable confessionary. I am sure you get a discount.
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Correction, the guy is Vash with more selfworth and less selfhate. Vash just puts himself down and suffocates any talk about himself. This guy really wanted to get to know Vash as a person. But Vash denies him that. Sure, he answers truthfully, but it drowns the conversation. Vash does it intentionally. And that guy zooms in on why.
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I love how soft Wolfwood looks in these panels. With “Double Team” this chapter is one of my favourites, just for the expressions. But he also looks like he is about to break down, too. But he is all about Vash.
While Vash is basically coping with alcohol, Wolfwood is swallowing his guilt and pain about his mission coming to an end soon, and the situation he will lead Vash into. I feel so much more for Wolfwood here.
Vash is coping badly and denying any help and closeness, most likely also due to the aftermath of dragon’s nest district and Colnago. He was shunned for what he is. But at the same time, he has people at his side and Vash doesn’t seem to value them. That is new people, like the two outsiders who make their living at the edge of society and known people, like Wolfwood. And I am starting to grow more and more miffed at Vash for that. Vash is so much about his difference from humans that he is unable to see the humans that reach out to him, that want him at their side. But he seems only aware of those that don’t. Talk about Vash ignoring what he preaches.
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Vash doesn’t appreciate or understand the meaning this little place has, he is too occupied with drinking away his pain. But Wolfwood does and he looks extremely grateful. Grateful enough that he chooses to let down his mask a bit and relax. And I am emotional about this. Vash is lonely in company, while Wolfwood is truly sidelined, truly the caretaker and truly alone with all the responsibility. But at least the old lady gives him some kind of respite. Heck, I am grateful for the old lady, too! I love her. Bartenders can truly be angels.
Vash is at a lowpoint. His true regret and depression shines through. One-eye is the same. Granny’s summary puts One-eye and Vash both on the same level. I take back my words that he has less self hatred than Vash. They are the same, they mirror each other. Both are outsiders with regrets about the past that are shunned again and again by society. But they keep on trying.
Forgetting your hurt and moving on… But in the end coming back to the same coping mechanism called alcohol. I do not truly agree, but I don’t think I truly get what One-Eye is saying, either. It sounds like the depressed kind of nihilism. But I think he gets Vash’ feeling of loneliness and hopelessness. That he will always return to being alone. It’s just that… I don’t think Vash is truly alone. Home, Meryl, Milly, Brandon, Wolfwood… those people know him and they stayed. (Okay, Meryl needs a break, but that does not mean she is gone forever).
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First, panels! I love how Wolfwood is positioned here. Like cerberus at the gates of hell, he stands at the entrance of the bar, shining from behind. He guides Vash to his fate.
Secondly, other things about the page. Vash feels Knives doing his pissing contest in the sky and runs out. But I think, this question here means so much more than that. It is Vash reassuring himself that Wolfwood is not there for Vash, but there against Vash. That the friendship they have is fake and that he is truly lonely. That even the person that stayed truest at his side isn’t there for him. In his depression Vash does not see Wolfwood for who he is. He can’t. 
His question is there to hurt himself. Vash is coming more and more undone. He looks for reasons to affirm his bitter feelings towards humanity. And the affirmation that Wolfwood is his enemy is enough that his control over himself slips.
And Wolfwood is honest as always. I wanna slap him for the: “I told ya from the start…” He is not completely wrong, but fucking eurythmics is really not the way to spell that out! But Wolfwood did not hide this, not really. And I have to give him credit for that. Lying wouldn’t make anything easier, it would make things worse. At least like this Vash is able to act with full knowledge. And he looks so pained. 
I wish both would say more. I wish they would clear the air between them. I wish Wolfwood could tell Vash that he is on his side, even if he started out as Knives’ minion. I wish Vash would ask Wolfwood for more. Because Vash knows Wolfwood, he knows his priorities. And helping a genocidal maniac does not agree with him trying to protect an orphanage. We know that Vash is able to put two and two together. But Wolfwood sees himself as a burden and cannot step out of his stoic position and Vash never learned to communicate feelings.
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Tearing down all the satellites is an intelligent move. Now the human settlements cannot share information easily and thus the human population is split into smaller groups that are thus easier to eradicate.
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“This”? This as in that his brother is decaying? And he is the cause for it? That he know feels like a gun is pointed at his chest and he needs to act now before his brother uses up all his power?
Elendira is so sure that she will die in the fallout of Knives’ tantrum. And that is sad. She doesn’t budge, though. She will stay at his side. Did she hope to stay til the end with Knives? Why? She likes non”-suicidal men”. Does she like Knives? It doesn’t look like infatuation. I still think of her as a nihilist. But now the whole “making smores while the world burns”-feeling is gone. She looks sad. I wanna know more about her! D;
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It feels by stressing that he will remember their shared time together, Vash disagrees with One-Eye. Be it with everything One-Eye said or just with parts of it, like ending up alone again. If that is what Vash disagrees with especially, then it would mean that Vash knows that Wolfwood is on his side despite being his guide, that he is not alone. Which would mean he at least starts to get out of his crunch and start to appreciate his companions again. Yay?
05: Late arrival to the end of the world
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LIAR! Sorry, but that is such a big lie. Vash is only ready for this, because he has no other choice. Knives forces Vash’ hands. Vash is so much about avoidance!
But saying that would mean he would open up to Wolfwood, who is visibly worried about Vash. And we cannot have that! Others caring for him.
And as “prepared” as Vash is, just the presence of his brother’s aura makes his skin literally crawl.
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Wolfwood is the same. He puts his own needs and pain on the backburner so Vash can do his best. He wants Vash to succeed. And we can’t have Vash being distracted just because Wolfwood just had a death vision.
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How about both are careful?
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And still, being warned and all, Wolfwood doesn’t want to leave Vash. He is ready to run after him to help him in any way against his brother. Until Elendira reminds him that he cannot.
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I love the double misdirection. We as readers are led to think that it is Elendira he will fight for Vash, but NOPE, it is Double Fang and Tripunisher of death. And at the same time in the story, Wolfwood avoids lying to Elendira, he avoids telling her where his loyalties lie.
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Only Elendira brings a BOW to a gunfight. And she wins!
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So, who caused the death aura? Was it from the old arsehole or from double fang? The old arsehole has more reasons to want Wolfwood absolutely dead, with him having been shot by Wolfy.
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What shitty name? Did the old bitch name Wolfwood? The whole name? Is oldie Wolfwood’s old master? He knows his full name and, well, Wolfwood said he put him full of lead. The only EoM we know of that Wolfwood did that to is the true Chapel. Does anyone else know that the wrinklebell is the true chapel?
Elendira’s word is enough to make them stop. No one wants to fight that woman. *swoons*
Also, Wolfwood recognises Double Fang as Livio. How does he do that behind that stupid halfmask and the fucking mop of hair?
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Ah, yes, my favourite. Old churchmen dehumanising children as weapons. Can I kick him? I shove him out of his wheelchair and run away with it. Then I gift it to someone in need. :3c Pwease?
But it says also much about Wolfwood. No wonder Wolfwood has trouble seeing himself as human, as being worthy of softness, when he was used as a weapon and completely dehumanised by his master.
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Elendira’s look. *chef’s kiss* Also, that’s what you do if you accidentally misgender someone, correct yourself and move on.
I love this. Elendira has blind faith in Knives’ capabilities. (Next chapter tells us more). Wolfwood calling her out on it gets rebuffed, but his faith in Vash is not without merit.
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That looks so comfy! (When it is 30°C outside, but you need a blanket to fall asleep.)
06. Conflict
I mean, yeah, this is a conflict.
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Uff, Knives is so very aware that kid Vash shared his opinion. He is not without reason to assume that current Vash may agree, too. But Knives also ignores that Vash has met so many good humans. And that he himself is kinda part of the reasons the humans are exploiting their sisters. 
Knives only sees his way of thinking, for the worse. He is unable to empathise with others’ experiences. He even uses the idea of Tesla to give his hate more credibility. Tesla would agree, wouldn’t she? We don’t know, but more importantly the twins do not know. Tesla had no agency when the humans tortured her and now her memory itself gets distorted and abused. She truly has no voice.
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Knives is literally breaking apart. He cannot really contain his sisters’ energy. His fear and anger is destroying himself.
Well, you just met your crazy brother after 2.5 years and he just told you he is the reason you are dying. Btw… you’re dying. Now fight!
Back to taking any agency from Vash again. Knives is the reason why Vash has started decaying. Without Knives, Vash would never have been able to activate his angel arm. He would never have lost control in July and then in Jeneora Rock. Knives’ hate bleeds his brother dry. If Knives just stopped now, Vash still had much time left. He wouldn’t have to use his power. He only uses his power because of Knives. But Knives is unable to even think of that. Everything is about humans, if humanity wasn’t Knives wouldn’t be forced to act and thus he is not responsible for his actions, humanity is. 
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Legato feels something that no one else does. And he shall join his master one little hop at a time!
I just love the sass Elendira gives him. I’d dislike him, too, as a coworker. Nothing about him is sane, but the boss likes him, so you gotta swallow your dislike.
I just love Elendira with Wolfwood. I love her sass and how Wolfwood is like totally apathetic towards it. 
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Not untrue, but look at that… Vash is leaving a blood lake because of you, Knives. Are you truly better? So many of Vash’ scars, mental and physical, are a direct result of Knives’ action. But how can you get that into his head? He twisted his mind into such loops, that his actions seem justified for him. Behind all that, he is scared for himself. The safety of his brother is just a sign for himself that he himself is safe. So he has to bring Vash onto his side and save him from himself. At all costs. Even if that would mean tearing him apart limb from limb, breaking his mind, maybe even absorbing him. Vash is not a person for Knives. Vash is a trophy-
Vash’ counter idea is… not the best… It is silly and naive. I understand that Knives is a bit frustrated at that. If you had a century’s time to find a solution and it is such a silly one… I’d be angry, too. Imagine doing a fucking murder game to show your brother the light and he says: We can just run away :3 
Interestingly, neither of them can imagine that they could settle down somewhere and live in peace. Even Vash thinks that they will need to run away and need to try again and again. (Not like he could settle down in fucking HOME?!?!)
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Vash breaks through Knives armour, but in the end it only hurts his sisters that have been absorbed. Which is telling, Knives hides behind the sisters that he protects. But in the end they are means to an end.
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Creepy Legato is creepy. He gets more and more unhinged. I have no words. No, seriously, this panel fucking scared me. It really does.
I want so much more of those two being disturbed by Legato. I love them.
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And in the end it comes to this. Knives being so unable to see Vash as his own individual with his own faults and reasons that he tries to take the rest of his agency and autonomy. Vash is just a trophy. Knives just needs to have him, he doesn’t need the person.
Vash uses suck…
Back to the former chapter... Elendira's reality is shown as blind faith. She was a big benchmark for us readers to see how things are going, but we realise now that she has been wrong. Things could still turn, Knives is not as powerful as he seems. He swallowed all his sisters and, still, if Legato hadn't intervened... We would get a happy ending.
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Is Knives that unable to read people that he doesn’t see how fucking done Legato is? I wouldn’t trust him to take care of a grape! Much less my so important brother whose continued existence was the reason I did a murder game!
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So, Wolfwood did not jump the ark? He stayed while it got off the ground? So, he is with Vash the whole time?
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sergeifyodorov · 11 months
calle, mikko and eichel for the send me a character ask thing >:)
hehehe taylorrrr <33
i confess im terrible at remembering my first impressions so thats gonna be the least filled out part but lets get INTO it
Cale: “Everyone has been talking about this man’s rosy cheeks and -- wow, he really does have rosy cheeks”
Mikko: [vague absorption of names you hear when you’re watching a game but you don’t know what’s going on][oh yeah that mikko rantanen guy is an av]
Eichel: “The guy who’s kind of bitchy”/ lbr it was mceichel slashfic
Cale: Sweet little rosy-cheeked milkmaid of a babygirl. That hair looks like a baby bird. Dude is a nerd, and probably going to be the Avs’ next captain. That Conn Smythe run was memorable as hell, and I’ll always remember him as a playoff performer, even though the Avs are literally all hurt. Except Mikko.
Mikko: HART 2023 WINNER IN MY MIND. For some reason to me (ngl, my opinion on the Avs is “favourable but I don’t think about them”) he is the only Av who played the whole season -- he carried the entire fucking team through that early-season hell where everyone was really really hurt, as opposed to only mostly hurt like they were in the back half (plus Natemac was back). All this has cemented to me that he is an underappreciated big beautiful blonde moose of a man. Great tits as well if i have to be honest.
Eichel: My bitch wife. Mad respect for being apparently the only hockey out there who knows how to take care of his body (i see u going right down the tunnel when somethings wrong instead of trying to tough it out on the bench. Yesssssss). Robbed of the Smythe. People keep trying to say that he’s not better than McDavid -- this is obvious, but that’s not the point! Also I think it’s funny that that attitude (read: self-respect) has caused people (sabres fans) to note him as a locker-room cancer. It turned out that it made him a playoff performer instead. Not that I want VGK to win more Cups (for purely petty reasons, namely that my leafies should win out), but I do look forward to seeing him tear up the playoffs from here to kingdom come. Also, he’s not objectively handsome but i want him carnally.
Cale: Just watching him skate/man the power-play. His edges are gorgeous, he’s really in the top tier of pure skaters out there. Also the Stroopwaffel Incident
Mikko: Hm. Probably that one media where they had Avs do the heart hand thing and he didn’t understand it? Himbo supreme. Just so large, and so beefy, and so stupid
Eichel: Do I really have to say it?
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Cale: He is the barmaid that the cowboy (natemac?) sees when he enters the mysterious Old West town’s saloon for the first time. He’s got this sort of quiet demeanour that everyone knows not to mess with, because he’s smart as a whip and he’ll get you if you don’t know what’s good for you. Maybe it turns out he’s also the rival gunslinger and we can have this Dark Cale against nate. (and then they kiss)
Mikko: Equal parts romcom boyfriend and werewolfcore. Werewolf boyfriend. I’m sure there are no paranormal romances with a plot that can be established in this manner
Eichel: I’m still on the mceichel train I prommy but I admit the eichel section in scheherazade was really quite fun… I’d like to stay a little bit in that universe, only not plunking auston in just having him already be there. The eichelston teammates to ex-teammates to teammates again to lovers. They could be gossipy haters together. They could kiss under the moonlight. 
Cale: I think this new failgirl era (questionable concussion treatment) is a dangerous trajectory for him. We’ve already seen many, many NHLers with promising careers interrupted or cut short by concussion mismanagement, and Cale is one of the best and brightest of the younger generation. I’d hate to see him go down the path of someone like Kariya.
Eichel: I’m not sure if eichelthirsting is unpopular or not (or if any of my opinions are unpopular really), but that is what i’m going to say. I saw pictures of him post-Cup with his shorts rolled up all the way and that leg exposed to get the Cup tattoo, and. Awooga. 
Cale: Cale x a good nights sleep, cale x stroopwaffel. I think natecale is probably a pleasing one, just because they’re both Canadian Weirdguys, but i’m going to be honest I haven’t read many Cale fics. (Yes, to anyone who might b reading, this IS an opportunity to drop your fic recs in here. Id love em)
Mikko: Arsirane, I don’t have time for messing around
Eichel: McEichel, just because of that juicy juicy Narrative. They don’t have any personal beef with each other, but if you lock them in a room I bet they’d complain to one another so much about the media that they’d start spontaneously kissing. 
Cale: ex-emo kid. We’ve all seen that one photo of him with the bad black hair dye job, whether it’s real or not. I would just like to state that I also believe he can bust out I Write Sins Not Tragedies on the karaoke machine if he is JUST this side of drunk and horny enough.
Mikko: Reportedly funny, but probably the kind of funny where about half the time he doesn’t realize that what he’s said is hilarious, but everyone else laughs at it anyway (he doesn’t mind this. It’s a point of pride)
Eichel: im gonna vote him Most Likely To Kiss His Teammates Platonically On The Mouth 2k23
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elinciarune · 5 months
So I have been slowly but surely playing variable barricade and have been able to finish the common route and Nayuta’s route after a couple of months, and now I want to write everything in my mind before moving on completely to Shion XD
Possible spoilers ahead 🙈
To sum it up, I have been enjoying this game so much, it is really shaping up to be my favourite otome game! (Sorry Hakuouki you are still special and dear to me, but yeah, I’m being objective here XD)
At first, I was wary and kept my expectations low because the reviews were quite mixed. And I was entering the game assuming it is pure romantic comedy. I won’t lie at the first couple of chapters, the more slice of life-y tone that has some comedy sprinkled left me waiting for the rom-com to kick in Ouran-style, but the moment I appreciated and drilled in the idea that this game is indeed more of a slice of life, character-study kind of story, I immediately started enjoying the common route immensely!
The dialogue is top-notch, the character interactions are so good, and the characters themselves are multi-faceted and feel so real in a good way.
The common route was enjoyable from start to finish, every sentence and piece of dialogue I enjoyed.
Of course, Hibari herself has a huge role to play in this. She was thrusted in a very extreme and difficult situation from her point of view, so every thing she has said or done (including her ‘bratty’ attitude) totally makes sense and perfectly portray a 17 yr old teenager.
Plus she’s cute, really really cute, protect my baby at all cost 😤
So yeah overall I have been hooked😆🤝
Now for Nayuta’s route, I like genki, himbo guys so was looking forward to his route, and it perfectly delivered. I like how in the beginning, Hibari, as a way to work upon making sense of her choice of him, creates this scenario of him being her guardian and acts like a typical teenage girl who falls in love, and despite this shattering because of how oblivious and one track minded he is, her pursuing of him actually caused a huge ripple in his very straightforward simplistic world, where he sets on one thing and clings unto achieving it despite everything else.
That gets me to the fact that he was described as ‘selfish’. Which was a really interesting way to describe him. And yeah that one track mindedness of his and straightforwardness makes him put his own desires first and foremost and in a way he is ‘selfish’. But interestingly, as I said, the ripple caused by Hibari led to him gradually maturing in a way that uses such straightforward and ‘selfish’ thinking in a way that is more balanced.
In fact, I think him being ‘selfish’ is not bad at all! It means that his desires, when being directed towards becoming better and to also be and support those whom he loves, is actually much more better than a ‘selfless’ person who might put societies needs above theirs and would consequently get hurt or even hurt those around them.
So as his route progresses, I liked how he gradually started cherishing Hibari as someone dear to him for personal reasons, not idealistic ones, and he redirected his guardian skills in a way that made him perceptive of Hibari’s needs and compared to the beginning of the route, he became much more understanding.
By the end, the same one track mindedness that is an inherent part of his personality as well as the ‘selfishness’ became the drive for him to fulfil his desire to help Hibari and to be with her.
So 10/10 XD
Now to continue Shion 🤌
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thepurplewombat · 5 months
Ship ask game: XiYao and RuYao (wrh/my)
Ship it!
What made you ship it? Well, the onscreen chemistry didn't hurt, but honestly when I finished MDZS I just felt really bad for LXC, even though at that point I wasn't actively shipping him with anyone. But I felt really bad for him, and started looking for fics where he has a happy ending. For SOME REASON, it turns out that fics where LXC have a happy ending, tend to be Xiyao fics! And so I fell in love with JGY as well, and started shipping it.
What are your favourite things about the ship? I love how they're so in tune with each other. They just vibe, you know?
Is there an unpopular opinion I have on the ship? I don't know, I really don't know...I guess in the context of the broader fandom 'Xiyao isn't abusive and LXC isn't some airheaded himbo who has no idea what kind of Nefarious Shit JGY was up to' is an unpopular opinion, but I can't really think of anything that would be unpopular within the, you know, xiyao ghetto of fandom.
Don't ship it...?? maybe? idk
Why don’t you ship it? I just don't see it. For me, ruyao has got weird incest vibes, maybe because Wen Ruohan treated Meng Yao better than his shitheel father (or almost anyone else in the jianghu) ever did. I do love reading about the two of them, but not in a romantic sense. Although I could probably be convinced, but then again...where's Lan Xichen while all this is going on? Because as I've said elsewhere, a Jin Guangyao who isn't utterly captivated by Lan Xichen is a JGY I don't know what to do with.
What would have made you like it? if Wen RuoHan was Lan Xichen? haha no, i don't know. Maybe if it's like an arranged marriage thing where JGS sells him off, I could see it working? But the problem is that JGY is always in love with LXC, so what happens there?
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? Wen RuoHan treated Meng Yao better than almost anyone else in the jianghu. I have no doubt that with the application of only a small amount of Wiles, Meng Yao could have become Wen-furen and ruled at Wen RuoHan's side, and he would have been happy, and WRH would have reformed his murdering ways, and the jianghu would never have been so well-run.
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hamartia-grander · 1 year
For your character ask: chris, Mia, and leon :)
(Mia and Chris are for you bc I love you and leon is for me bc you love me <3 )
Thank you sars ilyt <333
1. Sexuality headcanon: mans is gay as fuck. A homosexual
2. Otp: Chris x Ethan
3. Brotp: Chris and Jill
4. Notp: idk nothing really I guess. I mean I don’t ship him with like Jill or Wesker but nothing I hate
5. First headcanon that pops into my head: gay himbo (canon)
6. Favourite line from this character: This is a hard one. One of my favourites is "Trust is built through actions, not words" from Revelations. Also anything dumb he’s ever said
7. One way in which I relate to this character: he is stupid and gay and also cares a lot
8. Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: anything dumb he’s ever said
9. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave: cinnamon roll (real)
1. Sexuality headcanon: straight, bi-curious
2. Otp: Mia x Ethan <3
3. Brotp: Mia and Chris
4. Notp: Mia x Mother Miranda. Mia deserves way better
5. First headcanon that pops into my head: she’s trans and so is Ethan
6. Favourite line from this character: She unfortunately never had many lines but I love how she yells “that fucking HURT” gives me gay little chills every time
7. One way in which I relate to this character: She would do anything to protect her family
8. Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: nothing. Just the fandom itself
9. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave: she wouldn’t be a problematic fave if she was a man I’ll tell you that. She’s a cinnamon roll in reality
1. Sexuality headcanon: bisexual but only RE6 and later, before that he’s homophobic 
2. Otp: Leon x a kick in the head
3. Brotp: Chris and Leon
4. Notp: Claire and Leon (she is a lesbian)
5. First headcanon that pops into my head: He unironically enjoys Weezer
6. Favourite line from this character: the bingo line I guess
7. One way in which I relate to this character: We are both in love with Ada
8. Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: All of RE4 lmao
9. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave: He’s YOUR problematic fave smh my head
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spreadssheets · 2 years
Queer Characters of Marvel Reading Guide #5: Akihiro | Dark Wolverine | Daken
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OK. For my more sensitive folks, let me start this one out with a CONTENT WARNING. Daken is not for the faint of heart. A lot of his relationships, including the queer ones, could be interpreted as toxic. So if you're not into heavy stories full of violence, child abuse, hurt/comfort, and maladaptive coping mechanisms, skip this one. There is also implied sexual abuse of a child. So, please take care of yourselves around your content no-nos.
THAT SAID. I absolutely LOVED every SECOND of Daken's guide. From start to finish it took me 2 weeks to read about 300 comics for him and holy shit he is worth it.
Daken or Akihiro, both names he's called interchangeably at this point, is the biological son of Logan (Wolverine) and Itsu. His mother was murdered by the Winter Soldier (while he was under mind control) and he was then taken out of his mother by Romulus, the "father figure" (gross gross gross) Daken would have for the next several decades of his life.
Of all the guides I've done. I think Daken is BY far my favourite. I immediately loved him. From the second he steps on the page until the very last comic I've read for him. He is everything to me. (With the exception of Leah Williams's run in X-Factor, but whatever, i still love him).
Okay, I'm gonna stop singing my meow meow's (who has committed multiple atrocities) praises and get into What Y'all Should Read (so you can love him as much as I do).
At A Glance:
Notable Series (For Queer Content):
Wolverine Origins (2006) #5-15
Dark Wolverine (2009) #75-77
Wolverine Origins (2006) #30-36, #47-48
Dark Wolverine (2009} #86-90
Daken: Dark Wolverine (2010) #1-7
X-23 (2010) #8
Daken: Dark Wolverine (2010) #8
X-23 (2010) #9
Daken: Dark Wolverine (2010) #9-20
Iceman (2017) #4, #8-10
Marvel's Voices: Pride (2021) #1: "Man Of His Dreams"
X-Factor (2020) #1-10*
Marauders Annual (2022) #1
Marauders (2022) #1-5
Notable Series (For Sibling Bonding):
Daken: Dark Wolverine (2010) #1-7
X-23 (2010) #8
Daken: Dark Wolverine (2010) #8
X-23 (2010) #9
All-New Wolverine (2015) 25-30
Hunt for Wolverine: Claws of a Killer (2018) #1-4
*X-Factor (2020) features a VERY OOC version of Daken written by Leah Williams. I only included it on this list because it has its moments and it contains context for the MUCH better Marauders (2022). Future talls: Marauders sucks now too, but they had a pretty decent first 5. I just wish people would stop making Daken a himbo when he's not a himbo.
The Full Guide:
Main View
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Pretty View
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(Also if y'all want Daken fanfiction recs, hmu I've got some) Previous Queer Character Guides: Angela | Anole | America Chavez | Rikki Barnes
Other Guides: Eternals | Rogue & Gambit Shippers Guide
Next Up: Karolina Dean (Runaways)
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seeyoumondaydevi · 2 years
what are the things you are excited to see for paxton in the new season
So there are a few things I want to see but I doubt if it might happen. 1) Paxton going back to swimming. I don't think he'll immediately go back to how good he was before the accident, I think he might struggle a bit and it could be interesting to watch how he reacts and handles it because he's always been very good at swimming. Maybe his position as the captain of the swim team is at stake because he's missed so much and others have caught up or something.
2) I kinda wanna see how he balances academics and swimming this season, is he gonna loose interest in his classes just bc he can swim again or will he try his best and improve in both areas.
3) In 2x01 Paxton said he wanted to go to ASU bc swimming was good there but then when a scout from Stanford was coming to watch him swim, he wanted to go to Stanford bc swimming was better.. he's made his college choices based on swimming bc he wasn't bothered about his grades/classes and now that he's interested in academics, I wanna see how that would affect his college choices.
4) Less of Paxton keeping his feelings inside please. In 1x10 instead of admitting he's hurt bc Nalini yelled at him sm he went with the "Im cool and she's not" reason. In 2x03 he convinces himself that he and Devi wouldn't work out, they don't make any sense together etc. He ghosts people if he's hurt instead of actually talking about it.
5) I wanna see Nirmala and Paxton scenes, I think it'll be funny. I also wanna see Nalini warming up to Paxton, I still don't think she'll be okay with Devi dating tho.
6) I don't want these moms creeping on him. In season 1, Trent's mom is sliding her hands all over paxton and literally mutters "I wish you could pick me up and throw me with those muscles". In season 2, Fabiola talked about how her mom rear ended a bus after seeing Paxton in grey sweat pants. He's 16. STOP.
7) Fabiola and Paxton scenes.. awkward lesbian and jock himbo is one of my favourite dynamics and I'm getting that this season. Really excited to see the scene Lee and Darren talked about. Even if Daxton isn't "endgame" I really hope they don't stop giving us Fab and Paxton scenes.
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2af-afterdark · 11 months
What are your favourite things to write about? Any tropes, genres, characters, etc?
Oh there are so many~ I love this question
Starting with genres and tropes:
I like platonic things. Just hanging with friends or having mindless fun. I also like snark. People ribbing each other is such a delight and I get to pretend I'm clever when they exchange barbs (in good fun).
I also love writing omegaverse. I know some people aren't into it, but I am. I especially love playing with aspects of the dynamics. ask me about my sapphic omegaverse OCs
I also love soulmate au. I don't publish them a lot, but I love writing small personal stories about soulmates and playing with what it means to actually be someone's soulmate.
If you've read any of my many, many NSFW fics... you may have noticed that I tend to lean into kink more than typical vanilla sex. I admit, I like the power exchange. I crave it. I adore it. I need such a high level of trust.
I also like writing dark content. I wish I was better at it. I love the eerie creeping dread that some other writers can manage. The kind that sends a shiver down your spine and makes you go :0 when the big reveal drops. I wish I could do that. For now, I like what I can do because I've come a long way.
In that same vein... yandere. I love yandere. I love different types of yandere. It's a special kind of comfort food for me. I love writers who can make them sinister, manipulative, and creepy.
As for characters...
My actual skill is in writing secondary and tertiary characters. I've always been better at it. Probably because I get to do whatever I want with them.
I basically only like writing OM Asmodeus as a manipulative diva. I can write him nice, but I'm better at writing him the way I actually view him; horrible. If you're new here, congratulations on learning that I don't like Asmodeus
I love writing for Simeon because he's my hubby 💕 I can play around with him too, since he can be kind, serious, a brat, manipulative, intelligent, silly, out of the loop... he just has so many different traits to play into.
Diavolo is also another person, but I like playing into his more negative aspects; his selfishness, nativity, willfulness to the point of hurting others. I do like him as a himbo too, of course. Depends on the mood.
Malleus can be fun to write too, but he's harder because I avoid the JP fanbase (spoilers and all). That means it's hard to double check stuff I may be forgetting >.> Book 7 has been a nightmare to avoid.
Can't say I have a favorite from WHB quite yet since everything we're doing so far is fanon. Although, the God MC au is wonderful and brings me great joy~ I guess that means I like the angels so far.
I probably forgot something, but that's what comes to mind at the moment.
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ioannemos · 1 year
wow, fun asks. here: 2, 4, 10, 20, 29, 35, 42, 44, 47, 49, 58, 62, 64, 65
wow, lots of questions haha 😁
talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
the only thing that comes to mind atm is actually the reverse of this. a character told me "i'm not doing that," i said "yes you are," and the character said "no i'm not and your story is DEAD now." it's been about a million years since i worked on it so i don't even remember what it was. the fandom was star wars, i remember that much...
what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
i'm not sure, tbh. my foodless bubble city concept has finally been put to use in a fanfic, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe my reverse aladdin plot bunny? had that one for a while. no existential dread bc, like, it's neat, but i'm having fun with other stuff
at what point in the process do you come up with titles, and how easy or hard is that for you?
there must be a title or the story is not written down. period. even if the title is boring or lame or doesn't quite make sense, it Must have a title or it stays in my head
my standards are not high, tho. i'll name it a word in the story's epigraph, a suitable verb/adjective/noun, a phrase from the song that inspired it, etc.
what is your favorite trope to write?
is hurt/comfort a trope?
give us a spoiler for one of your stories.
rodney never recovers
[bc i will wonder later: silence like darkness]
tell us about a character who’s very different than you who you love a whole lot.
jason. thinks books are boring. watches anime. could probably bench press a pick-up truck. works out for fun. enjoys cheap beer and spicy food. could kill you several different ways without even bringing in weaponry other than his body and training but would rather challenge you to dumb stunts like 'who can balance on a chair's two back legs the longest' or. well basically anything in my 'boys will be boys' tag
he is. such a jock. short king. borderline himbo. i love him
describe the aesthetic of a story in 5 words.
exposed, wind, reaching, cowboys, post-apocalypse
[bc i will wonder later: manifest]
any writing advice you want to share?
write what you want, fam. don't worry about being unique or cliche or whether people will like it, or even whether you'll finish it. write for yourself first
what story are you most proud of?
hmm. madonna in orange
do you want to be published some day?
hoo boy. uh. maybe??? idk. it sounds like a lot of work and a lot of time and you have to finish the story... not a realistic dream
what is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were writing it?
don't remember but it was probably how to spell a word, does this word mean what i think it means, or looking up psychosis (again)
what’s the weirdest reason you’ve ever shipped something?
the weirdest one off the top of my head is also probably my weirdest ship, obi-wan/shmi. i started shipping them when i realized they were relatively close in age, had to raise anakin, and never met in canon. it started as, idk, kind of a joke? but now i'm kinda into it
what is your favourite title for a fic you’ve read?
went looking through my bookmarks and ah yes, Nothing Says "Feel Better Soon" Like Grand Theft Larceny (white collar fic)
what is your favourite title for a fic you’ve written?
i am weirdly attached to no such thing as an innocent bystander but i also like manifest, wandering stars, how to be forgiven, the house at the end of the world, laqueus, madonna in orange...
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hacash · 3 years
I would like to say that while I adore all the main characters on Ted Lasso I feel like more recognition needs to be given to one (1) team of himbos and so I’ve compiled a list of my favourite Richmond FC moments:
Colin getting absolutely beaned by the high water pressure in the showers.
Roy’s inability to do impressions.
Sam’s little whimpered ‘oh no’ when Nate roasts him in the pre-game roast.
The unnamed player sitting next to Isaac during the roast who gradually disappears further and further into his hoodie as Nate insults him.
Pretty much the entire roast scene, actually.
‘Honestly, it doesn’t hurt anymore; but everyone was just making such a fuss I thought I’d better stay down.’ (OH SAM)
Isaac throws a chair at a TV, only explanation is ‘Oops, innit?’
‘Dani Rojas Rojas Dani Rojaaaas!!!’
‘Fucking headbutted me. I’m still dizzy half the time; doctors told me not to drink’ *swigs beer*
Isaac on celebrity endorsements: ‘Rolos.’ ‘Sweets and chocolate then?’ ‘No. Just Rolos.’
Richard getting squeakily weepy at giving up his ‘sex-with-my-first-supermodel’ sand. Colin’s very sincere ‘Smile because it happened!’ is the very daft icing on a very daft cake.
Blankie Roy’s blanket story and Isaac’s quacking pen.
Sam asking the names of the photographers at the gala because he’s super polite and was brought up right.
(Pretty much any time Sam Obisanya is a beautiful little beam of sunshine onscreen.)
Colin putting his car keys into the curse-breaking bonfire. ‘...How are you getting home?’
Dani’s celebrity endorsement is joy.
Roy’s very sincere complements whenever anyone breaks anything.
‘What you’re telling me is we’ve got 400 ghosts?’ ‘That’s too many ghosts!’ ‘We cannot fight them all.’ (I just want to know how many ghosts Colin and Richard would find acceptable that’s all.)
The fact that any time someone insults Colin we get a shot of him looking utterly confused at what’s gone wrong in his life.
Crying at The Iron Giant.
The fact that the moment when the team turns on Jamie is after he ignored Sam’s injury.
The fact that in almost every group scene Isaac and Colin seem to be the ones hanging out with Nate.
basically I want all them to get even more screentime as a team because I love the fact that this team is sharing literally one braincell and clearly no-one’s passed it to Colin all season
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