#there best case scenario is 5 years max
kryptonian-puppy · 1 year
#I need to put this somewhere#somewhere no one of consequence pays attention#it’s eating me alive trying to keep it together#I didn’t recognise it for what it wa say first and just enjoyed having all the writing energy#but then I went home again and it hit me like a truck#so yeah#my mum is dying#there best case scenario is 5 years max#but her prognosis is very bad#and I heard her mentioning it will be less#I know as a kid you can’t ever fathom your parents no longer being there#and that doesn’t go away when you get older#I’m approaching 30 this year but right now I feel like I’m 12#finding out my dad had cancer for the first time and not knowing what that meant exactly#only know I’m old enough to understand what’s bad#and how bad it is#I’ve known for a while she was having more issues but it’s been such a rough few years I’ve been selfishly wallowing in my own chronic pain#but not too long ago she dropped this on me and I guess I didn’t process it right the first time#but know it feels like my chest has been crushed#she asked me if I would be there with her if she chose to end it before it could get bad#and I said yes#because of course I will#I owe her so much it wasn’t even soemthign to hesistate on#but now my brain has come to terms with how fucked that is#you never see the clock until it starts ticking#so if you happened to get to the end of this#hug someone you love or whatever way you show it to them#and don’t take them for granted#pls don’t interact#I can’t physically speak about this or acknowledge it
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raceweek · 7 months
Drop the podcast bestie! (Please)
it’s the high performance podcast (you have to download their app to get it for free right now but it will be available for free soon on regular platforms) - in case anyone doesn’t want to download the app but wants to know some of the things alex talked about:
- for context he recorded the first part of the podcast initially and talked a lot about his struggles at red bull and what he went through as a teenager and then went back to the podcast hosts and said actually can we do a part two bc i want to talk about how im coping better now
- he says he isolated himself from all of his friends when everything was happening with his mum and he became an introverted person and still carries that introvertedness with him now from going through that time
- alex was told he was promoted to red bull when he went to see helmut in austria to talk about the practicalities of his move to monaco and just as the meeting ended helmut said oh by the way ur in the red bull seat, here’s the number for ur engineer maybe speak to him but also actually u can’t bc the factory is closed for summer but yeah ur going to be announced in about two hours. bye
- he says he didn’t enjoy being a driver in 2020 at all. literally said he was destroyed. he spoke about the pressure and how he deleted his social media due to the incessant mocking but he also felt like even though he had done that he couldn’t avoid it because although he didn’t see it directly he’d just be asked about it on media day every week anyway
- he was asked about what help was offered to him in 2020 when he was struggling and whilst he said the team cared there wasn’t really anything or anyone to help him. alex and his trainer patrick got their own psychologist towards the end of 2020 and then in 2021 when alex was out of the sport he assembled a team of his own who weren’t the most experienced but who he knew cared for him and would fight to the death for him (said he took jacques from red bull to be his manager because he always fought his corner no matter how tough the situation was)
- he was told about being dropped by horner in a meeting at the end of the season but he already knew because it had been posted in the media before they’d even met
- he described 2021 as a really weird time as he needed to boost his stock with red bull and all the other teams but to do that he needed to give as much as he possibly could to improve the car he had just been kicked out of, so when max said at pre season testing that the car was so much more stable it was a strange feeling knowing that that’s what he needed and he wasn’t able to do anything with it
- he compiled a sexy spreadsheet for team principals in the paddock showing that as much as he struggled in 2020 he was on reflection closer to max pace wise than maxs’ current teammate and maxs’ teammate before alex
- when asked to describe where he is now he said he’s happier than he’s ever been. he’s driving better than ever and is mentally in the best headspace he’s ever been in
- he says he comes up with scenarios in his head from the last 4/5 years and as soon as he has a sort of deja vu struggle moment he uses it to show himself he’s overcome that hurdle
- he said the older he gets the more he doesn’t feel the need to write things down the way he used to because he feels more confident in himself
- the best piece of advice he’s ever received is from franz tost who said “alex if there’s one thing you need to learn about formula one it’s don’t give a fuck” and he said he didn’t really understand it until he started struggling and then he realised that he cared too much
- when asked about what advice he would give to teenage alex now he said it’s hard because he isn’t the most confident now and he knows teenage alex wouldn’t listen bc his parents would always try and fill him with confidence so he said he’d try and shake younger him and tell him that it’s true what they’re telling you
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 1 month
A head cannon where Grayson gets kidnapped
grayson gets kidnapped head canons
of course! i'll do it in a similar format as my 'if *insert name* died' posts because i think it makes more sense. wrote this late at night so may be shitty. hope you like them <3.
she'd be one of the people in charge of finding him. she'd be running around looking for clues. she'd think a missing toothbrush was a clue bc she'd be so desperate.
she'd try to keep xander sane because he'd be freaking out in the corner. she'd be patting his head telling him his brother wasn't being forced into selling his suits (his pride and joy) (yes, xander thinks this would happen)
she'd be so anxious she's start biting her nails until they bleed. at the end of the day, she'd end up with bandages around her hands bc of it.
she'd be really impatient with everybody. if they didn't work fast enough for her taste, she's start screaming at them to go faster.
he'd be sad but find it hilarious at the same time bc big old grayson who never makes mistakes got kidnapped
he'd think of it as a game to distract himself from the fact that his brother might be dead in a ditch.
he'd secretly be crying with xander in the corner (he wouldn't let anyone know though)
when they find the guy who kidnapped grayson, he gives him a good beating before they take him to jail. he beats him up so bad, he almost ends up have to pay a fine.
like i said, he'd be crying in the corner thinking of the worst case scenario. he'd be imagining grayson being hung by his balls and would start crying even more.
he'd start saying the craziest shit. the others would try to find clues as to where he is, and xander would just be like what if they're shaving his beautiful hair off to create a rug.
he'd be organizing his funeral before even finding grayson. he'd be crying asking everyone what flowers they think grayson would like best at his funeral.
when they finally find grayson, he'd act like he didn't go through the 5 stages of grief. he'd pretend to be the one who was least affected by all of it.
he'd be the first one in the car heading off to look for him. he wouldn't give a damn about clues.
he'd have to lock himself in a room to have a mini panic attack cause he doesn't want to let anyone see
he'd be taking care of everyone. xander would be hyperventilating in the corner and he'd go sit next to him telling him to breathe with him. gigi would end up fainting and he'd end up splashing water on her etc.
when they finally find grayson, he'd wrestle his ass cause we know damn well grayson got himself kidnapped in someone else's pace.
she'd be the one who's most sane. she would tell everyone to calm down and look at the situation from another angle or smth like that
she'd be the one doing all the important calls and sending the emails.
at the same time, she'd be really worried so she's be rushing the police and investigators to go quicker.
she'd also be making sure everyone ate and drank water to make sure no one ended up fainting or smth (gigi still ended up fainting though)
she'd bake cupcakes for everyone to cheer them up.
she'd be holding avery or nash in her arms trying to get them to calm down (nash might not seem like he's freaking out, but he is)
alisa would be so rough with the police officers and investigators that libby would rush in apologizing for alisa's behavior.
she's trying to comfort xander but is failing miserably at it because he's wailing like a 2 year old.
she'd be having a midlife crisis wondering how the hell they even got into this situation
she'd actually swear (not her fake swear words) and people would all turn around to look at her simultaneously as if she'd just announced she was pregnant with the rock's baby
like i said, she would most definitely faint. she's get so nervous, she'd start having a panic attack, and then she'd faint.
she'd basically be like xander. she'd come up with the worse case scenarios in her head, but those worst case scenarios actually ended up being quite funny (like grayson being forced to walk around looking like elmo)
she'd be relying on coffee to keep her alive. by the end of the day, she'd have had like 20 cups of coffee.
when they finally found grayson, she'd punish him by buying him a box full of cats.
she'd pretend like the whole situation wasn't affecting her but it was.
she'd be panicking, cursing grayson out because gigi passed out (she won't admit it but she felt bad cursing him out bc she loves him)
she'd be looking at the others thinking about how crazy they are. she'd be texting her mom exasperated asking her how she even got into this situation
when they finally find grayson, she smacks his head and then gives him a very quick mini kiss on the cheek bc she's relieved to see him
that's all! hope you like them. i have a ton of other head canons requests i have to work on, so these next hcs posts may be a bit rushed. i apologize if they're not as good.
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agendabymooner · 10 months
mean ! max v. x ofc (hearth sister!ofc) - tltl series
"all you are is mean. and a liar. and pathetic."
summary: sylvie hearth and max verstappen didn't think that their friendship would come to the point where one of them would be attending a court hearing and earning money out of it. they also didn't think they'd come to the point where their friendship shifted into something more than "friendly." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)
content warning: literally blurb/filler chapter, use of explicit language, brief court hearing scenario, spoiler: sylvie is getting a hot wheels shelf, shitty ex-friends, mentions bullying, defamation, protective!Toto, they're so in love and it's so apparent
note: mustang and cadillac are at it again :))) i also do not know much about where max's karting career as a child?? so forgive me if some of them are incorrect
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Sylvie Ford’s Former Racing Academy Issues an Apology Five Years After Her Expulsion, Claiming The Report of Misconduct Was False.
Red Bull Racing’s Max Verstappen Addresses Sylvie Ford’s Expulsion from Their Academy - The young driver publicly expressed his guilt for believing the false information. 
Sylvie Ford Sues Former Academy Classmates For Defamation and Emotional Distress — The Defendants Hoping to Receive $1M each for Damages in their Public Images.
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“This complaint was filed by Miss Tilly Hearth on February 12, 2008.”
“Can you please tell us more about the complaint?”
“I don’t know much, but from what I am told, it was against me.”
“It says here that the report was made two months after Miss Hearth entered the Rotax Max Minimax class. You have been constantly teasing her about her abilities in the tracks.”
“If that’s what it says there,” Matt Bauer’s face remained impassive as he continued to look straight ahead.
“Looking at the records, it’s almost as if there is a report filed against you, Mr. Elias Whittaker and Mr. James Hudson every other month for the same reason from the same person— which is bullying,” Sylvie’s lawyer, Alicia, said.
“Objection,” the man’s attorney said from their table, “argumentative.”
“It’s not, Attorney Peterson,” the judge said, “Attorney Mason is simply stating the reports’ reasoning. Unless you missed something while you’re reading the evidence?”
Sylvie sighed quietly, her chin resting against the table while listening. Her other lawyer, Kim Halloway, sat next to her. The man nudged her side lightly, making her tilt her head in his direction before shooting him a smile.
She was getting bored of the hearing. But now that she thought of it, Aimee and Stevie were feeling that way somewhere in the back room.
This was way worse than Legally Blonde if you were to ask any of them. But then again, the Hearth sisters never really expected to find themselves in the court at this early stage of their adulthood.
It was already 2017, and what was a better way to start the year than to find out that your sister was bullied and kicked out of the academy without your knowledge? Not even their mother knew what happened, just that she left the class and continued her education.
Sylvie was headstrong, and she never backed out of a challenge. After each time her sister Tilly reported what she saw, Sylvie merely shrugged it off. She ignored the boys’ behaviour so much that she couldn’t face the consequences of her mental health.
Her family had been disappointed, of course, because why would she hide it away? She would’ve gotten the help that she needed. But the disappointment didn’t last long. Instead, they all started to find a way to speed up the process of the hearing— finding the best lawyers in England and getting each evidence to support her case.
And when Max Verstappen promised he’d be there for her, he never lied. He spent his Christmas with Sylvie and her family as they worked together on stating the case and essential details. Max decided not to spend his time with Dad, just telling him he’ll spend his time in England with Lando. Victoria had flown in to spend the holiday with him and their mother, Sophie, but left after.
He spent so much time with her that he nearly pissed himself whenever Toto visited the estate with Tilly and their son. Toto still didn’t like Max, and it was apparent. Was it because he was a Red Bull driver, or was it because he was a boy who was acting way friendly with Toto’s sister-in-law? Max really couldn’t tell. Looking at the Austrian man who would immediately turn his way was hard.
Regardless, Max remained there. By the third day of the hearing, he was brought up to provide his testimony. He gave them everything that needed to be heard, including how his “friends” manipulated him and how he felt so guilty about not finding out sooner.
And speaking of friends, Matt Bauer and the other two tried reaching out to Max, but the Dutchman didn’t have it. He never looked in their direction whenever they were outside the court, only keeping Sylvie close as they walked out of the courtroom.
So yes, this was more boring than Legally Blonde. Because Max wasn’t there as he finished his duty and nobody could sass her beside him. This wasn’t the kind of hearing she wanted. She really wanted him to chat shit.
She might text him after this.
The lawsuit hearing ended when the jury decided that Sylvie Hearth won her case. Therefore, she was receiving £1.5 million from the three men. Of course, they were outraged, but it was their fault that they had acted like fools. They couldn’t use the “boys will be boys” as an excuse because they all knew that even Max and their other racing friends wouldn’t do something as stupid as falsely exposing their only female counterpart, who had been kind and honest to them.
Hearing his phone going off, Max Verstappen peered down at his screen and found Sylvie’s childhood photo and her specific ringtone displayed. He excused himself from his father, who had asked him where he was going. He merely waved off Jos, going outside to answer the call.
“Hello,” he greeted her. He really should have worn earplugs.
“MAX EMILIAN!” Sylvie screamed through the other side of the call, “WE WON BITCH!”
“YAY!” Max nearly jumped up and down in joy as his smile widened. “You won!”
“I’m a million and a half pounds richer, Max!” She cackled hysterically, “They’re paying me a million and a half!”
“Look at you!” He exclaimed, “And I thought Christian’s paying you well this year.”
“A million and a half…” she muttered quietly before saying, “You know what that means, Max?”
“WE CAN GET A CUSTOM HOT WHEELS SHELF FOR MY FLAT!” Sylvie squealed in excitement. Max could hear the kicking of her feet from the other end. “Max! My collection’s going to be displayed!”
Max only laughed at her excitement. He definitely missed her. This Sylvie, he meant. He missed Sylvie, who would get excited over any ordeal. It could be her podium win or the downfall of their enemy— he didn’t care; he missed Sylvie like this. God, the things he would do to see her giddy face.
Maybe it was terrible for him to laugh at his ex-friends’ demise, but it wasn’t that bad if Sylvie got the last laugh. Perhaps next time, they shouldn’t treat anyone like that again— they’d still be able to keep half a million pounds in their bank account if they decided to do so.
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I need people to stop saying that "Will's crush on Mike is the same as Dustin's crush on Max" because they are the same case at all.
First of all Will's feelings for Mike are not a simple crush, he's in love, FOR YEARS.
The writers don't give the same treatment to these plots because they are different, Dustin's unrequited crush starts and has closure in the same season, the same in Steve's case with Robin, they both knew Max and Robin for a short time.
Will's feelings have been building for four seasons.
Mike is his best friend since kindergarten, the situations are not comparable.
This is how the writers write a character letting go of his unrequited crush, right under our noses!
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Dustin is hurt by the sight of Max and Lucas dancing together but the next second he decides to move on and look to dance with other girls because life goes on, Dustin has a girlfriend at the beginning of season 3 to give this narrative a happy ending.
Again this doesn't happen with Will, if they really wanted to continue the same story with him and Mike, the best scenario would be in season 3 and give him a new love interest in season 4 but they didn't do that in season 4 did they? No, they made his love for Mike much more obvious. Or they could have had Van's scene be Will letting Mike go and give him a new love interest in season 5! But they did that? No, if the Van scene had been Will taking off the band-aid, the writers wouldn't be subtle about it, we'd all be sure and it would be obvious like the Dustin and Max/Lucas scene.
Or this scene in season 2 of Steve letting Nancy go
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See? The writers are not subtle about it in these scenes.
Now at no point in the script of the van scene is there any line that indicates that it is Will finally letting Mike go, him pushing Mike away was trying to but not succeeding.
Dismissing Will's feelings for Mike by calling them a crush is actually a queer microaggresion and homophobic.
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just saw someone say, about OFMD, that they’ve lost hope in a release date or any news. which is sad but fair. what I feel is sad and unfair, is that they followed that up by saying that because they’d lost hope, they were trying to “do their best to forget about the show.”
and. guys. come on. let’s look at the absolute worst case scenario in this situation. last year’s s2 announcement was some kind of scam and there is no second season, never was never will be. now, that’s not going to happen (probably), but even if it did, that doesn’t change the fact that season 1 existed and it was fantastic.
maybe I get too attached to tv shows, but season 1 of OFMD brings me so much happiness and comfort… I don’t want to forget about it, even if we never see those characters ever again. I hate to sound like a cliche, but don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.
that just made me so sad, the idea that artists and creatives could pour their hearts into such a meaningful project only to have it all mean nothing in the end because some giant corporation decided it had better things to do.
Here are the things that I keep telling myself about OFMD 2:
1. HBO Max is a terrible bloodsucking corporation that still licks JK Rowlings boots for money. Doesn’t care about the LGBT community, never has. Taika and David should find a way to move OFMD to Hulu with its evil, hornier cousin, WWDITS.
2. OFMD Season 2 HAS BEEN MADE. Aside from editing and final touches and stuff, It is FINISHED.
3. OFMD was ridiculously popular when it came about and continues to be ridiculously popular. Go Tumblr.
4. We really don’t know to what extent the writers strike is affecting things.
5. Ao3 exists. People have imaginations. The story will continue in one way or another.
6. Even if it doesn’t, that doesn’t change the fact that S1 was a masterpiece, and it will always exist.
Hang tight. Everything’s going to be okay.
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blizzardfluffykpop · 6 months
Hello, I know this is a random ask and that is also late... But I did something I regret… I hit a car on Wednesday and Thursday one on Wednesday the guy said it was all cool about it he said it was okay but the one on Thursday….. Well I kind of did a hit-and-run I was pandemic and I didn't know what to do so I just drove away but I'm pretty sure nothing happened there was no damage nor in the first one now I can't stop thinking about it I'm so scared I don't know what to do I have been crying over it for the past few hours I have been thinking about it as well like what if they took a picture and called the cops or what if they call their insurance what if they get in contact with mine I just can't stop thinking about it and it's making me cry I'm so scared and I don't know what to do.
I am thankfully still awake- I just saw the 1 pop up when I was scrolling on my phone and still had my computer open.
Alright, I've been driving legally for 7 1/2 yrs. And 5 of those years I was uninsured. And I've had 1 hit and run but the person wasn't in it and only my car had damages- (and also wasn't a vv good parker) and had my minor bumped into someone before. So, I'm gonna do my best to console you thru here and talk a bit about how I got thru it.
But firstly, I hope you're physically okay. That is what I care most about. These things happen. And I just wish for you to know that it is okay, we all fuck up. And if worse comes to worst, you can claim that you ran in fear, and that will help you in court. (which you won't have to attend because it won't come to that)
If there is no damage (as far as you're aware of) then there is no reason to worry. If they were injured that'd be a different matter.
Wednesday's accident was an accident and if the guy was okay with it, then it's okay. I know it'll take a while to be okay with it. Because that's not easy to go through. It took me a week to process my minor bump.
That is a perfectly valid reaction to cry over it. Feel free to cry it out, it is best to feel your feelings, I promise.
Thrusday's is going to be a little different. If worse comes to worse, you may have to pay their deductible depending on if they had hit and run insurance also known as uninsured motorist coverage. If ofc they find you. But you will not have to appear in court unless you wish to appeal those charges. And even then, it's better to eat the fine than to pay a court fee on top of it all.
Now the positives, they don't have insurance. You have nothing to worry about. Insurance claims are expensive to file in general. And it's even worse to eat those prices. Other positive? They didn't catch your liscence number. *hopefully you drove off fast*
Now, I do know they cannot get your insurance information without the cops finding you, and even then, at max your insurance rates will go up. Which you're supposed to change insurances every like 6 mos-to 1 yr anyways- (I don't I'm vv lazy).
So worst case scenario, you're either paying their deductible if they decide to file a claim and they find you. And/or your insurance rate goes up. Although both can go hand in hand.
But let's think in the best-case scenario: they didn't catch your information. Or because the damage was prolly just a scratch- they won't file. (Insurance is expensive and will get you back for filing a claim- so it's kind of worthless imo) So it is unlikely they will file a claim in general. It's the holidays people are only wanting to spend money on them. And because it is the holiday season, they could find forgiveness in their hearts and just continue on their way of life. And unless they're greedy bastards you won't have to worry.
Imo you do not have to worry. It's okay, I'd keep the worry in my pocket. But if cops do not come in the next three days (at max) they don't get you. Doing further investigation into the topic I did find that it can take up to a few months for them to track. But that is ofc if they feel like pressing charges.
And imo I do not think they will press charges for something minor.
In my case, the person never knew I hit their car cause their tires were so high off the ground that I had hit that backing out of spot. I rushed off, and then we went and checked later- heh... And the other time I had bumped back into someone, we were both pulling out of the parking lot. And she backed into me and I backed into her. (I had what they call a beater) so I was just like 'it's whatever we're chill' and I also worked with them. So the first one, you'll be okay. And I promise these things happen.
My parents & I had the same hit and run where someone had hit us in the backend? But there was no damage, and we didn't file anything. Because the cops told us it was useless to. (Not that my parents could really afford that kind of claim) So if there is no damage, you have nothing to worry about.
Now, what I do know is that you can look up if there were any cop reports today on the news or sth. As long as you know the road it happened on, you'll know if they called. And basically, you'll know if you're freed.
I want to emphasize that you're okay. You did what you thought was best at that moment. We all panic, and we all get scared. Your reaction to it was flight, you ran. And that is okay, alright? You can't do anything unless the cops come knocking on your doors. But I promise your insurance won't just randomly go up (after all they don't even know if you have insurance) without notice. And that you'll be okay. You must deal with the latter problems as they come. As long as no one was injured and the car wasn't damaged, I wouldn't worry about it.
I care more about your physical and mental well-being than I do about a car. And I'm sure they share the same sentiment okay 🥺💖 Feel free to talk to me more about it okay, I'm here for you. And I'm sorry if this was a little all over the place, there's just a lot to talk about when it comes to this type of thing. But most of all, please take care dear. And sometimes things end up being our fault even when we don't intend for it.
Please keep me updated, and if you'd rather me just to listen, I can take that too.
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danthropologie · 11 months
there is this “big” max fan on twitter and even he as someone who doesn’t necessarily care for daniel (doesn’t hate him but doesn’t rate him that much either lol) was saying that daniel will most definitely be on the grid in the alfa tauri simply because redbull like him, which gave me a bit of hope, that someone who is not consumed by delusion and wouldn’t necessarily associate f1 seat allocations being based in feelings would say that. so fingers crossed! i can see a yuki/max & daniel/liam line-up as i think they would believe that daniel would be a good teammate for a rookie, and if/when max trounces yuki i can see them moving daniel up. exciting times ahead! i don’t have much stock in all of this but i’m really really hoping on you guys’ and daniel’s behalves
not to totally veer off topic but i don't really see yuki getting the rbr promotion anytime soon, much less next year 😭 he's doing incredibly, absolutely, and driving the fucking wheels off that shitbox, but it's also only been a little over a third of the season so far and when his previous seasons weren't necessarily anything to write home about, i'd think they'd probably want to see a bit more before fully committing to throwing him in with the big dogs, especially after massive failure of an experiment that both pierre and alex were (which the team themselves have admitted!).
if daniel goes to alpha tauri, i think it would ONLY be if checo is staying on through the end of his contract. presumptuous maybe but i reallyyyyy just don't see him agreeing to that unless there's a clearly outlined path forward, not just a vague 'maybe if...' hinged on someone else's failure.
and the liam lawson of it all i mean. everyone seems to be acting like he's the next coming of christ, but max still has 5 fucking years on his contract. i don't think they're looking for his replacement just yet, so what harm does it actually do to liam, especially if he's as good as everyone says he is, to wait an extra year and—best case scenario—sit his ass in an alpha tauri for 3-4 years instead of 4-5 😭
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staliaqueen · 2 years
5., 6., 15. & 20. for the music asks <3
5. A song from a lifelong favorite artist
Perfect by Selena Gomez. This song is so good I made a gifset with the lyrics. She writes the best songs about sex I said what I said.
I'd say Selena is my only lifelong favourite artist, at least at this stage in my life. I didn't really get into listening to music until I was 11 but because of Wizards of Waverly Place my Selena Gomez crush obsession started way before that.
I kinda stopped listening to her when my teenage years started but then I sort of rediscovered her again when she released Rare.
My favourite song of hers actually fits Max REALLY well, like I'm obsessed with it. But it's a spoiler so I couldn't name it here >.<. That's also the case with loads of Taylor Swift songs and I very much look forward to discussing it with you when we've reached those points.
6. Your current “on repeat” song
Kill My Boyfriend by Natalia Kills. I've been listening to it a lot lately cause um... it's actually on my um... *whispers* dating Johnny Lawrence playlist– WHAT I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING...
God I can't believe I just admitted to having that–
15. A song that reminds you of traveling
Viva La Vida by Coldplay. This isn't cause I've listened to it while traveling or anything it's just that the imaginary scenario playing in my head while listening to it has to do with traveling.
And NO, it's not about Peter Pevensie. Why would you even think that 🙄
20. A song that empowers you
Do My Own Thing by American Authors. I wanna thank whoever recommended this to me for my Edmund playlist because I really love this song so much. Listened to it repeatedly when I'd just dropped out of high school and it certainly empowered me a lot!
American Authors: 🎶I spent my whole life trying to fit into a lane / But I'm so over it / I watched my friends fall out of love and go insane / Bet on life and lose the game / I saw 'em quit / I never wanna be like that / A suit and tie copycat / I never was into that / Hey-yo, nanana / I said hey-yo, I'm all good / I'ma do my own thing / (I'ma, I'ma) I'ma do me / I'ma do my own thing🎶
Music Asks
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spacenutspod · 10 months
Understanding what lies under the lunar surface could be critical to future exploration efforts. A series of missions have already mapped some parts of the sub-surface of the Moon. Still, few have delved deep inside, where large lava caverns or potentially valuable water or mineral deposits may lie. But that might be about to change. NASA’s Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC) supplied funding to a novel technology developed by a team at its Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) that could solve the long-standing problem of seeing what lies within the Moon. The project, the Passively Expanding Dipole Array for Lunar Sounding (or PEDALS), uses a self-deploying technique to position a large-scale antenna on the lunar surface. Once deployed, it can collect data on the lunar sub-surface down to a few kilometers, comparable with the deepest data we have ever collected. Currently, the deepest data was collected by the Lunar Radar Sounder on the SELENE orbiter (better known as the Kayuga). However, it was intentionally crashed into the Moon back in 2009, and, despite being able to monitor signals up to 5 km deep, it did not provide anything resembling a high-resolution image. Lava tubes are one of the most intriguing parts of the lunar sub-surface. Fraser explains them here. Other sounds, some of which date back as far as the later Apollo Missions, had a higher resolution but could reach the depth that would unlock a better understanding of the lunar surface’s structure. A presentation created by the JPL team notes five scientific objectives that can be solved by PEDALS, ranging from mapping the 3D interfaces of volcanoes to understanding rock density in a particular area. So just how would the system achieve those objectives? PEDALS would land using the time-honored tradition of falling to the surface in an airbag. Once there, it will deploy a coilable boom, a concept that has been the focus of several years of NASA research already. In theory, there’s no actual constraint to the size of the boom PEDALS deploys, but the volume of the landing airbag and the surface area the antenna will need to cover will have an impact. After deployment, PEDALS collects data using its antenna. What that antenna would look like remains a point of study, as the presentation details two potential configurations – a loop antenna or a coupled dipole. Both have advantages and disadvantages, but the JPL team needs to do more research to determine which would be more useful for the lunar use case. Lava tubes are especially interesting on the Moon. One obvious question is – where could you deploy this thing? Passive viewing of the Apollo missions shows that the Moon isn’t particularly flat, and massive boulders are randomly strewn. Calculating the large rock sizes (they estimate 50 cm max diameter) and how much room they would need to deploy to a field with many times the area of the deployed antenna as a “free path,” according to the JPL report. That’s not necessarily a deal breaker, as there are areas on the Moon that meet the criteria – and maybe in a best-case scenario, they could get some help from an autonomous rover to move some of the rocks out of the way. But for now, the idea appears to be on hold, as it is unclear if PEDALS received a Phase II grant after being funded in 2021. However, it’s likely that deploying a large-scale antenna to the lunar surface will someday get its day in the Sun. Learn More:McGarey et al. – Passively Expanding Dipole Array for Lunar SoundingUT – Lava Tubes on the Moon and Mars are Really, Really Big. Big Enough to Fit an Entire Planetary BaseUT – GRAIL Data Points To Possible Lava Tubes On The MoonUT – Stable Lava Tube Could Provide a Potential Human Habitat on the Moon Lead Image:Artist’s depiction of the PEDALs antenna being unfurled & supporting info.Credit – McGarey et al. / NASA-JPL The post Deploying a Huge Antenna On The Moon Could Study Its Insides appeared first on Universe Today.
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stratviewresearch · 1 year
A Comprehensive Study exploring Aircraft Blind Bolts Market
Stratview Research delivers key insights on the global Aircraft Blind Bolts Market.
The report also covers the Covid impact on the market. Covid-19 has impacted the market dynamics, competition, and global supply chain. The revenues have gone down in 2021 and an uptrend is witnessed from 2022.
Get a free sample report here:
Market Insights
The Aircraft Blind Bolts Market was accounted for US$ 730.4 Mn in terms of value in 2021 and is expected to grow at CAGR of 9.0% for the period 2022-2028.
Profiling Key Companies –
TriMas Corporation,
Arconic Inc.,
PCC Fasteners,
LISI Aerospace,
Stanley Black and Decker, Inc.,
Kwikbolt Limited.
Growth drivers and Market Value:
This report, from Stratview Research, studies the Aircraft Blind Bolts Market value and growth drivers over the trend period of 2019-24. According to the report -
Blind bolts currently account for less than 5% of the total aircraft fasteners market. However, the bolt type is expected to be one of the fastest-growing fastener types in the aircraft industry in the coming five years to reach an estimated value of US$ 238.7 million in 2024. The market for aircraft blind bolts is gradually consolidating as the major companies are performing mergers & acquisitions to quickly gain the leading position in the market. For instance; TriMas Corporation, a leading global manufacturer of highly engineered aircraft products, acquired the Allfast Fastening Systems at a total purchase price of approximately US$ 360 million. After the acquisition of Allfast Fastening Systems; TriMas Corporation has become a leader in the aircraft blind bolts market.
Segment Analysis:
Based on Aircraft Type:
The aircraft blind bolts market is segmented based on the aircraft type as commercial aircraft, regional aircraft, helicopter, military aircraft, and general aviation. Commercial aircraft is expected to remain the largest and fastest-growing segment of the market during the forecast period. Increasing demand for blind fasteners over traditional fasteners; increasing production rates of key programs, such as B737, A320 family, B787, and A350XWB; market entry of new players, such as COMAC and Irkut; introduction of variants of existing best-selling aircraft programs, such as B737 max, A320neo, and B777X; and rising commercial aircraft fleet size across regions are the key factors propelling the demand for blind bolts in the commercial aircraft segment.
Based on Region:
In terms of regions, North America is expected to remain the largest market for aircraft blind bolts during the forecast period. The USA is the growth engine of the region’s market with the presence of major aircraft OEMs, tier players, blind bolt suppliers, and end users. All the major blind bolt manufacturers have their presence in the region to address the emergent needs of the OEMs in order to be the partner for their upcoming aircraft programs or upcoming fuel-efficient variants of existing aircraft programs.
Know more about the report, click here
Covid Impact
This informative research report also includes the most recent global events concerning the coronavirus pandemic. The report provides a detailed analysis of the pandemic's impact and the industry's economic scenario. The report consists of tables, graphs, charts, figures, and diagrams, that are used to graphically represent important statistical information.
Appropriate market trend and forecast analysis.
All-inclusive report
Decent price-performance ratio
Reliable data
Attractive market segments and associated growth opportunities.
Custom Research:
Stratview research offers custom research services across the sectors. In case of any custom research requirement related to market assessment, competitive benchmarking, sourcing and procurement, target screening, and others, please connect with our experts at +1-313-307-4176.
𝗔𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗨𝘀:- Stratview Research is a global market intelligence and consulting organization that provides market research reports, customized reports, and consulting services. We are also committed to playing a leading role in offering insights in various sectors post-COVID-19 and continue to deliver measurable, sustainable results for our clients. Get in touch with us at: ( https://www.stratviewresearch.com/contact )
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veritazzzs · 1 year
The thing about Chinese Games
I'm the kind of person who plays every single game offered on Google Play, no kidding. Whenever I try out a "new" game I found I already have an account registered. 😲
Recently I've been trying out 5 new games and I'm terribly disappointed.
I don't know if you ever tried out those Chinese games most of the times they are about wuxia (武俠) or xianxia (仙俠). However, while they are divided in two genres game developers nowadays can't even figure out the difference btwn those two. Those lame games lead me to wonder why I worked off my a** to learn Chinese for the last couple of years. (If you wanna know the difference between the two check out the bottom of this post.)
So I've been playing a game called 逍遙幻夢. Super bad, I beg you NOT to play it.
1. Copy & Paste
So one thing I have been seeing these years is game companies making these wuxia games with "boilerplates." Indicating they all:
look the same
have same concepts
have same missions
As a long-time gamer, I'm rolling my eyes when a "new" game comes out. Bruh you are just switching up the names. (They are the true programmers, fellow programmers u know what I'm talking about: StackOverflow)
2. Game Companies are grifters
This is actually something quite new and only starts happening in about 2 years. What they do is using these "boiler templates" and make u pay up for digital coins. And they will liquify their assets and shut down their company; best case scenario 3 years, worst case scenario 1-year max. While games in the past still allow you to play without having to pay, the games around 2020 ~ 2022 (and possibly forever) , start asking you for money for everything.
Game Company: You see this dope ring weapon here? Player: Yeah, so I need to level up to get it right? Game Company: Oh about that... It's paid to get! Player: ... Game Company: Surprise, surprise!!!
So now when you see a top 10 player hovering past you stop awing and say
"Woah man you must have skillz."
I'm not sure about that, honey. Switch it up to this.
"Woah man you rich!"
3. Maintenance every. single. day
While I'm totally fine with the pay2play stuff cauz I never throw money in games, these game companies can't even do the bare minimum and that is KEEPING THE GAME ONLINE.
Believe me, the game I'm trying out literally closed an entire day, I can't log in not to say enter the game. The game company updated on their page SORRY BUT OUR GAME CRASHED :( after 2 FRAKING HOURS. Look honey that's why you should learn programming to make a game alright? And at least if your programmers suck get some good public relations team.
MORAL: Look like its time to go back to SIMS 4.
Difference between Wuxia and Xianxia
Wuxia 武俠 (=Oliver Queen)
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Let's learn some Chinese first:
武 = military
俠 = vigilante (kind of like Oliver Queen?)
Most of the times (in wuxia novels) there will be a male protagonist and he will meet a lot of cute girls during the way and he's gonna have a harem. He got all the luck, talk about affirmation man, true manifester. 🤗 There will always be a nun, apparently nuns are hot. Also the guys will have beards and are mostly topless. :(
Xianxia 仙俠 (=Flash?)
仙 = fairies (winxclub without wings)
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(no idea what this game is)
In games, they wear too much and they love pastel colors: white, violet, light blue...
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In novels they wear flowy clothes that looks like they are freezing any time. Also the male protagonist has to be either: born royal, lord of entire realm, tier 0..... (you get it the Wattpad males) Some of them will have white hair.
Wuxia (武俠) -> Don't have super extravagant superpowers, but they have dope combat skills + a tiny bit of extra flare
Xianxia (仙俠) -> Superpowers! Elsa, Flash,
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
Today was much better, but really fuckin weird. I got like 4 hours of sleep, woke up and smoked. When I went back to bed, my inspiration just cracked wide open. I started combining different cool ideas I had seen that I really thought were doing something new and original. I started stitching them together to make a series idea that I was so excited about that I literally couldn't stop talking about it, for 2 hours. I was on a goddam roll. So I got up, made some spicy chicken ramen in the microwave and started writing it down.
Think Survivorman, but Rimworld. No more settling down and building a fortress with killboxes and shit. We're going nomad. And my chat is going to guide our journey. I mean... the Patrons will, of course... And current Twitch subs.
I think I'm going to leave Twitch for YouTube. I dipped my toes in the water years back, the adjustment would be minimal at worst. The only reason I'm on Twitch in the first place is because I could get money there. Because getting Affiliate was easier to achieve than getting 1000 Subscribers on YouTube. It's much easier to get 5 friends to watch your streams (or in my case, 5 strangers pretending and trying to be my friend) than to get 1000 followers on your no-name YT channel when you have no friends. Then YT has to actually approve you for donos and shit. So... I just figured Twitch would be easier to get started on and stuck with it. Raids are a thing too, but whatever.
I was thinking I could use a dono menu as incentive to get my Partnership and unlock money making abilities. Like... people can donate to set ingame goals for the character(s), off a list so it doesn't get too "I gave you money and you couldn't do what I asked". And they can help me get exposure in order to unlock that menu and be able to use it. Patreon Tiers could work too, but I really just kinda need to keep it on one site. People just don't like jumping onto other websites than where they're at. I would really like to incentivize Patreon shit directly through YT and make the rewards more visible on my end (like their Patreon Tier in chat or whatever), but yeah, maybe that's coming up in the future if they try to merge or at least work together with them or something.
I want this thing to be running at all times. No pausing. No fast forwarding. So this character is living in real-time with the stream. This would be really fucking good for a subathon, too. And the best part... if I can figure out a UI substitute for those shitty green screened cameras pointing at the streamer... But instead the Rimworld colony there... ideally if people could just listen to the same audio track but swap between Rimworld and whatever I have on the other monitor... Because then I can do art streams, and music streams, and even Minecraft streams... while I'm streaming Rimworld. The colony will always be running and I can just tab over to check in, I already have follow-cams set up to follow the colonists around.
I get so immersed in these ideas, they get so visceral. I can see myself at a desk hosting this. I can feel the cold morning feeling that would be my equivalent of PiG's morning coffee and breakfast in his Sydney apartment with his wife. As I get up and get my day started with Max, and check in with chat, who is watching my replays as I sleep. Like, I can really see that happening. I try to keep that hope, that mental vision, that hypothetical scenario, alive and fuel belief and faith in it. And what happens? People don't see what I see in it. They fall flat. They are just like... "oh, that's cool." Or something monotone. Emotionless. Like I just told them about a cool new type of tax filing form I heard about. Actually, they might be more interested in that, to be honest.
It takes this drive, this inspiration, this divine spark. I love that term for it, I want to keep that one! It takes that divine spark, and snuffs it out. It feels like they almost consume it. It's hard to tell, because whether they consume it or destroy it, I feel loss either way. But my Mom made a point to let me know she had an insane day and barely slept. She's running on fumes. I just went into my own head and clarified a few things about my Mom, she's got some health issues and doctor-related things. I don't like talking about others' personal demons specifically, but let's just say it's very justified. She won't go to a doctor. Neither will my dad, about anything. And they're in their late-60's and early 70's. So... I hope since my sister in law is a doctor... she might be able to urge my Mom in the right direction.
I don't want to talk about this. Too much doctor stuff in my life right now, a bit too spooky. Maybe another night. I wanted to focus things back into bringing some light to the end of my day. I chatted with my mom, it was overall very good. I made a huge batch of Falafel, Tzatziki and sliced tomato and ate fuckin all of it. With some limeade on the side. *chef's kiss* And smoked first, too, this new indica-dominant hybrid. And watched skate videos that were just absolutely amazing. Like, they captured skating so fucking well. NKA Vids - https://www.youtube.com/c/NkaVidsSkateboarding check him out, good lord. It's seriously just like going skating with your friends, the same fucking vibe. I miss that shit so much. It was so refreshing to get to watch this guy's POV as he's waiting for a security guard to climb a 10 floor parking garage to kick him and his friends out. Scary, of course, but like... I remember being that! I don't miss being yelled at or told to leave, people screaming and insulting us and treating us like vandals. But I miss the adventure of finding new spots, and checking out this new place your friends heard about, or skating the go-to spot. Going with your friends. Rooting eachother on. Tossing out trick ideas, riffing off eachother. I hope I can really get my ass to start skating before the snow, there's not much time left. But I WILL snowskate this year, hold me to that, I just need to figure out where, because I likely wont' have yard access anymore. I'll try to connect locally on reddit or drop by the skate shop or something. I'd love to street snowskate too, but I'd like power in numbers on that if I'm in a city. Don't wanna be doing that alone.
I threw together a modlist on Rimworld, everything but the UI and the no-pause mod are pretty much good to go. I listened to my brother's music on loop the whole time. Oh shit no, so I did my SketchDaily first (which was REALLY sick and abstract for once...), listened to music during that, then went over to Rimworld after.
I sent a message to my brother, told him that I had been listening to his shit, that I liked specific tracks, that I was really impressed with his range and really like the direction he's going lately. The poor guy has 0 followers, I can't even follow because I don't have an active SoundCloud, I can't figure out which email the account I want to access is associated with because I haven't used it in like... 8 years? 9 years? I connected him with my Insta. It felt like progress. We haven't talked in several years, we've had some big fights. We both have PTSD pretty bad, and both of us suffered great losses recently. I have a bit more experience... just... exposure-wise than he does. Which obviously isn't a competition - but interestingly enough almost always is perceived as such... - but it does sorta... lessen the shock of things slightly?
It's hard to describe, kinda like getting used to the temperature of a tub or something. Like scalding hot water will hurt you no matter what. But if you've been in that tub for a while, you sorta adjust to it, even if it stays the same temperature. And I feel like though he's had some losses and conflicts, he hadn't really suffered profound loss until recently. Where I have had it peppered in around my life for a decade at least, probably even longer. So I've just kinda been in the tub a bit longer. And with that experience, comes adapted tricks, learned lessons. They're all catered to the user of course, but you never know... maybe just hearing the method of learning lessons in the moment could be helpful. You never know, and I always feel like it's worth trying. Trying to pass on your lessons learned, so others can make their own choices with a broader spectrum of information.
Things have gotten very bad. In my life, in my relationships, in the world. Maybe it's just growing up. Maybe it's always been this way. But I see Fear running rampant. Consuming everyone around me. And it just keeps getting stronger. And it stares me in the eyes every now and again too. And I'm gonna feed my ego a little bit here and quote myself from 2008 - "Fear, her ugly face is poking through the clouds again. I've gotta stare her in the eyes and tell her this time she won't win." I feel like I've even evolved beyond this. Maybe this is what Joseph Campbell was talking about with the Dragon and the Demon. Like... dealing with the dragon is a way of dealing with a problem. Slaying, defeating, martyring, consuming, conquering - fighting the dragon. But with the demon, the relationship is just so much different, and the way of dealing with it is much more... conversational. At least in my recent experience, it's been very intentional on my behalf and it seems to be very successful. With the demon, and other spirit work of the kind, I've been... I don't want to say it, but kinda becoming friends with my demons. At very least uneasy allies. I'm learning to sit down and parlay with my Fear. Listen to what it has to say, have it listen to what I have to say, conference together, float ideas, brainstorm, then come to a course of action after. Not cowering from Fear, not facing it in battle, not consuming it, not letting it consume me, but sitting down and having a cup of tea with it.
I've talked about this before, but yeah... that's the stage I've been trying desperately to work on and integrate naturally. Weed helps tremendously. It allows my nasty fears tons of creative energy to tap into, that can go great like my inspiration time today, or shit like my freakouts a few years ago. They're both important. All that info is super important. So rather than do this "I'm Light, you're Dark, grrrrr" bullshit, we both agree we have a common vested interest in surviving together. Me and my Fear, we're both stuck in this soul together. For good. Because we're parts of the same personality. We might as well try to get along, learn a common language. And you only learn language through practice.
It's 6AM, and I got all fuckin existential again when I really wanted to go to bed. :( This strain is very inspiring, I'm actually slightly worried it might make me more mentally active before bed, rather than slowing me down and relaxing me as intended.
I'm going to see how my mom is doing tomorrow, and hopefully hear back from my brother about maybe hanging out. I want to go back to the river, I'd love to share that place. I made the offer, but no solid answer. Maybe I'll try to just say I'm going to the river regardless tomorrow afternoon, I miss looking for stones.
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youremyonlyhope · 2 years
Chapter Nine: The Piggyback
I don’t know what this title is supposed to mean.
I’m gonna TRY to not pause constantly. But knowing me, I will fail. Finallyyyyyyyyyyy. Jopper is canon. I do not like that Dustin is going into the Upside Down. No. “We are noooot heroes.” Stop it stop saying things like that I don’t like it. The Piggyback title makes more sense now. Don’t get El high or something please. No no no no no no no no no. Stupid redneck saw Erica. “Are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?” YES. Ok so that wasn’t the Will coming out scene. But it was a Byers boys bonding scene and I’m happy to have it. Is there electricity in the Upside Down? I got a text and took a second to answer, and I just realized we’re not even halfway through. Ahhh. I love this version of Dream a Little Dream too much to be scared of it. GOOD JOB ERICA. KICK HIM. Man I knew Vecna had to be above the Mind Flayer but I had really hoped he wouldn’t be. I had really hoped he’d be under the Mind Flayer in some way. The whole “Mind Flayer General” theory had been so comforting. Ugh. It can’t be over there’s 40 more minutes. He’s not dead. But ugh they really broke Max’s arm and legs helpppp. SEE! SEEEE! HE’S GONE. HE GOT UP. See all those stupid “Oh yeah I can’t wait to see what Eddie does in season 5″ articles NO. YOU ALL LIED. ...How dare they. How DARE they kill Max. OH MY GOD JASON TOO AND WHAT A HORRIBLE WAY. This is horrific. I had to pause for a second. I’m not letting myself show any emotion because my brother is in the next room and keeps coming and looking at me. He literally asked me what I’m typing just now. My family is nosy. But anyway I can’t show emotion since I’ll spoil him. But oh my god I’m so mad. El you got lots of power but bringing people to life? Eh. Maybe. If she can suck the life source of Max out of Vecna maybe.
Eddie’s name doesn’t even get to be cleared now. That’s the worst part. A coma is better than death I guess. Shoot. One’s not gonna be in Max’s body is he... I don’t need Will’s spidey sense back. Well that’s quite a cliffhanger.
That was definitely devastating. I’m sure the fandom is in shambles over Eddie. Steve survived at least! Poor Dustin needs a cast on his ankle or at least crutches, why are they just letting him limp around?
They’re definitely setting up an intense season 5. God I hope Max ends up okay but best case scenario is that she wakes up and has all her bones healed but she’s blind. Worst case is that she just dies again. I’m upset. I’m really upset.
I still have one complaint: WE NEEDED MORE WILL. God they just keep underutilizing my son. That scene in the car with Mike was amazing. Give him more. Give me more Will.
Also I didn’t cry. It’s weird, ever since the pandemic I’ve been able to cry at nearly the drop of a hat, which is unheard of for me since in my teens and early 20s I’d cry maybe twice a year. But 2020-early 2022 I cried ALL. THE. TIME. Over anything. I cried once just talking about Encanto. I cried once thinking about how sad the Rockerfeller Christmas tree looked. Even the dumbest cheesiest movie would make me cry. And yet I didn’t cry watching this. I blame my antidepressants that I started taking a month or so ago, maybe that means they’re working.
But I’m also yawning a lot, which is something I used to do pre-2020-crying-levels, I’d find that instead of crying I’d just get sleepy and start yawning a lot. And back then during the rare times when I would cry I’d just knock out asleep afterwards because I’d be so drained. So I’m gonna assume the fact that I’ve yawned a billion times writing this that it’s the sadness tiredness again. Yay.
Now that Stranger Things 4 is done, I don’t know what to do with my life. What else do I look forward to now?
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thebadboyfanclub · 4 years
That’s My Girl (Emmett x Reader)
This was requested by an anon and it did hit home a bit since I’ve struggled with body image issues since I was 13 and it does take a lot on finding a balance and it’s a long and painful process. Enjoy!
T.W+ Statement. I am in no way, shape or form taking lightly the case of body image issues that will be mentioned on this imagine, it is a real struggle and so many people suffer because of it, I’m just trying to bring some light and show what I think the said character would do at this particular scenario
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(Y/n) was always the bigger one of her family, weighted more than her sisters and wore two sizes bigger than her sisters, yet her sisters were the only people that had her back. Her own mother made it a mission to bring up calories and carbs every time she saw her eat something.
As she entered her teen years, things started to change and grow bigger and in her classmates eyes... uglier, fatter. She was bullied a lot and also quietly, she felt like even if she did speak to her parents they would take their side and tell her to do some extra workouts.
Eventually she did, she worked out more and counted calories and fasted, even had a few trips to the bathroom, anything that would work and get the weight of her body and her shoulders. It became a vicious cycle, she would gain and lose and do the same stuff all over again. Until she met Emmett, his face was the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes after fainting in the schools parking lot. Edward had warned him about your thoughts of feeling dizzy and thinking “get to the car” over and over again.
“Welcome back pretty lady”
It sounded corny, yet it was one of the sweetest things she had ever heard. She smiled at the best of her abilities and started looking around, slowly realizing what had occurred
“Don’t worry, no one saw”
“Except the entire school, this is so embarrassing”
As she got back up on her feet as fast as she could, darkness engulfed her for a second, a second was enough for her knees to go weak and fall into Emmett’s arms, who was more than lucky to have her there, her short and delicate human body brought him anxiety he hadn’t felt in... decades.
“Sorry about that”
“No don’t  apologize, you are my damsel in distress”
“Really? then how should I repay you?”
“A date might make up for my heroic act”
Since then they had been a couple, she didn’t really have a choice since Emmett would show up everywhere and help her do anything and everything, he had even endured 2 hours waiting at the hair salon for her. 
(Y/n) was on cloud 9, finally a man that treated her like she had only seen in her movies and cared for her. Also the fact that he was extremely handsome was a big bonus, as well as a source of anxiety for her appearance, she was so overwhelmed by her new relationship that she had not seen that she had gained a bit of “relationship weight”, for her though this was a disaster. In her mind she was already overweight, this just was the cherry on top to her maliciously rude mind.
“Babe are you ready yet?”
“5 more minutes”
Emmett was getting a bit suspicious. She had been in there throwing clothes around the room, groaning and grunting for almost 2 hours, (y/n) would usually be ready once he was there, she hated not being on time. 
She hated this, nothing fitted her the way it was supposed to, she looked fat and ugly into every single outfit, nitpicking herself apart in every single piece of clothing. She was basically tip toeing around a mental breakdown, just as she was about to zip up yet another pair of jeans she heard her bedroom door open and reveal a concerned Emmett.
“Get out I said I’m not ready”
As he closed the door he looked around and took in the chaos that was her room right now, (y/n) was usually very tidy so this couldn’t mean anything good.
“I know that’s why I came in, what’s going on baby girl?”
“I have no clothes that’s what’s going on”
“Weird, I could swear I see some right there on your bed”
He tried to make a light joke that didn’t really get a great crowd reaction out of it. As (Y/n) ran around to find a shirt Emmett stood there looking at her, trying to piece things together and maybe find a way to help her.
“If you want maybe I can Alice to bring you a few pieces”
“Alice is s literal model, I will tear anything she has”
She snapped back at him. He was stepping on shaky ground and felt helpless, something that (y/n) quickly realized that she had created. She let out a deep sigh and placed her fingers on her temples, slightly massaging them
“I’m sorry, I’m just... stressed”
“About what? talk to me”
Emmett took a step and sat down on her bed, waiting for his girlfriend to come and take a seat on his lap. As she instinctively did exactly that she tried to keep some of her weight by keeping herself on her toes. Emmett didn’t even think twice about placing her entire weight on him and bringing her close to his chest.
“Do you think I’m fat?”
“What? what are you talking about?”
“I just... I am so much bigger than Alice and Bella and let’s not even go to Rosalie, they are all like... stick status and I’m just this cow that’s dating a body builder”
Emmet was left stunned, speechless. He could not believe what he was hearing, his true mate, his little delicate human, his short girl that he loved to bring into a hug and feel her getting lost in his big form, was thinking of herself as fat? They couldn’t be talking about the same girl he would pick up like she was a feather and the girl he would worry about eating and being healthy.
“(Y/n) don’t ever say that again, you are beautiful and why does it matter if you are bigger than Bella, I’m bigger than Edward too... are you calling me fat?”
“Yes, yes you are. I knew it that you would leave me for someone thinner”
“Stop, I’m being serious”
“Look baby as long as I can throw you over my shoulder I will see nothing wrong with you”
His response did make her feel better but it wasn’t all fixed up, it didn’t work like that. Although it did feel nice to hear him say those things. Emmett leaned in to steal a sweet little kiss from her lips in hopes to make her feel better and comfort her the best he could.
“You are my perfect small girlfriend, I bet you look like a toothpick standing next to me. In all seriousness I have never and I will never see anything wrong with your body, you are perfect”
She smiled at him as she let her head rest on his shoulders, letting his words sink in and process them. He truly embodied everything she wanted in a boyfriend, he respected her and appreciated her to the max.
“Now, what to do you think about wearing a nice outfit and going to the movies with me?”
“That’s my girl, I’ll wait outside”
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