#then they be having Bonnie seem so weak for Damon like she can’t stand her ground
bennett-mikealson · 7 months
POV: Me whenever I started to read a Bamon fic but the author had Bonnie still playing second to Elena.
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sarcasticfina · 2 years
prompt: petrichor - @schedios
thank you so much for your donation! i'm sorry this took so long. i hope you like it! :)
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Bonnie stood in the middle of the lawn, her feet bare, and her arms outstretched.
Warm rain. It started with fat plops that landed on her face with no grace and grew into a downpour that was quickly soaking her through. The earth had been stone dry, brittle grass crunching underfoot, for months now. Just shy of setting fire, it seemed to walk the line between life and death. And just when the world could have been set ablaze, the rain came, drowning it of its woes.
Petrichor filled her nose as the dusty dirt turned to soft soil.
Her magic had been… off lately. It got like that sometimes. Magic was linked to nature in a way she didn’t always understand. She often wished Grams was still around. She could’ve taught Bonnie so much more about magic, what it meant, how it should be used, where it came from, and how to nurture it. Instead, sometimes Bonnie felt like she was piecing it together as she went. One thing she’d picked up on was that when the earth wilted, she could feel a weakness in her magic. Not as stable or as powerful as it could be.
Tipping her head back, she let the rain pool atop her eyes and crawl around the dips and curves of her face. Her fingers tingled and her blood buzzed. She could almost smell the sweet tang of magic in the air.
Renewal. Rebirth. Rejuvenation.
She could feel the earth sing as it was fed. Once dehydrated and desperate, now it opened its mouth wide and filled its belly.
That was how Damon found her; toes dug into the muddy grass, clothes clinging to every inch, hair hanging in heavy hanks down her back.
“If you catch a cold, I’m not spoon-feeding you soup.”
Her eyes opened and a slow smile spun across her lips. “Liar.”
The familiar weight of him pressed to her back and his hands slid around her waist, drawing her in. “Fine, but it’ll be Campbell’s. Nothing homemade. Just out of sheer protest.”
She rested against him, head lolling against his shoulder, and brought her arms in, hands stacked over his. “You’d be Googling the best homemade soups the second I got the sniffles.”
“Only because your delicate human constitution needs constant tender loving care.”
“Mmm. And you’re just the man to provide it, huh?”
“Well, someone has to.” He brushed a kiss against her temple and squeezed her. “What’s this little rain dance about?”
Bonnie’s gaze reached for the sky, only to blink rapidly as the rain continued to come down in heavy sheets. “I can feel it… In my magic. I can feel how much the earth needed this.” Taking a deep breath, she let it settle in her lungs and spread through her body, a warm hug. “I think I did too.”
Damon hummed. “A few more minutes… Then we should get you into a warm bath. And a cozy sweater. Maybe put on some tea. Get you a good book, you can enjoy the rain from the nice, warm house.”
“I’m not going to get sick,” she reassured, rubbing her hands over his forearms. “But if it’ll make you feel better…”
“It would. Can’t have my favorite witch down for the count.” He nuzzled against her neck and dropped a kiss to her shoulder.
They stood in the rain for a while longer, until her toes had grown numb and she’d begun to shiver. And then he was scooping her up bridal style— “You’ve got mud on your feet!”— and speeding her through the house. In a blink she went from the backyard to standing next to his oversized bathtub.
After he’d turned the water on enough to steam, he wiggled his eyebrows as he peeled her shirt off her while she worked at unbuttoning his jeans. “Get enough of the healing power of rain then?”
Glancing at the many pillar candles that filled his bathroom, she lit them without a word. They burned bright and loud for a moment before dying down to a warm glow.
Damon smirked. “Sexy.”
She laughed under her breath. “Seriously?”
“Oh yeah.” He tugged on her jeans, drawing her closer. “Non-verbal magic, fire, a bath fit for two… My kind of party.” He pushed the jeans off her hips, thumbs hooked in her underwear, and with a shimmy of her hips, he was peeling it all down her legs.
He climbed into the tub first with her comfortably tucked in front of him. He soaked a cloth in hot water and washed her neck and shoulders, arms and hands, and each one of her fingers. All the while, she listened to the rain pelt the window, her head resting on his chest. He drew her hands up and kissed the tips of her fingers, delicate and soothing. And this was its own renewal; its own healing.
The earth was fed, and so was she.
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honestgrins · 3 years
could you do a continuation of chapter 29/49??
I'm glad you liked Reflection and Retribution, but I think I'm done with that universe. Could I interest you in Private Investigator!Caroline hired to infiltrate a criminal organization instead?
Also, many thanks to @recyclingss for being a kind ear and a supportive voice as I try to find my writing groove again. Thanks for the love, lovely (and sorry it’s not a new chapter of Burned)!!
Wanted || Klaroline
A squeak of hinges was all she had in the way of warning. Hurrying to tuck the files she'd been snooping through back into their respective cabinets, Caroline needed an excuse for her presence in the boss's office - and she needed one fast.
To give herself a bit more time, she slipped into the private bathroom. Her purse was lighter than her usual go-bag for an investigation, but that was the peril of working undercover. She shuffled through it anyway, only to find the makeup she needed to reapply between shifts, her wallet, car keys, and Taser. Fortunately, she had learned to be resourceful, and a plan quickly formed with what she had. 
Unfortunately, the plan could go very wrong. As footsteps sounded through the door, however, her time to improvise had run out. Slathering on a fresh layer of lipstick for luck, Caroline fluffed her hair and made her presence known. "Sorry to intrude, Mr. Mikaelson, I just— Who the hell are you?”
Her winning smile had fallen flat at the stranger making eyes down the line of her mostly bare leg. True, the outfit had been meant to draw attention, but he wasn't her intended target. She'd been expecting the fastidious Elijah Mikaelson, with perfectly tailored suits and a too polite charm that just screamed serial killer underneath. This guy was far messier with untidy curls and the paint-splattered jeans. Cute, though. And that smirk.
"Mr. Mikaelson," he answered cheekily, "but please, call me Klaus." Making himself a drink from the bar cart, he poured a second glass for her. His brow arched when she refused. "Come to ask favors of the boss, but you won't drink his liquor. I assure you, he only buys the good stuff."
"I'm fine, thanks." She narrowed her gaze as he draped himself over one of the armchairs, giving her another appreciative look. "I thought the brother's name was Kol?"
His nose scrunched. "Unfortunately, there are five Mikaelson brothers. A sister, too. Nosy for a dancer, aren't you? Most of those 'Lijah keeps on the roster know to mind their business."
A mild panic took over; she was usually better at playing it cool. Now, she was going to get busted for asking too many questions. If she couldn't handle the unexpected brother, she really had no chance at taking on the mob boss himself. "Not a dancer yet," Caroline answered, aiming for sheepish with her hands tucked into the tight back pockets of her shorts. "I'm just a waitress until a stage shift opens up."
Ideally, she would be long gone before that happened, if only to avoid breaking an ankle in the heels. Not even her most rigorous pageant training could have prepared her for the skill those things took to work. That, and she needed to tidy up this case fast to get Damon Salvatore off her speed dial. And Stefan - she never would have accepted the job had he not played the friend card. Her only solace was the fact they agreed to double her usual rate for a job like this. 
The tips were pretty great, too. Even just waitressing had earned her some nice spending money to splurge on clothes and pampering. Had the high-end strip club not been a front for Elijah Mikaelson to launder his ill-gotten gains, she might seriously consider moonlighting once the gig was over.
With the way the boss’s brother was eyeing her, though, that might happen sooner than she’d like. It wouldn’t do to get found out before she could track down what Damon asked her to find, and she did not relish the idea of handing back the hefty check he’d already given. Bristling, she crossed her arms, hoping to annoy him off the scent of her subterfuge. “Can I help you?”
Klaus, however, seemed unperturbed by her attitude. “If it’s better pay you’re after, I might have an opportunity for you.” When she gave an outraged splutter, he merely waved her off. “Not quite what you’re thinking, love, though I apologize for any offense. I’m in the market for a new model.”
“For your burgeoning porn empire? No, thanks.”
“I’m an artist, I would like to paint you,” he clarified with a wry grin. Leaning forward on his knees, he lowered his voice as though letting her in on a secret. “Any wardrobe choices — or lack thereof — would be entirely up to you.”
Sensing his interest wasn’t entirely aesthetic, Caroline figured she might as well learn what she could from the cad. “Don’t try to play me. The girls at the club talk, you know. I heard a rumor the Mikaelsons were, like, connected. The whole starving artist thing doesn’t really add up, so I’ll pass.”
Again, his gaze focused on her in an assessing way, lips still curled up. He took the bait. This was almost too easy. “I do alright, family connections aside,” he joked. “Perhaps you’d like to see some of my work...” Trailing off, he left her with an expectant look.
She pretends to cover a flattered expression with irritation. “Candy.”
“And if I were to check Elijah’s meticulous hiring paperwork?”
A beat passed. “Candice,” she relented with a sigh, reminding herself to buy Bonnie something gorgeous to thank her for crafting a bulletproof identity, complete with an otherwise authentic Social Security card and active social media accounts. “Candice Moore.”
That smirk of his spread to a full smile, and she was a bit stunned to see the utter delight on his face. “Funny,” he said, standing to move closer. Without meaning to, she swayed toward him in return, only to catch herself when he gave a teasing tug to her tousled braid. All her attention snapped to the mere foot between them, then to the intense blue of his eyes. "You look more like a Caroline to me."
Rearing back, she blindly reached into her bag. But Klaus was calm and collected as he plucked the Taser from her grasp. "Now, no need to panic, Ms. Forbes. I merely want to talk."
"Bullshit," she huffed. "How—”
He sat back in his chair, watching her with obvious amusement. "You're good. The cover might have worked had your application not been flagged by my security team. Don't feel bad, they're very thorough.”
The pieces were falling into place faster than she realized they were even missing. Unfortunately, she couldn't make herself focus past the first big answer. She finally took the drink he'd poured for her and downed it in one gulp. More potent than she thought, her voice was hoarse after a bracing cough. "Your security team."
His smirk was positively evil. "You seemed determined to learn the particulars of my organization, sweetheart, though I'm sorry to disappoint that Elijah's file cabinet wasn't able to satisfy your...professional curiosity. I, however, am more than interested in your questions." 
With a snap of his fingers, the office door squeaked, and Caroline caught only a peek of the guard she hadn't even noticed lurking outside before the lock clicked into place. Alone with an underground kingpin without a weapon, she fell back into the other chair like the sitting duck she was. "I don't suppose I could distract you by accepting the modeling offer," she tried with a weak laugh.
Ever the surprise, he chuckled with her. "Always. But if you tell me what I want to know, I can offer you a far more lucrative employment. Good private eyes are hard to find, and you're the first to get this far without ruffling feathers."
"I ruffled yours, didn't I?"
If his smirk was evil, his bright smile was disarming. "Who hired you? I believe I owe them a nice thank you for this introduction."
Caroline watched him carefully, confused at the game he was playing. "My clients pay for results and discretion," she answered politely. "If you were to secure my services, with a healthy retainer fee—"
"Of course."
"—I would promise you the same. Unfortunately," she sighed with a pout, "I think this little mishap constitutes a conflict of interest. But thank you for your interest in Forbes Investigations. Can I go now?"
He leaned forward on his knees, his hands folded in front of him. "You know, I might be of some help to your current clients. Were I to assist in your investigation, there would be no conflict at all. The opposite, in fact."
Chewing her lip in thought, she shook her head and decided to cut her losses. "It has nothing to do with the business, not really," she promised. "I've been tasked with finding someone, someone I thought your brother might be supporting with some creative accounting. That's all."
"Don't tell me," Klaus groaned. "Katerina conned your clients then clawed her way back into Elijah's good graces to hide from the consequences of her own actions."
She scoffed. "Says the guy who lets the world think his brother is a criminal mastermind while he's pulling the strings behind the scenes."
Smirking, he didn't seem offended in the slightest. "Elijah's better with paperwork, but his decision-making is unreliable. I think Katerina is example enough of that."
"Fair." Caroline only met her once, but everything she had learned since Damon hired her painted quite the picture. That, and the fact she all but disappeared after he gave her an heirloom engagement ring, despite the fact she was openly gunning for Stefan throughout their entire relationship. "But it sounds like this was a surprise to you, too, so you probably can't be of much help to me in finding her."
"Reverse psychology is beneath you," he flirted. "And I've already offered to help. You're the one being stubborn."
With a roll of her eyes, she finally stood to pour herself another drink. "Yeah, I'm the stubborn one. You probably have a hundred investigators already on staff. What do you want with little, old me?"
He just smiled. "You want my secrets, you'll have to earn them, love. Now, do we have a deal?"
Oh, she was going to regret this; if only she wasn't so damn intrigued. Draining her glass, she set it on the table between them with a thunk before stretching out her hand. "Deal."
Klaus shook her hand with a firm grip, the contact distracting to say the least. Then, he just had to open his mouth. "The modeling job is a standing offer, by the way."
"Good to know."
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cxplqnce · 3 years
Klaus Mikaelson - Never Be The One
Word Count: 2,505
Based on the song Never Be The One by Bonnie Anderson
You were Y/N Salvatore, the infamous sister of Stefan and Damon.
After they had been turned into vampires by Katherine, they had left Mystic Falls and you believed them to be – like your father – dead. You cried for weeks after the loss of your family but continued on your life under the care of the Lockwood family.
However, a few years after your family’s downfall, you were greeted on your morning walk by a mysterious stranger who called himself Klaus.
Klaus was strange to you; he was different to any other man you had ever met, he was chivalrous, caring, kind and he was an Original Vampire. He had told you of his true self a few months after you had met him. He had revealed to you that your brothers were also vampires and were not, in fact, dead.
Immediately, he offered to turn you. You would live under his protection and care and you would get to see your brothers again. You quickly accepted and the deed was done. You spent a few years gaining control over your bloodlust, which wasn’t too difficult for you as you had copious amounts of self-control as a human. You fell in love with Klaus, even got engaged to him, while travelling with him – especially while living in New Orleans with his family.
Unfortunately, in 1919, fifty years after you had met Klaus, his father Mikael had come to town to kill his children. Klaus made the hardest decision he had ever made that day, he compelled you to forget him and to find your brothers – to keep you safe.
You did as Klaus had said; you left New Orleans and forgot everything about him and his siblings. You forgot all of the happy memories with him and all of the joys of his love. You had found Damon first and spent some time with him before leaving to find Stefan. You flitted between the two for the next ninety years before ending up back in Mystic Falls where you found both of your brothers entranced by a human girl with the face of Katherine Pierce.
Everything changed when Klaus appeared back in Mystic Falls. He resorted to stalking you, following you around but never talking to you because he was too nervous when he was around you.
You had met Elijah, who had recognised you but knew what Klaus had done so re-introduced himself to you. You thought he was a lovely and attractive person but you questioned whether you had met him before since he seemed oddly familiar. You got the same feeling at the mention of Klaus’ name later in the conversation.
You were at the Mystic Grill, alone, trying to figure out where you had heard the name Klaus Mikaelson before but you were interrupted by the man himself. As soon as he introduced himself you were terrified. You had been told of the horrible things he had done and what he was planning to do. However, what Klaus did in that moment was unexpected, he asked you to have a drink with him and get to know each other.
You were obviously extremely confused but went along with it since you thought the other option was death, however, what you didn’t know was that Klaus would never dream of hurting you, let alone killing you. It puzzled you, why he was suddenly so kind and caring but after a few drinks you thought you had the answer.
“Did we know each other? Elijah said that Originals can compel other vampires, was I compelled to forget that I knew you?” You asked your heart beating extremely fast.
Klaus chuckled at your nervousness. He laid a hand over yours, “You are entirely correct, love. I did compel you to forget me, for your own safety.” He admitted, “Now, I must be off, curse-undoing to be done.” And with that, the Original was gone.
Every time I try I only make it worse
Every single lesson that I never learn
Try to build a bridge to you to watch it burn
Try to put the blame on you that I deserve
Later that night, you followed Stefan to where Klaus was undoing his curse. You saw Elena standing by Klaus on a boulder with a witch. You saw a female werewolf and Jenna lying dead, and Stefan awake but too weak to move. Klaus gripped Elena’s neck and his fangs started to extend out of his teeth.
“Klaus!” You yelled, coming into their view. Klaus’ head snapped up and his eyes met yours. “Please, don’t do this… I don’t remember how I knew you or what we were to each other but you said you compelled me for my own safety… That means you care about me.” You started, a few tears brimming in your eyes as you walked closer to the Original. “If you do care, Klaus, please don’t do this… please, I beg you. If I ever meant anything to you then listen… please.” You pleaded, holding your hand out in front of you, more tears falling down your cheeks. “I don’t know why but when I look at you, I feel safe, protected… and happy. No one who makes me feel like that would ever hurt an innocent person, please Klaus… Please.”
You saw a tear fall from Klaus’ right eye before he croaked out, “I’m sorry, love.” He dived at Elena, sinking his fangs into her neck, draining her off all her blood before dropping her body to the floor. Stefan yelled out as your hands flew to your mouth and you dropped to the ground next to your brother.
Klaus looked up to the full moon as his bones started to crack but before anything happened, he was thrown across the clearing by Bonnie who heightened the flames gaining the witches attention, whose neck was promptly snapped by Damon – who picked up Elena’s body.
Bonnie continued to chant in Latin, Klaus’ body writhing in pain as Bonnie got closer and closer. Stefan ordered Damon to take Elena away as you helped him up, walking up behind Bonnie. Something about Klaus in pain hurt you so you had to look away as Elijah came into view and stood over his brother, shoving his hand into his chest. Klaus started negotiating with his brother who took Klaus away before any of you could stop him.
Remember all the times I went and fucked it up?
Telling you I'm sorry but it's not enough
All these nasty habits running through my lungs
Never thought I'd be the one that I'd become
Thankfully, after Klaus’ escape, Elena was resurrected. However, Damon revealed that he had been bitten by a werewolf. Stefan miraculously gained the cure from Klaus, his blood, but had to leave Mystic Falls with him which you weren’t too happy about.
During all of this, you had still been trying to figure out how you knew Klaus, how he could fit into your life somehow but you had come to no conclusion so you went to the Mystic grill to drown your sorrows only to be met by Klaus again.
“Hello, love.” He greeted, sitting next to you at the bar, ordering a drink.
You sighed, “What do you want, Klaus.” You asked, not daring to look him in the eyes as you necked another shot.
“That isn’t the way to talk to the person who just saved your brother’s life.” He replied, picking up his glass, but you stayed silent, “What? Can’t even look at me, love?”
You scoffed, turning to him, “I want to hate you for what you’ve done to my family and friends but every single time I look at you all of that hate disappears and I have these good feelings, this love of some sort, I don’t know. All I know is that I can’t hate you and I don’t even know why.” You growled in frustration hitting the table with your fists and sighing.
“I can give you your memories back if you so desire.”
Your head snapped back to him, “Why? What do want in return?” You asked, shaking your head, a few tears brimming in your eyes.
Klaus put his drink down and looked at you in the eyes, getting closer to you, “I don’t want anything from you, Y/N. Once I give you your memories back you will understand.”
“Understand what?”
“Exactly how much I care for you, love… Spoiler alert, it is a great deal… I only want you to be happy and safe.” He explained, placing his hand over yours, “Do you want them back?”
You took a shaky breath and whispered, “Yes.”
Klaus took a breath, moving your chin slightly so he could look directly in your eyes, “Remember.”
Suddenly, everything came back. Your first meeting in the woods, him turning you, your time travelling, your time in New Orleans, the first time he told you he loved you, your engagement and when he told you why he was leaving.
Once it had all come back, you were full on crying, “You compelled me because of your father. You wanted to keep me safe from him. You loved me.”
“Love you. Present tense.” Klaus corrected. You didn’t know what came over you but you leant forward and captured his lips in a long-awaited kiss. He gladly accepted the gesture of affection and held your waist and cheek in his hands. “Come with me, love.” He suggested as you pulled away.
“But Damon and-”
Klaus cut you off with another kiss, “I just got you back, love, I can’t lose you again… Letting you go was the hardest decision I’ve ever made. I love you, Y/N.”
No, I'm not perfect
Why you try to make me something that I'm not?
And you're not perfect
Let me make my own mistakes it's what I want
Three months later, you remained in Mystic Falls. You told Klaus that you couldn’t leave with him no matter how much you wanted to you just needed some time to process. He seemed to understand but you were unsure of how many dead bodies your actions would lead to.
You were currently at the high school, helping the seniors with their pranks for the day when you came face to face with him again. You were with Bonnie and Matt, planning one of the pranks when you entered the gym and saw him again.
“Bonnie! Get out of here!” Elena yelled but she was too late. Klaus questioned Bonnie before Rebekah, his sister, brought in Tyler the werewolf.
You moved to stand in front of Klaus, knowing you had sway over his decisions, “Klaus, whatever you are going to do, please, don’t hurt anyone.”
“I’m sorry, love. My plan does have a certain degree of acceptable losses.” He said, grabbing Tyler off his sister and introducing her to the group before giving Bonnie and ultimatum and feeding Tyler his blood.
“Klaus, no, please.” You begged.
Klaus sighed, “Stop that, love. One of these days my stupid heart is going to give into your demands but today is not that day.” He yelled before snapping Tyler’s neck. Klaus let Bonnie and Matt leave to find a way to save Tyler while Rebekah taunted Elena.
“Klaus, I want to speak to you in private.” You demanded, turning to look at the man you loved.
Klaus nodded his head, “Of course, love.” He replied, taking your hand and leading you to a classroom. “What is it you wanted, love? Information or something else.” He inquired with a cheeky grin on his face.
“I’m sorry.” You said. Klaus’ face contorted in confusion. “I’m sorry that I didn’t go with you three months ago and I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you that Elena was alive but they are family, Klaus, I need to protect them.”
“I thought I was your family too.”
“You are because even after everything you’ve done and against my better judgement, I love you with all my heart…” You continued, a single tear falling down your cheek, “And one of these days I’m going to have to choose between them and you and no matter which I pick, I’ll end up heartbroken… If I choose them, you’ll have to hurt me or kill me but If I choose you I’ll have to betray my brothers and my friends and they’ll hate me forever. Either way, I lose.” You shouted, tears running down your face. “Because I’ll either have to live without my brothers or the man that I am so deeply in love with that it hurts.”
“I am truly sorry, love, I did not mean to hurt you but I cannot give up, I will not.” Klaus defended, grabbing your hands and pulling you closer to him.
You pulled your hands away, “Then I guess you just made my decision for me.” You whispered, leaving the room.
Klaus did something he hadn’t done in a long time. He cried. Tears fell in waves down his cheeks as he screamed, kicking over tables and chairs in anger. He had lost you for a second time. He didn’t know that you were just down the hall, listening to his meltdown and crying into your hands.
Cause I'll never be the one
That'll get it right, every single time
I'll never be the one
That'll hold my words even though they hurt
You had decided, with a lot of convincing from Caroline, that you would go to the 20s decade dance. She had promised that Klaus wouldn’t be there but she was wrong. You were stood to the side downing some form of alcohol when you spotted him.
“Hello, love.” Klaus greeted with a half-smile, “Dance with me?” He asked, holding out his hand. Reluctantly, you took his hand and let him lead you onto the dance floor. He pulled you into him and you started to sway to the music. “Do you remember how we used to dance?”
“I remember.” You whispered, the memories resurfacing prompting a small smile to appear on your face. “You used to hold me like this and tell me how much you loved me.” You retold.
Klaus chuckled, “Yes, I used to say ‘I am so in love with you, my darling.’ And you would reply,”
“I love you too, you hopeless romantic.” You finished as Klaus spun you out and back in. “It is nice to relive old memories but we can never go back to that, Klaus. I’ll never be the one for you.”
“Then take this.” He said, pulling away from you and reaching into his pocket.
Your eyes widened once you saw it, “My engagement ring. You’ve had it all these years.”
“I couldn’t bear to part with it, my love. It was reminder of the love of my life.”
I'll never be the one
I'll never be the one
But even if I'm wrong will you miss me when I'm gone?
I'll never be the one
A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Follow my instagram @cxplqnce :)
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werezmastarbucks · 4 years
Whitmore Guy claims his last victim (it’s not Damon)
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(moodboards made yet again by @stfudipz​ who gets me and Mal like no one else)
Whitmore Guy masterlist
word count: 2537
warnings: clinical insanity
music: good things fall apart by illenium, jon bellion and travis barker, afraid to forget by hammock, hope is gone by moby, a part of me by neck deep
this is the last chapter
She woke up to him singing. Her eyes were burning as if she’s been crying and then stopped, and Mr Sandman brought his dry salt and sprinkled some into her eyelids. Her head leaned against the door, vibrating with the friction of the wheels with the road. Sunrise was on. From the east, long coral pattern of light fog was stretching, lighting the sky. The air must smell like dew and tears, but there’s the sun behind the low roofs in the straight streets of Lavonia. She wondered how Kai (the name was strange; she had to remind herself it’s Kai, not Mal) hasn’t woken her up earlier, with the music blasting so loud, and with his unapologetic singing. He did have the sense of rhythm, but didn’t use it too often. He mainly preferred to squeal like tires.
“I know I can be dramatic, but everybody said we had it”, his head snapped to her, as he saw her move, “hmmm, hmmm. You’re up? What did you see?”
“Them two killing Atticus Shane”, she whispered. Kai’s vampire ears caught the sound. She could now explain a lot of things. Now that she knew. She looked at him. Her head was heavy, as if she’d banged it several times. Although she’s apparently been out for no less than three hours, she didn’t feel rested. It was like a fever that’s just stepped back, and the heavy afterglow was still lingering. Even blinking was hard.
“How did you give me that vision? And what was she doing, giving you magic? How?”
Kai frowned.
“Don’t say ‘she’. It’s you. It was you”.
“I’m sorry, she just felt like another person. I don’t remember her, either. Together with you, it’s like I’m robbed of the memories of myself”.
She looked at the long, thick scar on her hand, crooked like a hook. The cat’s sharp teeth. It was white and bulgy now, several years later.
“That’s what Malivore does. It robs of memories” he shrugged. Then he granted her with a long glance. Rows of houses were flying by outside, as they strode through a housing estate. There were fields ahead. Y/N didn’t want to think about where they were going. At the same time, she wanted to be there.
“But it can’t take away the feelings. I mean, you should record me say it, hehe”, he grinned, “me talking about feelings. Anyway, you kinda feel empty, right? All those times you told Mal… your best friend in the world and your lowkey crush… about you missing something, and that thing about the reverse doorframe syndrome. You were missing me, poor thing. But now it’s over. There’s no spell to reverse the Malivore effect, but thankfully, you and I, we were meant to be together, by nature. So, I will fix that. You know, I can just show you whatever you want”.
“And by nature, you mean that weird thing she… I was doing? The zip?”
“You’re feeling it?”
Kai smiled and took her hand. The light sensation was there again.
“It’s me taking magic from you. You’re a vessel. Ever heard of that?”
“That’s the first time I ever hear this. I think Bonnie would’ve told me if it was a thing?”
The witch vampire shrugged dismissively.
“Vessels are rare. They’re hidden. They’re only meant to feed siphoners. A vampire can’t spot it, especially if the vessel doesn’t know what it is. A witch can only detect it if she knows what she’s looking for. Bonnie could touch you all she wanted, you’re just a human on the outside”.
He bit his lip hard, and looked like he was deeply, fundamentally proud.
“You only work when I’m near you”.
She sat up, stretching her back.
“Is that why you are so obsessed with me?”
Kai shot her a warning gaze.
“And what’s with all the psychotic behavior? You think you can control me? Bae?”
He laughed out.
“Of course not. It’s just… now, unfortunately, I’m the only adult in this relationship. And you know I’m not very good at being an adult. I need to steer you in the right direction, but it takes patience and finesse, and honestly, I feel like I’ve used up all my patience while being that… Mal Osbourne. That’s us”.
He stopped the car where the housing estate ended, and the road took deeper into the countryside. The long line of fields stretched forward on, but on the left, below the whitening sky, there was a mass of trees so dark it mesmerized the sight. The motel Y/N stayed at last year was further on, about two miles down the road. Here, it was quiet and absolutely empty. No birds even.
She couldn’t wait anymore. She left the car, her feet trembling at the sensation of hard, cold asphalt cooled up during the night. The grass was already dry and pricky, ready to die for the winter. Kai slapped the door closed and went around the car.
She was looking at the forest.
“Is that where Malivore is?”
He was standing at the trunk of the car, looking at her. In the complete silence, she asked herself what he had there. Without another word, he opened the trunk, but she couldn’t see from here. Her heart sunk. It was pounding so hard her eyes went blind for a second. Kai bowed and started pulling something out.
God please let it be my things. Let it be a suitcase with my things.
It was Damon Salvatore.
She realized Mystic Falls was left behind, five hours exactly. And that her phone was still in the pocket of his jacket. It wasn’t a choice of one or two, it was now a complete mess. Her head was still numb with the night vision. She watched herself in the rearview mirror of the car, excited eyes, the mouth that keeps crooking in an entertained smile, the tilt of her head leaning towards Kai. She was completely smitten by him, he had possessed her. She was trapped.
“Up”, Kai threw Damon’s body on the ground and crouched above him, slapping him on the side of his face gently. “I want you to be awake for that. Come on, it wasn’t that much vervain”.
He looked up at her and smiled as if saying, what a weakling! and expecting her to share his scornfulness . She was mute, walking up to them. She knew that was exactly what Kai’s been talking about earlier. The choice.
Damon moved, his face distorted with pain, and opened his eyes slowly. He was weak. Like a wounded animal, he looked at them both, trying to focus, to make his limbs move, but the poison in his blood was too strong.
“Interesting how it took all of you, and a spell, to take me out”, Kai said, venom in his voice, “but it took only one of me to knock down both you and your little brother. I can’t help thinking you’re a bitch ass baby compared to me”.
He looked at Damon with indifference, his eyes opaque, like the vampire was an insect. Before she could say anything, he put his hand into Damon’s pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. He then handed it to her without raising his head. Damon’s eyes shifted on her, and he did what he always did. First of all, he checked up on her.
She took the paper with hard hand, unsure if she even wants to see it.
Listen here, Damon, it’s me. I mean, you. You’re sitting in your car outside the cave in Georgia right now, confused about what you’re doing here. The first thing you do now is, you leave and read this completely and utterly alone. Bon Bon wanted to know, too, because she’s a brave soul, but honestly, he’s not worth it. Don’t tell her.
The lines were jumping in front of her eyes. To take a breath, she looked at Damon whom Kai was trying to get to stand, pulling on his shoulders. Damon was forced to take his hand for support, and was furious about it.
“What is this? Is it a letter to yourself?” she cried.
Damon sniffed like a wolf, his eyes hard silver. He wasn’t sorry.
“I’m not sorry”, he said. Kai clicked his tongue.
Her heart was breaking again, and again, as she looked at Damon. Always, he has been there to cover her, and he’s always had that way about it, the way that expressed that he knew better. That he had it all under control, regardless of what others think. His decisions were always authoritative. He didn’t really care for her, he cared for his version of her wellbeing. She had to comply with what he thought was best.
How was Damon different from a psychopath kidnapping her barefooted then?
“Read it, read it”, Kai waved his hand, “I need to say something to Damon”.
“I’ll be damned”, the vampire growled. Damon was strong. He was a strong, skilled fighter. But apparently, there was something that broke in Kai, like a string that let out this hurricane of power. He seemed untouchable, like the earth itself was giving him strength. As her eyes were sliding down the lines, she realized he’s been to hell, she realized all the things Damon was describing must have made him the ultimate killer, inescapable.
Damon charged at him, his strong hands wrapping around the witch’s throat, but Kai motioned his hand like witches do.
“No touchy, please”, he said shortly. With a sweet whistle, Damon flew through the air and crashed on the field meters away. Kai followed him.
“You know what?” he said, a bit louder.
She walked after them both.
“Kai, please, don’t kill him!”
Damon was getting up. He got up again and again, as Kai put him on the ground effortlessly time after time. One was resilient and refusing to back down. The other had all the power in the world, fueled by anger.
“I almost had it all together, you know”, Kai snapped. He sure didn’t realize who he was yelling at.
“And then this”, he pointed at Damon, “took it all away from me. And I almost felt for you, bastards. You liked Mal so much, what a bunch of losers. I almost forgave you, can you believe it? I was about to call the whole thing off. Then I remembered how we were so happy and normal – a luxury that my girlfriend here”, in the heat of the moment, Kai grabbed her by the neck, and she yelped again, with surprise. He shook her like she was a ferret. “Doesn’t have. What am I supposed to do about her? You know, Damon, you’re the villain here. I was just trying to get it all together”.
“You’re a fucking psycho”, Damon grumbled. There was dry grass in his hair. Y/N fought out of his clutch. “I would chain you up to a mountain in Malivore myself if I had a chance, anything just to keep you away from here”.
“Joke’s on you, idiot”, Kai chanted, “there are no mountains in Malivore. No lakes, no cities, no nothing. There’s just… nothingness. And you. Alone”.
Damon panted, showing his teeth.
“All your family is dead”, Kai said, and the hammering silence fell again. Damon and Y/N froze.
“What?” Salvatore uttered. Kai snickered.
“They’re all dead. Your brother, Elena, the witch, the bossy blonde, the teacher. They’re gone. But you don’t get to join them”.
“Dead?” Damon repeated, like wind flew off his mouth.
“The hunters I brought into Mystic Falls. The FBI guys. They were mine”.
He turned to Y/N and looked at her. He reckoned, at that moment he had the same look that he usually gave Sandy when he didn’t want her to scream. He tried to imagine tearing Y/N’s jaws apart and was upset. She’ll be sore now for a long time. This whole relationship thing is such work.
She was clutching Damon’s letter in her fist so hard her nails were hurting her hand. She didn’t ask why. She knew why. She understood him perfectly, but at that moment, the last pieces of her were stomped away. She realized he took away everything from her, everybody, punishing her, somehow, for forgetting him. There was nothing now: only him and this eternal pink sky stretching in all direction of the cosmos. And nothing else.
She saw in a slow motion as Damon jumped forward, his face a mask of pain. Y/N was rooting then for Damon, knowing perfectly well the bad guy shall have the upper hand. Like in the movie, she felt distant, unpresent. She knew these were the last moment she would see him. She looked at his silhouette in the air, black ink spot on the light morning background. She thought of that time he ripped a heart out of a vampire to save her, and stood with it, scarlet blood dripping from his fist. She was falling into the abyss, slowly, her mind leaving her. As Damon reached Kai, they both disappeared, and she was left alone in the field, and only then she let out a shriek.
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She decided she would kill Kai Parker. One day, when he’s lost caution. When he thinks it’s finally over, and she’s over it. When they live somewhere else, in Ohio, because Ohio is for lovers. When he thinks life is finally good, and everything he’s done is justified, that it’s all for love, she will kill him somehow. Of course, it will take a lot of thinking, because he seems like he has no weak points. But she’ll come up with something.
The sun was now blazing on her cheek with the first rays, rolling up above the field and spreading golden newborn light, brilliant and clear, over everything. She was shredded; like a vegetable, she was now peeled of her layers, and only the animalistic red core was left, all instincts and no reason. She undid her fists and pushed away some garbage laying at her hand.
She watched Kai return from the forest, picking and pulling at the flowers as he went. He rubbed his face like a sleepy child. She stood up, rubbing her knees, and took full lungs of air. She will kill him one day, that is how it will end. She has no choice. But now, she’s incapable of that. All she can do is love him, for now.
Kai approached her, taking her in his arms, and they kissed, morning sunlight sneaking between their lips. The car was waiting for them on the side of the road, warming up slowly.
“Where now?” he asked. His hand was slowly caressing her shoulder, and she shivered with pleasure, snuggling close to him. The air was still a little chilly.
“How about a shoe store? You fucking brute. My feet are cold”.
Kai chuckled. As they reached the car, he turned back as if admiring the sight.
“Babe, what was I doing there?”
She got into a car and tried to close the door but Kai was in the way.
“I don’t know. Taking a leak?”
Kai shrugged. He looked at his left palm, puzzled. Turned it and showed it to her, a smudged word in a black marker.
“Who’s Damon?”
She blinked.
“No idea. Get in! Come on, Kai”.
“You’re driving”, he winked. She puffed and crawled over to the driver’s seat. Kai Parker got into the car with a wide smile on his face and closed the door.
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cheeseburgersstuff · 4 years
Our New Life - 11
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Steve x Reader
Damon x Reader (platonic)
Warnings: language, mistakes, a lot of time gaps (shitty attempt...)
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. .
It’s been two years, everything seemed fine so far. Damon started to date Elena, thanks to y/n. y/n started to work in mystic falls hospital. She became the part of Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie's group. Damon started taking interest in the council. Everything seemed fine.
 Their life was normal in those two years. Nothing insane happened or even if something happened they were too busy living their lives.
But of course, they weren’t normal, their lives were meant to be shitty and messy so after two years of break, they went back to work.
It was a normal day, y/n was the first one to wake up and made breakfast for the lazy Salvatores. 
They both were going out with their dates. Of course, Damon didn’t want to leave her alone. He was whining that she should also join them, making her remember Steve and Bucky's double dates.
The doorbell rang and Damon opened the door to reveal Elena. He greeted her with a kiss which was too inappropriate considering the presence of others. y/n cleared her throat causing him to break the kiss. He looked at her with a smile but only got a glare in return.
“y/n, you should also come with u,..” Elena said sitting on the couch. “Look! I was telling her the same.” Damon said before she could say anything.
She sighed “I don't want to be a third wheel or fifth wheel?” she said. “Well, then you should also start to date someone you know. Then you won’t be a burden on us and it could be a relief to your tensions you know ``Damon said, smirking. Before y/n could do something Elena hit his head causing him to glare at her. “Thanks, Elena” y/n said.
Stefen and Caroline came downstairs causing everyone to look at them. “Ooh! So the girl stayed last night. Scandalous.” Damon said. Everyone ignored his comment and got up to leave. 
y/n stayed at home. She wanted to spend someone with herself. What she didn’t know was that she wouldn’t find any time for herself. 
After about an hour she got a call from a panicked Damon telling her to meet at the grill ASAP. 
When y/n arrived there everything was messed up. Elena was nowhere to be seen. Damon Stefen and caroline were fighting men. She felt someone’s eyes on her but she couldn’t find who’s eyes they were.
Suddenly a man came, held Elena by her hair. Her head was bleeding and it felt like she was about to faint. Her hands and mouth were tied. He helped her sit on a chair as if expecting her to enjoy watching her friends fight. 
When Damon saw that man and Elena, y/n knew what’s going to happen. Damon, without thinking, jumped upon that man but y/n got in between them. It all happened so fast, no one could understand what really happened. 
y/n pushed Damon out of the way and the hand that man was about to enter in Damon’s chest went into y/n’s, to her heart. They both were standing there looking into each other’s eyes. He wanted to see the fear in her eyes but there was nothing, no fear no anger in her eyes. They were empty. She could feel the color starting to disappear from her body. She started to desiccate. 
He didn’t pull her heart out, he just held it in his hand and gave it a squeeze making the pain unbearable just wanting to get a reaction from her. 
She did want to scream but knew it would give him that satisfaction. If she was going to die, she would die with honor. without giving her killer the satisfaction to see her pain. She was waiting for her death, for the man to pull her heart out but it never came. 
Suddenly that man was pushed by another man, who seemed much more graceful than him.
He held him by his shoulders “she is not her, can’t you see that.” he growled looking at Elena, bleeding. 
“You think I care, I just want the doppelganger, I don’t care who it is.” the other one said, trying to free himself. “You left me no choice” and with that, he snapped his neck and they both vanished.
y/n inhaled deeply, trying to calm her down. Damon came to her “are you okay?” he said with a hand on her shoulder. She looked in his eyes, she knew he wanted to say a lot of things. She didn’t reply and just nodded. Damon went to Elena, freed her hand. She tried to get up but was too weak. Damon fed her his blood and helped to stand her.
On the other hand, Stefen was also helping Caroline. She was hurt too, as human fighting those men were indeed brave of her, just like her mother.
“Next time I am going to be a third wheel no matter what. You guys indeed need someone to babysit, always getting into trouble.” y/n joked making everyone chuckle. 
After getting Elena and Caroline home safely they returned to the Salvatore house. y/n straight went to her bed, feeling exhausted mentally. After a few moments, she heard footsteps which she knew were Damon's. But she kept her eyes closed.
Damon sat beside her and took her hand. A few seconds he didn’t say anything. Just watched her like he got another chance. “You are a terrible friend. Do you know that? Do you have any idea what I'd have to go through If you’d have died today, huh? Years of guilt. Crippling, self-loathing, guilt. Not to mention the resentment I’d feel if I was forced to break in a new drinking buddy. You are not supposed to die for me y/n.” That made her chuckle and opened her eyes. “I had to do something, you were about to break your promise. To, not to leave me ever,” she said smiling.
“So you were about to give me punishment? By dying? Never do that again y/n. Just like you, I need my best friend too, I want you to promise me the same.” he said and she could see the tears in his eyes just like years ago when she said not to complete her transition. “I promise,” she whispered, making him smile through his tears…..
. . .
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tanjamikaelson · 4 years
  - “Everything you’ve heard about hell is true, fire and torment all day.” Cade began explaining as they approached a big house and he continued as they walked in, “Everyone wants to be with me to escape it but they are just so ordinary.” he looks at Natali, “Well except you.”
  - Natali looks at him and gives him a smile and just then they hear a male voice, “Isn’t that the same speech you gave to me?” 
She turns around to see a handsome guy with dark brown hair who was leaning on the door frame and eyeing warily, wondering who was a new Cade’s sidekick.
  - He then steps closer to her, “What is she? Can I guess? She looks like a vampire.”
  - Cade looks at Natali and says, “This is Kai Parker.” he introduces him and they say to him, “And Natali here is just like you, a vampire and a witch siphoner, but much more older than you.”
  - “Oh really? Consider me intrigued.” Kai says, still looking at her.
  - “I can say the same.” Natali tells him, “How come I never met you? Or heard about you?”
  - “Well, probably because I was stuck in the prison world for eighteen years and shortly after I escaped Damian Salvatore killed me.”
  - “You mean Damon?” Natali questioned.
  - “Yes, yes. You know him?” Kai asked.
  - “Oh, I know all of them. And we’re not on good terms.” Natali tells him.
  - “Same enemies, I like you already.” Kai states and gives her devilish smile, which she returns.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
Last time Natali saw Kai was in Mystic Falls. They did a spell together that brought them to Mystic grill, but shortly after that they went separate ways. Now she was hoping that Kai was still here, harassing the Mystic Falls gang. 
Unfortunately she couldn’t find him, so she decided to find one person who can know where he is.
  - “Hello, Bonnie.” Natali saya standing behind her and as Bonnie turns around she contiones, “I need to know where your lover boy is.”
  - Bonnie narrows her eyes, “Enzo? What do you want with him?” she asked.
  - “I have no idea who that is. I was thinking about Kai Parker.” Natali tells her.
  - “Kai Parker? He is at a safe place.” Bonnie replied.
  - “You put him in a prison world again, didn’t you?” Natali questioned, “Well it's time for him to come back to the real world.”
  - “No way in hell I would let him out.” Bonnie protested.
  - “I don’t think you have a choice.” Natali threatened.
  - “Last time I saw you, you killed me, so-.” Bonnie was cut off by Natali, “And I can just as easily do it again, if you don't do as I say.” she looked at Bonnie and the flames of hell fire made a circle around her, “Now, you’ll give me the ascendant or you’ll end up in hell.”
  - “Why do you even need him?” Bonnie questioned.
  - “That doesn't concern you, little witch.” Natali 
  - “Even if I give you the ascendant you don't know the spell.” Bonnie told her.
  - “Well, I have you to do the spell.” Natali stated.
  - Bonnie scoffs, “Like hell I will.”
  - “Don’t make me lose my patience.” Natali tells her and steps closer, “Who did you mention earlier, Enzo is it? I’m sure you don’t want to lose him.”
  - “If you do anything to him-” Bonnie spoke.
  - “Then what? Hm?” Natali asks, “You know there’s no point in going against me, so you better give me what I want.”
After realizing that Natali is right Bonnie had no other choice then to cooperate. She did a spell and took Natali to the prison world. Kai was still in a karaoke bar chained to the chair. The chains only seemed looser due to his body slowly beginning to dehydrate. He could smell Bonnie's blood the moment they arrived. He was weak and in pain but slowly tilted his head up, his pupils were swallowed by black hunger and veins were writhing desperately along his cheeks.
  - Kai’s laugh was raspy, “You came.”
A small shudder passed through Bonnie’s spine as he grinned widely at her, his fangs dripping salaciously.
  - “Give him your blood.” Natali tells her.
  - “Not a chance he’s getting my blood.” Bonnie refused.
Natali reached her hand out to grab Bonnies, but she was surprised when her hand went straight through Bonnie.
  - “What the hell?” Natali exclaimed.
  - “The spell I gave you to chant was to trap you here and the spell I used only temporally teleported me here.” Bonnie explained, “In a matter of seconds you two will be trapped here alone, with no way out.”
  - Natali smiles, but Bonnie could see anger in her smile, “Congratulations Bonnie, you outsmarted me for the first and last time. I will get out of here and next time I see you, you will beg for mercy.” 
After that Bonnie disappeared and Natali walked towards Kai to give him her blood. She bit her wrist and placed it on his lips. He didn’t need a lot to recover. Few seconds later she pulled away her arm and freed him from the chains.
  - “Well, you can say you trapped your own self here.” Kai remarks the moment he was fully awake.
  - “Fuck you.” Natali spat out.
  - “Is that an insult or a to-do list?” Kai couldn’t help the childlike grin that cracked his features when he looked up at her. 
  - “Don’t get your hopes up.” Natali grumbled.
  - “Why did you come here? Isn’t you supposed to be with your boyfriend in Saint Tropez to kill your sister?” Kai asked her.
  - “I killed my sister and I don’t want to see Kol right now.” Natali tells him.
  - “Trouble in paradise?” Kai questioned.
  - “I found out that he killed my parents.” Natali told him.
  - “So what?” Kai says as he walks towards a bar.
  - “I completely lost control after that and I was left all alone.” Natali spoke, “It wasn’t easy to live like that, so I turned off my emotions after that and I’ve never been the same.” when she looked at him she saw that he wasn’t even paying attention to her, “Kai!” she exclaimed.
  - “Mmm?” Kai looks at her and smiles, “Sorry, I wasn’t listening.”
  - Natali sighed, “Why do I even bother?” she asks herself, before walking towards the door and leaving him alone.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
Natali couldn’t stay in Marseilles anymore so she left. She felt heartbroken, she never felt the pain like this before. Because she was a vampire it was all heightened and it seemed like it would never end. She left that place and never looked back, not even to bury her family, she couldn't bring herself to do it, especially because she couldn’t find bodies of her father and sister, but she knew they were dead too.
As much as she wanted to control her hunger, that much she would lose control. It was driving her crazy, she couldn’t focus on anything. She wanted to find Kol, but she didn’t know how. His family was never seen again.
Then finally after realizing that her overwhelming feeling of hunger won't stop as long as she tries to sustain it, she decides to embrace her nature and becomes a new person who doesn't feel remorse or guilt for anyone she killed, so the darkness she became. It was better that way, she didn't feel like she would go crazy with every passing second.
And after some time when she got her life under control she went to find a coven in which she was born.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
   - “What happened to my real parents?” Natali asked the woman that invited her into her home.
  - “They died, years ago. I was a very good friend with you mother.” The woman told her, “She told me about you seconds before she died. May she rest in peace.”
  - “Does this coven still go by the rule of killing my kind?” Natali asked firmly.
  - The woman looked her straight in the eyes, “Well your parents couldn’t change that rule and they were leaders, so..” woman began.
  - “So you still kill my kind.” Natali finished for her.
  - “Luckily for us, since you were born there wasn't born anyone who doesn’t have powers of their own. It’s very rare.” Woman told her.
  - “I suppose that I’m not welcomed here?” Natali asked.
  - “I personally don’t have anything against you, I loved your mother and I wouldn't harm you because you are different, but I can’t promise that for others.'' A woman tells her.
  - “Are you a coven leader?” Natali questioned.
  - “No, a sister of your mother has been a coven leader since your parents died.” Woman told her, “But she doesn’t even know that you’re alive, she thinks that you died at birth. Your parents did everything to keep you alive.”
  - “I see.” Natali muttered.
  - “You can stay here, try to keep a low profile. No one can know who you really are.” A woman told her.
  - Natali smiled, “Thank you. I’ll try my best.” she replied.
It’s been a few days now since Natali was living with her mother's friend. She was trying to keep her hunger under control, but the urge was getting bigger and bigger. One day when the night started to fall, Natali was outside of the house. Suddenly she started to smell blood, she was trying to resist but it felt like it was getting closer and closer. 
  - “Help. Please help.” Natali heard someone calling out.
A woman that Natali was staying with came out of the house to see what was happening. She was a girl approaching their house, blood was going down her keens, and she was barely standing. 
Natali who was feeding on animal blood for a few weeks, couldn’t stop her veins from coming out under her eyes. 
  - “Natali, can you help me?” A woman asked, when she saw that Natali was trying to leave.
  - “Uh, I don’t really like blood.” Natali told her without turning around.
  - “It’s okay, you can just bring me some urbs so I can put them on her wound.” A woman told her.
Natali did as she was told, she came back and was trying to avoid looking at any of them. A girl that was hurt looked up at Natali and saw something strange. She saw that her eyes were darkening and that something strange was appearing and disappearing under her eyes.
  - “Are you okay, what’s with your eyes? A girl asked.
  - Natali turned around, “I need to go. “ she said and quickly ran away from them.
Woods were close to their home so Natali went there. She was walking around feeling like she was about to faint. She never felt that way. She was really hungry for fresh human blood, she fed on animal blood only because she didn’t want anyone to find out the truth about her. But right now she doesn't know if she can resist the urge any longer. 
In order to satisfy her thirst she hunted a rabbit. She was feeding on him not noticing that someone was approaching her. It was a woman she was staying with, she realized that when she heard her scream.
Natali quickly let a rabbit fall from her hands and a woman could now see clearly that she was feeding on it. Blood was coming down her mouth and her eyes were dark red. 
  - “What kind of sick creature are you?” A woman questioned.
  - “It’s, it’s not what it looks like.” Natali spoke.
  - “It’s not what it looks like? You just told me you are scared of blood,”A woman told her.
  - “I know I did. I can’t be around human blood, because I need blood to survive,” Natali explained, “I’m not scared of the blood, I’m scared of what I could do.”
  - “You mean, you could do to humans the same as you did to that rabbit?” A woman asked.
  - Natali looks to the ground, “Yes.”
  - “Everyone was right. Your kind is an abomination.” Woman tells her.
  - “Please don’t say that,” Natali told her, continuing to feel hunger and anger.
  - “You don’t like to hear the truth?” Woman questioned, “I’m sorry but you are not welcomed in my home anymore. I was living with a monster all this time. ”
  - “I’m not a monster.” Natali tells her, rage could be heard in her voice.
  - A woman flinched, “I think that you should go and never come back.” She told her.
  - “No.” Natali replies sternly, “This coven is my birth right, I’m not going anywhere.”
  - “I don’t think witches will follow you when they find out what you really are.” A woman tells her.
  - Natali looked at her, it seemed like she didn’t have any emotions, “Then it’s a good thing you won’t live to tell them the truth.” 
As soon as she heard her say that, the woman began to run, but with a vampire speed Natali was quicker. She appeared in front of her and didn't think twice before she sank her fangs into her flesh. A warm fresh human blood filled her mouth and that feeling of ecstasy couldn’t be compared to anything. 
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ MASTERLIST Tags: @mikaelsonsmagic   @p3nny4urth0ught5   @cute-freak27   @ias-born  @superhalsteads  @characterobsessed   @hinata7346   @luiza-4-ever  @huntress1428  @infiniteoblivion21 @watersenthusiast
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zalrb · 4 years
What’s your top 5 fics you enjoyed writing?
ooooooooooh um, I think I’m going to have to do series haha. This aren’t really in order.
1. “Jonsa” Series
This was an unexpected series actually and I LOVE writing angst so the angst of this was SO MUCH FUN.
The words were spilling from Sansa’s mouth fuelled more by anger than actual concern; it was hard for her to discern where this rage sprang from, it was a sense of betrayal certainly but a betrayal that felt more primal than logical and it compelled her to keep shouting.
“I thought that leaving the North in my care meant that you finally trusted me enough—”
“Do not talk to me about trust,” said Jon, his voice rising. He felt his incredulity swell into anger, anger at her presumption, at her charge that he didn’t trust her, that he didn’t carry her with him wherever he went.  “You are the one who isn’t trusting me, Sansa.”
               “And how should I trust you? As a king who abandoned his people or as a brother who abandoned his family.”
               “You should trust me as a man!” he yelled. He paused. Sansa’s eyes widened imperceptibly and Jon felt a nervousness roil in his gut but he continued speaking.
An Entirely Different Way
“Do you—” she clenched her jaw.  “Do you truly believe that I am anywhere near ready to be married again?”
He shook his head frantically. “I’m sorry.”
Sansa didn’t look fragile, she looked hardened, like she walled herself in, the coldness that only seemed to dissipate in his presence cocooned her again and Jon knew he would stab himself in the gut if it would make any difference to her.
He rushed up to her and took her hands in his. “I am sorry. I spoke without thinking,” he said desperately. He held onto her tighter. “Sansa, please forgive me.” He pressed his forehead against hers and squeezed his eyes shut. “Please forgive me.”
Sansa sighed and after a few seconds closed her eyes too, her thumb stroking his as they clenched each other’s hands. It was surprisingly easy to forgive him, to feel safe even when they argued like this, to … to … to drink him in …
The door wrenched open and Sansa and Jon sprang apart. Arya was too busy nagging to see them. “Do you know we can hear you yelling all the way down the—”
She stared at Jon and Sansa, feet away from each other, breathing heavily, faces red. She narrowed her eyes. “What are you two doing?”
“You believing something so stubbornly doesn’t make it true!” he said, holding onto her tighter. “I would never betray you.” He looked at her with an earnestness so fierce it made her legs weak. “I would never — I would never put anyone else above you! I would never see you in danger ever again. I would never… I would never —”
Neither of them knew who moved forward first only that they’d come together in a breathless embrace that ignited a spark within both of them. Jon’s hands no longer held Sansa’s, instead they held either side of her face while Sansa’s hands gripped his wrists, her body bowed toward him.
Jon closed his eyes and sighed heavily, his entire body sagging with the weight of it.          
“You’re too ashamed to look at me?” she pressed.
“It’s not that,” said Jon, his voice hoarse but Sansa disregarded him.        
“You leave for weeks and you can’t even send a raven to tell me what you’re doing over there and then you come back telling me, telling all of us, that you did the very thing you said you wouldn’t do when you left but you could look me in the eye then.”
“When you betrayed me, when you betrayed us, you didn’t feel ashamed then but—” Sansa almost tripped over her own words trying to talk about the incident, the kiss, the one that she couldn’t help but replay in her head over and over again. “But because of what happened a few days ago, you’re too ashamed to even look at—”
Swiftly, Jon raised his head so could catch Sansa’s gaze, his eyes blazing with a melancholic longing that almost made Sansa clutch her chest.
“It’s not that,” he said again, more forcefully.
               She parted her lips, dizzied by the sincerity of his expression. After a few moments, he squeezed his eyes shut again and wrenched away from her gaze, leaving her chambers to go to the meeting.
The Happening
He sighed heavily and his hands shook with the weight of what he was trying to express. “Something just happens when I’m with her.”
“Aye, you argue,” said Davos.
“Because she drives me mad,” said Jon, exasperated. “But.” His eyes fluttered. “She stirs something in me, something no one else can, it’s in my bones, I—” Jon’s mouth moved silently as he tried to articulate the extent of his feelings, tried to articulate how he not only needed but yearned for her faith in him, her trust in him, how her presence pulled all of his focus to it, how he wanted to do better and be better for her, how she wasn’t only remarkable but extraordinary and stubborn and admirable, how she ignited him as much as she incensed him, how she was everything he loved about the North.
“It’s powerful,” he said simply. “And it’s not something I can control.”
“By the sounds of it you don’t want to either.”
Jon didn’t answer. He didn’t know if he was ready to confirm that since he knew he couldn’t truthfully deny it either.
“You can’t stay here,” said Davos.
Jon stared at Davos incredulously.  “This is my home and these are my countrymen. I will not abandon my people for something as petty as this.”
“It isn’t petty and you know it,” said Davos. “If you stay here then whatever it is between you and Lady Sansa will continue, I can see it already, and that will cause more damage to your people, which is something neither you nor she would be able to bear.” Davos sighed.
2. “Extramarital SE Affair” Series
I just really liked doing the dialogue for this series, it was a lot of fun writing the confrontations:
Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner
“You —!”
Stefan stopped again. “I what?”
“You didn’t try that hard. I didn’t take your calls for three days and then you just stopped.”
“Six voicemails, ten texts and twelve emails,” said Stefan. “You didn’t reply to any of them. You didn’t want to hear from me, Elena.”
“I didn’t want to hear from —? I stalked your Instagram.”
“Wait, what? I have an Insta—”
“No, you and Caroline have an Instagram and I stalked it. All of your family photos. She posts, like, a billion a day. I couldn’t stand not knowing about your day that I stalked the Instagram created by your wife who happens to be my best friend. ‘I didn’t want to hear from you’, are you serious?”
Just This Night
           He picked a bottle and stared at it but didn’t turn around.
He didn’t answer her and stood still.
Elena walked down the last three steps. “Can’t you even look at me?”
“No,” he said finally.
Elena felt a pang in her chest. “Don’t say that,” she said. “Please don’t say that, Stefan, I—-”
“I can’t look at you,” he said. “Because every time I do look at you, I see him all over you and it makes me want to set the house on fire.”
True North
Damon yelled and picked up the glass bottle next to the remote, throwing it against the wall. “Why can’t you just have the decency to lie to me?”
“Because you need to know, I need to say these things, Damon, we need to talk!”
He whirled around her. “Fine, you want to talk, how was it?”
“How was what?”
“The sex,” said Damon. “How was the sex?”
Elena shook her head and walked to the other end of the loft. “Don’t do this.”
“No, stop,” Damon took her by the arm and turned her toward him. “You’re so big on honesty, Elena. The fact that it’s two months after you broke your wedding vows isn’t hypocritical at all. So let’s be honest, how many times did you two screw?”
Elena wrenched her arm out of Damon’s hand and folded them. “It was just that night.”
“One time in that night?”
Defining Moments
“So what are you trying to say, that forces out of your control made you sleep with Stefan?”
              “I’m saying that I love him.”
              “You love him?” Caroline repeated incredulously. “You broke him! Seeing you with Damon ripped him to shreds, Elena. Time after time I told you Stefan was the better choice and you still stuck with Damon even after everything that he did to me, to Jeremy, to everyone, and it completely wrecked Stefan!”
              “He didn’t think he’d be able to live after that day in the library! I had to be his sober sponsor because he was just so devastated and tempted to go on a ripper binge! He was heartbroken!”
              “Don’t you think I know that?” Elena yelled.
3. “Bonkai Regency” Series
This was SUPER fun to write, BK fics are always a blast for me because I like to get into the fucked up romantic dynamic of Bonnie and Kai but the added regency element to this series made it all the more fun.
The Gambit
Bonnie raised her head to look at him and then slowly sat up, exhaling heavily. “It won’t continue,” she said. “It’s why I came today, to tell you we won’t be seeing each other anymore.”            
Lorenzo clenched his hair, his mouth opening and closing. “Is it so easy for you to cut ties with me?”            
“Is that a question you would like me to answer?”            
He stared at her for a few moments, his eyes wild and anguished, and then rushed forward and kissed her hard on the mouth. After a beat Bonnie raised her hands to put them on the sides of his head.            
“One day, Bonnie Bennett,” said Lorenzo between kisses. “One day I hope you will fall madly in love. I hope a man will consume your every thought, your every waking breath so you can suffer this torture.”          
 Bonnie guided Lorenzo’s head to her neck. “Unlikely,” she said.
The Moon
Malachai extended his hand, twirling Josephine away from him so that she could face her next partner and in her place — the lady. Malachai stared at her, his mouth slightly agape, his gaze piercing through the red mask to her eyes; vivid green and dauntless, a hint of brazenness that made his mouth dry and body harden.
He committed everything he could to memory; her dusky complexion and ocean of black hair, dappled and bejeweled with rubies; her lips, a perfect heart, that plagued Malachai with a violent frustration because he was not at that moment kissing them, owning them with his own. Her hand in his inflamed him so that he felt himself sweat; a heat burned beneath his skin and flooded his gut, there was a charge between them, he felt it radiate from her being as much as his.
“Who are you?” he asked.
“Bonnie, Your Majesty,” said the lady. “Bonnie Bennett.”
Malachai lunged forward and thrust his lips onto Bonnie’s, his hand on her throat; she knew she should act chaste, act taken aback and coy, scurry away with a giggle, but Malachai’s mouth on her frenzied Bonnie’s blood, it caused her entire body to vibrate with a desire that threatened to break her. Bonnie responded, a sigh in her throat that called to a moan in Malachai’s, his groin aching, his skin flushed and heated, his hands itching to feel the dips and curves of her body. He wanted her. He wanted her with a primal intensity he’d never before suffered and he shifted his body, pressing himself against her and her against the wall. Bonnie felt herself open up, ready to accept him, to lay waste to him and she knew that stopping this would be painful, would be torture, that doing anything but kiss him would surely kill her but she pulled away.            
“I must go,” she whispered, walking down the hall. He grabbed her hand.           “But Bonnie…”          
“Her Majesty expects me, I must go.”
Bonnie shook her head dismissively, heading to the door. She opened it slightly but Damon blocked her before she could leave. “What is this about?” he whispered. “You’re not … you’re not falling in love with him are you?”
Damon glared down at her and Bonnie narrowed her eyes in regard; the expression on his face was the same one Lorenzo had whenever she told him of a man who came courting except there wasn’t sorrow beneath Damon’s jealousy like with Lorenzo, there was only venom. He’d chosen both, to hate her and to love her and his indecision irritated Bonnie as it made her life more difficult.
“What I am doing will enrapture him, command his attention,” said Bonnie. “I am doing something no woman has done before and that will endear me to him.”
Bonnie put her hand on the handle but Damon grabbed her by the arm turning her toward him so their faces were a breath away from each other.
“You haven’t answered my question.”
“I don’t have to answer to you,” said Bonnie. “Cousin.”
“Your mistress?” she repeated.
“My official mistress,” said Malachai. “My only mistress.”
“Is that all you see me as then? Someone to be used and discarded at your leisure?”               
Malachai’s eyes flashed with an angry incredulity. “Do you think so little of me that I would mar you with such dishonour? I am committing myself to you. I am bonding myself to you. I only ask you do the same.”              
“You’re asking no such thing. You’re asking me to spread my legs for you at your convenience!”              
Malachai started shouting. “You dare speak to your King this way? You dare look him in his eye?”              
Bonnie knew she was on dangerous ground but she couldn’t stop; he made her impulsive, reckless. “I dare to call an impossible situation impossible. I have already bonded myself to my husband and only he, whoever he may be, will be graced with my maidenhead!”               
Malachai turned away, throwing his hands up in the air, pacing the foyer. “I am the King of England, Bonnie!” he yelled.  “Do not pretend not to understand my responsibilities! Do not feign ignorance of my position!”              
“And do not feign ignorance of mine! I know what happens when women are made to be mistresses, official or otherwise! A woman’s reputation is the only card she has to play in this life and I intend to keep mine unsullied.”               “Are you saying that binding your name to mine will sully yours?”               
“I am saying that people will talk!”              
“Then l will cut out their tongues!” he roared.
 Bonnie thrust her mouth onto Malachai’s, biting his bottom lip and he groaned in response, flattening her against the wall with his body. Hurriedly, he dug his way through her skirts to her leg, hitching it on his hip. He rocked into her, his hardness pressing against her ache and she whimpered as he skimmed his lips along her neck, kissing her chest, burrowing into her cleavage. “Say it,” he gasped, the tip of his tongue skating her collarbone. “Say that you’re mine.”                 Bonnie slipped her hands under his shirt, flattening her palms over his torso so that he closed his eyes and sighed. She wanted to feel every bit of him that she could within the confines of her own restrictions and she gently ran her nails over his chest , making him shudder. Malachai shook his head and kissed her with an urgency that made Bonnie gasp with surprise, he pressed his hand against the wall above her and rocked into her again, harder this time so that she yelped. He nuzzled her neck, his hands squeezing her waist, digging into the material of her dress. 
           He whirled around on her, pushing her against the wall, pinning her wrists above her head. “Your cousin is too familiar with you.”
           “He’s my family.”
           “He oversteps!” Malachai roared. “I should have him beheaded.”
           “To what end?”
           “To my own satisfaction,” he said bitterly. His face contorted. “You let him touch you.”
           Bonnie’s eyes sharpened and their greenness intensified to a vividness that weakened Malachai. “How could you possibly be angry with me?” she said indignantly. “He is like a son to my father and I—”
           “I hate that his hands were on you. All I want is to claim you with mine and you won’t allow—” Malachai gritted his teeth. He released Bonnie’s hands as he ran one through his hair. “You are torturing me with your absence, it’s killing me, Bonnie, and now you’re attempting to deny me the right to punish the man who touched you?”
           “I have no right to harm Caroline though seeing her punished for standing in my way of you would bring me nothing but unrestrained joy, why should you be afforded what I’m denied?”
           Malachai shouted. “Because any man’s hand should be removed for touching the wife of the King!”
           “But I am not your wife!”
“Your passions with the King is the gossip of court,” said Alaric. He sat at a table as Bonnie stood by a window.  “Yet you are still without child.”
          “Yes, Papa,” she mumbled.
          “Do not think that just because you have married the King that you’re free to relax, in fact our position is more precarious than ever, an heir will secure it and all will be well.”
          “It hasn’t even been a month yet,” said Bonnie. “I need time.”
          “As long as it’s time to progress our plans and not time to enjoy yourself.”
          “Are the two really so antithetical?” said Bonnie.
          Alaric regarded her. “You were foolish to fall prey to your own deception, Bonnie. Falling in love with the King—”
          “Was not my intention,” said Bonnie sharply. “It isn’t something I asked for or wanted, in fact it has been nothing but an inconvenience, it’s almost torturous but it happened and now—”
“You were supposed to be better than any other human of this world! You were supposed to use him! You were supposed to stay removed!”
          “This isn’t something that I can control! Do you think I enjoy how much the King overwhelms me? Do you think I enjoy the anxiety I suffer when he’s away from me for too long, do you think I enjoy the burning? The never-ending, constant burning for him? I AM GOING MAD.”
          “And I’m going mad watching you!” said Damon. “I can’t stand it! The way you two are delirious with one another, wrapped up in each other, even with a gaze, it’s enough to turn the stomach! Curse Lorenzo for wishing this upon you. Curse you for falling victim to Him!”
          Bonnie stared at Damon, alarmed and furious. “That’s what this is about,” she said. “You aren’t upset that I fell in love, you’re upset that the King is the object of my affection.”
           Damon furled his upper lip but said nothing in response.
“I never loved you,” she said harshly.
4. “Stefonnie” Series
I See You
“Sure it is,” said Stefan. “Bonnie …” He took a step closer to her. “I’m not going to tell you how strong you are because I know you know that you are, everyone tells you you are and … you are. You are amazing, you hold everyone and everything together … and you’re so busy fixing the world and you’re so ready to save everyone, no one really asks what you need to be saved. You’re just so strong that that’s all anyone can see. And that’s on them. And that’s on me. So I’m asking you now, what do you need?”
Bonnie gazed up at Stefan, her lips parted, a fat tear rolling down her cheek. “Can you just sit with me?”
Stefan nodded his head. “Yeah, I can do that.”
We Are OK
“I’m too angry at him to miss him.”
           “So you miss him,” said Stefan, smiling. “I see you, Bonnie. I see what your anger means. You wouldn’t care anymore if you didn’t miss him.”
           Bonnie didn’t say anything. She did. Miss Damon. But not as much as the thought that she would, not as desperately as she had the night he chose himself. Being with Stefan had not only made her feel less alone, but she didn’t feel lonely with him. It was unbelievable how different two brothers could be. Now she’d been alone with both Salvatores for the same amount of time. Damon had driven her crazy in the nineties; she’d wanted to tear her hair out, bang her head against the wall. There were times she fantasized about setting him on fire. But there was affection behind the madness; an inexplicable bond that sprouted ties between them. Through the bluster and the bickering, she saw his redeeming qualities, his loyalty, his pain. Being in literal hell together bound her to him.
But Stefan was … His warmth enveloped her. Naturally. She felt safe. Period. No pretense, no fronts, she was all of herself with him and she couldn’t help it, she couldn’t help the vulnerabilities, the parts of herself she shut down and locked away that surfaced in his presence. She could breathe around him, she could laugh and banter, not quarrel, but tease, he was fresh air and it felt like betrayal. To Damon. To Jeremy. That type of intimacy was not meant for her and him.
Suspension of Grief
They were in the middle of reading The Prisoner of Azkaban when sleep overcame them. Bonnie didn’t even remember when she’d started to feel tired. She pressed the phone to her ear and closed her eyes; that was why it hadn’t been so cold when she slept, Stefan had been next to her, his body solid like marble but the warmth of his skin, of him, his essence embracing her had cocooned Bonnie with such comfort that she’d actually felt cosy. His arm, strong yet gentle around her middle, had kept a grin on her face throughout the night; even now her cheeks were sore.
He’d never intended to fall asleep on the bed; he certainly never intended to fall asleep entwined with her, her body perfectly melded with his, as if it were the most natural thing in the world to lie in his arms. He thought back to the night before, to how he felt so at peace, almost blissful, as if his body was made for this purpose, to enclose Bonnie’s in his. Stefan sighed and started to gently bang his head against the tile.
5. “Klefan/Stebekah/Klebekah Ot3″ Series
I find it one of my more underappreciated series but it was so much fun to write because Klefan! Klebekah!
A Fateful Encounter
He wasn’t quite sure why he did it, if it was because he wanted to keep Stefan from touching her again or if it was because he didn’t want Rebekah touching Stefan at all. Both. It was both.At that moment, Klaus realized that he did not feel any urge to murder Stefan or to punish Rebekah but that he could only stomach their desire for each other if it was filtered through him. He would have to be what bound all three of them together, otherwise he would have to lock Rebekah away again and kill Stefan for denying him.  
But Stefan took out a pen knife. Klaus swallowed hard, his breathing becoming shallow. His muscles tightened, he felt hot around his collar. This wasn’t exhilaration, this was — Stefan cut Lila’s wrist, the blood dribbling into Rebekah’s martini and Klaus smiled, surprised at his own delight, at the pleasure seeing Stefan exact control made him feel. Rebekah grinned, satisfied and thrilled.
He could feel it — their eyes on him. Rebekah’s enjoyment emboldened Stefan, she had a taste for the depraved that frenzied him in the worst possible way, but Klaus … … he had a thirst that Stefan seemed to feel in his core, a yearning for more than simple depravity but a desire to revel in Stefan’s unique form of hedonism. And Stefan wanted him to. 
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vampirrediaries · 4 years
Enemies Of The State : Dark!Klaroline {9}
This fiction follows the events of just how Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes lost everything that tied them to their humanity, leading them into something neither of them can come back from.
{10 years ago}
“Let’s find her”
The room was contemplating on what exactly to do about their friend, tension at an all time high as Rebekah started to recall everything she knew about the humanity switch.
“That is if she’s still in Mystic Falls,” The Original groaned “She might’ve skipped town for all we know.”
“I don’t see a reason for her still being here,” Elena deadpanned. “I mean why would she? There’s nothing left for her here.”
“What’s the damn point then?” Damon rolled his eyes. “If she’s left Mystic Falls, then you have nothing to worry about Blondie”
That earned Damon a nasty glare from the Original, to which he shut his mouth in response. Anyone knew better than to aggravate Rebekah in stances such as these, seeing how she could swiftly kill everyone in the room. Stefan let put a heavy sigh, trying to ignore his ignorant brother.
“Maybe she’s still here,” The younger Salvatore said hopefully. “We can still find her-”
Elena nodded slowly, turning to Rebekah hastily. “We need to go before she gets any other ideas.”
The room quickly agreed, excluding Damon, who only groaned as if he was unnecessarily being included in this mess.
Dawn was beginning to crack as they made their way outside, almost as if their world was at peace. Stefan thought about this as he trailed back with the Original, who looked as distressed as he did.
“How was she?” Stefan spoke under his breath, turning to face Rebekah. “When you saw her. What was she like?”
The blonde vampire furrowed her brows, knowing the answer all too well. She’d seen something in her, strikingly similar to what she’d seen in her big brother. Darkness. Pure raging darkness. Rebekah shivered inwardly at the thought, but replied simply in response to the deeply layered question.
“Gone,” She stated. “She was gone.”
“Can’t this thing drive any bloody faster?”
Kol rolled his eyes from the driver’s seat, trying to ignore his older brother in such high risk situations. Going back to Mystic Falls was single-handedly the worst thing Klaus had ever demanded of him. Their enemies practically crawled in that town, and Kol could imagine how unnecessary his involvement was, but knew better than to disagree with the temperamental Hybrid.
“We’re only twenty minutes away, Nik” Kol sighed, resting his hands steadily on the wheel.
“Twenty minutes too long,” Klaus growled in response. “I’ve ensured that this dagger will be in his heart, unless he’s gotten there before us-”
“Why do you even care about this girl?” Kol cut him off, quietly asking the risky question.
Klaus was immediately silenced by this, taken aback by the question he himself didn’t fully know the answer to. He never was the one to be so open about things concerning his humanity, especially not when he knew his weaknesses could be easily targeted. Elijah figured him out, and used her against him. Her. One of the things that tied him to a weakness he desperately wished didn’t exist.
But he only stared straight in response, not wanting to say anything about the matter.
“Keep driving,” He only muttered under his breath “The sooner we get there the better.”
Tension arose once again when the group had reached Caroline’s home. Elena tentatively knocked on the door in hopes that Liz would answer. The house remained as still as ever.
“Guess she’s skipped town,” Damon spoke up dryly “Shocker.”
“Shut up, Damon” Rebekah hissed, frustratedly walking towards the door. “What on earth are we going to do now? That girl could be anywhere-”
“Bonnie could always do a tracking spell, right?” Stefan looked towards the witch hopefully, but was met with a sullen glance instead.
“I need something personal that belongs to Caroline, and chances are is that she’s taken everything like that with her.”
“Damn it,” Elena sighed in exasperation “Imagine what she could be doing right now. She was already neurotic as it was.”
Stefan stiffened at this remark, trying to ignore the how criticising she had to be even in dire times like these. He often wondered if they even cared about Caroline like he did. She was always pushed aside unless she was useful, and even then she was only used as collateral damage. He wallowed in this before his thoughts were cut in.
“It won’t be long till the animal attacks hit the news,” Bonnie hastily suggested “We’ll have to find her the traditional way.”
“No!” Rebekah frantically hissed, clearly opposed to the idea. “She will make a damn bloodbath long before that happens. We don’t have the time!”
“So what might you suggest then?” Damon asked with a bored voice once again. “Since you’re so hell bent on finding Caroline, give us some ideas.”
Rebekah shot daggers at Damon, him getting on her last nerves. She strode up to him impatiently.
“I am hell bent on finding the bloody girl because her actions will reflect upon the supernatural that live in this town,” Rebekah spoke venomously. “Including you and your brother. You wouldn’t want the council to drag you out of here, i’m sure.”
“We can handle the damn council, Blondie,” He replied with impatience. “You’re an Original, and we are stronger than a couple of weak council members who think they run the damn place!”
“The more time the pair of you waste with your bickering is the more time we let Caroline spill innocent blood,” Stefan finally cut in, exasperated.
“This entire thing is a waste of my time,” Damon chuckled humourlessly in response, turning his back away from the crowd. “Have fun finding ripper Blondie.”
Rebekah geared up to shoot Damon with the worst threats she could come up with, but had only gotten a single syllable out when a calm, but deadly voice everyone knew too well was suddenly heard.
“Nobody is going anywhere.”
The group immediately whisked around, audible gasps echoed through the empty streets when he was found stood as elegantly as ever, arms covered with an immaculate blazer as he’d crossed them. Rebekah stared with wide eyes, the last person she had expected standing in front of her.
“Elijah,” She breathed out helplessly.
Caroline ran her hands through her perfectly coiled hair as she stood outside the club, waiting until she knew that the humans inside were too drunk to care what was going on around them.
Even if a vampire was sucking them dry.
She deliberately didn’t drink from the blood bags to build up her hunger precisely for this moment, her mouth watering for what she yearned for the most. She could hear the multiple heartbeats pumping blood through their bodies, disguised beneath the pumping bass of the horrid dance music she liked as a human. It seemed like centuries ago, when she was still innocent. Who knew that she’d end up here, about to murder people without a care in the world?
Caroline rolled her eyes, finally entering the club when she couldn’t take the thirst anymore.
She took it in. It was loud inside, and fairly dark with only the strobe lights illuminating the surroundings. Dance music filled the moderately sized space, with every unsuspecting human (like she hoped) too drunk to care. Caroline smiled wickedly. Perfect. She strode in confidently, her heels clinking on the dance floor as she looked around ravenously. So many options, but who do i feed on first?
Caroline’s eyes finally landed on a girl who was shyly swaying along to the music. Her friends were confidently dancing, while she was overshadowed. She looked around eighteen, way too young to be in a place like this.
Hmm, she’ll have to do.
Caroline impatiently strode over to the unsuspecting girl, trying to hold back the hunger which was made evident by her blood red eyes. She shook it off, not wanting to give away her supernatural status. Not just yet, anyways. Having fun with your food first makes the hunt all the more satisfying.
His voice echoed in her mind like a phantom. He’d told her that once, and she looked at him with disgust.
Get out of my head, Caroline thought with revulsion. Purely because Klaus Mikaelson reminded her of how beautiful he’d made her feel. Humanity could only go so long, and he was her trigger. The only way to make sure that her days of feeling something were long gone, was to focus purely on her prey.
So, with a clear mind only full of bloodlust, Caroline approached the teenager with a smile as sweet as she could manage.
“Hey there,” Caroline spoke with a light tone. The girl whipped around, obviously sober. She looked at her innocently, raised eyebrows as she waited to hear what the blonde wanted.
“I was wondering if you could show me where the bathroom is,” Caroline asked inauspiciously, still smiling in order for her prey to not be afraid. The girl merely nodded, walking towards the stalls as Caroline eagerly followed.
“Here they are,” She spoke with a friendly tone. “I often get dragged here by my friends, so i know where everything is and stuff.”
“Don’t you like coming here?” Caroline responded casually, her thirst growing by the second. Her prey shook her head.
“Not really my scene,” She sighed, looking back at her group. “I should be getting back to my friends.”
Caroline held back a smirk, but still reprimanded innocence. “I didn’t even catch your name!”
“It’s Alice.”
“Could you do me a favour Alice?”
“Lean your head back.”
Alice looked at Caroline with confused, yet scared eyes. The vampire was far too bloodthirsty to keep on a charade for any longer, but still waiting for the right moment.
There it was, the moment she was waiting for. Caroline’s eyes went to the shade of bloody red as she took in Alice’s horrifed expression. The tight grip on the girl’s arm was bruising to make sure she wouldn’t escape, but she was too paralysed to even try.
“What do you want with me?” the girl choked out the words in a small voice, not even trying to free herself. The vampire got closer to her ear, menacingly whispering her intent.
“I want to kill you, Alice.”
She was still paralysed, silent tears streaming down as Caroline held her by the neck. She could hear her small pleas.
“Please don’t, y-you don’t have to do this.”
Oh, Alice Caroline thought venomously. But i’m so hungry.
She suddenly plunged the razors into her neck, the taste of what she yearned for finally filling her mouth and her need. Alice thrashed against her, using the very little energy she had for her life, but Caroline didn’t care.
She just didn’t care.
It felt amazing, really, hearing the human’s heartbeat slowly deteriorating as she sucked the life out with ravenous teeth. Nobody looked towards their direction, Alice’s cries being helplessly muffled by the pumping bass. Caroline held on to the body for dear life, wanting more and more, until finally she had sucked her dry.
The poor girl’s corpse lay still and white when the Vampire was done with her, extracting her teeth from the carotid artery which was now empty and void, as if the blood never existed. The girl was a now a ghost, much like Caroline’s humanity as she looked at the body with no remorse.
Blood hummed in her veins, much like electricity. She felt electric, powerful and void of any remorse or sympathy. Caroline felt it more, that darkness that had long consumed her being. She carelessly wiped the blood by the back of her hand.
The vampire picked up the corpse of the once lively girl, and slung it over her shoulder as she swiftly flashed away from prying eyes and out the back door. Nobody saw her as she dumped the body into the trashbin, conveniently placed in the dark alleyway. Somebody else could deal with it, she was too caught up in the thrill of the hunt to worry about her victim.
Caroline wanted more. She wanted and needed it all, and another body couldn’t hurt right? One less soul to worry about, in her twisted opinion.
“Well this is something i never thought i’d see.”
The vampire immediately froze. The voice had caught her off guard.
She knew that whiny voice all too well.
“You thought wrong,” Caroline said in a cool voice as she heard the clinking of notorious black heels that only she would wear. The smell of vanilla perfume was evident. Yes, she knew exactly who this was.
“Mind telling me what you’re doing here?” Caroline asked casually. Of course she would be here.
“Why don’t you turn around and i’ll tell you exactly why i’m here, Cupcake.”
The vampire finally turned around, her eyes fixated on her face. She wasn’t mad, just surprised. Of course, that was one of the things that only she had mastered. The element of surprise.
Caroline simply smirked.
“Hello Katherine.”
20 notes · View notes
thetourguidebarbie · 5 years
You know that angsty KC thing you wrote some time ago? The one you said there was a possibility for more? The one that ended with Caroline’s neck snapped by witches? And klaus was like a galaxy away or whatever? It was great and I am still asking myself what will happen next and I remembered that you said that there could be a ‘next’. So pls if you can, and have some time could you maybe write a part 2? And an happy ending Cause God knows I can’t take more angst...
Sequel to this drabble. NSFW. Tagging @itsnotacrimetoloveyou @goldcaught @sunshineandfangs @storm-pirate and @honestgrins who I believe all asked for the sequel. Mention of what Damon did to Caroline but nothing graphic. Hope you enjoy!!
 Caroline stirred slowly, groaning as she tested whether she could move all her limbs and extremities. She didn’t feel any restraints or the lingering ache of vervain. Her sweater felt heavy, the temperature hot and humid despite the lack of sounds that indicated being outdoors. She opened her eyes slowly, noting the cell around her. Grey stone walls, no windows, a single ceiling light, heavy metal door, no furniture, and complete silence.
Definitely not the best prison she’d been in, but it hopefully wouldn’t be the worst either.
She’d been kidnapped more than a few times over the decades since she’d left Mystic Falls, and she’d learned there were two kinds of Klaus Enemies. Some of them wanted to bargain with Klaus or make some sort of agreement, which meant that they wouldn’t kill her, at least until they got what they wanted, and they all died before that happened. The more dangerous ones were the revenge-seekers. They were generally content to torture her on video or make her talk to Klaus on the phone to prove that she was still alive, playing a sick sort of cat and mouse game until he managed to catch up with them. They usually had a plan to kill her in the end, and the closer Klaus got to finding her, the less certain it was that she’d come out alive unless he pulled off a flawless rescue.
His plans had gone awry only once and he’d managed to resurrect her in a relatively timely manner, but both of them preferred to avoid that particular outcome.
She’d bet any number of valuable things that her kidnappers were soldiers in the human army that had tried to lure Klaus into a fake negotiation. Hopefully they were just trying to leverage her to get a better deal from him, a rookie mistake but she could respect the nerve, rather than outright torturing her.
She looked up at the door when it opened slowly, the man in the doorway lingering just shy of coming into the room. Likely a magic barrier then. They both remained silent, just staring at each other. The seconds stretched to what felt like minutes, though there wasn’t really any way to tell, and though she was getting impatient, she knew better than to break the silence. That showed weakness.
“Caroline Forbes?” he asked finally, his voice lower than she’d expected.
“Where’s the doppelganger?”
Caroline’s eyebrows flew up to her hairline. That was a question she hadn’t heard for awhile. She hadn’t seen Elena in centuries, even before she’d gone to rescue Klaus. “I have no idea,” she said truthfully.
“Weren’t you friends?”
“We lost touch,” Caroline said blandly, not wanting to bore her captor with the whole ‘supposed best friend dated my rapist’ story. “Is that all? Because if it was you can totally let me go now and we’ll call it even.”
“It’s all right. I’m patient. I’ll wait until you’re ready to reconsider.”
She watched in complete disbelief as he slammed the door in her face.
“You have got to be kidding me. I honestly don’t know!” she shouted at the shut door, groaning when it didn’t open and backing up to lean against the stone wall. “Guess history does always repeat itself,” she muttered, closing her eyes and trying to say positive.
She had no doubt Klaus would comb through all three solar systems to find her if he had to, would hire any and every witch he could find to track her down. The question was whether they’d bothered to send him a ransom note if it wasn’t about him. If he had no idea where they’d taken her and they hadn’t left any clues, that could definitely be a problem.
Whatever. She’d do her best to escape before anything bad happened. If they were after Elena and hadn’t bothered to do any research on her other than know about their childhood friendship, it was likely they’d vastly underestimated her. Hopefully she could use that to her advantage.
Maybe she’d let Klaus lick the blood of her captors from her body if he arrived in time.
Klaus frowned as Caroline’s phone went to voicemail for the third time after ringing out. She’d seemed less than pleased on the phone, but it wasn’t like her to ignore his calls. He hung up, barking for his hybrid to drive faster and flipping the phone around in his hand, staring out at the rain and trying not to panic.
Leaving Caroline for longer than a day was less than ideal. She did go on the occasional multi-week getaway with friends, but he always made her promise to stay with at least one other person and text him once a day just to let him know she was alive. They’d learned to compromise over the years, especially once Caroline made absolutely clear that if he wanted her to stay he had to stop being ‘red flag central’ about monitoring her whereabouts, but it was difficult for him to shake that something wasn’t quite right in this particular case.
His suspicion turned to full-blown worry once his hybrid guards’ phones each went to voicemail as well.
“Let me out and meet me there,” Klaus ordered, out of the door as soon as the hybrid pulled over and speeding to the house as fast as he could. He swore when he found the door unlocked, punched a hole in the wall when he couldn’t detect Caroline’s scent on the property beyond the faint lingering trace in their bedroom, and felt his rage grow when he saw his hybrid with his throat slit on the ground, his heart on the floor beside it. He inhaled and frowned when he found the blood scentless, his alarm bells ringing even more fervently when he realized it was likely spelled to keep Caroline from being tipped off.
He pulled out his phone, easily finding the number and holding it out to display the hologram of Bonnie’s face when she answered.
“Klaus,” she greeted, her tone cool. Though he and the Bennett witch had grown to be on better terms than they had previously, he was under no delusion that it wasn’t solely due to Caroline. Witches tended to hold grudges, and Bonnie was no exception.
“Caroline’s missing.”
He appreciated the clear effort it took for Bonnie to restrain herself from asking him whether Caroline had finally come to her senses and left, instead running a hand through her hair and giving him a distrustful glance. “I’ll be there as soon as I can. Text me the details of how you managed to let her get kidnapped so that I don’t have to hate you to your face.”
She hung up, leaving Klaus to wish, not for the first time, that Caroline wasn’t fond enough of the Bennett witch to object to just a spot of torture.
“Out of curiosity, why do you need Elena?” Caroline rasped, her throat burning from lack of blood.
The minion tying her to the coffin paused, clearly considering whether to answer her question. She hadn’t been able to detect a heartbeat and he didn’t smell like dinner, so she suspected he was a species of humanoid alien that didn’t have consumable blood, though the light was too low to see which one.
“Just a spell,” he said casually, his accent thick. He sounded like he might be from somewhere in Solar 4, which was a bad sign. She and Klaus were most definitely not welcome in that sector. Hopefully he wasn’t an avid political junkie and wouldn’t know who she was. He tugged the chain to test the strength of it and she hissed at the pain from the scratch of it against her skin.
“The spell is a bodyswap. He found a few friendly vampires willing to make a bargain. In exchange for the doppelganger being returned to their care, they would give us her blood. As I’m sure you’re aware, traveller blood is needed to cast the spell.”
“What vampire made the deal?” she asked slowly, already pretty sure of the answer, and when the captor confirmed her suspicion she couldn’t help rolling her eyes.
Damon Salvatore would be a perpetual thorn in her side. She’d stopped Klaus from killing Stefan out of a misplaced sense of nostalgia, but if he was going to keep resurrecting his brother indefinitely then they both needed to go, toxic but fondly remembered high school friendships be damned.
At least this meant Elena had hopefully finally come to her senses and ditched both of them. Good for her.
“Well, unfortunately for you and Damon, Elena and I lost touch like, a century ago, so I can’t help you find her. No blood, no spell. You might as well just let me go.”
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible,” a familiar voice said from across the room. Her body felt heavy, her limbs too leadened to move even without the chains securing them to the coffin, but she managed to turn her head enough to catch sight of the total asshole standing in the doorway.
“You,” she hissed, attempting to struggle against her bonds as the human approached, the sound of his heartbeat giving her a surge of energy, every instinct she had screaming at her to pounce. He’d been a general in the last uprising, though not a very good one, and his army had been dealt with quickly and efficiently. She’d disagreed at the time with Klaus’s methods, knowing that if they used the guy’s girlfriend as an example it would just escalate everything and make it worse, but Klaus had worn her down. He’d been doing it for centuries, he reminded her. He knew how to take care of a few enemies.
“It’s just one girl,” Klaus had said at the time as they rode the ship back to their home base, his arms tight around her as he nuzzled her neck, nipping her ear with a fang. “He’ll get over it.”
She felt so stupid. She’d known that the general wouldn’t let go of his grudges as easily as Klaus expected, and she should have insisted that they find another way. He was clearly not over it, and now she was clearly going to pay the price.
“When I escape, and I will, I will drain all of you dry and I’ll make it hurt,” Caroline spat.
The general laughed. “You won’t have the chance. We’re going to leave you here to dessicate nice and slow while we track down the doppelganger, or find a witch who can use expression instead as a last resort. Whatever witch we use will swap us, and you’ll get thrown in that pretty dungeon over there to waste away in a human body while I track down Klaus, who will be so pleased with your return that he won’t even notice the white oak stake until it’s through his heart.”
She felt every bit of her insides turn to ice, her breath catching in her throat. “The white oak stakes are gone. The trees were destroyed with Earth.”
“I got the last one. Also part of the bargain with the Salvatores.”
Ugh. She should have known.
“Once I’ve taken care of him I’ll have a ready-made army who’s already loyal to you.“
“He won’t believe you,” she said, her thirst making it harder to speak. “He knows me.” Sure, she’d been a little grumpy lately because of the distance, but Klaus knew her idiosyncrasies better than anyone.
“You’d be surprised at how far people are willing to go to suspend their disbelief if it gets them what they want, especially if they’re distracted by other activities.”
Caroline felt her heart race, the reality that not only could this work, but she and Klaus could be in very deep trouble, crashing into her like a punch to the gut. Her eyes burned with tears. They’d killed the bodyguards Klaus had left with her and she had no idea how long it would take for him to get back. He had no way of knowing what happened.
She was alone.
“I can’t believe you lost her,” Bonnie said grumpily, her fingers tapping on the table as she looked out the window of the ship, and he could tell she was deliberately avoiding his gaze. There was no scenery to take in, after all. The endless inky blackness around them perfectly reflected Klaus’s foul mood.
“I didn’t lose her,” he ground out.
“I mean, she wasn’t exactly where you left her,” Bonnie pointed out, shooting him a glare before staring intently at the map in her lap she was using to channel the tracking spell. He could see that the pages had begun to glow a bit brighter with magic, indicating that they were getting closer.
He bit back a retort to Bonnie’s rather rude implication that this was somehow his fault, knowing that Caroline wouldn’t appreciate it if the first thing she learned post-torture was that he and Bonnie had gotten into a spat. “How long?”
“Twenty minutes. I’ll go give the pilot the coordinates.”
He ran a hand through his hair as Bonnie got out of her seat to go talk to the hybrid manning the ship, every inch of him on edge. He’d been alive for over 1,500 years, long enough that months felt like mere moments in the grand scheme of things. Seasons passed in the blink of an eye, the concept of time a measurement that now seemed insignificant at best. He had eternity to do whatever he pleased, and the pastime of watching the mortals around him struggle to live their lives to the fullest while they still could had lost any appeal long ago.
However, whenever Caroline was in danger, time seemed to return to dragging on the way it had when he was young. Every moment was precious. The knowledge that the difference between Caroline being alive and being ripped away from him could be a single second was a terrifying reminder that though the mortals struggled to survive, the luxury of endless opportunity out of reach for them, at least if they made a fatal mistake it all ended soon enough.
If he lost Caroline because of his certainty that he knew best how to protect her, because of his arrogance and unwillingness to compromise, he would have an unending eternity to never forgive himself.
“Take off your broody face,” Bonnie said, her voice cutting through his dark mood.
“I’m not brooding.”
“Aren’t you though?” Bonnie asked dryly, sitting down next to him. Her expression softened when she saw his face, and Klaus turned away, unwilling to let her see his weakness. His fear. “She’ll be fine,” Bonnie said reassuringly, her voice holding a confidence Klaus didn’t at all share.
“We don’t know that.”
“If she was dead the map wouldn’t be able to track her down,” Bonnie said patiently. “And even if she was, we’ve pulled her back from the other side before. It was a huge pain in the ass and you totally made me want to kill you once or twice, but we managed.”
“Right,” Klaus said noncommittally, flicking a piece of dried blood out from under his nail.
“Do you have to do that in front of me?” Bonnie complained. “It’s so gross.”
“The longer you let blood dry there the harder it is to remove.”
“Then wash your hands,” Bonnie said exasperatedly, huffing and turning back to her map. “Men. Ugh.”
Everything hurt.
The wood of the open coffin was hard against her back, her heightened nerves making the scratches in the wood feel like sandpaper against her oversensitive skin. Her lungs hurt when she tried to breathe, and she could feel her muscles growing weaker by the second even as she tried to struggle uselessly against the cold hard metal that bound her. She could hear voices in the hallway bartering over witchy services and the combination of that and hunger was making her head pound.
It wasn’t long before they seemed to reach an agreement, and she eyed the witch who came in with disdain, struggling to keep her eyes open as she felt the last dregs of energy leave her.
She gathered every piece of false bravado she could, taking a shaky breath. “It won’t work. Klaus will find out. Your deaths will be slow and painful. I promise.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, sweetheart.”
Caroline had barely gasped out, “Klaus?” before she felt the rush of him go by her and the witch was crumpled on the stone floor with her neck snapped.
“What did they do to you? Were there wolves?” he asked sharply, his eyes roving her body to check for a bite even as he bent to free her. Caroline took a shaky breath, flinching in pain as the chains scraped against her skin when Klaus ripped them.
“No. Just hungry,” Caroline wheezed, coughing around the words, her throat too dry to explain more.
He pulled her up to cradle her against his chest, sitting on the coffin she’d been chained to and steadying her in his lap before pressing his wrist to her lips. “Drink, sweetheart.”
Her fangs were through his skin before he’d even finished. She was unable to suppress a moan as the blood hit her tongue, her pulse pounding in her ears as the rush of magic surged through her veins, the gashes on her arms knitting closed, her skin regaining some of its color. His eyes never left her face as he watched her feed, his fingers carding through her hair.
“You could have at least whooshed me with you,” Bonnie complained from the doorway, her breathing harsh as if she’d been running. “Oh my god.”
“She’ll be alright,” Klaus assured her quickly. “Everyone else in the building, however...”
“Revenge, we know,” Bonnie said impatiently, bending down to inspect Caroline herself. “No magic stuff?”
“They didn’t get to it,” Caroline said, curling into Klaus as much as possible, inhaling his scent and internally repeating to herself that he was fine. They were fine. Nothing bad had happened.
But if he hadn’t come in time...
“Let’s go home,” Klaus said softly, clearly sensing that she was too upset to explain. “You can tell us what happened on the ship, all right?”
“Yeah. Okay.”
He held her for a few moments even after she’d recovered her strength, his nose buried in her hair, and she curled against him, listening for the reassuring thump of his undead heartbeat. She could hear Bonnie moving in the background, objects rustling as though she was trying to figure out what the plan had been.
“I love you, sweetheart,” Klaus whispered, his voice so low that Caroline doubted Bonnie had heard. “I shouldn’t have left you alone.”
“Technically I did have bodyguards,” Caroline pointed out with a strained smile, shifting against him to press a soft kiss to his cheek. “And I love you too.”
“They’re lucky they were killed by the enemy. Their deaths by my hand for losing you would have been much more painful.”
“If it’s really bothering you we can resurrect them and you can kill them again,” Caroline teased, rolling her eyes when Klaus looked more thoughtful than amused. “I was just joking.”
“Were they going to do a body swap spell?” Bonnie interrupted, her eyes wide.
“Yeah,” Caroline said tiredly, tangling her fingers with Klaus’s when he stiffened. “They were going to let me die of starvation in a human body while they used mine to kill Klaus and then take over the army we built.”
She tried her best to keep her tone flat, to not let herself listen to what had come out of her own mouth and risk the fear of what could have been making her break down, but she felt Klaus stiffen against her. “Surely you haven’t forgotten that I can’t be killed?”
“They had the last white oak stake,” Caroline said, watching Klaus’s face darken.
“Did they, now?”
“He showed me.”
“It’s probably a fake,” Klaus said, his overconfidence kind of making her want to scream.
“I mean it looked pretty real when he showed me,” Caroline said with forced patience, shifting in Klaus’s arms. “And even if it was a regular stake, you’d still trust not-me enough that he could have stabbed you with it, and it would still kill you for long enough for them to...lock you up, or something.”
“You don’t have to worry about me, love,” he promised.
She swallowed her skepticism, not wanting to have a deep conversation about their recent lack of contact in front of her already anti-Klaus best friend and some fresh corpses. “Can we go?”
“I want to take a look around in case they have anything useful,” Bonnie said. “I’ll keep an eye out for the stake too. Can I meet you back on the ship in an hour or so?”
“Of course. I’ll send a hybrid to escort you,” Klaus said, standing up with Caroline still in his arms.
“I can walk, you kn--” Caroline began, her protests interrupted by Klaus speeding them back to the ship in a blink of an eye, carrying her into their usual suite and setting her down on the bed.
“How do you feel? Do you need anything?”
“Achy,” she admitted, shifting slightly against the mattress. “But just some more blood, maybe?”
“I’ll get you a glass,” he said, reaching to squeeze her hand before leaving the room, returning moments later with a glass, which he handed her. Her mouth watered at the scent, but she forced herself to sip slowly, needing something to do with her hands.
“I’ll kill them all,” he promised. “They’ll never hurt you again.”
“I know,” she said, trying not to sound too irritated despite being somehow annoyed that that was the first thing he wanted to say. “I’m fine, though.”
“And I’m glad of that,” he said slowly, clearly sensing that something was off beyond her physical injuries and the mental toll it took to be tortured. “What’s troubling you, sweetheart?”
She bit her lip, sitting up and leaning against the headboard, setting her mug down on the bedside table before patting the spot next to her. He eyed her warily before kicking off his boots and sitting beside her, their thighs pressed together, his hand resting on her knee. “Caroline?”
“What if you hadn’t gotten there in time?” Caroline asked softly, her voice hitching. Klaus looked vaguely alarmed by the question, his eyebrows furrowed.
“I did, sweetheart. You’re safe now.”
“But what if you hadn’t?”
“Then I’d have figured it out, and I’d have come for you.”
He sounded so confident, so sure, but somehow that only made her more upset, and she felt her eyes heat as tears built. “Are you sure?”
“Of course,” he said, putting his arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer. “I like to think after the last few hundred years I know you rather well.”
She let out a slightly watery laugh, sniffling when the tears started falling. It was probably the thousandth time she’d cried in front of Klaus, and he still made the same alarmed expression as though he was frantically trying to figure out how to make her stop. “Caroline, I...what...”
“Are you sure?” she asked again, sniffling. “Because we haven’t seen each other for longer than a few hours in like, weeks. Months, maybe?”
“But we’ve been together for over two hundred years,” he pointed out, looking more confused by the moment.
“Yeah, so you trust me, right?” Caroline pressed, wiping her eyes. “Like, if you’d come home and fake me had just jumped you, you would have gone along with it, and then he would have stabbed you with the white oak stake, and--”
“I’d know,” he said, the finality in his tone annoying her even more. “I promise. I’d be safe and I’d find you. You don’t need to worry about me.”
“What’s actually bothering you, love?” he pressed, studying her face.
She huffed, wiping at her cheeks and trying to blink the tears away. “I just...I don’t know if you would.”
“What?” he asked, sounding more offended than she’d ever heard him. It would have made her laugh if she wasn’t so upset. “Of course I--That’s...Caroline. You can’t possibly think that I don’t care enough to notice when you’re not yourself?”
“No, like, I know you care about me,” Caroline said reassuringly, grabbing his hand. “I just feel like we don’t really get to spend time together anymore.”
“We’ll have eternity together, sweetheart. Especially once the war is over.”
“Yeah, a war that’s been going on for decades. Full offense, but I’d like to spend my eternity with you, not waiting for you,” Caroline burst out. “Do you know how it makes me feel for you to just leave me behind to twiddle my thumbs and do nothing? When you leave me out of all of your semi-evil plots and treat me like I have no value other than being your...your girlfriend? Or whatever? I don’t want to be an afterthought or taken for granted, and I feel like you’re dangerously close to that.”
She felt a bit guilty when she watched his expression close off, his lips pressing together into a thin line as he processed, clearly weighing his words, and he swallowed before he spoke, the only sign that he wasn’t as collected as he looked. “How long have you felt that way?”
She shrugged, looking down at her hands. “I don’t know. A while.”
“I wish you’d said something,” he said, wincing at the look on her face. “Not that I shouldn’t have been paying more attention, of course.”
“I mean, you haven’t really been around to notice,” she bit out, regretting her words when he recoiled slightly. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have--”
“No, you’re right,” he interrupted firmly. “I haven’t, and I apologize.”
She let out a sharp breath. “No, that wasn’t nice of me. I’m sorry. I know you’ve been busy with everything.”
He was quiet for a moment, looking thoughtful, and she took the opportunity to lean against him, tucking herself against his side. “What can I do to acquit myself?” he asked, and she laughed softly.
“No more crazy commute meetings or solo murder sprees,” she said, a slow grin spreading across her face at the way his expression darkened, likely because he thought she was attempting to get him to give up the war entirely. She turned slightly to sling a leg over his lap, cupping his cheeks, the stubble familiar and rough beneath her palms. “Not unless I get to rip out a few hearts with you. Understood?”
He smiled slightly, his hands landing on her hips. “Understood.”
She bent to kiss him softly, but he pulled back what felt like much too soon, making her frown. “What?”
“I never want you to think even for a moment that you are anything less than my first priority or for you to feel that I’m taking you for granted. Nor do I wish to give you the impression that I don’t value your counsel, or that I would prefer you to be left waiting rather than always at my side. Nothing has come more easily to me than loving you, Caroline. I need to trust that you’ll tell me if you’re feeling neglected so that I may remind you of that.”
She felt her breath catch in her throat at the clear affection in his eyes, the way his voice curled around her name in a way that made warmth bloom in her chest even after all their years together. She’d missed the way her heart would skip a beat when he looked at her, everything seeming to fade away other than the intoxicating rush of how he made her feel.
“I can do that,” she promised, slightly breathlessly, and he gave her the dimpled grin that was uniquely hers, the one that only emerged when they were alone and wrapped up in their own little world.
“Good,” he said, pecking her on the lips and shifting underneath her to get comfortable, settling against the headboard, his palm sliding underneath her top to rest on the base of her spine. “I should also note, again, that I object to the term ‘girlfriend’. It’s juvenile.”
Caroline huffed. They’d had that argument what felt like over a hundred times, but neither could come up with a better title. ‘Partner’ reminded Caroline of cowboys (which had made Klaus snort brandy up his nose when she’d complained about it, and she’d only stopped the ensuing explanation of historically accurate cowboys by shoving her tongue down his throat). ‘Lover’ was too sappy, even if Taylor Swift had sort of brought it back for a hot second. They weren’t married. ‘Significant other’ was too long and formal. They’d given up about a decade into their relationship. Caroline had settled for ‘girlfriend/boyfriend’ and Klaus simply expected everyone to know that she was his and be respectful of that, lest their heads be lopped off.
Multiple heads had been lopped off.
It had been a thing.
She hummed noncommittally, deciding not to get drawn into a discussion about it, instead wriggling out of his grip and stripping off her shirt. “I need a shower. I’m covered in blood and dirt.”
“Of course, love. Do you want company?”
She bit her lip, considering. She still felt gross, the remains of the dirt on the coffin and the blood of her captors still sticking to her skin. Almost more unsettling was the knowledge of how close she’d come to having someone else inhabit her body, what they’d planned to do with it. Even though they hadn’t succeeded, the idea of it still made her feel ill, taking up what she felt was too much space in her mind but refusing to budge. She swallowed.
“I’ll be here when you’re done, sweetheart. Just call if you need me,” Klaus said, clearly reading her answer on her face. Klaus was far from stupid, had likely put together where her mind had gone. They’d body-swapped before as a sex thing, but the idea of someone she didn’t know wearing her as a costume without her permission, of being inside of her, was such a violation. It was something she’d had multiple conversations about with Klaus when he’d proposed a body swap for subterfuge as a war strategy. She’s put her foot down. Hard. The idea of it still made her queasy, and he knew it.
She gave him a weak smile, slipping into the bathroom and turning on the spray. The water turned a deep rusty color as it dripped down from her body, the heat flushing her skin. It felt good to have everything washed away, the smears of blood over what had been gashes on her arms and legs rinsing off to show the healed flesh underneath. She worked the bubbles down her body almost mechanically, the indulgently expensive hair products she favored slick under her fingers as she worked them into her blonde curls to make them soft and smooth again.
She could hear Klaus shifting in bed, his fingers tapping against what was probably his tablet, waiting for her to emerge.
She knew that just the talk they had wouldn’t be enough in the long term. Letting herself grow so resentful without bringing it up had been a mistake, one she knew better than to make after being in a relationship with him for this long. It brought up all her old insecurities about clinginess and being too needy, ones she thought she’d outgrown centuries ago. Klaus had never made her feel like she was being too much, but that didn’t squash her deepest fears that one day he might.
But not today, she told herself firmly as she shut off the water, grabbing a fluffy towel and humming to herself as she dried her hair, trying to recenter herself.
“Feeling better, love?” he asked when she came out, his tone so determinedly casual that he had to have been making an effort not to sound too concerned.
“Yeah,” she said, pulling on some pajama bottoms and an old henley from the closet. “Move over.”
He obliged, lifting his arm so that she could lean against him, pushing a mug of blood into her hands. “Do you want to talk?” Klaus asked after a few seconds of her sipping from the mug in silence.
“I’m mostly all talked out,” she said, closing her eyes, cracking one open for a half-hearted glare when he chuckled. “You know what I meant.”
“I do,” he agreed, his thumb stroking the dimple in her elbow.
They were interrupted by a sharp knock on the door, Bonnie’s voice floating through. “Caroline?”
“Coming!” Caroline yelled for the benefit of Bonnie’s lack of supernatural hearing, swinging her legs out of bed and whooshing to let her in.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” Bonnie said, pulling her into a tight hug. “I was so worried.”
“I’m fine.”
“Good,” Bonnie said, turning to look at Klaus, who was trying to leave them discreetly to give them a few moments of privacy (or because he anticipated squealing once they started catching up). “Don’t you want to know what I found out?”
“I suppose.”
“The white oak stake is definitely fake,” Bonnie said, squeezing Caroline hand as she slumped slightly, a good half of her stress evaporating all at once. “Damon probably just figured the guy would do his stalking for him and he and Elena would be far away by the time he found out the stake didn’t kill you.”
“Not too far for me to kill, however,” Klaus muttered. “And the ripper, I suppose. They’ve both become equally as bothersome. Pity. He used to be such—.”
“Fun. Yeah, we know, you used to have twinsies murder sprees in the twenties,” Bonnie interrupted impatiently. “We have heard every story more times than how many years we’ve been alive.”
Caroline snorted at the revolted look on Klaus’s face at the word “twinsies” and kind of wished she had a camera to capture it.
“Anything else, Bon?”
“Just some spellbooks and reagents. I’ll take them home to study.”
“You should get some sleep, Care. I’m exhausted and I didn’t even get tortured.”
“I agree,” Klaus said, reaching to slip his arm around her waist. “I’ll wake you when we arrive.”
“Good morning,” Caroline muttered, tipping her head to the side to allow Klaus to nip her ear. “That feels nice.”
He laughed quietly, letting his blunt teeth drag along her earlobe and sucking on it lightly before moving to press a soft kiss to her lips. “How are you feeling?”
“Better,” she said, her word dragging into a yawn. “Definitely a nicer wake-up call than yesterday.”
Though Klaus had stuck to his promise to wake her when they were dropping Bonnie off, she barely remembered what had happened, the memory blurry and consisting only of an agreement to call her best friend that afternoon when she’d recovered. She was pretty sure Klaus had carried her to bed when they had arrived to their house, since she didn’t remember their arrival.
“I should hope so.”
“What time is it?”
“Just after second sunrise,” he said, grinning at Caroline’s returning groan. “But we have a significant time difference, so you’ve been asleep quite awhile.”
“Where are we?”
“Sector eight. Our planet.”
She hummed, slinging a leg over his waist to pull herself on top of him and pressing her cheek to his bare chest. Their private planet meant top notch security and zero responsibilities. Perfect for more naps.
He pressed his palm lightly against the base of her spine, his other hand fiddling with the ends of her hair. “Still tired, love?”
“No. You’re just comfy.”
“Not hungry?”
“Not enough to let you move.”
“You should eat,” he said, beginning to move her off of him, presumably to get her some blood, but she shoved him back down, pressing soft kisses down the tattoo inked across his shoulder.
“Fine. Breakfast in bed?” she whispered between brushes of her lips, letting a fang scrape against the bird closest to his neck and flicking her tongue against the cut. She felt Klaus tense under her fingers, heard his swallow when she let out a satisfied hum at the taste of him.
“Are you offering?”
“Demanding,” she shot back, pushing herself up on her palms to look him in the eye. “It’s the least you can do.”
“I suppose,” he drawled, tilting his head to the side, his hand already drifting down to press against her thigh, gently nudging her legs apart. “Since you asked so nicely.”
“Jerk,” she muttered, more affectionately than insulting, and he groaned as she bent and sank her fangs into his neck, his nails curling to bite into her skin, his hips jerking up to grind shamelessly against her.
He’d never held back with her, never tried to restrain himself from reacting to her touches, never hesitated to show her exactly how much he wanted her. Even when they were just watching each other or he was teasing her with infuriatingly gentle brushes of his fingers against her skin or the light flick of his tongue just shy of where she needed it, she never felt the least bit of doubt of how much he loved her, loved being with her.
It was one of the many things she loved about him.
That, and how delicious his blood was on her tongue.
She could hear his harsh breathing, the way he whispered her name when she was on the edge of taking too much. She pulled back slowly, still dazed and high on the rush of it. He caught her lips with his, sucking lightly on her lower lip before tangling his fingers in her hair and tugging her head back to expose her neck. She shivered when he ran his tongue over her pulse and pressed a soft kiss to it, running his nose along the line of her throat to her ear, inhaling her scent. “Better?”
Her entire body was pulsing with need, her nipples sensitive, her pussy aching. “I want you. Now.”
“Again, so demanding,” he murmured, nipping her earlobe.
“Oh, well, I guess if you don’t want to,” she teased, laughing when he flipped them over, already kissing his way down her body.
“You should know better than to think that there could be anything else I’d prefer to be doing,” he said softly, looking up to fully meet her eyes.
The moment felt heavier suddenly, his point clear. “I know,” she breathed.
He gave her a dimpled smile, one that was soft and rare and reserved for their most private moments. She felt all of the air leave her lungs, and she knew he could hear how his effect on her made her pulse race, the rush of it so quick it could have been a human’s for just a moment.
“And I do recall I promised to remind you.”
“You did.”
He pressed a soft kiss to her inner thigh, his blunt teeth dragging along the skin for just a moment after, making her shiver, her eyes closing. “Look at me, Caroline.”
She fought to keep her eyes open, but as soon as she met his, she couldn't look away. He held her gaze as he began to lazily drag his fingertip back and forth across the back of her knee, smirking when she shivered. "What do you want me to do, love?"
Klaus had always had the ability to coax out confessions of things she craved. When she'd finally allowed herself to give into him, she'd been surprised by his attentiveness, his determination to convince her to tell him all of her filthiest desires. She'd never exactly been shy, but he'd managed to get her used to making demands, to be unashamed to ask for things she wanted. His light touch was a deliberate tease, designed to make her admit what she wanted from him.
"Make me come."
He chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to her inner thigh, just shy of where she wanted his tongue. "I intend to. More than a few times, in fact."
"That's ambitious for someone who's been doing a lot more talking than touching."
"I'll get to it, sweetheart," he promised, sliding his hands underneath her thighs to push them apart and back, nipping at the exposed skin. "And if I recall correctly you do like it when I talk."
"You do recall correctly and you know that," she said impatiently. "But right now I want your tongue on me."
"Good," he murmured, bending to let a fang drag across her inner thigh frustratingly close to her entrance, the burn of the venom only making the sensation of his tongue sweeping along the cut even sweeter. "Watch."
She inhaled sharply at the first flick of his tongue against her clit, the soft hum of satisfaction when she rolled her hips instinctively to draw him closer. She kept her eyes locked on his as he swiped his tongue across her entrance just the way she liked it, his fingers digging into the flesh of her hips to pull her closer, groaning at the taste of her arousal on his tongue. The barest hint of shame she used to feel for melting against his touch had long been overcome, and it was almost amusing to remember how hard she fought to pretend that he wasn't exactly what she wanted, that his tongue against her clit would result in anything other than her writhing against him demanding more. 
He knew how to draw her out, to tease her for hours as she begged for release, but he knew better than to make her wait this time. Her first orgasm was quick and almost harsh, her ragged breathing muffled only by the rip of the sheets as she dug her nails into the mattress. He barely waited for her to come down from her high to build her up again, watching with dark, wanting eyes as he brought her to the edge twice more before she sank bonelessly against the mattress, watching him with glazed eyes. "Good?" he asked, his expression as smug as ever.
Her undead heart was racing in her chest, her entire body still thrumming with need. "More. Your cock this time."
She raised an eyebrow, reaching to wrap her hand around his cock, grinning at his low groan when she began to stroke him lazily. "You want bossy?"
"I want you," he shot back, the thickness of his voice and the flash of gold in his eyes taking a response that could have been cheesy and turning into anything but. His cock was hard and hot in her hand, the twitch of his shoulders a certain tell that he was growing impatient. She knew he'd likely been burning with anticipation for hours now, waiting for her to wake and recover so that he could touch her for the first time in weeks. He'd missed her as much as she'd missed him, and she knew that. The way he drank her in now was a sure sign that he'd take her any way he could, and that if she didn't decide what she wanted in the next few seconds she'd be pinned beneath him with his fangs buried in her neck as he took her hard and fast.
Not a bad outcome, but one she wanted to save for later. 
He let her flip them, watched her with hungry eyes as she got up on her knees and shifted to straddle him, nosing the line of his neck as he shifted to sit against the headboard, pulling over with him, his cock hard against her belly. "I want you too," she said, the admission as easy as breathing, tipping her head to the side to allow Klaus to press light kisses against her neck.
He groaned out her name when she reached to stroke him a few times, positioning him at her entrance and sinking down, his lips catching hers in lazy kisses as they found a familiar rhythm. He pressed his forehead against hers, his fingertips branding her hips as he filled her, chuckling at the soft sigh that escaped her lips when he began to move faster, her head falling back to allow him to run his tongue along her pulse point. “I’ve missed this,” he whispered against her neck. “The feel of your skin beneath my fingers, the way your breath catches when I touch you..."
"I missed you too."
She hissed when his fingertip found his bite wound on the back of her thigh and shifted slightly to try to soothe the burn of it, the skin pulsing with a sharp pain that was starting to overtake the pleasure it gave her. He always seemed to know exactly when the venom began to grow to be too much, and he tipped his head to the side, a clear invitation. 
"Good, sweetheart," he praised as she drank, stroking her hair with a gentle touch even as his hips moved faster, rougher, just the way she liked it. The more he touched her the hungrier she became to rediscover every part of him. "Close?"
She pulled back from his neck and nodded, letting her fangs retract and humming her assent before burying her face in his shoulder, moaning when his hand tangled in her curls to tug at them gently, making her clench around him. She could feel her release building quickly now, her toes curling, fingernails digging into his back. She could hear him breathing harshly, hissing out her name when she fell apart around him, coming inside of her moments later. She stayed comfortably pressed against him as she waited for the rush to fade, humming in contentment when he began to lazily stroke her spine, burying his nose in her hair.
"Can we just stay in bed today?" she asked, making no move to slide off of him.
"Of course, love. Still tired?"
"No, I'm good. Just lazy."
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to her cheek and helping her shift to a more comfortable position draped across his body. "Well, I'm perfectly content to stay here for as long as you like."
"Don't you have important supervillain meetings?" she teased. "To terrorize your enemies and put all of the werewolfy predator fear in their hearts?"
"None that are so important to necessitate us interrupting the well-deserved vacation I promised you."
"Good. I know you always say we have eternity for vacations, but--"
"Even eternity is too short to waste a moment that I could be spending with you," he interrupted, his tone much too formal for the total Disney content that had just come out of his mouth.
She snorted, turning on her side to look at him, reaching to stroke the stubble on his cheek. "I know you hate it when I say you're cute--"
"I do."
"But that was cute. Cheesy, but cute."
"I am neither cheesy nor cute, love. I'm--."
"Yeah, yeah. The nightmare of many. Supernatural boogeyman. Evil supervillain predator who rips out all the hearts. You can still be cute with me. Those aren't mutually exclusive."
She grinned at how offended he looked. It wasn't the first time she'd said it, not by a long shot, but it never failed to push his buttons.
Exactly her plan.
"It's okay to be a cute supervillain predator," she continued, trying to fight down a smile and mostly failing. "Everyone is a multi-faceted person with a lot of layers and nuance, and--"
His smile was all teeth, his eyes flashing gold. "Don't you think it may be unwise to insult the most powerful creature you've met, sweetheart?"
Her hair brushed against the bird tattoo inked along his shoulder as she bent to nip his ear. "Why? Do you bite?"
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seesgood · 4 years
five times kissed
She can’t really be sure that the first time counts, on account of the fact that she’s pretty sure she’s dreaming. Not that she remembers falling asleep. The last thing she does remember is curling more comfortably against her side of the couch, eyes tired as she studies the page in front of her. They sit mostly in silence, broken only by her asking the occasional question --- what is this word? What does it mean? Those only turn into more curious questions --- it’s why she likes him, why she’s a little more comfortable around him than she is any of the others. He doesn’t mind the questions. And she has a lot. What languages does he speak? What’s his favorite time period? Who was he, in all those other lives? Who did he meet? Where did he go? Was it really as incredible as she imagines? THAT FIRST TIME is just the ghost of his lips over her cheek, accompanied by the feeling of a blanket being pulled over her as she snuggles more securely into the corner of the couch. She’s not sure if it counts, because she’s not even really sure it happened. And of all the questions she’s asked him, that’s one she’s too scared to know the answer to.
THE SECOND TIME there’s no question about it. Because it’s her. And even now, she can’t quite figure out why she does it. It’s stupid, really. Predictable, how a mild fascination can bloom into a ridiculous crush. That’s what it is. A crush. Nothing more. Anything more would be idiotic. She’s smart enough to know how this ends. And yet she still does it. Because it’s quiet. Because she’s caught at the wrong place, at the wrong time again. And though Nicky dies --- for a short while --- and Joe nurses a now-healed dislocated shoulder, and Damon’s still favoring the side of him that didn’t get hit with shrapnel --- the man before her seems much more focused on the cut on her cheek. It’s not deep. It’s not even bleeding anymore. Really it’s just a small cut from a piece of broken glass from when the window blew in. It could be worse. ( It was worse, for them. )  But even though she can still see the blood on his shirt, he’s far more focused with that small cut. His fingers curling gently around her jaw, mouth curved into a frown, brows furrowed as he turns her head to get a better look. His other hand comes up, knuckles brushing against it. And that’s when she does it. Because maybe she’s seen one too many romance movies, and maybe it just feels good for him to touch her, and maybe she was a little more scared than she let on. But his hand passes near her cheek again and she turns, her own hand lifting to capture his, fingers curling between his until her fingertips rest against his palm. Her lips brush over his palm. It barely qualifies as a kiss, but the second her lips brush over his skin her entire system seems to charge with heat. So...it counts. Unfortunately.
She doesn’t get many days off. Scratch that --- she barely gets any days off. Because the world’s a funny thing, you know? There’s barely any time ever when nothing happens. And she cares too much to give herself a night off. But once in a great while ( usually when Elena and Bonnie are around to drag her out ) she lets loose.  And in this case, too loose. Because by the time she’s dragging herself back up the steps to go to bed, the world feels sharper. More colorful. And so much more delightful than she gives it credit for. It’s a wonder what wine can do. There are certain detriments to sleeping and working in the same compound. One of which, she quickly finds out, is running into your more-than-a-crush immortal infatuation when you’re still more than slightly drunk and have spent the whole night gushing about...said more-than-a-crush. THE THIRD TIME, is sloppy. And unintentional. And she doesn’t really mean to do it, she just wants to put herself out of her misery. Because maybe it’ll be terrible. Maybe he’ll be the world’s worst kisser. Maybe he’ll be one of those guys who’s all tongue. Who has no idea what to do with his hands. Or maybe he’s one of those guys that’s too respectable. Too tender. ---- He’s not. He’s perfect. Of course. A fact which she laments with a grumble a moment before she wrenches herself from his arms to double over the sink and upheave the order of cheese fries she ordered between drinks.
They don’t talk about it. That third time? It’s too embarrassing. She pretends she’s forgotten ( even if she hasn’t. ) He’s either respectable enough to allow her that small mercy, or he wants to forget it himself. Part of her hopes it’s the former. Less of her hopes it’s the latter --- for purely selfish reasons. But after that things are different. He stands a little closer, she talks a little softer. When they come back from jobs, she checks him over first. Copley knows. He gives her that look --- the one that reminds her a bit too much of her father. Like he wants to say something, warn her, tell her how stupid it is --- but he doesn’t. Because she already knows. This thing ends one of two ways. But that’s the thing. It ends. Like everything else on this planet, save for the six of them. THE FOURTH TIME is somehow the worst. Because she’s sober. And he’s not taken aback. Because it solidifies the terrible truth of the matter: whatever this is, she can’t get over it. They’re past that. She’s damned. The fourth time he finds her up late. Again. It’s hard to sleep when your heart walks outside of your body, when the person you love is out there getting hurt. Killed. When you don’t even have the luxury of curling into their arms after all of it. He finds her on the balcony, curled in a chair, wrapped in a blanket, empty glass of wine next to her, laptop glowing on her lap. She’s not really sure what builds up to it, not really sure what happened to make him do it ---- he just kisses her. Hands clasping her face, mouth slanting on hers. He just kisses her. Until she’s breathless, and weak, and everything else fades and she knows for certain that when it comes to him, she’s entirely and completely fucked.
THE FIFTH TIME isn’t long after. He pulls away, almost like he’s about to say something, or apologize, or leave. And she doesn’t let him. Fingers curling into his shirt, pulling him down again until she’s kissing him. The fifth time bleeds into the sixth, and seventh, and eighth ---- until she can’t remember anything about how they got here, only that somehow they end up in his bed. And she becomes acutely, terribly attached to how easily his mouth finds the curve of her neck, and the hollow behind her ear. And how good his hands feel brushing down her back, pulling her closer, and how badly she wants to stay curled against him. For better or worse. In good times and bad. Until her death do they part.
five times kissed drabbles          /          selectively accepting ! 
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theworkofxanderking · 4 years
The Originals: Bad Blood (Alternative Season 5)
Episode Eight – Legacies: Blood of Our Blood
Warnings: I do not own the original content to “The Originals”, “The Vampire Diaries” or “Legacies” or any of the characters from the television shows.
15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.
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It had been two years since the events of “From Here to Hell Town” and a lot had changed over that course of time especially for Hope Mikaelson who had spent the last two years training as a wolf, a hunter and a witch at the Salvatore Boarding School with the help of her aunt Davina Claire-Mikaelson who was the Magics teacher at the school and her uncle Kol Mikaelson who reluctantly joined the school to teach the young vampire students after being convinced by his wife.
She also had the expertise of vampire hunter Alaric Saltzman who was the headmaster at the school and the guidance from vice headmistress and guidance counselor Caroline Forbes-Salvatore who often helped Hope to try to have more of a life outside of the school despite Hope’s protests.
Hope’s relationship with her mother Hayley Marshall remained as strong as ever with Hayley visiting often when she could get breaks from ruling the city of New Orleans but her relationship with her father Klaus Mikaelson had once again become strained. Klaus’ visits to the boarding school had became fewer and farther between over the course of these two years which were a relief to many attending Salvatore Boarding School but a cause of pain for Hope even though she knew her father was doing everything he could to find a way to free her aunt Rebekah from Helton better known as Hell Town.
So, Hope dedicated herself to the school and becoming the best of the best so she could one day help her father reunite with his sister and break her free from her cruel fate which had happened by her own doing.
Hope found herself running in the woods of Mystic Falls turning into a grey werewolf effortlessly during mid run before the wolf in her began running faster and faster through the woods of Mystic Falls before the ground beneath her swallowed her and she found herself falling through the dirt before crashing into an underground cave.
Hope woke up naked within the underground cave and eager to find something to clothe her started chanting something in Croatian until a ball of light appeared above her showing the underground cave to have nothing in it but a ancient cloth covering a coffin which Hope quickly wrapped round her to cover her modesty.
She found herself enchanted by this centuries old coffin with the initials S.S marked into it as she wondered why a coffin would be abandoned here by itself before noticing how she could smell something inside of it which made her grow more curious as anything other than bone should’ve rotted away centuries ago.
She was hesitant for a moment before deciding to open it shocked to find a desiccated male vampire with dark hair inside the coffin wearing clothing fitting of many centuries before.
“Just my luck to stumble upon a coffin while running.” Hope moaned as she found herself still memorized by this beautiful lifeless man. “I guess I should probably get you to the school and see what Alaric and Caroline make of you.”
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“Oh my god my life is ruined!” Lizzie Saltzman moaned aloud while looking in the mirror in her joined bedroom with her twin sister Josie within Salvatore boarding school as she wore a plain white satin dress which she was clearly not amused with.
“Lizzie I’m sure you will find the perfect dress in time for our sweet 16.” Josie said with a smirk while sitting on the edge of her bed clearly amused by her sister’s dramatics.
“That’s okay for you to say your not painfully single for you own sweet 16 although I’d rather be single than dating that she bitch Penelope Park.” Lizzie replied while her white satin dress changed its color to red.
“She’s not a bitch Lizzie she’s just headstrong.” Josie snapped back at her sister as she stood up from the bed. “Besides she broke up with me last night.”
“Hold up that little slut thinks she can break up with my sister I think not.” Lizzie declared while turning to face Josie. “Did she cheat on you? She did, didn’t she? Don’t worry Josie I’ll give her the worst case of magical crabs anyone’s ever heard of.”
“She didn’t cheat on me she found out about my feelings for Hope.” Josie responded with a sad sigh.
“Seriously? You’re still crushing hard on Hope after all these years?” Lizzie asked. “Ironic how her father chased after our mother for years and now your chasing after her.”
“I am on the verge of moving on from my stupid childhood crush but it sure doesn’t help when girlfriends go snooping into my diary.” Josie moaned.
“The she devil herself broke into your diary what a complete and utter bitch.” Lizzie replied. “That’s a serious betrayal of trust.”
The twins’ conversation was quickly interrupted by a knock on the door before the door opened to reveal Hope standing in their doorway.
“Hope Mikaelson as I live and breathe, we were just so happening to be discussing you well you and other monstrous annoyances in my life.” Lizzie snapped at her clearly not happy to see the Tribrid.
“Nice to see you too Lizzie.” Hope replied sarcastically.
“Sorry about Lizzie she’s just annoyed because the white blushed her out and the red will never be allowed.” Josie apologised for her sister who looked at her with a huffy expression making it clear she wasn’t happy her twin was apologizing for her.
“I need your guys help shifting something.” Hope told them both.
“And please tell us why we would ever consider helping you?” Lizzie asked as her dress changed color once more, this time to black. “Now black is a color that suits my bitchy heart.”
“I need help shifting a body.” Hope revealed.
“Oh, count me in!” Lizzie replied with excitement in her voice.
“Really, Lizzie?” Josie said to her twin unimpressed with Lizzie’s excitement.
“Well I’m already dressed for drama and what’s more dramatic than Hope killing again.” Lizzie said to Josie.
“I didn’t kill this one thank you very much I just found it in the woods.” Hope told her stating her innocence.
“As statements go that one’s pretty weak even for you.” Lizzie replied while rolling her eyes at the youngest member of the Mikaelson family.
“Look are you guys going to help me or not?” Hope asked them.
“Of course,” Josie replied with a smile. “This body it isn’t somebody we know is it?”
“No,” Hope laughed. “Although he’s somebody we may want to know.”
“Oh my god my babies’ sweet sixteenth is going to be totally ruined!” Caroline said with a gasp after being told Penelope had broken up with her daughter Josie after learning about her feelings for Hope.
Penelope Park sat across from Caroline’s desk in Caroline’s office giving the vice headmistress an annoyed look making it clear through her facial expressions that she was far from impressed by Caroline’s reaction to her news.
“Sorry,” Caroline replied with a sigh. “I can’t begin to imagine what you must be feeling right now. Emotions are heightened are your age trust me I know that far too well and maybe Josie’s crush on Hope is just that.”
“Yeah I think it’s more than a crush,” Penelope responded with an eye roll. “I’m sure you can understand why I won’t be at the part tonight.”
“Of course, but if you change your mind the party is open to all Salvatore Boarding School students not just the ones dating or friends with my daughters. I’d hate for you to miss out on a party over a heartbreak and when it’s a party I’m planning it’s bound to be spectacular.” Caroline advised Penelope as Penelope stood up from her chair.
“Yeah thanks but no thanks Mrs Forbes-Salvatore.” Penelope replied before walking out of Caroline’s door just as Alaric stormed in past her holding an envelope and looking far from impressed.
“Please tell me this is some kind of joke!” Alaric shouted while waving the envelope about in the air.
“I guess you got Klaus’ RSVP then.” Caroline said with a sigh as she stood up from her chair.
“Why the hell is Klaus invited to my daughters’ sixteenth birthday parties?” Alaric asked clearly furious by the thought of Klaus being at his twin girls’ birthday.
“It was your idea to invite all students and their parents to this party so that no student felt left out was it not?” Caroline snapped back at him. “Last time I checked Hope Mikaelson was still very much a student your favorite student I may add and last time I checked both Hayley Marshall and Klaus Mikaelson were her parents.”
“She’s not my favorite student,” Alaric scoffed fooling to convince himself or Caroline. “I don’t have favorites.”
“I invited Hayley and Klaus with no belief that Klaus would even come however it’s Hayley who’s busy with affairs in New Orleans.” Caroline explained to Alaric. “Bonnie’s too busy to even be here and don’t get me started on Damon and Elena choosing now of all times to go on holiday with little Stefanie.”
“Most of our students that know about the Mikaelson’s are terrified of them it’s been hard enough keeping Hope in this school because of her association to them and now you want to bring the worst one to our daughters’ birthday.” Alaric moaned.
“Hope is a good kid and an excellent student you tell me this all the time so her parentage shouldn’t be an issue. As for the other students I’ll make damn sure that Klaus is on his best behavior I’m certain he won’t do anything Klaus like with his daughter around.” Caroline told Alaric.
“You’re right.” Alaric sighed. “Klaus is Hope’s father whether I like it or not, but I swear to god if he puts one foot wrong…”
“I’ll make sure that he doesn’t.” Caroline promised.
“What was Penelope doing in here anyway?” Alaric asked.
“It’s seems Josie’s still very much infatuated with Hope so much so that her and Penelope have broken up.” Caroline revealed before going on to say. “Is it awful that I wish this drama unfolded after their party?”
“No Caroline it’s not awful.” Alaric smiled before walking over to her and giving her a hug. “What’s awful is the thought our baby girl could marry into the Mikaelson family and I can’t even stop it because the Mikaelson in question is a great kid.”
“Their teenagers one of which is only recently single let’s not marry anyone off just yet.” Caroline laughed while continuing to hug Alaric.
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Hope, Lizzie and Josie were walking through the woods of Mystic Falls eager to relocate the spot which Hope discovered a mysterious tall dark and handsome not to mention desiccated vampire man.
“I’m not assigning any blame here but I’m just saying if you did let your murderous nature take over once again, I mean dad already covered up your last kill.” Lizzie said to Hope as the three girls continued looking through the woods.
“Lizzie would you please just stop calling Hope a murderer already and actually be helpful.” Josie snapped at her twin.
“Trust you to stick up for her I guess sisters mean absolutely nothing when it comes to the girl you’ve been crushing on most of your life.” Lizzie snapped back at her sister not realizing the extent of what she said until it was too late.
“You have a crush on me?” Hope asked Josie with a soft smile making it clear she was flattered as the three girls stopped walking.
“Of course, I do,” Josie replied reluctantly. “Who wouldn’t?”
“Guys I think I just found the spot, thank god.” Lizzie revealed while pointing over to a large hole in the ground. “Now please remind me Hope why your wolf senses didn’t pick up on this way sooner?”
“Who says they didn’t?” Hope replied with a sarcastic smile before a look of worry became clear on her face. “Oh no, Alaric and Caroline are going to totally suspend me.”
Hope, Josie and Lizzie rushed over to the hole in the ground before looking at each other as if to signal one of them to go first.
“Normally I’m all for going headfirst into danger but dirty underground caves is where I draw the line.” Lizzie stated to them both.
“Very well just be ready to pull the coffin up when you see it.” Hope said before jumping down into the underground cave.
“I’m so sorry Josie I never meant to let that slip but hey I’ve kept that secret for like years now can’t a girl get some recognition for that?” Lizzie attempted to apologize only for Josie to give her a furious stare before jumping into the underground cave after Hope. “Fine then but if you get a date for your sweet sixteenth because of my blubbering mouth I’m going to be the one pissed at you!”
Caroline walked into the front foyer of Salvatore Boarding School looking around as her students passed her by before she felt a gush of wind on her neck as Klaus vamp sped his way over to be by her side.
“I must say this place is rather impressive, but I’ve come to expect nothing less from you Caroline.” Klaus said to her. “However, inviting me to your daughters’ sixteenth was quite the shock I must admit.”
“I didn’t just invite you I invited all my students’ parents.” Caroline replied as she turned to face him. “You just happened to be amongst the parents who said yes.”
“Ouch considered me deeply wounded by your words.” Klaus responded with a sarcastic smile. “Can I presume a woman as wonderful as you, already has herself a date?”
“You’ve got to be joking me,” Caroline laughed. “You’re here for less than two seconds and you’re already asking me to be your date at my daughters’ party.”
“Now Caroline one does think a little too much of themselves I was simply inquiring about your life.” Klaus replied. “I’m here for my daughter and perhaps a little help from my sister in law regarding a sister of mine who along with an entire town has vanished off the face of this earth.”
“Oh, I heard about Rebekah,” Caroline said with a sigh. “Bonnie filled me in on Hell Town, Malus witches and the return of your long-lost brother Henrik. I’m sorry things didn’t work out better for everyone.”
“Yes, well that’s story is far from over yet despite giving my sister many reasons to abandon me she never gave up on me and now I refuse to give up on her.” Klaus admitted to her.
“Well I hope Davina has some answers for you that neither Bonnie nor Freya could find.” Caroline replied with a sincere smile. “I really do.”
“Thanks.” Klaus replied. “Now where is my darling daughter?”
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Hope chanted in Croatian re-enacting the spell from earlier while standing in the underground cave with Josie before a ball of light hovered above them both only to expose an empty coffin and a different lifeless corpse lying next to it clearly having their blood drained from their neck.
“Okay so clearly leaving opened ground with a vampire unguarded was probably not my greatest idea.” Hope stated while looking at the lifeless victim in front of her. “I guess we have another killer on the loose in Mystic Falls now.”
“You’re not a killer Hope what happened to MG was a terrible accident.” Josie told her to ease Hope’s conscience. “What happened to him could’ve happened to anyone.”
“I know that I do but it doesn’t help his ghost lurks around the school for some unexplained reason reminding me everyday that he’s dead because of me.” Hope replied with a sigh. “And it sure as hell doesn’t help Lizzie declaring me a killer all over school.”
“She’s just being Lizzie nobody takes her seriously when she’s being a bitch neither should you.” Josie explained to her.
“Did I just hear my name?” Lizzie shouted from above them.
“You’re right.” Hope responded with a laugh before looking Josie up and down. “Do you really fancy me?”
“We should probably focus on the vampire running loose.” Josie replied with a smirk.
“Okay but then we’ll have a talk.” Hope agreed.
Lizzie stood above the opened underground cave staring down to see nothing but darkness before a tall dark mysterious man vamp sped to appear on the other side of the hole knowing instantly he was the vampire in question noticing his medieval clothing which was now stained by fresh blood.
“If you think I’m another one of your snacks your going to be severely disappointed.” Lizzie warned him before shouting. “Hope, Josie I found the vampire.”
“Vampire is that what I am?” He asked her.
“I don’t know what they called you back in your day but nowadays we call your kind vampires.” Lizzie said to him while trying not to notice how handsome this deadly stranger was.
“You look familiar to me.” The vampire said before vamp speeding over to Lizzie, so he was now standing next to her. “May I tell you you’re quite the exquisite beauty?”
“Yes, you may,” Lizzie replied with a smile before touching the vampire’s chest and siphoning him “but this beauty doesn’t come in snack form.”
Lizzie lifted her hand chanting in Croatian magically snapping the vampire’s neck as Hope climbed out of the underground cave pulling Josie up with her.
“Typical show up after the vampire’s been dealt with.” Lizzie snapped at them both. “Now can we ditch this guy in our dungeon and get back to preparing for the party?”
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The doors of the Salvatore Boarding School swung open before the unconscious body of the vampire Lizzie had just taken down flew into the school his body hitting the ground harshly as Hope, Lizzie and Josie walked into the school grabbing the shocked attentions of the students the noise making Caroline and Klaus vamp speed in from different directions of the school.
“Girls, what is going on?” Caroline asked them.
“Dad,” Hope said noticing her father. “I wasn’t expecting you to be here.”
“Clearly.” Klaus replied with a smile.
“I was just minding my business when Hope came knocking on our door desperate for me to help her chase some boy.” Lizzie explained to Caroline clearly ignoring Klaus’ presence.
“Your chasing boys now?” Klaus asked Hope not amused with the prospect of his daughter dating.
“He’s a vampire we found in some underground cave in the forests I wasn’t chasing him because he’s a boy I was hunting him just like the others.” Hope admitted to her father.
“We were back up in the whole hunting shenanigans.” Josie admitted to her mother.
“You girls aren’t supposed to hunt your too young to be hunting anything let alone some random vampire.” Caroline told all three girls.
“Weren’t you and your friends trying to kill me at that age?” Klaus said while smiling at Caroline causing her to sigh once again.
“So, you’re allowed to hunt original vampires, yet I’m not allowed to help out Hope.” Lizzie moaned at her mother causing Klaus to laugh.
“Firstly, we never hunted them they hunted and tried to kill us.” Caroline stated before smugly smiling at Klaus. “We just kept getting the better of them until they fled town.”
“That’s not quite how I remember it.” Klaus replied.
“My point is, no hunting!” Caroline said while looking at all three girls. “Now put him in the dungeon before he wakes up and start getting ready for the party. I’ll deal with the questioning.”
Hope and Klaus walked into the Stefan Salvatore dedicated library within the school Hope looking clearly unimpressed with her father.
“So, suddenly you want back in my life?” Hope snapped at him. “I barely ever hear from you and now you want to attend a party at my school?”
“Hope I’ve always been in your life even when I haven’t been around.” Klaus replied wounded by his daughter’s words. “You know I’m just doing everything I can to get Rebekah back I’m sorry that means I’ve not been around much.”
“It’s not my fault Aunt Rebekah’s gone.” Hope cried. “I just did what was asked of me I didn’t know it would mean we’d lose her.”
“Hope I have never once blamed you for Rebekah’s situation.” Klaus told his daughter before hugging her. “Rebekah knew the risk when she went back in none of this is on you.”
“Then why does it feel like it’s all my fault?” Hope asked as she hugged her father tighter. “I miss her so much!”
“I know,” Klaus said while stroking his daughter’s hair “I miss her too, but we will get her back that’s why I’m here to see Davina.”
“Dad, Davina doesn’t know anymore than she did before.” Hope replied while breaking off the hug. “Nobody seems to know anything about the kind of spell I used that day, nor does anyone know anything about Malus.”
“That was before Freya finally got her act together and stepped out of her suburban life with Keelin and their twins Elijah and Nik.” Klaus revealed.
“Aunt Freya has been working to find Aunt Rebekah just has hard as anyone else you can’t argue her happiness with her wife and kids.” Hope snapped at him. “What did she find out anyway?”
“The spell you cast though more ancient and complicated than most prison spells, was in fact a prison spell written by a witch within the Gemini Coven.” Klaus admitted. “Which means a certain set of twins are more than likely the keys to getting Rebekah back.”
Suddenly an arrow was launched into Klaus’ chest causing him to scream in pain much to Hope’s shock before falling to the ground revealing Alaric behind him holding the crossbow in which the arrow that wounded Klaus was fired.
“Really Mr Saltzman was that necessary?” Hope asked him.
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Caroline stood in front of the gates within the dungeon underneath the Salvatore Boarding School looking over the unconscious vampire laying within the cage as his neck snapped back into place and he quickly rose to his feet.
“You clearly got unlucky when you came across my girls!” Caroline told him. “Now it’s up to me to work out whether you deserved to be hunted by them and their friend or whether your confused and innocent.”
“My name is Sebastian, I think.” He replied.
“You think, how does somebody forget their own name?” Caroline asked him. “How long have you been down there?”
“Yes, my name is Sebastian, Sebastian Salvatore.” He revealed much to Caroline’s own horror.
“That’s not possible Stefan never told me about any other vampires within his family.” Caroline replied. “You’re lying.”
“Who the bloody hell is Stefan?” Sebastian asked making it clear he had no idea who Stefan Salvatore was.
“Caroline!” Alaric shouted from above her.
“Just great,” Caroline sighed. “What has Klaus done now?”
“Release me now!” Sebastian demanded.
“I’ll be back for you but first I have to deal with an original pain in my ass.” Caroline told him.
“Well hurry back so you can explain to me why that witch looks so much like my Isobel.” Sebastian revealed.
“Which witch?” Caroline asked.
“Blonde and very violent.” Sebastian went on to say.
“That’ll be my Lizzie,” Caroline replied with a sly smile showing a sense of pride.
“She must be a Gemini witch then tell me does she know of the impending merge?” Sebastian asked her.
“What do you know about the merge?” Caroline quizzed him desperate for answers.
“Release me and find out.” Sebastian replied with a wicked smile.
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swearwolf-writes · 4 years
The Paradox - Chapter 3
The trio of vampires, Damon, Stefan and Jemma, walked silently to the entrance of the tomb hidden beneath Fell’s Church. Jemma gave a nod to the boys and stationed herself at the doorway, listening to the sounds of the boys’ footsteps as they made their way down the spiralling steps to the tomb that was Katherine’s prison. She listened in, wondering what the weak vampire would say this time in order to convince them to release her.
“Let’s do it.” She heard Damon mutter. With a count to three, a loud grating emerges from the tomb, the stone door shifting from its place. The sound of scuffing feet echoed through the small space as Jemma narrowed her eyes. Katerina. Urgh. “Please... come on in. There’s plenty of room for all of us.” “I’d rather poke my eyes out.” A fake smile was etched into Damon’s voice. “Mmm, they’re such pretty eyes.” Katherine countered. Stefan cut their bitchy banter short. “We’re here for the moonstone.” “Feel like tossing it over?” “Tell you what, you get your little witch to hocus pocus me out of here, you can have whatever you want.”
 Jemma seethed from her place above ground. How dare that rancid bitch demand anything of anyone after all the trouble and pain she’s caused-
 “I thought you liked it in here” Stefan commented wryly. “Nice and safe where Klaus can’t get to you.” “I’ve had time to reconsider.” She rasped. “Meaning you’re hungry.” Damon translated. “I’m starving, Damon. And dirty. But above all, I’m bored.” The sound of stumbling and grasping rippled through the stone walls as Katherine moved towards the mouth of her prison. “At least running from Klaus wasn't boring - so here's the deal: you get me out of here, you get the moonstone and I'll disappear from Mystic Falls forever.”
Getting to her feet, Jemma sighed. She could her soft footsteps receding and knew the girl was walking away from them.
“Let me know what you decide.”
They made their way over to the Gilberts’ house, the Salvatore brothers filling Jemma in on the things she couldn’t hear. She gritted her teeth when she was informed of Katerina’s teasing showing of the moonstone. It was so close that they could have just grabbed it right out of her hand - well, not without becoming trapped they couldn’t have anyway.
 Jemma knocked on the door loudly, standing back as Elena opened it.
“Hey. Uh, can we talk?” The youngest of the vampires asked softly. “Why?” Elena seemed confused by their presence at her home. “We went to see Katherine.” Damon informed her, his smile tense. “She was, of course, as insufferable as usual.” The Original chirped. With a short nod of her head, Elena stepped aside the entrance. “Come on in.” They filled in the young girl, watching her processing everything as they stood around the island in her kitchen, Jemma sitting on the counter across where Elena was leaning against the wall.
“You don’t believe her, do you?” She crossed her arms, looking at the group. “No, of course not.” Damon seemed almost offended as he tossed Jemma an apple and opted to instead throw an orange from hand to hand. “We just want the moonstone.” “According to Rose’s friend Slater, there’s a way to destroy the spell that Klaus wants to break.” “No spell, no dopplegänger sacrifice. Ergo, you live.” Elena seemed tired of the conversation. “How do you destroy it?” “By releasing it from the moonstone.” Stefan leaned his hands against the countertop, looking at her expectantly. She raised her hands in the air and then them fall to her sides. “How do you guys even know this is gonna work?” “‘Cause we have a crafty witch on our side.” “You discussed it with Bonnie.” She said, sighing quietly. “She agreed to do anything she could to help us.” “It’s Katherine who has the moonstone. She’s not gonna give it to you.” She shook her head, pointing out the biggest fault in their plan as she sat on one of the barstools. “We’re gonna get it from her,” Stefan assured her. “Well, what he means to say is, we will pry it from her cold, dead hands if we have to,” Damon reiterated happily. Jemma swallowed a bite of her apple and added, “She’s kinda trapped in a cave and has no allies. If we did have to kill her, which we probably should do because she’ll murder us all if she ever gets out,” she pointed out, “there’s not really a lot of places to a big white pebble in a very grey stone cave.”
Stefan nodded and leaned towards the human, trying to reassure her. “Bonnie just needs to find a way to release the seal long enough for us to get in, get the moonstone, and get out in time for her to return it.” Elena looked almost teary at this point as she fumbled with her hands. “Wow. I mean, it sounds like you guys already have it all planned out.” “Yep. We’re awesome.” He gave a thumbs up and Elena looked down at the pale wood of the kitchen island. “Except for one thing.” She looked up between the brothers. “I don’t want you to do it.” The group exchanged confused looks at that. “What are you talking about? Elena, we don’t have a choice.” Stefan objected on behalf of all of them. “What about Klaus?” Elena countered, making a point. “We’ll find him right after we get the moonstone.” “Is that before or after he kills everyone that I care about, including the two of you?” She fired back, pointing from Stefan to Damon while avoiding Jemma’s eye - it wasn’t a secret that the dopplegänger and Original weren’t exactly friends. The idea that Elena cared about him however seemed to startle Damon.
With a pointed look, Stefan again tried to sell the plan to her. “Elena, if we can de-spell the moonstone, we can save your life.” “I know. Everybody keeps saying that.” She spoke quietly as she left the room, the group once again exchanging worried looks. Jemma hopped off the counter and binned her apple core, looking at the Salvatores. “I get that this isn’t helpful but what’s to stop Klaus from trying to kill us after we deal with the moonstone? We are royally screwing him over with this whole moonstone-dopplegänger business and we killed Elijah - I highly doubt an Original is gonna forgive and forget so quickly.” She trailed off, thinking back back to her siblings’ warnings as Stefan dropped his head into his hands.
Elena opened the door to the Salvatore residence and walked in, Jemma trailing behind her awkwardly. After shutting the door she looks around the deserted hallway, deeming that no one was home when Rose walked down the stairs, tying a silk robe around herself.
“It’s not nice to leave a girl naked so early in the morning.”, Rose practically purred before looking up and seeing the embarrassed face of Elena and the smirking face of Jemma. “Whoa- sorry, I thought you were….” Elena looks away, cheeks subtly turning pink. “I, uh, sorry, I-” She stammered out a response, not really knowing what to say in such a situation. “There’s no one else here.” “Actually, I came to talk to you.” Rose smiled broadly at this. “Then I should probably get dressed.” She walked back up the stairs making Elena turn to Jemma.
“Alone?” “Yeah no, no offence to Rose but I still don’t trust her.”
 Jemma sipped her drink in  silence as she watched the conversation brew between Rose and Elena.
“It��s a bad idea.” Rose objected. “No, it’s not. From what Stefan told, your friend Slater obviously has more information about Klaus. You just gave up before you got it.” “Because someone blew up a coffee shop with us in it.”, the vampire deadpanned. “Actually, they just shattered the windows-” Jemma interjected, matter-of-factly, Rose staring daggers at her. The two had clearly not got off on the right foot. “But that’s not the point-” The Original added lamely as she continued sipping her drink.
Despite this, Elena continues to press. “There’s more to learn. We just have to find a way to learn it.” “Why are you coming to me with this?” Rose’s curiosity was not unfounded, Jemma raising an eyebrow as she listened for the answer. “Because you owe me.” Elena put it rather simply. “One, word from me, and Damon and Stefan could have killed you for kidnapping me.” Rose saw through the thinly veiled threat quite easily. “Or maybe it’s because you know they wouldn’t want you to do this. And their moonstone caper gives you a chance to sneak away.” “We’re having a disagreement, okay? They’re willing to risk everyone that I love and I’m not.” “They’re just trying to protect you.” Strange. It sounds almost as if she cares for the girl. “And you’ve proven you couldn’t care less whether I’m protected or not. So, we’re back to you taking me to Slater.”
Rose sat next to Elena, Jemma moving to take Rose’s old space.
“What exactly do you hope to achieve by this?” Elena swiftly avoided her question in favour of bribery. “How would you like to be able to walk during the daylight?” “I’ve been a slave to shadows for 500 years - what do you think?” “I think I know a witch who’s willing to do whatever it takes to help, if you’re willing to make a deal.”
Jemma set her glass down on the table loudly. “And what’s to stop me from telling the boys about this little escapade of yours?” “You also don’t want people to get hurt for me and if that doesn’t work, I could always mention that always get suspicious when anyone mentions the Originals which is interesting when you think about it because we know your whole family but we don’t really know anything about you guys before Mystic Falls - I mean, you won’t even tell your age other than ‘old’.” She raised in challenge of the elder who clenched her jaw in anger at being blackmailed by a child. Nodding curtly, she stood up. “Let’s go then.”
Jemma leaned against the wall lazily as she watched Rose bang on Slater’s door.
“Slater? Slater, it’s Rose. Open up!” No answer. After a brief moment, Rose looked over to Elena. “He’s not home. Sorry.” Jemma shrugged, standing up straight and tucking her hands into her pockets. “Well, guess we gotta go then-” Tonguing her cheek, she resisted glaring at the human as she cut her off. Why won’t she just drop it? If she pries too far into Original business, she might actually find something - and if that surfaces and spreads? Mikael might come after us as well as the Mikaelsons. “Mm-mm. No. We didn’t come all the way out here for nothing.”
Sighing, Rose pushed the doors open using her vampire strength. Elena peered in as Jemma lightly banged her head against the wall, shaking her head and walking in. “After you.” The younger pair walked in behind her, exchanging a look.
“Slater?”, Rose called out as she moved towards the back of the apartment. She froze. “I don’t think he’s gonna be much help.” Elena rushed over to her and gasped at the sight of Slater’s dead body. Jemma raised her eyebrows. “Hmm.” The girls looked at her, incredulous at her nonchalance at seeing a dead body. “If that happened to him, what d’you think’ll happen to us when someone finds out we’ve been snooping around? Because someone will find out.” Shaking her head, Rose dragged Slater’s body away.
Ignoring Jemma’s warning, Elena, regaining her composure, walked over to Slater’s computer desk and picked up a bunch of loose papers. “Looks like whoever blew up the coffee shop found him and killed him for his information.” “Yeah, probably to stop him from helping people like us. The guy was a vampire almanac. Knowing too much information just bit him in the ass.” “Am I talking to myself here-?” Jemma waved a hand in front of their faces. “If he was killed for his information, why are we trying to get it?”
As Elena kept rummaging, Rose pulled back the curtains, startling Elena. “What are you....?” “Tempered glass. U.V. rays can’t penetrate.” She mumbled, staring idly out the window. “I used to just come here and watch the day.” Looking from a framed picture to the vampire, she spoke in a hushed voice, “I’m sorry about Slater.” Jemma mumbled her condolences quietly, almost feeling bad about her reaction to his dead body. Rose looked back to them, mentally shaking it off. “Any luck?” Elena placed the photo back on the desk and attempted to log into one of the computers fruitlessly, Jemma leaning in to see. “Um…. it’s password protected. I can’t get in.” “No, this is fine. Let’s just go.” Rose motioned to leave when suddenly they hear a doorknob rattling from inside the apartment. “Stay here.
Rose walked past the pair at the desk and opened a set of doors. Peering into the small hallway, she saw a girl hiding behind a corner. “Alice?” “Rose!” Crying heavily, the girl rushed to Rose, embracing her. “He’s dead!” “Well technically he’s been dead for decades now-”, Jemma added dryly, cutting herself off as she noticed Elena’s look at her, “-and I’ll shut up now.”
 Rose rubbed Alice's hand comfortingly as Alice tried to regain her composure. Rose got up and walked into another room where Elena poured hot water into teacups, Jemma getting milk for the tea from the fridge. Rose sat down next to Elena.
“She found him a few minutes before we did.” “How is she?” Elena was worried. “Overreacting - big time.” “Her boyfriend just died. There’s no such thing as overreacting.”, she defended. “Those tears are for her. She didn’t care about Slater.” Upon Elena’s curious look, she explained: “She was only dating him long enough to see if he’d turn her.” “Great, so she’s a vampire groupie.”, Jemma grumbled as she finished making the tea.
Elena took a cup to the crying girl who took it gratefully. “Thank you.” Elena sat next to her as Alice looked at her with an air of familiarity. “You look really familiar. Did you know Slater?” “Not personally, no. I just knew that he kept detailed records of all of his vampire contacts and I was hoping that he could point me towards Klaus.” “Doubtful. Klaus doesn’t want to be pointed at.” “Do you know Slater’s computer password?” “Are you seriously asking me that right now? I just saw my boyfriend with a stake through his heart.” “I understand that. Do you know his password?”, she repeated bluntly. “Who do you think you are?”
Alice looked away from her and sipped her tea. Elena looked over at Rose and her eyes lit up with an idea, making Jemma tilt her head in mild confusion. What is she doing this time-? Elena looked back to Alice.
“What if I could convince Rose to turn you?” Alice looked back up at her. Rose, hearing what she said, looked over at her disdainfully. However, Jemma looked proud. I guess she does have more than half a spine. “Will you show us his files then?”
 Alice, logged into the computer, shook her head at it. All the files had been deleted. “Someone’s been here. The harddrive’s completely wiped out.” “Yeah, probably whoever killed him.”, Rose guessed. Elena ran a hand over her face and turned away. “Lucky for you, Slater was paranoid. Everything’s backed up on a remote server.”, she informed them as she tried to access the files, Rose turning back to speak softly to Elena.
“You know that she’s not going anywhere near my blood, right?” “I know. She doesn’t.” Rose smiled at Elena’s deception as Jemma masked a snort by coughing. Elena leaned down next to Alice to look at the screen.
“Kristen Stewart. God, was he obvious.” “These are all leads to vampires?”, Elena asked Alice as she continued scrolling through the files. “Slater was obsessed. Almost as much as me.” Jemma wondered why on Earth she would say that in front of two vampires. Creepy. “What about that one? Cody Webber. They exchanged dozens of emails about Elijah.” Rose pointed at the screen. “I could call him.”, Alice offered, taking the phone from Elena. Jemma tried not to scream. She didn’t think anything was actually come of this trip. Fuck.
“Tell him that we’re trying to send a message to Klaus. The dopplegänger is alive and she’s ready to surrender.” Jemma and Rose jumped up. “What?!” “I beg your pardon-?!” Jemma stared at the girl as if she was crazy. Which she likely was. “Oh my God, I knew I recognised you.” Alice stared up at her, seemingly in awe. “Get him the message, please.”
With that, Elena quickly left the room, the vampires following in suit. Elena put her hands on a table and exhaled heavily. “What are you doing?” Rose was surprised at her idiocy. “I’m getting Klaus’ attention.” “If Klaus knows that you’re alive, he’ll find you and he’ll kill you.” Saying nothing, Elena just looks back at the pair, Rose realising her plan. “Which is exactly what you wanted all along.” “It’s either me or my family.” “So this whole charade is some suicide mission so that you could sacrifice yourself and save everyone else?” Jemma locked her fingers behind her head, her eyes shut and her jaw clenched tightly as she seethed. “Forget Klaus, I’m gonna kill you before he gets the bloody chance-!”, she hissed.
Alice entered the room. “Cody is on his way and he really wants to meet you.” Rose shut her eyes and sighed. Jemma rubbed her face wearily as she swore colourfully in every language she could think of.
Elena walked into the main room, sipping water. She looked over at Alice and turned around, gasping in surprise at Damon’s sudden arrival.
“What are you doing here?”, he asked her. “What are you doing here?”, she shot back.
Rose and Jemma walked in, Elena facing them angrily. “You called him?” “I’m sorry, Elena.”, Rose apologised. “You said that you understood.” “She lied.”, Damon piped up. Elena turned to Jemma. “Why would you try and help me? You don’t even like me." “Maybe not but I don’t hate you so I wasn’t gonna let you condemn yourself to whatever fate Klaus has prepared for you.” Elena looked at the group in frustration.
Alice walked up to them and froze, starstruck at Damon. “Damon Salvatore!” “Get rid of her.”, Damon told Rose. “No… way!” Taking her arm, Rose led her away, Jemma trailing behind them.
Damon left the bedroom, the three girls looking at him from their seats in the living area.
“Time to go. Alice is sleeping and won’t remember a moment of this horribly stupid day.”
Suddenly, the front doors had burst open and three men walked into the apartment. Damon turned his head to look at them as the group stood up.
“We’re here to meet the dopplegänger.”, a man announced. “Thank you for coming.” Elena tried to walk towards them but Damon pushed her back. “I will break your arm.”, he whispered to Elena before looking back to the intruder. “There’s nothing here for you.”
The man in the back suddenly dropped to the floor, dead. Jemma looked at the window, seeing Elijah, their eyes meeting for a split second before she hid in the apartment, out of sight of both him and the windows for sake of avoiding her reflection giving her away. The other two vampires looked back at Elijah. Rose gasped at the sight of him and vamp-sped out of the apartment. Elijah spared a glance over to Elena and Damon.
Damon looked at him with surprise all over his face. “I killed you. You were dead.” “For centuries now.”, Elijah agreed. He looked back at the men. “Who are you?” “Who are you?”, he asked the Original. “I’m Elijah.” “We were gonna bring her to you. For Klaus. She’s the dopplegänger. I don’t know how she exists, but she does. Klaus will want to see her.” “Does anyone else know that you’re here?” “No.” “Well, then, you have been incredibly helpful.”
Elijah plunged his hands into the two vampires’ chests. They grunted as Elijah ripped their hearts out. They fell to the floor, closely followed by their hearts. Jemma gasped inaudibly from her hiding place. She knew of the things her once family did but to see them was a completely different thing. To see Elijah Mikaelson, the boy who used to charm everyone with his words and would bandage his brothers’ wounds, tear people’s hearts out was admittedly terrifying. It was like the ground beneath her was tilting. For so long she tried to believe that they weren’t the monsters they were made out to be- She snapped out of her stupor as she noticed her friend being an idiot.
Damon prepared to fight Elijah when he turned and sped out of the apartment. Jemma got up, exchanging looks with Damon and Elena, both of which looking just as surprised as her.
Jemma walked to the Gilbert residence, mumbling what she’d say under her breath. “Sorry for bolting and leaving you to deal with a murderous Original-” She sighed and popped his knuckles anxiously. She avoided her siblings since her most recent adventure. She didn’t what was worse: her family turning out to be murderers or her siblings being able to say ‘I told you’? She got to the gate as Jeremy opened the front door, Elena saying goodnight to Damon. Jemma smiled and left silently - apologies could be procrastinated and said later, humans need to rest - especially after the day they’d all had.
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bamon4bamily · 4 years
TVD 9x06 (part 2) Enjoy! =)
Cut to- Damon’s car. Damon, Klaus, and Tyler are following the Mayor’s limo, heading to the mansion’s location.
 TYLER: Should we really be trusting these people? They are completely wacko.
DAMON: I really don’t care how fucked up they are as long as they lead me to Bonnie.
KLAUS: You are aware that they have an ulterior motive? They are not doing this out of the kindness of their hearts.
DAMON: I know, I’m not an idiot. But I made a deal with the vampiress chic, and I’ll pay up when the time comes.
KLAUS: What kind of a deal? (Teasing) Did you sign your eternal soul?
TYLER: (Sarcastic) Well, that be a crappy ass deal for her.
KLAUS: Good one, Lockwood, and here I thought you had no sense of humor.
DAMON: Shut up… (They pull into a long dirt road, in the middle of the woods. The location is, in fact, Matt’s old house, but the scenery is no way near what it was… they get out of the car, and gather with the Madame, Edward, and the Strange Man).
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DAMON: (To the Madame) What is this place?
MADAME: The freaky old mansion, love.
DAMON: I mean, how…?
MADAME: Darling, we are dealing with something that is way beyond your comprehension; so, trust me, and do what I say, understood? Now, listen very close, all of you, we are about to enter two very different realities; one is, in fact, real, the other, is not. Once we are inside it might be hard to tell them apart, so follow my lead and don’t, under any circumstance, let your guard down or you will get lost… and god knows you don’t want to be lost there…
DAMON: All I care about is finding Bonnie.
MADAME: Well, you better learn how to pretend you don’t. He knows your weaknesses; and make no mistake, he will play them against you.
DAMON: I’ll be fine; I know his mind games.
MADAME: With all due respect, dear, but you really don’t.
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STRANGE MAN: So, shall we?
KLAUS: (To Damon and Tyler) As agreed, Damon you focus on finding Bonnie, Lockwood, on Matt, me on Danae.
MADAME: (To Edward) Dear, are you certain you want to come along? 
EDWARD: Absolutely; I have some pending matters with our old friend; plus, I must admit, I’m quite intrigued by all the drama.
MADAME: Alright, gentleman (they all hold hands); remember, things aren’t what they seem. If you believe the illusion is real, whatever happens to you will happen to you in reality… keep that in mind, at all times. Ready? (They nod) Here we go…
Cut to – The Salvatore house, everyone waiting in the living for Damon, Klaus, Tyler, and Matt.
 CAROLINE: Where are they? They are taking too long.
STEFAN: Damon’s phone goes straight to voice message…
CAROLINE: I knew he was going to make a move without us! Why do I even bother?
ELENA: I still can’t believe everything that has happened… (To Caroline) How could you leave me out of the loop like this?
CAROLINE: (Snaps) Really, Elena? Bonnie is MIA, going through god knows what, and you are pissed because we left you out? Jesus Christ! Get over yourself!
ELENA: (Snaps back) Hey! What the hell is wrong with you!?
SAM: Sorry to butt in, but I really don’t think this is the best time to pick a fight.
CAROLINE: He’s right. Sorry; I’m just worried about Bonnie.
ELENA: So am I, Care.
LEXI: So, what should we do? I don’t think they are coming back any time soon…
STEFAN: I say we go find Matt ourselves; Sergei can stay here to take care of the girls and Katherine.
RADKA: Ric? What do you think?
ALARIC: I agree; we need to move. Let’s go to the Mayor’s house, see if they are there, and if they’re not, maybe we can find out where they’ve gone to.
SERGEI: Go; I’ll keep an eye on the girls and Ms. Pierce.
Cut to – freaky old mansion; inside Darius’s illusion realm; now in some sort of cabaret bar. Bonnie is singing on stage; the masked audience, completely mesmerized, stare in admiration. She feels her power, her overwhelming beauty, and sexuality; she has absolute control over every single one of them. Darius, whos is seating in front, can’t take his eyes off her...
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A strange man, sitting next to Darius, initiates a conversation.
STRANGE MAN: She truly is unique, and absolutely mesmerizing… Marie would be proud. (Darius gets confused by his comment; the stranger takes his mask off). Hello, old friend…
DARIUS: No… how?
STRANGE MAN: Oh, Darius, you know, how.
DARIUS: Where is she?
STRANGE MAN: She’s somewhere around here, helping her new buddy, Damon; I believe you are acquainted with him? Boy, you’re in trouble now… and I’m not only talking about our mutual friend… (Looks at Bonnie) She and the vamp share a psychic bond which not even you can break, sorry to spoil your bubble; thought you had figured that out by now… denial, I’m guessing. Word of advice, Darius, stop letting your arrogance and obsessions take over; you are getting very sloppy and you know how vengeful she can be. You should have known better than to piss off the Madame, and here I thought you were the genius. You know, Edward might be just a human, but he surely knows how to play his cards better…
DARIUS: You may have managed to come inside, but you are in my world now, I’m the one in control, so good luck with that (winks). (As Bonnie is singing with more intensity, the audience members start to randomly disappear, Darius looks around, uncertain of what is going on).
STRANGE MAN: Are you sure you are the one in control? (He laughs and fades away; Darius gets up and walks on stage, starts clapping).
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DARIUS: My love, you were magnificent! Now, how about we join our guests in the ballroom?
BONNIE: But I’m not finished…
DARIUS: Love, the audience is gone…
BONNIE: Oh, I can fix that (new audience members start to appear; no masks and some familiar faces… Caroline, Elena, Grams, Mr. Bennett, Mrs. Bennett, Matt, Damon, Stefan, Jeremy, Enzo… Darius looks very worried, but tries to play along).
DARIUS: Impressive; I told you, you can do anything you set your mind to (kisses her cheek). Okay, you can sing them one last song; then we’ll go get ourselves a drink.
BONNIE: Are you trying to control me?
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DARIUS: Of course, not. Just thought you might want to freshen up.
BONNIE: Well, I don’t. When I feel like having a drink, I’ll get one myself.
Cut to – Darius’s room, he opens his eyes. A freaky scientist enters the room, injects him with more serum. Darius closes his eyes again. Back to the illusion realm, Darius and Bonnie are now in the ballroom, dancing. Damon and the Madame walk in.
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DAMON: Bon… (as he is about to go to her, the Madame grabs his arm). 
MADAME: Don’t be a fool, dear. You don’t want to do that.
DAMON: But she is…
MADAME: She is not; I told you, things aren’t what they appear. Let me handle this, just stay here and don’t move until I come back. (She approaches Bonnie and Darius) May I cut in?
DARIUS: No, you can’t.
BONNIE: Love, don’t be rude. He is all yours, I’ll go grab myself a drink (kisses his cheek and walks away. As she is walking towards the bar, she sees Damon and stops. Who is he? Why does he seem so familiar?
DAMON: (Staring back,  whispers to himself) Bon… (he hears a voice in his head).
MADAME: Damon, don’t. The time will come; for now, just ignore her and let her go.
DAMON: (Trying as hard as he can to fight the urge to run to her, and hold her in his arms, but he gets lost in those hypnotic hazel eyes)… Screw this! (He runs to Bonnie). Bon! (Hugs her) Thank god you are alright!
BONNIE: (Looking confused, she doesn’t know this man, yet somehow, she feels like she’s known him forever…) Who are you?
DAMON: It’ me, Bon…
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DARIUS: (Darius and the Madame see they are interacting) I thought you said you had him under control!
MADAME: Well, what can I say, he’s a stubborn one...
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(He rushes to where Damon and Bonnie are, grabs her hand) Love...
DAMON: Don’t you fucking touch her! (hits him violently and brings him to the ground; grabs his neck) I’m going to kill you, you son of a bitch!
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BONNIE: (With her powers, drags Damon away from Darius) Stay away from him.
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DAMON: Bon, listen to me, this is an illusion, he’s playing mind games with you… you need to snap out of it!
 Change take to - Edward (who has been who knows where) joining the Madame as she watches the scene unfold.
MADAME: Love, where were you?
EDWARD: Around. (Looking at Darius beaten on the ground) I hope he beat some sense into him. (Sees Bonnie) Who is that?
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MADAME: That’s the link, dear.
EDWARD: Well, you forgot to mention how breathtaking she is… You must introduce us.
MADAME: I can, but, just so you know, she has a thing with the Salvatore.
EDWARD: That vampire experiment? He is not worthy, a goddess such as her deserves a real man, not a savage.
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MADAME: Look at you, you don’t even know her and you are already jealous.
EDWARD: I just can’t understand why 10s date bellow their range…
MADAME: Well, they aren’t actually dating. Just before all of this went down, they confessed their love for each other; but now, she doesn’t seem to remember, thanks to Darius’s little tricks. Isn’t that tragic?
EDWARD: As much as I hate him, I’ll have to thank him for that. I might actually have a shot… come on, introduce.
MADAME: I will, but not now; things are about to get real ugly…
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Change take- back to Damon, Bonnie, and Darius. Darius is wounded on the floor, Bonnie is standing still, looking somewhat dazed. Damon stares deep into her eyes.
 DAMON: Bon… Bon??
BONNIE: (Slowly begins to react…) I… I think I do know you…
DAMON: You do... it’s me, Bon-Bon... the Robin to your Batman, remember? Please, look at me... you really need to snap out of it!  (She hesitates...why does she feel so strongly for this stranger?)
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DARIUS: (Still on the ground, talks to her through his thoughts). Love, don’t listen to him. He is only trying to confuse you... 
BONNIE: I hate when people try to tell me what to do. (She transitions into an irritated state; her eyes become pitch black; everything begins to shake).
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DAMON: Bon…? (He tries to grab her down and protect her with his body, but he can’t) Bon... I can't move, you need to get out of here! (As he desperately tries to tell her to leave, his voice, just as his body, seems to be put on pause).
 Change take to - The Madame and Edward.
 MADAME: Darling, our work here is done; time to go. (Holds his hand; they disappear).
 Back to - Damon, Darius, and Bonnie.
 DARIUS: (Darius finally regains the strength to get up; grabs her hand) Love, we need to leave...
BONNIE: Don’t call me love! And, don’t tell me what to do! 
DARIUS: (Through his thoughts, using a voice that sounds exactly like her grams) Bonnie, don’t let it control you...
BONNIE: Get out of my head!!!! 
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She discharges a huge energy blast, brings everyone to the ground. The “guests” laying on the floor start to vanish, the only two left, unconscious, are Darius and Damon. She kneels down and caresses Damon’s cheek.
BONNIE: I’m sorry for doing this, you seem like a cool guy... I really wish we had the chance to get to know one another; yet, for some strange reason, I feel like we have... Well (kisses him on the cheek), maybe in another life. (Gets up; as she passes by Darius’s unconscious body, she skips over it with disdain; then, levitates out of the mansion and discharges another energy blast that burns the mansion to ashes. She disappears).  
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TVD 9x06 (part 3) coming soon! Hope you stop by, read and enjoy! =)
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Prisoner (2/2)
So it took me longer than i expected to write the second part, but last week was really stressful and this week I just needed time for myself. I’m sorry it took so long but here it is finally. Thank you so much for waiting.  Also I think I could do another part of this if you guys want to and are interested in that. I don’t know how t do this thing veryone does where you just have to click on Part xy and you get to that part but here hopefully the link to the first part pf Prisoner: https://iamfallinforeverything.tumblr.com/post/185961443538/prisoner-12
And i though I just tag some people who maybe wanted to read the second part: @x5sosxfangirl @waywardtimemachinejellyfish 
Summery: You finally get the love of your life back but it took a different turn.
Warnings: swearing, a lot of time laps
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It’s been some time since Bonnie and I stranded here. There were three things that we already knew:
1. We were the only ones that were living here in this Mystic Falls. 2. The 10th May 1994 repeated itself day after day and the recurring eclipse of     the sun was a proof for this. 3. Slowly it got fucking boring.
Everyday was the same. Every-damn-day. Bonnie and I decided to live in the Salvatore House. It was a nice, big house and the 1994 Version was nearly the same as the 2013 one. Besides, Salvatores have always had good whiskey in their house.
I was making some pancakes for Bonnie and me, when she finally came back from wherever she was. She had a Teddybear and a grimoire in her hands.
“What is that?”, I asked and pointed towards the stuffed animal. 
“Miss Cuddles. I’ve lost her when I was 9, but I went into my house yesterday and there she was. And I also found this”, Bonnie lifted the grimoire a little bit up, “in my gram’s house. Her old grimoire“, she smiled.
“Great. Hopefully it will help finding out where we are and how we can leave. And also I found this”, i held a bottle of bourbon up, “Damon drank it last year when Alaric died.”
“So everything that existed here in 1994 stills exists.”, concluded Bonnie.  
“Seems so.”, I answered and flipped the pancakes.
“So, there was a time where I couldn’t practice magic and this grimoire tought me alot. Maybe I can reteach myself.”, Bonnie shared her thoughts.
“Maybe. But that assumes that you’re still a witch and we don’t know that.”
“But it’s worth a shot.”
I put a few pancakes on a plate and gave it to Bonnie. Also I gave her the part with the crossword puzzle form the newspaper that I found infront of the Salvatore house.
“Try that. Helps against boredom.”, I said.
“Thanks. I’m sure it will be alot of fun doing a crossword puzzle form 1994.”, Bonnie rolled with her eyes.
“Worth a shot.”, I smiled while I was putting a few pancakes on a plate for myself.
I sat myself next to Bonnie and started to eat my pancakes.
“Alright. What’s a seven-letter word for…”, Bonnie said to herself but stopped when everything became dark.
The daily solar eclipse. And after that the day just went on.
Two month later and Bonnie was still trying to figure out the crossword puzzle. She couldn’t find the answer to some of them, one being “an old tongue twister Eddie turned Top 40″. I didn’t knew the answer either.
The time flew by and soon enough Bonnie and I were stuck here for a couple of months now. We had distanced ourselfes a little from eachother but we were still eating Breakfast and Dinner together. After so much time together we were getting on eachothers nerves and we needed some time for ourselfes, but every morning and every evening we sat together atthe dining table and ate together.
On one particular evening I was looking over Bonnies crossword puzzle and noticed that she solved one of the lines she had trouble with.
“Oh, you solved 27 acroos.”, I said.
“I wish. 27 across is a rock I am pushing up an endless mountain.”, Bonnie answered.
I read: “An old tongue twister Eddie turned Top 40. Eddie Vedder. Pearl Jam. Yellow Ledbetter.”
Bonnie looked at me confused. She took the newespaper out of my hands and looked over the line.
“Are you messing with me?”, Bonnie asked skeptical.
“No. Why should I?”, I answered.
“Y/N, I didn’t finished this.”
I frowned and looked at the crossword puzzle again. The line was filled in.
“I didn’t finished it either.”, I assured.
We looked at eachother for a while and then Bonnie said: “We’re not alone here.”
The following day Bonnie and I went grocery shopping. We were walking through the store and talked about the possipility of not being alone. And then Bonnie stopped suddenly.
“Pork rinds.”, she said.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”, I asked and turned around to look at her.
“There were pork rinds here, on this shelf. There have been pork rinds here on very shopping trip we’ve had for the past four months.”
Silently I looked at the shelf and tried to remember what was usually on it. But then there was new sound. One we’ve never heard here before.
“You hear that?”, Bonnie asked.
“Yes, loud and clearly.”, I answered.
I let go of the shopping card and went outside with Bonnie. Outside the store was a kids carousel. It was turning and playing music.
“What does that mean?”, I asked as I watched the carousel.
“It means that there is hope.”, Bonnie answered and smiled.
“How is another person supposed to bring hope?”, I asked suspicious.
“It means that this isn’t our personal hell. I means that Grams put us here. And if Grams put us here, there’s a way out.”
“Makes sense. Kind of.”, I admitted.
We walked over the parking lot and something caught my eye.
“Damons car.”, I said and smiled.
I let myself in, reached into the glove compartment and pulled the spare key out. I started the engine and my smile grew wider.
“Why is Damons car here? Did he left it here 1994?”, Bonnie asked.
“I don’t know. I didn’t knew the Salvators back then. I’m just happy that I know where this Idiot left his spare key.”
“Do you think it would be unlikely for Damon to leave his car here?”
“Yes. I mean, what does he want to do in a grocery store anyway? He dosen’t need groceries.”
“So, that would stand to reason that someone put his car here.”
I nodded. Someone was definitely here with us. We were not alone. And then I saw a figure walking through the shadows. And it wasn’t Bonnie.
“Did you saw that?”, Bonnie asked.
“Yes, I have.”, I answered and got out of the car.
Another shadow fluttered by.
“Come on, let’s go look for our roommate.”, I said and walked in the direction where the last shadow came from.
“It was behind the pick up.”, Bonnie said.
“No. It was infront of it.”
“Are you sure?”, Bonnie asked.
“Yes.”, I simply answered.
We looked around the parking lot but there wasn’t another shadow flying by or any other unusual sounds. 
“Maybe it was just imagination.”, I said after a while where we were just looking around. 
“No. The carousel dosen’t turn on by itself.”, Bonnie answered and kept looking around. 
“Perhaps it was a technical difficulity. Why should there be another person here?”
“Here is someone else Y/N! I’m not blind or deaf. I heard something and I definitely didn’t fill in the crossword puzzle.” 
“Maybe you just can’t remember doing it. Maybe we’re just going crazy from being stuck here.” 
“NO! I know what I’ve saw and I’m not crazy!”, Bonnie answered angrily and stormed off. 
“That’s what a crazy witch woud say.”, I breathed heavily. 
I went back into the grocery store. I wanted to end our shopping because we still needed some stuff. I just added a bottle of cheap whiskey to it.  I opened the bottle outside the store and took a sip. Immediately it started to burn in my throat and i dropped the bags. I caughed and put a hand on my cheast. I dropped to the floor and caughed even more. Who the fuck puts vervain into a fucking bottle of whiskey in this hell? Bonnie? But she wasn’t even here and last week the whiskey was fine.  Everything burned inside of me. Everything was on fire and I couldn’t breathe properly. If I catch this asshole I’m going to fucking kill him by drowning him in vervain. I rolled onto my back and kept caughing. The sun was burning more just because of this fucking vervain making me weaker.  And then I saw the shadow again. It was hovering over me. I couldn’t see who or what it was because of the sun burning in my eyes. 
“I’m sorry darling, but you’re just a means for the purpose.”, the shadow said and lifted it’s arm.
I saw that it had something in their hands and soon enough I knew what it was. A fucking piece of wood was slammed into my stomach which made me groan.
“You fucking asshole. When I catch you you’re going to wish that you died a long time ago.” 
“I doubt that darling.” 
I knew this voice. I knew it but I just couldn’t put a face to it. The last time that I’ve heard it must have been a long time ago.  The shadow, or person, above me pulled the piece of wood back out, just to ram it right back into another place of my stomach. The stupid vervain was still weaking me. Just a few more minutes and it would were off.  The person pulled the wood out again and started to stab me again, but I rolled over and quickly got up into a defensive position. 
“What the fuck do you want from me?”, I asked. I still couldn’t see their face. 
“Oh darling, I told you already.”, the person answered and slowly some memories flowed into my mind. 
I knew this voice. I knew who used to call me darling. I knew who pronounced it like that. But that wasn’t possibly. He was gone.  My arms sunk down and I tried my best to look the person in their face but the sun was still blocking my way. 
“You know darling, I’m kinda offended that you don’t recognize me.”, they laughed and came a little bit closer. 
It was impossible. That has to be my mind playing tricks on me. He couldn’t be here.  I shook my head and took a step backwards. 
“Well darling, I’m not quit done yet, so please forgive me for doing that.” 
The person lifted it’s arm again and threw the wood in my direction, but I quickly catched it and let it fell down to the ground. Meanwhile the person grabbed the bottle of whiskey that fell to the ground earlier and threw it infront of my feet. It shattered into little pieces and a lot of them hit my skin. The liquid that hit my skin burned as well and I screamed in surprise. I fell back down to my knees which started to burn as well since I dropped into the liquid that was filled with vervain. 
“Leave her alone!”, I heard Bonnie scream and relief filled my body. 
Usually I wasn’t so weak but something was different about this person. Just their presence made me weaker. And there was only one person who was capable of doing this. 
“The useless one is here. Thank God. I’ve watched you try to do magic for months now. What are you gonna do, fail at me? It’s embarrassing. I’m embarrassed for you.”, the person said. 
I looked behind them and saw Bonnie. She nodded at me and I tried to get back up but I was just so weak. 
“And you my little darling. So weak.” 
I didn’t doubt it anymore. I was him. It could only be him. I’ve never heard someone else talk so damn evil and arrogant. And I knew he would kill me just because he could and just because it would help him. I needed to leave.  Bonnie was still standing behind him. She was still giving me signs to get up and leave. 
“You know Bonnie, you could save your little friend. If you wouldn’t be such a failure.”, he said and his smile got even wider. 
How could I still love him so much? How could I still feel the urge to protect him?
“Y/N run!”, Bonnie said loudly and I did.
I got up and ran a few meters away. I could hear how Bonnie was saying a spell and I knew what would happen and then my brain just turned off. 
“NO!”, I screamed and ran back to them and pushed him out of the fire.
“Bonnie stop!”, I said and looked at her pleadingly.
“Why would you do that?”, she asked back. 
I let go of him and just looked at the floor. It embarressed me that I still tried to save what we once had, even after everything what had happend. 
“Because she is still so damn inlove with me.”, he smiled widely and walked a few steps in Bonnies direction. 
“Excuse me, where are my manners? I’m Kai.” 
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reluctantrenegade · 5 years
365 Day Writing Challenge,  Day 238 & 239
Kill a character./Save a character. 
(6x13 redux) 
Bonnie is drunk, but she wishes she were drunker. She’s never been the type. Never blacked out, never done anything she’s forgotten the next morning. She wants to get there now. She wants the alcohol to run its course through her brain: first her frontal lobe, where it will take away her ability to make rational decisions. Then to the parietal lobe, where it will take away her speech, her feeling. Then her hearing and her eyesight. And then, if she can just keep drinking, it’ll reach back to her brain stem, take away her breath and her heart and then she’ll finally have nothing left to give. 
She studied the brain in psychology 101. She’d been thinking about majoring in it. It doesn’t matter now. 
She knows that the alcohol won’t be enough, that she’ll have to do it properly. 
She’s crying. It’s stupid. It’s expected, she thinks. 
“Well...” she says to an empty room, empty house, empty world. “I think it’s time that I cut...myself off.” She wants to laugh at her non-joke. The word ‘cut’ catches in her throat. 
She feels Damon’s bourbon in her hand, not even half empty, but she can’t bring herself to drink the rest. The bottle of weighty amber liquid sloshes in its bottle, and she can barely lift it. She’s so tired all the time. She picks it up and smashes it on the ground, and the silence afterward nearly kills her right then and there. 
She thinks she sees someone standing before her. Dark hair, dark clothes, like they’re dressed for a funeral. The image passes before she can process it fully.
Good, she thinks. I’m hallucinating. That might make it easier. 
“Kai! Kai, come on, you asshole, wake up.” 
The dark kitchen comes back into focus--dark, dark, why is everything in this damn house so dark?--along with Jeremy’s face. It’s looking down at him with those serious, set eyebrows of his. His hair is dumb, Kai thinks idly. And oh yes, that’s right, I’m bleeding out. 
He remembers why he passed out in the first place now. He’s slumped against the counter, blood blooming all over his white shirt. The fabric is sopping wet. Doesn’t seem good. 
“Jer, first thing’s first, all right? Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman would always apply pressure to the wound in a situation like this...” 
“We don’t have time! Bonnie is going to kill herself!” 
Jeremy’s voice bangs like a cymbal inside Kai’s head. He just wants to go to sleep. That’s probably bad. 
“Fine. Fine fine. But look...I can barely make a candle go out right now. Much less carry your meaty body between dimensions.” 
Jeremy, who has been grasping Kai’s arm to keep him semi-upright, tightens his grip. 
“It’s gotta be me,” says Kai. “Just me.” 
Jeremy doesn’t say anything, and Kai watches his panicking mind work furiously. 
“You can trust me,” Kai says. 
“No I can’t!” says Jeremy.
“Mm. Yeah. Probably not,” says Kai. And he performs the spell, feeling Jeremy’s grip, the cold kitchen tile, the screams from one door down all fade away. 
Bonnie’s got the keys in her hand. They’re jingling in an almost merry sort of way, which is funny, she supposes. They’re jingling because her hand is shaking so badly. The sound starts to irritate her. She twists her wrist, and the car growls to life inside the closed garage. 
Good, she thinks. That was the hardest part. Now I only have to sit and wait. She slumps on the floor, her head against the driver’s side door. I’ve been sitting and waiting for so long. What’s another few minutes? 
She toys with the camcorder in her hand. There’s no point recording anything. If she’s lucky, nobody...except maybe Kai...will ever come here again. 
Kai appears then, though she doesn’t realize it. He staggers as he finds his feet in this dimension, his hand instinctively going to press against the wound in his stomach. The bleeding has slowed now. 
“Bonnie,” he says, pointlessly. “Hi.” 
She stares into space, as she had been doing for the past few minutes. There are tears rolling down her face, but she doesn’t seem to notice them. Kai begins to notice the plumes of exhaust swirling around the room, the gentle hum of the engine running. 
“Bonnie!” he runs to her now, crouching down to meet her. His hands pass through her like a bad dream. “Bon, come on, stop it. Get up. This isn’t you. You’re too stubborn for this, right?” 
She blinks slowly. 
“HEY! I’m talking to you! Bonnie, come on! Can you listen to me so we can get out of here please? You know I hate it here.” 
Nothing. She opens up the lens on the camcorder idly. 
“And you hate it here, too,” says Kai. “Don’t you?” 
“Hey everyone...” she says. Her voice is thick with unshed tears. “On the off chance you ever feel like stopping by this hell dimension sometime...long after I’m gone...thought I’d leave you this little note.” 
“Don’t...” Kai begins to say, though he doesn’t know how to finish. 
“Um...” Bonnie says. She pauses for a long time, unable to speak. “Just wanted to let you guys know that I love you. And...it’s not your fault. I know you did everything you could. And I know...I know you were counting on me to wait...to hold on until you could find something. And I’m sorry that I couldn’t do that for you. It’s just...this place...the loneliness...it’s too much. This isn’t living anyway, you know? I haven’t been living, really, for a very long time.” 
She pauses, a sob overtaking her body. When she draws breath again, it’s shaky and heaving, and Kai wonders if it’s the exhaust beginning to do its work. He swears he can feel it taking the air out of his lungs, too. 
“So. Don’t worry. This is on me. But it’s okay. I’ll be okay. And I want you all to be okay, too. I want you to live your lives...and be happy...” 
Bonnie’s hearing her breath coming in and out now, a harsh rasp. She turns the camera off. 
“Oh, so what, you weren’t gonna mention me in your little speech?” Kai says sharply, standing. “I’m the one who left you here, Bon-Bon, or is that gas making you stupid? ‘This is on me’?” 
He tries to kick the car door beside her head, but it’s as insubstantial as air. It makes him angrier, the lack of anything to hold, to push, to hurt. “Bullshit, Bon. That’s bullshit and you know it. I’m the reason you’re here, okay? You believed me because you’re a decent person and I left you for dead.” 
He stoops down again, tries to grab at her shoulders. He feels hysterical, teetering on the edge of some emotion that is too big for a name. It’s all new to him, this emotion thing, and he’s starting to hate it. “It’s on me, okay? It’s on me.” 
She starts to cough, small at first, and then very quickly turning to heaving gasps that wrack her body. Kai watches, feeling himself growing cold. “Bon? Bonnie! Come on, listen to me! You need to get out of here! You’re not dying in this shithole dimension, you hear me?” 
She’s curling up on herself like a burnt page and Kai struggles to reach for her hands. He can feel his magic growing weak, but he can be stubborn too, he’ll prove it. He’s not leaving, not yet. 
“Bonnie, come on! You were always fighting me. Always getting in my way. So fight back!” He slaps her face, his hand fading into her like she’s nothing. “Fight back!” He hits again, and he hears the sound of flesh against flesh before he feels it, the coolness of her cheek, the resistance. She slumps over from the impact, holding her face. 
She braces herself against the cement floor, still straining to catch her breath. She turns to look at whatever it was that just hit her. There’s nothing there. 
“Kai,” she says. It isn’t a question. 
Something steels inside her. She staggers to her feet. Leans against the car for support. She’s half-delirious. 
“Leave me alone, Kai,” she says, and she slowly moves her body against the door, into the passenger seat again. She turns the keys, and the hum of the engine dies.  
“I can’t--” she breathes, her voice barely a whisper. “Can’t do it...” 
The garage is still filled with carbon monoxide, and her eyes are closing. Kai races to her. God, he wishes he could fall asleep, too. 
“Bonnie, no no no, don’t. Come on, you can’t--” 
He tries to reach for her. It won’t work. He thinks he could, maybe, for a second...
He can feel her breath on his hand. He touches her shoulder and it’s there, she’s still solid and present and alive, still alive. 
He doesn’t think. He’s so tired. He just wants them to go home. 
“Phasmatos reditus.” 
There’s a flash of nothing, of darkness and soundlessness, and then the feeling of the kitchen tile against his back again, the blood getting cold against his chest, and Bonnie-- 
Bonnie’s hand in his. 
Bonnie, coughing and gasping for dear life, and Jeremy backing away like he’s seen a ghost. 
“Oh my god. Bonnie!” Jeremy rushes at her, wrapping his arms around her, and her eyes are wild, taking in the scene before her. She’s not alone. She’s home. She’s still holding someone else’s hand...
“Bonnie, oh my god, I never thought--Elena! Damon! Get down here!” Jeremy rushes off down the hall, and Bonnie looks to her left. The hand she’s holding is very cold. 
“Kai?” she croaks out. 
He’s lying with his head awkwardly set against the counter. She sees that he’s soaked in blood, his own. He opens his eyes, just barely. 
“Hey, Bon,” he says. His voice is weaker than hers. “Bet you missed me.” 
“What happened?” she asks. “What are you--” 
“I feel weird,” he interrupts. His voice is slower than she remembered. “You ever use a lot of magic and then feel all cold and weird?” 
“You’re bleeding,” she says. She doesn’t know whether to call for help. She barely knows where she is. She knows that a minute ago she was dying, and Kai did something to pull her out. 
“Oh. Yeah. Ugh, sisters, am I right?” 
She can feel his pulse with his wrist against hers. It’s slowing. 
“Kai, we need to get you--” she starts to get up, call for someone. 
“Wait, no, just wait here a second, okay?” He pulls weakly at her hand. “Don’t leave me alone.” 
“I’ll be fine in a second, okay, I just...I really want to fall asleep...” 
She hears his breathing slow like a soft tide, and then it stops altogether. 
“Kai,” she says. “Kai! Wake up!”  
He doesn’t stir. His hand has gone slack in hers. 
She wants to cry, wants to scream at him to come back and explain himself. She doesn’t know where to begin. But he’s on the other side of a different dimension altogether now, and there’s no reaching him. 
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