#their dash but i don’t really have anywhere else to say things
cannot-copia · 2 years
just applied for the job i had during college and honestly it feels bad man
everyone I know is actually accomplishing things with their life, buying property, getting promotions, getting their masters etc
fuck, even my cousin who is several years younger than me and has very little to no college (aka doesn’t have student loan debt) just got a management position at a fortune 100 company and is now making more than 60k
And where am I now?
Couldn’t do my job at the big company I was supposed to work at, where I had insurance and got paid enough to actually pay for things
all I do now is feeding horses and basically just putting them in different places 4 hours a day 6 days a week for less than what I made ever since I started working and living off that and what’s left of what I had accumulated in my 401k at my old job (that im gonna have to pay thousands of taxes on for taking it out too early im sure) and therefore fucking myself over for the future- everyone always says start young well I did and I’m too fucking useless to function without wanting to remove my skin apparently so I fucked that up
And yeah it was just an online application so I don’t know how likely it is they’ll even respond and hire me again but I feel like I am going backwards
I did what everybody always insisted I had to do
i went to college
i got a “real” (office) job
i got more than 25k student loan debt I have not been able to make even a dent in
and what do i have to show for it? even worse mental illness? A piece of paper that said i went to college? Crippling fear of answering a phone? an extreme hate for the way I look now?
and now im (at least attempting) to go back to where I was before all that bc that’s the only place i can think of will hire me, to a job I did not enjoy whatsoever, where I am going to have to explain to the high schoolers that would be working closing shift that I will have to do after the morning job like yeah i left here 3 years ago for a competitive job that paid twice as much at one of the (apparently voted) best employers in the city that everyone wants to work for but I threw it all away bc im a useless fucking idiot and now I’m back here working fast food watching all these people who will go to school and get the jobs they want and not fuck it up and actually be successful and move on with their lives
it just,,, it doesn’t feel good
i feel like I’ll never get anywhere so what’s even the point
#and I know you’re probably thinking oh well you have horses you must have plenty of money etc#thing is i work at the place i keep them i do not pay regular price or I would not afford them at all#I’ve only ended up with as many as i have bc at my old#job i made just enough to not be negative every month#and now I can’t get rid of them because I am afraid to talk to people and ended up very attached to one we got with the intention to sell#after a few months#and the other we have had for 10 years now but she would need to be consigned somewhere to get what she’s worth#which requires /talking to people/#so while I previously could just about afford them I can’t now unless something majorly changes#once i run out of what’s left of my 401k i will not have the money to pay for them#yes i know buying ghost tickets with that was an idiotic thing to do but it temporarily made me happy#which is also another reason i want to try to avoid getting rid of the horses if at all possible#sounds stupid but at this point without them there would really be no point in being here#they’re the only reason I talk to anybody at all these days and they are capable of making me happy#im sorry i feel like i have been complaining on here a lot more frequently lately and i don’t think anybody wants to see shit like this on#their dash but i don’t really have anywhere else to say things#anybody irl always just says ‘well other people did x/it was your decision to y/etc#the shitty insurance I have now does not cover anxiety/depression things I have not been taking any and I have a feeling it is not helping#delete later
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fcthots · 6 months
Can I request 27. "I'm going to carry you, okay?" with an angsty dash of 5. "You don't have anything to be sorry for." please?
You shouldn't have been out.
You should have never left your apartment, especially not in the middle of the night, especially when Jason didn't know you left, but you just wanted to go on a short walk, but one wrong turn turned your short walk into a very long one.
You could hear a few things: the beating of your heart, the sound of your feet hitting the ground as you ran, the sound of their feet running after you, shouting from behind you.
"Get your ass back here or I swear to God, we're gonna fucking kill you!"
Fuck. You just had to go on a walk to clear your head. You just had to get lost. You just had to forget your phone. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You were running so hard you could barely breathe. You were faster than them, but not by much, and you couldn't keep it up. You were terrified, shaking, slightly crying. You tried screaming, but no one came. You were lost, alone, scared, and being chased. You wished more than anything that you never left your apartment. You wished you just called Jason to calm down, but you didn’t want to bother him. Regret. Regret. Regret.
You've basically run in one big circle, trying to get anywhere near your apartment, but you were so lost. That street sign, though was familiar, but more than that you had passed it before; something else.
Oh no.
You knew the name on that street sign because Jason was telling you about it earlier
...in reference to a trafficking case.
Your heart sank. Their footfalls match the erratic beating of your heart. You were tired. You couldn't keep this up forever and they knew the territory. It seemed you were at every disadvantage.
You turned a corner. You had this one chance to lose them. You use all of your remaining energy to run into the gap between the closed down corner store and apartment complex,
and promptly trip on the uneven concrete. Yeah, you pulled something.
And with your absolutely stellar luck, you picked the one alley that was a dead end.
"Fucking finally. Nowhere to run now. I think we should take our time with this one. She made us waste all that time chasing her, what's a little more?"
You open your mouth to beg for your life, but the words won't come out. You try to get up but you collapse again. You use your good leg to move yourself against the wall.
The three men laugh as they slowly approach you, taunting you. They smile and joke at the tears you didn’t notice were falling. You try to think of any possible escape route, but come up empty. One pulls out a gun and you try not to look at it.
"You really thought you could just run away, huh?"
"You can scream as loud as you want. No one is coming."
The third man laughs. "Don't say that. The screaming is fucking annoying."
They get closer to you and you feel the sweat trickle from your hairline.
Everyone's heads turn when there's a loud thud outside the alley.
You aren't exactly focused on it, but it makes them temporarily stop, so you're thankful for it.
"Marcus, go check it out."
"Fuck you. Why do I have to it?"
"Be louder, why don’t you? Quit being a bitch and go."
'Marcus' leaves with a string of curses. The attention is turned back to you again, with impatient smiles and twisted laughter, but not for long.
They make it about two more steps before Marcus yells and there's a crunch and thud.
The two men stop dead in their tracks. Communicating as if with eye contact, one nods, and the other begins to walk slowly along the wall of the alley with his gun raised until he turns the corner. While the first man tries to split his attention between you and his friend, his friend screams.
The last man turns towards you. He rushes forward in an attempt to grab your arm, presumably to drag you, but he never gets that chance.
There is a loud thunk to the back of the man's head before he's on the floor. You look up and see a red helmet.
You don’t think you've ever been happier to see that shiny red.
"Hey, it's ok. It's just me. I wasn't gonna let anything happen to you, I promise. You're safe now."
You try to say his name as he rushes over to you but it comes out as more of a pathetic and terrified whimper.
"Are you hurt?"
You nod your head and watch him freeze.
You drag your leg out from underneath you. He sighs in relief. His shoulders hunch forward, his forehead knocking against yours. He lands a helmet kiss there.
"C'mon. Let's get you home. I'm going to carry you, okay?"
Before you could even think about attempting to reply, he has you scooped up in his arms. He takes a deep breath in and out and locks eyes with you.
"You ok?"
"no fatal injuries"
He hums in acknowledgement. The walk is quiet. Too quiet. You don’t remember most of the walk. The adrenaline wearing off was making you tired, but Jason's silence concerned you. You shouldn't have gone out alone, it was dumb, but you couldn't handle a fight with Jason right now. That's probably why he was being quiet, he mad at you, but knows you don’t wanna fight. He was being so sweet, but to be honest all you wanted was comfort. You can't take him being distant right now.
Fuck it. You can't take it anymore.
"I'm sorry."
He stops on the outside of you apartment complex's elevator, moving two look at you.
You open your mouth to speak again but he cuts you off. "You don't have anything to be sorry for."
"Aren't you mad?"
"I could never be mad at you."
"But you're being all silent."
"I thought you'd want space. Do you not?"
"...no... I want comfort..."
"Alright. And I'm not mad at you. Never mad at you. That wasn't your fault, ok? I was brooding just now because I was scared at the thought of losing you. I love you. So much."
"I love you too."
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genshinluvr · 10 months
Predator vs. Prey
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: You're put to the test on how well you can escape in case people are hunting you down. Your trial was going well in the beginning until you ran into the predators the men are training you to run away from.
Note: To be honest, I couldn't come up with a good title for this fic. I went with what it was supposed to be about and ran with it. I think this fic or the concept of Predator vs. Prey is a good smut idea, but I'm not entirely sure if I'll ever make it into a smut. I did have an idea for Childe that is similar to this but Halloween themed, but I never made it. If anyone wants me to make a fic for Childe with a theme like this, let me know in the inbox, and maybe I'll make it a Halloween mini-fic for him. I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: There is some action scenes in the middle (maybe close to the end) of the story. Reader gets injured, but it's nothing major.
Word Count: 7.1k
Trees around you whip in your face as you dash through the trees of Sumeru. You’re running as fast as you can, and somehow, it’s not fast enough. Sweat drips down your face, your heart punches against your chest, and your legs feel like they’re about to give out from underneath you. An arrow whizz past your face, forcing you to come to an abrupt stop before running in another direction.
They’re out to get you, and they almost succeeded. You can’t let them win because if you did let them win, you don’t know what the consequences are going to be. Your lungs are on fire, and you swear you can taste blood in your mouth when you take gulps of air. The air is heavy, the sun is high in the sky, and the trees towering over you do little to nothing to shield you from the burning rays. 
Footsteps are fast approaching, causing you to turn around to check and see how close they are to getting you. Because you were distracted, it led to you getting tackled from the side. You and the person crash to the ground. Your ears are ringing, and your vision blurs. You want to push the person off you, but you’re so tired, and you can barely lift your head up to see who tackled you to the ground. 
“Aha! Gotcha!” The person proudly exclaims, pinning you to the ground by straddling your hips.
The people chasing after you stop before you and the person above you. They’re all panting, hands propping on their hips while trying to catch their breaths. You blink rapidly, trying to clear your vision. The person pinning you to the ground is smirking at you. You push the person off you and prop yourself up on your forearms, gulping as much air as you possibly can. 
“Alright, you win. Now, can you please get off me? It’s really hot, and my clothes are sticking to my skin,” you say.
Dainsleif takes a step forward and crosses his arms over his chest, looking at you with disapproval. “You were distracted. If you weren’t distracted, Itto wouldn’t have tackled you to the ground,” Dainsleif says.
“Hey! It’s not my fault for being distracted! I didn’t know that Childe was going to be shooting arrows at me while I ran for my life!” You said, pointing at the ginger Harbinger.
Childe walks over to the arrow sticking out from the tree before the bow and arrows disappear from thin air. Childe walks back to the group, his hands by his side while snorting at your comment. Childe wipes the sweat from his forehead before taking his gray jacket off, fanning himself with his hand. 
Childe clears his throat. “Listen, when you’re in this situation, many things will be going on around you! I’m just preparing you for the worst-case scenario!” Childe says, holding his hand in front of him as if he’s surrendering. 
You stare at the ginger Harbinger, not saying a word. That arrow almost cut your face, and he’s acting like he didn’t do anything wrong?! Well, he technically didn’t do anything wrong. Like what Childe said, he’s preparing you for the worst-case scenario, and he did pretty well! You didn’t get distracted by the arrow flying past your face, thankfully. 
“You should also learn to dodge arrows. Who knows what could have happened if you didn’t dodge the arrows,” Gorou comments, walking up to you and Itto.
Gorou holds his hand out for you to take. Itto gets off of you, wiping the bead of sweat from his forehead. You grab Gorou’s hand and get off the ground, wiping the dirt and grass off your clothes. You look down at your white pants, groaning internally. The grass stains on your white pants are going to be a pain in the ass to get off. Those things are stubborn to get off.
You look at Gorou, none of you letting go of each other’s hands. “And how do you expect me to dodge something sharp? You know what happened last time I tried to dodge something sharp,” you sigh in defeat.
Al Haitham chuckles, shaking his head. “That we do. You got an uneven haircut that day,” Al Haitham comments.
You untuck your hair from behind your ears and point at the chunk of hair that’s shorter than the rest. You press your lips into a thin line, not saying anything. Everyone slowly turns to look at Venti, who’s rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. Venti thought it’d be a great idea to have you stand in front of the dummies and try to dodge the arrows he was shooting at you. It went well at first, but then more people decided to join in, and that resulted in you having an unwanted haircut. 
It wasn’t entirely Venti’s fault, but he did suggest it. You agreed to it without hesitation because you were curious to see how good of a reflex you have. Needless to say, it’s decent but not good enough to save you from that haircut.
“Anyway, is this test really necessary? You know I hardly leave the abode unless I have to go to school or when we have reservations,” you said, tucking your hair behind your ear.
Diluc sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Yes, it is necessary. Danger is lurking around every corner of Teyvat. Since you’re our significant other, you’re more at risk of having a target on your back for being associated with us,” Diluc replies.
Recently, your boyfriends think it’s best to test your stealth. They put you through a series of tests, and so far, you have done fairly decent on these trials. Your beloveds learn that you’re great at sneaking around, and you’re great at sneaking around because you always sneak downstairs to grab a snack at three in the morning. Since you don’t have summer classes, you stay up late with your boyfriends.
While you’re great at sneaking around, you can’t sneak from Tighnari, Itto, and Gorou because those three have a keen sense of hearing. Mainly Tighnari and Gorou. When your stealth trial started in Mondstadt at the Stormterror’s Lair, those two were able to track you down while listening to every little noise you made. 
Ayato approaches you and hands you a bottle of water. “Make sure to hydrate. This isn’t the end of your trial,” says Ayato.
You take the bottle of water from Ayato’s hands and chug the water. You’ve been outside in Sumeru for who knows how long. You assumed that you failed the first round because Itto tackled you to the ground while you were distracted. At least, you’re pretty sure it was the first round. You ran through the forest of Sumeru for a while, and the men told you to run without looking back. They’ll start chasing after you and throwing obstacles in your way a minute after you run into the forest. 
Having twenty-five people chase after you, shooting arrows in your direction along with blowing gusts of wind in your way as you try to escape was thrilling but also terrifying. The possibility of you getting hurt is high, but it’s also something you’re going to have to deal with if someone were to hunt you down. 
You gesture to the men, wiping the corner of your lips. “What are we going to call this test? Is it a speed test or what?” You ask while closing the water bottle and leaning up against the tree.
“Predator versus Prey! That is what we should call it!” Venti comments, nodding his head happily.
You blink at Venti before scratching your cheek. That would be a fitting name for what you’re being put through, but at the same time, it sounds like a kink. A primal fetish. You pursed your lips and began looking around, scratching the back of your neck. Should you tell Venti, or should you keep it to yourself and act like nothing inappropriate popped up in your mind a few seconds ago?
Xiao narrows his eyes at you. “Why do you have that look on your face?”
You shake your head, uncap the water bottle and take a sip. There’s no way you’re going to tell them, or else one of them will want to do it. Kink aside, you like the feeling of having to run away from something. You’re awful at hunting something or someone down, but having someone chase after you? 
“I can see steam coming from your ears. Are you sure you’re okay?” Aether asks, approaching you and pressing his gloved hand against your forehead.
You brush Aether’s hands away and nod. “Yeah! I’m fine, Aether. Don’t worry about me,” You lie, giving the blond a fake smile. 
Yeah. There’s no way in hell you’re going to be telling anyone of them about you liking the thrill of being chased. You didn’t mind being chased as long as you knew that person and as long as you were not in actual danger. Therefore being pursued and hunted down by your twenty-five handsome boyfriends is thrilling! But being hunted and chased down by Eremites and Treasure Hoarders is something you never want to experience ever. Unless… unless… actually, you know what? Forget it. 
You squeeze the water bottle in your hands. “I know Ayato said that this isn’t the end of my trial, but is it the end of my trial for today, or are we going to continue after the water break?” you ask, brushing your strands of hair away from your face.
The men look at one another, silently communicating with each other. You cover your mouth and yawn, already feeling the exhaustion catching up to you. You don’t think you can go on any longer if you’re feeling exhausted. Still, like Childe said previously, many things can happen. It’s not like the people hunting you down are going to let you rest before continuing the chase. Although that would be hilarious if they did let you rest. 
“As much as we would like to continue the test, we think it’s best to stop here for today,” Thoma answers.
“For your sake and for Baizhu’s sake,” Tighnari comments, pointing his thumb over in Baizhu’s direction.
Oh, fuck. You should have remembered about Baizhu. Everyone’s heads whip toward Baizhu’s direction to see the poor doctor doubling over while trying to take deep breaths without collapsing. Changsheng sits prettily around the green-haired man’s shoulders, whispering something to the doctor. Heizou and Kazuha rush to Baizhu’s side and wrap his arms around their shoulders, helping the man stand up.
“Are you alright, Doctor Baizhu?” Kazuha asks, gazing at Baizhu worriedly. 
Heizou points at the fallen tree before the two anemo vision holders assist the green-haired man to the tree. Baizhu sits on the tree, gulping air as he tries to calm his racing heart. You run your hands through your hair. How could you forget that Baizhu can’t run due to his illness? After a few minutes of silence, Baizhu clears his throat.
“My apologies, I didn’t mean to worry any of you,” Baizhu says, rubbing the back of his neck as his cheeks turn red with embarrassment and shame.
You approach the man and sit beside him. Seeing Baizhu having to apologize for something he has no control over makes you upset. You frown, placing your hand on the small of his back and gently rubbing his back. “Baizhu, you don’t need to apologize for anything.”
Baizhu sighs and rests his cheek on your head after you scoot to sit closer to him, wrapping an arm around his slim waist. Baizhu sits straight and coughs into his right elbow, wincing when sharp pain shoots up his chest. Baizhu squeezes his eyes shut and takes a deep breath, placing his hand on his chest.
Heizou sighs, propping his hands on his hips while looking at the others. “We should head back to the abode for Doctor Baizhu to rest and take his medications. [Y/N] needs to rest as well before tomorrow,” Heizou says.
Everyone returned to the abode, and now you’re in the infirmary with Baizhu, Albedo, Dottore, and Tighnari. Usually, Baizhu prescribes himself medications, but Albedo, Dottore, and Tighnari insist on doing it on Baizhu’s behalf. You weren’t sure if Baizhu didn’t protest because he didn’t want to cause a scene or if Baizhu was too tired to argue back.
“You know, Doctor Baizhu. As a doctor, you should know that health is important. But it seems like you put [Y/N]’s test over your health instead,” Dottore comments, turning to look at the green-haired doctor while leaning against the counter with his arms over his chest.
Baizhu doesn’t respond, only sighs in response and lies on the examination table. You sit on the edge of the examination table and brush his hair away from his face. Baizhu smiles at you weakly as you caress his face, stroking his pale cheek with your thumb. Baizhu places his hand over yours, wrapping his fingers around your hands before bringing your hands to his lips and pressing a light kiss on your knuckles. 
Albedo sighs and glares at Dottore from the corner of his eyes. “Scolding Doctor Baizhu is the last thing you should be doing, Dottore. I don’t understand how someone uncompassionate like you is even in the field of medicine,” Albedo mutters, walking past the Harbinger to give Baizhu his medication. 
“He’s not even a real doctor. The title was just handed over to him,” Scaramouche interjects from the entryway.
You look at the door to see Scaramouche leaning against the door frame with his arms over his chest. Dottore glowers at Scaramouche, who ignores the icy-blue-haired Harbinger before entering the room with a sigh. You and Tighnari help Baizhu sit up while Albedo hands Baizhu his medication with a cup of water.
You, Dottore, Albedo, Tighnari, and Scaramouche ended up leaving Baizhu at the infirmary to go downstairs to where the others are waiting for the five of you. Baizhu wanted to rest in the infirmary for a little longer before returning to his bedroom. Archons, you’re not mentally or physically prepared for tomorrow’s test. Your legs feel like jelly, and you’re worried you might collapse mid-test and roll down a hill. 
“So, what do you guys want to talk to me about?” You ask, sitting on the couch between Kaveh and Cyno.
Cyno looks at the others, turning to look at you. “We’re going to meet up in the usual spot where the test was held, but we will not go there with you,” Cyno says.
You blink at the Mahamatra and then at the others, who nod in agreement. You expect there to be someone protesting about you going to the location alone. Still, shockingly enough, no one objected to the idea. You squint your eyes at the men, leaning back in your seat and crossing your leg over the other. They’re up to something. You know they are, and when they devise something together, it’s never good. They all stare at you, waiting for your response. How else are you supposed to reply exactly?
“All of you came up with this plan while Albedo, Tighnari, Dottore, Baizhu, and I were in the infirmary?” You ask, wanting clarification from the men before you.
Kaveh nods. “That’s correct! We came up with this plan while the five of you were in the infirmary,” Kaveh replies, scratching the back of his neck.
You nod slowly, poking the inside of your cheek with your tongue. If the majority of the men came up with this plan while the other four men were in the infirmary, then technically, everyone didn’t really come up with this plan. It was twenty-one men that put this plan together while the others were occupied with something else.
Kaeya nudges your foot to get your attention. “If you’re wondering how we came up with this plan while the five of you were occupied with something, we came up with this idea while giving you a head start before we started chasing after you in the forest,” Kaeya explains, sending a wink your way.
Thaaaat makes more sense. Right, how could you forget about that? You purse your lips, nodding. Okay, so you will be going to the site alone tomorrow. Does that mean the men will be waking up before you or after you? Either way, you’re not prepared for tomorrow because your legs feel weak and sore. You’re hoping your stamina will be slightly better than what it currently is and that your legs won’t betray you mid-test.
“Any other questions you have for us before we dismiss you?” Pierro asks, raising an eyebrow at you.
You hold up a finger. “One question… well, two questions. What’s Baizhu going to do while this test is happening?”
“We’re not entirely sure. What we do know is Baizhu will not be participating in chasing after you through the forest due to his illness,” Zhongli replies.
Pantalone props his arms on Zhongli’s shoulders. “And what’s your other question, butterfly?”
You open your mouth to ask, but your mind goes blank. You stare at Pantalone and Zhongli, letting your hand fall on your lap. Fuck. What was the other question you wanted to ask? You sigh, falling back on the couch and closing your eyes. Pantalone and Zhongli glance at each other, unsure of what to say.
“Are you going to ask the second question?” Capitano asks.
Archons, you can almost hear the man raise his eyebrows at you after asking that question. You huff, sit up and grab a throw pillow nearby before hugging it to your chest. You think long and hard, trying to recall what your second question was. Of course, nothing came to mind. 
Diluc pushes himself off the wall he’s leaning on and begins walking up the stairs. “This is a sign for [Y/N] to go to their room and rest,” Diluc says, continuing up the stairs.
You stand abruptly, grabbing the others' attention. “I remember now!” You exclaim, clapping your hand. “Will we leave the abode at the same time or at different times?”
“We will be leaving at different times. We need to leave early to prepare your trial, but we will have your breakfast prepared for you on the table,” Thoma interjects, smiling at you.
You nod. Alright, that’s probably the only question you have for the men. Baizhu won’t be joining the trial, and the men will be leaving the estate early in the morning to prepare the things for your trial. You get off the couch and bid the men goodnight (with hugs and kisses) before walking to your bedroom to take a shower and go straight to bed after finishing your shower. Tomorrow is going to be a long day, and you need to get as much sleep as you can. Once you finished your shower and changed into clean underwear and clothes, the minute you lay on your bed, you were out like the light.
Like a blink of an eye, it’s already the next day. You wake up to your alarm blaring in your ears, and you immediately leave your bed to get ready for the trial. Despite sleeping for a long time and through the entire night, you feel like you barely slept. Almost like you were constantly moving around on your bed, fixing your pillow, trying to find the comfiest sleeping position to sleep in, only to lay in bed and have your eyes closed for eight hours or more. It was terrible, and you’re worried you won’t be able to focus on your trial and that you’ll disappoint your boyfriends. Granted, they would rather have you well-rested than run in the forest with less than two hours of sleep. 
Just when you’re about to step out of the estate, a voice calls out to you, “Ah, ah, ah! Can’t forget about your water now.”
You turn to see Baizhu approaching you with your water bottle in his hand. Baizhu holds the water bottle out to you, smiling at you. You grab the water from Baizhu’s hands, smiling at him. Baizhu looks ten times better than how he did yesterday. You’re glad Baizhu didn’t leave with the men while in terrible shape. You’re unsure if he’s doing well now. Still, since he looks better compared to yesterday, you’re assuming the man is doing better than before. You notice a note attached to your water bottle. You grab the letter and tear it off the bottle before reading it to yourself. 
“Good morning, dearest! While Baizhu will not be joining us in this trial, he will be on the sidelines, watching everything go down. He will be there to treat any injuries in case people get injured! We didn’t want you to go to the spot alone, so Baizhu offered to keep you company!”
It seems like Baizhu will be coming along! At least you won’t be alone when you’re traversing to the location where the trial was held the day before! It’s great to have someone accompany you, and you won’t be bored or lonely on your way there. Baizhu holds his arm out for you to take. You link your arms around Baizhu’s arms, and the two of you set off to the location the day before.
The travel was short, but there was never a dull moment between you and the green-haired Doctor. You two talked about each other’s childhood, trading laughter and gossip about the people closest to you two (mainly family or close friends). Upon arriving at the location, you unlink your arms, and Baizhu sets a chair down under the shade, the Serenitea pot floating beside him.
“Are you sure you want to sit there? Why not sit somewhere that has bigger shade?” You say, gesturing toward the forest.
Baizhu doesn’t reply and continues to sit under the shade he found outside the forest. You sigh and uncap your water, taking a light sip of it. You’ve thought about chugging the water, but you’re not sure if you’ll be able to hold your bladder if you drink too much of the water.
“If anything happensssss, do let usssss know, and we will come and get you. The otherssssss will not be pleasssssed if their most treasured person isssss injured,” Changsheng says, perching on Baizhu’s shoulders.
You smile at Changsheng and stroke the top of her head. “Will do! If anything happens and none of you are able to hear me, I will call Xiao,” you said.
The white snake nods before resting on Baizhu’s shoulders, closing her eyes. You give Baizhu a light squeeze on the shoulders. Before you enter the forest, Baizhu stands suddenly and wraps his arms around your shoulders, kissing your cheek. You stand on the tip of your toes and kiss his jaws and rub his back.
Baizhu walks you to the edge of the forest, holding your hand. You and Baizhu trade a small kiss before departing. You walk into the forest while Baizhu is at the entrance, watching your every move. Once you have disappeared from his sight, Baizhu returns to his seat under the shades next to the Serenitea pot. 
You start your trail by walking into the forest. So far, nothing was happening, and therefore, you didn’t see the need to run. Unless you hear rustling, rapid footsteps approaching you, or an arrow flying by your face, you will be walking for the time being while staying alert. Everything is fine and going well so far. Although the strange thing about today’s trial is that no one has started chasing after you, and it’s starting to make you feel on edge.
“I don’t like where this is going,” you mutter.
Yesterday, before your trial, Tighnari and a few of the men went into the forest and marked the trees and trails so you and the other men wouldn’t get lost while trekking through the forest alone. You’re glad they did that because if they didn’t do that, you would’ve gotten lost and probably freaked out about it. 
You can feel eyes on you as you walk through the thick forest of Sumeru. You’re hoping that it’s the men that are keeping their eyes on you and not someone (or something) opposite. You close your eyes and try to listen to your surroundings. The only things you hear are birds chirping and a rush of water from a distance. No footsteps, no rustling of the grass or bushes to signify that someone was approaching you. 
Without hesitation, you duck into the nearest bush and peek from the leaves, trying to pinpoint the location of where the twig snapping came from. It was loud and clear, and you’re not sure how close the twig snapping was, but it was loud enough for you to know that someone was near.
What’s interesting is that after the twig snapped and you ducked into a nearby bush, you didn’t hear anything else afterward. No footsteps, no chatter, etc. Aside from the occasional chirping and waterfall rushing in the background, it's dead silent. You need to start moving, or else someone is going to catch you before you make it to the finish line.
You slowly leave your hiding spot, trying your best not to make a sound. When you’re out of your hiding spot, you begin your journey through the woods. A black and teal smoke appears out of thin air before you, and an arm reaches out to grab you, but you quickly jump back and begin running in the opposite direction. You’re not supposed to do that, but you want to lose Xiao in the forest before continuing down the path.
Xiao growls and begins jumping from tree to tree above you, appearing in a puff of smoke, trying to grab at you. You don’t think you’ll be able to lose Xiao. Not when the man is dubbed the vigilant Yaksha, who is observant, quick on his feet, and ready to strike at any moment. Whoever thought it was a good idea to have someone as fast as Xiao to chase after you really wanted to see you fail.
“You’re going in the wrong direction!” Xiao screams, continuing to chase after you through the woods.
“No, I’m not!” You yell back, refusing to take your eyes off your path.
You know you’re going in the wrong direction. You’re hoping to lose the Yaksha in the forest and get him off your tail, but it looks like it won’t be happening any time soon. So, you make a sharp right turn and continue down the path the men have marked for you the day prior. A portal suddenly opens in front of you, and an arm reaches out to get you. You skid to a stop before jerking around the portal, squealing with fear. 
“Nice try, Dainsleif! You can’t catch me!” You scream, continuing farther into the woods.
Maybe it’s best for you not to provoke the people that are chasing after you because it’s possible you’re adding fuel to the fire. You know these men are competitive. You haven’t seen any of them today, and the minute they start appearing in the forest, you start provoking them by announcing (more like screaming) that they can’t catch you.
A familiar arrow flies by your face, sticking into the tree you ran by. You stop in your tracks, grab the arrow, and continue running deeper into the forest. You take a quick glance at the arrow in your hands, only to realize that it’s Gorou’s arrows and not Childe’s arrows. Itto cackles from a distance, yelling, “Bam!”
You shriek when something slams into your back, sending you rolling to the ground. Whatever just hit you, it’s heavy and weighing down on you. You roll over on your back to see Ushi bouncing on his feet while mooing. Dammit Itto! You grumble and snatch Ushi from the ground and continue where you left off. 
Itto shrieks, running after you. “Hey! Unhand Ushi! Ushi was supposed to knock you down so I could tag you out!”
“Too bad, so sad! You should’ve thought through your plan before throwing Ushi at me!” You scream, hugging Ushi tightly to your chest while clutching Gorou’s arrow with the other hand.
Gorou screams from a distance, “Get them before they escape!”
A figure swoops down from the tree, attempting to grab you, only to snatch Ushi from your arms. You cackle loudly, tossing Gorou’s arrow to the side while continuing to run for your life. Scaramouche growls loudly, throwing Ushi at Itto, who catches the bull. Itto sighs in relief before continuing on pursuing you. 
Scaramouche huffs, “I almost had them! If it weren’t for that chunky bull, I would’ve caught them by now!”
“Hey! How dare you make a comment about Ushi’s weight!” Itto cries, shaking his fist at Scaramouche before the man floats away where you disappeared off to.
You run as fast as you can, dodging trees in the woods, jumping over tree trunks and vines. Rapid footsteps head in your direction, and screaming and cursing from the men fill the air. You weren’t sure if this was what they had planned the day before, but it was something you didn’t expect. 
You somehow made it to the end of the trail that leads to a clear field. You exit the forest, panting. Your legs give out from underneath you, sending you rolling and tumbling in the middle of the field. You lay on the grass, panting and trying to catch your breath. While the marked trail was short compared to the actual size of the forest of Sumeru, you’re glad you made it out. Although, you’re not sure if your trial is finished. You get off the ground, dust your clothes and turn toward the forest, only to bump into someone.
“Oh, shit! You scared me!” You gasped, pressing your hands against your chest.
You turn to apologize to one of the men, only to freeze. You take a step back and stare at the group of people before you, giving them a wary smile. Eremites and Treasure Hoarders stand before you, readying their weapons and cracking their knuckles. You’re fucked. Oh no. You quickly look over your shoulders to see if the men are behind you, only to see no one. 
“Uh, sorry for bumping into you guys! I was uh… running away from the Rishboland Tigers,” you squeak.
One of the Eremites raises his eyebrows at you. “There aren’t Rishboland Tigers in this particular area. Are you lying to us?” He asks, stepping closer to you.
You sigh. Would it hurt to tell the Eremites and Treasure Hoarders you’re following a trail? You press your lips into a thin line, refraining from telling the Eremites and Teasure Hoarders what you were doing in the forest. The men are training you for a reason. They’re training you in case you run into situations like this when they’re not around, but so far, nothing has happened yet, thankfully. 
Archons, it would be stupid of you to expose the plans the men came up with. You give the Eremites and Treasure Hoarders a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of your neck, and step back. Do these people know what personal space is? 
“Alright, alright. You caught me. I was training for this upcoming race the Akademiya is holding for their students. I want to do well and get the first-place prize,” You lie, sighing in defeat.
The short Treasure Hoarder narrows his eyes at you. “And what is that prize?”
You blink at the man. What? Does he expect the Akademiya to reward you Mora for winning a race that you made up? Plus, even if the Akademiya were to host an event like that, you don’t think the Akademiya would reward Mora. Well, they probably will, but not the amount the Treasure Hoarder is assuming it would be.
You clear your throat. “It’s a scholarship for the upcoming quarter at the Akademiya, along with a trip to the Mausoleum of King Deshret with researchers,” you lie.
A Treasure Hoarder from the back scoffs. “Sounds like a shitty prize if you ask me,” the blond Treasure Hoarder mutters, rolling his eyes.
“Sounds shitty to you because you were rejected by the Akademiya,” the gray-haired Eremite retorts, smirking at the blond Treasure Hoarder.
You purse your lips and subtly take another step back while the blond Treasure Hoarder and gray-haired Eremite start bickering with one another. You begin looking at your surroundings, trying to find a place to escape. You can go back into the forest, but you can’t guarantee the Treasure Hoarders and Eremites won’t follow after you. 
While the Treasure Hoarders and Eremites are distracted with trying to prevent the leaders of their group from getting into a scuffle, you take that as your chance and run back into the forest without looking. One thing you learned from yesterday is not to look back while you’re running, or else that will be one of your downfalls. 
“Hey! Where are you going!?” The Eremite screams.
The blond Treasure Hoarder groans with anger and frustration. “Don’t just stand there! After them, you buffoons!” The blond Treasure Hoarder screams.
You groan and sprint into the forest, hoping you’d run into one of the men. The screams and shouts of the Treasure Hoarders and Eremites follow after you, filling the once-quiet air in the forest. The men haven’t fully prepared you for this situation. If you’re able to escape and lose the Eremites and Treasure Hoarders, great! But the men have yet to teach you on what you should do if you were caught by the two groups. Childe and the other Harbingers have taught you how to use weapons, but alas, you do not have a weapon on your person. You’re fucked. You’re so fucked, and you’re looking everywhere for one of the men, and yet none of them made an appearance after you succeeded in escaping the chase. 
You blindly reach out and rip a tree branch while passing by a large tree. You might as well use the tree branch as a weapon. It’s better to have something to use as a weapon than be empty-handed. An Eremite appears before you out of nowhere, holding his arm out to catch you. You didn’t stop fast enough. Your feet slid on the ground before you slammed into the Eremite. The Eremite wraps his beefy arms around you. You growl and thrash around in his arms, leaning down and biting his arm hard.
The Eremite screams and slams you against the tree, knocking the wind out of you. You wheeze and swing the tree branch blindly, successfully hitting him in the face with the tree branch. The Eremite groans and kicks you in the stomach as you get up from the ground. You stumble and slam against the tree.
You breathe heavily, trying to calm your nerves. Your heartbeat is skyrocketing, and your mind is all over the place. You don’t know whether you should continue to run or fight back. The training took a different turn. You let out a scream, charging at the Eremite, tackling the beefy person to the ground, and begin whacking the Eremite with the tree branch while pulling on his hair with your other hand.
If this is the way you’re going to die, then you might as well make the most of it. The Eremite blindly reaches up to your hair and grabs your hair by the roots before yanking you down. Footsteps approach to where you and the Eremite are rolling around and smacking each other. 
“Take your hands off them immediately!” Someone hollers, grabbing the Eremite by the shirt and yanking him off you.
You roll over and squat, rubbing your cheekbones. You’re going to get a bruise later. The Eremite punched you in the face really hard, and your vision went dark for a second. Gentle hands grab you by the biceps, helping you up from the ground.
“Are you alright?” Aether asks, gazing at you worriedly.
You shake your head. “I’m fine, Aether. It’s nothing I couldn’t handle,” you rasp, rubbing your stomach.
You look up, blinking away the black dots dotting your vision. When your vision clears up, you do a double take and point at the men with your mouth agape like a fish out of water. Your beloved boyfriends aren’t wearing their typical clothing. Instead, half of them are dressed as Eremites, Treasure Hoarders. 
Al Haitham steps forward, grabbing the Eremite by the shirt collar and slamming the Eremite against the tree. You can’t help but admire the beauty that is Al Haitham. Al Haitham is dressed as the Eremite Daythunder. He takes the rich red brocade off his eyes, glaring down at the Eremite, who freezes in fear when they lock eyes.
Al Haitham leans down, tilting his head to the side to get a better look at the gray-haired Eremite. “I’m not one for conflict, but if I catch you or anyone putting their hands on my significant other, then we’re going to have a problem,” Al Haitham hisses, glaring at the gray-haired Eremite.
The Eremite holds his hands in the air while sputtering out, “Hey, hey! We didn’t want any trouble!”
Cyno steps forward, also dressed as an Eremite, glaring at the man. “Oh yeah? If you didn’t want any trouble, then why did you chase [Y/N] into the forest, hm? It seems like you were looking for trouble for me,” Cyno comments, his polearm materializing in his hands. 
Before Cyno can hit the Eremite, a branch swats the Eremite across the face, leaving deep lacerations behind from how hard the branch swiped his face. Cyno and the others look over at you, who toss the branch on the ground. You let out an infuriated sigh, rubbing your temples. It’s hot and humid in the forest, the Eremites and Treasure Hoarders ruined your day, and you’re starting to feel cranky. It’s only best if you’re the first one that takes a swipe at the Eremite.
You turn and start walking away. You turn your head over your shoulders, looking at your boyfriends, the Eremites, and Treasure Hoarders. “Let’s go return to where Baizhu is waiting. I don’t have the time and patience to deal with the Eremites and Treasure Hoarders. But that doesn’t mean none of you are allowed to teach them a lesson or two,” you say.
Childe chuckles, popping his knuckles as he turns to the group of Eremites and Tresure Hoarders. “You didn’t have to tell me twice, snookums,” Childe smirks as his bow appears out of thin air in his hands.
Al Haitham, Zhongli, Itto, Xiao, and Pantalone walk you back to where Baizhu is waiting for you. You notice they’re all dressed as Eremites. You stop in your tracks, turn to face the men, and point at them while looking at them from head to toe. 
“Was this part of the plan? To dress like Eremites and Treasure Hoarders and chase me in the forest?” you ask, propping your hands on your hips.
“We think dressing up would get us into character and put you in the mindset where you think you’re actually being chased by Eremites and Treasure Hoarders, but you didn’t look at us the entire time while running,” Pantalone chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck.
You nod, poking the inside of your cheek with your tongue. “Well, if I recall correctly, I was told not to look over my shoulders while I’m trying to escape from the Eremites and Treasure Hoarders,” you say.
You can’t help but look at their muscular arms. Al Haitham taps your chin to grab your attention. You look up at Al Haitham’s face. He raises his eyebrows at you, a smirk ghosting over his lips. You didn’t know what Al Haitham was smirking at until you realized you were staring at his bare chest in the Eremite Daythunder costume.
Zhongli chuckles while shaking his head. “It seems like if [Y/N] were to be chased by Eremite Daythunders and Eremite Sunfrosts, [Y/N] would get distracted by their physiques,” Zhongli murmurs, looking at the others.
You cover your cheeks with both hands before running toward the exit where Baizhu and Changsheng are waiting. On second thought, maybe you would rather be chased by the Eremites than be teased by your boyfriends for staring at them while they’re dressed as Eremites and Treasure Hoarders. But imagine…. Imagine they chase you around the estate dressed as Eremites, ready to—
“Are you okay?” Kaeya asks, walking up to you while wiping blood off his cheek with the back of his hand.
You clear your throat, nodding. “Yeah! I’m fine!” you squeak, looking away from the man.
Imagine if Predator vs. Prey were to take a different turn. A more…. Intimate turn. Archons, you need to get your head checked out. You walk over to Baizhu, waving at the green-haired man, who rushes toward you and begins checking on the injuries you sustained during the trial. Despite what happened today, you don’t think this is the end of your trial. After all, you were chased by Eremites and Treasure Hoarders. That is going to be another way for the men to make the training/trial more complicated. 
“Next, we should focus on hand-to-hand combat and uses of weapons,” you hear Kazuha say, turning to look at you.
Venti nudges the person closest to him. “I don’t know about you, but [Y/N] beating up the Eremite with the tree branch is pretty hot,” Venti whispers.
After not hearing a response from the person beside him, Venti turns to look at the person with curiosity, only to realize that he was talking to you the entire time. Venti’s eyes widen, and he smiles at you sheepishly after straightening up, rubbing his back while giggling shyly.
“How much did you hear?” Venti asks, his face almost as red as the fabric hanging around his neck.
You clear your throat. “I will pretend I didn’t hear a thing,” you say, continuing to let Baizhu treat your wounds.
Venti nods and slowly backs away, covering his red cheeks with his hands. You sit back in your seat, sighing. Looks like this isn’t the end of the trials. “I wonder who else they’re going to dress like. The Nobushi and Kairagi from Inazuma?” You don’t think you can handle seeing your handsome boyfriends cosplaying as beefy villains. 
Note: Ahhhhhh, I'm not sure how I feel about this overall fic, especially the ending of the fic ;v; Next week, I'll be posting a second part of the Soul Puppet! It's not angst, or does it have too many compared to the first part. I already discussed with the requester how the second part is going to go :> Also, for those who want to, my discord is officially opened! This link is temporary and will expire after seven days. If you want to join, here is the link to [Zhongli's Abode]! If you like the server, you can stay! If it's not your cup of tea, then you can leave whenever you want! To my new and/or returning readers, please keep in mind that I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
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cositapreciosa · 3 months
Serve, love & protect
Bodyguard!Gilbert 'Gilly' Lopez x reader, the usual for the show, 1584 words
a/n : bodyguard au cause we love them tropes
Tagging my Gilly people @narcolini @drabbles-mc <3
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‘’ You lied to me. ‘’
‘’ I did. ‘’
‘’ Are you even dating me or is this all a big joke too? ‘’
He sighs, and suddenly the big SUV feels too small for the both of them. The cracked glass across the windshield makes it hard to see, the busted window in the back letting the wind whistle between his ears.
‘’ I… ‘’
His tongue rolls in his mouth, he doesn’t know what to say. On one side, he shouldn’t tell you, admit that he likes you, not when your dad had been clear about that in the contract. All means necessary, don’t fall in love. On the other, how couldn’t he, when you had been so kind, so charming since the beginning, why wouldn’t he want to date you?
‘’ Don’t. ‘’ You answer back, sinking into your seat. ‘’ I don’t want to know. ‘’
He had done lots of business with your dad before, a strong man with piercing eyes, sharp suits. That is where the offer came from, between gun trades and small talk. Got a babysitting job for you, Gilly, easy work, easy cash. More like a bodyguard job, a dumbass bodyguard job with actual danger, guns and wounds. Your dad had told him you wouldn’t be easily convinced, that to ensure your safety he would have to be less traditional, less leather and handgun, more friend, even closer if needed. And he did, even if he knew it wasn’t part of the plan, letting you run your fingers through his beard, sharing the same side of the bed, he just couldn’t say no.
‘’ Listen, baby, I- ‘’
‘’ Don’t- oh my god, Gilly what the fuck is wrong with you?! ‘’
Your hands are tight, gripping the door handle as he takes a sharp left. You turn to face him.
‘’ Stop it, it’s over! Don’t ‘baby’ me, don’t… ‘’ you gesticulate around, hands flying, ‘’ Just stop. ‘’
You raise your palms to your eyes, pressing, muttering things he can’t understand. He can sense your distress, he knows you now, better than anyone, more than your father would like him to probably. It has been months since you two had been together now, good months, the best ones for him this year. It was an easy job at first too, simply because you never were a primary target, just one that they would try to hit if deals went wrong. Being the child of a gun lord usually came with a fair share of barrels pointing back, and, from what he had seen from you when bullets eventually started flying, staying low and away from the windows, this whole routine was old news to you.
‘’ Please don’t be mad, I can explain. ‘’ He tries again.
You scoff, and he watches as you squint your eyes at him. It makes him feel small in his seat.
‘’ I don’t think you can, Gilly. Save your breath. ‘’
The car is colder now that the sun has gone down and he watches the wind wrap around your hair, lets the breeze bring goosebumps to his arms. He knows the two of you are too exposed, in this beat-up car, bullet holes on each side. It pains him that he knows the only place you will truly be safe is at your dad’s house, and he has to bring you there, not the club, not his house, not anywhere else. Drop you off, collect his hazard pay and leave. Leave you and hope you will answer his texts, even if he something tells him you probably won't.
He takes a left turn, fast, into a poorly lit backstreet, almost propelling you against your window side. The breaks get pressed just as fast, and you have to brace yourself with your hands on the dash.
‘’ Have you gone mad?! Did they hit you on the head or something?! ‘’
Gilly turns off the car and pivotes to you, bringing his arm up to wrap the back of your seat, caging you in.
‘’ I can explain. ‘’ Let me, please.
He is observing you, the frown between your brows, the anger in your eyes, the dried blood on the side of your face. It is superficial, really, barely a scratch, but he has to hold himself back from reaching out, move your chin to the side so he can get a better look. He breathes your name as the overhead lights dim out, leaving the two of you in the dark, pleading. He can smell your perfume, hear the shakiness in your breath.
‘’ Okay, whatever. ‘’
You cross your arms around your chest. Even in the darkness, he knows you are watching him, waiting.
‘’ I like you, I do. ‘’ He starts, ‘’ I wasn’t supposed to, though, we just needed to be friends, you know? So I could make sure you were safe. ‘’ But I failed.
‘’ My dad hired you. ‘’
‘’ He did. ‘’
Your shadow moves, moving to the side to lay your head on the headrest. Your voice is soft, going through the motions, exhausted. You must be tired, the rest of the adrenaline dripping out of you in waves.
‘’ Do you work for him, selling the guns and stuff? ‘’
‘’ More like with him, I’m in a motorcycle club. ‘’
We buy them, he could have said, sell some back if they ever come across a nice shipment from god knows where, but he doesn’t. You are smart, you get it.
‘’ You’re used to getting shot a lot. ‘’ It is not a question, more like a fact, piecing the information together.
‘’ You could say that. ‘’
He holds his free hand out, and you take it, his warm fingers taking in your cold ones. He can tell you have softened up, put down the axe.
‘’ You really like me? ‘’
‘’ I do, very much. ‘’
You squeeze his hand, gently, even though he can’t see, he knows you are pursing your lips, biting the inside of your cheek. You move gently, twisting between your seat and the cup holder, leaning down and pressing your cheek on his shoulder. He can feel your body relax into his.
‘’ Can we go home now? I want a hot shower. ‘’
‘’ I know you do, baby, we’ll be there soon. ‘’
He lets you nuzzle into in shirt, caressing your hair with his free hand. He starts the car, driving back up to the main street. He doesn’t have the guts to tell you you are going home alone tonight, that there is no way in hell your dad will let you sleep somewhere else.
To his surprise, you don’t put much of a fight when you notice the gates around your dad’s house, or when he says your name into the intercom so you can be let in, but you are a smart one, of course, you picked it up. The nuances, the conflict inside of him, how he couldn’t get out of the car at first, couldn’t let go of your arm when people started pouring out the house. I’m good, Gilly, you whispered to him, thank you. And so he listens, he lets go, picks up his cash and leaves.
A week passes, a long one, of mindless thinking, passing time, putting cars on the lift and then bringing them down. He hears about you at Templo one morning, barely a sentence, something about your dad catching the guys, how business between him and the Mayans has been booming since then. Thanks, Gilly. Good job, man. The military training finally paying off, uh? He nods and smiles, but he doesn’t ask about you. He tries to play it low, make it seem like he is not taking the biggest hit of his life.
When he gets home that afternoon, something is different, maybe it is the way the grass is bent where it usually isn’t, how the doormat is slightly crooked, but it is you sitting at the diner table that makes him stop in his tracks.
His hand is still on the gun at the back of his waist, his other tight on the door handle when you wave at him, a small smile on your lips. Your hair is slightly shorter, different, and you are wearing too many layers for the California heat. You speak first.
‘’ Hey, baby… ‘’
Gilly lets go of the handle at his back and closes the door behind him. Baby. Baby. You stand up before he can talk back, nervously taking a few steps towards him.
‘’ We were on lockdown, I couldn’t call, I couldn’t leave. ‘’ Your fingers are pulling at threads on your jeans pocket. ‘’ I’m sorry, Gilly. ‘’
He melts, there is nothing else he can do. His arms find their way naturally around you, one hand on your head, pushing your cheek against his chest. He knows you can feel his heart beating in your ear, hear the relief that comes out of him with a sigh. There is no hesitation when you hug back, warm fingers griping at his cut.
‘’ I will never lie again, I swear. ‘’
You laugh, and it makes him squeeze tighter.
‘’ It’s alright, only for good reasons from now on, okay? ‘’
Okay, he will. Protecting you will be a full-time job now, maybe not the small contract he thought he was going into, something different, something warm and meaningful—soft, loved.
The most pleasant job in the world.
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danime25 · 4 months
Jingle All The Way
ao3 // normal masterlist // christmas masterlist
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*Summary: Six and his wife take on their first mission as a married couple. Shopping for their beloved daughter Claire
*Content/Tags: Fluff, Couples Taking Things Way Too Seriously, Shopping
*Rating: E for Everyone
*Status: Oneshot/Complete
“So I’m just going to meet up with Jenna and Ashley in the food court. I’ll text you if we go anywhere else.” Claire told her dad
“Okay, love you. We’ll meet back up at 3.” 
“Okay. Love you too.” Claire made a little peace sign with her fingers and made a run for the food court. Meanwhile her father and mother turned around and pulled out a map of the mall that his wife had in her purse
“So we need to hit… Barnes and Nobles for those books Claire likes.”
“On it.”
“I’ll go to Kohl’s and get some sweaters.”
“Then we take on Gamestop together?” Six asked her, looking up from their pre-planned route
“Then we can go to Sephora.” She nodded, her eyes still fixated on the paper
“What do we need from there?” Six raised an eyebrow
“Well I wanted a perfume…” She started, “You bought it for me already didn’t you?”
“Can’t say, sworn to Santa secrecy.”
“That only applies to Claire.” She huffed but shook her head. “Okay, let’s break.”
“Break.” He replied and they went in opposite directions in the mall. He sprinted past people who were on their phones, arguing about what color to buy a toy for their kid. He scooted around teenagers waiting in the mile long line for Starbucks all in an effort to get to the bookstore. The employees gave him a weird look as he dashed into the store from the mall entrance but he made a straight line to the Young Adult section for Claire’s books. He thumbed through the dividers until he found the last name of the author he’d been given by his daughter. There were books written by him that weren’t the one Claire asked for, but he’d definitely seen in her room. Finally, the series seemingly popped out in his line of vision and he grabbed every book from the shelf. He held onto them and carried the stack up to the register. The employees begrudgingly rung the total up for him and he flashed his credit card up against the machine. He flipped through his phone for a second to see where his wife was on the agenda.
“Stuck in line. Sweaters. Go on without me.”
With that, he made a beeline to Gamestop.
“Going to…”
“Do you really need to tell your dad everything?” Claire’s friend rolled her eyes as she waited for Claire to finish typing.
“Yes.” She replied, not lifting her eyes up from the screen
“Because… my parents are on a mission.”
“A mission?”
“Yeah.” Claire sighed
“Is that why they’re using maps like weirdos instead of looking up the mall map on their phones?” Claire’s other friend asked
“Yeah.” Claire shook her head, “Mom thought it’d be more fun.”
“Yeah. I know.”
Six had made it to Gamestop when he saw his wife making a run for him. He held his arms out as she basically landed into him
“Hi Honey.” She smiled, “Managed to get out of there with more time than I thought.”
“Good.” He smiled back at her and kissed her, “Ready?”
“Ready.” She replied and let go of her husband. She got in the line to buy a system with a game face on, ready to deck a Karen if it meant getting a system for Claire. Six couldn’t have been more proud of his wife if he had tried. She smiled at him and waved as she waited. He waved back to her and thumbed through the games. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket and he checked it. Claire was moving from the food court towards Kohl’s, which would put her right on their path. He makes a gesture saying that they either needed to buy the system or get out of Gamestop right now when she makes it to the counter. She quickly buys the console and they hide behind the clearance bins as their daughter passes by.
“I don’t think she saw us.” She sighed out of relief
“We should be clear.”
“Anything else we can get here today?” She asked Six. He pulled the map out from his pants pockets and took a quick glance of his notes
“No, we’re good.”
“Okay, you go to the car and get the presents in the trunk. I’ll go run my errand.”
“Okay. Love you.” He gave her a quick peck on the cheek
“Love you too. Whatever you do, don’t move the car. That parking spot is gold.”
“I know.” He nodded as she went off on her own. Six decided that this would be the perfect time to go buy her her gift.
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stromuprisahat · 10 months
Question: how do you justify what the darkling did to Genya, Alina and Nikolai? I don’t even mean this to sound rude, but I’m just genuinely curious how you just brush past that when you say the Darkling never did anything he’d have to apologize for 🙃
I'd start with stating that I don't like the word "justify". Google says its meaning is "to show or prove to be right or reasonable", which to me sounds like something that's expected whenever you're about to do something that might offend or hurt anyone. Like pre-made apology you owe people even though you might not have anything to apologize for in the end.
It's really about lack of better words. Czech dictionary translates "justify" as "odůvodnit" or "ospravedlnit", out of which the first one is strictly without that moral baggage. Closer to "give reason".
Aleksander's actions are often perceived out of context, as malicious crimes he committed for his own enjoyment, or whatever suits the antis best, while there are plenty of factors we shouldn't fail to consider.
Ravka- The country he loves, even though it doesn't love him. Rarely peaceful- according to Shadow and Bone, current wars last for over a century. Drained by both its neighbours, split in two for long enough it's pretty unbelievable the West is only planning to secede, poor, with ruling class, who doesn't care and has no reason to.
Grisha- From outright hated to respected, but in constant danger anywhere else, Aleksander manged to carve out a place for them under conditions. The Crown allows Grisha to live right on its backyard (to better keep an eye on), safely train and serve as soldiers or servants of noble houses, as long as they're useful, but... also has no need or intention to take it further. Grisha are glorified, envied serfs in fancy clothes. They're used by monarchy, despised and distrusted by masses, as proved by several little things throughout the first book and instant pogroms once the Fold moves (And don't forget there were no survivors- no true witnesses-, aside from few of the Darkling's people.).
His own lives' experience- Let's be honest- centuries of watching his people- however close- die, drawbacks, betrayals, constantly repeating history... gives one quite a perspective. It's a miracle the Darkling is merely numb and tired, yet somehow hardly unfeeling. Unlike the young heroes he possesses enough self-control not to start begging, crying, screaming... He's lashing out, when he has a reason to believe it won't bite him in the ass, he's petty and hurts others, punishing them for hurting him.
setting- Forget 21st century morality. If we're talking about 19th century-esque world, it wouldn't only have fancy nobles, dashing princes to play pirates privateers and masses of uneducated peasants. The reason people think the way they do is they got there somehow. Ravka still has servitude, for gods' sake! Lives don't matter the way people want them to today! It won't be only about some being rich and some poor, there should be huge differences depending on one's circumstances of birth, bloodlines, wrongs or slights generations old... I'm aware we're suppose to pretend Alina get a pass, because she's "Living Saint", but for example slapping a member of royalty should cost her. Bastard or not, you let it slide once, and next thing you know people are getting ideas and building guillotines.
Now to your question:
Genya is the easiest. She got punished for disobeying direct order, betraying the Darkling for a girl she hardly knew and who was too self-involved to truly act like the friend Genya for some reason suddenly feels her to be.
Aleksander let Genya close enough to be considerably honest around her, at least regarding his intentions with Lantsovs. Dangerous thing to do for a man in his position (and although I have my theories, this reply is no place for them). That's why he made it personal. She didn't only abandon their cause, she hurt him, so he took what she valued most about herself, fitting his revenge into her expectable punishment.
He could've had her whipped. To death even. Instead he chose more personal approach.
Alina's the messiest, because way too many feelings got involved and Aleksander's shit in handling those. His only lasting relationship is his abusive mother, others tend to die on him. Alina's a personification of a dream. Someone to keep him company for the rest of eternity. A companion he longed for for so long, he's not able to handle the bitter truth. I don't think he ever considered his "One and Only Equal" might not be interested in his goals and while he might rationally understand Alina's so much younger, he quickly loses his patience and decides to speed up her development because her young self is interfering with his general plans.
Now, while younger Aleksander might have been more passionate, he was never allowed the luxury of recklessness or even childhood, as a consequence of which he has no idea how to handle hormonal teenagers. Alina's worldview is incredibly narrow and she has several mental mechanisms to prevent her from changing that, while Aleksander's living in constant paranoia, possibility of fight or flight 24/7. They're incompatible the way they are- Alina unwilling to change, Aleksander too rigid and lacking the luxury of choice- yet in each other's way too much to merely split up. The Darkling needs the Sun Summoner as a tool and a symbol, and as long as he breathes, Alina won't have a chance to regain her beloved anonymity.
What he did to her?
The Collar was his hand forced. Unreliable deserter possessing the power he needed to ensure ceasefire.
What else is there that couldn't be explain by simple "They're on opposite sides of a conflict."?
The only other moment that comes to my mind is him burning down the orphanage, one of my favourites. The situation is thus:
The Darkling occupies the Throne (Yay!), but he lacks wide support, numbers and resources, therefore he's forced to rule by fear, which is no way to go, when he wants to build future, where Grisha are accepted. Who does have the love of masses, is an undeserving "Saint" and rogue prince, starving his own people, while being cheered on for it, because he's thwarting the Darkling at the same time. I'll ignore Nikolai for now. So, how do you catch a single person, who could be hiding anywhere, with help from anyone, while you can count on no one? You make them come to you. You make them show themselves under circumstances you control.
Alina already fled slaughter of others three times, one she even directly caused. She might pretend to be a do-gooder, but she truly cares only about herself and her otkazat'sya past. Threatening Malyen already proved to be fruitful, but that one's out of Aleksander's reach, so he tries the next best thing. Destroying her "home". There's also poetry in it- he lost his mother for Alina, it's only fair she'd lose hers. As a symbol of the past Alina's so stubbornly clinging to, there's even some chance it WILL really hurt her, which is certainly plus for his vengeful self.
Eventually it proves to be ruthless, simple and utterly brilliant. Alina falls for his threat and meets him in the Fold.
It's a beautiful example of sacrificing a few (The Grisha teachers probably stayed with the children for their sake, and residents of the orphanage were also just doing their jobs as far as we know.) to end civil war and bring the other side to heel. Ravka wasn't able to handle two-front war, opening third one was insanity and I'm genuinely surprised the country didn't fall (or that West didn't use it to finally free itself from East). With Alina's power under control the Darkling could've attempted "Peace or the Fold" again, perhaps even succeed this time.
And then we have Nikolai.
Second-born Lantsov thwarting his plans, proposing "his" Sun Summoner, loved by masses and army alike because unlike Aleksander, he's otkazat'sya. Goals? Same. Positions? Incomparable. Willingness to give everything? Yes for both.
In better world, they could've been allies. One easily accepted, the other highly experienced. But the story doesn't want that, so Nikolai is serious contender and an obstacle in Aleksander's way to "Fine, I'll do it myself.". He needs to be gone. Killing him would be easiest and most permanent, but Kolya fucked up, when he made it personal.
Tricking the Darkling, shooting him, proposing to his "not"gf, evacuating royal family AND Baghra, starving his forces once Darkles sits on the throne... taking away Nikolai's most valuable quality, while keeping him conscious enough to comprehend it is the way to go!
There's also a POV that says showing your essence down your rival's throat to irrecoverably change him might be seen as a romantic gesture or outright foreplay, but I happen to be a Fannibal, so I'm aware the majority of Grishaverse fans might find my ideas of romance a bit harder to digest (pun absolutely intended).
To sum up: Most of the Darkling's actions corresponds with his position of 19th century-esque war general and revolutionary attempting Coup to save his bankrupt country, while hated by masses and lacking resources. Plus a drop of clever, petty vindictiveness.
(And whole bucket of bad writing, because there are things that just DON'T MAKE SENSE- both regarding worldbuilding and characterisation.)
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nessle · 1 year
Quaritch smut
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WARNINGS: fingering!penetration!spitting!blowjob!kidnapping!non con!crying!
Your pov or thoughts basically
Something smutty or ‘dramatic’ happens
Summary: so basically you get kidnapped by quaritch and since you didn’t want to give any information quaritch decides to take something else.
You lo’ak, kiri, spider,and tuk were going to the battle field where jake sully and quaritch fought. “Guys I really think we shouldn’t be here” you sighed. “I think she’s right Lo’ak you’re already In enough trouble” kiri agreed. Lo’ak stopped and turned to you both. “Come on kiri and y/n stop being like that,besides wouldn’t it be fun to see this place?” lo’ak said joyfully. You sighed and kept walking next to kiri knowing you guys shouldn’t be anywhere near this place. You guys we getting close until you noticed these other navi ?. They had guns and was fully dressed in camou. This couldn’t be good. Lo’ak Informed his dad about the situation. All of a sudden lo’ak warned us to leave and rushed us to get up. As we were escaping the other Navi jumped in and captured all of us. One of the Navi pulled Lo’ak by his main braid causing him a lot of pain. A bigger Navi amongst the rest walked up to Lo’ak. He asked him a few questions but I couldn’t hear properly because of the rough pulling of my hair.
The Navi behind me was tugging at my main braid yelling at me to be quiet. The bigger Navi amongst them all pulled out what seemed to be some dash cam footage. It was when jake and quaritch battled. The bigger Navi had a expression that described sadness and fear. All of a sudden everyone goes quiet because of the sound of rustling. You and everyone else heard neytiri’s call. All of you looked at each other and immediately knew what was going on. You saw one of neytiri’s arrows pierce one of the navis head and was quick to attack. You managed to get away and run along a branch with spider. You lost your footing and fell along with Spider. You both were sent rolling down the hill. You hit ur head on a branch and became unconscious. You and spider were abducted. You were pulled into a helicopter and was flown to an unknown location.
You woke up in a empty room with a on a bed in a very bland room. You saw a table and and two chairs surrounded it. You had a terrible fucking headache. You went to rub ur head but found your arm was cuffed to the bed. You groaned and laid you head again the pillow. And tried to fall back asleep. You heard the door open and saw the familiar Navi walk in. You sat up and moved against the wall quickly. Barring you fanges at the unknow Navi. “Woah, calm down sweetness..” the Navi said softly. He sat on the large bed. “There’s nothing to be afraid of.” He moved a little closer. “That is if you tell me what I wanna hear.” You knew exactly what he meant by that. And you weren’t saying a single thing. “Now be a good lil thing and tell me where jake sully is.” he said trying to sound as nice as possible. You were way to loyal to him him and his family has done alot for you and you definitely wasn’t gonna break. You lidded you eyes and stared straight at him. He gripped you other arm and yanked you forward becoming face to face with the unknown Navi. He took a deep breath and asked you.
“How about you tell me you name cupcake?.” “Y/n…” you mumbled. “I’m colonial miles quaritch”. “But you can call me sir-” “Please don’t hurt me I don’t know any thing you might as well just let me go. I have no use to you.” You interrupted . He hummed in amusement and moved back a little. What was he going to do with you? The worst things imaginable popped up into you head. He took off his vest, tank top and his boots and got fully on the bed. You looked up at him with wide eyes and tensed up a little. You could help but notice how cut he was under all that gear. “You like what u see princes?” You face heated up a little at the name. You looked away in embarrassment. “Come on let me see this pretty eyes of yours.” Your face heated up one more. “What are u going to do to me..?” You asked so innocently. He chuckled at the thought and pushed you down all the way on your back as he towered over you. “Such a pretty face….I wonder how pretty you would look after I cummed on it..” Your pressed your legs together at his words. What did he mean by this. All of this is so confusing.
You’ve been talked to about sex but this was something way different. You felt a drop in you stomach. He looked down at ur legs. “Oh hoho u liked that didn’t you. You dirty little thing.” Tears welled up in your eyes trying to figure out what was going on. And why you felt like this. He pried you legs open and spread them. Your lioncloth was the only thing covering your sex. The Leather and feathers covering up your breast. You looked so tasty. Just for the taking. Tears rolled down your checks. “Oh don’t cry sweetness. The fun as just begun.” He said will a huge grin. He ripped off you top and loincloth. You were bear. Your eyes wander to his bulge. Practically trying to jump out of his pants at you, twitching against you thigh. “Fuck” he whisper to himself. He unbuckled his belt and turned you on you stomach. He lifted your hips and put his hand on you back to make you arch. You were completely exposed to him. You slick covering most of your sex. “What a pretty pussy you have sweetness” he took his thumb and slid it up and down your sex.
You put your face into the pillow to suppress you moan from his touch. “Hey.” He pulled at you tail. Let me hear you or I might just have to spank you.” You shiver at his words. He takes his middle finger and teases your small hole before slowing penetrating you. You moaned never feeling this rush through your body. “ Ha if you like that just wait till I show u something better.” You wonder what he meant by that’s. Was he gonna fuck you? What he gonna torment you like this for answers? What did he want?. He added another finger which made you arch even more. “Fuckkk” you moaned. He curled his fingers inside of you hitting that one sweet spot inside of you. You felt a knot become in you stomach. You were going to cum soon. Before could even get another thought in he removed his fingers. Just when you thought it was over he took of his cammies. And revealed his huge erection restrained by he underware. He laughed at you surprised expression. “Told ya I had something better than fingers.” He smiled.
Your eyes were unintentionally widened. You watched him as he removed his underwear. It slapped against his stomach with a bounce. It had a slight curve to the right with a few veins along it. You tried to move, trying to escape his grip. He held you a little more tightly. “Heh your not going anywhere anytime soon sweetness.” How did you even get yourself here? All be cause you list your footing on that branch? You wouldn’t be here now if we’re paying attention. More tears started to fall from your cheeks as you thought. “Oh baby don’t cry. It will be over soon. I promise.” He aligned himself with your sex,spreading it with his tip. You froze praying that it wouldn’t hurt to bad. He slowly pushed the tip in,slowly trying to let you adjust to his size. “Please don’t hurt me demon..” you manage to say. He tugged at your tail once more. “What did I tell you to call me.” “I’m sorry sir…” “Good girl.” He push a little more inside of you, forcing out a moan from you. Second by second he pushed a little more into you. “Your so fucking tight,I should make this pussy all mine..” he trailed of as he was close to bottoming out.
You were a mess already. Still crying but face flushed a deep purple because of the stretch of his cock. You know that you should be trying to break free of his grasp and attempt to escape. But it felt oh to good. You gripped the sheets of the bed trying to keep your balance. You kept leaning to one the right and tho left,basically swaying. He let go of your tail and placed his other hand on the other side of your hip. Showing your pathetic attempt to keep you balance. He pulled out, only leaving the tip is for a moment just to slam back into within an instant. A loud moan escaped your mouth, causing both of you to groan at the sudden action. “Fuck baby your squeezing me so fucking tight, you make me wanna cum already.” He started to pick up the pace maintaining a rhythm that already had you dripping down your legs. You laid you chest against the bed, wanton moans coming from you. “Sir please.” “Please what sweetness?, come on tell me what you want. ” He knew exactly what you wanted but he wanted to hear you say it he wanted you to say the filth that came to you mind.
How bad he wanted to corrupt you. This sweet girl who is just to nice and would do anything for the people she loves. Would never break the rules and would never disobey anyone.
“I want you to go faster..please sir.” You breathlessly said. “See that all you had to saw sweetness. It wasn’t that hard was it?” he said sitting up. “No sir.” He adjusted his hands on your waist and started to pick up the pace while fucking you. It was so much,he was just to big. You could barely take it. After a couple of moments the knot in your stomach started to come back but more Intense. Your legs started to tremble. “About to cum already we just got started?” He said mockingly. He lifted up his left leg just to get a little deeper inside you. “AH.” You screamed as you came all over his cock and your thighs. “Shit” he said chasing his own release. You just felt way to good. Your walls already squeezing him and now since you came he was on edge. You on the other hand was overstimulated. He leaned back down with his chest against your back and rubbed messy circles around your sensitive clit.
Not to soon after you collapsed onto the bed filled up with quaritchs seed. You were his now mated for life. Now you really couldn’t go back home especially not pregnant. Lo’ak and kiri would never look at you the same.
if y’all wanna see a fluff! Ending to this comment⬇️
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grailfinders · 5 months
Grailfinders Viewers' Choice: Mash 2, the Sequel to Mash
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 today on Grailfinders, we’re finally heading back to where it all began, and rebuilding Mash Kyrielight one last time. in the three years since we started this thing, we learned a lot about building characters in D&D- and the biggest lesson was that shields suuuuuck. “but Mash is a shielder!” you say, “she needs a shield!” to that, I scoff. Mash needs no shield. she needs to shield. to shield without a shield, this Mash will train her body like never before, and become a Kensei Monk. we also need some extra magic for the ultimate in shields, and for that we need to make a pact and become a Genie Warlock. her dad’s girlfriend has like, three, I’m sure she can give us one.
check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Ancestry & Background
good news, sports fans! since the days of the original build wotc has in fact added Eternal Ray of Sunshine as a race! if you’re very generous with how you interpret Custom Lineage, at least. because of that, this Mash gets +2 Dexterity to start, as well as Survival proficiency for camping and the Fighting Initiate feat for Interception. now you can react to an incoming attack on an ally and reduce the damage they take, as long as you’re wielding a weapon. that’s right- shielding. without shields.
Mash is still a Cloistered Scholar though. you don’t have to worry, your History and Arcana proficiencies aren’t going anywhere.
Ability Scores
Mash’s highest ability this time around will be Wisdom. I’m sure most of her foresight comes from scanners or magical whatnots, but when half your dialogue in a singularity is “hey, there’s enemies coming” your passive perception is pretty damn high. second, Charisma. I dare you to look me in the eye and say you wouldn’t give Mash a kidney if she asked. third, Dexterity. that’s how you don’t get hit, and Mash’s giant freakin’ shield tells me she doesn’t get hit often. third is Constitution. I’d love for this to be higher, but everything else on the list is need for multiclassing first and foremost. it’s not ideal, but we’ll make it work. that’s also true for Intelligence, though in that case at least we’d only want it for skill checks. finally, we’re dumping Strength. yes Mash can lift cars, but in terms of servants she’s not offensively powerful. also, we don’t really need this for anything in-build, and we can cover everything strength can do through other means pretty easily.
Class Levels
1. Monk 1: since we got that fighting feat, we need to start off as a monk to qualify. on the plus side, that gets us Unarmored Defense right away, adding our wisdom to our AC as long as we’re not wearing armor or holding a shield. so no problems there. mechanically, our “shield” for this build will be any simple melee weapon (or shortsword) as those all qualify as “monk weapons”, so our Martial Arts work on them. this means they deal a minimum of 1d4 damage, which grows as we level, and you can use your dexterity instead of strength to wield them. also, attacking with your action with either a monk weapon or your fists lets you make another fisting as a bonus action. again, as long as you’re unarmored.
(I know Mash is one of the few servants with actual armor, but tbf it’s missing some pretty key components. also, you can be summer Mash!)
also monks get proficiency in Strength and Dexterity saves, as well as Athletics and Religion checks. now you have all the skills needed to ID servants, and your piddly strength score won’t be too much of a hinderance.
2. Monk 2: second level monks learn to harness Ki, and you get a pool of it equal to your monk level every short rest. you can spend one ki point per turn to dash, dodge, disengage, or attack twice as a bonus action, with dashing and disengaging also doubling your jump distance, again covering for your strength. Mash too is a fighting game character, and is not unaccustomed to sick combos.
she also gets Unarmored Movement, so as long as you don’t put on plate mail you’ll be faster than the average player.
3. Monk 3: at third level you set down the Way of the Kensei and learn the Path of the Kensei. the kensei are good at weapons, not naming things. now you can pick two kensei weapons, a ranged and a melee one. these will become the bedrock of later features, so hopefully you’ve picked out a “shield” by now. while holding a kensei weapon, you can attack with your bare hand to perform an Agile Parry, adding two to your AC for a round. almost like. your weapon is… shielding you, or something.
(you can also use Kensei’s Shot to add more damage to ranged kensei attacks but who cares about that)
finally, you can Deflect Missiles. if you’re being attacked by ranged enemies, you can use a reaction to block their damage- if this prevents the damage entirely, you can then spend a ki point to throw the arrow back. let’s see lancelot bring down a plane on you now.
4. Warlock 1: now that we have the basic functionality of a shield, let’s get ourselves an NP. since you’re kind of family with the Queen of Sheba, you can probably pull some strings and get a Genie to come help you power the Ortinax. right now, that gives you a Genie’s Vessel, a funky lil trinket you can swooce right into as an action. you can stick around inside it for a couple hours, but we’re using it as your invincibility- when you think a big attack’s coming, hold your reaction to bait it out, then let your vessel eat the damage. when it’s destroyed, you pop out like nothing happened. you can enter once a day, and you can make a new one by spending an hour to do so.
while it’s around though, you can use it once a turn to add the Genie’s Wrath to your attacks, adding your proficiency bonus in bludgeoning damage to one of your attacks.
you also learn Pact Magic, spells that use your Charisma to cast and recharge on short rests. Blade Ward is another kind of shield that gives you resistance to physical attacks for a round, and Minor Illusion is an easy way to play a hologram from Chaldea. for your leveled spells, Protection from Good and Evil will protect guda from being possessed, something that’s been happening with disturbing regularity. you can also shield someone with a Sanctuary, forcing a wisdom save on anything that tries to attack them as long as they don’t attack first. it’s a weird shield, but it’s still a shield. I mean Mash’s defense boosts still work if you put her in the backline, so ranged shielding is canon.
5. Warlock 2: second level warlocks get Eldritch Invocations, ways to customize your pseudoservant hell year and come away with a nice goodybag of stuff. you get two this level, but we’ve done this song and dance before- pick whatever you want for #2, it’s getting swapped out next level. still, do make sure you pick up Eldritch Mind now for advantage on concentration saves. tanks need to take hits, and your spells are about damage mitigation so it would be really bad if they went down from the first punch.
you can also Detect Evil and Good now, so you can find any gods or demon god pillars within 30 feet of you. Guda fights a lot of gods, and they’re typically the kind of enemy you don’t want to be ambushed by.
6. Warlock 3: third level warlocks gain a pack boon, and if we want Ortinax running at full capacity we need the Pact of the Blade. now you can summon just about any weapon you want out of the ether as an action, or you can store a specific weapon away for when you need it. speaking of, you can make your shield an Improved Pact Weapon now, an invocation that adds +1 to all your shield’s attack and damage rolls, plus you can use your shield to cast your spells. if you’re going to carry around a giant freakin’ shield, it had better be good for something, y’know?
speaking of shielding, you can now cast second level spells like Ray of Enfeeblement, halving damage from a specific enemy’s strength-based attacks, and making your interceptions and deflections all the more useful. it’s also a cool laser from your shield, so I guess this is the prototype black barrel?
7. Warlock 4: use your first Ability Score Improvement to round up your Dexterity and Wisdom for a much stronger AC and better attacks to boot. you can also Create Bonfire as a cantrip for camping, and you have Warp Sense, letting you detect nearby distortions in reality. this is only supposed to work on portals, but if your campaign revolved around finding seven macguffins from outside of time that were warping the fabric of history to the breaking point I’d say it should work on those too.
8. Warlock 5: fifth level warlocks get third level spells, and now we can shield against even the strongest of spells with Counterspell. if you use a spell slot equal to or greater than the spell you’re blocking, it automatically shuts down whatever nonsense they were planning. otherwise, you’ll need to make a check.
you also learn how to use your bunker bolt, or Eldritch Smite, as the game’s so insistent on calling it. spend a spell slot while hitting something with your shield, and you can send them flying with 4d8 extra force damage, that bonus only growing bigger as you level up.
9. Warlock 6: at sixth level Mash can finally summon supplies from Chaldea, letting her Create Food and Drink. it’s a spell, it creates food and drink, what do you want from me.
less self-explanatorily, your Elemental Gift gives you resistance to all bludgeoning damage to improve your tankiness, and you can spend a bonus action to fly for up to ten minutes. obviously Mash can’t fly, but she can jump good, so it’s practically the same thing.
10. Warlock 7: seventh level warlocks get fourth level spells, and you can finally start killing gods with Banishment sending them back to their home planes. if it’s good enough for Arjuna Alter, it’s good enough for Mash.
you also get a weird shield thanks to the invocation Sign of Ill Omen letting you cast Bestow Curse once a day with a warlock spell slot. that sounds out of character, but the spell does give you the option to enforce disadvantage on attacks against a certain target, so it’s just barely a shield in my book. it also uses a different save than ray of enfeeblement, so it’s a type coverage thing.
11. Warlock 8: now that we’re halfway through the build I can finally nitpick the series a bit. I love FGO, but why does everyone speak the same language? it’s not like Mash could cast Tongues and understand everyone… oh, I guess it is. never mind.
also use this ASI to bump up your Charisma for stronger spells.
12. Warlock 9: ninth level warlock equals fourth level spells. Wall of Stone is a wall… of stone. this is the closest to the classic Lord/Mold Camelot we’re getting, but it’s still a great way to block damage, enemies, or even cross gaps.
if you’d rather leave the gap after you’re done, you can use the invocation Otherworldly Leap to cast Jump on yourself whenever you want- by combining jump and monk’s step of the wind, your 8-strength ass can jump better than a 20-strength barbarian could. sometimes you want to fly, but this way’s practically free.
13. Warlock 10: I’m sorry for sticking extra attack this late into the build, but I thought it was vital that we get Mash to the tenth level of warlock as fast as we could- this is the level you learn Sanctuary Vessel as a genielock, allowing you to pull up to five willing creatures into the vessel with you when you enter it. this means that now you can save the entire party from a noble phantasm by yoinking them all out of existence in a move that would make Teferi proud.
also if they stay in the vessel for ten minutes they get a short rest, which, given how much you rely on those, is a godsend.
I also want Mash to use her sword at least once, so your last cantrip of the build is Sword Burst. why have a sword if you won’t use it.
14. Monk 4: now that we’re finally back in Monk, you can bump up your Constitution with this ASI. you also learn to Slow Fall, reducing fall damage as a reaction, but you can fly, so… yeah, sorry we took such a big detour.
15. Monk 5: with your Extra Attack in hand, you can attack twice in a turn, allowing you to make an unarmed attack to set up your shield, then switch to your shield for big dps. you can also turn any attack into a Stunning Strike, forcing a constitution save on your target or they’re stunned for a round. this both prevents them from making actions, and makes them easier for everyone else to hit. this isn’t in Mash’s usual kit, but if you got hit by a piece of cast iron the size of Rhode Island you’d be stunned too.
16. Monk 6: sixth level monks have Ki-Empowered Strikes, making your fists magical and avoiding a lot of resistances. you also become One with the Blade, making your shield magical as well (it already was), and you can make a Deft Strike once a turn, adding your martial arts die to the damage it does.
17. Monk 7: with your final level of Monk, you learn Evasion, which makes your failed dexterity saves block as much as most people’s successes (half of the damage) and your successes block twice that much (all of it). you carry a giant goddamn shield with you, everywhere you go. it blocks things.
you also get Stillness of Mind, rendering you pretty much immune to charming and frightening effects. you need to keep your wits about you to snap Guda out of them, after all.
18. Warlock 11: warlocks don’t get spell slots past six; instead, you get Mystic Arcanum, which work like regular spell slots from other casting classes, only working once per day. for your sixth level spell, Investiture of Stone grants you resistance to physical damage, and you can ignore difficult terrain made of rock, and also walls made of rock. servants are stupid strong, so walking straight through stone is completely on the table. if you really want to mess stuff up, you can spend an action to stamp on the ground (jump, jump, jump, jump) and move it all around, forcing a dex save on everything around you or knocking them prone. have you seen the FGO movies? it’s easier to list the stuff that servant fights don’t break.
19. Warlock 12: use your last ASI to improve your Dexterity for better attacks and a better AC. you’re a shielder, so those are naturally related. you also get one last invocation, and by now you’ve been using a cutting edge superweapon like a hammer long enough for it to start leaking bad shit everywhere- at least, that’s my explanation as to why it’s a Lifedrinker now. whenever you hit something with Ortinax, it deals extra necrotic damage to boost.
20. Warlock 13: our final level of the build will let us get rayshifting in the first place thanks to Plane Shift, letting us travel to other planes with allies. alternatively, you can weaponize this and try to send someone else to another plane. now even gods from the material world can get black barrel’d!
Pros and Cons
compared to the OG Mash build, this one has so much more offensive power than before, primarily thanks to the Ortinax coming with more damage bonuses and types to give us some flexibility in combat and a chance for burst damage when the opportunity presents itself.
you also play around short rests a lot, which means you’re never far from full power no matter how late in the day it gets.
the sanctuary vessel is hands down the most powerful defense we’ve ever given a build. when used properly, it can shut down practically any attack you throw its way. not only will it take all the damage from whatever is about to hit you, but it’s an extradimensional space, so arguably effects that only miss through planar shenanigans can be avoided this way. I think this could shut down almost everything I’ve called a noble phantasm in a build up to this point. almost.
that’s a big almost though- the cost of this extra power is less defense than the original, which admittedly does fit the character. while Ortinax is just as good, if not better, at fighting big singular attacks. however, it fails in two categories- your defense isn’t nearly as good at dealing with multiple smaller attacks, and your HP is so much lower than the original’s.
this is partially caused by the new classes not being full martials with d10s for HP, but it’s also because of how Multi-Ability Dependent this build is. even if we weren’t trying to be a tank, the multiclassing minimums for the build alone are pulling us in three different directions at once. this means that your spell saves are also pretty weak, so your magical blocking isn’t up to par.
when I said you were never far from full power earlier, that was true. buuuut it’s also true about being close to empty too. warlocks and monks are both famously bad at resource management, and if you go into two or more fights between short rests you’re liable to run out of resources no matter how carefully you play.
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ilguna · 10 months
☼ popcorn kernels (Johanna Mason) ☼
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summary; Johanna takes you to the drive-in to spend more time with you.
warnings; swearing,
wc; 1.2k
notes: modern au!
“Johanna, you really are terrible at making popcorn.” You tell her, digging through the bag. The bottom has so many kernels that you wouldn’t even think she cooked it if it weren’t for the popcorn on top.
“(Y/n).” She swats at your hands, tired of your judgement. “That’s for the movie, knock it off!”
“How long did you put it in the microwave for? An hour?” You laugh, pulling out a burnt piece. “How did you manage to burn half and not cook the other?”
“If you’re going to complain, you don’t have to have any.”
You reach back in to grab a kernel, rolling it back and forth between your fingers. A bad idea comes to mind, and you can’t help the smile that comes over your face. You pop it in your mouth, and turn your body to face Johanna, shooting it at the side of her neck.
Johanna slams on the breaks, forcing you to catch yourself on the dash. You let out a choked noise, trying not to laugh at her reaction. She clenches her jaw, picking off the wet kernel from where it’s stuck to her neck, and rolls down the window. She slowly turns to glare at you, flicking it out the window.
You sputter out a laugh.
“Put the bag of popcorn away or I’m going to strangle you.”
“Fine.” You zip the bag up, placing it back with the other snacks she bought earlier.
“Thank you.” She eyes you, making sure you have nothing else planned.
She pulls the car forward to the booth, where you two need to buy tickets. She turns and gives the lady a smile. The lady smiles back, “Hi, what can I do for you two tonight?”
“Two tickets to Safe and Sound, please.” Johanna pulls her card out of her wallet, holding it out with two fingers.
It’s not often you and Johanna go on dates together, because of your conflicting interests and idea of fun. For her, she doesn’t necessarily like to go out and have a nice dinner. The whole point of dressing up to go out, just to take it off when you get home is a little beside her. As for you, it’s the time spent together, and not having to worry about cooking your own meal. Instead, you can devote that time to asking about what she’s been up to when you’re not there.
This doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like to go out and enjoy other activities, though. She just likes to make it an all-day trip, rather than just a few hours, to maximize time spent together. Which can be nice sometimes, but other times your social battery is sensitive, and there’s only so much you can handle.
She’ll take you anywhere you ask. You could plan a trip to a neighboring city for the day, and she’d try to clear her entire schedule to make it work for you. And to compromise, you have an open mind when she plans day dates, because you know she’s sacrificed her time, where she’d likely rather be doing anything else.
There’s nothing you haven’t done yet. You’ve gone to plenty of movies, whether it be drive-in or theaters. You’ve seen musical theater, too actually. You’ve gone to amusement parks, concerts and comedy shows. She’s taken you to the beach, park picnics, and window shopping.
This time, she’s decided to take you back to the drive-in theater because your guys’ favorite movie is being featured this week. You watch Safe and Sound at least once a week, and sometimes you’re watching it in the background while doing other things, but other times you’ll sit down and watch it.
It’s one of those movies that you can’t get sick of. You will say though, if you and Johanna ever do break up, you won’t be able to watch the movie ever again without thinking about her. You found this movie with her, which means it’ll be left with her.
“You two are all set!” The lady chirps, “You’ll be screen seven, and on the receipt is the station you’ll tune into. Enjoy!”
“Thank you.” Johanna smiles, beginning to drive away.
She rolls up her window, sitting up in the seat as she starts looking at the signs to make sure you’re heading in the right direction. This drive-in has nine screens, and it’s still fairly popular, despite an actual movie theater being preferred these days because of the air conditioning and the seats.
You and Johanna like it because it’s generally more intimate. You don’t have to worry about disturbing others when you speak during a quiet part of the movie. And you’re able to sit on your phone when you get to the slow part of the movie. With tickets being cheap, you don’t have to worry about wasted money.
“We should’ve come sooner.” Johanna murmurs, making a face, “It’s so dark already.”
“Yup.” You look out the window. “I guess I was right then, huh?”
“You did not tell me we should leave early.” She says.
“You said that last time, too.” You let out a laugh, “It’s okay Johanna, maybe we’ll come early next time so we’re not blinding the other cars when we back in.”
“(Y/n), stop.” Johanna shakes her head, “I forgot about that part.”
You smile to yourself. You have this argument every time, and every time she swears that it'll be the last time you show up after the daylight’s gone, because her headlights have a vendetta against others. They’re automatic, which means that sometimes, when you’re surrounded by darkness, they’ll turn on the brights to help out.
Johanna can’t figure out how to turn off the automatic setting. It never works.
Johanna follows the road to the seventh screen, where you’re able to see that the lot is half full. You sink in your seat, trying to hide from the windows. She briefly glares in your direction.
“Don’t do that.”
“It’s too late.” You tell her, taking off the seatbelt as you try to make home on the floor, “You’re on your own.”
“No, I need you to spot me.”
“It’s not happening.”
“I fucking hate you.” She sighs, you watch as her hands reach to mess with the headlights. You press your lips together. “I don’t understand.”
“I can pull out the manual.”
“We are definitely not doing that.” She tells you, “Just be quiet down there if you’re not going to be helpful.”
“That was helpful!” You laugh. “I have an idea, how about you just turn off your headlights entirely?”
Johanna’s fingers pause, “That might work.”
“Just don’t run over anyone.”
“If I do, I promise it won’t be on purpose.” 
Johanna finds a nice space to pull into, and gives you the clear on when you can get up from the floor. You immediately start pulling the snacks and drinks from the backseat to the front. You drape a blanket over your lap, watching as Johanna sends her seat flying into the backward so she has more leg room.
“Give me the popcorn.” She holds out her hand.
You pull out both bags and drop them on her lap, “Sure.”
“You’re so ungrateful.”
“No, my standards are higher than yours.” You snort, “You know what, give me a bag, actually.”
She squints at you suspiciously, “No.”
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nightfurylover31 · 1 year
I WIP I did after being inspired by IDW #55 and @starrjoy stunning artwork found here.
“Alright, fox boy! You ready to have some real fun?” Surge threw Tails onto the floor, knocking the Miles Electric out of his hand. He tried to reach for the device, but was stopped as his captor stomped on his back. “Not so fast!”
“Whatever you’re planning, Sonic’s going to stop you!” Even if he was beaten and held hostage, no way was Tails about to show weakness. 
“Hah! Keep telling yourself that, kid! ‘Cause once we’re done here, I won’t be the only one he has to stop.”
That… did not sound good. Tails hated to admit it, but he was starting to get nervous. Surge dragged him by his left tail over to a large computer setup. She flipped him onto his back, pressing her foot on his chest to keep him in place, then proceeded to pull a glove with a strange stone on it. It sort of resembled Starline’s with the Warp Topaz, but different. Surge put it on her left hand, almost disgusted by it.
“This thing… caused us so much pain. I thought it was gone for good when I threw HIS into the fire pit, but it seems he had an extra… Lucky us.” 
With that, she slammed it down on Tails’s face. “Let’s get started!”
“So, this is the place?” Sonic asked as he turned to Kit. 
“Y-yes, sir. This is where we… w-where we lived.” The young fennec’s voice was more meek than usual. After Surge took off with Tails, the blue duo chased after them. Honestly, Sonic was surprised Kit stayed with him instead of going back to her. The hedgehog wanted to know if there was anywhere Kit thought Surge would go. This was the only one that came to mind, one of Eggman’s bases in the middle of the desert. 
“Huh. Starline sure made himself comfortable.” As the two made their way into the base, Sonic looked at Kit. “So, tell me again why you two had it out for us? We never met, yet Surge acted like I was her sworn enemy.” 
“W-we were… because… y-you…” Kit mumbled. 
Sonic didn’t understand. He knew the kid was on edge, but he couldn’t make out what he was trying to say. He was more of a nervous wreck than when Sonic first met Tails. Tails…
“Don’t worry,” Sonic reaffirmed. “That whacky doctor won’t bother you again.” The feelings were mixed. Sonic never considered death an option, unless there was no other way, but Starline caused so much trouble. Bringing Eggman back, which led to the Metal Virus, trying to capture Tails, kidnapping Belle, and now whatever he did to Surge and Kit. It must have been bad, but… he was gone now. All that mattered was finding Tails. His little brother was tough and smart. He… he would definitely be alright. 
"Can I ask... why you call Tails your 'brother'?" Kit asked. "You two aren't even the same species. How can that be?"
Sonic shook his head in amusement. "It's true we're not blood, but that doesn't make him any less of a brother to me." Kit turned his head in confusion. "We've been together for years. We both didn't really have anyone before, but when we met, we just clicked. I helped him be more confident in himself, and he's saved my skin more times than I can count. He always has my back, and I can count on him for anything. Because of him... my life changed. I wasn't going it solo anymore, and now I can't imagine my life without him."
"You mean, he's that important to you?"
"More important than anyone else."
Kit led Sonic down the endless hallways. Suddenly, he stopped at one door on the right side. His pale face went paler. He started to shake and breathe heavily, like he was having a panic attack. Was there something in there? 
“Stay here,” the blue hero told Kit. Sonic slowly walked into the room. There were giant test tubes of some sort of green liquid. They were big enough for Sonic to fit in, which made him even more unnerved. His eye caught something on the floor. Papers with sketches and writing on them. “Homing attack,” “Spin dash,” some kind of cycle of him vs Eggman. Why did Starline have all these notes? Sonic then saw more papers on the table. Designs for what looked like Surge and Kit, like different models of them. What struck him the most was was one image of a person with robotic replacements. Just then, the pieces started coming together, and Sonic felt his stomach drop. 
“He... made you?” 
Sonic looked back at Kit, who was now shaking up a storm. His eyes glowing with a horrific gleam. Some of the water was leaking from his pack, swishing around like frantic arms. “H-hurt us… changed us… m-made us forget… to… r-replace you…” 
Finally, Surge’s words before made sense. She blamed Sonic. He admitted didn’t quite understand what she was going on about in their first fight. She was ranting in anger, like throwing a tantrum, so he wasn’t sure what to make of it at the time. Now he did. Starline stole Surge and Kit’s lives, their identities, their freedom… everything for his plan. Sonic was ready to fight tooth and nail to save Tails, but now…
Sonic made his way back, knelt down and placed his hand on the crying fennec. “I’m sorry, Kit. I’m sorry I couldn’t do anything to stop him. But he can’t hurt you anymore. And once this is over, the both of you can live however you want.” 
Kit sniffled, wiping the tears from his eyes. “B-both of us?” The water tendrils began to recede.
“We’re going to save Tails, and Surge. She’s important to you too, right?” Kit nodded his head. Sonic ruffled the kid’s hair, stood up, turned his head toward the door at the end of the room, and took a deep breath. “Let’s get this over with.” 
As if the last area wasn’t “cheery” enough, this room had even more test tubes. Sonic was just relieved they all looked empty. He couldn’t even begin to imagine what being trapped in there was like. 
“Hey! I know you’re watching! We’re here!” Surge came out from behind one of the tubes in front of them in response to Sonic’s voice. She has a cautious air about her, not sure what to expect but ready to fight. “Listen, I don’t want to fight you. Just let Tails go, and we can all walk away.” 
Surge’s attention was more focused on Kit. She slowly clenched her fists, electricity sparking. “After everything we’ve been through… what they’ve done to us… you go and join him?! I TOLD YOU YOU COULD ONLY TRUST ME! I TRUSTED YOU!!!” The anger and hurt in her voice was immense as the lightning she discharged. Sonic could even see some tears forming. She truly felt betrayed. 
Kit hid behind Sonic, cowering in fear and guilt. “I… I didn’t mean…” 
“Don’t be mad at him,” Sonic quickly defended. “He just didn’t know what to do. I was wrong, I thought you didn’t survive the fall from before. If I had… look, just tell me where Tails is. Please. We don’t have to fight.” 
Surge stared at her feet, trying to recompose herself. “Well then…” she turned back with glowing eyes. “Too bad it’s not up to you.” 
Suddenly, something slammed into Sonic, sending him flying to the other side of the room.
“Mr. Sonic!” Kit cried out. 
Sonic tried to pick himself up, holding the side of his head that hit against the wall. As his vision refocused, he saw his attacker. The last person he ever expected. 
“Tails? What are you—“ his sentence was cut off as Surge lunged at his throat. They collided with another wall as her grip tightened. “W-what… did you do?” he gasped. 
“Simple justice,” she cooed with venom in her voice. “You take my sidekick, I take yours.” 
“Tails would never turn against me! Right, little bro?” The fox was silent, stone cold gaze staring back. “Tails…” Sonic faced many horrors in his life, but nothing came close to the dread he felt from what he heard next. 
“I don’t know you.” 
NOTES: I cut out Eggman and the Wisps so I could focus more on these four. I wrote this up before we got the Prime clip of Sonic and Tails, but it made me even more emotional seeing how sad Sonic was when Tails didn’t know who he was. Let alone fight him. Kit's question was a last minute addition, and I think it really makes what happens at the end hit even harder. 😢
Thanks again to @starrjoy for letting me write about her mini AU. 
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landofzero-archive · 4 months
Ougonten - Account of the Dragon's Ascension 2
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Writer: Kanata Haruka
Season: Winter
(Location: Starmony Dorms (Ritsu and Mika's Room))
(The next day)
Mika: Haah…… It’s still cold outside. Even just going out in the hallway for a moment irritates my skin.
Ritsu: Welcome back, Mikari~n. It’s still cold out there isn’t it. That’s why today is the day to  just relax under the kotatsu.
Come on, Mikarin hurry up and get under. You’re cold aren’t you?
Mika: I can’t! I already know that if I get put under the spell of the kotatsu I won’t be able ta do anything else!
It’s a rare day off, so I have no choice but ta concentrate on my art activities or else I’ll never be able ta face Oshi-san.
Ritsu: That’s what you say, but Mikarin doesn’t like the cold either. If you don’t keep yourself warm, you’ll get sick, and I think that’s rather inefficient~
See, there’s something special about drinking warm tea while cozying up under a kotatsu~♪♪
Mika: Uuu, if I do it just a little bit…… But I know just a little bit could be fatal.
But…… It’s still cold outside! Just for a little while, just for five minutes—
Mitsuru: Hmhm. Mika-ni~chan and the kotatsu’s magic power? It seems like he can’t resist it.
Mika: Uwah!? Why’s Mitsuru-kun in the kotatsu!?
Mitsuru: Wawah!? Mika-ni~chan found me! I gotta dash away~!
Mika: So fast!? What the heck’s goin’ on……?
Ritsu: He got here while you were out of the room, so I let him in. I wonder if he wanted to get under the kotatsu together.
But to escape from the kotatsu’s evil influence with such speed…… It’s pretty impressive~
Mika: He just wanted ta get under the kotatsu? I wonder if that’s really true. I think he was talkin’ about me……
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(Location: Handicrafts Club Room)
(Another day)
Mika: It fills me with a lot of emotion to think that I’ll be able to work in the club room fer a little while longer.
Maybe it’d be a good idea to come up with a design based on a graduation or early spring theme? Um, I guess I haven't brought my sketchbook back home yet.
Mitsuru: Stare~………
Mika: I feel eyes on me from the entrance!? Who’s there!?
Mitsuru: Wa-……!?
Mika: Ah, he ran!
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(Location: Yumenosaki Hallway)
Mitsuru: Dash dash! Mika-ni~chan was working hard on his design today too~!
Mika: Aah, I can’t see ‘im anymore. But the voice I heard just now was Mitsuru-kun’s.
I feel like Mitsuru-kun’s been followin’ me around lately. Why’s he doin’ that……?
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(Location: Season Avenue)
(Another day)
Mika: (I came here ta buy some art supplies I didn’t have, but……)
Mitsuru: (Whispering) …… I can’t have Mika-ni~chan find me, it’s the beginning of an investigation.
Hmhm. He wanted to go out today. Is he going somewhere to play?
But playing alone would be boring. Maybe it’s just shopping……?
I’m interested either way! It looks like I’ll be able to get some good information on Mika-ni~chan!♪
Mika: (Uuu…… I knew it- it’s Mitsuru-kun. Why’s he following me around?
I’m not really comfortable bein’ followed around forever. Alright, if things turn out like this, then I’ll ambush him around that corner……)
Mitsuru: Ah, I’m gonna lose him! I have to hurry and catch up—
Mika: Mitsuru-kun! I caught ya!
Mitsuru: Uwah!? Mika-ni~chan ambushed me!?
Mika: I noticed ya were followin’ behind me. More importantly, why are you doin’ this?
Mitsuru: Th-That’s……
Ah, there’s Oshi-san-senpai over there!
MIka: Eh!? Why’s Oshi-san here in a place like this!? He never said anythin’ about comin’ back……!
Huh? I can’t see Oshi-san anywhere……
Mitsuru: Sorry, Mika-ni~chan! I gotta run away now, babyuu~n☆
Mika: Ah, I got tricked! I said I wouldn’t let him get away, but he’s already that far away……!?
As expected from the track and field club…… I can’t help but feel motivated ta chase after him.
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(Location: Starmony Dorms Common Area)
Mika: (In the end, Mitsuru-kun keeps running away from me, and I don’t know why he’s following me around.
I feel like I’m being watched by Mitsuru-kun all the time, so I can’t concentrate on my creative activities……)
For now, I’ll just have some tea and calm down……
Haah, seriously. If I did somethin’ ta Mitsuru-kun, I just wanna apologize properly.
Nagisa: …… You seem really worried, Mika-kun. If you have any worries, I’ll hear you out.
Mika: Ngah!? Ran-senpai suddenly called out ta me! Ya surprised me!
Nagisa: …… I’m sorry. I was already in the room, but I guess you didn’t notice.
Mika: That seems ta be the case. I’m sorry for botherin’ ya while ya were relaxin’?
Nagisa: …… It’s an apology with undertones to it, it seems. Should I just accept that you don’t want to apologize to me?
Mika: …… Uuu, you’re forgiving. Since you’re a member of ex-fine, I got defensive on reflex.
I know that Ran-senpai meant well earlier when ya said ya would listen ta me, but……
Nagisa: …… The fact that I hurt you all in the past will not change. It’s only natural that Mika-kun wouldn’t meekly accept my help.
…… This is my nosiness. You are free to refuse or accept my help. Don’t worry about it.
…… Judging from your soliloquy earlier, it seems that Tenma-kun is also involved in your troubles. Perhaps we should hear what he has to say.
Mika: Eh, wait a second! Did you just say we were gonna talk to Mitsuru-kun?
Nagisa: …… I get along well with Tenma-kun. If he’s having trouble then I want to help him.
Mika: Ngah~, when ya put it like that  it’s hard to say no. I don’t want ya ta do anythin’ unnecessary……
Haah…… I’ll be honest with ya this time. I also want ta hear from Mitsuru-kun.
Actually, recently I’ve been having trouble with Mitsuru-kun followin’ me around.
Even when I’d try to ask him why, he’d just run away and there was nonthin’ I could do.
Nagisa: …… Hmm. Even if I try to guess the reason for his behavior, I don’t have enough information to come up with an answer.
…… It would be quicker to ask Tenma-kun directly. He should be in the library now.
Mika: Really? Isn’t it unexpected that Mitsuru-kun’s in the library?
Nagisa: …… It looked like he was writing. If you want to corner him so he can’t escape, now might be a good opportunity.
Mika: The way ya said “corner” is kinda unsettling……?
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walviemort · 1 month
Expecting a Secret [1/3]
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Summary: After the events of 3x19, Killian is at his lowest after being rejected by Emma. When Snow's labor turns out to be a false alarm, Zelena offers Killian a deal: she'll leave the Charmings alone…if he gives her the baby she needs for her spell instead. There's just one hitch: he has to keep it a secret. At least it will only take 10 days, right? a/n: (slightly belated) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SWEET FRIEND @sancocnutclub !!! This is the full fic from the manip I posted last week. I meant to get this done in time for you bday, but it kind of ran away from me…and ended up being a three-parter instead of the one-shot I thought it would be! Hope you (and everyone else) likes it! I just really liked the idea of him trying to keep a whole entire pregnancy hidden. rated T | AO3 | 3.1k
Killian left the hospital feeling—-well, the worst he had in a long while. Perhaps he’d been rash in trying to get Henry out of town without his mother’s permission, but it was the only way he could think of to get around Zelena’s curse on his lips. 
Worse, though, was the fact that he’d lost the trust of not just Emma, but her family. It wasn’t entirely his fault—but some of it was.
It’d been clear he wasn’t needed or wanted at the hospital after it appeared Snow was going into labor, but it ended up being a false alarm; thank goodness, as they were far from prepared to protect the babe from the witch.
After a rather long moment of self-flagellation—in the form of watching the family take a well-deserved breath together in Snow’s hospital room, something he’d never be part of now—he shuffled off without goodbye, into the night.
His feet found him instinctively wandering toward the docks—further reminder of his shame, but he wanted to wallow in it tonight, punish himself further; it was what he deserved.
The vacant berth that had once held his ship was a fairly accurate metaphor for how he felt: empty, adrift, far from port, with only the churning sea to match his jumbled emotional state. He took a swig of rum, but the familiar burn did nothing for him.
“I warned you.”
He didn’t even flinch when he heard Zelena’s voice behind him; honestly, he expected it.
“It was pure luck they all showed up when they did. Otherwise, you’d have some more blood on your hands,” she went on, heeled footsteps sounding as she approached his side.
“The bloody hell do you want?” He was annoyed, but his reply had none of its usual bite.
“I want what I came here for. But now that you’ve told all the Charmings what my intention for you was, and now that they have their memories back, that’s all been dashed. Highly doubt the Savior is letting you get anywhere near her now.”
His heart somehow fell further, and it had already been near his feet. “No, I don’t imagine she will,” he concurred; were he and Emma’s situations reversed, he couldn’t say he wouldn’t do the same.
“That said, I still need your help to continue my plans.”
“Like hell,” he spat, then began to walk away—but she was suddenly in his path.
“Let me put it this way, Captain—you have two choices,” Zelena told him. “Either you can help me, and I leave Emma’s family alone,” she started, holding up one hand, “or I continue to go after all of them, no holds barred,” she finished, holding up the other. “It’s entirely your choice.”
Neither option was ideal. Knowing that Zelena basically wanted to wipe out the existence of Regina and Snow (and, consequently, Emma and Henry), he was loath to aid her in any way, shape, or form—especially considering she had no leverage anymore. 
But perhaps, if he did take her offer, he’d be able to find a way to subvert it—and redeem himself in their eyes.
“Fine,” he replied, albeit reluctantly. “I’ll help. Do whatever you need with me. But you must leave Snow, Emma, and their family alone.”
The wicked grin that took over her face should have been his warning. “Then we have a deal, contingent on one thing: you’re to actually keep it a secret this time.”
“Done.” It’s not like they’d listen to him, anyway.
She offered her hand to him to shake on it; he moved closer and took it. “It’ll be a pleasure doing business with you, Captain,” she said slyly.
He tried to let go of her hand, but she held tight. And her other hand began to glow that awful garish green, now held outstretched in front of her.
“What are you doing?” he asked, suddenly worried.
“What we just agreed on,” she answered, her eyes wide and seeming slightly unhinged. “Using you to get what I need.”
Then she swiftly stepped forward and shoved the ball of magic into his stomach. He hunched over for a moment, a slight cramping taking over, but then it dissipated, merely leaving him slightly sore. “What did you do?” he demanded, slightly out of breath.
“I still need a baby,” she said matter-of-factly. “So now you’re going to provide it.”
He wasn’t sure he’d heard her right. “That’s impossible,” he breathed, though his hand immediately flew to his stomach once she let go. “I’m—I’m a man.”
“Anything’s possible with magic,” she sing-songed.
His insides certainly felt different; that could be anything, though. “But won’t that take a while?” he asked, trying to call her bluff. “You’ve always struck me as the impatient type.”
“I am. Which is why this is going to go just a bit faster than usual. You only have to keep that under wraps for about 10 days.”
Shit—he’d already forgotten about that part, he’d been so distracted by the absolute insanity of what she’d apparently done. “How the bloody hell am I supposed to keep something like that hidden?” His mind immediately went to Snow and the very obvious protrusion of her stomach.
“You’re resourceful; you’ll figure it out.”
“Where did it even come from?” he nearly shouted, incredulous.
“The same place they all do,” she shrugged, but there was a glint of something else in her eye. “See you soon!” she farewelled, then disappeared in a cloud of green smoke, leaving him alone to figure out just what he’d gotten himself into—and what to do next.
Part of Killian was convinced Zelena had been lying, playing some kind of cruel trick on him. Magic aside, it just didn’t seem possible. He fell into a deep slumber that night in his rented room, and the following morning, just chalked it up to an incredibly vivid dream, or perhaps the result of too much rum.
But at some point that day, he noticed a bit of nausea settle over him. He wanted to attribute it to something slightly off in Granny’s seafood special, especially when he found himself making a mad dash for the toilet around midday (making sure to take his meals at off times—hours he knew he wouldn’t see Emma there, mainly to avoid both her ire and his shame). But he’d been through his fair share of food poisoning—and this wasn’t it.
For starters, food poisoning usually ended. This, however, kept going. All that night and into the next morning. He left his room long enough to try to get something simple from Granny’s—just some bread or oatmeal—but even that wouldn’t stay down. Oddly, the only thing that sounded even vaguely palatable was sardines, of all things; he thought longingly back to the store of them on the Jolly Roger, but they were obviously inaccessible at the moment.
(He did manage to keep his stomach calm enough to run out to the convenience store and purchase some, as well as some ginger tea—and took a long, hard look at the devices that apparently verified pregnancy. However, he moved on from them; time would surely tell.)
The nausea continued to follow him through the afternoon, but the ginger tea helped a bit. Still, though, he was surprised by the urgent knock at his door that evening—the end of the second day of the 10 that Zelena had foretold—as he flushed the latest bit of bile down the toilet.
“Hook? What’s wrong?”
He blinked and stared at the door before he answered; it was Emma—and she sounded concerned. That was a far cry from their last interaction.
Slowly, he opened the door; she looked like she’d been about to knock again, and indeed, there was a worried furrow to her brow. “‘M fine, love,” he told her, though his voice tiredly betrayed him.
“Please; I’ve heard you puking all day. These walls are thin. What’s up?”
“Just drank a bit too much,” he lied, staring at the floor. (Even the thought of rum made his stomach churn.)
“You know I know that’s not true.” He had no counter to that. “Well, whatever you have going on, just—take care of yourself, okay?”
“I always do,” he threw back.
“I know.” It looked like there were a multitude of things on the tip of her tongue, but she hesitated too long to say them. “Get some rest, okay? Have a good night.”
“You too, Swan.”
She headed back into her room across the hall, but he closed his door before she went away. He didn’t know how to interpret her care versus her statements to the contrary the other day.
Besides, his stomach turned again, so he had to make another mad dash off. 
Not much later, another knock came to his door; Ruby had brought him some soup. “Heard you might need it,” she said; he had to wonder whether that was her own preternaturally strong hearing or some other voice whispering in her ear, but he was just grateful for the gesture.
Amazingly, it finally stayed down, and though the nausea lingered, he at least didn’t find himself losing anything else in the toilet. 
His sleep that night was the deepest it had been since he had arrived back in Storybrooke.
He felt surprisingly well rested the next morning—almost normal, though there seemed to be a weight that had settled in his stomach deep within, not unlike the guilty feeling he was used to carrying around for all these centuries. Perhaps the previous days had merely been an anomaly? A stomach illness?
David stopped by during the morning and invited him out on some rounds. He had no reason to refuse, regardless of whatever Zelena may or may not have done to him, so he joined in—especially because he could see it for the olive branch it was, even if it was never specifically stated as one. 
David did seem a bit lighter than he had in days past; he said Snow and the baby were still doing well, and the fact that no one had seen the witch had them somewhat worried, but also finally felt like they could breathe for a bit.
If that was the case, then Killian had few regrets in his deal with the witch—though he hadn’t yet figured out a way to thwart her plans, especially without seeking help.
If he still needed to, at least. He wasn’t wholly convinced that she’d actually done anything to him. The only real difference he noticed in anything that day was the return of his appetite, in dramatic fashion; he was never one for gluttony, and propriety (as well as manners lessons back in the naval academy) demanded he never overindulge and eat politely, but he devoured his breakfast and lunch in record time. He was getting over a stomach bug, though—right?
Were it not for that, and the persistent dense feeling in his gut, he’d still think Zelena was messing with his head. A man giving birth? Preposterous.
However, after bathing that night, he caught something in his reflection that likely confirmed he was with child: it wasn’t significantly noticeable, but when viewed in profile, there was a curve to his belly that hadn’t been there earlier, just behind his navel. And while he could partly attribute it to the copious french fries with his dinner, the very tiny wiggles he felt inside were definitely not from digestion.
“Fuck,” he cursed. He gently traced it, knowing that this was only the beginning of what was to come. But—it would still be worth it if it meant Emma’s family was left alone.
The next morning, after another rather large breakfast, he headed to the library; Belle was still doing research on ways to thwart Zelena’s plans, so he decided to offer his aid. They’d come to a tenuous peace in the time since Neal had passed away—and, really, it was his only plan so far towards defeating the witch without revealing the reason for her sudden pause in assault.
(He may have had to loosen the laces of his vest a bit in order to avoid revealing it in other ways; his stomach was somewhat larger in the morning, but one would still have to look very closely to notice the difference.)
Belle did seem a bit surprised at his offer of help when he arrived—she said she assumed he’d be out doing reconnaissance with the Charmings—but seemed glad to have another set of eyes on the ancient tomes she’d been poring through.
After a couple hours of fruitless searching—having no particular theory on how to stop the spell, they were casting a wider net when it came to neutralizing magic—he got up to stretch his legs (and ease the bit of ache that had settled in his hips). He wandered the stacks a bit, the naval officer in him still in awe of all the knowledge they held. Perhaps someday, he’d have the time to more thoroughly peruse their contents, but he did have a somewhat ulterior motive for heading to the library today.
“The pregnancy books?” He jumped when Belle found him skimming a volume entitled What to Expect When You’re Expecting; shit.
“I’ve been…curious, is all,” he replied, quickly and bashfully. “We never had this kind of information in our realm, and with Snow…”
“I get it,” Belle replied, thankfully. “It’s overwhelming how much more they know here, isn’t it?”
“Aye,” he sighed, glad she believed his quick cover.
She just smiled when he brought it back to the table. He didn’t read it too in-depth—gods only knew he was about to devour it later, probably far too late into the night—but he did skim it and—oh no.
It just got worse and worse. He finally got to the chapter on labor, and all it entailed; all he could say was “bloody hell.” Oh, he was in for it.
Belle was reshelving books and glanced over his shoulder—and laughed. “Yeah, that was my reaction the first time I looked through it,” she told him. “What? I was curious too,” she added when he raised an eyebrow at her in question. “Good thing you won’t ever be pregnant, eh?”
He swallowed, and paused for probably too long a moment before muttering out a “Yeah, thank goodness.” Then quickly reached for another magic book and shoved the medical manual aside.
(He didn’t see Belle’s furrowed brow at the delay in his answer—or the sidelong glances at how quickly he ate his lunch.)
Sometime that afternoon, Henry popped in, inviting him to join in a sparring session with him and David out behind Granny’s. Again, he was touched, and hoped the lad didn’t notice the sudden wetness of his eyes. Were it not for that book, he’d wonder where that had come from, but apparently heightened emotions were a thing he had to look forward to.
It felt nice to get a workout, and the verbal battle between him and David as they taught Henry differing styles of fighting was just as entertaining. They were sharing a laugh when they were suddenly asked, “What’s so funny?”
He stiffened and turned, to see Emma standing off to the side, smiling at them—though it didn’t fully reach her eyes. 
“David’s idea of properly blocking a parry,” he replied. “It works fine if you’re fighting someone who plays by the rules.”
“Which I’m guessing you don’t?”
“What fun is that?” he flirted back.
Her subsequent smile (and blush) was genuine. The sudden southward rush of his blood, though, was caused by something far different—and he just hoped no one noticed it.
They put away the practice weapons and headed into the diner, but Emma grabbed his arm and held him back. “Hey, I just wanted to say—I’m sorry for what I said the other day.”
He tilted his head, confused. “Beg your pardon?”
“About not trusting you,” she clarified. “I was upset at what had just happened. You haven’t really given us any reason to doubt you; I was just jarred by everything that had happened with the witch there, and you were an easy target. But you didn’t deserve that.”
“I…” he started, but found himself speechless—and attempting to hold back tears once more. “Thank you, love,” he finally said, sounding a bit more emotional than he’d like. “I’m…I’m glad to hear that, and I hope you never have reason to doubt my intentions again.”
“I know I won’t,” she said confidently, and there was a confidence to that statement that had him in awe. 
Which made it all the worse that he was holding in—quite literally—an actual, fairly large secret. 
(Well, only about the size of a grapefruit yet, according to the book, but—semantics.)
They invited him to dine with him—not taking his weak excuse at being tired—and conversation over their meal seemed to focus on future plans, even though Snow’s imminent birth still loomed. The oddest part, though, was they seemed to automatically include him in these plans. Gods above, he appreciated it, but hopefully they wouldn’t think it too odd when he had to inevitably bow out in a couple days, if not sooner. 
He decided to get some practice in that by making an early exit from dinner. “You okay?” Emma asked, seemingly worried. 
“What, is that tap Henry gave you on the shoulder acting up?” David joked. 
“Indeed,” he played along, rubbing his left bicep in feigned emphasis. “Best rest it up.” (In truth, he was sore, but not there—more around his midsection—and he needed to get back to the book to find out why).
“See you tomorrow,” Emma said with a soft smile; he could only nod back. 
Guilt was yet again plaguing him when he returned to his room. That didn’t stop his sigh of relief, though, when he undid his vest; he felt around his stomach, and it was definitely bigger than it was this morning, though still fairly small (and therefore easy to hide).
Perhaps he had indeed been too rash when he made this deal with Zelena. As much as Emma and her family had written him off in the moment, he too had underestimated their capacity for forgiveness. But no—anything that kept them out of danger was worth it, even if he still wasn’t wholly confident in what lay ahead of him, or how to ensure the witch didn’t succeed.
As if sensing his worries, the small life within gave a strong kick, one he could almost feel from the outside. It was a solid reminder that there was no going back on this.
He just hoped he could get through it with little issue.
thank you so much for reading! tagging a few: @wyntereyez @jennjenn615 @superadam54 @ashley-knightingale @justsomewhump @teamhook @mathiaskejseren @88infinity88
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funnibuni · 11 months
Sick days :(
TW: none!! Just fluff(again)
Today started off pretty rough. You woke up with a headache and you were extremely cold but also hot. You felt sensitive and drowsy but that didn’t stop you from getting up and getting ready. You had plans today and you didn’t want to miss them plus they were with your favorite person! The headache didn’t leave you and instead made the situation worse, every time you turned your head there was pounding, it sucked, you left the house still cold and light headed
“Hi neighbor!” A familiar voice chirped
You turn to the side and you are met with a familiar face! Wally Darling!
“O-oh…hey Wally!” You said, still exhausted
“Are you okay neighbor?” He said worryingly
You huffed and said “yea I’m fine just…just got a headache!”
“C’mere” he said looking at you
You leaned to get to his level and he put his hand on your forehead.
“Oh golly gee! You have a fever!” He said shocked
“Let’s get you home!” He added on
“N-no I’m fine! Just a headache that’s all!” You tried to say reassuringly but that wasn’t enough to stop Wally from grabbing your hand and taking you home.
He stomped inside and took you to your upstairs to your bedroom, he had grabbed your pajamas from your bed and gave them to you
“Change back into these and I’ll go get something!” He said giving the clothes to you
“Ah- okay” you said watching him dashing out of your room.
You quickly changed into them and laid in bed waiting and then he came in with an ice pack and some medicine
“Where’d you find these..?” You said confused as you couldn’t remember if you had bought medicine or not.
“I always have them in handy! Just for purposes like this!” He said, patting your head.
He said down next to you and laid your head down on your pillow while giving you some medicine
“Are you hurting anywhere?” He said looking at your body
“No, it’s alright…don’t worry” you said looking at him with a soft smile, gently caressing his hand.
Wally patted your head and asked
“Do you need anything else?” He said looking at you
“No I don’t think so…” you said unsure
“Ah okay well if you need anything just call me okay?” He said getting up
“Wait-“ you said grabbing the end of his cardigan causing him to halt, he turned
Your cheeks started to heat up
“W-well Uhm…” you looked to the side wondering why you did such a thing?!
“Hm?” He responded
“Do you mind…uh laying with me? I usually feel lonely so…?” You said as your voice started to get a little shaky
Wally giggled and looked at you with the most caring smile you’ve ever seen, it made your heart flutter
“Of course neighbor! I would never want you to be lonely!”
He sat down next to you and soon tucked himself underneath the blankets with you, you soon wrapped your arms around him and slowly pulled him closer to you. Wally had accepted that he might be here longer than intended but he didn’t mind.
You soon fell asleep in his arms and Wally looked at you treasuring every last moment he got to spend with you, admiring your beauty.
“You really are the apple of my eye..” he whispered smiling
(Hello! Author here! I’m so sorry for not posting in a while! School has gotten a little more exhausting then usual! I deeply apologize!!)
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trikruismybitch · 8 months
Funny Prompts
* “Listen, (name) would underatand cause (pronoun) has realistic expectations of what I am. And what I am is sexy trash.”
* “It seemed like a good idea at the time. I have terrible judgment.”
* “That’s not me.” “That’s not you?” “Nope.”
* “Ugh, as if!”
* “I feel comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life.” (Something happens) “I object!”
* “What am I allergic too?” “Pine nuts....and the full spectrum of human emotions.”
* “I would have given everything to be exactly like everyone else.” *scoffs* “You wanted to be petty and dishonest?”
* “I’m surrounded be idiots.”
* “The only thing going down is your husband in another women.”
* “You will never rise from the ashes of your shame and humiliation!”
* “It’s not my fault you dated a bunch of losers till you met me.”
* “I’ll admit that sometimes I tune people out but mostly because they rarely have anything useful or interesting to say!”
* “It is possible to be right and foolish.” 
* “I may not always be right, but I am never wrong.”
* “Badges? We ain’t got no badges? We don’t need no badges! I don’t have to show you any stinking badges!”
* ”just when I thought I was out they pull me back in.”
* "People are weird. When we find someone with weirdness that is compatible with ours, we team up and call it love.”
* "You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
* “It’s just a flesh wound” “Your bleeding out!”
* “I am serious and don’t call me Sherley.”
* “Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.”
* “I learned a long time ago that worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere.”
* "If I wasn't terrified of heights, I'd like this. But, I'm terrified of heights, so I don't like this."
* "Liar! Try me again, and I promise you that you and I are gonna have a Middle Passage experience, a fight for survival, and I will win. Have I made myself clear? Clear?"
* "That's it, Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family! Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow!"
* “(Name), You Have The Right To Remain Silent. What You Lack Is The Capacity."
* “That’s like a big misconception. I’m not shy! I just don’t speak if I don’t have anything to say.”
* “I refuse to answer that on the grounds of I don’t want to.”
* “Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.”
* “It’s not bragging if it’s true.”
* “She is more like “girl with dragon tattoo" than “the girl next door”
* “I'm (Name). I know everything.”
* “I will slap the taste out of your mouth.”
* “Give me a mountain, I’ll climb it. Give me a Katy Perry song, I’ll sing it.”
* “You think you can rattle me I am un-ratable.”
* “There is no such thing as bad ideas. Just poorly executed awesome ideas.”
* “(Name) smiles. Alert the media!”
* “You know, I look at you and I see myself. A less dashing, less intelligent version.”
* “Some girls just can’t resist my good looks, my style and my charm, and my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift.”
* “Hopefully your hero hair hasn’t fallen out by then.”
* “I was ambushed. I was shot. Now, I’m vengeful.”
* “Kiss me or kill me. We both know you’re only capable of one.”
* “I’m a terrible liar… I’m even worse at duplicity.”
* “I’ve been dead before. I got over it.”
* “I’m lost… metaphorically, existentially.”
* “Impressive, you’re like Sherlock Holmes with brain damage.”
* “We have Nirvana, Nine Inch Nails, Boyz II Men…(Name).”
* “When 9 Russians tell you you’re drunk, you lie down.”
* “And you’ve hot your complaint quota for the day. Congratulations you are officially the worst.”
* “No one is going to respect you until you show them who you really are, so if you wear old lady choker scarves, you're going to get old lady goats.”
* “Have I mentioned that I've had a rotten couple of months?”
* “Oh come on, (name), for once in your immortal life can you not be so noble?”
* “Careful, Sabine, or Celeste, or whatever you like to call yourself. Sudden moves make me jumpy and homicidal.”
* “Remind me to annihilate your brother once you're healthy.” “Yes, remind me to remind you to get in line.”
* “I thought I told you to stay put” “well I hate being told what to do so I ignored you.”
* “The only thing delicate about you is your ego” “When placed beside the behemoth size of yours, certainly.”
* “You and I on the same team. It must be Christmas.”
* “(name) isn't dead yet? Well, good on them! I love a good survival story!”
* ”dull, dreary, hideous” “You talking about the clothes or something else?” “Why, are you feeling insecure?”
* “There, there, little lambs. Us girls have got to stick together.”
* “Option one, go about your business like a good little boy. Option two, violent disembowelment. What’s it going to be?”
* “I know I called you bro, but I lowkey wanna marry you.”
* “I love making people who already hate me, hate me more.”
* “I’m not rude, your just not used to being around honest people.”
* “once I start taking my own advice it’s over for you bitches.”
* “I have multiple personalities and none of them like you.”
* “I’m being nice to you. Have I stabbed you? No.”
* “Don’t confuse my personality and my attitude. My personality is who I am, but my attitude? That depends on you.”
* “If you want me to control my temper you better control your stupidity.”
* “It’s okay if you don’t like me, not everyone has good taste.
* “I’m so glad you stopped talking to me, it’s like the trash took itself out.”
* “If I was meant to be controlled I would’ve come with a remote.”
* “I know looks aren’t everything but I have them just in case.”
* “I rolled my eyes so hard, I just checked out my own ass.”
* “You think I’m crying about you? No I’m crying about all the time I wasted on you.”
* “You say you hate me, but you still watch me the most, it’s pathetic.”
* “You hate my attitude? *laughs* Then report me to whocares.com.”
* “If you tell me not to do something, I’ll do it twice and take pictures.”
* “Scars heal” “No they don’t wounds heal” “Oh yeah. What do scars do? They fade I guess?” “I don’t care what scars do.” “You should (name)”
* “You amuse me, I will make you mine.”
* (Name does/says something cute) “You know I once saw a really fat baby giving Eskimo kisses to a kitten and that was more adorable.”
* “I want to know how the fuck this happened, when the fuck, why the fuck and what the fucking fuck."
* “Do I regret it, yes. Would I do it again? Probably.”
* “If you were my wife I’d put poison in your coffee.” “If you were my husband I’d drink it.”
* “Being attractive doesn’t preclude being intelligent” “so your saying your not attractive smart“ “No, I happen to be both.”
* “I don’t apologize because I never make mistakes.”
* “Goodmorning” “goodmorning” “goodmorning, not you, you can choke” “wait happened?” “I ate their last cookies” “THEY WERE SPECIAL COOKIES!”
* “if you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.”
* “No I checked my receipt, I didn’t buy any of your bullshit.”
* “the difference between pizza and your opinion is that I asked for pizza.”
* “don’t like me? have seat with the rest of the bitches waiting for me to give a fuck."
* “If you listen closely, you can hear me not caring.”
* “You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.”
* *insults R* “Why are you laughing?” “I always laugh when people try to hurt my feelings as if I have any.”
* “I hope Karma slaps you in the face before I do.”
* “Sweetheart, I’m as sweet as sugar, hard as ice. If you hurt me once, I’ll kill you twice.”
* “What’s the problem? I don’t have a problem, I have multiple problems. Plural. Wanna hear?
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question: If Prime Shadow (of what we know of him so far) ever met the Wachowski family, what would his reaction be?
Meet the Wachowski’s
Shadow has always seen the unchanging.
On the Ark, nothing ever changed. A strict routine, and the view hardly alters, with the view of the earth only changing slightly. The stars seemed to never move, and even the asteroids were starting to look familiar.
This feeling of unchanging continues in the void. It was new and interesting at first, but Shadow had quickly lost interest. How long has he been stuck here? He isn’t quite sure. But every now and then, something changes. But that change is something he’s familiar with, so is it really a change at all?
Sometimes he sees Sonic being flung through space, sometimes he sees glimpses of him when he runs fast enough.
However there’s another change, much rarer. Sometimes a shutter passes by, but he can never get close enough before it disappears.
Today Shadow will make an effort. He wants to get somewhere. Anywhere. This void will drive him insane if he sticks around any longer! Using the shards around him for extra boost and footing, then activating his air shoes, Shadow wanders further than he had when he first got here. Suddenly he feels gravity pulling him off his course, and he is pulled into some kind of wormhole. Shadow shields his eyes from the swirling colours and discomfort. He also curls into a tight ball, fearing that the gravity may pull him apart.
And then he’s falling. He uncurls to check what’s happening, and he sees a bunch of trees rapidly getting closer. Shadow enters a spin dash to break his fall and he crashes into the ground, which causes a crater to form around him. Some rocks are cracked in half, and some tree trunks have a crack going halfway up.
Shadow tries to quickly gather his thoughts and figure out his surroundings. Yeah, he doesn’t know where he’s at. Just before he’s able to even stand up to explore more, he hears voices approaching. Shadow stands up and balls his fists tightly, ready to take on whoever is coming.
“I think it came from over here!” One voice said.
“I hope a tree hasn’t fallen.” A second voice, but deeper says.
Shadow can’t believe his eyes. It’s Knuckles and Sonic. Shadow sees red. That blue bastard! He sprints forward, grabs Sonic, then pulls him along with him. Sonic isn’t even able to scream or realize what’s happening. Knuckles is trying his best to follow, but whoever took his brother is much faster than he is.
Shadow reaches a clearing in the woods and throws Sonic to the ground. Sonic looks up at the hedgehog looming over him.
“Who are you??” Sonic is super confused.
“Don’t play stupid with me, Sonic.”
“Dude I legit have no idea who you are!”
“Save it. You think you can just destroy our world then move on?”
Sonic gets to his feet “look, I don’t want to fight you. What’s going on?”
Shadow sneers, his rage clouding his judgement. Sonic receives a nasty punch to the face. Sonic holds his cheek and punches back.
The two begin wrestling. Sonic begins charging up his chaotic energy. Shadows eyes widen and he takes a step back “how are you doing that?” at first he’s appalled Sonic has been hiding this flashy ability, but then he gets a closer look: this Sonic is shorter than he remembers, and he has blue arms. He takes a step back, and Sonic calms down. Shadow realizes that this Sonic also looks younger.
Sonic stands stiffly, ready to take on any more incoming attacks “who are you? How do you know my name? What world have I destroyed?”
Shadow realizes one last thing: this ain’t his Sonic!
“My apologies. I think I have you mixed up with someone else.” Shadow immediately has a less scary aura surrounding him.
Sonic still isn’t sure about this guy.
Shadow feels awkward now. Whoops.
Then a red force of extraterrestrial nature comes full force right at him, and Shadow is send flying, crashing straight through a couple trees.
“Holy crap!” Sonic rushes to stand between Shadow and Knuckles “relax, it was a misunderstanding!”
Knuckles looks at Sonic, and the red sparks go away. He trusts Sonic’s judgement, but he doesn’t trust the guy who just ran off with his little brother. Sonic goes to the stranger and helps him up “you ok?”
Shadow groans, holding his ribs “I’m alright.”
Sonic brings Shadow back to the clearing, “you gonna tell us who you are, now?”
“Is that a nickname or is that your actual name.”
“I was given the name Shadow when I was created.”
Sonic and Knuckles look at each other. ‘Created’ is a weird word to use.
Sonic looks back at Shadow and asks “how do you know my name?”
Shadow stretches, already feeling better. “I think I might have travelled from another universe.. more accurately, I came from a void. I used to have a universe, but then the you I know broke it. He shattered a brightly coloured gem and next thing I knew, I was in a void surrounded by shards. I’m sorry for attacking you. I’m now going to save my energy for my Sonic who desperately needs a beating for this stunt. That r-reckless..” he sighs, clearly hurt by what this other Sonic had done, “I’m sorry, I’ve said too much.”
Knuckles approaches “do not be sorry. I do not blame you for wanting to kick Sonics butt, especially under your particular circumstance. However. You still hurt my brother. That cannot be forgiven immediately.”
Shadow blinks. “Brother..?” This is new. He never really thought about those two having a brotherly relationship.
Sonic zips to Shadows side “don’t worry, Shads, your confusion is completely normal! Everyone we know that’s from another universe is always shocked to hear that Knuckles and I are brothers, and that we were adopted by human parents!”
“You have PARENTS?!” Shadow is flabbergasted! “Is Tails your brother too?”
The two nod. Shadow feels some relief, at least that’s familiar.
Sonic gestures for Shadow to follow him “come with us! If there’s anyone who can help you, it’s Tails! But be warned! He’s not great with strangers!”
Shadow rolls his eyes “he’ll be fine.”
“Maybe he will, but you might not be.” Knuckles points out. Shadow feels a sense of worry, “what do you mean?”
Sonic suddenly has the biggest smile “HE HIT KNUCKLES WITH A CAR”
It’s just one shock after another with these people! Shadow has no idea what to do with this info. He’s maintained his usual poker face pretty well up until now. His jaw is slightly dropped. Shadow wonders what kind of place he’s ended up where Tails is hitting people with cars.
They make it to the house, and Tom is there waiting for them.
Tom looks at Shadow and Shadow looks at him. Tom is used to aliens in his house by now, but this is a completely different guy. “Who’s this?” Tom asks his son. Sonic stands between Tom and Shadow. He gestured to Shadow, “Dad, this is Shadow. He spawned in the forest!” Then to Tom, “Shadow, this is my dad.”
“I’m Tom, nice to meet you.” Tom offers his hand to shake, which Shadow slowly takes.
“Father, where is Tails?” Knuckles is getting right to the point here!
“Tails is with your mom at the convenience store. While you two were gone, Tails was very upset to figure out that he had eaten all of his mints, so he and Mom are getting more so he doesn’t explode, snap, or attempt to disassemble the fridge.. again.”
Sonic turns to Shadow “well, guess we’re waiting a little bit! Come with me! I have questions!!” he smiles and grabs Shadow by the wrist then drags him up to the attic with Knuckles close behind. “Welcome to my room! It’s also Tails’ room, but it was my room first!” Sonic starts jumping on his bed. Shadow takes in what’s in front of him.
“What’s other me like?” Sonic asks. Shadow saw this coming, so he planned an explanation in his head, “the Sonic from my universe is a big hearted fool who trusts far too easy. He tends to act on impulse and disregard the worries of those around him, including Tails who I heard warning him before he shattered the world. Things must go a certain pace for him to stay sane, but he takes detours from his goal.” Shadow notices Sonics sad face, and sighs “..however, Sonic has helped me through some tough situations. He has demonstrated the ability to reach peoples hearts. His priority has always been to help others. I don’t know how he manages it, but what I do know is that he will face deadly impossible odds over and over again, not caring if it will kill him. He has beaten those odds every single time. I guess I should have more faith in him..”
“Sonic has helped me through tough times as well. He ran into certain death with honour.” Knuckles recounts, thinking back to their rivalry and battle against Robotnik. Shadow nearly cracks the tiniest smile as he says “ah, that idiot.”
Sonic wonders why he is the way he is. Why does he run into deadly situations? Maybe that’s a thought for another time.
Knuckles now wonders about his other self “what about me?”
Shadow thinks “Knuckles is a loner. He is usually guarding the Master Emerald alone, but I do occasionally see him when Dr. Eggman attacks, or is causing trouble. I respect him. And Tails, because I know you will ask, is-“
SPEAK OF THE DEVIL!! Tails has appeared in the attic hatch. When Tails notices Shadow, he freezes up, and twirls his tails to look like a single one. He stands closer to Knuckles and keeps his eyes locked on Shadow.
Sonic wasn’t kidding when he said Tails wasn’t very good with strangers. With no adrenaline or preparation, he’s defensive and shy.
“Tails, this is Shadow.” Knuckles offers his hand for Tails to hold, which Tails refuses.
Awkward already.
Sonic breaks the awkward silence “Shadow here is from another universe that was broken by another me, and has apparently been in the void since. We found him in the forest!”
Tails’ interest is piqued! But not enough to get comfortable with this guy juuuust yet.
Shadow realizes that if he wants to get anywhere, he needs to gain Tails’ trust.
His thoughts are interrupted by Knuckles holding up Shadows arm, “why do you wear rings?” Knuckles asks, “is it a cultural thing?” Shadow takes his arm out of Knuckles’ grip and holds out his wrist for him to see “they’re called inhibitor rings. I wear them to limit my power.”
Sonics face shifts to concern “wait wait wait hold on-“ the others look at him, “so you’re telling me that your crazy speed and strength isn’t your full power?!”
Shadow half nods. Sonic’s jaw drops.
Tails’ interest is further piqued! Enough to ask a question! “Shadow, do you know anything about the void you came from?”
“There are floating crystal shards everywhere. Sometimes I see a shuttle-“
“Shuttle? What colour is it? What shape is it?”
“Everything has a purple hue, but I assume it’s red. It’s also round.”
Tails gasps “I think you’re from the same universe as Nine then!!”
Shadow furrows his eyebrows “who’s Nine?”
“He’s another me! He’s also looking for Sonic! It’s been a while.. I wonder if he found him!”
Shadow thinks about the possibility of there being more than one Tails in his universe, and the thought alone makes him feel immensely annoyed.
“That’s absurd. Why would there be more than one Tails?”
Tails shrugs and gets on his M.E. where he has kept data and code from each universe that he has visited or has come to visit him.
Sonic chills out behind Tails then turns to Shadow, “hey Shads-“
“Don’t call me that.”
“You never finished telling us about what your Tails is like!”
Shadow lets out a “hm.” as he thinks about the kindest way to go about this. He doesn’t want to invoke this kids wrath and get hit with a car. He formulates a response in his head that comes out as “I don’t hate him, but he’s just a smaller version of Sonic with a brain.” The look he gives makes the others, especially Tails, uncomfortable. They can tell that he isn’t too fond of the fox. Shadow wonders what he said wrong! Why are they looking at him like that? Shadow says “I don’t talk to him a lot, but he’s a good kid, I guess.”
That makes things a little bit better.
Shadows social battery is draining faster by the second, and he’s getting impatient.
Tails has a lightbulb moment, “Shadow you said your world was broken, right? Can you tell me what happened? I have a small theory, but I need evidence to back it up! You don’t gotta explain every detail, but tell me what you feel is important to your situation.”
Shadow recalls what had happened, “a few days before the incident, my friend Rouge was talking about this rare gem called the Paradox Prism. She said it was powerful. I had no interest in any more powerful gems, so I declined to go with her. The day of, I was looking for something, when I was hit with a blast of blue energy, which no doubt came from Sonic. I ran into him later and we had a fight about it. The fool as always had his head in the clouds, but he looked panicked when we heard an explosion in the distance. I followed him shortly after, just in time to hear him being warned about not knowing what the gem does. When I showed up, Eggman almost had it out of the ground, and Sonic spin dashed into the gem. I sensed danger so I used Chaos Control to evade the blast. I ended up in the void I mentioned earlier, and upon further investigation, I discovered that by hitting that prism, he shattered the world.”
Tails listens closely and nods, “if I’m correct, and you’re from the same place as Nine, that might mean your world shattered into smaller worlds.”
Shadow crosses his arms and leans his back on the desk, “I believe you’re correct. Every now and then, whenever Sonic runs fast enough, I see him. A few times I’ve seen him in person being flung across the void, only to disappear in a flash of light.. I’m planning on throwing him off somehow.”
“Do you use the floating shards to get around, or can you just float in freedom?” Sonic asks, the question having rattled around in his brain for a bit. “A bit of both,” Shadow says, “I use the shards, and I use my air shoes to get around.”
“Air shoes?”
“Air shoes.” Shadow lifts his foot up and shows off his air shoes in function. The boys are amazed! Tails has so many questions, he’s bouncing in his seat. He taps his cheeks to regain focus and composure, "OK! I also think that when the world shattered, bits of your friends were shattered too! I think because Sonic was the one to break it, he became a 'creator'. That means there's only one of him! I don't know anything about the other worlds besides what Nine told me, so I can't confirm at this moment in time, but it's a hunch!" Tails says, logging what Shadow told him into his computer.
"Who is this Nine you keep mentioning. I know he's another you, but what else?" Shadow asks plainly. Tails' body language droops "he came from a world where Eggman won. No nature anywhere. He never had Sonic to save him from his bullies, so.. he just took it. He lives alone now. His attitude is not like mine, he's a lot more negative. He made himself 7 extra mechanical tails, hence his name being Nine."
"Yeah, he and I were both bullied for our extra tail. Your Tails might've too."
"Bullied.. how?" Concern grows in Shadow's tone.
Tails looks away to hide his face "U-uhm.. well it was common for me to be called a freak and for people to t-tug on my tails..."
Shadow feels the blood leave his face. Shit. If this Tails and his Tails suffered the same way, Shadow might have unintentionally triggered some terrible memories. No wonder the kid is so afraid of him! If he and his Tails ever meet again, he has some apologizing to do. It never occurred to him that during their fights, to Tails, it would be more to him than a regular fight if someone is grabbing his tails. He's aware he's rude to him, but he never intended to be a bully.
Shadow is getting dirty looks from Tails' older brothers. They don't like that he's making Tails talk about something that might be uncomfortable.
Shadow feels awkward again. He also feels like this is taking too long. So he takes out his chaos emerald and puts it on the desk directly in front of Tails. Tails picks it up and gives Shadow a questioning look. Shadow says "analyze this. Maybe it will help you." Tails hooks up some things to it and is blown away by the numbers he's receiving. This gem is insanely powerful. Just holding it he feels more powerful. Tails is able to analyze the cosmic genetic makeup of the universe it came from, and locate the last few locations Chaos Control was used judging by recent spikes of energy. He begins uploading the coordinates to his portal gun. Knuckles is looking mighty confused at how that chaos emerald is so big.
"Sit tight. This may take a while." Tails says, staring at the file transfer speed he desperately needs to fix one day.
Sonic saunters over to Shadow and smiles at him "wanna run to pass time?" Shadow thinks for a moment, trying to not look into Sonic's pleading eyes. Shadow finally sighs "fine.."
Sonic cheers and leads Shadow back downstairs. He yells to his parents in the kitchen "Mom, Dad, I'm taking Shadow on a run!" he doesn't wait for a response before opening the door and racing off with Shadow.
Sonic is so happy to find someone who can actually keep up with him at his normal speed. Tails and Knuckles are very fast, but Sonic always finds himself slowing down. This is a welcome change of pace.
Running has always been a huge comfort for Shadow. They're fun and they clear his mind. When he faced an identity crisis, running has always been there for him. Shadow is glad that he is able to run around again after floating for so long. He feels so free!
The two have a small chat about how great it feels to move before looping back to the house.
When they open the door, the smell of dinner hits them.
Sonic sniffs the air and turns to Shadow with a big smile "Oh! Shadow! You should eat! You've been in that void a long time, you must be hungry!"
Shadow hadn't realized how hungry he was until he could smell food. His mouth is watering. He is in no position to refuse, so he ends up joining the Wachowski's at the dinner table. The food is heavenly for a man starved.
Maddie is super happy to meet another one of her boys friends! Shadow isn't very talkative, and she respects that. She lets him eat before asking him any real questions. Her first question is "when was the last time you ate?"
Shadow responds "I don't know. I don't need to eat to survive, so I never started counting." Not eating would be super painful, but it wouldn't kill him. He's immortal. Unless his body is destroyed, he will not die.
"You say you don't need to eat to survive, and I recall you mentioned being created," Knuckles asks, "are you artificial?"
"Yes, but I am not a robot. I was made in a lab, and that's all I will say. I wasn't mistreated, but it brings up bad memories." Shadow answers, his face neutral. He is not going to tell these people his life story. What he said did answer any questions the others had.
Tom and Maddie were about to ask him about family, and they decide that may be a bad idea, if Shadow says he had bad memories of a lab.
Tails slips upstairs to check on the portal gun progress. He comes back down with the gun in one hand, and the chaos emerald in the other. He hands Shadow his emerald and says "it's done loading!"
Sonic playfully punches his little brothers shoulder "finally! Your NASA computer is slow!"
Tails looks at him confused "I didn't get my computer from NASA!"
"It's a joke, buddy."
"Ohh. Sorry."
"It's ok. Maybe next time it'll land."
Everyone gathers outside (Tails said it was the best location) and Tails fires the gun. The portal opens, and on the other side they see the void Shadow was talking about. It's strangely beautiful, but also very lonely looking.
With a sad concerned expression, Sonic asks Shadow "..you sure you want to go back?"
"I have to. If I want a chance to fix my world, I have to go back and find Sonic. Goodbye, and thank you for your hospitality."
"Bye, Shads." Sonic says.
"Take care." says Knuckles.
"Bye Shadow! If you see Nine, tell him I said hi!" says Tails.
"Be safe!" Maddie says.
"Take it easy." Tom says.
Shadow gives a small wave, clutches his emerald, takes a deep breath, and jumps into the portal.
The portal closes behind him, and Shadow is back to being alone, leaving behind the kind smiling faces.
Then he sees Sonic running. This is his chance.
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theothin · 3 months
"What the hell is the deal on Hylara?" compilation
Chapter 132: Drop
They’re small, almost a full head shorter than the average human, with wiry muscles visible under very little body fat. They both look to probably be in their twenties, although it’s difficult to be sure. Their eyes look unusually large, although that might just be because of their small heads; they have very long toes and large ears like the Khemin, although Hive and Max’s aren’t pierced for jewellery. They are… well, it would be wrong to call them bald, exactly, because a fine down seems to cover their entire bodies, thicker than normal body hair, thick enough to be clearly visible without obscuring the skin beneath. The hair on top of their heads is no thicker or longer than the hair anywhere else. Tal’s right; they do look kind of like aliens from some pre-Neocambrian story with a very limited special effects budget.
description of hylaran genetic engineering modifications
But their appearance isn’t the most shocking part. I’ve hung out with art house genepunks in university; these Hylarans look boring by comparison. No, the really shocking thing is that I know what they look like. The pair aren’t wearing space suits. I suppose they really meant what they said about believing the air to be non-toxic, because they’re just walking around in it. Their clothes consist of long silvery tunics with an odd iridescent sheen that must have Tal’s little zeelite heart all aflutter, and their feet are bare. They’re not even wearing eye protection. They are each shouldering what looks like an oxygen tank, and carrying them with the clear experience of people used to doing so. They’re each wearing a breathing mask, but not the airtight kind; they’re more like Captain Kae Jin’s mask, which is designed to give her extra oxygen without muffling her voice too much. Aside from a thick plastic-looking ring on their right ring fingers and a small pouch in their belt, they’re not carrying anything else.
out-of-colony attire
Chapter 133: Colony
Before we can respond, Max dashes forward and shakes our hands one by one, their thin digits dwarfed by our bulky space suit gloves. They speak into their own right hand to talk to us – those rings must have microphones and radio transceivers in them. “I’m so pleased to meet you all! I gotta say, I was pretty disappointed that Cattail here won radio rights; I cannot believe this is happening. The Courageous, appearing in our skies! And now you’re here! Come on, come on – let’s go home!” They grin excitedly, and I find myself grinning as well. “You should keep the helmets on,” Hive advises as we start walking, as if there was any chance that any of us would just decide to start breathing alien air when nobody else breathing is seems to have lived past age sixty. “There’ll be an infection risk until we’ve gotten our immune systems set up. Quarantine – I can’t believe we need to worry about quarantine. Or vaccinations.”
max tends to be more enthusiastic towards the landing party than hive
“That’s not the problem. This is a virus-free colony. People usually get their first viruses very young it helps train their immune system, but we don’t. Something completely benign for you could be deadly for us. The older people underwent a general vaccination booster program as they grew up, in expectation of your ship arriving, but after you were given up for dead it was considered a waste of resources. Over half of the colony had never been exposed to any virus or viral treatment at all before receiving your radio broadcast. Everyone’s undergoing treatment now, but it’ll take another week before we can be sure that we’re safe.”
why didn't they tell the courageous to wait another week before sending the landing party?
“We could have waited another week before coming down,” Captain Klees says, clearly trying and failing to not sound reproachful. “It would’ve been safer to wait until everyone had finished this treatment.” Hive shrugs again. “We’d need the doctor to run full pathology screens on you before direct contact could be considered safe anyway. That’ll take time. Shall we keep going?”
a question adin immediately raises, without much of an answer
And I already know it’s going to take longer than half an hour to get back. Because it took Hive and Max half an hour to get here, and they can move a lot faster than us, long toes moving them over the sand like they were made for it, even as they weave around the watery patches. They have a rapid conversation that I can’t hear, since it’s not over the radio, until Hive lifts their ring to ask us, “How many species of bees did your ship bring, do you know?” General puzzlement greets this question. Finally, Tinera asks, “Bees?” “Yes. Well, if you have a number for pollinators in general, that’s also good information. What would your estimate be?” After checking with the rest of us, Captain Klees says, “We don’t know. They’re all stored in the freezers. Next time we contact the Courageous, we can ask – ” “No, no,” Hive says hurriedly, “it’s not that important. I was just curious.”
hive wants to know the pollinator situation, but does not want the question to make it to the people still on the courageous
I glance over the barren landscape around us. Pollinators? Theory: they lost their insect species when they landed, or during transport, or perhaps to some disease afterward, it doesn’t matter. That would greatly limit plant ecology. You can feed four hundred people without pollinators, no problem; a population can be kept alive on algae, and there are many crops that either don’t require pollination or can be pollinated by hand and wind machines – but it does put serious limitations on what you can grow, especially if they want to populate the planet itself with plants outside the living domes. But if that’s the case, why not tell us over the radio before we came down? We could’ve brought some with us. Same as the vaccinations.
we later learn that they have no above-ground plants at all
there are a bunch of topics that they don't seem to want to mention in broadcasts to the ship, even while acknowledging them to the landing party. this was probably related to the earlier radio silence: the easiest way to avoid a topic is to not be communicating at all. but why?
I kick mud off my boot, and glance at the pair ahead of us, walking an alien world with no concession to the conditions besides an oxygen tank. Two liaisons for the suddenly appearing foreigners; one for the radio to the ship, one for the ground crew. After a sudden long radio silence on contact and a strange reticence afterward to tell the people coming to supply them what they actually need and where to deliver it. A cold sense of suspicion starts to pool in my stomach. Oh, no. We misread this so badly. We didn’t even consider this possibility.
aspen has an explanation for some of the oddities, but it's not complete
“So you guys have oxygen here, huh?” Tal asks, as if that’s a normal conversation starter. “Aspen says that means there’s aliens.” “I said that was the most logical explanation,” I add, in case I’m wrong and Tal has just made me look like an idiot in front of our new hosts. “Photosynthetic life is the only natural force that could be expected to generate this much oxygen.” The pair exchange a glance. “It’s complicated,” Hive says. “But pretty amazing,” Max adds. “I’ll show you guys around after Doctor Kim’s had a look at you. You’ll love it. You guys have been cramped up on a spaceship for years, right? This must be a great change of pace!
a strikingly vague response. is there life native to the planet, or not? both hive and max seem to have a reason to delay giving specifics, but why?
The space taken up by the colony is smaller than I would expect. Large enough to house the stated population very comfortably, but no obvious industry or vast tented farms. Many of the domes aren’t connected to each other, and as we get closer, I can see people moving between them, unprotected like Hive and Max. The domes themselves are whiter than the sand around, but not by much; they’re probably coated in mud or dust. More visible than the canvas of the domes is the gleam of metal some distance away – a metal door, it looks like, leading underground and wide enough to drive three trucks through. That’s probably where their power station is, if they lack the materials to build it safely aboveground. Nice and protected from any asteroids that do happen to land in the area. A network of power cables leads between the living domes and up the gentle slope where, some distance away, there sits a smaller, metal dome under a radio dish setup. Some parts of the setup look noticeably shinier and less weathered than other parts. Over some of the living domes, flatter roofs have been constructed to create slopes that lead into rainwater tanks. Some of the domes have repair patches on them or even, to my surprise, embroidery. Embroidery, in atmosphere-containing dome canvas! There’s not an airlock in sight. As I watch, a small child comes out of a dome with a jug, fills it up from a water tank, and goes back inside.
colony structure
I switch my radio to a private channel for just talking to Captain Klees. “Captain, we’ve seriously misread this situation.” “Misread how? Are we in danger?” “No. No, I don’t think anyone here would dare let any harm come to us. But I’ve figured out why they were so reluctant to tell us what they need, or accept our help.” “Why?” “Because they don’t need it. We expected to find a colony on the edge of their resources, struggling to survive long enough for help to arrive. We assumed they’d be low on dome canvas and their life support equipment would be wearing out. But look – they live in the air here. They drink the planet’s water. I don’t know how safe that is, exactly, but they clearly think it is; if anything, the most dangerous thing they’re facing right at this minute is the diseases that we might be carrying with us. I’m sure they want what we’ve brought; who wouldn’t? They don’t exactly appear to be swimming in spare resources down here, looking at the small size of their community. But they seem to be surviving just fine.”
aspen's reasoning: hylara doesn't have a pressing need for supplies from the courageous, therefore they're avoiding making requests because they're worried about getting their society supplanted
there's something to this - hylara is doing better than expected, and that's why they didn't need to be upfront about what they're looking for. but their resource situation is more complicated than aspen realized at this point, and that doesn't explain why they're so touchy about specific subjects
“Exactly. We came in as rescuers, but we’re not. From their perspective, we’re invaders. Foreign invaders who showed up on their shores with the openly declared intent to plant a population almost six times the size of theirs right in their home. We showed up with superior firepower, superior resources, and nowhere else to go but here.” “We don’t have firepower!” “Yes we do. They live in open-air tents and our entire task is to drop stuff from space. And now we’re a handful of representatives sent specifically to look at their colony and find out how to best fill it with our own. Is it any wonder that they went dark until they had to respond, and gave us a single liaison to talk to on the radio? Is it any wonder that they told but practically nothing that they didn’t have to? Is it any wonder that the people who live here do not want to talk to us?” We’ve reached the colony by this point. People who look and dress like our liaisons come out of their domes to stare at us. They all look curious. Very few of them look happy. Hive drives the vehicle right into an open-air tent containing several other vehicles and dismounts to plug a charging cable into it. Max grins widely at us and claps their hands together. “Alright! Let’s get you to Doctor Kim. Who’s first?”
most hylarans seem to be unhappy about the situation, with max as a rare exception
Chapter 134: Doctor
“So,” I ask over radio as Max leads me from the vehicle bay towards a nearby dome while the Friend tries to impress upon Hive the importance of disinfecting the vehicle bed we’d been in, “what’s this Dr Kim like?” “Oh, she’s great! A very… creative doctor.” “Creative?” Is creativity a trait we want in a doctor?
I don't even know what to make of this
Dr Kim has her visor down, probably reviewing my files or something, but flips it up when I come back and looks me up and down with a look so penetrating that I actually wish I had one of those hospital gowns they give you in hospital on Luna. For the first time in my life, I feel awkward about being naked. (Is this how Texans feel all the time?)
reviewing these chapters has me suspicious of every instance of aspen jumping to a conclusion. what was she actually reading?
“Then if you don’t mind, I’d like to run a nerve scan and see what condition the severed optic nerve is in. If it’s intact enough to attach to the donor eye, we can arrange to get that done. If not, we can discuss other options.” “… other options?” “No need to worry about that if the nerve’s repairable. Can you stick your head in the scanner? It’s over there.” I look at the big chunky box with a head-sized hole in it that she’s indicating. “Don’t I need to take a tracer or – ?” “This isn’t the stone age. The machine can scan just fine.”
this would be an extremely strange thing to lie about, but given that I don't trust kim's claims about the results of the scan, it's possible that she didn't even do a scan at all
“I’ll need some time to analyse this,” Dr Kim tells me, “but at first glance, I have to say, it doesn’t look promising. The doctors who did the extraction aren’t surgeons, are they?” “You can’t replace the eye?” “Probably not. Normally, with nerve destruction like this, I’d simply use a synthetic nerve, but synthetic nerves only really interface well with biological ones one-way. If this were a hand or a foot, that’s no problem; I could put the end of the nerves in the muscles themselves. But eyes are tricky. A lot of visual processing happens in the brain tissue in the back of the eye, and you don’t have that tissue. Replacing the eyeball won’t help, with this kind of nerve damage. My suggestion, if you don’t want to just live with the damage, would be bionics.”
possible, but not likely. she did recognize that removing the eye was a bit of a hack-job, but that doesn't mean she's telling the truth about needing a bionic eye. I'm not sure what she'd accomplish by lying about that, but it's not hard to imagine some benefit
“An artificial eye?” “Yes. Can program visual processing into the eye and connect it with synnerves, I need to look into it, but it should be fairly simple, medically. Are you interested?” “Um. Yeah. Honestly, any vision would be great. I don’t mind if the eye’s artificial.” “Excellent. Let’s run the other tests, and I’ll look into the eye issue and get back to you. Blow in that tube over there, please.”
she seems unusually invested in aspen agreeing to a bionic eye, more so than other topics
“We’re just doing a blood draw for the pathology tests today,” Dr Kim reminds me. “There’s no need to worry. This model’s a lot more advanced than what you’re probably used to; there’s no way for you to hurt yourself. Even if you struggle against the restraints, they’ll hold you perfectly still; you can’t break the needles.” She says this like it’s supposed to be reassuring. Me, I’m running calculations. An AutoDoc for a population of three hundred and ninety two people with three doctors. Doesn’t make sense, under normal circumstances, not with the maintenance involved. It does make sense if all those residents require a high level of medical care – maybe the colony gets sick a lot? Possibly, given that they’re using the planet’s air and water, which they probably started doing when their dome canvas integrity dropped and they ran out of replacement canvas, making keeping an isolated environment untenable. High cancer rate, or other health difficulties related to the planet’s chemistry? Possibly.
the mystery of the autodoc
“You must be relieved to finally be on a planet again, huh,” Dr Kim says as the machine takes my blood. “Pretty relieved. The ship isn’t in great condition.” “So I heard. Engine trouble.” “Among other things. It wasn’t designed to be in space this long.” “I suppose there’s a rush to get all the colonists down, then?” “I wouldn’t say a rush. There’s a certain level of urgency – sooner is better. But it has to be done right. Stable is better than fast.” “What do you mean by ‘stable’?” I turn my head to look at her. It’s an awkward angle, with my arms held fast by the machine. The blood draw has stopped, but the needles haven’t retracted. Dr Kim is watching me with that critical gaze she hit me with when I first stepped out of the shower. Watching carefully.
quite a power move. dr kim is clearly not enthusiastic about the colonists' arrival - and having the conversation in this way suggests there might be something she'd do if aspen gave a "wrong" answer. but what was she looking for, and what would she do?
“Of course. Our colony has adequate food and medical supplies for our expected population, but you plan to drop down… I believe you expect over two thousand survivors?” The needles still aren’t retracting. At this point I remember a fun little fact about how these AutoDocs work. The right arm is for blood draws, the left arm is for injections. I hadn’t even thought about it when Dr Kim told me to put in both arms, but… we’re only taking blood for pathology tests today, aren’t we? So why is there a needle in my left arm? “Uh, yeah. We think so. Of course, it’s hard to predict these things; the revival estimates haven’t been all that reliable, but – ” “And your here to see if our little colony can support them. And bring in whatever’s needed, change whatever’s needed, until we can. That’s your job, right?”
not that she's giving aspen a chance to say much. she seems more interested in talking at them
I’m getting a crick in my neck trying to look at her. I turn back to the AutoDoc. “We’re supposed to set up initial facilities for the colonists, yeah. We didn’t expect people to already be here, to be honest. The existence of your colony was a bit of a shock.” “Hmm. Your vitamin C and B-12 are a little low.” “Yeah, I forgot to get my vitamin implant redone before coming down.” “Citrus shouldn’t be a problem with our food, but I’ll give you a B-12 injection right now.” “No, it’s fine; I just need to eat – ” but she’s already activated the machine, and I hear the little pump inside inject the shot into my bloodstream.
she's definitely lying about that being what she injected, and it seems like it was specifically a response to aspen's comment here
“What are you plans for the colony?” “Plans?” “Economy. Governmental structure. Your captains are giving the orders, correct? Will the colonists be subsumed under this chain of command, or do you have another leadership structure in mind once everyone’s revived?” “That’s not… we haven’t really discussed it? I wasn’t trained for this job, I’m an emergency replacement. Captain Kae Jin would know better than me.” “Captain Kae Jin’s on the ship.” “Yes.” “Nobody who came down with you is on the crew manifest.” “There were a – ” “A lot of crew fatalities. I know. Anyway, that’s enough small talk; the machine’s done.” The needles retract, the supports release. I pull my arms our of the machine immediately and spin to face Dr Kim, who gives me a friendly smile. “Sorry that took so long, these machines can be a bit temperamental. You can go now. I’ll get back to you about the blood results and options for the artificial eye.” I barely stop to thank her before heading for my clothes. I can’t wait to get out of there.
I'm gonna stop here for the night since this is taking longer than expected, but. what the hell.
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