#the village coffee and music
whenwewakee · 7 months
*internally screams from joy*
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There used to be an animal crossing website that played according to your time zone and season but I’d have to look for it
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genderkoolaid · 10 months
Mustarjil is an Arabic term meaning “becoming [a] man.” Although it can be used derogatorily to refer to women who are perceived as having a masculine appearance and/or mannerisms, in Iraq’s marshes, it existed as a gender identity. Within the context of the Ahwari community, Mustarjil was a common gender identity, where people assigned female at birth decide to live as a man after puberty, and this decision was generally accepted in the community. The Mustarjils were one of many similar third gender categories around the world, such as the Hijras in South Asia. [...] “One afternoon, some days after leaving Dibin, we arrived at a village on the mainland. The sheikh was away looking at his cultivations, but we were shown to his mudhif by a boy wearing a head-rope and cloak, with a dagger at his waist. He looked about fifteen and his beautiful face was made even more striking by two long braids of hair on either side. ln the past all the Madan (Ahwari) wore their hair like that, as the Bedu still did. After the boy had made us coffee and withdrawn, Amara asked, ‘Did you realize that was a mustarjil?’ I had vaguely heard of them, but had not met one before. ‘A mustarjil is born a woman’. ‘She cannot help that; but she has the heart of a man, so she lives like a man.’ ‘Do men accept her?’ ‘Certainly. We eat with her and she may sit in the mudhif. When she dies, we fire off our rifles to honour her. We never do that for a woman. In Majid’s village there is one who fought bravely in the war against Haji Sulaiman.’ ‘Do they always wear their hair plaited?’ ‘Usually they shave it off like men.’ ‘Do mustarjils ever marry?’ ‘No, they sleep with women as we do.’” Thesiger continues to narrate several other accounts of mustarjils within the same community, as well that of a “stout middle-aged woman” who wanted to remove her male organ in order to “turn into a proper woman.” Thesiger later mentions: “Afterwards I often noticed the same [person] washing dishes on the river bank with the women. Accepted by them, [she] seemed quite at home. These people were kinder to [her] than we would have been in our society.” Around that time, Britain was still living under the shadow of Victorian norms, and gender non-normative people were still stigmatized and shunned. Communities such as the Ahwaris, presented an alternative model that created space for communities like the mustarjils, despite the dominant gender binary. 
— Recovering Arab Trans History: Masoud El Amaratly, the Folk Music Icon from Iraq’s Marshes by Marwan Kaabour
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ijustmissyouraccenths · 2 months
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I Want To Kill Her
Au where Y/N and Harry are neighbors who find out their spouses are cheating with each other.
Based off Fortnight by Taylor Swift
Part 2
CW: Smut, cursing, unprotected sex, slight breeding kink.
Word Count: 6,773
Growing up in America was a constant uphill battle for me. Every day, my family's lower middle class status weighed heavily on our shoulders, dragging us down and suffocating any sense of hope. Despite my parents' relentless efforts, we were always one step away from financial ruin. At school, I was painfully reminded of my economic disadvantage as I trudged through the halls in threadbare clothes and drove up in a battered car that served as a target for cruel jokes and vicious teasing from my more privileged peers. But amidst the constant struggle, I found refuge in my studies. The world of academia offered a fleeting escape from the harsh realities of my daily life, where I poured all my energy into excelling and proving my worth to a society that seemed determined to keep me down.
Life in our small town was like a broken record, repeating the same monotonous routine day after day. That is, until Teddy waltzed into our midst like a breath of fresh air. His tall frame stood out amongst the sea of ordinary faces, and his crisp British accent was music to our ears. The local coffee shop suddenly became a buzz of excitement as he charmed everyone with his wit and sophistication. And when he extended an invitation for me to join him in London, it was like a fairytale come to life. Leaving my predictable life behind and starting anew in the bustling city seemed intimidating, but I couldn't resist the allure of adventure and passion that awaited me with Teddy by my side.
My hand shook as I clutched the small, worn suitcase. Tears welled up in my eyes as I said goodbye to my family and familiar life. But deep down, a sense of determination propelled me forward. I took a deep breath and stepped onto the plane bound for London. As the engines roared and the wheels lifted off the ground, a knot formed in my stomach and my heart raced with a mix of emotions - fear of the unknown, excitement for new adventures, and anticipation for what lay ahead.
I pressed my forehead against the cool, double-paned window and watched as familiar buildings and streets grew smaller and smaller. A sense of relief washed over me, lifting the weight of my past struggles and hardships with every mile we flew away from them. Little did I know, the journey ahead would be filled with new challenges and lessons that would shape me into the person I was always meant to become.
As we soared higher into the sky, thick clouds began to spread like a blanket over the vast expanse of blue. The world below disappeared from view, hidden by layers of white. But as we descended towards London, small patches of land began to peek through - rolling hills covered in lush green fields and charming villages nestled along winding rivers. My heart fluttered with excitement and curiosity at this glimpse of a foreign land.
The wheels touched down on the runway, jolting me out of my daydreams. I took a deep breath as we taxied towards the terminal, ready to embark on this new chapter of my life in a place that felt both unfamiliar and full of endless possibilities.
The bright lights of London beckoned me, a stark contrast to the small town I left behind. Teddy, my generous host, had spared no expense to make me feel at home in his lavish house. Each morning, I woke up to stunning views of the city skyline through floor-to-ceiling windows. The enticing scent of freshly baked pastries and rich coffee filled my nostrils, reminding me that this was a life of luxury that I never could have imagined.
But what truly amazed me was the fact that I no longer had to work. Teddy's successful business ventures meant that money was no longer a worry for me. This newfound wealth allowed me to indulge in all the things I could only dream about before. My wardrobe was now filled with designer clothes, fancy dinners were a regular occurrence, and luxurious vacations were just a plane ride away.
However, amidst all this extravagance and joy, there was always a twinge of guilt in the back of my mind. Growing up, every penny counted and financial struggles were a constant source of stress for my family. Now, with my newfound wealth, I couldn't help but feel guilty for having so much while others back home still struggled to make ends
I fiercely pushed all doubts and apprehensions aside, determined to fully surrender myself to my newfound life. And by all appearances, I succeeded. Teddy whisked me away on dazzling tours of the city, revealing hidden gems and indulging in the finest cuisine known only to elites. He also opened the door to his elite circle of friends – powerful individuals who radiated confidence and wealth wherever they went.
At first, I felt like a mere observer among them. While they boasted about their latest investments and business ventures, I could only offer anecdotes about my humble beginnings in a small town. But as weeks turned into months, they welcomed me into their exclusive inner circle. They even included us on extravagant trips abroad where we mingled with A-list celebrities and attended VIP events.
I couldn't believe how rapidly my life had transformed since meeting Teddy. Where once I was ridiculed for not fitting in with the wealthy crowd, now I lived among them, basking in their luxurious lifestyle.
But amidst all the glitz and glamour, a persistent voice gnawed at the back of my mind. It started one afternoon while Teddy was tending to the front yard. On the surface, it seemed like an ordinary chore for a homeowner, but something about it felt insidious and unsettling.
Despite the hired help we had to maintain our lavish property, Teddy insisted on taking care of menial tasks himself. At first, I thought it was just his need to be hands-on, but as the days turned into weeks, I couldn't ignore the way his eyes lingered on the woman next door. Every time she stepped outside in her form-fitting gardening attire, he would drop whatever he was doing and watch her with an unbridled hunger. Her movements were like a sensual dance, each step oozing with an irresistible seduction that captivated him. She seemed to know exactly how to entice him, bending over suggestively in her garden while his eyes greedily took in every curve of her body. But when her husband's luxury car pulled into their driveway, she would become a picture of innocence once again. It was a tantalizing game of desire and secrecy, leaving me wondering what they truly did behind closed doors.
Rosie, the woman of the house, was a force to be reckoned with, her love and dedication to her garden rivaling that of a mother's fierce protection for her child. Harry, her husband and successful entrepreneur, exuded a confident aura as he walked through their flourishing gardens, the beauty brand he created known by all as Pleasing. Despite our similar ages, their maturity and put-together appearance made me feel inadequate in comparison. Our own home seemed dull and lifeless in comparison to theirs, always offering an unobstructed view of Rosie's constant tending to her bountiful gardens, a sight that also caught my husband's wandering eyes. But it was impossible to deny the allure of their well-manicured gardens, bursting with vibrant hues and intoxicating scents that enveloped us in a hypnotic trance. 
Each passing week brought a new wave of torment as I watched Teddy's eyes dart towards Rosie's garden, his gaze lingering on her while she tended to her roses. My stomach twisted with jealousy as he made excuses to be outside, his every move calculated to catch her attention.
I couldn't bear the thought of him longing for someone else, and my heart shattered into pieces with each stolen glance towards her. Desperate for answers, I confronted him about their relationship, but he dismissed my fears with a cold indifference and insisted they were just innocent neighbors. But deep down, I knew there was something more between them, and it consumed me with a fiery rage that threatened to consume us all.
As I relaxed in the comfort of my home, the noise from outside suddenly jolted me out of my reverie. My eyes snapped to the window overlooking the busy street below, and there I saw Harry's sleek black Mercedes screeching into their driveway, its engine roaring wildly. Rosie appeared in the doorway, her movements frantic as she planted a forced kiss on his cheek before ushering him inside with an urgency that made my heart race. The door slammed shut behind them, and a foreboding sense of dread settled in my gut as I realized that something was seriously wrong between them. Whatever was happening, they were clearly trying to hide it from prying eyes.
My heart raced with a mix of excitement and dread as I made my way downstairs, my curiosity burning like a wildfire. The front door slammed behind me, the sun setting in a fiery blaze behind my back. My feet carried me across the short distance between our homes, anticipation building with each step. As I approached their front step, muffled voices drifted through the open window above me, a sinister soundtrack to my racing thoughts. I could make out Harry's tense tone and Rosie's pleading replies, but not the words themselves. Their hushed argument went on for what seemed like an eternity before falling silent, leaving me standing frozen in shock. My mind raced as I tried to piece together what was happening. Had my suspicions been correct after all? Were Rosie and Teddy entangled in a secret affair that Harry had finally uncovered? The weight of the truth hit me like a sledgehammer, filling me with a mix of anger, betrayal, and fear for what would
My thoughts were racing as I tried to decide what to do next, but before I could make a move, the front door swung open with a loud bang. My heart jolted in my chest as Harry stormed out, his face contorted with either seething anger or burning embarrassment - it was hard to tell which was more intense. He didn't even spare me a glance as he brushed past, heading straight for his car.
Just then, Rosie appeared in the doorway, her eyes widening in shock when she saw me standing there. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair was a wild mess, betraying some sort of frantic activity behind closed doors. "Oh...I-I didn't realize you were home," she stammered, her voice trembling with unease. She attempted a smile, but it fell short and I could see the fear in her eyes.
Before I could ask what was going on, Teddy burst out of our house and called out my name. He sprinted towards us from across the street, his brows furrowed with concern as he took in the sight of Rosie and I standing together. The tense atmosphere was thick between us all, and I knew something serious was about to go down.
"What's going on?" he demanded, his voice laced with concern as he eyed us both suspiciously.
I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, my mind racing with conflicting thoughts and emotions. "I honestly don't know," I admitted, feeling like a pawn in their complicated game. "Do you?"
Teddy and Rosie exchanged a tense look that spoke volumes about their troubled relationship. I could sense the weight of their secrets and lies pressing down on me, suffocating me with their toxic grip. Without another word, I turned and fled back inside, trying to escape the tangled web of deceit and betrayal they had woven around me. My once glamorous new life now felt tainted with suspicion and heartache.
I slam the door shut behind me, my hands trembling with rage and disbelief. My worst fears have been confirmed - Teddy and Rosie were having an affair all along, right under my naive nose. A surge of hot tears fills my eyes as I collapse onto the couch, my heart hammering in my chest. How could he do this to me? After all we've built together, all the love and trust we shared. 
My mind races back through the past few months, dissecting every encounter between them that I had brushed off as innocent. His lingering looks at her, her secret smiles directed only at him, their hushed conversations that would abruptly end whenever I appeared. The pieces finally fit together, a puzzle of betrayal and deceit that I was too blind to see. How long has it been going on? Was it when he started staying late at work for that promotion? Or when our once effortless conversations turned into strained silence over dinner? My world is shattered, and I can't help but wonder if it was ever truly as perfect as I believed it to be.
My body curls in on itself, a protective barrier against the pain that radiates through me. My mind is stuck on replay, the tense exchange between them echoing endlessly in my head. Rosie's desperate pleas, Harry's explosive anger - it all points to betrayal. 
The tears fall hot and heavy down my cheeks as I realize I can no longer ignore the truth. My heart aches with every beat, but I know I have to confront Teddy. Pretending everything is okay between us is no longer an option. 
As I stand up and make my way to the front window, I catch a glimpse of Teddy crossing back over to our house, his defeated posture screaming guilt. The anger and hurt fueling my determination, I take a deep breath and brace myself for the inevitable confrontation. 
When Teddy steps into our living room, the air crackles with tension like static electricity before a storm. The unspoken truths between us hang heavily, suffocatingly thick like a dense fog. 
"Why don't you just admit it, Teddy?" My voice trembles with a mix of rage and despair.
He responds with words sharp as shattered glass, "Admit what? That you're so blinded by your own insecurity that you'd accuse me without any proof?" His betrayal cuts deep, adding more pieces to the already broken shards of my heart.
My hands balled into fists at my sides, knuckles turning white as I struggled to contain the raging storm inside me. "Don't you dare try to twist this around on me! I saw you, Teddy. I saw the way your eyes linger on her, like she's the only thing that matters."
Teddy's jaw clenched and his calm façade cracked, giving way to a simmering anger. "You're being paranoid. Rosie is just a friend, nothing more."
I took a step closer, my voice dripping with venom. "Oh please, spare me your excuses. I've seen how you look at her when you think I'm not looking."
Fury burned bright in his eyes, his voice rising in a challenge. "How dare you accuse me of cheating? I would never do that to you!"
Tears threatened to spill over as I shook my head in disbelief, my heart shattering into a million pieces. "It's not just about today, Teddy. It's been building up for months. The way you ignore me and shower her with attention... It's like I'm invisible to you now."
He scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping him. "Oh please, stop playing the victim here. You knew what you were getting into when we moved here.You want me to make you feel like you exist? Do you want me to fuck you? What do you want? You’re so needy you put your issues onto other women."
My nails dug into my palms as I fought to keep my composure in the face of his callous words. "I thought I was getting into a life with someone who loved and respected me. Not someone who sneaks around behind my back to screw the neighbor."
The tension in the room reached its breaking point as Teddy's mask slipped completely, revealing the raw emotions seething beneath the surface. "Maybe if you were more exciting, more adventurous, I wouldn't have to look elsewhere for some excitement in my life!"
His words struck me like a physical blow, leaving me reeling in disbelief and pain. The truth hung heavy in the air between us, an invisible barrier that seemed impossible to breach.
"I can't do this anymore," I whispered hoarsely, the finality of those words echoing like a gunshot in the silent room.
Teddy's expression softened for a fleeting moment before hardening once again with resolve. "Fine then! Maybe this is for the best. Actually, yeah it is. Bitch." he spat out, his voice laced with bitterness.
And with those parting words echoing in my ears like a curse, I turned away from him and headed towards the door, leaving behind our shattered dreams and broken promises in a trail of fractured memories.
The low hum of the engine filled the air as Harry sat in his sleek, black car, parked precisely outside of his modern fortress. I approached cautiously, trying to mask my trembling steps on the pavement. With a gentle tap on the window, I could feel his intense gaze burning through me from within the tinted glass. His phone slipped from his hand as he rolled down the window, revealing a sharp jawline and piercing eyes that seemed to glow with an otherworldly intensity. A commanding voice cut through the silence, "Get in." Without hesitation, I made my way around to the passenger side and sank into the plush leather seat next to him, feeling a mix of fear and excitement coursing through my veins.
As we drove away from the chaotic scene behind us, the tension in the car was suffocating. Every muscle in Harry's body seemed to be coiled with a fierce determination, his knuckles turning white as they gripped the steering wheel. I stole a quick glance at him, noticing how his usually calm demeanor was replaced by a dangerous edge, like a predator ready to strike at any moment.
A heavy silence hung in the air of the car, suffocating me as I struggled to catch my breath. Harry's voice pierced through the tension like a sharp blade, cutting deep into my racing thoughts. "Are you okay?" he asked, his expression etched with genuine concern.
I tried to speak, but my throat felt constricted and choked. Finally, I managed to whisper, "I don't know." My mind was reeling from the events that had unfolded only moments ago.
Harry's eyes remained fixed on the road ahead, his words heavy with understanding. "Life has a way of throwing unexpected challenges at us," he mused, his tone grave and contemplative. "But it's how we handle them that defines who we are."
I turned to look at him, grateful for his steady presence amid the chaos raging inside me. "Thank you," I said earnestly. "For being here for me."
A faint smile tugged at the corners of Harry's lips, but there was a glint of steel in his gaze. "You don't have to thank me," he replied firmly. "I'm here because I care about you and because your husband is sleeping with my wife." His reassurance was met with a sense of relief and gratitude amidst the turmoil that threatened to consume me.
The stillness between us was palpable, a fragile thread holding back a storm of emotions. The road stretched out before us, winding through fields and forests, as if it were leading us towards a new beginning.
My heart felt heavy with the weight of our shared past, but in this moment, with Harry by my side, I could feel a glimmer of hope for the future. Together, we drove into the unknown, leaving behind the pain and hurt that had consumed us.
But as we reached our destination - a rundown motel in the middle of nowhere - the tension returned. Harry's exhaustion and frustration were etched on his face as he turned to me.
"I know neither of us want to go home right now," he said, his voice laced with bitterness. "For fuck's sake, they're probably sexing each other up as we speak.." A surge of anger and betrayal rose within me at his words. "Let's just stay here for the night, maybe two. We can regroup and come up with a plan." His proposal hung in the air like a dark cloud, reminding us both of the uncertain future that lay ahead. But one thing was certain - we wouldn't have to face it alone.
My voice caught in my throat, unable to form words as I simply nodded, a tight knot of fear and anger coiling in my stomach. My body trembled with the intensity of the situation. We both knew that any misstep could cause everything to spiral out of control. The motel seemed like a fitting backdrop for our strained emotions, its dilapidated exterior reflecting the state of our relationship. The neon lights flickering ominously, casting a sickly glow over the peeling paint and broken windows. But even this rundown place offered some respite from the suffocating chaos and turmoil surrounding us.
Panicked and unprepared for the situation I found myself in, I regretted not packing a change of clothes as my heart raced and my mind spun with fear. The events that had just unfolded left me gasping for air, struggling to stay afloat in a sea of chaos. As we rushed into the rundown motel, I couldn't help but scan our surroundings, searching for any sign of danger. The flickering lights and musty smell only added to the ominous atmosphere. Harry snatched the key from the grimy front desk man and led us down a dimly lit hallway to our room. My anxiety spiked when they informed us that the only available room featured a single king-sized bed. My nerves were on edge at the thought of sharing such an intimate space with Harry, his intimidating presence looming over me like a dark cloud.
As we stepped into the dimly lit motel room, the tension between Harry and me was palpable, hanging heavy in the air like a thick fog. I could feel his eyes on me, assessing, judging.
"I'll take the floor," Harry offered gruffly, breaking the silence that had settled between us like a heavy blanket.
I shook my head, unable to accept his sacrifice. "No, we can share the bed. It's fine," I replied softly, trying to ease some of the strain that weighed on us both.
Harry hesitated for a moment before nodding curtly. "Alright then."
The room felt suffocatingly small as we settled in, the walls seeming to press in on us from all sides. The shadows danced ominously in the dim light, casting eerie shapes across the worn carpet.
"I never thought we'd end up here," I mused quietly, breaking the somber stillness that enveloped us.
Harry's voice was gruff as he responded, "Life has a funny way of throwing curveballs at you when you least expect it."
A bitter chuckle escaped my lips. "Seems like we're both striking out lately."
We sat in silence for a while, the weight of our complicated situation hanging heavily over us. The sound of distant traffic seeping through the thin walls served as a reminder of the world outside our little bubble of chaos.
Finally, Harry spoke again, his voice softer this time. "I'm sorry you're going through this. You deserve better."
I turned to look at him, meeting his gaze for the first time since we had arrived. There was a vulnerability in his eyes that caught me off guard.
"Thank you," I whispered, feeling a flicker of warmth amidst the cold despair that had settled in my heart. We sat side by side on the edge of the bed, two broken souls seeking solace in each other's company. 
We sat in silence for a while longer, the weight of our circumstances still heavy on our shoulders but somehow more bearable with each other's presence. The flickering lights outside cast fleeting shadows across the room, adding a sense of fleeting impermanence to our shared moment of respite.
"I'm glad you're here," Harry spoke up suddenly, his voice genuine and heartfelt.
Tears welled up in my eyes at his words, grateful for the unexpected bond that had formed between us in the midst of turmoil. "Me too," I whispered, feeling a sense of hope blooming in my heart despite the challenges ahead.
And so we sat together in the dimly lit motel room, two souls seeking solace in each other's company amidst the chaos that threatened to tear us apart.
My phone began to buzz incessantly in my hand, Teddy's name flashing on the screen. I couldn't bear to see his name or hear his voice, so I forcefully shut off my phone and flung it across the room with a violent toss. As it clattered against the wall, Harry's quiet voice pierced through the air.
"She called me too," he seethed, his fists clenched at his side. "In this moment, I could kill her."
I nodded in agreement, my blood boiling with rage. "Teddy had the audacity to accuse me of being jealous and then suggest that if he just fucked me, my jealousy would disappear," I spat out, feeling both hurt and incensed by his words.
Harry's voice dripped with desire as he turned towards me, his gaze burning into my skin. "Would it?" His words were a challenge, daring me to answer. I could feel the heat radiating off his body as he leaned in closer.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Would what?"
A smirk played at the corners of his lips as he spoke the words that sent a shiver down my spine. "If he fucked you, would you still be so jealous?"
My heart raced at the vulgar question and I let out a nervous laugh. Shaking my head, I replied, "No, Harry. Nothing could change how I feel."
He let out a deep sigh, frustration evident in his voice. "The timing of this is fucking terrible. I've always thought you were stunning, wondered what you saw in a guy like him. And I know I could give it to you so much better."
Our eyes locked in a heated moment and I couldn't deny the sparks that flew between us. But as tempting as his offer was, I knew I couldn't betray my feelings for another man.
I glanced up at him through my lashes and saw the raw intensity in his gaze. It was clear that he wanted me. But we both knew it could never be more than a forbidden fantasy.
“What if we had our own affair, you know, to get back at them.” He said with a smirk.
My heart pounded in my chest like a wild animal in a cage at his words. An affair? The thought sent waves of scandalous delight and sinful anticipation coursing through my veins.
"An affair, Harry?" I repeated tentatively, my voice barely above a whisper. His dark eyes were locked onto mine, the intensity of his gaze making my breath hitch in my throat. The charged silence that hung between us was as intoxicating as the raw desire smoldering in his gaze.
Leaning closer, Harry's lips brushed against my earlobe as he whispered huskily, "Yes, an affair, just like what they did. Us, sneaking around, feeling each others bodies." His hot breath fanned over me, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin.
The room seemed to shrink around us as Harry moved impossibly closer, his hand finding its way to my knee. I watched as his fingers traced patterns along my thigh, desire flooding me with each small movement.
Harry's thumb traced a line up towards the apex of my thighs, igniting sparks wherever it made contact with my flesh through the thin material of my skirt. My body instinctively rose to meet him and I let out a soft gasp.
"You want this," he murmured heatedly against my neck before nipping lightly at the sensitive skin there. A delicious shiver ran down my spine and my core clenched at his actions. 
"I...I..." I stuttered, struggling for words as heat pooled low in my belly. He chuckled darkly at my loss for words before returning his attention back to where his hand had slowly began creeping upwards again. His warm touch was like an electric shock, leaving behind a trail of molten desire.
Without another word, Harry pushed up my skirt and slipped his hand into my panties. His fingers brushed lightly against me and I sucked in a sharp breath, feeling a jolt of pleasure shoot straight to my core. He grinned wickedly at me and slowly began to stroke me, his skilled fingers setting my senses ablaze.
"Harry," I moaned out, clutching at his arm as he expertly worked me into a bundle of nerves. His low chuckle did nothing to ease the escalating tension.
His finger easily slipped inside me, making me whimper at the sudden intrusion. Harry pumped his digits inside me slowly at first, but quickly sped up when I let out a needy gasp. The pleasure was overwhelming and soon enough, I clenched around him, a shuddering orgasm ripping through me.
I fell back onto the bed, panting heavily as aftershocks still tingled throughout my body. Harry wiped his glistening fingers on my skirt before smoothly pulling it back down. He then lay next to me on the bed, his smirk evident in the dim light.
"That's just a taste," he said with a wicked glint in his eyes. 
"I can't wait to claim you as mine," Harry whispered in my ear, his hot breath sending shivers down my spine. My heart raced as he trailed kisses along my jaw and down my neck, stopping to suckle a tender spot just below my earlobe. His hands moved sensually over my body, teasingly tracing patterns on my skin before gripping me tighter.
Desperate for more of his touch, I moaned and arched into him. He took that as an invitation and gripped the hem of my shirt, pulling it up over my head roughly. "Fuck," he muttered under his breath when he saw me bare-chested for the first time. I blushed at his appreciation but internally preened at his reaction.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he growled lowly before capturing one of my nipples between his lips and sucking hard. My back bowed off the bed as I let out a keening whimper, my fingers tangling in his hair. He had a way of making me feel wanted and desired like no one ever had before.
He moved lower, kissing and licking his way down my stomach until he reached the hem of my skirt. With a swift movement, he yanked it up over my hips, baring me completely to him. His eyes darkened even more when they met mine again, full of lust and possession.
"Spread your legs for me," he commanded softly yet authoritatively. I hesitated for only a moment before complying with his request, feeling incredibly exposed but also powerfully aroused by the thought of pleasing him in any way possible.
Harry took advantage of this vulnerability by thrusting two fingers deep inside me without any warning or preparation. I gasped at the intrusion but didn't stop him from exploring deeper within me. Instead, I clenched around his fingers instinctively while moaning out his name in ecstasy. He chuckled softly against my inner thigh before reaching between our bodies to stroke himself in time with his rhythmic fingering of me.
"You're so tight," he groaned approvingly. 
As Harry thrust his fingers deeper into me, I couldn't help but moan louder. His fingers curled inside me, searching for my sweet spot while his other hand gripped my hip firmly. My body shuddered with pleasure as we moved together in this intense rhythm.
"You feel so good," I whispered between breaths. "Please don't stop."
He chuckled darkly before biting down softly on the lobe of my ear, sending a jolt of excitement through me. His hips picked up speed, grinding against me as he groaned in approval.
"That's it, baby girl," he growled. "Take what you want."
His words ignited something deep within me, making me even more hungry for his touch. I didn't hesitate to wrap my legs around his waist and pull him closer still. Our skin slapped together in sync with each swift thrust and retreat as we moved together like two bodies meant to be one.
"Oh fuck, you're driving me wild," he whispered into my ear before grabbing a fistful of my hair and pulling my head back sharply. The sudden sting shot straight to my core, intensifying every sensation tenfold. He released my hair just as quickly and crashed his lips onto mine in a demanding kiss that left me panting for air.
We moved from the couch to bed floor where he pushed me down onto all fours before kneeling behind me. One hand gripped the base of my spine while the other caressed its way up my inner thigh towards my core again. He teased me mercilessly with his fingers as he trailed hot kisses down my spine and back up again, sending shivers of anticipation through my entire body.
"I know I'll fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before," he muttered darkly into my ear just before slamming himself deep inside me from behind in one powerful stroke that made me cry out loudly at both surprise and pleasure. In response, he gripped both sides of my face roughly yet tenderly and claimed my mouth once more in a fiery kiss that went on forever or at least it felt like it did until our bodies became entwined.
I could feel his cock hardening in his pants and I needed it no matter how wrong it was.
He gripped my hair tightly and pulled my head back, exposing my neck. His hot breath sent shivers down my spine as he whispered, "You're mine to fuck however I want." Wanting more than anything to feel his cock deep inside me, I moaned in agreement.
Pushing me against the bed, he roughly lifted one of my legs and wrapped it around his waist. With his free hand, he pushed his hard and heavy cock into me. I cried out at the intense pleasure shooting through my body as he began to thrust slowly yet powerfully in and out of me.
"Say you want it," he growled against my ear. "Tell me how much you need it."
"Please," I whimpered. "Fuck me hard."
His answering groan sent a wave of heat coursing through my veins as he slammed into me with all his might, claiming my mind and body as his own. The force of each thrust sent jolts of electricity through every nerve ending i body, leaving me breathless and begging for more.
As he continued to pound into me, I couldn't help but moan his name. His thick cock stretched and filled me, hitting my sweet spot with each powerful thrust. I felt my walls start to quake, ready to explode with pleasure as he took control of our encounter.
"That's it," he growled, nipping at my earlobe. "Just let go."
I clung to him tighter, my nails digging into his skin as I surrendered to the intensity of our lovemaking. Every muscle in my body was on edge, waiting for the release that felt so close yet so far away.
He changed positions again, lifting me up and pushing me against the wall. His other hand gripped my hair tightly as he claimed my mouth roughly in a deep, passionate kiss. My legs wrapped around his waist instinctively as he began to thrust even harder into me. It felt so dirty yet so good to be taken like this.
"You are mine," he whispered harshly between breaths. "Only mine. I bet your husband would be fucking dumbfounded when he sees you filled up with my babies."
His words sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't help but nod in agreement as he took control completely. This was exactly what I needed - someone strong who would make me feel wanted and taken care of. 
As we moved together in sync, lost in the heat of passion and desire, I whispered back to him between gasps for air, "Please...don't stop."
He replied by grabbing hold of my ass cheeks and squeezing them tightly as he thrust deeper into me. His rough skin rubbed against mine, sending tingling sensations all over my body. With every push and pull, our hips collided, echoing throughout the room.
I could feel him growing harder inside me, straining against the thin fabric separating us. The anticipation was killing me - I needed him to release that cock and fill me up completely. As if reading my mind, he pulled away from me suddenly and spun me around so that I was facing the wall again.
"Not yet," he growled into my ear before reaching down and teasing my entrance with his thumbs. He pushed one finger inside me slowly, then another, stretching me open until three fingers were buried deep inside me. I arched my back involuntarily as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through my veins at his tender ministrations on my most sensitive spot.
“Where is your damn phone?” Harry demanded, his voice dripping with urgency. I struggled to lift my head off the bed and weakly pointed to the device lying on the floor. Without hesitation, he leapt from the bed and strode over to it.
A sinister grin spread across his face as he unlocked the phone and shoved his thumb into my mouth, ordering me to suck on it. With a twisted sense of satisfaction, he flipped the phone and snapped a selfie, making sure to capture the tattoos inked on his arm for identification. His next move was ruthless as he pulled up my text messages and sent the photo to Teddy, effectively sending a clear message of dominance over me.
"I'll make sure that bastard knows what he's missing out on," Harry growls, his eyes filled with possessive rage. "You're too good for him, love. A fucking goddess like you deserves to be worshipped and adored, not tossed aside like a used toy." I feel a mix of anger and satisfaction as I realize that I don't need Teddy anymore, not after the wild and passionate night I just had with Harry. He makes me feel alive in a way no one else ever has.
Harry threw the phone back onto the bed, his eyes never leaving mine. I could see the fire in his gaze, the intensity of his desire for me. He reached out and ran a hand through my hair, gently tugging on it as he leaned in to kiss me. His lips were soft, but his touch was firm, demanding. I responded eagerly, meeting his kiss with equal passion.
As we kissed, Harry's hands began to wander, exploring my body with a familiarity that set my skin on fire. He traced the curve of my waist, the arch of my back, the dip of my hips. I could feel myself growing wetter with every touch, every kiss. I needed him inside me again, needed to feel him filling me up, possessing me completely.
But Harry had other plans. He broke our kiss and looked deep into my eyes, his expression serious. "Not yet," he whispered, echoing his earlier words. "I want to savor every moment with you."
He lowered his head and began to kiss a trail down my neck, across my collarbone, down to my breasts. He teased my nipples with his tongue, biting down gently on the sensitive flesh. I gasped, arching my back as waves of pleasure washed over me.
Slowly, carefully, Harry began to enter me once again. He moved slowly at first, savoring every inch of me. But as he felt me grow wetter, more responsive, he picked up the pace. He thrust deeper, harder, his hips slapping against mine. I could feel myself losing control, could feel the familiar tightening in my belly as I approached my climax.
"Turn over, want to see that beautiful ass of yours as I fill you up," he growled, his voice thick with desire.
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kelstey · 4 months
the smiths
mattheo riddle x reader
warnings: none
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❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃
you were in hogsmeade, in a small little coffee shop tucked away from the crowded village. exam season was absolutely beating your ass and you loathed it but knew you had to revise.
you were about 2 essays deep - yet you wouldn't be able to tell anyone what was in them if they asked. all your 'revision' was going in one ear and out the other into a drain.
you threw your head back in frustration, unable to concentrate on a singular thing. all you were writing was rubbish and were sure that once you read them back would be utter gibberish.
you got up form the window seat, walking over to the counter to order your fourth coffee of the day. it was also only iam.
your day was meant to be motivational - but you were struggling to even stay awake let alone concentrated. you heard the bell from the door opening ding, not even having an ounce of energy to turn around.
you waited for your iced coffee, oblivious to mattheo riddle stood next to you. "the coffee's here must be good," your head turned to the voice.
"sorry?" you were confused.
he pointed to your lone 'study' area, three mugs of empty coffee scattered around. "how are you not bouncing off the walls?".
your eyes met back with his warm brown ones,"exams are killing me. i need any ounce of caffeine i can get."
"mind if i join your little study session? maybe a study buddy might help," a cute smile was present on his face.
"i suppose," you smiled back. you paid for yet another coffee and headed back to your seat, waiting for mattheo.
the two of you had never really spoke much - maybe a couple words had been exchanged but no where enough to call him a 'friend'. you couldn't deny though, he was absolutely dreamy.
but you were sure the countless of girls he had wrapped around his finger told him everyday. you were too far deep in your thoughts to notice he had made his way over to you.
"nice hand writing," he complimented the countless piles of parchment over the small table.
you nodded, unsure how to reply. "anything in particular you want to study?" you asked.
"could do with some help with astrology, it absolutely kills me," he chuckled.
"oh i love astrology, one of the very few subjects i actually enjoy," you started to go into depth about astrology.
mattheo wanted to listen to you - but he was truly entranced on your gorgeous looks and the way you were so passionate about astrology. the way your hair looked effortlessly done, your eyes twinkling when you got super into a particular
"mattheo? you there?" you giggled. mattheo was snapped out of his thoughts with the way his name rolled off of your tongue so perfectly.
"i'd be lying if i said i wasn't admiring you," he smiled and you could feel your stomach going flips.
"how many of your little girlfriends do you also say that to?" you teased him.
"just you," he shot you a wink.
"sure," you gave him an unsure look. "i better get going, i told luna i'd go over some potions stuff with her."
mattheo was disappointed to see you leave, truly savouring every moment he had with you. "will i be seeing you again soon?".
"hopefully, maybe next time you'll maybe be focused on the work," you joked about his clear un-amusement in studying, more so studying you instead.
"i'll wish on a shooting star," he shot you a killer smile. you waved him off, putting your earphones in as you played the smiths.
the music was blasted in your ears, mattheo's ears perking up at the familiar song. you left the cafe, makine vour way to luna's dorm.
you were too absorbed in the smith's, oblivious to the brunette boy chasing up to you. you felt a tap in your shoulder, you turned around and took an earphone out.
"back so soon?" you giggled at his flushed cheeks.
"i love the smiths," he said.
"sorry?" you were slightly disorientated.
"i said i love the smiths."
❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃
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steveshairychest · 1 year
Reincarnation au where Steve and Eddie find each other in every life, but Eddie is the only one who remembers all of his past lives with Steve. Each time he dies and reincarnates, he has to scour the earth to find his lover, his soulmate.
When he does find Steve, he delights in finding out everything that is slightly different about him; whether it's an accent, a haircut, fashion style, taste in music – there's always something new for him to learn.
But sometimes, he never finds Steve.
Sometimes, it's not until he's taking his last breath that he sees Steve just out the corner of his eye. It's exhausting, but there are moments that make it worth it. Like the pure joy he felt when he walked into a random coffee shop and found Steve standing behind the counter waiting to take his order, or the time Steve moved in next to Eddie in a small village and they got married under the huge tree on the hill. He remembers the way Steve had cried and kissed him so sweetly, so full of love.
There are always bad memories to go with the good but Eddie doesn't like to dwell on those. He doesn't like to remember the time he watched Steve fall from a cliff moments before Eddie could meet him, or the time he took his last breath in his sleep the night after Eddie proposed to him. Those reincarnations are always the worst. They leave him dreading the next one.
But then he remembers he gets to fall in love with Steve again, he gets to learn his favourite colour and his new favourite food all over again and that makes it worth it. It makes the bad memories a little duller.
He doesn't mind that Steve never remembers him or the thousands of lives they've lived together. He's just grateful that he gets to hold Steve's hand until the end of time.
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estapa-edwards · 5 days
Rempe with singer reader??
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paring: Matt Rempe x reader
word count: 1.3
requested? yes
warnings: use of y/n.
*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*
It all started on a brisk autumn evening in New York City. Matt Rempe had just finished a grueling game against the Boston Bruins, where his team had secured a hard-fought victory. As he made his way out of Madison Square Garden, a close friend invited him to an exclusive after-party in Manhattan. Reluctantly, Matt agreed, hoping to unwind and celebrate the win.
Meanwhile, Y/N was performing at a high-profile charity event across town. Known for her soulful voice and poignant lyrics, Y/N had taken the music world by storm, earning numerous accolades and a massive following. Her performance that night was nothing short of magical, leaving the audience in awe.
Fate, however, had something special in store. As the night wore on, the after-party and the charity event merged into one grand celebration at an upscale rooftop bar. The stars aligned, and amidst the throngs of people, Matt and Y/N's paths crossed.
The rooftop bar was buzzing with energy, filled with celebrities, athletes, and influencers. Matt, feeling slightly out of his element, found solace near the bar, nursing a drink. As he scanned the crowd, his eyes landed on Y/N, who was engaged in conversation with a group of friends. Her laughter was infectious, and her presence seemed to light up the room.
“She’s something, isn’t she?” Chris nudged Matt, noticing his gaze.
“Yeah, she really is,” Matt replied, unable to take his eyes off her.
Encouraged by Chris, Matt mustered the courage to approach her. As he neared, Y/N turned, and their eyes met.
“Hey, aren’t you that guy who scored the game-winning goal tonight?” Y/N teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
“And you’re the voice behind my favorite song,” Matt retorted, flashing a grin.
Y/N laughed, a melodic sound that immediately put Matt at ease. They struck up a conversation, discovering a mutual love for classic rock, an affinity for late-night diner runs, and a shared disdain for the paparazzi. As the night unfolded, they found themselves drawn to each other in a way that neither had anticipated.
--- --- --- 
The initial encounter left a lasting impression on both of them. Over the next few days, Matt couldn’t stop thinking about Y/N. Her energy, wit, and genuine personality had captivated him. Determined to see her again, he decided to take a chance.
With some help from Chris, who managed to get Y/N’s number through a mutual friend, Matt sent her a text.
“Hey Y/N, it’s Matt from the other night. I was wondering if you’d like to grab coffee sometime?”
Y/N, who had been equally intrigued by Matt, responded almost immediately.
“Hi Matt! I’d love to. How about this Saturday?”
They arranged to meet at a cozy café in Greenwich Village, away from the prying eyes of the media. Nervous but excited, Matt arrived early, dressed in a casual sweater and jeans. Y/N walked in a few minutes later, her smile lighting up the room.
“Hey there,” she greeted, sliding into the seat across from him.
“Hey yourself,” Matt replied, grinning.
The conversation flowed effortlessly. They talked about their careers, dreams, and the pressures of living in the public eye. Matt was fascinated by Y/N’s passion for music and her dedication to using her platform for good. Y/N, in turn, admired Matt’s humility and determination.
As the hours passed, the café buzzed around them, but they were in their own world. When it was time to leave, neither wanted the date to end.
“Do you have plans for the rest of the day?” Matt asked, hoping to extend their time together.
“Not really. Why, do you?” Y/N responded with a playful smile.
“I was thinking, if you’re up for it, we could take a walk through Central Park?”
Y/N’s eyes lit up. “I’d love that.”
--- --- --- 
Central Park was alive with the colors of autumn, the leaves creating a picturesque backdrop for their impromptu date. They strolled through the park, talking and laughing, occasionally stopping to watch street performers or admire the scenery.
At one point, they found themselves at Bethesda Terrace, a serene spot overlooking the lake. They sat on the steps, enjoying the tranquility.
“You know, this is nice,” Y/N said, leaning slightly against Matt.
“Yeah, it really is,” Matt agreed, feeling a warmth spread through him.
As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the park, Matt felt a sense of contentment he hadn’t experienced in a long time. He turned to Y/N, his heart pounding.
“I’m really glad we did this,” he said softly.
“Me too,” Y/N replied, meeting his gaze. There was a moment of silence, the world around them fading away.
Then, without thinking, Matt leaned in and gently kissed Y/N. It was a tender, sweet kiss that took them both by surprise, but felt undeniably right.
When they pulled away, Y/N smiled, her cheeks flushed. “I think this is the start of something really special,” she whispered.
“I think so too,” Matt agreed, his heart soaring.
--- --- --- 
As Matt and Y/N continued to see each other, their relationship blossomed. They shared countless dates, exploring the city, attending concerts, and even sneaking into Rangers games where Y/N cheered him on from a private box.
However, their romance didn’t stay private for long. The media quickly caught wind of their budding relationship, and soon, the headlines were filled with speculation and scrutiny. Paparazzi followed their every move, eager to capture the latest scoop on the new power couple.
Matt and Y/N were strolling hand in hand through Central Park on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. The autumn leaves crunched under their feet, and the crisp air was filled with the scent of hot dog stands and roasted chestnuts. They had just come from a cozy brunch at their favorite café and were now enjoying a rare, leisurely day together.
As they approached Bethesda Fountain, Matt noticed a small group of paparazzi lurking near the edge of the park. His grip on Y/N's hand tightened slightly.
“Looks like we’ve been spotted,” he murmured.
Y/N glanced over and sighed. “I guess it was bound to happen. Let’s just keep walking.”
The couple continued their walk, attempting to ignore the growing cluster of photographers. However, the paparazzi were relentless, quickly closing in on them and bombarding them with questions.
“Matt! Y/N! Are you two officially a couple?”
“How do you handle the long-distance with your busy schedules?”
“Y/N, how does it feel to date a hockey star?”
The questions kept coming, each one more intrusive than the last. Matt could see Y/N tensing up beside him. She had always been a private person, preferring to let her music speak for itself.
Deciding it was time to address the crowd and hopefully get them to back off, Matt raised his hand for silence. The paparazzi quieted down, eager for his response.
“Listen, we appreciate the interest, but we’re just trying to enjoy a day out together,” Matt began, his voice calm but firm. “We’re happy and we’re doing great. That’s all there is to it.”
He paused, then added with a grin, “And if you really want to know how Y/N is feeling, I’d recommend you stream her new song, ‘Delicate’. It’s out now and it’s incredible.”
The paparazzi exchanged glances, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected plug. Y/N couldn’t help but chuckle, squeezing Matt’s hand in appreciation. She loved how he could diffuse tension with his easy going nature.
“Thanks for your support,” Matt continued. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’d like to get back to our day.”
With that, he and Y/N resumed their walk, leaving the paparazzi to chatter excitedly among themselves. As they strolled away, Y/N looked up at Matt, her eyes filled with gratitude.
“You handled that perfectly,” she said, smiling. “And thanks for the shout-out.”
“Anything for you,” Matt replied, leaning down to kiss her on the forehead. “Now, let’s find a quiet spot and enjoy the rest of our day.”
They found a bench near the lake, far from the prying eyes of photographers and fans. Sitting close together, they talked about everything and nothing, savoring the rare moments of peace in their otherwise hectic lives.
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 5 months
Part 2 Trolls Headcanons/ Theories/ Thoughts/ Ideas
Part1 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10
Trolls - letting another troll touch your hair is a very huge sign of trust.
All the brothers definitely hold doors open for the ladies and then close it on John Dory.
Clay - receives special recognition alongside Viva for protecting the Putt Putt Trolls. (Knighthood? Trollstopia's official CFO?)
Clay - has a stupidly complicated coffee order
Clay - plans to move the Hole N Fun between Pop Village and Bergen Town. Imagine the business!
Bruce - absolutely gets into the trashiest reality TV shows. "If Alejandro doesn't confess his love in this episode I will flip this table"
Bruce - makes Troll cuisine for his kids
Bruce - there aren't any Troll sized clothing stores around so Bruce sometimes has to make his own clothes.
Bruce - has considered getting his kids hug time bracelets
Viva - does not knock on doors and absolutely will walk straight in when someone is changing clothes
Viva - snorts when she laughs too hard
John Dory - freaky level spice tolerance, looks people in their teary eyes as he bites a raw ghost pepper
John Dory - says "Gotta get home to the missus" when referring to Rhonda
John Dory - narrates himself "Against all odds, the brave and handsome Troll was able to tame the ferocious beast" he says as he's washing a purring Rhonda
John Dory - the Uncle that buys Bruce's kids toys that are either loud or that make a huge mess
John Dory - didn't finish school, made sure his brothers did
Floyd - absolutely judges you for your star sign
Floyd - knows exactly how to pop away that pain is someones back/shoulder/hips. Grabs JDs shoulder "Relax John. After three. One...two.." CRACK
Floyd - moves back to Pop Village for what JD calls 'early retirement' works in a sort of wellness center that has music therapy and yoga and stuff.
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luckyarchivist · 3 months
Touchstarved LIs and Fanfiction AUs They Should Be In
Haven't been able to stop thinking about the people who said Ais is "always the tattoo artist in tattoo shop/flower shop AU". I don't even like tattoo shop/flower shop like that but it was such a correct thing to say and I have to acknowledge that. So here's that plus AUs I've seen that I think the LIs should be in.
Flower shop/tattoo shop, as mentioned. This one is TOO good. Come ON. Ais as the hot-ass owner of the local tattoo shop? Him listening to your idea for a tattoo and then smoothly and easily inking it into your skin and telling you you're good when you don't cry? I don't even need to explain this one. It makes sense in like every way.
NASCAR/Formula One AU. The idea of him getting out of that car sweaty as hell in the full racing suit after crushing a track record? Like, taking off the helmet and shaking his hair out and looking like he couldn't give less of a shit about winning first place? Yeah. I am not immune to vroom vroom
Mermaid AU but he's a bull shark or an octopus, not a fish. IDK if I want his claspers or his tentacles more, but either way he should be lurking in the briny deep and protecting me from the real ocean monsters and threatening to eat me even though he probably doesn't mean it, probably.
Magic/Witches AU. - C'monnnn, he's already so witchy! He's got the sleeves and everything. And yes I know TS already has magic in it, but you know what I mean. He, like, lives in the spooky forest and the people of the village are deathly afraid of him, but you need his magical help, so against the wishes of family and friends you seek him out. And he forces you through a series of dangerous illusions as a trial and, when you successfully pass them, finally agrees to help you for a price...
Royalty AU as either the capricious king of a powerful nation or that king's advisor, formal or informal (smart concubine). I've never seen Game of Thrones but that kind of castle politics, shadowy backstabbing shit seems right up his alley.
Modern AU as an artist: I already talked about this with Vere as an artist and game dev, but I think it'd be so funny if Vere was just sitting in a coffee shop (local, Starbucks is below him) trying to finish his commissions in peace because his roommate(s) are annoying and/or distracting. Honestly, Vere would also rock as a modern AU witch, like urban fantasy type.
Barista/Bartender AU. He's so extroverted and congenial I have to put him in a drink service AU. He definitely has a "time to mix drinks and save lives" type of work ethic behind the counter. He remembers regular customers and their drink orders, he is LIBERAL with discounts, and he leaves little notes to the people he thinks are cute.
Serial killer AU. I am so basic and even though I have no desire to watch or listen to true crime now, I was raised on the Investigation Discovery Channel and I've never lost that. Look at his fucking face. He's asking for it to be covered in blood. Even better if this is combined with the above AU and he's a sweet server by day and a ruthless murderer by night but he keeps the same wide, pleasant, and genuine smile on because both things are things he loves to do. Even BETTER if he has an obsession with one of his regulars and starts killing people around them in an attempt to get closer with them.
Theatre AU. Siiiighs. Yeah, I'm a theatre kid. And I just know this guy would be one of those actors who wants to be a mentor/older brother figure for any new troupe-members. He's walking you through all the vocal warmups. He's offering to help you run lines. He's driving you home after rehearsals. He is a triple threat, but he doesn't prefer musicals because he doesn't like singing in front of an audience (even though he's an amazing singer). And I just know props absolutely hates him because he keeps touching shit that isn't his.
Hospital AU and Angels/Demons AU is too easy. Instead, I'm giving him the flower shop owner in flower shop/tattoo shop AU. Anyone here like KurAis? Anyways, I think it would be sweet to have him be the super-tall, kind but a little awkward and very knowledgeable owner of a flower shop. He probably enjoys crafting bouquets that have meaning in flower language. And yes, he knows about the nice meanings and the rude meanings, so you can get a "fuck you" bouquet from Kuras.
Detroit Become Human AU as an android. I barely remember D:BH but it was one of the first things that occurred to me when thinking about AUs for Kuras. Maybe because he'd be the kind of android who was like, "Don't worry, I'm not a real person, it's okay if I get shot repeatedly," and wouldn't understand why someone would be concerned about him anyways.
Elementary school teacher/single parent AU but I don't know if I want him to be the teacher or the parent. Do I want him to look after a group of children, making efforts to understand their silly little words and communicate with them so they learn and feel cared for? Or do I want him to be the struggling single parent who is so happy to see their child finally getting the attention they deserve outside the house? IDK, but I'd be happy either way.
Superhero AU. They're kinda already halfway to superhero gear with the hood and the cape and the tight pants, but I think it be cool for them to dart from rooftop to rooftop, saving civilians and fighting crime. IDK if it'd be cooler if they were half-hero half-villain (controlled by their bird-monster side and wreaking havoc) or if it'd just be nice to have a crow hero motif. Anyway they save me and I'm a reporter who uses my reporter contacts to try and track them down not knowing they're actually my upstairs neighbor who I bring shepherd's pie and strawberry cupcakes to sometimes.
The other tattoo artist in tattoo shop/flower shop. You know how there's always some other character working in one or both of the shops? Ayeah that's Mhin. Number one, I think it'd be hot if they had tattoos. But even if they don't they're still hot when they give the tattoo because focus and skill are attractive. They're talented enough that Ais keeps them around even though they hate him. They never talk to him even though he's their boss. Over the course of the fic Mhin and Ais get closer b/c Kuras is friends with both of them and he wants them to like each other.
Angel/Demon AU as an angel because I want them to be corrupted :) I want them to be forced to submit to their own worst impulses :) and eventually realize that being evil makes them feel good and more importantly liberated and in control :) also maybe they can get wrecked by a demon please :)
Aaaand the DLC cast gets one as a treat!
Pacific Rim AU but PLEASE don't ask me why. I don't even REMEMBER Pacific Rim. But the clarity with which I could imagine Sen in a Pacific Rim AU is startling. She's gruff and she doesn't want to partner up with you, a rookie, but somehow you have perfect chemistry in the mech she doesn't want to acknowledge. She's too reckless out of disregard for her life, and you reel her in; you're inexperienced, and she fixes your mistakes. Then one day she starts to notice that she's guarding her own life more fiercely than ever before...because of you.
If that's not what Pacific Rim is about shhhh don't correct me /j
Easy answer is pornstar/industry AU or camming AU but I'll never take the easy way out. And I know we don't know shit about the guy but I think reincarnation AU would kinda hit with him. His promo talks about wanting things money can't buy? Like possibly the ability to save his soulmate from dying and forgetting him over and over while he retains the memories of every life they've both shared and lived separately, as friends, lovers, enemies, and strangers? That would go hard imo.
If you read all of that, thanks! I hope you enjoyed~
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eddies-house · 5 months
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Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Ch. 10 | Ch. 11 | Ch. 12 | Ch. 13 | Ch. 14 |
Smoke Signals
Chapter Twelve - The Holiday Season Begins
W/C: 8.7K
Eddie x Fem reader - Grumpy!Bartender!Eddie x Shy!Reader
"I've got my eye on you."
Say Yes To Heaven - L.D.R
A/N: Wow I think this is the longest I've gone without posting a chapter. I really hope you guys enjoy this one. I wrote it in bits and pieces and read it over several times. I would really really really love to know what you think, this one is so special and personal to me.
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Sugary apple goo.
You think back to Thanksgiving back home, a ruckus constant in the kitchen as dinner is prepared, more than enough food to feed an entire village.  Pots and pans clank together, trays create an echo as they are not-so-carefully placed atop the counter.  Dinner rolls are burned but still enjoyed with warm cinnamon butter.  The potatoes are a touch too lumpy but still desirable with notes of rosemary and an ungodly amount of garlic.  Various smells, both sweet and savory flood the house, your poor, stressed out mother churning out dish after dish, siblings all engaged in some kind of ball game out in the street just after watching the Thanksgiving Day parade.  
You tend to the green bean casserole, an easy dish that you couldn’t screw up even with your limited attention span.  Cream of Mushroom soup from a can seemed so repulsive in itself although it brought the whole dish together.  It didn’t matter that seconds prior it slumped against the green beans still in the shape of the can, nearly gelatinous.  Once stirred in and baked with crispy onions layered over the top, it was a masterpiece.  A five star dish in your book.
It would only be a matter of time before grandma showed up with her famously delicious apple pie, the crust coated in extra amounts of grainy sugar, the dish still piping hot.  And the “sugary apple goo” as you used to call it at the age of three already had your mouth watering just thinking about it, crispy apples so fresh and topped with syrupy caramelized sauce topped off with cinnamon and nutmeg, all wrapped up in a flaky, buttery crust.  
You sigh, piling the apple mixture on top of the homemade graham cracker crust.  It wasn’t clear to you just how lonely Thanksgiving morning would be without anyone around.  Sure, you had Donnie’s to look forward to this evening but until then, you were on your own, the parade quietly playing on the TV though you hadn’t been very impressed with the floats this year.  Holiday depression was kicking in, a kind you hadn’t experienced yet.  They were usually always a happy time, family surrounding you and distracting you from the lonesome thoughts you usually had.  This year it started feeling more like a ton of bricks was sitting on your chest, no one able to aid in providing you with some kind of task such as the honor of making the green bean casserole to ease the pressure.
It wasn’t like you couldn’t just make the controversially delicious dish, you had everything stashed in the pantry.  It just didn’t feel right.  It went unnoticed by you that tears were slowly sliding down your cheeks until a fat one landed on your wrist as you finished spooning the apple filling.  
In that moment you swear you looked the most pitiful you had ever looked in your entire life, tears trailing down your face silently, all alone, homesick.  You should be in your pajamas playing some kind of a board game on the coffee table in the living room, surrounded by your siblings.  Not throwing yourself a pity party while spreading apple goo.  To top it off, your hands had gotten completely covered, the sauce making your fingers undesirably sticky.  You hadn’t quite reached the point of sobs yet though you suppose if you let the goo linger on your hands any longer you would.
Some comforting folk music your grandpa used to play religiously rang through the house though you felt no such comfort.  Not as much as you’d hoped anyway.  It brought a familiar sense of his essence to you, his passing three years ago not settling right in your heart.  It only made you more homesick.
But you weren’t going to let yourself soak in salty tears and sticky apples.  No, you washed your hands in soothing warm water, the sludge sliding right off and into the metal of the sink, eyes puffy and red but void of tears for the time being.  You’d sucked them back and changed the music to something more upbeat, some Elvis that your grandpa had also engrained deeply into your brain though you hoped the faster tempo would brighten your spirits and ignite the happy memories.
Only, it landed you on the couch in a whole new sea of sobs this time as Unchained Melody lingered in the lonely room.  There was no getting a grip on the gut-wrenching, stomach-aching isolation you were feeling, sanity was long gone.  You were supposed to be trimming the dough that was meant to create the criss cross pattern for the pie, you were supposed to be enjoying your glass of wine as you sang under your breath to familiar tunes, you were supposed to be okay.  
It was you, after all, who had made the decision to move, right?  It was you who picked up your entire life and plopped it right in the middle of some unknown mountain town in search of yourself.  You feared that you were just losing yourself instead, forgetting just after a few months what it felt like to be surrounded by loved ones, forgetting how it felt to come home to a full house after a grueling shift at the local Denny’s.  You smelled of burnt coffee and dry eggs, your hair greasier than the literal grease trap, but none of that mattered the second you stepped into the coziness of the living room, all family dysfunction left at the door.
The tears wouldn’t stop though you still managed to force yourself off of the couch, wiping snot away with the back of your hand as you stared at the messy kitchen in despair.  Everything suddenly seemed so…impossible.  How were you meant to do anything while simultaneously questioning your entire existence, your entire meaning of life?
You had been in such disarray that cleaning up as you went didn’t even seem close to an option, nearly every pot and pan either set on top of the stove or thrown in the sink, whisks and spatulas scattered among the mess, and apple skins littering the floor.  Now you were taking in the aftermath, not even having the finished product to show as an excuse for the complete disaster, even the dough still rolled out on the cutting board.  You had hours left to prepare though it felt like seconds ticking by to inevitable disappointment.  
The end of the world felt like it weighed down on your shoulders yet you did what you did best each time.  You set it aside and pressed on.  It was never simple, weak hands grasping the dull knife, slicing through the dough to create uniform strips.  Motivation was running dry, the desire to grace everyone with the most delicious apple pie they’d ever tasted was out the window, you could only do what your body allowed.
And like every other time you had to pull yourself out of the gutter.  Life began to bleed back into your eyes as your creation came back to life.  Puffiness still remained throughout your face, eyes still droopy but slowly your drive kicked back into gear.  Sniffles from previous snotty tears continued but nothing felt better than laying down the last layer of dough over the apple filling, a quest conquered.  
Finishing off your cheap red wine, you reward yourself by licking off the spoon you’d used for the filling.  The kitchen still required a good scrub down but you could live with the mess a little while longer as you indulged in the sweetness.  Something well deserved.  You didn’t even want to think about the nightmare that Christmas was about to become, decorating your tree with only the company of your dreaded thoughts.  That was a scenario you were not willing to wander into, at least not until it would actually happen.  There was no sense in making yourself live through it twice, your brain longing to torture you with irrational possibilities.
Elvis’s voice continues to carry through the living room, a second glass of wine being poured in hopes of easing your homesickness, attempting to neglect thoughts of what you would usually be doing right now.  It was barely working, only leaving you feeling slightly lazy with a good layer of sadness still looming over you like a storm cloud.  There was no extinguishing the sorrows you felt for familiarity and the comfort the holidays were supposed to bring you.
Sudden knocking sends you into a brief panic, unexpected guests were not in the cards for your lonesome morning that had only served to encourage your crybaby tendencies.  At the very least you got a pie out of it.
The knocking persists as you scramble up from your depressing divot on the couch, a certain urgency waving over you at the speed of the knocks.  They were rapid, quick pecks at the wood, a worrisome speed that usually constituted an emergency in the end.  
Why today, why now?
With a heavy sigh, you swing the door open, glass of half-finished wine in one hand while the other runs down your drained face.  You expect some kind of eviction notice; god knows why since you own the place.  Maybe the check hadn’t reached the mortgage company, maybe it had been intercepted in transit.  The last thing you expect on your doorstep is a wide-eyed Eddie cradling a large bowl in one arm.  His gray sweatpants swallow his legs and hang low on his hips, a sliver of his tummy on display in between his t-shirt and pants.
It’s conflicting.  Do you act concerned and start begging the questions:  Did something happen?  Who’s injured?  Or do you exhale in relief as a tiny smile tugs at the corners of his mouth even in his somewhat distressed state?  It can’t be that bad if he still finds it in himself to smile, right?
“I, uh, I need help.”  He says sheepishly.
Ever since the night of the hoedown, he’d been a new kind of shy with you.  You couldn’t lie and say you didn’t adore it because truth be told, big bad Eddie Munson who previously chewed you out for being so bashful was now getting a taste of his own medicine.  Except you had been much kinder than he initially was, though it was fun to tease him and force his face to turn a vibrant tomato red.  
“Help?”  You smirk, swirling your wine as if you were some kind of connoisseur.  “My, my, how the tables have turned.”
“Bambi.”  He groans, still maintaining focused eye contact with the wood planks of your porch.
It’s said so softly, in a way that reduces him to a puddle, his knees could give out at any moment if you so much as looked at him a certain way which had been why he refused to catch your gaze.  He internally curses himself for automatically counting under his breath, unable to stop himself: one, two, three, one, two, three.
In an instant your face falls, he only ever counted when he was stressed from what you could gather.  It was a learning curve, navigating Eddie’s quirks.
“Hey.”  You soothe, gingerly grabbing his wrist with your free hand.  “Hey, what’s wrong?”  
His curls bounce with a shake of his head, his eyes fluttering shut.  The counting stops but he still comes across as fuzzy.  Disoriented.  
“Come inside.”  You whisper, gently tugging him through the door, your wine abandoned at the entry table in the process.  “It’s freezing out.”
Instinctually he hands you the bowl he’d been cradling close to his body with a wooden spoon sticking out.  Upon further inspection, a mountain of mashed potatoes-or should you say lumps of potatoes are piled up within the bowl.  The skins are still intact, way too many if he intended to make smooth and creamy potatoes.  They’d be much less than enjoyable in the state they were currently in.
“I fucked them up.”  He whispers.
The sight you’re met with is that of a small child in a grown man’s body, his large eyes pleading.  You’re forced to realize that today may very well be much worse for him than it is for you.  He’d warned you that he didn’t do holidays and here he was, a nervous wreck turning up on your doorstep in a panic with lumpy potatoes.  And suddenly you felt so selfish.
“That’s okay.”  You assure him, tracing a tender thumb over his bicep.  He looked so lost.  “Eddie, it’s okay.”  You repeat with a nod.
“I just, I was gonna buy something from the store, and then, I just thought–I dunno maybe I’d at least try.”  He tugs on his curls, a bit too harshly for your liking.  “I don’t know why I even tried.”  He sighs in defeat.
It’s enough to break your heart.
Turmoil flashes in his eyes, stress apparent in the way his brows furrow and his frown lines grow deeper.  His lips are red, most likely bitten, and he can’t stop twisting one of his rings around his finger.  He looks to be as much of a wreck as you felt although the symptoms seem to be much more apparent in his appearance than yours.  Your slightly swollen eyes were nothing compared to his tousled curls, anxieties littered across his face and trembling hands unable to be subtly hidden without the crutch of sleeves.
“I, uh, I-I shouldn’t have bothered.”  He mutters, reaching for the door.
You intercept him, your hand wrapping around his elbow while you attempt to meet his eyes.  He freezes in his escape, your touch rendering him paralyzed, your fingers suddenly too determined in digging into the meat of his arm.  Not meanly.  Never meanly.  More concerned.  Concerned for the way he cowers away the second he’s offered any fraction of help.  Perhaps it’s hypocritical of you to regard him with such worry when you yourself present the same behaviors under the same circumstances and expect no such treatment.
Your expression offers a certain softness that he’s come across one too many times since you’d barged into his life and taken his heart hostage.  You’d never know you committed such a crime.  And he’d never outright tell you of the ache that sat deep in his chest that he had no clue how to satiate.  All he knew was that he could not jeopardize this.  If he could get through the holidays, if he could get to January and you were still around, then, and only then would he be convinced that he had finally lifted whatever fucked up, out-of-this-world curse that had haunted him all his life.
“It’s okay.”  Barely above a whisper, you assure him.
Eddie doesn’t remember making his way into your kitchen, he can’t recall your delicate hand pulling him along until you let go to discard his potato concoction onto the counter and he realizes he’s taken the warmth for granted in a haze of existential dread.  Like a lost puppy, he stares at your fingertips as they linger on the counter while you lean over to reach for an empty casserole dish.  The entirety of your kitchen cabinets had thrown up all over the counters, a reflection of the way his brain felt.  Scattered.  
“Potatoes are actually super complicated.”  
His ears perk up, unsure of how to conjure up a response.  Instead, he raises his eyebrows, fearful of how dumb he could make himself look with just a few syllables.  It wasn’t like him to care so deeply what others thought of him.
“That’s why I avoid them.  Instead–”  You turn around only to pull out a can of green beans and a can of cream of mushroom.  “-work smarter, not harder.”
Eddie knows he should be hanging onto every word you say and usually he would be, he knows.  Except he can’t help but tune into the melody of Blue Christmas that had been echoing off the kitchen walls from your record player across the room.
The damn record player.  And the records.
He didn’t realize how much the records still affected him.  He had his own collection now, sure.  But anything that resembled the essence of his Mama, lived safely and soundly on its dedicated shelf in his room, untouched.  It took him years to rebuild Mama’s collection.
“Sorry can we-”  He makes his way toward the record player, his face contorted nearly painfully before lifting the needle.  “I just-I can’t think.”
Your motions were paused, can opener halfway through the can of beans as your eyes meet him with questions splayed across your face.  You don’t ask them.  An understanding smile works its way across your lips and god, he doesn’t know why you’re so patient with him after he stepped into your house and suddenly had the uncontrollable urge to shut off your music.  As he strides back into the kitchen, a series of apologies haven't even left his mouth and yet-
“So…Green Bean Casserole.”  You state, fingers tapping against the tin of each can.  “And Sugary Apple Goo.”  A vague gesture toward the uncooked pie.  “Kind of a…weird duo.  Or it will be if I actually get it in the oven-”
“Sorry, what?”  
“Apple pie.  The apple pie.  At home we just call it sugary apple goo, don’t ask why it’s just–it’s just a thing we do.”  You clarify, shoving the dessert into the comforting warmth of the oven, shivering at the sensation as goosebumps begin to prick your skin.
“Apple goo.”  He repeats.  A raised brow disappearing beyond his messy bangs.
Eddie almost forgets the reason why he’d been in such disarray, almost forgets why he even bothered knocking on your door in the first place, only remembers the fact that he was in a panicked state.
“Yeah.”  You sigh.
You busy yourself with slopping the now drained green beans into a nearby glass bowl.  Your blotchy skin and puffy eyes catch in the stream of sunlight, the kitchen window betraying you as it showcases your true state.  Avoiding those large brown eyes is the best you can do, the theory that if you can’t see him he can’t see you dumbly being put to use no matter how aware you are that it makes no sense.  Maybe if you act “okay enough”, he’ll chalk it up to the common cold, placing the responsibility for your rudolph-like nose on the yearly infection.
What you fail to realize is that by this point, he’s become too familiar with your teary eyes and sad worry lines that only seemed prominent in your times of distress.  Times that he had regretfully been the cause of previously.  Words can’t escape his practically sewn-shut-mouth, all sounds dying long before forming on his tongue.  It’s impossible to create comfort when he himself has trouble doing so for himself.  How could he possibly offer such comfort to someone who deserved kinder words from someone of a higher regard?
“Here, dump this in and mix.”  You instruct, forcing a can of cream of mushroom and a wooden spoon in his hands, yanking him out of his mind.
There’s no room for protest, not that he even intended to.  Not when you’re standing there with the ghost of tear tracks down your cheeks.  Not when you’re this kind.  Not when you’re you.  
“Okay.”  He mutters, a disgusting sound filling his ears from the lumpy soup falling into the bowl.
“After that, pour it in here.”  You place a ceramic casserole dish to his right, the dish nearly too large to fit on the cluttered counter though you’re too occupied with tidying up other parts of the kitchen to bother.
“Got it.”
Eddie Munson absolutely hates Thanksgiving.  But he doesn’t mind it so much when you’re rustling around behind him, a silent conversation hanging in the air that neither of you are alone in your holiday sorrows, whatever they may be.
You don’t ask why he continues counting under his breath behind you or why his hands are shaking.
And he doesn’t ask why tears linger in your eyes or why you pause to regain your composure after dropping a pan a bit too loudly for your liking, your lip wobbling.
Because the collective understanding is that neither of you is okay.  And maybe that’s okay.
“Careful, the bottom is–”
A ringed hand waves around in an effort to rid it of the burning sensation caused by the bottom of the piping hot casserole dish.  Eddie releases a series of curses, the side of the dish pushed against his chest as he balances it between his body and his single arm protected by one of your generously donated dish rags.  Your wide eyes caution him in his balancing act, a perfectly crafted green bean casserole at risk due to his negligence as he had taken the liberty of knocking on the door.
“What the fuck, how can fuckin’ beans be so goddamn hot?”  Brown eyes nearly roll into the back of his head, his fingertips more than likely singed an angry red.
It’s no laughing matter, not according to the scowl that makes its way across his handsome features but you can’t stop the pull of your lips from forming a large grin, giggles caught in the back of your throat.  His irritation disappears just as quickly as it came, harsh edges blurring into softness at the sight of your puffed out cheeks, inflated due to the humor just dying to crawl out of your mouth.
“Oh, shut up.”  A nudge of his shoulder against yours has you shaking your head, laughter finally escaping your perfectly glossed lips.
He could write paragraphs about them if it didn’t seem so creepy and stalkerish.  So he allowed himself the tiniest of glances, only hoping to paint the full picture in his head ever since you’d quickly puckered your lips in front of your mirror at home to complete your finishing touches while he viewed from the porch where he waited in his black button up and nicest pair of jeans.  He’d never been so jealous over a tube of lipgloss.  In fact, he’d never in his life been jealous of a tube of lipgloss and he never felt like more of a loser than in that moment.
“I told you.”  You mutter, an endearing side eye delivered right into his line of sight.  It was something almost child-like, something innocent and not at all like what he’d ever really been on the receiving end of.  Maybe because there was a certain flirtiness you were hinting at although he was no expert and had no right to assume.
“I told you.”  He mumbles back with a higher pitch, mocking you.
You turn toward him, a comeback on the tip of your tongue when his own tongue interrupts with a taunt, peeking out between his lips swiftly, his nose scrunching up meanly before his full attention is back on the door as it creaks open.  And then, a quick wink that only you yourself were a witness to, only creating a stir in your brain as you decipher that no one else would be able to confirm the action.
“Hey!”  Donnie greets, arms flung up in excitement as she ushers you into her welcoming home, smells infiltrating your nose, sweet and savory galore.
Before either you or Eddie can even get a simple “hello” in, she’s talking your ear off, something about who all is already in the living room, how far along the turkey is, where the bathroom is, all while guiding you into the spacious dining room.  She must have set out her fine china, the gorgeous dishes set all around the table lined with champagne colored silver on the edges of the plates.  Two tables had been pushed together, creating enough space for the large number of guests expected.  In the center sat an exquisite arrangement of various orange-hued flowers and some greenery.  
The house was comforting; not too large and not too small, a two story dream that no doubt had acres of backyard.  The Christmas tree had already been set up and decorated, the branches and lights hinting at you from the other room where men roared with laughter, a football game blaring from the TV that contrasted with the familiar voice of Frank Sinatra coming from the stereo.  Combined turkey and Santa decorations adorned the interior everywhere you glanced, surfaces that would usually be empty year around were occupied with tacky little figurines that were more endearing than anything.  Plastic garland traced the rails of the stairs, littered in fake plastic cranberries, the front room being far more grand than your entire home as you inspected it through the archway of the dining room.
Suddenly your nerves were simmering down, a familiar feeling nestling into the bottom of your chest as your shoulders fell from their tensed position, your fingers letting up on their grip on the pie tin you clutched so desperately.  Women squealed from the kitchen, a series of “oh my god”s erupting into the rest of the house, some kind of juicy gossip initiating several gasps as well as some laughter.  Your homesickness began to lie dormant, warmth overtaking you as Donnie went on and on about her family members, which ones to avoid sitting next to at all costs and warning you of the aunties that would corner you and beg for details on your love life.
“Just pretend I’m calling you and run as fast as you can in the other direction.”  She advises.  “And if that doesn’t work, tell ‘em you had too much wine and that it’s making a reappearance.  They’ll scatter like flies.”
You laugh along, taking mental notes as she grabs the pie from you, complimenting the smell as she sets it among several other desserts, a whole table dedicated only to sweets.  When she goes to grab the green bean casserole from Eddie, you can’t help but pause and watch as his doe eyes trace his surroundings, a clearly unfamiliar environment to him.  There’s uncertainty dripping from his demeanor, his single finger tapping against the dish:  One, two, three.  One, two, three.  One, two, three.
“Green bean casserole-Eddie, do you know how many green bean casserole we’ve got?  Like you all read each other’s mind, I swear.”  Donnie jokes.
“It’s-um, it’s hot.”  He cautions her.
Sauntering toward the main table, Donnie proudly sets it on top of a place mat to protect the wood from the heat.  Eddie doesn’t budge, seemingly glued to the carpet, his hands still lingering in the air like he had still been holding the dish.
“You okay?”  You mouth to him, looking up into his worried eyes, only hoping to soothe the crease in between his eyebrows.
He nods though you suspect he’s being a bit dishonest.  
“Oh, c’mon Eddie!  You know I’m just pullin’ your leg.”  Donnie reassures, a heavy hand falling against his shoulder.  “Shoot, I have to go check on the oven.  Yell for me if you need anything, both of you, okay?”  
“Sure.”  You mumble.  “Thank you.”
“There’s a fully stocked bar right over there, help yourselves.”  She calls as she backs herself up toward the kitchen.  “But don’t go too crazy.”  She sends a knowing glance, recalling both of your tendencies to take on more than you can handle.
“Why don’t we get some air?”  You suggest, unable to comprehend exactly just what was happening in Eddie’s mind although you knew enough to understand that he was miles outside of his comfort zone.
“No, no.  I’m good.”  A cleared throat doesn’t reassure you enough but you let it go for the time being.  Prying wasn’t going to help.  “”M gonna get a beer.”  He murmurs, chain jingling from his belt as he makes his way toward what you can only assume is the kitchen where Donnie had just disappeared to.
As pathetic as it seemed, you weren’t going to allow yourself to wander around alone, vulnerable to various conversations trapping you in small talk with strangers: an absolute nightmare.  Timidly, you follow behind Eddie at a safe distance, holding your breath as you take in the new room full of busy women and many glasses of wine.  The smell of gravy heavily lingers, a tinge of the sourly sweet alcohol peeking through as you release your breath and inhale finally.  
And then-they were all over him.  Sweet older women, ranging from around fifty plus years, all doting on him, cooing at him while complimenting how tall he is and his handsome features.  It only forces you to lean your hip against the counter and take in the most captivating scene you’d ever witnessed.  His cheeks redden, his entire face matching shortly after as he nods in response, small “thank you”s sneaking past his lips with a sheepish grin threatening to spread across his face, dimples prominent.  It’s clear he doesn’t know what to do with the attention, has no recognition of the power he currently holds.
“Is this one yours?!”  One woman shrieks, taking your hands in her bony ones.
“You’re so lucky, he’s such a looker!”  Another chimes in.
“We’re not-”
“You better hope he holds onto all that hair throughout the years.”  A third nods.
Eddie’s face has never been redder, crimson painting his usually pale skin, a beer pinched in between his fingers as he avoids every single eye in the room.  You can only imagine the look on your own face, maybe slightly mortified with a hint of pink pulling at your cheeks due to the unnecessary attention.
“Alright, alright.”  Donnie interjects.  “Enough, you’re gonna scare ‘em away before they’ve even had a bite to eat!”  She waves her hands around, dramatics on full display as she shoos them away like pigeons.
“Thank you.”  You whisper, eyes large and surprised.
“Run, run.”  Donnie displays wide eyes, gently shoving you both out of the kitchen.
Throughout the evening, you kept Eddie in your peripheral.  Sure, he was grown and fully capable of taking care of himself but it didn’t worry you any less when holidays weren’t necessarily his favorite thing.  Anxieties lurked in the back of your mind the second he started counting earlier, never once fading away no matter how hard you tried to convince yourself that he was fine, now bantering back and forth with Sam.
“That Steve kid really can’t dance.”  Nathan laughs, pulling you back into the initial conversation you were having, perched on the couch with a glass of wine set in front of you on the coffee table courtesy of Donnie’s excellent hosting skills.
“Well that’s why he excused himself off the dancefloor.”  You softly smile, earning another hearty laugh from the man.
“Hey, but Eddie’s no better.”  He jokes, taking a swig of his beer.  “Looked like a damn giraffe stumbling over his own legs.”
“I wasn’t very coordinated either!”  You defend.  “We were a hot mess.”  You bury your face in your hands.
“Yeah, I bet Eddie thought you were hot.”
The recliner adjacent to you creaks beneath Jett as he makes himself comfortable, slouching with a beer in his hand.
“Whoa.”  Nathan leans forward, ready to reprimand him.  “What-”
“That’s okay.”  You speak softly, your hand covering the older man’s as an act of keeping the peace, something you did best.  Several seconds of contemplation and a glance across the room toward Eddie change your mind.  
“Actually-it’s not.”  You turn your body toward Jett, a man–child before your eyes that refused to even look at you after his comment.  Your hands shake and your cheeks heat with embarrassment, chalking your sudden confidence up to the glass and a half of wine you indulged in.  
“What?”  Jett furrows his brows, examining his beer far too aggressively as a means to avoid you.
“It’s not okay.”  You whisper, a wimpy excuse of a defense.
“What’s gotten into you, boy?”  Nathan scolds through gritted teeth.
Jett’s nearly-black eyes resemble something opposite in comparison to the warmth in those across the room currently harboring a twinkle in an engaged conversation.  The boy is unable to get a word in as you quietly begin to address him.
“Look, I’m sorry if I did something wrong.”  You regret the tremble in your tone, confrontation was well out of your comfort zone, especially with someone who had been so hostile for no reason.  It wasn’t in your DNA to be the “bad guy” even when it would benefit your wellbeing.
Something in your words softens Jett’s eyes, pulls a piece of him back into reality.  You weren’t terrorizing him and he couldn’t seem to grasp that ever since that night you had argued with Eddie behind the bar.  And you hadn’t spoken a word out of line but you weren’t clueless.  Clearly he had an agenda against you and Eddie, it never left your mind since Eddie mentioned that Jett got all over-protective suddenly that night and took it out on him.  But what could you do when all he did was puff out his chest rather than have a decent conversation?  His frayed emotions were not your responsibility, you owed him nothing if he was going to insist on acting like a toddler in adult situations.  You suppose some of it could be due to his lack of years behind yourself and Eddie, Jett still a teenager, almost twenty whereas you had been in your twenties for a few years now.  It wasn’t an excuse, just your brain attempting to work out his logic.
“You didn’t–you didn’t do anything wrong.”  He sighs, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees.
You don’t offer any words.  Only an expectant look.  Expecting of some kind of explanation as to why he’d been acting so cruel.  And as if the universe decided you didn’t live in enough anguish with your homesickness that morning paired with the current unwanted confrontation, Eddie’s eyes met yours for a brief moment before darting away, a deep sigh and suddenly slouching shoulders clearly indicating some kind of defeat before he quietly stepped out of the room.
“Can we get into this another time?”
You don’t wait for a response, excusing yourself to slip out of the room and follow the trail of cold out the front door, the chill seeping into your bones as your cradle your arms close to yourself.  The porch is spacious, something you hadn’t taken notice of earlier when arriving.  To your left, Eddie sits on a wooden bench with the family name “Scott” carved into it.  A cigarette takes its place between his fingers, his lighter flickering while he lets out a frustrated groan.  He places the stick between his lips and cups the flame to hide it from the wind, finally succeeding in lighting it, puffs of smoke escaping through the corners of his mouth.
“I’m not fragile, Bambi.  Stop following me around.”  He mutters, pulling the cigarette from his lips.  There’s no malice detected in his words, just something lacking hope as he stares straight ahead.
Carefully, you sit at the very edge of the bench, your skirt a tad too short to allow you to fully sit back due to the cold surface.  You catch a wave of his warmth as he rests his arm on his thigh.  It hurts, how far away he feels even being inches from you; his mind might as well be on Jupiter.  A momentary glance over at you causes him to sigh deeply, his head dipping down while he shakes it in disappointment.
“And dammit!”  Eddie snaps, face twitching in aggravation.  “I don’t have a jacket for you this time.  Learn how to dress for the cold.”  He gestures to your posture, your arms wrapped around your middle in an attempt to savor any warmth, and your jaw clenched shut as a means to keep your teeth from chattering though you can’t seem to contain the shivers nearly rattling your bones.
“I don’t need one.”
He scoffs, disbelief evident in his movements, a fidgeting hand reaching up to scratch the barely-there stubble at his jaw.  
“I don’t!”  You lie.
You were never one to willingly be dishonest but a little white lie in this case didn’t seem like the end of the world.  Not when Eddie’s fragile state of mind seemed to gnaw away at him.  You wouldn’t leave him out for the wolves to feed on him; wolves being his never ending thoughts that always without fail, won him over and forced him to crawl back into his comfort zone of isolation.  You suppose you weren’t so innocent either, always succumbing to the very same habits.
“Go back inside.”  A flick of his cigarette ash towards the ground ignites in the thin layer of snow barely coating the porch before extinguishing.
You can’t help the furrow in your brows, staring at him as if to figure him out, attempting to glance into his large coffee colored irises, to no avail.  His shiny eyes dodge your attempts, the windows of his soul closed off, even from you.  Not that you were immediately entitled, though you figure with each trauma he had shared with you, he’d at least be able to look you in the eye.
“Come with me.”  You chirp.  “We’ll taste all the wines.  C’mon, and then we’ll be nice and hungry.  Drunk eating is the best.”  You extend a hand out toward him, your freshly painted nails perfectly imperfect in his peripheral.
“I’m not in the mood, Bambi.”
His gravelly voice has a certain effect on you, one you find not appropriate to dissect right now.  He lifts the cigarette back up to his lips, the chance to take one more drag stolen from him as you pluck it from his fingers, tossing it into the snow without regret, stomping your foot on it for good measure.
“Well, get in the mood.  Let’s go.”  
Boldly, you tug at his arm, unable to move him by yourself, you know.  But he willingly melts into your touch, allowing you to pull him up despite his protesting frown.  Though he follows you to stand, he doesn’t budge much further than that as you try to drag him back into the cozy warmth of the house.  The rounded tip of his nose glows red, the threat of a cold only pushing you to tug on his sleeve with no success in ushering him inside.
“I think ‘m just gonna head home.  You think someone else could give you a ride back?”  The question is hesitant, no longer wanting to participate in the festivities but still concerned for your well-being, especially if you were going to continue to drink.  
Your track record with alcohol wasn’t exactly great and he’d never forgive himself if something happened and he wasn’t there just because the sight of you talking to Jett had left a bad taste in his mouth.  But he couldn’t stand it any longer, watching you act so graceful all the time, especially to someone you didn’t particularly like, and then having to pretend that a simple kiss on the cheek didn’t absolutely wreck him.  A kiss that you hadn’t since mentioned, and he wasn’t going to humiliate himself by insinuating that you wanted him in that way.  No one wanted him in that way.
“What?”  You breathe, face shifting into a sadness Eddie wanted to kick himself for.  “No, you can’t go–”
“I’m sure Jett is ready and willing to entertain you.”
Low blow.  He could always count on himself to deliver a low blow at the worst of times.
Eddie knew now that you had a distaste for Jett, he knew that.  And yet he was stupid enough to continue using Jett as ammo against you for no reason other than his own insecurity.  If he continued to push you away then it wouldn’t hurt so bad when you realized he was scum of the earth.  Trailer trash.  A nobody.  That’s what he kept telling himself.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”  You fume, crossing your arms.
“I don’t know, Bambi.  You tell me cause I can’t figure you out.”
The use of his nickname for you stitched together with words of anguish only further confused you.  You couldn’t seem to win.
“Can’t–can’t figure me out?!”  You widen your eyes at him, only hoping to convey how ridiculous of a statement it is.  “Can’t figure me out.  What about you?!  You’re the one no one can figure out!”  
You’re on the verge of whining, begging in a sense.  Pleading with the most stubborn man in the world and god only knows what you’ll do if he doesn’t stand down.
“Maybe there’s a reason for that.”  He states simply, monotone.  It makes you want to yank your hair out by the roots and offer it to him, asking him if it’s enough.  If it’s enough to shut up the voices in his head.
“Yeah?  Because you don’t wanna let people in?!”  Uncharacteristically, you jab a finger into his chest, frustration making itself known across your face and you only know because his eyes ever so slightly soften.  “Eddie, all you do is give me mixed signals!  How many times do I have to tell you I want nothing to do with Jett?!  What do I have to do to get that through your thick fucking head?!”  He tries to get a word in but you don’t give him an opportunity.  “No, seriously!  I need an instruction manual or something because I’m trying!  I have been trying-”
“-I didn’t ask you to!”  He finally interrupts, sorrow filling his eyes.
With a deep breath, you calm your heaving chest.  It’s apparent you’re no longer cold, your skin hot from working yourself up.  Steam may as well be coming from your ears though it wasn’t your intention to get so irritated with him.  
“I wanted to.  I want to.”  Your voice comes out softer, a gentler approach to his sudden internal conflict.
Turning away, he doesn’t quite move to leave but there’s no mistaking the fact that he’s trying to shut you out.  He’s trying to escape like some kind of feral animal but you refuse to give in.  You refuse to let him.  
“Yes.  Eddie–look at me!”  You demand with a small pull of his arm.
He goes to turn his body even further away from you but the firm hold you have on his bicep stops him.  He keeps his gaze on the floorboards below, his nose twitching and eyes burning with the threat of tears.  You only know because you’re all too familiar with the mandatory frown that comes with holding them back.
“Stop doing that.  Please.”  You beg.
“I can’t be here right now–”
“What makes you think I can?”
He’s silent.  The world instantly feels so quiet, tiny snow flurries fluttering around you, making you feel as if you’re the only two people on Earth.  Echoes of the celebrating and hollering inside are faint although they don’t do much to pop the bubble you find yourselves in.  Then he breaks the silence, daring to plead with you this time.
“Bambi, please.”  He croaks.
Your initial thought is, please what?  You’d been pleading with him back and forth for god knows how many minutes straight and here he was doing it right back to you.  And for what?  It wasn’t a good enough plea, not for you.  You weren’t ready to let it go, if you even knew what “it” was.
“No, you’re coming inside and you don’t have to associate with me if you don’t want to but you’re coming inside.”
Your demand only seems to irritate him, his brows knitting together while he pinches the bridge of his nose in between his fingers.  If he was agitated then you were about to become enraged.  And that is not something you wanted.  You never wanted to display that kind of emotion toward him but he was practically pulling it out of you and you had to fight against it.  No one had ever been able to pull such a reaction out of you, not ever.  Even if you had gotten pretty close, you swallowed it down and hid it.
“Why?!”  Eddie seethes.
His outburst takes you back, though with the aggravation boiling within you, you were able to contain any reaction he was seeking, if any.  That wasn’t the case for long though as you then launch yourself into another tantrum after staring for a second too long at his snarled lip.
“Because believe it or not, I care, Eddie!”  You practically wail, your voice becoming hoarse.  “If you leave I’m coming with you because I’m not leaving you alone.  Not on Thanksgiving.”  Your head shakes in denial.
Against your own will, a single tear trails down your cheek and the moment you feel it, you’re rapidly wiping it away, hoping he never even saw it when you knew damn well his umber eyes followed it all the way down your face.  He only pulls his gaze away.
“I’m leaving.  You’re staying here.”  He decides, regret etched into his features.
In a final attempt to escape your grasp, he succeeds, feeling your fingertips linger for one last second before drifting away as he turns and makes his way down the porch steps, wood protesting beneath him.  The noise is the only proof you have that he’s actually leaving, that he actually feels he’s not worthy enough to stay.  
You refuse to give up so easily.
Your feet are already on a mission, nearly sprinting down the stairs even with the threat of slipping on the minimal amount of ice beginning to freeze over.  Eddie pays no mind to the fast paced footsteps crunching against the gravel behind him, making his way over to Sugar with his head hung low.  Your heart is racing, not just because you suddenly decided to sprint a few yards but because a healthy dose of dopamine has started coursing throughout your body, a good amount of anxiety accompanying it but not deferring you any longer.
Eddie makes it to Sugar, his hand reaching for the door only for it to be forced shut with a self-manicured hand.  If he didn’t know who the hand belonged to he’d be chewing the owner out for daring to touch his beloved truck.  Instead he rolls his eyes and turns as he prepares to reprimand you in a much more gentle manner than he would anyone else.
Except he doesn’t even have the chance when your lips are suddenly pressed to the corner of his mouth, your body pushing him against Sugar.  His hands freeze mid air, his eyes wide open.  Your hands are resting on his chest and–he can’t breathe.  You pull away, inches from him and he can’t breathe, he can’t speak, he can’t move.  As far as he’s concerned he isn’t even human anymore.  
“Stay.”  You whisper, your breath fanning over slightly chapped lips.
His lips won’t stop tingling, he can’t grasp the concept of what just occurred.  He refuses to even touch you for fear that you might disappear right before him.  Hell, he’s not even sure he’s allowed to.
It’s difficult to gauge his reaction, his heavy breath lingering with the smell of his cigarette that would probably gross you out had it been anyone else but for some reason, because it’s him, you don’t mind very much.  You must smell strongly of wine which isn’t always pleasant so you figure you’re even.
“Please stay.”   You repeat, nudging your nose into his.
It’s like he’s in a trance, his eyelids becoming lazy and his body relaxing when you reach up to trace your thumb ever so slightly over his jaw.  His forehead rests against yours, his eyes squeezing shut, and you can hear a gulp in his throat.  With his eyes still shut, he nods and before you can process it, he launches himself into your arms in a tight embrace, wrapping himself around you, his face buried in your neck.  A wetness catches against your skin catches your attention, Eddie’s body heaving slightly and you just know.
You know that the tear stains on your skin mean more to him than you could ever imagine.
Slowly, your fingers tangle in his hair, threading into the curls at the nape of his neck to lightly scratch his scalp soothingly.  The way he grips onto you tighter, his body shaking, only confirms that physical touch and affection was not a luxury he was allowed in his lifetime.  If he let you, you’d spend thousands of hours holding him, even in the cold.  Whatever he needed.
But the snow flurries began to grow larger and the wind started to pick up.  And you’d be damned if you allowed yourself and Eddie to catch a nasty cold when you could be doing the same thing inside next to the fire.  Though, as you thought about it, Eddie would probably shy away from your touch in front of everyone.  And that didn’t anger you in the way it normally would.  Because you couldn’t blame him, someone so touch starved that he began to sob the second he was willingly kissed and told he was wanted, for shying away from showers of physical affection in front of peers that only know him to be big, bad, Eddie Munson.  It would be too much of a change and you weren’t willing to force that upon him.
So as the cold grew more unforgiving, you continued to hold him.  He would be the one to decide when he felt he wanted to part from you.  And if you both got sick, so be it.  A stupid cold would be worth the price if you were able to provide him the touch he went so long without and so badly craved, even if he didn’t quite know it at first.
Eddie parted from you far sooner than anticipated.  His cheeks were rosy, his rounded nose matching, endearingly so.  His eyelashes were dotted with a few lingering tears, his eyes rimmed with red but sadness was absent from his features.  Instead there was a fondness dripping from his expression and though he parted from the embrace to gaze down at you, he still clung to you like his life depended on it. 
“Can I–can I kiss you?”  He whispers shakily.
You want to laugh, only because he’s acting as if you didn’t kiss him in the first place.  But you bury it deep down and only let a smile blossom.  
“Please.”  You whisper back.
This time, you’re more than happy to beg.  
Hesitantly, his shaky hand cups your jaw, the warmth from his skin more than welcome as he gently slots his lips against yours.  He’s slow with it, taking his time.  As you move in rhythm with him, you encourage him, moving his arms to circle your waist, pressing yourself closer and letting your hands travel up his chest to lock behind his neck.  
“I can’t stop.”  He laughs quietly, continuously pecking your lips like he can’t get enough.
“Don’t.”  You giggle into his mouth.
Teeth clash against teeth and though he hasn’t quite graduated to using tongue yet, you have the urge to introduce him.  Before you can pass your tongue along his plump bottom lip, he curses under his breath as he pulls away, only causing worry to spread across your face.
“You’re freezing.”  His hands rub up and down your arms to somewhat heat you up and only then do you realize your face feels completely numb.
“No, I’m fine.”  You protest against your better judgment.  It wasn’t exactly fitting to be in tights while one of the first snow falls of the year ensued.
“You’ll be a popsicle in like three seconds.”
Eddie softly smiles, reaching for your hand and tugging you with him toward the house.  A whine escapes you, a pathetic whimper but you manage to shuffle yourself along with him.  Before entering the realm of reality beyond the front door, Eddie turns to you, stars in his eyes, something glimmering.
“How’s my nose?  Snotty?”  He grins, wiping his nose with the back of his hand.
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Resources 🌼
(Updated regularly)
🪷 Emergency resource: oh no I’m having a bad thought
🌻 Apps and Games
Finch: mental health app where you care for a little bird! Offers many features such as focus timers, rant zones, nature sounds, fun questions, and more! You can even make friends on it and send them encouragement :) (my friend code)
Adorable Home: a precious game in which you have a tiny spouse, cats, and a little house you can decorate! You can check in and enjoy peaceful music, different scenes, and upgrades through collecting tiny hearts you earn through easy tasks! A truly adorable and relaxing game!
Seashine: a game set underwater in which you guide a tiny luminescent jellyfish through the abyss. Beautiful, relaxing music and distant whale noises; some scary enemies, so if you have thalassophobia this might not be the one for you. Very calming otherwise though, and the creator is coming out with an enemy-free version soon in which you can just float around to the music!
Cat Snack Bar: an adorable app where you operate different business venues with the help of chubby, adorable cats! You check in periodically to collect money and update your venue, but otherwise it doesn't require much brain power. A very cute game to help you relax!
Webtoon: a comic app that allows you to browse thousands of creative and often relaxing webcomics! My personal favorite is Cursed Princess Club; it's a very clever and happy one with a lot of good messages!
1010!: a fun little game where you match up blocks. Fairly simple and satisfying, and you can update your backgrounds to fun designs!
Papa's Cupcakeria: a relaxing and satisfying game where you make cupcakes! And of course there’s a whole series of games in the Papa Louie universe to choose from that are fun and happy :)
🪸 Fun Websites
Neal.fun: features many creative pages you can visit such as— a stack of movable rocks, a page that shows how deep the ocean really goes, who was alive [insert year], draw logos from memory, and more!
WindowSwap: lets you go through windows around the world! You can log in and save your favorites, and make it fullscreen if you need to study and want a nice thing in the background to keep you from distractions.
mrdoob.com: a wacky website with lots of fun features you can draw and mess around with
boredbutton: for when you're bored out of your mind and want a pointless website to mess with!
theuselessweb.com: takes you to a completely useless website, such as a page where it rains corndogs or a page where you can create different forms of art.
ashortjourney.com: lets you take a small and beautifully drawn trip on a trolley and pick up/drop off tiny creatures!
Forestopia: allows you to explore images of forests and the things inside, with background forest noises!
boredpanda.com: full of memes, funny stories, and more!
listverse: contains many lists, some horrifying (so be warned for those) and some just fascinating!
🍄 Focus Sites and Playlists
rainymood.com: a site/app that lets you listen to rain for as long as you want!
asoftmurmur.com: lets you listen to a variety of sounds like rain, thunder, or a fire!
Open ocean: 10 hours of underwater videography of a spot in the ocean!
imissmycafe.com: site that lets you listen to the noises of a coffee shop! You can change the different noises too :)
Secret Forest Playlist: peaceful music; 2 hours
Rain on Leaves on a Forest Road in Autumn: rain in the woods; 10 hours
Haunted Village Halloween Ambience: eerie but quiet music; 3 hours
Relaxing Autumn/Fall Forest: sounds of wind, crows, songbirds, and creaking trees; 7 hours
Chill Beats for Worldbuilding and Writing: Fabulous lofi music; 1 hour
It's Just a Dream/Dreamcore: Very peaceful and ambient music; 4 hours
Autumn Acoustic: Autumn inspired songs; 5 hours
Sad Piano Music: beautiful piano pieces by Jurrivh; 6 hours
The Most Relaxing Waves Ever: beach noises; 8 hours
Rural Autumn Ambience and Music: gentle autumn-y music; 1 hour
Yanni: a playlist of beautiful word-free music by Yanni
pov- you're a pirate: a pirate-themed playlist for inspiration
Have your own recommendations? Drop a comment or ask!
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fairuzfan · 4 months
I saw your post about the Henna Night, hope it's ok for this comment from a Palestinian living in Diaspora who spent her child/teen/young lady years living in Palestine. Every village/city/family in Palestine of course does things a little different than others, this is my own experiences from going to like 100 weddings, lmao. Imo there is simply no Wedding like a Palestinian Wedding, it's the cultural backbone of our society gatherings. I personally hate when people compare a Henna Night to a Bridal Shower bc it's not interchangeable at all, but I acknowledge that westernization as well as accommodation's of Palestinians living in Diaspora has lead to people comparing Henna Night/Bridal Showers and have interjected Bridal Shower stuff into our tradition. Imo Henna Night is way more fun than the actual Wedding, I always loved going to those more. So the Bride's side of the family prepares for the Henna Night by inviting close family, friends, and usually women from the Groom's side as well. The Bride's family spends the day before or the day of the Henna Night preparing Henna Platters. As well as small bags of candy & small bags/cones of Henna paste as things to give to guests. Depending on the wealth of the family sometimes there more stuff but those are the main things, but usually there is always something to give the guests like tea, coffee, sodas, and sweets. During the Henna everyone wears Thobes, it's so beautiful to see the different styles of our Thobes. The Bride looks so beautiful in a Thobe/Headdress, I love it. The Bride's family also prepare platters of Henna decorated with flowers that (usually) the old woman/matriarchs will have the honor of carrying it on their heads (some dance without holding onto the platters with their hands! so iconic) as the women dance in a circle around the Bride. The grandmothers, or whichever woman with a good strong voice who Zagreet (idk how to do transliteration) but its singing where the lead singer will call out lines like "Heeyee this girl is the most beautiful in the world! Heeyeee we have come to celebrate her happiness! Heeyyeee may Allah's blessings fall upon this most gracious girl!" the lines are always made up on the spot so the singer has to have a sharp mind, the singer will also make up lines singing about the Bride, her smarts, beauty, personality, her generosity, or the generosity of her family, compliments to the Bride's mother, etc. These are always ended with the Ululation (trilling sound) that all women make at the end. During the Henna Night there's lots of singing, dancing, music playing, it always takes place at the Bride's Mother's house so its just such a cozy feeling of womanhood/family & bringing in the women of the new groom's family into the circle. Old women sitting on cushions/chairs with their canes, someone has a tubla (hand drum) & is playing, little girls in their thobes running around, teens showing off their thobes, the Bride's family, sisters, cousins, aunts, serving sweets & drinks, the Bride being celebrated. Continued...
omgggg i love reading this so much thank you.
yeah the bridal shower is not a great analogy because bridal showers in like the us are... not at all a celebration i feel like of the women the same way henna night is. you're right weddings are the cultural backbone in a way that i think a lot of nonpalestinians dont realize because of how many traditions they use throughout the whole ordeal.
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writing-whump · 1 month
Can't say no
Seline takes Isaiah to visit her parents. Isaiah can't say no and overeats on the food.
Isaiah waited for months to be invited to meet Seline's parents.
He instinctively knew it would be a big deal, change, and milestone. Something special.
Seline loved her parents. It was the kind of idyllic, loving, intimate relationship that he didn't see that much around, like a fairy tale.
So when she casually invited him to spend a weekend at her parents' for her mother's Name's Day. Isaiah almost choked on his coffee.
"What? Mom wanted to meet you for a long time already. And everyone is going to be home for grandma, so my brother and dad should be up and about too." She didn't look at him, putting her plate into the dishwasher. Meaning she knew exactly how special that moment was.
Maybe it was good that she announced it a day beforehand; otherwise, he would have spent the week stressing about it.
"Any tips or something I should watch out for?" he asked tentatively.
When they got into his car the following day on Friday afternoon.
Seline gave him an excited smile. "My parents are going to love you, don't worry." She leaned back in the seat for the about hour-long car ride to Bratislava. "They better do, otherwise I can't date you."
"I'm sorry?"
"I'm just saying if my parents don't like you, we can't be together," she said with a cheerful smile. "I know it sounds old-fashioned, modern pairs like to rebel against everyone's approval...but my mom will see right through you and dad will be quick to judge and my brother got taller this year too, so." Her eyes were sparkling with mischief, but he could tell it wasn't just teasing. There was something anxious and serious about that statement too. She really wanted this to work out.
Isaiah swallowed heavily, starting the car.
"They are the smartest most amazing, selfless people I know. Great judges of character. And they have been together since they were 18, so longer than not by now." She gave him a quick smile. "But you don't have to worry. They will love to have you."
Until they don't, he thought bitterly. This was actually even more serious than he realized.
This was a test.
Seline already made up her mind about how she felt about him, so now she wanted to see if she hadn't missed anything.
She put the music from her playlist on. It was the playlist she kept for him instead of the collection of songs they both liked. Must have been feeling a little guilty about scaring him in advance.
Isaiah steeled himself for the ride and the meeting. He would not fail her expectations—or theirs. If anything, he was good at pulling his best act together in stressful situations, and this one asked for full power investment.
The place was technically a village but connected to the capital city by a highway. It was more of a district than a village since the city was expanding in record time. But it was surrounded by sunflower and wheat fields and had the distinct small-town feel of one family-owned cake shop, one playground, one kindergarten, and one primary school with exactly one church. There were also lots of pathways through the fields and around them for bicycles.
This wasn't a bad place for wolves. Open space is just the right combination of chaos and nature with steady big houses with long gardens and high walls for a fence. Great way to make a wolf feel at home.
The Silverstein house wasn't the most beautiful or renovated one on the street, with a dark violent roof and wild bushes at the entrance. Isaiah would soon find out the comfort and beauty were reserved for the inside of the house instead of the front, since they didn't need jealous neighbours to make their life complicated.
Entering the fenced garden felt like a different world. It had a touch of everyone in it. The fleck of ground with herbs for the mother, the freshly cut grass and holes for golfing of the father. And the volleyball net and boxing bag hanging from the old walnut tree that was almost ripping the garage out of the ground.
Seline's parents were human. Isaiah knew this, but it still surprised him to sense their complete fragile humanity as they came to greet him.
Another complication was that they didn't speak German and only broken English. This excluded Isaiah from most conversations, though Seline's father, a tall, broad-shouldered man with elegant long fingers and nose, made his best effort to keep Isaiah engaged in a conversation.
It seemed to put Seline's mother at ease, cause she chatted her daughter's ears off in Slovak as she assigned her a salad to prepare.
Isaiah definitely needed to learn that language.
He was left watching everything from the table, offering to help peel the potatoes and cut the cucumber. The giggling told him they were talking about him.
At lunch, Seline well into full translation mode, explaining him everything anyone said or translating direct questions and Isaiah’s answers. This allowed Isaiah to think through everything he said carefully and watch the pair's expressions.
Seline's mother looked a lot like her. She had the same lion mane of blond hair, though with a little hawkish nose. Her blue eyes were a greener shade than Seline's, and she had a sober alertness to them in contrast to Seline's dreamy softness.
Isaiah had not pulled his shadow up once. It was dormant and steady at his feet. Human shaped the entire time, as was polite. He was pleased with the question from her father about whether he was really a wolf.
The family created a whole feast for him to eat. First, ham and cheese rolls shaped like snails, then grilled stakes of two kinds, very tasty livers, and three kinds of salads.
He could tell these people did everything deliberately, confidently, and with consideration. They made a well-synched team, completely tuned to each other.
He just couldn't really tell whose idea it was to serve so much food.
It reminded him of the happier days, though, when his mother still lived. Watching her lean against his father in the kitchen, playful taking his hand, or him spinning her to a radio song playing in the background. It was all so very happy until it ended. But here, it seemed, good endings existed.
The mother or father got him a new portion whenever he finished his plate. The father selected best pieces of grilled meat, sensitive he tried all parts. The mother kept adding his salads, so he had all three kinds at all times.
Despite the two barriers, maybe third if Seline's brother Dylan joined the party, Isaiah felt welcome. He felt like he was passing in these people's eyes and the more he listed to their translations, their business background, their thoughts behind getting their kids into schools in a state they didn't even speak the language of, their goals and dreams for the near future, their pride at their daughter's accomplishments - the more he liked them.
He was starting to be a little nervous about the constant flood of food.
How did they still have so much to left? He cleared his third serving of the meat and salad, hoping that would be it. His stomach was straining against his pants and he was more than grateful for wearing a bottom-up that hid the growing bulge. He had not eaten this must in years.
And then when they came with dessert. Two kinds. One chocolate pie and one creamy cake.
The cake was one that Seline made and the pie was the mother's special generational recipe. No way Isaiah could get out of eating both.
The mother scrutinised him the whole time. He barely stopped himself from tugging at his collar. He was overheated, and his lips hurt from all the smiling.
Some relief came with the afternoon coffee and Seline showing him where they would be staying. In her father's bedroom upstairs.
"I can't believe you ate all that," she said to him as they got their bags up the stairs. "My brother eats a ton right now, so mom thought she needed to prepare a lot to satisfy a wolf. What do you think? How do you like them?"
She had such an eager, open expression Isaiah had to smile. He was starting to understand how this situation came to be. A growing pup with an unsteady shadow definitely ate a lot. Apparently, her parents thought a grown wolf would actually need more.
He should have stopped that sooner instead of eating food for a whole party of people. His stomach wasn't hurting yet, but it was heavy and swollen, digestion completely overloaded as his gut tried to make sense of all the food he shoved into it.
"That's very kind of them," he said, sort of touched and horrified at his own predicament. He could feel pressure over his chest as burps tried to make their way up. He pushed them down decisively.
"What is the plan now?"
"Dad will play some golf, and I'll help mom with the kitchen. Then we could watch a movie. There is one I really want to show you that my parents really love. It's a Czech classic about a grandmother rising against a corrupt major. It's hilarious and scarily accurate." She winked at him, excited at the prospect. You can come with me or take some rest, and I'll call you."
Isaiah nodded gratefully, relieved to have a minute alone.
Seline left him with a goodbye kiss, bouncing on her heels as she walked.
The day was a success then.
The burp he pushed down came back with a vengeance, his belly twisting with a cramp.
Isaiah leaned against the cupboard for support, bending down in the middle. He was sweaty and breathless, his stomach still heavier and heavier as it caught up with its state.
He let out a couple of quiet burps, wincing at how they echoed over the room. Her father's room. God, this was entirely inappropriate.
Going through his pack, he couldn't find any shirts or pants that would be more loose-fitting. He went all formal with suits and bottom-ups. He only got his PJs as anything close to comfort, and he couldn't exactly get into those in the middle of the day.
Isaiah went to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water. That felt a little better, but the perspiration still clung to his neck and back. Maybe he could risk a shower.
Bracing over the sink ushered in a few more loud burps, which had him pressing his hand to his lips. The bathroom was right opposite the stairs, much more likely to carry the sound down.
He wrapped an arm around his stomach gingerly. Please, be nice. Don't make this harder.
His belly gurgled unhappily and he felt the salad mixing with the cake. He heaved over the sink at the horrid taste, willing himself not to throw up. That would be entirely disrespectful to the food.
He groaned quietly as his stomach settled back, churning angrily. The heaviness and pressure made it hard to stand upright. A dull but deep ache joined in, crawling up the top of his belly.
Isaiah made his way back to the bedroom. The fresh scent of the sheets on the bed and the lingering presence of Seline's father made him feel entirely gross and unfit to be here. Like he was intruding.
He followed his nose and instinct out to the other room.
The walls were painted a soft pastel blue and covered in shelves straining under books. There was an old TV with a new Chromecast set, a writing table, a small couch, a bean bag and a double bed. A room of one person who liked to change positions while reading.
Seline's childhood bedroom. Not even that long ago, it was still her main room.
The scent of rain and grapefruit drew him to the bed that had way too many pillows, big and small and two covers, cause she liked to use one to lift her head up when reading.
He fell face first into the familiar, beloved scent. His stomach let out an angry growl at being disturbed, so he had to roll onto his back quickly.
There was swirling nausea trailing behind the dull aching, his stomach swollen and taunt. Unmoving and heavy as if filled with cement.
He muffled a groan against his arm, looking around to distract himself with the pictures. Family photographs mixed with paintings of stormy sea waves in various shades of blue. On the doorframe, there was a series of magnets from different destinations.
Isaiah cradled his belly with his hands carefully. How was he supposed to be presentable, when they called him for the movie? He didn't know how he would even get up.
"Isaiah? Where are you?"
Isaiah groaned quietly at Seline's voice, informing her of his presence in her room.
Seline opened the door with a puzzled frown. "Baby? Is something wrong?"
Isaiah considered lying. He really didn't want to ruin this visit or her day or her parents' impression of him. But his stomach was gurgling and pulsing with pain and he just wanted...wanted her.
He turned to his side, arms protectively around his midsection without touching.
Must have made a miserable expression, because she crouched down next to the bed, stroking his cheeks. "You don't have a fever...do you feel sick? If you felt sick before and didn't tell me, Isaiah, I swear-"
Yep, that was a worse option. "No- I just-uuuurp-ate too much." He squeezed his eyes shut, feeling greasy with sweat. "I wouldn't come visit your parents if I felt sick, come on," he said defensively, though it came out more as a whine.
This was so humiliating. A stomach flu he could survive, because he could do nothing against it. But this? This was entirely his fault and he felt amazingly stupid for it.
Her eyes widened. "Aww sweetie, I'm sorry. Your tummy is upset?"
He nodded, pressing the side of his face into the pillows. "I'm fine, just...think I could just sleep it off and be all good tomorrow- think you could find an excuse-"
"Yes, of course. That's no problem. Sweetie, mom has really good enzymes for indigestion and the herbal drops or I can make you fresh mint tea-"
He shook his head at the idea of putting anything into his stomach. It already felt like he was going to pop, skin strained at the top. "Please, don't tell your parents," he begged quietly.
"Oh baby, come on. They wouldn't be mad. There is nothing to it. Wouldn't it be worth it, if it helped with the pain? Just give me a minute and I'll-"
When she tried to stand up, he grabbed her by the wrist. "Please. Please?"
Seline frowned in disapproval, eyes blazing, but he must have looked pitiful enough. She sighed. "Okay. You are an idiot, though. Is there anything I can do?"
Isaiah let out a relieved sigh that almost morphed into a burp, curling more into himself. "I'm fine. Go watch the movie."
She shook her head. "You are such a dumbass sometimes."
He blinked at the words, mildly offended.
Seline walked behind him, shuffling in her wardrobe. "I have some oversized shirts here that could fit you. Let's get you out of that shirt, okay?"
He watched her in confusion as she got out a really oversized woolen shirt for him, then sat down on the edge of the bed, unceremoniously unzipping his pants.
"What are you- Ohhhh." The relief from the pressure almost made him dizzy, his stomach bubbling at having more space.
"Yep," she said with a half-smile, pulling his pants down completely so he was only left in his boxers. "Dumbass, as I said."
"M not," he groaned, not feeling like being teased, the embarrassment leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. He struggled with the bottoms before stripping the shirt off over his head and sliding into the offered one. Not bothering with the buttons at all, he lied back down.
Seline opened the balcony and promptly climbed under the covers with him, spooning him from behind. She kissed the back of his neck, her arm coming over his head on the pillow to pet the hair on his forehead.
Isaiah cringed at how sweaty and disgusted he must have been to her, but he couldn't help melting under her touch. Her gentle fingers on his face were the most enjoyable sensation of the day.
With her face pressed into his back as she curled his slightly wavy hair around her fingers, she asked: "Would a belly rub help?"
He considered the question, too far gone in how grumbly and achy his stomach was to give in to the other mortified part of his brain. He rolled to his back, his belly sloshing with the movement as it pressed against her.
She chuckled softly. One hand was still up in his hair, stroking a line from his temple to his cheek. The other came to rest gently on top of his packed stomach. Tentative. Gentle.
When he arched his back into her touch, she put more weight on it. She felt around his stomach with her fingers, then started to rub gentle circles under his ribs. Long strokes going clockwise from his right side of the abdomen to his left side and down.
Isaiah squirmed under her hands as his stomach grumbled loudly, a series of bubbles making their way up. He struggled against the air.
Seline gave him a look, thumping his chest. That ushered up a loud burp. He gasped for air, blood rushing into his face. "I'm sorry-"
"Stop apologizing. How else is it supposed to help? You got too much air trapped in your tummy. I can feel it."
Isaiah shifted in discomfort, cheeks on fire. He pressed his forehead against the crook of her neck.
Seline returned to the broad, gentle strokes over the bulge. Isaiah didn't fight the next burp that came up, hiding his face out of view as the hot air clashed against her collarbone. She chuckled softly, kneading into the flesh. "It's okay, sweetheart. This will help."
She truly didn't seem to mind, pressing against him like that, even giving a little kiss to the back of his head she could reach.
His stomach groaned unhappily, but his muscles relaxed. The tautness gave into softness under her touch, and he could feel the heaviness moving downward, with each new bubbly burp creating more space.
He turned back on his back as a truly big pressure worked its way up his throat, cupping his mouth. A long, rumbly belch came up, muffled by his hand.
"Feeling better?" she asked, rolling closer. Her chin came to rest on his shoulder and she wrapped one hand around his neck and the other on his stomach.
He nodded against her, not trusting himself to speak, but he didn't feel so packed and tense anymore. "I'm sorry, that was so gr-"
"Don't even say it," she cut him off resolutely. "I forbid such lies." She nuzzled her cheek against his.
Isaiah breathed out in relief, bringing her closer with his arm around her neck. His midsection was still swirling, but it was a much more peaceful, harmonic sound.
He kissed her forehead, closing his eyes. It was surprisingly tiring to eat so much, but this was actually...nice. Comforting.
Three words insistently pressed themselves to his mind: He loved the way this girl smelled, the way she could make him feel better, her touch, her eyes. Her voice. Her body against his.
I love this girl so much.
His heart sped up at the thought and he held her tighter, not saying anything. Not yet anyway.
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fakeoutbf · 10 months
so much for (tour)dust u.s. leg
magic 8 ball and piano medley songs sorted by date
color coded by album ● repeated songs in bold
tttyg ● futct ● ioh ● fad ● srar ● abap ● mania ● smfs
June 21 - Wrigley Field, Chicago, IL
Piano medley
- Lake Shore Drive (Aliotta Haynes Jeremiah cover)
Magic 8 Ball song
- G.I.N.A.S.F.S. (Live Debut) (Alias: GOLF)
June 23 - Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre, Maryland Heights, MO
Piano medley
- What a Time to Be Alive (Live Debut)
Magic 8 Ball song
- Of All the Gin Joints in All the World (First time live since 2008) (Alias: GAMMA JULIET)
June 24 - Azura Amphitheater, Bonner Springs, KS
Piano medley
- I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & You) (First time live since 2014)
Magic 8 Ball song
- Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year (First time live since 2014) (Alias: OCHO)
June 27 - Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, The Woodlands, TX
Piano medley
- Somebody to Love (Queen cover)
- Take On Me (Aha cover)
Magic 8 Ball song
- The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years) (Live Debut) (Alias: TANGO YETI)
June 28 - Dos Equis Pavilion, Dallas, TX
Piano medley
- What a Catch, Donnie (First time live since 2013)
Magic 8 Ball song
- The (After) Life of the Party (First time live since 2007) (Alias: SIERRA ALPHA)
June 30 - Talking Stick Resort Amphitheatre, AZ
Piano medley
- Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia) (Patrick Slump song, first time live since 2011)
Magic 8 Ball song
- Homesick at Space Camp (First time live since 2013)
July 1 - North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre, Chula Vista, CA
Piano medley
- Nothing Compares 2 U (Prince cover)
Magic 8 Ball song
- (Coffee’s For Closers) (First time live since 2009)
July 2 - BMO Stadium, Los Angeles, CA
Piano medley
- Mr. Blue Sky (Electric Light Orchestra cover)
- Golden (First time live since 2007)
Magic 8 Ball songs
- G.I.N.A.S.F.S.
- America’s Suitehearts (First time live since 2009) (Alias: ASS)
July 3 - BMO Stadium, Los Angeles, CA
Piano medley
- Every Breath You Take (The Police cover)
- I’ve Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None On My Fingers (Live Debut)
Magic 8 Ball songs
- The (After) Life of the Party
- Bang the Doldrums (Live Debut) (Alias: YANKEE HOTEL HOTEL)
July 5 - Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, CA
Piano medley
- Alison (Elvis Costello cover)
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes (First time live since 2013) (Alias: PATRIZZY S)
July 7 - USANA Amphitheatre, West Valley City, UT
Piano medley
- What a Time to Be Alive
- Hold the Line (Toto cover)
Magic 8 Ball song
- The Kids Aren’t Alright (First time live since 2018) (Alias: KILO)
July 9 - Fiddler's Green Amphitheatre, Greenwood Village, CO
Piano/acoustic medley
- Goin’ North (David Stump cover)
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner (First time live since 2014)
July 11 - Walmart AMP, Rogers, AR
Piano medley
- (What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding (Brinsley Schwarz cover)
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- I Slept With Someone in Fall Out Boy and All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me (First time live since 2015)
July 13 - Somerset Amphitheater, Somerset, WI (shortened show due to weather)
Magic 8 Ball song
- Fame < Infamy (Live Debut) (Alias: BRAVO WHISKEY PAPA)
July 15 - Riverbend Music Center, Cincinnati, OH
Piano medley
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Favorite Record (Live Debut)
July 16 - Ruoff Music Center, Noblesville, IN
Piano medley
- What a Time to Be Alive
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Where Did the Party Go (First time live since 2014) (Alias: WHISKEY PAPA)
July 18 - Blossom Music Center, Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Piano medley
- Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen cover)
- I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & You)
Magic 8 Ball song
- 27 (Live Debut) (Alias: TANGO SIERRA)
July 19 - Jiffy Lube Live, Bristow, VA
Piano/acoustic medley
- Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner (full song)
Magic 8 ball
- She’s My Winona (First time live since 2009) (Alias: BEETLE JUICE)
July 21 - PNC Music Pavilion, Charlotte, NC
Piano medley
- Lean on me (Bill Withers cover)
- What a Catch
Magic 8 Ball song
- Dead on Arrival (First time live since 2013) (Alias: DELTA OMEGA ALPHA)
June 21 - Veterans United Home Loans Amphitheater at Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach, VA
Piano medley
- What a Time to Be Alive
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- 7 Minutes in Heaven (Atavan Halen) (Patrick on drums, First time live since 2007) (Alias: WOLFGANG)
July 24 - iTHINK Financial Amphitheatre, West Palm Beach, FL
Piano medley
- Dancing Queen (ABBA cover)
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Tell That Mick He Just Made My List of Things to Do Today (First time live since 2013) (Alias: GATOR BITES)
July 25 - MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheatre, Tampa, FL
Piano medley
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Miss Missing You (First time live since 2015)
July 26 - Cellairis Amphitheatre at Lakewood, Atlanta, GA
Piano medley
- Nothing Compares 2 U (Prince cover)
- I’ve Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None On My Fingers
Magic 8 Ball song
- From Now On, We Are Enemies (Live Debut)
July 29 - Pine Knob Music Theatre, Clarkston, MI
Piano medley
- What a Time to Be Alive
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Don’t You Know Who I Think I Am? (First time live since 2007)
July 30 - Budweiser Stage, Toronto, ON, Canada
Piano medley
- What a Time to Be Alive
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball songs
- West Coast Smoker (Live Debut)
- G.I.N.A.S.F.S.
August 1 - Forest Hills Stadium, Queens, NY
Piano medley
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Just One Yesterday (First time live since 2014)
- Stereo Hearts (with Travie McCoy)
- Cupid’s Chokehold (with Travie McCoy)
Magic 8 Ball song
- I Am My Own Muse (Live Debut)
- 27
August 2 - Fenway Park, Boston, MA
Piano medley
- W.A.M.S. (Live Debut)
- Sweet Caroline (Neil Diamond cover)
Magic 8 Ball songs
- XO (First time live since 2007)
- G.I.N.A.S.F.S.
August 4 - Darien Lake Performing Arts Center, Darien Center, NY
Piano/acoustic medley
- Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows) (First time live since 2006)
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball songs
- You’re Crashing but You’re No Wave (Live Debut)
- 27
August 5 - PNC Bank Arts Center, Holmdel, NJ
Piano medley
- I've Got a Dark Alley and a Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song) (Live Debut)
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball songs
- Bob Dylan (Live Debut)
- I Am My Own Muse
August 6 - Freedom Mortgage Pavilion, Camden, NJ
Piano medley
- Jet Pack Blues (First time live since 2018)
- I've Got a Dark Alley and a Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song)
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball songs
- Pavlove (Live Debut) (Alias: KEVIN BACON)
- 27 (Alias: ONLY THE GOOD)
- G.I.N.A.S.F.S. (Alias: ACRONYM)
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equallyshaw · 5 months
little lion | Luke hughes au! ↠ liona ovechkin oc ! x luke hughes
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↠ about liona! ↠ au masterlist.
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full name: liona kai oveckin
she is alex oveckhin's only child
birthdate: 10/29/2003
born in Washington, dc.
lives in green which village with her best friend's and roommate, rain, and parttime- sean.
works part time on the upper east side, as a nanny to a small family. works part time at a historic bookstore/coffee shop in west village.
graduated from georgetown prep (smart girlie)
currently a sophomore at nyu majoring in fashion, and minoring in marketing
holds american, united kingdom and russian citizenship
nickname is 'little lion' by alex, because she is a sassy and sarcastic firecracker
has a big friend group from highschool and they all follow each other to new york (summer i turned pretty cast lmao)
her mom and dad are not together, and never have been since his rookie season (in this au its 2002-2003)
alex and evgeni malkin are besties, and therefore liona looks up to evegeni as an uncle
fluent in russian and mandarin
alex and liona are each others best friend, that's his girl
used to participate in equestrian because of the schools she went to and played volleyball up until jr year of highschool
other nickames: my lioness, lili and pearl
lukes nickname is my lioness and another that will be revealed (:
huge book reader
writes poetry on the down low
only child syndrome (she hates it)
also! jack and she tolerate each other, because lets be real. they give all their sass to each other which usually ends in some sort of bickering match
HUGE olivia rodrigo fan, like diehard bazaardvark era fan
Also performed in musicals and plays throughout her childhood and highschool
her dad introduced her to andrei svechnikov after his draft, and she calls him her eastern brother (russian brat) (which jack was hella skeptical about at first, and then soon realized they just saw each other as siblings
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What kind of drunk would the villagers of SDV be? 👀
Heh, it was so funny to write the answer to this ask right after my own hangover. Quite the experience, I would say 😅
I hope, anon, you don't mind if I don't write about Evelyn and George and the kids on this ask, because trying to imagine them drunk... is an unpleasant thought for me. But I will describe all the others (if I do not forget about someone). Thanks for your ask! ❤️
Drunk SDV villagers (except Evelyn, George and kids):
Oh what music! After 3 or 4 glasses of sambuca, Emily feels much more energetic (even more than usual) and simply has to find a potential victim partner to dance until they both fall to exhaustion. In the morning, however, she does not remember anything.
In general, Sebastian despises the taste of alcohol, but somehow he decided to try something like Amaretto coffee or Irish coffee (basically coffee with liqueur or whiskey). Yuck, Sebby didn't appreciate it. The taste of alcohol is terrible and now he feels sleepy and weak. And he can't ride his motorcycle in that condition. It sucks, now he's a mischievous and sleepy drunk.
Jodi is always busy cleaning the house and cooking, so she has almost no time to relax. But if she does get a chance to have a glass of wine with Caroline and Marnie, then she will be more cheerful and a little more chatty, nothing hardcore.
Preferring more green tea and coffee, Caroline, however, also agrees to hang out with friends with the bottle of something strong. Being slightly drunk from a couple of glasses of wine, Caroline will chuckle at her friends' every joke, and may even decide to order a stronger drink. True, all the energy leaves quickly and she immediately becomes drowsy drunk.
Cheerful and energetic, Abigail is ready to conquer mountains after a few strong cocktails. A drunk girl teeters on the edge of "noisy party soul" and "I'm ready to get into any fight for my homies." Luckily, she's not drunk enough to stubbornly go into the mines with a sword in her condition.
Marnie, having drunk about 5 glasses of wine, becomes flirty drunk. And Lewis's slightly angry comments about the fact that she can work on their secret relationship does not bother her at all. It's been a long time since she felt so cheerful and carefree, just like when she was young, ah...
Lewis, meanwhile, teeters somewhere between "paranoid drunk" and "sleazy drunk." At his age, it's not very useful to drink so much alcohol, and now to keep an eye on Marnie, who, as he thinks, will now blather everything about the two of them to everyone. Damn it, you can rest calmly without worries, you old fart.
Let's race, who's faster? Or let's fight on the hands? Alex wants the competition to prove that even though he's a little tipsy, he's still the best. Although the next day he will be ashamed if during the fun he broke some dishes or chair, and apologize to everyone.
Shane canonically is a depressed drunk. He sits in a corner of the Saloon and drinks mostly alone. Please don't touch him, otherwise he will transform from a depressed drunk into an angry drunk. And you definitely don't want to see Shane drunk AND angry.
If the Saloon has karaoke, then Elliott will be always there after drinking mugs of strong ale or wine. Apart from his loud singing, he becomes reckless enough to spontaneously do anything. Gus or the others often help Elliott get home before the failed singer (sorry Elliott, but you write so much better than you sing) hurts himself or others. The poor guy would later lock himself up in his cabin for a couple of days when he found out about his drunken adventures.
After an extra drink, Sam suddenly becomes overly affectionate and touchy-feely. In a state of intoxication, it seems to him that he did not hug someone enough, or that he was not hugged enough. Hug him please, he's like a little puppy.
Linus doesn't drink alcohol, but sometimes in the harvest seasons in the forest he often comes across fermented fruits and berries. Linus almost always processes them carefully before eating so that he doesn't get more intoxicated during dinner, but sometimes he can occasionally eat some raw fermented grapes before bed. He perfectly understands which fruits are more fermented or less. But he treats this without fanaticism, because the main goal is to eat, not get drunk.
"What if? No, it's impossible. But what if I use that formula, and... Nah, it still won't work. But what if I... No no no. Or maybe yes? Or maybe..." The constant ebb and flow of ideas for new inventions is a typical behavior for Maru when she has a drink that is quite strong for her. This will continue until she falls asleep. It is good that her brother is nearby and help her.
Ah, for old Willy there's nothing better than a bottle of mead after a hard day of fishing. So to speak, to celebrate a successful catch. He most often drinks alone, even when in the Saloon, but can occasionally tell his fishing stories to Marlon, Gil, or Clint with a few drinks. And no matter how much he drinks, he will remain the same. Honestly, as if in the mug not alcohol, but just water!
Penny will never touch a drink, but there was a case when she accidentally drank Sam's cocktail, confusing it with her glass of juice. She immediately became sloppy drunk, embarrassed by her condition and making haste to get home. Penny doesn't understand how her mother can enjoy such a state.
Oh, the doctor knows that in small doses, wine can even be beneficial to the body. But when, by coincidence, Harvey has to drink more than his body can handle, then this is a complete blackout. He doesn't remember anything and prays that he did not do anything obscene.
Pam is an aggressive drunk. This is even more noticeable when her order for another beer is delayed by more than five minutes. Mostly this is a verbal skirmish, Pam will not show physical aggression (unless it concerns her daughter. For her sake, she will grab anyone by the throat, and she does not need alcohol for this).
Usually Wizard is always strict about alcohol, but there are times when you just want to get drunk. Given that he always drinks alone, he is most often sad drunk, remembering the old days when he and his ex were still together. If anyone (Farmer) wants to console him, then let them mentally prepare for an hour-long story about his ex-wife, youth, and that "the grass used to be greener."
Marlon will also remember the old days with a glass of whiskey along with Gil, but unlike the same Wizard, Marlon's stories are more filled with fun and excitement. Usually he is strict and silent, but when a little drunk, he opens up a little more, with his comrade remembering their adventures when the young guys just embarked on the path of an adventurer. These old people deserve some rest and fun.
Pierre considers a couple of strong cocktails a well-deserved reward after a hard week at work. The alcohol in his blood makes him more talkative, but now his tongue is tangled up so that you no longer understand whether Pierre asked to repeat the order, or somehow insulted you.
The last cocktail was obviously superfluous, but Haley didn't care. She wants to have fun, and why is the music so quiet, and let's all dance, and she already changed her mind don't touch her, and anyway where is her other cocktail? Cheerful, energetic, but at the same time more capricious - this is how it goes.
Kent has been very wary of drinking since he returned to Stardew Valley. After all he's been through, it's very easy to drown at the bottom of the bottle, and he doesn't want to get to that point. He still has his family. So he asks Gus, Marlon or Willy to stop him if he gets depressed drunk after a mug of beer or two.
Ah, the tango began to play in the music machine! Robin will not miss the opportunity to dance with her husband to passionate music. She usually asks her husband, but after a few sips of ale, Robin pulled Demetrius off the table and onto the dance floor with almost one tug.
The same Demetrius, after drinking, was very sleepy, but the whole life flashed before the eyes of the poor scientist, when his dearest wife grabbed his hand and he heard the words "tango". Demetrius loves Robin and will not refuse her a dance, but still, a strong drink affected the scientist's vestibular apparatus, and he dances no better than a rag doll. But it looks funny Maru and Sebastian will definitely film this on camera as compromising evidence for the future.
Clint has a fairly high tolerance for alcohol, so he probably drinks almost every day. Even in the cinema, he manages to smuggle alcohol under the guise of Joja Cola. So you can call him secret drunk: no matter how much he drinks, he does not look drunk. Just like Willy.
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mousysims · 2 years
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mousy save; hold onto your hats
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i started with my go-to simlicy save, so most of the residential lots and many of the community lots are by simlicy. i agonized over lot placement and number of each type of lot; i only ever play one family so it makes sense for me to have fewer residential lots and tons of community lots. i'm missing a lot of packs so this is pretty carefully curated to fit with what i do have (i'm used to replacing wallpaper and some furniture for most gallery builds but if it's missing much more than that I try a different lot). i love community lots that a) have things for sims to do and b) look pretty. all of these fit and i highly recommend every single one!!
willow creek
strip mall by simlicy
blue velvet by simlicy
rosado lounge by bottsbotts (it's turned the wrong way in the screenshot lmfao i've since turned it the right way)
summer lane vinyl by pixelddump (cc required)
umbrage manor by simlicy
sushi bar by therealpraline
acadia springs park by silrosse
honeydew coffee shop by ratboysims
oasis springs
thriftea mirage by ratboysims
rock n roller diner by amy_alston93
calico community pool by silrosse
house of mango by silrosse
desert bloom by wafl
llama lanes by simlicy
magnolia promenade
l'heure de the by e-aplouf
magnolia complex by simlicy
simazon bookstore by irrelephant7
ice cream shop by anadius
newcrest mall by plasma-janes (cc required)
greasy goods by littledica (cc required)
monsun noodles by ratboysims
rollin park by ratboysims
george's brewpub by silrosse
solcaf by silrosse
rise and grind cafe by littledica (cc required)
industrial plant cafe by therealpraline
the forgotten by bottsbotts
les boules du lhama by e-aplouf
kids center by anadius
health and fitness center by jessiejessan
planete popemiel by e-aplouf
bamboo wok by silrosse
plant shop by simlicy
island bluffs by wafl
thriftea by kateemerald
old quad restaurant by simlicy
old town bridal by simlicy
old town center by simlicy
the new old quarter inn by simlicy
bathe de rill by simlicy
ocean crown by ratboysims
discotheque pan europa by moonbearsim
patisserie by stjernesky
san myshuno
planet honey pop! by allisas
culpepper heights by bottsbotts
the naked gnome by bottsbotts
casbah gallery by pictureamoebae (cc required)
stargazer lounge by ratboysims
skye gym by ratboysims (converted to a library in my save)
myshuno meadows by simlicy
brindleton bay
pupperstone park by thaisvolpe
vet clinic by simlicy
yacht club by simlicy
grimalkin kitchen and tap by quiecence90
cat cafe by therealpraline
bedlington boathouse by simlicy
deadgrass discoveries by simlicy
del sol valley
hotel by simlicy
studio pbp by roxxysims
ward park and cafe by pinneaple8904
orchid a go go by whyeverr
newcrest cinema and arcade by silrossse (renovated to fit into del valley in my save)
starbucks and gym by simlicy
pride music festival by kriint (i placed on a bigger lot and expanded on the existing one)
laguna mermaid beach by feliciabrenning
sapphire shores by kwizz66
sulani juice bar by simcubeez
ohan'ali beach by simlicy
hang loose hangout by vulpeculai
evergreen harbor
quarry building by marie-lennie-joe
utopia cafe by silrosse
warehouse nightclub by simlicy
the waterfront by luckyheather
sprucewood pool by ratboysims
mt. komorebi
matsu no yu by tamo-sim
komorebi onsen by tksims__0oy
senbamachi market by diviniityx
hanamigawa koen by kaledz
izakaya ippai x2 by mariakarita
restaurant and karaoke bar by bottsbotts
romantic woodland wedding by riemunen
granite lake by wafl (renovated to fit into henford-on-bagley in my save)
finchwick village hall by thesimline
the gnome's arms by yuliana_fib
high school by aharris00britney
auditorium by luzy_lou_77
thriftea by luzy_lou_77
lakeview park by tinynezumi
mt komorebi cafe by pchrseen
teddy’s pizza and arcade by ratboysims
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