#the touch of your hand lit the fuse
septembersghost · 1 year
I know Taylor said DBATC is about someone great but after her recent songs I have a hard time seeing it. I think it is the alternative of cornelia street or explanation of 'I wake up screaming. .........life will loose all its meaning' or something similar to hits different. I think that movie could have triggered that song but it seems personal to me
i think dbatc is an example of her foray into folklore territory before folklore existed, ie: combining fictional inspiration and details with real experiences (or anxieties) to create something that's a bit of both. after midnights and the comparisons you mentioned, and even other connections (like the great war and false god and afterglow), she could've been drawing on that time she thought she'd lost him and how shattered she'd be, and watching the movie brought up those emotions too - definitely hits different, "that's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend" vibes. it also illustrates how intertwined she feels she is with him (tryna find a part of me that you didn't touch). the thing that makes it most clearly personal on some level to me and SO j-coded is "quiet my fears with the touch of your hand." that touch of his hand has shown up so many times!
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gangplanksorenji · 5 months
Kinknuary Day 15: Blindfold/Sensory Deprivation
Pairing: aespa Karina x Male Reader
Word Count: 5,840
[Kinknuary Masterlist]
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“Alone today, huh?”
A visible shock was seen on Karina’s face as you startled her immediately and caught her off-guard, almost spat out her sweet concoction that she mostly treasured—well, for the time being.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Karina’s bewildered face tells exactly how she’s in utter shock seeing your face at such random times, but nonetheless, you see those orbs of hers lit up once she sees you.
“Well, can I just say I just want to come here and then by a great chance, I saw you here.” You cock an eyebrow at her and in response, she scoffs as she’s not falling for your lies here, again and maybe never again.
“Come on—” Karina pulls you by your wrists, closer to her before whispering to you, “—you came to see me here, don’t you? Plus—” Karina lets go of her tight onto your wrists as she relaxes herself and puts on a hubristic demeanor. “—you don’t really go to bars like this. Don’t make me a liar—I know you.”
Well, that’s like one of the two reasons why you chose to be even at this bar even though you’re always hectic to come and most preferably, wanting to stay home just to binge-watch some movies or play all the same four games you love playing—you came to see her, intentionally with a single goal in mind wanting to be fulfilled or you won’t be able to get a good night’s sleep.
Clicking your tongue as she cracks the code, you finally admitted your true purpose on being here and that didn’t lead Karina surprised in any way. “Okay, okay—I just came here to check on you because of what happened yesterday.” Your tone is sincere as Karina can hear it laced between every word you say as she stops drinking and averted her attention towards you.
“About what? What happened yesterday?” Karina’s tone is fused with puzzlement as she seems to not know what you’re talking about but you know how she’s brushing it off by trying to pretend to be oblivious and that won’t work on your watch, nonetheless what may happen. Sitting right beside her and placing your arms onto the table, you face her as your disposition weighs gravitas.
“I heard the news—you broke up with him and you’re here to drink it off, don’t you.”
You can see the visible frustration on Karina’s face the second you bring up the topic as she manages to maintain her obliviousness but that won’t last for long as it’s bound to break at any time now.
Karina scoffs as she raises her voice a little, provoking her inner rage from bringing up the forgetful event now, “ What do you even mean by that? Nothing even happened!”
“Oh, Karina, Karina, Karina—stop telling me that and I’m here to talk that with you.” Concern paints all over your face and as much as she’s incredibly stubborn in denying the truth, you chose to really be patient with her and address the situation where both parties won’t be provoked with anger and deep grudges at the end. “By the way, where are your friends? Aren’t they supposed to comfort you—”
“What are you even talking about??” Karina angrily boils her frustration out from even diving further onto the topic as she’s still in denial, the dormant rage inside her waiting to be boiled up and erupt soon like a volcano. “Also, they’re all busy and I want to be alone by myself!”
“Hey, hey—” You grabbed her wrists and made her face you as enchantingly, your gaze makes her calm down as you reassure her with your mellow tone and with touch on her hands “—I’m sorry for bringing that up but please, talk to me.”
Karina’s unstoppable fury finds its absolute demise as it slowly dissipates, your touch and your tone calming her down as she feels defeated and you can see it in her expressions and most of all, her eyes—her eyes that never lie. You know that you’re one of her weaknesses and can’t help but unveil the truth whenever she’s with you—for multiple case—and that's the beauty of it: you have each others’ trust and no one can break that apart, not even yourselves as the platonic love of being friends is within the both of you.
“Talk to me about what happened, Karina.”
You’re maybe crossing the line in terms of her privacy and the will to reflect but nonetheless, your advances are meant for the best for her as she probably needs someone to talk to, personally even though she’s not clearly vocal about it.
Now, gaining the courage and letting herself be in a state of tranquil, she lets herself be vocal about everything as she feels the utter comfort with you and with alone, puts a smile on your face. Karina then scoffs and lets out a deep sigh before looking at the distance, feeling vexed about the situation she just saw. “I saw him with someone else, kissing t-that another girl…” 
You can sense Karina’s walls breaking down, piece by piece as she was deeply hurt at what she saw, leaving a wound down her heart that she absolutely can’t bear to deal with. Her voice gets hoarse as the emotions inside her are winning yet she still manages to tell you what happened despite the struggle she’s dealing with. “And like, I was like, a-at the distance and then, my w-world just fell down after that…”
Concern paints your face as you were disheartened at what happened as you think that hurt much worse knowing that it all happened ephemerally as she probably can’t comprehend how she’s badly hurt. “Oh fuck—I’m sorry t-to hear that, Karina…”
“Oh, you don’t n-need to be sorry.” Karina wipes her tears gracefully with her index finger as she faintly smiles at you, feeling a little grateful on listening to her. Of course, your curiosity took over you as you wanted to know more of what she saw, knowing for a fact that you may gather information or to do something with it.
“Have you seen the one he cheated with? Any features you saw on the girl?”
Karina scoffs again, yet this time, anger is starting to boil down as her face permeates vengeance and utter discomfort trying to think of that girl he cheated with but nonetheless, she gave you some vague answers. “I don’t really know ‘cause I didn’t really look at her but she’s probably my height and she has wavy, red hair—I think. Tch, don’t want to talk about that bastard anymore.”
You can definitely see how annoyed she is whenever she talks about the event she would want to completely forget. Knowing such vague information can’t really put you up onto a desirable conclusion to help her with a revenge, you’d probably want to keep yourself off at their problem as you want no more harm or much better, to completely brush this off as you want Karina’s heart to probably mend slowly with you by her side.
Yes, even if the line’s crossed only with being just friends with her, you show passion and support towards her and it;s further ignites with your true feelings of love for her. Yes, that’s right—you genuinely love her to the point that you’re being on her tail and obsessed with her but those are the days where you’re completely depressed and she herself helped out of it and ever since that happened, you’ve never looked at her the same way again (in a good way, though).
Your love for her is unconditional, that you only love to see her genuinely happy as always, and you’re willing to make her happy whenever she’s feeling down if possible… and that’s true love.
When Karina’s about to take another sip, you stop her as she’s shocked with your actions yet you’re just implying a better change for her as it’s for her own good, not yours. “Alcohol’s not always the way, Karina.”
Of course, Karina lightly glares at you, pouting slightly before giving her reasoning, “Come on, I paid for this—just let me finish it.”
“Okay, but that’s your last, alright? Don’t want you to go out of here drunk that you couldn’t see straight.”
Of course, she has a point and you let her be. It’s at least better than most of the ways you’re thinking when she’s depressed or not in the mood and you’ll do everything to enlighten that glowing delight she always had. Yes, you’re determined to make her happy and that’s what makes her grateful to have a friend like you…
“I think we should go home.”
“To where, Karina?”
“My place—you can also stay for the night since I ditched his cheating ass.” Karina retorts, displaying her rage towards him and her authority over her place.
“Damn—never knew you’re brutal.” 
“What do you mean I’m brutal? He definitely deserves it!” Karina exclaimed as she stated her point and you absolutely got it—her goddamn deserves it as you just played her with your own sarcasm, making her smile a little.
Even though with the free road and minimal traffic ahead, the ride was still killing enough time as you didn’t mind it, not when the both of you jammed onto the songs throughout the travel and even talked about some interesting topics that sure piqued both your interests as the both of you get to know each other even more. You can sense her happiness slowly recharging back to its original state as her constant bright smiles and laughs with you are enough of an evidence and that alone makes yourself feel gleeful for her own good.
“Well, I think, in your place it is…”
Well, if that’s the final conclusion, then you’ll be happy to be with for the rest of the night and maybe, something may go onto the road of no-return or something we called as a spicy one…
“Wow, it's still as good as when I last came here.”
Karina can’t hide the chuckle she’s doing as she feels flustered with the said compliment, knowing that she organized it all well and it’s probably a man’s dream to have a home this simple yet luxurious in anyone’s eyes.
“Well, evil spirits may come and go but it’s all looking fine—you wanna eat something, though?” 
With Karina’s polite approach towards you, you might not want to decline her offer as you’re on the verge of some unbearable hunger yourself. So, without a doubt, you agreed and stood up, approaching her as she’s still busy looking for food in the fridge.
“Do you want some fried chicken? I can microwave it if you want—”
“Yeah, sure, Rina. I’ll do it myself so you don’t have to and we’ll share this…”
You then grabbed the glass tupperware from the refrigerator full of fried chicken as you prepared the ceramic plate and grabbed four for the both of you. Karina smiles from your gentlemanly advances as you initiated to do the job yourself and even though she would want herself to do the job, you just insisted on doing it yourself and that makes her heart flutter a little. You then put those delicious chicken into the microwave and set up the timer, time being the tool to test your patience as you turned to talk to her in order to kill some time of waiting.
“By the way, why are you dressed like that even though you just went to the bar?” Again, curiosity peaks your interest as you’re a bit puzzled on why she’s looking like a majestic princess with that glittery one-piece dress with only a couple of her time to spare to just drink and reflect?
“Well, what if I told you that I just wanted to dress like this?” Karina feigns her denial again, as she’s not even trying to convince you with her demeanor as the lack of gravitas made you conclude that she did something before she even went to the bar.
“And that’s a major ‘what if’, Karina. You went somewhere that’s why you dressed like that, didn't you?” You’re tone laces hubris, as you know that she went somewhere elegant to dress with the same energy of elegance. She won’t deny herself—even though she technically didn’t, and just enlightened you with a proposition.
“Okay—me and my friends went to a party and I was hesitant at first but I gave in. Also, I’m sorry I lied to you, again…”
Well, that makes much more of a sense and not going to lie, the first time you laid your eyes on her, it was an enchanting experience—it felt like your world went into an abrupt stop as you’re mesmerized on how drop-dead gorgeous she is in all aspects you can think of: her pretty, perfectly-shaped face that's visuals are blowing your mind, her porcelain skin that you’d just want to run over your fingers to feel its smoothness, her hourglass figure and that dress complimenting her curves so well and more than what you could possibly tell.
Yes, you’re goddamn in love once you saw her and you won’t be a hypocrite and deny anything unlike her—it always has been this way yet you’re just scared to confess your true feelings towards her because of her relationship and now knowing she’s pretty much in a ‘single’ status, you’ll take this opportunity slowly as your chances would be higher.
Maybe, even though it’s selfish and partly wrong on your side, there’s no harm that can be done as you won’t lose everything and will have everything to win.
“Nah, it’s fine, Rina. Also, you look great in that outfit by the way. I love it on you.”
Karina inches closer on you while you’re still leaning onto the center table at the kitchen, waiting for the food to be heated. As she approaches you closely, you could sense some rising tension from her but brush it off, thinking it’s just one of your fallacies and delusions yet it becomes more evident when she’s just inches away from you, and smiling genuinely before eyeing on your chest and maintaining eye contact towards you.
“Thanks, glad you love this outfit on me but—” Karina intoxicates you with her sweet, alcoholic breath and then catching you off-guard with a torrid kiss that made your eyes lit up in shock and excitement, her immediate actions causing you to panic, your heart tripling its beat but nonetheless, you treasure every second invested onto the kiss as you eagerly reciprocated. You find the taste of her lips addicting as you fall under her spell and you find yourself diving deeper into the intimacy of such a hot kissing session.
The earlier turmoil was now calmed as the storm is now raging between the both parties, letting both your aggressions act up as your hands roams around her waist and her body and hers roaming around the back of your head which further ignites the fiery fervor between the both of you. 
Such good things can be met with their own denouement as she pulls out of your lips’ embrace slowly, and then looking at your eyes endearingly and said, “I know what you're feeling—” Karina then points at your chest, onto your heart and continued, “—I can feel right here, beating for me.”
Well, her clever mind found out your genuine adoration towards her as there’s no point of turning back or denying—you just need confirmation from yourself even though it’s not needed, the beat of heart says so and she can feel it.
“You may not know this, Karina but—” Your hands then caressed her slender waist throughout the expensive clothing as your eyes captivate her, “—I've fallen in love with you ever since we’ve met yet I’m just scared to tell it all to you…”
You let yourself be free from the shackles that confined your true feelings for her as this opportunity should be seized up to its finest. You’ve never felt such a great sigh of relief until she directed what you’re really feeling and now with yourself being free and eased up, you couldn’t contain your need for her as you’re the one who initiated another kiss this time as the sloppy sounds of it became evident on how much you needed each other. Such clashing of soft fleshes never felt so good, and it’s better when Karina’s tongue starts dancing all over yours, intertwined as both muscles fight for dominance and utter adoration. With the messy, sloppy kisses that’s been going on for minutes, the both you further indulged into it as you didn’t mind the messy saliva that was all over your mouth since you’ve started.
“God—y-you’re such a great kisser…”
“You too, Karina—I never knew I needed this.”
Karina sighs as she felt flustered from your actions, and enlightened you with her own feelings too. “I never knew I’ll feel the same as you did to me, honestly…” 
You felt a surge of serotonin when Karina grabbed your hand and directed it onto her chest—even though it's a little uncomfortable due to the feeling of accidentally touching her busts, you’d trust her because you trust her—and then, you can feel the subsequent fast beating of her heart.
That alone makes you feel flustered knowing that the feelings are mutual between each other and you’d like to take a step further yet you need great pace with that, of course.
“Can you feel it? It’s just the same as what you’re feeling too…”
Exchanging smiles because of the comfortable feeling she has shown you, you initiated another torrid kiss yet this time, you didn’t fully invest your attention towards kissing her intimately but rather, fondled her massive mounds that you’ve always wanted to touch yet something provoked her which scared you.
“Hey! Oohh~”
“Oh shit—I’m sorry, Karina—”
“No!” Karina then grabbed your hand as she directed it onto her mounds for another time, making you involuntarily squeeze them gently and fondle them with care and in response, she moaned beautifully as its almost inaudible yet it blessed your ears and it’s such a brilliant cacophony to hear. “I want more of this~”
Given the green light, you gently kiss her neck and collarbones while fondling her tits with care and inevitably, she lets out such angelic moans that you can listen to all damn day if it means to make you feel good on your end too. Your hands can’t latch onto anything but her pillowy mounds that are magnetized within your touch as you can’t be bothered to stop due to how stress-relieving and soft those are—you’ll definitely treasure this one as Karina herself is more than a golden treasure you’re glad you can possess.
It didn’t take long before she let you take off her dress within a single motion, removing the strap off just to unveil her taut nipples all on display and you could feel your hunger coursing down your veins once you saw those buds being stiff. Of course, wanting Karina to be comfortable, you need her permission first before doing anything that can let anybody know how insatiable she is for you.
“May I?” You asked while kneeling down in level with her chest and with that actions if yours, she’s getting the grip of what you want to accomplish for both of your gratifications.
“Go ahead, baby—oh fuck! There~ ohh—shit,so good!”
Subsequent moans escape her lips as you gently nibble the bud with your teeth and then latch your tongue on it to stimulate the taut nipple, offering the best quality of pleasure possible for her. While you’re fully invested on feasting onto the succulent taste of her mounds, Karina takes some energy to let you know about her wants as you stopped and take some time to eavesdrop on her proposition.
“C-can we take this on my b-bedroom—there’s more room there for us to do this, or maybe even m-more—ahh~”
Within a speed of light, you instantly agreed onto it as she faintly smiled yet full of glee with the wants being mutual. “Of course, Karina—we should’ve thought about this sooner, honestly.”
“You’re right—but let’s g-go now. I can’t wait to see what you can do for, and to me…”
It’s only a matter of time before you settle yourselves onto the climax of the show where everything will be unveiled, within your very eyes…
“Oh gosh—k-keep doing that, baby…”
Constant fondling ensues as the sultry sounds escaping her lips fuels you to further keep up the pace and the momentum going. It was pleasurable for the both of you, as her constant, subtle writhing was enough of an evidence everytime you lay your fingers or your lips onto her sensitive body as you worship it, from head to toe, probably. 
Even with all of these things on the way, you can’t help but think of one thing that’s been clouding your mind ever since and with that thought, it would be perfect but you need to enlighten Karina first with your proposition as it’s willing to find the best gratification between both parties.
Now laying onto the bed, you look deeply at Karina’s glowing orbs as you mutter, “I think there’s one way to make these things better, for you and me…”
Karina’s eyes lit in excitement on what you may have in store, and also, anticipation fully rules over her and so is curiosity, making up for all the elements of being a cute, curious cat that she most likely possesses.
“Hm, you’ll see, Karina—but for now—” You let herself rest on the bed as you rose up and got something onto her drawer. Karina trusts you truly as she let herself fully anticipate your possible reward and as you face her again, she notices a black strip of cloth being brought over by you as she’s perplexed with that, thinking what you may do to her.
“Why do you have that? What are you going to do with it?”
You smirk with your devilish thoughts in mind, opting to let her anticipate for the fullest yet you’ll let her know what you had in mind that probably corrupted you for so long. “You know, Rina, I’ve thought of really doing this with you but only if you want to…”
“What is it?”
You leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Maybe a blindfold will make things better, isn’t it?”
Of course, Karina’s eyes glisten with everything that’s lustful and utter anticipation as you almost feel like you’re going to submerge into kissing her but you refrain from that, sticking onto the plan that you have in store for her. Karina then rose up from her previously laid position as every movement she does with her naked body in display is just hypnotizing yet you didn’t bother yourself drooling and wrapped her head with the dark cloth that’s on your hands, forming up a blindfold that will make anything more pleasurable as her senses will took over her, letting her savor every moment possible.
“Too tight?”
“No, it’s perfectly fine…” You can see Karina’s head wandering around as her lack of vision lets her fight-and-flight response to activate but with her utmost trust bestowed towards you, she feels comfortable as she succumbs to your care and you’ll absolutely treat her with what your heart can do, at its best.
“You sure you can’t see anything, Karina?” Of course, you need to double-check and further confirm if she can’t see anything before you start the multiple things you’ll do with her as Karina nods eagerly, persuading you that all she can see are dark hues and nothing else.
“What number is this?” Still hesitant, you draw your fingers into the air and form a number ‘three’ with it to make sure Karina can’t see anything. Growing impatient, Karina whines adorably as she’s still convincing you that she can’t see anything but in reality, you’re just annoying her just to see how adorable she is and how that cuteness of hers will soon fade when you sullied her—
“Come on, can you just—ooh—oh! That’s g-good~” Karina, still on the trance of being feisty, moaned immediately once you’ve pinch her taut buds with your fingers as you slowly relaxed her slender figure onto the bed, letting her imagination be her limit as she uses her senses to attend her needs and feel such gratification. You continue fondling her mounds until your other hands roam onto her toned midriff, her smooth, creamy thighs that you definitely nuzzle on for hours and the main event, her succulent, wet pussy that’s ready to take you, more than anything.
“You like that, Karina—the way my fingers just tease you? Oh, you could just feel it and if you can see right now, you’d probably know how wet you are, dripping onto the sheets…” With her heightened senses, she muffled her moans in order to feel and hear every action you do onto her body yet she can’t, and rather find each moan increasing in volume as she voices out her delight. You could hear her pleas as she seems needy and helpless with her state, and you, yourself, can’t even bear to see her whining uncontrollably without her needs being attended to yet you need more foreplay to fire the lust that’s been igniting inside her.
“Just a bit more, Karina—just wanna let you feel how good this is…”
“I k-know but p-please, baby—I can’t t-take it anymore!”
You can’t just let her plead for eternity, and even with your own needy self being encouraged to dive into it deeper, you listen to the voices inside your head and let your hips do the work—the mere containment of each others’ needs shouldn’t be retained further, and let everything be unveiled.
With only her sense aiding up to make herself be in the momentum of peak pleasure, she could only know you’re planning something ahead of this as she yelped once she felt your tip brushing against her wet folds and immediately, her thighs quiver and she squirmed in need in response of your teasing actions. With the deprivation of her senses, especially on her vision, she could only moan (almost screams) in need once you’ve plunged your length inside her and even with only your tip being hugged by her velvety walls, you could definitely feel her tightness as it’s gripping like its last and that’s one hell to define utter gratification.
“Fuck—you’re s-so tight, Karina—shit, so fucking tight!”
“Oh god—y-you’re so big—so good, oh god! I n-never felt this good!!”
You then start to pump onto her gripping walls with a moderate pace, aiming for her to really feel the pleasure and they way how your cock moves inside her wet cunt. Not being able to see opens a lot of opportunities especially when imagining something, and that’s probably what Karina’s doing as she treasures every thrust you do, your movements only aiming to further increase her needs for you and her libido. You start off slow, and gradually, build up the pace for some time yet you want to extend that so that Karina will most likely savor every hammer you do onto her wet, squelching cunt as her moans are strong evidence that she’s loving every second of this.
With only your tip inside when you withdraw, and then slamming back in, balls-deep is such an incredible factor that Karina finds, especially when she can’t see anything and would just feel everything you do. You’re hammering onto her wet cunt hard as you savor the grip her pussy does around to your raging length and to further stimulate her, you won’t just grip her hips and fuck her with a constant, relentless pace but rather, let her feel more than just one epicenter of attraction. With deep hunger and insatiability over her, your lips latch onto her sharp collarbones and her neck, making her feel your affection alongside your constant pumps into her pussy. The stimulation she’s experiencing right now is more than phenomenal as everything you do highlights every single detail on the utter gratification she’s feeling and that alone is such a great feeling for her to feel. It didn’t take long before you fondle her mounds again for the umpteenth time to further pleasure her as both your moans resonates around the puny room that’s soon will unable to cover them all, releasing symphonies of lust in which, will be the last thing you want to encounter.
“Does it feel better, Karina?”
It took her seconds before she could come up to articulate what you’ve just said, the peak pleasure she’s feeling frying her brain and making her incapable of thinking straight. “Y-Yes, it does—oh god, w-we should’ve done t-this sooner—ahh~”
You suckle onto the porcelain skin of her neck, tasting the musky flavor of her skin as sweat dribbled over it, the heat of the moment finally being permeated onto minuscule droplets. Your harsh suckling tends to almost mark her, which she can feel as her hands roam all over your torso, specifically on your chest as she mutters, “D-Don’t mark me p-please…”
“Yeah, yeah, I won’t mark you, Karina, don’t worry…”
Now, with a profound fervor and intense rush of need towards her, your hips are now starting to quickly build up a breakneck pace, maybe, capable of breaking her in half as you go ruthless, letting your animalistic urges take over you. Your constant rhythm sends both of your brains into an overdrive that no one can fix but yourselves and you may not even bother too, wanting yourselves to dive in between your devilish needs and the utter wanton needs that you’ve been longing for and been deprived of for a long time.
Having enough of showering her with kisses and the fondling of her tits that further submits her into utter submission, you then held her frame with both of your hands on her hips as you ensued a more ruthless pace, further hammering her wet cunt with no point of mercy and even returning back as her moans are now being converted to needy whimpers and cries which further fuels you to increase your quality of thrusts. Her senses being deprived is maybe a blessing in disguise, because on what you can conclude, she’s becoming more wetter and letting her imagine what could be happening—even down to the last, minute details—is just throwing gasoline onto the flames of lust and your needs.
Now, with a newly-crafted pace, another rhapsody has been orchestrated as it hits a series of wonders throughout your brain and Karina’s, as the pleasure was being the tool of forming melodies to voice out your satisfactions. She then wrapped her legs around your waist as you continue hammering her wet folds like there’s no tomorrow, her moans encouraging you for more and for the best of everything even though it isn’t needed—if you could only see the glint of lust within her eyes, and how it glows is her own, wanton needs, then you’ve probably broke loose and speaking of that, it’s coming not for long and it’s just going to be better. 
With the constant barrage of uncontrollable thrusts resonating such cacophonous sounds of bodies clashing together and such angelic moans, it wasn’t long before Karina deemed herself to reach closer to her eternal bliss, chasing her orgasm with her hips gyrating onto your constantly ramming length and then—
“I’m super c-close—gahh, ooh~”
The world lit up white as she succumbs onto that bliss, despite the darkness that envelops her vision as she unshackles the beast inside her, creaming all over your length as it stains everywhere on its vicinity of your nether regions: your length, your balls, the bed sheets, and some even shooting onto the floor but those were only minimal amounts.
With the arousing sight of Karina cumming hard as she can’t manage to really control how hard her orgasm hit her, it wasn’t long before you could also feel yourself drawing close to the ring of fire. With more ruthless thrusts in order to chase yours, it’s all bound to break as you immediately find your lips latching onto hers, sharing a torrid kiss in which she eagerly reciprocated and then, everything came loose.
You bury your entire length, filling her up to the hilt as you deepen the kiss, letting her know how you’re in your approaching orgasm as you fill her up with multiple streaks of thick, warm semen that’s bound to set both yourselves onto the state of paramount bliss, in which, it does. You pull out of the torrid kiss as the muffled moans from earlier are being vocally being heard, finally voicing out how great the both of you are feeling throughout your orgasm and her walls being painted white.
Now, with your impending orgasm, you slowly limp beside her as you recover from your high as does Karina, breathing heavily, chest heaving for air. You then turn onto her and remove her blindfold in one, swift motions and god, she looks ethereal, like a beautiful butterfly emerging from its cocoon as her beauty never fails to amaze you, let alone adore her in levels you can’t comprehend. She smiled widely as her endearing eyes greets you, feeling satisfied that you’ve dumped a nice volume of load inside her cunt that she’s been longing for so long now.
“Oh, that was w-way better than I expected…”
The both of you exchange smiles as delight can be felt coursing down your veins, and you immediately voiced out how great the experience was. “See? I know you’ll love these kinds of things—I told you…”
The two of you shared another intimate kiss, but this time, it’s fully passionate as the ardor between both parties ignite and not so long after, she pulled out of your lips’ embrace as you hugged her tightly, feeling the warmth of her body complimenting yours as the intense surge of adrenaline of pure passion is just clouding both your minds, unable to find out of such a wholesome cuddling session.
“Thanks for c-cumming inside me—I really wanted that for so long.”
You scoff, feeling a little shy yet in all arms in terms of giving her what she wanted. “No problem, Karina—you felt great too… Hah…”
With silence permeating the air on the once lust-filled room, the both of you stared at each other endearingly before Karina thought that something’s not right and suddenly, a spark ignites inside her—
“Oh gosh—the chicken! We totally forgot about it!!”
And well, gladly your hunger met a hindrance, and guess what? It was all for the better as you get to bless yourself with the treatment of Karina’s insatiability and that alone, is a five-star meal you’re willing to savor and cherish for the time being.
Perhaps, maybe treat you to another, if given the right time…
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wherela · 2 years
I am convinced Mastermind by Taylor Swift was actually written about Goncharov (1973)
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fangswbenefits · 6 months
The Arrangement (8) - Revelations
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Chapter summary: You finally confront Ava, but the conversation takes an unexpected turn.
Pairing: Astarion x female!Tav
Warnings: Innuendo. Mentions of abuse and trauma.
Word count: 5.3k
Series Masterlist
You found him by the edge of a cliff overlooking Baldur's Gate.
The first rays of light began to spill into the morning sky in hues of yellow fused with orange. You would never tire of watching the city you called home being engulfed in such beauty.
“Enjoying the view?”
Astarion was holding a somewhat mellow smile on his lips as he turned to face you.
“I hadn't seen this much colour bathing the city in over two hundred years.”
You stopped next to him, looping an arm around his and resting your face against his shoulder.
“It's beautiful, isn't it?”
He sighed. “I do not want to get too attached to it. In case things go awry, that is.”
‘Awry’ meaning that he wouldn't be able to ascend…
It always made your heart clench to think about how much Astarion still held on to that.
But you didn't want to think about such things for now.
For now, you were more than content to share this moment with him.
“The sun looks beautiful on you,” you said truthfully.
It wasn't exactly a challenge, but you adored praising and stroking his ego.
A soft chuckle rumbled in his chest. “As most things do, darling."
"That is true.”
He then placed his cold hand atop yours. “As you once did.”
His words hit you with such force that you felt your chest too heavy all of a sudden.
You glanced up at him, meeting his soft crimson eyes. “Astarion…”
Would he ever move on?
Would he ever move on from you?
He offered a defeated smile. “I know, I know. Just friends, right?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
He didn't utter another word as he looked on ahead.
You kept your grip around him, enjoying his firmness and how he made you feel so safe and comfortable.
Deep down, you were just thankful he couldn't see the single tear that streamed down your face.
The cold and wet trail brought you back to witness the sight of the sun emerging on the horizon line. 
You pulled your legs up so you could rest your chin on your knees, hugging yourself as the breathtaking view filled your vision.
How you wished you could share this with him like many times before.
As lovers.
As friends.
You wiped the tear away with the back of your hand as sadness spread inside you.
There was no point in dwelling in the impossible. At least until you found a way for him to experience all the colour the world had to offer with no limitations.
Sleep hadn't come to you this night and it wasn't because of nightmares or the fact that Astarion had left you painfully yearning for his touch.
Your mind was just all over the place, trying to make sense of how things felt with him after that conversation.
Truth be told, you were more than happy with the occasional intimacy and giving him space.
But his taunting words still lingered in your mind.
You were certain he craved more than a friendship, but how much of that spread beyond carnal lust was something you weren't sure about.
Maybe even Astarion didn't know.
As much as you longed for more, you still wanted to mend your friendship first and bridge the distance that had come between you two. 
As you pushed yourself from the bed and slipped into your robe, you took a quick glance at the mirror in front of you.
Eyes puffy and reddened paired with deep eyebags.
You heaved a deep sigh as you exited the room, heading towards the kitchen area to brew some tea.
The door to his room was firmly shut and you hurried past it with bare feet.
The entire house was still swallowed in silence and darkness.
You quickly lit up a few candles before reigniting the fireplace and putting the kettle on.
The familiar squeak of the door to his room filled your ears.
As the water came to a boil, you poured a few herbs inside the cup as you poured the scalding liquid.
You heard him call out your name and your stomach immediately fluttered as he came into view, slowly pacing towards you.
“How did you know it was me?”
Astarion's lips curled into a smile. “I know the sound of your footsteps by heart.”
There was no trace of deceit in his remark.
His voice rang true and not as a mere attempt at flustering you with honeyed words.
He meant it and you felt the warm embrace of his presence tightly enveloping you.
Astarion had learned the way to your heart like no one else had ever tried to. 
He could crawl under your skin and have you yearn for him like no one else could.
And he did all of this effortlessly and like second nature.
You returned a warm smile, feeling the addictive embrace of his presence.
He felt like the home you longed to come back to.
As you moved to sit on the sofa nearby, enjoying the warmth that radiated from the cup in your hands, he eventually sat next to you, crimson eyes meeting yours and, for a moment, you held your breath.
He was your home.
“You look horrible.”
A snarky one.
You chuckled at his bluntness, taking a sip. “Didn't get much sleep.”
“Nightmares again?”
“No. My mind was just busy…”
He slowly nodded. “Was it too much? What we did?”
You glared at him in surprise. “What? No. What about you?”
His eyes narrowed. “I wanted more.”
“That doesn't answer my question.”
He crossed his legs, adjusting his elegant shirt. “It wasn't nearly enough.”
“You were the one to stop it…”
“Because I had to. Gods know how long it took to… calm down, so to speak.”
The implication that dangled from his words wasn't particularly subtle.
Your cheeks flared up. “I… didn't hear you…”
Astarion flashed a teasing smile. “I know how to avoid being heard, unlike a certain someone.”
Bad timing had you nearly choking on your tea.
“Careful, darling. You'll get all wet… again.”
The nerve!
You shot him murderous glare, wiping your chin.
Then the two fell into a comfortable silence.
You melted into the backrest of the sofa, cradling the cup in your hands, humming a tune that you had almost forgotten about.
“I find myself missing our journey, you know?” he said after a while.
“Even having to play the hero?”
He tapped his chin pensively. “Even that, as surprising as it sounds. I could have done without all your ridiculous acts of heroism, but I grew to enjoy indulging in some of them.”
Your heart thudded happily at his honesty.
“Who would have thought that you’d find joy in being selfless,” you teased with a smile.
He lifted one finger. “Do not misunderstand. I still come first. I spent too many centuries not being able to and I won't give that up now.”
You nodded, fully understanding his line of thinking.
In the meantime, your hand had dropped in between you two and you felt coldness reach your fingers.
You looked down, startled, only to be met with his fingers gently brushing against yours.
And just like clockwork, your heart sped up.
Astarion had his eyes fixed on the swirling flames that emanated from the fireplace.
Little by little, his fingers began to intertwine with yours until his hand gripped you tightly.
Your mind blanked for a moment at how unexpected this was.
In time, his cold skin began to warm up against yours.
And then it dawned on you that he had never held your hand this way.
He had helped you up on your feet more times than you could count.
He had gripped your hand in his as both of you hurried along collapsing halls and while being chased by the most vicious of creatures.
But he had never held your hand as if seeking for silent comfort.
You shifted so you could rest your head on his shoulder.
He tensed slightly under your touch, but eventually relaxed and you seized the opportunity to melt into his side, enjoying the familiar scent of bergamot and rosemary.
You weren't sure how much time had passed, but the tear in your cup had gone tepid and you began to feel guilty.
You had considered not telling him about confronting Ava.
But you didn't want to lie and hide anything from him, especially if it concerned him in the first place.
You pulled slightly away from him and he met your gaze.
“I'm going to meet Ava tonight.”
You expected an angry outburst of indignation from him, but were met with an inquisitive glare instead.
“Why doesn't that surprise me at all?”
That was it?
“Wait… you are not going to talk me out of it?”
At this, he faintly chuckled, still firmly gripping your hand in his.
“Honestly, darling, when has that ever worked?”
Point taken.
He knew of your stubbornness all too well.
“Besides, do you intend on killing her?”
You widened your eyes. “I – no? I don't think so?”
Though you couldn't swear on this until you were actually absolutely sure she was as harmless as he claimed her to be.
“Then, you have my blessing.”
You then narrowed your eyes suspiciously at him. “You don't even want to go with me?”
“Do you want me to?”
“It's not necessary.”
He shrugged. “Then I won't.”
Astarion was acting uncharacteristically accepting of your intrusion, and that rang a plethora of alarm bells in your head.
It was as if he knew you'd have no reason to harm her.
“Why are you so… calm about this?”
His eyes met yours. “I am well aware you can turn Ava into a pile of dust should she cross your path. But I don't believe you will do such a thing.”
“Why not? I don't trust her.”
His grip around your fingers eased slightly. “I don't expect you to, but you do trust me, don't you?”
You didn't hesitate for a second. After all, you had trusted Astarion through things that most people would have staked him for. The two of you were way past the uncertainty of not trusting each other's intentions.
It was more evident that the glaring issue that plagued your relationship was rooted in miscommunication and not mistrust.
“And I trust her.”
That ground on your nerves. “But why?”
“Because I have to.”
You immediately dropped his hand, turning in your seat to fully face him, already feeling the familiar irritation that came with him not being fully open with you at times.
“Astarion, you need to start telling me why you hold her in such high regards,” you said, pinching the bridge of your nose. “You can also trust me. Whatever it is… just tell me.”
He glared at you with a faint scowl. “She is taking my blood with the intention of lessening some vampirism weaknesses.”
“Such as?”
“Well, the insatiable hunger is the main focus.”
You stared at him in silence, not quite sure what to make of this.
The Wish Spell could grant him the ability to walk in the sun again, but this seemed even more ambitious.
And dangerous.
“Obviously, this is all rather theoretical, but it seemed like a sound prospect,” he went on, sinking into the sofa with an exasperated sigh. “As selfish as I am, I also considered how this could be helpful to the spawn in the Underdark.”
His words took you quite aback.
“This… seems too good to be true,” you said hesitantly.
“Oh, I'm aware. That is why I am keeping my expectations in check.”
You really, really wanted to hate Ava.
But if her motifs were truly this altruistic, then you were going to have a hard justifying that feeling, which provided another added layer of anger altogether.
“So, if you want to talk to her, you are free to do so. Seeing is believing or so they say,” he said with a witty grin.
You sighed.
Astarion was a bad planner.
No. He was a terrible planner.
He could identify the end goal, but would have no clue how to get there and would merely make adjustments as he went along, hoping for the best.
Luck had been on his side as of late, but you lacked that optimism.
And he obviously saw that splattered across your face.
“Oh, please. I know that look – just say it,” he scoffed.
You weren't even sure what you wanted to say.
Deep down, you felt extremely protective of him and didn't appreciate that she was exchanging lessons in intimacy for his blood.
It all seemed very one-sided and the promise of also helping him – and by extension, the spawn in the underdark – still seemed unrealistically… convenient.
“Are you even sure any of this will work? Has she made any progress with your blood?”
“Some progress. Not enough to keep me too hopeful, but I will take anything these days.”
You could sympathise with the sentiment, but…
“I still think there is something off about her.”
Astarion just looked as amused as ever. “No jealousy?”
You rolled your eyes. “No.”
“Well, she would have nothing to gain from sending us both to prison,” he said. “She knows I exclusively feed on you and that I do need to feed regularly.”
The nonchalant way in which he uttered those words, brought a wave of heat to your face, as the events from a few hours earlier resurfaced in your mind.
There was a hint of intimacy in the act itself, but also in the aftermath. Astarion's senses would be sharpened as your blood coursed through his body.
“Seems like I broke your concentration, darling,” he said teasingly, effectively snapping you from your thoughts.
You jolted briefly and then scowled, annoyed that he could see right through you so easily.
“Don't flatter yourself.”
He gave you a devious smile. “I don't have to. Not when your body provides the finest flattery there is.”
You wished you could turn off the effect his honeyed words always had on you.
Clearing your throat, you straightened up in your seat. “Very well, then. I am willing to be enlightened.”
A teasing smile tugged faintly at his lips. “Good girl.”
Your heart skipped a beat.
He knew exactly what he was doing.
Regaining your composure, you said, “Wyll is going there with me tonight.”
Astarion drew a sleazy grin this time. “Oh, so that was what the two of you were plotting yesterday.”
You rolled your eyes.
“And here I thought sweet Wyll had finally mustered the courage to take you out on a lavish date,” he said with a dramatic and forceful pout. “Seems like romance is dead, after all.”
For some odd reason, Astarion was under the impression that Wyll harboured feelings for you that surpassed friendship.
But what Astarion didn't know was that your heart was too full of him to allow room for anyone else.
His taunting words created the perfect opening for you to return the gesture.
“No jealousy?”
His smile only grew wider. “Do you want me to be jealous?”
You were entering his territory, and should tread lightly. 
“Maybe you should be jealous,” you whispered.
He shifted closer to you and you held your breath.
“And why is that? Why should I be jealous of your friendship with him?”
Gods, he was good .
Your heart drummed faster in your chest as his face drew near.
He was a master at disarming you with carefully laid out traps whilst using his words as alluring bait.
“He's very… friendly.”
You inwardly cringed at your ridiculous remark, which earned a chuckle from Astarion.
At this point, he was so close you almost feel his cool lips on yours.
“Well, hopefully not this friendly.”
That was it.
He was going to kiss you and you couldn't give a damn about it.
But before he could do so, the faint rhythmic thud of footsteps pulled you out of immersion, and the two of you pulled apart at once.
She reached the bottom of the staircase, eyeing both of you like she had just run into the most disappointing event of her life.
“The sun has yet to fully rise, and the two of you are already at it again,” she said with a scowl. “Wasn't the coupling from last night enough?”
Your jaw dropped open in sheer mortification.
Surely she hadn't… heard anything… right?
“Where is your sense of decorum, Lae'zel?” Astarion clicked his tongue, leaning back against the sofa once more.
She gave him a stern glare. “You wouldn't know decorum if it hit you in that pale face of yours, Astarion.”
He chuckled. “My, my… someone is feisty today.”
“The sounds you two made could raise the dead from their graves,” she said, moving swiftly towards the front door with her sword keeping her company. “I am not sure how much more of this torture I can take.”
You stood up at once, feeling embarrassment take over. “Oh! We… uh… Astarion was just feeding and–”
She held a hand up. “Spare me the grotesque details. I'll be going out on a hunt. Don't expect me for lunch.”
And without a further exchange, she slipped through the door.
Astarion was now on his feet and heading towards the staircase.
Somehow, you couldn't help but feel a tad of disappointment as he left your side.
His company was something you reckoned you'd never tire from.
“See you later, darling. And do fix that lovely face of yours,” he teased dramatically. “Rose water works like a charm.”
And you couldn't hold back an endearing smile.
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The night came quicker than you had hoped.
Confronting Ava made you feel truly uneasy, especially after learning some more about her.
As promised, Wyll had come to you, escorted by two Fists. The mage slayer stationed outside, quickly joined the four of you, and you felt the magic within you dip dangerously low from her presence.
The journey to The Blushing Mermaid proved to be rather uneventful and you were more than thankful for it.
“Does Astarion know about this?”
You nodded. “He has also told me the reason why she's taking his blood.”
Wyll's eyes met yours and you could see the tension on his face. “Whatever could be the reason?”
Fortunately, the two Fists walked far behind the two of you to preserve some privacy.
“She wants to lessen the effects of vampiric hunger.”
He arched an eyebrow and you approached the familiar tavern.
“That sounds too convenient .”
You almost pulled Wyll into a kiss as he unknowingly validated your concerns.
“Exactly. Maybe I am overthinking it, but I need to make sure nonetheless.”
He nodded firmly.
Those crowding the entrance immediately made way for you to walk inside, and you heard a few salutes as others inside bowed to Wyll.
Bork approached the counter with a tilted smile on his face. “Duke of Ravengard. To what do we owe the pleasure? Hope we are not in trouble?”
A few drunkards nearby erupted in laughter.
“Unless you have indeed done something unlawful, I wouldn't worry too much, Bork.”
He offered Wyll a forced smile, which he didn't return.
“We are looking for Ava,” you chimed in impatiently.
His face instantly dropped. “Ava? Is she in trouble?"
Honestly, what was with everyone and this woman? Was she some goddess in disguise?
“We just wish to talk to her,” Wyll answered.
Bork hesitated at first, but glared at the two Fists flanking you. “First floor. Third room to your left.”
You nodded and swiftly made your way upstairs, feeling your heart hammering fast in your chest as you paced along the corridor.
Wyll knocked thrice on the large door.
It swung open almost immediately, and Ava came into view, holding a knowing smile.
“I was expecting you.”
A swirl of nausea settled in your stomach.
She extended one hand, standing to the side so you could walk in.
“As pleased as I am to be visited by our Duke, I shall ask for you not to enter.”
You immediately turned to see Wyll scowl deeply. “Tonight I'm no Duke – I'm her friend and you shall let me enter.”
Ava tapped on the door lightly. “These are my quarters, and unless I am being charged with wrongdoing, I have the right to decide who to invite inside, Duke .”
The two Fists were gripping the handle of their swords, ready to draw them.
Wyll motioned for the to be at ease and turned his head to you. “I will be waiting outside.”
Ava wiggled her fingers dismissively, further gnawing at your nerves.
“Do not try anything witty, hunter,” Wyll said in a tone you hadn't heard since he last faced Mizora.
She chuckled. “I have abandoned those ways. You may simply call me Ava.”
But before he could reply, she pushed the door closed in one swing and glanced at you with an excessively sweet smile.
“So? I don't believe you came all the way here to simply gawk at me.”
You cleared your throat. “I have a few things I need to discuss with you.”
“Of course. I would be surprised if you didn't.”
Your patience was running thin.
“It concerns Astarion.”
“Still not surprised,” she said with a tilted smile. “I'm all ears.”
“He's told me about you.”
“Hopefully not everything, but do go on.”
She moved to a table and poured a red liquid into a goblet. “Can I tempt you with some red wine?”
You scowled and she laughed. “It is not poisoned, though I do understand your hesitation.” She then took a long sip.
Glancing around the room, you realised it could easily pass off as the inside of an apothecary store. There were endless rows of shelves and cupboards that housed countless vials of glass with suspicious content.
There was a small fire burning by the window with a large flask set right above, the flames barely reaching the bottom as a deep dark red liquid gurgled.
Ava sat on a lavish armchair, holding the goblet to her lips.
“I know you're taking his blood for some experiment in regards to vampirism,” you began, keeping your voice steady. “Even to supposedly help the vampire spawn in the Underdark.”
Her pleasant face wavered momentarily. “He's offering it to me. Freely.”
“You are taking advantage of him.”
“I am not taking advantage of anything. It's a mere transaction that we have both agreed upon.”
“Blood for intimacy?”
“That seems rather… crass.”
“You are taking advantage of his… wounds…”
“Why are you so hellsbent on accusing me of being the one taking advantage of him? He also has much to win from this arrangement.”
“Because you have the upper hand here. The price for a chance at healing from his wounds seems rather unbalanced,” you said, feeling heat flare throughout your entire body. “You get his blood, which is a sure thing, and he gets a ‘perhaps’ on all fronts: intimacy and that hunger “cure” you're promising.”
Ava glared at you with eyes slightly narrowed, chin resting on the back of her hand.
“There are wounds that take time to heal. Some never heal at all, my dear.”
“I'm aware.”
“Are you? Are you, really?” Ava said with a scoff. “I am not the enemy here. Your vitriol against me is rooted in something primal.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Primal?”
“Is it jealousy, I wonder?”
You clenched your fists. “It is not. Whatever bond you think you share with him is superficial and frail. There's nothing to be jealous of.”
“Actually, I do believe your words… it is not jealousy, indeed,” she said, tapping a long nail on her chin. “But rather… protectiveness.”
You remained silent.
“I dare say that protectiveness can blind even the wisest.”
“I am not blinded. I can see there is something unsettling about you.”
“You look, but you do not see,” she said as she took a sip of her wine. “Your attachment to him is your weakness.”
“Caring for others isn't a weakness.”
“You taught him that, did you?”
The faint mockery wasn't lost on you, and it made your nails dig further into your palms, regning in your temper as best as you could.
“He doesn't need to be taught anything. Astarion may need some guidance, as we all do from time to time.”
Ava merely chuckled. “May I see your neck?”
Her words caught you off guard, but you did not move an inch to comply with her request.
“Ah… your reluctance is answer enough,” she tutted. “He has fed on you recently, hasn't he?”
Now, that immediately had your stomach turn in revulsion, realising just how transparent she truly was.
“So this is what it's all about – you just want him to feed on you instead.”
Ava rolled her eyes with a forced yawn. “On the contrary. Of course, I have vaguely wondered what it feels like, but Astarion is far too devoted to your blood to even entertain the idea.”
“Then why did you complain to me about him not feeding on you?”
She crossed her legs elegantly under her emerald green dress. “I was merely taunting you. Again, his devotion gets in the way.”
“I wouldn't necessarily call it ‘devotion’.”
“Oh, but I would. See, Astarion's bond to you is exquisite and much welcome… to say the least.”
Her flowery words were really testing your patience now.
“The last time he fed on you and gave me his blood was right when you left The Blushing Mermaid. A few days later, I tried his blood on some spawn in the city outskirts that have taken to living underground in search of a cure.” She paused briefly to take yet another sip from the goblet. “The results were vastly different from my previous experiments.”
“Can you just get straight to the point for once?”
“Oh, you really are a feisty one…” Ava said with a teasing smile. “As I was saying, the results were rather interesting and unexpected. The spawn reported feeling sated much quicker than before, but the effect wore off in the first hour, which was a disappointment.”
You froze instantly. “You're… using my blood?”
“Well, yes… and no,” she said in a casual tone. “Your blood mixed with his, that is. Before that day, I had never tried his blood after he fed on you.”
You felt as though you might be sick as your stomach lurched violently.
“This is… I – does he know?”
“Well, I haven't been given the chance, considering how the two of you got thrown into prison,” she said with a shrug. “And I am fully aware you think I am somehow responsible for it.”
You were still so taken aback by her earlier revelation, that you had momentarily forgotten about that detail.
“Now, what would I gain from setting you two up, especially after I just told you this.”
She did have a point.
“You mentioned other spawn – why not use their blood instead? Why his?”
“Oh, darling… ” 
The way that word rolled out of her tongue grated on your nerves, and you realised only one person could masterfully use it without provoking a visceral reaction.
“Astarion isn't really your regular spawn, is he? Even when he was under Cazador Szarr's influence, he would still rebel against his commands while his siblings cowered in fear of defying their master.”
An overwhelming sense of dread took over at once.
Astarion has revealed how Cazador had kept him buried alive for a whole year as punishment for letting a potential victim go.
He had clawed his hands raw from despair as he wished for death to just take him.
Even remembering this vaguely, made your heart hurt for him.
“How do you know that?”
Ava rose to her full height, brushing her long and dark curls from her shoulders.
She paced towards a desk and began ruffling through pieces of parchment.
“I was a monster hunter for over twenty years and my group kept a close eye on Cazador and his spawn,” she said, not lifting her eyes. “Astarion had been on our radar for a while, but he was quite experienced in slipping through the cracks whenever we tried to go after him.”
You swallowed.
“Imagine our surprise when he suddenly goes missing. My partners were dumbfounded beyond belief. No vampire spawn is able to resist the compell of their master for that long.”
She then moved back to the armchair, flipping through a couple of scrolls.
“We thought he had met his demise somehow, so imagine my surprise when I find out that he's back in Baldur's Gate. Walking in the sunlight and next to… you.”
You weren't sure where this conversation was headed and you weren't sure you wanted to know.
Ava took your silence as encouragement. “Cazador was attempting to become the Vampire Ascendant and we were set on stopping him, but were instead met with his manor bathed in blood and corpses littering the place.”
So they had gotten there after your group stopped the ritual and prevented the rite from taking place.
“So now you're suddenly an alchemist who wants to help vampire spawn? Why the change of heart?”
Ava met your eyes and her face was void of any amusement. “Astarion and I connect in more ways than you think.”
You scoffed, crossing your arms and waiting to hear some circus clown reasoning.
“I wasn't a monster hunter by choice,” she said sternly. “I was born into it and molded into their ways.”
Your defensive demeanour wavered momentarily.
“I shall not go into details, but all you need to know is that once Cazador Szarr was gone, I was driven by curiosity and sought Astarion out so I could learn more about what makes him so different from all the other spawn I've come across.”
You narrowed your eyes at her. “So you just left your group? Just like that?”
She snickered. “They were killed.”
“What? By whom?”
She snickered as she took another sip. “By me.”
You were left speechless.
“I thought that if a vampire spawn could break the chains from his master and embrace freedom again, so could I.”
She let out a chuckle, emptying the goblet in one sip.
“So, I offered to help him as he's helped me. No more, no less.”
You really wanted to hate her.
You wanted her to give you a solid reason to be suspicious of her intentions.
“So you genuinely care for him?”
She nodded. “I do. And if Astarion were to walk through that door and ask for us to part ways, I would accept it. It would essentially kill my research until I found someone remotely adequate, but I would make peace with it.”
This conversation had not taken the turn you expected.
At all.
“I can see the confusion in your eyes. You truly believed I am out to get you when I'm probably your best option right now.”
“Best option? In regards to what?”
She extended her arm towards a chair in front of her. “Take a seat.”
You did so, reluctantly, never letting your guard down and her out of your sight.
“Cazador Szarr had many enemies, but he also had many allies. People who were not pleased with his death.”
She now had your undivided attention and you felt your palms sweat.
There wad actually someone going after you? After Astarion?
“I have ways to find who they are.”
“Then what are you waiting for?” you immediately asked, feeling rather unsettled by her words.
She clicked her tongue. “I need assurances first, and I have a proposition to make.”
You saw the flash of a knife emerging from her sleeve and a tall glass container being placed on the table by her side.
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Series Masterlist
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karma-888 · 10 months
Carlos Sainz
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Native Language by @tommydarlings
Elf Hat by @diorleclerc
Small Drabble by @sainz-leclerc
Carlos & Married Life by @silverstonesainz
NSFW Alphabet by @vividwritinglove
Birthday Love by @silverstonesainz
Late Night Talking by @stardu5tbunny
Desperate by @thatsdemko
"Slower, I want to make this last" by @leclvrc
Not In The Mood by @monzamash
Distration by @f1version
I Love Your Hands by @tommydarlings
Firm Hands by @lxndonorris
Home by @silverstonesainz
Can We Just Stay In My Bed by @strawberry-lol
Dating Carlos Sainz by @itslusii
Polaroid by @thatsdemko
Baby Sainz by @sunny44
The Lusty Month of May by @monzabee
Carlos Sainz Headcannons by @777bae
In the middle of the night by @silversainz
Stupid Baby by @silversainz
Adicto A Ti by @leclercsdoll
In My Dream by @leclsrc
NSFW Alphabet by @acotare
Possessive by @norrisleclercf1
Coming Home by @formulaforza
The Pleasure Is All Mine by @idkwhatimdoinghere1655
baby if it feels good (then it can’t be bad) by @curiousthyme
the violence of the dog days (prequel) / part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 by @curiousthyme (Carlos x reader x Charles)
the touch of a hand (lit the fuse) by @curiousthyme (Carlos x reader x Charles)
Glass Table Girls by @droolezz
Paella en Mallorca by @ferrstappen
Man In Black by @silverstonesainz
Saturday Night Activities by @troybolton-14
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justaaveragereader · 11 months
Prey For Me
Tumblr media
Pairing: Choi Jongho x Reader
Word Count: 4.3k
Genre: Smut, Dom!Jongho, Sub Reader, Marriage Au
Warning⛔️: Dom/Sub, praise, unprotected sex(wrap it tf up!), manhandling, rough sex, fingering, possessive Jongho, marking, primal/prey play, oral (receiving), cream pie, cum play, spanking, choking, manhandling, mirror sex, if I missed anything let me know👀
nsfw & warnings under the cut - minors dni!!🔞
“Oh baby…You wanted to do this tonight? You really are spoiling me.” Jonghos voice echoed out through your shared home. You had brought up to him months ago that you wanted to try a new kink you had read about, primal play. Jongho in his day to day life was a soft hearted, sweet man, he was always good to you. Yet in the bedroom? It was a whole different ball game. Jongho would have you seeing the galaxy, that's how good he was. He was always so dominant and each time you’d love to push his buttons a little more and more. When you had brought up the idea to him, he immediately was on board.
These last couple of weeks for Jongho had been so busy, he was in and out of the office so much, working himself for the perfect life you both lived. He finally had a full weekend off and on Friday you wanted to try things out, which would take Jongho completely by surprise.
The house was pitch black, it was well past 10pm. Jongho entered his home, placing his suitcase on the ground. Flicking on the light switch he realized the whole house was dark, no lights were lit, nothing was on. The only light that was illuminating the house was the lightning outside, a hard roar of thunder cracked. He let a small smile grow on his face. He started to undo his tie, slowly walking further into his house, it was clear as day you cut off the fuse box just for this moment.
“Oh my love, you really do spoil me.” You heard him call out, his voice echoing in the home causing your cunt to clench, you could hear his leather shoes clack against the ground, the sounds echoing around you. Letting out a small chuckle, he started to unbutton his suit coat, you could clearly hear every unbutton being done. He was taking his time with you, the ball was in his yard and were you two going to play. You decided to stay hidden in the pantry. You could hear him but he was not in your sight, yet you knew he was coming close, like he was sniffing you out.
As each step grew closer, your cunt got wetter, he was stalking you out, waiting to pounce at the right moment.
“I can smell that sweet cunt from here. I know you are dripping wet for me already. Go ahead baby, rub on that pretty pussy for me.”
Biting your lip to suppress a moan, you knew you were dripping from the thrill of him finding you, searching for you, stalking you like you were his next meal, that alone had you ready to cum. Trying your best not to touch yourself you crush your legs together hoping to get some stimulation to hold you over til he finds you. His shoes echoing with each step, his stride was so confident, he knew he was going to find you and turn you out. You should’ve stretched prior to this because you know, you will not be walking tomorrow.
He stops right before the kitchen, suit jacket off, tie undone, his black button down, with two buttons undone at the top, that cocky smirk on his face, and his eyes that are glazed over, he looks feral yet so delicious. You hawk him down through the cracks in the pantry door, watching his every move, the air is thick with desire, thick with lust, thick with want.
“I’ll even give you a head start baby, I’ll count to five, so you can pick a new hiding spot.” He walks slowly around the island, shoes echoing with each step, your heart feels like it’s going to beat out of your chest. You clutch your shorts, excitement tingling your spine. You hear him let out a small chuckle once more, he walks backwards, eyes drifting to the pantry door, a smile crept on his face as he exited the kitchen. Your hand slowly opened the pantry door, quietly trying to make a run for it, quickly trying to run out of the same exit Jongho had left from, darting to your bedroom. You quietly open the door, dashing inside. Stopping right before your bed frame when you notice his suit coat is laid out on it.
“My, my, my, what do we have here?” His husky voice echoed through the room. Causing you to freeze in place, your hands trembling with excitement. He got you exactly where he wanted you, falling right into his trap. Checkmate.
Slowly turning around you lock eyes with him. His body lax against the side of the door, his black button up unbuttoned right above his navel, belt undone, tie loose, and his head tilted back against the wall. His eyes were glazed over in feral desire, he didn’t even have to work hard for his meal to come to him.
You stood still, body slightly shaking, you made a move to the side of the bed, trying to place as much distance between the two of you. Clenching your thighs together as you move. Jongho studied your every movement like he was permanently burning it into his brain. He lets out a deep sigh, clearly enjoying this cat and mouse game.
“Baby, when I tell you I’m going to finger your pretty pussy till you cry for me to stop.” He lifts his body off the wall, eyes locking onto yours, taking small steps towards you.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard into the mattress all only thing you’ll know how to say is my name.” Your pussy clenches at his words. You bite your lip to keep in the moan that is threatening to escape. As he gets closer to you, you take a step back, he's creeping upon you like a tiger that is just waiting for the right moment to pounce.
“I’m going to cover you in marks so when you step outside people know who you belong to.” You back into the wall, you have nowhere to go, your eyes dart around looking for an escape. Shooting to the bedroom door. Just as you move your body to make a run for the door. Jongho speaks up..
“Don’t even think about it.” He grits out through his teeth.
You make a quick dart for the door before you can even get two feet off the ground. His hand shoots out wrapping around your throat, shoving you against the wall. You choke out a moan, his hand wrapping tightly around you. He brings his other hand up to play with the strings on your shorts before shoving his hand down your shorts, fingers grazing over your soaked panties.
“Oh baby…I’m about to ruin you.” He chuckles out, bringing his hand out of your shorts to suck the essence of you off of his fingers, tucking his head in between your neck, leaving wet kisses along your neck to your collarbone. Lifting you from the wall he walks with you carefully to the bed, dropping you on it, letting your body flop down. His eyes rake over you, he looks like he’s going to devour you in one swallow. Like he’s a starved man and you are his first meal, ever. His hands brush over your thighs lightly, causing your body to jerk. You are wound up so tightly that you are sure the first orgasm he brings you will have you seeing the milky way.
“Where should I even begin my little mouse?”
His hand comes up under your shorts sliding over your soaked panties again, he lets out a small groan. Hooking your panties he slowly drags them down along with your shorts, your wet cunt being on display for him. You let out a small whine at the feel of the cool air hitting your sopping cunt.
“Look at this pretty pussy. Is this all for me baby?”
He stares at your cunt like it’s a prized possession, likes it’s his treasure. Your cunt clenches around nothing as you buck your hips up. His fingers run over your puffy lips, soaked with your arousal.
“Jongho please touc-“
His hand swiftly comes down slapping your pussy, taking you by surprise you arch your back, the whine that means your mouth is damn near pornographic.
“Answer my question baby, don’t make me ask again.”
“Yes! Yes! Daddy it’s all for you, now please touch me.”
He plunges two of his thick fingers into you, causing you to let out a gasp, his fingers wiggle around in your cunt. Drawing them out slowly he slams them back in moving at a quick and skilled pace, the room already feels like it’s getting hotter. Your hand shoots down to grab his wrist, not wanting to cum just yet. He lightly slaps your hand away from him.
“Isn’t this what you wanted? I’m giving you what you want, baby.” He grabs you by the throat bringing you closer to his face, his two fingers still pistoning in and out of you. Pushing his lips softly against yours, you could taste the hard candies that he has in his office on his tongue, mouth as sweet as sugar. His tongue clashes with yours, the kiss heating up fast. He is soaking up the air from you with his lips, leaving you breathless. He slightly pulls away from your lips, a string of saliva still connecting you two, letting his tongue run over your bottom lip he nips at it, your head rolling back, toes beginning to curl, you are on the brink of an orgasm.
“You hear that baby? You hear how wet this pussy is for me? She’s been waiting for me to get home, hasn't she?” He chuckles out, fingers now slowing down, the tips of his fingers pushing right against that spongy spot in you, bringing his lips to your neck, he starts to suck bruises onto your neck, marking you for the whole world to see.
Drawing his fingers out he brings them up to your lips, letting your mouth open, you suck on his fingers, moaning at the tangy taste of yourself, your swore you heard a small growl leave him. Backing up he quickly unbuttons the rest of his shirt, leaving it wide open for you to rake your eyes over his well built chest, he had been attending the gym more with his colleague San and Yeosang and was it paying off.
“Get on the floor.” Scrambling off the bed as quickly as possible you kneel on the floor in front of him, pussy on display from the back in the mirror that he hung up purposely on the closet door, folds glistening as the lightning lights up the room, the sounds of the rain, and heavy breathing is all that’s floating in the room. He sits on the bed, you tuck yourself further in between his legs, your hands coming upon each of his thighs, nails slightly digging into the fabric of his pants.
“You are going to suck my cock like a good girl, and I might just let you cum.” Your eyes flicker from his face to his thick bulge in his pants, it looks like he’s going to burst through the seams at any moment. You undo his pants, shimmying them down his legs, your hands run over the muscles in his thighs, heavily hypnotized by the way they flex as your fingers sweep across his skin. His cock is red and oozing pre cum at the tip, standing hard and tall against his toned stomach. It sent a tingle down your skin to know that he was just as aroused as you were. You open your mouth, sticking your tongue out. While he gazes at you like you are the most precious thing in this world. He slightly strokes his cock, precum continuing to ooze out, smacking his cock into your tongue, rubbing his precum over your lips before smacking it down once again. The weight of his cock on your tongue had your mouth watering, you hadn’t even started sucking him off, yet your mouth was starting to drool. He slowly thrusts his cock into your mouth, sliding in and out slowly. He always enjoyed how quickly you submitted to him, how much that action showed you trusted him was enough to make him bust quickly.
Palming the top of your head he grabs the back of it, bringing your mouth down on his cock, his slow and steady thrusts had your cunt clenching with anticipation of getting stuffed. He lets out a groan, his head rolling back in pleasure, trying his best not to cum at the sight of you kneeling before him with your mouth happily stuffed with his cock.
“Touch that pussy for me baby, get her extra wet.”
He murmurs out. Rolling his head forward to look at your glistening cunt through the mirror he sees you spread your lips open, slipping two fingers inside of yourself, causing you to moan on his cock which almost sends him into an orgasm. His hips start to pick up pace, your fingers matching the rhythm at which his hips are moving. His grip on your neck is getting tighter, you know he’s close to cumming, you let out a long hum sending a vibration onto his cock, causing his hips to buck up once more. Bringing your slick coated hand up to his balls, giving them a firm rub, wanting him to reach his peak quicker. He slows his thrusting down, bringing your mouth all way down onto him, your nose brushes over his skin, trying your best to breath out of your nose, giving his balls a firm grasp once more, he groans, unloading right down your throat, not even giving you the chance to taste him. The warmth of him fills your stomach up. Letting go of your head, his arm braces his fall back on the bed. His eyes are screwed shut, his chest is moist with sweat.
His black button up clinging to his skin, with his pants around his ankles, the room thick with lust, and your want for him clouding the room. Kicking off his shoes and pants he scoots back on the bed, muscular legs spread, his dick still hard, and a gaze now set on you that says he wants to swallow you whole.
“Come on pretty girl, get up here.” He says while patting the open spot in between his legs, crawling up from the floor you settle in between his legs on the bed, while your body is slightly towering over him, you clearly can tell who has the upper hand here, who is truly the power of authority between the both of you. With his finger he motions for you to turn around. Your back now pressed to his chest, his hand pushes open your legs, your soaking cunt on display, your inner thighs are dripping with your arousal. His fingers brush over your navel, causing you to shutter.
“So responsive today my love, look at my pretty girl.” He kisses the side of your head.
“Look at how gorgeous you are, my love, and I barely have touched you.” He kisses along your jaw, leaving small bruises into your skin once again. One of his hands hook your legs over his own so you are fully spread eagle for him. His other hand danced along your pussy lips, so close to touching your clit but so far away. Your hips grind up.
“Tell me what you want, baby.”
You let out a small whine, trying to grind your pussy into his hand so you can get some friction.
“I want you, pleaseeee Jjong please touch me, I’ve waited all day for you.” He pauses from giving you hickies, smiling into your neck, breathing in your scent like he’s trying to permanently burn it into his brain. His fingers rub at your clit, taking you by surprise you let out a loud moan tossing your head back onto his shoulder.
“My god…” you whisper out quietly.
With his thumb on your clit rubbing slow circles his other fingers dance along your folds gathering all your juices up before plunging into your sopping hole, the squelching noises echoing the room, his fingers starting off with an immediate fast pace. Your hands try to find stable grounding by gripping the sheet. Biting your lip to try your best to keep your moans in, his fingers coming down hard while rubbing your clit.
“Look at me baby.” He groans out in a raspy tone, you tilt your head forward, locking eyes with him through the mirror, trying your best to keep your eyes open. The way his fingers are brushing along your spongy spot it has your toes curling in an instant. Your eyes screw shut as your body shutters and the feeling of an orgasm creeping.
“I said look at me baby, let me see those pretty eyes.” He whispers in your ear while kissing along the side of your face, trying your best to keep your eyes open, you grab his hand trying to slow his fingers down, his strength outmatches yours and he’s hammering away at your soaking cunt. His eyes locked on your every moment like he’s watching his dinner be prepared for him, like he’s a starved man who's getting ready to feast. Your moans getting louder and louder.
“Jongho, Jongho please, please!”
“Look at this pussy baby, look at the way she’s swallowing my fingers.” His thumb applies pressure to your clit causing the orgasm gates to break, arching your back off his chest, you cum with a curdling scream. Orgasm so powerful you are convinced you could power on the fuse box from that scream alone. His fingers come to slower pace, helping you ride out your orgasm. Placing soft kisses amongst your neck, sending you words of praise. Not evening getting a full second to breath he tosses you on your back, his muscular build towering over your body. When the lightning in the room illuminates, it catches a certain piece of jewelry, catching his eye. Letting his index finger run from under your knee down to your ankle, admiring the silver piece of jewelry that hung from it.
“Baby…You wore this just for me?”
He says through a groan, his finger now toying with the silver anklet that spelled out Choi. You wanted him to know you were his, and his only. Gripping one leg in each hand, folding you in half so your ankles hung by each one of his ears. He suddenly slammed his hips into you causing you to arch your back as far as you could, his sudden movements taking you by surprise. His moist lips come down to your ear, nipping at the lobe.
“You want me to wear your pretty legs as accessories? Is that what it is?”
He groans into your ear, your pussy clenches on him, with a mixture of his harsh thrusts and the squelching noises leaving you, you know you are on the brink of another orgasm already. Bringing his hand down to slap your ass, you are trying to ground yourself but the way he’s thrusting in and out of you, you might not make it to see tomorrow.
“Answer me, pretty girl.” He grits out through clenched teeth. You let out a whimper, arching your back so your clothed chest is flushed against his.
“Yes! Yes! Yes! I want you to wear me!” You scream out in a breathless tone. Eyes fluttering to the back of your skull. You are positive you can see your brain with how far back your eyes are. Letting that signature smirk take over his features, you hear the slight chuckle he makes. Bending your body further, your knees almost touching the mattress by your ears. The sudden shift in positions has you seeing fireworks. You claw at his arms trying to stutter out any sentence.
“Look at you, all pretty for me. You hear that baby? You hear that pussy making noises for me? Always such a wet cunt for me.
” Pushing both of your legs together so he can hold them in one hand while he brings his other hand to run over your sopping cunt, brushing lightly over your puffy clit sends you right over the edge, the pressure of his fat cock hitting your sweet spot along with his dirty talk pushes you past the tipping point.
“Jongho!!” You scream out, back arching, your nails dig into his arms, leaving angry red lines on his skin, that he will proudly wear around later. Cooing at you he lightly rubs your clit.
“Go on baby, make a mess for me.” He says in awe, he loved to see when you would break for him, it was like affection for him, love prickled at his skin when he’d see you fall apart. Removing his thumb from your clit, he paused his thrusting, letting you catch your breath, your body felt slick with sweat and cum. Your throat felt dry from all the moaning and screaming yet you knew this wasn’t the ending of what was yet to come. Slowly he pulls his cock out of you, causing you to let out a small whine at the loss of him in you. He swiftly brings a hand down, smacking your pussy, taking you completely by surprise, you let out a filthy moan.
He slaps his cum coated cock onto your pussy, the wet smacking sounds making you whimper, his cock head brushes over your clit, causing your body to jerk, you grip the sheets trying to move away from him. He catches you in a firm grip.
“Where do you think you are going baby?” He rasps out causing your eyes to roll back, this was going to be a very long night. Lining himself up with your hole he slowly slides in, you can feel every vein, every inch of his girth dragging along your wet, warm walls. You clench at the stimulation causing his hips to slightly jerk, his other hand coming down to grip your hand, lacing your fingers in his, reminding you in fact that you are his. Bringing your hand to his lips he places kiss on your knuckles. The twinkle in your eye that shined whenever he did such gestures. You felt your heart flood and your pussy get wetter, could you have been blessed with a more perfect man? Letting your hand go he shoves your legs back to your chest. He starts to slowly pick up pace, causing your body to move with each thrust, his hand snakes down into the shirt you never removed, flipping it up so he could see your breast jiggle with each movement. Letting out a groan at the sight, he brings his cool lips down to take one of your nipples into his mouth, suckling on it, before moving to your other nipple and doing the same, salvia coating both of them, leaving hickies in between and on each breast before leaving a trail up to your collarbone, lips attaching to the front of your throat. His hips are swiftly moving in and out of you.
Your juices coating his inner thighs with a mixture of cum and arousal, he sits up grabbing your ankle with the anklet on it, placing kisses along skin that is around the jewelry.
“Look at you, covered in our cum, wearing our last name on your body.” He groans out, hand tightening on your hip, sure to leave bruises that you know you will love to trace your fingers over later.
“You like being Mrs. Choi, pretty girl? You like when people stare and see those marks on you?” He spits out, a moan getting caught in his throat before he continues..
“Because I love it, I love when I see your pretty ass walking into my work place, marks on display. Parading around in those marks that I gave you, letting everyone know you are mine.” His lips attach to your ankle, sucking a bruise right into the skin by your anklet, the sensation causes your legs to buckle, you try closing your legs but you are unsuccessful as his strength outweighs you once again.
“Such a pretty girl, my pretty girl.” He throws his head back chasing his high.
“My. Fucking. Pretty. Wife.” His hips smack hard into you with each punctuation of his sentence. Causing your hands to smack down to grip onto his thigh, his words fueling your next orgasm, tears of pre orgasmic bliss drip out of your eyes.
“Go on baby, let that pretty pussy cum on me baby, cum.” He bites out, placing your leg back down, pistoning his hips in and out of you, trying to make sure you reach your high again before he does. His thumb brushes your jaw before he pushes it down on your tongue. Your whole body jerks, back arching, toes curling, tears flowing, and a muffled scream leaves your mouth, just as you are at your peak your wet cunt clenches down on him throwing him into his own orgasm, he slams into you once more, grip on your hip bruising, as he releases inside of you. Your body slumps against the mattress, he braces himself above you, one arm holding him up, while the other lets go of your hip, rubbing small circles around it. Falling to his side with his cock plugging his cum in you.
The room falls into a peaceful quiet area, the pouring rain still being heard outside. His hand comes to rub soothing circles on your skin. Basking in the warmth of his chest and his presence. Bringing his hand down to run across your wet folds, collecting your mixture of cum on his fingers before bringing them to your lips. You open your mouth and take in the flavor, letting out a satisfied hum. His hips buck into your cunt.
“I hope you don’t think this night is over yet, pretty. We are just getting started.”
A/N: Lemme tell y’all some…the lack of Jongho fics, Jongho content, all that shit got me ready to fight, bc why some of y’all doing my scrumdilly yum yum man like that? Like how do y’all not look at Jongho and go “I want that man to fold me like a pretzel!” Bc babyyyy I want him to bend me up like a Betty Spaghetty. Business Jongho makes me feral, Jongho in his regular suits make me feral, especially that one clip when he’s got that suit on with the sleeves rolled up and he’s stepping out of the car?!? With the thought of him being possessive to tie it all together?!? I hear some purrring🫣😀. Anywaysssss…hope you all enjoy me and my thirsty Jongho thoughts😚💙.
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dwindlinghaze · 1 year
ribbon and sweater
(remus lupin x fem!reader)
summary: remus finds himself slowly in love with a girl, but he doesn't like it, doesn't like the way you make him feel some type of way.
contents: fluff, soft/shy reader, enemies to lover (kinda), reader likes ribbons and pearls and angels and somewhat feminine, mean remus, angst to fluff. it's long so buckle up!
a/n: i'm quite proud of this cdhfyz
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
you with your pretty hair that falls to your face and the ribbons that tied half of them together made something in remus swirl.
the way you scrunched your face when you laugh with mary and lily sends butterflies to his stomach.
and he hated it. he hated how much impact you had on him. he always considered himself as a collected person, but he would fall for you all over the place.
maybe because he never lets anyone in and the fact that he wants you in is terrifying to him.
you were once partner in potions. he heard your sweet voice and it sent him spiralling in an alleyway. one time your hand brushed his when you were cutting gillyweed. the touch of the hand lit the fuse of a chain reaction of countermoves.
he first saw you this way when you were in charms class. professor flitwick was praising you because you managed to do a quite tricky spell.
his eyes perked up the moment professor flitwick said your name. he usually was the best in charms, but you were beating him and he isn't enjoying it. when he looked at your flushed face, there was no anger or jealousy anymore. he almost adored the way you smiled timidly at the professor.
he shook his head rapidly, scoffing at himself.
"what mate?" sirius stared at him with side eyes.
"nothing," remus replied
"are you sad that you're not the best in charms anymore?" sirius laughed, hitting remus side.
"shut up no," he said.
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
you were friends with james since fourth year because he thought you were a way to get lily to like him, but after being friends for a while, you actually grew on him and now you're actually friends with james, not because his needs for lily, but for you.
remus finds himself staring at you during classes you had together, rolling his eyes when you were laughing with mary.
and by the way, he hates your laugh so much because it sounded like an angel's harp to him. it's horrible how pretty your voice is.
"moony, you've been staring at the girl for a while now," sirius said in a sing-song voice.
"i'm not! she's just terrible. that ghastly pearls around her neck and ears is stupid. and those bows she never took off of her head is horrendous," remus huffed, flipping his book rather harshly.
deep down he loved it. he loved your style and how perfect you are in them. he just hated his feelings. he knows you will never reciprocate him and maybe by getting you to hate him can make it easier. so he knows that you will never like him.
"hey, watch your mouth! she's my friend y'know," james scoffed at remus, throwing a paper ball at him.
"no i'm just saying-"
"you're never this mean to anyone..." james raised an eyebrow at the boy. it's true, remus lupin is always nice. he doesn't hate anyone, he's not able to. "she's a big softie on the inside. you just got to warm up."
if i warm up, i will fall in love
remus ignored him, feeling his stomach grumbling.
dinner was then ready. every students were in the great hall except you. you were somewhere in the castle ground playing with the nifflers the caretaker just got.
remus noticed. there isn't any white or black or baby pink or blue ribbon in a person's head in the great hall. he finds himself furrowing his brows, not eating the food from his plate.
and then the door opened, you walking in with your hair messy from the wind. remus thought you look unbearably adorable. and he hated it.
"hi james," you said before taking the empty seat between mary and james. "hi," you smiled at the other three marauders.
everyone greeted you back except remus, who was sitting in front of james. he was pursing his lips, eyeing you weirdly.
james kicked his legs from under the table, making remus winced in pain.
you didn't know how it started but somehow, you were now staring at remus and remus was staring at you. millions of thoughts swimming inside your minds.
he looked very good under the candlelight.
why is her hair so beautiful?
his chocolate eyes are like a comet in the sky
her eyes are like a glimmer of sunshine
the freckles in his cheeks are pretty
she must be god's favourite because she is the best of all his creations
"are you two having a staring contest?" james looked between you and remus.
"no," remus replied before scoffing and rolled his eyes at you.
you felt yourself sinking in your seat. a frown appeared on your face as you looked down at your plate, toying with the food.
remus felt guilty for making you feel this way. he wished to wipe your frown away. a part of him adored the way your eyebrows crinkled together, it was cute. but also he is one step closer for you to hate him.
when you averted you attention to mary, making a conversation with her, james kicked remus' shin, glaring at him.
"what were you doing?" james whisper-yelled. "stop being so mean to her!"
"ok," remus replied nonchalantly, brushing james' feet away.
"i think remus is in love with her," sirius said, maybe a bit too loud for remus' liking but not loud enough because you're still focused on mary.
"how's that possible?" remus huffed.
"well- for starters, did you see how moony looked at her earlier? it's the way when two or one people is in love with the other. i'm not playing around!" sirius raised his arms in defence.
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
"i don't think remus lupin likes me," you said to lily that night. you knew lily and remus are study buddies and maybe she can tell you why he was acting like that towards you.
"oh trust me he doesn't!" lily said. "remus can never hate anyone- and how can a person hate you? you didn't even do anything wrong."
"he was rolling his eyes and scoffing at me earlier," you frowned, playing with your fingers. you hated how you're overthinking everything you never did.
"he has anger issues," the redhead simply reply. "why do you care so much anyway? i'm sure he likes you. he may come off as rude or mean at some point and that's not your fault!"
"he seemed like a good friend. just disappointed that he doesn't want to be friends with me."
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
the marauders were planning their monthly pranks, remus being the mastermind that laid groundwork and then just like clockwork, their plans cascaded in a line.
"let's prank y/n," remus stated, looking at the other marauders.
"what? no!" james refused. he has a soft spot for you, he feels like anything that touches your skin will burn the petal.
"prongs! that'd be funny!" sirius agreed to remus' idea, clapping him on his back.
"are you sure this is a great idea? i mean- she's like- i don't know. not prank worthy?" james continued.
and remus agreed with james too. although it would be funny to prank you, he would never want to hurt you. and what the hell is that? you're supposed to hate him.
"just not anything too much. nothing a tulip can handle," sirius shrugged.
you were heading your way out of the common room, a book about angels clutched tightly on your chest. you were walking silently and a second later, you hear a splash behind your back.
seemed like the marauder has missed their target, resulting a first year to be drenched in green paint.
you whipped your head around, hair flying behind. "oh gosh are you okay?" you kneeled at the little girl.
she was now crying, and you had your suspicions on a certain group of friends for this. the girl shook his head, wiping the green substance off of her face.
you cast a spell, waving your wand in mid air to produce a napkin. "here let me help you," you said softly to the girl as you wiped off the green off of her face.
"thank you," the girl whispered. despite the substance being completely wiped off, it still leaves a stain on her skin. "my ribbon is stained," the girl cried, clutching it with shaky hands.
"that's alright, you can have mine," you reached up for your hair to grab the thin bow off of your hair. "there, you look gorgeous!" you beamed at her after you clipped the bow in her locks.
"people make fun of me for liking ribbons and fairies and angels. i think we like same things."
"listen, don't let people get to you. we're young and still got a long life ahead, being someone you're not is tiring. be who you are and if people don't like it, then be yourself even more so they can suffer," you giggled, patting her shoulders. "go take a shower yeah? the green might go away."
"okay..." she runs off to the distance.
"james!" you huffed. you knew the boys were around somewhere.
"hi darling," sirius appeared as he put his arms around your shoulders.
"you guys were planing to prank me didn't you?" you squinted your eyes at the three.
"yup." remus said, a bit disappointed at the fact that it didn't work.
"we are the marauders, darling, that's our job," sirius replied.
"why me? i didn't do anything."
"it would be funny to see you in green since all you wear is white and pink, elphaba" remus scoffed.
"oh you know the wizard of oz? wicked?" you started to get giddy. you've never met someone that knows that muggle series, it was your favourite.
remus, seeing this, feels like his heart was melting at your reaction. you looked adorable and excited. it drives him insane how effortless you can be.
"that's like a children's storybook. you're sixteen," remus, instead, replied.
the smile on your face dropped almost instantly, your heart hurts. you're embarrassed. embarrassed for being so excited about something stupid.
remus felt like he should bury himself under pounds of blankets so he doesn't get to see your sad face. he felt guilty for making you feel stupid. he wanted nothing more than to pull you to his chest and whisper sweet nothings in your ears. he couldn't though.
"i should get going," you forced a smile. "please don't pull pranks on me," you giggled at james before making your way outside the castle.
your book was left behind, remus noticed it. he went to grab the thick heavy book when a shoe blocked him. "let me-"
"what? you're gonna make fun of her for liking angels now? or you're going to burn that whole damn thing down?" james glared at the lycanthrope.
"nope. not any of that. i just want to see," remus fought.
"no," james snatched the book away from him before running to his dorm, tucking it under his bed so remus wouldn't find it. he's planning to give it back to you later.
"i think i missed a chapter here," sirius inquired. "since when is prongs more mature than moony?"
"since y/n i fear," peter quipped.
"you guys are a bunch of bullocks," remus grumbled.
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
it was winter, your favourite time of the year. the scape displayed a beautiful scenery of the wildest winter wonderland.
you, mary, and lily were planning to skate on the ice rink in hogsmeade. coincidentally, the marauders are also skating at the same time.
you spun around the rink, snowflake hitting your lashes and hair. the sight of you were simply mesmerising. remus is in awe. you were like an angel.
your head tilted up, hair flying around with the wind. with the lack of balance you had, you scrambled, almost falling to the ground. lily and mary laughed at your antics, and you laughed too.
remus wanted to hold your hand as you spin around so you don't lose balance. and if you did, you would fall to him.
you were in your own world as you glide around the sparkling ice when you felt a presence beside you.
it was remus.
"hello," you tried to be nice to him, winter is not the season hold grudges. people make mistakes and you forgive them for it.
"do you ever take that ribbon off of your hair, it's ghastly," remus rolled his eyes.
"oh so you only came here to say that to me? well i personally think your sweaters are horrendous. you should try putting them on a washing machine because it looks like it hasn't been washed for months," you scrunched your face, making a disgusted face as you skate away from him.
it hurts. your words sent his heart breaking like icicles. he deserved it though. he had said stuff much more than that to you.
what makes his heart break more is that you never said mean things to people. you're patient and careful with your words and the fact that you snapped at him sent him to another dimension.
"what? you can't skate?" you chuckled at him as he struggled to move. you made your way back to him, helping him stand up after he fell.
he was embarrassed. after all he said and now he's lying cold on the icy ground. a part of him liked the way you were laughing because of him. it makes him feel fuzzy and warm inside but he hated it.
if he wasn't acting mean to you, he was sure he would open the door of his heart so easily. your soft hands grabbed both of his wrist as he tried to stand up.
your touch sent shivers down his spine. you never touched him before, only a little contact of the skin. your hands were like soft petals, opposite of his rough ones.
you helped him skate to where the friends were, effortlessly. "why are you nice to me?" remus said. "i've been nothing but mean to you."
"it's winter- almost christmas! it's the most beautiful season. i wouldn't ruin it by being immature," you shrugged.
"would you stop going so fast," remus squeezed your soft knuckles.
"if i go any slower, you will lose balance!" you said.
oh now you're thinking of his safety
he cursed himself for thinking that way. it was probably nothing. you always think of others.
he hates the way you make his stomach do flips. the swarming butterflies in his body is crazy. almost unreal. he lets go one of your hand and rest them on your shoulder so he can get closer and smell you.
you smelled like strawberry and marshmallows. it was sweet and so you. he would inhale your scent everyday and won't get sick of it.
"oh now moony and y/n is looking very cosy," sirius perked.
remus, hearing this pushed you away from him, making you fell to the ground with a thud.
and god he felt so guilty. he was sorry. he couldn't bring himself to say it though. his original plan was to make you hate him but it's quite literally impossible.
you were so lovely and he's such an idiot.
"ow," you whimpered as your back hit the ground. remus whipped his head around, eyes widening in panic as you tried to massage your elbows.
"oh god i'm sorry! i didn't mean to-" remus rambled as he grabbed your left arm, fingers grazing the fabric over your skin tenderly.
he felt horrible. he is so stupid for everything. he considered himself as a nice person but he was anything but.
"remus," you spoke, looking at him dead in the eyes. you were crying. "would you mind not touching me?," he frowned, his eyes were watery. he looked like he was about to cry. "i don't think i'm comfortable," he pulled away immediately. "thanks for understanding."
you stand up, wiping the tears from your face and went away to catch up on mary and lily.
remus sat still on the ground, unable to move as he watched you away.
"what was that?" james shouted. "you're an asshole you know that. she has been so patient with you! remus lupin, i'm not going to deal with this." james scurried away, scoffing at him with the nastiest look he can manage to show.
"mate, what just happened?" sirius spoke, a weird expression on his face.
"i'm in love with her," remus cried.
"would you care to elaborate? i'm lost right now," sirius replied timidly at his friend.
"i'm in love with y/n. i'm only being mean to her so i can hide my feelings. i'm so stupid. i'm tired of myself. just leave me alone!" remus yelled, his tears run cold.
"y'know it'd be easier for the two of you if you don't hide those feelings and actually be friends with her?"
"you don't understand! she would never like me. not anymore after what i had done. not ever. not even before. i'm a werewolf!"
"oh the books missed the part of werewolves being really dumb. moony-." sirius tried to speak but he was cut off.
"leave me alone!" remus snapped, trying to stand up unsuccessfully.
"fine!" sirius said, reaching up to where james and peter were.
remus watched you from afar, hands in your pocket as you looked down at your pink roller skate with ribbons as the laces. you looked so beautiful, and angelic, like a fairy.
you caught him staring at you with an expression like a broken vase. you paid him no mind as you skate around even more, scaring mary from the back which made the poor girl fell down.
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
you didn't try to talk to him the next day. and the day after and the day after. he wasn't being mean to you anymore. he's giving you space.
you don't sit next to james anymore during breakfast lunch and dinner. you sat on the furthest seat of the gryffindor table. he couldn't even look at your face anymore. heads of strangers blocking his view.
the other three noticed the shift in him. he doesn't talk as much anymore. although he is quiet, he's never this quiet. he doesn't want to be involved in pranks lately, he'd much rather read your angel book he found tucked under james' bed under his sheets.
he hated himself. hated the fact that he didn't make you hate him but made you hurt. flashes of you crying on the ice rink haunts him. he would never look at the snow the same ever again.
every time the snow fell from the sky, memories of you rushed back into his mind. his heart aches, his mind is his biggest enemy, the full moon is his biggest vendetta.
the next time he saw you was when you were sitting under a tree, flowers around you. it was like as if nature was your best friend. you look incredibly dazzling under the sun. it was cold. you wore your fluffy jacket along with some matching leg warmer.
he wanted to make things right with you. he wanted to apologise for what he had done. although there is a slim chance you would forgive him.
his palms were sweaty despite the freezing weather. his heart was beating rapidly under his coat. he mustered up the courage to talk to you after weeks. now that you're only meters away from him, he wished he can just sink down on the soil. being under there forever.
"hey," remus said shakily. you looked up at him, eyes a little puffy, you had been crying.
you didn't reply though. he didn't blame you. "you're not wearing a ribbon..."
"trying something new," you replied, rather coldly.
"i'm sorry. i hope you know that i didn't mean for this to happen. never," he spoke softly. ripping the grass under.
"okay," you nodded, and averted your focus to your book.
"i don't know why you hate me so much. what did i do?" you said sadly, after a while long of silence.
remus took a deep shaky breath, "i never hated you. i didn't want any of this to happen. this is so stupid and i don't even want to say it but i just thought by making you hate me, i can push my feelings for you aside. so that i dont have to hope for impossible things and face reality that you can never love me back. i know you cant."
"why not?"
"after what i've done to you? i doubt," remus huffed at himself.
"no i mean- before that. must be something right? you're a good person."
"how can you say that? you don't know what you're talking about," remus said.
"james and sirius and peter wouldn't be your friend for six years if you're a bad person," you shrugged.
remus felt himself blushing, heart warm and fuzzy just like your jacket. "they're crazy," he shook his head.
"you haven't answered why though?"
remus gulped. his throat went dry. "uh-" he cleared his throat trying to collect himself.
"if it's personal you don't have to tell me," you smiled a lip tight smile.
"i'm a werewolf," he blurted. his lungs were knocked out of his body by now. it's crazy how he can let you in so easily. he is a closed book at all costs but he would tear every pages of himself and give it to you without questions.
"for real?" you asked, eyes widening in awe.
"yeah, that's why i was mean to you. nobody can lo- uh like a monster like me. who am i to think that by some miracle you would reciprocate my feelings," remus eyes glisten.
"don't say that about yourself," you furrowed your brows. "i don't think anyone is a monster. it's just the books that says so."
"stop trying to make me feel better after what i had done to you. you deserve so much better than this- i-"
"i love magical creatures," you smiled.
"and werewolves are magical creatures!" you said.
"no, y/n, you love fairies, angels, pegasus, pixies, and things like that. not werewolves," he fought, breaking his own heart.
"no i don't. i love all kinds," you replied, smiling at him.
"no, you don't love me. you can't!" he felt tears streaming down his face like the biggest waterfall there ever was.
"i can love you. maybe i don't love you now but you deserved to be loved. and i know i can do that," you said.
"y/n, at least punch me in the face with a tree trunk first. i don't deserve this," remus spoke, wiping his tears away.
how can someone be so lovely and forgiving at the same time? it was unfair because the world is absolutely horrible for people like you. him for example, he's horrible.
you didn't punch him, you hugged him instead.
he couldn't breath the first seconds. the smell of strawberries and marshmallows were filling his nose, he could melt.
he gently wrapped his arms around your frame, careful with his movements because you were like the most expensive porcelain doll from the southern quadrant. if he was in the magical land of oz, you would definitely be from the quadling country.
"and by the way, i love your ribbons. you look pretty in them- i mean you're always beautiful. do you have any ribbons by chance right now?" remus mumbled, brushing your hair from your face gently.
"i do, i have two in my bag," you replied.
"can i see them?"
"of course," you said as you pulled two baby blue ribbons from your bag.
he took them from you, holding it like it's made of glass. he clipped one on your hair and one on his, which made you laugh.
"pretty," he smiled.
"remus- you look-"
"i look like you!" he cut you off.
"okay..." you chuckled.
oh he loved that sound so much. it's terrifying how much he loved it.
"i love your sweaters too," you whispered shyly.
"i have one extra in my bag, let me put it on you," he said, pulling a sweater from his bag and his eyes landed on your angel book he secretly brings around everywhere.
"do you always have an extra one in your bag?"
"no," he shook his head, embarrassed. "it's just- uh-" he struggled to find the right words, his cheeks flushing under your soft gaze.
his stomach was filled with swarming angel wings, mind filled with the thought of you. "let me put it on you. so we wear each other's stuff." he cringed at how cheesy it sounded but smiled when he sees your pink tinted cheeks.
the sweater fits on you a bit too big. it was a white knitted sweater, "i love it, thanks."
"you can keep it. i knew you'd like it," he said.
it smelled like him, looks like his usual musky green sweaters too- just a different colour this time.
"oh and by the way, here's your book," he pushed your book to you.
"i've been looking for this! where did you find it?" you asked him giddily.
god you are so adorable when you're excited. he's so smitten.
he scratched the back of his neck, "you left it in the floor the day we pranked you. i'm sorry about that. james found it and put it on his bed, hoping to give it back to you the next day but i found it and i kept it. i want to be the one that gives it back to you. um sorry it took this long-" he rambled. it was bewildering how easy it is for him to open up to you. narrating the story for you to hear.
"oh thank you!" you started to open the book. "i haven't read this yet."
"you're like a cherubim angel," he said, resting his chin on you shoulder from the back so he can see the book with you.
"what's that?"
"it's in the book," he replied, "and uh is this okay?"
"what's okay?"
"me being close to you," he pulled back a little wanting to make sure that you are comfortable.
"oh- it's fine!" you giggled. "you're warm, i'm very comfy."
remus hid his face in your shoulders, hiding his crimson cheeks.
"wait- you said something about cherubim in this book. does that mean you've read it?" you pointed at the book in your lap.
"uh yeah- can't help it," he said, flushing once more. the effect you on him were crazy. "do you want to read it together?"
"sure," you opened the first chapter.
"read it out loud, i love hearing your lovely voice," he spoke.
"oh what? no-" you have never read aloud before. nobody has ever asked you for it.
"i want to hear your voice," he mumbled.
so you started.
it was like heaven to him. your scent covering his nose while you voice filling his ears. he must be dreaming because no way is he breathing.
he interlocked his finger with your softer ones, wanting to never let go. your hair was brushing his neck as the wind hits it.
he felt like he's in a new world where there's only you.
you and your pretty ribbons on your hair; that beautiful smile; that lovely voice; your enchanting smell; you soft fingers; your back pressed against his chest. it was indescribable. he couldn't ask for anything better.
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
you two were hanging on the couch the next few days, james and sirius still not noticing the way you two are behaving. james was still mad at remus, so he barely knew what he is up to these days.
it was at night, the snow patting the window, glistened as it fell.
he remembered that day all too well. he still felt guilty for it.
but all negativity were pushed aside when he felt you shifting beside him.
you noticed the look on his face. "hey, don't worry about it. everything's fine," you stroked his fingers.
"okay," he replied. he has been mustering up the courage to ask you to be your boyfriend. he wanted to do it today. he feels like right now is the perfect time.
"hey, angel," he turned slowly to you, swallowing hard. "i would really really really love to be your boyfriend. if you're ready for this of course. i don't want to push things."
you blinked at him, eyelashes hitting your lid. "rem, i'd love that," you blushed.
"okay," he said. "i really want to kiss you right now."
your heart skipped a beat at his words, "you can y'know."
"yea.." he whispered before leaning forward, nose inches away from each other. he can feel your unsteady breath, he put an arm around you to ease you up before his lips were pressing against your own.
you soft lips felt even softer when it touches his. it sent him in to a love spiral. kaleidoscope of loud heartbeats undercoats.
you were so sweet. tastes like sweet candy drops.
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
the next following day, you were sitting on the great hall right next to remus. it was questionable to the other because you and him were never spotted this close.
"do you want pumpkin juice?" he asked, pointing to the goblet.
"um tea please, no sugar," you replied, squeezing his fingers.
"oh of course no sugar. you're already sweet," he shook his head as he poured the tea in your cup.
james eyed him suspiciously, "i missed a chapter," he mumbled.
"don't know what you're talking about," remus simply replied. what sent the others even more shock is the way he kissed your temple so tenderly.
"oh we are dating," you blushed as you poked your blueberry pie.
"what?" james asked wide eyed.
"i knew it!" sirius cheered, almost knocking his cup. "he told me he was in love with her. i was right all along, of course i am," he threw his hair back.
"stop it," remus hissed.
and the others also notice the change since he's with you.
he now takes care of himself, starting from little things. he's always been a gentleman but never this gentle since you.
ribbons and sweaters are the things that brought you two together.
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hush-writes-preg · 8 months
Spooky Season Day #6: An Unholy Tome
Your father had always warned you of the danger of reading, but you'd never taken him seriously until this very day.
You're the young monarch of a small kingdom deep within the mountains. You'd been married to a king over a decade your senior as a way to solidify political alliances, and while your relationship was cordial, it'd never been particularly warm. The king seemed to hold little interest in members of your gender, but he still came to your bed like clockwork with the clinical intent to sire an heir. You endured it, because what other choice did you have? He had staff to cater to all of your whims and was never unkind, so you could have done much worse.
But still, you couldn't help but feel... neglected. You had needs, even if you didn't fully understand them, and no one with which to explore or satisfy them.
At least, not until you found the book.
Tucked in among your wedding gifts had been a slim volume wrapped in gilded leather, filled with strange things. You couldn't read the text, but the illustrations-- oh, those illustrations. Fantastic creatures of every size and shape were drawn in exquisite detail, not a single aspect missing the artist's trained eye.
It felt scandalous to gape at the familiar yet still alien shapes of their genitalia, but no matter how many times you slammed the book shut in mortification and hid it away, you always dug the tome back out. You always returned to a select handful of the pages, wondering why they made you feel so warm. If only you had someone to ask-- but as the king's foreign consort, you didn't have anyone you could trust with such an intimate query.
Then the dreams began.
And you quickly came to realize what that strange heat meant.
The monsters invaded your dreams like the fabled barbarians of the plains, swift and brutal. They chased you like a wolf hunting a rabbit, harrying your nude form through endless torch-lit corridors and toying with you until you could run no more. But instead of tearing out your throat, they flipped you onto your hands and knees. The horrible realization of what they intended crashed over you and choked off your cries of terror, leaving you frozen and trembling.
One of them mounted you like a beast on the hard stone floor. Thick shafts, tentacles, and appendages you couldn't even name flowed over your body with possessive intent, enveloping and fondling you in ways you'd never been touched before. Terror began to fuse with other things you couldn't name, similar to what you'd felt when gazing at that filthy book: heat, hunger, and a baffling emptiness between your thighs. Even while claws scraped over your skin, you wanted... you wanted...
"Accept us," a discordant voice rose from nowhere, countless voices layered over one another and ringing in your ears. Something nudged purposefully against your hole, teasing you with a taste of what your tormenter offered without truly entering you. Something hot and wet stroked its way down your neck until it curled around a nipple, plucking at the hardening nub until you whimpered. "Your body pleases us. Welcome us in, and we will overwhelm you with the kind of pleasure you'll never receive from your own kind."
You choked on a sob, your hips jerking instinctively back to meet the promised intrusion even as you shook your head. This wasn't right. You're married, and you had undeniable responsibilities to your husband and kingdom. Not to mention the fact that this thing at your back wasn't even human--
The shaft kissing your hole pulsed and began to vibrate, the sensation making your eyes roll back in your head.
"This is only a dream, little human," the voice taunted, its appendages winding even more closely around you. "There's no harm in indulging in a simple fantasy, is there?"  There was a hint of menace behind the voices, sure, but it only seemed to stoke the flames in your belly even higher as your willpower began to melt away. "All you have to do is let us in."
Your hole clenched around nothing, eager to suck in anything that would fill it. You'd never felt like this before, and you didn't know how to handle the sensations crashing over you. How could such horrifying monsters make your body burn so hot?
What am I accepting?
Do I even care?
With a moan, you hesitantly spread your thighs in silent permission to the creature.
"Accept. Us."
"Yes," you whimpered, dropping your face to the floor in shameful submission. "Enter me. Ease this ache inside of me before I go mad, please!"
The beast's savage roar of victory nearly made you empty your bladder, but the sudden thrust of something impossibly hard and thick into your aching body immediately drove the fear away. The hulking creature wasted no time in fucking your soft, pampered body into the flagstone floor with all of the abandon of a wild animal. All you could do was hang on and take it. And when it finally finished inside of you, the sudden surge of wet heat painting your insides sent you tumbling over the edge of your very first orgasm.
Oh gods. Oh gods. This dream... sex couldn't possibly feel so good, could it? Pleasure that wiped your mind and left you feeling like you'd transcended to another plane of existence?
Sweaty, dazed, and leaking fluids from your freshly-fucked hole, all you could do was watch as the next creature moved to take its place at your back. Something cooler and more flexible slid into your sloppy hole this time, knobby protrusions along the length catching on the rim before popping inside. And how many more beasts waited along the edges of your vision for their turn?
As the bumped shaft started to find its own rough rhythm, you deliriously found yourself hoping that this dream would never end.
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It's been over seven months since your first experience with the dreams, and as promised, they fill your nights with untold pleasure. But there's been an unexpected complication.
You've fallen pregnant.
Your husband's kingdom is ecstatic with the news of the coming heir, his family embracing you with more kindness and attention than they ever have before. Your spouse is pleased, though he stopped bedding you the moment your condition became known.
Not that you mind. His disinterested late-night fumbling bores you; you'd much rather drift off to sleep and find satisfaction in the coils and claws of your imaginary lovers.
But as your pregnancy progresses, you can't help but wonder what has spawned in your womb. It seems foolish to imagine that the father could possibly be anyone but your husband, right? In reality, you've only ever entertained the king's attentions. The monsters aren't real. They haven't actually filled you with their seed, no matter how often they've left you sore and bloated from the sheer volume they've poured into you during your fantasies. You can't have been bred by figments of your imagination.
Yet still you find yourself plagued by apprehension. Your belly grows with unexpected speed, filling out into a taut sphere that hangs heavily from your frame. Your mother-in-law is sure this means you carry more than one child and begins taking every opportunity she can to rub your abdomen. This embarrasses you, but you don't feel like you can tell her no.
The midwife isn't as sure; she cautions your in-laws that you could just be carrying large for your first pregnancy. You can tell that she is puzzled by how quickly you've grown, since she's been attending you since your wedding in hopes of helping you conceive. At least you get along well, and she seems to be genuinely on your side. The last thing you need is someone suspecting you of trying to cuckold the king.
Because as much as logic dictates that such thoughts are foolishness, you still struggle against disquiet.
Maybe it is borne of guilt for being unfaithful to your husband, at least in your mind.
Maybe it has to do with the obvious pleasure that the dream-creatures take in fucking your gravid royal form.
Or maybe it is because of the way your belly sometimes moves, writhing and shifting like a bag full of eels. The baby's just active, right? It's not like you could possibly be carrying the offspring of some unnatural monster in your womb.
Of course not.
(A Spooky Season story.)
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criminalskies · 9 months
Hi Rome! I hope you're well 😊
Would you be able to write something about reader constantly trying to snuggle up with Aaron because they just love how warm and affectionate he is with them? They love that only they get to see this side of him and it makes them feel so so special. And Aaron loves the physical contact and the fact that he's not always the one trying to initiate it. He loves that they want him just as much as he wants them<3.
I think Aaron's love language is definitely physical touch once he's comfortable in a relationship ❤️.
Hi Sweetheart! I am so honoured to write this for you. I love this fic so much now!! Also I can only hope this fills the prompt for you <3
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x gn!reader. 
Word Count: 4.7k 
Warnings: Aaron is a nervous MESS. This is enough fluff to kill a family of four. Mentions of sad moments in Aaron’s childhood, also, Jack doesn’t exist here. Not well proof-read.
When the spark lit the fuse.
Aaron Hotchner had been in love before, he’d had his fair share of dates in high school with one milkshake and two straws, he’s cared for a handful of people enough to watch over them, offer them his jacket when they looked cold. He’s even been married before, he’s loved someone deeply enough to stand up in front of everyone in both of their lives and devote himself to this person, forever. Of course, it turned out their ‘forever’ was cut short. But in any case, Aaron Hotchner swears up and down that he has been in love before, he’s experienced love before, so why does it all feel so different with you? 
Looking back on all his years of dating and courtship and marriage, he sees now that those were all a more distant kind of love. Touchless. A game of push and pull with very little actual contact ever made. He had a partner, a lover, but never someone by his side. They always moved in sync, but never in tandem. That’s what’s been different with y/n, he supposes. 
It wasn’t an overnight change, for Aaron Hotchner to go from a man who would reach out and hold your hand if the setting was appropriate and you seemed to really need his support. He’s always been shy in showing his affections, particularly in front of those he holds close. Maybe that was his father’s influence, always rousing at him to detach himself from his parents. Even going as far as to send him to boarding school because Aaron was too quick to seek his mother’s comfort for a boy his age. ‘For a man’ As he was so-called. He was fourteen. 
In any case, Aaron’s always been all too careful with when and where he shows his affections. He can’t pinpoint exactly when or where you were able to tear down those deep-seated insecurities and shames of his, but you did it. 
It all goes back to before you even asked Aaron out. That’s right, you asked him. Yet another reason his journey with you has been in stark difference to the dyssynchronous relationships he’d previously held so close, he wasn’t the only one putting himself out there. He wasn’t the only one taking steps to be closer to you, each step he took, he found that you had taken a great stride to meet him in the middle. He had never had someone match him each time he tried to deepen his relationships, let alone to have someone else taking the steps first. 
But,  before you asked him out and changed his way of living and loving forever, you were just a bright spark in Aaron’s dark days. You worked the reception desk at Quantico’s FBI field office, you saw the tired, dreary faces of every agent that walked in and out of the building’s doors morning and night. You took your position very seriously, offering each dreary agent a bright smile as you greet them each day. Aaron couldn’t help but notice you, like a moth to a flame, each morning after peeling himself out of his bed, he would run on autopilot, styling his hair, shaving, picking out a tie, packing himself a sandwich he probably won’t touch for lunch. It was all done without so much as a moment’s consideration, until he reached the tall doors at the front of the building. He suddenly becomes all too aware of the fact that he may have coffee breath, and his hair at the crown of his head is sticking out in every direction as he catches his reflection in the glass. He straightens his tie, smooths down the lapels of his collar and tries desperately to remember how exactly one pulls their mouth into a natural looking smile. Dear god, you make him so frazzled he even forgets how to act like a person. 
All of his efforts to prepare for his fourteen foot walk to the elevator doors are never enough to stop your warm “Good Morning, Agent Hotchner!” from drawing all the air he was once capable of holding in his lungs - out of his mouth, jaw hanging slack where it once sat tightly drawn. He manages to draw in enough air for a rather strangled “g’morning.” as he presses the elevator button. 
He raps his fingers against the handle of his briefcase as he eagerly awaits the metalling pang of his exit strategy arriving. He doesn’t hear you swiftly springing out of your seat and bounding around the desk over to him until he swears he can see the haze of your halo appear in the reflection of the steel doors beside him. He turns to look at you, partly in shock and partly because he really can’t help himself from stealing another look at you at every opportunity. 
“Sorry, Agent. You just have, um. Here. Let me get this.” You lay a warm hand on his chest as you take his tie in your other one, using your nail to try to pick off what must be toothpaste off the sleek black fabric. Aaron feels a churning heat rising from his chest up his pulsepoint on his neck and spreading into his cheeks as attention is brought to the burning sensation of your hand against his hammering heart. 
That was the first of a hundred small moments the two of you shared, in which your hands found a home against Aaron's body and his whole world became set in motion. Of course, he knew deep down that the Earth had been turning for billions of years before your soft hands barely caressed his skin and set his nerve endings on fire. Rationally, he knows that, but it’s like he’s experienced so much in his lifetime, it isn’t until your body makes contact with his own that he begins to feel the world around him. 
It wasn’t long before Aaron began yearning for more of your delicate touches. He still denies to this day that he started planting feathers in his hair or roughing up his tie before setting foot into Quantico each morning. Of course he wouldn’t intentionally smudge some of his morning oatmeal on his lapel so that you would lead him by the arm behind your desk to the sink and dab it out of the fabric for him. The highly regarded, frankly, very busy SSA Aaron Hotchner would never spend time in his parked car scrubbing his rough hands over his own eyebrows, trying to get the long hairs to sit scraggly against his stern brow. That’s just preposterous. Ridiculous. As ridiculous as the way time would come grinding to a halt as you’d set your gaze on the scraggly brows in question, moving your eyes down to look into the swirling pools of chocolate and honey gazing back at you. Aaron would feel the flicker of a thousand nerves lighting up over his scalp as you brush down his angry brows with your thumbs, your other fingertips finding a home on his temples for stability. 
When you finally did ask Aaron out, he was so wonderstruck your bottom lip actually darted out in a sort of tearful pout, thinking he was rejecting you or that you had embarrassed yourself and misread all of his lingering stares and increasingly radiant smiles he cast your way each morning. Thinking you had just imagined the regret in his voice each night he said goodbye, you thought he had been sad to leave you. Wanting to say so much more, but his silence now spoke for itself. You’d been wrong. 
Aaron felt so frozen in his own body as his every impulse to tell you yes, YES, he would love to go out with you died in his throat, suffocated by the sheer volume of joy coursing through him. As your hand fell from the cuff of his coat you had clung to, and your eyes dart to the ground, turning your head away from him, Aaron manages to regain a skerrick of control over his own body, reaching out a hand to wrap around your bicep, turning you back to him as his cheeks warm and begin migrating towards his ears, making his beloved crows feet appear beside his glistening eyes. Yet again, he denies that there were tears at the notion of someone asking him out, of you asking him out after all this time, but you know what really happened. 
“Y/N, nothing would make me happier.” Aaron’s dry mouth finally regains the ability to work normally. You seemed to now be the one standing in a daze, his hold on your clothed arm still sending the same trickles of lightning throughout your body that Aaron had felt through his own before, each time you’d held onto him. 
As one date turned into many, and weeks spent together bled into months, Aaron could feel himself changing. Growing. You had come into his life and taken the wool from his eyes, showing him what a love can be like when the two of you want to foster and nurture it, carrying it between the two of you through your lives, even as it changes and evolves. The two of you aren’t carrying separate entities alone, but instead your hands are intertwined around something beautiful burning between you. 
Aaron didn’t notice some of the more underlying changes in himself, he knew he could feel and see rays of sunshine warming him from within, he didn’t realize the sun was only able to find him because you had dismantled the walls he had built, that were casting him into darkness all of these years. 
Aaron, however, was not the only one to notice these changes. After a rather successful third date, the two of you had planned a fourth. Sadly, a life of chasing serial killers and child abductors and otherwise scummy members of society got in the way, and Aaron had to reschedule you more than a few times before you two lovebirds finally got to go on another date. You were so excited when Friday night finally came around and Aaron had not been called on another case. You wanted desperately to run into the elevator the minute the clock struck five and pull Aaron by his coat out of the office and into the night, but sadly your coworker was running late to relieve you and take over the front desk. Luckily, Aaron was just as eager to meet you, and he felt ten squinting, profiling eyes on his back as he shut his office door at 5:02. He dropped his briefcase between his shoes to pull on his scarf and his coat before his long legs carried him, gliding down the stairs to the bullpen with a hint of a smile gracing his relaxed features. 
“Hotch, I must be seeing things. Are you actually leaving this place on time for once? Is your office on fire? Did you accidentally forward your snarky email to Dave to Strauss by mistake?” Emily was the first to retort, leaning back in her seat and not trying at all to hide her amusement. 
“No, everything’s fine, Strauss’ contact address in my emails is unmistakable. I learned that lesson years ago. I have some… plans tonight. Can’t be late.” Hotch offered Emily a smirk, quirking his eyebrow up towards his hairline as he ran a hand over his tie. A new tie, Morgan notes. 
“Oooooooh no way. Ain’t no way my man has a date tonight! Aight, bossman. Take that fancy new tie of yours and show your friend a good time.” Derek offered a toothy grin, reaching his fist up for Hotch to bump as he breezes past, still not slowing to make conversation. 
Hotch accepts Derek’s fistbump, much to the younger agent’s surprise, he expected his comments to get under Aaron’s skin more than anything. Hotch makes it a rule never to encourage prying into his personal life, but maybe he’s content enough with said personal life to allow a little prying these days. 
Hotch reaches the elevators, pressing the button for Ground Floor as he offers his bewildered team a wave. 
“Goodnight, agents. Please let me find this unit still in one piece on Monday. Remember to lock the doors when you leave, no parties, and no loud music after nine.” Hotch stepped into the open doors with a smile gracing his features and his team was left in what can only be described as shock.  
“Okay, tell me I’m not hallucinating. Did Hotch leave this place willingly, of his own accord, on time, with a smile on his face and jokes? He’s got jokes all of a sudden?” Emily was blinking slowly as if to clear her vision, at the others who all appeared equally stunned by their boss’s sudden change of habits. 
“He has been in a better mood lately, last week when Penelope kept referring to the previous case notes as ‘the tea’ Hotch made no efforts to correct her. The last time she tried referring to an unsub’s criminal record as their ‘bio’ he looked like he was going to burst a blood vessel trying to stay calm asking her not to call it that.” Spencer chimes in. 
“Hold your horses, pretty boy. Go stake out the South windows in the briefing room and see if you can see our happy camper heading out the front door, I gotta go get babygirl to see this. She’ll never believe me otherwise.” Derek bounced away in a jog towards the batcave, retrieving the BAU’s most renowned gossip monger to delight in their boss’s new developments. Meanwhile JJ, Emily and Spencer moved quickly to the window in the round table room. 
Derek and Penelope just made it in time, Derek pushing Penelope to take longer steps, her stilettos the only thing preventing her from sprinting to the window. The front doors of Quantico swung open, six floors down, a large arm holding them open as two heads of hair, tightly embraced, floated out of the tall doorway. The hand holding the doors is revealed to be their boss’s, holding onto his briefcase and shouldering a larger sage green bag, presumably belonging to the individual who’s seen leaning their head on Aaron’s free shoulder. His arm tightly snaked around their waist as their own arm disappeared under the shielded warmth of his long coat, wrapping around his back in a sort of walking embrace. Despite the awkward angle the team has of the couple six floors below them, they look to be talking animatedly as they walk, Penelope squeals as Aaron presses his lips to his lover’s temple leaving a warm kiss against their skin. 
“How- How?! How long has this been happening? Quick. Profilers, profile! What do we know? Who is this mysterious fallen angel in our midst? Oh my god. We have to go to my lair tonight! I have to track down these star crossed lovers and see how compatible they are and oh! My god-” Garcia is cut off by her own gasp as she sees you and Aaron stop by the car, where he puts your bag in the backseat before bending down on his knee and taking your ankle in his hand, guiding your foot to his thigh where he ties your hanging shoelace. You’re still talking, your hands gesticulating wildly as you recall the events of your day to Aaron, who has long since finished tying your shoe, and is now just watching you talk, still pinned down by your foot, he doesn’t seem to mind one bit. In fact, even from six storeys up, on the opposite side of the carpark, Emily swears she can see a glimmer in her boss’s eyes as he watches his date talking. The lights on the outside of the building behind you, making you look like an angel to him as your ‘halo’ illuminates the signet of the FBI on the face of the building. 
“So this is why he’s been religiously applying chapstick lately. I thought he was just becoming really sensitive to the wind.” JJ offers, Penelope jumping up and down and clapping her hands together in a silent celebration before clutching her necklace in front of her heart.
“He also changed his haircut this month. I have seen that man enter this office on the first Monday of every month with the same high and tight crew cut for like, three years now. This month he kept the top longer, damn we should have seen right through that.” Emily sounds almost disappointed that the team failed to see the lover effect in full force. 
“Hmm, making it easier to grab onto?” Derek asks with a smirk. “My man.” Penelope’s hand comes up to whack the back of Morgan’s head in retort. Spencer stands, looking bewildered by the comment and by the sudden violence. 
“Wait a minute. Do they work in this building? I know that face.” JJ questions.
“Yes! That’s it, they work at the reception desk! They always say good morning even when it’s technically 12:09pm. The worst time, though, they even said good morning to me at 2:35! Must have been having a long day.” Spencer laughs to himself, the rest of the team not finding his exact timekeeping anywhere near as funny as he seems to. 
“Oh boy, I will have to ask them what bossman’s like on a date tomorrow when I come in. This is too good an opportunity to resist. Maybe we can bribe ‘em with a latte from down the street, babygirl we gotta find out how they like their coffee.” Derek wraps an arm around the blonde, trying to appeal to her pro-level social media snooping skills for assistance. 
“He looks happy, guys, like, lovesick puppy level of happy. Maybe we just leave this alone, let them… come to us when they’re ready?” Garcia offers, sounding surprised at her own voice offering to stay out of someone’s business.  
The others all seem to agree with their chirpiest team member that the only way to let Hotch continue being their happy, joking, playful boss is to make sure this person stays in his life, and the best way to do that is by letting them be. Of course, this won’t stop them all from racing towards the South window the next time Hotch leaves work on time, but he can’t exactly punish them for looking, can he?
Things continue in this fashion for a few weeks, and the team marvels each time at the amount of physical affection their boss is comfortably showing in a semi crowded carpark, bustling with agents coming on and off the clock. He’s become less and less shy about letting his arms find home around your waist each time the two of you stroll out of the building. It isn’t until your ninth date was rescheduled for the second time that the team got to see the two of you up close. Aaron’s team was working around the clock to find the source of a classified information leak in a neighboring bureau department. 
You got off work, your smile falling when you saw a text from Aaron that he was probably not making it out of the office at 5, let alone before dawn the next morning. So, you set off to the chinese takeout place a street away to fetch his team some fuel. You got an assortment of mains, sides, chopsticks and cutlery, and a bag so full of drinks you thought the handles would break, sending eight cans of carbonated sugar to explode against the pavement, spraying everywhere. Luckily, you were able to double bag the contents and successfully bring it back to Quantico and up to the sixth floor. 
The elevator doors opened and it was like setting foot inside a life-sized beehive, agents whizzing past you in all directions, manilla folders being passed around and stacked haphazardly on desks where phones rang and rang with no free hands to answer them.
You manage to weave your way through the hustle and bustle and into the bullpen, where you spin around, looking for any familiar face when you spot Aaron and his team in the conference room, blinds half drawn to occlude the whiteboards from sight through the glass. You knock against the door to the conference room with your knee, not having so much as one finger free to knock on the wood. Your heart is racing with the excitement in the room, though, the agents all seem to be radiating a sort of anxious feeling so potent it feels like the air is thick with TV static. The door swings open, revealing a very wrinkled Aaron standing before you. You feel the sharp, anxious twinkle of the static clearing from before your very eyes like fog meeting sunlight as Aaron looks behind you, looking left and right before he smiles at you and pulls you into the conference room, closing the door.
“Sweetheart, what’s going on? Are you alright?” Aaron asks you, placing a hand on each of your shoulders and looking at you to study your face. 
“I’m fine, love! I just thought you guys seem so busy, you could use some dinner.” You raise the bags in each of your hands, seeing Aaron’s frown lines fade and his dimple appear in their absence as he and his whole team smile over at you. Aaron takes the bags from your red hands, surprised to find they’re both so heavy as Morgan clears some space on the roundtable for the food. A wave of ‘thank you’s wash over the room as Dave, Penelope, JJ, Emily, Spencer, Derek and even your Aaron all show you their gratitude at the offering of fresh, hot, food on what was bound to be the longest night they’ve worked in months. Aaron pulled you into his side as the team each introduced themselves to you, shaking your hand excitedly as they all failed miserably to hide the fact that they already knew your name and exactly why you’re here. 
You open all the containers of food, explaining all the options you brought and which ones are meat-free for Penelope and offer each agent a drink with a smile, feeling Aaron’s gentle hand resting on the fall of your shoulder as you hand spencer a knife and fork you got specially for him and Aaron asks you if he can get you a plate ready. The team is starstruck, both at your display of kindness and thoughtfulness for every member of his team, and at how comfortably you seem to fit right against your boss. The two of you are practically joined at the hip, each time Hotch asks you a question his hand finds your knee or your arm or your waist to brush over it and get your attention. After a full minute passes of his hands staying away from your body, you move your wheely chair closer to his, looping your hand under and around his bicep, elbow resting on the armrest of his chair as he engages with a conversation with Reid and Dave regarding how exactly the leak of this information stands to gain anything from it. 
Once Aaron’s scarfed down his plate of food, his free arm lays over the back of your seat, curling around your far shoulder and rubbing there as he checks in with you if any of the information you’re hearing has upset you at all. He offers to find some place to sit alone with you if you’re uncomfortable for another ten minutes or so before he has to go back to the investigation. 
Emily and Penelope are sitting at the opposite side of the table, completely in awe as they watch their boss who’s usually known to move almost like a statue, very calculated and still. If he’s undisturbed long enough he can actually often appear as if he’s not even breathing or blinking when he’s hard at work. But here, he moves so naturally with you. The two of you have a way of reassuring one another without a word that you’re there for the other and you’re okay without so much as making eye contact. 
Garcia audibly gasps when you lean in to place your head on the slant of Hotch’s shoulder, your eyes fluttering closed for a moment as most of his team is engaged in a conversation about the possibility of a team of people being responsible for the leak when Hotch looks down at you, a smile of unbridled adoration donning his face and he cranes his neck to kiss you on the crown of your head. In front of everyone. In the middle of a meeting about an emergent situation, her boss found enough joy in his heart to smile widely and kiss you, while you’re nuzzling your own smile further into his neck. She never thought she’d see the day her compartmentalizing, dedicated to a self-destructive degree boss actually found someone that loves him so freely and so openly that he’s actually comfortable enough to do the same. 
“Garcia, is everything alright?” Aaron asks, Penelope is ashamed that her audible surprise has dragged the happy couple out of their special moment as both of your eyes are blinking back at her, concerned. 
“Everything is just swell, sir. Couldn’t be better, actually.” Penelope smiles, beaming with pride and eyes darting between the two of you. 
“For the record, Garcia. I agree.” Hotch offers his own proud smile and a wink as his voice lowered to a whisper, half of the team not registering the interaction as Spencer was rapidly scanning seven files at once with the wave of his hand, looking for the exact time logs from the door to the evidence storage facility on the nights in question. 
From that one fateful evening onwards, you became a staple attendee at any and all BAU family functions. The team had loved you from the moment they met you, for you had changed their stoic, slave-to-his-desk boss forever. You had changed him slowly and so kindly that he had seen it happening all around him and still didn’t care to question it. 
The whole team, even the young doctor Reid noticed the difference between Aaron and his past partners compared to you. How when you entered the room, Aaron’s hands would start to seek you, and you’d find him, letting him hold onto you. You knew his past experiences had made him paranoid of losing those he loves, and you don’t mind one bit proving to him that you’re still there. They all noticed how whenever you or Aaron laugh at something the group said, your eyes find each other to see the other smiling, feeling free. They all grew to love seeing the two of you moving in the same spaces, your bodies never falling out of step or losing their harmony. No matter how stressful Hotch’s work gets, you can always find a way to soothe his stresses away, with a hand kneading at his shoulders or a gentle thumb grazing against his cheekbone, your hold cradling his face. You made Aaron feel okay with looking possessive, or small and delicate, or just looking like a man in love. You showed him it’s okay to need reassurances and that he’ll never have to be the only one offering them again. 
You’ve shown him a love that burns so brightly he doesn’t mind loving you publicly or in private, loudly or whispered in a longing ear. Aaron Hotchner loves you freely, without restraint. He loves you on your quiet mornings just as he loves you from behind a karaoke mic at a crowded bar. His love for you grew too fast and too beautiful for him to contain it anymore. He will tell you he loves you in every language he can. Because from the first time the two of you made contact, like flint on steel, there’s been a spark. He’s glad you were brave enough to reach out and take hold of it, the two of you keeping it safe, because now the heat from that flame keeps you both warm even on the coldest nights.
tagging: @montyfandomlove , @pastanoodles11 , @ssamorganhotchner, @hotchnerbau , @hotchs-babygirl , @ssa-tahlia-obsessions , @p0ssywhippedcream , @14buddy22 , @elenamoncada-ibarra , @supercriminalbean , @ssaspencerreidswife , @levithestripper , @beehive16,
541 notes · View notes
thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
the touch of a hand lit the fuse
So, turns out y'all lapped up my dbf!Joel and now I'm kinda speechless? Like, tysm for loving this enough to like semi-blow it up. But never fear, our favourite neighbourhood DILF is back and filthier than ever today. I wrote this under the influence of a rather strong margarita, so forgive any mistake and the uninhibited filth you're about to consume. Enjoy.
Pairing | dbf!Joel x female reader
Summary | Four days on from being spread on Joel's lap, he's back to fix up your attic when you're home alone.
Word Count | 3.6k
Warnings | I mean, blanket warning for dbf!Joel because he's always a menace. Alcohol consumption, NO USE OF Y/N, masterbating (F), unprotected PiV sex (Don't be dumb, wrap it up), age gap (Reader is 25, Joel is 36), size kink, some dirty talk and that's it.
Part 1 | Main Masterlist
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It was Wednesday and you were still reeling from what had happened at the party on Saturday. Whenever you led in bed there was the feeling of Joel’s fingers ghosting over you. You were ashamed of the number of times you’d touched yourself, trying to emulate how Joel’s fingers had felt inside of you, failing miserably, but still getting yourself off with tight circles on your clit, moaning his name into your pillow as you made yourself come. It was a dreadful substitute, but you didn’t have much choice – Joel had been MIA since he'd left on Saturday night. 
You were sat at the table in the kitchen with your parents, sipping on orange juice and pushing eggs around your plate before they both went to work, “Oh, I forgot to mention, Joel’s coming over this morning to take a look at starting that work in the attic, you’ll be around to let him in, won’t you?” 
You tried to keep as nonchalant as possible at your dad’s voice, “Yeah, I’ll be here.” 
A house to yourself with Joel Miller, of course you’d be here, there was no-where else you’d rather be. Once your parents had eaten and stacked their dishes for you to wash up in your free time later, you raced upstairs to your room, dragging out the tightest pair of shorts you owned and a low-cut tank top. You’d never been the type to play into this sort of thing – if someone wanted you, then they could want you in your baggy jeans and jumpers, but Joel was different, and you knew it. You’d seen it the last time, how he fought to the last second not to give into you and his desires, you didn’t want to give him a reason to do it again. 
You made quick work of hopping in the shower before pulling your clothes on, choosing a coloured bra to sit under your white tank top, but deciding against underwear beneath your shorts. Then you sat on couch and waited, anticipation rising with every minute there wasn’t a knock on the door. It took him another hour to arrive – the knock at the door dragging a gasp of surprise from your lips. 
You practically ran to the front door, stopping only to run a hand through your hair and take a deep breath before you opened it. It never mattered where or when you saw him, he was always fucking gorgeous. Like now, stood in front of you, toolbox in hand, dark t-shirt and jeans clinging to him, hair mused and a smirk on his lips. 
“Sorry I’m late sugar,” He breathes, “Had to cover a job first thing for Tommy.” 
“That’s alright,” You smile, leaning against the door so he can walk past, “You want a drink of anything?” 
You were slightly put out that he hadn’t immediately bent his head and planted a kiss to your lips, but you weren’t going to be a brat about it. At least not yet. 
“Water’ll be just fine thanks,” He says over his shoulder as he’s moving towards the stairs, “I’m just gonna get started, don’t let me interrupt you.” 
You’re not interrupting anything is what you want to say, but he’s already taking the stairs two at a time, as if he’s in a rush to get away from you. It hurts, but you try and swallow your pride for now. He wasn’t going to get away with it that easily. 
You fill up a glass of water from the fridge with some ice, it’s hot after all, before you head upstairs. He’s already got the ladder from the attic down and is searching through his toolbox for what he needs, setting each different tool on his utility belt when he finds it. 
“You want me to pass this up to you once you’ve tackled the ladder, Miller?” You ask. 
He turns to you with his hand on one of the ladder rungs, “I’d be much obliged, sweetheart.” 
You swear that he takes each step of the ladder excruciatingly slow just for your benefit, but you aren’t going to complain – it affords you a glorious view of his ass, fitting tightly into his jeans – had he done that to you on purpose, just like you did for him? You watch intently as he turns and kneels and sticks his hand down for the glass of water. You pass it to him, and he does exactly what he did with his bottle of beer on the weekend, grabs it exactly where your hand is so his fingers brush against yours. Lighting a fuse right through your body. If you could spontaneously catch fire you think this would have done it.
“I’ll be downstairs if you need me, just shout.” 
You flop yourself down on the couch, huffing out an annoyed breath as you reach for the magazine you’d been trying to read before he arrived. Thinking it would be easier to concentrate on now Joel was working away upstairs, you’re sorely mistaken. Your eyes glaze over the same two sentences – it’s an advice column, some housewife wanting to know how she could make her husband want her again after months of living in a dead bedroom. You don’t pretend to care, you look down to the bottom of the column – Andrea, 48. What you really want the editor to say in response is that Andrea should cut her losses, find someone younger, fitter and more handsome and sack off her obviously boring husband. What they really say is that she can spice things up by wearing sexy lingerie and being spontaneous, maybe you can try taking sex out of the bedroom for things to feel newer and more exciting. 
They’d got that much right. Your brain is drifting back to Saturday night, sat on Joel’s lap with his thick fingers moving in and out of your pussy. That had been new and exciting. Maybe Andrea should try that with her own husband. 
You sigh and throw the magazine to the ground – nothing is going to stop the bubbling lust and frustration in your stomach. Nothing except for what you really want, and that Joel, peeling your clothes off and seating himself so deep inside you that you can’t think properly. You can hear him banging around in the attic, unsure of what he’s actually doing. 
Before you know what you’re doing, one of your hands is making quick work of undoing the button on your shorts, moving them just enough so you can slip your hand below the material. Your ears focus on sound of Joel’s footsteps in the distance. You bet there’s a thin film of sweat on his skin up there, you think as your fingers dip to the entrance of your pussy, finding yourself just as wet as you were on the weekend. Maybe he’s taken his shirt off, you think as the slick you’d gathered on your fingers make sliding them over your clit easier. The mental vision of the muscles in his back rippling as he bends to work and the way his arms would tense make bringing yourself to the edge of oblivion a piece of cake, but it’s the final vision you have of him pushing you against the dank attic wall and pounding into you that has you coming. You bite down on your hand to stop yourself from making noise, convulsing on the couch with the aftershocks of your orgasm. 
There was a slight feeling of embarrassment that sat through your stomach for a moment when you’d realized you’d gotten yourself whilst Joel was unaware upstairs. You quickly buttoned up your shorts and placed an arm over your eyes whilst you tried to catch your breath and before you could stop yourself you were drifting off to sleep. 
You woke with a start God knows how long later, the sound of something hitting the ground drawing you from your dreamless nap. You sat up and rubbed at your eyes and saw Joel setting his toolbox by the front door. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to fall asleep.” You mumble, pushing yourself off the couch. 
“S’alright,” He smiles at you, “S’your house.” 
“You get everything done?” You ask. 
He shakes his head, “Gonna be a big job up there, don’t have the stuff to finish it all today.” 
You nod like you understand, “Anything else on today?” 
He smirks at you like he knows what you’re thinking, “Nope,” is all he says, “You?” 
You match his smirk, “Nope, convenient huh?” He nods, “You want a drink?” 
You look at the clock on the wall, it’s nearing 2pm, “Beer?” 
“Yes ma’am.”
You try and push down the arousal that pooled in your stomach at that. It hadn’t been two hours since you’d gotten yourself off but God there was just something about this man that made your blood run hot and turned you into something akin to a dog in heat. He follows behind you as you go to the kitchen, gratefully accepting the ice-cold beer that you’d popped the cap off. 
You stand at opposite sides of the kitchen – Joel leant up against the counter near the sink, you doing similar against the breakfast island. It’s silent as you both eye one another up, taking languid sips of beer as you do so. You could cut the tension in here with a fucking knife. You made the first move last time, it’s his turn to do it. 
“Y’know you don’t have to wear that kinda stuff for me, don’t ya?” His eyebrow is cocked, and you know he’s talking about the shorts that barely cover your ass and the blue bra he can clearly see through your top. 
“Shall I take them off then?” 
He’s leant against the kitchen counter, looking as casual as can be, but you don’t miss the way his eyes darken, glazed with lust. He takes another drink of his beer before setting the bottle down, crossing his arms over his chest, eyebrow raised. 
“You wanna see me naked, Joel Miller?” 
“You want me to see you naked?” He counters.
“You’re in charge baby, you need to tell me what you want.” You dare. 
He sucks his bottom lip into his mouth as he’s thinking before he’s unraveling his arms from his chest, “Well, in that case, come over here and kiss me.” 
Your feet are moving before he’s even finished speaking, closing the gap between you. You wrap your arms around his neck, pushing yourself up on your tiptoes as his own arms wrap around your waist as his dips his head and wastes no time connecting your lips together. As soon as they do you can feel the tension dripping from your body, pooling on the floor as if it never existed. 
Joel’s got you pulled flush to his body, warmth radiating through the material covering your bodies as his mouth opens and he’s swiping his tongue across your bottom lip before he takes it between his teeth and bites down slightly. He slips his tongue into your mouth when you gasp at the slight bite of pain from his teeth, which is quickly forgotten when you can taste him on your mouth. The slight yeast from the beer, something minty, suggesting he’d been chewing gum whilst working and the inevitable flavour that’s just pure Joel that you cannot place.
His hands are slipping down from your waist to cup your ass – hands on bare skin where the globes of your ass meet the back on your thighs, dragging you further into him. You can feel his own arousal prodding between you which has a moan tumbling from your lips, swallowed by Joel’s own mouth as he continues to lick into your mouth. 
His hands are sliding around to the front of your shorts, deftly undoing the button, not unlike how you’d done it just a few hours before. His hand is snaking down into the material and then he’s pulling away from your lips, a groan of frustration leaving your mouth as he does so. 
“What’s this?” He asks, brushing his fingers along the seam of your pussy, “Didn’t wanna bother with lace today?” 
“Saving time.” You mumble, a sigh leaving your lips as his fingers move lower. 
“Fuckin’ hell sweetheart, are you always this wet?” He groans when one of his finger’s dips slightly between your folds. 
“Only for you,” Another sigh, “I… fuck, Joel…” You’re trying to get your words out but the way he’s brushing your slick up the seam of your pussy but neglecting your clit means it’s hard to concentrate, “I touched myself, thinking of you.” 
He stops dead in his tracks, pulling his face away from you, “When?” He demands. 
You turn your head to look at the clock behind you, “Probably two hours ago now.” 
He growls, gripping you tightly to his body, “You filthy girl,” You can do nothing but grin, “You touched your pussy whilst I was upstairs?” 
You nod, moving so you can press a kiss to his neck, “Show me.” He asks. 
There’s confusion on your face when you pull back, “You don’t need me, obviously, so show me how you touched yourself whilst I was slaving away upstairs.” 
He pushes you away from his body gently, and you’re going to turn around to walk somewhere to lie down and give him a show, but he’s stopping you, “Do it here,” He’s motioning his hand for you to stay in the kitchen, “Come on sweetheart, don’t keep me waitin’.” 
You take your place leant back against the kitchen counter, running your hand down your body before it dips into your shorts. Joel’s eyes are staring holes into your skin as your fingers dip to your seeping hole, you let your eyes flutter closed as you gather your slick on your fingers, bringing it up to circle your clit. This time when you want to moan, you don’t bite down on anything, moaning Joel’s name as loud as you please. 
When you open your eyes, fingers not letting up on pleasuring yourself, you can see him in a similar position to yours, palming himself through his jeans at the show you’re putting on, “Does it feel good, sweetheart?” He coos from across the kitchen, “Bet I’d make you feel even better, right?” 
“Oh god, Joel, please-” You gasp as you speed up the circles on your clit, “I want you to touch me.” 
He chuckles as he steps forward to meet you, trapping you against the kitchen island with an arm on either side of you. He’s pressing kisses behind your ear but is making no attempt to touch you past that. Fingers still firmly pressing against your clit, you grind your hips forward into his own, “Oh baby,” He whispers, “D’ya need some help?” You nod, “What d’ya want from me?” 
“Fingers-” You gasp out, “Put your fingers inside me.” 
He kisses your neck, using his hands to push your shorts from your legs, letting them drop to the floor, before he’s kicking at one of your ankles to push your legs further apart. Then, he’s sinking one of his deliciously thick fingers right into your seeping cunt, causing you to cry out. 
“It’s alright babygirl,” He chuckles against your skin, “Makin’ you feel good, right?”
He’s pulling his finger back out of your pussy before adding another one when he pushes them back in, “Can feel how tight you are, already, you gonna come for me?” 
“Fuck-” You exclaim when he’s curling his fingers up inside you whilst his mouth drags hot trails across your collarbone, “Don’t stop, please-” You beg, “So fucking close Joel.” 
“Good girl, show me how good I make you feel.” 
With the incessant rubbing you’re doing over your clit and the curve of Joel’s fingers inside you, you come undone. His name is almost shouted from your lips and you can feel his free hand on your waist, keeping you upright. On Saturday he’d worked you through the aftershocks, but not today, he’s pulling his fingers from your pussy, shoving them into your mouth and watching as you lick yourself off him. Then his tongue is back in your mouth and he's grinding his bulge against you whilst he laps up the taste of you on your mouth. 
“Fuck, you taste so good babygirl,” He’s whispering once he’s pulled away, “One day I’m gonna spread you out and spend hours with my head between your thighs.” 
Heat flushes through your body – you want to respond but you don’t have time. He’s turning you around and with a hand placed gently on the nape of your neck, he’s pushing you forward so your body is spread over the kitchen island. You can hear him unbuckling his belt behind you and you can’t quite believe this is about to happen. 
When you hear the material of his jeans hit the floor you swear you can feel yourself drip down the inside of your thigh, you’re that turned on. 
“I’m gonna fuck you sweetheart,” His body is towering behind yours as his hands take your hips and pull you back, “That okay?”
You nod and moan out a ‘yes please’ as he’s lining himself up behind you. You can feel the head of his cock sliding between your folds before Joel is sinking into you from behind. He’s slow because he knows it’s a tight fit, despite all your preparation the feeling of him stretching you is bordering on uncomfortable, but you just can’t get enough. He stills himself when he’s buried inside you to the hilt. You can hear his gasps and his heavy breathing behind you as he tries to calm himself down. 
“Fuckin’ Christ baby, you’re fuckin’ tight around my cock.” 
“Feel so full Joel,” You moan back at him, hands gripping at the kitchen island as he pulls back and thrusts himself back into you, “You’re so fucking big.” 
You can hear him chuckle as his hands grip tighter at your hips, you’re convinced you’re going to have finger shaped bruises there, “That’s right babygirl,” He pulls out once more and thrusts back into your tight heat with more force than before that has you crying out, “Look at you,” He praises, “All spread out in your daddy’s kitchen gettin’ fucked by his best friend.” 
It's filth but by God it’s doing the job, the way his voice is deeper, and his words are peppered with groans and gasps as he starts fucking you in earnest. You can feel your pussy clenching around him with each thrust, any feeling of discomfort long gone, replaced just with an intense feeling of fullness peppered with ecstasy. 
You feel a hand come back to the nape of your neck, travelling higher until it’s tangled in your hair, yanking you backwards so your back is arched. You can feel Joel’s hips snapping into your ass, the new arch of your back has his cock hitting a spot inside you that has spots blurring your vision. 
All you can do is chant his name and let moans drop from your lips as his pace picks up again. He’s turned your brain to mush, not that you’re complaining. If you could keep the both of you here forever, locked in this state of secret pleasure then you would. 
“Sweetheart,” He chokes out behind you, hand still wrapped in your hair, “I’m gonna cum.” 
“Yes Joel, please-” You cry out, “Please give it to me.” 
“So fuckin’ pretty sweetheart,” He groans behind you, “Beggin’ me for my cum like a good girl.” 
When he pulls himself fully from your pussy you almost cry in frustration until you feel the warmth of his cum spreading over the cheeks of your ass. You can hear him moaning your name, one hand still firmly gripping your hip, the other, you assume, fisting his cock. When you’re sure he’s finished you let your forehead drop to the cool countertop whilst you catch your breath. 
You’re vaguely aware of Joel pulling his jeans back on and the sound of the tap running behind you. The feeling of a warm cloth spreading across your ass as he cleans his spend off you. It’s almost robotic as he gathers you and turns you round, bending down to shimmy your shorts back up and over your hips. He even does the button up for you. 
“You okay?” He asks, pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose. 
You smile, exhaustion settling into your bones as he holds you, “Never better.” 
“Hope I wasn’t too rough sweetheart.” 
“I don’t mind,” You smirk, reaching up to press a kiss to his lips, “Want you to make me sore so whenever I move I remember this.” 
“You can’t be real babygirl,” He’s chuckling, “You keep sayin’ things like that and I’ll never leave.” 
You’re pulled from your post-coital bliss by the sound of a car door slamming out front. Your eyes widen and so do Joel’s. You quickly glance at the clock and realise he’s had you bent over the kitchen counter for far longer than you’d anticipated. 
“Fuckin’ hell,” He’s mumbling, making sure he kisses your lips firmly, “I gotta get outta here, but I’ll see you soon, okay?” 
“Okay.” You nod with a smile, you fucking hope so. 
He leaves with a squeeze of your hand, jogging to the door to grab his toolbox. You hear the door open and then he’s greeting your mother with a ‘Hello ma’am, good day?’ – you can just about hear your mother recounting her day to him and then asking him how the work in the attic went. 
“Went fine, still a fair bit to do so just let me know when y’all are going to be out again in the week and I’ll come back to finish up.” 
“Well, you know we work all week and I’m sure that one in there won’t mind a little banging about from you.” 
Oh if only you knew mom, if only you knew. 
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irisintheafterglow · 7 months
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Gojo Satoru
You Are In Love - "you're my best friend," and you knew what it was
...Ready For It? - knew he was a killer first time that I saw him
Hits Different - it hits different 'cause it's you (or, struggling in a situationship with gojo satoru)
Never Grow Up - meeting megumi for the first time
The Archer - all of my enemies started out friends, can he hold on to you?
invisible string - the first time megumi uses ten shadows
even in my worst times, you see the best in me - being the strongest has its downsides, but at least you're suffering with him
life's no fun without a good scare - you have the brilliant idea of playing hide and seek in a corn maze against the most powerful sorcerer in the world. should be fun, right?
it's all me, just don't go (meet me in the afterglow) - satoru is jealous but refuses to admit it.
every dead end street led you straight to me - former fuckboy gojo has some things to say at the top of a mountain
i hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this! - coworkers to lovers with a healthy amount of teenage eavesdropping
he's the death you chose (you're in terrible danger) - married life with husband!gojo means cleaning up bodies at 2am.
Geto Suguru
The Great War - somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed
Back to December - you gave him all your love and all he gave you was goodbye
say you'll remember me - you were destined to fail from the start, so why does it hurt so badly when he's gone?
dazzling haze, mysterious way about you, dear - need some fluff after reading all the angst above?
tell me that you love me, love me 'til my lips turn blue - being partnered with suguru on a mission takes an unexpected turn
what if all i need is you? - after failed attempts to find a date to a relative's birthday party, your best friend acts as your fake boyfriend.
the stakes are high, the water's rough, but this love is ours - holding satoru and letting him rest, even if it's only for a little bit
it took so long to know someone like you - he doesn't know who he is with you and it scares both of you
bad days and blanket burritos - good ol' satoru bf fluff
And the touch of a hand lit the fuse
how gojo and geto react to their partner being obsessed with them (fluffy !!!)
Gojo Satoru
What, like it's hard? -> law student!gojo
general hcs
when he buys a motorcycle
I'm with the band -> rockstar!gojo
rockstar!gojo meet sexyy
the valentine's day show
quiet moments and teaching you guitar
awards show
Falling for you, on and off the ice -> hockey player!gojo
someone steals your usual rink slot
watching a game
living in winter, i am your summer - he's terrible at figure skating
Kachow -> professional racer!gojo
on the radio
smoke his ass! - pro racer!gojo needs some motivation after a newcomer to the track pisses him off
Geto Suguru
oops? - satoru finds out that you've been seeing his best friend
a quiet moment in the aquarium
napping with you :)
scare actor!suguru
Save a horse, ride a cowboy -> gunslinger!suguru
gunslinger!geto au
Theta Phi Fuckhead -> enemy frat!suguru
ancient grudge, new mutiny
move fast, keep quiet
half the things that haven't happened yet
Series Masterlists
End Game (volleyball captain!gojo x you) COMPLETED
Co-Parenting Megumi with Satoru COMPLETED
I Don't Wanna Live Forever (gojo x you during shibuya) COMPLETED
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indigosunsetao3 · 3 months
Ex-Husband Price
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NSFW - 18+
Perspective: Female Reader
ExH!Price - Shows up when you aren’t home to do the lawn work. He knows you hate doing it and you haven’t hired a company to have it done to piss him off. He’s gone when you return and the lawn is pristine much to your chagrin.
ExH!Price - Sends checks for his half of the bills in the mail. He refuses to use digital payments because he knows it annoys you to have to go to the bank. It’s enough to agitate you but not enough for you to say anything.
ExH!Price - Who fought tooth and nail for the stupid couch. It ended up being a matter of principle for you to keep it. Then one night he bent you over the back and fucked you so hard you were gripping the cushions for some sort of grounding sanity. He left you teary and perfectly stated saying to keep it as he walked out the front door. He knew you’d think of him every time you sat on it. That was the greater victory to him. (The Couch scene can be found here)
ExH!Price - Picks you up on the side of the road when your car started doing that weird thing again. He smirks knowing you had no one else to call as you climb in the car in silence. The next day he’s in the driveway fixing it because he knows exactly what is wrong. He was the one who pulled the fuse after all.
ExH!Price - Walks inside covered in grease and dirt from doing a full tune up on your engine. You watch him as he dawdles in the kitchen washing his hands. You tell him to just go shower and he strips right in front of you as you get him a towel. He sees you swallow hard before dragging you in the shower with him. You swear you see God as he pins you to the tiled wall as he eats you so expertly, his tongue knowing just where to go and his goddamn teeth nipping at the sensitive skin at the right moment. He leaves you wanton, shaking and grabbing his shoulders to beg for more as he leaves you there. He has places to be. (The Car scene can be found here).
ExH!Price - Has been gone for weeks. The lawn is overgrown and the checks stop coming. A payment appears in your account on time every two weeks when his check would normally arrive in the mail. You have no one to call, no one that would answer. You have no idea where he is, if he’s even alive. You won't admit you miss him or worry, he has every right to disappear. You divorced him after all.
ExH!Price - Is still radio silent going on four months. You decide to dip your foot into the dating pool. One man has caught your eye enough to bring home after multiple failed dates with others. When you pull up to the drive the car lights fall on John’s car. He’s there smoking a cigar as he leans on the trunk watching.
ExH!Price - Walks in the house dismissing and your date without a word. You give an excuse to the man who is confused but leaves saying he’ll call you, he won’t. You storm angrily into the dark house after John only to find him in the dimly lit bedroom, the hallway light the only light source.
ExH!Price - Has you under him with your legs propped on his shoulders in a matter of a few minutes. His hands are vices on your thighs as he fucks into you. He’s making the most delicious groans and uttering filthy praises to mix with the obscene wet noises as he already got you to come on his fingers. So touch starved for him you fall over the edge again around his cock and it’s not the last time that night. (The Date scene can be found here).
ExH!Price - Is gone from the bed in the morning. But he’s slipped your wedding ring back on your finger. You hadn’t seen it in almost a year. The last time you had worn it you had flung it at his chest. Twisting it around your finger you find you aren’t that upset about it.
ExH!Price - Waits in the kitchen with a cup of black coffee. He has his wedding band back on as well. You wander in, trying to not wince at how sore you are between your legs. He knows and he smirks watching you grab your own coffee he made for you just the way you like.
ExH!Price - Tells you to lose the other men’s numbers. No one will be replacing him and you both know it. He sets his coffee down on the counter and has you out of your sleep shorts in a matter of moments. You're panting his name as he demands to know exactly who you belong to as he drives into you, your hips digging into the counter as you hold the sink for balance.
ExH!Price - Stays for the next three days. You rechristen half the house, even going as far as riding him on the stairs as he makes you watch yourself in the hallway mirror.
ExH!Price - Leaves again. You haven’t taken the ring back off this time but you’ll be damned if he thinks he can keep walking out for work without notice. He’ll stay your ex-husband until he decides you’re the priority.
ExH!Price - Never officially signed those original divorce papers. They're sitting on the boxes of stuff he didn't bother to unpack in his apartment because he knew he'd be back home soon enough.
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wolffwish · 1 year
The Touch of a Hand Lit the Fuse
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Summary: You joined Professor Wolff’s class a little over a month ago, but being as shy as you are, haven’t made any real friends yet. He spots you eating lunch alone in the classroom and decides to keep you company.
Warnings: Professor Wolff x student!reader, smut, daddy/baby girl kink, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, praise kink, choking, everything.
It had been around 6 weeks since you moved across the country and accepted an offer to Harvard. You still couldn’t believe it, that all those years of sleepless nights would have you walking through those Business School doors every morning. You hadn’t made any real friends yet due to your schedule being non stop, and as you couldn’t find a table in the cafeteria, you decided to stop by your classroom to see if it was empty, and it was.
You sat at a table closest to Professor Wolff’s desk, just because it was the furthest away from the door, laid out your lunch in front of you and began toying with the apple you almost regret packing. You took your phone from your pocket and started looking at notes for your next lesson.
Deep in thought, taking in all of your bullet points you’d written last week, you startled as you heard the door open behind you. You turned, only to see none other than your Professor standing in the doorway. His white shirt tucked into his grey trousers showing off his slim but muscular frame, with his suit jacket draped over his arm.
“Oh sorry, y/n, I didn’t realise you were—“
“Shit, sorry, I mean uh, I didn’t know anyone was going to come in, I’ll go, sorry, just give me to secs to put—“ You started scrambling around all of your stuff, attempting to pack it all away when you heard footsteps approaching you.
“Y/n, please, don’t leave on my account. Why are you eating in here all alone?” Toto questioned, a gentle hand placed on your shoulder as if to slow you down.
“I uh, I… I don’t really have any friends yet, and the cafeteria was full, it’s fine, I’ll just go eat outside or in—“
“It’s raining. See?” Professor Wolff stopped you in your tracks and gestured to outside, a grim monsoon-like day that had lasted for about a week. There was no way you could eat outside, and you knew that. You just couldn’t muster up any words that made any sort of sense when you had him towering over you.
He pulled up a seat next to you, albeit uninvited, but you weren’t going to put up a fight. He could sit there all day if he wanted to. He was so tall, handsome as hell, his hair perfectly messy and his white shirt hugging all the right places. You couldn’t help but look him up and down as he popped his jacket on the table next to your lunch and took his glasses off.
He broke the silence.
“So tell me… what’s a kind, pretty girl like you doing with no friends?” He smirked, he knew exactly what he was doing. His fingers ran along his collar as he straightened it out, revealing more of that gorgeous broad neck of his.
“I—“ You couldn’t think. He was literally piercing you with his handsome looks and powerful demeanour. You took off your glasses, which lead to some of your hair getting caught in them, and a few strands of hair messing over your face, resting on your eyelashes. You tried to get them off, but your flustered face and shaking hands meant you were just making a fool of yourself.
“Allow me?” Professor Wolff raised his hand towards your face, and with your nod of permission, gently removed your hair from your eyelashes and tucked it behind your ear. When your face was fully revealed, you made eye contact. His eyes went from your eyes, down to your mouth, and back up to your eyes. “So beautiful…” he whispered, as he removed his hand from behind your ear, gently caressing a finger along your jawline along to your chin.
Was he flirting? Or was he just being friendly? At this point, you were in such a haze you didn’t even know your last name. What do you say at this point? Do you stand up and walk out? Do you ask him a question about his next lecture? Ask him about his life, family, friends, colleagues?
You panicked, and a quick movement from you suddenly had your hand resting on top of his, just below your chin. “Do you treat all of your students you see eating lunch alone like this?” You whispered back to him, hoping you were on the same page.
He smirked, looking at your lips again, and back to your eyes. “Do you question all of your Professor’s that want to keep you company at lunch?” You giggled back— “I guess not.”
Your hand still resting on his as he placed it on his knee, he looked down at it and began stroking the top of your hand with his thumb. He breaks the short silence, “You’re really special, you know that, right? I see how you are in class and I just… I just want to…”
“Do it.” You interrupted him. You thought this was your chance, it’s now or never. You weren’t kidding yourself anymore, you’ve had the hots for this man since you first laid eyes on him. He was making all the moves. You knew it was wrong, but why did it feel so right?
The hunger in his eyes poured out of him as he leaned forwards, locking his lips with yours. A fast paced but sensual kiss, tongues tied with eachother and breathless words mustered between biting of lips.
“Table. Now.” he beckoned, pulling himself away from you. He began unbuttoning his white shirt as he looked you up and down like he was about to dine on you like a three course meal.
You hastily stood up, perching yourself on the edge of the table. Your short sleeved, short button down summer dress was the best decision you made this morning.
Unsure of what to do with your legs, you scurried around for a chair to perch them on. Knees together but feet apart, you shyly tried to pull your dress down as you weren’t familiar with this entire scenario.
He shook his head as he looked down on you, his shirt now unbuttoned all the way and his arms peeling your knees apart. “No no, legs apart for me, that’s it…” you hesitantly separated your legs and took a deep breath in, trying to compose yourself.
“Are you sure we won’t get caught…?” you asked him, looking at the clock behind him. He turned around, checked the time, then turned back to face you. His voice sounding deeper than before, he chuckled to himself… “We have 20 minutes until class starts. I’m sure that’s enough time, don’t you think?”
You nodded and waited for his lead. He moved closer to you, his body in-between your legs as he began lifting your dress up towards your hips. The gentle touch of his fingertips up your inner thighs gave you goosebumps, causing your whole body to tremble under his touch. He flicked his fingers over your already wet panties and teased your sweet spot through the fabric. “Already so wet for me… huh? How about we take these off now?” He hooked both index fingers around the top of your panties and pulled them down your legs, off your ankles and tucked them into the back pocket of his suit trousers. He looks you dead in the eyes, rested one hand on the side of your neck as the other made its way up your thigh. You gasped as his fingers reached your folds, and he began teasing your entrance with his two middle fingers. As he pushed further in to your slick wet pussy, your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your neck leant back, as you felt a rush of heat overcome you. He leant down, and kissed your open neck softly. “You like that, baby? You like it with my fingers deep inside you?”
You nodded, eyes shut and lips pressed together trying to hold in your moans. You were terrified to make a sound, through fear of being caught. This was dangerous territory, and someone could walk in at any moment.
Not satisfied with your response, Professor Wolff brought his face up to look at you. “Look at me. Look. Eyes on me.” He demanded, as his fingers thrusted in and out of you with ease, you could almost hear the slickness from your insides drowning his fingers. “I need you to use your words, baby. Come on, tell me… tell me.”
You locked eyes with him and breathed out, your breath caressing his lips like it was a drug to him. “It’s… it’s so fucking good, oh god, it’s so good… please don’t sto—“
You could feel your walls spasming inside you as his long, thick fingers slammed into your g-spot. You were close to exploding on him, and you were so fucking turned on that you didn’t think it was this possible to be this horny, certainly not over your Professor.
“You’re doing so good baby, that’s it. Hold on just a little bit longer for me, I didn’t say you could cum yet, did I…?” He teased, pulling his fingers out slowly and slamming them in hard. He brought his lips to yours, entering his tongue into your mouth as your foreheads met. It was like you were made for eachother, the way you kissed him wasn’t like kissing other guys. This was different. There was a hunger in both of you that couldn’t be tamed, like this whole thing had been a long time coming.
“Please” you begged, “fuck me, f, fuck me right now—“
“Please what?” He questioned. “Please isn’t going to cut it.” He scowled, fingers slamming into you at a fast pace once again. “I need to hear you say it.”
You wanted to say it, you really did. It had been on the tip of your tongue the entire time he’d been fucking you with his fingers, but you weren’t sure if it was right. Or if it’s what he wanted to hear. You whimpered as he pulled his fingers out of you and brought them to his mouth, waiting for your response.
“Not so desperate now, huh? Shall we call it a day then, miss?” He licked his fingers dry of your juices and smirked at the taste of you.
There you were, legs spread on his desk and he was… calling it a day? Because you’d gone quiet…? Or because he was having second thoughts? Every scenario ran through your head. You were scared to look at him if you did pluck up the courage to say it, so you laid your whole body down on the table, making sure your dress was lifted up high enough to reveal some of your stomach.
“Please, fuck me Daddy…”
Silence filled the room. Suddenly the rain started sounding like angry stones being thrown at the window as you waited for a response. You could sense he was still there, and without a single world, you heard the clanging of a belt clasp unbuckling, and the fabric of his suit trousers being slid down his legs. Did he like it?
“There it is, there’s my confident girl…” he growled, as he knelt down. He began kissing up your inner thighs, tracing his tongue along your hot skin all the way to your shining pussy. His hands made their way up your dress, cupping your breasts and playing with your nipples as his mouth locked around your clit. His tongue making beautiful patterns at your entrance and finally into your pussy, as you felt him kiss and suck you, pleasure like you’d never felt it before.
“Holy shit, Professor, oh my god…” your breathing became erratic as you bucked your hips at the feel of his tongue on the walls of your pussy. You feel the movement of his head shake side to side. He lifted his head away, bringing one hand down from your breast to your pussy and sliding a finger in. He massages your walls, getting you absolutely soaked. “Try again baby girl… that’s not what I’m called now, is it?” He kissed your thigh again, waiting for your response.
You were out of breath and you’d almost reached your climax twice in the last 10 minutes. You couldn’t think of any words, let alone string a sentence together. “Daddy… fuck, please, need your cock so bad…”
Toto was so fucking turned on, now it was his turn to be at a loss for words. He quickly stood up, drawing his cock out of his white Armani boxers and gave it a few slow tugs. “You want this, huh?” He teased, looking down at his rock hard cock near your entrance. He could see your pleading eyes, almost crying in desperation as you lifted up your head to get a better look at his cock. “Fuck… it’s so big.” You’re shocked. You knew it would be big, but shit… you were about to be torn in half.
He smirked, stepping closer to you and rubbing the tip over your clit. Precum beading on the tip, he used his thumb to wipe off the remnants and bought it up to your face. “Suck.” He demanded. You opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue, and he placed the pad of his thumb on your tongue and fingers under your chin. “That’s it… good girl baby, suck for Daddy.”
Your cheeks went hollow as you sucked his thumb as he demanded. You shut your eyes and tried to concentrate on the taste of his precum, and fuck it tasted good. You could only imagine what the real thing tasted like.
As you opened your mouth to take a breather, you felt his entire body shift, and with one long thrust, he entered his full length into your tight pussy. You both let out an elongated moan, your pussy clamping onto his throbbing cock. He tried to stay upright, but his desire to kiss you overwhelmed him so he brought both your knees up higher and lifted his weight onto you. His hips began long, slow thrusts into you. With each slam, the pain of his thick cock lessened and become a lot more pleasurable. He locked his eyes with yours as you could see his shoulders tensing as he held himself up. “So… fucking… tight…” he claimed, as you both looked down at him fucking you senseless. Sweat began beading on his ripped body. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this…” he beckoned as he leant down to kiss you on the lips. You slipped your tongue into his mouth and began rocking your hips up to match his rhythm of thrusts. “So good Daddy, so good…” you mumbled inbetween kisses.
As you bucked your hips up to meet his, his cock met your sweet spot deep inside you and you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to your climax. “Fuck, I’m so close…” you whimpered. His face was now buried in your neck, sucking gently on your bare skin.
“So good for me baby, that’s it, oh god… keep fucking doing that with your hips, whatever you’re doing, fuck…” now he was begging you, as you continued your momentum of hip rocking so every time he thrusted in, you bucked your hips up to make sure he was as deep as he could be.
There was now a slick layer of sweat between your bodies as you both got closer to your climax’s. You were desperate for your Professor to cum inside you as you let go of your climax too… desperate for him to fill you up to the brim.
The intense fucking he was giving you was out of this world. The sound of him fucking you, the wetness of your pussy. You could feel his balls slamming you hard, too. It was almost an out of body experience, and you didn’t want it to ever end. You were fucked. Absolutely fucked.
As he gave you another kiss, you brought your hands up to his neck and began running your perfectly French-manicured nails through his hair and down his neck and back. “Daddy… I… need you to fill me up… need your cum in me…”
Those words were like a drug to him. He began thrusting you harder, his cock almost sliding out of you he was thrusting that high and hard. You felt your walls clamping round his cock and he could clearly feel it too, as you could feel him reaching his pinnacle. “Daddy… fuck I’m cumming… please, togeth—“ “Oh baby, shit… god I’m gonna fucking cum… fuck… ah fuck!!!”
Your walls clamped around him so hard as you felt spurts of his hot cum shoot up deep inside you. His entire body tensed as he bit on the side of your neck, trying to hold himself together yet jolting at the feel of both your orgasms intertwining with one another.
“Holy shit, baby… that was fucking…”
“…so good…” you finished his sentence for him as your breathing became slower and calmer. You placed your hand gently on top of his head and caressed his hair between your fingers, massaging his scalp as he calmed down.
His cock still inside you, he adjusted himself so he was pushed up on his arms above you. “You’re incredible.” He said, kissing your lips, “so perfect”, then inbetween your breasts. He stood up, slowly sliding his cock out of you and watching both his and your cum pour out of you.
“Fuck!!!” you gasped as you tried to catch it by crossing your legs. “It’s so messy… I’m sorry..” you bolted up right, a slight head rush from getting up too quickly as you embarrassingly attempted to covered yourself.
“Hey hey… little one. It’s okay, don’t worry.” Toto crouched down so he was at your eye level. He kissed your forehead and brought you in for a cuddle, your head resting on his chest. Your adrenaline come-down was hitting you hard, your body was hot to the touch but you were trembling and felt freezing cold. You could hear his heart beating…Still pretty fast, but not as fast as earlier. You began breathing hard again, panic setting in as you realised what had just happened. Was it wrong? Was he going to regret this? He could sense you were going into some sort of shock just by your ever growing symptoms. “Hey, little one… look at me” he moved you away from his chest, locking eyes with you. “Head to the bathroom and get cleaned up. I’ll excuse you from next lesson if you need to take 10 minutes. Make sure you eat something too, okay?”
You nodded and attempted to stand up, albeit a bit like Bambi as your legs were still like jelly. “Take it easy… don’t you realise you just had a good fucking from your Professor…?” He giggled as he steadied you and kissed the top of your head. “Don’t worry, I know what you’re thinking.”
You panicked. Shit. He was a mind reader now, too?
“I won’t regret this. If anything, I’ll regret only doing it once.”
You smiled as you looked up at him. “Wait… seriously?” You we’re shocked, sweaty, a bit of a mess. You thought there’s no way he could want this again, surely it was a one off?
“Maybe next time we take it somewhere more comfortable, if that sounds good to you?” Toto smiled as he slid his boxers back on, then his trousers and tightened his belt. He reached into his back pocket. “Oh, your panties?” He pulled them out to show them to you. You went to grab them, and he pulled his hand away. “I’ll keep these… you can collect them next time. And give me a new pair. Deal?”
You looked at the soaking wet panties in his hand, then back up to his face. You nodded, not saying a word, as you grabbed your bag and headed for the door. You looked back, and could see him buttoning up his white shirt. He gave you a quick wink, before you exit the room, to the sound of the University bell signalling for next lesson.
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ethanmorales · 1 year
All Parts Now Posted - Masterlist
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Part 1 - Ablaze
Pairing: Ethan Morales x reader 1.3k words Tags: make out, angst Warning: swearing
My fingers grazed against his chest and as I let my hand wander down his torso, I felt every muscle under twitch in anticipation. I looked up at his face and he was already looking at me with a mixture of lust and longing.
“I missed you,” he whispered.
Oh and I missed him. For what other reason would I have climbed through his window at 2:12 in the morning?
But I didn’t say it back. That’s what got us into this mess in the first place. Me caring. Me wanting him so bad it hurt. Me falling while he was always just having a good time.
I looked up at him, pulled out of my thoughts by his inquiring tone.
“Just kiss me,” I demanded.
He only hesitated for two seconds, just briefly enough for his brown eyes to send a silent question, “everything okay?” But his mouth never asked; it was too busy connecting with mine in a blazing kiss that threatened to consume me, him, both of us together.
Everything was on fire. Everywhere he touched. Everywhere he kissed. My skin burned with his touch and for it. We barely paused for breath as he laid me down on his bed. He unlinked our mouths long enough to grab the hem of my shirt and help me out of it. Then we lit up again.
I glided my fingers in the soft waves of his hair as his mouth found the spot where my neck meets my shoulder. His teeth gently grazed against the skin, just enough for me to feel the pressure but not enough to cause pain and then his tongue followed. He started trailing downward to my chest with that same technique.
"Ethan." It was a half-whispered moan. I say half whispered because it was not as quiet as I intended it to be.
At his name, he looked up at me, smiling that damning adorable smile of his and placed a finger over my lips.
"My parents' sleep next door."
He was better at whispering than I was. Probably had more experience at this kind of clandestine middle of the night type of encounter. Before the bitter thought took full effect in my head, his mouth clashed against mine in another fiery kiss. Almost like he wanted to distract me from my own thoughts.
It was working.
The kiss that started like a flame scorching through us with intensity and desperation, simmered down into a heart wrenching slower tempo. Our mouths molded together, his tongue slow danced with mine in perfect unison... and I was lost.
Lost to the sweet taste of his lips. Lost to the movement of his pelvis against mine and the calculated motions building up the fire that he had awoken in me. Though we still had enough clothing separating us from the fusing of our bodies, it didn't dampen the ever-present ache within me.
With the way he touched me, you would think he felt the same.
So, I was lost. Lost in the depths of longing. Longing for this guy that could never ever reciprocate such feeling in return.
I pushed away from him as abruptly as I had the thought. I was met by a look that someone that didn't know him would think is concern. But I knew better.
"I have to go." My words practically a mumble.
"What?" he seemed disoriented in a way, his eyes searching for something in mine that I didn't want him to find.
"It's late," I said, "If we wake up your parents, they'll disown you for real this time."
Ethan's eyes though still confused, hid partially away by the appearance of his mischievous smile, "So what? They've disowned me like 50 times already. Just this year."
I rolled my eyes.
"You say that with so much pride," I whispered, simultaneously pulling myself out of his grasping hands. I heard him groan in protest behind me as I pulled my shirt over my head.
"Because the shit they say doesn't mean anything. They think that by acting like they're disappointed in me, I'll just magically turn into the son they always wanted. It's bullshit."
I shook my head at this rant and turned to face him. He had gotten up from the bed as well and was less than two feet away from me.
"If you really didn't care, you wouldn't' have shushed me earlier. But God knows you're too cool to admit to caring about anything so I'm not having this argument with you." I sounded defeated. He noticed the change in my tone immediately, his eyes narrowed.
"Why do we have to argue at all? There are way more fun things that we could be doing right now." Even as he said it, I could see that he didn't mean it. Something in his expression closed off at my previous comment.
"I have to be up early anyways," I said gently.
"Sure. Whatever." He walked towards his window. I followed behind until we were in front of it.
I looked up at him. He didn't seem to want to look me in the eye as he avoided my gaze. I gave up.
"Okay. I'll see you around then."
My voice was small, and I hated myself for it. This is where we end up every time. I understand that he has never claimed to be anything but who I've always known him to be, but can you blame me for wanting more? I'm only human. And I know... that's it's wrong that I want him to change for me. I should be accepting him as he is or staying away from him, but I can't. The harder I try, the easier it is for me to end up here with him. Stuck in this goddamn tragic loop of ours.
I shake my head to myself and throw a leg over the windowsill. As I push myself out and my feet touch the freshly cut grass of his backyard, I thank God he lives in a one-story home.
When I turn to close his bedroom window, he stops me with a hand over mine. I move mine away and he frowns. He proceeds to climb out of his window.
"What?" I ask, unable to keep the edge out of my voice. I was already too emotionally drained to hide my upset.
He blinks with confusion. "What am I doing wrong?"
I huff but say nothing.
He sighs, "How do I stop upsetting you if you won't tell me what it is that you're upset about?"
I snap. "You. You are the reason I'm upset!"
His eyes widen, "What about me? "
I want to tell him. I want to tell him everything. All the things he makes me feel; good and bad. My fears. My thoughts. But I can't. Because I know what he will say.
"I didn't sign up for this".
"We had a deal."
"Don't start getting clingy."
I've heard it all come out of his mouth before. Not with me. With the many girls I've seen him with. But still. I refuse to make the mistakes the rest of them did. I will never admit that I had fallen for him. Not now. Not ever.
I held his gaze for a second, but his beautiful brown eyes made my poor heart flutter uncomfortably in my chest. I look away.
"Nothing, sorry. I really gotta go. I get cranky when I don't sleep."
I start turning around to leave, but then feel his arm snake around my waist and pull me in against him, leaving no space between us.
I look up at him in a question. His eyes scanned my face for something, though I'm not sure what.
That's all he says before his mouth crashes over mine.
I didn't want it. The rational part of me knew that I should back off and walk away. But as soon as his tongue invades my mouth, the heat of our flame sears through my whole being... and we're back to where we started.
To be continued...
A/N: Haven't written in ages. But after watching season 4 of Never Have I Ever.... I had to. My goodness, Ethan got me feeling all kinds of things lol. Made a new blog just to write this without judgement. Let me know if you want a part 2. I feel like this might deserve another part. Or maybe I can turn it into a series? Let me know if you liked it and I'll write more :)
Update: will be doing a part two! Maybe 3... we shall see :D
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taylortruther · 2 months
the alchemy as in the transformative power of art and love like then something happened one magical night… i had a marvelous time ruining everything and shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when i saw your face and i once was poison ivy but now i’m your daisy and my love had been frozen deep blue but you painted me golden and i make all your gray days clear and the touch of a hand lit the fuse of a chain reaction of counter moves and i trace the evidence make it make some sense and magic, madness, heaven, sin and i grabbed a pen and an old napkin and i wrote down our song
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rookthorne · 2 months
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐎𝐡 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥, 𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐌𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞
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Something was coming, and it was on its way to you — there was no way to save yourself from the devil that set his sights on you, and you were hopeless against the whims of his charm or rugged ways. 
And in an act of gratitude and pure innocence, you allowed the devil in, none the wiser for what was to come; no man was without his sins, but better the devil you don’t know. 
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ꕤ Outlaw!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ꕤ 5.5k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ꕤ Explicit threats, attempted assault, non-graphic background character death, Grumpy!Protective!Bucky, fluff ჻჻჻ TROPES: Touch her and you die, Grumpy/Sunshine
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 ꕤ Oh no, it's a Grumpy/Sunshine, touch her and you die trope collection in the form of a brooding outlaw — someone stop me.
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒔 ꕤ Way down We Go by KALEO ꕤ Broken Bones by KALEO ꕤ The River by Blues Saraceno ꕤ The Devil Inside by Daniel Murphy, Anthony Sanudo, Eric Serna ꕤ Deadwood by Really Slow Motion ꕤ Ain't No Devil by Andrea Wasse
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 ꕤ @buckybarnesevents Build a Bucky Bingo ჻჻჻ Bad Reputation (February), Wild West AU (April) — Masterlist ꕤ @buckybarnesevents Alternate June-iverse 𝗖𝟭 — Outlaw AU — Masterlist
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𝐑𝐮𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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The bustling street that cut straight through the middle of the local livestock town as the main thoroughfare was overrun with folks going about their day. 
Men, clad in leathers and vests with holsters on their hips lined the saloon stairs, while women in an assortment of skirts and blouses rushed with baskets and wares from the general store; their children playing in the mud, dirtying their worn clothes while mothers shrieked their grief over the once clean garments. 
You couldn’t help the slight laugh that fell from your lips as you passed by a small boy who was splattered from head to toe in mud, his mother in a tizzy. “Now, Johnny–”
It was a pleasant day. A cool breeze blew through the side streets and over your sun-warmed skin. The basket on your arm was full of wares from your trip to the hunter down the lane, and the saddlebags on your old, trusted mare were lined with provisions from the general store. 
Though no matter how pleasant it was, or how many children shrieked with laughter while they ran around your legs in joy, something screamed in the back of your mind that something was wrong — an instinct long honed after working on a ranch since you were only a child. 
“Good mornin’, miss.” 
You startled from your reverie at the sound of a deep, rasped voice to your right. “Oh–!” The man smiled sympathetically, and you realised with a jolt that it was one of the old sharpshooters — a man well past his prime, but one of the very few that had a shred of decency and sense within the town. “Oh, good morning,” you replied, smiling. “Pleasant day.” 
He hummed in reply, and you continued on. 
The shade of the awnings overhead disappeared as you walked out into the muddied street, and you blinked from the bright rays — halos of rainbows danced in your vision while the sun warmed your face. 
From a way, a few stragglers from the saloon stumbled into view, and you sighed as you caught sight of the haggard appearances and putrid smell. You kept your head down and eyes averted as you neared their stumbling figures and scrunched your nose in disgust. 
No decent, respectable man stunk to the high heavens of liquor with a temper to match a lit fuse. 
The centre of town came into view, and the further you walked towards one of your last destinations for the day, the stronger the sense of impending something lingered in the air — it crackled with tension, akin to the static before a storm. 
Every single man you passed was twitchy, their hands migrating to the holsters on their hips; every woman was hurrying by, faces taut with some unexplained worry. 
Instinct — a woman’s intuition — insisted that something was coming.
You looked over your shoulder and cursed your past self for hitching your mare such a distance away. Her broad, muscled frame was no longer in sight through the scurrying crowds — the golden glow of her coat coloured with patches of white impossible to see through the scurry of people. 
“Oh, girl,” you mumbled, and you half considered turning tail to head back home. 
But the doctor’s office was only a few paces away, you reasoned, and you hurried along, resolutely ignoring the collective, worried gazes from the townsfolk towards the horizon. The muddied skirts of your dress fluttered as you trotted towards the clean building that housed the resident doctor, and the basket over your arm swayed with your gait. Best be fast.
When the heels of your old boots hit the wooden slats of the wrap-around deck, the door to the doctor’s office just within reach, it happened. 
Around you, the townsfolk fell deathly silent — not a peep, not a sound. Every last man, woman, and child froze in place and stared, wide-eyed and stricken, down the street, downwind towards the horizon they were so fixated on. 
Your stomach turned with nerves. The skin on the back of your neck prickled while your hair stood on end. It was an unnatural silence that pounded against your ears, and the blood that pumped through your veins turned to ice. 
Gravely unsettled, you blinked against the instinct to run and hide, in favour or searching for the source. 
The steady beat of heavy hooves thundered from down the street. Beside you, a woman and child gasped quietly — you paid them no mind, for the sight of two horses enraptured you. 
Muscle and sinew rippled with the gait of their long, lean legs. They walked side by side, the tack on their back, chests, and proud, handsome faces jingled and followed the contours of their broad flanks. Their coats shone under the light of the sun, but there was no mistaking the inked black beneath the splatter of mud from their journey. 
It would be almost impossible to tell them apart if it weren’t for the one on the left appearing far calmer than their companion, who snorted proudly and tossed their head. 
Your focus moved from the stunning creatures to their riders, and your breath hitched. 
The man atop the fiery, fierce horse clothed similarly to his mount. A rippling, black coat barely concealed the hip holsters that held revolvers with ebony accented grips, or the elaborate bandolier wrapped from his shoulder to his waist — the same black leather as his coat, but accented in silver, ornate imagery.
Rifles were strapped to the side of his saddle, long barrelled and scoped alike. From beneath his tilted hat, you could see the flow of jaw length, dark hair that fell in tresses to cover the profile of his face. 
A man prepared for war, you thought distantly. He held himself like a soldier — straight-backed and proud, guarded and eyes swivelling to take in the stilted townsfolk. 
Though you could not discern what was being said, you watched the man’s mouth move, and his head turned towards his companion. 
You followed his gaze and took in the other rider. He sported a blond beard and brown leather, his own coat shorter and far less impressive — a simple rifle and a hunter’s bow was strapped to his saddle, and his gaze was far softer.
The horses walked closer and closer, and the nearer the two men came, the more nervous the people around you grew. A few men skittered off and bolted down side streets, or plainly ran away. 
For the life of you, you could not understand why — they looked no different from the men that went rogue against the laws of society to take up arms in the wilderness. 
You were still rooted in place when they came so close you could scent the rich, cured leather of their boots and saddles, and you couldn’t help staring at the extravagant wealth that lined their person and padded their mounts. It was plain as day they were no strangers to wealth, but to be an outlaw with wealth? That was unheard of. 
It was only when they were right next to you did your ability to breathe truly vanish. 
“I don’t like this,” the blond grumbled, his eyes darting from person to person. “It’s too open—far too open, we’re exposed. You know what’ll happen if we’re cornered–”
“Enough.” Sharp, grey eyes met yours, and within the second of that glance, you felt your stomach flip upside down. The heart that hammered in your chest rocketed upwards into your throat. 
The stranger seemed to have an inkling for your reaction, or he experienced something similar — his eyes narrowed as he considered you, a piercing look that took hold of your wriggling stomach and forced it to still. “We’ll get what we need and move on. Calm down.”
You blinked, and he was no longer looking at you. Instead, his blond companion gazed at you curiously, tilting his head. 
“Move on,” the dark-haired man spat, and he nudged his horse into a trot. The slap from the leather reins against his horse’s neck was loud. 
Rather than spur onwards, the blond stared at you for a moment longer. “Rogers, get a move on.”
“Yeah,” he said softly, still staring at you. Blue eyes moved over your face before he turned his head forwards, then he followed behind his partner. 
When the both of them were out of earshot, you heard multitudes of townsfolk collectively exhale with what you guessed was relief. “We don’t need another shoot out thanks to those bastards,” one of them grumbled. “Not after the last one.”
“Shootout?” you questioned, feeling your heart slowly sink back down into your chest. “What– What happened?”
They regarded you carefully. “You don’t come down this way often, do you, miss?” 
You shook your head. “No, I live over–”
“Count yourself lucky,” they interrupted, raising their brows. “Those two are monsters. Don’t have the bounty on their heads for nothin’, and you don’t get any bounty hunters in these parts that go after ‘em ‘cause all the ones that do, end up fed to the wolves.” The bag over their shoulder was shrugged further up, their grip tight. “Just stay well away from ‘em, miss—not the kinda folk you want to get involved with if you want t’a live in peace.”
They turned away. Their hunched back swayed under the weight of the sack on their shoulder. 
You frowned at the retreating stranger. 
Sure, they looked the part of a deadly duo, not unlike the ones in your novellas or dreams, but they passed through the town peacefully, if ominously — that was the fault of the townsfolk acting as though death himself strolled down the muddied street. 
“I don’t understand…” A loud snort of one of their horses drew your attention, and you watched as the strangers dismounted and hitched their mounts right out the front of the general store. 
Everyone gave them a wide berth; heads down and feet fast over the mud to get out of their way. 
What a lonely existence, you thought. 
For the entirety of your life, you were regarded as a bright, intelligent woman that worked hard. The passing of your family had hit you hard, but you were determined to live up to their memory, to maintain the ranch they left behind and restore it to its full glory — only that took up far more time than you anticipated, and while it was still a raw wound, you trudged on. 
Being all alone up on your small slice of good ol’ Western soil was something you took pride in, but you had to admit, albeit grudgingly, that it wasn’t all it was cut out to be. 
The thought alone made you sympathise with the two outlaws — a life on the road, running from societal norms and expectations while maintaining the lifestyle they no doubt had become accustomed to, made even you feel a sense of weary exhaustion deep in your bones.
Isolation was not a weak man’s game. 
“Get it together,” you hastily whispered, shaking your head under the guise of shooing a fly. Your bright, generous personality would not help them, nor would it help you, you reasoned — not this time. 
With a heavy sigh, you pushed open the door to the doctor’s office to purchase some medicine and supplies for the coming weeks. 
The entirety of the town was still strung up with tension when you exited the doctor’s office half an hour later, according to your pocket watch — a family heirloom. People still rushed to and fro with their gazes locked onto the two black horses settled by the hitching post at the general store. 
It was a foolish decision, but you stopped to admire their fine confirmations and broad builds. 
There were no doubts on how war-ready the two were, though their docile nature threw you — never before had you seen horses stand so blessedly still and patient, even back on your own ranch. 
You couldn’t help but take a step closer, the urge to feel the silken soft coats that were muddied from their journey overwhelming your rational sense. There was no mistaking the fact that they were both stallions now you were beside them; finely bred and hardened for battle from their owners' tendencies for violence. 
A dark, mahogany eye met yours, and if it were possible, their face softened while their ears perked forwards. 
On the other side of the stallion you greeted, was the one with a white star. His eyes were far kinder and softer than the first’s.
The first stallion knickered lowly while you stepped even closer, the compulsion to be near overtaking you, and you held your hand out for the creature to sniff. The brush of his lips over your offered hand made you giggle. “Aren’t you two beautiful?”
They snorted in tandem. 
Suddenly, the hair on your arms stood on end, and the feeling of being watched spooked you into stepping back hastily. You glanced around to search for the cause, afraid for what you would find, but there was no one paying attention to you; far too consumed in their own needs to finish their runs for supplies or complete their jobs. 
“I have to go, beauties,” you said quietly to the two horses, who only blinked in reply. 
Your feet carried you swiftly away, but you glanced over your shoulder to the two stallions one last time, in awe of their strength and beauty. 
You weren’t to see the set of steel grey eyes watching you from the gunsmith’s window on the opposite side of the street, not while you hastened your pace to get back to your own mount and go home — where it was safe. 
People bustled and shoved against you as they made their own way, and you kept your breath steady and even the best you could. 
Shouts and calls of workmen and ranch hands followed you as you half walked, half jogged onwards, and halfway to your patient mare, you were pulled up short by the rotten stench of waste and liquor — a potent mix that would make anyone’s stomach turn. 
It was sickeningly close, and the source was a stumbling, drunken fool in front of you. 
“Oh, no,” you mumbled. The volume of your voice was next to impossible to make out among the background noise, and you were grateful — there was no telling what this drunkard would do if he heard you. 
His back was turned towards you, and you carefully hastened to walk around him, to avoid his line of sight, but his head turned just as you took a step to the side. 
The sudden appearance of a woman within his filthy grasp caught his attention, and the words that fell from his drooling mouth weren’t even intelligible. “Ain– Pretty girl–” A hiccup and loud belch cut his torrent short. 
“I’m just– Oh,” you gasped as the man pulled a knife and an old, rusted revolver from the inside of his jacket. A cascade of fear shut your mind down and locked your joints, the immobility frightened you beyond what you could bear. “No, no, please–” 
They were only small weapons, but they would do no less damage if he shot you point blank or forced the blade through skin and bone. “Sir, please–” 
“Gim’ money!”
“I don’t have– Please, leave me be,” you pleaded, holding up a placating hand. The fear turned your tongue into a lead weight in your mouth and you couldn’t speak more than a few words to plead for your life, which only infuriated the man further. 
He advanced, his steps stumbling and uncoordinated, and the gun he brandished glinted in the sun — a menacing shine of metal that you knew was your last. The stench of his breath made your stomach roil with sickness. “Good for nothin’ whor–”
Footsteps rustled and waded through the mud behind you, and the world around you froze. 
The drunkard’s mouth hung slack, wide with the shock from the sudden, cold bite of metal from the end of an ornate muzzle pressing hard into his temple. A gloved finger was poised over the trigger. 
Your attention snapped to the brave soul that came to your rescue, and your own mouth fell open in shocked awe — the same outlaw that sent the town into a terrified silence held his ebony revolver to the drunkard’s temple with little regard for the force behind it.
He looked inhuman with fury laced through the pale blue of his eyes. Malice and disgust radiated from him in waves. 
“Now do you really want to finish insultin’ this poor woman?” a husked voice asked behind you. You whirled around, the skirts of your dress fluttering, and found the blond outlaw standing behind you, terrible in his rage. “Robbin’ an innocent girl to get your fuckin’ dick wet at the whore house?”
There was a pregnant pause, only broken by the piteous whimpering from the drunkard. “I– I–” A dark stain grew over the crotch of his worn, stained overalls. 
His head jerked hard to the side as one of your saviours pushed the muzzle of the gun harder against the thin bones of his temple with a snarl. “He asked you a question.”
“What the fuck do you think you were doin’, you bastard?” The blond spat. “Answer me before you get a third eye.”
Before the drunkard could answer, you cut in fearfully, “I– I just want to go home.” The darker-haired outlaw’s eyes flashed angrily as he looked at you, and you stepped back on instinct, only to come back to chest with his partner. “Please, just– I am so sorry–”
“You aren’t the one tossin’ around a damned fuckin’ gun like it’s your cock, sweetheart,” the blond soothed.
A low growl of anger came from the dark-haired outlaw’s throat. “And pathetic men who disrespect a woman in front of me tend to lose theirs—by a fuckin’ bullet or a knife, your choice.” 
The drunkard stumbled to the side with the shove from the gun. 
“Buck,” the blond said, and you guessed that was the dark-haired outlaw’s name. “I don’t think this fella is goin’ to answer me.” A hand rested on your shoulder, and you jumped. “Whoa– Easy, sweetheart, we’re not the ones that are goin’ to hurt you.” 
The warmth from his palm abated the worst of the fear, and you followed where he guided you to stand — in his shadow that casted itself over the ground. “As for him, well…”
“Apologise,” Buck spat, nearing the drunkard’s pale, sweaty face. “I don’t care if I have to lose a bullet to get you to do it, either.”
“S– Sorry, miss,” the drunkard whispered, his voice high with terror. “Sorry, I–” He was cut off by the shove to the shoulder, and you watched as he clumsily ran away. 
Only, Buck raised his revolver and cocked the hammer back before a shot ran out with a cloud of smoke. The sound echoed like cannon fire off of the surrounding trees and sparse buildings — you could even hear faint shouts and screams of fear within the township. 
“Good riddance,” the blond said with a nod. 
“I wasn’t goin’ to let the bastard go,” Buck said lowly, voice still laced with a poisonous vitriol. He looked at you then and lowered his head respectfully. “Miss.”
“I–” You tried, but some force was making you tremble from head to toe — waves of flight or fight warring within your mind as you stood between the two deadliest men you had ever encountered. “Please don’t hurt me–”
“Oh, sweetheart, no,” the blond said quickly, holding his hands up and away from his holsters. “Name’s Steve, this here is Buck—or Bucky.”
You looked between them, eyes wide with your fear and still rooted to the spot with your pulsing terror. While you looked at Steve beseechingly, you saw from the corner or your eyes as Bucky shrugged off his thick, leather coat to reveal a white, long-sleeved shirt, and a black vest that had embroidery and filigree within the expensive material.
He was silent while he stood there, coat in his gloved hands. 
“Where’s your horse?” Steve asked, looking around. 
“Over– She’s over there,” you whispered, pointing towards where you hitched your mare. The bustle of noise had caught her attention, and you could see her kind face looking in your direction with her ears perked. “I didn’t think to–”
“Don’t worry, miss,” Steve assured, and he looked at Bucky with a brow raised. “You good?”
Bucky nodded, then offered his coat to you. “To keep you warm,” he rasped. “You’re shakin’ like a leaf.”
You blinked and almost dropped your basket, but Bucky rushed forward and caught it. “Here,” he offered quietly, passing the basket to Steve and holding up his coat — the inner leather was warm and rich with his scent, and you couldn’t help but burrow into the comfort it provided. 
The basket with all of your wares hung from Steve’s arm. “We’ll take you home, then be on our way—that alright, miss?” 
Bucky was still working the large coat over your shoulders until he was satisfied it would sit comfortably. “I– I don’t know–” The journey home was a long one, and you wouldn’t say no to the safety their company would provide, but the problem of your trembling limbs made you doubt whether you would be able to stay in the saddle for long at all. 
The two of them seemed to catch on to your concern. 
Steve frowned and glanced at Bucky, who was wordlessly staring at your hands. “You can hop on behind Buck—your mare can follow behind, I’ve got her.”
Without another word, Steve started to walk towards their two mounts that were waiting a few feet away — you hadn’t even noticed them. 
Bucky glanced up at your face while you stared into his, and he smiled slightly. The ice that had settled in your stomach inexplicably melted away with the softness of his gaze. You followed behind him as he led you to their stallions. 
The shadow from a building beside them made their coats even darker, and the bigger of the two started to walk forwards at the sight of you approaching with one of their number. It was the same horse that affectionately brushed his lips over your hand out the front of the general store.
“Oh, hello,” you whispered, unable to help the smile that pulled at your lips. “You are beautiful, aren’t you?”
“Don’t give ‘im a bigger ego than his owner,” Steve chortled. The withering glare Bucky sent Steve almost made you laugh. 
“This is Rebel,” Bucky said, patting the stallion’s lithe neck and making the skin ripple. 
“Hello, Rebel,” you cooed, scratching his nose affectionately. Then, you realised you hadn’t given any of them your name, and when you glanced at Bucky after offering it, his head was tilted minutely to the side. 
He did not give you a chance to question why before he mounted Rebel and sat in the saddle proudly. “You can ride?”
“Yeah.” Bucky’s grip on your hand was tight and firm, and he yanked you up from the ground with apparent ease. “I, uh– My home is a ranch.”
There was a pleased hum from Steve, and Bucky looked over his shoulder at you while Rebel’s hooves shuffled to accommodate the sudden new addition on his back. 
“Hold tight,” Bucky said gruffly. You rested your hands on either side of his waist, holding steady while Rebel’s movements were smooth beneath you — the reins were loose, and Bucky’s thighs clamped around the barrel of his mount’s flanks. 
“He is so beautiful,” you murmured again, just as Rebel made to turn around and walk towards your mare. On impulse, you moved one hand from Bucky’s waist to the dark coat behind your thighs. 
The inky pelt felt not unlike a luxurious silk. 
“Thank you,” Bucky said, then he clicked his tongue. Rebel took the cue and picked up the pace. “He’s been through hell an’ back with me. There ain’t many horses as strong as he is. I’m a lucky bastard.”
You moved your hands from Rebel’s coat back to Bucky’s waist to hold on. Even over the vest you felt the heat radiating from his body, and you couldn’t help but shift closer.
All the while a part of your mind screamed for you to drop and run — a long, dormant instinct that arose with such strength you’d never felt before.
The two men were no doubt two of the fiercest you could have ever encountered, that was not for debate or contest — you could feel the strength of Bucky’s control on his horse in the way the mount moved with such trained ease. Not to mention the muscles that rippled under the long-sleeved shirt of his made you realise there was far more than met the eye. 
What held your tongue from screaming or crying for help was the way the two of them did not even bat an eye before shooting a vagrant drunk that accosted you, even though they had no idea who you were — just a woman going about her day. 
Not to them, you thought. 
You noticed the townsfolk that stopped and stared at the three of you while you passed them by, both shock and fear painting their pale, grime-streaked faces, and you couldn’t help but wonder what they were thinking. A poor, foolish girl riding with the most dangerous men.
“There she is,” Steve said suddenly, pulling you from your reverie. You blinked from the light of the sun, and found Steve pointing towards your mare, a beautiful, golden palomino who’s coat gleamed in the morning rays. “That’s her, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you replied, smiling softly at the softened gaze of your mare once she spotted you. “That’s my girl.”
“She’s a fine horse,” Bucky said as he pulled Rebel to a stop. “Stevie, you’ve got ‘er?”
Steve nodded and dismounted to unhitch her from her post. “You take the lead; I’ll follow behind with this pretty lady.” You watched as your mare was tied to the horn of Steve’s saddle, and she came into stride next to him with as little as a heavy sigh to acknowledge her predicament. “A dramatic one–”
“You haven’t seen the worst of it,” you laughed as you scratched at her ears. “Not in the slightest.”
During the journey back to your ranch, you couldn’t help but notice how silent Bucky was — all conversation and pleasantries were held between Steve and yourself, with minimal input from the brooding rider in front of you. During one of the longer stretches of silence, albeit a strangely comfortable one, you took a moment to consider with a keen eye how Bucky held himself. 
The man was truly a marvel, that you assumed correctly. His broad, wide shoulders were straight, only slumping when he seemed to grow weary — most notably through Steve’s many tirades. 
The black vest he wore hugged his chest and waist, accentuating the lines of his muscled torso in all of the right places, and it made you think countlessly of the heroes in your stories that lined the old, wooden bookshelf in your bedroom. 
His shirt wrinkled and smoothed with each movement of his arms, the tight muscle beneath making your mouth water. 
“How far do you live from town?” Bucky asked suddenly, and to your horror, he glanced over his shoulder before you could school your expression, or at least look away from the expanse of his back. Something flashed in his grey eyes, and you were embarrassed to see a small smirk forming on his full lips. 
The coat over your shoulders was a welcome reprieve and you found yourself burrowing yourself deeper into the warmth it offered your still trembling limbs, and you hastened to answer before Steve could interject — the blond looked about ready to cause more trouble. “Not far, just a little while longer. You’ll come upon my fields soon.”
He nodded and urged Rebel a little faster, the movement of the horse’s hindquarters jostled you into being pressed right up against Bucky’s back. In the slight moment of shock, you clamped your arms around his waist tighter. The fabric wrinkled under your sudden, iron-clad grip, and under your hands, you could feel the low rumble of his chest while he laughed. 
You rested your forehead against the smooth fabric of his vest to hide your shame. 
Wooden fence posts suddenly appeared in your peripheral vision, and you glanced up to find the outer fence line of your ranch perimeter in all its glory. 
The farmhouse at the end of the dusty, dirt lane was a modest building from the exterior, but you were relieved to see it nonetheless — wooden slats were bleached from the harsh light of the sun, and the characteristic weathervane of a loping horse still sat perched on the roof from when you were a child. 
“We’re here,” you said happily, unable to stop the smile of relief. “That’s my home.”
Bucky said nothing while Steve moved his mount closer. “It’s beautiful. You live out here by yourself?”
“I do,” you replied wearily, side-eyeing Steve. “Why?”
Steve looked at you quickly. “I didn’t mean nothin’ by it, I swear.”
“Shut your trap, you fuckin’ bastard,” Bucky snapped, glaring at Steve. You blinked and stared between them. “Leave ‘er alone. If she is happy on ‘er own, she’s happy. She’s already proven to be a strong woman who doesn’t need the likes a’you to judge ‘er.”
“Settle, settle,” Steve laughed, “I meant nothin’, I swear, Buck.”
Bucky shifted in the saddle, and you felt him press back against you. The simple act to get closer made an indescribable heat climb up the skin of your neck. “Good, now shut it.” 
You caught Steve’s gaze, and he winked while Bucky’s gaze was elsewhere. 
The swirling confusion in your mind overtook any sense to question what just happened between them — they truly were an odd duo, but you didn’t linger on that thought too long before Bucky pulled Rebel to a halt on the earthen path that led to your front door. 
The gate creaked and groaned in the slight breeze, and a few of the horses looked up from their lazy grazing to investigate the newcomers. 
“Well, here y’are,” Steve said, handing you the reins for your mare. The two men were looking around your property with interest as you took hold of the rope, and a thought crossed your mind — it was reckless, dangerous, and possibly the most foolish idea, but something nagged within your heart to voice it. 
“Why don’t– Uh, well–” The rope was tight around your knuckles while you fidgeted with it, and your mare nuzzled your elbow. “Why don’t you come on in? I can fix you up a hot meal and you both can, well—you can rest. I can at least thank you for your efforts.”
There was a beat of silence, then Steve said, “You sure, darlin’? We can head on off; we’re only passin’ through.”
Bucky’s expression remained impassive, but there was something in his gaze that told you that you were doing the right thing — however much your good sense screamed that it was a mistake. “I’m sure—come on in and I’ll get the pot going.” 
You didn’t wait for them to answer before you set off to walk towards your home, all the while praying that you hadn’t just bitten the bullet. 
“Well, that’s real kind,” Steve called, then you heard soft hoofbeats thudding over the earth behind you.
The horses scattered throughout the fields watched you walk by with the strangers in tow, ears perked forward and eyes bright with interest. From the corner of your eyes, you could see Rebel start to gain on you, and then you felt his muzzle brush your shoulder. “Hi there, pretty boy,” you cooed, kissing the side of his nose. 
A deep chuckle sounded from his back, and you looked up towards Bucky, who was looking down at you with a soft smile — one that you found you’d do anything to see again. 
“You can hitch the boys just here,” you said as you pointed to a wooden rail set just next to the porch railing. The worn oak was sturdy, and you knew it would hold the two stallions should they grow restless. 
Steve dismounted with a loud groan, and he stretched to the sky when his boots landed on the dirt. 
Bucky, however, moved his left leg up and over Rebel’s neck, and he slid from the saddle with as little effort — a difficult dismount performed with ease, and the bastard knew it, too. An arrogant smirk pulled at the corner of his lips for a moment before Steve rounded the back of his horse, when it vanished. 
The sudden change in his demeanour made your brows furrow with confusion, but Bucky shot you a look that forced your expression to be neutral — whatever made him conscious of his outward expression of happiness was his business, you reminded yourself. 
But you couldn’t deny the pull to see him smile again, not after your interest in the brooding man had grown tenfold over the journey home.
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you're not gonna stop me, are you?
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