#the texture made them look almost glittery and i loved it
sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
Markiplier headcanon request: Chaos at the mall—What department stores are the blorbos going to look in to find gifts for their S/O? Who’d be searching through all the fancy candles for the perfect scent at the Yankee Candle shop? Interrogating the clerk at the chocolate shop for best possible quality items? Anyone now banned from the tech-store outlets? Who’d be causing mayhem at Build-A-Bear?
Anything goes! (Pls do not feel pressured to do this ask if you’re not vibing ’ w/ it.)
Oooh ideas ideas ideas. I love this prompt. But I changed it up a bit. Instead of just being limited to the mall, a lot of characters did their own thing
Mark sent out a tweet on his alt account, asking people what he should get for you. Spent a couple minutes looking through the responses before closing his phone and deciding he would do it himself
Made you a build-a-bear! It looked like him, fake moustache and all, so that way when he was away from you you'd always have something to remind you of him <3
Dark went to the finest jeweler he knew. Only the best for his darling after all
Got you a silver bracelet with the both of your initials engraved on the back, as well as a single rose he had picked from a garden himself
Presented them to you all charming like, reveling in the way your face lit up
Anti can't even get within five miles of the mall after your last visit. You really hope that man is recovering well from the incident-
So online shopping it was! The glitch searched for a bit before deciding on a pet scorpion. It's a strange gift, but its your strange gift <3
He let you name it Snappy
Wilford is ever the romantic. Just...in his own way.
He'll go out to almost every store and buy you multiple things. But the thing is, they're all pink
Pink balloons, pink chocolates, pink roses, s fuzzy pink blanket; you name it, and hes got it.
He even gets you a glittery pink microphone to use durring his annual karaoke nights that he drags you to
This man. This sweet sweet man.
He would work so hard to get you something worthwhile. He can't go to the mall of course, so Yancy is limited to what he can muster up.
This inmate spent weeks chumming up to the guards and getting job after job so that was he could sneek into the wardens office. Once in there, Yancy grabbed a coil of old Christmas lights he'd had his eye on for a while
He had decided to decorate your cell in a more colorful way, knowing how much you hated the bland walls. And maybe he could even slow dance with you under the light show. If you allowed him to do so of course
Built you a small contraption that dings a bell everytime he thinks of you. It's hooked up to a small button that he can press whenever he wants to, making the bell ring!
It's very sweet to come home while he's away to hear the small dinging of the bell. Although you might have to ask him to stop pressing it at three in the morning. You do need your sleep after all
For once in his life, the bastard decided maybe he should do something nice for you. Of course he'd denied ever doing such, but the thought is still there
He didn't even have to go to the mall. Just got you a 8×10 glossy of his heads hots with an autograph at the bottom.
But the i was dotted with a little heart, something that he didnt do for anyone else :>
He had been collecting small rocks for you every time he went on a different adventure. Each and everyone had reminded him of you in some way. Wether that be the texture, shape, or look. There were ones from all over the world! And stories that came along with them too
Illinois put them all in a small box that he would give to you that evening. The adventurer was looking forward to seeing your reaction to
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katsukisblackteddy · 2 years
"Mido-rya, Baku-o and Todo-ki is the coolest!"
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pairings: gn!parent!poc!reader x dad!aizawa description: when your 3 year old son, sakai, goes to work with his father. warning(s): just fluff, not proof-read (I'll go back and fix it later if needed) word count: 1.2k
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The shrill sound of the alarm blared from the table beside him, causing a yawn to escape from his mouth as he sat up begrudgingly and clicked STOP on his lockscreen.
Aizawa Shota was NOT a morning person, but the sweet and earthy smell of the coffee brewing from the kitchen downstairs caught his attention and coaxed him from under the sheets.
His tired eyes glanced at his phone screen to check the time. 6:15 am. He stumbled down the stairs, careful to avoid the slightly creaky landing step that would trigger your sleeping child to wake up.
"Good morning, Sho." You smiled, sliding the cup of coffee carefully across the island counter to his waiting hands.
"Morning, Love." He replied back, pressing a kiss to your cheeks and then your lips before drinking some of the hot coffee that you had poured in his favorite cup.
He had refused to use any other cup since your son, Sakai, had made it for him for Christmas a year ago. It was a messily decorated blue cup with paint splatters of red, orange, black, and white; different random shapes painted on over it and finished off with a few lines and splatters of glittery silver paint. Your son was still learning about patience and had grabbed the mug before it was done drying, leaving his tiny handprint on the side, but Shota loved it even more.
You both didn't need to get up as early as you did, but you both enjoyed the quiet time that the morning gave. You both stood at the large window in your kitchen above the empty sink, watching the wind blow the leaves and flower petals around, Shota's hand around your waist.
"Is your presentation today?" He asked you after a period of silence.
"Yeah, I think it'll go well..." You replied. "Well...I hope so." You laughed lightly.
"You're the smartest person I know." He stated almost immediately afterwards. "You have absolutely nothing to worry about." He kissed your cheek again.
"What are you going to do with your students today?" You asked, setting your coffee cup back down on the counter as he did too.
"Another quirk assessment." He stated after thinking about it. "I want them to see for themselves how far they've come since the beginning of the year."
"You're a good teacher, Sho." You smiled at him softly, causing him to smile at your compliment.
"You think so?"
"I'm not the only one who thinks so. Kai thinks so too. He kept running around the house yesterday saying, 'I'm gonna be just like Daddy!'"
Shota couldn't help the wide smile that appeared on his face before he glanced at the time again. It was already time for him to start getting ready.
The two of you had already discussed Shota taking Sakai to UA with him that day, though you had yet to tell your son. You knew that if you had told him the night before he would have barely slept due to all the excitement.
Shota walked back up the stairs after washing his mug and setting it to the side to dry, doing yours also. He went to his son's door, pushing it open and carefully walking over to his son's bed, being careful to avoid the few toys that laid in the dark.
"Good morning Kai." He said softly, smoothing his son's dark hair. He had gotten his hair color from Shota, though the hair texture was the same as yours.
His eyes opened before he sat up and wrapped his small arms around his father. His eyes were the same color as yours, though the shape was uncannily Shota's. He couldn't help but smile every time he looked at Sakai, seeing the perfect mix of each of you in him.
"Do you want to go to work with me today Kai?" He asked as the three year old pulled away his wide excited eyes locking with his father's as he nodded vigorously.
"YES!" He said as he jumped out of Shota's arms and ran towards his closet.
"Do you need help picking out what you're gonna wear while Daddy gets dressed?" You questioned, standing in the doorway.
Sakai shook his head no quickly, already knowing exactly what he wanted to wear. He grabbed his father's hand dragging him towards the door before pushing him out and closing it, telling his parents that it was going to be a surprise and he was a big boy that didn't need any help.
You simply smiled at each other before heading to get ready yourself.
A few moments later Sakai was ready, Shota's eyes widening slightly before a large smile appeared on his face. Sakai had chosen to wear black jeans and a black long sleeve shirt, wearing capture tape in the same way his father did.
"(y/n)!" Shota called for you as you appeared, a smile instantly appearing on your face at your son in his father's arms, his little outfit an obvious tribute to his all time favorite hero.
"Love you two! Be safe!" You called, kissing your husband goodbye before kissing your son's head. They waved before heading off to UA.
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Shota stopped in the teacher's lounge first, saying hello to the few teachers there before grabbing a few snacks and putting them into his son's bright yellow backpack, continuing down the hall and to class 1-A.
"Aizawa-Sensei!" Tenya Iida said as Shota entered the room. He was one of the first students there, early every day. Bakugou Katsuki and Todoroki Shoto were there too, but they remained quiet.
Shota nodded in response before leading his son over to sit in the desk chair, the three year old taking the small yellow coat off and putting it behind him on the chair like the two of you had taught him to do.
The rest of the students arrived pretty quickly after that, everyone taking their seats and quieting down. Mina and Momo smiled at the little boy who was looking around the room in awe, he waved back at them causing them both to coo.
"Before we begin, you may have noticed that-"
"Hi!" Sakai said excitedly interrupting his father as he waved at everyone.
Shota smiled before turning to his son. "Do you want to introduce yourself?" He asked him as Sakai looked slightly unsure before nodding.
"I'm Aizawa Sakai. I'm 3!" He said, holding up the number on his hand before hiding behind his father's leg.
"You have a kid?!" Kaminari asked after everyone awwed at the little boy. Shota nodded simply, as if he didn't just reveal something quite major.
"Why haven't you brought him before?" Hagakure asked him.
"He had off from school today and he thinks you're all very cool." Shota answered simply.
"Who's your favorite?" Kaminari questioned your son before Bakugou chimed in with an "It's definitely me."
"Mido-rya, Baku-o and Todo-ki are the coolest!" He said shyly, butchering the names slightly but that didn't stop the three boys from smiling proudly, Midoriya almost passing out due to happiness and awe.
"M-me? Wow! T-thanks!" Midoriya managed to get out, clutching his hand to his chest as he bowed in his seat a few times, willing himself not to cry.
"What are we doing today Sensei?" Iida questioned as everyone quieted again.
"You'll be having a quirk assessment test." The older Aizawa answered simply, ignoring almost everyone's protests.
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navystims · 3 years
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Not to gush about webkinz again but the design of the fabrics and shapes of them are just so comforting!!
I refound my Chocolate Lab again and shes so much softer than what I was expecting, the fabric is almost like those cushions that change colour when you move your hand across them and she’s so comforting to hug still. I honestly hate the fact I gave into the growing up and hiding my plushies stigma because she would of been lovely to if had in my room in recent years.
THE PATTEN ON THE PIRATE PARROT WEBKIN IS HONESTLY SO SWEET. He’s a joy to look at, seeing has like skulls with the hats on always makes me smile. Both the pirate parrot and the midnight owl have this really sensory lighter fabric on their wings but in different variations. The midnight owl has a standard black and purple colouring but it’s fabric is glittery and shines in the light bringing its theme together in a really sweet little detail, while the parrot has the fur in the top of its wing but a lovely velvet texture underneath that feels appropriate for the plush.
They’re just all so lovely I really wish they made more plushies for some of the virtually exclusive pets :’)
(Please credit me if you use my gifs)
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spoonful-of-puns · 3 years
I watched Barbie Princess Adventure yesterday and before I watched it I made sure I was going in as unbiased as possible. I tried to let it be its own movie, to not compare it to the other 3 switching lives type movies Barbie has come out with (Princess and the Pauper, Princess and the Popstar, and Rock'n Royals). I wanted to give it a fair chance as a standalone film unburdened by the rest of the franchise, and here's my thoughts after watching.
Target Audience
the main thing I learned from watching this movie is that this Barbie is not the same Barbie I knew while growing up. with the rise of social media, Mattel had to adapt, doing so through YouTube. Barbie is now a vlogger with a YouTube channel, and even does video collaborations with real people. Princess Adventure is the first Barbie movie in which vlog Barbie is the protagonist of the movie, which was a shock to me but I wasn't necessarily opposed. this is what made me realize that Barbie is still a kid-targeted character and now she's targeted to kids who are growing up with the internet, with tablets and phones. Mattel is adapting to keep up with the modern world, and that's okay. the movies don't have as much magic and fantasy as they used to with the introduction of technology, but that doesn't have to stop them from being good movies, especially for the technologically-geared kids watching.
Characters & Plot
Here's where I start to have an issue, and where I have to compare this movie to the other movies to get my point across. Something both Princess and the Pauper and Rock'n Royals succeeded at was having a plot that showed us why the protagonists switching lives was important, how it affected them and what they did with the information of the other person's life. Princess and the Popstar and Princess Adventure both have their own ways they fail to meet this goal. in Princess and the Popstar, the girls want to switch simply because they're bored with their lives. which in theory is fine but the way it's written makes it seem like they're justified in not handling their responsibilities- the Princess, simply to write a speech for an event, and the Popstar to write her own music. this is a stark contrast to PatP, where the girls are straining against sacrificing their personal wishes to fulfill their financial duties, and RnR, where the girls are trying to solve a feud between their two worlds. in Princess Adventure, the problem is not why they switch. in fact, their switch makes sense! Barbie needs to leave her comfort zone so she can expand her vlog material, and Princess Amelia feels burdened by the pressure to be perfect and wants to escape. the problem however, is that we get almost no screen time with them experiencing each other's lives. most of the plot is Barbie talking to her friends, and not much happens with her or Amelia, but by the end of the movie they're thanking each other for all they've learned. how did they learn anything? if they did it was entirely off screen which is my main issue. the characters supposedly grow, but we don't get to see it happen, so we're left (or, I am personally left) not caring much about the happy conclusion because it hardly feels earned.
I also have a problem with the rushed writing. aside from the fact that we don't get to see much of the switching lives part of the plot, the movie is a musical that spends time on songs that don't advance the plot, namely King of the Kingdom, which is a relatively minor character singing about ruling the kingdom. he has no real motivation to do so, and honestly if you removed him from the movie entirely pretty much nothing would change. (to be honest, none of the friend characters matter as individuals and I can't even remember their names, even though i just watched the movie.) this is quite frankly a waste of screentime, and the song is reprised later when the prince of the movie is revealed to be a twist villain. again, we don't get to see Amelia and Barbie's lives very much throughout the film, so to spend time on a twist villain is not only unnecessary for the plot, but it's also incredibly rushed, coming in at the end of the movie with absolutey no foreshadowing. some may argue that since its a kid's movie it doesn't need to have good writing but I disagree. kid's aren't dumb and unless Mattel is trying to move their target audience from 9-12 years old to 3-9 years old, they could stand to write stories that have better messaging and better writing overall. this is, after all, the same company that produced Princess Charm School, which tackles classism and economic inequality, with enough grace to make it understandable for children and still and enjoyable princess movie, and with a twist that's foreshadowed well.
I will admit that I don't hate the animation of this movie. in fact, I love it! I think Barbie looks so pretty here. it's not my favorite necessarily as I am still partial to the look of the early 2000s classics, but Princsss Adventure is definitely a step up from Puppy Chase for example, where the characters look like cheap plastic. my issue though is even though the character models look good, the outfits don't. costume design is as important as any other part of a movie, and plainly put, Princess Adventure very much fell victim to the cheap way Mattel now produces Barbie dolls. anyone who grew up watching the classics remembers the dolls made for Princess and the Pauper, for Diamond Castle, for Rapunzel, and many more. the dresses were beautifully detailed with multiple layers and multiple textures. small tulle and lace designs and tiny fabric flowers were common. today I own a hairdresser Barbie who has what's meant to be a shirt, skirt, and apron... but it's all just printed on a single straight dress, printed to look like different pieces. the dolls also no longer have joints, which- excuse my language- is a pain in the ass while trying to dress or pose them, and would certainly make them less fun to play with, for me at least. the quality of the dolls has gone so downhill over the last few years (I can't help but think it's cutting costs to balance out the cost of diversifying the body and hair types and skin tones). Mattel's primary goal these days is selling dolls, not making good movies, and this shows through unmistakably in Princess Adventure. even animated, the clothes look cheap. there's no detail in them, and most of the outfits are shirts with some sort of inspirational word slapped on it, and a glittery skirt. there's no variation is style from character to character. bringing up Princess Charm School again, there are 4 characters (Blaire, Isla, Hadley, and Delancey) who all have different variants of the same uniform, which have differences that show their personalities. there's no such differentiation in Princess Adventure. the clothes all look like slightly different versions of the same outfit, meant to be swappable between dolls instead of showing a character's personality.
In Conclusion
this was all very train of thought, written at once with no planning. I'm sure there's things I've missed but these are just my primary thoughts about the movie. I think this new age of Barbie where she's a vlogger has a lot of potential, especially because I've seen some of her YouTube videos and actually really like them and think they're a positive role model. this movie however, falls very short of the quality plot, writing, and character design that Barbie movies have had in the past.
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luninosity · 4 years
It’s @whumptober2020 time again! For prompt 10 – “they look so pretty when they bleed,” specific prompts: blood loss/trail of blood; AND prompt 15 – “into the unknown,” specifically magical healing!
 Time for some more Evanstan with witch!Seb! This story takes place in the same universe as “every inch of north and south.” Warnings for...blood & magically inflicted injuries? I promise he’s going to be fine though! It’s magical healing, after all!
Chris steps in through the side door of Sebastian’s magician’s consultation rooms, where the wards know him as Seb’s boyfriend; he’s tired but cheerful, because it’s been a productive day of meetings about the directorial project he’s taking on for fun, the film about rescue dogs, and also he’s brought coffee for Seb from that new place down the street they’ve been meaning to try.
 He’s expecting the familiar tickle of Seb’s magic, and he smiles, the way Seb’s wards generally smile back, all warm and smoky and glittery as opals.
 The magic is familiar. It recognizes him. But it’s also wrong. Frantic. Scurrying. Spiking. Singing and shouting, sounds Chris doesn’t quite physically hear but feels—
 He’s not a witch the way Sebastian is. But he is magic-sensitive, kind of adjacent to it and aware of it if it’s happening, and he’s Seb’s boyfriend. Sebastian’s magic knows that.
 The hairs at the nape of his neck stand up. His skin prickles.
 He takes another step. “Seb? Sebastian?”
 No answer. But Sebastian’s protective magic’s shrieking now, a cacophony of clashing melodies and scents and textures—burning scarlet and blinding gold and copper on Chris’s tongue and whistles in his ears—and it wraps coils around his wrists and ankles and begs for his help—
 He runs. Shoving coffee onto Seb’s table next to the silver scrying bowl. Heart twisting in his chest at the sight of neatly labeled herb-bottles and jars on the shelf, at Seb’s black leather jacket tossed over a chair, as if Sebastian’d expected to be right back—
 “Sebastian? You in here?” Something nags at his brain; his eyes catch up after a second.
 A space on the wall rack. A missing knife. The silver one, the moon-knife.
 Sebastian’s protected against most ordinary blades, but magicians sometimes need to offer drops of blood. Seb’s got a few specific knives for that purpose, which means a few weaknesses. Chris tries to breathe. To think.
 Sebastian doesn’t have any specific enemies, not that he knows about; magicians can be envious and prickly and wary, but Sebastian’s generous and happy and clever and kind, and good at warding-spells, also.
 But Seb had said—something, that morning—something about being asked to consult on a local case, a missing child, and of course he’d said yes, and Chris had nodded because that was a good thing, of course…but Sebastian hadn’t said it’d be anything difficult…
 Or had he? By not saying so, by smiling, by kissing Chris as a distraction?
 Sebastian’s a good witch but—in his own words—not anywhere near the sorcerers of legend. Gifted at cures and summonings and counter-curses, not at leveling mountains or flattening enemy armies. And he and Chris have only been a them for three months—maybe Seb hadn’t wanted him to worry…
 Chris is worried now. Chris is fucking terrified now. “Seb! If you’re here, if you can hear me—say something, come on—”
 Magic pulls at his arm, insistent. Wind howls past his ears, though nothing in the main consultation room physically stirs.
 He spins in the direction of the tugging. Of the two doors plus small staircase, one leads to Seb’s distillery and store-room; the other’s the private workroom, for anything that can’t be handled out in the sunny front space. The staircase goes up to Sebastian’s bedroom-slash-library, with the books on astronomy and the low cozy bed with the decadent satin sheets, where they’ve spent a lot of enjoyable time.
 The door to the private workroom has a small trickle of red underneath it, seeping out.
 Chris stares at it for a second. Then throws himself that way.
 The knob, heavy and bronze, doesn’t turn. Chris slams a hand against thick wood. “Sebastian!”
 No sound.
 “Sebastian, please! Can you—you gotta open the door, Seb—just that, you can do that—let me in, please, Seb, just try—”
 No word from Sebastian; but a click echoes through horrified silence. This time the knob turns.
 The red’s blood and the blood’s so much, a vicious trail that stretches crimson from the door to a puddle over tidy chalk lines and up to—to—
 Chris’s lips say Sebastian, without noise, even as he’s flinging himself across the room. A sizzle scratches down his spine, a hint of burning singes his arm-hair, as he crosses chalk marks; but it’s weak. He doesn’t care.
 Sebastian, lying on his back, blinks and tries to focus as Chris bends over him. He’s clearly just collapsed in place, knocking over equipment along the way. The knife lies silver and deadly amid broken ceramic bits of what looks like a coffee-mug; Sebastian can do scrying-work with anything, Chris knows, and is actually best with an object he uses daily, a coffee-cup friend, a connection. The big silver bowl in the consultation room’s mostly for effect.
 Sebastian’s bleeding from—from everywhere, all over, red soaking his shirt and jeans, Chris’s jeans where he’s kneeling in the puddle, Sebastian’s hair—red streaks Seb’s face, his nose and mouth, his ears, his bared and laid-bare arms, which Chris almost can’t look at because of the raw—
 He clamps hands over the closest wrist. Sebastian’s blood’s hot. Sticky. “Seb—oh god—”
 Sebastian coughs. Starts to talk, coughs again, then manages, “Oh, hey…love you…”
 “Jesus fucking Christ. Seb—I love you, of course I—what, how, what can I—no, no, oh god, Seb—”
 “Not…as bad…as it looks…”
 “It looks like you’re fucking dying!”
 “Well…not quite…that was his plan…but it’s not all me…the water…”
 Chris looks more closely. It’s true: it’s not all Sebastian’s blood. The water from the coffee mug’s thinned it and spread it out and contributed to the pool.
 Contributed to. Not all of. He’s keeping hands over Sebastian’s left arm, holding edges together. The right arm’s just as bad; Seb’s still horribly injured, blood pulsing under Chris’s fingers, making them slippery. “What can I do?”
 “I’m…trying to…heal it.” Sebastian’s face is white. His eyes stand out against the lack of color: that silvery grey-blue Chris loves so much, now etched with pain. “We found her…the girl…it wasn’t that hard, I’m good at talking to the earth…and to water…I just…wasn’t expecting to fight an amateur warlock for her…I won, obviously…”
 “He’s not dead, don’t worry…I don’t do that…just in custody…sort of very not conscious, I think. Him, not me.”
 “Let me help,” Chris pleads, hands wet, jeans wet, workroom wet with hideous ruby splashes. “Please. Anything.”
 “I can’t…” Seb coughs again. Then shuts his eyes. When he opens them his voice is noticeably weaker. “I can’t ask you to…”
 “You’re not. I’m offering. I love you, Seb. I said fucking anything. Do it. I’m here.”
 “It’ll hurt.” Sebastian’s trying hard to sound more all right, and failing. “Chris…”
 “Don’t you fucking dare ask me if I’m sure.”
 “No…I know you are.” A ghost of a smile hovers at the corner of Seb’s mouth: bittersweet, evanescent, affectionate. “Okay. I can stop it…I think…but I could use an anchor…more strength…getting kind of tired, here…but you’re good at awareness, at being present…”
 “I am.” He presses harder. Some of the cuts are healing—he can see them—but not enough. “I can do that. What do you need me to do?”
 “Look at me,” Sebastian whispers. “Look at me, think about me…about who I am, who you think of…when you think of me…and just relax, be open, let me in…”
 Chris draws a wobbly breath. Lets it out. Keeps his hands over the deepest slash. Focuses on Sebastian’s face, Sebastian’s eyes.
 Sebastian, he thinks. Bright and beautiful, ridiculous and generous. Made of stories and magic, a smile through a coffee-scented drift of steam, a love of pizza and outer space and other people. Pure joy in running around the woods on a hike, by turns jumping out at Chris from behind trees or just talking to said trees, running a hand over them, starting conversations.
 Sebastian’s eyes are cool and sweet, shimmering like mist and starlight. Chris finds himself distantly aware of the rest of the world—his hands trying to hold Seb together, the way his jeans stick to his legs, the hardness of the workroom floor—but it’s all going dimmer now, far away.
 More, if Seb needs that. More intimate, more personal. In bed, under him, laughing and fearless. Sebastian sprawled out half atop him, cat-napping, both of them naked and contented in sunshine. The smoothness of Seb’s skin, the dip where his back curves into his ass, the soft little sound he makes when Chris caresses him just right.
 Sebastian doesn’t say anything aloud, but Chris feels something like a yes, rose-pink and amber-laced and dancing like eighties rock music because Seb likes Bon Jovi: Sebastian’s magic, worn thin but glinting and prismatic, reaches out. It draws him in.
 He’s always thought Sebastian’s magic felt and tasted like light, so many kinds of light: wry cool moonbeams and lazy honeyed sun-thrumming and mischievous star-twinkles and quiet shafts of shyly happy radiance unexpectedly hiding in deep green pools. The burst of airiness from a cloud-like meringue. Whipped cream and edible gold dust. The kiss of sun through water in a lake. The hushed glowing of candles, lit with a thought, pooling liquid along entwined bodies.
 Right now the light’s present—Chris can feel it, can taste it—but very ragged, scarlet-tinged. It asks without words, wistful; Sebastian’s giving him one last chance to duck out, he understands. Sebastian isn’t sure that Chris should have to do this, maybe because it’s only been three quick months, maybe because Seb himself wants this so badly—Chris can feel that the same way he can feel how much Seb loves him; no lying here in this place—and Seb is consequently afraid it can’t be true.
 Fuck that, he thinks: you saved me once already, you save me every day I get to kiss you, you make my life more full of magic; let me save you; I love you.
 And Sebastian laughs: stunned, grateful, overwhelmed. And accepts.
 Pain hits first. White-hot and searing. Chris can’t even scream. Can’t think. Can’t process the sensations. If that’s what Seb’s been feeling—how is he even talking, how is he alive, how—
 Sebastian does something else, some tug at a thread in the embroidery of shades of light around them. The pain ebbs: not gone, but covered over by clean wintergreen and mint. The sense this time’s vaguely apologetic, though distracted: Seb’s having to juggle a lot of those threads, with no energy to spare.
 Chris shakes his head. Tries to project don’t worry about me, I can take it that direction. Sebastian does a sort of mental headshake right back at him, and then—
 It’s the strangest feeling. Not bad, not exactly—but dizzying. Stomach-flipping. Vertiginous. The light’s laced itself into his head, his gut, his chest—and it pulls gently and tugs and draws something out of him, taking it in, leaving him lightheaded as it drains.
 His heart thumps faster. He’s off-balance, shaken. And it’s something like a release as well, not orgasmic but close, something like Sebastian stroking him or sucking him until the climax rushes up and out involuntarily, nothing he can do to hold it back, as he shudders and cries out at the flood of release, emptying himself into Seb’s mouth or hand or body.
 The world still tastes like mint, and a little like pain, hot and copper and iron-sharp, but Seb’s shielding him from the worst of it, he’s aware.
 He can feel Sebastian’s magician’s fingertips skillfully taking each strand, each bit of Chris’s energy, and patiently painstakingly reweaving pieces of self: closing wounds, connecting tendons, knitting veins back together. Chris stays very quiet, holding more pieces of Sebastian in his mind as an anchor, and watches him work.
 He doesn’t know how long it takes. Time doesn’t matter, not here.
 He knows he’s growing more tired, more hollowed out; he can feel that. Giving himself, and gladly—but even as he thinks that, the draining eases, and recedes, and backs away.
 Sebastian’s breathing more easily. Sebastian’s arm’s whole, under his hands; Chris blinks, discovers that he has hands, that he can see and feel a world that isn’t diaphanous and timeless and made of light. He’s sticky with drying watery blood, his jeans are ruined, and he’s starving; Sebastian, still lying in the same spot on the floor, opens both eyes. His skin’s less white, and the blood on his face is dried, not new.
 Chris holds his hand, his arm; runs fingertips over bright pink tender flesh, new-made skin. Gazes at Seb, amazed, in awe, thankful.
 “So,” Sebastian says, visibly exhausted but with sparkling eyes, “candles? And…whipped cream?”
 “It’s how you feel.” He touches Seb’s arm again. “Light. You’re not…it’s not finished. All the way.” It’s not: he can see the lines, the tracks. Closed over, safe and not spilling life anymore, but not gone.
 “It’s enough for now.” Seb pushes himself up on an elbow, gingerly; he makes a face as his sleeve lands in a puddle. His shirt’s tattered and slashed open as well; so are his jeans. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
 “I’m not—”
 “If I took much more I would. Trust me.” His eyes meet Chris’s again, less magically hypnotic this time; then flinch, glancing away from the admission of potential harm. “It’s kind of my job. Knowing how far to go. As a professional. And I can do the rest, just more slowly. Are you—”
 “I’m fine!” Drained and wobbly, like he’s just run two back-to-back marathons, and his stomach’s growling. But Seb’s alive. “Should you be sitting up? What else can I do?”
 Sebastian’s expression goes through several emotions, and then he just says, “Chris,” a sigh, a giving in; and he reaches out, and Chris puts both arms around him right there on the messy workroom floor, holding on.
 “I love you,” Seb murmurs after a moment, head resting on Chris’s chest. “I wanted—I might’ve been okay, I was trying hard, I wanted to be—but I wasn’t sure. I was scared. I kept thinking about you, and wanting to see you, and then you were here…”
 “I’m here.” He squeezes more tightly. “Brought you coffee. I had been kinda thinking we could order pizza and stay in, y’know, kind of a long day for both of us…”
 “And then you walked in and found me.” Sebastian tips his head to look up at Chris more. “Sorry.”
 “Hey, you were saving a kid.” He runs a hand over Seb’s hair. They both need a shower. Maybe like three showers. “My hero.”
 “And you saved me. It’ll rebuild—the energy I borrowed, I mean—over a day or so, I think. How’re you feeling?”
 “Hungry,” Chris says truthfully.
 Sebastian stares at him, and then dissolves into giggles: loopy, tired, relieved, and above all real. “Of course…of course, yes, always, after a major working…so am I…oh, Chris. My Chris. Yes.”
 “Yours,” Chris agrees, equally truthful and wholehearted. “What can I do, though? For you? You’ll need to rest, right?”
 Sebastian scrunches up his nose. “Shower? And…yes. We both should, really.”
 “Shower,” Chris concurs firmly, and carefully gets him up off the bloodstained floor.
 He holds onto Sebastian in the shower. He holds Sebastian while red slides away down the drain. He tenderly cleans Sebastian’s skin, trying hard to keep touches weightless over recent and sensitive repairs. He kneads shampoo through Sebastian’s hair.
 The scent of apples and soap rises around them, light and bracing. Sebastian tips his head back, eyes closed, water sliding down his face. He’s beautiful and tired and trusting, letting Chris keep him on his feet. Chris’s heart flutters.
 The world grows easier, steadier, cleansed.
 He tucks Sebastian into bed, gently, after. The workroom will handle its own clean-up—Sebastian’s got a spell in place for that, and it’s automatic—but their clothes’re probably a lost cause; Chris attempts a quick rinse and then just leaves the whole disaster in the shower for later. He can deal with it if Sebastian needs to recover.
 Seb’s half-asleep and drifting, a long-legged enervated kitten, but stretches out a clumsy hand to find Chris’s. “You should rest too.”
 “I will. I’m ordering pizza. Pepperoni okay?” He is, poking his phone, salvaged from a pocket; he plays with Seb’s fingers in his, sitting on the side of the bed. They’re more slender than his own, but long and graceful and talented in so many ways. Magical. “Shower, food, rest. What else?”
 Seb yawns. Pink and red streak his arms and his chest, a reminder; Chris can’t not glance at the marks, unable to help it. “Well…if you wouldn’t mind…there’s a jar on the third shelf, downstairs…yarrow and lemon balm…”
 “Got it.” He hops up. Throws on sweatpants. Returns with the requested jar and some trail mix and some orange juice, and eases himself into bed beside Sebastian, who smiles tiredly at him.
 Chris feeds Sebastian some trail mix, gives him some sips of juice; has some himself. He’s not a witch but he does know about exertion and depletion, and this’ll help. The pizza—from their favorite local place—will be here in twenty minutes, too.
 The food does seem to help. Sebastian sits up more, with pillows and Chris’s arm; Chris’s stomach feels better. Low lamplight paints the room in jeweled color, because Sebastian’s bedside lamp is set with tiny lapidary bits of glass. It’s soft and warm and rich, tracing light-patterns over the bed, the blankets, Sebastian’s hair.
 Chris dips fingers into spell-infused balm, and begins to stroke it across Seb’s arm. The night takes a breath, scented with healing herbs and protective lemon, and unwinds. Tension ebbs, dwindles, fades: not wholly gone but ameliorated. Sebastian’s ward-spells are quiet and pleased.
 He’d thought he’d gotten used to dating a magician. He mostly has: he’s purely delighted when he gets to watch Seb help people, find lost puppies, talk to raindrops. He adores Sebastian’s genius and Seb’s playful sense of humor and Seb’s cheerful way of getting the strings of the universe to play along.
 He’d forgotten, or maybe just not thought about, the fact that his boyfriend’s one of the most genuinely powerful white witches currently practicing. Someone the authorities ask when they need assistance. Someone who can fight a warlock at a distance and win.
 Seb says he’s not that powerful and laughs about it, but he’s comparing himself to centuries-old stories: no one’s that strong, not these days. Sebastian’s better than he admits to being, though. Good enough that other people come to him for advice. That includes other white witches; Chris knows Sebastian’s done some consultations with colleagues before.
 Chris Evans is a director, an actor, a producer of movie-magic stories. Good at empathy, moderately famous these days, and power-sensitive, a little. It’s not nothing, but it’s not the same.
 He keeps his touch cautious, not wanting to put any pressure on newly made skin. “How’s this?”
 “Good.” Seb yawns again, sleepy. “It’ll help…healing, renewing…’s an old classical recipe, this one…stored power, infused in it, kind of…it shouldn’t even scar, with this.”
 “So it won’t cost you anything, like, in terms of power, right now.” He touches Seb’s chest, spreads balm across a thin angry line. “Tell me if I’m hurting you.”
 “You’re not.” Sebastian gazes up at him: gorgeous as ever, brilliant as ever, powerful as ever, and right now vulnerable and somehow younger, framed by a navy satin pillowcase and the familiarity of them both mostly naked in this bed. “Thank you.”
 “Don’t,” Chris says, heart aching with the word, with too many complicated emotions, with love. “You don’t have to say it.”
 “You’d do it for me.”
 “If you ever for some reason had to fight a warlock, I would. You said you had a long day too…?”
 “Long, but good.” His hand over Sebastian’s tanned skin, his fingertips bringing healing. Sebastian’s chest lifting and falling, vital and present. “Getting things moving on the heroic rescue dogs movie. Lots of the boring stuff today—logistics, budget, all that—but it’s stuff that has to happen first, so it’s kinda fun, y’know?”
 Sebastian just looks at him for a second; the smile warms every atom of those opal oceans, and makes the small joyous lines around them crinkle.
 Chris has to laugh, half-embarrassed, paying some closer attention to healing balm and a darker less-knitted red line. “Okay, what?”
 “I love you.” Seb reaches up to touch his wrist. “I just…I’m really glad you’re here.”
 “Me too? Um. About you.”
 “Not just tonight, I mean.”
 “Hey,” Chris says, heart in his throat, in his words, in his eyes as he looks at Sebastian, “I’m glad I was here tonight. I want to be here, Seb, okay? I’m not going anywhere.”
 Sebastian’s cheeks are pinker now, but he nods. “I’m here too.”
 “I know you are.”
 “Tell me about your meetings,” Seb requests drowsily, “and all about your movie, again, and the dogs,” and Chris laughs a little, scrubs a hand over his treacherously damp eyes, and does, while gently treating Sebastian’s battle scars in between nibbles of food and traded kisses.
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leeholtwrites · 4 years
Magical Girl Reunion Tour - C6
Sometimes there seemed to never be enough space in her bag. Sarah hiked her bag back up on her shoulder as she climbed the steps to her small apartment. She wished she lived in a building with an elevator, but it was one of the many prices she paid for chasing her academic aspirations. At least her studio was large, if a bit strangely shaped. It had been remodeled before she moved in, and she quite enjoyed having her own small washer and dryer stacked by the fridge in its own alcove.
She unlocked her door. Once inside, she heaved her bag onto her bed and sighed in relief. Sarah had some time before office hours, so she'd thought she'd come home and eat while going over some of her dissertation work which was code for hunkering over left over take out while watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer for the fifth time with a notebook and a scowl. Sarah was beginning to think that doing a deep dive into the representation of women in late nineties and early two thousands genre television wasn't so good. What hadn't been talked about already? She tried to convince herself that her own magical experiences hadn't influenced her decision, but all she as doing was lying to herself.
The glass top of her stove clicked when she set a skillet on one of the burners. She turned it on and added some oil before opening the fridge to retrieve the box of left over sweet potato fries from the day before. She placed the box on the small square of counter and stared off to the other side of the room as she waited for the pan to heat. Looking over her possessions on the shelves framing the window on the other side of the room allowed her brain some time to focus as she catalogued her collection of books, shows, movies, and things. Academic tomes on feminism and film, sometimes both. The occasional fiction book. Seasons and seasons of shows, because she was one of those hardcopy people, most of them bent in a fantasy or science fiction direction. The worn copies of Veronica Mars always stood out.  Movies were a different story. She only had so much space, so many of her films crowded hard drives instead of her precious shelf space, but she did have a few precious ones. Amongst her media - usually shoved in front of it - were a couple of photo frames and the occasional Funko Pop, gifts from friends. The photos were of her family, and one was of her high school friends in between the magic crime fighting.
Next to that photo lay her wand. She had long ago wondered if hiding it would have been smarter. The truth, she discovered, is that everyone thought it was some prop from some obscure genre show, maybe an anime. It's bright blue diamond textured handle, and pale blue orb patterned in little gold arrow heads could only be found in blurry twenty year old newspaper photos, but no one really questioned it. If they did, she said she made it up.
She crossed her arms and pursed her lips. Now that she had time to think, things had felt a little off lately. For one, her friend and down the hall neighbor Michelle hadn't sent her one cat gif in the last two days, and that was unlike her. Normally, her program coder friend would bounce down the hall at random or throw open her door to wave at Sarah as she headed off to class. Michelle was also a graduate student, albeit way more perky and put together that Sarah herself felt. Michelle was life and loved her work. And that is why she was worried.
She knew she was home, Sarah could hear Michelle's taste in obscure bands blaring through her door, no doubt upsetting the rest of her neighbors. She looked down at the sad box of sweet potato fries. No, today she would see if Michelle wanted something to eat. Maybe get her out of her apartment.
In the bathroom, she brushed out her wavy dark hair - resisting the temptation to tie it back up in a messy bun - and cleaned her glasses. She arranged her bag for her afternoon schedule. Now a lot lighter, tossed it over her shoulder. With her hand on her door knob, she paused and turned back to her shelves. Something was telling her to grab her wand. It was probably her intuition. It had always been pretty solid. Slipping her wand into her bag, she marched down the hall to Michelle's apartment.
"Michelle?" she called as she knocked. "It's Sarah. Want to go for lunch?"
No answer.
"Go away!"
Her hand hovered over the door. What? That was so unlike Michelle. Normally it was her  yelling at Michelle to go away when she was struggling with some particularly hairy bit of theory. She hesitated, then knocked again. "Come on Michelle. Come eat. Then you can get back to whatever your doing."
The door flew open. Sarah recoiled from what she saw. Michelle stood framed by the door frame, gaunt and grey with dark circles around feral eyes. Her red hair was dirty and unkempt, and she still wore the clothes Sarah had last seen her in. Behind her, her massive computer set up glowed with an eerie light. Sarah narrowed her eyes. She knew what Michelle's computer set up looked like when she was working, and that wasn't it.
"Fuck off, Sarah," Michelle snarled. "All you do is get between me and my work with your… friendship."
Michelle tried to slam the door in Sarah's face, but she caught it. From Michelle's appearance, Sarah imagined she would be much weaker, but there was something supernaturally strong about her. A thought began to itch at the back of Sarah's brain. A thought she didn't like.
With a all her body weight, she shoved Michelle's door open. Michelle stumbled back into her studio apartment. It was the same size as Sarah's, so she practically stumbled into her desk chair, catching herself at the last moment on the edge of her desk.
"You're going to regret that," Michelle sneered.
"Look, you're sick," Sarah said placating, her hands up. "Did you find some strange magical device, uh, thing. It can look like anything. Maybe it was something that gave you a bad feeling, but you touched it anyway. It told you it would make you great. It would give you the skills you needed to achieve your dream. It knew your insecurities. It knew just what to say."
By Michelle’s hand, her mouse unfurled. It grew legs, six from by Sarah's guess and skittered up Michelle's arm. Michelle cried out in shock. Sarah rushed forward to pull it off her before it could reach the back of Michelle's neck. She grabbed her friend by the left shoulder and began to reach over her. With her unnatural strength, Michelle shoved her away. She tripped over the edge of a rug, smashing into the door frame, and spun around to land face down in the hall. Her bag had fallen off in the tumble, spilling its contents next to her. In the hall's dim lights, her wand glowed softly.
Michelle screamed. Sarah looked over her shoulder. The place where she had hit the door frame protested. She grit her teeth, ignoring it. She had to see.
The mouse had latched onto the back of Michelle’s neck and grown. Chitinous growths sprung from her neck and along her shoulders, slowly expanding down her arms and over her chest. It was the shiny black of the tech it had impersonated. Worry and dread ran through Sarah. Hitting someone covered in the stuff was like punching steel, and trying to hang onto her would be nearly impossible. The device would turn Michelle almost superhuman. There was only one answer.
She reached her hand out towards her wand, scooting forward, her hand outstretched. It flared the moment her fingers brushed it. Warmth flooded through her and a strange wash of joy. Sarah had long suspected that the wands might have their own feelings, but now was not the time to dwell on it. With the wand now firmly in her hand, she jumped to her feet, her wand in the air, and shouted, “Dress me in patience!”
Time slowed. Her arms stretched, one before her and one behind, as glittery golden light ran along them. In its wake soft, shiny gloves covered her once chipped nail polish. The light spread to her torso. She spun on her toes. The light revealed a vibrant blue short sleeved tunic, an enormous voluminous bow of soft blue at her throat. She kicked a leg up, drawn by the golden light. Bright blue, knee high boots and soft white leggings. Her arms over her head, she spun again, her loose hair drawn into an elegant braid, a gold band across her forehead. With a flash, she struck a pose. “I will not stop till this fight is through!”
Sarah tried to ignore how silly she felt. At least she had pants this time.
Michelle roared, if Sarah could even call her Michelle anymore. Her eyes were pure black and her skin had grown even whiter. The black growths had spread, giving her a tech-like armored look, all shiny black plates. “A Defender. How predictable.” She said, her voice layered with whatever magi-tech parasite the mouse had been.
Sarah held her wand out in her left hand. “Reveal your true form!” Another flash of glittery gold and she held a bow, soft blue with gold filigree. She grabbed the string with her right hand and drew it back, a streak of iridescent light appearing in place of an arrow. “Let Michelle go.”
The creature laughed, a twisted smile on its lips. “Did you really think I would make it that easy?” It spun around and dove out the window.
A scream wanted jump from Sarah’s lips. She tamped it down, dropping her right hand and running for the broken window. Fighting the urge to stop, she threw herself out into the air, spinning to face the sky. She grabbed her string, pulled, and shouted “Rainbow braid!” She let go. A streak of rainbow light shot towards the top of her building, embedding in the brick. She grabbed the line as it solidified and slid along it to the ground, moving much faster than she wanted to. Swallowing another scream, she hit the ground in a roll. Sarah jumped to her feet just in time to see the black armor of the creature, now having entirely swallowed Michelle, charging down the street still laughing.
Sarah dashed after her, arms pumping, the pain in her back forgotten. With her magically enhanced abilities, she caught up to the creature quickly. The creature hadn’t just been running from her. It had been busy. A cloud of technical components surrounded her. Broken bits of cell phone screens, computer boards, SD cards, and other bits stolen from the screaming crowd orbited the creature as she whipped around to face Sarah.
The pieces began combine, turning into four orbiting satellites. There was the gleam of camera lenses, the glitter of metal, the shine of the black material that covered Michelle. The creature had used a piece of itself to create whatever circled it now. Sarah wasn’t going to find out. She raised her bow, the streak of light appearing when she drew the string, and fired. The magical arrow bounced off an invisible force before the creature, leaving a blue ripple in its wake. She fired a couple more times. Same effect.
The creature laughed in its strange voice. And then it multiplied. Four of the armor-plated creatures stood before her. Sarah struggled not to look dumb-struck. The parasites drew on their host’s passions, their work. What had Michelle been working on again? Some kind of encrypted security software that automatically made back-ups of whatever the user was working on. And protected it.
She swallowed a curse. Defenders didn’t curse, openly. That explained the copies, the armor, and the force field. It had been a long time since she longed to be surrounded by her team, but now the feeling threatened to swallow her. Sure, she kept in touch with them, still played virtual Dungeons and Dragons with Shonda, but as friends. The barely even talked about their magical girl soldier days, and actively avoided speaking about Maggie.
God-damned Maggie, who she would need to defeat this parasite properly.
Her hand brushed her hip, feeling for her phone. She could at least call Shonda or Chloe or Kelsey for backup. Unfortunately, it was still on the floor in her building’s hallway outside Michelle’s room.
“Well, of fucking course,” she muttered.
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littlerockerao3 · 4 years
throbb — 59. “Don’t touch me.” 💗
Sorry, this took a while. Hope you like it!
Robb passed the paint roller brush over the wall, covering another spot. He had to be careful and try not to step into all of the boxes around the living room, or he would have most likely broken something expensive, definitely the fancy Dornish vase his mother had got him (well, them actually) after he moved in his own (their own) place. It was somewhere in a box with the text ‘fragile’ written on it, but it was not so easy to find, since Theon had written ‘fragile’ in almost every box, ‘you try and scratch my ps5 and you’re dead’ he had told him, and Robb had replied with ‘I get that, but since when porn magazines are fragile?’.
He didn’t even know why he had agreed to move in with Theon: it wouldn’t have done him any good. Sure, on the one side, he got to see him everyday (especially when he got out the shower), but on the other, he got to see the man he fell in love with hooking up with everyone, every night.
He shook his head, trying not to think about it, and admired the wall in front of him, his hands sticky and covered in paint.
“Powder blue in the end?” he heard a voice say, but when he turned around, Theon had already disappeared into the kitchen.
“Yeah, you like that?” Robb replied, quite loudly so that his roommate could hear him.
There was a noise of a drawer opening, as Theon said: “What about Perwinkle though?”
“My bedroom, probably.” Robb smiled lightly: he was happy to know Theon listened to him when he talked about the silliest and most boring things ever, such as which color was best suitable for the walls in their brand new living room. It made him feel like... like Theon enjoyed listening to him. Well, they were best friends, of course, but Robb treasured every little things that involved the both of them, somehow thinking that, deep inside, his feelings for the black haired man were mutual for Theon. But that was just a silly and childish fantasy, and he should have stopped: Theon didn’t like him, not romantically. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have hooked up with every girl or guy he laid his eyes on: Theon was such a flirt he wouldn’t have even bothered to hit on Robb as well, if he had been interested in him. But he never did, so that meant he wasn’t. Life sucked.
“Okay, and what about the kitchen?” Theon’s voice was now clearer to hear, so Robb turned around to face his roommate: “I was thinking peach will do just fine, what do you... where are you going?” he frowned.
Theon had his hair tied in a bun, a white fancy shirt on with a few buttons left open, showing his chest hair. Black skinny jeans, expensive shoes. Robb could smell his brander perfume from the end of the room.
God, he was so damn beautiful. And the answer to his question was so obvious: he would have gone out and fucked someone, someone that wasn’t Robb, someone that would have never considered Theon in those clothes as hot as Robb thought he was. Someone who would have seen him that night only, then never again (hopefully). Someone that would have never had the chance to see Theon in his pajamas, his hair all messy, his reading glasses falling down his nose as he cursed and pushed them up again, with those stupid rainbow textured slippers and his pink glittery socks. Only Robb would have seen him in such way, yet Robb was the only one who never had the chance to see him naked.
He watched carefully as Theon rolled up the sleeve of his shirt, distractedly, and answered: “Oh some dude I met on Tinder, I should be back before 1:00am.” he shrugged, and Robb tried his best not to clench his fists.
“Oh it’s a guy this time?” he asked, his lump in his throat silently threatening to choke him.
Theon smiled. Obviously, he always smiled. He was blind as a bat in front of evidence but he smiled, and if he smiled, then he had everything and everyone wrapped around his finger.
“Yeah it’s what bisexuality implies, you heterosexual ignorant.” He chuckled.
Robb gulped, and this time he couldn’t help but clench his fists and jaw: how couldn’t he realize it? How? He so wanted to tell him but.. they had just moved in there, they just bought a house together, he didn’t want him to leave. Because he would have left, if he knew. Why should have he stayed? They were best friends, it was creepy to know your best friend was in love with you, they had slept together when they were kids! He just couldn’t tell him.
“What?” Theon said, that smirk still on his lips, his eyebrows lightly arched towards the ground, showing a small pinch of confusion.
“What?” Robb replied, trying to get his expression back to normal.
Theon shrugged simply: “You’re staring at me like I had a third eye.” he explained, then adjusted his expensive watch around his wrist. God he was so well dressed and beautiful and he just had to meet some ‘random dude I met on Tinder’. Robb could have punched him, if that wouldn’t have ruined his perfect face. Actually, I’m sure he’d look even more attractive, the damn fucker.
Robb shook his head: “No it’s just... it’s the fourth one this week.”
Theon stared at him in complete confusion: “Yeah, so what?” he started, a sound similar to a half chuckle escaping his mouth.
“It’ll do you good to try it, maybe with some dude as well: you don’t know what you’re missing, some proper ass eating is way better than a blowjob, sometimes”
Yeah but only if that was by a certain someone.
“Maybe you could show me, instead.” Robb snapped, the quietest whisper, a thought that had just been spoken out loud. But Theon heard him: “What did you just say?”
“Nothing.” Robb replied immediately, biting his tongue. Stupid dumbass.
Theon opened his mouth, his tongue touching his palate and then popping back down: “Oh that definitely wasn’t nothing, repeat it.” he said, getting closer.
Robb turned around, grabbed the paint roller brush again and went back to painting the wall: “I didn’t say a shit, Theon. Go to your motherfucking date.” he mumbled.
An amused sigh. That was what came out of Theon’s mouth.
“Oh my god, it’s bothering you.”
Robb closed his eyes: “It’s not bothering me.”
“Yes it is!” Theon sounded surprised, shocked, and that was just the reaction Robb had always feared would happen and there it was, under his eyes.
He turned back around to stare at him in the eye: it would have been painful to lie to him straight to his face, especially because Theon was his best friend and god, he was in love with him, but Theon just didn’t have to know. After a small bickering they could have made up and forgot everything, but none of that would have happened after a love confession, and this Robb knew.
So he lied: “I don’t even like you that way, Theon.”
The black haired man, his hands gripping his own hips tight, shook his head and looked away: “Well I do, instead.”
Robb blinked. Once, twice, three times.
“What?” he got to have misunderstood. He couldn’t have just said that.
“Oh for the love of god, Robb.”Theon snapped suddenly, grabbing his phone and apparently scrolling down some photos. Robb could clearly see he was nervous, or maybe just annoyed or mad, by the way his fingers were violently tapping the screen. Once he found what he was looking for, he showed Robb the picture.
“This was supposed to be my date, tonight.”
Robb stared at the dude in the picture. He had took a selfie in his bathroom mirror. He was a guy around Theon’s age, a quite good looking one. He had red curly hair, pale blue eyes and freckles on his cheek, neck and shoulders. Robb had freckles also on his arms, chest and hips and his eyes were a bit brighter than the guy’s but damn, they looked alike, and Robb just could not deny it.
He gulped again, as he tried to speak out. He wanted to say something wise, but all that came out his mouth was just: “You’re into redheads?”
Theon looked up to the ceiling, in that typical expression of his, the one that said ‘you’re so stupid it’s annoying’ that was usually saved for Jon, Robb’s brother.
“I’m into you.” he exclaimed.
“But I thought you... I mean, first Jeyne and then...” he suddenly got nervous.
“you never showed attraction towards any man, I thought you were straight.” he shrugged again, looking down at his black expensive shoes.
Robb could not believe his ears: the man he loved liked him back and never told him because... because he thought he was straight? That never stopped Theon! His motto was ‘heterosexuality doesn’t exist’ and fuck, maybe that was true, because... because...
“Maybe I am but... I like you.” Robb confessed, his cheek starting to burn and get rosier.
Now, Theon’s eyes laid on Robb’s: “You do?” he asked him. Robb could clearly see a very light shadow of hope in his brown eyes.
He sighed: well, now you have nothing left to loose, at least.
“No, I love you.” he said, regretting it right after: Theon’s face fell. Like, it literally fell: his eyes widened, his mouth opened lightly, not to smile this time. He was so shocked Robb feared he could have had a heart attack.
“You do?” he whispered.
Robb shrugged, and nodded distractedly, straight straight into the paint can: “You heard that.”
As he looked away, he heard steps approaching him. Three steps, exactly three steps. And suddenly he could feel Theon’s breath against his own.
“I’ve been loving you since we were kids and... all this time, you have loved me back?” Theon said, still whispering, his eyes still shocked, wide and confused.
Robb nodded, very slowly: “Apparently.”
Their noses brushed together, shyly. Theon rested a hand on his hip: “Can... can I kiss you?”
Like you even had to ask for it, you asshole.
Robb hugged Theon by his waist, tight, and smashed their lips together in an angry but loving and desperate kiss. He had dreamed of doing it for so long. Dreaming Theon wouldn’t pull back, dreaming they could stay like that forever or do it everytime they wanted. Waking up every single day next to each other and sharing a good morning kiss. Saying goodbye to each other when they had to leave for work with a kiss. Giving each other a welcome home kiss when one of them got back from work and the other made dinner. Cuddling and kissing each other while sitting on the couch watching tv. Then going to bed, and kiss each other hungrily as they made love. And finally, kissing each other goodnight before starting it all again the next day. It was all Robb craved the most. And it was happening, right now.
Theon pulled away, gently, his smirk back on his now puffier and rosier lips. He looked down at his shirt, and they both noticed the powder blue fingertips Robb had left on his fancy white shirt.
“Fuck, you ruined my shirt.” he complained, reaching out to slightly push Robb’s shoulder.
Robb huffed: “Too bad.” he said, then got the craziest idea: he dunked both his hands into the paint can and before Theon could realize it, he started leaving handprints and spots all over his shirt.
“No!” The black haired man yelled, trying to escape Robb’s grip.
“Hey, hey! Don’t touch me, no! That was my good shirt.” he lowered his head, surrendering, as Robb’s hands hugged him from behind, his face resting on his shoulder.
“I suppose you can’t go to your date now.” Robb whispered to his ear.
Theon let out a complaining whine, pulling his head back: “Who the fuck cares about my date, that was my favorite shirt!”
Robb puffed, pressing a kiss to his slender neck: “You have at least thirty more in your closet.” he replied, rolling his eyes.
Theon smiled lightly, as Robb nuzzled his face into his neck once more: “Yeah I guess you’re right.”
He rested his hands above Robb’s, caressing them gently with his fingertips, uncaring of the fresh paint.
“I still can’t believe it.” he murmured, happily.
In response, Robb snorted: “You better get used to it, then.” he smacked a loud kiss on his cheek.
“Now, what were you saying about ass eating?”
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j-hoseok94 · 4 years
Book: House of Cards
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The party was in an hour and my anxiety was creeping up on me. I decided to start getting ready thinking that if I distracted myself i would be able to get over my anxiety. I rummaged through my closet trying to find a decent dress that didn't make it look like i was trying too hard but at the same make their mouths water. A part of my wanted to walk in and turn heads and the other part wanted to wear a very baggy shirt and sweats. 
I found a very black dress in the back of my closet. I ran my fingers on the very soft material remembering that it was a gift from my best friend for one of my birthdays. I never wore it mostly because it was too sparkly for my liking but i decided. 'Fuck it i think it's cute.'
I took a quick shower and slipped the black glittery dress on, it was strapless and i felt like i was showing too much skin. I dug through the pile of clothes I had accumulated on the floor looking for my long sleeve lace cropped "jacket". It buttoned just over my collarbone. As I picked out accessories i went with a very thin black choker. I grabbed silver earrings that dangled down far enough that it brushed against my shoulder. It had two things attached to them one was a small ring and the other was a silver chain with a feather at the end.
I kept my hair down it's natural curly waves making it look like i did my hair. I was never one for makeup but thankfully I learned how to actually do it. I kept the colors fairly neutral stuck with browns and golds, knowing it would make my hazel eyes pop out more. It was almost time and i wish that i was able to just stay home but i looked good as fuck.My confidence rising as I stared in the mirror at my flowy dress. I grabbed my gold stilettos and slipped them on. 'I'll show Yoongi. I can walk in heels and i'll make him regret every cruel word he said.'
I headed towards the place Jungkook had said the party was located, nerves forming in my stomach. Would they be mean? Did he invite me as a joke? My mind was stressing every possible negative outcome going to this party could result in. I approached the gates of this enormous house that i could not believe was the place Jimin lived. Groups of laughing boys and girls headed towards the house. The music was very loud and could be heard down the block but it didn't seem like it bothered anybody.
I walked up to the house my small black purse hanging off my shoulder, the strap was made of gold chain link. I reached the open door seeing inside as people grinded on each other to the music a few people making out. I felt so out of place here and was frozen in place for a split moment. I pushed my nerves aside, 'I have to prove to them that I can be in this environment.' I felt like I was trying to convince myself than actually trying to prove to them. 
I walked through the door, glancing around at everyone. Most of them were drunk off their asses and stumbling everywhere. I made my way to the back of the giant house looking at all the expensive decorations. In complete awe I finally reached the back of the house a glass sliding screen opened to the backyard. A very big very expensive looking swimming pool with a small waterfall cascading off of the beautifully constructed rocks creating a small cave under the waterfall. It was gorgeous and only made me wonder about Jimin, was he stupid rich?
There was suddenly arms snaking around my waist slowly, "Look who finally decided to show up." I peeled his hands off me flipping around to face Jungkook. "Damn Princess you clean up well." He stared at me up and down checking me out with a very cocky grin on his face. I rolled my eyes at him annoyed with his constant staring.
It was my turn to look at him. He had on a white shirt with a multicolored tie dye style jacket, light blue torn jeans with a red plaid shirt tied around his waist. His hair was over one eye but for the most part looked intentionally messy but in a cute way. His earring was a long rectangular silver piece dangling with some little silver chains next to it. He looked good but i wasn't gonna tell him that. His ego didn't need to be boosted anymore than it already was.
"Pfft what i have to dress like this at school now"
"I mean I wouldn't mind." He smirked
"If i did that then you wouldn't have anything to look forward to." I teased.
"I look forward to you not having anything on. So whatever you wear doesn't matter to me cause it'll come off anyways." He chuckled a little.
I scoffed,"You're disgusting Kookie. What makes you think i'd even let you get that far? Hmm?" I looked at him with a smug grin on his face. 'He actually believed he had a chance. How cute.' I glanced around, "Where's your little friends at?"
He looked back at the party going on inside,"Well Namjoon and Jin are off somewhere enjoying each others company." He winked when he said that. "Hobi is inside with Tae and Jimin. Probably in the living room." He placed his hands in his pockets.
"And Yoongi?" I furrowed my eyebrows up at him attempting to look innocent. Who knows if it worked. He laughed and smiled down at me, "He isn't here yet as far as I know. He hates parties so he may come late and leave early like normal." I glanced down a little disappointed I wanted to rub it in his face that i can actually look pretty.
"Let's get you a drink." I shook my head rapidly and tried to tell him that I don't drink. He slinked his arm around my shoulders pulling me along. He pulled me into the kitchen and poured me clear liquid into a red cup. I could only assume it was Vodka. I smelled it when he handed it to me. I didn't like the smell at all.
He pushed the cup onto my lips and lifted it, "C'mon princess drink up." I coughed my lungs up practically as the liquid burned it's trail down my throat. I wiped my mouth, "That was disgusting you guys drink this?! Willingly?!" He just laughed at me and poured me another drink.
He had his arm around me once more as he guided me to the living room where i was met by Hobi, TaeTae and Jimin a.k.a ChimChim. I shrugged him off my shoulders when we reached the room. TaeTae was occupied with a very thin girl, whispering in her ear as she giggled. Hobi was off in the corner joking with some of the other males. ChimChim was sitting in a seat off in the other corner of the room, a very pretty and thick girl sat in his lap. Her purple hair was very beautifully contrasted to bring out her olive skin tone. They were whispering to each other and occasionally kissed. 
Hobi ran up to me,"Oh My God Rose! You look stunning." He beamed his sunshine smile my way and hugged me. I blushed at his comment. "Aww thank you Hobi it was just in the back of my closet. I thought i'd take it for a spin." I giggled excitedly to him. His reaction made the other males look over at me.
TaeTae headed over grabbing my hand and twirling me in place, "Absolutely beautiful Rose. I'm actually surprised you came I thought ChimChim scared you off with his comment yesterday." I shook my head and stared up at Tae, "I'm tougher than that TaeTae. It'll take more than that to get rid of me haha. Besides I wasn't invited by ChimChim i was invited by Kookie." I smiled at Tae who smiled his boxy smile down at me. I was so comfortable with Hobi and him even though I just met them yesterday. Literally.
Jimin got up from his seat and strolled over to where we were. The girl who was in his lap right behind him. "Well well well if it isn't Kookie's Princess. I almost didn't recognize you with all that makeup on your face."
I glared at him for a moment eventually looking at his outfit. His outfit was actually really freaking nice. A blue velvet jacket with a black V-Neck cut tank top. A red and black scarf wrapped around his neck and black skinny jeans on. In his ear was a circle with two or three small chains hanging from it. His grey eyes on me as I looked at his outfit. When I made eye contact with him he winked and smiled at me. My heart stopped honestly, with his flirtatious actions. I blushed and looked back at Tae who was also pretty dressed up for the party.
He had a purple choker with a tan shirt and a black blazer with little studs on it. His half pink half blonde hair scrunched up to make it have some texture to it but honestly his blue eyes is what got me every time.
The girl behind Jimin stepped in front of him leaning her body against him intentionally. Her natural blue eyes stared at me taking in my appearance. Her purple hair falling down to her waist in light curls. "I love your shoes. Are they comfy?" I glanced down before returning her gaze. "Oh well no not really but i'm sure i'll get over it. I don't remember where I got them to be honest I never wear them." I finished with a smile.
"I'm Aphrodite, nice to meet you." She waved and smiled. "I'm Rose." She turned her attention to Jimin who had his hands along her waist as they grinded to the music. She was honestly stunning her black poofy dress was mid thigh and she had three straps on each shoulder. Her red heels looking like they were made of suede material. She had on very cute gold accessories. She swayed her hips against Jimin who was whispering in her ear every few seconds. She just smiled at his comments flipping around in his arms and throwing herself onto him and making out with him.
I looked away since i felt awkward just standing and staring. I sipped on my drink settling my nerves a little more. Jungkook moved closer to me as someone pushed past him, entering the room. "God damm Kookie move." A very grumpy voice scolded Kookie for being in the way. He chuckled, "It's not my fault you're always behind me Yoongi. Maybe grow a little." Yoongi punches his arm, "shut up you fucking tree." I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear as i felt Yoongi's eyes on me.
"Rose? Is that you?" I snapped my head up and made eye contact with him. His mint hair in his eyes just barely. He had a white button up shirt on with a black chest harness on with two straps across his torso and over his shoulder. His tight black pants that had small tears in it was clinging to his thin fit body.He was so fucking hot like how can someone be this freaking attractive.
I kept my eyes on Yoongi feeling very bashful that he has to ask if it was me. "So what, maybe it is maybe not? You just gonna continue to insult me about how Kookie is using me as a joke and that i don't have curves or a pretty face?" I threw his own words back at him. He blinked a few times trying to comprehend what I just said to him. I could have sworn I saw sadness in his but if i thought i did it was gone now, replaced with a very hard to read expression.
"Look Rose it's not that i don't think your pretty it's just.." He started before Jimin stepped in front of Yoongi.
"Let's go upstairs and play some games i'm bored." We followed Jimin and Aphrodite up the stairs to the master bedroom. It was huge and I felt so small in it. We gathered around in a circle and TaeTae had brought like three bottles of alcohol up and placed them in the middle. "Spin the bottle? Anyone?" his sly grin making his cheeks poke out like a little bear. I had never played this game, to be honest i haven't had my first kiss yet. I mean I guess dream kisses don't count or else I would have lost it to Yoongi. My last thought made me blush at least five shades redder.
Starting on my lest was TaeTae, Jungkook, Aphrodite, Jimin, Yoongi, Hobi, and then me. We were spread out pretty evenly. I leaned over to Tae and whispered in his ear, "I'm nervous I have never played this game before." He laughed lightly and looked over at me our faces only inches away. I laughed nervously at the distance, "Don't worry baby girl you'll do just fine." I sat back upright as Jimin explained the rules.
"Alright so the person who spins the bottle in the middle of us has to kiss the person it lands on, if you bail out of the kiss you have to take two shots." He looked around at everyone and nodded,"Got it?" Everyone responded with yeahs and mmhm's.
"Who's gonna go first?" Jungkook asked as he grinned towards Jimin.
"I'll go." Hobi volunteered himself up he leaned forward spinning the half finished bottle. It spun around about three or four times before landing on TaeTae. Tae looked over at Hobi, a boxy smile across his face. "Come here Hobi." He gestured for Hobi to lean forward and Hobi complied with his request leaning across me as their lips met right in front of me. They pulled after a moment and sat back down. "Soft lips TaeTae." Hobi commented with a shy smile. They both laughed as they settled back in their spots. Tae drinking a few gulps before it was Yoongi's turn.
Yoongi was not paying attention as i kept catching his glances towards my direction. We locked eyes as he was starting to lean forward. My breathe caught in my throat as i stared into his chocolate colored eyes. Something stirred inside my heart as he started to spin the bottle. He looked away as he sat back down waiting for the bottle to stop. Aphrodite. She got on all fours and slowly crawled her way over to him he stayed criss crossed on the floor. She ran her hand up his chest and finally kissed him grabbing a handful of his Minty hair. She lingered a little too long in my opinion as she finally parted from his lips. She sat back down and licked her lips as if she had just finished a meal, staring at him hungrily. I started to feel annoyed as the game continued, sipping on my drink and occasionally taking a big gulp.
When it was finally my turn my head was all light and bubbly. I leaned forward a little unsteady and spun the bottle. I plopped back down as it spun. 'For the love of god don't have it land on Jungkook' I silently prayed, it stopped spinning.
And yes I have majority of them wearing the fake love harness type outfits.🥵 I’m not sorry.😂
The next chapter y’all gonna be disliking Jungkook.
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A Crachelle scenario- “Be my Sweetheart”
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Description: After being together for so long, Cracker decides that it's time to take the next big step with his dearly beloved and finally prepares to propose! But he wouldn't be Charlotte Cracker if there wasn't something... ‘unusual’ involved this whole plan...
A/N: aaadzauwebdq this is all thanks to my dear friend @crapitskizaru, who had this weirdfantastic idea that Cracker would propose to me with a ring made out of... something special, and of course I am more than onboard with it and had to turn it into a scenario xDDD This was simply too good not to write out, and also I am back back back back BACK AGAIN from my break :D!
Warning for: a purely self-indulgent OS, you guys know me by now :’D
Like most of the days after her accident, Michelle once again found herself sitting on the couch in her large living room- her legs were bouncing up and down as she hummed along to a happy song, all while her eyes were basically glued to a small fashion and makeup magazine she held in her hands. The young woman just finished her daily exercises and was  looking forward to a nice and relaxing afternoon with her boyfriend, who could come home at any moment now. She slowly turned over another page, her free hand reaching for the cup on the small table infront of her to take a sip of the green tea she just brew a few minutes ago.
But suddenly her ears perked up as she could hear the front door being unlocked, followed by the sound of heavy footsteps approaching the door to the living room, causing a small smile to dance on Michelle's lips.
Instinctively she scooted over a bit to leave more space on the cushions next to her- after all, Cracker was a huge man even compared to her, and she didn't want him to use the table as a footstool again because there wasn't enough room on the couch!
Just a moment later the door to the living room slammed open, practically announcing the arrival of her boyfriend who stepped into the room with his usually large grin, and upon spotting Michelle it only grew wider. Although the door was wide open Cracker still took a second to gently knock on it, almost as if he feared slamming it open wasn't enough to catch her attention, and then he quickly waltzed into the room almost as if he owned it (which, technically, he sort of did).
Michelle quickly looked up with a warm smile and put the magazine down on the table as the large man strolled over to her and leaned down to her level while affectionately rubbing her shoulders with his big hands.
„Hey babe, I'm back,“ Cracker whispered before capturing his girlfriends mouth in his own for a small welcome kiss. However, upon breaking apart some of Michelle's lipgloss had now begun to stain his lips, making him pout playfully. „Awww, you didn't pick the one that tastes like strawberries today? You know that's my favorite...“ the older man chuckled, causing his girlfriend to join in with a lighter giggle as she wiped over Cracker's lips with a finger to get rid of the glittery gloss.
„Haha no, I just wanted to try out something new for you! To keep you on your toes, you know?“ she teased and wrapped both of her arms around his neck, their faces still close enough to feel each other's hot breathe hit their skin. But suddenly the young woman’s smile faltered a bit as she noticed the oddly serious expression on his face, and instead of hugging her back Cracker was fidging with his hands, staring down at his gloves as a small hue of pink appeared on his cheeks. Before Michelle could ask him about what was wrong however, he gently pressed a finger against her lips while lifting his again head to look her in the eyes.
„Sugar Cookie, you gotta do me a favor, alright? Close your eyes for a moment...“ he muttered and pulled back, although his girlfriend was still visibly confused she did as he said, almost expecting Cracker to suprise kiss her like he would sometimes do, but what she absolutely didn't expect was to see him kneeling infront of her as he gave the signal that it was okay for her to open her eyes again. A suprised gasp escaped her as she quickly covered her mouth with a hand, her eyes were widened and a bright blush crept onto her cheeks. Was he... was he gonna do what she thought he was gonna do?!?!
The older man then cleared his throat and reached into his pocket to pull out a small box, his hands were shaking which caused Cracker to silently curse himself as he looked up at Michelle again. He swallowed hard, mentally wishing that he would have made some plans beforehand on what exactly to say- because now his girlfriend was watching him with anticipation and he struggled to come up with the right words to get this proposal running, god dammit!
„Well well well....“ Cracker suddenly exclaimed, his voice louder than he had intended and sweat immediately formed on his forehead, „...It's a beautiful day we’re having. But not nearly as beautiful as you, my dear.“ he began, his voice still trembling but slowly and surely he returned to his usual confident self.
„you know, all this time we spend together... I would never want to trade it for anything! We went through so much- hardships, beautiful moments... hah! Remember that one time we accidentally tore your mattress? Haaaah, such good times...” he grinned with a dreamy expression before his face turned serious again, and this time it even looked as if he was slightly offended, “...it just, frustrates me you know??? Because clearly we are meant to be much more than just 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend'.“ Cracker sighed, he never particularly enjoyed using these terms to describe his and Michelle's relationship, after all- he was a man, not a boy! As his second hand lowered itself onto the lid he quickly looked up to see how the young woman was taking everything so far, and the sight of her trembling body and eyes full of tears and love caused his heart skip a beat. It was exactly the reassurance he had hoped for, and so Cracker continued.
„...so I think it's time we take the next step, together. Michelle, I love you more than anything. And I hereby ask for not only your hand in marriage, but your hand in life. My darling, will you be...“ he lifted the lid of the small box, a confident smirk on his lips as he revealed the ring he had picked, „...my sweetheart?“
For a second it was quiet in the room, Michelle eyed the ring with suprise  while she wondered why it was so... big and thick, but then she leapt off the couch and into her lovers arms, showering his face with kisses as hot tears of happiness streamed down her face.
„Yes! A thousand times YES!!! I love you, Cracker. So... much... there is nothing I want more than to be with you, forever...“ she whispered as a sob escaped from her throat, and Cracker wasted no time picking her up and twirling the smaller woman around in his arms, careful not to put too much pressure on her injured hip, as he kissed away the tears from her face. A few moments passed by as both of them felt overwhelmed by their feelings for each other- Cracker was unable to help himself and hugged her tightly against his chest, while Michelle openly started to cry and sob like there was no tomorrow. Both of them wished for this moment to last forever, but ultimately Cracker had to put his now fiancée back onto the ground for the second part of this little 'ceremony'.
„Here, sweetie. Let me slip this ring onto your finger to show everyone that you're mine forever from now on...“ he muttered, his large grin still intact as he carefully pulled the ring out from the box and slowly reached for Michelle's hand. The young woman smiled with anticipation and wiped away a few more tears before holding out her destined hand for him, her mind still unable to understand that this was really happening. But... upon looking closer at the ring, Michelle couldn't help but notice that something was... mh, odd. Not only was it much bigger and looked almost kind of... bulgy, but it was also... crumbling?!
Upon feeling the 'ring' slip onto her finger Michelle immediately noticed the oddly gritty texture it had to it- this clearly was no metal or gold or whatever- which made her look up at her husband and down at the ring again with a confused expression.
„Uhm....“ the young woman reached up with her free hand to scratch the back of her head while her eyes were still looked onto the weird.. thing on her hand. Ah HOLD ON, THIS WAS-
„....I made it special! Just for you, my little Sugar Cookie, I got you a ring that would fit you like nothing else- made out of a sugar cookie!“ Cracker explained proudly with a sweaty grin and Michelle slowly nodded her head, giving her soon-to-be husband a small smile, but that was not exactly the reaction Cracker was hoping for.
„....I... I do hope you like it! I figured a boring, regular engagement ring wouldn't be fitting for you, mein kleines Vanilleplätzchen~!“ he added romantically, but his grin slowly started to shrink as he wondered if this was after all the right decision.
Now you may ask, why did Cracker decide to get a cookie ring?
Well first of all, this proposal was kind of a 'spur of the moment' kind of thing. He didn't just want to be boyfriend and girlfriend anymore, so when he walked by that one specific bakery... his mind was made up.
Secondly... in case Michelle decided for some unexplicable reason to turn down his proposal, it would be easier for Cracker to just play it as a joke and laugh everything off. And after all... this would only be a temporary ring anyway. Once his dearly beloved would have agreed to marry him, he'd spend the next days looking for a new, more proper one; and would happily waste all of his money to get Michelle the best ring ever, since she deserved nothing less in his eyes.
But now... he found himself questioning his actions as his fiancée looked at the ring with a certain thoughtfulness reflected in her eyes. By now Cracker started sweating bullets, he was anticipating her reaction like a starved dog waiting for someone to throw it a bone, and the next time she looked up he sighed with relief. Her usual smile was on her face, this time it looked even warmer and more loving as Michelle nodded and prepared to throw herself into his arms again.
„Oh, Cracker... this is so lovely, so random, so... you!“ she exclaimed happily and rubbed her cheeks against his as her hand with the ring rubbed over his neck.
„....And it smells so good! Mhhh, oh I just... I love you so much! Thank you!“ the young woman cried out, a new wave of tears welling up in her eyes. As weird as it may be, this was cleary an act of love only her beloved Cracker could pull off, and she would carry that ring with pride, even if it would get moldy or rancid or whatever! It was the symbol of their union, the sign that said 'look at me, I'm gonna marry the man of my dreams!’, and if it would start to stink then she would simply spray some perfume on it and so be it!
Mentally she could already see her family and friends reacting, oh how lovely their congratulations would be... 
„omg Michelle is that a donut on your finger. WHY are you wearing a donut on your finger.“ probably something like that.
A sly grin appeared on Cracker's face as he took in all of the loving emotions reflected on his future wife's face, and with a low chuckle he leaned down, his lips gently grazing the skin of her ear as he whispered;
„Now... my beautiful little bride... how about we seal this deal by having a little pre-wedding fun, mhh~?“ he grinned and wiggled his non-existant eyebrows before reaching behind her with his large hand, slowly letting it trail down her back until it reached her butt, which was when Michelle intervened and grabbed onto his arm, a large smile dancing on her features.
„Can't wait 'til our wedding night now, can't you~?“ she teased with a giggle and wrapped her arms around his thick neck, waiting for Cracker to pick her up. And he did so immediately, his grin only growing as he winked down at her.
„Haha, you know me best, Sugar Cookie.“
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cheerioss · 5 years
Marinette: Guardian of the Miraculous
part 2
i have too many wips but im writing something else again :)) (woes of a writer/artist/just creators don’t @ me here)
so my brain clearly isn’t prioritising so here’s a really very long lil one shot based on this post i found by @aly4son and it’s pretty cute and fluffy. i decided to make some changes and add some stuff here as well becuz i love fluff hope it’s okayy. this took pretty long becuz i had to figure out how to put everything together ://
and as it stand it is getting way too long so im gonna have to put up a second part whoops.
“Hmm… Add a little of this…, a drop of water from the Dragon’s Tears Fountain… Oh, don’t forget the edible glitter…”
Marinette was adding different ingredients to her pot, swirling her wooden spoon at the same time. She was preparing for her final test before she was officially declared the new Guardian of the Miraculous. However, she needed a break from all the formulas and power-up functions. So, she decided to continue playing around with the concoction she’s been working on for weeks, hoping to complete her experiment that afternoon. She knew she could just finish it after her test, but she could feel that she’s so close, and was eager to observe the results.
Ever since she started learning the recipes of the power-up potions, she wondered what other power ups she could try making, if it were possible. She’s been trying over and over again, playing around with different kinds of ingredients. She’d even brought some items from the bakery, if only to give it a little taste and colour. (And also to test a theory of whether it can be used to make power-up potions. It did work out in the end, but only some foods.) She remembered Chat mentioning that Plagg hated those power-up cheese (said it tasted like “liquidy goo you humans take when you’re sick”) and decided to mess around with flavours.
“And… Done! Tikki? Up for another round of taste testing? I think I’ve got it this time!”
“Of course, Marinette! I’m curious though, why did you add the glitter?”
“It’s for flair, for the potion I’m brewing. If this works, you’ll see why I wanted glitter in there.” Marinette threw in a wink, and dipped a little spoon inside the pink, glittery liquid. Tikki floated towards it and took a sniff, noting the scent of champagne coming from it. I wonder if kwamis ever get drunk, didn’t think we’d try that before in all the time we spent in the miracle box.
She quicked sipped the delicious brew, and immediately felt a tingling sensation.
“It’s happening! It worked!”
In a flash of pink, Tikki transformed, her usual self now a sparkling crystal-like texture, her centre spot and tail (?) now dazzling diamonds.
“Wow… Well, what power up is this?”
“It’s called the Elegant power up, ooooooor Exquisite. Haven’t really decided on the name yet. It’s just a little fun power-up I came up with, you know, like a fancy dress transformation.”
“Cool! I’m sure Kaalki would love to try this power-up. It’s glorious.” Tikki laughed at her own little joke.
Oh, how she wished she could snap a photo of Tikki, but kwamis don’t show up on cameras. It was a great accomplishment, and she was really proud of herself. Specially created with an original outfit designed by her, a sketch of the design slowly added into the mixture while it boils. (Another absurd theory that flitted through her mind.) Never thought this crazy idea would work but here we are.
“Alright, I’m going to try transforming. Ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be, Marinette!”
“Elegant Tikki! Spots on!”
The familiar feeling of transforming washed over Marinette, yet it feels completely different at the same time. The swirls of pink magic disappeared to show a red cocktail dress with exquisite black sequins scattered on silk, the fabric a darker shade of red than what she usually wore. Extremely fancy indeed.
A Mandarin collar wrapped around her neck with a mini brooch which had a symbol engraved into it, a representation of her Chinese heritage and the pattern associated with the Miraculous. The top half had black polka dots, embodying her super-persona’s namesake, along with a matching mask and gloves, both of which had intricate embroidery. Her hair was pulled up into a stylish updo, braids twisted to form a crown above her head. Her red heels has little ladybugs on them, just like the one in her hair. Just how she imagined it.
“Wow, this is even better than what i would have done!” Marinette twirled around, noticing that the outfit has a litte glittery shine to it. Now she wish she would get to wear this someday; she felt like a princess! (Well, it was pretty funny because Chat would always call her civilian self that.)
In the midst of admiring her work, Master Fu walked into the room. His eyes widened at the sight in front of him, and Marinette shrieked, quickly transforming back to her usual self.
“Ah, sorry Master! I was messing around with an idea I had and I completed it just now. Don’t worry, I was practicing potions before that.”
“I’m not mad, Marinette. On the contrary, I’m actually very pleased that you have managed a feat that even my masters were unable to achieve back when I was in training with them. Perhaps I could show it to them when I return for a visit.
“In the mean time, how about you use this power-up for your Guardian officiating ceremony. It is something to celebrate after all and you deserve it.”
Marinette didn’t know what to say. She just thanked the master profusely, grateful for the opportunity to try out her new invention. She didn’t bother trying to refuse because she knows that there would still be one no matter what she says. Master Fu simply waved it off with a chuckle.
“Now, would you like to have your final test today or prefer to still wait for tomorrow? I feel that you are ready.”
School was still a priority, being in senior year and all. Marinette could only work on designs during her free time, and with Hawkmoth around those are scarce. Marinette would sometimes sketch out ideas besides finishing her homework, for fear if forgetting them. She absolutely hated it when an idea struck while she was busy fighting an akuma.
Good thing was, she didn’t need to worry about measurements. The miraculous will ensure that everyone’s suits and dresses would fit them to a t. So all she had to do was make sure that the designs represented each of the holders perfectly.
Tikki wholeheartedly agreed that Marinette deserved to be celebrated as the new Guardian, she hadn’t had a holder who was a Guardian since millennias ago. She was positively buzzing with exhilaration, moves animated with so much zest Marinette was afraid she might explode.
Chat was the first person she told about becoming a Guardian. He was surprised, after all he wasn’t aware of her receiving training, but that was short-lived as he immediately tackled Ladybug in a humongous bear hug for her sensational achievement. He even said, and I quote, “My, I’m honoured to be graced with the presence of the great and powerful Guardian of the Miraculous Box,” topped off with an exaggerated bow and a kiss to the knuckles.
He was also ecstatic about the prospect of a new transformation. Ladybug told him to assure Plagg that she had added a different flavour to it, and will add some cheese to his batch on top of infusing it in his beloved camembert. That night, Plagg denied purring loudly in his sleep. (“You were dreaming, Adrien. Hallucinating!”)
Three months of constant sketching and resketching, coloring in and retracing it for the potion, Marinette finally got the designs out. She asked the kwamis for their opinions on the designs, (after a mini celebration of their own, obviously.) and they gave their input. Some even made flavour requests, though they still kept the champagne in there as they loved it and it made the power-up more fancy.
Then it’s another week of measuring, mixing, and carefully infusing the correct batches into the different snacks. She almost put Wayzz’s herbal tea flavoured potion into Pollen’s honey comb, if not for Tikki and Wayzz’s interference. Oh, the look of horror on Pollen’s face would send Plagg laughing with tears.
With everything ready, it’s time to paaaaaaaaartay! (Clearly Xuppu was here :) )
With the help of Chat Noir, they managed to get the miraculouses to the respective holders’ rooms before they arrived home from school. She handwrote all the dissolving letters containing the information, taking care to use her cursive. Those online lessons really paid off, even Tikki couldn’t recognise that she was the one who wrote it.
Ladybug hid behind a rooftop as she watched Max open read the letter, coming to the conclusion that everyone else is doing the same. She hoped that she had made her instructions clear enough, considering how… excited some of her classmates could be.
Everyone was confused when they found a box in their rooms, realising soon after that it was a miraculous box. Alya and Chloe immediately opened their boxes, paying no mind to the paper that were below.
“Oh, finally! Ladybug is giving the Miraculous to me! It’s about time.”
“Trixx! Does Ladybug need me?” An extremely loud gasp, “Oh my gosh, is she here? Do I get to hold on to my miraculous?”
The kwamis questioned had to clarify that no, Ladybug was not nearby as there is no emergency, no, it was only for a few short hours, and no again, the miraculous was technically not theirs but “belonged” to the Guardian for safekeeping unless they are permanent holders. They were only temporary holders who are called upon when their help were needed.
(Ladybug and Master Fu had them make sure they got it through their heads after getting irritated when some people kept begging for it again. And also to inform those whose identities were compromised that it was their last time using theirs.)
“Please read the letter before you do anything, Alya.”
“It contains some important information that you really must know before you call upon me, my queen.”
All holders read through the letter:
“Dear [Name],
I hope this letter finds you well. I’m to be officiated as the new Guardian of the Miraculous, and it would really make my happy if you could join me tonight. Along with your miraculous, you will find a small snack for your kwamis. It is to be consumed strictly before transforming, so do not waste it as I’ve only provided a small piece.
You will transform tonight at 4am, going going to the address listed below. Don’t worry, the kwami will be able to help you with that. I know it is late but this is to ensure no reporters or your parents will see you sneak out. Hawkmoth rarely comes out at night anyway, so that’s a bonus.
Chat Noir and I are greatful for your contributions as the heroes of Paris, so we would also like this to be a celebration of thanks. Hope to see you there!
Signed, Ladybug
Address: 53 Rue de Corentin, Petit Fortune Hôtel 3rd floor”
The letters dissolved with a flame of green sparkles, kwamis reaffirming the chosens that they know the address and will help them navigate.
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when-im-older · 6 years
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Winter Makeup Favorites
It’s been a long time since I’ve done one of these “favorites” posts where I’ve just rounded up some of my most-used products from the past couple of months and raved about exactly why I love them so much. And I’ve definitely missed doing that. So, without any further ado, here are a couple of my favorite products and yes, they’re amazing. And beautiful. And you need them all. Just sayin’.
Guerlain La Petite Robe Noire Color’Ink #L112 No Filter ($32USD/$34CAD)
There’s going to be a lot of Guerlain makeup featured in this post today but it’s only because I love Guerlain that freakin’ much. Definitely one of my top three makeup brands fo’sho (are the cool kids still saying that? Probably not).This Color’Ink is Guerlain’s version of a liquid lipstick but it’s so much more than that. It’s a cross between a gloss, a liquid lipstick and a lip stain. A 3-in-1 product?! Y’all know I love that. It comes in a wide range of gorgeous colours but this nudey coral is definitely a Taylor shade. It’s so pretty. My only complaint is that while these Color’Inks last for a long time on the lips, they have this peculiar super sticky texture for the first half hour you are wearing it. It feels like you just superglued your lips. It’s interesting to say the least but it really does look gorgeous on the lips.
Urban Decay Space Powder ($17USD/$15CAD)
A few months ago I started to realize I really don’t have many highlighters in my collection. I usually just stick to a select two shades (the Estee Lauder Bronzed Goddess Gelee (review here) and the Dior Glowing Gardens one), but lately I have just been really feeling the need to switch it up a lil’. When I saw that Urban Decay had come out with a super cute travel sized highlighter in their Christmas collection this year, I knew I had to have it. I absolutely love that it’s miniature because I will never ever use up a highlighter (let alone anything else in my extensive makeup collection) so the size (and price point) was perfect for me. Plus it’s the most beautiful shade. It’s a light yellow-y champagne with superfine gold glitter. It’s definitely a lot more glittery than my other shimmery highlighters but that’s what I love about it. I can’t wait to wear this all over my body on New Year’s Eve this year!
Guerlain Rouge G Lipstick ($32USD/$35CAD)& Holiday Case ($17USD/$20CAD)
Guerlain recently revamped their pricey Rouge G lipsticks and made them (surprisingly) less pricey and more fun. So now, instead of buying just a normal lipstick in a boring old case, you can now buy the lipstick and the case seperately. Guerlain has a bunch of different shades (I think around 30 in total) and 15 different cases in the most beautiful prints and designs! For my shade, I picked #06 which is a very neutral, everyday rosey pink but the case is where I really got to have fun. For the holidays this year, Guerlain released a limited edition gold pebbled case that is absolutely stunning. I always like limited edition things more so this really helped me make up my mind on which case to get!
Guerlain Holiday Meteorites Electric Pearls ($65USD/$81CAD)
Speaking of limited edition things, I also absolutely love the limited edition Meteorites that Guerlain releases every single year around Christmas. I have the original meteorites and for those of you who aren’t familiar with them, they’re essentially these handcrafted (AKA shaped by hand) powder pearls in different shades that create a flawless, blurred finish on the skin with the perfect amount of luminosity. They are quite the bougie makeup item but nothing makes me feel happier than applying these every morning and smelling that sweet, signature Guerlain scent. Mmmm. Plus, the packaging is gorgeous. And you already know I’m a sucker for packaging.
Replica Lazy Sunday Morning ($126USD/$155CAD)
I have this special place in my heart for Replica perfumes. They are designed to evoke a special memory or emotion from deep down inside you instead of just being yet another floral scented fragrance. I’ve tried the Replica By the Fireplace perfume before as well as the infamous Lipstick On perfume and I’ve fallen in love with them. Both are unlike anything I’ve ever smelled before. The Lazy Sunday Morning isn’t as unique but it’s definitely something different from what I’ve owned in the past. It’s the lightest, freshest scent and it’s the perfect perfume to wear when I’m not getting all fancied up. I tend to wear very sweet, heavy scents that don’t exactly match a hoodie and sweatpants kind of outfit. Now I don’t wear that kind of outfit very often but when I do, the Lazy Sunday Morning perfume is the perfect scent to compliment it. It is described as smelling like soft skin and bed linen so really, what’s better than that?
Dior Ultra Rouge #485 Ultra Lust ($37USD/$43CAD)
I have so many Dior lipsticks but they will forever continue to surprise me with all their new launches and how I continue to love each and every addition to their product line. These are the brand new Ultra Rouge lipsticks and at first, I was a little confused how they differ from the normal Dior Rouge lipsticks. But essentially, they’re even more pigmented than the originals with a 12-hour wear and a satin, almost matte finish. And even though they tend to be more of a matte finish, they are still super hydrating and comfortable and I don’t find they dry out my lips any more than the average lipstick which is definitely a good thing in my books. The shade, #485 Ultra Lust, is, like any other shade I own, a rosey neutral. Surprise there. It’s described as a warm rosewood which basically just means it’s going to be yet another everyday lipstick for me, but I’m definitely not complaining!
Shop My Favorites:
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mintakablue · 6 years
ready to start
for @mxnotmrdarcy for @brightclam‘s the get down fanwork exchange!
regina/yolanda/mylene mutual pining fic because Wow I Love These Girls
1.2 k words, read on ao3 [here] or under the cut
          Three months into the world of performing in places that weren’t wooden stages in beat-up neighborhoods, in halls much bigger than the vaulted ceilings of the Cruz church, and the Soul Madonnas had developed a routine. Getting ready together was as familiar as the bedroom Yolanda, Mylene, and Regina all shared together on nights like this.
           They didn’t have a boudoir or anything like that yet—they had to get ready at home and then ride the subway, all glammed up, divas and angels travelling in tagged-up cars. Mylene would talk and talk while they brushed out their hair, about how soon enough they were gonna go straight to the top, have personal dressing rooms and everything. For now, though, they zipped each other into their costumes, sequins glittering under the flickering light.
           Mylene was first, which never bothered Regina and Yolanda. Someone who dreamed so big deserved the spotlight and they were both simply along for the ride. Regina would grab one of her hands and choose the most extravagant nail polish and set to work, gossiping about the latest trends and the girls at school. On the other hand, Yolanda was always intensely focused when doing Mylene’s makeup, quiet and contemplative. She’d spent her whole life flipping through fashion magazines and Mylene was always willing to sit still and let Yolanda test her newest idea of eyeshadow combinations. She was always a little reluctant to put makeup on herself, but Mylene’s face was a canvas she could work on forever. The little spark of excitement she would feel when Mylene would gaze up at her after she evened out her eye makeup, dark and feathery lashes complemented by the glittery hues, was indescribable. Yolanda both hoped and dreaded Mylene noticing how long she would leave her hand on her face, how close she would pull her in to apply blush, how she would sometimes just stop and look at Mylene and feel the strange rush of adoration wash over her. Mylene would stare back just as intently sometimes, her eyes roaming across Yolanda’s face before making a comment like, “You look damn good, Yolanda. The boys are gonna go crazy tonight.” As if Mylene looking at her like that wasn’t enough to make her go crazy anyways.
           Regina was always more composed, never one to wear her heart on her sleeve, at least when it came to falling in love with people. If she blushed, she didn’t show it. Just relished in the sensation of holding Mylene’s hand, leaning close to blow on the nail polish to dry it. Mylene would sometimes watch her do it, the precision that Regina would focus on her hands. Maybe she knew and maybe she didn’t—the thoughts that went through Regina’s brain were all about how Mylene’s hands looked perfect in so many ways. Zeke was lucky to be able to hold them because they looked like they would fit right into anyone’s open and willing hand, a bird in a nest, a cherry on a bush or whatever the fuck. It just looked like her hands, nail-bitten though they were, should have been clasped in Regina’s own.
           Regina was the second one and once Mylene’s nails were dry, she would get to brushing Regina’s hair for her. Long and dark and without the texture Mylene sometimes found frustrating in her own. A smooth dark river that flowed easily, ending in a little wave, the junction between fresh and saltwater. Mylene would probably never tell Regina how she thought she looked like the Virgin Mary—Regina would probably laugh it off. But the way that her hair framed her face, the way her pink lips pouted down into something almost pious when she wasn’t making a quick remark, was genuinely beautiful. When they had finished performing and confetti was raining down on them, the silver and gold bits stuck in her hair looked like the stars on the Lady of Guadalupe.
           Perfect colors and doe-like eyelashes were Regina’s specialty, so Yolanda never really helped with her makeup. Instead, Yolanda would help pin parts of Regina’s costume in the right places. Her costume seemed to fall out of place more often, probably because she was the most excited about the dance moves and the costumes were not always designed for staying together. It reminded Yolanda of when they used to put on her mom’s outfits, twirling around in ill-fitting heels and dresses. Now though, Regina had grown to fit so many different outfits, always ahead of the fashion game. After all that time though, Regina and Yolanda would still pose with each other in mirrors, holding tops up to their chests and deciding which looked the best. They shared clothes so often it felt like being sisters, but Yolanda wondered to herself what it was like to share a closet like Dad and Mom did, two fancy outfits they would wear out to dinner together, hanging side by side. Regina and Yolanda spent so much time together that Yolanda was practically in Regina’s back pocket. She was sharp, funny, and always surprisingly tender when you needed it. She was quick to reply with a joke about poking in the wrong places if Yolanda accidentally angled a safety pin the wrong way, but Yolanda would never dream of doing anything to hurt her for real. A playful little nudge never hurt anyone though.
           Yolanda would be last, but not for lack of care—it was because she spent so much time on the other two, who would eventually push her down into her chair and insist on making her look just like a star too. She would blush and giggle at their compliments and eventually relent to sitting and having them doll her up. Then it was Mylene doing nails and costume fixing and Regina doing makeup. Mylene was fascinated by Yolanda’s hands; smaller than hers, yet deft and nimble. Tapping a rhythm here, rearranging the clutter on the table there. Two weeks ago, Ra-Ra had bumped into Yolanda and caused her to slice her finger while chopping vegetables. The scar was beginning to turn into a pale mark, probably gone by the next week, but for a moment all Mylene wanted to do was to kiss it, gently enough to wish it away. She was fiercely and strangely protective over Yolanda and Regina both—knew they could handle themselves but wanted to keep them close to her, safe and sound, anyways.
           Regina was always joking around with Yolanda, sometimes saying things just to scandalize her and Mylene, earning a playful slap on the arm. But Yolanda always laughed along, her eyes crinkling in a way that made Regina’s heart jump. She thought she would do anything to make Yolanda laugh, passing notes in class with stupid little sayings or doodles that would make Yolanda snicker. Right now, her face was calm and still, trying to make Regina’s job easier—Yolanda was always trying to make other people’s lives easier and that was one of the kindest things about her, even if she did sometimes bat her brothers around. It made Regina want desperately to be a better person. She carefully filled in Yolanda’s lips with lipstick and lipgloss, leaning back to get a good look at her work, even though she wanted to lean in and close that gap between their lips instead.
           None of them ever breathed a word of bond they had to each other, but right now they didn’t have to—knowing that if one of them was ever to fall, the other two would be right there to catch her; especially if it was falling in love.
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warmau · 7 years
omg pls do mermaid¡bts i love your writing so much
i have one!!! yoongi’s got deleted tho,,,,but im in the mood to write some namjoon since it was his bday!!! find others: hoseok 
is a deep sea mermaid,,,,,,literally he has the ability to come up for air like all other mermaids but he doesn’t see the point in it 
has silver underlying his gills and in the darkness of the water, you can see flashes of them like little sparks
his ribs are marked with pretty scales and his jaw is accented by the same glittery effect  
keeps his hair clipped to the side with pins his mother made for him out of corals 
enjoys swimming among sunken ships and reading any of the old parchments or books he finds
the pages get ruined in the water though,,,,,and he absolutely despises seeing a good book ruined
which is why it’s the only reason he e v e r comes up to land
he’s got this one spot - secluded by rocks and shallow pools of ocean water
where he’ll emerge and lay on the beach, the tide tickling his tail when it comes in, reading whatever he’s found among wrecks or that has been dropped from boats
and you,,,,,,,know namjoon. 
how? you’ve seen him, numerous times
and at first you couldn’t believe your eyes,,,,,,,,,you’d thought a large dolphin or something had washed up on shore
but to your amazement it was a person,,,,,,,well,,,,,,,,,a mermaid
perched on the other end of the rocks,  you’d wanted to take a photo, call out, do anything to prove that it was real,,,,,,,,
but for some reason you couldn’t do any of that - because when the mermaid turned his face to the side
you were frozen,,,,,,,
a sharp jaw, only made more handsome by the silvery textures on his skin
you had almost stopped breathing when you saw him, and then - there was the book
on the sand, was a wet-wrinkled book. but the mermaid was eagerly turning it’s soaked pages
you wondered quietly to yourself,,,wouldn’t a wet book be impossible to read. wouldn’t the ink be bloated? pages torn out?
the mermaid didn’t stay long, he hid the book behind one of the smaller rocks and disappeared with the incoming wave
not being able to help yourself,,,you’d rushed down to the spot you’d just seen him in, taking the book out between the wedged rocks and gasping,,,,,,
it was a book you knew,,,,,,a book you loved
in fact,,,,,,you had a copy of it back home.
without a second thought, you rushed back to your house. pulling the book off the shelf and grabbing some rope with you and a plastic bag
strategically, you tied the rope and the bag around the rocks, safely placing your copy within the bag so if a tide came over it - it would still be dry
and with that,,,,,every day,,,,,,you came to watch the spot and waited
and the mermaid,,,,,,,showed up
namjoon was perplexed by the bag hanging on the rope, but even more so where the book he’d hidden away had gone. for a while,,,he didn’t think to look in the bag
but when he’d stuck his hand in - he was surprised to feel the hard cover of a book
pulling it out, it was the same book he’d been reading - but this one was in better condition
the words weren’t smeared, pages weren’t missing, he didn’t have to handle it with the utmost care in case something would tear or the back of the book would break
he was,,,,,,in love,,,,,,,,,,
the weight of the book, the beautiful cover drawing, the thick ink
it was amazing,,,,,,,,,,,,,he was sure he’d been blessed
when suddenly he looked up and there you were
perched on the same rock as where the bag had been tied
“you can borrow my copy, it’s a limited edition.”
namjoon’s shoulders slightly twitched,,,,redness crawling up into his cheeks by your sudden appearance
and by the fact that you were smiling down at him,,,,,,,in a way he wasn’t used to be smiled at
“how far along are you?”
still silent, namjoon’s hand gripped the book slightly
“,,,,,,,chapter 6,,,,,,,,”
clapping your hands you exclaimed that that’s one of the best ones! excitedly you asked who was namjoon’s favorite character and what did he make of the drama in chapter 4
namjoon,,,,,,,still shocked by your arrival didn’t answer either of those questions but went 
“are you a human?”
you introduced yourself and namjoon barely stuttered out his
“i didn’t know mermaids liked reading, but i assume you guys have books of your own?”
namjoon shook his head
“mermaids upkeep an oral tradition of story telling, books can’t survive in water,,,,,,”
you tilted your head,,,,,,saying that that was true - so what then was namjoon’s favorite mermaid story
he hesitated,,,mumbling that humans weren’t supposed to know and that he’d spent too much time at land - his trip back would take long and would alert his friends
you nodded in understatement, namjoon lifting the book back toward you
“oh no, im letting you borrow it!! also here-” 
you shuffled around in your pocket, pulling out a slightly bent bookmark
“this helps you keep your page, like this.”
you took the book, putting the mark on where namjoon had been keeping his finger
dropping it back in the bag with a smile you went
“you can keep it in the bag, safe from the water. whenever you’re done just let me know and ill bring you another one.”
his eyes light up,,,,,,,,,,, “another book?”
“yeah, i have tons!!! i even have more from this author!!”
namjoon’s eyes were now shining, looking upon you like you had just told him the best news of his life
the tide was coming in high,,,,and the sky was turning dark
and namjoon said again he had to go
but before disappearing into the water, he pulled the coral clip from his hair
bangs falling into his face, but he pushed them back with one hand
“here, a trade”
he dropped the coral into your hand and you looked at it
“i can’t take this, im letting you borrow my book it’s noth-”
but namjoon’s cheeks burnt red again
“n-no,,,,you can borrow it,,,,,,,while i borrow the book. that way it’s fair.”
you weren’t so sure, but namjoon sounded almost like he was pleading so with a shrug you smiled and thank him
clipping it right into your hair you giggled and went “does it look cute?”
namjoon’s blush was really seeping into his skin now
giggling again you thanked him, waving as the tide came closer to take him away
“ill see you again!”
you shouted, just before namjoon was gone in the waves
as he swam deeper and deeper into the water he smiled to himself, ill see you again too 
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pagans-dream · 7 years
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1. Honor the Ancestors Samhain is for ancestors, right? Why bother with it at Thanksgiving? Well, as a pagan parent I have some news for you: Samhain has another name, and the name is CANDY. Trying to balance the deep seated childhood drive to wear costumes and collect the freely given sugar goods with genuine veneration of those who have come before us can be difficult at best. I’ve joked with a lot of pagans that Halloween is Pagan Christmas. It’s a busy time. In my community we almost always have big Halloween parties for the adults, as well as costumes for the kids, visits to the grandparents for trick or treating events throughout the month, the Zoo Boo, not to mention the actual religiosity of the season with big Samhain rituals to plan for both adults and kids. It doesn’t actually leave a lot of time for building an ancestor shrine or talking to my kids about their own personal dead relatives. So a couple of years ago I came up with an idea. During October I focus on modern Halloween. We do costumes and candy, decorate the whole house with skulls and dead things. It’s awesome, and is it’s own version of Samhain. After the big candy-fest I switch gears like a pagan Martha Stewart Pro, tucking away the bats and glittery ravens decorating the house. You don’t have glittery cardboard ravens? You should. They’re awesome. That’s when I set up my ancestors altar. I get out the photos and the tchotchkes: a teacup from Buckie Scotland and one from Poland, my great grandmother’s rolling pin and if I have room, my grandmother’s wedding dress. I let the kids look at all the things. When they were younger I printed out copies of old photos on my printer and let the kids cut up the images and tape them up so we wouldn’t ruin the originals. We give them daily offerings for the weeks between Samhain and Thanksgiving, allowing them some special, uninterrupted, family time. On turkey day we make a plate up for the ancestors and give them a glass of wine too. It’s actually a really cool conversation starter with relatives because they often will tell stories I don’t remember anymore. Ancestors blend with a day that is supposed to be about family. After that, I allow the fat man and his green and red decorating scheme to sneak out of the basement and start to emerge into the household, but only after the ancestors get their time. 2. Learn about the Native American Tribes in your Area We all know the story. White man comes to new land. Red man decides to not let him starve in what was most likely a foolishly generous move. Yay for pilgrim hats and feather headdresses! Everyone loves each other. Except for smallpox and a few other minor details. Except for that bad stuff we like to forget about. As pagans we are often in the process of reclaiming indigenous religion. For myself, I focus on the Indo-European traditions. I do think that means we need to be supportive and respectful of indigenous peoples, especially the ones native to this continent many of us call home. Take a little time and let Google lend a hand to learn about the history of the tribes who live and lived in your home area. Realize that the history of the native tribes is complex, just like the history of the Gaulish Romano-Celts or the interactions between the Greek city states. Historically the Potawatomi, Ojibwe, and Odawa were the tribes living in the lower peninsula. Together they created the Council of Three Fires, which as a Druid and a fire priestess, I find pretty rockingly awesome! 3. Eat Local This one is kind of obvious. We’re pagans. Even if you don’t have an Earth Mother that you honor in your pantheon, you probably have landvettir, fairies, or agricultural deities that would appreciate you being kind to the earth. So find a local farm to buy a turkey from. Eat food from your bioregion. Learn how to turn a real pumpkin into pumpkin pie. (Pro tip: don’t use a pumpkin. Bake a butternut squash and use that. The texture and flavor will be way better.) Sometimes farmer’s markets will have one last huzzah just before the winter sets in so that people can pick up items for the holidays. This can mean that thanksgiving will cost more. Look at it as an offering to the land spirits and to your health as well. 4. Be With People You Enjoy I’m not going to advocate for going to a relative’s house to eat crappy food and feel hateful toward people you have nothing in common with. Sorry. I know that’s the thing we’re all told to do. If you’re planning on picking up a fifth of something alcoholic in order to survive turkey day, I would say skip it. Stay home and watch football or weird Christmas movies on Netflix if that’s your only alternative. However, I do think that there’s something better than both those options. Go somewhere with people you care about. If that’s actually the people who you are related to, great! Find a Thanksgiving that will bring you happiness. Go somewhere you will laugh with actual humor and not that fake forced thing that happens when you do not feel loved or seen as a person. Or better yet, host a Friendsgiving. This is something my husband and I have done for years. We put out an offer for any friends who don’t have someplace to go and invite any relatives that would like to come. It makes for a fun and lively bunch of people with a weird mix of traditions and stories. One year there was a menorah made out of Legos. One year we had five stuffings. Let Thanksgiving be the time when you take the stranger into your house and show them hospitality, which is, after all, a druidic virtue. 5. Practice Gratitude Life is a gift. Everything we are and everything we will be is fed from the lives of other beings. On this day of thanks giving, take a moment and be still. Close your eyes and allow yourself to truly ponder your existence and the existence of your loved ones. We humans like to live our lives forgetting how fragile they truly are. It’s difficult to know what to do in the face of homelessness, war, and sickness. It’s difficult to feel the pain that those things bring up within us, but that pain is essential. It is a gift, too. Let yourself just exist with it for a moment. Then open your eyes. Smell the turkey cooking; listen to the sound of voices. Look around you. Even the shabby things, the chipped dishes or the worn curtains that you need to replace are gifts. This life is a gift made of things found from the earth. Each plastic cup, every napkin, every fork and knife on that table was made through the work of people from the materials of this planet. Every bit of it is made from nature to be used and kept by people. Cherish your things. Use them well. Cherish your people. Use them well too. Be respectful and kind. Never forget, this is all a gift. Happy Holidays, dear reader. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/agora/2015/11/dandelion-seeds-five-ways-to-have-a-pagan-thanksgiving/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=FBCP-PAG&utm_content=dandelionseeds
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cutiecrates · 3 years
Cutie Reviews: NMNL Feb 20
With this box, it’s officially been a year since NMNL changed its box to feature cuter Korean and Japanese products in the box.
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“We hope you're getting the love you deserve this February! We’re back with your monthly dose of Japanese and Korean cosmetics, skin care, beauty tools and more. Whether you plan on pampering your loved one(s) or yourself on Valentine’s Day, we support you and hope you will enjoy this month’s beauty box!“
Glam Gift and Contest Prize
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For Valentines Day the box was focused on romantic colors and sweet, chocolate-themed products.
For this month, our horoscope’s would tell us our perfect matches. For example, I’m a Libra, and it suggests I would go good with Leo, Taurus, and Aquarius.
Dear My Soap
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Our first item is this adorable little pastel colored soap, available in pink,blue, or white with matching ribbon sweetly tying it in place. It has a lovely Bulgarian rose scent, and it contains rosehip oil.
The booklet says it’s moisturizing... and to be honest, I couldn’t bring myself to un-tie this and try it out like I usually would <3< I feel bad because I try to use everything prior to writing a review, but it’s so... cute-looking, I couldn’t help it! I want to keep it as is.
Momocos Colored Eye Pencil
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The Momocos monsters have been becoming more popular these days, I keep seeing them in these boxes! They’re so cute, and this time we get an eye pencil, available in this black color, pink, blue, and red.
As fun as they are to draw with, I’ve been afraid of stabbing myself with eye liner pencils. It applies really smooth when I tried drawing a line on my hand, but on the eye it pretty much blotches along the lid like the liquid. I really can’t tell if it’s me, my eye, or what...
A’pieu Chocolate Milk Mask & Medius Heart Eye Mask
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If I recall properly, we got one of these milk masks the previous years box. At least I think, I could be off. I also see it when I go to Target, so I thought it was a funny coincidence. It felt really nice on my skin, but it doesn’t smell like chocolate. To me it actually kinda smells like coconut and hand sanitizer.
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Our other mask focuses on the eyes with a lovely rose scent. It moisturizes and its made from the same, jelly-like material the lip masks are made from. It includes extracts of cacao and pearl, along with collagen and ceramide.
Unfortunately, something seemed a bit unusual with mine. After I opened it, I noticed one eye was cut much more widely than the other, it fit okay, but I had some issues wearing the mask. Not only that, but my allergies have been bothering my eyes lately, I kept trying to find the best time to wear the mask but it wasn’t happening. The product or something kept getting into my eyes and was irritating them, even when I kept moving it around. It smelled good and felt nice, but it was too hard to keep on for the full 30 minutes. I took it off at almost 15 minutes.
Beauty World Makeup Palette
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I love when we get such pretty palettes, especially when they include colors I’d actually wear. For this month’s box, there was 4 different ones: Daily Color, Elegant Color, Tropical Color, and Natural Color. If I translates this right, mine is the elegant.
What I like about this palette are its unique textures. Some are smooth and silky, some feel scratchy (especially the one that’s SUPER-glittery), and there’s 4 of them with a diamond pattern that feels lovely to rub~
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I don’t have the best lighting for these types of pictures <_< I’m sorry.
Melliesh 3-way Multi Heart
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We tend to get these types of cute little cosmetic pieces pretty often. In fact we did get a single-colored heart from this brand a year or so ago, I still have it but I don’t use it very often.
This one is not just cheek and lips though, but also eye. The colors could be pink, cherry red, rich brown, or cassis berry. It has a bit of glitter in it and is pretty shiny, but it blends into the skin pretty well too. I’m not sure I could pull off straight up red eye-shadow, but I’m sure it could blend in with other colors nicely.
Capsa Lip Plumper & Heart Crush Lipstick Creamy Velvet
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The Capsa lip plumper is a special product made with pepper extract that heats up the capillaries to increase blood flow. It comes in clear gloss, moisturizing lip serum, or as a red gloss. It also has a wonderful minty scent!
I was a little nervous trying this out because I never used a heating type of lip product before. It was kind of exciting too though. I tried it out and it’s actually not very hot at all :3 it does warm up a little but not to an uncomfortable level. I’ve been using it since the start of the week, noticed a teensy bit of a plumping but nothing too impressive. I’m not really big on thick, fuller lips though so I don’t really mind. It’s also very sticky, but that’s nothing new and it doesn’t personally bother me. 
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Our final item is by the famous brand Holika Holika. There was 9 possible variations of pink, coral, red, and beige you could get in this collection!
Mine is New Woman 01 PK, I think that means it’s a pink shade. Although it looks pretty close to red.
I’ve seen these lipsticks online a LOT and always wanted one of my own, but I haven’t actually seen it on a website to buy from before, so you can imagine how happy I was to receive this! I couldn’t believe it!
I’m not a huge fan of matte lipsticks, but it’s so cute, and it doesn’t look too bad. You could also just use it for a heart stamper if you wanted ;3
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 4.5 out of 5. The items are nice, no leakages or issues this time. I didn’t hate anything, although as usual I can’t use the eyeliner, and the eye mask gave me a bit of a problem, but that’s just me personally.
Theme: 5 out of 5. It featured lovely sweet items and definitely gave me a Valentines Day vibe.
Total Rank: 8 out of 10. I liked this more than our previous box, but I think I liked the Valentine’s Day box we got last year a bit more. The items are all kind of on the small side, but they’re also cute and fun to use, re-usable, practical, both playing important roles in these types of boxes. But I will say that I’m getting pretty tired of seeing eyeliner in these boxes, not only that but I wish there was a little bit more variety. It’s almost entirely for your face, and mostly the eye and lip regions.
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
Lip Plumper - I love how it smells, I don’t mind the stickiness at all. I actually kind of like the warming behind it too~
Lipstick - It’s so cute!
Palette - The colors are so pretty, I love rubbing my fingers over them. I’d recommend buying one of these if you can find them (Japan Haul shop may have them still). 
Multi Heart - Pretty color, but no scent. I can’t stand the outside yellow color either, it’s so ugly, the worst shade of yellow for me. No offense to anyone who likes it though, it’s just my personal opinion.   
Soap - I really want to use it but it’s so cute, I just can’t! 
Heart Eye Mask - I thought I’d love this but it was so uncomfortable.
Chocolate Milk Mask - The scent wasn’t super-appealing to me. A basic mask.    
Eyeliner - Once you get past the cute sticker label there isn’t really much to this.
0 notes
scandalmania · 7 years
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Find Your Beauty MAGAZINE x Natalie | RINA (SCANDAL) 
This feature is a collaboration project with Milbon, a company that handles hair care items exclusively for hair salons, and Natalie. In addition to an interview with female artists and actresses with the theme of "hair" each time, interviews with hair arrangement videos and conversations about hairdressers or hair+makeup are posted on Find your Beauty MAGAZINE, Milbon's special site.
Our fourth guest is SCANDAL's drummer RINA. As she mentioned, 「I've loved hair + makeup and fashon since I was young」 during the interview, she is the most aesthetic person among the SCANDAL members, going to the hair salon twice a month. We asked why RINA sticks to visuals, such as connections between hairstyles and stage performances.
Article translated by TGE @ Scandal Heaven. Read the full article under the cut.
Trauma of being mistaken for a boy
──What kind of hairstyle did you have as a child?
I had long hair as a child. My mom was great at doing my hair, and I have memories of going to kindergarten with a different hairstyle every morning. There was a time when I had perms done; I liked putting on a headband then.
──Have you been particular about your hairstyles since you were young?
I have. I think my mom was a big influence, but I've loved hair + makeup and fashon since I was young. When my mom encouraged me to cut my hair very short in kindergarten, the cashier at a supermarket mistook me for a boy and called me by a male pronoun. That was such a shock for me that I grew my hair out for a while (laughs). In my third or fourth year of middle school I thought, 「I probably won't be mistaken for a boy anymore」 and cut my hair short once, but in the end I just kept growing my hair out afterwards.
──SCANDAL made their major label debut in 2008 with the single 「DOLL」. All of the members had long, black hair then.
The band formed when I was in middle school, and at that time I could not dye or arrange my hair because of the school rules, so the four of us were matching with long, black hair. We had black hair at the time of our major label debut since we still had members in high school.
──In the music video for your single 「LOVE SURVIVE」 that released in July 2011 you shed your school uniforms, and a variety of hairstyles and hair colors has increased since then.
That's right. We had more freedom with our hairstyles by shedding our uniforms. After that we've enjoyed putting in very long extensions, putting in inner colors, and doing various hairstyles and colors.
Hairstyles are decided by the merits of the stage
──Which hairstyle do you think has been your most flashy one to date?
The purple color I had during our arena tour (their 「PERFECT WORLD」 arena tour held from the end of 2015). We all went for simple, casual outfits, and instead made our hairstyles flashy. I would never have done purple if I wasn't in a band. I'm not afraid of any color when I imagine myself standing on stage. When I'm considering hairstyles, I don't really think about ones that would go with everyday life; I think of which ones would be coolest when I'm on stage.
──It seems that having a flashy style there would make it difficult to consider styles for your days off.
I had a flashiness that made even people who didn't know about RINA of SCANDAL suddenly turn and look back at me, so people's eyes......(laughs). During my days off at that time, I put the lower half of my hair into buns and wore a cap so as to make the area of purple as small as possible. But once I made it flashy, my hair color, hairstyle, and my mood were made so as well, but I noticed that people's impressions of me really changed. Your hairstyle really changes how people perceive you; it's a very important factor for girls.
──Wasn't it hard to keep up that color?
I did keep it up, but it was hard to make it purple in the first place. My hairdresser kept dyeing it and checking it from evening to 3 in the morning. If it wasn't right then he'd repeat the process of dyeing it again. It was such a pain to get it to that color. I was so grateful that he kept up with it until that point.
──You chopped it into a bob after that.
When I went purple we thoroughly removed past colors and put in new ones, so I cut it into a bob to reset that damage. Being on stage with a bob, it swings around with even the smallest movements. Just turning to the side makes it spread out easily, and my movements looks huge when I'm lit from behind, so it moves cleanly without any difficulty. Conversely, when you have long hair it doesn't flutter well if you don't make big movements. Since drummers sit on a chair, I like this kind of hairstyle that can give off a dynamic feeling with minimal movement.
I want keep being looked up to
──RINA, do you arrange your hair on your days off?
I do. I often curl my hair with a narrow barrel curling iron while looking at the mirror. I also straighten it and style it to give it a wet texture. Since its impression changes just by changing texture, I have a lot of styling agents. I'm very particular with my hairstyles; I definitely can't stand it if my hair isn't smooth and silky or is damaged. Because I want to keep my hair healthy no matter what style I do, I regularly go to the salon for maintenance.
──How often do you go?
I go once every 2 weeks. I almost always go the day before a live or shoot. I need to be in tip-top shape when I'm on stage since there might be people who are seeing SCANDAL live for the very first time. Because there are people at any of our live shows who are seeing me for the first time in their lives, or those who will come and expect to see me over the next couple of years, I of course want our set and performance to be beautiful, but I also want my appearance to be beautiful. I want people to go home with memories like, 「That hairstyle then was adorable」.
──Is it the same for the other members too?
I think the things we each cherish differ, but we all have that same motivation for playing lives and making music. I am strongly aware that I care the most about beauty among the members, and I try to care about my appearance very much. There are times when it's not perfect because we keep going out on tour, but I want to stand on stage and have people think 「That's so cool」 or 「It's so glittery」 as much as possible. I think it's fun when you see a band that you looked up to moving and talking in person for the first time, so my commitment to that may be strange. I think that everyone who stands on stage treasures all sorts of things, but that's what my commitment is. Being a fun drummer to watch is one of the ways I face music.
──That'll surely make your fans who look up to you happy.
I want to able to provide 100% of the elements so that you'll be able to enjoy all of SCANDAL. I think there are parts that can't be conveyed even if you're doing your best with only music, so I want us to be a band that makes you want to watch our music videos over and over again, and I want us to be a band that you want to see live. Also, the morning after you go to the salon and look in the mirror, you'll get excited by the beautiful color and silkiness. Good music is born and good performances are possible when the heart is in good condition, so being a band and managing your mentality is very important. I think that the number of phrases that come out of me depends on how many times I felt 「enjoyment」 in my everyday life.
We would like to continue the band until black hair feels fresh again
──Each of the SCANDAL members' hairstyles differ, but do you decide on styles by discussing it with everyone?
We do. We never change our styles arbitrarily; we do so after discussing it together. For example, when a rock album's finished, we first decide on the outfits and the decide on our hair and makeup. I think it's great when musicians send out other things besides music. I don't think music will be conveyed honestly if a musician sends out something like, 「I went with this hair color」 or 「My hairstyle and makeup look like this」. Like, it shows a lack of sincerity for your music. I also understand this quite well, but I think that fashion and music are connected; I think that it definitely would better if everyone enjoyed them more easily.
──Enjoying "being a girl" is what is conveyed through SCANDAL's music.
I'm happy you said that. When we changed our hair colors from black hair, the color of the floor seen from the stage changed. An overwhelming number of blondes has increased. It made me happy that it seemed that everyone found more freedom by having fun. That might be due all of us growing up together and starting careers at the same time, and that it happened to link to when students were becoming working adults. We're happy that everyone's daily lives are fulfilled, especially when our activities are involved. There are also voices that want us to go back to having long, black hair again...... I'm happy that there are still people who feel attached that era, but I also want them to realize that it's fun to make yourself anew. If we have long, black hair again, maybe that'll be the day when we've been a band long enough that it feels new again.
──I'm sure those who only know about the current SCANDAL would be shocked if you suddenly went back to having black hair.
We want to stay as a quartet that doesn't know what we'll be doing next. So, I want people to not be able to take their eyes off of us. I want to do activities that'll always feel fresh to our fans and that they will not get tired of.
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