#the old files are still up dw.
ssspringroll · 6 months
hoo boy! 144 packages merged into the Ultimate. which is just 24 shapes x 6 slots lol
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basmathgirl · 2 months
You reblogged a Gif set of the first episode of the fourth season of DW „Partners in Crime“. One of your tags reads “filed under: things they often did to Donna” in regards to the unflattering lighting. And now I’m wondering what do you mean by that or what are other examples of “things” they did to Donna in your opinion?
Hello kind Anon
I started collecting examples to show you, but it qucikly became like a school homework project, so I won't write an essay about it.
Basically, Donna was not meant to be seen as glamorous, sexy, the love interest, or cool; just some middle-age woman close to the Doctor's visible age. And and we all know how the media has long dictated that only women under 25 (or under 30, at a push) can be seen as a romantic co-star. Good grief, CT was in the film "Starter For 10" in 2006, where she plays the mother to an 18 year-old lad, played by James McAvoy who is only 10 years younger than her, and she was paired with an actor almost 20 years older than her!
Anyway, I've picked three examples to get you thinking.
Watching S4 makes you realise that several bad lighting, unflattering costumes, and dodgy makeup decisions were made. I'm going to start with the way Donna was introduced to us in the trailer at the end of Doomsday as opposed to The Runaway Bride episode.
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Not exactly flattering in comparison - if you ignore being lit like a character from Wicked. You'e never think these were filmed only a couple of months apart. And there was the whole disappearing cleavage shenanigans to take into consideration:
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One minute it's allowed to be there; the next it isn't. Why? It's as if busty women aren't allowed to exist. DT certainly enjoyed the view but that's a whole other post..
They often put Donna in clothing I'd bought for my mum. Take for instance the outfit she wears at the beginning of Fires of Pompeii.
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Very middle age-to-early pensioner in design, you must admit. Yes, tunics were the fashion at the time the programme was made but this is at the opposite end of the spectrum to Rose's 'little girl' pinafore combo or Martha's leather jacket. It's practical clothing that's not meant to be attractive but comfortable. Except all that nylon would have had her sweating like a pig in the Italian heat. Oh well. It's not as though they intended for her to look pretty. The dress Evelina gives her is a definite step up, but it is still very 'mumsy'.
Our last view of Donna was originally her wedding to Shaun Temple.
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What could have been a pretty dress becomes a hideous outfit for Donna. They must have chosen the most unflattering hairstyle for her ever possible. But never mind, eh? She gets handed a winning lottery ticket so it doesn't matter if she doesn't look beautiful on her wedding day. At least she could look at the photos later and acknowledge Nerys managed to be pretty in a peach dress. The money should more than make up for it *chokes on my own spital*
Yes, I have many problems with the whole wedding scene in The End of Time where Donna gets her 'dream' of being married to a man who doesn't even stand next to her in most of the photos. Not that she seems to mind. We're supposed to believe she gets a huge pay cheque a happy ever after to fulfil the dream.
In case you were wondering, I'm much happier with the 60th anniversary specials.
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manonamora-if-reviews · 11 months
Computerfriend by Kit Riemer
============= Links
Play the game (or its alternate version) See other reviews of the game See other games by Kit or follow @adz
============= Synopsis
The year is 1999. The place is Godfield, Louisiana: the tech capital of the world, where the sky bleeds acid and the mud boils in the bayou. It’s time for your state-mandated digital therapy.
============= Other Info
Computerfriend is a Twine (SugarCube) interactive game, submitted to the 2022 Edition of the SpringThing. I playtested this game.
Status: Completed Genre: Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk
CW: suicide, violence, consent violation, bodily fluids, animated content Note: the animation can be toggled off. Also drastic change of colour between passages.
============= Playthrough
First Played: March 2022 Last Played: 30-May-2023 Playtime: around 20min (one ending) - 1h+ (another ending) Rating: 5 /5 Thoughts: Therapy: Hardcore mode.
============= Review
Computerfriend is a nihilistic take on a future/past, where everyone is miserable and somehow still living through a more-than-poluted world devoid of community sense and safety nets. Following an unnamed incident, you are required to follow therapy sessions via a AI program on your computer, the eponymous Computerfriend(.exe). However, this program is not... what you'd expect of therapy.
Spoilers ahead. It is recommended to play the game first. The review is based on my understanding/reading of the story.
Computerfriend was my introduction to Kit's world, randomly answering a call to playtest it ahead of the SpringThing 2022. I remember it being very confusing and trippy and gross, and yet I did not want/could not to look away. I devoured that game, and played again and again until I had found all endings*. *Ok, I'll come clean, I cheated for a few. I opened the file on Twine and looked up how to get there.
Coming back to the game felt like swimming in a strange but comforting acid pit*, and talking to computerfriend.exe felt like talking to an old toxic friend you are not quite sure whether they mean good or harm. Needless to say, I was like a kid in a bath, refusing to leave. *dw I've never really done that.
Not going to lie, this game is very strange. And it has been stuck in my mind for over a year now. It has marked me in ways I'm still discovering today. Even if it is not supposed to be beautiful, with its blinding change of colours or its eye-printing fonts or the literal ugliness of the setting, there is still charm in the harshness of the visual. Even if it is not supposed to be cathartic, each story run left me strangely satisfied and [at peace / terrified / confused / angry / revolted]. Even if it was incredibly bleak and borderline fatalistic, with an unliveable world devoid of nature and cows that can lay eggs, there is still shreds of hope in there that survival is still possible, maybe for a bit longer.
In its indulgence in all that is considered bad, the game manages to be so incredibly good.
Honestly, I could stop here and be satisfied. This ruly incapsulate all my feelings about the game. But because I am greedy, here's below some randomly organised thoughts about the game. This is just because I want to talk about the AI program and could not find a better transition.
While the story is supposed to be about your recovery, the main show revolved around computerfriend.exe, your at-home therapist AI, which still needs a bit of tweaking before it can help you get back on track. At first, it seems the AI does not truly listen to you, as it goes down a checklist as if to fill in a form (to try to understand you) - the dissonance between your answers to questions and its responses is very staggering (for lack of better word). As you progress down the "recovery" path, the AI will propose different treatments, going from strange to terrifying to injecting yourself with drugs. If you refuse or don't find the treatment useful, it will pressure you to continue. Even saying NO is a painstaking process (and the first time, it is even ignored).
computerfriend.exe can truly be awful, but it remarkably funny. When it first assesses you, it does not just look up your location or how the weather is, but also finding the contacts to the nearest first respondent and pollen level (am i supposed to have hay fever?). This might be the bleakness of the game affecting me, but I still chuckle at it. Same after you close the application and try to reopen it, it will tell you to butt off because it is busy. It even gives you homework, actions to essentially distract yourself until the next session (and the options are delightful).
Some more random stuff, but less long:
starting with the 5 See, 4 Touch, 3 Hear, 2 Smell, 1 Taste calming method was brilliant, especially because it makes the situation all the more dire and tense.
The fucking computer visuals were so dope, especially that 90s webpage with the gifs everywhere, the weirdass adds, and the clashing colours. The news headline killed me.
transgender_foucault is an amazing username (especially having studied the work of foucault)
the world is so fucked up you can eat a kebab made of human flesh (just some cells mutating to make meat). Is that the future awaiting us?
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pagerunner-j · 5 months
All right, all right. This is a bad idea! I've been trying not to cross these streams for a long time! But: fuck it. Who fics ahead!
Long story short: I used to write under another pen name. I stopped using it and deleted my old journal after some personal crap, which still makes me feel sad and stupid, and I'd wanted at the time to scrub the slate clean. Some of what's still kicking around under my old username, though, includes stories at whofic.com, which predates AO3 and still exists, doing its Whovian thing.
So after recent fandom flashbacks, I've been rereading my old stuff. Which has been...interesting!
Obligatory disclaimer: oh, god, do I want to edit everything. These date back as far as 2005, and so certain old habits linger, like the fact that I hadn't yet gotten over my torrid love affairs with the semicolon and the ellipsis. I want to fix the occasional dips into overwrought nonsense. I'm also looking at some of the more adult content and thinking, "Okay, that went from 0-60 a wee bit fast. Calm the hell down, self."
BUT: there's also stuff here I like! And about which I'm thinking "crap, I used to be good at this," because I can never leave myself alone!
Anyway, here's a few stories from the "this does not shame me" pile, plus notes:
Translations (Ten/Rose) Original description: There are some things the TARDIS doesn't translate, and some secrets of the Doctor's left unexplained. Rose is setting out to find out why. 
Probably the best thing of mine on this archive, and one of the most developed narratives. The sneaky, sneaky merchant, whose storyline never quite gets resolved (on purpose), was one of my better ideas. The other was Rose interpreting the TARDIS console's layout as looking like a Gallifreyan word. And, for that matter, Rose's name looking like an actual flower. Thank you, DW designers, for a completely impractical but extremely cool-looking written language. Also, the fact that the marketplace has thirteen floors, and they were on the tenth? Yeah, yeah, that was on the nose. I note that since then, the showrunners have thrown the Doctor's thirteen-regenerations limit out the window, for perfectly understandable reasons, but it was still kicking around at the time.
Roundabout (Nine/Rose) Original description: Time and possibilities keep turning. an exploration of the Doctor and Rose's relationship throughout the series. Spoilers for all [first season] episodes.
The other one that I'd file under "hey, you wrote a story! And it's not bad! Good job, self!" file. I really loved Nine and Rose, and I went to town with it here. I also got completely self-indulgent in a few places. As one does. The scene at the club is my favorite on that account. This quip of Jack's to the Doctor was, among other things, a sidelong nod to a few of my feelings about American polarization, and believe me, It's worse now: "It's Saturday night. We're in one of the last great cities of post-Dissolution America. And the most handsome man in the club has just bought you an Electric Comet. Do yourself a favor. Get drunk." Also, the reason Rose thinks she knows the music that's playing is that it's 110% a quote from a Billie Piper song. I don't think anybody ever noticed, but it's there.
Outgeniused (or: How to Get Fired From the Apple Store in Three Easy Steps) (Ten, OC) Original description: Kate Stowe's seen a lot of strange problems come up at the Genius Bar, but this one qualifies as the strangest she's seen yet. Presenting a bit of shameless insanity, featuring the Doctor, a race of aliens with quite inconvenient taste, and several unorthodox ways to break your iPod's warranty. (In other words: crackfic ahead!)
I really wasn't kidding about that last line. This one is unabashed ridiculousness, inspired by your author doing a seasonal stint in Apple retail that left a goddamn mark. Sadly, the Doctor never swung by my store. A lot of real-life tidbits did make their way into this story, though. And despite all odds, it's got a plot! Fun facts (for nerds): the product line was accurate as of the time I wrote this. The iPod shuffle disclaimer I was talking about? That was absolutely a thing. And my favorite line is still the Doctor apologizing for not getting AppleCare, because I had to pitch that to so many people. I have never once bought it for myself. No regrets. Don't tell Tim. Also, apparently the UK really has gone all-in on Black Friday since I wrote this. I have to ask: why? Why must you import the worst of our capitalistic excesses? You really didn't have to! Le sigh.
The Naughty Bits
A Matter of Timing (Ten/Rose) Original description: In matters of love, sex and the technicalities thereof, somebody better be thinking ahead. Rose/Ten, post-Journey's End.
Short, sweet, and silly. This one's about Rose and the clone of Ten off in their parallel universe, and exists for the sake of the conversation they're having, which is in part about the mechanics of that whole cloning thing. Although it's mostly about the sex. Which they are absolutely and enthusiastically having the whole damn time. ("Haven't ever seen that on a clock" is still my favorite line.)
Slightly Psychic Confessions (Nine/Rose/Jack) Original description: Getting caught with slightly psychic paper in one's hands can be a dangerous thing indeed.
Like it says on the tin. 90% of the reason this was written was so I could play with the props, and the dialogue (both spoken and psychically transcribed) is the part I most enjoy, although I've been told the rest of it's pretty okay too. ...yes, the rest of it is a threesome. Stop looking at me like that.
Selfish Dreams (Ten/Rose) Original description: Wherein solutions to lingering nightmares lead to a different sort of sleeplessness. Slightly spoilery through "The Satan Pit."
Sometimes I get creepy, even with characters I love and will ship forever. This one was mostly me thinking through some of the...potentially fraught...implications of Ten's psychic abilities, and is one of my "I guess I'm preoccupied with nightmares and dreams, because I'm gonna come back to that in a few different ways" stories in this archive. Anyway, none of what they're up to here is what I'd consider a good idea. At least Rose enjoyed herself, though.
Forgetting the Nightmare (Nine/Jack) Original description: In which neither the Doctor nor Jack can get any sleep, but for very different reasons.
As I was saying. This is about a plot point from the show I'd forgotten about since writing this: Jack's two years of missing memory. (So, yes, apparently mine's missing too. It's been A LONG TIME, okay?) He's having some issues coming to terms with that. So how do I decide to have them address it? Boinking on the TARDIS floor, apparently. ...ahem. Anyway, as is the case with a lot of the shit I wrote, it's a little emotionally messy. It also hints at a few things that are still very much up for interpretation. Less in need of puzzling out is that yes, the two lost years are represented by the two burned-out lights on the console they're trying to fix, because I am occasionally as subtle as a brick.
Beyond Locked Doors (Ten/Reinette) Original description: A glimpse into Reinette's memories and dreams throughout the events of "The Girl in the Fireplace."
Yeah, this is one of those that dips into being overwrought, and yes, my inner editor is bitching at me about sacrificing clarity in the process. But writing from Reinette's POV was a fun exercise. It's a very different flavor from everything else here. Also, just to get this stated, you still can't tell me that the "dance with me" line in the show and those two disappearing off screen together wasn't also Moffat being subtle as a brick with his metaphors, so I still feel justified in writing this one. The (implied) sex was canon and I will die on that hill.
So Brief, In Bloom (Ten/Reinette) Original description: Wherein the Doctor thinks of other ways this could have gone.
And now...things go south. I'm pretty sure I'm the only weirdo who cared about this story. It is, let's be fair, also weird. This is about Ten being haunted by the idea of what might have happened if he did get Reinette to come along with him, and what the ramifications of that change might be. Not overtly stated, but it's there, is that in this alternate timeline, Rose didn't take well to this idea, and eventually left. The result is some Seriously Conflicted Feelings. And some ill-advised attempts at banishing them. I once got a comment on my old journal from somebody who didn't understand the last line. it's oblique on purpose, and you're invited to imagine your own version, but what was going on in my head was that back in the actual timeline, Ten absolutely had his way with Rose against that very same wall to try to scrub the idea of the other timeline out of his head. Considering that the wayward strand of hair he found could have belonged to either her or Reinette, though? It...didn't exactly help.
A Laugh Like Thunder (The Master/Lucy) Original description: The Master and Lucy on the eve of destruction, thinking of what's to come. (Spoilers through "The Sound of Drums.")
I'm including this here solely because I'd forgotten about it until I trawled back through my archive, and was thus smacked upside the head with the facts that A: it existed at all, B: this thing went places, and C: I started it off with, "On the eve of destruction, the Prime Minister tied his wife to the bedposts and began to think of another man." Go off, self.
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manonamora-if · 5 months
December Check-In
I promise I didn't almost forget :P Even if I definitely forgot to do the weekly devlog last Sunday... To be fair, it had been a week...
Recap of last month’s progress
IF Events in the Next Month
Plan for the next month
Still long post ahead. If you want a mini version, head over to itch.io!
November Progress
Still play more IF and maybe review. ✅
Finish the edits of Harcourt Ch5 ✅❌
Fix one of the semi-completed games: ❌either the Egg parser or TRNT (and make it a proper parser)
Finish that darn SugarCube Guide: ❌there aren’t much left in the guide to cover, but there are a few things to fix.
Again, I knocked the first one out of the park. I reviewed all inkJam, EctoComp, and Bare-Bones Jam entries (which helped me get on the main page of the IFDB). It was nice to play shorter games again - it makes reviewing pretty quick... Now that the IFComp is also over, I kind of want to go back and check out the entries I didn't manage to play.
As for the rest... It's been a bit of a hell of a month, and it's not looking like it's ending any time soon. Still, when I had some free time I managed to:
Finish my portion of the edits of Harcourt (and MelS was almost done with it... before he ran into computer problems - dw the file is safe!)
Assess the damage with The Roads Not Taken and come up with a plan to fix all of it. I also started on this one, but there is truly a lot of damage.
Make a bite game in binksi, Tower of Sleep, for the Two-Button Jam
Make a One-Button prototype, Don't press the Button, to test some JavaScript/jQuery (half-failure)
Make a zine for the first time: An Ode to Pissaladière
Make a new code template: the Character Creator
Submitted a bunch of seeds to the SeedComp!
Does it look like I got distracted by a shiny new thing instead of finishing my projects? Yes. Do I care? Nope. It brought me some joy and amusement in some weird months... Banging your head against the desk because code is not working is... not, obviously.
What’s happening in December?
A bunch of jams are happening on itch, because end of year means maybe some free time, and also, you might as well do something for the sake of saying you've made something.
The ShuffleComp (@neointeractives) has started, though the entries won't be available before January. You can listen to the kickass full playlist in the meantime!
The Sprouting Round of the SeedComp! (@seedcomp-if) has just started. There are 99 new seeds available for use to make a game! Deadline is March 1st.
The Deck-Month has just started, to make a game with Decker.
The PunyJam #4 ends in about 2 weeks (if you have the time to learn Inform w/ the Puny extension...)
and of course: la Partim 500 numéro 8, for those who want to do the Neo Twiny again... but French!
I'm probably gonna pop-off a Partim. I did it last year and it was fun :P
The PLANtm for December
December is a busy month for me, which includes a lot of time offline, full days travelling, and lots of planning. So I will take any free time I have and do fun stuff if I can!
But if I have space for IF, I'd like to:
Play more games! Well... I already am, just not really IF. My Steam Library is crying for attention. I would like to knock down maybe a dozen more IFComp entries if I can. There were a lot of good games, a lot of loooong games.
Code Ch5 of Harcourt. That will be MelS dependent - well, MelS's computer dependent...
Finish fixing The Roads Not Taken. I have a plan, I have the notes... I just need to sit down and re-code (and re-test).
Finish the Guide for real! I know SugarCube 2.37 is coming soon, which will affect the state of some pages (and maybe require more pages). BUT I've been working on fixing old pages (typos - re-explanation - clearer examples). So, this is likely to be done sooner rather than later...
Taking the list of TO-DO from August…
To-Do not require much of new stuff:
translate Escape Goncharov! into French. ✅
fix the bugs in EDOC + overall the French version to match
fix the bugs of TRNT + find a way to add the missing pieces (ongoing - translation unlikely)
fix the formatting of DOL-OS + translate into English ✅
update LPM with the missing content + translate into English ✅
No change this month :/
The rest of the To-Do pile was:
Finish The Rye in the Dark City (and maybe translate?)
Finish P-Rix - Space Trucker (and try to translate)
Finish Exquisite Cadaver (translation unlikely, current gameplay too complex to port for French)
Add a chapter to CRWL + fix/reopen the blog
Re-working TTTT to its originally planned state (lol, not likety)
Re-working SPS Iron Hammer (samesies)
Coding TTATEH (MelS dependent - shooting for end of year)
Emptying my inboxes (they are not all answered tho)
Honestly, this pile probably won’t get done this year…. Maybe TTATEH has a shot...
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likesaly · 8 months
Nanase and Arumu for the headcanon ask?
Just woke up srry for late reply
HC A - Nanase picked up alot of hobbies during the time he was a shut in so he knows how to sew, probably learned small stuff about cooking from Mikado etc.
HC B - (based on a mem) The line Nanase (2222) has w Misane is still intact so when Misane goes to her original timeline she can still communicate with him; Future! Nanase sometimes stops in to say hi, Toukai just doesn't question it and Nanashi (2222) just helps Misane cheat on tests because there is no logic explanation how the fuck are they gonna explain "oh dw I'm talking to my best friend who's in another timeline!" (The only two (both 2222 and future) who see through the bullshit is Aira (ripple proof memory due to Android) and Izuchi (reading the bitphone data) )
HC C - Nanase probably has some vague memories of the bad and normal ends due to deja vu and gets it when the timeline restarts. And considering he's able to remember the past into the future; The whole mikado identity crisis is another thing.
HC D - Toukai adopts Nanase; Nanase is Misane's older brother (accutallly fuck canon w their relationship) Nanase gets adopted in around the time he's 16 bc Nanase managed to get into college at a young age due to credits and such and that's how Toukai met him (Toukai goes to school again could study more for his job and to keep the family afloat) and they just happen to be close upon meeting, a little shaky at first but they got there. Minisane seemed to get attached to Nanase when Toukai invited Nanase over to babysit her for the first time.
HC A - Arumu probably had a passion for writing as a kid: She probably was the one who made morning announcements during her school years, had a blog where she takes notes and does street interviews etc, was into photography at a young age which is why she has an old Polaroid as it's sentimental to her. Because of all this she decided to pursue her interest as a reporter.
HC B - Arumu probably took so many photos during 1beat I feel like she's probably gotten couple photos of the fatcats knocking people over, nomare starting shit w his crab, shinobu when he's not paying attention, mb Sataka and Namoto when drunk etc, girlie just has alot of photos of everyone being goofy as hell that's it; everyone else just tries not to piss her off bc they know she could get more dirt if she wanted even though she wouldn't. Misane recommends to probably not to say anything Abt getting photos like that while as Nanase encourages her to keep doing it: Arumu listens to Nanase. /lh
HC C - Arumu has probably been a witness to other crimes due to being involved in press and new developments get made, though 1beat was the one that sticks w her the most due to it turning into a national tragedy by File 03, she says she's okay but with the stuff that happened in File 03, yeah that's going leave some mental scarring considering it was a variety of death causes so some would've been worse than others.
HC D - Arumu eventually joins the force w the help of Misane and Nanase due how much of her being willing to help: she still keeps her job as a reporter but she uses it as more of a side and cover up for investigations by that point. Arumu also has turned into that one friend that's always over at Toukai's place so she's practically in the family but not officially, Toukai finds her antics tiring but accepts her anyways since Nanase and Misane are very fond of her, Toukai now has 3 homosexual detective kids!! (A lovely silly happy found family :33!!)
Here's a bonus as compensation for the late reply:
I don't know what the vision was but it works
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dr-jem-nutcase · 1 year
MvA: The M Files, take-a-peek pt. 3
For starters, thanks to all the likes, shares, & comments. I hope you've been enjoying this
Chapter 3
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fake foods from Counterfeit Chemicals: a lot of fast food joints & every other generic food product in America. At least it tastes good...a lot of times. Like, Taco Bell is in no way authentic Mexican food but I LUV it 🌮
This place was Old Man Carl's in the movie and the same company that later brought BOB that ill-fated hotdog stand in San Francisco
That chart lol
Root beer flavored spinach. Sounds gross. I'd also be deathly afraid to try it. Reminds me of the late 1990s/early 2000s when Heinz made purple ketchup, which was NOT a success. But nowadays, different flavored snacks & desserts (particularly ice cream) can be hits every now and then. fake foods (or Old Man Carl's) could've been on the brink of creating a new trend! Okay, moving on
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In case anyone has a hard time reading some of the text in the second panel, it says, "it doesn't taste any different from a real tomato". Sorry for the kerfuffle
Designed or created?
Btw, there IS actually a limited edition ranch flavored ice cream
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Ranch-flavored tomato. Sounds great with a salad or some types of pizzas
Red 7 lol
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This would be. mildly. terrifying. Wth was even in either one of those foods?
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Runs away & claims BOB is homicidal. So judgmental & assuming! *fake shocked face*
How'd he grow an eye out of all this?
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BOB's quite eloquent for being a "newborn"
Ooh! Monger's a sergeant now!
Eating the building isn't too different from both Blob movies but a much lighter tone than eating people alive. I never saw the newer one but I watched the OG one years ago. A guy walks into a doctor's office agonizing in pain and fear because his arm's covered in this goo that's eating up his arm and in a few minutes the guy is gone before the doctor could amputate the arm. Very G rated
Welp, so much for eating a police car (movie) or a city block (video game)
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The third soldier's mouth is missing
Evidently they eat lead. Sorry, wrong story!
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So BOB's eye is just part of his anatomy? Not some specially made artificial eyeball?
Like Link's chapter, this is a total jump away from the origin story in the movie. It's a good explanation for the genetically altered tomato & chemically altered dessert topping but a slightly censored telling of BOB's origin. That explosion on the two scientists was a bit satisfying. Again, kids' book *sigh*
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Monger's hands are black
So...BOB named himself?
Big lips Monger isn't real. Big lips Monger can't scare you
"Lots of people don't have brains...a politician..." DW, is that supposed to be a burn? Hot dang! Let's get out some aloe vera, cold water, and maybe a trip to the burn unit at the nearest hospital
Some day, son. Some day, you will contribute to society. Just not today
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I'm kinda surprised that this building hasn't toppled on top of anyone. Istg, Monger isn't afraid of anything
Now where's BOB gonna go? Also, is Link still on dry ice? Will BOB be on dry ice too? At the end of the OG Blob movie, the blob is frozen/encapsulated in ice and dropped off in the artic/antarctic. Did Monger go in this direction? Capture a monster and then freeze it like Han Solo? Hopefully that monster prison will be in the making soon. Like, REALLY soon. You can only freeze and store so many monsters! Btw, can you imagine trying to freeze the Invisible Man?
Again, this piece of work isn't mine. It all belongs to you know who. See you soon!
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It's a me who've been waiting for some yan pgr stuff.
Anyway i want to talk about our best girl,Lucia (change my mind) as a yandere.
As u can see from her canon personality this girl is an absolute simp for her Commandant,so it makes sense if shes become a worshipper yan or maybe obsessive + delusional yan. (My superiority complex just turn any 2d character into yan worshipper lmao, dw tho this complexity doesn't apply on irl people somehow).
>>Lucia is ready and will sacrifice her life to serve and please her Commandant. After all, her Commandant is the one who gave her the meaning of life (+ fighting for humanity?) and the warmth she never felt before.
Doesn't matter how many times she need to die for her Commandant,The Babylonian can just make another frame of her, transfer her memories,and the last step...let Commandant give the previous warmth that the old Lucia feel. And she is ready to serve her Commandant once again.
I still haven't dive too deep for Lucia potential yan, i might go read some file and stories after school done torturing me.
And btw can i be 🎋anon? If u do any of those. Aight with this Lucia brainrot dump come to an end, imma go continue simping for Wanshi.
HELLO >:D A Lucia enjoyer I see, an individual of taste. First and foremost I agree she absolutely worships her Commandant.
You were the one to chose her after all, the lone survivor of the old Gray Ravens, the Queen of the Ascent’s sister. The remains of a traitor’s squad. It certainly didn’t hurt that you were the only one compatible with her fragmented Ocean Ego. You were talented, the best and brightest Faust had to offer, but you were also kind, empathetic. Despite the stares and whispers, you had extended your hand to her. Her.
And perhaps it’s the strength of that memory that had caused those words to exit her mouth when a white-haired construct with no name appeared before you. “Commandant, please disable my pain receptors.” Because before you there was a threat, like a memory she couldn’t quite dredge up from the haze of that first betrayal. And it’s your name, even as her restored memories disappear like snowflakes melting in your palms, that carries her through a hopeless fight while a war Babylonia has already lost rages on outside.
I also raise u: alpha
Because Alpha is the original Lucia. She was the one that went through that unspeakable betrayal. She was the one that needed the love of a commandant more than the new Lucia ever would. She’d never admit but she craves it, the warmth of a Mind Beacon, calling her away from the bitterness she’d nursed for so long. She’d loved her old commandant, too. She’d followed him with the same single-mindedness that the new Lucia follows you. She could tell from looking at you, that brief meeting where you’d attacked her almost barehanded for your mimicry of Lucia.
Don’t you know, she is the original Lucia?
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henrysfedora · 2 years
So the whole Tommy/Norman conversation happens in '35 and Norman says he's been in town 3 years which means he left Empire Bay '32, middle of the Vinci-Moretti war
Now I have more questions then answers. Did he do something wrong? Was he forcefully relocated? Was he just sick and tired of gangster war? What exactly made him move to Lost Heaven?
Also, he moved just a year before the war ended, so he didn't know from first hand who won, probably heard on the radio or old associate let him know?
And the last and most tripping thought. Did he ever met young Henry? Henry full of life and cockiness? I can imagine Henry getting pinched by Norman for something like public intoxicating and indecency (imagine Norman catching him and Bettina during lovely time in the car)
don't the intermezzo's take place in '38 though? which means he would've left two years after the moretti war ended in '33. but I mean honestly a lot of things you mentioned can still be applied to him none the less (dw just pointing that out lmao). Norman is incredibly stuck up I wonder if he ever even cared about the Vinci-Moretti war? unless he was assigned any certain cases involving them, in that case he probably would've cared a lot about the war (in the sense of doing his job, he doesn't seem to like the mafia life at all but is really decent at recalling information so he mustn't hate his job either) but he could've done something wrong, he could've fucked up a case big time and got relocated to lost heaven and by then he just didn't want anything to do with the war until one of his old mates brought it up. could be why he's so pissy when he does get to lost heaven and has a harder time making friends, because last time he made friends he fucked up so incredibly bad for maybe not seeing that their group ideas weren't satisfactory or thought through smart enough. or if we're considering more norman headcanons from earlier - someone just got so far on his bad side and pissed him off so badly he wanted to leave the whole ass city and move somewhere else where he could start anew. take on cases by himself and maybe this time have more control over his informants and partners, or at least now that hes older push them around more than he did his old buddies in lost heaven that didn't necessarily steer him wrong, but he was young and he made younger friends and now he can be more mature and in charge, not to be an asshole just to hopefully protect his friends. Imo from how norman acts in '38 (a fucking dick, a polite dick in the end tho) he was way more easy going in his younger years and after shit things happened to him and he got older and was moved into lost heaven - he just became a much more uptight person, a bastard to others, he could no longer risk getting too personal with other people. like how he falls for tommy in the end- he tries covering up his feelings so much he flat out doesn't make friends anymore because he knows that if he does he might not be able to say no to them or disagree. tommy got into norman's head pretty well in the end because he ended up getting protected by him, norman probably walked into that building ready to ruin the life of a mobster but ended up helping him because he couldn't fight that voice in his head.
also young norman meeting young henry aldjalsjdlkjdlasd. noRMAN FINDING THEM IN THE CAR ALSJDLASDJ. wrt henry's FP files maybe norman was the police officer he punched and that's why he's got records of going to prison for brutality lmao. or norman could've been given a case in researching the docks where henry was doing some suspicious shit at - another way they could've met. honestly wouldn't be surprised if norman ever ran into a drunk young henry and luca. lord I wonder if he ever ran into drunk eddie- he must've the empire bay cast are AWFUL, they would blow up a whole ass palace if they could, they aren't hard to miss.
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grat10grottenblog · 1 year
Aseprite Export to Live2D Cubism (Old)
Short Tutorial on how i export from Aseprite and import it into Live2D Cubism!
Note: This way works fine for Inochi2D too!
Note²: This Tutorial is Outdated and may not be up to my standards anymore
This is basicly a short Tutorial on how to export and import a pixelart Live2D Model. this is somewhat close to what this tutorial i made a long ago goes over. but this focuses on only exporting... hope you find it somewhat useful :>
Tutorials on Steam
How to build up your Pixel-Live2D-Model
How to Export a Pixel-Live2D-Model from Aseprite to Live2D Cubism
How to Rig a Live2D Pixel-Model
Tutorials on Newgrounds
How to build up your Pixel-Live2D-Model
How to Export a Pixel-Live2D-Model from Aseprite to Live2D Cubism
How to Rig a Live2D Pixel-Model
Quick Before we start, we need to be sure you have everything needed!
First and formost you need a copy of Aseprite
Then you also need the "Export as PSD script" for Aseprite by Tsukina-7mochi on Github!
You also need a Copy of Gimp (its free dw)
And of course a Copy of Live2D Cubism (has free trail)
First and formost make a pixelart Model ready for export, this sounds a lot harder then it actually is. just follow any Live2D model Tutorial on how to seperate layers, it should look something like this when done -v-
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Heres how my layers looked before Exporting!
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And here is how my Model looked before exporting!
Now that the model is ready and done we should start preparing for exporting!
REMEMBER TO BACK UP YOUR FILE (the next parts can crash Aseprite)
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First thing we need to do is Resize the model sence Live2D doesnt really handle models at pixel level i dont think :/
Just move over to your [Sprite] Bar and mouse over and click on "Sprite Size..."
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Then this menu should open up, if the Lock Ratio isnt ticked off already then do that. now resize the model by a large amount.
i normally export mine by 5000% you can use % instead of pixels in the lower bars... (The model was orginally 55 x 110)
if you by mistake resize and save over your model, you can also do math to crush it back to its original size through the size menu aswell
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Then after the resizing is done, we can start exporting, this is where we use the "Export as Psd" script you needed to install in the Intro.
Mouse over your files Tab then over your Scripts Tab and then click on "Export as Psd".
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This Menu Opens up, you can click on the file name to decide where to place the file (thats a good idea to control if it exports correctly first of all :>)
then when you click export you should see Aseprite Crawl to a halt because you just set a 5000x5000 pixelfile to export with a script ment to handle small pixels like 100x100, this freezes the Aseprite. BUT DONT CLOSE IT. just leave it
go take a walk or something else for about 30mins or more (Time can take like 5-30ish) for an export, so just go do something else. :>
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And when you come back something like this will probably be here! now its fully exported out into a .Psd file, but a catch. its *Broken* Oh nooooo Right? nope, we can fix it (its broken in a way making it not able to import into live2D Cubism yet...)
Open the file up with Gimp!
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Just select the file and make it open with Gimp ether way is fine -v-
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Then it should open up.. with an Error Oh no oh god! nope still not a problem just click ok
we just need to use Gimps inbuilt .Psd Exporter because that works!
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so just go and export it and make it replace the Old psd, because its broken and not good for anything anyways
Now you basicly have a working .Psd. that you can just Drag over Live2D Cubism! :>
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And after that the model is now safe and sound in the Live2D Cubism Editor, Now you can start Rigging you new Model and impress all you friends! :>
But i also have some Refrences for you soon to be Pixelmodel rigger!
Old Tutorial on Pixelmodel Exporting and Rigging by Me
Live2D paralax effect X axis by @poribakete137
i also have made Vods/Recordings of me making my Models if you would like to look over my shoulder while i make one of these!
Drawing the Grat-Grot-10-Berg Model (The One Shown)
Rigging The Grat-Grot-10-Berg Model (The One Shown also)
My Live2D Rigging/Drawing Playlist about 10 Vods so far!
But thats about it! i wish you the best of luck on making your own model now, and i hope it looks fantastic! and if you wanna show you cuz i'd love to see lol, you can find me on twitter @GratGrottenberg dont fear to dm me :>
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BYE BYE!!! :>
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junglelong · 2 years
Diskwarrior 5 never loads or boots
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Their solution has been to supply a bootable DVD with DiskWarrior on it but that DVD will not boot your MacBook Pro, which is what their message is telling you DW 4.4 does work on Mountain Lion, just not their DVD boot disk.Īs a general rule, it's a good idea to maintain a bootable backup of your HD and you could boot from that to fix your problematic external. Can someone please just tell me if it'll work on my computer? I need to get my files on my hard drive back asap.ĭiskWarrior needs to be run from a boot disk other than the one you're trying to fix. Other places I've seen it will only work up until OS X 10.7. However on their front page it does say that version 4.4 does work on Mountain Lion. I've found out that DiskWarrior 4.4 will do the trick however in their support page it says " The current DiskWarrior DVD cannot start up the new MacBook Pros introduced June 11, 2012" which is what I have and I'm a bit sketchy about spending $100 on something that isn't even supported by my computer. I'm currently running OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.3. About halfway through trying to transfer the files, I got a pop up saying "The Disk you inserted was not readable by this computer." even though it had been working fine. I've messed up big time (many times) and never made it to rebuild a directory or fix a drive with the first aid from disk utility.Yesterday I plugged in my old WD 750gb external hard drive, trying to back it up on to my new 1tb hard drive. Maybe another advanced level user might confirm what I am saying. Please note that I am not working for them and do not gain anything from them talking about it here, beside saving me a lot of headaches. One day I saw a Genius at an Apple Store using it, made so research and discovered that it makes miracle.
Quicken App is compatible with iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android phones and tablets. The App is a companion app and will work only with Quicken 2015 and above desktop products. Not all Quicken desktop features are available in the App. I have tried many other solutions, such as TechTool. I've messed up big time (many times) and never made it to rebuild a directory or fix a drive with the first aid from disk utility. That said, I seldom use it anymore, other than to rebuild a Disk catalog if it is beyond a certain fragmentation value.
I have used DW for years without issue, and will update to v5.1 when it is released. I would advise that you contact Alsoft after 12/27 when they are back from Christmas break, and inquire about when v5.1 and APFS support will be available. The version 5 product should still work on non-APFS drives (it won't recognize APFS drives). Alsoft had intended a v5.1 update to DiskWarrior to make it fully compatible with High Sierra and APFS, but being in the epicenter of hurricane Harvey caused unplanned delays.
Find out how to upgrade to macOS Mojave.Īlsoft had intended a v5.1 update to DiskWarrior to make it fully compatible with High Sierra and APFS, but being in the epicenter of hurricane Harvey caused unplanned delays. Find out how to upgrade to macOS Mojave > Read announcement Hide announcement Upgrade to macOS Mojave With features like Dark Mode, Stacks, and four new built-in apps, macOS Mojave helps you get more out of every click. Announcement: Upgrade to macOS Mojave With features like Dark Mode, Stacks, and four new built-in apps, macOS Mojave helps you get more out of every click. Please pardon our dust as we work behind the scenes to make improvements to the community. Read announcement Hide announcement On Wednesday, December 5, starting at 9:00am PST| 12:00pm EST, Apple Support Communities will be down a portion of the day. Announcement: On Wednesday, December 5, starting at 9:00am PST| 12:00pm EST, Apple Support Communities will be down a portion of the day. 64-Bit – Today’s large disks can have large directories.Using the latest 64-bit technology allows DiskWarrior 5 to handle even the largest disks.
DiskWarrior 5.0 Serializable Mac Torrent Crack freeload.
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ssaalexblake · 3 years
courtney: he's going to come back, right, Miss?
Clara: why don't you call me Clara
... Fabulous way to stop the child from thinking she's gonna die there Clara.
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loupettes · 2 years
Hi! Here I am again, since I loved your insights on Doomsday. ;-)
So, let's continue talking about Ten's behaviour, this time in Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel.
In my opinion, Ten is rather distant and almost assholey towards Rose in this two-parter, especially when compared to Nine's incredible tenderness in Father's Day (and this despite the whole end-of-the-world + mutual-insults situation!). I totally understand what he says to her (that Parallel Pete is not her father, that her father died when she was 6 months old...) but... would it hurt you to also take her hand, hug her, say something about how you are sorry for what she must be feeling? So, I wonder[ed] why Ten behaves like this.
In this case, I had tried to answer myself by considering two hypotheses:
- "GitF is canon/it fits into S2" --> then I would sort of explain Ten's behaviour with keeping in line with his distancing from Rose and pushing her back towards Mickey after School Reunion and GitF;
- "GitF was originally planned as an episode at the beginning of S1, therefore is not to be considered canon" --> Yeah, Ten still is worried about his relationship with Rose, as of School Reunion, but then... is Mickey being aboard (and once again close to Rose) enough to justify Ten's distance?
What do you think?
Hey! Firstly, I am so so sorry this has taken me nearly two weeks to reply to - life got in the way, deadlines and ridiculously unjust work demands, and then I lost all my DW files and have slowly had to re-download them 😂 but I'm here now! And I’m glad to see you in my inbox - hello lovely! Ah, yes. Rise of the Cyberman. Post-GITF Ten. I can’t believe I’m about to agree with your hypothesis that GITF is canon but... here we are! And you're right, ten is an absolute arsehole to Rose in this episode, just as he is in GITF, and just as he is in SR. Honesty, its a wonder why we ship them??
Stuck with you, that's not so bad. If I believe in one thing, just one thing, I believe in her. How long are you going to stay with me? Forever. I made my choice a long time ago and I'm never going to leave you. Rose Tyler, defender of the Earth! Does it need saying? Rose, her name was, Rose, and we were together. Tonight's a night for lost things being found. Who's gonna hold his hand now?
ah right yes, that's why 😭 ANYWAY I digress. Ten's behaviour in ROTC is very... Ten. And his reaction, compared to Nine's, when Rose meets her dad is very different. But... understandable. Not condoning Ten's behaviour!! But, for a moment let's forget GITF exists (I mean, if you've not already): Nine almost lost her to her dad. She's the one man she was happy to be stuck with ('stuck with you that's not so bad' FEELINGS 😭), and Nine initially shrugs it off. 'Fine, see if I care' sort of attitude (which, we all know he does, he's just frustrated that he's let himself fall for a girl he shouldn't really have). Ten adopts the complete opposite: he panics. He's desperate to keep her with him now, regardless of what's gone on in the last few episodes. But see, the previous episodes did happen. This line is such a throw away line that we don't really notice it all that much, but he's addressing what happened between him and Reinette here:
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He's saying this, because he's damn sure she's never trusted him less at that moment. He broke her trust by leaving, and it might look a lot like neither of them spoke about what happened, but he knows, and Ten's dumb enough that he doesn't just know when he messed up, he's told.
And so he's keeping hold of her at the beginning, too — body angled towards hers and his arm lazily reaching behind her to physically keep her close to him because he almost lost her.
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Ten is incredibly selfish, and it's unbearable at the start of series 2. Nine regnerated into Ten literally for Rose, because he loved her and the last act of the Time War was a sacrifice for love. She came back for him, she absorbed the time vortex for him, so, as much as he finds it hard to believe, he knows somewhere that she loves him. He acts instinctively, he's so in love with her and she's about to die. Ten's born out of this unbearable love Nine held for her in this moment, to the point where Ten literally only exists to love Rose. He's so sure of his love for her, that he takes it for granted. Rose took the time vortex for him, and that's it then. She's in love with him, he's in love with her, so just go for it. But then comes actually... going for it, and he realises he can't. He's going to lose her, and he needs to bring them both back to reality because this is real. It's like when you fancy someone and you know, realistically, you can't have a future with them for whatever reason - different religion, one wants children while the other doesn't. You still go for it, because it gets to a certain point where you have to act on your feelings, but one day you will have to face those conflicts and you will always have to end things. Ten puts a stop to them, and the only way he can put a stop to them for her is by slapping her in the face with reality. Again, Ten's an arsehole. But then he slaps her in the face with reality so hard that he nearly loses her. He doesn't want that, but he can't exactly... declare his love for her after what he did.
"Rose, I know I've made you feel awful for being human and for leaving me behind by dying, and I know I did exactly that to you the very next day, but I love you and I don't want you to leave me behind."
Rose would rightfully bollock him. So he tries his best to rationalise, making this less about him telling her what to do and what he wants, and more about reminding her why she's living in a fairytale world where her dad never died and he's still alive. That is her dream come true, but, just as its impossible that they could have their happily ever after, it's impossible that her dad's still alive.
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And you can see Mickey in the background getting pissed off, wincing at how bloody harsh he's being... but, he's right. He could have snapped at Ten for being an arse, telling him to go easy on her, but he doesn't, because somebody had to say it.
On Mickey, he's not convinced in any way that somethings going to happen to Rose to change her mind. He knows she's going to be alright, but the Doctor doesn't. He's panicking massively, and the fact that he's still being aggressive even here, without Rose, just goes to show how furious he is with himself for giving her a reason to leave him.
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Imagine him, in the TARDIS and before Mickey arrives, cursing himself for what he did. Rightly so, because he was a dick, and this is almost satisfying to watch. But we don't get to see it explicitly, we only get the idea that, behind closed doors, he knows he fucked up big. He even admits that he's worrying about what's going to happen.
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So bloody satisfying.
But then there's the other thing: she never existed in this world. Look at how he drops his facade for just a moment,
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He doesn't say "well, of course not — why would you?", or point out that it's even more proof that this world isn't right for her, his hearts break for her. It's as bad as it gets for Rose - knowing that her mum and dad are happy in this world without her. She's not needed, literally anywhere. And that's when he shifts his tone.
He protects Pete, brings him with them because he knows how much he means to Rose,
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but most of all, he reminds her that she's something, she's worth so much more than the lies she's telling herself, the lies he made her believe when he left her behind, that she's important and this world's got it wrong by not having her in it.
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All these different worlds, not one of them gets it right.
Ten would go above and beyond to not admit his feelings for Rose — well, that's not true, he wouldn't admit his feelings for Rose to Rose — but ROTC/AOS marks a turning point for him. He got cocky, he took her feelings for granted, he took them for granted, and he nearly paid the price. He's not getting that close again, and, contrary to ROTC, he does declare his love for her from then on. He's unafraid to show it from the Idiot's Lantern onwards — he's terrified, because he knows he's going to lose her — but he lets his guard down because she deserves to know. She deserves to feel wanted, to feel important. He doesn't do that by telling her, he does it by showing her. By believing in her to defeat the devil, by fighting tooth and claw to get her back after her face — she — was stolen, by constantly putting his faith in her to save the day and save him, by telling her she's his hand to hold, she's his home, that, by the time he's giving her the option to live with her dad and be safe with her dad, she's empowered enough for make her own decision about what she really does want. And that's him. His anger in this episode is completely directed towards himself. He's harsh with her, but it's in character, because Ten loathes himself so much that he's just filled with fury and rage. Tentoo's exactly the same, filled with blood and anger. He's not afraid to show it, but he also doesn't really know how to show anything else. He's either giddy and flirtatious, or tearing down his enemies — which is often himself. He doesn't deal with emotions at all, so when he feels things that terrifies him, he gets snappy. He gets impatient, things are rapidly falling out of his control and she he does anything to get them back. Ten/Rose coming from GITF to ROTC is similar to Ten/Rose going from AOS to TIL. By the time 2.07 rolls round, they're madly in love. And it's why I think they spent a little bit of time at the Powell Estate mid-series 2, where he finally calms down and realises she's safe with him, and he takes the time to console her. She's lost Pete, she's lost Mickey, and now that he's not going to lose her, he loves her instead. WOW this one got away from me — not sure I even answered your question?? 😂😂 But I hope you enjoyed either way!
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riversofmars · 3 years
Sometimes 13 just poses as a student and attends rivers lectures.
Hellooo! I’ve been saving this prompt for a long time cause I love it so much and now finally did something exciting with it! This is actually a little collaboration I did with @serawalkerwrites. She keeps getting asked to write for DW and never has, so we decided to do a little thing together! Basically, we took turns writing paragraphs! She's written the River bits and I wrote for 13. Really fun thing to do because our styles are quite different but it worked :D Apart from the fact that she made me write in present tense which I hate lmao! Also, if you like American Horror Story or Ratched, check out her stuff!
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 2300
Read on AO3 or below
Like The First Time
“I might be younger and far prettier than the other Professors at this University, but that doesn't mean I don't expect the same level of good behaviour from my students,“ Professor River Song barks up the rows of lecture hall seating, slapping her papers on the desk. She tosses her bouncing curls of hair and brings her hands to her hips, watching the chatting students in the back row and waiting for them to take notice. That blonde girl seems to whispering at some speed, with enthusiastic hand gestures to boot. “That means you in the back row!“ She raises her voice again, finally getting the young blondes attention.
The Doctor hadn’t been able to stop herself. When River had started talking about the Venusian tomb she’d visited not long ago, it had been a perfect opportunity to tell the other students about the time she’d been invited to a funeral service there. It’s an incredibly stupid thing to do, of course. She isn’t meant to interact with anyone - as strictly speaking - she isn’t meant to be here. For a start she isn’t actually a student at Luna University; for another, she could very well be causing some damage to the fabric of space and time. Visiting her wife earlier in her timeline is risky… but she hasn’t been able to stay away. Sometimes, when the Doctor misses her a lot, she sits in on her lectures, right at the back. She knows River won’t recognise her and she never speaks to her… there’s no harm no foul is there? However, a slip up is bound to happen eventually.
Now, as she looks at River, who is shooting her piercing glare from the front of the auditorium, the Doctor realises she’s messed up. The Doctor looks left and right to the other students, hoping it’s one of them River is scolding.
“Yes you, don't act like I cant see you -“ River lifts her eyebrows at the petulant student. “Forget it, I’m not shouting at you from down here, stay behind after class. Then we’ll talk, and believe me you won’t like what I have to say.“ River rolls her eyes away, a taut huff tumbling from her lips to find her inner calm once again, before continuing. “Now where were we…“
The Doctor shrinks back in her seat, her neighbouring students giving her sympathetic smiles. Others just snicker and smirk. River has a reputation for strictness, no-one messes with her…The Doctor’s made a big mistake. She glances to the exit; she can still escape this situation. But if she does, she’ll never be able to come back. Perhaps it’s time to face her wife at last. She gnaws her bottom lip anxiously and tries her best to sit still for the remainder of the lecture.
As a shrill bell rings out, signalling the end of class and an end to the Doctors torture, River watches the troublemaker while she packs her things. Students rise to their feet, stuff their bags with books and file out in an eager swarm, heading into the midday sunshine. But not this student. She’s bouncing down the steps to the front, an epic grey coat and too-short trousers have her piquing River’s interest before they start talking. “Ah, good. At least you decided to be smart this time and not run-off out the doors. I would have found you,“ River informs the girl, whose swinging her arms and looking guilty. If this were any other circumstance, then River might have bought her a drink. But as it is, she's her student, however adorable she is. “Care to tell me what is so pressing you had to take time out of my lecture to talk about it?“
“Ah well, you know, the whole thing about the Venusian tomb, just brought back some memories to when I was learning Venusian aikido. There was this one time when I was invited to a funeral at one, which - you know - is a big deal for any outsider and…“ The Doctor starts rambling, unable to stop herself. A grin spreads across her features, hoping to entertain River with her story, as she had done so many times in the past. River always liked to listen to recounts of her adventures.
“Venusian Aikido?“ River folds her arms, skeptical. “They don’t teach that to just anyone. I happen to be a black belt myself.“
“Oh I know.“ The Doctor grins.
“It’s not on my resumé,“ River parries, her eyebrows lifting into an arch. “So someone told you. Perhaps at this funeral, you supposedly attended?“ River laughs doubting the girls claims. “No-one just gets invited to a Venusian funeral, or a wedding, or any kind of ceremony unless you’re a honoured noble. Which you clearly cannot be, no offence Sweetie but -“ River pauses. She stares at the blonde and her mismatched clothing, then bunches her lips. “What did you say your name was?“
The Doctor doesn’t answer immediately. This is it, the moment of truth. She could just tell her… surely there’s no harm in it. This is River Song after losing her parents in Manhattan, and before Darillium; there is no real reason to keep her identity from her. Apart from the fact that she isn't sure how she will react. They didn’t see each other for so long in between Manhattan and Darillium, enough for River to come to doubt if the Doctor had ever truly loved her. Her words still echo through the back of the Doctor’s mind now. The Doctor doesn’t and has never loved me. - But you are the woman who loves the Doctor. - Yes I am. I never denied it. But whoever said he loved me back? Those words still haunt the Doctor, even after spending 24 years with her in which she’d done everything she could to convince her of just the opposite.
“Jane Smith.“ The Doctor answers at last with a thin smile.
River lets out a loud chortle. “Jane Smith? Of course it is,“ River replies not believing her for a second. Who has the most standard name of all names like that? River postures a little, shuffles her papers around into a neat pile already thinking of the lunch that’s waiting for her in the refectory, because she's not getting any truth from this girl. “I don't recall your name on my student register; so…how about you tell me the truth.“ River hooks her bag over her shoulder and takes a long stride forward, claiming the podium as her space, the lecturer to the student. River examines her, because if she’s not her student, then who is she? All beautiful round eyes and choppy blonde hair, River certainly doesn't recognise her. Should she, recognise her? “Or you can come to my office and explain yourself there.“
“I uhh…“ The Doctor swallows hard. Of course she doesn’t believe her, people rarely do initially; but usually she can use her psychic paper to back up her identity. She knows River would see right through that if she tried it, so that isn’t an option. “Well, I’ve actually got somewhere else to be. A really very important…thing. A thing that can’t wait, so…it was really nice talking to you, brilliant lecture. Slightly exaggerated in some parts but - you know - got to keep the students engaged…“ Her eyes flick to the door. She’s parked her TARDIS in a supply closet, so it’s not far away.
“Are you calling my stories embellished?“ River trails after this Jane Smith towards the door, flabbergasted. She’s a bone fide time traveller, she knows her subject matter better than anyone in the known universe, except  - “It’s not as though you can possible know better? How old are you anyway, twelve?“ She carries on trying to get under the girl’s skin, who is clearly hiding something.  “Where on earth are you going? You realise that’s the closet.“
“Why are you following me?“ The Doctor had hoped to simply shake her but River seems to have different ideas. She doesn’t dare open the supply closet door, River would see the TARDIS and she would be done for. But where else could she possibly go? She looks around anxiously for a way out.
“Mmm it seems you might be trapped…“ River drops her voice to a knowing whisper. She smirks, delighting in watching the girl fret.
“I just… forgot which way I… uhh…“ The Doctor struggles for a response suddenly aware of how close River is getting to her. And that smirk… She knows it all too well. Like a lioness stalking her prey. She can’t even think of a credible lie to get her out of her predicament.
“Which way you meant to go?“ River bobs her finger on her lip pretending to think hard about it. “My office is this way, if you didn't get the hint earlier.“ River ghosts her hands over the girls hips, rubbing into her hipbones with her thumbs and sucking her lips and humming. “Jane Smith. I appreciate the code name. You can slip me your paper later, I’ll be sure to mark it up a grade, well, depending on your performance of course.“ River winks coyly.
“I…“ The Doctor’s mouth suddenly feels really dry, she can’t speak. Flirting and reading innuendo isn’t exactly her forte but River can’t possibly be more obvious with her advances. Is this what River is like when she isn’t around? The Doctor isn’t sure whether to be flattered or hurt. They’re not exactly exclusive but she doesn’t like her nose rubbed in it like this. But at the same time, perhaps this is an opportunity… She could be with River without having to reveal her identity… but is that something she wanted to do under false pretences?
“Good talk, come along!“ River grins and leads the way across the lecture hall to the staff door, and unlocks it with a quick key-twizzle, then presses the door open wide to wave ‚Jane‘ through. River uses the opportunity to loop her arm around Jane’s waist and scoops her in the right direction down the hall towards her office.
The Doctor doesn’t know what to do. Things are moving fast, River doesn’t even give her a chance to protest. Her hearts seem to skip their beats when River pulls her along.
Once inside, River tosses the door shut and wastes no time in pushing Jane against it, roaming her hands up and down her sides and snapping the elastic braces. “These are retro, but I can go with the flow, off they coooome…“ River sings as she yanks them off Jane’s shoulders, then the coat, and where is the edge of this t-shirt? River is keen to feel her hands up Jane’s abdomen, and the flush of her skin. River knows her hands are rough - years of archeological digs will do that to a girl - but Jane is young and sweet enough to need a little roughing up.
“River…“ The Doctor tries to protest, this was moving too fast. Her breath catches when River untucks her t-shirt. The Doctor is still getting used to this new body and she suddenly feels very hot.
“First names already? My my…“ River tosses her mane of hair out the way as she leans in to kiss Jane on the neck, biting her and enjoying teasing her far too much. “Sweetie you do give yourself away, even in this body,“ River tickles her teeth along the Doctor’s collarbone searching for the next spot to bite. “I mean, I like it darling, but give me a heads next time -“ River explores the Doctor’s petite body with enthusiasm. “My apparatus is your apparatus and all that, got to get my head around it.“
“You knew?!“ The Doctor blurts out and pushes her off, holds her at arms length. “And you just played along?!“ She’s breathless from River’s kisses but her outrage overshadows her arousal.
River unbuttons her shirt confidently, tearing the sides apart and presenting her body to the Doctor once again, even if it’s all new for the Doctor, River is still River. “Well what did you think? I do this with all my students, Jane Smith?“ She smiles a broad, proud River smile and holds her hands out for the Doctor to take. “I’m married, remember?“ Mutually exclusive is…a bit of stretch, there might be other husbands here and there, but there is only one Doctor. “So, wife, how about a little ride on the merry-go-round with this new body?“
The Doctor just stares at her for a moment. It’s been a while since Darillium but she still recalls every moment, and River is just as beautiful as she remembers. And just as much of a temptress. She bites her lip, suddenly feeling very insecure. It would be her first time in this body…and it’s her first time being a woman as far as she can remember. That’s a lot to be anxious about.
Softening the come-on, River takes the Doctors hands and steps closer to her, squeezing her hands in reassurance. “I knew it would happen eventually, a wife and not a husband. It’s okay, you know.“ River takes a deep breath, and kisses her wife properly for the first time. Her lips are thinner softer and taste of cinnamon, but she kisses back just like her husband did. Her Doctor. “I love you. This adorable new body is just a bonus,“ she says gently, then kisses her nose for extra effect.
The Doctor can’t help but chuckle as she looks up to her. This was new. She is shorter than her! Though only due to River’s ridiculously high heels.
“I love you, too.“ She whispers nuzzling into her crook of her neck as she wraps her arms around her. River smells exactly the way she remembers, like sunshine on a spring day. “I’ve missed you so much.“ She confesses.
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ariparri · 2 years
Since the links to my collabs sometimes causes issues, here's the link to my folder with the files and images for the collab images!
HPHM Collab Folder
You can find templates for the MC friendship cards and the assests for the HPHM Otome game screen here in the folder. You can also find the loading screen text, and bar to make your own fake loading screen!
And then for my fellow Koei people with OCs, here's the folder for OC templates. I also provided the links to the expression charts I edited and shared on my old DeviantART account.
Koei OC Templates
DW Expression Chart
SW Expression Chart
WO Expression Chart
DW Bio Template
And then just sharing the Overwatch OC templates I made for the reference designs.
Overwatch OC Template
Reference example here, Saian's Classic Skin reference.
I made all of these using IbisPaint, so I am deeply sorry if you are having problems importing the files. Up to this day, I still do not know how to import files to IbisPaint.
Like I know how, but I still struggle actually getting it to work 😞
But I have provided blank versions of all the images available so even if the files don't work the images are still there for you 😊
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jaelijn · 2 years
I’m an adamant supporter of AO3, but one of my biggest gripes with it is that, to this day, they claim that they are an archive for all fanworks, but the entire platform is extremely geared towards texts, and especially fic.
Sure, you can tag, but there isn’t even really a proper way to separate meta from fic that is build into the platform other than user tags, and frankly being forced to put a rating (even “not rated”) on meta is ludicrous, it’s already expanding the platform affordances.
And beyond textual stuff, multimedia files cannot be hosted on AO3, period. Sure, you can tag “fanart” and embedded you art (audio, video etc.) via external links, but that forces you to find an alternative host for your files, and if that host goes away or decides to delete your stuff...
Considering that part of AO3′s aim is the archiving and long-term preservation of fan works, the fact that multimedia cannot be hosted on it is a massive oversight. Not only does it overvalue fanfic as somehow more of a fanwork than fanart (etc.) by the way AO3′s platform is designed (which in itself bothers me, a lot), this functional exclusion of multimedia fanworks (and to a far lesser degree other forms of text) also entirely ignores the fact that art (etc.) is even more affected by website deletions, censorship and hosting services going offline than fic is, especially because fans have so often been forced to host it externally, usually on dodgy ad-driven services. I have watched art going down within months due to hosting issues, never mind years.
Even dreamwidth didn’t use to have proper image hosting (it does now, up to 500 Mb for non-donating users, which is very little, to a max of 3GB, which is still little) - this is what makes Tumblr such a big deal for (fan) images, but Tumblr isn’t a permanently safe space for fandom, unlike DW or AO3. And for video there’s even less options - YT, primarily, and copyright strikes disproportionately affect fanvids. 
And I know why - for the same reason why so many fan-run websites of old have mostly text and very few if any images - because image (etc.) files are way bigger than text files and the server space requirements for hosting as many images (etc.) as AO3 hosts fics would be immense and a huge cost factor for a donation run service.
But I feel that you can’t really call yourself an archive for fanworks  if in reality 99% of what you do archive is fic and proper hosting support for art/audio etc. and even proper in-built platform affordance for text other than fic simply doesn’t exist and also isn’t being worked on as far as they have communicated.
I appreciate AO3 as fic archive (and to a limited extend archive for other texts) immensely, but the fact that they continue to claim to be an equal archive for all fanworks simply doesn’t hold water.
(Still, f*ing support AO3 because without it we wouldn’t even have a text-fanwork archive.)
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