#the cramps for that day were more tolerable than the three minutes but good god
paeinovis · 5 months
Christ I wish I had been given a better heads-up abt what iud insertion entailed. If you have bad cramps on periods, know that they like. Grab Your Cervix which, for me, Induced the worst cramps of my entire whole life even on painkillers and weed gummy, and continued for a day
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emf005 · 3 years
James Sirius Potter x Female! reader
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Warnings: Puberty, James being the cutest thing ever, pain, couple cuss words for pizzaz(Maybe)
“Oi! Y/L/N!” You smiled as you saw the one and only James Sirius Potter strutting up the hallway with his band of trouble makers behind him. Most of them were his family, but a few were unrelated family members(Very Very close friends.)
“Oi! Potter!” You called back teasingly.
“Having a bad hair day today?” He smirked, looking you up and down. You rolled your eyes and touched your crappily put in braid. It may have looked like it, but you weren’t having a bad hair day. You were just crap at doing hair.
“Nope. Having a hard time coming up with insults? Am I too perfect for the James Potter to insult me?” You joked. You always took the teasing light heartedly. You listened to this song over the summer called Sarcasm. It was pretty good. But one of the lines that stood out to you were “Sticks and stones can break my bones but anything you say will only fuel my lungs”. It wasn't like you let him get to you before this, but you had only rarely hit him back with a come back. Now, you always threw one back.
“Ha! Perfect? You? Those two words shouldn’t be in a sentence together, Y/L/N.”
“You’re right,” you nodded, leaving him confused. You strode off down the hall with a swing in your hips. “Perfect is too dull of a word to describe me, Sweetheart!” You called over your shoulder with a wink. You disappeared behind the corner as you heard his friends laughing.
They knew you were light hearted about it. You were actually pretty close with a few of them. But James was competitive in everything. And for some reason he had chosen you to be his muse for picking on. You didn’t know why, nor did you actually care. You always liked a bit of banter, especially around this time of the month. And no, you weren;t a werewolf (Though you would gladly take that over having your period)
See, all periods come with their… side effects. Hormones bounce crazily off the walls and make some moody. Some get cramps. Some get both. Some break out and others(A very few minority) just have it without anything to think about. You had it worse than anyone.
Cramps. That may have been all you got, but they were so bad that walking, breathing, talking, or even moving could be impossible. You were once nearly paralyzed for a whole week and a half. You only moved to go to the bathroom. Your mom had to actually feed you. You were a very active person, you can only imagine how insane that made you.
Madame Pomfrey, your great Grandmother and god mother because that woman is a queen, always took care of you during these times and often threw things at you because you weren’t taking good enough care of yourself. You loved the woman dearly, but wow could she yell at you.
You watched James and his crew head down to the quidditch pitch for practice while you skipped down to Hagrid's. You loved to play quidditch but never wanted to play on the team. You knew you weren’t good enough for that and you would rather have just messed around with some friends.
“Hey Hagrid!” You said happily and plopped down by a pumpkin. He turned around from tending his garden and smiled at you.
“ ‘ello, Y/N. How ‘er you today?”
“Alright I guess. How about you? Any new creatures come crawling around?”
“Not yet. But I suspect they’ll show up soon.”
“Need any help?”
“You know where the tools are.” You hopped up, but not too fast because.. Well.. you know, and grabbed a pair of gloves and shoved them in your pocket in case he let you tend to the Biting thorns again. You had a knack for everything Herbology and Magical creates. You were Professor Longbottom and Hargrid’s favorite student, you knew it. I mean, you definitely were, no doubt.
About three hours later you started to get a stabbing pain in your lower stomach, losing your breath for a moment.
“Hey, Hagrid, I think I’m going to clean up before dinner. I only have a few minutes and I doubt anyone wants to be sitting next to my smelly butt.” You laughed, the stabbing getting worse.
“I’ll see ya there, Y/N! Thanks fer tha help!”
“Anytime!” You jogged away from him and a relaxing Fang so you could visit your great gran. Well, she wasn’t technically related to you. She was a close friend of your grandmother’s. They had gone to school together and been (And still were) closer than sisters. You grew up with her and she had become very over protective of you.
You waltzed into the hospital wing with a smile on your face. You were used to the stabbing pains. You had a very high pain tolerance, I mean, you had to.
“Gran!” You yelled out, not even flinching when you felt another annoying stab.
Madame Pomfrey came walking over to you with her arms crossed over her chest.
“You haven’t come to see me all week. Does this mean that you have finally come to your senses?”
“Oh, you make such a big deal out of everything. I barely have felt anything so far, and plus it's only Wednesday, perhaps I was just busy.” She gave you a knowing look. She always knew. You didn’t know how, but she always did. “Well, anyhow, I was helping Hagrid and the stabs were a bit worse than normal. Got anything that’ll just subside that?”
“I have the potion you should've been taking since the beginning of the week, young lady.”
“It's nothing major, Gran. Just something small. I don’t need the whole nine yards.” She sighed. You were the only person who she would give into.
“Fine, but don't come crying to me when you are hurting so badly that you can't move.” She was about to walk away when the doors banged open. You two looked over and saw James and his crew walking in. Madame Pomfrey sighed. “What is it now, Mr. Potter?”
“Don’t know I-”
“Fell off your broom and landed wrong while you were trying to do some wicked trick. I know. Set him on the table. I’ll be there in a-”
“I have to take a shower, Madame Pomfrey. I’ll come back later. Feel better, James! Hi guys!” You waved at them all and jogged off, ignoring your gran calling after you. Oh, yeah, another thing about you. You really didn’t like attention. You also didn’t like the fact that there was someone in more need of help than you and you were getting the help first. James needed more help than you did, you would just come back later… You thought you would.
You had planned to go back after dinner, but you didn’t. A friend asked you with help on the Divination homework. You decided to go the next day. Asked to help first years. Friday? No. Dueling club and extra studying. Before you knew it, it was Saturday and you were in so much pain. But you just kept going.
You were headed down to the quidditch pitch to watch Lysander and a few of his buddies play against Albus and Scorpius and a few of their friends. It was just a scrimmage, nothing major, but they all liked to have an audience. And since they all knew and liked you, they asked if you wanted to join. What you didn’t count on was James being there.
“Well well well. Look who we got here?” You looked over to see James, alone, walking over to you.
“Hey, James.” You said a bit weakly and short of breath.
“You alright?” You just nodded. He seemed to get more concerned. “Are you sure? You don’t look so good?” You laughed.
“Yeah well, I have my good days and my bad ones,” you joked, thinking he was teasing you again. He wasn't.
“Y/N. Stop for a second.” You did and turned to him.
“Are you sure you're alright? You look really pale and tired.”
“I’m fine. I promise.” You smiled and continued down to the pitch with him besides you. That's when the worst one you have had in a while hit you with full force, knock every ounce of wind out of you.
You collapsed and held your stomach, trying to take deep breaths like you had taught yourself to do.
“Y/N!” You felt a hand on your back and another on your arm.” What's wrong? What happened?”
“N-nothing. I’m-Ah!” You collapsed completely to your knees. The throbbing hurt so bad. It was like someone was digging a knife in you and just twirling it around.
“Obviously something. What can I do?”
“Take-take me to-to Gran. Please.”
“Gran, who's Gran?”
“Sorry. Madam Pomfrey.” He nodded and helped you up, putting an arm around you to keep you up.
“You're explaining that to me later.” You laughed, which only made it worse. “Can you walk faster? You're getting paler by the second.”
“This is… as fast… as I can… go.”
“Here,” he moved in front of you and bent down. “Get on my beck, it’ll be faster, alright?”
“James you really don’t have-”
“I want to. Come on.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and he, carefully, hoisted you up. He quickly walked to the hospital wing, being cautious as to not bump you around too much. “Madame Pomfrey!” He yelled when he banged the doors open like he always does. A dramatic entrance for a dramatic boy. You heard the oh so familiar sigh.
“What did you do this time, James?” She walked around the corner and saw you on James' back, her eyes widened in horror and she quickly moved into action. “Put her down here,” she opened up a section and he set you down carefully. She quickly ran away and started to gather stuff. James stood beside your bed and stared at you oddly.
“What happened? You seemed fine the other day. Are you sick or-”
“I’m really fine, it's just.. Um… girl stuff?” His eyes widened in understanding (Not horror).
“OH! Oh Merlin, are you ok? What do you need, like literally anything?” You furrowed your eyebrows.
“It's just cramps,” you shrugged, confused by his reactions. Normally anything under the topic of puberty or periods boys were off running. Even your own brothers.
“Not just cramps, young lady.” Your gran scolded and walked in, holding a bottle of the potion you were supposed to be taking. It really didn’t do much. And it tasted horrible. “These are getting worse as you get older.” You glanced at James.
“Ok. You don’t have to be talking about this with him here. No offence.” He just shrugged.
“You have to start taking this seriously!”
“Gran, I do! I was just busy!”
"You came in and then you left without taking it, telling me you would be back!”
“I got side tracked! And James was in more pain than I was!” Your voice was horse and it was getting harder to talk and breathe. She handed you the potion and you chugged it.
“You left because of me?” James asked. You swallowed the rest of the foul tasting liquid.
“You needed her attention. And then someone needed help on homework and it just” you coughed, making your stomach knot again. “Got out of hand.”
“Thank you for bringing her up, Mr. Potter. You can leave.”
“She needs her rest.”
“Tell the boys I’m sorry I missed the game.” He hesitated but nodded and left. Your Gran scolded you for a few moments before she left and told you to get some sleep, which you did.
The next day your friends visited you and you ignored the pains. They weren’t as bad as yesterday’s, but they were still pretty bad.
Soon they left and that just left you sitting hour after hour. You were still awake when it was one in the morning and you heard footsteps coming towards your bed. You figured it was your gran coming to check on you so you shut your eyes and pretended to be asleep.
They set something on the table and you opened your eyes seeing James.
“James?” He was startled and jumped a bit. He looked down at you with guilt on his face.
“Sorry,” He whispered. “Did I wake you?” You sat up slowly.
“No. I’ve been up. Kind of hard to sleep.” You moved over and motioned for him to sit, which he did.
“Cause of the…”
“Yep. You know, you’re a lot cooler with this stuff than a lot of boys your age are.”
“I never understood that. I mean, it's something that happens. Why do guys have to be so weird about it? Plus my little sister goes through it so…”
“That's right! Your sister’s Lily.”
“Yeah. She gets pretty bad cramps too, but not as bad as you, I think.”
“No one gets them as bad as me, which I’m grateful for.”
“So the potion doesn't really work?”
“Takes a bit of the edge off, but other than that? No.”
“I’m sorry.” You just shrugged and shifted. “Is there anything I can do to help?” You smiled.
“You’re sweet, James. But, I’m afraid not.”
“Well, I do know one thing I can do.”
“What?” He grabbed whatever he had sat on the bedside table and set it on your lap. It was a basket full of chocolates. Your eyes lit up at the sight.
“Holy Merlin! Where did you get all this?”
“I have my ways. I remember Lily said chocolate always makes her feel better so I figured it would help you too.”
“Wow. James! Thank you! Can I…”
“No. Absolutely not. I just brought it down here so that it can stare you in the face. You aren’t allowed to eat one piece of it.” You smirked at him and didn;t reach for a piece, just to see what he would do. “Oh my go, I was joking.” You laughed.
“I know I know!” You grabbed two pieces and handed one to him. He looked at it and then back up at you before taking it. You opened your piece quickly and bit into it. “Eat! Come on, you are stayen for a bit aren’t ya?”
“Why would you want me to?”
“Because you're my friend.”
“Why would you consider me that?”
“Because you helped me out a lot and you gave me food. We also talk all the time. Why? You don’t want to be friends?”
“I figured you wouldn’t want to be mine.”
“Because I’ve bullied you countless times.”
“That was just playful banter. I've seen you bully people. You were just teasing me.” He stared down at the candy.
“But still…”
“James, listen. I want to be your friend. If you don’t want to be mine I guess that's alright, but I've always wanted to be your friend.”
“Yeah. You seem really cool. And you are really nice. I've seen you with your siblings and your friends and have always been kinda jealous. I've never really had that," you shrugged and took another bite from your chocolate bar.
"You have all sorts of friends, though."
"Yeah but I'm kind of the replaceable friend. And then my family is a bucket load of insane. So I guess I’m sort of jealous. Like this.” you motioned to the chocolate and at him. “I have been having this happen since first year and my friends come in once to check on me unless they need help on something. I guess it's kind of childish, but-”
“No.” You looked at him, a bit shocked at his tone. “That's not childish at all! How are they your friends if you’re in pain and they don’t come to see you unless they need something?”
“James, it's not that big of a deal. I have a high pain tolerance and plus I have gran worrying over me.”
“Oh please explain that to me. You're her granddaughter?”
“Well, sort of. Great granddaughter, and honorary. Her and my grandma were as close as sisters when they went to Hogwarts and stayed that way throughout life. And when I lost my great gran and both my nans, she stepped up. Very over protective of me.” He smirked and leaned on his legs.
“I’d say. ‘Get out, Potter. I appreciate you bringing her up but I don’t want you here.” he mimicked her voice, and not too terribly. You started to laugh, making your stomach knot in protest. You groaned and fell back on your bed. “Oh! Sorry. Do you need another pillow? More blankets? Chocolate?” You smiled gratefully at him.
“No. Just gotta wait it out. Thank you though.” You smiled at him gratefully and you two talked until you fell asleep. He smiled, finding it odd how much he actually liked you. Every “conversation” he had he always enjoyed. Always enjoyed your banter in the halls and in class, but he had never actually talked to you before.
He stood up and pulled the blanket over you more so that your shoulders and arms were covered. He put the chocolate on the bedside table and brushed the wrappers off of the bed so that it wasn’t a mess when you woke up in the morning.
He then snuck out of the infirmary and back into his dorm room. James was surprised to see that his last thought before falling asleep was of you and hoping you felt better. He really hadn’t realized how much fun you were.
You weren’t in classes that day. Madame Pomfrey seemed to be punishing you and kept you in bed, bringing you meals from the great hall while you survived on James’ chocolate. You were reading over your notes when someone cleared their throat. You looked up, chocolate half in your mouth, to see James standing with a plate and his school bag.
“Hi James! Back already?” He laughed and sat down where he had sat the other day.
“You weren’t in class or the great hall. Wanted to make sure you were alright.”
“That's sweet. Thank you. I’m feeling lots better, but Gran won’t let me go to classes yet. She wants to monitor me and make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
He slid the plate of food and your face lit up. Sweets and meats, your favorite.
“Figured you would be hungry.”
“Starved! Yet again, thank you.”
“It's what friends do,” he said with a nod. You smiled happily. Friends. You had finally made it to friends with James Sirius Potter. “I also brought notes. In case you wanted to copy them.” He pulled his notes from his bag and handed them to you. You grabbed it and started to flip through the surprisingly clean and crisp notes. This boy took better notes than you do. That was unexpected.
“Thank you, James! I was a bit worried I was going to be overrun again.” He shrugged and stole a swipe of Mashed Potatoes off your plate. You smirked at him but didn’t say anything.
He sat and talked to you while you ate and then helped you with homework when you set your plate aside and started to work on notes.
“Here. Like this.” He moved next to you up by the head board and held your wrist, showing you the proper hand motions for DADA. You tried to focus on the correction and not your burning cheeks.
Damn hormones.
“There you go. Now try it without a helping hand.” You shoved him and laughed.
“That was terrible!” He smiled crookedly, fixing his glasses.
“Yeah, but you laughed.’ You bit your lip and shook your head.
“You, sir, are utterly ridiculous.”
“Oh, I’m sir now.” He joked, settling back by your feet. You kicked his leg lightly. “OW! OH MERLIN SHE KICKED ME! I THINK MY LEGS COMING OFF!” He fell to the ground dramatically causing you to burst out from laughter and your stomach to continue to knot up over and over, but you couldn’t stop. He was twitching dramatically on the ground like a dork.
Madam Pomfrey came over and tapped her foot agitatedly.
“This is no place for fooling around, Mr.Potter. Either stay and behave or leave.” She turned and cast you a glance before walking away. You two burst out laughing when you heard her door shut. He popped back up onto the bed.
“So, what have you been up to? I've caught you up on all you’ve missed.” You just shrugged.
“Studying. It's really all I can do. She won’t even let me stand up.”
“Well that's no fun. You haven’t even been outside?”
“Nope. Her one rule is stay in the bed. Not allowed to stand, unless it's to go to the bathroom, which has to be the one in this room.”
“Why so specific.”
“Second year I went to the restroom, on the fourth floor on the other side of the castle.” James chuckled and looked over his shoulder.
“Well, how about we make her get even more specific?”
“What did you have in mind?” He snuck over to where the wheel chairs were and rode it over. A wide grin spread across your face.
“Your carriage awaits.” You laughed and quickly hopped in. He then ran, pushing you in front of him. You two ran through the castle laughing like mad people.
“What's this?” Fred asked, a smirk on his face as he and Erinie Longbottom came out of the great hall.
“Never thought I’d see you two get along, let alone laughing.”
“Mischief is mischief.” James shrugged and stood up on the back of the wheelchair.
“Madame Pomfrey has forbidden me from walking.” You explained. “James just wanted to get me into some trouble.” Ernie looked at the wheel chair, a slow grin spreading on his face.
“Why don’t we all get into some trouble then.” He cast a spell on the wheels on the wheel chair before making three more appear. “Now, you can control it on your own and so can we.” He sat down in his and went zooming off. You, Fred, and James watched with smiles on your faces. They quickly sat into theirs and the three of you chased after Ernie. Who knew you would become such quick friends with James and that would leave you to get into a bit of mayhem with him.
You four raced down the halls but all stopped abruptly by a tapping of a foot. You all looked up to see Madame Pomfrey standing there with her arms folded across her chest. You swore under your breath.
“Madame Pomfrey!” Ernie squeaked and fell out of his chair. “Uh, we didn’t see you there?” You shook your head at the lame excuse.
“Madame Pomfrey I-”
“You, with me, now.” You sighed and rolled after her. Waving bye to the boys. They waved back and watched you go.
“So.” Fred said with a smirk on his face. “Finally come to your senses?”
“Shut up.” James muttered, feeling a bit guilty that you were the only one who got into trouble. It had been his idea after all.
“I told you that it wasn’t a smart idea to get out of your bed!” Your gran scolded as she wheeled you into the Hospital wing.
“Technically you said I wasn’t allowed to stand up unless it was to use the restroom. I was not standing up, I was sitting down. And what's the big deal? I’m fine! It's almost over anyhow!” She groaned in frustration. “Gran, I’m in 5th year. I think I can make decisions for myself now.” She looked at you for a moment before sighing.
“Alright. But, you have to promise me, when you start to get bad you will come straight-Oh!” You hugged her tight around the waist and she patted your head.
“Thank you, Gran.”
“Yes yes. And you should be careful around that Potter boy.”
“Which one?” You asked cheekily.
“Now don’t you get cheeky on my young lady. You know what I’m talking about. Don’t you go falling in love with him. I’ve actually had girls come in because they said that he broke their heart. Like his name sakes,” she shook her head and walked away leaving you thinking.
You wouldn’t get a crush on James, would you? I mean, sure he was tall and cute and a dork with an adorable personality that kind of made your heart flutter. But that didn’t mean you- You smacked your head.
“Dammit. How could I have let that happen?” You muttered to yourself. You silently cursed your gran. You had been blissfully unaware and now you were very much aware that you had a tiny crush on James Sirius Potter. This ought to go over well.
Over the years you had only grown closer to James and his friends. Mostly James though. It was rare not to see you two together. You both would jam pack your schedules so you would have each other in classes. You knew he did it because of your cramps and how you didn’t really discuss it with anybody or like to bring it up. So when they got too bad and you couldn’t go to classes he would bring you your notes and help you study, like you didn;t help each other study any how. But now, now it was all going to change. You had passed your last year at Hogwarts and were now lying on your couch in pain. You had taken the potion your gran had sent you but the potion had seemed to do less and less over the years while James had done more and more.
You had a pile of letters in the corner that he had sent you. You two had sent back and forth non-stop, both of you now having your own separate apartments that were, sadly, not very close to each other. Of course, you could just apparate to the others house but you wouldn’t really do that on a daily basis, sadly.
You had sent him a letter the other day and found it weird you hadn’t gotten one in response yet, but you weren;t the most important thing in his life, sadly. As you and James had grown more attached, your crush on him had grown and grown and grown. Being away from him for so long, This was your first month, and knowing that you weren’t going back on September first to see him and your other friends was killing you. How could people live without knowing if they would ever go back to Hogwarts? It may sound cheesy and a bit cliche, but it was and forever will be your home.
There was a knock on the door as another wave hit you and now you had to stand up and pretend you were alright. You looked at your empty chocolate bag, you really should’ve stocked up after the last time.
You opened the door and leaned heavily on it as you looked up into the familiar glass covered eyes.
“James!?” He beamed happily.
“Miss me that much? We’ve only been out of school for about a month.” You chuckled and shook your head.
“You’re such a dork. What are you doing here?” He held up a abox.
“Figured you would have forgotten to restock since Hogwarts, like you always do.”
“How do you remember these things? And why would you want to?” You opened the door and let him in. He strode in and looked around your apartment. He wasn’t familiar with it yet.He set it down on the kitchen counter and jumped up onto it to look around the place, nodding in approval.
“Nice place.”
“You say that everytime you come over.” You said sarcastically as you grabbed the jacket you had thrown on the floor after work. It caused your stomach to cramp and you were stuck for a second because you were trying to breathe.
“Ok, couch, now.” James said, grabbing your arms and leading you over to the couch, setting you down and taking your jacket.
“James, you really don’t have to-”
“Yeah I do. Stay.” He left your side and went to the box. “Did you take the potion?”
“Yeah. Did nothing as usual.” You whined, he sat back down and opened the box, pulling out two candy bars and handing you one, like he always did, and keeping one for himself.
“Sorry, kid.”
“I am like a week younger than you!”
“A month and a half,” he corrected. You glared and bit into your chocolate, making him laugh and look around your apartment until his eyes landed on a moving picture you had put up. It was from the first year you two became friends. He walked over to it and took it off the wall. “You still have this?” You smiled.
“Of course! That was the first Weasley Summer I had! It was the best summer of my life!” You laughed lightly smiling at the memory of James trying to get you on a broom. And then you had crashed into four trees until you semi-got the hang of that.
“Didn’t you get a concussion from that summer?”
“Don’t know, wouldn’t let anyone check.” You laughed, your stomach cramping again, but not as bad as usual. He smiled and hung it back on the wall. He sat back down next to you.
“How've you been, though? You always sound like you're doing great in your letters.”
“It's been alright. Adult life isn’t terrible and my job’s pretty fun. I've been thinking about getting a dog.”
“Really?” He asked excitedly.
“Yep, and I was going to name it Sirius.” His face turned disappointed.
“You know, I brought you chocolate, you can at least be a bit nicer to me.” you giggled.
“I’m joking, I'm joking. But yeah. I do want a dog.”
“Get lonely up here already?”
“Definitely. How are you? You seem like you are having a good time in your letters. Var hopping every weekend.”
“You can join us. We’d love to have you hang with us.” You shrugged.
“Well, definitely not this weekend.”
“No, definitely not. Though you look like you could use a bottle of fire whiskey.”
“I need two.” He laughed and put his arm around your shoulders, you rested your head on his shoulder.
“I felt ya there.”
The rest of the night, James hung out with you. Chocolate and talking and radio and, when you were feeling up to it, he made you dance with him because he’s the biggest jerk in the world.
It was now near midnight and you two were on the couch listening to old muggle records because why not. You were half asleep on James’ chest. He was playing with your hair and humming along to the song. It was a familiar position for you two. Madame Pomfrey had once caught you two like this, though James had been the only one awake. She had looked at him and then at you back in sixth year.
“Be careful there, Mr. Potter. I do not want her getting hurt.” And then she turned and left. He had planned on telling you that morning, but the thought that he would hurt you in any way had kept him from saying anything. But now… Now he couldn't help it. The smell of your shampoo and the way you smelt like chocolate and… and he couldn't help it. This had been the most fun he had had since Hogwarts had left out. All because he was with you.
“Y/N?” He whispered, just in case you were asleep. He knew how hard it was for you to actually fall asleep when you got these cramps.
You hummed in response. Half asleep, but not completely. He took a breath.
“Can I tell you a secret?”
You hummed again.
“I love you.” He didn’t get a response this time and thought you had fallen asleep. He was a bit relieved that you hadn’t heard. The other part was a bit disappointed.
“I-I love you.”
You sat up and looked him in the eye. He knew this look. You were trying to detect a lie, he let you look. And boy, did you take your time.
“You-You do?”
“I do. I get it if you don’t in return but I just had to-” You grabbed his collar and pressed his lips to your quickly. His eyes widened in surprise before he quickly kissed you back. You pulled apart and both of you were smiling messes.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” You said, biting your lip.
“Seriously?” He pulled back from you with wide eyes. You nodded nervously. “How long?”
“The first time you helped me, I guess. And I wouldn’t have even realized it if Gran hadn’t said anything to me.”
“You’re joking.” You shook your head.” He kissed you again, taking you by surprise.
“Why? How long for you?”
“End of fifth. I was going to tell you in sixth but…”
“But what?” You looked at him. “James…”
“Your Gran scared me.”
“What did she do?” You sighed.
“James, I am too tired, what?”
“She just told me not to hurt you.” You frowned and looked at your hands.
“And you planned to?”
“No! No no no no.” He pulled your face up to his and smiled. “I was scared that I might. I got scared that I would be the reason you were in pain. I didn’t want that. I didn’t even want to think that I would be the reason for that. So, I thought it was better to not do anything but be there for you.” You stared at him for a moment and bit your lip, thinking over and being completely touched. And you believed him. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“I-I was scared.” You rested your head on his shoulder to hide your face, embarrassed that your feelings had been reciprocated this whole time.
“Of what?”
You muttered something that he didn’t catch.
“Come on, I spilled my heart out to you, your turn.”
“That I’d lose the best friend I've ever had.” You muttered a bit louder. He heard this and couldn’t help the soft smile that spread across his face. He pulled you onto him and leaned against the arm of the sofa so you were on top of him. You looked at him, confused. You head was on his chest again and your eyes were fluttering shut again.
“You’re not going to lose me, Y/N.” He said with a smile. You smiled into his chest and wanted to say something but your mind was already powering down. You felt his lips press against your hair. “You won’t ever lose me. Good night, Y/N.” You murmured an incoherent goodnight, but he got the point and smiled before falling himself.
You woke up in the morning to smell the most wonderful smell you ever had smelt before… Bacon.
You groaned and sat up, a bit confused as to why you were smelling bacon. You thought it was just your mind at first and your mind wandered back to the dream you had had of James. You wished it were true. The kiss seemed so real, so perfect. You pushed yourself off the couch and your foot hit a box. Your eyes widened immediately. You opened it and saw a group of empty chocolate wrappers.
Oh no…
You turned around quickly and saw James’ back in your kitchen over the stove. Then you heard the sizzle of food cooking on your unused stove, since you were a wreck in the kitchen. ANd then you heard James’ humming. That wasn;t an illusion.
“James?” He turned around and smiled.
“About time you woke up. I thought you were dead for a little while there.” You pushed yourself off the couch and stumbled into the kitchen. “Coffee in the cup.” You looked down to a steaming cup.
“I’m not so convinced yet.” He chuckled and slid the food onto two separate plates handing one to you. “I didn’t even know that worked.” You muttered looking at the stove.
“Figured. You can’t cook to save your life.”
You threw a piece of bacon at him, which he gladly ate.
“Did you stay all night?” You asked half way through breakfast.
“I figured we should talk this morning.” You nodded and bit your lip. So it did happen.
“Right so we… kissed.”
“Yeah.” The silence turned awkward.
“Ok, I’m just going to say it, then. I don’t know how much you remember but everything I said, I meant. I really do like you, Y/N.” You bit your lip and smiled.
“I-I think I remember enough to know that I have told you the same. And I-I meant it to.”
“Really, James. I meant it all and I really do like you alot.” You smiled. And he let out a sigh and collapsed into his chair.
“That is a huge relief.”
“Tell me about it. So what do we do now? What happens?”
“I think I'll ask you out.”
“And I obviously would say yes.”
“And then we go to a… quidditch game?”
“And I’d buy the snacks after arguing with you about money.”
“Right. And then I would completely sweep you off your feet when I book the stadium for afterwards and teach you how to ride more.”
“Of course, unless I blow you away with my mad skills.” He beamed.
“Which is very possible with the way you ride.” You laughed.
“So when would this hypothetical date take place?”
“Saturday at six?”
“I think I could be there. If you were to ask me, of course.”
“Well maybe I’m getting there.”
“Maybe you should hurry up before we spend another three years without each other.”
“Y/N, would you go out with me?”
“Yes.” You said smiling. He returned your smile with a crooked one of his own.
“Then I’ll pick you up here, and I am buying the snacks.”
“James you are no-pop-James Potter you get back here!” You yelled to the open air laughing as your best friend-boyfriend- apperated from your apartment.
You bit your lip and leaned on your hand.
You got a date with the boy you loved. And who would’ve thought it would all be because of a terrible time dealing with cramps?
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belovedrival · 3 years
“It’s Jonas.”
It’s been almost six months but I did say I would talk about my experience, so here goes...
(It’s really long, I started this draft when Jonas was three months old)
I was told that I would be induced on March 10, a Wednesday. My due date was the 17th but baby had been measuring large for months so my doctor just wanted to go ahead with it. I agreed. We’d made it to 39 weeks and that was good. Plus, I felt huge and just...done with being pregnant. 
I worked (from home) on the 10th. It felt sort of surreal, knowing that we’d be at the hospital at 5 pm that evening, but I knew I needed to work to keep my mind off what was coming. For a while, at least. 
We’d started packing the hospital bags for weeks before. I’d left my suitcase open next to the bed and I’d throw things in there whenever I’d do laundry or think of something else I wanted to take. I sort of knew then that I was majorly overpacking (and in hindsight it’s laughable how much stuff I never wore/used) but at least we were prepared, right?
Yeah, about that...
Mister drove to the hospital. Since I was being induced, it wasn’t any frenetic, movie scene type, panicked dad experience. We just put our things in the car and drove there. On the way we talked about how strange it was, knowing that when we came home (God willing), there would be a baby in the car seat. Of course at that time we still didn’t know if our baby was a girl or boy.
(Mister told me later that he was almost certain baby was a boy. He said he’d heard too many nurses/medical personnel ‘slip’ while we were having ultrasounds and whatnot.)
People can choose to find out or not, but it puts a whole other dimension on the experience when you don’t know in advance. Just my two cents.
As we turned into the hospital parking lot, Mister told me to open the glove box. “There’s something for you in there,” he said. I opened it, trying to swallow the bowling ball that had lodged itself in my throat.
“Oh!” I said. “What I always wanted - an owner’s manual!”
When I’m nervous, I often joke.
There was a small white box next to the owner’s manual. In it was a necklace with an aquamarine pendant; one of the birthstones for March. Of course I cried.
We took an obligatory selfie before going inside the hospital. After getting checked in, we went to our room. I remember thinking that we’d only be in that room probably a day, and that 24 hours later, we’d be upstairs post delivery.
Ha. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
I was given a drug to start labor (not pitocin). I’ve always hated needles and so getting an IV was not part of my top 100,000 Things I Love to Do List. Thankfully, the nurse who put it in was really good, so I barely felt anything. 
The one major memory of this whole experience (other than Jonas, of course) was how good the nurses were. I am forever grateful to them. 
Other than the IV and monitors, Mister having to sleep on the sofa, and me laying on a hospital bed, we could almost trick ourselves into imagining we were staying at some sort of hotel. Almost. For a few hours, anyway.
Wednesday night into Thursday morning was okay. I was feeling persistent pain. It wasn’t terrible, just uncomfortable, and I knew that it was part of the process. I didn’t sleep great but I was able to get some rest.
Around six o’clock there was a shift change, and my nurse for the day came in. Liz had a kind of cheerleader vibe about her, very positive, and in some other circumstances I might’ve found her annoying. But I liked her.
My doctor came in a little after seven and broke my water. That experience was...weird. I mean, it was a new experience for me, so it’s hard to describe. Uh, water is wet, so it was wet? Honestly, the thing I remember the most is that there was some meconium after Doc broke my water, which worried me a little. Baby was doing fine and no one seemed super worried, so I set it aside. I DID think it meant I was guaranteed to have the baby that day. How wrong I was, and not for the first time...
They gave me pitocin after my water was broken. So my contractions increased. It felt more like strong period cramps to me. I should say at this point that I have a high pain tolerance. I don’t know what the same level of contractions would feel like to someone else. Sometimes I was only mildly aware that I was having them. 
Probably one of the most annoying things about my entire experience Wednesday/Thursday/into Friday was not being allowed to eat anything. I had ice chips, and water, and Liz managed to get me some Jello. This was actually something of an issue, because I had gestational diabetes, so at first nobody wanted to give me anything except for sugar-free Jello. I did have some of that, but as the day wore on and there wasn’t much progress, Liz talked to somebody and got me some regular Jello. I would’ve preferred something else, but Jello was what I was allowed, so Jello I got.
I...don’t really like Jello. Seriously, like if it’s the only thing, I’ll eat it, but...yeah.
The hours ticked by. Progress was slow. At first I looked forward to Liz and the other nurses coming in and checking me, but by late afternoon, it was clear that things were slooooooow. The best part of Thursday was sometime in the afternoon Liz suggested bouncing on the ball. I was really happy to get out of bed and bounce for a while. After doing that, I decided it was time for the epidural.
I’d decided beforehand I wanted an epidural. As I said, I absolutely hate needles, but I also didn’t want my body to be so stressed that labor couldn’t progress. In the back of my mind, I also thought that if the situation changed, and a c-section became necessary, the epidural would already be in place. 
After the epidural was put in, I started shaking on the edge of the bed, tears rolling down my face. Liz was still holding on to me, and Mister was there, and they both asked what was wrong. I couldn’t speak for a minute. It felt a little like I was five years old, still terrified of that darn needle, and all the tension I’d suppressed had to get out somehow.
“It’s okay,” Liz said, giving me a hug. Sometimes that’s all that’s needed. I was sorry to see her go when her shift ended. She said she was working again on Saturday and that she’d stop by to see us after the baby was born, to see what we were having. (She did stop by.)
This was a constant refrain from most of the nurses: upon first coming into the room, and looking at the white board that had my information and seeing next to “Baby” was written “Surprise!!” we inevitably got the question, “You don’t know what you’re having? That’s awesome!” 
Getting the epidural made the pain diminish, but it also made things more complicated for me because I couldn’t move. Overnight, a tag team of nurses turned me one way and the other, and checked me. 
(I should also mention that all of the staff at the hospital had already been vaccinated, and they all wore masks into the rooms. We did not have to wear masks in the room, but if we went outside it, they were required.)
By Thursday night, both Mister and I were feeling rather discouraged. All day Thursday we’d been told that baby would come “by the afternoon”, then “by the evening”, and then late Thursday, “by Friday morning”. Bear in mind that I’d been on an IV/ induced since roughly six pm on Wednesday. 
Maybe this sounds laughable to people who’ve had 72 hour long labors, but I’d been mentally prepared for around 24 hours of labor. My twin sister had been induced with her first, and her labor had gone about that long. Around midnight on Thursday I was feeling pretty discouraged. Mister wasn’t angry but he said (when we were alone) that he felt like the staff had been overly optimistic. I just don’t think either of us had thought about the implications of me being induced without any sign of active labor. In hindsight, I was glad it was done then, but...yeah. Not being mentally prepared for that long of a labor was hard. I felt bad for everyone who was waiting on updates; it felt like literally nothing happened for about thirty hours. Like I think was dilated to five by Friday morning. And effaced? Practically nothing. My cervix wasn’t getting thinner at all.
Early Friday morning, a new nurse started her shift. My first impressions of Diana were...well, I thought, “she’s definitely not as friendly as Liz.” She was more brusque. As I hadn’t slept much Thursday night, and having been in the same situation for over a day, I didn’t care nearly as much about making friends. By that point I was tired - physically, mentally, emotionally.
But Diana was awesome. She got me turned onto my hands and knees, and had me start doing some vigorous exercises, to really move labor along. I was fine with doing whatever she said because I was REALLY ready to be done. So it felt a little like my cross country days in high school, at the finish of a difficult race. I was tired, I wasn’t sure how much I could do physically, but we had a GOAL and dammit, we were going to do everything to get there!
By late morning, even after the exercises, I was still dilated at a five. Hardly effaced at all. After checking me again, Diana left the room. The option of a c-section had been discussed, especially since it was over 24 hours since my water had been broken.
“I think I’m done,” I said to Mister. Even though I’d never really been 100% ‘I want a natural birth experience’, it felt a little like giving up. I started crying again. “I just don’t think this [natural labor] is going to work. I’m done.”
“If you’re done, that’s it,” Mister said. “Tell Diana you want a c-section.”
I have to say something here about Mister. Even though he kept saying he didn’t know what he was doing or how he should support me, he was AWESOME. He supported every decision, and listened to me talk about the different options. For as hard as labor was for me, I think he had a different hard time. All he could do was literally sit there and watch me go through pain and doubt and fear, and comfort me as best he could. He was a great comfort.
(This is why even if thoughtful partners don’t think they’re doing a good job at supporting laboring moms, they most likely are. Their presence is invaluable. For anyone who doesn’t have a supportive partner with them, or an absent one, my profound condolences.)
When Diana came back in, I told her I wanted a c-section. This was around 11 o’clock Friday morning, March 12th. “I agree,” she said right away, patting me on the shoulder. “You’ve done everything you possibly can to get this baby delivered naturally. I trust mom’s instincts on this.”
Her support meant so much. Really, when a veteran nurse says they trust your instinct, how can you not feel better about your decision?
She left to contact my doctor and several other people, and Mister let people know what was going on. At that point I was more relieved that soon it would be over. I wanted to see our baby.
Mister said later that he learned that hospitals have two speeds: 1) we’re in no rush; and 2) something is going to happen NOW. While my c-section wasn’t an emergency, once the decision was made, things did happen fast. Diana brought the anesthesiologist into the room so he could numb me up. As I already had the epidural, this didn’t take very long. After a few minutes of letting the medication work, Bryce asked if I could feel my toes.
“No,” I said. It was weird. I knew I shouldn’t feel them, but I couldn’t help saying, “I’m trying to wiggle them!”
“No, no, it’s good you can’t feel them,” both Bryce and Mister said. I was wheeled out of the labor room a few minutes after that (I was not sorry to leave it) and taken to the OR. Mister went with someone else to take our stuff to the recovery room.
I’ve been in operating rooms before. They aren’t places that make me want to stay there. Bright lights, metal everywhere, many thoughts of what could go wrong...although I will say that all the staff in the OR made me feel confident. I was glad to see my doctor. 
I felt better once I was in the OR (the only time in my life I’ve ever felt that way) but it felt like a long time until Mister arrived in there. He’d gone with a member of staff as they took all our stuff to a recovery room, then been taken to the OR. Once he was in place, everything started.
Doctor M had asked me before Mister arrived if he wanted to ‘announce’ was the baby was. I told her that he most likely would, but to ask him. She did, and he said yes, he’d love to do that.
There was a blue sheet in front of me so I really couldn’t see anything that went on - which was PERFECTLY FINE with me.
Obviously, I was flat on my back, and everything below my chest was numb. The doctor and others asked me at various times if I felt anything, and I didn’t (other than tugging and pulling). At one point, I suddenly smelled the unmistakable scent of something burning. “What is that? That burning smell?” I asked, glancing above me (really, behind me) at Bryce, who stood there.
“I’ll tell you later,” he said.
Which immediately told me I didn’t want to know what it was. 
Yeah, it was me burning, while the medical staff cauterized me, keeping me from bleeding to death.
(The fact that cesarean sections are major surgery, and regularly happen every day in the United States, is, frankly, a miracle. Everyone hears about the horror stories when something goes wrong, but considering the number of women who go through them without incident, we as a society completely take them for granted.)
As the tugging and pulling continued, and Doctor M said things like, “there’s the head”, the sense of anticipation increased. I’ve never felt anything like it before. Both Mister and I knew any moment we would meet our baby, and after waiting 39 weeks (and eight years before that), it was almost unbearable.
Doctor M said, “Here’s the baby!”
I heard a slight cry, and I looked up at Mister, who sat on my right, holding my hand. He looked down at me and said, “It’s Jonas.”
Even thinking about that moment now brings tears to my eyes. In knowing Mister almost eleven years, I’ve only seen him cry maybe five times. Including this year, on March 12th. We both were bawling, and laughing at the same time, as Jonas VERY loudly screamed his disapproval at being evicted from his warm, cozy space. At one point, Mister, laughing as he cried said, “One of the ---s (our last name) needs to stop crying in here!”
He has a rather husky cry, Jonas does. I loved his cry from the moment I first heard it (though I don’t actually like to hear him cry, if that makes any sense).
As I was sewn up, Mister moved his chair over to where our baby was, under a heat lamp. Then he brought Jonas over to me. My first thought was, he’s HUGE. My second thought was, he was the most beautiful baby I’d ever seen.
He weighed nine pounds, five ounces at birth, and had a fifteen inch head circumference. After I heard that, I knew a natural birth was never going to happen. He was born on Friday the 12th of March, at 1:14 pm. The digital clock on the wall said 13:14, which I thought was cool. And it made it a bit easier to remember the time :)
He had lots of dark hair, which I loved. My sister’s had bald babies, so it was nice to have a different-looking kid. Over the last few months, his hair almost entirely disappeared due to cradle cap, and is coming back in...blond. Genetics!
I can say now that it’s past, that I was more afraid during pregnancy than I could admit to anyone, even Mister. I have always been a worrier, and finally being pregnant after so many years, and being high risk due to my age (and my shunt, and the gestational diabetes...) I was in almost constant worry of something going wrong. First of miscarriage (no one needed to tell me of the statistics regarding older mothers), then of stillbirth, like the cord getting wrapped around baby’s neck, and death happening before delivery could happen. I have heard of at least two different stories of that happening to pregnant women in the ninth month - friends of friends of mine - and the fear of that, or something else equally catastrophic happening was, at times, almost crippling. I would’ve preferred to have never been pregnant at all rather than suffer a miscarriage or stillbirth. 
Perhaps it sounds childish, but mentally I didn’t think I was strong enough to have the dream of motherhood dashed, when every day of pregnancy brought that dream closer. I was (and still am) too much of a realist to ignore the statistics; I couldn’t pretend I was 22 and have a blissfully ignorant uneventful pregnancy. To this day, even after giving birth to a healthy baby, one of the biggest things that will set me off is the assumption that way too many people have. “We’re planning on getting pregnant soon.” “Just have kids, you’ll understand.” “I can take you out and make one just like you.” [a redneck phrase I’ve heard being said to a misbehaving child]
Not many of us can “plan” on getting pregnant exactly when we want to - or even within a year’s time. Not all of us can “just have kids” - they’re not like going to the store and getting a gallon of milk. (I recognize the privilege of living in a society where going to the store and expecting fresh milk can also sound arrogant to those who don’t live in one.) ‘Take out’ a kid (even said in jest), and ‘make another one’? I MIGHT have another child in the next couple years. More likely, I won’t. Not all of us can just get pregnant at the drop of a hat. (That’s assuming the one wanting to get pregnant even has a male partner or sperm donor at the ready...some never find that person to have a child with. And adoption can be a great thing, but not everyone is cut out for it. Shaming infertile and childless people for not wanting to adopt is disgusting.)
I was open with my OB-GYN about my fears during pregnancy and she referred me to several resources, and monitored me for PPD. My best friend’s son died in March 2020, a year before Jonas was born (though Billy had severe disabilities which made his death a certain thing), and my sister had had a stillborn son in August 2019 (my nephew Christian). So Jonas being born healthy was a huge relief for me. I can’t really describe the relief, except to say that as much physical weight I gained during pregnancy, letting go of the weight of the worry was felt even more deeply than losing the pounds since his birth (and I’ve haven’t lost all of that).
I will probably always worry about *something*, when it comes to Jonas. He gave me a scare earlier this week, rolling off the couch before I could catch him. He’s fine...and the incident scared me more than it scared him. But every day since he was born is a reminder of the gift he is, and I hope I never lose sight of that, even on the frustrating days (and there have been those over the last almost six months, and there will be more to come).
If you ever wanted children, and are fortunate enough to have them, cherish them. Be grateful for them, even when they drive you up the wall. Even when you only want three minutes’ peace, and they won’t give it to you. Love them anyway. I try to.  
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poorlittleangels · 4 years
Spared the pain
Hi all, here's a little something I've been working on lately. It's about my OC Calen, a young man who works as a teacher at a boarding school alongside his friend Daniel. One night he returns from dinner with Daniel and his wife Eline feeling less than well. And so ...
Content warning: hospital, medicine (pills, injections), mentions of death/wanting to die, extreme pain, vomit
He lifted his shirt to look at his stomach. It was very slender and pale, a soft, smooth underbelly marked only by a trail of light hair leading between his legs and a vaguely heart-shaped birthmark on the right side. He rubbed at his stomach gently in an attempt to soothe the pain, wondering what could be causing it. He had eaten quite a heavy dinner at Daniel and Eline's home, and perhaps the cream sauce and spices weren't agreeing with him. That, or he had overindulged on desserts and a cup too much of wine, and was paying his due penance for it. How could you blame him, anyway? It wasn't his fault Eline made such a rich coconut cake, and he hasn't drank in months. He sighed and pushed himself off the bed, clutching at his abdomen. He would be alright, he supposed, if he used the bathroom, washed up, and had a good long rest. Very little couldn't be made better with a hot bath and a good night's sleep.
After he'd taken his bath, he dressed in clean white pajamas and warm socks. He made himself a cup of mint tea, hoping it would settle his stomach, and took some stomach medicine as well, just for good measure. The two little pink pills didn't go down easily, though. He felt nauseated putting anything in his mouth.
Finally, he drained the last sip of his mug and settled into bed for the night, content but still feeling a nagging ache in his midsection. Lying on his side, he could hear it making gurgling noises, feel it squeezing gases around, working extra hard to digest his meal. Sweating slightly, shaking a bit when the pain grew, he tried to ignore the pain and distract himself to fall asleep.
He eventually succeeded, since he found himself awake the next day with light pouring in through the curtains. The very first thing he noticed was the pain. Oh, gods, please, the pain! It was worse than anything he'd felt in his life, somehow worse than when he'd broken his arm as a child, or the migraine that left him immobile for two days. This was a different breed of dragon. His organs felt like they'd been twisted inside out and set afire. His stomach, especially, right under his ribs, was cramping so furiously it brought the first tears to his eyes. His intestines writhed like angry snakes and his whole belly felt uncomfortably full and heavy, gurgling and blooming with new pain as his guts shifted around.
The more aware he became, the worse the pain became as well. Never being one to tolerate pain well, now Calen was unsure if he could stay conscious. Tears leaked down his cheeks and chin and pooled on his pillow, making his cheeks and nose sticky. He cried out into the dim room, whimpering and moaning. He could barely move, let alone speak a coherent sentence, and screaming was his only distraction and relief.
The second thing he became aware of was a tightness in his throat. His mouth had started to fill with a metallic saliva and his hands were shaking. Something felt like it was threatening to come up. He managed to lean over the edge of the bed and reach his wastebasket under his chair, dragging it to the edge of the bed. Unable to sit up, he leaned his face over the bin and sighed shallow, shaking breaths until he coughed and finally vomited.
A torrent of puke hit the plastic liner of the bin, white and sticky like porridge and with soft chunks of half-digested food. A little trail of pink in there, too- some red wine making its way back up. Calen's stomach squeezed in on itself, driving the liquid up his gullet and past his lips violently. The pain seized him even more, and he was feeling faint. He hung his head over the bin, sobbing in between vomiting, gagging at the horrible smell. He begged the gods for the pain to stop, to pass out, to die. It was simply too much to bear. He eventually must've exhausted himself, or been in so much pain, that he fell unconscious, head on his arm, facing a basket of his own puke.
The next hours passed in misery. Once in a while Calen would awaken, get sick again, and be unable to escape the pain tearing his stomach up. He no longer was aware of the room around him, of anything but his own blinding pain. He screamed and cried without deciding to; it was simply all he could do, to survive moment to moment. Sweat poured down his brow and his throat had gone hoarse from his crying and the bitter dregs of bile he spit up. He couldn't breathe, couldn't move, couldn't even lay a hand on his stomach without it cramping even more horribly. And then, his pleading and prayers would come true for a few minutes, and he'd succumb to the pain and mercifully black out, going limp, only for things to start back up in due time, even when his body had nothing at all left to give.
He awoke later to a soft, gentle noise. The voice was familiar, deep and a bit rough, but spoke barely above a whisper. It took some concentration to understand it.
"Calen? Calen, are you awake? Oh, dear..."
He heard plastic crinkling and then someone's footsteps in the kitchen. His visitor must have tied up the bag of vomit and thrown it out for him. They returned to his bedside.
His body was completely exhausted. He didn't have the strength to open his eyes. He felt a warm touch on his shoulder, a hand rubbing his back.
"Calen, it's Daniel. Can you hear me? Gods, you look awful..."
With some effort he managed to open his eyes. Daniel was sitting on the edge of his bed, face sunk with concern. The room was pale gray and smelled of sick. He could make out the clock; it was a little past noon.
"There you are. I've been so worried. When you didn't show up today the main office called you three times, but when you didn't pick up they asked me to come check on you. My, I'm glad I did... You look like you've been suffering..."
He pressed the back of his hand to Calen's forehead. "Hm, you don't feel warm... But you've been vomiting, yes?"
Calen nodded. Suddenly he curled in on himself, attacked by a sudden cramp. Tears stung his dry eyes and a gasp escapes his lips. The pain refused to relent. He tried to scream, but his throat was raw. Daniel's eyes widened in shock.
"Calen? Calen, what's wrong? Is your stomach okay?"
"H-hurts..." He whined. "Hurts so bad... Please, please make it stop, just make it stop, I can't take it anymore, it won't stop..."
Daniel's tone dropped to a grave note. "Calen, I think we ought to get you to the hospital."
Calen didn't reply. Really, he couldn't articulate himself because of the pain. He continued whimpering, wailing, begging for mercy.
Daniel had taken his telephone and called for a doctor, his hand rubbing between Calen's shoulderblades, trying desperately to soothe him even a bit. Calen was barely aware of what was happening. He heard footsteps coming up the stairs, new voices. He felt cool, gloved hands on his arms, and something prickly pushed into the inside of his elbow. After that, the world grew dimmer and dimmer. The pain dulled to a low throb, and his eyes grew very heavy. Before he knew it he was in a heavy, dresmless sleep.
He awoke, eyes shut, in a bright room. It smelled of cleaning products and something slightly sour. People were walking in and out and in a hall outside. He must be in a hospital. For some reason his limbs were leaden and even to move was an enormous effort. He couldn't think properly either.
"Sir?" someone said "Calen Callophan?"
He pried his eyes open with a massive effort. A nurse was standing over his bed, some kind of monitor in his hand.
"You're finally awake. That's good. Don't be alarmed. You're on some pretty heavy painkillers right now and you might be feeling a little loopy."
"W-what happened?" He coughed, his throat feeling very dry. The nurse handed him a glass of water, which he graciously accepted. The nurse took his temperature and blood pressure and counted his heartbeats, and, satisfied with the results, put away his instruments.
"You've contracted a rare stomach infection and you'll need to be on pain medicine for a few days before you can go home and work. We don't have a cure for it, so you'll just need to wait it out."
"Am I going to be okay? How long was I out?" Calen was beginning to feel quite tired already, and his eyes had trouble focusing.
"You've been sedated for about five hours. It's almost dinnertime. We'll have you try some broth and juice, if you feel up to it."
So the days passed, Calen awake for little of the day, the medicine in his veins needing to be so strong to spare him the pain that he could only manage an hour or so of wakefulness at a time. It wasn't all bad, though. He drank hot broth and cool juice and, when he could manage that, a bit of porridge. Daniel or Eline stopped by a few times to see him, Daniel brining him a few yellow chrysanthemums in a vase, Eline brining some of her homemade clear soup, which he found delicious and nourishing. She fretted now more than ever about how thin he was and how she wouldn't stand to see him lose any weight. He was grateful, and with their best efforts he actually managed to put on a pound or two, owing to how little activity he was doing. By the time he could return to work he felt far better, though still recovering strength and needing plenty of rest at nights. Slowly he recovered fully, though, not meaning to offend Eline, he did swear off coconut cake for a while after.
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anubislover · 4 years
Siblings Lost and Found
(Ikkaku's been the Heart Pirates' mechanic for a year, but is she just another one of Law's subordinates, or does she mean more? Special thanks (and blame) to @shambledsurgeon for suggesting this idea and @scribblrhob for suggesting the song "In My Life" by The Beatles for maximum feels. Any tears are their fault)
It was well past midnight when Ikkaku’s shift was finally over. Clione as he come to relieve her, and she couldn’t be more grateful. In the year since she’d become the Heart Pirates’ mechanic, she’d discovered that life on the high seas wasn’t always as exciting as it sounded.
In fact, with the ocean so calm and little more to be seen beyond schools of fish and the occasional shark, it was hard to stay awake and focused. She’d resorted to drinking three cups of coffee and playing with her hair, braiding and straightening until finally settling on a pair of simple pigtails, mostly for the sake of getting her thick locks off the back of her neck. The Polar Tang had been underwater for a while, so it was stuffy and humid—Bepo would start complaining soon, and Law would have to agree to surface.
Thinking about the poor Mink, Ikkaku decided to take a detour to the library. Aside from the operatory and the morgue, it was the room with the best air conditioning and Bepo could sometimes be found bunked up in there if his quarters became too hot. If he were awake, maybe she’d sit up with him for a bit; with all the caffeine in her system, she knew she wouldn’t be drifting off anytime soon.
The library was in fact occupied, but not by who she’d expected. Slumped over one of the tables was Law, medical books and papers scattered beneath him. He’d been suffering another bout of insomnia for the past week, but normally when he was like that, he spent his nights in the lab or his office.
Must be avoiding Shachi and Penguin’s hovering, she thought, shaking her head. When the captain got like this, those two always went out of their way to try to force him to take care of himself. As much as Law griped about it being insubordination, she was positive he secretly appreciated it; after all, they were two of his closest friends. Practically his brothers.
She wished her own brothers had been like that.
Ikkaku quietly crept into the room to lower the lights—Law must have been truly exhausted to have fallen asleep while working. She briefly wondered if she should wake him long enough to help him move to the couch, but she decided against it—he’d suffer some nasty neck cramps in the morning, but it was better than disturbing his much-needed rest.
When she tried to remove the pen from his hand, however, Law stirred. Ikkaku froze, half crouched above him, silently praying that he hadn’t awoken. She was close enough that, even in the dim light, she could see the way his face scrunched up. Was he dreaming? She could see his eyes darting about under his eyelids, as if searching for something, and his breath came out in shuddering little gasps.
Law was surrounded by choking death. White hospital walls were engulfed in flame and crumbling around him as he ran through the winding, labyrinthine halls.
Mother and father were dead. The soldiers were killing everyone they saw. Flevance was in ruins. It was hot and everything reeked of smoke, blood, and stinking death. Wide, lifeless eyes stared at him in cold judgement as he sprinted past crumpled corpses.
You told her to stay put, they whispered maliciously. This is your fault.
No. He’d told her to hide in the closet for just a few minutes. He’d always intended to come back for her. He didn’t mean to leave his sister behind. He thought she’d be safe!
He had to get to Lamie!
There! The closet was straight ahead! He could hear Lamie inside, screaming for her big brother to save her.
He flung open the door only to find a woman with dark, curly hair and a bandana staring up at him instead.
“Law, it’s me…”
Taking in his pained and panicked expression, it was clear that Law was in the clutches of a pretty intense nightmare, and Ikkaku wasn’t the kind of woman who stood idly by while her captain was suffering.
Grateful that he didn’t have Kikoku on him to slice her to bits if he woke up in a hostile mood, she grabbed his shoulder and shook hard. “Law, it’s me. Hey, wake up!”
“Lamie?” he asked, eyes bleary and unfocused.
“Law, what’s—” Ikkaku started, only for her captain to grab her shoulder and pull her in for a hug. Immediately, she stiffened. Law was not a hugger. Sure, on good days he deigned to be hugged—mostly by Bepo—but he wasn’t the sort to initiate platonic, physical displays of affection.
“You’re ok,” he gasped. He squeezed her tightly and buried his head in her shoulder, breathing deeply. She didn’t smell like smoke or sickness or death.
She smelled like engine oil and coffee, though, with a hint of ginger lotion underneath. Scents that could never be associated with Lamie.
Reluctantly, he became aware of his surroundings. He wasn’t in the charred remains of the hospital. Wasn’t surrounded by the bodies of his friends and family, or soldiers pointing guns at him.
He was in his ship’s library, alone with his mechanic, who was staring at him in shock because he was practically crushing her to his chest.
Law mentally berated himself as he pushed Ikkaku away, brain finally catching up to his body. He’d fallen asleep, had a nightmare, and like some frightened child had latched onto the first person he saw upon being awoken. Disgusting, uncaptainlike behavior that never should have been witnessed by his subordinate.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, rubbing his eyes while trying to play it cool to retain some dignity. “I…thought you were someone else.”
“Someone named Lamie,” Ikkaku pressed, taking the seat beside him and reaching for his hand. “Law, please; I know I’ve only been around for a year, but if something’s bothering you—”
“It’s nothing.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Bullshit. ‘Nothing’ doesn’t cause nightmares. You can talk to me.”
“Fine, it’s not nothing, but it’s none of your damn business,” he growled, refusing to look at her. He felt irrationally angry; in his dream, he’d been so close to saving his sister, only for Ikkaku to replace her. Then, upon awakening, he’d had a faint moment of delusional hope that maybe Lamie really was alive, only to be replaced again.
Ikkaku recoiled, his harsh tone stinging as much as his words. It wasn’t any of her business because she was just his subordinate. Yet despite his creepy and sadistic tendencies, over the past year, she’d grown attached to him. He was caring and honorable and protective; everything she’d wished her brothers had been. In fact, she’d started to wonder if he felt a hint of brotherly affection towards her; he never seemed to give her more than a slap on the wrist for backtalk. Was quick to scare off unsavory men in taverns. Trusted her judgement when it came to the submarine’s engine, even though she’d been just an apprentice mechanic when he’d hired her.
Clearly, she’d looked too deeply into his actions. He tolerated her sass because he was too busy to reprimand her. Protected her because he couldn’t risk something happening to his mechanic. Accepted her input because he didn’t know enough to contradict her.
Ikkaku wasn’t anything special to him. Everything he did was for practical reasons.
Pulling away before she broke her own heart, she grumbled, “Fine, but I’m telling Penguin about this. You need to talk to someone, and if you don’t trust me—”
“I trust you,” Law stated, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, brow furrowed in confusion.
“You trust me to keep the Tang sailing. To tell you if the engine needs repairs or if there’s a maintenance issue. To have your back in a fight. You trust me like any captain should trust his subordinate.” As she stood up, she forced a smile; something she hadn’t had to do since joining his crew. “That’s the kind of trust that matters, right? That we both know how to do our jobs and keep each other alive on the treacherous, unforgiving sea. Anything else…well that’s just gravy, right?” Despite herself, her lip quivered slightly, forcing her to pretend to organize some of the books on the table so he wouldn’t see her moment of weakness.
From his seat, Law stared at her. In the year she’d been onboard, he’d determined his mechanic to be reckless, outspoken, and loyal. Compassionate to those she considered friends. Genuine. Determined. Intelligent. Vibrant.
Everything he’d imagined his sister would become.
Coming to a decision, Law grabbed Ikkaku’s forearm to get her attention. “Lamie…Lamie was my sister. She died in a hospital fire when I was a kid.”
“Oh gods,” Ikkaku whispered, free hand covering her mouth in horror.
“She wore pigtails,” he admitted, glancing at the twin bunches of hair. “Some days, it’s hard to remember her face, but I can always picture those.”
“I…shit, Law, I’ll take them out,” she offered, immediately reaching up to release the ties.
“Don’t. It’s fine. It just confused me. In the dream, I was searching for her. Everyone else was dead, and the hospital was burning all around me, but I had to find her. I’d told her to hide in a closet while I went to find mother and father, but they were already dead—”
“It’s ok,” she whispered, instinctively sitting back down so she could pull him into a hug. “You don’t need to tell me. I’m…that wasn’t your fault.” No wonder he was so reluctant to let people in. She’d heard about things like survivor’s guilt, and Bepo had implied that he’d lost a lot of people in his short life.
Ikkaku suddenly felt guilty for overstepping her boundaries. She should have let him come to her when he was ready instead of forcing her way in. Hell, she shouldn’t even be hugging him without permission!
But when she tried to pull away, she felt Law’s hand on her back, refusing to let her move an inch.
“You…make me miss her less. Her smile always brightened up the room. When she was sick, I spent a lot of my free time trying to cheer her up. To make her laugh. Sometimes, when you laugh, I close my eyes and pretend it’s hers. That I hadn’t failed, and she’d grown up to become a smart, vibrant young woman like you.”
Ikkaku worried her lip, mulling over his words and debating how she should respond. He’d opened up to her. Trusted her as more than a subordinate. She was something special to him.
He deserved to know she felt the same.
“Law, I…I grew up with four older brothers. All of them were dicks who wanted nothing to do with me. They’d cut my hair off, break my stuff, mock me for wanting to be a mechanic—hell, they once tried to abandon me in the woods.” She looked up at him with a small, sad smile. “So believe me when I say you didn’t fail. You did everything you could. Lamie was damn lucky to have such a loving, protective big brother.”
Law’s heart clenched. Honestly, he’d felt guilty, pushing his feelings for his sister onto Ikkaku. Partially because he felt like he was replacing Lamie; like he was trying to erase his mistakes. And partially because he knew it was unfair to Ikkaku. She deserved to be appreciated for herself, not as some substitute for a girl who died years ago.
But…she didn’t seem to mind. Considering her own brothers, perhaps Ikkaku had secretly appreciated those moments where he’d been a bit overprotective, or unconsciously spoiled her in some way. Perhaps Lamie would even approve of this coping mechanism. Perhaps his subconscious had put her in his dream to show him that, while it was too late for his sister, there was another girl he could still protect.
Such thoughts were better analyzed when he was less tired.
Arm dropping from its place at her back, he pulled away from the embrace. “Help me get to my quarters. Penguin will bitch for hours if he finds out I fell asleep in the library again.”
“Sure thing, Boss,” Ikkaku said, tugging him to his feet. It seemed their little moment was over, but she didn’t mind, especially if it meant Law would actually get some rest. “Want me to call Bepo? He’d be happy to let you use him as a pillow.”
“No. He needs his rest. We’ll surface first thing in the morning—the sub’s getting too stuffy.”
“Yeah,” she agreed, wrapping one of his long arms around her shoulders to better support his lethargic body as they walked down the hall in comfortable silence.
When they arrived at his quarters, she asked, “Sure you don’t need anything? I drank too much coffee, so I’ll be awake for a while. I could clean up the library, or—”
“If you want to help…” Law trailed off, hesitating. He internally debated voicing his request before finally swallowing his pride. “Stay with me a bit. To make sure I actually do fall back asleep. If it’s not too much trouble.”
“Yeah. Sure, I can do that,” she said with a surprised smile.
Stepping aside, he let her into the room. “Just so you know, if you tell anyone about this, I’ll cut out your tongue and preserve it in formaldehyde.”
Her grin sharpened into something a bit more teasing. Ah, there was the creepy captain she knew and loved. “As if anyone would believe that the big, bad Surgeon of Death needed someone to hold his hand and scare the nightmares away.”
“I never asked you to hold my hand.”
She giggled before dragging his desk chair over to his bed while he kicked off his shoes and crawled under the covers.
“Did you check under the bed for monsters?” he asked dryly, a hint of his sarcastic smirk lifting his lips.
She rolled her eyes. “Please, like there’s anything scarier than you on this ship.”
“Damn straight,” he replied, letting out a jaw-cracking yawn. His eyes drooped a bit as his head sank into the pillow. “Know any lullabies?”
“A few. You really want one?”
“Could be nice, especially if it’s the last time I hear your voice should you not manage to keep your mouth shut about this.”
Sniggering, Ikkaku tousled his hair before clearing her throat, softy singing as her captain gradually drifted off.
“Though I know I'll never lose affection For people and things that went before I know I'll often stop and think about them In my life I love you more.”
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abbybubbls · 4 years
For Nostalgia (Wilford Warfstache and Darkiplier)
Summary: Dark tries to find Wilford’s pants, but finds something completely different.
“Wilford, I have a very important question for you.”
“Where the fuck are your pants.”
Wilford was being very indecisive that day. It took him half an hour explaining why he couldn’t find his favorite pants with a bunch of side stories that had absolutely nothing to do with Dark’s question. Or maybe Wilford just didn’t want to wear pants and he wanted his story to sound interesting. It all concluded to him not getting fired, so that’s a… plus?
“Can you tell me why you didn’t want to go without pants today?” Dark asked. Wilford felt offended.
“I just told you, I couldn’t find my favorite pair! What, you don’t believe me?”
Dark put his palms together. “Precisely.”
“I’ve looked through my closet for hours,” Wilford pouted. “None of my other pants fit me, that’s all.”
“You just wanted to go waist-down clothless,” Dark replied flatly.
“Not true!” Wilford exclaimed, pointing down at his feet. “I’m wearing socks!”
At least he’s wearing ‘boxers’ too, Dark thought, trying not to look. But it doesn’t explain why he doesn’t have his real damn pants on.
I am innocent, I swear~ Wilford made a smug face while looking at Dark without his lips moving.
Sure you are.
“Why don’t I look through your closet and find your pants myself, Wilford?” Dark asked out loud.
Wilford’s face flinched, exclaiming “No!” before covering his mouth with his hand. Dark’s face stiffened.
“Why not?”
Wilford cleared his throat and chuckled, waving his hand around his face. “O- Oh, you wouldn’t like my closet, Dark. You wouldn’t like my whole room at all! It gets so messy and everything is everywhere- Oh! And it’s so cramped! We both know how much you hate tight spaces!”
“I was just in your room three days ago, Will,” Dark’s tone lowered. “It was perfectly clean since then.”
Wilford scritched his chin. “Y- You know me, Dark. I see no mess, so I create the mess!”
“And I’ve been in worse situations when it comes to tight spaces,” Dark added. “I’m pretty sure your exit-able closet is more tolerable than a broken-as-all-hell elevator that we never use.”
“When you mean ‘we’, you mean you, cuz you’ve never used it since that incident-”
“I know what I meant.”
Wilford huffed and crossed his arms. “Well, I’ve got some things that are super important in my room! What does it take to not disrespect a man’s privacy around here?”
I’m fairly certain you don’t even know the half of it.
Dark eyed behind Wilford, and spotted the Captain Magnum near Wilford’s gun, that was quite dangerously lying on the counter.
“And who cares if I don’t have pants on?! I’ve run around like a moron without them during an interview before, and nobody seems to remember it!”
Dark pointed over Wilford’s shoulder. “Oh hey, Wilford, look. The Captain is touching your gun without your permission.”
Wilford gasped and gripped at his hair. “WHAT HAPPENED TO COMMON DECENCY?!”
He ran down the hallway with Dark covering the side of his face with his hand. “MAGNUM, DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH MY BABY!!!”
“It’s alive?! ”
Dark smirked, and quickly sent himself inside of Wilford’s room.
(Click keep reading, or read on my AO3!)
Just as Dark suspected, everything in the room was spotless. Only a dozen pieces of sticky notes of doodles and interview questions were scattered all over the floor, but it seemed like they were brushed aside near Wilford’s desk mirror right next to his door. Will’s bed was a mess as well, with the blankets draping over the other and pillows flattened, but Dark thinks he likes sleeping like that anyway. There was also a sparkled up fake fireplace with a rack of colorful suspenders hanging above it as if they’d be stockings, with the red-faded-to-pink pair hanging at the dead center.
I’m sure those all won’t overheat and catch on fire. Sarcasm.
Dark bumped into the closet door, seeing that the frame reaches to the very ceiling of Wilford’s whole room. It’s not like Captain Magnum is ever gonna sneak in, why is it so tall? No matter. Dark opened the closet door, only for an avalanche of clothes to fall right on top of him. Not enough to make him stumble over, for Dark is as sturdy as a boulder.
Dark yanked all the clothes off of him, and saw that MOST of them… were shirts. The clothes that were pants though…! Were either stained, torn up, or just straight up too small. Dark was going to suggest in his head that Wilford could wear his collection of tight shorts like layers, but that’d make him appear too… big.
“Goddammit, Will.”
Dark stepped over the pile of clothes to hesitantly get himself inside of the closet. His head bumps against a light bulb with a pulley-switch next to it. Dark didn’t really need to turn the light on because since he was wearing his new white suit for a change, and he’d practically be glowing more easier that way with his twins’ auras and such.
But just because he can, Dark turned the light on by pulling the switch. The closet was a tiny bit smaller than the elevator he never uses, but at least there’s an escape route. Dark looked around every nook and cranny in the closet to at least find one, one good pair of pants that isn’t too revealing, and so that Wilford would give in to wearing until he finds his ‘most favorite’ pair soon. But if that doesn’t happen, it could be the goldfish situation where Dark buys or makes the same pair, and Wilford wouldn’t even know the difference.
There was a very tall shelf at the end of the closet, and Dark tried to reach up to the top to grab something, any thing… only to have a tan round thing fall off and land on the floor. Dust was flying, enough dust for Dark to almost hack and choke on while coughing it all away. And waving his hand around was definitely helping. “What the hell-?”
As soon as the dust died down to the floor, Dark rubbed his eyes with his knuckles. The helmet rolled on its side for a moment, and wobbled near the wall. It was Wilford’s old old old old old pith helmet.
Dark stared at it for a long minute, knowing perfectly well that Wilford wouldn’t remember having this helmet, not even remember being a colonel.
Dark picked the helmet up from the floor, and gently brushed the dust away. He looked up at the shelf. “He wouldn’t happen to have the rest, would he…?”
A corner of a sleeve was hanging from the very top of the shelf. To avoid the possibility of getting dust all over the place again, Dark put the helmet down on a lower shelf and stood on his tip-toes, and reached up with both of his hands tugging on edges of old linty clothing. His grip on both edges tightened, and he slowly lifted a neatly folded pile of bright tan clothes off the top of the shelf.
“No,” Dark muttered, blinking away dust. “There is no way…”
Indeed, it was 100% Wilford’s old outfit for when he was a colonel from the early 1900’s. Dark already had questions running through his head. How in the world does Wilford still have this? When did he put it in the closet? Why does Wilford still have this outfit after all these years, even when he’s so far gone from who he was?
Dark slowly brushed the grime and lint off of a small, silver winged metal that is still pinned on the coat. Same with a red and white metal on the other side.
Dark had no idea where Will’s red ascot went, it probably faded to pink like his suspenders and turned into the bowtie he still wears to this day. And Will’s glasses were definitely snapped apart, or shattered, or burnt when he realized that even seeing clearly didn’t matter to him anymore. All that is left is the pith helmet, the coat, pants (finally!), and the boots, which were surprisingly very well hidden in the darkness of the bottom shelf. Will shouldn’t have these.
Wilford’s voice from outside of his room gradually got louder, but that didn’t phase Dark at all. He had a few questions to ask. Chances are, Wilford might not know all the answers, but it’s worth a try to ask anyway.
“You may be taller than all of us, but it ain’t gonna phase me, Captain!” Wilford shouted, shaking a fist. “You wanna know why? Cuz Warfstache don’t take no sh(BLEEP!)t from nobody! ”
With a slam of his door, Wilford looked up at the ceiling and sighed. “I should really fix that swear-detector thing.”
Wilford hiccuped, seeing Dark standing right in front of him with his hat, boots, and the rest of Will’s outfit in his hands. “Hiiiiiiiii…!”
Dark’s face was frozen in place, stern. “Care to explain to me what these are all about?”
Wilford was grinning nervously. “W- Well, they’re um- they’re winter clothes!”
“We live in Ca-”
“Traveling vacation winter clothes!”
“You know, depending on how much Mark uses us for projects, we’re technically almost always on vacation,” Dark said. “We’ve never traveled once.”
Wilford’s face dropped, and Dark took a step forward.
“So, Wilford,” he continued. “What are these clothes here for?”
“I- I found it in a zoo! I won it for a bet!”
“I don’t know!” Wilford exclaimed, throwing fists like a child. “I’ve always had them in my closet! I don’t remember what they’re for, but they give me warm fuzzy feelings, maybe a tiny memory or two.”
“A bad memory or a good memory?”
“I dunno, does it matter that much to you?” Wilford asked. “The good and bad don’t matter to me, cuz they’re useless memories! Memories that’ll come back and disappear from my head like always!”
Dark didn’t know exactly what to say to that. Why would he care about somebody else’s memories and whether they’d be good or bad? It’s like having someone constantly looking over your shoulder. Sure, Dark has been invasive when it came to Wilford being a pain in the ass, but Dark only did it because he didn’t want Wilford to cause any more trouble than he already did.
Wilford pouted with his arms crossed, and looked down at the floor as if he’s been ashamed of himself… for some reason. Dark stared down at the pile of clothes in his hands. His grip tightened, and he sighed.
“I’m sorry, Will,” he muttered. Wilford blinked at him. “I didn’t mean to make this appear as a bigger deal than it should be.”
And all of this started because of pants.
“Have you…” Dark continued. “Worn this outfit lately?”
Wilford’s frustrated and hurt face softened. “Not in a while, no.”
“I was just wondering because of how much dust it was collecting,” Dark’s tone went gentle. “Have you thought about wearing it?”
Wilford’s hands were gripping on his sleeves loosely. “Kind of.”
Silence filled the room. Dark’s hands leaned forward. “Here. You can wear it. If you’d like.”
Without saying anything, Wilford hesitantly held the outfit out of Dark’s hands, and kicked some clothes out of his way as he headed inside his closet. Dark sat down at the edge of Wilford’s bed, waiting patiently.
A moment later, and Dark heard the closet door open. The familiar sound of boots slowly walking on the floor filled the room, and Dark saw Wilford in the entire outfit. He looked the same as he did a long time ago, only the mustache stands out a LOT more now than it did before.
Wilford was still doing the last few buttons of his coat as he left the closet, and Dark just noticed the wearing out on them. The belt around Wilford’s waist was a bit loose, but there was nothing for it to hold anyway.
“How does wearing all of that make you feel?” Dark asked.
Wilford’s hands rubbed all over his arms, and he tucked his face in his collar. “Warm, mostly! Gives me a trip of nostalgia.”
“You know how you said earlier you don’t remember what the outfit was for?” Dark asked, head tilting. “Maybe nostalgia is why.”
The front tip of the pith helmet was hiding Wilford’s eyes, which he did not like. “Yeah, maybe. I don’t remember a whole lot, just a few baby pieces.”
“I see no problem with that,” Dark replied, smiling gently. His watch hidden in his sleeve beeped. “Meeting. Wilford, do you want to go dressed like that?”
Wilford took his helmet off, tossed it on his bed, and ruffled his hair. He and Dark went over to his door. “Why not? It’s cozy and makes me feel good. And I did find pants so you wouldn’t be staring at me all day~”
As Wilford opened the door, Dark smacked his back. “Shut up.”
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baekthecorgi · 5 years
Tumblr media
you’re the cure, you’re the pain (doyoung) genre: college au, med student au, fluff (a quick glimpse of premed!doyoung) words: 3k w. summary: dating a med student has got to be the hardest feat one could ever encounter.
*terms defined at the end
you first meet doyoung at the library on your third year in university. not exactly meet as in meet, it was more of a see doyoung dozing off on top of his thick books at the coldest, most secluded section of the library where you often spend your time studying for your lessons. his hoodie was zipped all the way up to protect him from the cold. you notice how his oversized hoodie covered the spines of his books so you were left clueless about his course.
it became a thursday thing to spot a certain hooded figure slumped over the same trio of books that you found yourself looking forward to thursdays instead of fridays. which was weird actually because all uni students looked forward to the end of the week. all except you.
one fateful thursday afternoon, you find mr. sleepy head in an all-white uniform, still in dreamland, but this time, his head was stuck between pages 124 and 125. you take a quick peek of the book’s header. in bold, all caps, it read: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). the scattered sticky notes on the surface indicated that he was in the middle of his thesis. before you pry further, mr. sleepy head shifts his position. you hurriedly fumble back to your seat. mr. sleepy head reveals his haggard yet captivating face towards your direction.
judging from the nameplate on his chest, white uniform, and the DSM-5, you figure out mr. sleepy head’s a graduating psychology student. when he showed no signs of waking up, you make a beeline to where he is. you were near to study his features but far enough to not look like a preying stalker. his raven locks stuck out in different directions, and his bangs swooped down which highlighted his sharp jawline. the white uniform highlighted his broad shoulders which you thought were wider than the pacific ocean (if that even is a thing). there were bags under his eyes but you guessed, even with eyes closed, that mr. sleepy head has those sincere eyes which would make any individual fall in deep.
“are you planning to stare at me the whole day or are you gonna help me with my rrl*?” said guy mumbles, voice low enough to send shivers down your spine. mr. sleepy head opens his eyes, his piercing gaze seemingly passing through you. “do you have any business here?”
“i-i’m sorry, i-i didn’t mean to stare, uhm,” you stutter. glancing at his nameplate, you continue, “kim doyoung? oh, uh, doyoung. sorry, again. i’ll go if that makes you comf–”
“nah, it’s fine i’m just messing with ya,” doyoung snickers, waving it off. “though you might want to practice your staring. it’s not exactly subtle.” you feel heat creeping through your cheeks.
“i’m guessing you’re a third year biology major?” you nod at his inquiry. “and i’m betting this is your private study corner?” you nod once again.
“how’d you know?”
“your materials are all splayed out like you own the place. those are a third year bio student’s books. i have friends from bio too, y'know,” doyoung tells. “i’m also good at studying people’s expressions. perks of being a psych major. in your case, you bite your lower lip when you tell the truth. well, what i hope is the truth.”
you reply with a, “i’m not good at lying.”
doyoung raises a brow as if doubting your words. he retorts, a gummy smile plastered on his face, “aside from your expressions, well, you’re not the only one stealing glances.”
you wanted to bang your head on the wall. was mr. sleepy head flirting with you? did he stare back at you all those past thursdays? oh my god, your head was spinning at the theories crossing your mind. it was only when doyoung cleared his throat that snapped you back to reality.
“i’d love to stay and chat, but i have clinical psych in ten minutes. fifth floor, room 2-4. ends in two hours,” doyoung says in a monotonous tone exactly the way his psych professors him. detached is what they would always remind their students to be, but with you, doyoung might just have to make an exception.
you ask, confused at the details thrown at you, “why are you telling me this?”
“maybe i wanna practice reading people more, or maybe i wanna spend my late night coffee run with the girl who’s been staring at me for like, four thursdays, while i get to know her more and try to cram for my departmental exam tomorrow. pick your poison,” and with that said psychology major doyoung flashes you a mischievous grin as scrambles over his things, stuffing them down his knapsack.
“see you in two hours?” doyoung confirms and you agree. he takes his exit, or what seems to be his exit because he retracts his steps and calls you. “good luck on your zoology quiz. hope you ace it!”
your friends have already warned you on psychology majors. more on dating psychology majors. “they’re just plain weird. it’s like they’re always reading your mind”, they’d always say. your encounter with doyoung proved their hypotheses true. your first ever talk with the weirdly attractive doyoung made you want to form your own conclusions and not from someone else’s.
maybe that’s why you ended up meeting doyoung in front of his last class and spend the entire night chatting away at a 24/7 café. half of it was the actual getting to know each other cliché. you found out doyoung added an extra shot of espresso to his coffee nowadays as his tolerance level rose from all the night shifts during OJT*. his brother was a law student and doyoung, on the other hand, was an aspiring med student. doyoung was lactose intolerant but he absolutely loves cheesecakes, blueberry especially. doyoung knows he’s weird because his roommate, taeyong, fights him about it all the time.
the other half was spent on doyoung tutoring you on biochemistry, ranting for a good thirty minutes on why he chose his stupid thesis proposal when it clearly lacked the studies to back it up, and doyoung snuggling against your arm on the wee hours of the morning.
three months of caffeine overdose and two breakdowns later (it alternates between you and doyoung, depends on who has a dickhead professor), doyoung finally asks you to be his girlfriend in his cramped bedroom. you wholeheartedly say YES!!!! before doyoung even gets to the question. tackling your boyfriend down on his bed, you pepper him with what seems to be a thousand kisses. you spend an hour of making out, then listening to taeyong scolding you both for making out and explicitly moaning for half an hour on the other side of the door, and waking up late on doyoung’s chest, inhaling his musky scent first thing in the morning. it was nothing less than perfect–your relationship, your boyfriend.
(doyoung misses an exam that day but to hell with that, it’s been a long time since he last fell in love. he’d rather hold you in his arms, whispering sweet nothings to your ear at 7AM rather than sulking over a test with a 45% passing rate.)
dating doyoung was so exhausting, you sometimes wonder why you even considered that as an option.he’d piss you off with bio jokes he steals from taeyong on a daily basis. you even tried to coax taeyong from sponsoring doyoung with lame biology jokes but the former also takes joy in pissing you off.
“here comes my Trypanosoma cruzi,” doyoung cooes when he spots you walking towards the sofa.
“i’m not in the mood for jokes, baby,” you snap back but doyoung only squishes your cheeks with his soft lips.
“really? i doubt it. you always find your way back to my heart,” doyoung sends a flirty wink to which you roll your eyes to. he’s cheesy like this.
“doyoung, that’s rude. first of all, i’m not a parasitic bug burrowing through heart muscles. second of all, people are dying because of that bug. third of all, i hate you because that was hella smart.”
“you still love me, though.”
“well, you’re not wrong about that.”
it wasn’t until doyoung graduated and entered med school that you realized relationships aren’t full of rainbows and unicorns. you had small, petty fights with your boyfriend, of course, but this time it was different. with you busy with your thesis and doyoung struggling as a first year med student, everything seemed like a big, fiery heap of mess. both of you were quite new with the whole set-up. of lacking time for each other. of prioritizing academics over your significant other. of having study dates without any conversation at all. or simply, having no dates in weeks.
falling in love was easy to do, almost effortless. it was staying in love that was arduous, puzzling, and just difficult. staying in love is a commitment. it was an everyday choice to love doyoung without expecting anything back.
loving a med student was a hard feat. it takes guts, it takes bravery, it takes courage to love one and to stay in love with one.
time was the one thing doyoung can’t give to you. of course, he spends time with you, going out for dates and whatnot, but most of the time it means sacrificing a part of his academics so you don’t demand much of it as much as you did before.
you always catch him pushing his black-rimmed glasses up his nose bridge as he tries his best to stuff information in his brain. you were sure his mind was overloading with names of bones, chemical formulas, symptoms, diseases, god knows what more’s inside it. doyoung barely functions as a normal human being anymore. most of the time, he skips buying lunch to answer samplexes*, highlighting transes* to study for his exam which he had every. single. day. so you make it a daily habit to pack him lunch with whatever he was craving, tightly wrapped and ribonned with a pink cloth.
as a thank you, doyoung never fails to leave the apartment or sleep without placing a gentle kiss on your lips. saying “i love you” tenderly was a very kim doyoung thing to do and you’d feel your heart flutter like the first time you had your coffee date.
most of the time, you’d confiscate doyoung’s coffee, snatching it away from his hands. sulking, he’d complain, “babyyyy, i need my caffeine. there’s a shifting exam* tomorrow. please, baby, please!”
you won’t succumb to his pleads even if you’re on the verge of handing him back his drink. doyoung was basically immune to caffeine at this point so it was rather useless for him to drink more.
“take a nap, baby. it’s better than coffee intake. i promise i’ll wake you up in an hour,” you beg to which he shakes his head. “for me? please? you really need it.”
doyoung finally agrees only because your voice sounded worried as fuck and he wants to be the least of your worries, but also because you were right. he needed some sleep. needless to say, you became doyoung’s personal alarm clock. an alarm clock with 8AM classes.
but you were only a living, breathing human with feelings just like kim doyoung. it wasn’t unusual to crave for affection and reassurance. medical school was eating your boyfriend alive that it left you with crumbs of what’s left with doyoung. you weren’t needy, desperate for attention, so it would be nice for boyfriend to compromise once in a while. nice to be cuddled, kissed, made love to like there weren’t requirements to pass and exams to study for the very next day.
it would be nice to be top of doyoung’s priorities even for a split second.
“doyoung, baby, let’s cuddle!” you softly cry, carressing his cheek. you were chilling on his lap. he massages your jet black tresses, eyes buried deep in Guyton & Hall’s “Textbook in Medical Physiology”.
he hums, “later, baby. i’ll just finish a chapter.”
“but you read slow”
“i’m trying to concentrate, baby. let’s talk later,” doyoung scans the page one last time before flipping it.
frowning, you pluck the thick book away from his hand in frustration. “i’m not asking for twenty four hours with you, doyoung! i just want five minutes of your goddamn time! i wanna cuddle and kiss the life out of you, god i’d be perfectly okay with having a conversation without the scientific shit you’ve been studying about because fact check! lately, it seems like you don’t give a flying fuck about me. you don’t care about what i think, what i do, i mean, do you still care about me, doyoung? are you willing to spare me a glance for, i don’t fucking know, a minute of your attention? because that’s what i do, doyoung. others wouldn’t have gotten this far with you, but i did because i fucking love you! god, i’m head over heels for you, baby, because i choose you. every single day. and i just want to know if the person i’m choosing still chooses me cause if not, we might as well break up.”
“i-i’m sorry. i didn’t know you felt that way,” your boyfriend stutters. “i-i’ve been failing almost all my AnaPhy* exams and now i’m about to lose you a-and–”
in a blink, doyoung has his palms covering his face, tears streaming down his cheeks. you didn’t expect to blow up the pent up frustrations welling up inside you for months. you didn’t mean spewing those harsh words. instantly, you envelope him in a reassuring hug, wrapping your arms around his neck. doyoung buries his head on the crook of your neck. it’s a hug that’s warm and homely. one that says sorry for being such an idiot blowing up at you like this. one that provides him complete comfort, and not only support, but also acceptance.
the night ended with loving kisses and a voice of strength which became doyoung’s guiding light through the horrid horror that is medical school.if you thought dating a med student was hard, it was nothing compared to dating an intern. it was like dating a ghost.
sometimes, you’d come home late at night to the inoccupancy of the other side of the bed. sometimes, you’d wake up for work and catch sight of a clearly exhausted doyoung, lightly snoring from his night duty. you take a few moments, staring at your boyfriend’s peaceful aura, the same way you did a few years back at the library. before leaving, you secure a soft kiss on his pink lips, never forgetting to mumble an “i love you” even when he can’t hear your words.
when you do find your schedule synchronizing with doyoung’s you find yourself elated an excited with his daily medical adventures.
“patients complain about having to eat hospital food for three days but imagine having to eat it for your whole career”
"baby, i literally give you two packed lunches what the hell”
“oh shit. i have to explain myself now, don’t i?”
other times, it would be like:
“i nearly dropped this scalpel into the patient’s abdomen. can you stop looking at me like THAT?”
“why the fuck is everything in the hospital broken?” he complains, massaging his forehead. you reply, “baby, you’re a doctor. it’s literally your job to fix people.”
“well, shit,” doyoung sighs. he breathes in a gust of air when you let out a hearty laugh. you jeer, “you might have a MD at the end of your name but you’re dumb sometimes.”
but most of the time, your conversations would go like this:
“are you stressed?” you ask, entangling your limbs over his.
“i’ve been paged five times in the last two minutes, i delivered a baby in surgery today, resuscitated two patients, and haven’t slept in 48 hours. so, yes, forgive me if i’m a little on edge.”
“that’s okay, baby. we can have a nap date today.” he pecks the back of your hand, sighing. you take this as a sign to languidly kiss him on the lips this time.
one time, while driving him home from a spontaneous roadtrip with your boyfriend, you spot the oncoming heavy traffic flow. there has been a car collision causing the road blockage and the slow traffic flow. the vehicles were being towed to the side of the road when the people helping, retreated the injured victims.
once doyoung spots the lack of medical attention, he commands, “baby, pull up. i have to help them.”
slamming the car door close, doyoung rushes to the victims. he kneels down, examining the injuries and pressing lightly on all the right spots. he looks up at the confused expressions of the people surrounding him. “don’t worry, i’m a doctor. now does somebody have a pen? i have to perform an emergency tracheostomy*. this lady has an obstructed airway.”
after the ambulance arrived, you pull a hazy doyoung in a comforting hug. it’s his first time handling a case outside the hospital, his palms were all sweaty.
“i thought i was gonna lose all of ‘em,” he mumbles into your neck. you laugh at his nervous voice, rubbing circles on his back.“
this is the exact reason why you’re a doctor. you saved them, baby,” you pull him off, placing both your palms gently on his cheeks. “i’m proud of you.”
“i love you, baby,” doyoung declares. he says it without hesitation, without doubts. he wears his words as a thank you. for never giving up on loving him, for choosing to love him even when he doesn’t deserve it.
you’ve overcome so much hardships in your relationship with doyoung that looking back, you realized everything was worth it. doyoung was worth it. love was worth it.
note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME BIIIIIIITCH IM FINALLY DONE WITH THIS SJKDFHKSJDHF shoutout to the anon who freaked out and requested this!!! ugh med student doyoung in an all-white uniform would be so HOT istg,, i would love to get feedbacks
masterlist is on my bio soooo check it out !! tumblr’s being a little bitch bc when i put the link the post disappears from the tags grr
disclaimer: i’m not a med student. this is based on our country’s education system so it’s not exactly accurate with others.
RRL = Review of Related Literature; the selection and annotation of available documents which contain information, ideas, data and evidence related to the topic that a person proposes to research on
OJT = on the job training; it’s what graduating students do before, during or after thesis. and yes, it’s part of the grade.
Samplex = sample exams or corrected test questionnaires; also from higher batches
Trans = transcribed notes from higher batches; an outline of doctors’ lectures & ppts
AnaPhy = Anatomy & Physiology class
Shifting Exam = taken in each subject; much like departmental quizzes answered in 30 mins during lunch time
Tracheostomy =  a medical procedure that involves creating an opening in the neck in order to place a tube into a person’s windpipe
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agent-absinthe · 5 years
The Necromancer’s Paradigm
Maybe the first Succubus thing I’ve really written for her pertaining to some of her training and relationship with her mentor.
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It was times like these that Clementine really, really, really wished she had chosen prison instead of Roanoke.  Maybe it would have been better than this borderline abuse she was experiencing during her “trial period” at the hands of her so called mentor.  An older hard ass that went by the handle Poltergeist who was considered one of the society’s best agents and could of course do no wrong what so ever.  She concluded that Lilith had put her under his wing because she was a bit rougher than their normal recruits, after all in Roanoke’s eye she was still a ring leader in one of the nation’s largest Supernatural black markets and a necromancer to boot.  
A combination of traits that masked any good qualities she tried putting forward, tried showing other agents that she wanted to make an effort in Roanoke to make an actual difference in the world.  In reality she hadn’t been much of a ring leader in Cryptid Revolutionists just their necromancer, but it didn’t seem to matter.  No one really tolerated her, especially ‘Geist.
“Come on it’s 3a.m and I thought my test was tomorrow, can we please just go back to the estate?”  They had been trudging through the woods near the manor and came to a small clearing with fresh turned dirt.
Geist came to a stop and turned to smile at her before looking up at the moon casting its glow on them.
“Necromancy is a fickle thing if you aren’t completely fluent, Raeanna, and I will never understand why Lilith put so much faith in you despite your obvious lack of skill.”
Rage built in her chest and she pushed back, “I’m more than just a necromancer I’m-“
“Yes, a witch I know I know but so is Seraphim and a much better one than you.  The only use that you have to add to this society is necromancy and even though I have been tirelessly training you to find some semblance of talent that Lilith keeps mentioning, well- I just can’t seem to see it.”
“I’m trying.”  She said it through gritted teeth and tears now because even though he was an asshole he was still her mentor and for some god forsaken reason all she wanted was his validation.
Geist shook his head in disappointment and slowly made his way to her making sure to mind the freshly upturned soil that Clementine had yet to notice.  His hand coming up to rest on Rae’s shoulder and then the back of her head pulling her into his chest as his other hand reached behind his back.  She breathed him in to savor such physical praise as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“I know you try, I know you do-”
Poltergeist pulled back to look at her face and for a moment it seemed that maybe he just brought her out here for this (albeit very shitty) pep talk before her test tomorrow.  
“-but I need you to try harder.”  
Clementine didn’t understand what was happening at first. It felt as though Geist had punched her hard in the stomach until the wetness followed and she looked down in confusion to see a knife withdrawal from her stomach and be plunged back in. Her hands gripped the lapels of his suit jacket as he held her in place to continue the assault, a sound akin to a wounded animal clawing out of her throat.  He moved back and let her fall to the ground watching as the girl tried to catch her breath and rake at the leaves.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!  Fuck help me!”
“Come now, I shouldn’t have to spell it out for you: any necromancer worth their salt should be able to bring themselves back from anything, how do I say it, minor?”
“Minor?  You stabbed me!  You stabbed-“ she pressed a hand to her stomach and realized she couldn’t breathe.
Everything in the forest suddenly became more saturated but fuzzy around the edges and cold, it was so cold.  She drug herself closer to him and made a feeble attempt at grabbing his leg when he kicked it off, leaving a smear of blood on the navy pant suit. Why was there so much blood why was there so much blood why was there so much there shouldn’t be this much blood its too much.
Geist started snapping his fingers at her, “focus Raeanna!  What do you need?  Look around you you’re going to bleed out in a few minutes.  Do you want to be left out in the open for Lycan’s wolves to find?”
Her fingers finally found register in the soft soil that was previously overlooked and even more rage coiled in her dying body.
“You dug…you dug a grave?  I did everything you asked me I tried my best!  I tried for you and you fucking dug me a grave you psycho-”
Geist laughed, “don’t be ridiculous, Elfin dug it. You’re acting like this is personal, dear.  This is your final test.  If you come back I’ll proudly give you the handle that I have chosen and if you fail, well you fail.”
She was sobbing now as she clawed into the dirt, burrowing as far into the shallow grave as she could with the little strength she had left as Geist squatted down to look her in the face.
“You really have been the toughest student to break in and I do mean that as a compliment, but when it really comes down to it I think you’re just an angry, sad little girl and if you wouldn’t have been so stubborn then maybe we could have done this different.”
With that he stood and began walking away.
“Don’t leave me here, don’t leave me!  I don’t want to die alone, I don’t want to die!” Clementine’s cries became quiet when she couldn’t hear his footsteps anymore.  
The cicadas were singing as she started to really slip, a welcomed humming to contrast her sharp and desperate breathing. Her last conscious thought was how she needed to turn over and look up at the stars before she was gone.
It was the aching that woke her up, like a muscle cramp throughout her entire body begging her to move.  She could hear her mother’s voice telling her to move, that she loves her, that she’s a little bitch for not calling-
The dirt hardened during the few days she was in the ground but it gave way when Clementine’s body ripped itself up screaming.  The sound feeling foreign in it’s- no her’s, she was alive, it was her throat it was her voice making that terrible sound. And it wouldn’t stop.  She clawed her way out of the dirt and pressed her mouth to the grass trying to suffocate the screaming.  The were cracks and hisses of gas leaving her body that had been decaying over the past three days, pain searing through her face as her eyes popped back into place from where they had sunk.
Move. Move. Move.
It cried for movement and she conceded, starting on all fours and finally ending up in a sprint, blood beginning to move through her veins again and the screaming turned to cries of joy.  The joy was short lived when the emptiness hit, a hunger like a black hole that kept growing until filled.  She found herself in front of the sink first when she made it into the manor gorging herself on water before stumbling to the fridge and pulling out anything that caught her eye, leaving mud and leaves in her wake.  Poltergeist would eat his words when she woke up the manor and let them all know she deserved a place here, even if it was with a society that had allowed this to happen to her.  Unfortunately, she wouldnt have the pleasure of terrifying the whole house by waking them up because a startled yelp broke the chewing noises.
“Hey, its…Clementine, right?”  A soft voice called to her carefully, like you would a feral cat.
She was shoveling week old fried rice into her mouth with blood and mud encrusted fingers when she looked up to see another agent standing in the glow of the kitchen night lights.  Seraphim, the celestial division’s exorcist, looking a little less than angelic in corgi print pajamas and wild hair.  The care in her voice struck something in Clementine and without answering she just started to cry.
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charminglatina · 5 years
Riverdale Characters as Zodiac Signs 🌙.
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Aries The Ram (Mar. 21st to Apr. 19th) ♈︎
Symbol: The Ram Element: Fire Quality: Cardinal Ruling Planet: Mars, the planet of war and energy Body Part: Head, face Good Day: Energetic, encouraging, unstoppable, bold, devoted, heroic, caring Bad Day: Proud, self-centered, impulsive, bossy, stubborn, reckless, jealous Favorite Things: Competitive games, new clothes, road trips (in fast red cars), debating, expressing themselves through stunning verbal and physical feats What They Hate: Sharing their toys, being ignored, cramped spaces, losing, the word “no” Secret Wish: To be number one How to Spot Them: High foreheads, focused or manic energy, aggressive stance Keywords: Willpower, Initiative, Determination, Passion, Beginnings, Self-Belief, Innocence Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Leo, Sagittarius 
Famous Aries: Lady Gaga, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Aretha Franklin, Chaka Khan, Marvin Gaye, Keira Knightley, Victoria Beckham, Sarah Jessica Parker, Al Gore, Heath Ledger, Rosie O’Donnell, Gloria Steinem, Marc Jacobs, Emma Watson, Tyler Oakley, Kourtney Kardashian, Big Sean, Kristen Stewart, Pharrell Williams, Jamie-Lynn Spears, Vivienne Westwood, Tommy Hilfiger, Robert Frost, Maya Angelou, William Wordsworth, Jessie J, Brendan Urie, Robert Downey Jr., Peyton Manning, Thomas Jefferson, John Tyler
Aries is ruled by Mars, the fiery red planet of energy and drive. In mythology, Mars was the god of war and aggression. Highly impatient and competitive, many Aries have the fighting spirit of your mythological ruler. You love to be a hero–or to be swept away by one. As the zodiac’s first sign, you were born to be number one. You’re a solo star who steals the spotlight and inspires everyone with your confidence. Yeah, you can be impatient, even a little bossy, especially when you don’t get your way. As the “baby” of the zodiac, you need lots of attention, and can throw quite the tantrum when you don’t get it. Fortunately, you rarely have a problem turning heads. Your friends love to follow as you lead them on the latest adventure. Make sure to let other people be the boss every now and then, too, or you could alienate potential allies. Focus your competitive streak into a diva-worthy goal, delegate to your troops, and you’ll rise to the top! Ruled by the headstrong and determined Ram, Aries energy can be stubborn and willful. It causes us to dig in our heels, stand our ground and refuse to be pushed around. Under the influence of an Aries planetary transit, we may butt our own metaphorical Ram’s horns against the same obstacle until we break it down—often with the sheer force of will. Confident Aries energy helps us believe in ourselves and champion others. The essence of Aries energy shows up as encouraging, unstoppable, bold, devoted, heroic and caring. In its shadow form, Aries energy can make us prideful, self-centered, impulsive, bossy, stubborn, reckless and competitive. This sign likes a challenge, but be careful not to become selfish or domineering under Aries’ influence. Aries is one of the three zodiac signs grouped under the fire element. The other two fire signs are Leo and Sagittarius. Since Aries is the first fire sign in the zodiac cycle, it’s like the match that lights the blaze. Many Aries people are trailblazers and trendsetters. Under the influence of an Aries planetary cycle, we all become more pioneering and innovative, leaping without looking or putting our bold ideas out there. Aries is ruled by warrior planet and energy activator Mars. The masculine force is ruled by this “yang” planet. On a positive note, Aries cycles can fill us with unstoppable life-force energy. The negative manifestation is that we can become argumentative, confrontational and aggressive. Mars is the mythological god of war, and was often worshipped by the ancient Romans. He’s often shown with battle attire, fully equipped with shield and sword and ready for action! The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. Aries is one of the four cardinal signs. These signs start every season—Aries kicks off spring, Cancer starts summer, Libra begins fall and Capricorn is the first winter sign. Thus, they are the leaders and “idea people” of the zodiac. These signs prize originality and like to be first in everything they do. They’re the trendsetters and trendspotters, the ones who get the party started and the crowd hyped. Count on them to initiate a winning idea or plan. Aries people tend to have a lot of energy, which they apply to everything from tackling supersized projects to unleashing their lusty libidos with a lover. This confident sign is known to leap before looking, diving into each new experience with a zest for life that few others can muster. As the zodiac’s first sign, they love to be number-one and can be amazing trendsetters and trailblazers. These people are true originals who inspire the rest of us. With all of their fire power and can-do attitude, there’s nothing an Aries can’t (and won’t) take on. At times, Aries can be selfish or overly focused on themselves. It can be a “blind spot” for them, and friends of Aries may need to gently remind them from time to time to share their toys. Aries are born with an innate sense of entitlement, which helps them shatter glass ceilings but can also be off-putting to people in extreme doses. This go-getter sign can come across as abrasive or overly aggressive. However, Aries will never back down from a challenge and can be heroic champions of anyone in distress. In love, Aries is a one-on-one person. You can never get too much attention or solo time with your sweetie. You’ll put your partner first in all matters, and you expect the same in return. If your mate’s universe doesn’t include a starring role for you, there’s simply no point in being together.That doesn’t mean you’re a pushover, though! Aries is one of the most independent zodiac signs. You’re not into being suffocated or controlled. You just love attention (giving and receiving), and you want to share your most intimate side with someone you can trust. It’s been said that the biggest gift we can offer is to listen to another person. Aries are masters of this. You give your full heart and attention in a relationship, often “stage mothering” or playing the heroic savior for the object of your affections. This can become a bit suffocating for both you and your partner at times, so monitor this tendency carefully. Otherwise, your independent spirit will rebel, wreaking havoc on your relationship. That Aries temper can blindside you at times, and out of frustration you can say things that are quite cruel.The remedy? Carve out “me time” every day. Being alone to breathe, relax, and tune in to your thoughts helps you stay centered and balanced in love. Aries rules the head and face, and tension for you tends to pool here. Regular scalp and neck massages, blowouts and pampering will keep you from burning out—and lashing out.Because you’re the zodiac’s first and “youngest” sign, you may secretly feel more dependent on your partner than you care to admit. When you’re in a relationship, be sure to keep following your own pursuits so you remember how powerful you are. As the sign of the “self,” you must always maintain a strong sense of who you are as an individual if you want to succeed in love.Aries is a competitive and alpha sign. You guard your mate like a prize. And you won’t back down from a fight if someone tries to cross a line. You may be private about your relationship’s intimate details, but you want the world to know exactly who you’re with!Although your appetite is lusty and you radiate sensuality, at the end of the day, you want that special someone who truly gets you. Although you may naively hang on to a bad match, you don’t tolerate disrespect once the blinders come off. You’re quick to say “next!” the minute you recognize that you’re not the apple of your partner’s eye. Aries, you ’re a born leader who loves to be in charge. And why shouldn’t you? As the warrior sign, you embrace any challenge, and champion every project you take on. Being somebody’s “second in command” is not your speed. That will only work as a stepping stone to your ultimate goal (world domination, of course!), or if the position offers enough excitement and control — a chance to flaunt your leadership skills and rise to the top.A common Aries pitfall on the job? Taking on more than you can handle. Aries is the solo sign, and if you’re not careful you could end up doing everything yourself! (“Just so it gets done right,” you’ll say.) If the office closes at 5:00, there’s no need to stay until midnight. Learn the art of delegating, and hand the grunt work off to a persistent Taurus or a detail-oriented Scorpio, who will get it done in half the time.All that independent energy could also make you a bit bossy at times. Be careful not to cross the line from determined to dictator! If you work with a team, make sure they’re as motivated as you are. Give them plenty of encouragement and appreciation to keep the good vibes flowing. Your praise, more than any other sign’s, can put rocket fuel in a slacking teammate’s or employee’s tank.Your impatience makes you a go-getter, eager to reach your goals. At times, you toe the line between enthusiastic and pushy. Sometimes, you have to pay your dues — and that can take longer than you like. Don’t assume something’s wrong just because you don’t see instant results, or you’ll make the fatal error of giving up too soon. Plant the seeds, water them, and see what grows.Lastly, keep that temper in check. Aries anger easily, and if you blow your top over every little thing, you could alienate valuable allies. If you’re furious but holding it inside, find an outlet (like the gym) or speak up to someone who can help so the pent-up stress doesn’t affect your health. The best careers for an Aries include an entrepreneur, publicist, defence attorney, holistic healer, professor, motivational speaker, stunt person, hairdresser, salesperson, magazine editor, agent
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Taurus The Bull (Apr. 20th to May 20th) ♉︎
Symbol: The Bull Element: Earth Quality: Fixed Ruling Planet: Venus — the planet of beauty and love Body Part: Neck, throat, jaw Good Day: Patient, organized, supportive, romantic, careful, dedicated Bad Day: Overindulgent, stubborn, lazy, vain, cheap, too cautious Favorite Things: Photography, the mountains, great music, rich/gourmet food, satin sheets What They Hate: Being rushed, wasting money, dirty things, hotels, mornings Secret Wish: To own the best of everything How to Spot Them: Deep and soulful eyes, long and elegant necks, delicate jaw lines Where You’ll Find Them: Comparing prices on a luxury purchase, singing in a band or choir, working three jobs, displaying paintings at an art gallery Keywords: Stability, security, elegance, sensuality, stubbornness, persistence Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Virgo, Capricorn Famous Tauruses: Adele, Al Pacino, David Beckham, Stevie Wonder, Donatella Versace, Cher, Robert Pattinson, Chris Brown, Channing Tatum, The Rock, Gigi Hadid, Queen Elizabeth II, Sam Smith, Megan Fox, Meek Mill, George Clooney, Lena Dunham, Tina Fey, Christian Lacroix, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Valentino Garavani, William Shakespeare, Harper Lee, James Monroe, James Buchanan, Ulysses S. Grant, Harry S. Truman
Sensual Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. Your sign loves great food, romance and beautiful things. Venus kicks your five senses into high gear, so you are are happiest when surrounded by the best of everything. Satin sheets, gourmet dinners, a glass of red wine, and boom…you’re relaxing into one of your famous, 14-hour naps. Not that you don’t work hard, too. Like a bull, Taurus operates at two speeds: either totally relaxed, or charging headfirst towards a target. You prefer to keep the peace, but when you’re pushed past your limit, watch out! Underneath it all, you just want to be comfortable, and surrounded by life’s finest offerings. Taurus knows what s/he likes, and that’s that. You stick with your opinions, and you don’t change unless there’s a really good reason. You can be stubborn…but on the upside, you’re also loyal and dependable. Just be careful not to get stuck in a safety zone or your life could become stagnant. Take a chance and try something new. Sometimes, change and risk can bring the progress and reward you’re wishing for. Ruled by the persistent and plodding Bull, Taurus energy has two speeds. It’s either relaxed and contented (like a steer luxuriating in a verdant pasture) or hyped-up and ready to charge. (Toro, toro!) This zodiac sign has a built-in energy conservation program. It will patiently assess whether something is worth the investment of time and resources. Then if the green light flashes, it’s all systems go! Until then, slow and steady wins the Taurus race. This sign encourages us to break our work into simple steps then take daily action. Taurus is the sign of the builder, helping us create concrete results for our diligent efforts. Under the influence of a Taurus planetary transit, we roll up our sleeves and get the job done. The positive essence of Taurus energy shows up as patient, organized, supportive, romantic, careful, and dedicated. On the flipside, Taurus energy can also be overindulgent, stubborn, lazy, vain, tightfisted and too cautious. Routine-loving Taurus can get us stuck in our comfort zones and habits. Make sure that consistency doesn’t turn into stagnation or inertia. Taurus is one of the three zodiac signs grouped under the earth element. The other two earth signs are Virgo and Capricorn. Since Taurus is the first earth sign in the zodiac cycle, it’s like the bedrock that sets the foundation. Many Taurus people are stabilizers, ensuring that there’s security for themselves and others. Under the influence of a Taurus planetary cycle, we all become more grounded and easygoing, taking the proper steps necessary to ascertain our goals through diligent effort and output. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, luxury, and beauty. Legend has it that when Saturn castrated his father, Uranus, Uranus’ blood spilled into the sea, impregnating the sea foam and giving birth to the goddess Venus. (Who knew this charming goddess came from such violent origins?) In Renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli’s famous painting The Birth of Venus, the goddess is fully naked, perched exquisitely on a clam shell. That is sensual Taurus in a nutshell. This sign’s Venusian energy adds charm and embellishment to everything it touches, from food to fashion to home decor. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. There are four fixed signs—Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.These signs fall in the middle of every season. They’re the stabilizers—the ones who set up a solid goal or foundation, then start building. Fixed signs can take the enthusiastic ideas that cardinal signs spark, and craft them into something real. They pick up the ball when the cardinal sign passes it, and run the distance to the goal. Fixed signs are the trustworthy types who like “to-do” lists and fancy titles. If a cardinal signs says, “Let’s go on vacation!” the fixed sign will call the travel agency, book the tickets and hotel, and send everyone a list of what to pack. Taurus people can be grounding, bringing a sense of ease and contentment. Unless, that is, they’re worked up about something. Then steam pours out of their ears. You’ll see them pacing, muttering the same thing over and over, clenching their fists and looking like Bulls ready to charge! But when they’re content and in the groove, there’s no happier sign than Taurus. Lovers of the arts, you can find them composing photos, blissing out to music, losing themselves on the dance floor or preparing a feast fit for royalty. This affectionate, comfort-loving sign can indulge in hours of deep lounging or sensual boudoir play. As earth signs, they may love to go on walks, bike rides and hikes. Disclaimer: other Bulls think “communing with nature” means gazing at the French Riviera from the Hotel du Cap veranda, chilled rose in hand. Never go cheap on a Taurus, because these epicureans love the finer things. That said, they can be very down-to-earth and work hard to pay for their indulgences. (You might need to light a fire under their asses to get them going. Once in motion though, there’s no stopping this charging Bull!) Sure they can be materialistic, but really they just want tasteful creature comforts that last the test of time. And, if you’re lucky enough, they’ll share the finer things in life with you, too. Taurus is an old-fashioned type when it comes to love, a complex combo of toughness and sensitivity. To the outside world, you may appear completely composed, but inside, you’re a hopeless romantic looking for that “love of a lifetime.” Your needs are basic: you want a stable, loyal partner who’s affectionate and classy. Why, then, does it seem so hard to find? For one thing, Taurus hates change, and that’s why you don’t just throw yourself into relationships. Once you’re in, you’re in. Predictability may bore some, but for you, it simply provides a canvas on which you create a lovely twosome. Taurus is not a “player” sign. When a possessive Taurus finds her match, she plays for keeps. Sure, you’ve got not shortage of dates and admirers. Ruled by beauty-planet Venus, attractive Taurus is easy on the eyes. You love romantic trappings like fine restaurants, flowers, and gourmet chocolates, and will happily accept these gifts without falling in love. Nonetheless, it takes a long time for you to give away your heart–and only the strong will survive the wait! Wise Tauruses learn to hold out for the very best. In your world, that means someone with class, taste, good manners and style: someone who keeps the peace, but won’t get crushed by your natural strength. Although you hate drama, you also need a mate who brings their own spirit and flavor to the mix. Just because you like stability, doesn’t mean you’re boring. The right person for you will get this. Your public image is important to you, so your partner must never embarrass you in a social setting, or it’s curtains for that relationship.Although you’ve got a soft spot for your sweetie and offer great generosity, you’ve got your limits. Anyone who takes you for granted or crosses your boundaries will have a charging Bull to deal with! Your mates quickly learn that kindness does NOT equal weakness. Underneath that charm is a man or woman of steel! The driving force of your sign is loyalty, comfort and persistence. For you, a relationship is like a project, and you’ll remain attentive, self-sacrificing and caring toward your partner. There’s no stopping you when it comes to getting—and keeping—what you want. Dependable and reliable, you need to be needed. You’re quick to offer your help when your mate is behind on errands or needs a hand with a practical matter. Be careful, however, or you could go from queen to royal subject in his eyes. Being taken for granted is a common complaint among Tauruses. Sometimes, your helpful nature can just be too ever-present. You have to work at keeping the dynamic tension alive in relationships by remaining committed to and passionate about your own life. Abandonment issues are a Taurus Achilles heel, and you may fear that your partner will leave you if you say no to a request or aren’t always around. You must test the waters or you will never feel secure. If someone is going to leave you for having your own life, then he’s not “The One” for you anyway! You have a strong nesting instinct, and creating a comfortable home with your mate tops your list of fantasies. Ruled by Venus, you’re incredibly sensual. Touching, holding hands, and kissing are an all-night affair for you. Your sign loves to be pampered, so save your money for spa treatments that make you feel relaxed and beautiful. Couples massages are a big turn-on for you. Indulging in anything luxurious with your love by your side gives you a serious case of the warm-fuzzies. Taurus is one of the zodiac ’s hardest working signs—loyal, organized and persistent. While you love to lounge once the workday’s over, nobody is more dedicated when there’s a job to complete. You finish what you start, even if it means late hours and extra stress. This guarantees that you’ll always succeed, simply because you don’t quit until you do! Taurus rules the zodiac’s second house of daily income, so a steady paycheck is vital to your inner peace. Although you can prosper as a business owner, security is your top priority in life. The rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship may just make you nauseous. As a result, many Tauruses end up in high-ranking management positions, often in large, stable organizations, or industries like banking and real estate. (Bonus if you get to wear the stylish, upscale clothes you love.) Ruled by artistic Venus, Taurus is a highly creative sign. Be sure you don’t neglect this part of yourself just to get a regular check. Many Tauruses thrive in the arts, as dancers, painters (Salvador Dali), actors (Uma Thurman, Penelope Cruz) and musicians (Stevie Wonder, Kelly Clarkson). Because Taurus rules the five senses, you’ve got a strong sense of color, gourmet tastebuds and a keen musical ear. At the very least, you’ll improve any environment you join. You understand that a company’s image is vital to its success, and you know just how to package a product or brand to give it that first-class touch.Because Tauruses hate change, you should thoroughly research any company or project before taking a job. Chances are, you’ll be there for a long time, so you want to be sure it’s a great fit. Another self-defeating habit to break? Being polite at your own expense. You tend to be proper and well-mannered, showing great respect to the higher-ups. Little do they know there’s a raging bull within you! If you’ve got an issue with a superior, you may hold back from telling her. Instead, you’ll gossip and complain to co-workers, driving them crazy. Eventually you explode, damaging your own reputation and burning valuable bridges. Better to have a calm, direct conversation when a problem first starts, before it gets out of hand.  BEST CAREERS FOR TAURUS: Banker, manager, real estate agent, photographer, filmmaker, interior designer, dancer, musician, art dealer, restaurant owner, makeup artist, singer.
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Gemini The Twins (May 21st to Jun. 20th) ♊︎
Symbol: The Twins Ruling Planet: Mercury — the planet of communication Body Part: Shoulders, arms, hands Element: Air Good Days: Fascinating, original, resourceful, charming, wise, adventurous Bad Days: Restless, distracted, two-faced, judgmental, depressed, overwhelmed Favorite Things: Cell phones, fast cars, trendy clothes, obscure music, guitars, books, comedy clubs What they Hate: Small-minded people, dress codes, authority figures, silence, routines Secret wish: To have all the answers How to Spot Them: Mischievous twinkle in their eyes, reading, talking with their hands Where You’ll Find Them: Behind the camera, behind the deejay booth, in a chat room, arguing both sides on the debate team Keywords: Communication, Collaboration, Synergy, Cleverness, Wittiness,  Inventiveness,  Ingenuity Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Libra, Aquarius Famous Geminis: Angelina Jolie, Kanye West, Colin Farrell, Prince, Johnny Depp, Donald Trump, Notorious B.I.G., Tupac Shakur, Ice Cube, Macklemore, Alanis Morissette, Fetty Wap, Kendrick Lamar, Iggy Azalea, Troye Sivan, North West, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Morgan Freeman, Blake Shelton, Kate Upton, Amy Schumer, Kanye West, Angelina Jolie, John F. Kennedy, George Bush, Walt Whitman, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Joyce Carol Oates, Salmon Rushdie, George Orwell, Salvatore Ferragamo, Mary Kate & Ashley Olson, Charlotte Olympia Dellal
The Gemini mind (and mouth!) is a busy machine, always moving at warp speed. That’s because your sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Mercury also rules technology and the mind, making Gemini one of the most curious and cutting-edge signs of the zodiac. If two is double the fun, then as the sign of the twins, you know it’s true! There are at least two personalities inside of you at all times. Adventurous Geminis change faster than the weather, and constantly flip between moods and interests. One day, you’re into frilly, girl stuff. The next day, you’re over that and skydiving out of an airplane. If possible, try to stick with a couple key passions for the long haul, and get really good at them. You love to chatter and you have a million great ideas. Keep your fast-moving mind and hands busy with email, instant messages, mobile gadgets, and great conversations. Watch a temptation to gossip. Keep a notebook handy to jot down your thoughts at all times. Ruled by the dual sign of the twins, Gemini energy circulates in a quick and frenetic way. Gemini rules communication and this sign inspires witty wordplays and dynamic dialogue. Gemini transits are great for brainstorming and socializing. This sign also craves “twin flame” and kindred spirit energy, and is always up for an intellectual meeting of the minds. Under the influence of a Gemini planetary transit, we could find ourselves with the gift of gab, talking and conversing with others for hours hopping from pop culture trends to deep political topics. Beware of becoming a “gossip girl,” though, as Gemini can crank up the rumor mill. As renowned Dr. Bernie Siegel says, “[we] have the ability to cure with either ‘words’ or kill with ‘swords.'” The essence of Gemini energy is fascinating, original, resourceful, charming, wise, and adventurous. The negative manifestation can devolve into restless, distracted, two-faced, judgmental, depressed, and overwhelmed energy. Gemini has a tendency to ride the roller coaster of life, spiraling skywards one minute and plunging into lows the next. If you can keep up with these vibes, though, you’ll have one helluva thrill! Gemini is one of the three zodiac signs grouped under the air element. The other two air signs are Libra and Aquarius. Since Gemini is the first air element of the zodiac, it’s like the first gust of wind to circulate the communicative winds of change. Gemini people exhibit great creative synergy, instantly connecting people to each other. Under the influence of a Gemini planetary cycle, we’ll all be inclined to spend time with friends and focus on changing the world one idea at a time. Gemini is ruled by the fleet-footed messenger planet Mercury. Mercury would usually carry out requests and tasks at the command of other gods, even adopting multiple personas in order to fulfill his missions. This fits perfectly with Gemini’s ability to communicate between people and play out its varied theatrical roles. Mercury is usually depicted wearing winged sandals and a winged hat, which fits perfectly with this airy sign’s vibe. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. Gemini is one of the four mutable signs. These signs end every season—and have learned the hard lessons taught by spring, summer, fall and winter. The mutable signs—Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces—know that all good things come to an end, and their role is to prepare everyone for the changing of seasons. Mutable signs are the adapters of the zodiac, a little bit older and wiser. More flexible and comfortable with change than other signs, they can “chameleon” themselves to fit into a variety of situations. Mutables are also the editors of the zodiac—the ones who complete the package with a winning touch. A plan can be sparked by a cardinal sign, built by a fixed sign, then perfected with the critical eye of a mutable sign. Gemini people can come across as clever and quick-witted, eager to dish out the juiciest pieces of news and happenings to their friends via text message and social media. And in case that’s not enough, they’ll probably send you a Snapchat story for good measure. Geminis love fast cars, trendy clothes and any wacky gadgets or games they can tinker around with. Part of the fun (and curse) of Gemini people is that you’re never quite sure which personality you’re going to experience. Will it be the vivacious, pun-dishing jokester, or the snarky, mean-spirited critic? But if you’re willing to see Fifty Shades of Gemini, they’ll color your life in thrilling ways! Love: It ain’t easy for an ever-changing Gemini. As the sign of the Twins, you have so many sides to your personality, it’s hard to find one person who’s compatible with them all.  Then there’s the fact that you live to flirt! The courtship phase is your absolute favorite. You love everything from the suggestive sidelong glances to the naughty text messages that crescendo into a passionate sexcapade. Games are totally your thing. You love playing them and find people who don’t downright boring. Trouble is, you aren’t always great at distinguishing a fling from the real thing. You need a soulmate who is also your playmate. For you the fun, flirty stuff IS “serious.” Only a few special people understand that — and these are the ones you should go after. Although Geminis are capable of long-term commitments, it’s usually after an exhausting series of affairs or marriages that end as quickly as they started. One minute, you’re totally into someone; the next, you’ve lost interest and moved on to the next conquest. There’s no halfway for you. A part of you seeks eternal love; yet, you have an equal hunger for freedom. Until you’ve satisfied your thirst for variety, you can be quite the player. Your romantic taste buds are wild and unpredictable. Gemini track records include strippers, porn stars, circus performers and ex-cons — mixed between stockbrokers, religious leaders and foreign dignitaries. Ay caramba! So, who’s the perfect match for you? A versatile, young-at-heart mate who expands your horizons and shares your adventurous spirit. Someone who keeps you on your toes, doesn’t demand consistency, and celebrates your nuttiness can also win your heart. Since your sign rules communication, you also need someone who loves to talk, brainstorm and can hold their own in a debate. Love is a mental match for you.Once a Gemini finds that true playmate, you can be incredibly loyal. But nothing sends you running faster than a predictable, scripted life. Although you may take advantage of traditions and institutions like marriage and children, you must have an equal dose of rebellion woven in to stick around for the long haul. Join forces with a starry-eyed dreamer who knows when to bring in a dose of practical magic, and soon life will be the adventure for two you’ve always dreamed it could be! Hyperactive Geminis are impatient, impulsive and need constant stimulation. You thrive in a versatile career and a busy environment. As the sign of the Twins, you need a career that has many jobs in one. Bring on the multi-tasking! You simply aren’t meant to do just one thing. While other signs would feel overwhelmed by such a workload, having lots of variety makes you feel free.Gemini rules communication, so you thrive in an environment with lots of small talk, email, phone calls and little tasks. A quiet, sterile office would drive you insane. If you work at a desk, the job had better include a great computer, where you can fire off Instant Messages and hop between projects all day. Gemini also rules short trips, so you’re happy running around doing errands, or bringing materials between departments and chit-chatting along the way. As the zodiac’s Twin, you need an “other half” wherever you go. That can either be a nurturing boss or a supportive co-worker—any kindred spirit who can help you talk through your ideas and issues. Gemini is the sign of the teacher, so you love to mentor new people on the job — though you can be a bit impatient with the slow learners. You comprehend new information instantly, but remember that not everyone’s mind works as fast as yours! You also love to hook people up, and are always on the lookout for opportunities. Because Geminis are ruled by Mercury, the planet of data, you’re often the first to hear about anything up-and-coming. With your mental Rolodex and ability to Google at lightning speed, you’re a one-stop connector for all your friends.The main Gemini hazard? Indecisiveness. Because you’re so multi-faceted, you may hesitate to commit to one career path, fearing you’ll be “trapped.” As a result, you end up in an endless string of unfulfilling jobs because you don’t want to commit. Here are a couple suggestions to keep you from being your own worst enemy: Be a consultant or a “project person.” Hone a field of expertise, then travel to different companies or departments and make them over. Or, work on projects with limited deadlines. Either way, the gig is short-term and there will be an end in sight, so you never have to feel trapped.Use your creativity. Geminis have huge imaginations. Can’t find an existing job you like, or a position in your company that suits you? Make one up! Work for yourself. At least you’ll always have the freedom you crave. Some happily self-employed Geminis we know? A hair colorist-stylist and a makeup artist. Guess all those wild colors and new styles keep their imaginations stimulated.Give yourself a year. If you take a traditional job in a large company and already feel like you’ll be stuck there forever, commit to a year, or six months. Plan to reevaluate at that time. If you still like the job then, stay. If not, cut loose and move on! BEST CAREERS FOR GEMINI: Journalist, consultant, web developer, agent, entrepreneur, makeup artist, hairstylist, editor, project manager, film director, yoga teacher, interpreter, stand-up comedian, DJ, day trader
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Cancer The Crab (Jun.21st to Jul. 22nd) ♋︎
Symbol: The Crab Ruling Planet: Moon–celestial body of moods and emotions Body Part: Chest, stomach Element: Water Good Days: Helpful, patient, caring, kind, empathetic, compassionate, nurturing, romantic, creative Bad Days: Gossipy, clingy, moody, crabby, clique-y, isolated, uncommunicative, hypersensitive, overly competitive Favorite Things: Gourmet meals, intramural sports, hosting parties, working with kids, museums and art galleries What they Hate: Tacky clothes, frozen dinners, public speaking, being rushed, paying full price Secret wish: To take care of friends and family How to Spot Them: Walking with their chests puffed out, round “moon-like” facial features Where You’ll Find Them: Shopping for antiques and rare finds, creating a masterpiece with a guitar or art supplies, listening to live bands, in the kitchen Keywords: Nurturing, Sensitivity, Emotions, Moodiness, Home, Family, Children, Femininity Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Scorpio, Pisces  Famous Cancers: Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Khloe Kardashian, Jaden Smith, Kourtney Kardashian, Vin Diesel, Robin Williams, Lana Del Ray, Lindsay Lohan, Gisele Bundchen, Li’l Kim, Courtney Love, Pamela Anderson, OJ Simpson, Selena Gomez, Khloe Kardashian, John Quincy Adams, Calvin Coolidge, Gerald R. Ford, George W. Bush, Franz Kafka, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Pablo Neruda, Ernest Hemingway, Emily Bronte, Vera Wang, Giorgio Armani, Oscar de la Renta
Sensitive Cancer Zodiac is ruled by the ever-changing Moon, and your moods go through many cycles. You’re intuitive and nurturing, even psychic. Pay attention to your dreams, especially near a Full Moon. You are sensitive and loyal, with a ready shoulder to cry on. Cancer loves to get domestic, serving your friends and family home-baked goodies and tea. When you get moody, you need to be comforted, or else just left alone. Like a crab, you can cling — or pinch — when you feel threatened or vulnerable. And thrifty Cancers can pinch pennies just as tightly. (Of course, you also love to spend! It’s a mood thing.) To make life easier, surround yourself with comfort: a cozy sweater, a favorite book, trusted friends, and a stash of your favorite goodies. Cancers are close to their moms, so keep yours on speed-dial and call her when you’re down. You may be an unofficial mom to everyone in your life, too. Taking care of kids, friends, and pets can keep your spirits high. The zodiac sign Cancer is symbolized by the Crab, with its impenetrable outer shell and vulnerable underside. Just as the Crab claw grips, Cancer energy makes us cling to comforts—from job security to beloved family members and pets. The Crab also carries its home on its back, and Cancer is about setting up a cozy and safe space wherever it goes. Change can threaten this security-seeking sign, which seeks to plant deep roots. Under the influence of a Cancer planetary transit, we feel sentimental and nostalgic. These are times for nurturing ourselves and our loved ones. The essence of Cancer energy is sensitive, domestic, feminine, maternal, compassionate, care-taking, romantic, and creative. Negative Cancer vibes can be gossipy, cliquey, isolated, passive-aggressive, hypersensitive, and overly competitive. Under the Cancer influence, emotions and intuition overrule their logic and intellect. Cancer rules the stomach and literally urges us to “go with our gut.” Cancer energy is the ultimate Chicken Soup for the Soul, and once you’ve sipped from the Crab’s consommé  you feel soothed and nurtured. However, we may play it too safe or feel smothered by too much Cancer energy, which can veer into coddling and codependence. Cancer is one of the three zodiac signs ruled under the water element. The other two water signs are Scorpio and Pisces. Since Cancer is the first water sign of the zodiac, it’s the fluid river that gets the emotion ocean and creative juices flowing. Cancer people are excellent caretakers, making sure that everyone around them is feeling happy and content. Under the influence of a Cancer planetary cycle, we’ll feel a deep urge to nest and spend time with our families or loved ones. Ah, la luna! The moon is the closest celestial body to our Earth—and the one that affects our moods the most. The moon rules the “inner” self, arousing our deepest soul desires and emotional cravings. In ancient Greek mythology, Serene served as the goddess of the moon, driving her horse-led chariot through the night sky. Although there are multiple lunar deities, all of them are depicted as feminine or female in nature. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. Cancer is one of the four cardinal signs. These signs start every season—Aries kicks off spring, Cancer starts summer, Libra begins fall and Capricorn is the first winter sign. Thus, they are the leaders and “idea people” of the zodiac. These signs prize originality and like to be first in everything they do. They’re the trendsetters and trendspotters, the ones who get the party started and the crowd hyped. Count on them to initiate a winning idea or plan. Cancer people are homebodies at heart, even if they’re out and about in the working world or the queen bees of their social hives. They love returning to a space that they can call their own. Home and deep bonds, especially female ones, keep them feeling secure. Many Cancers are passionate foodies who love to cook and of course, eat! Many Crabs love to host their own house parties for a regular crew. Creative Cancers are the ultimate culture vultures, always up on the latest Michelin-starred restaurant, new band or raved-about independent film. Great with kids and pets, Cancers make excellent parents and caretakers. Need a little TLC? Call on Cancer, who’s always ready with a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on. (Be warned: You will need to return the favor soon enough!) But don’t get too hooked on Cancer’s compassion or your relationship can get codependent. That shell can be a bit too snug and Crabs can lose perspective, lapsing into pessimism. Before claustrophobia strikes, make sure to set healthy boundaries. Encourage Cancers to dry their tears and face their fears. They need friends who give them space to vent but also remind them of their strength. Cancer is the sign of family and children, ruler of the heart and all its matters, which you take rather seriously. While your friends are playing the field or ordering their first legal cocktails, you’re busy picking names for your future children or mentally decorating their nurseries.Crabs hang with a tight circle of friends, and you may find your mate within yours. Since you only trust your inner posse, your pals may act as a romantic referral service. A homebody at heart, you just want to cozy up on the couch with your mate — although you love to be taken out, princess style. You’re highly intuitive but equally moody, so your partner needs to respect your emotions. A sensitive, sometimes insecure creature, you need stability and lots of reassurance—which is why you’re strongly attracted to confident, successful types. Cancers can be mama’s or daddy’s girls/boys, so you need a nurturing, trustworthy partner with whom you can build a nest. Although you have dozens of crushes, falling in love is serious business to you. Your sensitive nature makes you uncomfortable opening up. As a result, in matters of the heart you take a long time to decide if a partner is reliable enough to hear your deepest secrets. Once you do, you’re in for the long haul.Since you’re so close to your family, your mate MUST get along with your kin or the relationship simply won’t work. You live for those cozy, multi-generational Thanksgiving dinners and family vacations. A partner who loves kids and family is just your type.Still, you’ve gotta cut the cord, which many Cancers are reluctant to do.  Like a Crab, you can cling, and it takes a long time for you to let go of love.Cancers should look for the right combination of toughness and tenderness, and a steady partner who is both loyal and sympathetic. Players beware — this sign is looking for security and closeness, not a casual fling. Fortunately, you’re not easily fooled by the smooth-talking types. In fact, you can be quite the challenge for prospective mates. Try softening up that tough “crab shell” a little and revealing more of who you are when out on dates. This actually increases your chances of attracting a compatible mate who shares your interests or creative appetite for life. Security is Cancer’s number-one career goal, and you need a job where you feel safe and at home. You nestle right into your career with the same spirit that you use to create a warm household. You’ll cozy up your workspace with personal touches, like a candy bowl, funky artwork or a comfy pillow.As the ruler of the zodiac’s fourth house of home, family and hospitality, Cancers do well working in the hotel, restaurant and childcare industries. You’re the zodiac’s “mother” sign, and you’ll nurture everyone who crosses your path. That doesn’t mean you’re doomed to be Mother Earth for a living, though. You’re just highly sensitive, and you’ll bring that intuitive touch to everything, whether you work in the arts or at a strict corporate job (both sectors where Cancers thrive). As a natural homebody, home-based work also appeals to you. Freelance writing, computer programming — anything you can do in flip-flops and your favorite comfy T-shirt is the perfect gig.  Warning: don’t isolate yourself so much that you lose touch with the world. Cancers can disappear into their cozy crab-shells, but too much time in there can make you seriously lose perspective. You could get moody and depressed. If that happens, get out and mingle with your fellow human beings! That said, Cancer, you can just as easily fortress yourself in an office job, too. You may hide behind work or create a little office clique and shun everyone else. Should that happen, push yourself to embrace new opportunities and people outside your comfort zone. You’ll always do best when you allow your horizons to expand. Remember, it’s safer out there than you think! BEST CAREERS FOR CANCER: Corporate executive, childcare worker, editor, writer, gallery owner, art director, interior designer, women’s rights lawyer, urban planner, family therapist, bed and breakfast owner, computer systems analyst or programmer, home-based business owner, organizational strategist.
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Leo The Lion (Jul. 23rd to Aug. 22nd) ♌︎
Symbol: The Lion Element: Fire Ruling Planet: The Sun Body Part: Heart, upper back, spine Good Day: Courageous, kind, generous, loyal, protective, nakedly honest, entertaining Bad Day: Arrogant, wasteful, sloppy, cold-hearted, jealous, aggressive Favorite Things: Theaters, cameras, DVDs, rich desserts, red roses, exchanging gifts, singing, affection, compliments, great clothes What You Hate: Being ignored, silver medals (instead of gold), bland food, being alone, goodbyes Secret Wish: To rule the world How to Spot Them: Distinctive mane of hair, regal posture Where You’ll Find Them: Producing, directing and starring in their own independent films, swept away in a romantic escapade, running for President Keywords: Passion, Romance, Expression, Drama, Playfulness, Courageous, Loyal Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Aries, Sagittarius Famous Leos: Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, J.K. Rowling. Kylie Jenner, Barack Obama, Demi Lovato, Halle Berry, Mila Kunis, Robert DeNiro, Robert Redford, Jennifer Lawrence, Cara Delevingne, Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Brady, Anna Kendrick, Joe Jonas, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chris Hemsworth, Whitney Houston, Charlize Theron, Jennifer Lawrence, Bill Clinton, Alduous Huxley, Yves Saint-Laurent, Coco Chanel, Michael Kors, Domenico Dolce
The Sun is the center of our solar system and the ruler of Leo. When the whole universe revolves around you, it’s hard to be humble! Like the Sun, Leo heats everything up with its dazzling drama. And when the Sun sets, it’s ice, ice baby. That’s why friends of Leo know to keep them happy and shining…or else. Leo is the sign of drama, and oh, can you put on a show! Even the Leos who pretend to be shy come to life in the spotlight. A natural-born leader, you love to be the boss. Leos need mega-doses of praise and appreciation, which may cause people to think you’re self-centered. The truth is, you have a huge heart, and you’re the zodiac’s most generous sign. You’re always there to help, spoil, and protect the people you love. So what if your appetite is huge? Your energy may be hard for others to match. Remember, people express love in different ways, and not everyone can show it like you do. But it’s never boring to be part of your glamorous world, so let your star shine. Somebody’s gotta rule, and it might as well be you! Ruled by the proud and fierce Lion, Leo energy is expressive and flamboyant in nature. It makes us fiercely protective of our passion projects and our loved ones. Leo inspires us to lead from the heart and wear our emotions on our sleeves.  Under a Leo planetary transit, we can get swept away in our personal theatrics and romantic affairs, fully opening ourselves to the splendor of our desires and self-expression. The essence of Leo energy is courageous, kind, generous, loyal, protective, nakedly honest and entertaining. Negative manifestations of Leo energy can be arrogant, greedy, sloppy, coldhearted, jealous, aggressive and vain. Leo energy can cause us to upstage those around us, forgetting that each and every person is a valuable member to a team. Yet, we can direct the Leo flair for powerful leadership and let everyone have their spot in the sunshine. Used properly, Leo energy leaves others awakened and revitalized in an empowering way. Leo is one of the three zodiac signs ruled under the fire element. The other two fire signs are Aries and Sagittarius. Since Leo is the second fire element in the zodiac, it turns the flame into a roaring fire with the intensity of its heat felt by all. Many Leo people are magnetic performers and natural born leaders. Under the influence of a Leo planetary cycle, we’ll all feel the burning desire to steal the spotlight and shine, shine, shine! At the same time, we may step on some toes and get a little overzealous, even pissing people off with our bossy demeanor. Leo is ruled by the great ball of fire that is the center of our universe, the Sun. Typically, the Sun represents the ego and the masculine life force energy found in humans. In Ancient Greek and Roman Mythology, Apollo was the Sun god who drove his chariot of flaming horses around the Earth during the day time, setting the skies afire with bright light. It’s no wonder that Leo has such fierce and fiery fervency! The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. There are four fixed signs—Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These signs fall in the middle of every season. They’re the stabilizers—the ones who set up a solid goal or foundation, then start building. Fixed signs can take the enthusiastic ideas that cardinal signs spark, and craft them into something real. They pick up the ball when the cardinal sign passes it, and run the distance to the goal. Fixed signs are the trustworthy types who like “to-do” lists and fancy titles. If a cardinal signs says, “Let’s go on vacation!” the fixed sign will call the travel agency, book the tickets and hotel, and send everyone a list of what to pack. Leos are entertainers at heart: they know how to spin a story, belt a tune and to get others hyped up around them. Warm-hearted and authentic, Leos can offer great strength and heroism in the face of adversity, pouncing upon obstacles with their prowess and determination to be Number One. You can often find them going to the theater—or starring in a production themselves!—and taking endless photos and videos. Wooing them romantically means pulling out all the stops. Treat Leo to luxe but meaningful gifts, oversized roses, lavish dates, and they might just decide to pounce on YOU! Sometimes their energy can be too dramatic or overbearing. But if you’re willing to adore your Leo—paws, flaws, and all—you’ll be rewarded richly with their worshipful devotion and affection. That said, some Leos can fall more into the “ice queen/king” realm of their royal family. These haughty and aloof Lions who can be self-centered and even elitist. They must work to open their hearts, giving rather than just taking. Sure having all the toys feels good for a moment. But they may learn the hard way that it can be lonely at the top! Romance-a-holics by nature, Leo loves being in love—and your proud, flamboyant sign wants the whole world to know when you are. Some of the most high profile romances have been between two Leos, like Madonna and Sean Penn, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez (a.k.a. “Bennifer”), Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith, and Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. Plain and simple, Leos love drama — in fact, your sign rules it. Unless there ‘s romance and fireworks that light up the sky, you want no part of the relationship. Red roses, poetry, expensive gifts…you’ll take it all. Spoiling and being spoiled are the name of the game. Still, the number-one addiction for a Leo is attention. A person can keep you hooked for years by giving you intense doses of it, then pulling it away, leaving you chasing desperately after another fix. Although you’re totally together with your career and family, your love life may read like a bad soap opera. Friends cringe at your romantic choices, and you may even lose a few pals to your drama. Beware of this cycle, as it’s extremely difficult for Leos to break! Leos rule the jungle, and you’re the boss in all you do. Because you’re so powerful, it can be hard for you to find a mate who can keep up. As long as your mate makes you feel like royalty, you don’t care if s/he’s a dysfunctional loser, or a few notches below your level—you’ll still design a throne to match yours. A little worship goes a long way. In fact, you may secretly prefer it that way. Watch out though, because your royal treasures can be drained by playing Sugar Mama/Daddy. Dig deeper if you find yourself caught up in this cycle. It may feel exciting (at first) to have a kept person in your life, but lurking below the surface are your own control issues. When you pay, you have the say—but you can also lose your attraction and respect. How about being with someone who can pull their own weight AND participate in a fair and equal dynamic? It IS possible, so hold out for another superstar instead of settling. Loyalty is huge for a Leo, and you stick by your mate no matter what (unless, of course, a dazzling new playmate sweeps you away when your current amour has been neglecting you). Your secret weapon? Your heart. The warmth, generosity and love you offer are addictive to your mates. You are a wonderful parent, a beloved friend and a pillar in your community. Ruled by the Sun, you are your partner’s life source, and s/he may simply want to bask in your rays, content to be a lesser constellation. Learn the true worth of what you offer, Leo, and you will never have to settle for the crumbs you’ve called a relationship again. Although your ego may jockey for control of your romantic choices, set your sights on a loving, mutual, RESPECTFUL relationship that’s based on equality and true support. You may learn that a little less glamour is a worthwhile tradeoff for the healthy relationship you truly crave. Proud, loyal Leos are the heart and soul of any organization. Ruled by the Sun, you bring warmth and excitement to your workplace, even a splash of drama. There’s no question – you’re in charge, and everyone senses it. As the Jungle Queen, Leo’s royal ranking just makes itself known.Passionate and dynamic, you love a job where you can champion people or a cause. Leos are great performers, public speakers and diplomats. You ooze charm and love talking to people. You’re incredibly creative, with a contagious, childlike enthusiasm that inspires your co-workers (as long as you don’t go too far with it). You’ll bake cupcakes for an office-mate’s birthday, or plan a baby shower—as a loyal Lion, everyone is part of your den. Just don’t get your feelings hurt when others don’t return the favor. Not everyone sees things the same way that you do, so make sure you’re giving is unconditional. One of Leo’s most impressive qualities is that you KNOW you deserve to be at the top. Even when you’re not the actual boss, people respond to your power and leadership. That will either land you a leadership role or a bunch of enemies. As long as your high self-image matches reality, you’ll be a beloved ruler. However, a Leo or two in her day has been guilty of an ego trip, feeling entitled to a high-ranking role without paying the requisite dues. If you’re not rising to the top as quickly as you’d like, ask a close friend for a brutally honest reality check. Are you being too bossy or pushy? A little patience, some humble pie and lots of hard work (which you’re quite capable of doing) will go a long way to win respect.Being adored is so important to Leos that on the flipside, many stay in low-paying jobs just to feel “needed.” Praise and appreciation put fuel in your tank, but they don’t put money in the bank. Make sure you’re getting paid what you’re worth, too! Remember, you’re the zodiac’s star, and you deserve to shine. BEST CAREERS FOR LEO: Actor, teacher, counselor, artist, interior decorator, lawyer, agent, performer, artist, religious leader, CEO, event planner, human rights advocate, children’s author, politician, public speaker, motivational trainer, dancer, owner of a creative empire, fashion designer, game developer, animal trainer
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Virgo The Virgin (Aug. 23rd to Sept. 22nd) ♍︎
Symbol: The Virgin Element: Earth Quality: Mutable Ruling Planet: Mercury — the planet of communication Body Part: Stomach, waist, digestive system Good Day: Dedicated, resourceful, helpful, hardworking, witty, practical Bad Day: Preachy, self-destructive, overwhelmed, self-pitying, uptight, critical Favorite Things: Laptops, magazines, long showers with aromatherapy soaps, outdoor concerts, childhood friends, Trivial Pursuit What You Hate: Lazy or vulgar people, dive bars, spicy food, leaving home, toothpaste squeezed from the top of the tube Secret Wish: To be a hero How to Spot Them: Baby faces, roving eyes that are sizing up or analyzing a situation Where You’ll Find Them: Babysitting for the neighbor’s kids, running errands on their endlessly long to-do lists, building something with their own two hands, cleaning something to spotless condition Keywords: Health, Helpfulness, Order, Organization, Innocence, Purity Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Taurus, Capricorn Famous Virgos: Beyoncé, Michael Jackson, Richard Gere, Lea Michele, Zendaya, Nick Jonas, Bernie Sanders, Cameron Diaz, Niall Horan, Quvenzhane Wallis, Paul Walker, Kobe Bryant, Jimmy Fallon, Flo Rida, Blake Lively, Adam Sandler, Wiz Khalifa, Pink, Shania Twain, Sean Connery, Harry Connick Jr., Lilly Tomlin, Amy Poehler, William Howard Taft, Lyndon B. Johnson, Mary Shelley, Leo Tolstoy, Agatha Christie, Stephen King, Tom Ford, Karl Lagerfeld
Detail-oriented Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication. Virgos are always analyzing everything, forming opinions and judgments. On the outside, you seem sweet and innocent, but your quick mind never misses a detail. Virgo is also the sign of service, and you’re always there when help is needed. You’re an amazing, careful listener, and as a result, you give the best advice. You love to analyze everything! In fact, you can drive yourself crazy, because you never stop thinking. Virgo is a perfectionist who sees every flaw, and at times, you’re a little too critical. Relax your mind by channeling it into a project, like solving a crossword puzzle, writing a story, or organizing your desk. As an earth sign, you love the outdoors, so chill out in nature, or try a sport like karate. Remember, it’s easy for helpful Virgo to give, but harder for you to receive. Let your friends pitch in and support you, too! Try opening up a little more. You don’t have to be perfect to be loveable. Just be yourself. Ruled by the nurturing, orderly and rule-abiding Virgin, Virgo energy focuses on control, purification and organization. Imagine a bookshelf that needs sorting, and you’ll find Virgo categorizing by color, book title, and author, usually just for fun. Virgo helps us to maintain a sense of efficiency and conduct in our physical realities, and can be very supportive as it’s not focused on shining in the limelight. Perfectionism can be an issue. Under a Virgo planetary transit, we may find ourselves caught in waves of “analysis paralysis,” wanting to make a million decisions down to the last detail but unable to make a move. The essence of Virgo energy is dedicated, resourceful, helpful, hardworking, health-conscious, analytical, clever, witty, and practical. In its negative state, Virgo energy can be preachy, self-destructive, anxious, overwhelmed, self-pitying, uptight, and critical. Virgo pickiness and sky-high standards have their uses, but can wreak havoc on relationships with ourselves and others. Since Virgo rules the sixth house of health and fitness, wellness and all things “green” (from kale smoothies to cleaning up the planet) fall under its domain. Virgo is one of the three zodiac signs ruled under the earth element. The other two earth signs are Taurus and Capricorn. Since Virgo is the second earth sign in the zodiac, it picks up where Taurus left off and quickly arranges schedules and an impeccable building plan to be constructed around Taurus’ solid foundation. During a Virgo planetary cycle, we’ll be quick to pinpoint the divine in the details, crafting an exact blueprint to the nearest thousandth of an inch so that we can accomplish our goals. Virgo energy motivates us to try a new workout routine or revamp the systems and schedules we use to manage our lives. It can also make people anxious (even neurotic) about the future. During Virgo transits, we can get caught up in “What ifs?” Virgo, like Gemini, is ruled by the fleet-footed messenger planet Mercury. In mythology, Mercury carried out requests and tasks at the command of other gods, even adopting multiple personas in order to fulfill his missions. This fits perfectly with Virgo’s ability to multitask and check off their never-ending to-do lists with precision. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. Virgo is one of the four mutable signs. These signs end every season—and have learned the hard lessons taught by spring, summer, fall and winter. The mutable signs—Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces—know that all good things come to an end, and their role is to prepare everyone for the changing of seasons. Mutable signs are the adapters of the zodiac, a little bit older and wiser. More flexible and comfortable with change than other signs, they can “chameleon” themselves to fit into a variety of situations. Mutables are also the editors of the zodiac—the ones who complete the package with a winning touch. A plan can be sparked by a cardinal sign, built by a fixed sign, then perfected with the critical eye of a mutable sign. From work ethic to wardrobe, impeccable Virgos are the epitome of #flawless. They can pull off the “I Woke Up Like This” look—even if they’d rather spend a couple of hours primping and putting themselves together in the mirror. Because Virgos can get stressed from micromanaging their lives (and other people’s!), downtime is crucial for them. They cherish their solitude and can spend indulgent hours reading, writing, planning, decluttering or dreaming up creative projects. But they’ll always spring into action for a friend in need. Because observant Virgos can quickly spot the flaws in everything, they can come across as critical or judgmental. They’re only trying to help! But when they lapse into preachy mode, they may need a reminder that they don’t have to “fix” the world. As hard as Virgos may be on loved ones, they’re even harder on themselves. This giving sign needs to learn the art of receiving—a lifelong struggle for many. Picky Virgo, love can be a challenge when your high standards get involved. As the zodiac’s perfectionist, it’s hard for anyone to measure up to your criteria. You’d rather be alone than settle—a great attitude, as long as you keep your expectations realistic.When applied correctly, this weeding-out process chases away the losers and can even tame eternal bachelors. Many times, though, you barely give anyone a chance. One human slip-up can be a fatal flaw for your suitors. Since first dates are often filled with nervous moments, you may need to give people a tad more leeway. Analytical Virgos have a way of sizing people up, your eyes squinting as you assess the creature in front of you. You don’t mean any harm—you just can’t help noticing every detail! However, it can be quite intimidating for the person under the Virgo microscope. Underneath it all, is the fact that you’re just incredibly hard on yourself. Thank your inner critic for sharing then tell it to shut up. It will give you a lot more tolerance for other people’s “imperfections.” Wise and worldly though you are, there’s a certain childlike innocence about you as well. No matter how tough or wild you act, when it comes to romance, Virgos have an old-fashioned streak. You want the full fantasy, complete with a dashing suitor who sweeps you off your feet (or vice-versa). Even if you run a physics lab or boast several PhDs, your romantic notions remain simplistically sweet. Amid the fantasies, however, your soulmate still has to pass a long, practical checklist. For starters, this person has to be clean (Virgos are hygiene freaks), loyal, respectful and intelligent. No dummies make it past a first date with picky Virgo — not even the hot ones! Bookish Virgos can be introverts, and many of you are reluctant to spill your secrets, which makes it hard for people to get close to you. Or, you may dump out all your baggage right away, assuming that the other person can already see all your so-called flaws. Both of these extreme attitudes can prevent you from forming lasting relationships. Although everyone appreciates a great listener, make sure you’re not lending your ears in order to avoid opening up. And if you’re tempted to spill your dirty laundry too quickly, take a deep breath and talk about the weather instead. Like a Virgin, you need to be wooed and courted. Flings bore you, and you rarely indulge in them (or they end up turning into long-term relationships despite your intentions). Virgos have an eye on the real thing. Your family must approve of your mate—and this person will eventually be paraded in front of them before you decide if s/he’s a keeper. You should be able to picture this person as the co-parent of your children. You may be sentimental, but you’re far more practical. You choose with your head before your heart.There’s one exception to this trend. As the sign of the helper, Virgos need to be needed. This can tempt you to fall for a “fixer-upper” type who leaves you drained and unsupported. Remember, it’s not your job to be someone’s therapist or helpmate. There are people who charge $150 an hour to do that—and chances are, you’ve got your own neuroses to deal with.To keep yourself in check, make sure you’re not falling in love with a person’s potential. Just because you’re capable of running the show doesn’t mean that you should! Although it can be easier to give and receive, relationships are a two-way street. Virgos will do anything to avoid that vulnerable feeling of DEPENDING on someone. Yet, once you let down your walls and try it, you’ve just laid the groundwork for real love. Aim for mutuality and respect, a true balance of give and take. Busy-bee Virgo loves to work. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, you’re constantly thinking and strategizing. You always need something to do! Obsessed with organization, many Virgos end up as office managers, or running a bustling department. Your detail-oriented mind keeps track of every little item, and you’re always planning ahead. Filing, labeling, managing data—what seems like a chore to others is a fun day at the office for you. You can’t stand seeing things out of place! You’d be a great interior designer or “clutter consultant,” helping people organize their spaces and minimize junk. (Ironically, you hate throwing anything away yourself, but at least you organize it in neat, ever-growing piles.)With your sharp mind and keen listening skills, you make an excellent journalist, Virgo. You know how to get the facts and put a great story together! Virgo, you’re not afraid to ask people tough questions and get to the bottom of a story. You’re fascinated by what makes people tick, and love to learn about each person you meet. That also makes you a great therapist, social worker or human resources director. Many Virgos are also whizzes at accounting, and as an Earth sign, you excel in natural sciences like biology or botany. You love being outdoors, so why not make nature your virtual office? You have quite a green thumb, and are great with gardening, too.As the ruler of the zodiac’s sixth house of health and organization, a lot of Virgos end up in healing professions, working as yoga teachers, acupuncturists or nutritionists. Quite likely you have a cabinet full of vitamins and herbal remedies, so you’ll always be the unofficial office “doctor,” no matter where you work. Bottom line, you’ve got plenty of options. The only thing that can mess with a Virgo’s success is your perfectionism. Virgo is a highly self-critical sign, and you may avoid going for your dream job because you think you aren’t ready. Take a risk and try! Chances are, you’re way more qualified than you think. Also, your ruler Mercury makes you an information magnet. You’re always the first to hear office gossip, but avoid the temptation to spread it. Lastly, know when to chill. If you take your detail obsession overboard, you can turn into a workaholic and control freak, intimidating co-workers. Remember, everyone has to go home sometime, and that includes you! BEST CAREERS FOR VIRGO: Journalist, office manager, veterinarian, biologist, accountant, social worker, systems designer, project manager, holistic coach
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Libra The Scales (Sept. 23rd to Oct. 22nd) ♎︎
Symbol: The Scales of Justice Element: Air Ruling Planet: Venus — the planet of beauty and love Body Part: Lower back, butt Good Day: Charming, lovable, fair, sincere, sharing, hopelessly romantic Bad Day: Vain, indecisive, melodramatic, manipulative, spoiled, delusional Favorite Things: Concerts at large venues, poetry, expensive jewelry, designer clothes, rich food What You Hate: Dull or practical people, bullies, being pressured to decide, saying goodnight, hearing the word “maybe” Secret Wish: To love and be loved in return How to Spot Them: Small symmetrical features, dimples, gentle eyes, outrageous designer outfits Where You’ll Find Them: Dancing the night away at a warehouse party, philosophizing about life at a coffeeshop, tucked away at home writing a novel, procrastinating, happily mingling at a social event  Keywords: Commitment, Partnership, Equality, Balance, Mutuality, Fairness Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Gemini, Aquarius  Famous Librans: Kim Kardashian, Gwyneth Paltrow, Bruno Mars, Eminem, Lil Wayne, Simon Cowell, Snoop Dogg, Gwen Stefani, Zac Efron, John Lennon, Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Mahatma Gandhi, Vladimir Putin, Rutherford B. Hayes, Chester A. Arthur, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Shel Silverstein, T.S. Eliot, E.E. Cummings, Oscar Wilde, Donna Karan, Sergio Rossi, Ralph Lauren
Gentle Libra is ruled by Venus, planet of beauty and love. Perhaps that explains your smooth talk and pretty face. Like Taurus, which is also Venus-ruled, Libras love to be surrounded by art, culture and beauty in a soft, harmonious environment. You love good food and expensive things. Lovely Libra knows how to charm but behind your dimples and sweet personality, you’re a fighter. Libra is the sign of the scales, and you can’t stand anything that’s unfair or unbalanced. You love a designer outfit as much as you adore a good debate. You’ll stand up for justice, and you’ll do it with style. Libra hates to be rushed–you prefer that everything happen your way, on your time. If that means you’re ten hours late, so be it. You’re a social butterfly who loves to be surrounded by people in a beautiful setting, talking and hanging out for hours. Just remember to save some time for yourself. Libras can get so caught up in the moment, they forget to handle their own responsibilities. Learn the beauty of being organized, and you’ll have all the time in the world to enjoy your beautiful life. Symbolized by the Scales of Justice, Libra epitomizes balance and fairness. This sign’s influence helps restore equilibrium to all affairs, no matter how big or small. From settling a major legal or ethical conflict to determining the best place to hang a painting, Libra energy will stop at nothing to establish interpersonal and aesthetic consonance. Under a Libra planetary transit, we can regain our footing in relationships and seek more balance in our lives. The essence of Libra energy is charming, lovable, fair, sincere, sharing, beautiful and hopelessly romantic. Negative expressions of Libra energy can be vain, indecisive, melodramatic, manipulative, spoiled and delusional. Libra energy enhances our social graces and turns our attention to beauty and style. In Italy, there’s an expression known as la bella figura, in which Italian natives not only dress to impress but also exhibit their brightest, best personalities when in the company of others. Libra transits help us achieve that kind of inner and outer beauty, making us feel like the fairest of them all. Libra is one of the three zodiac signs ruled by the air element. The other two air signs are Gemini and Aquarius. Since Libra is the second air signs, it directs Gemini’s gregarious gusts into gust of grace, good manners and social charms. But Libra is no gale force—this sign brings the winds of change in such a mild and moderate way that you barely even notice that you’ve been swept somewhere new. The essence of air is communicative, intellectual and aids the spread of ideas. With Libra’s interpersonal flair added in, this sign inspires compromise, helpful dialogue and successful relationships. Under the influence of a Libra planetary cycle, we may crave a dynamic duo to accomplish goals that we might not be able to achieve flying solo. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, luxury, and beauty. Legend has it that when Saturn castrated his father, Uranus, Uranus’ blood spilled into the sea, impregnating the sea foam and giving birth to the goddess Venus. In Renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli’s famous painting The Birth of Venus, the goddess is fully naked, perched exquisitely on a clam shell. Venusian energy adds charm and embellishment to everything it touches, from food to fashion to personality. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. Libra is one of the four cardinal signs. These signs start every season—Aries kicks off spring, Cancer starts summer, Libra begins fall and Capricorn is the first winter sign. Thus, they are the leaders and “idea people” of the zodiac. These signs prize originality and like to be first in everything they do. They’re the trendsetters and trendspotters, the ones who get the party started and the crowd hyped. Count on them to initiate a winning idea or plan. Peace, love, and harmony is the Libra M.O. You’ll instantly be swept away by Libra’s charm and pleasant demeanor, enchanged by their wide array of conversation topics. Libra people are the perfect partners for a social justice project, interior design masterpiece, or even just a peaceful day picnicking in the park and strolling around the town. Set these social butterflies free at a networking event and they’ll own the room. Some Libras can be reserved and formal at first. But once you get them talking, a five minute conversation can morph into a three-hour philosophical discourse! Because Libra seeks compromise, this sign dislikes conflict and anything that feels “unfair.” In fact, if you meet an angry Libra, chances are this sign is riled up about an ongoing injustice. Their system simply can’t tolerate it! Many Libras are natural diplomats who will do everything to negotiate between warring parties that just can’t get along. They can accurately see both sides to a situation, and often resolve disputes in an equitable way for all involved. However, there is a population of Libras whose Venusian appetites rule them, eclipsing their sign’s sensibility and driving them to pursue material indulgence at any cost. These Librans use their natural charms and good looks to manipulate others into taking care of them or doing their bidding. As the sign of the Judge, some Libras can even tip the scales into dictatorial behavior and power trips (Libras Simon Cowell, Margaret Thatcher and Vladimir Putin are examples of Libras with a “my way or the highway” attitude). When it comes to their own decision-making, they have an even harder time and will vacillate between “Should I?” or “Shouldn’t I?” You can find Libra people taking in culture at a gallery opening, indulging in a sweet treat or gourmet health food, or shopping for a couture or hand-crafted piece to add to their impressive wardrobes. Libra rules the zodiac’s seventh house of relationships, and you’re at your best when you have a companion to share your life with. A romantic idealist, you’ll wander the Earth looking for the perfect match. In fact, you’ll wait years until the right person comes along, leaving friends and family wondering why someone with your charm and good looks is still single. And if you’re reading this Libra love horoscope, you may be wondering too.Attractive Libra is ruled by beauty-planet Venus. With your wit, finesse, and style, you have plenty of admirers. Many Libras sport finely balanced features and a cute set of dimples. Grooming is important to aesthetic Libras, and you expect your partners to maintain good appearances. Since outgoing Libras love to mingle, you could meet your true love at a party, a singles event…anywhere you can dress up or display your social graces. As the sign of the scales, you’re constantly seeking balance, and for that reason, it’s crucial that you choose partners wisely. Admit it, you can be a softie at times, so watch out for dominating people who try to steamroll you with their demands. Libra is big on equality and fairness, and you need an open-minded mate who wants to share and share alike. You’re equal parts sugar and spice. You like to debate (for fun only—your peace-loving sign hates conflict). You want to be with someone who’s passionate about a few issues, though not too forceful. Your gentle disposition can’t deal with an imposing personality.Libras hate to be rushed and may take years to commit, driving their eager-to-settle-down mates crazy. Like the scales the represent your sign, you’re always going back and forth, “Is this person right for me or not? Could I do better or is this as good as it gets?” While it’s fine to take it slow, you could lose some great catches to your endless deliberating. Libra may be the one sign that actually NEEDS an ultimatum: marry me or else! If you’re that type of Libra, consider this: in a survey of elderly people, most reported that they only regretted the things they DIDN’T try in life, and regretted nothing that they did. So don’t let your fear of making a mistake stop you from taking risks! Who knew this Libra love horoscope was going to be so motivational? The other Libra pitfall is dependency. Since your sign rules the zodiac’s seventh house of “other people,” you may lean too heavily on those around you, expecting them to carry your emotional baggage. This can prevent you from developing a key relationship skill: the ability to feel absolutely whole and content by yourself. The trick for Libras? Strive for balance within yourself, first and foremost. Then, seek a harmonious, equal relationship with a partner who balances you out, and needs you as much as you need him/her. We hope this Libra love horoscope was helpful. Now go out there and find Libra love.  Lucky for you, Libra, you rule the zodiac’s seventh house of relationships: people are your profession! You do best in a career that allows you to work with others — to need and be needed. You thrive on a team, or championing another’s cause as an agent, broker, or representative. With your charm and diplomacy, few can say no to a Libra!Libras love getting to know people, and you may have a mile-long contact list in your cell phone. This is your secret success weapon. Unlike other signs, you rarely shy away from an office party or networking event. You’re in your element when “schmoozing,” but you’ll also go beyond the superficial and share informed opinions. Libra, if you want to build your career, go to well-attended parties and take lots of business cards! We also recommend the book Never Eat Alone, which illustrates how everything you need for career success within your own circle. Ruled by beauty-loving Venus, many Libras work in the arts, or inside the beauty, fashion and design industries. Since you naturally understand balance, you could also work as an architect, graphic designer or engineer. You’re sensitive to color, decor and proportion. Either way, a tasteful work environment is a must. If you’re an entry-level person with little pull, snag a window seat or pretty up your workspace with lovely Libran touches like flowers, framed photos and elegant office accessories. Libra is the peacemaker sign; you hate conflict. You’ll either avoid it by working in a harmonious environment, or you’ll leap into the fray as a career as a social justice advocate, peace activist or even an attorney. As the sign of the scales, you’re constantly weighing and measuring information, and can earn a reputation as a wise judge or a source of strong opinions. As an outspoken American Idol judge, Libra Simon Cowell blends this trait with your sign’s artistic bent.Your main pitfall is procrastination. Libras hate to be rushed, and you may gab too long at the water cooler or even report to work late. You also fiddle endlessly with projects, missing the deadline or having to pull an all-nighter instead of getting your Libra beauty rest. Dressing for work is another trap, since you’ll deliberate endlessly about what to wear. Remember, your ability to meet deadlines shapes your reputation as much as your keen sense of style. Be rigorous with yourself about punctuality. Get up two hours earlier to curl your eyelashes or iron your silk shirt — but be on time! BEST CAREERS FOR LIBRA: Journalist, fashion designer, interior decorator, creative director, artist, publicist, lawyer, judge, party promoter, makeup artist, food critic, human rights advocate, filmmaker, mediator, agent, broker, engineer, architect.
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Scorpio The Scorpion (Oct. 23rd to Nov. 21st) ♏︎
Symbol: The Scorpion Element: Water Ruling Planet: Pluto — the planet of power and regeneration Body Part: Crotch, reproductive organs Good Day: Magnetic, passionate, loyal, protective, trendsetting, brave Bad Day: Obsessive, possessive, jealous, secretive, vengeful, manipulative Favorite Things: Underground music, spicy food, an air of danger, one-of-a-kind objects, wireless devices, organic ingredients, vinyl What You Hate: Simple-minded people, insincere flattery, personal questions, living at someone else’s house Secret Wish: To have complete and total control How to Spot Them: Intense eyes, a hawk-like gaze, smooth movements Where You’ll Find Them: In the studio producing a platinum album, sitting at the corner table of an underground bar, taking things apart and figuring how to put them back together again Keywords: Intimacy, Sex, Secrecy, Power, Intensity, Obsession Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Cancer, Pisces Famous Scorpios: Hillary Clinton, Drake, Katy Perry, Leonardo DiCaprio, Bill Gates, Willow Smith, Kris Jenner, Caitlyn Jenner, Kendall Jenner, Tyga, Lamar Odom, Puff Daddy, Calvin Klein, Shailene Woodley, Lorde, Emma Stone, Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds, Julia Roberts, Kendall Jenner, Willow Smith, Katy Perry, Emma Stone, John Adams, James K. Polk, James A. Garfield, Theodore Roosevelt, Warren G. Harding, Sylvia Plath, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Robert Louis Stevenson, Voltaire, Stefano Gabbana, Roberto Cavalli
Intense Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, planet of power and control. Pluto is a tiny powerhouse, and a bit of a mystery; in mythology Pluto was the god of the underworld. Many Scorpios are also drawn to “dark” things, and often wear the color black, or a shocking tone like red or hot pink. Like Pluto, Scorpio’s power often emanates from a hidden source, even when you don’t say a word. Mysterious Scorpio is the zodiac’s most misunderstood sign. You’re so powerful that people feel your presence, even before you’ve said a word! Sensitive Scorpio picks up vibes. You see every little detail, and you can read people like an open book. Once your friends get used to your high-intensity style, they know that you’re fiercely loyal. Anyone who betrays you had better watch out! Like a Scorpion, you’ll deliver a painful sting of revenge. Since your sign is naturally secretive, work on being more open with people. This will develop trust, and improve your relationships. Scorpio’s concentration powers are amazing, but be careful not to get obsessed. Curb any jealous or possessive feelings by pouring your energy into a creative project or passion.Ruled by the all-powerful and seductive Scorpion, Scorpio is perhaps the most misunderstood and mysterious sign of the zodiac. Secretive by nature, this sign brings us to shadowy and hidden places that we don’t usually have the courage to face. The sign of life, death and resurrection, Scorpio energy embraces these life cycles and continually transforms and reinvents itself. There are actually four incarnations of Scorpio: the first is the venomous, possessive Scorpion itself; the second is the slippery, charming-yet-deadly snake; the third is the soaring eagle whose piercing gaze sharply observes the landscape (and its prey) below; and the final version is the ever-burning, all-seeing Phoenix that rises up from the ashes into eternal rebirth. Under a Scorpio planetary transit, we may find ourselves dealing with some intense people and energy, even holing ourselves up late at night to process complex emotions or channel our overwhelming feelings into focused work and creativity. The essence of Scorpio energy is magnetic, passionate, loyal, protective, trendsetting, controlling, powerful, charismatic, transformational, focused, loyal, healing, psychic, bonding-oriented and brave. On the flip side, negative Scorpio energy can be obsessive, possessive, jealous, secretive, vengeful, cruel, calculating and manipulative. Scorpio is one of the three zodiac signs ruled by the water element. The other two water signs are Cancer and Pisces. Since Scorpio is the second water sign, it channels Cancer’s intuitive tides into a forceful stream of psychic and healing energy. Scorpio energy excels in exploring the darker, unexamined sides of life. It gives excellent research and sleuthing skills, helping us plumb the depths and peer below the surface. Scorpio energy helps out in our darkest hours; this sign is not afraid to go to the murky waters of the emotional and spiritual unknown. Under a Scorpio planetary cycle, intense feelings surface around our closest ties. This sign rules merging, bonding and sharing resources. Under Scorpio’s influence, we may get obsessive about a passion project or lover, even becoming jealous or insecure. Mysterious Scorpio makes us want to hide our vulnerabilities. Yet, those raw and unprocessed feelings are Scorpio’s access to power. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, god of the underworld and all things connected to the occult. The legend goes that the primary Greek gods—Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto—drew straws to determine who would respectively rule the Earth, the ocean, and the underworld. Unfortunately, Pluto received the bad end of the deal and was compelled to oversee the domain of the deceased. Pluto is often depicted sitting on his throne with a two-pronged staff. Since Pluto wasn’t discovered until the 1930s, Scorpio has Mars as its minor ruler. Mars is the god of war who is depicted as charging forth into battle. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. There are four fixed signs—Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These signs fall in the middle of every season. They’re the stabilizers—the ones who set up a solid goal or foundation, then start building. Fixed signs can take the enthusiastic ideas that cardinal signs spark, and craft them into something real. They pick up the ball when the cardinal sign passes it, and run the distance to the goal. Fixed signs are the trustworthy types who like “to-do” lists and fancy titles. If a cardinal signs says, “Let’s go on vacation!” the fixed sign will call the travel agency, book the tickets and hotel, and send everyone a list of what to pack. Scorpio people can be tricky to spot. With their reserved personas, they seldom starts a conversation or expresses interest in others openly—unless they feel out the situation first. Once you get them to open up, however, you’ll feel their scorching passion for whatever topics fascinate them. Be warned: Scorpios can focus on one subject to an extreme, so you may be in for a deeper dive than you expect—or want! But their natural charisma can quickly pique your interest in the topic, too. Many Scorpios are cutting-edge trendsetters with cultlike followings! Another way to spot them? Look for the piercing Scorpionic gaze, which is hawklike, narrowing in on its “prey” with hypnotic and piercing eyes. If you happen to be the object of that look, watch out! You could feel read as easily as a children’s book, as Scorpio seems to just KNOW all your secrets, soft spots and fears. Their focused attention can be addictive, and even painful when it’s pulled away. Be careful how quickly you fall down that Scorpio rabbit hole—it’s not as easy to crawl back up. When you befriend a Scorpio, you form a power couple or formidable alliance. While they don’t give up their loyalty and trust easily, once they do, they’ll stick with you through thick and thin. Don’t even think about double-crossing a Scorpio, though, because they WILL unleash their fury on you, divulging all of your secrets and airing your dirty laundry. Revenge is their favorite dish to serve…ice cold! On a positive note, Scorpios are the perfect people to help you explore your darker emotions or sexuality, guiding you through fifty-plus shades of irresistible and soul-communing experiences. Although this sign may crave complete and utter control over everything, Scorpios secretly yearn for the very thing they fear: true intimacy with others. It takes a lot for Scorpio to reveal their vulnerability, so guard that privilege with the utmost care. As Scorpios open up and learns to show their shadow side, they can heal in ways that are truly profound. Scorpio rules the zodiac’s eighth house of intense bonding. In love, you play for keeps. There’s no middle ground for extreme Scorpio — you’re either in or you’re out. Your sign has quite a reputation. You’re known as the “sex” sign, jealous, controlling, irresistible, obsessive…whew!It’s true, your passionate sign can be intense. One minute, you’re aloof and mysterious, driving partners crazy as they vie for your ever-shifting attention. The next minute, you’re in a committed long-term relationship. You are the sign that rules extremes and you can run hotter and colder than most. Take Scorpio Matthew McConaughey, who was voted People magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive.” He can be the ultimate bachelor AND the world’s most devoted boyfriend. You can’t help it if you’re “versatile”! Suspicious Scorpios don’t trust easily, and will fight intimacy every step of the way. Love is both tempting and frightening to you. Deep down, you long to give yourself fully to that perfect soulmate. You’re both threatened and intrigued by a dynamic, powerful partner. Still, you’ve got no interest in pushovers. As the zodiac’s most passionate sign, you need someone who can hold his ground and keep you guessing.In relationships, you don’t just commit, you FUSE with the other person. For that reason, you’re reluctant to dive in, because you know you’ll “lose yourself” once you do. Although this concept gets a bad rap, it’s actually an essential part of intimacy (which Scorpio rules). When—and if—you surrender to love, you and your mate become one. Beautiful!To get there, you must work through your control issues. Scorpio rules psychology, and a great therapist can be essential for you. You also benefit from yoga, meditation, spirituality, or any practice that strengthens you internally and calms your irrational fears.For Scorpio, relationships are like the stock market. You want to make sure the long-term payoff is worth the effort. At times, this attitude can make you your own worst enemy. Like an undercover cop, you’ll seduce prospective mates into revealing their most intimate thoughts. Pretending to be fascinated, you catalog every detail, building a case for or against this person. You may conduct a private investigation, too, snooping in diaries, checking pockets, or Googling for incriminating evidence.Too much of this FBI approach could take its toll, though. True love requires risk and vulnerability — it’s not always safe. If you pry without revealing your own hand, partners may bolt. But they should also be careful what they wish for. Once the Scorpio floodgates open, you can overwhelm partners with your intense energy and the need to lose yourself in a mystical, highly charged union.Ultimately, Scorpio is a private sign. Paparazzi, step off! Once you settle on a mate, you like to build a quiet world for two, designed according to your master plan. Obviously, those secret Scorpio worlds must be enticing, as very few partners ever leave you! When it comes to your career, Scorpio, you’re on a serious mission. You pour yourself into work with the same smoldering intensity that you bring to everything else you do. No detail escapes you, and you’ll do almost anything to get what you want.Scorpio is the sign of power and control. Although you crave security, you also thrive on competition. Nothing engages a Scorpio more than pursuing an out-of-reach goal that promises power, lifelong financial security or a chance to be seen as the best in your field.Scorpio rules the zodiac’s eighth house of other people’s property and large chunks of money. You could thrive as a real estate mogul, tax attorney, investment pro, media mogul, or anything that involves handling a large fortune. Scorpio is a limber, body-conscious sign, and you may express your intensity through a physical career: a body worker, yoga teacher or physical therapist. Because you rule birth and death, you could even be a mortician! (Hey, somebody’s gotta do it.) Scorpios pay precise attention to detail, and you love to plumb the depths of any subject. You could make an excellent editor or psychologist. With your natural creativity, you can also be a great artist or musician — at the very least, you could be an expert in obscure music or a great producer. Though you long for fame, secretive Scorpios are uncomfortable bragging. And boasting is SO unflattering to your sign (are you listening, Sean P. Diddy Scorpio Combs?). It makes you seem desperate or annoyingly cocky (translation: insecure) — tarnishing that intimidating, oh-so-powerful vibe that we love and fear in Scorpios. That said, too much secretiveness could work against you, too. Because you simmer with such powerful energy, people who don’t know you may feel overwhelmed when you unleash it on them. Or, they may simply sense that “something’s up” and suspect that you have a hidden agenda. You’re the sign of extremes, so be careful not to be too brash or forceful — and be sure to reveal your intentions upfront rather than being overly mysterious. Scorpios should instead find ways to showcase your secretly cultivated gifts without looking like YOU staged the publicity campaign. Your sign is like a magnet, so focus on drawing others to you by inventing a new brand of cool, rather than chasing after them. Our good friend Debbie Stoller, publisher of BUST magazine, singlehandedly spawned a knitting revolution, turning a retro hobby into the bestselling Stitch ‘n Bitch book series. Nothing says “world domination” more than the quiet, come-hither energy of a Scorpio basking in his/her power. Best Careers for Scorpio: Lawyer, real estate mogul, bodyworker, psychologist, investment banker, psychic, tax attorney, mortician, journalist, musician
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Sagittarius The Archer (Nov. 22nd to Dec. 21st) ♐︎
Symbol: The Archer or Centaur Element: Fire Ruling Planet: Jupiter — the planet of luck and expansion Body Part: Hips, thighs Good Day: Honest, fair-minded, inspiring, optimistic, enthusiastic, encouraging, dedicated Bad Day: Argumentative, reckless, flaky, preachy, tactless, overconfident Favorite Things: Dares, flirting, pets, pop music, international travel, laughter, karaoke, books, inspirational stories What You Hate: Prejudice, routines, rules, being bored, taking things too seriously, the words “you can’t” Secret Wish: To make the rules How to Spot Them: Strong legs, laughing eyes, comedic facial expressions Where You’ll Find Them: Organizing a talent show, publishing a tell-all ‘zine, cracking inappropriate jokes in the middle of a staff meeting, backpacking through South America Keywords: Adventure, Travel, Expansion, Honesty, Outspokenness, Wisdom Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Aries, Leo Famous Sagittarians: Brad Pitt, Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Sia, Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, Jay-Z, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Ian Somerhalder, Vanessa Hudgens, Rita Ora, Trey Songz, Jake T. Austin, Scarlett Johannson, Christina Aguilera, Jake Gyllenhal, Chrissy Teigen, Martin Van Buren, Zachary Taylor, Franklin Pierce, Emily Dickinson, Mark Twain, Manolo Blahnik, Gianni Versace, Joseph Stalin
Cheerful Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter is the “happy” planet, full of energy and confidence. Sagittarians often reflect Jupiter’s larger-than-life persona. As the zodiac’s traveler, Sagittarius is the ultimate free spirit: optimistic, open-minded and ambitious. You’re happiest in wide-open spaces with plenty of adventure and excitement. You juggle a million projects, hobbies and friends. The more, the merrier! Sagittarius is forever pursuing a super-sized goal. Even when you fail, nothing can keep you down. You’ll chalk it up as a life lesson and inspire everyone with tales of your experience. As the sign of wisdom and truth, Sagittarius loves to “tell it like it is,” especially when it makes people laugh. However, your honesty doesn’t always come in the prettiest package. You’ve been known to bruise feelings with your bluntness. Cultivate patience, and be careful not to come off as a know-it-all. Although Sag loves the thrill of a new project or friendship, you don’t always finish what you start. Work on keeping your promises and commitments. Ruled by the straight-shooting Archer, Sagittarius energy manifests through enlightenment, travel and truth-seeking. Curious Sagittarius makes us hunger to expand and learn, sending us on adventures to determine the meaning of existence. Philosophical Sagittarius rules higher learning and university settings. It inspires scintillating symposiums and discussions on the deeper aspects of life. Restless, globetrotting Sagittarius loves the great outdoors. Under its influence you might camp under the stars or play urban explorer in a bustling new city. While enthusiastic Sagittarius helps us take risks and big leaps of faith, we can bite off more than we can chew. Under this sign’s influence, we need to know our limits. Otherwise, we can get excited about starting new projects, but fail to follow through. The essence of Sagittarius energy is honest, fair-minded, inspiring, optimistic, enthusiastic, encouraging, and dedicated. Negative expressions of Sagittarius energy can be argumentative, reckless, flaky, preachy, and tactless. What’s most brilliant about Sagittarius, though, is its indefatigable thirst for adventure. With this optimistic sign at the helm, every moment of life can feel like pure magic! Sagittarius is one of the three zodiac signs ruled under the fire element. The other two fire signs are Aries and Leo. Since Sagittarius is the third and final fire sign, it harnesses Aries’ trailblazing and Leo’s fiery leadership into a cosmic supernova of universal wisdom and action. Sagittarius is the inspirer and eternal optimist of the zodiac, challenging us to go big and seek limitless possibilities. Under the influence of a Sagittarius planetary cycle, we may feel pumped to travel, learn, connect across cultures and expand our horizons. Prepare to collect some passport stamps as this fiery sign loves to blaze a trail from Bali to Burma to Boston and beyond! Sagittarius is ruled by expansive Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. As a result, this sign can be “larger than life.” Jupiter is one of the gas giants, and indeed, overconfident Sagittarius energy can seem full of hot air at times. Leaping without looking is a Sagittarius habit. Luckily, fortunate Jupiter helps us land on our feet. But it’s not without a few bumps and bruises (also known as “life lessons” in the Book of Sag). Jupiter was the most widely revered god in ancient Roman times, often referred to as Jupiter Optimus Maximus (literally translating to “all good” and “all powerful”). Not surprisingly, his was the largest temple in Rome. Sagittarius desires the biggest and best, at times to the point of excess and indulgence. In fact, Jupiter was the mythic god of the feast. People with Sagittarius in their charts may quickly expand in girth. Hedonism and decadence without limit can make Sagittarius energy too much of a good thing. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. Sagittarius is one of the four mutable signs. These signs end every season—and have learned the hard lessons taught by spring, summer, fall and winter. The mutable signs—Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces—know that all good things come to an end, and their role is to prepare everyone for the changing of seasons. Mutable signs are the adapters of the zodiac, a little bit older and wiser. More flexible and comfortable with change than other signs, they can “chameleon” themselves to fit into a variety of situations. Mutables are also the editors of the zodiac—the ones who complete the package with a winning touch. A plan can be sparked by a cardinal sign, built by a fixed sign, then perfected with the critical eye of a mutable sign. Send in the clowns! Witty Sagittarians can be some of the funniest and most entertaining people you’ll meet. They have a gift for seeing the absurdity of human nature and turning it into comic material. Yet, Sagittarians can also be wise and philosophical, revealing perspectives you might not otherwise see. This sign is ruled by the Centaur, a half-human, half-horse mythical creature. From the waist up, these knowledge-seekers are reaching for the highest truth. From the waist down…it’s all animal instinct and restless hooves. (It’s not easy being the ruler of ethics and the hips and thighs!) Busy Sagittarians have a million friends, projects and irons in the fire. As a result, they may not be the most reliable day-to-day allies. But if you have a five-alarm crisis, they’ll rush in for an epic save, even if you haven’t seen them in years. Time and distance are irrelevant to this sign—they have friends in every port, and if they connect with you, that’s all that matters. Personal development falls under the Sagittarius domain. They’re always up for meeting in a far-flung locale, taking a road trip or joining you for a weekend workshop. Falling for a Sag? Proceed at your own risk. While they can be deeply loyal and monogamous, these explorers must first sow their oats. Sagittarius is known as the “bachelor” sign. These natural risk-takers love to take on dares, and are shameless flirts to boot. You might find them organizing a talent show, rocking the karaoke mic, standing in an airport line, publishing a tell-all blog, or cracking bawdy jokes in the midst of a meeting. In love, Sagittarius is full of contradictions. Symbolized by the centaur, the mythical half-horse/half-human, you’re governed by both animal instincts and enlightened thinking. Sagittarius rules morals, wisdom, higher education…along with the hips and thighs. Although you’re always striving for divine inspiration, you’ve got a serious lust for life’s “earthly pleasures.” No wonder you’re often torn in two directions! You’re the zodiac’s free spirit, a true traveler who’s comfortable on the road. Although you hate feeling tied down, you also crave a soulmate to experience the world with. You have a huge appetite for life, and your partners must share that quality. Finding someone who can keep up with your endless quest for adventure and expansion is no easy task. For this reason, many Sagittarians can be single for long periods of time. When you actually ARE in relationships, they tend to be all consuming–at least, at first. As a passionate fire sign, you throw yourself in everything with the force of a speeding train. Keeping up that pace is well nigh impossible. Reign in the urge to merge, and stay committed to the life you had before you met “The One.” Otherwise your fairy tale romance can fizzle as quickly as it sizzles.Sagittarians are dreamers, always creating huge projects. Ruled by expansive Jupiter (the largest planet in our solar system), you think BIG with everything. You long to create new worlds — like Sagittarians Walt Disney and Steven Spielberg. You need a mate with enough vision to encourage you, but one who’s still grounded enough to reassure you when the going gets tough. A late-blooming sign, you can be a notorious bachelor(ette) in your early years. Sagittarius is the sign of the hunter, and the chase thrills you.  You’re not afraid to brag about your conquests, either. With your honesty and good humor, you rarely make enemies, since you tell your flings upfront that you’re just looking for a good time. In fact, you may have a long roster of exes who’ve morphed into close friends. As the zodiac’s optimist, you always see your mate’s potential. Warning: be sure that the object of your affection is actually dedicated to fulfilling it. You are one of the zodiac’s most generous signs, and you’ll gladly share your financial resources to help your love get ahead. Those rose-colored glasses can drain your emotions and your bank account if you aren’t careful. For Sag, love is blind, but lust is blinder.Bottom line: Don’t let physical attraction overshadow your need for a supportive partner who pulls their weight. Sharing your wisdom is one thing, but playing life coach will drain you in the end. Ask yourself: Is this relationship taking place in my head or in the present? Or does it suck today, but I’m hoping that it’s gonna be great once they get a new job/forgive their mother/move out of the basement/leave their spouse? Hope is your addiction, and it ain’t a healthy one. Since spiritual Sags love to read, a good self-help book and some creative visualization can help you get out of such a trap.Writing down your “love visions” in a clear-headed moment can serve as a checklist when you feel yourself going off the deep end for Mr. Wrong. Fortunately, Sagittarius is the zodiac’s luckiest sign. Although you play with fire, you always bounce back once you wise up. Life always throws you another grand opportunity, and if your partner doesn’t come along for the ride, you can set sail and move forward to new adventures once you put your mind to it. As with everything, Sagittarius, you need a career that offers a wide playing field with plenty of freedom and excitement. You’re the sign of the traveler, an inspired visionary who requires big dreams and lots of stimulation. Sitting still is a challenge! A natural entrepreneur, your sign thrives working for yourself, with nobody lurking over your shoulder or telling you when to wake up. Sagittarians love to do things your way, according to your vision. Because you have lots of interests, it can be hard to focus on just one. You love to explore, but you hate to commit, for fear that you’ll miss out. To prevent eternal wandering, we recommend reading Doing Work You Love — the title alone summarizes Sag’s essential career need. Without passion and inspiration, you can sink into depression. As the sign that rules higher education, you’re a lifelong learner — and teacher. Load up on classes and books that expand your mind and spark new ideas. You love to make people think AND laugh, like Sagittarius wordsmiths Winston Churchill, Mark Twain and Jay-Z. Sagittarius rules publishing and public speaking — two great outlets for your unusual ideas. Sagittarians are notoriously swept up in new projects before finishing the last ten you started. Patience is not your forte. You’re the sign of the Archer, so you need a target. Having a clear, project-oriented goal helps you build the follow-through skills your sign often lacks.If you’re an extremely restless Sagittarius, consider outdoor work, like our dad, a Sagittarius landscaper who works for himself. Your sign also rules travel, so you could work in another country, as a travel agent, or in a job that keeps you on the road. Remember, by trying not to commit to one thing, you can spread yourself too thin and end up overwhelmed. If you crave variety, consider doing seasonal work, consulting, or signing on as an independent contractor rather than a full-time employee. This gives claustrophobic Sag a short-term deadline and flexible hours while still providing financial security. BEST CAREERS FOR SAGITTARIUS: Entrepreneur, author, publisher, motivational speaker, designer/creative department, salesperson, professor, travel guide, outdoor worker, international human rights organizer, environmentalist, freelance anything
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Capricorn The Goat (Dec. 22nd to Jan. 19th) ♑︎
Symbol: The Mountain Goat Element: Earth Ruling Planet: Saturn — the planet of discipline and maturity Body Part: Knees, skin, bones, teeth Good Day: Loyal, family-minded, hardworking, devoted, honest, fearless Bad Day: Pessimistic, unforgiving, cold, materialistic, snobbish, hopeless Favorite Things: Business cards, goals, official titles, being in charge, exclusive clubs, “leg sports” like soccer or track, motorcycles, leather What You Hate: Quitting, shouting in public, careless mistakes, traveling without an itinerary, doing things “just for the heck of it” Secret Wish: To have every need taken care of How to Spot Them: Distinctive jaw, strong teeth, wise look in the eyes Where You’ll Find Them: Enjoying quality time with the family, working obsessively on a large-scale project, running for Senior Vice President of the company, directing a full-length feature film Keywords: Ambition, Structure, Goals, Long-Term Plans, Prestige, Public Image/Acclaim Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Taurus, Virgo  Famous Capricorns: David Bowie, Muhammad Ali, Kate Middleton, Martin Luther King Jr., Michelle Obama, Zayn Malik, Denzel Washington, Nicolas Cage, Meghan Trainor, LeBron James, Elvis Presley, Lewis Hamilton, Gabby Douglas, Pitbull, Liam Hemsworth, Ellie Goulding, Cody Simpson, Jared Leto, Howard Stern, Betty White, Psy, Calvin Harris, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, Richard M. Nixon, David Sedaris, Nicolas Sparks, J.D. Salinger, J.R.R. Tolkien, Edgar Allen Poe, Kate Spade, Alexander Wang, Diane von Fürstenburg, Christian Louboutin
Serious Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of tough lessons and wisdom. As a result, many Capricorns are “old souls” who play by the rules and follow tradition. Accustomed to regular butt-kickings from Saturn, you often see life as an uphill battle, with the ultimate reward arriving only through suffering and sacrifice. Ambitious Capricorn is symbolized by a mountain goat climbing up a rocky hill, taking one cautious step at a time. And that’s exactly how patient Caps like to do everything. You’ll skip the good stuff today if it means getting the reward tomorrow. That’s why your sign has more trophies and loyal friends than any other–you stay strong through the hard times. Hardworking Caps are devoted to their friends and families, and people count on you for support. You always keep your word. Remember to let yourself have fun, too! Life doesn’t always have to be a struggle. It’s okay to enjoy your victories, even if you didn’t work hard to win them. Lighten up and share your wacky, down-to-earth humor. When you get moody, let your family and closest friends be there for you–just as you always are for them. Ruled by the driven and persistent Mountain Goat, Capricorn energy is willful and determined, focused on the loftiest goals. Capricorn helps us set our minds on an outcome, and reach the finish line. It may be an epic “hero’s journey” to get there, which is why we need Capricorn’s steely grit and unparalleled resilience. Taking the road less traveled isn’t how this traditional sign rolls. Instead, Capricorn maps out the straightest and simplest route to the top, then sticks to its plan. Even if it takes a little more time to get there without shortcuts, ambitious Capricorn will make the trek. The essence of Capricorn energy is loyal, structured, family-minded, hardworking, devoted, honest, and paternal. Negative expressions of Capricorn energy can be pessimistic, unforgiving, cold, materialistic, snobbish, elitist and overly serious. Capricorn energy can be overly harsh or calculating. The dutiful side of Capricorn can be its downfall. This stoic sign may repress a lot to be the “rock” for others, which can lead to a heavy or burdened energy. Capricorn is one of the three zodiac signs ruled under the earth element. The other two earth signs are Taurus and Virgo. Since Capricorn is the third and final earth sign, it combines Taurus’ rock-solid foundation and Virgo’s skillful plans into a high rise penthouse fit for world domination. Capricorn people are the master strategists and CEOs of the zodiac, who always keep one eye on a five- or ten-year plan. Under the influence of a Capricorn planetary cycle, we’ll feel more motivated to take on our biggest goals and create structures in our lives that will last the test of time. The planetary ruler of Capricorn is stern and authoritative Saturn. In Greek mythology, Saturn is also known as Cronus, who is literally “Father Time.” The legend goes that Saturn—in a rebellious act to overthrow his father, Uranus—castrated his dad and assumed power as the next-of-kin. Much like Saturn, Capricorns are the “daddy” sign of the Zodiac, and want to be respected for their paternalistic command. Additionally, Saturn is the planet of repression, which can make Capricorn urges come out in shocking or subversive ways. Don’t be surprised if Capricorn has a few freaky secrets under the stoic exterior. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. Aries is one of the four cardinal signs. These signs start every season—Aries kicks off spring, Cancer starts summer, Libra begins fall and Capricorn is the first winter sign. Thus, they are the leaders and “idea people” of the zodiac. These signs prize originality and like to be first in everything they do. They’re the trendsetters and trendspotters, the ones who get the party started and the crowd hyped. Count on them to initiate a winning idea or plan. Busy busy! You can find Capricorns enjoying quality time with family, working obsessively on a large-scale project, or running for a prestigious role. Capricorn people like to mix business with pleasure. They often develop tight bonds with people they meet on the job or through a team project. They are the “popular people” of the zodiac, so friends who can help increase their status are valuable assets. Capricorns were born with their eyes on the prize. Once they’ve set their sights on something, they begin to climb slowly and steadily toward that goal. Often they become so focused on reaching the finish line that they fail to pay attention to the journey, looking neither to the right nor the left. They believe that if they just keep pushing ahead, eventually they’ll get what they want. Capricorns need to learn flexibility and to listen a little more to their heart than their heads at times if they want to feel fulfilled inside and out. Ambitious as they may be, not all Capricorns have relentless drive. When they slip into lounge mode, they can relax with the best of ’em, becoming practically immobile! Work hard, play hard is the M.O. of this sign. Other times, they overwhelm themselves by setting such impossible goals that they get discouraged, giving up before they’ve even left the starting gate. Capricorns do best when they break their grand plans into measurable action steps. Their friends need to remind Capricorns to celebrate their victories—not jus the huge ones but the small triumphs and milestones along the way. Persistent Capricorn approaches love as serious business. As the zodiac’s most goal-oriented sign, you’re not one to play around. Chances are, you’ve got a 10-year plan for your life, and your partner must forward that agenda. Flings aren’t really your bag; you’d rather be alone than jump from partner to partner. With this attitude, it’s no wonder many Capricorns marry more than once. You’re so eager to settle down and start a family that you may not screen your spouse thoroughly. As the sign of public image, Capricorns are status-conscious. Whatever you value — college degrees, money, or good looks — your partner must possess it in spades. You’re also huge on family, and you’re deeply loyal to your own. You often act as the “rock” that your family leans on, and you dutifully play this role. If your mate doesn’t mesh with your family, all bets are off!Workaholic Caps are determined about professional goals, too. Your sign rules the zodiac’s tenth house of career, and you’ve got CEO written all over you. Although you find work fulfilling, don’t let your long office hours eclipse your personal life. Strive for balance. You may be on the early retirement track, but at what cost to your relationship? If you don’t give your relationships care and feeding along the way, you could be sailing off on your yacht at age 45 with divorce papers in your hand. In other words, Capricorn, try approaching your love life with the same dedication that you put into your job, and you could have a fairy tale romance that lasts a lifetime. The loyalty of Capricorns is not to be underestimated, no matter how flirty you appear on the surface. Capricorns rule history and value things that last over time. The person you’ve known longest is often who you marry—regardless of compatibility. You assume that anyone who keeps coming back around, or attracting you back to him, must really love you or he would have moved on. It’s a funny way to measure love, but nobody can tell you otherwise! As an earth sign, Capricorns have a lusty appetite, and are known to stray on occasion. Oddly, you don’t consider a meaningless hookup cheating. If you haven’t given away your heart or material assets, it doesn’t count in your book. Of course, your partners may not agree — and thus come the memorable explosions. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of repression, many Caps have a wild streak underneath that serious, traditional facade. Only a chosen few (if anyone) will experience your out-there fantasies. It could take a very open-minded person to understand! Caution: a Capricorn deprived of a stable family could spend her whole life stuck in resentment or regret, never allowing love into her life. Behind this is a deep reservoir of self-doubt, which all Capricorns must struggle against. Caps who experienced early family traumas should find an understanding therapist, and work persistently through your issues. As with everything you do, determination is your secret weapon. You’re used to fighting for what you want, so why not aim for a wonderful, loving relationship? You deserve it! Capricorn, your sign rules the zodiac’s tenth house of career and achievement. You’re in your element at work! A dedicated professional, you love to plan and set goals. You don’t care if it takes ten years to reach your destination. Capricorn is symbolized the mountain goat, and you view life as a rocky uphill climb. Unlike other signs, you expect to face a few bumps along the way. Even when you get discouraged, you rarely let an obstacle stop you for long.Capricorn rules structure, and you need it. Although you make a great CEO or manager, the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship can drive your nervous sign crazy. If you want to run or own a business, you’d do best heading up a well-established corporation, or wisely choosing an industry where profit is guaranteed. The key for Capricorn is planning. Research your field, or write a business plan and follow it to the letter. You could also plug into a franchise or pre-existing business model and follow the steps to success. Although you may gravitate toward a traditional career in the corporate sector, Capricorns can be highly artistic. With your flair for structure, you make a great designer, architect or head of a creative department. Being an earth sign, you’re tuned into the sensuality of colors, shapes and textures. Musical ability is also common for Caps, and you may have a deep, rich voice.Capricorn is the sign of public honors and fame. You love to be rewarded or acknowledged for a job well done. Trophies, bonuses, and titles turn you on. You love all the trimmings of a successful career: monogrammed stationery, embossed business cards, a gold-plated or leatherbound desk set. Why not? With your sights set on a goal, a little incentive goes a long way in keeping you motivated!What could you add to recipe for success? Moderation. Capricorns are at high risk for becoming workaholics. You may not know when to put the work down and have fun. If you’re not careful, work can dominate at the expense of friends, family, health and happiness. While Capricorns are often the family breadwinners, make sure you have a healthy balance of pleasure in your hectic schedule, too. BEST CAREERS FOR CAPRICORN: Film producer, manager, politician, police officer, stockbroker, doctor, president, school principal, CEO, financial planner, business owner, architect, creative director
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Aquarius The WaterBearer (Jan. 20th to Feb. 18th) ♒︎
Symbol: The Water Bearer Element: Air Ruling Planet: Uranus — planet of originality Body Part: Ankles Good Day: Communicative, original, open-minded, fair, logical, inviting Bad Day: Guarded, detached, self-destructive, out-of-touch, irrational, desperate Favorite Things: Computer programming, teaching, team sports, anything with a cause or mission, independent films What You Hate: Injustice, drama queens, feeling isolated, owing money or favors, having to choose just one thing Secret Wish: To experience total freedom How to Spot Them: Cute smile, quirky movements, darting eyes, long legs Where You’ll Find Them: Backpacking through the Swiss Alps, picketing a company with unfair hiring practices, coaching a Little League team, revolutionizing the industry you work in Keywords: Friendliness, Eccentricity, Teamwork, Humanitarianism, Technology, Futuristic, Groups Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Gemini, Libra  Famous Aquarians: Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Aniston, Bob Marley, Harry Styles, Justin Timberlake, Emma Roberts, Alicia Keys, Bobby Brown, Nick Carter, Sarah Palin, Mischa Barton, Michael Jordan, Ellen DeGeneres, Taylor Lautner, Ed Sheeran, Shakira, The Weeknd, John Travolta, Chloe Grace Moretz, Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Dre, Ayn Rand, William Henry Harrison, William McKinley, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Virginia Woolf, Langston Hughes, Gertrude Stein, Charles Dickens, Toni Morrison, Christian Dior
Avant-garde Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the only planet in the solar system that spins on its side! Just like your celestial overlord, you’ve been known to do things your own way, moving on a path different from everyone else’s. Some call you eccentric, others appreciate your cutting-edge originality and authentic style. One of the many ways that Aquarius is a paradox? You’re highly individualistic, but also an amazing team player. Aquarius rules the zodiac’s eleventh house of teamwork, technology and friendship. You might look like the fresh-faced guy or girl next door on the outside, but inside you march to your own beat. Many Aquarians are also naturally popular, as your vibrantly social sign loves to be among your people, telling jokes and introducing thought-provoking conversation topics. People truly do make your world go round, and you can become insta-BFFs with the most random strangers. As the sign of the future, you can be a bit of an alien—a little “out there” in your approach. Not that you care about offending anyone! Aquarius rules casual connections, and you can disengage as quickly as you connect. In fact, your platonic pals may get better treatment than your romantic partners. While you can be a bit unsentimental on a one-on-one level, you can be moved to tears by the plight of animals, the environment or other social justice issues. Yes, you’re a bohemian at heart in some ways, but you also get the job done. As a tenacious fixed sign, you can be quite hardworking when you devote yourself to a goal. A competitive (and lesser-known) Type A streak can emerge when you really want something. Nothing turns you on like progress, especially in the name of your grander ideals! Symbolized by the philanthropic and objective Water Bearer, Aquarius energy is innovative and avant-garde. From experimental electronic music to community-oriented living, there’s nothing that this sign won’t explore. As the sign that rules groups and teams, bringing people together around a social cause or political agenda is an Aquarian specialty. Aquarius energy is cutting-edge, “out there” and even a little strange at times. This futuristic sign helps us envision utopian worlds. This is the sign of science fiction and inventions. No topic is too cutting-edge under an Aquarian transit: extraterrestrials, stem cells, cloning, robots taking over the earth…yup, Aquarius will go there. While Aquarian influence can make us rebellious and detached from reality (c’mon back to earth!), it helps us see possibilities we wouldn’t otherwise. The essence of Aquarius energy is community-oriented, original, open-minded, fair, logical, humanitarian, connecting, and inviting. The negative expression of Aquarius energy can be guarded, detached, destructive, out-of-touch, irrational, and desperate. Aquarius vibes make us reluctant to express emotions—it prefers rational reasoning and cool-headed logic to the messy tapestry of the human feelings. No surprise that author Ayn Rand, founder of the Objectivist movement, was born under this sign. Objectivism has been a major influence on the Libertarian movement, which has a real Aquarian flavor. It’s an organized system that also preserves individual freedom and limits government intervention. Like Aquarius energy, it’s “fringe” and mainstream all at once, a fascinating paradox. Aquarius is one of the three zodiac signs ruled under the air element. The other two air Signs are Gemini and Libra. Since Aquarius is the third and final air sign, it combines Gemini’s playful gusts and Libra’s social butterfly whirlwind into a gale force of humanitarianism for all. Aquarius people are the visionaries of the zodiac, dreaming up quirky utopias and alternative realities that can shake up the status quo. Under the influence of an Aquarius planetary cycle, we might find ourselves joining a new social group, getting involved in social justice or using science and technology to better advance humankind. Uranus is the planet that rules emotional detachment, unpredictable energy and rebellion. In mythology, Uranus was the Sky God who mated with Gaia the Earth Goddess. He hated their children and imprisoned the youngest ones in the earth where they tormented Gaia. She made a sickle and asked her children to castrate Uranus. The youngest, Cronus (Saturn) did it. After that, the Sky and Earth became separate. Interestingly, Saturn was considered the ruling planet of Aquarius until Uranus was discovered and named. Strucured Saturn is still thought of as the “minor ruler” of Aquarius. This can explain why many Aquarian can be “Type A” and totally quirky all at the same time. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. There are four fixed signs—Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.These signs fall in the middle of every season. They’re the stabilizers—the ones who set up a solid goal or foundation, then start building. Fixed signs can take the enthusiastic ideas that cardinal signs spark, and craft them into something real. They pick up the ball when the cardinal sign passes it, and run the distance to the goal. Fixed signs are the trustworthy types who like “to-do” lists and fancy titles. If a cardinal signs says, “Let’s go on vacation!” the fixed sign will call the travel agency, book the tickets and hotel, and send everyone a list of what to pack. Aquarius is the sign of friendship and teamwork, so Aquarians tend to be more focused on the group than the individual. Freedom is important to Aquarians, which is why they like to keep things light on an interpersonal level. That way, they won’t feel bad about running off to the opposite corner of the world at a moment’s notice. At times, this nomadic strategy backfires, leaving them lonely and disconnected. Aquarians are uncomfortable with too much intimacy. These free spirits belong to the world, and feel off-balance giving their considerable energy to just one person. While their friends get first-class treatment, families and lovers see a different side of Aquarius: moody, brooding, anxious and neurotic. Or they may pick one (and only one) person to open up to, getting attached to the point of obsession. Learning to accept and express their emotions can help Aquarius people avoid the massive freakouts and anger flashes that come from pretending everything’s cool when it isn’t. Aquarians appreciate a quirky or eccentric twist and have some colorful characters and countercultural personalities as friends.  When it comes to love, Aquarius is a funny creature. You’re an idealist who believes in true love, and you’re always searching for a best friend and soulmate in one. On the other hand, your sign rules casual connections, and you guard your independence fiercely. While you have friends by the thousands and you’re totally laid-back around them, you can be neurotic and unpredictable with your romantic partners.Just figuring out what you want—and sticking to it—is enough of a challenge for ever-shifting Aquarius. Your sign is ruled by Uranus, the planet of surprises and sudden moves. We’ve seen countless Aquarians marry young and out of the blue, only to divorce just as suddenly. The real issue? You may look like the boy or girl next door, but most Aquarians are eccentric beings. What’s in that package may be quite different than the often clean-cut wrapper suggests. Although you may come across as light and superficial, you’re a true visionary with a lot of complex layers, and you may secretly believe that nobody can truly understand you. This leads you to settle for less-qualified candidates, just to avoid being alone.Rather than get hung up on a bad match (you can obsess over a breakup for years), Aquarians should mingle in social circles that reflect your deepest interests. Aquarius is the sign of groups, friendship and humanitarian pursuits. Join a network of people who share your beliefs—like environmental protection or animal rights—and you’ll likely meet a mate who shares your ideals. Wouldn’t you love to date a best friend with whom you can kick back, laugh AND save the world? Since you need lots of freedom, you may be drawn to a long-distance relationship. Unconventional living arrangements are not uncommon in Aquarius romances. You may wish to keep your own residence even after you’ve declared your matrimonial vows. Connecting with your partner on the mental plane is far more important than seeing them in the flesh every day. You’d rather be sending “I miss you” e-mails from a spiritual pilgrimage than having the same “how was your day, dear?” conversation after a predictable day. As the sign of the rebel, you’re not above a good controversy, so it all comes out in the wash. You love to shock people. Just make sure you don’t base your romantic choices on the need to prove a point. If your family has pressured you to tie the knot, you could spend years giving them the proverbial finger and refusing to engage in a long-term relationship. While you should always maintain your independence, don’t be afraid to put down roots and discover how commitment can actually set you free! You bring so much fun, creativity and wackiness to a relationship, there’s no reason you shouldn’t enjoy inventing a romance with your own funky spin. Independent Aquarius loves freedom, and you need a career with room to express your individuality. Entrepreneurship was made for your sign! At the same time, Aquarius is the sign of groups and teams. You work well in an office environment, provided it’s not too strict. You rebel under the supervision of anyone bossy or controlling. You’re best either leading a team, or working in a position that gives you lots of breathing room.Most Aquarians make great salespeople. With your gift of gab and hilarious jokes, you can sell ice to eskimos. Like Aquarius Oprah Winfrey, you genuinely love interacting with people, and you’re naturally curious about everyone. It’s not uncommon for Aquarians to become personal friends with your clients. Commission-based jobs don’t faze you. In fact, you rise to the challenge. Cold calling, which other signs dread, is a breeze for outgoing Aquarius. You have no trouble picking up the phone and dialing a total stranger. Aquarius is also a competitive sign. When a sales bonus is involved, you just turn on the charm and start selling!Your quirky brain loves to solve problems or find your way out of a difficult spot. You make a great advertising copywriter, and with your futuristic bent, you could be a scientist or an inventor. Aquarius rules electronics, so you may work with computers or telecommunications. As the sign of popularity, your natural likeable-ness could bring fame, as it did for Aquarians Jennifer Aniston, Oprah Winfrey and Justin Timberlake. Public relations is another great gig for you. Aquarius is focused on the future, and that often leads you to work with future generations. You love kids, and with your team spirit, you make a great teacher or coach. As the zodiac’s humanitarian, you want to make a lasting difference for the people around you. As the sign of the rebel, you understand children’s need to assert themselves, and encourage them to express that. Entrepreneurship appeals to your free spirit, but you can be impatient and sloppy with details. If you open your own business, team up with a Capricorn or Virgo. These grounded earth signs will handle the mundane administrative tasks you hate. Make sure you have a good lawyer and accountant, since you like making deals on a handshake. You’re at your best selling people on your vision or product, so no need to waste your time on anything else. Make sure you’re having fun, expressing your creativity and keeping everyone entertained. As long as you’re making people laugh or think, you’re in the right line of work! BEST JOBS FOR AQUARIUS: Teacher, futurist, scientist, salesperson, public relations, pop star, coach, nonprofit worker, astronomer, psychic healer, talk show host, author, researcher, computer programmer, inventor
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Pisces The Fish (Feb. 19th to Mar. 20th) ♓︎
Symbol: The Fish Element: Water Quality: Mutable Ruling Planet: Neptune — the planet of fantasy Body Part: Feet Good Day: Romantic, empathetic, compassionate, healing, helpful, wise, comforting, imaginative Bad Day: Gullible, escapist, addiction-prone, self-pitying, out of touch with reality, self-destructive, clingy Favorite Things: Dancing, romantic encounters, laughing and crying, walks on the beach, long poetic letters What You Hate: Reality, throwing away the Christmas tree, drill sergeants, daylight, bad design and noisy music Secret Wish: To find unconditional love How to Spot Them: Large and dreamy eyes, soothing voice, glamorous “silver screen” look Where You’ll Find Them: Printing photos in the darkroom, people watching in the shadows of an underground club, holding hands under the table at a romantic restaurant with a sunset view Keywords: Dreams, Fantasy, Healing, Compassion, Karma, Mystery Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Cancer, Scorpio Famous Pisceans: Albert Einstein, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Adam Levine, George Washington, Carrie Underwood, Kesha, Steve Jobs, Ansel Elgort, Kurt Cobain, Eva Longoria, Drew Barrymore, Eva Mendes, George Washington, James Madison, Andrew Jackson, Grover Cleveland, Victor Hugo, W.E.B. DuBois, Dr. Seuss, Jack Kerouac, Henrik Ibsen, Hubert de Givenchy
Pisces is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions. A part of you is always trying to “swim away” or escape reality. The other part is so intuitive that you get swept up in everything going on. Your imagination is the perfect hideout when you want to escape, since Pisces is so creative. You love dancing (Pisces rules the feet), movies, poetry, and music. Your moods are mysterious and your dreams are intense. Every Pisces should have a journal by your bed, since some your best ideas will come in your sleep. Although you can feel helpless, you’re much stronger than you think. The best way for Pisces to experience your own strength is to help people in need. You have great compassion and incredible healing powers. Because it’s easy for people to make you feel guilty, Pisces should watch out for friends who use you, or make you doubt yourself. Surround yourself with good-hearted friends who have their acts together. Many people born under your sign have a “tortured soul” quality. Finding a tranquil spiritual outlet, or spending time alone, can help you get re-centered in your own power. Ruled by the enchanting and elusive Fish, Pisces is the sign of illusions, darting in and out of the shadows. Is it real…or just a mirage? Celestial sleight of hand is the Pisces forte. Much like a siren, Pisces energy lures you into its depths—but it can also leave you drown you in the emotion ocean. Compassionate Pisces is empathic, absorbing and reflecting the feelings of everyone it contacts. This is the “old soul” of the zodiac: As the final sign Pisces is said to have experienced the energy of every other sign before it. Soulfully deep, Pisces energy never just skims the surface. In fact, this sign rules the subconscious and governs our dreams, imaginations and unhealed wounds. The essence of Pisces energy is romantic, helpful, wise, comforting and artistic. Negative Pisces energy can be gullible, self-pitying, out of touch with reality, addictive, self-destructive, clingy and masochistic. During a Pisces planetary transit, we need to set boundaries and avoid playing the martyr, codependence, and rescuing troubled souls. Pisces is one of the three zodiac signs ruled by the water element. The other two water Signs are Cancer and Scorpio. Since Pisces is the third and final water sign, it streams Cancer’s sentimental waves and Scorpio’s forceful jets into the ultimate emotion ocean. With Pisces energy activated, expect to dive deep. Pisces energy awakens our compassion, opening our hearts to people who are struggling. Under a Pisces planetary cycle, we can expect to wear our hearts on our sleeves and feel intuitively connected to those around us, whether or not we’re consciously aware of that energy. We may also express ourselves emotionally through creative channels: music, film, the visual arts, and dance are all ruled under the Fish’s domain. The planetary ruler of Pisces is Neptune. The Ancient Romans praised and glorified Neptune as the almighty God of the Sea. When Jupiter and Pluto (or Zeus and Hades, as they’re referred to in Greek mythology) met with Neptune, they divided the three main realms of the Universe—earth, sea, and underworld—amongst themselves. Neptune was feared for his furious temper, which could incite earthquakes on land and intense storms for those away at sea. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. Pisces is one of the four mutable signs. These signs end every season—and have learned the hard lessons taught by spring, summer, fall and winter. The mutable signs—Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces—know that all good things come to an end, and their role is to prepare everyone for the changing of seasons. Mutable signs are the adapters of the zodiac, a little bit older and wiser. More flexible and comfortable with change than other signs, they can “chameleon” themselves to fit into a variety of situations. Mutables are also the editors of the zodiac—the ones who complete the package with a winning touch. A plan can be sparked by a cardinal sign, built by a fixed sign, then perfected with the critical eye of a mutable sign. Pisces people are sensitive and intuitive, and can become easily overloaded by crowds or overstimulating environments. It’s often hard to pin these people down, because they’re so keen on swimming away to a place where they can experience some downtime and meditative R + R. Pisces can gain a reputation as flaky because of the way they swim in and out of your life. When they do surface, Pisces make charming and magical friends, especially because they view life through rose-colored glasses. These fantasy-fueled folks need to keep at least one fin on solid ground. At their best, Pisces are attentive and inspiring. You can find Pisces artfully composing a photo, listening to music or guided meditations in their Zen dens, people-watching in the shadows of an underground club, or holding hands under the table at a romantic restaurant with a sunset view. You’re a romantic sign, Pisces, and you love to be in love—at least, in theory. Ruled by Neptune, planet of fantasy, you want to be swept away by romance. Glamorous Pisces rules the imagination, and you have a way of making everything feel tinged with magic and fantasy. You’re gentle, nurturing and sensitive, and your mates rely on you to soften the rough edges.Pisces is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, and this sums up your approach to love. You’re eternally searching for a partner to provide both security and freedom, and you can be genuinely puzzled when they don’t come in one package. You can be a hardcore realist one second, then desperate to escape into a fantasy world the next. For that reason, the reality of commitment is your least favorite part, and at times you’ll do anything to avoid it. For example, you’ll complain endlessly about how badly your mate treats you. Secretly, you love the drama, as long as it stokes the flames of your fantasies. This can confuse the heck out of your friends, who urge you to dump the loser. But as quickly as you diss people, you’re back in their arms…that is, until someone better comes along. Like the fish that symbolizes your sign, you swim right to the next one. You certainly know how to catch ’em, too!As the ruler of the underworld and the zodiac’s twelfth house of trouble, you can be your own worst enemy in love. Admit it, your taste in partners can be suspect. You’re drawn to tortured souls, grungy performance artists, and even to people with a dark side. Anyone with a sob story can melt your compassionate heart, too. You can be a bit of a tortured soul yourself.But it’s not entirely your fault. Your ruler Neptune is a hazy, watery planet where it’s hard to tell what’s real. Sometimes you experience life this way, unsure what to believe or whom to trust. Unfortunately, this can make you vulnerable to being victimized, or making poor judgments you later regret. Wise Pisces learn to step back and give themselves a reality check before making any big moves.Your biggest challenge is asserting yourself, and asking your mate directly for what you need, rather than getting quiet or passive-aggressive when you’re unhappy. Remember, nobody’s a mind reader! Just because you feel your emotions so intensely doesn’t mean your partner knows you’re hurt. You may swim from one relationship to the next, rather than patch up the one you already have. While you often find the pursuit more interesting than the catch, be careful not to lose yourself in the chase.Your incredible intuition helps you feel another’s pain — but there are better ways to bond in love than through misery. Your intense creativity, desire to make the world a better place, and love of all creatures makes you a total catch.  A storybook relationship is well within your reach, as long as you pick a partner who brings as much magic to the table as you do. Pisces is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, and this sums up the lifelong theme of your career. You need both security and freedom. You’re at once a total rebel and an utter “company man.” Although you feign helplessness, when you’re in charge, it’s all about business.Imaginative Pisces, you rule the zodiac’s twelfth house of dreams, creativity and healing. If you’re not an artist or creative director, you have a true appreciation for the arts. Your ruler is Neptune, the planet of fantasy. You love bringing the vivid landscapes of your imagination into material form, stretching people’s minds. Pisces especially rule photography and fashion — all things glamorous, in short. You may work as a photographer, a designer or a model. Pisces Cindy Crawford is considered the world’s first supermodel. Directing film is another natural Pisces path.In a large institution or corporation, you bring a rare creative touch, and push for reform. You may work for “the man,” but you’ll never be him! Pisces also rules compassion, and you treat your staff with a humanity rarely seen in the workplace. At times, you may blur boundaries between business and personal, so curb the tendency to be too nice. Otherwise, employees will quickly take advantage of you, bringing out your rarely-seen inner bully. You hate being an authority figure, and probably got the gig because you’re so responsible, not by stepping on anyone.Ultimately, Pisces is a leader “for the people.” This makes you a great agent or advocate. In fact, if you go into business for yourself, we recommend representing others. Pisces make great art dealers, for example, or talent agents. While you’re not very nice to yourself, you’ll fight for your charges to the bitter end. With your huge heart, you thrive in the non-profit and educational sectors. Solitude is also important to your sign. Many a Pisces has been found crunching numbers in a quiet cubicle. Still, we recommend interacting with people, since your natural warmth and hospitality put people at ease. You’re perfect as the sales representative who takes clients out to lunch, since you quickly make them feel comfortable. They’ll sign contracts in no time, simply because you made them feel so accepted! The twelfth house is the zodiac’s final house, often associated with the last stage of life, where reality is blurred, and people often go into a restful or secluded state. Hospitals, institutions, retreats and the subconscious are all ruled by Pisces. For that reason, many Pisces are nurses, therapists or work for large institutions. You are also a powerful intuitive healer, and can thrive in the holistic or medical fields. BEST CAREERS FOR PISCES: Photographer, filmmaker, musician, artist, human resources director, head of a non-profit, nurse, physical therapist, psychiatrist, healer, spiritual leader
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That Time Kirishima’s Popularity Skyrocketed with the Girls of Class 1-A
~Just a silly little story featuring a head canon of mine. No pairings.~
There were few things their group of friends could agree on when it came to having fun. Actually, to be more accurate, there were few things that Bakugou would agree to. For the most part, the rest of them could get into any activity that was suggested. But if Bakugou was going to participate he usually only wanted to do things that he liked to do. Luckily, his favorite hobby happened to be something that the rest of them enjoyed as well. So when they had a day off and the weather cooperated for once they asked permission to leave the school grounds and would head to the nearest mountain to go hiking.
It was nice to be out in the fresh air, away from school and their responsibilities. Bakugou always kept a few good paces ahead of the rest of them but never so far that he couldn’t chime into the conversation if he felt like it. Kirishima kept a steady pace behind him, being the link between him and the squad. Sero and Kaminari walked side by side followed by Mina who would wander about and stop wherever and whenever she pleased. Sometimes other 1-A classmates would join the group, most of whom were welcome. Bakugou could tolerate a good majority of the class, especially when he was in his happy place, but there were still certain individuals he didn’t want anywhere near his trails. On this particular hiking trip the squad was assembled with Uraraka and Jirou, who had been invited by Mina to join them.
“Wow, what a beautiful day,” Mina remarked as they made it to the halfway point. “It’s too bad it’s not like this all the time.”
“If it was I doubt we’d ever pay attention in class,” said Sero.
“Yeah, we’d spend the whole time thinking of ways to ditch and come out here,” Kaminari added with a laugh.
“Don’t you guys do that already, though?” Mina pointed out.
“Not all the time,” the two replied.
“It’s fucking half-hearted thoughts like those that prove you idiots will never be pros,” Bakugou said over his shoulder.
“Hey! We can daydream and still be heroes,” said Kaminari.
“Sure but it won’t help you make it to number one,” said Kirishima. “That’s why Bakugou has no imagination. He’s 100% focused.”
“Damn straight!” Bakugou agreed. “Hey, there’s a root sticking up into the trail coming up. Don’t any of you fuckers trip and sprain your goddamn ankles!”
“Thanks for the heads up,” Kirishima thanked him with a smile and a thumb’s up.
“Wow, I never thought Bakugou would be so… thoughtful,” Uraraka said quietly, hoping he couldn’t hear her.
“Yeah, just don’t point it out,” said Sero.
“Unless you like being told to die seventy-three times in a row,” said Kaminari.
“We counted!” Mina smiled.
“Seventy-three? That’s impressive,” said Uraraka. She then looked over at Jirou, who was a couple steps behind them. She was walking a little strangely and seemed to be in deep thought. Uraraka knit her brow with worry. “You’ve been strangely quiet today. Is everything alright?”
Jirou looked over at her with a very uncomfortable face. She paused her walking and motioned for Uraraka to come to her. She did and then leaned down so that Jirou could whisper, “I think I just got my period. Do you have anything with you?”
Uraraka’s eyes went wide and she instantly sympathized with her friend. “Oh no! I’m so sorry, I don’t have anything. Mina asked me to come along at the last minute so I didn’t prepare a bag or anything.”
“I wasn’t expecting it for at least four more days,” Jirou cursed. “Every once in a while I get it without any warning. What should I do?”
“Maybe Mina has something. Mina!” Uraraka waved to her friend to come back.
Mina skipped back to them and asked, “What’s up?”
“Jirou thinks she got her period while we were walking,” Uraraka said quietly. “Do you have anything?”
“That sucks! No, I didn’t bring anything either,” Mina shook her head. “I don’t like hiking with a bag so I never bring one. Anything I want to take on the hike I ask Kirishima to put in his backpack. He’s like our pack mule.”
“Hey! What the fuck are you doing way back there?” Bakugou shouted from up ahead.
“Mind your own business!” Mina shouted back.
“The fuck you say?!” Bakugou snapped, his palms crackling.
“Oh God, what am I gonna do?” Jirou groaned. “I don’t want them to know.”
“Maybe Kirishima’s got tissues in his bag,” said Uraraka. “That’s better than nothing.”
“Good idea,” said Mina. “Hey, Kirishima! Come here for a sec!” They could hear Bakugou cussing and Kaminari and Sero cackling over whatever it was he was saying while Kirishima quickly jogged his way back down the trail towards them.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
“Do you have tissues in your bag?” Mina asked. “Jirou needs some.”
“Tissues? Sure,” he said, slipping his bag around so that he could rummage through it. “Do you have a runny nose? Is it allergies? I’ve got an allergy spray in here that works pretty quickly.”
“No, it’s not allergies,” said Jirou, uncomfortably.
“Is it a cold? I might have some cold meds in here, too,” he said as he took out the tissues then continued to dig around.
“No, it’s not a cold,” said Jirou, frowned. “Who would go for a hike when they have a cold?”
“I don’t know! Sometimes colds can sneak up on you in the middle of the day,” he explained. “So if it’s not allergies and it’s not a cold, what is it?”
“It’s none of your business,” Jirou snapped and snatched the tissues out of his hand. “Now stop asking.”
Kirishima blinked at her outburst then looked at the faces of the other girls. They each had a slightly uncomfortable look. One he had seen before. He might not have been the brightest bulb in the class but in some cases he was very intuitive, thanks to being raised in a predominately female family. “Oh, did you get your period?” Jirou blushed so hard she went purple. “Well why didn’t you say so? I’ve got tampons, pads, medicine for cramps. What do you need?”
The girls looked at him in astonishment.
Finally Jirou managed to say, barely above a whisper, “I… I could use a tampon.”
“No problem,” he said, reaching into his bag and taking one out. “It’s just a regular, I hope that’s okay. Oh, and take some wipes so you can clean up.” He handed them over then zipped his bag up and flipped it around. “Do what you gotta do then come catch up with us.”
“Kirishima… why do you have period supplies?” asked Mina.
“…Because my friends get periods?” Kirishima said, not really understanding the question.
“And it doesn’t… gross you out?” asked Uraraka.
“Why would it?” he asked, looking at them strangely. “A real man isn’t uncomfortable when dealing with a normal, natural bodily function.” And with that he ran back up the path to the rest of the group.
“Well that was… unexpected,” said Jirou. “Um, I’m gonna go behind that tree. Just keep an eye out for me.”
“You got it,” Mina gave her a thumbs up as she went off the path. “Boy oh boy, that Kirishima. He’s always surprising me!”
“My heart might have skipped a beat,” Uraraka admitted, bashfully. “J-Just for a moment though!”
“He’s definitely a man among men,” Mina boasted. “It’s nice to know that if something like this comes up again we’ve got a guy to turn to for help.”
Once Jirou had taken care of her business, the three hurried to catch up with the guys. They weren’t as far up ahead as they’d anticipated, having sat down on a nice set of boulders to have a rest. Once the girls showed up they got back to their feet and continued on.
“Took your fucking time, huh?” said Bakugou.
“You didn’t have to wait for us,” said Jirou.
“Who the fuck was waiting for you?” Bakugou snapped.
“Did you get it out?” asked Sero.
“Huh?” asked Jirou.
“The splinter,” said Sero.
“Oh, uh, yeah,” said Jirou.
“I don’t see why you needed three fucking people to get a shitty little splinter out of your hand,” said Bakugou.
“I told you, they needed my tweezers,” said Kirishima. “Uraraka held her hand still and Mina pulled it out.”
“Why didn’t you pull it out?” Kaminari asked Kirishima.
“I didn’t want to hurt her by accident,” said Kirishima. “Besides, Mina said she’s taken splinters out for her little brothers so she knew what to do.”
“Let’s go! The sun’s gonna fucking set, you idiots are so damn slow!” Bakugou stamped his foot.
“We’re coming, we’re coming,” Sero sighed and they all began walking again.
Jirou hurried up next to Kirishima and said, “Thanks for covering for me.”
“No problem,” said Kirishima. “I don’t care about that sorta stuff but I didn’t know how you felt about it so I didn’t tell them. Sorry I didn’t get to tell you the cover story before you came back.”
“No, it was a good cover,” said Jirou. “And, um, thanks. You know. For the ‘tweezers’.”
“Anytime!” he said, giving her one of his brightest smiles.
When Monday came, the girls were a flurry of conversation over the hiking incident. Jirou, Mina, and Uraraka told the story about Kirishima’s attitude towards periods and his preparedness and how absolutely shocked they were. Needless to say, it was hard to convince the other ladies that the tale was true.
“I’m telling you, he didn’t even flinch,” said Jirou. “He gave me a tampon right out of his backpack like it was nothing.”
“Come on, he didn’t even blush?” asked Yaoyorozu.
“Or look uncomfortable?” Hagakure added, skeptically.
“No! We looked more uncomfortable about it than he did!” said Uraraka.
“Are you saying that if I went over to him right now and asked him for a tampon he’d give me one?” asked Asui.
“I mean, I don’t know if he carries any in his school backpack,” said Jirou.
“I bet he does!” said Mina, excitedly. “Go on, Asui! Go ask him!”
“Okay,” she said and with one hop crossed the room. Most of the guys were huddled together around Kaminari’s desk, who quickly hid some sort of magazine they’d been admiring upon her arrival. “Hey, Kirishima?”
“Hmm? What’s up?” he asked.
“Can I have a tampon?”
In an instant, all other chatter in the room stopped and all eyes were on them. Everyone had heard the question. Most of the guys’ jaws dropped and their eyes went huge. Midoriya blushed and looked anywhere but at Asui. Iida stood up from his seat and looked to be about to sputter some sort of lecture but couldn’t find the words. Ojiro used his tail to hide the discomfort on his face. Mineta looked like he was about to be simultaneously ill and aroused. Kaminari seemed as though he’d short circuited. Even Bakugou and Todoroki had lifted an eyebrow at the question. All the girls watched curiously, anxious to see Kirishima’s reaction.
“Sure!” he smiled. He went over to his desk and grabbed his backpack. “Did Jirou tell you I carry supplies?”
“Yeah, she said you’ve got all sorts of stuff for periods,” said Asui. At the word ‘periods’ the guys flinched.
“Yup, you can always count on me,” he grinned and opened his bag. He took out a tampon and handed it to her. “Need anything else?”
“Nope, this is fine,” she said then hopped back over to the girls. She held it up as proof. “Jirou was right.”
“Wow!” all the girls gushed. They then looked over at Kirishima and waved at him with big, warm smiles. Move over Todoroki, there was a new most popular boy in the class.
Kirishima wasn’t quite sure why the girls were smiling and waving at him so fondly but he waved and smiled back at them, all the same. He then returned to Kaminari’s desk to continue the conversation they’d been having about the magazine. Only now all the men in the class were staring at him, dumbfounded. “What?” he asked, confused.
“Dude… you carry around…” Kaminari started then leaned in close to him to whisper, “tampons?”
“Yeah? So?” asked Kirishima.
“So?! Those are untouchable to guys!” Mineta shouted. “How can you just carry them around with you so nonchalantly? And how come you never told me you had them until now?! If I’d known I’d have asked to have some so I could-.” At that Sero shot tape at his mouth to stop whatever perverted thought he was about to finish saying.
“Kirishima, those things are, you know, for the girls to worry about,” said Sero. “A guy carrying them around is sorta creepy, you know?”
“No, it’s not,” Kirishima frowned. “It’s called being a good friend. People with uteruses get periods, guys. Get over it and man up.”
The other guys weren’t really sure how to respond to that. They looked over at the girls who were now smiling smugly and daring them to say something negative about their menstrual cycles. None of them took the challenge.
“So, uh, what else do you have in your backpack?” Kaminari asked curiously, trying to change the subject.
“All sorts of stuff,” said Kirishima, going to get it. “Wanna see?”
“No!” the guys shouted together.
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btspremiumtrash · 6 years
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⇓ Ship: Jimin x Reader
⇓ Genre: Assassins! AU, College! AU, Smut, Fluff, Angst-y
⇓ Summary: What began as you trying to top Park Jimin in becoming the number one assassin in your guild spiraled into an all-out war. All for your hand.
⇓ Word ct.: roughly 6.7k
⇓ Warnings: Shower sex, fingering, sensory deprivation, handcuffs, dom! Jimin, unprotected sex, semi-public sex if you squint
Previous Chapter⇔Next chapter
It started at a frat party.
What was supposed to be for one of your best friend’s, Kim Taehyung’s, excuse to not come alone, turned into one of the best nights of your life. All from a couple of drinks nonetheless.
When you and Taehyung arrived from your dorm to the frat house, the music was blaring so loud that it could be heard clearly without even going inside. The two of you made your way inside and tried to blend in with the crowd. Half-naked women dancing on dudes to get their attention. Some sitting in the kitchen and drinking. Others, who are either sober or didn’t desire to dance, were also in the kitchen. Taehyung already had about four girls wrapped around him while you took a seat in the kitchen and watched from afar. Truth be told, you had work to do. But you needed a break. Or so Taehyung kept telling you.
“You’re getting bags under your eyes from sleeping so late (Y/n)!”
Guess sleeping late is the price you pay for overworking yourself. It’s tough getting to the top rank of your assassin guild, the Black Carnations. With Jimin around, it’s nearly impossible. He’s always three steps ahead of you. But that didn’t discourage you from trying. It only fueled the flames. Not to mention the fact that he was deadly handsome. Trying to dethrone him always fired you up. In more ways than one.
The plan was to just stay here until Taehyung passed out on the floor or until he got bored, which didn’t happen often so you relied on the former. But running into the top assassin himself certainly was not. Yet that’s exactly what happened.
He was propped on the wall of the kitchen, eyeing the living room and activities occurring in there while sipping on some wine. But pretty soon his eyes caught yours starring at him and he made his way over to you. Fuck.
Once he took the empty seat next to you, he smiled and said, “Never thought I’d see you here (Y/n). It’s not like you to miss a day at being better than me.”
The fact that he knew you were trying to take his spot made your heart jump. Was I really that obvious? Nevertheless, you chuckled and pointed to Taehyung who was currently surrounded by six women. “He dragged me here. Trust me, I never thought I would see me here either.”
He laughed at your response and you joined in too with that contagious laugh of his. After taking another sip of his wine, he offered his cup to you, to which you accepted and downed the rest of it. You handed him the empty cup back and he made a sarcastic remark. “Glad that was my fifth cup already.”
A few minutes of silence—Well between the two of you—and Jimin broke the ice once again. “It’s getting pretty cramped in here. Wanna come outside with me?”
You shrugged, accepting his offer and following him out the house. You didn’t go too far away, just to the pool located at the back. You took your seats at the edge of the pool. You looked up at the night sky. Usually, you would be too busy killing people about now to realize how beautiful the stars and the moon were. You glanced over at Jimin, who also looked at the stars. That made the reflection of his already perfect irises starry. But he turned his attention to you once more.
“So answer me this (Y/n),” he prompts, tilting his head so that he’s facing down at you. “Why is it that you wanna be the top assassin? It’s not an easy task. Yet, you still want to.”
You look down from his gaze, but you could still feel him looking at you fidget with your fingers. “Because I like a challenge. Plus I wanted people everywhere to know my name. That’s why I joined the Black Carnations. They were and are the top known guild in all of New York. Feared even. So I worked my way up. But I can never seem to beat you.”
When you looked back up to see his expression, he was confused. But that confusion soon turned into laughter as he said, “And here I thought it was just to piss me off. You make me work three times as hard as I used to before you joined. If you didn’t come here tonight, you probably would’ve finally gotten your wish. Guess that means more missions for you darling.”
The sudden pet name set your heart ablaze. Judging by Jimin’s sudden devilish smirk, he knew it did something. “Do you not want me to call you that?”
“N-no... I like it.” You admitted while stuttering for the right words.
“Good.” Was all he said before he crashed his lips onto yours. You thought you were in a dream. Or maybe he was too intoxicated from the drinks he had earlier to think clearly. Either way, you gave in and kissed him back.
You felt his hands snake around your hips. One placed on your back while the other went toward your inner thigh. You parted your legs slightly in hopes that he would touch you where you were increasingly begging for him to touch as every second your tongues danced in perfect harmony.
You heard him chuckle as you opened himself to him and he felt where you were growing needy for him. Just from a sudden kiss. You moaned into his mouth as he kept toying with you. But, like with most good things, it doesn’t last long.
Jimin parts his lips away from yours, but his hand still lingers on your inner thigh. “If I knew that all I needed to do was kiss you to get you this wet...” He trailed off as he bit his swollen bottom lip.
Your face was heated. So was your entire body. You were at a loss for words. He’s drunk. He must be. Why else would he kiss you? But to put your mind to shame, he leaned in your ear and says to you in a husky, deep tone, “Before you start getting any ideas darling, I was sober this entire time. I have a high alcohol tolerance. It takes more than a few drinks to get me drunk. Although that kiss might’ve done it.”
Truth be told, he’s always had a thing for you. Since the moment you joined the guild in fact. Albeit, this wasn’t your first time meeting him. You don’t remember him from your elementary nor middle school days as he shut everyone he knew out of his life. But now that you’re back in his life again and he’s moved on from his past, he wants nothing more than to be with you.
He’s been subtle about his attraction towards you. Such as offering to help you on certain missions, to which you would decline, your determination only adding to his attraction. Even moving his seat next to yours in the only class you two share together. But tonight was the first time he was this forward. Although the alcohol didn’t render him drunk, it did make him bolder.
You looked down to see if he felt the same way you did and sure enough, he did. His hard-on was clear to see from his tight black jeans. You felt a little more confident. Confident enough to say something back. “You never finished that thought of what you would do to me Jimin. If you knew that a kiss was all I needed to get this horny.”
Jimin smirked and tsked. “Naughty girl. Why tell you when I can show you?”
But before that could happen, a couple of students came from outside the house and started to occupy the pool. Why now of all times? Yet, that smirk never left Jimin’s face. He winked, “Maybe another time (Y/n).”
You rolled your eyes at him as he got up, reaching a hand to get you up. “You’re such a tease.”
Once you got up you both walked back inside to see that Taehyung indeed passed out on the floor. Jimin agreed to help you back to his dorm and also walk you back to yours.
Opening the door to your small apartment, you thanked him and he nodded, wishing that you slept well and you did the same. After you closed the door, you immediately went to take a shower. The sins that you were thinking of doing to that man made your skin tingle. If not for you having some consciousness left, you would’ve invited him to your bed instead of just the apartment. But thank god you weren’t too drunk on lust to do something that stupid.
But that begged the realization...
Jimin. Park Jimin. Your rival. Had a thing for you. Just me.
At least you hoped so.
The next day arrived and you woke up to a barrage of text messages from Taehyung.
[10:30am] Lil Tae: Don’t think I didn’t see you walk out with Jimin
[10:30am] Lil Tae: Whatever you two did I wanna know all about it
[10:30am] Lil Tae: Don’t leave anything out
You rolled your eyes at Taehyung’s persistence.
[10:31am] Me: We kissed. That’s it you perv
He responded back within seconds
[10:31am] Lil Tae: Okay first of all Im not a perv Im just curious
[10:31am] Lil Tae: Second, that’s all y’all did? You ditched me for just one kiss with him? At least tell me youre underexaggerating
How the hell did he catch your bluff?
[10:33am] Me: We made out. I got way hornier than I meant to...
[10:34am] Lil Tae: Ooo (Y/n). Smh
[10:34am] Me: Wym smh? Youre the one that invited me
[10:34am] Me: If it makes you feel better, I almost got fucked at the pool by him. But ppl came out so he just took me and your passed out ass home
Taehyung stopped his quick replies. It took him a whole three minutes until he could say something back.
[10:37am] Lil Tae: Oh I did pass out. I thought I knew my limit. Guess I’ll try again nxt time. Btw the leader has an assignment for you and Jimin. He said for the two of you to say after his class to get it. I already texted Jimin about it.
You cocked your head in confusion. Usually, the leader of the Black Carnations, Min Yoongi, would just text you personally about your mission. But then again this would also be the first time you would be working with a partner. With Jimin of all people.
Looking at the time on your phone, the realization hit you that you might be late for your class. It starts at 10:45. Not to mention that you still have to get ready. Good thing you took a shower yesterday. All you needed were clothes.
You hopped off your bed and toward your barren closet. A black cami with ripped jeans and a black leather jacket? Sounds like a plan to me. Not to mention the leather boots you bought at a sale that came with the jacket. Now it was just a matter of getting to class before the late bell rang.
The day went on like any other day. Until it came to your last period class, which was shared with Jimin. You took your seat next to him. As if your thighs were magnetically pulling his hands towards them, he immediately placed them there. Never had he ever advanced so far. That was until yesterday. Almost all the boundaries were broken. He looked at your face to see your expression. “Too much?”
You shook your head and you could hear his low laugh. All he did was rub your thigh and you were already heating up. Every small intimate action raised your body heat. He knew this. Which is exactly why he continued to do it.
Your mind drifted to that sinful place once more as he trailed your upper thigh. He kept it there though, not wanting to go further. You almost whined but caught yourself just in time before you let the sound escape your mouth. His laugh was dry. He knew what he was doing to you. You didn’t even need to make a sound. Your body gave it all away.
As Yoongi strolled in, along with some students who missed the late bell, the class finally began. Jimin sighed, “Shame. I would’ve loved to hear those moans from you again (Y/n). I couldn’t get them out my head since last night. You were the only thing on my mind. Hell, you still are. You always have been. It’s just you.”
Wait. Did I hear that right? “Just me?” You repeated aloud.
He nodded. “Just you.”
Something about those two words had your heart doing backflips. Maybe because you were the only female that came to his mind. Everyday. Every night. No one else but you.
“You have too...” you sheepishly admitted. “Not just beating you either. More than that.”
And with those exchange of confessions came time for the class to actually start. Although you, along with all the other assassins in Black Carnations knew Yoongi personally, you all also knew not to talk while he was talking. If anyone was caught doing so, pray to your god that all he did was keep you after class. It was the same with your first-period teacher, Kim Seokjin. Anyone caught slacking off or talking above him was immediately written up and sent to the office. Or worse.
Throughout the entire class period, Jimin’s hand never left your thigh. He would give it the occasional squeeze just to see you tense under his touch. Damn him for being such a tease. But you decided to play along with his game.
Your hand made its way to his crotch. You felt him stiffen at the sudden feeling of your touch. That made you smirk and added more confidence in what you were doing. You slowly rubbed up and down, watching his facial expressions as you did so. He bit down on those plump lips of his to not let a sound out. Now you knew why teasing could be so much fun.
He looked over at you while you continued pleasuring him through his pants. He gave that same sexy smile that you saw last night. You couldn’t get it out your mind. It was practically tattooed. And now here he is again. Seeing Jimin almost lose himself—in public nonetheless—was enough to send the excitement to your now damp panties. His tent was clearly visible. You wanted to help him get rid of it, but before you could, he brought his hand down to grab yours, shaking his head no.
If you were to have continued, Jimin would’ve definitely caused a disturbance in the class.
You pouted, bringing your hand back to your own person. He smiled at you and mouthed “next time baby”. Can next time be sooner? Lord what you would do just to have that kind of power again. It was exhilarating.
When the class ended, everyone was dismissed. Jimin and you stayed after to receive your assignment from Yoongi. It was a simple search and kill mission. The two of you looked at each other and back at Yoongi. He rolled his eyes at you. “I know that this is pretty standard for the two of you but this is an attack on one of the guilds that threaten our spot at being the best: Red Roses. Some of their men are going out tonight, possibly for some more weapons to fend against us. Kill them, get the weapons, report back to me. Understood?”
You nodded your heads simultaneously. He gave you two that famous gummy smile that only his favorite people get to see. “Good. I’m counting on you two. You are both my best assassins and I trust you both immensely.”
He dismissed you and Jimin with a farewell and then went outside. But not without Jimin pinning you down the moment you stepped out the classroom to the nearest wall. Good thing the hallways were empty already. “I bet you enjoyed that stunt you pulled earlier. Don’t think I won’t punish you for it.”
You smirked at the aforementioned punishment. “Oh yeah? What punishment?”
“Eager are we,” Jimin questioned while coming closer to your lips. “After this mission, you’re coming home with me. Then we’ll see to it about those punishments. How does that sound baby girl?”
At first, you thought that the boss was joking when he said that two people were needed to get this mission done. But the Red Roses actually proved to be a challenge. Without Jimin you didn’t think you would’ve been able to do this all by yourself.
When you and Jimin made it to the drop-off where the weapons and the assassins would be, you planned for what to do.
“You take out the ones in hiding. I’ll distract them as best as I can,” Jimin ordered.
You nodded, adding your own strategy to his. “We’ll double-team the rest of them. Good?”
He inclined his head in agreement. You both heard some whispering which signaled for you to start the mission.
Jimin jumped down first, stabbing two members in the back and motioned for you to join him. You flipped down and he rolled his eyes at your extraness. You stuck your tongue out and then the two of you split ways. The fact that you could be childish while killing made you smirk as you sliced open an assassin’s neck.
Two more assassins came from behind, to which you jumped in the air and landed behind, placing two shurikens dead in their necks.
Jimin, on the other hand, had five more assassins to deal with. He toyed with them. Whistling in one direction and stabbing in the opposite. One by one, they all met their untimely demise. With a smirk, Jimin caught sight of you, along with the main reason for coming on this mission.
He whispered for you to join him near the weapons cache. Only one member to go. But... You recognized that last member.
He was Kim Namjoon. Your high school best friend. Your best friend to this day. Despite going on separate paths, you didn’t let the mere fact of you being in different guilds deter you from seeing each other. But now... Now you had to find another option.
Before Jimin could make his way towards Namjoon, you stopped him. “You can’t kill him Jimin.”
He thought you were joking and scoffed. “You really wanna take away all the glory huh?”
“No. It’s just... I know him. He’s my best friend.”
His bewildered face looked at your somber one. He knew you were telling the truth. Sighing, he put his knife in his pocket. “Fine (Y/n). Find a way to get those weapons from him. We can’t go back to the boss empty-handed. If you can’t find a way then--”
You cut him off before he even mentioned his alternative. “I got this.”
Walking over to Namjoon, he put up his defenses, only to put them down and cocked his head to the side out of confusion. “(Y/n)? What are you doing here?”
You motioned your head to the cache behind him that he was currently guarding. “The boss assigned me on a mission to get those weapons for our guild.”
You made sure not to give away the fact that it was a two-man mission, leaving Jimin’s name out of it. “That would explain the blood... But there were about maybe ten men covering this place. You killed them all?”
You nodded, looking off to the side. But he wasn’t having it. Damn his bullshit detector. He raised an eyebrow at your bluff. “You do realize I can tell you’re lying right? Listen, I don’t wanna fight, especially not you. Just tell me the truth and I’ll hand you the weapons. Were you working alone?”
Well, when he put it like that he sounded like the older brother you wished you had. “I had help...”
The hairs on the back of your neck stood. Jimin gripped the knife in his pocket at the mention of his name leaving Namjoon’s mouth. He’s known Namjoon way before you met him. You met a changed Namjoon. Jimin was friends with the original one. The one who was sweet, pure, innocent even. The one you talked to was none of those things. Then again, Jimin was different too. The two have changed immensely from their childhood. In more ways than one. Not just because they fight for different guilds. Although that does make them wanna rip each other’s heads off even more. No, a much bigger reason took away their innocence. Right around when you came into both of their lives.
“Wait just a damn minute, Joonie,”—he cringed at the nickname you still called him—, “How the hell did you know that I was working with him?”
He chuckled. “I didn’t. I was going off of a hunch. You just confirmed it. The tension between our guilds has been getting higher and higher. It was only a matter of time before something like this were to occur. Ah well.”
Namjoon kept his word and handed you the cache of weapons with no bloodshed with his cute dimple smile that made you wanna pinch his cheeks. “The boss will be mad at me for this one. But I can deal with that later.”
You thanked him and then parted ways. You heard him say, “See you tomorrow (Y/n)!”
Jimin saw you coming toward his way and calmed himself, taking his hand out of his pocket so that you wouldn’t suspect him of any sort of bad intentions he had for Namjoon.
Returning to the rendezvous point where you left Jimin, you handed him the cache with a shit eating grin on your face. “Told you I could do it.”
“Never doubted you for a second.”
After returning the new weapons to Yoongi—he congratulated you by putting more money on your credit cards—you made your way back to Jimin’s place via his Bugatti Chiron 2018. You’ve never been more excited to get punished in your entire life.
He lived by himself off-campus in a nice sized house. Goddamn, he was filthy rich. This is probably all the money he got from being the top assassin. Or maybe his parents. Maybe both. Questions for another time.
He caught your awe-shocked look and laughed. “You like what you see?”
You were too busy gawking at his house to even catch yourself from speaking what was on your mind. “Hell yeah. I would live here forever if I could.”
At the possibility of you living with him, Jimin grabbed your hand and led you around, showing you his kitchen, living room, upstairs, bathroom, and most importantly his master bedroom. The curtains were white. The wall and carpet were black. He had a king sized bed with monochrome sheets. His entire bedroom was just as large as your entire dorm room.
The raven-haired male let go of your hand, the warmth fading much to your dismay. He walked over to his closet and pulled out two sets of pajamas along with two sets of towels. “We should take a shower. To get this dirt and stuff off.”
A shower. A singular shower. “You mean together?”
He paired his sarcastic remark with a cold piercing stare. “Did I stutter?”
You raised your hands in surrender, not wanting him to ever look at you like that again. That look terrified you. He starred right into your soul. With one glance.
But that look was replaced—Thank God—by a smile. “I’ll get the water ready.”
And with that, you were left alone in Jimin’s bedroom. The duality of that man will never cease to amaze me. You gripped the bedsheets. Soft. The pattern of his pillow cases was very artistic. They were monochrome as well. You want to just sink down and lay there. But you waited for Jimin to get the shower ready.
Seconds felt like hours. Anxious hours of waiting. The thoughts of what could happen began to flush through your mind. You would see him in all his naked glory. He would see you in yours. You would be wrapped around each other...
Jimin voice from the bathroom snapped you back to reality, which you were still rendering if this was indeed reality. You quickly undressed and wrapped a towel around your naked figure to meet him where it wasn’t a shower but instead a bath.
He grinned, looking at your figure enwrapped in his towel. “You didn’t think of getting my towel huh?”
You felt your face heat up from embarrassment. You were too busy in your own thoughts to even bring him his towel. “I wasn’t thinking...” Was all you managed to say as an apology of some sort.
“No worries. I have no problem sharing darling.”
The silence set in. As if this wasn’t awkward enough. But thankfully Jimin broke it. He inclined his head toward his bedroom, “I’ll undress out there and meet you in the tub. Cool?”
“Y-yeah... Cool.”
He left the bathroom while closing the door on the way out. You unwrapped your towel and placed yourself inside the tub. The water wasn’t burning hot but felt like a hot spring. Still, it was enjoyable. You let yourself relax against the back of the tub, waiting for Jimin.
You almost fell asleep if it weren’t for the gentle touch placed on you to scoot up. Once you did, Jimin placed himself right behind you. Your heart was beating ten times faster than it was supposed to. Your body automatically tensed up from the contact of your bodies touching.
“Waiting long?”
Shaking your head, he wrapped his arms around your figure and pulled you closer to his frame. You could feel his well-defined abs. He moved one hand down to your nether region. “You need to relax a little.”
He skillfully plays with your clit as a means of helping you relax. Rubbing that sensitive bud with one finger while sliding up and down your slit using two others. Since this wasn’t the classroom, you had the freedom to let him hear those moans that he’s dreamed about emitting from you for months. And they were better than he could’ve ever imagined.
He bit down on your earlobe, causing you to wince in slight pain. “God, keep those moans up, baby. By the time we’re done, I want this entire neighborhood to know who’s fucking you so good. Can you do that for me?”
The nod you gave him had his evergrowing erection grow even harder. You could feel it poking at you, causing you to arch your back away from his frame. But your arching was short-lived as Jimin dove two fingers into your cunt. You sunk back, resting your head on Jimin’s shoulder as he continued to make you relax, your moans unstoppable.
Your hips bucked to try and match his rhythm. He looked over at your fucked out expression, eyes shut tight and mindlessly moving your body, and wondered if you could handle what he had in store for the remainder of the night if you already looked this way right now. Regardless, he sped up his pace, adding in another digit.
You felt yourself get close. You clenching around Jimin’s fingers also let him know that your end was near. You managed to look at him and say, “J-Jimin. I’m so close. Please... Don’t stop.”
Jimin’s lips grew into a devilish smirk, halting his movements and bringing his fingers languidly out of your folds. “Hmm... But that would ruin what I had planned for tonight.”
You whimpered at the loss of his fingers. You were so close yet so far. “Was that my punishment for what happened in class?”
The male shook his head, that smirk never leaving his beautifully crafted face. He left the bath, drying himself up with the towel you brought for yourself. “I’m just getting started baby girl. I promise that you’ll be begging for more than my fingers before I even finish.”
The sinful thoughts danced around your mind. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what Jimin had in store for you. Especially if you were on the verge of an orgasm just from a few fingers. Maybe one more stroke and you would’ve cum instantly.
Jimin helped you out of the tub. He used that same towel to dry your body as well. Your eyes traveled down to that same cock that was poking your back earlier. The one you tried to give a handjob during class. This was the first time you’ve ever seen in and it made you blush.
You were so in a trance that you failed to realize you were until Jimin snapped you back into reality. He grinned, finishing up with drying you off. “Don’t worry love, you’ll get this soon. After your punishments.”
That orgasm denial was punishment enough. But not in Jimin’s eyes. If only you knew just how much he pines for you each and every night. He was a fool for not getting with you during high school. But he was going through something. He blamed himself for an event he could not control. So now that you’re here, he’ll make the best of this night.
He led you back to his king-sized bed. “Sit. Eyes closed darling.”
You obeyed, curious as to why you would need your eyes to be closed. You’ve seen every inch of him. Every inch of him that you fantasized about for months. The fact that this is happening is still a blur to you. Nonetheless, you’re not complaining one bit.
Jimin left your side to go in his closet and pull out his first toy for tonight’s round of punishments: a black velvet blindfold. You felt the bed dip as he shifted himself behind you to place the blindfold on you. Suddenly you wish you had the ability to see the smirk plastered onto Jimin’s face.
“No fair.” You huffed out.
As Jimin left the bed to kneel down in front of your entrance, you heard him laugh just a little. Although the chuckle that followed your bratty behavior was low, you still heard it, your other senses being heightened from the loss of a major sense that you took for granted.
Biting down on your inner thigh, he retorted to your comment. “Life isn’t fair.”
You thought you’ve seen it all. Oh, how wrong you were. If only you could see how Jimin teases his way into your cunt using only his tongue, you’d probably cum at the sight. It has you becoming that moaning mess that you were in just minutes prior. He flicked that sensitive nub with his skilled muscle, which sent your hands straight to that full head of raven dyed hair. He was just getting started.
He decided to stop teasing you though and inserted that sinful tongue inside you. He mentally kicks himself for not doing it sooner as he tastes just how sweet you are. “Fucking hell (Y/n),” he moans. “You taste so fucking good. I could eat you out for fucking hours.”
Those praises have your pussy spilling more juices, which Jimin happily laps up and enjoys every last bit. You throw your head back in ecstasy. Your hips rolling into his tongue to get him deeper inside you. His tongue almost reaches that spot that would have you screaming his name at the top of your lungs when he curls it upwards. A spot that he will be reaching later tonight.
You felt yourself build up again from your first denied orgasm. Jimin’s tongue went limp, leaving you to chase your high on your own. With your fingers already entangled in his locks, you grind yourself onto his face. “Oh f-fuck! Ngh—shit! I’m close. So fucking close, Jimin—fuck! Feels so good.”
He didn’t even need to ask for praises. He moans, causing the vibrations to be what undoes you. You let go with a bang, your top half collapsing onto the bed while releasing yourself into Jimin’s open mouth. He was careful not to let any drip, savoring the taste of your sweeter than sweet cum.
Jimin stood up, not even wiping his face before taking off your blindfold so that you can see the mess you made of Jimin. Not that he was fussing. Sweat made his black hair stick to his forehead. His plump lips swollen from devouring you like a starved man. Some of your juices could be seen on his chin. God, even with all of that, he still looked sexy. You might argue and say more so.
“Ready for your second punishment?”
You almost choke, forgetting the reason why you had the blindfold on despite it being taken off seconds earlier. Your body hasn’t felt this way in a long time. So for it to be able to withstand Jimin’s punishments was enough for you to nod your head, eager for whatever else Jimin has to throw at you.
And throw he does. He goes back down to obtain a pair of handcuffs from underneath his bed. You begin to wonder aloud, asking without thinking, “Where do you get these things from?”
“Online.” He answers bluntly as if his kinks were nothing special. You, on the other hand, were awestruck by the many toys he collects. You didn’t expect a man like Jimin to be into these sort of things. He seemed suggestive, sure, but no amount of that could’ve led to him being possibly the kinkiest man you’ve seen in your life. Even kinkier than Kim Taehyung himself and that’s saying something. Albeit you’ve never slept with the man, you could only imagine him doing these acts with the women he brought home with him after parties.
But as you distracted yourself from Jimin, you found yourself pinned against the bed. Not by Jimin’s hands, however. You strained against the cuffs, only then realizing your situation.
Those soft, delicate hands that you thought were holding you against your will were currently roaming your body. Jimin made sure to let you know just how beautiful you were. Kissing from your collarbone to the valley of your breasts, each kiss igniting a flame that he would soon put to rest, he muttered, “Not even my dreams could amount to how gorgeous you look right now (Y/n). Every night I imagined you here with me. Tied up against my bed. Begging for me to fuck you senselessly.”
His confessions are making you feel dizzy. There’s no way that the Park Jimin just admitted to saying that he dreamt of this moment. Possibly since the day you joined the guild. But that would mean that there’s no way that the Park Jimin is getting his darkest fantasy fulfilled. Either way, he had you moaning his name. Not as loud as Jimin would’ve liked it, much to his dismay. That only pushed him further to your limit.
You were almost out of it until you felt his tip gliding in and out of your slick folds. You whimper, wanting to feel all of him. Right then. Right now.
Jimin caught that whine and used it as an excuse to bend you to his whim—as if you weren’t already. He leaned closer to your ear, his hot breath on your skin once more caused you to strain against the handcuffs in an effort to touch him. “Tell me what you want daddy to do.”
When he referred to himself as daddy, it set you off the edge to the point of no return. You answered him with no hesitation, desperate to climax for the second time tonight if Jimin were to allow it. “I want you to fuck me. Please, Jim—”
“Hmm?” He cut you off when you almost addressed him by his real name, to which you corrected yourself after gulping down your own saliva.
“Please, daddy. I need you inside me. Fucking me until I can’t walk straight.”
He chuckled, slowly entering himself inside your cunt. You had an unforgiving grip on his cock with him stretching you out with each inch. Both of you let out a loud moan when he was finally buried inside you to the hilt.
Jimin stayed in that position, waiting for you to give him the go ahead. The unrelenting vise of your pussy started to ease up, giving Jimin the opportunity to almost take himself all the way out, only to slam his hips against yours mercilessly.
You practically screamed for him to go faster. Harder. Whatever he needed to do in order for you to get your wish of not being able to walk in the morning. You could already tell that the handcuffs were going to leave a noticeable bruise on your skin. Hopefully, you’ll be able to hide them from Namjoon so that he doesn’t get suspicious. Too bad his middle name was pretty much suspicious and he was going to end up finding out what’s going on one way or another.
But that was for tomorrow you.
Tonight you... Tonight you wanted nothing more than to be with Jimin—who was currently fucking you so rough that you could swear you were seeing stars.
Jimin, the male who has been in your life since you were in kindergarten. Although the only memorable face you could recall from such a time was Taehyung. He was the first one out of seven boys who had an eye on you to interact with you. You have yet to meet all of them, but all of them knew you. And if only they knew just how heavenly you felt being fucked this good then they would’ve had taken their chances a long time ago.
The pit beginning to form in your lower region made you realize that you were close. You moaned for him in your time of need. “Fuck—J-Jimin! Please please don’t stop. I want to cum. S-so badly.”
“Anything for you, my darling (Y/n),” he whispered in your ear. You squeezed your eyes shut as you came all over his cock that was still drilled inside you. A few strokes later and Jimin followed suit with his load.
He collapsed onto your chest, heaving from such a good workout. You too were out of breath and also at a loss of your voice from using it too much. You felt Jimin take the handcuffs of you and immediately your hands went to embrace his worn-out body.
You traced circles on his back as he squirmed. “Hey, I’m ticklish.”
A small smile crept up on your face as he kept himself from laughing while you continued to tickle him. His laugh only made you join in and soon you both were in each other’s arms. Except he was the one spooning you as you felt yourself drift off to sleep. Jimin rested his chin on the top of your head, slowing heading to dreamland himself.
What an eventful night to say the least.
Namjoon returned to the hub for the Red Roses. He was greeted by Roseanne Park, the third top assassin in the guild which ranked her only two positions lower than him and who always had something smart to say to him.
“I don’t see the other assassins with you.” She motioned her head behind him. “Did you get them killed?”
He rolled his eyes, not wanting to further indulge in conversation with the woman. Walking past her, she snickered. “You’re lucky the boss has a thing for you. I would’ve cut you off a long time ago. Top assassin or no.”
The male stopped in his tracks to retort. Not facing her, he stated, “Yet if I were the boss you wouldn’t be standing there addressing your superior in such a way. You’d be dead. Or worse. But we can’t all have what we want right, Rosé?”
She tsked, which meant that Namjoon won and so he continued to walk into the boss’s office. Seokjin would understand, right? If he told him it was (Y/n), then he would be more lenient. Namjoon could only hope so.
When he entered, Seokjin was busy looking over papers, possibly from the first-period class that he taught at the same school he went to for college. He already looked stressed, but the news needed to be reported.
“Can’t this want until the morning?” Seokjin groaned in frustration. “I’m a little busy grading these shitty papers.”
Namjoon couldn’t help but feel sorry for the man. He also couldn’t help but comment on his situation. “To be fair, you were the one that assigned it to us.”
Seokjin balled up a student’s work in his hand and threw in Namjoon’s direction. It missed. “Yeah, but I didn’t know you guys would suck so badly. Now I’m forced to read over these god-awful stories and not one of them has made the last miserable hours of my life that I'll never get back worth it.”
“Well, how was mine?”
The boss covered his face with his hands and sighed. “Just... be lucky you know me so well. I gave you the highest grade I could possibly allow you to have without looking like you’re my favorite student.” Bringing his face away from his hands, he took a deep breath. “But enough about my sorrows. What brings you to my office?”
Namjoon cleared his throat, bracing himself for the reaction that Kim Seokjin would no doubt go over the top about. “It’s regarding the weapons cache. The Black Carnations got word about it somehow and acted. They sent their top two assassins. One of them being Jimin of course. But the other being (Y/n). I didn’t get to see Jimin, but I did see her. I gave her the weapons if she told me that she wasn’t working alone. She admitted to having worked with Jimin. Unfortunately, she didn’t mention who told her about the weapons.”
Seokjin’s heart skipped a beat at the mention of (Y/n)’s precious name escaping Namjoon’s lips. He has never made a move on her but always wished he had. News about her being one of the top assassins in the same guild that his former best friend, Min Yoongi, is in made his heart sink at ever having a chance with her.
It took all of Seokjin’s strength to not strangle his most beloved assassin. He ignored the fact that Namjoon possibly jeopardized any chance the Red Roses had at becoming the top guild. “So what you’re saying is,” Seokjin started, “we have a traitor inside our walls.”
Namjoon nodded.
His eyes turned cold. “Then do me a favor and dispose of this problem. We can’t have another incident happen like that again. We are at war with the Black Carnations and the last thing we need is for them to get the upper hand.”
But the upper hand wasn’t the weapons. It was you. None of these men would dare kill you. And for that reason, the Black Carnations would stay in power.
Although it didn’t hurt to find other means of being the best. And so Namjoon went out to find the one responsible for leaking information. Starting with none other than Roseanne.
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trey-ff · 7 years
“Thank you.” I replied to the manager before hanging up the phone. I had just ordered something to eat from one of my favorite take-out restaurants, Sorrento. Though I was nine-months into my pregnancy, the cravings that I had developed months prior never seemed to cease, no matter how hard I tried to integrate healthier options into my diet for me and my unborn son’s sake. Losing this baby-weight would be a son-of-a-bitch.
Padding towards the front-door with a hand caressing my baby-bump, I peered out of the window at nothing in particular. The sun had set and considering I lived twenty minutes from Las Vegas, things were seemingly quiet in my neighborhood for a Saturday night. Then again, there was never that much commotion anyway.
Contrary to what most people perceived Nevada to be, solely based on the outlook that Vegas gave it, it was actually not at all like that. I mean, there were casinos and 24-hour attractions scattered everywhere, but everyday was not some big, never-ending party. At least, not to the people living there.
Just like every other place, we had careers, though, they mostly revolved around the hospitality scene provided in bars, casinos, and restaurants. While there were people who worked for these establishments, there were also people who owned them, as entrepreneurship was another big thing in Vegas. A smart individual knew that in order to be set for life in Vegas, you had to reap the benefits of the tourists, attractions, and nightlife. Essentially, everyone’s income was generated by the tourism because you would never catch a local down on the Strip, unless we were working or entertaining our out-of-town pals.
We had homes, too. Most locals that I knew worked in California, but lived in Vegas, or vice versa. I, on the other hand, both lived and worked in Vegas. Well, as of late, I had been out of a job due to my abrupt pregnancy, but before then, I worked three jobs, all circling hospitality and leisure. I worked as a bartender at a restaurant, a blackjack dealer at a casino, and a server at a nightclub. Yup, I rotated through all of these shifts, seven nights out of the week.
If someone had told me five years ago that I would be doing that shit, I would have laughed in their face. There was no way that a sheltered girl from San Diego who had dreams of becoming an interior designer and had even went to college for it, would throw away her aspirations to be consumed by Sin City.
But, shit happens.
I had first moved to Vegas from California when I was twenty-two years old; that was four years ago. The scene was way out of my comfort-zone, but that was the experience that I was aiming for. I needed an escape from what I was going through at the time and more than anything, I wanted independence. I felt that I had something to prove to my mother and older sister, who had coddled me all my life. I was an adult and could make adult decisions; I didn’t need them.
As one could imagine, being in Vegas by my lonesome at such a young, inexperienced age left me vulnerable to many things. There were times where I had gotten drunk out of my mind, partied until the crack of dawn, even tried drugs; all things that anyone who truly knew me, wouldn’t know me to do. In two years time, Vegas had swallowed me whole and I was spiraling out of control, mostly due in part to the fact that I was hanging with the wrong crowd of people. People who didn’t really want the best for me, people who my father had once warned me about. That was until, Ebony, my sister, turned her concerned visits into a permanent stay.
Growing up, all we ever had was each other so, while our friends and family thought it was insane of her to uproot from her lifestyle just to follow me to Vegas, I was the least bit surprised. She was loyalty personified; she would give up life and limb for me. She was always quite protective of me and when it had been declared that I had been too digested by my newfound life, she felt obligated to be with me and to be honest, I loved having her so close. It provided me with a sense of security and familiarity.
Just as I began slipping into a senseless daydream, my phone was blaring with a phone-call from none other than Ebony. While returning to the living-room, I answered the call.
“Hey, Ebs.” I grinned while carefully sitting down on the cushiony sofa. Grabbing the remote-control, I changed the channel to HGTV, my absolute favorite network. Anything that revolved home design and renovation fascinated me to no ends.
“Hey, what’re you doing?” she asked.
“Watching TV.”
“How are you feeling? You told Mom you were in pain?”
“Just a little,” I admitted, “I don’t know… I’ve been feeling a bit uncomfortable, like, I’m getting cramps or something. I took some Tylenol, but it didn’t really do anything so, I just figured I needed to eat.”
“That’s usually how it feels when you’re beginning labor, Sonya.” she said warningly as I only kissed my teeth. The pain wasn’t as bad as women claimed labor to be; it felt like menstrual cramps, if anything. So, that’s why I took it with a grain of salt.
“I doubt it’s that, I’m not in that much pain. It’s been going on since noon so, if it was labor related, wouldn’t I be in more pain? I told Dr. Eadon and she said that since it’s not too bad, it’s probably just my uterus contracting, which is normal. She said to lower the aggravation, take some Tylenol and if it intensifies, have one of you take me to the hospital.”
“Okay,” she said unconvincingly, “but, you’re good?”
“I’m alright.”
“On a scale of 1-10?”
“A solid seven. I’m not perfectly good, but I’m alright. Now that you got me thinking about it, the pain is starting to bother me.” I admitted. My tolerance of pain was relatively low; I could take a gang of pain, both physically and emotionally, before I finally snapped.
“Okay, let’s change the subject, then. Did you go out today?” she pondered, which made me kiss my teeth because she already knew the answer.
“Now, you know I don’t go anywhere.” I replied. I had grown used to solitude over the last growing months, only ever really contacting anyone over the phone and occasionally going out when pressured enough, mainly by my sister and best-friends. And lately, I had been turning down any and every attempt to hang out. Given the circumstances of my predicament, I preferred to be alone. That’s how it was going to be anyway, I had better gotten used to it.
“Well, I thought maybe you’d have a change of heart with the baby on the way and all. The gang told me that they were trying to throw a baby-shower for you, but you said no.” she said, referring to my best-friends, Ashley, Sasha, Deidra, and Noah.
“Yeah, I didn’t really want one. I wasn’t in the mood for being around people and stuff, you know?”
“I know.” she responded, sounding as if she wanted to add more to the conversation. To avoid her incessant nagging about my newfound introverted personality, I changed the direction of the conversation.
“So, what’re you guys doing?” I asked.
“Pretty much the same thing as you. Mom’s making dinner--it’s spaghetti, you’re not missing out. And, I’m watching TV with the kids.” she said, referring to her five-year old twins, Dedrick and Brooke.
Because I was due any day soon, my mother had taken a leave of absence from her job as a dentist and drove to Vegas to be with us. While I had more than enough space at my home to let her stay with me, I deemed it best that she stay with Ebony and her family, despite her feeling otherwise. It was just that my mother could get overbearing sometimes and I didn’t need that kind of energy suffocating me at such a crucial stage in my pregnancy. That, and I valued my personal space.
“That’s cool. Where’s Aaron?” I pondered, speaking of her husband.
“He’s still at work. Ever since he decided to start doing overtime, he doesn’t get in until about three in the morning.” she explained. Aaron worked in the pharmaceutical trade; he made the pills and liquid solutions that physicians prescribed to their patients.
“That must be stressful on you both, huh?”
“Yeah, it sucks that he’s never home and whenever he is, he’s always sleeping. Then, on top of that, I work, too. It’s just… hectic, but I’m hoping we’ll pull through. It’s an adjustment for everybody.” she explained as I nodded understandably. As long as he was providing for his family and coming home to her, that was all that truly mattered.
“See, and that positive outlook is the exact reason why it will work out for you guys.” I encouraged, hearing her small giggle.
“Thanks, sis. So,” she dragged, indicating that she was about to switch topics, “what’s been going on with you and your life?”
“Nothing really. Just anticipating the big day for when my angel gets here.” I smiled, caressing my protruding baby-bump as I did a million times a day. This would be my first child and though the beginning steps into motherhood hadn’t been the best, I was still excited to be a mother.
“Does this angel have a name yet?”
“Nope. I can’t think of one.” I replied as if it were no big deal, though, I knew she felt the exact opposite. Every time we spoke about it, she declared the importance of having a name prepared before his arrival.
“So, you’re telling me that you still haven’t figured out a name? He’ll be here any day now, Sonya.” she warned as I simply shrugged my shoulders.
“Mom said the name will come when the time’s right. The time just hasn’t been right, I guess.” I replied, gliding my finger across the pad of my purple HP laptop.
“Just don’t choose anything crazy, trying to be unique and all. This girl at my job named her daughter Neon. Neon, for God’s sake.” she complained, earning my laughter.
“People have sentiment behind every name, Ebony. Even though you don’t like it, I’m sure it meant something to her and the baby’s father.” I reasoned, but she wasn’t hearing it.
“There ain’t nothing you can say to defend a crazy-ass name like that. Neon,” she mocked, “I say you name him after Daddy. Keep the legacy alive. I would do that if me and Aaron had another.”
“No, I don’t really like the idea of naming someone after someone else. They always feel that they have to live up to those same expectations. Daddy was an Air Force pilot. He flew all these important missions and broke bread with the best of them. Too much pressure,” I explained, “plus, I would look at him or call his name and start thinking about Daddy every time. It would probably make me cry and think about the what-ifs, you know? And, how would I explain that to my son?”
Our father, Gregory Duncan, was killed in a car-accident four years prior. Some frat-boy piece of shit was driving while drunk and slammed right into him. The impact of the T-bone crash was so strong that despite the security of a seatbelt, his body violently jerked to the left and caused him to bang his head against the side window, instantly leading to his death. The young man responsible was apprehended and ordered to serve six years, though, I didn’t find that to be remotely close to what he deserved. Either way, giving that man his just-desserts wouldn’t have really mended the loss of my father.
He was still gone and severely missed.
“Now that you put it that way, it isn’t such a good idea,” she agreed before moving her mouth away from the receiver, “Dedrick and Brooke! If ya’ll don’t go sit down somewhere, I know something.”
Ebony’s threat forced them to instantly halt their loud chatter, making me giggle. She was the sweetest, most lax mother in the world until they started misbehaving. She was the perfect balance and honestly, the only one that I admired, aside from our mother, when it came to being a good parent.
“Quit yelling at my babies.”
“If your babies would learn to listen, I wouldn’t have to yell. They’re so hardheaded. Shoot.” she chuckled as my laughter continued.
“They’re just being kids,” I defended them before huffing, “I am so hungry.”
“What’re you eating tonight?”
“Well, I just ordered a pizza not too long before I started ordering the baby some clothes. It should be here shortly… I hope.”
“From Sorrento?” she asked knowingly. This wasn’t the first time that I had ordered from there throughout my pregnancy.
“You know it,” I chuckled once she kissed her teeth at my choice, “leave me alone, I had a craving.”
“Don’t cravings only last in, like, the first and early second trimester?” she pondered.
“Listen, I’m milking this thing until the moment this boy pops out.” I snickered, earning her laughter as well. Pulling the phone away from my ear once it beeped, I noticed an unfamiliar number. Shrugging it off, I returned to my conversation with my sister.
“Well, good luck with losing all that baby-weight. And, why are you ordering more things for the baby? You already have a boatload of shit and I told you I would give you Dedrick’s old clothes.”
“I know, I know. I haven’t ordered anything yet. I’ve just been putting things in the cart,” I mumbled while being redirected to the online shopping-cart, “and, thank God you said something. This crap came up to almost two-hundred dollars. Babies are expensive.”
“See? Don’t make the same mistake that I did with these two. All they gon’ do is grow out of the stuff and all it’s good for after that is taking up closet space. Which is exactly why it’s going to you.” she giggled as I closed the web-browser.
“Gee, thanks.”
“Don’t say I never did anything for you.”
“Wait,” I mumbled, kissing my teeth when the same unknown caller appeared on my screen, “I have no idea who this is that keeps calling.”
“Dun, dun, dun! Sounds like something straight out of a scary movie. Answer it.” Ebony snickered once I placed the phone back against my ear.
“Don’t even scare me like that,” I muttered, not at all a fan of horror movies, “the number isn’t blocked and it’s a local. Probably just a wrong number or something.”
“Or a killer.”
“Ebony,” I warned, breaking into laughter once she did likewise, “you’re the worst person alive, I swear.”
“Oh, you’ve encountered worse than me, sweetheart. Carter?” she said, forcing my whole mood to switch from good to bad in the snap of a finger.
“Why would you bring him up?” I asked, furrowing my brow. She knew how the topic of my son’s sperm-donor tended to make me feel and ever so carelessly, she spoke of him.
“Sonya, don’t trip. I wasn’t trying to offend. It was just bad transitioning on my part. I wanted to talk about him, though.” she explained.
“What about him?”
“Have you spoken to him lately? Mom told me about Monica’s assistance so, I was just curious to know if he knew about it, too.” she said, referring to Carter’s mother, who had been purchasing things for her grandson.
After things had gone downhill between Carter and I on account of him abandoning us, I assumed that Monica would follow suit and cease contact with me, too. However, out of undeserved guilt stemming from her son’s cowardice, she stuck around and took on the duties that should have belonged to Carter. Monica was constantly trying to compensate for his shortcomings and wrongdoings by handling the financial matters surrounding the baby. She figured that it was the bare minimum of what she could do.
While I was incredibly grateful for her assistance, I always pleaded for her to keep her money. I wasn’t a charity-case; I had the means and the support to ensure that my son had a stable and secure upbringing. Despite my pleading, she insisted that though her son neglected his role as an active father, she wasn’t going to neglect her role as an active grandmother. She genuinely wanted to be involved and I couldn’t find it in my heart to deny her that opportunity, though, I really wanted no linkage to Carter and his clan.
“She told him that she’s been helping me with the baby and he insisted that she stops. He doesn’t want any attachment to me… or the baby. He thinks that lousy two-thousand dollars that he left me would be more than enough. If any money is needed, it’ll come from him when he feels that I need it, not when I feel that I need it. He just thinks I’m using her for perks and to stay close to him.” I chuckled bitterly.
Being close to Carter was the furthest thing on my mind. It was astounding to me that someone who had once meant the world and then-some to me, could become someone that I strongly disliked, or hated even.
There was a moment in time when Carter and I were inseparable, where I imagined him being the man that I was going to marry. Despite our two-year relationship, long-term commitment was unattainable under our circumstances. My pregnancy came as a surprise for the both of us, though, we both should have been prepared for it with how careless we had become with sex. However, Carter felt ambushed, that I had trapped him. As offended as I was by this accusation, I figured that was just his defense-mechanism. He was scared and lashing out; that’s what I kept telling myself.
I expected that feeling to be temporary, but he was hellbent on believing that I had purposely wound up pregnant and wanted no parts. That was when I started believing that he wasn’t scared; he strongly felt that way and I was just in-denial.
Carter was born into money; his father owned one of the most popular casinos in Vegas, the Emerald League. Around the time of my pregnancy, his father had promised him ownership of the casino once he retired from the business. Carter had already had a pretty high-up position as the manager, but being the CEO was obviously a better fit. Knowing of this eventual monetary gain, women around Vegas threw themselves at him and everyone wanted to be his friend.
Carter was shit under pressure and his father did nothing to mend his worries, either. He constantly filled his head with nonsense about blood-sucking leeches and how it was always the ones closest to you. He wanted to be sure that his lucrative business was left in good hands and that his son didn’t plow through his earnings, or make any dumb decisions that would cause the company their money, or reputation. While that was understandable, it made Carter a lot more paranoid and apprehensive when it came to people’s intentions, including mine.
In the past, me not wanting him for his possessions had set me apart from the others. Now, I was nothing more than one of those leeches that he spoke of. So, in turn for my news on his step into fatherhood, he had his father fire me from the Emerald League, where we had met and where I had worked as a blackjack dealer for three years. To prevent discriminatory and personal accusations from me, Mr. Carson Cage, his father, simply stated that I wasn’t working up to my fullest potential and he had to do what was best for the betterment of the company. Bullshit.
Since then, Carter had tossed me two-thousand dollars and asked that I exit his life with no hard-feelings. He had only requested that I kept things amicable because he didn’t want me to cause him any drama that he knew without a doubt would boil over into his professional life. And, even though I should have wreaked havoc on his ass and dragged his name through the mud, I knew that in hindsight, I would be better off without him. After all, him not being around for his son was his loss, not ours. We were good regardless.
“Ugh, he’s such an asshole. He really makes me sick.” she expressed with distaste.
“You and me both, champ,” I sighed once I heard a knock at the front-door, “I think that’s my food. Call you tomorrow?”
“Is it because I brought him up? ‘Cause I really didn’t mean to--”
“No, it’s just ‘cause my food’s here. I’m about to eat and go to sleep. I’m not mad at you.” I assured her with a smile, hearing her sigh of relief. She hated when we were at odds.
“Okay. Love you.”
“Love you, too.” I replied lightly, still feeling some kind of way after the discussion surrounding my ex-boyfriend. I wasn’t upset with Ebony for bringing him up; I thought about him regardless. I just hated that my son would grow up without having a father because his father chose to be absent. As much as I claimed that we were fine without him, it was going to be hard raising a fatherless child.
Hanging up the phone, I checked the time on the screen, realizing that my phone-call with Ebony had almost worked in the delivery-man’s favor. He was extremely late with my food.
Arriving to the front-door, I unlocked and opened it to be greeted by a man donned in the pizza company’s attire of a black cap, a black collared shirt with the logo in the left-hand corner, and a pair of jeans. I had never noticed him before, but that wasn’t of importance to me at the moment. I was irritated with everything.
“I ordered this pizza over forty minutes ago. You’re only ten minutes away. You better not even expect a tip.” I fussed, angrily pouting my lips. He snickered and stepped to the right, allowing me a view of his damaged vehicle.
“Well, someone rear-ended me on my way here. I tried callin’ to inform you of the delay, but you weren’t answerin’ the phone.” he explained. So that’s what that wrong number was. That made me feel like a complete idiot for unrightfully snapping on him.
Sighing deeply, I sent him apologetic eyes for being so rude without having any knowledge on his mishap.
“I’m so sorry. That was uncalled for.” I shyly apologized while signing the small receipt before we exchanged the items.
“Nah, nah, it’s cool. You’re pregnant, cranky, and hungry. I get it,” he chuckled, fanning his hand as he began his backpedal down the stone steps, “enjoy your food, though.”
“Wait! You deserve a tip. I know what I said, but it wasn’t your fault and I gave you unnecessary sass.” I giggled, giving him the one-minute finger before scurrying into the living-room for my purse. While rummaging through my bag for my wallet, I felt a popping sensation between my legs, forcing me to anxiously halt what I was doing. Then, a rivulet of water had made its way down my inner-thigh, confirming my suspicions.
My water broke.
“Oh no, oh no. Not right now.” I panted with fright, trying to keep my hysteria and anxiety to a minimum. I had rehearsed for this precise moment, but never for it to happen like this. Placing my palm against my pregnant belly, I blew out a shaky breath and bit down my bottom-lip to suppress the fear.
While taking slow, shallow breaths and contemplating on what my next move would be, the delivery-man reminded me of his presence when he had spoken up.
“Um, ma’am? You can just keep the tip ‘cause I got more deliveries--”
“Wait! Come here, I-I need your help!” I shouted desperately, embarrassed that this was happening at the wrong time.
“Yeah? Holy shit, ya’ water broke.” he said, stating the well-known once he entered the living-room, his face stained with pure shock and petrification. Nodding with a pained expression, I continued to caress my stomach, which was gradually beginning to ache due to the sudden onslaught of contractions and fear.
“I need you to call 911 and get an ambulance here, fast. He’s coming very soon.” I gritted as he nodded understandably and pulled out his cell-phone. Anxiously, he dialed the three-digit number and then, diverted his attention to me with a worried, yet controlled expression.
“Can you sit down?”
“No,” I mumbled, attempting to do so on my own, but failing miserably, “I need your help.”
Nodding, he balanced the phone in-between his ear and shoulder before assisting me to the floor, where my back was placed against the couch as a means of support. While assisting me, the operator answered the phone and he frantically explained the situation. I hated that I had to be so vulnerable, especially with a man that I didn’t know. But, I was desperate and scared out of my mind.
“Yeah, she’s about to give birth, like, right now… Okay, what’re the contractions lookin’ like?” he asked, now speaking to me. While continuing to pant, I thought of my response.
“Around three minutes.”
“She said three minutes… Yeah… Oh, God.” he replied and just by the expression on his face, I could tell that the operator informed him that he would probably have to deliver the baby. Oh, God was right.
To think today had started off as normal as any other.
I woke up, got ready, went out to breakfast with my girl before taking her to work, and then went to my first job, where I worked as a cook. When that shift ended, I was en route to my second job, where I delivered food for this little pizza-joint down on Rainbow Boulevard. I never expected to go from delivering a pizza, to possibly delivering a baby.
“Aight, it’s unlocked.” I assured the operator, who told me that she was sending an ambulance to the home, so I would need to have the door unlocked for the EMTs.
“Okay, great. Now, Hassan, I need you to get a bucket of water and as many towels as you can, okay? Can you do that?” she asked, being as calming as possible.
“Uh, I gotta ask her where all that stuff is,” I grumbled, heading back into the living-room where Sonya, who the operator had told me to learn the name of, was focusing on her breathing, “can you tell me where your towels are? And, a bucket?”
“The towels are upstairs, and a bucket is in one of the cabinets near the kitchen-sink.” she explained, earning a nod from me. Rushing up the steps by twos, I opened the closet that appeared to be a linen-closet and grabbed about four towels.
“Hassan, I need you to also find a shower-curtain. It’ll be easier to clean up afterwards.” the operator explained as I nodded. Going into the bathroom that was positioned to the right of the closest, I simply yanked down the available shower-curtain with all my might, the decorative hooks dropping onto the titles.
Running back downstairs, I checked on Sonya, who was resisting the urge to push, as the operator had directed for her to do. She seemed fine for the most part so, I tossed down the towels and ventured into the kitchen to get the bucket. While underneath the kitchen-sink, I noticed a box of latex-gloves and snatched a pair.
Adjusting the water until it was warm, I placed the medium-sized bucket under the faucet and watched as it filled to the brim, which took approximately one and a half minutes. My phone buzzed with an incoming call; it was my boss. Under any other circumstances, I would have answered, but that wasn’t the time. I knew my ass was fired anyhow.
“Where am I ‘sposed to put the shower-curtain?” I pondered, carefully picking up the bucket and walking back into the living-room. I sat it down at a reasonable distance from Sonya before picking up the shower-curtain.
“Beneath her legs so that if the baby has to come, it won’t leave a mess,” she said, “carefully do this. Remember, she’s in pain.”
“I know that,” I said underneath my breath, tossing the phone aside and kneeling down on the carpet with her, “aight, I gotta move you up a li’l bit so, we can put this shower-curtain under you. Hold onto me.”
Doing as I said, she tightly gripped my arm, probably breaking skin. Knowing that she was in that much pain scared the shit out of me; I was trying my best not to add anymore pain or stress to the situation by being as gentle as humanly possible.
“I really think he’s coming now… more than before. I feel his head.” she whispered, tightly clenching her bottom-lip in-between her teeth. Quickly, I placed two of the towels aside, before rolling up the other two and using them to prop up either of her thighs.
“Aight, I’ma need to… lift this,” I said, referring to her clothes, “I’on wanna make you uncomfortable so, if you want me to wait for them, I’ll--”
“It’s fine.” she assured, pinching her eyes shut as if it pained her to say that. Lifting up the hem to her black nightshirt that basically swept the floor, I mentally prepared myself for what I was about to see. And, what I saw wasn’t as bad as I imagined it to be. The only thing that left me traumatized was the fact that his head was in fact peeking, which meant that he was crowning and this birth was happening now.
Picking up the phone, I decided to inform the operator that as much as we were trying to avoid the delivery from happening at home, all the preparation would not be going down in vain. Li’l Man was coming.
“Aight, I need an ETA on the ambulance ‘cause the baby is crownin’… I can see his head. She can’t keep resistin’ to push.” I grumbled, knowing good and well that the operator heard her intensified panting, indicating that the moment had arrived before they did.
“The EMTs should be there within the next twenty-five to thirty minutes due to traffic, but since you’re saying she cannot wait any longer, you’ll have to do it,” she stated while I placed her on speaker-phone and slipped on the gloves, “wash your hands with the water that I told you to get.”
“I’m wearin’ gloves,” I grumbled, watching intently as Sonya slipped off her rings and tossed them aside, making me curious, “what you doin’?”
“I need this baby out. Even if that means I have to do it myself.” she gritted, no longer fighting back the tears that I expected to see way before, considering she had no opiates, or an epidural to assist with the pain.
“Nah, I gotchu’. Just trust me, aight?” I grumbled, watching her nod and move her hands aside. Pretty much ignoring the operator, but only for the sake of Sonya, I placed my hands on his head, while hers held her shirt out of view. Guiding as slowly and carefully as possible, I encouraged for Sonya to push because I didn’t want to harm her or the baby by pulling.
“I can only do it during my contractions,” she rushed out in one breath, “alright… now.”
After getting her words out through a painful grit, she pushed as well as she could, making some progress. With the operator coaching the both us, she was able to get his head out--which was the hardest part--within fifteen minutes, However, I noticed the umbilical-cord was around his neck, forcing my breath to hitch up. Oh, hell no.
“T-the cord is wrapped around his neck. What should I do?” I asked the operator, shakiness evident in my tone. I was trying to remain calm for Sonya; if I stayed calm, she would had been more likely to. But, I couldn’t even front. This had to be the most nerve-racking shit that I had ever endured in my whole life.
“Just loop your finger underneath it, and gently loosen it until you can get his head out.” she coached. There was blood and other pregnancy potions all over the place; thank God for that damn shower-curtain. Again, the sight and the situation was stressful, but I was trying my best to stay leveled for her.
“Okay, you got it,” Sonya breathed after intently watching me hold his head up, and remove the cord, “I need to push again.”
“Aight.” I grumbled, bringing both hands together underneath his head so that I could catch him when she pushed the rest of his body out. Aside from light grunts and whimpering, she was very collected and silent while she pushed. I thanked God for that because all that obnoxious screaming and hollering would have made it more difficult for the both of us.
“That was a good push. He’s almost out, Sonya. You can do it.” I encouraged. When she felt his shoulders finally slip out, she reached down, moved my hands aside, and carefully pulled the rest of his little body out in one swing. The umbilical-cord was still attached to him as she brought him up to her chest and held him close while his cries rang off like a siren. I grabbed the spare towels and wrapped them around his back, ensuring that he stayed as warm as possible.
“He’s here,” I informed the operator through a breath of relief, “can you hear ‘em?”
“Yes, I hear him. That’s good, he’s breathing. Tell Sonya to wipe away any amniotic-fluid on his eyes and nose to help him further breathe.” she said. Considering she was on speaker-phone, Sonya followed her orders on her own. After doing so, she gingerly guided her hand up and down his back.
“What do we do about the umbilical-cord?” I asked, removing the stained gloves and tossing them on an empty spot on the shower-curtain. Falling back from my kneeled position, I grabbed the phone.
“Nothing. The EMTs have informed me that they’re on your street. They’ll be there to sterilely cut the cord. Just stay with them.” she explained as I nodded and looked over to Sonya, who was already staring at me.
“Thank you so much. I could never repay you for this.” she said genuinely, briefly tearing her watery eyes from me to stare lovingly at her newborn son.
“Well, you could always start by givin’ me that tip.” I joked, earning a round of soft giggles from her as I laughed, too. Not even a moment later, the EMTs were barreling into the house to find us seated on the living-room floor. I stood up and stepped aside so that they could tend to Sonya and her son.
While two EMTs crouched down to assist them, one pulled me aside and asked questions concerning the home-birth before showering me in the ultimate praise for my actions. Though I valued the appreciation that they were showing, I was no hero. I was just at the right place, at the right time.
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aeon-wolf · 7 years
Ascension - Chapter 13
Demos Educational Organization was like no other college Lena could have imagined. Instead of reading, math, and science, they were taught Ancient Greek, War Strategy, and Swordsmanship. Lena, shocked to find out her true parentage strikes friendships left and right at her new school. Her most treasured friendship of all, her friendship with one Daughter of Zeus, Kara Danvers. Follow Lena on a journey of self-discovery in an attempt to foil the plot of the Titans, and maybe learn a few things about herself along the way.
A PJO inspired Supercorp series. Part One: Ascension.
Read it here on AO3
Lena looked to the horizon and saw a slight glint in the distance. She squinted, looking towards the setting sun. As the sun dipped below the horizon and the moon took over the sky, Lena heard a rumbling coming towards them. She looked at the road and saw a car approaching them, the headlights bright in the distance. Lena frowned, it wasn’t abnormal for cars to be driving this late, but on a stretch of freeway in the middle of nowhere, it wasn’t common either.
As the car got closer, Lena saw it slowing down. She blinked before walking back over to the group, where they were all watching the car come to a stop next to their smoking piece of metal. Lena prayed that the Mist would obscure the car so to a human’s eyes it was fine and maybe had a flat tire or something.
A nice looking sports car pulled up next to them. Lena raised an eyebrow at the man who stepped out of the car. “Apollo.” She said, bowing her head slightly, recognizing her father from the last time they had met. The god smiled at his daughter.
“Lena. You called?” He said with a mischievous smile. Lena nodded, glancing at her friends who all seemed to be a little in awe of the sun god. Alex, Winn, and Maggie were all trying to keep their jaws from falling to the floor, while Mon-El and Kara kept their composure a bit better.
“Lord Apollo.” Alex bowed her head in respect. The others following suit. The sun god just laughed, waving them off.
“You don’t need to “Lord Apollo” me, Alex Danvers. Your mom might want respect like that from her children and their friends, but don’t mind me. You’re all my nieces and nephews anyway.” He chuckled. Alex looked a little… almost offended at Apollo’s nonchalant attitude about the entire thing, but knew better than to open her mouth of protest.
“You’re Lena’s dad,” Kara said nervously. Apollo turned his attention to the young daughter of Zeus, seemingly appraising her, looking her once over. Lena could see some scrutiny in his eyes, though she didn’t know what for. He gazed at her, his deep blue eyes trained on Kara. Lena unconsciously moved closer to Kara, a little protectively, grabbing the blonde’s hand in hers. Kara wrapped their fingers together, holding on to Lena’s hand a little bit tighter than she normally would. Lena could tell Kara was nervous under Apollo’s gaze.
But after a minute or two, he turned to the rest of the group, glancing over them, not lingering on any of them the way he had Kara, before turning back to Lena. “What did you need, kiddo?” Lena glanced over at their car.
“I was hoping maybe you had the time to get us to San Francisco. Or at least help us get to Lincoln, I could probably cover it from there.” She said, thinking if he could get them to the city, she could probably just buy a car there. Apollo leaned back against his car, stroking his chin thoughtfully.
“You know, your,” He gestured in Kara’s direction, “dear old dad doesn’t want any of us interfering in this quest. He said it’s too dangerous for us to get involved, lest we risk breaking the treaty.” He informed the group. Lena felt her shoulders sag. That was what she was afraid of.
“But you wouldn’t have answered Lena’s prayer if you weren’t at least considering helping us.” Mon-El piped up. Apollo chuckled, nodding slightly in the son of Ares’ direction.
“Quite right Mon-El. Of course, you are right.” He pushed himself up, walking up to Lena, whose hand was still gripping onto Kara’s hand. He placed his right hand on her shoulder. “You know. Don’t tell your siblings, but you’re my favorite.” He said with a wink. Lena felt a slight tug in her heart. She had honestly never had a parental figure, even one as mysterious as Apollo tell her that she was their favorite. Lillian held a great deal of disdain for Lena. And while she was obviously Lionel’s favorite, he never really told her as such. It was more of an implied relationship. She felt a slight feeling of pride swell in her chest.
“So, what are you planning on doing, exactly?” Maggie piped up. Alex elbowed her girlfriend for being so casual in the presence of a god, even one as laid back as Apollo.
“I can get you as far as Las Vegas. Any further and well…” He trailed off. “You know, the Titans would figure out I’m helping you. As it is, your old man is probably going to be pissed off at me when I get back to Olympus.” Apollo said with a shrug. “Nothing I can’t handle of course. Small price to pray for my favorite kid.” He said, ruffling Lena’s hair. Lena cringed, letting go of Kara’s hand to fix her hair, pouting at her father.
“So… how exactly are we all going to fit?” Winn said, eyeing the sports car. It had even fewer seats than Alex’s and they were pretty cramped as it was. Apollo almost rolled his eyes, pulling a set of keys out of his pocket. He clicked a button on the remote dangling from his keychain and the car magically transformed to an SUV that would easily hold the six halfbloods plus Apollo.
“Any more stupid questions kid?” He teased. Winn shrunk down in size a little bit, nodding his head. “C’mon, get in.” He said, gesturing to the car, getting into the driver’s seat himself. Lena, Kara, and Mon-El climbed into the back, while Maggie, Alex, and Winn sat in the middle three seats.
“Buckle up, it’ll get a little… fast” Apollo said as the group fastened their seat belts. Apollo ignited the engine, the car roaring to life. In a flash, the car took to the skies. Lena sank down in her seat a little bit, her fear of flying coming into play. Luckily, she was sitting in between Kara and Mon-El, so she wasn’t next to a window. She just jammed her eyes shut, praying that it would be over soon. She felt a hand grab hers and a thumb stroke the back of her hand, trying to soothe her. Lena cracked her eyes open and glanced over at Kara, who had taken her hand and pulled it into her lap as the blonde looked out the window.
Lena smiled a bit at Kara, though Kara didn’t notice as she wasn’t looking at her friend. Lena observed Kara’s face, She was wistfully looking out at the sky and down at the passing landscape below them. They were flying faster than any plane could travel, though Apollo was keeping the speed to a tolerable level for humans. “Do you miss is? Flying.” Lena asked Kara. The blonde, who was still absentmindedly playing with Lena’s hand, turned to look at her friend.
“Hmm? Flying? I mean, I wish I had the chance to do it more often. Being a daughter of Zeus, you know. We belong in the sky.” Kara said with a sad smile. Lena nodded. “You’re still scared I take it?” She inquired. And Lena nodded.
“Yeah,” Lena admitted. “I feel like I shouldn’t be. But… I’ve never been able to get over my fear of flying. No matter how many plane trips I’ve taken in my life and there have been plenty.” Lena said with a shrug. Kara nodded.
“Maybe I can take you flying one day. Work on facing your fears?” Kara asked. Lena hesitated but slowly nodded.
“Okay.” She said. Kara grinned.
“Promise?” She said, letting go of Lena’s hand and extending her pinkie. Lena laughed, but nodded, wrapping her pinkie with Kara’s, the two shaking on it.
“Yeah, I promise.”
In the driver’s seat, with his eyes on the sky, Apollo smiled to himself at the two girls sitting in the back seat.
Apollo made it to Vegas in good time, only one hour instead of the standard four. He touched down right outside a bus station on the outskirts of the big city. When the car touched down onto the asphalt, the six halfbloods got out of the car. Lena walked up to her father, a small smile on her face. “Keep that one close. She’s special.” He said, pointing to Kara. Lena blushed slightly but nodded.
“I plan to.” She said, biting her lip, looking at Kara who was chatting happily with Alex and Mon-El. “Thank you.” She said, bowing her head. Apollo chuckled, patting her on the arm.
“Don’t be thanking me yet... Just be safe. We wouldn’t want you falling into the Titan’s hands, now would we?” He said with a knowing smirk. Lena frowned but nodded. Apollo bowed his head slightly to the young halfblood before he and his car glittered and faded away. Lena walked back over to the group.
“You’re dad is so cool, Lena.” Winn gushed. “He’s super chill.” Lena shrugged, nodding.
“I suppose he is.” She said, not really sure what else to say. Thankfully, Alex stepped in.
“So, we’re here in Vegas a few days ahead of schedule. What do you say we grab a hotel for a couple days and regroup? Now that we’re so close to Mount Othrys, we should probably come up with a better game plan.” The group all agreed on that plan and made to the bus station to see where they might be heading next.
As it turned out, the group grabbed a bus into the heart of the city and Lena managed to grab three rooms at one of the five-star hotels on the Vegas strip. Luckily for her, and the employees of the hotel, they didn’t hassle her over the request. And once she presented them with her black LuthorCorp card, they were all glad that they hadn’t given her a hard time. The group split up in the same way they did before, Lena with Kara, Maggie with Alex and Mon-El with Winn. Lena had gotten them all rooms closer to the top of the highrise hotel, affording them all a good view of the city. The group decided to call it night and start their planning in the morning.
Kara was sitting in one of the chairs next to the window next to a box of pizza that she and Lena had ordered, munching happily on a slice. Lena was opposite her, eating her own slide, albeit slower with Kara. The blonde was certainly a vacuum when it came to food. “You performed well today,” Kara commented after she swallowed her bite.
“Hmm? Oh. The fight. Thanks, I guess. I didn’t really do much. Just throw my powers around a little bit. You guys did most of the actual fighting.” Lena said with a shrug.
“But you defended yourself nicely, though!” Kara insisted. “Not everyone could deflect a blow from a Chimera,” Kara said, taking another bite. Lena just waved her off.
“Seriously Kara. It’s not that impressive.” Kara just shook her head but didn’t argue.
“You seem to be getting a better grasp on your powers, though,” Kara commented. Noting that Lena had been able to actually get her powers to work on command during their fight. She nodded.
“I… yeah. The first time, with the light shield, that was all instinct. But the second time, it was like… a heat bubbling up in the pit of my stomach. I just had to pull at it and harness its power.” Lena said, trying to describe the sensation to Kara. The blonde, for her part, nodded in understanding.
“It’s similar with my air powers. Hard to explain, but for me, it’s this… light and floaty feeling. Sort of like the air cushions surrounding me.” Kara said. Lena nodded, not fully understanding, but being able to follow her friend.
“It’s just so… weird.” Lena started. “I’m the only child of Apollo in history to have these powers. Why me?” Lena lamented. She had been wondering that ever since she had been claimed. Why was she different? Apollo had told her he hadn’t known why she had these powers, except that the Fates had decreed that she did. But for the life of her, she couldn’t figure out for what reason.
“You’re special. That’s why. Everyone has something that makes them special Lena. These powers make you unique. One of a kind. I’m sure you’re meant for something great in the future. This is probably only the beginning. And you know, I’ll be there with you, right?” Kara asked, looking over at Lena. Green eyes met blue, locking gazes for a few seconds before Lena nodded.
“Yeah. I know.”
The rest of the evening was fairly quiet. Lena went to take a shower first, Kara following after her. Lena grabbed a book from the shelf in their room and sat down in the chair she had been previously occupying. Again, it wasn’t anything particularly compelling, but it did pass the time. Kara eventually finished her own shower and convinced Lena to people watch from their window with her. “Oh look! It’s a couple kissing down there.” Kara said, pointing down at the street. Lena looked to where Kara was pointing, and indeed there was a young couple lip locked down below them.
The two made off hand comments about some of the people they watched. Even making up stories about why they were in Las Vegas and where they came from. There was a family exploring the strip and Kara said that they were there for some sort of vacation from their home life in Kentucky. And that the kids would have rather just stayed home, but their parents had dragged them along. Lena chuckled at Kara’s stories, but humored her and played along.
There was another man in a nice suit that walked the strip. And Lena said that he was some sort of businessman who was in Vegas on business, but he was taking the night out for some fun on the town. Maybe to get a little drunk. And after all, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
The two continued that for an hour or so before Kara began to yawn. “You ready for bed Kara?” Lena asked and Kara nodded sleepily. Lena nodded, padding over to the overhead light switch turning it off, the light from the bedside lamp now the only light in the room. Kara got in on the right side of the bed, Lena on the left. This time as Lena sunk down into the bed, getting comfortable, Kara snuggled up next to Lena.
The young halfblood stiffened a bit, but Kara draped an arm around Lena’s waist, laying her head on Lena’s shoulder and Lena relaxed. “I figured I would save you the trouble of migrating over to my side of the bed tonight.” Kara teased. Lena blushed slightly but nodded. She wrapped an arm around Kara’s shoulder, resting her head on top of Kara’s.
“Good night Lena,” Kara whispered before quickly falling asleep against her shoulder. Lena felt Kara’s breathing slow down, signaling Kara drifting off to sleep. Lena sighed.
“Good night Kara.” She said before closing her own eyes and allowing herself to fall asleep and unwind from the stressful day she had just had.
Kronos sat at the stone table once again with his four brothers; Krios to his right, Hyperion to his left, Iapetus and Koios sitting across from him. “Apollo has sped them along on their journey,” Krios said angrily. “This is a direct interference Kronos. The treaty is technically broken. We should attack Olympus now!” He insisted. But Iapetus intervened.
“Patience brother. We are not yet strong enough to take on Zeus and the Olympians. We need her.” He said calmly. Krios just groaned.
“I still don’t know why you have such a fascination with this girl. She is nothing!” He hissed.
“Hold your tongue Krios. You have no idea what you are saying.” Hyperion angrily responded. Kronos held his hand up to silence his fighting brothers.
“Both of you, quiet.” Krios and Hyperion both sat back in their chairs. “I agree with Iapetus. We wait for them to come to us. Hyperion, you know what you must do. I a, relying on you to follow through.” He said dangerously to the Lord of the East. Hyperion bowed his head to his brother.
“I assure you, it will be done by the time the halfbloods arrive here.” Kronos nodded his head approvingly.
“See that it is. Because I will be very disappointed if you are wrong.” He threatened. Hyperion narrowed his eyes.
“I will not be wrong. She will join us. One way, Or another.”
So this is sort of filler but also not really. But yeah, Apollo answered Lena's prayers. Of course. And got them to Vegas.
They'll be staying here for the next couple of days to come up with a game plan. But you know, the longer they stay in one place, the easier it is to find them. ;)
This actually took me a while to come up with since plot-wise it's important, yet also not super important. Next couple chapters should be a bit more interesting. Also, I didn't really proofread this either, so sorry for any grammatical/spelling mistakes. I'll fix it later.
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triathlol · 6 years
Agony in Akron
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On Memorial Day weekend, I went on a casual run with my younger sister, Erin, who had just recently returned to running.
ME: “Hey, I was thinking, what about a fall half marathon?”
ERIN: “Oh yeah that sounds good. But I was thinking a full.”
ME: “Okay, sure.”
That was it. Really. After blowing up at the Rock n Roll marathon in March, agonizing over the stupidity of the distance, writing about it, and telling everyone I knew that it was a worthless enterprise, I just signed up for another. No one begged me to do it. I wasn’t tricked into thinking that I needed another shot. I just forgot everything about the stupid sport and ran it back.
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This is the story that marathon, the last of which I will ever run.
I have never had a more consistent training block for any race I’ve ever entered.
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Those incomprehensible moving dots are my strava training log from mid June up to the race. I missed only a few workouts, and averaged many more miles per week than I did in the last rodeo. I ran on vacation. I ran hungover. I ran fast. I ran slow. I cancelled plans to run. I made up plans to cancel other plans so I could run. After half-assing the marathon prep in March,I decided I would go all in on this one. There were no other races on the horizon for 2018, so this was it, baby.
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Erin with the patented nervous chewing of the fingernails
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Your guide, Sister, and Mom. 
Fuck yeah let’s do this. After crushing the training, the taper, and enjoying some first class pre-race hospitality courtesy of my Mom, I was prepared. I was calm. There were some normal jitters, but otherwise I was completely ready for the race. I planned when I would take my GU’s. I even had Instagram captions on hand.
It was still dark when the gun went off at 7AM, and the temperature was in the 50s. Not much humidity, and not much sun. The weather was ideal for a career day.
And for a while, it felt like that was gonna be the way this all went down. The plan was to run with the 3:35 pacer (~8:10 per mile), but that dude vanished before we hit the 5K mark. He literally used the first set of porta-johns and broke up the group of 15 people running with him. RIP. Erin and I tried to stick to that pace, but we fucked it up.
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That’s too fast, but we both felt good. You could tell I was feeling good because I wouldn’t shut up about the news, the weather, my dad’s aggressive spectating strategy, and every single dog we passed along the way. You could tell Erin was feeling good because she literally wasn’t sweating.
I sucked down GU number 2 at mile 10, and was drinking a cup of water plus dumping another one my head every chance I got. Miles 10, 11 and 12 were all the same story. I kept telling myself that this time would be different. Things had changed. I had trained so much harder for this. I was about to reap the benefits of an extended self-betrayal, just like all of those republicans who hate Trump but tolerate his authoritarian bullshit so that they can get their regressive legislative packages.
We crossed the halfway mark in 1:47, on pace for 3:34.
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Then we went up one of the few, long climbs in the race. The pace slowed to about 8:45, which was completely normal for what felt like a steep grade. I still felt alright, but was definitely sucking some wind (Erin would later say that I was making some very interesting noises around this time).
And then, as we hit the aid station around mile 15, it all changed very quickly. My quads, the muscles that failed me in my March race, seized up. They were done. The pounding from the quick two hours of racing had completely annihilated them. Right after that, my stomach started cramping and I was shuffling. Erin ran off with the 3:35 pacer (who had now just caught up with us for the first time since mile 2), and I never saw her again.
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“ Fuck. FUCK. Dude you have ELEVEN MORE MILES and you can barely run. Quick, do math, how long will that take to walk? OH GOD. This is SO BAD.”
Apparently, my dad was waiting around mile 16 but waited for a while and then left, assuming that he had missed me. A spectator asked if I was okay and I said, “I guess.”
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I could hardly stand upright, let alone run. I would shuffle for a few minutes, and then be forced to walk. After about a half hour into this embarrassing dance, I had talked myself up to quitting at the next medical tent. I had nothing to prove, nothing to gain, and potentially some long term damage to do. For better or worse, I didn’t see a medical tent until mile 20. When I got there, I walked by the three very friendly looking medical professionals, begging them with my eyes to ask me if I was alright. They didn’t, and I chickened out and just kept walking.
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“I guess I’m going to drag my corpse over the finish line then.”
The last 10K of the race, the leg that I had trained all summer for, the part where you get to actually run fast and test what you have in the tank, I spent feeling sorry for myself + questioning every training decision I had made since June. It was as miserable as it was anticlimactic.
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It’s a good thing I ripped off a couple of 11 minute screamers at the end, because my sister nearly froze to death waiting for me at the finish line--a place that she beat me to by over a half hour.
The End // 4:11:47 // STRAVA
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Those stats speak for themselves and they are all hilarious. My family looked legitimately nervous about how I would react when I finally met them after finishing. 
So what the hell just happened?
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I’ve thought about this, a lot. I had over two hours to wallow and over analyze everything during the race, and now have about two weeks to consider everything again while giving my muscles and ego time to recover.
Main thing had to be my very slow long runs. I never did more than 10 miles at marathon pace, and averaged well over 9 minutes per mile on everything longer than that. The summer was long and hot in DC, which didn’t really allow me to get close to the pace I was trying to run in Ohio at the end of September. If you’re thinking, “that seems like a pretty stupid thing to overlook in training,” you would be right. If we’ve learned anything, it’s that I am not very smart.
It wasn’t all bad though. Erin, who hadn’t run a marathon in five years, showed up and grinded out a 3:40, despite going out too fast and slowing down a lot during the final 5 miles. She tolerated my relentless dog chatter, fought back tears when she got dropped by the pacer at mile 19, and even beat me in the synchronized bathroom break we took at mile 8. On top of that, we got to spend the whole summer exchanging Gwen Jorgensen running vlogs and sweaty post-run selfies,which was also cool. 
To bring this post to its merciful conclusion, sometimes you work your ass off for something and don’t get anything close to the result that you want or deserve--that’s what makes it worthwhile! The threat of failure, no matter how hard you train, makes each success worth throwing a rager for yourself. Whether it’s running a 3 and half hour marathon, beating double dinner dan in a half-ironman, or finishing a 5K, it feels good to achieve a goal because there was always a chance of fucking it up. This was an epic fuck up, but that’s fine. That just means more beers in the fridge for the next one.
But that won’t be a marathon because I’m never running one again. Back to triathlons and more revealing outfits next year. ✌️
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