#the cousins: it would have been nice to have permission
sparklecryptid · 4 months
In the Maglor-has-a-son 'verse, combined with both the cousins and the two OC daughters of Maglor 'verses you've come up with - well. It occurs to me that if you toss Celebrimbor in there, you have seven grandchildren of Feanor. (Seven grandchildren. Seven sons. The years roll and the wheel turns, and stories loves a pattern.)
Caladion does not expect to have more siblings. He does not expect for Ruiniel to toss him over her shoulder in front of all the other smiths and carrying out of the designated smithing area to plop him in front of two women and the rest of his cousins and he most certainly does not expect for one of the women in front of him to be silent.
The Song does not join in harmony. It slides off of the dark, curly haired woman in front of Caladion like water falling from a seals back.
It’s annoying. The Song shouldn’t act like that. Everything is a Song. Everything sings.
This woman doesn’t. It puzzles him. It puzzles the ghosts on either side of him. Caladion remains silent and listens.
The table is silent as Caladion and the two women seize each other up.
Caladion makes the first move. A single note breaks through the air and coaxes Song from the woman. She does not speak. The Music does not come from her lips but from her soul as it stumbles and falters and reaches a harmony with the Song around her.
“Oh,” Anordil says and that’s her name, that’s his sister, “What - Why is everything so loud?” She turns toward the silver haired woman with scars on her lips as if to ask for help. “Is it always like this?”
“Most of the time,” the silver haired woman agrees, “You get used to it.”
Anordil groans.
Saeleth can’t help but laugh.
“Aw shit,” she cackles and Huan boofs disapprovingly, “Caladion, what did you do!” Saeleth pauses for a moment and studies Anordil. “Wait I know you.”
“No you don’t,” Anordil’s response is immediate, “You know nothing.”
“You’re the one that brought that stupid mortals keep down around him!”
Calemir and Ruiniel share a look.
Celebrimbor turns his head to the sky and despairs.
Caladion sips his wine with his forge gloves still on.
The other woman - Caladion’s sister the Song swirls around her like a sheathed weapon - shakes her head.
“Was that the time you almost got married?”
“He tried to marry me,” Anordil corrects, “I said no.”
“Rather adamantly it seems,” Ruiniel crosses her arms across her chest as she speaks. She looks mildly impressed. No small feat considering who and what Ruiniel is.
“Linavron brought an entire city to ruin! I think I can get away with destroying a keep or two!”
The table turns their gaze toward Caladion’s other sister.
Linavron sips her wine delicately.
“It was a city of slavers and other such things,” Linavron says with no ounce of regret in her voice, “They deserved it.”
Ruiniel blinks as if several dots connected.
“That city in south-east - Mor - the rebellion that was sparked - that was you?”
Linavron looks Ruiniel in the eyes.
“It was needed.”
Ruiniel tosses her head back and laughs.
Linavron turns her attention to Celebrimbor who doesn’t look uncomfortable but wary.
“I won’t turn your city upside down,” Linarvon says. She pauses a moment before adding. “Unless you need me to.”
“Thanks for the offer,” Celebrimbor says dryly and he reminds Caladion of Curufin in that moment, “I’ll think about it.”
Calemir shakes his head.
“I’m too old for this.”
The table pauses and everyone’s attention shifts to the two women who joined them.
“Who has seniority?” Calemir asks innocently.
Neither of them are expecting Anordil and Linavron to share a look.
Linavron shrugs.
“I remember the Sun rising for the first time,” she offers, “I suppose that makes me the oldest after Lord Celebrimbor.”
“Just Celebrimbor,” the man in question corrects, “We’re family.”
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minkyungseokie · 3 months
When Nothing Goes Right | LS2
synopsis; Y/n, Logan's long-distance gf, surprises him at the AusGP, but things aren't as happy as they should be
warnings; none
note; requested
note 2; Y/n has no mentioned race but doesn't know English. Jackson is an Oc and the reader’s older brother
Let me know whether you prefer first person or third person pov Please be nice. I haven't written in years and this is my first time writing for F1
Autosports Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Logan Masterlist
I do not give anyone permission to change, copy, or put my work on any other platform. It will only be on top, so if you see it, please report it. Or let me know.
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It had been a few years since Y/n and Logan had begun dating. The two met as children after Y/n had started karting herself. They immediately hit off and stuck to each other like glue. Wherever Y/n was, you'd find Logan not far behind with a big smile on his face.
Their families could already tell that the two would be something more in the future. Your older siblings even started a bet on how long it would take for the two to fully understand their feelings and confess. Neither of them won because it only took them until the sixth grade to realize that what they felt wasn't platonic. They didn't understand their feelings fully, but they knew that they were no one just friends.
Everything has been perfect until Logan's career in karting began popping off and he soon entered F4. To make matters worse, Y/n's parents had split and decided that Y/n would go with her mother back to their home country. Dalton and Jackson thought it'd ruin the relationship the two youngest siblings had built and they'd break up, which would break the two since they were madly in love even if they fully couldn't understand what love was, but that wasn't the case.
Despite the distance between them, Y/n and Logan had decided to stay together and find long distance a try even though their parents, siblings, friends, cousins, and neighbours warned them that long distance was hard. Even people online said that long distance wasn't the best idea because it tended to end with one or both partners cheating on each other, however; Y/n and Logan trusted each other with their lives, so they decided to give it a chance.
Now, Logan was a driver in Formula One and Y/n was studying at Uni. During their time apart, they'd only seen each other at least twice. Even though they haven't seen each other properly in years, they have only grown fonder of each other.
As the saying goes, "Distance makes the heart grow fonder"
Y/n plopped down on her bed in nothing but a towel, answering a FaceTime call that came in on her computer, "Hey, you." Y/n greeted happily, "Hey, babe. I'm sorry to call you so late. I know you're probably busy and tired from work..." Logan sighed. "No! You're fine, love. I just got out of the shower. Anyway, what's up?" Y/n asked, removing the towel off her head and running a hand through her hair, "Nothing much. I just wanted to see you." Logan flirted, giving Y/n a smile.
Y/n stood up from the bed and began towelling herself off, "That's cute. If I'm not wrong, the Australian GP is coming up. How do you feel?" Y/n questioned. "I'm excited. To be honest, I want doing well last year. But it's a new year and you know how I worked hard during the break, so I'm ready. Speaking of the Australian GP, do you think that you can come watch?" Logan hesitantly asked, looking down before looking back at Y/n, who was now sitting on her bed in pyjamas.
"I...Logie, you know I'd love to..." Y/n hesitantly started, "I know. You have work and school, but you have never come to a GP before. I want you to come to support me at least once. But I understand. I don't want to force or coerce you to do anything you can't or don't want to do. You'll eventually come to one, right?" Logan asked. "Of course. I plan on coming as soon as I have the time to." Y/n promised.
She kept thinking about the fact that she had never attended one of Logan's races and began feeling like a shit girlfriend, so she ended up DMing Logan's childhood friend whom she had only heard about from Logan, Oscar Piastri and he somehow got her in contact with Alex Albon, Logan's teammate. Together the three made plans to sneak Y/n into the GP without Logan noticing.
It wasn't hard.
She had notified her job and her school of her trip and packed for Australia. She got on a plane as soon as she could, which ended up being the afternoon of FP2,dropped her things off at the hotel, leaving it behind the desk so she could share a room with Logan, and made her way to the track with a VIP pass in her hand.
The girl was practically vibrating as she walked through the paddock by herself. She was supposed to be looking for Oscar or Alex, but she was way too excited to see her boyfriend again. Luckily, Alex spotted her while she was roaming the paddock, "Hey! You're Y/n, right? Logan's girlfriend?" The man asked, approaching her, "Oh, yes. You must be Alex. The teammate." Y/n said, holding out a hand for Alex to shake.
The British Thai driver looked down at her hand before taking it and giving it a firm shake, "It's lovely to meet you. Logan's been talking about you. A lot." Alex said, jokingly rolling his eyes as if he was annoyed, but he truthfully enjoyed seeing his teammate talk about someone who made him happy and kept him sane while he was having a shit year. "Hey, mate. Is this her?" Another voice asked, but this time it was with a strong Australian accent.
Y/n turned to see a brunette in an orange and black shirt approaching them, "You must be the Oscar Piastri that I heard so much about." Y/n said, reaching out fit his hand. Oscar smiled and shook her hand, "I am. You must be Y/n. Logan talks about you a lot." Oscar commented. "So I've been told. It's lovely seeing something other than the pictures Logan sent to me when you guys were younger." Y/n chuckled.
"Come on. FP2 is starting soon and we want you to reunite as quickly as possible." Alex said, leading you towards the garage with Oscar following behind, "So how long have you two been together?" Oscar questioned. "We've been dating for eleven years, I believe. Since we were twelve." Y/n answered, "Eleven years! That's a long time." Alex awed
Once they were close by, Y/n’s heart began to race. She hid behind Alex and Oscar so she was hidden while Oscar pulled out his phone to film the interaction, “Logan, mate! Come here.” Alex called, “What? Do you need something?” Logan asked, voice getting closer as he walked up to them. “We noticed you were feeling a bit nervous, so we brought you something to cheer you up.” Oscar spoke, “What is it?” Logan asked, narrowing his eyes. “Why don’t you guess?” Alex suggested, “Just tell me.” Logan said, “Come on, have a bit of fun with it. Guess.” Alex insisted.
“Just give me whatever it is, mate.” Logan groaned, Y/n chuckled and tapped the boys on their arms, signaling for them to step aside. Logan watched as Alex and Oscar shared a look before stepping aside to reveal his girlfriend. Logan’s jaw dropped and his eyes widened, “Surprise!” Y/n cheered, giving the American jazz hands. Logan ran towards Y/n and scooped her up into his arms.
“You’re here! You told me—“ “That I wouldn’t be able to come. I lied.” Y/n said, burying her face into his shoulder. Logan put her on the ground and bent down, kissing Y/n softly, “I’ve missed you so much.” He muttered, “And I’ve missed you, my love.” Y/n responded, kissing all over Logan’s face. “Logan, Alex, it’s time for free practice.” A engineer called out, “Go out there and do your thing. I’ll be rooting for you.” Y/n said, cupping Logan’s face and connecting their lips.
Y/n stood in the garage with headphones covering her ears. She couldn’t understand why she never came to a race weekend before, it was exhilarating. She could tell that her boyfriend wasn’t the best on the grid, but she knew he want the worse. It was just amazing to see him in his element, “Go, Logan!” Y/n muttered, clenching the chord between her fingers.
Y/n frowned as an odd feeling settled in her stomach. Y/n put a hand on her stomach and focused on the screen, attempting to ignore the feeling. Something was going to go wrong and she didn’t know what or when. Unfortunately, she didn’t have to wait too long to find out because Alex crashed his car, “Oh shit.” Y/n hissed, biting down in her knuckle.
“Hey, Alex. Are you alright?” Y/n asked, looking at the British Thai driver with concern. “I’m fine.” Alex answered walking away, obviously upset by the accident.
Y/n couldn’t help but feel bad for him, knowing that it absolutely sucks to crash even if she never watched or read up on the sport before.
Y/n made took off her headphones as Logan came back to the garage and jogged up to the American man, “That was so cool! I feel sorry for Alex, but that was so cool! I can’t wait to see you actually racing.” Y/n rambled, grabbing Logan’s hands on hers. While she rambled, Logan just smiled down at her with the softest gaze, “Do you want to go out after this? Or we can go to my hotel room? Have you gotten yourself one?” Logan asked, cupping your cheek.
“We should stay in. Catch up everything we missed and couldn’t talk about on the phone and no, I don’t have my own hotel room. Although, if I did, it probably won’t be getting used.” Y/n tittered. “Let me go get changed and we can go back to the hotel.” Logan said, kissing Y/n’s forehead before rising off to his driver’s room.
Y/n waited and waited, but it seemed like Logan was not coming out, which worried her. Did he get hurt or something? What was teasing so long? Y/n was leaning against the side of the garage, waiting for any sign of her boyfriend, but there was nothing. Until Alex came out, looking conflicted, “Hey, Alex. Where’s Logan?” Y/n questioned, pushing off the wall, “Um, he’s on his drivers room. He’s, uh, not happy right now, so maybe it’s better if you go see him.” Alex suggested.
He pointed out which room was his and continue on with his day, which didn’t really seem out of the ordinary to Y/n. She approached his door and knocked gently, “Logan? Is it alright if I come in?” Y/n called in a gentle voice. It was quiet for a moment before she heard a croaky, “Yeah.” Come from inside.
Y/n opened the door to see Logan sitting on the bench looking distressed, “Oh, what happened? Are you okay? Alex told me you were upset.” Y/n rushed over to her boyfriend, bombarding him with questions out of worry. Logan shook his head, “Alex wrecked his car,” Logan started, “Yeah, I saw that, but what does that have to do with you?” Y/n questioned, kneeling down in front of Logan and grabbing his hands.
“We don’t have a spare chassis, so they’re taking mine and giving it to Alex.” Logan sighed, “What?!” Y/n practically screeched, her confusion and weird turning into anger. “They said that since Alex is the better and more experienced driver, he most likely get the team points.” Logan explained further, “That’s stupid.” Y/n said bluntly, “Y/n…”
“No, don’t “Y/n…” me. I get that Alex it’s better and has more experience, but that’s that dumbest fucking decision I’ve ever heard. That’s like rewarding someone for fucking shit up! He crashed his chassis to the point where it had to be retired, so you have to give up yours? That’s bullshit, Logan!” Y/n argued. “I’m aware. I’ve given my all to this team. I worked myself to the bone during winter break when I could’ve been with you because I wanted it to be beneficial to this team. They are all aware of it.
James said he believed in me. James said he knew that I could go far if I just had a little more time in the car. But it doesn’t seem that way. Maybe I’m just not good enough.” Logan sniffed. Y/n wrapped her arms around Logan’s neck, placing his head on her chest and rubbing his back, “Shut up, Logan. Don’t you dare continue saying those things about yourself. You are good enough. If you weren’t, you would have been chosen for this team in the first place.”
“No buts. The previous Williams owner saw something in you that no one else saw and picked you from Formulas Two to drive in Formula One. If you weren’t good enough, he most definitely wouldn’t have chosen you so early. James know he’s dead wrong for this. James know that this is going to be a blow to you, but he thinks getting points is more valuable than your growth. I’m sorry to say this, my love, but you honestly deserve so much better. It’s not your fault that Alex crashed the car. It’s not your fault that this team is so broke that it can’t afford another chassis.” Y/n angrily said, raising her voice before taking a deep breath.
“I’m sorry. You’re upset and I’m over here ranting.” Y/n quieted down, pressing a kiss too the crown of Logan’s head, “It’s okay, babe. It’s what has to be done for the team to gain some points. It’s whatever.” Logan shrugged, “ no, it’s not whatever, but I’m not gonna continue talking about this. Instead, let’s go to the hotel and order food. We can watch our favorite movies together and cuddle until you feel better.” Y/n said, lifting Logan’s head so his eyes met her and giving him a calming smile.
Logan smiled, albeit it was a sad one, but a smile nonetheless, “I’d like that.” He said, “Good. And since you’re not racing tomorrow, maybe we can do a bit more than cuddling. But that’s only if you’re comfortable and willing.” Y/n teased, pulling Logan up from his seated position, “I’d really like that. Thank you for being here for me and I’m sorry you came all this way only to not see me race.” Logan apologized, “Bah, I do anything for you. It doesn’t matter whether you are racing or not, I’m still here for you and I’d still come. Y/n waved off his apology
“I love you.”
“Love you too. Now let’s go.”
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thelibrarian1895 · 3 months
Bruce is the restraining bolt
Let's say that Bruce "dies" again. Tim, of course, figures it's another temporary thing and bonus he doesn't need to risk another organ to prove it this time. That being said, Bruce isn't around to stop them now. Dick doesn't feel the need to be the dad this time since Bruce will be back. He's the big brother, the babysitter at best. Jason has never felt the need to step up into a parental role for any of his sibs before and he's not going to stop now. Cass won't kill, that is her line, beyond that, she's not anyone's parent either. Tim is one bad day away from being a supervillain, he seriously needs a vacation but at the same time he needs something that will keep him busy or he will get paranoid (thanks B for the trauma) and so he's not going to stop anyone, Duke doesn't have the experience to know when or if he should stop any of his sibs, steph and barbara are staying out of it as while they are family they consider themselves cousins at best no matter what B says, and no one is going to let Damian boss them around.
That being established, B is gone, Alfred is fretting but not inclined to stop anyone anyway, the kids decide that while the bat is away...
When Bruce returns, Alfred is just returning from a spa trip his beloved grandchildren insisted that he go on since he deserved a nice break and they even investigated to make sure the spa wasn't a scam or front! While Alfred was gone and Bruce was "dead", all Black Mask's warehouses had been mysteriously destroyed with large explosions that Bruce had previously forbidden because he was worried about collateral damage since some of those warehouses were sandwiched by other storage facilities and places where people squatted. (Steph and Jason, both very affronted because they are professionals B! And yes, there were also glitter bombs involved, it made the fire extra pretty with the different colors).
Furthermore, Lex Luthor is no longer the majority shareholder of his own company anymore, that would be Tim now, and all of Lex's employees are rejoicing since they're all getting a pay raise that brings them from the legal bare minimum to not just a living wage but twice that plus benefits even for those who aren't full timers (which is basically everyone, lex never wanted to get benefits for anyone). Lex is also being investigated for embezzling, money laundering, domestic and international terrorism, and the trafficking of minors (kon). Lex chose a very bad time to make Kon sad and Tim took that personally.
Bruce also discovered that Tim's childhood home, aka the drake's old place next door for the given value of next door, has been demolished and that whole area is now a botanical garden and registered wildlife sanctuary. (Damian with assistance and permission from Tim since technically the land was in Tim's name, Damian persuaded Poison Ivy to help while also monitoring to ensure she didn't slip in anything detrimental and also breaking up the exotic animal smuggling ring that B had been trying to keep from him to prevent this very thing. Tim, in the meantime, just happened to have a number of people on hand more than happy to work in a botanical garden/wildlife sanctuary and no, none of those people were ever formerly ninja who answered to Ra's before realizing that Red Robin was a far better employer, why would you ever think they were?)
And of course, the Joker is dead. None of his kids are fessing up to this. If pressed, they will cry, even Jason, and say that they thought Joker killed their dad and they wished it had been them because they missed him so much! (It was Dick and Barbara, Babs faked the paperwork for Dick to go in as an orderly, Dick, in disguise, gave the Joker altered medication via injection and made sure to get some air bubbles in for good measure, official COD was a totally natural brain aneurysm, so sad, no autopsy needed, burn the body)
Duke was a bit of a wild card and ended up hanging out with Selina, picking up a few extra skills, and using those skills to break into various mansions and apartments of the filthy rich to steal back stolen art and artifacts and return them to museums in their country of origin so they can be enjoyed by everyone (he watched indiana jones recently and the "it belongs in a museum" popped into his head a lot, he did wear a particular hat while he was committing his heists) It was nice potential step mother and step son bonding time
And finally, Cass causes Ra's Al Ghul to lose a particular appendage, one that the lazarus pit hasn't been able to grow back for him thanks to a little consultation with Constantine beforehand. She then went to hang out at Themyscira and got some very pretty bracelets.
Bruce is thinking very hard about just turning around. He takes a nap instead and then he lectures his beloved nutcases about personal safety, the law, respecting what is essentially dibs on certain super villains, and all the other boring stuff he's tried to impose on them over the years.
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Nice to meet you
Warnings: First meetings, fluff
Word count: 1.6 K
Pairing: Cate Blanchett x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Meeting Cate (Based on a true story, only, I didn't meet Cate)
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [Actors and actresses masterlist]
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When I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was that the sun was too bright and warm for ten o'clock in the morning. I lazily picked up my mobile phone and unlocked it, only to realise that I had not set my alarm and that it was in fact already 11:00 A.M.
As best I could, and literally running, I got out of my bed, put on a pair of jeans, my work t-shirt, and went into the bathroom. In less than 5 minutes I had brushed my teeth, washed my face, combed my hair and grabbed my make-up bag. I grabbed my backpack, money, my keys and left the flat to run to the underground station.
The train arrived quickly and since it was no longer rush hour, it was practically empty, so I sat down and took off my make-up, knowing that I wouldn't get to work for another 30 minutes.
When I got to the station where I had to get off, I did so and ran to the nearby square in order to get to my work. I opened the door, dodged several customers and made my way to the counter of the bookshop.
"Look who deigned to show up," joked my cousin.
I had been working in the bookshop run by my aunt for months. It was a great advantage, since, with tardiness like today's, in any other job, I would have been fired by now, but here, I only received a disapproving look from my aunt and a silly smile from my uncle.
"Oh, T/N, now why were you so late?"
"I forgot to set my alarm"
My aunt just rolled her eyes.
"You should set an alarm to remind you to set an alarm," my uncle joked, making us all giggle.
"Well, since you're finally here, please mop the floor."
"Sure, hey auntie, remember I told you if you'd give me permission to get away for two or three hours here in the square?"
"You're late and you still want to go out?" joked my cousin.
"What do you want to go out for?" asked my uncle, as he brought down books from a Spanish publisher.
"There's going to be a premiere of Cate Blanchett's new film. And the cast is coming…"
"And T/N would rather die than lose the chance to meet that woman," my cousin finished.
"Sorry for appreciating what a good actress she is".
I was a lying whore. Sure, the woman was the greatest actress of the 21st century, but she was also the most sensual woman I had ever met. My gay ass was shaking just thinking about her.
"What time is that?"
"At 3:00 p.m."
"Where is it?"
"It's in the cinema in this very square".
And without further ado, he began to help my uncle with the Spanish books.
"Is that a yes?"
Out of nowhere, he stood up with a grimace of pain.
"Help your uncle with the books and then we'll see".
My aunt had a problem, and this was that she would regularly, if not always, forget that I had already left some task, and suddenly I would start doing another one that needed to be done more urgently, so it was not unusual for me to notice that, just when I had half the floor mopped, the clock in the shop already showed 3:10 PM.
"Auntie, it's already 3:10."
"So what?"
"I asked you that you would give me the opportunity to go out to the premiere of the film".
"Have you finished cleaning?"
"Almost there…
"Then it's over now"
I started mopping quickly to finish faster.
"Do it right, T/N!"
I felt my heart start to flutter as, outside the venue, I could hear the screams, the people starting to run. Shit, it was too late, there was probably already a big crowd on the red carpet, which was going to make it impossible for me to get an autograph or a picture.
After finishing my chores, I quickly set out to go to the storeroom, drop off the mop and bucket, and just as I was taking off my uniform shirt to put on a nicer one, I heard some pretty loud shouting and the front door slamming. For several minutes I listened to murmuring until suddenly my cousin shouted.
"Y/N, come"
I quickly put on my T-shirt, and grabbed my small bag. As I left, I noticed an excessive amount of people in front of the bookshop, which scared me.
"What's going on, why are there so many people outside…?
Before I could finish my sentence, I walked over to where my cousin was, to find her standing next to Cate Blanchett and her make-up artist Mary.
"Hello. Nice to meet you"
The blonde greeted me with a charming smile. But I froze. I literally didn't know what to do.
Part of me wanted to start screaming and jumping up and down with excitement, another part was about to cry and try to hug her, while another part wanted to make a fool of myself as little as possible and try to start a conversation about her films and what a great actress she is in my eyes.
"Excuse her, she's too gay to talk" my cousin scoffed, eliciting a giggle from both older women "she's literally in love with you. When she was like 15 she said she'd marry you."
Yep, it was definitely not in my plans to be humiliated like that by my own cousin.
What was my next action, just ignore my cousin and start with some of my actions, make believe that this is a joke?
"It's not true, I mean, I do want to kiss you, but not since I was fifteen".
NO. IT'S. I really told one of the best actresses in the world that I wanted to kiss her, I WANT TO DIE.
I covered my face with both hands, but through the gap between my fingers I could see Cate giggle and adjust her hair.
"Well… I'm flattered."
"But… but what are you doing here?" I tried to change the subject just to avoid further embarrassment.
"People started to crowd around and I needed to fix this," Mary said as she pointed to Cate's torn dress.
"You know, a torn dress can't break my aura of perfection…" Cate tried to joke, but, she didn't know my name. She was asking my name!
"T/N, my name is T/N"
"T/N" she whispered my name in such a sensual way that I felt my panties start to get wet. "That's a beautiful name."
"T…thank you"
She began to wander around the room, while Mary, behind her, tried to fix her dress. As my gaze followed them, I felt a nudge in my rib.
"Hey, I've got to go" my cousin spoke, "can you stay and look after the blonde while my aunt comes back from her office?" before I could answer, she laughed and tapped me on the shoulder "who am I kidding, you sure get wet at the thought of being alone with that woman."
"You know we're not alone, and there's her make-up artist, right?"
"We're going to pretend that wouldn't stop you, are we?"
She just laughed and left.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that my aunt was attending to an important call, while my uncle was arranging the diaries. So, I followed them, seeing that Cate was too focused on one section of the bookshop.
"Do you have a specific section for LGBT literature?"
She turned to look at me, while Mary was fixing her dress and make-up. It wasn't a question on the air.
"Yes, we have a wide variety.
"I've never read this one" as she could, she picked up Ruth Gogoll's 'Taxi to Paris' book. and leafed through it a little.
"That's a very good one, I've read it more than 3 times…"
"So I'm dealing with a stalker?" she joked, causing me to let out an involuntary laugh. I can't believe she just made a reference to her own joke.
"In my defence, it's part of a research project for my university".
"What are you studying?"
"I'm studying cinema. I'd like to make an adaptation of that book".
"That's wonderful, darling. Is that your first race?"
"You are so young…"
We were both silent, but with our eyes fixed on each other's, until Mary's throat clearing brought us out of our reverie.
"Cate, we have to go, it's already late."
"Oh, right."
She put the book back where she took it from, but just before she walked, I stepped forward and took the book, handing it to the blonde.
"Here, I'll give it to you"
"Oh darling, you're a sweetheart, but don't worry, I could pay for it…"
Fuck it, it's now or never.
"Yes, but, when you read it, you'll think of me."
I saw her eyes sparkle and she gave me a beautiful smile.
"Well, I guess I owe her the same treatment. Maybe a picture will make her think of me, sweet princess?" she joked.
"That would be wonderful, beautiful woman," I curtsied, causing her smile to grow.
I handed my mobile phone to Mary and just as I was smiling for the picture, I felt Cate's warm, soft lips on the corner of my mouth.
Mary took the picture and told Cate they had to leave, so she handed me my mobile phone and left, almost dragging Cate with her.
"I hope you remember me every time you see the picture".
"I hope you remember me every time you read the book".
I hope you enjoy it
I appreciate the reblogs, the likes and the comments
taglist: @littlebitchsposts // @xxsekhmet
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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octuscle · 11 months
For vacations I have to go to my uncles house with my cousins, and he lives in a farm, but I’m just a twink gay and I don’t feel confortable there with so many men, so can I transform them into my twink gay best friends and spend summer looking for hunks to have sex with?
I think you are thinking way too complicated. Relax. Go to the spa and get pampered. Oka, there's no real spa here in the middle of nowhere, of course, but Ol' Gus cuts your whole family's hair here. He should know his business.
You take a seat in the barber's chair. With your blond hair and pink tips, you are an exotic here. In general, the only permissible colors here seem to be brown like the wood paneling, black like the leather of the seats, and blue like the jeans of the other customers. Anyway, you've now been persuaded to give Gus a try. So you tell him that he doesn't need to cut at all, you actually just want a foam scalp massage and then have him blow dry it and a little hair wax would be nice.
Gus looks a little irritated. And washes your hair. He asks if you're going to the stadium with your cousins later. Have a few beers and watch the baseball game. Sure thing, you answer. But the beer would be more important than the game. Laughter around you. And any other plans for the weekend, asks Gus. Probably go hunting with my cousins, you say. Gus laughs and asks if that's a euphemism for fucking each other in the ass. General laughter again. You look at Gus questioningly. Could he imagine one of your chewing tobacco hillbilly relatives being gay? All gay, says Gus and brushes the loose hair from your head.
What do I owe you, you ask. Five dollars, Gus replies. Six dollars if you want another beer before you go. You give Gus ten dollars, finish the first beer in one go, take a second and sit down with the other customers.
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Obviously, it's worth it to stay here and get the gossip you need. Something to fuck should be easy to find then.
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procrazedfan · 7 days
Minnie Mae Murderface was the kind of gal who didn’t let anything stand in her way. Whether it was running from Johnny Law for blowing up illegal explosives in a swamp, drinking booze to numb the back pain, or outright diving in the lake to noodle for a catfish dinner, she never hesitated on any decision she made. The way she saw it, it was a waste of time hemming and hawing. It was better to take action than to sit around and wait to ask for permission. For right or wrong, at least something would be done.
That was probably why she didn’t hesitate to put in a little somethin’ extra in her Pa’s beer before she gave it to him.
Or why she didn’t look back when she crawled out the back window of the broken screen of Daddy’s trailer with nothing but her usual overalls, sneakers and tool kit.
Or why she didn’t stop walking when the sun rose again over the horizon of the ten-mile marker on the road.
All she knew was that she had better get free or die trying. Cause it was either that, or she'd have to go back to Pa.
Granted, he was alright for a Pa. He was nice enough to let her keep wearing overalls and play with the other boys her age when she was a youngin'. Taught her how to fix the truck, along with HVAC units, and all other things that would need fixing at the trailer or the junkyard. They even watched NASCAR together on Sundays.
It wasn’t until that preacher fella done come by their little ol’ nowhere town of Mount Pantera that her Pa went crazy. Suddenly, he’d gotten funny about what she should wear, was told to do less “men’s work” and more “women’s work”. Even the NASCAR on Sunday went away in favor of hearing that same preacher man on the pulpit.
If that was the only thing he was trying to change she could have tolerated it.
Trying to ignore the growing pain in her lower back, and took a swig out of the bottle of beer that she saved for herself for the trip.
The question was...where was she gonna go now?
Her Ma was buried six feet under, not that she remembered much of her. Her aunts and uncles nearby would just turn her back in to her Pa as soon as they could. And the rest of her extended family was Lord Knows where.
She chewed her red hair from her right pigtail, trying to think of a solution. It was a shame she didn’t have her fiddle on hand. That was useful for thinkin’. But she reckoned she had to travel light on an occasion such as this.
Minnie tried recalling any relatives that were out there in the world, far away from the quaint little ol’ town of Mount Pantera. The only place she knew her whole life. Who was at that family reunion last year?
A beat up car in the parking lot of the diner she was walking by had been blasting some kinda music she never heard of.
The rhythm was...heavy. The sound of the drums were consistent, and the sound of the guitars were low, like a war song for a march. The singer must’ve had a frog in his throat, because she could barely make out the words from the sound of his growling.
"Hungry and tired the frigid plain yields little
  We trudge on further, eating pride and snow that's brittle
  We ride
 We ride"
She grinned a little to herself with her tooth gap showing, imagining what it would be like if she had a horse to ride out of town on instead of her own mismatched feet.
-That was “The Lost Vikings” a Dethklok Classic, stay tuned to 5184MTL for metal hits old and new -
Where had she heard of Dethklok befo- her hazel eyes widened in revelation as she slapped her knee. It was Cousin Willy’s band! She remembered Granny Murderface braggin’ about it after she had one too many beers at the reunion last year.
Everyone called her Granny on account that she was the Murderface clan’s oldest living matriarch. And when she put her foot down, that meant her word was law, even though she retired to Florida some years back.
If anyone could get her out of this situation, it was Granny Murderface, she was sure of it.
Minnie Mae walked through the doors of Flotsam and Jetsam’s Diner with a spring in her step and a wrench in her hand.
“Got anything need fixin’ round here for a plate and a phonecall?”
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little-pondhead · 1 year
Rejected Threads Pt. 2
[This is a series where I post the bits and pieces I decided to cut out of their final fics due to various reasons. I welcome anyone who wants to pick this up and make it their own. You do not need to ask for permission to use it, but I would like to be tagged in whatever you make. Just so I can see it :) ]
[Everything here is unedited and may ramble at times. Enjoy!]
For some reason, it never occurred to the Justice League that their resident Wonder Woman could have a living family. One that wasn’t from Themyscria, that is. It just never really crossed their minds. Diana Prince was a demigod, after all. But lo and behold, sitting before them was a smiling Diana with a small child on her lap. Someone sighed. This meeting just had an extra hour added to it. 
“Wonder Woman,” Batman said as a way of greeting. Sitting down next to his colleague, giving the little boy she was holding the side eye. The child looked no older than five, with pitch-black hair and clear blue eyes. He wore a pair of little yellow sneakers and a space suit costume-one of those orange ones from NASA. He had a death grip on a kid’s book about the solar system and was staring at the pages intensely. Overall, the child was adorable and seemed very focused on his book. But why was he here, in the Watchtower?
Diana shook her head adamantly and wrapped her arms tighter around the boy’s torso. “Absolutely not, Bruce.” She declared with a smug grin. “You can’t adopt this one. He’s mine.” 
“I didn’t say anything about adoption.” 
“You were thinking it,” She accused. And Diana was right. Bruce had been thinking about it, but who could blame him? At this point, adoption was a knee-jerk reaction.
Barry Allen, also known as the Flash, blurred right before their eyes as he dashed away to fetch something quickly and came back. “He’s so cute!” Barry cooed, crouching down to the kid’s eye level. The child, finally noticing the people in the room, blinked at Barry’s sudden appearance. “Hi, kiddo. What’s your name?”
The child stared at Barry for a tad too long before he looked up at Diana for direction. “It’s okay,” she smiled, taking the book from the kid’s hands so they could face Barry completely. “This is Flash, one of my coworkers, remember?”
The kid nodded, turning back to Barry. “I’m Danny.” He said shyly. “ ‘s nice to meet you.”
“Hi, Danny.” Barry gave the kid a blinding smile and fished something wrapped in napkins out of his pocket. “I’m the Flash, like WW said. I saw you reading that space book. Do you like space?” Danny nodded again fervently. “Would you like a moon cake?” He unwrapped the napkins carefully to reveal a slightly squished moon cake cut into four equal pieces. 
“But…” Danny looked confused. “ ‘s not the new year anymore.”
“Well, how smart are you!” Barry sounded genuinely impressed, and the whole room focused on Danny. “It’s okay. There are just some leftovers from the cafeteria. This one has mango filling. Do you like mangos?”
“Yeah!” Danny’s eyes lit up with excitement, and he bounced a little on Diana’s lap. “I like mangos, an’ strawberries, an’ razz-berries, but I never eat the razz-berries ‘cause tha’s Jazz’s favorite fruit.”
“Raspberries? Jazz?” Barry shot a glance at Diana, but she ignored him in favor of helping Danny keep all the crumbs on the napkins as he devoured the moon cake. 
“Wonder Woman, who is this child?” Clark Kent piped up, asking the question on everyone’s mind. “Is he your son?”
Diana wrinkled her nose. “Ancients, no! No, Donna is enough for me, thank you. Danny is my little cousin. Unfortunately, he got caught up in some nasty old magic spell, so I’m babysitting while his grandfather and guardians can reverse it.” 
“Spell?!” Clark was alarmed. 
Oliver Queen snorted and sat back in his chair, seemingly unimpressed. “Have fun with that. I’m not touching this issue with a ten-foot pole. I do not want to deal with any more magic hijinks this week.”
“No, seriously guys.” 
“Yeah, the giant green mealworms yesterday were enough for me.” Hal Jordan scratched his head. “I gotta admit, though, I never thought you’d have any relatives in the mortal world.”
“Am I the only one concerned about the magic spell part?”
Diana simply shrugged. “Danny isn’t exactly blood-related, per se. But it’s close enough.” Everyone could tell Bruce was just itching to grill her about what she meant. 
Martian Manhunter and Captain Marvel, who had both been absent until now, chose that exact moment to walk into the room, deep in discussion about intergalactic policies or something. As soon as Danny spotted them, he shot out of Diana’s lap with incredible speed and slammed straight into Captain Marvel. “MARVEL!” He shouted gleefully, wrapping his arms around the man’s neck. Captain Marvel, for his part, didn’t stumble and immediately brought up his hands to catch whatever had just assaulted him, but to everyone’s shock, Danny was freely floating with no issue. 
“What the-” Captain Marvel grabbed Danny by his torso and held him straight out in front of him. He squinted. “Danny?!”
“Bruce put the adoption papers down.”
“Can someone explain what’s going on?”
“Yeah, I feel like we’re missing a few steps here.” 
“It’s like the author forgot her ADHD meds or something.”
“The what?”
Diana stood up, silencing the room. “Danny, we talked about this. No zooming in the Watchtower.” She scolded. Danny visibly drooped and floated away from Marvel’s grasp. 
“Sorry.” He mumbled. 
Clark made the time-out sign with his hands, desperately trying to turn everyone’s attention back to something important. “Okay, pause.” He insisted. “Let’s backtrack. Danny is your little cousin, and he got hit with a spell??”
“That would explain it,” Marvel mumbled, which was entirely unhelpful. 
Danny, bless his heart, had gotten over the scolding quickly and floated back over to Diana, snatching a box of space stickers from a baby bag that had gone unnoticed until now. He bobbed around, giggling and putting little stars and planets everywhere, especially the ceiling. Of course, he completely ignored the situation he had just created. Diana just sighed and rubbed her forehead, seeming to age ten years. 
“Yes, sorry, Clark.” Diana apologized. “Danny is sometimes hard to keep up with, and I have been a little scatterbrained this week. But, to start from the top, Danny is a superhero, and one of his rouges thought it funny to turn him into a little kid.”
Hal frowned. “A hero? What’s his name, do we know him?”
Diana shook her head. “No, probably not. He only protects his home and rarely gets involved in mortal realm affairs. His work is of the supernatural kind, so the JL Dark would have heard of him more than we might have. Well, aside from Captain Marvel, apparently.”
Marvel just shrugged in answer to the quizzical looks he was getting. “I’m the Champion of Magic. I work with the supernatural all the time. Danny and I are good friends.”
“Hn.” Bruce grunted. “What does the magic spell entail? You said his grandfather and guardians are working on reversing it?”
Diana pointedly ignored the latter part of the question, which did not go unnoticed. “Well, the spell itself isn’t all that complicated. It bends the timestream to make a bubble and then reverses whatever is caught in the bubble. This time, the victim happened to be Danny. So, in theory, we just need to find a way to pop the bubble.” 
“But…” Clark prompted. 
“But, Danny’s work with the supernatural has caused a few issues. He was granted to ability to work outside the timestream via a Time Medallion. Unfortunately, it was fused with his very being at some point, so the medallion and the spell are at odds with each other.”
J’onn, who had flown up to join Danny on the ceiling, hummed. “That does sound like a conundrum, as one would say.” It was odd looking at the two sit cross-legged upside down, but no one commented. Danny put a sun sticker on J’onn's forehead. 
“Sorry, can we go back to the part where Danny has a Time Medallion?” Barry raised his hand. 
“No. Anyway,” Diana smiled a little at the speedster’s offended gasp. Truth be told, she didn’t know much about the timestream, so answering his questions would be difficult. Time stuff always gave her a headache. “Danny keeps getting yanked in and out of the timestream, which makes it difficult to attend to his duties. So for his safety, our grandfather left him with me.”
The room was quiet as everyone digested this information. Diana was silently thankful that today’s meeting was a small one. The other heroes, like Aquaman and Cyborg, were out on their own missions. Not even one of Bruce’s many children was around, meaning questioning would be much shorter than if they were here. 
Finally, Oliver lifted his head as something occurred to him. “Did you just say ‘our grandfather’?”
The demigoddess merely smiled. 
“Oh my god, Diana.” Hal was twisting his ring anxiously as he caught onto what Oliver was thinking. 
Clark groaned, plopping down into a chair with his head in his hands. “Diana,” Clark really didn’t want this to be true. “Diana, isn’t your grandfather Kronos? The God of Time??”
Danny hiccuped and abandoned his makeshift solar system. Clark’s words had caught his attention. “Is grandpa here?” He asked excitedly. That was all the confirmation the League needed, and everyone sighed collectively. Honestly, no one knew how Wonder Woman got the reputation as the responsible one. She loved causing petty chaos, and it showed during times like this. 
“No, sweetie-” Diana began but suddenly cut herself off with an odd look. A moment later, Barry felt it. Something big was heading towards the Watchtower, using the timestream as a shortcut. He didn’t even get to shout out a warning before a swirling green portal opened up, and out stepped an elderly man with a purple cloak and a clock embedded into his chest. The whole room froze up. This was…something powerful. Ancient. 
That didn’t seem to matter to Danny and Diana, however. They were the only two to get up and approach the old man. “I stand corrected. Hello, grandfather.” Diana bent down to give her grandfather a hug. As she did, the man’s body shrank and morphed into that of a baby’s. 
“It is wonderful to see you again, my dear.” Kronos, the literal King of Titans and God of Time, hugged her back with his tiny arms, morphing into the form of a young adult as she let go. “Now, how is that rascal, Danny? Pandora has found something to fix this whole mess.” 
“Sorry, uh, Lord Kronos?” Clark winced at how weak and unsure he sounded. “Did you say, Pandora? As in, Pandora’s Box?”
“Call me Clockwork, Kal-El.” Clockwork turned into an old man again, and the cycle repeated itself. “I am not truly the Titan King you know of. Kronos was split upon his defeat, and I am the piece that became the physical manifestation of time. But yes, Pandora from legends. She is one of Daniel’s guardians and has been scouring her archives for some time now. She believes to have found a solution to this matter, so I have come to retrieve the young king.”
“Sorry, young king?!” Oliver screeched.
“Yeah! ‘m a king!” Danny crowed, practically glowing at this point. Wait, he was glowing. “I beat the bad king an’ put him to nap. Now I get to play until nap time is over!” 
Clockwork just sighed fondly. “Sure, Daniel. Let’s go with that. Say goodbye, Pandora is waiting.”
“Buh-bye!” Danny waved enthusiastically, and before anyone could move, the room was engulfed in a bright green light. When they finally blinked the stars out of their eyes, Diana, Danny, and Clockwork were all gone. So were the baby bag and stickers coating every surface Danny had reached. The only sign that they had been there at all was the little sun sticker still on J’onn’s head and the crumb-filled napkin on the table.
Bruce sighed. Obviously, the day’s meeting was going to take much longer than planned. “I’ll get Constantine on the phone.”
Final ficlet can be found here: Time Gives And Takes
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
All the wrong reasons
Hi, can I request that reader is Chrissy’s BSF and Eddie has a huge crush on Chrissy so he uses the reader to get closer to Chrissy but then ends up falling for the reader & reader eventually finds out that Eddie was js using them? Angst & fluff ending pls. Sorry if it doesn’t make sense.
Requested by anon ❤
Warnings; Angst, angst, guilt, falling in love, heartbreak, 💔 fluff. 💞💞
@strangermarvelss made me the amazing divider ❤ ty so much ❤
Repost as the tags are being so glitchy for me rn 😥
Likes, comments and especially reblogs are very much appreciated. I do not give anyone permission to copy my work 💕
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Chrissy had been Eddie's crush for a little while now and he really wanted to get to know her properly.
Being the town "freak" he couldn't just walk up to her and announce he was crushing on her and ask if they wanted to hang out.
Jesus H Christ no, but he did have a plan and it involved her best friend y/n. Chrissy and y/n were like sisters and he figured if he got closer to her then he could get close to Chrissy too.
Y/n was a cheerleader just like Chrissy but actually spoke to him on occasions. She was...sweet and his stomach churned at the thought of using her like this.
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It was completely unexpected when Eddie first approached her. She had just finished cheerleading practice and he was going to set up for his club. Hellfire.
"Hey, that was a great cheer routine you all did for yesterday's game". This surprises her that Eddie was there. It didn't seem like his thing because he couldn't stand half the team, especially Jason.
"I wouldn't have expected you to be there, thank you though for what you said. That's really sweet". He nods and then looks nervous.
"So uh if you wanted you could come and watch Hellfire sometime?". She feels a fluttering in her stomach at the blush on his cheeks.
He was so handsome, she had always thought that but the only person she had ever told was Chrissy.
"I could come now, I don't know a lot about it but my little cousin plays it and I'd like to learn more?". He looks stunned at this information then nods and motions her to go first, opening the door to the auditorium.
"Milady". She giggles at his old-fashioned tone and words and heads inside.
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She never expected to enjoy Hellfire so much but she does. It's fascinating and she knows not to ask questions during the game but after she talks Eddie's ear off about it.
That extends to Monday at lunch and she invites him over to her table with Chrissy who welcomes him kindly.
They include Chrissy in the conversation about Hellfire too and y/n loves that he's getting on so well with Chrissy who was like her sister, they were that close.
She ignores Jason's protests and invites Eddie to sit with her and Chrissy every day that week, mostly they head over to his table though and she talks with the Hellfire boys too.
Her small crush begins to bloom into something more.
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Eddie feels guilt weigh down on him as y/n chats to him happily about his latest campaign, yeah he's getting closer to her and Chrissy is hanging around too but he feels like a fucking fraud.
He thought this would be... Not easy per say but not this fucking hard. It turned out that y/n was a great girl, super interested in Hellfire, nice to his friends and just a sweetheart.
He felt like shit for using her and not for the first time he was beginning to wonder if Chrissy was worth it, she was with Jason, kind to him, yes, but she had always been sweet.
He groans, he hates this. He hates how his friendship with y/n came to pass but he can't say anything now.
Maybe somehow this will all work out.
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Movie night was beginning to happen a lot more frequently with Eddie. Just her and Eddie. They talked a lot about anything and everything.
Sometimes the topics were light and fluffy, sometimes they were hard, emotional.
Like she learned Eddie's mother had passed away and his father was a deadbeat criminal.
"Moving in with my uncle Wayne was the best thing that ever happened to me sweetheart, my old man was a criminal and I never want to be like him".
She rushes to soothe him and cups his cheek with her hand.
"You're nothing like him Eds, you're caring, sweet, honest. You are not your father". His eyes shine with wet tears and he swallows hard.
"Y/n there's something I have to tell you". His Uncle Wayne came in at that point and he clammed up, putting the movie on.
Whatever he wanted to tell her, he could do it when he was ready.
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He didn't mean to fall for her. He didn't. He was well and truly fucked because their friendship began as a lie and at some point, he would have to confess that because the guilt was killing him.
Spending time with y/n at Hellfire, school, movie nights and phone calls had driven Chrissy far from his mind.
Only y/n filled that space now. He was falling in love with her and he was fucked. Desperate to find some sort of release he decided to confess to Henderson and Gareth.
Maybe they could help him decide what to do? He approached them at lunch and asked to speak to them in private.
The minute they were alone he spilt his guts and confessed everything. Gareth looked annoyed at him but calmed down eventually but Dustin? The look of disappointment on the little shrimp's face? That cut Eddie to the bone.
"You need to tell her, that girl is falling for you Eddie and you're obviously falling for her. You need to come clean and deal with the consequences". Dustin told him sternly.
The butthead was right, he needed to tell the truth. Y/n was going to hate him but it needed to be done. His stomach clenches in nerves.
Would she ever forgive him?
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He waits until after school, they are hanging out at her house and he can't concentrate on anything that they are speaking about, his nerves are building and she notices and softens.
"You okay Eds?". Her sweet face peers at him worried and that does it, he breaks down.
"No. No I'm not princess, when we first started hanging out I wasn't clear on my intentions and I feel sick about it". She pauses looking at him confused.
"What do you mean?". Shit shit shit. He takes a breath and it comes out in a rush.
"I had a massive crush on Chrissy and I wanted to get closer to her so I thought if we started hanging out and grew close then that would happen".
She stares at him dumbfounded and doesn't speak for several minutes.
"Sweetheart say something?". He begs and his heart breaks when he sees tears run down her cheeks.
"You were just using me?". She whispers and her eyes are full of betrayal and pain. He tries to hold her, his heart cracking even more when she pulls away.
"I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry". Sniffing she wipes the tears away and glares at him.
"You just used me, Eddie, how the fuck can you do that to someone? You wanted Chrissy all this time it was all about her?"
"Only for a little bit, not now sweetheart because I fell in love with you, all the time we spent together made me fall head over heels, I'm not interested in Chrissy like that anymore".
Her sobs pierce his heart and she looks at him with heartache written all over her face.
"You love me? That's supposed to make this all better? Our friendship was built on a lie! Get out! Just get out!".
No no... He can't lose her, he can't. Tears fall down his own cheeks and he tries to comfort him desperately but she pushes him away.
"Leave! I hate you, Eddie Munson". The wind feels like it's been knocked out of him, the girl he loves hates him and it's all his fault.
He nods and leaves driving back to his trailer, he must look a mess as he heads inside because Uncle Wayne stands up looking horrified.
"Eddie? What happened son?".
"I fucked up Uncle Wayne, I fucked up real bad". He sobs and is brought into a fierce hug by his uncle as he gets ready to explain everything.
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She feels so empty inside. The minute Eddie left all her emotions came out and she called Chrissy in tears.
Chrissy was fuming, nothing much ever made her angry but this had her furious.
She held y/n while she cried, stroked her hair, soothed her and kept Eddie from approaching her.
She just didn't want to see him not now when everything felt so raw and emotional.
Maybe one day but right now she was hurting too much, she thought he liked her for her but that wasn't the case.
At least not at first and that broke her heart into pieces.
1 month later.
"You miss him, Chrissy murmurs gently and he misses you. Look at him". Eddie looked as broken as she felt. God, she missed him but he hurt her so badly.
He was at The Hellfire table, nowhere near his dramatic and exuberant self, he hadn't been for the last month and it made her heart ache.
She shouldn't have said she hated him that was the furthest thing from the truth.
"I do miss him, Chrissy, but what he did sucked". Chrissy takes her hand and squeezes it.
"Forgive not forget but honestly sweetie, I do think he really loves you and I know you love him. Maybe he's worth a second chance. He won't hurt you again. I'd castrate him if he even tried".
This makes her smile a little and when Eddie approaches her looking nervous she decides to talk to him.
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The fact y/n and Chrissy who has been super protective of her, will even let him speak is a miracle and he grabs it with both hands.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry baby, for everything. I love you. I'm so in love with you. I fell for you so fast and I miss you. I'd do anything to be able to hold you again"
His speech makes her cry and while she's anxious about giving him a chance she knows it's what she wants but slowly and at her own pace.
"I want to be able to trust you, Eddie, that will take time but I do miss you. I'm giving you one chance. If you fuck up again we are done for good".
Relief fills him and he gently takes her hand and kisses it.
"This last month without you has been hell. I will never hurt you again princess. I swear it and I'll prove it to you".
Chrissy glares at him.
"You better Munson. I swear I'll kick your ass if you fuck up again". Chrissy leaves them to talk as the bell rings signalling the end of lunch.
Eddie gulps.
"Shit, she's scary right?". This makes y/n giggle and he lights up at her laugh.
"I promise you, sweetheart. I'll get it right this time, can, can I kiss you? I've wanted to for a long time".
Desire flickers in her eyes and she nods, he leans forward and captures his lips with hers. It's incredible. So fucking perfect.
They break apart and he pulls her into a hug relishing the fact she's in his arms once more.
"Let's start light yeah come to Hellfire tonight as my girl, the boys miss you". Miraculously she agrees and he feels lighter than air, so grateful for this second chance.
He will never fuck it up, he will spend every single day proving to her.
Because she's his soulmate and he never wants to lose her again.
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mxomo · 1 year
caring again (3/3) ♡ ︎kuroo tetsurō
Kuroo comforts you after catching you having a teary moment. c/w: haikyuu, female reader, fluff, comfort. a/n: technically part 3 of care(1)(2), but can be read alone. i hope you like! ♡︎
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“.. __?”
You whipped your head round at the call of your name, wiping your eyes furiously as you plastered a cheerful smile on your face. Dammit. You were sure all the boys had gone home, and you’d felt overwhelmed all day, so you’d taken the chance to have a little cry in the store room before you locked up the gym to set off home.
It wasn’t a big deal, you thought, because everybody needed a cry every once in a while and you’d been pretty quiet so you were just getting it out of your system, that’s all. Moving was a big deal and it was only normal to feel slightly wobbly all the time.
Leaving Hyōgo had been hard, but you were quite successful in occupying your time so your sadness was limited to 5 minute slots between other commitments during the day or at bedtime. You thought it was best to keep yourself busy, because it was much better feeling slightly stressed all the time than thinking about Atsumu.
He was an idiot and your heart hurt but you also missed him. He was one of your best friends and you’d walked away from him without so much as a goodbye. You didn’t have time to consider whether it was the right choice - you had new places to see, people to befriend, assignments to catch up on.
A new volleyball team, full of rowdy teenage boys that needed wrangling because they liked to tease you and felt especially comfortable doing so, considering your relation to their setter and therefore acquaintanceship with their captain Tetsurō before you took up the mantle of managing their team. Yamamoto had been beside himself with glee when Tetsu introduced you, eyes sparkling as he cheerfully announced they could finally compete with Karasuno and their angel manager, whatever that meant. You’d developed a comfortable acquaintanceship with Kai and Yaku, both of whom were very kind and appreciative when you would look after them. Yamamoto and Inouka had taken to proposing on a regular basis, much to your chagrin. Lev made fun of you for being small, like it was abnormal to be small next to his gargantuan frame. You spent the most time with Fukunaga - who very much enjoyed how much you cackled at his jokes - and Kozume, your cousin, whom you’d grown far closer to than you ever anticipated after discovering a mutual competitiveness and interest in gaming. Your classes actually felt a little easier, you’d befriended a couple of girls who happened to manage other sports teams for Nekoma, and where you lived was nicer than before, if a little smaller. Life really was great. You had every reason to be happy.
“Can I hug you?” Tetsu said after a moment, his ever analytical gaze quickly clocking onto the red tinge on your eyes and cheeks and the damp patches on your sleeve cuffs.
His question confused you. Your first thought was that nobody had actually physically touched you since Atsumu. The thought of being touched sent an odd unnerving shiver down your spine, a hint of anxiety forming at the thought of your bubble being invaded by an outsider. Secondly, was it usual for somebody to ask for permission before a hug? You were quite picky with whom you shared hugs with, and didn’t always enjoy them, but you had been hugged and jostled around at other people’s leisure for a long time. And finally, did you want a hug? You realised within a moment that actually yes, a hug would be quite nice and probably a great remedy for your current heartbreak; this lead to thinking whether you wanted to hug Tetsurô specifically, and you began considering whether he would give good hugs (more than likely yes), or if you just wanted a comfort hug from literally anyone at this point. Everybody knew that when you’re sad, if someone gives you a hug or asks if you’re okay, that’s the global signal for your emotions to break. Did you want to crumble into a teary mess?
“Nothing weird. I can hear your brain spinning from here,” he clarified, raising his hands to show he meant no harm. “You just look sad, and I thought a hug might help.”
“Yeah, I do feel sad,” you said after a few moments. For some reason, Tetsu’s words set off the waterworks again, and tears streamed silently down your face as you avoided looking the taller boy fully in the eye. Your final concern of holding yourself together in the face of a hug was for nought; it seemed the barest of kindness was enough to coax you into meltdown. It made your next statement much easier to say, because you had nothing to lose anyway. “.. Maybe a hug would help.”
One large stride by him and you found yourself buried in his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around you. Your arms instinctively returned the hug, clinging tightly around his waist as your first sob escaped, and all of your pent up emotions crashed through the mediocre dam you’d built to keep it at bay as Tetsu listened quietly, stroking your hair the whole time.
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“If I was a meaner person, I’d tell you to wash this shirt for me,” Tetsu smirked, ruffling your hair as he handed you an Potari Sweat and ice lolly. He took the coins you were offering in your hand, nodding his head in thanks before placing them back into the front pocket of your bag. “My treat.”
“Give it to me then,” you said back, truly feeling bad about leaving mascara and wet patches all over his white t-shirt. You tugged at his shirt to insist on your point. “Thank you for this.”
He rolled his eyes, tapping your forehead gently in admonishment as he sat himself down next to you on the bench outside the store that you’d waited at, just to have a moment to yourself. Both of you dug into your snacks quietly.
It was getting dark. The two of you had eventually locked up the gym and wandered to the closest convenience store to grab a snack; an hour of sobbing was enough to exhaust anyone and Tetsu was insistent that you rehydrate after crying enough to flood the Pacific.
It was surprising. You felt embarrassed, having broken down like that in front of him with absolutely no warning, roping the poor boy into your emotions that, for God’s sake, was mostly about your ex. Yet, for some reason, you didn’t feel bad. You didn’t feel uncomfortable or even dislike it when he teased you, even when you felt so awful, and you didn’t feel the need to fill the silence when you were by his side, even though you could and you knew he would listen. It didn’t matter that your makeup was half gone, that your face was swollen and red and that Tetsu had learned how efficiently your body produced snot through your use of all of his tissues. Even though you didn’t feel good, you did feel lighter. Was that because of Tetsu? He’d listened to you in silence as you recounted between sobs the main bulletpoints of who Atsumu was, why you left the way you did, why it made you so sad. Tetsu had nodded at the right parts. Most importantly, he rubbed soothing circles with his big hands on your back the whole time you’d been in a state - any other time and that would’ve sent you into a state of a different kind. He then topped it all off by feeding you and promising to make sure you got home safely. Kuroo Tetsuro did all the right things, and your heart stuttered as your body relaxed and you closed your eyes. A deep, quiet breath later, you rested your head on his shoulder.
You heard a, “I’m going to put my arm around you,” before you were shifted  slightly so his arm was around you, both leaning back on the bench.
“This Atsumu sounds like an idiot,” Tetsu started after a while. Both of you had taken to looking at the sun slowly creeping down below the buildings, simply enjoying the other’s company. “Once the team has confirmation you’re single, there may very well be a bloodbath. I’m being serious!” He gently pushed you off his shoulder when you rolled your eyes and snorted at him, turning to look you straight in the face as he continued. “What’s so funny? You’re smart, funny, you love volleyball, you smell good, you always look after everyone and you’re stunning on top of it all. Why would there not be a bloodbath?”
“.. I smell good?” Your ears were tingling and you were sure you were blushing harder than you ever had in your life. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been complimented so directly, let alone with so many nice things, and Tetsu said it in a way that sounded so completely obvious that you found yourself unable to doubt his sincerity.
“Huh?” he snorted. “That’s what you picked up on?”
“Sorry. I don’t know what to say or do.” You, in a contradictory moment of shyness and boldness, hid your face in his shoulder as your cheeks continued to burn. You tried to ignore the stutter in your heartbeat as he squished you tighter against him.
“Okay. Well, I’m going to shoot my shot before everyone else does, so let’s go watch a movie this weekend.”
Oh. What? You were sure that your ears were decieving you, because who in their right mind would ask you out whilst you were in this state? You wanted to question his sanity, opening your mouth to do so, but what came out was very different. “What makes you think I want to watch a movie with you?” Internally, you facepalmed. That wasn’t even remotely close to what you meant, but your instinct to tease him took over whilst craftily buying time to gather your thoughts.
“Well, I don’t want to be too cocky, but I’ve seen the way you look at me when I wear shorts. I don’t think you could resist this booty.” He couldn’t hold back his laugh as you yelped in shock, arm flying out to slap him upside the head. He grabbed your hand in return, planting a kiss on your knuckle in an effort to soothe (but giving you a heart attack instead). You were reminded that stupid boys were stupid as you wished desperately to crawl under a rock, because you knew he wasn’t wrong and that you found his backside positively delicious to admire - not that you would ever, ever admit it.
“Enjoying the merchandise is not the same as having an uncontrollable thirst,” you sniped defensively, crossing your arms as you pouted. “But I’ll watch a movie with you. My place is free this weekend.”
“Perfect.” His smile was beaming as he untangled your arms, taking your hands in his and placing another kiss on your knuckles. “I look forward to the opportunity of wooing milady.”
You wanted to stay grumpy with him. You wanted to pout, because who was he to move your arms about as he pleased? How rude of him, making you so flustered, because he absolutely was doing it on purpose. Your body was betraying you as your heart continued to flutter gently at his attentions. You found yourslef returning a smile as you enjoyed the joy radiating from him at your agreement to spend time with him. Was it worth addressing the seed of doubt you had about everything now, when he was being so kind and understanidng about everything? Would he continue being so comforting and soothing, even if you were voicing your insecurities? You were hesitant to speak as the nasty side of your brain tried to convince you that Tetsu would stop being so lovely if you burdened him with more negativity, considering that you’d presented a front of confidence and calm in front of him until today.
But, when you moved to Tokyo, you resolved to doing new things and starting afresh. Everything he was making you feel felt new, and exciting, and you decided that you would just ask him what was on your mind now, and if he had the wrong reaction then you could simply cut bait.  Your experience was telling you that he wouldn’t want to hear it, but your gut was telling you he would. The rational side of your brain knew there was no reason to not trust him so far, but the instinct to keep things close to the chest ran deep. More importantly, you were scared that, with how you were feeling, that he would eventually resent you whilst you struggle to move forward. You didn’t want to be unfair to him, because as good as he was making you feel now, you hadn’t ever considered a relationship with Tetsu until today, and the thought brought up a lot of feelings.  “Are you sure you want to woo someone you’ve just watched crying about their ex?”
“I’m a patient man,” he responded cheerfully, taking your hand in his as he grinned at you. “Seeing you happy is worth the effort.”
You didn’t have anything to say, choosing to squeeze his hand instead as you turned a flaming shade of tomato red. You stared at the floor, brain churning as you considered the new feeling of warmth blossoming in your chest. With Atsumu, he really had given you butterflies like in the romance novels, and when you’d lost that, you couldn’t help wondering whether that was the start of the end for you both. With Tetsu, you didn’t have butterflies - instead, it felt like you were floating, a soothing calm that filled you to your fingertips as comfort filled you to the core. It felt different.
It felt good, and you felt better.
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masterlist - part one • part two • part three
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canirove · 11 months
Granada | Chapter 11
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"It's so nice to see you again, Lady Rowena."
"You too, my lord."
"And look at you, you are smiling! Such a difference from your wedding day!" Rúben's uncle said.
"Well, she was marrying a stranger. But looks like he has now won her heart, hasn't he?" his aunt asked.
"Aunt, uncle!" Rúben said, joining the conversation. "Thank you for coming."
"Of course! We couldn't miss your birthday, could we?"
Rúben's friends and family members had started to arrive at the summer palace ready to celebrate his birthday, and for the past couple of days, Rowena had spent most of her time welcoming people and hearing the same thing: how happy she looked. 
And she was happy. She was thoroughly enjoying her time at the summer palace, already used to all the new traditions, and she had made some good friends. Even her relationship with Rúben had changed. 
They still were constantly bickering and teasing the other, but something was different. Instead of eyes rolling followed by angry silences, they would find themselves trying not to smile and then continue with their conversation or whatever they were doing. It was just like what her parents always did. 
"Are you and Diogo ready for this year's game?" Rúben's uncle asked. "The boys have been training daily."
"Game? What game?" Rowena asked.
"Each year for my birthday we play a football game. Lords against servants. We started when Diogo and I were kids, and we've kept doing it, it's become a tradition" Rúben explained.
"Why didn't you tell me you played football?"
"You never asked" he shrugged.
"Are you familiar with the sport, my lady?" his aunt asked.
"Both my parents love it and they taught my sisters and I how to play the moment we were able to walk."
"Then you should join the boys!" Rúben's uncle said. 
"I don't think that's a good idea" he replied.
"Why not? Because I am a woman?"
"You know it isn't because of that."
"Then what? Afraid I may be better than you?" Rowena smiled.
"You probably are better than me, yes" he chuckled. "I just worry you may hurt yourself. My cousins take this very seriously and they don't like losing."
"I'll be fine, Rúben. You know I can take care of myself."
"Yes, you can" he smirked.
"Then you should let her play!" 
"She doesn't need my permission, uncle. I'm her husband, not her owner."
"Thank you" Rowena said, feeling her cheeks get warm.
"Well, then it's settled. Looking forward to seeing you play, my lady. The boys' team needs some fresh blood."
"Oh, I'm not planning on playing with them, my lord."
"What?" Rúben's uncle said.
"I'm playing with the servants."
"I can't believe you chose to play with the servants" Anne said while Rowena stretched. 
"Why not?"
"You are a princess! And you will be playing against your husband, who happens to be the birthday boy. What if you win?"
"Then I'll celebrate" she smiled.
"You two are so weird… Why can't you show your love for each other like normal people do?"
"Anne, I've already told you. I don't love Rúben. And he definitely doesn't love me."
"He's coming."
"My prince! Good luck on your game" Anne said before joining Diogo.
"Thank you, Anne. Wife."
"Hello" Rowena said, standing up and stretching her arms. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Your legs."
"I have legs, yes. All women do. Didn't you know?" she chuckled. 
"Of course I do. I'm very familiar with them."
"Of course you are" she replied, rolling her eyes. "Why so surprised, then? You've already seen mine before."
"Not like that. Turn around."
"Just turn around."
"Fine" she sighed.
"Good lord, Rowena" Rúben whispered.
"What. What is it? Please tell me I didn't rip my trousers."
"No, you didn't. But I may rip them from you."
"I beg your pardon?" she said, quickly turning around, the way Rúben was looking at her almost making her trip. He had never looked at her like that, with such intensity. It was as if he wanted to… devour her.
"Rúben, are you ready?" Diogo called.
"Ready!" he replied, his eyes scanning Rowena's body one last time before leaving to meet his brother.
"My lady, are you ready? My lady?" one of the servants asked her.
"Yes, sorry. Let's go" she replied, trying to focus on the game and forget the way Rúben had looked at her. Easier said than done.
"Did you know she was this good?" Diogo complained after the servants' team scored another goal.
"I did not" Rúben said, his eyes following Rowena as she celebrated.
"We've never lost your birthday game, brother."
"There is a first time for everything, Didi" Anne giggled from where she was watching.
"So not funny, love" he replied. "We must do something with your wife."
"Leave that to me" Rúben said. 
"Ouch!" Rowena said when she crashed against someone's chest. A very muscled and naked chest, because the Princes' team had decided to play shirtless just in case the players got confused.
"What they want, is to show off" Anne had said. "Though I'm not complaining."
"Rúben, move."
"No" he said, putting his arms around Rowena.
"Rúben, this is cheating."
"A husband hugging his wife? Since when?"
"Since we are playing a football game. Let me go!" she said, trying to free herself from his grip but making the big mistake of touching his arms. His big and strong arms like Anne called them. The moment she felt them under her hands, she was trapped. They were so… so big and strong.
"Goal!" Diogo yelled behind them.
"They scored! They scored and I could help because of you!" 
"Sorry, wife" Rúben grinned. "I'll let you go now" he said as his hands moved from her waist. But they didn't leave her body. They kept moving down to her butt, giving it a squeeze before finally letting her go.
"Couldn't help myself, cupcake. With those trousers you were asking for it."
"You… you… urgh!" she grunted before running to join her teammates, somehow feeling Rúben's eyes on her back. Or on her lower back to be precise.
"To your left, my lady!" a servant said.
One goal. They just needed one goal and the game would be theirs, the servants winning for the first time. The only thing between her and achieving that, was Rúben. 
"Now!" the servant said again, Rowena managing to pass him the ball. The one who didn't make it tho, was her. 
She crashed against Rúben’s body, doing with such force that it knocked the wind out of her. Though it was nothing compared to what she felt when she fell to the floor and hit her head.
"Rowena!" she heard him say. "Rowena, are you alright? Go fetch the doctor, she's bleeding! Now! Rowena, don't close your eyes. Stay with me."
"I'm here. Please don't close your eyes, Rowena."
But she couldn't. They felt so heavy and her head hurt so much…
"Where is the doctor? Rowena, no… Rowena!"
"Water" she repeated, her throat feeling as if she had been eating sand. 
"Of course, water" Rúben said, helping her drink. "Better?"
"Yes" she whispered. "What happened?"
"That you scared the hell out of me, that's what happened. And it was all my fault."
"Don't you remember the game? When I hit you and you fell?"
"I… I remember crashing against you."
"I hit you and you almost opened your head in half when you fell to the floor."
"My… ouch" she hissed when she moved, one side of her head on fire. "Is it too bad? How do I look?"
"Is that what you care about now? How do you look?" Rúben chuckled.
"Yes" she replied, trying to shrug but being stopped by the pain.
"You look like a mess."
"Then we are matching. You could have put on a shirt or something."
"I was too worried."
"To get dress?" Rowena laughed.
"I was too worried about you to care about anything else. I thought… I thought I…"
"Rúben" she said, reaching for his hand. "I'm fine. Sore and tired, but I'm fine."
"It was my fault, Rowena. I hit you and you fell and…" he said, holding her hand and kissing it. He had never done that before.
"I'm fine, Rúben. And it wasn't your fault. I crashed against you, you didn't hit me. If you want to blame yourself for something, do it for being built like a thick wall."
"Oh, don't try to look clueless. You know what I mean."
"Maybe I do" he smiled. "But I really thought you were leaving me, Rowena."
"Like this? No way. The day I leave you, it'll be because I've managed to finally run away."
"Is it happening any time soon?"
"I'm quite enjoying the summer, so I'll postpone it for the winter."
"Good" Rúben smiled. And like his previous smile, it was one of those he seemed to only show around her. For her. "Can you promise me something, tho?"
"It depends on what it is."
"Don't do anything that could end up scaring me like this. Please."
"I'll try. But only because you used the magic word" Rowena replied with a teasing smile.
"Thank you" he said. And, again, there it was. That smile. "I'm going to tell Anne you are awake."
"Maybe have a bath too?"
"Yes, that too" he chuckled. "I'll come back later to check on you."
"You know where to find me" Rowena smiled. "And Rúben…"
"Thank you. For worrying about me and taking care of me."
"That's what husbands are for. Now rest" he said, kissing her forehead and leaving a tingling sensation on her skin. 
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xo-lesserafim · 1 year
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a/n: Hey guys! Sorry I waa gone a little bit i had to plan because episode 7+ wasn’t following Xo Kitty’s timeline. Also thank you guys sm for 250 likes and 21 followers. You guys are so amazing. Anyways, enjoy<3
Bold: Korean
Italics: Over the phone
Both: Korean and over the phone.
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Okay, so no coffee with Q.
It’s fine, I’ll just head to Jenny’s modeling place after I get coffee.
“Order for *coffee order.*” The barista said.
“Thank you, have a great day!” I said.
“You too.” They said.
I made it to the place, and I was amazed.
There was a lot of things happening at once, but it was AMAZING!!
“Andrea!” Jenny said.
“I’m going to speak Korean mainly, is there a name you would like be to say when I speak Korean?”
“Ah-ri or Ae ri will do.”
“Do you prefer one?”
“Ah-ri when we are alone, Ae ri with other people.”
“By the way., call me eonnie”
I was zoning out, excited for my new career.
A picture of the modeling.
“I am so glad you called me before I went home to get ramen.” I said
“You’re welcome, anyway, how was modeling?” Q asked.
“IT WAS AMAZING!” I said excited.
I blabbed on all the amazing stuff that happened and the outfits!
“Wow, that seemed fun!” Q said.
“Boring, as ever.”
“Oof. How was Min ho and Kitty?” I asked.
“Kitty has been okay, she’s always asking if your okay, and she’s so worried. And Min ho, he hasn’t been himself, he’s only been himself if Kitty’s around.” Q said.
“Are you gonna come back to the dorms?”
“Maybe, I just don’t feel comfortable going back yet. Plus Jenny or Ji-ae eonnie’s house is really awesome! I wish you could come over.” I said.
“I wished curfew wasn’t a thing.” Q said.
“You should get back. Curfew is in 30 minutes.” I said.
“All right, see you Monday.” Q said.
“Q!” I said.
“Where were you?”
“I was out shopping.” He said.
“Couldn’t you have gotten the stuff you needed yesterday when we went shopping.”
“Yea, but I forgot something.”
I went to mini fridge for my skincare to do my skincare.
“Min ho wasn’t himself, weird!” I thought.
I looked on my phone and they posted me!
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“I looked good!” I thought.
I looked on twitter and found a post about Ae-ri Song.
“She looks familiar,” I thought.
“But I can’t wrap my finger who she is.”
“But she is a beauty.”
“I hope we can meet soon.”
On Sunday, I went back to do a run through on the runway.
“She only got in because her cousin owns the place.” A girl said.
“Right, Binna.” The other girl said.
Binna? Hmm…
When it was Binna’s turn to walk, as she was walking she slipped a bit.
“Deserved!” I thought.
When it was my turn, I walked on the runway with a smile, but I was so nervous.
But I guess I had a confident aura, everyone started clapping.
“Nice job Ae-ri!” Ji-ae said.
“Thanks eonnie!” I said
“As a treat, we are going to get ice cream.”
“Really, thank you!
“Yea, you did a great job!”
At the ice cream shop, I saw Q, and….
Thank God I had sunglasses and mask on, or I would have been fucked.
“Here’s your ice cream, have a nice day.” The worker said.
“Thanks, you too!” I said.
We went back home to eat.
I am so excited for the trip tomorrow.
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TAGLIST: @chaewon-slays @cherrriesss
Copyrights © 2023 xo-lesserafim. All rights reserved. I do not own XO, Kitty , Netflix does. do not copy, translate, or repost anything without my permission.
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evita-shelby · 10 months
A witch and a rose
A second gift for Flor/@raincoffeeandfandoms , it was supposed to be wacky kid shenanigans, but then Eva demanded she be writtwn seriously, and i couldn't get her out of there.
I hope you like it
Cw: mentions of Tommy’s depression and suicidal thoughts
Gif by @hellomadelene
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For Allie Solomons’ sixth birthday, Tommy had agreed to arrange ponies and horses for the girls to ride by the beach.
As if the antique dollhouse was not gift enough, he had complained when his witch of a wife asked, no, told him they were going take horses to Margate.
“Diane told Allie about her pony on their playdate, so I thought it would be nice for you to let the poor little girl get a pony ride for her birthday.” Eva answered his unspoken question as she was fond of doing before handing him baby Florence as she made damn sure the older children understood they were to be on their best behavior.
After Tommy shot him, Alfie had lost some of his looks.
What the bullet with his name hadn’t finished, was slowly being taken over by his skin cancer.
Did this horrify his children?
Absolutely not.
Like their mother and father, they had inherited an unnatural fascination with the scary and not so pretty aspects of life.
Five-year-old Diane and four year old Gabriel, in their last playdate, had schemed to touch Uncle Alfie’s face and, even worse, done it.
Tommy had hoped Alfie would have scared them into not doing it again ---Tommy didn’t know enough about his condition to know if it was contagious, he just knew its just something you don’t do--- but he just laughed and let them satisfy their curiosity.
“Why do I have to go. They are all babies.” Eight-year-old Charlie complained as he took his seat behind him.
Been a while since they went anywhere as a family.
Eva tried her best to pry him away from work after Polly’s death and his suicide attempts.
Went as far as using her friendship with Rose Solomons to get him to leave the house and the woods.
“Because we will be staying at Margate for the weekend, it will be fun, Carlitos.” Eva said hoping to get the boy to stop pouting. “Besides they’ll be plenty of boys for you to play with, Allie’s cousins will be there.”
“Will Auntie Florence be there?” Dia asked climbing after her brother.
She likes being in the middle, makes it a fucking pain on long drives because she has the bladder of a hummingbird.
“Yes, but we are calling her Esther when we are there.” He reminded her as he made up a lie as to why they can’t call her by Florence or her birth name, Frida. “So we don’t confuse her with the baby.”
How do you tell your children Auntie Florence was a spy and assassin who changed identities like one changes underwear?
“And for your Aunt Polly’s sake, please don’t touch Uncle Alfie’s face without permission.”
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The fact that they get there with no accidents is a miracle in itself.
Sometimes the children’s noises cause Tommy to lose his patience which lead to four crying children or worse, Tommy having an episode.
Tommy had suffered since that night.
Margate will do them good, Eva thinks.
Besides, it would help patch things up between her and Rose after they fought when they last saw each other in London.
Rose had called her a sellout when she saw that Eva and Tommy would be budding up to Mosley and the New Party.
Did Rose wait for Eva to explain what Alfie already knew?
Could Eva not have used her daughter’s sixth birthday to tell her they were spying on the fascists to make sure the party never takes off?
Yes, but chances are Rose Coldwell-Solomons wouldn’t hear her out.
It had been a highly likely friendship, both women had strong opinions, valued freedom and most importantly, did not hesitate to make themselves heard.
Sure, it had been awkward when Eva had a whooping four children while Rose struggled with her infertility, but they had made it through those tentative moments and come out the better for it.
And then they had the worst fight after the kids’ playdate ended.
Rose had not been told that the Shelbys flirting with fascism was a cover. Alfie knew, hence why he had agreed to provide a distraction to have Mosley assassinated last January, but it seems no one had told his wife.
To her they were traitors and the worst sort of people.
They had said things, they had burned the metaphorical bridge they stood on and before she could regain her senses, Rose had ended their friendship and left without ever looking back.
Now she was here with gifts and knowing Florence Solomons had her back should Rose try to toss her out on her ass.
“I am not a child; you can’t bribe me with gifts.” Rose crossed her arms once they had had a moment alone in her kitchen.
They’d come early for this exact reason.
So far so good.
“I know, Rosie. I came to apologize; I should have told you why we are kissing Mosley’s ass after failing to kill him instead of assuming Alfie had told you.” Eva began her apology and thanked the Abrahamic god that Florence had given her the file detailing their mission written by Churchill himself.
“Yeah, you should have instead of cutting me out to make space for Cimme Mosley and her friends.” Rose remarked as she skimmed through the file.
“I’m sorry. Can you ever forgive me for being a pendeja about it?” the witch asked noting Rose’s defenses had lowered enough to soften towards her.
It’s all going to go to hell when she discovers this ruse has to last for the next four years.
Just until they know Mosley is not getting anywhere with his party.
“How long are we to pretend we are enemies?” Rose said getting to the agreement in the final page.
Something was happening in 1934, something bad and this chill only happened when Diane and Tommy were together.
Mosley wanted to hurt Tommy and he would hurt Eva’s little witch too.
“Four years. They are planning something, something awful. I don’t know yet, but I feel it in my bones. I only need four years to figure out what it is so I can stop it and make sure Mosley dies alone and his ideas with him.” Eva confessed to her friend and ally.
“I suppose I can forgive you, it’s for a worthy cause. But the moment you arrive in Margate, this---” she says gesturing to the file “--- stays out of my house.”
“Agreed, we have that rule at home. Been a fucking lifesaver.” The witch admits, breathing easier now that she has her friend back.
“We should return to the party; I want to see Allie’s face when she sees the ponies.” Rose smiled jubilantly; motherhood agreed with her.
It was so good to see her have this happiness so long denied her.
“I want to see Alfie’s when he sees Florence bring out her gift for her sweet little niece. What is your policy on a gold and diamond Star of David for Allie?” the witch asked. Maybe she should tell her about the hand painted illustrated Siddur and matching Torah as well and, oh, the wooden Noah’s Ark that was absolutely perfect, but that would wreck the surprise.
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apinchofm · 1 year
for @elephantinparis
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"You avoid me."
Rhaena was surprised to hear Aemond behind her in the royal gardens. She liked to walk through the gardens, giving herself an illusion of freedom. Her father had simply given her up to marry a man she did not wish to marry.
"I thought it best, do you not?" Rhaena said. She lifted her light blue and gold skirts, her dress a bright contrast to her husband's dark and brooding black and blue that he always wore.
Meeting at the top of the stairs, Aemond made the steps towards her. She was always making him do that.
He smirked, "And how will we give your father and my mother a grandchild?"
He did not bed her on their wedding night, choosing to cut himself and make it seem as she had lost her virtue.
She did not know what to make of him. He could be so aloof and cold. His words, little as they were, were often sarcastic.
So she was indifferent to him, but delighted in the little ways she could frustrate him. She spent time with Heleana and Daeron and the twins. At court, with her Velaryon cousins and other ladies, she was delightful.
"We have meen married two moons and you are still intact." He said lowly, "People will get suspicious."
Rhaena frowned, "But...I..."
"I am not forcing you into anything. I prefer my partners enthusiastic." Aemond interrupted sharply.
"I am sure they are, when you pay them." Rhaena snarked.
Aemond merely smirked, "Oh, they are. Does that make you jealous, my sweet dragon?"
She scowled causing his smile to widen slightly. He enjoyed frustrating her. Suddenly, there was an unreadable look in his eye. His leaned in even closer, his right hand around her waist pulling her close.
Was he going to...? Rhaena wondered to herself. He had only kissed her twice and she was no expert in kissing but they were good, she supposed. But they were for show.
"Unhand me." She whispered.
"We are being observed." He turned his head and she followed his eye line to see some courtiers who gave them a knowing look, leaving the gardens to no doubt spread rumours.
She hated Aemond and he despises her. That is what Rhaena told herself, even as her lower belly burned in his presence. She did not know why.
He was like a dragonlord of old. Much like her father, he fashioned himself after Maegor or Aegon the Conqueror.
But he would never enter her chambers without permission. Sometimes, gifts and books were sent to her. New gowns.
She hated him. She hated how conflicted he made her.
"Is that for your sister?"
She gasped, shocked by how silently he could move. She was sitting at her desk and he merely stood in the doorway of their adjoining rooms.
She was in fact writing to Baela, who was on Dragonstone, utterly beloved by their father, to tell her how she was. She had promised, after all.
"Yes." Rhaena said.
"Do you wish for me to send it for you? I have a few of father's correspondence that I will sending." He asked.
She looked at him suspiciously, "Why?"
"Rhaena, neither of us are stupid. You writing to your sister is not treasonous and no one will question it of I send it in your place."
"Oh." Rhaena nodded.
She was not convinced until the following afternoon, he returned with two letters for her.
"You sent them." Rhaena observed, seeing the seal. Driftmark on one, the other Dragonstone - her grandmother and Baela.
"I said I would, did I not?" Aemond scoffed. He had been honest - if not brutally so - with her.
"Thank you."
"Will I be welcome in your chambers then, sweet dragon?" He asked teasingly. She hugged angrily and ignored his chuckles as she stormed into her chambers.
How dare he?
She supposed she could not do what Rhaenyra did - Aemond would probably kill the man involved.
"A child is a blessing." Alicent said, one afternoon when they had tea, "Aemond's labour was easy."
Her mother's labour had not been easy. She recalls the baby dying soon after and her mother's pyre. She did want to be a mother.
Garmund Hightower seemed nice. He was tall with light strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. A part of Rhaena thought to ask him to father her children if her husband still hated her.
He asked her dance during the King's nameday banquet and she was enjoying herself.
Aemond watched his wife dance with his cousin.
"Aemond, please do not kill our cousin here," Daeron warned lowly when he saw his brother stand.
"Of course not." He murmured noncommittally.
Rhaena, in her off-shoulder pink and silver ballgown, stood out with ease. He watched his cousin's hand slide to the small of her back.
Garmund's face fell upon seeing his cousin and he bowed stiffly, walking away. To test Aemond's temper was to be like waking Vhagar.
Rhaena turned around and gasped in surprise seeing him.
"Wife." His hands pulled her close, and she instinctively placed her hands on his shoulders.
"You do not like to dance."
"That does not mean I do not know how." A dance was much like combat, and he had been sure to train in both.
"Enjoying my cousin's company?"
"He was being kind." Rhaena said, "A familial trait I am sure skipped you."
He smirked, "Oh, my sweet dragon."
"Do not call me that."
"Why? Which part do you object to?" Aemond whispered in her ear. He watched her shiver and hummed. This was why she despised him.
"Come." He said, tugging her out of the ballroom. Rhaena was confused but did not cause a scene but was confused as he dragged her out of the Great Hall.
He took her into a dark alcove and pressed her into the wall. Her breath hitched, and she looked up at him, violet eyes wide and nervous.
Then he kissed her.
He cradled her head gently, so odd and contrasting to his kisses' frantic and desperate nature. She tried to keep up, swiping her tongue against his. Then he pulled away, kissing her neck. He dragged his teeth across her neck and she sighed.
Then he stopped.
Rhaena huffed heavily, her heart beating wildly in her chest against her ribs.
"That was rather intimate." She stuttered out.
"Yes." Aemond agreed.
They returned to their chambers silently. She did not know what to do except get ready for bed as she usually did. She was in no mood to go back to the ball.
She heard a knock at her door and then soon after, Aemond opened the door, coming in. She was sitting on her chaise, reading.
"Aemond." She greeted gently, closing her book.
"Why did you-? I mean, you- what was that?" Rhaena demanded.
"That was a kiss, sweet girl." He said.
"No, it was more than that. You-! Ugh!" In frustration, she threw the book in her hand at his head, unable to articulate.
He dodged the book with ease, stepping to the side, amused, "May I ask what that was for?"
"You! You always hate me and then you do kind things and give me gifts and send my letters and then hate me all over and I hate that I cannot fathom why or how and I..." She ranted before wiping her face when she felt something wet.
She was crying, she realized. Tears of frustration ran down her cheeks.
"I don't hate you."
His words stunned her into silence. She opened and closed her mouth, unsure.
"I don't hate you, sweet girl. I hate being forced into arrangements. I despise your Strong boys-"
"Again, treasonous-"
"But I do not hate you." Aemond finished, ignoring her objection. He looked at her, sapphire and indigo boring into her. He was not wearing his patch. She never had minded and was not scared of him as other ladies in the court were.
She sat down on the carpet, exhausted. Aemond sat down next to her. He handed her the book she threw as they just looked into the fireplace.
"I do not socialize often," Aemond said after a while, and she looked at him, "Nor do I court. So I do not know how to..."
She needed kindness, he had realised early. A girl separated from the only family she knew; her twin sister and grandparents and her father so cold as to let her go.
He tried. He gave her gifts silently and sent her letters.
"Perhaps you should practice more." Rhaena suggested quietly, "You are a good dancer. And intelligent."
"As are you. You are better at getting people to like you." She was the darling of the court. Even married, people flocked to her.
"I would like you to speak to me. I have never been good at nonverbal communication." Rhaena whispered. He nodded.
"I am scared of having a baby." Rhaena admitted, "After my mother..."
"We need not have a child if we start fucking, Rhaena." There were ways to prevent or delay.
Her face warmed at his crass choice of words, but she cleared her "But is that not why people...?"
"One reason." Aemond said, "But it can bring two people closer. Or so I hear."
"Oh." Rhaena said, "But you had not-?"
"I do not wish to force you. I told you. I like my partner's willing and I think you want to, but you do not know how."
He was right. There was something that always stirred inside of her around him, even when he was frustrating.
"I do not want to harm you, Rhaena." Aemond admitted quietly, "We are in a mess not of our making. Let us find something from it. But we need not do anything yet."
She reached out and gently touched his hand, thankfully. She felt his hand tense and he looked at her confused and she worried that she had gone too far.
But he held onto her, his thumb gently stroking her knuckles. She found the gesture soothing and shuffled closer to him.
Pressing a kiss to her shoulder, she sighed, "May we be friends, husband?"
He smiled slightly, "We may, wife."
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chevelleneech · 1 month
Why Eddie should NOT also have encephalitis.
One, it’d be excruciatingly lazy writing. We went through an entire episode of Chim suffering virus as he battled his inner demons, and Kenneth carried the fuck out of every scene. Having Eddie go through the exact same thing, just in a more drawn out way would be so… disrespectful, from a storytelling perspective. Because why not give that time to the character who establishes the virus being an issue in the first place?
As well, no matter what anyone says, Eddie is white Latino, so it’d also feel odd to me that they glossed over an Asian man getting a nice weighty plot line about grief and fear, just to give it to the same white man who has spent five seasons dealing with grief and trauma. Now, this isn’t me saying Eddie has to be over his issue already, but giving them the same virus yet giving Eddie a multi-ep arc over Chimney would be shitty.
Therefore, I think Eddie simply needs to be written as finally hitting rock bottom. Yes, we’ve seen him spiral and we’ve seen him broken down emotionally, but we haven’t seen him reach such a low point of self-sabotage. Whether Kim is meant to be Shannon’s doppelgänger or just a woman he is projecting her physicality on to, doesn’t matter. What matters is Eddie has reached a point on his grief and understanding of self, that he’s (if written well) lost control of his ability to process his feelings.
He likes Marisol before finding out she was a nun, and he’s clearly forcing himself to remain in a relationship with her, but being uncertain about her doesn’t give him permission to cheat. At the same time, I am very curious if he’s going to cheat at all.
It’s very possible Eddie met up with Kim to find out if Shannon has a li g lost twin or other family as we know sometimes cousins can be identical too. He could also tell Kim flat out that he lost his wife and she looks like him and he asked her out in an effort to see if she’d give him the closure he never got. Which would be very strange, but not out of the realm of possibility given again, he is likely not in control of how his grief is manifesting and he’s lost control of how to process it.
As well, if he does cheat, the same things apply. Eddie is looking for closure where he has no business being, and it’s not going to end well, I don’t think. For one, he lied to Buck and Marisol about it, so whether or not he cheats, I think they’ll both be hurt.
Marisol, obviously because he possibly cheats on her after freaking out about her past, but also he’s seeing his dead wife (look-a-like or projected) and that’s a difficult reality to swallow, when there’s so much grief and unsaid things left on the table.
Buck, because he believes Eddie to be his Person. They claim to go to each other with all their problems and trust each other implicitly, so imagine him finding out his best friend is in so much distress and grief still, that he couldn’t tell him he’s essentially seeing his dead wife. And if he does cheat, it becomes an issue that Eddie is spiraling so hard, he’s made Buck an unwilling accomplice in hurting Marisol after already telling Buck he isn’t sure about her. So it’s a matter of Buck having to figure out if Eddie is actually grief stricken or if he’s just using that to cheat, because Buck already knows he wanted to breakup with Marisol.
Regardless, there’s a lot of potential story here that would make so much sense, and I hope they do it well. This season has been so rocky with what feels like basically zero follow-through, so I’m not optimistic. Perhaps they’ll tie Eddie’s trauma into Bobby’s in order to do a cliffhanger? Idk, but if it’s just a cheating arc to get rid of Marisol, I’ll be disappointed.
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rubykgrant · 9 months
OK, I've rambled about it to a couple of people, so I may as well just gather all my stupid thoughts into one place, so it won't be buzzing around my head anymore; a collection of random WWDITS thoughts that I have (kinda) sorted out, and some Thoughts on Vampire Guillermo!
Obligatory shout-out to @beansprean, because the comic My Familliar's Ghost inspired some of these thoughts (so if you enjoy WWDITS, check it out! lots of other great art by them, too!)
-First of all, and bear with me on this, he STAYS a Vampire at the end of the season. The final scene doesn't end on him being grossed out at the thought of eating people, it's just a montage of him having fun around the house doing Vampire Things, tra-la-la~
-New season starts. It's a few weeks later, and Guillermo is still having fun being a Vampire. It's mostly OK, the others have all been previously taking turns going out at night with him to do Vampire Things (showing him all their favorite spooky activities, so he can figure out what he's capable of, what he's into, etc. most of them didn't have anybody take care of them when they first changed, at least not like this, so it's kinda nice)
-However, Guillermo has started ditching them to go have his own fun. Nandor is ESPECIALLY upset by this; being the one to make Guillermo a Vampire was supposed to be the BIG THING, but that got ruined, so he thought they could still be Vampires together and THAT would be a BIG THING, but now Guillermo is being a Vampire by himself, without Nandor, and HE NO LIKEY!
-Meanwhile, Guillermo's family is also missing him, but he's literally started acting like he doesn't even care if his mom feels disappointed in him (he's high on a whole ego-trip). Part of the reason; they all eventually try to attack him on instinct now that he's a Vampire, and he does repeated memory-wipes to fix it. This is just TIRESOME. His family keeps messaging him, in particular, because they were excited to have him meet a distant family member the got in touch with after doing a family tree kinda thing... the cousin eventually meets him, and seems to be the ONE person who doesn't get all stabby with the stakes around him and the other vamps, so. That's cool
-After a while, the other vamps kinda just want to adopt the cousin as their new human buddy, and Guillermo is getting more and more distant. His ego-trip moves on to a power-trip, because he feels like he finally has everything he's ever wanted, and the people around him act like it's a bad thing. Some rather... un-hinged rage fits occur
-This sets up a purposeful parallel; the vamps have sometimes worried about "losing their edge", as they have softened up slightly in recent years. While they DEFINITELY aren't 100% "good" people, they aren't as "bad" as they used to be. Ironically, they have recovered shreds of their humanity (and again, they weren't "super nice" when they were alive, but you think about things differently when you feel like a "monster"). Meanwhile, Guillermo just LOST his. They try to tell him, when he's getting a little wild out there "That's a little over-kill. Calm down. You're making a mess", and he's having NONE OF IT; he's the Queen Bitch now, get used to it!
-The cousin finally just comes out and explains they are, in fact, related on the van Helsing side, they've just had a lot of practice keeping the Slayer instincts in check. There is a bit of an issue with Slayer family lines (beside the van Helsing, there's more out there) trying to keep tabs on any descendants who become Vampires. Some other Slayer folks heard about Guillermo (because some pissy vamps told on him, first he kills half of them, now he takes over their turf and won't share), and the cousin came to check on him. The cousin explains they DON'T want to kill him or the other vamps, but there is a PROBLEM...
-Not only is Vampirism a curse, Slayer families have a bit fo curse as well; if one begins to change into a Vampire, they essentially need "permission" for it to be completed. The first human blood they drink needs to be from a Slayer relative. Guillermo didn't do that, so now he is a VERY unstable Vampire. He's literally going to become more and more intense, until he not only just rips through humans, he'll tear himself apart. The cousin says they can still fix it by un-doing the Vampirism
-So, same situation with Derek, except they tell him what's going on, and he agrees to the staking if they PROMISE to resurrect him right after. Now, the only problem is catching Guillermo
-He's ticked off and not thinking clearly. He winds up going to see his mother, because of some twisted thought about "getting rid of anything that reminds him of being human". The other vamps try to reason with him "You're either gonna wind up killing them OR they'll wind up killing you, and this is NOT OK"
-It's Nandor that has to confront him physically, and there is a VAMPIRE FIGHT. Yes, they've fought before, but this is off the rails, no holding back, VICIOUS fighting. The cousin has to get in there a little bit, because Guillermo is kinda winning... but Nandor still gets through to him "I know you better than anybody, and I know you do NOT want to hurt your mother!"
-Guillermo finally chills out. They undo the Vampirism, and now a few extra months catch up to him all at once (still a fuzzy face Guillermo moment). Th cousin tells him about the issue about Slayers turning into Vampires, but Guillermo is pretty depressed now... he totally ruined his own Vampire experience, he almost became the worst kind of monster (not even a cool and sexy one, like he literally almost ate a bunch of babies)
-The cousin reminds him, his family of vamps stopped that from happening. He has a chance now to live a couple more decades as a human (save his eventual ghost some "unfinished business"), spend more time with his family (and say goodbye to them slowly and naturally, no weird strings attached). When he's ready, after a full life, he can be a Silver Fox Vampire. The cousin even offers "If I'm still around, you can get a sip of Slayer blood from me. I've donated blood before, it's fine"
-So! The delightful horror of Vampire Guillermo going on an un-hinged power-trip, the irony of the other vamps trying to be the voices of reason, the angst potential of a whole FIGHT with Nandor, and the hope that someday, Guillermo can become a Vampire again, in a way that won't destroy him...
-And while I know it's a cop-out in Vampire stories to say "Oh, this Vampire isn't evil, they only prey on bad people", but like- yeah, he can just DO that. He also doesn't need to always KILL every person he bites, he could get like 20 blood snacks a night, and nobody dies. Heck, Colin Robinson could look something up on his phone, and find a private meeting for a bunch of weird "Anti-Me Too" groups, and Guillermo is like "Well. Let's go take back the night~", and they all eat some creeps for dinner. It's fine
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thelordofgifs · 11 months
i really loved this chapter! Lúthien in her Finrod era is everything. And she's making friends 😩😩😩 my poor little baby she is everything to me and Also it looks like she's ready to return to her old maia shenanigans i like it
Morwen beloved i feel you... bright people can be So tiring sometimes
finarfin showed up and i was like HECK YEAH!!! THE MAN THE MYTH THE ULTIMATE POLL LOOSING CURSE BEARER!!! you have my permission to put him in the spinner and make him pathetic though he is very pathetic already. poor guy :(
eärwen is so everything to me!! i love my women angry and sad and bitter thank you
all in all amazing chapter!! fantastic work beloved
p.s. the russingon section is. hmm. i'm not sure i want to know how their dirty talk sounds like- they're so sad and doomed. poor babies. why can't they just have nice things. just make their vassals suffer their shameless flirting over war maps i'm sure that won't end badly at all
p.p.s. "we should move our armies here and here it would make fighting against morgoth much easier" - "omg babe that was so hot" - "i know 😏"
thank you you are the bestest ❤️❤️❤️ writing that Finarfin section like hmmmm… which of my mutuals might this appeal to… a mystery unfortunately…
Anyway yes Lúthien is very much in her Finrod era (“mortals are so cute and they’re all going to die OH NO”) and we love her for it. Writing her and Morwen was very interesting to me – I wanted them to have a difficult relationship without falling into any “women hating each other” clichés, so I’m really glad some people liked that! Lúthien is canonically So Much – incredibly powerful, terrifying to all villains, half the characters in her story fall in love with her at first sight – and I think the flipside of that is that she can be pretty exhausting for someone reserved like Morwen! (I read Morwen as autistic – very much inspired by @outofangband’s wonderful headcanons of course – and Lúthien is unintentionally triggering a lot of Morwen’s sensory issues.)
Eärwen is so fascinating to me because I think canonically she must have found her children’s decision to go on with the march so hard to deal with – and they were even planning to use the stolen ships her people had been killed for, before Fëanor quite literally set fire to that plan! I’ve always thought she would have a hard time reconciling with Finrod when he returned to life (and her other sons, but I think Finrod returned first); his own kin were killed at Alqualondë and yet he eventually made nice with his cousins!
In tfs Finrod’s refusal to come forth from Mandos for Celegorm’s sake is a Significant Plot Point, even if it’s one I don’t give too much attention to. The sacred right of refusal… the idea that you can be given a blessing from the gods themselves and yet choose to throw it away… these are themes that are going to recur. (Partly why in recent parts Fingon has been thinking about Eagles, and what the favour of the Valar means.) But! The flipside of Finrod’s decision is kind of an ugly one. Eärwen has every right to her bitterness! She sees this as Finrod once again choosing his Noldor kin over his Telerin kin, and the betrayal really stings. I will confess that I am not entirely sure how this is all going to pan out, but politics in Aman are going to have Ripples as a result of Finrod’s choice.
As for russingon – look this is my murder warlord OTP and I adore them. I think they’re both drawn to the other’s violent streak, and they do genuinely find military strategy talk very very sexy. Weirdos (affectionate). Whenever I write one of these conversations between them, I have to be sure never to suggest that, for example, Fingon’s hotness distracts Maedhros from the military talk – the military talk is itself hot to Maedhros (and vice versa). I find them so funny and so tragic ok.
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