#the colours are so different now and my other two blogs are much prettier
knwsoft · 2 years
my damnation | psh
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— member. park sunghoon
— genre(s). fluff, angst, suggestive, alternative universe!au, vampire!au
— warnings. blood, violence, mention of death, kidnapping, suggestive content
— words. 17,8k
— summary. if judgement awaits you two at death, perhaps you will both have a lot to repent for. but, you’ll deal with that when it comes. for you, damnation was being without him.
— parts. one
— a/n. this actually used to be an old fic i planned for other boy group in my other blog. but losing idea and motivation made me unpublish it for good. now, after months sitting in my draft without any further plan on finishing it, this fic has finally sees the light again with some revision. this fic is also inspired by an old game i used to play, so some of you might find it familiar. please note that this fic hasn't been proofread yet, therefore if you find any grammatical errors or typos, please inform me.
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You always hate the summer for some reasons, since it either means the weather becomes hotter than you can handle or more assignments from college to finish. Overall, summer sucked. However, just for today you might reconsider it for once. Special thanks to the history project that allowed you to run away from other stressful assignments that might have locked you up all summer in your dorm—that's right, you didn't go back to your hometown for this summer break.
After taking a 2 hours trip by Uber, you have finally arrived at The Musee Pavillion, the well known museum for its historic background and building in the town. You couldn't stop looking at the grand museum beauty in awe —sparkling in dappled light reflected from the calm river around it—as you took pictures around for documentation. It was breathtaking.
No wonder many people recommend this museum as one of the tourist attractions you must go to in Warlington.
Going around the museum, you’re looking around for a while and accidentally clash with a person. After apologising and smiling to each other, you continue to one of your main highlights - rent a historical dress. It somehow looks much prettier than what you imagined.
“Um… excuse me,” A sudden clear voice makes you turn your direction towards the source, realising that a gentleman in a tuxedo stands next to you. From the language he used and the accent, you know he is a local. He somewhat gives an aura of a noble within a picture though the clothes he wears aren't in accordance with the place. “I think you dropped this earlier.”
Then the man uncurls his hand, showing a familiar [colour] hairpin. You touch your hair and find your hairpin indeed missing.
“I knew it. This hairpin belongs to you.”
“Oh, when did I lose it…?”
“I believe it was when that woman bumped into you.” He smiles before adding, “I happened to spot it as it fell. I was looking for a chance to return it to you.”
“Thank you very much.”
The man offers to help you wear your hairpin back, despite you feeling shy and trying to refuse, you accept it at last since the man assures her that he’s doing that to avoid the hairpin from dropping back.
When the man brings you close to your face to help you with the hairpin, you can’t help but be surprised and charmed by the man’s brown eyes. He brushes some of your hair with fingers that could have belonged to one of the graceful sculptures in the historical museum. Then you hear what the man says at your ear.
“… You have a sweet scent.”
“Thank you. I got that perfume from my hometown.” You mindlessly thanked him. Failed to catch the hidden meaning from those words.
“Oh… But I wasn’t referring to your perfume.” His voice was soft and rich, yet you couldn’t place his accent. It was like a mix of a hundred different lands.
He stepped away with a perfectly natural smile before saying his farewell. Whatever the spell you imagined yourself under is finally broken. You think of him somewhat strange, like an inhuman being from the movies you watched, especially with how fair his skin was. Though it’s impossible.
You then realize it’s only 30 minutes left before you need to visit the next exhibition.
Going in the man’s direction, you notice a big old rustic door. From the slightly open door, you can see some antique furnishings, thinking those are part of the exhibition. You’re somewhat feeling a weird attraction to the door and things behind it, and decide to have around them before leaving.
Going ahead to the far narrow hall with antiques placed inside, your feet just move forward as if invited. Before you arrive at the end of the hall, suddenly a white light hits your eyes. You shut them close as they are too dazzling. However, when you open them back, you’re somehow at an unfamiliar place.
Bedroom door on one side, windows on the other. It doesn’t look like a part of the museum you saw just now. It looks more like a private mansion that doesn’t make sense.
“What the… hell?”
You’re shocked to see that it’s night already outside while your cell phone shows it’s still 14:30.
Cooling yourself down who’s starting to get anxious, you give a light slap to both of your cheeks and go back to the door from where you came. But as you’re just turning around, everything was white. Your arms are being grabbed and caught into a shadow. You’re trying to escape but to no avail. Fingertips of someone you cannot see grab your hair and slides them into your nape.
“Quietly, submit to me.”
Suddenly, you regain your consciousness, and nudge this person in the stomach and run away with all the strength you have. The anxiety is gradually getting into you again and you rush to find the door back.
You place your hand upon the cold handle and pull, but nothing happens. No matter how hard you try, the door won’t budge and—
“What are you doing there?”
Turning back your head, a tall man is standing nearby. Something about this man reminded you of your nightmare. But there wasn’t anything frightening about him.
“Uh, how do you open this door? It won’t open no matter how much strength I use.”
“No way, don’t tell me you came here through this door?”
“That’s exactly what I did. I come toward the museum behind this door, the one with many antiques.” He seems surprised before turns severe.
“Who are yo-”
Before he could finish asking, footsteps could be heard coming toward them, making you feel kinda relieved. You’re trying to raise your voice but he closes your mouth with powerful force and brings you behind a curtain on a grand scale, and glues your bodies together to hide your shadows. That sudden act makes your body stiffen.
Softly putting his hand on your shoulder, he whispers in low, “Don’t be alert. I won’t do anything for you… So, let’s keep silent for now.”
While being close together, you analyse your saviour as it illuminates by moonlight. Glossy and beautiful brown hair as if wet and well-featured look, along with large eyes that stares at you seriously.
He does not seem to be lying or else he won’t do straight-up things like this.
Nodding to him, he slowly releases his hand from your mouth. Your mind is wondering the reasons for such action. While deep in thought, he slowly murmurs that the footsteps sound has gone already.
There are so many questions you want to ask him. But, before you can open your mouth, he beats you to it first.
“Save the minor details for later, You need to leave this place before you are being found by other guys.” Gripping your hand strongly once again, you two quickly increase your pace in the corridor.
Even he says to leave…where can you go actually? What kind of things are bad if you’re being found out? You would be lying if you say that you aren’t anxious, but the heat transmitted through your connected hands somehow gives you a sense of relief.
However, the sound of the door opening could be heard, announcing the appearance of a brown haired guy with a sheepish smile. Small clicking tongue sound from your saviour reaches your ears.
“I don’t understand why there’s a girl inside this mansion. But somehow, looking at the situation, it seems like you’re trying to help her escape, right Sunghoon?”
“It’s none of your business, Jake.”
The mysterious man smoothly blocked off your exit. His eyes fastened on you with obvious fascination.
“Such a waste, then. She looks delicious tho!” Jake's eyes now full of glee as he approaches you and seems like wanting to make fun of you. He seizes your face. “I don’t know about anyone else, but this kind of grim face looks cute too, right?”
Sunghoon, the name of your saviour who you just learned, immediately put you behind him protectively.
“I have an idea! Why don’t you invite her to the dinner party? It’s just around the corner.” Jake happily suggests.
“That’s not for you to decide as you please.”
Feeling more confused with the terms like 'mansion' and 'dinner party' being thrown off to you, suddenly a girl with a maid appearance walks towards all of you.
“It’s time for the assembly, please go to the dining hall.”
Looking at you, she adds “Of course, you too.”
At first, you hesitate and want to refuse, but the maid tells you the owner of the mansion is waiting to meet you and you must have lots of questions to ask yourself. Plus, you enter here without permission. You walk ahead and come downstairs with the others following behind, and someone unexpectedly awaits them down there, shocking you.
“You are…!”
Looking ahead after going downstairs is a familiar brown-eyed man who you meet at the museum.
The moment your eyes meet, he smiles at you.
“Oh, Heeseung hyung, you know her?” Jake asks.
“We happened to meet this morning.” After Heeseung clarifies he remembers you, you feel so glad as he might be the mansion’s owner and could lead you to the way out. Before you could ask further, someone interrupts you.
“She told me she came in through the door you used…did you bring her along?” Sunghoon asks.
“No no, I could swear it’s not me who brought her in. I'm even surprised by her presence here.”
Listening to those unknown exchanges, you feel even more uncomfortable. You tried to ask him to tell you how to go back, but he could only give you a troubled smile. He invites you to the dinner party, and promises to explain everything after it’s done to avoid your further confusion.
As you arrive at the dining hall, the maid opens up the door for all of you. Warmly lit with chandeliers and candlebars. High-backed wooden chairs framing the massive table. A man was already seated there, raising his head noticing your arrival.
He got the briefest look at me before returning to the table in front of him. He spoke, but you weren’t sure if it was to you, as he wouldn’t meet your eyes.
“Whoever you are, have you considered sitting down? There’s a queue behind you waiting to get in.” He seems to not care and tells you to take seats already, as it’s troublesome to do nothing.
“Jay, you do care!” tease Jake.
To rebuke further argument, Heeseung claps his hand and smiles towards all of the people who've been attending, asking for a toast. After the champagne toast and dishes are brought one by one, you still could not bring yourself to eat. Too many thoughts in your mind. You then indulge yourself with all delicious dishes, you feel the tense out from your shoulder a bit, and less wary.
It should be at quarter past three, and you should be at The Musee Pavillion now. But it’s nighttime and you’re seated at dinner. You couldn’t solve the puzzle right now, so you turn your head to your companions.
As Heeseung is glad you’re liking them, he greets the whole room, leading everyone’s gaze to him.
‘Who are all these men?’
“Since we have this opportunity, how about we introduced ourselves to the young lady?” Just like reading your mind, Heesung smiles as he introduces himself first followed by the others. “My name is Lee Heeseung. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“The pleasure’s all mine.” You stiffen, realising belatedly you could’ve been making a better impression of yourself. “I’m… [Name].”
“That’s such a pretty name for a pretty girl.” Says the dark brown haired flirt from before, gaining your attention. Don't forget to wink at you. “The name is Jake Sim and you don't need to be formal with me, just Jake is fine as long as I get to call you [Name].”
“I think that’s enough, Jake. You make her uncomfortable,” warns Heeseung.
You look to the next in line. Sitting to the right of Heeseung is Jay. You haven’t met Jay’s eyes for a moment before he looks away from you again. ‘What? Does he hate me or something?’
“… I’m Jay, Jay Park.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“I believe that leave you.” Heeseung’s voice arrests your fantasies.
Only one man left.
Your saviour.
He wanted you to get out of this place, and promised to answer your questions as soon as you two were gone. For some reason, you’d instantly trusted him, more than anyone else. He looks at you with those eyes that hide nothing and says, “Sunghoon. Park Sunghoon.”
After the dinner party ends without you still not knowing and understanding anything, you go to Heeseung’s room to seek explanations. You ask him ways to return since the door does not budge at all, is there switches or keys needed to open. However, his answers kinda disappoint you
“The door isn’t locked. Opening it is easy, however, it only opens under very specific conditions.”
“What’s the condition?”
“The specifics are difficult to explain.” Heeseung gets up from his chair and stops in front of an oversized hourglass. The top half is full of sand. “It will open when all the sand in this hourglass has fallen. It’s quite precise, and I rely on its timing myself.”
“I see. Approximately how long does that hourglass run for?”
“It takes a month, on average,” he says calmly. ‘A month!? On average?’
“We're still in Warlington, right?” If you are still in Warlington, that means there’s no need to fixate on that strange door. You could just go back using the front door. You don’t know how it became night without you knowing, but you still can return to your dorm.
“We are indeed still in Warlington, but in a different world. What you see here isn't the town you know.”
Heeseung sadly smiles as he tells Miyoung, the maid, to open the curtain and let you look over the city from his window’s room. Like in the set of a movie, a carriage runs along the old street and ladies put on a dress, other than that, the city still looks the same. You even change direction over and over, still see the same view and reality gradually hits.
“No… way.”
He explains that the mansion’s door has the power to connect between two different worlds. No matter if it's him or anyone, it still takes around one month to open the door. Once it’s close, it would take around that much time to open again.
“By the way, other residents are also gathered here through that door. So, people from different times and countries, including you, are meeting each other in this mansion. ”
Trying to clear more of your head, you ask further about the mansion and real identity of the Heeseung, but he tells you to rest for tonight since you seem tired already as he prepares a room for you to stay for the month. He also promises to answer more of your questions tomorrow and would tell the other residents about your stay in the mansion.
Alone in your prepared room, you’re thinking back about all the occurrences that happen the whole day. Hoping all of these are only dreams, you’re remembering back all the men you met, still not believing much in this whole different world story. You couldn’t picture he’s lying about it and your instincts told you he was telling the truth.
Besides, what would Heeseung gain from lying to you? You’re not rich or influential. There’s no benefit to it. Then it’s all real? As real as this place is.
Exhaustion overwhelming you. You immediately fell asleep as your head hit the pillow. But then, you wake up to the soft crumple of the thick duvet, followed by the creak of the bed-frame. There is a stranger in your room.
“Who is that?”
Before you could escape, a strong force pulls you back to bed. They were on top of you, holding you down. As your body falls to the bed, strong hands pinned yours to the sheets. Your legs are trapped under theirs.
“Don’t move.”
You feel the figure’s heat close to you, body tensed as their breath is on your ear. Sharp teeth sink into your neck. It stung for only a moment. No, not even that long. What you feel can’t be described as pain. Feverish heat starts running to your nape of the neck, your vision is shaking and you feel low in power. Each warm breath billowing over your neck fills you with insatiable longing.
You groan in a voice laden with ecstasy. Does that voice even belong to you?
As you’re surprised by your sweet voice unlike yourself, your reason is slowly melting. Your sight follows a circular red stain on the white sheet.
As your consciousness fades, the figure says something.
“I want it all. Your body, your heart… and your destiny.”
You scramble out of the bed, clutching your neck. There’s no puncture wound nor pain, and there’s no one when you’re looking around the room. The dream was unusual but yet familiar, you recall the mysterious daydream you had when you first set foot in the mansion, like a warning.
What do you put yourself into?
Trying to calm yourself, you decided to take a walk at the hall for a bit. Wan moonlight streamed in through the hallway like a ghostly ribbon. It was beautiful, yet unnerving in the dead of night.
You still couldn’t believe that you are stuck here, in another version of Warlington—the town you visit for study—with four men. Even if they could have world-travelled, why would they leave their own world? Why stay here when they have a life to live? Shouldn’t they be just as eager to return as you are?
It didn’t make sense.
Looks like you need to find out the truth from Heeseung tomorrow. For now, you need to get back to your room and hopefully back to sleep.
That’s when you saw him, standing at the border of the light and shadow, looking as if he embodied both. Sunghoon stood with his back to the wall, arms folded, but not in a peaceful way. His eyes were fixed on the window as if it were the bars of an old familiar cage.
The moment he heard your voice, his eyes left the crescent moon and looked at you. You were suddenly overcome with a familiar sensation. Your vision shrank to pinholes.
“I want it all. Your body, your heart… and your destiny.” It was your dream. It came fresh to your mind, along with all the sensations you’d felt. You took a steadying breath, only to realise Sunghoon had left the wall and was now onto your side.
“Are you all right?” He worriedly asks which you answer with a nod. He sighs before continuing, “You shouldn’t be out and about. I heard you’re going to stay here until the door opens.”
It seemed like Heeseung had told them about it like he said he would. You confirmed what Sunghoon had heard.
“Then you’ll want to stay in your room at night. Especially if you’re going to be alone.”
“Why? Is there something here I should worry about?”
“…It’s not my place to tell you. But, please, just take the advice.”
There was a finality to his answer. Whatever the unspoken deal you’d had before, your agreement to stay here changed it. With that, you return to your room and shut the door.
Once more, you slip into the bed and find yourself surrounded by its soft sheets. Thankfully, there were no more dreams. You couldn’t have known at the time how important that night would become to you.
The next morning, not a moment after you’d freshened up, Heeseung had you seated in his supercar. He was taking you out for a tour around the unfamiliar Warlington. It took a quarter-of-an-hour to arrive in the city.
It’s a completely different view when you’re on the street. The vestiges of the past that you couldn’t find in the museum can still be seen in this world. The buildings and scenery look the same, but it holds a different vibe. The way people dressed here showed a classical and yet trendy feel. There are also not many cars on the road—Heeseung said only people with high status or money can afford it in this world.
Heeseung gives a little nod toward the driver and smiles, as indicating you two should go.
He offers you his arm and you take it, only to find yourself suddenly close to him. You were surprised, but then found it was a common thing here since the other ladies around you were being escorted the same way.
“Now that the last of your doubts have been quelled, let me welcome you again to this world.” He shows you his eye smile before continuing. “First, we need to go shopping. You’ll need a variety of things.”
“Shopping? But I don’t ha—”
He wouldn’t listen to your protest and so you shopped. He led the way, and you could go along, wide-eyed.
This tour of the city lasted until evening.
As soon the two of you arrived at the mansion, Heeseung excused himself as Miyoung appeared to help you with carrying box after box of dresses, perfumes, and more into the mansion.
In the end, you didn’t get the chance to ask your questions. But, you’ve learned something about him: his status here was high, though you don’t know what it was yet. Everything he has told you so far is true.
“Oh, isn’t it [Name]?”
That voice. You recognized him before turning around.
“You remembered my name. Fantastic!” Jaemin takes an insouciant stance and grinned. “Out larking about, are we?”
“Heeseung was showing me the town.”
“How do you fancy Warlington? Still find it unbelievable?” You could only nod. Though you finally saw it yourself you still can’t believe the whole different world travel concept.
Something then caught your attention. A red stain on Jake's shirt, too dark to be just any beverage.
“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to stare, but I think you spilled something on your shirt.”
“Ah, that?” Jake glanced at the stain right below his collar and gave it a tug, “I suppose I did spill my beverage.”
However, it doesn't seem like a normal beverage—the colour, the consistency—that was unmistakably like… blood.
Your head was clanging like an old-fashioned alarm bell. ‘Did he just say ‘beverage’? There’s an explanation for this, there has to be.’
"W-what kind of beverage?"
“Came from that pretty neck I fed off just now, I suspect. Nothing stains like blood. A real bother to get out, too.” Jake spoke up, preternaturally seizing upon the exact moment reality was slipping through your fingers. He was talking about it as if it might have been lipstick, or wine, or coffee.
You've experienced many strange phenomena since you arrived. Haunting dreams. Visions. But, this was the most shocking thing that ever happened to you. Jake could see the colour of your face drained at the realisation.
“I see now. You didn’t know we were vampires, did you?”
“That’s… unbelievable!”
“What a load of rubbish, right? You’re a sceptic. Fair enough. But it’s all true.” Your eyes locked at his, feet frozen in place due to fear. You couldn’t run. “Do you want to know what a true vampire is like, [Name]? I’ll let in on a secret.”
“What.. do you mean by that?”
“It only takes a little bite.”
“Cease that, Jake. You’ve gone too far.” Just when Jake is about to come close, someone interposes between Jake and you like a shadow manifesting from a sudden stream light.
Sunghoon glared at Jake as he pushed you behind him. He was trying to protect you from the older man for a few months.
“Don’t give me that sour face, Hoonie! We’re just having a bit of fun.”
“We? I doubt it.” Jake put his hand on the heart, pretending to be hurt by Sunghoon's harsh words. Sunghoon sighs and turns to face you.
“This is why you shouldn’t be alone at night. Come with me.”
You are unable to let out any protest as he took your hand away from Jake. Though you don’t know if you could trust him anymore or not, it’s better than being alone with Jake after what is about to happen. Yet, looking at Sunghoon did nothing to release the knots in your stomach.
Now that you realise, Sunghoon was going to get you out of here because he knew. He knew there were vampires here. He was a part of them.
“What is it?”
“Let go of my hand, please.”
He did so. Immediately. You stepped away, measuring the distance from the gardens back to the mansion. Jake said they were all vampires. Did that mean Sunghoon is one of them too?
“I know what you want to ask me. Go on, ask.” In his eyes, you saw that he wanted you to know.
Daring, you take a step closer. “You’re one of them, right? You’re a vampire.”
Silence. It is strange. You couldn’t shake the feeling you’d somehow said the wrong thing.
He suddenly moves forward like a shadow, then falls upon you like the inexorable morning light. You feel his chest rise and fall, feel his breath against your face. He is breathing. Alive. But when you looked into his eyes that had been so honest with you, you saw fear. Your fear. He wants you to answer your own question.
“Look at me,” He cups your hair. Telling you, begging you, not to turn away yet. “I’m not like the others. I’m just like you. Please, stop looking at me like I’m going to bite you.”
No monster out of fiction, you thought, could stir your heart the way his voice did.
You finally found a chance to talk with Heeseung. First thing in the morning, you went to see him. He would not evade your question again. Or so you thought. He insisted on breakfast. You sat in the garden, at a table laden with sandwiches, eggs, and a plate of mandarin oranges.
“Miss, your tea.” Miyoung pours the hot tea. You thank her before taking a sip of it. Judging by the aroma and the taste, it is black tea with an infusion of milk. It tastes just like a milk tea, maybe with a little bit bitter at the after taste.
Heeseung smiles, his eyes fastening on you as you enjoy the silence and peace breakfast. But it doesn’t last for long.
“You must have many questions about this mansion and the other residents here. And there are things I must explain to you. That’s why I asked Miyoung to prepare breakfast in the garden.”
You clear your throat and put down the teacup on your hand, “Yes. Though I will only stay here for a month, I still need to know the truth. At least to protect myself.”
“What would you like to ask first?”
You have so many questions, but you know which of them is the most important.
“Is it true that all your residents are vampires?”
“What made you think that?” He asked back calmly.
“I ran into Jake after you went inside yesterday. We got talking and—”
You shuddered at the flash of yesterday's event. When Jaemin told you the secret of the residents. When he walked closer and looked at you like a meal. If it is not because of Sunghoon, you might not be able to enjoy a breakfast like this anymore.
“…Jake. How I’m not surprised anymore.” Your sudden silence made him understand where this went.
“Anyway, I’m curious, why was that alone enough to convince you? You seem so sceptical about travelling through the world and of the residence here.”
To be honest, two days ago you would’ve been more sceptical about the blood too. However, there comes a time where rationality is stretched too thin. Past that point, the fantasy must be true.
“Seeing is believing. I don’t doubt what I see with my own eyes. Moreover, I’ve experienced a number of inexplicable things since I opened that door. At this point, I’m ready to listen.”
No more scepticism. You’d decided. Whatever Heeseung or Miyoung told you now, you would accept. Experienced one near death experience was enough for you.
“Let’s start from the beginning.”
Apparently, you’re the only person that comes here through that door. The moment the other residents woke up, they were already here—it was his doing. Everyone who Heeesung brought here has agreed to a certain condition of his, and it was a taste of eternity. They all were human until they arrived at this mansion, died with regrets, or left with something unfinished.
They were offered a second chance. They might have died in their world, but they are alive here. As a vampire.
“Onto my next question: Are you two vampires as well?”
“Miyoung is the only human other than you in this mansion. We met while abroad and invited her to stay,” said Heeseung.
“Rest assured. I’ve never once died.”
“How about you?” The man only smiled, purposely leaving that question unanswered. One flash of those red eyes and you found yourself unable to press him further.
He said Miyoung is the only other human. But, that’s not right, is it? The words Sunghoon said last night ringing inside your head. You thought he was telling you he was human. Were you wrong?
“What about Sunghoon?” Heeseung frowned. Your question made him pause.
“He’s… an exception. I did not offer him any contract; I have no memory of inviting him here at all.”
“That means he shouldn't be alive in this world, right? How did he get here?”
“He simply arrived one day, out of the blue. In fact, it shouldn’t be possible that he’s here with all of us. It surprised the rest of us. He doesn’t know why he is alive again and he’s incomplete.”
Incomplete—physically trapped between human and vampire. A demi-vampire. That explains why he said he was like you. He must see himself more like a human than a vampire.
“That’s enough!” You turned, hearing that familiar deep voice. “Who said you could talk about me behind my back?”
Heeseung calmly looks at Sunghoon as the demi-vampire walks toward the table, glares at the pureblood vampire across you with hate.
“She was going to learn the truth eventually. You could say I saved you the trouble. Unless… you were attempting to hide the information from her for some reason?”
“Stop insinuating when you know I wasn’t.” Sunghoon sighs as he turns away from Heeseung to you. “Glad you took my advice about not being alone.”
Not after what happened last night. Nope, you’re not going to get yourself in that situation anymore. Something about that cocky smile on Sunghoon's face just now irked you.
“Sunghoon, I have a proposal.”
“… I’m not gonna like this.” Sunghoon frowned even before Heeseung said his request.
After the breakfast with Heeseung finished, you follow right behind Sunghoon back to the mansion. Your newly appointed guardian had been silent since he accepted Heeseung's proposal. He was fast, but his black tuxedo stood in stark contrast to the green garden verge.
“Wait, Sunghoon!” You run toward him as Sunghoon halts. He waits while you catch your breath. A jog shouldn’t have winded you. But with the long feet he has, you really had to chase him down. “There’s something that I wanted to tell you.”
“What’s it?”
“First, I needed to say thank you. Second, I’ll try my best to not be a chore for you. I’d like us to get along.”
You automatically bow. But you realised it wouldn’t mean much to him. Will a handshake do? You thrust out your hand.
“Lift your head.” You raise your eyes to his brown undeniably human eyes. Sunghoon accepts your hand—not to shake it, but kiss it, like the gentleman in those movies. It was a slow, purposely action. “Since I’ve accepted the job, I swear to protect you. So, make sure you don’t get into trouble, chore.”
“You indeed think of me as a chore!?”
“You’re welcome to prove me wrong.” He grins and begins to walk off.
You don’t like that imperious attitude, earned or not. And yet, you couldn’t forget the gentlemanly kiss he’d placed on your hand. Your hand still tingles from the touch of his lips. Lips that then curved into a confident smile.
Why do you find him so frustrating?
On the other hand, Sunghoon couldn’t help but find you quite amusing. It’s been a while since the last time he met someone as interesting as you. A clap suddenly interrupted Sunghoon's though, making him stops and turns to the culprit.
“What a good show back there.”
Jake don’t stop clapping until Heeseung glares at him. “What do you want now?”
“‘First, I needed to say thank you. Second, I’ll try my best to not be a chore for you’. She’s good. Nice and sweet to the point I just want to sink my fangs right into her!”
“Try it and lose them,” warns Sunghoon.
However, Jake being Jake, he ignores the warning and still playfully teases the demi-vampire.
“Anger doesn't look great on your face, you know. Say Hoonie, you never answer me why were you trying to help [Name] at that night? She was a stranger to you and thought it would be more fun if we fed on her.” Jake’s eyes sparkled; he was enjoying his little game.
Sunghoon pulls Jake’s collar shirt and grips it tightly. If he was angry before, he is furious now.
“It was to keep her away from you. Satisfied?”
“Looks like the lion is waking up~”
“…You can’t stop turning everything into one of your little games, can you?”
Sunghoon shoves him away before he walks away. Jake touches his lips in thought. You’re defenceless, and Sunghoon has a history of learning how to protect the defenceless. But is it really the reason? He couldn’t help but think Sunghoon must be wanting to set you free because you’re human, in terms of himself.
You had finally come to terms with this mansion and its supernatural residents. Though you are Heeseung's guest, you persistently want to assist Miyoung in her duties. At least, it is the only thing you could do besides doing nothing for a month and maybe paying back for Heeseung's hospitality, you thought.
Miyoung has told you a few things that you need to know about the residents, in case you happen to face them under some circumstance.
Though vampires appear human, physiologically, they are different creatures with their own needs and aversions. Garlic and holy objects didn’t have any effects on them. They’re just sensitive to sunlight; they can stay under the sunlight but not for a long time. They also take nourishment from blood and they have extended life spans.
She also presented you with a cart with two decanters; one was filled with what looked like a white wine called ‘Blanc’ that served as a blood substitute, the other contained an opaque red liquid which is real blood. These are only consumed when they’re starting to feel thirsty, better than having to drink blood straight from the body.
Your first task of the day was to wake Sunghoon who’d miss breakfast. You raise your hand to knock on the door but hesitate. Miyoung had warned you, there is a time when the demi-vampire can’t be woken up by a mere knock on the door. If he doesn’t answer after the third knock, you can just enter his room and wake him up.
You knocked once, in case you’d got the wrong door before knocking it twice more. Hearing no response, you opened it.
Surprised was written on your face as you saw Sunghoon's room. It was impeccably clean, and though he had shelves of books and papers, everything was put away properly. The demi-vampire himself was found still sleeping on the table in an uncomfortable position. He must have fallen asleep while reading.
“Sunghoon? Sunghoon!” He’s not even stirring. You try to call his name again, this time while shaking his body.
“Mm… mmm?” You could tell he sensed daylight because he scrunched his eyes harder. You shake him again, but this time with more gentleness. “Hey, wake up!”
“What is it?” He blinked at you. “Oh, morning [Name].”
“Morning? It’s already noon! A few more hours and I’d be saying good evening," scold you. "Anyway, doesn’t your back hurt from sleeping like that?”
“[Name]…” He shushed you and raised up just enough to curl his arm around the back of your head. “… Seals that mouth of you.”
Sunghoon pulls you with surprising strength and kisses you. You push at his chest, but you might as well have push on a wall. His lips locked onto yours. It quite shocked you. Just as you’d had enough— he let you go.
“You… you…” You touched your lips, and they were warm. Nowhere near the temperature of your rage.
Sunghoon has stolen your first kiss!
“What are you doing here?” Sobered up, he asks you casually before gazes at you, mystified. “You look feverish.”
“I’m certainly sick of you. How can you-! Urgh, just get up already.”
Still boiling over, you march out of his room. Leaving the demi-vampire confused, “What’s her problem, huh?”
The rest of the day, you busied yourself with work. You went to wash the dishes, then did the laundry. When even that wasn’t enough to work out your anger, you spent your time in the library where a whole forest of books to dust. This should keep you busy for a week. Just four week of this and you’re home!
“You’re trying to kill those books or clean them?”
You recognize the speaker, who was sitting on the floor though there were couches and chairs nearby. He is no other than Jay, one of the residents that almost rarely interacted with you but always spent his time bricking with Sunghoon.
“I might have been imagining the books as a certain someone. I’m sorry to disturb you.”
“You’re not disturbing me. What happened?” Jay asks. “It’s not that important.”
“Right. However, it looks to me like you want to talk about it.”
Something about his eyes makes it feels like he already knows everything that’s wrong. If that was the case. then what was the harm in telling him, right? You ended up telling him everything, everything that makes you mad, including the incident with Sunghoon.
“I see. You ran into one of his bad habits.”
“Bad habit? You mean…”
“Yeah, he’ll kiss anyone like that in the morning. Back then, I’m the one who used to wake him up, and I often annoyed him while pretending to kiss him if he didn't wake up to the point he was not scared to kiss anyone he found annoying. So, yeah, it’s kinda my fault too.”
He laughs a little before continuing, “Everyone tried to pass the job off to someone else. Looks like it was your turn now.”
“I see…”
“Anyway, I’ll tell you something good about this place,” Jay speaks like a man excited to share the secret location of a cavern of jewels. He looks different from the quiet impression you got on the first day. “Everyone here can be a handful. So we developed this system-”
But then he smirks, eyes indicating the library door the very moment it opened. You turn around only to see Sunghoon strides up to you. He just pulls your hand, taking you away from Jay without letting you throw any protest.
Though he doesn’t say anything, his eyes tell you how badly he wants you to come with him.
Jay stands and watches as Sunghoon led you out. But, you could have sworn you heard him say, “enjoy your trip.”
Sunghoon briskly guides you out of the mansion, which reminds you of the time when you two were back in that first night. The night where he was just the brown-haired saviour that promised to help you escape.
“Get on,” Sunghoon instructs you.
You look at the horse and then back to him in confusion. You clearly don’t want to, still not understanding the situation you got into. It kinda made him frustrated. He sighs before grips your waist and hoists you up.
The next thing you knew, you were on the horse with Sunghoon, sitting in his lap. “And we’re off.”
“Huh? Wait, we’re going somewhere? Where?”
“Somewhere. Just hold on tight, this will not be a smooth road trip.”
Accompanied by the clop of steel-shod hoofbeats, Sunghoon and you left the stables to the opposite road to get to the city. You two are now racing into the countryside.
Though Sunghoon held you tight, the wind was strong to the point it seemed to cut your cheeks. You aren't safe riding like this at all. You grip his clothes for dear life, but daring yourself, you turn to face forward.
He seems to notice your fear. But fear isn’t a constant state, and without you noticing, it faded away. It was around that time that the ride ended.
“We’re here.”
Sunghoon helps you to get down. Then you follow him a few steps until you reach the top of a hill. Flowers carpeted the field below you, blooming as far as the eye could see. You couldn't help but be amazed in awe, unconsciously letting a little “wow”.
“I’m glad this could cheer you up.”
His eyes search the field, finding a spot where the flowers are thin to sit. It is like sinking into a fantasy world. The flowers are so much larger, so much more beautiful when sitting among them.
“Finally, you’re smiling,” he mutters.
“What was that?”
“Nothing.” He’d been looking at you, now he looks up at the dark sky and the stars above.
“Why did you bring me here?”
It takes a moment until he finally speaks. “This morning, well…”
He still doesn’t dare to look you in the eyes. His ears turn red as he says, “I brought you here to apologise for accidentally kissing you this morning. Living with someone like Jake and Jay planted a bad habit in me. You might have heard it from Jay about it, right?”
You nod. You also have something more relevant to ask.
“Which one of them told you?”
“Miyoung did. Right after she saw what you were doing to Jake's laundry.“
You sure didn’t say anything to Miyoung, yet she found out anyway.
Wait. She had to have known about Sunghoon’s kissing tendencies when she asked you to go wake him up. But, she still asked you to do it without giving any warning.
Before you have the chance to be mad at Miyoung, Sunghoon holds up a hand and begin ticking down fingers. “Jake told me because of the laundry. Jay saw you during lunch. And Heeseung cornered me afterwards-”
“Hold on.” You cut him up. “It sounds like everyone knew. How did they all find out?”
“You can’t keep a secret in this place.”
It’s not like you’re upset that everyone knows about the kiss. Especially if Sunghoon's gotten the rest of them once already. Not being able to keep a secret around here sounds more dangerous anyway. You got a good look at his eyes and the poor man actually looked a little panicked.
Come to think of it, he is a man of few words. Action first questions later. When you first met, he’d taken your hand as if that told you everything you needed to know. What you felt for him was warm, but it most definitely wasn’t anger. Not anymore.
You are, you daresay, comfortable with the idea of being around him again. Happy, even.
“You’re forgiven. For all of it.” He smiles at the fact you forgave him. “As long as you slow down on the ride back.”
“The hardest treaty I’ve ever made.”
“Don’t make fun of me, I got horse-sick.”
“…Horse-sick?” He can't help but laugh hard. And once he started laughing, he couldn’t stop. He doesn’t know why but it had been a while since the last time he heard a word like that.
You frown at him for about one second and then laugh too.
A Park Sunghoon who sometimes sleeps all day and kisses whoever tries to wake him, who couldn’t even apologise to someone without a long horse-ride first, and who has the most delightful laugh you’ve heard in a long time. You are glad to have been able to meet him on this journey.
In a meadow stippled with wildflowers, the azure sky turned night-dark above you as Sunghoon and you keep talking. It was perhaps the first real conversation you’d had since meeting each other.
That's it. You’d completed your work for the day and couldn’t wait to get to your journal. Getting used to the environment you lived in this world, you’d started keeping more notes of your time here. Today, you had so much to write about, especially at the new discovery of Warlington you learned from Miyoung.
As you walk back to the mansion, you see Jay waiting by the door.
It’s rare to see him outside, you thought. Or anywhere, really. He was looking longingly at the driver. You knew you guys had a private driver who lived just outside the mansion—in fact, he was currently drowsing in his seat.
It looks like Jay wanted to go somewhere, but felt bad to bother the tired man.
“Jay?” Jay looks up from the man as he hears his name being called. He looks flustered.
“Huh? Oh, It’s you. Don’t startle me like that. And don’t tell anyone about it, too.” You couldn’t help but chuckle. If he hadn’t been fixated on the driver, you wouldn’t have been surprised. Who would have thought you would have a chance to see the infamous prankster Jay surprised like that.
Jay wakes up the driver and gets into the car, then asks you, “Are you done with work?”
“Yes. Why do you ask?”
“Are you doing anything else?” He asks again.
“I was going to… Actually, no, never mind.” There is no way you would tell him about the journal. “Is there something you need?”
“Do you want to come? I’m going to see Sunghoon.” At the mention of Sunghoon's name, your eyes lit and it didn't go unnoticed by Jay. Which makes him raise his eyebrow in a teasing manner. No one in this mansion doesn’t know about how close you two were lately.
“You two are always together, so I thought, You know…”
“I will pretend to not hear the last one, but, sure. I’ll come with you.”
The car takes off at a brisk pace toward the city. While on the way to your destination, you couldn’t help but wonder. Sunghoon did disappear for a few hours every day.
You tried to ask Jay about it, but the only answer you got was a sarcastic reply.
“You’ll find out as soon as we get there.”
“I suppose you’re right.”
“… Agreeing with me again. I still can’t get used to it.”
Amusingly, he smiles. Too bad the ride wasn’t long enough to figure out Jay's contrary conversational patterns. The car stopped at the entrance of a dingy alley which made you confused.
They are going to meet Sunghoon here?
As soon as you got out, you heard voices—
“Sunghoon hyung! Over here!” A child pulled Sunghoon's right hand as his other hand held the wooden sword you saw in his room before.
“Patience! I’m only one man.”
“Hyung, me next! I need some help with my stance.”
Where the alley widened, you saw Sunghoon, surrounded by children, young and old. Apparently, he spends his afternoon coming here to teach the children the basics of swordsmanship.
“Hyung!!! Look! I just mastered the technique you teach me!” A child that seemed older than most of the children there suddenly ran toward Sunghoon. The other children started to cry in protest on how it was not his turn yet.
Sunghoon looks at the child before letting out a sigh. What you didn’t expect from him is a flick on the forehead. It was not that hard, but you could see how the child’s forehead turned red.
“Nikki, that’s not exactly how I teach you to swing your sword. It will only hurt your hand before you are able to hit your enemy. And next time, wait for your turn. Understand?”
The boy named Nikki nods while pouting at Sunghoon. You’d see him stubborn, boyish, teasing, friendly. Now there was caring, with an almost paternal gentleness.
Jay looks at the eager young children with pity and sympathy as he explained to you. They were the children of the unfortunate and underprivileged. Pauper, in a word. Different from your world, they couldn’t go to school nor get any education here.
“Do you teach them something too?” You ask Jay.
“…I actually do. Since I used to be a singer, I teach them some basics. It wasn’t my idea, in case you’re curious.”
You two stand talking at the mouth of the alley when the man of the talk himself approaches.
“Jay, you’re here!” Sunghoon happily greets Jay before his eyes land at you. “And [Name]?”
“I brought her-”
“Oh, look! Jay hyung is here!!!” The children cut him off and ran to him. They drag him away from you and Sunghoon to teach them new songs.
Jay said it wasn’t his idea. But though he seems a little overwhelmed, you got the feeling he doesn’t mind. Setting in with the music, surrounded by children and their boundless, boisterous curiosity, he looked unexpectedly content.
“So, how did you end up coming here with him?”
“Jay invited me out of nowhere. Because, and I quote, you and I are ‘always together’.” Sunghoon looks at you in confusion for a second.
"Do we?"
"Well, it was your job to be my bodyguard after all."
While you two are talking, the oldest of the children who was scolded by Sunghoon before comes over. He looks at you with wide eyes. But then turned into cheeky, childish glee, before letting out an unexpected question.
“Are you two lovers?” Your breath hitch in surprise.
What was Sunghoon teaching him, exactly? How was that the first thing he asks when he meets a woman?
“You see, Nikki, we’re just-”
“Yes, we’re lovers.” You glances at Sunghoon in confusion.
He doesn't just cut you but also lie to a child. He even seems doesn’t mind your glare. He leans over to whisper to you, telling you that it was easier to lie than tell him the truth though you do not agree with him. Your heated whisper only seemed to affirm Nikki's guess about you two.
“Heh, I knew it! Mom and dad talk just like you do. Only lovers argue like that.”
“Did you hear that, sweetheart? I think so too, Nikki. But we always make up afterwards.”
You feel a chill at the nickname he used for you. He shot you a sly smile, and you wonder how he isn't bent over backwards with laughter at this point. He obviously enjoyed this too much.
Uninterested in continuing the conversation with 'your lover', you turned to Nikki. You notice the messy drawing at the handle of his wooden sword. Curiously, you point at the drawing and ask.
“What did you draw?”
“Oh, this?” Nikki looks at his wooden sword's handle before letting out an awkward smile. “This was supposed to be a gem like those in real swords. But yeah, somehow it turned out into something abstract. Just like how my other painting turned out.”
Ah, he actually has some interest in drawing.
“Anyway, shouldn’t you go to Jay? He was about to start now.” Nikki jolts in surprise as he confirms what Sunghoon just said. Without wasting any more time, he bids you goodbye and goes to Jay.
“That’s new.” You look at Sunghoon in confusion. His eyes still follow Nikki who was busy observing Jay.
What did he mean by new?
“Nikki was the oldest of the group. He is rarely willing to approach or talk to anyone besides me, Jay, and his group of friends. And usually, it takes weeks for him to be able to open up. So, seeing him talk with you comfortably like that was something new to me.”
You could only smile. Seeing how happy Nikki and the other children from a distance like this make you kinda understand how Sunghoon feels about them. They are precious and you want no other than to protect their little happiness.
Sunghoon's gentle eyes look into the distance. But whether it was the past or the future he was seeing, you couldn’t tell.
"Nikki actually reminds me of my past."
Apparently, Sungoon's childhood wasn’t the brightest like you thought, where he needed to work hard to be able to pay his own tuition and living expenses. He didn’t manage to enrol in a good school like what he was hoping for, but still, he met someone great and was able to learn more from them.
As you listen to Sunghoon, you realise that he was opening up about his past to you for the first time. He smiles painfully at the last memories he remembered about that good man as he looked at you apologetically. Before he could let out what he wanted to say, a pitiful strained-sounding plea interrupted you two for help.
“Yah! Sunghoon! A little bit… assistance, please!”
Jay is surrounded by a lot of boys and gripping on one of the wooden swords with both of his hands.
“Why is Jay holding a sword?”
“You must never let children get bored. Let’s save him before he hurts himself. Let’s go, our little school could use a third teacher.” Sunghoon grins and grabs your hand, not letting you make any protest.
And ever since that day, you started to spend your free time visiting the children. Sometimes alone, sometimes accompanied by Sunghoon. You even didn’t forget to bring the kids some snacks that you made with the help of Miyoung which they enjoyed very much.
“Noona, you come!”
The moment you arrived with a basket of bread, their eyes always lit up as they ran toward you. You happily greet them, handing them the bread one by one. However, it didn’t take you long to notice the leftover bread. Who hadn’t gotten the bread yet?
“Nikki didn't come today.” You look up as Sunghoon answers your question. He knew you were wondering about the oldest kid.
Then the two of you found it weird. Nikki never missed any training before. He even promised you to come today to show you something cool. So, why? Why did you feel uneasy about it?
“Guys, I don’t think you would like to hear this,” You two turned your head to Jay in surprise. “But this is about Nikki.”
Jay takes you and Sunghoon to Nikki's house. It is located not far from the alley, not more than 10 minutes by run. You just had to go straight, turn left around the corner, and if you see the simplest and cosy house on your right side, that means you have arrive.
However, the boys suddenly stop on their track, looking at each other with a nod and pull you behind them protectively. You might not be able to smell it, but they clearly knew what the smell hitting their nose was.
Blood. And it wasn’t in a small quantity.
Something was wrong.
The way Jay and Sunghoon acted made you feel that something wrong must have happened inside the house.
“Is everything alright?” You ask.
“Stay behind us.”
Jay pushes the door lightly and notices that it wasn’t locked. He enters the house cautiously, followed by Sunghoon and you. The house is completely empty without any sign of a human being. A tense, palpable silence hung in the room and you looked around the room. That was a big mistake.
Right in front of you, a man was lying lifeless in his own pool of blood. You are stumbling back in shock and almost falling down had it not been for Sunghoon holding onto you quickly.
“Mr. Nishimura!” Jay's eyes widen as he runs toward the body and examines it. “His death was caused by blood loss. Someone must have attacked him with a knife since the wound around his lower back doesn’t match any weapons I know.”
“Are you alright?” Sunghoon asks as he hugs you, shielding you from the horrid sight. “You don’t look good.”
You don’t. The stench of Mr. Nishimura's blood was overpowering your olfactory senses. You could feel yourself ready to throw up any minute just from recalling it. But then, you remembered your purpose for coming here.
“Nikki! We need to find him!”
Two horses took off, like arrows released from a bow. Worry could be seen on your face as the sky grew dark as you rode around the city to search Nikki. After all, he was just a kid and it must have traumatised him.
You three stop riding and running. Run until you reach the door of an old library that you hadn’t checked yet. Sunghoon pushed them open-.
Rows of an evenly spaced bookshelf filled the floor around you. The stained-glass window looks down at you as it allows the moonlight to illuminate the dark library. In the centre of all, stood Nikki with a mysterious man dressed in black.
His small face twisted in wrath.
“Nikki!” You are about to run toward Nikki, to pull him away from a potential murderer, but Sunghoon stops you. “[Name], don’t move.”
"But, Nikki—"
“Look at his hands.”
Nikki holds something that had been almost invisible in the glimmer of the moonlight. A weapon. It is a long-bladed knife. The red eyes and dried tears on his cheek tells you that he had been crying. He was so focused on the man before him to the point he doesn’t even notice your arrival.
However, the man did. His eyes languidly moving to the open door where three of you stand.
“… Customers? I’m sorry, but the library closed earlier today. You can visit again tomorrow morning.”
“Who is-?” Nikki's innocent eyes opened wide when he saw you all, and for a moment, he was once more the child you remembered.
“Hyung… Noona…”
“Nikki, I want you to come over to us. Slowly, carefully now.”
You look at him with a smile and extend your arm to him. But it doesn’t work. He shakes his head and looks at the man again, “I won’t! This man killed my dad.”
“… I believe he’s right about the culprit. Observe his neck.”
There’s a ring of red around his neck, marks on his flesh, just like what Jay pointed out. It looked like someone had tried to strangle him.
When you three visited the murder scene, Jay found signs of a struggle, Nikki's father fought back after being stabbed. It seemed he grabbed the man’s hood and tried to choke him, in a last attempt to stop his attacker. The man even made no attempt to conceal the bruise. Moreover, the smell of Mr. Nishimura's blood could be smelt on this mysterious man's body.
Some of the blood must have splattered on his clothes.
“It was an accident.” The man muttered. “Killing him, that is. But after I stabbed him, he was just so persistent. The others—they all thought to run or play dead. But, with this one, well, I had to defend myself. You understand, surely?”
“You claim self-defence against a man you stabbed?” It makes Jay scoff in disbelief.
“Why my dad? Why did you attack him?”
“Out of the people in this city, you mean?” He titled his head, looking at Nikki as if he was faced with some impossible puzzle. “Because he was the one I happened to pass by this morning, and he cluelessly invited me to his house. That’s all.”
“That’s it?” Nikki curls his fist in anger.
“By chance, my grandfather’s family was sent to prison. ‘By chance.’ It’s a fascinating thought, isn’t it? I like to imagine having that power—only imagine. That’s why I never killed anyone. I only wanted to see how they’d look.”
What a sick bastard. The casual way he talked about hurting people makes your stomach churn.
The man giggles. A muted, broken laugh. He looks down at Nikki with a sick smile, “Killing your father gave me a lot of pleasure. I never had this much fun before.”
Sunghoon is perfectly still. None of you was moving.
The truth of his dad’s death made the knife rattle in Nikki's trembling hands. His blood completely boiled in anger and hatred toward this man. A sick bastard who found killing was fun.
Jay glances at Sunghoon, giving him a look that clearly asks him to do something about Nikki. He was afraid something bad might happen to the child. But Sunghoon just stares at the scene before you, eyes utterly unreadable.
What ishe waiting for? Why does he seem ready to watch these tragic proceedings play out?
“Are you going to let Nikki commit murder? Do something, Sunghoon! Or else, I will stop him myself.” Jay raises his voice.
“He won’t do it. He can’t do it.” Sunghoon's eyes are on Nikki.
As he spoke, Nikki clutches the knife and steps forward on trembling legs. A gut-wrecking wail issued from his tear-streaked face. He runs toward the man.
Just as you thought Nikki would stab him, he slows down and comes to a stop. His arms fall to his sides, head bows-like a puppet whose strings had been cut. And he sobs with shaking hands tightening on the knife.
Sunghoon chooses that moment to speak. “Why did you stop, Nikki? Don’t you want to kill this man?”
“… I do.”
“Very well.” Nikki walks up the floor, his heavy boots leaving an impression on it like frozen ripples upon a lake of blood. He grabs Nikki by the shoulders and pulls him away. “Step back.”
Sunghoon withdraws a baton and swiftly kicks the man, bringing pain to his knee. When the man raises his head, Sunghoon’s baton tip is at his cheek. His eyes are empty of emotion as he looks at the man, cold as the steel of his weapon. Seeing a man’s vulnerable face and nothing else.
“All it would take is a few swings from me and this man would die.”
The tip was already prodding the man’s flesh. Though this baton couldn’t kill the man on the spot, with Sunghoon's strength it was enough to make the man suffer the unbelievable pain ‘till death.
“Say the words. Say 'Kill this man’, and I will kill him.”
Who was he? Where was the man you thought you knew?
All the horror you’d held back since arriving in this world came to you at once, unbidden, when you look in Sunghoon's eyes. You couldn’t seem to breathe.
Everyone was still. Except for the demi-vampire.
“Nikki is just a child!” You want to shout, but can’t due to your horror. While Jay could only whisper a prayer under his breath.
No one seems able to stop him.
Nikki let go of the knife he’d held. It drops to the floor with a thud. He turns away. From the man. From Sunghoon. From all of you. His body started to shake.
Sunghoon looks at him and opens his mouth, “Listen to me. Do not pull a blade on someone if you have not the intention nor the will to kill them. But, if you do kill, know that you forever carry the soul of the man whose life you took.”
The man laughed a dry, high-pitched laugh.
“I can’t believe it. You’re not going to kill me! You can’t do it any more than he can. Of course, a man who’s never killed before can’t possibly bring himself to—”
“Oh, I’ve killed before. I’ve killed more than you could kill in a lifetime.”
From relieved laughter, the man’s face shifts back into terror. So does yours. The fact that he had killed someone before made you shudder more in fear.
The library’s door suddenly opens with a loud bang. A shout and a dozen footsteps of police stomping up the library steps, followed by Jake in the back. He sends you a wink before pointing at the man to the police.
Everything happened so fast. The man was arrested and Nikki was taken in as a witness. When it was all done, the group of you were once more alone.
“Jake, thank you for having the good sense to call the police.”
“It’s fine, Jay. Sorry I didn’t get here earlier.”
It was a blur to you, you didn’t move. You weren’t sure you were able to. Until a tall shadow fell over you. Sunghoon. Blocking out the moon-light.
“Sunghoon…” He notices how pale you are and worries. You feel his hand come closer; you shivered. “Don’t-”
The word leapt out of you. Sunghoon's hand hangs empty in the air. You search for something, anything else to say to him. But you couldn’t find anything. Your hands were trembling and with that he left you with Jay and Jake.
That night, you all went back safely. You didn’t try to talk or even make eye contact with Sunghoon, completely avoiding him after what you just witnessed at the library.
Everyone seems to notice the tension between you two. Because the next day, while busy mopping the floor, Miyoung suddenly stops you and calls the driver. She pushes you inside the car to do a more important task and answers none of your questions, though you heard she say something to the driver.
“Where are you sending me?”
“To master Sunghoon, obviously. He’s been walking around with an air of utter gloom since last night.” You feel a pang of guilt and sorrow. “You two better solve your problems or don’t come back at all!”
With that, the car starts to move and leaves the mansion.
Looking out the car window, you see the sky grow madder red. You know you should use this time to figure out what you want to say to him, but you couldn’t think. It isn’t long at all before the car stops in town and in a blink of an eye, you are in a familiar back alley, painted with tall shadow casted by the sunset between buildings.
Out of the darkness, there is he. Speaking softly to Nikki—too soft for you to hear the words. You got closer and heard the sound of crying. He isn't alone, of course. There is Nikki too.
Sunghoon is kneeling by a weeping Nikki, curls up small and trembling before him. Even from this distance, you could clearly see the tears running down the child's face. Nikki couldn’t stop apologising to the demi-vampire even though he didn’t do anything wrong.
“What are you apologising for?” Sunghoon asks him.
“I hated him enough to kill him, but I was a coward! I couldn’t do it. I was too scared-”
“Of course you were scared.” Sunghoon puts an arm around Nikki and holds him gently as the boy cries. “Don’t say you are a coward. You’re exactly the way you are supposed to be.”
“What do you mean?”
You stand very still so as to not miss a single one of Sunghoon's soft-spoken words.
“Killing someone is no applaudable act. And I didn’t want you to kill him. I don’t want you to ever have to kill anyone.” His voice was gentle. The tenderness with which he spoke to Nikki almost broke your heart.
But Nikki, in his grief, didn’t see Sunghoon's face like you did. He had the look of the one who’d give up so much. Too much. You recognized that expression.
“Don’t-” Outside the moment, his face when you spoke was so clear to you. His shock. “All right… Let’s return.”
It was the first time you’d heard such grief and such sad resignation in Sunghoon's voice. He expects people to fear him. That’s why he spoke so harshly in the library and why he smiled so sadly after.
The smile of a man who knows he’s seen as a villain, and who counts the second until people make him pay for imagined sins. You’d fallen into that trap, and you regretted it. So much more than you could say.
Sunghoon knew. He knew that sadness. He knew crushing, hopeless despair. Right now, he looks so completely alone.
Yesterday, you got a glimpse of the kind of man desperate despair had made of him. And if you were fortunate, you would never have to understand that feeling completely. But you never wanted him to feel it again.
The reluctance you feel melts away when you see Sunghoon's smile as he watches Nikki run towards home. He stayed like that until the child left his sight.
“Sunghoon!” You begin to walk toward him once more.
Sunghoon looked up at you slowly, as if doubting what he’d heard. “[Name]? I didn’t expect to see you.”
You take a step toward him. Another. Preparing what you would say with each step. You want to talk. You want you two to talk again. Comfortably.
However, little did you know, something that is easy to obtain will easily disappear as well.
In the blink of eyes, there were two weeks left before the door to your world could be opened. Though you are happy to know that, deep inside your heart, you feel a little bit sad. Back to your own world means you wouldn’t be able to meet the boys, Miyoung, Nikki, and Sunghoon anymore.
Something about leaving Sunghoon alone didn’t sit quite well in your heart.
It makes you not want to go back to your world. But, could you?
Everything started to go normal again that day. Your routines, your relationship with the children, and the relationship with Sunghoon. Actually, it actually went better than you thought.
There was a time when Sunghoon wanted to try to make you some food from your hometown since you two and Miyoung were the only ones that could enjoy human food. He would spend his time in the kitchen with Miyoung to prepare everything while you sat in the garden, waiting for them to finish. Because of it, Jay often would say that the demi-vampire was so whipped for you.
But you knew better than anyone that it wasn’t true. Right?
At the entrance to the garden, Jay starts at his folded hands to avoid watching the sweetly smiling and giggling couple. He only could sigh, praying for a break in the conversation to call out either of you two.
“Oh, what’s this? Is it spring already?” Jake shows right beside Jay as he looks at Sunghoon and you. “It must be. Look, love is in the air.”
“Y’know what, I’ve never felt so glad to see you here.”
Jake chuckles, “I was starting to think that you hate me right before they became close like this.”
“Don’t make me change my mind, Jake.”
Lately, Sunghoon felt something strange happen to his body.
He couldn’t describe it, but he did feel more irritable than usual. And no matter how many times he ate some food, he would still feel hungry and lethargic. He found it hard for him to stay around you. But, what else could he do?
He was your bodyguard and he couldn’t trust Jake enough to leave you alone whenever the flirtatious vampire was around.
Spending most of his time with you also made him have a soft spot for you, where he couldn’t deny your request whenever you gave him those puppy eyes. And look where it took him? Nowhere else but your side.
Just like any other day, Sunghoon had taken you to the flower field you visited before to watch the sunset. You are so happy to finally be able to escape the town and the mansion for a breather. You stay there with him until the sky turns dark, watching the sun slowly disappear between the mountains.
“Hey, [Name], could I ask you for something?” You look at him in wonder before nodding. Well, as long as it was not something ridiculous, you don’t mind. “Please don’t change.”
“What do you mean by don’t change? Please be more specific, Park Sunghoon.”
He chuckles while looking at the flower field in the distance, something that he rarely did even when he was alone. “I like having dinner with you, spending time with you in this flower field, and also at how you laugh just from a little silly thing. That’s what I mean as ‘don’t change’. Please stay as who you are right now. That's all.”
“I understand. We should get back now. It's almost time for dinner and I still need to help Miyoung prepare the meal.”
There is no response from Sunghoon. He just sat there, looking at the flower field like there would be no time for this anymore.
“I’m going to go back alone and leave you here without a horse. I really will!”
“… You know you would never do that.” He finally snaps out from his trance and walks toward the horse.
He looks at you with gorgeous eyes and delightfully wide smirk. Standing up slowly, you brush the grass off your skirt and pack up your picnic.
The whole journey to the mansion was silent. A comfortable silence. Neither of you had the initiation to start a conversation until you arrived at the mansion.
You quickly bid him goodbye and left him alone at the stables, missing the pained look that he couldn’t keep in anymore. He had been hiding it for a while now, at least not showing it in front of you.
“Sunghoon? Are you okay?” Heeseung, who happened to pass by, heard the cries and went to check the stables. He doesn’t expect to see Sunghoon in this state.
“I… thirsty. It feels painful. Make it stop!”
Heeseung quickly takes out the emergency rogue he had with him and shoves it towards Sunghoon. But, being stubborn he was, he pushed the rogue away from his sight. No matter how thirsty he was, Sunghoon would never touch or even drink that.
“Drink. You will only make it more painful if you refuse.”
“No. You know clearly what will happen if I drink it.” He firmly says. “It will make me lose the last humanity I have in me.”
And that means he would lose you, too. Sunghoon doesn’t want that to happen.
“You know sooner or later you need to let her go, right?” The older vampire paused as he looked at Sunghoon. “She will-”
“I KNOW.” He shouted.
“I know that, hyung. That’s also why I can’t let her know about this. Just let me endure it a little longer, at least until she goes back safely to her world.”
“…You’re stubborn.” Heeseung could only look at his friend with a sigh. “If you keep being stubborn like this, you will lose yourself first before you are able to send her back.”
"Don't worry. It will never happen to me," assures Sunghoon.
After the little runaway you had with Sunghoon last night, somehow you started to can’t sleep well—resulting in a throbbing headache as you woke up the next morning. Something about the blur nightmare you had made you a little bit worried. It wasn’t a normal nightmare like you had before, living in this world for almost three weeks made you sure of it. It felt like a warning, though you couldn’t remember it well what it was about.
Hoping the fresh air could help your head, you grab a broom and sweep the balcony. However, despite the throbbing headache you got, you couldn’t help but wonder about a certain person.
Sunghoon. He was nowhere to be found all day. You also find him acting a little bit strange lately like he was trying to distance himself from you. Heeseung even had taken it upon himself to wake him up this morning, and went to meet the children a little bit earlier today with Jay without you.
Was it your fault? Or had you done something wrong? Your fingers tightened around the broomstick at those thoughts. Let’s hope that was not the case.
Meanwhile, on the other side, Sunghoon was putting more attention to the children’s self-defence technique to the point he didn’t notice the playful gaze from Jay. He clearly notices something was occupying his friend's thought which obviously concerned you—if not, why else the demi-vampire has been avoiding you as much as he could?
Jay waits until all the children had scamp off to play and sat beside Sunghoon who appears lost in his thoughts. He waves his hand in front of Sunghoon's face a few times before deciding to shout his name again directly in the ear.
It not only successfully snapped Sunghoon out of his thoughts but also attracted some attention from people around the alley. Embarrassed, Sunghoon bows apologetically before raising his fist to Jay.
“I still can hear you clearly, Jay.”
“Where have you been for the last dozen minutes? It’s too early in the day for your head to be lost in the stars,” Jay pauses. “Wait, not a star, but someone.”
“Stop your nonsense. I’m not thinking about her.”
“Her? I didn’t say anyone though.” It takes a few seconds until Sunghoon's ear reddened at the realisation and shoves the laughing Jay away in embarrassment.
“No, I mean— Ugh… Stop laughing!” Jay calmed down a little before meet Sunghoon's eyes. “You’re in love with [Name], aren’t you?"
To say that Sunghoon was caught off guard by Jay's question was understandable. It must be written all over his face. However, there was more. He couldn’t help but repeat the gist of his conversation with Jake a few days ago.
Love is a gift until you have to part. "So, why are you trying so hard to push her away?”
Sunghoon know where this conversation is gonna take him. Looking at the blueish sky above him, he could only sigh. “I do love her.”
In his heart, you were clever and cute. Everything about you made him able to smile, even just with a thought of your smile. He was never able to understand the way your thought works. And before he knew it, you became all he thinks about.
But, did you feel the same way? Will you still choose him when the door connected to your world opens?
“Then, don’t let her go,” Jay breathes. “Tell her you love her, then the two of you can stay here in the mansion-”
“That’s not my decision to make.”
Sunghoon knew how much you missed your old life. Asking you to not open it means you will throw away your life and… you will regret it one day. He doesn’t want you to live in regret just because of his selfishness. He couldn’t bear it.
“…You love her that much.”
“I’ve decided to not play a hand in her decision. Even if it means she chooses to leave for good. And that-” Sunghoon points his finger at Jay. “-isn’t an invitation for you to ask her to stay on my behalf.”
“You know I can’t do that to you. I know my limit to interfere with people's lives.”
Sunghoon smiles sadly. When he opened his mouth next, it was with resignation. “The most important thing to do now is to treasure the present.”
Before you arrived, he wouldn’t have cared if he became a full vampire or not. He could barely tell the difference between a full and demi-vampire, so it didn’t matter to him. Until he met you. Your arrival made him think more about what it meant to stay human.
Treating time as if it was a precious commodity: eating meals together and feeling satisfied when they were over; talking about arts and drawing together, he could only do that because he was a demi-vampire. He hasn’t yet changed. And so he began to appreciate what he still had left from his human life. He wanted to stay human for you.
Sunghoon frowns, distressed. You and he don’t have much time left.
Little that they know, at the entrance to the alley, a car parked with two men inside. They watched Sunghoon and Jay talk to each other before going to play with the children.
The eyes of a mysterious man in light brown tuxedo widen at the sight in front of him. He grips the window so hard it seems he might break it. While the other male, who looked younger than his age, watched with hand-folded like a spectator at a playhouse. “… that’s him, Sunghoon!”
“You see, I spoke the truth. Park Sunghoon still lives.”
“But… how?” The man in light brown clutches his head, his fingers digging into his dark hair, face twisted in pain. “How can he be smiling like that?”
“I fear Sunghoon’s become sanguine in spirit, not in appetite. Do you wish to see him? Or do you wish to see the man who has taken his name?”
“…How do I reach him? How do I wake him, Jungwon?”
The younger male smiles, “Shall I offer you advice? Whether you find my advice fair or foul, it is certain to help. For inciting passions in men is my stock in trade.”
Jungwon studied Sunghoon as if he were words on-page. He mimed taking a pen in hand and drawing a line through him. But no one, not even this man in light brown, knew how Sunghoon's tale would end.
No one knew how cruel fate could be.
That noon, you are writing in your room when someone knocks twice on your door. You couldn’t help but wonder who it might be. You unlock the door and see Sunghoon there.
“Did I disturb you?” He asks while peeking inside your room.
“Of course not. What is it?”
“I have something to give you. Hold out your hand.”
Curious, you did as he asked. He places a stuffed toy dog in your hands. It was small and black, with buttons holding it together, and it was cute. You also didn’t fail to notice the folded paper that was attached to it.
“What’s this?”
“A little dog.”
“I can see that, Honnie.” You roll your eyes and chuckle. It’s not like you hate it, but Sunghoon has been giving you so many gifts lately. “What is this one for? Where did you find it?”
“Now you’re asking too many questions.” Most people were content with guessing, but you, only you went out of your way to ask. Not that he hates it, on the contrary, he likes it.
“I can’t help it. I want to know what the man in front of me is thinking.”
“Don’t you know curiosity killed the cat? Anyway, It’s not for anything particular. Jay and I passed a shop on the way back, and I happened to see this stuffed toy. It reminds me of you.”
“Is it because I’m cute?” You playfully asked him. “No, you’re annoying. Like Jay, but more endurable.”
You pout at his remark. While the culprit himself just laughed, letting you shove his body with a weak attempt until you thought it was enough. He looks at you with the eyes that keep captivating your mind and pinches your cheeks.
“Don’t be cranky,” He coos you. “You’re cute, okay. Now I want to see your pretty smile.”
Though you were still mad with his teasing, you couldn’t help but smile. The last words, it was the answer your heart hoped for and dreaded. He stops pinching your cheeks and lets out a yawn.
He then bids you goodbye and walks away toward his room. After losing sight of him, you close the door and lean back against it. Still holding the stuffed toy dog in your hands, you unfold the paper he gave you and smile. It was a drawing of you from the side, smiling brightly at something or someone.
It looks like returning home is going to be hard. Your heart was beating so fast that it ached. You were flushed and warm just at the thought of him. Why does he have to make it harder for you to not fall in love with him?
Time, as it turned out, doesn’t care that you were deeply conflicted. The day moved forward. A day closer to going home.
That morning you are busy talking with Jake about something when the door to the dining room creaks open, showing the confused Sunghoon as he walks toward you two.
“Morning! You slept in pretty late today, even for you.”
“I didn’t expect you to wake up on your own,” You agreed with Jake.
Yawning, Sunghoon glances at the tea sandwich you made on the table, grabs one of it and takes a bite. Immediately, he put his hand over his mouth with an odd look.
That’s a weird reaction, you thought.
“I think he doesn’t have the words to describe how good your sandwich is.” Jake chuckles at Sunghoon before bumped his shoulder to his friends, signalling him to say something to you.
“…Yes. Just like Jake said.”
“If you like it so much, you can have another. There are plenty.”
“I just remember that I have something to do. But I'll come back later for the sandwich.” Sunghoon shoots you a grin and turns to go. Stiffly, he closes the door behind him.
He went straight from the dining hall to Heeseung's room. And without a knock or something, he opens the door harshly. Heeseung calmly faces Sunghoon with a smile, like he had been waiting for his arrival.
“It’s rare to see you here, Sunghoon.”
“I need to ask you something, hyung. It’s very important to tell me everything you know.”
“You have my full attention.”
The last few days, Sunghoon has gone to sleep hungry though he remembered eating normally throughout the day. Not only that, but his throat was also so dry that it was painful and the thirst he felt before became worse from time to time. Even worse from the night when you two just back from the flower field.
Heeseung says nothing, his eyes observing Sunghoon dispassionately. He knew exactly what happened to the demi-vampire in front of him. But, even if he tells him the truth, Sunghoon would only deny it like last time.
Sunghoon meets Heeseung’s eyes with his own, pleading for an answer he could live with.
“You already know the answer.”
“Am I becoming a vampire? Am I changing after all this time?”
“To be honest, I have lived a long time, yet I have never encountered a vampire like yourself. Thus, all I can do is speculate.” Heeseung sighs before continuing.
“There is a reason Jay and Jake require a steady intake of blood. Call it ‘payment’ for their renewed life. That’s the natural law of the vampire world. You too have outlived your original lifespan. You understand it, right?”
It was not the reassurance Sunghoon had wanted to hear. “How do I stop it?”
“Too bad, you can’t stop it. You can only slow the process by avoiding consuming rogue in any form, including drinking for the living.” Heeseung's hands drop to his sides.
After a moment, Sunghoon manages a smile, though his balled fists were bone-white. With that, he left the room.
The weekend finally came. Jake and you went out to the city for some artistic inspiration. The sky was clear; the street lit with natural light—you were the only gloomy cloud.
Unlike what Sunghoon promised you, he didn’t come back to the dining room for the sandwich. He even didn’t eat much that day, which kinda worried you.
“You, okay?” Jake askes in worry. His gentle voice called you back to the present.
“Yeah, just thinking about something. It didn’t matter.” Jake smiled softly at you.
From outside, Jake might look like someone that is annoying. His flirting nature made people around him feel uncomfortable sometimes. However, once you know him better, you will understand that it was his way to show people how much he cared for them. He was a caring person that loves piano and photography, liked to hang out with Heeseung, and occasionally annoyed Sunghoon or Jay whenever he pleased. You even became his recent victim.
One more thing about Jake that you notice, he has an irresistible smile. Most women are drawn to him like a moth because of it. If you weren’t in love with Sunghoon and the bad impression you had about him, you might become one of those women.
“Anyway, let’s go to that bookstore. I think I saw the book that I had been looking for.”
Thanks to Jake, you could forget about Sunghoon for a while. Your mind feels more refreshed as the walk continues.
Just then, someone grabs you away from the main road. You were thrown over a car before you could react. It takes the breath right out of you. You tried to see who’d grabbed you but failed to get any detail of your kidnapper’s face. A dark hood and the light behind his head conspired to shadow his features.
“Put me down!”
“You better shut your mouth if you don’t want to lose your precious life.” A deep familiar accent. But not a voice you know.
“I don’t know who you are, but release her immediately!” You look at Jake with panicked eyes.
“Jake, run! Get help!” You plead and tell him to go. But, he seems to have another plan in his mind.
“I’m not going anywhere, not until you let go my friend.” Jake swung his bag of music sheets at the hoodie man’s face. The attack catches the man by surprise, and Jake uses this moment to grab his arm, trying to pull the man off the car before the engine turns on.
Suddenly, there was a clicking sound. The man had drawn a gun to Jake’s face.
You stop him right before he could pull the trigger. “Stop… I’ll go with you.”
“Just do as he said, Jake. I’ll be fine.”
You know what Jake is capable of. He might be a vampire, but it is still dangerous to show it in public. Moreover, he was unarmed. He's just gonna get hurt if he stays. Instead, Jake needs to get out of here and tell the others about this.
Leaving his supplies behind, Jake runs at full speed to your waiting car. He told the driver where Sunghoon was supposed to be. Soon, he found him at Leeum Museum of Art.
“Jake? What are you doing here?” Sunghoon looks at Jake.
“[Name], she—” Jake explains the whole situation in panic. He even sent the driver to alert the police, but he doesn’t know if they couldn't help find you.
Sunghoon listened with a grim expression, fists unconsciously balled in anger. Without wasting any more time, he thanks Jake and runs off the museum art.
On the other side, your kidnapper just unceremoniously tosses you to the floor. Not care even a bit about the impact that went all through your body.
Where are you? You are not even sure how long you ride. You are so disoriented. Eventually, your eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room you found yourself in.
It looks like an old cabin or maybe a warehouse. It was dusty with disuse. The hoodie man comes in after you and stands in the doorway to block the exit. He draws his gun once more and points it at your face. He walks closer to you until it touches your forehead and loaded the gun.
“You better not think of getting away just because I don’t tie both your hands and feet. You might not be able to do it because these bullets will kill you first.”
You want to say, “there is a first time for everything.” but you know you are at a disadvantage with this one.
The way he holds the gun shows that he had experience in this matter. You need some other advantage. You begin to talk, though your voice shakes.
“Why did you kidnap me?
“If you think you can ransom me with money, you’re wrong. I’m not interested in that,” says the man.
“Then, what are you interested in?”
“… inspiring wrath. There is a man I need to awaken. And you’re the key to doing so.” He’s not making any sense, you thought. Why would you be the key to something you didn’t understand? “I’m going to wake him up by killing you.”
A glint. That is the only warning you got. The man pulls the trigger and lucky enough, you darts out of the way just in time before the bullet hits your head.
“Don’t run or you will make your death more painful than it was supposed to be.”
You backed away. One step. Two steps. You do your best to avoid the bullets. Your legs are like useless sticks. You push yourself along the wall with your hands, only for the man to back you into the corner. You want to look for an escape, but your eyes are fixed on the gun in the man’s hand as he loads the gun and aims at you.
The last thing you do is flinch. In your fear, you barely hear the sound—
Someone sweeps into the room, and for a moment, it's as time stops. You hear your shallow breath in the stillness. Nothing came to you, not even a sound of the gun could be heard.
You open your eyes and see your saviour there.
“Sunghoon…” Sunghoon has his arms around you, shielding you. “Sorry, I’m late.”
Seeing is believing. Yet, you still can’t believe it. It was a miracle that Sunghoon came right before death greets you. You didn’t miss the glare he sent to the man like he knew and despite him to the bone.
“You came after me, Park? Don’t you remember what a mistake it is? Almost as grievous as showing your back to the enemy!” The hoodie man pulled the trigger at Sunghoon who has his back to him, protecting you. You can see how much pain he feels just from the groan he let out, arms still locked tightly around you.
“Are you going to stand there while I make holes into your body?” He keeps shooting at Sunghoon, again and again.
“You’re a disgrace, Park. Choosing to spend your life by drawing and devote it to a mere human like her. Do you forget who you are!?”
Sunghoon grits his teeth, unflinching as the hoodie man shoots him again.
Blood. You can feel your hand full of Sunghoon's blood as you accidentally touch his now blood-soaked clothes. He can’t move without putting you in danger. But that also means he is gonna die soon or later if this continues.
“Sunghoon… stop, please” You plead to him to not scarify himself for you anymore. He only smiles and tells you that everything is okay.
Of course, you know it’s not.
The moment the man pulls the trigger again, you grab Sunghoon's outer, just like you’d grabbed his bed sheet so many times, and throw it over the man. Your plan worked. The man steps back to rip the outer off himself.
Sunghoon, with his speed, has his baton out and drops the gun away from the man’s hand with it.
“Don’t move.” A boot scuffed the floor as the man took a step back. “I said don’t move.”
Sunghoon sweeps his baton up, just as the hoodie man moves out of his way. But the baton gets caught inside the hoodie and tugs down the hoodie of his head.
A glimpse in the darkness. You glimpse the man’s eyes, shining with unnatural light and filled with mad rage. He stared at a moment before disappearing faster than your human eyes could see.
But your attention quickly diverted at the sudden hissed in pain that Sunghoon let out. He fell to his knees.
“Sunghoon!” You catch and ease him to the floor, holding him in your arms. His back is slick and wet from the blood. Your hands are slick too with the same horrible liquid.
“[Name]… are you hurt?”
“I’m not. You’re protecting me the whole time, don’t you remember? And now you’re hurt because of me.” Your heart is beating too loud for you to think. You wish you could yell at it to shut up.
Stay calm. Remember the emergency first aid. You remind yourself.
Looking around, you try to find a cloth to staunch the blood with. Sunghoon is bleeding too badly to move and there isn’t any sign his wound would heal any sooner.
The second you try to stand up, Sunghoon howls in pain as if your leaving his side caused him agony. He grabs at you, catches your arms. With his other hand, he grabs your collar and pulls you to him with wild desperation. he is panting, hissing through the clenched teeth. And that’s when you see it.
Fangs. With his laboured breathing, they are unmistakable. He is in pain, and he has a look in his eyes you’d seen before. It reminded you of the first encounter between you and Jake, like how predators look at their prey.
“Sunghoon, I need you to answer me,” You breathe. “Do you need blood? Will it help you?”
“N-no… I don’t… I don’t need blood.” He shakes his head in denial. But his eyes tell you a different story. He is still bleeding out in your hands.
Vampires require fresh blood when they suffer injury. If blood wouldn’t save him, you didn’t know how else to keep him alive.
“Tell me the truth.” He says nothing.
“Please, Sunghoon, let me save you!” You don't want to let him die like this, especially after all the times he protected you. “You saved my life! Please, don’t make me watch you do this to yourself!”
He finally looks up at you, sadly. He leans closer and whispers. “Listen… [Name]… I’ve been… changing. I’m becoming a vampire. If I drink blood… there will be no more holding it back.”
Is that why he didn’t want to drink? But what could be so horrible about becoming a vampire that he'd rather died? You’d lived with vampires. You’re rather here with a vampire Sunghoon than a dead one.
Was it because of you?
“Look, I can’t speak for you. But I know I’d prefer you to do anything, even become a vampire, if it means living!”
“Do not say that!” You are shocked into silence. You’d never heard him sound like that. So rawly vulnerable.
His hand is shaking. “I don’t… want to become… a full vampire. I’m… I’m afraid.”
“But why?” There are so many questions you want to ask. What was he possibly afraid of to the point he doesn’t want to change?
“Because I met you… and I’m afraid of losing this. If I become a full vampire, time will stop passing for me the way it does for you. We will never be able to share the same meal and smile when we are satisfied…” His breath is ragged.
“It may sound silly to you, but… I love doing those things with you.”
But why, why would he die for these things?
Memories of that night in the flower field to your mind to answer your questions.
“Hey, [Name], could I ask you for something?” You looked at him in wonder before nodding. Well, as long as it was not something ridiculous, you didn’t mind. “Please don’t change.” “What do you mean by don’t change? Please be more specific, Park Sunghoon.” He chuckles while looking at the flower field in the distance, something that he rarely does even when he is alone. “I like having dinner with you, spending time with you in this flower field, and also at how you laugh just from a little silly thing. That’s what I mean as ‘don’t change’. Please stay as who you are right now. That's all.”
You now understand why it’s important to him. You haven’t realised just how much he’d poured out his heart to you that night. The little joys of everyday life. The nice things, but they’re so commonplace you stop paying attention to them for a while.
Sunghoon had lost those a long time ago. Trying his best to forget his painful past alone.
“[Name]… I know I will have to part soon…” He touches your cheek with a bloody hand, pushes himself up until he could look you in the eyes. “…I only wanted to stay the same as you… until that time came. I… love you.”
Sunghoon completely stole your heart with those words. He had so often teased you about love, with a laugh, with a smile. To say it and mean it now was too cruel.
“ I love you too much… That's why I can’t drink your blood. Do you understand me?”
“No! Never! And I don’t ever want to understand” Your desperate breath mingled with his.
You do understand how much he loves you. Which is why you aren't backing down. You clasp the bloodstained hand that cupped your cheek with your blood hand.
“I don’t care about your past, no matter what it was, you were just the man in front of me. Whether the man is a vampire or not! I don’t care if you become what you think is a monster. Nothing can change my feelings for you. As long as you live, no matter what form you take, the time we spend together will not change. I promise you, I won’t let it.”
You want to ignore your feelings. But you couldn’t, not when you are so close to losing him. You are in life with Sunghoon, and you are not gonna deny it again. You shouldn’t fight it in the first place. Your love was destined, just as you were drawn to that door, you were drawn to him.
“Park Sunghoon, I love you too. I love you more than you think and I’m not ready to let you go.” Your voice trembles with love for him. “Take my blood. Now.”
Sunghoon refuses to bite you and speeds his change to a vampire because he loves you. Whereas you would do anything to keep him alive in any form because you love him. Though they are different, both your wishes come from the same place.
“Do it.” You unbutton your shirt and brush aside your hair, exposing your neck to him. “Drink my blood.”
Though he tries his best to restrain himself, his instincts slowly take control over his body. He strains and snarls like a hungry wolf. Sharp fangs glistened; his breath on your skin was hot. He swore to protect you, and you know he would never hurt you; you trust him.
“…And whatever you happen to become afterwards- just continue protecting me. Keep living for my sake.”
“You know… I never break my promise.”
“I don’t want you to. Which is why I said it.” He laughs a bitter laugh; you see blood trickled down his lips. It’s now or never.
Sunghoon leans down and draws his fangs down your neck as if to get used to the idea. The rake of his warm teeth across your skin. You shudder, then begin to tremble.
“Tell me, can you do the unspeakable?”
Is it an unspeakable act to drink the blood of another mortal to live? Or is it a true taboo falling in love with someone from another world—someone you never should meet? Which of these fit his definition of unspeakable? You have committed one sin and are on the cusp of another.
If judgement awaits you two at death, perhaps you will both have a lot to repent for. But, you’ll deal with that when it comes. For you, damnation was being without him.
“At least, we will be damned together.”
His fangs sank into you. Two sharp pin pricks of pain. A soft cry slipped out of you. The pain becomes more intense as he sinks deeper. Warmblood seeps out of you from the wound. Which he laps up, warm tongue caress on your neck. He sucks hungrily where he had bitten.
Your blood flowed faster into him, nourishing him, sustaining his life. And you feel something else. A subtitle warmth, starting from your neck, gaining power as it rapidly coursed through your body. You gasp.
The heat grow, turns into fire. Every nerve in your body is awake and affected. You couldn’t describe this feeling. Pleasure like you’d never felt before.
“Are you okay? Do I need to stop?” You shake your head no. “It just feels a little bit weird. Like I’m not myself.”
Sunghoon is panting, not in pain, but in his passion, another need now in his eyes. He pulls you close, whispering your name with a stern, yet soft voice. You look into each other's eyes and for a moment, he couldn’t hold himself anymore. He finally lets out all his desire that he had pent up for you and kisses you. You close your eyes, letting yourself drown to the feeling of his soft lips.
It was nothing like his sleepy morning kiss. His lips are warm, alive, and knowing. Deep into each other until you lost to all but your long-suppressed passion.
How could the touch of lips connect two people so perfectly?
You open hazy eyes to see him once more. Sunghoon brushes a spot of blood off your lips with his thumb and kisses it. Then, he embraces you. He holds you so tightly it's almost painful.
As you lose the fight to stay awake, you distantly hear someone speak.
“…Forgave me.”
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© 2022 knwsoft
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sj-ficrecs · 3 years
fic rec 11!
just a random collection of what I’ve read and enjoyed lately. as usual, no specific order.
This is purely a fic rec blog, always reblogging fics I enjoy. usually Bucky x reader, sometimes Steve x reader, Chris Beck x reader, etc. So check out more I’ve reblogged on this page. :) See my past fic recs below:
(divider by @bwbatta)
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Bucky x reader:
Flashing Lights by @pellucid-constellations​ Paramedic!Bucky x reader
“Bucky’s worst fears come true when he’s called to a scene. If he’s the one with the dangerous job, then why is it your life that’s hanging in the balance?”
Operation: Freefall by @constantwriter85​ Bucky x reader
“When Bucky fell from the train in 1945, he didn’t just leave behind his family and friends. He left behind the girl he was going to marry, a girl he never stopped loving. Decades later, Bucky continued to search for her, only to find out that she had disappeared without a trace in 1955. But when Steve hands over the shield to Sam Wilson, he also has something for his childhood friend—a redacted S.H.I.E.L.D. file code-named Operation: Freefall, a file with more questions than answers. With Sam’s help and a handful of Pym Particles, the file sends Bucky on a trip to the past, trying to solve the mystery and save the woman he still loves.”
Recovery by @wicked-mind​ Biker!Bucky x reader
“After going through rehab and recovering, you move back to town to live with your mother as you sort out what to do with your life, but your mom has other plans that include hooking you up with a hot biker by the name of James ‘Bucky’ Barnes”
Teacher’s Favorite + Sharing My Sweetheart by @suitk0via​ Single dad!Bucky x teacher!reader
“You are first grade teacher and Bucky is a single dad who wants to be involved with everything his little girl - Elaine - does. He’s the dad all the parent’s and faculty drool over. You quickly become Elaine’s favorite teacher and Bucky’s just gotta meet you.”
Uninvited by @mymoonagedaydream​ modern!Bucky x reader
Reader is a close friend of Sam’s. Sam and Bucky are roommates, so reader spends a lot of time with them. Bucky becomes colder towards reader and they ask Sam about it - finding out Bucky, who is taken, is falling out of love w/ his gf because he has a crush on reader.
You Know Me Too Well by @nexusnyx​ Tattoo Artist!Bucky x reader
“there is a thin line between pain and pleasure. that line is real and palpable, except for the times when you sit in bucky barnes’ table and feel his hands holding your skin. his job demands him to hurt you, but the only problem is that you enjoy it. a lot.”
The Slip Up by @justkending​ dad!Bucky x reader
“After a last hurrah to graduating college with a future to be a family practitioner, a little slip up happens… Seven years down the road, just when things just now seem to be going smoothly, Y/N approaches that slip up from all those years ago. She’s not looking for anything right now. She is just where she wants to be in life. It seems the universe has a different idea though. One called James Barnes.”
Invisible String series by @dirty-holy-things​ Bucky x reader
“You were fairly certain that landing a date through court-ordered therapy was some sort of HIPAA violation, if not just an ethical one, but you couldn’t help but be intrigued by the mysterious storm cloud of a man who you shared the waiting room with every Thursday.”
Sacrifice by @wkemeup​ Bucky x reader
“In the midst of an attack, you’re dosed with an unknown chemical and your healing ability becomes compromised.”
Purgatory by @wkemeup​ Bucky x reader
“While on a mission, Bucky becomes dissociated into the Winter Soldier. But instead of becoming a threat, his instinct is to protect.”
Behind the Storm by @wkemeup​ Bucky x reader
“On a mission, you’re hit with a spell that takes away your ability to see. Bucky does what he can to make you feel safe.”
We Were Screaming in Color by @samwlscns​ Bucky x reader, soulmate au
“james buchanan barnes was your soulmate and you were his. despite everything the world threw your way, bucky always kept his promise to make his way back home to you. even if that meant having to lose him more than once.”
Bulova by @babycap​ Bucky x reader
“In the five years between the two snaps that changed it all, life had moved on, as life is want to do. In the aftermath of that final battle, you discover that time waited for no one (least of all you), and those you loved marched forward into it without you. Sam suggests you volunteer at the local retirement community to keep you busy, keep your mind from lingering on what—and who—you lost. In giving back, you find that time can be just as generous as it is cruel. A non-canon compliant, friends-to-lovers fic.”
And They’re Roommates by @golden-barnes​ Modern bartender/roommate!Bucky x reader, New Girl au
“Your boyfriend cheats on you, and now you have nowhere to go. So when you found an ad for a shared loft, you didn’t hesitate to say yes. Come to the realization that you will be sharing it with four guys. Four guys, one of them who is extremely hot and zero brain cells between any of them. What else could you ask for?”
Keep Me Cool by @chouettedubois​ Bucky x reader
“You and Bucky are on your third undercover mission acting as a couple. Things go awry when you fall ill. Cue caretaker!Bucky to the rescue.”
Love in the Workplace by @cxddlyash​ Gardener!Bucky x Receptionist!reader
Working at the same hotel, a new gardener is recently hired.
“Your breath hitches in your throat at the sight of the new gardener. 
“What is it?” Sarah asks you and you clear your throat before tearing your gaze from the man.
“Uh, nothing. I finally see the gardener that the hotel hired,” you mention while walking closer to the place.”
Dad Biker!Bucky being adorable with his kids blurb by @angrythingstarlight​ dad biker!Bucky x reader
dad biker Bucky and his kids making pancakes and breakfast for mom :)
Tap by @houseravenclaws​ Bucky x reader
“bucky never talked much. he fell in love anyway.”
Teach Me How to Love by @thefalconthatcriedwolf​ Godfather/single dad!Bucky x teacher!reader
“Natasha leaves behind her precious daughter, Yelena, and with her dying breath asks Bucky to look after her. You happen to have Yelena in your class this school year.”
To Build a Home by @buckyjamess-archive​ @buckyjamess​​ Mechanic/single dad!Bucky x single mom!reader
“a mechanic and a nurse walk into a schoolyard..both new in the single parent life, chaos arises when the two come together but they wouldn’t have it any other way.”
A Good Kind of Fire by @dolcezzasfantasy​ Modern!Bucky x reader
“Character A runs a flower shop downtown. Character B is terribly allergic to flowers.”
If I Could Fly by @ceeellewrites​ actor!Bucky x actress!reader, social media au
“Bucky Barnes is an actor with a small (just a tiny) celebrity crush on Y/N L/N, one of the industry’s well-known actress. Well, it’s just a celebrity crush, what could go wrong?”
The Rumour by @sidepartskinnyjeans​ Bucky x reader
“after a, mostly, chance meeting with Sergeant Barnes starts a rumour around the compound that soon gets out of hand.”
See the World the Way You Do by @vanderlustwords​ Bucky x reader, soulmate au
“You start to see colour when you meet your soulmate. Bucky thinks that soulmates are a one of a kind thing—you get one and that’s it. His world used to be colourful once and then he lost that. He’s resigned to see black and white for the rest of his life…until flashes of colours would appear from the corner of his eye. And it seemed to happen more and more as Bucky spends time with you.”
Crawl Home to Her by @nexusnyx​ Bucky x reader
“when bucky finaly returns from his mission, he finds you sleeping in his sofa and the apartment much different than when he left. much prettier, with a touch of home. apparently, while he was away you took his advice to “do what you want with the place, doll” seriously - or as a distraction - and now he got to come home to this.bucky’s heart takes a leap and he stands there for a second, frozen in his spot.”
Signed by the Author by @wintersfilm​ Bucky x reader
“on a mission to improve his conversations with sam, bucky wanders brooklyn and into a bookstore where he finds his new favourite book and the most adorable bookseller he has ever laid eyes on.”
Seasons of Love by @constantwriter85​ Army vet!Bucky x reader, modern au
“Bucky gets a service dog, but Winter’s only got eyes for the dog across the park…and her owner.”
One Single Thread of Gold (Tied Me to You) by @pietrotica​ Bucky x reader, soulmate au
“on your sixteenth birthday, the first words your soulmate will speak to you appear on your wrist. in a world where it’s quite common to get a simple ’hi what can i get you’ or common phrases, you’ve managed to get their name. that doesn’t make it easier to find him.”
Sunday is a Family Day by @lazyangeltreemoney​ Bodyguard!Bucky x rockstar!reader
“You’re stubborn, annoying and hot as hell which seems to be an awful combo to mix with Bucky Barnes. However one day he realises he got you all wrong and now there’s a little kid in the mix that needs both of your help.”
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Inkubus x Vampire!Fem!Reader || Oneshot
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Title: Always There
I think outta all Englund's characters on this blog, I like writing for Inkubus the most. Which is criminal seeing as I write for him the least. I need to change that haha.
Plot: You meet up with a very old friend of yours and you spend some time catching up. And he's so clearly in love with you, its unbelievable and torturous to him that no matter what he does, you don't notice.
Warnings: A very unreliable narrator (In terms of particular other peoples clear feelings for her), BLOOD, DRINKING BLOOD, DRAINING SOMEONE OF BLOOD (But in a sort of polite way? Hah), MENTIONS OF AN ABUSIVE EX PARTNER, vampires and incubus'.
The smell of iron and petrichor fills your nostrils, disgusting and refreshing and also, just... relieving... in equal measure filling you up as you kneel by the victim - the man you'd chosen, - for tonight; A needle and tube attached to a blood bag between your fingers and digging into the poor mans neck.
You hate doing this, knowing this guy will be weak and sick feeling for the next day - maybe two depending on how much you take from him, - without understanding why. But, its for sure better then the alternative- which is just digging in right here and now with your teeth. That's messy, and the marks you leave behind aren't easy to explain away as 'animal attacks' anymore.
You need the blood, but you aren't a savage, jeez. You always catch any new vampire movies or shows together with your daughter and watch those actors with blood all over their chins, and think... How old are these vamps supposed to be?? 300 hundred years old!?
And they don't know how to eat without getting it all over their face?
Pfft! Rolling your eyes, you gently shake your head at the memories of bloody Edward Cullen and Lestat and Damon Salvetore swimming around in your head as watch the man's breathing. To be fair, you love them all - Twilight, Interview with a Vampire, The Vampire Diaries, Nosferatu, Vampires Vs the Bronx, etc, - but that's just because its more fiction then truth- and that's coming from an honest to goodness bloodsucker.
Finally deciding you've taken enough without truly hurting the man, you put pressure on his neck and pull out the needle, carefully wipe away any mess with a cotton ball from your bag and put a band aid on him.
"Now," You talk firmly, softly, as you look into his eyes - which are dull, almost sleeping. A nice touch to the docile state you put your victims, in so they can at least not feel any pain or fear while you're collecting your feed, - , hands on his shoulders. "You're not going to remember this, or me. You're going to get a taxi home," You tuck some money in his shirt pocket, a thank you for his service; Its the least you could do. "Then get into bed and have a wonderful sleep with lots of lovely dreams. Thank you so much."
After you watch the man get up, still in a bit of daze but shaking it off - and not even noticing your presence, crouched down by where he's standing, - and leave the alleyway, you carefully pack away the blood bag and the tube and needle (In a separate plastic bag, for you to clean and sanitise when you get home) in your satchel and finally get back up, wrapping the strap over your head and resting it on your shoulder.
Brushing a hand through your hair, you turn to leave the alleyway and go home- when a familiar voice speaks up from the very back of the alley- and immediately your hopes rise.
"You look even more beautiful every time I see you."
You smile, peering into the darkness. "Oh, that's very sweet... but you and I both know I look like trash. I haven't eaten for a week!" When he just chuckles back, you tilt your head and waive him over. "Come out here so I can see you!; When did you get into town?"
Gracefully - more so then even you can manage, being a goddamn vampire, - Inkubus slips out of the darkness and you're happy to see he looks well. Its been forever since you say him last - 40 years? 70? - and you always have it in the back of your head for some reason that next time you see your friend, it'll be the last time. So its always lovely when he turns up and looks just as healthy as he always does.
"Oh I just got here; Thought I would come see you immediately. Otherwise you might nag at me." This time you chuckle, rolling your eyes. His eyes flicker to your satchel. "Collecting our dinner our we?"
"Yep! Smells like A Negative, my favourite. When was the last time you ate?"
"Ohh, a couple weeks ago. I'm due for my next fill soon, though... any suggestions?"
"No," Scrunch up your nose, you put a lot of emphasis on your response; See, you don't subscribe to the notion that monsters like the two of you have to act all blasé and cocky about the terrible things they must do. Apart from these night time trips to find breathers to bleed, you live a... mostly... normal life! So no- you definitely don't know anyone he can make his next victim.
And Inkubus knows this, which is why he laughs and you roll your eyes again at him, fixing the satchel on your shoulder. "So- " Again his eyes flicker to your bag, this time with meaning. A cheeky grin flits across his lips. "Want to get a drink?"
Smiling, you turn on your heel, you loop your arm through his and lead the way. "So have you been?"
4 hours later and the two of you are still stewing at a 24-Hour-Diner you frequent - seeing as you don't really sleep that much, - and are onto your 9th drinks at this point. You two may not see each other too often since the 1400's and went your separate ways in the world, but you never go longer then a hundred years - preferably 80 maximum, - without seeing each other and when you do- you have a lot to say. Filling each other in on what you've missed in each others lives is always a... disorientating experience, at times, but you must do it. You couldn't survive in a world where you didn't know what was happening in your best friends life. That would just be too lonely.
See, Inkubus is the only one you know - still, to this day, - who knew you when you were human, aside from the man referred to very nearly exclusively as 'Dick for brains' - being your daughters father, - and while having human friends who can make you feel normal again, is wonderful... so is feeling normal, in what you actually are currently. And that's not human. That's thousands and thousands of years old and a mystery to scientists. And, seeing as he's a literal demon... that's a very easy service for him to provide.
A waitress walks by to pick up you empty glasses and looks oddly at your personal tumbler. You clearly weren't meant to notice, but you do of course, and unassumingly shrug. "Bloody Mary... don't tell." You give her a conspiratorial wink, and she chuckles, walking off.
When you look back to Inkubus, he looks ready to make a joke so you give him a timid shrug. "Well, there is vodka and Tobasco sauce in it!... " He smirks, but lets it go- seeing as your words were funny enough.
"And how is Bethany? Has she seen her father lately...?" Your eyebrows arch, hearing Inkubus ask about him; Dick for Brains, Beth's father and the bane of your long, long existence. Obviously, seeing as the bastard impregnated you with his literal spawn of hell causing you to die during childbirth at age 26 so he could then turn you into a vampire, made you raise your daughter alone- and then returned 20 years later just to turn Beth into a vampire as well and claim that you can all be a 'proper family now'... you aren't a huge fan of the guy. And talking about him you don't do often, as it causes a horrible clenching feeling in your stomach and heart. Luckily, Inkubus is one of the few people who is allowed to make you feel that way. Him, and Beth.
You sigh, taking a slow sip of your drink through the matching metal straw and metal tumbler set Beth got your last mothers day (So as to hide the fact that its blood inside), you wonder what to say... "Beth's great, as always... she's fallen in love with a human, though. That can only end brilliantly." Shaking your head, you look to Inkubus to see his reaction and catch him rolling his eyes, smirking. Yep. "Um, and... yes. There has been contact with Dick for Brains... He recently, like... 20 years ago? turned up at her place in Egypt, and wouldn't leave till I had to fly down there and shoo him away." You grit your teeth. There is so much wrong with that man- you do honestly with you had never met him sometimes. That's horrible, you know, as if you hadn't met him you wouldn't have had Beth and she's the light of your life, but... at times like that instance? When he troubles her?
Its hard to not wish his existence away.
"Do you want me to speak with him?... Again... ?" Your gaze returns to Inkubus again, feeling at ease the moment your minds back in the diner with him and not in your head with Dick for Brains; Eyes softening. The idea is tempting, unbelievably tempting... And it would keep your friend around awhile longer. "That always seems to win you a couple hundred years of reprieve."
Taking a deep, needless breath - an anxious habit, - you set down your tumbler and shake your head. "No, that's okay... thank you for the offer, though. He seems to be giving up, slowly, finally. But damn, its taken him long enough to get the hint, huh?"
"Far too long." Inkubus' voice is bitter and dark, talking about your ex- and his eyes are reading much different. You know if you let him, he would kill Derek... but you cant do that. If anyone's going to kill him, it would be you or Beth, and neither of you are there yet. Inkubus takes a deep breath, relaxing again like a chameleon changing its colours. "Anyway, love; Onto prettier business. How did that thing go, that you had with that Djinn half a century ago. You seemed quite optimistic about that one."
A fluttering of laughter immediately comes out of you and Inkubus' truly cheers up at the sight of it, and you just look at him and shake your head; An awkward toothless smile on your lips. Ha! No.
His brows arch, laughter in his eyes. "Didn't end well?"
"That ended up being the shortest affair I've ever had and that's saying something." Brushing hair back from your face, you chew on your bottom lip. "You'd think after nearly 10 centuries, I'd learn... Oh- wait- make that 10 and nearly a half, centuries... Boy, am I clueless."
"Clueless about what, love?" You're just breathing in to respond, when a cheeky look crosses Inkubus' familiar face. "I mean, you are quiet clueless- about plenty of things. But specifically, this time."
You scrunch up your nose at him in response, grinning, before once again chewing on your bottom lip. "... I'm just not the woman that gets proposed to." You shrug, as if its no big deal; Even though your heart bleeds saying it out loud for the first time, to someone that matters and not just your ex-therapist, Julie. Setting your drink on the table in front of you, you idlily twist it. "Obsessed over and stalked, yes." You grin, a tinge of sadness to it. "Fucked, yes. Dated even, yes. But married?... Ha, no... "
His eyebrows climb up his forehead even more, before he softly smiles and pats your hand. "I asked you to marry me, all those years ago, sweetheart. Remember?" He reminds you gently, and you cant help giving a soft smile back at your well-meaning friend.
"Oh, yes of course I do. That was very sweet, but... I mean for love, you know? Not because I'm pregnant and alone."
Inkubus sighs, slightly frustrated, and leans back in his seat. "Mhmmm... " Rubbing a finger under his nose, he quickly clears his throat. Then he reaches his hand further up your arm to lay it on your forearm, running his thumb comfortingly across your skin. "Love, I'm sure that you'll find someone. Perhaps multiple someone's. Or, maybe, you don't need to find anyone new."
A little smile twitches at your lips as you pick up his hands and hold it on the table in both of yours. "... Maybe." For a split millisecond, your friend smiles. Sighing wistfully, you shrug. "Maybe I can learn to be happy alone. I mean, I like my life. I like my daughter, I like my job, I like my patterns... Maybe I don't need a man." Immediately his smile disappears and he rolls his eyes.
"You definitely don't need a man." He sighs, frowning. "But one can be good for a few things, no?"
"Hey." You set him with a stern look. "I thought we were making me feel better, about not having one?"
"Oh, you're right. I rescind my comment."
"You better." A cheeky grin crosses your face.
He looks back at it, the cheeky grin of yours, and the smile returns to his face.
The sun is warming up when you're on your way home, Inkubus beside you with his arms folded carefully behind his his back and your hands stuffed in your leather jacket pockets; One arm linked affectionately through his. You're an odd sight, you're sure, to any early morning commuters. You, and your barely-out-of-college looking self walking so close - and so domestically. A fact that is lost on you but not on the smug demon walking beside you, - to a man that currently looks to be in his 60's-70's age-wise.
Not that either of you care.
"Well, this is my place! Whatdaya think?" You ask, letting him go in order to unlock the door or the townhouse apartment and push open the door. He walks on in past you, looking around and you watch a soft smile grace his handsome features. "You like it?"
"Much better then the hole in the wall you thought was a good idea to show me in Transylvania- took everything in me not to sweep you away somewhere safer... with fewer mould spores... " He turns to look at you over his shoulder, a mischievous smirk on his mouth as you scrunch up your nose at him, before smiling.
"Well then, Mr Judgmental... I guess you don't want to know, that I chose this wallpaper cuz of you."
That definitely catches his attention, more then anything else you've said. He turns around in a full 360, assessing the wallpaper before looking curiously at you. "You... you chose this wallpaper because of... me? How so?"
You shrug, still leaning back against the open front door- sunlight filtering through the doorway. "The colour is very you. Its got 'Inkubus' vibes. You know," Raising your brows at him, you smirk. "Eccentric, full of itself." At that cheeky remark, he says 'Ha ha', sarcastically. "And, I guess, I missed you. Sooo... yeah... wallpaper."
"Hm... " Looking really far too pleased about this, looking a lot more engrossed by the home then before- but mostly the wallpaper. "This place is looking better, suddenly... "
"Like I said- Full of itself." You roll your eyes, laughing. Then you push off the door, push it closed with your foot and then go to pass by Inkubus to hit the livingroom. "Oh! The book! The one we were talking about at the diner- I'll find it for you! Come on- "
"Y/N." A hand curls gently around your arm, at the perfect moment so that you don't get yanked back with the force of your travelling and instead you just coat to a careful halt at Inkubus' side.
Blinking up at him curiously, wondering what he needed you for so suddenly, you tilt your head to the side. "Yes?"
For a good moment, he just looks at you whilst you become worried. What is happening? Every second that passes by, more and more ridiculous ideas cross your mind.
Finally, the man tilts his head slightly in sincerity.
"Sweetheart, are you ever going to see how ridiculously in love with you I am?"
And... for all of the disastrous and ridiculous possibilities that came to mind when he was saying nothing, you had a response. To this, you just stand their dumbly, your shoulders dropping and just looking at him in total shock. "... wel- uh- um... a few more hundred years?" You feel like a ton of bricks has just been dropped on top of you. "Maybe?" You squeak. You actually squeak.
And of course, you squeaked. You'd be surprised if you had managed to keep your composure after a confession like that. Here's this beautiful man, who against all foreseeable odds understands you, and cares about your kid, and whom you love... and somehow he's telling you that he loves you? That, for some reason, he wants you?
Is there something wrong with him?
There must be. Something terribly, horrible, irreversibly offensive that you aren't already aware of.
But you rack your brain and theirs nothing. Nothing, at all, that you can figure that would make you turn away from him right now.
He smiles a little bit at your awkward reaction, and lets go of your wrist in favour of tucking some hair back behind your ear. "Do you quite mind if I kiss you now?"
Your breath hitches, it actually hitches, like a tiny shy anime girl who's giant crush just got down on his knees in front of her for whatever reason, and you have to fight to pull yourself together; Rolling your shoulders back, hands on your hips. Totally, and translucently fake confident. "Um- you know? I don't?"
God, you are a centuries old vampire; Your vernacular should be yards better then this.
And then kisses you.
Oh god- And then he kisses you.
Because you're suddenly struck hard in the face with a million words and phrases, from current to boomer-speak to old fashioned to forgotten, to describe it but mostly you're just wondering why in the world you hadn't been doing this the whole damn time. Your hands find the sides of his coat in order to steady yourself, and pull him closer as you carefully tilt your head into the kiss. It comes so naturally, the kissing does. Between you and him. Its like, despite the bounds of your relationship never having reached this level before, you know exactly how to kiss each other. There's no awkwardness or searching. You just fit.
When finally, you slowly end the kiss, you fail to open your eyes for a good moment, before cracking them open slightly, half lidded and flickering up to his eyes.
And you take a deep, unnecessary breath and step away, torturously out of Inkubus' personal space. "... holy shit." You have so many questions... None of which touch on how exactly you're feeling because you get that much, at least.
But you cant help but wonder why- and for how long this has been brewing and how long exactly that you missed it- and how the hell this is going to work-
He follows you, thank god, a roguish yet soft look on his face. "Maybe we should take this to the livingroom, love. I promise, I can explain everything to you."
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naralanis · 3 years
hey nara! first off, I absolutely adore your blog and your writing, Perhaps is on my comfort fics list that I pull out whenever I’m having a bad time. I also happen to be a fan of your pen instagram and I was wondering if you had any suggestions on some fountain pens for beginners? I recently bought a “Pilot MR Retro Pop” that I really enjoy but I think I’m ready to branch off a bit. Do you have any tips with practicing with fountain pens you’d be willing to share? As much as I try, my handwriting never looks as nice as I want it to with mine. No pressure to respond if not, just wanted to stop by and let you know how much I enjoy your content! Hope you have a pleasant rest of your day/night!
Oh goodness, you’re talking about fic AND fountain pens in the same ask? Stop, stop, I’m already married!
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First off, thanks for reading; I’m so glad Perhaps is there for you when ya need it, it makes me really happy to hear. Seriously warms my heart!
As far as fountain pens go... ANON I HAVE SO MANY THINGS TO TALK ABOUT I AM SO SORRY THIS WILL BE SUCH A LONG RIDE so I’m going to put it under the cut sorry sorry sorry in this essay I will
Hooray for the Pilot MR (or Metro, here in the US), it’s an AMAZING little pen, and if you’re calling it the MR, chances are you got it with an international standard converter, you lucky, lucky duck. I’m happy you’re enjoying it, as far as beginner pens go, this one is an excellent choice.
When you say “branching out”, this can mean one of two things. It can mean you want to branch out to other brands but a similar price range, or that you’re ready for a ‘next level’ pen. I’ll try to cover both! (I’ll link some of these models to the Goulet Pens website, but feel free to look for them elsewhere--I just really like Goulet’s very thorough descriptions)
If you’re looking to explore other pen models in the MR’s price range, there’s a metric ton of  options! Sticking with Pilot, you can try the Explorer-- a completely different, more streamlined pen than the MR, but if you’re used to the nib on your pen, you have a better idea of what to expect with it. There’s also the Kakuno, which is cheaper, but very cute with its little smiley face nibs haha
Another Japanese pen you can try: the Platinum Plaisir. Aluminum body, but do remember that Platinum nibs generally give a little more feedback than Pilot’s, which are some of the smoothest Japanese-made nibs I’ve ever seen.
You can also try the Diplomat Magnum -- it’s a a great little pen, and I love mine. Keep in mind, it is very lightweight, especially compared to the MR’s metal body, but to me that makes it great for long writing sessions. The nib is completely different--it will write a little wider, a little wetter than the MR (and any other Japanese-made pen), but it’s slightly springy and awesome to write with. Plus, it has an ink window so you can keep track of your ink!
Other options in this price range: the Jinhao 8802 (Shell or Rosewood, and the most bang for your buck imo as far as cheap fountain pens go), the Jinhao x750 or x450 (these are heavier, but they look great!), the TWISBI GO (a teeny, amazing little pen with a spring-loaded piston filling mechanism), and a Kaweco Sport (another pocket-pen, German-made, so the nib will write a little wetter/wider generally) or the Perkeo.
Now, if you’d like to push your price range a little further (only a little! I promise not to break the bank!), you cannot go wrong with Lamy.I am a self-admitted Lamy fangirl, so I may be a little biased, buuuut... it is what it is, their pens are great, they’re easy to disassemble for cleaning (I go totally nuts over it and even disassemble the converters, which you absolutely don’t need to do), and their nibs are SO EASILY INTERCHANGEABLE!
You can pick up a Lamy Safari for fairly cheap nowadays (and ever cheaper look-alikes, which I will never endorse but also will not judge anyone for buying), and they come in so many colours (the O.G. 1980 colours were also just reissued!), they’re like my Pokemon because I want to catch ‘em all.
For a little more, you can get yourself a Lamy AL-Star--the same design of the Safari, but this time in aluminum, which makes it look super cool (but also prone to scratches if you’re the kind of person that puts your pen in your pocket with your keys... that’s... definitely not me...), so keep that in mind.
You can also pick yourself up a Lamy Logo, for a couple more bucks. A completely different design, but still great, particularly if you like slimmer pens.
The nibs on ALL the Lamy models (even the more expensive ones like the Studio or the Scala or even the Dialog) are interchangeable! Even the gold nib on the Dialog! The only exception is the Lamy 2000 (which is probably one of the best pens out there period, and certainly an amazing first-gold-nib pen).
The one thing that absolutely kills me about the cheaper Lamy pens is that, for the most part, none of them come with a converter--you have to buy it separately. Which is fine, it’s not super expensive, and it is widely available, but COME ON, LAMY, JUST GIMME.
If you’d like to try a cool-looking pen with a CRAZY ink capacity and a nifty piston-filling mechanism, look no further than the TWISBI ECO. I have one of these (green, obv), and I love it. Never tires me out, and I stg mine never. dries. out. I don’t know what witchcraft is involved, but it’s an amazing pen for long writing sessions.
Finally, if you’d like to try another Japanese-made pen that is a little more expensive than the Pilot MR or the Platinum Plaisir, there’s the Sailor Compass 1911. This is one of the cheapest Sailor pens I know of, and a good introduction to the brand. Keep in mind that, like Platinum, Sailor nibs will give more feedback than the Pilot you’re used to!
If you would like to push your budget even further, here are some options for fountain pens under $100 (I know, big jump, but it’s good to see what’s out there to you can compare!) from JetPens.
There are a million other brands out there that you can look at. Sheaffer makes great, very cheap and fun beginner pens (including a whole Star Wars Line! They’re adorable!). Hong Dian has a ton of pens that look sleek as hell (like the Forest Series) and they’re all like under 20 bucks. Kaco is another one that makes surprisingly good pens! Parker is also an option, with the Jotter, which is a classic-looking pen. There’s Conklin and Monteverde (which have a ton of fountain pens in a wide range of prices, but I’ve had bad luck with their nibs, so I would suggest you do some independent research on those!), as well as Noodler’s if you’d like to go crazy with some flex nibs! The fountain pen rabbit hole is bottomless. Welcome :D
As far as handwriting goes, I’m afraid I don’t have much more to say besides practice, practice, practice. I learned cursive as a child, but never got into calligraphy, really. Even today, I only just dabble, but whenever I see something I like, I usually just like to try and replicate it. Very often I’ll see a video on Instagram and go Oh my god, how the hell did they write that G, I’ve got to try that and then what follows is me going through page after page on a Rhodia pad trying to imitate them. I like janinescribbles and aidanbernal on Instagram, they’re like handwriting goals--check them out!
A lot of the time, we’re looking for more line variation to make our handwriting look prettier--that’s usually what you see in that fancy, old-timey Spencerian cursive, or even copperplate calligraphy. Unfortunately, you won’t get that with just a regular fountain pen, but there is good news!
There are a TON of different nibs out there. Stub nibs, fude nibs, flex nibs, obliques, cursive italic -- you can even get your pen ground by a professional nibmeister to fit your specifications. There are calligraphy pens (like the Lamy Joy) or pen sets (Kaweco has a Perkeo Calligraphy set, and I believe Sailor has one of their own as well). You can even check out the Pilot Parallel set -- the whole thing is like the price of a Lamy AL-Star, you just won’t do regular writing with it; it’s pretty specifically a calligraphy/lettering set. There are even flex pens in the market (though none of them are as flexy as those old, vintage gold nibs) like the Noodler’s Nib Creaper, Ahab, and Triple Tail or the Conklins with their Omniflex nib (which has been problematic in the past, but I’ve heard good things recently). It’s a whole other rabbit hole!
But honestly, don’t sweat the handwriting too much. Just write a few lines every day, try new things, and get lost for eternity on some Instagram tags!
I think this is a long enough post as it is, so I’ll stop there! SORRY. HOPE IT HELPS!
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jameszmaguire · 3 years
tagged by the lovely @andyoudoctor, thank you Myra!!
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
It has been a very slow year for this main blog of mine, mainly because I got back into the Umbrella Academy in March, opened a sideblog for it and most of my creative output was on there. I still managed to scrape together five gifsets that I love for this year, and here they are!
1. Aziraphale being cute and adorable
I legit think I peaked in gifmaking with the very first gifset of the year. I made this late in 2019 but kept it to be my first post of the decade, excitedly (what different times it was!). This really was a gifset I’d been thinking of making since first watching Good Omens, because I just adore Michael Sheen’s performance and the very unique charm he brings to the character. He is so charismatic and sweet, and I wanted to capture that in a gifset. I really love the colouring on it with its soft pinks and beiges. It still makes me smile every time I look at it.
2. Let’s Dance: Best of Moritz & Renata Dances
I think this one is my ultimate manifesto as a gifmaker, because it is purely a labour of love. I knew this was not going to get any notes, because there is no fandom on Tumblr for this show. Making gifs of these two made me find the one person on this site who loves them, and that’s enough. This gifset now stands at exactly 3 notes. There are over a hundred frames for all gifs but one. The colouring is some of the most beautiful I’ve ever done. And it was all made for me, because I love this so much that I wanted to spend creative energy on them. And sometimes that’s all that matters.
3. Select Marvel Characters I Love
I have fallen out of love with Marvel, especially the MCU. I just don’t care about the overabundance of interconnected content, it is tiring and repetitive and just not for me anymore. But there are still characters from Marvel that I adore and have adored for a very long time, and so when I got a make me choose ask to pick between Marvel and DC, I picked Marvel, because Marvel has Nightcrawler. And also some other characters I really love, some select shows and movies and comics I still can come back to, like X-Men Evolution, X2 or Thor:Ragnarok, and Noto’s Black Widow or Fraction’s Hawkeye. And I made this really pretty black and white gifset with the characters I love in the iterations I love them in, and I still like it a lot.
4. Orla for Maria
Is it a cheat if it’s something I finished today? But I am very proud of this gifset I made for my dearest friend on this site, the lovely Maria. I always edit something for her birthday because I’ve been doing it for so long, and it always makes me happy to make something nice for someone else. I also just think the colouring on this gifset turned out so much prettier than I thought it was going to, so I’m very happy with it. And Orla is just so cute in these moments, it’s a good gifset.
5. Vanya in Blue
This is the first colour gifset I made for the Umbrella Academy, after the black and white gifset that unfortunately made me very quickly aware of the existence of F*veya. I like this one so much more. For the first time trying to colour this show, I think it holds up so well. I really love the blues I worked with, the moments I picked, and just Vanya in general. There are gifsets I like more on my TUA sideblog, and I will do this list for the creations there too, but this gifset? I’m still very proud of it.
Most creators I know have already done this one, so if you’ve done this already, feel free to ignore this: @evakant, @princess-marida, @bosemanchadwick @knifeears
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afinedoll · 4 years
EAH: Darling Charming
I haven’t done a doll review in a hot minute - let’s change that.
I’d wanted Darling Charming ever since I first saw the original promo photos. I mean, a fashion doll in armour; what’s not to love? Her backstory made me love her even more. The fact that she is destined to be a Damsel in Distress and has decided screw that, she’s going to be a knight - well, that appeals to this girl who was raised with The Paper Bag Princess and other such self-rescuing princesses.
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And then I got my Darling! Isn’t she fab? Let’s take a look.
Before we continue, I’m just going to say that the cafe these photos were taken in has closed down now - RIP the Saker Cafe. But that’s how long Darling has been waiting to be shown to you lovely people, and she isn’t the only one either. Moving on.
As you can see, Darling is very lovely, with a very silver and pastel colour scheme - it almost puts me in mind of the trans flag, which is beginning to give me ideas... anyway. Let’s have a look at her accessories first, then her dress, then we can look at the girl herself.
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Here’s her tiara, it goes without saying it was rubber-banded into her hair and it also goes without saying that I think the details need a lick of paint. But it’s nice it’s not all one colour. Darling’s primary motif is plate armour, yes, but hearts, plumes and gemstones also feature heavily - in some ways she’s one of the most princessy of the lot.
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Her bag, which is different in the front...
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And back. Plenty of filigree detail and a gem clasp, and yet it is apparently meant to be made of metal. Imagine getting belted round the head with this thing...
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Her breastplate - actually what this is supposed to be is two parts of the plate armour, the gorget for the neck and the pauldrons for the shoulders, the necklace is just for decoration. But it’s all one piece here so I’m calling it a breastplate even though I’m wrong. Her breastplate fastens across the chest with the necklace and you can’t even see how once it’s closed, it looks great.
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This is the back. As you see, more of the filigree that there was on the bag. Probably Darling gets her handbag from her armourer. I like how it looks consistently like medieval armour and like it could actually fit together realistically with buckles and all - even though we know it doesn’t.
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Her belt is just that, a belt, and the cutouts at the side don’t appear to make a lot of sense, except that if you look at the picture at the top, you see that her stand is the same colour and fits exactly into the holes. Neat, huh? Less neat is the fact that she can’t really sit down with this on, but you can’t win ‘em all.
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Now these I wish were painted, look at this detail. Also, if Darling is wearing metal high heels everywhere I bet she has calves like iron as well. Anyway, these are so pretty! But they’d be prettier in white and gold with pink frills and blue gems.
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Now all that’s gone, we can see her dress. Note that the silver bodice and underskirt and blue metallic bolero have a very chain-mailley look and definitely contributes to the armour feel, but the pink and blue net overskirts and lace cuffs remind us all that this is still a princess we’re dealing with. This dress is all in one piece, although it looks like the bolero is seperate, but I don’t mind that. I can make Darling a plain silver shift dress if I want to, and probably will.
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Before we move on, I do have to say that with all the accessories, our girl is sadly restricted and this armour would be very dangerous should she try to slay dragons in it, because she can only raise her arm this high while wearing her pauldrons. But note how well the stand fits into her belt. I did like that.
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She doesn’t really need said stand, though. Like most EAH and MH dolls, she stands pretty well unaided.
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As you see she has long blonde and blue hair just like Lagoona’s, but somehow I don’t think she swims as much as our lovely creature from the Black Lagoon. Given the wide variety of hair colours at Ever After High, she has an excuse.I think it’s supposed to be in fat ringlets, but honestly it fluffs out a bit much for that. I guess I could give it another go and try to tame it again but this kind of hair doesn’t have that good a record.
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She has an even rounder case of the EAH moon face than Apple does, but now I’m used to it, I kind of like it. She’s very Versailles with that beauty mark and the pastel colour scheme, and the almost white hair. She doesn’t actually have white hair or skin but the blue highlights emphasise her pallor, and she is the White Knight now, after all.
I like the expression, I like how serene she looks, and the determined tilt to her brows. It’s OK, the White Knight has got this. I like it a lot better than the reboot Darling faces, which are alarmingly Stepford to me and look like they’re going to try and sell me some essential oils. But we’re getting off track. Note how the eye make-up is deceptively elaborate - pale blue underneath as well as on the lid, and a dark blue line across the crease, then a lovely lilac above that. She also has very thick lashes.
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I don’t have either doll in my hand right now, but I think Darling has a slightly more pronounced profile than Apple - that could also be a forced perspective, though. Hmm, I think I will post Apple’s profile so we can compare. But it seems Apple has a very flat face by comparison, Darling’s features are way more definite, with a wider mouth, a more pointed nose and more of a gap between her eyes. The original Darling Charming was definitely her.
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See? Very different.
And that’s Darling! I’m sorry it took so long to review her. I’m glad to see there are still people reading this blog. Incidentally I had a seizure on New Year’s Day so if there are typos and missed facts, that’s because my brain decided to flip the table with all my thoughts on it while I was still recovering from Christmas and it’ll be a while before I can collect and arrange my headspace again. Thanks for your patience!
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velvetgons · 5 years
hyunsuk as your boyfriend
word count; 3.3k i’m sorry 
warnings; hmm i don’t think anything but possibly swearing i can’t be sure!! 
requested; no uwu i’m a new blog :) 
(also to gif makers; if you don’t want me to use your gif for any reason please just tell me and i’ll remove it!! apologies in advance if that’s the case!!) 
gif credit; bggon on tumblr!! please tell me if you’d like it removed :)
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ok so uh let’s just give it a lil background
you decide to go out n get some new clothes bc u know. u got some extra money to spend why not
and you take some of your friends!! and you’re shopping and having a good time and everything is great
until you see this cute lil blue dress and you’re like ‘that’s The One, i need that dress……very necessary to my daily life’
so you tell your friends that you’re just gonna go find your size and they’re all “yes!! get the cute dress!! we’ll see you at the check-out!!”
so you’re about to grab the dress when you see,, the exact same dress except this time! it’s in red
so now you’re completely torn obviously because :// do you want the blue one or the red one,, they’re both cute,, but what’s gonna look nicer on you,,
and you’re just kinda stood there staring at them both because it turns out both colours have your size and now you don’t know what to do with urself
n just as your about to pout and go find one of your friends to help you pick you hear a Boy VoiceTM  
and it’s just a quiet lil, “you should get the red one!”
but it makes you turn around because whom said that to you
and you see….a cute boy….just kinda smiling at you while he looks at a shirt or something,, and he smiles even bigger when you look at him and just kinda shrugs before saying, “it’s a prettier colour!!”
part of you is like ?? i’m not gonna get the red one just because a random stranger thinks it’s a cool colour
but the other part of you wins because it’s like “:) you’re right red is a rlly cute colour :) i’ll get this one thank u fashion advice stranger”
and he smiles back at you before he turns back to the clothes he’s looking at and you know you’re supposed to just grab the dress and go now
but. you,, want the cute boy stranger to turn around again,, so u grab another random two articles of clothing and tap him on the back to be like “what about out of these two??”
and you just. keep doing it. and he keeps answering,, to the point where he doesn’t even turn around anymore because he’s giving you all his Focus
so now you have an armful of clothes that ur not gonna buy and he’s offering to carry some for u while u get them checked out and ur like “haha! of course! this is a great idea!”
and like. he isn’t dumb he knows what ur doing so he’s like. hyping himself up in his head like ‘come on!!! she’s clearly into you!! you’ve got this!! just…ask her out and if she says no! it’s all good! we’ve got this bro!’
so he takes a deep ass breath (n u think for a second that you’ve done something wrong) n is like “or…u could like idk man just…idk get the cute red dress and wear it…when i pick you up for a date…maybe like…tomorrow or something…” and in his head it sounds really smooth n nonchalant
but in reality it’s just a jumble of incoherence but you heard date and tomorrow so you’re like “yes!!!!!!!!!! yes this is Very Good i am free tomorrow pls do that” n give him your phone to save his number in
and he’d save it as ‘fashion god (a.k.a hyunsuk)’ with like fifty hearts next to it
((also as a side note you’d have to text him ur own name because he wouldn’t even ask for it in the store…… a charismatic king))
and that would be the story you’d have to give to your kids one day about how you met their dad :) very romantic
anyway! with that being said! let’s get into actually dating him
hyunsuk is a Loud Boy and is most of the time a Happy Boy
and he would constantly try and make sure that you’re feeling equally as happy as him because!! he really just hates the idea of you being upset or down
he hates it so much when your upset because of something outside of his control (like school, work, college) because he just doesn’t know how to fix it?? and he’d resort to doing really dumb stuff to get you to smile at him !! because seeing you :( makes his heart physically hurt
honestly he would melt if you did the same thing for him…..like….if you showed clear concern for him or hyped him up in anything he does the babey smile you know the one loll and feels his heart go zooooooom
i don’t think he’d actively go out of his way to show affection in public but it would definitely just happen
like. sometimes he’s just walking and the next thing he knows he’s tangling his hand with yours and giving your knuckles each a lil kiss
or you’re standing in front of him and his arms just kinda outstretch and pull you really close to him and he’s burying his face into the crook of your neck
or you’re just stood next to him minding your business when you’re tugged into his side and feel him leaving lil kisses on your cheeks while he calls you cute
all of his friends are Disgusted and beg him to not do that right in front of them 24/7 but like. he genuinely doesn’t notice until he’s already done it
however! if you initiated affection (in public) he,,,, blushes,,
in private you two are always attached somehow so it’s more unusual for you two not to be touching
his favourite form of affection would be when you were cuddling and you snuggled your face into his chest ! he’d literally go blank for a second before he’d yell something abt u being cute
i also personally see hyunsuk as someone who would wanna talk about so much all the time??? like…his mind is just buzzing with stuff all the time and he’d love having someone to share that with
and you’d have to do this late at night a lot (because of his schedule) but when he’d come to yours and if you were still awake, you’d both kinda just lay facing each other in bed with ur pinkies linked really loosely while you talked about a bunch of different stuff
they’d be long conversations too!!! you wouldn’t need to ask each other what you’d been up to that day because you’d be talking pretty much all day oof
so you’d be talking to each other about random stuff you thought of!! he’ll ask you about your views on stuff like ghosts and aliens and conspiracy theories, and you’ll get to hear his, and he’ll talk to you about his favourite songs and why they’re his favourites and he’ll really want you to explain yours too, he’d also ask dumb stuff like “do u think fish can see water” and would want a genuine answer 
but overall those would go on for hours and you’d only know he was ready to finally sleep when he curled an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him
speaking of cuddling!! hyunsuk would go between being the little spoon or having you lie on his chest to sleep
he loves being the little spoon because,, it’s such a warm experience,, so safe,, and bundled up,, and he’d definitely wrap himself up in a blanket before doing it for Maximum Comfort
but! he also loves having you sleep on his chest because “you’re my baby!! you’re so small it’s where you belong!!” (even if you’re taller than him hyunsuk what) he just,, loves how close you feel to him when he knows you can hear his heartbeat and he can feel how warm you are and he can see you falling asleep and it makes him feel so !! warm inside
he’d definitely introduce you to his friends really quick into dating you lol because?? what if you guys don’t get along?? they literally mean The World to him??
but of course you would i mean. what’s not to like
and they’d tell you embarrassing stories about him (seunghun would go into immense detail of how hyunsuk talked about your first date, including an oscar worthy rendition of hyunsuk talking about your first kiss)
you’d probably tell hyunsuk that you were scared of byounggon and hyunsuk would CACKLE
he’d be like “him?? he?? he’s a Baby! he’s the Sweetest Boy!” and then place all of his efforts into getting you and byounggon to be certified best friends
and like. it would work but more because you and byounggon had to bond over who would take care of him in his chaotic inventive ways to get you and byounggon to talk and communicate (including: accidentally locking you two in the practice room so you’d talk through ‘your issues with one another’ which would literally end up with you showing byounggon dumb pictures you had of hyunsuk on your phone and him giving you music recommendations)
[a/n; using that as a way to talk about something else,, writer of the year :)] we all obviously know that hyunsuk is very music orientated as a person!!! and he wouldn’t hesitate to share that with you through either his performances, his producing, or just music he likes
he’d make multiple playlists for you that would be for different things! (songs he wants to show you, songs that remind him of you, songs he wants to you to listen to and tell him whether performing them would be a good idea etc.)
he’d also love for you to show him your favourite music because he’d personally see music sharing as something very intimate and special!!! and if you ever told him about songs that reminded you of him he might actually have a heart palpitation
but i think in general he’d wanna be involved with something you’re interested in because you supported him so much in his passion!! if you were into art, he’d wanna know all about what you were drawing/painting and he’d find cute museums to go to together! if you were into writing, he’d wanna know what you were writing about and he’d wanna find you cool notebooks and stationary to use for it! he’d just wanna involve himself in any way possible to let u know he cared about it too!!
now onto his other Big Hobby
he…is now your personal stylist…a fashion king…he will not let you change his name in your phone…
he wants to go shopping to find cool clothes all the time! and now he has someone else to take with him! and someone else to try and dress!
i know there’s like the dumb Boyfriend Trope of ‘no :( you can’t wear that because it’s revealing :(‘ but like………hyunsuk wouldn’t care lmao
he sees something he thinks you’d look cute in?? he immediately jumps to get you to try it on for him!! it’s not a weird thing he’s just a fashion king and needs everyone to know that you two are the Best Dressed Couple
speaking of which! dating hyunsuk would be such a healthy thing !
he’d be a lil heavy-handed at first just because he’s not 100% on what he’s actually supposed to be doing
but once he figures out how dating actually works, it’s over for literally everyone else
like, at first, he might get jealous quite a lot because :(( what if u find someone better :(( but then he’d kinda re-evaluate and be like ‘i could…literally talk about this…what’s stopping me…’
and then you’d have a conversation about it where you’d reassure him that he’s your man!! you like Love him and stuff!!
from then on i think dealing with issues that came up in your relationship would just,,, get easy to him??
like, you’re jealous over someone else? that’s okay, you guys can talk about it and work it out!! he’s stressed and tired and just wants alone time? he’ll explain it to you in a calm n rational way without snapping at you!! you snap at him because you’re stressed and tired and just want alone time? he understands, but he tells you to tell him next time!!
he just can’t comprehend that any of the things you two work through are actually genuine problems for other couples because?? he finds them so easy to avoid
that’s not to say you two wouldn’t argue, because like, everyone does. but arguments would just,, end so quickly because
first of all: he hates there being tension between you two, and hates the idea of upsetting you even more
and second of all: he’d calm down quick enough to talk things through calmly and discuss a good way for both of you to fix your problems
and ! the relationship would never ever feel one-sided
you’d support him so much!! you’d remind him to get sleep, and to eat and drink regularly, and to not take the criticisms too harshly because he knows how good he is
((a side note: you’d probably Go Off at some point about yg and how gross he is for being so mean and never complimenting hyunsuk because you knew it upset him and you’d be ranting and gesturing around with your hands and probably yelling a lil bit and hyunsuk would just be looking at you like (✿╹◡╹) because his heart is so warm while you’re talking about burning the yg building down for him))
and he’d support you just as much!! he’d remind you to not overthink things, and to take breaks if you had studying to do, and would call you at least once a day if his schedule was packed just to get a quick run-down on how your day was going
also, on the topic of phone calls, sometimes he’d just call you and leave the call going while he did other stuff
most of the time it’d be while he did writing or producing
but if he wanted you to ‘be there’ during his dance practices he’d facetime and just kinda,,, leave it going while him and everyone else did their routine
and you’d either be doing other stuff or watching but either way you’d hype them all up for how well they were doing
and hyunsuk is( ̄ε ̄ʃƪ)because oh boy!! he loves you a whole bunch
onto another topic but he’d really wanna have you meet his family only after he knew it was gonna be serious with you two !
and he’d already know his family would love you so he wasn’t stressed (you definitely were, but he was just like “no!!! they’ll love you because they love me!!!”) and from then he’d really love for you to be close to his family
but oh boy meeting your family. he’d have a heart-attack
what if they didn’t like him?? what if they thought he was a bad influence?? he couldn’t handle that
(you’d go to meet them and you’d be calming him down because “you’re literally the cutest sweetest most charming boy i have ever met?? how could anyone ever hate you??”) and he’d still be super nervous but. two minutes into being through the door he has it! he’s got ur whole family just as whipped for him as you are by the time he leaves
he’s like the meme of ‘your mum asked me to ask if you wanted to come to dinner with us at your house tonight :)’
hyunsuk is also definitely the type to wanna get you guys a couple item!! and he’d try and find something really ugly because he’d think it was funny to see your reactions to the cringy couple shirts and hoodies
but then one day he’d come over n be like “hello i have done it again!!”
and ur like “oh no. why. what did you do. i’m too young to go to prison hyunsuk pls”
and he’s all “:) no silly we finally have a couple item”
and ur immediately like. “no. i won’t have it. take it back! no more micky and minnie mouse matching hoodies!! i won’t do it and you can’t make me!!!”
but he’s like “no i promise it’s a good one this time :( please”
so u allow him one chance…..just one….to prove himself…..
and boy! does he do it!
he gets out a cute lil box n he’s chanting like a lil kid when he gives it to you and he’s like, “open it open it open it!!”
and you do and :(( it’s this cute lil locket and you look up at him like :O
and he’s grinning so big and nodding for you to open it and when you do there’s your favourite picture of him in it and you’re !! so happy that you don’t know what to do with yourself
but then he’s like “wait! that isn’t even the best part!” and he shuffles about for a second and wham! he’s wearing a matching one
and ur like :O this is the cutest thing in the entire whole wide world
but ! he opens it up and he’s grinning at u n he looks like he knows something you don’t and there!! is a picture of you where you’re in a shirt of his and the lighting’s kinda bad because you’re kinda sat up in ur bed and ur grinning real big at something
and ur like “:/ hyunsuk that is the ugliest picture of me”
he would be. genuinely offended. he would pop off ! he would be gesturing around with his hands and rambling about how “that’s so dumb??? u look so happy?? and so cute??? and it’s my favourite picture of you ever???”
from that day obviously you wouldn’t take yours off because uhm that’s so cute
but like you just think he’ll wear his when it fits in with whatever the current days LookTM is
but………he wears it All the time…..(but he does take it off to sleep n shower because he’s scared to damage it!!!)
also i firmly believe hyunsuk isn’t the type to get jealous very easily anyway, but as i said earlier he wouldn’t find talking about it difficult
like,, if there was a situation where someone was being too touchy with you and it made him uncomfortable then he’d wait until later and then tell you kinda like, “hi idk what u think of this but it just made me kinda uncomfy :// can we talk abt it” and you would !! and you’d find something that worked for both of you !!
i mean hyunsuk really is like. that boyfriend
i know this is super long already so i’m gonna go into a quick fire bit;
he would completely and totally buy you chapsticks whenever he saw any !! like now he just buys two of each as a natural reaction to seeing them
leaves u notes if he has to leave early however they’re not like ‘ily see u later mwah’ they’re more like dumb jokes he thinks of or drawings of weird animal combinations he thinks of
totally accidentally steals the covers in the night if you guys move away from each so he buys you the cutest most fluffy blanket he can find as an apology
also!! his kisses would be the best ever?? he loves giving you lil cheek and forehead kisses 24/7
has to give you one (1) kiss every time you have to leave and one (1) kiss every time he sees you  
but he gives you two (2) kisses every single time you compliment him!!!
overall! i think hyunsuk would be one of the most relaxed and easy-going ((and best but you didn’t hear that from me)) boyfriends anyone could ever have
thank you for coming to my ted-talk
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bts-write · 6 years
Secretly a perfect date- Chaelisa Oneshot
A/N: My third fanfic for Pride Month and ...my first lesbian fic for this blog??? Yayayayay.
Written for a request from an anon:  “Can you write a chaelisa one shot where they get stranded somewhere together, because of bad weather or something?” 
Chaeyoung peeked at the sky, half hidden behind the veil of dust on her windscreen. She scrunched up her nose.
“It’s gonna rain.”
“Good, your car needs it.”, Lisa laughed from the passenger seat.
Chaeyoung teased a punch at Lisa’s arm before pulling the keys out of the ignition. She turned, ready to grab her coat from the back seat. To her dismay, the bench was empty.
“It’s fine, Chaeyoung,” Lisa reassured, seeing her expression. “There are literally two clouds in the sky. They said it would be cloudy, but nothing about rain. Trust me.”
Chaeyoung studied the girl’s eyes, trying not to blush at their intensity. Eventually, she had to laugh it off and look away:
“I would, but you’re the least organised person I know.”
The two of them stepped out of the car and into the slight breeze of the afternoon. Their hair danced before them, as if mimicking the ruffled trees of the car park.
“I’m so excited!” Chaeyoung bounced on her tiptoes as the two of them approached the arched entrance.
“I told you I was going to take you to a botanical garden. And I kept my word.”, Lisa answered smugly, trying not to let her own excitement show. “But what’s so special about all these plants?”, she teased.
“They’re so pretty! There are so many colours everywhere, it’s amazing.”
“It is.”, Lisa whispered to herself, watching Chaeyoung run ahead.
After stepping through the towering gate, they found themselves under a tall, green canopy. Patches of light flickered on the path before them, shifting as the leaves above swayed in the wind.
Lisa took photos while Chaeyoung squealed about the different plants. They smelt flowers and walked through greenhouses and all the while, Chaeyoung talked, explaining whatever she had read to Lisa.
Eventually, they reached a maze.
“We’re gonna get so lost.”, Lisa warned.
“Exactly! It will be fun, come on.”
Chaeyoung grabbed Lisa’s hand, pulling her through the entrance in the hedge. The narrow path twisted and turned. Chaeyoung never stopped to consider, she went with her first instinct, pulling Lisa along so fast that the maze became a blur of colours, green mixing with the pastels of the roses.
They slowed down, breathing fast, Lisa struggling to keep up with Chaeyoung. Just when she through Chaeyoung might switch to walking, the girl turned around.
“Let’s make it a competition. If you get out last, you buy the winner something from the cafe. It’s all on the loser.”
“Chaeyoung-”, Lisa tried to protest, but the other girl was already skipping away, leaving gravel dust in her wake.
After what seemed like hours of dead ends and wrong turns, Lisa finally walked out into a big gravelly space. It seemed oddly empty for a botanical garden, a barren space in the middle of it all. The only things rising out of the dust were a pretty fountain and an old fashioned building facing the maze. Lisa groaned when she saw Chaeyoung sitting on the steps of the mansion.
“This is a museum”, Chaeyoung announced, victorious. “The garden was built around the mansion. The people who used to live here hundreds of years ago donated the land, and now their things and other cool objects from the era are on display in the museum. But it’s being renovated right now, so it’s closed.”, she pouted.
“How do you know so much about this place when I’m the one who actually brought you here?”
“First of all, I drove us in my car. Second of all, I read up on it online before we came because I was excited. Third of all, you lost!”
Lisa sighed, but despite her fatigue, couldn’t help smiling at Chaeyoung’s pride, her excitement. She was enjoying herself, and that was all that mattered.
They walked around the mansion, across more dusty gravel and towards more flowery hedges, where the garden began to show signs of life again.
“Lisa!”, Chaeyoung shouted, making her jump.
“It’s raining!”
Chaeyoung was covering her hair, squinting at the sky.
“Barely. It’s just a few drops, it’ll stop soon.”
But the gravel turned dark wherever the droplets landed, the ground changing colour before their very eyes.
Chaeyoung ran back to the mansion, squealing as the water started pouring down, defying Lisa’s words. Admitting defeat, Lisa followed, squeezing next to Chaeyoung beneath a narrow ledge.
Water sprayed Lisa’s toes through her sandals, splattering onto Chaeyoung’s bare legs. She pressed herself against the wall, trying to hide from the rain.
“It’s pretty heavy”, Chaeyoung observed.
“I’m sorry, it’s all my fault.”, Lisa said, her shoulders drooping. “I should’ve planned better. It was supposed to be warm and dry and sunny and we were supposed to walk through the garden all day. It’s ruined now.”
Chaeyoung looked at her, incredulous, the shadow of a smile on her face.
“Lisa! Nothing’s ruined.” She put her hand on Lisa’s arm. “Hey, look at me. This is beautiful! Can you smell that? All the plants in the rain? And it will stop raining soon and everything will be even prettier. It’s even pretty now. I love rain.”
“Then why’d you run from it?”
Chaeyoung made a face at her. “Just because I like rain doesn’t mean I want to get wet and shiver all day.”
“You’re cold?”
“Oh. It’s- it’s fine, I-”
But Lisa was already taking off her jacket. Chaeyoung looked at her feet.
“Are you sure? You’ll be cold.”
“I’m fine, Rosie.”, Lisa said, wrapping the jacket around Chaeyoung’s shoulders. “Besides, I wear clothes that actually cover most of my body, so I don’t have problems when it comes to things like these.”
She pointed at her jeans, then at Chaeyoung’s high waisted shorts and crop top, poking her belly in the process.
“Hey!” Chaeyoung laughed, blushing. “You’re such a bitch.”
Lisa shrugged. “I know.”
The sound of the rain deepened, taking over the silence. In front of them, where the ledge of the roof ended, the water fell like a curtain, a wall of rain squeezing them into the small, dry space.
“You were right”, Lisa admitted. “It really is pretty.”
Chaeyoung nodded, half lost in thought. “Rain is really-”
“Romantic?” Lisa suggested, raising an eyebrow.
Chaeyoung’s incredulous smile returned as she searched for words. “Will you stop with the teasing?”
“I’m not teasing. I gave you my jacket, that’s pretty romantic, Rosie.”
Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. “Next you’ll be saying that this whole thing is basically a date.”
“Now, you brought that one upon yourself.”
“You were gonna say it!”
“Nope. I guess you just want it to be.”
“What? A date? I don’t!”
“That’s a pity, it would’ve been a great one.”
Chaeyoung wanted to wipe the smug grin off Lisa’s face. It was infuriating. “Well you’ll be taking me to the cafe next. And you’ll be paying, so that’s definitely date material! And I’ll make sure to eat as much as I can.”
After a few minutes of nothing but the sound of rainfall, Chaeyoung looked back to Lisa, the indignation on her face softening to honesty.
“Thank you for this, Lisa.”, she said shyly.
“For the date?”, Lisa teased.
To her surprise, Chaeyoung nodded, avoiding her eyes. “Yeah. And thanks for the jacket too.” She pushed her arms into the sleeves. Pressing against the wall slightly, leaning away from the rain, she hugged herself, her hands hiding in the sleeves.
“It looks great on you.”
Chaeyoung finally met Lisa’s eyes. Nervously, endearingly, she held them. And Lisa couldn’t resist the pull, the way Chaeyoung challenged silently. She moved closer, her hand meeting Chaeyoung’s hair, fingers slowly intertwining with the locks.
Leaning forward, she pressed her against the wall, lips meeting Chaeyoung’s with the softness of a blush. She smelt of rain and roses, and she kissed back gently, her hands finding Lisa’s back, wrapping around her, pulling her closer.
They pulled apart, and Lisa smiled at their closeness. “You’re beautiful.”
“Thank you”, Chaeyoung blushed.
“In my jacket, I mean.”
Chaeyoung’s nostrils flared. She pursed her lips and pushed her hands against Lisa’s shoulders, sending her stumbling backwards into the rain. Then she followed, jumping over the steps and squinting in the rain, laughing at Lisa’s scandalised expression.
“You cheeky bitch!”
Chaeyoung only laughed and ran at her, softening the impact with a hug, and sealing the hug with a kiss.
“Kissing in the rain?”, Lisa murmured against Chaeyoung’s neck. “This really is a perfect date. I outdid myself.”
“You did.” Chaeyoung answered, letting go and grabbing Lisa’s hand, pulling her through the rain.
She ran because there was no reason to, and smiled because she felt like smiling. There were puddles and there was mud, and Lisa had been wrong. It had rained, and because of that, she had kissed the girl she liked on a date that she had planned.
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Competition // Steve Harrington
Summary: A family dinner brings up pain Nancy has been hiding since you were both little. Twins that couldn’t be more distanced you see each other differently and when your boyfriend Steve comes for dinner, Nancy’s jealously builds too much. A little peep show Nancy watches between Steve and you is the catalyst to her quiet crush.
Characters: Steve Harrington x Reader, twin!Nancy Wheeler x twin!Reader, Ted Wheeler, Karen Wheeler, Holly Wheeler, Mike Wheeler and Eleven (mentioned)
Words: 3425
Disclaimer: I do not own Stranger Things or the characters involved. I only own the Reader and her plot. I also do not own any gifs or images that may appear in this either. The desktop theme provides the owner of the gifs.
Warnings: Swearing, jealously, violence, fluff, angst and smut.
Author: Caitsy
A/N: Heads up, some of our blogs fics have adult themes of sexual content and while we can’t control what you choose to read know that it was your choice to read smut and if you are younger than eighteen we are not responsible for your actions.
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You never really understood the things that people did in their lives, from bullying and abusing others to letting that abuse dictate your life. It made you sound terrible but knowing how Billy’s dad treated him did open your eyes to life. The abuse that Billy faced wasn’t excused because it was something he had always known because it he could have taken it and ran with it in a more positive way.
You didn't have the greatest life either. You and Nancy were twin sisters that shared everything until high school began. You were casual friends with Jonathan Byers in a sense but you were a little more popular than your sister. In freshmen year you had broadened your horizons with trying to find your place in the school, were you a sports girl or a loner or even the cliques in between.
Nancy however became obsessed in a sense of getting good enough grades because in your teens you started to compete against each other. Nancy more so than you. Soon you were enveloped into a group of friends with Steve Harrington and the clingy Carol who self proclaimed herself as your best friend. You definitely did not like Carol or Tommy H.
Soon enough Steve was picking you up and going on hangouts that some would call dates but you truly detested the expected relationship standards America had demanded. That’s how Nancy discovered the boy with great hair who was a year older and when boys are older than you, it’s desired. She kept it a secret and pined for him until that one night when her crush exploded in her face.
“Please don’t make meatloaf.” You begged your mom as she went about in the kitchen cleaning.
“It’s good.” Your mom said sighing as she looked into the clear reflection of her face in the glass cabinet. With a swipe of her finger the smudged lipstick was fixed.
“What about your signature chicken?” You quickly replied.
“The price of chicken has gone up.” She spoke before your father from the living room spoke up.
“Karen, chicken sounds great. Mashed potatoes with gravy too but no mixed vegetables.”
“What’s going on?” Nancy asked coming into the kitchen to see you groaning.
You were fraternal twins with only some similarities in your features and Nancy believed you were the prettier one while you thought it was the other way around.

“Y/N is bringing her boyfriend for dinner. I insisted we meet him.”
“Boyfriend? Since when?” Nancy frowned thinking back on the few guys you had been seeing since you got into high school. Unbeknownst that there was nothing romantic with them.
“Apparently she’s been keeping this nameless boy a secret for six months now.”
“Who is it?” Nancy questioned picking up an apple from the table.
“It doesn’t matter. Please Mom?” You whined, “He loves chicken but I know you wouldn’t be caught dead with KFC on our table with a new guest.”
“Fine. Ted get the keys!” Your mom sighed, “Can you watch Holly for an hour?”

“I actually have to meet him in a few minutes.” You hesitantly spoke.

“Okay then Nancy can.”

“But-“ Nancy started.
“Thank you sweetheart.” Your Mom said pressing a kiss to your cheeks and swiftly moving to the closet to grab her jacket and purse.
You followed soon after while Nancy retreated to her room to see who picked you up but you simply walked until you were out of sight. Nancy was very curious about who you had snagged from the school because while you weren’t as close as you used to be she did know that you would never go for a guy older than eighteen.
The King of Hawkins High had one hand nervously trying to light the cigarette in his mouth while the other wiped the clammy hand on his jumping leg. You had just opened the door when he jumped blinking up at you.
“Hey.” You softly spoke pressing a kiss to his cheek, “You okay?”
“I’m meeting your family tonight! Of course I’m not okay!” He wheezed while you carefully took the lighter from his shaking hand and calmly lit his cigarette.
“You’ll be fine.” You calmly spoke, “My parents will love you.”

“You’re right.” Steve sighed leaning back, “Is my hair okay? Oh god it isn’t! I knew I should have sprayed it once more. We should go to the store so I can grab a new can.”
“Babe your hair is perfect. I didn’t think it could get any more perfect.” You soothed him kneeling on the passenger seat in his car.
“I don’t do this.” Steve huffed looking at you, “I don’t freak out over this kind of shit.”
“That’s because you had flings, nothing serious.” You calmly spoke shifting a piece of his hair out of his eye.
“See what you’ve done to me!” Steve exclaimed sighing as he put his head back on the seat, “I’m sorry.”
“You’re nervous. It’s understandable.” You smiled as he shuffled in his seat pulling at his shirt. You gently grabbed his hand to pull into into your lap, you placed circled gestures on his palm.
“Will Holly like me?” Steve took a deep breath in, “Kids have great judgement.”
“Holly’s three. She’ll be changing her interest multiple times.” You returned in the driveway of his house. On the way to your house he had done a u-turn to change his clothes again.
“I’m terrible with kids.” Steve shuddered looking at you.
“Have you ever spent time with children?” You questioned.

“Then we don’t know.” You shrugged, “Now can we go? It’s five o’clock and supper is six.”
“I’m already being a terrible-“
“Just drive Steve.” You laughed as he put the car in drive with shaky hands. Once parked in front of the house he cast a look to the house before hurrying to open your door.
“Whatever happens. I love you.” Steve whispered pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“I love you too.”
Steve took a deep breath before raising his hand to knock on the brown wooden door you had known your entire life. The door opened with your mom standing there holding Holly on her hip. She looked confused before opening her mouth.
“Why are you knocking? Y/N could have brought you straight in.”
“That’s not polite.” Steve replied waving to Holly, “My parents always taught me manners.”

“Come in. We’re having chicken.” Mom smiled leading him to the living room, “You have a seat and I’ll call you in.”

“Can I help you with anything?” Steve asked.

“Could you watch Holly? I don’t like having her in the kitchen when I’m cooking.”
“Uh. Sure.” Steve gulped taking Holly from your mom. Holly gazed up at Steve with her hazel green eyes.
You retreated into the kitchen with your mom where your father was nursing a beer holding the newspaper as he attempted to help his wife. He wasn’t the most attentive father but he wasn’t terrible either. Mike was more than likely downstairs using his walkie talkie with his friends. Nancy was doing homework probably.
“He’s nice.” Mom said mixing the carrots on the stove.
“He’s here?” Dad said glancing up from the paper.
“He’s with Holly.” You mumbled glancing at your mom, “I knew that was a test.”

“You’re smart. Go get your brother. He didn’t take the garbage out this morning.” Mom stated plating the chicken.
“Mike!” You yelled to the stairs earning a exclaimed remark back, “Take the garbage out.”
Mike quickly came up the stairs sulking to the kitchen before returning to the living room holding the black bag and staring at Steve. You shoved him to the door before kneeling beside Holly with her blocks as Steve cautiously helped build them.
“You were right.” You mumbled.
“It’s a test.” Steve hummed smiling when Holly giggled pushing the blocks over.

“You passed.” You chuckled before your mom told you to go get Nancy from her room, “I’ll be right back.”
Steve nodded as you pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before hounding up the stairs to Nancy’s room across from your room. You shared a bathroom between you while Holly and Mike used the guest bathroom by their rooms. You saw Nancy was bent over her desk furiously writing.

“Hey Nancy? Supper is almost ready.” You quickly told her. She nodded before motioning you to go.
When you got downstairs Holly was colouring with Mike while Steve was awkwardly watching the two of them. Grabbing his hand you pulled him up the stairs to your room keeping the door only slightly ajar. He nervously glanced at the door as you pulled him onto the bed.
“I don’t think we should be doing this.” Steve chuckled as you pressed a kiss against the corner of his mouth.
“You need to relax.” You wickedly grinned pulled him on top of you, “Besides who said my parents listen?”
With another kiss on his skin he succumbed to your advances and began to kiss you back with fervour. One knee pressed tight to his side as your hand gripped the back of his neck. Pressed impossibly close without taking clothing off you quietly moaned. Shifting his attention to your neck you arched up into him.
“What time is it?” Steve mumbled huskily slowly moving his hand to your other leg to tug it around your waist.
“We have time.” You mumbled back gasping when he nipped at that one place that drove you completely nuts. He pressed closer than before with enough dragging force to pull a deep audible moan from your lips.
“We should stop.” Steve moaned grinding down on you disregarding actually following his words. You shook when his jeans zipped strongly dragged across your engorged clit. You quickly moved your hand between your bodies.
You undid the button before you nabbed his hand to shove his finger in the front of your keys and just the brushing of his knuckles on your intimate body parts sent you over the edge. Mewling time and time while you grabbed at Steve’s unneeded belt, his jeans were well fitted and tight, to undo it while he pushed his pants and boxers down far enough over his ass to reveal his thick cock. His hands made quick work of your jeans.
Jeans at your ankles with you panties pushed to the side Steve slid into your tight cunt aided by the frequent trysts in the back of his car and your wetness. Holding still you breathed in sync before you pulled back and slammed back up. A moan released as he took over the movements with ease and familiarity.
You had been a virgin before Steve while he had experience under his belt as you had expected with his reputation. When you first began your relationship with Steve you had promised not to be another notch on his belt. You drunkenly threw yourself at him once and he didn’t do it even as drunk as you. That settled your feelings mutually and became exclusive.
“Oh god.” You moaned arching up with a beautiful perfect circle on your pursed lips. Steve had never seen someone as beautiful as you.
“Come on baby.” Steve moaned as he reached down to circle furiously on your swollen clit. Your vision shattered as he swallowed your scream and he reached down further to play with his balls. Energy deleted you weakly shoved his hand from his balls to fondle them.
“Just like that.” Steve grunted shoving harder into your tight, wet cunt. With a groan you in turn swallowed he pulled out and came inside your mouth. He never tired seeing your lips stretched around his impressive girth.
You happily sighed as Steve helped you up from the bed. You caught the disappearing flash of brunette hair but you dismissed it as your sister obviously walking past your room. Steve grabbed one of your mint green face clothes to clean you up as you fixed his boxers and pants. Panties shoved deep in the back of Steve’s jeans as you pulled up the new pair unbeknownst to Steve’s eye.
“I’m fucked.” Steve grunted looking up at the ceiling.
“Well I hope it was my boyfriend I just fucked.” You teased bending down to open the cabinet below your sink. You felt the distance slap of your boyfriends hand before you grabbed your desired objects.
“Fabergé Organics and Farrah Fawcett spray.” Steve marvelled at the objects as you grabbed one of your blue towels.
“You have five minutes.” You sternly said ushering him to the deep sink. He made quick work while you grabbed your soiled sheets off your bed and into the laundry basket. Thank god it was laundry day tomorrow and your day to do it.
It was ten minutes before Steve stepped out of your bathroom with his hair back to being perfect while the only evidence was your mutual swollen lips. You had managed to fix your makeup and hair in your small mirror while also praying that nobody knew what you just finished.
“Relaxed?” You murmured from the comfort of his arms.
“Thanks to you.” Steve happily sighed into your arms breathing in the newly applied fragrance.
“If you behave I may have a special treat in your car later.” You whispered in his ear as you dragged him to the set table.
“Just in time.” Mom smiled as you all took your seat. Nancy being the last to enter the room in shock at Steve.

“Nancy right?” Steve questioned sending you a loving look, “Nice to finally meet you all.”
Talk and homemade fried chicken were the present parts of the meal with Nancy pushing the mashed potatoes on her plate. She believed she had a chance with Steve Harrington while you had taken that away from her. All she wanted was to not be in your shadow but like always she never got what she wanted.
“Hopefully we’ll have you over again.” Mom said with her practiced smile that never looked even a hint fake.
Your dad spoke animatedly about sports that his family had no interest in to an equally animated teen holding your hand. Nancy was casting you glares every few minutes even if you were only looking at your boyfriend. Ever few minutes Steve would glance at you with this soft expression that Nancy was jealous about.
She wanted Steve to look at her that way. She wanted to be the girl he stupidly had sex with in her room with the door just a crack open with her parents downstairs. She wanted to the girl that he was happy to sacrifice a good example to her parents. Of course it was you who got to be that girl.
“What are your plans after high school?” Mom asked passing the mashed potatoes over to him. She had noticed that the mashed and chicken were Steve’s favourite on the table.
“I’m a junior at the moment so I’m still trying to pick my way through that. Y/N’s been helping me with that.” Steve grinned over at you.
“Are you going to be working with your dad?” Dad asked him with interest.
“No. I want to go to college but I want to earn it through a scholarship, I know my parents could pay for it but I want to do it myself.” Steve spoke after swallowing his food.
“Where are you planning on going?” Nancy coyly asked, “I could help you with school work.”
You easily recognized the seductive intent Nancy was displaying and while it annoyed you, it didn’t entirely bother you. Steve had openly admitted how in love with you he was and the future he envisioned. It was mutual so you were threatened by Nancy.
“Thanks for the offer.” Steve smiled, “But Y/N has a system that keeps me focused.”
“I bet.” Mike grunted pushing the food around on his plate. He was busy thinking about the girl in your basement only he knew about.
Nancy huffed leaning back in her chair not subtle in her glances at your boyfriend. When a simple pie was passed around for dessert you watched as Nancy became more open to flirting with him and Steve was oblivious.
“I’ll take the dishes in. Can you help Steve?” Nancy asked biting her lip.
“He’s the guest Nancy.” You rolled your eyes, “Besides it your dish duty.”
You gathered up some of the leftovers to bring into the kitchen to box them up, specifically making a plate in one for Steve. His parents were gone for the week up to a distant relative’s wedding and Steve had rejected the offer. He wasn’t a great cook so you knew he would appreciate the food.
“I’d appreciate it if you would stop trying to seduce my boyfriend.” You calmly said putting the leftovers in the fridge. Steve’s boxed food aside of course.
“I don’t know what your talking about.” Nancy mumbled scrubbing the plate.
“I don’t know what your deal has been lately. Actually since we got into high school but it needs to stop.”
“I don’t appreciate you taking everything from me.” Nancy exclaimed dropping the plate where it shattered at her feet.
“Excuse me?” You spoke up angered.
“It’s bullshit! All I ever hear is how you got a good grade, the beautiful drawing you did for Art class, being the DD at parties.” Nancy shouted, “How you always get any guy you want because you love having your lips around their-“
“Shut the fuck up.” You shouted clenching your fists, “Sorry I don’t plan on being around my textbooks every second of the day! Sorry I don’t want to let my friends chance losing their lives for being teenagers! I’m not a fucking slut either!”
“What about George, Thomas, Ian, Jackson and we can’t forget about Mr. West!” Nancy exclaimed as your parents and Steve ran into the kitchen. Mom seeing the shattered plate on the floor and the piece of mashed potatoes in your hand. You threw it causing it to splatter on your twins face.
“You fucking idiot! Thomas and George are gay! They’ve been hanging out with me to defuse the homophobic slurs! I’m the only person that doesn’t treat them as pieces of shit! Ian was my project partner in art! Jackson was just a jerk that kept hitting on me until Mr. West stopped it!”
“Why did I see Mr. West and you in his room?!” Nancy screamed wiping the food off her face. Dad stepped in as Nancy threw a glass at your face. Steve yanked you to his chest as the tears poured down your face and the blood oozing from a cut on his shirt.
“Nancy Wheeler!” Mom shouted with such fury it scared everyone, “You are grounded! No parties, you go to school and come home immediately! No television and no phone!”
“That’s not fair!” Nancy screamed, “She never gets in trouble! Ever!”
“Fuck you Nancy.” You coldly spoke twisting your head to stare at her, “I took the blame for shit you did growing up. I was the one who got groped by Jackson and Mr. West was the guidance counsellor who helped.”
“Go to your room! Y/N clean this up now.” Mom said before looking at Steve, “I’m so sorry you had to see this.”
Steve gently took the dust pan from your hands to clean the glass up carefully as you collapsed against the cupboards tearing up. It brought up memories of Jackson trying to force himself on you in the hallway and Mr. West stopping it.
“Are you okay?” Steve whispered cupping your face in his hands.
“No.” You admitted resting your hands on his looking at him, “My twin sister threw glass at my face!”
“I know.” Steve mumbled tugging you against his chest, “It will be okay. Remember what we talked about? Jackson is gone, you are safe and I will always be here.”
“I know.”
“I love you.”
“Love you too.” You mumbled blinking.
“I didn’t know she liked me.” Steve sighed, “Just know that I’ve never felt anything for her. My eyes and heart have always been transfixed with you. The most beautiful girl I have ever had the honour of meeting.”
“Can we go to your place?” You asked sniffling, “I’ll tell Mom Theresa is having a bad breakup.”
“Sure.” Steve whispered, “I can’t wait to get our own place together and build our own life.”
“Me too.”
Forever Tag List
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Stranger Things Tag List
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floralreddie · 7 years
Skittles and Soulmates (Reddie)
I got a request on my other blog that was supposed to go here, but I accidently posted a Reddie request advertisement on there yesterday, Whoops. Anyway, here’s the oneshot.
Request: Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Reddie soulmate AU! One where you are unable to lie to your soulmate, but that doesn't start until you know who your soulmate is. So like maybe they also get matching tattoos that don't appear until the two soulmates share a significant experience (like facing pennywise). Then when the tattoos appear that is when they are unable to lie to each other? Idk if that males since and you can tweak it if you need to. Thank you!!
Pairing: Reddie
Warnings: Swearing
Firstly, their dress sense was entirely different. Even in their first year as Freshman High Schoolers, Eddie refused to ditch those fucking tiny shorts that were always paired with some pastel coloured jumper or shirt. Richie, on the other hand, would usually sport some horrible knitted thing with holes in, a brightly patterned button up, or torn up jeans with a hefty pair of boots.
Secondly, their sense of humours, whilst often very similar, could be so different. Eddie enjoyed Bill’s quick quips, or Ben’s light sense of humour that reminded Eddie of something a dad might say, if he had one. Richie preferred Stan and Bev’s dry and crude humour that, in Eddie’s opinion, Richie had to a new fucking degree.
Thirdly…well, shit, they were just two very different individuals. Eddie liked reading fictional books and listening to old disco music, and Richie liked going to the arcade and listening to rock or grunge. Eddie liked exploring the fields by Mike’s farm, and Richie liked driving at seventy down some back roads with Nirvana blaring out of his pickup trucks speakers. Often, though, he would have either Eddie or Bev with him. Or both.
Richie didn’t like Bev like that, though. He just liked to hang out with her, because she liked cool music, smoked and was a pretty tight fixture as the only girl in the Losers Club. Plus, she had already found her soulmate. Ben turned sixteen two months before Bev, and the moment the girl turned sixteen, every time she tried to lie to Ben’s face, only the truth would come out. That meant they were soulmates, and that was that. Richie had practically picked Ben off the floor he had hugged him so hard because, shit, the poor kid had been pining after Bev since they were twelve.
Richie, having turned sixteen just one month prior, was still to find his. As were the rest of the Losers.
He didn’t really mind, though. He would find them eventually, and he knew they would be cool as fuck. Until then, he was perfectly content with getting through High School and then the fuck out of Derry.
‘Earth to Trashmouth’. Richie snaps to attention and turns to Bev, who is waving a crudely painted fingernail in front of his face. There were little stars drawn across her wrist. He’d seen her doing them in Chem. ‘Space out, four-eyes?’ she grins, and Richie elbows her in the side.
They’re sitting in Bill’s basement, spread across a ratty couch and the floor, and it’s Eddie’s sixteenth. It had been a small surprise gathering, but Richie knows from the politely surprised smile on Eddie’s face when Bill had led him down the stairs into the basement that he wasn’t surprised at all. Still, if anything, Eddie was a polite little fucker to anyone who deserved it.
‘Piss off, Bev,’ he laughs, leaning back against the sofa with her, with his arm thrown around the back of it. Eddie’s sitting cross legged on the floor with Bill, Stan and Mike, as Ben sits idly beside Bev with their fingers interlocked. Richie watches as Eddie unwraps Bill’s present and smiles when Eddie’s face lights up.
‘Shit, Bill!’ Eddie proclaims, and yanks the yellow shirt from the wrapping paper and nudging Bill’s leg with his stark white trainer. He’s wearing those fucking knee-high socks that, for some reason, drive Richie mad. ‘The Beatles? That’s so cool, man, thank you!’
Bill shrugs and smiles and Richie nearly rolls his eyes because, shit, ain’t Bill just the nicest fucking person around?
Stan gets him a daily planner, with a little bit for pills at the front. Ben gets him a Weezer poster. Mike gets him a new bell for his bike. Bev gets him some strawberry scented hand sanitizer, a framed picture from when they were all twelve, and a soft looking flower crown made from paper and wire and cardboard.
Richie’s eyes fucking boggle when Eddie slips it on at Bev’s insistence, and Stan rolls his eyes and says that Eddie can act like even more of a Princess now.
Richie hardly says anything because, holy shit, Eddie looked prettier than usual (and Eddie is pretty, everyone fucking knows that) and he might be having a heart attack as Eddie sits there, in his fucking pastel blue jumper, and grins. ‘How do I look, huh?’ he asks, and Richie doesn’t know if Eddie is talking to him or not, but the little twerp catches his gaze so Richie just has to fucking answer, doesn’t he?
‘Beautiful,’ he says, legs spread out and thumbs sticking through the holds in the sleeve of his AC/DC jumper. He stalls when the words come out, and Eddie looks at him with wide brown eyes and glowing cheeks and Bev is staring at the side of Richie’s face with a shit-eating grin.
‘You do look pretty cute, Eddie,’ Mike laughs, after staring at Richie for a solid few moments.
The moment is over and the laughing continues, but Eddie can’t help but eye the flabbergasted looking Richie who is staring hard at Bev with wide eyes as the others talk and shift and giggle.
‘My turn,’ Richie says, blowing the moment away and reaches into the pocket of his jeans. He shifts to access the present, causing Bev and Ben to huff and move to make room for him. ‘It’s not as good as Bill’s present, mind. Fucking over achiever’.
‘S-suck my dick, R-Richie,’ Bill shoots back.
‘Take me out to dinner first, Denbrough,’ Richie grins back, smiling easily as the others laugh. Finally, he leans down and hands Eddie a small, brown wrapped box. Eddie knows what Richie’s presents are like – they can go from sweets to cards to a bottle of beer. Never very thoughtful, but something Eddie will enjoy all the same.
He’s never been one to care for material things, anyway.
He rips past the packaging and gets to the box, and Richie watches with an odd kind of anxiousness as Eddie pulls out of the jar of assorted Skittles, Eddie’s favourite. Each colour was put together nicely, from orange to yellow to red. Eddie looks up and Richie shrugs, cheeks warm. ‘They’re your favourite,’ he points out lightly, chewing at his thumbnail.
‘I don’t think I’ve seen you put that much effort into anything,’ Stan pipes up. Richie idly flips him in the bird.
Eddie thanks him and chews his lip, before reaching into the box and retrieving a tape. He scans the songs quickly before grinning. ‘This is good, Richie! You didn’t just put your shit on there – I actually like half this stuff!’
Richie huffs. ‘My music taste isn’t shit’. Bev hums in question next to him. ‘Oh, fuck off. Happy, Eds?’
Eddie looks around at the lot of them and nods, smiling. ‘I am. Thanks, guys. And don’t call me Ed’s, douche,’ he shoots back at Richie, who merely kicks Eddie lightly with the point of his boot and grins.
‘C’mon, Ed’s. You know you love it, right?’
Eddie rolls his eyes and sighs, but the words that come out of his mouth don’t seem to match his expression at all. ‘Yeah, but whatever’. Eddie, with that fucking flower crown on his head and his cheeks as hot as the sun, stares in utter horror at the slowly grinning Richie Tozier.
‘I fucking knew it!’ the dark, curly haired boy whoops. ‘You all heard that, right?’ The others, though, are nodding and sharing looks, secret smiles twitching onto their faces. Bill looks about ready to wet himself. Eddie and Richie hardly notice, as one looks in horror at the grinning other. ‘Ha! I’m never letting this one go. ED’S’.
‘Shut up, Richie!’ Eddie wails, the confused look falling away as he glares at the older boy.
It’s Bev who tells them both to shut the fuck up, as Mike moves to switch the radio up and silence the two. Once Eddie and Richie get going with a fight, they could never be fucking stopped.
The night ends at 8, because it’s a school night, and Bev and Ben leave first, holding hands and thanking Bill. Next goes Mike, then Stan, and then Richie is sighing and thanking Bill as the boy cleans up the wrapping paper. Eddie gathers his presents up into a plastic bag and nods, before grinning at Bill and telling him he’ll wear the shirt to school tomorrow.
‘I’ll walk you home, Ed’s,’ Richie says, shrugging on his baggy denim jacket over his jumper and pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. It’s dark and cold and he never really let’s Eddie walk home alone. Eddie says he just does it to annoy Sonia, his mom.
Eddie looks like he might say something, but he just shrugs instead and bids Bill farewell as they ascend the stairs, saying goodbye to Mr and Mrs Denbrough and Bill’s little brother, Georgie, who was tucked up beside his mother on the sofa.
‘I can walk home alone, you know. You don’t always have to do this when we hang out,’ Eddie says, bag swinging at his side. Richie glances down to look at the now sixteen year old and shrugs, hand buried in the pockets of his jacket.
‘I know. I like walking you home’. He stalls, not knowing why the fuck those words just fell out of his mouth, but shrugs it off. He always says things without thinking, anyway.
‘O-oh…’ Eddie stutters, staring in bemusement up at Richie. ‘Cool?’
‘Cool,’ Richie repeats. ‘Did you notice I put It’s Raining Men on the tape?’ Eddie nods and grins, because they both remember the time they got drunk in Richie’s room and blared the song out whilst his mom slept downstairs. ‘Did you also notice you’ve got that flower crown on still?’ Richie snorts and nods to the crown sitting prettily atop Eddie’s curly haired head.
Eddie stalls and snatches it off, looking around them to see if any Derry citizens were walking about. ‘Shit – why didn’t you say sooner, dick?’
‘I told you – because it looks nice’. Richie actually stops stock still that time, back rigid and mouth pushed into a harsh line. Eddie stops only a few steps ahead, looking equally bewildered.
‘…I thought you said beautiful, before,’ Eddie murmurs lightly, shocked, shoving the crown into the bag slowly.
Richie clears his throat. ‘I guess I did, yeah’.
‘You’re being weird today,’ Eddie pipes up.
Richie grimaces. ‘Yeah, I know’. They stare at each other for a few more moments as Richie worries his bottom lip, eyebrows drawn together tightly. ‘Eddie…can you try and lie to me?’
And Eddie stares at him, eyes wide and pupils blown and cheeks suddenly feeling flushed and hot. ‘W-what?’
Richie shakes his head. ‘Fuck it, I’ll do it’. He pulls his hands form his pockets and clears his throat, stare so serious that Eddie might have laughed at any other moment. ‘Eddie, I-’ And then he chokes, swallows, and looks at Eddie like he’s a fucking alien. ‘Oh, what the fuck. I can't’.
‘No way,’ Eddie laughs. ‘Oh, shit’. Eddie peers at Richie then, a little smirk making its way onto his face. ‘Do you really think I look like a dork when I wear my shorts?’ he asks, and the silence of the street is pressing.
‘No,’ Richie shrugs. ‘It just pisses me off that Danny Dean in our English class always fucking stares at your legs’. Richie blinks. ‘What the fuck,’ he repeats, lips twitching as a surprised smile makes its way onto his face. ‘Eddie,’ he breathes, taking a single step forward. ‘Do you realise…I mean…what the fuck?’
‘Stop ruining the fucking moment,’ Eddie snaps, trainers pressing against gravel as he takes an equal step forward.
Richie Tozer and Eddie Kaspbrak may be very different people. Richie might like Nirvana and Eddie might like The Weather Girls, but one very fundamental part of their friendship was that they were most definitely soulmates, and they were most definitely in love with each other.
When they kiss, in that empty street at 8:16 PM on a Tuesday night, their tilted world rightens. When Eddie clutches Richie’s jacket and forgets about mouth-germs and Richie’s poor dental care and presses his mouth hungrily to the Trashmouth’s, his world rightens. When Richie presses his forehead to Eddie’s and asks, ‘Do you really hate it when I call you Ed’s?’
Eddie lets out an annoyed breath and grumbles out, ‘…No’.
Richie’s world rightens.
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marauders--mischief · 7 years
Little Things
Request by @craftersdust :  Heya! Just found your blog and I’m falling for it. I was wondering if you could write a one shot for Sirius x Reader inspired by the song “Little Things” from One Direction. Like, maybe he understands that he’s in love with her after he realises he caught even the tiniest details about her? Thank you ❤❤
Pairing: Sirius x Reader
Word Count: 2126
Warnings: Not going to lie, it gets a bit angsty but I swear it’s mostly fluffy. Insecurities.
A/N: I got a bit carried away lol. I tried to think of a better title but my brain refused to cooperate. I hope you like it! :D
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Sirius Black did not do relationships.  
Sirius Black was the boy who was never seen without a leather jacket and ripped jeans. He was the boy with striking grey eyes, great hair and a smile that made everyone around him instantly love the boy. Sirius Black had nearly all the girls in Hogwarts falling at his feet. The point was, that Sirius Black did many things, but relationships wasn’t one of them.
How then, had he fallen in love with you?
It had started slowly. At first, he began to notice the intricate details of your face. How that, in the Summer, your freckles became more visible, like constellations that were mapped onto your face.  He discovered that your eyes changed colour depending on the weather. It was only a slight difference, but Sirius noticed. He couldn’t remember when it started, and sometimes, he wasn’t even aware he was doing it. But he had started paying very close attention to you. He learned that you muttered things under your breath whenever you were annoyed or angry so that you never hurt anyone’s feelings and regretted it later.
A few days later, he, James, Remus and Peter had gone down to breakfast earlier than usual. Imagine his delight when he saw you there, nibbling on a slice of toast whilst reading a book. He returned early to breakfast every morning after that, (though he always went alone), and no matter how accustomed he had become of it, he was always pleasantly surprised when he saw you again, sat in the exact same place as you were in the day before.  
Overtime, he had gradually compiled a list of all your preferences. Once he had found you asleep outside, head leant against the tree trunk and a Potions book held loosely in your hands. It looked as though you were speaking to yourself, and now he knew you talked in your sleep, he’d have to add it to the list.
When he finally realised it for himself, he was laid awake, staring at the red curtains of his four-poster bed. He was recalling all of your features and habits and trying to commit them to memory. It did take him a few more minutes to fully process his feelings towards you, but when he did, he immediately bolted upright and shook James awake.
“Prongs, Prongs! Wake up!” He shouted.
James jolts awake, for a moment scared something bad had happened, but quickly realising Sirius just needed to talk to someone.
“What’s the matter, Pads?” He yawned.
He didn’t see the need to delay the point. “It’s Y/N. I- I think I love her, James.”
James grins widely, apparently now much more alert. He was practically jumping up and down on the bed. “That’s great, Pads!”
Sirius slumps down back onto his bed. “No, it’s not,” he mutters. “She doesn’t like me that way.”
“Pshh, that’s easy to fix, Padfoot. Have to make her jealous that’s all.”
Luckily, the noise the two of them had caused had woken up Remus, who was still sleepy, (he had tried to get back to sleep, but their conversation was too interesting), but he was conscious enough to be able to put a stop to the plan before it started. “No Padfoot. You can’t do that mate.”
“Oh yeah, Moony? Why not?” James asks.
“Well, one, you’re taking advice from James, who, if you hadn’t noticed, has been unsuccessful getting the girl he’s liked since first year to go out with him. So, why you’d take dating advice from him is beyond me.” Remus was more awake now, and he had sat up to face the black-haired boy. “Two, do you really think that making her jealous is going to make her like you?”
“Yes,” Sirius shrugged nonchalantly.
Everyone thought that Peter had managed to sleep through the noise, so when he throws a pillow directly into Sirius’ face, it was safe to say it caught him off-guard. Clearly, Peter had been awake a long time.  
“Thanks, Wormtail.” Remus says, before turning to address Sirius, giving him an exasperated sigh. “Wrong Sirius. It won’t.”
“Well, if you’re so good at all this, please tell me what in the bloody world I’m meant to do then.”
“Well, it’d probably be best to just tell her how you feel.”  
Sirius scoffs. Remus said it as though it was the easiest thing in the world. But it wasn’t. What if he did something incredibly embarrassing in front of you. or even worse, what if you rejected him?  
But eventually, Remus manages to persuade him into doing at breakfast in the morning. “You both go down early, we’ve seen her before remember?”  
Sirius nods. He doesn’t mention that he’d been down to breakfast early a lot more often since that time.
“Yeah, mate. We’ll help you,” James said, rejoining the conversation. “Besides, she couldn’t say no to you. You are Sirius Black, after all.”
Never before had Sirius experienced nervousness as much as he was now. He kept on withdrawing his hands from his pockets before ultimately deciding that not showing his hands was a better option, especially when he couldn’t stop messing around with his tie. When the four of them arrived at the Great Hall, hardly anyone was there. It was only you, them and three other people. As usual, you were sat on your own, fully immersed in the book you were reading. He walks over to the table you were sat on and sat directly opposite you, whilst the James, Remus and Peter sat further up the table. Sirius watched as you read to the end of the chapter and then you looked up at him.
You saw Sirius enter the Great Hall out of the corner of your eyes. He usually didn’t come with the rest of the Marauders, but you shrug it off, they were his best friends. What shocked you most, was when he came over to you and sat right across from you. Sure, you didn’t hate Sirius. Hell, you had even spoken to each other in Transfiguration before. There was a chance you could’ve been wrong, but you didn’t think that those things warranted him to come to talk to you. You pretend to read to the end of the chapter of the book your reading while you attempt to prepare yourself to talk to him. Yes, you fancied him. But then again, who didn’t?
His grey eyes are staring into yours intently, and you quickly look away, scolding yourself. Rule number one for talking to Sirius Black: as hard as it proves to be, avoid the eyes. It’s very easy to get lost in them and all it makes you do is make a fool of yourself.
He smiles at you. “Hey.”
“Hello, Sirius. What’s up?”
“Nothing. Just wanted to talk to you, that’s all.”  
“Oh.” Honestly, you weren’t expecting that. You’d thought he’d want help with homework or something. Unfortunately, he took this the wrong way, and proceeded to get up.
“Oh, sorry. I’ll erm- I’ll just leave you alone then.” You can’t help but notice he looks kind of disappointed.  
“No!” You exclaim, a little too loudly. Your shout grabbed the attention of one of the other students, though they soon returned to their own business. “Sorry,” you blushed. “I just- I didn’t mean I wanted you to leave. I was just surprised, that’s all.”
Sirius sat back down looking relieved. “Why would you be surprised?”
“Well, I’m not exactly the most interesting person in the world.”
He shakes his head. “I think the opposite, actually.”
“Well, the reason I sat over here today was because… well, I was just wondering if you wanted to come to Hogsmeade with me next weekend.” He hesitates a moment. “…As a date.”
“Of course! I’d love to.”
He breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as you had accepted his offer, he seemed to gain his confidence back straight away.
“Well, I’ll see you there, then,” and he returned back to his friends, watching as you left the Great Hall, a slight skip in your step.
It had been three months since that day, and you had been a couple ever since. When he asked you after you left The Three Broomsticks, you responded by pressing your lips to his, overwhelmed with feelings of giddiness and elation.
You would’ve liked to say that the time you had been in a relationship with Sirius had been the best time of your life, which to some extent it had. Whenever Sirius saw you, he treated you as though you were his world and you couldn’t be happier. But that was the problem; whenever he saw you. To you, it seemed like you hadn’t seen him at all in the past week. In the beginning, you just told yourself that you were probably being clingy and he would see you whenever he could, but slowly, you began to doubt yourself. You knew you weren’t anything special when it came to a comparison to the other girls in your year. They were all so much prettier and funnier. At the time, you had been too pleased to let your insecurities get the better of you, but now you couldn’t stop yourself from thinking that Sirius was avoiding you because he had finally realised there were much better options he could choose from.  
You didn’t know how far from the truth you were.
Sirius was with Remus in the library. He was supposed to be studying for the potions assessment they had the next week, but instead he was swinging on two legs of his chair and discussing his problem with Remus.
“I just don’t know how to act in a relationship, Moony,” he confessed. “With the other girls, it was so easy because I never had to worry about what they would think about me. But with Y/N, I get worried whenever I do something, she might not like it or that she’ll just get annoyed of me being there.”
Remus took a moment before he responded, trying to finish his paragraph on where to find a beozar. “Has she ever not liked something you’ve done?”
“I don’t think so, bu-”
Remus cut him off. “Has she ever seemed annoyed by you?”
“No, but-.”
“Well then, there’s your answer. You should probably go talk to her though. Lily says she’s been a bit upset recently.”
“Thanks, Moony.”
You were sat on the grounds, admiring the sunset. You weren’t really supposed to be out here this late but it was better than the possibility of running into Sirius. If you saw him, you knew you wouldn’t be able to hold your emotions back. Your efforts, it seemed, were pointless. No sooner did you think this, did he run around the corner, panting.  
For a moment, you forget you’re even upset. “Why are you panting?”
“I have… been… looking… everywhere for you.” His words separated by his heavy breathing.
“Why?” You huff, unable to control how annoyed you sounded, which was a rare occurrence for you. “You haven’t bothered looking for me at all for the past week. Why start now?”
“I love you.” He says, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“You say you love me, but there’s so many better girls out there for you.”
He frowns. He knew Lily said you were upset, but he didn’t know it was because of him. He couldn’t see why you thought so little of yourself when you were his everything. “I know you don’t like to wear plain socks because you think they’re boring, I know that you’ve read your favourite book exactly 23 times, I know that in class, I’m certain that at least 90% of the time you know the answer, but you’re too scared to draw attention to yourself. You never put chocolate on pancakes no matter how many times Remus says you should try it and you laugh at your own jokes. You-”
“Sirius, what are you doing?”
“Proving I love you.”
He continues with his list, mentioning all the things he noticed about you from how you played with your hair whenever you were nervous to the fact that you couldn’t sleep without a hot chocolate before bed.
You stare at him, completely dumbfounded that he could remember all of these little things about you.  
“I love everything about you, Y/N. All of those things. They’re what made me fall for you in the first place. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, you’d understand straight away. But, even if I have to recite my list of things I love about you every day, I promise, I’ll help you realise that I’m not going anywhere. Ever.”
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wannawrite · 7 years
Colourless [ pt.2 ]
• who?: Wanna One’s Park Woojin • genre: 🌸🌺 • type: scenario, series • word count: 1524, short and hopefully sweet :“) part one [ if not this will be hella confusing ] part two / ? • soulmate! AU • you live in a colourless world and you will until you meet your soulmate, they’re supposed to brighten up your life • one day, you can finally see in colour but….he can’t blog navigator. no words, you love Colourless, I love Colourless, let’s go.  the second instalment of the Park Woojin soulmate short series - Admin L 
The sun had barely risen above the horizon but three figures were already making their way across the deserted campus towards the gym block. Cool morning breeze wafted throughout campus and morning mist had just begun rising from the grounds. You made up one of the three people, Elkie and Jiwoo being the other two. The love for your roommates was genuine and much, and they returned your affection but you really despised them whenever they dragged you out of your warm and comfy bed to dance at seven o'clock in the morning. That was the earliest time slot available and they only woman mad enough to book the room was Jiwoo. It’s one thing to be the president of Brand New HS Dance Society but it’s another thing to wake up at such an unholy hour just for the sport, you grumbled internally, sinking further into your cosy Nike jacket. The crisp morning air stinging your face. Wait, if Jiwoo’s the president, isn’t she the one judging auditions for tryouts? Wouldn’t Woojin be auditioning? Ahhh, there you go again, thinking about Park Woojin. Ever since that night when you ate dinner with Woojin and Kim Donghyun, Park Woojin had not left your mind. He was always somewhere in the corners and resurfaced whenever you had spare time to daydream. It did not help that Woojin was always with Donghyun and whenever the cheerful Senior spotted you, he yelled greetings and made excuses to talk. You adored your new friend to bits but you knew it irritated the shy Woojin at times. Perhaps…he just doesn’t like you….. You huffed, shoving your hands deeper into the pockets of your jacket. Jiwoo led the way into the building she could call her second home. It was so early that the corridors were dark and no one sat at the reception counter. The sign-in sheet was blank but for one name at the top. "Do you guys want me to-” “I’ll sign us in! Y/N, find the studio,” Elkie interjected, picking up the pen and hastily scribbling down your names, effectively blocking the piece of paper from you. Jiwoo made a noise about needing to use the ladies and that studio five was down the west wing. Rubbing the sleepiness away from your eyes, you nodded and stumbled down the hallway - hopefully in the West direction. Your eyes shut for two seconds at the most and you opened them to find yourself in a completely different place. At least you thought so and ran in the other direction to ‘backtrack’. Wow, genius. Loud music seemed to be blasting from one of the studios and you assumed it was your friends. A sigh of relief left your lips as you burst into the room. “Oh! Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” You shrieked, clamping your eyes shut and running out of there as fast as you entered, slamming the door shut. What!! Basically, to 'backtrack’ a few seconds ago, you couldn’t be bothered to read the studio sign and simply waltzed into the room. Only, the room held a sweaty and shirtless, dancing Park Woojin. Wow, wonderful. I don’t think the image of his abs will leave my head now! you thought worriedly. Oh my god! He probably hates me more now! Your legs were replaced by jelly and you sank onto one of the nearby benches, unable to control your shaking limbs. It felt as if your insides had been churned into mush. This is so embarrassing! I bet my face resembles the shade of fire trucks right now! A few clicks rang out, echoing off the bleak corridor walls before the door swung open, a - now fully clothed - Woojin stepping out. Sweat dripped down his forehead and he had bundled his hair in a small towel. His shirt stuck to his body like second skin, tracing a barely visible outline of his toned core. “Y/N?” His husky voice uttered out. The way your name rolled off his tongue, the way he hit every syllable with crystal clear pronunciation made it hit every fuse in your body, setting off a display of fireworks in your heart. You felt needed, wanted, like he was calling for you. Tingles shot through your entire body and it burned where they brushed. You cleared your throat and tried to sound nonchalant, staring into his grey eyes - one of the prettier things in your black and white universe. “Uh, hello.” An irking silence settled amongst the two of you. It was discomforting as it felt like there were a million words to voice out but none of them could pass your lips. There was a question that constantly lingered in your mouth, begging to be asked. You wanted answers, you wanted truths. What are these feelings I have for you? 
Park Woojin was conflicted. His head told him one thing and his heart told him two. A whirlwind of feelings was spinning inside him and he wasn’t quite sure what to do. He questioned them but they made no sense. They were like a riddle he could not solve, toying him, winning him in his own arena. There were dozens of words in his head when it came to you. Donghyun said, “soulmate.” Daehwi said, “first love”. Which was it? Who are you to him? Of course, there was no way he could ask you. In fact, he himself did not want to know. A part of him did, a part of him did not. Woojin knew something had changed when your name left his coral lips. He yearned to discover the colour of your hair, the shade of your eyes, the colour of the clothes you wore, the shade of your disguise. Your reply sounded like a harem of angels, singing in his ear. It was comforting, relaxing almost. There were a billion other things he wanted to say but instead, he blurted out in an accusing tone, “Why are you here?” The disappointed look on your face made him feel like what he did was unforgivable and he apologised. “It’s fine. You’re a hard-working boy Woojin,” you replied, keeping the smile on your face. Woojin. That’s my name. You were calling for him. It made him feel better about himself. He did not feel like he completely messed everything up. The way you said his name made him feel giddy, his lips curving into a sheepish smile. Bonus! It was a compliment from you. His heart thudded quicker and quicker whenever you were around. “Are you lost or something?” he asked worriedly, wiping sweat from his hair. A rosy tint filled your cheeks. “Uh, yeah. Haha, what a loser, I know right?” Your random rambles made him chuckle, the ones he used to emit when he was with her. However, you were not her, not one bit and that was a good thing. “I know this place. Where are you heading?” Woojin answered. Damn, black and white really suits him. Woojin in black clothes will be the death of me. [ everywoojinstanever ] “Uhh, studio five! Yeah, west wing?” He raised an amused eyebrow. “Y/N, you’re in the opposite wing.” Genius! How did I even graduate? “Oh! I guess…I’m bad with directions,” you said bashfully. Woojin beckoned for you to follow him as he ventured down the other way. “So, who dragged you out here this early?” As you explained the whole story, Woojin found himself captured in your words, enthralled by your beauty. Your personality was one he was intrigued by. He felt you entrancing him. He needed answers to as to why his heart raced around you. Why he grew nervous around you. Why his mood suddenly improved with you. Donghyun and Daehwi’s words rang in his head. There’s no going back now….. Woojin slipped his arm around your waist, tugging you close to his side and gently pressed his lips to yours, his eyes sealed shut. He felt you freeze before melting into the fervent kiss. Sorrow flooded him when he peeled his eyes open to see that his world was still a mishmash of greys, and he felt his paper heart tear. 
What was I expecting? This isn’t a fairytale. 
Your eyes glossed over, your jaw dropped to the floor. Your world burst into colour, painting the atmosphere in shades you had never seen before. Automatically, you reached for Woojin’s hand, grasping it tightly. “Isn’t this amazing?” You clamoured, excitement and joy overwhelming you. Energy suddenly filling you. But Woojin shot back, puzzled and hurt hallowing his features. His smile was replaced by a deep frown. “Y/N? Are you okay? What happened?” He said, lacing his hand with your own. You could not stammer out a coherent sentence, it was either due to your happiness or your confusion. No, this can’t be happening. This isn’t happening! Woojin’s walnut brown orbs locked with your eyes, a sense of fear underlying them. “Y/N, what is it? N-nothing’s changed.” Nothing’s changed. Nothing’s changed. I’m not his soulmate. His world is still colourless….. but mine isn’t. That was when you felt your paper heart shred.
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metzgerterryus · 6 years
Smart Lighting | WiZ Light Bulb Review
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I wrote a post a while back about how to make your home smarter which included all the stuff we have within our home, as well as some stuff we don't have. Smart lighting was on there, something we didn't have and something I've never been *too* sure about. As much as I love the idea of it; it's pretty expensive to buy and is it really worth the money or is it just *another* gimmick? Well having now finally tried it out, I'm sharing my thoughts...
What Is Smart Lighting?
I'm fairly sure everyone knows what Smart Lighting is by now - but in case you don't (where have you been?!) - it's basically a special kind of light bulb that not only allows you to control it remotely but it also gives you more control over the type of light it emits. So there's no need for dimming switches or deciding between "cool" or "warm" light bulbs - you can have both and oh so much more, and you can also get bulbs that emit colours too. And of course if you have one of these fancy Home Hubs (Alexa or Google Home etc) you can usually control them through voice commend too.
Every Smart Light Bulb on the market is a little bit different - but the one I've been sent to review for the blog is a pair of bulbs from Wiz.World (you can find them on Amazon here) which I've been trying out over the last month. The thing that makes THESE bulbs unique is that you don't need an additional hub in order to connect them to your wireless network. It's all done in the light bulb itself.
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I have to say these are THE most luxurious packaged lightbulbs I have ever seen. It felt like I was opening up a new iPad or something; it felt like a cool technological gadget. The kind of thing you put on a Christmas wish list (speaking of which - I reckon with a box like that, they'd be pretty gift-able too?!).
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So the bulbs I'm trying out are B22 bulbs (the kind for bayonet fittings) but they do also sell screw-fitting bulbs and even spotlight bulbs as well amongst a few others. These are also the coloured versions of the bulbs and I have the two-pack set which very handily also comes with a little remote. This set retail for £69.95 at the time of writing this blog post.
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You can see how they visibly look different to standard bulbs. They're a little chunkier and of course they have no filament, being LEDs.
How Do They Work?
Simple really; they just connect to your wireless network. So as long as you have a router or the like (doesn't everyone?!), you can have these smart light bulbs. Unlike other brands, you don't need an additional 'hub' in order for the lights to work which makes these a whole lot simpler to set up; it's all built-in right inside the bulbs. Genius! In fact, it even claims to have a 30-second installation set-up, which to be honest, I thought was going to be a tad exaggerated - but actually other than taking 15 seconds to type the Wi-Fi password into the app, there was literally nothing else to do other than turn the lights on and off five times. It's technophobe-fool-proof. Literally. 
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I've been trialling these lights in both the dining room and the home office, because I wanted to get an idea of how they're meant to be used around different rooms in the house. When you download the app, you can add each light bulb to its own room and you can also identify each bulb within the room with a different icon that correlates to that light fitting. From hanging bulbs to pendants to table lamps, there's enough icons to clearly identify each light fitting. You can even identify one table lamp for another. For the sake of this blog post, I'm photographing the office light fitting only - purely because it's much prettier and shows off the effect of the bulb much better. And I'm sure you'll agree!
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Yep it's a giant ball of fluff on my ceiling and I love it. For anyone interested, it's a Amazon bargain find of just £33 which you can find right here. Being white, it also means it's the perfect shade for showing off the light bulbs infinite range of colours. And speaking of which - there's 16 million of them to choose from! Maybe you want a light pink hue to fill the room..
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Or even a darker hot pink..
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OR a cool blue..
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Or even a green?
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OK, I'm sure you get the gist by now. Literally, I kid you not when I say the options are endless though. With 16 million colours available, it's doubtful you'll ever use them all. But, you could, in theory. Coloured lights may not necessarily be for everyone - but if you have young kids, it's a great way to add a bit of sensory stimulation to their rooms. And it's also a fun way for older kids to change the entire feel of their room at the drop of a hat. They can hit up FLAME RED as they pretend to be Fireman Sam (Or is he so 90s now?) or even COOL BLUE as they pretend to be at swimming in an ocean. You get my drift. I think it'd also be wicked for parties, adult ones as well as kid ones. Or it'd even be fab in a cool man-cave or cinema room. I also know lots of people who love the odd spot of colourful LED strip lighting throughout the home too - so I'm certain they'd love this in a table lamp!
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Aside from having a bit of fun with the colours, it's also said that the colour of light can affect our moods. If you're feeling anxious, a calming mint green light is meant to be best. If you need cheering up, for yellow. For each colour you pick, you can also alter how dim/bright you want it to be too. It can be as gentle or as vibrant as you want.
But if colour isn't your thing, then perhaps 64,000 shades of white will make up for it instead? I know what you're thinking "HOW?!" I thought that too. Turns out there's orange white, yellow white,  blue light, bright white, dim white, barely there white, bright as the freaking sun white. More whites than I ever deemed possible!
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As much as I love the coloured aspect of the bulbs, I think the different white lights excite me even more. You can even simulate 'daylight'; which, being a blogger and needing to take a lot of photographs - is blooming' amazing! No need to plan my photos around daylight hours, I can now get a good shot whatever the weather. I also work night-shifts as my *day job* so it's also a great way to simulate daylight hours during the nighttime, so not to mess with your internal body clock so to speak. Even for normal day-workers and non-bloggers it's fab though. A brighter light in the morning gives you punch of waking up you need, a more relaxed calmer light in the evening is perfect to chill out under before bed. You can select the perfect working light for cooking in the kitchen, or the perfect 'calming' light for doing a spot of yoga. In a nutshell, you can literally always create the *perfect* lighting for a room depending on how you're using it that day. I think it'd be awesome for mood lighting during a dinner party!
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Features Within The App
Along with the bulbs and remote, there's also a free downloadable app which has a few additional features which I thought was also worth a mention too.
Fade In, Fade Out - Need I say more? Love it!
Wake-Up/Bedtime Lights - This one is actually amazing! You can set the lights to slowly come on/off within a 30 minute period, depending on whether you're dozing off to sleep or waking up. It in effect, acts like a Lumie Bodyclock (or similar) without the extra cost. I love it!
Schedule Your Lights - Doesn't need me to say much more, does it? Perfect for holidays or arriving home in the dark and having to stumble your way across a shite-tip of a hall to find the light switch (if you follow me on Instagram, you'll know what I mean!).
Plant Growth - Once I saw this setting, I was pretty sure I'd seen it all. Yep there's a light to help your plants grow! It's insane. And it's brilliant. And perhaps I should have bought this much earlier and I could have saved a few plants! Night Light - This one is basically like those plug-in night lights you can buy. It has a very gentle glow that means you don't have to stumble across a dark room to find the toilet, or subject your eyes to a hard blinding wake up call by turning the lights on. We've used this feature every single night in the dining room. So handy!
Themes - There's a whole range of different pre-set 'themes' depending on how/when you're using your lights. From the perfect light to watch TV with, to a 'Party' theme, a 'Romance' theme and even seasonal themes. Adding 'Moments' - If you want to save a certain light setting and remember it as a particular event (say Valentines Day Meal) can save that 'moment' with a photo and re-create that exact light at a later date at the touch of a button. I think that's a really thoughtful addition which is great for special occasions. Everything in the app is really easy to use and it's really well organised. I didn't have any problems with connectivity or any problems in general. It's simple and it works.
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With the two-bulb set, you get the handy remote too, which allows you to pre-set your four favourite themes, instantly turn the bulb into a night light, as well as alter the brightness at the touch of a button. One remote can control every bulb separately - you just need to point it at the right one. Brilliant!
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How Long Do They Last? That depends on how often you use them. But these bulbs claim to have a lifespan of 25,000 hours which is equivalent to around 10 years if the bulbs are used for 6 hours every day. Which is better than any energy-saving light bulb I've ever used! And at £69.95 for the pair, I think that makes these a pretty decent investment! So I think I've covered the main features and the only thing I haven't tried out myself is connecting it to a home hub, as we haven't got one of those. In the last month of testing these bulbs out, I haven't honestly used the colours that much. I think they're fab and whilst I'm quite partial to the hot-pink look in the office; most of the time we've used the bulbs in different white settings. I can totally imagine myself using colours for a party or special event, but for day-to-day use the colours aren't seeing much action from us. That being said, we did have a disco theme going whilst drinking prosecco a few weeks back. It's something that's nice to have from time to time, but not necessarily for everyday use. Unless you're totally into that!
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For us, it's all about the white settings. Going from daylight to a working light to a dim evening light has really been amazing. I've found it easier to get to sleep after being underneath a dimmer relaxing light in the evening and I've also felt so much more awake in the mornings after using the daylight settings. I wish I had used this during the winter months as getting out of my bed in dark hours is something I quite often struggle with! We're currently renovating the lounge at the moment and planning our lighting for the room - and I will be definitely be purchasing a couple more white ones for table lamps in here. So, would I recommend? Absolutely, yes! As long as having changeable lights is something you would use, then I think it's a serious worthwhile investment. It's certainly not necessarily for every single light fitting (I'm certain still a huge fan of the Edison bulbs!) but where it's useful - it's absolute brill. It's a bit of fun and at the same time, it's surprisingly useful in ways which you wouldn't expect, until you use one.
Do you have smart light bulbs? What do you think to them?
Products Featured:
Wiz.World Smart Light Bulbs x2
Feather Pendant Light
*The Smart Lighting featured in this blog was sent to me to review. Thank you for supporting the brands who support this blog! :)
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from Home Restoration News http://www.kezzabeth.co.uk/2018/02/smart-lighting-wiz-light-bulb-review.html
0 notes
jaclynbross1 · 6 years
Smart Lighting | WiZ Light Bulb Review
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I wrote a post a while back about how to make your home smarter which included all the stuff we have within our home, as well as some stuff we don't have. Smart lighting was on there, something we didn't have and something I've never been *too* sure about. As much as I love the idea of it; it's pretty expensive to buy and is it really worth the money or is it just *another* gimmick? Well having now finally tried it out, I'm sharing my thoughts...
What Is Smart Lighting?
I'm fairly sure everyone knows what Smart Lighting is by now - but in case you don't (where have you been?!) - it's basically a special kind of light bulb that not only allows you to control it remotely but it also gives you more control over the type of light it emits. So there's no need for dimming switches or deciding between "cool" or "warm" light bulbs - you can have both and oh so much more, and you can also get bulbs that emit colours too. And of course if you have one of these fancy Home Hubs (Alexa or Google Home etc) you can usually control them through voice commend too.
Every Smart Light Bulb on the market is a little bit different - but the one I've been sent to review for the blog is a pair of bulbs from Wiz.World (you can find them on Amazon here) which I've been trying out over the last month. The thing that makes THESE bulbs unique is that you don't need an additional hub in order to connect them to your wireless network. It's all done in the light bulb itself.
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I have to say these are THE most luxurious packaged lightbulbs I have ever seen. It felt like I was opening up a new iPad or something; it felt like a cool technological gadget. The kind of thing you put on a Christmas wish list (speaking of which - I reckon with a box like that, they'd be pretty gift-able too?!).
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So the bulbs I'm trying out are B22 bulbs (the kind for bayonet fittings) but they do also sell screw-fitting bulbs and even spotlight bulbs as well amongst a few others. These are also the coloured versions of the bulbs and I have the two-pack set which very handily also comes with a little remote. This set retail for £69.95 at the time of writing this blog post.
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You can see how they visibly look different to standard bulbs. They're a little chunkier and of course they have no filament, being LEDs.
How Do They Work?
Simple really; they just connect to your wireless network. So as long as you have a router or the like (doesn't everyone?!), you can have these smart light bulbs. Unlike other brands, you don't need an additional 'hub' in order for the lights to work which makes these a whole lot simpler to set up; it's all built-in right inside the bulbs. Genius! In fact, it even claims to have a 30-second installation set-up, which to be honest, I thought was going to be a tad exaggerated - but actually other than taking 15 seconds to type the Wi-Fi password into the app, there was literally nothing else to do other than turn the lights on and off five times. It's technophobe-fool-proof. Literally. 
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I've been trialling these lights in both the dining room and the home office, because I wanted to get an idea of how they're meant to be used around different rooms in the house. When you download the app, you can add each light bulb to its own room and you can also identify each bulb within the room with a different icon that correlates to that light fitting. From hanging bulbs to pendants to table lamps, there's enough icons to clearly identify each light fitting. You can even identify one table lamp for another. For the sake of this blog post, I'm photographing the office light fitting only - purely because it's much prettier and shows off the effect of the bulb much better. And I'm sure you'll agree!
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Yep it's a giant ball of fluff on my ceiling and I love it. For anyone interested, it's a Amazon bargain find of just £33 which you can find right here. Being white, it also means it's the perfect shade for showing off the light bulbs infinite range of colours. And speaking of which - there's 16 million of them to choose from! Maybe you want a light pink hue to fill the room..
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Or even a darker hot pink..
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OR a cool blue..
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Or even a green?
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OK, I'm sure you get the gist by now. Literally, I kid you not when I say the options are endless though. With 16 million colours available, it's doubtful you'll ever use them all. But, you could, in theory. Coloured lights may not necessarily be for everyone - but if you have young kids, it's a great way to add a bit of sensory stimulation to their rooms. And it's also a fun way for older kids to change the entire feel of their room at the drop of a hat. They can hit up FLAME RED as they pretend to be Fireman Sam (Or is he so 90s now?) or even COOL BLUE as they pretend to be at swimming in an ocean. You get my drift. I think it'd also be wicked for parties, adult ones as well as kid ones. Or it'd even be fab in a cool man-cave or cinema room. I also know lots of people who love the odd spot of colourful LED strip lighting throughout the home too - so I'm certain they'd love this in a table lamp!
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Aside from having a bit of fun with the colours, it's also said that the colour of light can affect our moods. If you're feeling anxious, a calming mint green light is meant to be best. If you need cheering up, for yellow. For each colour you pick, you can also alter how dim/bright you want it to be too. It can be as gentle or as vibrant as you want.
But if colour isn't your thing, then perhaps 64,000 shades of white will make up for it instead? I know what you're thinking "HOW?!" I thought that too. Turns out there's orange white, yellow white,  blue light, bright white, dim white, barely there white, bright as the freaking sun white. More whites than I ever deemed possible!
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As much as I love the coloured aspect of the bulbs, I think the different white lights excite me even more. You can even simulate 'daylight'; which, being a blogger and needing to take a lot of photographs - is blooming' amazing! No need to plan my photos around daylight hours, I can now get a good shot whatever the weather. I also work night-shifts as my *day job* so it's also a great way to simulate daylight hours during the nighttime, so not to mess with your internal body clock so to speak. Even for normal day-workers and non-bloggers it's fab though. A brighter light in the morning gives you punch of waking up you need, a more relaxed calmer light in the evening is perfect to chill out under before bed. You can select the perfect working light for cooking in the kitchen, or the perfect 'calming' light for doing a spot of yoga. In a nutshell, you can literally always create the *perfect* lighting for a room depending on how you're using it that day. I think it'd be awesome for mood lighting during a dinner party!
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Features Within The App
Along with the bulbs and remote, there's also a free downloadable app which has a few additional features which I thought was also worth a mention too.
Fade In, Fade Out - Need I say more? Love it!
Wake-Up/Bedtime Lights - This one is actually amazing! You can set the lights to slowly come on/off within a 30 minute period, depending on whether you're dozing off to sleep or waking up. It in effect, acts like a Lumie Bodyclock (or similar) without the extra cost. I love it!
Schedule Your Lights - Doesn't need me to say much more, does it? Perfect for holidays or arriving home in the dark and having to stumble your way across a shite-tip of a hall to find the light switch (if you follow me on Instagram, you'll know what I mean!).
Plant Growth - Once I saw this setting, I was pretty sure I'd seen it all. Yep there's a light to help your plants grow! It's insane. And it's brilliant. And perhaps I should have bought this much earlier and I could have saved a few plants! Night Light - This one is basically like those plug-in night lights you can buy. It has a very gentle glow that means you don't have to stumble across a dark room to find the toilet, or subject your eyes to a hard blinding wake up call by turning the lights on. We've used this feature every single night in the dining room. So handy!
Themes - There's a whole range of different pre-set 'themes' depending on how/when you're using your lights. From the perfect light to watch TV with, to a 'Party' theme, a 'Romance' theme and even seasonal themes. Adding 'Moments' - If you want to save a certain light setting and remember it as a particular event (say Valentines Day Meal) can save that 'moment' with a photo and re-create that exact light at a later date at the touch of a button. I think that's a really thoughtful addition which is great for special occasions. Everything in the app is really easy to use and it's really well organised. I didn't have any problems with connectivity or any problems in general. It's simple and it works.
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With the two-bulb set, you get the handy remote too, which allows you to pre-set your four favourite themes, instantly turn the bulb into a night light, as well as alter the brightness at the touch of a button. One remote can control every bulb separately - you just need to point it at the right one. Brilliant!
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How Long Do They Last? That depends on how often you use them. But these bulbs claim to have a lifespan of 25,000 hours which is equivalent to around 10 years if the bulbs are used for 6 hours every day. Which is better than any energy-saving light bulb I've ever used! And at £69.95 for the pair, I think that makes these a pretty decent investment! So I think I've covered the main features and the only thing I haven't tried out myself is connecting it to a home hub, as we haven't got one of those. In the last month of testing these bulbs out, I haven't honestly used the colours that much. I think they're fab and whilst I'm quite partial to the hot-pink look in the office; most of the time we've used the bulbs in different white settings. I can totally imagine myself using colours for a party or special event, but for day-to-day use the colours aren't seeing much action from us. That being said, we did have a disco theme going whilst drinking prosecco a few weeks back. It's something that's nice to have from time to time, but not necessarily for everyday use. Unless you're totally into that!
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For us, it's all about the white settings. Going from daylight to a working light to a dim evening light has really been amazing. I've found it easier to get to sleep after being underneath a dimmer relaxing light in the evening and I've also felt so much more awake in the mornings after using the daylight settings. I wish I had used this during the winter months as getting out of my bed in dark hours is something I quite often struggle with! We're currently renovating the lounge at the moment and planning our lighting for the room - and I will be definitely be purchasing a couple more white ones for table lamps in here. So, would I recommend? Absolutely, yes! As long as having changeable lights is something you would use, then I think it's a serious worthwhile investment. It's certainly not necessarily for every single light fitting (I'm certain still a huge fan of the Edison bulbs!) but where it's useful - it's absolute brill. It's a bit of fun and at the same time, it's surprisingly useful in ways which you wouldn't expect, until you use one.
Do you have smart light bulbs? What do you think to them?
Products Featured:
Wiz.World Smart Light Bulbs x2
Feather Pendant Light
*The Smart Lighting featured in this blog was sent to me to review. Thank you for supporting the brands who support this blog! :)
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from Tips For Basements http://www.kezzabeth.co.uk/2018/02/smart-lighting-wiz-light-bulb-review.html
0 notes
talonted · 7 years
I’m still embracing more autumnal nail shades due to the absolutely miserable weather in London. I’m hoping for an Indian summer but think I may be disappointed! Today’s blog post features some of the beautiful Margaret Dabbs nail varnish range. If you haven’t heard of this brand before then take a look below for all the details and swatches.
I originally heard about the Margaret Dabbs nail varnish and brand from my lovely friend Kirsty, who swears that their salon manicures are the best she’s ever had… high praise indeed! They kindly sent me some polishes to try out and show you, so I hope you like the colours I chose. A quick note to say that I love the packaging – it’s very luxe and classic, with good size lids to grab hold of. I wish the brushes were a little wider as they’d be a little easier to use, but that’s my preference. They all dried with a very high shine (but please note the pics below show them with Seche Vite on top) with the exception of ‘Tiger Lily’ which had a slightly dull finish. And finally, they all include Vitamin E to strengthen and protect the nail.
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‘Crocus’* is a beautiful grey polish that’s a little darker and more lavender-leaning on the nails than it is in the bottle. I’m biased as I love grey nail varnish but this is a seriously pretty shade. This only needed two coats for full coverage.
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‘Bellflower’* was the most surprising shade in the collection for me. In the bottle it looks like quite a standard mauve shade but on the nails it’s so much more interesting. A chocolate-y, purple-y, dusky, grey-brown that is unique in my stash. This was another two-coater.
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We’re getting into the vampy, autumn appropriate shades now and good lord are these beautiful. ‘Pansy’*  is a rich and luxurious purple that is much prettier out of the bottle. I thought it was going to be a little bit dusty and muted (not necessarily a bad thing, as you can see HERE) but it is much darker and more intense on the nails and I love it. This was perfect in two coats.
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Another strangely deceptive shade, ‘Lupin’* looked a lot lighter and grey-toned in the bottle, but gives a really deep navy on the nails. It has a slight purple tint to it, giving it a lot of dimension. I can’t wait to wear this in the winter. This needed three thin coats for full coverage.
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‘Ivy’* is a true luscious green, almost a racing green. I always have a soft spot for green polishes and love the colour, but this one had quite a thin and streaky formula which I found hard to work with. I needed three coats to cover any bald spots. It also didn’t dry as smoothly as the others I tried, so I’m not sure if there was a difference in formula.
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‘Tiger Lily’* was the shade I was most excited about and was actually my least favourite. It stuck to the trend of turning out darker on the nails which is shame as the bottle colour is so vibrant and a stunning orange, while on the nails it’s more of a dark red-orange. The formula was also very different to the others, almost like a jelly finish. The photos above show four coats and you can still see my nail line but I just checked the website and it does say that it’s semi-sheer which I didn’t realise!
Which is your favourite shade from my picks of the Margaret Dabbs nail varnish collection? Are you more of a bright nail fan? Or a dramatic vampy manicure kind of person? Let me know in the comments below!
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Introducing Margaret Dabbs Nail Varnish I'm still embracing more autumnal nail shades due to the absolutely miserable weather in London. I'm hoping for an Indian summer but think I may be disappointed!
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rosaswann · 7 years
You know, you’d almost think there was such a thing as a life outside of the internet. Anyway, it’s been a few weeks since my last post and I’ve been wanting to give an update on how and if I’m using my Hobonichi (yes, I am) and especially show off a few things I’ve been doing. So, even though this isn’t a video as most more sophisticated people do, here is a flip through of my Hobonichi for about the first 3 weeks of January 2017.
*Checks previous post to see what she already talked about*
For pics on all the different pages and my first thoughts you can look at that post. I still stand with basically everything I’ve said back then. On the topic of the pencil board/bookmark thing… I’m making a separate post on that later, as I’ve created some of my own and I find it very handy because of the thin paper of the Hobonichi. Do look forward to that one!
So, I’ve been really good and have really enjoyed my notebook these last three weeks. I was originally scared that I wouldn’t be able to fill the pages, or not able to fill them enough to really make me not feel like I’m wasting pages. But wow! I’m pretty happy with everything right now, you’ll see why soon.
Let’s start from the front.
Front and back. I made two word outlines and printed them, then I coloured them in myself and slid them into the clear cover. This way I get a very personalised planner and a constant reminder of my “word of the year” which this year is balance, mainly between my work and other life (which, writing a blog post at 11.30 pm on a Friday… I’m still working on). It’s very simple, but really effective! Some colour, some focus and still a smooth and very easy to handle planner. The size is something I’m still very happy with, perfectly fine for my needs and easy to take with me!
I still use the regular Hobonichi pencil board, though I also use a sheet that I made myself (no pics here, but will be in a future post). The white Totoro sticky is for my monthly page and the green one for my weekly page. That way I can go to them immediately. They’ve held up pretty well and the space between the tab on the pencil board and the two stickies is just right for the elastic closure to fit between.
Small pocket-ish space from the clear cover is easy to store a few things. These Magic the Gathering booster packets will go into my memory book, but I’m still waiting for it to arrive. It took me a while to choose what type of book I wanted for that and then where to order it. But I’ve got a Stalogy coming my way for my memory book.
Monthly sheet for January, with some private things blurred out. I track things that need to get done (the yellow bar at the bottom tells me to put the paper recycling at the street that day) and TV shows and on what day they’re airing. At the top corner you can see my new fountain pen that I adore. More pictures of it can be seen on my Instagram account.
Pen test page. Nothing bleeds, lots of shadowing, but that is expected with paper that you can almost see through, anything is visible. But nothing has actually gone through the pages just yet. Which is awesome. The bottom two big black swatches are brush pens, and pretty wet ones too, but they came out really nice.
At the top left you can see a writing sample with the Hobonichi pen, next to some highlighters and my fountain pens. At the far right a sample with my newest fountain pen. This page is so lovely, but I basically only use the pens that are tested on the top half of this picture, just the Hobonichi pen and the fountain pens (and some highlighters).
Weeklies. As you can see, I’m planning a little more now that I’m getting more into the year and I’m trying to get back to a good weekly schedule… Yeah, still working on it. The colours on the last two pictures are the Mildliners from Zebra and I adore them. I’d seen them and they looked very handy since they’re not as bright, so you can make a schedule without it being too obtrusive. Which, I think, they’re perfect for. Just look at this page, I think it’s beautiful and the fact that the colours are not super bright really helps with that.
Day one. I’ve tried a few things here, I translated the quote at the bottom with Google Translate, which went well enough, but it was pretty fiddly. Also, a few quotes from Getting Things Done by David Allen, which you will find more, as I’m reading it at the moment.
Day two and three. More quoted from the book. I’ve really started to love my Platinum Preppy fountainpens for this. They write so smoothly and because of the limited number of colours, I don’t spend a long time deciding on what colour to use for everything. I love using the Hobonichi to keep track of what I’m reading and the most important things I’ve read on that day. I usually don’t fill it out immediately, as I do my reading very early in the morning and I never know what I’m up against for the rest of the day.
As I read, I write quotes and other things I feel that are important in my non-fiction reading book and, usually, I’ll put one of the quotes or ideas into my Hobonichi either at the end of the day, or more likely, the next morning after my reading for that day. Colouring the quotes helps both to make the ideas more fun to look at and also to keep the idea that every whole is made up of parts and that you need to identify and realise those parts before starting.
This isn’t a very busy spread. I mostly spend the days relaxing after a crazy busy weekend and on the Jan 11 I watched a video from one of my favourite Youtube channels, Thomas Frank and his Four Steps to Learn a Skill Quickly video specifically. I wrote down the steps explained in the video here and also the source of where he got his ideas. This way I keep both a reminder for myself of what I thought was interesting but also a reminder where I got that information.
More Getting Things Done ideas on the left and just a recipe for my lunch on the right. I was trying out a new high veggies and low carb lunch. It was amazing but maybe a little bit too involved for normal afternoons.
This spread was actually pretty empty before I made my big Magic the Gathering spreads on them. This is all done in fountainpens. I spent most of the 17th going through my MTG cards as it was cold and that just really put me off doing much work for the day. I had to look up a couple of things for making my own playable deck, and I back-dated my information. I’m used to having my information all over the place because of my Bullet Journal from last year. So, putting a note on the 17th (and 18th) that the information is on this page, and then writing it on a separate sheet at the front of the book, means I get to use up pages that haven’t gotten much on them in a way that is useful.
As I mention above, I was afraid that I’d have a lot of empty pages and that that would put me off things. But this way I get to both keep most of my information in a single place (as I had with my Bullet Journal) and I get to use up (mostly) empty pages. And adding those colours, they’re so lovely!
Quotes, information, work. All sorts of things on a single page. Some ideas for future projects, all mixed together. And I may not be an artist or a journaler, but I’ve found that I love collecting information and just storing them in here really makes it interesting to look back and to make sure I don’t lose the information. The colours make it prettier than the information actually is, and that is perfectly fine with me!
A very pretty and a not-so-pretty page right next to each other. The 18th was also mostly spent on MTG, so I traced the logo and put that in the Hobonichi. On the 19th, I bought some new pens and inks and even a new brush pen, which I then played all over the page with… Lots of interesting lines and things to do with that brush.
Here is a step-by-step of me making the MTG logo on the left.
The pen is all fountain pens (the Platinum Preppy pens to be exact) and the pencil at the back is a multi-colour neon pencil that gave the whole page a bit more coherence.
And something I can’t live without anymore, my TV series page (no movies yet). All series I’m watching, this way I don’t lose track of where I am in a story. Especially handy when I binge-watch a new series and I can’t remember exactly where I was previously. I started doing this in my Bullet Journal and it was one of the things I really liked about it. The small grid in the Hobonichi may allow me to just one one or two pages for my series this year. Let’s see about that at some other time.
Overall, I’m sooo sooo happy with this planner! For now, I seem to be able to handle my pages filling pretty well and I’m so impressed with the paper that I’ve got an A6 Hobonichi coming my way for me to actually do some more artsy things in. That, on top of my memory book. Yes, more and more paper to fill for me.
And I’m excited!!
Are you sticking to your new planner yet? Or did you get so excited before you gave up? Share!
#Hobonichi #Flipthrough for Jan 2017! #planners #stationery #ほぼ日 You know, you'd almost think there was such a thing as a life outside of the internet.
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