#the Arc family
rwby-encrusted-blog · 4 months
Ruby: Hey, Jaune, I know we've met your sister's and all, but what about Extended Family?
Jaune: Well, About that ...
Jaune: Hi Aunt Cynthia! It's been a while hasn't it!
(Champion) Cynthia: Indeed it has Jaune. Your sister's keeping you busy?
Jaune: Don't you know it. How's being Champion?
Cynthia: Tiring some days, detracts from my time to search ruins and hunt for relics and myths- Though i wouldn't change it for the world.
Cynthia: You've got a lot stronger at Beacon, huh? Let's test your skills in battle!
Darkness: You really must grow a spine cousin! You're the only Man in your Family, and you should act like it!
Jaune: I- I know Darkness ...
Darkness: Hold yourself High, Speak Clearly and With confidence and Teach those Girl where they Belong, Beneath Your Heel!
Jaune: Well, They're my friends-
Darkness: Grinding it down in the back of their heads, Pushing Their Faces into the D-Dirt!
Darkness: Making them clean it with their tongues, perfectly subservient to your whims or else they'll be punished~
Jaune: ... Darkness?
Darkness: *Holding herself, Shivering* And Gods that Strength~ Leaving Marks, throwing them around as Ragdolls~ Hmm~ The P-perfect Man~ To use them at your Leisure~
Jaune: ... This is why I don't talk to you about leading people.
Jaune: And Pyrrha's nice and helpful, teaching me how to fight.
Link: *Pouring Honey over Salmon*
Jaune: She reminds of your old friend Mipha in a way ... Kind, powerful, but too shy for her own good.
Link: *Pauses at Mipha's name, resumes*
Jaune: People think there's mutual respect, when really She's too scared to not be Pyrrha Nikos, Four Time Regional Champion and Argus's Sweetheart, and call them out on their BS. She's tired of the Fame. I just hope I can be the person she's not scared of being herself around.
Link: *Puts Fish in Oven, Turns to Jaune, Signing* I wish I could help you be that ... It's really a matter of time, and proving your reliability and the respect you have for her. Lords know that's what it took for Zelda to see me as her Anchor, not her Leash. Something to rely on in a storm, not fight against.
Link: After all, the most important thing we can give another is our Time. Don't squander yours.
Jaune: Aunt Sam-
Samus Aran: No you can't take apart my ship.
Jaune: I'm Jaune, Not Claire.
Samus: Right, I get all you confused.
Jaune: You seem stressed.
Samus: I'm always Stressed.
Jaune: More Stressed. You're Molting.
Samus: *Pulling loose feathers out* Yes, and it's stressing me out, Now if you don't know how to help me fix my armor, Shoo.
Jaune: *Hugs her* Take a breath Aunt Sammy.
Samus: *Shaking*
Samus: *Sinks to the Floor, Crying* I- I miss them.
Jaune: I know. I know.
Jaune: I just washed the walls and ceiling, could you please not walk on them?
Gwen Stacy: I dunno ... It's pretty Fun!
Jaune: Gwen, Please.
Gwen: Fine. *She Falls to the floor, landing in three point*
Jaune: Why do you do that everytime you're over.
Gwen: To get a rise out of you. *She slings a chair beneath her* It's pretty fun.
Jaune: *Sigh* Why am I always the target- Go mess with, what's his name? Kilometer? Whatever your boyfriends Name- HMM!
Gwen: *Webbing jaune's mouth, Blushing* he's not- We're not- Shut UP!
Jaune: *Smug, Mouth still covered in Web*
Jaune: ... And that's not even a sixth of them.
Ruby: ... That's all on your mom's side?
Jaune: Yeah, I only got Uncle on My Dad's side.
The Helltaker: *Scared for his life* Yes Ma'am!
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juanarc-thethird · 1 year
The Arc Family 12
Saphron: I have great news. I have a girlfriend!
Mama Arc: *Happy* Oh my Oum! My baby has a girlfriend!
Papa Arc: *Happy* Good for you, Saphron.
Little Jaune: Good job, sis. I told you looks don't matter.
Mama Arc: *Gasp* Jaune!
Papa Arc: *burst out laughing* Oh my Oum!
Saphron: You little shit!
Mama Arc: Saphron!
Saphron then runs towards Jaune to strangle him.
Little Jaune: *Runs away* AAH! The orangutan wants to kill me!
Saphron: Come here asshole!!
Mama Arc: You two, stop it! Nicholas say something!
Papa Arc: *crying from laughter* Kids, listen to your mom. *Chuckels*
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novankenn · 3 months
20 Weeks after... The Day after... Everyone is Irish
(Post that Started it All / Post that followed after)
Weiss was nervous as Joan her now steady girlfriend lead her towards the entrance to a fairly massive two story stone and timber home. She knew it was only a formality considering Joan had already announced their relationship to her family... no Weiss was mostly okay... it was Pyrrha and Jaune she was concerned for.
Pyrrha: JAUNE! Stop!
Jaune: I'm sorry! Did I hurt you? Are you okay?
Pyrrha: Jaune please, I'm okay, you're just doing it again... you're hovering and you don;t need to... I'm okay. We'll be okay.
Weiss looked over her shoulder and watched as Jaune hovered about the showing Pyrrha Nikos. While Jaune had announced his own relationship to his family... they had yet to find out about the bundle of joy that was on its way. Though with how much Pyrrha was showing Wiess and Joan figured that maybe there was more than one bundle on the way.
Joan: Ready, Snow-Angel?
Weiss blushed, as she always did when Joan used that pet name. Unable to control her voice she just nodded. The door was yanked open just as Joan raised her hand to knock...
Joan: MA!
Moma Arc: About time the four of ye got here! Get you arses inside, it's a bit chilly out here... and YOU!
Jaune: MA?
Moma Arc: You best be ready, 'cause you knows the rules young man!
Pyrrha: Jaune what is she...
Moma Arc moves past Weiss and Joan to get beside Pyrrha and gently takes her hand to assist her towards the door.
Pyrrha: Oh hello!
Moma Arc: You just come along deary, and welcome to the family.
Pyrrha: Um... Jaune?
Jaune: You see Pyr... um... it's like this... um we're having a baby and no Arc...
Moma Arc: nor McMurray is ever born to thee unwed... so little missus... welcome to the family.
Pyrrha: I... I...
Moma Arc: Girls! You know the drill!
Arc Sisters: Aye!
Pyrrha was shocked to see the homely and welcoming interior of the mansion D'Arc... but not as much as her seeing the sea of at least two dozen girls with various lengths and shades of blond hair.
Jaune: God damn it! Their all here.!
Moma Arc: You dang right they is! Girls!
Pyrrha was lead to a love seat and took a the free space next to Weiss. Joan no where to be seen, with Jaune also vanishing.
Pyrrha: Weiss are you okay?
Weiss: I'm scared... Pyrrha... terrified.
The pair of young ladies were startled when the drums, penny whistles, fiddles and hand clapping started.
Weiss / Pyrrha : ...
ARC Family: Step we gaily, on we go Heel for heel and toe for toe Arm in arm and row on row All for Marie's wedding
Step we gaily, on we go Heel for heel and toe for toe Arm in arm and row on row All for Marie's wedding
Pyrrha and Weiss began to blush as a pair of the Arc family, two adorable young girls no more than maybe seven or eight came skipping through the room carrying bouquets of Lavendar and Heather over to Pyrrha and Weiss...
Weiss / Pyrrha: Ah? Thank you?
ARC Family: Over hillways up and down Myrtle green and bracken brown Past the shielings through the town All for sake of Marie
Step we gaily, on we go Heel for heel and toe for toe Arm in arm and row on row All for Marie's wedding
Pyrrha / Weiss: ...
Joan and Jaune reemerged from amid the gathered Arc clan, both in formal suits with kilts... causing both Weiss and Pyrrha to blush even more at the fine figures their significant others cut.
ARC Family: Red her cheeks as rowans are Bright her eyes as any star Fairest of them all by far Is our darling Marie
Step we gaily, on we go Heel for heel and toe for toe Arm in arm and row on row All for Marie's wedding
Step we gaily, on we go Heel for heel and toe for toe Arm in arm and row on row All for Marie's wedding
Pyrrha / Weiss: EEP!
Two of each of the sea of blonds helped them from the love seat while pushing Joan and Jaune into the now empty seat.
ARC Family: Oh plenty herring, plenty meal Plenty peat to fill her creel Plenty bonny bairns as well That's the toast for Marie
Step we gaily, on we go Heel for heel and toe for toe Arm in arm and row on row All for Marie's wedding
Jaune: They are so going to be pissed at us...
Joan: At you, Jaune. Pissed at you.
Jaune: I'm not...
Joan: You know the rules... we were born together... we get married together...
Jaune: I know... I know...
ARC Family: Step we gaily, on we go Heel for heel and toe for toe Arm in arm and row on row All for Marie's wedding
Step we gaily, on we go Heel for heel and toe for toe Arm in arm and row on row All for Marie's wedding
Jaune / Joan: ... so beautiful...
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(Images generated by perchance ai text-to-image)
ARC Family: Step we gaily, on we go Heel for heel and toe for toe Arm in arm and row on row All for Marie's wedding
Step we gaily, on we go Heel for heel and toe for toe Arm in arm and row on row All for Marie's wedding
Joan is placed next to Weiss, while Jaune is paired with Pyrrha. The quartet quickly finding themselves gently being shuffled along into the backyard...
ARC Family: Step we gaily, on we go Heel for heel and toe for toe Arm in arm and row on row All for Marie's wedding
/==/ SO NOW it is confirmed... I've totally lost it! /==/
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notmaplemable · 9 months
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bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz AU - Promises Made
Ozymandias sighed. His bed felt strangely hard, though maybe that was the dying part. It was one of the few lives, after all, where Salem hadn't managed to kill him. No, an assassin had done that job for her. There'd been no proof that they were working for her, and plenty that they hadn't, but though the poison was slowed by his magic it couldn't be cured. So yes, he was dying. At least his descendants wouldn't have to wear his crown.
His grandson hovered, ready to hear any words he might tell him. His family knew, of course, that he was the wizard, but he worried for them, was so very scared for the next incarnation. He'd been the great warrior king, after all, but similar souls guaranteed nothing else.
He smiled at Rayne, looking as weary as he felt. "Find the next one, when they come, guide them, they'll need your help. Tell your father the same thing, but... sometimes reincarnating can take a very long while and Salem is quiet enough... similar souls are so rare. Just... find them, look after them. Take them in if they need it, advise them if they don't."
"You think they'll be young, then?"
"I don't know. That's the beauty and the curse of it, you never know who you'll wake up as next. Just... try to make sure they stay themselves, as much as possible? I worry for them..."
"Yes, grandfather. I promise, I swear on my honor as an Arc. We'll find them if it takes a year or a decade. They'll be alright."
With a smile still on his lips, Ozymandias died. It would be a very long wait.
"I... honestly thought you didn't care." Tip whispered, sadly. "That the promise was too long ago to matter."
"We always cared, Tip! You realise you're an Arc by extension, right? You're one of us, now."
Tip's eyes were wide, glossy with unshed tears and he looked deeply touched. Still, he couldn't help but mutter "Great, yet another surname to add to the list" to himself. Prism Arc's eyes sharpened, taking another, deeper look at the boy opposite him.
"If you're who I think you are, I'm going to murder Vale council..." He trailed off ominously. Tip just shrugged, still stuck on the idea that he had yet more people wanting to claim him. So much family, now he needed it rather less. So many safe havens, too late to really help.
"Hello, Prism. It's been a very long time, after all."
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silentmagi · 1 year
Princess RWBY: The Arc Family in "Necessary Supplies"
Listen, on jobs like this, there's necessary supplies to take along with you. Whips, chains, bats, crowbars, jumper cables, and a curling iron are just a few of the items to take with you.
Why the curling iron? Well you take it and...
We'll let the story show you.
The chaos compels.
If you want to write one of these, please just link me
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soaked-doors · 4 months
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“no one is born in this world to be alone!”
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months
What do Luke, Leia, and more importantly PADMÉ (and the whole gang really) react to Anakin having siblings - and those siblings being literal Dathomiri Force Gods that Anakin also was instrumental in killing
can u imagine if they DIDN'T die tho
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(donation doodles! // tip jar)
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 8 months
Anna: Alright then everyone~ How has your engagements with your assigned quarries been going?
Indigo: Miss Aven has shown some slight improvements in her opinion of our dearest brother!
Beryl: Sweet treats and sweet words go very far to improve opinions~
Olivia: Juno was doodling Jaune in her notebook!
Claire: Mallory is still uninterested, but her brother Marion is very intrigued by the nerdiness Jaune has-
Jaune: *Opens Door* HEY! You guys Aren't having your "Jaune's Harem Council" meeting in here are you?
Anna: ...
Indigo: ...
Beryl: ...
Olivia: ...
Claire: ...
Anna: ... No?
Jaune: Really? *Lifts up Viol, the youngest Arc sibling* then why did Viol say that you were?
Indigo: SNITCH!
Anna: Vi-Vi! Why would you tell him!
Olivia: 'Course the only time she opens her trap is to talk to Jaune ...
Claire: I let you play on my computer!
Viol: *Blows Raspberries*
Jaune: Guys, you don't need to do that. If I fall in love, I fall in love, if someone falls in love with me, they fall in love with me, and if a bunch of people love me? I'll love them back. There's no need for this. I gotta go take out the trash now, you should clean up. *Sets Viol down, closes door*
*Everyone stares at each other*
Jaune: *opens door* Also I'm not into older women, stop trying to get me with your teacher.
Beryl: She's only twenty three!
Indigo: And very lovely!
Beryl: A romantic at heart!
Indigo: All you'd have to do is serenade-
Jaune: *Leaves*
*Everyone stares at each other again*
Anna: Same time next week?
Olivia: I miss Saph.
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juanarc-thethird · 1 year
The Arc Family 13
Mama Arc enters Jaune's room to leave Jaune's clean clothes. But when she enters she meets her son with his boxers on his head and taking a photo with his phone.
Mama Arc: Jaune, what are you doing?
Jaune: I am taking a selfie.
Mama Arc: And why do you have your boxer on your head?
Jaune: It's just that my girlfriend asked me to take a photo in boxers and to show my head a bit.
Mama Arc: *Trying not to laugh* Oh god. You are just like your dad.
Jaune: What? Did I do it wrong?
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horsechestnut · 9 months
The dichotomy between Jason dying because he disobeyed Batman and Stephanie dying specifically because she was trying to follow his rules is so good, and yet so under utilized.
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notmaplemable · 9 months
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ninjautistic · 2 months
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a ninjago au where Lloyd is a bit evil >:]
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such-a-downer · 3 months
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tho of course, no danger happened.
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Only a wash of screams and squeals from us readers
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starwarjotta · 4 months
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Cody surrounded by family and the people he loves, because that is what he deserves
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