#that its reasonable to assume a lot of you weren’t around for him
l3irdl3rain · 3 months
Sorry if you've already talked about this, but what's up with Valentine's eyes?
Also I'm a big softy for all animals but it's been a while since I had heart eyes for a cat that fast, I'm glad he's in your capable hands 😭💕
Don’t quote me on this but I think it’s called iris atrophy? My old cat Anders had the same thing going on and I had asked doc about it and he said it was just pretty normal aging changes. Anders didn’t have any glaucoma or anything so there was no eye treatment needed. And he had such a laundry list of issues I didn’t ever bother to ask any other questions like “what is this called”
Pictures of Anders’ very similar eyes for reference
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theemporium · 10 months
people requested a part two to this wee blurb so here it is because i desperately need some fluff to cope with today's race!!🤠
Despite his insistence, Daniel didn’t think you would actually take up his offer. 
He had been dragged around the paddock and the media pen, attending different interviews and conferences and all the other shenanigans media day on a race weekend ensured. And, much to his dismay, he hadn’t seen you once since that morning. 
He assumed you were locked away in some room in the motorhome, most likely drowning in graphs and data sheets from the last few races as you and your colleagues discussed what the best plan of action for the cars would be this weekend. 
He was surprised when he knocked on the engineering staff’s doors, only for every single team member to tell him that they hadn’t seen you since the last meeting. 
Daniel would be lying if he said his concern didn’t grow—especially when his messages to you came back unanswered. 
He found himself running around the paddock like a mad man, stopping by other team’s garages to see if you had stopped by. A move that was ultimately useless because he couldn’t find you and all he got was shit from other drivers. 
“Lost your girl, lover boy?” Lando had teased, the nickname somehow having made its way around the paddock—probably by Max himself. 
“Shut up, Norris,” Daniel grumbled, and it was a shock to a lot of the paddock to see the Aussie driver so grumpy. 
He had convinced himself that maybe you had headed back to the hotel early and quickly raced back to his driver’s room, prepared to grab his stuff and bolt before someone could drag him into another media duty, only to fall short when he caught the sight in front of him. 
You were lying on the couch, still bundled up in his hoodie with your arms tucked under your head as a pillow, looking far more peaceful than you did that morning. 
His face instantly softened, and he quickly glanced down the hall before he closed the door behind him, making his way toward the couch until he was kneeling beside you. 
“Sunshine,” he murmured softly, reaching to gently shake your shoulder but you remained fast asleep. He frowned a little, wondering just how little sleep you had gotten the night before to be so tired during the day. 
He muttered your name this time, a little louder and when he shook you, he found you slowly blinking your eyes open. 
You let out a soft whine, nuzzling your face further into your arms and Daniel smiled a little at the sight. 
“C’mon, sunshine, if you sleep any longer, you won’t be able to sleep tonight,” he grinned down at you, watching as you lifted your head to stare at him. 
“Danny?” you murmured sleepily before everything clicked. Realisation dawned on you and you quickly tried to get up, ignoring the rush to your head from moving so quick. ��Oh my god, I’m so sorry—”
“Hey, hey,” he frowned and placed his hands on your shoulders, stopping you from getting up. “It’s fine, I said you could nap in my room for a reason.” 
“I wasn’t meant to, I—” you paused, letting out a sigh. “I just came here to wait for you until you finished up. I must’ve fallen asleep.” 
Daniel didn’t bother hiding his grin. “You were waiting for me, sunshine?” 
Your cheeks burned but you nodded. “I was gonna offer to get you dinner, to say thank you.” 
The Aussie’s grin widened. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah,” you murmured before tucking your chin against your chest. “But you’re probably busy so I’ll just—”
“Woah, woah, woah, not so fast, sunshine,” Daniel pushed you back onto the couch before you could get up, still kneeling in front of you. “Who said I was too busy to get dinner with a pretty girl like you?” 
You could’ve sworn your body was on fire at this point, and a part of you wondered how much Daniel enjoyed making you squirm. 
“You gotta stop saying stuff like that, Ricciardo,” you laughed, hoping the nerves in your voice weren’t obvious. “Or else I might start getting the wrong idea.”
“And what idea would that be?” he asked, his eyes never once leaving yours.
Yet, you found yourself unable to reply.
“Because I would hope that the girl I like is starting to catch the hint that I have been flirting with her for the last few months,” he announced, so casually that for a second you thought you imagined it.
You blinked. “What?”
Daniel grinned. “Did you actually not hear me or do you just wanna hear me say I like you again, sunshine?” 
Your face softened. “You like me?” 
“Of course I do,” he murmured, his hands resting on your knees as he gave them a soft squeeze. “Thought I was being pretty obvious with it.” 
“Not obvious enough,” you muttered.
“The boys would think otherwise,” Daniel snorted. “Now, how about you get that pretty ass up and we get some dinner so I can tell you all about how much I like you?”
You laughed. “My treat, Ricciardo.”
Daniel scoffed, pushing himself to stand up before offering his hand to you. “You’re fucking delusional if you think I’m letting you pay, sunshine.” 
“How am I meant to show I like you too?” you asked, unable to hide your smile as the driver tucked you under his arm, grinning down at you too.
“I don’t know, I think a kiss would be pretty telling,” he shrugged.
You rolled your eyes. 
“But I have a feeling I might have to wait until you’re not as hangry before I get one from you.”
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iveleftitwithyou · 2 months
casual | paul lahote x reader smut
NSFW | 18+ | minors DNI | word count: 2.38k
warnings: smut, dom!paul, slight angst, mention of fighting, i think that's it?
i asked you guys if i should post this now or incorporate it into ruderal, and the result was overwhelmingly to post it now, so here it is with some plot adjustments! i've been OBSESSED with this song by chappell roan and knew i needed to make it into an imagine, although this song is probably about a woman lol. highly recommend listening to the song as you read this. this is my first time EVER writing smut so i hope its not too bad - as always, let me know what you think :)
ALSO this is in an alternate timeline where the guys are all like 21+ and so is y/n :)
Paul’s hand lingered on your thigh as he drove the winding road back to Forks, his thumb rubbing small circles on your outer leg. the radio hummed with a song you couldn’t manage to pay attention to, instead focusing your gaze on the motion of his finger on your bare thigh. while you assumed the gesture was meant to comfort you, it did a lot more than that. you hoped that the darkness would obscure Paul’s peripheral vision enough for him to not realize you were ogling his muscular arms and unusually large hands. his veins protruded in a way that drove you crazy for some reason, and as much as you were still upset with him, you couldn’t help the rush of hormones that flooded at the sight.
Embry had made some stupid joke about you at the bonfire at Emily's that night, a common occurrence when you hung out with the pack. he didn’t mean anything by it, you joked around with each other like that all the time, but Paul had been extra sensitive for the last few weeks as he spent more hours on patrol. Victoria’s looming presence and the mystery murders happening around Washington meant the reservation needed increased protection, and the men in the pack had to step up. Embry’s comment led to a fight where the pair both phased, snarling and snapping until they both came to their senses and things went back to normal. you hated when Paul shifted because of you, even if it was just indirectly your fault like it was tonight. 
you two were meant to be casual, despite Paul having imprinted on you, as you had just gotten out of a long-term relationship and weren’t ready to commit to someone again. you’d been seeing each other casually for months, hanging out, and getting to know each other better. as much as you were hesitant to let him into your life completely, you couldn’t deny your attraction to Paul. he’d been nothing but a gentleman thus far, bringing you flowers on dates, opening doors for you, and following your boundaries to a T, terrified to mess anything up with you. of course, his physical form was unlike anything you’d ever seen - you were lucky that he preferred to hang out without a shirt on. things had gotten hot and heavy between you two a few times but hadn’t gone farther than some very intense making out. though, the way Paul’s hand touched you now was enough for you to throw those boundaries out the window; you wanted him - no, needed him.
you focused your eyes back on the road in front of you, only being able to see as far as the truck’s dim headlights illuminated. breathe in, breathe out, you reminded yourself, trying to calm down the butterflies in your stomach. you were unsuccessful, and it didn’t help that Paul’s hand was inching closer and closer to your hips.
suddenly, his hand snaked further inward and his grip tightened, engulfing your inner thigh. your breath hitched, and you unsuccessfully tried to mask it as a cough. you saw Paul smirk out of the corner of your eye, but he didn’t look over at you. 
you once again reminded yourself to breathe as the ache between your legs became more apparent. his hand loosened its grip and continued its journey towards your core. half of you thought about stopping him purely as punishment for fighting with Embry, but the much louder other half wouldn’t dream of it right now.
you couldn’t help but let out a small groan as his hand finally reached your jean shorts, his fingers tracing the seam that ran between your legs. the slight pressure he applied drove you absolutely crazy as you wished for more friction.
the sound that escaped your lips seemed to do something to Paul as he let out a breathy groan of his own. “alright, that’s it,” he mumbled, turning the wheel toward the side of the road. he must have known exactly where you were because he easily pulled the truck behind a set of bushes that obscured most of it from the road. any passerbys, which were few and far between at this time of night anyway, wouldn’t notice the vehicle.
almost as soon as he slammed the gear shift into park, his lips were on yours. he kissed you with a passion you’d never felt before. you melted into his lips, reminding yourself for the third time that night that if you didn’t start breathing, you would pass out. he gripped the back of your head, tangling his fingers in your hair as you continued to make out. his other hand traveled down your arm, to your hip, and unbuckled the seatbelt you’d been wearing. in one swift, but slightly awkward motion, he disconnected your lips for a brief moment and grabbed each side of your hips, pulling you across the center console onto his lap. you were careful not to lean too far and hit the horn with your back as you settled onto him, silently thanking Paul for owning such a spacious truck. your knees settled on either side of his legs. 
as you sat down on his lap, you brushed his hardening length with the same seam of your shorts his hand was just on, eliciting a quiet moan from both of you. impatient, Paul once again gripped your scalp and slammed your lips together. you allowed your hands to slip underneath the hem of his shirt, feeling the outline of the muscles on his bare abdomen. this feeling, combined with the warmth radiating from his bare skin, drove you insane. 
“take- it- off-” you mumbled in between kisses, tugging the hem upwards. you were unsure of where the forwardness came from, but you didn’t stop long enough to be embarrassed. 
“you don’t get to tell me what to do,” he snarked half-jokingly but obliged.
the moonlight streaming in from the windshield was just enough for you to be able to see the outline of his pecs and abs, and you really couldn’t help but stare.
“like what you see?” he chuckled, noticing your eyes widening at his physique.
you nodded, unable to form words, instead opting to smash your lips back together with all of the strength you could muster. you’d had enough of looking flustered - you wanted to take initiative.
you raised your hips again, pushing your abdomen against Paul's and lowering yourself onto his member. you rocked your hips back and forth as he moved his lips down your cheek, then your jaw, and eventually to your neck. the friction as you continued to grind against him elicited a low growl against your neck as his lips attached to your skin. you moaned embarrassingly loudly as he sucked at the delicate skin, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to be sheepish. in fact, the only emotion surging through your body right now was pure desire for the god-like man leaving a series of hickeys on your neck.
“Paul, that’s gonna leave a mark,” you whined. you knew you’d regret letting him do it in the morning but right now you wanted nothing more than for him to mark you as his. you wanted to be his.
“don’t want anyone else getting any ideas. you’re all mine,” he retorted, lifting his head up to look you in the eyes. his were almost completely black with lust. “say it.” he commanded, holding your jaw tightly in his hand. “say you’re mine.”
“i’m all yours, Paul” you panted, your hips continuing to move back and forth on Paul’s lap as you stared into his dark eyes. despite your relationship still being undefined, truer words had never been spoken.
“good girl. now shut the fuck up and get back in the passenger seat.” his harsh words did nothing to discourage you from obeying as you scrambled to sit back where you were a few minutes prior. this was a side of Paul you had only seen when he was angry: dark, commanding, dominating. usually, you would have to try to calm him down when he got like this, but right now, you were very much enjoying him telling you what to do. you already missed the warmth of his body on yours as you climbed back over to the other seat, but you instinctually knew better than to voice your complaints right now.
Paul leaned across the console, reaching his hand between your knees and under the seat to move it back as far as it would go. once he was satisfied with that, he reached across your lap and pulled the reclining handle, his other hand helping to lower the seat back slowly so you weren’t sent flying backward.
“scooch back” he ordered again, and you moved your hips backward on the seat, supporting yourself with your elbows on the very edge of the seat near the headrest.
you were confused as he opened the driver-side door and hopped out of the truck. you watched as he opened the passenger-side door, it becoming clear now what his plan was. you pulled your knees towards your chest as he climbed back in, kneeling on the floor mat in front of you. god damn, this truck was spacious, and you were incredibly grateful for that right now.
his large hands fumbled to unbutton your shorts. he pulled the zipper down and you lifted your hips, followed by your legs, so he could slide them off. not wanting to wait another second, he pulled your underwear to the side and connected his thumb to your clit. you let out a loud gasp at the sensation and he chuckled proudly, knowing how good he was making you feel. Paul rubbed small, tight circles on the sensitive nub for a few seconds before you felt a finger dip into your wet folds. a guttural moan escaped your throat as you finally got the sensation you had been waiting for since his hand had rested on your thigh earlier in the night.
he added a second finger shortly after and continued to pump in and out of your heat, his thumb continuing its circular motions on your clit. you could feel your orgasm building inside of your core, and it was almost euphoric knowing it was Paul making you feel like this.
“Paul, i’m gonna-” you moaned, getting close to the edge. “what the fuck?” he’d removed his fingers altogether upon hearing this and you were not happy about it. 
“patience, princess.” he chuckled, making eye contact with you once again as he raised his fingers to his mouth to taste you on them. you were still pissed at him for teasing you like that, but the sound he made as he licked your wetness off himself almost made it worth it. almost.
“let’s take these off, shall we? or should i rip them off?” his fingers slipped under the waistband of your underwear.
“don’t you dare,” the one rational brain cell you had left replied, lifting your hips for him to slide them off like he did the shorts. you liked this pair. Paul held your hips back down as he spread your legs open, leaning his torso over the seat until you could feel his breath between your legs, amplified by the wetness that had come with the teasing.
“god, you look so fucking good” he took a second to admire the sight before him before he groaned lustfully and connected his tongue to your cunt. he made quick work of finding all the right spots to hit, causing your legs to tremble and your eyes to roll back in your head. at this rate, you wouldn’t last long, but you never wanted this moment to end.
“oh, fuck,” you moaned as he continued to circle the sensitive nub with his tongue. you had never felt this connected to someone before, not any of your exes. no one had ever made you feel as good as Paul was in this moment. as he continued the motions of his tongue, you realized Paul was perfect for you in every way, including this one. it was like pre-nut clarity.
you felt the pressure building up again, somehow even stronger than last time, unable to contain your moans. “fuck, Paul, i’m gonna cum” you groaned, arching your back against the seat as Paul continued to hold your hips down harshly against it. you figured there would be bruises there tomorrow, and the thought of him marking you up even more only exacerbated your growing orgasm.
“cum for me, princess” Paul mumbled against your clit, giving you permission to let go. it only took a couple more swipes for you to come completely unglued against his mouth.
Paul gradually slowed down his motions, guiding you through your orgasm as your hips attempted to buck against his face, craving the stimulation. eventually, your brain started to function again, and the first thing you thought was that that was definitely the best orgasm you’d ever had. you couldn’t tell Paul that, though - it would boost his ego way too much, and he already had a huge one to begin with. the second thought that went through your head was that you were ready for Paul to be your boyfriend. no man could eat you out that good and get away from you.
he admired his work as you panted in front of him, a smirk of pride on his face. he loved knowing he was the one who made you feel so good. he raised himself up on his knees to hover over you, one arm resting on the seat to support himself as the other snaked behind your back to pull you to his chest. you wrapped your arms around his back, settling your face in the crook of his neck. your breaths were soon in time with each other, basking in the body heat radiating from the both of you.
you could have stayed like that forever, but after a few minutes, Paul pulled back slightly to look you in the eyes. he seemed deep in thought before he smiled and opened his mouth to ask you a simple question: “is it casual now?”
part 2 here :)
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coco-loco-nut · 13 days
Book Club - Part 9
pairing: grid x reader
summary: you just got your wisdom teeth out, just in time for winter break fun with headcanons
a/n: thanks for the request, I missed the club❤️ ALSO! the original post just hit 1,500 notes??? like guys🥹 ilysm, you don’t even know. you are still reading my silly little writings, and i appreciate that more than you know. every like, comment, and reblog is the reason we are here 9 parts later (seriously you should see how happy i am when i see comments)
requests open masterlist
- You didn’t tell anyone else on the grid other than Lance, obviously
- They were all surprised when it was announced that you were going to be missing Abu Dahbi
- Your oral surgeon only had that Wednesday free before Christmas
- …and let’s be real, your seat was secure, you weren’t going to win the WDC, and the constructors championship was locked in
- You would raise hell if you couldn’t enjoy the food around the holidays, so missing the last race it was
- You were exhausted from the season and appreciated the early break
- Lance just let it slip to the drivers on Friday a couple of hours after he got there
- You were sitting at home with Kimi, swollen and in pain all Friday
- “What do you mean she won’t be here? We have our presents for her” Fernando pouts
- Charles one day ships you cases of his gelato with a note telling you to feel better, he’s trying to get into the club for the gossip
- Lance gets invited to the club meeting to his surprise
- He assumes that they want to check in on you, despite them blowing up your phone
- No, he was VERY wrong
- Lance got roped into showing them videos of you on drugs
- Their favorite was the one of you when you first came out from being under
- “I’m married? Oh my god, I married Nico Hülkenberg? This is the best day of my life”
- You were sobbing tears of joy
- Nico was sent the video immediately, you gave him permission via text to post it the next day
- The second favorite was your favorite to laugh at
- You went on a massive rant about how Susie Wolff is a MILF and how you hoped Toto could fight because the female driver was your woman crush and you WILL have her
- Susie loved the video (George and Lewis sent it in the Mercedes family gc), Toto… not as much but he was amused
- You got a lot of fussing drivers on Facetime during the meeting
- You were loopy af from the painkillers and general exhaustion during it, it wasn’t your fault they called you late
- Kimi forced them to shut up and hang up so you could sleep
- Carlos joked about being relieved that there wasn’t another race for you to follow his trend during an interview
- You won the first race the next year
- Your phone started blowing up with messages on social media wishing you a quick recovery
- Most of the book club showed up to your home after Abu Dahbi, wanting to make a quick stop to check in before the break
- “Hello, wife,” Nico greets you when he sees you
- You joked you were about to file for divorce from Lance, who just sighed and went to get you a carton of LEC
- You had to film you opening your secret santa gift and send it to the F1 social team
- You got a quilt blanket that had a square for each book you read with the club since it started
- You actually started sobbing (you blamed the meds, even if you were actually crying)
- Lewis got the biggest hug ever, he enlisted help from Valtteri for all the books
- You forced them to cut the parts of you crying out of the video
- You got Logan an old iPod full of popular music (you hacked into his phone to check the genres he liked) from his childhood and now
- Obviously you added headphones and a couple chargers
- Logan used it all the time, he called you immediately to thank you
- You had the honors of choosing the first book over winter break
- You chose an F1 romance novel
- Boy oh boy were those meetings fun, just tearing up the book for its inaccuracy
- Daniel vowed to write an accurate one and sell it
- Spoiler Alert: he never did
- But Fernando did
- It was an international bestseller
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holllandtrash · 1 year
6 to 1 | lando norris (part 6)
pairing: lando norris x leclerc!reader part 6 in the 6 to 1 series (read part 1 here)
days off mean lounging around, sharing meals and potentially sharing intimate movements? it's getting harder and harder to push your feelings for lando aside, even if there is a voice in the back of your head reminding you getting involved with a british driver (but that voice sounds a lot like charles' so its easy to ignore)
word count: 5.8k tags/warnings some social media aus
if anyone read this part when it was originally posted im so sorry, something got messed up and like half of the chapter didnt post sooo here it is now
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“I am not watching another one of these stupid vampire movies.”
Lando had kept his mouth shut all day. He didn’t complain when you put Twilight on, craving a bit of nostalgia and a reason to lounge on the couch for the foreseeable evening. He didn’t say anything when you put New Moon on, he just gave you a questionable look when you spoke in unison with Jacob Black when he said the iconic ‘Bella, where the hell have you been loca’ line.
By the time you started Eclipse, the third in the series, Lando stood up from the couch. Your attention had been divided between your phone and the movie for the majority of the day so you really weren’t paying attention to Lando until you realised he was spending a good chunk of time in the kitchen.
You lifted your head, “What are you doing?”
“Driving a race car,” Lando called back, tone dropping with sarcasm, as he pulled out a knife to start cutting the vegetables he had taken from the fridge. 
You sat up a bit straighter, eyeing the red pepper on the cutting board, “I don’t like red peppers.”
“There were peppers in your omelette this morning,” Lando scoffed, turning to look at you.
“Those were green peppers. I don’t like red ones.”
“They are literally the same thing.”
“Not to me.”
Lando held the pointed end of the knife in your direction, “You are making my life very difficult right now.” When you just flashed him a smile and turned back to the movie, Lando put the red pepper away and swapped it for a green one. 
You weren’t even sure what he was making, but it smelled good so you kept quiet for the most part. 
You tried to tell him you were allergic to whatever seasoning he just pulled out of the cupboard and in response, Lando put a handful of it in his hand, walked over to you, and blew it directly into your face.
You sat up, rubbing your eyes as you grabbed a tissue to rid your face of what you assumed was some sort of combination of dill and garlic powder. 
“You should be thanking your lucky stars this recipe didn’t call for cayenne pepper, you ungrateful shit,” Lando laughed as he returned back to the kitchen. Now you really stayed quiet. 
When he returned, you had your defences up, flinching as he approached you as you were scared he was going to throw something else in your face. Lando only rolled his eyes and handed you a bowl and a bottle of sparkling water. 
You sat up and took a look at the Greek inspired chicken bowl. With layers of rice, protein, a variety of vegetables topped with feta cheese, it made your mouth water before you could take the first bite.
“Maybe you should open up a restaurant,” you suggested when he sat down next to you. 
“Let’s just open one together.”
“In your dreams.”
Lando took a sip of his Perrier water and nodded in agreement, “Sounds like a pretty good dream to me.”
You ate dinner and kept watching the movie, choosing to ignore that comment. Lando asked a couple questions here and there, needing clarification on who some characters were that he had missed when he was making dinner, but you had the feeling he was as into these movies as you were.
Until it was nearing eleven and you had just put the final movie on. Breaking Dawn Part 2. And Lando snatched the remote from your hands, pausing it at the opening credits. 
“I am not watching another one of these stupid vampire movies.”
You stared at him in shock, “You said we could do what I wanted today!” 
“I didn’t think that would involve ten straight hours of a vampire-werewolf love triangle that is making me want to rip my eyes out,” Lando exclaimed with a laugh, his words cutting right through your heart.
You ripped the remote from his hands and sat up, pointing at the tv, “The Twilight Saga is a cinematic masterpiece.”
Lando threw his head back and laughed, “Oh really? How many Oscars has it won?”
“It won MTV’s Best Onscreen Kiss in 2009.”
“I feel like this isn’t information you should just know off the top of your head.”
You groaned and pressed play, “Can we just watch it? It’s the last movie.”
“You watch it, I’m getting ready for bed.” Lando tousled his hand through your hair before using you as a crutch to stand up. You pushed him out of the way as he walked in front of the tv and he made another comment about how this was one of the worst series’ he’s ever seen before walking into the bathroom.
You turned your attention to the screen, but when your phone started to ring you turned it down and saw Arthur was calling you to check in, ask if you’d be at Silverstone and what not. It was an innocent enough conversation, until he asked where you were.
“At a friend's house,” you sat up a bit, thankful that Lando wasn’t anywhere near you to make this conversation more difficult.
“Oh, which friend?”
Fuck your mind went blank.
You said the first name that came to mind, “Laura.”
Arthur laughed, “Who the hell is Laura?”
“Oh you’ve met her before,” you lied through your teeth. “Blonde, has the piercings-”
“That describes about half of your friends,” Arthur cut you off, probably not caring too much who you were with, as long as you were somewhere safe. “Have you talked to Charles lately?”
Aside from a few texts, you really hadn’t heard from your brother since you left Canada, “Not much, why?”
There was a bit of hesitation, “No reason, just wondering.”
Any other day you would have called Arthur out on withholding information from you. Something must have been going on with your brothers for Arthur to even ask if you had spoken to Charles, but Arthur ended this phone call almost immediately after, making up some bullshit training excuse.
You made a mental note to call him out on it next time you spoke, but until then you returned back to the vampire-werewolf love triangle Lando despised so much.
When the bathroom door opened, you glanced in that direction in time to see a cloud of steam protrude into the hallway. You wouldn’t have paid any more attention to it, had Lando not immediately followed and stepped out of the bathroom.
With nothing but a towel hanging around his hips. 
You really tried to focus on the movie. You would have been fuming if you stepped out of the shower in nothing but a towel and Lando couldn’t stop staring at you, but this was the first time you’d seen him like this and it was quite distracting.
You’d seen his shirtless pictures on instagram. You’ve seen clips of him changing shirts in Lando edits on twitter or tik tok, but this was different. Holy fuck was this different. 
Beads of water clung to his skin, accentuating the dips and curves of the muscles in his back. He shook out his head, running his fingers through the wet strands of hair to try and keep the curls from sticking to his forehead. 
And then he looked at you and you knew you had been caught staring.
“I’m just going into the room to change,” he told you. It had been your room for the last few weeks, but he still had all of his clothes in the closet. You nodded, mentally telling yourself to not look down at where the towel sat on his hips. 
But you couldn’t do anything about pulling your eyes off his body as he walked down the hall and shut the bedroom door behind him. 
It took you a second to pull yourself together after that.
Lando was hot. 
You knew he was attractive, everyone who had eyes would agree to that. He had cute, boy-ish features and a magnetic smile that made it hard to look away. Like a lot of the drivers on the grid, Lando was good looking, he had that going for him.
But he was hot.
Hot enough to make you temporarily forget about one of your favourite movie series, hot enough that you couldn’t say a single word to him when he told he was just going to change, hot enough that you were now imagining what he might have looked like without the towel.
You sat up straighter, forcing these thoughts out of your mind. You knew you shouldn’t be thinking about Lando like that so when he walked out of the bedroom, you didn’t even let yourself look at him as he sauntered down the hall. In the corner of your eye you could see him make himself a cup of tea in the kitchen. When he asked if you wanted one, you could only shake your head.
It was hard to focus on the movie knowing Lando was right there. You weren’t even watching, you were just pretending to because you needed something to look at that wasn’t him. 
When he sat down next to you, he carefully put his cup of tea on the coffee table and leaned against the back cushions with a heavy breath. He was sitting a few inches closer to you now than he had been before, you weren’t imagining that. He had the hood of his jumper pulled up around his head, his arm resting behind his neck and neither of you said anything for a little while.
Until Lando, not even pulling his eyes from the screen, asked, “Were you checking me out?”
In response, you grabbed the pillow that had fallen on the ground and smacked him right in the face with it. Lando laughed, but he couldn’t dodge it, instead letting it fall to his lap and eyeing the way your cheeks turned red and how you refused to look at him.
“That’s a very violent way to say yes,” there was a smugness to his tone. You didn’t have to look at him to know he was smirking.
“I wasn’t.” You practically hissed, “I looked at you, there’s a difference.”
You were definitely checking him out when he stepped out of the bathroom.
But he didn’t need to know that.
Lando wasn’t going to let this go, “It’s okay, I check you out sometimes.”
You rolled your eyes, deciding that if he wanted to start this game, you would play dirty. “Yeah I bet you absolutely drool at the sight of me in the Ferrari garage talking to Carlos.”
But that didn’t deter Lando like you thought it would. He shifted on the couch to face you, arm resting along the back of it, “Okay can you tell me about that? Like is there something going on there?”
You finally looked at him, eyebrows raised, “Going on with…?”
“You and Carlos.”
You snorted, “No.”
“But you guys are close.”
“We’re friends.”
“Nothing more?”
“If we were more I probably would have called him last night instead of you, don’t you think?” 
It was a sentimental thought, but your tone was bitter and Lando caught it, like you couldn’t believe you were actually talking about this. But Lando didn’t know that this was an ongoing conversation with those that were close to you and Charles. People jumped to their own conclusions and while you did like Carlos, you would never see him as anything more than a friend. 
“So what are we?”
Now you felt forced to pause the movie. You turned on the couch, crossing your legs underneath you as you stared at the British driver, “Are we really having this conversation?”
“I just want clarification, is all,” Lando said, a hand held up in defence before you could give him any more attitude. “You didn’t call Carlos because you guys are just friends and nothing more, but you called me.”
“You’re thinking too much about this.”
“I’m thinking about it the right amount,” Lando retorted. Still, you were unimpressed and he could see that. Through your blank stare and semi-scowl, Lando got the impression that this was not how you wanted the night to end.
But he had a point, whether you admitted it or not. 
Lando was who you called. Even if you didn’t remember it, he was who you wanted to be with last night, he was who you missed. 
However there was something he seemed to be forgetting.
“I don’t date drivers, Lando.”
“I know, I know, and I don’t want to keep having this conversation but I also don’t know where we stand,” he tried to reason with you, he wanted more than just the same rejection you’ve been giving him for a while now. Flirting was fun, hanging out with him was exhilarating and while you knew it couldn’t turn into anything more, Lando wanted you to think otherwise.
“We’re friends,” you said, point blankly. You needed to remove yourself from this situation so you grabbed the empty bowl that had been sitting on the coffee table and you walked to the kitchen. 
You shouldn’t have been surprised when Lando followed.
“Friends who kiss?”
“Once,” you pointed out, dropping the bowl into the sink, making sure your back was towards him. “We’ve kissed once and it didn’t mean anything.”
Lando scoffed, you could practically hear his eye roll as he stood behind you, “It didn’t mean anything? Really?” 
No, but that’s what he needed to hear. You didn’t want Lando to know that you were conflicted, torn between knowing that you shouldn’t want to hang out with him as much as you did and wanting him to kiss you again. You didn’t like the level of comfort you two had reached and you hated that his presence made you as happy as it did.
So he needed to believe the kiss didn’t mean anything and maybe if you said it enough times, you’d believe it to.
“It didn’t mean anything,” you repeated, hands resting on the edge of the counter. “It was the thirty second deal. Once you reach zero you’re done.”
But Lando wasn’t as naive as you were.
“And how many seconds do I have left?” He asked, standing mere inches from you. If you looked up and to the right even slightly, you’d catch his eyes.
A sharp exhale passed through your lips, “Eleven.”
Lando gently took hold of your wrist and spun you around to face him. With your back pressed up against the counter, you were limited to what you could do or where you could look. You were practically forced to meet his hazel eyes and you were frozen when he lifted his hand up to the side of your face.
His fingers were gently, resting right where your neck met your jaw as he closed the gap even more, dropping his face to yours. He didn’t kiss you, but he came horribly close. Instead, letting his nose nudge yours as his lips parted. 
You found yourself reaching for the front of his jumper, curling your fingers around the material to hold him against you. Each breath carried more and more anticipation, your heart nearly pounding out of your chest as Lando hovered his lips right above yours. 
He had eleven seconds left, but he wasn’t going to rush into them. He just wanted to prove a point. 
You wanted to kiss him. 
“Lando,” you were so quiet. You weren’t even sure what you were asking from him.
You were frozen in place and Lando’s breaths were in sync with yours and each second that passed where he didn’t kiss you only drove you more and more insane. It wasn’t fair. 
“You can’t tell me this doesn’t mean anything,” Lando’s words were laced with timid desperation. He wanted you both to be on the same page and as terrifying as it was to admit, that build up, the moment before the kiss, meant something. You shouldn’t have wanted him as bad as you did.
You applied the slightest bit of pressure to his chest. Lando got the hint and stepped backwards, giving you the space you needed to think clearly.
“I just-” the fear of Charles finding out flooded your mind, followed by the media spinning this out of control and then images of a Ferrari-McLaren crash were at the forefront of your thoughts. You shook your head. “I need to go to bed.”
Lando wasn’t going to push to get anything else out of you. He watched as you slowly walked down the hall. You didn’t dare give him one last look before collapsing on the bed and calling it a night.
The upside to yours and Lando’s friendship, or relationship, was that each new day was exactly that. A new day. 
You woke up in the morning and neither of you addressed the almost kiss you shared last night. Lando didn’t ask again if it meant anything and you were able to focus on getting ready and doing your makeup without any intrusive thoughts. 
Because you had watched most of the Twilight movies yesterday and that was all you wanted to do, it was Lando’s choice today. He had been texting furiously all morning and even stepped outside to take a few calls, leaving you with more questions than answers.
And he wouldn’t give you any hints. It was a surprise, apparently. He even asked if he could blindfold you before you got into his car and a simple glare in response told him that that would never happen.
During the drive, you both took turns picking the song. Lando would question most of your choices, mostly because a lot of the artists you liked were French, but in return you would judge the majority of the British rap that he chose. 
“Can you please just tell me where we’re going?” You asked, noticing you were driving further and further out of the city. “You’re not kidnapping me are you?”
“I’m not kidnapping you.”
“Is this another date?”
“Not a date either,” Lando answered. 
You couldn’t imagine what the outskirts of London had to offer. You tried to ask more questions, but they were all shot down. And when the road you were on turned to dirt and gravel and you could no longer see any sign of city life, you turned to him again.
“I need a hint or something.”
“You are so impatient,” Lando laughed, reaching over the console to give your leg a playful squeeze. “We’re almost there. I promise- well, I think you’ll like it.”
Almost was a stretch. It took another fifteen minutes before he turned down yet another dirt road, thick forestry on either side. You couldn’t begin to imagine what he had in store. 
And then you saw a few trailers parked in front of a steel dome with a garage door. It took a second for you to realise there was a dark green car parked in the garage and a few people hanging around it.
“What is going on?” You asked him, but you weren’t surprised when all he did was smile.
Lando pulled his car off to the side, using a few fingers to wave at the other people who were apparently waiting for him. He then turned the car off and gave you one of his familiar, charming grins. 
“I don’t know what you signed me up for, so no.”
Lando didn’t let you ask any more questions before he opened the door, quickly scurrying to the other side of the car to open yours as well. He helped you out and you watched as two of the people that were in the garage started making their way over to you.
You recognised Max Fewtrell, Lando’s best friend. You’d never actually met him before, but you’d seen him at races and all over social media. The girl next to him was also familiar with dark brown hair and beautiful features, but you couldn’t place a name.
With his hand on your back, Lando and you took a few steps forward. He gestured towards Max first, “This is Max, that’s Ria-” he looked at you to introduce you to his friends. “This is Y/N.”
Ria Bish, now you knew where you recognised her from. She was part of Lando’s Quadrant team. 
And both her and Max were wearing Quadrant merch. Merch that you hadn’t seen before. And usually Lando made a habit of wearing his own clothing whenever he could. Behind them, you finally spotted a skeleton crew of camera operators.
You looked up at Lando, “What the fuck is going on here?”
Ria sort of chuckled, “You didn’t tell her?”
“He doesn’t tell me anything,” you shook your head. 
But now you were able to figure it out. The new merchandise. The Quadrant team. The camera set up. 
“You’re dropping a new collection,” you said, finally it wasn’t a question.
And that wasn’t the only surprise.
Lando was positively beaming, “And I want you to model for the photo and video shoot.”
Your jaw dropped as you tried to tell if he was playing some sort of joke or not. The way he looked at you told you that he wasn’t lying. Ria and Max wore similar excited expressions, clearly you were the only one left out of this decision. 
Modelling wasn’t new to you, but usually your agent contacted you when you had a new job. You didn’t show up to a set with no warning and by the looks of it, this wasn’t even a professional set. This was something Lando had set up with members of his own team.
“I’m not-”
“You don’t have a choice,” Lando interjected before you could turn this down. “I’m pretty sure we agreed that today we did what I wanted to do.”
You thought about it for a moment before a new concern came to mind, “How long have you been planning this?”
Lando scratched the back of his neck, “Honestly, I always knew I wanted you to model this collection. It just worked out that we could do it today.”
“But why-”
“Danny’s never asked you to model one of his collections, has he?”
That’s what this was about. Your driver ranking. You told Lando to get creative and he was doing exactly that. He knew you lived in your DR3 merch, he knew you admired the third Red Bull driver, but Daniel had never given you the opportunity to be part of his collection drop. 
Max handed him a purple top which he just handed over to you, looking quite proud of himself as he draped his arm over your shoulders, tugging you against his side.
“Come on, Y/N, it’ll be fun,” Lando encouraged. You held out the t-shirt to look at the design as Lando kept trying to talk you into it. “The fans will love it.”
“Charles will not.”
“Who cares what Charles thinks?”
You tilted your chin up, eyebrows raised, “You know, usually I get paid for these types of jobs.”
And it was your fault, really, for using a suggestive tone. For letting your gaze drop to his lips. For forgetting that two of his friends were literally standing right in front of you, watching this interaction.
Lando ran with it. He just dipped his head towards your ear, using a volume that only you could hear, leaving Max and Ria to wonder what they were missing.
“I’m sure we can figure something out later.”
Thank god for Ria catching the way your cheeks turned red. She grabbed hold of your wrist and pulled you away from Lando before the innuendos could get any worse, “Come on, I’ll show you the trailer to change in.”
You walked with Ria, waiting a few seconds before looking over your shoulder at Lando who had jumped right into a conversation with Max. But he was watching you too, his gaze darting towards you as he spoke, but trying not to make it obvious. 
Ria unlatched the door to the trailer and stepped back for you to walk in, “Can I ask how your brother feels about all of this? About you and Lando?”
“Oh he doesn’t-” you paused on the steps, sending one more look towards the British driver. 
You should have said, there was no ‘you and Lando’ but instead your instant response was to say that Charles was unaware. And even though you had no idea what was going either, there was certainly something. 
But you just shrugged, “Charles doesn’t know anything.”
Ria eyed the merch in your hands. You were both thinking the same thing, but she was the one to voice the thoughts, "I guess that's about to change."
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liked by maxfewtrell, carlossainz55 and 25,351 others
tagged: landonorris, team_quadrant
ynleclerc quadrant OFF ROAD* collection drops soon i think?
view all 2,197 comments
landonorris nice
riabish ♡♡
danielricciardo this feels like a betrayal?
ynleclerc still love u ❤️
inthepaddock that last pic is my 13th reason
usersainzz carlos has been awfully quiet
charles_leclerc what is this
landonorris merch drop mate
You told Lando not to respond to Charles’ comment, it would only feed the fire. But then you saw him click ‘reply’ and you weren’t quick enough to snatch the phone out of his hands. You tried, but Lando just held the phone way out of reach.
The photoshoot had been fun, you could admit that, but the entire car ride back to his place, your stomach filled with nerves as you debated posting a collection of photos from it. You wanted to support Lando, you wanted to show off the new clothing, but you were terrified of what Charles would say. 
Lando held the door open for you to step into his flat and he could see you were still fighting with yourself. He snatched the phone out of your hands and swiped through the pictures.
“If you’re so worried about what he’ll say, don’t include the last one.”
“But I like the last one,” you admitted with a shy smile. It was one that Ria had snapped when you walked out of the trailer in the all purple attire. And maybe you were the one that pulled Lando to your side to get a photo of the two of you matching but he was the one who dropped his head right next to yours. 
And then you were the one who held the side of his face, resulting in a pose that looked very…
“We look like a couple,” Lando voiced your concern as he sat down on the couch, pulling out his own phone. “I love the picture, I do, but if it's causing you this much anxiety, don’t post it.”
When you sat down next to him, you glanced at his phone screen and saw that he was swiping through the photos as well. Taking a few extra seconds to examine the ones of just the two of you. When he zoomed in on your smile you rolled your eyes and playfully pushed your hand against his face.
“You had fun, right?” Lando asked, turning his attention to you. Not the you on his phone screen, the you that was sitting so close to him that he could feel the faint movements of your body with each breath you too, so close that he could see the worry lines in your forehead and guilt in your eyes. 
But you nodded, “I really did.”
He grinned from ear to ear, “So am I up to third now? In your driver ranking?”
You sighed heavily, “It appears so.”
Lando curled his hand into a celebratory fist. You ignored his childish ways and looked at your Instagram post again. You really did have a good time today. Getting to know some of Lando’s friends was entertaining, especially when they were able to tell you all of the stories that Lando wouldn’t ever share himself. 
It shouldn’t have mattered how your brothers would react, you were happy. You had a really fucking good day. 
So you posted the four pictures.
Lando commented immediately. When you asked him if he had your post notifications on he just muttered a quiet ‘no’ and tried to hide in the hood of his jumper. 
And then Charles saw it. His ‘what is this’ comment made you feel sick and you begged Lando not to respond but Lando loved making your life difficult and even though his response was innocent enough, you weren’t surprised when Charles’ name appeared on your phone a few seconds later, his ringtone burning through your ears.
“I’ll answer it-”
“You absolutely will not,” you snapped at Lando. “You will stay quiet. If you so much as breathe too loudly I will shave your head in your sleep.”
Lando believed you. You weren’t one to bluff.
You stood up and answered the call, mentally preparing yourself for a scolding. 
“Hey Cha-”
“Why were you with Lando?” He asked. Not even a hello or a how are you. Just straight to the point. “Why are you promoting his brand?”
“It was a job,” you looked at Lando, but there was enough space between you that he couldn’t make out what Charles was saying on the other end. “Lando was in the city, he asked if I wanted to participate and I said yes. It’s not a big deal.”
It was a lie. It wasn't a real job and Lando didn't force you in front of the camera. If you wanted out of the photoshoot, you could have said no.
But you wanted to be part of it.
“It’s kind of a big deal, Y/N,” Charles didn’t sound annoyed, he sounded genuinely mad at you. “You’re my sister and you’re promoting another driver's merch? How do you think that makes me look?”
“I don’t think people are thinking about that,” you scoffed. Charles wasn’t one to have selfish tendencies, so this was really coming out of left field. “It was a photoshoot, Charles. Don't try to create a problem when there's not one. You don't care when I wear Daniel's merch."
"Daniel isn't driving."
"That's not the point and you know it."
Charles had something against you
There was silence on his end. You thought about just hanging up and ending the conversation there. Otherwise this would have turned into an argument that neither of you would win. 
But then he just had to keep it going.
“Do you-” Charles paused again. You knew where he was going and you really regretted not hanging up when you had the chance. “Do you like him?”
Even though Lando had no idea what sort of conversation you were in the middle of, he was still watching you carefully. When you turned your head to look at him, you felt stuck. Conflicted. This was not how you wanted to feel. 
“Peut-être,” you said, eyes locked on Lando’s. Maybe. Maybe you did like him more than you were willing to let on, more than you wanted to. 
Making the switch to French was a dead giveaway for Charles, “Are you with him right now?”
Again, all you could say was, “Peut-être.”
Lando was trying to piece together what you were saying. With his eyebrows pinched together and jaw tightened, you could see he was concerned. The photoshoot was his idea and now Charles was taking his frustration out on you, he felt responsible. 
“Je dois partir,” I need to go. You said quietly. “I’ll see you Sunday.”
“No, don’t hang-”
You pulled the phone away from your ear and left it on the counter in the kitchen. Lando stood up and walked over to you as soon as he knew the conversation was over. He gently put his hand on your back and kept it there as he turned you to face him.
“Look I knew Charles wouldn’t be happy but I didn’t think-”
“Don’t,” you shook your head, rubbing your hand over your face in distress. “It’s not your fault. None of this is and I shouldn’t even care what he thinks.”
“But he’s your brother, so you’re going to care.”
All you could do was shrug your shoulders. This was a lose-lose situation for you. If you distanced yourself from Lando, you wouldn’t be happy. If you stayed with Lando, if you let yourself be happy with him, Charles would distance himself from you. 
Lando lifted his hand to the side of your face, thumb brushing over your cheek, “Can I ask- what does ‘peut-être’ mean?”
You leaned into his touch, “It means ‘maybe’.”
“Maybe what?”
God were you really going to tell him?
It was hard to keep your eyes on his, every voice in your head told you to just turn around and walk away. Leave this conversation now otherwise you’d be digging your own grave.
But it was so easy to tune out those voices when the whole world stopped as he looked at you. 
“Maybe..." you started, taking a breath, “maybe I like you.”
Lando smiled, well it was a mix between a smile and smirk, hearing the words that he'd been waiting for. “Maybe?” He asked, heavy on the sarcasm. “Only maybe?”
You rolled your eyes, “Yeah don’t let it go to your head.”
“Too late,” he licked his lips. That fucker knew what he was doing. His gaze dropped to your own lips for a second, “I have eleven seconds left, yeah?”
You nodded and the last thing you caught was the devient glint in his eyes before he connected his mouth to yours, making the move that you were reluctant to.
Your lips moved in slow synchronisation, there was less of a hurry this time compared to at the hotel, both of you wanting this moment to last. Lando’s fingers slipped into your hair, your hand found his chest before it slid up towards his neck instead, bringing him closer to you, if that was even possible.
Lando’s grip tightened on your side and every thought in your brain, the countdown that you should have started, Charles’ disapproval, all of it vanished and instead there was him and only him. 
It was like Lando was kissing you with every inch of his soul. Like he was trying to use this moment to replace all of the words he couldn’t say because he knew you wouldn’t listen anyway. It was the kind of kiss that you could get used to, that you wanted to get used to. 
Breathlessly, you pulled away. Lando rested his forehead against yours, the pads of his fingers brushing against your cheek as he swallowed.
“Times up,” you whispered, both of you aware that it had been a little longer than eleven seconds.
“It doesn’t have to be, you know that right?”
You could have more than just those expired thirty seconds. You could have every day with him if you wanted, Lando not only hinted at that but he had also made it so blatantly obvious that he wanted you. 
This wasn’t about a stupid driver ranking anymore. 
Somewhere over these last few weeks, there was a shift. Lando didn’t just care about working his way up, he cared about you. He wanted to make you happy, he wanted to see you smile, be the reason for your laugh, spend every possible minute of the day with you if it wasn’t a race weekend, and even then, he wanted to see you at the Paddock more than anything. 
Lando liked you. 
And it was terrifying, but you couldn’t deny your feelings anymore. You couldn’t mask them with sarcasm and eye rolls. You couldn’t hide it anymore. You wanted more than just those thirty seconds.
You wanted him. 
masterlist here
taglist: @moneymasnn@thotd-f1 @masonspulisic @mcmuppet@f1-futurewag-16-3-4-63 @alilstressyandlotdepressy @themisric @happydazzz123 @moonxblossom @norrisleclercf1 @scarlettisconfused @sbgal @e-lisa-bettan @harrysdimple05 @ophcelia @alesainz @fandomxs1 @majx00 @sbgal @mehrmonga @themockingjayreader if i forgot anyone im so sorry
1K notes · View notes
gogogodzilla · 8 months
day 19, 69ing
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john hancock x reader warnings: nsfw 18+, drug use, sex while high, teasing, dirty talk, fingering, hancock calls reader sunshine kinktober ☠︎︎ main masterlist ☠︎︎ read on ao3
To Hancock, getting high was second nature. He was always popping one chem or another on your travels. You didn’t mind. Whatever he had to do to get through the day.
You ventured through the gritty streets of Goodneighbor, looking for your friend. You had a surprise for him, after all. The raucous sounds of the Third Rail on a Saturday night graced your ears, and you found yourself being pulled there. 
You nodded to the security guard and descended the steps. Smooth jazz and the low murmur of voices greeted you as you entered the bar. A grin fought itself onto your features as you spotted, through the cigarette smoke and lively conversations of the patrons, your favorite Mayor seated at the bar, talking to Whitechapel Charlie. 
You sidled up next to him, leaning on the bar, nodding to Charlie as you sat. “Room for one more?” 
“Look who decided to finally show up,” Hancock drawled, pushing his tricorn hat back to let his eyes rake over your form.
“The super mutants trying to kill me didn’t seem to care that I had a date tonight,” you retorted, chuckling a little at your joke. 
You and Hancock weren’t exactly together, but you couldn’t deny that you felt strongly toward him. The lingering glances and semi-sexual remarks while you were traveling were enough of an indication that Hancock liked you too. 
The usual grin on his face widened at your reply. He rubbed his chin, a mischievous glint in his eyes, “Date, huh?” 
You leaned into his space, emboldened by his gaze on yours. “Yeah, although it’s a little crowded in here,” you titled your head, glancing around the room and its various patrons. 
“Why don’t you and me get outta here, sunshine?” Hancock suggested as he slid from his stool and offered you an arm. 
You stood and took his arm, “Thought you’d never ask, mayor.” 
You were giddy as you made the short walk to the Old State House. While on your adventures out in the Commonwealth, you’d found a bottle of Day Tripper. It was popular back in your day for those attempting to escape the troubles of their everyday life, and you didn’t think that Hancock had ever tried it before. 
Fahrenheit nodded to both of you as you entered the old building from her usual place at the bottom of the spiral staircase. Her gaze danced between the two of you for a moment before Hancock led you up the stairs. 
You sauntered toward one of the couches in the middle of the room, and Hancock shut the double doors to his room behind him. Your heart rate picked up at the telltale sound of the lock clicking. You took your seat and patted the cushion next to you. 
He sat next to you, eyes dancing across your features. “There’s another reason why I was late,” you mentioned as he reclined and threw an arm over the couch. 
He hummed, turning his head to look at you. You rifled through your bag before your hands wrapped around the blue-green bottle. You pulled it out and handed it to him. 
He took it from you and raised an eyebrow as he read the label. It was white and covered with flowers. From what you’d heard about the effects, you assumed that the label was supposed to reflect how you felt while you were on it. 
“Where’d you find this?” 
“West Roxbury Station, out by University Point. I wasn’t lying about the super mutants trying to kill me,” you laughed, giving him a half-shrug. 
His mouth curved into a smile, “You’re somethin’ else, sunshine.” 
You inched closer toward him, your heart fluttering in your chest. “I thought we could try it together,” you divulged, biting the inside of your cheek. 
His grin grew wider, “Didn’t take you for the partying type.” 
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” you replied, coyly. 
Hancock kept his eyes on yours as he undid the orange top of the bottle and shook out two small pills into one of his hands. 
He picked up one pill, “Open up, sunshine,” he ordered, smirking. 
Your breathing hitched before you opened your mouth for him, allowing your tongue to stick out over your bottom lip. Hancock held out the pill for you pinched between his thumb and pointer finger. You met his gaze as you leaned forward and you wrapped your lips around his fingers. His thumb escaped your lips to cradle your chin and his pointer finger stayed trapped within the wet confines of your mouth. 
You were a little surprised at the boldness of your actions, but the thought was quickly replaced by much more obscene ones as you swallowed around Hancock’s finger and a soft growl escaped him. 
He retracted his hand and popped the remaining pill into his mouth. He reclined against the red cushions of the couch, waiting for the effects to kick in. Slowly, the world around you began to transform. Color intensified and became more vivid, time seemed to slow, and the air around you hummed with energy. 
Hancock chuckled as you looked around the room, “Welcome to my world. Ain’t it a trip?” 
A laugh bubbled in your throat, and your eyes met for just a moment. Warmness spread throughout your body like the heat from the good whiskey Charlie served on special occasions. Hancock’s eyes were half-closed and the corners of his mouth were turned up in a lazy grin. 
You watched as he slowly sat up and tugged off his coat, also feeling the warmth that felt like it was humming under your skin. His shirt shone like a beacon in the light of the nearby lantern in your drug-induced vision. It was like your limbs were moving on their own as they reached out and stroked the fabric on his bicep. 
His breathing hitched in his throat as your fingers trailed up and over his shoulder to the bare skin of his neck. Something inside you ignited as soon as your fingertips dragged over the column of his throat, and it felt like your entire being was being drawn toward him. 
You crawled toward him, settling yourself on his lap as you cradled his face in your hands. He chuckled as he gripped your thighs, keeping you still. 
“I… need to touch you,” you murmured as you leaned forward and nuzzled into the crook of his neck. It wasn’t enough. 
You moved your face upward, eyebrows furrowed. “Need to taste you,” you practically begged as your lips ghosted against his. 
He leaned forward, and your lips collided. Your movements were clumsy, the drug making your muscles uncooperative. Your senses were heightened, and you could taste a hint of the liquor Hancock had earlier on his tongue. You groaned against his lips, which were rough and marred against your own. You wondered if other parts of him tasted this good. 
You pulled away and a small string of saliva connected the two of you. You moved to press sloppy kisses along the column of his throat, letting your tongue drag over the skin there. Hancock’s hands wandered over your body, squeezing and kneading wherever you could. He probably would’ve ripped your vault suit off of you if his limbs were working properly. 
“Wanna taste you, sunshine,” he rasped out as he grabbed your hips and ground them against his hardened length. You whined at the sensation as arousal coursed through your veins. 
“Lay back,” you ordered, shoving his shoulder lightly. Hancock followed your orders as you stood on shaky legs. You slowly peeled off your vault suit, thankful for the zipper, and Hancock palmed himself as he watched you through lidded eyes. 
You tugged your underwear down and kicked them to the side. You were practically drooling at the sight of Hancock before you. His shirt was open, exposing his scarred chest to you. He had unbuttoned his pants and freed his cock from its confines. He slowly stroked himself as you neared. 
In your drug-induced haze, an idea struck you. You straddled Hancock’s face so you could easily lean down and take his cock in your mouth. You could both taste each other that way. 
His hands moved to grip your thighs as you hovered over him. His breath fanned against your core and you shuddered, rocking your hips slightly. 
“All for me,” Hancock breathed against you, a hint of astonishment in his voice. 
You nodded as you reached down and began to slowly stroke him. “Only for you,” you slurred, tongue heavy in your mouth. You were already drunk on the feeling of him. 
Your grip around his cock tightened as he took you in his mouth. Your thighs squeezed around him as he devoured you, swiping his tongue through your folds before moving to circle your clit. 
He bucked his hips, reminding you that you had a job to do. You pumped your hand slowly before swiping your thumb over the tip of his cock, gathering the precum dripping from there. 
Hancock groaned against your core as you stroked him, sending vibrations through your body. You rutted your hips against his face, chasing your high. 
Hancock dipped his tongue into your entrance, and you leaned forward, moaning. You swirled your tongue around his red-hued tip, and your eyes practically rolled in the back of your head from the taste of him. 
Hancock’s grip tightened on your thighs as he brought you even closer. Moans escaped him as you slowly bobbed your head and clenched around nothing. 
You hollowed your cheeks around him, taking him even deeper than before. Your movements became sloppy as you neared the precipice. Hancock’s mouth wasn’t like anything you’d ever experienced before, and coupled with the finger he slid inside you, your release was rapidly approaching. 
He quickly added another finger and pumped them inside you while he sucked on your clit. You moaned around his cock before relaxing your jaw to take all of him. 
Hancock’s tongue circled your clit once and then twice, and then you were coming undone above him. Pleasure wracked through your entire body in waves, and your thighs began to shake. Hancock continued his efforts, allowing you to ride out your high. 
He tensed under you before coming with a strangled groan. You pulled away and watched as white tendrils coated your hand. You continued to stroke him until pleasure veered into overstimulation and he tapped your thigh. 
You slowly slid off of him, both coming down from the high of your orgasm and the high from the drug. You giggled a little as you took his sash and cleaned him off. You didn’t expect your plan to work this well. 
“I’m glad we did that,” you whispered as you lay on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. 
Hancock chuckled, “I should party with you more often.”
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baizhoobies · 9 months
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Good Morning! “Waking up with…” gn!Headcanons
Request: Hey!!! How are you? Can I request morning headcanons with Sigma, Bram, Kunikida and Fyodor? Can be suggestive if you want. Thank you have a good day!
A/N: Hiya! thank you for the request :3 I am doing okay thank you for asking! Also one last thank you to those in the requests queue who are waiting! I love and appreciate you
Warnings: suggestive, swearing, mostly fluff and sweet domesticity, 18+
Including: Sigma, Bram, Kunikida and Fyodor
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- Okay to start off with, lets say you both live in the casino together, he has one of those fancy VIP looking rooms
- your bed is ridiculously comfy, as the manager/owner, he has to have a good nights rest (plus working in the DOA the man needs some good fucking sleep)
- Sigma is enamoured with you, he wants nothing more than to be with you and to express his love for you, so he will make sure you are at your most comfort, with your preferred duvet covers, pillows, the works
- He looks like a sleeping beauty whilst he sleeps, so if you are the first to wake up and look at him… if you weren’t madly in love with him, you are now
- clingyyyyyyy
- super clingy, the man doesn’t know what home is but he knows he is at home with you. Keeping that in mind, he will probably prefer to be the big spoon, holding you tightly like some sort of teddy bear
- If he is the first person to wake up whilst he is the big spoon, he will probably try to wake you up with kisses on your neck and shoulders
- though I won’t lie, if you roll over in your sleep to become the big spoon, he will love that just as much
- knowing that you love him and wish to embrace him is enough to make his heart flutter and feel even more at home with you
- he loves the way you smell, your soft breaths and the way your skin feels against his own; soft and warm
- probably keeps a pillow or something and sprays it with your perfume so if you are away for any reason, he can sleep a lot better whilst thinking of you
- I can’t see him being the most active person in the morning, he will definitely want an extra 10 minutes. Even if you want to get out of bed, he just wants to cuddle and how can you refuse his puppy dog eyes?
- Probably doesn’t engage in anything sexual though, at least not in your sleep unless you talk about it prior. Though in saying that, if you have breasts, he will hold onto them like some sort of stress toy, or out of comfort
- I am picturing him doing this, half awake but the moment he hears your moans in your sleep, he’s only going to keep doing it until you are awake 🤭
- oooh boy, okay I am going to take liberty and allow Bram to have all of his limbs, maybe this scenario is before the events of BSD?
- If you are both vampires, its natural that neither of you will be awake in the morning as ya’ll sleep all day. So I am going to assume your mornings are actually in the evening after sunset
- Not that either of you are allergic to the sun (as seen in the anime/manga) but its a vampires natural sleeping pattern to sleep during the day, and I assume he did when he was living in his estate in Europe.
- He will most likely wake up out of hunger than anything else. You guys could sleep for centuries if you wanted, so the only reason to wake up is to feed, and perhaps spend time with you
- I am gunna say that ya’ll rest in a double sized coffin (yes, they exist) you are his partner after all and wishes to hold you close
- probably will have anxiety if you were in another coffin
- he’s a gentleman, if he wakes up first he will pull you closer and purposefully rest your head on his chest. In one manga panel its seen that he has claws? Or long nails? Will draw circles into your back/shoulders, humming contently as he does so
- if you guys are spooning, he will kiss your spine and your shoulders, but he will only really do this if he is in the mood… might even sneak a hand around and have a cheeky little touch~
- if you aren’t a vampire, he will probably follow your sleeping patterns. Ain’t no way is he going to wake up whilst you go to bed, nuh uh.
- nothing much would be different except Bram being a little dramatic in the mornings
- Like he will say some shit like “human, you have disturbed my slumber, why must your weak bodies-” promptly tell him to shut up and give him a kiss, he will soon shut up
- he will convince you to sleep longer, or at least lay there with him so he can sleep some more
- promise to make out with him, or wake him up if ygm, this may convince him to wake up and indulge 🫡
- So this man ensures that he gets 7 hours of sleep every night; its essential for him to feel refreshed and ready for when he wakes up in the morning. He the type of guy who will wake up immediately at the sound of his alarm, get out of bed, shower etc.. all according to his notebook
- Ever since you moved in, he's found himself becoming.. sloppy with his schedules
- Kunikida doesn't strike me as the guy to enforce his schedule onto his s/o, the word 'no' is a foreign word to him when it comes to you
- So lets say his alarm goes off in the morning, he goes to turn it off and get out of bed, but oh no! Your legs are intertwined, your head on his chest and your arms snaked around his waist.
- Despite his best efforts to convince himself to get immediately ready for the day, he will let out one huge sigh and set the alarm to snooze...and then snooze again, and again.
- Kunikida's biggest weakness is cuddles, especially whilst you are sleeping so adorably
- He might curse himself for breaking his schedule but, you certainly are worth it
- He may even incorporate snuggle time into his schedule just to say that he is following his ideals to feel better about himself
- LOVES to watch you sleep, I know bro is romantical (but will never admit it) he will just stare at your features, it doesn’t matter if you snore or have your hair all a mess, or whatever, he just is so in love with you.
- He takes this time to reflect on your relationship together, he probably practices ‘gratitude affirmations’ and you are certainly one of them
- Not the type of person to fulfil his desires in your sleep, he'd rather wait till you're awake before initiating anything, HOWEVER, if you are the first to awake, he certainly isn't going to complain waking up to you under the covers, iygm 😏
- Note in diary: woke up to sloppy toppy at 7am
- Expect breakfast in bed at the weekends, those are the days he has more time in the mornings and will make the extra effort in pampering you. You like coffee? Well the man owns one of those fancy coffee machines, Idc what anyone says, he does.
- Kisses with the taste of coffee on his lips >
- This was hard but I like a challenge (plus the recent episode got me quaking)
- Fyodor does not sleep a lot, over working himself on his plots and schemes, 100% will need convincing to join you in bed
- He would wake up first, no matter what. You would never catch him sleeping, like ever
- even if you get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, the man just senses when you are awake (he is probably a very light sleeper)
- its most likely to do with the fact that when you are sleeping, its quite a vulnerable state and although he is comfortable with you, he struggles to turn that side of him off
- As he wakes up before you, it gives him a chance to watch you resting peacefully, he leans over you and just takes in the view
- He will gently brush the hair from your face and just… he just thinks you are precious and wants nothing more than to just take a moment and reflect on it
- If its coming close to having to get up for whatever reason, he will stroke your hair and whisper sweet nothings into your ear, most likely calling you Russian pet names and shit
- Although he is the first awake, he won’t get out of bed until you are ready
- I can’t see him being a person who’d want to cuddle in bed really, going to sleep or waking up. He is a little touch starved but in the sense that he doesn’t quite know how to be physically affectionate
- though catch him on a day where he is particularly sleepy, then he will be more likely to let his guard down and cuddle (he can’t keep up this criminal master mind shit 24/7)
- I don’t think he’d be super relentlessly horny in the mornings, but if he is for whatever reason, he would (like the whispering you awake HCs) he would probably give you a few sleepy neck kisses, caressing your body with his nimble fingers and enjoys watching you squirm and whimper yourself awake.
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justmediocrewriting · 5 months
Hi!!! I just saw your post for requests hehehee could you do a luffy x baker!reader who is sanji’s sister?? How they meet and join his crew and how luffy is in love with the pastries she makes? c: they think she can’t fight/hold up her own but turns out she’s just really lucky in fighting situations, no strategy or strength just 100% panic and luck LOL thank you! c:
A Little Bit Of A Sweet Tooth {m.d.l}
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Summary: Luffy has a major sweet tooth — Sanji’s stingy about food, but he knows someone who would be more than happy to feed him some sweets outside of allotted meal times.
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Luffy x fem!reader
Word Count: 0.9k
Requested: ✅
Warnings: minor language
A/n: I think I got a cavity just writing this shit smh. I’m so happy you sent in your request nonnie and I’m sorry it took so long ❤️ I hope you all enjoy!
Your tongue peeked between your lips as you focused intensely on your current task; the icing tube was gripped in your hand with just the perfect amount of force, the lines to the pattern on the cookies simply flawless, as always.
Luffy loved watching you make pastries; you were a lot similar to Sanji when you were in the zone, and your adeptness and attention to detail was rather riveting — not to mention the face you made when you were focused was truly adorable, as was the way you completely lost yourself in the art. Baking was your dream, and every delicious pastry made was simply a stepping stone on your journey (and Luffy loved tasting them and praising you about how good you did, because you would blush so prettily when he did.)
“Are they done yet?” Luffy asked, not unkindly but a bit impatiently, and the small giggle you let out went straight to his chest and wrapped around his heart like a vice. Without pausing your hands you glanced up at him, and Luffy thought his heart would burst with just how cute you looked with your hair tied into a messy bun and your cheeks spotted with bits of yellow icing.
“Not yet, Luffy. I still have to ice them and let them set.” Your voice was incredibly kind and soft, with an exasperated sort of fondness that conveyed just how many times you’d said these exact words in this exact same situation.
“How long will it take?” Luffy asked, shifting slightly in his seat. His eyes were focused on the little bit of icing still stuck to your skin, and he was feeling the overwhelming urge to wipe it off for you. Luffy’d done it many times in the past, usually following it up with a peck to whatever area of your face he’d wiped it from, and it always resulted in you becoming a fumbling, blushing mess.
At first, Sanji was furious about the prospect of you and Luffy engaging in a relationship. Like any typical older brother, he was insanely protective of you, to the point of being a tad overprotective, but with a bit of coaxing and time to adapt to the idea, he became reluctantly accepting of it.
You liked to assume he only relented because he knew there was truly no way that he’d be able to stop it, as you’d once told Luffy.
The attraction you two had had to one another was undeniable from the moment your eyes had met at Baratie; and for Luffy, that first bite of that lovely macaron you’d shyly offered him simply sealed it in stone that he was in love with you. Love at first sight and taste, Luffy liked to say.
It wasn’t just your exceptional baking skills that drew Luffy in; you were also rather adept at fighting. When Arlong and his fishmen had attacked the Baratie, you jumped in with no fear or hesitation — your weapon of choice had been the multitudes of silver ware and platters among the tables, and though your eyes were screwed shut every time you threw one, it seemed to always hit its mark. Luffy knew that you and Sanji were the exact kind of people that he wanted on his crew, so he was all too eager to invite you both. Though most of the reasons he wanted you to join were similar to Sanji’s, there were a few that definitely weren’t similar.
When both you and Sanji had agreed to join the crew, Luffy was absolutely overjoyed — at that point, you two had still been delicately swimming around each other, aware of the spark but too bashful and timid to try to fan the flame. It only took a couple of weeks and many pastry-filled twilight trysts in the galley for you two to give in to the chemistry, ultimately leading up to this point.
“Luffy, I already told you this batch would take about an hour and half. Just be patient.” You sighed, but the smile on your face told Luffy that you weren’t truly irritated with him. Luffy sniffed and slipped from the stool he was occupying to swing around the counter and stand at your side.
“Well, if it’s going to take that long, can I at least try the icing?”
You rolled your eyes and popped out a hip while setting the piping bag down delicately on the counter beside the tray of cookies. You put on your best stern face and pointed a finger at him.
“Last time I let you ‘try the icing’ I didn’t have enough left to finish the rest of the batch.” You reminded him, and Luffy simply smiled at you before slipping his arms around your waist and pulling you just a smidge closer, until there was only about an inch between your bodies. Luffy’s chest swelled at the way your cheeks colored. Luffy widened his eyes in the way you affectionally dubbed as ‘puppy dog eyes’, mostly because he knew they were nearly impossible for you to say no to, but also because he really wanted to try that icing.
By the way your eyes softened and the giant sigh you heaved, Luffy knew he’d won.
“Fine. But just a little bit. And then I expect you to let me finish the cookies, got it?” Luffy could tell you were doing your best to sound stern, but it was hard to take you seriously when you just looked so cute and sexy.
Luffy wasn’t scared to vocalize this opinion of his either, and when you sputtered and grabbed the piping bag, he wasn’t even angry when his little taste ended up being a given with a little extra all over his face.
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Hello! I have a continuing idea for the Mutefemreader and ghost! They were put on a first mission together in winter and it kind of goes sideways… they find an old cottage and decide to settle there until the weather blows over. And that’s when ghost kind of opens up and talks to her? And he finds out she isn’t so different from him when it comes to a bad past.
Thank you kindly! Love you’re work! 🎊
Thank you sm! ❤️ Oh this is nice angsty and fluffy.
Of the Same Coin
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Pairing: Ghost x mute!fem!reader
Readers callsign is "Quiet" (definitely not a nod towards MGSV) I think the name is cool.
Warnings: Angst, some fluff?, mentions of past trauma
Words: 4.3k (This got out of hand but when do I ever make things simple)
Synopsis: Two hurt people finding solace with each other...
The stark red mixed with the white snow beneath you had you feeling ashamed and guilty. It bubbled in your stomach, hidden beneath the mask that covered the lower half of your face from the blistering wind that whipped against you and sunk its teeth into your bones despite the many thick layers you were wearing. Snow hit you face from all directions as you trudged through the snow, stepping in the footsteps created by Ghost in front of you.
He stood out against the pure white snow as he led the way to what you assumed was shelter. He seemed to know where he was going without having to look at a map, his walk full of confidence that screamed lieutenant for more reasons than one. 
Red stained the outside layer of his uniform on his shoulder. It spread downwards despite the freezing temperatures and occasionally blood would drip onto the snow, likely to be covered up from the intense snowfall that would soon turn to a blizzard you both walked through. If the bullet wound bothered him, then he didn’t show it as he continued forward without saying a word.
Your first mission with him and you screwed it up.
Recon for intel about Makarov on Russian convoys in Siberia. It was a simple task, one that made you feel almost like they were taking it easy on you when you had already been on multiple missions with Price and the others. You had proved yourself to be a viable asset to the task force with your captain vouching for you anytime someone dared to say otherwise and you had only been with the team for a year. Yet this mission with Ghost, the first one you had with him by yourself, had been given to you as if you were a rookie who needed to learn discipline.
You didn’t complain and didn’t show your slight disappointment about it to anyone, not even Ghost because despite the fact that the mission was lackluster, you were excited to be on the field alone with your lieutenant. 
“Ready for the cold, sargeant?” Ghost had signed to you from across the table in the briefing room. 
“Absolutely.” You signed back with a smile, confident about the mission even though it sounded underwhelming.
All of that confidence had been sucked out of you, leaving you a lot less like a soldier and more like a lost child who had fallen on their ass. You were freezing from the wind, wet from the snow that hit you, and utterly defeated.
“Quiet!” Ghost barked over the wind and brought you out of your thoughts.
You stood up straighter and looked up at him, noticing that he was a few more paces in front of you. You must’ve slowed down significantly while you were stuck in your thoughts, causing you to fall slightly behind which only made you feel more embarrassed than you already were. If it weren’t for the fact that the heat had been ripped from you, you would’ve felt your entire body get hot from the stare he was giving.
At least you wouldn’t be shivering.
“Stay close!” He beckoned you forward with his head.
You nodded and raced up to him, holding your arms close to your stomach as you followed behind him. You kicked some snow out the way and watched him give you a quick once over with unreadable eyes before he turned around and continued walking forward. 
Usually his silence didn’t bother you. You weren’t exactly in the position to demand someone to speak when you couldn’t even do that yourself, but it almost felt like he was snubbing you for what happened. You couldn’t really blame him for it, it was your fault he had a bullet stuck in his arm, so his anger towards you was justified. However, that didn’t make it hurt any less than it did as he didn’t spare any words with you.
Part of you hoped that it was because it would be difficult for him to speak over the wind, but it was impossible to know unless you asked him. You unfortunately, weren’t as good as reading people like he was and right now you wished he could teach you that skill. 
A sharp gust of wind smacked against your face, pushing snowflakes against your watery eyes and stopping both of you in your tracks. You clenched your jaw tightly to stop your chattering teeth as you watched the surrounding area quickly turn into a complete white out in the matter of seconds. 
It made your heart beat faster and you gripped your arms tightly, your fingers digging into your wet overcoat. You could feel an unbearable sting begin to form on the tips of your fingers and you wondered if maybe this was going to be your last moments.
You could hardly see Ghost in front of you and he was only a few feet from you. You heard him call out for you but it was nearly impossible for you to hear him, so instead you attempted to close the distance between you both.
Ghost outstretched his hand for you to take and didn’t hesitate to hold onto yours with a bone crushing grip that made you wince. He pulled you forward at a pace quicker than what your legs would allow you in the near knee high snow, but you pushed yourself in hopes that soon you would be out of the blizzard.
You stared down at your connected hands as you walked, focusing on the slight comfort you felt from having the weight of his large palm against your smaller ones. He easily could’ve directed your hand to grab onto his vest. It would be more practical, especially on the very impossible chance that someone showed up to shoot you both, but you were glad that he hadn’t.
You decided that it was better to focus on his hand in yours than anything else as you let Ghost lead you out from the field into a forest.
You weren’t sure how long you both had been walking for. It felt like hours but maybe it had only been minutes, it was hard to tell with the weather blocking out the sun, though you did notice that the already sparse light was starting to lessen.
The chance to worry about being stuck outside in a blizzard during nighttime didn’t happen as Ghost tugged on your arms to get your attention.
When you looked up, you could see a very small cabin, one that you assumed was most likely a safehouse or at least a place you could use without being shot by someone since it looked uninhabited. You weren’t sure how good a cabin in the middle of nowhere, in the wilderness would fair you both, but you at least would be out of the snow and the wind.
A relieved sigh left your chest and you rushed up to the door with Ghost right beside you.
Ghost slammed the door open with his shoulder when it wouldn’t budge from the ice that was stuck on the frame and pushed you inside. He didn’t waste any time following inside as he shut the door as hard as he could against the wind, locking it for good measure but you were sure the ice would replace itself quickly.
The inside of the cabin wasn’t warm by any means, you could still see your breath in the cold silence, but you were less likely to turn into an icicle inside. The small one room cabin had a good layer of dust collected on many of the surfaces, the few windows having snow, ice, and grim blocking out most of the light from outside. There was an old couch and a bed stacked full of quilts that screamed your name.
However, now that you were out of the weather, your attention turned back to your lieutenant who was still actively bleeding from his arm. 
You turned to grab his arm with frozen hands, shivering like mad to lead him to the couch so you could patch him up, but he stepped away from you.
“Start a fire.” He gestured to the fireplace and you jumped from how loud his voice was in the silence now that you could actually hear him. “And get out of those wet clothes.”
You wanted to argue but he turned his back to you as he walked into the kitchen, so you had no choice but to do as he said. You walked to the fireplace and knelt down, sending a silent thank you to whoever was here last for leaving a package of wood pellets inside, along with a good amount of firewood. 
It took you a moment to light the fire, your fingers being too stiff and frozen at first but once you got the package lit, you tossed it in the fireplace with a few logs on top. The fire slowly built and brought warmth along with it that at first, stung against your frostbitten skin before it thawed you. You didn’t waste any time to throw off all of your layers down to the innermost one which was luckily not as damp as you thought. 
The warmth against your bare skin felt good and you could already feel the effects of the fire around the cabin. It made you want to sit down in front of it until you were dry and most likely half asleep, but you couldn’t.
Instead, you walked over to the bed and pulled the quilts off, fighting back a sneeze as some disturbed dust hit your nose, and held one in your hands as you looked at Ghost.
He was bent down in one of the cabinets, most likely checking to see if the pipes had frozen over, but that was the last thing on your mind, even though you knew that there was a possibility you’d both be stuck inside here for a long time. His usual thinking of the future was good but you were also worried that he was starting to lose too much blood and that he was going to get too cold.
You tapped your foot on the floor to get his attention.
Ghost didn’t turn around to look at you and as much as you didn’t want to let it hurt you, you were already not in the best headspace about that. It made you falter and you gripped the quilt in your hands a little tighter. You wondered for a moment if you should just give up and let him come over to the fire on his own before you tapped your foot against the floor again, less forceful this time.
He stopped what he was doing and looked back at you with softer, apologetic eyes before he nodded for you to go on.
“The pipes can wait.” You signed to him before you showed him the quilt. 
“You sure you want to be stuck in a place with no plumbing?” He signed back and you nodded as you held out the quilt for him to take.
Ghost didn’t say anything as he stood up and walked towards you. He began to take his clothes off, tossing them on the floor without care. Each layer he peeled off, the more prominent the red stain became on the sleeves of his clothes before he made it to the last layer, the entire sleeve of his arm soaked rich with blood.
You couldn’t help but stare at it as he grabbed the quilt from you, your eyes glued to the way his shirt stuck to his skin from all of that blood.
“Medkit’s probably in the bathroom.” He said, watching you from behind his mask as you stared at his arm. “I’ll get it.”
“Stay.” You signed and gestured towards the couch before you rushed to the bathroom.
When you found the medkit, you came back into the room and sat down on the couch beside Ghost, throwing the quilt on top of his lap before you began to pull out what you needed from the kit. 
“Take your shirt off.” You signed as you held alcohol soaked gauze in your hand.
“I’m flattered, sergeant, but take me out to dinner first.” Ghost teased, most likely in an attempt to lighten the mood but you didn’t look impressed.
Without another word, he slid his shirt off and revealed the bullet wound that was in his bicep. You grimaced before you gently began to clean the blood that was stuck to his skin all the way down to his wrist. You watched him flinch ever so slightly when you dapped more alcohol onto his wound, finding some solace in the fact that it had stopped bleeding for the most part, likely from the many layers he had on. 
The silence in the cabin was only broken by the howling wind outside and the crackle of the fire as you worked to patch him up. You had pulled the bullet out of him with ease, grateful that he didn’t squirm much at all, unlike Soap when you had to do that to him. You sewed up his skin meticulously as you tried your hardest not to hurt him anymore than he was while you did so. Though your hands moved gently, your mind was being anything but gentle to you as you did so. 
You were waiting for Ghost to reprimand you for messing up but you hoped that the reason he was silent was because he didn’t actually think you were the reason he was hurt.
The whole reason why he had been shot was because of you.
You had noticed that there was a gun pointed on him from your location on top of the ridge you both were hiding on. The convoys had spotted you and you both were trying to pick them off with your rifles, but there were too many. Before, the weather had been mostly clear but the wind and snow came almost immediately, making it difficult to communicate with Ghost through the comms like you normally did.
He couldn’t hear the coded beeps you had created to avoid any miscommunication on the field. He couldn’t hear you when you tried to warn him about the sight that was on him and you realized that the only way he could’ve was if you had yelled at him.
This was the first time this problem had risen up, the first time that your silence failed the mission and it fucked with your head.
It didn’t matter what Price thought about you, it didn’t matter if you were one of the best sharpshooters on the team. You fucked up because you couldn’t say a damn word when it mattered, when your friend’s life was in your hands, all because of them.
“‘S’not the first bullet wound I’ve had.” He assured you in the best way he could and you glanced up at him. “Won’t be the last either.”
You shook your head and finished stitching him up. You threw the medkit on the floor and grabbed another quilt, placing it over your shoulders as you turned your attention towards the fire. You pulled your knees up to your chest as watched the flames dance in the brick fireplace, letting the warmth seep into your damp clothes.
“You’re upset.” Ghost pointed out as he pulled his shirt back on. “Why?”
You glanced at him to see that he was staring at you expectantly, the look he had being that of his profession, a lieutenant asking his sergeant a question. It wasn’t so much of a demand, but you could see that he was waiting for the answer as if it would be a given.
For a moment, you thought about lying or just not telling him anything, but you quickly realized how impractical that was. You both were most likely going to be stuck inside for at least a few days as you waited for the weather to lighten up and he knew you too well to let it go. He would get the answer out of you eventually and you knew that he had the patience for it.
“You got hurt because of me.” You signed without looking at him. “I fucked up.”
Ghost looked at you with confusion.
The thought never crossed his mind. He had replayed the situation over and over in his head many times on the trek to the cabin, going over all the ways it could’ve gone better or worse than it had, but the idea of blaming you hadn’t popped up until now. 
In all honesty, he thought it was ridiculous. The one thing about this job was that not everything could be controlled and getting injured was unfortunately one of those things. Of course, it was easy to keep yourself out of the line of fire and behind cover, but it was never guaranteed to keep you a hundred percent safe, there was always a chance that something like a bullet going into your arm or anywhere else, could happen.
To blame you would be irresponsible on his part. All of you were the best of the best and though it was better to never have mistakes, it was unrealistic to believe they could never happen.
“These things happen, sergeant.” His voice was calm and leveled, his words spoken with indifference as he pointed out the obvious.
“It shouldn’t have happened, I shouldn’t have let it happen.” You argued back with a huff that made him frown.
Ghost didn’t like when you were upset, though he never outwardly expressed that to anyone. Usually when you were upset, he would try to do something to at least make it easier for you to feel better, such as get your favorite food or go on walks with you, but he was out of those options right now. There wasn’t much he could do but talk to you and that wasn’t something he was particularly good at.
He was a man of action, a man who would rather do something for you to fix the problem than talk it out. His words often came out too harsh or cold to bring any comfort even when that’s what he was trying to achieve. He was too awkward, his ability to read people only going so far when the issue wasn’t something he could fix physically. 
He thought over his options, trying to come up with some solution to ease your guilt. The only thing that came to mind was to attempt to downplay the pain he felt right now.
“I’ve been through a lot worse than this.” He blurted out. “Not all my scars are from the field.”
You looked at him with knitted eyebrows for a moment, trying to decipher what he meant before he looked at you, not turning his gaze away from you as he waited. You stared deep into his eyes, searching for a hint within them but found that they were guarded much like he often was and you knew there was a reason for that. 
Before you assumed that it was because of the job you both worked in. It was easier to work in this environment when you kept yourself on guard, when you didn’t let your emotions show and when you were always prepared for the worst. But Ghost was protecting himself from something old, something that had plagued him before he set foot in the military.
It made your chest tighten and you gave him an acknowledging look, one that you hoped signified that you knew what he was talking about without him having to elaborate. 
It didn’t help you in the way he thought it would however. It gave you answers, a very small amount of answers, to the questions you’ve had about what happened to make Ghost adopt his persona, but it only made you think about how your pain caused him to suffer through more. 
Maybe you were being dramatic, it was in the job description that injuries happened, but you were far too upset to think rationally. 
“You still got hurt because I couldn’t say anything.” You emphasized and his eyes narrowed.
“That’s never been an issue before.” He pointed out and you shook your head.
“That’s my point! It’s never been an issue until it truly mattered and that means that I’m not good enough for this job.”
“Then speak.”
You sent him a glare, one of the nastiest looks he had seen from you since he started working with you but he didn’t seem bothered by it. You were shaking from anger, almost appalled by the audacity he had to say that to you and if it were possible, you would’ve stormed away from him. 
You knew Ghost wasn’t good with words but it seemed like he was being insensitive now after all of the friendliness he had shown you before this moment. You should’ve expected it, he was your lieutenant, a higher up who was supposed to be your boss. There shouldn’t be sympathy for your problems and yet it still stung hearing him be so tone-deaf.
“If it bothers you that much, then speak.” He repeated and you gripped the quilt tightly. “Unless you can’t because something inside you won’t let you. So why get mad at something you can’t control?”
His words sunk into you and quickly doused the burning anger inside of you. You stared at him, your eyes softening as your shoulders slumped before you let out a shaky breath. 
Ghost stared back at you with those cold tired eyes but for the first time you could see softness in them too. A look that told you he felt for you, one that told you he was there to let you feel for yourself as your frustrations slowly slipped into a feeling that made your chest heavy, a feeling of remorse for what you had lost, what had been taken from you.
He saw that familiar sadness creep up into your eyes and he ignored the heavy feeling in his chest that came from the look.
Despite what he presented as, Ghost was curious about people and who they were, it came from being so observant. He wanted to know because knowing meant all of the secrets that might be used against him. He had questions about why you were mute but he didn’t dare ask them when he saw that all too familiar look in your eyes. 
Defeat. Remorse. Anger. Fear. 
Those were things he’s felt, things he feels very often that he would never wish on anyone, even if it was common for soldiers to go through them. He would much rather not feel anything and often lost himself in his persona to avoid having to deal with them, something that he hoped you wouldn’t turn to.
He knew. Deep down he knew why you had that look in your eyes and that’s why he didn’t ask. He didn’t know how long ago it had been, not that it mattered since it seemed to cling onto you like a leech, but he could only assume just how bad it had been.
You shook your head, answering his rhetorical question he asked as you fell back against the couch. You knew what he said was right, he was speaking logically, trying to get you to come out of your head to look at the bigger picture, at what really mattered and it was working. 
His comfort didn’t come from soft words, not really anyway, but helping you see the truth and it helped a lot more in this situation than anything else.
You mourned now. Your heart was heavy and if you were alone, you may have shed a few tears just to let them out before your head hurt, your chest hurt, everything inside of you hurt. It was more than just physical, it felt like something inside of you that wasn’t tangible had been ripped apart in ways that made it impossible to escape the feeling. 
It made you afraid, deep inside you were just a scared woman who had been hurt by people who wanted information out of you. 
“It still hurts.” You looked back at the fire as you signed to him, blinking away the mist in your eyes. 
Ghost brought your attention back to him with a light touch on your shoulder. His eyes reflected your pain with his own but with more anger than you were feeling now as he signed the simple words:
“I know.”
The words stunned you and made you feel remorse for him because paired along with his eyes, they said everything he couldn’t.
I know you’re still hurting because I’m still hurting. I know that the pain follows you everywhere, it does the same with me. I’m still haunted.
I was hurt too.
You dared to place a hand on his wrist, doing so with care but he didn’t pull away from you. The contact from both of your now warmed bodies was enough to have you let out a silent sigh that seemed to take some of the weight off your chest as you stared down at where you held his wrist. 
Ghost hesitantly placed his hand over yours, barely putting any weight on it, and you looked up to meet his now comforting gaze.
A small smile stretched across your face as you gently squeezed his wrist before you pulled away. 
“At least we have each other.”
Ghost’s eyes widened before his eyebrows knitted together. A strange feeling crept into his chest, something he hadn’t felt in a long time, something he probably had never felt before this moment. It made him want to hide from you but stay as close to you as he could too, to hold you and to push you away. 
He wasn’t sure what to make of it but the sentiment was enough to make him feel something…good.
“We have each other.”
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nieceeee · 6 months
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PS: babydaddy!eren and y/n have been distancing themselves from one another. Eren wants to be with her but feels like her heart is in another place…or with another person. He and the boys discover exactly what’s going on as he is babysitting one night…
A/N: Angst, tension, fluff for the most part. Cussing, mention of the name babydoll. This is really for a 3 part series so don’t worry there will be plenty of lovey doves stuff towards the end if y’all want it. The other parts will be a little bit longer than this one. I had to play with your emotions before playing with your….nevermind. ENJOY!
W/C: 2.4K
PREVIOUS FICS TO READ: She’s Not Yours (its probably best to read the Eren playlist…if you’ve read them all, see if you can find the references from the previous fics in this one)
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“You look amazing, baby doll.” His voice said from behind you, sending a chill down your spine. You took a deep breath to shake the nerves before you lifted your eyes and stared through the mirror at his. “Thank you Rennie.” You say with a soft smile. Things between you two had been…decent. Weeks after that very dramatic day that started with a bloody nose and ended with his ex hearing beating down yo block, time had seemed to blur together. Eren, freaking out about the entire situation, went back to try and talk to her, hoping to smooth things over which also led to another breakdown from her and him consoling her. And even though he admits nothing happened, the simple fact that he was there for her was something you couldn’t stand. And that alone had you questioning so many things. I mean you weren’t together and neither were they so why does who he has a connection with bother you so much. He said even though they weren’t dating at the time, he didn't want her to feel disrespected and assume you called her intentionally. You understood the sentiment although you didn't give a damn about what she assumed. But because of that, you were at a stand still not only with Eren but with your own emotions as well.
You both (more you than him) decided it would be best to give each other some time to figure out what you wanted to do when it came to the complications revolving around your relationship. Yes, the feelings were there but there was also a lot of unhealed trauma and damage that each of you needed to figure out. Eren wanted to be with you, he knew that without a doubt. The constant back and forth and the fallout of his other relationship taught him a few things and it was in those moments where he realized that you were the only person for him. His first real love, his best friend, the mother of his child. He couldn’t see himself being with anybody else again.
Unfortunately for him, you had other plans. You needed more time to sort through your feelings. The consistent pestering in your mind of what happened every time you had tried to make it work with him before would always rear its ugly head and you’d have to face the reality. No matter how much you wanted it to work, things with you and him were too complicated and with a baby in the mix, it was too much to lose. You were so sure about this but for some reason when you called him over to explain it, you had an wave of uneasiness in your belly. But you stayed the course, expressing to Eren that it wasn't a good idea for you all to jump back into a serious relationship after so much mess had happened. Did he understand? Hell no. Why is he okay to sleep in your bed but not enough to be your man. His heart shattered in pieces when you told him you wanted to keep it friendly but he wouldn't show it on his face. Not in front of you. He wanted you to know he respected your backwards ass decision.
So it seemed like you were back at square one, coparenting and some relationship that bordered between ‘my man my man my man’ and ‘oh we are just friends’. Granted none of your other male friends know how you taste, how you moan when your clit is sucked on, and how to hit that sweet spot that you could only reach when he has you pressed into the mattress, fingers splayed out on your back as he… “No.” you say verbally. It wasn't the time for that, not now or anywhere in the near future. You had made the decision and you had to stick beside it. But you knew that you had to get him out of your head. So you distanced yourself as much as you could, only allowing parental visits and no late night stays. No personal phone calls outside of communication about your son. Nothing to give any indication to the feelings you worked so hard on burying.
Eren hated it.
He hated every lost moment. He hated not being able to touch you. He hated waking up in an empty bed. He hated the way that you would stand on the other side of the room when he came to pick up his baby. It was exhausting but he stayed. It was another night out for you. Eren had come over to babysit and you were just finishing up getting ready when he stepped into the doorframe. You swipe the nude butter gloss over your lips once more, pressing them together to distribute the color when your eyes caught the piercing green ones burning into your skin. You both held each other’s gaze for a while, emotions mixed with arousal building underneath your skin. You forced your eyes to shift back down to your vanity, busying your hands with cleaning the space in front of you. Eren smirked behind you, shifting from leaning against the doorframe and placing his hands on the frame above. “So, you all set to go?” He asks you. “Uh, yeah I think so. I just have to grab some shoes.” You say getting up and walking over to your closet.
You look around at your shoes to find a pair that went well with your multicolored satin dress. The beautiful green, brown,and cream colors blended into a perfect gradient in the fabric and the straps fell gently off your shoulders. You looked down at your choice of cream colored shoes before reaching down and picking up the tie up stilettos, steering clear of the red bottoms. Eren noticed and held back his grin, thinking back to the last time you asked him to pick your shoes for you over FaceTime.
“Okay, all set.” You say, this time actually being ready. “Okay, he should be waking up from his nap in about 2 hours and there are plenty of bags of milk already thawed out. You went over the breakdown for the night, running him through the routine he already knew like the back of his hand. Eren knew you were doing it more so as a checklist for yourself so he allowed you to ramble. “Good?” You say finishing your last thought. “Yeah, all good.” You nod gently and make your way to the door. “Oh, Would it be cool if the guys stopped by later? They asked about lil man but I wanted to make sure you were okay with them being here first.” Eren asks. “Yeah, Ren of course. You know I don't mind them being here.” You say brows pulling together slightly. He shrugged his shoulders from the bottom of the stairs. “Just checking. Have fun.” Your lips part to say something but words seem to get lost. Eren keeps his eyes casted towards the floor, not having the strength to look up and see you leave.
“Eren…” you start but he shakes his head. “Go enjoy yourself babydoll.” You press your lips together then turn and walk out the door.
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“YO! We here.” A voice calls from the door. Eren rolls his eyes. “You know you could just knock right?” He says to Ony as he opens the front door. “Where’s the fun in that?” He laughs before dapping him and walking inside. “Whats up with you bro? You good?” Connie says as they come through the doorway and walk towards the living room. “Now why you ask the man that. You know he down bad right now.” Armin teases plopping down on to the reclining chair close to the tv. “Oh so y'all got jokes now? Do we really want to have it out?” Eren says matter of factly. “It’s okay bruh, we know you down bad for your girl.” Ony laughed. “Right and how is that best friend relationship treating you?” Eren teases back. Connie and Armin bust out into laughter. “See that’s different, you actually had a relationship with your girl.” Ony groans slumping down into the seat.
“Okay, okay but all bullshit aside E, how are you doing with all this?” Armin turns, giving him his attention. Eren took a moment. “I-…not good man.” He admits to his friends. “I don't get it. Y’all have always been in this space right? So what’s the difference between then and now.” Connie questions. “The difference is she’s talking to somebody.” Eren says softly. The room seemed to stand still at his confession. “What do you mean ‘talking’? Like the same guy?” Armin sits up, his stare intense. This was new for all of you. As long as you and Eren had been together, the guys have always been there. Even through the breakups you would never find yourself in another relationship. Fucking around was different but being committed to any guy besides Eren was not your thing.
Until now.
“I mean the past few date nights has been the same guy. I know I tripped out the Jean situation but they were just fucking. This ‘Reiner’ dude or whoever he is, she’s dating him man. Like sending flowers and love notes, brunches, and day trips type of shit.” Eren groans “Oh shit…” Ony whispered under his breath. “Yeah, exactly.” Eren’s shoulders slump slightly as he shook his head. “Well, E it might just be a phase. Don’t give up on it bro. If you work hard enough at it things have a way of sorting themselves out.” Connie says collecting stares from around the room. “What?” He says confused. “When the fuck did you get some common sense?” Ony asks. “Yeah, that’s my role.” Armin retorts. Eren begins to chuckle which turns into a full on laugh out loud followed by everyone else. “Man fuck yall. I’m just trying to help my boy out.” Connie tries defending himself through the noise.
The sound of baby whimpers from the monitor pulls Eren’s attention. He stands up and walks back up the steps towards his son’s room. He sat up in the crib rubbing his chunky fists into his eyes. Eren walks over and lifts him carefully from the bed, adjusting him and holding him against his hip. “What’s up little man. You all good? Daddy’s here.” He cooes. His son tilts his head up, sleep still in his eyes and offers his daddy a gentle smile. “Yeah, daddy’s here. Come on let’s go downstairs and see your uncles.”
“Aw man there go my lil homie.” Connie says as Eren comes back downs he steps. “Man he don't even like you. You know I'm his favorite.” Ony speaks getting up from the couch. They follow Eren into the kitchen as he takes out a few bags of the breast milk you left to warm up. “Y’all doing all that talking but yet I’m the goddaddy.” Armin smirks, slipping around the counter and grabbing the baby from Eren. He giggles, reaching out and squeezing Armin’s face. “Man, he looks just like Y/N. It’s still crazy to think yall got a baby together.” He says, shaking his head. “I know right. I still can't believe it myself sometimes.” It was true. Eren looks down at your son again and his chest swells with pride. It was so surreal to have something that was created from him and the person he cared for the most. As they sit around and conversation Eren takes the time to warm up the milk, grabbing his phone from his pocket. A text message dings from an unknown number.
He pulls up the attachment sent to his phone. “What the fuck…” his eyes squint as he stares down at the video loading before him. “What. The. Fuck?!” Eren says a little louder, catching the attention in the room. “Yo E, you good man?” Ony asks. Eren’s ears started to ring as anger swirled through his veins. His chest rose and fell rapidly. “Eren, talk to us man, what's going on?” Connie says. “Aye Min, can you put him in his playpen with the bottle please.” Eren strains, trying to keep him composure around his son. Armin nods quickly working to get the baby and setting him in his safe area. “Okay, what’s up?” He says as he walks back into the kitchen. Eren sits his phone down and slides it across the counter to his friends. They hovered around the screen and watched as you made out against a car outside of the restaurant. Reiners hands sliding all over your body as he kisses your lips and down the side of your neck. Your giggles fill the air as your hands slip up to the back of his head.
“Oh shit.” They say in unison before looking back up at Eren who was pacing across the floor. His vision began to blur as his fists clenched and unclenched. “E, you got to chill bruh. You can't overreact on this one. Come on.” Armin says in a calming voice. “Yeah E, you got to breathe man.” Ony reassures him. “I know. I know, man. FUCK, I know. I just-…” He didn't know what to do. Eren swipes his hands down his face as the burning behind his eyes intensifies. There was a silence that swept through the air. A heavy silence that was filled with uncertainty and fear. Eren had never felt this feeling of unease before. Not with you. But the fear of what this meant for you both. Is this the end of you and him for good? The nerves cause his emotions to overwhelm him as he slumps down to the floor. Armin, Connie, and Ony come and sit down next to him. No words could explain but they stayed with him, allowing him to process everything.
“What am I supposed to do man?” He asks no one in particular. “Do what you can. One day at a time.” Armin says. Eyes shifted up at the ceiling until the burning went away. He took a deep breath. Judging from the angle of the video, he knew you knew nothing about being recorded. So the only things on his mine were, who the fuck was following you and how was he going to face you when you got home…
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rukkiya · 2 years
where were you
(al haitham x reader, mentions of cyno)
Al Haitham’s mood was already sour having dealt with Cyno just hours prior, so imagine the plummet his mood took upon hearing that his upcoming mission he was going to be sent on was going to be with none other than you, he wasn’t all too happy to say the least.
He didn’t particularly dislike you, you just talked too much in his opinion. That and you also picked on him a lot, plus to make things worse Cyno and you were close friends making Haitham someone you weren’t to fond of either.
Something about his stoic/inexpressive standoffish attitude made you want to see him crack. Either from sheer annoyance or anger either or would be amusing to see so Cyno and you always made it your mission to pick fights with the akademiya student every time you crossed paths.
You hum a tune as you wait for Al Haitham to arrive, your foot tapping on the ground as you reach into your bag for your pocket watch once again only to see a pair of familiar boots step into your view.
You exhale a laugh already smiling up at a frowning Al Haitham.
“Two minutes late, is this what they teach you at the Akademia?” You tease, he only looked over you and walked past you, exhaling through his nose as he did so to show his annoyance.
A smile makes its way onto your lips, you just can’t help yourself, he's so easy to tease.
“So Haitham, they left me in charge since I know around this site right? I’m assuming you know I’m taking the lead since you know we’re researching around the area I grew up in?” You pick up your pace, legs moving at twice the speed as Al Haitham was. Him and his dumb long legs.
You look up at him after a few seconds of no response to see his stoic face remain the same, unwavered and annoyed as always.
You only laugh again making the tall man roll his eyes at how annoying you were already being despite only just greeting you seconds ago.
He knew that he was going to have a long trip, now it was going to feel especially longer because of your comments and teasing and archons does he wish he didn’t have to come with you but it was you or Cyno and no way was he about to choose Cyno. They’d rip each other to shreds before they would even reach the village so he knows that he has to suck it up just for the time being.
“Not going to answer now big guy? Come on, don’t be so uptight all the time. Besides if you wear that frown all day you’ll get wrinkles sooner than later.” You raise your hand up, poking his cheek as he suddenly stops, gently catching your wrist in his hand.
“What’s that phrase again? Less talk, more walk?Also hands to yourself please and thank you.” He exhales, looking down at you as he rolls his eyes, his temples feeling the familiar slight throb already.
“We’ll just be doing some simple research at a the specified location is all, now if you’ll excuse me I’d like to get this done sooner than later I don’t want to be out for too long I need to come back to finish some business.” His hand let go of your wrist, his long legs wasting no time as he stormed away just as quickly as he had stopped.
Now a quick trip that was supposed to be just had to come with a catch with Al Haitham’s luck. Just as you both had arrived at the designated research area as the storm that was brewing hit harder than usual. The village was in the cusp between the desert and rainforest so a sandstorm plus heavy rain was bound to ruin anyones day, especially if they’re stuck with someone they don’t like.
The withering zones nearby had shot up tenfold making it dangerous for even those who wield visions to be out for too long. So as much as Al Haitham didn’t want to spend another second with you, let alone more than he had to, you both needed to find shelter whether you liked it or not.
Now you weren’t all too happy either of course, you did have a vision but still having to “take shelter” for such reasons was making you upset, you could take the withering zones no problem you knew around the area like the lines on your palm. It was all going fine and Al Haitham’s mood was ok until he heard that he had to find shelter with you, archons this man did a whole 180 on you. If you thought he was moody before forget it because right now, his patience was running on thin ice.
“You don’t understand! I can still-“
“Hey! It’s not that hard. Anyways I came here for this exact reason, just let me. Besides I grew up here I know the no zones and I can take care of myself!” You argue, though you feel like you’re talking to a wall, he won’t take what you say into consideration at all!
“Drop it, you’re being a nuisance.” His legs moved in the direction of the nearest inn, your arguing not aiding his pounding headache at all. “I said we’re heading to the nearest resting area just for the time being now stop complaining. I’m not getting in trouble for your reckless actions.” Al Haitham only walked faster, the heavy raindrops already drenching you both, the sand blowing in your faces making it hard to keep your eyes open.
You roll your eyes and bit your tongue, deciding it was best to save your breath as you knew he wouldn’t give you the chance to speak with his attitude. That and your clothes were soaking wet as well, you were more than sure you’ll get sick if you kept being as stubborn as you were being so you decided it was for the best in the end.
Al Haitham’s legs came to a halt as he stared up at the familiar building in front of you both. He’s come down here many times for research and this inn was one he’s stayed at more than once so he decides this inn would be the best as he knows the owner himself, hoping you can get rooms to rest for the rest of the day.
“Ah, Al Haitham good sir, it's been quite a while since I’ve seen you around. Down here for research I presume?” The old man behind the counter at the inn spoke up upon your entrance.
“Hello, it’s good to see you once again, and yes, research business for the akademiya is all, but the downpour is a bit too rough I was wondering if you had rooms for us to reside for the night, we’ll be off tomorrow morning but you’ll be compensated for your help.” Al haitham smiled warmly at the edleryman, making you do a double take. Such a soft smile on him looks so unordinary, but it fit him well, it made you realize just how rare it is to see him smile having barley seen it for the first time right now.
You blink as you turn away feeling slightly embarrassed for dumbly staring at him like that only making Al Haitham clear his throat.
“I presume this is your significant other? I’ve never seen you around with anyone young man-“
“Surely you jest,” Al Haitham laughs uncharacteristically, making you shoot him a questioning look.
“Goodness no, they definitely are not and never will be my significant other. Not only would I not spare them a second glance but I won’t even give them the time of day.” Al Haitham spat out more harshly than intended making you open your mouth but fail to say anything out of embarrassment.
The old man behind the counter only scratched his head. He didn’t mean to make you both feel awkward, he was just teasing but Al haitham was a bit harsh with his words making the old man feel bad for you because of Al Haitham’s sharp tone.
“Ah, sorry didn’t mean to upset you. But I do have a room open for you guys to stay the night, or well wait until the storm passes.” The old man clears his throat, sending you an apologetic smile as he explains the situation.
You internally groan, not only were you just embarrassed by Al Haitham but now only one room was available for the both of you meaning having to hear his complaints even more now, what luck you had today surely.
“We’ll take it.” Al haitham wasted no time taking up the offer making you do a double take yet again. Did he hear correctly? You question yourself, suspicious as to why he took up the offer a bit too fast.
“If you’ll be so kind as to tell us the room numbers. I wouldn’t want to be in these clothes any longer than I have to.” Al Haitham jokes, peeling his skin tight shirt off of his chest just a bit, seeing water slide off the thin fabric.
“Room numbers?” The old man repeats, confused as to why he implied it separately.
“Yes. The numbers to the rooms we’ll be staying in.” Al Haitham stated mattarfactly.
Ah, yes of course this doofus misheard. You only roll your eyes at Al Haitham’s obliviousness.
“Young Man, I'm afraid you misheard. There is only one room, the rest are booked.” The old man repeated.
“One room?” Al Haitham’s eyebrows furrowed. “One room as in only one with, one bed and all nothing else, no other options?” Al Haitham stupidly asked though he himself knew what this meant, he just couldn’t belive it was happening to him, why with you of all people?
“Yessir I’m afraid so. Though, is there a problem with this situation?” The old man tilted his head not really understanding why Al Haitham seemed so bothered by this fact.
Al hailtham was doing your confidence no good you’ll say that. Sure you did tease the guy a lot and poked fun but geez, he was taking it a bit too far with his sharp tongue. He was making you feel more bad about yourself than you already do and for no reason.
“So one room is all you have, no others.” Al Haitham repeats, exhaling as he raised his hand, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Of all the people in the world it would be with you.” He murmured under his breath. The displeased look on his features making you feel guilty, though you’ve done nothing wrong.
“I suppose if that’s all you have then there is sadly nothing we can do. As much as I don’t want to, I guess we’ll have to still take you up on your offer.” He reached into his pocket and you rolled your eyes. “Though I’d much rather sleep outside in the storm than with the likes of you. My headache is only going to get worse.” He grumbled under his breath, throwing one bad comment after another.
You stood quiet for too long but he was being more rude han he needed to be, saying things that didn’t need to be said, making you feel unwanted and bothersome.
“Sounds good, I’ll meet you back at the akademiya.” You took off your coat, wringing the excess water into a nearby plant as you shook it once again.
“No need to throw a tantrum now, I can find my own place to stay. You stay here tonight. Thank you for your service, sir.” You slightly bow, sending the old man behind the counter a closed eye smile as you adjust your coat on your arms, the fabric clinging to your body making you dread the downpour that you have to face once again.
The old man put his hands up and opened his mouth to stop you but Al haitham’s hand did so instead.
You felt his hand wrap around your arm, slightly pulling you back to stop you before you reached the exit.
“Hey where do you thin-“
“Don’t touch me.” You shrug his hand off you, not even bothering to look at him still too embarrassed by his unnecessary comments.
“You mustn’t leave, the rain and toxins will cause those with visions to get sick too! I didn't mean for my joke from earlier to anger you, I’ll find you another room you can sta-.”
“You’ve done nothing wrong sir, no need to apologize. I can easily find another place to stay. I do not want to bother you anymore than I already have. Now if you’ll please excuse me, I’ll be taking my leave now.” You quickly thank him again, Al Haitham was standing too close for your comfort, his gaze never leaving you as he slightly towered over your frame slightly blocking your path from leaving.
“You’re being dramatic. I said there is no need to leave, staying here with you is the last thing I want too trust me, but if it has to-“
“Can you drop it? I said I'm leaving. No one is being dramatic except you. I mean have you heard what’s been coming out of your mouth since we walked in? I haven’t said one complaint but you’re the one that’s all bothered.” You look up at him, eyes narrow, you didn’t want your anger to get the best of you and you didn’t want to show him that his words did hurt you even though you tried to convince yourself they didn’t. “Besides I’m doing you a favor, me leaving will finally give you the piece you’ve oh so desperately have been wanting! Am I wrong?” You ask him and feel his grasp around your arm loosen a bit. “Now get out of my way before you really do become a problem.” You cut him off, the audacity this man had. Calling you dramatic when you’ve stood quite this whole time. There’s only so much one can take until their breaking point is reached.
“Listen, stop being-“
You push past him, not letting him finish as your shoulder slightly shoved past him as you made your way to the door. You quickly pull the handle, slipping through and out into the cold rain once again. Gosh this man didn’t know when to drop it.
Al Haitham stood there for a few seconds with a perplexed look on his features as the door shut by itself. Why did you leave? Why was he so bothered? Why did he try to stop you? Only did he move when the old man behind the counter cleared his throat.
“Young Man, I'm afraid I made them mad at you, my apologies.” The old man wore a worried face, genuinely feeling guilty for your arguing.
“Ah,” Al Hailtham now cleared his throat, pulling out money to hand the old man for the room. “Worry not, you’ve done nothing wrong, they’ll be back before nightfall I guarantee they’re just being dramatic.” Al Haitham assured the old man though it sounded as if he were trying to assure himself as the look on his face was one of uncertainty.
“Ah ok then, let me get you your key.” The old man hesitated but handed Al Haitham the key anyways, deciding it was none of his business but he does feel responsible for your leaving.
Al Haitham took the key and turned to the way of his room wanting nothing more than to get changed and rest for a bit now, his headache has subsided and now it was just a bit too quiet for his liking already.
“If they come back please escort them to the room, I’ll open the door for them then.” Al Haitham told the old man before walking down the hallway to his room, you probably just need a breather, a second away to cool down and you’ll be back.
Al Haitham entered the room, sigh escaping his lips as he finally relaxed his tense shoulders. The wet shirt clung to his torso more than he liked so his legs made a straight b line to the bathroom wanting nothing more than to shower.
As he peeled off his shirt he remembered back to how you were also just as soaked, if not even more drenched than he and he felt something heavy in his chest.
They’ll come back, I’m sure they’ll be in the room and back to being a nuisance by the time I get out. Al Haitham told himself as he turned the water on. Deciding it was best to enjoy the peace and quiet now since later he’ll miss it once you’re back.
Al Haitham’s tense muscles and headache were now long gone as his hand turned the knob shutting the water off, he was wondering what stupid comment you’d make once he exited the restroom but he knew I’d be better than you being outside alone.
So to his dismay he’s quite confused himself when he doesn’t hear the sound of your voice when he does open the restroom door, let alone see any trace of you even entering at all, he’s been in the restroom well over an hour so now the heavy feeling sank to his stomach, were you really not coming back?
The rain only grew louder as it hit the window panel of his room, the winds picking up as he looked out at the now dark view.
The rude comments he made all day, the rude comments he’s always sent you started to hit him. He wasn’t one to necessarily regret things he’s done since he’s always sure of himself but he can’t help but taste something bitter in his mouth as he remembers your sad expression when you walked away from him earlier, of when you recoiled from him when he tried stopping you, of how your didn’t even talk back or make a single comment of “having” to share a simple room with him because you were far more mature than that maybe he was the childish one all along.
Where were you? Why weren’t you back? Why did he feel so bad suddenly? Why did he care though? Why did he feel so bad now? Why did he have a heavy feeling in his chest?Why weren’t you back? Questions filled his head as he quickly got changed once again, grabbing nothing more than the umbrella by the door and exiting his room to go find you.
The loud thunderclap made your heart rate pick up, the sand that stuck to your soaked clothing making you all the more uncomfortable than you needed to be. You sat under a tree a few blocks down from the inn where Al Haitham was residing for the night.
Were you cold and tired? Goodness, yes. But did he embarrass you and make you feel too ashamed to go back? Yes. So be damned with that geek. Who cares if you get sick if he really can’t stand being in the same room as you that bad then so be it, you’ll stay out here until the rain stops, do your part of the research and be on with your day not having to see him again since he so desperately can’t spend another second with you.
You know you tease a lot but he didn’t mean to say all that. You know you’re a handful it takes you a while to fully let others in hence why your close ones are very limited but for some reason you let Al Haitham in pretty fast, faster than you’d like to admit sure but you just felt comfortable around him, he didn’t seem all too judgmental despite the glare he wore around you or his sharp tongue but you knew he wasn’t serious, or so you thought. Hearing his say one thing after another today made you question it, maybe he was being honest, maybe you finally made him snap and he really truly can’t stand being around you.
It’s not like you haven’t been told that you’re too much before, you keep your close ones at a limit but you just got too comfortable with him maybe you needed to distance yourself and treat him like how Cyno does. Maybe it’s about time you leave him alone.
The rumble from another thunderclap snapped you out of your thought’s making you jump along with a pair of hands grabbing your arm only made you yelp in surprise.
“Hey! What the- let me-“
“Look at you! You're drenched!” A familiar voice cut you off for the hundredth time today, making you pull your arm back but barley even moving as the pair of hands only held you tighter, even going as far to pulling you closer.
Only then did you see the umbrella in his hands, as he held it over your shaking cold frame. An unusual worried look on his usual stoic features making you give him a confused look back.
“What’re you-?”
“Where were you?” He asks, out of breath. His hair dripping wet as he looked down at your state. Guilt was eating him alive at the site in front of him. Your red nose, fingertips colder than anything he’s ever felt and your clothing, gosh your clothing was like a second layer of skin with the way it clung so close to your body.
He didn’t care that he got soaked again, as soon as he exited the restroom his mind went on autopilot. He’s walked around the village for the past 20 minutes but he doesn’t care because you’ve been out here far longer.
“Stop cutting me off! Besides you’re soaking wet too. What're you doing out here?” You stop his mumbling and he shoots you a look filled with worry.
“No! Why’re you out here? Where were you all along? Why didn’t you return?” One question piled on top of the other all these questions he wanted answered but why was he so anxious? Why was his heart racing? Why did he feel so bad seeing you in this state when usually this would amuse him? Why did he feel so relieved to see you?
“Excuse me?” You whisper out, disbelief lacing your tone as one corner of your mouth turned upwards, a laugh wanting to escape as you looked up at the worried man’s expression.
“Is this some sort of joke? Are you done with the act now?” You chuckle, pulling your arm once again only to feel his firm hand hold you still.
“You can let me go. Go back to the inn before you get sick. Besides you don’t have to hear me anymore just what you wanted right, I left and now you can relax. Now why’re you out here?” Your usual joking tone was nowhere to be heard making the tall man swallow nervously.
“Y/n?” The voice of the current mahamantra made both of your heads shoot up, looking at the direction it came from.
“Cyno?” You squint your eyes, it was far too dark to see where he was standing.
In a blink of an eye he was standing in front of you, his hand immediately reaching out and removing Al Haitham’s hold from your arm, sending a glare in Al Haitham's direction.
“You’re soaked.” Cyno spoke up, still glaring at Al haitham.
“Ah really? I wasn’t aware of that you see I can’t feel-“
“Why are you out here? How long have you been out here?” Cyno cut your joking sentence before you could finish, he’d usually indulge in jokes with you but the state you were in was no joking matter to Cyno at all.
“Not too long Cyno it’s ok, I was just heading back inside honestly no need to-“
“Did he do this to you?” Cyno held you in place as you tried shifting your way between the two men to start walking to the inn.
You froze in place you didn’t want them to start arguing right now. You didn’t have the energy to pick sides nor stop them from arguing and besides it was on you. You’re the one who decided to leave, no one told you to do so.
“No I brought this upon myself, now let’s head in.” You state simply, trying to once again make your way between the two.
“Don’t lie to me y/n. Did he send you out here?” Cyno's voice lowered, his shoulders tensing, getting ready to strike the taller man in front of him.
“No! Nono it’s not like that I did-“
“Yes, they’re out here because of me. It’s my fault but I’ve come out here to apologize.” Al Haitham speaks up, eyes staring right into Cyno’s making Cyno summon his spear from thin air, sparks of electricity surrounding you all now.
“What did you do?” Cyno asks cautiously, ready for the scribe to say something rude or unnecessary to strike him down.
“I said some unnecessary comments, I’ve come to get them as I’ve realized I may have taken it too far. It is my fault and I’ve come to apologize, that’s why I’m out here with them.” Al Haitham admits to Cyno leaving you dumbstruck. That’s the last thing you expected him to do, to admit to what he’s done wrong, to apologize properly.
You only blink as the two men stood quietly, the pouring rain not washing away the tense atmosphere that surrounded you all.
“So you’re the reason they’re drenced, if they get sick you’re going to regret-“
“Cyno,” you grab hold of his hand that was clenched around his spear, he was ready to strike at any given moment and the last thing you wanted was for both of them to throw down in the middle of the night.
“I came out here on my own accord, ok? Besides he apologized for his actions earlier and it’s ok, I overreacted but it’s resolved no need to get your hands dirty for my sake.” You send him a closed eye smile and feel his arm relax. “Thank you for getting mad for my sake Cyno but it’s ok.” You give his arm a squeeze and hear Al Haitham clear his throat.
“Not to interrupt you two, but Cyno did interrupt me earlier,” Al Haitham spoke up making Cyno click his tonge in annoyance. “May we head back inside now?” Al Haitham’s gaze looked anywhere but the two of you. Seeing the way Cyno and you treated each other made him mad for more reasons than one. Why did you talk in that calm tone with him? Why did he get your soft smiles? Why did you look at him with kind eyes when you never gave him that look? Why was this bothering him so much? Why did he care?
“Watch it.” Cyno warned, smile dropping as soon as his eyes met Al Haitham’s gaze again.
“I’ll drop you off at the inn since it’s on my way,” Cyno sighed, his spear finally disappearing as he turned around. “But if I catch you out here alone again, I’m not sure if I’ll hold back on him like I did right now.” Cyno explained, he wanted to punch the scribe for letting you get this drenched and stay out alone at this time of day, but he also knows you could take care of yourself so he took your word for it, deciding if you really say that it’s ok and you forgive him than as much as Cyno doesn’t want to let this go he has to, he can’t butt in.
Cyno made his way down the road, not wanting to be next to Al Haitham longer than he already has. You followed close behind as you scanned your fingertips having lost feeling on them long ago along with the feeling on your legs so going inside the inn and taking a shower sounded absolutely divine, though you were sure I’d be awkward sharing a room with Al Haitham at least you both resolved your argument from earlier.
You felt the heavy rain droplets suddenly stop as the presence you felt by your side held up an umbrella over your form once again.
“There’s really no point in trying to stop it, you know? I’m sure my clothing is beyond soaked by now.” You joke, small laugh escaping as Al Haitham slows his pace to match yours.
“True, it might not aid you much now but if it can keep the rain away for the time being then you can be shielded until we get to the inn.” Al Haitham’s eyes scanned the dark road in ahead, he still felt bad for his actions so him doing this was a way of him saying he’s sorry.
“Thank you,” you look up at him giving him a small smile, though the tall brooding man can be rude at times you’re happy that he at least apologized let alone come back out to find you. This alone showed you that he did feel somewhat guilty for his actions.
“For apologizing and coming out to get me I mean,” you roll your eyes at him as he comes to a sudden halt. “ You didn't have to come out to get me, you could’ve easily enjoyed the time you had alone and left me out here without a care, I know I can be a handful at times but appreciate it nonetheless, so thank you.” You laugh at his expression, he only started at you with eyes a bit wider than usual.
It’s not that he didn’t expect you to thank him, well that did shock him but the soft smile gracing your features, the genuine gratitude behind your voice as you gave him a small bow made him feel warm, made him feel happy, made him want to see it more often.
“Haitham? What’s wrong?” You blink at him shifting as he only continues to stare.
“Nothing,” he turned away from your gaze, feeling his face heat up for some odd reason.
“What’s the hold up?” Cynos' voice made you jump again as he impatiently tapped his foot on the wet concrete.
“None of your business we’re right behind you so stop being impatient.” Al Haitham answered flatly, rolling his eyes at Cyno’s impatience, annoyed that you turned you attention back to Cyno now.
“Come on Cyno no need to rush!” You joke, making your way up to him as he slowed his pace for you.
“I can’t wait to get out of these clothes, a shower sounds divine right now.” You sigh, peeling back the shirt you were wearing only to feel it slap back onto your skin.
“Oh! I call showering first!” You turn around to Al Haitham sticking out your tonge and picking up your pace before he can say anything back making Al Haitham crack a small smile as you turned back to face the road in front of you.
“What do you mean first? Why would you have to call….” Cyno connected the dots, he looked back at Al Haitham and then your figure in front of him and it snapped.
“You’re sharing a room? With him?!How can you even stand being in the same room as him let alone share one? Are you out of your mind?!” Cyno picked up his pace as he argued, making you laugh but only walk faster.
Al Haitham felt a wider smile form as you didn’t complain about sharing a room with him, seeing Cyno blow up over it made the scribe feel proud for some unknown reason. Seeing you not bothered by it made him feel relieved and he can’t help but feel bad once again. You didn’t mind once, maybe you did but you kept quiet and he was the one that made things awkward but maybe, just maybe, sharing a room with you wouldn’t be all too bad? Though you can be a handful and you joke a bit too much for his liking, he’s come to find that he doesn’t mind being around you more than he thought he does, especially not after seeing the warm smile you can give him aswell, maybe, just maybe he will find himself wanting to be around you more often then he though he would if it means he can keep your smile to himself.
authors note: hellooo lovelies! so good to post again ahhh! it feels like its been forever ohmygoodness sorry work has been keeping me busy and some other things aswell but that’s besides the point hehehe bc….I finally FINALLY wrote for mr Al Haitham ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ! I was kindof scared to write for him at first bc I didn’t really know his character all too well but I’m catching up with the archon quests so!! I’m getting to know him better!! AND SJSJSJSJ HES SO FINE- HES SUCH A LITTLE SHIT THO! can’t wait to pull for him and put him on my team with by skrunk kaeya bc tall sword users \(≧∇≦)/ WOOOYESSIR! hehehe anyways, my goofy self has to make everything angsty bc I love pain :3, I do hope you are all staying safe and you’re taking care! I have some exciting news soon for the holidays so please stay tuned for that! I do hope you enjoy! (also sorry for any errors I didn’t have time to revise!)(ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡
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simp999 · 3 months
Ahem. Since my last request was a fumble, could I ask for a more platonic x reader where the reader is in their mid teens? They are pretty good at fighting, and almost never complain under any circumstances, but one day they come down with an illness that was worse than any other sickness they had ever had before. They try to tough it out, but end up breaking down in an isolated corner because they can’t take it anymore. Idk, after that I was just hoping for a Medic-centric comfort story.
Medic, Engineer, Sniper x Sick! Teen! Reader
Wc: 0.7k
A/N: No worries my guy!! Thank you for requesting!! I changed a few things up a bit and chose a few characters, I hope that cool- and I hope this isn't too short! I think I might start doing shorter fics from now on
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Your head throbbed and pounded as your clothes became more drenched with sweat by the minute. But you had to live up to their expectations, you had to continue making them proud. You heaved as you dragged one foot in front of the other, doing your best to drag your compound bow to the respawn room after cleaning it the night before, preparing for today’s battle. You had woken up like this- pain filling every inch of your body and barely able to walk on your own without the aid of the walls surrounding you. 
You had managed to make it just barely into the game room before immediately collapsing to the cold, hard floor. The last thing you heard was a few shouts and hurried footsteps, along with the sound of your bow clattering to the floor. 
You woke up in the lab’s bed, drenched even more. You felt somebody wiping a stray hair that was sticking to your forehead away, then it went to check your temperature. The action was cut short when they noticed your eyes flutter open, quickly beginning to ask you lots of questions. Your eyes darted and your brows furrowed as you tried to make sense of his words that seemed to mesh together. The lights being so bright and everything seeming so loud wasn’t helping. Medic quickly took note and did everything in his power to ease any pain or annoyances. He dimmed the lights, and only allowed two mercs to stay in the waiting area. You felt a nice cold, wet cloth on your forehead, calming you immediately. He spoke with a much softer tone, asking you questions slowly. He was still a bit panicked- this had never happened to you before. 
You had been with the mercs nearly a year now, replacing Scout as the youngest. Despite him being pissy at first, you were now closer than ever with a sibling-like dynamic. It was nice being the teen of the group, almost feeling like you had nine scary dads protecting you; but it also had its downsides, mostly stemming from the fact that you’re still all cold-blooded killers. Which meant the expectation was that you could do great in battle, or so you assumed. You placed all these high bards for yourself, always wanting to make the mercs proud. Some were harder to please than others, such as Spy compared to Pyro who would often clap and grow excited at any little thing you managed. Soldier was the hardest on you out of them all, seeing that you had lots of potential at such a young age. There’s a reason you’re here. Medic and Engineer often had to remind him that you were still a teen.
You did your best to never complain, even when you felt like you were too exhausted to keep doing pushups or run around the base for the 100th time. You had placed the expectation that you had to keep up with the grown men on your shoulders, and you’d gotten used to it.
“Did something happen?” 
You tried to speak, but your voice was caught in your throat. It burned. You lightly shook your head, and it felt like it was spinning. 
Medic’s brows knit with worry as he studied you, deciding to allow the two other mercs in for support in aiding you. Even just for moral support for yourself. With the sweetest Texan accent, one of them spoke;
“Awh, Honeybee, ya shoulda told us ya weren’t feelin’ well, sugar.”
The other one nodded and he adjusted his sunnies, continuing to wipe a clothe over your prized bow. He knew you did your best to take great care of it, so he opted to do it himself. 
“Mhmm. Worried ‘bout ya, Roo.”
Engie listened to Medic’s every word- from getting you water to removing or adding a blanket, while Sniper- despite not being a big fan of physical contact, allowed himself to hold your hand in his with a very loose grip, running his thumb soothingly over the back of your hand. He rarely whispered small nothings to you, reassuring you.
“You're gonna be okay, bunny. You’ll be okay. We’re here for ya.” 
Mar. 6. 24
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ev3rgreenxtrees · 4 months
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“Don’t Wait On Me”
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Summary: You find out your best friend, Matt, likes you, but you don’t want a relationship.
pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Fem!Reader (she/her)
warnings: cussing, rejection, sad :(
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Matt sighed, as he flopped down next to you on his bed.
“hm?” you asked, assuming something was up. matt has been acting ‘off’ all day, and you didnt know why.
“nothing,” matt grumbled, seemingly trying to shut the conversation down, but you knew better than that.
“Matt, whats wrong?” you demanded, matt looked at you and rolled his eyes.
“i said nothing,” he retorted, scoffing.
“matthew.” you glared at him, as he looked at you, his angry expression turned into a softer one
“im sorry, y/n.. im not sure whats been going on with me today.” he sighed, sitting up straight.
“hey, its okay. no need to apologize,” you assured him, gently placing your hand on his shoulder. “I’m here if you need to talk.” you nodded, your eyes locked on his.
“thank you.. it means a lot,” he started, looking down shortly, before looking back up. “can.. can we watch a movie?” he asked, to which you nodded.
You both picked a movie to watch, both laying down together under the covers of the boys bed. you have been friends for forever, so it was normal for you to cuddle, but this time it felt.. different. matts head was on your chest, his arms wrapped around your body, your arm wrapped over his shoulder.
You kept catching yourself glancing down at him, and eventually you gave in. you let your hand move to his hair, playing with it. he then moved his hand down by your thigh, and rested it there, rubbing it with his thumb. your breath hitched and your heart raced, but you didnt say a word.
“is this okay?” matt asked, not looking at you.
“yeah..” you spoke softly and quietly, as if you were embarrassed. But you weren’t. You were anything but embarrassed. You felt cared for.
You let out a sigh of content, and Matt flashed you a bright smile. It amazed you how Matt was so calm, as if you guys constantly laid like this.
“I love you, ya know that, right?” Matt asked, continuing to look you in the eyes. Your eyebrows furrowed, and you tilted your head. You and Matt had told eachother a fair share of ‘i love you’s, but they weren’t extremely often. Matt saying it out of the blue was what confused you.
“Yeah.. of course I know that, Matt. I love you too.” You reassured him.
“Y/n?” Matt called out, as if you weren’t already practically on top of eachother.
“hm?” you hummed.
“I’m sorry for asking this, but… do you.. like Chris..?” He asked, the question catching you off guard. Is that why Matt was acting like that earlier? You spent most of the day with Chris yesterday, since Matt and Nick were shopping, and you fell asleep cuddling Chris. Matt slept alone that night, which he normally didn’t do when you were there.
“What..? Of course not, Matt.. Why would you think that..?” You asked, confused by the boy’s sudden intrigue.
“Yesterday.. You and Chris don’t talk much, but when Nick and I got home, you were sleeping with him..” Matt sighed, shaking his head. He slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes with his palms. “Fuck, i’m sorry.. that was a stupid question.. I don’t even know why I asked.. Sorry,” Matt apologized, beginning to stand up from the bed, leaving you alone.
“Wait, Matt, don’t go. Come here.. It’s okay. I don’t like him like that, Matt. I promise.” You reassured. Then it dawned on you. Why did Matt care if you liked Chris or not? One of two reasons.
One, he doesn’t want you dating Chris, because it might pull you two further away from eachother, because you’d begin to spend more time with Chris.
Or two, Matt likes you.
Matt, however, didn’t sit when you called him back to you. He just stood there, looking at you. He nervously fidgeted with his fingers, pulling at his nails. Thats when you realized, option two. Matt likes you.
“Matt..” You sighed, and he knows you know.
“I-I’m sorry- It’s stupid, i-i know.. Ill go stay w-with Nick tonight.. You can h-have space.. It’s too late for you t-to drive back home..” Matt stuttered, his eyes began to gloss over. He thought you were upset with him?
“No, no, no, no.. Matt. Come here.” You say, more sternly than the first time. Matt looked at you, worry and fear in his eyes.
“I-“ He started, before you cut him off.
“Matt. Come.” You demanded, and he finally listened. He didn’t lay how you were before, though. He laid besides you, his body barely against yours. “Look at me, please,” you ask, but he doesn’t. You can see his eyes begin to get red, as he’s fighting to hold back tears that were threatening to spill.
You sighed, before pulling yourself onto Matt’s lap. “Since you wont look at me, i’m not giving you a choice.” You shook your head, as you held Matt’s head gently in place, your hands on either side of his jaw. “Matt, please be honest with me..” you started. “do you like me?” you asked, and you could see a tear start to roll down his cheek.
He’s looked vulnerable in front of you before, but this was different. You wiped his tear with your thumb, and he slightly nodded. If you weren’t holding his head, you probably wouldn’t have even noticed the boy nodded.
“Matty..” You give him a sad smile. “Hey, please don’t cry..” you feel yourself start to tear up, and you curse at yourself. You like him. You really do, but you weren’t sure you’d be okay being in a relationship with him.
With Matt constantly filming, he has so many fans. He wouldn’t want dating rumors to start, so he’d probably try to stay away from you as much as possible, and you know it wouldn’t end well.
He looks at you, the tears now flowing out of his eyes.
“I… I’m sorry, Matt. I really am. I love you, you know that. I like you too, I just.. I don’t think I am ready to be in a relationship with you. Maybe in the future, but don’t wait on me. ‘Kay, Matty? Promise me you won’t hold yourself back for me?” You ask him, wiping the tears off.
“I-..” Matt choked on a sob. “I promise..” He cried. You’ve never seen him this broken. It broke your heart.
“Fuck, Matt..” You let out a small cry. You placed your head on his chest, crying into his shirt.
“Please.. Please can we still be friends..?” Matt begged, his voice cracking. “P-please.. I won’t make things a-awkward- I promise! I.. I cant loose y-you!” he wailed.
You sobbed, but tried to nod.
“As long as I don’t hold you back,” You whispered, your hands slipping off of his face. You wrapped them around his torso, pulling him into you. “God, damnit.. I love you too fucking much..” You struggled to say it, but you knew you had to.
You both laid there, sobbing in eachothers’ arms, before you both fell asleep. You knew continuing to be friends with Matt would only strengthen your guys’ feelings, but maybe that wasn’t the worse thing.
Loosing him for good would be.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
I sometimes get uncomfortable around arguments about if certain characters are abusive or not- obviously I see this the most with 2012 tmnt and nobody really needs my opinion but I keep thinking about it so here’s some words to chew on.
Keep in mind I haven’t seen much of 2012 so I’ll mostly be talking about the WAY I see these discussions being had here, rather than the show itself.
I doubt the creators intended for the turtles to be abusive and I kind of just assume that everything they do is within the genre of slapstick kids show. But I also don’t think people who cringe away from the way they treat each other are reading too much into it.
I’ve seen people argue that ppl who think the brothers are abusive just don’t have siblings and that’s an insane take to me. Obviously its probably hyperbole in some instances but as someone with more siblings than most of the people I know, I 100% see the abuse reading of this series. It’s a very obvious idea to latch onto for me as someone who HAS been abused by my siblings- and who’s probably been abusive too.
The main thing that really gets under my skin is when people point out how much the turtles actually care about each other as evidence against abuse. Cause that doesn’t make any sense ??? you can abuse people you love and care about deeply.
And it really rubs me the wrong way when I see a post that’s like Raph can’t be abusive because he does X nice/cute things with Mikey or something like. That’s not how abuse works. You guys have to know that right?? Abuse isn’t just a person being mean 24/7 without pause.
A bit of a tangent coming up, but growing up, I really hated Mabel from gravity falls. not because she is inherently any more annoying or selfish or anything than other characters but because the way she treated dipper was extremely triggering for me as a child with a lot of anxiety. Like if Mabel was real and my sibling, I would’ve considered a lot of the shit she did abusive. Obviously I’m normal about her now cause I’m not 12 anymore but the biggest hurdle about watching that show when I was younger was that I would sometimes be brought to tears of frustration, imagining how scared and distressed I’d be if Mabel did that shit to me.
THE POINT of this tangent is that saying “the 2012 turtles aren’t abusive because I do that stuff with my siblings all the time/cause teenage boys are just like that” isn’t a genuine critique because abuse isn’t just about the action it’s about the relationship. Punching your sibling who’s actually ok with being punched isn’t abuse. Punching your sibling who really doesn’t want you to, and who you KNOW really doesn’t want you to, and who you KNOW would be genuinely upset by being punched? That is abuse.
And I find it annoying because I think we’re all aware that abuse was likely not the intent of the show. (Probably not even the text of the show but once again can’t say for sure) Maybe some dysfunction for drama, but probably not abuse, so you’re really just arguing against someone’s headcanon/personal interpretation of this show. And it’s like.. ok you have a different reading cool I guess.
In the show they aren’t treated as abusive, but fandoms are built around exploring different aspects of art that weren’t explored in canon. So I guess idk why this is a big deal.
Idk I think people have this idea that abusive = evil and always wrong. But abuse is just someone hurting you repeatedly and refusing to stop for whatever reason.
And with a show like 2012 where it’s all played for laughs it can be hard to tell if that’s how they are with each other because they’re ok with it or if that’s how they are cause they don’t know any other way. The turtles are kind of really mean in 2012, and wether that’s a familiarity kind of meanness or not is up to you in fandom, yknow?
Does Mikey actually consider Raph hitting him as like a fun part if their banter or is he coping with jokes about being physically abused? You decide! Like genuinely it can be either and I think that’s fun!
I mean obviously you all know what i’d pick, but that’s because I’m blissfully aware of what I want out of stories and what i want is nuanced discussions of abuse.
Personally, I acted very similarly to the 2012 turtles when living with my siblings, but I didn’t actually fucking like it. It was a defense mechanism because being genuine would only be met with ridicule. So I’m not inclined to agree that it’s fine because it’s just what they do.
Once again though, I doubt it was on purpose. And if you don’t think that they’re abusive then congrats! The show probably doesn’t either! So I just don’t see why people get super upset about it. Don’t you love that someone got a different story out of the same media??
Anyway obviously it doesn’t super matter and I don’t really have a horse in this race. I just got a bit annoyed with the way abuse is discussed and as a hobbyist Abuse Analyst I thought I’d weigh in.
I wrote this instead of going to sleep and it’s sooo late and also so much longer that I meant for it to be… y’all better not have bad takes in response or I’ll be annoyed as hell tomorrow morning, guh.
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xjustakay · 9 months
(8/30) prompt: sleep — 905 words (soft sleepover chats) @jegulus-microfic
The steadiness of James’ heartbeat beneath his ear is a soothing metronome for Regulus. His hand rests on the skin of James’ chest, fingers softly tracing in swirling patterns as he watches the rises and falls of his breath. James is one of the most vibrantly alive people Regulus has ever known, yet it’s in the quiet moments like this —listening to his heart, counting his breaths, pressed against his warmth— that he’s most aware of it.
James drags his fingers in a smooth up and down motion, brushing along Regulus’ shoulder where his arm is curled around him. They’ve been quiet for so long that, if it weren’t for the motion, Regulus would have assumed he’d fallen asleep. Lights off, the blue-white glow of the moon slanting through the windows, it’s just them here in James’ room, waiting for their rest to whisk them away, sharing in the softness of simply being together.
“Can I ask you something?” James breaks the silence, voice gentle.
“I don’t want to scare you off, or anything,” James prefaces.
“You don’t scare me, James Potter.” It’s a bit of a lie, but Regulus says it anyway. He worries more for the ways that he can hurt James, not the other way around, so there’s a morsel of truth mixed in.
James hums out a laugh, the low rumble of it in his chest mingling with his heartbeat right where Regulus’ ear is pressed. “If you say so, love.”
There’s a vague challenge in the few words, like James knows the fear Regulus has of ruining a good thing, of shattering this fragile gift he’s been unexpectedly given. Pulling his lower lip between his teeth, Regulus doesn’t rise to take the bait, simply stays quiet and waits for whatever it is James wants to ask him. A heated palm settles against his shoulder when James curls his hand around it, squeezes comfortingly.
“You never used to spend the night. Always had an excuse not to,” James says.
Regulus continues to say nothing but nods his head slightly against his chest. Whether it was the fact that Sirius and James live together, his own flat was closer to work and school, or any other myriad of on the fly reasons, Regulus knows that James is right.
“This last couple months, you’ve been staying a lot more. A few times a week, even.”
“Is there a question in there, or?”
“I’m getting to it.” James chuckles airily, squeezing his arm tighter around him. Regulus takes the shift as an opportunity to hook his leg over James’ thigh beneath the covers, hears the way that James pauses to take a careful breath as they cuddle impossibly closer. “What changed?”
There are multiple answers Regulus could give that would be true. Work stress on top of school stress makes him look for comfort more regularly. It’s easier to stay, not to have to catch a ride back to his place so late at night, alone. His bed is empty and James’ isn’t. He’s been having weird, unpleasant dreams again lately, too, but here…
He takes in his own deep breath through his nose, inhaling the cocktail of James and himself mixed together in the sheets, even right against James’ skin there’s the both of them.
“I sleep better.” That’s all Regulus says at first, letting the few words linger in a weighted silence between them. After a pause, he softly adds, “With you, I mean.”
“Okay,” James whispers, nodding against his pillow.
It’s not all he wants to ask, Regulus can tell. But if there’s one thing James is good at, it’s being patient with him. James knows the kind of upbringing Regulus suffered through, even though it’s not Regulus who has told him. Sirius made that part easier, he supposes, even though their experiences were not precisely the same. It’s enough of a generalization that James understands and doesn’t pry.
Still, something feels different now, like a door’s been opened to a truth Regulus has let stay locked in its cage behind his ribs, afraid of what it might mean to say it out loud. Such a simple question he’s been asked, in reality, but it feels like perhaps it’s time that this larger truth is set free in answer to it.
“You, um,” Regulus’ brow furrows once again, but he tilts his chin downward further to keep it unnoticed. “I feel safe here. You… feel sort of like home to me, but in the way I think it’s meant to feel.”
James smooths his hand between Regulus’ shoulder blades; a trail of warmth that makes Regulus shiver involuntarily at his side. James tilts his face downward, presses it into the top of black curls. He kisses there a few times in a row before breathing in deeply.
“Thank you for telling me,” James sighs.
Regulus lets out a quiet hum in acknowledgment, laying his palm flat over James’ chest. Listening to the sound of his heartbeat again, Regulus recognizes the way it’s hurried, stuttered briefly. It causes a fond smile to twitch at his lips.
“You can stay here whenever you want, you know. All the time, even,” James notes; there’s an unstoppable smile obvious in his voice now, too.
“All the time, hm?” Regulus checks, amused.
“Mhm.” James kisses the top of his head once more, then shifts to be able to press another to his forehead. “Always.”
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cinnamontimecrunch · 1 year
The Moon is There For You Tonight
[x gn!reader, no physical features mentioned, friends to lovers, 3.9k words,]
[a/n: doesn’t follow the same story as his birthday vignette, so there are no spoilers for that. However there is a possible spoiler for his lab coat vignette. I tried to make the reader gender neutral with no features mentioned, but I’m not used to writing that way so please let me know if I accidentally gendered it or anything! Thx, lots of love! <3]
Malleus’ birthday had long since lost its magic to him. For the first hundred years or so of his life, it was a momentous occasion for all of Briar Valley, one filled with well-wishes and gifts sent to the young prince from not just his family and retainers, but many of the residents of Briar Valley as well. He used to look forward to his birthday each year, but over time it had become something more morose in his mind. A reminder that the citizens of Briar Valley had become too intimidated by the powerful sorcerer to join in the celebrations, and his grandmother often too busy.
For a long time, it had just been Lilia and Sebek joining him for his birthday, oftentimes being the ones to remind him of its existence. Recently Silver had joined in on the celebrations, but his addition was hardly enough for the prince. Lilia had promised that Night Raven College would be different. That the school was filled with mages who would join him for his birthday. And that was true, to an extent. Diasomnia, the dorm he had been assigned to and quickly became the housewarden of, was very excited for his birthday, and if it weren’t for the rest of NRC’s hesitation towards him, he might have felt similar to the way he did when he was just a boy. But he didn’t, for as hard as he tried to ignore it, the fact that most of the students at NRC were terrified of him stayed at the forefront of his mind. He knew that the only reason those around him even bothered to celebrate his birthday was because he was the prince of Briar Valley.
And so it went for the first two years of his time at Night Raven College. Him sneaking out of the room his party was being held in onto the balcony, away from the chatter, away from Lila’s attempts at making Malleus eat the cake he’d prepared. Looking at the stars and wishing that he could have a real birthday, with real friends, and not just retainers and subjects.
In his third year, Lilia had convinced him to send an invite to his party to you. You, his Child of Man. The one who had never been even the slightest bit intimidated by him, who made him feel wanted. You, who he’d recently found himself falling for. While the idea initially had him elated, he quickly became nervous. If he were to invite you, he could only imagine everything that could go wrong. From Sebek and Silver’s bickering, to Sebek’s harsh temper towards you, to Lilia’s cooking, too many things could turn you off from him. Lilia had tried to reassure him that everything would be fine, that you wouldn’t turn away from him because of one party, but Malleus’ mind was already made up.
You, on the other hand, had just been informed by Headmage Crowley that you were the designated interviewer for yet another birthday. You glared at him, annoyed that these interviews were officially more important to him than finding you a way home. Crowley saw your growing annoyance, and in a last-ditch effort to make you more excited for it, grinned before telling just who it was you would be interviewing.
“It's Tsunotarou’s birthday!?” You exclaimed, your voice reaching a higher octave than you would have liked.
“Correct! I, in my endless generosity, have allowed you to interview Malleus Draconia one week from now! Aren’t I such a great headmage?” he puffed out his chest in pride at what he assumed was you being too ecstatic to give a proper response.
You, on the other hand, were hurt. How many late-night walks had you taken with Tsunotarou at this point? How many opportunities did he have to tell you about his upcoming birthday? Then again, you wondered if it was your fault for not asking. You left Crowley sitting at his desk as you made your way out to the hall, head still so wrapped up in your own insecurity that you failed to notice a certain boy-like fae pop up a few feet in front of you until he called your name.
“What has you so down?” Lilia had started as soon as your surprised gaze met his playful one, “And here I was about to give you good news. Though it seems Crowley already beat me to it.”
“Is this about Malleus’ birthday?” You had responded, “I’ve been assigned to interview him, at Crowley’s insistence.”
“In fact, it is! I was just about to inform you about the celebration, but it seems you’ve already been made aware! Never mind then, I suppose!” He turned to leave before seeming to remember something.
He turned toward you one more time, before simply stating, “Do make sure to dress nicely. It is a party, after all!”
And with that, he had disappeared in an explosion of green particles and you couldn’t stop your smile. Perhaps Malleus had simply been too busy to remember to tell you directly, so he had Lilia extend the invitation. While it wasn’t exactly your preferred method, you supposed it would do. As long as you got to see Malleus on his birthday, even if only for a couple minutes, you were happy. For now, though, it was time to plan your outfit and questions.
A few hours before his party, Malleus was watching Lilia set out the eating placements while Sebek argued with Silver as to whose gift would be opened first. Malleus had already changed into his birthday outfit that Crowley had provided for him, and was looking at the small gargoyles Lilia had transformed into straws for the drinks. He had to admire Lilia’s effort at incorporating the function of gargoyles into something small one could take home as a party favor.
As he looked at each unique gargoyle straw, he noticed one extra to the right of where he was seated. He asked Lilia why there was one more than usual, to which Lilia laughed light-heartedly.
“Khee hee, you never know what may happen, Malleus! I’m simply being prepared.”
While that answer was suspicious, Malleus chose not to ponder on his intentions too much, instead chalking it up to the fae’s cheeky nature.
During the last hour leading up to the party, you were panicking. You had written all your questions down for Tsunotarou and set them down somewhere the night before, and now for the life of you you couldn’t find them. You had spent most of the day attending lessons and getting ready for the party, finishing up your outfit and wrapping your gift, which had taken you four afternoons and three all-nighters to complete, much to your sleep schedule’s detriment, and now you had limited time to attempt to find your notes.
Grim was trying to soothe you in his own way, saying that you could just wing it, which surprisingly wasn’t much of an assurance. While you knew very few people actually read the interviews, the thought of Crowley’s reaction to you messing up his pet project, as well as the effect on your already-limited budget had you shivering. After about a half-hour of searching, you decided the most you could do was try to remember the questions you had written down previously and hope for the best. After all, Malleus did have a tendency to be particularly long-winded once you got him going, so maybe his responses to the few questions you did remember would be enough to fill the one-page quota for the newspaper. With five minutes to spare, you made your way to the hall of mirrors, gift in tow.
Malleus watched as Diasomnia members placed down their gifts, took their seats, and delivered their birthday wishes, truly regretting his decision not to invite you. Once they made sure everyone present was seated, Lilia took the chair to his left, while Sebek and Silver made their way to his right. As Sebek was about to sit down next to him, Lilia cleared his throat and Sebek reluctantly moved one down, followed by Silver.
Malleus opened his mouth to question the sudden emptiness to his right, when the door to the room creaked open. He turned, wondering who it could possibly be, and his jaw dropped as he took in the sight before him.
You were standing in the doorframe, slightly panting, with a gift-wrapped box under your arm. He took in your outfit, which was one he hadn’t seen on you before, but one that fit you perfectly. Typically you were wearing more comfortable clothing when the two of you met for your nightly walks, but now you were dressed in something semi-formal, your skin glowing under the lighting in the room.
The two of you made eye contact, and you smiled slightly before realizing your tardiness and quickly apologizing, setting your gift down with the rest before making your way to the open chair at the table. He quickly looked to Lilia, who had an accomplished grin on his face as he winked back. Malleus stiffened slightly, caught between his excitement at seeing you and his anxiety over your possible reaction to his party. 
As everyone began eating, his anxiety didn’t seem to lessen, becoming apparent to you as well as his retainers. You knew you wouldn’t be able to have a proper conversation like this, let alone get an acceptable interview out of it, so you tried bringing up the gargoyle straws to see if you could get him to loosen up a bit. His eyes lit up at the mention and he spurred into action. 
“They are wonderful, aren’t they? You know at first I thought they would be grotesques before I noticed the straw function. It’s quite impressive how Lilia was able to use the spout to-” he made eye contact with you, causing his cheeks to redden. He began to worry he was boring you by talking about information you’ve already discussed, and went silent.
“I think they’re impressive, too!” You quickly responded. You were trying to ease his nerves, but he seemed to have gone quiet again. You decided that perhaps it would be better to leave it at least until dinner was over. In the meantime, you chose to make conversation with Lilia, discussing Briar Valley as well as your home world. This went on throughout dinner, which caused Malleus’ chest to tighten. While he knew he was the one to cut off the conversation, he hated seeing you talking and laughing with Lilia without even sparing him a glance.
Once everyone had finished eating, Lilia moved the party away from the table and to where the couches were, seating Malleus near the presents and you alongside him. And so began the opening of presents, with Sebek insisting his be opened first, followed by Silver, then Lilia, then each of the Diasomnia dorm members. Each gift was succeeded by a few minutes of conversation before Malleus moved on, and everyone’s spirits seemed to lift as time went on. Malleus was smiling and laughing along with everyone, his tension seemingly gone. 
By the time he got to the last gift, yours, you had long since stopped paying attention to the gifts, instead finding yourself mesmerized by the sight of the birthday boy. His smile was wide, his eyes were shining, and he was practically glowing under the Diasomnia lights. You hadn’t even noticed him picking up your gift until he read your name on the card, pulling you out of your trance.
And just like that, your nerves returned. You had worked so hard on his gift, pouring your heart into making it, and hoping it would be enough to impress him. By this point, most of the guests were too caught up in their own conversations to notice that he still had one more gift to open.
“Child of Man, would you join me on the balcony?” He rose from the couch, reaching his hand out to you. You noticed it shaking slightly, his cheeks reddening, and agreed. You took his hand and he pulled you gently off the couch.
The loud, warm atmosphere quickly shifted to a more calm, chilly one once you stepped outside. With the door closing behind you, the loud chatter turned to muffled conversation, being replaced with the subtle breeze swirling past your ears. Malleus took you to the edge of the balcony, still holding your hand. You looked into his eyes, waiting for him to speak. Only after a few quiet moments and a few more deep breaths did he break the silence.
“I must apologize for my lack of conversation with you inside. I didn’t expect you to be here tonight, you caught me quite off-guard.”
You froze, realizing that Lilia had invited you without Malleus’ knowledge, and you had likely intruded on an otherwise comfortable evening with his retainers and dorm members. As you went to stumble out an apology, he stopped you, indicating he wasn’t finished.
“It’s not that I didn’t want you here. In fact, I wanted nothing more than for you to join me.” His eyes dropped to the floor, and you couldn’t stop the slight hurt you had felt a week prior to creep back into your mind.
“If you wanted me here, then why…” You struggled to find the words, not wanting to sound accusatory.
“I apologize again. In truth, I was…nervous.” He responded, his hand squeezing yours.
“In the past, my birthday has been something…unfavorable in my mind. It was a reminder that the only people who wished to celebrate with me were my grandmother and those who worked for her. Then, eventually, my grandmother stopped attending. She would send me birthday wishes, but she always had too much to attend to, and therefore simply did not have time to celebrate with me.” His eyes met yours again, a solemn expression overtaking his face. 
“I grew accustomed to only being celebrated by those who were obligated to celebrate me. When Lilia suggested inviting you, I truly wanted to, but I was scared. Scared you would choose not to come, seeing as you aren’t required to. Scared that you would come but that things wouldn’t go to plan, and things wouldn’t be to your liking. I thought it would be best to just not take the risk.” His eyebrows scrunched together as he set your present on the balcony, replacing it with your other hand.
When you looked up, you saw the storm of emotions in his eyes. The emotions of a little boy who grew up without friends, who couldn’t afford to be vulnerable. Who felt he had no one who truly wanted to interact with him, but was simply required to. He was the future king of Briar Valley, and he had to keep his emotions in line for the sake of his people. But as he felt your hands in his, he felt all of his self-control slip away, and he had to be honest with you. He began to speak, but was cut off when you threw your arms around him, hands grasping his suit tightly.
Slowly, almost robotically, his arms found their way around you. He hugged you tightly, as though scared you might disappear if he didn’t. After a few moments you pulled away, and he noticed the tears you were trying desperately to blink away. Were you crying? For him?
You wiped your tears away, steadying your breathing, before trying to justify yourself.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I just- you looked so sad and I-”
“Child of Man.”
You stopped mid-apology and his hand met your cheek.
“There is no need to apologize. In fact, I think you just helped me realize something I need to do.” He grabbed both of your hands once again. “Would you allow me a moment to divulge something to you?”
“I’m afraid I’ve been hiding something from you.”
You grew concerned, but stayed silent as he continued.
“From the moment we met, I knew you were different. You were never scared of me, even after figuring out who I was. You always made sure I was okay and happy, despite not working for me or my grandmother. You would allow me to converse freely with you about topics I find interesting, and even asked questions. You never pretended to listen to me, and were always actively interested in what I had to say.” He took a deep breath and turned away from you, figuring not being able to see you would help him voice his thoughts with less anxiety.
“We were friends. And I loved it, every second of it. Sneaking out of my dorm to take walks with you, showing you Gao Gao Dragon-Kun, discussing the differences between gargoyles and grotesques. As the months went on, I found myself craving your attention more and more. To the point where it made my stomach churn to see you laugh with others. It was then that I realized I had crossed the line from platonic feelings towards you… to romantic ones.”
He turned back around, and you saw the pleading look in his eyes. He placed one hand on your cheek and the other on your shoulder as he finished his thoughts.
“I truly adore you. More than anything in my life, I adore you. I yearn for your presence, and a day without hearing your voice and seeing your smile is a day I feel is wasted. I have never needed anything or anyone in the way that I need you. I know I am not perfect. I am not up with the latest trends, I get carried away with things many don’t find interesting, and I don’t always know what to do in social situations. But please…please allow me the honor of being yours.”
You were stunned. You had harbored feelings for him for so long, but to hear him admit to returning them was not like anything you expected to hear in your lifetime. You had a hard time believing it.
“Do you mean it? Please, tell me you mean it.”
He pulled closer to you, his face no more than a few inches away from yours.
“My Child of Man, I love you. I love you more than I could ever express. Please allow me the honor of officially courting you. Of belonging to you.” At this, you weren’t sure what to say. There was only one word in your head.
“Yes! Yes, Tsunotarou. I love you.”
He visibly brightened, and cupped your chin.
“My Child of Man, I know this is sudden, but,” he leaned closer, “may I kiss you?”
You closed the distance, eager to feel his lips on yours. The kiss was sloppy, he obviously hadn’t done it before, but it was loving. Filled purely with the intention of showing his love to you. It was eager and gentle, and despite his lack of experience, it was everything you could have ever wanted. Only when you both were out of breath did he pull away. His face was red, his shirt bunched where you had grabbed it, and his passionate gaze focused purely on you.
You heard a knock on the door.
You both jumped and turned to see an upside-down Lilia smirking behind the door, gesturing to the forgotten present on the railing. You both turned and breathlessly laughed before Malleus grabbed it. He asked you to help him open it while still holding your other hand with his, not wanting to abandon your warmth for even a moment. You both worked together, clumsily undoing the wrapping paper, and he pulled out his gift.
He was stunned. What he held in his hand was a dragon plushie, one with a felt collar and tag that, upon inspection, read, “Gao-Gao.”
It was a stuffed replica of Gao Gao Dragon-Kun. It was obviously homemade, with the seams not perfect, and a few strings not trimmed all the way, but it filled his heart with warmth.
“Child of man…” he let go of your hand to join his in cupping Gao-Gao, holding it close to his chest. “You made this for me?”
“I hope you like it. I know it isn’t perfect, but-”
“It is perfect. It’s the most amazing gift I think I’ve ever received.” He looked away from Gao-Gao and back to you. “You truly are amazing, darling.”
He seemed to blush further upon realizing what he called you, and went to apologize. 
“I’m sorry, I should have asked before calling you that. I’ve just had that pet name in my mind for you for a while now. Do you mind me calling you that?”
You rushed to cup his jaw, kissing his cheek.
“Of course I don’t. I love it.”
He smiled gently, setting Gao-Gao back in the box and gripping your cheeks.
“In that case, I have a request. While I love the nickname Tsunotarou, and I love that you gave it to me, I think I’d like to hear my name come out of your mouth. Would that be alright with you, darling?”
“Of course, Tsu- Malleus.” You both laughed and pressed your foreheads together, soaking in each other’s presence and feeling each other’s breaths. Everything around you was naught compared to your love and relief. You felt a belonging in his arms, and he yours.
You felt a buzz in your pants pocket, and begrudgingly pulled away from Malleus. You turned on your phone and saw a message from Crowley, asking for an update on the interview. You sighed and apologized, explaining Crowley’s reason for sending you to the party in the first place. Malleus pouted before grinning slightly.
“My darling, would you mind if I used your phone for a moment?”
You allowed him, and he pressed the call button, putting it on speaker. Crowley answered and you could hear his loud voice on the other end of the line.
“Why, my favorite prefect, I wasn’t expecting a call from you! I expected the update in text form, but this is perfectly fine. I am rather generous, after all-”
“Headmage Crowley.” Malleus began. “I’m afraid there will be no interview from me this year. I do not need to answer meaningless questions for people I don’t even know to read.”
Crowley made a noise of protest before Malleus continued.
“However, I am willing to send a picture as a compromise. That is all.” He ended the call and turned on your phone camera. He grabbed the Gao-Gao plushie and turned to you.
“Are you alright with me kissing you for this photo?”
“Of course.”
With that he put his arm around you, the other holding Gao-Gao, and kissed your cheek as the photo was taken. The selfie was rather blurry and far too close, but he seemed to have no interest in that as he sent it. He gave you your phone back and you put it in your pocket, feeling insistent buzzing as you looked back at Malleus.
Perhaps you had failed at the interview, and the repercussions from that would surely need to be dealt with, but you could answer to Crowley later. For now, you enjoyed the night air in Malleus’ arms, kissing occasionally and cuddling with Gao-Gao all the while. You felt happy, and he knew that as long as he had you, his birthdays would never be something to dread.
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