#tcw jester
fettclonegifs · 2 years
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"I... I don't know. I was doing the things I always do after a mission."
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"Things like what?"
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"I'm sorry, sir. I'm just a little nervous. You're my C.O."
Jester and Commander Cody (offscreen) from The Clone Wars season 1 episode 16 "The Hidden Enemy"
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bibannana · 10 months
Echo *makes a phone with his hand and holds it to his ear*: Hello? Yes I see. I understand.
Fives *raises an eyebrow*: What are you doing?
Echo *holds out the "phone" to Fives*: It's for you. The village called, they want their idiot back.
Jesse *chokes on his caf*
Fives *blink*: Hey now-
Taglist: @jiabae @soliloquy-of-nemo @staycalmandhugaclone @nekotaetae @sexy-rex
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the-enby-jedi · 1 month
I sketched my clone OC yesterday :)
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I cant decide which version I liked better so I did both
They are just a lil guy and I love them so much! I plan to make some webcomics of them when I need to take a break from my novel. Their smile is just so precious agaghahshshdjdksmjefjfjfj <3
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trudemaethien · 5 months
See What Had Happened Was
Rated T, Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Slick’s Squad plus bonus Cut Lawquane, Canon Compliant, First person narrator (not slick), surprisingly upbeat and wholesome despite the subject matter.
snippet under the cut, cw clone death.
read on AO3 🔒 https://archiveofourown.org/works/53143075
So—the first time I laid eyes on Slick, that day, he was covered in blood and swearing up the dust like it was his nerf-karking profession. He was doing first aid on what was left of his squad, and like with Gus, you can sometimes just tell when a guy’s got sergeant bars on his chest. He was right in the middle of ordering his man Chaff to focus on him and not go kriffing anywhere without his say-so. Chaff had obviously taken a knock to the head, stumbling and dizzy, but he was still conscious when we got there.
The blood all over Slick wasn’t his, it belonged to the rest of his squad, most of whom were already so much meat. Sorry to be crass, but when a trooper’s gone, his body isn’t important anymore unless you need it for spare parts. Not that what was left of these guys would have been any good for that.
But Slick had another couple survivors there. Besides Chaff, there was a guy missing most of an arm and leg on the same side, already tourniqueted up; and the third guy was passed out leaning against a rock with some bandages pressed between it and his head to put pressure on the shredded side of his face.
When Slick saw us, he didn’t hesitate. Like I said, some men really are just meant to be Sergeants. He laid down orders like he’d been laying out the cuss words. We all worked together to stretcher up his non-ambulatories and head for evac. Six to carry, three to be carried. Slick knew where we were on the map and where we should go.
He was like a bloody deity in my eyes that day. I’m pretty darn sure we’d have died without him. Fuck, he was snappish as a strill and twice as driven. Kept us moving, no excuses. Sharp words to prod us into doing what we needed to, even the hurt troops. The bloody face guy, Chopper, eventually groaned, and Slick trotted backwards at the head of his stretcher to check and rebandage his face, all the while barking at us to keep karking moving.
A little after that, the missing-limb guy, Gasper, stopped squirming so much and it made him easier to carry (I was at his feet—well, his foot) but Slick swapped to our stretcher then and kept a finger on his pulse. When Gasper quit moving altogether, Slick finally let us take a knee for a minute.
I wanted to cry then, whether from grief or relief or what, I’m still not sure, but Slick smacked me on the cheek, a little harder than friendly but not too bad, ya know, and told me better not waste water here. He was smart. He talked like an asshole, but he didn’t act like one. Right after that, he gave me a gulp from his canteen ‘cause mine had gotten blasted early-on. Shit like that; he had a weird sort of kindness.
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ihauntyoursocks · 2 months
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Updated OC ref! This is Elias, she’s been one of my personal obsessions for several months and I finally made her a new ref lol
Original was made in October, I think I’ve improved
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hecketernal · 5 months
Finally posted an old fanfic I finished ages ago!
A friend hysterically misunderstood me, and I decided to make a crackship taken seriously fic about it.
Aka I yeet the silly little jester man out of the horror dungeon dimension and into the arms of a nice alien guy. Imagine that! A dimension where the aliens are just aliens and not also eldritch gods.
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eriexplosion · 11 months
Clone Wars - Hidden Enemy
Oh boy oh boy, the way I'm definitely going to have Thoughts about this one.
The NOISES I made seeing Rex and Cody (we got a little Cody in the last episode but I think he had his helmet on the whole time) just. Those are my BOYS. Rex must be newly assigned fresh to Anakin, he has no idea the insanity that's about to happen around him for the next several years.
There's a hilarious error where Obi-Wan refers to Cody as Commander one second and then Captain like two seconds later, I'm guessing because one of the lines given to Cody was actually supposed to be Rex and something got mixed up before giving it to the animators. But it makes Obi-Wan look like he has literally no idea what anyone's rank is and is just making it up as he goes. Captain, commander, they both start with C!
"What do you think, he just sat down and wrote a note?" <- Lines like this make it feel real clear why Cody and the batch got along so well lol.
This is a great intro to Rex and Cody as characters in general I think, just immediately spring them into the impossible feeling situation that one of their own is betraying them. And the way they found it coming from Slick's barracks and immediately didn't even suspect Slick himself just one of his men.
I FORGOT VENTRESS WAS IN THIS BECAUSE I WAS SO FOCUSED ON SLICK BTW AND I FORGOT HOW... HORNY HER INTRO WITH OBI-WAN IS. Why are you two talking to each other like that. Please everyone get a handle on yourselves. This is a serious matter. Ventress put your cloak back on. Anyway if I had seen this as a child I would have realized I was into girls way sooner.
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Minor clone appreciation moment: Jester is adorable and I love him. He's nervous, please hug him.
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I also really love Chopper's look, and the battle droid finger necklace. It's so weird that it gets him called deficient like damn they ripped a whole head off a tactical droid and brought it with them and that's fine but you take a handful of battle droid pieces and SUDDENLY YOU'RE THE WEIRDO.
And of course then it all comes back to Slick. Real talk, I fucking love Slick. Like one of my top one shot clones for sure. I love characters that are justifiably angry and do crimes about it. I want to see more clones that are straight up angry about their situation, that take drastic measures to try and change it because they're cornered and see no other options. And yeah, I want to see more clones that blame the Jedi, because I think it's much more interesting to have that difference in opinion between the clones. I just wish they did more with it in TCW, because having Slick raise these things in season one feels like they're going to address it and then it's never brought up again.
I've seen Slick referred to as an unreliable narrator, though, and having watched it again I still don't see it. Like to be an unreliable narrator we need some evidence his assessment is wrong, not just inconvenient for the heroes. Narratively there's nothing backing up that they aren't slaves, it's pretty clear through the franchise that they're property and have no choice, and the only counter to that dips a little too close to 'yeah but they're happy about it and honored to be owned by the Republic' for comfort. Anyway I'm very glad TBB gets more into this but I wish they wrestled with it more in TCW itself and actually had the Jedi having to grapple with it a little instead of kind of brushing it to the side.
Anyway, justice for Slick, he needed help and a way out not just punishment and I desperately hope he didn't just get executed. Love that troubled boy.
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wjdexclusives · 5 years
14K Yellow Gold 1.35Ct Created Diamond Clown Joker Jester Charm Pendant
14K Yellow Gold 1.35Ct Created Diamond Clown Joker Jester Charm Pendant
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Product Specifics All specifications are approximate and may vary for the same model.
Yellow Gold
Metal Purity
High Polished
Height (mm)
Width (mm)
Thickness (mm)
Weight (gm)
Bail Space (mm)
Main Stone
Created Diamond
Total Carat Weight (TCW)
Main Stone Color
Main Stone Creation
Main Stone Shape
Setting Type
Bezel, Pavé
Crafted in
Style ID: 1901 WJDDK
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kamino-coruscant · 3 years
Clone Hair
According to The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia (2009)
Baldy Waxer:
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Boil’s fancy mustache:
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Boost’s bacon strips:
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Cut Lawquane’s receding hairline:
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O’niner’s stress eyebrows:
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Slick’s squad’s funky facial hair:
Jester’s sideburns:
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Gus’ “rakish goatee”:
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Punch’s soul patch:
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brother-genitivi · 2 years
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Slick’s squad from that one episode on Christophsis :) aka these lads:
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individual pics, notes and headcanons under the cut
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I mostly kept their canon designs the same (even Slick’s red eyebrows lmao) but I added some freckles and moles here and there.
I wish we got to see more of this squad. They only appear for one episode, and I wonder what happened to them.
I like to think that Sketch and Chopper are amongst the youngest out of everyone in the squad. Punch and Jester are batchmates, with Jester being the older one. Gus is next, and Slick is the eldest of them all. They take Slick’s “betrayal” to heart, but as the war goes on, I think they’d be more sympathetic to his motivations. They’re a very tight knit group, knowing what everyone else is thinking before they say it.
Chopper and Gus butt heads a lot (he hasn’t forgotten the time Gus called him deficient), but on the battlefield they’re a cohesive duo, and very formidable. Gus starts finding battle droid fingers for his vod as a peace offering.
Punch and Sketch are very close. They do everything together. I like to think that Sketch is good at art. Punch is the kind of person you’d want at your side at a 79’s bar fight.
Jester is always seen to have a smile on his face, and his jokes are actually funny. He knows when to take things seriously, however.
All Slick wants is to see his brothers again.
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I love seeing explorations of undeveloped characters, so maybe a little request for written delights with Chopper (the clone, not our devilish droid)?
There’s a noise, from somewhere in the periphery, something just deliberate enough to seem accidental. Chopper snorts into his bunk.
“I was expecting the commander.”
A beat of too-stiff silence passes. He does not look up. “Or the captain.”
The noise shifts, the broken-off sound of a heavy, stifled sigh. There’s only one person who breathes like that, one person with a stupid goatee and an ironclad alibi, who’s so unproblematically average that it’s infuriating. Chopper keeps his face pressed into the bunk’s thin pillow, seething, and mutinous anger gnaws at his stomach.
“Well, you’ve got me,” Gus mutters. He at least has the decency to sound sullen about it.
Just leave it alone, Chopper wants to say. Go away. He doesn’t want to see Gus’s face or his stupid goatee or the bandages wrapping his arm. Gus is a better trooper, Gus is a better brother, whatever.
He sighs. “What do you want, Gus?”
“You can stop sulking, you know,” Gus says, suddenly. He cuts off the phrase, as if he didn’t mean to say it, but nagging Chopper is like poking unexploded ordnance with a long memory.
“Haven’t you done enough?” The pillow muffles his response, but the words snap all the same, and plastoid rattles behind him as if Gus has physically recoiled.
“Haven’t I - ”
“Why are you here, Gus?” Chopper demands, louder. He mushes his face harder into the flimsy pillow, and feels the rigid mattress squash his nose flat.
Gus sighs again, frustrated, and it’s satisfying in a darkly vindictive kind of way, but Chopper can’t be bothered to be guilty about it. “Sorry. I just - I came to say. Sorry. That’s it. I’ll leave you alone.”
Chopper wants to laugh. “For what?”
“For - by all the kriffing stars!” Gus huffs. “You are impossible!”
“I’m impossible! Sure. Just - sure.” Chopper pushes himself up from the bunk. “I don’t have to listen to this. I don’t need to be nitpicked. Either say what you’re going to say and get out or I will!”
“I’m sorry, okay?” Gus slams his fist into the wall, and savagely Chopper hopes it hurt. The deep thud of knuckles against the wall echoes, dark and prideful and sharp-edged anger. “You’re not - you’re not defective. I’m sorry I said what I said. I’m sorry our CO betrayed us and tried to pin it on you. I’m sorry I didn’t trust you. I’m just sorry. And now I’m going.” He turns on his heel and marches to the door, and Chopper lets him.
The lock clicks shut, and Chopper sits back on his bunk and runs his hands over his sandy buzz cut. The stupid kriffing necklace of stupid kriffing battle droid fingers is under the bunk.
He throws it against the wall.
Someone clears their throat behind him, and Chopper doesn’t acknowledge it. Anyone who knows him well would take it as acquiescence; anyone who didn’t would probably kark off without an affirmative.
Jester, though, knows him - at least well enough not to be put off by Chopper’s prickly reticence. He drops his tray on the table a little too loudly, and sits down as if he had to steel himself for it. His fingers are shaking.
Jester clears his throat again, and Chopper looks up to stare at him. He drops his fork.
Chopper sighs through his nose. “I don’t bite.”
“I - I know,” Jester says, with just enough indignance that it’s almost funny. He picks up his fork again, and pokes at the flat square of processed protein in front of him.
“Just get it over with,” Chopper advises, dryly. “It’s not as dry as yesterday’s.”
“Great.” Jester pokes the ration bar again. Chopper rolls his eyes.
“Come to say something? Like Gus?”
“No,” Jester says, too quickly. “Well….yes. No.” The fork leaves a mark this time.
Chopper snorts. “Just get it over with,” he says, again, but they both know it’s not about the ration bar anymore.
“I don’t know.” Jester stares at his tray. “I just - I don’t know. I just wanted - you know. To be here.”
It’s sweet, maybe, or at least something approaching it, and Chopper knows perfectly well Jester’s skittish enough that presence is what he can manage. He won’t risk saying what he doesn’t have to, under too much pressure of getting his head bitten off if he sticks out his neck too far.
Jester was always the sweet one, and Chopper was always the standoffish one. But they’re squadmates, whatever that means now. Jester can sit here, and Chopper can let him.
“Thanks.” The word feels odd in Chopper’s mouth, too quiet, strangely shaped.
And Jester looks up at him, and flinches, and nods. He looks down at his ration bar, tears off a piece with his fork, and takes a bite.
“Not as dry as yesterday,” he says.
“Didn’t mean to betray you.”
But that’s not exactly what betrayal means now.
“You didn’t.”
“Fine.” Sketch runs his hand through his hair. “Didn’t mean to….not trust you. In front of everyone.”
Chopper can’t deny that. He doesn’t try.
“Should have stuck up for you.”
“Why? You were right. I lied.” Chopper shrugs. Sketch’s support doesn’t make a difference anyway. They were all looking for someone to blame. Chopper just happened to look in the right place.
“Stop it,” Sketch says, but, ever so slightly, he’s smiling.
Chopper’s still mad. Of course he’s still mad - it’s not like him to not be - but it feels more sullen and recalcitrant now, less volatile. He was always good at pretending he was apathetic.
“You didn’t trust me, did you?” he asks, partially because he’s genuinely curious, and partially because he wants to see Sketch’s reaction. They both know he isn’t above needling at raw bruises.
Sketch bites his lip.
“You didn’t,” Chopper says. “Thanks.”
“No - I did - I - I did.” Sketch sighs, and Chopper resists the urge to tell him he’s as bad as Jester. Sketch could take it, but Punch would probably get all up in arms anyway. They tolerate him, this broken squad, but Sketch is still the only one who doesn’t chafe at Chopper’s sniping.
“I knew you hadn’t gone straight to the mess hall.” Sketch picks at his bodysuit, as if it bothers him. “But of course you weren’t the spy. I’ve seen you sneaking off after missions, and I just figured….you needed your time.”
“Guess you were right.” And a fat lot of good it did him.
“I didn’t believe it. When he got on you.” Sketch drops into silence, and Chopper has nothing to say. It’s just the two of them - no, the three of them, because Punch is still asleep with his head in Sketch’s lap - sitting on their creaky bunks, with their thin mattresses and threadbare pillows.
Absently, Sketch runs his free hand through Punch’s hair. Chopper stares at the floor.
How did it become so easy to lose sight of the person next to you?
The ceiling is leaking, and Chopper listens to the smudged sound of water dripping on the floor until he’s lost count.
Finally, Sketch sighs. “I should have stuck up for you.”
“Yeah,” Chopper says. “You should have.”
Punch shifts. His voice is scratchy from sleep. “We all should have.”
I....wrote this so many times.
And then I hated it.
And then I rewrote it again.
And, in short, this has literally been devouring my spare thoughts for a really really long time. I've got to admit you had me stumped here for a little bit, and I've got to thank you for the challenge. Underdeveloped characters are some of my favorites, and it was so so fabulous to get to know Chopper over the past while - though I hope what I've come up with qualifies as a "delight".
I hope you enjoyed it! 💕
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the-enby-jedi · 4 months
drew my clone OC
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rinrinp42 · 4 years
Morning Rin!! Maybe JangObi 7 or 11 from the prompt list you reblogged? :D
Ngl, 11 was like, half the reason that was the prompt list I went with
11. “Hold on, you died.” “Yeah, well it didn’t stick”
Obi-Wan gave a laugh as the Mando’ad helped him with the Separatist Droid Commandos.  If he had to have been separated from the 212th with the exception of Jester, Punch, and Sketch, he was glad that aid had come from a very good Mando’ad.  His armor was pretty too, all gleaming sliver, bright blue designs edged in black and green.  The message he was conveying through his armor was one that Obi-Wan liked.  There was something about him too...
Something familiar.
Then the droids were gone, and it was Obi-Wan, his men, and the Mando’ad.  Who was pulling off his buy’ce to dump water over his head.
“Hold on,” Obi-Wan said, staring at a dead man and a trusted face, “you died.”
Because this wasn’t a face artificially aged, this was a man who had earned each wrinkle in years and each scar from the galaxy he traversed.
Jango Fett gave him a slow grin, “yeah, well, it didn’t stick.”
It was said as if it didn’t matter that Obi-Wan had seen Mace’s saber take the bounty hunter’s head.  As if Obi-Wan hadn’t asked the Clones around him as Dooku slipped from their fingers to quietly spread the word to try and find Boba so the boy wouldn’t be left alone.
Another failure left at Obi-Wan’s feet he had thought.
Punch, who had been there, had heard the quiet plea of an injured General, stepped closer.  Not close enough to press up against his General, but the intent to give support was there.
Jango shrugged, “must have Icarii somewhere in the family.”
“Then,” Obi-Wan spoke slowly, taking in that information, “Boba left with you?  The Clones I asked weren’t sure where he had disappeared to.”
It was Jango who was now caught off guard.
“Yeah, he took me back to Slave I and we headed off to a medic I know.  Didn’t know you looked for him...”
Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow, “I am not in the habit of letting a child go off on their own after a traumatic event.”
“No you keep that osik for your own hurts,” Jester mumbled.
Jango grinned and Obi-Wan’s heart ached.  Force but he had spent far too many of his formative years around dangerous, warrior people.  Their fight had felt more like flirting than much of his actual flirting, and seeing Jango grin?  He might as well start telling his men to call him Buir.
“Am I to take your aid to mean that you are now a free agent?” Obi-Wan asked, mind whirling with plans both for the war and for the riduurok’aka.  He was going to charm the beskar’gam off of Jango.
Jango gave him a slow blink.
“Why? You hiring?”
Obi-Wan could pretend that the look Jango gave him was simply assessing.  But the Force laughed as it teased that it was definitely a lie to say so.
And if the Force approved, well.  Who was Obi-Wan to go against it?
“Mhm, I’m sure we could find something for a man of your talents.”
“Only if I get to report just to you.”
(Sketch was furiously taking pictures of this, already dreaming up art pieces and ignoring the other two.
“...do you think this is what Natborns mean when they talk about seeing their parents flirt?” Jester mumbled to Punch.
Punch punched his arm with a mumble of “gross” but did not dispute it.)
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ihauntyoursocks · 3 months
Intro Post!
Heya, about time I made this
You can call me Rowan/Dee/any version of my user
he/they/she please
Sanders Sides
Star Wars (mostly TCW Rebels and TBB)
Epithet Erased
Be More Chill
Just Roll With It
I do art occasionally, I reblog stuff a lot, my blog is kind of a mess, sorry
I do take art requests! And asks, for requests just be patient I am very slow at art, nothing super explicit please though
No homophobia or transphobia or other bigotry, you get the gist, if you are please leave
Welcome to the dumpster fire!
My art tag is #jester does fingerpainting and all fandom art is tagged appropriately
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t7-01 · 3 years
Suddenly faced with the opportunity to drag his brothers into his treason or confess to his crimes, Sergeant Slick offers his men a choice. It's like they say, loyalty means everything to the clones.
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
Tea Time With Hawk ☕️🦅
The Bad Batch was... badly designed
If you like the Bad Batch & aren’t open to reading a critical look into their design, don’t read this.
So I’ve already written about The Clone Wars and the issues with Tup and Rex’s character designs. For me, these aren’t reasons enough for me to dislike their characters as a whole (although I refuse to draw Tup’s tattoo when I do draw him).
With the Bad Batch though... I really don’t like them. I don’t want to draw them. Their designs make me uncomfortable, and for two reasons other than just the designs themselves:
1. The Bad Batch was designed for the newest and latest season of TCW, meaning those involved in the creation and in the direction of the Star Wars Umiverse in general are aware of issues brought up in the last decade about POC representation and racism in Star Wars (I say this because it’s been widely talked about, especially after the sequel movies premiered).
2. These characters were introduced specifically as a backdoor pilot for their own series. If the reception to them hadn’t been as good, the Bad Batch series probably wouldn’t have been greenlighted (this is something done in Hollywood in general, not a specific Disney thing). The problem isn’t that they were created in mind to have a series about them, but that these clones have the most whitewashed appearance and were chosen to be the focus of a new series.
So, on to a closer look at exactly what I find issue with these characters.
Crosshair: why the fuck does the sharpshooter look like a white man (this is nothing against white men, but he is supposed to be the CLONE of a BROWN MAN). EVERYTHING about him is changed so drastically that it doesn’t even look like they used the base model of a clone for him.
For comparison:
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Top photo is Crosshair. Bottom three are Fives, Jester, and Echo (after the Citadel, which I’ll get to).
Crosshair’s jaw structure is angular and his cheekbones more vertical and prominent. His hairline is more rigid, his hair is white, and with the painting details you can see it is mean to be straight. His nose is so much narrower it’s as if he had a nose job done. Even his lip shape is smaller, which is ridiculous seeing as the clones already have such thin lips. His eyebrows are thinner and less bold. All these are pbviously changed even when comparing to Echo, who is meant to be thin in malnourished in that picture.
Crosshair’s mutation goes further than being a great sharpshooter. They literally made him into a white man.
And then I wonder why he seems to be the most popular of the Bad Batch members in the fandom... sigh.
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Tech: again, it looks as if they used a whole different base structure than the normal clones. So here we have his “desirable mutation” meaning he’s incredibly smart. He is shorter and less built than the other clones, his hair is lightened, his nose narrower, his jaw narrower and less square... the changes aren’t as drastic as with Crosshair, but he’s still changed to fit more Eurocentric features. Tech is also much shorter than all the other clones? Idk personally I found that strange and unnecessary cause it not only adds to “nerds are smaller” stereotypes, but more troubling, it subtly pushes the notion that the larger brown men are not as smart as the smaller whitewashed man.
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Wrecker: I can’t even begin to describe how animalistic they make him seem in comparison to the previous two. While Crosshair and Tech’s mutations are more mental and refined and thus they are given Eurocentric features... Wrecker’s mutation focuses on brute strength and yet he retains the more typical clone features of the show. Yeah idk just look at the picture and the way he acts in the show. He’s better than the first two but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Hunter: okay enhancing his senses is... fine. Honestly he’s the least problematic in my opinion. But like... they were not subtle in trying to make him like Rambo. His hair, his facial features, even the bandana. He’s not as whitewashed as Crosshair or Tech, but he is obviously modeled after Sylvester Stalone, who y’know is a white guy.
And then they have Echo elevated to the Bad Batch. @thatfunkyopossum made an art that pointed it out best, but there isn’t really an excuse for how much paler they made his skin. Yes brown skinned people can and do get darker or lighter based on seasons but like... we don’t just lose all our melanin and become completely white if we never get sunlight. I hope they give him some color back for this sequel 😅 [Edit 4/2021: LMAO HE GOT WORSE SOMEHOW]
So yeah. The Bad Batch makes me extremely uncomfortable as a whole, and you won’t see me creating stuff for them (I drew Hunter once for a friend but that’s the extent I’ll get involved with them). It’s fine if you do like them, like I’m not going to hate you or anything, but I did want to write this up because enough people were interested.
I am of course welcome to any discussion about it (both in agreement or disagreement) :) but if you start attacking anyone in reblogs I will not hesitate to block you. *Please check the notes if you want to see the discussion!*
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