#tbh i probably could have broke this up into two posts but i don't feel like making two whole posts on a dead guy
juannaflippa · 6 months
random total drama reboot sexuality headcanons (made these while listening to laufey)
priya is pan, she just kinda knew she loved any and all genders. demiromantic, falls in love at first sight but always thinks twice about if its a crush or not (it never is). uses she/they. scared to tell her parents
millie gives lesbian tbh, never felt attraction to a guy. had crushes on girls and always brushed them off until she was like wait. holy darn i'm gay what the flip okay. also demiromantic, just like, never has crushes but knows she can
julia's bi. idk she just like, likes girls. she's never dated a girl but she lowk wants to, never told anyone
hear me out. mk, aromantic. always joked about how she was too busy with her tech to be into romance, then she realized she wasn't joking. also lesbian and nonbinary
nichelle is THE closet lesbian my god, straight on air but lesbian off set. got caught on a date with a girl once and literally had to make a whole 10 page insta slide explanation (everyone skimmed it, no one even cared, literally everyone still thought she was still straight UNTIL she made the post.)
axel is just so lesbian to me idk. her and ripper get together in season two tho so idk but i still live by the lesbian hc tbh
scary girl is just. scary. idk man she's not a girl or boy they are just an essence. unlabeled, asexual, probably uses any pronouns because as long as you're scared she don't care
emma is so transfem to me she is just a trans girl trust me. she's also bisexual and uses she/they. chill about telling people she's bi, but doesn't really bring up that she's trans unless she trusts you
raj is obviously gay. felt more free when he realized. lowk forced himself to have crushes on girls to fit in, like just thought you could choose someone and be like "yup ur my crush now"
wayne is either the BIGGEST straight ally ever or aroace. idk he just gives aroace vibes to me, also faked crushes. raj and wayne would LOWK be jealous of eachother for actually having crushes on girls ☠️
bowies gay of course. always just kinda knew, very very open about it. get's bullied for it sometimes but he doesn't care (the other person always get BODIED by his insults if bowie feels like it)
damien is transmasc and bi, pretty open about it. he doesn't mind telling people cause he doesn't care if they hate him for it. always shocks people when he comes out, he finds it funny
chase is so transmasc oh my god he has literally never told anyone and he is scared to. also the HARDEST bisexual closet case my god
zee idkk like maybe genderfluid bisexual asexual and uses any pronouns.
ripper is an on the low bisexual. wants to held by a MAN
anddd caleb idk probably straight ally
non sexuality related but
emma listens to laufey!
emma and chase havent come out to eachother about being trans. emma told chase about being bisexual and chase just kind of ghosted her for a few days
raj is autistic and wayne has adhd
damien listens to tyler, the creator
axel is def hispanic, she got that puerto rican blood in her i swear
damien got snake bite piercings
chase still payed for all of emmas subscriptions after they broke up ☠️
chase was buying tampons for emma and deadass asked her "babe what size yo pussy". she blocked and ghosted him for a good week
emma is an avid minecraft player, lowk got chase into it (they had a hardcore world for THREE YEARS and chase got them killed by a creeper when they were making a bakery for emma because he SWORE emma was paranoid for wanting to wear armor)
bowie used to be a track kid
emma tried to go vegan for like a week before she quit
damien is probably autistic
chase used to work at one of those kiosks at the mall that sell shitty overpriced sunglasses
priya has watched total drama more times than she can count. her parents didn't let her watch any other shows until she could memorize all the lines to island, action, and world tour if she was LUCKY
chase is a kpop stan
that's it. that's the post. same time next week guys???
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No okay bcuz actually I DO want to explain my thoughts from this post here because I love analyzing things and I think talking abt Vox's relationships thru the lens of "this is just like Buffy fr fr" could be fun :)
FIRST OFF: VoxVal as Spike & Drusilla. I do not know their ship name and tbh I'm probably never gonna talk about them again so whooooo cares. To state the obvious, in this situation Vox is Spike and Val is Dru. Now, it's been awhile since I've watched Buffy, but from what I remember, Spike & Drusilla really are THE toxic villain couple, in that they're both like. Not very good to or for eachother, all things considered, but goddamnit they love eachother SO MUCH- which really is the generous interpretation of Staticmoth. I'm not gonna go super in depth into the fucking. Is Staticmoth abusive debate rn. Because I have one million other posts that make my stance on that pretty clear I think. But the uh... nicer interpretation of their relationship is very much Spike & Drusilla I think. Like right down to the headcannon of Vox liking how Val's shit eyesight & temper tantrums makes him kind of dependent on him. Again, could be misremembering, but based off of how Spike was w/ Dru while she was weakened(and based off of how he rebounded w/ Harmony of all people 💀), I get the distinct vibe that, despite his frustrations, Spike did like having somebody relying on him the way Dru(and later Harmony) did. Vox def seems like the type of guy that would get a kick out of feeling Needed and Relied On(why else would he literally route the entire Pride rings power grid through himself-), and Valentino is. Well. Valentino. I'm not gonna go over their interaction before Stayed Gone because it makes me ~genuinely uncomfortable~ for reasons I have, once again, gone into in depth before, but suffice it to say that it's definitely in character for Vox to be into Val relying on him like that. Oh also, like somebody pointed out in the reblogs on the original post, the reason Spike & Dru broke up from s3 all the way to their reunion in s5 is that she cheated on him and that's. Yeah that sounds about right.
And second, the Staticradio twins: Spuffy and Spangel. Why the fuck did I call them the Staticradio twins? I don't know I'm tired as shit and just used most of my brain power on the VoxVal segment now get off my back- anyways, these two are actually pretty easy to explain so I'll just get right into it! Most of the similarities between Staticradio and Spuffy can really be summed up in the song Reat In Peace from Buffy's musical episode. One-sided, obsessive crush on someone who you know deep down will probably never reciprocate. You want them to just leave you the fuck alone and stay gone(hahahahahahahahah), but they just. Aren't. Like even the bits about being a dead guy without a heart beat are spot on because Vox is a motherfuckin DEMON who is a ROBOT!!!!!!! Also the Alastor Body Pillow fanon(which IS fanon. It is. I'm sorry to say but that wasn't a thing on the Instagrams y'all-) does line up with the uh. The Buffy sex bot- it does line up with the Buffy sex bot. Anyways moving on to the Spangel section-
"You were my sire man!" - Spike, to Angel, in his introduction episode. I don't remember if this was retconned in season 5(or 6?) to be Dru siring Spike? It might've been. But for the sake of this post lets pretend it wasn't. Angel was basically Spike's mentor for a lot of their time together pre-show. They ran around in their weird little vampire polycule causing problems for everyone and life was good! Then Angel got cursed. Bro got a soul and then ran away for years without a word to anyone. Then, cut to current day, and Spike is hyped to see him right up to the point he realizes Angel has Changed. And from that point onward to two are RIVALS!!!!! Narrative foils, even. And while it isn't exactly the same as Alastor and Vox's history, it's pretty damn similar right!? Al was(presumably) Vox's friend and mentor for YEARS, like to the point of being comfortable taking a picture with him. Then something happens between them, causing a rivalry to form. Throw somewhere in the mix Al's deal & him fucking off for 7 years... it's like the same pieces being put together in a new way to make a different puzzle. Is Rosie Darla in this analogy? Unclear. Val is still Dru though. Do y'all get where I'm coming from? It's far, FAR from the same thing, like there are so many fucking differences and that's just going off of the stuff we DO know(I want to know more god I can't wait for season 2-), but the dynamics ARE similar. They're narrative foils with a deep history w/ eachother where they were probably-definitely friends, something caused them to become RIVALS, and also one of them is cursed and dissappeared for several years-
Whoo boy this got kinda incoherent- Anyways, that brings me to my brand new fun and interesting point: Vox and Spike are kinda similar characters. They're both antagonists who wanna be Big Tough Scary guys so bad, and like. They are. They are big tough AND scary. Sometimes. But for the vast majority of their screen time, their emotions, capacity for love(no matter how twisted their version of love is), and the consequences of that love going wrong continually get the better of them and cause them to look to us, the audience, like silly pathetic wet cats we found on the side of the road. Then they get Weird about it(Vox's "rivalry" w/ Angel and the. Buffy sex bot.) and we remember oh yeah this guy is EVIL! They also both wear long jackets and are bisexual :)
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vgbndangel · 21 days
Mild trauma trigger warnings with depression + probably more about me than you ever wanted to know.
I promise this might be the only super serious post I make. Maybe.
But I see a lot of stuff around and figured I wanted to write something on a more serious note, imagining that it might maybe slightly help even one person.
I'm not here to judge or shame anyone--quite the opposite really. Life is hard. We all cope in different ways. (And often develop traits or even kinks from our experiences--me included I have a lot of darker kinks even, and that's okay 💕)
I might not even post this tbh since some of it I've never told anyone but I'll keep things a bit vague.
*** Actual stuff 👇 ***
From a young age, I was cripplingly, embarrassingly shy.
Like can't talk on the phone, play with people on the playground, make friends shy.
I'm not really sure *why* but I just felt "different" and found it impossible to really connect with anyone.
This led to me being in my own head a lot and over analyzing everything.
As you might imagine I had no friends growing up. (Shocking I'm sure)
None. Zip. Zero. Nada.
My parents didn't understand me, my brother didn't understand me. I just felt completely alone.
Naturally, I read a lot.
Mostly fantasy books about other worlds, magic, adventures, friends, and romance.
Every novel I could find at the library. (I was also obsessed with Harry Potter fan fiction oops, don't @ me, no one irl knows this and that's how it's gonna stay)
I started to wonder a lot about "the meaning of life" and really didn't understand what the point was--everyone around me always seemed so much happier.
I desperately wanted to leave and go to any of these worlds that I read about. I thought if I died would I be reborn in a better, happier world. That's how I became suicidal at 14 - no external trauma, just a self-fulfilling prophecy of depression and loneliness.
I never tried to act on these thoughts or tell anyone. I would just spiral downwards whenever I was alone.
Now fast forwarding a few years, I went off to boarding school--for academic reasons not behavioral ones.
You'd think putting a lonely, depressed kid to live on his own would be a recipe for disaster. (Also my parents had no idea I was depressed since I never talked to anyone)
But actually it wasn't! The school had a lot of structure for forcing people to interact even for someone like me.
I made a few friends and started to see some happiness in life.
Around this time I started dating someone for the first time (all of my knowledge of relationships came from books and fanfictions mind you).
As you might expect, this person became my entire world.
There was a lot of drama of course--we were teenagers in boarding school what do you expect? We broke up, got back together, had a lot of sex in risky places, and made very many unreasonable promises.
We dated for two years before graduating.
We went to different universities far away and talked about making it work long distance.
A week after she moved away, she broke up with me by phone with no real warning.
I was devastated and was actively suicidal for the first time.
Three years went by - we talked on the phone every month or so (she would talk to me whenever she was lonely as a last resort and I would eat up the attention).
If you take anything away from my post (if anyone made it this far)--don't ever do this to yourself. Block them until you've gotten over the relationship!!! You deserve to be somebody's first choice.
I started to feel happy for the first time getting away from school during an internship. I didn't know anyone and I started learning how to be happy by myself and with myself. For the first time, I found myself living in the moment rather than imagining a better moment.
Second major takeaway I want to impress upon you dear reader--focus on baby steps to feel better rather than "visualizing yourself at the finish line". For basically my whole life, I had wanted to get better and not getting to this imagined "happy" led to constant downward spirals.
I have had a lot of ups and downs since then. But measuring my progress instead of focusing on how far away an imagined, moving finish line is has helped me immensely.
A lot of time, people treat happiness as a very concrete thing. You're either happy or you aren't. The things we read and experience create "checklists" of happiness for us. And mostly it just feels so far away -- there's always something "missing" or not perfect which sours everything.
I'm not perfect now--even today as a highly functioning adult I have (many) days where I want to just stay in bed. I have insecurities and oddities. And that's okay.
Life (and relationships) is about learning and growth. Trying to be a better person and finding small happinesses in small steps.
Finally, if you're struggling with depression or trauma try talking to someone you can trust--a therapist, partner, close friends, a help hotline, anyone. My biggest regret is silently struggling because it could have ended up with the worst ending.
You matter and have value 💕
[Sorry if this came off as kinda soap boxy. I know I'm writing from a position of immense privilege. I could also probably cut out some of the personal background, but I didn't want to. ily for reading this whole thing.]
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tragicclownwrites · 1 year
A tragic clown's SBSP ship opinions
So I came across @shiba-deer's ship ranking post and I thought "fuck it. i'm gonna do one, too!" 😝 I tend to agree with most of their points with just a few differences including the addition of shitty Canva edits by me.
Disclaimer: As the title suggests, these are just my opinions. I know some folks may disagree and that's okay! I'm not trying to flame anyone or start any drama, so please keep it chill. We're all just clowns here. 🤡
Here's the scale I'm working with:
god tier - OMFG I LOVE them 💖🥰
top tier - I really like this ship 💜👍
mid tier - I'm neutral about this ship 😐
bottom tier - I really don't like this ship 👎😓
hell no tier - Get this shit off my dash immediately 🤢🚫
?? tier - I don't know enough about them to form an opinion 🤷
Anyways, here we go~
SQUIDBOB - god tier
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Ah yes, SquidBob. The only "god tier" ranked ship on this list. Are we surprised? There are just so many great moments between these two and so much that could be said. Alas, I'll spare the long monologue and just say that their dynamic is absolute perfection. It's literally the basis of a great, slow-burn romance - you can't make this shit up. I love "opposites attract" for the exact reasons that I disliked some of the other pairings on this list. It's notable that while Spongebob is mostly cheerful and exuberant and Squidward is mostly grumpy and reserved, that isn't all they are; Squidward very much has a fun side just as Spongebob has a serious one. They keep things interesting and bring out the best in each other (whether Squiddy wants to admit that or not), in spite of their differences. And per this post, they actually do have a lot in common as well! I could wax poetic about why a fucking sponge and octopus are literal soulmates, but idk. I just think they're neat. 💖
PLABS - top tier
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Now this was not a ship that was initially on my radar when I first joined the fandom. But I am happy to say that has definitely changed and it is now a favorite of mine! I love a good friends-to-enemies-to-friends-to-lovers ship, and Plabs is one of the best. I feel like they have such a "will they, won't they" thing going on that leaves me on the edge of my seat. I definitely want to look into them more. And who knows? Maybe I'll get around to writing a fic? 😉 As for canon, I could list various examples but there is just so much compelling evidence in favor of this for me not to ship.
KARENDY - top tier
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This is a ship that I have grown to really enjoy. While I would like to see more of them together in the show, the few interactions we have gotten are great fodder for a budding romance. I like how they have so much in common (ex. intelligence, interest in inventing), but not to the point where they clash (which I likely will talk about later in the list) and it actually benefits them and adds to their connection. They just have so much potential! They inspire my creativity the more I look into them. I mean, c'mon. Sandy literally said Karen was "beautiful" and Karen's wiki says her relationship with Sandy is "a purely positive one."
SQUIDLIAM - top tier (as exes)
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This list simply wouldn't be complete without this pairing. If you've read SquidBob fanfiction, Squilliam is the perfect villainous ex-boyfriend. 😈 It could be that I'm a sucker for villain redemptions (spoiler: i am) or perhaps @misslattesart has made me consider alternative possibilities for this character (probably both tbh), but I find myself increasingly intrigued by this dynamic - particularly Squilliam's motivation for constantly trying to outdo Squidward when he appears to have it all. While I'm part of the majority of fandom that headcanons them as exes, it's evident that they were definitely romantically involved at some point. But I do agree that they would inevitably find themselves in conflict eventually. After all, they broke up for a reason.
PLANKBOB - mid tier
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Fun fact about this ship: PlankBob actually got me into the fandom (more on that here), so there's a level of fondness for me there. However, it is purely on a crack-ship basis and I've more or less stopped shipping it since joining in favor of other ships on this list. But idk man, it's just a funny dynamic.
PATWARD - mid tier
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This is such a hilarious and chaotic match that literally no one would see coming. I think everyone probably knows about that one moment in Kamp Koral. I can't find the clip right now but, I mean, what the hell even was that?? Still, I'm only giving it a "mid tier" rank as, like PlankBob, it's more of a pairing that I'd ship ironically.
SQUIDVIA - mid tier
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I mean, Squidward went on a practice date with Spongebob, who was significantly more interested in him than Squilvia was. She didn't get all that much screentime, despite her being the girl Squidward was presumably trying to impress. I'd argue that Squiddy wasn't all that into her either, but rather the idea of her because they are so similar and he thinks that's the kind of person he should be with. I don't really feel any sort of way about this ship, but their relationship probably wouldn't last. SquidBob FTW.
PUFFKRABS - bottom tier but would be mid tier if not for their bullshit (very confusing, I know)
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Surprisingly, I do feel like this pairing has potential... if it weren't for a major Plankton-shaped obstacle holding them back. I've touched on this a bit in my fic, but apparently Mrs. Puff and Mr. Krabs have been/were secretly dating for 16 years. Now, 16 years is not a number to scoff at. However, the "secretly" part is giving me pause and sending up all the red flags. 🚩🚩Both of them are single/divorced/widowed/etc. They are not having an affair. So... why keep it a secret? As far as I'm aware, neither of them have any reason not to be open about it (assuming that I'm not off base about this whole secrecy aspect). Sure, not everyone needs to be in their business. But then it's implied that even Pearl doesn't know. I have no idea who made the call but if I was Mrs. Puff and everyone, including my boyfriend's daughter, was in the dark about our relationship and he made no moves to give me any sort of real commitment after over a decade... I'd start to wonder what the fuck was up.
PATBOB - bottom tier (sorry 😔)
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I was really conflicted on this ranking because PatBob has all the makings of a great ship - they're best friends, they look cute together, and they have a lot in common. However, the reason I ranked this so low is mostly because their friendship is so much stronger than any sort of romantic connection. I feel like whenever these two are put into a remotely romantic scenario (ex. when Spongebob they raised a baby scallop), that's when the cracks start to show. As friends, they have a great dynamic and are so funny together, even when they get into arguments/spats. However, as romantic partners, it feels unnatural. As shown in the episode I mentioned as an example, Patrick gets to be his silly, lazy self whereas Spongebob has to take the more serious, rational role - which is not his natural inclination, even if he has that side. I just can't help but feel like this would become a pattern if they were actually in a relationship. I live for best friends-to-lovers... but this ship is not the one.
PLANKAREN - bottom tier
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I was originally going to rank this "hell no tier" but it's not the worst thing I've ever seen - mostly just a prime example of compulsory heterosexuality (this was a great response on the topic). I still dislike the pairing quite a bit though. Like, are they even married? The two of them are so off-and-on, hot-and-cold together and there's just something so... forced about it. I just think they both would be so much happier if they weren't together, you know? I don't doubt that they support - and maybe even love - each other a bit, but to quote my own fic (not to plug lol): "you can love and care about someone without being in love with them."
SPANDY - hell no tier
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I've never liked this ship, even prior to joining the fandom. Hell, even when I was a kid and didn't know what shipping was, I still felt there was something off. As I've gotten older and wiser though, I think it really comes down to Sandy and Spongebob having virtually zero romantic chemistry. Nada. Zilch. Despite SBSP being episodic in nature, their dynamic consistently gives me sibling vibes - which does not translate well into a romantic connection at all. They're just miles better as friends and I don't see that changing in the slightest.
(And this is just a personal nit-pick vs. a solid point but I find myself put off by the frequently OOC portrayal in fanworks - particularly for Sandy, who is actually one of my favorite characters. I know as writers and artists, we're going to take some creative liberties. But if you have to drastically alter a character's personality and/or physical traits to suit your ship narrative, it's probably not a good ship. 🤷)
SQUANDY - hell no tier
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I do love seeing Squidward and Sandy getting along and being pals - I mean, look at this interaction (sorry, couldn't find a better gif)! However, any sort of romantic connotation gives me a serious case of the "ick" (SquidBob be damned, honestly). Hence the very low ranking. They are strangely more believable than Spandy, but that's probably the only redeeming thing about this as a ship tbh. Otherwise, it's a "hell no" from me.
(This sound effect is literally me when thinking about this lmao.)
MINDRICK - hell no tier
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Not to be that person, but even if there was genuine chemistry... let's just say Mindy doesn't just look young. I even Googled it for you. You're welcome.
SQUARRY - ?? tier
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Okay so I've heard lots of good things about this pairing and how they have some great, shippy interactions. However, it's not a ship I'm familiar enough with to form an opinion.
BUBBLERAY - ?? tier
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Not really super familiar with these characters' dynamic in general, let alone the ship.
SLAPFERATU - ?? tier
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I've seen this ship making the rounds as well, but definitely not familiar enough with them to make a judgment call. From what I've seen (including pulling this pic together), it is pretty hilarious. I will say that. 😆
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greenerteacups · 10 months
The worst part is that JKR did actually admit years later that upon reflection Hermione and Ron probably wouldn't have worked out as a couple and (while I totally thought that all along) I was like.... yeah, that's why the epilogue should never have existed! So that the people who liked Hermione/ Ron could have that as the end game couple and the people (like me) who thought it would never work out, could happily imagine that they tried dating for a bit and then realised within a year that they were better off as friends... Tbh that's still my headcanon and I don't care. As far as I'm concerned, they broke up and ended up dating and marrying the kind of people they'd actually be happy with... I kinda actually ship Ron with Lavender and think a post DH war hero Ron and more mature survivor of werewolf attack Lavender would be an awesome couple (yes Lavender lives in my headcanon). And I ship Dramione so of course I'd imagine that being an epic slow burn for my girl while she works to make the wizarding world a better place!
yeah this was always what confused me about wanting to establish that they got married, because like — i'm not going to pretend i don't see the appeal, i would have gone absolutely wild if we'd timeskipped two decades and saw "Hermione Malfoy" rocking up to Platform 9 3/4, i would have rioted, i would have run down the street like it was fucking V-Day, i would have quite simply lost my shit. so i get why fans of the ships like the endgame marriages, it's a nice bow-on-the-present to have confirmation of the happy ending. but it's not necessary. and hey, after a million words and seven books, maybe she's earned the right to twiddle her thumbs a little. but it's like... man, i really do think that ending on that scene of the Golden Trio standing on the parapets of Hogwarts after Harry snaps the Elder Wand would have been amazing. that's your last scene, man. that's the whole series, right there.
i have to admit, i really dislike the extracanonical stuff where she talks about her own writing. it's like she's trying to edit a text she's already published. and especially when she made that comment about ron and hermione needing counseling, i was like... who is this for? if you like that pairing, this is awful, and you're furious that you're having your legs cut out from under you years after you thought you got a happy ending. and if you don't like the pairing, you're standing there shouting: YEAH, I TOLD YOU SO! and fuming that Rowling essentially admitted she didn't think about their long-term compatibility before she wrote them into a twenty-year relationship.
and incompatibility isn't even a problem if you believe, as many fans of other ships do, that ron and hermione are a realistic intra-friendgroup couple who get babycrushes on each other, or perhaps mistake platonic feelings for romantic ones, date for a few years, break up, and then go back to a strong and loving friendship. and if DH ended on the Battle of Hogwarts, everyone who thinks that could just go on thinking that, and the people who like the couple — well, R/H is canon and endgame, so i don't think the people who ship them would have a reason to care what other corners of the internet think about it.
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protect-namine · 2 years
Opinion on ness? _aesterblaster
omg I don't talk about him much but I actually really love satellite characters and ness is totally kaiser's satellite
since I don't talk about ness that much I'm pouring everything into this one post lol, so brushing everything under the cut to spare everyone the long essay. also, obligatory disclaimer that my thoughts on him will probably change once we get his backstory.
I think ness is an interesting character to have in the germany team because BM is all about rationality and the rational part here is to rely on and support kaiser to score. if blue lock shakes up that system, is ness "rational" enough to support other players if it's the logical thing to do, even if (especially if) it's against kaiser, or will he stick by kaiser anyway? tbh I don't know enough about him to say, but I'm willing to bet he's actually more loyal than logical, but that loyalty didn't come from nothing! maybe he truly believes kaiser is better than everyone and he is the best strategy, or maybe his loyalty just happens to coincide with what is the best strategy right now. but I'm really betting his loyalty trumps "rationality" because just look at his eyes here after isagi steals the ball and assist kunigami
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he's such a smiley, cheery person usually. I wonder what his backstory is...
we already know that the chain designs are deliberately drawn in ways that say something about the character (like sae's broken and golden chains, kaiser's clear chain, etc). ness's chain having blue roses is kinda a given since he makes it his goal to direct the plays around kaiser and it's probably also holding him back since he doesn't cultivate his own "ego" outside of it. what is ness outside of kaiser? how do we define him without kaiser in the picture?
I would love to get a ness arc to explore the implications of this picture!!
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we already know plenty of characters like him with similar roles/skills but they can stand on their own (tabito, hiori, heck even isagi himself) and/or are growing past their need to be defined as a shadow of someone else's talents (reo). he's a nice contrast to all of that. I don't necessarily think he needs to get rid of or surpass kaiser for growth (like how nagi and reo broke up), but maybe their relationship dynamics can change. like how bachira didn't necessarily move on from isagi to surpass him, but their relationship changed to one where they constantly challenge each other to be better. as much as ness is defined around kaiser, kaiser is also only able to prop himself up because of ness and that doesn't have to change. I mean, rose thorn imagery aside, their relationship seems (for now) waaay healthier than reonagi and even rin and sae back when rin was just as obsessed with being sae's right hand man (see the post's tags for more on this topic).
(tangent: tbh I think the reason why isagi can't beat kaiser yet despite learning to do meta vision at will is because he forgets that kaiser is relying on two sets of eyes... ness is right there with probably the same vision skills so together they consume less energy to control the field unlike isagi who just solos it)
idk if we'll ever see it but I would love to see some story moments that contrasts him with kurona (who, in order to stay in the team, chose to be isagi's satellite), hiori (the OG isagi satellite and cheerleader!! but currently benched...), and reo (who is trying to move on from being nagi's satellite but damn the reonagisagi thing just keeps getting messier and messier. I really feel bad for the guy). I think there's potential in exploring ness's character with these other three as foils.
(another tangent: I've been wondering why his chain becomes transparent at the back but I saw someone point out that it could be because it connects to kaiser's. super neat detail!!)
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I think ness has more control over the team than is apparent, he's just not loud about it like kaiser is. it's like... if kaiser is the director of a play, ness is the stage manager that makes it all happen, y'know? kaiser might be the star but I think they both know and understand that ness holds just as much power here. but he's a super chill guy who's got a handle on things so I'd love to see what makes him mad. this is blue lock! we deserve to see a truly pissed off ness!!
outside of plot, and more into fanon territory: I think he holds 90% of kaiser's impulse control; he would make a great mom friend (how come no one thought of giving the blue lock kids the magical mikage translation earbuds until he arrived?? also he probably knows how to calm down a Kasier Tantrum if it happens); he would probably be down for a karaoke/hangout chapter with the blue lock kids; he either has anger management issues deep inside OR he already took care of that in therapy and is now just living his mostly-chill but pretty-obsessed happy life being the stage magician for kaiser
further fanon delusions: I hope they turn out to be childhood friends. omg wait, even better: I hope the twist is that kaiser actually got a blue rose tattoo because of ness............. because ness genuinely thinks he can "attain the impossible" (one of the things a blue rose symbolizes) and kaiser got that tattoo'd as a reminder to himself. oh man, that would be nice I think. I think it would be fun to flip the script and make ness the hidden reason for kaiser's existence even though on the outside it seems like the other way around.
but lol maybe kaiser really is just a dramatic person that likes blue roses and maybe ness really is just a super big kaiser fan. I have no problem with that too!! these two are just theater kids playing football tbh!!
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Good evening to me
As is tradition for these long personal posts, I am currently moving. Look at my cleaned up desk set up:
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Here's a song.
My job suddenly let me go a couple weeks ago. I'm not worried, but... well I'm starting to get worried. I was initially feeling ok, because I actually had an interview lined up for the week following, but that fell through too now so I'm just very nervous.
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So I've been saddled with a lot of time to think now. And it's all been bad. I'm basically stuck again. I've moved back with my parents for the time being and it stinks. They haven't been berating me or anything (though I'm sure it will come soon enough), but I just feel so... trapped. I feel like I'm stuck in a time loop, cursed to never escape or... well, to be honest, develop a real relationship.
I'm strongly reminded of my time stuck at my parent's home immediately after I first graduated college. While I had been broken up with the ex for about two years or so by then, it still was grating on me subconsciously, I know because my default state is very extroverted and during maybe the 2-3 years after her, I was very soft spoken and introverted. I didn't reach out to people that much. It felt like I was trying to remember who I was for a little bit, after dedicating a little too much to someone else. Then I felt extra useless because I just couldn't get a job for the life of me, maybe for like 4 months if I remember correctly.
Those were really rough months, as I tried to find meaning in what I was doing.
Well, I feel like I'm in that spot again. Broke up with the same girl. Then sent to live with the parents in the same old room that is now accruing mess because I'm just not a very well kept guy.
I'm really scared right now.
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And I've let my mind just wander back to the ex. The problem with this room is I have 2 strong memories of it: 1) being stuck here, not able to find a job and 2) watching the ex sleep in my bed, a little bit sick, waiting for her to wake up so that I can make us dinner. So I start wondering if should contact her, because I feel so much like I'm running out of time. I'm getting too old, or something.
I'm scared I'm gonna be alone forever, or, if I do fall in love again, fall in love in a way that I find disappointing or settle or whatever.
So I start wondering if I should contact her. It's not even just I want to talk to her again about stuff that only we could talk about (as I stated before, she occupied this specific intersection of people that I just don't have anywhere else), I actively just... want that type of relationship connection again.
Then my mind races through whether she would even want to date me again.
Then my mind races through the complexities of dating her again, what friends I'd need to inform, which friends I'd actively keep in the dark because they would reject her and fight me about it, probably for my own good tbh.
Then my mind races through the complexities of, well, dating someone who my brain can't even trust anymore.
My mom isn't helping. If you may remember, after the previous break up, she briefly mentioned "what if you do end up together." I thought that would be the end of it, but recently we were talking about the people in my ex's town having to forget about me for a second time. Then my mom said "hopefully for the last time, but ya know, your dad was saying- oop." and then she changed the topic.
I wonder if I still sound happy when talking about my ex. Because maybe my parents are still wondering if I'm going to forgive her and go back to her. It's been already 3 months after a 5 month long relationship and here I still am.
It's all a mess and then I realize that I really shouldn't contact her or try to even initiate this conversation because it wouldn't work out for one reason or another and then I get trapped in the feeling of being scared and alone forever again.
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And I tried to cry today.
I tried. With tears and everything. It didn't really work. I can't really cry unless I'm with someone I'm very comfortable with after telling them what happened. So... The last time I cried with tears was January 28th, in my ex's arms. The first and last time I cried with her. And also the first time I cried with tears since... hm. There was a moment in 2018 where I really broke down and cried in my room. But.. yea. That's it.
See, the thing is, I know I will be ok alone. I know I'll find my own peace and my own happiness being alone. I watched my uncle do it before he passed away. I've watched family friends do it. Hell, I thought I was aromatic until I re-met the ex.
But that's the rub, isn't it? I thought I was aromatic.
After dating her again, I realize that I very very very very clearly am not.
There's a degree of personal happiness that I can't access alone. If my personal happiness goes from 1/10 (deciding if life is worth living) to 10/10 (on a date with a girl who I know likes me), then the degrees of happiness 9/10 and 10/10 are locked unless I'm with someone. I haven't felt 9/10 or 10/10 without dating someone. And I had forgotten this was all the case until I dated her again. When I was alone those 8 years, I thought my 8/10 happy moments was as good as it was gonna get.
It wasn't.
And now I'm scared I'll never be able to reach that degree of happiness again.
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Because, you see, I've been looking around. I've been talking to people, trying to find someone new. I've hit some sparks, I can feel some girls liking me. But I don't think I like them the same way I liked the ex.
With the ex, I was ecstatic about her in every way. I wanted to talk about her to everyone I knew. She was 3 hours away, and that 3 hour drive to her house was the greatest amount of anticipation I ever felt. It was exhilarating. Every time.
I still remember the first time I saw her again, she just walked out the door, jumped, surprised because I spooked her from the corner, then she charged and hugged me. And I felt 10/10. I felt 11/10. It was one of the greatest moments of my life.
This isn't a hyperbole.
But I don't know if I'll reach this with someone else.
Maybe I just haven't found the one yet. But I'm scared I'll run out of time. There some part of me that just wants my future wife to be someone I've known for a very long time. I kinda don't want someone new, I want someone I'm familiar with. Someone nostalgic.
I think I'm just imposing what my ex and I had onto future girls, which is causing me to not accept different kinds of interactions with them. But I really don't know how else to describe it other than they don't make me as excited. I'm not getting that spark. I don't get it. I just.. don't understand. I guess I'm just not over her yet.
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And then the final bit is that an old boss of mine contacted me. I think I might take his job, but it's taking a bit longer for it to materialize. However, this job is in small town, Louisiana. The same small town that killed my romanticism 5-ish years ago.
It's a really really good opportunity. It would literally triple-quadruple my previous wage, and, I was not being paid minimum wage or anything. And he says eventually I'd be transferred to New Orleans, so at least I know I wouldn't be trapped in small town, USA.
I'm just.. scared I'll be alone forever.
So I'm trying to decide if I should text her again.
And I really, really shouldn't.
But... maybe.
ah I don't know anymore
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caught-the-lovebug · 1 year
hi I'm the girl who had a crush on the girl in my dorm and everyone and their mother thought the feeling was mutual!
Well now it's the very opposite. We barely even see eachother snd when we do we just do a little fake nod for a hello and we walk past eachother.
Ever since her ex found her way to our dorm things got very confusing. First why is she even here, 2nd are they back together? And 3rd why is my crush suddenly ignoring me. She literally went from showing me stickers she thought I'd like based on my lockscreen and phone case and telling me to pick one (unfortunately I couldn't get any its a long sad story) to tge next day bringing her ex to the dorm and disappearing like she died somehow.
God I'm sooooo disappointed! Like I went from 100 to -100 real quick I couldn't even realize how bad of a damage it caused. I was extremely thankful for the way things were rolling for me but idk WHY they went downhill all of a sudden.
Anyway, I wish I knew what made us like this tbh, like im not the clingy type so when I saw her being a bit cold to me I immediately got offended, however I tried to give her couple chances to see if I was wrong but I can't do it anymore. I can't act cool around someone I feel like they don't give a shit about me rn. So I'm ignoring her as well. Idk maybe that's for the worst actually but she doesn't seem like she wants to have a friendship anymore.
She added one of my friends to her close friend list but not me, and she is also posting alot of her and her ex who's probably now her gf atm.
Ugh, I'm sorry for the rambling but ig it's the end of the fairytale for me...
I'm gonna give my honest answer here but that doesn't mean I'm right.
It sounds like something is definitely going on that you're not in the loop for. Which is almost always the case because we don't get to see what's happening in other people's heads.
It sounds like she's purposely distancing you. Why? I'm not sure. I could think of some reasons (ranging from she knows you like her and doesn't want to hurt you (even though she is anyway), to there's a reason her and her ex broke up and maybe she's being manipulated into it because the ex feels threatened by you, to she's just a jerk) but I have no way of knowing.
It's always really upsetting when someone we like and hoped to be friends with (and maybe test the romance waters) suddenly doesn't seem to want that.
My advice is to take care of yourself. Let yourself be upset over what could have been. But try to move on. Be polite and friendly to her but let yourself move on to new friends (and your current ones!) and new people. Do things. Try new things and new experiences. Don't get caught up with someone who isn't being your friend.
And hey, if things change again maybe you two can talk it out and be friends. Or maybe you won't.
Good luck! And I'm sorry.
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homemade-ghosts · 2 years
/post/694325043656818688/what-confuses-me-the-most-about-last-episode-is I agree with a lot of points you mention but to me (maybe I'm giving the writers too much credit) But in my eyes to Gina quality time = love, maybe she isn't in love with Ej and is just caring but I found it very genuine the way she wanted him around, to me that shows she cared and she tried but Ej? In the canoe he didn't care at all if he has to get up and left her alone, I admit it his look confuse me but the whole +
Since this was sent in two parts, I hope it's okay if I put the second part below and respond to both of them in one ask.
Part 2 of this ask: +episode he didn't care at all to spend time with Gina (like for example Troy since we are in this universe) he didn't seem affected by not being around her or missing moments with her. He wants to stay in salt lake okay but why? is it really because of her? But Gina in the other hand the moment with Ricky 'Where's Ej?' that broke my heart it was really genuine and I don't mind as a Rina at all tbh I just hope that they don't pull a real Frozen and she just jumps to Ricky (I doubt it)
[This ask is in response to this one btw, in case anyone is curious.]
When I said that Gina isn't in love with EJ, but rather the idea/fantasy of him, I didn't mean to suggest that she doesn't care for him & I'm sorry if it came off that way. She absolutely, genuinely does care about him and, because one of her love languages is quality time (probably because she's never truly got to have quality time with anyone prior to moving to SLC, with her mom often working, not having any real friends and her brother distant -- both literally & figuratively) spending time with EJ is extra important to her and it makes it all the more devastating when he doesn’t show up. Jules actually has a really great thread on Twitter about Gina's love languages (here) that I highly recommend reading if you get the chance.
While I do believe Gina is a small part of why EJ wants to stay in SLC, I think most of EJ’s desire to stay comes from not being ready to move on from the comfort of his childhood home, out into “The Real World.” Staying in his hometown, in the house he likely grew up in (while, and it makes me feel gross just typing this, dating someone who is still in high school) makes it easy for EJ to pretend that nothing has changed, to keep living in a world where he’s still a high school kid who doesn’t have to think about what he wants to be when he grows up. He goes to camp, like he has every year for who knows how long, hoping to have one last summer of being a kid and instead he gets saddled with directing this musical for the doc. Adulthood comes for us all, whether we want it to or not, and EJ being forced into this role of authority and responsibility is a metaphor for that. 
EJ doesn’t quite get that, however and he will do anything he can in order to get the outcome he wants (we saw that when he poisoned Emily so Nini could get the lead last summer) and that includes ignoring Gina. He doesn’t listen when she tells him she wants to spend the day with him and win Color War together because, whether he realizes it or not, he’s willing to sacrifice what Gina wants to get what he wants. He rejects the promposal she obviously worked hard on and then can’t even be bothered to stick around for longer than a few minutes because he has to “get back to work.” Once again, he treats Gina not as someone he wants, but as someone who is getting in the way of what he really wants. 
EJ’s not affected by the lack of time he spends with Gina and he’s not sorry about missing her big basketball moment because he’s getting what he wants and no matter how much he might care about Gina, he cares about himself more. 
Also, in regards to Gina “just jump[ing] to Ricky”, if by that you mean you hope that Gina & Ricky don’t start dating so soon after she breaks up with EJ, while I understand your concern, I really wouldn’t worry about that. They won’t get together this season.
EDIT: As if this wasn’t already a ramble-y mess (I’m sorry about that!) I somehow completely forgot to address EJ’s relationship with his dad and how his desperate need to make her father proud is a big part of why he might want to stay in SLC. Not for the place itself necessarily, but for what it represents. Staying would mean that his father saw something in EJ worth believing in, that he thought EJ could make it on his own. 
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ghoulgirly · 6 months
ok i started doing this in the tags of my last post but i realized it was long and i could just make a post of its own
im pretty behind on g3 collecting due to being a broke college student, this is the list of all the ones i don't have (including those i don't think im going to collect? im going to put low/medium/high priority)
signature release deuce (low)
ghoul spirit (medium)
day out clawdeen and frankie (medium)
all skulltimate secrets series 1 (high)
all monsteristas (budget line) (high)
lagoona and clawdeen fearidescent (HIGH)
amped up frankie (medium) (im a little out frankied tbh)
scareadise heath, frankie, lagoona (low) clawdeen (medium)
fan-sea lagoona (medium)
signature release clawd (low-medium)
clawdeen studio (low)
spa day lagoona (medium)
bite in the park draculaura (medium)
gore-ganizer cleo (medium)
all of skulltimate secrets series 3 (very low, probably not collecting, only might get ghoulia or drac?)
coffin bean (low to medium)
dolls i already have but i want more
signature lagoona (I LOVEEEE HER i want like two more... one to leave as is and another to play with hehehe)
signature cleo (i want to customize one or two but again also have one as is)
signature twyla (i fucked up her bangs.... going to reroot my one now and get another to leave as is)
yeah basically boy dolls automatically get low priority for me, although i do really love clawd. neon frights doesn't really appeal to me especially for the skulltimate secrets price. i am so close to finishing the fearidescent line and it's probably my favorite released line so far even with the poly, generally im hoping to get skulltimate one and two done first. im solely focusing on g3, really not trying to do collector dolls anymore because midnight runway was draining my bank and i only feel so-so about the dolls.
this is also not even counting all the upcoming releases we know of like venus (highest priority ever) or the monster fest line (also high priority..) or the skulltimate secrets ballet line (also high priority.....................) . im possibly working two jobs while in school in 2024 so really trying to make enough to afford dolls and also food and rent and gas hahahhihfjahfjbhlifbh.
getting back into dolls after having a really rough semester is making me very happy. for 2024 i want to start doing reroots, end goal is fully customizing including face ups and making clothes but i need money for supplies and time for that, so i'm starting small with just a goal of rerooting (signature clawdeen i will save you from poly, i swear). i need to get back into watching a lot of dolltube too, fr nothing better than xcanadensis or angel loza. (and shoutout to dollect for being very helpful in making this post)
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Update time:
As per usual I'll put the tldr before the cut and longer rant surrounding my feelings under.
I'm going to have very limited internet from October 13th to 27th, like to the point of probably only having internet for 2 of those days maximum (likely the 16th and 25th but we'll see). With that in mind, please feel free to continue to send messages but just note that I may not answer until the 27th.
There's a good chance that I am going to start blogging again around November 4th.
If I do come back, it won't be as actively as before (but more than now) and there's a good chance that I will veer towards being more of a multifandom blog than mostly a Taylor one.
Okay so longer thoughts around this all... So when I took my break, I wasn't sure how long I planned it to be or even if I could do it at all. Like I had been wanting to for so long that I expected to fall back into old habits within a week. So the fact that I have made it this far, and like with ease, has been incredible. But the truth is that this break had three major goals and I feel like only one of them has been even somewhat fulfilled.
Firstly, and the one that has been somewhat fulfilled, was proving to myself that I could use my time doing something else. And I say somewhat fulfilled because like realistically I'm still online more than I would've liked, just on like Duolingo or whatever relearning Japanese. And don't get me wrong, I still feel like that's better than being on social media for 15 hours a day and it has somewhat helped me manage my time better. Likewise, I do have a ton of offline activities coming up, but they're all temporary holidays. And it may sound weird to remedy that with coming back online but that leads into goal two.
The second goal was to feel more connected to people. Realistically, I still feel the same (very positively) about my offline friends and just feel more disconnected to the community I had here. And now that I think I can balance my time better with social media, I'm willing to try find a better balance for that.
And then there's the elephant in the room, which is tied with the third goal. The third goal was to get away from the noise because honestly? I've had very mixed, but more rapidly negative growing emotions about being in the Taylor Swift fandom since Midnights' release but especially this year, like more so than ever (which, those of you who have been around since 2015 know, is saying something). I had hoped that time away would somewhat subdue the negativity, especially because my expectations for Taylor have been far lower since 2019 than they were previously and I found my way back to her then. But honestly? It only reinforced it. I'm not saying that I hate Taylor or her fandom now. Like I will still go to eras in February and I love you guys, but I can't pretend like May didn't happen or that it didn't have real world/offline effects to people who I love including violence from others and self harm. And more so, I can't pretend like it doesn't make me resentful that despite god knows how many posts and tiktoks and whatever from Taylor Swift fans saying that they've also faced offline harm, people are still acting like this was just a chronically online issue that was 'overreacted' on. And like honestly? This year, and the acceptance that this stuff likely isn't going to change, was the straw that broke the camel's back with that stuff, not the whole issue.
Like my whole view of being a fan has changed; everything from engaging in her music purchasing her music (Speak Now TV was the first time I hadn't preordered it and only own it now because I was gifted it, the same will go for 1989 TV and tbh have barely listened to her music lately), to other media where I'm not as motivated or scared of FOMO as to feel the need to see everything straight away or get more eras tickets (I'm likely going to cancel the accommodation I had for the city I was going to get resale tickets for) and I no longer feel comfortable reblogging any photos that Taylor hasn't taken/approved herself. And that's led to a place where ultimately I feel like I am here more for the community than even being a fan if that makes sense. Like again, I love you all and I don't hate Taylor, it's just more than she's now at the level of just say The Weeknd for me where I appreciate the musicality more than stanning her as a person as opposed to it being both like before. And I've had a lot of fear around that, particularly earlier in the year because I may not be able to have the community without being as involved with the factor tying us all together, but I'm in a far better headspace now where I can trust that that won't be the case but also be fine if it is.
Anyway that was a rant and a half, but the point is that if and when I come back, which may or may not be sooner than I thought, I'll be looking at following more non-Taylor blogs. I still haven't made a choice on level of personal posts though, but I do think it's going to be more of a balance of positive moments in my life and leaving most of my negative ones for myself because while I'd like to think that I've been an honest influence by showing my struggles, a large part of my conflicting feelings about being online is just how identifiable I've been through posting those struggles, especially in a country where any onus of defamation is on the person making the statements. It's honestly a big reason why 99% of my biggest struggles from last year weren't posted, because unfortunately, with how uncommon some of my issues have been, posting them plus the selfies I have over the years (and tbh even without the selfies) has led to feeling like I have a target on my back and I just can't do that anymore. So yeah, this is another rant but while it's not set in stone, if I post anything about my life, it will be more manufactured and 'best of' rather than the whole picture... ironically given I feel like tumblr has often been my diary/venting space for the worst moments lmao.
But anyway, I've ranted enough and it's after midnight here now, so that's where things stand atm.
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thispabulum-blog · 9 months
Welcome Back, Kotter
Been a while, eh?
I'm pretty much settled in at my new job and I just had my first first date in a long time, so let's chat.
Cuddlebug and I are still doing well! We've done a lot of work on problem-solving and conflict resolution, and I'm getting used to being in a relationship where people communicate and things can change whenever they're not working optimally. Witchcraft, I say! I don't want to go into a whole post of "Look how cute my boyfriend is", but I definitely could.
Item 9 is good. He went silent for a while, but it turns out there was some Big Family Drama going on in his world, so he's been busy sorting all that out. He's supposed to be coming over tomorrow to hang out with me and Cuddlebug, and we're very much looking forward to that.
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(Cuddlebug and I recently finished watching Yuri on Ice, so that's what we've got for gifs today)
Aquaman has disappeared. The last time we spoke, over the summer, he was going through what was probably a mental health crisis. Unsurprisingly, tbh, what with his level of burnout. I don't know if he just spiraled, or if he went back to his abusive ex, or what the situation is. I hope he's doing okay.
Baymax reappeared this past spring, and then disappeared almost as quickly. Supposedly him and his ex broke up, he's now poly and pansexual, he fooled around with my boyfriend, told us he loved us, and then within weeks I was blocked on everything and his fiancee is being passive-aggressive on social media. Oh well. Good luck with the marriage, bro.
Dr. Strangelove...I might have to go into all of that some other time. He exists, but things are increasingly weird.
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Anyway, I said something about a date?
As I've spoken about before, I don't super like Hinge, as far as dating apps go. I feel like the focus on "prompts" and only being able to have a few on your profile really limits what kind of insights you get about a person, and it doesn't seem to have calibrated at all to what I'm interested in. They say the best way to get it to know what you want is to swipe, so I do that a lot when I'm bored.
That being said, I did see a guy pop up recently that made me do a double-take, so I started chatting with him. His name is gonna be Ladybird for our purposes.
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Let's get real, though. After this whole situation last summer, I've been really reluctant to get back into dating with any kind of enthusiasm. I already have a lot of social anxiety and all, but that absolutely set me back.
Cuddlebug and I had that date with Chex Mix last year, which, while not a disaster, was not a great experience. And then I had two dates some other time with a really cute person, and then they just kinda flaked on me. But both of those situations were more looking for someone who could hang with us as a couple - partly because I think I was still apprehensive, and partly because I feel bad when Cuddlebug doesn't get any male attention.
The problem is that I'm not only attracted to submissive bisexual guys that I could take in a fight. And ever since Space Kitten moved away, I haven't spent any time with someone physically imposing.
So this one is just for me.
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Ladybird's profile started with a song lyric and invited you to finish it. I wasn't familiar, but he was cute and I needed an opener so I cheated and Googled it. The lyrics were nice and sounded like something I would be into, so I listened to it and uhhh...it's some genre of metal. I could not understand a single word they said, even though I was looking at the lyrics at the time. I guess we won't be listening to music together, then.
He's only a year younger than me, does the same kind of work that I used to do, has two really cute little dogs, and his own apartment. He doesn't have or want kids, doesn't smoke. He loves Taco Bell as much as I do, and offered to make me French toast with jam and Nutella. He also looks a bit like Adam Driver (but don't tell Cuddlebug that; it's a sore spot). He talked about looking for someone to hang out with and watch movies, eat food, fool around...all of my favorite things!
His sense of humor is kind of dry and aggressive, but he makes it a point to clarify that he's joking whenever he says something that might be taken the wrong way.
Alright well that just makes him sound like Schrodinger's Douchebag, so let's see if I can find an example...
Okay so I checked and it's mostly dirty stuff, so I'll paraphrase:
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Me: "I might be interested in that, but it would take some working up to."
Ladybird: "Oh really? I expect [very intense and specific thing]."
Ladybird: "All jokes aside, I do care a lot about you and what you're feeling. Ignoring boundaries is fucked up, in my opinion."
We were doing a lot of messaging back and forth, and last weekend we even talked on the phone for a bit (which I never do, just because I hate talking on the phone so much), so we decided to do a low-key first date at an all-night pancake place after I got off work one day this past week (since I get out of work late).
Y'all, having a boyfriend makes dating new guys SO MUCH easier!
Cuddlebug picked me up from work, drove me to the restaurant, got a table for himself and ate dinner, and then sat in the car watching youtube on his phone until I was ready to go. Truly the best boyfriend. He also gave me a pocket knife.
When we got outside we even did some kissing, which was very nice! I haven't kissed a Tall Guy in a while; the dynamics of it are so weird.
The date went really well! We were both very tired - I had just gotten out of work, and it was likely past his normal bedtime, so we spent most of the time comparing notes on shitty job stuff and dealing with customers and terrible managers. He did a lot of bad accents, spoke a little Spanish at me, and didn't do anything that made me uncomfortable. It was a little awkward at times but nothing terrible. Honestly the most awkward thing was that three different servers came by our table to talk to me about how much they liked my hair. I told him "This is what it's like going out with me; you'll have to get used to it." He paid for dinner, which I wasn't counting on.
Side note: I had also started messaging a different guy around the same time, and I got them a little confused, so I showed up expecting Ladybird to be 5'9" and he is in fact 6'2". I went to put my arms around his shoulders in a Cute Girl Hug move, but it was significantly higher than I thought it would be and it made it a little weird. For me, at least (being 5'3"). He seemed fine about it.
He tastes super familiar but I couldn't place it. He had things going on this weekend, so we're planning on me going over to his house next Saturday. I'm excited!
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I'll talk to you guys next weekend, or maybe sooner if I have more than 5 minutes of free time during the week.
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
Imagine Thoma finding out the little crush, he’d probably laugh, I mean he’s got to be used to hearing stuff like that. Right? No way people don’t whisper about how cute and kind he is when he walks down the street lol. & If it really broke the kid Kamisato’s heart just IMAGINE how nice he’d be. He’d sit them down and just explain why they shouldn’t get heartbroken and how in many years they’ll find someone who makes them forget about all their silly crushes ☹️☹️☹️ if I had to get rejected by anyone I’d choose Thoma
Imagine young!Kamisato!reader developing their first cutesy little crush on him.
note: HNNNG ANON BECAUSE I JUST KNOW Thoma is the type parents are pushing their of-age kids to, he's everyone's dream son-in-law, he's the type little girls crush over in whispers and little boys look up to him and nosy housewives would compare their husbands to him and and-
based on this post
He probably did something nice and simple, like offered them candy or helped them clean up a mess before they could get scolded and reader just falls for him 😖
Thoma is the slightest bit oblivious but when Ayato notices the blushy look on his sibling's face, he's in panic because NO NOT HIS LITTLE SIBLING HAVING THEIR FIRST CRUSH NOOO you're like 6-10 years old or something.
It was fine at first: first crushes fade away real quick when you're at that age anyway but now you're constantly following Thoma, peeking around from corners to look at him clean the house. Thoma's the only one who really plays with you, he helps you with your studies and gives you head pats and everyone else is just so busy.
Thoma does laugh when he finds out, pushes it aside as a childhood thing, feels flattered about the situation. He won't address it but he'll take it as a teaching opportunity! Your future crushes should know how to treat you right, so he'll only do the best for you.
Ayaka finds it cute and sweet too! She might even tease you about it.
Everything really was fine until you started running up to Ayato, asking if he brought Thoma with him and Ayato is just like?? 😀 he's been so busy working day and night for his two younger siblings and this is what he comes home to.
Why are you looking for the pyro maid no no look at big brother instead 🥺
So Ayato's grabbing onto Thoma and telling him how he HAS TO EXPLAIN TO YOU why your little crush won't work out. It's unfortunate that big brother has to orchestrate your first heartbreak, but don't worry! Once you realize how unworthy Thoma is, big brother will come comfort you instead muahahahah (or so, that's how Ayato thought it would turn out)
Thoma would be so nice and sweet, takes you out for icecream or dango milk first (something that doesn't happen a lot, you're always stuck guarded in the estate!) and brings you to a cool spot with Taromaru and other strays.
He sits you down to tell you how you're an amazing person with so much potential 🥺💖 Thoma talks to you about how you're still young and you've got the whole world to see, carefully threads around your trauma of losing your parents early, depending on your big siblings, etc etc. Might bring up the status difference to help support why you should give up on him.
He ends it by saying things like how you'll grow up to be a great Kamisato. It feels more of a praise-dump that a rejection, really, so you're not even crying.
Probably makes you fall harder for him tbh :D but you understand a bit more about love now and you go back to the estate.
Ayato's there with a gloating face like 😏😤 "I knew all along he doesn't deserve you-"
but you go like "I'm going to work hard and grow up to be a great Kamisato and offer an arranged marriage with Thoma!"
Ayato proceeds to drop his boba once again.
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OC Profile: No. 135
A thin white young man with short, light brown hair with bangs to the side of the face, with his pointed ears standing out from it. He has heterochromia with the left eye being red, and the right, a very light gray. His nails are all long, sharp, and black. Two black horns protrude from his head, becoming slightly distorted at their tips. A black, spiny, skinny tail defines his lower backside, with its underside being the same color as his skin. He was a hybrid between human, incubus, and was the descendant of an ancient fire dragon that had dominion over all humans.
From the second series of experiments (100-199)
135 was very competitive, and had a jealous streak that only got worse with age. When he was young, he would still play with his younger brother, 136, in spite of his nature and slight resentment, but that resentment came to head when they were both in their late teens.
He and 136 have a similar genetic lineages, and even the same abilities, but 135's failing was being much too frail to survive in the conditions he was created for. He had to consume more resources than a normal human soldier with far less payoff than his younger sibling. Even his bones were as brittle as a human's, if not more so.
When he (19 at the time) and 136 (17) were sparring one day, 136 accidentally broke his collarbone. At this point, 136 was much larger than 135, and much stronger. 136's apologies fell on deaf ears. That was the straw that broke the camel's back for 135. He stopped speaking to his little brother entirely, and when that caused 136 to fall into a depression, the supervisor of the lab and series 100-199 herself went to comfort her best soldier. That only served to make 135 hate his little brother completely, gaining the attention of the supervisor.
About 3 years later, 135 was so sick he could barely function. He knew at this point the lab would discard him into the wilderness to die. When he got to the undisclosed location, what he found infuriated him so much he almost vomited. His brother, resting near an old tree with two little platinum blonde twins who had also been discarded.
"Why in the fuck are you here? You were meant to be the golden child, so why?"
135 felt unhinged. He lunged, intending to kill and eat the twins and 136.
"I refuse to die here," he thought. "And I will finally rid myself of this festering sore!"
It was all just a dream; 135 found himself on the ground, his consciousness fading quickly. 136 had gone straight for his heart.
The last words the young man heard were in a soft, somber voice.
"I always loved and respected you, you know that? I'm so sorry I failed us both. I can only hope you don't experience any more pain."
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
I actually blame the people who keep hanging on to their every word week after week no matter how way off the mark they end up being.
If the “queer Eddie” posts ( and the massive backtracking they tried to do when they turned out to be wrong ) didn’t open people’s eyes then I don’t know…
It wouldn’t be such a problem if they didn’t act like they were speaking like they know exactly what’s going to happen when in reality they’re guessing just as much as the rest of us.
I think the folks you're talking about get a lot of attention and "respect" because they usually are writers themselves and thus have a way with words that just...makes fans want to believe in everything they say. I also think most are against admitting when they're wrong for two specific reasons: 1. Not wanting to be seen as "a hater" [How dare we criticize anything about season five!!! It was BRILLIANT!!! /s]
2. They've dug their heels in on canon-Buddie and admitting the story isn't going how they wanted or predicted would mean acknowledging that they don't actually know what the plan is for these two. But doing so would result in a loss of followers/credibility and they're not willing to risk that. Tumblr is probably the place where they feel the most valued. 😬😬 Some of the things a certain circle in fandom had people believing in, yet could not have been more wrong: - Eddie and Hen working together during 5A would help Eddie ~realize things~ because she'd talk about her wife - Let's just say the hostage situation didn't match their theories. At all. - The title Wrapped In Red (a song about confessing your love at Christmastime) was related to Buddie - Lucy was not going to be involved with Buck in any way because "that's not her purpose". 🤭 - Eddie's sexuality would be at least alluded to during his therapy sessions??? - Eddie's breakdown would finally be when Buck initiates physical touch and Eddie allows himself to be held - Eddie going home meant we were getting hints about his sexuality and we'd find out his parents are homophobic as hell [that one's my fave, tbh] - Eddie was leaving Chris home with Buck instead of bringing him to El Paso (shoutout to @blutterlie for always echoing my thoughts) - The beacon bracelet would come into play before BT broke up (or during the break up) because "the writers wouldn't just forget about it." 😶 - Buddie HAD to be sitting together at the wedding (on opposite sides of Chris) because it was "grouped by families" and we'd get more interaction than what actually happened (which was...nothing) - The show made a point to declare TayKay "homeless" so Buck would absolutely give up his loft as a final apology and we'd get Buddie roommates era [In reality, the show pretended she never said that, proving every piece of dialogue in the script doesn't need to be taken so seriously.] Idk, y'all. I think I'd rather be "negative" than praised for my "galaxy brain" only to be dead wrong every time...
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kikyan · 3 years
Yandere Gaara Headcanons
These are my interpretations of his persona and none of these are 100% accurate. I don't condone any of these actions in real life and all of this is purely fictional. 
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OH LORD MY FIRST NARUTO POST, HERE WE GO!!! I love Gaara so much like I don’t think yall understand, I’M OBSESSED. Anyways this ain’t about me, this is about yall and Gaara. When it comes to Gaara, there are two types that I would say but Naruto ended up reaching his heart so Gaara as a sadistic yandere is kinda off the table. 
Gaara is a complex yet simple character and I dig it. Gaara strikes me as an overprotective, clingy, and obsessive yandere. I would say possessive/manipulative, but in all honesty, I don’t see that happening as much as I thought I would.  You know the drill, let’s break it down! 
As well all know, Gaara was born as a jinchuriki due to Shukaku and his father’s wishes. As a result he was born premature and it took his mother’s life (IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY). He is a cute and kind kid, but his father screwed it up with all the assassination attempts and all the kids seeing him as a monster. At one point he figured that he might as well become what people see him as. It honestly was a pity because I feel like his sibling could have helped him avoid that but again, his papa got in the way :)). 2
After Naruto broke his hard exterior and revealed a kind heart, he changed so much and he endured all the doubtful and suspicious gazes that the villagers gave him. I completely understand them because change isn’t that easy, but I also hated how they completely disregarded all his achievements as the youngest Kazkeage. As a yandere, he would be overprotective of his S/O a lot. 
He is the Kazekage and a Jinchuriki, meaning that he has many enemies just wanting to do him harm and that includes hurting those who he likes. Doesn’t matter how strong you are, he will still worry and even take it upon himself to train you and spar with you to ensure you are somewhat prepared. On top of that, this isn’t like a modern world with no powers, chakra and jutsus exist so there is more danger than what the modern world holds. He just wants his S/O to be safe and you can bet that if he comes to find that someone treated you differently than what is expected, he would have to remind them basic manners because he’d be damned if someone hurt his S/O and the peaceful harmony that he tried restoring in the Sand Village. 
Obsessive. I didn’t see this one as much but then I realized that he would want things to be perfect in a sense. He knows all too well about the darkness (especially when he tried to help Sasuke out of it as well) and tried to help people understand that it wasn’t a good path. I think that he would be obsessive about his S/O’s life in the sense that he wants to be there for when they need him the most. Invasive, yes because he would probably want to know what is going on in your life even if you aren’t ready to tell him.  
Clingy. He isn’t one for PDA just because he hasn’t been exposed to it. I think of him as socially awkward because he isn’t one to converse as much unless he has to (Kage meetings, etc.) but once you show him love and displays of affection, he would slowly start to crave it more and more. His motivator to finish documents would be to be in his S/O arms. He might even get stressed out and for a break seek out his S/O and rest peacefully on their lap for some time. It’s all the things he missed growing up, the love of a parental figure (he has mommy and daddy issues tbh) that he will start to long and want to do with his S/O. 
In terms of danger? I would say not that much because Naruto managed to change him so everyone thank Naruto because if not we would have stayed with sadistic Gaara who would sand coffin our asses. He honestly just wants love and affections from his S/O, someone to believe in him and to endure him because I honestly think that even with an S/O, he is not worthy of having one. He would second-guess any and all actions he takes because he would think he isn’t good for them and that they are stuck and miserable next to him. PLEASE SHOW HIM THAT’S NOT THE CASE, PLEASE I BEG. He would understand that he is a bit more difficult than most people when it comes to expressing his emotions but he does care and wants the best for his S/O. That’s all I think, and while requests are closed please consider requesting for Naruto because that show was my childhood.
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