#syscourse blogs dni
crabussy · 2 years
I love being part of a system <- guy who hates being part of a system <- guy who loves being part of a system <- guy who hates being part of a system <- guy who loves being part of a system <- guy who
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lighthouse-system · 8 months
I finally figured out the answer when people ask, “Doesn’t childhood amnesia scare you?”
What you forget, you rarely think about. When people reflect on their favourite toys when they were 6, it rarely occurs to me that I was also 6 at one point.
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thestarpletsystem · 5 days
(I get angry in this one, probably more syscourse so I tagged as such.)
I need to start blocking people on sight. I want to argue with these ass clowns, but frankly it’s running us dry. We don’t want your shitty behavior. Fucking grow up. You are the exact thing you seek to destroy, fake claimers and spreaders of misinformation. Seriously. Find something better to do. Combat actual misinformation. Find a hobby. Go to therapy and get actual help for your DID, since it’s apparently so horrible for you. Maybe thats why you’re so insufferable. Go play some video games. Do something productive (not whatever you’re doing right now.)
If you think I’m gonna send death threats to you, no I won’t. I’m better than that, but are you?
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anti-endo-haven · 2 months
Make sure that all of you stay safe and can do something for yourselves.
Also stating that this blog is ANTI ENDO. I will block any endos or pro-endos no matter what.
For all anti-endos, I love you guys and I want the absolute best for you!
Endos are NOT welcome or valid here, even if you want to make yourself wanted. It will just become more annoying and time consuming for you. Just because I get to read the aftermath of your anger doesn’t mean that I have to deal with the time and effort it put into typing out a reply.
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lovesomesys · 1 month
Endos really piss me off.
Like I have a whole disorder- one that’s highly stigmatised, one that’s super sucky to actually have, one that I want Gone. And they’re gonna sit there, look at me, and say “actually it’s not bad! it’s so much fun!”
Like no! It’s not! If you spent a whole day dissociated and not knowing who you were, if you actually had alters who get so depressed because they miss their source families, if you ever had a splitting headache the way we do? You’d understand exactly why Real Systems dont like you!
And then they have the fucking guts to come into our spaces, make people fakeclaim us more, and say that they’re equally oppressed? Get the fuck outta here. You could stop this shit at any time, I have to live with this for the rest of my life. I have to forever feel like I’m less than a whole person. Go role-play with your friends in a private space and stop making people hate systems more.
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www-sys-net · 7 months
Traumagenic only blogs are so weird because? We're traumagenic? But just traumagenic median? Like I get that in their eyes were no better than the "evil evil endogenics 🥺" but like sometimes, I wonder what the reactions would be if we interacted (not that we would because... you're ew if that's your blog...)
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hazedxhealing · 1 year
Have you tried seething harder?
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Seriously though, it's absolutely balls to the walls wild to wake up to being called a transphobe for *checks notes* supporting the existence of medically and scientifically proven nom-dysphoric trans people, as a trans person.
That's so crazy. Hey, OPC, have you tried shutting the fuck up?
The dysphoria debate cannot be compared to endo v traumagen. Dysphoria has been SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN to not be necessary to be trans. Endos have not been proven in any case to be real, medically or scientifically.
Given a study. Give me a legitimate study that isn't a carrd dot com essay done by a 14 year old.
You need trauma to be a system, endos aren't real. Point blank period. Die mad.
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shining-star-system · 2 months
I wanted to look into something I had in form of a reblog earlier. I don’t see any sources, besides one, that comments that a CDD doesn’t have trauma attached.
The one source that claims it doesn’t require trauma talks about how other professionals are at each others throats and no one can get an actual standpoint.
Every other credible source I can find claims that CDDS’s require childhood trauma. Chronic childhood trauma.
Trauma experts have commented saying that CDD’s must require chronic childhood trauma or they cannot form otherwise.
I do not support endos as I’d rather believe science and the credible sources rather than those supporting endos or using endogenic terms as well.
I want to thank the two people that commented allowing me to know what a “walk-in system” is and I’ve added more to my DNI.
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Sigh, alright hold on
When someone loses verbality or a nonverbal alter/headmate fronts, sometimes they lose more than just the ability talk, such as loosing the ability to form words/understand language easily or even altogether
Many of those who use "nonverbal emojis" say that it's easier to find an emoji than try to create words or phrases on their own
So no, it isn't fetishism, it's just a tool that some use
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skittsyteacup · 5 months
(my partner did this quite a few months ago but I'm trying to be on Tumblr more,, so)
As a system we've got, currently logged, around 270 alters but I'm still logging which might take the entire Christmas break.
So pick a number 1-270 and we'll spit out these super cool fun facts; name! age! source! role(s)! pronouns! 5 likes and 3 dislikes minimum! and if they'd like some friends.
Our simplyplural is teacupsyst but don't add us unless the alter says yay to friends.
(submit picked number via asks)
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xqueerneurosisx · 9 days
I wanna say something else too. I know I’m posting in the tags for these people I know are in those spaces to SEE what I say, but at the same time: if you see my post and are one of the few people who are just blogging about the facts y’all have learned and are seeking the nuances and “hey I’ve never done any of those things!!”
This is a genuine set of questions to you:
1. Why the entire fuck would you take my words on then? You know they are literally not about you.
2. What’s the point of participating in calling your shit “anti endo,” and the like in the first place? How the fuck is blaming one specific label going to help with any stigma? How’s it going to help with misinformation?
Because believe it or not I’ve seen Systems who call themselves “Endogenic” and even “Tulpa” share more accurate CDD history and research than the two “anti endos” who actually ever bothered to talk to me like I’m a sentient being with any amount of cognitive ability!
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crabussy · 2 years
how did you come up with your system name? we call ourselves the menagerie system because our brain is a literal zoo /j
your turn!! [:
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the-systeen-chapel · 2 years
sometimes we wanna post about syscourse but following the tag and knowing how many ppl act hella abusively within it makes it feel pretty fucking unsafe.
pro/endos if u actually wanna be allied w the OSDDID community it's gonna have to start w u learning not to use the same tactics as many of our abusers. if someone lays down a boundary of "don't interact with me" u dont get to argue w them abt it. u dont get to demand that they explain themselves. u get to back the fuck off and respect the boundary that they've set. that's it. end of story.
anyway pro/endos dni challenge :)
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berryhotel · 11 months
why are so many stimboard blogs pro-end*genic systems and very loud about it/actively get into drama about it.... for the love of god you are making stimboards can this space please remain safe oh my gd
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troonwolf · 1 year
it does genuinely annoy me tbh that everytime someone wants to vague nonsense about me to discredit me or make me seem bad, they have to leave out and make up random stuff which always reveals their ableism and queerphobia
eg. this person just doesn’t like what I have to say about syscourse on my blog, so they blocked me and made a big self-righteous post about how having reclaimed slurs on my blog makes me a “fucking weirdo”
then when they receive pushback for this they switch it up to “omg he has a MANIFESTO on his pinned about a topic I disagree with”, revealing what the actual problem was to begin with. the slurs were literally not the problem and were used as an excuse to paint me as scary and violent.
but presenting it as “this mentally ill cult survivor has a syscourse post as their pinned so they don’t have to keep talking about it, and is also a trans man who reclaims slurs for himself” would be a lot different from “this FUCKING WEIRDO wrote A MANIFESTO about SYSCOURSE. WHY would they even care omg they must be a violent scary person!”
but as a person with DID who is a cult survivor it’s very obvious why I would “care that much about it.”, especially if you bothered to read the posts and not just see that a person with DID is talking about something you disagree with, so now you have to turn the ableism up on them
you can obviously disagree with me but this isn’t how you go about it lol. you could have blocked me and just put “people who use slurs dni” without any explanation or statement made about it instead of trying to make me seem like a violent crazy person for not living up to your standard of survivor/queer.
also to make things clear: literally all I did was reblog a post on my dash about a cool dragon competition, from an OP who had no dni and still doesn’t, and they vagued me by calling me a “fucking weirdo” and likening my actions to that of a school shooters. (”manifesto” is a very loaded term to be using against a trans person right now but ok.)
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squidcourse · 8 months
Pinned Post
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This is where I post/reblog things that have to do with various discourse. Most often, this consists of Syscourse, but sometimes will branch out into other topics.
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Asks are open. Feel free to send questions, comments, or concerns. If you are rude, you will not be taken seriously and perhaps even blocked & deleted.
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This blog will occasionally have content posted while under the influence of weed, so keep that in mind if you decide to follow.
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