#coolest dragon polls
troonwolf · 1 year
it does genuinely annoy me tbh that everytime someone wants to vague nonsense about me to discredit me or make me seem bad, they have to leave out and make up random stuff which always reveals their ableism and queerphobia
eg. this person just doesn’t like what I have to say about syscourse on my blog, so they blocked me and made a big self-righteous post about how having reclaimed slurs on my blog makes me a “fucking weirdo”
then when they receive pushback for this they switch it up to “omg he has a MANIFESTO on his pinned about a topic I disagree with”, revealing what the actual problem was to begin with. the slurs were literally not the problem and were used as an excuse to paint me as scary and violent.
but presenting it as “this mentally ill cult survivor has a syscourse post as their pinned so they don’t have to keep talking about it, and is also a trans man who reclaims slurs for himself” would be a lot different from “this FUCKING WEIRDO wrote A MANIFESTO about SYSCOURSE. WHY would they even care omg they must be a violent scary person!”
but as a person with DID who is a cult survivor it’s very obvious why I would “care that much about it.”, especially if you bothered to read the posts and not just see that a person with DID is talking about something you disagree with, so now you have to turn the ableism up on them
you can obviously disagree with me but this isn’t how you go about it lol. you could have blocked me and just put “people who use slurs dni” without any explanation or statement made about it instead of trying to make me seem like a violent crazy person for not living up to your standard of survivor/queer.
also to make things clear: literally all I did was reblog a post on my dash about a cool dragon competition, from an OP who had no dni and still doesn’t, and they vagued me by calling me a “fucking weirdo” and likening my actions to that of a school shooters. (”manifesto” is a very loaded term to be using against a trans person right now but ok.)
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R5: @coolest-dragon-bracket VS @thecatfight2023
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rgrbs · 1 year
would be great if coolest-dragon-bracket would stop lying
You called a trans person "a fucking weirdo" for reclaiming slurs they are allowed to reclaim. (you're not even trans lol?)
You immediately vagued them to your followers.
When someone challenged you on not calling queer people "fucking weirdos" for reclaiming slurs, you changed it to be about syscourse while also talking about them like they were a mass shooter. (The usage of "manifesto")
No one cares that you blocked someone or are annoyed by them. They care because you're acting ableist and queerphobic and yes, you did blast them to your followers. It was very easy to tell by going through your blog who you meant because you literally described the very first things someone would notice about the blog. They received hate mail because of you but they don't acknowledge those things and left it unposted.
You don't even have a DNI so there was no way for them to know you didn't want them interacting. Even after this happening you STILL don't have a DNI.
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meglosthegreat · 8 months
Cities in RPGs Poll
I'm sure many of you, like me, have encountered the following problem when playing an RPG: You get to a city, and all of a sudden, the pacing seems to slow to a crawl. You are bombarded with quests, NPCs, and places to visit, and are hit with an overwhelming sense of paralysis as you try and parse together what to do first, or at all.
So, I'm curious as to how the placement of such cities in the overall progression of the game affects this feeling. I would like to know which of the following options, in your opinion, is the most effective place to introduce a city in a game.
[Examples of each and propaganda below]
No Large Cities: This tends to spread the burden of quest hubs out to several smaller towns or locations. Pros - you avoid the above problem entirely (a.k.a. the coward's way out). Cons - big cities are cool, and this way you don't get to see any.
Early-Game City: Generally this approach dumps the player immediately into the largest city in the game after a short intro/tutorial section. Pros - reduces the above pacing drag by putting it right at the beginning. Cons - hard to make a city an exciting setpiece when it contains largely early-game content, plus you risk overwhelming the player very early.
Mid-Game City: This usually places the main city at around the 1/3rd mark of the game, after you've first been through a smaller quest hub, and when the story is starting to ramp up. Pros - balances the potential pacing drag with not overwhelming the player immediately. Cons - easy for players to get 'stuck' there and not know when it is time to move on to other areas.
Late-Game City: Here, the main city serves as more or less the final act of the game, and is generally where the main plot will be resolved. Pros - save the coolest location for last, cities make for good stakes to a conflict with so many potential innocent lives on the line. Cons - greatest chance of falling into the pacing trap, hard to either make players care about the side content with the stakes so elevated, or make them care about the main content with so much new side content to enjoy.
Game is Mostly City: Taking the opposite approach of the first option to achieve the same result, these games tend to pace their cities out in stages or change them over time rather than have every area accessible from the start. Pros - usually you get more depth out of the city this way, while bypassing the pacing problem. Cons - you don't get to see much *but* the city, and this can make the game feel smaller.
If you have another method not covered here, or further thoughts on the types above, be sure to rb/share in the tags as I would love to hear them!
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Disabled Characters Showdown Quarterfinals
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Propaganda/Who is this:
Eileen Leahy- Propaganda for Eileen by @eileenguy : she’s the coolest. She is my beloved, she’s played by an actress who would go on to become one of the first deaf showrunners on television. She is a fan favorite despite only being in 7 episodes and having possibly less than 40 mins screentime. She was dragged to LITERAL hell where she stayed getting tortured for what felt to her about 240 years; then she dragged herself out of hell (which is near IMPOSSIBLE to achieve based on canon), THEN she wandered around as a ghost for a little while with her giant (re:very tall) boytoy and sort-of boyfriend before getting resurrected in her normal alive form. And then she spent the remainder of her episodes hanging out w him as they did witchy shit together and he considered becoming the prince of hell sort of. And nothing bad ever happened:). In conclusion she is one of the best things to happen to spn maybe ever, and we all love her.
Apologies for the kind of weird formatting, this was originally in the tags of a reblog.
Check out the other polls in this round here.
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NOT-A-DRAGON POLL- under the “#round 0” tag
QUALIFIERS- under the “#qualifiers” tag
ROUND ONE- under the “#round one” tag
ROUND TWO- under the “#round two” tag
ROUND THREE- under the “#round three” tag
ROUND FOUR- under the “#round four” tag
FINALS- under the “#finals” tag
[IMAGE ID: A large, square image, with a light blue scale pattern in the background. In the foreground of the image is a bracket, the left side of which has the previously-listed matchups, and the right side of which is blacked out. At the top of the image is red text in a spooky font reading “COOLEST DRAGON POLL”. END ID.]
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twin-chains · 1 month
Based on any criteria: whoever was the most fun to fight, the coolest or most clever design, the hardest battle, general vibes, etc.
Ganondorf is such an easy answer (for good reason!) and thought this would be too imbalanced if it included The Main Boss, which is why I decided to not include him. Might do the same for other polls too. I’m curious which non-Ganon bosses are popular
I haven’t finished playing WW but the Gohma fight was pretty silly and I enjoyed it. The concept of having to pull the dragon’s tail down to hit the boss in the face was very looney tunes to me as it should be
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nateconnolly · 1 month
I have one more essay to turn in and I'm done for the semester. Once it's done (about two hours from now), I'm walking straight to target and buying myself Ninjago because I deserve it.
Jay’s Lightning Jet:
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NYA and Arin’s Baby Dragon Battle:
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Jay's Golden Dragon:
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lilliancdoodles · 2 months
I am a renfaire, dnd, high fantasy nerd. I haven't read all the classic high fantasy books, but I love dnd, and when I can't make it to the ren faire for a season I get really upset (Im planning on going next saturday :D ) And I have thoughts on what eggs/ certain parents would wear to a ren faire, so indulge me for a bit. I'll start with Tallulah/Death family since she won the QSMP 'which egg would' poll (Hi im the one that submitted it :P)
Tallulah would totally wear the classic lace up loose front dress in purple like she's wearing in the lovely edit by 'qsmp where they shouldn't be'. I imagine that she is wearing black flats and still has the mushroom hat. Fully embracing the cottage core vibes.
Chayanne I think would be casual. like a loose white shirt, comfortable pants and a colored over shirt to go over the long sleeved white one. either that or techno cosplay (something I actually saw at a renfaire a few years ago and it was super cool)
I think Phil and Missa would also go in costume, but a similar chill vibe to Chayanne. nothing too fancy. Phil would have a green long sleeved loose shirt with black accents, and Missa would have a similar one but in purple. Phil would have the Robin Hood style hat with a Crow feather in it, while I think Missa would still rock the skull mask.
Now Morning crew >:) (I have so many thoughts)
Sunny and Em would be the reason almost everyone goes in the first place. (mostly Sunny)
Sunny would insist on going in a full orange princess dress with a crown to match, She would like it to be floor length but renfaire is outside and as much as she likes working with her pa, she doesn't want her dress to get ruined so it's just off the ground.
Em similar to Tallulah goes full cottage core. A light pink and tan dress, with some small fairy wings for fun. she decorates her hair with fake flowers and leaves.
Richas would go full fantasy. He would rock up looking as much like a dragon has he could. Painted and made it himself (with some help but mostly himself)
(All three of them beg for face paint when they see it. Sunny gets another crown on her forehead (cause you can never have too many crowns) and Em would get an owl on her cheek, and Richas would get a dragon.)
Ramon would go as a knight, simply cause Sunny asked. Not the full thing, but he has the sword and shield, along with a (fake, like a plastic or something) chain mail shirt, that ends around where a T-shirt would.
Fit would also go as a knight because he's Sunny's body guard. He has a bit more of the heavy gear, having his chain shirt go to his elbows, and be made out of a light metal. He also has the sword and shield matching with Ramon. He would still sport the green cape scarf thing. (Also this man would hunt down the turkey leg stand and get two to slit with the group.)
Pac would be super excited to go at the first mention, and immediately run to his closet to grab an outfit. He would wear a long blue shirt with black pants and boots. For props he would have a hip quiver and a bow.
Tubbo would be really reluctant at first, but eventually decided to go. He would fully put sunny in charge of his outfit. He would get a long kings cape and a crown (a princess's dad *has* to be a king) He would also get the white under shirt treatment, but he would also just wear his tennis shoes. (Upon arrival he would immediately get jealous of all the steam punk people walking around but not want to disappoint sunny. He promised himself that next year he would make the coolest steam punk outfit and put everyone else to shame)
Bagi would have long white underdress with a forest green over skirt. The sleeves would be off the shoulder, and she would have a belt with a knife sheath cause you can never not be prepared. Her hair would be in a half up half down style the 'half up' being a braid.
Mike goes wearing his normal clothes, but richas convinces him to get his face painted, so he gets the same dragon design as Richas.
Bad and Dapper go in full plague doctor gear and you can't tell me im wrong. They would walk around and tell people plague facts like they were there and try to heal people from it. If you let them they would give you some poesy to put in your pocket to keep the illness at bay.
Feel free to add your own ideas, these are just the ones that came to mind immediately. or make up stories for what they would do at the renfaire, anything I'm so here for it.
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the-unconquered-queen · 6 months
Casual poll again!!
If PB did Choices Funko Pops, which characters would you buy? Which variations of them would you want?
God, there are SO many possibilities for me...
Kenna, in any outfit her Funko would go hard and I'd want so many of them but I'd definitely need one of her classic armor + her crown (also there is no doubt in my mind that in an AU where Choices Funkos are super popular they'd do a set that's a regular-sized Kenna Funko paired with one of those super-sized ones that's dragon!Dom, I just know they do)
My Blades MC in the b1 cover outfit and weapons (gauntlet on her wrist, bow on her back, blade of light in hand, let's GO)
Countess Xathra, def posed the way her sprite is—I've just always been obsessed with her design
My ILitW and ILB MCs, the former with her cat as a companion
Bryce Lahela casual fit (there's already a real Funko Pop out there that looks exactly like him in his scrubs)
Others I'd def consider are my three Blades LIs (Mal b1 look, Tyril looking like his b1 CG, and... hmm, idk which version of Aerin I'd most love to have, though his corrupted prince look ft. sword of shadow would look the most badass), Threep, Kaya, Xenia, and also of course Andy and Tom (classic Andy fit and b2 casual Tom)
I'm trying to base mine not on who my favorite characters are (I chose like half based on liking a character and the other half just based on which are aesthetically coolest), but just which ones I'd specifically shell out money for if I came across them in a store and had the intention of displaying somewhere, because lbr, if I bought one for every character I love (and also each version of that same character if I liked those too) not only would I go bankrupt, but I'd need a whole room for them alone.
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princen-monkie · 1 year
Reblogs are appreciated
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R4: @last-lifeduo-standing VS @coolest-dragon-bracket
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feartheoldblog · 1 year
i should make a poll to decide the coolest fromsoft dragon (it’s midir let’s be real)
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pearwaldorf · 8 months
Not to be a cunty little pedant but if you're going to do a poll about (Dungeons and Dragons) (podcasts) I feel like you (the creator and the voters) should have a better idea of what both actually are.
Not every actual play podcast uses D&D*, and are we using podcast as a generic catch-all for "delivery mechanism of content"?
I mean, survey design on Tumblr is absolute shit, and this doesn't matter, but my god, people. Have some fucking standards.
* To my knowledge Friends at the Table has never done a D&D campaign. It's my impression Austin doesn't like it and why would you try and throw your hat in a very crowded ring when you and your players are doing the coolest experimental shit and collaborative storytelling in the actual play space? Does the faction stuff in Counter/WEIGHT get a little tedious? It does, but also the bits that aren't are super cool.
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radiant-flutterbun · 1 year
I want to do a competition with my dragons but what should it be? Most spooky? Most gay? Coolest leader? Most hardworking medic? Cutest? I have so many ideas help
Wait I can make this a poll
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the winner of this poll will be on the final bracket!
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