#coolest dragon
troonwolf · 1 year
it does genuinely annoy me tbh that everytime someone wants to vague nonsense about me to discredit me or make me seem bad, they have to leave out and make up random stuff which always reveals their ableism and queerphobia
eg. this person just doesn’t like what I have to say about syscourse on my blog, so they blocked me and made a big self-righteous post about how having reclaimed slurs on my blog makes me a “fucking weirdo”
then when they receive pushback for this they switch it up to “omg he has a MANIFESTO on his pinned about a topic I disagree with”, revealing what the actual problem was to begin with. the slurs were literally not the problem and were used as an excuse to paint me as scary and violent.
but presenting it as “this mentally ill cult survivor has a syscourse post as their pinned so they don’t have to keep talking about it, and is also a trans man who reclaims slurs for himself” would be a lot different from “this FUCKING WEIRDO wrote A MANIFESTO about SYSCOURSE. WHY would they even care omg they must be a violent scary person!”
but as a person with DID who is a cult survivor it’s very obvious why I would “care that much about it.”, especially if you bothered to read the posts and not just see that a person with DID is talking about something you disagree with, so now you have to turn the ableism up on them
you can obviously disagree with me but this isn’t how you go about it lol. you could have blocked me and just put “people who use slurs dni” without any explanation or statement made about it instead of trying to make me seem like a violent crazy person for not living up to your standard of survivor/queer.
also to make things clear: literally all I did was reblog a post on my dash about a cool dragon competition, from an OP who had no dni and still doesn’t, and they vagued me by calling me a “fucking weirdo” and likening my actions to that of a school shooters. (”manifesto” is a very loaded term to be using against a trans person right now but ok.)
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theghostshost · 10 months
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Golden Cicada
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theforgottengreatpoem · 7 months
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Who are you? The Dragon Thief? Drago Bludvist?
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pumpkincalico · 1 year
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The Maker smiles sadly on his Grey Wardens, as no sacrifice is greater than theirs.
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petorahs · 1 year
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link and the light dragon as a spirited away redraw
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solardrake · 11 months
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Friendly Fire for RockShun on Art Fight!
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rosiethedragongeek · 11 months
hiccup is really son of the chief, heir to the entire tribe of berk, rides a NIGHT FURY etc etc, after the first movie he should be the coolest most popular guy on berk and he wakes up every day and CHOOSES to hang out with the gang instead of anyone else god help him he loves them so much
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writer-room · 1 year
If Dragons Rising erases Pixal from existence I’ve decided its because they knew she would be too powerful. Imperium’s whole thing is using tech for evil reasons, you think Pixal wouldn’t blow the place up from the inside in, what, a month? You think she wouldn’t hear about how technologically superior Imperium boasts themselves to be and immediately crack her knuckles and decide she was going to upstage them as dramatically as physically possible? You think she wouldn’t try to show them what REAL advanced tech looked like? Beatrix would want her dead on sight by the second week.
And, also, y’know, Pixal has, like, the weakest morals out of everyone on the team. Zane’s a close second after the whole Never Realm thing, but Pixal gives no shits about being the bigger or better person. Imperium has insulted her, insulted her fathers ideals on being kind to tech, and is also just a massive bitch. Get in the Samurai suit loser, we’re toppling a monarchy.
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skyyxlite · 2 months
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vegito wishes you a happy tdov 🩵🩷🤍
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nyaskitten · 13 days
I'm obsessed with Euphrasia now I fear. I HOPE her Dragon Stone Shrine suit is actually canon, I know one of the set designers said the Master Lloyd one would be canon, but Idk about Euphrasia... PLEASE GOD PLEASE MORE EUPHIE!!!
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llannasvsp · 4 months
i love people who love jay walker.
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adaine-abernantt · 10 months
I’m playing in a high level campaign for the first time and I got to try for Divine Intervention for the first time last session and it FRICKIN WORKED!!! We’re level 15 and I rolled a 12 and lost my absolute freakin mind.
And then later I rolled a nat 20 persuasion check in an interrogation type deal (real good for my +0 CHA lol)
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eir-trixa · 4 months
One thing that gets me everytime is that Stoick would have absolutely LOVED Zephyr. And Nuffink of course but I have this weird feeling that he wouldve doted non stop on Zephyr specifically. She wouldve been spoiled rotten by her grandfather, taken everywhere on top of his shoulders or the crook of his elbow. He would be reading her stories before bed. He would have learned to braid her hair and sat down with her on tea parties. He wouldve gone with her troll hunting. He would be there for her and her brother in the way he never got to be with Hiccup because the times were different now and then. He would absolutely be her best friend and Im SAD they never got to meet.
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shaykai · 3 months
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Modern AU Vat’il doodles because I thought about him having a motorcycle and got excited
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duecedoesart · 5 months
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totk roleswap thoughts.
-link is not able to imbibe the sword with divine power in the same way that Zelda is. Instead, he takes it to the heart of the great deku tree in the depths, and is able to charge it up down there...somehow. hes able to construct a shrine or something, mirroring the one on the surface, and it allows him to turn his dragon/hero energy into divine energy? I guess? Whatever.
-this means that the unnamed dragon has been guarding the sword in the depths for ten thousand years. He has never once left his post since he began.
-during the story, there is gloom completely surrounding the area he guards. If one of the gloom pools/shadow Ganon gets close enough, the dragon will kill it immediately, then coil back around the sword.
-he doesn't attack Zelda when she gets within his area, and he will go around her to attack gloom. It is not possible for him to hurt Zelda.
-im envisioning a how to train your dragon moment to claim the sword. Once you claim it, the gloom swarms you. Link occasionally gets one for you, but you have to defeat most by yourself in a mini boss fight.
-seeing a new dragon in the depths would have been cool as fuck but also terrifying before you knew who/what it was.
-i also think he's got a crystal leg that grew in place of the arm he lost at the start of the game.
-i think the final fight would have gone in much the same way though I DO believe that the link dragon would have bit the demon dragon at any given opportunity.
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blackbackedjackal · 2 years
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Kralkatorrik the Elder Dragon of Crystal and Fury // Concept art by Ronald Kury & Zhengyi Wang
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