#supernatural fans take solace
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thatbanditqueen · 8 months
Little Blue Toes
An Elvis-o-Ween 2023 One-shot
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A response to the writing prompt "Fall or Halloween".
Comments, concerns and feedback very much appreciated!
like @be-my-ally I sat down to write this today and it got lengthy and I decided to publish it raw....
This is my first time writing from Elvis' perspective, and my first time delving into the supernatural genre... But I just had no idea how to write this story from any other perspective. I was very inspired by the amazing work @peskybedtime and @shakerattlescroll did a few weeks ago writing from Elvis' pov.
Big thanks to my elvis coven @ellie-24 @vintageshanny @whositmcwhatsit @missmaywemeetagain @arrolyn1114 @from-memphis-with-love @lookingforrainbows for their help and support in the fic writing world....
This story is very loosely based on Scotty Moore's history of this show where Elvis reportedly stomped off after four songs and skipped the evening gig.
Summary: It is the summer of 1955, and Elvis and his band are back on a grueling tour schedule. Their first stop out of Memphis is Batesville, AR. The crowd is not kind, the venue is uncomfortable, and so Elvis decides to take off and make his own trouble. Along the way, he comes across a young women who is having an equally bad afternoon, and they find that spending the rest of the day in each other's company might be just the solace they were searching for.
WC: 5.8 K
Warnings: Minors DNI, smut, supernatural elements, coarse language. Typos....
Happy Elvis-o-Ween.......
4 p.m. Saturday August 6, 1955 
River Stadium, Batesville, Arkansas 
Elvis looked back over his shoulder at where Scotty stood, watching as the wooden platform they were on swayed up and down with the river’s tide.  This had to be one of the trickiest venues they’d come upon this summer and the floating stage made it damn near impossible to move around the way Elvis liked to when he sang.
“A goddamn two-bit raft, is what this is, fellas.” Elvis spit to his right as he swore under his breath, and turned back to his mic.
They had only played two songs so far, starting straight away with "That’s Alright Mama” and “Blue Moon of Kentucky” to try and get the crowd’s energy up with. They still had the rest of this afternoon set and another one at 7,  but Elvis was already drenched from his head down to his toes in sweat. Quite literally. His socks had soaked up the steady stream of water rolling down his legs, and it made his feet squish into his white leather dress shoes as he shifted from side-to-side to get his bearing. Thank god for this white lace shirt, he could stay cool and look sharp no matter how wet he got.
Not that it mattered how he looked, weren’t a cute girl in sight. Elvis looked out at the crowd of people who had meandered over from the main carnival across the street. Most of them were older, farmers and their wives, and a few families. There was only a handful of young folks in the stands, but he figured, from the shrieks and laughter he could hear, that most of the teenagers were up at the fair. He wished he was up there too,  shooting racing ducks or knocking down milk bottles, stead of singing for these frowning old fuddy duddies.
It was a disappointing follow up to their show at the Overton Shell the night before, half of Memphis had shown up after Dewey put out the word on Red, White and Blue. Boy, it had been a great night. Looking down at Dixie’s familiar face in the front row had been reassuring and made him feel at home, filling him up with the confidence he needed to back on tour for two months.
And boy were they kicking out off with a bang. Elvis frowned as he considered what a sad, sorry show this was to begin the tour. He didn’t understand where their fans were. Sam had said their records were selling like hotcakes in Arkansas, and now that the Colonel was getting involved, promotion was supposed to be even better. But the way this audience stared back at him, he’d never know that he was making it as big as Sam or Bob or the Colonel told him he was.
Elvis ran his hand through his wet hair to get it out of his face, and looked over at where their manager, Bob stood, off to the side of the stage trying to smile encouraging. That fat fuck, booking us on this goddamn plank o’ wood in the middle of bum fuck nowhere. Bob’s smile got bigger as Elvis pursed his lips. This whole operation is a fuckin’ disgrace. He couldn’t hear a damn thing once they started playing, the music evaporated out to to the concrete amphitheater across from them and he had no clue if his singing matched anything Bill, Scotty and DJ played. Sighing, he thought maybe it was time for a joke to punch up the crowd. So he hugged his guitar and winked at Bill.
Bill pulled his mic closer. “Hey Elvis, you seen all the pretty little girls in this here town?”
“Why sure, Bill, this town’s got some a sweetest gals this side o the Miss’ippy.”
“Well, this red headed cutie stopped me on my way on stage, grabbed my arm and said, ‘Hiya, stud, how about a bite tonight after the show?"
Elvis mugged for the audience. “Well, whatcha say, Bill?”
“Well, Elvis, I said, I’m busy after the show, honey, but I ain’t doin’ nothin’ now.’ Sos’s I bit her.” Bill followed his punchline with a big grows and a few gnawing sounds.
It was a good joke, it made Elvis laugh out loud every time Bill did it, but the crowd didn’t seem to even register how clever they were. The barge creaked up and down, and Elvis took a deep sigh, announcing out the next song.
“Well, speaking a cute lil gals, this next song, friends, is a hit we just had called Baby, Let's Play House, I hope you like it.”
Elvis closed his eyes, blocking out the dull, blank faces in front of him as he tried to stay balanced, shaking his hips and bopping his left knee up and down to help him keep time with the melody. The stage ebbed up and down, so instead of pacing the front, or doing some of the moves he usually did, Elvis gripped the mic and leaned down to croon the final refrain.
Baby, baby, baby b-b-b-b-b baby, baby baby, baby baby baby, Come back, baby, I wanna play house wit yoooooou
A few little bitty kids started doing a square dance at the front, and he looked up to see one or two teens walking into the stands. But overall, the energy was dead and it was killing his confidence.
“Uh, al right folks, we got many more good songs comin’ up, I jus know ya gonna enjoy our hit ‘I Don't Care (If The Sun Don't Shine).’ Which we’ll play in a hot second. But uh, well, we , uh we, uh - here’s ‘Good Rockin’ Tonight.’”
Elvis really gave it his all and said fuck it to the floating stage, wigging and thrusting his hips up to bolster his diaphragm as he dug deep to find the strength to scream into the powder blue afternoon sky. He opened his eyes, still hardly any movement from the crowd.
“Wouldn’t know a rockin’ tune if it hit them in the face,” he muttered under his breath, and Bill, sensing that the younger man’s mood was turning sour, started another joke.
“Hey Elvis, you know that chick I was talkin’ bout ealier?”
“Uh, yeah Bill? The one ya tried ta et?”
“Yeah, well, you’d a think that a scared her off, but man, these Batesville babies, y’all are fearless, man. Fear-lessss. Why, she begged me to ditch y’all and go home with her right away.”
“Oh man, Bill, whatcha say to that?”
“I said heyyy, baby, the heck are you begging for? You're old enough to ask for it.”
Elvis guffawed loudly, looking out at the audience.
“You’re a good man, Billiam, teachin’ that lil gal some manners.”
The sun was in Elvis’ eyes and he couldn’t see anyone’s face, so he just kept talking, sure of his humor.
“Heck, y’all can send us all ya unmarried womenfolk and we’ll do our best to teach ‘em somethin’. We’re stayin’ at the Wagon Wheel motel, jus down the street. Send any married gals who need a lesson our way too, we ain’t picky.”
A man stood up in the front row.
“Y’all should be ashamed, talkin’ filth like that out here. Ain’t Christian! An it t’aint right!”
The sun started to go down, and now Elvis could see clearly as a few others joined the man to boo them. He looked over at Bob, then back at the band. The guys just shrugged, and Bob yelled out to try and calm the crowd.
“Aw, now, the boy was just joshin, friends, just joshing’ now,  so if you’ll -”
“Play in the ‘Jailhouse Now’!”
“Play some Eddy Arnold or Red Foley!”
“Go back to the city and your sinful ways!”
A fire started to pulsate up Elvis’ belly, he clenched his fists in anger and couldn’t control the need to leave, right there and then, before he embarrassed himself in front of these people.
“Aw, nuts to this, Bobbert.”  Elvis pulled his guitar strap over his head and pushed the instrument into Bob’s arms. Then he grabbed his white sports jacket and jumped to shore, muttered to himself all the way.
 “Goddamn alfalfa farmers. Ain’t ever comin’ back here, boy, you can bet dollars to doughnuts on that I guarantee it.”
His anger kept his feet beating the ground for a while, but the midday sun soon turned to dusk and with it came the cooling effect of space and time. Elvis looked up to find that he had stalked a good ways down the river, and the path he walked along was now all packed red dirt lined with tall prairie grass and trees. Regret settled over him, and he kicked a pebble around wondering how upset Bob was gonna be with him. Or the fellas. He hoped that they knew what was up, that they understood what a shit show this gig was. It wasn’t his fault. He had done the only reasonable thing he could do if a crowd didn’t like him.
After all, it was Bob’s fault for booking them on a floating raft at a stupid hick carnival in the first place. He looked at his watch, it was past 6, and they had a 7 p.m. evening show. Elvis clicked his tongue, wondering if he should go back to the motel or wait and show up back at the stage just before 7. Give Bob a good scare. These thoughts, however, were soon interrupted by a loud call for help from the river. A woman’s yell.
Elvis ran to the river bank and spotted the screaming woman, grasping onto a rock as she tried to stop the current from carrying her downstream. He ran over and grabbed her hand, then grasped under her armpits to pull her out completely. Her white gown was so heavy, with layers and layers of wet crinoline underneath, that it caused him to fall back on the grass underneath her. Elvis lay there for a moment, panting as the girl clung to his chest. Her short brown bob was plastered to her head, and she sputtered water all over him as she caught her breath. On her hands were a pair of long, satin evening gloves that were lined with rhinestones sewn along the ridge. Looking her over, he realized her whole gown was shimmering in the dark with rhinestones.
“Like a twinkling angel sent down just for me.” He whispered, unaware he had said it out loud until the girls lips curled in to a smile, and she  pushed herself up.
“Ha, you’re the angel, rescuing me.” She patted his chest. “And now I got you all wet.”
Elvis followed her with his body as she began to sit up, taking off his jacket and wrapping it round her.
“Oh, it ain’t no thang, miss. I like being covering in all your wet. I mean - I uh, well it - uh - it t’aint nothin’ is all. Here, you must be freezing.”
She giggled, as she drew his coat around her shoulders. “Not with you to warm me up.”
“Oh, I can do better than jus an old jacket.” He put his hands at her waist, looking into her eyes as he began to rub her sides up and down. “That ok, honey? Gosh, getting so dark out here, can’t tell if you have brown or green eyes?”
“Well, that splits the difference, don’ it.”
“Ha, well, they are hazel, but that’s also my name. Figured we should get acquainted, seein’ as you probably already know my measurements.”
Hazel chuckled as Elvis blushed. “Uh, well, they are some pretty fine measurements, if you don’t mind me sayin’.”
“No, I don’t mind. I don’t mind at all, in fact, you could hold me all day, I’m just so grateful you came along. Thought I was gonna drown.”
“Yeah, hey, say what were you doing going for a swim at this time of day.”
“Ha, dressed like this? It was not by choice, trust me - um - ?”
“Uh, oh yeah, I’m Elvis, Elvis Presley, pleased to meet you.”
Hazel looked down at where her lap straddling him and shivered. Their bodies were so close, that Elvis could feel the icy chill of her skin press down on him through his pants.
“Should I take you somewhere I can get you out of these clothes and in to someone warm, I mean into somethin’ warm?”
Hazel stood, handing him his jacket, as she stripped down to her sheer, white slip, tossing the soaking dress, crinoline and gloves onto the grassy hill near where they were sitting.
Elvis let out a whistle.
“Huh, I didn’t mean here, but man’o man, you won’t see me complainin’. Best show I been to all day.”
He stood up, wrapping her back in the now semi damp jacket, his fingers lingering at her waist, and then trailing over her cheek as he stared at her pale, white milky skin. It seemed almost iridescent Elvis in the low dusk of twilight.
“You feel a little more dry, but still too cold. Wanna go back to my motel and warm up?”
Hazel nodded, and let him lead the way. Once they got to the dirt path, he told her to jump on his back, explaining he didn’t want her lil feetsies to get all dirty, so Hazel perched over him as she navigated them back to town. It was well past 8 o’clock by the time he was sneaking her into his room, hoping that the others either weren’t back, or didn’t hear them. He looked at the clock and sighed.
“Oh well, guess I missed that show too.”
“What’s that?” Hazel asked, as she made her way past his out stretched arm and into the Wagon Wheel’s bright orange technicolor western-themed room.
“Aw, nothing. Say, you sure I can’t take you to get some clean clothes, or shoes? You from here or jus - ”
Elvis gulped and lost his train of mind as he watched Hazel sashay over to the sink and help herself to his toilette. He could see the outline of her white panties through her slip, and in the mirror, a set of pink nipples peeking through the front. It made him half aroused just watching her as she leant over the sink and used his make-up without asking.
“Trying to get rid of me? Don’t you like the way I look?” Hazel simpered with a pout as she turned to find Elvis mouth gaping open in awe at her. He put his hands on his hips to look cool, but missed them completely, unable to find them because he was so distracted by her beauty. He rested them at the top of his thighs instead, which he told himself also looked very cool. Very suave.
“I, uh, um, uh - I. Course I think you look good, suga.”
He heard his words crack and paused to take a deep breath and deepen his voice. Reminding himself to be the ladykiller he knew he was. This gal was half naked and in his motel room, for chrissakes. Clearly, she dug him.
“I mean, yes, lil girl, you look good. Real good. Just worried bout how it will look like when I drive you home in the morning.” He winked and shifted from side to side, raising his eye brow and working very hard not to smile. Only dweebs smiled. Not studs like him.
“You’re sweet, you know, Elvis?” Hazel grinned up at him, as she walked to his wardrobe, and, to his dismay, started putting on some of his clothes. “Can I borrow this shirt and pants? I love pink lace. Look, we match!”
“Well, yeah, baby, whatever you want, but I mean, uh, those are men’s clothes, and well, ugh, they might smell like my cologne or something. Sure I can’t take you back to your place so you can at least grab something more ladylike?”
“No, honestly. I bet there are a lot of folks running around looking for me, I’d rather avoid the fray, if you know what I mean.”
Elvis walked over, as she hooked his pink striped belt extra tight so that she looked  like a hobo, or pirate, the way his pants bunched up around her waist. Her slip was like a chemise, and with his white sports coat, Hazel was like Marlene Dietrich, but instead of a tuxedo, she was wearing his white suit with a pink, lace top. His fingers rubbed her side.
“You ok? Running away from something? Someone?”
Hazel nodded, as his arms circled around her. “You could say that. I’m the Carnival Queen, I was supposed to arrive at the amphitheater down on the river -
“I am well familiar with that floating hunk o junk.”
“Ha, well, I broke up with my fiancee yesterday. See, I decided I don’t wanna get married, I don’t wanna live in this town any more, and he does. He wants a wife, two and a half kids, the whole shebang. Anyway, he asked me to meet him at Stamper’s Bridge before the Carnival ceremony, and, gosh, boy did we get into it, I mean, we really had it out.”
“Did he push you in the river? Cuz if he did, I’m gonna kill him.”
“No. At least I don’t think he meant to, it was all such a blur. But then, he didn’t jump in to help me neither. Now I bet my family and half the town are running round, wondering why I didn’t show up to the crowning ceremony.”
Elvis rubbed her shoulder, sshhhing her. He was conflicted between getting up and punching the wall, and staying there to comfort this sweet, helpless lil girl who fate had placed in his care.
Hazel buried her head in her hands. “Ugh, it is all just so embarrassing. Rather just deal with it tomorrow.” 
Elvis picked her up and spoke softly to her as he put her on the bed and began to rub her feet. “Man, your little toesies are so cold, baby, they blue.” He kissed the top of her feet, blowing on them. “Ta warm ‘em up.” Then he rolled clean, silky pink socks over them. 
“Reckon these white loafers are too big for you, but at least they match ya outfit. Must be weird, wearing men’s clothing for the first time.”
Hazel smiled as she folded the top of her pink socks down to her ankles. “That’s ok. Suddenly I feel much more confident, like I could rule the world. Or understand math better.”
“Ha!  You’re funny, you know that, lil Blue Toesies? These shoes do make me feel like I could conquer the world, though.”
She leaned closer to where he was kneeled between her legs. “You’re a sweet guy, Elvis. Would it be ok - could I  - can I stay with you tonight?”
“Sho, honey, you the boss.” Elvis leaned closer to her, nuzzling her forehead with his nose. “Oh baby, why, you’re still cold as ice. Let’s go get you some food,  any wheres ‘round here have good chili and hot coffee? That’ll get ya blood flowing ‘gain. Or, I have some other idea - ”
“ Stop! Let’s  go to Mac’s Coffee shop, they have the best chili con carne in town.”
“Well, alright lil gal.” He intentionally used his deep, sexy voice as he stood, and his affect made Hazel giggle. “C’mon now, quiet ya cackling and show this hongry boy - I mean man, honnngry man,  the way.”
The walk to Mac’s was not far, but Elvis kept his eyes peeled for Bill, Scotty or Bob, because he knew that they would be pissed that he had stormed off stage. Then missed the second show. He could hear Bob’s voice telling him it wasn’t professional behavior. Then he’d tell Bob what time it was, yes sireee, he’d set him straight. He just didn’t want to have that confrontation now. In front of a lady. He squeezed Hazel’s hand tight, and nearly fell off the curb at one point when he was sure he saw Bob from behind as they entered the coffee shop. But he’d been wrong.
Hazel had been correct, Mac’s did have the best chili con carne. The fact that it didn’t have any onions, unless you ordered them as one of your fixins’ sealed the deal for Elvis, and he licked his spoon with his last mouthful, then ordered two chili dogs and an side of fries.
“I’m a growing boy.” He smacked his lips and wiggled his eyes at Hazel’s and squeezing her waist.
The guy on the other side of the counter walked by again and gave them a curious stare, his eyes lingering on Hazel as if he recognized her, but wasn’t sure.
Elvis nodded his head at him. “What’s his deal, he keeps looking over atcha?”
“I guess it’s not every day he see’s a girl with my amazing taste in fashion.”
“You do look good in my clothes.” Elvis smirked. “Look even better out of ‘em.”
“You’re a naughty boy, Elvis Presley.”
Hazel pinched his knee, and their eyes locked in a tender gaze. It felt to Elvis as if they had been lovers for years, not strangers who had just met. She had an open heart, like him, he could tell. And a sense of humor. He almost asked her to marry him then and there. But then he remembered that Bob had told him to stop doing that on tour, it wasn’t professional. So, instead, he had  learned other nice stuff he thought made girls happy.
“Gosh ya so pretty. Can’t believe I met such a pretty gal today, this way. Feels bad to call it luck. But that’s how I feel, Baby Blue Toes. Lucky.”
“Aw, I - I bet you say that to all the girls.”
“Only the pretty girls ones I fish outta rivers.”
“Ha! You are funny. You’re a funny boy.” She blushed as he swing his chair around to hit her knees against his. “What do you do, funny boy? Are you a traveling salesman?”
Elvis laughed and stood up momentarily, motioning to his outfit. “What about these clothes says traveling salesman to you, baby doll?” He pulled on his white lace shirt. “I’m a singer, me and my band, well, we were here performing at the Carnival.”
“Ever on the radio?”
Elvis took a long sip of his coffee, eyeing the rest of the coffee shop. It was mostly empty, with another couple at one of the booth’s in the back, and then a Black man drinking coffee over on the side of the counter marked for “Black Folks Only.”  Elvis nodded when he looked up from his newspaper, then whispered to Hazel.
“Uh huh. Ever heard ‘That’s Alright Mama’?”
Hazel hit him, and squeaked. “Yes!” The other patrons looked other, and Elvis grinned awkwardly. “It came out last month, didn’t it?”
“Na uh, baby. Why, it’s been spinning on the radio for over a year. Maybe you just ain’t listened at the right time. Better late than never, I s’pose.”
“Sing something for me?”
“Why not? You’re leaving town, you’ll never see any of these people again. Could be the only night we have together. Why not, who cares what anyone thinks?”
Elvis shook his head, his eyes laughing as he jumped up, and walked over to the juke box with a cocksure swagger. Hazel laughed when she heard the opening of that old Mel Torme record, Blue Moon. Elvis leaned against the juke box and called out to her across the restaurant.
“Better get that sweet little butt over here, Hazel, if you wanna hear me sing.”
Hazel looked at the guy behind the register, shrugged apologetically, and then jumped up to join him. Elvis took her hand, massaging it with his own, trying to get rid of the chill that lingered through Hazel’s extremities. Then he put his hand at her waist, and lead her in a small circle, swaying, as he sang along to the tune. Changing the words, of course.
Blue Toes, you saw me standing alone
With out a dream in my heart, without any wet clothes on
Hazel’s laughter was infectious, Elvis wanted to do whatever he had to keep her laughing. Her smile lit up her face, her whole body, and it didn’t matter that she was only wearing a little mascara, with over sized clothes bunched up at her waist. She was the most lovely, ethereal creature he had ever seen. As they walked back to the hotel, he gaped in awe at the way her skin glittered like faery dust in the light of the harvest moon. They talked and talked as Hazel held his hand, leading him around the town square, pointing to the clothing store her family owned, asking him if he liked singing and what he wanted out of life.
Back at the motel, he closed the door softly behind them as a quiet nervousness worked up his back. He looked her in the eyes.
“That’s what I want, I reckon it sounds silly, but I growed up without much. Now, I want everythin’ I ain’t never had. All the cars, jewelry, houses, girls - everythin’”
Hazel nodded. “Makes sense.”
“You?” His face was shy, and he leaned against the door lock, trying to read the situation and his next move.
“I don’t know. I just want to be in the moment. And right now, Elvis Presley.” Hazel put her arms around him, and closed her eyes. It made all the blood rush to his penis to have her lean on him this way, looking so innocent as she answered him in a breathy, low voice. “I just want you.”
He helped her take off his clothes as he carried her to the bed in her slip.  “Oh baby, I feel the same way.”
She tasted like chili spice and coffee, and her whole body shivered with a chill. Elvis rubbed her up and down, over her hips, her legs, the sides of her ribs. Then he crawled over her to warm her with his body heat, and his eyes closed as he felt her knee go up between his legs.
“Goddamn.” He muttered, grazing over it delicately at first, then grinding harder.
He cupped her face.
“Are you ok?”
“Tell me to stop, at anytime, ok, baby? Ain’t gonna do nothin’ you don’t want me to.”
Hazel nodded, her mouth hung open and longing animating her eyes. They were like two jewels affixed to the top of a beautiful, pale ivory tower. A tower he wanted to climb. Her skin was still cool,  it and soothed the volcano boiling underneath his calm, steady visage.
Her lips twitched apart as his fingers delicately made their under her slip, and he arched his eyebrow in a silent request as he started to work her panties off.
Bill, Scotty and DJ must have just gotten back, because he heard a group go into Scotty’s room and begin pounding the wall before they burst into a fit of drunken giggles.
“Don’t listen ta them, that’s my band. Those jackasses is jus teasin.”
“It’s ok, it’s ok. I know what it’s like to have friends.”
Elvis grinned down into Hazels warm, inviting smile as his lips ghosted over hers. He could feel her lashes mingle with his and it was so perfect, he didn’t want to spoil the moment, he wanted to remember her like this forever. So he took it slow. Pressing into her mouth gradually, stretching out this first contact for as long as he could. Then breathing into her mouth as it cracked apart, and sinking onto her bottom lip to caress over it back and forth, flicking the tip of his tongue inside.
His fingers slipped inside her labia, and looked around until he found her button. It made her moan out, loudly, even though Elvis was still awkwardly fumbling his way around the clitoris, trying to figure out how to touch it in a way that got her to moan out again.
“That ok, honey?”
“Uh huh, just, just a little to the left, softer, softer, oh god!”
He laughed in her neck, satisfied at his machinations, then sat back, spreading her labia so he could watch what he was doing. He spit into his hand, like Bill and Scotty had told him to do, like he had with other girls. The wetter the better, Bill had said, drives women wild the you get that button at the top of their cooch all slippery and fiddle with it.
“How’s that?”
Hazel opened her eyes and looked up at him, her eyes rolling back as he moved his thumb back and forth on the side of her little nub.
“It feels really good. I - I never had anyone touch me, not like this. Never had anyone ask how I liked it, neither. And, well, I never go to third base with someone I just met.”
Elvis kissed her on the check. “S’destiny, honey. I was meant to find you today. Meant to make you feel good.”
Her hand went to his groin, and palmed over the stiff length she found there. She paused at his belt.
“I believe you were. How about you, Elvis, can I make y-y-you feel g-g-g-ood?”
Elvis stilled her hand. “Ya are, honey, ya are. Doin’ this makes me feel good.”
Eyebrows furrowed in concentration, Elvis smiled as he found a spot that made Hazel quiver when he flicked over it, and around it, and back and forth beside it. With a tentative glance, upward, he bent down and parted her lips, kissing her public hair as he affectionately began to lick over where his finger had been. Hazel cried out, arching her back and thrusting further in to his face at the sensation.
Elvis laughed in to her as his hands moved to hold her steady. The succession of breathy moans his tongue elicited was so exciting, he could feel his foreskin roll up against his trousers. Diving between Hazel’s legs was like jumping into a cool creek back in Tupelo on a hot July day. It was sweet and soothing, and he chased the cool taste of summer that he found there, flattening his tongue against her as he worked to figure out how to make her moan out again.
He felt her tremble, and looked up to see  her face contort in to a thousands states of pleasure. Watching her come undone and cry out her release as she convulsed around his head sent Elvis over the edge.  He felt his own dam burst below where his hips rocked back and forth over the bed spread and shuddered his release into the side of his pants. Heaving, he collapsed into her waist while his hands now moved languidly over her cool belly and the room was still save for the sounds of their shattered breath.
The boys had obviously heard them and clanging against the wall again, crying out Oh Elvis! in high, falsetto voices.
Elvis grimaced as he climbed up the bed to lay next to Hazel and wiped his mouth on his arm before pulling her into him.
“Trust me, I am gonna kill those boys tomorra.”
She rolled on to his chest with her eyes closed and a big, sated smile on her face.
“Aw, they love you, Elvis. They only tease you because they love you.”
‘Huh. Maybe.” He soothed her head, and brought the blanket over them as they settled deeper in to the bed. “Aw honey, still feel kinda chilly. Wish I didn’t have to leave, wish I could stay with you forever, keep you warm. We’re the perfect fit, you know that? Everyone always tells me I run hot, and well, you, you run cold.”
“I know you have to go. Maybe I’ll see you at one of your engagements. I think I’m gonna move to Little Rock, ever go through there?”
Elvis kissed her head and wrapped his arms around her tight. “You better believe it, go through Little Rock every tour. Wanna see you there, right at the front of the stage.”
He squeezed her to him even closer, enjoying the way she rubbed over his lace shirt as they drifted off to sleep talking about nothing and everything.
It was 10 or so the next morning when Elvis awoke to find his bed empty and the clothes she had worn strewn throughout the room. He rubbed his head. “Did she walk home barefoot? In a slip?” He muttered to himself as he changed his clothes and went to pound on the boys motel rooms so they could all go forage for breakfast together.
The men gave him a hard time, rubbing his head and asking how many little girls he had in his room that night. They didn’t mention the performance, as if they had previously agreed to let Bob handle that one.
Elvis shoveled another mouthful of his biscuits and gravy into his mouth as he tried to describe Hazel to them. “You boys don’t understand, she was like an angel sent from heaven just for me. I gotta see her again.”
A waitress went by with a pot of coffee, and Elvis grabbed her wrist, motioning for a refill. As she clucked an “ouch, alright alright” at him, he had an idea and spoke to her with a mouth full of biscuity sausagey gravy.
“Scuze me ma’am, you wouldn’t happen to know the name of the Carnival Queen, would you? Hazel? Hazel sumpin’? Folks own the small department store off tha square ova there?”
The waitress’ face went ashen and she shook her head before stomping away.
“What’s up her butt?”
The older man sitting on the other side of Bill leaned over.
“Y’all must be confused. Hazel Stein was the Carnival Queen last year, and what happened to her was a tragedy. A damn waste of a pretty little girl.”
Elvis’ mouth hung open, and he looked to Bill and Scotty. “Nah, can’t be. I just met her. Hazel, you say, the Carnival Queen?”
“Yup.” The old man nodded. “Fell in to the river and drowned. Why, musta been a year ago yesterday.”
Elvis head spun, and he nearly choked. She had been real, she must have been. He could still smell her scent of summer on his face and hands.
so this is a one-shot, and I'll just take a stab in the dark at a tag-list. Let me know if you would like to be removed or added to one-shots or holiday/season whatnots and so forths.
@moonchild-daniella @ashtag6887 @artlover8992 @richardslady121 @louisejoy86 @freudianslumber @dkayfixates @kingdomforapony @j-v-9-2 @literally-just-elvis-fics @ab4eva @i-r-i-n-a-a @horror-movieshoes @everythingelvispresley @doll-elvis @18lkpeters @tacozebra051 @notstefaniepresley @lillypink @jessicarcates
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meggie-moo · 9 months
Why this thought still occupies my mind, what other hs fanfictions you'd recommend? You proved to have a very good taste
OKAY IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG, but i wanted to make sure it was good!! :D and i had my thoughts sorted lol!! i would definitely recommend looking through the tws of each fic as well! :) but here it is >:)
(i mainly read for rosemary and davekat, but i throw in some other fun ones as well 🕺 i’m also new to homestuck, so i haven’t read that many yet. so most of these are the incredibly popular ones. which are very much popular for a reason!)
How to Lose a Lover in 10 Days or Less: A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Future Romantic Failure by Wertiyurae (finished)
synopsis: h retelling of the romcom, “how to lose a guy in ten days” karkat has to write an article about how to lose a guy in ten days, and dave has a bet that he can find a guy to take to his sisters wedding. very silly :)
thoughts: there’s so many moments where i was cringing SO HARD. but it’s such a fun time, especially if you like cheesy romcom retellings. like karkat trying desperately to lose dave is so funny 😭 (you will see later that i am a big fan of cheesy romcom stories, so i’m sorry LOL).
Nothingbound by bluberi (unfinished)
synopsis: a retelling of the romcom, “you’ve got mail” karkat is a local bookstore owner, and dave’s brother is a chain bookstore owner, and is moving in across the street. the only solace karkat seems to find is in his online friend, who is actually his enemy all along. angst ensues, drama, enemies to lovers, slowburn etc etc. :D
thoughts: speaking of romcom retellings… this one is unfinished, but the chapters there are so much fun. i adore the art that goes along with it. and just how silly, and angsty it can be. the dave and karkat are SPOT ON. and same with all the other characters. i especially enjoy rosemary, and the ones who work at karkats book store :)
Doc Scratch's School for Supernaturally Gifted Adolescents by medical (finished)
synopsis: humanstuck superhero au. dave and his friends get a mysterious letter to attend a supernatural school.
thoughts: literally in my top three favorite homestuck fics of all time. this is so much more than just a davekat fic, like it’s a *whole* story. there’s also incredibly prominent rosemary, like they are not just shoved to the back. again it’s so thought out, and incredibly tropey. and all the characters are handled so well. it’s so incredibly fanfiction, but in the way where you can’t stop reading it. it’s popular for a reason, and very much deserves that popularity. i’m currently making my friend buddy read this with me <3
A Discussion On The Meteor (finished) (mspfa)
synopsis: short mspa story discussing karkats sexuality. i wanted to throw in a visual one for fun :)
thoughts: very sweet!!
Giving a Sweet Wretched Flying Fuck by strawberrystardust (oneshot)
synopsis: dave and karkat mix some sick beats on the meteor 🕺
thoughts: SO SO CUTE. i will recommend you try literally any fic by strawberrystardust, they are all incredibly, and they are such an amazing writer. please look into the tws for their other fics, but i literally cannot recommend them enough :)
YEAHHH, new couple time 🕺
Love Letters in Digital Ink by tactfulGnostalgic (finished)
synopsis: rose owns a popular occult blog, kanaya is a fan. kanayas family moves in next store, and rose posts about her.
TOP THREE HOMESTUCK FICS AGAIN. this one is SO SILLY, it captures everything about rosemary perfectly. the cringe fail of it all, the rose thinking she’s a therapist but instead just over sharing her family’s issues online. it’s so funny, and well written. and i say this as someone who HATES first person pov in fics. it is done incredibly well. like, this author manages to pull it all off. rose’s blog post are so funny, and it will have you smiling like a fool the whole time. this and doc scratch school, and house of dirk are definitely like fics id want you to read the most out of this list!! :)
Kiss Her You Fool by Paech (oneshot)
synopsis: rose tries to get kanaya to kiss her
thoughts: incredibly cute, i love them so so much. rose lalonde will forever be a mess, and i love that for her <3
courses of action, best and otherwise by MisPronounce_and_MisAccent (oneshot)
synopsis: rose is convinced she’s in a war with dave, of which one is “gayer” to win she fakes dates kanaya.
thoughts: ajdhajhshej, this one is so 😭😭 like vrisrezi is also there and they are all failing, they are all a mess. the synopsis makes it sound more serious, but they are in meteorstuck, and it’s just very very funny LOL
this is for fics/other fanworks, that are either 1. a couple i haven’t read enough for them to have their own category, 2. stories focused around non-romance!!
if you’re looking into getting into some mspfas, i’d recommend these :) (though i haven’t finished them myself lol!!)
Act 8 (unfinished i’m pretty sure) (mspfa)
synopsis: basically a, “what if” different ending to homestuck. what if, instead of winning, they let their alpha selves win, and they had to stay in paradox space for the time loop? etc
thoughts: i have not finished it, but it’s honestly so well put together. it really gets you feeling bad for characters, like gamzee?? poor little guy etc. the art is amazing, and it really does just feel like a continuation of homestuck!!!
Karkat Goes to a Convention (unfinished?) (mspfa)
synopsis: just like the title says, LOL.
thoughts: i’m not sure if this story is really my jam, that being said, it’s put together WONDERFULLY. like it’s incredibly popular for a reason. you can tell so much work went into it, and just a really big love for homestuck and it’s community. while also being really creative :) (i also haven’t finished this one either, so maybe my thoughts could change!)
House of Dirk by imarriedacherub (unfinished) (visual!)
synopsis: sitcom of dirk and caliborns life as a married couple. and their son/son in law is coming over for dinner. shenanigans ensue
thoughts: OKAY, so i know this is the fic that prompted the ask, lol! which means i’ve already recommended it. but i decided to add it so i could post my thoughts! :D i did not have any feelings towards dirkuu when i first read this, but now whenever i see anything dirkuu i’m like, “omg…the sitcom couple…” ITS JUST SUCH A GOOD FIC. i keep overusing the word incredible in this post, but i will use it again. because this fic really is just *that good*. i made my friend voice act it out with me on call once, and it was very fun LOL. this is my final top 3 in my top three homestuck fics 🕺 again really popular, but popular for a reason. just so much thought went into it, and the execution was perfect.
Trying Something New by strawberrystardust (oneshot) (jaderezi)
synopsis: terezi and jade go on a picnic date! :)
thoughts: have i ever thought about shipping terezi, and jade before? admittedly, no. is this fic absolutely adorable?? yes, very much so!!! literally they both deserve the world, and it’s so cute to seem them interact with each other. again just a very very sweet fic :)
homestuck v2 (mspfa) (ongoing!)
synopsis: different new generation kids!! davekat fanchild comes in and messes up timelines.
thoughts: the art is so good!! i’m really looking forward to where the story goes, and i love the designs. davekat having a child named, “mary-su” is hilarious as it is genius. also babe coelho seems so beloved!!!
i’m sorry this was so long!!! and maybe a tad bit ramble-ly, lol!!! but i hope you enjoy these, because imo they are all very good and fun (i mean i did recommend them, it would be funny if i didn’t think that LOL), like people are so talented and skilled. it’s honestly amazing. everyone who makes fanworks are truly outstanding :) thank you so much for the ask, and again i’m sorry it took so long to answer, but i wanted to be thorough >:)
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catofthenine · 13 days
Gothic Pursuit in Childhood
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(Gothic Baby) @/rebysky on tiktok and instagram
Hey Ghouls!
I've been pondering on what to post next, and I feel like taking a break from the horror hosts may be a good idea. Before I continue with Elvira, I'll talk about the horror host between Vampira and Elvira: Sinister Seymour, who seems to be forgotten in the world of horror hosts.
ANYWAYS. Today, as I procrastinate from my finals, I'd like to cover the childhood pursuit of the gothic. In my personal experience, I have always been more in-tune with the macabre, and apart of that may be caused by being an outsider.
Many goths I know are somewhere on the autism spectrum or are otherwise neurodivergent- some of the people I've known have mood disorders like Bipolar, while others have learning disabilities like dyslexia; this can often cause a feelings of difference to manifest in children. This is why it is important to be welcoming and inclusive within the community; though gatekeeping is important to keep a steady definition on what is goth/gothic, many people find solace within being goth as they "embrace the weird".
From what I've seen, it is also pretty common for children to feel a connection to the eepy-creepy-spooky-ooky before they are exposed to goth music. Which like, kinda implies that it's more atmospheric than defining, but the community is connected through media, which includes music
I actually was afraid of Depeche Mode as a young child- my mom wouldn't be able to play Violator in the car with me because it would be so frightening.
I was a big fan of scene and emo aesthetics as well when I was younger, but ultimately I was very into supernatural mythology, creepypasta, Tim Burton, and Halloween-horror-esc vibes. I think this shaped who I became as an adult, and why it felt so finally validating when I first drew my eyebrows into a traditional gothic style.
One of my best friends is also super into the gothic subculture. We grew up besides each other and both had childhood interests in the supernatural (think aliens, monsters, werewolves/werecats, vampires, etc.) and in our tween and teen years we experimented in gothic and alternative styles, interests, and hobbies.
I've also seen many anecdotes from other goths that they were drawn to more "edgier" cartoon characters like Danny Phantom, Buttercup, Gwen, and The Hex Girls. Some people say that they preferred watching childhood movies and TV shows like Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated, Invader Zim, and Courage the Cowardly Dog for example.
Many people also say that some of these gothier characters were apart of their queer awakening; this makes a lot of sense because gothic expression has always been Queer; The androgynous expression, betrayal of western gender roles, and in some cases, the becoming the antithesis of Christian societal expectations for a wicked, sinister, and satanic-inspired outward expression will always be subversive of heteronormativity- this isn't to say that non-queer people cannot be goth, or that they can't celebrate themselves within the gothic community, but it is extremely important that in all areas of the subculture, queerness is in the seams.
And so, in many cases it seems that taking a liking to the gothic is almost innate to us, makes us feel home, and allows us to celebrate ourselves as different. Continuing off of this post, I think I'll be a little mean and critique the modern subcultural appearances, but we'll see how much work I get done this weekend lolz.
Song Recommendation: Creep Show by Plastique Noir
Thanks for reading!
Rest in peace,
-Cat (Catofthenine)
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theaistired · 5 months
Blog introduction
Hello, my name is Thea (she/they), I’m acespec, arospec, and autistic. I speak German and English and I am trying to learn Italian, Swedish and Arabic (learning three different languages at ones is complicated, so trying instead of actual learning). I’m a big fan of the fantasy genre and like to read, write, draw, play the piano, and occasionally play video games. I also love birds and science.
Now, this is my main blog where I post about my writing, my art and also stuff in general. I might also post about some of my own music in the future. You can find a short introduction to my WIPs under the cut.
Hope you enjoy and I'll see you around on tumblr!
Galidean: A fantasy series that was supposed to be a trilogy but has grown into a much longer series. But I guess that is what happens when you look a three different projects and think to yourself "wouldn't it be hilarious if the took place in the same setting". So, the series can be divided into three different "eras" with their own little "main plot", but there is also a plotline running through all of them mostly in the background.
A hundred years after the joined victory over the Dark Sun, the human nations gather together in celebration. Future leaders attend a journey through each other's home, during which it becomes clear that scorching raids have left their marks over all the territories. With no apparent culprit, a prince, an orphan, a lord, and a sorcerer band together to find the power that turns banishment into death. With the help of a friend and a sibling, they start chasing mysteries and legends across the world, unaware that they all take root from the wounds of the world itself.
Old Gods: A fantasy series consisting of 3 – 4 books, while I also wanted it to be horror, that part has gotten somewhat lost while developing it. Oh well.
Cyr was young when the war started, he was young when he joined it and he was not so young anymore when the enemy captured him. After four years of imprisonment, he comes to terms with his inevitable fate. Surrounded by enemies, hated by his allies, stripped of his magic and will, there is no escape for him. While the voices and visions invade both day and night, Cyr prepares for his final day. His only true solace is the new courtesan who has endless stories of hope and rebirth to tell him.
The Human in Us: An urban fantasy series, that really is just two characters and my investment in their relationship in a trench coat. All started by me looking at different supernatural YA stories and going “wonder how I would do that”.
Students, alcohol and an abandoned house should have been the set-up for a fun, maybe spooky anecdote in their future. It should not twist and turn and talk, it should not turn nightmares real, it should not make Josephine’s hallucinations even more vivid and grotesque. Yet it does, and one month later, a burning girl appears to give her an envelope containing an address and a promise of answers.
There Are Voices In the Void: A sci-fi horror story, set in the same setting as a different sci-fi project of mine, but story-wise not connected to it.
While investigating a nebula, the scientists of the crew gather samples of cosmic dust, finding an unknown organism on it. The head biologists determines it to be deceased and proceeds with further testing. The death of two of his colleagues soon afterwards is just the beginning of the nightmare.
Little Remains: A bit of crime fiction/thriller, that happened by me looking at YA mystery series and going “wonder how I would do that”.
Detective Morgan has worked on many gruesome cases in the past, most of them took place in bigger cities with an anonymous population. When a teenage girl is found dead in the fields of a small town nearby, Morgan first assumes an outsider to be the murderer of the unidentified victim. However, with the murder of a local student a few days later, even the tight-knit community quickly realises that one of them is far more familiar with the gruesome case than the rest of them. Unwilling to sit back, the student’s friends start their own investigation, while Morgan begins to struggle with old ghosts.  
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cypriathus · 5 months
Here are the first three major deities of the Ufrajozlens.
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Prekuzlosiah is an empyreal god of the Ufrajozlens who always goes out of his way to treat life with unyielding benevolence. He has a distaste for hostility and violence amongst sentient beings, always encouraging those to practice tranquillity. He doesn’t view himself as highly important as he’s dedicated to uplifting the well-being, safety, and cultural maintenance of the Ufrajozlens, and the survival of other Æylphitus. Unlike many Hirczalotepus Tejasozuri, he prefers to exercise restorative justice, forgiveness, and mercy as he believes that it can contribute to establishing societal peace and equilibrium. Prekuzlosiah is capable of utilising personal experiences to make good judgements and sensible decisions. Besides his innate knowledge and common sense, he possesses a remarkable emotional intelligence and photographic memory. He can be easily influenced and provoked by emotions and most blatant manipulation due his strong-willed kindness and generosity. He has a palpable sense of dutiful morality, and he can be perfectly relied upon to keep his word and fulfill his responsibilities. Prekuzlosiah often finds solace in the beauty of nature, and he enjoys motivating people to take on all opportunities for potential growth and expansion.
He’s described to be naturally half as tall as Earth with fourteen arms, lanky build, snow-white skin, claws and talons of shimmering gold, and pamprodactyl feet. Prekuzlosiah’s face is covered by a blinding yellow light with eight large male common kingfisher wings encircling his head and an all-seeing fire opal eye. He has the wings as well as sapphire and emerald iridescent elytra of a daybreak beetle, and he possesses a bronze aureole. He wears gorgeous robes of purple jasper, prehnite, and aventurine, and metallic orange pauldrons that depict the heads of two different animals: the right is a fox and the left is a bull. Prekuzlosiah is often carrying a golden spectre that has a sculpted jaculus in a seated position and a floral folding fan.
The Ufrajozlens say that he can lift two universes at once and strike with the force of a gamma-ray burst. He has the full capacity to manipulate the weather phenomena, clouds, and wind movement and intensity. He can create new life through quintessence, change his size, telepathically communicate with other sentient beings through dreams, and use mirrors and ponds to teleport to different areas. Prekuzlosiah has omniscience and extrasensory perception, and he can perfectly mimic the natural sounds of birds and transform into a kingfisher, red fox, and white bull. He also has omnilingualism, supernatural dexterity, and ecological empathy, and his senses of hearing, seeing, and touch are heightened significantly compared to the Ufrajozlens and humans.
Forty sons (?)
Forty daughters (?)
Ninety grandchildren (?)
Millions of descendents (?)
Astonishing Sky-Giver
He might be autosexual
It’s believed by the Ufrajozlens that he’s capable of asexual reproduction.
He’s the main god of the Skjezulofima
As an Æylphitus, his name means “lord is an eye-opener”.
His sacred animals are the common kingfisher, jaculus, giraffe, bull, red fox, daybreak beetle, and bird of paradise.
His sacred stones are fire opal, purple jasper, prehnite, and aventurine.
The eye of providence, king’s spectre, folding fan, and quintessence are his sacred symbols.
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Bruktnoszleva is the rainy and fogbound god of the Ufrajozlens and he has an insurmountable respect for all of nature, admiring its exotic beauty and protecting its equilibrium. He shows immense gratitude towards every aspect of creation, peace treaties, and his warrior strength. Due to Bruktnoszleva’s approachability and sense of honour, he’s capable of instilling motivation and belonging into those he interacts with. He tries to encourage people to take responsibility to care for and protect the land and waters. He can make independent and considerate, yet quick decisions during times of hardship and stress. He does have a tendency to easily judge people who don’t play their part in natural stewardship, but he tries his absolute best to remain open-minded and offer appropriate advice. Bruktnoszleva views unnecessary lying as a plague to honesty, so he often engages with other individuals in a genuine and authentic manner. He possesses an adventurous spirit, and he doesn’t fear taking on new risks and charging headfirst into unfamiliar danger. He has a light-hearted sense of humour, and he’s passionate about his godly work and the people he’s assigned to protect. His inconsistent melancholy contributes to his mysteriousness, and he can be quite overprotective.
He’s described to be as tall as a big leaf maple with a feminine appearance, six arms, smooth chestnut skin, silvery domestic water buffalo horns, and the lower half of a muscular chital. His eyes are the hue of orange pearls, his face is partially covered in reddish freckles, and his straight, braided hair is a vivid chocolate cherry. His horns are decorated with threads of shimmering saffron, dewy spider’s silk, and immortalised blanket flowers, western red lilies, yarrows, and Solanum aviculare. Bruktnoszleva wears a long fish-mongrel fur robe interwoven with mountain goat wool and yellow cedar bark, and its colours consist of red, blue, and green. He also wears a sea otter parka and four tube-shaped heishe necklaces that are made from strong sinew and orange, yellow, and reddish pink topaz. His middle and lower arms carry four unique items that shift positions depending on the artistic depictions and stories that he’s in. He wields a pipe tomahawk for both ceremonial purposes and battling, the pelt of a female rosy-throated warthog, an Arctomecon merriamii, and a bronze shield that depicts a horned leopard encircling an eye with semi-circular rays of light.
The Ufrajozlens say that he can effortlessly create and manipulate water, water-related phenomena, fog, and vapour. Bruktnoszleva has a heightened sense of sight, smell, and hearing, and he possesses phenomenal jumping abilities, allowing him to traverse through land easily and make quick retreats. He has nearly unmatched supernatural strength, speed, and agility, and he’s capable of animalistic shapeshifting. He prefers to shapeshift into a chital, elk, bison, coyote, fish-mongrel, female spider, sea otter, mountain goat, domestic water buffalo, and male rosy-throated warthog. His selective omniscience is connected to nature, traditional medicine, and warfare, and he can utilise divination through floriography, hydatomancy, and haruspicy. Bruktnoszleva is emotionally and spiritually connected to all animals, plant life, and Ufrajozlens, and he possesses enhanced durability.
Norvaklegithus (brother?)
Lord of Raining Tears and Gentle Fog
He might be cupiosexual
He’s the main god of the Nimeghorukas
As an Æylphitus, his name means “weeping for glory”.
His sacred animals are the chital, fish-mongrel, wolf spider, sea otter, mountain goat, domestic water buffalo, and rosy-throated warthog.
His sacred plants are the yarrow, blanket flower, giant hyssop, desert bearpoppy, yellow cedar, Solanum aviculare, and western red lily.
His sacred stones are pearl, larimar, amazonite, and topaz.
The shield, pipe tomahawk, yarn, silk, water, fog, and heishe beads are his sacred symbols.
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Norvaklegithus is a draconic and thunderous god of the Ufrajozlens, possessing high intelligence and persuasive charisma. He holds a healthy amount of confidence within his personal capabilities, while constantly looking for opportunities to further his success and power. As a magnanimous being, he refuses to be petty, has a willingness to face danger, and will perform actions for noble purposes. He holds firm allegiance in his godly duties and the valuable protection of his brethren and the people he’s been assigned to look after. He’s marked by a passionate support for those he deeply admires, willing to offer assistance if needed. Norvaklegithus prefers to give more than what’s generally accepted as a result of his deep desire to be legitimately useful. He can make quick and effective decisions, and he has a sturdy grip on his ambitions, ensuring that they’re realistic. He’s capable of showing benevolence and forgiveness to those who are willing to change for the greater good. There are instances where Norvaklegithus is unsure about what the future holds for him and he isn’t afraid to quickly judge people if they give off a bad impression. He does struggle to control his aggressive emotions, and he has a habit of not properly offering true love despite earning plenty of affection and recognition.
He’s described as being almost as tall as a giant sequoia with a muscular build, four arms, and tanned porcelain skin. Norvaklegithus has a fur-covered back of blue-green with streaks of copper, which matches the hue of his medium wavy hair that’s often tied into a short ponytail. Similar to the Drakuzlogens, his hands have the sharp talons of an eagle, stag antlers, bull ears, and a long, serpentine tail with the glistening scales of a carp, but he also has the teeth of a canine and the wings of a fruit bat. He has three eyes with heterochromia: his left is like a flaming pearl; his right resembles a dreamy ocean; and the one on his forehead appears to be something similar to bismuth. He has reddish-brown freckles on his face, neck, chest, and hands, and a noticeable scar on his belly, which looks like an animal claw mark. When in Norvaklegithus’ true form, he appears to be something more akin to a qilin with a furry back, two rows of carnivorous teeth, four bat-like wings, and a serpentine body. It’s unknown what hues are associated with his outfit, but the Ufrajozlens have provided information about what he might wear. It’s believed that he wears a cuirass with a gorget, spiky shoulder guards, sleeves, thigh protection, greaves, shin guards, and a long skirt. He’s often carrying an ornate glaive that has a sculpted amphisbaena climbing up the handle.
The Ufrajozlens say that he can shapeshift between his true form and normal-looking manifestation, change his size, split oceans, and breathe a poisonous miasma. He’s capable of manipulating weather phenomena that contain thunder and/or lightning. He can fly when in his true form and utilise hematomancy, and he possesses supernatural strength, durability, endurance, and dexterity. He has a special connection to crystalline materials, using them to create armour and weaponry as well as heal himself. Norvaklegithus can induce fear in all sentient targets, and he possesses omnilingualism and hypnotic abilities. He has auspicious powers and thermal resistance, can hide in water and clouds, and perfectly camouflage with his surroundings.
Bruktnoszleva (brother?)
Master of a Roaring Thunderstorm
He might be libidoist asexual
It’s believed that he’s the creator of all dragons and serpents.
He’s the main god of the Drakuzlogens
As an Æylphitus, his name means “man of proclamation”.
His sacred animals are the amphisbaena, salamander, dragon, lóng, and qilin.
His sacred stones are bismuth, chrysocolla, and diamond.
The glaive, armour, dark clouds, and thunder are his sacred symbols.
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tonightontv · 1 month
Unlocking the Power of Faith and Fear in "Immaculate (2024)" - A Must-Watch Online Experience
The cinematic world is about to be plunged into darkness as Immaculate, the spine-chilling horror movie directed by Michael Mohan, makes its way from the silver screen to our digital devices. Starring the talented Sydney Sweeney, this film promises to unravel secrets hidden within the hallowed walls of an Italian convent. Buckle up, because Immaculate is not your typical nun-in-habit story. It’s a visceral journey that will leave you questioning your own beliefs.
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Plot Summary
Immaculate introduces us to a young woman deeply tied to her faith. When she receives an invitation to live in a picturesque Italian convent, she thinks she’s found solace. But the serenity is short-lived. As she grapples with her newfound surroundings, she discovers the horrifying truth lurking behind the convent’s facade: she’s mysteriously pregnant. The immaculate conception takes a sinister turn, and the walls of the convent hold secrets darker than any confession booth.
Theatrical Release and SXSW Premiere
Immaculate had its initial premiere at the South by Southwest Film Festival on March 12, leaving audiences both intrigued and unnerved. The worldwide theatrical release followed on March 22, drawing horror enthusiasts into its chilling embrace.
Online Digital Release Date
The wait is over NEON, the studio behind this haunting masterpiece, has announced that Immaculate will be available for digital streaming starting April 16, 202412. Mark your calendars, horror aficionados, because this is your chance to witness the terror unfold from the comfort of your own home.
Where to Watch
Wondering where to catch this eerie gem? Fear not! Starting at 12 a.m. Eastern Time on April 16 (which translates to 9 p.m. Pacific Time on April 15), you can purchase or rent Immaculate on various platforms:
Amazon Prime: Buy it for $19.99 or rent it for $9.99.
Apple TV: Get your scare fix here.
Vudu: Another option for horror enthusiasts.
Iwatchonline.cc:  Free to watch no subscription required
Streaming on Hulu: A Mystery Unveiled
Given Sydney Sweeney’s star power (thanks to projects like Euphoria and Anyone But You), fans are eagerly awaiting news of Immaculate’s arrival on Hulu. While the exact date remains shrouded in mystery, we can speculate based on previous release patterns. If it follows the trajectory of other horror films like Infinity Pool, we might see it on Hulu sometime in late July, possibly July 29. However, considering the studio’s desire to maximize box office returns, it could be held back until the end of August, around August 30. Either way, prepare to be haunted by the echoes of Immaculate long after the credits roll.
FAQ: Your Burning Questions Answered
1. Is “Immaculate” based on a true story?
No, it’s a work of fiction. But the eerie atmosphere and suspense will make you question reality.
2. Why did Sydney Sweeney choose this role?
Sweeney was drawn to the complexity of her character and the chance to explore faith, fear, and the supernatural.
3. Will there be a sequel?
As of now, no official word on a sequel, but horror fans can always hope for more nightmares.
4. How did the filmmakers create the unsettling atmosphere?
The haunting visuals and eerie soundtrack play a significant role. Plus, the Italian convent location adds authenticity.
5. Is there a hidden twist at the end?
Without giving too much away, let’s just say the final revelation will leave you breathless.
Prepare to be spellbound, for Immaculate is more than a movie—it’s an experience that will linger in your thoughts long after the screen goes dark. So grab your popcorn, dim the lights, and let the horror unfold. 🎬🔥
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August 2-3, 2021 - Perfume Genius loves chaos. Misha Collins lives on it.
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Fanfiction seems to be the topic of the day. After Perfume Genius trends because of his Jared Padalecki RPF, Misha shares that he takes "solace in the fact that Cas and Dean hold #1 fanfiction spot with almost 100,000 stories written." He first tweeted about Bridgewater Pod [x], a podcast he starred in, joking that it was odd they weren't #1 in the fiction charts (at the time they were #2, and #39 out of all the podcast in the US). Then he tweeted again [x], this time linking this article on AO3 that lists AO3 ship stats. Both Perfume Genius and Misha are currently trending under 'supernatural' tag.
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Considering that Misha has a history of reading fanfics, fans have been asking the question - how did he find these stats?
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freckles-and-wings · 3 years
Transcript from Misha Collins M&G at #DLConline
“Cas has meant a great deal to many, especially LGBT fans have seen themselves in him over the years. So now that he has confessed his love for Dean, and seemingly come out, how do you feel about his confession?”
I feel mostly good about it. I talked to Berens, about this ending, a year and a half ago. It was a long time in the making. It was really important to him and really important to me. When he pitched me the storyline it gave me chills. I thought - this is awesome. This vindication and this expression of love - at the end - it makes it all worth it. I was really happy about it. You know, it’s interesting, there are some fans who are asexual who have taken solace in the fact that Cas hasn’t made this kind of declaration [before] so I feel bad that those fans might get a little bit alienated. However, I’m sure that a lot of them are also okay with this. There’s a trope in Hollywood of “kill the gays” and so Cas meeting with his demise only seconds after making this homosexual declaration of love fits into that fairly insidious trope, however, for some reason, that is, in my mind, not really as important as the declaration itself. I completely understand people being upset over that. I think that, in the end, of Supernatural, everyone is going to die. I’ve always known that, that’s not a spoiler, I’ve always known that, it’s how the show has to end. But how they die and what quality that death takes has resonance and importance in the Supernatural universe. I think… In the end, that won’t prove to be the lasting point of Castiel’s. I know the intention in the crafting of the story wasn’t to use the “kill the gays” trope. Could Cas have lived in the space of having made that declaration in relation to Dean for longer before dying? Perhaps. But there’s something so dramatically poignant about that particular moment and that particular exit… I don’t know, I’m now getting a little bit too heavy about it.
“I’m still seeing a lot of people online saying ‘oh no, that was totally platonic’. Misha, did you play it as romantic love, does that terminology even make sense for an angel?”
I was actually gonna write an op-ed about the character’s end. Then I decided not to, because I don’t really want the fictional narrative to be dictated by my analytical take on it. I want the story to live and breathe on its own for people to interpret as they want to interpret it. I could just lay down the line and say, “No, this is how it is… Your interpretation is wrong”. I know what Cas is thinking. I know what was going on in my head as I played that scene. I don’t think it was ambiguous. But there is… I guess I’m about to do what I said I wasn’t gonna do… I will say… We’ve always said, “People can interpret this however they want to interpret this. This is a work of fiction”. But I think we did things, we said things that were pretty unequivocal. There’s of course the whole issue of him being an angel, he’s an energetic being from a multidimensional… Or whatever that line was that Ben Edlund wrote about Cas. You know. What does that mean for an entity such as Cas? I suppose one could go down that intellectual rabbit hole. But I think we know what was going on there.
When do you think Cas knew he was in love with Dean? When did you know? Was it at the same time?
I mean… I’ve been playing it for a while. But I knew this was the ending for more than a year of shooting. I knew where the arc was taking us for that time. So Cas certainly knew it for at least a year. But… But you know, it also is an interesting thing to observe. He says, “The one thing I want is the one thing I can’t have” and I think repression is a very powerful tool. I think a lot of people live under such tightly-held repression. They don’t allow themselves to admit things. Often. In the real world. To an extent, that was happening with Cas. That’s my guess.
Did you have a discussion with Jensen about what the reaction would be?
I wish that I remembered more clearly the conversations that Jensen and I had about the ending. I don’t have a really vivid memory of that unfortunately. I do know that I was a little worried because I knew what the ending was long before he did and I think I was a little worried that he was gonna push back on it. If Jensen were to flip out, and said, “We’re not doing that”, we would have not been able to do it. I also think it was very honest to Dean’s character. I actually thought that was a very true [reaction].
If we had a chance to see it, how do you think Dean would have responded?
I don’t know. I honestly don’t know. We never discussed that. To be honest, I don’t think Dean reciprocated with romantic love. This is me speculating. I feel like I’m wading into waters I shouldn’t. This is my take, it’s not Cas’ take because Cas doesn’t know. I don’t know what’s going on in Dean’s head. I shouldn’t speculate. It wasn’t a contingent declaration. It wasn’t “I need you to love me back”, it was a very open-hearted, vulnerable and unconditional declaration.
What was reaction when you heard about the confession scene? 
My reaction was “Awesome”. I mean, my first reaction, when Bobo pitched me the idea, was “Oh my god”. I had chills. I was very happy. When I read the first draft… The first draft didn’t have the punch that it needed. I gave some notes. But I was still very happy that we were doing what we were doing.
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atc74 · 3 years
Eye of the Beholder
Warnings: Poor body image (?), slight angst, a little envy, a lot of fluff, and implied sexy times
Summary: Jensen is feeling less confident in himself lately and you think you know why. He has always been there for you, now you just need to show your husband he has no reason to be. 
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Word Count: 1470
Written for: @breakthezone​ first quarter challenge, which was to choose one of two prompts. Mine is bolded below. 
Beta’d by: @amanda-teaches​, cause she is the best
A/N: So you know the pictures, the spread, the article in THAT magazine, featuring that beautiful soul, and that would cause any man to think less of himself, but I thought, what would go through Jensen’s head and how would I help him through it. 
Like Jensen’s Warmth? Buy it here from @scentsfromthebunker!
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The cold snowy mountains were a stark contrast to the warm flatland of their home state, but Y/N was loving the quietness and solace of the northeast. Y/N pulled into the snow-covered driveway and started unloading the groceries. She planned accordingly and for weeks at a time; they didn’t have many delivery options out there. 
“Honey, I’m home! What do you say you come help me carry in and put away all this food and I make you a nice, juicy porterhouse for dinner?” Y/N called from the kitchen as she dropped the load on the counter. “Honey? Jay?” The house was mostly silent but then she heard it. The distinct smack of fists and feet hitting the heavy bag Jensen installed in the home gym. She sighed knowing this was the third day in a row Jensen had spent hours in the gym, working out until he was ready to drop. 
Y/N brought in the rest of the bags, stored the food, and changed her clothes. If she was going to join him in the gym, at least she could participate. It wasn’t like it was a hardship watching her husband in only a pair of shorts, his freckled skin dripping with sweat. 
She brought fresh water with her, setting it on the weight bench. He was breathing heavy, sweating, and red-faced. Jensen was not out of shape by any means, but he somehow had gotten it in his head that he needed to get into better shape. Maybe it was the pressure of becoming Soldier Boy, maybe it was that he was approaching his “mid-forties”, it could have been a few things, but Y/N thought she knew exactly what had prompted this new obsession. “Hey, honey.”
“Hey, babe,” he rasped, his breaths heavy with exertion, his hair soaking. “Just a few more minutes.” He landed another two punch kick combo. 
“Jay, you have got to take a break. You can’t keep going like this, hours a day, day after day,” Y/N pleaded with him. “This is enough for today.” 
“Yeah, okay. Maybe you’re right.” He stopped, hugging the bag tightly, holding on as he tried to catch his breath. 
“Go shower, I’ll get dinner started, okay?” Y/N smiled, kissing him softly. 
“You got it. I’m pretty sure I reek anyway.” 
Leafy greens and brightly colored vegetables covered the kitchen island as Y/N chopped and sliced away. The cuts of meat were sitting out to warm up before grilling, and a nice bottle of a full-bodied red was breathing on the table. Jensen emerged from the hallway leading from their bedroom about thirty minutes later, looking a little worse for the wear. He pressed a sweet kiss to her cheek, swiping a handful of peppers, too. 
“I saw that mister,” she smiled, leaning into his touch. “But I’m gonna let it slide just ‘cause you smell nice.” 
“Better than before?” 
“Oh, way better,” she laughed, turning and wrapping her arms around his neck. “Want to tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” 
“Nothing, babe. Just trying to stay in shape. I gotta get in that custom suit in a couple of weeks, and I ain’t getting any younger.” Jensen looked down, running a hand over his face, scratching at his beard. 
“That’s all, huh?”
“Yeah, just running isn’t gonna cut anymore. I have to keep up.” 
“Keep up with…?”
Jensen pretended he didn’t hear Y/N as he started helping with the salad. If he ignored the question, maybe she would let it go. It seemed to be working, for now, so he went with it, and continued to help her with dinner. 
“Jay, these look perfect!” Y/N gushed as she cut into the steak. She placed the bite in her mouth, the flavor exploding, and she moaned around it. “Oh my god, it's practically melting in my mouth!” 
“You made it easy with a superb cut of meat, babe,” Jensen shrugged, digging into his salad and grilled vegetables. 
All through dinner, Y/N noticed how he barely touched his meat or wine, but took extra helpings of the healthy stuff. She decided she would let it go, wanting to enjoy their meal, but soon enough, the dishes were cleared and leftovers stored. 
“Jay?” Y/N asked, rinsing the plate in her hand before handing it to her husband. “Can I ask you something?”
“Babe, you can ask me anything, you know that.” 
“And promise me you won’t get mad?” 
“I won’t get mad, but now I am a little suspicious,” Jensen raised one eyebrow, looking over at his wife. 
“Does your new workout regimen have anything to do with Jared’s spread in Men’s Health?” 
“No.” Jensen protested immediately. 
“Maybe,” he sighed, throwing the towel on the counter, then he turned, leaning against it. “Am I...soft?”
“Soft? I think you are the kindest, most generous, loving man I’ve ever known,” Y/N replied honestly. “I am lucky I found you and even luckier that you love me.” 
“Well, thank you for that, babe, but I was asking about my physical appearance,” Jensen hung his head, his voice getting quieter as he talked. “Do I have a ‘dad bod’?” 
“Jensen Ross Ackles, you listen to me right now. You have never looked better and you are in the best shape of your life. You just completed a 15 year run on the most successful sci-fi television show in history, you are stepping into an iconic role that you were hand-picked for, and if a ‘dad bod’ looks like this, then yes!” Y/N gestured to her husband while rambling on trying to make her point. “No, you know what? Come here, come sit down with me. Bring the wine.” 
Y/N sat down with her laptop, intent on showing her husband the proof he needed to believe her and believe in himself. Jensen sat down next to her, handing her a fresh glass, as she pulled up photo after photo on the screen. 
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“Do you see what I see?”
“No, I see a skinny kid from Texas with no hair on his chest and barely-there abs,” he scoffed. 
“Okay, you still don’t have chest hair, but what else do you see?” She prompted him again. 
“A pudgy mid-section and that was before I turned 40!” 
“Do you want to know what I see?” 
“You’re biased.” 
“You’re damn right I am, but I do know that your fans, the Dean-girls, well, they’re not wrong. Did you know that according to several fan sites, you and Dean have way more fans than Jared and Sam? And are you telling me that millions of people are wrong?”
“Millions?” he asked skeptically. 
“Okay, well, maybe not millions, but a lot! But I see a man that is in better shape than he was twenty years ago. I see a skinny kid from Texas too. But I also see a man who now is in the best shape of his life and way sexier than that skinny kid.. What is it that you’re always telling me when I complain about my baby muffin top or my thunder thighs?”
“That bodies come in all shapes and sizes, and beauty isn’t defined by your body shape; it’s defined by your soul and you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.” 
“Okay, and I usually argue with you when you do, but that doesn’t mean you’re wrong. We are our own worst critics, you know that. But I see a healthy body and strong arms. Arms that hold me better than any others on the planet. Arms that hold our children and comfort them when they are hurt. I see a sexy mind and a stunning soul, one that was made for me.” 
“Okay, I think that is enough wine for you,” Jensen reached for the glass, but you moved it out of his reach. 
"Have I entered an alternate universe or did you really just crack a smile for me?"
“Fine, it could have been a smile.” 
“Oh yeah?” 
“Yeah, my exceptionally sexy wife made a pretty good point.” 
“Oh? Tell me more.”
“Well, she may also be the smartest person I know. She always knows just what to say when my dumbass is being, well a dumbass.” 
“Yeah, I am pretty damn smart. Because you know what else I did? I made arrangements for your visiting parents to keep the children overnight so they can swim until they pass out.”
“Wow, that is pretty smart. You know, I’ve been working out and I bet I could carry you all the way upstairs without breaking a sweat.”
“Oh, you’re on Ackles, but you are wrong about one thing.”
“What’s that?” 
“We will definitely be working up a sweat!”
The Whole Enchilada: @iwantthedean​ @dolphincliffs​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @flamencodiva​ @blacktithe7​  @amanda-teaches​ @hannahindie​  @kickingitwithkirk​  @wi-deangirl77​ @hobby27​​ @gh0stgurl​ @alleiradayne​ @idreamofplaid​ @manawhaat​ @crashdevlin​  @fangirlxwritesx67​ @winchesterprincessbride​ @waywardbeanie​ @jensengirl83​ @anathewierdo3467​  @winchest09​ @michellethetvaddict @magssteenkamp @waywardbaby  thewinchesterandreidwhore @anathewierdo
The Jensen’s Jamboree: @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @supernatural-jackles​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @akshi8278​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​ @deanwanddamons​ @rockhoochie​
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Meeting and Dating Dennis Rafkin
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(Not my gif)(Requested by @bruciecaboosie​ )
(Matthew Lillard is like ...really attractive.)
- You and Dennis met through Cyrus. You worked as the mans assistant, putting together different aspects of his “missions” and taking care of whatever he told you to; oftentimes things he couldn’t be bothered to deal with himself. 
- It was during one of these “missions” that the two of you first met. Cyrus had only taken a few seconds to introduce the two of you before you were being ushered into the middle of the action. 
- As per usual, Dennis was swept up into one of his fits as the entity came closer which prompted you to kneel down beside him and try to see if he was alright. He quickly shouted for you not to touch him before apologizing, sounding a lot like he was in excruciating pain while he tried to calm himself. 
- You assure him that its okay before insisting that the two of you have to move, and quickly, before you’re right in the middle of the line of fire when the “bullets start to fly”. And thus, the two of you began to work closely with each other.
- Dennis has a habit of attaching himself to people quickly and you’re no exception to this. The minute you show yourself to be a fairly trustworthy and caring individual, the two of you find yourselves practically attached at the hip. 
- On top of him trusting you, he also sort of has a thing for you; something that’s becoming more and more apparent to him the more time you spend together, so that’s even more of an excuse for him to try and stick close to your side. 
- You’re on another one of your “missions” when he confesses his feelings for you. 
- The two of you had been hiding, concerned with not dying as a particularly dangerous “individual” wrought havoc on the rest of your team. He’d said that he had to tell you something, you asked if it could wait in disbelief, he said no, repeated the word and followed it up with a “I’m sorry, but I have to say it. I’m in love with you, okay? I’m sorry.”. 
“God, you couldn’t have told me that like an hour ago?” You scoffed incredulously but half heartedly.
- Well, of course you make it out alive; panting and frazzled but alive. You’re sitting across from each other on the floor when he looks over at you and; out of breath, asks if you want to go get some coffee with him sometime. You can’t help but laugh before you manage to pull yourself together and agree. 
- So, for your first date, the two of you go to a coffee shop, grab some hot drinks and walk around town together, talking and getting to know each other without the pressure of your boss being a few feet away. 
- The two of you share your first kiss a few months into your relationship since he; you know, can’t really touch people. You were sitting with him in his apartment after one of your dates when he asked if he could try something. 
- Before you knew it, he’d gotten up and walked over to you, leaning down and hesitating before softly pressing his lips to yours. 
- The kiss didn’t last very long but you didn’t mind; even if he was a bit disappointed in himself. You merely smiled at him and reassured him that you have all the time in the world to figure things out. 
- There’s not a ton of affection in your relationship for obvious reasons but the two of you try your best.
- You definitely have to take things slow and let him initiate a lot of what goes on between the two of you. Be prepared for him to pull away quickly or need to take a break for a while. 
- Soft, chaste kisses. 
- Quick, rough and intense kisses; usually after something dangerous happens to him and the both of you are just glad that he’s alive.
- Locking pinkies. 
- Him leaning down; most likely a bit awkwardly considering how tall he is, to press a kiss on your lips out of the blue.
- The two of you don’t cuddle but you do sleep in the same bed because you both like being able to wake up next to each other.
- Something tells me that once he’s used to you and your memories, touching you becomes somewhat of a solace to him. You and your life is familiar; compared to anything else he could encounter, so it’s like an escape whenever he touches you.
- He tends to call you honey, baby, or some kind of specific nickname that pertains to you/your relationship; usually when you’re alone.
- He has a habit of introducing you as his girlfriend to anyone and everyone. He just likes everyone knowing that you’re together right off the bat; he’s very proud. 
- He gives you quite a few compliments. Oftentimes they’re more on the teasing and playful side; i.e. him calling you hot, but other times they’re more sincere.
- Making each other laugh. He loves seeing you happy and knowing that it’s because of him.
- Meet your friendly neighborhood pushover. Dennis has such a hard time saying no to people; especially you. He may act all annoyed and be blunt; mainly because he’s annoyed at himself, but he’ll do what you ask.
- There was this time where you wanted a teddy bear or something similar and he thought that it was completely ridiculous yet, since he’s Dennis, he later bought it for you as a surprise. Now every time he sees you hugging it, or sees it laying on your bed, he can’t help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
- You can’t really hide anything from him considering with one touch, he can know your entire life story.
- Well, at least he’ll always remember your birthday and anniversary, right?
- Dennis doesn’t have a ton of money; Cyrus kind of fucked him in that regard, so he isn’t going to spend a fortune on you; because he doesn’t have it, but occasionally, he’ll get you a really nice thoughtful gift.
- On your anniversary, he got you a simple silver band with a little message engraved on the inside and you wear it pretty much everyday.
- Staying in a lot. Being around a ton of people that can potentially touch him, or accidentally walking near a place that people have died in, is a bit dangerous when you’re with him so the two of you tend to play it safe and make your own fun.
- Movie marathon and television dates. He’s not a huge fan of horror/thrillers but it’s sometimes funny to watch them just to see his reactions.
- Café dates; especially if you’re doing research for Cyrus together.
- Taking walks together.
- The two of you will go grocery shopping together and then cook yourselves dinner at his apartment. It’s a regular thing for the two of you; even though he himself isn’t the greatest cook.
- Wearing his sweaters. In a; sort of, weird way, it makes him feel closer to you.
- He doesn’t have a ton of friends or people that believe him when he’s talking about anything ghost related so when the two of you are together, he tends to ramble/talk a lot.
- Getting to learn and hear a lot about ghosts and other supernatural entities.
- Carefully patching and cleaning him up when things go haywire during your “missions”.
- Helping him explain things to people so that they can understand what’s going on before he has an aneurism.
- Giving him warning looks when he really needs to watch his mouth.
- He has a habit of acting like your dad, scolding you like a frustrated father would whenever you do the same stupid stuff that he does.
- As nervous and oftentimes neurotic as he is, he’s always quick to reassure you that it’s okay no matter what’s going on. He might not be the most patient but he tries his best to make sure you don’t feel bad or get too scared.
- Comforting him and trying to make sure he doesn’t blame himself too much for what happened during his time with Cyrus. “Funnily” enough, even though you were involved as well, he only ever seems to blame himself.
- Considering his ...condition, you’ll occasionally find yourself needing to try and comfort him while he’s having a “moment”. You’ll usually just stay by his side and make sure he knows that you’re there for him while he goes through the motions.
- Trying to help calm him down during stressful situations, he’s not the greatest at controlling his emotions.
- Making sure he has and takes his medication when he needs to.
- You’re pretty much the only person that he really trusts so expect him to be sort of clingy with you, only asking you questions and insisting that the two of you stay together when everyone’s splitting up.
- Do you know how much he wants to touch you? This poor boy yearns to be able to just hold your hand. Rest assured, whatever you’re feeling in regards to not being able to hold your boyfriend, he’s feeling it 100x harder.
- Sometimes you’ll just have to reassure him that you’d rather have a fucked up, abnormal life with him than a normal life with someone else; or otherwise without him. 
- And on that note: sometimes, he just really needs to hear that you care about him and that you think that he’s a good person.
- He’s an incredibly jealous person but it’s because he thinks of himself as a mess and believes that you’d be better off with someone else. He won’t do anything if he doesn’t have a reason to but the minute a guy seems flirty with you, he’s immediately at your side and being passive aggressive with them. 
- Overprotective. Dennis; to put it simply, has seen some shit so he’s constantly looking out for both you and him. It’s also helpful that he can; occasionally, see into the future and know when somethings going to happen. 
- There’s definitely a good few fights in your relationship, I mean, you saw how he can be. That being said, they don’t last very long. Usually, there’s a bit of yelling and him cursing; just in general not at you, before things are settled.
- He’ll apologize just as quickly; and neurotically, as the fight began since he usually doesn’t even mean to start one. It’s pretty easy to forgive him since; even though he can be a bit of a jerk, most of the time his reactions are understandable; as much as you’d like to not admit it.
- There's a lot of I love you’s in your relationship. If he can’t touch you than he; at least, needs to let you know how much you mean to him verbally, right?
- It’s going to be obvious throughout your relationship that Dennis is in it for the long run. He wouldn’t do all that he does; trying to overcome his psychic challenges, if he wasn’t so rest assured, he’s planning for a future with you.
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tobeornottotc · 3 years
Close Friends the series (another Thai hope for new stories in BL) ideas
What is up with these mini series Y destiny, Close Friends where they have a short storyline for certain known pairings and leave me devastated that they didn’t make it into a full 12 episode or more series? Why are we stuck with the engineering, university repetitive motives when we’ve had outlines and ideas right in front of us for how to make new groundbreaking Thai stories in this genre??? Unique, Romantic, Fun and great potential to explore new dynamics and characters. Please Close friends choose a series to make into one full series. Anyway here’s how I’d do them starting from my most favorite and desperate want for a full tv series plot, to the ones I can’t be fussed about. 
1.   KimCop
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Are you kidding me? We could have had a celebrity/fanboy trope this whole time from Thailand? Why haven’t we gotten yet this idea?  Man this needs to be a series, this needs to  be fleshed out and give me a full storyline. Like have a spoiled/ arrogant celebrity who wants to go undercover away from his label (feeling bored/frustrated with the environment he’s in and sneaking away when he finally gets out) and meets his number one fan boy who works as cafe barista (cafe shop au damn it)  who he knows because he’s been having secret conversations with him through a VR app that he monitors for research on how to create more. Let him pretend he doesn’t know said fanboy but find a way to spend more time with him, let said fan boy not be okay with his attitude and arrogance on the surface but be confused about the other version of himself he speaks to in VR, let us have this. It would be so good, between secret identities, contract living/cafe shop au tropes, we could have something that can be great, with longing, misunderstandings, having the fan boy pretend he’s not affected by the celebrity (due to annoyance by his spoiled persona) when we and the celebrity both know he’s different when he’s speaking to his VR version. Just so much to play with, with this.  We need this storyline as a narrative like this is closest to the kinda risks Korea BLS do with their plotlines for BLs and with Thai we know the episodes would be allowed to be longer and properly played out. Plus KimCop are fantastic; they’re made for this, they need the directing, the stellar budget and production but I want this now. Damn you Close friends for laying this  in front of me!!! 
2. Mii2
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Please can I get a coming of age series for this perfection? A coming of age that ends happily and show cases these two’s journey to being together through their pen pal relationship. Can we get self discovery, exploration, acceptance and more. Can we get finding your purpose, your struggles in highschool to fit in, to have friends, to be socially accepted. Can we get that with these two who clearly live opposite lives and find solace in each other. I want my BL answer me 1997/1984 Kdrama!! Like you can have it all! Give it to me 😭 let me learn about Thai history during these times. Let me watch this soft friends to lovers premise  Please? I’m begging? From the aesthetic, the time period, the wholesome characters and the potential with this plot, we can have a great unique Thai Bl series that’s still about highschool but show cases a different era. With inside jokes about that time period, with references, and opportunities for nostalgia for certain Thai folks, it’s a win win to me and it’d be BL! 
3. JaaFirst
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You heard it here I want them because of their chemistry. I couldn’t help feeling so teased and upset that this wasn’t a supernatural thing about a cat who turns human or something (we’ve had mangas based on this, lol even Mew Mew power has a play on this with the main het couple at a time, common) like I would have wanted this synopsis with these two a magical race of people who are able to turn into animals, one of them who loses his memory/ has to find something that will help his race in a certain time frame  and finds himself having to stay stuck with Ja’s character who he falls for because he watches and learns about him as a cat. Maybe he stays in his cat form to discover why he was found in Ja’s place with no memory, trying to discover about himself, But there’s times where his human form can roam around depending on certain world building rules. Meanwhile Ja is a cute cat owner who’s  unaware. But something is bothering him, it’s making him spiral, he is intrigued by a boy he keeps bumping into at odds times around his area but he can’t find the boy anywhere, and each time they meet he’s a bit standoffish and refusing to let Ja get to know him or help him, he can’t find the boy unless he appears at a certain time and place. And he spends time pining trying to find and get this person not knowing he’s living right next to him moping about his circumstance about not being able to stay human all the time, Like a play on Little mermaid or kdramas like My girlfriend is a gumiho you know these dramas with supernatural beings who have to stay in a contract situation with someone with a time limit (a month/100 days normally) to stay together and get to his goal.  Like weird animal supernatural trope but it could work 😭 One it’d be supernatural so unique to this genre, it’d explore a requited but they don’t know trope with a lot of barriers and misunderstandings :( Like damn it why can’t we be having all this Thailand.
4. MaxNat  😭
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A Karate Kid reboot but with BL 😭 Yes you heard me, between watching Nat fall for the sport and prove to whoever he needs to that he can be a champion due to the help of his headstrong tutor who takes him in, like we’ve got another plot, we’ve got another theme to explore, a new world of learning about the world of Karate competitions, and training to be a champion. Character dynamics that can be fleshed out to have another sports based BL series but this time Thai like yess 😭 let’s stew and stay longer in this I don’t want to do this energy with Nat’s character probably being forced to do the sport because he has no choice, to impress someone, to get revenge on  a rival who hurt him but slowly realizing that karate is his talent and what he loves to do authentically. A fish out of water experience, as he falls for his strict gruff, cold, and robotic tutor who he learns more about as time goes about why Karate is his all😭 Like yes please.... Haters to lovers, going in with wrong intentions, learning about self worth and finding your purpose/self. Like a chosen one narrative let me have this!!! 
See what I mean when I say all these mini series just leave me sad, that Thai BL genre isn’t risky enough to do new things, all you have to do is branch out a bit, try and create stories without the need to get Bl adaptations all the time from novels with the same themes and tropes. Let’s get new themes we see in other countries, let’s have these actors be put to use more and given stories that aren’t just the same old same old. I dunno, watching Y destiny and Close friends, have made me sigh because if people actually put thought and effort into how to improve this genre, and make it more than just a money thing, we could have great stories for Thai BL that actually will shock us, and make us refall in love with the genre. Dunno if what I’m saying makes sense, I just want new stories from Thai BL (don’t get me wrong IPYTM and GMMTV are trying) but I sometimes get frustrated at this explosion of quantity of BL that never has quality, it’s either repetitive or just awful in terms of storytelling. Why? Please Thailand branch out a little, these two series have shown you new plots, and ideas you can play with and create something more interesting and better than the typical lazy plots. Let’s expand Thai BL more. That’s all. Do you guys have your own ideas on these storylines and how to make them into longer series. I didn’t mention the other two because I wasn’t as connected to their plot (Love TalayYoon though) but I really enjoyed Close friends, and I’m sad it’s over now. 
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Bucky x reader imagines that live rent-free in my head (I'm not a writer, but I really needed to get these off my chest)
I'm typically Mandalorian-centric, so if you prefer to avoid this little tangent of mine I have added a cut for your convenience.
My ADHD has me daydreaming CONSTANTLY, so if you're reading this than you don't mind tumbling down the rabbit hole with me...
1) Chubby!Baker!Bucky x Coyote Ugly!Reader - Reader has a meet-cute with Bucky at his bakery right after it opens one morning. A case of PMS leads reader to the only bakery with a dessert that will help her feel better. Reader is a bartender at the infamous Coyote Ugly in New York, fluffy romance ensues, reader stops by every morning at the bakery to visit Bucky before the bakery opens, and sometimes he'll even wake up in time to drive/walk her home after her shift.
2) Fullmetal Alchemist - Bucky is insecure about his arm, so he tries to avoid letting reader see it. Reader is an anime fan and LOVES the series Fullmetal Alchemist, so they decide the best way to show Bucky how cool his arm is would be to introduce him to their favorite cyborg character: Edward Elric. Fluff ensues, Bucky jokingly refers to reader as his "Winry".
3) Supernatural/FaTWS - During one of his therapy sessions, Bucky can't help but notice that Dr. Raynor has a new piece of artwork hanging on the wall across from the couch. It's a strange symbol that seems a little cultish, but Raynor brushes it off as something she found to "add variety" to the room. Later another super soldier is spotted wreaking havoc on New York.....a soldier with long dark hair....black clothes...and a silver arm. Some dark themes. (The symbol in question is a tulpa, when Bucky concentrates on his past life as the WS, while staring the painting, he inevitably brings the "character" to life).
4) Bones/FaTWS - Reader is sick of how Dr. Raynor speaks to Bucky, and asks if it's possible for him to get a different therapist, one with better experience in handling a veteran. They enlist the help of former colleague Special Agent Seeley Booth to help convince his former therapist, Dr. Gordon Wyatt, to accept the position. Booth also provides some wisdom on how to live with  red ledger as a former sniper, as well as having connections with the assassination of a president. Definitely some angst.
5) Law and Order SVU/FaTWS - Similar to the Bones crossover, except reader's former colleague is Dr. George Huang, a forensic psychiatrist and criminal profiler for SVU. Can Olivia Benson and Dr. Huang help heal Bucky in the way that he truly needs as a special victim himself?
6) The Mortal Instruments/Post-Endgame/Pre-FaTWS - Steve isn't actually dead, but fakes it in order to go into hiding so that he can finally "retire" in peace, but still stay in his regular timeline. The only people that know of this are reader and the people of Idris, Shadowhunters, who have agreed to give the great Captain solace in exchange for his services in helping to protect the sacred country. Because of Idris' supernatural protection, both divine and otherwise, Idris is undetectable by even Wakanda-standards, making it the perfect place to hide. Until Bucky finds out the truth, and demands reader take him there. Can he forgive Steve? And why was the Captain so desperate to run away from his best friend? AAAAAANGST.
7) Doctor Sleep/FaTWS - Reader is gifted with the "shining", and tries so hard to avoid accidentally side-stepping into other people's heads, but sometimes their efforts are futile. Reader accidentally side-steps into Bucky's head, and he hates the idea of yet another person messing around in there. He avoids reader as much as possible, but they're neighbors so they still encounter each other in the apartment building. One night Bucky has a nightmare, and reader can't help but sense it with the "shining", immediately racing to help. Angst for sure.
8) The Matrix/(whichever movie you choose honestly, they could all work)....-  Instead of Agent Smith spreading like a virus, it was Hydra that attempted to overthrow the virtual world of the Matrix, and overpower the Machines. Steve is the "One" the free-minded have been searching for, he is freed from the alternate reality, but Bucky remains behind. Bucky's "infected" by Hydra, his programming is rewritten to become the Winter Soldier. Can Steve help free Bucky's mind from Hydra's control? Or will Hydra take over and destroy Zion for good?
9) Gilmore Girls/Chubby!Baker!Bucky x Reader - Reader moved to New York from Stars Hollow a few years back, but will occasionally go back for a visit to see their favorite Inn owners Lorelei and Sookie. Reader gushes about Sookies cooking and baked goods.......and a slightly jealous Bucky is a little miffed that his Cupcake/Peaches (you pick) enjoys someone else's baking besides his own.
10) Treasure Planet with Pirate!Bucky - Captain Steve Rogers is a respectable sailor who becomes an unfortunate pawn in a scheme to steal a spherical map that leads to the legendary Treasure Planet......and Pirate!Bucky will do anything to get his hands on some of the riches.
11) Conventions with FaTWS!Bucky - Reader convinces her grumpy boyfriend to let loose and enjoy a comic book/anime convention. Bucky thinks it's silly at first, but he can't help his fanboy side when he sees some people cosplaying as his favorite characters. There's also the dealer's rooms where he discovers the feeling of buying things he likes just because, realizing how much he missed choosing things for himself. Bonus points if Reader cosplays as one of his favorite characters.
That's all I have for now.....I may fuck around and add more later lol
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rpgsandbox · 4 years
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In 2014, Magpie Games launched a Kickstarter for Urban Shadows, an ENnie award-winning tabletop roleplaying game of political urban fantasy that quickly became one of our flagship titles. For years, fans have praised both the game’s effortless explanation of the Powered by the Apocalypse engine and the groundbreaking content on race and urban communities, leading Urban Shadows to be a favorite of urban fantasy gamers, podcasters, and streamers alike.
Now—more than six years later—we are returning to the dark streets of the city for Urban Shadows: Second Edition, updating the game’s rules, look, and tools to better support moving stories of political urban fantasy. Featuring new playbooks, new faction mechanics, and completely revised materials from first edition, Urban Shadows 2E will thrust you into the danger and drama of the city like never before!
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                      Download the Urban Shadows Quickstart here
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Urban Shadows is a political urban fantasy tabletop roleplaying game in which mortals and supernaturals alike vie for power in a modern-day city. Vampires, faeries, hunters, wizards, and more clash in the shadows...or make backroom deals for their piece of the streets and skyscrapers. No one is ever safe, and everything is always at stake.
In Urban Shadows, you play unique and powerful archetypes, protagonists who are attuned to the supernatural world. While the mortal world remains ignorant of the struggles of the city’s supernatural denizens, you are caught in the middle of the physical conflicts and political drama of the city’s past, present, and future.
You might be a spectre bound to an artifact, unable to move on until you’ve resolved your trauma. Or you might be a clever vampire who controls the best blood supply in the city, caught up in a war between your kind and those who hunt you. Or you might be a veteran of your city’s ancient conflicts, someone who got out of the game but keeps getting drawn back in by friends and allies.
No matter who you are, you contain within you the power to shape the city’s destiny. What future will you choose? And what will your victories cost you?
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Urban Shadows is based on the Powered by the Apocalypse system used by tabletop RPGs like Apocalypse World, Dungeon World, and many of Magpie Games’s own titles such as Masks: A New Generation, Root: The RPG, and Zombie World. The game uses the core framework of that system to provide a strong, simple way to create your own stories of political urban fantasy. You’ll create a character using one of several archetypes, and then you’ll take action, rolling two six-sided dice to resolve the outcomes of dangerous and difficult situations.
Urban Shadows creates stories like those you’d find in Constantine, Diableros, The Dresden Files, The John Wick franchise, The Last Witchhunter, Lost Girl, and The Wire.
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In Urban Shadows, the city is a living, breathing character all its own. It hides dark desires, wicked deeds, and devious schemes, its shadowy tendrils a danger to mortals and supernaturals alike. Some residents have sacred sanctums or secure workshops—places to weather the storms of the city—but a sprawling metropolis lies just outside those little nooks, caring little if you prosper…or bleed out in the gutters.
But nobody faces the city alone. Even the humblest of imps has a small community, a circle of those who can offer solace in the face of problems and danger. But community is a double-edged sword—demanding as much as it gives—and the needs and desires of those same circles constantly shape and reshape the vibrant urban landscape of the city. Nothing lasts forever, but the city turns over nearly every night, different forces laying different claims to you and yours.
The city hungers. Will you sate its gnawing desires? Or will your enemies make you the feast?
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The schemes and plots of supernatural beings have been a part of the city for as long as anyone can remember. The faces at the top may shift and change with the tides of fortune, but rarely does something occur in the mortal world without some push from those who lurk in the shadows. A new subway system? A contested election? A bank robbery? Nothing is what it seems.
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But what is mere money or prestige to wizards, ghosts, and faeries? Who cares about cash or elections when trafficking in human souls or exploring other dimensions? The supernatural forces of the city—and the mortals who deal with them—know only one real currency: debt.
Debt is the power to influence those who owe you, the chits you call in to get things done, the ties that bind you to the rest of the city, and the proof that your word is strong and your bonds unbreakable. There are few true friends in the city, but your debtors always want to see you survive—you can’t pay up if you’re dead.
But there are other ways to triumph in the city beyond the economy of favors and patronage. Cruel rituals. Dark secrets. The temptations of the monster within you. Those who seek power at any cost will find no end to the magics and mysteries available for the merest price of a soul.
The streets bleed shadows—your debtors always around the corner—as the city threatens to swallow you whole. Will you die a hero… or live long enough to become the villain? Will you fight the darkness…or beg for power? The choice is yours.
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Over the past five years, Magpie Games has developed and created multiple games that broke boundaries and redefined what PbtA can do. Now, we think it’s time to apply the lessons we’ve learned to Urban Shadows, making a game that’s tighter and easier to run, but also filled with new ideas and improvements, including new tools for players and GMs. We’re also excited to create a beautiful new book with visionary art and fantastic graphic design. In short… we’re making Urban Shadows 2E because we’re thrilled to revisit and refine our work!
Here’s a quick list of the major changes, many of which are already available in the quickstart:
revised basic moves, including new versions of turn to violence and let it out
revised playbooks, including rebuilt versions of The Hunter and The Oracle
two brand new playbooks: The Sworn (Power) and The Imp (Wild)
changing Factions to Circles—see below—and adding Circle Status to represent standing
a new downtime phase of the game focused on player-facing city moves and rumors
replacing Storms with a new MC-facing faction turn, including new faction moves
expanded MC tools for generating your city and Circles at the start of play
We’re also adding a new mechanic to bring PCs into contact more often with each other: City Hubs. Cities are enormous spaces, and we found (in US1E) player characters could sometimes retreat to their different corners of the cityscape, interacting only with their own worlds and not with each other. With City Hubs, we want to create smaller, expandable environments to focus play and create drama. These Hubs—described below—position characters in neighborhoods, institutions, and community spaces in which they interact more frequently and avoid sessions in which PCs rarely come into contact and conflict.
Download the quickstart for a chance to test out some of these new features! We’ll be previewing more of them during the campaign, and we’re excited to get your feedback and refine Urban Shadows even more. Thank you to everyone who has given us feedback on 1st Edition since 2015!
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In Urban Shadows, your characters juggle relationships and obligations, seeking allies and opportunities, cashing in debts along the way to get things done. When you seize the day, you reshape the city in your image and unleash your powers on those who stand against you; when your enemies move and hunt, you do your best to stay ahead of the oncoming storm.
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Urban Shadows uses the Powered by the Apocalypse framework to resolve interesting moments of uncertainty through moves, bits of mechanics that say: “When you do [x], [y] happens.” Each move trigger—the “When you do [x]” part—is designed to help point at moments of uncertainty, when neither the players nor the GM know exactly what happens next. Some examples of such moments include:
When you throw a punch at a loudmouthed werewolf in a demonic club
When you plead with the wizard’s council to return a tome of magic stolen from you
When you try to escape the evil ritual you stumbled onto in the city’s sewers
When you ask one of your companions to forgive the debt your fae lover owes them
When you trigger a move—when you perform the action described in the move’s trigger—then the rest of the move kicks into effect, often requiring a die roll. You roll 2d6 (two six-sided dice) and add in one of your stats to find out what happens.
Every playbook has four stats:
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Blood is the measure of your fight or flight instincts. It tells us how tough, dangerous, coiled, and quick to act your character is in a perilous situation.
Heart is the sum of your passion, charm, and charisma. It tells us how proficient your character is at getting what they want through negotiation and persuasion.
Mind is a reflection of your critical thinking and analysis. It tells us how perceptive your character can be and how good they are at manipulating others through deceit.
Spirit is a gauge of your connection to the “other” and your force of will. It tells us how focused your character is under pressure and what kind of power they can unleash.
Each stat is ranked from -3 to +3. You add your stat to some rolls when you trigger certain moves. For example, when you turn to violence, you roll 2d6 + Blood.
On most moves, if you get a 10 or higher (10+), things go your way! If you get a 7-9, you get what you were after, but usually with some cost or complication. If you get a 6 or lower, that’s called a miss, and the GM gets to tell you what happens next as things spiral out of control.
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Urban Shadows has basic moves for all the usual conflicts in urban fantasy—fighting, lying, escaping, magic, and more—along with special moves for managing debts and your relationships with communities at large.  
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The city is a fierce cesspool of politics and corruption, but there are clear connections and boundaries between like-minded residents, spheres of influence that make up the scope of politics within the city. Most call these divisions Circles, loose political groupings that illustrate the differing affiliations and loyalties in the world, each one a community with its own internal politics and dramas. The Circles are:
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In addition to the main stats, each character also has ratings (from -3 to +3) for their Circles, measures of how well the character understands each specific community. A character with a high rating in a Circle has contacts and connections within it, and can easily interpret its political information; a character with a low rating in a Circle doesn’t understand how that Circle works or who the power players are within that community.
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Circles aren’t organizations or formal alliances; they are more like broad communities or subcultures. The disagreement between two members of the same Circle may be as—or more—intense than any conflict between two differing spheres. A werewolf and a vampire both hail from Night, but that doesn’t mean they get along. It only means they understand each other...and the violence inherent in the language of their streets.
Yet there are factions within each Circle capable of acting in unison, alliances who can shape the city’s future—werewolf packs, witch covens, faerie courts, and more. In Urban Shadows: Second Edition, we’re giving GMs new tools to support those factions in a “faction turn” between sessions. We’re also giving players new tools to get stuff done in downtime, acting on the rumors they heard about what the factions have done in the past week or two of offscreen activity, all fueling the drama of the city and the power players have to shape the setting.
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Urban Shadows uses archetypes (The Wolf, The Wizard, The Oracle, etc.) to help players create characters quickly and easily. These archetypes are only ever a starting point; you can always bring in different myths, legends, and ideas to make your character entirely your own.
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Characters often acquire abilities and powers from other archetypes and may even change archetypes over the course of play. As your character advances, you may also find reasons to retire to safety, securing that character’s place in the city as you create a new character to continue your group's story.  
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Absolute power...corrupts absolutely. Urban Shadows features a dynamic corruption mechanic, tracking your character's descent into darkness. When you take a life, give in to your monstrous nature, or cross a line you shouldn't cross, you mark corruption. As you gain corruption, you unlock new and potent powers, allowing your character to get what they want—at the cost of further corruption. The dark side of your nature bears productive fruit.
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Power is never free, though. Cross the line too often and you lose your character to the darkness, handing them over to the GM for them to play as a threat. Corruption is a downward spiral threatening to push you over the edge, and not everyone is cut out to make it back from the brink. As your character gains new abilities fueled by the growing darkness within, you face a difficult choice: will you give up what you've gained to save yourself?
Corruption also encourages you to play to your archetype. Each archetype contains unique boundaries and taboos that define when you mark corruption. Life is always sacred, but werewolves, mages, and faeries all face unique temptations while stalking the city's streets.
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Cities are giant, complex networks of interconnected communities caught in an almost constant state of change. In order to focus your characters’ conflicts and provide reasons for the players to consistently play together across those spaces, Urban Shadows 2E uses City Hubs—dynamic sections of urban life that frame the story you’re telling together without cutting you off from the rest of the city’s potential.
A City Hub isn’t just a physical district or area of your city. Instead, each Hub is a collection of institutions, relationships, and anchors—important NPCs—that create a background for the action in your story. Even better, Hubs can be added over the length of a campaign, expanding the city with new locations, conflicts, and NPCs as your story progresses.
Urban Shadows 2E features four City Hubs, each dominated by one of the four Circles:
City Hall (Mortalis)
Downtown (Night)
The University (Power)
The Arts District (Wild)
Perhaps your Tainted is a student at the local university, the same campus that lies within the Wolf’s territory...and the same institution at which the Wizard recently started working as a professor. Or maybe your Oracle has an occult bookstore downtown in the same office building in which the Sworn is regularly summoned to meet with the wizard’s council, just down the street from the family restaurant in which the Aware still waits tables.
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Hubs are also a flexible tool for structuring your campaign as a whole. You can use two different Hubs set in the same city for different campaigns, you can grab elements from any Hub to use as inspiration for your campaign, or you can expand your campaign to include new Hubs as your city grows. We’ll release new Hubs through this campaign as stretch goals and as digital supplements after the Kickstarter.
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Thu, November 19 2020 9:00 PM UTC +00:00
Website: [Magpie Games] [facebook] [twitter]
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samatheia229 · 4 years
PJO Mortal AU (Solangelo-centric)
 The Olympia Family
(AKA the family with so much chaos and drama, they would have made an even more popular reality TV show than Keeping Up with the Kardashians)
Thalia Grace - 24
An ambassador of the Artemis Foundation
Won't hesitate to throw hands at anyone who messes with her family.
Very protective of her little brother and cousins.
Not afraid to speak her mind and fight for what she thinks is right.
Has a kind of love-hate relationship with her stepmother Hera. While Thalia respects and acknowledges Hera as her stepmother, she is a free spirit, and hates being chained down by the old-fashioned rules Hera imposes.
Briefly dated Luke Castellan for 2 years, but broke up due to reasons. The break up was mutual and Luke still remains as one of Thalia's closest friends.
Deadly with a bow and arrow (she'd be hunting down hunters like they hunt animals for living if it weren't for the fact that murder is unfortunately illegal).
Jason Grace - 19
Sophomore at Uni (double majors in Management and Aerodynamic Engineering)
Flight school graduate
Heir to Jupiter Airlines (given that his father doesn't plan to retire anytime soon, Jason is considering becoming a pilot in the meantime)
Hera's favourite child since he actually follows her rules (He bends them slightly every now and then, but she doesn't need to know that).
Regular at the Manhattan Chess Club
Has an intense rivalry with his older cousin Percy that's been going on for like 10 years now... (his life goal is to beat Percy. They're currently at a stalemate of 3795 wins each.)
Very protective of Nico. He almost had an aneurysm when he heard that grumpy, little stay-away-or-I’ll-death-glare-you Nico had a boyfriend. A boyfriend.
Has a best friend Leo Valdez who is an engineer student with an eccentric personality and is a mischievous menace. His childhood friend, Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano, is an athlete in javelin-throwing and currently resides in her hometown in San Juan, Puerto Rico, but they still keep in touch. 
Dating Piper McLean, the 19-year-old founder of the Beautifully Imperfect Foundation
Zeus Olympia
CEO of Jupiter Airlines
Drama Queen TM
Favours Thalia more despite Jason being his heir and enables most of her rebellious antics, much to Hera's chagrin.
Can be rather childish and petty ("It's been 43 years, and I've long since given up on expecting him to change," Hades deadpanned.)
As the youngest child of the Olympia family and with his father on Death's doorstep, Zeus was given a lot of free reign, hence his playboy tendencies. He eventually did settle down with Hera Junos, the single daughter of one of the oldest families in Greece. Hera was fond of children but was unable to sire her own due to medical issues, which led to Zeus getting a mistress (with Hera's begrudged consent), Beryl Grace, the daughter of Hera's family chef. Beryl has always had a rather strange personality and an unhealthy obsession with alcohol. A few years after giving birth to Thalia and Jason Grace respectively, her liver gave way and she died before they could find a solution.
Hera Olympia (formerly Junos)
Zeus' wife
The kids call her ‘Aunt Ra’
Jason is her favourite child because he actually listens to her
Coming from both a high-class and old family, Hera was raised to be a perfect lady (a lady should not wear pants or speak out of turn etc. etc.) and has a rather old-fashioned way of thinking, enforcing strict rules in her household.
She still loves Thalia, but because the way Thalia acts goes against everything Hera was taught, her relationship with her stepdaughter is a bit strained. Hera now mostly lets Thalia do her own thing, but every now and then might still be a bit controlling. She's trying, okay?
Bianca di Angelo - 19
Sophomore at Uni (majors in Journalism and English Literature)
Works part-time at the Artemis Foundation
Generally quiet and shy, but has a tendency to fuss over small details.
Very responsible and possibly the only one with a brain cell among the cousins. (Proteus and Triton don’t even live in the same continent half of the time; Kym doesn't give a damn; Thesi is too nice to reprimand them; Ro‘s too busy fawning over her fiancé; Hero is more likely to fan the flames than quell them; Thalia, Jason, Percy and Nico are always either competing against each other or breaking the Internet with their antics again; Hazel is pretty innocent but has a slight vindictive streak so caution must be exercised; and Tyson and Estelle are innocent beans of sunshine that must be protected).
She can be bold when she wants to be, as well as reckless. 
Has her father's habit of gesturing with her hands while talking and when she is on edge.
Nico di Angelo - 17
High school Senior
Heir to Pluto Corp.
Resident Emo in the family (“I'm not emo!” “Your only-dark-clothing phase says otherwise.” “It's not a phase, Persephone!” “Like father, like son.”)
Stubborn AF
Can't deal with all his overprotective sisters and cousins
Currently pining over William Solace ("Shut up!")
Avid gamer, plays digital games, card games (his childhood and to-this-day favourite is Myth-o-magic, which is one of the reasons he approves of Hazel's boyfriend, Frank) and all games in general (he visits the arcade monthly to make sure he's still 1st place in every game there)
Has a tendency to hold grudges and gestures with his hands while talking or when on edge, a habit he shares with his father and older sister.
Plays the violin (Persephone had introduced him to it, and he'd taken a liking to it)
Hazel Olympia (formerly Levesque) - 14
High school Freshman
Aspiring artist (she’s won thirty different art competitions locally in the span of three years and placed silver last year in the Chelsea International Fine Art Competition under an anonymous name because she wanted to win by her own merit rather than rely on the Olympia name. Hades plans to surprise her by giving her own exhibition hall for her next birthday.)
Regular at the Manhattan Riding Club
Has a bit of a vindictive streak in her that was probably born out of spite due to her upbringing
Exudes a powerful aura of passive aggressiveness, but is also incredibly kind and magnanimous
Has the ability is summon, manipulate and detect precious minerals, as well as the ability to place curses on them. (This knowledge is confidential and hidden from the public)
Loves her family with all her heart, and literally no one is more protective of Nico than she is
She was the first but also last person to know about Nico's boyfriend (First because she goes to the same school and is not dense, thank you very much, but technically last because she was the last person that Nico officially told since Will is terrified of her for some reason, something about her being 'the FINAL BOSS'; this amuses Hazel to no end).
Has a very cute crush on Frank Zhang, a HS Junior who’s an archer and animal lover (it’s mutual, by the way).
Hades Olympia 
CEO of Pluto Corp., one of the largest companies in the mining industry.
#DONE with life and all the people in it, particularly his crazy family
Functions solely on his children, Persephone and caffeine, usually caffeine because the other two are often the cause of his high blood pressure
Broods a lot (”I don’t brood.” “Yes, you do.”)
Deadpan 200% of the time and takes no shit
Loves all his children equally and definitely does not have a favourite (it’s Hazel, in case you’re wondering) 
As the eldest son of the three brothers, Hades was betrothed and wed to his childhood best friend Persephone Terrafield by their fathers in an attempt at a business partnership (Spoiler Alert: It didn’t work out in end). Admittedly, Hades and Persephone did have a small infatuation with each other when they were younger, but it never grew into anything serious, and as they grew older he saw her as more of a sibling than a lover and vice versa. After the inevitable death of his father, Hades and Persephone divorced but literally nothing in their relationship changed since they’d never loved each other romantically in the first place. When Hades decided to court their mutual friend, Italian diplomat Maria di Angelo, Persephone supported both of them wholeheartedly. In the span of the seventeen years they were together, Maria gave Hades two beautiful children, Bianca and Nico. Unfortunately, Maria passed away after being on life support for two years in result of a plane crash when Nico was 6. 
In the two years when Maria was hospitalized, Hades was so desperate to find his beloved a cure that he sought out a witch doctor that was rumoured to be in New Orleans. Marie Levesque, the aforementioned witch, was a greedy, manipulative person with a deluded and unstable mind, who drugged Hades and essentially raped him because she thought his spawn would have the perfect blood for experimenting magic on. She used magic to wipe his memory of the previous night’s events and handed him an ‘antidote’ that was actually just water dyed a milky white. After ten years, Marie finally revealed to Hades a 12-year-old Hazel, who looked miserable, was suffering from malnutrition, wounds, burns etc. and had a supernatural ability which Marie proudly said she had bestowed to her via dark magic. Hades was absolutely mortified, revolted and a bunch of other things. He filed a lawsuit against Marie, charging her for rape, child neglect, child abuse and human experimentation, as well as taking permanent custody over Hazel Levesque (now Hazel Olympia). 
Persephone Terrafield
CEO of jewelry enterprise The Red Pomegranate which was a sub-branch of Pluto Corps. The enterprise has the highest production rate in the US. 
Self-designated matchmaker for Hades (Hades always tells her she should focus on her own love life first, but he’s just an ungrateful brat)
Current life goal is to fulfill Maria di Angelo’s dying wish: help Hades find love again. (Mission status: still at Square 1 because Hades has some trust issues after the Levesque Incident)
The kids all call her ‘Aunt Seph’, but she loves the children as though they were her own
She and Hades often joke that they would totally still be married if they didn’t see each other as siblings and platonic soulmates and she hadn’t had her sexual awakening of being lesbian.
She lives with Hades and the children as she finds it too much of a hassle to move into her own place, not to mention lonely (with the kids at school and doing club activities, someone needs to make sure Hades gets exposure to the sun anyway).
Persephone is the daughter of an unnamed businessman and Demeter Terrafield, an agricultural revolutionist and healthy-cereal-obssessed woman.
Her mother and Hades have this sort of weird rivalry going on whenever Demeter visits; Demeter hates Hades because he hates healthy cereal, and apparently anyone who hates healthy cereal isn’t good enough to be hanging around her daughter, so she always replaces all his coffee with decaf and puts the healthiest cereal she can find on his bedside table every morning; in retaliation, Hades will deliberately eat the most sugary sweets he can find in front of her and locks her out of their personal greenhouse. (The glass walls are made of the strongest glass he could find and the door is locked by multiple manual and digital locks.)
Hestia Olympia
CEO of WarmHearth Interior Design Agency (WHIDA)
Everyone's favourite person, indefinitely
Has the infinite patience of a goddess
Gentle, kind, very wise, gives great advice
The kids call her ‘Aunt Tia’ 
Often fondly exasperated by her younger brothers' antics (because no, just because they’re grown men now does not mean they are going to stop their childhood feuds since despite their protests, they are all petty AF), but once she snaps, they all line up like toy soldiers and behave nicely.
Knits a lot. Most of her carpets, quilts, bags, scarves etc. are handmade.
She looks relatively innocent, but don't be fooled. There's a hidden arsonist in her that is always ready to come out when she's angry.
Hestia has a 'I'm not mad, just extremely disappointed and upset' Mom Look that has sent people bawling their eyes out and begging for her forgiveness with just one glance
She is the oldest of the Olympia siblings, but as a child had a frail and weak body. Kronos wanted to get rid of her since she was 'useless and couldn't be wed off', but Rhea, their mother, begged and pleaded Kronos to let her live. For some unknown reason, Kronos complied.
Her brothers are all very protective of her
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bigbagofgabriel · 4 years
ok I promise this will be my only serious supernatural post for the rest of time. this is it. then back to shitposts.
The issue isn't with Misha, any of the actors, hell, I don't even fully blame the writers, I blame the network. The issue with 15.18 and the episodes following is that it is a continuation of a dangerous theme not only on the cw but in media as a whole. The fact that fans are made out to be crazy when looking for representation is asinine. If your audience is trying to see themselves in your characters, why silence that? If there are people out there who love your work, and see a reflection of them in it, why wouldn't you capitalize on that? Give the fans something to believe in.
By having Cas's confession go unacknowledged, you are telling the very people who find solace in your work that their struggles, and things that mean the world to them and take extreme courage to do, are shameful. The network treated Cas's confession like a dirty little secret that had to be hidden. That's what hurts. When you actively isolate a large portion of your viewers, of course we're going to be mad. Then the spanish leak happened, and we were given the crumb of representation that we wanted, only to be gaslit by the cw shoving Misha into the flames.
Growing up, Supernatural was a huge part of my self exploration and growth. I saw Charlie, living as herself, being openly gay and thriving, being heroic, helping save the day. I saw myself in her. Then they killed her off screen and dumped her body in a bathtub. That was my first exposure to the trope, I was young and projecting onto this character, only to see her die. So I moved on, I found bits of myself in other characters along the way, and Castiel, the queercoded character he was, was the one I latched onto. To see him treated that way, and to see Dean deprived of the chance to speak his truth, whether that be reciprocal or not, hurts like hell. Thirteen year old me who was unafraid to face the world honestly because of these characters and their representation (because it was, Canon or not) would be so hurt by this. 20 year old me can take it. what I can't take is them showing us that once again, lgbtq relationships are still being hidden away like a shameful secret.
Looking at it from a filmmakers perspective, it makes no sense to go about it the way they did. They erased 15 years of character development, the family the Winchesters fostered was ripped away, there was no conclusion to their story. I'm working under Canadian film covid restrictions now, and there is no excuse for the joke they let air. They dashed the hard work the cast and crew put in over the rocks and are shocked that there's backlash. no forethought, no mercy.
un fucking believable.
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