#sucker punch island sessions
blockgamepirate · 1 year
I just thought of a Life Series concept, that might be terrible but I wanna write it down anyway:
3rd Life but in skyblock
(Doesn’t have to be the 3rd Life ruleset though, I don’t really care which version of the rules it would be, altho I do want the boogieman)
Basically it would just be a very long game of Skywars. Everybody starts out on different islands and they have to build to each other. All the islands would be big, though, big enough to build a base on and to do some mining and farming on and would already have a fair amount of resources. (If it was the classic Skyblock set up it would take everybody like five sessions to get anything done lbr. Also nobody wants to watch every YouTuber using a cobblestone generator for like half of each episode.)
And maybe every island would be a different biome so you would have to visit other people’s islands to get biome specific resources? Yes, people could actually technically try to set up monopolies like this (I doubt it would work anyway lol).
There would also be a big island in the middle, probably a basic plains biome but it would also be the only place where you could mine diamonds because it would be the only island that goes all the way down to “diamond level“ (doesn’t actually have to be the actual diamond level, the players can just agree what diamond level is.) But it would also be risky to mine the diamonds because might accidentally mine through the island into the void.
Also yes, there would be very limited amounts of diamonds in the game. Not that it would necessarily matter that much because you can literally just knock people into the void.
Although if it does seem like there’s not enough room to play with, they could always agree to add more islands in later episodes. Just have them ready to copy and paste in xD
I think it would also kinda have a similar forced alliance element as Double Life in that you’re probably gonna wanna ally with the islands that are next to yours, right? Or at least one of them, if you can. Then again you could also just ally with someone from the opposite end of the map and idk, figure it out. Maybe even move to their island.
But I think it could be fun, also imagine the tension! Because even someone who’s bad at PVP can sucker punch or spleef someone into the void!
idk, it tickles me at least.
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springvaletales · 25 days
((Session 66 is wrapped!))
I almost missed my own session bc I just lost complete track of time that’s not a good start-
After the recap, the party paused for five minutes to debate whether or not Lord Wiggles would stay with them when the loop reset in an hour or if he’d be reset back to the prison, like most of the pirates seemed to be.
Plot point: Physical items, such as Captain Xiv’s leather map, are not reset with the time loop when in party possession.
Thiori's Player: “So if we kill Lord Wiggles, he then becomes an object, and-“ Sir Carl's Player: “Don’t objectify Lord Wiggles!”
When we resumed, Bagelby got the party - and Lord Wiggles - out of the prison’s last door by flashing Master L.O.C.K.E.’s signed release prisoner release form at both the Halfling administrator who isn’t getting paid enough to deal with this and the two Warforged guards standing outside.
As the party walked away from the prison, Bagelby overheard the Warforged whispering about how they actually got Master L.O.C.K.E.’s signature this time, and that one of them should mark that down because it wouldn’t happen again.
He got offended and turned back around to argue the party’s competency with the guards, to the rest of the party’s horror.
The Warforged guards have seen and/or heard of the party being on the island for 1,463 time loops.
Bagelby, strained wheezing: “H-how long?!” Sir Carl, sadly: “We haven’t slept in over two and a half years….” Thiori, on the verge of tears: “My kids are growing up without me!”
After some back and forth and some VERY good persuasion rolls from both Bagelby and Thiori, the Warforged guards agreed that the cycle of time loops needed to change, and they might as well try interfering in this one, as they never had before.
The were supposed to be combat for the party, but….look, Bagelby’s player has max charisma IRL and I like to see where he’s going with things and he just has so many funny ideas. It’s not my fault.
With their Warforged guards, the party - now containing Thiori, Lex, Sir Carl, Bagelby, Lord Wiggles, Isstun, Ra-ra, and Asio the Owlin - easily walked past the guarded checkpoints on the bridge connecting the prison island to the main island.
The sun was setting by the time the party reached the end of the bridge, and their proximity to the source of the explosion that sets off the time loop singed a few eyebrows this time around.
Everyone fell prone except for Thiori and the Warforged, though everyone's memories got a little fuzzy for anywhere from 30 seconds to four minutes.
Warforged #2, slowly lowering his extended arms after sucker punching the two pirate guards into the bay as soon as the time loop reset: “Sorry. I panicked.”
Isstun and Asio are the only ones who failed the proper saves and had to be carried away from the bridge - Asio over Thiori’s shoulder, and Isstun by Sir Carl.
Ra-ra is still active and moving about even though Isstun is stunned.
Lord Wiggles finally processed enough of what was going on to recap the Time Loop: Warforged Remember the Loops: The Party is Somehow Unaffected by the Loops situation. Everything else, he put in a box, for now.
The three Warforged that Thiori convinced to leave their enslavement at the island’s solitary wheat farm are still gone, and the former overseer is still having a visible existential crisis.
Confirmed: People AND items that the party directly interacts with appear unchanged (or at least only mildly changed) by the time loop.
“There’s plenty of room inside the whale.”
Bagelby and Lex want to name at least one of the Warforged ‘Brobot’.
I’m going to let them name the Warforged bc I hadn’t planned on them being friendly NPCs until a stunning series of rolls and bullshittery so I have no names planned for them.
The party was met halfway to the docks by Captains Xiv and Cuirass.
Captain Xiv struggled to make himself presentable after sprinting a few hundred yards bc he still thinks Lex is cute, even if he’s got No Chance.
They’re shocked the party managed to get back to the docks with Lord Wiggles and without half the island at their heels - apparently all the other attempts where they made it this far didn’t end nearly as well.
Xiv made the ‘mistake’ of asking how they even got onto the island in the first place, as the ships patrolling around the island can usually see anyone coming from miles away; to the party’s dismay, Bagelby was more than willing to tell him - in excruciating detail - about the Whale Plan.
Bagelby: “So I polymorphed into a whale, right? And then I swallowed the party and swam under the boats and beached myself-" Xiv, starry-eyed: “Fascinating…!”
Cuirass grabbed Xiv by one horn and used it to steer him back towards the docks, while gesturing for the rest of the group to follow them.
While they haven’t given up their pirate ways, they are willing to help the party escape, as the time loops didn’t begin until after Lord Wiggles was brought to the island, and they hope that his removal will let them end.
Xiv agrees to stay to keep up the facade of normal operations while Cuirass takes the party onto his ship (to his crew’s confusion) to smuggle them through the patrol line, as he is a long-standing member of the pirate fleet, and is hardly ever challenged when coming or going.
Thiori tried to go belowdecks, but was too big for the staircase, and got stuck.
The pirates were too busy getting the ship ready to sail to help him, and Thiori had to make awkward eye contact with a one-eyed elf with a wooden prosthetic who took one look at him, sighed, and started counting down from 10 on his fingers.
Thiori: "I don't like that. That's ominous!"
Meanwhile, Bagelby tried to pull Thiori free from behind, and with a 20, finally succeeded!
…buuuut only to comically stagger back as Thiori came loose with too much momentum, and for both of them to trip and fall into the netting covering the cargo hold, and land in a container of fish.
After being fished from the fish container by Thiori, Bagelby dove back in bc he thought he’d seen a slug, and he was suddenly craving one.
He rolled an 15, and found a bright yellow, 9 inch long sea slug that had blue markings and produced a vaguely translucent green slime.
The ship appeared to set sail and move past the island’s watchtowers with no issue, but Captain Cuirass came down belowdecks to inform them that the guard towers were actually empty, which was highly unusual.
He suspected that they may be sailing into a trap, and that they needed to be prepared.
Remember: Captain Cuirass is a magically animate suit of armor. He cannot speak, and only communicates in sign language. This entire conversation is happening to a soundtrack of metal clanks and Bagelby slowly repeating everything he sees/he signs like a child forced to read a paragraph in class they weren’t prepared for so the party can understand.
Only Sir Carl noticed that Lord Wiggles was paying very close attention to the movement of Cuirass’s hands, and he suspects that the man can understand sign, himself, though he never says anything.
Cuirass makes Bagelby promise to keep Lord Wiggles ‘under control’, and revealed a gash punched into his armor in his side that - supposedly - Lord Wiggles left him with in an encounter many loops before.
Bagelby made Lord Wiggles promise not to attack the pirates bc they were helping them escape, though Lord Wiggles took his sweet time answering just to fuck with Cuirass.
After the captain return above deck, however, Lord Wiggles….unloaded a bit.
Lord Wiggles, pointing at Thiori: “YOU have CRAB ARMS.” Lord Wiggles, pointing at Lex: “You’re so jacked it just CAN’T be natural.” Lord Wiggles, pointing at the Warforged: “NEITHER of you thought of helping out in 700 years?!” Lord Wiggles, pointing at Sir Carl: “YOU’RE so normal in comparison it’s SUSPICIOUS.” Lord Wiggles, pointing at Isstun and Asio: “YOU TWO are doing amazing actually I’m very proud of you for breaking these cycles.” Lord Wiggles, pointing at Ra-ra: *points at her eyes, then his, then back to hers suspiciously* Lord Wiggles, pointing at Bagelby: “And YOU! Your face looks so SKA-DAMNED FAMILIAR. Where the FUCK are you from?”
We ended off with Bagelby taking a bite of the sea slug he’d found in the fish bin and failing his Con save. Maritza skittered out of the slime pocket to steal the rest of the slug while Lord Wiggles watched in mild horror, and we’re going to (hopefully) meet again sooner than four weeks from now!
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Sucker Punch Island: Session 1
Players :
Masari Half-Elf Monk. High Wis + Dex. Low Int + Cha.
First impression : Capable and very ernest, but just not that clever.
Nonamei Elven Wizard. High Int. Very low Str + Cha.
First Impression : Can't sit still. Trigger Shy. Asks the right questions.
"Jinx" (Me) Half-Elf Cleric. Prophecy Domain. High Wis + Cha. Very low Con + Str.
Blind man with a full-size crossbow who can't stop talking. Makes up a new god every five minutes. Still has clerical powers, somehow.
So, we're all on this island populated mainly by Kenku (Crow people). It all starts out pretty standard, We're all answering a "Heroes Wanted" bulletin, right? There are some other hereos at the bulletin board that look pretty badly singed. We try to talk to them to see what happened, but they lose their voices when they try to answer us. One tries to write something, but magically can't do that either. Weird. We figure they must have been cursed by whatever they encountered on their job. We tried a few things, but can't really help them or figure out exactly what's wrong.
So, the person we're meeting for the job shows up, a kenku. Rube. He's nervous. Jinx makes him even more nervous by idly pointing his crossbow in worrisome directions. Blind man with a crossbow raises a few eyebrows.
Rube takes us to city hall. Jinx bullshits about the decor and the statues. Mostly to see which party members are gullible. Surprise, it's the Wizard. So now the Wizard and the Kenku think Jinx knows all sorts of things about the city's founder. Convinced them that the statue in the hall is actually a petrified person. Good fun. Not terribly important. Yet. We'll see.
The mayor himself (or some such official) is called Ergard, and he's the one that actually hired us. Monsters in the sewer attacking the city, and can we go exterminate them please. Good benefits. We promise to resurrect you if you're awful and die. Nominal 10gp fee (a bargain!). Here's some magic rings with extra powers to help make sure you don't die. Here, sign this contract to be employed by the city.
Contract? Really?
I did try to see if we were being duped. Sense motive did show he wasn't really being straight with us, but we all thought he was just withholding some pertinent information about the job. Boy was he. Jinx cast Detect Magic to see what other shenanigans he might be pulling,. Just paper contracts, though. Nothing special. Rings are just cantrip level magic. Big-ass mirror in the guy's office is hella magical, and the mayor himself has some serious equipment, but that's all we know.
The Wiz and Monk sign the contracts. Jinx is blind and can't read and is a complete bastard, so he folds his up into a paper airplane and flies it across the room. Nobody really pays attention to that. The mayor sets out some magic rings for us. Jinx pockets all of them.
We head for the sewer. Wat a mess. Jinx hands out the rings. He's not greedy. And besides, He can't really use more than two. We wander through the sewer. There's slime everywhere and eventually some of it gets annoyed at being walked on and wakes up. We kill of a couple of them. Jinx does a fair bit of damage shooting at them with his crossbow. Blames it on being blind when he rolls low. The slimes are fire resistant. Kinda odd, but whatever. They go down easy. A much bigger one comes out of the pond of sludge down here. Jinx fires of his one big spell at it, but misses. "Did I hit anything?" He does have blindsight in a small rage around him, but it's a good schtick.
Another couple of stabs and bolts and that slime goes down too. The DM is rolling really low. Hits nothing the whole battle.
Next room, there's a Lizard-Taur. Already wounded but still feisty. Dumb as a rock, but not instantly hostile. The Monk speaks Draconic, though so we chat with it for awhile. Of course my compatriots have shitty Charisma, so they go nowhere for a long time. Eventually the Monk upsets the Liz-Taur and gets bit. We run away, but it can't follow us through a particular rusted grate. So we halt there and continue trying to chat with it, from a distance.
Jinx gets bored and sets up camp. Makes an omelette. Figures, this Lizard is only slightly smarter than a puppy. He's speaking in one word sentences. So I throw half my omelette at the lizard. Apparently it's pretty good, because I roll well on the persuasion check and suddenly he likes me enough to let me in the room he's guarding. Alone. No others. I wander around in there for awhile. There’s a pile of gold and a big ol' egg. Some massive scorch marks on the ground. There's some growling noises, but Jinx bombs his perception and investigation. Confused he assumes the gold and egg belong to the Lizard and the noise is coming from the egg. Probably about to hatch?
I figure I should leave the treasure alone. Go back and tell everyone there's not a lot in there. Just  a bunch of gold that obviously belongs to the Lizard and an egg that's probably his. Hers? Who knows. They're still trying to be nice enough to get past the Lizard without hurting him, so I give him an herbal poultice for his injured leg. That makes him happy enough to get a real conversation going with the only PC that can actually talk to him. Eventually  we figure out that the Liz-Taur is smelling the Kenku on the rings we're wearing. Really hates those guys. So my buddies chuck their rings to gain the Taur's trust. JInx picks them up. Guess they're all mine now. Puts all the rings on one hand.
So, finally we can all go in the room with the gold so that someone with a half-decent Investigate skill can make a roll instead of Jinx with his sad little +1. The roll is bombed by all present. No idea what's in here. The one that should have been successful actually Crit Fails and gets overwhelmed by nausea from the smell of burnt slime.
Jinx is hanging out with Lizard Boy in the back of the cave, so he can't sense what's going on near the treasure pile. Apparently what we all failed to detect was a dropoff at the back of the cave where a colossal dragon was sleeping. It finally wakes up. Jinx heads to that side of the cave to see what the commotion is all about, so we're all in a nice formation when the dragon breaths on all of us and we all die. While the DM plays the theme to 'The Price Is Right' in the background.
Of course, that was the plan all along. We wake up after being resurrected in the Mayor's office. Chained to chairs. Lovely. The Kenku does some magical shenanigans so that our perfectly normal contracts look like they say the Resurrection service has a nominal 10,000,000 gold fee. The usual arguing and threats ensue, but really we don't have any options. Another spell is done sealing the rings (all of which I'm wearing. Sheesh) and manacles to prevent us from leaving the island. And prevent us from talking to anyone about any job we do here or the 'arrangement' we have to work off our 10,000,000 gp debt.
ME :Jinx shrugs "i don't get all the posturing. I mean, if you're going to be thugs, then just be thugs. As the Acolyte of Moodwise, I won't forgive you, though" Masari Monk:"No, no, they have an image to keep." DM :Ehgard (The Kenku Mayor) rubs a hand over his beak."This is what you signed for. Most of you." Wiz Nona:"We signed for 10 Gold." Nona insists ME :Shruggs "I can't read. Never sign anything." DM :"We can take back the services we've done for you, if that's what you desire, sir." ME :"I suspect that would be quite illegal, if you want to play that game. Your option was to not raise me in the first place. But, clearly you're going to do whatever you like. Get on with it." Wiz Nona:"Jinx..." Nona warns nervously Masari Monk:"Yeah, let's cut to the chase. What do you get out of doing this to us? What are you expecting us to do to pay back this forged debt?" DM :"Illegal. No, not me sir." ME :"I am a cleric of Normenglasterpastich. We do not suffer liars lightly." Wiz Nona:what a name Masari Monk:Masari eyes Jinx. DM :"I suppose you'll have to work it off. I can think of a few more missions for you to go on to start earning that money..." His eyes narrow at Jinx, shaking his head."So untrustworthy..." ME :"What a lovely complement. I'm blushing." Masari Monk:"More missions that involve certain death? More missions that put us deeper in the hole through ressurections?" ME :"Sounds like a good plan. Infinite access to decent heroes. It's a nice racket if you can get it. Man's got a dragon to deal with. You do what you can." DM :The Kenku in purple walks around, putting a bracelet on Nona and Masari. "Certain death? No, no. Ambassador's of a sort. For Kiebnis herself (name of the city)." Masari Monk:"What's this now?" ME :Jinks looks straight at him with white eyes, "She's going to eat you, you know. I'm a prophet of Ibnis. I've seen it." Grinning like a madman. Wiz Nona:"Jinx, now isn't really the time to make threats," Nona whispers warily under her voice DM :Ergard tilts his head, eyes narrow as he looks away from Jinx. ME :"That wasn't a threat! That was valuable information. Worth at least 1,000,000 GP. ME :rolling persuasion. just that I'm an actual prophet. I have been playing the part pretty well, i think. (A decent roll. Total 19) DM :xDDDDD ME :No derail or anything. I just wanna unsettle the old bird. DM :Alright. Now I have to figure out this guys religion lol Ergard's feathers pick up a might. "Those are the old ways..." He 'mumbles' under his breath. So, that's why those other adventurers couldn't answer any of our questions. Apparently this crazy Kenku does the same thing to all the nice heroes that visit his island. Kill with dragon. Fake a masive debt. "You belong to me now." Rinse Repeat. At least I got to give the Mayor a good scare, though. I very much intend to make it a true prophecy.
Anybody know what I do with three magic rings cursed to the same hand?
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onenettvchannel · 3 years
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#OnlyOnOneNETnews: The Upcoming 9th Season of RWBY downfalls thru a New Location as Announced between the RTX-VAF & SDCC 2021
IMPORTANT SPOILER WARNING: The following news article may contains an extremely sensitive spoilers. Readers frankly discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED! Also, Reporting our news article without the consent is punishable by law. We are honestly NOT responsible in our small news organization experience for any of it’s wrong doing. Read our disclaimer first, at the end of this article. Thank you.
AUSTIN, TEXAS -- A virtual online panel in both separate places between the Austin & San Diego. Rooster Teeth Expo-Virtual Animation Festival (RTX-VAF) and San Diego Comic Convention (SDCC) 2021 announces for the upcoming 9th Season of RWBY (much actually as Volumes).
For those you don’t know about the show of RWBY, a computer-animated web series was made by the Rooster Teeth Animation (RTA) and a show creator was late named by Monty Oum. He died from the Anaphylaxis of Comatose before Season 3 by the end of October 2015. The real acronym of RWBY stands for the names of Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna & Yang Xiao Long. It's a fictional sci-fi world of Remnant where the Huntsmen & Huntresses to be trained and become warriors to protect the world from monsters called Grimm.
In reality for it’s both places, minus the physical convention panel in America... Austin City at a Travis County in Texas goes for a 2nd Stage (known for as General Community Quarantine or GCQ). While in San Diego City at a same county name of California however (as according to our Research Team of OneNETnews and a local mainstream media like KDFW-TV's FOX 4: Dallas-Fort Worth for example), there is a possibility of Stage 4 (known also for the Enhanced Community Quarantine or ECQ). These stage numbers are subjected to be translated from the Austin Government to a Philippine Quarantine Classification status of Corona Virus Disease-19 (CoViD19).
RWBY was started in mid-July 2013 from a web streaming service of Rooster Teeth. Crunchyroll, VRV and Amazon Prime Video secures for a streaming rights in a legal way possible within the coming years as simulcasted for the entire animated show until today in the present.
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RTX-VAF was virtually held last July 8th-17th, 2021 and the SDCC follows individually a few weeks later by July 23rd-25th, 2021. The RWBY Panel commences at the RTX-VAF 2021 at 1pm EDT last Friday afternoon by July 9th & SDCC 2021 ends with a developing conclusion by July 25th, 2021 at 1am EDT. Casts and Crews from this show reveals for the announcements of Season 9 starts with the entire RWBY voice actresses team, along with a Lead Writer & Director named Kerry Shawcross and the 2 show writers were named by Eddy Rivas & Miles Luna.
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In a latest pre-recorded panel of RWBY at the RTX-VAF & SDCC 2021, the official work-in-progress (WiP) was released first globally from this said panel, and the same thing follows a few weeks later at the SDCC. OneNETnews had first obtained in an exclusive tidbits of Season 9 as Laura Yates (Supervising Producer of RWBY and RTA) showed a sneak peek with us to the public.
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Season 9 is now currently in production as Yates told exclusively to OneNETnews through our independent news media in Dumaguete as virtually from a group of video conferencing of RTX-VAF 2021, "We’re not quite ready to share Season 9’s release date yet, as the productions team being going well thou. We actually have a longer production run in Season 9 which is typically do, as upon allowing some of the animation departments when proceeding to move on to it’s next project such as fully animated, script writings, voice recording sessions, etc., which is very super exciting. We got a lot of big stuff coming up and a lot more updates to share soon". Several productions and preparations are meant to be fully completed for Season 9 by later this September 2021 onwards as Yates added.
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As from a start of a sneak peek of Season 9, the entire Pocket Dimension known for as the Evacuation Central Location (ECL) is much more urgently ongoing. Ruby Rose is the ONLY perspective point-of-view, among the rest of her team of Yang, Penny, Weiss and Blake; while Cinder Fall continues for a serious opponent against the remaining team members of RWBY.
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Most of it's selected pathways are under attack, the muted suspect against the victim named Neopolitan Torchwick (probably not an actual last name in regular). She was the legal age above her 20s at this said moment.
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Yang immediately pushes to safety for Ruby but, Neopolitan was slained to her like a half-moon. Almost everyone else (except the evacuees themselves), the rest of the RWBY team were defeated for now (even with her weapon of Crescent Rose destroys or felled off alone).
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Cinder lets herself go with Neopolitan and/or Ruby during the 8th Season FINALE, both of them are in downfall the void at the end of the episode (as well sadly with Blake and others) upon passing out for a while.
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Ruby woked up temporarily with an a space travel from this said void. She checked out possibly for what is going on, as even with her left hand if it's related to fireflies or something else.
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Until one muted suspect sucker-punches her victim's face in the center as Neopolitan did for a domestic battery.
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Ruby tries to stop her muted suspect with a severe craziness of anger, Neopolitan shapeshifts herself within a few seconds in disguise. She was backed off with her both hands and punches again, leaving a muted suspect strangles for an attempted throat suffocation to her victim's point-of-view. Ruby grabs her disguised muted suspect's arm, she was quickly felled back for a gravity distance with it's separation.
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Neither both of them were landed from this scene through a mysterious island, as she plunged down the hydrosphere waters and washed ashore to sleep for this early morning (Solitas local time).
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Just a few hours later, Ruby woken up the 2nd time and notices a single voice to help with. Most of a gigantic size of sea shells and a medium-sized sea starfish are subjected to investigate and explore this mysterious island. It's a good sunny weather today to start off the entire journey of Season 9, immediately after it's said post-credits from a previous season. The main feature sits from this place of a gigantic tree above.
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The troubles of a fictional world like Solitas isn't over. Upon jumping it's entire conclusion, Ruby is about to be checked out on foot and went herself with a jungle trees first to see what it goes.
At the end of a Sneak Peek clip, a similar conclusion with a different web series on YouTube called "Meta Runner" in Episode 1 as possibly connected to RWBY. A single commented basher says, it feels like an animated production company as seeking with Rooster Teeth will be cheated out from the another animation company in plagiarism at a later seasons but, the reference points of RTA looks okay with a permission as long as the homework-like copy is prohibited to do so.
As for Neopolitan Torchwick (the muted suspect herself), she will be automatically committed and charged with a Thrice Violation of Article 250 or the Revised Penal Code of it's Frustrated Homicide for the victim of Yang, Republic Act #9262: Section 3b or Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004 & Republic Act #9745 or the Anti-Torture Act of 2009 as also for the individual victim of Ruby.
All of these 3 charges books into her jail sentence of 40 total years in prison for a heaviest result of Reclusion Perpetua, as included with a simple fine and punishment between almost U$D2,000 and a mandatory psychological private counseling (as to be scheduled by every other weekends at the Interrogation Room by August 7th, 2021 until further notice for an eligible later parole). She is now confiscating all of her deadly weapons, as soon as a different location arrives but not on this mysterious island this time (in our possible theory).
The excitement at sunrise in Season 9 is almost here, even with a post-Pandemic of CoViD19 in America. We carefully mentioned to OneNETnews from these 2 separate conventions of RWBY panel for what does the Season 9 release date happens but, it isn't ready at the moment as according to Yates. Rooster Teeth Animation is working hard to produce at these tougher times until a final version were soon to be made available to the Rooster Teeth First members.
Season 9 of RWBY commences possibly later this year in 2021 onwards.
EDITOR's NOTE: As expected from your immediate feedback last Thursday afternoon (July 29th, 2021), we updatedly corrected the final grammar issues from this said news report. We frankly apologize for that, mga Ka-Bandera.
SCREENGRAB COURTESY: RTX-Virtual Animation Festival & Rooster Teeth Animation
SOURCE: *https://www.austintexas.gov/page/covid-19-risk-based-guidelines [Referenced Stage Numbers in Quarantine Classifications from the Austin Government] *https://www.austinchronicle.com/daily/screens/2021-05-26/rtx-at-home-announces-animation-festival/ + https://www.awn.com/news/rtx-home-animation-festival-announces-line [Dual Reference Schedule of RWBY Panel] *https://archive.is/FS4vD [RTX at HOME - Reference Schedule] *https://roosterteeth.com/watch/rtx-2021-rwby-panel [RWBY V9 SNEAK PEEK - Skip to 31m35s for an Actual Clip] *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR7bfwwd3l0 [Comic Con at Home 2021 - RWBY Panel] *https://rwby.fandom.com/wiki/The_Final_Word and *https://rwby.fandom.com/wiki/Unnamed_Shore
EXTREMELY HONEST DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed from this Exclusive News Article are not necessarily those from the Rooster Teeth Animation. This medium-rare suspect like Neopolitan Torchwick does not be imitated in any matter. Furthermore, the assumptions of this Exclusive News Article will NOT state, intervene or reflect those of our Radyo Patrol reporters. The show, the station, the management, interwebs and the network. Thanks for reading! Stay safe and may the Celestia blesses you. Later!
-- OneNETnews Team
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Echo's Beacon: Part Twenty Six
[You can read part twenty five here! All BATW & DTTR characters belong to @poisonappletales ! ❤]
"You better stay away from her, with that temper of yours." X warned. "Because if you lay one scratch on my woman, I'll make sure you-"
Without warning, Wind whirled around, shoving X against the wall like a rag doll. "I told you that it wouldn't end well for you if you called her that again."
X clenched his teeth, grabbing Wind and flinging the Imugi off of him. "Alright, you wanna play, let's play!"
"Gentlemen, please!" Ambrosia cried.
"Princess, take your friend and get out of here-" X was cut off when Chase came up from behind, shoving the criminal to the ground. I inhaled sharply as X rolled onto his back, hopping to his feet. He was about to sucker punch Chase, when Wind grabbed his arms. X's hair and eyes began to glow, phasing into Aries mode. Ambrosia took hold of me, trying to get me to my feet.
However, I felt paralyzed as my vision blurred for a moment.
And then, I no longer saw them.
I saw Xavier. I saw him in a struggle against Wade, Caleb helping him. The prisoner unsheathed a blade, slicing Caleb's face and chest before stabbing his eye. Just before landing the killing blow, Wade grabbed Xavier, turning him around before shoving his thumbs into the man's eyes. Wade's unkempt nails reduced the man's eyes to jelly as he screamed. Falling to his knees, Wade bore his teeth as he picked up the blade Xavier had dropped... and as Caleb dragged himself across the floor, bleeding to death... Wade cut out the man's tongue before shoving him through the basement door.
Ambrosia gasped as an overhead lightbulb burst. The three men had stopped their brawl. I clutched the sides of my head, my screams like nails on a chalkboard.
Bo Peep held Barium's hand, leading him to where we were. "They're there, and they're fighting over who-"
Suddenly, as the pair rounded the corner, a gunshot went off.
Barium shoved Bo behind him. I cried at the sound, clinging to Ambrosia as she stared ahead in shock. Chase looked around silently as Wind snarled lowly. X's brows twisted up in bewilderment.
Before them, Unknown lowered his hand, smoke still rising from his gun. There was a small hole in the ceiling above them. For once, he wasn't grinning.
"None of you are being very nice... are you?" He asked. I continued to tremble, sobbing quietly against Ambrosia's shoulder. Barium narrowed his eyes as the blanketed man turned then, without another word, walking away from them.
It took quite some time for the present group to piece together what had just transpired.
Brooks played with one of her dreads. The entire group sat in the living room, a fire burning strong within the hearth. Barium sat in the large armchair, looking around at everyone before shifting his gaze to me.
"Kara." He began. "I'd like you to tell me your version of what happened."
I took in a breath. My throat still looked poorly. "I was talking to Rosemary in the bedroom. Then he came, asking for me." I motioned to Wind. "He wanted to know of I could really see the spirits here. After a couple minutes of hounding me, he finally believed me enough to let up." I said, my expression hard. "He told me that he thought he sensed something. He didn't give me much of a choice before we went down to the basement. Before that, though..." I shot Wind a look. "He promised me that he wouldn't leave me alone down there. But he lied."
Silence trickled for a few moments. Chase stared at his feet.
"What happened next?" Barium asked. Onyx stood beside the armchair like a sentinel, silent as the grave.
"As soon as his feet hit the ground, he barely stayed with me. I tried to tell him about Xavier... the spirit Bernard told me inhabits the basement. But Wind was preoccupied."
"I heard someone down there. If you hadn't been such a noisemaker, I would have had them-"
"Don't... speak to me." I seethed.
Wind scoffed. "Maybe if you weren't so soft, you could actually defend yourself-"
"I'm sorry that I'm not an Imugi. I'm sorry that I'm nothing but a stinky, soft, needy human to you." My voice began to rise. Wildfire snorted, trying to hold in a chuckle. Arsenik shot her a look. "I just thought that after all this time, maybe we could have been SOME semblance of friends, after all the times I stuck up for you and tried to get other people off your back-"
"I don't need your help. Unlike you, I don't take every little insult personally."
I was silent for a moment. "I know you saw it. You didn't see him, but you saw that I was in danger. But instead of stopping him, instead of helping me... you looked me right in the eyes and ran the other way. So, tell them. Tell them that you did that. Tell them that you left me for dead Wind!!!" I shrieked. Another few moments of silence passed. Barium stared at the Imugi, waiting for his answer.
"I ain't denying it." He said. "My priority was finding the lurker. And unfortunately, they got away."
I rose. "That's all there is to it. X ultimately found me, and he managed to drag me up the stairs. I'm not talking about this anymore." I then turned, storming out of the room. In the distance, the group could hear a bedroom door slam. Wildfire burst out laughing then. Barium turned to address it-
"Miss Wildfire. You will cease this mockery immediately." Arsenik demanded.
"Oh yeah? Or what?"
"Or Onyx will wipe the smirk off your face." Barium answered. Bo raised her brows in surprise at his response. "X." The monarch then addressed. "What is your involvement in this?"
"Look. I was mindin' my own business. Then, I saw that door to the basement was open. I go down there, and I see blondie on the ground, scared out of her wits. I brought her upstairs, and then I get a little monkey on my back over there." He jerked a thumb in Chase's direction. "He thought I strangled her."
"It's not like I don't have a reason." Chase crossed his arms.
"Well, I thought that beast boy over here must have done it. He was the only one down there with her!"
"There was someone else down there." Wind growled.
"And he doesn't even know what he- or she- looks like, by the way." X bantered. "So that really helps your case."
"But Kara didn't say that Wind did anything to her. He didn't do anything to her when she slept on the couch and he didn't hurt her today, either!"
"Wait... on the couch? Why was that brought up?"
"Well, I just thought the night lurker may have been prowling around because he was butt hurt about me switching beds."
"Let's just focus on today." Barium said. "X, did anyone see you go into the basement? Was anyone with you?"
"No... but come to think of it, I do have an alibi. Just before I went down there, I was talking to Roseanne over there."
"It's Rosemary!!!" The Phoenix shouted, her head falling back in frustration. "Why can't you get my name right?!"
"Lady Rosemary, for once, will you please stop shouting?" Jasmine rubbed her temples.
"And you stop scolding me, lady Jasmine!" Rosemary crossed her arms.
"Alright. X, you've made your point. You're clear." Barium nodded.
"Took ya long enough." X rolled his eyes.
"Wind, you're also clear... of causing Kara harm directly. However, what you asked her to do was reckless." Wind curled his lip. "And Chase... taking things into your own hands is just as reckless."
"What am I supposed to do, then?" Chase held his arms out.
"Leave the investigating to me. Stressing everyone out isn't going to help the situation. Tend to those who need it."
"Fine..." Chase conceded.
"Very well. As for the basement, access is going to be restricted except to Onyx and I. We won't be announcing when we're going to search the area. You can all go now." The group began to go their separate ways. "... Except for you."
Unknown paused. Arsenik hesitated as well, stopping to listen.
The Frenchman chuckled. "I don't do private sessions with men, you know-"
"How long have you been in possession of that weapon you fired this afternoon?" Barium asked.
"How long have we been here, hm? I'd guess about that long." Unknown replied.
"You're going to lead Onyx and I to where you're keeping the weapon and hand it over to us."
"And why would I do that?" Unknown asked.
"Because if you don't, Onyx is going to be watching over you. Every moment, of every day until we leave this place." Barium said.
Unknown did nothing for a moment. Then, he rose. Barium and Onyx followed him. He turned the corner into his bedroom. He deliberately lifted the mattress, reaching his arm under it. After a few moments, his lips began to purse, seeming perplexed. "Hm..."
"Unknown, stop the games." Barium warned.
"It seems someone else is playing games... my gun is missing."
"Onyx, search the room for it." Barium ordered. The executioner did not hesitate.
Meanwhile, I sat on my bed, hugging my knees. I looked up at the painting across from me. "I'm never getting rid of you, am I?" I asked aloud. Just then, the door opened, making me jump a bit. Ambrosia approached, sitting beside me. I exhaled slowly as she rested a hand on my head, playing with the wild strands. "... Hey."
"Lady Kara... are you alright?"
"I haven't been alright for a while, Ambrosia."
She bowed her head. "Sir Wind didn't abandon you on purpose."
"Ambrosia... let's be real, okay? Wind, Arsenik, most of them... they only tolerate me because of you. Some better than others."
"That's not true... you are beloved by Virgo Islanders."
"'Beloved?' Ambrosia, your own cousin can barely stand me." I said. "This was a terrible idea from the start. And now we're stuck here for another two damn weeks!" I kicked my suitcase, making Ambrosia jump a bit.
"Lady Kara... perhaps you need another treatment-"
"You've spilled enough blood for me. I just need to sleep." I sighed, crawling under the covers.
Onyx rose, having searched the entire bedroom. "Your majesty. I did not locate the weapon. However, I did find something else of potential interest." He motioned to the ground, Barium craning his head before shutting his eyes.
Footprints of watery residue were visible on the floor, leading to and away from Unknown's mattress.
To be continued...
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emma-elsa-0000 · 4 years
So I thought of a way to post my chapters. Whenever I post a new one I'll reblog this post with the chapter.
From the YouTube Chapter 1: Meeting the Avengers.
The video starts out by showing a teenager with unruly brown hair and brown eyes. He looks to be glaring at someone offscreen.
“Mister Stark, I’m recording, can you kindly shut up.” the boy says. The camera turns to show Tony Stark sitting on a couch in a very well decorated living room. “Yeah, sure, whatever Kid.” he says.
“So, this is my first video and in case you guys were wondering who I am, I’m Peter Parker and this is my channel. I mean, of course it’s my channel, otherwise I wouldn't be posting on here-”
“Kid, you're rambling again.” Tony says, “Right, sorry.” Peter says.
“So, I guess this will just be an introduction video, cause I don't really know what to do. I mean, I could introduce you guys to the Avengers. Yeah, I think I’m going to do that.” Peter walks over to Tony, and sits on the couch next to him, “Introduce yourself.”
“You know who I am.” Tony says with a smirk.
“Oh my god, Mister Stark, you're impossible. You see what I have to deal with.” Peter says to the camera, “Hey, you're the one who said to introduce myself. Which, by the way, is completely unnecessary because, again, they know who I am.” He says again with a smirk.
“Whatever, I’m taking them to meet Steve.” Peter says. “Oh, so he’s Steve, but I’m Mister Stark? Wow. Rude much?” Tony says. “Just shut up, Mister Stark.” Peter says in a teasing voice. “You're a little shit, Parker.” says Tony, “I learned from the best.” Says Peter with a smirk.
The scene changes to show what looks like a gym but is obviously made for people much stronger. Over near a punching bag is Steve ''Captain America '' Rogers. The person holding the camera seems to be hiding behind something. “Crikey,” Peter says with a horrible australian accent, “It’s a wild Steve Rogers in his natural habitat-” “Peter, I can hear you, ya know?” Says Steve. “I know.” Says Peter, who was purposely being loud enough so that the super soldier would hear him.
“What do you want?” Steve says. “Nothing, just wanted to say hi and make you introduce yourself to my video, that's all.” Peter says. “Did you actually make a YouTube channel?” A new voice says. The camera turns to show Clint Barton, AKA Hawkeye, and Natasha Romanoff, AKA Black Widow, entering the gym. “ Yes, did you doubt I would, Hawkass?” Peter says, “LANGUAGE” Yells Steve, while Peter just rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Hey, мама паук.” Peter says. Hey, ребенок паук.” Nat says with a grin. “чем ты занимаешься?” (What are you doing?) “ничего, просто сделать видео на YouTube. (Nothing, just making a YouTube video.) “Anyways, can you guys just introduce yourselves and tell everyone who are and what superhero you are?” Peter asks with an innocent grin. “Of course, ребенок паук.” Nat says, ``I'm Natasha Romanoff and I’m the Black Widow.” The camera turns to look at Clint, “I’m Clint Barton and I’m Hawkeye.” It turns again to look at Steve, he sighs, “I’m Steve Rogers and I’m Captain America.”
“Thanks” Peter says and the camera shows him leaving, but just as he reaches the door Natasha Shouts, “Don't forget about our training session later.” “I’ll be there.” Peter shouts back.
The scene changes again to show a modern looking kitchen. And standing right in the middle of said kitchen, next to the very large island, is Bucky Barnes and Bruce Banner. They seem to be baking cupcakes and both look up when they hear Peter enter. “Hey Pete, want to help?” asks Bruce, “No, I’m actually here for a different reason.” Peter says. “And what might that be?” Bucky asks, “So, I made a YouTube channel, and for my first video I’m introducing everyone to the Avengers.” Peter says. “So want us to look at the camera and tell everyone who we are?” Bruce asks, “And what superhero you are.” Peter replies.
The camera looks at Bruce as he says “Hey, everyone, I’m Bruce Banner and I am the Hulk.” The camera turns to look at Bucky as he says, without looking up from where he’s icing a cupcake, “I’m Bucky Barnes and I am the Winter Soldier. Now, unless you're gonna help, get the hell outta my kitchen.” “Ok, geez, I’m goin’.” The camera turns to face Peter as he leaves the kitchen, “Let’s go find Sam.”
The scene changes once more to show that Peter is now back in the room he started in, only this time Tony isn't there and instead Sam Wilson and another teen are sitting on the couch playing Mario Kart, and neither seem to have noticed that Peter even entered the room. “Hey guys,” he says suddenly, making Sam jump and the teenager takes the opportunity to win the race. “Peter Benjamin Parker, you did that on purpose.” Sam says in an accusatory tone. “Maybe.” Peter says innocently. “Either way Harley would have beaten your ass.” Sam looks offended, while the teenager, Harley, looks smug. “So, what's with the camera, Squirt?” Sam asks after sending a glare at Peter. “Oh, I made a YouTube channel and my first video is introducing everyone to the Avengers. So if you could just kindly look into the camera tell everyone your name and what superhero you are, that would be awesome.”
“Sure,” Sam looks directly into the camera and says, “I’m Sam Wilson and I am the Falcon, and this little shit over here is Harley Keener.” He points at Harley as he says the last part, who smiles a lopsided grin while simultaneously flipping the camera off. “Whaddup suckers?”
The scene changes one more time as Peter flops onto a bed in a room decorated in a Spider-Man theme. “Ok guys, well that's the end of the video. Thor is currently off-world and Rhodey and Scott are on a mission otherwise i would introduce you to them as well. So if you liked this don't forget to subscribe and comment down below what you would like to see next. Byeeee.” The video fades to black as it ends.
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jobrosupdates · 5 years
‘Sucker’ Punch: The Behind-the-Scenes Players to Launch Jonas Brothers’ First No. 1 | Variety
The trio's manager, A&R and label chief explain how an authentic thaw in sibling relations led to a strategy of silence, then shock and awe.
March 11, 2019 by Chris Willman
America is collectively a sucker for the Jonas Brothers again — or at least that’s the strong indication from first-week results for their comeback, a full decade after the trio last had a top 30 single. “Sucker” just became their first song ever to top the Billboard Hot 100, and the first by any band to debut at the top of the chart in more than 20 years. According to Buzz Angle Music, the first seven days for “Sucker” racked up a combination of 30 million audio streams, 16 million video streams and 88,000 digital sales, on top of a fast radio start that found nearly every pop station adding the tune.
How’s it possible one of the biggest phenomena of the late 2000s never had a No. 1? Back in their original heyday, radio and older fans were both mutually suspicious of any act coming out of the Disney camp, no matter how massive the ticket sellouts or record sales (they had four straight platinum or double-platinum albums, if you count the “Camp Rock” soundtrack). Ten years later, pent-up fan energy is meeting no such gatekeeper resistance.
“As big as they were previously, they’ve never seen this kind of chart action, which is pretty wild at this point of their career,” Monte Lipman, the chairman/CEO of Republic Records, tells Variety. “They were an arena act, but in terms of the traditional record flying up and down the charts, they never had that. From the outside looking in, I was always intrigued by their success and thinking about what would happen if they had a record that stormed the charts on top of all of that, like they do now. So we’ve been having a blast.”
Crucial parts of the campaign: “Having Nick’s and Kevin’s wives and Joe’s fiancée be a part of the video was really powerful, and that visual provided a lot of fuel at launch that was beneficial to the whole campaign,” says Phil McIntyre, founder/CEO of Philymack, their management company. “And the platform of James (Corden, whose show featured the Jonas Brothers for an entire week) was phenomenal and made for great, fun content that travels.” The “Carpool Karaoke” was even revealing enough about the brothers’ personal story to make up for a lot of interviews they could have done and didn’t. But prior to the video and Corden, the perhaps even more critical component in the plan was… silence. “It was definitely part of our strategy, to try to keep it under the radar, and it was helpful that it stayed there,” says McIntyre, “because we were totally expecting that it wouldn’t.”
“As hard as it is to keep a secret in 2019, especially when you’re three of the most followed guys online,” says Republic’s EVP of A&R, Wendy Goldstein, “they did a great job at keeping it quiet. And the Jonas Brothers as a band may have been dormant, but their individual development and success probably contributed to amplifying excitement. They’ve been out there for six years in the public eye, but not as Jonas Brothers,” she says. “It was the perfect tease.”
Adds Lipman, “Because when you think about the marketplace, nearly 150,000 new songs are made available every single week, and the greatest competition we’ve got right now is that sheer volume — the static, the noise. So in this case the best thing to do was almost the opposite, something without any messaging, and literally just drop it out of the sky — and ka-boom, it’s the loudest bang you can create.” But everyone was concerned the secrecy could be blown at any moment. “Any time the guys were ever seen in the same room together, the rumors started flying. So there was a lot of denial, absolutely.”
Plausible deniability, though, because the Jonases really did have another reason to be in one another’s company — a documentary — and the recording was an outgrowth of the unofficial on-camera therapy sessions undertaken for that.
“A year ago, we started making a documentary with just the intention of telling what an incredible story these brothers have of taking this journey together and growing up in the public eye together as a family, and the ups and downs of it,” says McIntyre. “And it was not to necessarily make new music or anything like that. So it unfolded in the most authentic way possible, and I think that’s part of why there was an element of surprise, because for the most part when they were seen together, most people thought it was for the documentary.”
When did a documentary shoot turn into a resumption of the Jonas Brothers as a commercial and artistic enterprise? “I would say it was toward the end of the summer last year,” McIntyre says. “Because we probably did four or five different trips with the brothers: They went to Australia where Joe was shooting ‘The Voice.’ They went to Jersey and to a couple other locations, and probably after the fourth or fifth location, they had sort of processed through so much of the things that tore ‘em apart earlier in their career, and just started to get honest with each other. And there’s a magic to when they’re together, and as much success as anyone’s had on their own solo journey, it doesn’t necessarily compare to what they’ve experienced as brothers. So it was toward the end of summer that they started to have the conversations around it, and it was at that point that I said, ‘I’ve got to get with Monte and talk through this.’ Because in my mind, there was only one place to do this, and that was with Republic. I just knew that they would they would be able to nail it.”
Finding a new label home for the Jonas Brothers, many years after their departure from Disney’s Hollywood Records, wasn’t a stretch. Republic had had Joe’s interim project, the group DNCE, and been jointly involved with Island Records on Nick’s solo career.
Lipman says he didn’t offer any preferences for which stylistic direction the Jonas Brothers should take their new music, once he was brought in. “Monte Lipman? No,” he chuckles, as if the idea that he’d get personally involved in their A&R is a laugh. “I learned a long time ago just let them let them do their thing. The cool thing about working with the Philymack camp in particular and the Jonas Brothers as their partners is that when they come to the table, so much of it is been vetted, and ‘Hey, this is the way we’d like to present the music. This is the aesthetic.’”
But Goldstein did get highly involved as recording continued — and had a strong preference when it came time to pick a single out of the supposed two albums’ worth of material the trio has recorded. “There are some really powerful bangers ready to go,” she says. “But ‘Sucker’ just had a vibe. It felt like a great way to come out. I think everybody agreed on that.” After her persuasiveness, anyway. “There definitely was a debate as far as what the first look would be,” says McIntyre,  “and to Wendy’s credit, she was the one who said, ‘I feel strongly that “Sucker” is the right first sound and first song.’”
“Sucker” is much more akin to the dance-oriented material Nick and Joe have done in the interim years than the guitar-based, power-pop sound the brothers played in the 2000s. At recent “secret” shows in New York and L.A., the group sounded like they did in the first part of their career — that is, like a straight-up, heavy-on-the-hooks rock band — and they rearranged the one new song they played, “Sucker,” just enough that it fit in with the guitars-and-live-drums ethos of their old sound. But that may not be an indication of where the eventual album will be headed.
“Creatively, they’ve evolved, as any artists would after a decade,” says Goldstein, not quite willing to commit them to a genre. “I don’t think it’s tied to any era in particular. They were adamant about making an honest, real and somewhat raw comeback. They draw on their history together, but it’s an exciting new chapter.” McIntyre is a little more committal about how fans shouldn’t expect the new material to exactly revive the 2000s: “I would say that you will be able to see and hear the influences of what Joe did in his solo career and what Nick did in his solo career come together in a very natural way.”
It was a good time for the brothers to reunite, personal reasons aside, because although their solo endeavors had kept them somewhat in the limelight — Nick as a solo artist and Joe with DNCE had both made the top 10, and had ongoing success on the dance charts — neither had had such an ongoing run of hits that a resumption of the brother act would seem like a step backward. Nothing was guaranteed: The last time the Jonas Brothers tried coming back after a layoff, in 2012-13, on an indie label, the media and radio weren’t much interested, and their personal disagreements took such a toll that a planned album and tour were canceled as they officially broke up. But clearly a few years of their absence as a collective made the public heart grow fonder.
“They were part of a lot of people’s most influential years, of their childhoods or beyond,” says McIntyre, “and so I think that the timing of them bringing those positive, good times has resonated, and people appreciate them now for being the soundtrack to their lives.” Plus, there’s the small matter of the song being good, “so we do get the opportunity to get a whole new audience that isn’t there for nostalgic reasons. It’s very much a two-pronged strategy.”
As for an album, “We’re working through the timeline now,” McIntyre says. “I think everybody would like to get it out as quick as possible, so I would look to the first half of this year.” As for a live return, the brothers had 35 minutes of material very solidly rehearsed for their secret El Rey show last week, but the nature of a tour is still under discussion. Picking up where they left off at the height of their careers, in arenas, has been part of the conversation, but so have more modest venues. Nick leaves this week to shoot a “Jumanji” sequel, which may put a slight speed bump in those discussions.
Will the documentary, done in partnership with Amazon, come out simultaneously with the album? “As of right now they’re separate things,” McIntyre says, “but we’re looking at it. Because as you tell this story, you realize that so much of the story revealed itself through the process that then led to the music. So we’re playing with just how to kind of roll out the two bodies of work.”
McIntyre says some healing had gone on before work on the documentary started, but the filming process caught any sense of alienation further breaking down. “I think that they are like most families out there — that they had touched on the issues enough to be able to move forward, but they didn’t really get into it,” says the manager. “They didn’t go into the depth of where the hurt was each one of them really felt in those moments, and being able to articulate it and explain it to each other. That was a discovery along the way of making this. It wasn’t something that we knew was there, necessarily; it was once we got into it, we sort of all looked at each other and were like, ‘Wow, there’s a lot of layers to this that need to be discussed.’”
Lipman also says the documentary will further reveal that the reunion “is not a marketing ploy. It’s not anything that was calculated. It wasn’t a money grab.” But if they’re able to mint some out of the finally refreshed brotherly love, that will be a significant Jonas bonus.
Source: Variety
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straane · 7 years
Motherworld (Ch.2/?)
Title: Motherworld
Author: strane-stelle
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Central characters: Tidus
Rating: 12+
Chapters: 2/?  Chapter 1  Chapter 3  Chapter 4
Word count: 2390
Summary: “The fayth said it’s pointless to keep dreaming. The dream will disappear, he said. What did he mean?” After a long journey, Tidus finally gets to go home.
Warnings: Ton of OCs; slight suspense/horror elements. 
Other comments: credit goes to @shuyiin​ for the idea. (or @leviathkand technically lmao) 
Chapter 2 - Perspective
Within the next week, 'Sin's toxin' had become a well-loved slang word for alcohol. It was simply too wide-spread to name a single type of drink after, to the disappointment of many a greedy nightclub. That still didn't stop them for coming up with their own variants and mockeries: there were at least “Sinner's toxin”, “Gin and toxin” and “Unholy Water”. The mega-popular trend only died down after the Zanarkand Abes board of directors threatened to sue at least a dozen of the most distinguished clubs in town – after all the name had been coined by their beloved top talent, son of Jecht, Young Promise of the Year, and a disaster survivor hero to boot.  
At least, this was the public image of Tidus that they wished to preserve – for as long as possible. To a small group of people on the inside, however, he was starting to look more like a… problem. A fallen star, one that had perhaps burned too bright. A bright red apple practically leaning on the tree-trunk. Blitz elite at the top of their game… swimming against the current to the bottom.
The fame, the grandeur, the screaming fans… the money. It was never enough for Tidus, they said. He was always stuck in his father's shadow. To be sure, the man had been an icon – even at his most disgraced, one strike away from being kicked off the team, he had turned the situation around for himself – he had vanished. Vanished to live on forever as a myth, an otherworldly being; one that they had all perhaps collectively hallucinated. The son had made a name for himself, for sure – but he was never going to outshine Jecht. Not until he had fully embraced the imitative nature of his career, of his stardom, and pulled a mystery death of his very own. Stir together the familiar grieving, the all-too evocative memorial tributes, the sensational news coverage starting to turn mundane, the ingredients of myth cobbler were all in the bowl. Add the secret ingredient – a sudden  inexplicable return – and the bowl toppled over from the swollen dough.
But even that had not been enough, not for this young glory hound. He just had to have the crazy, too. At least Jecht's had been a fairly commonplace kind - “Sin's toxin”, as one might call it now. But Tidus, he would not be satisfied without a gargantuan whale monster, a magical young woman from a paradise island, a corrupt thousand-year-old religion, and a whole another world that they all inhabited. Long story short, either the storm had taken its toll on him in the end, or life had. Everybody knew that the boy had always faced insane pressure; unhealthy expectations; and here were the results. He was also proving to be something of a chronic orphan. The most mean-spirited of gossip, even the tabloids would steer clear of.
Of course, Leo, being a hard-boiled professional (with some help from Bern with the physical task), had removed the troubled teen from the conference by the time he had gotten to “mask-wearing creeps showed up”. Ever since, the sports agent had assumed full-on damage control mode. But new rumors were constantly leaking, either grossly false or scarily accurate ones. And naturally, the boy had told him everything. He had told his doctor everything. And it was up to the two of them to keep him from telling others. The Abes had suffered a huge drop of morale since their key player's disappearance (if also a boost of the legend status) and Leo doubted they could handle a scandal of this magnitude.    
At the moment, the only acceptable narrative (paraphrasing the official statement) was, “he hit his head”. “He went through heavy trauma during the past few months.” “He is receiving the best possible treatment and what he really needs from his fans right now is privacy and respect.” Fortunately, Tidus had always presented a likable public persona, and thus gathered quite a devoted fanbase actually invested in his well-being, so these wishes were being granted, for the most part. No one knew quite what to believe, but everybody agreed that they wanted their favorite blitzer to get better. For every sensational piece twisting every syllable that had (or had not) come out of his mouth at the conference, there was another calling for common sense and common civility, and making huge leaps of rationalization.
Tidus knew that technically, he had made a mistake. He could have played dumb, bellowed “Go Abes!” a couple of times and things would have been fine, in fact his popularity would have likely risen to an all-time high. Why hadn't he, he even wondered himself. The problem with the whole “staying true to oneself” philosophy was that all too often, one would still look like a nutcase to others. Of course they weren't going to take him at his word. The story was bananas. It was as bananas to them as a thriving, pulsating Zanarkand had been to Rikku and Wakka. And not that he needed another reminder, but this place was sorely lacking in people like her.
“I do believe your Zanarkand exists. I really do, you know!”
But Tidus also knew what he had seen, what he had heard; smelled; tasted. He missed the people he had met. Heck, he missed Spira, with all of its backwards ways. His journey – their journey – had forever left a pronounced, profound, near-obtrusive mark on him; he was no longer that bitter little child with bitter little dreams; that used to congratulate himself on the bare minimum – not being his father. Spira had taught him what it meant to be part of something bigger – a bigger person – one might, say, a hero – and how he might go about showing at least a fraction of those qualities – the qualities that he’d so admired in the six individuals he’d gotten to know the best. Make that seven, he mused.  
There was a notion – on first glance an absurd one – lurking in the back of his mind. Days would pass before Tidus could give it words, but when he did, he knew it to be true. Spira was his home. Somehow, at some point, when he had not paid attention, something had shifted. Home. Such a simple word; yet a deceitful one. Never before had he given it thought beyond the obvious, the concrete; the comfortable little houseboat at the Zanarkand bay. Clearly, doing so was a dangerous business. He wasn’t sure just how many more life-changing epiphanies he could take this week.
But what really complicated things was that this place was real, too; the only reality he had known for 17 years. Zanarkand may never have been his true home, but it had been a home. He may not have formed here the deepest of friendships, met people who would change him in such powerful, enduring ways – but he had known companionship, conflict, fondness, playful rivalry. Even back in the day, he used to get on Leo's nerves; he would exchange the occasional witticism with Bern, quarrel with his teammates, answer fanmail, go out with his pals from that awful would-be elite school… turn in his homework five minutes late, have a whole debate with his lecturer on whether or not his future was doomed. He had lived a life.
But it was never supposed to be a problem, Tidus sighed, with something approaching anger. It was supposed to have been a dream. A memory. A live, metropolis-sized museum exhibition, sponsored by the fayth for the exhibits themselves - with an expiration date. He was never supposed to have either life, Spira or Zanarkand. And what an ordeal the fayth had put him through, too; what mental and spiritual gymnastics he had exercised to get from anguished denial to noble acceptance and sacrifice! For this? Was this a joke to them? Did they think it funny, to first sucker-punch him with death penalty; to dangle before his eyes the ticking time-bomb that was his existence; and then cry, “Surprise! Just kidding!”   
Did they think it funny? To put him in impossible situations, constantly pull the rug from under his still-unbalanced feet? Make him a perpetual fish out of water, always longing for – always belonging to –  someplace he wasn't? Never mind those tabloid speculations about Auron – if anyone had abducted him, the fayth had. They had robbed him of his home twice over. To have him be disbelieved, humiliated, deemed off his rocker – again. Dismissed as “sick”. Again.
And what did sick people need? Treatment. 
“This has been our… third meeting now.”
Technically, as meetings went, it was more around their fourteenth. Therapy session, Tidus scoffed to himself, just say the proper word. He supposed that the very thin and wildly ironic silver lining was that on this side of the cross-dimensional fence, he was at least important enough to fuss over. Not so in Spira – heck, he doubted anyone in Trauma Land had ever heard of mental health care beyond pats on the back and campfire anecdotes, and boy, was there a gap in the market. Who would tend to all the overworked therapists, he wondered.
He lazily let his gaze wander around Dr. Cidron's unremarkable office. It was a houseboat as well; on the other side of the Zanarkand bay. It was larger in size and more clinical in design; yet trying very hard to look cozy with pleasant little objects such as flower pots, miniature paintings and assorted blitzball collectibles sprinkled around. The curtains were very deliberately shut and the air felt thick to Tidus's lungs, even with the downright exemplary air conditioning. Dr. Cidron had wanted to take the sessions to Tidus's house, but the patient had refused. He still had trouble embracing the city in its entirety as his new reality, and badly needed the practice. Ideally someplace he couldn't imagine – he could have too easily written off his house as a prolonged hallucination.  
This dour office was a start, he supposed. Although the good doctor seemed to hold quite a high opinion of his patient's creative power.
“And you still wish to call them… your experiences. Not daydreams or fantasies, not hallucinations. I'm only speaking this frankly because you know your agent's thoughts on the subject. And I want to hear yours, while reminding you of--”
“What? The truth?”
The truth was, Tidus had not told Leo or his doctor everything. They'd heard all about the attack on the city, Spira's oddities, Sin – and Tidus in turn had been on the receiving end of both a snappy, self-pitying lecture boiling down to “get it together or get a real job” and a long-winded analytical breakdown on how Sin was a metaphor for his dismissive father, among other things – but neither of his babysitters had gotten the full story. No one had. The story of the summoning of Zanarkand, a city destroyed a thousand years ago, and the phantom citizens that still wandered its ever-lit streets.
After all, judging by the present circumstances, he could've been horribly misinformed on that front.
Tidus opened his mouth, then reconsidered. “I'm… not sure what the truth is, myself. I'm not caving in, I'm… make no mistake about that. But it's not like I'm making this up for fun, y'know? Being called crazy, nuh uh – not my idea of a good time.”
“Yes, I understand.” Dr. Cidron took a short pause, gazing fixedly at his clasped hands resting on the desk between them. “That's exactly what… I guess I want to remind you of the truth as it appears to most people.”          
The man had a point. The truth, right now, was a matter of perspective, with the opposite ends heavily unbalanced, too. No matter how unfair his situation, eventually Tidus would have to accept that not everyone in town – no one in town – had experienced what he had, and perhaps they deserved better than the apparent mad ramblings of an unstable teenage sports sensation. Perhaps it was time he did damage control, too. But which parts could he take back… and did he want to? Perhaps the city was the unstable one here, with its allegedly dubious existence. Perhaps he'd been given a task, a responsibility… to tell them everything.    
“I have to say,” Dr. Cidron began again, “you do paint quite a vivid image. Of this 'Spira'… the corrupt politics, these social structures so completely different from our own. Of these individuals… You know, if the whole blitzball supremo gig never pans out again, you should be a novelist.”
Tidus rolled his eyes, although he felt a warmness from the doctor.
- -
As very much expected, Tidus found Bern the bodyguard waiting for him outside the doctor's office, with a studious look on his face, which he then awkwardly tried to adjust into a smile.
“Not today, Bern. I need some time alone, okay?” Tidus groaned, then strutted past the muscled tower of a man, and, as annoyed as he was, had to marvel at the empty streets. If anything, his team was superbly competent at making sure nobody knew where he was, ever; in the midst of all this media hassle. “I'll give you paid leave. Overtime pay.”
“Not in the budget, champ,” Bern retorted. “Try again.”
“I wish to be alone... please.”  
Bern shrugged. “I suppose that's fair. I mean, my exact assignment is to accompany you home…”
“Forget about it,” Tidus shot back and on his way he went, well aware of how immature he must have sounded. 
- -
On the deck of his houseboat something else entirely awaited. He could see it from some distance away, and exactly nothing about it invited a closer examination. It was small, it stood completely still, and appeared to emit some sort of whitish glow. It looked familiar in that out-of-place sort of way – when something unremarkable in one environment simply did not belong in another.
It was a fiend.
Tidus instinctively reached for the sword he no longer carried. But the creature was already dying – dispersing into pyreflies. Tidus had at first seen a vague mammal-esque shape, but now the trespasser's true form was growing harder and harder to discern. Apart from the eyes – the vacant, terrible eyes.
“I come from Spira, just like you.”
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th3fragile · 7 years
1, 9, 10, 12, 13, 20, 22, 50, 51, 58, 64, 65, 76, 77, 80, 82, 85, 90, 91 and 94
WAHHHHHHH that was fast. Thank you pal!
1.Sunrise or sunset?:Aesthetically,sunset. I’m more a sunrise person though.
9.Introvert or extrovert?:I think introvert.
10.What do you think when you look at your body?:I’m disgusted.I ‘ve come a long way in self-acceptance and just then started body issues and not relating to my body in gendered terms.So yeah.One of the worst relationships ever.But I also know I’m the only one who could possibly love it.
12.Do you have a particular song that you feel deeply?:Generally it’s Autumntales by Lyriel. Right now, it’s Waste by Brand New.
13.Talk about a time in your life where you have felt most alive?:Summer 2015,and my Nightwish gig in Bologna in 2015.
20.Favorite part of your body?:Hair but also ears.
22.Favorite quote?:Anything that comes out of Virginia Woolf or Esenin’s suicide notes; from Majakovskij’s or from 4.48 Psychosis by Sarah Kane.
50.Have you committed an illegal act?:Yes
51.If you had two days to spend one million dollars how would you spend it?:My silly first reaction would be to buy a lot and treat myself;it’d probably be better to just buy them to get my family fixed and invest them in something useful such as a farm or idk
58.What colour eyes, hair and skin do you have?:Brown,green and white
64.Are you comfortable accepting compliments?:Not really,though I welcome them
65.Are you comfortable giving compliments?:it’s my favourite activity
76.Have you ever stopped someone from hurting themselves?:Yes
77.Has anyone ever stopped you from hurting yourself?:No.Not that I recall.I had people help me out after very bad cutting session but nobody ever stopped me.
80.Do you have any funny family stories?:A lot!But most of them make sense in italian
82.Do you like to watch true crime shows or movies?:YES!
85.List some things you wanted in your childhood but never got?:to go on a plane or a cruise with my ex best friend, a Tamagotchi,and probably more but I can’t recall right now
90.Do you keep a journal?:Yes
91.Would anyone be hurt by reading it?:Yes,probably
94.List your favorite movies?:AHHHH I don’t know!!I’ll copypaste what I put in my ‘about me’:Tim Burton’s, the Hannibal Lecter saga, Harry Potter, Gentelmen Prefer Blondes, Marie Antoinette, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Repo!The Genetic Opera, The Help, Easy A, St.Trinian’s, Chloe, The Virgin Suicides, Little Miss Sunshine, Farewell My Queen, Blindness, The Hours, Mamma Mia!, Hairspray, Hamlet, Mean Girls, Sucker Punch, The Phantom Of The Opera, Game Change, Toast, Thirteen, V for Vendetta, Girl Interrupted, The Hobbit, The Addams Family, A Single Man, The Craft, Chicago, Shutter Island, The English Teacher, Pulp Fiction, Perfume, The Breakfast Club, American Mary, Lonely Hearts, Monster, Thelma&Louise, Cry Baby, Le Fate Ignoranti, Pretty In Pink, Clueless, The Devil’s Advocate, Carol, Mommy, Suffragette, Pride, the Namesake, Into the Forest, Moonlight, The Bridge.
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Bi Rogers
(A/N): Heyyyyyyyyyy, guess who’s so sorry about her fanfic recently :D it’s me!
Summary: Steve is officially Bi, he’s known it since the forties, his only problem is how does he tell (Y/N)?
Warnings: none
Tags: @mcuimxgine, @ifoundlove-x0vanessa0x, @saradi1018, @holland-toms, @superwholockian309, @fly-f0rever, @capbuckthor, @livandlilah
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   Steve gulped as (Y/N) stirred beside him; he had to tell them- he needed to tell them. They pressed against him, nuzzling their face into his chest, shivering a bit when the cold air of their apartment seeped through their sheets. 
   He couldn't keep this from Them, this secret was too big, it was something they needed to know. He could barely stand to lay next to them knowing he was lying to them like this, pretending to be something he wasn't.
    A shaky sigh falls from Steve's lips as (Y/N) presses a sleepy kiss to Steve's chest, their lips slowly curving upwards in what Steve assumed to be a smile. 
   "Good morning," Their voice was hoarse, raspy, and oh so cute. 
    "Mornin'" is all Steve whispered, his voice cracking even with the small word.  
   "You sleep well?" (Y/N)'s lips move against his chest with every syllable, nearly sending him into a giggling fit but not now- not with such a serious issue hanging over him. 
    "Well enough," Usually Steve would ask them how they slept as he swept them up in his arms, holding them to his body as he pressed a tirade of kisses to their skin but that wasn't the case today. All he wanted to do today was get away from (Y/N) as quickly as possible. 
    "I guess you could say that," (Y/N)'s messy head of hair perked up at his statement, their sleepy eyes looking at him curiously as though he were some strange animal.
    "Is something wrong Stevie?" Fuck- if there was one sure fire way to get him to melt it was to have (Y/N) call him Stevie, or any nickname for that matter. 
   "No, no, sorry, I just- mission stress and all," (Y/N) nods in understanding, pursing their lips in thought.
    "Do you need to go workout?"
    "Yeah, a workout would be great," Steve sighs, finally grateful for having an excuse to leave (Y/N) behind.
    "I can make you some food afterwards?" Steve nods even though he knew he wouldn't be able to eat until he told them.
    "Yeah, food sounds great doll," Steve threw in the pet name for good measure, hoping it would convince (Y/N) he was fine. With a tired smile (Y/N) kissed Steve softly and even with all his guilt and shame he'd be crazy not to kiss them back. With their lips pressed to his he felt as though he could almost forget about the nagging little thought in the back of his head, screaming at him to tell (Y/N) about his huge secret but as soon as they pulled away the scream returned, louder than ever. That's why when (Y/N) began to pull back Steve pulled them back in, whimpering against their lips, a quiet plea for them to continue. 
   "Steve- Stevie," (Y/N) broke away from him, leaving his lips tingling and feeling cold. "Are you sure you're okay?" Now, now would be the perfect opportunity to tell them- 
    "Yeah, I'm fine," Steve smiled softly, "I just- I love you," (Y/N) smiles at him gently as they reach up to affectionately ruffle his hair, something he rather enjoyed.
    "I love you too Steve, now get that cute butt down to the gym," (Y/N) gave his leg a firm smack and flashed him a wink before they sauntered off into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Steve watched them longingly, wishing for nothing more to join them, take a bath with them, kiss their hair as he rubbed the tension out of their shoulders- no, he needed to go to the gym, hit a few punching bags until the sand began to bleed onto the floor. Yeah, that's what he needed to do. 
   Steve quickly got dressed and grabbed some materials before heading down to the gym, locking himself inside so as not to be disturbed by anyone for a few hours. As soon as he stepped foot into the gym he was eyeing the punching bags as he wrapped his hands up tightly, perhaps a bit too tightly. He hoped by the end of his session the punching bag would be nothing more than a sad bag of leather and a few grains of sand- guess he had been quite right because by the end of his workout the punching bag had been beaten into nothing, all the sand having dribbled onto the floor. He knew he should clean it up but the promise of food upstairs and a warm shower was too tempting.
    "Jarvis, can you clean the floor up or send for someone who can?" 
  "Certainly sir," And with that and a shaky sigh Steve tracked back up the stairs, up to his floor, and into his kitchen where (Y/N) was no doubt cooking him breakfast.
    Steve was silent as he walked in, his throat full off too many words, so many that if he opened his mouth they would come spewing out without an warrant so instead he kept his mouth closed and locked, not even the slightest distance between his lips.
    "Hey big guy," (Y/N) smiled as they turned to face him, a pan in one hand and a spatula in the other. Steve gulps as he takes a seat at the kitchen island, his eyes trying desperately not to rake up and down (Y/N)'s form. "I'm making pancakes and coffee, sounds good?" Sounds delicious is what Steve wanted to say but all they got in reply was a small grunt of approval. (Y/N) eyes Steve warily but they dismiss it, after all they had earlier asked if he was okay and he had responded with yes so why question it again?  So with a concerned gaze (Y/N) goes back to cooking, unable to shake the feeling that something was wrong with Steve. 
   “Here ya go cutie pie,” (Y/N) placed Steve’s food before him, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek as they did, not even caring about the sweat still dripping off his body. 
   “Thanks,” Steve’s voice was hoarse and raspy, just as it had been this morning but a thousand times worse now. He winced softly as he took a sip of his coffee, letting the warm drink soothe his nerves a bit. 
  “I’m gonna go shower and get ready for work, are you gonna be okay while I’m gone?” Steve nods his head as he takes a bite of pancake, barely registering the taste in his mouth.
   “Yeah, I’ll be fine,” 
   “You sure? I can take the day off if you’d like-”  
   “(Y/N),” Steve’s tone was soft but firm, his captain side starting to shine through a bit. “I’ll be fine, promise,” (Y/N) sighs softly, giving Steve one last look before muttering an ‘okay’ and making their way towards their bathroom leaving Steve to sit all alone and dwell in his thoughts. 
   His coffee had small bubbles rising to the surface and his pancakes were slowly starting to soak up the copious amounts of syrup (Y/N) had piled atop them (Steve had always been a sucker for anything sweet) as he sat there alone, wallowing in his thoughts. 
   Steve had known he was gay the minute he reached elementary school, he remembered looking at the boys and liking them just as much as he had liked the girls but he was too young to understand what that meant and even into his early teen years when he started to develop crushes on the neighborhood boys he still didn’t quite get it. It wasn't until he was nearly 25 when it suddenly clicked for him; he was gay. Not completely gay, just a little gay. He had actually found out using an unsecured laptop (Tony was always so nosy) that he was actually bisexual and from there it just clicked for him. He had accepted it and he was finally comfortable enough to admit it but was he comfortable enough to admit it to (Y/N)? The answer was no and that's why he could barely been look at them right now. 
   So many things could go wrong if he told them- what if they found him repulsive or strange? What if they resented him for not telling them sooner? Or worse what if they left him? Steve chokes a bit on the tears caught in his throat, a sad whimper leaving his lips at the action. God- he was so pathetic, here he was, a grown man, crying all alone in his kitchen. And of course that's exactly when (Y/N) decides to walk in (they always had the best timing) when Steve is whimpering and wiping at his eyes, a towel wrapped around their body as water drips from their hair. 
   "I forgot soap and- Oh my god Steve, what's wrong?" (Y/N) rushes to the man’s side, more than concerned with the way he was sniffling and rubbing at his eyes. 
   "I-it's nothing (Y/N)-" 
   "That's bullshit Rogers, tell me what's really wrong." Even though their words were harsh their hands on either side of Steve's face were soft and kind, more caring then anything else. Steve sighs shakily as he unconsciously rubs his cheek against (Y/N)'s hand, sniffling once again.
    "I have uh- I have something to tell you. I've been meaning to tell you for a long time but I never had the courage and- god," Steve sighs as he slumps back into his chair, rubbing at his aggressively red eyes.
    "C'mon Stevie, you can tell me, I won't get mad," Yeah right, like they wouldn't be mad the man they'd been dating for nearly a year suddenly decided to tell them that he was gay. 
    "I promise," as extra reassurance (Y/N) presses a kiss to Steve's eyebrow, allowing their lips to linger there before they pulled back, looking at Steve waitingly. 
    "So- so, I’ve been hiding this for years," Steve bites his lips as the words finally reach the open air, something he had wanted for so long. He'd never admitted to anyone about his feelings towards men, back in his day it was frowned upon and he couldn’t stand the thought of being ridiculed even more. A sickly, small gay man? Steve was sure to get the hell beaten out of him for sure. So for 70 years he kept his secret with him, that was until now. “I uh- fuck,” 
   “Take your time,” (Y/N) gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, the small bit of contact grounding him back to earth. 
   “I um, I’m- fuck it- I’m gay,” Steve blurts out, feeling the words fall from his lips almost instantaneously. 
   “W-Wait, you’re gay?”
   “Not completely gay....” Steve trails off, biting his lip as he attempted to figure out how the hell to phrase his words. “I’ve always viewed men and women the same...I don’t really have a preference is all,” Steve mumbles, feeling his tears pricking his eyes once again. Now was the time (Y/N) would yell at him, punch him maybe, demand they break up, probably call Steve a whole slew of names but suddenly (Y/N)’s reaching up with their hands to cup Steve’s cheeks and run their thumbs under his eyes to collect his tears. 
   “Is that why you’ve been so strange lately?” Steve nods meekly which rewards him with (Y/N) gently kissing his forehead again. 
   “Why were you so scared to tell me?”
   “I thought you’d resent me, maybe you’d hate me, I thought that if I told you that I liked guys too then you wouldn’t love me anymore...” 
   “Steven Grant Rogers, that’s ridiculous,” (Y/N) kisses his lips firmly yet sweetly all the while wrapping him up in a nearly bone crushing hug. “I could never stop loving you and I don’t care that you like guys too, okay? I accept you the way you are and I wouldn’t have you any other way,” (Y/N) smiles at him their hands slowly playing with his hair at the nape of his nec. 
   “R-Really?” Certainly Steve was dreaming, (Y/N) wouldn’t be this calm about Steve being gay, it wasn’t just possible-
   “Really,” (Y/N) smiles at him. “I’ll love you no matter what, got that Stevie?” Steve smiles up at (Y/N), sniffling just a bit. 
   “I love you too (Y/N),” 
   “I still have to shower and I’m pretty sure you do too, how ‘bout I show you just how much I love you, hmm?” (Y/N) gives Steve a little smirk (one that had him nearly whimpering) and their hands upon his face suddenly feel like they’re burning his skin but in the best kind of way. 
   “I’d like that,” 
   “Then get your cute little ass into the bathroom,” (Y/N) gave Steve’s lips a peck before sliding off his lap, looking at him expectantly. Steve smiles as he slides out of the chair, following after (Y/N) as they led him towards the steamy bathroom. 
   (Y/N) accepted Steve as he was, they loved him despite the fact that he just so happened to like men and women and that’s all that mattered to him. 
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yourpalral · 6 years
Blog 89 - Pokémon Ultra Sun Adventure - Day 10
I finished my backtracking in this one! Only a couple of noteworthy things here.
The trek around Akala Island was pretty easy. I started by taking on the Nugget Bridge challenge in the Malie Garden. I also went through the Malie Gym again. The levels were higher. Ryuki, who shows up in the Title Defense matches in Sun and Moon, was also there. I was intending to save him for last, but it turns out that if you beat the Gym Leader you’re kicked out immediately and have to wait until tomorrow to go through it again. Over at Mount Hokulani I did the Charjabug puzzles. They were pretty easy. I also got the Z-Crystal for Mimikyu. The last thing I did on Akala Island was head over to Po Town where I found a Big Nugget dealer. Weird.
Going through the parts of Poni Island that I’ve been too wasn’t difficult at all. I battled a trainer with a shiny Exeggcute, and got TMs for Surf and Waterfall. I also battled the last trainer for the Eevee sidequest. From there I went to the Aether Paradise. Nothing new there. No battle against Faba. I did see Lusamine there. I then went back to Akala Island to finish off the Eevee sidequest. I battled Kagetora and got myself the Eevium Z! Lastly I returned to the Ancient Poni Path and found Hau and Wicke waiting for me. Wicke gave me a Type: Null, courtesy of Gladion! And that’s it for my backtracking session! Tomorrow I start what I assume is the bulk of the post game story!
Current Team:
Kallian (Decidueye) Lv. 59 - Decidium Z - Spirit Shackle, Leaf Blade, U-turn, Work Up
Kurow (Raichu) Lv. 59 - Alolaraichium Z - Thunderbolt, Psyshock, Brick Break, Thunder Wave
Lupin (Lycanroc) Lv. 59 - Lycanium Z - Stone Edge, Drill Run, Accelerock, Stealth Rock
Weevil (Golisopod) Lv. 58 - Waterium Z - Leech Life, Liquidation, Iron Head, Sucker Punch
Yuki (Ninetales) Lv. 58 - Fairium Z - Ice Beam, Dazzling Gleam, Psyshock, Calm Mind
Domon (Kommo-o) Lv. 58 - Fightinium Z - Clanging Scales, Sky Uppercut, Flamethrower, Flash Cannon
0 notes
rigdicklucas · 7 years
Wonder Woman(2017) Spoiler Review
Zack Snyder’s latest foray into ruining the superhero genre had the potential to be something special but throws it all away for no reason at all.
By D. Lucas.
Let me tell you right away that this is not a movie you should be spending time on, let alone drive up to a theater for. It’s one of those rare occasions where the ingredients for a great film are all in there but it gets ruined by a terrible, terrible director, Zack Snyder—as if this surprises anyone anymore. If there’s a silver-lining to this CGI slugfest it’s the sliver of hope from the story by Patty Jenkins but it tries hard with little success, which is ironic since she had directed a film (2003′s Monster that won Charlize Theron her Oscar) and some interesting TV episodes. It would’ve been quite interesting to see had Warner Bros. allowed her to have a go at it. But, alas, we’re stuck with the Snyder and let’s just get this out of the way as fast as possible and get ready for that fun-superhero film coming this July. wink, wink.
There, if the director is not enough reason to skip this movie, which given his track-record shouldn’t be all that hard, then go ahead and read why the director is reason enough to skip it.
The movie begins with Diana (Gal Gadot) receiving a package in a truck with the Wayne Enterprises logo on it. Inside it is the actual photograph that we saw in Batman v Superman (Note how Zack made it so that even Wonder Woman needs a man’s help to get this photograph that is important to her). It is used to transition back to when Diana was a little girl on her paradise island, Themyscira, and how she grew up being denied training by her queen mother, Hippolyta, but was secretly trained by her general aunt, Antiope. For some stupid reason all this is intercut with a history-lesson about how Zeus made mankind and Ares corrupted them as the God of War and how Zeus again made Amazons to compensate for it which made Ares go mad and kill all the other gods. Luckily he was defeated by Zeus at the cost of his own life but not before making an ultimate sword called the Godkiller.
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Gal Gadot Warner Bros.
The queen finds out about the secret training-sessions and seems upset at first but then pivots a full 180-degree and asks her sister to train Diana harder than any Amazon before. I mean, seriously? Whatever happened to sticking to established character traits? Only in a Zack Snyder film can this happen. I’m willing to bet Patty’s story had a long interlude in between but Zack decided he couldn’t wait to get to the messy fight sequences. And sure enough we get to Gal Gadot in the very next scene where she battles a couple of Amazons and then her aunt while her mother looks down from atop a hill on horseback. And sure enough it ends with a random shock-wave out of her bracelets—which we are to assume have grown along with her since the child Diana also had smaller ones on. Then Diana feels guilty for hurting her aunt and runs away only to find the crashing plane of Steve Trevor(Chris Pine).
She, of course, rescues him and a band of men breach into Themyscira who were in pursuit of Steve. The battle scene that Zack had been itching to get to is here and it plays out much like his oft-criticized sludge of slow motion and the-oh-so-important manner of shooting them. There’s a self-indulgent shot of the general Antiope grinning like a maniac as she marches into battle which could only be found in a Zack Snyder movie (another bet that Patty’s story didn’t include this).
The battle costs Antiope her life and the Amazons instead of impaling Steve right there like the warring faction that they are decide to interrogate him using some heated rope that makes you tell the truth. I couldn’t help but chuckle at the way Diana announces it as if it isn’t the most ridiculous thing ever.
Then follows the forced humor™ with Steve and Diana about man-parts and watches when out of the blue Diana just decides to betray her entire sisterhood and leave with this man who she’d known for less than a day. The feminist-front this film had been marketed on makes this move so very ironic I can’t believe Zack believed he could win over feminists like me with this. Humor™ in any superhero film not made by Marvel can only be reactionary and a cash grab.
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Gal Gadot and Chris Pine Warner Bros.
And so we return to London with all of Zack Snyder’s favorite dark and drab aesthetic. You could just feel the relief he must have felt at this point! I’m surprised he didn’t cut the “It’s hideos” line by Gal which is clearly just another attempt at the Marvel-only humor™—honestly there are so many instances of such attempts that just fall flat on their face that it’s unintentionally hilarious.
The villain is obviously going to be the God of War that was weakened by Zeus in his climactic battle but his identity is supposed to be a secret. Anyone with any rational thinking capacity can figure out that it’s the dude that talks about peace at a meeting of generals! The gall of Zack Snyder is thinking it’s a well-kept secret by shamelessly inserting a red-herring in the German general Ludendorff. It is so blatant in its execution that his lackey poison-cook makes these pills for him, saying, “For you. To restore your strength.” As if we didn’t know he wasn’t a red-herring! Zack’s potential to keep assuming his audience as a pack of dumb sheep never ceases to amuse me.
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Danny Huston Warner Bros.
Once Steve gathers his band of misfits and smuggles them to Belgium along with Diana, while sitting around a fire, there are some throwaway scenes masquerading as character moments that just toss out themes about the futility of war, a soldier’s PTSD, etc., which all deserve to be further expanded upon but this being a Snyder feature are left hanging like the hooked carcasses at a slaughterhouse.
Before long, Zack’s itch for another battle sequence becomes unbearable and we have our next action set piece. There’s nothing inventive or creative about this, just ticking off a list of cool-shot after cool-shot with the same tried-and-tired slow motion that even Zack should have gotten sick of by now. The most hypocritical thing about Wonder Woman here is just how easy she finds it to kill the innocent German soldiers under the influence of Ares and even finds it appropriate to dance with Steve to celebrate it later that evening. My third bet is that Patty’s story didn’t have all this killing and instead had Wonder Woman gently put out these soldiers because she truly believes only love can save the world. But Zack had to muddy it up with his 300-style brutality.
There’s an idiotic scene where one of Steve’s band just randomly find an automobile parked around which they then use to get Steve into a German party where Ludendorff will be. This is without an invitation, mind you. The damned proto-Nazis are that easy to fool in Zack’s dark and gritty universe and that brings us to when Ludendorff deploys the new gas weapon over the little town that Diana just saved by killing two dozen soldiers. It just has to be that dark, thank you very much. Unfortunately the ending only further devolved into what’s now Zack’s characteristic bad-CGI overload.
The plot-twist, like I already mentioned, comes unsurprisingly and is followed by the same bad-guy-vision-for-the-future that Zack used in Man of Steel except here Ares(David Thewlis) is a stand-in for General Zod. It is funny how this battle seems to be a polar opposite of the final battle in Man of Steel:
- Zod rips off his armor while Ares puts on one.
- Zod shows a future built over the dead remains of humanity while Ares shows … a future built on the dead remains of humanity.
- Zod is the more experienced one over Superman while … Ares is the more experienced one over Wonder Woman.
Okay, Ares is just Zod for Wonder Woman.
The sequences feel rather recycled if anyone’s seen Zack’s previous films but he expects us to oversee that because it’s a female superhero. Sorry, Zack, we’re not that stupid! When Steve Trevor sacrifices himself by flying the bio-weapon payload into the sky and shooting it, Diana gains new powers as she mourns him and simultaneously skates, mortally hurls around German soldiers, pummels Ares, and lifts a tank to crush the poison-cook, Dr. Maru, but reconsiders Maru for sequels and also because she just suffered a short-term memory loss by forgetting what Steve had told her before catching the plane. This seems to be a one-time thing though because the film doesn’t turn into Memento, or anything. She also remembers what Steve says about men not deserving to be protected but still should be, maybe and tells exactly that to Ares before she skates up to him and kills him using his own lightning bolt, so technically not murder (unlike MoS where Superman should’ve used Zod’s own hands to snap his neck like a true hero and technically not murder him. He could’ve stood up and smiled at that family he’d saved like Diana looks at the soldiers).
Wonder Woman is basically Zack’s go at making the same kind of film he always does but shrouded in the veil of Marvel humor™ and a good, straight story (thanks to Patty). But at the end of the day, Wonder Woman still can’t save itself from Zack Snyder.
Why pose big questions like why did Wonder Woman walk away from mankind when no one wants to give the answer anyway?
Bonus critiques:
-Zack’s sexual-predatory, exploitative lens makes a comeback in this shot:
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-Just the general idea of scantily clad beautiful women (Amazons) being objectified at the beginning of the film and thinking it empowers them à la Sucker Punch, which suffered the additional burden of being written by Zack Snyder!
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