#studyblr da real
doceredutoblog · 3 years
(E não são de provas. Antes fossem.)
2018 eu tinha acabado de sair da faculdade. O mundo parecia pronto pra ser explorado por mim. Eu parecia estar muito próxima dos meus objetivos. Eu sabia de tudo. Eu já tinha aprendido tudo. Agora era hora de acontecer.
Mas é claro que nada funciona assim. Eu tinha 21 anos naquele ano, e a vida parecia estar ótima. Não, eu não tinha ainda o que eu queria, mas eu tinha algo muito importante: A confiança. Eu confiava que tudo ia dar certo. Aliás, era quase impossível não dar certo. Eu acreditava muito em mim e que eu era capaz.
Quando foi que tudo isso ruiu?
Eu sempre fui muito sozinha. Eu nunca fui de ter muitos amigos, sempre passei por tudo praticamente só. Sempre tive que cuidar de mim mesma, sempre tive que fazer tudo por mim, sem nem mesmo ter pra quem pedir opinião -até porque ninguém parecia saber me ajudar.
O tempo foi passando e várias coisas aconteceram. Eu percebi que toda a vida que eu estava planejando não ia acontecer. Eu não ia ter o que eu queria sempre. E às vezes, um simples "não" poderia significar uma mudança significativa de planos. Uma visão mais acurada de alguma coisa poderia significar um desencanto decisivo pra meu mundo inteiro cair.
E era assim que tudo estava, desmoronando. As coisas só pioravam, minha ansiedade me consumia, eu achava que eu ia surtar. E eu surtei várias vezes, sozinha, dentro da minha cabeça, porque eu precisava me fazer de forte. Não pra mostrar pra alguém ou pra fingir, mas porque eu sabia que ninguém ia ligar pra minha dor. Então, entre chorar feito uma criança ou fingir que tudo estava bem, eu preferia não falar sobre isso nunca. Um erro? Talvez.
A verdade é que eu não sei pra onde eu tô indo e nem pra onde eu quero ir. Eu só quero chegar em algum lugar. Eu só quero sentir paz.
Tantas coisas eu me questionei de lá pra cá, e ainda questiono. O que eu quero? O que eu sou? O que eu quero ser? Eu sinceramente não sei a resposta. Eu não consigo pensar numa resposta, mas as perguntas não saem da minha cabeça. Pra onde eu devo ir? O que eu devo fazer? Como eu quero que as pessoas me vejam? Isso importa?
Eu não consigo me concentrar, porque as perguntas sempre me atormentam. O tempo passa cada vez mais rápido e eu pareço nunca sair do lugar. É agoniante.
Não, eu não sei o que fazer. Eu só sei que eu vou ter que fazer o que sempre fiz, que é me virar sozinha. De uma forma ou de outra, vou ter que descobrir como sair desse lugar desconfortável. Vou ter que me virar sozinha mais uma vez, porque ninguém vai fazer isso por mim.
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martiestudies · 3 years
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1/100 days of productivity ☆ 230321
i was supposed to start yesterday but i completely forgot in favor of visiting my cat at my parent's house. i also had my first class of the semester yesterday!! now i'm spending the day doing exercises until my aftenoon class 🤓
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merlotdom · 3 years
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oceanok · 3 years
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March 15th, 2021
Zoomester studyblr challenge
Day 12: Are you more into plant or flowers? what’s your fave type?
Plants. But I'm not really good with them. Neither with flowers 😅🙉🤷‍♀️
Day 13: Tell us the most eye-opening book you’ve read.
Captains of the Sands (pt/br: Capitães da Areia) by Jorge Amado. I think it's eye-opening to a reality that isn't the same as mine but still is real af.
Day 14: What are some of the reasons you love yourself/should love yourself?
I'm still learning to love myself to the fullest, but one thing I am and I'm really proud is being hopeful. It's not optimistic, but hopeful, in the sense that even if I can imagine several ways in wich things could get terrible, I still think someday somehow things will work out 😉💫💃
Day 15: Tag someone who you think would get along just right with you.
@why-the-heck-not. You seem to be so funny 🤣😂
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allbeendonebefore · 3 years
I wasn't tagged by @judiejodia but i was mentioned in the post and encouraged to do this and tag her if i enjoy these kinds of things so I DID HA
[also me, still feels too shy to tag anyone else but you can say i tagged you if you want to do this too!]
1. Why did you choose your url?
two canadian hit songs that were influential when i was growing up in the early aughts. people can usually guess one of them but I don't think I've seen anyone guess both yet hehe.
2. Any side blogs?
@hyperboreanhapocanthosaurus - personal and political posts as well as general reblogs
@acetechne - art blog
@athensandspartaadventures - comic about ancient city state personifications
@battle-of-alberta - comic about modern canadian city personifications
@project-canada - i still admin this blog although i have zero plans to revive the project itself
@lazylacadaemon - studyblr although im no longer in school so there's not a whole lot there. If you want to talk about academics or ask for advice you can still shoot me a message there though.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
uhhh 2010? 2011? something like that.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Nope just assume 90% of what i post are queued lol
5. Why did you start this blog in the first place?
I wanted somewhere to post dumb comics about ancient history i started doodling in undergrad and people seemed to be migrating here from dA
6. Why did you choose your icon?
its a picture of me in crossplay as iamp alberta and thats as close as getting an icon with me on it as i will get lol
7. Why did you choose your header?
[checks what my header is] oh it's mama greece from hetalia, or at least how i imagined her before she had a canon-design. its my ancient/hetalia/history/whatever blog and i liked the drawing i did so i guess i kept it up haha
8. How many mutuals do you have?
UNKNOWN i mostly just talk to windex because quatsch is still waiting on her new computer/space to use it lol
i am notoriously bad at following people back partly because i am legit forgetful and also i think i make people nervous?? I'm also not a teenager anymore so I'm more cautious about following people I don't know in case they're not comfortable with it and idk their age.
Mostly i follow people who post stuff for fandoms i enjoy but i no longer use social media to keep up with what people are up to because It's Too Stressful to check up on everyone across every platform you have to write me a handwritten letter or bug me on discord if i need to know how you are at this point, i am both an irl and a digital hermit lol
9. How many followers do you have?
no clue, most of them probably aren't active anymore and a good handful are probably bots so i don't really feel i could give a Real estimate since i've been accumulating blogs for a decade
10. How many do you follow?
337 but probably over 90% are dead
11. Have you ever made a shitpost?
yes mostly about dead people and dead languages
12. How often do you use tumblr a day?
i check pretty frequently and if theres no news on the big tumblr i open the small tumblr on my phone and thats a problem
13. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
not directly but some dude is going around arguing with people who post about herodotus and i don't have the patience to respond to him explaining my own shitposts to me after seeing him sealion other bloggers on tumblr.clown.edu so i do not engage
14. How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
bad. i ignore every time. it's not as bad as it was ten years ago but it's still really annoying. (unless its like on a picture of a cute animal thats fine)
15. Do you like tag games?
yes i am just notorious about not tagging anyone in them
16. Do you like ask games?
yes and likewise lol although i think my answers are usually either quite boring or very sarcastic hahaha
17. Which mutuals do you think are tumblr famous?
I Do Not Know who are you guys
18. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
if we are mutuals come to my house i make you soup
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I posted 811 times in 2021
141 posts created (17%)
670 posts reblogged (83%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 4.8 posts.
I added 786 tags in 2021
#studyblr - 86 posts
#langblr - 85 posts
#studying - 81 posts
#studyspiration - 78 posts
#100 days of productivity - 76 posts
#100dop - 76 posts
#studyspo - 76 posts
#university - 76 posts
#college - 76 posts
#study aesthetic - 76 posts
Longest Tag: 58 characters
#need to be really really thrilled and shocked by something
My Top Posts in 2021
Valentines Day Vocabulary - German/English
der*die Liebste - sweetheart
der Valentinstag - Valentines Day
das Date - date
jemanden daten - to date someone
die Liebe - love
der Ball - ball
tanzen - to dance
romantisch - romantic
die Romantik - romance
den Tag gemeinsam verbringen - to spend the day together
sich einsam fühlen - to feel lonely
das Paar / das Pärchen - couple
die Schokolade - chocolate
der Blumenstrauß - flower bouquet
die Halskette - necklace
für jemanden schwärmen - to adore someone
sich verlieben - to fall in love
verliebt sein - to be in love
die Freundin - girlfriend
der Freund - boyfriend
sich mit jemandem verabreden - to ask someone out
das Rendezvous -  rendezvous
der Engel - angel
das Gedicht - poem
der Liebesbrief - love letter
der Kuss - kiss
das Liebeslied - love song
der Liebling (geschlechtsneutral) - darling
The popular phrase “Do you want to be my Valentine?” has no German equivalent.
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79 notes • Posted 2021-02-08 08:02:42 GMT
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Day 151&152/100 days of productivity 27.+28.2.2021
There we go, starting into the new semester after 0 real days of holidays
Admin stuff
Italian and portuguese
87 notes • Posted 2021-03-01 07:35:37 GMT
Vocabulary: Among Us - German/English
among us – unter uns
suspect – der*die Verdächtige
to suspect someone – jemanden verdächtigen
to kill – töten
engine – der Maschinenraum
space ship – das Raumschiff
admin – die Administration
cafeteria – das Café
weapons – die Waffen (hier: die Verteidigung)
communication – die Kommunikation
storage – die Lagerhalle
reactor – der Reaktor
security – die Sicherheit
data – die Daten
wire – das Kabel
oxygen – der Sauerstoff
navigation – die Navigation / die Steuerung
shield – das Schild
hallway – der Korridor / der Gang / der Flur
medbay – die Krankenstation
vent – die Entlüftung
trash – der Müll
map – die Karte
imposter – der*die Betrüger*in
crewman – das Besatzungsmitglied
to eject – hinauswerfen
austronaut – der*die Astronaut*in
to report – melden
emergency – der Notfall
to lie – lügen
to call – rufen / einberufen
medbay – die Krankenstation
labor sample – die Laborprobe
card – die Karte
to swipe – (hier:) einlesen / durchziehen
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88 notes • Posted 2021-01-25 08:00:53 GMT
Winter Vocabulary - German/English
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der Pullover - jumper
die Wolle - wool
gestrickt - knitted
stricken - to knit
die Strickjacke - cardigan (knitted)
der Wollpullover - wooly jumper
die Jacke - jacket
die Weste - vest
der Mantel - coat
der Schnee - snow
die Schneeflocke - snowflake
das Eis - ice
das Glatteis - black ice
eislaufen - ice skating
die Eislaufschuhe - ice skates
die Schlittschuhe - ice skates
die Eislaufbahn - ice rink
die Handschuhe - gloves
die Stiefel - boots
Ski fahren - skiing
die Skibrille - ski goggles
der Ski - ski
der Skilift - ski lift
die Skihütte - ski hut
die Haube - bonnet
die Ohrwärmer - ear muffs
gefüttert - padded
die Strumpfhose - tights
der Schal - shawl
das Halstuch - scarf
ausrutschen - to slip
streuen - to scatter
schmelzen - to melt
der Eiszapfen - icicle
der Schneemann - snowman
der Schnee-Engel - snow angel
die Schneeballschlacht - snowball fight
der Schneeball - snowball
verschneit - snow-covered
der Winter - winter
die Kälte - cold (noun)
die Minustemperaturen - minus temperatures
to be cold - to freeze
erfrieren - to freeze to death
gefrieren - to freeze
schneien - to snow
der Schneekristall - snow crystal
weiß - white
kalt - cold
eiskalt - freezing cold
die Schneewolke - snow cloud
der Schneesturm - blizzard
das Snowboard - snowboard
snowboarden - to snowboard
langlaufen - cross-country  skiing
die Abfahrt - ski run
die Piste - slope
steil - steep
der Knochenbruch - bone fracture
zittern - to shiver
die Gondel - gondola
das Alpenhotel - Alpine hotel
der Berg - mountain
der Gletscher - glacier
der Gipfel - summit
die Lawine - avalanche
der Handwärmer - heatpad
die Thermoskanne - thermos flask
der Frost - frost
der Schneefall - snowfall
vereisen - to freeze  over
die Fäustlinge - mittens
der*die Skiläufer*in - skier
die Eisschicht - ice layer
die Eisscholle - ice floe
134 notes • Posted 2021-01-11 08:00:44 GMT
Flowers and Blossoms Vocabulary - German/English
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die Orchidee - orchid
die Tulpe - tulip
die Rose - rose
der Flieder - lilac
der Löwenzahn - dandelion
das Gänseblümchen - daisy
das Schneeglöckchen - snowdrop
die Nelke - carnation
der Blumenstrauß - flower bouquet
der Blumenladen - florist´s
die Schnittblumen - cut flower
das Blumenkisterl (col.)/der Blumenkasten - flower box
der Blumentopf - flowerpot
pflanzen - to plant
gießen - to water
düngen - to fertilize
die Blumenerde - flower soil
der Dünger - fertilizer
der Rosenstrauch - rose bush
das Veilchen - violet
das Maiglöckchen - lily of the valley
das Edelweiß - edelweiss
das Vergissmeinnicht - forget-me-not
der Klee - clover
das Löwenmaul - snapdragon
das Froschgoscherl -  snapdragon
die Geranie - geranium
der Mohn - poppy
die Hyazinthe - hyacinth
der Krokus - crocus
die Narzisse - narcissus
die Osterglocke - daffodil
die Schlüsselblume - primrose
die Lilie - lily
die Schwertlilie - iris
der Rittersporn - larkspur
der Blauregen - Chinese wisteria
der Goldregen - laburnum
das Stiefmütterchen - pansy
die Aster - aster
die Chrysantheme - chrysanthemum
die Blume - flower
die Blüte - blossom
der Stängel - stem
der Strauch - bush
das Blütenblatt - petal
der Duft - scent
der Pollen - pollen
der Blütenstaub - pollen
riechen - to smell
duften - to scent
schnuppern - to sniff
pflücken - to pluck
verwelken - to wither
welken - to wilt
aufblühen - to blossom
blühen - to flower
vertrocknen - to wither
die Dahlie - dahlia
die Fuchsie - fuchsia
die Petunie - petunia
die Ringelblume - marigold
die Azalee - azalea
die Begonie - begonie
die Primel - primrose
die Glockenblume - bluebell
die Kornblume - cornflower
das Alpenveilchen - cyclamen
die Lupine - lupin
die Margerite - marguerite
die Sumpfdotterblume - kingcup
der Enzian - gentian
der Krokus - crocus
die Iris - iris
der Lavendel - lavender
die Fuchsie - fuchsia
die Engelstrompete - angel´s trumpet
die Hortensie - hydrangea
der Oleander - oleander
der Samen - seed
aussäen - to sow
der Jasmin - jasmine
der Weihnachtsstern - poinsettia/Christmas flower
die Schneerose - Christmas rose
die Seerose - water lily
455 notes • Posted 2021-03-01 08:01:01 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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la-galaxie-langblr · 4 years
I've never done this type of post before but it's sort of still within the studyblr theme and I have some Thoughts™ so I may as well.
I can't do a read more on mobile and this will be a long post so be warned.
One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus Review (contains spoilers)
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(excuse the bad cropping I tried)
The Breakfast Club meets Pretty Little Liars, One of Us Is Lying is the story of what happens when five strangers walk into detention and only four walk out alive. Everyone is a suspect, and everyone has something to hide.
Pay close attention and you might solve this.
On Monday afternoon, five students at Bayview High walk into detention.
Bronwyn, the brain, is Yale-bound and never breaks a rule.
Addy, the beauty, is the picture-perfect homecoming princess.
Nate, the criminal, is already on probation for dealing.
Cooper, the athlete, is the all-star baseball pitcher.
And Simon, the outcast, is the creator of Bayview High's notorious gossip app.
Only, Simon never makes it out of that classroom. Before the end of detention, Simon's dead. And according to investigators, his death wasn't an accident. On Monday, he died. But on Tuesday, he'd planned to post juicy reveals about all four of his high-profile classmates, which makes all four of them suspects in his murder. Or are they the perfect patsies for a killer who's still on the loose?
Everyone has secrets, right? What really matters is how far you would go to protect them.
Description from Goodreads.com
TW - mentions and themes of depression, suicide, mental illness, homophobia, being outed
What I liked
I generally liked the four main characters, they have personalities and flaws and they're likeable for the most part
Addy's character arc was probably my favourite, her realisation that Jake was a controlling boyfriend, cutting off her hair and expressing herself, becoming more independent from her mother and learning to improve her relationship with her sister, in general I liked the character she became by the end
Speaking of sisters, I liked the dynamic between Maeve and Bronwyn. Bronwyn doesn't baby her despite her medical history and they get on well, as well as the odd normal sibling arguments
Despite being sceptical at first, I thought Nate and Bronwyn's romance was quite cute by the end of the novel
There was decent suspense surrounding the mystery
As much as I found flaws in Cooper's story (see below) I liked how he could have been the horrible jock, but he was actually a decent person. A nice difference from the typical jock character
Nonny is my favourite adult. We love wise old ladies
What I disliked
I called quite a lot of the major plot points. Not to brag or anything, but it shows it's slightly predictable at times. I predicted that Bronwyn and Nate would get together pretty early in the book, I predicted that Janae would be involved, I predicted that it would be a suicide. I predicted those last two about 2/3 of the way through the book so it wasn't obvious from the start but yeah
The characters are very one dimensional and stereotypical at the start, and if it weren't for sheer will power I would have given up fairly quickly. Bronwyn is a geek who does all the extracurriculars, Nate is a bad boy with a criminal record, Cooper is great at sports and Addy is very shallow. Literally what they're said to be on the title in the first few chapters
The good girl/bad boy romance between Bronwyn and Nate was predictable. I've read enough Wattpad books to know the formula and spot the signs - childhood friends, pretend to have nothing to do with each other but actually have feelings for each other secretly, good girl finds out that bad boy has bad home life, bad boy finds out good girl isn't as much of a rule stickler as first appears, love. Ta da. A couple
I was disappointed with Cooper's arc and story. I thought near the start when it was shown that all of them have secrets "If one of the characters' secrets is that one of them is gay, that could be cool to explore the themes of homophobia in high schools. It would be even cooler if it was Cooper, as toxic masculinity within sports is a problem" I was proud of myself for kind of calling that one but I was disappointed with how it was handled
I feel like we could have seen more of Cooper and his father repairing their relationship after Cooper is forced to come out due to circumstances. Like the father is disappointed, then a couple chapters later he's kind of talking to him again only after Cooper starts receiving baseball offers again. There's no awkward conversation, no trying to understand from the father, it just happens and then it seems to be over and is never touched on again. There could have been a lot more done with this plot point and I feel he was robbed of the character development that the other three got, especially Addy. I was so happy with her arc and disappointed with Cooper's
There was no follow up with the police basically outing Cooper and getting away with it?? Like there's talk of people being angry at what the police did but the police never faced consequences nor was there any discussion within the novel about why outing someone is bad. I know it's not the main plot of the novel and I'm not expecting a Simon-Martin-carpark masterpiece exchange like in Simon vs The Homosapiens Agenda but there could have been something??
Sidenote - I want to do more book reviews, especially on queer books, and Simon will be the first.
There was the cafeteria scene and the mention of those boys being nasty at a baseball game but Cooper faces relatively little opposition after coming out. Yes, I want queer characters to be happy. Yes, I know this is not the main plot of the book. I'm just saying Cooper was robbed of a good character arc and if there had been more between him and his father I would have less complaints
I get why he cheated on Keeley, compulsory heteronormativity is a real and difficult problem, but Cooper faces no consequences for cheating on Keeley. She's not my favourite character for reasons I don't know how to explain but she deserved better
The explanation of how and why for the ending is confusing to read, we know almost nothing before Janae reveals everything. It's a lot of info to take in at once and so it makes everything very confusing
OK here we go, my big problem with the book - its handling of mental health, particularly depression, self harm and suicide. Final TW before things get serious.
The final twist of revealing that Simon's death wasn't murder, it was suicide - I get he was depressed, I get his reasons, but I've also seen other people complain about this - Suicide is a delicate and serious topic that needs to be handled with sensitivity and shouldn't be a plot twist for shock factor. No hate to the author, but it needs to be said, I don't like how this was handled at all
I have similar comments to write for Leah's character
Final rating - 2/5 (⭐⭐⚫⚫⚫)
The characters are what saves this from a lower rating. I was disappointed in general - with Cooper's arc, the handling of sensitive topics and the ending. I'd heard such good things about this book and I'm disappointed.
If you liked this book, tell me why! Yes I was very critical, but I want to hear different opinions so my view of the book becomes more rounded. I want to do more of these so I hope you enjoyed :)
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cosmictulips · 3 years
Hey, I hope you are doing better . I think I read in one of the asks that you had answered, that you are in the linguistics field? That's actually so cool, as a person who loves languages and is fascinated by the origin of different languages and their association to cultures, I would love to know if you have any pointers on learning a new language, and possibly a reading on which language I should pick up next to learn, which would end up playing an important part in my life? I have one in mind, but I would like to hear what the cards have to say. You can ignore this if you're not in the mood. Thank you. Sending positive energy your way. May you receive what you manifest.-IPR🌒🍂
IM ALWAYS DOWNNNN TO talk about languages and cultures and news and stuff lol. I actually have a langblr here on tumblrs called @learningcherryblossoms  based off of sakura haruno because I want to be as strong literally and mentally as she is lol and she’s also wicked smart and looked down upon constantly,  .... just like me LOL anyway
My biggest pointers for learning a language are kind of simple 1. Make sure you want to stick with it for the long haul 2.  Make sure you know the reason why you want to study it -can literally be anything -  and 3.  make sure you take breaks lol I’m glad the langblr and studyblr community have really come around to the whole idea of taking breaks and things -even if none of us follow our own advice xD --  because burnout is real and it’s strong and I had it for years until 2017 xD  I have a whole post on that somewhere on my blog.   anyway xD Languages and just the study of Language is just so cool and so rad lol  OPE I just saw the tarot questions but I’m too excited so no time for waiting xD  Honestly, I say learn whatever you truly want to learn xD right my love for languages started when I was... nine and I said to myself, one day I am going to France.  Hasn’t happened yet BUT  it started my journey on learning French and through that process and honestly some amazing teachers,  one of whom was my art instructor and friend who I lost a couple of weeks ago,   I’ve truly developed a love for that language, culture and... Europe as a whole.  Like through that development I found out about cool places in Europe, I found a love in Japan and Eastern Europe.  I’m studying six languages lololol.   I’m fully convinced that,  had I not pursued French with such a passion as I did,  I’d probably.... idk  be no where lol. And that’s kind of saying something because the biggest thing after that to me is animal science and environmental activism lol  I was literally in college pursuing a biology degree and I am a huge environmental science nerd xD Anyway anyway anyway xD  I drew the  Empress, 10 of pentacles, knight of cups with the nine of cups in reverse as the overall energy.  and I’ll also talk about what was behind it which was the Lovers. 
Okay,  so this tells me that the universe wants you to know that.... you should be pursuing the language you have in mind ;)   kind of an odd belief but I believe things are brought to us for a reason.  Right, I have an older sister who firmly believes I once lived in France in a past life.  that’s why I decided at such a young age to learn French before I even knew what France or Europe even was xD  so I believe that concept applies to you as well.  whatever you are thinking about learning,  you should pursue it. 
I’m seeing that the language you are thinking about is going to bring you a lot of happiness, a lot of abundance,  and a lot of... self love and confidence.  and honestly,  a weird thing about learning a second... third... language lol is that we display ourselves differently.  Like my Japanese voice is soooo much softer than my aggressive and loud French and my spunky english lol.  it’s so interesting how different parts of ourselves develop as we learn about the cultures around the languages. 
and that’s what’s going to be happening to you.  You’re going to open up and immerse yourself in this new world.  I think you already have some knowledge on the culture honestly.  I think that’s how you might have been drawn into the language.   10 of pentacles is also a tale of work. ;)  learning a language isn’t always a fun ride.... we have our days -and some of us years *me, I’m talking about me lol*  but the most important thing is though,  is that you go back to it. 
And I guess that’s why the nine of cups is your overall energy here in reverse.  there’s a dissatisfaction but I’m telling you that’s not going to last lol.  seeing the improvements of language learning and how you develop with it takes a lot of time.  I’ve been practicing French for five years now and it’s now like coming to me as I sit in my French class, tutoring people that I know more than I think I do.  and I think you’re going to be the same way lolol.  
Don’t be dissatisfied with your lack of progress or what you think your progress is.  you know a lot more than you think you do ;)  which is why ultimately,  you’ll become the Lovers card.  You’ll be making the choice daily -or nah, despite popular belief you don’t need to study daily xD consuming media is studying so listen to music, watch the show, read the article lol - to keep loving the language.  you’ll feel more complete knowing it, and it might inspire you to take a trip somewhere ;)))) but honestly, regardless if this reading was good or bad, I would’ve said to go for it anyway lol.  but das just me.  you can learn a lot from languages, even if you only ever stay in an A2 or beginners level of the language.   I hope this helps =D if you want more resources or things check out my studyblr and feel free to reach out to me =D I LOVE THIS STUFF xD
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darkacademiablr · 4 years
studyblr intro
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hi i actually tried doing this before but i lost track so here’s to attempt #2 // not everything i like is dark academia but this blog is mainly dedicated to it
my name is keith!
graduating hs in 3 weeks
unsure which college but i want BA Philosophy :(( pls. align @ stars
planning to minor in film
on a scholarship
goal language to learn is latin
i joined compets a lot but i’m tired now
books: for 4 years, too sad and distracted to read but have been reading recently and would love recommendations for DA books!
TV shows: how to get away with murder, how i met your mother, the good place, childhood stuff [icarly/victorious], dynasty, stranger things
movies: kill your darlings, the devil wears prada
why am i doing this? 
senioritis never fully hit me but it’s trying to these last 3 weeks. because of quarantine, we’ve been doing online school and i’ve been getting sadder/more anxious these days. hopefully, this studyblr will help me! i wanna get through these last 3 weeks and be productive with things i love doing after that! i’m very excited to be joining this community for real bc i got too sad to continue the first time      dark academia really inspires me so here’s to searching for more happiness i guess <3 
note: photos not mine 
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fightstudysmile · 7 years
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Studying in real life
Inspired by this post by the amazing @universi-tea, I took a photo of my desk this morning while I was studying. It’s nothing to write home about, but it’s the reality. Sometimes (a lot of the times) studying is not glamorous, perfect and something you want to share with the world. Sometimes, it’s working so much on so many things all at once while going to school, work and trying to have a life, that you don’t have the energy or motivation to make everything look pretty. 
And that’s okay.
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bondsmagii · 5 years
I think that if dark academia is gothic, then light academia is baroque, probably. I like them both, but sometimes the distinction helps depending on what I’m in the mood for. DA can be kinda heavy sometimes tbh and I’m not always in a space where I can deal with the heavy themes, but still want the academia aesthetic. No idea what grey academia is though. An attempt at a middle ground?
the way I see it is like... OK bear with me because I’ve been browsing the tags like an anthropologist trying to understand what’s going on here but from what I can tell: dark academia grew popular with the rise in interest in The Secret History and it deals with stories featuring academia with a darker twist: obsession and murder and drug use and that kind of thing. those who enjoy it like the dark aspects of it in a fictional setting, and the aesthetic of the obsession and dress sense in real life because it makes them feel nice and dramatic while they’re studying, encourages them to give in to their obsessions fully, generally just makes everything feel a lot more interesting. they usually wear heavier/darker clothing, most likely have an interest in the humanities (though increasingly this is branching out), night owls, long study sessions, etc. however.
light academia grew from the idea that a) dark academia is racist and classist and b) people who enjoy dark academia condone the things they read about or at the very least romanticise it, and because we’re all apparently idiots we need to be informed that homicide is, in fact, wrong, they needed a safer, nicer aesthetic. on top of this, some people in the light academia community feel that the dark aspects of dark academia are too dark, and prefer their aesthetics to be lighter. passion-but-not-quite obsession is preferred (though, as a very obsessive person myself, I cannot see how you can have one without the other... find what you love and let it kill you etc), lighter aesthetics in terms of dress and accessories is common, it’s not as heavy. it’s the same as dark academia but softer, I guess, and they make sure to let everyone know murder is bad.
now, grey academia seems to be light academia in philosophy (no drugs and murder is not allowed!) but it’s also declared both dark and light academia problematic, both being apparently racist and classist. grey academia aims to... not be that? and seems to be a mix between aesthetics and studyblrs, which... studyblrs kind of already are, so I’m not sure what’s going on there. basically they’re studyblrs but under a different name, and all of the aesthetic examples I’ve seen strongly implies that rather than college/university, the people championing grey academia are mostly in high school. so, an attempt at an academia aesthetic, but not problematic? 
I have no idea. I’m just a spectator to this circus; I’m not in any of the shows.
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studyjudestudy-blog · 5 years
Oi gente!
Sejam bem-vindos ao meu studyblr!
Meu nome é Júlia, tenho 16 anos e moro em Belo Horizonte.
Criei esse blog com intenção de compartilhar com vocês meus conhecimentos, resumos e resultados da forma mais real possível.
Dicas e sugestões são sempre bem vindas, vocês podem mandar pelo ask que estará aberto de segunda a sexta (aos fins de semana tentarei responder todos).
Abraços, Júlia.
“A educação tem raízes amargas, mas os seus frutos são doces.”
— Aristóteles
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forestudying · 3 years
Been a HOT minute since I’ve interacted with this account (I’m not even in high school anymore but have yet to change my bio oops)
ANYWAYS, in terms of study related posts i’m probably going to start posting vocab words because I CONSTANTLY find myself not knowing what a word means, googling it, then remembering it for about 5 minutes before promptly forgetting.
So yeah, shoutout to all 5 of my followers, you da real ones for sticking around this dead studyblr haha
happy studying! ♪┏(・o・)┛♪
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mariatudy · 4 years
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{30.07.2020} - quintou e o tal de tbt • hoje pela manhã, quando acordei e fui abrir a janela, me deparei com tudo branquinho, uma baita geada, 2°C mas a sensação era de -5°. • updates sobre o café, me mantenho com uma única xícara de café pela manhã, e só, já vejo uma melhora no meu rendimento, até no meu sono pós almoço, estou resistindo a tentação de dar aquele cochilo maroto. • meu foco hoje foi de uma horinha a mais que ontem, isso ocorreu por uma mudança no meu horário, estava me mantendo com muitas matérias no dia, muitos conteúdos e pouca qualidade, então diminuí a quantidade de matérias, reformulei toda a minha grade semanal. o fato é - É + COM CERTEZA! • tu deve estar se perguntando "maria, que bobice é essa com esse espelho?" pois é, nem eu sei, foi algo aleatório que aconteceu hoje mas que deu certo. pois então, estava com esse espelho fazia dias na minha mesa, sabe quando tu fica com preguiça de colocar as coisas nos seus devidos lugares? pois é, sou dessas. comecei a estudar e deixei ele direcionado pra mim despretensiosamente, só pra lembrar de colocar ele no lugar depois. em um determinado momento, na parte teórica do conteúdo, eu comecei a viajar, pensar mil coisas, procrastinar real, então me virei e olhei para o espelho e deu aquele "plim" de: "PARA DE PROCRASTINAR, VAI ESTUDAR MARIA, SEGUE NO OBJETIVO" - naquele momento eu até ri porque tecnicamente eu tava falando sozinha né, mas deu bom! voltei a estudar, a focar real e ainda consegui bater +1h de estudos. foi uma situação mega boba, mas que deu certo sabe!? se enquadra naquela frase clichêzona de: só você pode fazer por você, ou melhor dizendo, só tu pode te ajudar, eras isso. • comecei por agora o livro " Os Excluídos da História" ao decorrer da semana vou dando os devidos updates da leitura, tava até pensando em criar uma conta no skoob, aquele site de livros sabe? e postar por lá algumas resenhas das minhas leiturinhas, o que acham? vocês usam skoob? [já que é quinta é dia de #tbt - o meu hoje vai ser com a minha canequinha da UFPel que tanto amo, inclusive saudades ✨] #study #studygram #bujo #studyblr #estudogram #vestibular #handwritting #notes #showmeplanner #enem #med (at Rio Grande do Sul) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDSkCwSH7EA/?igshid=7k5ne644dnz8
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medlovecochabamba · 4 years
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CUSTO DE VIDA: 2200 reais 💵 👇🏼 . Sim o custo de vida é de 2200 reais por mês, por pessoa pagando todas as despesas necessárias! O custo de vida como vocês já devem saber, varia primeiro de acordo ao estilo de vida de cada um. Você vai conhecer pessoas que vivem aqui com 5 mil reais, 3 mil, 2500 e outras que trabalham para se manter. E segundo, varia também de acordo ao dólar, mas já tem outros post aqui falando sobre isso! Aqui irei passar os valores em bolivianos, a moeda do país e no final vou colocar o valor total em real. •faculdade: a mensalidade da faculdade hoje está em 1574bols; •aluguel: aluguel de 150 dólares tendo em vista que você vai dividir com outros brasileiros fica 1044bols; morar sozinho é mais caro já que o aluguel será todo seu. •despesas: Em média de internet, gás, água, luz e condomínio você vai gastar uns 400bols mais ou menos. •comida: De comida eu calculo 600bols como minino, comprando 150bols por semana. E essas são as coisas principais: FACULDADE, COMIDA e MORADIA. Dando o valor total em bolivianos de 3618bols que equivale a 2193 reais. Isso com o câmbio a 1,65. Ou seja, com 2200 reais você paga todas as despesas essências. “Nathielly mas e academia? As saidinhas com os amigos? O lazer?” Isso aí já é com cada um! Estou dizendo aqui o essencial e minino que você precisa para estudar medicina na Bolívia. Provavelmente vai vim muita gente falar que “impossível viver com 2200 reais”, e eu estou provando aqui que não é impossível não! Apenas seu estilo de vida que é muito caro. ☺️🇧🇴💵 Menos que 2200 reais você passará necessidades; mais que isso, vai viver um pouco melhor. . #estudaquepassa #estudaqueavidamuda #foco #estudar #concursopublico #studygram #doutores #doutor #hospital #studygram #study #studying #studyblr #studymotivation #studyhard #medicina #medlove #lovemed #medicinanabolivia #medicinanoparaguay #medicinanaargentina #medicine #medicinanobrasil #medicinanocanada (em Cochabamba, Bolivia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8juHpDAwmV/?igshid=1g0jkk3imi7b7
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marias-studyblr · 7 years
Ten Questions Tag
Because today I am particularly anxious tonight :) i’m going to be doing delayed tags! firstly thank you @mymedstudentjourney for the tag!
Rules: Always post the rules. Answer the questions given to you and write 10 questions of your own. Tag 10 people.
1. What’s the last thing that made you smile? my family :)
2. What do you like most and least about your personality?  most - my humour; least - my shyness
3. What’s your proudest moment so far? probably having a 20 in the math exam
4. What’s your favorite place in your country? i love so many... porto, lisboa, setúbal, serra da estrela, gerês, douro, coimbra, aveiro! I know I will definitely love açores and madeira as well
5. If you could choose three different destinations, which ones would you choose? destinations for travel right? Norway, Ireland, Sweden
6. What superpower would you like to have? read incredibly fast
7. If you could pick one fictional world to live in, what would it be? Harry Potter world.
8. Make a recommendation of a book. check this classic books list :)  any of those is on the top of my recommendations
9. Favorite quote? Work beats talent
10. What do you do to get your mind out of school work? Isolate myself in tv, listening to others peoples troubles and dramas, real or fictional, diving in other projects!
i tag these random people (:  @revisink @timetogetafirst @to-work-or-not-to-work @ambitiousandcaffeinated @my-little-studyblr @studydiaryofamedstudent @transparentmarker @educatier @paperandcaffeine @lycheestudy
here are my questions:  1. When do you study best: morning, afternoon or night? 2. Who is your study inspiration person? 3.What is your main goal in school right now? 4. What do you do when you are demotivated? 5.What do you eat when you study? 6. What is your favorite study method? 7. What was your most embarrassing moment in school? 8. A lesson you learnt from a failure. 9. What is the best advice you would give to someone who wants to succeed in school? 10. Would you study even if you had no exams to do?
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