#stresses over everyone else being close to winning
deadpuppetboi · 5 months
Since Toymaker knows every game in the known universe and beyond, does that mean he plays the most dumbest/dangerous/intense games ever known?
Does he play Cheese Rolling?
Does he play Russian Roulette?
Does he play Lotería?
Does he play all of these games with a straight face regarding how bizarre or insane they all are?
Where does he draw the line?
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ktgoodmorning · 1 month
"I'm scared"
Alexia Putellas x reader
Part 3 of that awkward smile but also can stand on it's own in my opinion, just kinda in that same universe.
You get injured during the chelsea match and Alexia steps up to comfort you
I Part 1 I Part 2 I
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To say you were stressed about the upcoming Chelsea match would have been an understatement. Champions league matches always held more weight to them so you’d always be the first to put an immense amount of pressure on yourself. You were similar to Alexia in that way, always expecting the absolute best from yourself and willing to push yourself to any length necessary to get there, no matter what it took. 
But you were ready. That’s what everyone told you. Barça was incredible and you all knew exactly what you needed to do. You had trained for this and knew how to handle the pressure. 
You did all your pre game rituals, even getting a quick kiss on the forehead from Alexia once the others had left the locker room. They still had no idea the two of you had gotten back together and at the moment you wanted to keep it that way, knowing Mapi would be fiercely protective over both of you, scared to see her best friends hurt each other once again. 
Before you knew it, you were lined up in the tunnel, ready to take the pitch. Mapi was working her way through everyone, giving plenty of pep talks and words of wisdom asshe did so, being sure to make a long stop in front of you.
You were a center back, working hard to fill her shoes in her absence and trying your absolute best. Everyone knew it was a difficult job but you continued to improve and put in the extra hours to make sure you could make her proud. She was always sure to give you some extra advice and hype you up to make sure you knew that she believed in you. You had known Mapi for most of your life and as much as you’d never admit it, her faith in you worked wonders for your confidence and skills on the field. Especially with you still settling in at Barcelona, knowing that she trusted you in her absence made you step up to the plate in a way you hadn’t been able to before. 
As she approached you, Mapi took both your hands in hers, looking at you with a rare sense of seriousness that she often didn’t show. “You’re ready for this, amiga. Just do what you do best, quit thinking about anything else, just go play and be the footballer that you are.” She gave you a short nod which you returned to her before pulling her in for a short hug. Soon afterwards, you were being led onto the pitch for the game to begin. 
As the game got started, you settled into a pace that was much faster than most of the games you were used to. There was much more back and forth, more speed, and more physicality than you normally played with, both teams hungry for a win which only heightened the intensity further.
It was around the 60th minute when a Chelsea player sent a long ball down the field in your direction, hoping to reach Mayra Ramirez. You, being the closest to her, took off running towards her the second the ball started your way, pushing yourself to catch up with her and using your speed to your advantage. You were able to reach the ball just as it was about to arrive at its intended target, immediately jumping up in an attempt to head it away before Mayra could take control of it. 
However just as your feet left the ground, you felt a mind-numbing crack to your temple, clearly coming into contact with something that wasn’t the ball, before immediately collapsing onto the pitch. What you didn’t realize when you tried to take the header, was how close you were to the opposing player who, like you, was jumping up in hopes of getting control over the ball, leading to her head smashing into the side of yours. 
You had little to no awareness of the things going on around you as you layed there, curled in a ball, groaning in pain, wishing you didn’t exist. Pain was shooting through your skull with an intensity that made it hard to even pinpoint its origin. All you knew was that it hurt. 
Everything hurt. The sunlight in your eyes hurt, making you keep them squeezed shut as tightly as possible. Squeezing your eyes shut caused pain too, but not quite as bad as if you had opened them. You didn’t even have the energy or mental capacity to fully react to the amount of pain you were feeling at that moment, just bringing your hands up to your face as if they would somehow shield you from the pain you were feeling, exhausted, tears unknowingly running down your face. 
 Game play stopped almost immediately as you and Mayra had both hit the ground hard, her seeming to be in better shape than you currently were. The second she saw your heads make contact, Alexia felt like her whole world came to a screeching halt. It did. You were her world. You had slowly become ingrained in everything she did as over the last couple months you had been together and now here you were, curled up motionless on the grass. 
She didn’t even realize it but the blonde had begun sprinting towards you the second you went down, not even waiting for the whistle or giving it a second thought. It was automatic for her, the need to protect you outweighing everything else. 
Normally if a teammate went down, Alexia would be the one to argue with the referee about whatever had happened and allow someone else to go comfort the injured player. It’s not like the captain had a reputation for being warm and fuzzy and good with handling people’s emotions. She’d leave that to the others so she could be the stone faced captain she preferred being. But not with you. You were different. 
Alexia was by your side in an instant, suddenly no longer caring who knew about your relationship. Keeping things a secret wasn’t even a thought that crossed her mind as she slid to her knees next to you, instantly grabbing your hand in an attempt to provide you some comfort until the medical staff could reach you. Her hands shook as she brushed some hair off your face and wiped your tears, genuinely terrified of what was going on with you. The blank stare in your eyes, paired with your silence and lack of reaction was eerie to say the least. 
“You’ll be okay, amor, I’ve got you. The physios are almost here.” It’s like time was moving in slow motion, feeling like they were taking forever even though they were just as prompt as they always were. Your girlfriend’s words were almost more for herself than they were for you. The way you still were yet to react, didn’t call for words of comfort, however she needed to say it out loud, just to hear it for herself. You would be okay. You had to be. She was thinking so many things at once that she couldn’t fully process it all, just fully in survival mode on your behalf. 
When the physios reached your side, Alexia moved over to give them some space, still refusing to let go of your hand as they did so. She didn’t notice, but plenty of teammates had given her some weird looks, confused by her sudden concern over you and the way she was expressing it so openly. The look of fear in her eyes was new to everyone, even those she had known her entire life. Nobody had seen the captain looking so unsure of things when she was on the football pitch, normally that was the place where she came across as the most confident no matter what was going on. 
The physios did their job, asking you a million questions and trying to examine you as best they could in your current state. Alexia could hardly pay attention to anything they said, far too caught up in her thoughts about what could be going on with you. 
You were hardly answering any of the questions, just mumbling soft responses here and there, struggling to focus on their words. Because of your continued lack of coherency, the medical staff decided to stretcher you off- something that didn’t help Alexia’s mental state, doing her best to hide the tears that were welling up in her own eyes. She was still yet to let go of your hand, squeezing it tightly as if her hold on your hand alone could keep you safe as she helplessly watched the medical staff load you onto the stretcher.
The blonde stayed by your side as the staff wheeled you off, only stopping when they reached the sideline where Mapi had come down from the stands to wait for you to take Alexia’s place by your side. Alexia knew that she wouldn’t be allowed to come off yet. It was the Champion’s League and everyone knew there wasn’t the wiggle room to mess with the subs more than absolutely necessary. As much as it killed her to see you go without her, she knew she didn’t have another option and at the very least, she was grateful to know Mapi would be by your side the whole time. 
When they paused at the sidelines with you, Alexia took the opportunity to give your hand a tight squeeze before bringing it to her lips to leave a kiss on the back of it. “You’ll be okay amor, I’ll see you as soon as this is over. I love you, okay?” She didn’t expect a response given your current state but appreciated the weak attempt at returning a squeeze of the hand to her. Mapi froze for a second, giving her a look of confusion over what she had just seen from her best friend before giving the captain a reassuring pat on the shoulder and taking Alexia’s spot by your side. 
Everything after that was a blur for you, only knowing that the medical staff were busy performing tests on you, doing what they could to make sure you were okay. You became more and more aware of your surroundings as they did so, feeling the shock of the incident slowly starting to wear off. They decided you wouldn’t need to go to the hospital and that it appeared to be a grade two concussion, paired with the sudden shock of the injury. While you’d still spend longer than you’d like on the sidelines, it was a much better outcome than anyone was expecting given the state you had been in when it happened. 
Once the physios had finished their tests, they gave you some medication for the pain and let you doze off on one of the treatment tables, snuggled into Mapi’s side while the game ended. The second the final whistle blew, Alexia was sprinting off the pitch with the sole intention of finding you, ignoring any other responsibilities that might have been awaiting her. 
She burst through the door to the training room, expecting to be told that they took you to the hospital, stopping herself only when she saw you sleeping peacefully against Mapi. For the first time since you went down, the blonde was able to take a deep breath and calm down now that she had seen you looking relatively okay. 
“Ssshhh, Ale, she’s asleep. But she’s okay. Grade two concussion, and plenty of shock but she’ll be okay, that’s all it is.” 
“Gracias a Dios,” Alexia’s shoulders visibility relaxed as she let out a heavy sigh, having assumed the absolute worst for the last half hour. 
“What’s going on between you two? Are you back together or something? Cause I really don’t think-” 
“Si, Mapi,” The blonde rolled her eyes at Mapi’s reaction, knowing it was exactly what had prevented you from telling her earlier. “I know you’re worried about her but I promise it’s different this time. We’re both in a completely different place now, and we’ve talked about it a lot, and it’s going amazing, Mapi. I promise you. I will not do anything to hurt her.” 
“You better not, juro por Dios. I’m so serious, Alexia, if you do anything-”
“I won’t! I swear, Mapi. I could never do that to her again. It kills me that I even did it the first time. This time is completely different, I love her more than I’ve ever loved anyone before.” 
The defender only responded with a very pointed look, clearly not too pleased with the current situation. It didn’t help matters that you were still passed out against her, unable to help your girlfriend reassure her that things were going well between you. 
Not wanting to discuss it any further, Mapi slid out from underneath you, carefully allowing Alexia to slide into her place. It was clear you knew who it was, snuggling into her further and grabbing the top of her kit tightly to make sure she couldn’t leave. It didn’t matter to you that she was drenched in sweat and smelling rough, you just needed her close to you, even if you weren’t awake enough to consciously decide that. 
Alexia took your movement as an opportunity to wake you up, gently rubbing your shoulder, and speaking softly as she did so. “Hola, amor. I think we should get you home so you can keep sleeping there, get you more comfortable. Si? You’ll stay at mine so I can make sure you’re okay.”
You nodded weakly, mumbling a somewhat incoherent agreement. The idea of going home with her sounded great but the idea of moving sounded like the worst thing you could imagine at the moment. 
She smiled softly at your reaction, knowing that there were few things you loved more than cuddling and that she knew she would have a hard time getting you to agree to get up right now. “You’re so cute when you’re tired and barely making sense, amor. I’ll carry you if you want.” 
She sat up further in an attempt to encourage you to join her, hoping to get a better idea of how you were feeling, but wasn’t expecting to see tears pooling in your eyes as soon as she did so. “Ale, I feel horrible.” Your voice was wobbly as you tried to hold in your emotions, suddenly overcome with pain in your head once again. 
“I know sweetheart, I know. I’ve got you though, okay? I’ve just gotta get you home and then I’ll take good care of you and let you rest more. Is that alright?” 
You nodded, looking and feeling more broken than you ever had before. “Could I please just hug you, first? Then we can go.” 
Your words made her melt, suddenly aware of how much you needed her support right now, allowing you to collapse into her arms. “Shh, I’ve got you. It’ll be okay, I promise. You’ll be alright, mi amor, you’ll be alright.” She rocked you gently in a way that almost seemed to dull the pain you were feeling. This moment in her arms was the best you had felt since you hit the ground, and it did more than you ever could’ve guessed. Something about being in her arms seemed to work better than any prescription ever could.
When you pulled away from her, she gently wiped away your tears, once again pushing your hair back away from your face. “I’ll see if Mapi can grab our stuff and then we’ll meet her at the car okay? Do you want a sweatshirt or anything?” You were both in your kits still and Alexia knew you enough to know that you always ran cold and preferred being snuggled up in a big sweatshirt. Your only response  was a pouty face, sticking your bottom lip out at her with your best puppy dog eyes as she gave you a smile and shake of her head in return. Of course Alexia knew exactly what you were implying with that face. It was your subtle (or not so subtle) way of requesting a sweatshirt of hers instead of your own. “I’ll get you a sweatshirt and let Mapi know that we’re ready to leave. Then I’ll come get you. Okay?” You nodded at her which she acknowledged with a quick peck on the lips before leaving the room, giving you the opportunity to lay down for a few more minutes while you waited. 
You must have slightly dozed off by the time Alexia returned to you because you awoke to the sound of the door opening once again. “Feeling any better?” 
You squinted slightly, trying to let your head adjust to the lights in the room. “Ale, you were gone for like five minutes, why would I feel any different?” The words carried more attitude than you intended, too far distracted by the pounding in your skull, but your girlfriend seemed to be unphased, just shrugging off your words before helping pull her sweatshirt on over your head. 
Once you seemed to be more comfortable, she turned so her back was facing you, bending down slightly so you could climb on, piggy-back style. “Hop on, I’ll carry you to the car, amor.” So you did just that, climbing on and then burying your face into the side of her neck, partially to block out some of the light, partially because you just wanted to be as close as possible. 
When you reached her car, she gently set you down on the passenger seat, making sure you were comfortable and buckled before leaving a kiss on the top of your head to go to the driver’s side. As soon as she sat down, she reached to hold your hand, giving it yet another reassuring squeeze. Although the silence between you provided some relief from the pounding in your head, It also sent you into a spiral of anxiety thinking about what this concussion might mean for you. 
Alexia quickly noticed your change in demeanor as she drove and how you went from mostly asleep in a comfortable silence to staring into space, clearly filled with tension. The fact that you were suddenly more awake was her biggest red flag given that you had been in and out the entire time she’d seen you. The panicked Alexia that had appeared when you first went down seemed to be back and filled with concern over you once again. “Hey, are you okay? Is something worse with your head, amor? What’s wrong? Do you want me to pull over? I can pull over if you want?” 
“I don’t know, I’m just scared I guess.” You gave her a grim shrug that did little to calm her nerves, still looking at you expectantly, trying to figure out how to help. 
“Scared of what? You’ll be okay, they said most of your symptoms should be getting better already in a few days.”
“Not about that, Ale.”
“Then what…” the blonde trailed off, clearly confused as to what you were saying. 
When she seemed to not be catching on, you let out a sigh, dreading saying the words that had come to mind. “It’s just that last time we dated, injuries are part of what tore us apart. We couldn’t deal with the stress of them. I’m just scared that that might happen again.” You paused, trying to put your thoughts into words, “I can’t lose you again, Alexia. So I don’t know if I should stay with you and I don’t know if we should do this, because I don’t think I can handle that again.” Your voice cracked as you went silent once again, both of you simmering in what was just said. By the time you finished speaking she had pulled into the driveway so she could now turn to face you, cradling the side of your head in her hand. The warmth of her large hand provided you comfort as you leaned into her touch, letting her support your head even more.
“Amor. I know it’s scary, I do. But I never plan on letting you go. Not ever. I promised Mapi that while you were passed out earlier and I’ll promise you that. We talked about this, we were both different people then. We are both more mature, stronger, kinder, smarter, and better. This is not the same.” You finally looked up to meet her eyes for the first time that night. “And I think you know that, amor. I love you, so, so, so, much. It’s okay to be scared, I’ll carry enough faith in us for the two of us. But at the end of the day, I’m not going anywhere. I promise. There’s a reason we got back together, si?” 
It was rare that you saw Alexia get so sentimental and emotional but something about you seemed to bring out that side of her. “Gracias, Ale,” she leaned forward to give you a gentle kiss. “I don’t know what I would do without you. Seriously.” She interrupted you with more kisses in an attempt to pull your mind away from your anxieties and back to the present. 
When she pulled away, Alexia was relieved by the small smile that had appeared on your face, the first she’d seen since before the game today. “Now let’s go inside, we can take a bath and get you some comfier clothes, and get you all snuggled up to go to bed. I’ll hold you as much as you want, I won’t go anywhere.” 
You gave her a small nod, before slowly leaving the car and following her inside, ready for a night with Alexia all to yourself and ready to take care of you. Your head still hurt, but if there was one thing that could make it feel better, you knew it would be your girlfriend and the hardcore pain meds you’d been given.
might end up doing one more for this but we'll see :)
Requests are always open
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theemporium · 1 year
#13 with remus lupin 🥰
13. “You want me, don’t you?”
It was an unspoken rule amongst the group that nobody ever mentioned the tension between you and Remus. 
No one was quite sure why but it seemed to be a rule that everyone mutually agreed on, despite never having actually discussed the topic—both between themselves and between you and Remus. They just watched the endless flirting and pining and lingering gaze and accepted that maybe one day, one of you would act upon your feelings. 
And to be completely honest, you thought the same. 
But months passed and doubts started to grow and now you weren’t too sure. 
He would always sit next to you at breakfast, making your coffee and placing it in front of your plate before you could even say ‘good morning’. He would always offer to carry your books and accompany you to the library when you wanted a silent study session that the Gryffindor common room could never offer. He would always find excuses to be physical with you, whether it was an arm tugging you closer when you felt cold or thighs pressed against each other because he insisted you squished into the spot next to him on the couch.
But he never once asked you on a date, or made a move, or even just admitted that he did, in fact, like you.
You started overthinking and worrying and the realisation that you loved your best friend started to stress you out when you weren’t totally sure where he stood, so you did the only reasonable thing anyone would do in your situation—you started to distance yourself from Remus. 
Remus noticed. Of course he noticed pretty quickly when one morning you suddenly started sitting beside James and Lily. And then the confusion turned to hurt when he noticed how you’d always sit next to Sirius in large group settings. And then his feelings bubbled into something more when he noticed you sneaking away to the library with other classmates or even by yourself. 
However, it wasn’t until two weeks later when Remus actually confronted you on the matter. 
The Gryffindor common room was bursting with music, cheers and cheap alcohol smuggled past the professors as they celebrated another win against Slytherin that blasted them ahead in the Quidditch cup this year. You were happily settled in the corner, half-drank drink in hand and cheeks flushed as you laughed and cheered James and Sirius dancing on the tables. 
You hadn’t even noticed Remus approaching until he was right beside you, his head dipping down as his whispered words met your ear. 
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
Your head snapped around, lips parting in surprise as a wave of familiarity and longing hit you. Merlin, you had missed him more than you expected, and it made you feel a little pathetic. 
“Remus,” you said his name because you couldn’t say anything else.
“Glad to see you still remember who I am,” he answered with a hint of amusement in his tone. “I wasn’t sure considering you’ve done your best to ignore me the last fortnight.” 
Now, over the years, you had dealt with a lot of different moods from Remus. You prided yourself in being quite sufficient at devising how the wizard felt. Whether he was moody because he didn’t get enough sleep and just needed a nap to refresh himself. If he was anxious or hungry or pissed off or—most commonly—done with whatever nonsense the other boys were trying to rope him into (even if he would eventually agree). 
But this. 
This was something you knew all too well. Your mind racked for the date, counting back the date and you knew—you knew it was a few days until the next full moon. 
Remus Lupin was a kind man, a gentleman who respected everyone around him no matter what. But around the full moon—especially days before—he was something else. 
“C’mon, doll, y’know I don’t like it when you’re quiet,” he murmured, reaching to grip your chin between his fingers. “Why were you avoiding me?” 
“I, uh,” you cleared your throat, your cheeks flushing under his watchful gaze. His lips were twitched up a little, so close to a smirk. “I haven’t been avoiding—“
He lightly tsked, shaking his head softly. “Don’t lie to me, baby.” 
“Remus, it’s not your fault, I swear—“
“And now you’re avoiding the question,” he hummed and his thumb lightly traced the bottom of your lip. “Answer the question.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything, your heart racing and mind whirling at the way he was looking at you, the way his fingers traced along your lips and his body moved towards you until you were pressed against the wall, Remus blocking you out from the rest of the party. 
“You want me, don’t you?” he murmured, his eyes darkening at the way your tongue darted out to lick your lips. “Your pretty little head is just getting in the way, isn’t it?”
“I like you too, doll,” he murmured, his hand now cupping your cheek as he tilted your head up to catch his gaze. “But I don’t like when you ignore me for two weeks for no bloody reason.” 
“M’sorry,” you whispered to him, swallowing a little when his thumb pushed against your lips, parting them and slowly sliding his finger into your mouth. 
“I know, baby, I know,” he mused as your lips wrapped around his finger with ease, your wide eyes staring up at him. “But it’s fine, I can think of plenty of ways for you to make it up to me, hm? What do you think?” 
All you could do was nod, letting him take your hand and guide you far away from the party to show you just how much he enjoyed being ignored.
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arent-i-the-fairest · 2 years
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𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
crowley is (finally) allowing you the choice of leaving ramshackle to move to whichever dorm you please, but you’re still unsure which one to choose. knowing that, everyone is trying to win you over.
author’s note : out of curiousity— of the 7 dorms, which would you choose to live at and why?
part 2 here!
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“so, prefect! tell me, which dorm would you like to move to?”
you froze up. you have to make the decision now? “w-way to put me on the spot..” you muttered under your breath, nervously looking at crowley who was expecting an answer. you like all the dorms! how are you supposed to choose just one?
“i’ll go with… heartslabyul? no, no, scarabia! wait, scratch that, i’ll move to pomefi—”
crowley put a hand in front of you, stopping you from speaking any further. “it seems to me that you’re unsure, but it’s no problem! because i’m so very kind, i will give you as much time as you need to consider.”
“thank you, i’ll be thinking things over!” you waved before exiting his office. the door closed and crowley grinned, spinning around in his chair and rubbing his hands together.
“and i will be informing all your little friends that you’re still uncertain on which dorm to move to— a headmaster must keep himself entertained somehow!”
riddle is stressed, brainstorming different ways to convince you to come. he totally might just make a powerpoint presentation on why heartslabyul is the ideal dorm to be in, which is gold.
cater is just acting like he always does. he feels no need to do anything extra, isn’t he charming enough as is to bring you to heartslabyul? besides, everyone else doing the most. look at them!
ace “you and me are best friends” trappola. he absolutely exploits the fact that he’s one of the closest people to you, if not the closest. he bugs you about it so much though, it’s kinda becoming counterproductive. not that he realizes it.
like most other times, deuce is dragged into ace’s scheme. and he totally buys that it’ll work too! they have the same logic of “we’re best friends, so they’ll choose us” and they’re gonna die on that hill. of course, until it comes out that you don’t choose them.
trey’s just caught up in the mess. he’s said “riddle, calm down”, “ace, leave them alone— you too, deuce”, and “thank god you’re so chill, cater” so many times.
leona doesn’t put in a lot of effort— he’s already certain you’re gonna choose his dorm. he’s not overbearing in the slightest, you’re given a lot of free rein, and though other dorm members can be pretty combative, he’ll drive ‘em away if they try to mess with you. it just makes sense that you’d pick them.
ruggie has nowhere near as much confidence as leona does about this, so he’s going overboard with giving you gifts, doing little acts of service for you, buttering you up with praise, anything that might make you gravitate towards picking savanaclaw.
as per ruggie’s request, jack is trying to act sweeter than he normally is. keyword is trying. but he’s struggling real hard— it’s way too embarrassing for him. he just ends up acting like the regular old him. (but the guy is just so likeable, it’s fine.)
persuasion? it’s azul’s time to shine. he’s a master at this stuff, but there’s one mistake he’s making— he’s being so damn persistent and borderline annoying about it! the number one way to drive away customers! unless you’re a fan of that kind of clingy behavior.
but you think it’s hard to catch a break from azul? pfft, he’s got nothing on floyd. there’s hardly any breathing room with him, literally and figuratively. he’s squeezing you nearly every second he’s with you and he’s squeezing hard. you think you’ll have to get your ribs checked to make sure none of them are cracked.
jade just watches from the sidelines. he’s restraining himself from laughing as he sees azul trailing after you as you desperately try to shake him off or floyd tackling you to the ground. when you’re tired of their antics and manage to get away, he’ll pour you a cup of tea (on the house btw), asking if you’re alright. it feels as though he’s octavinelle’s only hope.
kalim is basically like, “i don’t wanna sway your opinion, BUT—” he’ll tell you the most amazing things about living in scarabia and how cool the dorm and their members are with the biggest grin on his face. he hypes it up so much it’s sounding like the perfect place.
there’s not a lot left for jamil to do is doing since kalim’s doing pretty much all the work. just to pull you in a little closer though, he’ll flash you a pretty smile and give you more treats (baked lovingly by him) during the day, sometimes reminding you that you could have his cooking every day if you lived at scarabia.
now, vil is sure you already have your sights set on pomefiore— but he is not going take any chances! so he sends rook and epel to spend some time with you. or in other words, advertise their dorm. he’s expecting to see you with luggage soon, asking where their spare room is.
rook is having a field day, he’s probably having the most fun out of everyone here. he’s reciting poems he wrote just for the occasion and practically throwing flower bouquets at you, all while epel…
epel is just chilling. he thinks rook will take care of everything, but no. he freezes up when told by rook to “tell the prefect what you have to offer!” and his brain malfunctions as he tries to put together a poetic sentence. all that came out was, “i’ll.. cut apple slices for you..?” not quite what rook had in mind, but it’s beautiful in it’s own way.
idia is extremely anxious— he wants you to pick his dorm, but has no idea how to convince you into doing it. or even how to make his dorm look like an appealing place to be. he feels like the greatness of his dorm pales in comparison to the other ones, so he kinda just hopes a miracle will happen and you’ll choose ignihyde.
oh, malleus is dead set on having you in diasomnia, you have no idea— he’s pulling out all the stops, pulling so many strings. wins “the most desperate” trophy by a landslide. you just can’t tell because externally he seems so nonchalant. every time he thinks you’re gravitating towards another dorm, he’ll up his game.
everyone’s trying so hard, it’s amusing, lilia thinks. it all looked like a ton of fun, so of course he was gonna hop onto the “winning you over” bandwagon! he’ll recount all the fun stories he and his dorm mates have had at diasomnia! such as studying gargoyles, and training, and the horrific yet oddly comedic injuries had during training… you question if lilia is throwing you off on purpose.
sebek is bugging you whenever he gets the chance, boasting about his dorm. diasomnia is the best dorm all around! not only do you have the pleasure of worshipping the young lord, there’s plenty of fun things to do— don’t mind the dark, intimidating atmosphere! now, why don’t you just go and tell the headmaster your choice already?
silver honestly doesn’t know what he’s doing, he’s just goin’ with the flow. when sebek sent him after you, it was a bit awkward. he just said, “you can protect malleus with us and take naps with me :)” and called it a day.
you let out a groan as you slumped on top of your bed, grim following after you.
“these guys have been draggin’ you all around! they’re treatin’ this like war!”
“no kidding.” you sighed, turning over on your back. “crowley just had to tell them, didn’t he? now they’re all trying so hard, it’s just making deciding on only one of them more difficult. i don’t wanna hurt any feelings… should i just eeny-meeny-miny-moe it?”
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unreliablesnake · 8 months
I want you, but… [Ghost x reader (platonic)]
Summary: Ghost doesn’t like to see you date someone else. But when he has the chance to get what he wants, his common sense wins.
Note: We’re all sad bitches in this house (that’s me, I’m the sad bitch) so no happy ending. Ghost, I love you, but you’re an idiot. / If you want to know when I post new stuff, follow @unreliablesnakefics and hit the get notifications button.
Part 2
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Ghost usually isn’t the jealous type, but with you it takes very little to lose his cool. You’ve never been together, he knew he had no right to be mad at guys who flirted with you, he had no right to be angry with you for letting them, but it still happened sometimes.
One of the new doctors at base who treated your wound was really nice to you. Ghost was there, he volunteered to escort you to sick bay, making sure you didn’t collapse on the way, and when he saw the way the doc was looking at you, the kind, humorous way he was talking to you, he immediately knew what this was all about.
You didn’t seem to mind the attention, in fact you encouraged him by keeping up the playful conversation despite being in pain. Ghost took a hesitant step forward, planning to ask how you were, if he could bring you something, anything that could break the spell you were under, but he changed his mind last minute. He should keep his distance, he had no right to stand in the way.
He had been more irritated lately as he had been before. Johnny’s usual jokes simply went over his head, he didn’t even feel like being around others. You and that doctor got pretty close, pretty fast, and there was nothing he could do to stop this relationship from blooming.
Ghost picked up women for one night only, trying to forget you at least until he was fucking someone else, but all he could think about was you. Your smile, your laugh, your stupid sense of humor. He missed you, especially when you were both back home and there was no way for him to reach you.
All he could do was stalk you on social media. You barely posted photos of yourself, but when he saw a picture of you and–based on the size of the hand–a man clinking glasses at a bar probably, his heart sank. You were happy with someone else, feeling so confident about the relationship that you were ready to share it with your family and friends.
But then he checked the caption. “Sometimes ‘let’s stay friends’ isn’t an empty promise.”
He sat up in bed and reread the sentence. Did this mean you broke up? Hope filled his heart at the thought, even though he wasn’t sure how this could help him. He was your superior, the two of you getting together would cause a scandal for sure. Price wouldn’t be happy, the others might begin to believe he would play favorites with you, so everything pointed in the direction that you could never be together.
A few weeks later you were back on a mission together, and Ghost didn’t really know what to do. He was nervous around you, always carefully thinking about what to say before opening his mouth.
One evening Soap pulled out a bottle of booze from his bag, inviting the core team for a drink to relax a little. That one bottle turned into two, then three, the number growing because you were having fun together and apparently everyone brought something to drink just in case.
“So what’s with you and that doctor?” Gaz asked out of nowhere, almost causing the lieutenant to choke on his drink.
His eyes were glued to you, and your eyes traveled from one person to another until they locked with his amber ones. “It didn’t work out,” you admitted before turning to Gaz again. “Also, he’s going back to a civilian hospital. Less stress, he said. But I’m not sad or anything.”
“He doesn’t know what he’s missing out on,” Soap noted casually as he raised his glass.
Around one in the morning Price told everyone to go to sleep, saying they all needed some rest to sober up. While Price, Soap and Gaz left, you stayed behind with Ghost, your hands folded behind your back as you watched him with an anxious smile. The lieutenant didn’t really know what to say to you, so he decided to remain silent.
Even though he turned his back to you, he could still feel your gaze on him. “What is it?” he asked when he turned around to face you.
You inhaled then exhaled slowly in an attempt to calm yourself. But then you took a hesitant step towards him and said, “Are you happy that I broke up with him?”
“Why would I be happy?”
“You liked the photo I posted weeks ago. You know, the one about let’s stay friends. Also, there’s another thing,” you began, but you stopped talking. Ghost raised an eyebrow, waiting for you to continue. “Peter told me something that made me think. He said you were giving him death glares ever since he first talked to me in your presence after I got hurt on the field.”
Fuck, he had noticed. It’s not like he tried to hide it, but he sure wasn’t expecting the doctor to pay so much attention to him. What was he supposed to say? That yeah, well, I’m sorry, but he wasn’t good enough for you? In the end he let out a long sigh and put a hand on the back of his neck.
“I hope he didn’t break up with you because of that,” he noted quietly.
You raised an eyebrow at this in question. “What makes you think he was the one who broke up with me? Maybe it was me who let him go.”
“Did you?” You nodded. “Why?”
“Maybe there’s a big, scary guy I would rather spend my time with,” you replied with a playful smile.
Ghost wanted to kiss you so badly it hurt, but he kept his urges under control. When he stepped a little closer to you, you did the same, and eventually you closed the gap between you. He reached out to push a stray strand of hair behind your ear, watching as your breath caught in your throat from surprise.
After gulping loudly, you reached out to take his hand. “Was he right? Do you like me, lieutenant?”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m your higher-up, it wouldn’t work anyway. Go to sleep,” he told you, even though this was killing him.
He could see the signs. He could pinpoint the exact moment your heart shattered into pieces because of his response. Biting on your lower lip to stop yourself from crying, you nodded and left him standing there, making him hate himself more than ever before.
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planetatlas · 9 months
~ Sanctuary ~ Duncan (TDI)
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Summary: You and Duncan are childhood friends. After Duncan leaves for the show he got cast on, Total Drama Island, all the both of you do is count the days until he gets home.
Content: Fluff, you patiently waiting for Duncan to come home, Duncan using his love for you as his coping mechanism for getting through the show.
A/N: I listened to Sanctuary by Joji the entire time I was writing this. Just a bit of childhood friends to lovers fluff.
It was summertime. Five year old Duncan was currently chasing a five-year-old (Y/N) through the park. The sun was shining, Duncan could barely hear the birds whistling and cars driving by over the wind rushing through his ears as he ran as fast as he could after you. “TAG! You’re it!” He screamed as he finally got close enough to slap your back lightly. He watched you turn around before he took off sprinting the other direction. You were getting closer, and closer, until your little hand began reaching for his arm. You were so close to touching him, just a little further and- 
He felt a slight poking sensation on his butt, then fully woke up when he felt something poke him in the nose. He grabbed whatever was poking him before standing up and snapping it in half. It was a stick. The other members of his team were using a stick to wake him up. He was more than a little irritated, as not only had he warned them not to wake him, but they also used a stick and poked him instead of just shaking him or yelling or literally anything else. On top of that, they interrupted a dream of a fond memory he has of when you two were children. It was the day you two had met. As he demanded an explanation and then proceeded to teach his team how to win dodgeball, you stayed in the back of his mind. He wondered if you were watching him right now. 
You watched as Duncan led his team to victory in the dodgeball tournament, this episode’s event. You laughed quietly to yourself at the fact that he managed to turn the tournament into a game of one-sided prison dodgeball. You felt slightly bad watching the other team get demolished, but you were happy for Duncan for winning that episode. As it ended and you turned your TV off, you bid your parents goodbye as you grabbed your things and headed to your room. As happy as you were that Duncan was offered such a big opportunity like this, you also felt lonely. It felt a little selfish, but you missed Duncan a lot. He was basically the only person you talked to, but you tried to keep yourself occupied by talking to and hanging out with your other school friends. You just wished you could communicate with him and see how he was doing. The show he was on looked a little brutal, and you couldn’t help but worry about his well-being. 
This place was starting to get to Duncan. He didn’t show it outwardly, but it was starting to drain him and he felt like he was going insane. He knew the viewers of Total Drama Island probably believed it was all for show, but this show was actually physically dangerous sometimes. The only thing that kept him sane and determined was counting down the days until he got to go home, to you. He sat on the steps of his cabin and watched as everyone mingled about since this was one of the rare moments the cameras weren’t stalking them and they got to hang out together freely. That was another thing that got on his nerves, the constant invasion of privacy. It was all stacking up and causing him way too much stress to be normal. Courtney walked over to him and asked if he was okay, but he shrugged her off, giving her the excuse of being tired and not in the mood to socialize. That was partly true, he only really wanted to socialize with you at the moment. He wondered what you were up to, how you were doing, what you had been doing since he’d left. He wished you were here with him. He then thought about his “relationship” with Courtney. The producers, directors, and Chris thought it would be a great idea, as it would bring in more publicity and spice things up, but Duncan found that he just could not make it real no matter what. However, he knew exactly why he couldn’t feel for Courtney romantically.
She couldn’t compare to you in his eyes. You were the one who held his affection, no one else. 
You were sitting in bed, watching YouTube on your laptop. You were having trouble paying attention though, as your mind wandered to Duncan again. The episodes of Total Drama Island were getting more and more shocking and dangerous, and it made you wonder just how much of it was fake. Surely they wouldn’t knowingly endanger several minors to this degree, right? You were just glad that Duncan has made it this far unscathed. It reminded you of when he’d get into fights or hurt himself doing something stupid and you’d be there to patch him up, like always. The distance and inability to contact him was starting to weigh on you a little. You really missed him, but at least you got to see him and hear him talk, even if it was through a TV screen. You were grateful for this, as he wasn’t afforded the same luxury with you.
Duncan laid curled on his bunk, one of your hoodies tucked into his chest. He’d made sure everyone else was asleep before bringing it out, he didn’t want anyone else to get a hold of it, much less know about it. They had done the “Phobia Factor” episode today and it took a lot out of him mentally. Initially, he was scared stiff at the mere idea of hugging a Celine Dion standee, but when he got up to it, memories of you and your comfort gave him the courage to go through with it. Before he hugged it, he just remembered the times when he’d freak out if you two passed one when you were out together, and you would tease him for it. However, when the nightmares would come the night after you always comforted him through them, not a hint of teasing or judgment to be found. He breathed in the smell of your hoodie, which was lavender laundry detergent. The moonlight was shining through the window, hitting the object in his hand perfectly and giving him full visibility to it. It was a locket, to which you had a matching one, with a photo of you in it. As time went on, he felt as though this show was as bad as juvie, with no contact with you. He was grateful he was able to bring your hoodie and the locket this time, since he couldn’t have them in juvie. As he considered it, he’d probably want the items here instead as sometimes this place felt more traumatizing than juvie. The lavender scent from your hoodie lulled him to sleep that night, unaware of someone who happened to catch a glimpse of what he had been holding. 
You were struggling to sleep that night. You kept reminiscing on memories of you and Duncan. They were brought up when you watched the most recent episode of TDI. The fact that Duncan actually admitted to his fear of Celine Dion music store standees and had to hug one was hilarious to you. You remembered all the times he would jump when you would pass them, and then you would remember the many nights you had comforted him after a nightmare about the stupid things. It may be a silly fear, but you never looked down on him for it. It was just a part of who he was, and you took it in stride along with everything else. It didn’t change your perception of him, he was still the same guy you loved with all your heart. You then began to wonder about the romance he seemed to have with Courtney. You wondered if it was just some random romance for publicity or if it was real. It looked real enough, but something felt off. Maybe you just knew Duncan too well and could tell when he was acting or wasn’t being sincere about something. You hugged your plushie to your chest, trying to ground yourself and distract your mind from the topic. As you hugged it, you thought about how you got it. It was a plushie Duncan had won you at a carnival a couple of years ago. It was cheesy, just a stuffed rabbit, but it was special. It was the first thing he’d ever gotten you. Whenever you had to be separated from him for a while, or even if the smell would just start to fade, he’d spray his cologne onto it. It was subtle, but it smelt like him. Everything about him smelt like it; his room, his clothes, even his shampoo and conditioner came in the same scent, but it was his and it comforted you. You reached over and opened your matching locket to see the photo you had taken of him one day when he wasn’t paying attention. You fell asleep with the locket still clutched in your hand, which your parent took and put back on your nightstand before turning the lights off when they came to check on you after seeing your light still on. 
Harold, DJ, Geoff, and Owen snuck into the Killer Bass cabin after seeing Duncan walk into the cafeteria hall. They dug around Duncan’s bunk for a moment before DJ pulled out a plain black hoodie. “It smells like lavender,” he informed the others as they gathered around to look at it. Harold then brought up the point, “I mean it’s just a plain black hoodie but I don’t think he’s the kind of guy to use lavender laundry detergent, and it’s weird that we’ve never seen him wear it,” the other boys murmuring in agreement and confusion, wondering why Duncan would have such an item and not wear it. “Look guys! Check this out,” Geoff alerted before pulling a locket out of Duncan’s pillowcase. Owen opened the locket before gasping in surprise. The other boys gathered around and saw a photo of a person in it. They began to question who it was and if they were the reason Duncan wouldn’t pursue Courtney romantically outside of camera view. Then they heard the door slam open. Everyone screamed when they saw Duncan, who looked like he was about to explode. Needless to say, they didn’t attempt to pry into Duncan’s life and warned everyone else not to either, but they didn’t tell anyone what they saw. They felt it was personal and believed it should be Duncan's choice whether or not to talk about it.
You were watching the newest episode of TDI with your friends, just talking amongst yourselves when you weren’t glued to what was happening on screen. One of your friends asked you how you were doing with Duncan being gone for the show for so long, and you admitted that it had been a little difficult but you were grateful to them for helping you and keeping you busy. They began teasing you for having a crush on Duncan, saying you were “so in love”. You just rolled your eyes but you kept watching the TV as your eyes would stay glued to Duncan. One of your other friends then asked how you felt about his romance with Courtney, to which you responded saying it didn’t bother you that much seeing as how you weren’t dating and he could make his own choices. You didn’t admit that it did make you quite jealous, as you didn’t feel like it was your place to be.
It had been months since he started TDI. So many people had gotten sent home, and finally, it was his turn. He made it to fourth place, he wished he could’ve won but it’s better than nothing. He was more than a little annoyed when he was brought to Playa Des Losers after being eliminated and seeing how much better it was than Camp Wawanakwa. Despite that, he was trying to enjoy what little time he had there. Since he was fourth, only three more people needed to be eliminated before they all went home which wouldn’t be long. Courtney did approach him at one point, talking to him normally before asking if he wanted to make their romance on the show real. He turned her down politely, stating that he already had feelings for someone else back at home. She inquired if they were dating and if the kiss they shared on the show counted as cheating, but he told her you weren’t dating but he still did it just for the show. She understood, turning to walk over to Bridgette and Geoff sitting by the pool. His mind then swarmed with thoughts of you. He was still counting down the days until he could see you again. The thought of seeing you made his entire body buzz and fill with warmth. 
Seeing Duncan get voted off did sadden you a little, but you were also growing more excited by the day. Duncan came in fourth, which meant the show would end soon. Soon, he’d be back home, back in your arms. You could hardly contain yourself as the days passed by and the show finally ended with Owen being the winner. 
The day of his arrival was finally here and you couldn’t stop bouncing with excitement. You’d been anticipating this for so long. You watched as the plane landed, he’d texted you when the boat brought them back to the mainland telling you he got soaked and had to change before the flight. You laughed at that, and continued to wait patiently. Finally, the plane landed and the contestants began filing out. You stood there anxiously, searching for the green mohawk you’d missed. You noticed a few of the guys from the show do a double take when they saw you, but you figured they just had you confused with someone else. Finally, he came out of the loading dock and when he saw you both of you froze. You didn’t know what to do, you were so overwhelmed with excitement and shock and happiness that your brain stopped functioning for a minute. It seems like his did as well. 
When Duncan exited the loading dock and caught sight of you, it felt like time froze. To him, no one else existed at the moment, and how could they when you were finally in front of him? After a minute he shook his head to clear his thoughts, vaguely taking notice of the other former contestants staring at the both of you, but he didn’t have time to process it as he lunged at you, engulfing you in a hug. You hugged him back just as tightly, jumping up as he reached you and wrapping your legs around his waist. His arms flew behind your back and pinned you to him, squeezing so tightly you would think he was trying to suffocate you but you didn’t mind. You two stayed like that for a while before releasing your hold on him and dropping back to the ground. You grabbed him by the hand and said, “Let’s go get your luggage and go home.” All he could do was nod dumbly like a lovesick puppy as he followed you to baggage claim. 
You and Duncan were in your room, laying on your bed with you slightly leaning against stacked pillows and Duncan laying on your front with his head on your chest and your arms around his back. Duncan had music playing softly on your TV, and you were just basking in each other’s presence until Duncan let out a quiet hum. You nudged him to question what he was saying, and he brought his head up to rest his chin on your chest, looking you in the eyes. 
“You know the thing with Courtney wasn’t real right? None of it was.” he questioned you. 
You replied, “Of course I did. I know you well enough to know when something is off,” rolling your eyes at the end. 
Instead of a snarky reply, Duncan simply looked at you thoughtfully. He looked like he was gathering his thoughts and figuring out what to say before opening his mouth. “The fake romance with her did make me realize I need to admit something I’ve been hiding for too long.”
“Oh? And what would that be?”
“That I’m in love with you. The distance and not being able to talk to you or see you didn’t help either.”
You stared at him wide-eyed, mouth slightly open with shock. He watched your reaction for a moment, before disappointment crossed his face and he went to speak again before you stopped him. “Before you say it, don’t be sorry because you didn’t make anything uncomfortable. I’ve been waiting to hear those words for so long.”
He looked shocked for just a second before soft warmth filled his eyes. “Well if I knew you’d been waiting I would’ve told you sooner. In that case, would you go out with me? And do me the honor of going on a date this weekend?”
“Absolutely, I’m all yours,” you smiled gently as you responded to him. He gave you a content look before laying back down onto your chest, beginning to doze off as happiness and love filled his body. He felt like he’d been waiting for this forever, been waiting to be here. He’d been waiting to come home, to you. 
His sanctuary.
A/N: I loved writing this one, it's just so adorable to me. Feel free to request anything!
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A Blue Lock Darling that's brought in as an incentive for top-scoring teams and players, with their ability to have them as a form of stress relief. Ego knows very well how a bunch of athletes at peak stress need multiple channels to let it out, and much like the nicer facilities and meals it's a way to dangle some creature comforts in front of them.
Darling was just expecting to intern at this amazing cutting edge sports complex, and now they're being thrown into a dorm full of incredibly pent-up men off an adrenaline high of winning a match.
Barou refuses to allow any other team members near his Darling, and since he's the only one who scores on his team he doesn't have to. He's his usual egotistical assholish self but she turns out to be the only one he's NOT rude to 100% of the time. A king's gotta have a confidant, right? Unfortunately he gets way too rough when he's upset and doesn't feel much sympathy after he fucks her and clears his head. She's there to serve him, just like everyone else.
Nagi initially just has her play video games to grind for items and shit while he's at practice, but he decides that since he has the opportunity now, he'll see what it's like having someone besides his hand touching him for once. Now that he's learned what frustration is, he's glad he's got Darling to help him work it out too.
Rin ignores Darling until he's done practicing, and he always has her service him, massage any sore muscles he's got, and then goes right back to ignoring her. He's got one goal and that's surpassing his brother, and she has one goal: taking care of him.
Kunigami's on the opposite end of the spectrum in that he's very caring towards Darling. He's an aspiring Hero, after all. He'd try his best to respect her boundaries, only slipping a little whenever he can't take having her right up against him in his bed and needs a little relief. He always asks if he can be with her, and if she refuses he just touches himself next to her. He'll groan a small apology in her ear after he cums, and then pull them close to fall asleep.
Aoshi's SO nervous, even more than usual. He's never been with a girl and now he just...HAS one! And she's on his bed! What if he does something or says something stupid and she laughs at him? What if she doesn't like him? Does he have to introduce her to his family? Aaaah what does he do? Tbh she spends most of her time comforting him than doing anything sexual. Over time he starts to genuinely fall for her because she's always there for him (...because she has to be lol) and when he DOES get the confidence to try something more forward, he's still a clingy puppy of a man the entire time. He's cuddling them like usual and just starts rubbing against her, whining and begging to just let him do this for a bit. He'll make you feel good, too! Just a few minutes, ok? You're so pretty and sweet, and he's never had a girlfriend before...w-well, you're not really a girlfriend since he "won" you...but can he call you his girlfriend? Please?
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sideeve · 1 year
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⭑ maybe love isn’t the only thing that can keep someone tied to you .
miles morales x f!reader
part 1 — part 2
⭑ miles’ pov , cheating , normal spider-man violence , the spot , miles attempting to win reader back , major spoilers for atsv , arguing
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miles’ pov
every thing was stressing him out. fighting with spot wasn’t helping either. while basically punching himself, he was trying to text his parents that he would be a little late.
“can we finish this later? i have a meeting with my parents!” miles yells, trying to web the villain to the wall.
“no! we cannot! i have to kill the thing that-wait! we’re not finished here!” spot attempts to wiggle out of the webs keeping him stuck.
“i’ll catch you later.”
with the spot “done”, miles finally had a moment to breathe. he got a message from you.
mrs. morales 💓 : miles. where r u? ur parents keep asking me and idk what to say😭
mr. morales 🕷️ : just tell them i’ll be there in a moment. had to pick up the cakes :)
he huffs.
everyone needed him at the exact same time. from juggling the responsibility as spider-man and being a boyfriend and son, school. he couldn’t do it all.
his hand slide down his face. “if only gwen were here right now. she’d know what to do.” he looks down at the boxes of cake in his hands before making his way to his apartment.
grounded. for two months. just because he couldn’t tell his parents that he’s spider-man. rage filled in his body. no one understood him. no one. but her.
fuck! he shouldn’t be thinking about her. he has a girlfriend! one that lives him to death too.
but him and gwen are just friends…right?
that thought leads him here. an inch of space left between him and gwen. he would make a mistake tonight that he would gravely regret.
“¡miles! ponte aquí ahora mismo.”
his mouth pulls him out of his trance he gasps out of shock. what the hell was he doing? why is he kissing someone else? where is his girlfriend? what is he going to do?
his eyes looked blown out. thoughts clouded his head, making him unresponsive. “i’m not going to call for you again.” the party fell silent, looking at miles in disbelief.
he didn’t even say a word to gwen nor his mom. he just ran as fast as he could (while also swinging) to you.
out of breath, he knocked on your door.
"hey babe. my mom wanted me to check on you. she said you left early." he lied. he just wanted to know if you knew what he did. "we're done. i can't be with a cheater."
"baby. you don't understand-" "go!" you slammed the door in his face. he heard you sobbing behind the door. his heart broke.
what did he do?
he walked home like a kicked puppy. he lost the only one he loved. once he opened his house door, his parents stood in front of him, arms crossed and disappointed. "mama, i-" "no, go to your room. and make it 4 months."
he wasn't even upset, he understood why he was in this situation. he had hurt you. and there was no way to take it back.
cut to when miles meets miguel
"every spider person has lost someone close to them. that is what makes us who we are." miguel stands before miles, making him look small. the holograms of spidermen and women crouching over their loved one's dead bodies. then there was him. crouching over you.
"my canon event is my girlfriend dying?" "ex-girlfriend. and yes. i'm sorry miles. but this can't be changed." every ounce of rage when to his fists. "no! it can't be her! i gotta save her."
“miles. you know we can’t let you do that.” a disk slides under him, creating a force field around him.
“miguel! that’s enough!” the yelling from the spider society was overwhelming him. ontop of the fact that you are going to die.
in his arms.
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midnightfictionlibrary · 11 months
Silver Springs - Jamie Tartt x Fem!Reader/Roy Kent x Fem!Reader
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Silver Springs - Jamie Tartt xFem!Reader, Roy Kent x FemReader!
Content - angst, flirting, friends to lovers, love triangle
Word Count - 3k
Summary - Whilst Jamie is in the throes of preparing for the Man City game, Roy tries to show the reader that he's noticed her past just being the coaches’ assistant, even if it makes him feel guilty. 
Read Part One Here
A/N - Part 2 of this love triangle fic, let’s gooooo. As always like and reblog if you enjoy and let me know what you think <33 
It had been about a week since Jamie had kissed you, and things weren’t official. You couldn’t say you weren’t disappointed, but you understood the mental stress he was under with the upcoming Man City match. Being able to be intimately close to him was enough, because you knew he needed the comfort. Sitting on your couch and stroking his hair as you felt his breathing become deeper made you more than content. 
You sigh slightly to yourself and open your laptop, your color coded calendar coming to life. You glance to the corner of your screen, looking at the time. Bright and early with plenty of time to move appointments and schedule other needed meetings. You sat at your desk in the small room off of Ted and Beard’s. Your deskmate wasn’t there yet. He actually grunted every time you called him your “deskmate”, but annoying Roy Kent was one of the perks of this job. 
“Hey, love.” You would recognize his voice anywhere, and you look up to see Jamie leaning on the doorframe. He crosses the room and gives you a sweet peck on the lips, then plants another kiss on the top of your head. He crosses through your office to the locker room and you smile to yourself. What a perfect start to your day, a kiss from the man you had wanted to be with for so long. You look back to your screen and start moving appointments, adding in the important dates Ted left on a football shaped sticky note, including the latest visit from Henry. 
A slight thud on your desk has you tearing your eyes away from your computer screen. You see a take-away coffee cup with the name “RAY” written in big, scratchy letters. You look up, greeted with a glowering, bushy eyebrowed face. “Can I help you…Ray?” You grin gesturing to the coffee cup. 
“Fuck’s sake.” He grunts. “I brought you coffee.” He scoots the coffee cup closer to you, and you raise an eyebrow, Roy Kent was bringing you coffee? 
“Thank you…but why?” 
“What do you fuckin’ mean why? Cause you’re nice and you’re always bringing everyone else coffee.” He says gruffly, dropping his iconic black leather jacket onto his own chair, revealing his tight fitting black tshirt underneath. You take a sip of the coffee to avoid gazing at him, you had eyes and knew he was fit. You were pleasantly surprised at your drink. 
“How’d you know my order?” You say, taking another delighted sip of your drink. You watch Roy’s jaw jump slightly and he shrugs. 
“Must have just picked up on it.” He says nonchalantly. In reality, he snooped around your desk the night previous, but he wasn’t going to admit to that. That sounded insane. He felt like a terrible person. He and Tartt were on good terms again, friends even, and here he was trying to win over the girl he knew Jamie was mad about. He was a prick. And a bad friend. But he couldn’t help it. Something about you drew him to you, and you made him want to open up to the possibility of being in a serious relationship again. 
You smile slightly at Roy’s back, flattered that he had done this for you. You were still a bit baffled as to why. It’s not as if Roy wasn’t nice to you, he was. But usually he answered you in growls, not full sentences. “Well…I really appreciate it. I didn’t have time to grab coffee this morning before getting to work.” 
Roy turns to look at you, one corner of his lips ticking upwards. “Don’t mention it.” He says. “Seriously, fuckin’ don’t.” You openly laugh at this and turn back to your computer screen. 
“What is all that shit anyway?” Roy asks, and you can feel him cross the tiny space to stand over your shoulder. When he leans over and places one hand on your desk and one on the arm of your desk chair, you feel your heart skip a beat. Which was dumb. Why would that be your reaction? You ignore the feeling and shrug. 
“This is how you get your extra physio appointments, how Ted has time to review game footage every other day, and how Beard knows when it’s time to exchange his library books.” You look up at him. “It’s all color coded for every member of the team. I’m pretty proud of it, if I do say so myself.” You give him a small smile and go back to typing in the extra appointments Ted had asked you to put in. 
“Fuck.” Roy says, watching you work the schedule around. “Now I understand why Ted said he didn’t know which way was up without you.” 
“Aw, you talk to Ted about little ole me?” You flash him a teasing grin and his heart wrenches. Fuck you and your stupid, pretty grin. 
“Uh…” Roy starts, coughing slightly to cover his embarrassment. 
You pat the hand resting on your desk before you continue typing. “I’m just kidding, Roy.” 
Roy clears his throat, but still hadn’t moved from his spot. He seemed content to watch you work, which was unusual for him, but you didn’t mind. He was a little close, sure, but if he wanted to watch you put in appointments and move Sam’s restaurant re-opening for him then who were you to tell him no? 
“Love?” You look up at the sound of Jamie’s pet name for you and smile brightly at him. 
“Am…I interruptin’ somethin’?” Jamie asks, pushing his hair back with his headband, looking from you to Roy. Why was Roy so close to you? That made him feel uneasy, but he wasn’t sure why. He knew that you had feelings for him, but he hadn’t made anything official. He supposed he couldn’t blame you for exploring your options. His eyes meet Roy’s, who clears his throat and straightens up, away from you.
“No.” Roy says gruffly. “I was just looking at the insane color coding she has in there.” 
Jamie nods slightly, looking to you, who he was relieved to see, only had eyes for him.  He crosses the room to you, kneeling in front of where you sat, and you look down at him, eyebrow raised. He grins at you. 
“I jus’ wanted to come see if you wanted to have lunch with me today.” He says, ignoring Roy completely at this point. You nod enthusiastically, pushing a strand of hair that came loose from the headband back. 
“Course I do.” You said, smiling at him. “Meet you at the kebab place around the corner?” You ask, to which Jamie nods. He glances at Roy, who is pretending to be preoccupied on his phone and presses his lips to yours in a sweet, soft kiss. 
“Great. See ya then, darlin’.” You smile as you watch him walk out, quickly turning back to your work. Next on the agenda, emails. 
“So.” You hear. 
You turn towards Roy’s voice. “So..?”
“You and Tartt, yeah?” 
You shrug. “Nothing is official yet.” You say nonchalantly, trying to hide just how giddy you were about Jamie openly kissing you and referring to you as “love” or “darlin’”. 
“Not fuckin’ official?” Roy says, incredulous. This was news to him. 
“Not yet.” 
“Why the bloody hell not?” Roy crosses the room again and peers down at you. 
You look back up at him and wave your hand absentmindedly. “Jamie is already stressed about this upcoming match, I can wait until his head is completely clear to have a serious conversation.” You pick up your coffee cup again, taking a sip of the delicious hazelnut latte. 
But you nearly choke when Roy leans down, one hand on each of your chair’s armrests, caging you in. His face is inches from yours. 
“That’s fuckin’ dumb, babe.” 
You lower the coffee cup from your lips, studying his face intently. Your heart was pounding. Babe? What was he doing? Never in the entire few years you had been here, had the Roy Kent paid so much attention to you. 
“Hm.” You say, quirking an eyebrow. “And why is that dumb?” 
Roy smirks slightly. “Because if I had you, I wouldn’t even fuckin’ hesitate to claim you.” 
You realized you were holding your breath and you laugh nervously. “O..oh.” You say, swallowing. “Well I don’t think Jamie is hesitating to claim me.” You look into his face, because he was making it impossible not to notice how handsome he actually is. Sure, you weren’t public with your relationship, but Jamie didn’t hide how he felt about you, at all. 
“Maybe not here. But I would be shouting from the fuckin’ rooftops if I had someone as nice as you smiling pretty at me like you do Jamie.” You can see him studying your face, and in reality, Roy’s heart is pounding. He’s getting a bit too carried away here and he didn’t know when or how to stop. 
“Maybe you could have someone with a pretty smile if you weren’t such a grouch.” You counter, leaning in closer to him, aware now that you were having some sort of effect on him. You watch him swallow, his eyes flicking down to your lips. You smirk at him.
He growls in response, catching you completely off guard that you had elicited such a sound from him but making you smirk even more. You press a single finger against his lips, standing up as you push him back. 
“See? Grouch.” You tease, moving your finger but before you can rest your hand at your side again, Roy looks down at you, catching your wrist in his hand. 
“Fuck’s sake, woman.” He says, almost breathlessly. You look up at him, fluttering your eyelashes innocently, but trying to deny the fact that you liked how his large hand had caught you. The look on your face was all it took for Roy to back you into a wall, his lips on yours. One hand with his fingers splayed across your hip, digging greedily, almost possessively, the other letting go of your wrist to yank you closer to him, if that was even possible. The kiss was sloppy, heated, needy. The heat of your body pressed against Roy’s was making your head cloudy. When he deepens the kiss, your breath hitches and a slight moan escapes your lips, causing Roy to smirk into your lips. 
You felt so bad that you kissed him back. When Roy pulled away, he immediately lets go of you. 
“I…I shouldn’t have fuckin’ done that.” 
 What were you doing? What about Jamie? “I..shouldn’t have kissed you back.” You whispered, wide eyed. Roy has stepped back and away from you, but he’s watching you with such a look of longing. “I’m the worst girlfriend ever.” You say. 
“Not his girlfriend, technically.” 
You shift your gaze and focus your eyes on him. “What?” You say.
“You’re not his girlfriend officially.” Roy grunts, before stepping closer to you again. “I get if you don’t ever fuckin’ speak to me again. Just don’t tell me you regretted that.” 
You gaze up at him. No, you’re not Jamie’s girlfriend. But Jamie is everything you ever wanted. And it made you feel horrible that you didn’t regret that little kiss-attack. You shake your head slowly, watching as Roy came close to you again, hovering above you, his torso pressing into you. “Please.” He says.
The gruff, broken plea in his voice makes your knees weak and you shake your head. “I can’t tell you that.” You say, clearing your throat and straightening up, your breath slightly heavy. 
“Even if I know you don’t?” He says grabbing your chin, looking into your eyes. 
Your eyes flutter closed and you breathe out. “Yes.” You hated him right now. How did he manage to get a rise out of you so quickly? You pull your face away from his grasp and push yourself off the wall. “I need to go.” You say bluntly, gathering your laptop and your bag. Roy steps back and watches you go, rushing out the door. 
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You cannot believe what had just happened. You were so distracted that you run smack into someone in the carpark, their arms grabbing you and steadying you. 
“Woah, love, what’s wrong? You look like ya’ seen a ghost.” 
Jamie. Because of course it was Jamie. You can’t even look him in the eye and he moves his head to catch your gaze. “M’startin’ to worry here, darlin’, what’s wrong?” He asks again, his grip tightening a bit on you. He had a horrible sinking feeling in his stomach. Like he knew what was coming next. 
“We can’t be together.” You say bluntly. 
Jamie blinks once, then twice. “What?” 
“You deserve someone better than me.” 
Jamie still looks dumbfounded, but was becoming almost desperate to find out what you were talking about. “Please tell me what you’re talkin’ about, because I’m gettin’ a little scared.” 
“I…” you look away from him again. “I kissed Roy. Or…he kissed me.” 
Jamie winces. “Y-what?…kissed Roy?” 
“It just happened. And we can’t be together because I’m a horrible person for doing this to you.” You pull out of his grasp, but Jamie grabs you again. “Jamie, please let me go.” 
“No.” He says, simply, grabbing your chin much like Roy had done minutes before. “I’m not pleased, but this is almost like karma for how shitty I’ve been in the past.” He shakes his head when you open your mouth. “Do ya care about me?” 
“Of course I do.” You almost sob, looking at him with the most pathetic eyes he’d ever seen. 
“I know ya do, or you wouldn’t have told me right away.” He kisses your forehead. “M’not happy about it. But I can’t say I blame ya for exploring options when I haven’t even asked ya on a proper date.” 
You groan, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. “You being so understanding is making me feel worse. I know we’re not officially together or whatever the hell -“ you pause and look at him. “But I feel so, so, awful that it happened.” 
Jamie shakes his head. “Stop that. M’not going to turn my back on you. I’ve cared about ya too long to let the messy beginning of what we’re tryin’ to figure out be the end of us. Besides, I did this same thing to Roy when he was with Keeley. Sometimes you just…like who you like.” 
You stare at him. “You’re spending too much time with Ted.” 
Jamie actually throws his head back and laughs at that, rolling his eyes once before pulling you in. “Now that you’ve kissed me coach I guess we’re even. Cause I used to be with Keeley and the two of you are thick as thieves.” He really didn’t blame you for any of this, but was making a mental note to maybe punch Roy in his face later. He couldn’t say it didn’t hurt, the thought of you kissing someone else. But he wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of what he knows is meant to be. He knew that was corny, but with you he wasn’t worried about any of that. He wanted it all, the house, the love, the kids in the future. 
“I’m sorry Jamie. I really am. All I could think about was how much of an asshole I was being.” You look up at him, realizing he’s already gazing at you. 
“Be me girl. Officially.” He says. 
You blink. “I thought you weren’t ready to have a serious conversation until after the match?” 
“Don’t care about any of that anymore.” He says. “Me dad, me reputation with Man City. Don’t matter.” He mumbles into your hair. “Only you matter to me.” 
“Okay.” You whisper. 
“Okay, ya believe me? Or okay, ya wanna make this official?” 
“I want to be yours, Jamie.” You catch the smile on his face and he leans in, cradling your face. The kiss he gives you is so different from what you had experienced with Roy. This was slow, sweet, and loving. Jamie pecks your lips, once, two, three times, and when he pulls back, he runs his thumb over your bottom lip. You sigh, contentedly. 
“That’s me girl.” He whispers, holding you close. You realize that this, with Jamie, was what you wanted. He kisses along your jawline, and you can’t help yourself, you smile. “Knew I could coax that gorgeous smile outta ya.” 
Jamie was infatuated with you, and if he was being honest, completely in love with you, and had been since you had been the only one willing to speak to him when he initially came back to Richmond. 
Jamie leads you to his car, and when you both get in, he pulls you across the center console onto his lap, sliding his large palm up to cup your face as he continues to kiss you. You were breathless, tangling your hands in his hair. 
When you both finally pull away, you smile. Jamie tucks a piece of hair behind your ear, just like he did that night in the bar. “I’ve waited so long to be able t’call ya mine, love.” Jamie murmurs, your noses touching. 
You stay like that, Jamie nuzzling you in his lap, while you think about everything that had happened. But you knew that nothing made you feel better than when Jamie held you. You stroke Jamie’s hair absentmindedly. You just hoped that you weren’t truly as terrible as you still felt. 
You close your eyes, reveling in the feeling of Jamie’s presence. This was more than enough.
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themainreactor · 6 months
"Who forms a crush on a girl who eats a bell pepper like it's an apple?!"
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In which, Itadori and Sukuna both form a crush on a strange upper classmate that they don't understand. You seem so calm yet deceitful and it scares Yuji to the point where he doesn't want to be around you. However, Sukuna can feel your power and pushes Yuji to talk to you. However you do something so dumbly simple yet questionable that Yuji's conflicted about it and Sukuna's scared.
Yuji doesn't know who you are, why you're a sorcerer, or how you're so much more stronger than almost everyone else.
All he knew is that one day, you came in the classroom with Gojo for some sort of sparing lesson.
All he knew is that you were three years older than him with a burn mark on the inside of your elbow that led to your shoulder.
All he knew is that it was strange that you had your own classroom assigned to you with no teacher.
All he knew is that one moment he's fighting you, and another moment, he's on his ass with you restraining him.
That didn't just happen to him, it happened to his classmates, the same exact way. And Gojo allowed it, just standing there with a pleased smirk.
Megumi? He let out every one of his shikigami he had and all you did was dodge... Dodge!? Like, the audacity to just allow him to attack you with an unfazed expression and then to take him down while he was exhausted.
Same with Nobara, trying everything she knew. From throwing her nails, to hammering a doll into a piece of a ripped, fallen cloth from your shirt. All you did was flinch when the air around you exploded. But even with this, you ended up winning, gaining on her and catching her by surprise through the smoke the explosion caused.
Oh how Sukuna desperately wanted to choke you out and teach you a lesson. He wasn't even the one you were fighting but he was pissed even seeing your face.
There was just something about you that Yuji couldn't bring himself to be okay with. Even though you were careful and calm with your movements, even though you looked sweet and gentle, he could just tell that if a person you respected told you to do something, you would probably do it without question.
For example, if one of the higher-ups told you to kill him, you would probably kill him.
He could just feel that you had no morals. Your eyes told him that you had experienced things that would break someone, and yet you looked unbothered. Like you didn't care. You almost reminded him of Sukuna, the nauseating demon that was using him as a vessel.
You weren't innocent and yet you looked so simple, so quiet, so tranquil. He didn't like it, you were strange yet unchanged.
Yuji didn't want to be around you, he felt scared.
Maybe that was partially due to him being able to hear Sukuna's stupid and deep voice in his head, telling him to beat the crap out of you before he jumped out and killed you instead.
He didn't know why Sukuna was freaking out, but all he knew was that he was going to fight and win. Until he fought and easily lost.
Sukuna felt threatened in his own habitat. He could feel the stress that your body was causing on his soul, he could feel the threat you had on him. As if you could kill him if you wanted to in an instant and you hadn't even done anything that could be considered scary.
Yuji lost so embarrassingly quicker than his classmates, and he didn't even get to use his cursed energy in order to attack. You just somehow got behind him and it was over.
Now here he is, way too close to your body as you restrain his hands and sit in-between his legs so he can't kick you.
He probably would have been turned on by your body against his if it weren't for the dark stare you gave him. It was a glare that told him you were a psychopath, that you were willing to kill him if he did something outta pocket.
Although he still felt a little hot, and he was pretty sure it wasn't just from the sparring.
Quickly after restraining him, you got up and offered to help him up. Yuji just dismissed you entirely, not wanting to be around you for another second as he got up and walked away, sulking at his loss.
Nobara scolded him, telling him not to be a sore loser while Megumi just left, standing next to the door as Gojo praises you and turns to his students.
He explains that he started the day off with an unfair sparring match with you because they all needed to understand a hand to hand combat that can't just be learned, it had to become muscle memory. That's what they all had to learn, that they could not take time to think in a real battle, otherwise they were dead.
Basically he was saying that they were all screwed against you because you were a killing machine that didn't think.
Whatever, lesson learned.
Yuji just let it go, not bothering to be around you just in case he was getting the wrong impression about you. Because if he was, he didn't want to be rude and confront you about something you weren't.
He also thought that you were hot but that was besides the point.
Unfortunately, you intrigued Sukuna. The reason being that he couldn't sense any cursed energy on you, however he could sense that you were a dangerous person. And what better way than to figure out what you even were than to pester Yuji non-stop about it until he was bone tired.
"What do you even want?!" Yuji groans out, slapping his face in his dorm room as he tries to sleep. For almost a month now, Sukuna kept annoying Itadori with your name, how you looked, how you acted, how your body felt against his.
... Well, the last thought was from him but the rest of them were too frustrating that he wasn't able to sleep well.
"I want you to get close." Sukuna starts, Yuji almost recoiling in anger from the all too familiar feeling of the skin on his cheek opening to make room for the curses eye.
"That's more reason for me to not do that. You don't do anything unless it's appealing to you." Yuji grumbles, standing up and yawning.
"I could care less what you think I'm gonna do. I would just like to talk, maybe play a bit." Was all Sukuna explained as he allowed his eye to disappear and a mouth to replace it so that he could speak clearer.
"Exactly why I won't do that. They doesn't deserve your nasty ass around!" Yuji yells towards Sukuna as he turns the light on in the dorm room. He needed to walk around or something and he didn't want this stupid conversation.
"Watch your tongue brat, you and I both know what we saw in those eyes."
He had to admit, Sukuna was right. No matter how much Yuji tried to paint you as a simple person, you were more than that.
Whether you were depressed or just some sort of high functioning sociopath, you weren't innocent, you were dangerous, borderline evil.
It was an unbridled power that Sukuna hadn't even felt around Gojo. Just how strong were you that he could feel in on you through a body he couldn't even fully control?
"... Why?" Yuji questions, sighing and stretching out his body for a bit.
"I don't need to explain myself to you." Sukuna backtracked, refusing to say anything for quite some time.
It was quiet, maybe Yuji could sleep now and leave this behind him.
Slowly he turns off the light and crawls back into bed.
The only thing he can hear is his own breathing.
"If you must know-"
"Oh no, Oh my gosh." Yuji muttered, groaning and shoving his face into his pillow. He didn't want to be thinking about Sukuna and his annoying voice right now, he didn't want to be thinking about you and who you may or may not be.
"Quiet brat, I was about to explain myself but I won't since I didn't ask for your input."
"I didn't ask for your's either."
"You did when you swallowed my finger."
Someone. Help. Him. Please! He's gonna strangle himself.
"Let me sleep." Yuji complains, rolling off of the bed and landing onto the floor with a thud. There was no way he was gonna survive.
"No, go talk, otherwise I'll kill them the next time I have control over you."
"Damn it!" Yuji yells out, standing up from the floor and walking over to his dresser.
He puts his socks on.
He puts his shoes on.
He won't bother to put a shirt on.
He'll just grab a blanket because he's so tired it almost humerous.
Yuji opens the door to his dorm room, taking in the silence before closing the door and proceeding to trip on his own feet and fall.
Yuji pitifully whines before standing back up. Hopefully he didn't wake anyone else up but he was quite frankly done with life at the moment.
"Pathetic." Sukuna scoffs at Yuji's mind, almost laughing at him.
"Shut up."
Yuji walks around the hallways, trying to figure out which dorm you were in until he found it.
He lightly knocked on your door, listening before knocking again.
If he was in his right mind, he wouldn't be doing this, but he was so sleep deprived that he could care less how stupid he looked.
After a while, he knocked again before silently groaning and deciding to just open the door since it was unlocked.
When he opened the door, he saw that you weren't actually in the room. However he secretly admired how clean your room looked at the moment.
He sighed, closing the door in annoyance. Clearly you weren't sleeping, at least not in your dorm room.
So dreadfully, Yuji walked back to his dorm room, passing the shared kitchen before noticing you and immediately turning around.
Yuji watched as you sat down on a stool in front of the counter, eating what appeared to be an apple as you read the back of a random box. You must have liked being in the kitchen.
He liked how calm you looked and for some reason, at that moment, he didn't feel like you were being deceitful. Was this really the same person that beat his ass a month ago?
Slowly he walked into the light of the kitchen, trying not to scare you but also trying to remain inconspicuous by grabbing a cup to fill up with water.
"Hey... How are you doing?" Yuji asks with a small smile as he yawns. He didn't really want to start a small conversation with you, but he might as well do it while he was here. Hopefully you didn't think he was weird.
"Good." You replied with a yawn as you nodded your head. It was only then that he noticed something.
Something that baffled him.
It was flabbergasting for him.
It absolutely bamboozled him.
He could keep going on and on. He had never seen something so outrageously confusing that should have been illegal.
"Are you... Eating a bell pepper?" Yuji asks, forgetting that he was even pretending to get a cup of water.
"Yes... Why?" You comment, biting into a piece of the bell pepper like it was nothing.
He's not upset that you're eating the bell pepper, he knows it's healthy. He's not even upset that you're eating it without cutting it.
He's upset that he even thought it was an apple to begin with. This was a problem because he had never seen a human being of any age, eat a bell pepper raw and uncut like it was normal.
"Oh, okay... Um wow, well... Good night?"
Who knew he could get horny and turned off at the same time by watching someone three years older than him bite into a bell pepper?
He wasn't even sure he was horny, he was just absolutely sure that he wanted to be around you now. You ate a bell pepper like you were flipping off nature. Like, 'forgot you and your apples!'
He was sure that you weren't evil. There was no damn way you could be evil and eat a bell pepper like that.
"Goodnight." You replied with a small but polite smile. What caught him was your eyes again. Your eyes were pretty, and even with the serious color in them and how it looked blank. This had to be the first time that he knew that you weren't just going through the motions.
You were present and you looked happy, or at least calm.
"Wait... Um, do you remember me?" Yuji asks, deciding to come and join you in another stool.
"Yes... You're Itadori right?" You reply with the same smile you had, yawning before taking another bite of your bell pepper.
He seriously wasn't going to let this go anytime soon. You were acting like it was no big deal.
"Yep, that's me." Yuji smiled, pointing at himself before he felt his cheek try and open.
Curse the damn curse.
"Hey brat."
"Brat?" You question the mouth, looking at Yuji's cheek before looking back at Yuji himself.
"Sorry! That's Sukuna, he does that sometimes." Yuji starts in a bashful tone, not trying to get embarrassed by the curse.
"Oh right... He's got a title... I can't remember what it is."
"I'm the King of curses you weakling." Sukuna mutters, trying to make himself feel better by insulting you.
However that wasn't really working because he was a bit caught up in the change you had in your eyes. Clearly when you fought, you were a different person than when you were resting and for some reason, Sukuna was drawn to it.
"Well, nice to meet you." You start, but get interrupted by the annoying creature.
"Yeah, whatever. Don't you forget it rat! I'll have you kn-"
"I'll give you a moment to shut up." You scolded with a tired gaze, effectively getting the curse to quiet down as fast as he spoke.
"... Is he always so articulate?" You ask Yuji with a teasing smile, making Yuji smile in return.
He was happy that you weren't some psychopath or freaky murderer. You seemed like a normal person that he would like to be around. But clearly you weren't too boring since you ate bell peppers strangely.
"Yeah, he's an ass and if we're being honest, he's kinda vile."
"Make sense, he is the King of Curses." You replied, unbothered by the topic. You were tired and your insomnia wouldn't sleep. You were kinda happy to have some company.
"Yeah, so... You're night going well Y/n?" Yuji asked, carefully watching as you ate the rest of your bell pepper.
"Yep, yours?" You yawned.
"Good, good... How do you feel about Jennifer Lawrence?"
What a fun question.
"How do I feel about her? Well... She's a great actress." Was all you could really say. You watched like one movie with her and an interview with a rubiks cube inside jello.
Wait, didn't both Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson act in like three movies together? That was something you could talk about.
"So... Have you seen that Josh Hutcherson edit?"
"No! Don't remind me of that tiktok trend! It's all over my for you page and I'm gonna lose my shit!"
Safe to say that the two of you basically became friends that night.
Now Yuji doesn't hate you, he likes being around you a lot. Making hand shakes with you and talking about celebrities, specifically Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson.
But Yuji gets called out a lot by Nobara. She says that he acts like a lost puppy around you and Megumi just asks him not to hurt your feelings.
Whether it be due to how hilarious you looked when you were eating a bell pepper or the fact that you could get Sukuna to shut up if he talked outta line he didn't know why he would act that way.
Yuji respected you and unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you looked at it, formed a crush.
Sukuna on the other hand didn't want to be around you in a million years. His feelings had been hurt ever since you told him to shut up, but what was he going to do about it? Cry?
He would just have to get on your good side at some point since he genuinely wouldn't mind being a part of your life. Maybe he should stay away to, you make Sukuna feel uncomfortable with his evilness.
Sukuna also seems to be scared of you even though you haven't done anything. His pride is hurt by you so when Yuji's tired of his bull crap and you're not around, he'll threaten him with you.
"If you don't stop, I'm going to let you out and allow Y/n to beat your ass."
"Don't you dare brat!"
"Then be nice!"
"How dare you, I'm the king of-"
"Y/N!! Sukuna's being an ass again."
"Sorry brat! I'm shutting up!"
"... Pathetic."
"That's it."
"Wait! No!"
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cheralith · 1 year
if the shoe fits — 「 prince!vash x reader x prince!nai 」
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content warnings ; gn!reader, they/them pronouns, reader wears a ball gown and mentions of makeup, mild violence, mention of a tri98 character, not much romance but more so tension from nai tbh whoops
contains ; royalty!au, cinderella-esque!au, gardener!reader, friends to lovers (?) (vash), enemies to lovers (?) (nai)
notes ; i can't stress enough how well rachmaninoff's symphony no. 2 in e minor: adagio, followed by largo suits this so much, please take a listen as you go!
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The names of Nai and Vash Saverem of JuLai were no strangers to the townsfolk of their kingdom. Firstborn twins and only children to the late queen Rem Saverem, the two were notorious for sticking by each other’s side almost on the daily, but also for their contrasting personalities. In front of the people, Prince Nai is distant, only preferring to stare straight ahead when in an open carriage and seemingly ignoring his townsfolk. His lips would subtly purse at the sight of the crowd before drawing a breath and crossing his arms over his chest. He says that it’s the best way to make an impression on the townsfolk—their future king cannot be bothered with sillier antics, unlike a specific someone.
Prince!Vash cannot be any more different from his brother, who is to be crowned with the regal title of “king” when he is of age. He’s much more connected with the townsfolk, often waving excitedly to them while in the carriage and taking any gifts that are handed to him with a large smile on his face, cherishing and archiving them in his bedroom. The ladies love him, their babies too, and he loves them back. A natural charmer—he’s managed to easily win the popularity contest amongst him and Nai, since he prefers to frolic out of the castle without suspicion to spend time with his people.
Prince!Nai busies himself more with work-related matters, ruling the palace with an iron fist. Make one move out of line and your fate is already decided by him before you can even beg on your knees. It’s not to say he’s completely authoritarian, however, since if he could rule the way that he truly wanted to, the townsfolk would despise him and would demand his younger brother to usurp him, despite the fact that the younger twin has no interest in royal politics.
Prince!Vash brings joy and light to the palace, he makes the place much more lively. He prefers to dine in the boisterous servants’ quarters rather than with his brother and other boring royal officials in the quieter dining hall, enjoying their stories about what life was like in the village or their stories about his late mother. They often say he reminds them of her—the fondness in his eyes, his soft and playful voice, and his pacifistic, loving demeanor. It’s also there that they freely complain about his brother without fear, to which Vash can only laugh and excuse Nai to the best of his abilities.
Prince!Nai knows his place in the world. He belongs to the higher pedestal, like a true future king should be. White gold and royal blue adorn most of his clothing, signifying his importance and regal nature. He knows his place in the world—he just wishes that everyone else does, too.
Prince!Vash forgets he’s a prince half the time, just like how he “forgets” to wear his crown (he just merely doesn’t like the feeling of superiority it entitles to him, but he guises it under the complaint of it being too heavy). He’s intrigued more by the culture of his kingdom and what a “normal” person would do rather than the gleam and glory offered by his palace.
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On an early Saturday afternoon, Prince!Nai frowns at the sight of his brother talking amongst a particular someone when he passes by the gardens with his royal court following behind him while they continue mumbling about incessant political meetings with other kingdoms. He can recognize those dirtied gardening boots and soiled apron that sit a little too close to Vash’s thigh for his liking anywhere, and his frown deepens when he watches as an amateur royal gardener hands the younger prince a red flower with its petals all bustled together, clicking his tongue when dirt-stained hands touches the pure white of Vash’s glove. 
Prince!Vash is awe-stricken by the flower you hand to him, carefully twirling it around with his fingers. It was his mother’s favorite flower, according to the other gardeners. You give him a toothy smile and say he came to the garden at the right time—geranium season has just bloomed and the garden sprinkled with their beauty all over this spring in honor of the late queen. 
“I hear your mother was a lot like you,” you murmur quietly, watching as the prince pets the petals tenderly when you change into your spare, cleaner shoes. “Do you have memories of what she was like?” 
He looks at you with a glimmer of longing flashing through his cerulean eyes. You’re about to apologize for your hastiness when you see his lips thin momentarily before he gently smiles and leans back into the seat of the gazebo that protects you and him from the afternoon sun. 
“Gentle,” is what slips past his lips, “is what I remember best. Kind and wise, too. She used to always tell me that there’s beauty everywhere, even in the harshest of places. All it really takes is for one to just simply,” he reaches over to you and gently nestles the flower neatly in between your hair and ear, not noticing you stiffen at his touch despite him looking at you straight in the eyes. “... look a little closer.”
Prince!Nai can only huff at the shared touch between a lowly gardener and the other branch of his royal blood before briefly excusing himself from the royal counsel to escort himself to the gardens, not wanting his brother to be in such close radius of you any longer. He calls out his name sternly, making you and him flinch at the sound of his voice. His nerves relax themselves when Vash pulls away from you, but his jaw clenches slightly when he sees a speck of dust on the fingertip of his glove that Vash scratches his cheek with, embarrassed.
“You should be getting ready for tonight’s ball,” Nai states flatly, not even acknowledging your existence when you bow and greet him. “There is much preparation to do.” His eyes fleet towards you, where you stand still, your head still bowed to show your respects to his majesty. “I expect the flowers for the ballroom to be set up by early evening,” is all he says to you before trotting away with his head held up high.
Prince!Vash makes sure that his brother is out of sights before he sighs and urges you to lift your head up. Apologizing for his brother’s rudeness, he can only sigh at the fact that he couldn’t sneak out of the palace tonight like he usually does, making you laugh when he pouts at the thought of entertaining boring old nobles and lords.
“I wish I could say that,” you mention as you smooth your pants out. “Balls seem like fun—dancing around in pretty clothing and eating all those tasty desserts the chefs make.” 
Vash snorts. “Sure, they’re fun if you like talking awkwardly with people twice your age and having people step on your feet after not being able to sit down for almost three hours.”
“But still!” you exclaim. “Just the thought of being in a ballroom and being with everyone enjoying themselves would be such a delightful sight.” 
As you sigh dreamily about your fantasies, Prince Vash can only stare at you incredulously, marveled at the two different worlds that sit side by side so close under a gazebo. He wonders if you fantasize about royal life a lot, wondering if you think like him but with his fantasies about being a commonfolk and not worrying about the societal pressures of living up to his brother. He finds it so fascinating that such two different people from two different worlds can be together under a single roof, bonding over miniscule things like flowers. It’s what he finds so amazing about human nature the most—the skill of connection. 
He looks at you from the corner of his eye as you gaze longingly into the garden when all of a sudden, an idea pops into his head.
Prince!Nai carefully watches with contempt as you and the younger prince talk amongst each other from his office window that sits a few stories above the garden, sneering when Vash holds both of your speckled hands suddenly and nods excitedly, the sparkle in his eyes evident even from a hefty height. His eyes narrow in suspicion when you shake your head to his unknown words; your brows furrow in nervousness before Vash caresses the top of your hands with his thumbs, making Nai’s icy blue gaze harden. 
Prince!Vash is about to beg on his knees at this point. 
“You must come! You’d enjoy it, I promise,” Vash pleads as he grips your hands tighter. “I’ll be by your side the entire time, so you won’t feel too anxious.”
“Your majesty—” you attempt.
He pouts. “Please don’t call me that,” he says with a soft frown, not enjoying the sudden formality. 
“—it would not be wise for a menial gardener such as I to attend such a regal event,” you whisper, your eyes darting over the place to avoid any eavesdroppers. The palace does enjoy its part-time gossip, after all. “I am not suited for it.”
“But I am inviting you!” he exclaims. “You would be coming on my behalf. I’m allowed to do that, I swear!” 
Your lips purse in anxiousness, a thick swallow trailing down your dry throat. “It would not be deemed appropriate… and what if his majesty found out about one of his staff attending a royal ball and not tending to it?”
“Then that would be my problem to handle,” Prince Vash retorts. “Please come. It’d make me eternally happy.”
“I…” your words fail you, and you do consider giving in for a brief moment just to get the prince off your tail before your eyes deepen with disappointment one more time. “I’m sorry, my prince, but I must refuse your offer.”
Prince!Nai cocks a brow when he sees his younger brother’s smile disappear and morph into a saddened frown at your words that he can’t seem to articulate from the window above. He watches a little too intently when Vash heaves a great big sigh and finally stands up, his eyes rolling when he offers you his hand. Assuming that the conversation between a gardener and blue blooded prince is finally over, he moves his eyes to his royal secretary.
“Must this be a ball with the intention of finding me a spouse…?” Nai huffs, settling himself in his chair. “I can rule a kingdom perfectly fine without the nuisance of a marriage.” 
Legato can only shake his head at his superior’s words. “Tradition goes as follows, your majesty. Your coronation cannot take place without a spouse by your side. At least you are able to choose them—your mother was not granted that option.”
The future king of JuLai knows that, and he also knows that he should be more grateful to what he is given. But he has always been alone and prefers to keep it that way, his younger counterpart being the only exception. Yes, his mother may have married to a more irrelevant royal, but after his death, she was able to rule JuLai properly by herself, so why couldn’t he? Nai only shakes his head before staring at the royal orb and scepter that sit in their glass box on the dresser, a reminder that he keeps close to remind him of his goals and his duties. He can feel the ghost of their coldness on his palms from practicing so much in the mirror. His hands twitch.
“Your outfit for the ball is in your quarter’s, my prince,” Legato says before excusing himself to make sure the preparations for the ball are in place. 
Nai can only sigh in disappointment when he watches the doors of his office close before standing up again to face the window. His eyes graze around the garden again before sharply landing on the gazebo again, where nothing but soil-ridden boots stand under it
Prince!Vash looks into your eyes, where disappointment hides under a curtain of uncertainty. He sighs, releasing your hands from his grasp. He supposes that it does seem a little too risky to sneak in a commonfolk into the royal ballroom, and he wouldn’t want you to face any punishments if you were caught. 
“Thank you for the invitation, though,” you retort. “I truly do admire your enthusiasm.”
“If I was able to invite the entire kingdom, I would,” the prince sighs, biting the inside of his cheek. “I’m sure everyone would enjoy it, especially the children.”
You smile softly at his words; he was always a man of the people and it never fails to show even during more private moments. “I have no doubt about that. Perhaps in another lifetime, when you are king, you’ll be able to do that.”
A haughty laugh escapes his lips. “If I am able to do that without being a king or leader of sorts, that’d be better. Honestly, if I’m able to just one day escape this life in general—I’d be satisfied.”
You shrug casually. “What’s stopping you? You could always just escape and go live under a fake name, I wouldn’t tell a soul.”
Prince Vash pauses suddenly. He snaps his head to look at you with a sudden idea lingering in his head at the mention of a fake name. Glassy eyes go to scan your figure up and down and slowly, an almost mischievous grin starts to etch onto his face.
“Fake name, huh?” he raises his eyebrows at your confused countenance. You exclaim out of surprise when he suddenly tugs you away from the gazebo and back into the castle. “I have an idea.”
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The evening sun is beginning to rest its rays. Prince!Nai watches from the leveled floor as the guests begin to flock in numbers into the ballroom, occasionally bowing to greet those who greet him. Legato stays by his side closely, making sure no one would get too comfortable to the royal host, his eyes darting to eye any suspicious characters.
“Is there anyone that you find… interesting so far, your majesty?” Legato murmurs. Nai finds his attempt at loose matchmaking poor.
"Do not ask such foolish questions,” Nai scoffs quietly as he bows to a curtsied countess that bats her lashes at him. “Where is Vash? He should’ve been down by now.”
Prince!Vash waits outside an almost-never used dressing room, wincing occasionally as he hears you yelp from the pain of having your hair tugged in a certain direction or cough from the amount of powder dabbed onto your face. His plan was sure to work; have you be disguised under a fake name with a fake title from a fake kingdom and merely just have you accompany him the entire night under the impression that you and him fancied each other when in reality,it’d just be you helping him get through the night to avoid talking to other political figures and most importantly—let you have fun.
“Are they almost ready?” Vash asks the head seamstress that runs in and out of the corridor. He pulls out his inherited pocket watch from his mother, its hands ticking a little too fast for his liking. “I’d hate for us to be late.”
“Nearly, your majesty,” she replies, ribbon between her teeth as she shuffles back into the room. “Give us another moment—they do not seem to have a tolerance for a makeover, I’m afraid.”
He gives out an amused laugh when he hears you hiss through your teeth as your hair gets pulled back. “P-please be more gentle…” he hears you mumble. 
“Work your magic however, Meryl,” Vash grins and says with a wink, “I’ll give you and your team double the pay if you manage to make my jaw drop.”
Prince!Nai anxiously taps his foot, his eyes flickering back and forth between the growing crowd of nobles and the large clock that screams Vash is quite late. The guests themselves have asked a number of times where the younger Saverem is, his presence already ghosting around the ballroom. 
“Legato,” Nai calls. “Take Livio and Monev to search for Vash. I cannot have his tardiness stain our reputation like this,” he stresses.
“Prince!Vash!” Milly, a handmaiden, calls out worriedly. Distress floods her entire being, causing her to trip on the rug and fall towards him. His reflexes do not fail him (he can thank all the swordsmanship training for that one) and manages to break her fall with his arms. “Prince Vash! They’re looking for you! Prince Nai’s bodyguards are asking about your whereabouts—!”
Vash curses under his breath, knowing that your transformation wasn’t complete yet. “Meryl, how many more minutes do you need?” he calls aloud to the head seamstress, only for his face to pale when he receives a reply of a plentiful fifteen more minutes at minimum from the closed door. He turns back to the handmaiden, urging her to, “Tell them I’ll be down there shortly, and that I was just um… occupied in the bathroom!” he laughs unconvincingly before urging her to leave the corridor and forward the message.
He knocks on the door. “(Y/N)?”
His heart lightens at the sound of your voice coming from all the commotion. “I, uh…” 
He wanted a chance to at least look at you to see if you were properly fitted for the part before the ball. “I unfortunately have to go down to meet my brother, so I won’t be able to escort you like I promised… but I’ll meet you down there once you’re down!”
There’s a brief pause before you ask, “You’re not coming with me?” 
He swears the mild disappointment in your voice is enough to break him whole. “I can’t, I’m so sorry. But both Milly and Meryl know what to do, I’m putting them in your care!”
Vash begins to dart out of the corridor before he pauses and quickly walks back up to Milly, and in a hushed tone, reminds her, “And please… do not forget about my gift to them.”
Prince!Nai hears his name being called aloud from the right side of the ballroom. His silver eyes meet deeper azure ones in sweet relief, before becoming unamused again at the sight of his brother’s hair all tousled, his sash not properly seated across his chest, and his crown sat improperly atop his head.
“Where were you?” Nai mutters to him before fixing the brooch on Vash’s collar. “Everyone was asking about your whereabouts?” 
“Ouch!” Vash exclaims when Nai tightens his collar. “On the toilet. I think I had too much to eat for lunch, haha.”
Nai only looks at him with mild disgust. “No matter,” he waves off. “The fact is that you’re here now, that’s all that matters.”
Nai’s next few minutes are filled with him commemorating the ball to the currently present guests, thanking them for taking time out of their schedules to celebrate such a festivity with him and letting him host such a regal event. He etches on a fake smile to the people below him, making it subtly known of his position above them on the leveled flooring by refusing to greet them from down below and making them come to his feet.
The last few guests are still flocking in by the time the first couple of dances start, and Nai can’t help but eye Vash’s fidgeting and consistent scanning of the ballroom floor. He watches as Vash’s eyes go to dart at the clock while bouncing on his heels—biting his lip in what seems to be a foreign anticipation of sorts. Nai is about the question if he was alright, seeing as how nervousness was an extremely rare face that his brother would put on until when Vash’s eyes return to the dance floor. They no longer bounce about the crowd but instead, fixate on a specific sight that makes his jaw drop slightly. But when Nai attempts to share the same sight, Vash beelines down to the dance floor, Nai’s shouts of his name falling deaf to his ears. 
He hesitates to follow him, but his foot stops in place and almost enables him to move. Before becoming paralyzed at the sound of his name being called by one of the royal advisors. Nai snaps at him to leave him be, glaring at the man and making the advisor stiffen and scurry away, but when he returns his eyes back to the dance floor, Nai almost loses sight of his twin just before he spots him weaving through the dancers thanks to his bold red suit.
“Vash!” His eyes follow him until Vash slows towards something—no, someone that Nai can’t see thanks to his brother’s broad build. He grits his teeth, almost losing his composure at his brother’s hyperactiveness. 
His tension suddenly seems to ease itself when Vash finally moves out of view to reveal what had gotten him so worked up.
Prince!Vash looks at you breathlessly, eyes wide and an open-lipped smile gazing down upon you as you stare up at him.
“You look…” he scans your complete appearance ever so carefully, savoring every detail.
The flecks of the lights given by the chandelier embellish you in a soft spotlight. Adorned in a shimmering, celeste blue ball gown bespeckled with diamonds that had made everyone around gaze at you in wonder, Vash bit his lip—the color suited you a little too well for his liking. Elbow-length silk gloves snaked their away around arms that were usually shielded with soil-stained gardening gloves, and instead of a wide-brimmed sun hat like you usually wore that hid your face and hair from view, your hair was neatly done and atop your head settled not a sun hat, but a jeweled tiara with matching earrings and a choker that opened up your painted face. 
Normally, you do not get a lot of eyes following during the daytime when you’re in your usual outerwear. But Vash can’t help but feel weary when he sees people eye you with curiosity and admiration in your current attire—some part of it wants to believe that it’s only because you’re talking with him, but all their attention is on you, like his own.
When Vash doesn’t finish his sentence, you worriedly fidget with the itchy material. “Do… Do I look weird?” you inquire with no self-security in your voice. “Is it too flashy—”
“No!” Vash shouts a little too loudly, gaining a couple of stares and raised eyebrows around him. “You look…” he swallows thickly, attempting to find better words to describe your appearance, but all that weakly chokes out is, “beautiful. Incredibly beautiful.”
A heat rushes to your face before you softly smile. “Thank you. You look just as dashing tonight, my prince. Oh and uh,” you lift the skirt of your ball gown up slightly, just enough to reveal the beauty of a pair of iridescent, sapphire-dusted glass slippers that sparkle just like the crystals in the chandelier above the ballroom. “Thank you for the gift. Your goodwill is valued greatly.”
He can’t help the bashful smile that creeps onto his lips; it feels like he was just complimented by a divinity themselves. “I-I hope it’s to your liking, and I tried my best to guess your shoe size. Are they too tight? Too large? I can quickly ask for a replacement pair if—”
You hold your gloved hand up to pause his rambling, lips curling into a soft smile. “They’re the perfect fit, my prince.”
Relief floods Vash, and he lets out a dramatic breath that makes you laugh from his antics. The young prince then reaches his hand out towards you, moving aside to let you take a better look at what you desired most—the elegance of a ballroom floor.
“Well then, shall we dance?”
Prince!Nai breathes in sharply as he sees a stranger take his brother’s hand—so sharply it stings his nose, not enjoying how the stranger touches Vash so unbelievably casually. It doesn’t help his case when he doesn’t recognize who the stranger was in the snowy blue ball gown despite him knowing nearly every single person in the ballroom. He first wonders why Vash knows them, then he second guesses himself and asks why they know Vash seeing as how the conversation between the two was friendly—a little too friendly.
He’s brushed with a sense of familiarity, almost. The air feels thinner.
He stares at the two as Vash helps them onto the dance floor, where the stranger seems to already be stumbling over their own two feet. Nai can recognize a face of worry anywhere, and it’s currently plastered on their visage—pursed lips, wide eyes, he’s seen every form of it from the palace’s workers when he’s around.
Another conversation busies itself between them and Vash… and it almost looks like he’s giving the stranger instructions on how to waltz properly. From the looks of it, the stranger seems to be some sort of a viscount or baron, judging from how particularly young they were… but what sort of noble doesn’t know the basics of a waltz? Nai’s brows furrow, his ears drowning out everyone else who tries to receive him in concentration between the two particular individuals on the dance floor.
“Legato,” he chants, his eyes not leaving the two when the stranger accidentally seems to step on Vash’s foot, making them both exclaim in surprise, a short burst of laughter between the two quickly following. “Who is that dancing with Vash? The one in blue.”
“Hm?” his royal secretary looks up from his clipboard and squints at the stranger stiffly dancing. He squints. “I’m not… too sure, your majesty… I don’t think I can recall them on the invitation list.”
“Perhaps a trespasser?” Nai mutters to himself, poorly attempting to hide his horror. It was not uncommon for those not under noble titles to attempt to sneak into festivities they were not allowed into, though they had never made it particularly far. How dare a lowlife commoner sneak onto royal property and seduce his brother?! What sort of things or favors could the stranger possibly want from the royal prince? The thought of his more naive sibling being taken advantage of by a mere villager makes Nai’s blood boil hastily. “Bring them to me at once.”
Prince!Vash looks at you with a partiality embedded into his eyes, watching as your own fleet over the beauty and articulation of the ballroom’s interior and marveling at the people decorated in fancy clothing. Joy is plastered all over your face, even though you’d never admit it.
“How do you take the ball so far?” Vash asks quietly as he gently picks you up on a strengthened beat, settling you down easily. He can hear the clink of your glass slippers being set on the dance floor softly, like two champagne flutes toasting together. 
“It’s all I ever could’ve dreamed about,” you sigh happily. “Thank you again, I truly do appreciate it.”
“I thought I could use the company,” he laughs, “I haven’t run into any weird marquesses or dukes yet, so keep at—” Vash’s smile suddenly falls flat onto the floor at the sight of a familiar bluenette approaching your and his way, a sternness that replicates his elder brother’s on the royal secretary’s face. A nervous bob of his throat attempts to hide itself under his ascot. He can’t let his nerves get to him or you. 
“My prince,” Legato greets flatly, giving a poor bow that would be completely unacceptable under Nai’s eyes, “Your majesty requests you and your…” Legato’s narrow eyes trace your figure, his brow raising when you look away instead of greeting him. “... accompaniment at once. He would like to meet them properly.”
Vash’s spine freezes, and he can feel you stiffen as you grip his gloved hand a little tighter. “O-of course, we’ll be there in just a mo—.”
“He requests your presence, now.”
He and you can only anxiously follow Legato’s figure in the crowd, a worried glance from you meets his half-secured one, silently telling you, “Rest assured,”
Prince!Nai watches under stone-cold eyes as the mysterious stranger, Vash, and Legato come before him, all three of them bowing in respect to the future king. 
“Vash,” Nai declares, making his younger brother look up, “Would you care to introduce me to… your companion?” he asks, not even attempting to acknowledge the stranger that stands idly beside him. 
There’s a pregnant pause that skims through the thickened air between the three of them before Vash exclaims out in surprise and nods his head rapidly, a large smile (yet somehow doesn’t reach his eyes) plastered on his lips. “A-ah! Yes, of course!” Vash gestures to the person beside him.
Prince!Vash steps aside to introduce you properly, signaling to you that he will do most of the talking for you, giving Nai your given fake name. “They’re the child of a noble from the high court of the kingdom of Marche, and they’re coming on their father’s behalf since he has fallen ill.” 
You curtsy to him out of respect, trying your absolute best to avoid the future king’s cold gaze looking down upon you. “It is such an honor to be invited to such a prestigious event, your majesty.” 
Prince!Nai doesn’t reply to you, only letting out a soft grunt of semi-acknowledgement. His stare doesn’t break from you, though, still halfway convinced that you were who you said you were.
“Marche…” Nai mutters and tucks his chin in between his fingers. “Where is that on the map? I don’t recall such a kingdom.”
“It’s a rather small domain!” Vash exclaims hastily. “It’s up towards the northern hemisphere, so it’s almost entirely covered in snow—! All the way up to one’s knees!”
Nai’s eyes narrow. “And how exactly do you know that?” 
Prince!Vash’s mouth suddenly pools with regret at what he said. Words get caught up in his throat and his mouth hangs open like a fish. 
“Prince Vash was so kind enough to send food and supplies to our kingdom after we were hit with a sudden blizzard,” you interrupt. “Our kingdom thanks him charitably for such generosity.”
The older Saverem turns to look at Vash with a hardened look on his face. “When was this? Why was I not made aware of it?”
“You were too busy with leveling out the war between Augusta and Mei-City during the time,” Vash continues, “I didn’t want to make things worse since you were so stressed, so I decided to take matters into my own hands with Marche.”
Prince!Nai’s irritation seems to grow more and more with the passing seconds that he’s in close proximity with you. He finally takes a step down from the pedestal that sits viewing the ballroom and lifts your chin up with his gloved hand—examining your features. Something about you seems too… retrospective.
Nai thinks it’s too loose of a term.
His face scans your weary eyes, your painted, warbling lips, the slope of your nose, the crease of your eyes… he can’t quite place his finger on it, but your face doesn’t only look familiar, but feels familiar, as well, as if the shape and angles of it mimic someone else. It frustrates him that he just doesn’t know who. All he knows is that you are not worthy of the tiara placed atop your head because it looks too strange… too foreign on you.
“You remind me of someone,” he murmurs as he changes the angles of your face with his hand whilst brushing your bottom lip with his thumb. “Someone I know. Someone I’ve seen before.” His voice goes criminally soft, so quiet that only you’re able to detect the poison in his voice that stings you with disarray.
You step back a little too rashly. “I have… rather the common face, your majesty,” you excuse with a tight throat.
“I see.” The future king continues to study your features for a few more seconds before almost thrusting your face away from him—you draw a breath you hadn’t realized you had been holding as you attempt to regain your balance. Returning his attention to Vash, he merely states, “I’d hate to spoil your fun for tonight, brother. I hope that you and… your company… enjoy yourselves,” before brisking off stiffly somewhere else, most likely somewhere he can quietly watch you two with watchful eyes.
Prince!Vash notices your shaken-up disposition and places a hand on the small of your back to let yourself breathe properly when you and him head back to the floor. “Are you okay?” 
You nod, but your eyes warble with a curtain of glass over them. Vash thins his lips and briefly apologizes again, per usual, for his brother’s antics, attempting to ease you with excuses of how he’s always like that towards people he didn’t know and he’s just too overprotective of him.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have come,” you choke out, pacing a bit forward. “I should probably leave before he really confirms something—”
“No! Don’t!” Vash abruptly grabs your hand and forcefully turns you around to face him before you can escort yourself out the ballroom you had been in for less than half an hour. He had done too much effort for you to be here, it’d be too much of a waste of time (and money!) if you left so early. 
Your eyes widen at his rashness, blinking owlishly. 
“I-I mean… there’s still a lot of time left… and I could really, reallyyy use the company,” Vash pleads and grips your hand a little tighter while he waltzes you onto the ballroom with him. “I promise I won’t let him near you without me,” he softly whispers before the large crescendo from the orchestra.
“Just follow my lead.”
Prince!Nai watches from the corner of his eye as he talks amongst different dukes and earls about the latest news regarding the seven kingdoms, not exactly picking up on their words like he usually does considering his mind was displaced somewhere else that needed his attention more desperately than political scandals. 
He bounces about the ballroom, going from individual to individual in hopes to try and get a better glimpse of Vash and the seemingly uninvited guest from “Marche.” It wasn’t too difficult considering the blue gown you were wearing on the dance floor was eye-catching, but the other people in the crowd made it much too difficult to get an unblocked view of you. Vash doesn’t seem to be letting go of your side, either, unwilling to move more than a couple of meters away from you even as he talks amongst others.
“Livio, what do you know of a kingdom by the name of ‘Marche?’” Nai asks his bodyguard.
The half-masked man turns to him, confused. “I have never heard of such a nation, my prince.”
Nai is half-convinced. Livio had never been all the best at book smarts, let alone geography, so he turns to the embodiment of his second brain, asking the same question. Legato chuckles darkly, clutching something behind him. “I checked the historical archives a few minutes ago, and you would be quite intrigued as to what I had found, your highness.” 
Legato shows him a torn-out, faded map of the seven cities, subcities still etched onto it…
… minus the addition of a particular northern region.
“There is no such nation under the title of ‘Marche’, your highness,” Legato says, a smirk sneaking onto his lips. “Your suspicions were right. That person besides Prince Vash… is a fraud.”
Prince!Vash happily dips you down just before the exuberant song played by the orchestra ends, making you yelp in surprise before laughing aloud with him at his sudden caper. He pulls you up again with ease and wipes the sweat of his brow. “Probably the best song they’ve played so far!” 
“Indeed,” you sigh out as you fan yourself. You never expected a ballroom to become rather stuffy—or perhaps it was the constant dancing you had been doing for the past couple of hours that caused you to become so flushed. “I’m going to get some air outside before I pass out, is that okay?”
Vash, completely forgetting the vow he had made to you at the beginning, nods and tells you he’ll be close by to grab some refreshers and leaves you to your own accord. “Don’t take too long! The final dance is about to begin!”
A soft laugh escapes your lips, nodding before you whisk away to the chilled air of the garden. The night is young—you’ve never felt more alive than you did now. Perhaps you did make the right decision to tag along with the young prince this evening, since starting tomorrow, you would no longer be able to experience the joyous experience of tonight and would have to go back to tending to the garden that you walk about in. A statue honoring the late queen Rem sits in the center of it all, and it gazes upon you with a familiar gentleness. The moon is set high and it smiles down upon you as you breathe fresh air into your lungs again as you settle onto a stone bench that sits in front of the statue, watching as the nocturnal wildlife in the garden play and prance.
A rabbit peers at you from underneath a rose hedge curiously, mimicking your actions as you tilt your head at it. You fight the urge to let out a coo before you motion it towards you, you’ve always had somewhat of a knack with animals. It slowly reveals itself and prances toward you with its eyes mirroring the moonlight before it scurries away when a looming shadow approaches you from behind, obviously frightened.
“I take it you’re enjoying yourself quite well tonight,” Prince!Nai declares behind you.
Startled, you let out a soft cry of surprise before you turn around and face austere, glacial orbs that belong to the one and only future king of JuLai. Your heart pulses—already having a sneaking suspicion of why such a prestigious royal figure was isolated with you in the lone garden.
“Y-your highness,” you answer weakly, knees about to give out as you stand on weak legs. You aren’t sure whether the ache from your calves is because of all the dancing or because of the nerves.
“How is the ball?” Nai questions whilst he circles around you like a hawk around its prey. You can only stand so still as you look straight ahead, not daring to look into those eyes. “Is it to your liking? I hope the music fairs nicely, I picked it out myself.”  
Clutching onto the fabric of your gown, you nod compliantly as you continue to avoid eye contact. “You have… great taste in music, my prince.” 
“Why, thank you,” he replies, a confidence he exudes casually distinguished in his voice. “How is the food? The pastries are not too sweet?” 
“Not at all, your highness…” Your nerves slowly begin to freeze over the more laps Nai does around you, caging you in an invisible rope as his eyes never leave your figure, the same eyes that were used to examine you much too closely. 
“That’s good, that’s good,” he mumbles. “Tell me, what foods do you usually have in Marche? I have a particular sweet tooth, are there any desserts you’d recommend me if I were to… take a visit there?” he stops pacing and settles himself in front of you, his aura wading off nothing but dominance. “To just check up on how the state of it is, you know. That must’ve been a terrible blizzard, I’m sure.” 
The inked sky hides your heated sweat, but doesn’t hide your chest rapidly going up and down and your breath betraying you. It falls too short. “There’s…” your words get mixed up, voice going soft. “There’s a cake th-that we eat annually during the celebration of the… the…” 
Nai cocks a brow, tilting his head almost coyly to the side. “The…?”
“The… anniversary of the war against the neighboring kingdom we won a few decades ago,” you complete with little confidence.
“Oh?” Nai’s eyes narrow, a subtle smirk snaking on his lips. “Which kingdom?”
You can feel your voice begin to fail you. Eyes darting around for a familiar tuft of straw blonde hair and a dashing red suit, you don’t seem to spot anyone else in the garden except for you and the future king.“I… I can’t seem to recall, your highness, my apologies…”
He chuckles and comes to your aid all of a sudden and answers for you, instead. “I recall Augusta having conflict with a certain kingdom in my history books, perhaps it was them, then?” 
A haughty laugh and nod sneaks their way past you without second thought. “Y-yes! Augusta—! I’m honored to say that we were able to triumph over them, despite a rather tough beating—”
A thick pause goes through the garden before it’s broken by the sudden loud gong of the palace clock, alerting the stroke of midnight was upon you. 
“P-pardon?” you hesitantly ask, turning your head up to the prince before your nerves completely freeze over and paralyze you in your spot at the sight of his ice cold eyes piercing straight into you.
Prince Nai slowly steps towards you, his sullen countenance never faltering. “Augusta… is located in the southwestern hemisphere, where there is nothing but dry land and deserts for iles. I do not think that such a land would be neighboring a kingdom where a blizzard devastated it.” 
Your breath hitches. Vash is nowhere to be found, no matter how hard you look around you, and you are much too far away from the ballroom courtyard to see anyone else that can come to your rescue. Not even the animals of the night seemed to appease you with their presence, leaving you entirely to your own devices in the hands of the future king of one of the most powerful kingdoms on the planet.
“I—must’ve gotten my facts mixed up,” you choke out, feeling the air around you become thinner and thinner with each step Nai takes. “W-was it Augusta? Oh no… it was Dec—”
“December," he starts, his voice knowing. "was perished in an avalanche more than two centuries ago,” Nai interrupts, as he circles behind you. “Nothing, no one remains there except ruin,” he murmurs into your ear, his breath sending shrills up your spine.
His foot goes to step onto the fabric of your gown, making you fall over backwards and prey to his wrath. Your lip trembles as he looms over you with his broad build. You second-guess your thoughts from minutes earlier, the blood from your heart pumping into your ears all too loudly. 
You should’ve never accepted Vash’s invitation.
You should’ve never put on those beautiful, gifted glass slippers.
You should’ve never given into temptation.
“So now, tell me why…” his voice drops to a poisonous whisper when he crouches beside you. “I also was not able to locate Marche on a recent map.” 
His actions repeat from earlier, but this time, they have too much force and strength. Nai grabs your chin almost painfully and ignores your cries of pain when he squeezes your jaw between his hand, forcing you up on your feet to look up at him.
“Y-your highness—”
“You’re a fraud,” Nai declares venomously. “A fake, a trespasser, and a criminal who wants to squeeze every living cent out of my brother, yes? Tell me, you pest…” his grip on your jaw tightens so harshly, you’re frightened that your cheeks, now beginning to stain with pained tears, will bruise from his fingers and your attempt at prying his fingers off work to no avail. You’re frightened that your teeth will squeeze out of their cavings from the strength of his grip. “What did you want from Vash? Money? Jewels? Or did you wish to harm him in the work of another kingdom? Are you a spy? Answer me, snake.”
Your rapid shakes of your head do not convince Nai that you aren’t a threat at all, only making his hand that grips your jaw go to your throat. “I am none of th-those…”
“Liar!” Nai thunders, his voice booming throughout the garden as he draws his sword from his hip and places it aside your throat, the prick of the blade grazing your skin. Nai’s eyes wind with malice as your gaping ones that tangle with fear stare straight at him. “Tell me the truth or face a fate worse than death it—”
“Nai! Let go of them!” 
Prince!Vash goes to sprint towards you from the entrance of the palace’s courtyard. Nai drops you out of shock and your fight or flight instincts finally begin to kick in when your nerves thaw from the shock. 
You watch for another split, merciful second as Vash quickens in pace, but he’s still much too far to reach you in time. As you get up, your slippers barely supporting your weight, fatigue is beginning to kick in much too early. The muscles in your limbs ache and suddenly feel all too heavy for your liking, but with a final burst of strength given to you by an unknown will, you manage to get away from his grasp by shoving him. The strength shocks both you and him, however, and launches you straight backwards into the stone statue of the late queen. You can only watch in horror as it lands forward, shattering into little pebbles of cobblestone. 
The impact of the statue of Rem Saverem knocks you down to your feet again, as well as Prince!Nai, and he uses your disposition to his advantage before you can start your getaway. His hand determinedly locks around the heel of your slipper as he hisses out, “You… are not going anywhere, trespasser.” 
“Please—!” you cry out as you tug with all your strength from his grip, vision blurring from the tears that rim around your eyes. “I meant no harm!” 
Another wave of strength fueled by adrenaline rushes through your body and through the fatigue, through the fear, through the horror of it all, you manage to slip your foot away from your slipper before finally sprinting away.
Prince!Nai begins to get up and chase after you until he’s tackled shockingly by Vash, forcing the two into a wrestling fight on the dirt. Nai shouts at him to let go and chase after the trespasser, with Vash retaliating with a firm decline and holding him down to the best of his abilities whilst taking in the kicks and punches and insults Nai forces upon him. Unwillingly, he blows a punch to Nai’s gut and Nai spits out a mixture of blood and saliva, doubling over on the garden floor that’s now littered with trashed petals of flowers and speckles of stone and marble because of two. 
The head of Queen Rem Saverem’s eyes glisten up at them almost disappointingly in the moonlight.
Vash staggers up slowly, limping from the scratch marks his elder brother clawed into his leg. He glares at his brother through a black eye. “They said it themselves, they meant no harm!”
“Who were they, Vash?!” Nai cuts in, glaring up at him. “If they meant no harm… who were they?!”
Prince!Vash can only look at Nai almost pityingly as his chest rises and falls. If he were to admit who you truly were… he knew for a fact Nai would have you exiled from the kingdom… or worse, executed entirely. He couldn’t let that happen—even with his excuses that he was the one that dragged you into this mess. His brother’s bias towards him could never be swayed.
He licks his lips, his eyes glancing at your minimizing figure in the distance.
“Your highnesses!”
Prince!Nai and Prince!Vash look behind them to see Livio, Monev, and Legato rushing toward the two, all three appalled at the scene in the now-ruined portion of the garden and the sight of two dirtied princes with dirt and blood soiling them. 
They do not have time to ask what on earth had happened, as Nai has already devised a plan to capture and punish the trespasser accordingly. His eyes fleet over to the crystal slipper clenched firmly in his fist, tightening it in his grasp more at the sight of it as a reminder of his failure to properly protect his brother from the lowlife that call themselves commoners.
 “Tomorrow…” he heaves with a steady breath, his eyes darkening as he stares at the slipper, “Get every single young person in the kingdom into the palace and force this upon their foot. 
“This…” He raises up the glass slipper for all of them to see. “... shall help us catch our criminal and punish them accordingly.”
“Nai—” Vash pleads through a bleeding lip. “Don’t!”
“Once you do find who suits the slipper,” Nai continues, before turning to where you ran off. His eyes bleed into your disappearing figure venomously before he picks up his sword and throws it at Legato’s feet. 
“Bring them to me at once. Alive. I want to see them beheaded with my own two eyes.”
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(a/n): hi again! i recently just watched the 2015 live action version of cinderella, and my, was it gorgeous. as the main inspo for this piece, i hope that the cinderella aspects were clear enough in this with my own twists to the story, since that was my main aim. i may include another part to this, maybe even turning it into a miniseries as a whole for all the nai lovers out there (i did him dirty here, sorry!!) because i myself want to include something for him, but i'll see how this piece does first and if anyone would be interested in a part ii to this.
other than that, thank you for reading, and reblogs are always appreciated :] !!
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 03
In the Fluent Freshman AU I could see a moment where Andrew kind of misses having Renee around. She was a nice quiet support for him during her time at Palmetto and now she’s graduated. Bee suggests that Andrew try and make a new friend, he can try with someone on the team even.
Andrew, initially, thinks it’s a stupid idea. He real hates pretty much every sophomore (Jack’s group) and pretty much all of the new freshmen irritate him since they’re always trying to steal Neil’s attention with all their fucking problems. The only freshman that he has no opinion on (and therefore is miles and miles ahead of everyone else) is the quiet one that he glowered at pretty early on for staring at Neil’s scars.
Except now, with the knowledge that the kid is a foreign language major, he was probably just trying to figure out what language him and Neil were talking in since the kid isn’t phased at all when Neil absentmindedly used his shirt to wipe away sweat on his face. Everyone else had LOOKED but the kid had just continued on as if it were nothing.
Nicky likes him a fair bit and has assured both Andrew and Neil, after the fourth time the kid power walked away from them, that he’s not homophobic just due to circumstances public displays of affection make him deeply uncomfortable. The Foxes have pasts and if the kid isn’t going to make it their problem then Andrew isn’t about to get irritated over it.
(Nicky doesn’t elaborate that those circumstances being that he understands that Andrew is telling Neil all the places (geographical locations) that he wants to kiss Neil and where he’d do it. He’s really not a prude but how did watching Cars 2 result in this level of dirty talk?! He’s just trying to actually get to see these movies everyone keeps referencing so that he can join in on the conversation)
The kid’s quiet company the few times Andrew’s been in it and Neil has been making some slow progress on getting the kid to open up. Andrew knows that the kid has his own weekly meetings with Betsy and he’s not about to pry.
(It’s social anxiety and stress related. No he has not told Betsy about the whole Russian situation because she’d be mad at him right? Everyone keeps telling him that Betsy and Andrew Minyard are close and that Andrew is her favorite even if she can’t admit to having something like that. She’s nice but what if she gets mad about it and tells Wymack that he’s not fit mentally to be on the team? Then what? He can’t afford college without a sports scholarship. Oh god- Betsy spends a lot of time walking him through stress relief and not worst case scenario-ing every interaction)
Andrew figures that if nothing else this kid is fine with sitting in stony silence. If it doesn’t work then w/e he tried.
So, to Fluent Freshman’s absolute horror and dismay, Andrew Minyard starts to hang around him even when Captain Neil ISN’T AROUND. He becomes unbeatable at Poker and fluent in Japanese if not fully literate.
Once it’s just Andrew and Fluent Freshman sitting in absolute silence for an hour. This might be the nicest time Andrew’s had with someone not part of his family since Renee left. “You ever consider learning Russian?” Andrew asks.
Fluent Freshman’s award winning performance starts here.
“No, I have never considered taking Russian classes here.” He responds turning a page in his book on Esperanto (he thinks it’d be fun) because why take a class for a language he’s already fluent in. He’s bad at lying but he’s GREAT at just not saying the truth.
Andrew doesn’t say anything in response and they continue to sit in silence until Fluent Freshman has to get up and go quietly have a panic attack.
Everyone, except Nicky, all think that Fluent Freshman’s the second coming of Andrew’s general apathy. Bee is proud of Andrew for willingly sitting next to someone in almost complete silence. Andrew says it helps that there’s someone else like him (Bee is confused because Fluent Freshman is known to bring his own brown paper bag to hyper-ventilate into but she says nothing.)
Only Nicky knows the full extent. Fluent Freshman is doing breathing exercises, taking pepto bismol to help his stress related stomach ulcer, and considering using his art gen-ed for theater so that he can commit to this bit better.
Fluent Freshman kind of gets used to Andrew’s quiet company until one day they’re an hour and a half into their usual absolute silence when Fluent Freshman gets up to grab something Andrew looks at him and goes “Hey wanna learn how to use a knife?” And Fluent Freshman stiffens up and straight up faints.
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nogenderbee · 8 months
Could I request Diluc, Kaeya, Childe and Ayato with an s/o who has amazing good fortune and luck?
Sure! I did these in oneshot format because I thought it'll be a bit more interesting ^^ Well hope you like it dear anon!
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕃𝕦𝕔𝕜𝕪 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Ayato x lucky!reader
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bleachtheidiot
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You visited Diluc in Angel's Share to classically ramble about your day and adventures. He seemed to expect you by now before as soon as you say down, your favorite juice was right under your nose and when you looked at your partner, you noticed his eyes softening. It was like alternative of a smile since he can't let other read: Venti, Kaeya or Rosaria see him like that and risk getting teased to death.
But going back to current time... there was almost no one else close to bar so it was basically just the two of you.
"So how was it? I heard you accepted one of more dangerous missions today."
He gave you the strict look and you knew just by that that he was worried for the whole day even if he didn't wanted to admit it!
"Yeah, but it was easy! My luck never disappoints me~"
"That's great and I don't wish it to be otherwise but you should stop relying on it so much. It's just luck. What it won't be on your side one time?"
"Oh stop worrying so much! I'm all safe and sound!"
"And I couldn't be more glad for that..."
He was gently caressing your hand by now. It may seem like normal gesture but you could see he's being a bit mean because he cares about you. Maybe next time you should take some extra stuff just to make him less stressed text time?
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You and Kaeya were just hanging around on Mondstadt's festival. There was game based on luck so of course he encouraged you to try it! And naturally, you win every single one of them~ Eventually it ended with hosts stopping you from playing because you'd win all prizes in this tempo...
"See? I told you it's worth checking out!"
"Did you had something to do with it again?"
"What are you assuming me of? But just maybe I made a bet with host that you won't loose a single round! I'm treating you to dinner tonight, my dear~"
You should've expected it honestly... he will use every opportunity to show how amazing luck his partner has after all. But you can't really complain since he's treating you to dinner!
But he doesn't do it just to use you or so, it's more like showing everyone your amazing talent. And you can see it by the way he always compliments you before even suggesting bets or anything like that.
"Another bet? Really?"
"Well yes but you know it's not me who suggested them... they were just a bit too confident that you can't have those sort or luck."
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Childe brings you everywhere with him. And it's even worse if you know about him being part of the Fatui... he'll always bring you to negotiations, competitions, fights and so on.
Since that one time when you both were just shopping in Liyue Harbor and he won over 3 negatiations with you on his side, he literally started calling you "his lucky charm".
That's how you ended up watching him fight on the sides, like today. It doesn't matter if it'll be whole boss or few slimes, he'd always tell you to give him some of your luck with that grin on his face.
And when he comes back after his win, he'll be a bit flirty, saying how it's all thanks to your luck even tho you both know very well it's thanks to his fighting skills.
"Thanks for cheering for me there! I couldn't have done this without your help~"
"C'mon... these slimes were nothing for you... you said it yourself plenty of time."
"But it could've been your luck this time! You won't mind accompanying me for some time, right?"
"Aren't you just trying to show off by now?"
He definitely does try to only impress you... and you're sure of it by the way he sends you that little grin of his symbolizing he's planning something.
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You came to Ayato rambling about how lucky you got with winning a prize on some festival. He was genuinely happy to see you smile like that and the way you were so sure it's because you're lucky person is making him adore you even more.
"I guess I just have incredible luck! No one won this one before me and it's the one I liked the most anyway!"
"Of course. I'm so proud of you, my love."
It's not immidietly noticible but he doesn't really believe in so called "luck". He's sure it's a simple coincidence but that sparkle in your eyes just makes him go with your thoughts to not accidentally ruin this day for you.
"Well then, why won't we celebrate your another lucky day by going out for dinner?"
"Well I can't say no to that!"
He softly smiled at your reaction. He liked to spoil you in the first place but he adores how childish you could be sometimes.
He'd always listen to you rambling about your newest achievements and how it's all thanks to your luck with a smile. He's saying that he's proud of you and acts as if he's sure that's how it is, but in reality he thinks it was just coincidence. As much as he doesn't want you to ALWAYS rely on your luck, he can't just tell you what he thinks in the face, you're simply too pure in his eyes.
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greatstormcat · 7 months
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Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x gn!reader
TW: MDNI 18+, depression, suicidal thoughts, implied self harm, blood
Author’s note: Please seek help if you need it, never suffer in silence
It happened to everyone at some point, the voices in your head would start to spiral, images of deeds and their consequences playing behind your eyes like a slideshow of death and destruction. Blood and fire a constant background to everything you did, thought, heard, tasted. Food became ash and dust in your mouth, not worth the effort to eat, so you did so less and less. You’ve heard older soldiers complain that it gets harder to drown your demons with time, that they learn to swim. The monsters in your head are beginning to win, take over and drown you instead it seems.
You’d taken to spending your downtime alone, it helped with avoiding questions from the rest of the team. In truth though, you found their banter and efforts to cheer you up like walking on glass shards. There was no energy to spare anymore, to let you put on a facade of enjoying the drinking and chatter.
Everything about you felt hollow, fake, dead, not quite human. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d actually felt anything. You wanted to feel something and cut through this numbness, like you were existing under a sheet of ice. You hadn’t even been able to shed a tear for yourself or anyone else since this ice bored into you.
All this brought you to the present, a crossroads in time and right now the grim reaper stood in front of you. Or someone who looked a lot like him anyway. Your skull masked Lieutenant had found you after you’d been avoiding him for weeks. He was too observant, to switched on to the signs of fatigue and stress you were showing more everyday. Everytime he looked at you it was like being pinned under a microscope and your every thought and feeling was flayed open to his gaze. You hated it, hated being perceived like this, by him.
The towering dark specter stood, arms folded as he watched you, shoulder hunched as he leant against the bathroom wall where he had cornered you. You held a combat knife in your hand, twisting the handle so the dim light above caught the blade.
“What were you planning on doing with that?” he asked without preamble, tone low and carefully even.
“Couldn’t say, sir,” you answer, hearing the flatness of your own voice, knowing he heard it too.
“You need to talk to someone,” again, straight to the point, no fluffiness or fake friendship from Ghost.
“I’ll go to medical in the morning, sir. Promise,” you lie, almost believing your own words that you’ve used over and over again. You push away from the wall, done with this conversation, totally unbothered by the concern of your Lieutenant as you go to move past him to the bathroom door.
Ghost takes the knife in one hand, your arm in the other and twists it. You move to try and counter the grab but you’re too slow, too unsteady and he knows it. You end up turning away from him, as he intended, and you are suddenly facing the mirror with your back to his chest. He has the knife held in front of your face, and his other arm snakes around your middle to brace you against him. The warmth of his body bleeds into you, making you more aware of your own physical body than you have in a long time. The sensation of another human touching you, supporting your weight feels alien.
There’s a surreal moment where your eyes meet his in the mirror, shock on your features and no expression on the cold, skeletal plate he wears. You suddenly are staring into the eyes of Death himself. Ghost moves the knife closer to your face, his eyes watching you as you stare at the blade closing in slowly.
“Is this what you want?” he asks so quietly you aren’t sure he even spoke the words or you thought them. The tip of the knife slides slowly along your jaw, the cold steel making an almost musical sound as it rasps over your skin. “You could move right now, make the cut yourself,” he continues, his hand steady as he traces the blade down under your chin and across the delicate skin of your throat, pressing the flat of the blade down.
You press back harder against his chest as you feel him apply a tiny extra amount of pressure to the blade, and an indentation presses into your skin.
“Answer the question,” he rasps, words as sharp as the knife he presses against your neck. “Is this what you want?”
Your mouth is so dry you cannot move your tongue, but your mind is crystal clear for the first time in weeks, maybe months.
“No,” you mouth soundlessly, dragging your eyes from the silvery blade up to his eyes behind the impassive skull plate of his mask.
“You sure about that?” He asks as he tips the blade slightly, the edge bites in and a tiny bead of blood wells up, bright scarlet against the shining metal. You feel your body want to tremble, but you force your muscles to stay still, to be as steady as Ghost’s hand is right now as he holds certain death against your throat.
“I’m sure,” you croak, trying not to move as you speak. You stare into his reflected gaze avoiding the sight of your own blood on your knife. You let him stare into your soul, the very thing you’ve been avoiding, letting him see the fear and hurt in your eyes. The vulnerability you expose to him cracks something inside you and tears build suddenly, burning your eyes and stealing your vision.
There’s a clang as the knife hits the deck and you are suddenly weeping, great heaving sobs that wrack your entire body as you feel the pain and despair you had sealed away. Ghost holds you, speaks to you calmly, no longer the bringer of your destruction, but of understanding, empathy and forgiveness. You cling on to him as you break and fracture, raw emotions spilling out in place of what would have been, until you are left raw and empty, breathing harshly against his shoulder.
“Let’s get you to medical,” he says, keeping his arm around your shoulders and walking you back out into the light.
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
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Request is for @daenyraa
Since your request was pretty vague, I've decided to do a list of Headcanons about what it would be like to be in a relationship with Minho whilst in the Glade. I hope that this is what you wanted, but if not, I'm more than willing to do another request with more of a story based structure :)
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SUMMARY: Minho × fem!girlfriend!reader. Just Headcanons.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, kinda smut/spice content further down, so skip if that makes you uncomfortable.
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Dating Minho isn't for the faint of heart. Truly- it's a stressful endeavour.
He's always out in the Maze, risking his life to try and protect you and everyone else that lives in the Glade. But, boy, does that make it stressful.
You always wait for him at the Doors, waiting patiently (impatiently) for your loving boyfriend to return.
And if he's even the slightest bit late? All hell breaks loose.
"You're late! Again!"
"By what? Thirty seconds?"
Obviously, you only act like this because you care about him so much. He sees it, and he understands why. Sometimes, he'll linger around the final corner of the Maze just a little bit just to see your reaction.
Minho likes to see that someone cares. Most of the Gladers are completely used to it, but no matter how long you'd been there, the thought of him not coming back stresses you out. You know he's the best, but the thought still eats you alive.
Minho never pushes it too far; he just wants to see that you care not give you a panic attack.
He'll always give you a kiss as he enters the Glade, but after lagging behind a little bit, you're always more forceful and needy- another reason he slows down.
The problem with Minho being the best is that he also knows he's the best. The boy definitely has a cocky streak. Sure, to outsiders, he seems cold and collected. His brow is almost always furrowed, and it's a rarity if you convince him to join in with Bonfire night. But when you know him, you know what he's like. Sarcastic and quick-witted. He's willing to argue with anyone (especially Gally) just for the sake of winning.
The main thing he argues about is, well, you.
More like defends.
Being the one girl in a place as chaotic and testosterone driven as the Glade means that Minho, along with a couple of other friendly faces, are constantly keeping an eye on you. If Minho is out in the Maze, Newt or Alby are always close by, per your boyfriend's request.
But that doesn't stop some people.
Minho has gotten in numerous scraps and shouting matches to defend you. He knows you can defend yourself, but you're hit girlfriend- of course he's going to protect you.
He's overprotective. Something you probably shouldn't find attractive, but you do.
One of these outbursts was the first time he told you he loved you. Clint and Jeff had left you to patch up his bloody nose, not wanting to deal with anymore of Minho's bullshit, and he just kind of said it. Out of nowhere.
"Seriously, dude? You got hit shuckin' hard."
"I love you."
"I love you- I- I think I'm in love with you."
Minho's surprisingly into PDA. Not all of the time, and not too much, and it's definitely more of a cautious possessive thing than just being cute, but you don't mind. He normally stands behind you, hands on your waist. His grip is firm but not forceful and he loves it when you lean back into him, staring up at him with doe eyes. He melts like butter when you look at him like that.
Though, it's not like you're all over each other. You respect the other Gladers boundaries and don't want to make them uncomfortable, so your more heated interactions remain behind closed doors.
That being said, he is known to steal kisses or nip at your neck mid-conversation with someone else. You know, just to make sure they don't get the wrong idea.
You would always make an effort to spend time together. With Minho barely being in the Glade, dinners and evening times are by far the most precious. Once Minho is finished with his maps, he'll eat with you, then you'll both join in on the nights festivities. And by that I mean, you join in and he watches. Then you'll go to bed together.
You had moved into Minho's hut the second you started dating. It's world's better than sleeping in that gross old hammock.
He'd often joke you're with him for his bed.
Sleeping in Minho's arms was probably the highlight of your day. He was always gone when you woke up and the empty hut always put a dampener on your morning, but it wasn't so bad because you knew you'd fall asleep with him again that night.
His strong arms always swallowed you. You wouldn't be shocked if they crush you one day. Not that you'd complain- it would be a decent way to die.
Minho sleeps easily, often meaning you're awake later than he is. You spend the time tracing his skin with your finger, brushing over his lips and admiring his features. He sure is pretty.
Little do you know, that he does the exact same thing to you during his early rises.
Minho is shockingly easy flustered. You'd think for a guy of his skill and reputation that he'd be more receptive to someone matching his energy. But, no. He flirts with you day in, day out- that's nothing new. But you mainly roll your eyes or swat him away, but when you reciprocate, he ends up being the blushing mess.
"That shirt looks great on you- you almost look good enough to eat."
"Is that a suggestion? Be my guest."
Alright, smut time. I know why y'all are here. It's more spice than smut but still. Though, leave now if this makes you uncomfortable.
You and Minho actually didn't have sex for a long time. It wasn't that you didn't want to or think about it, and things definitely weren't made easier when you spent every night sleeping next to the shirtless God of a man. But Minho seemed reluctant.
It wasn't that you'd not done anything. You'd spent plenty of hours making out and grasping at one another, desperately trying to close the distance between you. But the second it went further- it would stop. You'd buck your hips against him, slide your hand down his abs, try to palm his crotch- anything. And he'd pull away. Obviously, that was your cue to stop as well, and you did.
It always turned sweet after that. Delicate kisses and laying in bed with your face buried in his chest, listening to his heartbeat. But you wanted more.
You heard the boys talking about it a lot. They always think they're so subtle, but they're really not. They'd always ask Minho questions like, "What's she like in bed?" "How hot is she, really?" "Is she good at (insert any inappropriate action here)?"
Minho never answered. If he did, he'd tell them to shuck off and mind their own business. But, in reality, there wasn't much to tell.
It caused all kinds of insecurities to come to the surface. Did he not find you attractive? Were you just a trophy? That he'd got the girl and no one else could?
He noticed your distance attitude fairly fast but got little to no answer out of you. So one night you were just laying in bed, back away from each other and you just decided to ask.
"Why won't you have sex with me?"
You'd never seen Minho so speechless before and you don't think you have since.
"Are you not attracted to me?"
"What? No? I mean, yes. I am attracted to you."
"Then why don't you act like it?"
Minho had to explain that he does, indeed, find you attractive. And that your little make-out sessions and flustered interactions get him riled up. Too much. He's scared that you'll think he only wants your for your body; that sex is all he wants you for but that isn't it.
He knows you spend half your time in the Glade listening to how horny teenage boys think women should be treated and what they think women like. But Minho didn't want to be like that.
He obviously didn't make a good move by brushing off your desires, but he was too worried about crossing boundaries to think about that.
It was an awkward conversation, but a necessary one. And things picked up a bit after that.
"So, do you want to fuck now, or what? Because I'm telling you I want to."
"Yes. Please."
Obviously, you were both bumbling virgins with little to no knowledge about the others anatomy. But somehow, that just made it more fun. The learning part was huge at the start. Figuring out what the other wanted whilst learning what you wanted too.
It was all new and daring and exciting.
It was also a lot of watching one another touch themselves. Something that completely flustered you and entertained Minho.
He learnt fast, just like he does everything. He learnt the perfect way to curl his fingers, the pace, the way to move his tongue- all exactly how you liked it to turn you into a trembling, stuttering mess in his arms.
You had a lot of insecurities. You didn't like your chest or your hips, and being under Minho's lustful gaze just made you more insecure. He didn't care. He thinks you're gorgeous. And he'd tell you that every single time you were even slightly vulnerable in front of him. Or even when you weren't. The man loves you, okay? Let him have this.
Minho's huge on consent. Massive on it. You show any tiny little sign of being even remotely uncomfortable, and he'd stop dead in his tracks. There's no way he'd risk making you upset just because he was turned on.
You found it sweet, but then slightly frustrating as you wanted more. He'd be so gentle and loving all of the time (and, yes, you love that too), but you'd wanted him to dare to be darker, rougher, even. You weren't gonna break in two if he used a little force.
You told him about this, and he seemed awkward, so you dropped it. Only to be slammed into the wall of your shared hut a couple of days later after a particularly bad day in the Maze. That was one of the first times of many that Minho would take his pent-up frustrations out on you.
With your permission, of course.
Minho's a switch through and through. It depends on how his day's been, but sometimes he's dominating and forward, knowing exactly what he wants and how to get it. And other days, he just wants to be taken care of.
He's not exactly loud in the bedroom, but he is vocal. He mainly grunts and provides heated words and praises. There are lines he won't cross though- sorry guys, he's not going to insult you, no matter how into it you are.
Though, he is into marking. He learnt pretty fast that he doesn't have to always be around with his hands on your waist if there's soft bruises staining your neck and collarbone.
Minho's also big on aftercare, probably because of his previous fears.
Overall, Minho would be a great boyfriend, and I stand by that. I mean, have you seen this man? He's willing to do anything for people he cares for.
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Yo, so here is my first request. The fact I'm even getting requests is kinda mad, but thank you :))
I'm really not sure where I was going with this since it was just a relationship prompt. I don't think it's as long as my other post but I tried my best lol. Lemme know what y'all think :))
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request: Hello! Can I request a Jamie Tartt imagine where the reader is also a footballer (maybe she plays for Chelsea?) and Jamie comes to see the match. After she wins, they reveal their relationship and everyone is SHOCKED. Thanks a lot!! xx
warnings: bit of swearing, otherwise none just a bit of fluffiness. you’re a chelsea player !
“I’ll see you later baby,” you sing-songed, putting on your best brave face to pretend you weren’t stressed to the core about the game ahead of you, “I’ll look for you, yeah?”
Jamie curled his hands around your waist, pulling you close to him and pressing a kiss to your lips, “You’re gonna smash ‘em, babe.”
You pulled away a little to look at the confident grin on his face, biting your lip as he dipped his head to kiss your cheek, “You’re literally their Jamie Tartt, love. How could you not win?”
You scoffed, pressing your palm to his chest at his usual cocky remark about himself.
“Thank you, superstar,” you teased, stepping back to adjust your kit as his eyes scanned your body, “Nobody else is even in here yet, we’ve got time…”
He licked his lips, once again pulling you flush to his chest — but much to his dismay you pushed him away, “Later, J, later. I’ll meet you out back so we can sneak out? Then you’ve got me all to yourself.”
Jamie didn’t say anything for a moment, glancing around the room for a split second before looking back at you with a sigh.
“I don’t think we need to be so, like, secretive anymore Y/N,” he shrugged, “I mean, two of the best footballers in England are dating… It just makes sense, if you’re asking me.”
Now it was your turn to ponder that thought.
It wasn’t that you were ashamed, or embarrassed, but you were only just getting used to the attention that came with being Chelsea women’s star striker.
It was overwhelming, and with that pressure already on your shoulders, you weren’t sure how ready you were for the paparazzi storm to swirl around your relationship.
You’d been together for months now, somehow managing to do so in secret — mostly behind Jamie’s effortless pretence that he was still fucking around — and so maybe he was right, and sharing your relationship with your friends at least seemed less crazy now.
“OK. Yeah — maybe you’re right,” you nodded, hearing noise coming down the hallway, “We’ll talk about it after, alright? ‘Might explode from the stress right now, and them lot freaking out over us won’t help. I’ll see you later, babe. Love you.”
“Like I said, you’re gonna smash ‘em. Good luck babe,” he grinned, sincerity in his features as he admired you turning to open the door for him, “Love ya too.”
And yes, just like he said, you did smash them.
Not only that — but you scored your first hattrick of your professional career so far, in a fucking cup semi-final against Liverpool!
As you scored your third goal and your teammates swarmed around you to celebrate the 3-0 score, your eyes flickered through the crowd to find your boyfriend again.
As your eyes met his, you broke free from your teammates and mimicked his usual goal celebration, watching the crowd go wild and your whole squad too as they saw just who you were looking at.
The adrenaline coursing through you was giving you unmatched levels of confidence, and suddenly your worries about the reaction to your relationship dissipated entirely.
“Do my eyes deceive me or did Y/L/N just do Jamie Tartt’s classic celebration, whilst looking at the one and only Jamie Tartt himself in the crowd?”
So everyone noticed, commentators included.
Your best friend on the team returned to your side, then. She gripped your shoulder, pulling you close and leaning into your ear, “You’re so in trouble for leaving me to find out you’re fucking Jamie Tartt like this. You have so much to tell me.”
You rolled your eyes, “Yeah, yeah, later!”
The game finished 3-0, Liverpool’s defence proving stronger in the final 20 minutes of the match despite the fact that you’d dominated for the majority of the game.
As the final whistle was blown, you looked over at Jamie again, who was sat between Ted and Sam who’d accompanied him to the game.
He’d asked them to join him because he knew they’d say yes, and he made the excuse that he knew someone who scored him free tickets — which wasn’t actually a lie, obviously.
Despite the conversation going on, Jamie was zoned out just watching you.
It was crazy how much Jamie had mellowed since meeting you.
Of course, to some degree he was still the cocky fucker you’d fallen for when you met at a mutual friend’s party all those months ago. But since meeting you, he seemed to finally grasp that not everything revolved around him.
In fact, if anything, these days he seemed to find everything in his life revolved around you.
You drew in a sharp breath — everyone had seen your celebration, seen you fluttering your lashes at your boyfriend every time you looked into the crowd, seen the proud smile adorning his face as he watched you.
And so once you made your rounds with some of your squad to say hi to some fans, you clambered up the steps to where they were sat.
“Hi, Ted and Sam, right?” you grinned at them both as they nodded eagerly.
“‘S a pleasure to meet ya,” Ted nodded as he stood to shake your hand, “You were absolutely fantastic out there, Y/N. Better than our Jamie over here, maybe,” he saw Jamie’s glare and laughed, “I kid, I kid! You’re both stars, hey!”
Oh, you were so gonna rub that in Jamie’s face later.
“You really were great,” Sam chuckled, “It’s great to meet you, Y/N. Big fan.”
You were flattered, blushing at the compliments coming your way, and Jamie took this opportunity to interject. He stepped in front of Ted, leaning forward.
“Told ya you’d smash it. Good celebration eh,” he smirked, and as you felt your skin prickle with goosebumps at his intense gaze, he gritted his teeth and leaned in to your ear, “Can I kiss you?”
You felt your body shiver under his touch and at his breath fanning in your ear as you thought about his request.
His words were so gentle, but you could hear how desperate he was for you to say yes and it made your heart flutter.
With adrenaline from the win coursing through your veins, accompanied by the fact that you could hardly say you wanted to hide things after your big display on the pitch, you uttered a breathless, “Please.”
He didn’t waste any time, scooping you close to him and capturing your lips with his victoriously.
When you pulled away from the kiss, you were acutely aware of the fact that all eyes in the stadium were still fixated on you.
“Well I’ll be damned!” Ted grinned, hands leaving his pockets to rest on his own cheeks, “Talk about a power couple! How long have y’all been keeping this from us?”
A few of your teammates swarmed behind you too, all hooting and hollering at what they’d just witnessed.
You glanced across at Sam and noticed he was seemingly on a group FaceTime call with a load of the other Richmond players — all of whom were equally as shocked.
“We’ve been together about seven months?” you looked across at your boyfriend, whose arm was rested around the base of your back protectively, “I was funny about us telling people but then… I got so excited seeing you in the crowd and couldn’t help myself.”
“You were fuckin’ amazing, babe,” Jamie grinned as you all began to leave the seats and they followed you into the tunnel, “Looked fuckin’ hot out there too. As always.”
You blushed again, rolling your eyes, never having gotten used to his compliments.
“Thank you babe. We’re gonna have a looot to deal with when I get out of here, aren’t we?” you sighed, glancing around at the stares and whispers surrounding you.
“Definitely,” Sam interrupted your moment, turning his phone in your direction, “You and the rest of your team are welcome to come to Ola’s tonight,” he offered, “The boys are all desperate to meet you, and you can celebrate there if you’re free.”
“How the fuck did he pull Y/N Y/L/N?”
“Seven months and you never told us?”
“Hey! You knew how much I fancied her!”
The shouts from down the phone all made you giggle, but you suddenly felt shy at the attention.
Jamie had told you about Ola’s before, and you were delighted to finally be able to visit now without the secretive circumstances causing any problems.
“It’s well worth it, now I get to make everyone aware you’re me girl,” he smirked smugly, throwing an arm over your shoulder and kissing your forehead, “They all fancy the fuck outta you. But you’re all mine.”
“Down boy,” you laughed, nudging his side and leaning up to kiss him, “I’ll see you in a bit, yeah? I’ll ask the girls about tonight. I’d love to finally come to Ola’s,” you added, smiling over at Sam and Ted too in appreciation for the invitation.
“See you in a bit gorgeous.”
As he turned to walk away to wait for you, you heard him grumble, “I know she’s like, the hottest woman alive and a bit out of my league. But is it that hard to believe she’s me girlfriend? I’m Jamie fuckin’ Tartt!”
You stifled a laugh at his comment, before swallowing thickly as you approached the changing room doors.
Time for an onslaught of questions from your teammates — all thoughts of your victory somehow gone as the news of your secret relationship overtook all conversation.
i hope this was okay !!! sorry i feel like it’s a bit messy but i hope you liked it. would anyone want a part two of you acc meeting the richmond squad?
feel free to keep requesting as requests are open and i’m still v excited to write haha!
in the meantime, here’s my masterlist!
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